WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

						FORM N-CSR


			Investment Company Act file number 811-6239

			 		Tax-Free Fund for Utah
			(Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

					   380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
			(Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip code)

					  Joseph P. DiMaggio
					  380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
				(Name and address of agent for service)

		Registrant's telephone number, including area code:	(212) 697-6666

				Date of fiscal year end:	6/30/09

				Date of reporting period:	6/30/09

						FORM N-CSR



June 30, 2009

                        [LOGO OF TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH:

                                TAX-FREE FUND FOR
                          A TAX-FREE INCOME INVESTMENT

GROUP OF FUNDS:                    ONE OF THE



                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

                            "A MORE PREDICTABLE RIDE"

                                                                    August, 2009

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

      We know it. And, you know it too. The United States has seen better
economic days.

      Like it or not, unpleasant market cycles do occur periodically. This tends
to distract some people's focus from the longer-term objective that influenced
their investment decision in the first place.

      Our shareholder and financial professional surveys have consistently
indicated over the years that the original investment objective and decision for
investors in Tax-Free Fund For Utah, has generally been aligned with the Fund's
objective: to seek as high a level of current income exempt from Utah state and
regular Federal income taxes as is consistent with preservation of capital.

      How does the Fund seek to fulfill its and your investment objective?

      Management of Tax-Free Fund For Utah and its municipal bond portfolio
management team believe that when you are dealing with investments, quality

      As you may recall, there are nine separate credit ratings assignable to
municipal securities, ranging from the most conservative to the highly
speculative. For protection of investors' capital, the Fund intentionally limits
its purchases to securities rated (or, if unrated, deemed by the Manager to be)
investment grade quality - that is rated within the four highest credit ratings:

      In general, the higher the quality rating of a municipal security, the
greater or more reliable the cash flow there is for the municipality to cover
interest and principal payments when due on the security. While exaggerated
price changes may occur in emotionally charged securities markets, they normally
are not reflective of a municipal issuer's capability to pay interest and
principal in a timely manner on any particular security. It is the cash flow and
solidness of the municipal issuer that count - and this is reflected in the
quality level of the credit rating.

                         NOT A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT

      We can assure you that the Fund's portfolio management team pays
considerable attention to this factor before any security is purchased for the
portfolio as well as in conducting continuing analysis and evaluation with each
and every security once it is a part of the Fund's investment portfolio. It is
additionally important for you to know that, with any insured securities, our
portfolio management team has always sought to look beyond the insurance to the
credit quality of the underlying issuer rather than relying upon any insurance.

      We fully recognize that the current times can be unsettling. However, we
hope that you are comforted to know that we belive you have a knowledgeable team
of financial experts, which has continually sought to carefully choose the
securities in the Fund's portfolio and seeks to continuously monitor your
investment in Tax-Free Fund For Utah.


                                 [PHOTO OMITTED]

/s/ Lacy B. Herrmann                            /s/ Diana P. Herrmann

Lacy B. Herrmann                                Diana P. Herrmann
Founder and Chairman Emeritus                   President

                         NOT A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT


                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                              MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION

      Over the past twelve months, the financial markets have been subjected to
some of the most tumultuous events to ever shake the foundations of our
traditionally "unshakable" economy. Those are the exact same words used to open
this commentary last year. Little did we know at that time that "sub-prime"
investing would lead to the disappearance of Lehman Brothers and trigger a
decline in asset values for real estate, stocks and non-U.S. Treasury fixed
income securities. We now find ourselves in the worst recession since the 1930's
with the housing market still weak, the consumer heavily indebted, unemployment
near 10%, but the markets rebounding in anticipation of better times ahead.

      During this period the municipal market has changed as states are facing
declining tax revenues and stressed budgets. A variety of questions face our
local governments in terms of revenue sources and the ability to provide for
governmental services. In addition, municipal bond insurers have lost their
financial viability and the safe AAA credit support that they provided is no
longer available. However, we believe the difficult decisions being made by our
state and local governments, although painful, will provide healthy discipline
to the budget processes for years to come.

      The municipal yield curve during this time has been historically steep, a
reflection first of the flight to safety and now the uncertainty of the impact
from the enormous fiscal stimulus working through the economy. To illustrate, on
June 30, 2008 two-year municipal yields were yielding 2.68% and 30-year
municipals were yielding 4.83% for a steepness of 215 basis points (100 basis
points=1%). On June 30, 2009 two-year municipals yielded 0.98% and 30-year
municipals yielded 4.67% or a curve steepness of 369 basis points. The result
has been an inclination to buy at the longer end of the curve. Thus, the Fund's
average maturity increased from 14.4 years to 17.0 years. However, the Fund's
duration declined from 8.2 years to 7.1 years. Duration is a measure of a bond's
price sensitivity to changes in interest rates and probably the better indicator
of potential volatility.

      The Fund's net asset value (Class A shares) declined from $9.73 on June
30, 2008 to $9.35 on June 30, 2009 or 3.91%. Income for the twelve months
increased from $0.421 per share to $0.451 per share. The total return for the
fiscal year equaled a modest 0.91%. However, as the range of share values
extended from a high on July 15, 2008 at $9.86 and a low of $8.41 in mid
December for a swing of almost 15%, we are content to have rebounded to
breakeven. As a comparison, the municipal bond categories as measured by Lipper
had the following twelve month returns as of June 30, 2009: General Municipals
- -0.5%; Single State Municipals +0.7%; Insured Municipals +0.9%; High Yield
Municipals -11.1%.


      The Fund continues to invest across the various states given Utah tax
exemption. However, our emphasis remains on Utah obligations with 64% of the
portfolio invested in Utah obligations as of June 30, 2009. Over the past year,
we have added several non-rated and private placements, primarily charter
schools, which we feel have "value-added" in their above market yields. In these
uncertain times, credit and liquidity will take on added significance in the
coming year.

      Our investment objective for Tax-Free Fund For Utah is to provide as high
a level of double tax-free income as is consistent with the preservation of
capital. To meet this objective, we will continue to strive to manage the
portfolio in such a way as to take advantage of opportunities in the Utah
marketplace which maintain income while endeavoring to minimize the price swings
of our net asset value.


      The following graph illustrates the value of $10,000 invested in the Class
A shares of Tax-Free Fund For Utah for the 10-year period ended June 30, 2009 as
compared with the Barclays Capital Quality Intermediate Municipal Bond Index
(the "Barclays Capital Index") (formerly known as the Lehman Brothers Quality
Intermediate Municipal Bond Index) and the Consumer Price Index (a cost of
living index). The performance of each of the other classes is not shown in the
graph but is included in the table below. It should be noted that the Barclays
Capital Index does not include any operating expenses nor sales charges and
being nationally oriented, does not reflect state specific bond market
performance for the limited number of states in which the Tax-Free Fund for Utah
may invest.

[Graphic of a line chart with the following information:]

                              TFFU                  TFFU
           Cost of     Fund Class A Shares   Fund Class A Shares      Barclays
        Living Index     no sales charge      with sales charge    Capital Index
6/99       10,000            10,000                  9,600            10,000
6/00       10,373            10,014                  9,615            10,403
6/01       10,710            10,945                 10,509            11,322
6/02       10,824            11,710                 11,243            12,110
6/03       11,053            12,890                 12,377            13,057
6/04       11,414            12,871                 12,358            13,102
6/05       11,703            13,938                 13,383            13,807
6/06       12,208            13,953                 13,397            13,854
6/07       12,536            14,580                 13,999            14,434
6/08       13,166            14,903                 14,309            15,214
6/09       12,978            15,128                 14,525            16,238

                                                                 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN
                                                               FOR PERIODS ENDED JUNE 30, 2009
                                                       1 YEAR       5 YEARS    10 YEARS    INCEPTION
                                                       ------       -------    --------    ---------
Class A (commenced operations on 7/24/92)
  With Maximum Sales Charge .......................    (3.17)%       2.39%       3.80%       4.70%
  Without Sales Charge ............................     0.91         3.22        4.23        4.95
Class C (commenced operations on 5/21/96)
  With CDSC .......................................    (0.90)        2.38        3.33        3.68
  Without CDSC ....................................     0.10         2.38        3.33        3.68
Class Y (commenced operations on 5/21/96)
  No Sales Charge .................................     1.13         3.44        4.44        4.80
Barclays Capital Index ............................     6.73         4.39        4.97        5.31* (Class A)
                                                                                             4.99** (Class C&Y)

Total return figures shown for the Fund reflect any change in price and assume
all distributions within the period were invested in additional shares. Returns
for Class A shares are calculated with and without the effect of the initial 4%
maximum sales charge. Returns for Class C shares are calculated with and without
the effect of the 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), imposed on
redemptions made within the first 12 months after purchase. Class Y shares are
sold without any sales charge. The rates of return will vary and the principal
value of an investment will fluctuate with market conditions. Shares, if
redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. A portion of each
class's income may be subject to Federal and state income taxes and/or the
Federal alternative minimum tax. Past performance is not predictive of future
investment results.

*     From commencement of operations on 7/24/92.
**    From commencement of operations on 5/21/96.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of
Tax-Free Fund For Utah:

      We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,
including the schedule of investments, of Tax-Free Fund For Utah as of June 30,
2009 and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the
statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then
ended, and the financial highlights for each of the four years in the period
then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the
responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our
audits. The financial highlights for the year ended June 30, 2005 were audited
by other auditors, whose report dated August 12, 2005 expressed an unqualified
opinion on such financial highlights.

      We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement.
The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of
the Fund's internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included
consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for
designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not
for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund's
internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such
opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2009, by correspondence with the
custodian. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

      In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred
to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
Tax-Free Fund For Utah as of June 30, 2009, the results of its operations for
the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in
the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the four years
in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America.

                                                        TAIT, WELLER & BAKER LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
August 28, 2009

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                             SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2009

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (12.1%)                               S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  CITY, COUNTY AND STATE (7.1%)
                     Alamo, Texas Community College District
$    595,000      4.375%, 02/15/25 National-re Insured ....................     Aa2/AA    $    580,827
                  Anderson, Indiana San District
     505,000      4.600%, 07/15/23 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A3/A-          507,469
                  Cedar City, Utah Special Improvement District
     235,000      5.050%, 09/01/10 ........................................     NR/NR*         230,088
     215,000      5.200%, 09/01/11 ........................................     NR/NR*         206,503
                  Cedar Park, Texas
     835,000      4.500%, 02/15/22 National-re Insured ....................     A1/AA-         837,722
                  Coral Canyon, Utah Special Service District
     140,000      4.850%, 07/15/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         108,844
     580,000      5.700%, 07/15/18 ........................................     NR/NR*         465,862
                  Dawson County, Texas Hospital District
     555,000      4.375%, 02/15/24 AMBAC Insured ..........................    NR/BBB+         529,847
                  Denton County, Texas
     700,000      4.500%, 07/15/24 National-re Insured ....................    Aa1/AAA         705,138
     400,000      4.500%, 07/15/25 National-re Insured ....................    Aa1/AAA         401,252
   1,500,000      4.250%, 07/15/27 National-re Insured ....................    Aa1/AAA       1,434,360
                  Harris County, Texas Utility District #268
     905,000      4.375%, 09/01/27 Radian Insured .........................    NR/BBB-         754,897
                  Hurricane, Utah
      65,000      5.400%, 11/01/09 Radian Insured .........................    NR/BBB-          65,775
                  King County, Washington Unlimited Tax
   1,000,000      4.500%, 12/01/25 FSA Insured ............................    Aa1/AAA       1,011,130
                  Laredo, Texas
     300,000      4.250%, 08/15/21 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A1/AA-         302,076
     500,000      4.500%, 02/15/24 AMBAC Insured ..........................     Aa3/AA         504,670
                  McKinney, Texas
   1,700,000      4.500%, 08/15/23 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........    Aa2/AA+       1,729,903
   1,375,000      5.000%, 08/15/24 AMBAC Insured ..........................    Aa2/AA+       1,449,195
     695,000      4.375%, 08/15/25 National-re Insured ....................    Aa2/AA+         698,774
                  Mesquite, Texas
     510,000      4.625%, 02/15/22 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         526,631
                  San Antonio, Texas
     125,000      4.750%, 02/01/24 FSA Insured ............................    Aa1/AAA         127,628

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (CONTINUED)                           S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  San Patricio County, Texas
$    450,000      4.600%, 04/01/25 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR     $    456,741
                  Texas State
     415,000      4.500%, 08/01/22 ........................................     Aa1/AA         426,869
                  Waco, Texas
   2,560,000      4.500%, 02/01/24 National-re Insured ....................     Aa3/AA       2,567,450
                  Washington County, Utah
   1,250,000      5.000%, 10/01/22 National-re Insured ....................     A1/NR        1,281,400
                  Williamson County, Texas
     460,000      4.500%, 02/15/26 FSA Insured ............................    Aa2/AAA         458,914
                  Total City, County and State ............................                 18,369,965

                  SCHOOL DISTRICT (5.0%)
                  Borger, Texas Independent School District
     400,000      4.500%, 02/15/24 ........................................     NR/AAA         407,772
     500,000      4.500%, 02/15/25 ........................................     NR/AAA         505,965
                  Clint, Texas Independent School District
     265,000      4.250%, 02/15/28 ........................................     NR/AAA         253,475
                  Freemont County, Wyoming School District #14
     355,000      4.500%, 06/15/26 ........................................     NR/BBB         359,427
                  Frisco, Texas Independent School District
   1,260,000      5.000%, 07/15/26 ........................................    Aaa/NR+       1,304,075
                  Galena Park, Texas Independent School District
     295,000      4.625%, 08/15/25 ........................................    Aaa/NR+         300,988
                  Harrisburg, South Dakota Independent School District
                      No. 41- 2
   1,370,000      4.500%, 01/15/24 FSA Insured ............................   Aa3/NR++       1,370,616
                  La Feria, Texas Independent School District
     210,000      4.400%, 02/15/24 ........................................     Aaa/NR         211,966
                  Lindale, Texas Independent School District
     440,000      4.250%, 02/15/21 ........................................     NR/AAA         447,234
   1,000,000      4.250%, 02/15/22 ........................................     NR/AAA       1,011,410
     445,000      4.375%, 02/15/23 ........................................     NR/AAA         451,728
                  Lovejoy, Texas Independent School District
     200,000      4.500%, 02/15/24 ........................................    Aaa/AAA         203,092
                  Navasota, Texas Independent School District
     475,000      5.000%, 08/15/23 National-re FGIC Insured ...............     A3/NR          486,362

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (CONTINUED)                           S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------

                  Prosper, Texas Independent School District
$    395,000      4.125%, 08/15/21 ........................................     NR/AAA    $    399,349
                  Spring, Texas Independent School District
     300,000      4.750%, 08/15/23 ........................................    Aaa/AAA         306,495
                  Uintah County, Utah School District
     455,000      4.250%, 02/01/24 ........................................     Aaa/NR         459,978
                  Van, Texas Independent School District
     750,000      4.875%, 02/15/26 ........................................    Aaa/AAA         779,183
                  Washington County, Utah
     440,000      5.000%, 10/01/18 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         462,273
     465,000      5.000%, 10/01/19 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         484,958
     490,000      5.000%, 10/01/20 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         508,924
     510,000      5.000%, 10/01/21 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         528,722
     535,000      5.000%, 10/01/22 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         550,841
     565,000      5.000%, 10/01/23 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         578,537
     320,000      5.000%, 10/01/24 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     Aa3/NR         327,069
                  Washoe County, Nevada School District
     200,000      4.625%, 06/01/23 National-re FGIC Insured ...............     Aa3/AA         202,448
                  Total School District ...................................                 12,902,887
                  Total General Obligation Bonds ..........................                 31,272,852

                  REVENUE BONDS (85.3%)

                  AIRPORT (2.2%)
                  Clark County, Nevada Passenger Facility Charge
     255,000      4.750%, 07/01/22 National-re Insured AMT ................     Aa3/A+         252,320
                  Greater Orlando Aviation Authority,  Florida Airport
   2,000,000      5.500%, 10/01/23 AMT ....................................     Aa3/A+       1,968,820
                  Hillsborough County, Florida Aviation Authority
   2,185,000      5.250%, 10/01/23 National-re Insured AMT ................     Aa3/A+       2,093,864
                  Miami-Dade County, Florida Aviation Revenue
   1,700,000      5.000%, 10/01/28 Series C National-re Insured AMT .......      A2/A        1,483,539
                  Total Airport ...........................................                  5,798,543

                  EDUCATION (32.4%)
                  Broward County, Florida School Board COP
   1,780,000      4.500%, 07/01/23 Series A National-re FGIC Insured ......     A1/A+        1,633,951

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  EDUCATION (CONTINUED)
                  Carmel, Indiana 2002 School Building Corp.
$  1,235,000      4.300%, 01/15/23 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA    $  1,217,549
                  Central Washington State University System Revenue
   1,265,000      4.375%, 05/01/26  FSA Insured ...........................   Aa3/NR++       1,242,015
                  Florida State Board of Education Public Education
     210,000      4.500%, 06/01/25 FSA Insured ............................    Aa1/AAA         208,578
                  Hillsborough County, Florida School Board COP
     560,000      4.250%, 07/01/26 National-re Insured ....................    Aa3/AA-         495,538
                  Laredo, Texas Independent School District Public
                      Facility Corp.
     190,000      5.000%, 08/01/24 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/A-          193,543
                  La Vernia, Texas  Higher Education Finance Corp.
   3,596,000      6.500%, 03/12/38 ........................................     NR/NR*       2,852,383
                  Nevada System Higher Education COP
   1,000,000      5.000%, 07/01/25 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/AA-       1,036,960
                  Salt Lake County, Utah Westminster College Project
     870,000      4.750%, 10/01/21 ........................................     NR/BBB         740,144
   2,300,000      5.000%, 10/01/22 ........................................     NR/BBB       1,980,093
   1,250,000      5.000%, 10/01/25 ........................................     NR/BBB       1,037,163
   2,025,000      5.125%, 10/01/28 ........................................     NR/BBB       1,646,973
                  Spanish Fork City, Utah Charter School Revenue
                      American Leadership Academy
   1,900,000      5.550%, 11/15/21 ........................................     NR/NR*       1,524,579
     945,000      5.550%, 11/15/26 ........................................     NR/NR*         697,665
                  Texas A&M University Revenue
   1,750,000      5.000%, 07/01/34 ........................................    Aaa/AAA       1,773,118
                  Texas State College Student Loan Revenue
     100,000      5.000%, 08/01/22 AMT ....................................     Aa1/AA          95,918
                  Texas State University System Financing Revenue
     655,000      4.375%, 03/15/23 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         656,762
                  Tyler, Texas Independent School District
     325,000      5.000%, 02/15/26 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         332,638
                  University of Nevada (University Revenues)
     190,000      4.500%, 07/01/24 National-re Insured ....................    Aa3/AA-         190,587
                  University of Utah COP
   3,170,000      4.350%, 12/01/26 AMBAC Insured ..........................    Aa3/AA-       3,158,398

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  EDUCATION (CONTINUED)
                  Utah County, Utah Charter School Revenue Lakeview
$    315,000      5.350%, 07/15/17 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*    $    271,795
                  Utah County, Utah Charter School Revenue Lincoln
     950,000      5.450%, 06/15/17 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*         829,312
                  Utah County, Utah Charter School Revenue
                      Renaissance Academy
     340,000      5.350%, 07/15/17 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*         286,487
                  Utah County, Utah School Facility Revenue,
                      Ranches Academy
   1,320,000      6.500%, 12/21/25 ........................................     NR/NR*       1,061,465
                  Utah State Board of Regents Auxiliary & Campus
   1,000,000      4.125%, 04/01/20 National-re Insured ....................     Aa2/AA         997,800
                  Utah State Board of Regents Lease Revenue
     410,000      4.500%, 05/01/20  AMBAC Insured .........................     NR/AA          422,107
     425,000      4.500%, 05/01/21  AMBAC Insured .........................     NR/AA          436,275
     450,000      4.625%, 05/01/22  AMBAC Insured .........................     NR/AA          461,750
     120,000      4.650%, 05/01/23  AMBAC Insured .........................     NR/AA          122,596
                  Utah State Board of Regents Office Facility Revenue
     450,000      5.050%, 02/01/20 National-re Insured ....................    Baa1/AA         460,976
     360,000      5.125%, 02/01/22 National-re Insured ....................    Baa1/AA         368,636
   1,045,000      5.000%, 04/01/23 National-re Insured ....................    Aa3/AA-       1,087,155
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority
                      American Prep Academy
   6,900,000      8.000%, 03/15/39 ........................................     NR/NR*       6,943,056
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Channing
                      Hall Academy
   1,700,000      5.750%, 07/15/22 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*       1,278,961
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Da Vinci
   6,950,000      8.000%, 03/15/39 ........................................     NR/NR*       6,992,604
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Entheos
   5,930,000      6.750%, 08/15/38 ........................................     NR/NR*       4,727,100

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  EDUCATION (CONTINUED)
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Fast
                      Forward High School
$  3,108,800      6.500%, 11/15/37 ........................................     NR/NR*    $  2,330,916
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority G.
                      Washington Academy
   1,000,000      6.750%, 07/15/28 ........................................     NR/NR*         832,250
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Legacy
                      Prep Academy
   5,745,000      6.750%, 06/15/38 ........................................     NR/NR*       5,770,335
   7,800,000      7.250%, 06/15/39 ........................................     NR/NR*       7,908,732
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Noah
                      Webster Academy
   3,155,000      6.250%, 06/15/28 ........................................     NR/NR*       2,470,050
   1,000,000      6.500%, 06/15/38 ........................................     NR/NR*         758,520
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority
                      Rockwell Charter School
   1,000,000      6.750%, 08/15/28 ........................................     NR/NR*         831,050
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Ronald
                      Wilson Reagan Academy
   1,250,000      5.750%, 02/15/22 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*       1,021,338
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Summit
   1,425,000      5.125%, 06/15/17 ........................................    NR/BBB-       1,233,623
                  Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Venture
   7,305,000      7.250%, 11/15/38 ........................................     NR/NR*       7,105,427
                  Washington State University Revenue
     750,000      5.000%, 10/01/19 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         761,813
     735,000      4.600%, 10/01/29 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         734,949
                  Wayne Township, Indiana Marion City School
                      Building Corp.
   1,120,000      5.000%, 07/15/26 National-Re FGIC Insured ...............     NR/AA+       1,122,296
                  Weber State University, Utah Student Facilities System
   1,825,000      4.400%, 04/01/27 FSA Insured ............................     NR/AAA       1,820,438
                  Total Education .........................................                 84,164,367

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  HEALTHCARE (0.7%)
                  Harris County, Texas Health Facility Development Corp.
$    145,000      5.000%, 11/15/28 AMBAC Insured ..........................      NR/A     $    121,437
                  Reno, Nevada  Hospital Revenue, Washoe Medical
     725,000      5.000%, 06/01/23 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         673,351
     680,000      5.000%, 06/01/23 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         631,557
                  Richmond, Indiana Hospital Revenue
     250,000      5.000%, 01/01/19 ........................................     NR/AA-         251,123
                  Total Healthcare ........................................                  1,677,468

                  HOUSING (13.5%)
                  Alaska Housing Finance Corp. Housing Revenue
   1,000,000      4.700%, 06/01/27 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         899,350
   1,000,000      5.250%, 12/01/28 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         955,430
                  Alaska State Local Housing Authority
     500,000      5.125%, 06/01/27 Series A2 AMT ..........................    Aaa/AAA         473,670
                  Florida Housing Finance Corp.
     715,000      5.000%, 07/01/21 AMT ....................................    Aa1/AA+         706,120
     500,000      6.000%, 07/01/28 ........................................    Aa1/AA+         520,950
                  Henderson, Nevada Local Improvement District
     150,000      5.000%, 09/01/15 ........................................     NR/NR*          67,848
     200,000      5.000%, 09/01/16 ........................................     NR/NR*          90,332
     200,000      5.050%, 09/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*          90,230
     200,000      5.100%, 09/01/18 ........................................     NR/NR*          90,152
                  Indiana State Housing Finance Authority Single Family
     245,000      4.850%, 07/01/22 AMT ....................................    Aaa/NR+         241,288
                  Indianapolis, Indiana Multi-Family
     470,000      4.850%, 01/01/21 AMT ....................................     Aaa/NR         466,729
                  Miami-Dade County, Florida Housing Finance
     535,000      5.000%, 11/01/23 FSA Insured AMT ........................    Aa3/AAA         520,041
                  Nevada Housing Multi-Family, LOC: US Bank
     995,000      4.750%, 04/01/39 AMT ....................................     NR/AA-         872,177
                  North Dakota Housing Authority Home Mortgage
   2,000,000      5.400%, 07/01/23 AMT ....................................     Aa1/NR       2,015,460
   1,000,000      5.650%, 07/01/28 AMT ....................................     Aa1/NR       1,001,260

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  HOUSING (CONTINUED)
                  North Dakota Housing Authority Home Mortgage
                      Revenue (continued)
$    950,000      5.400%, 07/01/28 ........................................     Aa1/NR    $    969,427
   2,000,000      4.750%, 07/01/31 AMT ....................................     Aa1/NR       1,736,740
                  Orange County, Florida Housing Finance Authority
     115,000      5.150%, 03/01/22 ........................................     Aaa/NR         114,826
                  Seattle, Washington Housing Authority
     730,000      4.400%, 11/01/21 AMT ....................................     NR/AAA         658,599
                  Snohomish County, Washington Housing Authority
     150,000      4.750%, 09/01/10 AMT ....................................     NR/NR*         147,005
     185,000      4.875%, 09/01/12 AMT ....................................     NR/NR*         174,181
     225,000      5.000%, 09/01/13 AMT ....................................     NR/NR*         207,707
     185,000      5.000%, 09/01/14 AMT ....................................     NR/NR*         166,831
     145,000      5.100%, 09/01/15 AMT ....................................     NR/NR*         128,279
                  South Dakota Housing Development Authority
   2,750,000      4.900%, 05/01/26 AMT ....................................    Aa1/AAA       2,547,408
     500,000      6.000%, 05/01/28 ........................................    Aa1/AAA         523,285
                  Texas State Housing Revenue
     495,000      4.800%, 09/01/27 AMT ....................................    Aa1/AAA         447,752
     990,000      5.250%, 09/01/32 AMT ....................................    Aa1/AAA         960,260
                  Utah Housing Corporation Single Family Mortgage
      25,000      5.250%, 07/01/23 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA          24,926
     195,000      4.875%, 07/01/23 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         185,683
   1,275,000      5.125%, 07/01/24 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-       1,245,675
   1,015,000      5.000%, 07/01/25 AMT ....................................    Aa2/AA-         983,494
     605,000      5.100%, 01/01/26 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         583,426
     120,000      5.650%, 07/01/27 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         120,266
     610,000      5.200%, 01/01/28 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         582,898
   2,305,000      5.800%, 07/01/28 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-       2,330,055
   1,000,000      5.700%, 07/01/28 AMT ....................................     Aa3/AA       1,004,820
     995,000      5.500%, 07/01/28 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         981,160
     675,000      4.700%, 07/01/28 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         619,205
   1,310,000      6.100%, 01/01/29 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-       1,340,759
     805,000      5.000%, 07/01/31 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         718,776
     495,000      5.000%, 01/01/32 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         434,759

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  HOUSING (CONTINUED)
                  Utah State Housing Finance Agency
$    125,000      5.700%, 07/01/15 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-    $    124,508
      40,000      5.650%, 07/01/16 Series 1994C ...........................    Aaa/AAA          40,144
      30,000      5.400%, 07/01/16 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA          29,405
      15,000      6.000%, 07/01/17 AMT ....................................    Aaa/AAA          15,080
     560,000      5.500%, 07/01/18 AMT ....................................    Aa3/AA-         562,414
      35,000      5.300%, 07/01/18 AMT ....................................    Aaa/AAA          35,283
      60,000      5.000%, 07/01/18 AMT ....................................    Aaa/AAA          60,028
      75,000      5.400%, 07/01/20 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA          75,605
     140,000      5.600%, 07/01/23 AMT ....................................     Aa2/AA         141,030
      35,000      5.700%, 07/01/26 National-re Insured ....................      A2/A           35,069
                     Wyoming Community Development Authority
                      Housing Revenue
   2,000,000      5.000%, 12/01/22 Series 10 AMT ..........................    Aa1/AA+       1,973,020
   2,920,000      5.625%, 12/01/38 ........................................    Aa1/AA+       2,951,186
                  Total Housing ...........................................                 34,992,011

                  INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT & POLLUTION CONTROL (0.5%) Sandy City,
                  Utah Industrial Development, H Shirley
                      Wright Project, Refunding Bonds, LOC Olympus Bank
     250,000      6.125%, 08/01/16 ........................................     NR/AAA         250,768
                  Utah County Environmental Improvement Revenue
   1,025,000      5.050%, 11/01/17 ........................................   Baa1/BBB+      1,046,576
                  Total Industrial Development & Pollution Control ........                  1,297,344

                  LEASE (11.9%)
                  Celebration Community Development District, Florida
     290,000      5.000%, 05/01/22 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         238,200
                  Clark County, Nevada Improvement District Revenue
     705,000      5.125%, 12/01/19 ........................................     NR/NR*         529,533
                  Clark County, Nevada Improvement District Special
                       Local Improvement #128 (Summerlin)
     500,000      5.000%, 02/01/21 Series A ...............................     NR/NR*         301,850
                  Davis County, Utah  Lease Revenue DMV Project
      78,000      5.400%, 11/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*          67,075
      83,000      5.450%, 11/01/18 ........................................     NR/NR*          69,996
      87,000      5.500%, 11/01/19 ........................................     NR/NR*          72,117

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  LEASE (CONTINUED)
                  Davis County, Utah  Lease Revenue DMV Project
$     92,000      5.550%, 11/01/20 ........................................     NR/NR*    $     75,170
      97,000      5.600%, 11/01/21 ........................................     NR/NR*          77,917
     103,000      5.650%, 11/01/22 ........................................     NR/NR*          80,953
     108,000      5.700%, 11/01/23 ........................................     NR/NR*          83,433
     115,000      5.700%, 11/01/24 ........................................     NR/NR*          87,362
     121,000      5.750%, 11/01/25 ........................................     NR/NR*          89,921
     128,000      5.750%, 11/01/26 ........................................     NR/NR*          93,510
                  Marion County, Indiana Convention & Recreational
                      Facilities Authority
     405,000      5.000%, 06/01/27 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         376,431
                  Middle Village, Florida Community Development
                       District Special Assessment Revenue
   1,130,000      6.750%, 05/01/25 ........................................     NR/NR*         912,622
                  New Albany, Indiana Development Authority
     500,000      4.250%, 02/01/22 ........................................     NR/A-          475,925
                  Poinciana West, Florida Community Development
                       District Special Assessment Revenue
   1,000,000      5.875%, 05/01/22 ........................................     NR/NR*         759,330
                  Port Saint Lucie, Florida Special Assessment Revenue
                       Southwest Annexation District 1- B
     500,000      5.000%, 07/01/27 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         436,030
                  Red River, Texas Higher Education TCU Project
   1,000,000      4.375%, 03/15/25 ........................................   Aa3/NR++         963,070
                  Salt Lake Valley, Utah Fire Service District Lease
     610,000      5.200%, 04/01/28 ........................................   Aa3/NR++         624,573
   1,000,000      5.250%, 04/01/30 ........................................   Aa3/NR++       1,014,610
                  South Dakota State Building Authority Revenue
     500,000      4.500%, 06/01/24 National-re FGIC Insured ...............     NR/AA-         495,695
                     Tolomato Community, Florida Development
                       District Special Assessment Revenue
   1,000,000      6.450%, 05/01/23 ........................................     NR/NR*         741,800
                  Tooele County, Utah Municipal Building Authority
                      School District Lease Revenue
   1,000,000      5.000%, 06/01/28 ........................................     A3/A+          946,130

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  LEASE (CONTINUED)
                  Twin Creeks, Utah Special Service District BAN
$ 12,000,000      7.250%, 07/15/10 ........................................     NR/NR*    $ 11,736,000
                  Uintah County, Utah Municipal Building Authority
                      Lease Revenue
   1,500,000      5.300%, 06/01/28 ........................................     NR/A+        1,512,630
                     Utah State Building Ownership Authority
     465,000      5.000%, 05/15/21 ........................................    Aa1/AA+         486,097
   1,755,000      5.250%, 05/15/23 ........................................    Aa1/AA+       1,827,306
     510,000      5.000%, 05/15/23 ........................................    Aa1/AA+         527,921
   1,845,000      5.250%, 05/15/24 ........................................    Aa1/AA+       1,914,464
   1,080,000      5.000%, 05/15/25 ........................................    Aa1/AA+       1,107,529
                     West Bountiful, Utah Courthouse Revenue
     410,000      5.000%, 05/01/19 ........................................      NR/A          456,027
                  West Valley City, Utah Municipal Building Authority
                       Lease Revenue Refunding
   1,890,000      4.375%, 08/01/26 Series A National-re FGIC Insured ......     NR/A+        1,833,508
                  Total Lease .............................................                 31,014,735

                  TAX REVENUE (11.0%)
                  Aqua Isles, Florida Community Development District
     945,000      7.000%, 05/01/38 ........................................     NR/NR*         663,910
                  Bay County, Florida Sales Tax Revenue
     175,000      4.750%, 09/01/23 FSA Insured ............................   Aa3/NR++         165,823
                  Bountiful, Utah Special Improvement District Special
                      Assessment Revenue
     203,000      5.000%, 06/01/14 ........................................     NR/NR*         177,932
     213,000      5.150%, 06/01/15 ........................................     NR/NR*         183,059
     224,000      5.300%, 06/01/16 ........................................     NR/NR*         188,574
     236,000      5.500%, 06/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         195,708
     249,000      5.650%, 06/01/18 ........................................     NR/NR*         204,735
                  Clark County, Nevada Improvement District
     250,000      5.000%, 08/01/16 ........................................     NR/NR*         170,590
                  Coral Canyon, Utah Special Service District
     110,000      5.000%, 07/15/13 ........................................     NR/NR*         102,738
     250,000      5.500%, 07/15/18 ........................................     NR/NR*         197,747

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
                  Henderson, Nevada Local  Improvement District
$    100,000      4.500%, 09/01/12 ........................................     NR/NR*    $     89,407
     300,000      5.000%, 09/01/14 ........................................     NR/NR*         253,098
     295,000      5.000%, 09/01/15 ........................................     NR/NR*         241,103
     235,000      5.000%, 03/01/16 ........................................     NR/NR*         190,305
                  Holladay, Utah  Redevelopment Agency
   2,877,500      4.900%, 12/30/20 ........................................     NR/NR*       2,268,966
                  Jordanelle, Utah Special Service District
     186,000      5.000%, 11/15/14 ........................................     NR/NR*         164,270
     196,000      5.100%, 11/15/15 ........................................     NR/NR*         170,022
     206,000      5.200%, 11/15/16 ........................................     NR/NR*         175,077
     216,000      5.300%, 11/15/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         179,991
     228,000      5.400%, 11/15/18 ........................................     NR/NR*         187,993
     240,000      5.500%, 11/15/19 ........................................     NR/NR*         194,455
     253,000      5.600%, 11/15/20 ........................................     NR/NR*         201,757
     268,000      5.700%, 11/15/21 ........................................     NR/NR*         209,691
     283,000      5.800%, 11/15/22 ........................................     NR/NR*         217,576
     299,000      6.000%, 11/15/23 ........................................     NR/NR*         227,847
                  Jordanelle, Utah Special Service Improvement District
     175,000      8.000%, 10/01/11 ........................................     NR/NR*         175,819
                  La Verkin, Utah Sales and Franchise Tax Revenue
     571,000      5.100%, 07/15/27 ........................................     NR/NR*         451,473
                  Lehi, Utah Sales Tax
     790,000      5.000%, 06/01/24 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         821,616
                  Mesquite, Nevada New Special Improvement District
     240,000      5.300%, 08/01/11 ........................................     NR/NR*         227,501
     175,000      4.600%, 08/01/11 ........................................     NR/NR*         163,093
     185,000      4.750%, 08/01/12 ........................................     NR/NR*         166,863
     220,000      4.900%, 08/01/13 ........................................     NR/NR*         192,595
     135,000      5.250%, 08/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         105,925
     300,000      5.350%, 08/01/19 ........................................     NR/NR*         224,058
     130,000      5.400%, 08/01/20 ........................................     NR/NR*          95,187
     475,000      5.500%, 08/01/25 ........................................     NR/NR*         319,095
                  Mountain Regional Water District, Utah Special
   1,320,000      7.000%, 12/01/18 ........................................     NR/NR*       1,053,004

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
                  Mountain Regional Water, Utah Special Service District
$  2,000,000      5.000%, 12/15/20 National-re Insured ....................    Baa1/A+    $  1,918,420
                  North Ogden, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     195,000      5.000%, 11/01/24 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     NR/A+          206,838
                  Payson City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     445,000      5.000%, 08/01/21 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         473,565
                  Pembroke Harbor, Florida Community Development
                      District Revenue
   1,800,000      7.000%, 05/01/38 ........................................     NR/NR*       1,217,160
                  Salt Lake City, Utah Sales Tax
     955,000      5.000%, 02/01/21 ........................................     NR/AAA       1,014,477
   1,005,000      5.000%, 02/01/22 ........................................     NR/AAA       1,061,893
   1,060,000      5.000%, 02/01/23 ........................................     NR/AAA       1,114,049
   1,115,000      5.000%, 02/01/24 ........................................     NR/AAA       1,167,305
                  Sandy City, Utah Sales Tax
     605,000      5.000%, 09/15/20 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/AA+         624,941
                  South Weber City, Utah
     525,000      5.000%, 01/15/24 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         552,521
                  Springville, Utah Special Assessment Revenue
                      2005 Series
     400,000      5.500%, 01/15/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         324,444
     423,000      5.650%, 01/15/18 ........................................     NR/NR*         336,433
     446,000      5.800%, 01/15/19 ........................................     NR/NR*         349,700
     472,000      5.900%, 01/15/20 ........................................     NR/NR*         365,446
     500,000      6.000%, 01/15/21 ........................................     NR/NR*         383,040
                  Springville, Utah Special Assessment Revenue
                      2007 Series
      34,000      5.650%, 01/15/18 ........................................     NR/NR*          27,042
      37,000      5.800%, 01/15/19 ........................................     NR/NR*          29,011
      38,000      5.900%, 01/15/20 ........................................     NR/NR*          29,422
      40,000      6.000%, 01/15/21 ........................................     NR/NR*          30,643
                  Vernal City, Utah Sales Tax Revenue
     515,000      4.750%, 09/01/31 Assured Guaranty Insured ...............     NR/AAA         491,866
     300,000      4.875%, 09/01/34 Assured Guaranty Insured ...............     NR/AAA         285,981

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  TAX REVENUE (CONTINUED)
                     Wasatch County, Utah Building Authority
$    130,000      5.000%, 10/01/15 ........................................     A3/NR     $    137,398
     135,000      5.000%, 10/01/16 ........................................     A3/NR          141,384
                  Wasatch County, Utah Sales Tax
     205,000      5.000%, 12/01/16 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/A+          217,072
     210,000      5.000%, 12/01/17 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/A+          220,842
     225,000      5.000%, 12/01/18 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/A+          234,776
                  Washington City, Utah Sales Tax
     680,000      5.250%, 11/15/17 AMBAC Insured ..........................      NR/A          732,530
                  Weber County, Utah Sales Tax
     385,000      5.000%, 07/01/23 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR          394,348
                  West Valley City, Utah Redevelopment Agency
   1,625,000      5.000%, 03/01/21 ........................................     NR/A-        1,662,619
     320,000      5.000%, 03/01/22 ........................................     NR/A-          325,651
     350,000      5.000%, 03/01/23 ........................................     NR/A-          354,270
   1,000,000      5.000%, 03/01/24 ........................................     NR/A-        1,008,260
                  Total Tax Revenue .......................................                 28,651,950

                  TRANSPORTATION (2.2%)
                  Alaska State International Airport Revenue
     175,000      5.000%, 10/01/24 AMBAC Insured AMT ......................   Aa3/NR++         159,484
                  Florida State Turnpike Authority Turnpike Revenue
     500,000      4.500%, 07/01/22 National-re Insured ....................    Aa2/AA-         496,115
                  Indiana Finance Authority Highway Revenue
   1,950,000      4.500%, 12/01/25 National-Re FGIC Insured ...............    Aa2/AA+       1,940,971
                  Miami-Dade County, Florida Aviation Revenue
     600,000      5.000%, 10/01/24 National-re FGIC Insured AMT ...........      A2/A          543,060
                  Port of Seattle, Washington Revenue
   1,095,000      5.100%, 04/01/24 AMT National-re FGIC Insured ...........    Aa2/AA-       1,053,204
                  Utah Transit Authority Sales Tax & Transportation
   1,450,000      4.125%, 06/15/22 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA       1,450,377
                  Total Transportation ....................................                  5,643,211

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  UTILITY (6.5%)
                  Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority
$    400,000      4.625%, 12/01/16 AMBAC Insured AMT ......................     NR/BBB    $    357,104
                  Cowlitz County, Washington Public Utility District
                      Electric Revenue
   1,000,000      4.500%, 09/01/26 National-re Insured ....................      A3/A          959,500
                  Eagle Mountain, Utah Gas & Electric
   1,385,000      4.250%, 06/01/20 Radian Insured .........................    NR/BBB-       1,204,091
   1,440,000      5.000%, 06/01/21 Radian Insured .........................    NR/BBB-       1,334,851
   1,515,000      5.000%, 06/01/22 Radian Insured .........................    NR/BBB-       1,389,103
                  Garland, Texas Water & Sewer
     440,000      4.500%, 03/01/21 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/AA          445,504
                  Indianapolis, Indiana Gas Utility
     505,000      5.000%, 08/15/24 AMBAC Insured ..........................     Aa3/A+         505,096
                  Intermountain Power Agency Utilities Light & Power
                      Service, Utah
     250,000      5.250%, 07/01/23 ........................................     A1/A+          253,132
                  JEA, Florida Electric System Revenue
     500,000      5.000%, 10/01/26 ........................................     Aa3/A+         500,905
                  Manti City, Utah Electric System Revenue
     603,000      5.750%, 02/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*         547,705
                  Murray City, Utah Utility Electric Revenue
   1,340,000      5.000%, 06/01/25 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR        1,401,506
                  Orem, Utah Water & Storm Sewer Revenue
   1,000,000      5.000%, 07/15/26 ........................................     NR/AA        1,051,890
                     Pleasant Grove City, Utah Water Revenue
     760,000      4.625%, 12/01/23 FSA Insured ............................     NR/AAA         787,238
                  Rockport, Indiana Pollution Control Revenue Indiana
                      Michigan Power Company Project
   1,500,000      4.625%, 06/01/25 Series A FGIC Insured ..................    Baa2/BBB      1,204,995
                  Salem, Utah Electric Revenue
     140,000      5.400%, 11/01/09 ........................................     NR/NR*         141,281
                  Santa Clara Utah Storm Drain Revenue
     877,000      5.100%, 09/15/26 ........................................     NR/NR*         635,667

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  UTILITY (CONTINUED)
                  Southern Utah Valley Power System
$    210,000      5.250%, 09/15/13 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A    $    230,038
     225,000      5.250%, 09/15/14 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         244,436
     235,000      5.250%, 09/15/15 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         252,303
     185,000      5.125%, 09/15/21 National-re Insured ....................     Baa1/A         191,786
                  St. George, Utah Electric Revenue
     250,000      5.000%, 06/01/38 FSA Insured ............................   Aa3/NR++         249,230
                  Tacoma, Washington Solid Waste Utility Revenue
   1,000,000      5.000%, 12/01/23 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........     A2/AA        1,020,410
                  Utah Assessed Municipal Power System
   1,000,000      5.000%, 04/01/21 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA       1,033,970
                  Washington, Utah Electric Revenue
     985,000      5.000%, 09/01/21 Syncora Guarantee Inc. Insured .........    Baa1/NR       1,039,796
                  Total Utility ...........................................                 16,981,537

                  WATER AND SEWER (4.4%)
                  Eagle Mountain, Utah Water and Sewer
     690,000      4.750%, 11/15/25 National-re Insured ....................    Baa1/A+         706,215
                  Jacksonville, Florida Water and Sewer System Revenue
     160,000      4.625%, 10/01/22 ........................................    Aa3/AA-         156,962
                  Mesquite, Texas Waterworks & Sewer
     225,000      4.500%, 03/01/24 FSA Insured ............................    Aa3/AAA         227,531
                  Murray City, Utah Sewer and Water
     440,000      5.000%, 10/01/19 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR          457,138
                  Ogden City, Utah Sewer & Water Revenue
     750,000      4.625%, 06/15/38 FSA Insured ............................   Aa3/NR++         685,815
                  Pleasant Grove, Utah Water Revenue
     450,000      4.300%, 12/01/20 National-re Insured ....................    Baa1/A+         450,266
                  Smithfield, Utah Water Revenue
      90,000      4.750%, 06/01/17 ........................................     NR/NR*          78,507
      94,000      4.800%, 06/01/18 ........................................     NR/NR*          80,630
      99,000      4.850%, 06/01/19 ........................................     NR/NR*          83,530
     103,000      4.900%, 06/01/20 ........................................     NR/NR*          85,787
     108,000      5.000%, 06/01/21 ........................................     NR/NR*          90,278

   PRINCIPAL                                                                  MOODY'S/
    AMOUNT        REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED)                                      S&P         VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------   ------------
                  WATER AND SEWER (CONTINUED)
                  Smithfield, Utah Water Revenue (continued)
$    126,000      5.150%, 06/01/22 ........................................     NR/NR*    $    104,493
     132,000      5.200%, 06/01/23 ........................................     NR/NR*         108,701
     139,000      5.250%, 06/01/24 ........................................     NR/NR*         113,756
     114,000      5.050%, 06/01/25 ........................................     NR/NR*          92,794
     120,000      5.100%, 06/01/26 ........................................     NR/NR*          97,324
                  Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Texas
     205,000      4.500%, 08/01/20 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A3/A-          207,310
                  Utah Water Finance Agency Revenue
     200,000      5.250%, 07/01/16 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/NR*         214,298
     310,000      5.000%, 10/01/17 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/NR*         325,159
     510,000      5.000%, 07/01/18 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR          532,052
     105,000      5.000%, 10/01/20 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/NR*         108,184
     830,000      4.500%, 10/01/22 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A1/NR          835,370
     740,000      5.125%, 07/01/23 AMBAC Insured ..........................     NR/NR*         757,560
     870,000      4.500%, 10/01/23 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A1/NR          871,253
   2,570,000      5.000%, 10/01/25 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A2/NR        2,626,334
   1,400,000      4.500%, 10/01/28 AMBAC Insured ..........................     A1/NR        1,354,374
                  Total Water and Sewer ...................................                 11,451,621
                  Total Revenue Bonds .....................................                221,672,787
                  Total Investments (cost $266,345,809 - note 4) ..........      97.4%     252,945,639
                  Other assets less liabilities ...........................       2.6        6,831,716
                                                                              -------     ------------
                  Net Assets ..............................................     100.0%    $259,777,355
                                                                              =======     ============

                                                                  PERCENT OF
      ----------------------------------------------------        ----------
      Aaa of Moody's or AAA of S&P .......................           14.9%
      Aa of Moody's or AA of S&P .........................           29.7
      A of Moody's or S&P ................................           12.9
      Baa of Moody's or BBB of S&P .......................            6.3
      Not rated* .........................................           36.2

*     Any security not rated (NR) by any of the approved credit rating services
      has been determined by the Manager to have sufficient quality to be ranked
      in the top four credit ratings if a credit rating were to be assigned by a
      rating service.
** Calculated using the highest rating of the two rating services.

          + AAA
          ++ AA
          +++ A

      Note: National Public Finance Guarantee  Corporation  (National-re) is the
      new name for Municipal Bond Investors  Assurance (MBIA) Inc.'s U.S. public
      finance platform.

                            PORTFOLIO ABBREVIATIONS:

      AMBAC - American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp. AMT - Alternative Minimum
      Tax COP - Certificates of Participation FGIC - Financial Guaranty
      Insurance Co. FSA - Financial Security Assurance LOC - Letter of Credit
      National-re - National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation National-re -
      FGIC-Reinsured FGIC bonds NR - Not Rated

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                                  JUNE 30, 2009

   Investments at value (cost $266,345,809) ...................................................    $      252,945,639
   Cash .......................................................................................             2,820,275
   Interest receivable ........................................................................             3,967,988
   Receivable for Fund shares sold ............................................................               998,570
   Receivable from Manager ....................................................................               520,626
   Receivable for investment securities sold ..................................................                35,000
   Other assets ...............................................................................                15,353
   Total assets ...............................................................................           261,303,451
   Payable for Fund shares redeemed ...........................................................               540,763
   Deferred income payable ....................................................................               479,768
   Dividends payable ..........................................................................               242,087
   Management fees payable ....................................................................                88,571
   Distribution and service fees payable ......................................................                66,537
   Accrued expenses ...........................................................................               108,370
   Total liabilities ..........................................................................             1,526,096
NET ASSETS ....................................................................................    $      259,777,355
   Net Assets consist of:
   Capital Stock - Authorized an unlimited number of shares, par value $0.01 per share ........    $          277,819
   Additional paid-in capital .................................................................           274,875,070
   Net unrealized depreciation on investments (note 4) ........................................           (13,400,170)
   Accumulated net realized loss on investments ...............................................            (2,069,547)
   Accumulated net investment income ..........................................................                94,183
                                                                                                   $      259,777,355
   Net Assets .................................................................................    $      166,182,505
   Capital shares outstanding .................................................................            17,780,903
   Net asset value and redemption price per share .............................................    $             9.35
   Maximum offering price per share (100/96 of $9.35 adjusted to nearest cent) ................    $             9.74
   Net Assets .................................................................................    $       49,700,167
   Capital shares outstanding .................................................................             5,319,409
   Net asset value and offering price per share ...............................................    $             9.34
   Redemption price per share (*a charge of 1% is imposed on the redemption
      proceeds of the shares, or on the original price, whichever is lower, if
      during the first 12 months after purchase) ..............................................    $             9.34*
   Net Assets .................................................................................    $       43,894,683
   Capital shares outstanding .................................................................             4,681,565
   Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share ...................................    $             9.38

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                            YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009

      Interest income ..............................................                      $  13,108,548
      Other income .................................................                             40,858


      Management fee (note 3) ......................................       $ 1,181,829
      Distribution and service fees (note 3) .......................           665,916
      Transfer and shareholder servicing agent fees ................           141,693
      Trustees' fees and expenses (note 8) .........................           104,563
      Shareholders' reports and proxy statements ...................            36,943
      Legal fees (note 3) ..........................................            36,927
      Fund accounting fees .........................................            26,112
      Custodian fees (note 6) ......................................            21,113
      Auditing and tax fees ........................................            16,301
      Registration fees and dues ...................................            14,030
      Insurance ....................................................            10,113
      Chief compliance officer (note 3) ............................             4,040
      Miscellaneous ................................................            32,978
      Total expenses ...............................................         2,292,558

      Management fee waived (note 3) ...............................          (315,336)
      Expenses paid indirectly (note 6) ............................           (33,184)
      Net expenses .................................................                          1,944,038
      Net investment income ........................................                         11,205,368


      Net realized loss from securities transactions ...............        (1,800,263)
      Change in unrealized depreciation on investments .............        (7,737,307)

      Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments .......                         (9,537,570)
      Net increase in net assets resulting from operations .........                      $   1,667,798

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

                                                                            YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED
                                                                          JUNE 30, 2009    JUNE 30, 2008
                                                                          -------------    -------------
      Net investment income ...........................................   $  11,205,368    $   9,139,922
      Net realized gain (loss) from securities transactions ...........      (1,800,263)         638,898
      Change in unrealized depreciation on investments ................      (7,737,307)      (4,614,006)
                                                                          -------------    -------------
         Change in net assets from operations .........................       1,667,798        5,164,814
                                                                          -------------    -------------

      Class A Shares:
      Net investment income ...........................................      (7,531,262)      (6,459,904)

      Class C Shares:
      Net investment income ...........................................      (1,461,117)      (1,040,811)

      Class Y Shares:
      Net investment income ...........................................      (2,370,878)      (1,961,979)
                                                                          -------------    -------------
         Change in net assets from distributions ......................     (11,363,257)      (9,462,694)
                                                                          -------------    -------------

      Proceeds from shares sold .......................................      86,962,093       55,700,331
      Reinvested dividends and distributions ..........................       6,415,663        5,703,447
      Cost of shares redeemed .........................................     (62,672,341)     (45,261,625)
                                                                          -------------    -------------
         Change in net assets from capital share transactions .........      30,705,415       16,142,153
                                                                          -------------    -------------

         Change in net assets .........................................      21,009,956       11,844,273

    Beginning of period ...............................................     238,767,399      226,923,126
                                                                          -------------    -------------

    End of period* ....................................................   $ 259,777,355    $ 238,767,399
                                                                          =============    =============

    * Includes undistributed net investment income of: ................   $      94,183    $      30,192
                                                                          =============    =============

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2009


      Tax-Free Fund For Utah (the "Fund"), a non-diversified, open-end
investment company, was organized on December 12, 1990 as a Massachusetts
business trust and commenced operations on July 24, 1992. The Fund is authorized
to issue an unlimited number of shares and, since its inception to May 21, 1996,
offered only one class of shares. On that date, the Fund began offering two
additional classes of shares, Class C and Class Y Shares. All shares outstanding
prior to that date were designated as Class A Shares and are sold with a
front-payment sales charge and bear an annual distribution fee. Class C Shares
are sold with a level-payment sales charge with no payment at time of purchase
but level service and distribution fees from date of purchase through a period
of six years thereafter. A contingent deferred sales charge of 1% is assessed to
any Class C shareholder who redeems shares of this Class within one year from
the date of purchase. Class C Shares, together with a pro-rata portion of all
Class C Shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends and other
distributions paid in additional Class C Shares, automatically convert to Class
A Shares after 6 years. The Class Y Shares are only offered to institutions
acting for an investor in a fiduciary, advisory, agency, custodian or similar
capacity and are not offered directly to retail investors. Class Y Shares are
sold at net asset value without any sales charge, redemption fees, contingent
deferred sales charge or distribution or service fees. On October 31, 1997, the
Fund established Class I Shares which are offered and sold only through
financial intermediaries and are not offered directly to retail investors. Class
I Shares are sold at net asset value without any sales charge, redemption fees,
or contingent deferred sale charge. Class I Shares carry a distribution and
service fee. As of the report date, there were no Class I Shares outstanding.
All classes of shares represent interests in the same portfolio of investments
and are identical as to rights and privileges but differ with respect to the
effect of sales charges, the distribution and/or service fees borne by each
class, expenses specific to each class, voting rights on matters affecting a
single class and the exchange privileges of each class.


      The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by
the Fund in the preparation of its financial statements. The policies are in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America for investment companies.

a)    PORTFOLIO VALUATION:  Municipal securities which have remaining maturities
      of more than 60 days are valued each  business day based upon  information
      provided  by  a  nationally  prominent  independent  pricing  service  and
      periodically  verified  through  other  pricing  services.  In the case of
      securities for which market quotations are readily  available,  securities
      are valued by the pricing service at the mean of bid and asked quotations.
      If market  quotations  or a  valuation  from the  pricing  service  is not
      readily available, the security is valued at fair value determined in good
      faith under procedures established by and under the general supervision of
      the  Board of  Trustees.  Securities  which  mature in 60 days or less are
      valued at amortized  cost if their term to maturity at purchase is 60 days
      or less, or by amortizing their unrealized appreciation or depreciation on
      the 61st day prior to  maturity,  if their term to  maturity  at  purchase
      exceeds 60 days.

b)    FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS:  The Fund adopted Financial  Accounting Standards
      Board  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 157,  "Fair Value
      Measurements" ("SFAS 157"), effective July 1, 2008. SFAS 157 established a
      three-tier  hierarchy of inputs to establish  classification of fair value
      measurements  for  disclosure  purposes.   Inputs  may  be  observable  or
      unobservable.   Observable   inputs   reflect   the   assumptions   market
      participants  would use in pricing the asset or liability  developed based
      on market data obtained from sources  independent of the reporting entity.
      Unobservable  inputs reflect the reporting  entity's own assumptions about
      the  assumptions  market  participants  would use in pricing  the asset or
      liability  developed  based  on  the  best  information  available  in the
      circumstances.  The Fund's  investments are assigned levels based upon the

      The three-tier hierarchy inputs is summarized below:

      Level 1 - quoted prices in active markets for identical securities

      Level 2 - other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for
      similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)

      Level 3 - significant unobservable inputs (including the Fund's own
      assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)

      The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily
      an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities

      The following is a summary of the valuation inputs, representing 100% of
      the Fund's investments (details of which can be found in the schedule of
      investments), used to value the Fund's net assets as of June 30, 2009:

       VALUATION INPUTS                                INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES
       ----------------                                -------------------------
       Level 1 - Quoted Prices .....................        $           --
       Level 2 - Other Significant Observable Inputs
          Municipal Bonds ..........................           252,945,639
       Level 3 - Significant Unobservable Inputs ...                    --
       Total .......................................        $  252,945,639

c)    ACCOUNTING  PRONOUNCEMENTS:   In  April  2009,  the  Financial  Accounting
      Standards   Board   ("FASB")   issued  FASB  Staff   Position  No.  157-4,
      "Determining  Fair Value When the  Volume  and Level of  Activity  for the
      Asset  or  Liability   Have   Significantly   Decreased  and   Identifying
      Transactions  That Are Not  Orderly"  ("FSP  157-4").  FSP 157-4  provides
      additional  guidance for  estimating  fair value in  accordance  with FASB
      Statement  of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  No.  157,  "Fair  Value
      Measurements"  ("FAS 157"),  when the volume and level of activity for the
      asset or  liability  have  significantly  decreased as well as guidance on
      identifying  circumstances that indicate a transaction is not orderly. FSP
      157-4 is effective for fiscal years and interim  periods ending after June
      15,  2009.  The adoption of FSP 157-4 did not have an impact on the Fund's
      financial  statements  and the  Fund  has  made  the  required  additional

      In May 2009, the FASB issued SFAS No. 165, "Subsequent Events" (SFAS No.
      165). The Fund adopted SFAS No. 165 which requires an entity to recognize
      in the financial statements the effects of all subsequent events that
      provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of
      the balance sheet. For non-recognized subsequent events that must be
      disclosed to keep financial statements from being misleading, an entity is
      required to disclose the nature of the event as well as an estimate of its
      financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made. In
      addition, SFAS No. 165 requires an entity to disclose the date through
      which subsequent events have been evaluated. The Fund has evaluated
      subsequent events through the issuance of its financial statements on
      August 28, 2009.

      The Fund has adopted the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting
      Standards No. 161, "Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging
      Activities" ("SFAS 161"), effective June 30, 2009. SFAS 161 requires
      enhanced disclosures about a fund's derivative and hedging activities,
      including how such activities are accounted for and their effect on a
      fund's financial position, performance and cash flows. The Fund does not
      invest in derivative instruments or engage in hedging activities. As a
      result, SFAS l61 did not impact the Fund's financial statements.

      transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains and losses
      from securities transactions are reported on the identified cost basis.
      Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and is adjusted for
      amortization of premium and accretion of original issue and market
      discount. In connection with certain bonds, fee income is recognized by
      the Fund on a daily basis over the life of the bonds.

e)    FEDERAL  INCOME  TAXES:  It is the  policy  of the  Fund to  qualify  as a
      regulated  investment  company by  complying  with the  provisions  of the
      Internal Revenue Code applicable to certain investment companies. The Fund
      intends to make  distributions of income and securities profits sufficient
      to relieve it from all, or  substantially  all,  Federal income and excise
      taxes.  FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income
      Taxes"  ("FIN 48") was  adopted  on  December  31,  2007.  Management  has
      reviewed the tax positions for each of the open tax years  (2006-2009) and
      has  determined  that  implementation  of FIN 48 did not  have a  material
      impact on the Fund's financial statements.

f)    MULTIPLE CLASS ALLOCATIONS: All income, expenses (other than
      class-specific expenses), and realized and unrealized gains or losses are
      allocated daily to each class of shares based on the relative net assets
      of each class. Class-specific expenses, which include distribution and
      service fees and any other items that are specifically attributed to a
      particular class, are charged directly to such class.

g)    USE OF ESTIMATES: The preparation of financial statements in conformity
      with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
      America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
      the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
      contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements
      and the reported

      amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during
      the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.



      Aquila Investment Management LLC (the "Manager"), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Aquila Management Corporation, the Fund's founder and sponsor,
serves as the Manager for the Fund under an Advisory and Administration
Agreement with the Fund. Under the Advisory and Administration Agreement, the
Manager provides all investment management and administrative services to the
Fund. The Manager's services include providing the office of the Fund and all
related services as well as managing relationships with all the various support
organizations to the Fund such as the shareholder servicing agent, custodian,
legal counsel, fund accounting agent, auditors and distributor. For its
services, the Manager is entitled to receive a fee which is payable monthly and
computed as of the close of business each day at the annual rate of 0.50 of 1%
on the Fund's average net assets.

      For the year ended June 30, 2009, the Fund incurred management fees of
$1,181,829 of which $315,336 was waived. The Manager contractually undertook to
waive fees and/or reimburse Fund expenses during the period July 1, 2008 through
June 30, 2009 so that total Fund expenses would not exceed 0.83% for Class A
Shares, 1.63% for Class C Shares, 0.97% for Class I Shares or 0.63% for Class Y
Shares. Comparable expense limitations are in place for fiscal 2010.

      The Manager has agreed to pay the Fund $520,626 in installments (with
interest) over a maximum period of 58 months related to fees paid by the issuers
of certain bonds held by the Fund.

      Under a Compliance Agreement with the Manager, the Manager is compensated
for Chief Compliance Officer related services provided to enable the Fund to
comply with Rule 38a-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      Specific details as to the nature and extent of the services provided by
the Manager are more fully defined in the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of
Additional Information.


      The Fund has adopted a Distribution Plan (the "Plan") pursuant to Rule
12b-1 (the "Rule") under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Under
one part of the Plan, with respect to Class A Shares, the Fund is authorized to
make distribution fee payments to broker-dealers or others ("Qualified
Recipients") selected by Aquila Distributors, Inc. (the "Distributor")
including, but not limited to, any principal underwriter of the Fund, with which
the Distributor has entered into written agreements contemplated by the Rule and
which have rendered assistance in the distribution and/or retention of the
Fund's shares or servicing of shareholder accounts. The Fund makes payment of
this service fee at the annual rate of 0.20% of the Fund's average net assets
represented by Class A Shares. For the year ended June 30, 2009, distribution
fees on Class A Shares amounted to $307,967, of which the Distributor retained

      Under another part of the Plan, the Fund is authorized to make payments
with respect to Class C Shares to Qualified Recipients which have rendered
assistance in the distribution and/or retention of the Fund's Class C shares or
servicing of shareholder accounts. These payments are made at the annual rate of
0.75% of the Fund's average net assets represented by Class C Shares and for the
year ended June 30, 2009, amounted to $268,462. In addition, under a Shareholder
Services Plan, the Fund is authorized to make service fee payments with respect
to Class C Shares to Qualified Recipients for providing personal services and/or
maintenance of shareholder accounts. These payments are made at the annual rate
of 0.25% of the Fund's average net assets represented by Class C Shares and for
the year ended June 30, 2009 amounted to $89,487. The total of these payments
with respect to Class C Shares amounted to $357,949, of which the Distributor
retained $62,617.

      Specific details about the Plans are more fully defined in the Fund's
Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.

      Under a Distribution Agreement, the Distributor serves as the exclusive
distributor of the Fund's shares. Through agreements between the Distributor and
various brokerage and advisory firms ("intermediaries"), the Fund's shares are
currently sold primarily through the facilities of intermediaries having offices
within Utah, with the bulk of sales commissions inuring to such intermediaries.
For the year ended June 30, 2009, total commissions on sales of Class A Shares
amounted to $600,319, of which the Distributor received $50,624.


      For the year ended June 30, 2009, the Fund incurred $36,847 of legal fees
allocable to Butzel Long PC, counsel to the Fund, for legal services in
conjunction with the Fund's ongoing operations. The Secretary of the Fund is a
shareholder of that firm.


      During the year ended June 30, 2009, purchases of securities and proceeds
from the sales of securities aggregated $88,447,483 and $57,113,623,

      At June 30, 2009, the aggregate tax cost for all securities was
$266,292,485. At June 30, 2009, the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation for
all securities in which there is an excess of value over tax cost amounted to
$2,246,532 and aggregate gross unrealized depreciation for all securities in
which there is an excess of tax cost over value amounted to $15,593,378, for a
net unrealized depreciation of $13,346,846.


      Since the Fund may invest entirely in double tax-free municipal
obligations of issuers within Utah, it is subject to possible risks associated
with economic, political, or legal developments or industrial or regional
matters specifically affecting Utah and whatever effects these may have upon
Utah issuers' ability to meet their obligations. At least 50% of the Fund's
assets will always consist of obligations of Utah-based issuers. At June 30,
2009, the Fund had 62% of its net assets invested in municipal obligations
issued by the State of Utah.

      The Fund is also permitted to invest in tax-free municipal obligations
meeting comparable quality standards of issuers in certain states that do not
tax the interest on obligations of Utah issuers and that provide income which is
exempt from both regular Federal and Utah income taxes.


      The Fund has negotiated an expense offset arrangement with its custodian
wherein it receives credit toward the reduction of custodian fees and other Fund
expenses whenever there are uninvested cash balances. The Statement of
Operations reflects the total expenses before any offset, the amount of offset
and the net expenses.


      Transactions in Capital Shares of the Fund were as follows:

                                                   Year Ended                    Year Ended
                                                 June 30, 2009                  June 30, 2008
                                         ----------------------------    ----------------------------
                                            Shares          Amount          Shares          Amount
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Proceeds from shares sold ...........     4,236,182    $ 38,937,661       2,834,849    $ 28,003,392
  Reinvested distributions ............       481,016       4,432,815         417,757       4,128,043
  Cost of shares redeemed .............    (3,194,513)    (28,482,023)     (2,020,117)    (19,970,653)
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Net change ........................     1,522,685      14,888,453       1,232,489      12,160,782
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Proceeds from shares sold ...........     2,776,510      25,642,043         796,274       7,849,550
  Reinvested distributions ............       100,741         927,564          64,603         638,158
  Cost of shares redeemed .............      (839,404)     (7,773,249)       (699,234)     (6,926,362)
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Net change ........................     2,037,847      18,796,358         161,643       1,561,346
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Proceeds from shares sold ...........     2,448,286      22,382,389       2,002,683      19,847,389
  Reinvested distributions ............       114,773       1,055,284          94,661         937,246
  Cost of shares redeemed .............    (2,876,167)    (26,417,069)     (1,843,176)    (18,364,610)
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Net change ........................      (313,108)     (2,979,396)        254,168       2,420,025
                                         ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Total transactions in Fund
  shares ..............................     3,247,424    $ 30,705,415       1,648,300    $ 16,142,153
                                         ============    ============    ============    ============


      At June 30, 2009 there were 7 Trustees, one of which is affiliated with
the Manager and is not paid any fees. The total amount of Trustees' service and
attendance fees paid during the year ended June 30, 2009 was $73,000, to cover
carrying out their responsibilities and attendance at regularly scheduled
quarterly Board Meetings and meetings of the Independent Trustees held prior to

quarterly Board Meeting. When additional meetings (Audit, Nominating,
Shareholder and special meetings) are held, meeting fees are paid to those
Trustees in attendance. Trustees are reimbursed for their expenses such as
travel, accommodations, and meals incurred in connection with attendance at
Board Meetings and the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. For the year ended June
30, 2009, such meeting-related expenses amounted to $31,563.


      The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued basis.
When-issued transactions arise when securities are purchased or sold by the Fund
with payment and delivery taking place in the future in order to secure what is
considered to be an advantageous price and yield to the Fund at the time of
entering into the transaction. Beginning on the date the Fund enters into a
when-issued transaction, cash or other liquid securities are segregated in an
amount equal to or greater than the amount of the when-issued transaction. These
transactions are subject to market fluctuations and their current value is
determined in the same manner as for other securities.


      The Fund declares dividends daily from net investment income and makes
payments monthly. Net realized capital gains, if any, are distributed annually
and are taxable. These distributions are paid in additional shares at the net
asset value per share, in cash, or in a combination of both, at the
shareholder's option.

      The Fund intends to maintain, to the maximum extent possible, the
tax-exempt status of interest payments received from portfolio municipal
securities in order to allow dividends paid to shareholders from net investment
income to be exempt from regular Federal and State of Utah income taxes.
However, due to differences between financial statement reporting and Federal
income tax reporting requirements, distributions made by the Fund may not be the
same as the Fund's net investment income, and/or net realized securities gains.
In this regard, the Fund increased undistributed net investment income in the
amount of $221,880, decreased accumulated net realized loss on investments by
$796,251 and decreased additional paid-in capital in the amount of $1,018,131 at
June 30, 2009. This adjustment had no impact on the Fund's aggregate net assets
at June 30, 2009. Further, a small portion of the dividends may, under some
circumstances, be subject to taxes at ordinary income rates. For certain
shareholders some dividend income may, under some circumstances, be subject to
the alternative minimum tax.

      At June 30, 2009, the Fund had a capital loss carryover of $902,608 of
which $15,469 expires on June 30, 2011, $253,815 expires on June 30, 2012 and
$633,324 expires on June 30, 2017. This carryover is available to offset future
net realized gains on securities transactions to the extent provided for in the
Internal Revenue Code. To the extent that this loss is used to offset future
realized capital gains, it is probable that the gains so offset will not be
distributed. At June 30, 2009 there were post-October capital loss deferrals of
$1,166,939, which will be recognized in the following year.

      The tax character of distributions:

                                                  Year Ended June 30,
                                                2009             2008
                                           -------------   --------------
      Net tax-exempt income                $  11,141,377   $    9,144,508
      Ordinary income                            221,880          318,186
                                           -------------   --------------
                                           $  11,363,257   $    9,462,694
                                           =============   ==============

      As of June 30, 2009, the components of distributable earnings on a tax
      basis were as follows:

      Undistributed tax-exempt income      $     248,139
      Undistributed taxable income                34,807
      Accumulated net realized loss             (902,608)
      Unrealized depreciation                (13,346,846)
      Other temporary differences             (1,409,026)
                                           $ (15,375,534)

      The difference between book basis and tax basis unrealized appreciation is
      attributable primarily to premium/discount adjustments. The difference
      between book basis and tax basis undistributed income is due to the timing
      difference in recognizing dividends paid.


      Since December 2007, municipal bond insurance companies have been under
review by the three major rating agencies: Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch.
The ratings of most of the insurance companies have now either been downgraded
and/or have a negative outlook. The financial markets continue to assess the
severity of the losses caused by the subprime credit crisis and its impact on
municipal bond insurance companies and the prices of insured municipal bonds.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


                                                                                                Class A
                                                                                          Year Ended June 30,
                                                                      2009         2008           2007         2006         2005
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Net asset value, beginning of period ...........................   $    9.73     $    9.91     $    9.87    $   10.26    $    9.91
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
    Net investment income ......................................        0.44++        0.41++        0.40+        0.40+        0.41+
    Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized
        and unrealized) ........................................       (0.37)        (0.17)         0.05        (0.37)        0.38
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
    Total from investment operations ...........................        0.07          0.24          0.45         0.03         0.79
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Less distributions (note 10):
    Dividends from net investment income .......................       (0.45)        (0.42)        (0.41)       (0.42)       (0.44)
    Distributions from capital gains ...........................          --            --            --           --           --
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
    Total distributions ........................................       (0.45)        (0.42)        (0.41)       (0.42)       (0.44)
                                                                   ---------     ---------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Net asset value, end of period .................................   $    9.35     $    9.73     $    9.91    $    9.87    $   10.26
                                                                   =========     =========     =========    =========    =========

Total return (not reflecting sales charge) .....................        0.91%         2.45%         4.60%        0.28%        8.06%
Ratios/supplemental data
    Net assets, end of period (in thousands) ...................   $ 166,182     $ 158,125     $ 148,894    $ 142,227    $ 126,091
    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....................        0.75%         0.63%         0.68%        0.64%        0.59%
    Ratio of net investment income to average
        net assets .............................................        4.80%         4.09%         3.89%        3.90%        3.98%
    Portfolio turnover rate ....................................       24.64%        18.83%        17.36%        9.61%        8.68%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the waiver of
a portion of the management fee were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....................        0.87%         0.90%         0.96%        0.93%        0.97%
    Ratio of net investment income to average
        net assets .............................................        4.68%         3.82%         3.61%        3.61%        3.60%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver and expense offset for
uninvested cash balances were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ....................        0.74%         0.61%         0.66%        0.61%        0.56%

- ----------
+     Per share amounts have been calculated using the monthly average shares
++    Per share amounts have been calculated using the daily average shares

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH
                        FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)


                                                                                     Class C
                                                                               Year Ended June 30,
                                                        2009           2008           2007          2006          2005
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Net asset value, beginning of period .............   $    9.72      $    9.91      $    9.87     $   10.26     $    9.91
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
    Net investment income ........................        0.37++         0.33++         0.32+         0.32+         0.32+
    Net gain (loss) on securities (both
        realized and unrealized) .................       (0.37)         (0.18)          0.05         (0.37)         0.38
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Total from investment operations .................          --           0.15           0.37         (0.05)         0.70
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Less distributions (note 10):
    Dividends from net investment income..........       (0.38)         (0.34)         (0.33)        (0.34)        (0.35)
    Distributions from capital gains .............          --             --             --            --            --
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
    Total distributions ..........................       (0.38)         (0.34)         (0.33)        (0.34)        (0.35)
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Net asset value, end of period ...................   $    9.34      $    9.72      $    9.91     $    9.87     $   10.26
                                                     =========      =========      =========     =========     =========
Total return (not reflecting sales charge) .......        0.10%          1.53%          3.77%        (0.52)%        7.20%
Ratios/supplemental data
    Net assets, end of period (in thousands) .....   $  49,700      $  31,906      $  30,905     $  33,791     $  27,581
    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        1.55%          1.43%          1.48%         1.44%         1.39%
    Ratio of net investment income to
        average net assets .......................        3.99%          3.29%          3.10%         3.10%         3.18%
    Portfolio turnover rate ......................       24.64%         18.83%         17.36%         9.61%         8.68%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the waiver of
a portion of the management fee were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        1.67%          1.70%          1.76%         1.72%         1.77%
    Ratio of net investment income to
        average net assets .......................        3.88%          3.02%          2.81%         2.81%         2.80%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver and expense offset for
uninvested cash balances were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        1.54%          1.42%          1.46%         1.41%         1.36%

                                                                                    Class Y
                                                                              Year Ended June 30,
                                                        2009           2008           2007          2006          2005
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Net asset value, beginning of period .............   $    9.76      $    9.94      $    9.90     $   10.29     $    9.94
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
    Net investment income ........................        0.46++         0.43++         0.41+         0.42+         0.42+
    Net gain (loss) on securities (both
        realized and unrealized) .................       (0.37)         (0.17)          0.07         (0.37)         0.39
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Total from investment operations .................        0.09           0.26           0.48          0.05          0.81
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Less distributions (note 10):
    Dividends from net investment income.. .......       (0.47)         (0.44)         (0.44)        (0.44)        (0.46)
    Distributions from capital gains .............          --             --             --            --            --
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
    Total distributions ..........................       (0.47)         (0.44)         (0.44)        (0.44)        (0.46)
                                                     ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------     ---------
Net asset value, end of period ...................   $    9.38      $    9.76      $    9.94     $    9.90     $   10.29
                                                     =========      =========      =========     =========     =========
Total return (not reflecting sales charge) .......        1.13%          2.67%          4.80%         0.49%         8.27%
Ratios/supplemental data
    Net assets, end of period (in thousands) .....   $  43,895      $  48,737      $  47,124     $  39,791     $  17,928
    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        0.55%          0.43%          0.48%         0.44%         0.39%
    Ratio of net investment income to
        average net assets .......................        5.00%          4.29%          4.09%         4.10%         4.15%
    Portfolio turnover rate ......................       24.64%         18.83%         17.36%         9.61%         8.68%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the waiver of
a portion of the management fee were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        0.67%          0.70%          0.76%         0.72%         0.77%
    Ratio of net investment income to
        average net assets .......................        4.88%          4.02%          3.81%         3.82%         3.78%

The expense ratios after giving effect to the waiver and expense offset for
uninvested cash balances were (note 3):

    Ratio of expenses to average net assets ......        0.54%          0.42%          0.46%         0.41%         0.37%

- ----------
+     Per share amounts have been calculated using the monthly average shares
++ Per share amount calculated using the daily average shares method.

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      As a shareholder of the Fund, you may incur two types of costs: (1)
transaction costs, including front-end sales charges with respect to Class A
shares or contingent deferred sales charges ("CDSC") with respect to Class C
shares; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and/or
service (12b-1) fees; and other Fund expenses. The table below is intended to
help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and
to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual

      The table below is based on an investment of $1,000 invested on January 1,
2009 and held for the six months ended June 30, 2009.


      This table provides information about actual account values and actual
expenses. You may use the information provided in this table, together with the
amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. To
estimate the expenses you paid on your account, divide your ending account value
by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 ending account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6),
then multiply the result by the number under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid
During the Period".


                   TOTAL RETURN       BEGINNING       ENDING         EXPENSES
                     WITHOUT           ACCOUNT        ACCOUNT       PAID DURING
                 SALES CHARGES(1)       VALUE          VALUE       THE PERIOD(2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                9.66%          $1,000.00      $1,096.60        $4.11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class C                9.24%          $1,000.00      $1,092.40        $8.25
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y                9.75%          $1,000.00      $1,097.50        $3.07
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      The table below provides information about hypothetical account values and
hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of
return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return.
The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the
actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use
the information provided in this table to compare the ongoing costs of investing
in the Fund and other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5.00% hypothetical
example relating to the Fund with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in
the shareholder reports of other mutual funds.

      Please note that the expenses shown in the table below are meant to
highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs
with respect to Class A shares. The example does not reflect the deduction of
contingent deferred sales charges ("CDSC") with respect to Class C shares.
Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not
help you determine the relative total costs of owning different mutual funds. In
addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been


                       ANNUALIZED       BEGINNING       ENDING       EXPENSES
                         TOTAL           ACCOUNT       ACCOUNT      PAID DURING
                        RETURN            VALUE         VALUE      THE PERIOD(1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                  5.00%         $1,000.00      $1,020.88        $3.96
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class C                  5.00%         $1,000.00      $1,016.91        $7.95
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y                  5.00%         $1,000.00      $1,021.87        $2.96
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Much of the information that the funds in the Aquila Group of Funds
produce is automatically sent to you and all other shareholders. Specifically,
you are routinely sent your Fund's entire list of portfolio securities twice a
year in the semi-annual and annual reports you receive. Additionally, under Fund
policies, the Manager publicly discloses the complete schedule of the Fund's
portfolio holdings, as of each calendar quarter, generally by the 15th day after
the end of each calendar quarter. Such information remains accessible until the
next schedule is made publicly available. You may obtain a copy of the Fund's
portfolio holding schedule for the most recently completed period by visiting
the Fund's website at www.aquilafunds.com. The Fund also discloses its five
largest holdings by value as of the close of the last business day of each
calendar month in a posting to its website on the 5th business day following the
month end. This information remains on the website until the next such posting.
Whenever you wish to see a listing of your Fund's portfolio other than in your
shareholder reports, please check our website (www.aquilafunds.com) or call us
at 1-800-437-1020.

      The Fund additionally files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with
the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Forms
N-Q are available free of charge on the SEC website at http://www.sec.gov. You
may also review or, for a fee, copy the forms at the SEC's Public Reference Room
in Washington, D.C. or by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The Fund does not invest in equity securities. Accordingly, there were no
matters relating to a portfolio security considered at any shareholder meeting
held during the 12 months ended June 30, 2009 with respect to which the Fund was
entitled to vote. Applicable regulations require us to inform you that the
foregoing proxy voting information is available on the SEC website at

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      This information is presented in order to comply with a requirement of the

      For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, $11,141,377 of dividends paid by
Tax-Free Fund For Utah, constituting 98.05% of total dividends paid during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, were exempt-interest dividends, and the balance
was ordinary dividend income.

      Prior to January 31, 2009, shareholders were mailed the appropriate tax
form(s) which contained information on the status of distributions paid for the

      Prior to January 31, 2010, shareholders will be mailed the appropriate tax
form(s) which will contain information on the status of distributions paid for

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------


Diana P. Herrmann       Trustee               Vice  Chair and Chief  Executive  Officer of          12      ICI Mutual Insurance
New York, NY            since 1997            Aquila  Management  Corporation,  Founder of                  Company
(02/25/58)              and President         the Aquila  Group of Funds(5)  and parent of
                        since 1998            Aquila  Investment  Management LLC,  Manager
                                              since  2004,  President  since  1997,  Chief
                                              Operating  Officer,  1997-2008,  a  Director
                                              since   1984,   Secretary   since  1986  and
                                              previously  its  Executive  Vice  President,
                                              Senior  Vice  President  or Vice  President,
                                              1986-1997;  Chief Executive Officer and Vice
                                              Chair since 2004,  President  and Manager of
                                              the Manager since 2003, and Chief  Operating
                                              Officer of the  Manager,  2003-2008;  Chair,
                                              Vice  Chair,   President,   Executive   Vice
                                              President or Senior Vice  President of funds
                                              in the  Aquila  Group of Funds  since  1986;
                                              Director  of  the  Distributor  since  1997;
                                              Governor,  Investment  Company  Institute (a
                                              trade  organization for the U.S. mutual fund
                                              industry dedicated to protecting shareholder
                                              interests  and  educating  the public  about
                                              investing)  and  head  of  its  Small  Funds
                                              Committee  since 2004;  active in charitable
                                              and volunteer organizations.


Gary C. Cornia          Chair of the          Dean, Marriott School of Management, Brigham          4       Lincoln Institute of
Orem, UT                Board of              Young  University,   since  2008;  Director,                  Land Policy, Cambridge,
(06/24/48)              Trustees              Romney   Institute  of  Public   Management,                  MA
                        since 2005            Marriott School of Management,  2004 - 2008;
                        and Trustee           Professor,  Marriott  School of  Management,
                        since 1993            1980 - present; Past President, the National
                                              Tax Association; Fellow, Lincoln
                                              Institute of Land Policy, 2002 -
                                              present; Associate Dean, Marriott
                                              School of Management, Brigham
                                              Young University, 1991-2000;
                                              member, Utah Governor's Tax Review
                                              Committee since 1993.

                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------
Tucker Hart Adams       Trustee               President,   The  Adams  Group,   Inc.,   an          3       Griffis/Blessings, Inc.
Colorado Springs, CO    since 2006            economic   consulting   firm,   since  1989;                  (commercial property
(01/11/38)                                    formerly  Chief  Economist,  United Banks of                  development and
                                              Colorado;  currently or formerly active with                  management); Kachi
                                              numerous    professional    and    community                  Partners (middle market
                                              organizations.                                                buyouts); Colorado
                                                                                                            Health Facilities

Thomas A. Christopher   Trustee               Vice   President  of   Robinson,   Hughes  &          4       None
Danville, KY            since 2006            Christopher,  C.P.A.s,  P.S.C.,  since 1977;
(12/19/47)                                    President,  A Good  Place for Fun,  Inc.,  a
                                              sports facility, since 1987;
                                              currently or formerly active with
                                              various professional and community

Lyle W. Hillyard        Trustee               President  of  the  law  firm  of  Hillyard,          2       None
Logan, UT               since 2003            Anderson & Olsen,  Logan,  Utah, since 1967;
(09/25/40)                                    member of Utah Senate,  1985 to present,  in
                                              the following positions:
                                              President, 2000, Senate Majority
                                              Leader, 1999-2000, Assistant
                                              Majority Whip, 1995-1998; served
                                              as Chairman of the following Utah
                                              Senate Committees: Tax and
                                              Revenue, Senate Judiciary
                                              Standing, Joint Executive
                                              Appropriations, and Senate Rules;
                                              currently serves as Co-Chair,
                                              Joint Executive Appropriations.

John C. Lucking         Trustee               President, Econ-Linc, an economic consulting          3       None
Phoenix, AZ             since 2004            firm,   since  1995;   formerly   Consulting
(05/20/43)                                    Economist,   Bank  One   Arizona  and  Chief
                                              Economist, Valley National Bank;
                                              member, Arizona's Joint
                                              Legislative Budget Committee
                                              Economic Advisory Panel and the
                                              Western Blue Chip Economic
                                              Forecast Panel; Board member,
                                              Northern Arizona University
                                              Foundation since 1997; member,
                                              various historical, civic and
                                              economic associations.

                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------
Anne J. Mills           Trustee               President,  Loring Consulting  Company since          4       None
Castle Rock, CO         since 1994            2001; Vice President for Business Management
(12/23/38)                                    and  CFO,  Ottawa   University,   1992-2001,
                                              2006-2008; IBM Corporation,
                                              1965-1991; currently active with
                                              various charitable, educational
                                              and religious organizations.


Lacy B. Herrmann        Founder and           Founder and  Chairman  of the Board,  Aquila          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            Chairman              Management   Corporation,   the   sponsoring
(05/12/29)              Emeritus              organization  and  parent of the  Manager or
                        since 2005,           Administrator  and/or Adviser or Sub-Adviser
                        Chairman of           to each fund of the  Aquila  Group of Funds;
                        the Board             Chairman  of the  Manager  or  Administrator
                        of Trustees,          and/or  Adviser or Sub-Adviser to each since
                        1992-2005             2004;  Founder and Chairman Emeritus of each
                                              fund in the Aquila Group of Funds;
                                              previously Chairman and a Trustee
                                              of each fund in the Aquila Group
                                              of Funds since its establishment
                                              until 2004 or 2005; Director of
                                              the Distributor since 1981 and
                                              formerly Vice President or
                                              Secretary, 1981-1998; Director or
                                              trustee, Premier VIT, 1994 - 2009;
                                              Director or trustee of Oppenheimer
                                              Quest Value Funds Group,
                                              Oppenheimer Small Cap Value Fund,
                                              Oppenheimer Midcap Fund, 1987 -
                                              2009, and Oppenheimer Rochester
                                              Group of Funds, 1995 - 2009;
                                              Trustee Emeritus, Brown University
                                              and the Hopkins School; active in
                                              university, school and charitable

                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------

Charles E. Childs, III  Executive Vice        Executive Vice President of all funds in the          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            President             Aquila  Group of Funds and the  Manager  and
(04/01/57)              since 2003            the Manager's  parent since 2003;  Executive
                                              Vice President and Chief Operating
                                              Officer of the Manager and the
                                              Manager's parent since 2008;
                                              formerly Senior Vice President,
                                              corporate development, Vice
                                              President, Assistant Vice
                                              President and Associate of the
                                              Manager's parent since 1987;
                                              Senior Vice President, Vice
                                              President or Assistant Vice
                                              President of the Aquila
                                              Money-Market Funds, 1988-2003.

Maryann Bruce           Senior Vice           President, Aquila Distributors,  Inc., since          N/A     N/A
Cornelius, NC           President since       2008;  Senior Vice  President of each of the
(04/01/60)              2009                  equity and bond funds in the Aquila Group of
                                              Funds since 2009; Executive
                                              Managing Director, Evergreen
                                              Investments, 2004 - 2007,
                                              President, Evergreen Investment
                                              Services, Inc., 1999 - 2007;
                                              President and CEO, Allstate
                                              Financial Distributors, Inc., 1998
                                              - 1999; Senior Vice President and
                                              Director Financial Institution
                                              Division, OppenheimerFunds, Inc.,
                                              1990 - 1998, Regional Vice
                                              President, 1987 - 1990; Vice
                                              President and Mutual Fund
                                              Marketing Manager, J.C. Bradford &
                                              Company, 1982 - 1987.

Todd W. Curtis          Vice President        Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager,          N/A     N/A
Phoenix, AZ             since 2009            Tax-Free  Trust  of  Arizona,  since  August
(06/08/49)                                    2004; Vice President and Portfolio  Manager,
                                              Churchill Tax-Free Fund of
                                              Kentucky, since 2009, backup
                                              portfolio manager, 2004-2009; Vice
                                              President and Portfolio Manager,
                                              Tax-Free Fund For Utah, since
                                              2009; Vice President and Portfolio
                                              Manager, Banc One Investment
                                              Advisors, Inc. and its
                                              predecessors, 1981-2004.

                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------
Mary Kayleen Willis     Vice President        Vice President, Tax-Free Fund For Utah since          N/A     N/A
Salt Lake City, UT      since 2003            September  2003,  Assistant Vice  President,
(06/11/63)                                    2002-2003;  Vice  President,   Aquila  Rocky
                                              Mountain Equity Fund, since 2004.

Robert W. Anderson      Chief                 Chief  Compliance  Officer  of the  Fund and          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            Compliance            each of the other funds in the Aquila  Group
(08/23/40)              Officer               of Funds,  the Manager  and the  Distributor
                        since 2004 since 2004, Compliance Officer of the and
                        Assistant Manager or its predecessor and current
                        Secretary parent 1998-2004; Assistant Secretary of the
                        since 2000 Aquila Group of Funds since 2000.

Joseph P. DiMaggio      Chief                 Chief Financial  Officer of each fund in the          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            Financial             Aquila   Group  of  Funds   since  2003  and
(11/06/56)              Officer               Treasurer since 2000.
                        since 2003
                        and Treasurer
                        since 2000

Edward M. W. Hines      Secretary             Shareholder  of Butzel Long, a  professional          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            since 1992            corporation,  counsel  to  the  Fund,  since
(12/16/39)                                    2007;  Partner  of Hollyer  Brady  Barrett &
                                              Hines LLP, its predecessor as
                                              counsel, 1989-2007; Secretary of
                                              each fund in the Aquila Group of

John M. Herndon         Assistant             Assistant  Secretary  of  each  fund  in the          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            Secretary             Aquila  Group of Funds  since  1995 and Vice
(12/17/39)              since 1995            President of the three  Aquila  Money-Market
                                              Funds since 1990; Vice President
                                              of the Manager or its predecessor
                                              and current parent since 1990.

                                                                                                NUMBER OF   OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                        POSITIONS                                                               PORTFOLIOS  HELD BY TRUSTEE (THE
                        HELD WITH                                                               IN FUND     POSITION HELD IS A
NAME,                   FUND AND              PRINCIPAL                                         COMPLEX     DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
ADDRESS(2)              LENGTH OF             OCCUPATION(S)                                     OVERSEEN    INDICATED
AND DATE OF BIRTH       SERVICE(3)            DURING PAST 5 YEARS                               BY TRUSTEE  OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------       ----------            -------------------                               ----------  -----------

Lori A. Vindigni        Assistant             Assistant  Treasurer  of  each  fund  in the          N/A     N/A
New York, NY            Treasurer             Aquila Group of Funds since 2000;  Assistant
(11/02/66)              since 2000            Vice   President   of  the  Manager  or  its
                                              predecessor and current parent
                                              since 1998; Fund Accountant for
                                              the Aquila Group of Funds,

- ----------
(1) The Fund's Statement of Additional Information includes additional
information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request by
calling 800-437-1020 (toll-free) or by visiting www.aquilafunds.com or the EDGAR
Database at the SEC's internet site at www.sec.gov.
(2) The mailing address of each Trustee and officer is c/o Tax-Free Fund For
Utah, 380 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017. (3) Each Trustee holds office
until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until his or her successor is
elected and qualifies. The term of office of each officer is one year.
(4) Ms. Herrmann is an interested person of the Fund as an officer of the Fund,
as a director, officer and shareholder of the Manager's corporate parent, as an
officer and Manager of the Manager, and as a shareholder and director of the
Distributor. Ms. Herrmann is the daughter of Lacy B. Herrmann, the Founder and
Chairman Emeritus of the Fund.
(5) In this material Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust, Pacific Capital U.S.
Government Securities Cash Assets Trust and Pacific Capital Tax-Free Cash Assets
Trust, each of which is a money-market fund, are called the "Aquila Money-Market
Funds"; Hawaiian Tax-Free Trust, Tax-Free Trust of Arizona, Tax-Free Trust of
Oregon, Tax-Free Fund of Colorado, Churchill Tax-Free Fund of Kentucky,
Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund and Tax-Free Fund For Utah, each of
which is a tax-free municipal bond fund, are called the "Aquila Municipal Bond
Funds"; Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund is an equity fund; Aquila Three Peaks
High Income Fund is a high income corporate bond fund; considered together,
these 12 funds are called the "Aquila Group of Funds." (6) The Chairman Emeritus
may attend Board meetings but has no voting power.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             TAX-FREE FUND FOR UTAH

OUR PRIVACY POLICY. In providing services to you as an individual who owns or is
considering investing in shares of the Fund, we collect certain non-public
personal information about you. Our policy is to keep this information strictly
safeguarded and confidential, and to use or disclose it only as necessary to
provide services to you or as otherwise permitted by law. Our privacy policy
applies equally to former shareholders and persons who inquire about the Fund.

INFORMATION WE COLLECT. "Non-public personal information" is personally
identifiable financial information about you as an individual or your family.
The kinds of non-public personal information we have about you may include the
information you provide us on your share purchase application or in telephone
calls or correspondence with us, and information about your fund transactions
and holdings, how you voted your shares and the account where your shares are

INFORMATION WE DISCLOSE. We disclose non-public personal information about you
to companies that provide necessary services to us, such as the Fund's transfer
agent, distributor, investment adviser or sub-adviser, if any, as permitted or
required by law, or as authorized by you. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
We do not sell information about you or any of our fund shareholders to anyone.

NON-CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: We also may disclose some of this information to
another fund in the Aquila Group of Funds (or its service providers) under joint
marketing agreements that permit the funds to use the information only to
provide you with information about other funds in the Aquila Group of Funds or
new services we are offering that may be of interest to you.

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY: In addition, unless you "opt-out" of the following
disclosures using the form that was mailed to you under separate cover, we may
disclose some of this information to another fund in the Aquila Group of Funds
(or its service providers) under joint marketing agreements that permit the
funds to use the information only to provide you with information about other
funds in the Aquila Group of Funds or new services we are offering that may be
of interest to you.

HOW WE SAFEGUARD YOUR INFORMATION. We restrict access to non-public personal
information about you to only those persons who need it to provide services to
you or who are permitted by law to receive it. We maintain physical, electronic
and procedural safeguards to protect the confidentiality of all non-public
personal information we have about you.

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

                            AQUILA DISTRIBUTORS, INC.

This Privacy Policy also has been adopted by Aquila Distributors, Inc. and
Aquila Investment Management LLC and applies to all non-public information about
you that each of these companies may obtain in connection with services provided
to the Fund or to you as a shareholder of the Fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Lacy B. Herrmann, Chairman Emeritus
   Aquila Management Corporation

   AQUILA investment MANAGEMENT LLC 380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300 New York, New
   York 10017

   Gary C. Cornia, Chair
   Anne J. Mills
   Tucker Hart Adams
   Thomas A. Christopher
   Diana P. Herrmann
   Lyle W. Hillyard
   John C. Lucking
   Diana P. Herrmann, President
   Maryann Bruce, Senior Vice President
   Todd W. Curtis, Vice President and Portfolio Manager
   M. Kayleen Willis, Vice President
   Robert W. Anderson, Chief Compliance Officer
   Joseph P. DiMaggio, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
   Edward M.W. Hines, Secretary

   380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300
   New York, New York 10017

   PNC Global Investment Servicing
   101 Sabin Street
   Pawtucket, RI 02860

   JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
   1111 Polaris Parkway
   Columbus, Ohio 43240

   Market Street, Suite 2400
   Philadelphia, PA 19103

Further information is contained in the Prospectus, which must precede or
accompany this report.


(a) As of June 30, 2009 (the end of the reporting period) the
Trust has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Trust's
principal executive officer(s)and principal financial officer(s)
and persons performing similar functions ("Covered Officers") as
defined in the Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal
Executive and Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002;

(f)(1) Pursuant to Item 10(a)(1), a copy of the Trust's Code of
 Ethics that applies to the Trust's principal executive officer(s)
 and principal financial officer(s) and persons performing similar
functions is included as an exhibit to its annual report on this
Form N-CSR;

(f)(2)  The text of the Trust's Code of Ethics that applies to the
Trust's principal executive officer(s) and principal financial
officer(s) and persons performing similar functions has been
posted on its Internet website which can be found at the Trust's
Internet address at aquilafunds.com.


(a)(1)(ii) The Board of Trustees of the Fund has determined that
it does not have at least one audit committee financial expert
serving on its audit committee.  The Fund does not have such a
person serving on the audit committee because none of the persons
currently serving as Trustees happens to have the technical
accounting and auditing expertise included in the definition of
"audit committee financial expert" recently adopted by the Securities
and Exchange Commission in connection with this Form N-CSR, and the
Board has not heretofore deemed it necessary to seek such a person
for election to the Board.

The primary mission of the Board, which is that of oversight over
the operations and affairs of the Fund, confronts the Trustees with
a wide and expanding range of issues and responsibilities. The
Trustees believe that, accordingly, it is essential that the Board's
membership consist of persons with as extensive experience as possible
in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of mutual fund directors
and audit committee members and, ideally, with extensive experience
and background relating to the economic and financial sectors and
securities in which the Fund invests, including exposure to the
financial and accounting matters commonly encountered with respect
to those sectors and securities.  The Board believes that its current
membership satisfies those criteria.  It recognizes that it would
also be helpful to have a member with the relatively focused accounting
and auditing expertise reflected in the applicable definition of
"audit committee financial expert," just as additional members with
similarly focused technical expertise in other areas relevant to
the Fund's operations and affairs would also contribute added value.
However, the Board believes that the Fund is better served, and its
assets better employed, by a policy of hiring experts in various
the specialized area of technical accounting and
auditing matters, if and as the Board identifies the need, rather
than by seeking to expand its numbers by adding technical experts
in the areas constituting its domain of responsibility.  The Fund's
Audit Committee Charter explicitly authorizes the Committee to
retain such experts as it deems necessary in fulfilling its duties


a) Audit Fees - The aggregate fees billed for professional services
rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the Registrant's
annual financial statements were $14,000 in 2008 and $14,700 in 2009.

b) Audit Related Fees - There were no amounts billed for audit-related
fees over the past two years.

c)  Tax Fees - The Registrant was billed by the principal accountant
$3,000 and $3,100 in 2008 and 2009, respectively, for return preparation
and tax compliance.

d)  All Other Fees - There were no additional fees paid for audit and
non-audit services other than those disclosed in a) thorough c) above.

e)(1)  Currently, the audit committee of the Registrant pre-approves audit
services and fees on an engagement-by-engagement basis

e)(2)  None of the services described in b) through d) above were approved
by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of
Regulation S-X, all were pre-approved on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

f)  No applicable.

g) There were no non-audit services fees billed by the Registrant's accountant
  to the Registrant's investment adviser or distributor over the past two years

h)  Not applicable.


	Not applicable.


	Included in Item 1 above


   	Not applicable.


	Not applicable.


	Not applicable.


	The Board of Directors of the Registrant has adopted a Nominating
Committee Charter which provides that the Nominating Committee (the 'Committee')
may consider and evaluate nominee candidates properly submitted by shareholders
if a vacancy among the Independent Trustees of the Registrant occurs and if,
based on the Board's then current size, composition and structure, the Committee
determines that the vacancy should be filled.  The Committee will consider
candidates submitted by shareholders on the same basis as it considers and
evaluates candidates recommended by other sources.  A copy of the qualifications
and procedures that must be met or followed by shareholders to properly submit
a nominee candidate to the Committee may be obtained by submitting a request
in writing to the Secretary of the Registrant.


(a)  Based on their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the Investment Company Act of
1940) as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report, the registrant's
chief financial and executive officers have concluded that the disclosure
controls and procedures of the registrant are appropriately designed to ensure
that information required to be disclosed in the registrant's reports that are
filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are accumulated and communicated
to registrant's management, including its principal executive officer(s) and
principal financial officer(s), to allow timely decisions regarding required
disclosure and is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time
periods specified in the rules and forms adopted by the Securities and Exchange

(b)  There have been no significant changes in registrant's internal controls or
in other factors that could significantly affect registrant's internal controls
subsequent to the date of the most recent evaluation, including no significant
deficiencies or material weaknesses that required corrective action.


(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive and
Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002.

(a)(2) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of

(b) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act
of 1940.


	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
 of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
 thereunto duly authorized.


By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- -----------------------------------
President and Trustee
September 8, 2009

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- -------------------------------------
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
September 8, 2009

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
And the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed
below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the
capacities and on the dates indicated.

By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- -----------------------------------
Diana P. Herrmann
President and Trustee
September 8, 2009

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- -------------------------------------
Joseph P. DiMaggio
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
September 8, 2009



(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive and
Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002.

(a) (2) Certifications of principal executive officer
and principal financial officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a)
under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

(b) Certification of chief executive officer and chief financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Investment Company Act
of 1940.