Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (date of earliest event reported): February 13, 2001.

                                  BioTime, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

   California                           1-12830                 94-3127919
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission File Number)      (IRS Employer
of incorporation)                                           Identification No.)

                                935 Pardee Street
                           Berkeley, California 94710
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (510) 845-9535
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


         Statements  made in this  Report  that  are not  historical  facts  may
constitute   forward-looking   statements   that  are   subject   to  risks  and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
discussed.  Such risks and  uncertainties  include  but are not limited to those
discussed in this report and in BioTime's  Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Words such as "expects," "may," "will,"
"anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," and similar
expressions identify forward-looking statements.

Item 5.  Other Events.

         On  February  13,  2001,  BioTime,  Inc.  and Horus B.V.  ("Horus"),  a
subsidiary  of Akzo Nobel,  N.V.  ("Akzo")  entered  into an  Exclusive  License
Agreement (the "License  Agreement") under which BioTime has granted to Horus an
exclusive  license to manufacture  and sell BioTime's  proprietary  blood plasma
volume expander solution  Hextend(R) in all parts of the world except the United
States, Canada and Japan.

         Under the License Agreement, Horus has agreed to pay BioTime an initial
license fee of $4,000,000, plus up to $5,500,000 in additional license fees upon
the attainment of certain milestones  pertaining to the commencement of sales in
the European Union and the issuance of certain  European  patents.  BioTime will
earn  royalties  of not less than 12% nor more than 15% of net sales of  Hextend
sold under  certain  patents,  or not less than 6% and not more than 7.5% of net
sales of Hextend  manufactured in countries in which patent  protection has been
obtained but sold in countries in which patents have not yet been issued.  Horus
will pay a  royalty  of not less  than 2% and not more than 3.5% of net sales of
Hextend for the use of licensed proprietary technology,  plus a royalty of 2% of
net sales for the use of the Hextend trademark, with respect to sales of Hextend
manufactured  and sold in  countries  in which  patents  are not  issued or have

         Horus will be responsible for obtaining regulatory approval for the use
of Hextend in those  countries in which it plans to market the  product,  except
that BioTime will  continue to process its pending  application  for  regulatory
approval in Sweden. The parties expect that regulatory  approval  activities and
marketing  of Hextend will be conducted  for Horus by Organon  Teknika,  another
Akzo subsidiary  that sells a variety of  pharmaceutical  and hospital  products
world-wide.  Akzo has agreed to guaranty the  performance of Horus'  obligations
under the License Agreement.

         Horus may also  acquire  additional  licenses to  manufacture  and sell
other BioTime plasma expander  products,  such as PentaLyte(R)  and HetaCool,(R)
outside the United  States,  Canada and Japan.  If Horus does not  exercise  its
right to acquire a new product  license,  BioTime may  manufacture  and sell the
product itself or may license others to do so.

         Horus' obligations under the License Agreement are conditioned upon the
confirmation  of  certain  manufacturing  and  supply  arrangements.   BioTime's
obligations are conditioned upon its receipt of the initial license fee payment,
and it will have the right to  terminate  the License  Agreement  if it does not
receive that payment within sixty (60) days.

         The foregoing  description  of the License  Agreement is a summary only
and is  qualified  in all  respects by reference to the full text of the License
Agreement, a copy of which is filed as an Exhibit to this report.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(c) Exhibits.

Exhibit 10.1      Exclusive License Agreement, dated February 13, 2001
                  between BioTime, Inc. and Horus B.V. (Portions of this
                  exhibit have been omitted pursuant to arequest for
                  confidential treatment)

        10.2      Akzo guaranty, dated February 13, 2001



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                     BIOTIME, INC.

Date:  February 15, 2001             By    /s/Paul E. Segall
                                           Paul E. Segall,
                                           Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit 10.1      Exclusive License Agreement, dated February 12, 2001
                  between BioTime, Inc. and Horus B.V.(Portions of this exhibit
                  have been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential

        10.2      Akzo guaranty, dated February 13, 2001
