THIS  CONSULTING  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement"),  made  this  27th  day  of
February,  1998, by and between RCN  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation  (the
"Company"), and SUSAN SOLOMON ("Consultant").

     WHEREAS, the Company desires to retain Consultant and Consultant desires to
be retained by the Company in the  capacity of a  consultant  upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth; and

     WHEREAS,  the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Consultant in
connection  with  the  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by the
Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Merger  Agreement")  between the Company,  Lancit
Media  Entertainment,   Ltd  and  LME  Acquisition  Corporation  is  a  material
inducement to the Company's agreement to consummate such transaction.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations
contained herein, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties, subject
to the terms and conditions set forth herein, agree as follows:

     1.   Retention and Duration.  The Company  hereby  retains  Consultant  and
          Consultant  hereby accepts  retention with the Company as a consultant
          for a period  commencing  on the  Effective  Time,  as  defined in the
          Merger Agreement,  and continuing until such time as this Agreement is
          terminated  by the  Company or  Consultant  (the  "Term")  pursuant to
          paragraph 6 hereof.

     2.   Character  and  Extent of  Services.  It is the  mutual  intent of the
          parties  that the  Consultant  shall act  strictly  in a  professional
          consulting capacity as an independent  contractor for all purposes and
          in all  situations  and shall not be  considered  an  employee  of the
          Company.  While  retained by the Company,  Consultant  shall serve the
          Company  faithfully  and to the best of her ability and shall  provide
          such services and perform such tasks as may be reasonably requested of
          Consultant  from time to time by the Company.  Such  services  will be
          provided in New York City metropolitan  area.  Consultant agrees to be
          available on a full-time basis to provide services to the Company,  as
          and when  requested  by the Company,  during  regular  business  hours
          unless requested by the Company to do otherwise.

     3.   Compensation.  The Company shall pay Consultant, and Consultant hereby
          agrees to accept, as compensation for all services rendered hereunder,
          compensation  at an  annualized  rate of  $357,500,  payable  in equal
          monthly installments.  Payment will be made bi-weekly during the Term.
          In addition, during the Term, Company shall pay Consultant the cost of
          her COBRA  continuation  coverage and disability  insurance  coverage,
          provided that Consultant shall provide the Company with evidence as to
          the monthly cost of such coverage.

     4.   Entitlement to Employee  Benefits.  Consultant  acknowledges  that she
          will not be eligible to participate in any retirement, welfare, bonus,
          incentive or other benefit plan  maintained by the Company  during the
          Term or otherwise by virtue of her retention by the Company and agrees
          that she will not make any claim for such benefits.

     5.   Expenses. The Company will reimburse Consultant for all reasonable and
          necessary  out-of-pocket  expenses  directly incurred by Consultant in
          the  course  of  her  engagement  by the  Company.  Expenses  will  be
          reimbursed  at actual  cost.  Payment  for such  expenses  will be due
          within  30  days  of  the  submission  by  Consultant  of  appropriate
          documentation in accordance with the Company's regular practices.

     6.   Termination.  Consultant's  retention as a consultant hereunder may be
          terminated by either Consultant or the Company effective upon 45 days'
          advance  written  notice to the other  party.  Upon such  termination,
          Consultant  will  be  entitled  to  receive  all  accrued  but  unpaid
          compensation  and all  incurred  but  unreimbursed  expense (as of the
          effective date of such termination).

     7.   Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of
          and be binding upon the Company and  Consultant  and their  respective
          successors, executors, administrators, heirs and/or permitted assigns;
          provided,  however,  that neither  Consultant nor the Company may make
          any assignments of this Agreement or any interest herein, by operation
          of law or otherwise,  without the prior  written  consent of the other
          parties  hereto,  except that,  without such consent,  the Company may
          assign this Agreement to any successor to all or substantially  all of
          its assets and business by means of liquidation,  dissolution, merger,
          consolidation,  transfer of assets,  or otherwise,  provided that such
          successor  assumes in writing  all of the  obligations  of the Company
          under this Agreement.

     8.   Notice.  Any notice or communication  required or permitted under this
          Agreement shall be made in writing and (a) sent by overnight  courier,
          (b) mailed by certified or registered mail,  return receipt  requested
          or (c) sent by telecopier, addressed as follows:

           If to Consultant:

                Susan Solomon
                c/o Friedman Kaplan & Seiler LLP
                    875 Third Avenue
                    New York, New York 10022
                    Attention: Lisa Gersh Hall, Esq.

           If to Company:

                Gary Isaacs
                Vice President, Human Resources
                RCN Corporation
                105 Carnegie Center
                Princeton, New Jersey 08540

          or to such other  address  as either  party may from time to time duly
          specify by notice  given to the other  party in the  manner  specified

     9.   Entire  Agreement;  Amendments.  This  Agreement  contains  the entire
          agreement  and  understanding  of the parties  hereto  relating to the
          subject  matter  hereof,  and  merges  and  supersedes  all  prior and
          contemporaneous  discussions,  agreements and  understandings of every
          nature  between  the  parties  hereto  relating  to the  retention  of
          Consultant  by the  Company.  This  Agreement  may not be  changed  or
          modified,  except by an  Agreement  in  writing  signed by each of the
          parties hereto.

    10.   Waiver.  The  waiver of the  breach of any term or  provision  of this
          Agreement  shall not operate as or be  construed to be a waiver of any
          other or subsequent breach of this Agreement.

    11.   Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  construed  and enforced in
          accordance  with the laws of the State of New York  without  regard to
          the application of the principals of conflicts or choice of laws.

    12.   Invalidity.  In case any one or more of the  provisions  contained  in
          this Agreement shall, for any reason,  be held to be invalid,  illegal
          or  unenforceable  in any  respect,  such  invalidity,  illegality  or
          unenforceability  shall not affect the validity of any other provision
          of this Agreement,  and such provision(s)  shall be deemed modified to
          the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

    13.   Section  Headings.  The  section  headings in this  Agreement  are for
          convenience  only;  they form no part of this  Agreement and shall not
          affect its interpretation.

    14.   Independent Contractor.  Nothing herein shall be construed as evidence
          of  an  employment   relationship   between  Consultant  and  Company,
          consultant being an independent contractor to the Company.  Consultant
          shall  be  treated  as an  independent  contractor  for all  purposes,
          including without  limitation,  federal,  state and local withholding,
          employment and payroll tax purpose.

    15.   Counterparts.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
          counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an  original,  and all of
          which together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be executed by
its duly authorized  officers,  and Consultant has executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

                                 RCN CORPORATION

                          By:   /s/ PAUL SIGMUND
                          Name: Paul Sigmund
                          Title:Executive Vice President


                                /s/ SUSAN L. SOLOMON
                                Susan L. Solomon