Dated: February 25,  1999

                          FLEET CAPITAL CORPORATION,
                                   as Lender


                        AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.



                                 as Borrowers




                          ELK CITY PROPERTIES, INC.,

                                 as Guarantors

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1.        CREDIT  FACILITY...........................................1
      1.1   Revolving Credit Loans...........................................1
            1.1.1 Loans and Reserves.........................................1
            1.1.2 Use of Proceeds............................................2
      1.2   [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE]........................................2
      1.3   [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE]........................................2
      1.4   Joint and Several Liability; Rights of Contribution..............2
      1.5   Structure of Credit Facility.....................................3

SECTION 2.        INTEREST,  FEES  AND  CHARGES..............................3
      2.1   Interest.........................................................3
            2.1.1 Rates of Interest..........................................3
            2.1.2 Default Rate of Interest...................................5
            2.1.3 Maximum Interest...........................................5
      2.2   Computation of Interest and Fees.................................6
      2.3   LIBOR Option.....................................................6
      2.4   Closing Fee......................................................7
      2.5   Unused Line Fee..................................................7
      2.6   Audit and Appraisal Fees.........................................8
      2.7   Reimbursement of Expenses........................................8
      2.8   Bank Charges.....................................................8

SECTION 3.        LOAN  ADMINISTRATION.......................................8
      3.1   Manner of Borrowing Revolving Credit Loans.......................8
            3.1.1 Loan Requests..............................................8
            3.1.2 Disbursement...............................................9
            3.1.3 Authorization..............................................9
      3.2   Payments........................................................10
            3.2.1 Principal.................................................10
            3.2.2 Interest..................................................10
            3.2.3 Costs, Fees and Charges...................................10
            3.2.4 Other Obligations.........................................10
      3.3   Mandatory Prepayments...........................................10
            3.3.1 Proceeds of Sale, Loss, Destruction or Condemnation of
                  Collateral..............................................  11
      3.4   Application of Payments and Collections.........................11
      3.5   All Loans to Constitute One Obligation..........................12
      3.6   Loan Account....................................................12
      3.7   Statements of Account...........................................12


SECTION 4.        TERM  AND  TERMINATION....................................12
      4.1   Term of Agreement...............................................12
      4.2   Termination.....................................................12
            4.2.1 Termination by Lender.....................................12
            4.2.2 Termination by Borrower...................................12
            4.2.3 Termination Charges.......................................12
            4.2.4 Effect of Termination.....................................13

SECTION 5.        SECURITY  INTERESTS.......................................13
      5.1   Security Interest in Collateral.................................13
      5.2   Cross-Collateralization.  ......................................14
      5.3   Lien Perfection; Further Assurances.............................14
      5.4   Lien on Realty..................................................14

SECTION 6.        COLLATERAL  ADMINISTRATION................................15
      6.1   General.........................................................15
            6.1.1 Location of Collateral....................................15
            6.1.2 Insurance of Collateral...................................15
            6.1.3 Protection of Collateral..................................15
      6.2   Administration of Accounts......................................16
            6.2.1 Records, Schedules and Assignments of Accounts............16
            6.2.2 Discounts, Allowances, Disputes...........................16
            6.2.3 Taxes.....................................................17
            6.2.4 Account Verification......................................17
            6.2.5 Maintenance of Dominion Account...........................17
            6.2.6 Collection of Accounts, Proceeds of Collateral............17
      6.3   [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE].......................................17
      6.4   Administration of Equipment.....................................17
            6.4.1 Records and Schedules of Equipment........................17
            6.4.2 Dispositions of Equipment.................................18
            6.4.3 Condition of Equipment....................................18
      6.5   Payment of Charges..............................................18

SECTION 7.        REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES..........................18
      7.1   General Representations and Warranties..........................18
            7.1.1 Organization and Qualification............................18
            7.1.2 Corporate Power and Authority.............................19
            7.1.3 Legally Enforceable Agreement.............................19
            7.1.4 Capital Structure.........................................19
            7.1.5 Corporate Names...........................................19
            7.1.6 Business Locations; Agent for Process.....................20
            7.1.7 Title to Properties; Priority of Liens....................20
            7.1.8 Accounts..................................................20


            7.1.9 Financial Statements; Fiscal Year.........................21
            7.1.10Full Disclosure...........................................21
            7.1.11Solvent Financial Condition...............................21
            7.1.12Surety Obligations........................................21
            7.1.15Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and Licenses..............22
            7.1.16Governmental Consents.....................................22
            7.1.17Compliance with Laws......................................22
            7.1.20No Defaults...............................................22
            7.1.22Pension Plans.............................................23
            7.1.23Trade Relations...........................................23
            7.1.24Labor Relations...........................................23
      7.2   Continuous Nature of Representations and Warranties.............23
      7.3   Survival of Representations and Warranties......................23

SECTION 8.        COVENANTS  AND  CONTINUING  AGREEMENTS....................24
      8.1   Affirmative Covenants...........................................24
            8.1.1 Visits and Inspections....................................24
            8.1.2 Notices...................................................24
            8.1.3 Financial Statements......................................24
            8.1.4 Borrowing Base Certificate................................26
            8.1.5 Projections...............................................26
            8.1.6 Taxes.....................................................26
            8.1.7 Compliance with Laws......................................26
            8.1.8 Certain Other Insurance...................................26
      8.2   Negative Covenants..............................................27
            8.2.1 Mergers; Consolidations; Acquisitions.....................27
            8.2.2 Loans.....................................................27
            8.2.3 Total Indebtedness........................................27
            8.2.4 Affiliate Transactions....................................28
            8.2.5 Limitation on Liens.......................................28
            8.2.6 Subordinated Debt.........................................29
            8.2.7 Distributions.............................................29
            8.2.8 Capital Expenditures......................................29
            8.2.9 Disposition of Assets.....................................29
            8.2.10Stock of Subsidiaries.....................................29
            8.2.11Restricted Investment.....................................30
            8.2.12Operating Leases..........................................30
            8.2.13Tax Consolidation.........................................30


            8.2.14Emerald Square............................................30
            8.2.15Modification of Convertible Notes.........................30
            8.2.16Construction or Acquisition of New Facilities.............30
      8.3   Specific Financial Covenants....................................30
            8.3.2 Funded Indebtedness to EBITDA.............................32
            8.3.3 EBITDA....................................................33

SECTION 9.        CONDITIONS  PRECEDENT.....................................35
      9.1   Documentation...................................................35
      9.2   No Default......................................................35
      9.3   Other Loan Documents............................................35
      9.4   Articles of Incorporation.......................................35
      9.5   Good Standing Certificates......................................35
      9.6   Opinion Letters.................................................35
      9.7   Insurance.......................................................36
      9.8   Disbursement Letter.............................................36
      9.9   Accounts........................................................36
      9.10  No Litigation...................................................36
      9.11  Evidence of Perfection and Priority of Liens in Collateral......36
      9.12  Phase I Environmental Surveys...................................36
      9.13  Subordination Agreements........................................36
      9.14  Pro Forma Balance Sheet.........................................36
      9.15  Carver Center Zoning............................................36
      9.16  ODC Contract Renewals...........................................37

      10.1  Events of Default...............................................37
            10.1.1Payment of Obligations....................................37
            10.1.3Breach of Specific Covenants..............................37
            10.1.4Breach of Other Covenants.................................37
            10.1.5Default Under Security Documents/Other Agreements.........37
            10.1.6Other Defaults............................................37
            10.1.7Uninsured Losses..........................................38
            10.1.8Insolvency and Related Proceedings........................38
            10.1.9Business Disruption; Condemnation.........................38
            10.1.10 Change of Control.......................................38
            10.1.11 ERISA...................................................39
            10.1.12 Challenge to Agreement..................................39
            10.1.13 Repudiation of or Default Under Guaranty Agreement......39
            10.1.14 Criminal Forfeiture.....................................39
            10.1.15 Judgments...............................................39


      10.2  Acceleration of the Obligations.................................39
      10.3  Other Remedies..................................................39
      10.4  Remedies Cumulative; No Waiver..................................41

SECTION 11.       MISCELLANEOUS.............................................41
      11.1  Power of Attorney...............................................41
      11.2  Indemnity.......................................................42
      11.3  Modification of Agreement; Sale of Interest.....................43
      11.4  Severability....................................................43
      11.5  Successors and Assigns..........................................43
      11.6  Cumulative Effect; Conflict of Terms............................44
      11.7  Execution in Counterparts.......................................44
      11.8  Notice..........................................................44
      11.9  Lender's Consent................................................45
      11.10 Credit Inquiries................................................45
      11.11 Time of Essence.................................................45
      11.12 Entire Agreement, Appendix A and Exhibits and Schedules.........45
      11.13 Interpretation..................................................45
      11.14 GOVERNING LAW; CONSENT TO FORUM.................................45
      11.15 WAIVERS  BY  THE LOAN PARTIES...................................46
      11.16 ORAL  AGREEMENTS  INEFFECTIVE...................................47
      11.18 Nonapplicability of Chapter 346 et seq.  of Texas Finance Code..47
      11.19 Certain Matters of Construction.................................47


                          LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

      THIS LOAN AND SECURITY  AGREEMENT  dated as of February  25, 1999,  by and
among FLEET CAPITAL CORPORATION  ("Lender"),  a Rhode Island corporation with an
office at 2711 North Haskell  Avenue,  Suite 2100, LB 21,  Dallas,  Texas 75204;
AVALON  COMMUNITY  SERVICES,  INC.  d/b/a  Avalon  Correctional  Services,  Inc.
("Avalon"),  a Nevada corporation with its chief executive offices and principal
place of business at 13401 Railway Drive,  Oklahoma City,  Oklahoma  73114,  and
SOUTHERN CORRECTIONS SYSTEMS,  INC.  ("Southern"),  an Oklahoma corporation with
its chief  executive  offices and  principal  place of business at 13401 Railway
Drive,  Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma  73114 (Avalon and Southern  being referred to
collectively,  and jointly and severally,  as "Borrowers" and  individually as a
"Borrower");  and CENTRAL OKLAHOMA  PROPERTIES CORP.,  ("Central"),  an Oklahoma
corporation with its chief executive  offices and principal place of business at
13401 Railway Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114 and ELK CITY PROPERTIES, INC.
("Elk  City"),  an Oklahoma  corporation  with its chief  executive  offices and
principal  place of business at 13401 Railway  Drive,  Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma
73114  (Central  and Elk City being  referred to  collectively,  and jointly and
severally,  as "Guarantors" and  individually as "Guarantor").  Unless otherwise
defined  herein,  capitalized  terms used in this  Agreement  have the  meanings
assigned  to them in  Appendix  A,  General  Definitions.  Accounting  terms not
otherwise specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance with GAAP
consistently applied.


      Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of,  and  in  reliance  upon  the
representations  and  warranties  made in,  this  Agreement  and the other  Loan
Documents,  Lender agrees to make a Total Credit  Facility of up to  $18,000,000
available upon Borrowers' request therefor, as follows:

      1.1   Revolving Credit Loans.

            1.1.1 Loans and Reserves.  Lender agrees,  for so long as no Default
or Event of Default  exists,  to make Loans to Borrowers  from time to time,  as
requested by Borrowers in the manner set forth in Section 3.1.1, up to a maximum
principal  amount at any time  outstanding  equal to the Borrowing  Base at such
time.  Lender shall have the right to establish  reserves in such  amounts,  and
with respect to such matters,  as Lender shall deem  necessary or appropriate in
its  reasonable  discretion,  against  the amount of Loans which  Borrowers  may
otherwise  request  under this Section  1.1.1.  Regardless of whether the unpaid
principal  balance of the Loans should at any time exceed the amounts  permitted
by this Section 1.1.1, all Loans shall  constitute  Obligations that are secured
by the Collateral and entitled to all the benefits thereof.

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            1.1.2 Use of Proceeds. The Loans shall be used solely for Borrowers'
general operating capital needs and for Acquisitions in a manner consistent with
the provisions of this Agreement and all applicable  laws. In no event shall any
proceeds  of any  Loans be used to  purchase  or to  carry,  reduce,  retire  or
refinance  any  Indebtedness  incurred  to  purchase  or carry any margin  stock
(within  the  meaning  of  regulations  relating  to  carrying  margin  stock as
promulgated of the Federal Reserve Board from time to time).



      1.4   Joint and Several Liability; Rights of Contribution.

                  (A) Each Borrower states and  acknowledges  that: (i) pursuant
to this Agreement,  Borrowers  desire to utilize their borrowing  potential on a
consolidated basis to the same extent possible if they were merged into a single
corporate entity and that this Agreement  reflects the establishment of a credit
facility which would not otherwise be available to any Borrower if each Borrower
were not jointly  and  severally  liable for payment of all of the  Obligations;
(ii) it has determined that it will benefit specifically and materially from the
advances of credit contemplated by this Agreement;  (iii) it is both a condition
precedent to the  obligations of Lender  hereunder and a desire of the Borrowers
that each  Borrower  execute  and  deliver to Lender  this  Agreement;  and (iv)
Borrowers  have  requested  and  bargained  for the  structure  and terms of and
security for the advances contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (B) Each Borrower hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:  (i)
agrees that it is jointly and severally liable to Lender for the full and prompt
payment  of  the  Obligations  and  the  performance  by  each  Borrower  of its
obligations  hereunder in accordance with the terms hereof; (ii) agrees to fully
and  promptly  perform all of its  obligations  hereunder  with  respect to each
advance of credit hereunder as if such advance had been made directly to it; and
(iii)  agrees as a primary  obligation  to  indemnify  Lender on demand  for and
against any loss incurred by Lender as a result of any of the Obligations of any
one or more of the Borrowers being or becoming void, voidable,  unenforceable or
ineffective  for any  reason  whatsoever,  whether or not known to Lender or any
Person,  the amount of such loss being the amount which  Lender would  otherwise
have been entitled to recover from any one or more of the Borrowers.

                  (C) It is the intent of each Borrower  that the  indebtedness,
Obligations  and liability  hereunder of neither of them be subject to challenge
on  any  basis,  including,  without  limitation,  pursuant  to  any  applicable
fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer laws.  Accordingly,  as of the date
hereof, the liability of each Borrower under this Section 1.4, together with all
of its other  liabilities  to all  Persons  as of the date  hereof and as of any
other date on which a  transfer  or  conveyance  is deemed to occur by virtue of
this  Agreement,  calculated  in  amount  sufficient  to pay  its  probable  net
liabilities on its existing Indebtedness as the same become absolute and matured
("Dated Liabilities") is, and is to be, less than the amount of the aggregate of
a fair valuation of its property as of such corresponding date ("Dated Assets").
To this end, each Borrower under this

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 2

Section  1.4,  (i) grants to and  recognizes  in each other  Borrower,  ratably,
rights of subrogation and contribution in the amount, if any, by which the Dated
Assets of such Borrower,  but for the aggregate of subrogation and  contribution
in its favor  recognized  herein,  would  exceed the Dated  Liabilities  of such
Borrower or, as the case may be, (ii) acknowledges receipt of and recognizes its
right to subrogation and  contribution  ratably from each of the other Borrowers
in the amount, if any, by which the Dated Liabilities of such Borrower,  but for
the aggregate of subrogation and  contribution in its favor  recognized  herein,
would  exceed the Dated  Assets of such  Borrower  under this  Section  1.4.  In
recognizing  the value of the Dated  Assets  and the  Dated  Liabilities,  it is
understood that Borrowers will  recognize,  to at least the same extent of their
aggregate recognition of liabilities hereunder,  their rights to subrogation and
contribution hereunder. It is a material objective of this Section 1.4 that each
Borrower recognizes rights to subrogation and contribution rather than be deemed
to be  insolvent  (or  in  contemplation  thereof)  by  reason  of an  arbitrary
interpretation of its joint and several  obligations  hereunder.  In addition to
and not in limitation of the foregoing provisions of this Section 1.4, Borrowers
and Lender hereby agree and  acknowledge  that it is the intent of each Borrower
and of Lender that the obligations of each Borrower hereunder be in all respects
in  compliance  with,  and not be voidable  pursuant to,  applicable  fraudulent
conveyance and fraudulent transfer laws.

      1.5 Structure of Credit  Facility.  Each Borrower agrees and  acknowledges
that the present structure of the credit  facilities  detailed in this Agreement
is based in part upon the financial  and other  information  presently  known to
Lender regarding each Borrower,  the corporate  structure of Borrowers,  and the
present financial condition of each Borrower. Upon or after the occurrence of an
Event of Default and so long as it is  continuing,  each Borrower  hereby agrees
that Lender shall have the right, in its sole credit  judgment,  to require that
any or all of the  following  changes be made to these  credit  facilities:  (i)
restrict loans and advances between  Borrowers,  (ii) establish separate lockbox
and Dominion Accounts for each Borrower,  (iii) separate the Loans into separate
loans to each of the  Borrowers  as  shall be  determined  by  Lender,  and (iv)
establish  such other  procedures as shall be reasonably  deemed by Lender to be
useful in tracking  where Loans are made under this  Agreement and the source of
payments received by Lender on such Loans.


      2.1 Interest.

            2.1.1 Rates of Interest.

                  (A) Interest shall accrue on the Base Rate Portion outstanding
      at the end of each day  (computed  on the basis of a calendar  year of 360
      days and actual days elapsed) at a fluctuating rate per annum equal to the
      sum of the Base Rate Margin  applicable  to the Base Rate Portion plus the
      Base Rate. After the date hereof, the foregoing rates of interest shall be
      increased  or  decreased,  as the case may be, by an  amount  equal to any
      increase  or  decrease  in the Base  Rate,  with  such  adjustments  to be
      effective as of the opening of business on the day that any such change in
      the Base  Rate  becomes  effective.  The Base  Rate in  effect on the date
      hereof shall be the Base Rate  effective on the opening of business on the
      date hereof, but

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 3

      if this  Agreement  is executed on a day that is not a Business  Day,  the
      Base Rate in effect on the date hereof shall be the Base Rate effective as
      of the opening of business on the last Business Day immediately  preceding
      the date hereof.

                  (B) Interest shall accrue on each LIBOR Portion outstanding at
      the end of each day  (computed on the basis of a calendar year of 360 days
      and  actual  days  elapsed)  at rates  equal to the sum of the LIBOR  Rate
      applicable to each such LIBOR Portion plus the LIBOR Margin  applicable to
      the LIBOR Portion.

                  Base Rate Margin  shall mean (i) with respect to the Base Rate
      Portion,  as of the Closing Date, .50% per annum, and (ii) thereafter,  as
      of  January  1,  April 1,  July 1 and  October 1 of each  year  (each,  an
      "Adjustment  Date"),  commencing  on April 1, 2000,  the Base Rate  Margin
      shall be adjusted,  if necessary,  to the applicable percent per annum set
      forth in the  pricing  table  below  opposite  the ratio of Senior Debt to
      EBITDA  calculated  in the  manner  described  in  Section  8.3.4  for the
      trailing  twelve month period  ending on the last day of the most recently
      completed  calendar  quarter prior to the applicable  Adjustment  Date for
      which Lender has received the Compliance  Certificate  required by Section
      8.1.3 (each such period, a "Calculation Period").

                  LIBOR  Margin  shall mean  shall mean (i) with  respect to the
      LIBOR  Portion,  as of  the  Closing  Date,  3.00%  per  annum,  and  (ii)
      thereafter,  as of each Adjustment Date,  commencing on April 1, 2000, the
      LIBOR Margin shall be adjusted,  if necessary,  to the applicable  percent
      per annum set  forth in the  pricing  table  below  opposite  the ratio of
      Senior Debt to EBITDA calculated for the applicable Calculation Period.

                                 PRICING TABLE

       Senior Debt to EBITDA           Base Rate Margin         LIBOR Margin
Equal to or greater than 2.50:1              .25%                  2.75%
Greater than or equal to 2.25:1 
but less than 2.50:1                         .25%                  2.50%
Less than 2.25:1                             .25%                  2.00%
=================================== ====================== =====================

            If Borrowers  shall fail to deliver a Compliance  Certificate by the
date required  pursuant to Section  8.1.3 with respect to any calendar  quarter,
effective as of the first Business Day of the  immediately  succeeding  calendar
month and  continuing  through  the day  preceding  the  earlier of (i) the next
succeeding  Adjustment  Date, or (ii) the subsequent  delivery of the delinquent
Compliance  Certificate,  each  applicable  Base Rate Margin and each applicable
LIBOR Margin shall be conclusively presumed to equal the highest applicable Base
Rate Margin and the highest  applicable  LIBOR  Margin  specified in the pricing
table set forth above.  Subject to Section 2.1.2,  in the event a Default (other
than a Default  arising as a result of the  failure to  deliver  the  Compliance
Certificate  as required by Section  8.1.3) has occurred and is continuing as of
any Adjustment  Date, any reduction in the Base Rate Margin or the LIBOR Margin,
as the case may be, which would have otherwise

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 4

occurred  shall be  postponed  until the time such Default has been cured to the
satisfaction of Lender or waived by Lender.

            2.1.2 Default Rate of Interest.  Upon and after the occurrence of an
Event of Default,  and during the continuation  thereof, the principal amount of
all Loans shall bear  interest  at a rate per annum  equal to two  percent  (2%)
above the interest rate otherwise applicable thereto (the "Default Rate").

            2.1.3 Maximum Interest. (A) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
in this Agreement or otherwise,  (i) if at any time the amounts deemed  interest
hereunder  would  exceed the maximum rate of interest  permitted  by  applicable
state or federal law in effect from time to time  hereafter  (the "Maximum Legal
Rate"),  the interest  payable under this  Agreement  shall be computed upon the
basis of the Maximum Legal Rate,  but any  subsequent  reduction in the interest
payable under this Agreement  shall not reduce the interest  thereafter  payable
hereunder below the amount computed on the basis of the Maximum Legal Rate until
the aggregate  amount of such interest  accrued if such interest had been at all
times computed solely on the basis set forth in this Agreement;  and (ii) unless
preempted  by federal law, the interest  payable  under this  Agreement  may not
exceed the "Weekly Ceiling" from time to time in effect under Sections  303.301,
303.304,  303.305 of the Texas Finance Code or the "Indicated Ceiling Rate" from
time to time in effect under Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 5069-1.04(c). If the
applicable state or federal law is amended in the future to allow a greater rate
of interest to be charged  under this  Agreement  than is  presently  allowed by
applicable state or federal law, then the limitation of interest hereunder shall
be  increased  to the maximum rate of interest  allowed by  applicable  state or
federal law as amended,  which  increase  shall be  effective  hereunder  on the
effective date of such  amendment,  and all interest  charges owing to Lender by
reason thereof shall be payable in accordance with Section 3.2.2.

                  (B) No  agreements,  conditions,  provisions  or  stipulations
contained  in this  Agreement  or any other  instrument,  document or  agreement
between any Borrower and Lender or Default of any  Borrower,  or the exercise by
Lender of the right to  accelerate  the payment of the maturity of principal and
interest,  or to exercise any option  whatsoever  contained in this Agreement or
any other Loan Document,  or the arising of any  contingency  whatsoever,  shall
entitle  Lender to contract  for,  charge,  or receive,  in any event,  interest
exceeding the Maximum Legal Rate. In no event shall any Borrower be obligated to
pay interest exceeding such Maximum Legal Rate and all agreements, conditions or
stipulations,  if any, which may in any event or contingency  whatsoever operate
to bind, obligate or compel any Borrower to pay a rate of interest exceeding the
Maximum  Legal  Rate,  shall be without  binding  force or effect,  at law or in
equity,  to the extent only of the excess of interest  over such  Maximum  Legal
Rate. In the event any interest is contracted for, charged or received in excess
of the  Maximum  Legal  Rate  ("Excess  Interest"),  Borrowers  acknowledge  and
stipulate that any such contract,  charge,  or receipt shall be the result of an
accident and bona fide error,  and that any Excess  Interest  received by Lender
shall be applied, first, to reduce the principal then unpaid hereunder;  second,
to reduce the other Obligations;  and third, returned to Borrowers, it being the
intention  of the  parties  hereto not to enter at any time into a  usurious  or
otherwise illegal  relationship.  Borrowers recognize that, with fluctuations in
the Base Rate,  the LIBOR Rate and the Maximum  Legal Rate,  such a result could
inadvertently occur. By the execution of this Agreement,

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Borrowers  covenant that (i) the credit or return of any Excess  Interest  shall
constitute  the  acceptance  by  Borrowers  of such  Excess  Interest,  and (ii)
Borrowers shall not seek or pursue any other remedy, legal or equitable, against
Lender, based in whole or in part upon contracting for, charging or receiving of
any  interest in excess of the maximum  authorized  by  applicable  law. For the
purpose of determining  whether or not any Excess  Interest has been  contracted
for,  charged or received by Lender,  all interest at any time  contracted  for,
charged  or  received  by Lender in  connection  with  this  Agreement  shall be
amortized,  prorated, allocated and spread in equal parts during the entire term
of this Agreement.

                  (C) Incorporation by this Reference. The provisions of Section
2.1.3(B) shall be deemed to be incorporated into every document or communication
relating to the Obligations which sets forth or prescribes any account, right or
claim or alleged account, right or claim of Lender with respect to Borrowers (or
any other  obligor in respect of  Obligations),  whether or not any provision of
Section 2.1.3(B) is referred to therein.  All such documents and  communications
and all figures set forth therein  shall,  for the sole purpose of computing the
extent of the  Obligations  and  obligations of Borrowers (or any other obligor)
asserted by Lender thereunder,  be automatically  recomputed by Borrowers or any
such  obligor,  and by any court  considering  the same,  to give  effect to the
adjustments or credits required by Section 2.1.3(B).

      2.2  Computation  of  Interest  and Fees.  Interest  and unused  line fees
hereunder  shall be calculated  daily and shall be computed on the actual number
of days elapsed over a year of 360 days.  For the purpose of computing  interest
hereunder,  all items of payment  received by Lender shall be deemed  applied by
Lender on account of the  Obligations  (subject to final  payment of such items)
one (1) Business Day after  receipt by Lender of such items in Lender's  account
located in Dallas,  Texas and Lender shall be deemed to have received such items
of payment on the date specified in Section 3.4 hereof.

      2.3   LIBOR Option.

                  (A) Upon the conditions that: (i) Lender shall have received a
LIBOR  Request from  Borrowers at least two (2) Business Days prior to the first
day of the LIBOR Period  requested,  (ii) there shall have occurred no change in
Applicable  Law which  would make it unlawful  for Lender to obtain  deposits of
Dollars in the London interbank  foreign currency  deposits market,  (iii) as of
the date of the LIBOR Request and the first day of the LIBOR Period, there shall
exist no Default or Event of Default, (iv) Lender is able to determine the LIBOR
Rate in  respect  of the  requested  LIBOR  Period  or  Lender is able to obtain
deposits of Dollars in the London interbank  foreign currency deposits market in
the  applicable  amounts and for the requested  LIBOR Period,  and (v) as of the
first date of the LIBOR  Period,  there are no more than  three (3)  outstanding
LIBOR Portions including the LIBOR Portion being requested, then interest on the
LIBOR Portion  requested  during the LIBOR Period requested will be based on the
applicable LIBOR Rate.

                  (B) Each LIBOR  Request  shall be  irrevocable  and binding on
Borrowers.  Borrowers  shall indemnify  Lender for any loss,  penalty or expense
incurred by Lender due to failure on the part of any Borrower to fulfill,  on or
before the date specified in any LIBOR Request, the

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 6

applicable  conditions  set forth in this  Agreement or due to the prepayment of
the  applicable  LIBOR  Portion  prior to the last day of the  applicable  LIBOR
Period, including,  without limitation,  any loss (including loss of anticipated
profits) or expense  incurred by reason of the  liquidation or  redeployment  of
deposits or other funds  acquired  by Lender to fund or maintain  the  requested
LIBOR Portion.

                  (C) If any Legal  Requirement  shall (i) make it unlawful  for
Lender to fund  through the  purchase of Dollar  deposits  any LIBOR  Portion or
otherwise give effect to its obligations as contemplated under this Section 2.3,
or (ii) shall  impose on Lender  any costs  based on or  measured  by the excess
above a  specified  level of the  amount  of a  category  of  deposits  or other
liabilities  of Lender which  includes  deposits by reference to which the LIBOR
Rate is determined  as provided  herein or a category of extensions of credit or
other assets of Lender which includes any LIBOR  Portion,  or (iii) shall impose
on Lender any  restrictions  (not already taken into account under any Statutory
Reserves) on the amount of such a category of liabilities or assets which Lender
may hold,  then,  in each such  case,  Lender  may,  by  notice  thereof  to any
Borrower,  terminate the LIBOR Option.  Any LIBOR Portion  subject thereto shall
immediately bear interest  thereafter at the rate and in the manner provided for
Base Rate Portions  pursuant to Section 2.1.1.  Borrowers shall indemnify Lender
against any loss,  penalty or expense  incurred by Lender due to  liquidation or
redeployment  of deposits or other funds  acquired by Lender to fund or maintain
any LIBOR Portion that is terminated under this Section 2.3.

                  (D) Lender shall  receive  payments of amounts of principal of
and interest  with respect to the LIBOR  Portions free and clear of, and without
deduction  for, any Taxes.  If (i) Lender shall be subject to any Tax in respect
of any LIBOR Portion or any part thereof or, (ii) any Borrower shall be required
to withhold or deduct any Tax from any such amount, the LIBOR Rate applicable to
such LIBOR Portion shall be adjusted by Lender to reflect all  additional  costs
incurred by Lender in connection  with the payment by Lender or the  withholding
by any  Borrower  of such Tax and such  Borrower  shall  provide  Lender  with a
statement  detailing the amount of any such Tax actually paid by such  Borrower.
Determination  by Lender of the amount of such costs  shall,  in the  absence of
manifest error, be conclusive.  If after any such adjustment any part of any Tax
paid by Lender is subsequently  recovered by Lender, Lender shall reimburse such
Borrower to the extent of the amount so recovered.  A certificate  of an officer
of Lender  setting  forth the  amount of such  recovery  and the basis  therefor
shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive.

      2.4 Closing Fee.  Borrowers shall pay to Lender a closing fee of $300,000,
which fee shall be fully earned and  nonrefundable on the Closing Date and shall
be paid concurrently with the initial Loans hereunder.

      2.5 Unused Line Fee. Borrowers shall pay to Lender a fee equal to one-half
percent  (0.5%) per annum of the amount by which the sum of the Average  Monthly
Loan Balance is less than the Total Credit  Facility.  The unused line fee shall
be payable monthly in arrears on the first day of each calendar month hereafter.

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      2.6 Audit and Appraisal Fees. Borrowers shall, on demand, reimburse Lender
for all reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Lender in connection with
audits and appraisals of any Borrower's books and records and such other matters
as Lender shall deem appropriate.

      2.7  Reimbursement  of Expenses.  If, at any time or times  regardless  of
whether or not an Event of Default then exists,  Lender incurs  reasonable legal
or  accounting  expenses  or  any  other  costs  or  out-of-pocket  expenses  in
connection  with (i) the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement or any of
the other Loan Documents,  any amendment of or modification of this Agreement or
any of the other Loan  Documents,  or any sale or attempted sale of any interest
herein to any other Person;  (ii) the administration of this Agreement or any of
the other Loan Documents and the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby;
(iii) any  litigation,  contest,  dispute,  suit,  proceeding or action (whether
instituted by Lender, any Borrower or Guarantor, or any other Person) in any way
relating to the Collateral, this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents or
any Loan  Party's  affairs;  (iv) any  attempt to  enforce  any rights of Lender
against any Loan Party or any other  Person  which may be obligated to Lender by
virtue of this  Agreement  or any of the other Loan  Documents,  including,  the
Account  Debtors;  or (v) any attempt to  inspect,  verify,  protect,  preserve,
restore,  collect,  sell,  liquidate or otherwise dispose of or realize upon the
Collateral;  then all such legal and accounting expenses, other costs and out of
pocket expenses of Lender shall be charged to Borrowers.  All amounts chargeable
to Borrowers  under this Section 2.7 shall be Obligations  secured by all of the
Collateral,  shall be payable on demand to Lender or to such Participant, as the
case may be, and shall  bear  interest  from the date such  demand is made until
paid in full at the rate applicable to Loans from time to time.  Borrowers shall
also reimburse Lender for expenses  incurred by Lender in its  administration of
the Collateral to the extent and in the manner provided in Section 6.

      2.8 Bank Charges.  Borrowers shall pay to Lender,  on demand,  any and all
reasonable  fees,  costs or expenses which Lender or any  Participant  pays to a
bank or other  similar  institution  (including  any fees  paid by Lender to any
Participant)  arising out of or in  connection  with (i) the  forwarding  to any
Borrower  or any  other  Person  on  behalf  of any  Borrower  by  Lender or any
Participant  of proceeds of loans made by Lender to  Borrowers  pursuant to this
Agreement, and (ii) the depositing for collection,  by Lender or any Participant
of any  check  or item  of  payment  received  or  delivered  to  Lender  or any
Participant on account of the Obligations.


      3.1 Manner of  Borrowing  Revolving  Credit  Loans.  Borrowings  under the
credit facility established pursuant to Section 1 shall be as follows:

            3.1.1 Loan Requests. A request for a Loan shall be made, or shall be
deemed to be made, in the following manner: (i) an Authorized Officer shall give
Lender  written  notice  of its  intention  to  borrow,  in  which  notice  such
Authorized  Officer shall  specify the amount of the proposed  borrowing and the
proposed  borrowing date, no later than 11:00 a.m.  (Dallas,  Texas time) on the
proposed borrowing date (or in accordance with Section 2.3 hereof in the case of
a request for a LIBOR Portion),  provided,  however,  that Lender shall have the
right to refuse  to  accept a  request  or refuse to make a Loan if at such time
there exists a Default or an Event of Default; and (ii) the

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becoming due of any amount required to be paid under this Agreement or under any
of the other Loan Documents,  whether as principal,  accrued  interest,  fees or
other charges,  shall irrevocably be deemed a request by Borrowers to Lender for
a Loan on the due date of, and in an  aggregate  amount  required  to pay,  such
principal, accrued interest, fees or other charges, and the proceeds of any such
Loan may be  disbursed  by  Lender  by way of  direct  payment  of the  relevant
Obligation  (whether  or not any  Default,  Event of Default  or  Out-of-Formula
Condition  exists at the time of or would  result from such Loan) and shall bear
interest  at the rate of interest  applicable  to the Base Rate  Portion.  As an
accommodation to Borrowers,  Lender may permit facsimile transmittal of requests
for Loans, instructions,  authorizations,  agreements or reports to Lender by an
Authorized Officer.  Unless Borrowers  specifically direct Lender in writing not
to accept or act on facsimile  communications from an Authorized Officer, Lender
shall have no liability  to any Borrower for any loss or damage  suffered by any
Borrower as a result of  Lender's  honoring of any  requests,  execution  of any
instructions,   authorizations   or   agreements  or  reliance  on  any  reports
communicated  to Lender by facsimile and  purporting to have been sent to Lender
by any Authorized  Officer and Lender shall have no duty to verify the origin or
authenticity of any such communication.

            3.1.2  Disbursement.  Each Borrower  hereby  irrevocably  authorizes
Lender  to  disburse  the  proceeds  of each  Loan  requested,  or  deemed to be
requested,  pursuant to this Section 3.1.2 as follows:  (i) the proceeds of each
Loan  requested  under Section  3.1.1(i) shall be disbursed by Lender in Dollars
and in immediately  available  funds, in the case of the initial  borrowing,  in
accordance with the terms of the written disbursement letter from such Borrower,
and in the case of each  subsequent  borrowing,  by wire  transfer  to such bank
account as may be agreed upon by such  Borrower  and Lender from time to time or
elsewhere if pursuant to a written  direction from such  Borrower;  and (ii) the
proceeds of each Loan requested  under Section  3.1.1(ii)  shall be disbursed by
Lender by way of direct payment of the relevant interest or other Obligation.

            3.1.3  Authorization.  Each Borrower hereby  irrevocably  authorizes
Lender, in Lender's sole discretion,  to advance to each Borrower, and to charge
to  Borrowers'  Loan Account  hereunder as a Loan, a sum  sufficient  to pay all
interest accrued on the Obligations  during the immediately  preceding month and
to pay all reasonable  costs, fees and expenses at any time owed by any Borrower
to Lender hereunder.  Lender shall provide to Avalon a brief description of such
costs,  fees and expenses and any documents,  statements or invoices  reasonably
related thereto.  Any failure of Lender to provide any description of such fees,
costs or expenses or any documents, statements or invoices related thereto shall
not affect the  liability  of any  Borrower  with respect to the payment of such
fees,  costs or expenses.  All payments  with respect to any of the  Obligations
shall be made to  Lender on the date when due,  in  Dollars  and in  immediately
available funds, without any offset or counterclaim.

      3.2 Payments.  Except where evidenced by notes or other instruments issued
or made by any Borrower to Lender  specifically  containing  payment  provisions
which are in conflict  with this  Section  3.2 (in which  event the  conflicting
provisions of said notes or other  instruments  shall govern and  control),  the
Obligation shall be payable as follows:

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            3.2.1  Principal.  Principal  payable on  account of Loans  shall be
payable by each Borrower,  jointly and severally, to Lender immediately upon the
earliest of (i) the receipt by Lender or any  Borrower of any proceeds of any of
the  Collateral  other than  Equipment or real  Property,  to the extent of said
proceeds,  except that,  so long as no Default or Event of Default  exists,  if,
after  application  of the proceeds to Base Rate Portions,  any remaining  Loans
outstanding  at the time of receipt by Borrower of any such  proceeds  are LIBOR
Portions,  then the Borrower  receiving  such  proceeds may at its option direct
that such proceeds be held by Lender in a non-interest  bearing cash  collateral
account  maintained  by Lender to be applied to the payment of  principal on the
last day of the LIBOR Period  applicable  to each LIBOR  Portion in the order of
maturity,  (ii) the  occurrence of an Event of Default in  consequence  of which
Lender  elects to  accelerate  the maturity and payment of the  Obligations,  or
(iii)  termination of this Agreement  pursuant to Section 4; provided,  however,
that if an Out-of-Formula Condition shall exist at any time, Borrowers shall, on
demand,  repay  the  Obligations  to  the  extent  necessary  to  eliminate  the
Out-of-Formula Condition.

            3.2.2 Interest.

                  (A) Base Rate Portion.  Interest accrued on the Loans shall be
due on the  earliest  of (i) the  first  calendar  day of each  month  (for  the
immediately  preceding  month),  computed  through the last  calendar day of the
preceding  month,  (ii) the  occurrence of an Event of Default in consequence of
which Lender elects to accelerate  the maturity and payment of the  Obligations,
or (iii) termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 4.

                  (B) LIBOR  Portion.  Interest  accrued on each  LIBOR  Portion
shall be due and payable on each LIBOR Interest Payment Date and on the earliest
of (i) the last day of the Interest  Period  applicable  to such LIBOR  Portion,
(ii) the occurrence of an Event of Default in consequence of which Lender elects
to accelerate the maturity and payment of the Obligations,  or (iii) termination
of this Agreement pursuant to Section 4 hereof.

            3.2.3  Costs,  Fees and  Charges.  Costs,  fees and charges  payable
pursuant to this Agreement shall be payable by Borrowers as and when provided in
Section 2, to Lender or to any other Person designated by Lender in writing.

            3.2.4 Other  Obligations.  The balance of the Obligations  requiring
the payment of money,  if any,  shall be payable by  Borrowers  to Lender as and
when provided in this Agreement, the Other Agreements or the Security Documents,
or if no date of  payment  is  otherwise  specified  in the Loan  Documents,  on

      3.3   Mandatory Prepayments.

            3.3.1  Proceeds  of  Sale,  Loss,  Destruction  or  Condemnation  of
Collateral. Except for the replacements of Equipment that is substantially worn,
damaged or obsolete with Equipment of like kind,  function and value as provided
in Section 6.4.2, if any Loan Party sells any of the Equipment or real Property,
or if any of the Collateral is lost or destroyed or taken by condemnation,  such
Loan Party shall pay to Lender,  unless otherwise agreed by Lender,  as and when
received by

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 10

such  Loan  Party a sum  equal  to the  amount  (including  insurance  payments)
received by such Loan Party from such sale,  loss,  destruction or condemnation.
Nothing  in this  Section  3.3  shall  authorize  Loan  Party to sell any of the
Collateral without Lender's prior written consent except as otherwise  expressly
provided elsewhere in this Agreement.

            3.3.2  Prepayment From Issuance of Securities.  Immediately upon the
receipt by any Loan Party of the proceeds of the  issuance of equity  securities
(other than (i)  proceeds of the  issuance of equity  securities  received on or
before the Closing Date, (ii) proceeds from the issuance of equity securities to
members of the  management of any Loan Party,  (iii) proceeds of the issuance of
equity  securities to any Borrower or any  Subsidiary  of any Borrower,  or (iv)
proceeds  of the  issuance  of  equity  securities  arising  as a result  of the
exercise  of any  warrants  or  options  to  purchase  capital  stock of  Avalon
outstanding  as of the Closing  Date),  Borrowers  shall  prepay the Loans in an
amount equal to such proceeds, net of underwriting discounts and commissions and
other reasonable costs  associated  therewith.  The payments shall be applied in
accordance with Subsection 3.3.3.

            3.3.3  Application  of  Proceeds.  With  respect to the  prepayments
described in Subsections  3.3.1 and 3.3.2,  such prepayments shall be applied to
reduce  the  outstanding  principal  balance  of the  Loans  and as a  permanent
reduction of the Total Credit Facility.

      3.4 Application of Payments and Collections. All items of payment received
by Lender by 12:00 noon (Dallas, Texas time) on any Business Day shall be deemed
received on that  Business Day. All items of payment  received  after 12:00 noon
(Dallas,  Texas  time) on any  Business  Day  shall be  deemed  received  on the
following  Business Day. Upon receipt by Lender, the proceeds of items deposited
to the  Dominion  Account  shall be applied to  payment  of the  Obligations  in
accordance with this Agreement.  Each Borrower  irrevocably  waives the right to
direct the  application  of any and all payments and  collections at any time or
times  hereafter  received by Lender from or on behalf of any  Borrower and each
Borrower  hereby  irrevocably  agree  that  Lender  shall  have  the  continuing
exclusive  right to apply and reapply any and all such payments and  collections
received  at any time or times  hereafter  by Lender or its  agent  against  the
Obligations,  in such manner as Lender may deem advisable,  notwithstanding  any
entry  by  Lender  upon  any of its  books  and  records.  If as the  result  of
collections  of Accounts as authorized by Section 6.2.6 a credit  balance exists
in the Loan Account,  such credit balance shall not accrue  interest in favor of
any  Borrower,  but shall be  available to Borrowers at any time or times for so
long as no Default or Event of Default exists. Lender may, at its option, offset
such credit balance against any of the Obligations upon and after the occurrence
of an Event of Default.

      3.5 All Loans to Constitute One Obligation. All Loans shall constitute one
general  Obligation  of  Borrowers,  and shall be secured by  Lender's  security
interest and Lien upon all of the Collateral and by all other security interests
and Liens heretofore,  now or at any time or times hereafter granted by any Loan
Party to Lender.

      3.6 Loan  Account.  Lender  shall  establish  an account on its books (the
"Loan Account") and enter all Loans as debits to the Loan Account and shall also
record in the Loan Account all

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 11

payments  made  by any  Loan  Party  on any  Obligations  and  all  proceeds  of
Collateral  which  are  finally  paid to  Lender,  and may  record  therein,  in
accordance  with  customary  accounting  practice,  other  debits  and  credits,
including interest and all charges and expenses properly  chargeable to any Loan

      3.7 Statements of Account. Lender will account to Borrowers monthly with a
statement of Loans,  charges and payments made pursuant to this  Agreement,  and
such account  rendered by Lender shall be deemed final,  binding and  conclusive
upon Borrowers unless Lender is notified by Borrowers in writing to the contrary
within  thirty  (30) days after the date each  accounting  is sent  pursuant  to
Section  11.8.  Such  notice  shall only be deemed an  objection  to those items
specifically objected to therein.


      4.1 Term of Agreement.  Subject to Section 4.2 and Lender's right to cease
making  Loans to any  Borrower  upon or after the  occurrence  of any Default or
Event of  Default,  this  Agreement  shall be in effect for a period of four (4)
years  from the date  hereof,  through  and  including  February  25,  2003 (the

      4.2   Termination.

            4.2.1 Termination by Lender. Lender may terminate this Agreement and
at any time without notice upon or after the occurrence of an Event of Default.

            4.2.2  Termination by Borrower.  Upon at least  forty-five (45) days
prior written notice to Lender,  Borrowers may, at their option,  terminate this
Agreement;  provided,  however,  no such  termination  shall be effective  until
Borrowers have paid all of the Obligations in immediately  available  funds. Any
notice  of  termination  given  by any  Borrower  shall be  deemed  given by all
Borrowers and shall be irrevocable  unless Lender  otherwise  agrees in writing,
and Lender shall have no  obligation  to make any Loans.  Borrowers may elect to
terminate  this Agreement in its entirety only. No section of this Agreement may
be terminated singly.

            4.2.3 Termination  Charges.  On the effective date of termination of
this Agreement for any reason,  Borrowers,  jointly and severally,  shall pay to
Lender (in  addition to the then  outstanding  principal,  accrued  interest and
other charges owing under the terms of this  Agreement and any of the other Loan
Documents) as liquidated damages for the loss of the bargain (unless termination
is made as the  result  of and all  prepayments  of the  Loans are made with the
proceeds of a Qualified  Secondary  Public  Offering)  and not as a penalty,  an
amount equal to three percent (3%) of the Total Credit  Facility if  termination
occurs  during the first  twelve-month  period of the Term  (February  25,  1999
through  February 24,  2000);  two percent (2%) of the Total Credit  Facility if
termination  occurs during the second  12-month period of the Term (February 25,
2000 through  February 24, 2001);  one percent (1%) of the Total Credit Facility
if termination occurs during the third 12-month period of the Term (February 25,
2001 through February 24, 2002). If termination

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occurs after February 25, 2002, or occurs at any time as a result of a Qualified
Secondary Public Offering, no termination charge shall be payable.

            4.2.4  Effect  of  Termination.  All of  the  Obligations  shall  be
immediately  due and payable upon the  termination  date stated in any notice of
termination  of  this  Agreement.  All  undertakings,   agreements,   covenants,
warranties and representations of any Loan Party contained in the Loan Documents
shall  survive any such  termination  and Lender  shall  retain its Liens in the
Collateral  and  all of  its  rights  and  remedies  under  the  Loan  Documents
notwithstanding  such  termination  until Borrowers have paid the Obligations to
Lender,  in full, in immediately  available funds,  together with the applicable
termination  charge,  if  any.  Notwithstanding  the  payment  in  full  of  the
Obligations, Lender shall not be required to terminate its security interests in
the Collateral unless,  with respect to any loss or damage Lender may incur as a
result of  dishonored  checks or other items of payment  received by Lender from
any Loan Party or any  Account  Debtor and  applied to the  Obligations,  Lender
shall (i) have  received a written  agreement,  executed by Borrowers and by any
Person  reasonably  acceptable  to  Lender  whose  loans  or other  advances  to
Borrowers are used in whole or in part to satisfy the Obligations,  indemnifying
Lender  from any such  loss or  damage;  or (ii)  have  retained  such  monetary
reserves and Liens on the Collateral  for such period of time as Lender,  in its
sole credit judgment, may deem necessary to protect Lender from any such loss or


      5.1  Security  Interest in  Collateral.  To secure the prompt  payment and
performance to Lender of all of the  Obligations,  each Loan Party hereby grants
to Lender a continuing  security interest and Lien upon all of each Loan Party's
assets,  including  all of the  following  Property and interests in Property of
each Loan Party, whether now owned or existing or hereafter created, acquired or
arising and wheresoever located:

            (A)   All Accounts;

            (B)   All Equipment (except the Excluded Property);

            (C)   All General Intangibles;

            (D)   All  investment  property  (as  defined in Section  9.115 of 
                  the Code);

            (E)   All Instruments;

            (F)   All real Property (except the El Paso Property);

            (G) All monies and other  Property of any kind now or at any time or
times  hereafter in the possession or under the control of Lender or a bailee or
Affiliate of Lender;

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            (H) All  accessions  to,  substitutions  for  and all  replacements,
products  and cash and  non-cash  proceeds of (A)  through (G) above,  including
proceeds of and unearned  premiums with respect to insurance  policies  insuring
any of the Collateral; and

            (I) All books and records (including  customer lists,  credit files,
computer programs, print-outs, and other computer materials and records) of each
Loan Party pertaining to any of (A) through (H) above.

      5.2  Cross-Collateralization.  Each Loan Party agrees that the  Collateral
pledged by such Loan Party hereunder shall secure all of the  Obligations.  Upon
and after an Event of Default by any Borrower,  Lender may pursue all rights and
remedies  that  Lender  may  have  against  all or any  part  of the  Collateral
regardless  of which Loan Party has legal  title to such  Collateral.  Each Loan
Party hereby  acknowledges that this  cross-collateralization  of the Collateral
owned by such Loan  Party is in  consideration  of Lender  extending  the credit
hereunder and is mutually beneficial to each Borrower.

      5.3 Lien  Perfection;  Further  Assurances.  Each Loan Party shall execute
such  UCC-1  financing  statements  as are  required  by the Code and such other
instruments,  assignments or documents as are necessary to perfect Lender's Lien
upon any of the  Collateral  and shall take such other action as may be required
to perfect or to continue the  perfection of Lender's Lien upon the  Collateral,
including the delivery to Lender of all  Collateral  the  possession of which is
necessary  to perfect  the  security  interest  therein.  Unless  prohibited  by
Applicable Law, each Loan Party hereby authorizes Lender to execute and file any
such financing  statement on such Loan Party's behalf.  The parties agree that a
carbon, photographic or other reproduction of this Agreement shall be sufficient
as a  financing  statement  and may be filed in any  appropriate  office in lieu
thereof.  At Lender's  request,  each Loan Party shall also promptly  execute or
cause  to be  executed  and  shall  deliver  to  Lender  any and all  documents,
instruments and agreements deemed necessary by Lender to give effect to or carry
out the terms or intent of the Loan Documents.

      5.4 Lien on Realty.  The due and punctual  payment and  performance of the
Obligations  shall also be secured by the Lien created by each Mortgage upon all
real Property of each Loan Party  described  therein;  provided,  that Borrowers
shall not be  required  to secure the  Obligations  by a Mortgage on the El Paso
Property,  except as otherwise provided in Section 8.1.9. Each Mortgage shall be
executed  by such Loan Party in favor of Lender and shall be duly  recorded,  at
such Loan Party's expense (to the extent  permitted by Applicable  Law), in each
office where such recording is required to constitute a fully  perfected Lien on
the real Property covered thereby.  Each Loan Party shall deliver to Lender,  at
such Loan Party's expense,  mortgagee title insurance policies issued by a title
insurance  company  satisfactory to Lender,  which policies shall be in form and
substance  satisfactory  to  Lender  and shall  insure a valid  Lien in favor of
Lender  on the  Property  covered  thereby,  subject  only to  those  exceptions
acceptable  to Lender and its counsel.  Each Loan Party shall  deliver to Lender
such other documents,  including as-built survey prints of the real Property, as
Lender and its counsel may request  relating to the real Property subject to the
Mortgage. Until such time as Borrowers have caused the Obligations to be secured
by a first priority lien on the El Paso Property or a first priority lien on the
El Paso Notes, in each case on terms and conditions acceptable

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 14

to Lender,  Borrowers  acknowledge  that Lender shall,  at its sole  discretion,
maintain a reserve  against the amount of Loans which  Borrowers might otherwise
request in the amount of $2,400,000.00.


      6.1   General

            6.1.1  Location of  Collateral.  All tangible  items of  Collateral,
other  than motor  vehicles,  Instruments  and  investment  property  held in an
account with a securities intermediary,  shall at all times be kept by each Loan
Party and its Subsidiaries at one or more of the business locations of such Loan
Party set forth on Exhibit B and shall not,  without the prior written  approval
of Lender, be moved therefrom except,  prior to an Event of Default and Lender's
acceleration  of the maturity of the  Obligations  in consequence  thereof,  for
removals in connection  with  dispositions  of Equipment  that are authorized by
Section 6.4.2.

            6.1.2  Insurance of  Collateral.  Each Loan Party shall maintain and
pay for insurance upon all Collateral  wherever located and with respect to such
Loan Party's  business,  covering  casualty,  hazard,  public liability and such
other risks in such amounts and with such insurance  companies as are reasonably
satisfactory to Lender. Each Loan Party shall deliver the originals or certified
copies of such  policies  to Lender  with  satisfactory  lender's  loss  payable
endorsements,  which  policies  shall name  Lender as loss  payee,  assignee  or
additional  insured,  as  appropriate.  Each policy of insurance or  endorsement
shall contain a clause  requiring the insurer to give not less than fifteen (15)
days prior written notice to Lender in the event of  cancellation  of the policy
for any reason  whatsoever and a clause  specifying  that the interest of Lender
shall not be impaired or  invalidated by any act or neglect of any Loan Party or
the owner of the Property or by the occupation of the premises for purposes more
hazardous than are permitted by said policy.  If any Loan Party fails to provide
and pay for such insurance, Lender may, at its option, but shall not be required
to, procure the same and charge  Borrowers  therefor.  Each Loan Party agrees to
deliver to Lender,  promptly as rendered, true copies of all reports made in any
reporting forms to insurance companies.

            6.1.3   Protection  of  Collateral.   All  expenses  of  protecting,
insuring, and maintaining the Collateral,  any and all excise, property,  sales,
and use taxes imposed by Applicable  Law on any of the  Collateral or in respect
of the "sale" thereof,  and all other payments  required to be made by Lender to
any Person to realize upon any Collateral  shall be borne and paid by Borrowers.
If any Loan Party fails to promptly  pay any portion  thereof  when due,  Lender
may,  at its  option,  but shall not be  required  to,  pay the same and  charge
Borrowers therefor. Lender shall not be liable or responsible in any way for the
safekeeping of any of the  Collateral or for any loss or damage thereto  (except
for reasonable  care in the custody  thereof while any Collateral is in Lender's
actual possession) or for any diminution in the value thereof, or for any act or
default  of any  warehouseman,  carrier,  forwarding  agency,  or  other  Person
whomsoever, but the same shall be at the sole risk of each Loan Party.

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 15

      6.2   Administration of Accounts.

            6.2.1  Records,  Schedules and  Assignments  of Accounts.  Each Loan
Party shall keep accurate and complete  records of its Accounts and all payments
and  collections  thereon.  Each Loan Party shall  submit to Lender,  as soon as
available and in no event later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month from
and after the date hereof,  and at any time on request of Lender within five (5)
days of any such request, a receivables and collections report for the preceding
month or the period specified in such request,  as the case may be, each in form
satisfactory  to Lender.  As soon as  available  and in no event  later than the
fifteenth  (15th) day of each month  from and after the date  hereof,  each Loan
Party shall deliver to Lender, in form acceptable to Lender, detailed aged trial
balance of all  Accounts  existing  as of the last day of the  preceding  month,
specifying the names, addresses, face value, dates of invoices and due dates for
each Account Debtor obligated on an Account so listed  ("Schedule of Accounts"),
and, upon Lender's  request  therefor,  copies of any reports to Account Debtors
relating to the  delivery  of  services or head counts of facility  populations,
including  payment histories and present status reports relating to the Accounts
so scheduled  and such other matters and  information  relating to the status of
then  existing  Accounts as Lender  shall  reasonably  request.  If requested by
Lender at any time after the occurrence and during the continuation of a Default
or an Event of  Default,  each Loan Party  shall  execute  and deliver to Lender
agings and formal written  assignments  of all of its Accounts  weekly or daily,
which shall  include all Accounts  that have been created  since the date of the
last assignment,  together with copies of invoices or invoice  registers related

            6.2.2 Discounts,  Allowances, Disputes. If any Loan Party grants any
discounts,  allowances  or credits that are not shown on the face of the invoice
for  the  Account  involved,  such  Loan  Party  shall  report  such  discounts,
allowances  or  credits,  as the  case  may be,  to  Lender  as part of the next
required  Schedule  of  Accounts.  If any  amounts  due and  owing in  excess of
$100,000.00 are in dispute  between any Loan Party and any Account Debtor,  such
Loan Party shall  provide  Lender  with  written  notice  thereof at the time of
submission of the next Schedule of Accounts, explaining in detail the reason for
the dispute, all claims related thereto and the amount in controversy.  Upon and
after the  occurrence  of an Event of Default  and so long as it is  continuing,
Lender shall have the right to settle or adjust all disputes and claims directly
with the  Account  Debtor  and to  compromise  the amount or extend the time for
payment  of the  Accounts  upon such  terms and  conditions  as Lender  may deem
advisable, and to charge the deficiencies, costs and expenses thereof, including
attorney's fees, to such Loan Party.

            6.2.3 Taxes. If an Account  includes a charge for any tax payable to
any governmental taxing authority, Lender is authorized, in its sole discretion,
to pay the amount  thereof to the proper  taxing  authority  for the  account of
Borrowers and to charge Borrowers therefor,  provided, however that Lender shall
not be liable for any such taxes to any  governmental  taxing authority that may
be due by any Loan Party.

            6.2.4  Account  Verification.  Upon or  after  the  occurrence  of a
Default or an Event of Default and so long as it is continuing,  any of Lender's
officers,  employees  or  agents  shall  have  the  right,  at any time or times
hereafter, in the name of Lender, any designee of Lender or any Loan

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 16

Party,  to verify  the  validity,  amount or any other  matter  relating  to any
Accounts by mail,  telephone,  facsimile  transmission  or otherwise.  Each Loan
Party shall  cooperate fully with Lender in an effort to facilitate and promptly
conclude any such verification process.

            6.2.5  Maintenance  of  Dominion  Account.  Each  Loan  Party  shall
maintain a Dominion  Account  with such  banks as may be  selected  by such Loan
Party and be acceptable to Lender.  All funds deposited in the Dominion  Account
shall immediately become the property of Lender and such Loan Party shall obtain
the  agreement  by such  banks in favor of  Lender to waive  any  offset  rights
against the funds so deposited. Lender assumes no responsibility for deposits to
the Dominion Accounts, including any claim of accord and satisfaction or release
with respect to deposits accepted by any bank thereunder.

            6.2.6  Collection of Accounts,  Proceeds of Collateral.  To expedite
collection,  each  Loan  Party  shall  endeavor  in the first  instance  to make
collection  of its Accounts  for Lender.  All  remittances  received by any Loan
Party  in  respect  of  Accounts,  together  with  the  proceeds  of  any  other
Collateral,  shall be held as Lender's property by such Loan Party as trustee of
an express  trust for  Lender's  benefit and such Loan Party  shall  immediately
deposit same in kind in the Dominion  Account.  Lender  retains the right at all
times  after  the  occurrence  of an  Event  of  Default  and so  long  as it is
continuing to notify Account  Debtors that Accounts have been assigned to Lender
and to collect  Accounts  directly in its own name and to charge the  collection
costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees to Borrowers. At Lender's request,
each Loan Party shall establish a lockbox arrangement  acceptable to Lender with
such banks as may be  selected by a Loan Party and be  acceptable  to Lender and
shall issue to any such banks an  irrevocable  letter of  instruction  directing
such banks to deposit all payments or other remittances  received in the lockbox
to the Dominion Account for application on account of the Obligations.


      6.4   Administration of Equipment.

            6.4.1 Records and Schedules of Equipment. Each Loan Party shall keep
accurate records itemizing and describing the kind, type, quality,  quantity and
value of its Equipment  and all  dispositions  made in  accordance  with Section
6.4.2, and shall furnish Lender with a current schedule containing the foregoing
information  on at least an annual  basis and more often if requested by Lender.
Immediately  on request  therefor by Lender,  each Loan Party  shall  deliver to
Lender any and all evidence of ownership, if any, of any of the Equipment (other
than the Excluded Property).

            6.4.2  Dispositions of Equipment.  No Loan Party will sell, lease or
otherwise  dispose  of or  transfer  any of the  Equipment  or any part  thereof
without  the prior  written  consent  of  Lender;  provided,  however,  that the
foregoing  restriction  shall not  apply,  for so long as no Default or Event of
Default exists,  to (i) dispositions of Equipment which, in the aggregate during
any  consecutive  twelve-month  period,  has a fair market  value or book value,
whichever is less, of $200,000.00 or less,(ii) replacements of Equipment that is
substantially  worn,  damaged or obsolete with Equipment of like kind,  function
and value, provided that the replacement Equipment shall be acquired prior to

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 17

or  concurrently  with any  disposition of the Equipment that is to be replaced,
the replacement  Equipment shall be free and clear of Liens other than Permitted
Liens that are not Purchase  Money  Liens,  and such Loan Party shall have given
Lender at least five (5) days prior written notice of such disposition, or (iii)
the Excluded Property.

            6.4.3  Condition  of  Equipment.  Each  Loan  Party  represents  and
warrants to Lender that the Equipment is in good operating condition and repair,
and all necessary  replacements of and repairs thereto shall be made so that the
value  and  operating  efficiency  of the  Equipment  shall  be  maintained  and
preserved,  reasonable wear and tear excepted.  No Loan Party will permit any of
the Equipment to become  affixed to any real Property  leased to a Loan Party so
that an interest  arises  therein  under the real estate laws of the  applicable
jurisdiction  unless the landlord of such real  Property has executed a landlord
waiver or leasehold  mortgage in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender,  and
no Loan Party will permit any of the  Equipment  to become an  accession  to any
personal  Property that is subject to a Lien unless the Lien is a Permitted Lien
(other than a Purchase Money Lien).

      6.5 Payment of Charges.  All  amounts  chargeable  to any Loan Party under
Section  6 shall  be  Obligations  secured  by all of the  Collateral,  shall be
payable each Borrower,  jointly and severally, on demand and shall bear interest
from the date such advance was made until paid in full at the rate applicable to
the Base Rate Portion from time to time.


      7.1 General Representations and Warranties. To induce Lender to enter into
this  Agreement and to make advances  hereunder,  the Loan Parties,  jointly and
severally, warrant and represent to Lender and covenant with Lender that:

            7.1.1  Organization  and   Qualification.   Each  Loan  Party  is  a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the jurisdiction of its incorporation.  Each Loan Party is duly qualified and
is authorized to do business and is in good standing as a foreign corporation in
each state or  jurisdiction  listed on Exhibit C hereto and in all other  states
and  jurisdictions  where the  character of its  Properties or the nature of its
activities make such qualification necessary,  except where the failure to be so
qualified would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

            7.1.2  Corporate  Power  and  Authority.  Each  Loan  Party  is duly
authorized  and  empowered  to enter into,  execute,  deliver  and perform  this
Agreement  and each of the  other  Loan  Documents  to which it is a party.  The
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each of the other Loan
Documents have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and do not
and will not (i) require any consent or approval of the shareholders of any Loan
Party;  (ii)  contravene any Loan Parties'  charter,  articles or certificate of
incorporation  or  by-laws;  (iii)  violate,  or cause  any Loan  Party to be in
default  under,  any  provision  of any  law,  rule,  regulation,  order,  writ,
judgment,   injunction,   decree,   determination  or  award  in  effect  having
applicability  to such Loan Party;  (iv) result in a breach of or  constitute  a
default under any indenture or loan or credit  agreement or any other agreement,
lease or instrument to which any Loan Party is a party or by which

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 18

it or its Properties may be bound or affected; or (v) result in, or require, the
creation or  imposition  of any Lien (other than  Permitted  Liens) upon or with
respect to any of the  Properties  now owned or  hereafter  acquired by any Loan

            7.1.3 Legally Enforceable Agreement.  This Agreement is, and each of
the other Loan Documents  when delivered  under this Agreement will be, a legal,
valid and binding  obligation  of each Loan Party  enforceable  against  them in
accordance with its respective terms, except to the extent that such enforcement
may be limited by applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency or similar laws  affecting
creditors'  rights  generally  or by  principles  of  equity  pertaining  to the
availability of equitable remedies.

            7.1.4  Capital  Structure.  Exhibit D hereto  states (i) the correct
name of each Loan Party, its jurisdiction of incorporation and the percentage of
its Voting  Stock  owned by a Loan  Party,  as the case may be, (ii) the name of
each  corporate or joint venture  Affiliate of each Loan Party and the nature of
the  affiliation,  (iii)  the  number,  nature  and  holder  of all  outstanding
Securities  of each Loan Party,  and (iv) the number of  authorized,  issued and
treasury  shares of each Loan Party.  Avalon has good title to all of the shares
it purports to own of the stock of  Southern,  Central,  and Elk City,  free and
clear in each case of any Lien other than Permitted  Liens.  Each Loan Party has
good title to all of the shares it  purports  to own of the stock of each of its
Subsidiaries,  free and  clear in each  case of any Lien  other  than  Permitted
Liens.   All  such  shares  have  been  duly  issued  and  are  fully  paid  and
non-assessable.  Except  as set forth on  Exhibit  D,  there are no  outstanding
options  to  purchase,  or any  rights or  warrants  to  subscribe  for,  or any
commitments  or agreements to issue or sell,  or any  Securities or  obligations
convertible  into, or any powers of attorney  relating to, shares of the capital
stock of any Loan  Party.  Except  as  described  on  Exhibit  D,  there  are no
outstanding  agreements or instruments binding upon any shareholders of any Loan
Party relating to the ownership of its shares of capital stock.

            7.1.5  Corporate  Names. No Loan Party has been known as or used any
corporate,  fictitious  or trade names  except those listed on Exhibit E hereto.
Except  as set  forth  on  Exhibit  E, no Loan  Party  has  been  the  surviving
corporation of a merger or consolidation or acquired all or substantially all of
the assets of any Person.

            7.1.6 Business  Locations;  Agent for Process.  The chief  executive
office and other  places of business of each Loan Party are as listed on Exhibit
B hereto.  During  the  preceding  five-year  period,  no Loan  Party has had an
office,  place of business or agent for service of process  other than as listed
on Exhibit B.

            7.1.7 Title to  Properties;  Priority of Liens.  Each Loan Party has
good and  indefeasible  title  to and fee  simple  ownership  of,  or valid  and
subsisting  leasehold interests in, all of its real Property,  and good title to
all of the  Collateral  and all of its other  Property,  in each case,  free and
clear of all Liens except Permitted Liens. No Loan Party has acquired any of the
Collateral  from any Person  (other than  purchases of Equipment in the ordinary
course  of  business  of  the  seller  thereof)  within  the  five-year   period
immediately  preceding  the Closing  Date except as set forth on Exhibit Q. Each
Loan Party has paid or  discharged  all lawful claims  which,  if unpaid,  might

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 19

a Lien against any of such Loan Party's Properties that is not a Permitted Lien.
The Liens granted to Lender under Section 5 are first  priority  Liens,  subject
only to Permitted Liens.

            7.1.8  Accounts.  Unless  otherwise  indicated in writing to Lender,
with respect to each Account:

                  (A) It is genuine and in all respects  what it purports to be,
and it is not evidenced by a judgment;

                  (B) It  arises  out of a  completed,  bona fide  rendition  of
services  by a Loan  Party  in  the  ordinary  course  of  its  business  and in
accordance  with the terms and  conditions of all  contracts or other  documents
relating  thereto and forming a part of the contract between such Loan Party and
the Account Debtor;

                  (C) It is for a  liquidated  amount  maturing as stated in the
duplicate invoice covering such rendition of services,  a copy of which has been
furnished or is available to Lender;

                  (D) Such Account,  and Lender's security interest therein,  is
not subject to any offset, Lien, deduction,  defense,  dispute,  counterclaim or
any other adverse  condition except for Permitted Liens and each such Account is
absolutely owing to a Loan Party and is not contingent in any respect or for any

                  (E) No Loan  Party  has made any  agreement  with any  Account
Debtor thereunder for any extension,  compromise,  settlement or modification of
any such Account or any deduction therefrom;

                  (F) To the  best  knowledge  of  each  Loan  Party  after  due
inquiry,  there are no facts,  events or occurrences which in any way impair the
validity or  enforceability of any Accounts or tend to reduce the amount payable
thereunder  from the face  amount of the  invoice and  statements  delivered  to
Lender with respect thereto; and

                  (G) To the best of such Loan  Party's  knowledge,  the Account
Debtor thereunder had the capacity to contract at the time any contract or other
document giving rise to the Account was executed.

            7.1.9 Financial  Statements;  Fiscal Year. The Consolidated  balance
sheets of Avalon and its  Subsidiaries  as of December 31, 1998, and the related
statements of income,  changes in stockholder's equity, and changes in financial
position for the periods  ended on such dates,  have been prepared in accordance
with GAAP, and present fairly the Consolidated  financial position of Avalon and
its  Subsidiaries  at such dates and the results of the operations of Avalon and
its  Subsidiaries  for such periods.  Since December 31, 1998, there has been no
material  change in the  condition,  financial or  otherwise,  of Avalon and its
Subsidiaries and no change in the aggregate value of Equipment and real Property
owned by Avalon and its Subsidiaries, except changes in the ordinary course of

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 20

business,  none of which could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect.  The fiscal year of Avalon and each of its Subsidiaries ends on December
31 of each year.

     7.1.10 Full  Disclosure.  The financial  statements  referred to in Section
7.1.9 do not, nor does this Agreement or any other written statement of any Loan
Party to Lender,  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit a
material fact necessary to make the statements  contained  therein or herein not
misleading. There is no fact or circumstances which any Loan Party has failed to
disclose  to Lender in writing  which  could  reasonably  be  expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect.

     7.1.11  Solvent  Financial  Condition.  Each Loan  Party is now and,  after
giving effect to the Loans to be made hereunder, at all times will be, Solvent.

     7.1.12  Surety  Obligations.  No Loan  Party  is  obligated  as  surety  or
indemnitor  under any surety or similar bond or other contract issued or entered
into any agreement to assure  payment,  performance or completion of performance
of any undertaking or obligation of any Person.

     7.1.13 Taxes. The federal tax  identification  number of each Loan Party is
shown on Exhibit F. Each Loan Party has filed all  federal,  state and local tax
returns and other  reports it is  required by law to file and has paid,  or made
provision  for the payment of, all Taxes upon it, its income and  Properties  as
and when such Taxes are due and payable, except to the extent any such Taxes are
being  Properly  Contested.  The  provision  for  Taxes on the books of the Loan
Parties are adequate for all years not closed by  applicable  statutes,  and for
its current fiscal year.

     7.1.14  Brokers.  There are no claims for brokerage  commissions,  finder's
fees or investment banking fees in connection with the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement except for fees owing by Avalon to Cooley & Co. and Legg Mason
Wood Walker, Incorporated, which in the aggregate do not exceed $180,000.00.

     7.1.15 Patents, Trademarks,  Copyrights and Licenses. Each Borrower and its
Subsidiaries owns or possesses all the patents, trademarks, service marks, trade
names,  copyrights  and licenses  necessary  for the present and planned  future
conduct of its business  without any known  conflict  with the rights of others.
All such patents, trademarks,  service marks, trade names, copyrights,  licenses
and other similar rights are listed on Exhibit G hereto.

     7.1.16  Governmental  Consents.  Each Loan Party is in good  standing  with
respect to, all  governmental  consents,  approvals,  licenses,  authorizations,
permits,  certificates,  inspections  and  franchises  necessary  to continue to
conduct its business as  heretofore or proposed to be conducted by it and to own
or lease and operate its Properties as now owned or leased by it except for such
consents,   approvals,   licenses,   authorizations,    permits,   certificates,
inspections and franchises the absence of which could not reasonably be expected
to have a Material Adverse Effect.

     7.1.17  Compliance  with  Laws.  Each Loan Party has duly  complied  in all
materialrespects  with, and its Properties,  business  operations and leaseholds
are in compliance in all material

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 21

respects  with,  the  provisions of all  Applicable  Laws and there have been no
citations,  notices or orders of  noncompliance  issued to any Loan Party  under
such law, rule or regulation.

     7.1.18  Restrictions.  No Loan Party is a party or subject to any contract,
agreement,  or  charter  or  other  corporate  restriction,  which  has or could
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Except as set forth on
Exhibit H , no Loan  Party is a party or subject to any  contract  or  agreement
which restricts the right or ability of any Loan Party to incur Indebtedness. No
contracts  or  agreements  to which any Loan Party is a party or by which any of
their  respective  properties are bound prohibits the execution of or compliance
with this Agreement or the other Loan Documents by any Loan Party.

     7.1.19 Litigation.  Except as set forth on Exhibit I, there are no actions,
suits,  proceedings or investigations  pending,  or to the knowledge of any Loan
Party,  threatened,  against  or  affecting  any Loan  Party,  or the  business,
operations,  Properties, prospects, profits or condition of any Loan Party. None
of the  actions,  suits  or  proceedings  listed  on  Exhibit  I, if  determined
adversely  to any Loan Party,  could  reasonably  be expected to have a Material
Adverse  Effect.  No Loan Party is in default with  respect to any order,  writ,
injunction,  judgment,  decree or rule of any court,  governmental  authority or
arbitration board or tribunal.

     7.1.20 No Defaults.  No event has  occurred  and no condition  exists which
would,  upon or after  the  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  or the
performance  by any Loan Party  hereunder,  constitute  a Default or an Event of
Default. No Loan Party is in default, and no event has occurred and no condition
exists  which  constitutes,  or which with the  passage of time or the giving of
notice or both would constitute, a default in the payment of any Indebtedness to
any Person for Money  Borrowed the amount of which,  together with the amount of
any other such  Indebtedness  for Money Borrowed with respect to which there has
been a default in payment, exceeds $250,000.00.

     7.1.21 Leases. Exhibit J is a complete listing of all capitalized leases of
each Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  and Exhibit K sets forth a complete listing
of all operating leases of each Borrower and its Subsidiaries. Each Borrower and
its  Subsidiaries  is in full  compliance with all of the terms of each of their
respective capitalized and operating leases.

     7.1.22 Pension  Plans.  Except as disclosed on Exhibit L, no Loan Party has
any Plan. Each Loan Party is in full  compliance with the  requirements of ERISA
and the regulations promulgated thereunder with respect to each Plan. No fact or
situation that could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on
any Loan  Party  exists  in  connection  with any  Plan.  No Loan  Party has any
withdrawal liability in connection with a Multiemployer Plan.

     7.1.23 Trade Relations. There exists no actual or, to the best knowledge of
Borrowers,  threatened  termination,  cancellation  or  limitation  of,  or  any
modification or change in, the business relationship between any Borrower or its
Subsidiaries  and any  customer  or any  group of  customers  whose  contractual
relationship for the provision of services individually or in the aggre gate are
material to the business of any Borrower or its  Subsidiaries,  and there exists
no  condition  or state of facts or  circumstances  which  could  reasonably  be
expected to have a Material Adverse

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 22

Effect or  prevent  any Loan  Party  from  conducting  such  business  after the
consummation of the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement in substantially
the same manner in which it has heretofore been conducted by such Loan Party.

     7.1.24 Labor  Relations.  Except as described on Exhibit M, no Borrower nor
any  Subsidiary  of  any  Borrower  is a  party  to  any  collective  bargaining
agreement. There are no material grievances,  disputes or controversies with any
union  or  any  other   organization   of  employees  of  any  Borrower  or  its
Subsidiaries,  or threats of strikes,  work  stoppages or any  asserted  pending
demands for collective bargaining by any union or organization.

      7.2   Continuous   Nature  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   Each
representation  and  warranty  contained  in this  Agreement  and the other Loan
Documents shall be continuous in nature and shall remain accurate,  complete and
not  misleading at all times during the term of this  Agreement,  except for (i)
such  representations  and warranties that by their nature are limited only to a
specific  date in time  and  (ii)  changes  in the  nature  of the  business  or
operations of any Loan Party that would render the information in any Exhibit or
Schedule either inaccurate,  incomplete or misleading;  provided that Lender has
consented  to such  changes or such  changes  are  expressly  permitted  by this

      7.3  Survival  of   Representations   and  Warranties.   Except  for  such
representations  and  warranties  that by their  nature  are  limited  only to a
specific date in time,  all  representations  and  warranties of each Loan Party
contained in this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents shall survive the
execution, delivery and acceptance thereof by Lender and the parties thereto and
the closing of the transactions described therein or related thereto.


      8.1  Affirmative  Covenants.  During  the  term  of  this  Agreement,  and
thereafter for so long as there are any Obligations to Lender,  each Loan Party,
jointly and severally, covenant that, unless otherwise consented to by Lender in
writing, they shall:

            8.1.1 Visits and Inspections. Permit representatives of Lender, from
time to time,  as often as may be reasonably  requested,  but only during normal
business  hours,  to (i) visit and inspect its  Properties and the Properties of
each of their respective Subsidiaries, and (ii) inspect, audit and make extracts
from its books and records, and discuss with its officers, its employees and its
independent  accountants,   any  Loan  Party's  business,  assets,  liabilities,
financial condition, business prospects and results of operations.

            8.1.2 Notices. Notify Lender in writing (i) of the occurrence of any
event or the existence of any fact which renders any  representation or warranty
in this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents  inaccurate,  incomplete or
misleading,  and (ii) promptly  after any Loan Party  learning  thereof,  of the
commencement  of any  litigation  affecting  any  Loan  Party  or  any of  their
respective Properties, whether or not the claim is considered by such Loan Party
to be  covered  by  insurance,  and of  the  institution  of any  administrative
proceeding which if determined adversely to

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 23

any Loan Party, would have a Material Adverse Effect; (iii) at least thirty (30)
days prior  thereto,  of any Loan Party's  opening of any new office or place of
business or any Loan Party's closing of any existing office or place of business
if the value of any  Collateral to be located or located at such office or place
of business exceeds  $100,000.00;  (iv) promptly after any Loan Party's learning
thereof,  of  any  labor  dispute  to  which  such  Loan  Party  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries  may become a party,  any  strikes or  walkouts  relating to any of
their  respective  plants or other  facilities,  and the expiration of any labor
contract  to which any of them is a party or by which any of them is bound;  (v)
promptly after any Loan Party's learning thereof, of any material default by any
Loan Party under any note,  indenture,  loan agreement,  mortgage,  lease, deed,
guaranty  or other  similar  agreement  relating to any  Indebtedness  exceeding
$100,000.00; (vi) promptly after the occurrence thereof, of any Default or Event
of Default;  (vii) promptly after the occurrence  thereof, of any default by any
obligor  under any note or other  evidence of  Indebtedness  payable to any Loan
Party or its  Subsidiaries  exceeding  $100,000.00;  (viii)  promptly  after the
rendition thereof,  of any judgment rendered against any Loan Party in an amount
exceeding $100,000.00;  (ix) on the date required under the RSTW Loan Agreement,
a copy  of any  notice  required  under  Section  6.5 or  Section  6.14  of such
agreement,  (x) promptly  following receipt thereof by any Loan Party, a copy of
any demand for payment under the RSTW Loan Agreement, and (xi) at least five (5)
Business Days prior  thereto,  notice of any proposed  payment by any Loan Party
under Section 2.2 or Section 2.3 of the RSTW Loan Agreement.

            8.1.3 Financial Statements. Keep, and cause each Subsidiary to keep,
adequate records and books of account with respect to its business activities in
which  proper  entries  are made in  accordance  with  GAAP  reflecting  all its
financial  transactions;  and cause to be prepared  and  furnished to Lender the
following  (all to be prepared in  accordance  with GAAP applied on a consistent
basis, unless Avalon's certified public accountants concur in any change therein
and such change is disclosed to Lender and is consistent with GAAP):

                  (A) as soon as  available  but not later than ninety (90) days
after the close of each fiscal  year of Avalon,  unqualified  audited  financial
statements  of Avalon  and its  Subsidiaries  as of the end of such  year,  on a
Consolidated  basis,  certified  by  a  firm  of  independent  certified  public
accountants of recognized  standing  selected by Avalon but acceptable to Lender
(except for a qualification for a change in accounting principles with which the
accountant concurs);

                  (B) as soon as  available  but not later than thirty (30) days
after the end of each month  hereafter,  including  the last  month of  Avalon's
fiscal year,  unaudited interim financial  statements of each Loan Party and its
Subsidiaries  as of the  end of  such  month  and of  the  portion  of  Avalon's
financial  year  then  elapsed,  on  a  Consolidated  and  consolidating  basis,
certified by the principal  financial  officer of such Loan Party as prepared in
accordance with GAAP and fairly presenting the Consolidated  financial  position
and results of operations of such Loan Party and its Subsidiaries for such month
and period  subject  only to changes  from audit and  year-end  adjustments  and
except that such statements need not contain notes;

                  (C) promptly after the sending or filing thereof,  as the case
may be, copies of any proxy  statements,  financial  statements or reports which
Avalon has made available to its

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 24

shareholders  and  copies  of any  regular,  periodic  and  special  reports  or
registration  statements  which  Avalon files with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission or any governmental  authority which may be substituted  therefor, or
any national securities exchange;

                  (D) promptly  after the filing  thereof,  copies of any annual
report to be filed with ERISA in connection with each Plan;

                  (E) on the date required under the RSTW Loan Agreement, a copy
of any financial report or other document  required under Section 6.1 or Section
6.2 of such agreement; and

                  (F) such other data and information  (financial and otherwise)
as Lender, from time to time, may reasonably request, bearing upon or related to
the  Collateral  or  financial  condition or results of  operations  of any Loan

      As soon as available,  and in any event not later than five (5) days after
the receipt  thereof,  Avalon shall forward to Lender a copy of the accountants'
letter to Avalon's  management that is prepared in connection with the financial
statements described in clause (A) of this Section 8.1.3.  Concurrently with the
delivery of the  financial  statements  described in clauses (A) and (B) of this
Section 8.1.3, or more frequently if requested by Lender,  Avalon shall cause to
be prepared  and  furnished to Lender a  Compliance  Certificate  in the form of
Exhibit N hereto executed by the chief financial officer of Avalon.

            8.1.4  Borrowing  Base  Certificate.  Together with each delivery of
financial  statements of Avalon and its  Subsidiaries  pursuant to Section 8.1.3
above,  and from time to time upon request of Lender,  Borrowers will deliver to
Lender a Borrowing Base Certificate (in  substantially the form as Exhibit P) as
of the last day of the immediately  preceding month,  prepared on a consolidated
basis and otherwise in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Lender.

            8.1.5  Projections.  No later than thirty (30) days prior to the end
of each  fiscal  year  of  Avalon,  deliver  to  Lender  projections  of  Avalon
(consisting of Consolidated and consolidating  balance sheets, income statements
and cash flow  statements,  together  with  appropriate  supporting  details and
underlying assumptions) for the forthcoming fiscal year, month by month.

            8.1.6 Taxes. Pay and discharge, and cause each Subsidiary to pay and
discharge,  all Taxes prior to the date on which such Taxes become delinquent or
penalties  attach  thereto,  except and only to the  extent  that such Taxes are
being Properly Contested.

            8.1.7  Compliance  with Laws.  Comply and cause each  Subsidiary  to
comply, with all Applicable Laws, including all laws, statutes,  regulations and
ordinances  regarding the collection,  payment and deposit of all Taxes, and all
ERISA and Environmental Laws, and obtain and keep in force any and all licenses,
permits,  franchises,  or other  governmental  authorizations  necessary  to the
ownership of its Properties or to the conduct of its business,  which  violation
or failure to obtain  could  reasonably  be expected to have a Material  Adverse

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 25

            8.1.8 Certain Other Insurance. In addition to the insurance required
herein with  respect to the  Collateral,  each Loan Party shall  maintain,  with
financially  sound  and  reputable  insurers,  insurance  with  respect  to  its
Properties and business  against such casualties and  contingencies of such type
(including product liability, business interruption,  larceny,  embezzlement, or
other criminal  misappropriation  insurance) as is customary in its business and
in such amounts as is acceptable to Lender.

            8.1.9 El Paso  Property.  Borrowers  shall use their best efforts to
cause the  holders of the El Paso Notes to accept  prepayment  in full of the El
Paso Notes or  transfer  and assign the El Paso Notes to Avalon on or before May
1, 1999.  Upon the  prepayment or purchase of the El Paso Notes  (regardless  of
when such  prepayment or purchase may occur),  Avalon shall (a) in the case of a
purchase of the El Paso Notes, assign and deliver the El Paso Notes to Lender as
Collateral for the Obligations on terms and conditions  acceptable to Lender, or
(b) in case of a  prepayment  of the El  Paso  Notes,  execute  or  cause  to be
executed a Mortgage in favor of Lender upon the El Paso Property by the owner of
the El Paso  Property in  accordance  with Section 5.4 and deliver to Lender the
title insurance policies,  surveys, and other items required by Section 5.4 with
respect to real  Property of Loan  Parties  subject to a Mortgage.  In the event
Borrowers are unable to cause the prepayment or purchase of the El Paso Notes on
or before May 1, 1999,  unless  Borrowers have caused the holders of the El Paso
Notes to consent to the filing of a  Mortgage  on the El Paso  Property  subject
only to the prior  Lien of the  holders  of the El Paso  Notes and  caused  such
Mortgage to be filed of record and the other items required by Section 5.4 to be
delivered to Lender,  all Cash Flow from the El Paso Property  shall be excluded
from the calculation of the Borrowing Base and the reserve  described in Section
5.4 shall be  reduced to an amount  equal to the  greater of (1) zero and (2)(i)
$2,400,000  minus  (ii)(a)  El  Paso  EBITDA,   multiplied  by  (b)  three  (3).
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Borrowers shall cause
the El Paso Note described in clause (a) of the definition thereof to be prepaid
in full on or before August 1, 2000,  and shall cause the El Paso Note described
in clause  (b) of the  definition  thereof  to be  prepaid  in full on or before
October 1, 2000.

      8.2 Negative Covenants.  During the term of this Agreement, and thereafter
for so long as there are any  Obligations to Lender,  the Loan Parties,  jointly
and  severally,  covenant  that,  unless Lender has first  consented  thereto in
writing, no Loan Party will:

            8.2.1 Mergers;  Consolidations;  Acquisitions. Merge or consolidate,
or permit any of its Subsidiaries to merge or consolidate,  with any Person; nor
acquire,  nor permit any of its Subsidiaries to acquire,  all or any substantial
part of the Properties of any Person.

            8.2.2 Loans.  Make, or permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to make, any
loans or other  advances  of money  (other  than for  salary,  travel  advances,
advances  against  commissions and other similar advances in the ordinary course
of business) to any Person.

            8.2.3 Total Indebtedness. Create, incur, assume, or suffer to exist,
or permit any of their  respective  Subsidiaries  to create,  incur or suffer to
exist, any Indebtedness, except:

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 26

                  (A)   Obligations owing to Lender;

                  (B) Obligations with respect to the RSTW Debt;

                  (C) Indebtedness with respect to the Convertible Notes;

                  (D)  Indebtedness  of any  Subsidiaries  of a Borrower to such

                  (E) accounts payable to trade creditors and current  operating
expenses  (other  than for Money  Borrowed)  which are not aged more than thirty
(30) days from the due date  specified in the original  invoice or for more than
sixty  (60)  days if no due date is  specified,  in each  case  incurred  in the
ordinary  course of business and paid within such time  period,  unless the same
are being Properly Contested;

                  (F) Obligations to pay Rentals permitted by Section 8.2.12;

                  (G)   Permitted Purchase Money Indebtedness;

                  (H)  contingent  liabilities  arising out of  endorsements  of
checks  and other  negotiable  instruments  for  deposit  or  collection  in the
ordinary course of business;

                  (I) Indebtedness  existing on the date hereof (including,  but
not limited to, Indebtedness for the Excluded Property) and described on Exhibit
O hereto; and

                  (J)  Indebtedness  not included in paragraphs  (A) through (I)
above  which  does  not  exceed  at any  time,  in  the  aggregate,  the  sum of

            8.2.4  Affiliate  Transactions.  Enter  into,  or be a party  to, or
permit any of their respective  Subsidiaries to enter into or be a party to, any
transaction  with any Affiliate or stockholder,  except for  transactions in the
ordinary  course of and pursuant to the reasonable  requirements of the business
of any Borrower or its Subsidiary  and upon fair and reasonable  terms which are
fully  disclosed to Lender and are no less favorable than would be obtained in a
comparable  arm's  length   transaction  with  a  Person  not  an  Affiliate  or
stockholder of such Borrower or its Subsidiary.

            8.2.5 Limitation on Liens.  Create or suffer to exist, or permit any
of their respective Subsidiaries to create or suffer to exist, any Lien upon any
of its  Property,  income or profits,  whether now owned or hereafter  acquired,

                  (A)   Liens at any time granted in favor of Lender;

                  (B) Liens for Taxes  (excluding  any Lien imposed  pursuant to
any of the provisions of ERISA) not yet due, or being Properly Contested;

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                  (C) Liens of  landlords,  carriers,  warehousemen,  mechanics,
materialmen  and other  similar  liens  arising  in the  ordinary  course of its
business by operation of law or  regulation,  but only if (i) payment in respect
of any such Lien is not at the time required, (ii) such Lien does not materially
detract from the value of the Property or  materially  impair the use thereof in
the operation of its business, or (iii) is being Properly Contested;

                  (D)   Purchase Money Liens securing Permitted Purchase Money

                  (E)  Liens  securing  Indebtedness  of one  of any  Borrower's
Subsidiary to a Borrower or any Subsidiary of a Borrower;

                  (F) Such other Liens as appear on Exhibit O hereto;

                  (G) such  other  Liens as  Lender  may  hereafter  approve  in
writing; and

                  (H) Liens incurred or deposits made in the ordinary  course of
business in connection with workers'  compensation,  unemployment  insurance and
other  types of  social  security,  or to secure  the  performance  of  tenders,
statutory  obligations,  surety,  stay,  customs and appeal bonds, bids, leases,
government contracts, trade contracts, performance and return-of-money bonds and
other similar obligations  (exclusive of obligations for the payment of borrowed

            8.2.6 Subordinated Debt. (i) Make, or permit any Loan Party to make,
any payment of any part or all of any Subordinated Debt or take any other action
or omit to take any other action in respect of any Subordinated  Debt, except in
accordance  with  the  Subordination   Agreement   applicable   thereto  or  the
subordination  provisions  of such  Subordinated  Debt, as the case may be, (ii)
agree to any  amendment,  modification  or supplement to the RSTW Debt Documents
except as permitted in the RSTW Subordination Agreement, (iii) without the prior
written consent of Lender, agree to any amendment, modification or supplement to
any of the documents evidencing the Other Subordinated Debt, including,  without
limitation, any amendment,  modification or supplement the effect of which is to
increase the maximum principal amount of such Other Subordinated Debt or rate of
interest  on any of such Other  Subordinated  Debt,  (iv)  change the dates upon
which payments of principal or interest on the Other  Subordinated Debt are due,
(v)  change,  or add any event of default or any  covenant  with  respect to the
Other Subordinated Debt, (vi) change the redemption or prepayment  provisions of
the Other  Subordinated  Debt,  (vii) alter the  subordination  provisions  with
respect to any Subordinated Debt, including,  without limitation,  subordinating
such  Subordinated Debt to any other debt (except that the Convertible Notes may
be subordinated to the RSTW Debt),  (viii) change the maturity date of any Other
Subordinated  Debt or  otherwise  to alter  the  repayment  terms  of the  Other
Subordinated  Debt, (ix) grant any Liens or security  interests in any assets of
any Loan  Party or any other  assets  securing  the  Obligations  to secure  the
Subordinated  Debt,  or (x)  change  or amend any  other  term of the  documents
evidencing the Subordinated  Debt if such change or amendment would increase the
obligations of any Loan Party or confer additional  material rights on holder of
the Subordinated Debt in a manner adverse to any Loan Party or Lender.

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            8.2.7  Distributions.  Declare  or  make,  or  permit  any of  their
respective   Subsidiaries  to  declare  or  make,  any   Distributions,   except
distributions of a Subsidiary of Avalon to its direct parent or to Avalon.

            8.2.8  Capital  Expenditures.  The  Loan  Parties  will not make any
Capital  Expenditure  if, as a result thereof,  the Capital  Expenditures of the
Loan Parties would, in the aggregate, exceed (i) $650,000 during the period from
January 1, 1999 through  December 31, 1999, (ii) $700,000 during the fiscal year
ending  December  31,  2000,  (iii)  $750,000.00  during the fiscal  year ending
December 31, 2001, and (iv) $800,000  during the fiscal year ending December 31,

            8.2.9 Disposition of Assets. Sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any
of, or permit any of their  respective  Subsidiaries to sell, lease or otherwise
dispose any of, its  Properties,  including any  disposition of Property  (other
than Excluded  Property) as part of a sale and leaseback  transaction,  to or in
favor of any  Person,  except  for  dispositions  expressly  authorized  by this

            8.2.10 Stock of Subsidiaries.  Permit any of their respective 
Subsidiaries to issue any additional shares of its capital stock.

            8.2.11 Restricted Investment.  Make or have, or permit any of their
 respective Subsidiaries to make or have, any Restricted Investment.

            8.2.12 Operating  Leases.  Become, or permit any of their respective
Subsidiaries  to become,  a lessee under any operating lease (other than a lease
for the  Excluded  Property  or a lease  under  which  Borrower  or any of their
respective  Subsidiaries is lessor) of Property if the aggregate Rentals payable
during any current or future period of twelve (12) consecutive  months under the
lease in question  and all other  leases  under  which  Borrower or any of their
respective  Subsidiaries  is then  lessee  would  exceed  $250,000.00.  The term
"Rentals" means, as of the date of determination,  all payments which the lessee
is required to make by the terms of any lease.

            8.2.13 Tax  Consolidation.  File  or consent  to the  filing  of any
consolidated  income tax  return  with any  Person  other than their  respective
Subsidiaries or Avalon.

            8.2.14 Emerald   Square.   Make  any  loan,   advance,   or  capital
contribution to Emerald Square, make any payment, transfer or assignment of cash
or any Property by or on behalf of Emerald Square,  or guaranty any Indebtedness
of Emerald  Square  other than the  guaranty of  Indebtedness  in the  principal
amount of  $1,990,000.00  existing on the  Closing  Date;  provided  that in any
fiscal year of Avalon, Avalon may make loans or capital contributions to Emerald
Square not to exceed, in the aggregate, $100,000.00.

            8.2.15 Modification of Convertible Notes.   Agree to any 
modification, amendment or waiver of any of the terms or provisions of the 
Convertible Notes.

            8.2.16 Construction  or  Acquisition  of New  Facilities. Begin  the
construction  of or acquire any  community  correctional  or  juvenile  facility
without first  obtaining (i) a written  contract  regarding the  construction of
such community correctional or juvenile facility from the Person

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 29

intending to utilize such  facility  (including,  but not limited to, any proper
governmental or quasi-governmental body or authority, whether national, federal,
state,  county,  municipality,  local  or  otherwise,  and any  instrumentality,
division agency, body or department thereof), and (ii) the prior written consent
of Lender.

      8.3 Specific Financial Covenants.  During the term of this Agreement,  and
thereafter for so long as there are any Obligations to Lender, the Loan Parties,
jointly and severally, covenant that, unless otherwise consented to by Lender in
writing, Avalon, on a Consolidated basis, shall:

            8.3.1 Fixed Charge Ratio.  Maintain as of the end of each period set
forth  below,  for the  cumulative  period  ending on such date,  a Fixed Charge
Coverage  Ratio of not less  than the  ratio  set  forth  below  for the  period
indicated below:

                  Period                        Ratio

            (i)   Six calendar month         (i)   .70 to 1.0
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 1999

            (ii)  Nine calendar month        (ii)  .95 to 1.0
                  period ending on
                  September 30, 1999

            (iii) Twelve calendar  month    (iii)   1.10 to 1.0 
                  period ending on 
                  December 31, 1999

            (iv)  Twelve  calendar month     (iv)   1.10 to 1.0 
                  period ending on
                  March 31, 2000

            (v)   Twelve calendar month       (v)   1.10 to 1.0 
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 2000

            (vi)  Twelve  calendar  month    (vi)   1.10 to 1.0  
                  period  ending
                  on September 30, 2000

           (vii)  Twelve calendar  month    (vii)   1.25 to 1.0 
                  period ending on 
                  December 31, 2000

          (viii)  Twelve calendar month    (viii)   1.25 to 1.0 
                  period ending
                  respectively on the 
                  last day of each 
                  thereafter occurring 
                  fiscal quarter

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            8.3.2  Funded  Indebtedness  to  EBITDA.  Maintain a ratio of Funded
Indebtedness  as of the end of each  period set forth  below,  to EBITDA for the
cumulative  period  ending on such date,  equal to or greater than the ratio set
forth below for the period corresponding thereto:

                  Period                        Ratio

            (i)   Twelve calendar month         (i)   8.50 to 1.0
                  period ending on
                  September 30, 1999

            (ii)  Twelve  calendar  month      (ii)   8.00 to 1.0 
                  period ending on December
                  31, 1999

            (iii) Twelve calendar month       (iii)   7.00 to 1.0 
                  period ending on 
                  March 31, 2000

            (iv)  Twelve  calendar  month      (iv)   6.00 to 1.0 
                  period ending on June 30,

            (v)   Twelve calendar month         (v)   5.50 to 1.0 
                  period ending on
                  September 30, 2000

            (vi)  Twelve  calendar  month      (vi)   5.00 to 1.0 
                  period ending on 
                  December 31, 2000

            (vii) Twelve calendar month       (vii)   4.50 to 1.0 
                  period ending respectively
                  on the last day of each
                  thereafter occuring fiscal 

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            8.3.3 EBITDA.  Maintain, as of the last day of the cumulative period
indicated  below,  EBITDA of not less than the amount shown below as of the date
shown below:

                  Period                         Amount

            (i)   Six calendar month         (i)   $1,100,000.00
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 1999

            (ii)  Nine calendar month        (ii)  $2,100,000.00
                  period ending on
                  September 30, 1999

            (iii) Twelve  calendar  month   (iii)  $3,100,000.00   
                  period  ending  on
                  December 31, 1999

            (iv)  Twelve  calendar month     (iv)  $3,500,000.00  
                  period ending on March
                  31, 2000

            (v)   Twelve calendar month       (v)  $4,000,000.00
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 2000

            (vi)  Twelve  calendar  month    (vi)  $4,500,000.00  
                  period  ending on
                  September 30, 2000

            (vii) Twelve  calendar  month   (vii)  $5,000,000.00  
                  period  ending  on
                  December 31, 2000

            (viii)Twelve calendar month    (viii)  $5,500,000.00
                  period ending on
                  March 31, 2001

            (ix)  Twelve calendar month      (ix)  $6,000,000.00 
                  period ending on June 30,

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 32


            (x)   Twelve calendar month        (x)   $6,500,000.00
                  period ending on
                  September 30, 2001

            (xi)  Twelve calendar month       (xi)   $7,000,000.00 
                  period ending on December
                  31, 2001

            (xii) Twelve calendar month      (xii)    $7,000,000.00   
                  period   ending
                  respectively on the last  
                  day of each thereafter 
                  occurring fiscal quarter

                  8.3.4. Senior Debt to EBITDA.  Maintain a ratio of Senior Debt
as of the end of each  period  set forth  below,  to EBITDA  for the  cumulative
period  ending on such date,  equal to or greater than the ratio set forth below
for the period corresponding thereto:

                  Period                        Ratio

            (i)   Twelve calendar month           (i) 4.50 to 1.0
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 1999

            (ii)  Twelve  calendar month         (ii) 4.25 to 1.0 
                  period ending on September
                  30, 1999

            (iii) Twelve calendar  month        (iii) 4.25 to 1.0 
                  period ending on December
                  31, 1999

            (iv)  Twelve  calendar month         (iv) 4.00 to 1.0 
                  period ending on March 31,
             (v)  Twelve calendar month           (v) 3.25 to 1.0
                  period ending on
                  June 30, 2000

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            (ix)  Twelve calendar month          (ix) 3.25 to 1.0 
                  period ending  respectively
                  on the last day of each 
                  thereafter occurring fiscal 


      Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement or any of the other
Loan Documents,  and without  affecting in any manner the rights of Lender under
the other sections of this  Agreement,  Lender shall not be required to make any
Loan under this Agreement unless and until each of the following  conditions has
been and  continues  to be  satisfied  (unless  otherwise  waived in  writing by

      9.1  Documentation.  Lender  shall have  received,  in form and  substance
satisfactory  to Lender and its counsel,  a duly executed copy of this Agreement
and  the  other  Loan  Documents,   together  with  such  additional  documents,
instruments  and  certificates  as  Lender  and its  counsel  shall  require  in
connection  therewith from time to time, all in form and substance  satisfactory
to Lender and its counsel.

      9.2   No Default.  No Default or Event of Default shall exist.

      9.3 Other Loan  Documents.  Each of the conditions  precedent set forth in
the other Loan Documents shall have been satisfied.

      9.4 Articles of  Incorporation.  Lender shall have  received a copy of the
Articles or Certificate of  Incorporation of each Loan Party, and all amendments
thereto,  certified by the Secretary of State or other  appropriate  official of
the jurisdiction of incorporation of such Loan Party.

      9.5 Good Standing  Certificates.  Lender shall have received good standing
certificates  for each Loan  Party,  issued by the  Secretary  of State or other
appropriate official of the jurisdiction of incorporation of such Loan Party and
each jurisdiction  where the conduct of the business  activities or ownership of
Property of such Loan Party necessitates qualification.

      9.6 Opinion  Letters.  Lender  shall have  received a  favorable,  written
opinion of counsel to the Loan Parties,  as to the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement,  to be in form and substance satisfactory to Lender and Lender's
counsel, in their sole discretion addressed to Lender

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 34

or accompanied by a written  authorization from the Person delivering such legal
opinion  stating that Lender may rely on such opinion as though it was addressed
to it.

      9.7 Insurance. Lender shall have received copies of the casualty insurance
policies of each Loan Party, together with loss payable endorsements on Lender's
standard form of loss payee  endorsement  naming Lender as loss payee and copies
of  the  liability  insurance  policies  of  each  Loan  Party,   together  with
endorsements naming Lender as a co-insured.

      9.8 Disbursement  Letter.  Lender shall have received written instructions
from Borrowers  directing  application of proceeds of the Loans made pursuant to
this Agreement and a Borrowing Base  Certificate  from  Borrowers,  each in form
satisfactory to Lender.

      9.9  Accounts.  Lender  shall have  received the duly  executed  agreement
establishing a Dominion  Account for each Borrower with a financial  institution
acceptable to Lender for the  collection or servicing of the Accounts and a duly
executed Dominion Account Agreement with a financial  institution  acceptable to
Lender covering the bank accounts of each Borrower designated by Lender.

      9.10 No Litigation. No action,  proceeding,  investigation,  regulation or
legislation shall have been instituted, threatened or proposed before any court,
governmental agency or legislative body to enjoin,  restrain or prohibit,  or to
obtain  damages  in  respect  of, or which is  related  to or arises out of this
Agreement,  the  Prior  Acquisitions  or the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

      9.11 Evidence of Perfection  and Priority of Liens in  Collateral.  Lender
shall have received copies of all filing receipts or  acknowledgments  issued by
any  governmental  authority to evidence any filing or recordation  necessary to
perfect the Liens of Lender in the Collateral and evidence in form  satisfactory
to Lender that such Liens constitute valid and perfected  security interests and
Liens,  and  that  there  are no other  Liens  upon any  Collateral  except  for
Permitted Liens.

      9.12 Phase I  Environmental  Surveys.  Loan  Parties  shall have  provided
Lender  with Phase I  Environmental  Surveys  for the real  Property of the Loan
Parties, the form and content of which shall be deemed satisfactory by Lender in
its sole discretion.

      9.13 Subordination Agreements. Lender and RSTW shall have entered into the
RSTW  Subordination  Agreement  and Lender and the  holders of the  Consolidated
Notes shall have entered into a Subordination  Agreement satisfactory to Lender,
in its sole and absolute discretion.

      9.14 Pro Forma Balance Sheet.  Borrowers  shall have delivered to Lender a
Pro Forma Balance Sheet in form and substance  acceptable to Lender, in its sole
and absolute discretion.

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      9.15 Carver  Center  Zoning.  Lender shall have obtained a legal review by
Lender's counsel of the zoning restrictions  applicable to the Carver Center and
Lender shall have been satisfied as to the results of such review.

      9.16  ODC  Contract   Renewals.   Lender  shall  have  received   evidence
satisfactory to Lender, in its sole and absolute  discretion,  that the Oklahoma
Department of Corrections contracts have been renewed for a term satisfactory to
Lender, in its sole and absolute discretion.


      10.1 Events of Default.  The  occurrence  of one or more of the  following
events shall constitute an "Event of Default".

           10.1.1 Payment of Obligations. Borrowers shall fail to pay any of the
Obligations on the due date thereof (whether due at stated maturity,  on demand,
upon acceleration or otherwise).

           10.1.2 Misrepresentations.  Any  representation,  warranty  or  other
statement  made or furnished to Lender by or on behalf of any Loan Party in this
Agreement,  any of the other Loan  Documents or any  instrument,  certificate or
financial  statement furnished in compliance with or in reference thereto proves
to have been false or misleading in any material  respect when made or furnished
or when reaffirmed pursuant to Section 7.2.

           10.1.3 Breach  of  Specific  Covenants.  Any Loan Party shall fail or
neglect to perform,  keep or observe any  covenant  contained  in Sections  5.3,
6.1.1, 6.2, 8.1.1, 8.1.3, 8.2 or 8.3 on the date that any Loan Party is required
to perform, keep or observe such covenant.

           10.1.4 Breach  of Other  Covenants.  Any  Loan  Party  shall  fail or
neglect to perform,  keep or observe any covenant  contained  in this  Agreement
(other than a covenant  which is dealt with  specifically  elsewhere  in Section
10.1)  and  the  breach  of  such  other  covenant  is  not  cured  to  Lender's
satisfaction  within  fifteen  (15) days  after the  sooner to occur of any Loan
Party's  receipt of notice of such  breach from Lender or the date on which such
failure or neglect first becomes known to any officer of such Loan Party.

           10.1.5 Default Under Security Documents/Other  Agreements.  Any event
of default shall occur under, or any Loan Party shall default in the performance
or observance of any term, covenant, condition or agreement contained in, any of
the Security Documents,  or the Other Agreements and such default shall continue
beyond any applicable grace period.

           10.1.6 Other  Defaults.  There  shall  occur any  default or event of
default  on the  part  of any  Loan  Party  under  any  agreement,  document  or
instrument  to which  such Loan  Party is a party or by which such Loan Party or
any  of  their  respective  Property  is  bound,  creating  or  relating  to any
Indebtedness  (other  than the  Obligations)  if the payment or maturity of such
Indebtedness  is or may be  accelerated in consequence of such default or demand
for payment of such Indebtedness is made,

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including the  Subordinated  Debt and the amount of such  Indebtedness  together
with any other such  Indebtedness  with  respect to which  there is a default or
demand for payment and the payment or maturity of such Indebtedness is or may be
accelerated  in  consequence  of such  default  or demand  for  payment  of such
Indebtedness is made, exceeds in the aggregate $250,000.00.

           10.1.7 Uninsured   Losses.  Any  material  loss,  theft,   damage  or
destruction  of any  of the  Collateral  not  fully  covered  (subject  to  such
deductibles as Lender shall have permitted) by insurance.

           10.1.8 Insolvency and Related Proceedings. Any Loan Party shall cease
to be Solvent or shall suffer the appointment of a receiver,  trustee, custodian
or similar fiduciary,  or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors,
or any  petition  for an order for  relief  shall be filed by or  against a Loan
Party under the  Bankruptcy  Code (and if, with  respect to any  petition  filed
against any Loan Party, such proceeding shall continue for more than thirty (30)
days),  or any Loan  Party  shall  make any offer of  settlement,  extension  or
compromise to such Loan Party's unsecured creditors generally.

           10.1.9 Business  Disruption;   Condemnation.   There  shall  occur  a
cessation of a  substantial  part of the business of any Loan Party for a period
which  significantly  affects the  capacity  of such Loan Party to continue  its
business,  on a  profitable  basis;  or any Loan Party shall  suffer the loss or
revocation of any contract,  license or permit now held or hereafter acquired by
such Loan Party which is necessary to the  continued or lawful  operation of its
business and which loss or  revocation  could  reasonably  be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect;  or any Loan Party shall be enjoined,  restrained or in
any way prevented by court, governmental or administrative order from conducting
all or any material  part of its  business  affairs;  or any  material  lease or
agreement pursuant to which any Loan Party leases, uses or occupies any Property
shall be canceled or terminated  prior to the  expiration of its stated term and
such  cancellation  could  reasonably  be  expected  to have a Material  Adverse
Effect; or any part of the Collateral shall be taken through condemnation or the
value  of  such  Property  shall  be  impaired  through  condemnation  and  such
condemnation  or  impairment  of value  could  reasonably  be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect.

            10.1.10  Change  of  Control.  (i)  Avalon  shall  cease  to own and
control,  beneficially and or record, all of the issued and outstanding  capital
stock of any  other  Loan  Party,  (ii) any Loan  Party  shall  cease to own and
control,  beneficially and of record, all of the issued and outstanding  capital
stock of each of their respective Subsidiaries, (iii) any Person, or two or more
Persons  acting in concert  (other  than RSTW and its  Affiliates  and Donald E.
Smith) directly or indirectly acquire  beneficial  ownership (within the meaning
of Rule 13d-3 of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934) of 25% or more of the outstanding  shares or securities of
Avalon or any Subsidiary  (excluding any acquisitions of securities arising from
the conversion of the Convertible  Notes or the issuance or exercise of options,
warrants or securities constituting Permitted Stock [as defined in the RSTW Loan
Agreement]),  (iv) Donald E. Smith  shall cease to directly  own and control any
capital stock of Avalon owed by him on September 16, 1998 (other than any shares
of capital stock he is permitted to transfer pursuant to Section 5.01(i),  (ii),
(iii) or (v) of

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 37

the  Shareholder  Agreement  [as  defined in the RSTW Loan  Agreement]),  or (v)
Donald E. Smith ceases to be employed as Chief Executive Officer of Avalon.

            10.1.11 ERISA. A Reportable  Event shall occur which Lender,  in its
sole  discretion,  shall  determine  in good faith  constitutes  grounds for the
termination by the Pension Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation of any Plan or for the
appointment by the appropriate United States District Court of a Trustee for any
Plan,  or if any Plan shall be terminated or any such trustee shall be requested
or  appointed,  or if any Loan  Party is in  "default"  (as  defined  in Section
4219(c)(5) of ERISA) with respect to payments to a Multiemployer  Plan resulting
from the complete or partial withdrawal of such Loan Party from such Plan.

            10.1.12 Challenge to Agreement.  Any Loan Party, or any Affiliate of
any Loan Party, shall challenge or contest in any action, suit or proceeding the
validity  or  enforceability  of  this  Agreement,  or  any of  the  other  Loan
Documents,  the  legality or  enforceability  of any of the  Obligations  or the
perfection or priority of any Lien granted to Lender.

            10.1.13  Repudiation  of or Default Under  Guaranty  Agreement.  Any
Guarantor  shall  revoke or attempt to revoke the Guaranty  Agreement  signed by
such Guarantor,  or shall  repudiate such  Guarantor's  liability  thereunder or
shall be in default under the terms thereof.

            10.1.14  Criminal  Forfeiture.  Any Loan Party  shall be  criminally
indicted  or  convicted  under any law that  could lead to a  forfeiture  of any
Property of such Loan Party.

            10.1.15 Judgments.  Any (i) one or more money judgments,  is entered
against any Loan Party or any Property of any Loan Party which  exceeds,  in the
aggregate,  $250,000,  and such  judgment  or  judgments  shall  remain  unpaid,
unsatisfied by insurance,  and unstayed for more than thirty (30) days,  whether
or not  consecutive,  or (ii) writ of  attachment  or  similar  process is filed
against any Loan  Party,  or any  Property  of any Loan Party,  and such writ of
attachment  or similar  process is not bonded or secured in an amount and manner
reasonably satisfactory to Lender.

            10.1.16  Emerald  Square.  Any demand  shall be made upon Avalon for
payment of the  Indebtedness  of Emerald Square under Avalon's  guaranty of such

      10.2  Acceleration  of the  Obligations.  Without in any way  limiting the
right of Lender to demand payment of any portion of the  Obligations  payable on
demand in accordance  with Section 3.2, upon or at any time after the occurrence
of an Event of Default,  all or any  portion of the  Obligations  shall,  at the
option of Lender and without  presentment,  demand  protest or further notice by
Lender,  become at once due and payable and  Borrowers  shall  forthwith  pay to
Lender, the full amount of such Obligations,  provided, that upon the occurrence
of an Event of Default specified in Section 10.1.8, all of the Obligations shall
become  automatically due and payable without  declaration,  notice or demand by

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      10.3 Other Remedies.  Upon and after the occurrence of an Event of Default
and so long as it is continuing, Lender shall have and may exercise from time to
time the following rights and remedies:

            (A) All of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Code
or under other Applicable Law, and all other legal and equitable rights to which
Lender may be entitled, all of which rights and remedies shall be cumulative and
shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies contained in this Agreement
or any of the other Loan Documents, and none of which shall be exclusive.

            (B) The right to take immediate possession of the Collateral, and to
(i) require the Loan Parties to assemble the Collateral,  at Borrowers' expense,
and make it  available  to  Lender  at a place  designated  by  Lender  which is
reasonably  convenient to both parties, and (ii) enter any premises where any of
the  Collateral  shall be located and to keep and store the  Collateral  on said
premises  until sold (and if said  premises  be the  Property of any Loan Party,
such Loan Party agrees not to charge Lender for storage thereof).

            (C) The right to sell or otherwise  dispose of all or any Collateral
in its then condition, or after any further manufacturing or processing thereof,
at public or private sale or sales,  with such notice as may be required by law,
in  lots  or in  bulk,  for  cash  or on  credit,  all as  Lender,  in its  sole
discretion,  may deem advisable.  The Loan Parties agree that any requirement of
notice to the Loan Parties of any public or private sale or other disposition of
Collateral  by Lender shall be deemed  reasonable  notice  thereof,  if given at
least  ten  (10)  days  prior  thereto,  and any  such  sale may be held at such
locations as Lender may designate in said notice. Lender shall have the right to
conduct such sales on any Loan Party's  premises,  without charge therefor,  and
such sales may be adjourned from time to time in accordance with Applicable Law.
Lender  shall  have the  right  to  sell,  lease  or  otherwise  dispose  of the
Collateral,  or any part thereof,  for cash, credit or any combination  thereof,
and  Lender  may  purchase  all or any part of the  Collateral  at public or, if
permitted by law,  private sale and, in lieu of actual  payment of such purchase
price,  may set off the  amount  of such  price  against  the  Obligations.  The
proceeds realized from the sale of any Collateral may be applied, after allowing
two  (2)  Business  Days  for  collection,  first  to the  costs,  expenses  and
attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in collecting the  Obligations,  in enforcing
the  rights of Lender  under the Loan  Documents  and in  collecting,  retaking,
completing,  protecting,  removing,  storing,  advertising for sale, selling and
delivering  any  Collateral,  second  to  the  interest  due  upon  any  of  the
Obligations;  and third, to the principal of the Obligations.  If any deficiency
shall arise, each Borrower and each Guarantor shall remain jointly and severally
liable to Lender therefor.

            (D) The right to exercise all of Lender's  rights and remedies under
any Mortgage with respect to any real Property forming a part of the Collateral.

            (E)  Lender is  hereby  granted  a  license  or other  right to use,
without  charge,  all labels,  patents,  copyrights,  rights of use of any name,
trade secrets,  trade names,  trademarks and advertising matter, or any Property
of a similar nature of any Loan Party, as it pertains to the

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 39

Collateral,  in  advertising  for sale and selling any  Collateral  and any Loan
Party's  rights under all licenses and all franchise  agreements  shall inure to
Lender's benefit.

      10.4  Remedies   Cumulative;   No  Waiver.   All  covenants,   conditions,
provisions, warranties,  guaranties,  indemnities, and other undertakings of any
Loan Party contained in this Agreement and the other Loan  Documents,  or in any
document referred to herein or contained in any agreement  supplementary  hereto
or in any schedule or in any Guaranty  Agreement given to Lender or contained in
any other  agreement  between or among  Lender and any Loan  Party,  heretofore,
concurrently,  or hereafter  entered into, shall be deemed cumulative to and not
in derogation or substitution  of any of the terms,  covenants,  conditions,  or
agreements of any Loan Party herein contained. The failure or delay of Lender to
require strict  performance by any Loan Party of any provision of this Agreement
or to exercise or enforce any rights,  Liens,  powers, or remedies  hereunder or
under  any of the  aforesaid  agreements  or  other  documents  or  security  or
Collateral  shall not operate as a waiver of such  performance,  Liens,  rights,
powers and remedies,  but all such  requirements,  Liens,  rights,  powers,  and
remedies  shall  continue in full force and effect until all Loans and all other
Obligations  owing or to become  owing from any Loan Party to Lender  shall have
been  fully  satisfied.  None  of  the  undertakings,   agreements,  warranties,
covenants and  representations  of any Loan Party contained in this Agreement or
any of the other Loan  Documents and no Event of Default by any Loan Party under
this  Agreement  or any  other  Loan  Documents  shall be  deemed  to have  been
suspended  or  waived  by  Lender,  unless  such  suspension  or waiver is by an
instrument in writing  specifying  such  suspension or waiver and is signed by a
duly authorized representative of Lender and directed to such Loan Party.


      11.1 Power of  Attorney.  Each Loan Party hereby  irrevocably  designates,
makes, constitutes and appoints Lender (and all Persons designated by Lender) as
such Loan Party's true and lawful attorney (and  agent-in-fact)  and Lender,  or
Lender's agent, may, without notice to any Loan Party and in any Loan Party's or
Lender's name, but at the cost and expense of such Loan Party:

            (A) At such  time or  times as  Lender  or said  agent,  in its sole
discretion,  may determine,  endorse any Loan Party's name on any checks, notes,
acceptances,  drafts,  money orders or any other evidence of payment or proceeds
of the  Collateral  which come into the  possession of Lender or under  Lender's

            (B) At such time or times upon or after the  occurrence  of an Event
of Default  and so long as it is  continuing  as Lender or its agent in its sole
discretion  may  determine:  (i) demand payment of the Accounts from the Account
Debtors,  enforce payment of the Accounts by legal proceedings or otherwise, and
generally  exercise all of any Loan Party's  rights and remedies with respect to
the collection of the Accounts;  (ii) settle, adjust,  compromise,  discharge or
release any of the Accounts or other Collateral or any legal proceedings brought
to collect any of the Accounts or other Collateral;  (iii) sell or assign any of
the Accounts and other  Collateral upon such terms, for such amounts and at such
time or times as Lender deems advisable;  (iv) take control,  in any manner,  of
any item of payment or proceeds  relating to any Collateral;  (v) prepare,  file
and sign any Loan Party's

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 40

name to a proof of claim in bankruptcy or similar  document  against any Account
Debtor or to any notice of lien,  assignment or  satisfaction of lien or similar
document  in  connection  with any of the  Collateral;  (vi)  receive,  open and
dispose of all mail addressed to any Loan Party and to notify postal authorities
to change  the  address  for  delivery  thereof  to such  address  as Lender may
designate;  (vii)  endorse  the name of any Loan  Party upon any of the items of
payment or  proceeds  relating  to any  Collateral  and  deposit the same to the
account of Lender on account of the Obligations;  (viii) endorse the name of any
Loan Party upon any chattel paper, document, instrument,  invoice, freight bill,
bill of lading or similar  document or agreement  relating to the Accounts,  and
any other Collateral;  (ix) use any Loan Party's stationery and sign the name of
any Loan Party to  verifications  of the Accounts and notices thereof to Account
Debtors; (x) use the information recorded on or contained in any data processing
equipment and computer hardware and software relating to the Accounts, Equipment
and any  other  Collateral;  (xi)  make and  adjust  claims  under  policies  of
insurance;  and  (xii) do all  other  acts and  things  necessary,  in  Lender's
determination, to fulfill any Loan Party's obligations under this Agreement.


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      11.3 Modification of Agreement;  Sale of Interest.  This Agreement may not
be modified,  altered or amended,  except by an  agreement in writing  signed by
each Loan Party and  Lender.  No Loan  Party may sell,  assign or  transfer  any
interest  in this  Agreement,  any of the other  Loan  Documents,  or any of the
Obligations,  or any portion thereof,  including any Loan Party's rights, title,
interests,  remedies,  powers,  and duties  hereunder  or  thereunder.  The Loan
Parties hereby consent to Lender's participation,  sale, assignment, transfer or
other  disposition,  at any time or times  hereafter,  to one or more commercial
banks,  financial  institutions  or other Persons which do not directly  compete
with Borrowers, of this Agreement and any of the other Loan Documents, or of any
portion  hereof  or  thereof,   including  Lender's  rights,  title,  interests,
remedies,  powers,  and  duties  hereunder  or  thereunder.  In the  case  of an
assignment,  the assignee shall have, to the extent of such assignment, the same
rights,  benefits and obligations as it would if it were "Lender"  hereunder and
Lender shall be relieved of all obligations  hereunder upon any such assignment.
The Loan  Parties  agree  that they will use their  best  efforts  to assist and
cooperate with Lender in any manner reasonably requested by Lender to effect the
sale of  participations  in or  assignments  of any of the Loan Documents or any
portion thereof or interest therein,  including  assisting in the preparation of
appropriate disclosure documents. The Loan Parties further agree that Lender may
disclose  credit  information  regarding  the  Loan  Parties  to  any  potential
Participant or assignee.

      11.4  Severability.  Wherever  possible,  each provision of this Agreement
shall  be  interpreted  in  such  manner  as to be  effective  and  valid  under
Applicable Law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited by or
invalid under  Applicable Law, such provision  shall be ineffective  only to the
extent of such prohibition or invalidity,  without invalidating the remainder of
such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

      11.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement,  the Other Agreements and the
Security  Documents  shall be  binding  upon and  inure  to the  benefit  of the
successors  and assigns of the Loan Parties and Lender  permitted  under Section

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      11.6  Cumulative  Effect;  Conflict of Terms.  The provisions of the Other
Agreements  and the  Security  Documents  are hereby  made  cumulative  with the
provisions of this  Agreement.  Except as otherwise  provided in Section 3.2 and
except as  otherwise  provided  in any of the other Loan  Documents  by specific
reference  to the  applicable  provision  of this  Agreement,  if any  provision
contained in this Agreement is in direct  conflict with, or  inconsistent  with,
any provision in any of the other Loan  Documents,  the  provision  contained in
this Agreement shall govern and control.

      11.7  Execution in  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in any
number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts,
each of which when so executed and  delivered  shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which  counterparts  taken together shall  constitute but one and the
same instrument.

      11.8 Notice. All notices,  requests and demands to or upon a party hereto,
shall be in writing and shall be sent by certified or  registered  mail,  return
receipt requested, by personal delivery against receipt, by overnight courier or
by  facsimile  transmissions  and shall be deemed to have been  validly  served,
given or  delivered  immediately  when  delivered  against  receipt on three (3)
Business Days after deposit in the mail,  postage prepaid,  or with an overnight
courier  or,  in the  case of  facsimile  transmission,  when  sent,  answerback
received, in each case addressed as follows:

            If to Lender:           Fleet Capital Corporation
                                    2711 North Haskell
                                    Suite 2100, LB21
                                    Dallas, Texas 75204
                                    Attention:  Loan Administration Manager
                                    Facsimile No.:  (214) 828-6530

            With a copy to:         Gardere & Wynne, L.L.P.
                                    3000 Thanksgiving Tower
                                    1601 Elm Street
                                    Dallas, Texas 75201
                                    Attention:  Gary B. Clark, Esq.
                                    Facsimile No.:  (214) 999-4667

            If to the Loan Parties: Avalon Community Services, Inc.
                                    13401 Railway Drive
                                    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114
                                    Attention: Jerry M. Sunderland - President
                                    Facsimile No.: (405) 752-8852

            With a copy to:         Robertson & Williams
                                    3033 NW 63rd Street, Suite 160E
                                    Oklahoma City, OK  73116-3067
                                    Attention: Mark A. Robertson, Esq.
                                    Facsimile No.:  (405) 843-6707

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 43

or to such other  address as each party may designate for itself by notice given
in  accordance  with this  Section  11.8;  provided,  however,  that any notice,
request or demand to or upon Lender pursuant to Section 3.1.1 or 4.2.2 shall not
be effective until received by Lender.  Any written notice or demand that is not
sent in conformity with the provisions hereof shall nevertheless be effective on
the date that such notice is actually received by the noticed party.

      11.9  Lender's  Consent.  Whenever  Lender's  consent  is  required  to be
obtained  under  this  Agreement,  any of  the  Other  Agreements  or any of the
Security Documents as a condition to any action,  inaction,  condition or event,
Lender  shall be  authorized  to give or withhold  such  consent in its sole and
absolute discretion.

      11.10 Credit  Inquiries.  The Loan  Parties  hereby  authorize  and permit
Lender (but Lender shall have no  obligation)  to respond to usual and customary
credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Loan Party.

      11.11 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement, the Other
Agreements and the Security Documents.

      11.12  Entire  Agreement,  Appendix A and  Exhibits  and  Schedules.  This
Agreement and the other Loan  Documents,  together  with all other  instruments,
agreements and certificates  executed by the parties in connection  therewith or
with reference  thereto,  embody the entire  understanding and agreement between
the parties  hereto and thereto  with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and
thereof and  supersede all prior  agreements,  understandings  and  inducements,
whether express or implied, oral or written. Appendix A and each of the Exhibits
and Schedules  attached hereto are incorporated  into this Agreement and by this
reference made a part hereof.

      11.13  Interpretation.  No provision of this Agreement or any of the other
Loan Documents shall be construed  against or interpreted to the disadvantage of
any party  hereto by any court or other  governmental  or judicial  authority by
reason of such party having or being deemed to have  structured or dictated such


Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 44



Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 45



      11.18  Nonapplicability of Chapter 346 et seq.  of Texas Finance Code.  
Each Loan Partyand Lender hereby agree that, except for Section 346.004 of the 
Texas Finance Code, the provisionsof Chapter 346 of the Texas Finance Code and 
except for Section 15.10(b) thereof, the provisionsof Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. 
art. 5069-15.01 et seq. (Vernon 1987) (each regulating certain revolving credit
loans and revolving tri-party accounts) shall not apply to this Agreement or any
of the otherLoan Documents.

      11.19  Certain  Matters of  Construction.  All  references to statutes and
related  regulations in this  Agreement,  the Other  Agreements and the Security
Agreements  shall include any amendments of same and any successor  statutes and
regulations.  All  references in this  Agreement,  the Other  Agreements and the
Security  Agreements  to any of the Loan  Documents  shall  include  any and all
modifications thereto and any and all extensions or renewals thereof.

                           [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW]

Avalon Community Services, Inc. - Loan and Security Agreement - Page 46

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has been duly  executed  in Dallas,
Texas, on the day and year specified at the beginning of this Agreement.


                                    AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.

                                    Name: Paul Voss
                                    Title:Vice President


                                    Name: Paul Voss
                                    Title:Vice President

Avalon Community Services, Inc. Loan and Security Agreement - Signature Page



                                    Name: Jerry Sunderland
                                    Title: President

                                    ELK CITY PROPERTIES

                                    Name: Donald E. Smith
                                    Title: Chief Executive Officer

Avalon Community Services, Inc. Loan and Security Agreement - Signature Page


                                    FLEET CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                    Name: Michael T. Norvet
                                    Title:Senior Vice President

Avalon Community Services, Inc. Loan and Security Agreement - Signature Page

                                  APPENDIX  A

                             GENERAL  DEFINITIONS

      When used in the Loan and Security Agreement dated February 25, 1999, by 
and among Fleet Capital Corporation, Avalon Community Services, Inc. Southern 
Corrections Systems, Inc. Central Oklahoma Properties Corp. and Elk City 
Properties, Inc., the following terms shall have the following meanings (terms 
defined in the singular to have the same meaning when used in the plural and
vice versa):

      Account  Debtor - any Person who is or may  become  obligated  under or on
account of an Account.

      Accounts - all accounts,  contract rights, chattel paper,  instruments and
documents,  whether now owned or hereafter created or acquired by any Loan Party
or in which any Loan Party now has or hereafter acquires any interest.

      Acquisition - means the acquisition by Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
(by merger,  consolidation or otherwise) on or subsequent to the Closing Date of
(i) all, or substantially  all of the Equity Interests of a Person, or (ii) all,
or  substantially  all, of the  operating  assets or property of any Person,  or
assets or property which constitute all, or substantially  all, of the assets of
a division or a separate (or separable) line of business of a Person;  provided,
that (i) such  acquisition  is  approved  by  Lender,  in its sole and  absolute
discretion,  prior to the consummation  thereof, and (ii) such acquisition is an
acquisition  of Equity  Interest  in which the Person  acquired is operated as a
separate  Subsidiary  of a  Borrower  or the  operating  assets  and  properties
acquired or operated by a newly-formed separate Subsidiary of a Borrower.

      Acquisition Target - the Person,  operating assets, or line of business to
be acquired in an Acquisition.

      Adjusted Net Earnings From Operations - with respect to any fiscal period,
means the net  earnings  (or loss)  after  provision  for income  taxes for such
fiscal period of Avalon, on a Consolidated  basis, as reflected on the financial
statement  of  Avalon  supplied  to  Lender  pursuant  to  Section  8.1.3 of the
Agreement, but excluding:

            (i)   any gain or loss arising from the sale of capital assets;

            (ii) any gain arising from any write-up of assets;

            (iii) earnings of any Subsidiary of Avalon accrued prior to the date
it becomes a Subsidiary;

Appendix A - Page 1

            (iv) earnings of any  corporation,  substantially  all the assets of
which have been  acquired in any manner by Avalon or any  Subsidiary  of Avalon,
realized by such corporation prior to the date of such acquisition;

            (v) net earnings of any business  entity (other than a Subsidiary of
Avalon or any  Borrower)  in which  Avalon  or such  Borrower  has an  ownership
interest,  unless such net earnings  shall have actually been received by Avalon
or such Borrower, as the case may be, in the form of cash contributions;

            (vi) any portion of the net earnings of any Subsidiary of a Borrower
which for any reason is unavailable for payment of dividends to such Borrower;

            (vii) the  earnings  of any  Person to which any assets of Avalon or
any  Borrower  shall have been sold,  transferred  or disposed of, or into which
Avalon or such Borrower shall have merged,  or been a party to any consolidation
or other form of reorganization, prior to the date of such transactions;

            (viii)any  gain  arising from the  acquisition  of any Securities of
Avalon or any Borrower;

            (ix) any gain  arising from  extraordinary  or  non-recurring  items
(including the application of reserves to income);

            (x) any loss resulting from the prepayment of Funded Indebtedness of
any Borrower on the Closing Date;

            (xi) any  charge to  earnings  recorded  to reflect  the  cumulative
effect of a change to accounting principles.

      Affiliate - a Person  (other  than a  Subsidiary):  (i) which  directly or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries  controls, or is controlled by, or
is under common control with, a Person; (ii) which beneficially owns or holds 5%
or more of any class of the Voting Stock of a Person; or (iii) 5% or more of the
Voting Stock (or in the case of a Person which is not a corporation,  5% or more
of the equity interest) of which is beneficially  owned or held by a Person or a
Subsidiary of a Person.

      Agreement  - the Loan and  Security  Agreement  referred  to in the  first
sentence  of this  Appendix  A, all  Exhibits  and  Schedules  thereto  and this
Appendix A as amended, renewed, extended and restated from time to time.

      Applicable Law - all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Person,
conduct,  transaction,  covenant or Loan  Documents in question,  including  all
applicable common law and equitable principles; all provisions of all applicable
state and federal  constitutions,  statutes,  rules,  regulations  and orders of
government  bodies;  and  orders,  judgments  and  decrees  of  all  courts  and

Appendix A - Page 2

      Authorized  Officer - any  President,  Vice  President or Chief  Financial
Officer of any Borrower or any other Person from time to time  designated by any
Borrower as an Authorized Officer.

      Average  Monthly Loan Balance - the amount equal to the  aggregate  unpaid
principal  amount  of the  Loans  at the end of each  day  during  the  month in
question and by dividing such sum by the number of days in such month.

      Bank - Fleet National Bank, and to successors and assigns.

      Base Rate - the rate of interest  announced or quoted by Bank from time to
time as its prime  rate for  commercial  loans,  whether or not such rate is the
lowest rate charged by Bank to its most preferred borrowers;  and, if such prime
rate for commercial  loans is discontinued  by Bank as a standard,  a comparable
reference  rate  designated by Bank as a substitute  therefor  shall be the Base

      Base Rate Margin - as defined in Section 2.1.1.

      Base Rate  Portion - that  portion of the Loans  that is not  subject to a
LIBOR Option.

      Borrowing Base - as at any date of determination  thereof, an amount equal
to the lesser of:

      (A)   the Total Credit Facility, or

      (B) (i) with respect to any date of  determination on or before August 31,
1999, a sum equal to (a)Cash Flow for the three month period  ending on the last
day of the calendar month  immediately  preceding such date of determination for
which Lender has received the financial information required by Section 8.1.3 of
the Agreement, (b) multiplied by four (4), and (c) multiplied by four (4);

            (ii) with respect to any date of determination after August 31, 1999
and on or before  December  31, 1999, a sum equal to (a) Cash Flow for the three
month period ending on the last day of the calendar month immediately  preceding
such  date  of  determination  for  which  Lender  has  received  the  financial
information  required by Section 8.1.3 of the Agreement,  (b) multiplied by four
(4), and (c) multiplied by three (3);

            (iii) with respect to any date of  determination  after December 31,
1999,  a sum equal to (a) Cash Flow for the twelve  month  period  ending on the
last day of the calendar month immediately  preceding such date of determination
for which  Lender has  received the  financial  information  required by Section
8.1.3 of the Agreement, (b) multiplied by three (3).

      Business Day - any day excluding  Saturday,  Sunday and any day which is a
legal  holiday  under the laws of the State of Texas or the State of Oklahoma or
is a day on which banking institutions located in any of such states are closed.

Appendix A - Page 3

      Capital  Expenditures - expenditures made and liabilities incurred for the
acquisition of any fixed assets or improvements,  replacements, substitutions or
additions thereto which have a useful life of more than one (1) year, including,
but not  limited  to,  the  direct or  indirect  acquisition  of such  assets or
incurrence  of such  expenses by way of  increased  product or service  charges,
offset items or otherwise  and payments  with respect to any  Capitalized  Lease
Obligation (excluding, however, any expenditure made and liabilities incurred by
Avalon in connection with the construction,  reconstruction  and/or expansion of
community  correctional  and  juvenile  facilities,  to the extent  permitted by
Section 8.2.16).

      Capitalized Lease Obligation - any Indebtedness represented by obligations
under a  lease  that is  required  to be  capitalized  for  financial  reporting
purposes in accordance with GAAP.

      Cash Flow - for any fiscal  period of any Person,  an amount  equal to (i)
the sum of (a) Adjusted Net Earnings From  Operations for such period,  plus (b)
accrued Taxes for such period,  plus (c) Interest Expense for such period,  plus
(d) depreciation and amortization for such period,  plus, (e) with regard to the
calculation of Cash Flow for Avalon, on a Consolidated basis, to the extent that
such fiscal period includes any period prior to the date any Acquisition  Target
was acquired,  Pro Forma Target Cash Flow for each such  Acquisition  Target for
that  portion  of the  period  prior to the date  such  Acquisition  Target  was
acquired  included  in such  fiscal  period,  minus  (ii)  Capital  Expenditures
incurred during such period.

      Central - as defined in the preamble of this Agreement.

      Closing  Date - the  date on  which  all of the  conditions  precedent  in
Section 9 are satisfied and the initial Loan is made under the Agreement.

      Code - the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted and in force in the State of
Texas as from time to time in effect.

      Collateral - all of the Property  and  interests in Property  described in
Section  5,  and all  other  Property  and  interests  in  Property  that now or
hereafter secure the payment and performance of any of the Obligations.

      Consolidated - the  consolidation  in accordance with GAAP of the accounts
or other items as to which such term applies.

      Convertible  Notes - Avalon's 7.5%  Convertible  Debentures due August 26,
2007 and September 2, 2007,  respectively,  in the aggregate principal amount of
$3,850,000, issued pursuant to the Debenture Purchase Agreement.

      Current  Assets - at any date means the amount at which all of the current
assets of a Person  would be properly  classified  as current  assets shown on a
balance sheet at such date in accordance  with GAAP except that amounts due from
Affiliates of such Persons and  investments  in Affiliates of such Persons shall
be excluded therefrom.

Appendix A - Page 4

      Debenture  Purchase  Agreement - that certain Debenture Purchase Agreement
dated as of August 27, 1997,  by and between  Avalon and the  purchasers  of the
Convertible  Notes listed on Schedule A of such  agreement,  as amended by those
certain Amendment(s) to Debenture Purchase Agreement dated on or about September
10, 1998.

      Default - an event or condition the  occurrence  of which would,  with the
lapse of time or the giving of notice, or both, become an Event of Default.

      Default Rate - as defined in Section 2.1.2.

      Distribution - in respect of any corporation  means and includes:  (i) the
payment  of any  dividends  or  other  distributions  on  capital  stock  of the
corporation  (except  distributions  in such stock),  and (ii) the redemption or
acquisition of Securities unless made contemporaneously from the net proceeds of
the sale of Securities.

      Dollars and the sign "$" - lawful money of the United States of America.

      Dominion  Account - a special  account of Lender  established by each Loan
Party  pursuant to the  Agreement  at a bank  selected  by such Loan Party,  but
acceptable  to Lender in its sole  discretion,  and over which Lender shall have
sole and exclusive access and control for withdrawal purposes.

      EBITDA - for any fiscal  period for any  Person,  an amount  equal to, (a)
Adjusted Net Earnings  From  Operations;  plus,  (b) in each case, to the extent
deducted in  determining  Adjusted Net Earnings From  Operations for such period
(i) Interest  Expense,  (ii) Taxes,  (iii)  depreciation  and  amortization  and
similar non-cash charges; plus, (c) with regard to the calculation of EBITDA for
Avalon, on a Consolidated  basis, for all purposes other than the calculation of
the Borrowers'  compliance  with Section 8.3.1 and Section 8.3.3,  to the extent
such fiscal period includes any period prior to the date any Acquisition  Target
was acquired,  Pro Forma Target EBITDA for each such Acquisition Target for that
portion of the period  prior to the date such  Acquisition  Target was  acquired
included in such  fiscal  period;  provided,  that for  purposes of  calculating
Borrowers'  compliance  with (a)  Section  8.3.4 for the twelve  calendar  month
period ending June 30, 1998,  EBITDA shall be EBITDA for the period from January
1, 1999  through  June 30, 1999  divided by .50,  (b) Section  8.3.2 and Section
8.3.4 for the twelve  calendar  month period ending  September 30, 1999,  EBITDA
shall be EBITDA for the period from January 1, 1999 through  September  30, 1999
divided by .75.

      El Paso  EBITDA - for any fiscal  period,  actual  EBITDA of the  facility
operated on the El Paso Property for such period.

      El Paso Notes - collectively (a) that certain  promissory note dated as of
December 23, 1991, in the original principal amount of $2,300,577.98  payable to
the  order  of  Chicorp  Financial   Services,   Inc.  and  executed  by  Secure
Corrections, Inc., and (b) that certain promissory note dated as of November 30,
1995, in the original  principal  amount of  $1,000,000  payable to the order of

Appendix A - Page 5

Financial  Services,  Inc.  and  executed  by  Secure  Corrections,  Inc.;  each
promissory note described in the foregoing  clauses (a) and (b) being secured by
that  certain  Deed of Trust dated as of  December  23,  1991,  upon the El Paso

      El Paso Property - that certain tract of real Property  located in El Paso
County, Texas described as Lot 2, Block 8, Horizon Hills, an addition to El Paso
County,  Texas,  according  to a map thereof on file in Book 41, Page 26 and 26A
Plat Records, El Paso County, Texas being 7.317 acres, more or less.

      Elk City - as defined in the preamble of this Agreement.

      Emerald Square - Emerald Square,  L.L.C.,  an Oklahoma  limited  liability

      Environmental   Laws  -  all  federal,   state  and  local  laws,   rules,
regulations,  ordinances,  programs,  permits,  guidances,  orders  and  consent
decrees relating to health, safety or environmental matters.

      Equipment - all  machinery,  apparatus,  equipment,  fittings,  furniture,
Fixtures,  motor  vehicles  and other  tangible  personal  Property  (other than
Inventory)  of every kind and  description  used in the  operations  of any Loan
Party or owned by any Loan  Party or in which any Loan  Party  has an  interest,
whether now owned or hereafter  acquired by any Loan Party and wherever located,
and all parts,  accessories  and special tools and all increases and  accessions
thereto and substitutions and replacements therefor.

      Equity  Interest - (i) with respect to a corporation,  any and all capital
stock or warrants,  options or other rights to acquire  capital stock,  and (ii)
with respect to a partnership,  limited liability company or similar Person, any
and all  units,  interests,  rights  to  purchase,  warrants,  options  or other
equivalents of, or other ownership interests in any such Person.

      ERISA - the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,
and all rules and regulations from time to time promulgated thereunder.

      Event of Default - as defined in Section 10.1.

      Excess Interest - as defined in Section 2.1.3(B).

      Excluded Property - the Property set forth on Exhibit R as the same may be
amended from time to time with the consent of Lender.

      Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio - for any period of  determination,  the ratio
of (a) EBITDA for such period, to (b) Fixed Charges for such period.

      Fixed  Charges  - for  any  period  of  determination,  the sum of (a) all
scheduled  principal payments due in respect of Funded  Indebtedness during such
period, (b) all interest expenses paid

Appendix A - Page 6

in cash during such period,  (c) all Capital  Expenditures  incurred during such
period,  and (d) all Taxes not included in the  determination of EBITDA that are
paid in cash during such period.

      Fixtures - all  "Fixtures"  as defined in the Code now owned or  hereafter
acquired by any Loan Party including,  without  limitation,  all plant Fixtures,
business  Fixtures,  other  Fixtures,  and storage office  facilities,  wherever
located; and all additions and accession thereto and replacements therefore.

      Funded   Indebtedness   -  as  applied  to  any  Person  means,   (a)  all
Indebtedness,   (whether  or  not  represented  by  bonds,  debentures,   notes,
securities,  or other  evidences  of  Indebtedness,  for the  repayment of money
borrowed),  (b) all Indebtedness  representing  deferred payment of the purchase
price of property or assets,  (c) all  Indebtedness  under any lease  which,  in
conformity  with GAAP, is required to be capitalized  for balance sheet purposes
and  leases  of  property  or  assets  made  as a part of  sale  and  lease-back
transaction if required to be capitalized, (d) all Indebtedness under guaranties
(excluding,   Avalon's   guaranty  of  any   Indebtedness  of  Emerald  Square),
endorsements,  assumptions,  or other  contractual  obligations,  including  any
letters of credit, or the obligations in respect of, or to purchase or otherwise
acquire, indebtedness of others, (e) all Indebtedness secured by a Lien existing
on Property owned, subject to such Lien, whether or not the Indebtedness secured
thereby shall have been assumed by the owner  thereof,  and (f) all  amendments,
renewals,  extensions,  modifications  and  refundings  of any  Indebtedness  or
obligations referred to in the foregoing clauses (a) through (e).

      GAAP -  generally  accepted  account  principles  in the United  States of
America in effect from time to time.

      General  Intangibles - all general  intangibles  of any Loan Party whether
now owned or  hereafter  created or acquired by any Loan  Party,  including  all
choses in action, causes of action, corporate or other business records, deposit
accounts,  inventions,   blueprints,   designs,  patents,  patent  applications,
trademarks,  trademark applications,  trade names, trade secrets, service marks,
goodwill, brand names, copyrights, registrations, licenses, franchises, customer
lists, tax refund claims,  computer programs,  operational  manuals,  all claims
under guaranties, security interests or other security held by or granted to any
Loan Party to secure  payment of any of the Accounts by an Account  Debtor,  all
rights to  indemnification  and all other intangible  property of every kind and
nature (other than Accounts).

      Guarantors  -  Central,  Elk  City  and any  other  Person  who now or may
hereafter  guarantee  payment  or  performance  of the  whole or any part of the

      Guaranty  Agreements - the unconditional  Guaranty which is to be executed
by each Guarantor in form and substance satisfactory to Lender.

      Indebtedness - as applied to a Person means, without duplication

            (i) all items  which in  accordance  with GAAP would be  included in
determining  total liabilities as shown on the liability side of a balance sheet
of such  Person  as at the date as of which  Indebtedness  is to be  determined,
including, without limitation, Capitalized Lease Obligations,

Appendix A - Page 7

            (ii)  all  obligations  of  other  Persons  which  such  Person  has

            (iii) all  reimbursement  obligations in connection  with letters of
credit or letter of credit guaranties issued for the account of such Person, and

            (iv)  in  the  case  of  any  Borrower  (without  duplication),  the

      Instruments - all  "instruments",  "chattel  paper" or "letters of credit"
(each as defined in the Code) including,  but not limited to,  promissory notes,
drafts, bills of exchange and trade acceptances, now owned or hereafter acquired
by any Loan Party.

      Interest Expense - with respect to any fiscal period, the interest expense
incurred for such period as determined in accordance with GAAP.

      Investment Property - all investment  property of any Loan Party,  whether
now owned or hereafter acquired,  including,  but not limited to, all securities
(certificated or uncertificated),  securities accounts, securities entitlements,
commodity accounts and commodity contracts.

      Legal Requirement - any requirement  imposed upon Lender by any law of the
United  States of  America or the United  Kingdom or by any  regulation,  order,
interpretation, ruling or official directive (whether or not having the force of
law) of the  Federal  Reserve  Board,  the Bank of England  or any other  board,
central bank or governmental or administrative agency,  institution or authority
of the United States of America, the United Kingdom or any political subdivision
of either thereof.

      LIBOR Interest Payment Date - with respect to any LIBOR Portion,  the last
day of each calendar month during the applicable LIBOR Period.

      LIBOR Margin - As defined in Section 2.1.1.

      LIBOR Option - the option granted pursuant to Section 2.3 of the Agreement
to have the interest on all or any portion of the principal  amount of the Loans
based on a LIBOR Rate.

      LIBOR  Period - any period of one (1)  month,  two (2)  months,  three (3)
months,  or six (6) months commencing on a Business Day, selected as provided in
Section 2.3(i);  provided,  however that no LIBOR Period shall extend beyond the
last day of the Term, unless Borrowers and Lender have agreed to an extension of
the Term beyond the  expiration  of the LIBOR Period in  question.  If any LIBOR
Period so selected  shall end on a date that is not a Business  Day,  such LIBOR
Period shall  instead end on the next  preceding or  succeeding  Business Day as
determined by Lender in  accordance  with the then current  banking  practice in
London;  provided,  that Borrower shall not be required to pay double  interest,
even though the  preceding  LIBOR Period ends and the new LIBOR Period begins on
the same day. Each  determination  by Lender of the LIBOR Period  shall,  in the
absence of manifest error, be conclusive.

Appendix A - Page 8

      LIBOR  Portion - that portion of the Loans  specified  in a LIBOR  Request
(including   any  portion  of  Loans  which  is  being   borrowed  by  Borrowers
concurrently  with such LIBOR Request) which is not less than  $1,000,000 and is
an integral multiple of $100,000,  which does not exceed the outstanding balance
of Loans not already subject to a LIBOR Option and, which, as of the date of the
LIBOR Request  specifying such LIBOR Portion,  has met the conditions for basing
interest on the LIBOR Rate in Section 2.3 of the  Agreement and the LIBOR Period
of which was commenced and not terminated.

      LIBOR  Rate - with  respect to any LIBOR  Portion  for the  related  LIBOR
Period, an interest rate per annum (rounded upwards,  if necessary,  to the next
higher 1/8 of 1% equal to the product of (i) the Base LIBOR Rate (as hereinafter
defined) multiplied by (ii) Statutory Reserves. For purposes of this definition,
the term "Base LIBOR Rate" shall mean the rate (rounded to the nearest 1/8 of 1%
or, if there is no  nearest  1/8 of 1%,  the next  higher of 1/8 of 1%) at which
deposits of U.S.  dollars  approximately  equal in principal amount to the LIBOR
Portion specified in the applicable LIBOR Request are offered to Lender by prime
banks in the London interbank  foreign currency deposits market at approximately
11:00 a.m.,  London time,  two Business Days prior to the  commencement  of such
LIBOR  Period,  for  delivery  on the  first  day of  such  LIBOR  Period.  Each
determination  by Lender of any LIBOR Rate  shall,  in the  absence of  manifest
error, be conclusive.

      LIBOR  Request - a notice in writing (or by telephone  confirmed by telex,
telecopy  or other  facsimile  transmission  on the  same  day as the  telephone
request) from an Authorized Officer to Lender requesting that interest on a Loan
be based on the LIBOR Rate,  specifying:  (i) the first day of the LIBOR Period;
(ii) the length of the LIBOR Period consistent with the definition of that term;
and (iii) the dollar amount of the LIBOR Portion  consistent with the definition
of such terms.

      Lien - any interest in Property securing an obligation owed to, or a claim
by, a Person  other than the owner of the  Property,  whether  such  interest is
based on common law,  statute or  contract.  The term "Lien"  shall also include
reservations,  exceptions, encroachments,  easements, rights-of-way,  covenants,
conditions,  restrictions,  leases and other title  exceptions and  encumbrances
affecting Property.  For the purpose of the Agreement,  each Loan Party shall be
deemed to be the owner of any Property which it has acquired or holds subject to
a conditional sale agreement or other arrangement pursuant to which title to the
Property  has been  retained  by or vested in some  other  Person  for  security

      Loan  Account  - the loan  account  established  on the  books  of  Lender
pursuant to Section 3.6.

          Loan Documents - the Agreement,  the Other Agreements and the Security
      Loan Parties - collectively,  each Borrower, each Guarantor and each other
Person  (other than Lender) which is at any time a party to any Loan Document or
individually, a Loan Party.

      Loans - all loans and advances of any kind made by Lender  pursuant to the

Appendix A - Page 9

      Material  Adverse  Effect - the  effect of any event or  condition  which,
alone or when  taken  together  with other  events or  conditions  occurring  or
existing  concurrently  therewith,  (i) has a material  adverse  effect upon the
business, operations, Properties, condition (financial or otherwise) or business
prospects of any Loan Party,  taken as a whole;  (ii) has any  material  adverse
effect whatsoever upon the validity or enforceability of the Agreement or any of
the other Loan  Documents;  (iii) has or may be reasonably  expected to have any
material  adverse effect upon the value of the whole or any material part of the
Collateral,  the Liens or Lender with respect to the  Collateral or any material
part thereof or the priority of such Liens; (iv) materially  impairs the ability
of any Loan  Party,  taken as a whole to perform  their  obligations  under this
Agreement  or  any of the  other  Loan  Documents,  including  repayment  of the
Obligations  or realize upon any of the  Collateral in accordance  with the Loan
Documents and Applicable Law.

      Maximum Legal Rate - as defined in Section 2.1.3(A).

      Money Borrowed - means (i) Indebtedness  arising from the lending of money
by any Person to any Loan Party; (ii)  Indebtedness,  whether or not in any such
case  arising  from the  lending by any Person of money to any Loan  Party,  (a)
which  is  represented  by  notes  payable  or  drafts  accepted  that  evidence
extensions  of credit,  (b) which  constitutes  obligations  evidenced by bonds,
debentures, notes or similar instruments, or (c) upon which interest charges are
customarily paid (other than accounts  payable) or that was issued or assumed as
full or partial  payment for Property;  (iii)  Indebtedness  that  constitutes a
Capitalized Lease  Obligation;  (iv)  reimbursement  obligations with respect to
letters of credit or guaranties of letters of credit;  and (v)  Indebtedness  of
any  Loan  Party  under  any  guaranty  of  obligations  that  would  constitute
Indebtedness for Money Borrowed under clauses (i) through (iii) hereof,  if owed
directly by any Loan Party.

      Mortgages - collectively,  any mortgage, deed of trust or security deed to
be  executed  by any  Loan  Party  on or  about  the  Closing  Date or any  date
thereafter in favor of Lender and by which any Loan Party shall grant and convey
to Lender,  as security for the  Obligations,  a Lien upon the real  Property of
such Loan Party.

      Multiemployer  Plan - has the meaning set forth in Section  4001(a)(3)  of

      Net Worth - at any date of determination thereof, (i) the aggregate amount
of all assets of a Person and its Subsidiaries on a Consolidated basis as may be
properly  classified as such, less (ii) the aggregate  amount of all liabilities
of a Person and its  Subsidiaries on a Consolidated  basis, all as determined in
accordance with GAAP.

      Obligations  - all  Loans  and all  other  advances,  debts,  liabilities,
obligations,  covenants and duties,  together with all interest,  fees and other
charges thereon,  owing, arising, due or payable from Borrowers to Lender of any
kind or  nature,  present  or  future,  whether  or not  evidenced  by any note,
guaranty or other instrument,  whether arising under the Agreement or any of the
other Loan Documents or otherwise  whether direct or indirect  (including  those
acquired by assignment), absolute or contingent, primary or secondary, due or to
become due, now existing or hereafter arising and however acquired.

Appendix A - Page 10

      Other  Agreements  - any and all  agreements,  instruments  and  documents
(other  than the  Agreement  and the  Security  Documents),  heretofore,  now or
hereafter  executed  by any Loan Party  Borrower  or any other  third  party and
delivered  to  Lender  in  respect  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  the
Agreement, including the Subordination Agreements.

      Other Subordinated Debt - all Subordinated Debt other than the RSTW Debt.

      Out-of-Formula  Condition  - at  any  date  of  determination  thereof,  a
condition  such  that the  outstanding  principal  amount  of Loans on such date
exceeds the Borrowing Base on such date.

      Participant  - each  Person  who shall be  granted  the right by Lender to
participate  in any of the Loans  described in the  Agreement and who shall have
entered into a  participation  agreement in form and substance  satisfactory  to

      Permitted Liens - any Lien of a kind specified in Section 8.2.5.

      Permitted Purchase Money Indebtedness - Purchase Money Indebtedness of any
Loan Party  incurred  after the date hereof which is secured by a Purchase Money
Lien and (a) which,  when aggregated with the principal amount of all other such
Indebtedness and Capitalized  Lease  Obligations of the Loan Parties at the time
outstanding,  does not exceed,  in the aggregate,  $250,000.00,  (b) is incurred
solely  in  connection  with  the  purchase  of  replacements  for the  Excluded
Property; provided such Purchase Money Lien attaches only to such replacement of
Excluded Property,  or (c) is incurred solely in connection with the purchase of
passenger vans used in connection with  correctional  facilities;  provided such
Purchase  Money Lien attaches only to such  passenger  vans. For the purposes of
this  definition,  the  principal  amount  of any  Purchase  Money  Indebtedness
consisting  of  capitalized  leases  shall be  computed as a  Capitalized  Lease

      Person  -  an  individual,  partnership,  corporation,  limited  liability
company,  joint stock company,  land trust,  business trust,  or  unincorporated
organization, or a government or agency or political subdivision thereof.

      Plan - an employee benefit plan now or hereafter  maintained for employees
of any Loan Party that is covered by Title IV of ERISA.

      Pro Forma  Balance  Sheet - the  unaudited  Consolidated  balance sheet of
Avalon and its  Subsidiaries  as of the Closing Date after giving  effect to the
execution  and delivery of the Loan  Documents and the funding of any Loans made
by Lender to Borrowers  on the Closing  Date and the payment of all fees,  costs
and expenses associated with the foregoing.

      Pro Forma Target Cash Flow - with respect to any Acquisition  Target,  the
Cash Flow of such  Acquisition  Target,  on a pro forma basis  (calculated  in a
manner and using amounts approved by Lender), for the twelve month period ending
on the last day of the calendar  month  immediately  preceding the date on which
the  Acquisition is consummated for which  financial  information  prepared in a
manner  consistent  with the financial  statements  required by Section 8.1.3 is

Appendix A - Page 11

      Pro Forma Target  EBITDA - with  respect to any  Acquisition  Target,  the
EBITDA of such Acquisition  Target, on a pro forma basis (calculated in a manner
and using amounts approved by Lender), for the twelve month period ending on the
last day of the  calendar  month  immediately  preceding  the date on which  the
Acquisition is consummated for which financial  information prepared in a manner
consistent with the financial statements required by Section 8.1.3 is available.

      Projections  - Avalon's  forecasted  Consolidated  and  consolidating  (i)
balance sheets, (ii) profit and loss statements, (iii) cash flow statements, and
(iv)  capitalization  statements,  all prepared on a  consistent  basis with the
historical  financial  statements of Avalon and its Subsidiaries,  together with
appropriate supporting details and a statement of underlying assumptions.

      Properly  Contested  - in the  case of any  Indebtedness  of a Loan  Party
(including  any Taxes)  that is not paid as and when due or payable by reason of
such Loan  Party's  bona fide dispute  concerning  its  liability to pay same or
concerning the amount thereof, that (i) such Indebtedness and any Liens securing
same are being  property  contested  in good  faith by  appropriate  proceedings
promptly  instituted  and  diligently  conducted,   (ii)  such  Loan  Party  has
established  appropriate  reserves as shall be required in conformity with GAAP,
(iii) the  non-payment  of such  Indebtedness  will not have a Material  Adverse
Effect and will not  result in a  forfeiture  of any assets of such Loan  Party;
(iv) no Lien is imposed  upon any of such Loan  Party's  assets with  respect to
such  Indebtedness  unless such Lien is at all times junior and  subordinate  in
priority to the Liens in favor of Lender  (except  only with respect to property
Taxes  that have  priority  as a matter of  applicable  state  law);  (v) if the
Indebtedness results from the entry,  rendition or issuance against a Loan Party
or any of its assets of a judgment,  writ, order or decree, such judgment, writ,
order or decree is stayed or bonded  pending a timely  appeal or other  judicial
review; and (vi) if such contest is abandoned,  settled or determined  adversely
to such Loan Party,  such Loan Party  forthwith pays such  Indebtedness  and all
penalties and interest in connection therewith.

      Property - any  interest in any kind of property or asset,  whether  real,
personal or mixed, or tangible or intangible.

      Purchase Money  Indebtedness - means and includes (i) Indebtedness  (other
than the  Obligations and the  Subordinated  Debt) for the payment of all or any
part of the  purchase  price of any  fixed  assets,  or  passenger  vans used in
connection with correctional  facilities,  (ii) any Indebtedness (other than the
Obligations or the Subordinated Debt) incurred at the time of or within ten (10)
days prior to or after the  acquisition  of any fixed  assets for the purpose of
financing all or any part of the purchase price thereof, and (iii) any renewals,
extensions  or  refinancings  thereof,  but not any  increases in the  principal
amounts thereof outstanding at the time.

      Purchase  Money Lien - a Lien upon fixed  assets  which  secures  Purchase
Money Indebtedness,  but only if such Lien shall at all times be confined solely
to the fixed  assets  the  purchase  price of which  was  financed  through  the
incurrence of the Purchase Money Indebtedness secured by such Lien.

Appendix A - Page 12

      Qualified  Secondary  Public  Offering - a firm  commitment,  underwritten
public  offering of Avalon's  common stock to the general public pursuant to one
or  more  registration  statements  declared  effective  by  the  United  States
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  which results in gross cash proceeds of at
least $25,000,000.00.

      Rentals - as defined in Section 8.2.12.

      Reportable  Event - any of the  events  set forth in  Section  4043(b)  of

      Restricted  Investment  - any  investment  made in cash or by  delivery of
Property to any Person,  whether by acquisition of stock,  Indebtedness or other
obligation  or  Security,  or by  loan,  advance  or  capital  contribution,  or
otherwise, or in any Property except the following:

          (i)  investments  of any  Borrower in any of its  Subsidiaries  to the
extent existing on the Closing Date;

            (ii) Property to be used in the ordinary course of business;

            (iii) Current  Assets arising from the sale of goods and services in
the ordinary course of business of any Borrower and its Subsidiaries;

            (iv)  investments  in direct  obligations  of the  United  States of
America, or any agency thereof or obligations guaranteed by the United States of
America,  provided that such obligations mature within one year from the date of
acquisition thereof;

            (v) investments in certificates of deposit  maturing within one year
from the date of acquisition  issued by a bank or trust company  organized under
the laws of the United States or any state thereof  having  capital  surplus and
undivided profits aggregating at least $100,000,000; and

            (vi)  investments in commercial  paper given the highest rating by a
national  credit rating agency and maturing not more than 270 days from the date
of creation thereof.

      RSTW - RSTW Partners III, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership.

      RSTW  Debt  -  means  and  includes  all  indebtedness,   obligations  and
liabilities of any Loan Party now or hereafter  owing under or in respect of the
RSTW Debt Documents.

      RSTW Debt  Documents  - means (i) the RSTW Loan  Agreement,  (ii) the RSTW
Note,  (iii)  the RSTW  Securities  Documents,  and (iv) all  promissory  notes,
agreements,   proxies,  security  documents,   guaranties,  share  certificates,
documents and instruments now or at any time hereafter executed and/or delivered
by any Loan Party  and,  in favor of or for the  benefit  of RSTW in  connection
therewith or related thereto; as all of the foregoing now exist or may hereafter
be amended, modified,  supplemented,  extended, renewed, restated or replaced to
the extent permitted under this Agreement and the RSTW Subordination Agreement.

Appendix A - Page 13

      RSTW Loan  Agreement - means that certain Note  Purchase  Agreement  dated
September 16, 1998, by and among RSTW and  Borrowers,  as the same now exist and
may hereafter be amended, modified, supplemented, extended, renewed, restated or
replaced to the extent permitted under this Agreement at the RSTW  Subordination

      RSTW Note - means the Senior  Subordinated  Note dated September 16, 1998,
in the stated  principal  amount of  $10,000,000  issued by  Borrowers  to RSTW,
together  with  any  amendments,   modifications,   extensions,   substitutions,
restatements  or  replacements  of the same to the extent  permitted  under this
Agreement at the RSTW Subordination Agreement.

      RSTW Securities Documents - means the "Securities Documents" as defined in
the RSTW Subordination Agreement.

      RSTW Subordination  Agreement - means the Subordination  Agreement,  dated
the date  hereof,  by and  between  Lender and RSTW as the same now exist or may
hereafter be amended,  modified,  supplemented,  extended,  renewed, restated or

      Schedule of Accounts - as defined in Section 6.2.1.

      Security  -  shall  have  the  same  meaning  as in  Section  2(1)  of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

      Security Documents - the Guaranty Agreements,  the Mortgages and all other
instruments  and agreements  now or at any time hereafter  securing the whole or
any part of the Obligations.

      Senior Debt - means all Money Borrowed, excluding Subordinated Debt.

      Solvent - as to any  Person,  such  Person  (i) owns  Property  whose fair
saleable  value is greater than the amount  required to pay all of such Person's
Indebtedness  (including  contingent  debts),  (ii)  is  able  to pay all of its
Indebtedness as such  Indebtedness  matures and (iii) has capital  sufficient to
carry on its business and  transactions  and all  business and  transactions  in
which it is about to engage.

      Southern - as defined in the preamble of this Agreement.

      Statutory Reserves - a fraction (expressed as a decimal), the numerator of
which is the number one and the denominator of which is the number one minus the
aggregate of the maximum reserve percentages (including, without limitation, any
marginal, special, emergency or supplemental reserves),  expressed as a decimal,
established  by the Federal  Reserve  Board and any other  banking  authority to
which Lender is subject for "Eurocurrency Liabilities" (as defined in Regulation
D of  the  Federal  Reserve  Board  or  any  successor  thereto).  Such  reserve
percentages  shall  include,  without  limitation,   those  imposed  under  such
Regulation  D. Any LIBOR  Portion  shall be deemed  to  constitute  Eurocurrency
Liabilities  and  as  such  shall  be  deemed  to be  subject  to  such  reserve
requirements  without benefit of or credit for proration,  exceptions or offsets
which may be  available  from time to time to Lender  under such  Regulation  D.
Statutory Reserves shall be adjusted automatically on and

Appendix A - Page 14

as of the effective date of any change in any reserve percentage,  provided that
no adjustment shall reduce Statutory  Reserves below the amount in effect on the
Closing Date.

      Subordinated  Debt - the  RSTW  Debt  and  Indebtedness  of  any  Borrower
pursuant to the Convertible Notes.

      Subordination Agreements - collectively,  the RSTW Subordination Agreement
and the Consolidated Notes  Subordination  Agreement as the same may be amended,
modified, supplemented, extended, renewed, restated or replaced.

      Subsidiary  -  any  corporation  of  which  a  Person  owns,  directly  or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries, more than 50% of the Voting Stock
at the time of determination.

      Tax - collectively,  any present and future tax, levy, impost,  duty, fee,
assessment, deduction, withholding or other charge of whatever nature, including
income,  receipts,   excise,  property,   sales,  transfer,   license,  payroll,
withholding,  social  security and franchise  taxes now or hereafter  imposed or
levied by the United States, or any state, local or foreign government or by any
department, agency or other political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or
therein and all interest,  penalties,  additions to tax and similar  liabilities
with  respect  thereto  and  (ii)  in  relation  to any  LIBOR  Portion  and the
applicable LIBOR Rate, any tax, levy, impost,  duty,  deduction,  withholding or
charges of whatever nature  required by any Legal  Requirement (1) to be paid by
Lender and/or (2) to be withheld or deducted from any payment otherwise required
hereby to be made by any Borrower to Lender; provided, that the term "Tax" shall
not include any taxes imposed upon the net income of Lender.

      Total Credit  Facility - $18,000,000 and as the same may from time to time
be reduced pursuant to subsection 3.3.3.

      Voting Stock -  Securities  of any class or classes of a  corporation  the
holders of which are ordinarily,  in the absence of  contingencies,  entitled to
elect a majority  of the  corporate  directors  (or Persons  performing  similar

      Other Terms.  All other terms  contained in the Agreement shall have, when
the context so  indicates,  the meanings  provided for by the Code to the extent
the same are used or defined therein.

      Certain Matters of Construction.  References to "Sections," "subsections,"
"Exhibits," "Schedules," and to the Appendix shall be to Sections,  subsections,
Exhibits,  Schedules  and the  Appendix,  respectively,  of or to the  Agreement
unless  otherwise  specifically  provided.  The  terms  "herein",  "hereof"  and
"hereunder"  and other words of similar import refer to the Agreement as a whole
and not to any particular  section,  paragraph or subdivision.  Any pronoun used
shall be deemed to cover all genders.  In the computation periods of time from a
specified  date to a later  specified  date,  the word  "from"  means  "from and
including" and the words "to" and "until" means "to but  excluding." The section
titles, table of contents and list of exhibits appear as a matter of convenience
only and shall not affect the interpretation of the Agreement. All references to
statutes and related  regulations  shall include any  amendments of same and any
successor statutes and regulations. All

Appendix A - Page 15

references to any of the Loan Documents shall include any and all  modifications
thereto and any and all  extensions  or renewals  thereof.  Whenever  the phrase
"including"  shall appear in this  Agreement,  such word shall be  understood to
mean "including, without limitation."


Appendix A - Page 16

                               LIST OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A   [Reserved for Future Use]
Exhibit B   Business Locations
Exhibit C   Jurisdictions   in  which  the  Loan  Parties  and  their
            Subsidiaries are Authorized to do Business
Exhibit D   Capital Structure
Exhibit E   Corporate Names
Exhibit F   Tax Identification Numbers of the Loan Parties
Exhibit G   Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and Licenses
Exhibit H   Contracts Restricting the Right to Incur Debts by a Loan Party
Exhibit I   Litigation
Exhibit J   Capitalized Leases
Exhibit K   Operating Leases
Exhibit L   Pension Plans
Exhibit M   Labor Contracts
Exhibit N   Compliance Certificate
Exhibit O   Permitted Liens
Exhibit P   Borrowing Base Certificate
Exhibit Q   Property Acquired Within Past Five Years
Exhibit R   Excluded Property

                                  EXHIBIT  A

                            RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE

Exhibit A - Page 1

                                   EXHIBIT B

                              BUSINESS LOCATIONS

1. Each Loan  Party  currently  has the  following  business  locations,  and no

      Chief Executive Office:
          Avalon Community Services,Inc.     Southern Correction Systems, Inc.
          ------------------------------     ---------------------------------
          13401 Railway Drive                13401 Railway Drive
          Oklahoma City, OK  73114           Oklahoma City, OK  73114

      Other Locations:
         Avalon Community Services, Inc.     Southern Corrections Systems, Inc.
         -------------------------------     ---------------------------------- 
           Emerald Square                      Avalon Correction Center
           701 N. Council                      302 W. Archer   
           Oklahoma City, OK  73127            Tulsa, OK  74103

                                               Carver Center
                                               2801 S.W. Third Street
                                               El Paso intermediate Sanction
                                               1650 Horizon Blvd.
                                               El Paso, TX  79927

                                               Ozark Correction Center/
                                               Transition Center
                                               Rt 2, Box 1-P or Rt 2, Box 432-A
                                               Fordland, MO  65652

                                               Turley Correctional Center
                                               6101 N. Cincinatti Ave.
                                               Tulsa, OK  74123

                                               Union City Juvenile Center
                                               700 N. SH 81
                                               Union City, OK  73090

                                    EXHIBIT B

                              BUSINESS LOCATION

2.    Each Loan Party  maintains its books and records  relating to Accounts and
      General Intangibles at:
       Avalon Correctional Services, Inc.    Southern Corrections Systems, Inc.
       ---------------------------------     ----------------------------------
       13401 Railway Drive                   13401 Railway Drive
       Oklahoma City, OK  73114              Oklahoma City, OK  73114

3.    Each Loan Party has had no office,  place of business or agent for process
      located in any county other than as set forth above, except:

                                  Not Applicable

4.  Each  Subsidiary  of a Loan  Party  currently  has  the  following  business
locations, and no others:

      Chief Executive Office:

       Elk City Properties, Inc.           Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp.
       -------------------------           ----------------------------------
       13401 Railway Drive                 13401 Railway Drive
       Oklahoma City, OK  73114            Oklahoma City, OK  73114

      Other Locations:  None

5.    Each Subsidiary of a Loan Party  maintains its books and records  relating
      to Accounts and General Intangibles at:

       Elk City Properties, Inc.           Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp.
       -------------------------           ----------------------------------
       13401 Railway Drive                 13401 Railway Drive
       Oklahoma City, OK  73114            Oklahoma City, OK  73114

6.    Each  Subsidiary  of a Loan Party has had no office,  place of business or
      agent for  process  located in any county  other than as set forth  above,

                                Not Applicable

                                   EXHIBIT C

                            AND THEIR SUBSIDIARIES
                         ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS

            Name of Entity                              Jurisdictions
     ---------------------------------                ----------------- 

     Avalon Community Services, Inc.                   Missouri

     Southern Corrections Systems, Inc                 Colorado

     Elk City Properties, Inc.                         Oklahoma

     Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp                 Oklahoma               

                                   EXHIBIT D

                               CAPITAL STRUCTURE

1.    The  classes  and number of  authorized  shares of each Loan Party and any
      Subsidiary  of such Loan Party and the record  owner of such shares are as

Avalon Correctional Services, Inc.:
- -----------------------------------

  Class        Number of Shares                             Number of Shares
 of Stock   Issued and Outstanding     Record Owners     Authorized but Unissued
- ----------  ----------------------    ---------------   -----------------------
Common-A          4,664,328           Publicly Traded         15,335,672
Common-B             -0-                    N/A                4,000,000
Preferred            -0-                    N/A                1,000,000

Avalon  Community  Services,  Inc.  owns 100% of the  common  stock of all other
related parties.

2.    The number, nature and holder of all other outstanding  Securities of each
      Loan Party and each Subsidiary of such Loan Party is as follows:

          Avalon Community Services, Inc. - See Attached
          No other loan party has any securities outstanding other than common
          stock owned by Avalon Community Services, Inc.

3.    The correct name and  jurisdiction of  incorporation of each Subsidiary of
      each Loan Party and the  percentage of its issued and  outstanding  shares
      owned by such Loan Party are as follows:


Exhibit D - Page 1

                                   EXHIBIT D

                               CAPITAL STRUCTURE

4.    The name of each of Loan Party's corporate or joint venture Affiliates and
      the nature of the affiliation are as follows:

          Avalon Retirement Centers, LLC - Avalon Community Services, Inc.
                                           Owns 15% LLC interest

5.  Warrants  and  options  of each Loan Party with a  description  of  exercise
options and price.

Avalon Community Services
Equity Instruments
02/12/99                                                                       Donald E.       RSTW            Pro Trust    Jerry M.
                                                 Total           Street         Smith        Partners           Equity    Sunderland
Common Stock                                   4,664,328      1,836,826       1,027,729       1,622,448

Convertible Debentures                         1,283,333        470,000                                         666,667
Class B Warrants                                 275,100        219,100
Class C Warrants                                 837,500        533,000          10,000
Class D Warrants                                 200,000
Class E Warrants                                  79,000
CEO Guarantee Warrants                           750,000                        750,000
Underwriter Warrants                             100,000
Legg Mason warrants                              200,539
John P.O'Shea Warrants                            60,000
Stock Options outstanding                        492,900                        126,270                                      126,270

                                               8,942,700      3,058,926       1,913,999       1,622,448         666,667      126,270

                                                                 34.21%          21.40%          18.14%           7.45%        1.41%

Exhibit D - Page 2

                                   EXHIBIT E

                                CORPORATE NAMES

1.    Avalon's correct corporate name, as registered with the Secretary of State
      of the State of Nevada, is:

          Avalon Community Services, Inc.

2. In the conduct of its business, Avalon has used the following names:

          Avalon Community Services, Inc.
          Avalon Correctional Services, Inc.
          Avalon Enterprise, Inc.

3.    The correct  corporate name of each  remaining  Loan Party,  as registered
      with the  Secretary  of State of the state of  incorporation  of such Loan
      Party is:

          Southern Corrections Systems, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation
          Elk City Properties, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation
          Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp., an Oklahoma corporation

4. In the conduct of its business, Loan Party has used the following names:

          Avalon Community Services, Inc.
          Avalon Correctional Services, Inc.
          Avalon Enterprise, Inc.

5.    Each  Subsidiaries'   correct  corporate  name,  as  registered  with  the
      Secretary of State of the State of its incorporation, is:

          Southern Corrections Systems, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation
          Elk City Properties, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation
          Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp., an Oklahoma corporation

6. In the conduct of its business, each Subsidiary has used the following names:
          Elk City Properties, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation
             Norman Housing, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation

          Central Oklahoma Properties, Corp., an Oklahoma corporation
             The Ark Treatment Center, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation

                                   EXHIBIT F


                  Loan Party                          Number
          ------------------------------------      --------------
          Avalon Community Services, Inc.            13-3592263

          Southern Corrections Systems, Inc.         73-1356291

          Central Oklahoma Properties Corp.          73-1356347

          Elk City Properties, Inc.                  73-1377660

                                   EXHIBIT G


1.    Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries' patents:


2.    Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries' trademarks:


3.    Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries' copyrights:


4.    Borrowers' and their  Subsidiaries'  licenses (other than routine business
      licenses, authorizing them to transact business in local jurisdictions):


                                   EXHIBIT H


Contracts that restrict the right of a Loan Party to incur Indebtedness:

Title of Contract  Identity of Parties   Nature of Restriction  Term of Contract
- -----------------  -------------------   ---------------------  ----------------
Debenture purchase                       Restrictions on        Debenture 
agreement dated                          Indebtedness           Purchase 
August 26, 1997,                         contained in Section   agreement 
as ammended by                           3.20 of debenture      governing terms
September 1998                           purchase agreement,    of 7.5%
"Amendment of                            as amended in          Convertible 
Debenture                                September, 1998.       Debentures due
Purchase                                                        September 12, 
agreement"                                                      2007
- -----------------  -------------------   ---------------------  ----------------

Note Purchase      Avalon Community      Restrictions on        Governs terms of
Agreement          Services, Inc.,       indebtedness           purchase and 
                   Southern Corrections  contained in section   sale of Senior
                   Systems, Inc., and    7.1 of the Note        Subordinated 
                   RSTW Partners III,LP  Purchase agreement     Note due
                                                                September 15,
- -----------------  --------------------  --------------------- ---------------  

                                   EXHIBIT I


1.    Actions,  suits,  proceedings and investigations  pending against any Loan
      Party or any Subsidiary of a Loan Party:

                                            Complaining        Jurisdiction   
  Title of Action      Nature of Action        Parties          or Tribunal
- --------------------  -------------------   -------------  ---------------------
Miguel Angel Gomez     Personal injury       Miguel Gomez  El Paso County Court 
v. Avalon Community    by Miguel Gomez                     Number 3, State of 
Services, Inc., and                                        Texas.
Southern Corrections
Systems, Inc., Cause
No. 98-3733
- --------------------  -------------------   -------------  ---------------------
Scott Robert Horn vs.  Claim that Mr. Horn   Scott Robert  District Court of 
Southern Corrections   discharged "in        Horn          Tulsa County, State 
Systems, Inc., d/b/a   violation of public                 of Oklahoma  Case  
Avalon Correctional    policy"                             No. CJ-99-00199 
Services, Inc., 
and/or Turley 
Correctional Center
- -------------------   -------------------   -------------  ---------------------

2.    The only threatened actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of which
      any Loan Party or any Subsidiary of a Loan Party is aware are as follows:

Dispute with Oscar J. Boldt  Construction  Company:  Avalon Community  Services,
Inc., is presently in discussions with Boldt Construction Company regarding cost
overruns  on the Union  City  Juvenile  Medium  Security  Residential  Treatment
Facility. Boldt Construction Company has requested change orders to increase the
construction price under the contract with Boldt.  Avalon has responded that the
construction contract is a "guaranteed maximum price" contract and that any cost
overruns not  attributable  to change orders directed and approved by Avalon are
entirely  Boldt's  responsibility.  It is  anticipated  that this matter will be
submitted to arbitration in the near future.

                                   EXHIBIT J

                              CAPITALIZED LEASES

Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries have the following capitalized leases:



                                   EXHIBIT K

                               OPERATING LEASES

Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries have the following Operating Leases:

                                                                                                 Start          End        Monthly
                       Description                                 Lessor & Address               Date          Date       Amount
- ----------------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------   ----------   ----------  -----------

Copiers -
    Ozark Savin 9035DL, ID #11182                         Standley Corporation/                   05/01/97     04/30/02        239
    Turley Savin 9035DL, ID #11181                        Nutech Business Systems                 05/01/97     04/30/02        238
    Central Office Savin 9500, ID #11547                  2601 NW Expressway                      02/01/98     01/31/01        547
    El Paso (Savin 9122DL),.#1B27110186                   Oklahoma City, OK, 73112                03/20/98     03/19/02        189

    Central Off(Aficio 450) ser.#7708870377               Copy Solutions                          12/07/98     12/06/01        388
    Carver (Aficio 350), ser.#7698900487                  5715 N Western, Suite G                 12/07/98     12/06/01        273
    Union City (Aficio 450), ser.#7708870584              Oklahoma City,  OK,  73118              12/07/98     12/06/01        333

    Avalon Cor(Aficio 200),.#A7227020123                  IOS Capital                             09/01/98     05/31/02        134
                                                          P.O. Box 9115
                                                          Macon, GA, 31210

    Central Office Fax, ser.#UBY-71476                    Canon Financial Services                07/21/96     07/20/99        134
                                                          P.O. Box 370
                                                          Burlington, NJ  08016

    Central Postage Meter & Scale                         Pitney Bowes Credit Corp.               11/20/96     01/19/01        140
                                                          201 Merritt Seven 
                                                          Norwalk CT,  06856-5151
Total Office Equipment Leases                                                                                                2,615
    96 Lexus VIN JT8BF12G3T0166300                        Lexus Financial Services                05/28/96     05/27/99        487
    96 Lexus VIN JT8BD42S5T0123265                        PO Box 832428 Richardson,               05/13/96     05/12/99        675
                                                          TX,  75083

 98 Mercedes 3 WDBKK47F9WF006713                          Jerry Sunderland                        05/25/98     05/25/03        934
                                                          2017 Raintree Rd 
Total Vehicle Leases                                      Edmond, OK  73013                                                  2,097
Total All Leases                                                                                                             4,712

                                   EXHIBIT L

                                 PENSION PLANS

The Loan Parties and their Subsidiaries have the following Plans:

             Party                                   Type of Plan
- ----------------------------------      ----------------------------------------
Avalon Community Services, Inc.          ERISA exempt retirement deferred 
                                         compensation plan

                                   EXHIBIT M


1.    Borrowers' and their Subsidiaries are parties to the following  collective
      bargaining agreements:


2. Material grievances, disputes of controversies with employees are as follows:


3.    Threatened  strikes,  work  stoppages  and  asserted  pending  demands for
      collective bargaining are as follows:


                                   EXHIBIT N

                            COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE

                            [Letterhead of Avalon]

                            _________________, 19__

Fleet Capital Corporation
2711 North Haskell
Suite 2100, LB 21
Dallas, Texas 75204

      The undersigned, the chief financial officer of Avalon Community Services,
Inc.,  d/b/a  Avalon  Correctional   Services,   Inc.  ("Avalon"),   gives  this
certificate  to Fleet Capital  Corporation  ("Lender")  in  accordance  with the
requirements of Section 8.1.3 of that certain Loan and Security  Agreement dated
______________,  19__,  among the Loan  Parties and Lender  ("Loan  Agreement").
Capitalized  terms used in this  Certificate,  unless otherwise  defined herein,
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Loan Agreement.

      1. Based upon my review of the balance  sheets and statements of income of
Avalon and its  Subsidiaries  for the  [fiscal  year]  [monthly  period]  ending
December 31,  1998, copies of which are attached hereto, I hereby certify

      2.    No Default exists on the date hereof, other than: __NONE____________
 ________________________________________________ [if none, so state]; and

      3.  No  Event  of  Default   exists  on  the  date   hereof,   other  than
 ____________________NONE__________________________________________________  [if
 none, so state].

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT O

                                PERMITTED LIENS

1. All liens upon airplanes (including airplane engines) owned by any loan party

2. All liens upon any automobile owned by any loan party.

3. All liens for  security of Permitted  Purchase  Money  Indebtedness  and
Permitted Purchase Money Liens.
4. Liens on El Paso Property, as permitted by the loan and Security Agreement.

5. Liens on Kubota Tractor.

                                   EXHIBIT P

                          BORROWING BASE CERTIFICATE

                        AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.
                    d/b/a AVALON CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, INC.

This  certificate  is given by Avalon  Community  Services,  Inc.,  d/b/a Avalon
Correctional  Services,  Inc.,  a Nevada  corporation  ("Avalon")  and  Southern
Correction  System,  Inc.,  an  Oklahoma  corporation  ("Southern")  pursuant to
Section 8.1.4 of that certain Loan and Security  Agreement  dated as of February
25,  1999,  among  Borrowers  and  Fleet  Capital  Corporation,  a Rhode  Island
Corporation  ("Lender")  (as such  agreement  may have been  amended,  restated,
supplemented  or  otherwise  modified  from time to time the "Loan  Agreement").
Captialized  terms used  herein  without  definition  shall have the meaning set
forth in the loan agreement.

The  officer  executing  this  certificate  is the Chief  Financial  Officer  of
Borrowers and as such is duly authorized to execute and deliver this certificate
on behalf of  Borrowers.  By executing  this  certificate  such  officer  hereby
certifies to the Lender that:

     (a)  Attached hereto as Schedule I is a calculation of the Borrowing Base
          as of the date listed below; and

     (b)  Based on the Borrowing Base calculation attached hereto as Schedule I,
          the Borrowing Base as of the date listed below (i.e. the date of
          determination) is:


          (The Borrowing Base is the lesser of A or B on Schedule I).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrowers have caused this Certificate to be executed by its
Chief Financial Officer as of ______________, ____.

                                        AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.
                                        d/b/a AVALON CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                                        SOUTHERN CORRECTION SYSTEMS, INC.

                                           Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT Q


    1.    Avalon Correctional Center
          302 W. Archer Street
          Tulsa, OK  74103
    2.    Carver Center
          2801 S.W. Third Street
          Oklahoma City, OK  73108

    3.    El Paso Intermediate Sanction Facility (acquired from Secure
          Correctionsd, Inc.)
          1650 Horizon Blvd.
          El Paso, TX  79927

    4.    Turley Correctional Center  (acquired from Freedom Ranch, Inc.)
          6101 N. Cincinnati Ave.
          Tulsa, OK  74123

    5.    Union City Juvenile Center
          700 N. SH 81
          P.O. Box 247
          Union City, OK  73090

    6.    El Paso Phase I expansion
          1700 Horizon Hills Boulevard
          El Paso, Tx  79927

                                   EXHIBIT R

                               EXCLUDED PROPERTY

     1. Airplanes (including airplane engines) owned by any loan party.

     2. All automobiles owned by any loan party