WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

						FORM N-CSR


			Investment Company Act file number 811-6239

			 		Tax-Free Fund for Utah
			(Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

					   380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
			(Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip code)

					  Joseph P. DiMaggio
					  380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
				(Name and address of agent for service)

		Registrant's telephone number, including area code:	(212) 697-6666

				Date of fiscal year end:	6/30

				Date of reporting period:	06/30/06

						FORM N-CSR



JUNE 30, 2006

                        [LOGO OF TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH:

                                TAX-FREE FUND FOR

                          A TAX-FREE INCOME INVESTMENT

GROUP OF FUNDS:                    ONE OF THE



                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

                            "BUILT TO RIDE THE WAVES"

                                                                    August, 2006

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

      As you are no doubt aware, the financial  markets have certainly had their
fair share of crests and troughs  recently ? one day the markets are up, and the
next day, they are down. Riding these waves is not always easy for investors.

      The   management  of  Tax-Free  Fund  For  Utah   understands   investors'
apprehension  when it comes to  fluctuations  with your  hard-earned  investment
monies.  And, this concern is  especially  pertinent as it relates to saving for
and funding your retirement.

      With this very real and inevitable concern in mind, Tax-Free Fund For Utah
has endeavored to structure the Fund to "ride the waves" with the least upset to
investors as possible. How do we go about seeking to accomplish this?


      No matter what  quality  rating  exists with a security,  it will still be
subject  to  market   fluctuations.   However,  our  experience  has  been  that
top-quality  ratings  do  not  fluctuate  as  much  as  lower  quality  ratings.
Furthermore,  when they do fluctuate,  they tend to fluctuate less and return to
their base market price at a quicker rate than lower-grade securities.

      In accordance with the Fund's prospectus,  Tax-Free Fund For Utah can only
purchase investment-grade  securities ? those within the top four credit quality
ratings  -  AAA,  AA,  A and  Baa.  In  point  of  practice,  however,  we  have
consistently sought to have the bulk of the portfolio securities invested within
the top two  grades ? AAA and AA.  On June  30,  2006,  83.0%  of the  portfolio
consisted of AAA and AA rated securities.


      As we have  emphasized  in the past,  long-term  bonds  tend to  produce a
higher return than short-term  bonds.  However,  such longer maturity bonds also
tend to experience a higher degree of volatility in their price.

      Tax-Free  Fund For Utah  balances out  longer-term  maturities by having a
portion of the Fund's investments in shorter-term maturities.  Through utilizing
a blend of maturities ? both  shorter-term  and  longer-term ? Tax-Free Fund For
Utah attempts to provide a satisfactory  level of return without  subjecting the
share price to excessive swings as interest rates increase and decrease. We feel
that this focus on keeping the average of maturities relatively  intermediate in
term takes the best that each  investment has to offer ? gaining  stability from
the shorter-term maturities and higher yields from the longer-term maturities.

                        NOT A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT


      To the maximum extent  possible,  Tax-Free Fund For Utah strives to invest
in as many projects as possible  throughout  the state.  The portfolio  might be
comprised of a school district bond in Salt Lake City, a transportation  bond in
Ogden and a housing bond in St. George. In this way, we strive to ensure that no
one  project,  type of  project,  or area of the State can have any  significant
adverse influence upon your investment in the Fund.


      No  matter  what  return  Tax-Free  Fund  For  Utah  provides,  it must be
remembered  that  you  would  have to earn  significantly  more  from a  taxable
investment  in  order  to be  equal  to what  you get to  keep  from a  tax-free

      As an  example,  you would have to earn 6.6%* on a taxable  investment  in
order to equal the tax-free level of 4%.

      Keep this  illustration  in mind the next time you  examine the yield that
Tax-Free  Fund For Utah offers  you.  You will find that a 3%, 4% or 5% tax-free
yield  looks   considerably  more  attractive  to  you  when  you  consider  the
implications of taxes.


      The Fund uses this combination of quality,  maturity,  and diversification
as it  seeks  to  provide  you with as high a level  of  tax-free  income  as is
consistent with preservation of capital.

      As we are sure you are aware, there is no way to take ALL the waves out of
investing.  But, you can rest assured that  Tax-Free  Fund For Utah  continually
strives to do its very best to make sure your ride is as smooth as possible.


/s/ Diana P. Herrmann                           /s/ Lacy B. Herrmann

Diana P. Herrmann                               Lacy B. Herrmann
President                                       Founder and Chairman Emeritus

* For illustration  purposes only - assumes a 35% Federal and 7% state tax-rate.
This does not represent past or future performance of any investment.

                        NOT A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT



                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

                                  ANNUAL REPORT


      The Federal  Reserve  (the "Fed") has raised the target for the  overnight
federal  funds rate at each of the past 17  consecutive  Open  Market  Committee
meetings. It has risen from a low of 1.00% to 5.25% currently. This upward shift
in rates,  however, has been much more pronounced in short and intermediate-term
maturities  than  in the  longer  end of the  yield  curve.  The  Fed's  goal of
containing  inflation by not  allowing  the national  economy to overheat may be
paying off ? finally.  Both the Consumer Price  Index-CPI and the Producer Price
Index-PPI  have been  reasonably  well  contained,  when  factoring out food and
energy  costs.  Recent  comments from new Fed Chairman Paul Bernanke hint at the
possibility  that  further  rate hikes will depend  more on  economic  growth as
opposed to inflation.  With the economy  "cooling down",  especially the housing
market,  perhaps rates are approaching their peak. The jury is still out, but we
remain hopeful!

      We have been witness to a number of national and international events that
affect both our spirit and the economy:  London  terrorist  threat,  the ongoing
conflicts  in Iraq and  Afghanistan,  renewed  battling  in Israel and  Lebanon,
provocative  rocket test firings by North Korea,  continued  rhetoric  with Iran
regarding  their  nuclear  ambitions,  cleanup and  rebuilding of our Gulf Coast
after a season of devastating hurricanes and accompanying disasters,  and paying
record prices at the gas pump.

      As we head into the second  half of 2006,  it is likely  that the  Federal
Reserve is at or near the end of short-term  rate  increases.  The  unemployment
rate of 4.6% matches the lowest rate reported since July 2001. Other measures of
economic progress - retail sales, housing starts, and industrial  production are
all off their highs of the past 12 months ? clear signs of a moderating economy.
Historically,  as we see slowing on the economic front, inflation will also show
signs of easing. While this cycle is a bit different because of hurricane damage
and world events affecting  gasoline  prices,  it is likely that we will see the
economy grow at an estimated 3.50% annual rate.

      The Class A shares of  Tax-Free  Fund For Utah  experienced  a decline  in
share value (Net Asset Value) of 3.80% for the 12-month  period  ending June 30,
2006.  The share  value of the Fund was $10.26 on July 1, 2005 and $9.87 on June
30, 2006. A typical  AA-rated  general  obligation  bond with a 15 year maturity
rose in yield from 4.06% to 4.51% over the 12-month period ended June 30, 2006.

      Equity  returns for the 12 months ended June 30, 2006 were  positive:  the
Dow Jones  Industrial  Average was up 11.09%;  the S & P 500 Index was up 8.63%;
and the NASDAQ Composite Index was up 6.48%. The Class A shares of Tax-Free Fund
For Utah had a total rate of return of 0.28% for the 12 months ended June 30th.

      Historically,  as the economy  has grown,  commodity  prices and  interest
rates begin to rise.  We continue to monitor any changes and  position  Tax-Free
Fund For Utah's  portfolio  accordingly.  To address the  concerns  raised by an
increase in the overall level of interest rates, we take great care in


the selection of the  individual  bonds  purchased for the Fund. We will seek to
continue to add high quality,  intermediate  maturity Utah municipal  bonds that
best meet our demanding standards.

      The investment objective of Tax-Free Fund For Utah is to provide as high a
level of double tax-exempt current income as is consistent with the preservation
of capital. We believe this objective continues to be successfully  addressed by
our  adherence  to a discipline  of solid  fundamental,  conservative  portfolio
management  ideals.  The Fund continues to maintain an average quality rating of
"AA", with over 74% of the portfolio rated "AAA".  The Fund's laddered  maturity
structure helps us manage price volatility. The portfolio has an average life of
approximately  13.3  years and a modified  duration  of 6.87  years.  We seek to
maintain a well-diversified portfolio, which currently consists of 350 different
issues,  of which 100% are exempt  from Utah State and  regular  Federal  income

      With the national and local economies  continuing to show improvement,  we
will remain  vigilant  and do whatever is  necessary as we strive to continue to
meet the Fund's investment objective.  We will endeavor to "stay the course" and
manage the portfolio by taking  advantage of  opportunities  in the  marketplace
that are consistent with the high standards of the Fund.


      The following graph illustrates the value of $10,000 invested in the Class
A shares of Tax-Free Fund For Utah for the 10-year period ended June 30, 2006 as
compared with the Lehman Brothers Quality Intermediate  Municipal Bond Index and
the Consumer  Price Index (a cost of living index).  The  performance of each of
the other  classes is not shown in the graph but is included in the table below.
It should be noted that the Lehman Index does not include any operating expenses
nor sales charges and being nationally oriented, does not reflect state specific
bond market performance.

[Graphic of a line chart with the following information:]

                                                                                               Lehman Brothers
                           Cost of          Fund Class A Shares     Fund Class A Shares     Quality Intermediate
                        Living Index          no sales charge        with sales charge      Municipal Bond Index
6/96                      $10,000                 $10,000                 $ 9,600                 $10,000
6/97                       10,230                  10,797                  10,360                  10,684
6/98                       10,402                  11,676                  11,205                  11,426
6/99                       10,606                  11,768                  11,293                  11,772
6/00                       11,002                  11,831                  11,353                  12,247
6/01                       11,359                  12,931                  12,408                  13,329
6/02                       11,481                  13,834                  13,275                  14,256
6/03                       11,723                  15,229                  14,614                  15,371
6/04                       12,106                  15,206                  14,592                  15,424
6/05                       12,412                  16,467                  15,802                  16,254
6/06                       12,948                  16,527                  15,860                  16,309

                                     AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN
                                   FOR PERIODS ENDED JUNE 30, 2006
                               1 YEAR   5 YEARS   10 YEARS  INCEPTION
                               ------   -------   --------  ---------
Class A (7/24/92)
   With Sales Charge .......   -3.76%     4.21%     4.72%     5.15%
   Without Sales Charge ....    0.28      5.06      5.15      5.46
Class C (5/21/96)
   With CDSC ...............   -1.51      4.20      4.20      4.25
   Without CDSC ............   -0.52      4.20      4.20      4.25
Class Y (5/21/96)
   No Sales Charge .........    0.49      5.23      5.41      5.39
Lehman Index ...............    0.34      4.12      5.01      5.29* (Class A)
                                                              4.86** (Class C&Y)

Total return  figures  shown for the Fund reflect any change in price and assume
all distributions within the period were invested in additional shares.  Returns
for Class A shares are calculated  with and without the effect of the initial 4%
maximum sales charge. Returns for Class C shares are calculated with and without
the  effect of the 1%  contingent  deferred  sales  charge  (CDSC),  imposed  on
redemptions  made within the first 12 months after purchase.  Class Y shares are
sold without any sales  charge.  The rates of return will vary and the principal
value of an  investment  will  fluctuate  with  market  conditions.  Shares,  if
redeemed,  may be worth more or less than their original cost. A portion of each
class's  income  may be subject to federal  and state  income  taxes  and/or the
federal  alternative  minimum tax. Past  performance is not predictive of future
investment results.

*     From commencement of operations on 7/24/92.
**    From commencement of operations on 5/21/96.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of
Tax-Free Fund For Utah:

      We have  audited the  accompanying  statement  of assets and  liabilities,
including the schedule of investments,  of Tax-Free Fund For Utah as of June 30,
2006 and the related  statement of  operations,  changes in net assets,  and the
financial  highlights for the year then ended.  These  financial  statements and
financial  highlights  are the  responsibility  of the  Fund's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to  express  an opinion  on these  financial  statements  and
financial  highlights based on our audit. The statement of changes in net assets
for the year ended June 30, 2005 and the  financial  highlights  for each of the
years in the four year  period  ended June 30,  2005 have been  audited by other
auditors, whose report dated August 12, 2005 expressed an unqualified opinion on
such financial statement and financial highlights.

      We  conducted  our audit in  accordance  with the  standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance about whether the
financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement.
The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform an audit of the
Fund's   internal   control  over  financial   reporting.   Our  audit  included
consideration  of  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as a basis for
designing audit  procedures that are appropriate in the  circumstances,  but not
for the  purpose of  expressing  an opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Fund's
internal  control  over  financial  reporting.  Accordingly,  we express no such
opinion. An audit also includes examining,  on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2006, by correspondence with the
custodian  and  brokers.   An  audit  also  includes  assessing  the  accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

      In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred
to above present fairly,  in all material  respects,  the financial  position of
Tax-Free Fund For Utah as of June 30, 2006, the results of its  operations,  the
changes in its net assets and the financial  highlights for the year then ended,
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America.

                                                        TAIT, WELLER & BAKER LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
August 11, 2006

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                             SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2006

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (21.2%)                             S&P              VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               CITY, COUNTY AND STATE (8.6%)
               Anderson, Indiana San District
$    505,000   4.600%, 07/15/23 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA       $     503,813
               Brian Head, Utah
     405,000   6.500%, 03/15/24 ......................................     NR/NR*              439,255
               Cedar City, Utah Special Improvement
                  District Assessment
     235,000   5.050%, 09/01/10 ......................................     NR/NR*              237,702
     215,000   5.200%, 09/01/11 ......................................     NR/NR*              219,954
               Cedar Park, Texas
     835,000   4.500%, 02/15/22 MBIA Insured++ .......................     Aaa/AAA             817,540
               Clearfield City, Utah
   2,095,000   5.125%, 02/01/18 MBIA Insured (pre-refunded) ..........     Aaa/AAA           2,157,620
               Coral Canyon, Utah Special Service District
     140,000   4.850%, 07/15/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              140,108
     580,000   5.700%, 07/15/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              588,242
               Dawson County, Texas Hospital District
     555,000   4.375%, 02/15/24 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA              528,421
               Draper, Utah
     370,000   4.500%, 02/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              368,997
               Hurricane, Utah
     240,000   5.400%, 11/01/09 Radian Insured .......................      NR/AA              248,671
               Laredo, Texas
     300,000   4.250%, 08/15/21 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             283,080
     500,000   4.500%, 02/15/24 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             483,435
               Mckinney, Texas
   1,700,000   4.500%, 08/15/23 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           1,648,592
               Mesquite, Texas
     510,000   4.625%, 02/15/22 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             506,338
               Nevada State
     965,000   4.500%, 08/01/21 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             953,526
               Salt Lake City, Utah
     120,000   5.750%, 06/15/17 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              127,991
               San Antonio, Texas
     125,000   4.750%, 02/01/24 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             125,486

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (CONTINUED)                          S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               Spokane County, Washington
$    420,000   4.500%, 12/01/23 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA       $     412,524
               Waco, Texas
   2,560,000   4.500%, 02/01/24 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           2,490,189
               Washington County, Utah
   1,250,000   5.000%, 10/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR            1,287,688
               Washington State
   3,315,000   4.500%, 01/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           3,256,921
     705,000   4.500%, 07/01/23 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             688,623
               Total City, County and State                                                 18,514,716

               SCHOOL DISTRICT (12.6%)
               Alpine, Utah School District
     375,000   5.000%, 03/15/12 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              393,300
               Carbon County, Utah School District
     800,000   5.000%, 06/15/21 ......................................     Aaa/NR              823,592
               Dallas, Texas Independent School District
   2,500,000   5.000%, 08/15/29 ......................................     Aaa/AAA           2,546,575
               Davis County, Utah School District
     575,000   5.000%, 06/01/15 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              604,095
     250,000   5.100%, 06/01/16 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              264,592
     675,000   5.150%, 06/01/17 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              716,155
               Dripping Springs, Texas
     725,000   4.375%, 08/15/22 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             694,441
               Eagle Mountain & Saginaw, Texas Independent
                  School District
     300,000   4.750%, 08/15/21 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             303,081
     525,000   4.750%, 08/15/23 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             528,449
               Frisco, Texas Independent School District
   1,260,000   5.000%, 07/15/26 ......................................     Aaa/NR            1,288,388
               Galena Park, Texas Independent School District
     295,000   4.625%, 08/15/25 ......................................     Aaa/NR              288,215
               Iron County, Utah School District
   1,375,000   4.000%, 01/15/18 ......................................     Aaa/AAA           1,298,921
   2,115,000   4.000%, 01/15/20 ......................................     Aaa/AAA           1,963,566
   1,260,000   5.000%, 01/15/21 ......................................     Aaa/NR            1,317,292

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (CONTINUED)                          S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               La Feria, Texas Independent School District
$    210,000   4.400%, 02/15/24 ......................................     Aaa/NR        $     201,772
               Lancaster, Texas School District
     300,000   4.375%, 02/15/22 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             288,006
               Lindale, Texas Independent School District
     440,000   4.250%, 02/15/21 ......................................     NR/AAA              415,906
   1,000,000   4.250%, 02/15/22 ......................................     NR/AAA              939,660
     445,000   4.375%, 02/15/23 ......................................     NR/AAA              425,464
     200,000   4.500%, 02/15/24 ......................................     NR/AAA              194,536
               Navasota, Texas Independent School District
     475,000   5.000%, 08/15/23 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              488,039
               Nebo, Utah School District
     440,000   5.500%, 07/01/11 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/AAA             465,590
               North Summit County, Utah School District
     760,000   5.000%, 02/01/23 ......................................     Aaa/NR              789,625
     800,000   5.000%, 02/01/24 ......................................     Aaa/NR              828,984
               Prosper, Texas Independent School District
     395,000   4.125%, 08/15/21 ......................................     NR/AAA              367,532
               Salt Lake City, Utah School District
     265,000   5.000%, 03/01/21 (pre-refunded) .......................     Aaa/NR              278,549
               Spring, Texas Independent School District
     300,000   4.750%, 08/15/23 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             301,605
               Tooele County, Utah School District
     670,000   4.000%, 06/01/20 ......................................     Aaa/AAA             616,360
               Van, Texas Independent School District
     750,000   4.875%, 02/15/26+ .....................................     Aaa/AAA             752,122
               Washington County, Utah
     440,000   5.000%, 10/01/18 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              457,120
     465,000   5.000%, 10/01/19 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              482,442
     490,000   5.000%, 10/01/20 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              507,356
     510,000   5.000%, 10/01/21 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              527,707
     535,000   5.000%, 10/01/22 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              551,719
     565,000   5.000%, 10/01/23 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              580,312
     320,000   5.000%, 10/01/24 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR              328,230

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (CONTINUED)                          S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               Washoe County, Nevada School District
$    200,000   4.625%, 06/01/23 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA       $     199,410
               Weber County, Utah School District
     750,000   5.000%, 06/15/18 ......................................     Aaa/NR              785,025
     825,000   5.000%, 06/15/20 ......................................     Aaa/NR              871,481
               Weber County, Utah School District Series B
   1,485,000   5.000%, 06/15/21 ......................................     Aaa/NR            1,554,350
               Total School District                                                        27,229,564
               Total General Obligation Bonds                                               45,744,280

               REVENUE BONDS (76.7%)

               AIRPORT (1.2%)
               Clark County, Nevada Passenger Facility Charge
     255,000   4.750%, 07/01/22 MBIA Insured AMT .....................     Aaa/AAA             255,548
               Hillsborough County, Florida Aviation Authority
   2,185,000   5.250%, 10/01/23 MBIA Insured AMT .....................     Aaa/AAA           2,252,429
               Total Airport                                                                 2,507,977

               COUNTY (0.5%)
               Davis County, Utah Lease Revenue DMV Project
      78,000   5.400%, 11/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*               77,995
      83,000   5.450%, 11/01/18 ......................................     NR/NR*               82,990
      87,000   5.500%, 11/01/19 ......................................     NR/NR*               86,990
      92,000   5.550%, 11/01/20 ......................................     NR/NR*               91,990
      97,000   5.600%, 11/01/21 ......................................     NR/NR*               96,986
     103,000   5.650%, 11/01/22 ......................................     NR/NR*              102,988
     108,000   5.700%, 11/01/23 ......................................     NR/NR*              107,986
     115,000   5.700%, 11/01/24 ......................................     NR/NR*              114,986
     121,000   5.750%, 11/01/25 ......................................     NR/NR*              120,985
     128,000   5.750%, 11/01/26 ......................................     NR/NR*              127,942
               Total County                                                                  1,011,838

               EDUCATION (14.2%)
               Carmel, Indiana 2002 School Building Corp.
   1,235,000   4.300%, 01/15/23 FSA Insured ..........................     NR/AAA            1,156,516
   1,525,000   4.300%, 07/15/23 FSA Insured ..........................     NR/AAA            1,426,622

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               EDUCATION (CONTINUED)
               Clinton Prairie, Indiana Community School Building
$    675,000   4.625%, 01/15/19 FGIC Insured .........................     NR/AAA        $     681,196
               Florida State Board Education Public Education
     210,000   4.500%, 06/01/25 FSA Insured ..........................     NR/AAA              206,577
               Laredo, Texas Independent School District Public
                  Facility Corp.
     190,000   5.000%, 08/01/24 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             194,689
               Nevada System Higher Education Certificates
                  of Participation
   1,000,000   5.000%, 07/01/25 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA            1,027,370
               Raven Hills, Texas Higher Education Housing &
                  Education Revenue
     215,000   5.000%, 06/01/26 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              224,965
               Salt Lake County, Utah Westminster College Project
     115,000   5.050%, 10/01/10 ......................................     NR/BBB              116,742
     100,000   5.500%, 10/01/19 ......................................     NR/BBB              102,454
   1,200,000   5.000%, 10/01/22 ......................................     NR/BBB            1,180,260
   1,250,000   5.000%, 10/01/25 ......................................     NR/BBB            1,224,200
   1,000,000   5.750%, 10/01/27 ......................................     NR/BBB            1,027,050
               Texas State College Student Loan Revenue
     100,000   5.000%, 08/01/22 AMT ..................................     Aa1/AA              101,207
               Texas State University System Financing Revenue
     655,000   4.375%, 03/15/23 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             626,868
               Tyler, Texas Independent School District
     325,000   5.000%, 02/15/26 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             332,748
               University of Nevada University Revenues
     190,000   4.500%, 07/01/24 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             186,778
               University of Utah University Revenues
     770,000   5.000%, 04/01/18 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             802,024
               Utah County, Utah School Facility Revenue
   1,440,000   6.500%, 12/01/25 ......................................     NR/NR*            1,413,475
               Utah State Board Regents Auxiliary & Campus Facility
   1,000,000   4.125%, 04/01/20 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             929,250

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               EDUCATION (CONTINUED)
               Utah State Board Regents Dixie State College
$    115,000   5.500%, 05/01/13 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA       $     123,130
     120,000   5.500%, 05/01/14 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             128,741
     130,000   5.500%, 05/01/15 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             139,957
     400,000   5.100%, 05/01/21 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             412,348
               Utah State Board Regents Lease Revenue
     410,000   4.500%, 05/01/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             405,404
     425,000   4.500%, 05/01/21 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             419,097
     450,000   4.625%, 05/01/22 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             448,222
     120,000   4.650%, 05/01/23 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             119,300
               Utah State Board Regents Office Facility Revenue
     450,000   5.050%, 02/01/20 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             462,060
     360,000   5.125%, 02/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             371,678
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue
   2,885,000   4.500%, 08/01/18 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           2,863,680
     500,000   5.000%, 05/01/26 ......................................     Aa/AAA              512,050
     250,000   5.250%, 04/01/24 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             262,118
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue Salt Lake
                  Community College
   1,260,000   5.500%, 06/01/16 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA           1,330,132
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue University Utah
   1,045,000   5.000%, 04/01/23 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           1,073,205
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue University Utah-
                  Auxiliary & Campus Revenue
   1,015,000   5.000%, 04/01/20 MBIA Insured (pre-refunded) ..........     Aaa/AAA           1,045,074
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue University Utah
                  Hospital Revenue
   2,030,000   5.500%, 08/01/17 MBIA Insured (pre-refunded) ..........     Aaa/AAA           2,173,216
     905,000   5.000%, 05/01/19 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             933,408
   3,595,000   5.000%, 08/01/19 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           3,682,107
               Weber State University, Utah Revenue
     100,000   5.250%, 04/01/24 FSA Insured ..........................     NR/AAA              103,457
               Weber State University, Utah Revenue Student
                  Facilities System Series A
     300,000   5.100%, 04/01/16 ......................................      NR/AA              312,267
     425,000   5.250%, 04/01/19 ......................................      NR/AA              446,773
               Total Education                                                              30,728,415

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               HEALTHCARE (1.0%)
               Harris County, Texas Health Facility Development Corp.
$    145,000   5.000%, 11/15/28 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA        $     146,119
               Lee Memorial Health System, Florida Hospital Revenue
     450,000   4.250%, 04/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             422,523
               Murray City, Utah Hospital Revenue
     595,000   5.000%, 05/15/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             598,493
               Salt Lake County, Utah Hospital Revenue -
                  IHC Hospitals, Inc.
     500,000   5.500%, 05/15/13 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             529,640
               Tarrant County, Texas Health Facilities Revenue
     230,000   5.000%, 02/15/26 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             232,102
               Utah State Board Regents Revenue University Utah
                  Hospital Revenue
     310,000   5.000%, 08/01/21 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             317,087
               Total Healthcare                                                              2,245,964

               HOUSING (8.2%)
               Henderson, Nevada Local Improvement District
     150,000   5.000%, 09/01/15 ......................................     NR/NR*              149,663
     200,000   5.000%, 09/01/16 ......................................     NR/NR*              199,672
     200,000   5.050%, 09/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              199,650
     200,000   5.100%, 09/01/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              199,628
               Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
   1,500,000   4.900%, 07/01/26 AMT ..................................     Aaa/NR            1,481,730
               Indiana State Housing Finance Authority Single Family
     245,000   4.850%, 07/01/22 AMT ..................................     Aaa/NR              246,051
               Indianapolis, Indiana Multi-Family
     500,000   4.850%, 01/01/21 AMT ..................................     Aaa/NR              498,245
               Miami-Dade County, Florida Housing Finance Authority
     535,000   5.000%, 11/01/23 FSA Insured AMT ......................     NR/AAA              540,414
               Provo City, Utah Housing Authority
     500,000   5.800%, 07/20/22 GNMA Collateralized ..................     Aaa/NR              512,125
               Snohomish County, Washington Housing Authority
     185,000   4.875%, 09/01/12 AMT ..................................     NR/NR*              181,857
     225,000   5.000%, 09/01/13 AMT ..................................     NR/NR*              221,402
     185,000   5.000%, 09/01/14 AMT ..................................     NR/NR*              181,232
     145,000   5.100%, 09/01/15 AMT ..................................     NR/NR*              142,290

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               HOUSING (CONTINUED)
               South Dakota Housing Development Authority
$  1,250,000   4.900%, 05/01/26 AMT ..................................     Aa1/AAA       $   1,242,863
               Utah Housing Corporation Single Family Housing
     270,000   4.000%, 07/01/11 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AAA             264,649
      60,000   5.250%, 07/01/23 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA               60,269
               Utah Housing Corporation Single Family Mortgage
     235,000   4.000%, 07/01/11 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AAA             232,253
     335,000   4.600%, 07/01/15 AMT+ .................................     Aaa/AAA             334,266
     240,000   4.650%, 07/01/16 AMT+ .................................     Aaa/AAA             239,429
      50,000   5.150%, 07/01/23 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AAA              49,536
     250,000   4.875%, 07/01/23 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-             249,568
   1,310,000   5.000%, 07/01/25 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-           1,318,423
     880,000   5.100%, 01/01/26 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-             881,223
     850,000   5.000%, 07/01/31 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA              836,885
               Utah State Housing Agency Housing Revenue
     140,000   5.650%, 07/01/27 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA              142,919
               Utah State Housing Corporation Single Family
                  Housing Revenue
   1,380,000   5.125%, 07/01/24 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-           1,394,393
               Utah State Housing Finance Agency
       5,000   6.350%, 07/01/11 Mezzanine Series G-1 .................     AAA/NR                5,021
     255,000   5.700%, 07/01/15 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-             262,410
     130,000   5.650%, 07/01/16 Series 1994C .........................     Aaa/AAA             131,102
      50,000   5.400%, 07/01/16 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA               50,178
      75,000   6.000%, 07/01/17 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AA               76,016
     795,000   5.500%, 07/01/18 AMT ..................................     Aa3/AA-             812,681
      90,000   5.300%, 07/01/18 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AAA              92,541
     100,000   5.000%, 07/01/18 AMT ..................................     Aaa/AAA             100,573
     170,000   5.400%, 07/01/20 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA              172,008
     375,000   5.600%, 07/01/23 AMT ..................................     Aa2/AA              378,694
     105,000   5.700%, 07/01/26 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             105,443
               Washington State Housing Finance Commission
   2,290,000   4.800%, 12/01/21 AMT ..................................     Aaa/NR            2,269,253

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               HOUSING (CONTINUED)
               Wyoming Community Development Authority
                  Housing Revenue
$    150,000   4.600%, 12/01/12 AMT ..................................     Aa1/AA+       $     150,996
     580,000   4.700%, 06/01/17 AMT ..................................     Aa1/AA+             578,016
     520,000   4.700%, 12/01/17 AMT ..................................     Aa1/AA+             518,159
     120,000   5.000%, 12/01/22 ......................................     Aa1/AA+             121,898
               Total Housing .........................................                      17,825,624

               Sandy City, Utah Industrial Development, H Shirley
                  Wright Project, Refunding Bonds, LOC Olympus Bank
     250,000   6.125%, 08/01/16 ......................................     NR/AAA              250,352
               Utah County Environmental Improvement Revenue
     935,000   5.050%, 11/01/17 ......................................    Baa1/BBB+            972,353
               Total Industrial Development & Pollution Control ......                       1,222,705

               LEASE (6.8%)
               Celebration Community Development District, Florida
     290,000   5.000%, 05/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             299,103
               Draper, Utah Municipal Building Authority
     355,000   5.000%, 11/15/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              368,142
               Marion County, Indiana Convention & Recreational
                  Facilities Authority
     390,000   5.000%, 06/01/27 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             393,003
               Murray City, Utah Municipal Building Authority
     520,000   5.050%, 12/01/15 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              540,129
               Salt Lake County, Utah Municipal Building Authority
     320,000   5.400%, 10/15/19 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/AAA             337,523
   3,900,000   5.200%, 10/15/20 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) + .......     Aaa/AAA           4,129,866
               Utah County, Utah Municipal Building Authority
     120,000   5.500%, 11/01/16 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              128,838
     240,000   5.500%, 11/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              257,676
               Utah State Building Ownership Authority
     465,000   5.000%, 05/15/21 ......................................     Aa1/AA+             482,572
   1,755,000   5.250%, 05/15/23 ......................................     Aa1/AA+           1,838,854
     510,000   5.000%, 05/15/23 ......................................     Aa1/AA+             527,223
   1,845,000   5.250%, 05/15/24 ......................................     Aa1/AA+           1,930,663
   1,080,000   5.000%, 05/15/25 ......................................     Aa1/AA+           1,110,316

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               LEASE (CONTINUED)
               Washington County - St. George, Utah Interlocal
                  Agency Revenue
$  1,000,000   5.125%, 12/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA        $   1,028,350
     100,000   5.125%, 12/01/22 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA              102,614
               West Bountiful, Utah Courthouse Revenue
     410,000   5.000%, 05/01/19 ......................................      NR/A-              421,718
               West Valley City, Utah
     865,000   5.000%, 08/01/21 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             888,182
               Total Lease ...........................................                      14,784,772

               TAX REVENUE (22.5%)
               Bay County, Florida Sales Tax Revenue
     175,000   4.750%, 09/01/23 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/NR              176,109
               Bluffdale City, Utah Series 2004
     295,000   6.000%, 12/01/13 ......................................     NR/NR*              292,897
     310,000   6.000%, 12/01/14 ......................................     NR/NR*              307,563
     330,000   6.000%, 12/01/15 ......................................     NR/NR*              328,574
     350,000   6.000%, 12/01/16 ......................................     NR/NR*              348,638
     370,000   6.000%, 12/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              368,768
     395,000   6.000%, 12/01/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              393,949
     420,000   6.000%, 12/01/19 ......................................     NR/NR*              419,206
               Bluffdale, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
   2,045,000   5.500%, 08/01/23 ......................................     NR/NR*            2,089,867
               Bountiful, Utah Special Improvement District Special
                  Assessment Revenue
     203,000   5.000%, 06/01/14 ......................................     NR/NR*              200,128
     213,000   5.150%, 06/01/15 ......................................     NR/NR*              211,043
     224,000   5.300%, 06/01/16 ......................................     NR/NR*              221,274
     236,000   5.500%, 06/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              235,030
     249,000   5.650%, 06/01/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              248,980
               Brian Head, Utah Special Service Improvement
                  District Revenue
     330,000   5.350%, 11/01/12 ......................................     NR/NR*              338,055

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
               Cache County, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
$    670,000   5.000%, 12/15/16 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA       $     696,512
     600,000   5.000%, 12/15/17 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             621,006
     510,000   5.000%, 12/15/18 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             525,545
     855,000   5.000%, 12/15/19 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             880,582
               Clark County, Nevada Improvement District Revenue
     250,000   5.000%, 08/01/16 ......................................     NR/NR*              247,072
               Clearfield, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     590,000   5.000%, 07/01/18 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             611,446
     620,000   5.000%, 07/01/19 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             639,902
     650,000   5.000%, 07/01/20 FGIC Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             669,292
               Coral Canyon, Utah Special Service District
     110,000   5.000%, 07/15/13 ......................................     NR/NR*              111,576
     250,000   5.500%, 07/15/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              254,805
               Davis County, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
   1,470,000   5.150%, 10/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA            1,532,710
               Fishers, Indiana Redevelopment Authority
                  Lease Revenue
     175,000   4.500%, 07/15/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             175,311
               Henderson, Nevada Local Improvement District Revenue
     100,000   4.500%, 09/01/12 ......................................     NR/NR*               98,674
     300,000   5.000%, 09/01/14 ......................................     NR/NR*              301,977
     300,000   5.000%, 09/01/15 ......................................     NR/NR*              299,979
               Jordanelle, Utah Special Service District
     186,000   5.000%, 11/15/14 ......................................     NR/NR*              186,727
     196,000   5.100%, 11/15/15 ......................................     NR/NR*              197,025
     206,000   5.200%, 11/15/16 ......................................     NR/NR*              206,756
     216,000   5.300%, 11/15/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              216,838
     228,000   5.400%, 11/15/18 ......................................     NR/NR*              228,935
     240,000   5.500%, 11/15/19 ......................................     NR/NR*              241,034
     253,000   5.600%, 11/15/20 ......................................     NR/NR*              254,032
     268,000   5.700%, 11/15/21 ......................................     NR/NR*              269,091
     283,000   5.800%, 11/15/22 ......................................     NR/NR*              284,149
     299,000   6.000%, 11/15/23 ......................................     NR/NR*              300,145

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
               Jordanelle, Utah Special Service Improvement District
$    320,000   8.000%, 10/01/11 ......................................     NR/NR*        $     326,864
               Lehi, Utah Sales Tax
     610,000   5.000%, 06/01/21 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             631,710
     790,000   5.000%, 06/01/24 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             811,235
               Mesquite, Nevada New Special Improvement District
     185,000   4.600%, 08/01/11 ......................................     NR/NR*              182,521
     195,000   4.750%, 08/01/12 ......................................     NR/NR*              191,798
     230,000   4.900%, 08/01/13 ......................................     NR/NR*              226,072
     140,000   5.250%, 08/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              136,702
     315,000   5.350%, 08/01/19 ......................................     NR/NR*              306,419
     135,000   5.400%, 08/01/20 ......................................     NR/NR*              131,277
     500,000   5.500%, 08/01/25 ......................................     NR/NR*              483,590
               Mountain Regional Water District, Utah Special
                  Assessment Revenue
   1,800,000   7.000%, 12/01/18 ......................................     NR/NR*            1,850,094
               Mountain Regional Water, Utah Special Service District
   2,000,000   5.000%, 12/15/20 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           2,062,580
               North Ogden, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     195,000   5.000%, 11/01/24 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             199,382
               Plainfield, Indiana Independent Redevelopment
   1,070,000   4.375%, 08/01/20 CIFG Insured .........................     Aaa/NR            1,026,376
               Salt Lake City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     265,000   5.250%, 02/01/13 ......................................     NR/AAA              280,571
   1,320,000   5.250%, 02/01/15 ......................................     NR/AAA            1,387,478
     100,000   5.250%, 02/01/17 ......................................     NR/AAA              104,859
               Salt Lake County, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     955,000   5.000%, 02/01/21 ......................................     NR/AAA              990,679
   1,725,000   5.000%, 08/01/21 ......................................     NR/AAA            1,792,499
   1,005,000   5.000%, 02/01/22 ......................................     NR/AAA            1,040,376
   1,060,000   5.000%, 02/01/23 ......................................     NR/AAA            1,095,786
   1,115,000   5.000%, 02/01/24 ......................................     NR/AAA            1,155,051

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
               Sandy City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
$    520,000   5.000%, 09/15/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA        $     535,579
     605,000   5.000%, 09/15/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA              621,147
               South Jordan, Utah Sales Tax
     570,000   5.000%, 08/15/15 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             589,682
               South Jordan, Utah Special Assignment
   1,000,000   6.875%, 11/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*            1,014,330
               South Weber City, Utah
     525,000   5.000%, 01/15/24 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             537,553
               Springville, Utah Special Improvement District Revenue
     400,000   5.500%, 1/15/2017 .....................................     NR/NR*              396,216
     423,000   5.650%, 1/15/2018 .....................................     NR/NR*              418,762
     446,000   5.800%, 1/15/2019 .....................................     NR/NR*              441,304
     472,000   5.900%, 1/15/2020 .....................................     NR/NR*              467,228
     500,000   6.000%, 1/15/2021 .....................................     NR/NR*              495,215
               Utah Water Finance Agency Revenue
     775,000   5.100%, 07/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              801,211
     510,000   5.000%, 07/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              526,988
     260,000   5.000%, 06/01/19 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             263,708
     685,000   5.000%, 07/01/19 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              706,989
               Wasatch County, Utah Building Authority
     130,000   5.000%, 10/01/15 ......................................      A3/NR              132,679
     135,000   5.000%, 10/01/16 ......................................      A3/NR              137,284
               Wasatch County, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     205,000   5.000%, 12/01/16 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             213,065
     210,000   5.000%, 12/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             217,310
     225,000   5.000%, 12/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             231,946
               Washington City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     680,000   5.250%, 11/15/17 AMBAC Insured++ ......................     Aaa/AAA             719,460
               Washoe County, Nevada Tax Revenue
     210,000   5.000%, 12/01/23 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             213,650
               Weber County, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     385,000   5.000%, 07/01/23 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              395,268

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
               West Valley City, Utah Redevelopment Agency
$  1,625,000   5.000%, 03/01/21 ......................................      NR/A-        $   1,645,394
     320,000   5.000%, 03/01/22 ......................................      NR/A-              323,338
     350,000   5.000%, 03/01/23 ......................................      NR/A-              353,161
   1,000,000   5.000%, 03/01/24 ......................................      NR/A-            1,007,620
               West Valley City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     800,000   5.500%, 07/15/17 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             841,856
     250,000   5.000%, 07/15/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             257,195
     340,000   5.000%, 07/15/21 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             348,486
               Woodland Hills, Utah Special Assessment Revenue
      18,000   5.500%, 08/01/09 ......................................     NR/NR*               18,050
     221,000   5.500%, 08/01/10 ......................................     NR/NR*              222,269
     233,000   5.500%, 08/01/11 ......................................     NR/NR*              236,486
     246,000   5.500%, 08/01/12 ......................................     NR/NR*              249,660
     261,000   5.500%, 08/01/13 ......................................     NR/NR*              265,881
               Total Tax Revenue .....................................                      48,491,091

               TRANSPORTATION (4.1%)
               Florida State Turnpike Authority Turnpike Revenue
     500,000   4.500%, 07/01/22 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             497,740
               Port of Seattle, Washington Revenue
     100,000   5.100%, 04/01/24 AMT FGIC Insured .....................     Aaa/AAA             100,917
               Utah Transit Authority Sales Tax & Transportation
   1,000,000   5.400%, 12/15/16 FSA Insured ..........................     NR/AAA            1,032,970
     100,000   5.000%, 06/15/21 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             103,331
   3,300,000   4.125%, 06/15/21 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA           3,109,722
   3,450,000   4.125%, 06/15/22 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA           3,234,341
     590,000   5.000%, 06/15/24 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             607,317
     100,000   5.000%, 06/15/25 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             102,879
               Total Transportation ..................................                       8,789,217

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               UTILITY (9.3%)
               Alaska Industrial Development & Export
                  Authority Revenue
$    400,000   4.625%, 12/01/16 AMBAC Insured AMT ....................     NR/AAA        $     399,164
               Eagle Mountain, Utah Gas & Electric
   1,385,000   4.250%, 06/01/20 Radian Insured .......................      NR/AA            1,284,865
   1,440,000   5.000%, 06/01/21 Radian Insured .......................     Aa3/AA            1,457,482
   1,515,000   5.000%, 06/01/22 Radian Insured .......................      NR/AA            1,529,014
               Garland, Texas Water & Sewer
     440,000   4.500%, 03/01/21 AMBAC Insured ........................     NR/AAA              431,644
               Indianapolis, Indiana Gas Utility
     290,000   5.000%, 08/15/24 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             292,639
               Intermountain Power Agency Utilities Light &
                  Power Service, Utah
     450,000   5.000%, 07/01/12 MBIA Insured ETM .....................     Aaa/AAA             452,461
   1,470,000   5.250%, 07/01/15 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           1,520,039
     775,000   5.000%, 07/01/18 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             803,644
   1,380,000   5.000%, 07/01/19 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA           1,409,463
               Lower Colorado River Authority, Texas
     175,000   5.000%, 05/15/26 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             178,986
               Manti City, Utah Electric System Revenue
     603,000   5.750%, 02/01/17 ......................................     NR/NR*              620,692
               Murray City, Utah Utility Electric Revenue
     400,000   5.625%, 06/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              424,820
   1,340,000   5.000%, 06/01/25 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR            1,376,019
               St. George, Utah Electric Revenue
   1,910,000   4.500%, 06/01/20 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/NR            1,888,532
               Salem, Utah Electric Revenue
     125,000   5.300%, 11/01/07 ......................................     NR/NR*              125,734
     130,000   5.350%, 11/01/08 ......................................     NR/NR*              131,799
     140,000   5.400%, 11/01/09 ......................................     NR/NR*              142,068
               Seattle, Washington Municipal Light & Power
   1,360,000   4.500%, 08/01/19 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA           1,357,294

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               UTILITY (CONTINUED)
               Southern Utah Valley Power System
$    210,000   5.250%, 09/15/13 MBIA Insured .........................     NR/AAA        $     222,839
     225,000   5.250%, 09/15/14 MBIA Insured .........................     NR/AAA              239,263
     235,000   5.250%, 09/15/15 MBIA Insured .........................     NR/AAA              249,499
     185,000   5.125%, 09/15/21 MBIA Insured .........................     NR/AAA              191,986
               Springville, Utah Electric Revenue
     550,000   5.600%, 03/01/09 ......................................     Baa1/NR             562,584
               Utah Assessed Municipal Power System
     790,000   5.250%, 12/01/09 ......................................      NR/A-              809,466
   1,000,000   5.000%, 04/01/21 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA           1,029,290
               Washington, Utah Electric Revenue
     985,000   5.000%, 09/01/21 XLCA Insured .........................     Aaa/NR            1,015,525
               Total Utility .........................................                      20,146,811

               WATER AND SEWER (8.3%)
               Ashley Valley, Utah
     140,000   9.500%, 01/01/08 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             145,646
               Eagle Mountain, Utah Water and Sewer
     750,000   5.800%, 11/15/16 ACA Insured ..........................      NR/A               782,220
               Granger and Hunter, Utah Improvement District
                  Water and Sewer
     350,000   5.000%, 03/01/18 FSA Insured (pre-refunded) ...........     Aaa/NR              356,762
               Jordan Valley, Utah Water Conservancy District
     715,000   4.375%, 10/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             701,343
               Mesquite, Texas Waterworks & Sewer
     225,000   4.500%, 03/01/24 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             217,532
               Murray City, Utah Sewer and Water
     465,000   5.000%, 10/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              482,977
     390,000   5.000%, 10/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              403,365
     440,000   5.000%, 10/01/19 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              454,529
               North Davis County, Utah Sewer District
   1,350,000   5.000%, 03/01/21 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR            1,394,091
     150,000   5.125%, 03/01/22 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/NR              158,610

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               Orem, Utah Water & Storm Sewer Revenue
$  1,720,000   4.500%, 07/15/17 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA       $   1,722,511
               Riverton, Utah Water Revenue
     100,000   5.350%, 09/01/15 FGIC Insured (pre-refunded) ..........     Aaa/NR              105,465
               Salt Lake City, Utah Metropolitan Water Revenue
   1,200,000   5.375%, 07/01/24 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/AAA           1,249,776
     125,000   5.375%, 07/01/29 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/AAA             130,185
               Salt Lake City, Utah Water and Sewer Revenue
     675,000   5.000%, 02/01/19 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             698,179
     845,000   5.000%, 02/01/20 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/AAA             871,820
               Salt Lake & Sandy, Utah Water District
   1,000,000   5.000%, 07/01/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR            1,033,230
               South Valley, Utah Water Reclamation Facility
     710,000   4.375%, 08/15/18 ......................................     NR/AAA              696,560
               Spanish Fork City, Utah Water Revenue
     195,000   5.500%, 06/01/17 FSA Insured ..........................     Aaa/NR              208,437
      55,000   5.500%, 06/01/17 FSA Insured (pre-refunded) ...........     Aaa/NR               59,357
               Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Texas
     205,000   4.500%, 08/01/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/AAA             201,636
               Utah Water Finance Agency Revenue
     100,000   5.000%, 06/01/14 MBIA Insured .........................     Aaa/AAA             102,216
     200,000   5.250%, 07/01/16 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              211,446
     250,000   5.375%, 09/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              266,858
     310,000   5.000%, 10/01/17 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              320,540
     750,000   5.250%, 10/01/18 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              794,873
     465,000   5.000%, 10/01/20 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              477,490
     830,000   4.500%, 10/01/22 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              814,936
     100,000   5.125%, 07/01/23 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              103,194
     285,000   5.300%, 10/01/23 MBIA Insured (pre-refunded) ..........     Aaa/AAA             294,188
     870,000   4.500%, 10/01/23 AMBAC Insured ........................     Aaa/NR              849,546
     450,000   5.400%, 10/01/24 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/AAA             470,448
     250,000   5.500%, 10/01/29 AMBAC Insured (pre-refunded) .........     Aaa/AAA             262,113

  PRINCIPAL                                                               MOODY'S/
   AMOUNT      REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                     S&P             VALUE
- ------------   -------------------------------------------------------    ---------      -------------
               Weber-Box Elder, Utah Conservation District
                  Water Revenue
$    200,000   6.450%, 11/01/14 (pre-refunded) .......................     Baa3/NR       $     219,164
     200,000   6.500%, 11/01/19 (pre-refunded) .......................     Baa3/NR             219,556
     335,000   6.900%, 11/01/20 (pre-refunded) .......................     Baa3/NR             373,023
               Total Water and Sewer .................................                      17,853,822
               Total Revenue Bonds ...................................                     165,608,236
               Total Investments (cost $212,712,353**) ...............      97.9%          211,352,516
               Other assets less liabilities .........................       2.1             4,456,829
                                                                          ------         -------------
               Net Assets ............................................     100.0%        $ 215,809,345
                                                                          ======         =============

                                                                      PERCENT OF
      ----------------------------------------------------            ---------
      Aaa of Moody's or AAA of S&P ...............................       73.9%
      Aa of Moody's or AA of S&P .................................        9.1
      A of Moody's or S&P ........................................        2.7
      Baa of Moody's or BBB of S&P ...............................        2.8
      Not rated* .................................................       11.5

      *     Any security not rated (NR) by either credit rating  service must be
            determined by the Manager to have sufficient quality to be ranked in
            the top four  ratings if a credit  rating  were to be  assigned by a
            rating service.
      **    See note 4.
      +     Security traded on a "when-issued" basis.
      ++    These   securities   are  pledged  as  collateral   for  the  Fund's
            when-issued commitments.

                            PORTFOLIO ABBREVIATIONS:
            ACA -   American Capital Assurance Financial Guaranty Corp.
            AMBAC - American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.
            AMT -   Alternative Minimum Tax
            CIFG -  CIFG Assurance North America, Inc.
            ETM-    Escrowed to Maturity
            FGIC-   Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.
            FSA-    Financial Security Assurance
            GNMA-   Government National Mortgage Association
            LOC-    Letter of Credit
            MBIA-   Municipal Bond Investors Assurance
            NR-     Not Rated
            XLCA-   XL Capital Assurance

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                                  JUNE 30, 2006

     Investments at value (cost $212,712,353) .........................................    $ 211,352,516
     Cash .............................................................................        2,842,475
     Interest receivable ..............................................................        3,104,973
     Receivable for investment securities sold ........................................          305,000
     Receivable for Fund shares sold ..................................................          281,091
     Other assets .....................................................................           34,265
     Total assets .....................................................................      217,920,320
   Payable for investment securities purchased ........................................        1,321,371
   Payable for Fund shares redeemed ...................................................          474,837
   Dividends payable ..................................................................          161,869
   Distribution and service fees payable ..............................................          103,703
   Management fees payable ............................................................           35,456
   Accrued expenses ...................................................................           13,739
   Total liabilities ..................................................................        2,110,975
NET ASSETS ............................................................................    $ 215,809,345
   Net Assets consist of:
   Capital Stock - Authorized an unlimited number of shares, par value $0.01 per share     $     218,469
   Additional paid-in capital .........................................................      219,461,435
   Net unrealized depreciation on investments (note 4) ................................       (1,359,837)
   Accumulated net realized loss on investments .......................................       (2,391,121)
   Distributions in excess of net investment income ...................................         (119,601)
                                                                                           $ 215,809,345
   Net Assets .........................................................................    $ 142,227,430
   Capital shares outstanding .........................................................       14,405,730
   Net asset value and redemption price per share .....................................    $        9.87
   Offering price per share (100/96 of $9.87 adjusted to nearest cent) ................    $       10.28
   Net Assets .........................................................................    $  33,790,806
   Capital shares outstanding .........................................................        3,423,742
   Net asset value and offering price per share .......................................    $        9.87
   Redemption price per share (*a charge of 1% is imposed on the redemption
      proceeds of the shares, or on the original price, whichever is lower, if redeemed
      during the first 12 months after purchase) ......................................    $        9.87*
   Net Assets .........................................................................    $  39,791,109
   Capital shares outstanding .........................................................        4,017,395
   Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share ...........................    $        9.90

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                  JUNE 30, 2006


     Interest income ......................................                    $  9,068,592


     Management fee (note 3) ..............................    $   998,167
     Distribution and service fees (note 3) ...............        586,376
     Trustees' fees and expenses (note 8) .................        119,751
     Transfer and shareholder servicing agent fees ........        106,492
     Legal fees (note 3) ..................................         76,252
     Fund accounting fees .................................         47,353
     Shareholders' reports and proxy statements ...........         41,832
     Registration fees and dues ...........................         26,035
     Auditing and tax fees ................................         17,000
     Custodian fees .......................................         14,956
     Insurance ............................................         10,850
     Chief compliance officer (note 3) ....................          5,044
     Miscellaneous ........................................         41,146
     Total expenses .......................................      2,091,254

     Management fee waived (note 3) .......................       (625,501)
     Expenses paid indirectly (note 6) ....................        (57,953)
     Net expenses .........................................                       1,407,800
     Net investment income ................................                       7,660,792


     Net realized gain (loss) from securities transactions         349,428
     Change in unrealized appreciation on investments .....     (7,697,675)

     Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                      (7,348,247)
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations ......                    $    312,545

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

                                                                        Year Ended        Year Ended
                                                                      June 30, 2006     June 30, 2005
                                                                      -------------     -------------
     Net investment income .......................................    $   7,660,792     $   5,597,480
     Net realized gain (loss) from securities transactions .......          349,428           339,699
     Change in unrealized appreciation on investments ............       (7,697,675)        4,737,661
                                                                      -------------     -------------
        Change in net assets from operations .....................          312,545        10,674,840
                                                                      -------------     -------------

     Class A Shares:
     Net investment income .......................................       (5,675,675)       (4,664,445)

     Class C Shares:
     Net investment income .......................................       (1,052,465)         (844,820)

     Class Y Shares:
     Net investment income .......................................       (1,389,390)         (481,279)
                                                                      -------------     -------------
        Change in net assets from distributions ..................       (8,117,530)       (5,990,544)
                                                                      -------------     -------------

     Proceeds from shares sold ...................................       90,295,939        61,124,699
     Reinvested dividends and distributions ......................        5,246,203         3,507,838
     Cost of shares redeemed .....................................      (43,527,443)      (22,013,872)
                                                                      -------------     -------------
        Change in net assets from capital share transactions .....       52,014,699        42,618,665
                                                                      -------------     -------------

        Change in net assets .....................................       44,209,714        47,302,961

   Beginning of period ...........................................      171,599,631       124,296,670

   End of period* ................................................    $ 215,809,345     $ 171,599,631
                                                                      =============     =============

   * Includes distributions in excess of net investment income of:    $    (119,601)    $    (117,170)
                                                                      =============     =============

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2006


      Tax-Free  Fund  For  Utah  (the  "Fund"),  a   non-diversified,   open-end
investment  company,  was  organized  on December  12,  1990 as a  Massachusetts
business trust and commenced operations on July 24, 1992. The Fund is authorized
to issue an unlimited number of shares and, since its inception to May 21, 1996,
offered  only one class of shares.  On that date,  the Fund began  offering  two
additional classes of shares, Class C and Class Y Shares. All shares outstanding
prior  to that  date  were  designated  as Class A  Shares  and are sold  with a
front-payment  sales charge and bear an annual  distribution fee. Class C Shares
are sold with a  level-payment  sales charge with no payment at time of purchase
but level service and  distribution  fees from date of purchase through a period
of six years thereafter. A contingent deferred sales charge of 1% is assessed to
any Class C  shareholder  who redeems  shares of this Class within one year from
the date of purchase.  Class C Shares,  together with a pro-rata  portion of all
Class  C  Shares   acquired   through   reinvestment   of  dividends  and  other
distributions paid in additional Class C Shares,  automatically convert to Class
A Shares  after 6 years.  The Class Y Shares are only  offered  to  institutions
acting for an investor in a fiduciary,  advisory,  agency,  custodian or similar
capacity and are not offered  directly to retail  investors.  Class Y Shares are
sold at net asset value without any sales charge,  redemption  fees,  contingent
deferred sales charge or  distribution or service fees. On October 31, 1997, the
Fund  established  Class I  Shares  which  are  offered  and sold  only  through
financial intermediaries and are not offered directly to retail investors. As of
the report date, there were no Class I Shares outstanding. All classes of shares
represent interests in the same portfolio of investments and are identical as to
rights and  privileges  but differ with respect to the effect of sales  charges,
the distribution  and/or service fees borne by each class,  expenses specific to
each class,  voting rights on matters  affecting a single class and the exchange
privileges of each class.


      The following is a summary of significant  accounting policies followed by
the Fund in the  preparation  of its financial  statements.  The policies are in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America for investment companies.

a)    PORTFOLIO VALUATION:  Municipal securities which have remaining maturities
      of more than 60 days are valued each  business day based upon  information
      provided  by  a  nationally  prominent  independent  pricing  service  and
      periodically  verified  through  other  pricing  services.  In the case of
      securities for which market quotations are readily  available,  securities
      are valued by the pricing service at the mean of bid and asked quotations.
      If market  quotations  or a  valuation  from the  pricing  service  is not
      readily available, the security is valued at fair value determined in good
      faith under procedures established by and under the general supervision of
      the  Board of  Trustees.  Securities  which  mature in 60 days or less are
      valued at amortized  cost if their term to maturity at purchase is 60 days
      or less, or by amortizing their unrealized appreciation or depreciation on
      the 61st day prior to  maturity,  if their term to  maturity  at  purchase
      exceeds 60 days.

      transactions  are  recorded on the trade date.  Realized  gains and losses
      from  securities  transactions  are reported on the identified cost basis.
      Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and is adjusted for
      amortization  of  premium  and  accretion  of  original  issue and  market

c)    FEDERAL  INCOME  TAXES:  It is the  policy  of the  Fund to  qualify  as a
      regulated  investment  company by  complying  with the  provisions  of the
      Internal Revenue Code applicable to certain investment companies. The Fund
      intends to make  distributions of income and securities profits sufficient
      to relieve it from all, or  substantially  all,  Federal income and excise

d)    MULTIPLE   CLASS   ALLOCATIONS:   All   income,   expenses   (other   than
      class-specific  expenses), and realized and unrealized gains or losses are
      allocated  daily to each class of shares  based on the relative net assets
      of each class.  Class-specific  expenses,  which include  distribution and
      service  fees and any other items that are  specifically  attributed  to a
      particular class, are charged directly to such class.

e)    USE OF ESTIMATES:  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity
      with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of
      America requires  management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
      the  reported   amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
      contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial  statements
      and the  reported  amounts of increases  and  decreases in net assets from
      operations during the reporting  period.  Actual results could differ from
      those estimates.

f)    NEW ACCOUNTING  PRONOUNCEMENT:  On July 13, 2006, the Financial Accounting
      Standards Board ("FASB") released FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 "Accounting
      for Uncertainty in Income Taxes" ("FIN 48"). FIN 48 provides  guidance for
      how uncertain tax positions should be recognized,  measured, presented and
      disclosed in the financial  statements.  FIN 48 requires the evaluation of
      tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the
      Fund's  tax  returns  to   determine   whether  the  tax   positions   are
      "more-likely-than-not" of being sustained by the applicable tax authority.
      Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not  threshold would
      be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current  year.  Adoption of
      FIN 48 is required for fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2006 and
      is to be  applied  to  all  open  tax  years  as of  the  effective  date.
      Management believes that the adoption of FIN 48 will have no impact on the
      financial statements of the Fund.



      Aquila   Investment   Management  LLC  (the  "Manager"),   a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Aquila  Management  Corporation,  the Fund's  founder and sponsor,
serves as the Manager for the Fund under an Advisory and

Administration  Agreement with the Fund.  Under the Advisory and  Administration
Agreement,  the Manager  provides all investment  management and  administrative
services to the Fund. The Manager's services include providing the office of the
Fund and all related  services as well as  managing  relationships  with all the
various  support  organizations  to the Fund such as the  shareholder  servicing
agent,   custodian,   legal  counsel,   fund  accounting  agent,   auditors  and
distributor. For its services, the Manager is entitled to receive a fee which is
payable  monthly and computed as of the close of business each day at the annual
rate of 0.50 of 1% on the Fund's average net assets.

      For the year ended June 30, 2006,  the Fund  incurred  management  fees of
$998,167 of which $625,501 was waived.  The Manger has contractually  undertaken
to waive fees  and/or  reimburse  Fund  expenses  during the period July 1, 2005
through  June 30, 2006 so that total Fund  expenses  would not exceed  0.86% for
Class A Shares, 1.55% for Class C Shares or 0.66% for Class Y Shares.

      Under a Compliance  Agreement with the Manager, the Manager is compensated
for Chief  Compliance  Officer related  services  provided to enable the Fund to
comply with Rule 38a-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      Specific  details as to the nature and extent of the services  provided by
the Manager are more fully  defined in the Fund's  Prospectus  and  Statement of
Additional Information.


      The Fund has adopted a  Distribution  Plan (the  "Plan")  pursuant to Rule
12b-1 (the "Rule") under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended.  Under
one part of the Plan, with respect to Class A Shares,  the Fund is authorized to
make  distribution  fee  payments  to   broker-dealers  or  others   ("Qualified
Recipients")   selected  by  Aquila   Distributors,   Inc.  (the  "Distributor")
including, but not limited to, any principal underwriter of the Fund, with which
the Distributor has entered into written agreements contemplated by the Rule and
which have  rendered  assistance  in the  distribution  and/or  retention of the
Fund's shares or servicing of  shareholder  accounts.  The Fund makes payment of
this  service fee at the annual  rate of 0.20% of the Fund's  average net assets
represented  by Class A Shares.  For the year ended June 30, 2006,  distribution
fees on Class A Shares amounted to $272,953,  of which the Distributor  retained

      Under  another part of the Plan,  the Fund is  authorized to make payments
with  respect to Class C Shares to  Qualified  Recipients  which  have  rendered
assistance in the distribution  and/or retention of the Fund's Class C shares or
servicing of shareholder accounts. These payments are made at the annual rate of
0.75% of the Fund's average net assets represented by Class C Shares and for the
year ended June 30, 2006, amounted to $235,067. In addition, under a Shareholder
Services  Plan, the Fund is authorized to make service fee payments with respect
to Class C Shares to Qualified Recipients for providing personal services and/or
maintenance of shareholder accounts.  These payments are made at the annual rate
of 0.25% of the Fund's average net assets represented by Class

C Shares and for the year ended June 30, 2006 amounted to $78,356.  The total of
these payments with respect to Class C Shares amounted to $313,423, of which the
Distributor retained $56,018.

      Specific  details  about the Plans are more  fully  defined  in the Fund's
Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.

      Under a Distribution  Agreement,  the Distributor  serves as the exclusive
distributor of the Fund's shares. Through agreements between the Distributor and
various  broker-dealer  firms ("dealers"),  the Fund's shares are sold primarily
through the facilities of these dealers  having  offices  within Utah,  with the
bulk of sales commissions  inuring to such dealers.  For the year ended June 30,
2006, total commissions on sales of Class AShares amounted to $581,296, of which
the Distributor received $48,990.


      For the year ended June 30, 2006, the Fund incurred  $74,904 of legal fees
allocable to Hollyer Brady Barrett & Hines LLP,  counsel to the Fund,  for legal
services in conjunction with the Fund's ongoing operations. The Secretary of the
Fund is a Partner at that firm.


      During the year ended June 30, 2006,  purchases of securities and proceeds
from  the  sales  of  securities   aggregated   $69,450,135   and   $18,874,920,

      At  June  30,  2006,  the  aggregate  tax  cost  for  all  securities  was
$212,670,085.  At June 30, 2006, the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation for
all  securities  in which  there is an  excess  of  market  value  over tax cost
amounted to  $1,836,030  and aggregate  gross  unrealized  depreciation  for all
securities in which there is an excess of tax cost over market value amounted to
$3,153,599, for a net unrealized depreciation of $1,317,569.


      Since the Fund  invests  principally  and may  invest  entirely  in double
tax-free municipal obligations of issuers within Utah, it is subject to possible
risks associated with economic,  political,  or legal developments or industrial
or regional matters  specifically  affecting Utah and whatever effects these may
have upon Utah issuers' ability to meet their obligations.

      The Fund is also  permitted  to invest in tax-free  municipal  obligations
meeting  comparable  quality  standards of issuers in certain states that do not
tax the interest on obligations of Utah issuers and that provide income which is
exempt from both regular  Federal and Utah income taxes.  At June 30, 2006,  the
Fund had 78% of its net assets invested in State of Utah municipal issues.


      The Fund has negotiated an expense offset  arrangement  with its custodian
wherein it receives credit toward the reduction of custodian fees and other Fund
expenses  whenever  there  are  uninvested  cash  balances.   The  Statement  of
Operations  reflects the total expenses before any offset,  the amount of offset
and the net expenses.  It is the general intention of the Fund to invest, to the
extent  practicable,  its cash balances in  income-producing  assets rather than
leave cash uninvested.


      Transactions in Capital Shares of the Fund were as follows:

                                           Year Ended                      Year Ended
                                         June 30, 2006                    June 30, 2005
                                -----------------------------     -----------------------------
                                    Shares           Amount           Shares           Amount
                                    ------           ------           ------           ------
   Proceeds from shares sold       3,497,622     $ 35,254,242        3,901,386     $ 39,687,818
   Reinvested distributions          369,013        3,717,136          277,575        2,823,980
   Cost of shares redeemed .      (1,747,696)     (17,557,375)      (1,384,213)     (14,072,096)
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
      Net change ...........       2,118,939       21,414,003        2,794,748       28,439,702
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
   Proceeds from shares sold       1,195,649       12,049,190          825,234        8,390,613
   Reinvested distributions           63,534          639,693           48,338          491,581
   Cost of shares redeemed .        (524,023)      (5,274,452)        (401,020)      (4,069,806)
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
      Net change ...........         735,160        7,414,431          472,552        4,812,388
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
   Proceeds from shares sold       4,237,512       42,992,507        1,275,070       13,046,268
   Reinvested distributions           88,225          889,374           18,832          192,277
   Cost of shares redeemed .      (2,049,983)     (20,695,616)        (380,156)      (3,871,970)
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
      Net change ...........       2,275,754       23,186,265          913,746        9,366,575
                                ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Total transactions in Fund
   shares ..................       5,129,853     $ 52,014,699        4,181,046     $ 42,618,665
                                ============     ============     ============     ============


      At June 30, 2006 there were 5 Trustees,  one of which is  affiliated  with
the Manager and is not paid any fees. The total amount of Trustees'  service and
attendance  fees paid during the year ended June 30, 2006 was $81,000,  to cover
carrying  out their  responsibilities  and  attendance  at  regularly  scheduled
quarterly Board Meetings and meetings of the Independent  Trustees held prior to

quarterly  Board  Meeting.  When  additional or special  meetings are held,  the
meeting fees are paid to those Trustees in  attendance.  Trustees are reimbursed
for  their  expenses  such as  travel,  accommodations,  and meals  incurred  in
connection  with  attendance  at  Board  Meetings  and  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders.  For the year ended June 30, 2006, such  meeting-related  expenses
amounted to $38,751.


      The  Fund  may  purchase  or  sell  securities  on  a  when-issued  basis.
When-issued transactions arise when securities are purchased or sold by the Fund
with payment and delivery  taking place in the future in order to secure what is
considered  to be an  advantageous  price  and  yield to the Fund at the time of
entering  into the  transaction.  Beginning  on the date the Fund  enters into a
when-issued  transaction,  cash or other liquid  securities are segregated in an
amount equal to or greater than the amount of the when-issued transaction. These
transactions  are  subject to market  fluctuations  and their  current  value is
determined in the same manner as for other securities.


      The Fund declares  dividends  daily from net  investment  income and makes
payments monthly in additional shares at the net asset value per share, in cash,
or in a combination of both, at the shareholder's  option.  Net realized capital
gains, if any, are distributed annually and are taxable.

      The  Fund  intends  to  maintain,  to the  maximum  extent  possible,  the
tax-exempt  status  of  interest  payments  received  from  portfolio  municipal
securities in order to allow dividends paid to shareholders  from net investment
income  to be exempt  from  regular  Federal  and  State of Utah  income  taxes.
However,  due to differences  between financial  statement reporting and Federal
income tax reporting requirements, distributions made by the Fund may not be the
same as the Fund's net investment income,  and/or net realized securities gains.
In this regard,  the Fund  credited  distributions  in excess of net  investment
income in the amount of $454,307 and debited  additional  paid-in capital in the
amount of $454,307 at June 30, 2006. This adjustment had no impact on the Fund's
aggregate net assets at June 30, 2006. Further, a small portion of the dividends
may, under some circumstances, be subject to taxes at ordinary income rates. For
certain  shareholders  some dividend  income may, under some  circumstances,  be
subject to the alternative minimum tax.

      At June 30, 2006,  the Fund had a capital loss  carryover of $2,391,120 of
which $2,121,836 expires on June 30, 2009, $15,469 expires on June 30, 2011, and
$253,815  expires on June 30, 2012. This carryover is available to offset future
net realized gains on securities  transactions to the extent provided for in the
Internal  Revenue  Code.  To the extent that this loss is used to offset  future
realized  capital  gains,  it is  probable  that the gains so offset will not be

      The tax character of distributions:

                                                  Year Ended June 30,
                                                 2006              2005
                                              ----------        ----------
      Net tax-exempt income                   $7,658,064        $5,604,701
      Ordinary income                            459,466           385,843
                                              ----------        ----------
                                              $8,117,530        $5,990,544
                                              ==========        ==========

      As of June 30, 2006,  the  components of  distributable  earnings on a tax
basis were as follows:

      Accumulated net realized loss                           $(2,391,121)
      Unrealized depreciation                                  (1,317,569)

      At June  30,  2006,  the  difference  between  book  basis  and tax  basis
unrealized appreciation was attributable primarily to the treatment of accretion
of discounts and amortization of premiums.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


                                                                                       Class A
                                                                                 Year Ended June 30,
                                                       2006             2005             2004             2003            2002
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
Net asset value, beginning of period ..........    $     10.26      $      9.91      $     10.31      $      9.85     $      9.65
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income ......................           0.40+            0.41+            0.43++           0.44+           0.46+
   Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized
      and unrealized) .........................          (0.37)            0.38            (0.37)            0.48            0.22
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
   Total from investment operations ...........           0.03             0.79             0.06             0.92            0.68
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
Less distributions (note 10):
   Dividends from net investment income .......          (0.42)           (0.44)           (0.46)           (0.46)          (0.48)
   Distributions from capital gains ...........             --               --               --               --              --
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
   Total distributions ........................          (0.42)           (0.44)           (0.46)           (0.46)          (0.48)
                                                   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
Net asset value, end of period ................    $      9.87      $     10.26      $      9.91      $     10.31     $      9.85
                                                   ===========      ===========      ===========      ===========     ===========
Total return (not reflecting sales charge) ....           0.28%            8.06%            0.54%            9.55%           7.22%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in thousands) ...    $   142,227      $   126,091      $    94,103      $    85,329     $    55,957
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....           0.64%            0.59%            0.48%            0.43%           0.46%
   Ratio of net investment income to average
      net assets ..............................           3.90%            3.98%            4.19%            4.31%           4.65%
   Portfolio turnover rate ....................           9.61%            8.68%           15.98%            6.43%          27.42%

The expense and net  investment  income ratios  without the effect of the waiver of a portion of the  management fee and the expense
reimbursement were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....           0.93%            0.97%            0.94%            1.02%           1.00%
   Ratio of net investment income to average
      net assets ..............................           3.61%            3.60%            3.73%            3.72%           4.11%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver, reimbursement and expense offset for uninvested cash balances were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....           0.61%            0.56%            0.47%            0.42%           0.40%

Note: Effective January 1, 2004, Aquila Management  Corporation,  founder of the
Fund,  assigned its Advisory and  Administration  Agreement to its  wholly-owned
subsidiary, Aquila Investment Management LLC.

- ----------
+     Per share amounts have been  calculated  using the monthly  average shares
++    Per share amount calculated using the daily average shares method.

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                        FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (continued)


                                                                                Class C
                                                                          Year Ended June 30,
                                                 2006            2005            2004             2003            2002
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
Net asset value, beginning of period ......    $  10.26        $   9.91        $  10.30         $   9.85        $   9.64
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income ..................        0.32+           0.32+           0.34++           0.34+           0.37+
   Net gain (loss) on securities (both
      realized and unrealized)  ...........       (0.37)           0.38           (0.36)            0.48            0.23
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
Total from investment operations ..........       (0.05)           0.70           (0.02)            0.82            0.60
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
Less distributions (note 10):
   Dividends from net investment income ...       (0.34)          (0.35)          (0.37)           (0.37)          (0.39)
   Distributions from capital gains .......          --              --              --               --              --
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
   Total distributions ....................       (0.34)          (0.35)          (0.37)           (0.37)          (0.39)
                                               --------        --------        --------         --------        --------
Net asset value, end of period ............    $   9.87        $  10.26        $   9.91         $  10.30        $   9.85
                                               ========        ========        ========         ========        ========
Total return (not reflecting sales charge)        (0.52)%          7.20%          (0.16)%           8.48%           7.86%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in thousands)    $ 33,791        $ 27,581        $ 21,961         $ 16,420        $  6,694
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         1.44%           1.39%           1.27%            1.31%           1.84%
   Ratio of net investment income to
      average net assets ..................        3.10%           3.18%           3.38%            3.39%           3.72%
   Portfolio turnover rate ................        9.61%           8.68%          15.98%            6.43%          27.42%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the waiver of a portion of the management fee and the expens
reimbursement were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         1.72%           1.77%           1.74%            1.81%           1.78%
   Ratio of net investment income to
      average net assets ..................        2.81%           2.80%           2.93%            2.89%           3.28%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver, reimbursement and expense offset for uninvested cash balances were (note

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         1.41%           1.36%           1.27%            1.30%           1.28%

                                                                               Class Y
                                                                         Year Ended June 30,
                                                 2006            2005            2004            2003          2002
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
Net asset value, beginning of period ......    $  10.29        $   9.94        $  10.34        $   9.89      $   9.68
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income ..................        0.42+           0.42+           0.44++          0.42+         0.50+
   Net gain (loss) on securities (both
      realized and unrealized)  ...........       (0.37)           0.39           (0.36)           0.50          0.20
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
Total from investment operations ..........        0.05            0.81            0.08            0.92          0.70
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
Less distributions (note 10):
   Dividends from net investment income ...       (0.44)          (0.46)          (0.48)          (0.47)        (0.49)
   Distributions from capital gains .......          --              --              --              --            --
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
   Total distributions ....................       (0.44)          (0.46)          (0.48)          (0.47)        (0.49)
                                               --------        --------        --------        --------      --------
Net asset value, end of period ............    $   9.90        $  10.29        $   9.94        $  10.34      $   9.89
                                               ========        ========        ========        ========      ========
Total return (not reflecting sales charge)         0.49%           8.27%           0.76%           9.55%         7.41%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in thousands)    $ 39,791        $ 17,928        $  8,233        $    883      $     30
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         0.44%           0.39%           0.28%           0.30%         0.36%
   Ratio of net investment income to
      average net assets ..................        4.10%           4.15%           4.41%           4.17%         4.75%
   Portfolio turnover rate ................        9.61%           8.68%          15.98%           6.43%        27.42%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the waiver of a portion of the management fee and the expens
reimbursement were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         0.72%           0.77%           0.74%           0.78%         0.80%
   Ratio of net investment income to
      average net assets ..................        3.82%           3.78%           3.95%           3.70%         4.31%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver, reimbursement and expense offset for uninvested cash balances were (note

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets         0.41%           0.37%           0.27%           0.29%         0.30%

Note: Effective January 1, 2004, Aquila Management  Corporation,  founder of the
Fund,  assigned its Advisory and  Administration  Agreement to its  wholly-owned
subsidiary, Aquila Investment Management LLC.

- ----------
+     Per share amounts have been  calculated  using the monthly  average shares
++    Per share amount calculated using the daily average shares method.

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Additional Information (unaudited)
and Officers

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                            PORTFOLIOS     OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                            IN FUND        HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     FUND AND                 PRINCIPAL                                   COMPLEX        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(2)                LENGTH OF                OCCUPATION(S)                               OVERSEEN       A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(3)               DURING PAST 5 YEARS                         BY TRUSTEE     INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------               -------------------                         ----------     ---------------------

Diana P. Herrmann         Trustee since 1997       Vice Chair and Chief Executive Officer          12         ICI Mutual Insurance
New York, NY              and President since      of Aquila Management Corporation,                          Company
(02/25/58)                1998                     Founder of the Aquila Group of Funds(SM)
                                                   (5) and parent of Aquila Investment
                                                   Management LLC, Manager since 2004,
                                                   President and Chief Operating Officer
                                                   since 1997, a Director since 1984,
                                                   Secretary since 1986 and previously its
                                                   Executive Vice President, Senior Vice
                                                   President or Vice President, 1986-1997;
                                                   Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chair
                                                   since 2004 and President, Chief
                                                   Operating Officer and Manager of the
                                                   Manager since 2003; Chair, Vice Chair,
                                                   President, Executive Vice President or
                                                   Senior Vice President of funds in the
                                                   Aquila Group of Funds(SM) since 1986;
                                                   Director of the Distributor since 1997;
                                                   trustee, Reserve Money-Market Funds,
                                                   1999-2000 and Reserve Private Equity
                                                   Series, 1998-2000; Governor, Investment
                                                   Company Institute and head of its Small
                                                   Funds Committee since 2004; active in
                                                   charitable and volunteer organizations.


Gary C. Cornia            Chair of the Board       Director, Romney Institute of Public             4         None
Orem, UT                  of Trustees since        Management, Marriott School of
(06/24/48)                2005 and Trustee         Management, Brigham Young University,
                          since 1993               2004 - present; Professor, Marriott
                                                   School of Management, 1980 - present;
                                                   Past President, the National Tax
                                                   Association; Fellow, Lincoln Institute
                                                   of Land Policy, 2002-2003; Associate
                                                   Dean, Marriott School of Management,
                                                   Brigham Young University, 1991-2000;
                                                   Utah Governor's Tax Review Committee
                                                   since 1993.

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                            PORTFOLIOS     OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                            IN FUND        HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     FUND AND                 PRINCIPAL                                   COMPLEX        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(2)                LENGTH OF                OCCUPATION(S)                               OVERSEEN       A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(3)               DURING PAST 5 YEARS                         BY TRUSTEE     INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------               -------------------                         ----------     ---------------------
Thomas A.                 Trustee since 2006       Vice President of Robinson, Hughes &             3         None
Christopher(6)                                     Christopher, C.P.A.s, P.S.C., since
Danville, KY                                       1977; President, A Good Place for Fun,
(12/19/47)                                         Inc., a sports facility, since 1987;
                                                   currently or formerly active with
                                                   various professional and community

Lyle W. Hillyard          Trustee since 2003       President of the law firm of Hillyard,           2         None
Logan, UT                                          Anderson & Olsen, Logan, Utah, since
(09/25/40)                                         1967; member of Utah Senate, 1985 to
                                                   present, in the following positions:
                                                   President, 2000, Senate Majority Leader,
                                                   1999-2000, Assistant Majority Whip,
                                                   1995-1998; served as Chairman of the
                                                   following Senate Committees: Tax and
                                                   Revenue, Senate Judiciary Standing,
                                                   Joint Executive Appropriations, and
                                                   Senate Rules; also serves on the
                                                   Appropriations Subcommittees for Higher
                                                   Education and for Public Education.

John C. Lucking           Trustee since 2004       President, Econ-Linc, an economic                3         Director, Sanu
Phoenix, AZ                                        consulting firm, since 1995; formerly                      Resources
(05/20/43)                                         Consulting Economist, Bank One Arizona
                                                   and Chief Economist, Valley National
                                                   Bank; member, Arizona's Joint
                                                   Legislative Budget Committee Economic
                                                   Advisory Panel and the Western Blue Chip
                                                   Economic Forecast Panel; Board, Northern
                                                   Arizona University Foundation since
                                                   1997; member, various historical, civic
                                                   and economic associations.

Anne J. Mills             Trustee since 1994       President, Loring Consulting Company             4         None
Castle Rock, CO                                    since 2001; Vice President for Business
(12/23/38)                                         Affairs, Ottawa University, 1992-2001;
                                                   IBM Corporation, 1965-1991; Budget
                                                   Review Officer, the American Baptist
                                                   Churches/USA, 1994-1997; director, the
                                                   American Baptist Foundation; Trustee,
                                                   Ottawa University; and Trustee Emerita,
                                                   Brown University.

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                            PORTFOLIOS     OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                            IN FUND        HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     FUND AND                 PRINCIPAL                                   COMPLEX        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(2)                LENGTH OF                OCCUPATION(S)                               OVERSEEN       A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(3)               DURING PAST 5 YEARS                         BY TRUSTEE     INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------               -------------------                         ----------     ---------------------

Lacy B. Herrmann          Founder, Chairman        Founder and Chairman of the Board,              N/A        N/A
New York, NY              Emeritus(7) since        Aquila Management Corporation, the
(05/12/29)                2005 and Chairman of     sponsoring organization and parent of
                          the Board of             the Manager or Administrator and/or
                          Trustees, 1992-2005      Adviser or Sub-Adviser to each fund of
                                                   the Aquila Group of Funds(SM); Chairman of
                                                   the Manager or Administrator and/or
                                                   Adviser or Sub-Adviser to each since
                                                   2004; Founder and Chairman Emeritus of
                                                   each fund in the Aquila Group of
                                                   Funds(SM); previously Chairman and a
                                                   Trustee of each fund in the Aquila Group
                                                   of Funds(SM) since its establishment until
                                                   2004 or 2005; Director of the
                                                   Distributor since 1981 and formerly Vice
                                                   President or Secretary, 1981-1998;
                                                   Trustee Emeritus, Brown University and
                                                   the Hopkins School; active in
                                                   university, school and charitable

Tucker Hart Adams(6)      Consultant               President, The Adams Group, Inc., an             2         Director, Colorado
Colorado Springs, CO                               economic consulting firm, since 1989;                      Health Facilities
(01/11/38)                                         formerly Chief Economist, United Banks                     Authority and
                                                   of Colorado; currently or formerly                         Mortgage Analysis
                                                   active with numerous professional and                      Computer Corp.
                                                   community organizations.


Charles E. Childs, III    Executive Vice           Executive Vice President of all funds in        N/A        N/A
New York, NY              President since 2003     the Aquila Group of Funds(SM) and the
(04/01/57)                                         Manager and the Manager's parent since
                                                   2003; formerly Senior Vice President,
                                                   corporate development, Vice President,
                                                   Assistant Vice President and Associate
                                                   of the Manager's parent since 1987;
                                                   Senior Vice President, Vice President or
                                                   Assistant Vice President of the Aquila
                                                   Money-Market Funds, 1988-2003.

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                            PORTFOLIOS     OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                            IN FUND        HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     FUND AND                 PRINCIPAL                                   COMPLEX        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(2)                LENGTH OF                OCCUPATION(S)                               OVERSEEN       A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(3)               DURING PAST 5 YEARS                         BY TRUSTEE     INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------               -------------------                         ----------     ---------------------
Jerry G. McGrew           Senior Vice              President of the Distributor since 1998,        N/A        N/A
New York, NY              President since 1997     Registered Principal since 1993, Senior
(06/18/44)                                         Vice President, 1997-1998 and Vice
                                                   President, 1993-1997; Senior Vice
                                                   President, Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity
                                                   Fund and five Aquila Municipal Bond
                                                   Funds since 1995; Vice President,
                                                   Churchill Cash Reserves Trust,

Kimball L. Young          Senior Vice              Co-portfolio manager, Tax-Free Fund For         N/A        N/A
Salt Lake City, UT        President since 1997     Utah since 2001; Co-founder, Lewis Young
(08/07/46)                                         Robertson & Burningham, Inc., a NASD
                                                   licensed broker/dealer providing public
                                                   finance services to Utah local
                                                   govern-ments, 1995-2001; Senior Vice
                                                   President of two Aquila Bond Funds and
                                                   Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund;
                                                   formerly Senior Vice President-Public
                                                   Finance, Kemper Securities Inc., Salt
                                                   Lake City, Utah.

Thomas S. Albright        Senior Vice              Senior Vice President and Portfolio             N/A        N/A
Louisville, KY            President since 2003     Manager, Churchill Tax-Free Fund of
(07/26/52)                and Vice President,      Kentucky since July 2000; Senior Vice
                          2001-2003                President, Tax-Free Fund For Utah since
                                                   2003, Vice President, 2001-2003 and
                                                   co-portfolio manager since 2001; Vice
                                                   President and backup portfolio manager,
                                                   Tax-Free Trust of Arizona, since 2004;
                                                   Vice President and Portfolio Manager,
                                                   Banc One Investment Advisors, Inc.,

Mary Kayleen Willis       Vice President since     Vice President, Tax-Free Fund For Utah          N/A        N/A
Salt Lake City, UT        2003 and Assistant       since September 2003, Assistant Vice
(06/11/63)                Vice President,          President, 2002-2003; Vice President,
                          2002-2003                Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund, since
                                                   2004; various securities positions:
                                                   Paine Webber, Inc., Salt Lake City,
                                                   1999-2002, Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.,
                                                   Salt Lake City, 1996-1998.

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                            PORTFOLIOS     OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                            IN FUND        HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     FUND AND                 PRINCIPAL                                   COMPLEX        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(2)                LENGTH OF                OCCUPATION(S)                               OVERSEEN       A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(3)               DURING PAST 5 YEARS                         BY TRUSTEE     INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------               -------------------                         ----------     ---------------------
Robert W. Anderson        Chief Compliance         Chief Compliance Officer of the Fund and        N/A        N/A
New York, NY              Officer since 2004       each of the other funds in the Aquila
(08/23/40)                and Assistant            Group of Funds(SM), the Manager and the
                          Secretary since 2000     Distributor since 2004, Compliance
                                                   Officer of the Manager or its
                                                   predecessor and current parent
                                                   1998-2004; Assistant Secretary of the
                                                   Aquila Group of Funds(SM) since 2000.

Joseph P. DiMaggio        Chief Financial          Chief Financial Officer of the Aquila           N/A        N/A
New York, NY              Officer since 2003       Group of Funds(SM) since 2003 and
(11/06/56)                and Treasurer since      Treasurer since 2000.

Edward M. W. Hines        Secretary since 1992     Partner, Hollyer Brady Barrett & Hines          N/A        N/A
New York, NY                                       LLP, legal counsel to the Fund, since
(12/16/39)                                         1989; Secretary of the Aquila Group of

John M. Herndon           Assistant Secretary      Assistant Secretary of the Aquila Group         N/A        N/A
New York, NY              since 1995               of Funds(SM) since 1995 and Vice President
(12/17/39)                                         of the three Aquila Money-Market Funds
                                                   since 1990; Vice President of the
                                                   Manager or its predecessor and current
                                                   parent since 1990.

Lori A. Vindigni          Assistant Treasurer      Assistant Treasurer of the Aquila Group         N/A        N/A
New York, NY              since 2000               of Funds(SM) since 2000; Assistant Vice
(11/02/66)                                         President of the Manager or its
                                                   predecessor and current parent since
                                                   1998; Fund Accountant for the Aquila
                                                   Group of Funds(SM), 1995-1998.

- ----------
(1)  The  Fund's  Statement  of  Additional   Information   includes  additional
information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request by
calling 800-437-1020  (toll-free) or by visiting the EDGAR Database at the SEC's
internet site at www.sec.gov.
(2) The mailing  address of each  Trustee and officer is c/o  Tax-Free  Fund For
Utah, 380 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
(3) Each Trustee holds office until the next annual meeting of  shareholders  or
until his or her successor is elected and qualifies.  The term of office of each
officer is one year.
(4) Ms. Herrmann is an interested  person of the Fund as an officer of the Fund,
as a director,  officer and shareholder of the Manager's corporate parent, as an
officer and Manager of the  Manager,  and as a  shareholder  and director of the
(5) In this material  Pacific  Capital Cash Assets Trust,  Pacific  Capital U.S.
Government Securities Cash Assets Trust and Pacific Capital Tax-Free Cash Assets
Trust, each of which is a money-market fund, are called the "Aquila Money-Market
Funds";  Hawaiian Tax-Free Trust,  Tax-Free Trust of Arizona,  Tax-Free Trust of
Oregon,  Tax-Free  Fund  of  Colorado,  Churchill  Tax-Free  Fund  of  Kentucky,
Narragansett  Insured  Tax-Free  Income Fund and Tax-Free Fund For Utah, each of
which is a tax-free  municipal bond fund, are called the "Aquila  Municipal Bond
Funds";  Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund is an equity fund; Aquila Three Peaks
High Income  Fund is a high income  corporate  bond fund;  considered  together,
these 12 funds are called the "Aquila Group of Funds(SM)."
(6) As of July 1, 2006.
(7) The Chairman Emeritus may attend Board meetings but has no voting power.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      As a  shareholder  of the Fund,  you may  incur  two  types of costs:  (1)
transaction  costs,  including  front-end  sales charges with respect to Class A
shares or contingent  deferred  sales  charges  ("CDSC") with respect to Class C
shares; and (2) ongoing costs,  including  management fees;  distribution and/or
service  (12b-1) fees; and other Fund  expenses.  The table below is intended to
help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and
to compare  these  costs with the ongoing  costs of  investing  in other  mutual

      The table below is based on an investment of $1,000 invested on January 1,
2006 and held for the six months ended June 30, 2006.


      This table  provides  information  about actual  account values and actual
expenses.  You may use the information provided in this table, together with the
amount you invested,  to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. To
estimate the expenses you paid on your account, divide your ending account value
by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 ending account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6),
then multiply the result by the number under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid
During the Period".


                    Total Return       Beginning       Ending         Expenses
                      Without           Account        Account      Paid During
                  Sales Charges(1)       Value          Value      the Period(2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                (0.31)%         $1,000.00       $996.90         $2.97
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class C                (0.60)%         $1,000.00       $994.00         $6.92
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y                (0.20)%         $1,000.00       $998.00         $1.98
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      The table below provides information about hypothetical account values and
hypothetical  expenses  based on the actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of
return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return.
The  hypothetical  account  values and  expenses may not be used to estimate the
actual ending account  balance or expenses you paid for the period.  You may use
the information provided in this table to compare the ongoing costs of investing
in the Fund and other mutual funds.  To do so,  compare this 5.00%  hypothetical
example relating to the Fund with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in
the shareholder reports of other mutual funds.

      Please  note  that the  expenses  shown in the  table  below  are meant to
highlight  your ongoing  costs only and do not reflect any  transactional  costs
with respect to Class A shares.  The example  does not reflect the  deduction of
contingent  deferred  sales  charges  ("CDSC")  with  respect to Class C shares.
Therefore,  the table is useful in comparing  ongoing  costs only,  and will not
help you determine the relative total costs of owning different mutual funds. In
addition,  if these transaction costs were included,  your costs would have been


                   Annualized      Beginning          Ending         Expenses
                      Total         Account           Account       Paid During
                     Return          Value             Value       the Period(1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A               5.00%        $1,000.00         $1,021.82         $3.01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class C               5.00%        $1,000.00         $1,017.85         $7.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y               5.00%        $1,000.00         $1,022.81         $2.01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Much of the  information  that the funds in the Aquila  Group of Funds(SM)
produce is automatically sent to you and all other  shareholders.  Specifically,
you are  routinely  sent the entire list of  portfolio  securities  of your Fund
twice a year in the semi-annual and annual reports you receive. Additionally, we
prepare,  and have  available,  portfolio  listings at the end of each  quarter.
Whenever  you may be  interested  in seeing a listing of your  Fund's  portfolio
other   than  in  your   shareholder   reports,   please   check   our   website
http://www.aquilafunds.com or call us at 1-800-437-1020.

      The Fund additionally files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with
the SEC for the first and third  quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Forms
N-Q are available free of charge on the SEC website at  http://www.sec.gov.  You
may also review or, for a fee, copy the forms at the SEC's Public Reference Room
in Washington, DC or by calling 800-SEC-0330.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      The Fund does not invest in equity securities.  Accordingly, there were no
matters relating to a portfolio security  considered at any shareholder  meeting
held during the 12 months ended June 30, 2006 with respect to which the Fund was
entitled  to vote.  Applicable  regulations  require  us to inform  you that the
foregoing  proxy  voting   information  is  available  on  the  SEC  website  at

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      This information is presented in order to comply with a requirement of the

      For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006,  $7,658,064 of dividends  paid by
Tax-Free Fund For Utah,  constituting  94.34% of total dividends paid during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, were exempt-interest dividends, and the balance
was ordinary dividend income.

      Prior to January 31,  2006,  shareholders  were  mailed IRS Form  1099-DIV
which  contained  information on the status of  distributions  paid for the 2005

      Prior to January 31, 2007,  shareholders  will be mailed IRS Form 1099-DIV
which will contain  information on the status of distributions paid for the 2006

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

OUR PRIVACY POLICY. In providing services to you as an individual who owns or is
considering  investing  in shares of the Fund,  we  collect  certain  non-public
personal  information about you. Our policy is to keep this information strictly
safeguarded  and  confidential,  and to use or disclose it only as  necessary to
provide  services to you or as otherwise  permitted  by law. Our privacy  policy
applies equally to former shareholders and persons who inquire about a fund.

INFORMATION  WE  COLLECT.   "Non-public  personal   information"  is  personally
identifiable  financial  information  about you as an individual or your family.
The kinds of non-public  personal  information we have about you may include the
information  you provide us on your share  purchase  application or in telephone
calls or  correspondence  with us, and information  about your fund transactions
and  holdings,  how you voted your shares and the account  where your shares are

INFORMATION WE DISCLOSE.  We disclose non-public personal  information about you
to companies that provide necessary  services to us, such as the Fund's transfer
agent, distributor,  investment adviser or sub-adviser, as permitted or required
by law, or as authorized by you. Any other use is strictly prohibited. We do not
sell information about you or any of our fund shareholders to anyone.

NON-CALIFORNIA  RESIDENTS:  We also may  disclose  some of this  information  to
another fund in the Aquila Group of Funds(SM) (or its service  providers)  under
joint marketing  agreements that permit the funds to use the information only to
provide you with information  about other funds in the Aquila Group of Funds(SM)
or new services we are offering that may be of interest to you.

CALIFORNIA  RESIDENTS  ONLY: In addition,  unless you "opt-out" of the following
disclosures  using the form that is being mailed to you under separate cover, we
may  disclose  some of this  information  to another fund in the Aquila Group of
Funds(SM) (or its sevice providers) under joint marketing agreements that permit
the funds to use the  information  only to provide  you with  information  about
other funds in the Aquila  Group of  Funds(SM)  or new  services we are offering
that may be of interest to you.

HOW WE SAFEGUARD YOUR  INFORMATION.  We restrict  access to non-public  personal
information  about you to only those persons who need it to provide  services to
you or who are permitted by law to receive it. We maintain physical,  electronic
and  procedural  safeguards  to protect the  confidentiality  of all  non-public
personal information we have about you.

If you have any questions  regarding our Privacy  Policy,  please  contact us at

                            AQUILA DISTRIBUTORS, INC.

This  Privacy  Policy also has been  adopted by Aquila  Distributors,  Inc.  and
Aquila Investment Management LLC and applies to all non-public information about
you that each of these companies may obtain in connection with services provided
to the Fund or to you as a shareholder of the Fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




  Lacy B. Herrmann, Chairman Emeritus
  Aquila Management Corporation


  380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300
  New York, New York 10017


  Gary C. Cornia, Chair
  Thomas A. Christopher
  Diana P. Herrmann
  Lyle W. Hillyard
  John C. Lucking
  Anne J. Mills


  Diana P. Herrmann, President
  Jerry G. McGrew, Senior Vice President
  Kimball L. Young, Senior Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
  Thomas S. Albright, Senior Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
  M. Kayleen Willis, Vice President
  Robert W. Anderson, Chief Compliance Officer
  Joseph P. DiMaggio, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
  Edward M.W. Hines, Secretary


  380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300
  New York, New York 10017


  1111 Polaris Parkway
  Columbus, Ohio 43240


  101 Sabin Street
  Pawtuckett, RI 02860


  Tait, Weller & Baker LLP
  1818 Market Street, Suite 2400
  Philadelphia, PA 19103

Further information is contained in the Prospectus, which must precede or
accompany this report.


(a) As of June 30, 2006 (the end of the reporting period) the
Trust has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Fund's
principal executive officer(s)and principal financial officer(s)
and persons performing similar functions ("Covered Officers") as
defined in the Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal
Executive and Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.;

(f)(1) Pursuant to Item 10(a)(1), a copy of the Fund's Code of
 Ethics that applies to the Trust's principal executive officer(s)
 and principal financial officer(s) and persons performing similar
functions is included as an exhibit to its annual report on this
Form N-CSR;

(f)(2)  The text of the Fund's Code of Ethics that applies to the
Fund's principal executive officer(s) and principal financial
officer(s) and persons performing similar functions has been
posted on its Internet website which can be found at the Fund's
Internet address at aquilafunds.com.


(a)(1)(ii) The Board of Trustees of the Fund has determined that
it does not have at least one audit committee financial expert
serving on its audit committee.  The Fund does not have such a
person serving on the audit committee because none of the persons
currently serving as Trustees happens to have the technical
accounting and auditing expertise included in the definition of
"audit committee financial expert" recently adopted by the Securities
and Exchange Commission in connection with this Form N-CSR, and the
Board has not heretofore deemed it necessary to seek such a person
for election to the Board.

The primary mission of the Board, which is that of oversight over
the operations and affairs of the Fund, confronts the Trustees with
a wide and expanding range of issues and responsibilities. The
Trustees believe that, accordingly, it is essential that the Board's
membership consist of persons with as extensive experience as possible
in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of mutual fund directors
and audit committee members and, ideally, with extensive experience
and background relating to the economic and financial sectors and
securities in which the Fund invests, including exposure to the
financial and accounting matters commonly encountered with respect
to those sectors and securities.  The Board believes that its current
membership satisfies those criteria.  It recognizes that it would
also be helpful to have a member with the relatively focused accounting
and auditing expertise reflected in the applicable definition of
"audit committee financial expert," just as additional members with
similarly focused technical expertise in other areas relevant to
the Fund's operations and affairs would also contribute added value.
However, the Board believes that the Fund is better served, and its
assets better employed, by a policy of hiring experts in various
the specialized area of technical accounting and
auditing matters, if and as the Board identifies the need, rather
than by seeking to expand its numbers by adding technical experts
in the areas constituting its domain of responsibility.  The Fund's
Audit Committee Charter explicitly authorizes the Committee to
retain such experts as it deems necessary in fulfilling its duties
under the Charter.


a) Audit Fees - The aggregate fees billed for each of the last two
fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal
accountant for the audit of the Registrant's annual financial statements
or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection
with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $14,000 in 2006
and $17,500 in 2005.

b) Audit Related Fees - There were no amounts billed for audit-related
fees over the past two years other than stated above.

c) Tax Fees - The Registrant was billed by the principal accountant
$3,000 and $7,755 in 2006 and 2005, respectively, for tax return
preparation, tax compliance and tax planning.

d)  All Other Fees - There were no additional fees paid for audit and non-
audit services other than those disclosed in a) thorough c) above.

e)(1)  Currently, the audit committee of the Registrant pre-approves audit
services and fees on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

e)(2)  None of the services described in b) through d) above were approved
by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of
Regulation S-X, all were pre-approved on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

f)  No applicable.

g) There were no non-audit services fees billed by the Registrant's accountant
 to the Registrant's investment adviser or distributor over the past two years.

h)  Not applicable.

     	 Not applicable.





(a)  Based on their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the Investment Company Act of
1940) as of a date within 90 days of the fling of this report, the registrant's
chief financial and executive officers have concluded that the disclosure
controls and procedures of the registrant are appropriately designed to ensure
that information required to be disclosed in the registrant's reports that are
filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are accumulated and communicated
to registrant's management, including its principal executive officer(s) and
principal financial officer(s), to allow timely decisions regarding required
disclosure and is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time
periods specified in the rules and forms adopted by the Securities and Exchange

(b)  There have been no significant changes in registrant's internal controls or
in other factors that could significantly affect registrant's internal controls
subsequent to the date of the most recent evaluation, including no significant
deficiencies or material weaknesses that required corrective action.


(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive and
Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002.

(a)(2) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of

(b) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
 of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
 thereunto duly authorized.


By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- - - ---------------------------------
President and Trustee
September 7, 2006

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- - - -----------------------------------
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
September 7, 2006

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
And the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed
below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the
 capacities and on the dates indicated.

By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- - - ---------------------------------
Diana P. Herrmann
President and Trustee
September 7, 2006

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- - - -----------------------------------
Joseph P. DiMaggio
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
September 7, 2006



(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive and
Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002.

(a) (2) Certifications of principal executive officer
and principal financial officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a)
under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

(b) Certification of chief executive officer and chief financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Investment Company Act
of 1940.