Between BioTime, Inc. and Abbott Laboratories

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. DEFINITIONS................................................................2

2.  LICENSE GRANT.............................................................5

3.  LICENSE FEES..............................................................6

4.  ROYALTIES.................................................................7

5.  ROYALTY AND LICENSE PAYMENTS..............................................7

6.  PRODUCT PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES...........................................11


9.  PATENT AND TRADEMARK MARKING.............................................14

10.  STANDBY CONTRACT MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT................................15

11.  RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL - NEW PRODUCTS...................................15

12.  INFRINGEMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION........................................19

13.  CONFIDENTIALITY.........................................................22

14.  TERM AND TERMINATION....................................................22

15.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF LICENSOR..............................23

16.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ABBOTT................................24

17.  NOTICES.................................................................25

18.  ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION..........................................25

19.  PUBLICITY...............................................................25

20.  APPLICABLE LAW..........................................................26

21.  ASSIGNMENT..............................................................26

22.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT........................................................26

23.  SEVERABILITY............................................................26

24.  CUMULATIVE RIGHTS AND REMEDIES..........................................27

25.  WAIVER - MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT......................................27

EXHIBIT A  HEXTEND(R) FORMULATION............................................28


EXHIBIT B  PATENT RIGHTS.....................................................29



EXHIBIT D  ROYALTIES.........................................................33


EXHIBIT E  NO VOLUME LIMITATION..............................................35


EXHIBIT G  ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION....................................38

EXHIBIT H  PRODUCT PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES....................................42


                           EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AGREEMENT

         This  Agreement  is made this 23rd day of  April,  1997 by and
between   BioTime,   Inc.,  935  Pardee  Street,   Berkeley,   California  94710
("Licensor")  and Abbott  Laboratories,  100  Abbott  Park  Road,  Abbott  Park,
Illinois 60064-3500 ("Abbott").


This agreement defines the terms to which Abbott and Licensor agree, in order to
commercialize  Hextend(R)  intravenous  solution,  which has been  developed  by
Licensor.  The process by which  Abbott and  Licensor  may  commercialize  other
products currently under development by Licensor,  or which Licensor may develop
in the future  having  utility in the areas of plasma  volume  expansion,  organ
preservation, blood replacement, and low temperature surgery, is also defined.

1. Definitions

         Where  used in this  Agreement  the  following  terms  shall  have  the
meanings ascribed below:

         (a) "Affiliate" means any entity,  except Abbott, in which Abbott owns,
directly  or  indirectly,  not less than fifty  percent  (50%) of such  entity's
assets or voting securities.

         (b) "Confidential Information" means any information including, but not
limited to, ideas, proposals, plans, Know-How, reports, drawings, designs, data,
discoveries, inventions, improvements,  suggestions,  specifications,  products,
samples,  components and materials  relating to the Product and all  information
relating to the manufacture,  formulation,  analysis,  stability,  pharmacology,
toxicology,  pathology,  clinical data,  results of clinical  efficacy  studies,
clinical  effects and indications for use of the Product which a party discloses
to the other party except any portion thereof which:

         (i)        is known to the receiving  party at the time of disclosure 
                    and documented by written records made prior to the date of
                    this Agreement;

         (ii)       is disclosed to the receiving party by a Third Person who 
                    has a right to make such disclosure;

         (iii)      becomes patented,  published or otherwise part of the public
                    domain  as a result  of acts by a Third  Person  through  no
                    fault of the receiving  party or an Affiliate or sublicensee
                    of the receiving party; or

         (iv)       is independently developed by the receiving party without 
                    the use of Confidential Information, as evidenced by its
                    written records.


         (c) "Effective Date" means the date of this Agreement.

         (d) "Exclusive  License" means a license whereby  Abbott's rights shall
be sole and  exclusive  and shall  operate  to  exclude  all  others,  including

         (e) "FDA" means the United States Food and Drug  Administration  or any
successor entity thereto.

         (f) "FDA Application" means any  investigational  new drug application,
new drug application,  supplemental new drug  application,  abbreviated new drug
application,  investigational device exemption,  premarket approval application,
510-K  application,  any other  application  required  by the FDA to test,  use,
market, or distribute a pharmaceutical or biological  product for human use, and
any amendment to any of the foregoing.

         (g) "High Molecular Weight  Hetastarch" means  hydroxyethyl  starch, an
artificial  colloid  derived  from a waxy  starch  composed  almost  entirely of
amylopectin, with hydroxyethyl ether groups introduced into the glucose units of
the starch. The resultant material is hydrolyzed to yield a product suitable for
the  intended  use.  Molar  substitution  of  hydroxyethyl  ether groups is 0.7,
meaning that there are 7  hydroxyethyl  groups for every 10 glucose  units.  The
average molecular weight of the resultant material is greater than 400,000.

         (h) "Improved  Product" means any and all new  developments or versions
of the  Product  made  by  Licensor,  including,  but  not be  limited  to,  new
therapeutic  indications  for  Normothermic  Use, and  developments  intended to
enhance the safety and efficacy of the Product in Normothermic Use.

         (i) "Know-How" means that proprietary  technology developed by Licensor
for  manufacturing  or formulating the Product,  including,  but not limited to:
manufacturing data; formulation or production technology;  methods of synthesis,
isolation and purification methods and other manufacturing  information required
to  manufacture  the Product;  and that  proprietary  data developed by Licensor
related  to  pharmacology,  toxicology,  pathology,  clinical  data,  results of
clinical  efficacy  studies,  clinical  effects and  indications  for use of the
Product in Normothermic Use.

         (j) "Licensed  Patents" means: (i) the patents and patent  applications
listed in  Exhibit B hereto;  (ii) any  patent or patent  application  hereafter
acquired by Licensor and any patent or patent  application  under which Licensor
becomes  licensed and with the right to  sublicense  Abbott,  during the term of
this Agreement regarding the Product,  its manufacture,  use or sale,  including
methods  of use and  screening  or  processes  that use the  Product;  (iii) all
patents arising from  applications  identified in (i) or (ii) and any divisions,
continuations  and  continuations-in-part  defined  in (i)  or  (ii);  (iv)  any
extension,  renewal or reissue of a patent identified in (i), (ii) or (iii); and


(v) any  continuation or divisional of any licensed  patent  application and any
reissue or reexamination of any patent  identified in (i) through (iv); but only
to the  extent  that the  patents  identified  in (i)  through  (v)  pertain  to
Normothermic  Use of the Product.  Licensor shall promptly  notify Abbott of any
such patent or patent application  hereafter acquired by Licensor and any patent
or patent  application  under which Licensor becomes licensed and with the right
to sublicense  Abbott,  and such patent or patent  application shall be added to
Exhibit B.

         (k)  "Licensed  Trademark"  means  Hextend(R)  and any other  trademark
developed  or acquired by Licensor  for use in  connection  with the sale of the
Product in the Territory.

         (l)  "NDA" means a new drug application submitted to the FDA.

         (m) "Net Sales" means the gross sales of the Product (including any and
all  Improved  Products)  billed to  customers  by Abbott or its  Affiliates  or
sublicensees in the applicable period,  less: (i) the allowances and adjustments
separately and actually  credited or payable to customers for spoiled,  damaged,
outdated and returned  Product,  whether  during the specific  royalty period or
not; (ii) trade  discounts  earned or granted;  (iii) cash discounts  allowed or
allowable;  (iv) transportation  charges,  handling charges, sales taxes, excise
taxes and duties,  and other  similar  charges  incurred by Abbott to the extent
such  charges  pertain  to  the  Product;   (v)  rebates  and  Group  Purchasing
Organization  administrative fees granted, if any; and (vi) the cost of the High
Molecular  Weight  Hetastarch used in the manufacture of the Product or Improved
Product  for sales made after all  Licensed  Patents  have  expired  and a Third
Person  receives a Notice of  Approvability  or equivalent  from the appropriate
regulatory  authority,  or otherwise  lawfully  markets a generic version of the
Product or Improved  Product,  provided that the  deduction  shall apply only to
sales of the Product or Improved  Product  equivalent to the generic  equivalent
receiving  Notice of Approvability  or otherwise  lawfully being marketed,  on a
country by country basis.  In the case of (ii),  (iii) and (v), such  discounts,
rebates and fees shall be deducted from gross sales only to the extent  actually
granted to customers, and only to the extent granted with respect to the Product
during the applicable period.

         (n)  "New Product" means any product other than the Product or an 
Improved Product.

         (o)  "Normothermic  Use"  means  use  of the  Product  in  surgical  or
therapeutic  procedures in which the patient's  body  temperature  is 12 degrees
Centigrade or higher.

         (p) "Product" means the pharmaceutical  product generally  described in
Exhibit A and presently  known under the trademark  Hextend,(R)  and any and all
Improved Products covered by the Licensed Patents, which use only High Molecular
Weight  Hetastarch  as an  oncotic  agent and have  pharmacologic  profiles  and
therapeutic indications normally considered medically equivalent.

         (q) "Proprietary Rights" means all of Licensor's  intellectual property
rights (except Licensed  Patents and Licensed  Trademarks) and interests in, to,


or covering the Product, or the manufacture or use of the Product, to the extent
that such  property  rights and interests are of such legal status and nature as
to permit the same to be lawfully  licensed and, without limiting the generality
thereof,  specifically  include unpatented  inventions,  ideas, data,  Know-How,
technology,  trade secrets and Confidential Information;  but only to the extent
that the foregoing pertain to the Use of the Product within License granted.

         (r)   "Territory"   means  the  United  States,   its  territories  and
possessions (including Puerto Rico), and Canada.

         (s) "Third Person" means any natural person, corporation,  partnership,
limited  partnership,  limited liability  company,  trust,  association or other
entity other than Abbott, an Affiliate, or Licensor.

         (t) "Total Body Washout" is the process of totally removing a patient's
blood,  where  hematocrit  drops to 5% or below.

         (u) "Valid  Claim"  means any claim of an issued and  unexpired  patent
which  (i) has not  been  held  unenforceable,  unpatentable,  or  invalid  by a
decision of a court or  governmental  agency of  competent  jurisdiction  in the
Territory,  unappealable or unappealed  within the time allowed for appeal,  and
(ii) Licensor has not admitted to be invalid or  unenforceable  through reissue,
disclaimer or otherwise.

2.  License Grant

         (a)  Licensor  hereby  grants  to Abbott an  Exclusive  License  in the
Territory to make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell and import the Product in
packaging containing two liters of Product (net contents) or less (including any
and all Improved  Products) under Licensed  Patents,  Licensed  Trademarks,  and
Proprietary Rights for Normothermic Use other than Total Body Washout,  with the
right to grant  sublicenses to Affiliates and Third Persons.  Such license shall
be irrevocable, except as hereinafter expressly provided.

         (b) Abbott agrees not to use or permit any Affiliate or  sublicensee to
use any Licensed Patents,  Licensed  Trademarks,  and Proprietary Rights for any
use other than the  manufacture and sale of the Product for the use described in
paragraph (a) of this Article in the Territory. Abbott will not sell, have sold,
or permit any Affiliate or sublicensee to sell or have sold the Product  outside
the  Territory or for uses other than the use described in paragraph (a) of this
Article in the Territory. If any Product is sold (by or on behalf of Abbott, any
of its Affiliates or  sublicensees) to a Third Person that intends to resell the
Product,  Abbott  will  require  such  Third  Person to agree not to resell  the
Product  outside  the  Territory.   If  Abbott  or  any  of  its  Affiliates  or
sublicensees  becomes  informed of a violation  of that  agreement  by the Third
Person,  Abbott will notify  Licensor  of such  violation,  and Abbott will take
reasonable  means to enforce the Third Person's  agreement,  including,  without
limitation,  by  discontinuing  sales to such Third  Person;  provided  however,
Abbott shall not be required to file  lawsuits  against Third Persons to enforce
such agreements.


         (c) Licensor retains (i) the right under Licensed Patents,  Proprietary
Rights,  Licensed Trademarks,  and to the Product for research,  development and
clinical testing of New Products, technology,  Improved Products, and additional
therapeutic  indications of the Product  inside and outside the Territory;  (ii)
all rights to Licensed Patents, Proprietary Rights, Licensed Trademarks, and the
Product for any purpose outside the Territory,  including but not limited to the
right to sell, assign,  transfer and license to Third Parties,  and the right to
make, have made, use, and sell the Product outside the Territory;  and (iii) all
rights to Licensed Patents,  Proprietary Rights,  Licensed  Trademarks,  and the
Product,  including  but not limited to the right to make,  have made,  use, and
sell the  Product,  inside the  Territory  for Total Body Washout and uses other
than Normothermic Use, and the right to sell, assign,  transfer and license such
rights to Third  Parties.  If any Product is sold (by or on behalf of  Licensor,
any of its affiliates or  sublicensees) to a Third Person that intends to resell
the Product,  Licensor will require such Third Person to agree not to resell the
Product  inside the  Territory  for use in any  application  covered by Abbott's
Exclusive License. If Licensor or any of its affiliates or sublicensees  becomes
informed of a violation of that  agreement by the Third  Person,  Licensor  will
notify  Abbott of such  violation,  and Licensor will take  reasonable  means to
enforce  the  Third  Person's  agreement,   including,  without  limitation,  by
discontinuing sales to such Third Person;  provided however,  Licensor shall not
be required to file lawsuits against Third Persons to enforce such agreements.

3.  License Fees

         In partial  consideration  for the license granted to Abbott hereunder,
Abbott  agrees  to pay  Licensor  license  fees  up to an  aggregate  amount  of
$40,000,000 as follows:

         (a) Milestone payments, up to an aggregate amount of $2,500,000, as 
provided in Exhibit C; and

         (b)  License  fees of up to  $37,500,000  based  upon Net  Sales in the
Territory,  as provided in Exhibit C; provided  that Abbott's  obligation to pay
such license  fees based upon Net Sales shall  terminate on a product by product
and country by country  basis,  after all Licensed  Patents (other than Licensed
Patents that contain no Valid Claims covering the Product or an Improved Product
or use thereof)  have  expired,  or upon a Third  Person  obtaining a "Notice of
Approvability" or equivalent,  or otherwise commencing lawful marketing,  within
that country,  of a generic  equivalent to the Product or Improved Product being
marketed by Abbott.

4.  Royalties

         (a) Abbott agrees to pay to Licensor  royalties based upon Net Sales of
the  Product or  Improved  Product in the  Territory,  as provided in Exhibit D;
provided that Abbott's  obligation  to pay such  royalties  based upon Net Sales
shall terminate on a product by product and country by country basis,  after all
Licensed  Patents  (other than  Licensed  Patents  that  contain no Valid Claims


covering the Product or an Improved  Product or use thereof) have  expired,  and
upon a Third Person  obtaining a "Notice of  Approvability"  or  equivalent,  or
otherwise  commencing  lawful  marketing,  within  that  country,  of a  generic
equivalent to the Product or Improved Product being marketed by Abbott.

         (b)  All sales of the Product by Abbott or any Affiliate or sublicensee
shall be documented.

5.  Royalty and License Payments

         (a) Royalty and License Payment  Report.  Each royalty payment shall be
accompanied by a statement which sets forth the following information as to each
Product: the quantity of Product sold by list number; the gross sales price; the
description  and amount of each cost,  charge,  expense or other amount deducted
from the gross sales price to compute Net Sales;  the Net Sales in each  country
of the Territory;  and the exchange rate used to convert  foreign  currency into
U.S. dollars. All currency amounts shall be expressed in United States dollars.

         (b) Royalty and License  Payments  --  Annualized  Net Sales.  Payments
shall be made in United  States  dollars  within ninety (90) days after the last
day of March,  June,  September  and  December  for  royalties  and license fees
accruing on annualized Net Sales during the three (3) preceding calendar months.
Payment  amounts for each three month period will be determined  by  subtracting
payments made in previous  calendar  quarters of the year from the amount due on
Net Sales for all completed calendar quarters in the year. The procedure used to
calculate payments is more fully described in Exhibit D.1. Royalties and license
fees shall be determined separately,  and prior or excess payments on account of
one shall not be  charged  or  credited  against  the  other,  except for excess
license fees associated with Net Sales in the fourth quarter of 2006.

         (c) Exchange Rates. All payments of royalties and license fees shall be
computed  in United  States  dollars at the  exchange  rate  prevailing  in each
country in the Territory at the close of the last business day of the third week
next  preceding  the date on which  royalties or license  fees are payable.  The
exchange  rates  used for such  conversion  shall be those set forth in the Wall
Street Journal, Midwest Edition.

         (d) Royalty and License Fee  Payments - Place.  Payments  due  Licensor
under this Agreement shall be made by wire transfer to an account of Licensor at
a bank located in the United States  designated  from time to time in writing by

         (e) No Multiple  Royalties.  No multiple  royalties shall be payable on
the basis that the  manufacture,  use or sale of a Product is or becomes covered
by more  than one Valid  Claim of a  Licensed  Patent or more than one  Licensed

         (f) No Royalties  Payable  Between  Affiliates.  No royalties  shall be
payable on Net Sales among Abbott,  its  Affiliates or  sublicensees  or between
Affiliates  and   sublicensees,   provided  that  Abbott,   its  Affiliates  and
sublicensees resell to Third Persons the quantities of the Product in question.


         (g) Records and Audit.  Abbott,  its Affiliates and sublicensees  shall
keep and  maintain  records  of sales made  pursuant  to the  Exclusive  License
granted  hereunder.  Such records shall be open to inspection at any  reasonable
time  within  three (3) years  after the  royalty  period to which such  records
relate  by a  nationally  recognized  independent  certified  public  accountant
selected  by  Licensor,   approved  by  Abbott,  which  approval  shall  not  be
unreasonably withheld, and retained at Licensor's expense. Said accountant shall
sign a  confidentiality  agreement  prepared by Abbott (which shall not prohibit
disclosure of information in any Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) proceeding
between the  parties)  and shall then have the right to examine the records kept
pursuant  to this  Agreement  and report the  findings  of said  examination  of
records to Licensor as is necessary  to (i)  evidence  that records were or were
not maintained and used in accordance with this  Agreement,  and (ii) report any
impropriety or inaccuracy in the  determination  or payment of any amount due to
be paid under this  Agreement.  A copy of any report provided to Licensor by the
independent  certified public accountant shall be given  concurrently to Abbott.
Any  underpayments  by Abbott to Licensor  discovered  by such an audit shall be
repaid with interest,  at rates then prevailing for comparable commercial loans.
Overpayments by Abbott may be credited against future payments due Licensor.

         (h)  Payment by  Affiliate.  Licensor  agrees that any  sublicensee  or
Affiliate of Abbott may pay, on behalf of Abbott, any obligation of Abbott under
this Agreement and that such payment, when received, shall be deemed received in
lieu of  payment  by  Abbott  in  satisfaction  of such  obligation  under  this
Agreement.  Said  sublicensee  or  Affiliate  shall make  payment to Licensor in
United  States  dollars at a bank account  designated  by Licensor.  The royalty
payment shall be converted from foreign  currency to United States dollars using
exchange  rates  and  conversion  dates  stated  in  Article  5(c)  above.  Said
sublicensee  or Affiliate  shall use its best  efforts to convert the  royalties
payable on sales in any country to United  States  dollars;  provided,  however,
that if conversion to and transfer of United  States  dollars  cannot be made in
any country for any reason,  payment of royalties may be made in the currency of
the  country  in which  such  sales are made,  and  deposited  in an  account in
Licensor's name in a bank designated by Licensor in any such country.

         (i) Agreement to Contract with Affiliate or  Sublicensee.  Upon written
request of  Abbott,  Licensor  will  contract  directly  with any  Affiliate  or
sublicensee of Abbott to provide to said Affiliate or sublicensee  the right and
license  granted  hereunder in any of the  Territory on  substantially  the same
terms and conditions as those contained in this Agreement;  provided that Abbott
shall   guarantee  to  Licensor  full   performance   of  such   Affiliate's  or
sublicensee's duties and obligations under such contract. Any direct or indirect
expenses borne by Licensor in such re-contracting will be reimbursed promptly by

         (j) Royalty License  Restrictions and Maximum Payments.  If any country
restricts  the royalty rate or amount  payable on account of sales of Product in
such country,  the amount payable  hereunder shall not exceed the maximum amount
payable under applicable  laws,  regulations or  administrative  rulings of such


         (k) Taxes.  All taxes  assessed or imposed  against,  or required to be
withheld  from royalty or license  payments due Licensor  shall be deducted from
amounts payable under this Agreement and shall be paid to appropriate  fiscal or
tax  authorities  on behalf of  Licensor.  Abbott  shall  promptly  forward  any
receipts or other documents  received by Abbott, its Affiliates and sublicensees
evidencing payment of such taxes to Licensor.

         (l) Loan.  Within  thirty (30) days after the first sale of the Product
by Abbott or any  Affiliate or  sublicensee,  Abbott shall make an interest free
loan to Licensor in an amount equal to one-quarter of the payments  projected to
be due for the first year of Product sales,  as reflected in Abbott's  marketing
plans and sales  projections,  a copy of which shall be given to Licensor.  Such
loan shall be evidenced by a promissory  note in form acceptable to and executed
by Licensor,  which  promissory note shall be due and payable thirty (30) months
after the date it is made, or within ninety (90) days after  discontinuation  of
Abbott's  Exclusive License for the Product,  whichever occurs first. The amount
due Abbott may be deducted  from  payments due  Licensor by Abbott,  at Abbott's

         (m) Cannibalization of Abbott Product Sales by other Licensor Products.
In the event that  Licensor  licenses a product  to a Third  Person,  or sells a
product in the Territory that can be medically  substituted for Product licensed
to Abbott by  Licensor,  in  packaging  containing  more than two liters (net of
overfill) of product, and unless Licensor can demonstrate that the net price per
liter range for  substitutable  product is not less than the net price per liter
range for Abbott Product, then:

         (i)   If  Abbott  demonstrates  that  its  marketing  efforts  have not
               decreased,  any  reduction  in Abbott  sales  (losses) of Product
               subsequent  to  introduction  of  said  medically   substitutable
               product  will be assumed to be the result of  cannibalization  of
               Abbott Product sales.

         (ii)  Licensor   will   reimburse   Abbott   for  its   losses  due  to
               cannibalization,  up to 50% of any royalty  and license  payments
               due Licensor for the quarter in which Abbott losses occurred.

         (iii)  All Abbott minimum Product sales will be eliminated.

         (iv)  If losses  continue  for more than two  quarters,  Licensor  will
               return 50% of the total  milestone  payments  previously  made by
               Abbott, within 90 days of the end of the second quarter.


6.  Product Promotional Activities

         Abbott agrees to use the extensive  sales,  marketing and  distribution
programs and facilities of its Hospital  Products  Division to promote,  market,
distribute  and sell the Product in the  Territory  in a manner  similar to that
used by Abbott Hospital Products Division for comparable products, and at prices
and on other terms of sale  reasonably  expected to maximize  Net Sales.  Abbott
agrees to seek input from  Licensor  in  defining a  marketing  program  for the
Product;  Abbott  shall  retain  decision  making  power and  management  of the
marketing process. In addition,  Abbott and Licensor  contemplate that they will
engage in the activities described in Exhibit H in connection with the marketing
and  development  of the  Product  and  Improved  Products;  provided  that  the
financial and budgetary  parameters  specified in Exhibit H are  expressions  of
intent only and neither party shall be deemed to have  materially  breached this
Agreement  solely by virtue of failing to expend any such amount of funds in the
manner or time described in such Exhibit.

7.  Clinical Trials and Regulatory Approval - Product and Improved Product

         (a) Licensor is, at the date of this Agreement,  conducting a Phase III
clinical  trial of the  Product  (the "Phase III  Trial")  using High  Molecular
Weight  Hetastarch and Product  manufactured by McGaw,  Inc. Abbott and Licensor
desire to  include  Abbott  manufactured  Product  in the Phase III Trial at the
earliest date practicable.  In order to accomplish this objective,  Abbott will,
at  Abbott's  sole cost and  expense do all of the  following  (i)  Abbott  will
manufacture and deliver to Licensor Product labeled,  packaged, and manufactured
under conditions  suitable and in quantities needed for use in the ongoing Phase
III Trial,  (ii) provide  Licensor  with access to Abbott's drug master file and
such other  documentation  and  information  pertaining to the Product as may be
required to prepare or support any and all FDA  Applications  in connection with
the  actual or  proposed  use of Abbott  manufactured  Product  in the Phase III
Trial;  (iii) perform and provide  Licensor  with the results of such  stability
tests and other  analysis  as may be  required  to include  Abbott  manufactured
Product  in the  Phase  III  Trial;  (iv)  consent  in  writing  to  the  use or
cross-referencing  of  Abbott's  drug  master  file  for High  Molecular  Weight
Hetastarch in connection with all FDA Applications in connection with the actual
or proposed use of Abbott manufactured Product in the Phase III Trial and in the
commercial manufacture,  sale and distribution of the Product; and (v) cooperate
in all commercially reasonable respects with Licensor's efforts to prepare, file
and obtain approval of all FDA Applications for Abbott  manufactured  Product at
the earliest date practicable. All information provided Licensor by Abbott shall
be deemed Abbott's  Confidential  Information,  and shall be used solely for the
purpose of  obtaining  FDA approval for Abbott  manufactured  Product  under the
Exclusive License.

         (b) Licensor agrees to use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to obtain
any FDA  approval  or  permission  as may be  required  to  include  the  Abbott
manufactured  Product in the Phase III Trial.  Licensor  agrees to  disclose  to
Abbott the results of the Phase III Trial and the data gathered in the course of
the  Phase  III  Trial,  which  results  and  data  shall be  deemed  Licensor's
Confidential Information.


         (c) If from  time to  time  and at any  time  during  the  term of this
Agreement,  Abbott and Licensor  desire to commence a new clinical  trial of the
Product or any Improved Product, Abbott will, at Abbott's sole cost and expense,
provide  the  services,  information  and Product  for such new  clinical  trial
(regardless of phase) as provided in clauses (i) through (v) of paragraph (a) of
this Article with respect to the Phase III Trial. Licensor agrees to disclose to
Abbott the results of such  clinical  trials and the data gathered in the course
of such  clinical  trials,  which  results  and data shall be deemed  Licensor's
Confidential Information.

         (d)  Licensor  agrees to consult with Abbott  regarding  the process of
obtaining  regulatory  approval  for all  Product  or  Improved  Product  in the
Territory,  and permit  Abbott to review and comment on  submission  content and
regulatory strategy.  Licensor shall retain management of the regulatory process
and  decision  making  power and shall  retain  the right to  designate  its own
personnel and  consultants  to manage and direct such  regulatory  process.  All
regulatory approvals throughout the Territory and every improvement thereon will
be in the name of and owned by Licensor.

         (e) In the event that Licensor is unable for any reason to complete its
responsibilities in obtaining  regulatory approval for commercial sale of Abbott
manufactured  Product or Improved Product in a reasonably timely manner,  Abbott
in  its  reasonable   judgment  may  by  written   notice  to  Licensor   assume
responsibility  for  conducting  such  activities.  Licensor will cooperate with
Abbott in providing required access to all individuals,  information, documents,
and other  materials  as needed to  expeditiously  obtain  approval  and  market
Product or Improved  Product.  Licensor will execute any  documents  required to
expeditiously obtain approval for and market Product or Improved Product. Abbott
may deduct its costs  incurred in conducting  these  activities  from any future
payments due Licensor by Abbott,  with interest charged at rates then prevailing
for commercial loans.

8.  Minimum Product Sales

         (a)  Minimum  Amounts  - No  Volume  Limitation.  Abbott  agrees to the
establishment of the following minimum Product sales targets in the Territory if
the Product  receives FDA approval  without  volume  limitation  as specified in
Exhibit E, and subject to Abbott's  option not to market the Product as provided
in 8(b) below:

(Confidential  Information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securties and Exchange Commission)


Abbott may, at its option,  supplement  payments due Licensor to make up for any
shortfall  between  payments  due on actual  sales and royalty  payments  due on
target minimums,  provided that such supplemental  payments shall be made at the
assumed Net Sale price of $100 per liter,  or the price expected to optimize Net
Sales as determined by Abbott market research,  whichever is less. Within thirty
(30) days after the end of each 12 month period  following the  commencement  of
Product  sales,  Abbott  shall  deliver to  Licensor a report  showing the total
number of liters of Product  sold in the  Territory  during  such  twelve  month
period.  In the event that Abbott does not achieve target sales in the Territory
or notify  Licensor  of its  intent  to make up  shortfalls  during  such 30 day
period, Licensor has the right to either of the following:

         (i)  convert Abbott's Exclusive License to a non-exclusive license in 
         the  Territory  at no cost to Licensor; or

         (ii) buy out and terminate  Abbott's  Exclusive  License (in which case
         all of Abbott's  rights under the Exclusive  License shall  immediately
         revert back to Licensor)  on payment to Abbott of the amount  specified
         in (A) or (B), as applicable:

                  (A)  If   Licensor   exercises   the  right  after  the  first
                  anniversary  of  initiation  of sales but  before  the  second
                  anniversary  of initiation of sales,  the payment shall be the
                  sum total of milestone payments made to Licensor.

                  (B)  If  Licensor   exercises   the  right  after  the  second
                  anniversary  of initiation  of sales,  the payment shall be an
                  amount equal to three times Net Sales of the  previous  twelve
                  month period,  or the sum total of milestone  payments made to
                  Licensor, whichever is greater.

If Licensor desires to exercise its rights under this paragraph (a) it may do so
by giving Abbott notice to such effect not later than thirty (30) days after the
later of  Licensor's  receipt  of the  report of liters of  Product  sold or the
expiration  of the  thirty  (30) day  period  in which  Abbott  may  retain  its
Exclusive License by paying the shortfall in royalty payments. Abbott shall also
deliver to Licensor a report of total annual Net Sales  within  ninety (90) days
after the end of each 12 month  period  following  the  commencement  of Product
sales.  If Licensor has exercised its rights under this  paragraph (a), it shall
make the  payment  required  by (A) or (B),  as  applicable,  thirty  days after
receiving such report of Net Sales.

If Abbott  elects to  supplement  payments to make up  shortfalls  as  described
above,  such  payments  will be due with  License and Royalty  payments  for the
calendar  quarter which  includes the  anniversary  of the  initiation of sales.
Abbott's  failure to achieve  target sales and its  election  not to  supplement
payments shall not be a breach of this Agreement.

         (b) Decision Not to Market.  Prior to the first sale of the Product, or
thirty (30) days after FDA approval of the first NDA for the Product,  whichever
comes first,  Abbott may inform Licensor of Abbott's  decision not to market the


Product.  If  Abbott so  informs  Licensor,  Abbott's  Exclusive  License  shall
immediately  terminate  and revert back to Licensor at no cost to Licensor,  and
Abbott agrees to  manufacture  for, and sell to,  Licensor the Product under the
Product Standby Contract Manufacturing  Agreement as provided in Article 10 (a),
and Abbott will do  everything  necessary  to return to Licensor  the  Exclusive
License.  All milestone  payments,  as described in Article 3, owed will be paid
promptly by Abbott,  but Abbott  shall not be  obligated  to make any  milestone
payments to Licensor for milestones  that occur after  notification by Abbott to
Licensor of Abbott's decision not to market the Product.

         (c) If Abbott's  exclusive  license for the  Product  terminates,  then
Abbott shall sell to Licensor  the Product  under the Product  Standby  Contract
Manufacturing Agreement as provided in Article 10.

         (d) In the event that  Product  receives  (or is  expected  to receive)
regulatory  approval with volume  limitations,  parties agree to enter into good
faith negotiations for Product sales targets.  In the event that parties can not
agree on minimum sales targets within ninety days of  notification of (expected)
volume limitations,  unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties,  then
Licensor has the right to buy out and terminate  Abbott's  Exclusive License (in
which case all of Abbott's rights under the Exclusive  License shall immediately
revert  back to  Licensor)  on payment to Abbott of the amount  equal to the sum
total of all  milestone  payments  made to Licensor by Abbott,  and Abbott shall
sell to Licensor the Product under the Product  Standby  Contract  Manufacturing
Agreement as provided in Article 10. In no event shall  minimum sales targets be
greater than those specified in paragraph (a) above.

9.  Patent and Trademark Marking

         (a) Abbott shall label or mark each Product or the Product container or
package made by or on behalf of Abbott with the patent  number or numbers of any
issued or pending Licensed  Patents.  The content,  form,  location and language
used for such marking shall be in accordance with the laws and practices of each
country in which the Products are sold or the patents have issued or are pending
and in accordance with Abbott's marketing preferences.

         (b) Abbott shall label or mark each  Product  container,  package,  and
label with the Licensed Trademark and Licensor's name and address. All uses of a
Licensed Trademark shall include (i) the symbol (R) if the Licensed Trademark is
registered with the United States Patent and Trademark  Office,  (ii) the symbol
TM if the Licensed  Trademark is not  registered  with United  States Patent and
Trademark Office, (iii) such symbols or indications of trademark registration or
non-registration  as may be comparable under Canadian law to the symbols (R) and
TM, and (iv) a statement that the Licensed Trademark is licensed from Licensor.

         (c) Abbott shall have a reasonable period of time to execute changes to


patent and trademark labeling,  consistent with any laws or regulations relating
to  changes  in  product  labeling,  and the  reasonable  needs  of  maintaining
efficient manufacturing operations. Updates to patent and trademark labeling are
not required to be made to  manufactured  product or raw materials in inventory,
or which Abbott has committed to purchase.

10.  Standby Contract Manufacturing Agreement

         In the event that  Abbott  decides not to market  Product,  or Licensor
exercises  its option to buy out and  terminate  Abbott's  exclusive  license as
provided  in  Article  8,  Abbott  and  Licensor  agree to enter into a mutually
exclusive  Standby  Contract  Manufacturing  Agreement  for  Product,  generally
according  to  terms  defined  in  Exhibit  F  (the  "Product  Standby  Contract
Manufacturing Agreement").  Upon the request of either party but in any event no
sooner than the date of the NDA submission for the Product,  Abbott and Licensor
will  negotiate  in good  faith  and enter  into the  Product  Standby  Contract
Manufacturing  Agreement with and  incorporating  all of the principal terms and
conditions  set  forth on  Exhibit  F. If the  parties  do not  enter  into such
definitive  Agreement  within ninety (90) days of a request,  unless the parties
agree in writing otherwise,  the Agreement shall be finalized by the Alternative
Dispute  Resolution  Process  of Exhibit G such that it is  consistent  with and
incorporates  all of the principal  terms and conditions set forth on Exhibit F,
and contains  such other terms and  conditions  that are usual and customary for
contract  manufacturing   arrangements  in  the  industry,  and  enforceable  in
accordance with their terms.

11.  Right of First Refusal - New Products

         (a) Grant. Licensor grants Abbott a right of first refusal to obtain an
Exclusive License in the Territory to make, have made and sell New Products that
Licensor  develops for use at  Normothermic  Temperatures in the field of plasma
volume expansion. Such Exclusive License will be on substantially the same terms
and conditions as this Agreement,  except as otherwise  provided in this Article

(Confidential  Information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securties and Exchange Commission)


(Confidential  Information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securties and Exchange Commission)

         (d)  New  Product  Standby  Contract  Manufacturing  Agreement.  On the
request of either party, but in any case no sooner than notification by Licensor


to Abbott of the first successful use of the New Product in a phase II or higher
clinical trial,  Abbott and Licensor will enter into  negotiations for a Standby
Contract  Manufacturing  Agreement  for New  Product.  If a New Product  Standby
Contract Manufacturing Agreement is successfully negotiated, and Abbott does not
exercise  its right to obtain  the  Exclusive  License  in the  manner  and time
provided in paragraph (c) above,  it will contract  manufacture  the New Product
for  Licensor  as provided in the  Agreement  negotiated.  If the parties do not
enter into such  definitive  Standby  Contract  Manufacturing  Agreement for New
Product  within  ninety  (90) days of a  request,  unless the  parties  agree in
writing  otherwise,  Licensor  shall be free to license the New Product to Third
Persons or take any and all other  actions with respect to New Product  provided

         (i) Unless previously paid for by Licensor under the terms of paragraph
         (b) above,  Licensor will reimburse Abbott for its reasonable  expenses
         in providing  materials,  data and other support for clinical trials of
         New Product.  Abbott will provide  Licensor with stability  study data,
         drug master file  access,  manufacturing  information  in the form of a
         batch record or its equivalent,  certificates of analysis and any other
         documentation  and  information  developed by Abbott which is needed by
         Licensor to obtain  regulatory  approval for its New  Product.

         (ii) if Licensor  offers New Product to a Third  Person for license or
         contract manufacture on terms  more favorable  than  those  offered to
         Abbott, Abbott  has the  right to  accept  such  more  favorable terms
         within forty-five (45) days of notice by Licensor to Abbott. If Abbott
         does not exercise its rights within the 45 day period, then Abbott 
         shall have no further rights in connection with the New Product.

(Confidential  Information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securties and Exchange Commission)

         (f) Total Body Washout.  During the nine month period commencing on the
date  Licensor  notifies  Abbott that a  successful  Total Body Washout has been
performed  in a phase  II/III  clinical  trial,  or the ninety day period  after
notification  of completion of phase II clinical trials using the Product or any
New Product  developed by Licensor in Total Body  Washout,  whichever is longer,
Abbott  shall  have  the  exclusive  right to  negotiate  with  Licensor  for an
Exclusive  License to make,  have made,  and sell such Product or New Product in
the  Territory  for use in Total  Body  Washout  or at  temperatures  lower than
Normothermic  Use;  provided  that such right shall expire sixty (60) days after


such  notice  from  Licensor  unless  within  such sixty (60) day period  Abbott
notifies Licensor of Abbott's desire to engage in such  negotiations.  If Abbott
elects to engage in such  negotiations,  the  parties  shall  negotiate  in good
faith. The terms and provisions of this Agreement, other than this paragraph and
the  provisions  pertaining  to  royalties,  shall  not  control  the  terms and
conditions  of any  agreement  pertaining  to a license  of such  Product or New
Product. If a binding,  written agreement is not executed within such nine month
period, Licensor shall be free to (i) use Licensed Patents,  Proprietary Rights,
and all other rights (excluding  Trademarks already licensed to Abbott) to make,
have made,  and sell such  Product or New Product in packaging  containing  more
than two liters of  product  for use in Total  Body  Washout or at  temperatures
lower than Normothermic Use, or (ii) sell, assign, transfer and license to Third
Parties Licensed Patents,  Proprietary  Rights,  and all other rights (excluding
Trademarks  already licensed to Abbott) to make, have made and sell such Product
or New  Product in  packaging  containing  more than two liters of product  (net
contents)  for  use  in  Total  Body  Washout  or  at  temperatures  lower  than
Normothermic Use, provided that if Licensor offers Total Body Washout Product to
a third Person for license or contract  manufacture on terms more favorable than
those  offered to Abbott,  Abbott  has the right to accept  such more  favorable
terms  within  forty-five  (45) days of notice to Licensor by Abbott.  If Abbott
does not exercise its rights within the 45 day period, then Abbott shall have no
further  rights in connection  with such Product or New Product for use in Total
Body Washout. In addition, Licensor agrees to:

        (i)    exclude uses licensed to Abbott from indications requested in its
               regulatory  applications for Total Body Washout and/or lower than
               Normothermic Use product, within the Territory.

        (ii)  require that any party  selling  Total Body Washout  and/or lower
               than  Normothermic  Use product within the territory agree not to
               promote or  support  use of said  product  for uses  licensed  to
               Abbott,  on  penalty  of  revocation  of their  license  for said

        (iii)  in the event that the  requirements  of (ii) above continue to be
               violated  60 days  after  notification  to  Licensor  by  Abbott,
               Licensor  will  revoke the  license of said  party,  and take all
               actions  necessary  to end sale of said  product by that party in
               the Territory.

         (g)  Expiration of Right of First Refusal.  Abbott's  rights under this
Article 11 will expire  automatically  at such time, if any, as Abbott ceases to
have at least one of the following: (i) an Exclusive License in the Territory to
make, have made and sell the Product,  an Improved Product or a New Product;  or
(ii) a  pending,  unexpired  right  (preserved  by  Abbott's  performance  under
paragraph  (b) above) to  acquire an  Exclusive  License to a New  Product  upon
notice to Licensor under paragraph (c) above.

         (h)  Agreement  Modifications  on Licensing of a New Product.  If a New
Product is  licensed by Abbott  under this  Agreement,  the New Product  will be
deemed a  "Product"  as  defined  in this  Agreement,  and the  terms  "Licensed
Patents,"  "Proprietary  Rights" and "Licensed  Trademarks"  shall include those
intellectual property rights pertaining to the New Product;  provided,  however,
that the minimum  sales  targets in Article 8 shall be revised  equitably by the
parties in good faith, and if the parties cannot agree on such revision, the new
minimum sales targets shall be determined by Alternative  Dispute Resolution (as
provided in Exhibit G) applying standards  comparable to the those applicable to
the original Product.


12.  Infringement and Indemnification

         (a) Infringement by Third Person.  In the event Licensor or Abbott have
reason to believe that a Third Person may be infringing or misappropriating  any
of the Licensed Patents or Proprietary  Rights, or infringing,  misappropriating
or diluting any Licensed  Trademark,  such party shall promptly notify the other
party.  Licensor may, in its discretion,  elect to enforce the Licensed Patents,
Proprietary  Rights or Licensed  Trademarks,  through legal action or otherwise,
and Abbott agrees to reasonably cooperate with Licensor in such enforcement.  At
all times in any such enforcement action,  Licensor and its counsel shall retain
control of the  litigation.  Licensor shall be entitled to retain recovery which
may be obtained in any lawsuit brought by Licensor. In the event Licensor elects
not to enforce the Licensed  Patents within three (3) months after notice of the
possible   infringement  is  given  between  Licensor  and  Abbott,  Abbott  may
discontinue  the  payment  in  such  country  by  50%  until  such  time  as the
infringement  of the Licensed  Patents ceases and/or may thereafter  institute a
lawsuit at its expense to prevent  continuation of such potential  infringement.
To the extent that any award of damages or other compensation obtained by Abbott
in any lawsuit  brought by Abbott exceeds  Abbott's  direct costs of litigation,
such  excess  shall be treated as Net Sales upon which a royalty and license fee
shall be paid to Licensor.  Licensor will provide  reasonable  cooperation  with
respect to any lawsuit which Abbott may bring pursuant to this Article 12.

         (b)  Alleged Infringement of Third Person Patents.

                    (i) If a claim or lawsuit is brought against Abbott alleging
         infringement of any patent or infringement or dilution of any trademark
         owned by a Third Person  arising from Abbott's  manufacture,  use sale,
         offer for sale, or importing of the Product or any Improved  Product or
         use of Proprietary Rights, Abbott shall promptly give written notice to
         Licensor  of  such  claim  or  lawsuit  and  provide  to  Licensor  all
         information  in Abbott's  possession  regarding  such claim or lawsuit.
         Within a  reasonable  time  after  receiving  notice  of such  claim or
         lawsuit,  but in any event within sixty (60) days after  receiving such
         notice,  Licensor shall advise Abbott of Licensor's decision as to what
         action  it plans  to take to  dispose  of such  claim  or  defend  such

                    (ii)  Licensor  shall  defend,  indemnify  and  hold  Abbott
         harmless against any judgment,  damage, liability,  loss, cost or other
         expense  (including  reasonable legal fees) resulting from any claim or
         lawsuit which relates to or arises out of the alleged  infringement  by
         Abbott of any patent  owned by a Third  Person to the  extent  that the
         alleged  infringement  relates  to  actions  covered  by the  Exclusive
         License  granted to Abbott;  provided that,  Abbott shall promptly give
         notice to  Licensor  of any such  claim or  lawsuit,  shall  provide to
         Licensor all information in Abbott's possession regarding such claim or
         lawsuit,  and shall  provide  Licensor  such  reasonable  assistance as
         Licensor may, from time to time,  reasonably  request;  provided,  that


         Licensor shall have no obligation to indemnify or defend Abbott against
         any claim or lawsuit  pertaining  to  Abbott's  use of any  technology,
         method, process,  device, or equipment in connection with manufacturing
         or packaging  that was developed by Abbott or obtained by Abbott from a
         Third Person.  Furthermore,  if Licensor notifies Abbott to discontinue
         manufacturing  and/or  selling  any  product  because  of  a  potential
         infringement,  then any liability for such infringement  following such
         notice  shall  be  solely  for  Abbott's   account  and  shall  not  be
         indemnified  by Licensor.  Net sales of any product  after date of such
         notification  will not be included in any  calculations of payments due
         Licensor.  Licensor,  at its option and  expense,  may  dispose of such
         claim or may conduct the defense of such lawsuit.  Licensor's liability
         to Abbott for indemnification  with respect to any and all infringement
         claims or lawsuits shall not exceed the aggregate amount of all license
         fees and royalties previously paid to Licensor by Abbott.

                    (iii)  If  Licensor  disposes  of a claim  or  conducts  the
         defense of a lawsuit  for which it is  obligated  to  indemnify  Abbott
         pursuant to Article 12 (b)(ii) without  directing Abbott to discontinue
         manufacture  or sale of  product,  there shall be no  abatement  of the
         applicable  royalties  payable for such Product or Improved  Product in
         the country where such claim or lawsuit is brought  during the pendency
         of such disposition or lawsuit or any appeal taken from it. If Licensor
         elects not to dispose of such claim or defend such lawsuit,  Abbott may
         defend the claim or lawsuit.  For  purposes of Abbott's  conduct of the
         disposition   or  defense,   Licensor  shall  furnish  to  Abbott  such
         reasonable  assistance  as  Abbott  may  need  and  from  time  to time
         reasonably  request.  If Abbott takes on the  disposition of a claim or
         defense of a lawsuit  for which  Licensor  is  obligated  to  indemnify
         Abbott  pursuant  to  Article  12(b)(ii),  then the  payments  for such
         Product in such country,  which would  otherwise be payable to Licensor
         hereunder,  shall be reduced by 50% during the pendency of such lawsuit
         or any  appeal  taken  from it.  Upon  final  resolution  of the  above
         described  claim,  lawsuit  and/or  appeal,  Abbott shall resume paying
         Licensor any royalties or license payments payable hereunder, but in no
         event shall  Abbott be liable for back  royalties  or license  payments

                    (iv) If Abbott  becomes  obligated  to pay  royalties to any
         Third Person,  in order to make,  have made, or sell the Product in the
         Territory,   said  royalties  shall  be  creditable  against  royalties
         otherwise payable to Licensor hereunder;  provided, that no such credit
         shall be allowed  with  respect to any royalty  paid for the use of any
         technology,  method,  process,  device, or equipment in connection with
         manufacturing,  packaging or any container or delivery  system,  or the
         use of any  trademark,  that was developed by Abbott,  any Affiliate or
         any sublicensee or obtained from a Third Person.

         (c) By  Licensor.  Licensor  shall  defend,  indemnify  and hold Abbott
harmless  against  any  liability,  damage,  loss,  cost or  expense,  including
reasonable  legal fees  ("Liability")  arising out of or resulting from: (i) any
Third Person claims or lawsuits made or brought against Abbott, any Affiliate or
sublicensee, or any of their respective employees, agents or contractors, to the
extent  such  Liability  arises  out of or  relates  to  negligence  or  willful


misconduct of Licensor,  or any of its employees,  agents or  contractors,  with
regard to clinical trials or testing of the Product or any Improved Product, the
preparation and filing of FDA  Applications,  the  maintenance of NDAs,  product
labeling,  reporting required by the FDA, or any other negligent or wrongful act
or omission of Licensor:  (ii) any failure of Licensor or any of its  employees,
agents or contractors to comply with any applicable  law, rule or regulation and
(iii)  Licensor's  breach  of, or failure  to comply  with any  representations,
warranties, covenants or obligations of this Agreement.

         (d) By  Abbott.  Abbott  shall  defend,  indemnify  and  hold  Licensor
harmless  against  any  liability,  damage,  loss,  cost or  expense,  including
reasonable legal fees  ("Liability"),  arising out of or resulting from: (i) any
Third Person claims or lawsuits made or brought against Licensor,  or any of its
employees,  agents or contractors, to the extent such Liability arises out of or
relates  to  negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of Abbott,  any  Affiliate  or
sublicensee, or any of their respective employees,  agents or contractors,  with
regard to the manufacture, use, testing, storage, promotion, shipment, handling,
labeling,  distribution  or sale  of,  or other  negligent  or  wrongful  act or
omission with respect to, the Product,  any Improved Product,  or any container,
packaging or delivery system of the Product or any Improved Product,  or the use
of the  Proprietary  Rights;  (ii) any  failure  of  Abbott,  any  Affiliate  or
sublicensee,  or any of their  respective  employees,  agents or  contractors to
comply with any applicable law, rule or regulation; or (iii) Abbott's breach of,
or failure to perform or comply with,  any of its  representations,  warranties,
covenants and obligations under this Agreement.

         (e)  Conditions  to  Indemnification.  The  agreement of the parties to
indemnify each other,  as provided in this Article 12, is  conditioned  upon the
indemnified party's obligation to: (i) advise the indemnifying party (If Abbott:
Abbott  Laboratories,  100 Abbott Park Road, Abbott Park,  Illinois  60064-3500,
Attention:  Risk Management,  D-317; and if Licensor:  BioTime, Inc., 935 Pardee
Street,  Berkeley,  California  94710,  Attention:  President)  of any  claim or
lawsuit,  in  writing,  within  five (5) days  after the  indemnified  party has
received  notice of said claim or lawsuit or within  such a time frame as not to
materially  prejudice the rights of the  indemnifying  party and (ii) assist the
indemnifying  party and its  representatives in the investigation and defense of
any claim and/or lawsuit for which indemnification is provided. The agreement of
the parties to indemnify each other shall not be valid as to any settlement of a
claim or lawsuit or offer of settlement or compromise  without the prior written
approval of the indemnifying party.

         (f) Limit on Consequential Damages. Notwithstanding any other provision
of  this  Agreement,  neither  party  shall  be  liable  to the  other  for  any
consequential,  incidental,  special or indirect damages whatsoever, unless they
are allowed  Third Person  damages  against  which one party is to indemnify the


13.  Confidentiality

         (a)   Confidentiality.   Neither   party  shall  use  or  disclose  any
Confidential  Information  received by it pursuant to this Agreement without the
prior written  consent of the other.  This obligation will continue for a period
of three (3) years after expiration or prior termination of this Agreement. If a
party  received  Confidential  Information  from the other party,  the receiving
party shall maintain and protect the secrecy of such Confidential Information in
a manner  consistent  with the manner in which the receiving  party protects its
own Confidential Information.

         (b) Disclosure. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to
restrict the parties from disclosing Confidential Information as required:

                    (I)    For regulatory, tax or customs reasons;

                    (ii)   For audit purposes;

                    (iii)  By Court order or other  government  order or request
                           as long  as  reasonable  efforts  have  been  made to
                           assure  its  confidentiality  or the  other  party is
                           timely notified to make such efforts; or

                    (iv)   To perform acts permitted by this Agreement.

14.  Term and Termination

         (a)  Term.  Unless  otherwise  terminated  as  herein  provided,   this
Agreement  shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire on a product by
product  and  country-by-country  basis  in the  Territory  upon  expiration  of
Abbott's  obligation  to pay Licensor  royalties  for Net Sales of that product.
Abbott  agrees not to market a generic  equivalent  of any  Product or  Improved
Product in the Territory before the expiration of this Agreement.

         (b) Early  Termination.  A party may  terminate  this  Agreement  
(including  all  Exclusive  Licenses) by giving to the other party sixty (60)
days prior written notice as follows:

               (i)  Upon the bankruptcy or the insolvency of the other party; or

               (ii) Upon the  breach  of any  material  provision  of this
                    Agreement  by the  other  party if the  breach  is not cured
                    within sixty (60) days after written  notice  thereof to the
                    party in default.

         (c)  Consequences of Termination.

                    (i)   Survival  of   Liability.   Termination,   expiration,
                    cancellation  or abandonment  of this Agreement  through any
                    means and for any reason  shall not  relieve  the parties of
                    any  obligation  accruing prior thereto and shall be without
                    prejudice  to the rights and  remedies of either  party with
                    respect to any antecedent breach of any of the provisions of
                    this Agreement.


                    (ii) Return of Confidential Information. Upon termination of
                    this  Agreement for any reason before the  expiration of the
                    Licensed  Patents or the expiration of the  Agreement,  each
                    party shall, upon request by the other party,  return to the
                    requesting  party  all  copies  of  the  requesting  party's
                    Confidential  Information  and  shall  make no  further  use

         (d) Fully Paid-Up  License.  Upon expiration of Abbott's  obligation to
pay  Licensor  royalties  for a Product  or  Improved  Product,  on a country by
country  and  product by product  basis,  Abbott's  license  under the  Licensed
Patents and  Proprietary  Rights shall become fully paid-up and  irrevocable for
that product and in that country.

15.  Representations and Warranties of Licensor

         Licensor represents and warrants that:

         (a)  Licensor  has the full right and power to perform the  obligations
and grant the Exclusive  License set forth in this  Agreement,  and there are no
outstanding  agreements,  assignments or encumbrances in existence  inconsistent
with the provisions of this Agreement;

         (b) The Licensed Patents and/or  Proprietary  Rights have not knowingly
been  obtained  through  any  activity,  omission or  representation  that would
significantly  limit or destroy the  validity  of the  Licensed  Patents  and/or
Proprietary  Rights, and the Licensor has no knowledge or information that would
materially  adversely impact the validity and/or  enforceability of the existing
Licensed Patents and/or Proprietary Rights;

         (c) To  the  best  of  Licensor's  knowledge,  there  are  no  actions,
threatened or pending,  before any court relating to the Licensed Patents and/or
Proprietary Rights;

         (d)  Licensor has not authorized others to practice the Licensed 
Patents and/or Proprietary Rights;

         (e) Licensor owns and possesses all right, title and interest in and to
the Licensed  Patents and/or  Proprietary  Rights and, to the best of Licensor's
knowledge,  no Third Person has acquired,  owns or possesses any right, title or
interest in or to the Licensed Patents and/or Proprietary Rights;

         (f) Licensor has no agreement with any Third Person which (i) gives any
rights to such Third Person, or (ii) imposes obligations upon Licensor which, in
either case,  would adversely  affect the rights of Abbott or the obligations of
Licensor under this Agreement;

         (g) Exhibit B lists all United States and Canadian  patents  issued and


patent applications filed by Licensor on or before the Effective Date within the
scope of the Licensed  Patents and hence subject to this  Agreement,  and all of
the inventors named in the patents and patent  applications  listed in Exhibit B
have  assigned,  or are under an obligation to assign,  to Licensor all of their
right, title and interest in the inventions claimed; and,

         (h) This Agreement has been duly authorized,  executed and delivered by
Licensor  and is the valid and binding  agreement of  Licensor,  enforceable  in
accordance with its terms.

16.  Representations and Warranties of Abbott

         Abbott represents and warrants that:

         (a) This Agreement has been duly authorized,  executed and delivered by
Abbott  and is the  valid  and  binding  agreement  of  Abbott,  enforceable  in
accordance with its terms.

         (b)  The  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  does  not,  and
manufacture  and sale of the Product by Abbott will not (a) violate the terms of
any order,  writ or decree of any court or judicial or  regulatory  authority or
body,  or (b) conflict  with or result in a breach of any condition or provision
or constitute a default under or pursuant to the terms of any contract, license,
or  agreement  to which  Abbott  or any  Affiliate  is a  party,  or which is or
purports  to be  binding  upon  Abbott  or any  Affiliate,  or  upon  any of the
properties or assets of Abbott or any Affiliate.

         (c) Abbott has no  knowledge or  information  that would lead Abbott to
believe that the existing  Licensed  Patents and/or  Proprietary  Rights are not
valid or enforceable;

         (d) Abbott has or will  maintain  access to a supply of High  Molecular
Weigh Hetastarch sufficient to meet market demand for the Product.

         (e)  Abbott has or will  maintain  access to  manufacturing  facilities
capable  of  producing  a  sufficient  quantity  of  the  Product,   under  good
manufacturing practices, to meet market demand.

         (f) Abbott,  its  Affiliates  and  sublicensees,  and their  respective
employees,  agents and  contractors,  will  manufacture  the Product  under good
manufacturing practices, in compliance with all applicable laws, statutes, rules
and regulations.

         (g) Abbott,  its Affiliates and sublicensees  will distribute,  market,
sell,  transport  and dispose of the Product in compliance  with all  applicable
laws, statutes, rules and regulations.

         (h) Abbott  shall  provide  Licensor  promptly  in writing  all adverse
events and safety data which Abbott or its  Affiliates  or  sublicensees  obtain
concerning the Product and Improved Products.


17.  Notices

         All notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
delivered  personally,  by facsimile  confirmed by postage  prepaid  first-class
mail,  by over-night  or next  business day air courier,  or by postage  prepaid
certified mail to the following addresses of the respective parties:

         Abbott Laboratories
         100 Abbott Park Road
         Abbott Park, Illinois  60064-3500
         Attention:  General Counsel

         With copy to:  President, Hospital Products Division

         BioTime, Inc.
         935 Pardee Street
         Berkeley, CA  94710
         Attention: President

         With copy to: Chief Financial Officer

         Notices  shall be  effective  upon receipt if  personally  delivered or
delivered by facsimile or air courier,  or on the third  business day  following
the date of mailing.  A party may change its address and designates listed above
by notice to the other party.

18.  Alternative Dispute Resolution

         The parties recognize that bona fide disputes may arise which relate to
the parties' rights and obligations under this Agreement. The parties agree that
any such dispute shall be resolved by Alternative  Dispute  Resolution  (ADR) in
accordance with the procedures set forth in Exhibit G.

19.  Publicity

         The parties agree that subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, a
press  release  approved by both parties  will be issued.  Except for such press
release  and  periodic  disclosures  required  by  law or  regulation  or in the
ordinary  course of its SEC  filings,  neither  party  shall (i)  originate  any
publicity,  news release or other public announcement,  written or oral, whether
to the public press, stockholders or otherwise,  relating to this Agreement, any
amendment hereto or performance hereunder,  or (ii) use the name of the other in
any publicity,  news release or other public  announcement,  except (a) with the
prior  written  consent of the other party,  or (b) as required by law, in which
case the originating  party will give to the other party at least seven (7) days


prior notice of such proposed  disclosure to complete a review in order to offer
comments and modifications. Consistent with applicable law, the other party will
have the right to request  reasonable  changes to the  disclosure to protect its
interests.  In all other cases, the originating  party shall give the consenting
party  at least  fourteen  (14)  days to  complete  a  review  in order to offer
comments,  modifications  or to give such  consent.  The party  required to give
consent  shall   endeavor  to  respond  in  less  than  fourteen  (14)  days  if

20.  Applicable Law

         This Agreement  shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the State of California,  regardless of the choice of law principles
of California or any other jurisdiction.

21.  Assignment

         Neither party shall assign this  Agreement or any part thereof  without
the prior written consent of the other party;  provided,  however,  that without
the consent of the other party (a) Abbott may assign this  Agreement to a wholly
owned Abbott  subsidiary;  provided that under the terms of such assignment this
Agreement or the rights and  obligations so assigned shall revert back to Abbott
immediately  before  Abbott's  disposition  of a  controlling  interest  in such
subsidiary,  (b) Licensor may assign this Agreement to a wholly owned subsidiary
of Licensor;  provided that under the terms of such assignment this Agreement or
the rights and obligations so assigned shall revert back to Licensor immediately
before Licensor's disposition of a controlling interest in such subsidiary,  (c)
Licensor may assign its rights to receive license fees or royalty payments,  and
(d)  either  party may  assign or sell its  rights  and  obligations  under this
Agreement in connection  with the transfer or sale of  substantially  its entire
business to which this Agreement pertains (which in the case of Abbott means its
hospital  products  division) or through a merger or consolidation  with another
company.  Any permitted  assignee  (other than an assignee of a right to receive
payments due Licensor)  shall assume all  obligations of its assignor under this
Agreement.  No  assignment  shall  relieve any party of  responsibility  for the
performance of any obligation which such party has hereunder.

22.  Entire Agreement

         This Agreement and the Exhibits constitute the entire agreement between
the parties  concerning  the subject  matter hereof and supersede all written or
oral prior  agreements  or  understandings  with respect  thereto.  No course of
dealing  or usage of trade  shall be used to modify  the  terms  and  conditions

23.  Severability

         This Agreement is subject to the restrictions,  limitations,  terms and
conditions  of all  applicable  laws,  governmental  regulations,  approvals and
clearances.  If any term or provision of this Agreement  shall for any reason be
held invalid,  illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalid, illegal or


unenforceable  provision  shall be modified  so as to conform to the  applicable
requirements,  and this  Agreement  shall be  modified  by the  parties so as to
accomplish  as  nearly  as  possible  the  original  intention  of  the  parties
consistent with applicable laws and regulations.

24.  Cumulative Rights and Remedies

         The  rights,  powers,  and  remedies  given to each  party  under  this
Agreement  shall be  cumulative  and in  addition  to all  rights,  powers,  and
remedies  given to such  party by  virtue  of any  statute  or rule of law.  The
exercise or  existence  of any right or remedy  under this  Agreement  shall not
preclude the exercise of any other right or remedy or  constitute an election of
remedies,  and any  forbearance  or  failure or delay in  exercising  any right,
power, or remedy shall not preclude the further exercise thereof or any other.

25.  Waiver - Modification of Agreement

         No waiver or  modification  of any of the terms of this Agreement shall
be valid unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the party
to be charged. Failure or delay by either party to enforce any rights under this
Agreement  shall not be  construed as a waiver of such rights nor shall a waiver
by  either  party  in one or more  instances  be  construed  as  constituting  a
continuing waiver or as a waiver in other instances.

         The parties  intending to be bound by the terms and  conditions  hereof
have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives
on the date first above written.


By:____________________________     By:___________________________

Title:_________________________     Title:________________________


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                        Exhibit A Hextend(R) Formulation

(Confidential  information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission)


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                             Exhibit B Patent Rights

United States Patent 5,407,428
         Solutions for Use as Plasma Expanders and Substitutes

United States Serial Number 08/253,384, filed 6/3/94
         "Plasma-Like Solution"

United States Serial Number 08/364,699, filed 12/28/94
         "Plasma Expanders and Blood Substitutes"

Canadian Patent Application Serial Number 2,066,374, filed 4/17/92

Canadian Patent Application Serial Number 2,164,321, filed 6/3/94
         "Plasma Like Solution"


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

           Exhibit C Milestone Payments and Sales Related License Fees

Milestone Payments:

         The following  milestone  payments are due within  forty-five (45) days
after Licensor gives Abbott notice of achievement of the milestone:

1.   On signing of this agreement, $1,000,000

2.   On  verification to Abbott of payment by Licensor of the issue fee for USSN
     253,384  having at a minimum claims  directed to the  composition of matter
     described in Exhibit C.1.,  $400,000.  Provided however,  that in the event
     that the patent  does not issue  within  nine (9)  months  from the date on
     which the issue fee was paid,  Abbott will  withhold  $400,000  from future
     payments due Licensor until the issuance of the patent.

3.   On notification to Abbott of submission of an NDA for Abbott manufactured 
     Product for FDA approval, $250,000

4.   On notification to Abbott of FDA approval of an NDA for Abbott manufactured
     Product, $250,000

5.   If the  above  approval  contains  no  language  implicitly  or  explicitly
     limiting maximum dosage as described in Exhibit E, $500,000 (which $500,000
     shall be in addition to the $250,000 under paragraph 4)

6.   On first sale of Product under this agreement, $100,000

Sales Related License Fees

     Licensee  will pay Licensor up to $37.5  Million  dollars in sales  related
license fees calculated as follows:

1.   For every year in which Net Sales equal or exceed $30 Million, an amount
     equal to 10% of Net Sales for such year.


2.   For every year in which Net Sales are between $15 Million and $30 Million,
     an amount equal to 5% of Net Sales for such year.

3.   No sales related license fees shall be are due for sales made after 
     January 1, 2007.


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                Exhibit C.1 Composition of Matter, Minimum Claims

(Confidential  Information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, 2 pages)


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                               Exhibit D Royalties


Licensee will pay Licensor  royalties at least equal to 5%, but no more than 36%
of Net Sales during the term of this Agreement, determined as follows:

1.       Royalty percentage rate is equal to 5.0% plus an additional 0.22% for 
         every million dollars of annual Net Sales

2.       Royalties are equal to the royalty percentage rate determined in 1. 
         above, multiplied by annual Net Sales.


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

           Exhibit D.1 Calculation of License Fee and Royalty Payments

In  determining  royalties  and license fees payable based upon  annualized  Net
Sales for each three month period (calendar  quarter),  the following  procedure
shall apply:

         (i) the sum of actual  Net Sales for the  applicable  calendar  quarter
plus actual Net Sales for all previous  calendar  quarters of the calendar  year
shall be divided by a fraction,  the  numerator of which is the number of months
that have elapsed in the calendar year, and the denominator of which is 12;

         (ii) the amount  determined  in (i) shall be  multiplied  by applicable
royalty  rate  shown on  Exhibit D or  license  fee rate  shown on Exhibit C, as

         (iii) the amount  determined in (ii) shall be multiplied by a fraction,
the numerator of which is the number of months that have elapsed in the calendar
year, and the denominator of which is 12; and

         (iv)  the  sum  of  all  royalties  or  license  fees,  as  applicable,
previously paid on account of Net Sales for such calendar year shall be deducted
from the amount determined in (iii).

If the amount  payable in  accordance  with the previous  sentence is a negative
number after the fourth  quarter of a calendar  year,  the amount of such excess
payment  shall be  credited  against  royalty or license  fees,  as  applicable,
payable by Abbott  during the next  calendar  year.  Payments made (or due to be
made)  during the first  quarter of a calendar  year on account of Net Sales for
the  previous  calendar  year shall not be  included in  determining  royalty or
license fees paid on account of Net Sales for a calendar year.


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                         Exhibit E No Volume Limitation

(Confidential  information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission)


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

           Exhibit F Product Standby Contract Manufacturing Agreement

(Confidential  information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission)

         3.  Unit  price of the  Product  (separate  from the  price of the High
Molecular  Weight  Hetastarch)  will be adjusted  for  inflation  based upon the
Producer  Price  Index,  Pharmaceutical  Preparations,   ethical  (Prescription)
commodity code 06-35, issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  U.S. Department
of Labor, , with the base year beginning January 1, 1997.

         4. The minimum  annual  quantity to be produced by Abbott and purchased
by Licensor is 100,000 units; provided,  that Licensor shall not be obligated to
purchase  any  quantity  during any calendar  year in which  Abbott's  Exclusive
License is in effect.

(Confidential  information  has  been  omitted  and  filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission)


         6. The  foregoing  price terms apply  through the year 2010.  After the
year 2010,  either  party may request good faith  renegotiation  of the contract
manufacturing  price. If the parties cannot agree on a new price, the price will
be determined through Alternative Dispute Resolution per Exhibit G.

         7. Price  applies to Product  contained in Abbott's  standard  vinyl IV
bag. If a major change in the container or manufacturing  process is required by
a party  with  regulatory  authority  (meaning a change in  container  design or
manufacturing  process of  significant  magnitude to require prior approval by a
regulatory body),  Abbott and Licensor will negotiate a new price arrangement in
good faith, and if the parties cannot agree on such price arrangement,  it shall
be determined by Alternative Dispute Resolution (as provided in Exhibit G) which
shall fairly and equitably allocate the actual cost increase resulting from such
FDA mandated change.

         8. Abbott agrees, in the Territory,  to contract manufacture Product or
Improved Product only for Licensor. Licensor agrees to contract only with Abbott
for  manufacture  of  Product or  Improved  Product  for sale in the  Territory.
Licensor will not license any other  manufacturer  to make a product for sale in
the Territory  which is being  manufactured  by Abbott for Licensor,  so long as
Abbott is able to meet market demand.

         9. The contract  manufacturing  agreement can be  terminated  either by
Abbott or Licensor  five years after the  agreement  has gone into effect or any
time thereafter, provided two years notice has been provided to the other party,
or at any time by mutual consent of Abbott and Licensor.


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                    Exhibit G Alternative Dispute Resolution

The parties  recognize  that bona fide disputes as to certain  matters may arise
from  time to time  during  the term of this  Agreement  which  relate to either
party's  rights  and/or  obligations.  To have such a dispute  resolved  by this
Alternative  Dispute  Resolution  ("ADR")  provision,  a party  first  must send
written  notice of the dispute to the other party for  attempted  resolution  by
good  faith   negotiations   between  their  respective   presidents  (or  their
equivalents)  of the affected  subsidiaries,  divisions,  or business units (all
references to "days" in this ADR provision are to calendar days).

If the matter has not been resolved within  twenty-eight (28) days of the notice
of dispute,  or if the parties fail to meet within such  twenty-eight (28) days,
either  party may initiate an ADR  proceeding  as provided  herein.  The parties
shall have the right to be represented by counsel in such a proceeding.

1.     To begin an ADR  proceeding,  a party shall provide written notice to the
       other  party of the issues to be resolved by ADR.  Within  fourteen  (14)
       days after its  receipt of such  notice,  the other party may, by written
       notice to the  party  initiating  the ADR,  add  additional  issues to be
       resolved within the same ADR.

2.     Within twenty-one (21) days following receipt of the original ADR notice,
       the parties shall select a mutually  acceptable neutral to preside in the
       resolution  of any  disputes in this ADR  proceeding.  If the parties are
       unable to agree on a mutually  acceptable  neutral  within  such  period,
       either party may request the  President of the CPR  Institute for Dispute
       Resolution  ("CPR"),  366 Madison Avenue,  14th Floor, New York, New York
       10017, to select a neutral pursuant to the following procedures:

       (a)      The CPR shall submit to the parties a list of not less than five
                (5)  candidates  within  fourteen (14) days after receipt of the
                request,  along with a Curriculum  Vitae for each candidate.  No
                candidate  shall be an employee,  director,  or  shareholder  of
                either party or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates.

       (b)      Such list shall include a statement of disclosure by each 
                candidate of any circumstances likely to affect his or her 


       (c)      Each party shall number the  candidates  in order of  preference
                (with the number one (1) signifying the greatest preference) and
                shall  deliver  the  list  to the  CPR  within  seven  (7)  days
                following receipt of the list of candidates. If a party believes
                a conflict of interest  exists  regarding any of the candidates,
                that party shall provide a written  explanation  of the conflict
                to the CPR along with its list  showing its order of  preference
                for the  candidates.  Any  party  failing  to  return  a list of
                preferences  on  time  shall  be  deemed  to have  no  order  of

       (d)      If the parties collectively have identified fewer than three (3)
                candidates deemed to have conflicts, the CPR immediately shall 
                designate as the neutral the candidate for whom the parties
                collectively have indicated the greatest preference.  If a tie 
                should result between two candidates, the CPR may designate 
                either candidate.  If the parties collectively have identified
                three (3) or more candidates deemed to have conflicts, the CPR 
                shall review the explanations regarding conflicts and, in its 
                sole discretion, may either (i) immediately designate as the
                neutral the candidate for whom the parties collectively have 
                indicated the greatest preference, or (ii) issue a new list of 
                not less than five (5) candidates, in which case the procedures 
                set forth in subparagraphs 2(a) - 2(d) shall be repeated.

3.     No earlier than  twenty-eight (28) days or later than fifty-six (56) days
       after selection,  the neutral shall hold a hearing to resolve each of the
       issues identified by the parties.  The ADR proceeding shall take place at
       a location agreed upon by the parties.  If the parties cannot agree,  the
       neutral  shall  designate a location  other than the  principal  place of
       business of either party or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates.

4.     At least seven (7) days prior to the hearing, each party shall submit the
       following to the other party and the neutral:

       (a)      a copy of all exhibits on which such party intends to rely in 
                any oral or written presentation to the neutral;

       (b)      a list of any witnesses such party intends to call at the 
                hearing, and a short summary of the anticipated testimony of 
                each witness;

       (c)      a proposed ruling on each issue to be resolved,  together with a
                request  for a specific  damage  award or other  remedy for each
                issue.  The proposed  rulings and remedies shall not contain any
                recitation  of the  facts or any legal  arguments  and shall not
                exceed one (1) page per issue.

       (d)      a  brief  in  support  of  such  party's  proposed  rulings  and
                remedies,  provided  that the brief shall not exceed twenty (20)
                pages. This page limitation shall apply regardless of the number
                of issues raised in the ADR proceeding.


       Except as  expressly  set forth in  subparagraphs  4(a) - 4(d) and except
       that each  party  shall be  entitled  to take up to five (5)  depositions
       (lasting no longer  than three (3) hours per  deposition),  no  discovery
       shall  be  required  or   permitted   by  any  other   means,   including
       interrogatories, requests for admissions, or production of documents.

5.     The hearing shall be conducted on two (2) consecutive days and shall be 
governed by the following rules:

       (a)      Each party shall be  entitled to five (5) hours of hearing  time
                to present its case.  The neutral shall  determine  whether each
                party has had the five (5) hours to which it is entitled.

       (b)      Each  party  shall be  entitled,  but not  required,  to make an
                opening  statement,  to present regular and rebuttal  testimony,
                documents or other evidence, to cross-examine  witnesses, and to
                make a closing  argument.  Cross-examination  of witnesses shall
                occur   immediately   after   their   direct   testimony,    and
                cross-examination  time  shall  be  charged  against  the  party
                conducting the cross-examination.

       (c)      The party  initiating the ADR shall begin the hearing and, if it
                chooses to make an opening  statement,  shall  address  not only
                issues it raised  but also any issues  raised by the  responding
                party.  The responding  party,  if it chooses to make an opening
                statement,  also shall  address  all  issues  raised in the ADR.
                Thereafter,  the presentation of regular and rebuttal  testimony
                and  documents,  other  evidence,  and closing  arguments  shall
                proceed in the same sequence.

       (d)      Except when  testifying,  witnesses  shall be excluded  from the
                hearing until closing arguments.  Where absolutely necessary for
                the  convenience  of a witness,  that witness may give testimony
                via  electronic  media,  provided  that  the  testimony  is  not

       (e)      Settlement negotiations,  including any statements made therein,
                shall  not be  admissible  under any  circumstances.  Affidavits
                prepared  for  purposes  of the ADR  hearing  also  shall not be
                admissible. As to all other matters, the neutral shall have sole
                discretion regarding the admissibility of any evidence.

6.     Within seven (7) days following completion of the hearing, each party may
       submit to the other party and the neutral a post-hearing brief in support
       of its proposed rulings and remedies,  provided that such brief shall not
       contain or discuss any new  evidence and shall not exceed ten (10) pages.
       This page  limitation  shall  apply  regardless  of the  number of issues
       raised in the ADR proceeding.


7.     The neutral shall rule on each disputed  issue within  fourteen (14) days
       following  completion  of the  hearing.  Such  ruling  shall adopt in its
       entirety  the  proposed  ruling and remedy of one of the  parties on each
       disputed issue but may adopt one party's proposed rulings and remedies on
       some issues and the other party's  proposed rulings and remedies on other
       issues.  The  neutral  shall not issue any written  opinion or  otherwise
       explain the basis of the ruling.  The neutral shall not have the power to
       award  punitive  damages  under  this  Agreement.  Any award of  punitive
       damages is expressly prohibited.

8.     The neutral shall be paid a reasonable fee plus expenses.  These fees and
       expenses,  along  with the  reasonable  legal  fees and  expenses  of the
       prevailing  party  (including all expert witness fees and expenses),  the
       fees and  expenses of a court  reporter,  and any  expenses for a hearing
       room, shall be paid as follows:

       (a)      If the  neutral  rules  in favor  of one  party on all  disputed
                issues in the ADR,  the losing party shall pay 100% of such fees
                and expenses.

       (b)      If the  neutral  rules in favor of one party on some  issues and
                the other party on other  issues,  the neutral  shall issue with
                the  rulings  a  written  determination  as to how such fees and
                expenses  shall be allocated  between the  parties.  The neutral
                shall  allocate  fees  and  expenses  in  a  way  that  bears  a
                reasonable  relationship  to the  outcome  of the ADR,  with the
                party  prevailing on more issues,  or on issues of greater value
                or gravity,  recovering a  relatively  larger share of its legal
                fees and expenses.

9.     The rulings of the neutral and the  allocation of fees and expenses shall
       be binding, non-reviewable,  and non-appealable,  and may be entered as a
       final judgment in any court having jurisdiction.

10.    Except as provided in paragraph 9 or as required by law, the existence of
       the  dispute,   any  settlement   negotiations,   the  ADR  hearing,  any
       submissions  (including  exhibits,   testimony,   proposed  rulings,  and
       briefs),  and the rulings shall be deemed Confidential  Information.  The
       neutral  shall have the authority to impose  sanctions  for  unauthorized
       disclosure of Confidential Information.


                                  BIOTIME, INC.


                               ABBOTT LABORATORIES

                           Exclusive License Agreement

                    Exhibit H Product Promotional Activities

       1. In  connection  with the  introduction  of the  Product to the medical
market  place,  Abbott  will:  (i) conduct  marketing  studies and consult  with
Licensor in  connection  with the design,  scope and method of  conducting  such
studies; and (ii) provide all technical and medical product support necessary to
commence and maintain  sales and marketing of the Product.  Abbott  expects that
its expenditures for sales, marketing and technical and medical product support,
plus the cost of performing Abbott's  obligations under clauses (i) and (iii) of
paragraph  (a) of Article 7, will be not less than  $6,000,000  if the marketing
studies  indicate that the annual sales  potential of the Product is $40,000,000
or greater.

       2. Licensor intends to produce a Product package insert that will promote
the use of the Product for  Normothermic  Use upon data collected from the Phase
III Trial,  working with the appropriate  governmental  regulatory  agencies and
within the appropriate boundaries of safety and efficacy.

       3.  Licensor  will  analyze and compile data from the Phase III Trial for
Abbott's use in preparing and producing brochures, presentations and promotional
literature encouraging appropriate utilization of the Product.

       4. Licensor  intends,  as finances  permit,  to support and encourage the
presentation  and  publication  of clinical  findings at scientific  and medical
conferences and in scientific and medical journals.

       5. Licensor  intends,  as finances permit,  to engage in public relations
activities  such as  interviews,  conferences,  symposia,  and the  preparation,
publication and distribution of written and videotaped materials for the purpose
of educating the general public about the beneficial uses of the Product.

       6.  To the  extent  that it has  sufficient  finances  for  the  purpose,
Licensor will conduct pre-clinical, and after appropriate FDA approval, clinical
studies, involving other Normothermic Uses of the Product intended to expand the
markets for Normothermic Use of the Product, and involving Total Body Washout.
