Washington, D.C.  20549

                              FORM 8-K

                           Current Report Pursuant To

           Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

          Date of Report (date of earliest event reported) May 14, 1996

                         Berkshire Realty Company, Inc.

  Delaware                                1-10660        04-3086485  
  (State or other jurisdiction of     (Commission       (IRS employer
  incorporation or organization)      file number)      identification 

  470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts            02210        
  (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

  Registrant's telephone number, including area code (617) 423-2233

  Item 2:  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

     On May 14, 1996,   Berkshire Realty Company, Inc. ("The  Company"), 
through a majority owned  subsidiary,  via contribution  acquired  The Point 
Apartments from  Turtle Creek Associates Limited Partnership for a value of 
approximately $52.3 million.  Turtle Creek Associates  Limited Partnership  
is  approximately 71%  owned  by certain  officers  and directors of the 
Company.  In exchange for The Point Apartments, The Company will  issue 1.6 
million units  of BRI OP  Limited Partnership  along with  the assumption  of 
$35.5 million  of non-recourse  indebtness  on the  property.    Two-thirds of  
the  operating partnership units were  issued at  closing and the  remainder
will  be issued within  19 months.   The debt,  provided by Berkshire 
Mortgage  Finance and co-insured  by the U.S. Department of Housing and  
Urban Development,  has a  fixed interest rate of  7 5/8% and self-amortizes
with the last payment in 2029.

     The Point Apartments is  a 1,119 unit  high-rise apartment property located
in  Silver Spring, Maryland.   The property, which was  built in 1969,  is 
currently undergoing  an extensive $15 million rehabilitation,  $11 million 
of which is the responsibility of the Company.  

     The  required  financial  statements  of  the  business acquired  and  the 
 pro forma financial  information will be  filed no later  than sixty days  
after the date  of this report.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              BERKSHIRE REALTY COMPANY INC.

                                              /s/Marianne Pritchard
                                              Marianne Pritchard
                                              Senior Vice President and
                                              Chief Financial Officer
  Date:    May 29, 1996