112 East Pecan Street, Suite 2100                   Steven R. Jacobs
San Antonio, TX  78205                              (210) 978-7727 (Direct Dial)
(210) 978-7700, Fax  (210) 978-7790                 (210) 242-4560 (Direct Fax)                                

                             Jackson Walker L.L.P.

                                 April 11, 2006

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F. Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-7010
Attention:  Jill S. Davis
            Jennifer Goeken

         Re:      Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
                  Item 4.02 Form 8-K; Filed March 22, 2006; File No. 0-19118

Dear Ms. Davis and Ms. Goeken:

     We are writing on behalf of our client, Abraxas Petroleum  Corporation,  in
response to the Staff's  comment  letter dated March 23, 2006. We appreciate the
Staff's timely review of Abraxas' Form 8-K Report filed March 22, 2006 and early
expression  of  its  concerns  in  respect  of  such  filing.  For  purposes  of
convenience,  we have  repeated  the  Staff's  comments  and set forth  Abraxas'
responses below the comment to which they relate:

     Staff  Comment #1. We note your  statement  that the "error  related to the
other  comprehensive  income  account of Grey Wolf  related to foreign  currency
transaction at the time of the disposition in February 2005." Please expand your
disclosure to more clearly explain the nature and cause of the error and confirm
that you will provide like disclosure in the filings that you have indicated you
will amend.

         Abraxas  Response:  During  the  first  quarter  of 2005,  the  Company
     disposed of its  wholly-owned  Canadian  subsidiary,  Grey Wolf Exploration
     Inc. ("GW"), through a public offering in Canada of GW shares. Prior to the
     sale, the retained earnings and other  comprehensive  income ("OCI") equity
     accounts of GW were included in Abraxas  consolidated  stockholders' equity
     under "Accumulated Deficit."

         As  originally  reported  in Abraxas'  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended
     March 31, 2005, OCI was credited  directly to retained earnings and was not
     included in income from discontinued operations as a component of the gain.
     As a result,  Abraxas' income from discontinued  operations for the quarter
     was  reported  as $10.7  million  and its  consolidated  net income as $9.2
     million. In addition, at March 31, 2005, stockholders' equity (deficit) was
     ($43.4 million).  As a result of the restatement  referenced in the subject
     Form 8-K Report, income from discontinued  operations for the quarter ended
     March 31, 2005 increased to $12.9 million and net income increased to $11.4
     million. Stockholders' equity was unchanged.

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         The error was due to a mistake  resulting  from the  complex  nature of
     accounting  for  the  sale  of a  foreign  subsidiary  and  recognition  of
     accumulated  OCI on both Abraxas' and GW's books.  Abraxas did not make any
     disclosure  regarding  this error because it was corrected  immediately  in
     connection with the preparation of Abraxas'  audited  financial  statements
     for the year ended December 31, 2005 and all adjustments were recorded.

         Abraxas will amend Item 4.02 of the above-referenced Form 8-K Report to
     disclose  the nature of the error as described  in this  response.  Abraxas
     believes that no further disclosure is necessary in the amendments it filed
     on March 30, 2006 to its Form 10-Q Reports for the quarters ended March 31,
     June 30 and September 30, 2005.

     Staff Comment #2. Please explain what you mean by your statement under Item
2.02 that "The change in  accounting  treatment  resulted in an increase of $2.2
million in income from discontinued operations."

         Abraxas  Response:  As  described  in Note 10 of Notes to  Consolidated
     Financial  Statements for the year ended December 31, 2005 in the Company's
     annual  report  on Form  10-K  filed on  March  22,  2006,  the  change  in
     accounting   treatment  was  a  correction  of  an  error  related  to  the
     calculation of the gain on the sale of GW. This  correction  resulted in an
     increase of $2.2  million in income from  discontinued  operations,  but no
     change in stockholders' equity, as explained in Response #1 above.

     Staff  Comment #3.  Please  tell us how and when you plan to file  restated
quarterly financial statements.

         Abraxas  Response:  On March 30, 2006,  Abraxas filed amended Form 10-Q
     Reports for the  quarters  ended March 31, June 30 and  September  30, 2005
     containing restated quarterly financial statements for the subject periods.

     Staff  Comment  #4.  Please  tell  us  if  your  certifying  officers  have
reconsidered  the  effect  on the  adequacy  of  your  disclosure  controls  and
procedures  as of the end of the  periods  covered  by your  Forms  10-Q for the
quarters ended March 31, 2005,  June 30, 2005 and September 30, 2005 in light of
the error you have disclosed. Additionally, tell us what effect the error had on
your current evaluation of disclosure  controls and procedures as of your fiscal
year ended December 31, 2005.

         Abraxas Response:  Disclosure  controls are defined in Rules 13a-15 and
     15d-15  promulgated  under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 as controls
     and other  procedures  that are  designed  to ensure  that the  information
     required  to be  disclosed  in  periodic  filings is  recorded,  processed,
     summarized  and  reported   within  the  time  periods   specified  in  the

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     Commissions'  forms and rules.  These  rules  also  state  that  disclosure
     controls  and  procedures  include,   without   limitation,   controls  and
     procedures designed to ensure that information  required to be disclosed is
     accumulated  and  communicated  to  management,   including  the  principal
     executive and financial officers,  as appropriate to allow timely decisions
     regarding required disclosure.

         Abraxas'  certifying  officers  have  reconsidered  the  effect  on the
     adequacy  of  its  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  for  the  periods
     indicated  and continue to believe that such controls and  procedures  were
     adequate.  As stated in response  #1, the error was the result of crediting
     OCI directly to retained  earnings and not as the result of an inability to
     record, process,  summarize and report information.  In Release No. 33-8238
     dated  June  5,  2003,  the  Staff  stated  that  disclosure  controls  and
     procedures  include  those  components of internal  control over  financial
     reporting that provide reasonable assurances that transactions are recorded
     as necessary to permit  preparation  of financial  statements in accordance
     with GAAP.  The Staff also stated in that  Release that  internal  controls
     include those policies and procedures  which provide  reasonable  assurance
     that  transactions  are  recorded as  necessary  to permit  preparation  of
     financial  statements in accordance with GAAP. It is important to note that
     Abraxas'  auditors,  BDO Seidman,  have not  reported any material  control
     weaknesses to Abraxas and delivered  their  Attestation  Report on Internal
     Control  Over  Financial   Reporting   (the  "404  Report")   stating  that
     management's  assessment  that Abraxas  maintained  an  effective  internal
     control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005 is fairly stated.

         Given  that the sale of GW was  recorded  as  necessary  to permit  the
     preparation of financial  statements (albeit with an error),  that Abraxas'
     independent auditors issued a 404 Report without material weakness and that
     this particular item was an "internal controls" item which controls are, in
     turn, a subset of "disclosure  controls,"  the CEO and CFO have  determined
     that,  notwithstanding  this error,  as of the end of each of the  quarters
     ended March 31, 2005,  June 30, 2005 and  September  30, 2005 and as of the
     end of fiscal 2005, that Abraxas' disclosure controls were adequate.

         Abraxas has acknowledged to us, and has authorized us to communicate to
     the Staff, Abraxas' acknowledgement, that:

     o   the  company  is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
         disclosure in the filing;

     o   staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff  comments
         do not foreclose the Commission  from taking any action with respect to
         the filing; and

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and Exchange Commission
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     o   the  company  may  not  assert  staff  comments  as a  defense  in  any
         proceeding  initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
         securities laws of the United States.

     Please  feel free to contact  the  undersigned  at (210)  978-7727 or Chris
Williford,  Abraxas'  CFO, at (210)  757-9860,  should you have any questions or
wish to request additional information regarding this matter.

                              Very truly yours,

                              Steven R. Jacobs


cc: Chris E. Williford