Avalon Community Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                    Pro Forma Combined Financial Statements

The  unaudited  pro  forma  combined  financial  statements  give  effect to the
acquisition of the Turley  Correctional  Facility ("Turley") by Avalon Community
Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries  ("Avalon"),  which has been accounted for using
the purchase method of accounting.  The pro forma combined financial  statements
are presented for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily  indicative
of the operating results that would have occurred if the transactions  given pro
forma effect herein had been  consummated as of the time reflected  herein,  nor
are they  necessarily  indicative of the future  operating  results or financial
position  of  Avalon.  The  pro  forma  adjustments  are  based  upon  available
information and certain  assumptions  that Avalon believes are reasonable.  This
information  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the  historical  financial
statements and related notes of Avalon and the statements of net assets acquired
and direct revenues and operating expenses of Turley.

                Avalon Community Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                        PRO FORMA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET

                               September 30, 1997

                                       Historical                      Pro forma
                                ------------------------      -------------------------------
        ASSETS                     Avalon       Turley         Adjustments          Combined
                                -----------    ---------      ------------        -----------

Cash and cash equivalents       $ 2,930,347    $      -       $(1,403,050)(1)     $ 1,527,297
Current assets                    1,478,145           -                -            1,478,145
Property and equipment, net       8,809,341      574,497          383,857 (1)       9,767,695
Other assets                        370,849           -           444,696 (1)         815,545
                                -----------     --------      ------------        -----------
 Total assets                   $13,588,682     $574,497      $  (574,497)        $13,588,682


Current liabilities             $ 1,609,443     $     -       $        -          $ 1,609,443
Long-term debt                    5,179,681           -                -            5,179,681
Convertible debentures            4,150,000           -                -            4,150,000
Stockholders' equity/
 facility net assets              2,649,558      574,497         (574,497)          2,649,558
                                -----------     --------      ------------        -----------
                                $13,588,682     $574,497      $  (574,497)        $13,588,682
                                ===========     ========      ============        ===========

             See notes to pro forma combined financial statements.

                Avalon Community Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries


                      For the year ended December 31, 1996

                                             Historical                     Pro forma
                                    --------------------------     ---------------------------
                                      Avalon          Turley        Adjustments      Combined
                                    -----------     ----------     --------------   ----------

Revenues                            $ 3,312,687     $1,331,208     $      -         $4,643,895
Costs and expenses
 Direct operating                     1,961,567        856,897            -          2,818,464
 General and administrative             645,660        285,607            -            931,267
 Depreciation and amortization       
  expense                               306,865         34,627        74,844  (2)      416,336
 Interest expense                       419,012             -             -            419,012
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------
                                      3,333,104      1,177,131        74,844         4,585,079
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------
Income (loss) from continuing 
 operations before income
 tax expense                            (20,417)       154,077       (74,844)           58,816
   Income tax expense                    39,370             -          8,822  (3)       48,192
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ---------- 
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations                             (59,787)       154,077       (83,666)           10,624
 Discontinued operations
   Loss on operations, net 
   of income taxes                     (649,247)            -             -           (649,247)
   Loss on disposal, net 
   of income taxes                     (324,659)            -             -           (324,659)
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              
                                       (973,906)            -             -           (973,906)
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------
       Net income (loss)            $(1,033,693)    $  154,077      $(83,666)       $ (963,282)
                                    ===========     ==========      ========        ==========

Basic and diluted loss per share
 Continuing operations              $      (.02)                                    $       -
 Discontinued operations                   (.36)                                          (.35)
                                    -----------                                     ----------
       Net loss per share           $      (.38)                                    $     (.35)
                                    ===========                                     ==========

Weighted average common shares 
  outstanding                         2,745,879                                      2,745,879
                                    ===========                                     ==========

              See notes to pro forma combined financial statements


                  For the nine months ended September 30, 1997

                                             Historical                     Pro forma
                                    --------------------------     ---------------------------
                                      Avalon          Turley        Adjustments      Combined
                                    -----------     ----------     --------------   ----------

Revenues                            $ 4,025,972     $1,008,280      $     -        $ 5,034,252
Costs and expenses
 Direct operating                     2,580,277        690,119            -          3,270,396
 General and administrative             638,941        246,498            -            885,439
 Depreciation and 
   amortization expense                 309,139         28,632        53,546 (2)       391,317
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              
                                      3,528,357        965,249        53,546         4,547,152
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              

Income from operations                  497,615         43,031       (53,546)          487,100
Less interest expense                   510,167             -              -           510,167
Less unusual item - 
  amortization of discount 
  on convertible debentures           1,818,750             -              -         1,818,750
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              
Income (loss) from continuing 
  operations before income 
  tax expense                        (1,831,302)        43,031       (53,546)       (1,841,817)
    Income tax expense                       -              -             -                 -
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              
Income (loss) from continuing 
  operations                         (1,831,302)        43,031       (53,546)       (1,841,817)
  Discontinued operations
    Loss on operations, net 
      of income taxes                   (57,863)            -             -            (57,863)
                                     ----------     ----------      --------        ----------                              
       Net income (loss)            $(1,889,165)    $   43,031     $ (53,546)      $(1,899,680)
                                     ==========     ==========      ========        ==========

Basic and diluted loss per share
  Continuing operations             $      (.62)                                   $      (.63)
  Discontinued operations                  (.02)                                          (.02)
                                    -----------                                    -----------
       Net loss per share           $      (.64)                                   $      (.65)
                                    ===========                                    ===========

Weighted average common 
  shares outstanding                  2,930,982                                      2,930,982
                                    ===========                                    ===========

              See notes to pro forma combined financial statments.

                Avalon Community Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries



On  October  2,  1998,  Turley  Correctional  Facility  was  acquired  by Avalon
Community  Services,  Inc. for  approximately  $1,400,000.  The accompanying pro
forma combined  balance sheet has been presented as if the acquisition  occurred
on September  30, 1997 and the  accompanying  pro forma  combined  statements of
operations  for the year  ended  December  31,  1996 and the nine  months  ended
September 30, 1997 have been prepared as if the  acquisition  was consummated on
January 1, 1996.


Pro forma  adjustments  are  necessary  to  reflect  the  assumed  effect of the
combination  on the balance  sheet as of September  30, 1997 and  statements  of
operations  assuming the  acquisition  was  consummated  on January 1, 1996. The
accompanying  pro forma balance sheet and  statements of operations  reflect the
following adjustments:

  (1)To record  cash  paid for  property  and  equipment,  contracts,  and other
     intangibles acquired

  (2)To record depreciation and amortization  expense on property and equipment,
     contracts,  and other  intangibles  acquired 

  (3)To record  estimated  income tax  expense at the  combined  effective  rate