Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB

               QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 or 15 (d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 1999

                         Commission File Number: 0-20307

                         AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.
                     (Exact name of small business issuer as
                       specified in its corporate charter)

         Nevada                                     13-3592263
 ------------------------                  ---------------------------- 
 (State of Incorporation)                  (I.R.S. Employer I.D. Number)

               13401 Railway Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114
                    (Address of Principal executive offices)

                                 (405) 752-8802
                           (Issuer's telephone number)

Check whether the issuer (1) has filed all reports  required to be filed by
Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Exchange  Act  during  the past 12 months (or such
shorter period as the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has
been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days:

                                  Yes X   No ___

As of May 12, 1999,  4,667,838 shares of the issuer's Class A common stock,
par value $.001 were issued and outstanding.

         Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format: Yes ___;  No X .


                                                                      March 31,                    December 31,
                                                                         1999                          1998
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
ASSETS                                                                (Unaudited)
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                      $        1,208,000            $       5,181,000
   Restricted cash                                                           748,000                          ---
   Investment in short term U.S. treasury bills                                                         5,919,000
   Accounts receivable                                                     1,604,000                    1,348,000
   Current maturities of notes receivable                                    318,000                      322,000
   Prepaid expenses and other                                                121,000                      100,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
         Total current assets                                              3,999,000                   12,870,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
Property and equipment, net                                               17,301,000                   13,644,000
Notes receivable, net of current maturities                                      ---                          ---
Other assets                                                               2,715,000                    2,251,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
         Total assets                                             $       24,015,000            $      28,765,000
                                                                   =================             ================

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other                $          911,000            $       2,026,000
   Current maturities of long-term debt                                      399,000                    2,201,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
         Total current liabilities                                         1,310,000                    4,227,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
Long-term debt, less current maturities                                   12,809,000                   14,348,000
Convertible debentures                                                     3,850,000                    3,850,000

Redeemable Common Stock, $.001 par value
   1,622,448 shares issued and outstanding                                 4,124,000                    4,124,000

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock:
       Par value $.001; 20,000,000 shares
       authorized; 4,667,838 and 4,664,598 shares
       issued and outstanding, less 1,622,448 shares
       subject to repurchase.                                                  3,000                        3,000

   Preferred stock; par value $.001; 1,000,000
       shares authorized; none issued and outstanding                          ---                          ---
   Paid-In capital                                                         6,626,000                    6,618,000
   Accumulated deficit                                                    (4,707,000)                  (4,405,000)
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
         Total stockholders' equity                                        1,922,000                    2,216,000
                                                                   -----------------             ----------------
         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity               $       24,015,000            $      28,765,000
                                                                   =================             ================

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated
                             financial statements.

                                     Page 1


                                                                         For the Three Months Ended March 31,

                                                                         1999                         1998
                                                                                                  (See Note 7)
                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
Revenues                                                          $        2,427,000           $        1,807,000
                                                                  -------------------         -------------------
Costs and expenses
   Direct operating                                                        1,505,000                    1,135,000
   General and administrative                                                330,000                      237,000
   Development Costs                                                         222,000                       26,000
   Depreciation and amortization expense                                     185,000                      149,000
   Interest Expense                                                          452,000                      223,000
                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
      Income (loss) from continuing operations
         before income tax expense (benefit)                                (267,000)                      37,000
   Income tax expense (benefit)                                                  ---                          ---
                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
Income (loss) before extraordinary items and
   cumulative effect of change in accounting principles                     (267,000)                      37,000
                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principles                             ---                       74,000      
Extraordinary loss from early
   retirement of debt                                                         35,000                          ---
                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
Net income (loss)                                                 $         (302,000)          $          (37,000)
                                                                  ==================           ==================

Basic and diluted income (loss) per share:

   Income (loss) before extraordinary loss and 
      cumulative effect of change in accounting principles         $           (0.05)          $             0.01
   Cumulative effect of change in accounting principles                          ---                        (0.02)        

   Extraordinary loss from early
      retirement of debt                                                       (0.01)                         ---

                                                                  ------------------           ------------------
      Net income (loss) per share:                                $            (0.06)          $            (0.01)
                                                                  ==================           ==================

Weighted average number of common
   shares outstanding, basic and diluted                                   4,665,790                    2,987,678
                                                                  ==================           ==================

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated
                             financial statements.

                                     Page 2


                                                                        For the three months ended March 31,

                                                                         1999                         1998
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
   Net income (loss)                                               $       (302,000)            $        (37,000)
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
     net cash used in operating activities
       Depreciation and amortization                                        185,000                      144,000
       Cumulative effect of change in accounting principles                     ---                       74,000    
       Amortization of debt issue costs                                      42,000                          ---
       Writeoff of development and acquisition costs                          3,000                       14,000
       Extraordinary loss on early retirement of debt                        35,000                          ---
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
         Decrease (increase) in -
          Accounts receivable                                              (159,000)                    (109,000)
          Prepaid expenses and other                                          3,000                       15,000
         Increase (decrease) in accounts payable,
          accrued liabilities and other                                     116,000                     (330,000)
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
         Net cash used in operating activities                              (77,000)                    (229,000)
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
   Capital expenditures                                                  (5,140,000)                    (108,000)
   Proceeds from short-term investments                                   5,919,000                          ---      
   Proceeds from payments on notes receivable                                 4,000                        3,000
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
         Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                783,000                     (105,000)
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
   Payment of loan fees and deferred costs                                 (637,000)                         ---
   Deposit of escrow funds                                                 (748,000)                         ---
   Proceeds from borrowings                                               1,775,000                    1,583,000
   Repayment of borrowings                                               (5,077,000)                  (1,502,000)
   Proceeds from warrant and option exercise                                  8,000                       58,000
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
         Net cash provided by (used in)financing activities              (4,679,000)                     139,000
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                (3,973,000)                    (195,000)
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period                            5,181,000                    1,958,000
                                                                   -----------------            -----------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period                           $      1,208,000             $      1,763,000
                                                                   =================            =================

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated
                             financial statements.

                                     Page 3



Nature of Business -

     Avalon Community Services,  Inc. ("the Company" or "Avalon") is an Oklahoma
based corporation  specializing in operating private correctional facilities and
providing intensive correctional programming.  The Company currently operates in
Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado with plans to significantly expand into additional
states.  The Company owns and operates seven community  correctional  facilities
and one juvenile correctional facility.

Principles of Consolidation -

     The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the Company
and its wholly-owned subsidiaries after elimination of all material intercompany
balances and transactions.

Use of Estimates -

     The preparation of the consolidated  financial  statements requires the use
of management's  estimates and assumptions in determining the carrying values of
certain  assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosures  of  contingent  assets  and
liabilities  at the  date  of the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  the
reported amounts for certain revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimated.

Cash and Cash Equivalents -

     The  Company   considers  all  highly  liquid   investments  with  original
maturities  of three months or less when  purchased and money market funds to be
cash equivalents.

Concentrations of Credit Risk -

     Financial instruments  potentially subjecting the Company to concentrations
of credit risk consist  principally  of  temporary  cash  investments,  accounts
receivable  and  notes  receivable.   The  Company  places  its  temporary  cash
investments  with high credit quality  financial  institutions  and money market
funds and limits the amount of credit  exposure to any one  institution or fund.
The Company had a significant  portion of its cash  equivalents in United States
treasury  bills at December 31,  1998.  The Company  maintains an allowance  for
doubtful  accounts for  potential  credit  losses.  The  allowance  for doubtful
accounts  at March  31,  1999 and  December  31,  1998 was  $9,000  and  $9,000,
respectively.  Actual bad debt expenses have not been material. Credit risk on a
note receivable is partially mitigated by the  collateralization  of the note by
second lien on real estate.

Property and Equipment -

     Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost.  Expenditures  for  major
additions  and   improvements  are   capitalized,   while  minor   replacements,
maintenance  and repairs are charged to expense as incurred.  When  property and
equipment is retired or otherwise disposed of, the cost and related  accumulated
depreciation  are removed from the accounts  and any  resulting  gain or loss is
reflected   in  current   operations.   Depreciation   is  provided   using  the
straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives:

          Buildings and Improvements                     40  Years
          Furniture and Equipment                    5 to 7  Years
          Transportation Equipment                  3 to 15  Years

                                     Page 4

     Impairment  losses are recorded on  long-lived  assets when  indicators  of
impairment are present and the undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated
by those  assets are less than the  assets'  carrying  amounts.  When  required,
impairment  losses are  recognized  based upon the  estimated  fair value of the

Income Taxes -

     Deferred  income taxes are  recognized for the tax  consequences  in future
years of differences  between the tax bases of assets and  liabilities and their
financial  reporting  amounts at each  year-end  based on  enacted  tax laws and
statutory  tax rates  applicable  to the  period in which  the  differences  are
expected to affect taxable income.  Valuation  allowances are  established  when
necessary to reduce  deferred tax assets to the amount  expected to be realized.
Income tax expense is the tax  payable for the period and the change  during the
period in deferred tax assets and liabilities.

Revenue Recognition -

     The Company  recognizes  revenues as services  are  provided.  Revenues are
earned  based upon the  number of  inmates on a per diem basis at the  Company's
correctional  facilities.  Revenues are earned on a monthly  contract  basis for
substance  abuse  treatment  services.  All  correctional  and  substance  abuse
revenues are received monthly from various governmental agencies.

Deferred Development Costs -

     Prior to 1998,  development costs that could be directly associated with an
anticipated  contract were  capitalized,  and, if the  recoverability  from that
contract was probable,  they were deferred  until the  anticipated  contract had
been awarded.  The development  costs of successful  proposals were deferred and
amortized  over the  anticipated  life of the  contract  (including  option  and
renewal  periods),  while costs of  unsuccessful  or  abandoned  contracts  were
charged to expense when their  recovery was not  considered  probable.  Facility
costs were incurred (after a contract is awarded) in connection with the opening
of new  facilities  under the contract,  and were  capitalized  from the date of
award until  commencement of operations and amortized on a  straight-line  basis
over the term of the contract.  As of January 1, 1998, the Company , pursuant to
Statement  of Position  98-5  "Reporting  on the Costs of Start Up  Activities",
expensed development and new facility opening costs.

Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share -

     Basic loss per share has been  computed  on the basis of  weighted  average
shares  outstanding  during each  period.  Diluted loss per share is the same as
basic loss per share because the assumed  exercise of options and warrants,  the
assumed  redemption of 1,622,448  shares of common stock,  and the conversion of
debentures would be anti-dilutive.

Interim Financial Statements  -

     The  consolidated  balance sheet as of March 31, 1999 and the statements of
operations for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998 are unaudited and,
in the opinion of management,  reflect all adjustments  that are necessary for a
fair  presentation of the financial  position as of such date and the results of
operations and cash flows for the periods then ended.  All such  adjustments are
of a normal and recurring nature.

     The financial  statements  included herein have been prepared in conformity
with generally accepted accounting  principles and should be read in conjunction
with the December 31, 1998 Form 10-KSB filing.  Footnote disclosures which would
substantially  duplicate  the  disclosure  contained  in the most recent  annual
report on Form 10-KSB have been condensed or omitted.  The results of operations
for the three months ended March 31, 1999, are not necessarily indicative of the
results that may be expected for the entire year ended December 31, 1999.

                                     Page 5


     Long-term debt consists of the following:

                                                                    March 31,          December 31,
                                                                      1999                 1998
     Revolving bank line of credit                             $           ---       $       724,000
     Notes payable to banks, collateralized by
       equipment due in installments through
       July 1999 with interest from 7.99% to 8.5%                        1,000                 2,000
     Notes payable to banks, collateralized
       by transportation equipment, due in
       installments through March 2012
       with interest ranging from 4.90% to 9.49%.                      612,000               676,000
     Notes payable to banks, collateralized
       by land, buildings and improvements
       due in installments through June 2012
       with interest ranging from 8.95% to 11%                       2,247,000             4,631,000
     Note payable to an individual, uncollateralized,
       with interest at 8.5%, due in full April 1999                       ---               160,000
     Note payable to an investment company, unsecured 
       with interest at 12.5%, due in four installments
       beginning in 2005, including original issue premium          10,348,000            10,356,000
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
                                                                    13,208,000            16,549,000
     Less - current maturities                                         399,000             2,201,000
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
                                                               $    12,809,000       $    14,348,000
                                                               ===============       ===============

     Avalon  Community  Services Inc.  closed a senior credit  facility with the
Fleet  Capital  Corporation  on February 25,  1999.  The new loan is a four year
revolving  credit  facility  primarily  utilized to finance the expansion of the
Company's business.

     The credit  facility  provides  for an $18 million  senior  revolving  debt
facility secured by substantially all assets of the Company. The credit facility
is subject to a 1/2% unused line fee and  interest  on  outstanding  balances at
Prime + .25% - .50 % or  LIBOR + 2.0 - 3.0%.  The  maturity  date of the  credit
facility is February 25, 2003.

     Initially,  no amounts were extended on the credit facility and the Company
utilized existing cash reserves to retire debt that was collateralized by assets
now pledged to Fleet Capital under the new agreement.


     The Company  completed a private  placement of  $4,150,000  of  convertible
debentures on September 12, 1997. The  convertible  debentures  bear interest at
7.5% and  mature on  September  12,  2007.  The  convertible  debentures  may be
redeemed  by the  Company at any time after  May,  2001 at 106.5% of  principal,
declining to 100% at maturity.  The convertible  debentures are convertible into
common stock at $3.00 per share at any time until their maturity.

                                                    Page 6

     The  convertible  debenture  holders signed  agreements to subordinate  the
debentures to the $10,000,000  face value note issued on September 16, 1998. The
Company redeemed  $300,000 of convertible  debentures at face value in September


     The Company's  275,100 Class B stock  purchase  warrants  providing for the
purchase of the  Company's  common  stock at a price of $6.00 per share  expired
March 26, 1999. No Class B warrants  were  exercised  during the quarter  ending
March 31, 1999.

     The Company  issued  1,000,000  Class C stock  purchase  warrants in August
1994, in connection with a private placement. The placement provided for 100,000
Class C stock purchase warrants reserved for underwriters. The Company issued an
additional  165,000 Class C stock  purchase  warrants in 1996 and 25,000 Class C
stock purchase warrants in 1997. The Company has issued 452,500 shares of common
stock upon the exercise of the Class C stock purchase warrants through March 31,
1999.  The  Company  currently  has  837,500  Class  C stock  purchase  warrants
outstanding, including the 100,000 warrants reserved for underwriters.

     The  Class C stock  purchase  warrants  provide  for  the  purchase  of the
Company's  common stock at any time until their expiration at December 30, 1999.
Anti-dilution  provisions  of the warrant  agreement  have  reduced the exercise
price from $3.50 to $3.19 per share as of March  31,1999.  The  warrants  may be
redeemed by the Company upon certain events, for $.01 per share.

     The Company issued 200,000 Class D stock purchase  warrants in August 1996,
in  connection  with  the  acquisition  of the  El  Paso  Intermediate  Sanction
Facility.  The Class D stock purchase  warrants  provide for the purchase of the
Company's common stock at any time until their expiration at August 2, 2001. The
exercise  price of the class D warrants  is $4.20 per share as of  December  31,
1998.  The warrants may be redeemed by the Company upon certain  events for $.01
per share.

     The Company  issued  79,000 Class E stock  purchase in September  1997,  in
connection  with the private  placement of Convertible  Debentures.  The Class E
stock purchase  warrants  provide for the purchase of the Company's common stock
at a price of $3.00 per share at any time until their  expiration  at  September
12, 2002.  The  warrants may be redeemed by the Company upon certain  events for
$.01 per share.

     The Company issued 200,539 stock purchase warrants to financial advisors in
September 1998, in connection with the $15,000,000 private placement.  The stock
purchase  warrants provide for the purchase of the Company's common stock at any
time until  their  expiration  in  September  2002.  The  exercise  price of the
warrants is $3.75 per share as of December 31,1998. The warrants may be redeemed
by the Company  upon  certain  events for $.01 per share.  The fair value of the
warrants was  allocated  between the proceeds the debt and equity issues as debt
issue cost and a reduction in redeemable common stock.

     A 1994 agreement provided for the issuance of 750,000 common stock purchase
warrants to purchase  common stock at $1.50 per share for each dollar of Company
debt  guaranteed by the  Company's  CEO. The warrants will have a five year term
from the date of issuance. Management believes that the warrants had no economic
value  when  granted,  and  accordingly,  no amount  has been  assigned  to such
warrants in the financial statements.

                                     Page 7


     The Company  adopted a stock  option plan (the  "Plan")  providing  for the
issuance of 250,000  shares of Class A common stock  pursuant to both  incentive
stock  options,  intended to qualify under  Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue
Code,   and  options   that  do  not   qualify  as   incentive   stock   options
("non-statutory").  The  Option  Plan was  registered  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  in  November  1995.  The purpose of the Plan is to provide
continuing incentives to the Company's officers,  key employees,  and members of
the Board of  Directors.  The options  generally  vest over a four or  five-year
period with a ten year  expiration  period.  On  December  1, 1996,  the Company
amended its stock option plan,  increasing the number of shares  available under
the Plan to  600,000.  There are  currently  outstanding  non-statutory  options
providing for the issuance of 492,900 shares of Class A common stock at exercise
prices ranging from $1.50 to $4.25 per share. Options providing for the issuance
of 216,690 shares were exercisable at March 31, 1999.


     The  Company  is a party to  litigation  arising  in the  normal  course of
business.  Management  believes that the ultimate  outcome of these matters will
not have a material  effect on the Company's  financial  condition or results of


     During the fourth quarter of 1998 the Company elected to adopt,  for all of
1998 and future years, the provision of Statement of Position 98-5 "Reporting on
Costs of Start Up Activities".  Development  and new facility  opening costs had
been  deferred and amortized  over the life of the contract  prior to January 1,
1998. As a result of the adoption of the new  pronouncement,  deferred  costs of
approximately  $74,000 were  charged to  operations  and reported as  cumulative
effect of change in accounting principle, effective January 1, 1998. Pursuant to
the  pronouncement,  the results of operations of the first quarter of 1998 have
been  restated to show the effect of adoption of the Statement of Position as of
January 1, 1998.

                                     Page 8


Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis
              of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Liquidity and Capital Resources -

     The  Company's  business  strategy is to focus on the  private  corrections
industry,  expanding its operations into  additional  states through new Federal
and state contracts and selective acquisitions. The successful implementation of
the  Company's  growth  plan has  created  the need for  additional  capital and
financing.  The  Company  has been  successful  in  securing  $37 million of new
capital and credit facilities since September 1997.

     Working  capital at March 31, 1999 was  $2,689,000  representing  a current
ratio of 3.06:1,  compared to working  capital of $8,643,000 and a current ratio
of 3.04:1 at December 31, 1998.  The decrease in working  capital from  December
31,  1998 is  primarily  due to  construction  costs of the Union City  Juvenile
Facility  and the El Paso  Multi  Purpose  Facility.  The  Union  City  Juvenile
Facility was completed and became  operational in the first quarter of 1999, and
the El Paso Multi  Purpose  Facility is scheduled  for  completion in the second
quarter of 1999.

     The  Company  had  approximately  $1.2  million of cash  available  for new
projects at March 31, 1999.  The Company  believes it has adequate cash reserves
and cash flow from operations to meet its current cash requirements. The Company
expects  current  contracts  to  generate  sufficient  income to  increase  cash
reserves,  while  minimizing  income taxes through the  utilization  of tax loss
carryforwards.  The Company  secured an $18 million senior credit  facility with
Fleet Capital  Corporation in February  1999. The credit  facility and available
cash  balance  will  enable  the  Company  to  expand  its  operations   through
acquisitions and development.

Results of Operations -

Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 Compared to the Three Months 
     Ended March  31, 1998-

     Total revenues increased by 35% to $2.43 million for the three months ended
March 31, 1999 from $1.81 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998. The
increase in revenue  can be  contributed  to an  increase  of $100,000  from the
Turley  Correctional  Center  compared to the period ending March 31, 1998,  and
$530,000 in revenue from the Union City Juvenile Center. The Union City Juvenile
Center commenced operations in the first quarter of 1999.

     The  Company  had net loss for the three  months  ended  March 31,  1999 of
$302,000 or $.06 basic and diluted  earnings per share,  as compared to net loss
for the three  months  ended March 31, 1998 of $37,000 or $.01 basic and diluted
income per share.  The  Company's  net loss for the period ending March 31, 1999
was a result of costs  associated  with the  opening of the Union City  Juvenile
Center.  The  Company's net loss for the period ending March 31, 1998 included a
$74,000 charge relating to a change in accounting principles.

     Operating  income,  before  interest,   depreciation,   and  income  taxes,
decreased  approximately  11% for the  three  months  ended  March  31,  1999 to
$371,000  compared to $409,000 for the three  months  ended March 31, 1998.  The
slight decrease in operating  income was primarily due to costs  associated with
the opening of the Union City Juvenile Facility. The average daily inmate census
increased  8% for the three  months  ended March 31, 1999  compared to the three
months ended March 31, 1998.

                                     Page 9

     Direct operating expenses increased by 33% for the three months ended March
31, 1999 over the three months  ended March 31,  1998,  primarily as a result of
the commencement of operations at the Union City Juvenile Facility.

     Corporate. General and administrative expenses increased by 39% to $330,000
for the three  months  ended March 31, 1999 from  $237,000  for the three months
ended March 31,  1999.  The majority of the increase was a result of an increase
in staffing.

     The  increase in interest  expense of $229,000  for the three  months ended
March  31,  1999 over the first  quarter  1998  resulted  from  interest  on the
$10,000,000 subordinated note placed in September 1998.

     The Company is aware of the risk of computer  error in the year 2000.  Such
error could casuse  computers  to recognize  the year 2000 as 1900 and cause the
computer  to fail in  calculation  or  function.  As a result,  the  company has
reviewed its computer  operations and have  identified all computers and systems
that are not year 2000 compliant  (y2k).  The Company's  primary exposure to y2k
problems is in its  financial  reporting  area.  The Company has  purchased  and
ordered computer equipment and software to become fully y2k compliant.  The cost
of this equipment,  including testing and implementation to become y2k compliant
is expected to be approximately $15,000. The Company will test and implement the
new equipment and software before July 1, 1999.

                                     Page 10

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.      Legal Proceedings - None.

Item 2.      Changes in Securities - None.

Item 3.      Defaults Upon Senior Securities - None.

Item 4.      Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders - None.

Item 5.      Other Information - None.

Item 6.      a)   Exhibits
                  Exhibit 27.  Financial Data Schedule.

             b)   Reports on Form 8-K -
                  Filed a Form 8-K on March 10, 1999,
                  re: Financing agreement with Fleet Capital Corporation

                                     Page 11


     In accordance  with the requirement of the Exchange Act, the registrant has
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned  thereunto duly

Date:    May 17, 1999                  AVALON COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Jerry M.  Sunderland
                                           Jerry M. Sunderland, President

                                       By: /s/ Paul Voss
                                           Paul Voss, Vice President of Finance

                                     Page 12