WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                            FORM S-6
 For Registration Under the Securities Act of 1933 of Securities
       of Unit Investment Trusts Registered on Form N-8B-2

A.   Exact Name of Trust:             FT 251

B.   Name of Depositor:               NIKE SECURITIES L.P.

C.   Complete Address of Depositor's  1001 Warrenville Road
     Principal Executive Offices:     Lisle, Illinois  60532

D.   Name and Complete Address of
     Agents for Service:              NIKE SECURITIES L.P.
                                      Attention:  James A. Bowen
                                      Suite 300
                                      1001 Warrenville Road
                                      Lisle, Illinois  60532

E.   Title of Securities
     Being Registered:                An indefinite number of
                                      Units pursuant to Rule
                                      24f-2 promulgated under
                                      the Investment Company Act
                                      of 1940, as amended.

F.   Approximate Date of Proposed
     Sale to the Public:              ____ Check if it is
                                      proposed that this filing
                                      will become effective on
                                      _____ at ____ p.m.
                                      pursuant to Rule 487.
     The registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement  on
such  date  or  dates as may be necessary to delay its  effective
date  until  the registrant shall file a further amendment  which
specifically  states  that  this  Registration  Statement   shall
thereafter  become effective in accordance with Section  8(a)  of
the  Securities  Act of 1933 or until the Registration  Statement
shall  become  effective on such date as the  Commission,  acting
pursuant to said Section 8(a), may determine.
                             FT 251
                      Cross-Reference Sheet
         (Form N-8B-2 Items required by Instructions as
                 to the Prospectus in Form S-6)

           FORM N-8B-2                        FORM S-6
           ITEM NUMBER                  HEADING IN PROSPECTUS

1.   (a)  Name of trust                 Prospectus front cover
     (b)  Title of securities issued    Summary of Essential

2.        Name and address of each      Information as to
          depositor                     Sponsor, Trustee and

3.        Name and address of           Information as to
          trustee                       Sponsor, Trustee and

4.        Name and address of           Underwriting
          principal underwriters

5.        State of organization         The FT Series
          of trust

6.        Execution and termination     The FT Series; Other
          of trust agreement            Information

7.        Changes of name                    *

8.        Fiscal Year                        *

9.        Litigation                         *

10.  (a)  Registered or bearer          Rights of Unit Holders

     (b)  Cumulative or distributive
          securities                    The FT Series

     (c)  Redemption                    Rights of Unit Holders

     (d)  Conversion, transfer, etc.    Rights of Unit Holders

     (e)  Periodic payment plan
          certificates                       *

     (f)  Voting rights                 Rights of Unit Holders;
                                        Other Information

     (g)  Notice of certificate-        Rights of Unit Holders;
          holders                       Other Information

     (h)  Consents required             Rights of Unit Holders;
                                        Other Information

     (i)  Other provisions              The FT Series

11.  Types of securities comprising     The FT Series

12.       Certain information
          regarding periodic payment
          plan certificates                  *

13.  (a)  Load, fees, expenses, etc.    Summary of Essential
                                        Information; Public
                                        Offering; The FT Series

     (b)  Certain information
          regarding periodic payment
          plan certificates                  *

     (c)  Certain percentages           Summary of Essential
                                        Information; The FT
                                        Series; Public Offering

     (d)  Difference in price offered   Public Offering
          for any class of transactions
          to any class or group of

     (e)  Certain other load fees,      Rights of Unit Holders
          expenses, etc. payable by

     (f)  Certain profits receivable    The FT Series
          by depositor, principal
          underwriters, trustee or
          affiliated persons

     (g)  Ratio of annual charges to
          income                             *

14.       Issuance of trust's           Rights of Unit Holders

15.       Receipt and handling of
          payments from purchasers           *

16.       Acquisition and disposition
          of underlying securities      The FT Series; Rights of
                                        Unit Holders

17.       Withdrawal or redemption      The FT Series; Public
                                        Offering; Rights of Unit

18.  (a)  Receipt, custody and
          disposition of income         Rights of Unit Holders

     (b)  Reinvestment of
          distributions                 Rights of Unit Holders

     (c)  Reserves or special funds     Information as to
                                        Sponsor, Trustee and

     (d)  Schedule of distributions          *

19.       Records, accounts and
          reports                       Rights of Unit Holders

20.       Certain miscellaneous
          provisions of trust

     (a)  Amendment                     Other Information

     (b)  Termination                   Other Information

     (c)  and (d) Trustee, removal and
          successor                     Information as to
                                        Sponsor, Trustee and

     (e)  and (f) Depositor, removal    Information as to
          and successor                 Sponsor, Trustee and

21.       Loans to security holders          *

22.       Limitations on liability      The FT Series;
                                        Information as to
                                        Sponsor, Trustee and

23.       Bonding arrangements          Contents of Registration

24.       Other material provisions
          of trust agreement                 *

25.       Organization of depositor     Information as to
                                        Sponsor, Trustee and

26.       Fees received by depositor         *

27.       Business of depositor         Information as to
                                        Sponsor, Trustee and

28.       Certain information as to          *
          officials and affiliated
          persons of depositor

29.       Voting securities of               *

30.       Persons controlling                *

31.       Payment by depositor for           *
          certain services rendered
          to trust

32.       Payment by depositor for           *
          certain other services
          rendered to trust

33.       Remuneration of other              *
          persons for certain
          services rendered to trust

34.       Remuneration of other              *
          persons for certain services
          rendered to trust

35.       Distribution of trust's
          securities by states          Public Offering

36.       Suspension of sales of
          trust's securities                 *

37.       Revocation of authority
          to distribute                      *

38.  (a)  Method of distribution        Public Offering

     (b)  Underwriting agreements       Public Offering;

     (c)  Selling agreements            Public Offering

39.  (a)  Organization of principal     Information as to
          underwriters                  Sponsor, Trustee and

     (b)  N.A.S.D. membership of        Information as to
          principal underwriters        Sponsor, Trustee and

40.       Certain fee received by       See Items 13(a) and 13(e)
          principal underwriters

41.  (a)  Business of principal         Information as to
          underwriters                  Sponsor, Trustee and

     (b)  Branch offices of
          principal underwriters             *

     (c)  Salesmen of principal
          underwriters                       *

42.       Ownership of trust's
          securities by certain
          persons                            *

43.       Certain brokerage
          commissions received
          by principal underwriters          *

44.  (a)  Method of valuation           Summary of Essential
                                        Information; The FT
                                        Series; Public Offering

     (b)  Schedule as to offering
          price                              *

     (c)  Variation in offering         Public Offering
          price to certain persons

45.       Suspension of redemption
          rights                             *

46.  (a)  Redemption Valuation          Rights of Unit Holders

     (b)  Schedule as to redemption
          price                              *

47.       Maintenance of position       Public Offering; Rights
          in underlying securities      of Unit Holders

48.       Organization and regulation   Information as to
          of trustee                    Sponsor, Trustee and

49.       Fees and expenses of trustee  The FT Series

50.       Trustee's lien                The FT Series

51.       Insurance of holders of            *
          trust's securities
                   VII.  POLICY OF REGISTRANT

52.  (a)  Provisions of trust           The FT Series; Rights
          agreement with respect        of Unit Holders
          to selection or elimination
          of underlying securities

     (b)  Transactions involving
          elimination of underlying
          securities                         *

     (c)  Policy regarding              The FT Series; Rights
          substitution or elimination   of Unit Holders
          of underlying securities

     (d)  Fundamental policy not
          otherwise covered                  *

53.       Tax status of Trust           The FT Series

54.       Trust's securities during
          last ten years                     *

55.       Certain information regarding
          periodic payment plan

56.       Certain information regarding
          periodic payment plan

57.       Certain information regarding      *
          periodic payment plan

58.       Certain information regarding
          periodic payment plan

59.       Financial statements          Report of Independent
          (Instruction 1(b) to          Auditors; Statement of
          Form S-6)                     Net Assets

*    Inapplicable, answer negative or not required.

               Preliminary Prospectus Dated March 27, 1998
                                 FT 251
10,000 Units                            (A Unit Investment Trust)
     The  attached  final Prospectus for a prior Series of  the  Fund  is
hereby used as a preliminary Prospectus for the above stated Series.  The
narrative information and structure of the attached final Prospectus will
be  substantially  the  same  as that of the final  Prospectus  for  this
Series.  Information with respect to pricing, the number of Units,  dates
and summary information regarding the characteristics of securities to be
deposited in this Series is not now available and will be different since
each   Series  has  a  unique  Portfolio.   Accordingly  the  information
contained  herein with regard to the previous Series should be considered
as  being  included  for informational purposes  only.   Ratings  of  the
securities in this Series are expected to be comparable to those  of  the
securities deposited in the previous Series.
     A  registration statement relating to the units of this Series  will
be  filed  with the Securities and Exchange Commission but  has  not  yet
become  effective.  Information contained herein is subject to completion
or  amendment.   Such  Units may not be sold nor  may  offer  to  buy  be
accepted  prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective.
This Prospectus shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation
of  an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the Units in any state
in  which  such  offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful  prior  to
registration  or  qualification under the securities  laws  of  any  such

                   First Trust (registered trademark)

             O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust

The Trust. FT 188 (O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust) is a
unit investment trust consisting of a portfolio of common stocks
selected through the use of a simple, straight-forward strategy that has
generally outperformed the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price
Index (the "S&P 500") (the "Equity Securities").

The objective of the Trust is to provide the potential for above average
capital appreciation and dividend income by investing the Trust's
portfolio in the Equity Securities. See "Schedule of Investments." The
Trust has a mandatory termination date (the "Mandatory Termination Date"
or "Trust Ending Date") of approximately 14 months from the date of this
Prospectus as set forth under "Summary of Essential Information." There
is, of course, no guarantee that the objective of the Trust will be
achieved or that the Trust will outperform the S&P 500.

Each Unit of the Trust represents an undivided fractional interest in
all the Equity Securities deposited in the Trust. The Equity Securities
deposited in the Trust's portfolio have no fixed maturity date and the
value of these underlying Equity Securities will fluctuate with changes
in the values of stocks in general but may decline more than or not
increase as much as stocks in general. See "Portfolio."

The Sponsor may, from time to time after the Initial Date of Deposit,
deposit additional Equity Securities or cash (including a letter of
credit) with instructions to purchase additional Equity Securities in
the Trust. Such deposits of additional Equity Securities or cash will,
therefore, be done in such a manner that the original proportionate
relationship among the number of shares of the individual issues of the
Equity Securities shall be maintained. Any deposit by the Sponsor of
additional Equity Securities, or the purchase of additional Equity
Securities pursuant to a cash deposit, will duplicate, as nearly as is
practicable, the original proportionate share relationship established
on the Initial Date of Deposit, and not the actual proportionate share
relationship on the subsequent date of deposit, because the two may
differ. Any such difference may be due to the sale, redemption or
liquidation of any of the Equity Securities deposited in the Trust on
the Initial, or any subsequent, Date of Deposit. Moreover, because of
fluctuations in the price of the Equity Securities, the proportionate
value relationship among the Equity Securities on any subsequent date of
deposit will probably be different from that established on the Initial
Date of Deposit. See "What is the FT Series?" and "Rights of Unit
Holders-How May Equity Securities be Removed from the Trust?" 

Public Offering Price. The Public Offering Price per Unit of the Trust
is equal to the aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in
the Trust (generally determined by the closing sale prices of listed
Equity Securities and the ask prices of over-the-counter traded Equity
Securities) plus or minus a pro rata


                          Nike Securities L.P.
          Sponsor of First Trust (registered trademark)

             The date of this Prospectus is February 4, 1998

Page 1

share of cash, if any, in the Capital and Income Accounts of the Trust,
plus an initial sales charge equal to the difference between the maximum
sales charge (2.95% of the Public Offering Price) and the maximum
remaining deferred sales charge (initially $.195 per Unit). Commencing
March 20, 1998, and on the twentieth day of each month thereafter (or if
such day is not a business day, on the preceding business day) through
December 18, 1998, a deferred sales charge of $.0195 will be assessed
per Unit. Units purchased subsequent to the initial deferred sales
charge payment will be subject to the initial sales charge and the
remaining deferred sales charge payments. The deferred sales charge will
be paid from funds in the Capital Account, if sufficient, or from the
periodic sale of Equity Securities. The total maximum sales charge
assessed to Unit holders on a per Unit basis will be 2.95% of the Public
Offering Price (equivalent to 2.980% of the net amount invested,
exclusive of the deferred sales charge). A pro rata share of accumulated
dividends, if any, in the Income Account is included in the Public
Offering Price. The minimum amount which an investor may purchase in the
Trust is $1,000. The sales charge for the Trust is reduced on a
graduated scale for sales involving at least $50,000. See "Public
Offering-How is the Public Offering Price Determined?"


Dividend and Capital Distributions. Cash dividends received by the Trust,
net of expenses of the Trust, will be paid on June 30, 1998 and December
31, 1988 to Unit holders of record on June 15, 1998, and December 15,
1998, respectively, and again as part of the final liquidation
distribution. Distributions of funds in the Capital Account, if any,
will be made as part of the final liquidation distribution, and in certain
circumstances, earlier. Any distribution of income and/or capital will
be net of expenses of the Trust. See "What is the Federal Tax Status of
Unit Holders?" Additionally, upon termination of the Trust, the Trustee
will distribute, upon surrender of Units, to each remaining Unit holder
(other than a Rollover Unit holder as defined below) his or her pro rata
share of the Trust's assets, less expenses, in the manner set forth
under "Rights of Unit Holders-How are Income and Capital Distributed?"
For distributions to Rollover Unit holders, see "Rights of Unit Holders-
Special Redemption, Liquidation and Investment in a New Trust." Any Unit
holder may elect to have each distribution of income or capital on his
or her Units, other than the final liquidating distribution,
automatically reinvested in additional Units of the Trust subject only
to remaining deferred sales charge payments. See "Rights of Unit Holders-
How are Income and Capital Distributed?"

Secondary Market for Units. While under no obligation to do so, the
Sponsor intends to maintain a market for Units of the Trust and offer to
repurchase such Units at prices which are based on the aggregate
underlying value of Equity Securities in the Trust (generally determined
by the closing sale prices of listed Equity Securities and the bid
prices of over-the-counter traded Equity Securities) plus or minus cash,
if any, in the Capital and Income Accounts of the Trust. If a secondary
market is not maintained, a Unit holder may redeem Units through
redemption at prices based upon the aggregate underlying value of the
Equity Securities in the Trust (generally determined by the closing sale
prices of listed Equity Securities and either the ask prices (during the
initial offering period) or the bid prices (subsequent to the initial
offering period) of over-the-counter traded Equity Securities) plus or
minus a pro rata share of cash, if any, in the Capital and Income
Accounts of the Trust. Units sold or tendered for redemption prior to
such time as the entire deferred sales charge on such Units has been
collected will be assessed the amount of the remaining deferred sales
charge at the time of sale or redemption. A Unit holder tendering 2,500
Units or more of the Trust for redemption may request a distribution of
shares of Equity Securities (reduced by customary transfer and
registration charges) in lieu of payment in cash. See "Rights of Unit
Holders-How May Units be Redeemed?"

Special Redemption, Liquidation and Investment in a New Trust. The
Sponsor intends to create a separate trust (the "1999 Trust") in
conjunction with the termination of this series of the Trust. The
portfolio of the 1999 Trust will contain equity securities of companies
which the Sponsor believes have the potential to provide above-average
capital appreciation and dividend income during the term of the 1999
Trust. Unit holders who wish to have the proceeds from their Units
invested in the 1999 Trust must specify by March 1, 1999 (the "Rollover
Notification Date") their intention to become "Rollover Unit holders."
Rollover Unit holders' Units will be redeemed in-kind on the Rollover
Notification Date and the distributed Equity Securities sold by the
Trustee, in its capacity as Distribution Agent, during the Special
Redemption and Liquidation Period. The proceeds of the redemption will
then be invested in Units of the 1999 Trust at a reduced sales charge,
if such Trust is offered. Units purchased other than with redemption
proceeds will be subject to the full sales charge. The Sponsor may stop
creating new Units of the 1999 Trust at any time in its sole discretion
without regard to whether all the proceeds to be invested have been

Page 2

invested. Cash which has not been invested on behalf of the Rollover
Unit holders in the 1999 Trust will be distributed at the end of the
Special Redemption and Liquidation Period. The Sponsor, however,
anticipates that sufficient Units can be created, although moneys in the
Trust may not be fully invested on the next business day. Rollover Unit
holders will receive credit for the amount of dividends in the Income
Account of the Trust which will be included in the reinvestment in Units
of the 1999 Trust. The exchange option described above is subject to
modification, termination or suspension.

Termination. The Trust will terminate approximately 14 months after the
Initial Date of Deposit regardless of market conditions at that time.
Commencing no later than the Mandatory Termination Date, Equity
Securities will begin to be sold as prescribed by the Sponsor. The
Trustee shall provide written notice of any termination of the Trust to
all Unit holders which will specify when Unit holders may surrender
their certificates for cancellation and will include with such notice a
form to enable Unit holders to elect a distribution of shares of Equity
Securities (reduced by customary transfer and registration charges) if
such Unit holder owns at least 2,500 Units of the Trust, rather than to
receive payment in cash for such Unit holder's pro rata share of the
amounts realized upon the disposition by the Trustee of Equity
Securities. To be effective, the election form, together with
surrendered certificates and other documentation required by the
Trustee, must be returned to the Trustee at least ten business days
prior to the Mandatory Termination Date. Unit holders not electing the
"Rollover Option" or a distribution of shares of the Equity Securities
will receive a cash distribution within a reasonable time after the
Trust is terminated. See "Rights of Unit Holders-How are Income and
Capital Distributed?"

Risk Factors. An investment in the Trust should be made with an
understanding of the risks associated therewith, including, among other
factors, the possible deterioration of either the financial condition of
the issuers of the Equity Securities or the general condition of the
stock market, changes in interest rates or an economic recession. The
Trust's portfolio is not managed and Equity Securities will not be sold
by the Trust regardless of market fluctuations, although some Equity
Securities may be sold under certain limited circumstances. Finally, the
results of ownership of Units will differ from the results of ownership
of the underlying Equity Securities of the Trust for various reasons,
including the timing of the purchase and sale (or redemption) of Units
of the Trust, sales charges and expenses of the Trust and taxes. See
"What are the Equity Securities?-Risk Factors." 

Page 3

                                         Summary of Essential Information
                At the Opening of Business on the Initial Date of Deposit
                                of the Equity Securities-February 4, 1998

              Sponsor:   Nike Securities L.P.
              Trustee:   The Chase Manhattan Bank
            Evaluator:   First Trust Advisors L.P.

General Information
Initial Number of Units (1)                                                                                       15,011 
Fractional Undivided Interest in the Trust per Unit (1)                                                         1/15,011 
Public Offering Price: 
   Aggregate Offering Price Evaluation of Equity Securities in Portfolio (2)                                   $ 148,614 
   Aggregate Offering Price Evaluation of Equity Securities per Unit                                           $   9.900 
   Maximum Sales Charge 2.95% of the Public Offering Price per Unit                                                      
     (2.980% of the net amount invested, exclusive of the deferred sales charge) (3)                           $    .295 
   Less Deferred Sales Charge per Unit                                                                         $   (.195) 
Public Offering Price per Unit (3)                                                                             $  10.000 
Sponsor's Initial Repurchase Price per Unit                                                                    $   9.705 
Redemption Price per Unit (based on aggregate underlying                                                                 
      value of Equity Securities less the deferred sales charge) (4)                                           $   9.705 

Cash CUSIP Number                               30264M 596                                                                   
Reinvestment CUSIP Number                       30264N 735                                                                   
First Settlement Date                           February 9, 1998                                                             
Rollover Notification Date                      March 1, 1999                                                                
Special Redemption and Liquidation Period       During the period from March 15, 1999 to April 2, 1999.                      
Mandatory Termination Date                      April 2, 1999                                                                
Discretionary Liquidation Amount                The Trust may be terminated if the value of the Equity Securities is less    
                                                than the lower of $2,000,000 or 20% of the total value of Equity Securities  
                                                deposited in the Trust during the initial offering period.                   
Trustee's Annual Fee                            $.0096 per Unit outstanding.                                                 
Evaluator's Annual Fee                          $.0030 per Unit outstanding. Evaluations for purposes of sale, purchase or   
                                                redemption of Units are made as of the close of trading (generally 4:00      
                                                p.m. Eastern time) on the New York Stock Exchange on each day on which it    
                                                is open.                                                                     
Supervisory Fee (5)                             Maximum of $.0035 per Unit outstanding annually payable to an affiliate of   
                                                the Sponsor.                                                                 
Estimated Annual Amortization of                                                                                             
    Organizational and Offering Costs (6)       $.0260 per Unit.                                                             
Income Distribution Record Date                 Fifteenth day of June and December, commencing June 15, 1998.                
Income Distribution Date (7)                    Last day of June and December, commencing June 30, 1998.                     


(1) As of the close of business on the Initial Date of Deposit, the
number of Units of the Trust may be adjusted so that the Public Offering
Price per Unit will equal approximately $10.00. Therefore, to the extent
of any such adjustment, the fractional undivided interest per Unit will
increase or decrease accordingly, from the amounts indicated above.

(2) Each listed Equity Security is valued at the last closing sale price,
or if no such price exists or if the Equity Security is not so listed,
at the closing ask price thereof.

(3) The maximum sales charge consists of an initial sales charge and a
deferred sales charge. See "Fee Table" and "Public Offering" for
additional information regarding these charges. On the Initial Date of
Deposit there will be no accumulated dividends in the Income Account.
Anyone ordering Units after such date will pay a pro rata share of any
accumulated dividends in such Income Account. The Public Offering Price
as shown reflects the value of the Equity Securities at the opening of
business on the Initial Date of Deposit and establishes the original
proportionate share relationship among the individual Equity Securities.
No sales to investors will be executed at this price. Additional Equity
Securities will be deposited during the day of the Initial Date of
Deposit which will be valued as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern time and sold to
investors at a Public Offering Price per Unit based on this valuation.

(4) See "Rights of Unit Holders-How May Units be Redeemed?"

(5) In addition, the Sponsor will be reimbursed for bookkeeping and other
administrative expenses currently at a maximum annual rate of $.0010 per

(6) The Trust (and therefore Unit holders) will bear all or a portion of
its organizational and offering costs (including costs of preparing the
registration statement, the trust indenture and other closing documents,
registering Units with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
states, the initial audit of the Trust portfolio, legal fees and the
initial fees and expenses of the Trustee but not including the expenses
incurred in the printing of preliminary and final prospectuses, and
expenses incurred in the preparation and printing of brochures and other
advertising materials and any other selling expenses) as is common for
mutual funds. Total organizational and offering expenses will be charged
off over a period not to exceed 12 months from the Initial Date of
Deposit. See "What are the Expenses and Charges?" and "Statement of Net
Assets." Historically, the sponsors of unit investment trusts have paid
all the costs of establishing such trusts.

(7) If the 1999 Trust is offered, at the Rollover Notification Date for
Rollover Unit holders or upon termination of the Trust for other Unit
holders, amounts in the Income Account (which consist of dividends on
the Equity Securities) will be included in amounts distributed to or on
behalf of Unit holders. Distributions from the Capital Account will be
made monthly payable on the last day of the month to Unit holders of
record on the fifteenth day of such month if the amount available for
distribution equals at least $0.01 per Unit. Notwithstanding,
distributions of funds in the Capital Account, if any, will be made as
part of the final liquidation distribution.

Page 4

                                FEE TABLE

This Fee Table is intended to help you to understand the costs and
expenses that you will bear directly or indirectly. See "Public
Offering" and "What are the Expenses and Charges?" Although the Trust
has a term of only approximately 14 months and is a unit investment
trust rather than a mutual fund, this information is presented to permit
a comparison of fees, assuming the principal amount and distributions
are rolled over each year into a New Trust subject only to the deferred
sales charge.

                                                                                                                per Unit      
Unit holder Transaction Expenses                                                                                              

Initial sales charge imposed on purchase
   (as a percentage of the Public Offering Price)                                                1.00%(a)       $ .100         
Deferred sales charge                                                                                                         
   (as a percentage of Public Offering Price)                                                    1.95%(b)         .195         
                                                                                                 _______        _______       
                                                                                                 2.95%          $ .295         
                                                                                                 =======        =======       
Maximum sales charge per year imposed on                                                                                      
   reinvested dividends                                                                          1.95%(c)         .195 
Estimated Annual Fund Operating Expenses                                                                               
     (as a percentage of average net assets) 

Trustee's fee, portfolio supervision, bookkeeping, administrative, amortization                                        
   of organizational and offering expenses and evaluation fees                                    .433%          .0431 
Other operating expenses                                                                          .084%          .0083 
                                                                                                 _______        _______
   Total                                                                                          .517%         $.0514 
                                                                                                 =======        =======

                                                                           Cumulative Expenses Paid for Period: 
                                                                   1 Year         3 Years(d)     5 Years(d)     10 Years(d) 
                                                                   ______         __________     __________     ___________
An investor would pay the following expenses on a $1,000           
investment, assuming the O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth                                                   
Trust estimated operating expense ratio of .517% and a 5% annual                                                    
return on the investment throughout the periods                    $ 35           $ 85           $139           $284

(a) The Initial Sales Charge is actually the difference between the
maximum total sales charge of 2.95% and the maximum remaining deferred
sales charge (initially $.195 per Unit) and would exceed 1.00% if the
Public Offering Price exceeds $10.00 per Unit.

(b) The actual fee is $.0195 per month per Unit, irrespective of purchase
or redemption price deducted in each of the ten months during the period
from March 20, 1998 to December 18, 1998. If the Unit price exceeds
$10.00 per Unit, the deferred sales charge will be less than 1.95%. If
the Unit price is less than $10.00 per Unit, the deferred sales charge
will exceed 1.95%. Units purchased subsequent to the initial deferred
sales charge payment will be subject to only the Initial Sales Charge
and the remaining deferred sales charge payments.

(c) Reinvested Dividends will be subject only to the deferred sales
charge remaining at the time of reinvestment. See "Rights of Unit
Holders-How are Income and Capital Distributed?"

(d) Although the Trust has a term of only 14 months and is a unit
investment trust rather than a mutual fund, this information is
presented to permit a comparison of fees, assuming the principal amount
and distributions are rolled over each year into a new Trust subject
only to the deferred sales charge.

The example assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and
utilizes a 5% annual rate of return as mandated by Securities and
Exchange Commission regulations applicable to mutual funds. For purposes
of the example, the deferred sales charge imposed on reinvestment of
dividends is not reflected until the year following payment of the
dividend; the cumulative expenses would be higher if sales charges on
reinvested dividends were reflected in the year of reinvestment. The
example should not be considered a representation of past or future
expenses or annual rate of return; the actual expenses and annual rate
of return may be more or less than those assumed for purposes of the
example. In addition, while the Trust only has a term of approximately
14 months, investors may be able to reinvest their proceeds into a
subsequently offered trust, subject to additional sales charges. 

Page 5

                                 FT 188

What is the FT Series?

FT 188 (O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust) is one of a
series of investment companies created by the Sponsor, all of which are
generally similar but each of which is separate and is designated by a
different series number (the "Trust"). The FT Series was formerly known
as The First Trust Special Situations Trust Series. The Trust is a unit
investment trust created under the laws of the State of New York
pursuant to a Trust Agreement (the "Indenture"), dated the Initial Date
of Deposit, with Nike Securities L.P. as Sponsor, The Chase Manhattan
Bank as Trustee, and First Trust Advisors L.P. as Portfolio Supervisor
and Evaluator.

On the Initial Date of Deposit, the Sponsor deposited with the Trustee
confirmations of contracts for the purchase of common stocks selected
from a pre-screened subset of the stocks listed on the New York Stock
Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and The Nasdaq Stock Market as of
two business days prior to the Initial Date of Deposit (the "Equity
Securities"), together with an irrevocable letter or letters of credit
of a financial institution in an amount at least equal to the purchase
price of such Equity Securities. In exchange for the deposit of
securities or contracts to purchase securities in the Trust, the Trustee
delivered to the Sponsor documents evidencing the entire ownership of
the Trust.

The objective of the Trust is to provide the potential for above average
capital appreciation and dividend income through an investment in common
stocks selected through the use of a simple, straight-forward strategy
that has generally outperformed the S&P 500. There is, of course, no
guarantee that the objective of the Trust will be achieved or that the
Trust will outperform the S&P 500. The S&P 500 is compiled by and is the
property of Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies
Inc. The Trust is not sponsored, managed, sold or promoted by Standard &
Poor's and Standard & Poor's has not participated in the creation of the
Trust or in the selection of the Equity Securities.

The Trust applies a strategy developed by O'Shaughnessy Capital
Management, Inc. James P. O'Shaughnessy, Chairman and CEO of
O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc. and creator of the strategy, is
the author of the best selling book What Works On Wall Street and is
recognized as a leading expert in quantitative equity analysis.

The Trust consists of a portfolio of 50 common stocks selected through
the following three-step process (the "Strategy"). Initially, the first
step selects common stocks of all corporations listed on the New York
Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and The Nasdaq Stock Market
(excluding American Depositary Receipts and limited partnerships) that
have a market capitalization of at least $150 million. The second step
screens for value by selecting those companies which have a market price-
to-sales ratio of less than 1.0. Finally, the third step screens for
growth by identifying the 50 companies with the highest relative price
strength over the last 12 months. By combining these screens the Sponsor
believes the Trust has the potential to outperform the S&P 500 over the
life of the Trust. See "Schedule of Investments" and "Portfolio-What are
Some Additional Considerations for Investors?-Risk Factors."

With the deposit of the Equity Securities on the Initial Date of
Deposit, the Sponsor established a percentage relationship between the
number of shares of Equity Securities in the Trust's portfolio. See
"Portfolio-What are the Equity Securities Selected for the O'Shaughnessy
Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust?" From time to time following the
Initial Date of Deposit, the Sponsor, pursuant to the Indenture, may
deposit additional Equity Securities in the Trust or cash (including a
letter of credit) with instructions to purchase additional Equity
Securities in the Trust, and Units may be continuously offered for sale
to the public by means of this Prospectus, resulting in a potential
increase in the outstanding number of Units of the Trust. Any deposit by
the Sponsor of additional Equity Securities or cash will duplicate, as
nearly as is practicable, the original proportionate share relationship
(subject to appropriate adjustment in the event of stock splits, stock
dividends and the like) and not the actual proportionate share
relationship on the subsequent date of deposit, since the two may
differ. Any such difference may be due to the sale, redemption or
liquidation of any of the Equity Securities deposited in the Trust on
the Initial, or any subsequent, Date of Deposit. Moreover, because of
fluctuations in the price of the Equity Securities, the proportionate
value relationship among the Equity Securities on any subsequent Date of
Deposit will probably be different from that established on the Initial
Date of Deposit. See "Rights of Unit Holders-How May Equity Securities

Page 6

be Removed from the Trust?" Since the prices of the underlying Equity
Securities will fluctuate daily, the ratio, on a market value basis,
will also change daily. The portion of Equity Securities represented by
each Unit will not change as a result of the deposit of additional
Equity Securities in the Trust. If the Sponsor deposits cash, however,
existing and new investors may experience a dilution of their investment
and a reduction in their anticipated income because of fluctuations in
the price of the Equity Securities between the time of the cash deposit
and the purchase of the Equity Securities and because the Trust will pay
the associated brokerage fees. To minimize this effect, the Trust will
try to purchase the Equity Securities as close to the evaluation time or
as close to the evaluation price as possible. The Trustee may from time
to time retain and pay compensation to the Sponsor (or an affiliate of
the Sponsor) to act as agent for the Trust with respect to acquiring
Equity Securities for the Trust. In acting in such capacity, the Sponsor
or its affiliate will be held subject to the restrictions under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

On the Initial Date of Deposit, each Unit of the Trust represented the
undivided fractional interest in the Equity Securities deposited in the
Trust set forth under "Summary of Essential Information." To the extent
that Units of the Trust are redeemed, the aggregate value of the Equity
Securities in the Trust will be reduced and the undivided fractional
interest represented by each outstanding Unit of the Trust will be
increased proportionately. However, if additional Units are issued by
the Trust in connection with the deposit of additional Equity Securities
or cash by the Sponsor, the aggregate value of the Equity Securities in
the Trust will be increased by amounts allocable to additional Units,
and the undivided fractional interest represented by each outstanding
Unit of the Trust will be decreased proportionately. See "Rights of Unit
Holders-How May Units be Redeemed?"

What are the Expenses and Charges?

With the exception of brokerage fees discussed above and bookkeeping and
other administrative services provided to the Trust, for which the
Sponsor will be reimbursed in amounts as set forth under "Summary of
Essential Information," the Sponsor will not receive any fees in
connection with its activities relating to the Trust. 

First Trust Advisors L.P., an affiliate of the Sponsor, will receive an
annual supervisory fee, which is not to exceed the amount set forth
under "Summary of Essential Information," for providing portfolio
supervisory services for the Trust. Such fee is based on the number of
Units outstanding in the Trust on January 1 of each year except for the
year or years in which an initial offering period occurs in which case
the fee for a month is based on the number of Units outstanding at the
end of such month. In providing such supervisory services, the portfolio
Supervisor will purchase research services from O'Shaughnessy Capital
Management, Inc. for a fee of $.002 per Unit sold.

Subsequent to the initial offering period, First Trust Advisors L.P., in
its capacity as Evaluator for the Trust, will receive a fee as indicated
in the "Summary of Essential Information."

The Trustee pays certain expenses of the Trust for which it is
reimbursed by the Trust. The Trustee will receive for its ordinary
recurring services to the Trust an annual fee as set forth in the
"Summary of Essential Information." Such fee will be based upon the
largest aggregate number of Units of the Trust outstanding at any time
during the year. For a discussion of the services performed by the
Trustee pursuant to its obligations under the Indenture, reference is
made to the material set forth under "Rights of Unit Holders."

The Trustee's and the above described fees are payable from the Income
Account of the Trust to the extent funds are available and then from the
Capital Account of the Trust. Since the Trustee has the use of the funds
being held in the Capital and Income Accounts for payment of expenses
and redemptions and since such Accounts are noninterest-bearing to Unit
holders, the Trustee benefits thereby. Part of the Trustee's
compensation for its services to the Trust is expected to result from
the use of these funds.

Each of the above mentioned fees may be increased without approval of
the Unit holders by amounts not exceeding proportionate increases under
the category "All Services Less Rent of Shelter" in the Consumer Price
Index published by the United States Department of Labor. In addition,
with respect to the fees payable to the Sponsor or an affiliate of the
Sponsor for providing bookkeeping and other administrative services,

Page 7

supervisory services and evaluation services, such individual fees may
exceed the actual costs of providing such services for the Trust, but at
no time will the total amount received for such services rendered to all
unit investment trusts of which Nike Securities L.P. is the Sponsor in
any calendar year exceed the actual cost to the Sponsor or its affiliate
of supplying such services in such year.

Expenses incurred in establishing the Trust, including costs of
preparing the registration statement, the trust indenture and other
closing documents, registering Units with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and registering or qualifying the Units with the states, the
initial audit of the Trust's portfolio, legal fees, the initial fees and
expenses of the Trustee and any other out-of-pocket expenses, will be
paid by the Trust and charged off over a period not to exceed 12 months
from the Initial Date of Deposit. The following additional charges are
or may be incurred by the Trust: an annual fee payable to O'Shaughnessy
Capital Management, Inc. for a license for the use by the Trust of 
certain trademarks and trade names of O'Shaughnessy Capital Management,
Inc.; all legal expenses of the Trustee
incurred by or in connection with its responsibilities under the
Indenture; the expenses and costs of any action undertaken by the
Trustee to protect the Trust and the rights and interests of the Unit
holders; fees of the Trustee for any extraordinary services performed
under the Indenture; indemnification of the Trustee for any loss,
liability or expense incurred by it without negligence, bad faith or
willful misconduct on its part, arising out of or in connection with its
acceptance or administration of the Trust; indemnification of the
Sponsor for any loss, liability or expense incurred without gross
negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct in acting as Depositor of
the Trust; all taxes and other government charges imposed upon the
Securities or any part of the Trust (no such taxes or charges are being
levied or made or, to the knowledge of the Sponsor, contemplated). The
above expenses and the Trustee's annual fee, when paid or owing to the
Trustee, are secured by a lien on the Trust. In addition, the Trustee is
empowered to sell Equity Securities in the Trust in order to make funds
available to pay all these amounts if funds are not otherwise available
in the Income and Capital Accounts of the Trust. Since the Equity
Securities are all common stocks and the income stream produced by
dividend payments, if any, is unpredictable, the Sponsor cannot provide
any assurance that dividends will be sufficient to meet any or all
expenses of the Trust. As described above, if dividends are insufficient
to cover expenses, it is likely that Equity Securities will have to be
sold to meet Trust expenses. These sales may result in capital gains or
losses to Unit holders and may tend to reduce gains or increase the
losses which are ultimately received by the Unit holders from investing
in the Trust. See "What is the Federal Tax Status of Unit Holders?"

What is the Federal Tax Status of Unit Holders?

The following is a general discussion of certain of the Federal income
tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of the
Units. The summary is limited to investors who hold the Units as
"capital assets" (generally, property held for investment) within the
meaning of Section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Code"). Unit holders should consult their tax advisors in
determining the Federal, state, local and any other tax consequences of
the purchase, ownership and disposition of Units in the Trust. For
purposes of the following discussion and opinions, it is assumed that
each Equity Security is equity for Federal income tax purposes.

In the opinion of Chapman and Cutler, special counsel for the Sponsor,
under existing law:

1.   The Trust is not an association taxable as a corporation for
Federal income tax purposes; each Unit holder will be treated as the
owner of a pro rata portion of each of the assets of the Trust under the
Code; and the income of the Trust will be treated as income of the Unit
holders thereof under the Code. Each Unit holder will be considered to
have received his or her pro rata share of the income derived from each
Equity Security when such income is considered to be received by the

2.   Each Unit holder will be considered to have received all of the
dividends paid on his pro rata portion of each Equity Security when such
dividends are received by the Trust regardless of whether such dividends
are used to pay a portion of the deferred sales charge. Unit holders
will be taxed in this manner regardless of whether distribution from the
Trust are actually received by the Unit holder or are automatically

3.   Each Unit holder will have a taxable event when the Trust disposes
of an Equity Security (whether by sale, taxable exchange, liquidation,

Page 8           

redemption, or otherwise) or upon the sale or redemption of Units by
such Unit holder (except to the extent an in-kind distribution of stocks
is received by such Unit holder as described below). The price a Unit
holder pays for his Units is allocated among his pro rata portion of
each Equity Security held by the Trust (in proportion to the fair market
values thereof on the valuation date closest to the date the Unit holder
purchases his Units) in order to determine his tax basis for his pro
rata portion of each Equity Security held by the Trust. It should be
noted that certain legislative proposals have been made which could
affect the calculation of basis for Unit holders holding securities that
are substantially identical to the Equity Securities. Unit holders
should consult their own tax advisors with regard to the calculation of
basis. For Federal income tax purposes, a Unit holder's pro rata portion
of dividends, as defined by Section 316 of the Code, paid by a
corporation with respect to an Equity Security held by the Trust is
taxable as ordinary income to the extent of such corporation's current
and accumulated "earnings and profits." A Unit holder's pro rata portion
of dividends paid on such Equity Security which exceeds such current and
accumulated earnings and profits will first reduce a Unit holder's tax
basis in such Equity Security, and to the extent that such dividends
exceed a Unit holder's tax basis in such Equity Security shall generally
be treated as capital gain. In general, any such capital gain will be
short-term unless a Unit holder has held his Units for more than one year.

4.   A Unit holder's portion of gain, if any, upon the sale or
redemption of Units or the disposition of Equity Securities held by the
Trust will generally be considered a capital gain except in the case of
a dealer or a financial institution and, in general, will be long-term
if the Unit holder has held his Units for more than one year (the date
on which the Units are acquired (i.e., the trade date) is excluded for
purposes of determining whether the Units have been held for more than
one year). A Unit holder's portion of loss, if any, upon the sale or
redemption of Units or the disposition of Equity Securities held by the
Trust will generally be considered a capital loss (except in the case of
a dealer or a financial institution) and, in general, will be long-term
if the Unit holder has held his Units for more than one year. Unit
holders should consult their tax advisors regarding the recognition of
such capital gains and losses for Federal income tax purposes. In
particular, a Rollover Unit holder should be aware that a Rollover Unit
holder's loss, if any, incurred in connection with the exchange of Units
for units in a new series of the Trust (the "1999 Trust") will generally
be disallowed with respect to the disposition of any Equity Securities
pursuant to such exchange to the extent that such Unit holder is
considered the owner of substantially identical securities under the
wash sale provisions of the Code taking into account such Unit holders
deemed ownership of the securities underlying the Units in the 1999
Trust in the manner described above, if such substantially identical
securities were acquired within a period beginning 30 days before and
ending 30 days after such disposition. However, any gains incurred in
connection with such an exchange by a Rollover Unit holder would be
recognized. Unit holders should consult their tax advisers regarding the
recognition of gains and losses for Federal income tax purposes.

Deferred Sales Charge. Generally, the tax basis of a Unit holder
includes sales charges, and such charges are not deductible. A portion
of the sales charge for the Trust is deferred. It is possible that for
federal income tax purposes a portion of the deferred sales charge may
be treated as interest which would be deductible by a Unit holder
subject to limitations on the deduction of investment interest. In such
a case, the non-interest portion of the deferred sales charge would be
added to the Unit holder's tax basis in his or her Units. The deferred
sales charge could cause the Unit holder's Units to be considered to be
debt-financed under Section 246A of the Code which would result in a
small reduction of the dividends-received deduction. In any case, the
income (or proceeds from redemption) a Unit holder must take into
account for federal income tax purposes is not reduced by amounts
deducted to pay the deferred sales charge. Unit holders should consult
their own tax advisors as to the income tax consequences of the deferred
sales charge.

Dividends Received Deduction. A corporation that owns Units will
generally be entitled to a 70% dividends received deduction with respect
to such Unit holder's pro rata portion of dividends received by the
Trust (to the extent such dividends are taxable as ordinary income, as
discussed above, and are attributable to domestic corporations) in the
same manner as if such corporation directly owned the Equity Securities
paying such dividends (other than corporate Unit holders, such as "S"
corporations, which are not eligible for the deduction because of their
special characteristics and other than for purposes of special taxes

Page 9                                  

such as the accumulated earnings tax and the personal holding
corporation tax). However, a corporation owning Units should be aware
that Sections 246 and 246A of the Code impose additional limitations on
the eligibility of dividends for the 70% dividends received deduction.
These limitations include a requirement that stock (and therefore Units)
must generally be held at least 46 days (as determined under Section
246(c) of the Code). Final regulations have been issued which address
special rules that must be considered in determining whether the 46-day
holding period requirement is met. Moreover, the allowable percentage of
the deduction will be reduced from 70% if a corporate Unit holder owns
certain stock (or Units) the financing of which is directly attributable
to indebtedness incurred by such corporation. 

It should be noted that various legislative proposals that would affect
the dividends received deduction have been introduced. Unit holders
should consult with their tax advisors with respect to the limitations
on and possible modifications to the dividends received deduction.

To the extent dividends received by the Trust are attributable to
foreign corporations, a corporation that owns Units will not be entitled
to the dividends received deduction with respect to its pro rata portion
of such dividends, since the dividends received deduction is generally
available only with respect to dividends paid by domestic corporations.

Limitations on Deductibility of Trust Expenses by Unit Holders. Each
Unit holder's pro rata share of each expense paid by the Trust is
deductible by the Unit holder to the same extent as though the expense
had been paid directly by such Unit holder. It should be noted that as a
result of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, certain miscellaneous itemized
deductions, such as investment expenses, tax return preparation fees and
employee business expenses will be deductible by an individual only to
the extent they exceed 2% of such individual's adjusted gross income.
Unit holders may be required to treat some or all of the expenses of the
Trust as miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to this limitation.

Recognition of Taxable Gain or Loss Upon Disposition of Securities by a
Trust or Disposition of Units. As discussed above, a Unit holder may
recognize taxable gain (or loss) when an Equity Security is disposed of
by the Trust or if the Unit holder disposes of a Unit (although losses
incurred by Rollover Unit holders may be subject to disallowance, as
discussed above). The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (the "1997 Act")
provides that for taxpayers other than corporations, net capital gain
(which is defined as net long-term capital gain over net short-term
capital loss for the taxable year) is subject to a maximum marginal
stated tax rate of either 28% or 20%, depending upon the holding periods
of the capital assets. Capital gain or loss is long-term if the holding
period for the asset is more than one year, and is short-term if the
holding period for the asset is one year or less. The date on which a
Unit is acquired (i.e., the "trade date") is excluded for purposes of
determining the holding period of the Unit. Generally, capital gains
realized from assets held for more than one year but not more than 18
months are taxed at a maximum marginal stated tax rate of 28% and
capital gains realized from assets (with certain exclusions) held for
more than 18 months are taxed at a maximum marginal stated tax rate of
20% (10% in the case of certain taxpayers in the lowest tax bracket).
Further, capital gains realized from assets held for one year or less
are taxed at the same rates as ordinary income. Legislation is currently
pending that provides the appropriate methodology that should be applied
in netting the realized capital gains and losses. Such legislation is
proposed to be effective retroactively for tax years ending after May 6,
1997. It should be noted that legislative proposals are introduced from
time to time that affect tax rates and could affect relative differences
at which ordinary income and capital gains are taxed.

In addition, please note that capital gains may be recharacterized as
ordinary income in the case of certain financial transactions that are
considered "conversion transactions" effective for transactions entered
into after April 30, 1993. Unit holders and prospective investors should
consult with their tax advisers regarding the potential effect of this
provision on their investment in Units.

If the Unit holder disposes of a Unit, he or she is deemed thereby to
have disposed of his or her entire pro rata interest in all assets of
the Trust including his or her pro rata portion of all the Equity
Securities represented by the Unit. The 1997 Act includes provisions
that treat certain transactions designed to reduce or eliminate risk of
loss and opportunities for gain (e.g., short sales, offsetting notional
principal contracts, futures or forward contracts, or similar
transactions) as constructive sales for purposes of recognition of gain
(but not loss) and for purposes of determining the holding period. Unit
holders should consult their own tax advisors with regard to any such
constructive sales rules.

Page 10                              

Special Tax Consequences of In-Kind Distributions Upon Redemption of
Units or Termination of the Trust. As discussed in "Rights of Unit
Holders-How are Income and Capital Distributed?", under certain
circumstances a Unit holder who owns at least 2,500 Units may request an
In-Kind Distribution upon the redemption of Units or the termination of
the Trust. The Unit holder requesting an In-Kind Distribution will be
liable for expenses related thereto (the "Distribution Expenses") and
the amount of such In-Kind Distribution will be reduced by the amount of
the Distribution Expenses. See "Rights of Unit Holders-How are Income
and Capital Distributed?" As previously discussed, prior to the
redemption of Units or the termination of the Trust, a Unit holder is
considered as owning a pro rata portion of each of the Trust's assets
for Federal income tax purposes. The receipt of an In-Kind Distribution
will result in a Unit holder receiving an undivided interest in whole
shares of stock plus, possibly, cash. 

The potential tax consequences that may occur under an In-Kind
Distribution with respect to each Equity Security owned by the Trust
will depend on whether or not a Unit holder receives cash in addition to
Equity Securities. An "Equity Security" for this purpose is a particular
class of stock issued by a particular corporation. A Unit holder will
not recognize gain or loss if a Unit holder only receives Equity
Securities in exchange for his or her pro rata portion in the Equity
Securities held by the Trust. However, if a Unit holder also receives
cash in exchange for a fractional share of an Equity Security held by
the Trust, such Unit holder will generally recognize gain or loss based
upon the difference between the amount of cash received by the Unit
holder and his or her tax basis in such fractional share of an Equity
Security held by the Trust. 

Because the Trust will own many Equity Securities, a Unit holder who
requests an In-Kind Distribution will have to analyze the tax
consequences with respect to each Equity Security owned by the Trust.
The amount of taxable gain (or loss) recognized upon such exchange will
generally equal the sum of the gain (or loss) recognized under the rules
described above by such Unit holder with respect to each Equity Security
owned by the Trust. Unit holders who request an In-Kind Distribution are
advised to consult their tax advisors in this regard.

As discussed in "Special Redemption, Liquidation and Investment in a New
Trust," a Unit holder may elect to become a Rollover Unit holder. To the
extent a Rollover Unit holder exchanges his or her Units for Units of
the 1999 Trust in a taxable transaction, such Unit holder will recognize
gains, if any, but generally will not be entitled to a deduction for any
losses recognized upon the disposition of any Equity Securities pursuant
to such exchange to the extent that such Unit holder is considered the
owner of substantially identical securities under the wash sale
provisions of the Code taking into account such Unit holder's deemed
ownership of the securities underlying the Units in the 1999 Trust in
the manner described above, if such substantially identical securities
were acquired within a period beginning 30 days before and ending 30
days after such disposition under the wash sale provisions contained in
Section 1091 of the Code. In the event a loss is disallowed under the
wash sale provisions, special rules contained in Section 1091 (d) of the
Code apply to determine the Unit holder's tax basis in the securities
acquired. Rollover Unit holders are advised to consult their tax advisors.

Computation of the Unit holder's Tax Basis. Initially, a Unit holder's
tax basis in his or her Units will generally equal the price paid by
such Unit holder for his or her Units. The cost of the Units is
allocated among the Equity Securities held in the Trust in accordance
with the proportion of the fair market values of such Equity Securities
on the valuation date nearest the date the Units are purchased in order
to determine such Unit holder's tax basis for his or her pro rata
portion of each Equity Security.

A Unit holder's tax basis in his or her Units and his or her pro rata
portion of an Equity Security held by the Trust will be reduced to the
extent dividends paid with respect to such Equity Security are received
by the Trust which are not taxable as ordinary income as described above.

General. Each Unit holder will be requested to provide the Unit holder's
taxpayer identification number to the Trustee and to certify that the
Unit holder has not been notified that payments to the Unit holder are
subject to back-up withholding. If the proper taxpayer identification
number and appropriate certification are not provided when requested,
distributions by the Trust to such Unit holder (including amounts
received upon the redemption of Units) will be subject to back-up
withholding. Distributions by the Trust (other than those that are not
treated as United States source income, if any) will generally be
subject to United States income taxation and withholding in the case of
Units held by non-resident alien individuals, foreign corporations or
other non-United States persons. Such persons should consult their tax

Page 11                                  

In general, income that is not effectively connected to the conduct of a
trade or business within the United States that is earned by non-U.S.
Unit holders and derived from dividends of foreign corporations will not
be subject to U.S. withholding tax provided that less than 25 percent of
the gross income of the foreign corporation for a three-year period
ending with the close of its taxable year preceding payment was not
effectively connected to the conduct of a trade or business within the
United States. In addition, such earnings may be exempt from U.S.
withholding pursuant to a specific treaty between the United States and
a foreign country. Non-U.S. Unit holders should consult their own tax
advisers regarding the imposition of U.S. withholding on distributions
from the Trust.

It should be noted that payments to the Trust of dividends on Equity
Securities that are attributable to foreign corporations may be subject
to foreign withholding taxes and Unit holders should consult their tax
advisers regarding the potential tax consequences relating to the
payment of any such withholding taxes by the Trust. Any dividends
withheld as a result thereof will nevertheless be treated as income to
the Unit holders. Because, under the grantor trust rules, an investor is
deemed to have paid directly his or her share of foreign taxes that have
been paid or accrued, if any, an investor may be entitled to a foreign
tax credit or deduction for United States purposes with respect to such
taxes. The 1997 Tax Act imposes a required holding period for such
credits. Investors should consult their tax advisers with respect to
foreign withholding taxes and foreign tax credits.

At the termination of the Trust, the Trustee will furnish to each Unit
holder a statement containing information relating to the dividends
received by the Trust on the Equity Securities, the gross proceeds
received by the Trust from the disposition of any Equity Security
(resulting from redemption or the sale of any Equity Security) and the
fees and expenses paid by the Trust. The Trustee will also furnish
annual information returns to Unit holders and the Internal Revenue

Unit holders desiring to purchase Units for tax-deferred plans and IRAs
should consult their broker for details on establishing such accounts.
Units may also be purchased by persons who already have self-directed
plans established. See "Are Investments in the Trust Eligible for
Retirement Plans?"

The foregoing discussion relates only to the tax treatment of United
States Unit holders ("U.S. Unit holders") with regard to Federal and
certain aspects of New York State and City income taxes. Unit holders
may be subject to taxation in New York or in other jurisdictions and
should consult their own tax advisors in this regard. As used herein,
the term "U.S. Unit holder" means an owner of a Unit in the Trust that
(a) is (i) for United States Federal income tax purposes a citizen or
resident of the United States, (ii) a corporation, partnership or other
entity created or organized in or under the laws of the United States or
of any political subdivision thereof, or (iii) an estate or trust the
income of which is subject to United States Federal income taxation
regardless of its source or (b) does not qualify as a U.S. Unit holder
in paragraph (a) but whose income from a Unit is effectively connected
with such Unit holder's conduct of a United States trade or business.
The term also includes certain former citizens of the United States
whose income and gain on the Units will be taxable.

In the opinion of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, Special Counsel to the
Trust for New York tax matters, under the existing income tax laws of
the State of New York, the Trust is not an association taxable as a
corporation and the income of the Trust will be treated as the income of
the Unit holders thereof.

Are Investments in the Trust Eligible for Retirement Plans?

Units of the Trust are eligible for purchase by Individual Retirement
Accounts, Keogh Plans, pension funds and other tax-deferred retirement
plans. Generally, the Federal income tax relating to capital gains and
income received in each of the foregoing plans is deferred until
distributions are received. Distributions from such plans are generally
treated as ordinary income but may, in some cases, be eligible for
special averaging or tax-deferred rollover treatment. Investors
considering participation in any such plan should review specific tax
laws related thereto and should consult their attorneys or tax advisors
with respect to the establishment and maintenance of any such plan. Such
plans are offered by brokerage firms and other financial institutions.
Fees and charges with respect to such plans may vary. Accordingly,
investors considering investing through a retirement plan should
consider doing so with funds already in such plan.

Page 12


What are the Equity Securities?

The Trust will consist of a portfolio of common stocks selected from a
pre-screened subset of the stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange,
the American Stock Exchange and The Nasdaq Stock Market as of two
business days prior to the Initial Date of Deposit. See "Portfolio-What
are the Equity Securities Selected for the O'Shaughnessy Reasonable
Runaways Growth Trust?" for a general description of the companies.

The following table compares the actual performance of the S&P 500 with
the hypothetical performance of approximately equal amounts invested in
each of the common stocks selected through applying the Strategy
described under "What is the FT Series?" (the "Strategy Stocks") (but
not the O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust) in each of the
45 years listed below, as of the business day prior to the beginning of
each year.

The returns shown in the following table and graph are not guarantees of
future performance and should not be used as a predictor of returns to
be expected in connection with the Trust. Both stock prices (which may
appreciate or depreciate) and dividends (which may be increased, reduced
or eliminated) will affect the returns. The Strategy Stocks
underperformed the S&P 500 in certain years. Accordingly, there can be
no assurance that the Trust's Portfolio will outperform the S&P 500 over
the life of the Trust or over consecutive rollover periods, if available.

A holder of Units in the Trust would not necessarily realize as high a
Total Return on an investment in stocks upon which the hypothetical
returns are based for the following reasons: the Total Return figures
shown do not reflect sales charges, commissions, Trust expenses or
taxes; the Trust is established at different times of the year; the
Trust may not be fully invested at all times or equally weighted in all
stocks comprising the Strategy; and Equity Securities are often
purchased or sold at prices different from the closing prices used in
buying and selling Units.

Page 13

                  COMPARISON OF TOTAL RETURN(2) 
            Hypothetical Strategy         
            Total Returns                 Index Total Returns
            ____________________          ___________________
            Reasonable Runaways 
Year        Strategy Stocks(1)            S&P 500 Index(3)
____        ________________              ________________
1953          5.80%                        -1.16%
1954         60.74%                        51.23%
1955         32.85%                        30.96%
1956         24.25%                         6.45%
1957        -17.95%                       -10.47%
1958         67.07%                        42.44%
1959         31.95%                        11.79%
1960          3.48%                         0.34%
1961         52.53%                        26.81%
1962        -14.97%                        -8.59%
1963         27.46%                        22.65%
1964         26.93%                        16.41%
1965         56.61%                        12.45%
1966          7.48%                       -10.02%
1967         78.41%                        23.88%
1968         37.50%                        10.95%
1969        -27.81%                        -8.42%
1970         -4.17%                         4.10%
1971         38.22%                        14.19%
1972          4.03%                        18.89%
1973        -20.90%                       -14.57%
1974        -24.46%                       -26.33%
1975         45.67%                        36.84%
1976         34.87%                        23.64%
1977         23.80%                        -7.25%
1978         32.39%                         6.49%
1979         28.28%                        18.22%
1980         52.11%                        32.11%
1981         -6.00%                        -4.92%
1982         39.97%                        21.14%
1983         34.87%                        22.28%
1984         -8.52%                         6.22%
1985         46.15%                        31.77%
1986         21.46%                        18.31%
1987         -8.68%                         5.33%
1988         31.82%                        16.64%
1989         33.44%                        31.35%
1990         -7.21%                        -3.30%
1991         45.69%                        30.40%
1992         31.95%                         7.62%
1993         28.71%                         9.95%
1994        -13.67%                         1.34%
1995         28.30%                        37.22%
1996         27.06%                        22.82%
1997         14.99%                        33.21%

(1) Strategy Stocks for any given period were selected by applying the
Strategy on the business day prior to the beginning of each such period. 

(2) Total Return represents the sum of the percentage change in market
value of each group of stocks between the first trading day of a period
and the total dividends paid on each group of stocks during the period
divided by the opening market value of each group of stocks as of the
first trading day of a period. Total Return does not take into
consideration any sales charges, commissions, expenses or taxes. In
addition, Total Return assumes that all dividends are reinvested semi-
annually. Although the Trust seeks to achieve a better performance than
the S&P 500 as a whole, there can be no assurance that the Trust will
achieve a better performance over its one-year life or over consecutive
rollover periods, if available.

(3) "S&P 500" is a trademark of Standard & Poor's, a division of The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The Trust is not sponsored, managed, sold or
promoted by Standard & Poor's; and Standard & Poor's has not
participated in the creation of the Trust nor in the selection of the
Equity Securities included in the Trust.

The following table shows the average annual return through December 31,
1997 in each of the indicated time periods for the Reasonable Runaways
Strategy and S&P 500 Index:

            Year          Reasonable Runaways 
Period      Commencing    Strategy                S&P 500 Index 
________    __________    ___________________     _____________ 
45-year     1953          19.40%                  12.32%            
40-year     1958          19.56%                  12.20%            
35-year     1963          18.91%                  12.07%            
30-year     1968          16.11%                  12.02%            
25-year     1973          18.14%                  12.95%            
20-year     1978          20.89%                  16.51%            
15-year     1983          18.69%                  17.40%            
10-year     1988          20.65%                  17.93%            
5-year      1993          15.81%                  20.13%            
3-year      1995          23.30%                  30.94%            
1-year      1997          14.99%                  33.21%            

Page 14

Please refer to the APPENDIX following the last page of this document
for details on the chart included at this point.

The chart above represents past performance of the hypothetical Strategy
Stocks (but not the Trust) and the S&P 500 from January 1, 1953 through
December 31, 1997 and should not be considered indicative of future
results. Further, these results are hypothetical. The chart assumes that
all dividends during a year are reinvested semi-annually and does not
reflect sales charges, commission, expenses or taxes. There can be no
assurance that the Strategy stocks will outperform the S&P 500 over its
one-year life or over consecutive rollover periods, if available.

What are the Equity Securities Selected for the O'Shaughnessy Reasonable
Runaways Growth Trust?

Abercrombie & Fitch Company (Class A), headquartered in Reynoldsburg,
Ohio, operates 127 Abercrombie & Fitch stores selling high quality
casual apparel for men and women.

Adelphia Communications Corporation (Class A), headquartered in
Coudersport, Pennsylvania, owns, operates and manages cable television
systems in suburban areas and large and medium-sized cities in 12 states
located primarily in the eastern United States.

Advest Group, Inc., headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, through
subsidiaries, offers diverse financial services, mainly in securities-
related areas. The company holds memberships on NYSE, American Stock
Exchange and other leading exchanges, and is registered with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Airborne Freight Corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington
provides door-to-door express delivery of small packages and documents
throughout the United States and to and from most foreign countries. The
company also acts as an international and domestic freight forwarder for
shipments of any size.

Page 15

Alaska Air Group, Inc., headquartered in Seattle, Washington, through
subsidiaries, provides scheduled air transportation for passengers,
cargo and mail in 11 western states, five cities in Canada, four cities
in Mexico and four cities in Russia.

Allied Holdings, Inc., headquartered in Decatur, Georgia, through
subsidiaries, transports automobiles and light trucks from rail ramps,
automotive manufacturing plants, ports and auctions to automobile
dealerships throughout the eastern United States and all of Canada.

Alpine Group, Inc., headquartered in New York, New York, with
subsidiaries, makes and sells specialty refractory products for the iron
and steel, aluminum and glass industries; copper wire and cable for the
telecommunications industry; and data communications and other
electronic products for military and commercial applications.

American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., headquartered in Warrendale,
Pennsylvania, operates a chain of 336 specialty retail and outlet stores
throughout the United States, principally in the Midwest, Northeast and
Southeast, and are primarily located in regional enclosed shopping
malls, selling quality men's and women's casual apparel, footwear and

Ames Department Stores, Inc., headquartered in Rocky Hill, Connecticut,
with subsidiaries, operates 303 self-service, discount department stores
under the "Ames" name in 14 states in the Northeast, Middle Atlantic and
Mid-West regions, as well as in Washington, D.C.

Arkansas Best Corporation, headquartered in Fort Smith, Arkansas,
through subsidiaries and an affiliate, operates as a motor common
carrier of less-than-truckload and truckload shipments of general
commodities throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico;
retreads used truck tires and sells new truck tires; and provides
intermodal marketing services.

Bally Total Fitness Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois,
operates approximately 320 "Bally Total Fitness" centers in 27 states
and Canada, which offer its members a selection of cardiovascular,
conditioning and strength equipment, and extensive aerobic training

Barnes & Noble, Inc., headquartered in New York, New York, operates
1,008 bookstores in 47 states and Washington, D.C. The company also
publishes books under its "Barnes & Noble Books" imprint for exclusive
sale through retail stores and mail-order catalogs.

Best Buy Co., Inc., headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, sells a
wide selection of name-brand consumer electronics, home office
equipment, entertainment software and appliances through 272 retail
stores in 32 states.

Brooke Group Ltd., headquartered in Miami, Florida, through
subsidiaries, makes and sells cigarettes, primarily in the United States
and, to a lesser extent, in Russia; engages in real estate development
in Russia; and provides investment banking and brokerage and ownership
and management of commercial real estate.

CTS Corporation, headquartered in Elkhart, Indiana, develops, makes and
sells a broad line of electronic components principally serving the
electronic needs of original equipment manufacturers. Electronic
components, including variable resistors, switches, resistor networks,
hybrid microcircuits, interconnect products, fiber-optic transceivers,
flex cable assemblies, insulated metal circuits, automotive control
devices, frequency control devices, loudspeakers and industrial
electronics, are sold to customers in the automotive, computer
equipment, communications equipment, defense and aerospace, instruments
and controls, distribution and consumer electronics markets.

Cablevision Systems Corporation (Class A), headquartered in Woodbury,
New York, owns and operates cable television systems in 16 states; owns
interests in and/or manages other cable television systems; and owns
interests in companies that produce and distribute national and regional
programming services and provide advertising sales services.

Cato Corporation (Class A), headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina,
operates 655 women's specialty stores and family apparel stores under
the name "Cato," "Cato Fashions," "Cato Plus" and "It's Fashion!".
Merchandise lines include careerwear, sportswear, dresses, coats, family
apparel, hosiery, jewelry, shoes, millinery and handbags.

Crossmann Communities, Inc., headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana,
develops, constructs, markets and sells new single-family detached homes
and also acquires and develops land for construction of new single-
family homes. The company's primary markets are located in the
metropolitan areas of Indianapolis, Lafayette and Ft. Wayne, Indiana;
Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio; and Louisville, Kentucky.

Page 16                                                         

D I I Group, Inc., headquartered in Niwot, Colorado, through
subsidiaries, engineers and makes value-added electronics, including
integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, and in-circuit and
functional test hardware and software. The company also assembles
printed circuit boards.

Dayton Hudson Corporation, headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota,
operates 65 department stores under the names "Hudson's," "Marshall
Field's" and "Dayton's"; 736 "Target" discount stores selling everyday
needs and apparel and recreational items; and 300 retail stores under
the name "Mervyn's," selling mainly apparel and soft goods.

Dominick's Supermarkets, Inc., headquartered in Northlake, Illinois,
operates 83 full-service supermarkets and 17 price-impact supermarkets
in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Price-impact stores emphasize
low prices and a broad selection of products while offering less
extensive service departments than traditional full service supermarkets.

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., headquartered in New York, New York,
provides securities underwriting, sales and trading, merchant banking,
financial advisory services, investment research, correspondent
brokerage services, and asset management to institutional, corporate,
governmental and individual clients.

Earthgrains Company, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, produces and
distributes packaged bakery products for sale to retail grocers and food
service companies in the United States and Europe. Product lines include
fresh, refrigerated and frozen baked goods; refrigerated and frozen
dough products; and shelf-stable toaster pastries.

Ekco Group, Inc., headquartered in Nashua, New Hampshire, through
subsidiaries, makes and markets kitchen tools and gadgets, metal
bakeware and non-toxic pest control products; small animal care and
control products; and brushes, brooms and mops.

Fidelity National Financial, Inc., headquartered in Irvine, California,
through subsidiaries, issues title insurance policies in 49 states (all
except Iowa); Washington, D.C.; the Bahamas; the Virgin Islands and
Puerto Rico; and performs escrow, collection, trust and other title-
related services in connection with real estate transactions. Services
are provided through the company's branch operations and through
independent title insurance agents who issue policies on behalf of the

Fred's, Inc., headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, operates 216 discount
general merchandise stores under the name "Fred's" in the southeastern
United States and markets goods and services to 32 franchised Fred's

International Comfort Products Corporation, headquartered in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, through wholly-owned Inter-City Products Corp. (USA)
and Inter-City Products Corp. (Canada), designs, makes and sells central
air conditioners, heat pumps, and combination gas/electric units, as
well as gas, electric and oil furnaces for residential and light
commercial use in the United States and Canada. Principal brand names
are "Heil," "Tempstar," "Lincoln," "KeepRite," "Arcoaire,"
"Comfortmaker" and "Airquest."

Jefferies Group, Inc., headquartered in Los Angeles, California, through
subsidiaries, provides equity securities brokerage and trading services;
provides automated securities trade execution and analysis services; and
performs execution services for the company.

Landair Services, Inc., headquartered in Greeneville, Tennessee,
provides scheduled trucking services to air freight forwarders, fully
integrated air cargo carriers, and domestic and international airlines
through its "Forward Air" operations.

Linens 'N Things, Inc., headquartered in Clifton, New Jersey, operates
132 superstores and 37 smaller traditional stores offering home
textiles, housewares and home accessories located in 33 states and
Washington, D.C.

M/I Schottenstein Homes, Inc., headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, designs,
constructs and markets single-family homes in residential developments
in Ohio, Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina and
Virginia. The company also originates mortgage loans primarily for
purchasers of its homes.

Mail-Well, Inc., headquartered in Englewood, Colorado,
manufacturers envelopes to customer specifications and provides premium
high impact fine color commercial printing services to customers,
including advertising literature (such as automobile brochures), high-
end catalogs and annual reports.

Fred Meyer, Inc., headquartered in Portland, Oregon, operates 109 retail
stores in six states under the name "Fred Meyer," which offer a wide

Page 17

range of food, apparel, fine jewelry and products for the home. The
company operates 110 specialty stores in 17 states.

Michael Foods, Inc., headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, through
subsidiaries, produces, processes and distributes egg products,
refrigerated grocery products, potato products and dairy products.

Michaels Stores, Inc., headquartered in Irving, Texas, owns and operates
521 specialty retail stores under the names "Michaels" and "Aaron
Brothers" in 45 states, Puerto Rico and Ontario, Canada, which offer
arts, crafts and decorative items including silk and dried floral
arrangements; fine art materials; picture framing; wedding items; and
seasonal items.

Musicland Stores Corporation, headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota,
operates 1,466 retail stores in 49 states; Washington, D.C.; Puerto
Rico; the Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom which sell home
entertainment products, including prerecorded audio cassettes, compact
discs, prerecorded video cassettes, books, and computer software and
related accessories.

NACCO Industries, Inc. (Class A), headquartered in Mayfield Heights,
Ohio, through subsidiaries, makes forklift trucks and related service
parts; mines and markets lignite coal; makes and sells small electric
kitchen appliances in North America; mines and markets lignite; and
operates 144 stores in 43 states which sell kitchenware, small electric
appliances and related accessories.

NS Group, Inc., headquartered in Newport, Kentucky, through
subsidiaries, makes specialty steel products consisting of welded
tubular products, hot rolled coils, specialty bar quality products and
semi-finished steel products. The company also makes water-borne,
solvent-borne and hot-melt adhesives.

Navistar International Corp., headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, makes
and sells medium and heavy trucks (Class 5 through 8 diesel trucks)
including school buses, mid-range diesel engines and service parts. The
company also engages in the wholesale, retail and lease financing of new
and used trucks.

Oshkosh B'Gosh, Inc. (Class A), headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
designs, makes, sources and sells a broad range of children's clothing,
as well as youth wear and men's casual work wear clothing under the
"OshKosh," "OshKosh B' Gosh," "Baby B' Gosh," "Genuine Kids," "Genuine
Girls" and "Genuine Blues" labels.

Ryland Group, Inc., headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, specializes in
the construction and sale of single-family, attached and detached homes
in 24 markets in 20 states and also provides mortgage services.

Standard Pacific Corp., headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, with
subsidiaries, builds, sells and finances residential single-family homes
in California and Texas; makes moveable and acoustical office partitions
and wood office furniture; and operates a savings and loan business.

Terex Corporation, headquartered in Westport, Connecticut, through
segments, makes telescopic mobile cranes, aerial work platforms, utility
aerial devices, telescopic material handlers, truck mounted mobile
cranes, rigid and articulated off-highway trucks and high capacity
surface mining trucks and related components and replacement parts.

US Airways Group, Inc., headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, through
subsidiaries, operates as a certified major air carrier of passengers,
property and mail and provides reservation and support services to
commuter carriers which operate under the name "US Airways Express."

Unisys Corporation, headquartered in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, provides
information services, technology, software and customer support to
enhance the productivity, competitiveness and responsiveness of its
clients on a worldwide basis. The company operates through three
business units: information services group, computer systems group and
global customer services.

United Stationers Inc., headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois, through
subsidiaries, distributes traditional office products, computers
supplies, office furniture, and facilities and maintenance supplies.

VWR Scientific Products Corporation, headquartered in West Chester,
Pennsylvania, through subsidiaries, distributes laboratory equipment,
chemicals, and general laboratory supplies to customers in the
industrial, pharmaceutical, environmental testing, food, electronics,
bio-research, educational and government laboratory markets.

Virco Mfg. Corporation, headquartered in Torrance, California, designs
and makes a wide range of furniture for the contract and educational
markets worldwide including student desks, chairs, and activity tables,
upholstered stacking chairs, folding tables, folding chairs, rattan
chairs, and office tables and chairs.

Page 18

Wainoco Oil Corporation, headquartered in Houston, Texas, conducts a
crude oil refining operation business in the Rocky Mountain region of
the United States, which includes the refining of various grades of
gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt and petroleum coke.

Western Staff Services, Inc., headquartered in Walnut Creek, California,
provides traditional temporary staffing services, through 370 offices,
to businesses, government agencies and healthcare organizations in
regional and local markets in the United States and selected
international markets.

What are Some Additional Considerations for Investors?

Investors should be aware of certain other considerations before making
a decision to invest in the Trust.

Risk Factors. An investment in Units of the Trust should be made with an
understanding of the risks such an investment may entail. Certain of the
Equity Securities selected for the Trust are considered to be small-cap
company stocks. While historically small-cap company stocks have
outperformed the stocks of large companies, the former have customarily
involved more investment risk as well. Small-cap companies may have
limited product lines, markets or financial resources; may lack
management depth or experience; and may be more vulnerable to adverse
general market or economic developments than large companies. Some of
these companies may distribute, sell or produce products which have
recently been brought to market and may be dependent on key personnel.

The prices of small-cap company securities are often more volatile than
prices associated with large-cap company issues and can display abrupt
or erratic movements at times, due to limited trading volumes and less
publicly available information. Also, because small-cap companies
normally have fewer shares outstanding and these shares trade less
frequently than large companies, it may be more difficult for the Trust
to buy and sell significant amounts of such shares without an
unfavorable impact on prevailing market prices.

The Trust consists of such of the Equity Securities listed under
"Schedule of Investments" as may continue to be held from time to time
in the Trust and any additional Equity Securities acquired and held by
the Trust pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture together with cash
held in the Income and Capital Accounts. Due to the relatively short
duration of the Trust, there is no guarantee that the Trust's objective
will be achieved or that the Trust will provide for capital appreciation
in excess of the Trust's expenses. Neither the Sponsor nor the Trustee
shall be liable in any way for any failure in any of the Equity
Securities. However, should any contract for the purchase of any of the
Equity Securities initially deposited hereunder fail, the Sponsor will,
unless substantially all of the moneys held in the Trust to cover such
purchase are reinvested in substitute Equity Securities in accordance
with the Indenture, refund the cash and sales charge attributable to
such failed contract to all Unit holders on the next distribution date.

Because certain of the Equity Securities from time to time may be sold
under certain circumstances described herein, and because the proceeds
from such events will be distributed to Unit holders and will not be
reinvested, no assurance can be given that the Trust will retain for any
length of time its present size and composition. Although the Portfolio
is not managed, the Sponsor may instruct the Trustee to sell Equity
Securities under certain limited circumstances. Pursuant to the
Indenture and with limited exceptions, the Trustee may sell any
securities or other property acquired in exchange for Equity Securities
such as those acquired in connection with a merger or other transaction.
See "Rights of Unit Holders-How May Equity Securities be Removed from
the Trust?" Equity Securities, however, will not be sold by the Trust to
take advantage of market fluctuations or changes in anticipated rates of
appreciation or depreciation. In fact, no Equity Security will be sold
prior to termination of the Trust (except to satisfy redemption requests
or to pay expenses and in certain other limited circumstances) even if
the Sponsor comes to believe that such Equity Security no longer has the
potential for capital appreciation, or issues a "sell" recommendation
with respect to such Equity Security.

Whether or not the Equity Securities are listed on a national securities
exchange, the principal trading market for the Equity Securities may be
in the over-the-counter market. As a result, the existence of a liquid
trading market for the Equity Securities may depend on whether dealers
will make a market in the Equity Securities. There can be no assurance
that a market will be made for any of the Equity Securities, that any
market for the Equity Securities will be maintained or of the liquidity
of the Equity Securities in any markets made. In addition, the Trust may
be restricted under the Investment Company Act of 1940 from selling

Page 19

Equity Securities to the Sponsor. The price at which the Equity
Securities may be sold to meet redemptions, and the value of the Trust,
will be adversely affected if trading markets for the Equity Securities
are limited or absent.

An investment in Units should be made with an understanding of the risks
which an investment in common stocks entails, including the risk that
the financial condition of the issuers of the Equity Securities or the
general condition of the common stock market may worsen and the value of
the Equity Securities and therefore the value of the Units may decline.
Common stocks are especially susceptible to general stock market
movements and to volatile increases and decreases of value as market
confidence in and perceptions of the issuers change. These perceptions
are based on unpredictable factors including expectations regarding
government, economic, monetary and fiscal policies, inflation and
interest rates, economic expansion or contraction, and global or
regional political, economic or banking crises. Shareholders of common
stocks have rights to receive payments from the issuers of those common
stocks that are generally subordinate to those of creditors of, or
holders of debt obligations or preferred stocks of, such issuers.
Shareholders of common stocks of the type held by the Trust have a right
to receive dividends only when and if, and in the amounts, declared by
the issuer's board of directors and have a right to participate in
amounts available for distribution by the issuer only after all other
claims on the issuer have been paid or provided for. Common stocks do
not represent an obligation of the issuer and, therefore, do not offer
any assurance of income or provide the same degree of protection of
capital as do debt securities. The issuance of additional debt
securities or preferred stock will create prior claims for payment of
principal, interest and dividends which could adversely affect the
ability and inclination of the issuer to declare or pay dividends on its
common stock or the rights of holders of common stock with respect to
assets of the issuer upon liquidation or bankruptcy. The value of common
stocks is subject to market fluctuations for as long as the common
stocks remain outstanding, and thus the value of the Equity Securities
in the Portfolio may be expected to fluctuate over the life of the Trust
to values higher or lower than those prevailing on the Initial Date of

Holders of common stocks incur more risk than holders of preferred
stocks and debt obligations because common stockholders, as owners of
the entity, have generally inferior rights to receive payments from the
issuer in comparison with the rights of creditors of, or holders of debt
obligations or preferred stocks issued by, the issuer. Cumulative
preferred stock dividends must be paid before common stock dividends and
any cumulative preferred stock dividend omitted is added to future
dividends payable to the holders of cumulative preferred stock.
Preferred stockholders are also generally entitled to rights on
liquidation which are senior to those of common stockholders.

Unit holders will be unable to dispose of any of the Equity Securities
in the Portfolio, as such, and will not be able to vote the Equity
Securities. As the holder of the Equity Securities, the Trustee will
have the right to vote all of the voting stocks in the Trust and will
vote such stocks in accordance with the instructions of the Sponsor. 

The value of the Equity Securities will fluctuate over the life of the
Trust and may be more or less than the value at the time they were
deposited in the Trust. The Equity Securities may appreciate or
depreciate in value (or pay dividends) depending on the full range of
economic and market influences affecting these securities, including the
impact of the Sponsor's purchase and sale of the Equity Securities
(especially during the initial offering period of Units of the Trust and
during the Special Redemption and Liquidation Period) and other factors.

Neither the Sponsor nor the Trustee shall be liable in any way for any
default, failure or defect in any Equity Security. In the event of a
notice that any Equity Security will not be delivered ("Failed Contract
Obligations") to the Trust, the Sponsor is authorized under the
Indenture to direct the Trustee to acquire other Equity Securities
("Replacement Securities"). Any Replacement Security will be identical
to those which were the subject of the Failed Contract Obligation. The
Replacement Securities must be purchased within 20 days after delivery
of the notice of a failed contract and the purchase price may not exceed
the amount of funds reserved for the purchase of the Failed Contract

If the right of limited substitution described in the preceding
paragraphs is not utilized to acquire Replacement Securities in the
event of a failed contract, the Sponsor will refund the sales charge
attributable to such Failed Contract Obligations to all Unit holders of
the Trust and the Trustee will distribute the principal attributable to

Page 20

such Failed Contract Obligations not more than 120 days after the date
on which the Trustee received a notice from the Sponsor that a
Replacement Security would not be deposited in the Trust. In addition,
Unit holders should be aware that, at the time of receipt of such
principal, they may not be able to reinvest such proceeds in other
securities at a yield equal to or in excess of the yield which such
proceeds would have earned for Unit holders of the Trust.

The Indenture also authorizes the Sponsor to increase the size of the
Trust and the number of Units thereof by the deposit of additional
Equity Securities or cash (including a letter of credit) with
instructions to purchase additional Equity Securities in the Trust and
the issuance of a corresponding number of additional Units. If the
Sponsor deposits cash, however, existing and new investors may
experience a dilution of their investment and a reduction in their
anticipated income because of fluctuations in the prices of the Equity
Securities between the time of the cash deposit and the purchase of the
Equity Securities and because the Trust will pay the associated
brokerage fees.

The Trust consists of the Equity Securities listed under "Schedule of
Investments" (or contracts to purchase such Securities) as may continue
to be held from time to time in the Trust and any additional Equity
Securities acquired and held by the Trust pursuant to the provisions of
the Indenture (including provisions with respect to deposits into the
Trust of Equity Securities or cash in connection with the issuance of
additional Units).

To the best of the Sponsor's knowledge, there is no litigation pending
as of the Initial Date of Deposit in respect of any Equity Security
which might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
the Trust. At any time after the Initial Date of Deposit, litigation may
be instituted on a variety of grounds with respect to the Equity
Securities. The Sponsor is unable to predict whether any such litigation
will be instituted, or if instituted, whether such litigation might have
a material adverse effect on the Trust.

Legislation. From time to time Congress considers proposals to reduce
the rate of the dividends-received deductions. Enactment into law of a
proposal to reduce the rate would adversely affect the after-tax return
to investors who can take advantage of the deduction. Unit holders are
urged to consult their own tax advisors. Further, at any time after the
Initial Date of Deposit, legislation may be enacted that could
negatively affect the Equity Securities in the Trust or the issuers of
the Equity Securities. Changing approaches to regulation, particularly
with respect to the environment or with respect to the petroleum
industry, may have a negative impact on certain companies represented in
the Trust. There can be no assurance that future legislation, regulation
or deregulation will not have a material adverse effect on the Trust or
will not impair the ability of the issuers of the Equity Securities to
achieve their business goals.

                             PUBLIC OFFERING

How is the Public Offering Price Determined?

Units are offered at the Public Offering Price, which is based on the
aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in the Trust
(generally determined by the closing sale prices of listed Equity
Securities and the ask prices of over-the-counter traded Equity
Securities) plus or minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital
Accounts of such Trust, plus an initial sales charge with respect to the
Trust equal to the difference between the maximum sales charge for the
Trust (2.95% of the Public Offering Price) and the maximum remaining
deferred sales charge (initially $.195 per Unit for the Trust) divided
by the amount of Units of the Trust outstanding. Commencing March 20,
1998, and on the twentieth day of each month thereafter (or if such day
is not a business day, on the preceding business day) through December
18, 1998, Unit holders will be assessed a deferred sales charge of
$.0195 per Unit per month. Units purchased subsequent to the initial
deferred sales charge payment will be subject to the initial sales
charge and the remaining deferred sales charge payments. The deferred
sales charge will be paid from funds in the Capital Account, if
sufficient, or from the periodic sale of Equity Securities. The total
maximum sales charge assessed to Unit holders on a per Unit basis will
be 2.95% of the Public Offering Price (equivalent to 2.980% of the net
amount invested, exclusive of the deferred sales charge).

During the initial offering period, the Sponsor's Repurchase Price is
based on the aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in the
Trust (generally determined by the closing sale prices of listed Equity
Securities and the ask prices of over-the-counter traded Equity
Securities), plus or minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital

Page 21

Accounts of the Trust divided by the number of Units of the Trust
outstanding. For secondary market sales after the completion of the
initial offering period, the Public Offering Price is also based on the
aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in the Trust
(generally determined by the closing sale prices of listed Equity
Securities and the bid prices of over-the-counter traded Equity
Securities), plus or minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital
Accounts of the Trust, plus an initial sales charge (equal to the
difference between the maximum sales charge for the Trust (2.95% of the
Public Offering Price) and the maximum remaining deferred sales charge)
and the remaining deferred sales charge payments, divided by the number
of outstanding Units of the Trust.

The minimum amount an investor may purchase in the Trust is $1,000. The
Sponsor reserves the right to reject, in whole or in part, any order for
the purchase of Units. The applicable sales charge of the Trust for
primary market sales is reduced by a discount as indicated below for
volume purchases as a percentage of the Public Offering Price (except
for sales made pursuant to a "wrap fee account" or similar arrangements
as set forth below):

Dollar Amount of Transaction at                                         Sales               Net Dealer 
Public Offering Price*                                  Discount        Charge              Concession 
_______________________________                         ________        _______             __________ 
$   50,000 but less than $100,000                       0.25%           2.70%               1.90% 
$  100,000 but less than $150,000                       0.50%           2.45%               1.65% 
$  150,000 but less than $500,000                       0.85%           2.10%               1.30% 
$  500,000 but less than $1,000,000                     1.00%           1.95%               1.15% 
$1,000,000 or more                                      1.75%           1.20%               0.60% 

*The breakpoint sales charges are also applied on a Unit basis utilizing
a breakpoint equivalent in the above table of $10 per Unit and will be
applied on whichever basis is more favorable to the investor. The
breakpoints will be adjusted to take into consideration purchase orders
stated in dollars which cannot be completely fulfilled due to the
requirement that only whole Units be issued.

Any such reduced sales charge shall be the responsibility of the selling
dealer. The sales charge reduction for quantity purchases will not apply
to Rollover Unit holders. The reduced sales charge structure will apply
on all purchases of Units in the Trust by the same person on any one day
from any one dealer. Additionally, Units purchased in the name of the
spouse of a purchaser or in the name of a child of such purchaser under
21 years of age will be deemed, for the purposes of calculating the
applicable sales charge, to be additional purchases by the purchaser.
The reduced sales charges will also be applicable to a trustee or other
fiduciary purchasing securities for a single trust estate or single
fiduciary account. The purchaser must inform the dealer of any such
combined purchase prior to the sale in order to obtain the indicated
discount. Employees, officers and directors (including their immediate
family members, defined as spouses, children, grandchildren, parents,
grandparents, siblings, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, sons-in-law and
daughters-in-law, and trustees, custodians or fiduciaries for the
benefit of such persons) of the Sponsor, related companies of the
Sponsor, dealers and their affiliates and vendors providing services to
the Sponsor will be able to purchase Units at the Public Offering Price,
less the applicable dealer concession.

Investors who purchase Units through registered broker/dealers who
charge periodic fees for financial planning, investment advisory or
asset management services or provide such services in connection with
the establishment of an investment account for which a comprehensive
"wrap fee" charge is imposed may purchase Units in the primary or
secondary market at the Public Offering Price, less the concession the
Sponsor typically would allow such broker/dealer. See "Public Offering-
How are Units Distributed?"

Had the Units of the Trust been available for sale on the business day
prior to the Initial Date of Deposit, the Public Offering Price would
have been as indicated in "Summary of Essential Information." The Public
Offering Price of Units on the date of the prospectus or during the
initial offering period may vary from the amount stated under "Summary
of Essential Information" in accordance with fluctuations in the prices
of the underlying Equity Securities. During the initial offering period,
the aggregate value of the Units of the Trust shall be determined on the
basis of the aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities therein
plus or minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital Accounts of the
Trust. The aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities will be
determined in the following manner: if the Equity Securities are listed,

Page 22

this evaluation is generally based on the closing sale prices on that
exchange (unless it is determined that these prices are inappropriate as
a basis for valuation) or, if there is no closing sale price on that
exchange, at the closing ask prices. If, in the future, the Equity
Securities are not so listed or, if so listed and the principal market
therefor is other than on the exchange, the evaluation shall generally
be based on the current ask prices on the over-the-counter market
(unless it is determined that these prices are inappropriate as a basis
for evaluation). If current ask prices are unavailable, the evaluation
is generally determined (a) on the basis of current ask prices for
comparable securities, (b) by appraising the value of the Equity
Securities on the ask side of the market or (c) by any combination of
the above.

After the completion of the initial offering period, the secondary
market Public Offering Price will be equal to the aggregate underlying
value of the Equity Securities therein, plus or minus cash, if any, in
the Income and Capital Accounts of the Trust plus the applicable sales
charge. The calculation of the aggregate underlying value of the Equity
Securities for secondary market sales is determined in the same manner
as described above for sales made during the initial offering period
with the exception that bid prices are used instead of ask prices.

Although payment is normally made three business days following the
order for purchase (the "date of settlement"), payment may be made prior
thereto. A person will become owner of Units on the date of settlement
provided payment has been received. Cash, if any, made available to the
Sponsor prior to the date of settlement for the purchase of Units may be
used in the Sponsor's business and may be deemed to be a benefit to the
Sponsor, subject to the limitations of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934. Delivery of Certificates representing Units so ordered will be
made three business days following such order or shortly thereafter. See
"Rights of Unit Holders-How May Units be Redeemed?" for information
regarding the ability to redeem Units ordered for purchase.

How are Units Distributed?

During the initial offering period (i) for Units issued on the Initial
Date of Deposit and (ii) for additional Units issued after such date as
additional Equity Securities or cash are deposited by the Sponsor, Units
will be distributed to the public at the then current Public Offering
Price. During such period, the Sponsor may deposit additional Equity
Securities or cash in the Trust and create additional Units. Units
reacquired by the Sponsor during the initial offering period (at prices
based upon the aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in
the Trust plus or minus a pro rata share of cash, if any in the Income
and Capital Accounts of the Trust) may be resold at the then current
Public Offering Price. Upon the termination of the initial offering
period, unsold Units created or reacquired during the initial offering
period will be sold or resold at the then current Public Offering Price.

Upon completion of the initial offering, Units repurchased in the
secondary market (see "Public Offering-Will There be a Secondary
Market?") may be offered by this prospectus at the secondary market
public offering price determined in the manner described above.

It is the intention of the Sponsor to qualify Units of the Trust for
sale in a number of states. Sales will be made to dealers and others at
prices which represent a concession or agency commission of 2.1% of the
Public Offering Price for primary and secondary market sales. In
addition, dealers and others will receive a maximum concession of up to
$0.10 per Unit on purchases of Units resulting from the automatic
reinvestment of income or capital distributions into additional Units.
Such concession will vary based upon the month of the Trust's Initial
Date of Deposit. 

However, resales of Units of the Trust by such dealers and others to the
public will be made at the Public Offering Price described in the
prospectus. The Sponsor reserves the right to change the amount of the
concession or agency commission from time to time. Certain commercial
banks may be making Units of the Trust available to their customers on
an agency basis. A portion of the sales charge paid by these customers
is retained by or remitted to the banks in the amounts indicated above.
Under the Glass-Steagall Act, banks are prohibited from underwriting
Trust Units; however, the Glass-Steagall Act does permit certain agency
transactions and the banking regulators have not indicated that these
particular agency transactions are not permitted under such Act. In
Texas and in certain other states, any banks making Units available must
be registered as broker/dealers under state law. 

From time to time the Sponsor may implement programs under which the
dealers of the Trust may receive nominal awards from the Sponsor for

Page 23

each of their registered representatives who have sold a minimum number
of UIT Units during a specified time period. In addition, at various
times the Sponsor may implement other programs under which the sales
force of the dealers may be eligible to win other nominal awards for
certain sales efforts, or under which the Sponsor will reallow to any
such dealer that sponsors sales contests or recognition programs
conforming to criteria established by the Sponsor, or participates in
sales programs sponsored by Sponsor, an amount not exceeding the total
applicable sales charges on the sales generated by such person at the
public offering price during such programs. Also, the Sponsor in its
discretion may from time to time pursuant to objective criteria
established by the Sponsor pay fees to the qualifying dealers for
certain services or activities which are primarily intended to result in
sales of Units of the Trust. Such payments are made by the Sponsor out
of its own assets, and not out of the assets of the Trust. These
programs will not change the price Unit holders pay for their Units or
the amount that the Trust will receive from the Units sold.

The Sponsor may from time to time in its advertising and sales materials
compare the then current estimated returns on the Trust and returns over
specified periods on other similar Trusts sponsored by Nike Securities
L.P. or investment strategies utilized by the Trust (which may show
performance net of expenses and charges which the Trust would have
charged) with returns on other taxable investments such as the common
stocks comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, the S&P
Industrial Index, other investment indices, corporate or U.S. Government
bonds, bank CDs and money market accounts or money market funds, each of
which has investment characteristics that may differ from those of the
Trust. U.S. Government bonds, for example, are backed by the full faith
and credit of the U.S. Government and bank CDs and money market accounts
are insured by an agency of the federal government. Money market
accounts and money market funds provide stability of principal, but pay
interest at rates that vary with the condition of the short-term debt
market. The investment characteristics of the Trust are described more
fully elsewhere in this Prospectus. 

Information on percentage changes in the dollar value of Units, on the
basis of changes in Unit price may be included from time to time in
advertisements, sales literature, reports and other information
furnished to current or prospective Unit holders. Total return figures
are not averaged, and may not reflect deduction of the sales charge,
which would decrease the return. Average annualized return figures
reflect deduction of the maximum sales charge. No provision is made for
any income taxes payable.

Past performance may not be indicative of future results. The Trust's
portfolio is not managed. Unit price and return fluctuate with the value
of the common stocks in the Trust's portfolio, so there may be a gain or
loss when Units are sold.

Trust performance may be compared to performance on a total return basis
of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, or performance data
from Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. and Morningstar Publications, Inc.
or from publications such as Money, The New York Times, U.S. News and
World Report, Business Week, Forbes or Fortune. As with other
performance data, performance comparisons should not be considered
representative of the Trust's relative performance for any future period.

What are the Sponsor's Profits?

The Sponsor of the Trust will receive a gross sales commission equal to
2.95% of the Public Offering Price of the Units (equivalent to 2.980% of
the net amount invested, exclusive of the deferred sales charge), less
any reduced sales charge as described under "Public Offering-How is the
Public Offering Price Determined?" O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc.
will receive a structuring fee equal to $.02 per Unit for its role in
selecting Equity Securities for the Trust and license fee equal to $.007
per Unit for the use by the Trust of certain trademarks and trade names
of O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc.
See "Public Offering-How are Units Distributed?" for information
regarding the receipt of additional concessions available to dealers and
other selling agents. In addition, the Sponsor may be considered to have
realized a profit or to have sustained a loss, as the case may be, in
the amount of any difference between the cost of the Equity Securities
to the Trust (which is based on the Evaluator's determination of the
aggregate offering price of the underlying Equity Securities of the
Trust on the Initial Date of Deposit as well as subsequent deposits) and
the cost of such Equity Securities to the Sponsor. See Note (2) of
"Schedule of Investments." During the initial offering period, the

Page 24

dealers and other selling agents also may realize profits or sustain
losses as a result of fluctuations after the Initial Date of Deposit in
the Public Offering Price received by the dealers and other selling
agents upon the sale of Units.

In maintaining a market for the Units, the Sponsor will also realize
profits or sustain losses in the amount of any difference between the
price at which Units are purchased and the price at which Units are
resold (which price includes a sales charge of 2.95%) or redeemed. The
secondary market public offering price of Units may be greater or less
than the cost of such Units to the Sponsor.

Will There be a Secondary Market?

After the initial offering period, although it is not obligated to do
so, the Sponsor intends to maintain a market for the Units and
continuously offer to purchase Units at prices, subject to change at any
time, based upon the aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities
in the Trust plus or minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital
Accounts of the Trust. All expenses incurred in maintaining a secondary
market, other than the fees of the Evaluator and the costs of the
Trustee in transferring and recording the ownership of Units, will be
borne by the Sponsor. If the supply of Units exceeds demand, or for some
other business reason, the Sponsor may discontinue purchases of Units at
for redemption prior to such time as the entire deferred sales charge on
such Units has been collected will be assessed the amount of the
remaining deferred sales charge at the time of sale or redemption.

                         RIGHTS OF UNIT HOLDERS

How is Evidence of Ownership Issued and Transferred?

The Trustee is authorized to treat as the record owner of Units that
person who is registered as such owner on the books of the Trustee.
Ownership of Units may be evidenced by registered certificates executed
by the Trustee and the Sponsor. Delivery of certificates representing
Units ordered for purchase is normally made three business days
following such order or shortly thereafter. Certificates are
transferable by presentation and surrender to the Trustee properly
endorsed or accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of
transfer. Certificates to be redeemed must be properly endorsed or
accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of transfer. A Unit
holder must sign exactly as his or her name appears on the face of the
certificate with signature guaranteed by a participant in the Securities
Transfer Agents Medallion Program ("STAMP") or such other signature
guaranty program in addition to, or in substitution for, STAMP, as may
be accepted by the Trustee. In certain instances the Trustee may require
additional documents such as, but not limited to, trust instruments,
certificates of death, appointments as executor or administrator or
certificates of corporate authority. Record ownership may occur before

Certificates will be issued in fully registered form, transferable only
on the books of the Trustee in denominations of one Unit or any multiple
thereof, numbered serially for purposes of identification.

Unit holders may elect to hold their Units in uncertificated (book
entry) form. The Trustee will maintain an account for each such Unit
holder and will credit each such account with the number of Units
purchased by that Unit holder. Within two business days of the issuance
or transfer of Units held in uncertificated form, the Trustee will send
to the registered owner of Units a written initial transaction statement
containing a description of the Trust; the number of Units issued or
transferred; the name, address and taxpayer identification number, if
any, of the new registered owner; a notation of any liens and
restrictions of the issuer and any adverse claims to which such Units
are or may be subject or a statement that there are no such liens,
restrictions or adverse claims; and the date the transfer was
registered. Uncertificated (book entry) Units are transferable through
the same procedures applicable to Units evidenced by certificates
(described above), except that no certificate need be presented to the
Trustee and no certificate will be issued upon the transfer unless
requested by the Unit holder. A Unit holder may at any time request the
Trustee to issue certificates for Units.

Although no such charge is now made or contemplated, a Unit holder may
be required to pay $2.00 to the Trustee per certificate reissued or

Page 25

transferred and to pay any governmental charge that may be imposed in
connection with each such transfer or exchange. For new certificates
issued to replace destroyed, stolen or lost certificates, the Unit
holder may be required to furnish indemnity satisfactory to the Trustee
and pay such expenses as the Trustee may incur. Mutilated certificates
must be surrendered to the Trustee for replacement.

How are Income and Capital Distributed?

The Trustee will distribute any net income received with respect to any
of the Equity Securities in the Trust on or about the Income
Distribution Dates to Unit holders of record on the preceding Income
Record Date and as part of the final liquidation distribution. See
"Summary of Essential Information." Persons who purchase Units will
commence receiving distributions only after such person becomes a Record
Owner. Notification to the Trustee of the transfer of Units is the
responsibility of the purchaser, but in the normal course of business
such notice is provided by the selling broker/dealer. Proceeds received
on the sale of any Equity Securities in the Trust, to the extent not
used to meet redemptions of Units, pay the deferred sales charge or pay
expenses, will, however, be distributed on the last day of each month to
Unit holders of record on the fifteenth day of each month if the amount
available for distribution equals at least $0.01 per Unit. The Trustee
is not required to pay interest on funds held in the Capital Account of
the Trust (but may itself earn interest thereon and therefore benefit
from the use of such funds). Notwithstanding, distributions of funds in
the Capital Account, if any, will be made as part of the final
liquidation distribution, and in certain circumstances, earlier. See
"What is the Federal Tax Status of Unit Holders?"

It is anticipated that the deferred sales charge will be collected from
the Capital Account and that amounts in the Capital Account will be
sufficient to cover the cost of the deferred sales charge. However, to
the extent that amounts in the Capital Account are insufficient to
satisfy the then current deferred sales charge obligation, Equity
Securities may be sold to meet such shortfall. Distributions of amounts
necessary to pay the deferred portion of the sales charge will be made
to an account designated by the Sponsor for purposes of satisfying Unit
holders' deferred sales charge obligations.

Under regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the Trustee is
required to withhold a specified percentage of any distribution made by
the Trust if the Trustee has not been furnished the Unit holder's tax
identification number in the manner required by such regulations. Any
amount so withheld is transmitted to the Internal Revenue Service and
may be recovered by the Unit holder under certain circumstances by
contacting the Trustee, otherwise the amount may be recoverable only
when filing a tax return. Under normal circumstances the Trustee obtains
the Unit holder's tax identification number from the selling broker.
However, a Unit holder should examine his or her statements from the
Trustee to make sure that the Trustee has been provided a certified tax
identification number in order to avoid this possible "back-up
withholding." In the event the Trustee has not been previously provided
such number, one should be provided as soon as possible.

Within a reasonable time after the Trust is terminated, each Unit holder
who is not a Rollover Unit holder will, upon surrender of his or her
Units for redemption, receive (i) the pro rata share of the amounts
realized upon the disposition of Equity Securities, unless he or she
elects an In-Kind Distribution as described under "Other Information-How
May the Indenture be Amended or Terminated?" and (ii) a pro rata share
of any other assets of the Trust, less expenses of such Trust. 

The Trustee will credit to the Income Account of the Trust any dividends
received on the Equity Securities therein. All other receipts (e.g.,
return of capital, etc.) are credited to the Capital Account of the Trust.

The Trustee may establish reserves (the "Reserve Account") within the
Trust for state and local taxes, if any, and any governmental charges
payable out of the Trust.

Distribution Reinvestment Option. Any Unit holder may elect to have each
distribution of income or capital on his or her Units, other than the
final liquidating distribution in connection with the termination of the
Trust, automatically reinvested in additional Units of the Trust. Each
person who purchases Units of the Trust may elect to become a
participant in the Distribution Reinvestment Option by notifying the
Trustee of their election. The Distribution Reinvestment Option may not
be available in all states. In order to enable a Unit holder to
participate in the Distribution Reinvestment Option with respect to a
particular distribution on his or her Units, the card must be received
by the Trustee within 10 days prior to the Record Date for such

Page 26

distribution. Each subsequent distribution of income or capital on the
participant's Units will be automatically applied by the Trustee to
purchase additional Units of the Trust. The remaining deferred sales
charge payments will be assessed on Units acquired pursuant to the
Distributions Reinvestment Option. IT SHOULD BE REMEMBERED THAT EVEN IF

What Reports will Unit Holders Receive?

The Trustee shall furnish Unit holders in connection with each
distribution a statement of the amount of income, if any, and the amount
of other receipts, if any, which are being distributed, expressed in
each case as a dollar amount per Unit. Within a reasonable period of
time after the end of each calendar year, the Trustee shall furnish to
each person who at any time during the calendar year was a Unit holder
of the Trust the following information in reasonable detail: (1) a
summary of transactions in such Trust for such year; (2) any Equity
Securities sold during the year and the Equity Securities held at the
end of such year by such Trust; (3) the redemption price per Unit based
upon a computation thereof on the 31st day of December of such year (or
the last business day prior thereto); and (4) amounts of income and
capital distributed during such year.

In order to comply with Federal and state tax reporting requirements,
Unit holders will be furnished, upon request to the Trustee, evaluations
of the Securities in the Trust furnished to it by the Evaluator.

How May Units be Redeemed?

A Unit holder may redeem all or a portion of his or her Units by tender
to the Trustee at its unit investment trust office in the City of New
York of the certificates representing the Units to be redeemed, or in
the case of uncertificated Units, delivery of a request for redemption,
duly endorsed or accompanied by proper instruments of transfer with
signature guaranteed as explained above (or by providing satisfactory
indemnity, as in connection with lost, stolen or destroyed
certificates), and payment of applicable governmental charges, if any.
No redemption fee will be charged. On the third business day following
such tender, the Unit holder will be entitled to receive in cash an
amount for each Unit equal to the Redemption Price per Unit next
computed after receipt by the Trustee of such tender of Units. The "date
of tender" is deemed to be the date on which Units are received by the
Trustee (if such day is a day in which the New York Stock Exchange is
open for trading), except that as regards Units received after 4:00 p.m.
Eastern time (or as of any earlier closing time on a day on which the
New York Stock Exchange is scheduled in advance to close at such earlier
time), the date of tender is the next day on which the New York Stock
Exchange is open for trading and such Units will be deemed to have been
tendered to the Trustee on such day for redemption at the redemption
price computed on that day. Units so redeemed shall be cancelled. Units
tendered for redemption prior to such time as the entire deferred sales
charge on such Units has been collected will be assessed the amount of
the remaining deferred sales charge at the time of redemption.

Any Unit holder tendering 2,500 Units or more of the Trust for
redemption may request by written notice submitted at the time of tender
from the Trustee in lieu of a cash redemption a distribution of shares
of Equity Securities in an amount and value of Equity Securities per
Unit equal to the Redemption Price Per Unit as determined as of the
evaluation next following tender. However, no In-Kind Distribution
requests submitted during the nine business days prior to the Trust's
Mandatory Termination Date will be honored. To the extent possible, in-
kind distributions ("In-Kind Distributions") shall be made by the
Trustee through the distribution of each of the Equity Securities in
book-entry form to the account of the Unit holder's bank or
broker/dealer at the Depository Trust Company. An In-Kind Distribution
will be reduced by customary transfer and registration charges. The
tendering Unit holder will receive his or her pro rata number of whole
shares of each of the Equity Securities comprising a portfolio and cash
from the Capital Account equal to the fractional shares to which the
tendering Unit holder is entitled. The Trustee may adjust the number of
shares of any issue of Equity Securities included in a Unit holder's In-
Kind Distribution to facilitate the distribution of whole shares, such
adjustment to be made on the basis of the value of Equity Securities on
the date of tender. If funds in the Capital Account are insufficient to
cover the required cash distribution to the tendering Unit holder, the
Trustee may sell Equity Securities in the manner described below.

Under regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the Trustee is
required to withhold a specified percentage of the principal amount of a

Page 27

Unit redemption if the Trustee has not been furnished the redeeming Unit
holder's tax identification number in the manner required by such
regulations. For further information regarding this withholding, see
"Rights of Unit Holders-How are Income and Capital Distributed?" In the
event the Trustee has not been previously provided such number, one must
be provided at the time redemption is requested.

Any amounts paid on redemption representing income shall be withdrawn
from the Income Account of the Trust to the extent that funds are
available for such purpose, or from the Capital Account. All other
amounts paid on redemption shall be withdrawn from the Capital Account
of the Trust.

The Trustee is empowered to sell Equity Securities of the Trust in order
to make funds available for redemption. To the extent that Equity
Securities are sold, the size of the Trust will be and the diversity of
the Trust may be reduced. Such sales may be required at a time when
Equity Securities would not otherwise be sold and might result in lower
prices than might otherwise be realized.

The Redemption Price per Unit will be determined on the basis of the
aggregate underlying value of the Equity Securities in the Trust plus or
minus cash, if any, in the Income and Capital Accounts of the Trust. The
Redemption Price per Unit is the pro rata share of each Unit determined
by the Trustee by adding: (1) the cash on hand in the Trust other than
cash deposited in the Trust to purchase Equity Securities not applied to
the purchase of such Equity Securities; (2) the aggregate value of the
Equity Securities (including "when issued" contracts, if any) held in
the Trust, as determined by the Evaluator on the basis of the aggregate
underlying value of the Equity Securities in the Trust next computed;
and (3) dividends receivable on the Equity Securities trading ex-
dividend as of the date of computation; and deducting therefrom: (1)
amounts representing any applicable taxes or governmental charges
payable out of the Trust; (2) any amounts owing to the Trustee for its
advances; (3) an amount representing estimated accrued expenses of the
Trust, including but not limited to fees and expenses of the Trustee
(including legal fees), the Evaluator and supervisory fees, if any; (4)
cash held for distribution to Unit holders of record of the Trust as of
the business day prior to the evaluation being made; and (5) other
liabilities incurred by the Trust; and finally dividing the results of
such computation by the number of Units of the Trust outstanding as of
the date thereof. The Redemption Price per Unit will be assessed the
amount, if any, of the remaining deferred sales charge at the time of

The aggregate value of the Equity Securities will be determined in the
following manner: if the Equity Securities are listed, this evaluation
is generally based on the closing sale prices on that exchange (unless
it is determined that these prices are inappropriate as a basis for
valuation) or, if there is no closing sale price on that exchange, at
the closing bid prices. If, in the future, the Equity Securities are not
so listed or, if so listed and the principal market therefore is other
than on the exchange, the evaluation shall generally be based on the
current bid prices on the over-the-counter market (unless these prices
are inappropriate as a basis for evaluation). If current bid prices are
unavailable, the evaluation is generally determined (a) on the basis of
current bid prices for comparable securities, (b) by appraising the
value of the Equity Securities on the bid side of the market or (c) by
any combination of the above.

The right of redemption may be suspended and payment postponed for any
period during which the New York Stock Exchange is closed, other than
for customary weekend and holiday closings, or during which the
Securities and Exchange Commission determines that trading on the New
York Stock Exchange is restricted or any emergency exists, as a result
of which disposal or evaluation of the Securities is not reasonably
practicable, or for such other periods as the Securities and Exchange
Commission may by order permit. Under certain extreme circumstances, the
Sponsor may apply to the Securities and Exchange Commission for an order
permitting a full or partial suspension of the right of Unit holders to
redeem their Units. The Trustee is not liable to any person in any way
for any loss or damage which may result from any such suspension or

Special Redemption, Liquidation and Investment in a New Trust

If the 1999 Trust is offered to investors, a special redemption and
liquidation will be made of all Units of the Trust held by any Unit
holder (a "Rollover Unit holder") who affirmatively notifies the Trustee
in writing that he or she desires to participate as a Rollover Unit
holder by the Rollover Notification Date specified in the "Summary of
Essential Information." 

All Units of Rollover Unit holders will be redeemed In-Kind during the
Special Redemption and Liquidation Period and the underlying Equity

Page 28

Securities will be distributed to the Distribution Agent on behalf of
the Rollover Unit holders. During the Special Redemption and Liquidation
Period (as set forth in "Summary of Essential Information"), the
Distribution Agent will be required to sell all of the underlying Equity
Securities on behalf of Rollover Unit holders. The sales proceeds will
be net of brokerage fees, governmental charges or any expenses involved
in the sales. 

The Distribution Agent may engage the Sponsor, as its agent, or other
brokers to sell the distributed Equity Securities. The Equity Securities
will be sold as quickly as is practicable during the Special Redemption
and Liquidation Period, subject to the Sponsor's sensitivity that the
concentrated sale of large volumes of Equity Securities may affect
market prices in a manner adverse to the interests of investors. The
Sponsor does not anticipate that the period will be longer than ten
business days, and it could be as short as one day, given that the
Equity Securities are usually highly liquid. The liquidity of any Equity
Security depends on the daily trading volume of the Equity Security and
the amount that the Sponsor has available for sale on any particular day. 

It is expected (but not required) that the Sponsor will generally follow
the following guidelines in selling the Equity Securities: for highly
liquid Equity Securities, the Sponsor will generally sell Equity
Securities on the first day of the Special Redemption and Liquidation
Period; for less liquid Equity Securities, on each of the first two days
of the Special Redemption and Liquidation Period, the Sponsor will
generally sell any amount of any underlying Equity Securities at a price
no less than 1/2 of one point under the closing sale price of those
Equity Securities on the preceding day. Thereafter, the Sponsor intends
to sell without any price restrictions at least a portion of the
remaining underlying Equity Securities, the numerator of which is one
and the denominator of which is the total number of days remaining
(including that day) in the Special Redemption and Liquidation Period.

The Rollover Unit holders' proceeds will be invested in the 1999 Trust,
if it is registered and offered for sale. The proceeds of redemption
will be used to buy 1999 Trust Units once all the proceeds become
available; accordingly, proceeds may be uninvested for up to several
days. Rollover Unit holders will purchase units of the 1999 Trust at the
Public Offering Price of the 1999 Trust, including a reduced sales
charge per Unit. Units purchased other than with redemption proceeds
will be subject to the full sales charge.

The Sponsor intends to create 1999 Trust Units as quickly as possible,
dependent upon the availability and reasonably favorable prices of the
equity securities included in the 1999 Trust portfolio, and it is
intended that Rollover Unit holders will be given first priority to
purchase the 1999 Trust Units. There can be no assurance, however, that
the 1999 Trust will be created, or if created, as to the exact timing of
the creation of the 1999 Trust Units or the aggregate number of 1999
Trust Units which the Sponsor will create. The Sponsor may, in its sole
discretion, stop creating new units (whether permanently or temporarily)
at any time it chooses, regardless of whether all proceeds of the
Special Redemption and Liquidation have been invested on behalf of
Rollover Unit holders. Cash which has not been invested on behalf of the
Rollover Unit holders in 1999 Trust Units will be distributed within a
reasonable time after such occurrence. However, since the Sponsor can
create Units, the Sponsor anticipates that sufficient Units can be
created, although moneys in the 1999 Trust may not be fully invested on
the next business day.

Any Rollover Unit holder may thus be redeemed out of the Trust and
become a holder of an entirely different Trust, the 1999 Trust, with a
different portfolio of equity securities. The Rollover Unit holders'
Units will be redeemed In-Kind and the distributed Equity Securities
shall be sold during the Special Redemption and Liquidation Period. In
accordance with the Rollover Unit holders' offer to purchase the 1999
Trust Units, the proceeds of the sales (and any other cash distributed
upon redemption) will be invested in the 1999 Trust, at the public
offering price, including a reduced sales charge per Unit.

This process of redemption, liquidation, and investment in a new Trust
is intended to allow for the fact that the portfolios selected are
chosen on the basis of growth and income potential only for a year, at
which point a new portfolio is chosen. It is contemplated that a similar
process of redemption, liquidation and investment in a new trust will be
available for the 1999 Trust and each subsequent series of the Trust,
approximately a year after that Series' creation. However, there is no
assurance that any such subsequent series of the Trust will be offered.
Investors should note that to the extent they held their Units for more
than one year they will be subject to a maximum stated marginal tax rate
of 28% but will not be entitled to the reduced maximum stated marginal
tax rate for certain capital gains for investments held for more than 18

Page 29

months of 20% (10% in the case of certain taxpayers in the lowest tax
bracket) as adopted under the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

The Sponsor believes that the gradual redemption, liquidation and
investment in the Trust will help mitigate any negative market price
consequences stemming from the trading of large volumes of securities
and of the underlying Equity Securities in the Trust in a short,
publicized period of time. The above procedures may, however, be
insufficient or unsuccessful in avoiding such price consequences. In
fact, market price trends may make it advantageous to sell or buy more
quickly or more slowly than permitted by these procedures. Rollover Unit
holders could then receive a less favorable average Unit price than if
they bought all their Units of the Trust on any given day of the period.

It should also be noted that Rollover Unit holders may realize taxable
capital gains on the Special Redemption and Liquidation but, in certain
unlikely circumstances, will not be entitled to a deduction for certain
capital losses and, due to the procedures for investing in the 1999
Trust, no cash would be distributed at that time to pay any taxes.
Included in the cash for the Special Redemption and Liquidation may be
an amount of cash attributable to the distribution of dividend income;
accordingly, Rollover Unit holders also will not have cash distributed
to pay any taxes. See "What is the Federal Tax Status of Unit holders?" 

In addition, during this period a Unit holder will be at risk to the
extent that Equity Securities are not sold and will not have the benefit
of any stock appreciation to the extent that moneys have not been
invested; for this reason, the Sponsor will be inclined to sell and
purchase the Equity Securities in as short a period as they can without
materially adversely affecting the price of the Equity Securities. 

Unit holders who do not inform the Distribution Agent that they wish to
have their Units so redeemed and liquidated ("Remaining Unit holders")
will continue to hold Units of the Trust as described in this Prospectus
until the Trust is terminated or until the Mandatory Termination Date
listed in the Summary of Essential Information, whichever occurs first.
These Remaining Unit holders will not realize capital gains or losses
due to the Special Redemption and Liquidation, and will not be charged
any additional sales charge. If a large percentage of Unit holders
become Rollover Unit holders, the aggregate size of the Trust will be
sharply reduced. As a consequence, expenses, if any, in excess of the
amount to be borne by the Trustee would constitute a higher percentage
amount per Unit than prior to the Special Redemption, Liquidation and
Investment in the 1999 Trust. The Trust might also be reduced below the
Discretionary Liquidation Amount listed in the Summary of Essential
Information because of the lesser number of Units in the Trust, and
possibly also due to a value reduction, however temporary, in Units
caused by the Sponsor's sales of Equity Securities; if so, the Sponsor
could then choose to liquidate the Trust without the consent of the
remaining Unit holders. See "Other Information-How May the Indenture be
Amended or Terminated?" The Equity Securities remaining in the Trust
after the Special Redemption and Liquidation Period will be sold by the
Sponsor as quickly as possible without, in its judgment, materially
adversely affecting the market price of the Equity Securities.

The Sponsor may for any reason, in its sole discretion, decide not to
sponsor the 1999 Trust or any subsequent series of the Trust, without
penalty or incurring liability to any Unit holder. If the Sponsor so
decides, the Sponsor shall notify the Unit holders before the Special
Redemption and Liquidation Period would have commenced. All Unit holders
will then be remaining Unit holders, with rights to ordinary redemption
as before. See "Rights of Unit Holders-How May Units be Redeemed?" The
Sponsor may modify the terms of the 1999 Trust or any subsequent series
of the Trust. The Sponsor may also modify, suspend or terminate the
Rollover Option upon notice to the Unit holders of such amendment at
least 60 days prior to the effective date of such amendment.

How May Units be Purchased by the Sponsor?

The Trustee shall notify the Sponsor of any tender of Units for
redemption. If the Sponsor's bid in the secondary market at that time
equals or exceeds the Redemption Price per Unit, it may purchase such
Units by notifying the Trustee before 1:00 p.m. Eastern time on the same
business day and by making payment therefor to the Unit holder not later
than the day on which the Units would otherwise have been redeemed by
the Trustee. Units held by the Sponsor may be tendered to the Trustee
for redemption as any other Units. In the event the Sponsor does not
purchase Units, the Trustee may sell Units tendered for redemption in
the over-the-counter market, if any, as long as the amount to be
received by the Unit holder is equal to the amount he or she would have
received on redemption of the Units.

The offering price of any Units acquired by the Sponsor will be in
accord with the Public Offering Price described in the then effective

Page 30

prospectus describing such Units. Any profit or loss resulting from the
resale or redemption of such Units will belong to the Sponsor.

How May Equity Securities be Removed from the Trust?

The Portfolio of the Trust is not "managed" by the Sponsor or the
Trustee. Their respective activities described herein are governed
solely by the provisions of the Indenture. The Indenture provides that
the Sponsor may (but need not) direct the Trustee to dispose of an
Equity Security in the event that an issuer defaults in the payment of a
dividend that has been declared, that any action or proceeding has been
instituted restraining the payment of dividends or there exists any
legal question or impediment affecting such Equity Security, that the
issuer of the Equity Security has breached a covenant which would affect
the payments of dividends, the credit standing of the issuer or
otherwise impair the sound investment character of the Equity Security,
that the issuer has defaulted on the payment on any other of its
outstanding obligations, that the price of the Equity Security has
declined to such an extent or other such credit factors exist so that in
the opinion of the Sponsor, the retention of such Equity Securities
would be detrimental to the Trust. Except as stated under "Portfolio-
What are Some Additional Considerations for Investors?" for Failed
Contract Obligations, the acquisition by the Trust of any securities or
other property other than the Equity Securities is prohibited. Pursuant
to the Indenture and with limited exceptions, the Trustee may sell any
securities or other property acquired in exchange for Equity Securities
such as those acquired in connection with a merger or other transaction.
If offered such new or exchanged securities or property, the Trustee
shall reject the offer. However, in the event such securities or
property are nonetheless acquired by the Trust, they may be accepted for
deposit in the Trust and either sold by the Trustee or held in the Trust
pursuant to the direction of the Sponsor (who may rely on the advice of
the Portfolio Supervisor). Proceeds from the sale of Equity Securities
by the Trustee are credited to the Capital Account of the Trust for
distribution to Unit holders or to meet redemptions. The Trustee may
from time to time retain and pay compensation to the Sponsor (or an
affiliate of the Sponsor) to act as agent for the Trust with respect to
selling Equity Securities from the Trust. In acting in such capacity the
Sponsor or its affiliate will be held subject to the restrictions under
the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

The Trustee may also sell Equity Securities designated by the Sponsor,
or if not so directed, in its own discretion, for the purpose of
redeeming Units of a Trust tendered for redemption and the payment of

The Sponsor, in designating Equity Securities to be sold by the Trustee,
will generally make selections in order to maintain, to the extent
practicable, the proportionate relationship among the number of shares
of individual issues of Equity Securities. To the extent this is not
practicable, the composition and diversity of the Equity Securities may
be altered. In order to obtain the best price for the Trust, it may be
necessary for the Sponsor to specify minimum amounts (generally 100
shares) in which blocks of Equity Securities are to be sold. The Sponsor
may consider sales of Units of unit investment trusts which it sponsors
in making recommendations to the Trustee as to the selection of
broker/dealers to execute the Trust's portfolio transactions.


Who is the Sponsor?

Nike Securities L.P., the Sponsor, specializes in the underwriting,
trading and distribution of unit investment trusts and other securities.
Nike Securities L.P., an Illinois limited partnership formed in 1991,
acts as Sponsor for successive series of The First Trust Combined
Series, the FT Series (formerly known as The First Trust Special
Situations Trust), The First Trust Insured Corporate Trust, The First
Trust of Insured Municipal Bonds, The First Trust GNMA, Templeton Growth
and Treasury Trust, Templeton Foreign Fund & U.S. Treasury Securities
Trust and The Advantage Growth and Treasury Securities Trust. First
Trust introduced the first insured unit investment trust in 1974 and to
date more than $9 billion in First Trust unit investment trusts have
been deposited. The Sponsor's employees include a team of professionals
with many years of experience in the unit investment trust industry. The
Sponsor is a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers,
Inc. and Securities Investor Protection Corporation and has its
principal offices at 1001 Warrenville Road, Lisle, Illinois 60532;
telephone number (630) 241-4141. As of December 31, 1996, the total
partners' capital of Nike Securities L.P. was $9,005,203 (audited).
(This paragraph relates only to the Sponsor and not to the Trust or to
any series thereof. The information is included herein only for the
purpose of informing investors as to the financial responsibility of the
Sponsor and its ability to carry out its contractual obligations. More
detailed financial information will be made available by the Sponsor
upon request).

Who is the Trustee?

The Trustee is The Chase Manhattan Bank, with its principal executive
office located at 270 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 and its unit
investment trust office at 4 New York Plaza, 6th floor, New York, New
York 10004-2413. Unit holders who have questions regarding the Trust may
call the Customer Service Help Line at 1-800-682-7520. The Trustee is
subject to supervision by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of
New York, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

The Trustee, whose duties are ministerial in nature, has not
participated in the selection of the Equity Securities. For information
relating to the responsibilities of the Trustee under the Indenture,
reference is made to the material set forth under "Rights of Unit

The Trustee and any successor trustee may resign by executing an
instrument in writing and filing the same with the Sponsor and mailing a
copy of a notice of resignation to all Unit holders. Upon receipt of
such notice, the Sponsor is obligated to appoint a successor trustee
promptly. If the Trustee becomes incapable of acting or becomes bankrupt
or its affairs are taken over by public authorities, the Sponsor may
remove the Trustee and appoint a successor as provided in the Indenture.
If upon resignation of a trustee no successor has accepted the
appointment within 30 days after notification, the retiring trustee may
apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a
successor. The resignation or removal of a trustee becomes effective
only when the successor trustee accepts its appointment as such or when
a court of competent jurisdiction appoints a successor trustee.

Any corporation into which a Trustee may be merged or with which it may
be consolidated, or any corporation resulting from any merger or
consolidation to which a Trustee shall be a party, shall be the
successor Trustee. The Trustee must be a banking corporation organized
under the laws of the United States or any State and having at all times
an aggregate capital, surplus and undivided profits of not less than

Limitations on Liabilities of Sponsor and Trustee

The Sponsor and the Trustee shall be under no liability to Unit holders
for taking any action or for refraining from taking any action in good
faith pursuant to the Indenture, or for errors in judgment, but shall be
liable only for their own willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross
negligence (ordinary negligence in the case of the Trustee) or reckless
disregard of their obligations and duties. The Trustee shall not be
liable for depreciation or loss incurred by reason of the sale by the
Trustee of any of the Equity Securities. In the event of the failure of
the Sponsor to act under the Indenture, the Trustee may act thereunder
and shall not be liable for any action taken by it in good faith under
the Indenture.

The Trustee shall not be liable for any taxes or other governmental
charges imposed upon or in respect of the Equity Securities or upon the
interest thereon or upon it as Trustee under the Indenture or upon or in
respect of a Trust which the Trustee may be required to pay under any
present or future law of the United States of America or of any other
taxing authority having jurisdiction. In addition, the Indenture
contains other customary provisions limiting the liability of the Trustee.

If the Sponsor shall fail to perform any of its duties under the
Indenture or becomes incapable of acting or becomes bankrupt or its
affairs are taken over by public authorities, then the Trustee may (a)
appoint a successor Sponsor at rates of compensation deemed by the
Trustee to be reasonable and not exceeding amounts prescribed by the
Securities and Exchange Commission, or (b) terminate the Indenture and
liquidate the Trust as provided herein, or (c) continue to act as
Trustee without terminating the Indenture.

Who is the Evaluator?

The Evaluator is First Trust Advisors L.P., an Illinois limited
partnership formed in 1991 and an affiliate of the Sponsor. The

Page 32

Evaluator's address is 1001 Warrenville Road, Lisle, Illinois 60532. The
Evaluator may resign or may be removed by the Sponsor and the Trustee,
in which event the Sponsor and the Trustee are to use their best efforts
to appoint a satisfactory successor. Such resignation or removal shall
become effective upon the acceptance of appointment by the successor
Evaluator. If upon resignation of the Evaluator no successor has
accepted appointment within 30 days after notice of resignation, the
Evaluator may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the
appointment of a successor.

The Trustee, Sponsor and Unit holders may rely on any evaluation
furnished by the Evaluator and shall have no responsibility for the
accuracy thereof. Determinations by the Evaluator under the Indenture
shall be made in good faith upon the basis of the best information
available to it, provided, however, that the Evaluator shall be under no
liability to the Trustee, Sponsor or Unit holders for errors in
judgment. This provision shall not protect the Evaluator in any case of
willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard
of its obligations and duties.

                            OTHER INFORMATION

How May the Indenture be Amended or Terminated?

The Sponsor and the Trustee have the power to amend the Indenture
without the consent of any of the Unit holders when such an amendment is
(1) to cure any ambiguity or to correct or supplement any provision of
the Indenture which may be defective or inconsistent with any other
provision contained therein, or (2) to make such other provisions as
shall not adversely affect the interest of the Unit holders (as
determined in good faith by the Sponsor and the Trustee).

The Indenture provides that the Trust shall terminate upon the Mandatory
Termination Date indicated herein under "Summary of Essential
Information." The Trust may be liquidated at any time by consent of 100%
of the Unit holders of the Trust or by the Trustee when the value of the
Equity Securities owned by such Trust as shown by any evaluation, is
less than the lower of $2,000,000 or 20% of the total value of Equity
Securities deposited in the Trust during the initial offering period, or
in the event that Units of the Trust not yet sold aggregating more than
60% of the Units of the Trust are tendered for redemption by a
broker/dealer, including the Sponsor. If the Trust is liquidated because
of the redemption of unsold Units of the Trust by a broker/dealer, the
Sponsor will refund to each purchaser of Units of the Trust the entire
sales charge paid by such purchaser. In the event of termination,
written notice thereof will be sent by the Trustee to all Unit holders
of the Trust. Within a reasonable period after termination, the Trustee
will follow the procedures set forth under "Rights of Unit Holders-How
are Income and Capital Distributed?" Also, because of the Special
Redemption and Liquidation in a New Trust, there is a possibility that
the Trust may be reduced below the Discretionary Liquidation Amount and
that the Trust could therefore be terminated at that time before the
Mandatory Termination Date of the Trust.

Commencing during the period beginning nine business days prior to, and
no later than, the Mandatory Termination Date, Equity Securities will
begin to be sold in connection with the termination of the Trust. The
Sponsor will determine the manner, timing and execution of the sale of
the Equity Securities. Written notice of any termination of the Trust
specifying the time or times at which Unit holders may surrender their
certificates for cancellation shall be given by the Trustee to each Unit
holder at his or her address appearing on the registration books of the
Trust maintained by the Trustee. At least 30 days prior to the Mandatory
Termination Date of the Trust the Trustee will provide written notice
thereof to all Unit holders and will include with such notice a form to
enable Unit holders to elect a distribution of shares of Equity
Securities (reduced by customary transfer and registration charges), if
such Unit holder owns at least 2,500 Units of the Trust, rather than to
receive payment in cash for such Unit holder's pro rata share of the
amounts realized upon the disposition by the Trustee of Equity
Securities. To be effective, the election form, together with
surrendered certificates and other documentation required by the
Trustee, must be returned to the Trustee at least ten business days
prior to the Mandatory Termination Date of the Trust. Qualifying Unit
holders requesting an In-Kind Distribution will receive cash in lieu of
fractional shares of the Equity Securities. A Unit holder receiving an
In-Kind Distribution may, of course, at any time after the Equity
Securities are distributed to him or her by the Trust, sell all or a
portion of the Equity Securities. Unit holders not electing a
distribution of shares of Equity Securities and who do not elect the
Rollover Option will receive a cash distribution from the sale of the
remaining Equity Securities within a reasonable time after the Trust is

Page 33

terminated. Regardless of the distribution involved, the Trustee will
deduct from the funds of the Trust any accrued costs, expenses, advances
or indemnities provided by the Trust Agreement, including estimated
compensation of the Trustee and costs of liquidation and any amounts
required as a reserve to provide for payment of any applicable taxes or
other governmental charges. Any sale of Equity Securities in the Trust
upon termination may result in a lower amount than might otherwise be
realized if such sale were not required at such time. In addition, to
the extent that Equity Securities are sold prior to the Mandatory
Termination Date, Unit holders will not benefit from any stock
appreciation they would have received had the Equity Securities not been
sold at such time. The Trustee will then distribute to each Unit holder
his or her pro rata share of the balance of the Income and Capital

Legal Opinions

The legality of the Units offered hereby and certain matters relating to
Federal tax law have been passed upon by Chapman and Cutler, 111 West
Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603, as counsel for the Sponsor.
Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, will act as counsel for the Trustee and as
special New York tax counsel for the Trust.


The statement of net assets, including the schedule of investments, of
the Trust at the opening of business on the Initial Date of Deposit
appearing in this Prospectus and Registration Statement has been audited
by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, as set forth in their report
thereon appearing elsewhere herein and in the Registration Statement,
and is included in reliance upon such report given upon the authority of
such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

Page 34


The Sponsor, Nike Securities L.P., and Unit Holders
FT 188

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets, including the
schedule of investments, of FT 188, comprised of O'Shaughnessy
Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust, as of the opening of business on
February 4, 1998. This statement of net assets is the responsibility of
the Trust's Sponsor. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this
statement of net assets based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the statement of net assets is
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the statement
of net assets. Our procedures included confirmation of the letter of
credit held by the Trustee and deposited in the Trust on February 4,
1998. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by the Sponsor, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the statement of net assets. We believe that our
audit of the statement of net assets provides a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the statement of net assets referred to above presents
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of FT 188,
comprised of O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust, at the
opening of business on February 4, 1998 in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

                                   ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Chicago, Illinois
February 4, 1998

Page 35

                                                  Statement of Net Assets

                                                                   FT 188
                                        At the Opening of Business on the
                                 Initial Date of Deposit-February 4, 1998

                                                         NET ASSETS 
Investment in Equity Securities represented by purchase contracts (1) (2)                                   $148,614 
Organizational and offering costs (3)                                                                         39,000 
Less accrued organizational and offering costs (3)                                                           (39,000) 
Less liability for deferred sales charge (4)                                                                  (2,927) 
Net assets                                                                                                  $145,687 
Units outstanding                                                                                             15,011 
                                                   ANALYSIS OF NET ASSETS 
Cost to investors (5)                                                                                       $150,115 
Less sales charge (5)                                                                                         (4,428) 
Net assets                                                                                                  $145,687 


(1) Aggregate cost of the Equity Securities listed under "Schedule of
Investments" is based on their aggregate underlying value.

(2) An irrevocable letter of credit totaling $200,000 issued by The Chase
Manhattan Bank has been deposited with the Trustee as collateral,
covering the monies necessary for the purchase of the Equity Securities
pursuant to purchase contracts for such Equity Securities.

(3) The Trust will bear all or a portion of its estimated organizational
and offering costs which will be deferred and charged off over a period
not to exceed one year from the Initial Date of Deposit. The estimated
organizational and offering costs are based on 1,500,000 Units of the
Trust expected to be issued. To the extent the number of Units issued is
larger or smaller, the estimate will vary.

(4) Represents the amount of mandatory distributions from the Trust
($.195 per Unit), payable to the Sponsor in ten equal monthly
installments beginning on March 20, 1998, and on the twentieth day of
each month thereafter (or if such day is not a business day, on the
preceding business day) through December 18, 1998. If Units are redeemed
prior to December 18, 1998, the remaining amount of the deferred sales
charge applicable to such Units will be payable at the time of redemption.

(5) The aggregate cost to investors includes a maximum total sales charge
computed at the rate of 2.95% of the Public Offering Price (equivalent
to 2.980% of the net amount invested, exclusive of the deferred sales
charge) assuming no reduction of sales charge as described under "Public
Offering-How is the Public Offering Price Determined?"

Page 36

                                                  Schedule of Investments

                                                                   FT 188
                                        At the Opening of Business on the
                                 Initial Date of Deposit-February 4, 1998

Number                                                                           Percentage        Market        Cost of Equity  
of        Ticker Symbol and                                                      of Aggregate      Value per     Securities      
Shares    Name of Issuer of Equity Securities (1)                                Offering Price    Share         to Trust (2)    
______    ____________________________________                                   ____________      _________     ___________     
 95       ANF       Abercrombie & Fitch Company (Class A)                          2%              $ 31.375      $  2,981         
149       ADLAC     Adelphia Communications Corporation (Class A)                  2%                20.000         2,980          
127       ADV       Advest Group, Inc.                                             2%                23.375         2,969          
 40       ABF       Airborne Freight Corporation                                   2%                74.063         2,963          
 60       ALK       Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                         2%                49.625         2,978          
137       HAUL      Allied Holdings, Inc.                                          2%                21.625         2,963          
157       AGI       Alpine Group, Inc.                                             2%                18.938         2,973          
122       AEOS      American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.                                2%                24.250         2,958          
200       AMES      Ames Department Stores, Inc.                                   2%                14.875         2,975          
283       ABFS      Arkansas Best Corporation                                      2%                10.500         2,972          
141       BFIT      Bally Total Fitness Corporation                                2%                21.063         2,970          
 93       BKS       Barnes & Noble, Inc.                                           2%                31.938         2,970          
 55       BBY       Best Buy Co., Inc.                                             2%                54.000         2,970          
309       BGL       Brooke Group Ltd.                                              2%                 9.625         2,974          
 90       CTS       CTS Corporation                                                2%                32.938         2,964          
 34       CVC       Cablevision Systems Corporation (Class A)                      2%                88.500         3,009          
264       CACOA     Cato Corporation (Class A)                                     2%                11.250         2,970          
124       CROS      Crossmann Communities, Inc.                                    2%                24.000         2,976          
102       DIIG      D I I Group, Inc.                                              2%                29.188         2,977          
 40       DH        Dayton Hudson Corporation                                      2%                74.438         2,978          
 72       DFF       Dominick's Supermarkets, Inc.                                  2%                41.000         2,952          
 38       DLJ       Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.                             2%                78.000         2,964          
 65       EGR       Earthgrains Company                                            2%                45.438         2,953          
352       EKO       Ekco Group, Inc.                                               2%                 8.438         2,970          
105       FNF       Fidelity National Financial, Inc.                              2%                28.188         2,960          
149       FRED      Fred's, Inc.                                                   2%                20.000         2,980          
380       ICP       International Comfort Products Corporation                     2%                 7.813         2,969          
 74       JEF       Jefferies Group, Inc.                                          2%                40.250         2,978          
106       LAND      Landair Services, Inc.                                         2%                28.125         2,981          
 67       LIN       Linens 'N Things, Inc.                                         2%                44.563         2,986          
132       MHO       M/I Schottenstein Homes, Inc.                                  2%                22.500         2,970          
 73       MWL       Mail-Well, Inc.                                                2%                40.688         2,970          
 81       FMY       Fred Meyer, Inc.                                               2%                36.875         2,987          
121       MIKL      Michael Foods, Inc.                                            2%                24.625         2,980          
 90       MIKE      Michaels Stores, Inc.                                          2%                32.938         2,964          
355       MLG       Musicland Stores Corporation                                   2%                 8.375         2,973          
 27       NC        NACCO Industries, Inc. (Class A)                               2%               109.750         2,963          
202       NSS       NS Group, Inc.                                                 2%                14.688         2,967          
 97       NAV       Navistar International Corp.                                   2%                30.625         2,971          

Page 37

                                          Schedule of Investments (cont.)
                     The First Trust Special Situations Trust, Series 188
                At the Opening of Business on the Initial Date of Deposit
                                                         February 4, 1998

Number                                                                           Percentage        Market        Cost of Equity  
of         Ticker Symbol and                                                     of Aggregate      Value per     Securities      
Shares     Name of Issuer of Equity Securities (1)                               Offering Price    Share         to Trust (2)    
______    ____________________________________                                   ____________      _________     ___________     
 85       GOSHA     Oshkosh B'Gosh, Inc. (Class A)                                 2%              $ 35.000      $  2,975         
116       RYL       Ryland Group, Inc.                                             2%                25.563         2,965          
170       SPF       Standard Pacific Corp.                                         2%                17.500         2,975          
131       TEX       Terex Corporation                                              2%                22.750         2,980          
 48       U         US Airways Group, Inc.                                         2%                62.125         2,982          
167       UIS       Unisys Corporation                                             2%                17.750         2,964          
 60       USTR      United Stationers Inc.                                         2%                49.875         2,993          
 97       VWRX      VWR Scientific Products Corporation                            2%                30.500         2,958          
112       VIR       Virco Mfg. Corporation                                         2%                26.500         2,968          
417       WOL       Wainoco Oil Corporation                                        2%                 7.125         2,971          
175       WSTF      Western Staff Services, Inc.                                   2%                17.000         2,975          
                                                                                 _______                         __________      
                      Total Investments                                          100%                            $148,614        
                                                                                 =======                         ==========      


(1) All Equity Securities are represented by regular way contracts to
purchase such Equity Securities for the performance of which an
irrevocable letter of credit has been deposited with the Trustee. The
purchase contracts for the Equity Securities were entered into by the
Sponsor on February 4, 1998. The Trust has a mandatory termination date
of April 2, 1999.

(2) The cost of the Equity Securities to the Trust represents the
aggregate underlying value with respect to the Equity Securities
acquired (generally determined by the closing sale prices of the Equity
Securities on the business day preceding the Initial Date of Deposit).
The valuation of the Equity Securities has been determined by the
Evaluator, an affiliate of the Sponsor. The aggregate underlying value
of the Equity Securities on the Initial Date of Deposit was $148,614.
Cost and loss to Sponsor relating to the Equity Securities sold to the
Trust were $149,499 and $885, respectively.

Page 38

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Page 39

Summary of Essential Information:                           
    O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways Growth Trust        4 
FT 188:                                                     
    What is the FT Series?                                6 
    What are the Expenses and Charges?                    7 
    What is the Federal Tax Status of Unit Holders?       8 
    Are Investments in the Trust Eligible for               
          Retirement Plans?                              12 
    What are the Equity Securities?                      13 
    What are the Equity Securities Selected for the         
          O'Shaughnessy Reasonable Runaways 
            Growth Trust?                                15 
    What are Some Additional Considerations for             
       Investors?                                        19 
          Risk Factors                                   19 
Public Offering:                                            
    How is the Public Offering Price Determined?         21 
    How are Units Distributed?                           23 
    What are the Sponsor's Profits?                      24 
    Will There be a Secondary Market?                    25 
Rights of Unit Holders:                                     
    How is Evidence of Ownership Issued                     
          and Transferred?                               25 
    How are Income and Capital Distributed?              26 
    What Reports will Unit Holders Receive?              27 
    How May Units be Redeemed?                           27 
    Special Redemption, Liquidation and Investment in       
          a New Trust                                    28 
    How May Units be Purchased by the Sponsor?           30 
    How May Equity Securities be                            
          Removed from the Trust?                        31 
Information as to Sponsor, Trustee and Evaluator:           
    Who is the Sponsor?                                  31 
    Who is the Trustee?                                  32 
    Limitations on Liabilities of Sponsor and Trustee    32 
    Who is the Evaluator?                                32 
Other Information:                                          
    How May the Indenture be Amended or Terminated?      33 
    Legal Opinions                                       34 
    Experts                                              34 
Report of Independent Auditors                           35 
Statement of Net Assets                                  36 
Notes to Statement of Net Assets                         36 
Schedule of Investments                                  37 


When Units of the Trust are no longer available, or for investors who
will reinvest into subsequent series of the Trust, this Prospectus may
be used as a preliminary prospectus for a future series; in which case
investors should note the following:




                   FIRST TRUST (registered trademark)


                          Nike Securities, L.P.
                    1001 Warrenville Road, Suite 300
                          Lisle, Illinois 60532


                        The Chase Manhattan Bank
                       4 New York Plaza, 6th floor
                      New York, New York 10004-2413

                            February 4, 1998

                          FOR FUTURE REFERENCE

Page 40


The graph which appears on page 15 represents a comparison between a
$10,000 investment made on January 1, 1953 in those stocks which
comprise the S&P 500 and approximately equal amounts invested in each of
the 50 common stocks selected from the Strategy as of December 31 of
each respective year. The chart indicates that $10,000 invested on
January 1, 1953 in the stocks which comprise the S&P 500 would on
December 31, 1997 be worth $1,863,533, as opposed to $29,241,782 had the
$10,000 been invested in the Strategy stocks. Each figure assumes that
dividends received during each year will be reinvested semi-annually;
and sales charges, commissions, expenses and taxes were not considered
in determining total returns.

                           Re:  FT 251
     As   indicated   in   our  cover  letter  transmitting   the
Registration  Statement  on Form S-6 and other  related  material
under  the  Securities  Act of 1933 to the Commission,  the  only
difference of consequence (except as described below) between  FT
188,  which is the current fund, and FT 251, the filing of  which
this  memorandum accompanies, is the change in the series number.
The  list  of  securities comprising the  Fund,  the  evaluation,
record  and  distribution  dates  and  other  changes  pertaining
specifically to the new series, such as size and number of  Units
in  the Fund and the statement of condition of the new Fund, will
be filed by amendment.
                            1940 ACT
                      FORMS N-8A AND N-8B-2
     These forms were not filed, as the Form N-8A and Form N-8B-2
filed in respect of Templeton Growth and Treasury Trust, Series 1
and  subsequent series (File No. 811-05903) related also  to  the
subsequent series of the Fund.
                            1933 ACT
     The  only  significant changes in the  Prospectus  from  the
Series  188 Prospectus relate to the series number and  size  and
the  date and various items of information which will be  derived
from  and apply specifically to the securities deposited  in  the


ITEM A    Bonding Arrangements of Depositor:

          Nike Securities L.P. is covered by a Broker's Fidelity
          Bond, in the total amount of $1,000,000, the insurer
          being National Union Fire Insurance Company of

ITEM B    This Registration Statement on Form S-6 comprises the
          following papers and documents:

          The facing sheet

          The Cross-Reference Sheet

          The Prospectus

          The signatures


          Financial Data Schedule

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of  1933,
the   Registrant,  FT  251  has  duly  caused  this  Registration
Statement  to  be  signed  on  its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized, in the Village of Lisle and  State  of
Illinois on March 27, 1998.

                           FT 251
                           By:    NIKE SECURITIES L.P.
                           By     Robert M. Porcellino
                                   Vice President

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of  1933,
this  Registration  Statement  has  been  signed  below  by   the
following person in the capacity and on the date indicated:

NAME                   TITLE*                      DATE

Robert D. Van Kampen   Director of
                       Nike Securities        March 27, 1998
                       Corporation, the
                       General Partner of
                       Nike Securities L.P. Robert M. Porcellino
David J. Allen         Director of Nike
                       Securities Corporation,
                       the General Partner of
                       Nike Securities L.P.

*    The title of the person named herein represents his capacity
     in and relationship to Nike Securities L.P., the Depositor.

**   An  executed copy of the related power of attorney was filed
     with  the  Securities and Exchange Commission in  connection
     with Amendment No. 1 to form S-6 of The First Trust Combined
     Series  258  (File  No. 33-63483) and  the  same  is  hereby
     incorporated by this reference.

                       CONSENTS OF COUNSEL
     The  consents  of counsel to the use of their names  in  the
Prospectus  included  in  this  Registration  Statement  will  be
contained  in their respective opinions to be filed  as  Exhibits
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of the Registration Statement.
                  CONSENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP
     The  consent of Ernst & Young LLP to the use of its name and
to  the reference to such firm in the Prospectus included in this
Registration Statement will be filed by amendment.
     The  consent of First Trust Advisors L.P. to the use of  its
name in the Prospectus included in the Registration Statement  is
filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Registration Statement.
                          EXHIBIT INDEX

1.1    Form  of  Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  for  The
       First  Trust  Special  Situations  Trust,  Series  22  and
       certain  subsequent Series, effective  November  20,  1991
       among  Nike  Securities L.P., as Depositor, United  States
       Trust   Company   of  New  York  as  Trustee,   Securities
       Evaluation   Service,   Inc.,  as  Evaluator,   and   Nike
       Financial  Advisory Services L.P. as Portfolio  Supervisor
       (incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 1 to Form  S-6
       [File  No.  33-43693] filed on behalf of The  First  Trust
       Special Situations Trust, Series 22).

1.1.1* Form   of  Trust  Agreement  for  Series  251  among  Nike
       Securities  L.P., as Depositor, The Chase Manhattan  Bank,
       as  Trustee  and First Trust Advisors L.P.,  as  Evaluator
       and Portfolio Supervisor.

1.2    Copy   of  Certificate  of  Limited  Partnership  of  Nike
       Securities  L.P. (incorporated by reference  to  Amendment
       No.  1 to Form S-6 [File No. 33-42683] filed on behalf  of
       The First Trust Special Situations Trust, Series 18).

1.3    Copy   of   Amended   and  Restated  Limited   Partnership
       Agreement   of  Nike  Securities  L.P.  (incorporated   by
       reference  to  Amendment  No. 1  to  Form  S-6  [File  No.
       33-42683]  filed  on  behalf of The  First  Trust  Special
       Situations Trust, Series 18).

1.4    Copy  of  Articles  of Incorporation  of  Nike  Securities
       Corporation, the general partner of Nike Securities  L.P.,
       Depositor  (incorporated by reference to Amendment  No.  1
       to  Form  S-6 [File No. 33-42683] filed on behalf  of  The
       First Trust Special Situations Trust, Series 18).

1.5    Copy  of  By-Laws  of  Nike  Securities  Corporaiton,  the
       general   partner  of  Nike  Securities  L.P.,   Depositor
       (incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 1 to Form  S-6
       [File  No.  33-42683] filed on behalf of The  First  Trust
       Special Situations Trust, Series 18).

2.1    Copy of Certificate of Ownership (included in Exhibit  1.1
       filed  herewith  on  page  2 and  incorporated  herein  by

3.1*   Opinion  of  counsel  as to legality of  Securities  being

3.2*   Opinion  of  counsel as to Federal income  tax  status  of
       Securities being registered.


3.3*   Opinion  of  counsel as to New York income tax  status  of
       Securities being registered.

3.4*   Opinion of counsel as to advancement of funds by Trustee.

4.1*   Consent of First Trust Advisors L.P.

6.1    List  of  Directors  and Officers of Depositor  and  other
       related   information  (incorporated   by   reference   to
       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-6 [File No. 33-42683]  filed  on
       behalf  of  The  First  Trust  Special  Situations  Trust,
       Series 18).

7.1    Power of Attorney executed by the Director listed on  page
       S-3  of  this  Registration  Statement  (incorporated   by
       reference  to  Amendment  No. 1  to  Form  S-6  [File  No.
       33-63483]  filed  on  behalf of The First  Trust  Combined
       Series 258).

* To be filed by amendment.
