OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934                   
                             (Amendment No. )
                          Filed by the Registrant                     / X /
                Filed by a party other than the Registrant            /   /
Check the appropriate box:
/   /    Preliminary Proxy Statement                                       
- ----
/   /    Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as
- ----          permitted by Rule 14a-6(e) (2))

/   /    Definitive Proxy Statement                                        
- ----                                                                       
/ X /    Definitive Additional Materials                                   
- ----
/   /    Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or
- ----     Sec. 240.14a-12

                        PUTNAM FEDERAL INCOME TRUST
             (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, 
                         if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/ X /    No fee required
- ----
/   /    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rule 14a
- ----          6(i)(1) and 0-11

         (1) Title of each class of securities to which
         transaction applies:

         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

         (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of
         transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
         (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
         calculated and state how it was determined):

         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5) Total fee paid:

/   /    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- ----

/   /    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided 
- ----          by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing
              for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. 
              Identify the previous filing by registration statement
              number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its

         (1) Amount Previously Paid:

         (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3) Filing Party:

         (4) Date Filed:

                   Q & A for Putnam Federal Income Trust

On or about January 26, 1998 a proxy statement was sent to
shareholders of Putnam Federal Income Trust asking for their vote
on the following matters:  (1) electing the fund's Trustees; (2)
ratifying the selection of the fund's independent auditors; (3)
approving a new management contract between the fund and Putnam
Investment Management, Inc. ("Putnam Management"), including an
increase in the management fee payable by the fund; (4) approving
an amendment to the fund's fundamental investment restriction
with respect to borrowing and (5) approving an amendment to the
fund's fundamental investment restriction with respect to making

Listed below are questions shareholders are likely to ask and
recommended responses.

                                Proposal 1
                           Election of Trustees

What is being proposed?

The Nominating Committee of the Trustees, which consists solely
of Trustees who are independent with no financial interest in
Putnam Management, recommends that shareholders vote for the
election of the nominees for Trustees.

What are the Trustees' responsibilities?

The Trustees are responsible for the general oversight of your
fund's business and for assuring that your fund is managed in the
best interests of the shareholders.

                                Proposal 2
                           Election of Auditors

Who has selected the independent auditors of the fund?

The Trustees have selected Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as the
independent auditors of your fund and shareholders are being
asked to ratify the selection for the current year.

What were the reasons for the selection of Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P. as the independent auditors of the fund?

The Trustees selected Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. primarily based on
its expertise as auditors of investment companies, the quality of
its audit services and the competitiveness of its fees.

                                Proposal 3            
                   Approval of a new Management Contract

What is being proposed?

The Trustees of your fund recommend that shareholders approve a
new management contract with Putnam Management, which provides
for an increase in the management fees payable by the fund to
Putnam Management.  The proposed contract is identical in all
substantive respects to the existing contract, except for changes
regarding certain administrative duties that have been divided
among various officers of the fund (see "Are there any other
proposed changes", below).  

What do management fees pay for?

Management fees pay Putnam Management for the services it
provides in conducting the day-to-day operations of the fund. 
These include providing the personnel, equipment, and office
facilities necessary for the management of the fund's investment 
portfolio, determining the fund's daily net asset value,
maintaining the accounts and records of the fund, preparing 
reports to shareholders, compliance with regulatory requirements,
and general administration of the fund's affairs.

Why did Putnam Management recommend a new management fee schedule
to the Trustees?

In recent years, Putnam Management has noted a general increase
in the complexity of the investment process and in the
competition for talented investment personnel.  Putnam Management
recommended the new management fee schedule to help ensure that
Putnam Management receives fees for its services that are
competitive with fees paid to high-quality investment managers by
other mutual funds.  Putnam Management believes that maintaining
competitive management fees will, over the longer term, enable it
to continue to provide high-quality management services to your
fund and to the other funds in the Putnam group.  Putnam
Management also notes that your fund's current management fee
schedule has never been increased and is lower than the fees paid
to managers of many competitive funds.

How did your fund's Trustees arrive at the proposed management

Several years ago, the Trustees undertook a comprehensive review
of the management fees paid by the Putnam funds.  This review was
conducted largely through the Contract Committee of the Trustees,
which consists solely of independent Trustees who have no
financial interest in Putnam Management.  As a result of this
review, the Trustees and Putnam Management reached agreement on a
system of model fee schedules for the various types of funds in
the Putnam group.  These model fee schedules have now been
implemented for most of the Putnam funds.  The proposed new fee
schedule for the fund is identical to that which has been
implemented for many other Putnam funds.

The Trustees and Putnam Management also reached a general
understanding that these model fee schedules should be
implemented for a particular fund only following consideration of
the fund's comparative investment performance and expense levels. 
After reviewing comparative data on competitive funds in recent
years and noting, among other things, the fund's strong relative
performance, the Trustees concluded that it would be appropriate
to implement a model fee schedule for your fund at this time. 

What factors did the Trustees consider?

The Trustees placed primary emphasis upon the nature and quality
of the services being provided by Putnam Management, including,
in particular, the strong relative investment performance of the
fund in recent years.  In this regard, the Trustees also
considered the relative complexity of managing the fund, and a
comparison of recent management fees and other expenses paid by
the fund with those of similar funds managed by other investment

The Trustees also considered, among other things, information
provided by Putnam Management regarding the profitability of its
current and proposed management fee arrangements with the fund
(without regard to costs incurred by Putnam Management and its
affiliates in connection with the marketing of shares), the
benefits to Putnam Management and its affiliates resulting from
the fact that affiliates of Putnam Management currently serve as
shareholder servicing agent, distributor, and custodian for each
of the Putnam funds pursuant to separate contractual
arrangements, and Putnam Management's placing of portfolio
transactions to recognize research and brokerage services.

How has the fund performed? 

The proxy that was sent to you contains performance information
for the fund.  The proxy also contains tabular comparisons of the
fund's performance to that of an appropriate securities index and
to similar funds.

What is the effect of the new management fee schedule?

At all asset levels of the fund, the proposed management fee
would be higher than the fee under the existing contract.

For example, under the new management contract, the fund would
pay 0.65% of the first $500 million in assets as opposed to 0.75%
of the first $100 million under the existing contract.  In
addition, the fund would pay 0.55% of the next $500 million under
the new contract, whereas under the existing contract the fund
would pay 0.65% of the next $100 million.  For a complete list of
the proposed and existing management fees, please refer to your

Based on average net assets of the fund for the fiscal year ended 
October 31, 1997 of approximately $369.3 million, the effective
annual management fee rate under the proposed fee schedule would
be 0.65% as compared to 0.63% under the existing schedule.  This
represents an increase of approximately $0.02 in annual expenses
for each $100 invested in the fund.  The new management fee
schedule, like the old, provides for lower management fee rates
as the fund's assets increase.

For its fiscal year ended September 30, 1997, the fund paid
management fees to Putnam Management of $2,331,129.  If the
proposed new management contract had been in effect for the year,
the fund would have paid fees of $2,400,425, which is an increase
of approximately 2.97%.

Are there any other proposed changes?

The only other substantive changes in the new management contract
relate to the payment by the fund of the compensation and related
expenses of certain officers of the fund. 

The existing contract requires the fund to reimburse Putnam
Management for the compensation and related expenses of the
fund's Vice Chairman and such other officers of the fund and
their assistants as the Trustees of the fund may determine. 
Since January 1, 1992, the administrative duties previously
performed by the office of Vice Chairman have been divided among
various other officers of the fund.  As a result, the new
contract provides for the payment by the fund of the compensation
and related expenses of such officers of the fund and their
assistants as the Trustees may determine.  The new contract will
not result in an increase in the amount the fund reimburses
Putnam Management.

                                Proposal 4
                Amending the fund's fundamental investment 
                   restriction with respect to borrowing

What are the Trustees proposing?

The Trustees are recommending that the fund's fundamental
investment restriction with respect to borrowing be revised to
reflect the standard restriction expected to be used by other
Putnam funds and to grant the fund the maximum flexibility
permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
"1940 Act").  Under the 1940 Act, the fund may borrow up to 
33 1/3% of its total assets.  

If the proposed change is approved, the fund will be able to
borrow up to the 1940 Act limit.  The fund will no longer be
restricted to borrowing only for redemption requests or for
extraordinary or emergency purposes, and would not be limited to
borrowing only from banks.  The new restriction would not
prohibit the fund from borrowing for leveraging purposes,
although Putnam Management currently has no intention of
borrowing for such purposes.  If the fund were to borrow money
for the purposes of leverage, its net assets would tend to
increase or decrease at a greater rate with market changes than
if leverage were not used.  

The proposed revisions would permit the fund to participate
 in a
proposed "
 (see proposal 5 below)
which would allow the fund to borrow from 
other Putnam funds. 
stated above, the fund may currently borrow money only from
banks.  The fund would be able to borrow money under the
interfund lending program only if the rate on the loan is more
favorable to the fund than the interest rates otherwise available
for short-term bank loans, in addition to being more favorable to
the lending fund than available repurchase agreement rates. 
 that the ability to engage in such
borrowing transactions will allow the fund to pay lower interest
rates on its 
borrowings.  The fund could, in certain
circumstances, have its loan recalled by a lending fund on one
day's notice.  In these circumstances, the fund might have to
borrow from a bank at a higher interest rate if loans were not
available from other Putnam funds.

The interfund lending program would be implemented only upon
receipt of an exemptive order of
 the Securities and Exchange


Putnam Management
 believes that this enhanced flexibility could
assist the fund in achieving its investment objective.  
circumstances in which the fund's available cash is not
sufficient to meet, among other things, shareholder redemptions,
Putnam Management believes that it may be advantageous at times
for the fund to borrow money instead of raising cash by selling
its portfolio securities, which could be disruptive to the fund's
investment strategy.

                                Proposal 5

                Amending the fund's fundamental investment 
                 restriction with respect to making loans

What are the Trustees proposing?

The Trustees are recommending that the fund's fundamental
investment restriction with respect to making loans be revised to

reflect the standard restriction expected to be used by other
Putnam funds and to clarify that the
is permitted to

participate in a proposed interfund lending program as described
in Proposal 
4 in the Proxy Staement

If the proposal is approved, the fund would be able to
participate in
 an interfund lending 
program and make loans to
other Putnam funds.
  The fund would only make loans under the
program if it could receive an interest rate higher than those
available for repurchase agreements.  There is a risk that the
fund could experience a delay in obtaining prompt repayment of a
loan and, unlike repurchase agreements, the fund would not
necessarily have received collateral for its loan.  A delay in
obtaining prompt payment could cause the fund to miss an
investment opportunity or to incur costs to borrow money to
replace the delayed 
