THIS LEASE is entered into by and between Randy L. Weideman and Deborah R.
Weideman (collectively, "Landlord") and Lee CATV Corporation., a Nebraska
corporation ("Tenant"), and upon approval by both Landlord and Tenant, as
evidenced by their signatures hereto, a valid and binding lease shall exist,
the terms and conditions of which are as follows:

1.  DEFINITIONS AND BASIC PROVISIONS.  The following definitions and basic
provisions shall be construed as follows when used elsewhere in this Lease:

    a)  Effective Date:  The Effective Date shall be the latest date for
    approval by all parties as indicated below.

    b)  Landlord:    Randy L. Weideman and Deborah R. Weideman
        Address   P.O. Box 590, Deshler, Nebraska 68340
        Phone No.   			Fax No.

    c)  Tenant:    Lee CATV Corporation.
        c/o    David E. Chymiak
	  Address    1605 E. Iola, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
	  Phone No.    (918) 251-2887		Fax No.    (918) 251-1138

    d)  Third Party Guarantor: TULSAT Corporation Grantor Agreement attached
	  hereto as Exhibit A
	  c/o    David E. Chymiak
	  Address    1605 E. Iola, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
	  Phone No.    (918) 251-2887		Fax No.    (918) 251-1138

    e)  Leased Premises:  Lots One, Two, Three and Four (1, 2, 3 and 4), Block
	  Fifteen (15), Original Town of Deshler, Thayer County, Nebraska.

    f)  Project:

    g)  Lease Term:  A period of 5   Years commencing on December 1, 1999
	  ("Commencement Date") and ending on  November 30, 2004 ("Expiration

    h)  Base Rental:  A total of $ 10,800 per yr. payable in monthly
	  installments in advance as follows:

                    From                            To          Monthly Rate

       Year 1	 December 1, 1999	    November 30, 2000       $900

       Year 2	 December 1, 2000	    November 30, 2001	    $900

       Year 3    December 1, 2001           November 30, 2002       $900

       Year 4	 December 1, 2002	    November 30, 2003	    $900

       Year 5	 December 1, 2003	    November 30, 2004	    $900

    i)  Prepaid Rental:  $   0	 representing payment of rental for the
        first month of the Lease Term.

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    j)  Security Deposit:  $   0	 (not applicable toward last month's rent).

    k)  Use: Tenant shall have and hold the premises for the purpose of engaging
    in the sale and repair of technical equipment for cable television systems
    and similar enterprises, without any liability or obligation on the part of
    Landlord to make any alternations, improvements or repairs of any kind on or
    about the premises except as may otherwise be provided herein.  Tenant, as
    evidenced by his signature below, has determined and represents that the
    stated use is consistent with all local, State and Federal regulations
    applicable to said use.

    l)  Legal Use:  Tenant shall use the Leased Premises only for the Permitted
    Use stated and for no other purposes.  Tenant shall not use, nor permit the
    use of, anything in the Leased Premises (i) which would violate any of the
    agreement of the Lease, (ii) for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful
    manner, or (iii) that would substantially increase cost of the Landlord's

    m)  Tenant's Public Liability Insurance Limits:  $   1,000,000    combined
    single limit bodily injury and property damage as described in
    paragraph 7(c).

    n)  Cost of Living Increases:  See attached Exhibit    na	, if any.

    o)  Percentage Rental:  See attached Exhibit    na	, if any.

    p)  Property Owner's Association's Dues and Assessments:  See attached
    Exhibit na if any.

2.  GRANTING CLAUSE.  Landlord hereby covenants and warrants that it has
rightful possession to, and hereby leases, lets and demises unto Tenant,
together with all improvements, appurtenances, easements, and privileges
thereunto belonging, the Leased Premises for the Permitted Use, together with
on-site parking, if any.

3.  PAYMENT OF RENT/ADDITIONAL RENT.  Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord the total
minimum base rental, with such monthly installments to be paid in advance, on or
before the first day of each calendar month during the term, without demand.
Tenant shall pay the first monthly installment as "prepaid-rental" concurrently
with the execution of this Lease.  The rent for a portion of the calendar month
during which rent might begin to accrue or terminate shall be prorated.
Tenant's covenant to pay rent shall be independent of every other covenant set
forth in this Lease, and Tenant shall have no right of deduction or setoff
whatever.  All rents herein provided for shall be paid to Landlord at the
Landlord's address or at such other place as shall be designated by Landlord,
in writing, furnished to Tenant at least ten (10) days prior to the next ensuing
rent payment due date.

4.  LATE PAYMENT OF RENT.  Any rents received on the 11th day after the due
date, or thereafter, shall be assessed a  late fee  equal to $90.


    a)  Possession.  Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, possession shall be
    delivered on the Commencement Date of this Lease.  If Landlord is unable to
    deliver possession of the premises at the commencement hereof, Landlord
    shall not be liable for any damage caused thereby, nor shall this lease be
    void or voidable, but Tenant shall not be liable for any rent until
    possession is  delivered.  Tenant may terminate this lease if possession is
    not delivered within 10 days.

    b)  Assignment, Subletting, and Encumbering.  This Lease shall not be
    assigned, sublet, or transferred by Tenant without Landlord's prior written
    consent.  Tenant shall not sublet, or offer or advertise for subletting, the
    Leased Premises, or any portion thereof, without the prior written consent
    of Landlord.  Any assignment or subletting shall not relieve Tenant of its
    obligations hereunder or release Tenant from the further performance of all
    covenants herein contained.

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Copyright 1998 - Greater Tulsa Association of REALTORS-R-     Tenant   Landlord
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    c)  Estoppel Certificate.  Tenant shall, at any time so requested, execute
    and deliver to Landlord such Estoppel certificates as Landlord shall
    reasonably require, stating length of Tenant's lease, amount of rent,
    deposits, and other terms.

    d)  Subordination.  This Lease shall be subject and subordinate, at all
    times, to the lien of existing mortgages and of mortgages which hereafter
    may be made on the Leased Premises.  Tenant will execute and deliver such
    further instruments subordinating this Lease to the lien of any such
    mortgages as may be desired by Landlord.

    e)  Rules and Regulations.  Tenant agrees to observe and comply with the
    Rules and Regulations presently existing and such other and further
    reasonable rules and regulations as Landlord may, from time to time, adopt,
    a copy of which is attached to this Lease as Exhibit    	.

    f)  Toxic or Hazardous Materials.  Tenant shall not store, use, or dispose
    of any toxic or hazardous materials in, on, or about the Premises, without
    the prior written consent of Landlord.  Tenant, at its sole cost, will
    comply with all laws relating to Tenant's storage, use, and disposal of
    hazardous or toxic materials.

    g)  Holding Over.  In the event Tenant remains in possession of the Premises
    after the expiration or termination of the Lease, Tenant shall occupy the
    premises as a Tenant from month-to-month at 150% of the rental due for the
    last full calendar month during the term of the Lease and subject to all
    other provisions and obligations of the Lease applicable to a month-to-month

    h)  Signs.  Landlord retains the right to approve any and all exterior
    signs. See attached Exhibit ____.  "Sign Criteria", if any.

    i)  Destruction of Premises.  In the event of a partial destruction of the
    building in which the Leased Premises are contained, during the term,
    Landlord shall make any repairs that can be made under existing governmental
    regulations within one hundred twenty (120) days of such destruction, but
    such partial destruction shall not terminate this Lease, except that Tenant
    shall be entitled to a proportionate reduction of rent while repairs are
    being made, based upon the extent to which the making of such repairs shall
    interfere with the business of Tenant on the Premises.  If repairs cannot be
    made within one hundred twenty (120) days, this Lease may be terminated, at
    the option of either party, by delivering written notice.

    j)  Right of Entry.  Landlord reserves the right, for itself, and its
    employees, or contractors, and Tenant covenants to permit Landlord, or its
    agents, employees, or contractors to enter any and all portions of the
    Leased Premises at any time; provided, that Landlord shall give Tenant
    reasonable notice prior to any entry for the purpose of showing the space to
    prospective tenants.

      During the progress of any repairs or other work, Landlord may keep and
    store on the Leased Premises all necessary materials, tools, and equipment,
    and Landlord shall, in no event, be liable for disturbance, inconvenience,
    annoyance, loss of business, or other damage to Tenant, or any assignee, or
    sublessee under the Lease, by making such repairs or performing any such
    work on or in the Leased Premises, or due to bringing materials, supplies,
    and equipment into or through the Premises during the course of such work.

	 Tenant shall permit Landlord at any time within sixty (60) days prior to

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                       COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LEASE (NET)

    expiration of this lease to place upon the premises the usual "For Lease" or
    "For Sale" signs, and permit persons desiring to lease or purchase the same
    to inspect the premises thereafter.

    k)  Condemnation.  If the Leased Premises is totally condemned by any lawful
    authority under the power of eminent domain, or shall, during the
    continuance of the Lease, be totally destroyed by the action of public
    authorities, then this Lease and the term leased shall terminate, and
    Tenant shall be liable for rent only up to the date of such termination.

    l)  Quiet Enjoyment.  Landlord grants to Tenant, in exchange for continued
    payment of rent and performance of each and every covenant hereof, the
    right to peacefully and quietly hold, occupy, and enjoy the Leased Premises
    throughout the term.  Further, Tenant shall not commit any waste upon the
    premises, or any nuisance or act which may disturb the quiet enjoyment of
    any tenant in the building.


    a)  Tenant.  Tenant shall maintain and make necessary replacement of the
    roof, exterior walls, structure, floor slabs, parking lot, other common
    facilities of the building and provide lawn and landscaping maintenance.
    Tenant shall keep the Leased Premises neat and clean and in such repair,
    order, and condition as received on Commencement Date (or Occupancy Date,
    whichever is earliest) or may be put in during the term hereof, reasonable
    use and wear excepted.  Tenant shall maintain (including necessary
    replacement) all fixtures and equipment relating to plumbing, electrical,
    heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC).  Tenant shall maintain and
    replace exterior doors, windows, and all plate glass, floor covering,
    carpet, paint, wallpaper, and other coverings.  Tenant shall not damage or
    abuse the Leased Premises, nor shall Tenant permit the damage or abuse of
    the Leased Premises.  Tenant shall not overload the floor and shall abide
    by Landlord's instructions with respect to care and avoidance of abuse.

    b)  Utilities.  Tenant shall be responsible for arranging, and contracting
    in its own name if necessary, all utility services necessary for the
    operation of the Property, including establishment of any required deposits,
    and payment of any and all utility charges incurred during the term.  Such
    utility charges shall include water, natural gas, telephone, cable
    television, sanitary sewer, electricity and storm water management fees.
    Tenant shall also be responsible for the maintenance of any on-site sewage
    disposal system (septic tank, etc.).  Further, in the event of any
    interruption of utility services, the Landlord shall neither be responsible
    for, nor shall any rent be abated due to, such interruption.


    a)  Taxes.  Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all ad valorem taxes,
    special assessments, and bond indentures, attributable to the Leased
    Premises upon presentation of paid tax receipts by Landlord to Tenant.

    If taxes because of increased rate or valuation and/or other public
    assessments increase during the term of lease, a proportionate share of such
    increase shall be paid by Tenant, or if single Tenant, Tenant shall pay
    total increase.  Taxes and other public assessments for the calendar year in
    which the lease commences and in which the lease expires shall be prorated
    to the date of such commencement and termination.

    b)  Indemnity, Liability, and Loss or Damage.  Tenant agrees to defend,
    indemnify, and hold Landlord harmless from any loss, cost, or expense,
    whatsoever, resulting from (1) personal injury, loss of life, or loss of
    property relating to the use and occupancy by Tenant, or (2) from damage to,
    or destruction of, the Leased Premises or any improvement thereon, or any
    part thereof, or of any abutting real property caused by, or attributable

Standard Commercial/Industrial Lease (net) (a705)6/98	     \s\ DRW   \s\ RLW
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    to, the negligent act or acts, or omission or omissions to act, of Tenant,
    or caused by, or attributable to, the Tenant's failure to perform its
    obligations under this Lease.  Likewise, Landlord agrees to defend,
    indemnify, and hold Tenant harmless from any loss, whatsoever, resulting
    from personal injury, loss of life or property relating to the use of
    Landlord and use and occupancy by other Tenants, or caused by, or
    attributable to, the negligent act or acts, omission or omissions to act, of
    Landlord, or caused by, or attributable to, Landlord's failure to perform
    its obligations under this Lease.

    c)  Tenant's Insurance.  Tenant agrees to insure the Leased Premises for
    fire, casualty, and public liability.  Tenant shall procure, keep in force,
    and pay for such fire, casualty, and comprehensive public liability
    insurance, in amounts reasonably required by Landlord, with reputable,
    responsible, licensed companies, indemnifying Landlord and Tenant against
    all claims and demands for injury to, or death of, persons, or damage to
    property, which may be claimed to have occurred on the Leased Premises.
    Certificates of the same, naming Landlord as additional insured, shall be
    provided to the Landlord.  Further, Tenant shall insure all of Tenant's

8.  LANDLORD'S LIEN.  In consideration of the mutual benefits arising under
this Lease, Tenant hereby grants to landlord a lien and security interest in and
on all property Tenant now, or hereafter, may place in or upon the Premises, and
the property shall be, and remain, subject to such lien and security interest of
Landlord for payment of all rental and other sums agreed to be paid by Tenant.
The lien and security interest shall be in addition to and cumulative of the
Landlord's liens existing or to exist under statute, in law, or in equity, none
of which are waived by Landlord.  The provisions of this paragraph relating to
the lien and security interest shall constitute a Security Agreement under the
Uniform Commercial Code, so that Landlord shall have, and may enforce, a
security interest on all property of Tenant now, or hereafter, placed in or on
the Premises, including, but not limited to, all fixtures, machinery, equipment,
furnishings, and other articles of personal property now, or hereafter, placed
in or upon the Premises by Tenant.  Landlord may, at its election at any time,
file a copy or memorandum of this Lease as a financing statement.  Landlord, as
secured party, shall be entitled to all rights and remedies afforded a secured
party under the Uniform Commercial Code, which rights and remedies shall be in
addition to and cumulative of the Landlord's liens and rights provided by law,
or by the other terms and provisions of this Lease.

9.  ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS.  Tenant shall not make any additions, alterations
or improvements to the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of the
Landlord.  At Landlord's option, any and all additions, alterations and
improvements to the Leased Premises, including built-ins, shall belong to the

10. BREACH AND DEFAULT.  This Lease may be deemed by landlord as being in
default if any of the following occur:

    a)  Tenant fails to make any payment of rent, or any other amount due, and
    such failure continues for fifteen (15) days after the payment due date;

    b)  Tenant fails to keep in force insurance as required by Paragraph 7(c) of
    the Lease and such failure continues for ten (10) days after written notice
    to Tenant;

    c)  Tenant materially breaches any other covenant and the same shall not
    have been cured within ten (10) days after notice thereof by Landlord;

    d)  Tenant files any voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or for corporate
    reorganization, or any similar relief, or if any involuntary petition in
    bankruptcy shall be filed against the Tenant;

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    e)  A receiver is appointed for Tenant or Tenant's property by any Court;

    f)  Tenant makes an assignment for benefit of creditors;

    g)  Tenant abandons or vacates the Leased Premises during the term hereof;

    h)  Tenant fails to operate its business in material compliance with all
        applicable laws; or

    i)  Tenant transfers a portion, or all, of its assets to another entity or
        individual without written notification and consent of the Landlord.

11. LANDLORD'S REMEDIES.  Upon the occurrence of any event of default by
Tenant, and the failure by Tenant to remedy such default within the time
permitted by Landlord, Tenant hereby grants the Landlord the following rights:

    a)  To relet Leased Premises and recover cost of alterations and damages.
    Upon any reletting, Tenant shall be immediately liable to pay to Landlord,
    without further demand or process of law, the cost and expense of reletting,
    including, without limitation, any brokerage fees, the cost of any
    alterations and repairs deemed necessary by Landlord to effect reletting,
    and the full amount, if any, by which the rental reserved in this Lease for
    the period of reletting (but not beyond the terms of this Lease) exceeds the
    amount agreed to be paid as rent for the Premises for the period of
    reletting.  If Tenant has been credited with any rent to be received by
    reletting and the rent shall not be promptly paid to Landlord by the new
    tenant, Tenant shall immediately be liable to pay the deficiency to
    Landlord. If the Landlord elects to terminate possession under this Lease,
    Landlord may recover from Tenant all damages Landlord may incur by reason of
    Tenant's failure to pay rental, including the cost of recovering the
    Premises, and including the excess of the rental reserved in this Lease for
    the remainder of the stated term over the then reasonable rental value of
    the Premises for the remainder of the term, all of which amount shall be
    immediately due and payable by Tenant to Landlord.  Landlord shall be under
    no obligation to attempt to re-lease the Leased Premises before it leases
    its other properties.

    b)  To remove, store, and dispose of Tenant's property.  Any property
    belonging to Tenant, or to any person holding by, through, or under Tenant,
    or otherwise found upon the Leased Premises at the time of re-entry or
    termination by the Landlord, may be removed and stored in any warehouse, at
    the cost of, and for the account of, Tenant, or, in Landlord's sole
    discretion, deemed to be abandoned by Tenant and disposed of accordingly.

    c)  Additional Remedies.  In the event of any breach or threatened breach by
    Tenant of any covenants, agreements, terms, or conditions of this Lease,
    Landlord shall be entitled to enjoin the breach or threatened breach, and in
    addition to the rights and remedies provided hereunder, shall have any other
    right or remedy allowed at law or equity, by statute, or otherwise.  The
    provisions of this Section shall be construed consistent with the laws of
    the State of  Nebraska, so that remedies of Landlord herein described shall
    be available to Landlord to the full extent, but only to the extent that
    they are valid or enforceable under the laws of the State of  Nebraska.

    d)  To Recover Attorney's Fees.  If suit shall be brought for recovery of
    possession of the Premises, for the recovery of rental, or any other amount
    due under the provisions of this Lease, or because of the breach of any
    other covenant herein contained on the part of either party to be kept or
    performed, and a breach shall be established, the non-prevailing party shall

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    pay to the prevailing party all expenses incurred, including a reasonable
    attorney's fee to the extent allowed by law.  The prevailing party shall be
    determined by the Court which shall also approve the amount of reimbursed

    The foregoing rights and remedies given to Landlord are, and shall be,
deemed to be cumulative and the exercise of any of them shall not be deemed to
be an election excluding the exercise by the Landlord, at any time, of a
different or inconsistent remedy, and shall be deemed to be given to Landlord in
addition to any other right and further rights granted to the Landlord by the
terms hereof, or by law.  The failure of Landlord at any time to exercise any
right or remedy herein granted or established by law shall not be deemed to
operate as a waiver of its right to exercise such right or remedy at any other
future time.

12. EFFECT AND SEVERABILITY.  This Lease shall be executed in duplicate
originals and, when executed by both Landlord and Tenant, shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of Landlord and Tenant, their heirs, legal
representatives, successors, and assigns.  This Lease sets forth the complete
understanding of Landlord and Tenant and supersedes all previous negotiations,
representations, and agreements between them and their agents.  This Lease can
only be amended or modified by a written agreement signed by Landlord and

    Should any clause or provision of this Agreement be adjudged, or otherwise
rendered, unenforceable, all provisions not so affected shall remain in full
force and effect.  In the event of any transfer of title or interest of the
Leased Premises, the Landlord named herein shall be relieved of all liability
related to Landlord's obligations to be performed after such transfer.
Provided, however, that any funds in the hands of Landlord at the time of such
transfer shall be delivered to Landlord's Grantee.  Landlord's obligations
hereunder shall be binding upon Landlord's successors and assigns only during
their respective periods of ownership.

13.	EXHIBITS.  Exhibit     A  through    na    are attached to, and by
reference made a part of, this Lease.


This 22nd day of November 1999,         This 22nd day of November 1999 ,

Lee CATV Corporation

\s\ Randy L. Wiedeman			\s\ Randy L. Weideman
Randy L. Weideman, President		Randy L. Weideman


This         day of November 1999	This         day of November 1999

By				 		By
     (Associate)			     	  	(Associate)

Standard Commercial/Industrial Lease (net) (a705)6/98	     \s\ DRW   \s\ RLW
Copyright 1998 - Greater Tulsa Association of REALTORS-R-   Tenant   Landlord
- - All Rights Reserved     						    Page 7 of


						\s\ Deborah R. Weideman
						Deborah R. Weideman


						This         day of November 1999


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Copyright 1998 - Greater Tulsa Association of REALTORS-R-   Tenant   Landlord
- - All Rights Reserved     						    Page 8 of


					   EXHIBIT A

     For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, as surety, hereby guarantees to
Randy L. Weideman and Deborah R. Weideman, the due and punctual payment and
performance by Lee CATV Corporation under the foregoing Commercial/Industrial
Lease (Net).  This Guaranty is an absolute, present and continuing Guaranty and
is no way conditioned or contingent upon any action, occurrence or circumstance
whatsoever other than the terms and conditions set forth in the foregoing
Commercial/Industrial Lease (Net).


						By: \s\ David E. Chymiak

                                                David E. Chymiak, President


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