FT 320

                         TRUST AGREEMENT

                      Dated:  May 25, 1999

The Trust Agreement among Nike Securities L.P., as Depositor, The
Chase  Manhattan Bank, as Trustee and First Trust Advisors  L.P.,
as   Evaluator  and  Portfolio  Supervisor,  sets  forth  certain
provisions in full and incorporates other provisions by reference
to  the document entitled "Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust
for  The  First  Trust Special Situations Trust,  Series  22  and
certain  subsequent Series, Effective November 20, 1991"  (herein
called  the "Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust"),  and  such
provisions as are incorporated by reference constitute  a  single
instrument.   All references herein to Articles and Sections  are
to  Articles and Sections of the Standard Terms and Conditions of

                        WITNESSETH THAT:

     In   consideration  of  the  premises  and  of  the   mutual
agreements  herein  contained, the Depositor,  the  Trustee,  the
Evaluator and the Portfolio Supervisor agree as follows:

                             PART I


     Subject  to  the provisions of Part II and Part III  hereof,
all the provisions contained in the Standard Terms and Conditions
of  Trust  are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety
and  shall be deemed to be a part of this instrument as fully and
to  the same extent as though said provisions had been set  forth
in full in this instrument.

                             PART II



     The following special terms and conditions are hereby agreed

     A.     The  Securities  initially  deposited  in  the  Trust
pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust are set forth in the Schedules hereto.

     B.    (1) The aggregate number of Units outstanding for  the
Trust  on  the Initial Date of Deposit and the initial fractional
undivided  interest in and ownership of the Trust represented  by
each  Unit thereof are set forth in the Prospectus in the section
"Summary of Essential Information."

     Documents  representing this number of Units for  the  Trust
are  being delivered by the Trustee to the Depositor pursuant  to
Section 2.03 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust.

     C.    The Percentage Ratio on the Initial Date of Deposit is
as set forth in the Prospectus under "Schedule of Investments."

     D.   The Record Date shall be as set forth in the prospectus
under "Summary of Essential Information."

     E.    The  Distribution Date shall be as set  forth  in  the
Prospectus under "Summary of Essential Information."

     F.    The Mandatory Termination Date for the Trust shall  be
as  set  forth  in  the  Prospectus under "Summary  of  Essential

     G.     The  Evaluator's  compensation  as  referred  to   in
Section 4.03 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  shall
be  an  annual  fee in the amount of $.0030 per Unit,  calculated
based  on  the  largest  number of Units outstanding  during  the
calendar  year  except  during the  initial  offering  period  as
determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture, in which  case  the
fee   is  calculated  based  on  the  largest  number  of   Units
outstanding during the period for which the compensation is  paid
(such  annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in  which
the  Evaluator provides services during less than  the  whole  of
such  year).   Such fee may exceed the actual cost  of  providing
such  evaluation services for the Trust, but at no time will  the
total  amount received for evaluation services rendered  to  unit
investment trusts of which Nike Securities L.P. is the sponsor in
any  calendar year exceed the aggregate cost to the Evaluator  of
supplying such services in such year.

     H.     The   Trustee's   Compensation   Rate   pursuant   to
Section 6.04 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  shall
be  an  annual  fee in the amount of $.0096 per Unit,  calculated
based  on  the  largest  number of Units outstanding  during  the
calendar  year  except  during the  initial  offering  period  as
determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture, in which  case  the
fee   is  calculated  based  on  the  largest  number  of   Units
outstanding during the period for which the compensation is  paid
(such  annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in  which
the  Trustee provides services during less than the whole of such
year).  However, in no event, except as may otherwise be provided
in  the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust, shall the Trustee
receive compensation in any one year from any Trust of less  than
$2,000 for such annual compensation.

     I.    The  Initial Date of Deposit for the Trust is May  25,

     J.    The  minimum amount of Securities to be  sold  by  the
Trustee  pursuant  to  Section 5.02  of  the  Indenture  for  the
redemption of Units shall be 100 shares.

                             PART II



     The following special terms and conditions are hereby agreed

     A.     The  Securities  initially  deposited  in  the  Trust
pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust are set forth in the Schedules hereto.

     B.    (1) The aggregate number of Units outstanding for  the
Trust  on  the Initial Date of Deposit and the initial fractional
undivided  interest in and ownership of the Trust represented  by
each  Unit thereof are set forth in the Prospectus in the section
"Summary of Essential Information."

     Documents  representing this number of Units for  the  Trust
are  being delivered by the Trustee to the Depositor pursuant  to
Section 2.03 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust.

     C.    The Percentage Ratio on the Initial Date of Deposit is
as set forth in the Prospectus under "Schedule of Investments."

     D.   The Record Date shall be as set forth in the prospectus
under "Summary of Essential Information."

     E.    The  Distribution Date shall be as set  forth  in  the
Prospectus under "Summary of Essential Information."

     F.    The Mandatory Termination Date for the Trust shall  be
as  set  forth  in  the  Prospectus under "Summary  of  Essential

     G.     The  Evaluator's  compensation  as  referred  to   in
Section 4.03 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  shall
be  an  annual  fee in the amount of $.0030 per Unit,  calculated
based  on  the  largest  number of Units outstanding  during  the
calendar  year  except  during the  initial  offering  period  as
determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture, in which  case  the
fee   is  calculated  based  on  the  largest  number  of   Units
outstanding during the period for which the compensation is  paid
(such  annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in  which
the  Evaluator provides services during less than  the  whole  of
such  year).   Such fee may exceed the actual cost  of  providing
such  evaluation services for the Trust, but at no time will  the
total  amount received for evaluation services rendered  to  unit
investment trusts of which Nike Securities L.P. is the sponsor in
any  calendar year exceed the aggregate cost to the Evaluator  of
supplying such services in such year.

     H.     The   Trustee's   Compensation   Rate   pursuant   to
Section 6.04 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust  shall
be  an  annual  fee in the amount of $.0096 per Unit,  calculated
based  on  the  largest  number of Units outstanding  during  the
calendar  year  except  during the  initial  offering  period  as
determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture, in which  case  the
fee   is  calculated  based  on  the  largest  number  of   Units
outstanding during the period for which the compensation is  paid
(such  annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in  which
the  Trustee provides services during less than the whole of such
year).  However, in no event, except as may otherwise be provided
in  the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust, shall the Trustee
receive compensation in any one year from any Trust of less  than
$2,000 for such annual compensation.

     I.    The  Initial Date of Deposit for the Trust is May  25,

     J.    The  minimum amount of Securities to be  sold  by  the
Trustee  pursuant  to  Section 5.02  of  the  Indenture  for  the
redemption of Units shall be 100 shares.

                            PART III

     A.     Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  in  the
Standard  Terms and Conditions of Trust, references to subsequent
Series  established after the date of effectiveness of the  First
Trust Special Situations Trust, Series 22 shall include FT 320.

     B.    The  term  "Principal Account" as  set  forth  in  the
Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust shall be replaced with the
term "Capital Account."

     C.   Section 1.01(3) shall be amended to read as follows:

          "(3)  "Evaluator" shall mean First Trust Advisors  L.P.
     and  its  successors in interest, or any successor evaluator
     appointed as hereinafter provided."

     D.   Section 1.01(4) shall be amended to read as follows:

          "(4)  "Portfolio  Supervisor" shall  mean  First  Trust
     Advisors  L.P.  and  its  successors  in  interest,  or  any
     successor  portfolio  supervisor  appointed  as  hereinafter

     E.    Paragraph (b) of Section 2.01 shall be restated in its
entirety as follows:

          "(b)(1)From time to time following the Initial Date  of
     Deposit,  the  Depositor  is  hereby  authorized,   in   its
     discretion,  to  assign,  convey to  and  deposit  with  the
     Trustee (i) additional Securities, duly endorsed in blank or
     accompanied  by all necessary instruments of assignment  and
     transfer  in proper form, (ii) Contract Obligations relating
     to  such  additional Securities, accompanied by cash  and/or
     Letter(s)  of Credit as specified in paragraph (c)  of  this
     Section  2.01, and/or (iii) cash (or a Letter of  Credit  in
     lieu  of  cash)  with  instructions to  purchase  additional
     Securities,  in an amount equal to the portion of  the  Unit
     Value  of the Units created by such deposit attributable  to
     the   Securities   to   be  purchased   pursuant   to   such
     instructions.    Except  as  provided   in   the   following
     subparagraphs (2), (3) and (4) the Depositor, in each  case,
     shall  ensure  that  each deposit of  additional  Securities
     pursuant  to  this  Section shall  maintain,  as  nearly  as
     practicable,  the Percentage Ratio.  Each  such  deposit  of
     additional Securities shall be made pursuant to a Notice  of
     Deposit  of Additional Securities delivered by the Depositor
     to   the   Trustee.   Instructions  to  purchase  additional
     Securities shall be in writing, and shall specify  the  name
     of  the  Security,  CUSIP number, if any, aggregate  amount,
     price  or  price  range  and date  to  be  purchased.   When
     requested by the Trustee, the Depositor shall act as  broker
     to  execute  purchases in accordance with such instructions;
     the Depositor shall be entitled to compensation therefor  in
     accordance with applicable law and regulations.  The Trustee
     shall  have  no  liability  for  any  loss  or  depreciation
     resulting from any purchase made pursuant to the Depositor's
     instructions or made by the Depositor as broker.

          (2)   Additional  Securities (or  Contract  Obligations
     therefor)  may, at the Depositor's discretion, be  deposited
     or purchased in round lots.  If the amount of the deposit is
     insufficient  to acquire round lots of each Security  to  be
     acquired,  the additional Securities shall be  deposited  or
     purchased  in  the order of the Security in the  Trust  most
     under-represented  immediately  before  the   deposit   with
     respect to the Percentage Ratio.

          (3)   If  at  the  time  of  a  deposit  of  additional
     Securities, Securities of an issue deposited on the  Initial
     Date  of  Deposit (or of an issue of Replacement  Securities
     acquired  to replace an issue deposited on the Initial  Date
     of   Deposit)  are  unavailable,  cannot  be  purchased   at
     reasonable  prices  or  their  purchase  is  prohibited   or
     restricted  by  applicable law, regulation or policies,  the
     Depositor  may  (i)  deposit, or  instruct  the  Trustee  to
     purchase,  in  lieu thereof, another issue of Securities  or
     Replacement Securities or (ii) deposit cash or a  letter  of
     credit  in an amount equal to the valuation of the issue  of
     Securities   whose   acquisition  is   not   feasible   with
     instructions to acquire such Securities of such  issue  when
     they become available.

          (4)    Any  contrary  authorization  in  the  preceding
     subparagraphs (1) through (3) notwithstanding,  deposits  of
     additional   Securities  made  after   the   90-day   period
     immediately  following the Initial Date of  Deposit  (except
     for deposits made to replace Failed Contract Obligations  if
     such  deposits  occur within 20 days  from  the  date  of  a
     failure  occurring within such initial 90-day period)  shall
     maintain  exactly the Percentage Ratio existing  immediately
     prior to such deposit.

          (5)   In connection with and at the time of any deposit
     of  additional Securities pursuant to this Section  2.01(b),
     the  Depositor  shall  exactly replicate  Cash  (as  defined
     below) received or receivable by the Trust as of the date of
     such deposit.  For purposes of this paragraph, "Cash" means,
     as  to  the  Capital Account, cash or other property  (other
     than   Securities)  on  hand  in  the  Capital  Account   or
     receivable and to be credited to the Capital Account  as  of
     the   date  of  the  deposit  (other  than  amounts  to   be
     distributed  solely to persons other than holders  of  Units
     created by the deposit) and, as to the Income Account,  cash
     or  other property (other than Securities) received  by  the
     Trust  as  of the date of the deposit or receivable  by  the
     Trust  in  respect  of a record date  for  a  payment  on  a
     Security  which has occurred or will occur before the  Trust
     will  be the holder of record of a Security, reduced by  the
     amount  of any cash or other property received or receivable
     on  any Security allocable (in accordance with the Trustee's
     calculations  of  distributions  from  the  Income   Account
     pursuant  to Section 3.05) to a distribution made or  to  be
     made  in  respect of a Record Date occurring  prior  to  the
     deposit.   Such replication will be made on the basis  of  a
     fraction,  the  numerator of which is the  number  of  Units
     created by the deposit and the denominator of which  is  the
     number  of Units which are outstanding immediately prior  to
     the deposit."

     F.    The following shall be added immediately following the
first sentence of paragraph (c) of Section 2.01:

     "The  Trustee may allow the Depositor to substitute for  any
Letter(s) of Credit deposited with the Trustee in connection with
the  deposits  described in Section 2.01(a) and (b)  cash  in  an
amount  sufficient  to  satisfy  the  obligations  to  which  the
Letter(s) of Credit relates.  Any substituted Letter(s) of Credit
shall be released by the Trustee."

     G.   Section 2.03(a) of the Standard Terms and Conditions of
Trust shall be amended by adding the following sentence after the
first sentence of such section:

          "The  number of Units may be increased through a  split
     of  the  Units or decreased through a reverse split thereof,
     as  directed in writing by the Depositor, at any  time  when
     the  Depositor is the only beneficial holder of Units, which
     revised number of Units shall be recorded by the Trustee  on
     its  books.   The Trustee shall be entitled to rely  on  the
     Depositor's direction as certification that no person  other
     than  the  Depositor has a beneficial interest in the  Units
     and  the  Trustee shall have no liability to any person  for
     action taken pursuant to such direction."

     H.    Section  3.01 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust shall be replaced in its entirety with the following:

          "Section 3.01.  Initial Cost.  Subject to reimbursement
     as  hereinafter provided, the cost of organizing  the  Trust
     and  the  sale  of  the Trust Units shall be  borne  by  the
     Depositor, provided, however, that the liability on the part
     of  the  Depositor under this section shall not include  any
     fees  or  other  expenses incurred in  connection  with  the
     administration  of  the  Trust  subsequent  to  the  deposit
     referred  to in Section 2.01.  At the earlier of six  months
     after  the Initial Date of Deposit or the conclusion of  the
     primary  offering period (as certified by the  Depositor  to
     the Trustee), the Trustee shall withdraw from the Account or
     Accounts  specified in the Prospectus or, if no  Account  is
     therein specified, from the Capital Account, and pay to  the
     Depositor   the   Depositor's   reimbursable   expenses   of
     organizing  the Trust in an amount certified to the  Trustee
     by  the Depositor.  In no event shall the amount paid by the
     Trustee  to  the Depositor for the Depositors  reimbursable
     expenses  of  organizing the Trust exceed the estimated  per
     Unit   amount  of  organization  costs  set  forth  in   the
     prospectus for the Trust multiplied by the number  of  Units
     of  the Trust outstanding at the earlier of six months after
     the Initial Date of Deposit or the conclusion of the primary
     offering period; nor shall the Depositor be entitled  to  or
     request  reimbursement for expenses of organizing the  Trust
     incurred  after the earlier of six months after the  Initial
     Date  of  Deposit or the conclusion of the primary  offering
     period.   If  the  cash balance of the  Capital  Account  is
     insufficient to make such withdrawal, the Trustee shall,  as
     directed by the Depositor, sell Securities identified by the
     Depositor, or distribute to the Depositor Securities  having
     a  value, as determined under Section 4.01 as of the date of
     distribution, sufficient for such reimbursement.  Securities
     sold  or  distributed  to  the Depositor  to  reimburse  the
     Depositor  pursuant  to  this  Section  shall  be  sold   or
     distributed  by  the Trustee, to the extent practicable,  in
     the  percentage  ratio  then  existing.   The  reimbursement
     provided for in this section shall be for the account of the
     Unit  holders  of record at the earlier of six months  after
     the Initial Date of Deposit or the conclusion of the primary
     offering  period.  Any assets deposited with the Trustee  in
     respect of the expenses reimbursable under this Section 3.01
     shall  be  held and administered as assets of the Trust  for
     all  purposes hereunder.  The Depositor shall deliver to the
     Trustee  any cash identified in the Statement of Net  Assets
     of  the Trust included in the Prospectus not later than  the
     expiration  of  the  Delivery  Period  and  the  Depositors
     obligation  to  make such delivery shall be secured  by  the
     letter  of  credit deposited pursuant to Section 2.01.   Any
     cash  which the Depositor has identified as to be  used  for
     reimbursement  of  expenses pursuant to  this  Section  3.01
     shall be held by the Trustee, without interest, and reserved
     for  such purpose and, accordingly, prior to the earlier  of
     six  months  after  the  Initial  Date  of  Deposit  or  the
     conclusion  of  the primary offering period,  shall  not  be
     subject  to distribution or, unless the Depositor  otherwise
     directs,  used for payment of redemptions in excess  of  the
     per Unit amount payable pursuant to the next sentence.  If a
     Unit holder redeems Units prior to the earlier of six months
     after  the Initial Date of Deposit or the conclusion of  the
     primary  offering period, the Trustee shall pay to the  Unit
     holder,  in addition to the Redemption Value of the tendered
     Units, unless otherwise directed by the Depositor, an amount
     equal to the estimated per Unit cost of organizing the Trust
     set  forth in the Prospectus, or such lower revision thereof
     most  recently communicated to the Trustee by the  Depositor
     pursuant to Section 5.01, multiplied by the number of  Units
     tendered for redemption; to the extent the cash on  hand  in
     the  Trust  is  insufficient for such payment,  the  Trustee
     shall  have the power to sell Securities in accordance  with
     Section  5.02. As used herein, the Depositor's  reimbursable
     expenses of organizing the Trust shall include the  cost  of
     the  initial preparation and typesetting of the registration
     statement,      prospectuses     (including      preliminary
     prospectuses),  the indenture, and other documents  relating
     to  the Trust, SEC and state blue sky registration fees, the
     cost of the initial valuation of the portfolio and audit  of
     the Trust, the initial fees and expenses of the Trustee, and
     legal and other out-of-pocket expenses related thereto,  but
     not  including  the  expenses incurred in  the  printing  of
     preliminary prospectuses and prospectuses, expenses incurred
     in  the  preparation  and printing of  brochures  and  other
     advertising materials and any other selling expenses.

     I.   The second paragraph of Section 3.02 of the Standard
Terms and Conditions is hereby deleted and replaced with the
following sentence:

          "Any  non-cash distributions (other than a  non-taxable
     distribution  of the shares of the distributing  corporation
     which  shall  be retained by a Trust) received  by  a  Trust
     shall be dealt with in the manner described at Section 3.11,
     herein,  and shall be retained or disposed of by such  Trust
     according  to  those  provisions.   The  proceeds   of   any
     disposition  shall be credited to the Income  Account  of  a
     Trust.   Neither  the  Trustee nor the  Depositor  shall  be
     liable  or responsible in any way for depreciation  or  loss
     incurred by reason of any such sale."

     J.   Section 3.05.II(a) of the Standard Terms and Conditions
of Trust is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "II.  (a) On each Distribution Date, the Trustee  shall
     distribute  to each Unit holder of record at  the  close  of
     business  on  the  Record  Date immediately  preceding  such
     Distribution  Date  an amount per Unit equal  to  such  Unit
     holder's  Income Distribution (as defined below), plus  such
     Unit  holder's pro rata share of the balance of the  Capital
     Account  (except for monies on deposit therein  required  to
     purchase  Contract Obligations) computed as of the close  of
     business on such Record Date after deduction of any  amounts
     provided  in  Subsection  I,  provided,  however,  that  the
     Trustee  shall  not be required to make a distribution  from
     the   Capital  Account  unless  the  amount  available   for
     distribution shall equal $1.00 per 100 Units.

          Each  Trust  shall  provide the following  distribution
     elections:  (1) distributions to be made by check mailed  to
     the post office address of the Unit holder as it appears  on
     the  registration books of the Trustee, or (2)  if  provided
     for in the Prospectus, the following reinvestment option:

               The Trustee will, for any Unit holder who provides
          the  Trustee written instruction, properly executed and
          in  form satisfactory to the Trustee, received  by  the
          Trustee no later than its close of business 10 business
          days  prior to a Record Date (the "Reinvestment  Notice
          Date"),  reinvest such Unit holder's distribution  from
          the  Income and Capital Accounts in Units of the Trust,
          purchased  from  the  Depositor,  to  the  extent   the
          Depositor shall make Units available for such purchase,
          at  the  Depositor's offering price  as  of  the  third
          business day prior to the following Distribution  Date,
          and at such reduced sales charge as may be described in
          the prospectus for the Trusts.  If, for any reason, the
          Depositor  does  not have Units of the Trust  available
          for  purchase, the Trustee shall distribute  such  Unit
          holder's  distribution  from  the  Income  and  Capital
          Accounts  in the manner provided in clause (1)  of  the
          preceding paragraph.  The Trustee shall be entitled  to
          rely  on  a  written  instruction received  as  of  the
          Reinvestment Notice Date and shall not be  affected  by
          any  subsequent  notice to the contrary.   The  Trustee
          shall   have   no  responsibility  for  any   loss   or
          depreciation  resulting from any reinvestment  made  in
          accordance  with this paragraph, or for any failure  to
          make  such reinvestment in the event the Depositor does
          not make Units available for purchase.

          Any   Unit  holder  who  does  not  effectively   elect
     reinvestment in Units of their respective Trust pursuant  to
     the preceding paragraph shall receive a cash distribution in
     the  manner  provided in clause (1) of the second  preceding

     K.   Section 3.05.II(b) of the Standard Terms and Conditions
of Trust is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "II.  (b)  For purposes of this Section 3.05, the  Unit
     holder's  Income Distribution shall be equal  to  such  Unit
     holder's  pro rata share of the cash balance in  the  Income
     Account  computed as of the close of business on the  Record
     Date  immediately  preceding such Income Distribution  after
     deduction  of  (i)  the  fees and expenses  then  deductible
     pursuant  to Section 3.05.I. and (ii) the Trustee's estimate
     of  other expenses properly chargeable to the Income Account
     pursuant  to the Indenture which have accrued,  as  of  such
     Record  Date, or are otherwise properly attributable to  the
     period to which such Income Distribution relates."

      L.    Paragraph (c) of Subsection II of Section 3.05 of the
Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust is hereby amended to  read
as follows:

          "On each Distribution Date the Trustee shall distribute
     to  each  Unit holder of record at the close of business  on
     the Record Date immediately preceding such Distribution Date
     an  amount  per  Unit equal to such Unit holder's  pro  rata
     share  of  the  balance of the Capital Account  (except  for
     monies  on  deposit  therein required to  purchase  Contract
     Obligations)  computed as of the close of business  on  such
     Record  Date  after  deduction of any  amounts  provided  in
     Subsection I."

     M.    Section 3.05 of Article III of the Standard Terms  and
Conditions  of  Trust is hereby amended to include the  following

          "Section  3.05.I(e)  deduct from the  Interest  Account
     or,  to  the extent funds are not available in such Account,
     from the Capital Account and pay to the Depositor the amount
     that it is entitled to receive pursuant to Section 3.14.

      N.    Section 3.11 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust  is  hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced  with  the
following language:

          "Section 3.11. Notice to Depositor.

          In  the event that the Trustee shall have been notified
     at  any  time  of any action to be taken or proposed  to  be
     taken  by  at least a legally required number of holders  of
     any  Securities deposited in a Trust, the Trustee shall take
     such  action or omit from taking any action, as appropriate,
     so  as to insure that the Securities are voted as closely as
     possible  in the same manner and the same general proportion
     as are the Securities held by owners other than such Trust.

          In  the event that an offer by the issuer of any of the
     Securities  or any other party shall be made  to  issue  new
     securities, or to exchange securities, for Trust Securities,
     the  Trustee shall reject such offer.  However,  should  any
     issuance,    exchange    or   substitution    be    effected
     notwithstanding such rejection or without an initial  offer,
     any  securities,  cash  and/or property  received  shall  be
     deposited   hereunder  and  shall  be  promptly   sold,   if
     securities  or  property,  by the Trustee  pursuant  to  the
     Depositor's  direction,  unless the  Depositor  advises  the
     Trustee  to keep such securities or property.  The Depositor
     may  rely  on  the Portfolio Supervisor in so  advising  the
     Trustee.   The  cash  received in  such  exchange  and  cash
     proceeds  of  any  such sales shall be distributed  to  Unit
     holders  on  the  next distribution date in the  manner  set
     forth  in  Section  3.05  regarding distributions  from  the
     Capital  Account.   The  Trustee  shall  not  be  liable  or
     responsible in any way for depreciation or loss incurred  by
     reason of any such sale.

          Neither  the Depositor nor the Trustee shall be  liable
     to  any  person  for any action or failure  to  take  action
     pursuant to the terms of this Section 3.11.

          Whenever  new  securities or property is  received  and
     retained  by  a  Trust pursuant to this  Section  3.11,  the
     Trustee  shall  provide to all Unit holders  of  such  Trust
     notices  of such acquisition in the Trustee's annual  report
     unless prior notice is directed by the Depositor."

     O.   The first sentence of Section 3.13. shall be amended to
read as follows:

          "As  compensation  for providing supervisory  portfolio
     services  under  this  Indenture, the  Portfolio  Supervisor
     shall receive, in arrears, against a statement or statements
     therefor  submitted to the Trustee monthly  or  annually  an
     aggregate  annual  fee in the amount  of  $.0035  per  Unit,
     calculated  based on the largest number of Units outstanding
     during  the calendar year except during the initial offering
     period  as determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture,  in
     which case the fee is calculated based on the largest number
     of  Units  outstanding  during  the  period  for  which  the
     compensation  is paid (such annual fee to be pro  rated  for
     any calendar year in which the Portfolio Supervisor provides
     services during less than the whole of such year).  Such fee
     may  exceed  the  actual  cost of providing  such  portfolio
     supervision services for the Trust, but at no time will  the
     total  amount  received for portfolio  supervision  services
     rendered  to unit investment trusts of which Nike Securities
     L.P.  is  the  sponsor  in  any  calendar  year  exceed  the
     aggregate cost to the Portfolio Supervisor of supplying such
     services in such year."

     P.    Article  III of the Standard Terms and  Conditions  of
Trust  is  hereby  amended by inserting the following  paragraphs
which shall be entitled Section 3.14:

          "Section 3.14. Bookkeeping and Administrative Expenses.
     As   compensation  for  providing  bookkeeping   and   other
     administrative services of a character described in  Section
     26(a)(2)(C)  of the Investment Company Act of  1940  to  the
     extent  such  services  are  in  addition  to,  and  do  not
     duplicate,  the  services to be provided  hereunder  by  the
     Trustee  or  the  Portfolio Supervisor, the Depositor  shall
     receive against a statement or statements therefor submitted
     to  the Trustee monthly or annually an aggregate annual  fee
     in  the  amount of $.0033 per Unit, calculated based on  the
     largest number of Units outstanding during the calendar year
     except  during the initial offering period as determined  in
     Section  4.01 of this Indenture, in which case  the  fee  is
     calculated  based on the largest number of Units outstanding
     during  the period for which the compensation is paid  (such
     annual  fee to be pro rated for any calendar year  in  which
     the  Depositor provides services during less than the  whole
     of  such  year).   Such fee may exceed the  actual  cost  of
     providing  such bookkeeping and administrative services  for
     the Trust, but at no time will the total amount received for
     bookkeeping  and  administrative services rendered  to  unit
     investment  trusts  of  which Nike Securities  L.P.  is  the
     sponsor  in any calendar year exceed the aggregate  cost  to
     the Depositor of supplying such services in such year.  Such
     compensation  may,  from time to time, be adjusted  provided
     that  the total adjustment upward does not, at the  time  of
     such   adjustment,  exceed  the  percentage  of  the   total
     increase,  after  the  date hereof, in consumer  prices  for
     services  as  measured  by the United States  Department  of
     Labor Consumer Price Index entitled "All Services Less  Rent
     of Shelter" or similar index, if such index should no longer
     be published.  The consent or concurrence of any Unit holder
     hereunder  shall not be required for any such adjustment  or
     increase.   Such compensation shall be paid by the  Trustee,
     upon receipt of an invoice therefor from the Depositor, upon
     which, as to the cost incurred by the Depositor of providing
     services  hereunder  the  Trustee may  rely,  and  shall  be
     charged against the Income and Capital Accounts on or before
     the  Distribution Date following the Monthly Record Date  on
     which  such  period terminates.  The Trustee shall  have  no
     liability to any Certificateholder or other person  for  any
     payment made in good faith pursuant to this Section.

          If  the cash balance in the Income and Capital Accounts
     shall   be  insufficient  to  provide  for  amounts  payable
     pursuant  to this Section 3.14, the Trustee shall  have  the
     power  to  sell  (i)  Securities from the  current  list  of
     Securities  designated to be sold pursuant to  Section  5.02
     hereof,  or  (ii)  if  no  such  Securities  have  been   so
     designated, such Securities as the Trustee may  see  fit  to
     sell in its own discretion, and to apply the proceeds of any
     such sale in payment of the amounts payable pursuant to this
     Section 3.14.

          Any  moneys payable to the Depositor pursuant  to  this
     Section  3.14 shall be secured by a prior lien on the  Trust
     Fund except that no such lien shall be prior to any lien  in
     favor  of  the Trustee under the provisions of Section  6.04

     Q.    Article  III of the Standard Terms and  Conditions  of
Trust  is  hereby  amended by inserting the  following  paragraph
which shall be entitled Section 3.15:

          "Section   3.15.   Deferred  Sales  Charge.    If   the
     prospectus  related to the Trust specifies a deferred  sales
     charge, the Trustee shall, on the dates specified in and  as
     permitted  by  such Prospectus (the "Deferred  Sales  Charge
     Payment  Dates"),  withdraw from  the  Capital  Account,  an
     amount per Unit specified in such Prospectus and credit such
     amount  to  a  special non-Trust account designated  by  the
     Depositor  out  of which the deferred sales charge  will  be
     distributed  to  or  on the order of the Depositor  on  such
     Deferred  Sales  Charge Payment Dates (the  "Deferred  Sales
     Charge Account").  If the balance in the Capital Account  is
     insufficient to make such withdrawal, the Trustee shall,  as
     directed  by  the  Depositor, advance  funds  in  an  amount
     required to fund the proposed withdrawal and be entitled  to
     reimbursement of such advance upon the deposit of additional
     monies  in  the Capital Account, and/or sell Securities  and
     credit  the  proceeds thereof to the Deferred  Sales  Charge
     Account,  provided,  however,  that  the  aggregate   amount
     advanced  by  the  Trustee at any time for  payment  of  the
     deferred  sales  charge  shall  not  exceed  $15,000.   Such
     direction  shall,  if  the Trustee is  directed  to  sell  a
     Security,  identify  the Security to  be  sold  and  include
     instructions  as  to the execution of  such  sale.   In  the
     absence  of  such  direction by the Depositor,  the  Trustee
     shall  sell Securities sufficient to pay the deferred  sales
     charge  (and  any unreimbursed advance then outstanding)  in
     full,  and shall select Securities to be sold in such manner
     as  will  maintain (to the extent practicable) the  relative
     proportion  of number of shares of each Security then  held.
     The  proceeds of such sales, less any amounts  paid  to  the
     Trustee  in reimbursement of its advances, shall be credited
     to  the  Deferred Sales Charge Account.  If  a  Unit  holder
     redeems  Units  prior to full payment of the deferred  sales
     charge,  the  Trustee shall, if so provided in  the  related
     Prospectus,  on  the  Redemption  Date,  withhold  from  the
     Redemption Price payable to such Unit holder an amount equal
     to  the  unpaid  portion of the deferred  sales  charge  and
     distribute such amount to the Deferred Sales Charge Account.
     If  the Trust is terminated for reasons other than that  set
     forth  in Section 6.01(g), the Trustee shall, if so provided
     in  the related Prospectus, on the termination of the Trust,
     withhold from the proceeds payable to Unit holders an amount
     equal to the unpaid portion of the deferred sales charge and
     distribute such amount to the Deferred Sales Charge Account.
     If  the Trust is terminated pursuant to Section 6.01(g), the
     Trustee shall not withhold from the proceeds payable to Unit
     holders  any  amounts of unpaid deferred sales charges.   If
     pursuant  to  Section  5.02  hereof,  the  Depositor   shall
     purchase a Unit tendered for redemption prior to the payment
     in  full  of  the deferred sales charge due on the  tendered
     Unit,  the Depositor shall pay to the Unit holder the amount
     specified under Section 5.02 less the unpaid portion of  the
     deferred  sales  charge.  All advances made by  the  Trustee
     pursuant to this Section shall be secured by a lien  on  the
     Trust  prior  to the interest of the Unit holders.   If  the
     related  Prospectus provides that the deferred sales  charge
     shall  accrue on a daily basis, the "unpaid portion  of  the
     deferred sales charge" as used in this paragraph shall  mean
     the  accrued and unpaid deferred sales charge as of the date
     of redemption or termination, as appropriate."

     R.    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  in  Sections
3.15  and 4.05 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust,  so
long  as Nike Securities L.P. is acting as Depositor, the Trustee
shall have no power to remove the Portfolio Supervisor.

     S.   The first sentence of Section 4.03 shall be amended to
read as follows:

     "As  compensation  for providing evaluation  services  under
this  Indenture, the Evaluator shall receive, in arrears, against
a  statement  or  statements therefor submitted  to  the  Trustee
monthly  or annually an aggregate annual fee equal to the  amount
specified  as  compensation  for  the  Evaluator  in  the   Trust
Agreement,  calculated  based  on the  largest  number  of  Units
outstanding  during the calendar year except during  the  initial
offering  period as determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture,
in  which case the fee is calculated based on the largest  number
of Units outstanding during the period for which the compensation
is paid (such annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in
which  the Evaluator provides services during less than the whole
of  such  year).  Such compensation may, from time  to  time,  be
adjusted provided that the total adjustment upward does  not,  at
the  time of such adjustment, exceed the percentage of the  total
increase, after the date hereof, in consumer prices for  services
as  measured  by  the United States Department of Labor  Consumer
Price  Index  entitled "All Services Less  Rent  of  Shelter"  or
similar index, if such index should no longer be published.   The
consent or concurrence of any Unit holder hereunder shall not  be
required  for any such adjustment or increase.  Such compensation
shall  be  paid by the Trustee, upon receipt of invoice  therefor
from  the Evaluator, upon which, as to the cost incurred  by  the
Evaluator  of providing services hereunder the Trustee may  rely,
and  shall be charged against the Income and/or Capital Accounts,
in accordance with Section 3.05."

     T.    Section  5.01 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust shall be amended as follows:

      (i)   The second sentence of the first paragraph of Section
5.01  shall  be  amended by deleting the phrase "and  (iii)"  and
adding  the following "(iii) amounts representing unpaid  accrued
organization costs, (iv) if the Prospectus for the Trust provides
that  the  deferred sales charge shall accrue on a  daily  basis,
amounts  representing unpaid accrued deferred sales  charge,  and
(v)"; and

     (ii)  The following text shall immediately precede the last
sentence of the first paragraph of Section 5.01:

          "Prior   to  the  payment  to  the  Depositor  of   its
          reimbursable  organization costs  to  be  made  at  the
          earlier of six months after the Initial Date of Deposit
          or  the  conclusion of the primary offering  period  in
          accordance   with   Section  3.01,  for   purposes   of
          determining  the  Trust  Fund  Evaluation  under   this
          Section  5.01, the Trustee shall rely upon the  amounts
          representing unpaid accrued organization costs  in  the
          estimated  amount per Unit set forth in the  Prospectus
          until  such time as the Depositor notifies the  Trustee
          in  writing  of  a  revised estimated amount  per  Unit
          representing unpaid accrued organization  costs.   Upon
          receipt  of  such notice, the Trustee  shall  use  this
          revised  estimated amount per Unit representing  unpaid
          accrued  organization  costs in determining  the  Trust
          Fund  Evaluation  but such revision  of  the  estimated
          expenses  shall  not  effect  calculations  made  prior
          thereto  and  no  adjustment shall be made  in  respect
          thereof. "

      U.    Section 5.02 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust  is  amended  by  adding  the following  after  the  second
paragraph of such section:

          "Notwithstanding  anything herein to the  contrary,  in
     the  event that any tender of Units pursuant to this Section
     5.02  would result in the disposition by the Trustee of less
     than a whole Security, the Trustee shall distribute cash  in
     lieu  thereof  and sell such Securities as directed  by  the
     Sponsors as required to make such cash available.

          Subject   to   the  restrictions  set  forth   in   the
     Prospectus, Unit holders may redeem 1,000 Units or more of a
     Trust  and  request a distribution in kind of (i) such  Unit
     holder's pro rata portion of each of the Securities in  such
     Trust,  in  whole shares, and (ii) cash equal to  such  Unit
     holder's pro rata portion of the Income and Capital Accounts
     as  follows:  (x) a pro rata portion of the net proceeds  of
     sale  of  the Securities representing any fractional  shares
     included  in  such  Unit  holder's pro  rata  share  of  the
     Securities  and  (y)  such other cash  as  may  properly  be
     included in such Unit holder's pro rata share of the sum  of
     the  cash balances of the Income and Capital Accounts in  an
     amount equal to the Unit Value determined on the basis of  a
     Trust  Fund Evaluation made in accordance with Section  5.01
     determined by the Trustee on the date of tender less amounts
     determined  in  clauses  (i) and (ii)(x)  of  this  Section.
     Subject  to  Section  5.05  with respect  to  Rollover  Unit
     holders,    if   applicable,   to   the   extent   possible,
     distributions  of  Securities  pursuant  to   an   in   kind
     redemption of Units shall be made by the Trustee through the
     distribution of each of the Securities in book-entry form to
     the  account  of the Unit holder's bank or broker-dealer  at
     the Depository Trust Company.  Any distribution in kind will
     be reduced by customary transfer and registration charges."

     V.   Paragraph (g) of Section 6.01 of the Standard Terms and
Conditions of Trust is hereby amended by inserting the  following
after the first word thereof:

          "(i)  the  value of any Trust as shown by an evaluation
     by the Trustee pursuant to Section 5.01 hereof shall be less
     than  the  lower of $2,000,000 or 20% of the total value  of
     Securities  deposited  in  such  Trust  during  the  initial
     offering period, or (ii)"

     W.    The third sentence of paragraph (a) of Section 6.05 of
the  Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust shall be replaced  in
its entirety by the following:

          "In case at any time the Trustee shall become incapable
of  acting,  or  if a court having jurisdiction in  the  premises
shall  enter  a  decree or order for relief  in  respect  of  the
Trustee  in an involuntary case, or the Trustee shall commence  a
voluntary  case, under any applicable bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
other  similar  law now or hereafter in effect, or any  receiver,
liquidator,   assignee,  custodian,  trustee,  sequestrator   (or
similar official) for the Trustee or for any substantial part  of
its  property shall be appointed, or the Trustee shall  make  any
general  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors,  or  shall
generally  fail to pay its debts as they become due,  or  if  the
Sponsor  shall  determine in good faith that there  has  occurred
either  (1)  a material deterioration in the creditworthiness  of
the  Trustee or (2) one or more negligent acts on the part of the
Trustee having a materially adverse effect, either singly  or  in
the  aggregate, on the Trust or on one or more Trusts of  one  or
more  Funds, such that the replacement of the Trustee is  in  the
best  interests of the Unit holders, the Sponsor may  remove  the
Trustee and appoint a successor trustee by written instrument, in
duplicate, one copy of which shall be delivered to the Trustee so
removed and one copy to the successor trustee."

     X.    Section  8.02 of the Standard Terms and Conditions  of
Trust shall be amended as follows:

          (i)   The fourth sentence of the second paragraph shall
     be deleted and replaced with the following:

          "The Trustee will honor duly executed requests for  in-
     kind  distributions received (accompanied  by  the  electing
     Unit  holder's  Certificate, if  issued)  by  the  close  of
     business   ten   business  days  prior  to   the   Mandatory
     Termination Date."

          (ii)   The first sentence of the fourth paragraph shall
     be deleted and replaced with the following:

          "Commencing no earlier than the business day  following
     that  date on which Unit holders must submit to the  Trustee
     notice  of  their request to receive an in-kind distribution
     of Securities at termination, the Trustee will liquidate the
     Securities  not segregated for in-kind distributions  during
     such period and in such daily amounts as the Depositor shall

     IN   WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Nike  Securities  L.P.,  The   Chase
Manhattan  Bank  and First Trust Advisors L.P. have  each  caused
this  Trust Agreement to be executed and the respective corporate
seal  to  be  hereto  affixed  and attested  (if  applicable)  by
authorized  officers;  all as of the day, month  and  year  first
above written.

                                    NIKE SECURITIES L.P.,

                                    By Robert M. Porcellino
                                       Senior Vice President

                                    THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,

                                    By Rosalia A. Raviele
                                         Vice President


Joan Currie
Assistant Treasurer

                                    FIRST TRUST ADVISORS L.P.,

                                    By Robert M. Porcellino
                                       Senior Vice President

                                    FIRST TRUST ADVISORS L.P.,
                                       Portfolio Supervisor

                                    By Robert M. Porcellino
                                        Senior Vice President


                 Securities Initially Deposited
                             FT 320

     (Note:   Incorporated herein and made a part hereof for  the
Trusts are the "Schedules of Investments" for the Trusts as set forth
in the Prospectus.)