AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS
                          (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 9, 2007)

Article Five Capital Stock is amended by adding the following section:

          Section  5.6  Book-Entry  Ownership  and  Transfer  of  Stock.  As  an
                        ----------  ---------  ---  --------  --  ------
          alternative  to stock  ownership  and  transfer by  certificate,  upon
          direction by the Chairman of the Board or the President,  the stock of
          the  Corporation  may be  included  in a  direct  registration  system
          operated by a securities depository and available for stocks traded on
          the New York  Stock  Exchange,  under  which the stock may be  issued,
          recorded, owned and transferred electronically in book-entry form.

The last sentence of Section 2.5 Voting of Article Two Shareholders' Meetings is
amended to read as follows:

          A  shareholder  may vote  either in person  or by proxy,  executed  in
          writing by the shareholder or by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact,
          or by electronic (internet and/or telephone) voting.