WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                            FORM S-6

 For Registration Under the Securities Act of 1933 of Securities
       of Unit Investment Trusts Registered on Form N-8B-2

A.   Exact Name of Trust:             FT 780

B.   Name of Depositor:               FIRST TRUST PORTFOLIOS L.P.

C.   Complete Address of Depositor's  1001 Warrenville Road
     Principal Executive Offices:     Lisle, Illinois  60532

D.   Name and Complete Address of
     Agents for Service:              FIRST TRUST PORTFOLIOS L.P.
                                      Attention:  James A. Bowen
                                      Suite 300
                                      1001 Warrenville Road
                                      Lisle, Illinois  60532

                                      CHAPMAN & CUTLER LLP
                                      Attention:  Eric F. Fess
                                      111 West Monroe Street
                                      Chicago, Illinois  60603

E.   Title of Securities
     Being Registered:                An indefinite number of
                                      Units pursuant to Rule
                                      24f-2 promulgated under
                                      the Investment Company Act
                                      of 1940, as amended.

F.   Approximate Date of Proposed
     Sale to the Public:              ____ Check if it is
                                      proposed that this filing
                                      will become effective on
                                      _____ at ____ p.m.
                                      pursuant to Rule 487.

     The registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement  on
such  date  or  dates as may be necessary to delay its  effective
date  until  the registrant shall file a further amendment  which
specifically  states  that  this  Registration  Statement   shall
thereafter  become effective in accordance with Section  8(a)  of
the  Securities  Act of 1933 or until the Registration  Statement
shall  become  effective on such date as the  Commission,  acting
pursuant to said Section 8(a), may determine.

              Preliminary Prospectus Dated October 29, 2003

                                 FT 780

10,000 Units                            (A Unit Investment Trust)

     The  attached  final Prospectus for a prior Series of  the  Fund  is
hereby used as a preliminary Prospectus for the above stated Series.  The
narrative information and structure of the attached final Prospectus will
be  substantially  the  same  as that of the final  Prospectus  for  this
Series.  Information with respect to pricing, the number of Units,  dates
and summary information regarding the characteristics of securities to be
deposited in this Series is not now available and will be different since
each   Series  has  a  unique  Portfolio.   Accordingly  the  information
contained  herein with regard to the previous Series should be considered
as  being  included  for informational purposes  only.   Ratings  of  the
securities in this Series are expected to be comparable to those  of  the
securities deposited in the previous Series.

     A  registration statement relating to the units of this Series  will
be  filed  with the Securities and Exchange Commission but  has  not  yet
become  effective.  Information contained herein is subject to completion
or  amendment.   Such  Units may not be sold nor  may  offer  to  buy  be
accepted  prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective.
This Prospectus shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation
of  an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the Units in any state
in  which  such  offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful  prior  to
registration  or  qualification under the securities  laws  of  any  such
state.  (Incorporated herein by reference is the final prospectus for  FT
758  (Registration  No. 333-107758) as filed on August  13,  2003,  which
shall  be  used as preliminary prospectus for the current series  of  the


                           Re:  FT 780

     The  only  difference  of consequence (except  as  described
below) between FT 758, which is the current fund, and FT 780, the
filing of which this memorandum accompanies, is the change in the
series  number.  The list of securities comprising the Fund,  the
evaluation,  record  and  distribution dates  and  other  changes
pertaining  specifically  to the new series,  such  as  size  and
number of Units in the Fund and the statement of condition of the
new Fund, will be filed by amendment.

                            1940 ACT

                      FORMS N-8A AND N-8B-2

     These forms were not filed, as the Form N-8A and Form N-8B-2
filed in respect of Templeton Growth and Treasury Trust, Series 1
and  subsequent series (File No. 811-05903) related also  to  the
subsequent series of the Fund.

                            1933 ACT


     The  only  significant changes in the  Prospectus  from  the
Series  758 Prospectus relate to the series number and  size  and
the  date and various items of information which will be  derived
from  and apply specifically to the securities deposited  in  the


ITEM A    Bonding Arrangements of Depositor:

          First Trust Portfolios, L.P. is covered by a Broker's
          Fidelity Bond, in the total amount of $2,000,000, the
          insurer being National Union Fire Insurance Company of

ITEM B    This Registration Statement on Form S-6 comprises the
          following papers and documents:

          The facing sheet

          The Prospectus

          The signatures




     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of  1933,
the   Registrant,  FT  780  has  duly  caused  this  Registration
Statement  to  be  signed  on  its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized, in the Village of Lisle and  State  of
Illinois on October 29, 2003.

                           FT 780

                           By:    FIRST TRUST PORTFOLIOS, L.P.

                           By     Robert M. Porcellino
                                  Senior Vice President


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of  1933,
this  Amendment  to the Registration Statement  has  been  signed
below  by  the following person in the capacity and on  the  date

       NAME                 TITLE*                 DATE

David J. Allen             Director           )
                           of The Charger     )
                           Corporation, the   ) October 29, 2003
                           General Partner of )
                           First Trust        )
                           Portfolios, L.P.   )

Judith M. Van Kampen       Director           )
                           of The Charger     ) Robert M. Porcellino
                           Corporation, the   ) Attorney-in-Fact**
                           General Partner of )
                           First Trust        )
                           Portfolios, L.P.   )

Karla M. Van Kampen-Pierre Director           )
                           of The Charger     )
                           Corporation, the   )
                           General Partner of )
                           First Trust        )
                           Portfolios, L.P.   )

David G. Wisen             Director           )
                           of The Charger     )
                           Corporation, the   )
                           General Partner of )
                           First Trust        )
                           Portfolios, L.P.   )

       *     The title of the person named herein represents  his
       or  her  capacity  in  and  relationship  to  First  Trust
       Portfolios, L.P., Depositor.

       **    An  executed copy of the related power  of  attorney
       was  filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission  in
       connection with the Amendment No. 1 to Form S-6 of FT  597
       (File  No.  333-76518) and the same is hereby incorporated
       herein by this reference.


                       CONSENTS OF COUNSEL

     The  consents  of counsel to the use of their names  in  the
Prospectus  included  in  this  Registration  Statement  will  be
contained  in their respective opinions to be filed  as  Exhibits
3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 of the Registration Statement.


     The  consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP to the use of its name
and  to the reference to such firm in the Prospectus included  in
this Registration Statement will be filed by amendment.


     The  consent of First Trust Advisors L.P. to the use of  its
name in the Prospectus included in the Registration Statement  is
filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Registration Statement.


                          EXHIBIT INDEX

1.1    Form  of  Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  for  The
       First  Trust  Special  Situations  Trust,  Series  22  and
       certain  subsequent Series, effective  November  20,  1991
       among  Nike Securities, L.P., as Depositor, United  States
       Trust   Company   of  New  York  as  Trustee,   Securities
       Evaluation   Service,   Inc.,  as  Evaluator,   and   Nike
       Financial  Advisory Services L.P. as Portfolio  Supervisor
       (incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 1 to Form  S-6
       [File  No.  33-43693] filed on behalf of The  First  Trust
       Special Situations Trust, Series 22).  Effective June  27,
       2002,  Nike  Securities changed its name  to  First  Trust
       Portfolios, L.P.

1.1.1* Form  of  Trust  Agreement for FT 780  among  First  Trust
       Portfolios,  L.P., as Depositor, JPMorgan Chase  Bank,  as
       Trustee  and  First Trust Advisors L.P., as Evaluator  and
       Portfolio Supervisor.

1.2    Copy  of Certificate of Limited Partnership of First Trust
       Portfolios,  L.P. (incorporated by reference to  Amendment
       No.  1 to Form S-6 [File No. 33-42683] filed on behalf  of
       The First Trust Special Situations Trust, Series 18).

1.3    Copy   of   Amended   and  Restated  Limited   Partnership
       Agreement  of  First Trust Portfolios, L.P.  (incorporated
       by  reference  to Amendment No. 1 to Form  S-6  [File  No.
       33-42683]  filed  on  behalf of The  First  Trust  Special
       Situations Trust, Series 18).

1.4    Copy   of   Articles  of  Incorporation  of  The   Charger
       Corporation,   the   general  partner   of   First   Trust
       Portfolios, L.P., Depositor (incorporated by reference  to
       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-6 [File No. 33-42683]  filed  on
       behalf  of  The  First  Trust  Special  Situations  Trust,
       Series 18).

1.5    Copy  of  By-Laws of The Charger Corporation, the  general
       partner   of  First  Trust  Portfolios,  L.P.,   Depositor
       (incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 1 to Form  S-6
       [File  No.  33-42683] filed on behalf of The  First  Trust
       Special Situations Trust, Series 18).

2.1    Copy  of  Certificate of Ownership (included in Exhibit  1.1
       filed herewith on page 2 and incorporated herein by reference).

2.2    Copy  of  Code  of  Ethics  (incorporated  by  reference  to
       Amendment No. 1 to form S-6 [File No. 333-31176] filed on behalf
       of FT 415).

3.1*   Opinion  of  counsel  as to legality of  Securities  being


3.2*   Opinion  of  counsel as to Federal income  tax  status  of
       Securities being registered.

3.3*   Opinion  of  counsel as to New York income tax  status  of
       Securities being registered.

4.1*   Consent of First Trust Advisors L.P.

6.1    List  of  Directors  and Officers of Depositor  and  other
       related   information  (incorporated   by   reference   to
       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-6 [File No. 33-42683]  filed  on
       behalf  of  The  First  Trust  Special  Situations  Trust,
       Series 18).

7.1    Power  of  Attorney  executed by the Directors  listed  on
       page  S-3 of this Registration Statement (incorporated  by
       reference  to  Amendment  No. 1  to  Form  S-6  [File  No.
       333-76518] filed on behalf of FT 597).

* To be filed by amendment.
