Israel Discount Bank of New York
511 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10017-4997
(212) 551-8500

October 30, 1996

Mr. Gary R. Klocek, Controller
Jones Apparel Group, Inc.
250 Rittenhouse Circle
Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007

Dear Mr. Kimmel:

     We are pleased to advise you that Israel Discount Bank of New York (the 
"Bank") has approved Jones Apparel Group, Inc.'s (the "Company") request for 
the following line of credit:


         $20,000,000.00 for working capital purposes.


         Own Paper: As determined by the Bank, in its sole discretion, at the 
                    time of the request.


         Utilization of this line of credit is subject to the following 
         additional terms and conditions: Satisfactory mutual revisions with
         other banks.


         The Company shall furnish the Bank:

         (a) within 90 days after the end of each of its fiscal years, the
             audited balance sheet and income statements as of the end of
             each fiscal year.  Said balance sheet and income statements shall
             be audited by a certified public accountant, acceptable to the
             Bank, without material exception or qualification. 

         (b) within 45 days after each quarterly financial period, financial
             statements for the period then ended.  Said statements may be
             prepared internally by management.

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         (c) any other such information, reports, and statements as the Bank
             may reasonably request.


          Utilization of this line of credit is subject to the Company's 
execution of such documentation and instruments, all in form and substance
satisfactory to the Bank and its counsel, all of which shall contain such 
provisions, representations, covenants and events of default as are satisfactory
to the Bank and its counsel.

      6.  EXPIRY

          Availability of this line of credit is dependent upon satisfactory
review, from time to time, of Company's condition, financial or otherwise and 
may be amended, reduced, withdrawn and canceled, in whole or in part, at 
anytime in the Bank's sole discretion without prior notice to the Company.  
Notwithstanding the above, the line of credit will expire on April 30, 1997, 
unless extended by the Bank, in its sole discretion.

     This letter is furnished to the Company solely for informational purposes.
The line of credit described herein is not a commitment and compliance by the 
Company with the terms of this letter does not in any way bind the Bank to make
loans, advances, or grant extensions of credit.

     Please indicate Company's agreement and acceptance of the foregoing by 
signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter by November 7, 1996.

     If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at 
551-8827.  We look forward to beginning an excellent relationship with Jones 
Apparel Group, Inc.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            By: /s/ Lissa Baum
                                               Lissa Baum, Senior Vice President

                                            By: /s/ Antonia Brocato
                                               Antonia Brocato, Assistant Vice

Agreed to and Accepted:


By: /s/ Gary R. Klocek
Name:  Gary R. Klocek
Title: Corporate Controller

cc: Herbert J. Goodfriend - Vice Chairman, Secretary and Director
    Wesley R. Card - Chief Financial Officer

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