Addendum to Purchase and Assumption Agreement
        Between Colonial Trust Company and Dubuque Bank and Trust Company
                        and Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
                              Dated March 26, 2004

     This Addendum to Purchase and Assumption Agreement  ("Addendum") is entered
into as of the date  hereinafter  provided by and among  Colonial  Trust Company
("Colonial"), Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, ("DB&T"), Heartland Financial USA,
Inc. ("Heartland"), and Arizona Bank & Trust Company ("AB&T").


A.   Colonial,  DB&T  and  Heartland  entered  into a  Purchase  and  Assumption
     Agreement dated March 26, 2004 (the  "Agreement") in regard to the purchase
     and assumption by DB&T from Colonial of Colonial's Wealth Management Group.

B.   Pursuant  to  Section  2.1  of the  Agreement,  at the  Closing  under  the
     Agreement, Colonial will transfer to DB&T all of the Fiduciary Accounts and
     Agency Accounts.

C.   Pursuant to Section 6.10 of the  Agreement,  Colonial has agreed to use its
     Best Efforts to cause DB&T to succeed Colonial as the applicable  fiduciary
     on all of the Fiduciary Accounts and Agency Accounts.

D.   Pursuant to Section  10.4(f) of the  Agreement,  at the  Closing  under the
     Agreement,  Colonial will provide to DB&T an opinion of Colonial's  counsel
     which provides, among other things, that ". . . . immediately after closing
     DB&T will be the duly  authorized and lawfully acting  successor  fiduciary
     under  each of the  Fiduciary  Accounts  and  the  Agency  Accounts  . . ."
     transferred to DB&T at closing.

E.   It is  anticipated  that there will be a number of  Fiduciary  Accounts and
     Agency  Accounts  for which the  documents  necessary  to the  transfer and
     assumption  of the  accounts to DB&T will not be  completed  by the Closing
     Date.  It is the desire of the parties to enter into an  agreement  for the
     handling of those  accounts  for which the transfer of the accounts are not
     completed as of the Closing Date.

F.   DB&T has  requested  that the  Fiduciary  Accounts  and Agency  Accounts be
     transferred to AB&T, an Arizona bank and trust company, its affiliate.


1.   Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary or in the Agreement to the
     contrary,  the Fiduciary  Accounts and Agency  Accounts,  together with the
     Personal Trust Assets,  shall be  transferred to and assumed by AB&T.  AB&T
     agrees to accept and assume such  Accounts and to be bound by the terms and
     conditions  of the Account  agreements;  provided,  AB&T does not otherwise
     assume any other  liability  under the Agreement nor is it taking the place
     of DB&T under the Agreement.


2.   AB&T hereby makes the following representations and warranties:

            a. Organization.  AB&T is an Arizona banking  association with trust
            powers, validly existing in such capacity and in good standing under
            the laws of the State of Arizona, and it has the requisite corporate
            power and authority to execute,  deliver and perform this Agreement,
            subject to the receipt of all required regulatory approvals.

            b.  Authorization.  The execution,  delivery and performance of this
            Addendum and the  consummation of the  Contemplated  Transactions by
            AB&T have been  duly and  validly  authorized  and  approved  by all
            requisite  corporate  action and such  authorization is reflected in
            the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors of AB&T.  AB&T
            shall  continuously  maintain  for a  reasonable  period of time all
            components  of the  Agreement  as  official  records  of AB&T or any
            successor  thereto.  This Addendum is a valid and binding obligation
            of AB&T,  enforceable in accordance with its terms,  except that the
            enforceability  hereof  may be subject  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
            reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws now or hereafter in
            effect relating to creditors'  rights  generally and that the remedy
            of specific  performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable
            relief may be subject to equitable defenses and to the discretion of
            the court (or, if  applicable,  the  administrative  agency)  before
            which any Proceedings therefore may be brought.

            c. No  Conflicts.  AB&T hereby  represents  that the  execution  and
            delivery of this  Addendum by AB&T and the  consummation  by AB&T of
            the Contemplated Transactions will not: (a) conflict with any of the
            provisions of the charter,  bylaws or other governing instruments of
            AB&T;  or  (b) conflict  with,  violate or result in a breach of any
            Legal Requirement, Order or Contract applicable to AB&T, or to which
            it is a party or pursuant to which any of its properties is bound.

            d. Litigation and Related Matters. There are no Proceedings pending,
            or, to the  Knowledge  of AB&T,  Threatened  against AB&T that might
            impair the  consummation of the Contemplated  Transactions.  AB&T is
            not aware of any facts that would reasonably  afford a basis for any
            such Proceeding.

            e. Consents. Other than the approval of the shareholders of Colonial
            as described in Sections 8.3 and 9.3 of the Agreement, the FDIC, the
            Iowa  Superintendent  of  Banking  and  the  Arizona  State  Banking
            Department,  and subject to the expiration of any applicable waiting
            periods,  no consent,  approval or  authorization  of any Regulatory
            Authority is required for the execution, delivery and performance by
            AB&T of this Addendum and the consummation by it of the Contemplated

            f. Compliance with Legal Requirements and Orders. AB&T has no notice
            of any violation of, and is in compliance with, all applicable Legal
            Requirements material to the conduct of its business and every Order
            to which it is subject,  a violation of which would adversely affect
            AB&T's  ability to perform its  obligations  under this Addendum and
            the Agreement.


            g. Information for Regulatory  Approvals.  The information furnished
            or  to be  furnished  by  AB&T  in  any  regulatory  application  or
            amendment  thereto  filed by AB&T  pursuant  to  Section 7.1  of the
            Agreement  will be true and complete in all material  respects as of
            the date so furnished.

            h. No  Broker's  or  Finder's  Fees.  No agent,  broker,  investment
            banker,  or other Person  acting on behalf of or under  authority of
            AB&T or any of its Affiliates is or will be entitled to any broker's
            or finder's fee or any other  commission  or similar fee directly or
            indirectly in connection with any of the Contemplated Transactions.

3.       Assuming that the transactions  contemplated by the Agreement do close,
         but that transfer to AB&T of one or more of the  Fiduciary  Accounts or
         Agency Accounts are not completed by the Closing Date (the  "Incomplete
         Accounts"), then it is agreed as follows:

            a. AB&T shall assume the  administrative  functions as to all of the
            Incomplete  Accounts  as of the  Closing  Date  and  Colonial  shall
            delegate  to AB&T to the  extent  permitted  by  applicable  law all
            fiduciary  functions as to Incomplete  Accounts.  To the extent that
            applicable law or applicable  regulatory authority requires Colonial
            to retain  certain  fiduciary  functions,  Colonial  and AB&T  shall
            thereupon  reasonable agree upon the functions that will be retained
            by Colonial.  Failing an  agreement,  Colonial  will set forth those
            fiduciary  functions that are being  retained by written  instrument
            provided to AB&T on the Closing Date. Colonial shall deliver to AB&T
            and AB&T shall assume any and all documents,  files, instruments and
            other items relative to the Incomplete Accounts.

            b. Upon the  completion of all  documents  necessary to the transfer
            and  assumption  of an  Incomplete  Account,  then  such  Incomplete
            Account  shall be  transferred  by  Colonial  to AB&T and AB&T shall
            automatically  assume  without  further action on AB&T's part all of
            the responsibilities relative to the Account, including the position
            as the fiduciary on the applicable Account.

            c. All  applicable  fees on an  Incomplete  Account  for the  period
            beginning on the Closing  Date and  continuing  thereafter  shall be
            paid to DB&T.

            d. DB&T  shall  pay to  Colonial  on the last day of each  month the
            purchase price  applicable to any and all Incomplete  Accounts which
            are completed and transferred by Colonial to AB&T during such month.
            Colonial  will  only be paid for  such  accounts  that are  actually
            transferred to and assumed by AB&T.  The  applicable  purchase price
            for an account shall be determined consistent with Section 2.8(a) of
            the Agreement as follows:

                (1) 1.88 times the amount of the annual  recurring  fees  during
                the last twelve (12) months  ending on the last day of the month
                immediately  preceding  the month in which the  transfer  of the
                applicable  account is consummated as to all Fiduciary  Accounts
                or Agency Accounts in existence on January 20, 2004; and


                (2) 1.00 times the amount of the estimated annual recurring fees
                that  are  attributable  to all  Fiduciary  Accounts  or  Agency
                Accounts that come into existence after January 20, 2004.

            The annual recurring fees on accounts  applicable to Section 2(d)(1)
            that  have  been in  existence  for  less  than 12  months  shall be
            determined as provided for in the Agreement.

            e. In the event that an Incomplete  Account is closed or transferred
            to a  third  party,  then  Colonial  and  AB&T  shall  cooperate  to
            accomplish any necessary closing or transfer of such account.

            f. DB&T and AB&T shall be responsible for all fiduciary functions as
            to the  Incomplete  Accounts on and after the date such Accounts are
            assigned and transferred to AB&T (as to each Incomplete Account, the
            "Assignment Date").

            g. DB&T agrees to indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless Colonial
            and  its  directors,  shareholders  and  representatives  and  their
            respective  heirs,   successors  and  assigns   (collectively,   the
            "Colonial  Insiders")  from and  against,  and shall  reimburse  the
            Colonial  Insiders with respect to, any and all Losses,  imposed on,
            incurred by or asserted  against the  Colonial  Insiders  (or any of
            them) in any way relating to or arising from or out of the operation
            or administration by AB&T of an Incomplete Account after the Closing
            Date,  other  than any  liabilities  arising  out of the  failure or
            alleged failure of the Colonial  Insiders to fulfill their fiduciary
            duties as to an Incomplete  Account prior to the Assignment  Date of
            such Incomplete Account.

            h. Colonial agrees to indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless DB&T
            and  AB&T  and  their   respective   directors,   shareholders   and
            representatives  and their respective heirs,  successors and assigns
            (collectively,  including DB&T and AB&T,  the "Heartland  Insiders")
            from and against,  and shall  reimburse the Heartland  Insiders with
            respect to, any and all Losses,  imposed on, incurred by or asserted
            against the Heartland  Insiders (or any of them) in any way relating
            to or arising  from the failure or alleged  failure of the  Colonial
            Insiders  to  fulfill  their  fiduciary  duties as to an  Incomplete
            Account prior to the Assignment Date of such Incomplete Account.

            i.  AB&T  agrees  to  perform  its  functions  as to the  Incomplete
            Accounts  with the same degree of care as it  utilizes in  providing
            those services on its own accounts.

            j.  In the  event  that  all  of the  Incomplete  Accounts  are  not
            transferred  and  assigned  to AB&T by a date that is 120 days after
            the Closing Date of the  Agreement,  then  Colonial  may, at anytime
            after such 120 days and at its sole option,  terminate this Addendum
            relative  to any or all of the  remaining  Incomplete  Accounts  and
            either enter into  administrative  /agency  agreements  with another
            company,  transfer  and assign the  applicable  accounts  to another
            trustee  or resign as  trustee of the  applicable  accounts,  all in
            Colonial's sole discretion.


4.       Colonial  agrees that it will continue after the Closing Date to pursue
         with due diligence the transfer to AB&T of the Incomplete Accounts.

5.       Colonial,  DB&T and AB&T  further  agree to  continue to use their Best
         Efforts to preserve the fiduciary relationships with customers relative
         to the Incomplete Accounts.  Neither Colonial,  DB&T or AB&T will enter
         into  any  agreement  relative  to  an  Incomplete  Account  that  will
         materially  change  or  modify  the  fiduciary  relationship,  the  fee
         arrangement or otherwise without the consent of the other parties.

6.       Nothing  contained  herein  shall  release  or  modify  in any  way the
         obligations of DB&T and/or Heartland as contained in the Agreement.

7.       All  defined  terms  contained  is this  Addendum  shall  have the same
         meanings as provided in the Agreement.

8.       This  Addendum  conforms  to the  requirements  of Section  14.3 of the
         Agreement  in order  to  accomplish  a  modification  of the  Agreement
         binding on the parties thereto.


         Dated this 26th day of April, 2004.

         Colonial Trust Company                 Heartland Financial USA, Inc.

         By /s/John K. Johnson__________        By /s/ Paul Peckosh_____________
             John K. Johnson, President                Paul Peckosh, Senior VP

         Dubuque Bank & Trust Company           Arizona Bank & Trust Company

         By /s/ Paul Peckosh______________      By /s/ William F. Frank
             Paul Peckosh, Executive VP                William F. Frank,
                                                       President and Chief
                                                       Executive Officer