Cox Smith Matthews
                             ATTORNEYS o COUNSELORS
 DIRECT NUMBER                                              EMAIL ADDRESS
 210.554.5255                                              SRJACOBS@COXSMITH.COM

                               September 16, 2005

Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Assistant Director
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 5th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20549

         Re:      Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
                  Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed August 12, 2005
                  File No. 333-127480 (the "Registration Statement")

Dear Mr. Schwall:

         On behalf of our client, Abraxas Petroleum Corporation ("Abraxas"),  we
have reviewed the Staff's  comments in your letter dated  September 9, 2005 with
respect to the Registration Statement.

         The following are Abraxas' responses to your comments. To simplify your
review,  we have  included  your  comments in italics.  To the extent  required,
Amendment  No. 1 to  Registration  Statement  on Form S-3 which was filed  today
reflects the changes described in this letter.

         1. Comment:  Expand  the  Selling  Stockholders  table to  include  the
            natural  persons with power to vote or to dispose of the  securities
            offered  for  resale by the  entities  that are  listed  as  selling
            stockholders.  If more than one holder is listed as beneficial owner
            for the same securities,  include explanatory text or footnotes. See
            Interpretation  4S of the  Regulation  S-K portion of the March 1999
            supplement to the CF telephone interpretation manual.

            Abraxas has amended  the Selling  Stockholder's  table on page 15 of
            the Registration Statement to include the natural persons with power
            to vote or to dispose of the  securities  offered  for resale by the
            entities that are listed as Selling Stockholders.

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SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205           AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701
TEL: 210.554.5500                  TEL: 512.703.6300
FAX: 210.226.8395                  FAX: 512.703.6399

                              Cox Smith Matthews

H. Roger Schwall
September 16, 2005
Page 2

         2. Comment:  Identify as underwriters all selling  stockholders who are
            registered broker-dealers, unless any such registered broker-dealers
            received  their  shares  as  compensation  for  investment   banking
            services.  Identify as  underwriters  all  affiliates  of registered
            broker-dealers  that are listed as selling  stockholders  unless you
            can  confirm to us that (1) each  purchased  its  securities  in the
            ordinary  course of business  and (2) at the time of  purchase,  the
            stockholder  had  no  agreements  or  understandings,   directly  or
            indirectly, with any party to distribute the securities.

            Based upon the  information  received  by Abraxas  from the  Selling
            Stockholders, Abraxas confirms that none of the Selling Stockholders
            is a registered broker-dealer, and, therefore, no change was made in
            the  Registration  Statement to identify as underwriters any Selling
            Stockholders who are registered broker-dealers.

         3. Comment:  We note that the selling  stockholders may engage in short
            sales of common  stock.  Please see  Corporation  Finance  Telephone
            Interpretation A.65 in that regard.

            Abraxas is aware of  Corporation  Finance  Telephone  Interpretation
            A.65  (the  "Interpretation")  and,  prior to  executing  the  Stock
            Purchase  Agreement  and the filing of the  Registration  Statement,
            Abraxas  informed  the selling  stockholders  signatory to the Stock
            Purchase  Agreement of the  Interpretation  and has again received a
            representation and warranty from each such Selling  Stockholder that
            each Selling  Stockholder is aware of such interpretation and how it
            affects its ability to engage in short sales.

         If you have any  questions or comments  with regard to the foregoing or
the  attached,  please  contact  Steven R. Jacobs  (210-554-5255)  or Jeffrey C.
Gifford (210-554-5560) of Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated.

                                 Very truly yours,

                                 COX SMITH MATTHEWS INCORPORATED

                                 By:   /S/ Steven R. Jacobs
                                       Steven R. Jacobs
                                       For the Firm
cc:      C. Moncada-Terry
         Chris Williford
