File No. 333-1783
                                                          Rule 424(b)(3)

                             ANNUITY CONTRACTS

                      Keyport Life Insurance Company
                    Executive & Administrative Offices
               125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110
                              (617) 526-1400

This  prospectus describes participating interests in group and  individual
deferred  annuity contracts ("Contract(s)") which are designed and  offered
by  Keyport  Life  Insurance  Company  ("Keyport")  to  provide  retirement
benefits for eligible individuals. Eligible individuals include persons who
participate in certain trusts or in certain plans established for  eligible
individuals and members of eligible groups. Eligible individuals  may  also
include  persons who collectively form a group of employees of an employer.
As  required by certain states, the Contracts may be offered as  Individual

               (This "SUMMARY" section continues on page 2.)

The  Contract  may  be  sold  by  or  through  banks  or  other  depository
institutions. The Contract and Certificates: are not insured by  the  FDIC;
are  not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the depository
institution;  and are subject to investment risks, including  the  possible
loss of principal amount invested, as described below.





                The date of this Prospectus is May 1, 1998

Allocated  and Non-Allocated Certificates are issued under Group Contracts.
With  Allocated  Certificates,  each individual's  interest  is  separately
accounted  for  and  is  held in a specific account  established  for  that
individual.  Each  participant  in  a Non-Qualified  plan  and  in  certain
Qualified   Plans  will  be  issued  an  Allocated  Certificate  evidencing
participation in a Group Contract and will have a 100% vested  interest  in
all   values   credited  to  the  participant's  account.   Under   certain
Certificates   issued  with  respect  to  Qualified  Plans  ("Non-Allocated
Certificates"), however, a participant's interest may be vested in the Plan
in  which  they  are  participating rather than in a Certificate.  In  such
cases, the Certificate will usually be owned by the Trustee(s) of the Plan,
and  a  single  account  will be established and  held  on  behalf  of  all
participants in the Plan on a non-allocated basis.

Unless  otherwise  noted  or  the context so requires,  all  references  to
"Certificates"   include  Group  Contracts,  Allocated  and   Non-Allocated
Certificates issued thereunder, and Individual Contracts.

A  Single  Premium of at least $5,000 per Certificate Owner's Account  must
accompany  the  Certificate  application  or  the  Enrollment  Form  for  a
participant under an Allocated Certificate. A Single Premium of $500,000 or
more  requires Keyport's approval. No premium needs to accompany the  Group
Contract  application.  The  Single Premium is  the  only  premium  payment
permitted  or  required with respect to a particular Certificate.  Eligible
individuals,  however,  may  purchase  more  than  one  Certificate.   (See
"Enrollment Form and Premium Payments", page 8.)

The  premium payment credited to a Certificate Owner's Account becomes part
of  the  assets of Keyport. Keyport owns its General Account  and  Separate
Account  assets, and generally intends to invest these payment  amounts  in
U.S.  Government  securities and certain commercial debt securities  having
maturities generally matching the applicable Terms. Keyport may also invest
its  assets  in  various  instruments, including equity  options,  futures,
forwards, and other instruments based on the Index to hedge its obligations
with  respect  to Indexed Accounts. Keyport may also buy and sell  interest
rate  swaps  and  caps, Treasury bond futures, and similar  instruments  to
hedge  its  exposure  to changes in interest rates.  (See  "Investments  by
Keyport", page 16.)

The Certificate provides that the Single Premium may be allocated to one of
two  types of accounts, Interest Accounts and Indexed Accounts, of  varying
durations ("Terms"). As required by certain states, the Indexed Account  is
not available under Certificates issued for those states.

Interest  is  credited  to  Interest Accounts  at  a  fixed  rate  set  and
guaranteed  at  the  beginning of the Term for the duration  of  the  Term.
Interest  is credited to Interest Accounts on an annual compound guaranteed
interest  basis  for the entire duration of the selected Term.  This  means
that  Keyport  adds  interest  to the amount  invested,  so  that  credited
interest may earn interest. (See "Interest Accounts", page 8.)

Interest credited to Indexed Accounts ("Index Increases") is calculated  by
reference  to  fixed  interest rate factors,  set  and  guaranteed  at  the
beginning  of the Term for the duration of the Term, which are  applied  to
changes  in  the  Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock  Price  Index  (the
"Index")  using a formula set forth in the Certificate. If the  publication
of  the  Index is discontinued or the calculation of the Index  is  changed
substantially,  Keyport will substitute a suitable index.  Index  Increases
are based on a percentage of the percentage increase in the Index since the
beginning  of  the  Term.  Index  Increases  are  calculated  and  credited
proportionately  over  the selected Term at each Account  Anniversary.  The
total  Index Increases that may be credited to an Indexed Account during  a
Term are subject to a maximum and minimum limit, both of which are set  and
guaranteed at the beginning of the Term. The minimum may never be less than
zero.  Thus,  the  Indexed  Account Value will never  decrease  to  reflect
declines in the value of the Index since the beginning of the Term or  from
Account  Anniversary to Account Anniversary. (See "Indexed Accounts",  page
9.)  The  amount of Index Increases credited to an Indexed Account  may  be
more  or  less than the amount of interest credited to an Interest  Account
established  at the same time for the same Term. Moreover, it  is  possible
that  no Index Increases will be credited at Account Anniversaries, if  the
Index  on any of the Account Anniversaries in the Term does not exceed  its
value  at  the  beginning  of the Term. (See "Establishment  of  Guaranteed
Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors", page 10.)

The  Certificate  also provides for a minimum value to be used  in  certain
circumstances  instead of the Indexed Account Value to  calculate  benefits
under a Certificate. This value, called the Certificate Value, is equal to:
90%  of  the Single Premium; plus any Excess Interest Credits (as described
below);  less any amounts withdrawn by the Certificate Owner in  a  partial
surrender,  such amounts being reduced by any applicable Surrender  Charge;
plus,  if  the  Account  Value  has ever been transferred,  a  positive  or
negative  amount  reflecting  the effect of  any  applicable  Market  Value
Adjustment on the Account Value at the time of the transfer; plus  interest
credited  on the foregoing at an annual guaranteed rate of 3% per year.  In
addition,  on  each  Account Anniversary and at the  time  of  a  transfer,
additional interest, i.e., an "Excess Interest Credit", may be credited  to
the  Certificate  Value,  such  that the total  interest  credited  to  the
Certificate Value will equal the total interest and/or Index Increases ever
credited  to the Certificate Owner's Account. The amount used to  calculate
death  benefits, withdrawal amounts, and annuity values will never be  less
than  the Certificate Value (subject to an adjustment to reflect the effect
of  any  applicable  Market Value Adjustment on the  corresponding  Account
Value). If at the end of a Term the Indexed Account Value is less than  the
Certificate Value, Keyport will credit interest to the Indexed  Account  so
that  its value will equal the Certificate Value. (See "Certificate Value",
page 10; "Indexed Accounts," page 9.)

Initial  Terms  of one, three, five, six, seven, and ten (Interest  Account
only) years are currently available. Keyport may discontinue offering terms
of  certain durations or offer Terms of other durations from time to  time.
The  interest rates and interest rate factors declared by Keyport may  vary
depending  on  the  duration of the Term. Keyport should  be  contacted  to
determine  the  Terms  currently  being  offered.  Subject  to  contractual
provisions and any applicable Surrender Charge and Market Value Adjustment,
a  Certificate  Owner may transfer from one type of Account  to  the  other
and/or to Terms of greater or lesser duration.

Factors  in  Determining Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed  Interest
Rate Factors

The level of Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors
set  by Keyport for Terms of a particular duration will depend on a variety
of  factors, including the interest rates generally available on the  types
of  instruments  in which Keyport will invest Certificate  Owners'  premium
payments, the duration of the Term, regulatory and tax requirements,  sales
commissions  and  expenses borne by Keyport, general economic  trends,  and
competitive factors.


The  interest and Index Increases credited to a Certificate Owner's Account
are  based  on  guarantees  made by Keyport.  The  initial  and  subsequent
Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors apply to the
original principal sum and reinvested earnings.

OPPOSITE MAY PROVE TO BE TRUE. (See "Market Value Adjustment", page 13.)

"Establishment  of Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed  Interest  Rate
Factors", page 10.)

Renewal of Terms

At  the  end  of each Term, a subsequent Term of the same type  of  Account
(Interest or Indexed) of one-year's duration will begin, unless, within the
thirty  (30)  day period before the end of the Term, the Certificate  Owner
instructs   Keyport  otherwise.  The  Certificate  Owner  will   have   the
opportunity  to  apply the Account Value to an Interest or Indexed  Account
that  has  a Term of any duration then offered. (See "Renewal Terms",  page

Surrenders: Partial or Total

Subject  to  certain  restrictions,  partial  and  total  surrenders  of  a
Certificate  Owner's Account Value are permitted. Such  surrenders  may  be
subject  to a Surrender Charge and/or a Market Value Adjustment. Except  as
described below, the Surrender Charge will be deducted from any partial  or
total surrender made before the end of a Term. The Surrender Charge will be
calculated as a percentage of the gross amount being surrendered in  excess
of  the Free Withdrawal Amount (as explained below), before the addition or
deduction  of  any  applicable  Market  Value  Adjustment.  The  applicable
percentage  will  decline depending on the number  of  years  (rounded  up)
remaining  until  the  end  of the Term. The  current  maximum  is  7%  for
surrenders with seven (7) or more years remaining in the Term.

No  Surrender Charge will apply to a partial or total surrender within  the
first  thirty  (30)  calendar days after the end of any  full  Term,  if  a
Certificate Owner notifies Keyport by prior Written Request.

The  first partial surrender in a particular Certificate Year may  be  made
without  paying a Surrender Charge on the Free Withdrawal Amount, which  is
that  portion of the surrender amount that does not exceed the sum  of  any
interest  or  Index  Increases earned by and credited  to  the  Certificate
Owner's  Account  Value in the prior year (measured from the  date  of  the
surrender to that same date in the prior calendar year), up to the  sum  of
any  such  amounts  earned  and  credited since  the  most  recent  partial
surrender,  if  any, during that prior year. Any partial  surrender  amount
above the Free Withdrawal Amount or any subsequent partial surrender during
the  same  Certificate  Year will be subject to a  Surrender  Charge.  (See
"Surrender Charge", page 12.)


As  to  total  surrenders, if no partial surrender was  made  in  the  same
Certificate  Year,  only the portion of the surrendered  amount  above  the
foregoing  limit  is  subject to a Surrender Charge. Otherwise,  the  total
amount surrendered is subject to a Surrender Charge.

The  withdrawal of interest earnings from an Interest Account  pursuant  to
Keyport's  systematic withdrawal program will not incur a Surrender  Charge
or  a  Market Value Adjustment. Systematic withdrawals may not be made from
an Indexed Account. (See "Systematic Withdrawal Program", page 11.)

The  minimum  partial  surrender  is $250,  unless  made  pursuant  to  the
systematic withdrawal program, in which case the minimum is $100.  After  a
partial surrender, the minimum Account Value must be at least $2500.


Subject  to  certain  conditions,  the  Interest  Account  Value   may   be
transferred  to  another Account at any time before the  Income  Date.  The
Indexed  Account Value may only be transferred at the end of  a  Term.  Any
amount  transferred  before the end of a Term may be subject  to  a  Market
Value  Adjustment, as described below. Currently, there is  no  charge  for
transfers.  Keyport  in its discretion may institute a transfer  charge  on
transfers  in  excess  of  a  certain number of  transfers  annually.  (See
"Transfer of Values", page 11; "Market Value Adjustment", page 13.)

Market Value Adjustment

The  amount  payable upon a partial or total surrender from,  or  upon  the
application  to  an Annuity Option of Account Value of, an Account  with  a
Term  of  three  (3)  years  or more may be adjusted  up  or  down  by  the
application  of  the  Market Value Adjustment.  However,  no  Market  Value
Adjustment  will  apply to a partial or total surrender  within  the  first
thirty  (30) calendar days after the end of any full Term, if a Certificate
Owner notifies Keyport by prior Written Request.

Where   a  Market  Value  Adjustment  is  applicable  to  a  surrender   or
annuitization, if there has not previously been a partial surrender in  the
same  Certificate Year as the surrender or annuitization, the Market  Value
Adjustment will be calculated based on the gross amount payable  in  excess
of  the  Free  Withdrawal Amount, before the deduction  of  any  applicable
Surrender  Charge.  Otherwise, the Market Value  Adjustment  is  calculated
based  on  the gross amount payable, before the deduction of any applicable
Surrender Charge. (See "Market Value Adjustment", page 13).

A Market Value Adjustment also applies to any transfer from an Account with
a  Term  of  three  (3)  years or more, unless the effective  date  of  the
transfer is: (a) within the last year of the Term and the transfer is to an
Account with a Term of three (3) years or more; or (b) within the first ten
(10)  calendar  days  after the end of each full  Term.  The  Market  Value
Adjustment  upon transfer is calculated based on the Account Value  or,  if
there  has  not previously been a partial surrender in the same Certificate
Year as the transfer, on the Account Value in excess of the Free Withdrawal
Amount. (See "Market Value Adjustment", page 13).

The Market Value Adjustment for Indexed Accounts includes a Scaling Factor.
The Scaling Factor may reduce the positive or negative amount of any Market
Value  Adjustment  on an Indexed Account. The Market Value  Adjustment  for
Interest  Accounts  will not include a Scaling Factor. (See  "Market  Value
Adjustment", page 13).

The  Market Value Adjustment reflects the relative difference between:  (a)
the  current Treasury Rate for a period of time equivalent to the remaining
duration of the current Term; and (b) the Treasury Rate at the beginning of
the Term for a period of time equal to the full duration of the Term. It is
possible, therefore, that should such Treasury Rates increase significantly
from  the beginning of a Term, the amount a Certificate Owner would receive
upon  a total surrender would be less than the original amount credited  to
the Certificate Owner's Account. (See "Market Value Adjustment", page 13.)

Deferral of Payment

Keyport  may defer payment of any partial or total surrender for  a  period
not  exceeding  six (6) months from the date of receipt of  a  request  for
surrender  or for the period permitted by state insurance law, if  less.  A
deferral of payment for a period greater than thirty (30) days would  occur
only  under  highly unusual circumstances. (See "Payment  upon  Partial  or
Total Surrender", page 12.)

Annuity Period

On  the  Income Date, Keyport will start to pay the designated Annuitant  a
series  of  annuity  payments under an Annuity Option. The  Annuity  Option
selected  determines  the timing and basis of the  annuity  payments.  (See
"Annuity Period Provisions", page 15.)

Death Benefit

The  Certificate  provides for a special death benefit if  the  Certificate
Owner  dies  before  the Income Date or if the Annuitant  dies  before  the
Income Date and the Certificate Owner is not a natural person. After one of
these deaths, the Designated Beneficiary may, by the later of the 90th  day
after  the  death and the 60th day after Keyport is notified of the  death,
surrender  the  Certificate  to  Keyport  for  the  greatest  of:  (a)  the
Certificate Owner's Account Value; (b) the Certificate Value;  or  (c)  the
Certificate Withdrawal Value, which is defined as the greater  of  (i)  the
Account Value, subject to any applicable Market Value Adjustment, less  any
applicable  Surrender  Charge,  and (ii)  the  Certificate  Value  adjusted
proportionally  to  reflect  the  effect of  any  applicable  Market  Value
Adjustment  on  the Account Value. If the Term that includes  the  date  of
death  relates to the Indexed Account and the Term's Floor is equal to  0%,
the  "(a)" value will be recalculated by Keyport and the new value will  be
the  same  or higher. If the surrender request is made after the applicable
90  or  60  day period or upon the death of a Joint Certificate Owner,  the
Designated  Beneficiary will receive the Certificate Withdrawal  Value.  If
the  Certificate is not surrendered, it may stay in force for  up  to  five
years  after the date of death, at the end of which time Keyport  will  pay
the  Designated Beneficiary the Certificate Withdrawal Value,  without  the
deduction of any applicable Surrender Charge. (See "Death Provisions", page
14; "Surrender Charge", page 12.)

Premium Taxes

Keyport will deduct the amount of any premium taxes levied by any State  or
governmental  entity when the premium tax is actually paid, unless  Keyport
elects  to  defer such deduction until the time of surrender or the  Income
Date.  It  is not possible to describe precisely the amount of premium  tax
payable  on any transaction. Such premium taxes depend, among other things,
on  the  type of Certificate (Qualified or Non-Qualified), on the state  of
residence  of the Certificate Owner or participant, the state of  residence
of  the  Annuitant,  the  status of Keyport within  such  states,  and  the
insurance tax laws of such states. Currently such premium taxes range  from
0%-5.0%. For a schedule of such taxes, see Appendix C, at page 50  of  this

Annual Reports to Certificate Owners

At  least  once  each Certificate Year, Keyport will send each  Certificate
Owner  a  report  which  will  show  the  Account  Value,  the  Certificate
Withdrawal  Value,  the  Market  Value Adjustment  used  to  calculate  the
Certificate Withdrawal Value, and any Surrender Charge.

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
SUMMARY                                                                1
GLOSSARY OF SPECIAL TERMS                                              6
A.  Ownership                                                          8
B.  Enrollment Form and Premium Payments                               8
C.  Accumulation Period                                                8
 1.  Initial Term                                                      8
 2.  Interest Accounts                                                 8
 3.  Indexed Accounts                                                  9
 4.  Renewal Terms                                                     10
 5.  Information on Renewal Rates                                      10
 6.  Establishment of Guaranteed Interest Rates and
       Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors                                10
 7.  Certificate Value                                                 10
 8.  Transfer of Values                                                11
 9.  Surrenders                                                        11
     (a)  General                                                      11
     (b)  Systematic Withdrawal Program                                11
     (c)  Surrender Procedures and Determination of Surrender Value    11
          1.  Partial Surrenders                                       11
          2.  Total Surrenders                                         11
     (d)  Risk                                                         12
     (e)  Payment upon Partial or Total Surrender                      12
10.  Deductions                                                        12
     (a)  Surrender Charge                                             12
     (b)  Market Value Adjustment                                      13
11.  Premium Taxes                                                     13
12.  Death Provisions                                                  13
     (a)  Non-Qualified Certificates                                   13
     (b)  Qualified Certificates                                       14
D.  Annuity Period Provisions                                          14
 1.  Annuity Benefits                                                  14
 2.  The Income Date and Form of Annuity                               15
 3.  Change of Annuity Option                                          15
 4.  Annuity Options                                                   15
 5.  Frequency and Amount of Payments                                  16
 6.  Proof of Age, Sex, and Survival of Annuitant                      16
INVESTMENTS BY KEYPORT                                                 16
AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATES                                              16
ASSIGNMENT OF CERTIFICATES                                             17
TAX CONSIDERATIONS                                                     17
A.  General                                                            17
B.  Taxation of Keyport                                                17
C.  Taxation of Annuities in General                                   17
    1.  General                                                        17
    2.  Surrenders, Assignments, and Gifts                             17
    3.  Annuity Payments                                               18
    4.  Penalty Tax                                                    18
    5.  Income Tax Withholding                                         18
    6.  Section 1035 Exchanges                                         18
D.  Qualified Plans                                                    18
 1.  Tax-Sheltered Annuities                                           19
 2.  Individual Retirement Annuities                                   19
 3.  Corporate Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans                        19
THE COMPANY                                                            19
A.  Business                                                           19
     General                                                           19
B.  Selected Financial Data                                            20
C.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
       Financial Condition                                             20
     Results of Operations                                             20
     Financial Condition                                               21
     Management of the Company's Investments                           22
     Liquidity                                                         23
     Year 2000                                                         23
     Effects of Inflation                                              24
D.  General Account Investments                                        24
E.  Competition                                                        24
F.  Employees                                                          24
G.  Regulation                                                         24
COMPANY MANAGEMENT                                                     26
LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                      29
EXPERTS                                                                29
CHANGE IN ACCOUNTANTS                                                  29
LEGAL MATTERS                                                          30
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                   31
     INCLUDING SURRENDER CHARGE CALCULATIONS)                          48
APPENDIX C (SCHEDULE OF STATE PREMIUM TAXES)                           50

                         GLOSSARY OF SPECIAL TERMS

The following terms in this Prospectus have the indicated meanings:

Account   Year,  Account  Anniversary  A  continuous  twelve-month   period
commencing  on the date that an Interest or Indexed Account  is  opened  by
allocation or transfer, and each anniversary thereof including the  end  of
the Term.

Allocated  Certificate A Certificate under which amounts are  allocated  or
credited to the account of one individual participant.

Annuitant  The natural person upon whose life annuity payments  are  based,
and to whom any annuity payments will be made starting on the Income Date.

Annuity Options Options available for annuity payments.

Cap  The  maximum percentage by which the value of an Indexed  Account  may
increase during a single Term.

Certificate The document issued to each Certificate Owner evidencing his or
her  interest  in  the  Group Annuity Contract. The term  Certificate  also
includes any Group Contract and any Individual Contract, unless the context
requires otherwise.

Certificate Anniversary, Certificate Year A continuous twelve-month  period
commencing on the Certificate Date and each anniversary thereof.

Certificate  Date  The  date a Certificate is issued  and  the  Certificate
Owner's rights and benefits begin.

Certificate  Owner The person, persons or entity entitled to the  ownership
rights  stated  in the Certificate and in whose name(s) the Certificate  is

Certificate  Owner's  Account  The Account established  by  Keyport  for  a
Certificate Owner into which the Single Premium paid by or on behalf  of  a
Certificate Owner is credited.

Certificate  Owner's  Account  Value The  value  of  all  amounts  under  a
Certificate in an Indexed or Interest Account prior to the Income Date.

Certificate  Value The guaranteed minimum value of the Certificate  at  any
time  prior  to any then-applicable Market Value Adjustment, calculated  as
described below.

Certificate Withdrawal Value The greater of: (a) the Account Value, plus or
minus any applicable Market Value Adjustment, less any applicable Surrender
Charge,  and  (b)  the Certificate Value, multiplied by the  ratio  of  the
Account Value, adjusted by the applicable Market Value Adjustment,  to  the
unadjusted Account Value.

Contract  Owner  The person, persons, or entity entitled to  the  ownership
rights  stated in a Group or Individual Contract and in whose  name(s)  the
Contract is issued.

Designated  Beneficiary The person who may be entitled to receive  benefits
following  the death of the Annuitant, the Certificate Owner, or the  Joint
Certificate  Owner.  The Designated Beneficiary will be  the  first  person
among  the following who is alive on the date of death: Certificate  Owner;
Joint  Certificate Owner; Primary Beneficiary, Contingent Beneficiary;  and
otherwise  the  Certificate Owner's estate. If the  Certificate  Owner  and
Joint  Certificate  Owner  are  both alive, they  will  be  the  Designated
Beneficiary together.

Enrollment Form A document signed by a participant that serves  as  his  or
her application for participation under an Allocated Certificate.

Floor  The minimum percentage by which the value of an Indexed Account  may
increase during a single Term. The Floor will never be less than zero.

Free Withdrawal Amount The amount that may be surrendered, transferred,  or
applied  to  an  Annuity Option without any otherwise applicable  Surrender
Charge or Market Value Adjustment. If no partial surrender has been made in
the  Certificate  Year  of the transaction, the Free Withdrawal  Amount  is
equal  to the sum of any interest or Index Increases earned by and credited
to  the Certificate Owner's Account Value in the prior year (measured  from
the date of the surrender to that same date in the prior calendar year), up
to  the  sum of any such amounts earned and credited since the most  recent
partial surrender, if any, during that prior year.

General Account Keyport's general investment account which contains all  of
Keyport's  assets  except those in Separate Account C  and  other  separate

Guaranteed  Interest Rate The fixed rate of interest set and guaranteed  by
Keyport  at  the beginning of a Term of an Interest Account to be  used  to
calculate  the interest to be credited to the Interest Account  during  the

Guaranteed  Interest Rate Factors The Participation Rate, Cap,  and  Floor,
which are set and guaranteed by Keyport at the beginning of each Term of an
Indexed  Account and used to calculate Index Increases under a formula  set
forth in the Certificate.

Income  Date  The  date on which annuity payments to an  Annuitant  are  to

Index  The  Index (set forth in the Certificate) that is used to  calculate
Index Increases.

Indexed Account An account to which Keyport credits Index Increases.

Indexed  Account  Value  The  value of an Indexed  Account,  equal  to  all
allocations  or transfers to the Indexed Account, plus all Index  Increases
credited   to  the  Indexed  Account,  less  all  amounts  transferred   or
surrendered from the Indexed Account.

Index Increase Interest credited to an Indexed Account, which is calculated
using  the  Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors as applied to changes  in  the

Individual  Contract A Contract issued to a Contract  Owner  in  states  in
which Keyport does not issue a Certificate.

In  Force The status of a Certificate before the Income Date, so long as it
is  not totally surrendered and there has not been a death of the Annuitant
or  any Certificate Owner that would cause the Certificate to end within at
most five years from the date of death.

Interest  Account An account to which Keyport credits interest based  on  a
specific and guaranteed rate of interest.

Interest  Account  Value The value of an Interest  Account,  equal  to  all
allocations  or  transfers  to  the Interest  Account,  plus  all  interest
credited  to  the  Interest  Account,  less  all  amounts  transferred   or
surrendered from the Interest Account.

Joint  Certificate  Owner Any person designated by  the  Certificate  Owner
jointly  to  possess  rights in the Certificate  Owner's  Account.  Keyport
requires  that  the Certificate Owner and any Joint Certificate  Owner  act

Non-Allocated  Certificate A Certificate under which a  single  account  is
established and held on behalf of all participants in a particular plan  of
an employer or other eligible entity on a non-allocated basis.

Non-Qualified  Certificate  Any Certificate that  is  not  issued  under  a
Qualified Plan.

Office  Keyport's  executive office, which is at 125 High  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02110.

Participation  Rate The percentage of the increase in  the  Index  used  to
calculate Index Increases.

Qualified Certificate Any Certificate issued under a Qualified Plan.

Qualified Plan A retirement plan established pursuant to the provisions  of
Sections 401, 403 and 408 of the Internal Revenue Code and HR-10 Plans  for
self-employed persons.

Reset  Date  The  date on which an amount is allocated to  an  Interest  or
Indexed  Account. The first day of each subsequent Term is the  next  Reset
Date for that Account.

Separate  Account A nonunitized separate investment account of  Keyport  in
which assets underlying the Certificates and other annuity contracts issued
by  Keyport may be held. Assets held in Separate Account C will be  subject
to the claims of Keyport's general creditors.

Single  Premium  The  payment made by or an behalf of  a  participant  with
respect to a Certificate.

Term The period for which either a Guaranteed Interest Rate is credited  to
an  Interest  Account  or  Guaranteed Interest Rate  Factors  are  used  to
calculate Index Increases for an Indexed Account. Terms may be selected  by
a Certificate Owner from among those offered by Keyport.

Treasury  Rate  The  Treasury Rate is the interest  rate  in  the  Treasury
Constant Maturity Series, as published by the Federal Reserve Board, for  a
maturity  equal  to the appropriate number of years. The Treasury  Rate  is
used in calculating Market Value Adjustments.

Written Request A written request in a form satisfactory to Keyport, signed
by the Certificate Owner, and received at Keyport's Office.



The  Certificate Owner is the individual or legal entity that has the power
to  exercise  the rights of an owner under the Certificate. The Certificate
Owner  is  the  person  or  entity designated  in  the  application  for  a
Certificate or the individual so designated in the Enrollment Form  for  an
Allocated Certificate.

The   Certificate  Owner  may  exercise  all  rights  summarized   in   the
Certificate.  Joint  Certificate Owners are permitted  but  not  contingent
Certificate Owners.

Prior  to  the Income Date, the Certificate Owner together with  any  Joint
Certificate  Owner  may, by Written Request, change the Certificate  Owner,
Joint  Certificate  Owner, Beneficiary, Contingent Beneficiary,  Contingent
Annuitant,  or  in  certain instances, the Annuitant. An  irrevocably-named
person may be changed only with the written consent of such person.

Because  a change of Certificate Owner by means of a gift (i.e., a transfer
without  full  and  adequate  consideration) may  be  a  taxable  event,  a
Certificate  Owner should consult a competent tax adviser  as  to  the  tax
consequences resulting from such a transfer.

Any Qualified Certificate may have limitations on transfer of ownership.  A
Certificate  Owner should consult a competent tax adviser  as  to  the  tax
consequences resulting from such a transfer.


The  Single Premium is due on the Certificate Date. The Single Premium  may
not  be  less  than $5,000. There is a maximum of $500,000 for  the  Single
Premium.   Payments  of  $500,000  or  more  require  Keyport's   approval.
Certificate  Owners  may purchase multiple Certificates,  although  Keyport
reserves   the  right  to  limit  the  total  premiums  paid  on   multiple
Certificates with respect to any one Certificate Owner. Keyport may  reject
any premium payment.

The  Single Premium is credited to a Certificate Owner's Account, which  is
established  on the date of receipt of a properly completed application  or
Enrollment Form along with the required premium payment. Keyport will issue
a  Certificate and confirm the receipt of the Single Premium in writing. If
the  Contract  is  issued on a Non-Allocated basis,  a  single  Certificate
Owner's  Account is opened for the Certificate Owner. A Certificate Owner's
Account  starts  earning  interest  on  the  day  following  the  date  the
Certificate  Owner's  Account  is established  on  his  or  her  behalf.  A
Certificate Owner may choose to allocate the Single Premium to an  Interest
Account  or an Indexed Account, as described below. As required by  certain
states, the Indexed Account is not available under Certificates issued  for
those states.

In  the event Keyport determines that an application or Enrollment Form  is
not  properly  completed, Keyport will attempt to contact  the  Certificate
Owner  by  letter  or  telephone  to secure the  information  necessary  to
complete the form.

Keyport will return an improperly completed application or Enrollment Form,
along  with  the  corresponding premium payment, which cannot  be  properly
completed within three weeks of its receipt.

Keyport  will  permit  others to act on behalf of an applicant  in  certain
instances, including the following two examples. First, Keyport will accept
an  application for a Certificate that contains a signature signed under  a
power  of  attorney, if a copy of that power of attorney is submitted  with
the application. Second, Keyport will issue a Certificate that is replacing
an  existing  life  insurance or annuity policy that was issued  by  either
Keyport  or  an  affiliated company without having  previously  received  a
signed  application from the applicant. Certain dealers or other authorized
persons  such  as  employers  and Qualified Plan  fiduciaries  will  inform
Keyport  of  an applicant's answers to the questions in the application  by
telephone  or by order ticket and cause the Single Premium to  be  paid  to
Keyport.  If  the  information is in good order,  Keyport  will  issue  the
Certificate  with a copy of an application completed with that information.
The  Certificate will be delivered to the Certificate Owner with  a  letter
from Keyport that will give the Certificate Owner an opportunity to respond
to   Keyport   if   any  of  the  application  information  is   incorrect.
Alternatively,  Keyport's  letter  may request  the  Certificate  Owner  to
confirm the correctness of the information by signing either a copy of  the
application or a Certificate delivery receipt that ratifies the application
in  all  respects. (In either case, a copy of the signed document would  be
returned  to  Keyport  for  its  permanent  records.)  All  purchases   are
confirmed,  in  writing, to the applicant by Keyport.  Keyport's  liability
extends only to purchases so confirmed.


1.  Initial Term

A  Certificate  Owner will select the type of Account, either  an  Interest
Account  or  an  Indexed  Account, to which  the  Single  Premium  will  be
allocated, and the duration of the initial Term from among those offered by
Keyport.  Initial Terms of one, three, five, six, seven, and ten  (Interest
Account  only)  years  are  currently available. Keyport  may  offer  other
durations  from  time to time. As required by certain states,  the  Indexed
Account is not available under Certificates issued for those states.

A Term begins on the date as of which the Single Premium is allocated or an
amount  is transferred to an Account and ends when the number of  years  in
the  Term  elected has elapsed. The last day of the Term is the  expiration
date  for  the Term. The subsequent Term begins on the first day  following
the expiration date of the previous Term.

The  Single Premium (less surrenders made and premium taxes, if  any)  will
earn and be credited interest and/or Index Increases in accordance with the
formula  applicable  to the selected type of Account, as  described  below.
Interest  is credited to Interest Accounts at the Guaranteed Interest  Rate
specified  and guaranteed at the beginning of the Term for the duration  of
the Term. Index Increases are credited to Indexed Accounts by reference  to
Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors, guaranteed at the beginning of  the  Term
for the duration of the Term, as applied to changes in the Index.

2.  Interest Accounts

Through  the  Interest  Accounts, Keyport offers  specified  effective  and
guaranteed annual rates of interest, the Guaranteed Interest Rates,  for  a
specified  period  of  time, the Term, selected by the  Certificate  Owner.
Although  Guaranteed  Interest Rates may differ among  Terms  of  different
durations  or  established at different times, a Guaranteed  Interest  Rate
will  never  be  less than 3% per year and, once declared,  will  never  be
changed during a Term.

An  amount  allocated  or  transferred to an  Interest  Account  will  earn
interest  at  the  Guaranteed Interest Rate for  a  Term  of  the  selected
duration.  Interest  will  be credited daily at a rate  which,  compounded,
equals  an effective annual rate equal to the Guaranteed Interest Rate.  If
an  amount  remains in an Interest Account until the end of the  applicable
Term,  its  value  will  be  equal to the amount  originally  allocated  or
transferred to the Interest Account, less all amounts withdrawn,  plus  all
interest credited to the Account.

An illustrative example of how interest is credited to the Interest Account
is set forth in Appendix A.

3.  Indexed Accounts

Through the Indexed Accounts, Keyport offers Index Increases that depend on
increases in a specified Index. The Index Increases are determined based on
a  formula  utilizing  specified  Guaranteed  Interest  Rate  Factors  (the
Participation  Rate,  Cap,  and Floor) that  are  available  for  specified
periods  of  time  (Terms)  selected by  the  Certificate  Owner.  Although
Guaranteed  Interest  Rate  Factors may differ  among  Terms  of  different
durations or established at different times, once declared, they will never
be changed during a Term.

An  amount  allocated or transferred to an Indexed Account will earn  Index
Increases based on the Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors for a Term  of  the
selected  duration.  Index Increases may be added to the  Account  on  each
Account  Anniversary. If an amount remains in an Indexed Account until  the
end  of  the  applicable  Term,  its value will  be  equal  to  the  amount
originally  allocated  or  transferred to the  Indexed  Account,  less  all
amounts withdrawn, plus all Index Increases credited to the Account.

Keyport   will  calculate  and  credit  Index  Increases  at  each  Account
Anniversary after the start of a Term. The Certificates contain  a  formula
for using the Index and the Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors established at
the  beginning of the Term to calculate the Index Increases on each Account
Anniversary  in the Term. All Index Increases are credited to  the  Indexed
Account  proportionately  over the entire Term. Therefore,  there  are  two
components  of  the  Index Increases. The first part is  the  proportionate
credit for an increase (if any) in the Index from its prior highest Account
Anniversary  value  to  its  new  highest  value  on  the  current  Account
Anniversary. The second part is the proportionate credit for an increase(s)
(if  any)  in the Index occurring on a prior Account Anniversary(ies).  The
second  part of the Index Increase will always be zero on the first Account
Anniversary in any Term.

     Part one is calculated as follows: Multiply the Participation Rate  by
the  increase in the Index from its prior highest Account Anniversary value
to  its current Account Anniversary value divided by its beginning of  Term
value.  The  result  is  then multiplied by the  ratio  of  the  number  of
completed Account Years in the Term to the total number of Account Years in
the  Term. This percentage is then multiplied by the smaller of the Account
Value  at  the  beginning of the Term and the Account Value (prior  to  the
crediting of any Index Increases) on any Account Anniversary in the Term.

     Part two is calculated as follows: Multiply the Participation Rate  by
the  percentage  increase in the Index since the  beginning  of  the  Term,
calculated  using the highest value attained by the Index  at  any  Account
Anniversary  during  the  Term excluding the current  Account  Anniversary.
Divide the resulting percentage by the number of Account Years in the Term.
This  percentage is then multiplied by the smaller of the Account Value  at
the beginning of the Term and the Account Value (prior to the crediting  of
any Index Increases) on any Account Anniversary in the Term.

The  part one and two amounts as calculated above may be reduced if the Cap
is applicable and increased if a Floor in excess of zero is applicable. The
sum  of the two parts equals the total Index Increase that is added to  the
Account  Value. If the Index on each Account Anniversary in a Term is  less
than  the  Index at the beginning of the Term, there will not be any  Index
Increases  credited during the Term. Because of the Floor  of  zero,  Index
Increases can never be negative.

The  effect  of  this  formula is to provide that, in the  absence  of  any
partial  or  total  surrender  during a Term,  the  total  Index  Increases
credited  to an Indexed Account during a Term will equal the Account  Value
at  the  beginning  of  the Term multiplied by a percentage  (Participation
Rate)  of the percentage increase in the Index since the beginning  of  the
Term  (subject to the Floor and Cap), using the highest value  attained  by
the  Index  on  any Account Anniversary in the Term. Partial surrenders  in
excess  of  Index  Increases will reduce the amount of the Index  Increases
credited after such surrender, but do not affect Index Increases previously

Total Index Increases credited to an Index Account may be more or less than
the  amount of interest credited to an Interest Account established at  the
same time for the same Term, depending on the change in the Index over  the
course of the Term.

If  no  or  small Index Increases are earned by and credited to an  Indexed
Account,  in  time  the value of an Indexed Account may be  less  than  the
Certificate Value. In those circumstances, the Certificate Value is used to
calculate any benefit payable under the Certificate. In addition, if at the
end  of a Term the value of an Indexed Account is less than the Certificate
Value,  Keyport  will credit the Indexed Account with an End  of  the  Term
Increase  equal  to the excess of the Certificate Value  over  the  Indexed
Account Value. (See "Certificate Value" on page 10.)

Currently  the  Index  is the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite  Stock  Price
Index  ("S&P 500"). The S&P 500 is a widely accepted and broad  measure  of
the performance of the major United States stock markets. The S&P 500 is  a
market  value  weighted measure of changes in the prices of the  underlying
securities and does not reflect any stock dividend income on the underlying
securities. "S&P", "S&P 500", and "Standard & Poor's 500" are trademarks of
The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., and have been licensed for use by Keyport.
The  Contract is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by  Standard  &
Poor's  and  Standard  &  Poor's  makes  no  representation  regarding  the
advisability of purchasing the Contract.

If  the publication of the Index is discontinued, or the calculation of the
Index  is  changed substantially, Keyport will substitute a suitable  index
and notify the Certificate Owner.

The formula used to calculate Index Increases and illustrative examples are
set forth in Appendix A.

4.  Renewal Terms

A  new  Term  will  automatically begin at the end  of  a  Term,  unless  a
Certificate  Owner  elects to make a total surrender.  (See  "Surrenders".)
Each  subsequent Term will be for one-year's duration, unless,  within  the
thirty  (30) day period immediately prior to the end of the previous  Term,
the  Certificate  Owner by Written Request chooses a Term  of  a  different
duration  or  elects to transfer the Account Value to a different  type  of
Account.  A  Certificate Owner may choose from among the Terms  offered  by
Keyport  at  that time. Keyport may discontinue offering Terms  of  certain
durations  currently available or offer Terms of different  durations  from
time  to  time. The then available Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed
Interest  Rate Factors may vary based on the duration of the Term selected,
and  may differ from the rates currently available for new Certificate. The
Certificate Owner may not select a Term for a period longer than the number
of years remaining until the Income Date. If the selected Term exceeds this
limit,  Keyport automatically will allocate the Account Value to a Term  of
one-year's duration. In addition, if less than one year remains  until  the
Income  Date, Keyport automatically will allocate the Account Value  to  an
Interest Account with a Term of one year's duration.

The Account Value at the beginning of any subsequent Term will be equal  to
the  Account Value at the end of the previous Term. In the absence  of  any
partial  or total surrender or transfer (the effects of which are described
below), the Account Value will earn and be credited with interest or  Index
Increases  for  each  year  in the subsequent  Term  using  the  Guaranteed
Interest  Rates  or  Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors  established  at  the
beginning of the subsequent Term for the type of Account and Term  selected
by  the Certificate Owner or established by default (as described above) in
the absence of other instructions.

5.  Information on Renewal Rates

A  Certificate Owner is provided with a toll-free number to call to inquire
about  rates  for  Terms  then being offered. In  addition,  prior  to  the
beginning  of  each  subsequent Term, Keyport will notify  the  Certificate
Owner  in  writing of the Terms then available. At the end of any  Term,  a
Certificate Owner has the opportunity to select any other duration of  Term
then being offered.

6.  Establishment of Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate

A  Certificate  Owner will know the Guaranteed Interest Rate or  Guaranteed
Interest  Rate  Factors  for the Term chosen at the  time  of  the  initial
purchase. Different Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest  Rate
Factors  may  be  established for Terms of different durations.  Guaranteed
Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors for initial and renewal
Terms  will  be  established  periodically.  Keyport  may  offer  differing
Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors for  initial
allocations, transfers during Terms, and renewal Terms.

Keyport  has  no  specific formula for determining the Guaranteed  Interest
Rates  and  Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors that it will  declare  in  the
future.  The  determination of those guaranteed rates and factors  will  be
reflective  of  interest  rates  generally  available  on  the   types   of
investments in which Keyport intends to invest the proceeds attributable to
the  Certificate  Owner's  Account.  (See  "Investments  by  Keyport".)  In
addition,  Keyport's  management  may consider  various  other  factors  in
determining guaranteed rates and factors for a given period, including, the
duration of a Term, regulatory and tax requirements, sales commissions  and
administrative  expenses  borne by Keyport, general  economic  trends,  and
competitive  factors.  The Guaranteed Interest Rates declared  by  Keyport,
however, (including the rate of interest credited to the Certificate  Value
used  in the determination of the value of an Indexed Account), will  never
be  less  than  3%  annually.  KEYPORT'S MANAGEMENT  WILL  MAKE  THE  FINAL

7.  Certificate Value

The  Certificate  also  provides a minimum value,  called  the  Certificate
Value,  that  will  be used to calculate benefits under  a  Certificate  in
circumstances in which the Certificate Value is higher than the value of an
Indexed Account calculated as described above.

The  Certificate Value is equal to: (a) 90% of the Single Premium; plus (b)
any  Excess  Interest  Credits, as defined  below;  less  (c)  all  amounts
withdrawn  by  the Certificate Owner in a partial surrender,  such  amounts
being  reduced by any applicable Surrender Charges; plus (d) if  there  has
been a transfer to which a Market Value Adjustment applied, the positive or
negative  amount  equal  to  the  Adjusted  Certificate  Value  (i.e.,  the
Certificate  Value proportionately adjusted to reflect the  effect  of  any
applicable  Market  Value  Adjustment  on  the  Account  Value)  less   the
Certificate Value, at the time of the transfer; plus (e) interest  credited
at  an  annual guaranteed rate of 3% per year. In addition, at each Account
Anniversary and at the time of a transfer, additional interest,  called  an
"Excess Interest Credit", will be credited to the Certificate Value, to the
extent  needed to ensure that the total interest (including previous Excess
Interest  Credits)  credited  to the Certificate  Value  equals  the  total
interest  or  Index  Increases ever credited  to  the  Certificate  Owner's
Account Value. Interest amounts credited to the Certificate Value will earn
interest in subsequent Certificate Years.

The  Certificate Value would be used to calculate benefits if, for example,
the   Index  were  to  remain  level  or  decline  for  several  years  and
accordingly,  Index Increases were not credited to an Indexed  Account.  In
such  a  circumstance,  while the value of the Indexed  Account  would  not
decline,  the Certificate Value might rise above the value of  the  Indexed
Account,  as  a  result of the 3% annual interest credited  to  Certificate

8.  Transfer of Values

The  Certificate  Owner  may  transfer the entire  Account  Value  from  an
Interest or Indexed Account to another Interest or Indexed Account, subject
to the following:

(a)  the transfer must be by Written Request or telephone before the Income

(b)  the number of transfers may not exceed any limit Keyport may set for a
specified  time  period; currently, Keyport does not limit  the  number  of
permissible transfers in a single Certificate Year;

(c)  the Indexed Account Value may only be transferred during the first ten
(10) calendar days after the end of each full Term;

(d)   the Interest Account Value may be transferred at any time before  the
Income Date;

(e)   the  amount transferred shall equal the total Account Value,  with  a
Market Value Adjustment (if any); partial transfers are not permitted;

(f)   no  Market  Value Adjustment shall apply to a transfer  (i)  from  an
Account with a Term of less than three (3) years, (ii) in the final year of
a Term of three (3) or more years to an Account with a Term of three (3) or
more years, or (iii) within the first ten (10) calendar days after the  end
of each full Term; and

(g)   for transfers not made within the first ten calendar days of a  Term,
the  Term  of the new Account cannot be less than the remaining  number  of
Account  Years  (rounded  up) in the Term of the  Account  from  which  the
transfer is being made; and

(h)   the Term of the new Account cannot be longer than the number of years
remaining until the Income Date.

While  no charge currently applies to transfers, Keyport reserves the right
to  charge  $25  per  transfer if a Certificate Owner  makes  more  than  4
transfers in a single Certificate Year. Keyport reserves the right, at  any
time  and  without  prior  notice, to terminate,  modify,  or  suspend  the
transfer privileges described above.

9.  Surrenders

(a)  General

A  Certificate Owner may make a full or partial surrender of a  Certificate
Owner's Account at any time prior to the Income Date while it is In  Force,
subject  to  specified  charges  and conditions  described  below.  Partial
surrenders may only be made if:

(i)   the  surrender request is at least $250, unless the partial surrender
is made pursuant to Keyport's systematic withdrawal plan, in which case the
minimum withdrawal is $100; and

(ii)  the remaining Account Value after the partial surrender has been made
is at least $2500.

Keyport reserves the right to change the minimums described above.


The  net  amount  paid  upon partial or total surrender  will  reflect  the
deduction  of  any  applicable  Surrender  Charge  and  any  Market   Value
Adjustment,  calculated as described below. Therefore, the amount  actually
received by a Certificate Owner may be greater than or less than the amount
subtracted  from Account Value as a result of the surrender.  As  described
below,  certain  partial surrenders are not subject to a  Surrender  Charge
and/or Market Value Adjustment.

If  after  complying with a request for a partial surrender there would  be
insufficient  Account Value to keep the Certificate In Force, Keyport  will
treat  the  request as a request to surrender only the excess  amount  over

(b)  Systematic Withdrawal Program

To the extent permitted by law, Keyport will make monthly, quarterly, semi-
annual, or annual distributions of interest credited to an Interest Account
to  a  Certificate  Owner  that has enrolled in the  Systematic  Withdrawal
Program (the "Program"). Under the Program, all distributions will be  made
directly  to  the  Certificate Owner and will be treated  for  federal  tax
purposes  as  any other withdrawal or distribution of Account  Value.  (See
"Tax Considerations".) The selected frequency of payment may not result  in
a  payment of less than $100 per payment. Systematic withdrawals may not be
made from an Indexed Account. Distributions under the Systematic Withdrawal
Program are not subject to Surrender Charges or Market Value Adjustments.

 (c)  Surrender Procedures and Determination of Surrender Value

1.  Partial Surrenders

At  any  time prior to the Income Date, a Certificate Owner may request  by
Written  Request  a  partial surrender. The surrender amount  paid  to  the
Certificate Owner will be the gross surrender amount increased or decreased
by  any  applicable Market Value Adjustment and decreased by any applicable
Surrender Charge. Both the Surrender Charge and the Market Value Adjustment
are  calculated based on the gross surrender amount. Thus, for example,  if
the  gross  surrender  amount were $10,000, the Surrender  Charge  and  the
Market  Value Adjustment were each 5%, and the Free Withdrawal  Amount  did
not  apply, the Surrender Charge and the Market Value Adjustment would each
be  5% of $10,000, for a net surrender payment to the Certificate Owner  of
$9,000 ($10,000 B $500 B $500). Keyport will attempt to honor requests  for
a  net partial surrender of a specific amount. If a Market Value Adjustment
applies, however, the amount actually paid by Keyport may be more  or  less
than  the  amount requested, because of computational rounding.  The  total
amount deducted from the Account Value upon a partial surrender will be the
gross  surrender  amount  (prior to the application  of  any  Market  Value
Adjustment) and any applicable Surrender Charge.

2.  Total Surrenders

The  Certificate  Owner  may  make a total surrender  by  Written  Request.
Surrendering the Certificate will end it.

The surrender value will be determined as of the date that Keyport receives
the  Written Request for surrender. Keyport will pay the Certificate  Owner
the  Certificate Withdrawal Value, which is the greater of: (a) the Account
Value  (with  any  applicable Market Value Adjustment  applied),  less  any
applicable Surrender Charge; or (b) the Certificate Value, adjusted by  the
ratio  of  the  Account Value (with any applicable Market Value  Adjustment
applied) to the unadjusted Account Value. In addition, Keyport will  deduct
any premium taxes not previously paid.

For  any  total  surrender  made  after the  first  Certificate  Year,  the
Certificate Owner may receive the surrender benefit under an Annuity Option
rather than in a lump sum.

Keyport  will,  upon  request, inform a Certificate  Owner  of  the  amount
payable  upon  a  full or partial surrender. Any full or partial  surrender
may, in addition to certain Certificate charges and adjustments, be subject
to tax. (See "Tax Considerations".)

(d)  Risk

The  interest and Index Increases credited to a Certificate Owner's Account
are  based  on  guarantees  made by Keyport.  The  initial  and  subsequent
Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors apply to the
original principal sum and reinvested earnings.


(e)  Payment Upon Partial or Total Surrender

Keyport  may defer payment of any partial or total surrender for  a  period
not  exceeding  six  (6) months from the date of receipt  of  a  notice  of
surrender  by  a  Certificate  Owner, or  the  period  permitted  by  state
insurance  law,  if  less. Only under highly unusual circumstances  will  a
surrender  payment  be  deferred more than  thirty  (30)  days.  While  all
circumstances  under  which  deferral of payment  might  be  involved  upon
surrender  may  not  be foreseeable at this time, such circumstances  could
include,  for example, a time of an unusually high number of surrenders  by
Certificate  Owners, accompanied by a radical shift in interest  rates.  If
Keyport  decides  to  withhold payment for more than thirty  (30)  days,  a
Certificate Owner will be notified in writing of such decision.

10.  Deductions

(a)   Surrender Charge

No  sales charge is deducted from the Single Premium when received.  Except
as  provided  below, however, a Surrender Charge will be deducted  for  any
partial  or  total  surrender,  other  than  partial  or  total  surrenders
effective within the first thirty (30) calendar days after the end  of  any
full Term or during the Certificate Year preceding the Income Date.

The amount of any Surrender Charge is computed as a percentage of the gross
surrender  amount  in  excess of the Free Withdrawal  Amount,  adjusted  as
described  below. A portion of the first partial surrender in a  particular
Certificate  Year, not exceeding the Free Withdrawal Amount,  may  be  made
free  of any Surrender Charge. The Free Withdrawal Amount is equal  to  the
sum  of  any  interest  or Index Increases earned by and  credited  to  the
Certificate Owner's Account Value in the prior year (measured from the date
of  the  surrender to that same date in the prior calendar year) up to  the
sum  of  any such amounts earned and credited since the most recent partial
surrender, if any, during that prior year. The portion of the first partial
surrender  in  excess  of  the Free Withdrawal Amount  (if  any),  and  any
subsequent partial surrender in the same Certificate Year, will be  subject
to a Surrender Charge.

As  to  total  surrenders, if no partial surrender was  made  in  the  same
Certificate Year, only the portion of the gross surrender amount in  excess
of  the Free Withdrawal Amount is subject to a Surrender Charge. Otherwise,
the total amount surrendered is subject to a Surrender Charge.

The  amount of the Surrender Charge depends on the number of Account  Years
(rounded up) remaining until the end of the Term of the Account from  which
the partial surrender is withdrawn. The amount of the Surrender Charge will
be equal to (a) multiplied by (b), where:

(a)  is  the  amount  of  the  partial surrender  request,  less  the  Free
Withdrawal Amount (if applicable); and

(b)  is  the applicable percentage from the Certificate Schedule, depending
on  the number of Account Years (rounded up) remaining until the end of the

After  each  surrender,  Keyport also will adjust its  records  to  reflect
appropriate deductions from the Account Value and the Certificate Value.

The  chart  below indicates the Surrender Charge percentage  that  will  be
applied while the specified number of years are remaining:

                          Term (Length in Years)
Remaining   10     9     8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1
1           0%     0%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%
2           0      0     1     2     2     2     2     2     2
3           0      1     2     3     3     3     3     3
4           1      2     3     4     4     4     4
5           2      3     4     5     5     5
6           3      4     5     6     6
7           4      5     6     7
8           5      6     7
9           6      7
10          7

Keyport  reserves  the right to increase or decrease  the  amount  of  this
charge, and the period of time for which it will apply, on new Certificates
up  to a maximum of 7% and ten years. Currently, the charge is 7%. If  such
amounts  are  ever  increased,  the  increase  will  only  apply   to   new
Certificates  issued after full disclosure to prospective  new  Certificate
Owners   or   to   existing   Certificate  Owners   purchasing   additional

The  Surrender  Charge will apply to a full or partial surrender,  in  each
Term of a Certificate. In other words, a Surrender Charge may be payable in
Terms after the first, irrespective of how many Account Years have elapsed.
Also,  any  surrender may, in addition to certain Certificate  charges  and
adjustments, be subject to tax. (See "Tax Considerations".)

Illustrative  examples of how the Surrender Charge is  determined  are  set
forth in Appendix B.

 (b)  Market Value Adjustment

The  amount  payable  upon a surrender prior to the  Income  Date,  upon  a
transfer, or upon application of Account Value to an Annuity Option may  be
adjusted  up  or down by the application of a Market Value Adjustment.  The
Market  Value Adjustment reflects the relative difference between  (a)  the
current  Treasury  Rate for a period of time equivalent  to  the  remaining
duration of the current Term; and (b) the Treasury Rate at the beginning of
the Term for a period of time equal to the full duration of the Term.

More specifically, the amount payable upon a partial or total surrender of,
or  upon application of Account Value to an Annuity Option from, an Account
with  a  Term of three (3) years or more may be adjusted up or down by  the
application of the Market Value Adjustment. No Market Value Adjustment will
apply  to a partial or total surrender or the application of Account  Value
to  an Annuity Option within the first thirty (30) calendar days after  the
end of any full Term. Where applicable, the Market Value Adjustment upon  a
surrender  is  calculated based on the gross surrender  amount  before  the
deduction of any applicable Surrender Charge.

A Market Value Adjustment also applies to any transfer from an Account with
a  Term  of  three  (3)  years or more, unless the effective  date  of  the
transfer is: (a) within the final Account Year of the Term and the transfer
is  to an Account with a Term of three (3) years or more; or (b) within the
first  ten  (10)  calendar  days after the end  of  any  full  Term.  Where
applicable,  the Market Value Adjustment upon transfer is calculated  based
on  the  Account  Value. In addition, as described above,  a  Market  Value
Adjustment  in connection with a transfer also will result in an adjustment
to Certificate Value. (See "Certificate Value".)

The  formula  for calculating the Market Value Adjustment is set  forth  in
Appendix  B to this prospectus. If there has not previously been a  partial
surrender  in  the Certificate Year or a transaction subject  to  a  Market
Value  Adjustment, an amount not exceeding the Free Withdrawal Amount  will
be   subtracted  from  the  amount  used  to  calculate  the  Market  Value
Adjustment.  Otherwise,  the  gross  amount  surrendered,  transferred,  or
applied  to  an  Annuity  Option is used as  the  basis  to  calculate  the
applicable Market Value Adjustment.

The Market Value Adjustment for Indexed Accounts includes a Scaling Factor.
A  Certificate  Owner will know the Scaling Factor for all Indexed  Account
Terms at the time of the initial purchase. Different Scaling Factors may be
established  for  Terms  of different durations.  Keyport  may  change  the
Scaling  Factors  from time to time for new Certificates issued  after  the
time  of  the change. The Scaling Factors will never be greater  than  one.
Where a Scaling Factor is less than one, the Scaling Factor will reduce the
positive  or  negative amount of any Market Value Adjustment.  The  Scaling
Factors  are shown on the Certificate Schedule and are guaranteed  for  the
life  of the Certificate. The Market Value Adjustment for Interest Accounts
will not include a Scaling Factor.

Because  the Market Value Adjustment is based on changes in the  yields  on
U.S. Treasury securities, the effect of the Market Value Adjustment will be
closely  related  to the levels of such yields. It is possible,  therefore,
that,  should such yields increase significantly from the time of  purchase
of  a Certificate, coupled with any applicable Surrender Charge, the amount
a Certificate Owner would receive upon a total surrender could be less than
the Single Premium.

Illustrative examples of how the Market Value Adjustment is determined  are
set forth in Appendix B.


11.  Premium Taxes

Keyport will deduct the amount of any premium taxes levied by any state  or
governmental entity when the premium tax is incurred, unless Keyport elects
to  defer such deduction until the time of surrender or the Income Date. It
is  not possible to describe precisely the amount of premium tax payable on
any  transaction involving a Certificate. Such premium taxes depend,  among
other  things, on the type of Certificate (Qualified or Non-Qualified),  on
the state of residence of the Certificate Owner, the state of residence  of
the  Annuitant, the status of Keyport within such states, and the insurance
tax  laws  of such states. Currently such premium taxes range  from  0%  to
5.0%. For a schedule of such taxes, see Appendix C of this Prospectus.

12.  Death Provisions

These  provisions  do  not  apply to Non-Allocated  Certificates.  In  Non-
Allocated  Certificates,  Annuitants  or  payees  are  unknown  until   the
Certificate Owner requests that an annuity be effected.

 (a)  Non-Qualified Certificates

Death  of  Certificate  Owner,  Joint Certificate  Owner  or  Certain  Non-
Certificate Owner Annuitants--These provisions apply if, before the  Income
Date  while the Certificate is In Force, the Certificate Owner or any Joint
Certificate Owner dies (whether or not the decedent is also the  Annuitant)
or  the  Annuitant dies under a Certificate with a non-natural  Certificate
Owner  such  as  a  trust.  The  Designated Beneficiary  will  control  the
Certificate Owner's Account after such a death.

If  the  decedent  was  the  Certificate Owner or  the  Annuitant  (if  the
Certificate Owner is not a natural person), the Designated Beneficiary may,
by the later of the 90th day after the death and the 60th day after Keyport
is notified of the death, surrender the Certificate Owner's Account for the
death  benefit on the date of surrender. The death benefit is the  greatest
of  the  following  three  values:   (a) the  Certificate  Value;  (b)  the
Certificate Withdrawal Value; or (c) the Certificate Owner's Account Value,
except  that  if  the Term that includes the date of death relates  to  the
Indexed  Account and the Term's Floor is equal to 0%, (c)  is  instead  (i)
minus (ii), where:

(i)  is the Indexed Account Value at the start of the Account Year in which
death  occurs, with the Index Increase recalculated in the manner described
in section B of Appendix A; except that if death occurs in the last Account
Year  of  the Term and the Designated Beneficiary's surrender occurs  after
the  end of that Term, (i) is instead the Indexed Account Value at the  end
of that Term; and

(ii)  is  the sum of any partial surrenders since the start of the  Account
Year of death.

For  a  surrender  after  the applicable 90 or 60  day  period  and  for  a
surrender following the death of a Joint Certificate Owner, the Certificate
Withdrawal Value is payable instead. If the Certificate Owner's Account  is
not surrendered, it will continue for the time period specified below.

If  the  decedent's  surviving  spouse (if  any)  is  the  sole  Designated
Beneficiary,  the surviving spouse will automatically become the  new  sole
Certificate  Owner  as of the Certificate Owner's or the Joint  Certificate
Owner's  date  of  death. And, if the decedent is the  Annuitant,  the  new
Annuitant  will be any living Contingent Annuitant named in the  Enrollment
Form,  otherwise the surviving spouse. The Certificate Owner's Account  can
continue  until  another  death  occurs  (i.e.,  until  the  death  of  the
Certificate  Owner or Joint Certificate Owner). Except for this  paragraph,
all of "Death Provisions" will apply to that subsequent death.

In  all other cases, the Certificate Owner's Account can continue for up to
five  years  from  the  date of death. During this period,  the  Designated
Beneficiary may exercise all ownership rights, including the right to  make
transfers  or  partial  surrenders or the right to  totally  surrender  the
Certificate pursuant to the surrender provisions of the Certificate. If the
Certificate  Owner's Account continues to the end of the five-year  period,
Keyport  will  automatically  end  it then  by  paying  to  the  Designated
Beneficiary the Certificate Withdrawal Value, without the deduction of  any
applicable  Surrender Charge. If the Designated Beneficiary  is  not  alive
then,  Keyport  will pay any Person(s) previously named by  the  Designated
Beneficiary  in  a Written Request, otherwise the Designated  Beneficiary's

Payment of Benefits--Instead of receiving a lump sum, the Certificate Owner
or  any  Designated Beneficiary may direct by Written Request that  Keyport
pay  any  benefit of $5,000 or more under an Annuity Option that meets  the
following requirements: (a) the first payment to the Designated Beneficiary
must  be  made no later than one year after the date of death; (b) payments
must  be made over the life of the Designated Beneficiary or over a  period
not  extending  beyond that person's life expectancy; and (c)  any  Annuity
Option  that  provides  for payments to continue after  the  death  of  the
Designated  Beneficiary will not permit the successor payee to  extend  the
period  of  time  over which the remaining payments are  to  be  made.  The
Certificate Owner may also direct that any benefit payable to a  Designated
Beneficiary   be   paid  under  an  Annuity  Option  meeting   these   same

Death  of Certain Non-Certificate Owner Annuitants--These provisions  apply
if,  before  the  Income Date while the Certificate is In  Force,  (a)  the
Annuitant dies, (b) the Annuitant is not a Certificate Owner, and  (c)  the
Certificate Owner is a natural person. The Certificate will continue  after
the  Annuitant's  death. The new Annuitant will be  any  living  Contingent
Annuitant, otherwise the Certificate Owner.

 (b)  Qualified Certificates

Death  of  Annuitant--If the Annuitant dies while  the  Certificate  is  In
Force, the Designated Beneficiary will control the Certificate after such a
death.  The Designated Beneficiary may, by the later of the 90th day  after
the  death  and  the  60th  day after Keyport is  notified  of  the  death,
surrender the Certificate Owner's Account for the death benefit on the date
of  surrender,  calculated as described above. For a  surrender  after  the
applicable 90 or 60 day period, the Certificate Withdrawal Value is payable

If  the Certificate Owner's Account is not surrendered, it can continue for
the   time  period  permitted  by  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  provisions
applicable  to  the  particular Qualified Plan.  During  this  period,  the
Designated  Beneficiary may exercise all ownership  rights,  including  the
right  to  make  partial surrenders or the right to totally  surrender  the
Certificate pursuant to the surrender provisions of the Certificate. If the
Certificate  Owner's  Account continues to the end of the  period,  Keyport
will automatically end it then by paying to the Designated Beneficiary  the
Certificate  Withdrawal Value. If the Designated Beneficiary is  not  alive
then, Keyport will pay any Person(s) named by the Designated Beneficiary in
a Written Request; otherwise the Designated Beneficiary's estate.

Payment of Benefits--Instead of receiving a lump sum, the Certificate Owner
or  any Designated Beneficiary may, by Written Request, direct that Keyport
pay  any  benefit or $5,000 or more under an Annuity Option that meets  the
following: (a) the first payment to the Designated Beneficiary must be made
no  later than one year after the date of death; (b) payments must be  made
over  the life of the Designated Beneficiary or over a period not extending
beyond  that  person's  life expectancy; and (c) any  payment  option  that
provides  for  payments  to  continue after the  death  of  the  Designated
Beneficiary  will not permit the successor payee to extend  the  period  of
time  over  which  the remaining payments are to be made.  The  Certificate
Owner  may also direct that any benefit payable to a Designated Beneficiary
be paid under an Annuity Option meeting these same requirements.


1.  Annuity Benefits

If  the  Annuitant  is alive on the Income Date and the Certificate  is  In
Force,  payments  will  begin  under the  payment  option  or  options  the
Certificate Owner has chosen. The amount of the payments will be determined
by  applying  the  Annuity  Value (less any premium  taxes  not  previously
deducted)  on  the Income Date in accordance with the option selected.  The
Annuity Value is the greater of (a) the Account Value after application  of
any  applicable  Market  Value Adjustment, or (b)  the  Certificate  Value,
adjusted  to  reflect the ratio of the Account Value (after application  of
the Market Value Adjustment) to the unadjusted Account Value.

2.  The Income Date and Form of Annuity

The  Income Date is shown on the Certificate Schedule. The Income  Date  is
the  later of the end of the Certificate Year in which the Annuitant's 85th
birthday occurs or the end of the 10th Certificate Year.

Under  Allocated  Certificates, a Certificate Owner  may  elect,  at  least
thirty  (30)  days  prior  to the Income Date, to have  the  Annuity  Value
applied  on  the  Income  Date under any of the Annuity  Options  described
below.  In the absence of such election, the Annuity Value will be  applied
on  the  Income Date under Option 2 to provide a monthly life annuity  with
ten (10) years of payments guaranteed.

If  a  Certificate is issued on a Non-Allocated basis, a Certificate  Owner
may  request  that  a  portion of the Account Value,  as  modified  by  any
applicable  Surrender Charge and Market Value Adjustment, be applied  under
an  Annuity  Option  for  a participant in that Certificate  Owner's  plan.
Keyport will then issue a Certificate for such participant (who is also the
Annuitant) and begin annuity payments as directed by the Certificate Owner.

No  surrenders  may  occur after the Income Date. Other special  rules  may
apply to qualified retirement plans. (See "Qualified Plans".)

3.  Change of Annuity Option

A  Certificate Owner may change the Annuity Option from time to  time,  but
such  change  must be made by Written Request and received  by  Keyport  at
least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled Income Date.

4.  Annuity Options

Option 1 - Income for a Fixed Number of Years

Keyport  will  pay an annuity for a chosen number of years, not  less  than
five  (5)  nor  over thirty (30). If, at the death of the payee,  Option  1
payments have been made for less than the chosen number of years:

(a)  payments will be continued during the remainder of the period  to  the
successor payee; or

(b)  that  successor payee may elect to receive in a lump sum  the  present
value  of  the  remaining payments, commuted at the interest rate  used  to
create the annuity factor for this option.

Option 2 - Life Income with 10 Years Guaranteed

Keyport  will pay an annuity during the lifetime of the payee. If,  at  the
death of the payee, payments have been made for less than ten (10) years:

(a)  payments will be continued during the remainder of the 10 year  period
to the successor payee; or

(b)  the  successor payee may elect to receive in a lump  sum  the  present
value of the remaining certain payments, commuted at the interest rate used
to create the annuity factor for this option.

The  amount of the annuity payments will depend on the age of the payee  at
the  time  annuity  payments are to begin and it may  also  depend  on  the
payee's sex.

Option 3 - Joint and Last Survivorship Income

Keyport will pay an annuity for as long as either the payee or a designated
second  natural  person is alive. The amount of the annuity  payments  will
depend on the age of both persons at the time annuity payments are to begin
and  it  may  also depend on each person's sex. IT IS POSSIBLE  UNDER  THIS

                           Other Annuity Options

Other  options  may be arranged with the mutual consent  of  a  Certificate
Owner and Keyport.

5.  Frequency and Amount of Payments

Payments will normally be paid as monthly installments. However, if the net
amount  available  to apply under any Annuity Option is less  than  $5,000,
Keyport  has  the right to pay such amount in one lump sum in lieu  of  the
payment  otherwise provided for. In addition, if the payments provided  for
would  be or become less than $100, Keyport shall have the right to  change
the  frequency of payments to such intervals as will result in payments  of
at least $100.

6.  Proof of Age, Sex, and Survival of Annuitant

Keyport may require proof of age, sex, or survival of any payee upon  whose
age, sex or survival payments depend. If the age or sex has been misstated,
Keyport  will compute the amount payable based on the correct age and  sex.
If  income payments have begun, any underpayment Keyport may have made will
be  paid  in  full  with the next annuity payment. Any overpayment,  unless
repaid  in  one  sum, will be deducted from future annuity  payments  until
Keyport is repaid in full.

                          INVESTMENTS BY KEYPORT

Assets  of  Keyport  must be invested in accordance with  the  requirements
established  by applicable state laws regarding the nature and  quality  of
investments that may be made by the general accounts and separate  accounts
of  life insurance companies and the percentage of their assets that may be
committed  to  any  particular type of investment. In general,  these  laws
permit   investments,  within  specified  limits  and  subject  to  certain
qualifications,  in  federal, state, and municipal  obligations,  corporate
bonds, preferred and common stocks, real estate mortgages, real estate  and
certain  other  investments. (See page 23 for further  information  on  the
investments of Keyport.)

All of Keyport's General Account assets, the assets of Separate Account  C,
and the assets of certain other separate accounts will be available to fund
a Certificate Owner's claims under a Certificate.

In  establishing the Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate
Factors under the Certificates, Keyport intends to take into account, among
other  factors, the yields available on the instruments in which it intends
to  invest  the  proceeds  from the Certificates.  (See  "Establishment  of
Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Interest Rate Factors", page  10.)
Keyport's  obligations and the values and benefits under the  Certificates,
however,  do  not vary as a function of the returns on the  instruments  in
which  Keyport will have invested the proceeds from the Certificates. Also,
Certificate Owners, Designated Beneficiaries and payees with rights under a
Certificate  do not participate in the investment gains or  losses  of  the
investment instruments held by Keyport in the Separate Account.

Keyport's investment strategy with respect to the proceeds attributable  to
Certificates will generally be to invest in debt securities which  it  will
use  to  match  its  liabilities with respect to the  Terms  to  which  the
proceeds are allocated. This will be done, in Keyport's sole discretion, by
investing in any type of investment which it is authorized under state  law
to  invest  in.  Keyport  expects to invest a substantial  portion  of  the
premiums  received in securities issued by the United States Government  or
its  agencies  or  instrumentalities,  which  issues  may  or  may  not  be
guaranteed  by  the United States Government. This could  include  T-Bills,
Notes, Bonds, Zero Coupon Securities and Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
including Government National Mortgage Association backed securities  (GNMA
Certificates),  Federal  National  Mortgage  Association  Guaranteed  Pass-
Through  Certificates (FNMA Certificates) and Federal  Home  Loan  Mortgage
Corporation  Mortgage Participation Certificates (FHLMC Certificates),  and

In  addition,  Keyport  may  invest  its  assets  in  various  instruments,
including equity options, futures, forwards, and other instruments based on
the  Index, in order to hedge Keyport's obligations with respect to Indexed
Accounts.  Keyport  may also buy and sell interest  rate  swaps  and  caps,
Treasury  bond  futures, and other instruments to  hedge  its  exposure  to
changes  in interest rates. These derivative instruments will be  purchased
from  counterparties  which conform to Keyport's  Policies  and  Guidelines
regarding   derivative  instruments.  Investments  in   these   instruments
generally  involve the following types of risks: in the case  of  over-the-
counter  options and forward contracts, there is no guarantee these markets
will  exist  for  these  investments when Keyport  wants  to  close  out  a
position;  futures  exchange may impose trading limits  which  may  inhibit
Keyport's  ability  to close out positions in exchange-listed  instruments;
and  if  Keyport has an open position with a dealer that becomes insolvent,
Keyport may experience a loss.

While the foregoing generally describes Keyport's investment strategy  with
respect  to the proceeds attributable to the Certificates, Keyport  is  not
obligated  to  invest  assets, including the proceeds attributable  to  the
Certificates,  according  to  any particular  strategy  except  as  may  be
required by Rhode Island and other state insurance laws.

                         AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATES

Keyport reserves the right to amend the Group Contracts and Certificate  to
meet  the  requirements  of  any  applicable  federal  or  state  laws   or
regulations. Keyport will notify the Certificate Owners in writing  of  any
such amendments.

                        ASSIGNMENT OF CERTIFICATES

A  Certificate Owner may assign a Certificate at any time, as permitted  by
applicable  law.  A copy of any assignment must be filed with  Keyport.  An
assignment  will  not be binding upon Keyport until it receives  a  written
copy.  The  Certificate  Owner's rights and those  of  any  revocably-named
person  will  be  subject to the assignment. Any Qualified Certificate  may
have  limitations  on assignability. Keyport assumes no responsibility  for
the validity or effect of any assignment.

Because  an  assignment may be a taxable event, a Certificate Owner  should
consult  a competent tax adviser as to the tax consequences resulting  from
any assignment.


Keyport   Financial  Services  Corp.  ("KFSC")  serves  as  the   Principal
Underwriter  for  the  Contracts  and the Certificates  described  in  this
prospectus.  The  Certificate will be sold by  salespersons  who  represent
Keyport  Life  Insurance  Company (KFSC's corporate  parent)  as  insurance
agents  and who are registered representatives of broker-dealers  who  have
entered  into  distribution agreements with KFSC. KFSC  is  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of Keyport and is registered with the Securities  and  Exchange
Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") as  a
broker-dealer. KFSC is a member of the National Association  of  Securities
Dealers,  Inc.  ("NASD").  It  is  located  at  125  High  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02110.

Keyport  will  pay a maximum commission to broker-dealers of 5.25%  of  the
Single Premium, and may pay a reduced commission percentage applied to  the
Certificate Owner's Account Value at the start of each Term after the first
or at some other date(s).

Certificates may be sold with a lower commission structure (1) to a  person
who is an officer, director or employee of Keyport or of certain affiliates
of Keyport or (2) to any Qualified Plan established for such a person. Such
Certificates  will  have  higher  Participation  Rates  under  the  Indexed
Account,  reflecting  anticipated cost savings to Keyport  from  the  lower
commission structure.

                            TAX CONSIDERATIONS

A.  General


It   should  be  understood  that  any  detailed  description  of  the  tax
consequences regarding the purchase of a Contract or Certificate cannot  be
made  in this prospectus and that special tax rules may be applicable  with
respect  to certain purchase situations not discussed herein. In  addition,
no  attempt is made to consider any applicable state or other tax laws. For
detailed information, a competent tax adviser should always be consulted.

This discussion is based upon Keyport's understanding of Federal income tax
laws  as they are currently interpreted. The United States Congress has  in
the past and may in the future consider legislation that, if enacted, could
adversely   affect  the  tax  treatment  of  annuity  contracts,  including
distributions and undistributed appreciation. There is no way of predicting
whether,  when  or  in what form Congress will enact legislation  affecting
annuity  contracts.  Any  such legislation could  have  retroactive  effect
regardless  of  the date of enactment. No representation is made  regarding
the likelihood of continuation of those current federal income tax laws  or
of the current interpretations by the Internal Revenue Service.

B.  Taxation of Keyport

Keyport  is taxed as a life insurance company under Part I of Subchapter  L
of   the  Internal  Revenue  Code  ("Code").  The  assets  underlying   the
Certificates  will be owned by Keyport. Any income earned on  those  assets
will be Keyport's income.

C.  Taxation of Annuities in General

1.  General

Section  72 of the Internal Revenue Code governs the taxation of  annuities
in  general. A Certificate Owner (including a trust or other entity holding
a  Non-Qualified Certificate as an agent for an individual) is not taxed on
increases in Account Value until a distribution occurs, either in the  form
of  a  lump  sum  payment (full or partial surrender of  the  Account),  an
assignment  or  gift  of  the  Certificate, or  as  annuity  payments.  The
provisions  of Section 72 of the Code concerning distributions are  briefly
summarized   below.  A  trust  or  other  entity  owning  a   Non-Qualified
Certificate  other than as an agent for an individual is taxed differently;
increases  in  Account Value are taxed yearly whether or not a distribution

2.  Surrenders, Assignments, and Gifts

A Certificate Owner who fully surrenders his or her Certificate is taxed on
the  portion  of  the payment that exceeds his or her  cost  basis  in  the
Certificate.  For Non-Qualified Certificates, the cost basis  is  generally
the  amount of the Single Premium and the taxable portion of the  surrender
payment  is taxed as ordinary income. For Qualified Certificates, the  cost
basis is generally zero and the taxable portion of the surrender payment is
generally  taxed  as  ordinary income, subject  to  special  5-year  income
averaging  for lump-sum distributions received before January  1,  2000.  A
Designated  Beneficiary receiving a lump sum surrender  benefit  after  the
death of the Annuitant or Certificate Owner is taxed on the portion of  the
amount  that exceeds the Certificate Owner's cost basis in the Certificate.
If  the  Designated Beneficiary elects to receive annuity  payments  within
sixty  (60)  days of the decedent's death, different tax rules  apply.  See
"Annuity Payments" below.

Partial surrenders received under Non-Qualified Certificates prior  to  the
Income  Date  are first included in gross income to the extent the  Account
Value  (plus or minus any Market Value Adjustment that would apply  to  the
Account  Value  assuming it were totally surrendered)  exceeds  the  Single
Premium.  Then, to the extent the Account Value (plus or minus  any  Market
Value  Adjustment  that would apply to the Account Value assuming  it  were
totally  surrendered) does not exceed the Single Premium,  such  surrenders
are  treated as a non-taxable return of principal to the Certificate Owner.
For  partial surrenders under a Qualified Certificate, payments are treated
first as a non-taxable return of principal up to the cost basis and then  a
taxable return of income. Since the cost basis of Qualified Certificates is
generally zero, partial surrender amounts will generally be fully taxed  as
ordinary income.

A  Certificate Owner who assigns or pledges a Non-Qualified Certificate  is
treated  as  if he or she had received the amount assigned or  pledged  and
thus  is  subject to taxation under the rules applicable to  surrenders.  A
Certificate  Owner  who  gives  away the Certificate  (i.e.,  transfers  it
without  full and adequate consideration) to anyone other than his  or  her
spouse  is  treated  for income tax purposes as if  he  or  she  had  fully
surrendered the Certificate.

A  special  computational rule applies if Keyport issues to the Certificate
Owner, during any calendar year, (a) two or more Certificates or (b) one or
more  Certificates  and one or more of Keyport's other  annuity  contracts.
Under  this  rule,  the  amount  of  any  distribution  includable  in  the
Certificate Owner's gross income is to be determined under Section 72(e) of
the  Code  by  treating all the Keyport contracts as one contract.  Keyport
believes  that  this  means  the  amount  of  any  distribution  under  one
Certificate  will be includable in gross income to the extent that  at  the
time  of  distribution the sum of the values for all  the  Certificates  or
contracts  exceeds  the sum of the cost bases for all  the  contracts.  The
discussion in this paragraph applies to "laddered" Certificates, which  are
multiple Certificates with different Term lengths that are purchased during
one calendar year.

3.  Annuity Payments

The  non-taxable  portion  of  each annuity payment  is  determined  by  an
"exclusion  ratio" formula which establishes the ratio that the cost  basis
of  the  Certificate bears to the total expected value of annuity  payments
for  the  term  of  the annuity. The remaining portion of each  payment  is
taxable.  Such  taxable  portion is taxed at  ordinary  income  rates.  For
Qualified  Certificates,  the cost basis is generally  zero.  With  annuity
payments  based  on  life  contingencies, the payments  will  become  fully
taxable  once  the  payee  lives longer than the life  expectancy  used  to
calculate the non-taxable portion of the prior payments.

4.  Penalty Tax

Payments   received  by  Certificate  Owners,  Annuitants,  and  Designated
Beneficiaries  under  Certificates may be subject to both  ordinary  income
taxes  and  a  penalty  tax  equal to 10% of the amount  received  that  is
includable  in income. The penalty tax is not imposed on amounts  received:
(a) after the taxpayer attains age 59-1/2; (b) in a series of substantially
equal payments made for life or life expectancy; (c) after the death of the
Certificate  Owner (or, where the Certificate Owner is not a  human  being,
after the death of the Annuitant); (d) if the taxpayer becomes totally  and
permanently  disabled;  or (e) under a Non-Qualified Certificate's  annuity
payment  option that provides for a series of substantially equal payments,
provided  the  Certificate  is not issued as a result  of  a  Section  1035
exchange  and  the  first annuity payment begins in the  first  Certificate

5.  Income Tax Withholding

Keyport  is  required to withhold federal income taxes on  taxable  amounts
paid under Certificates unless the recipient elects not to have withholding
apply.  Keyport will notify recipients of their right to elect not to  have
withholding   apply.  See  "Tax-Sheltered  Annuities"  ("TSAs"),   for   an
alternative type of withholding that may apply to distributions  from  TSAs
that  are  eligible for rollover to another TSA or an individual retirement
annuity or account ("IRA").

6.  Section 1035 Exchanges

A  Non-Qualified  Certificate  may  be purchased  with  proceeds  from  the
surrender  of an existing annuity contract. Such a transaction may  qualify
as  a  tax-free  exchange  pursuant to Section 1035  of  the  Code.  It  is
Keyport's understanding that in such an event: (a) the new Certificate will
be   subject  to  the  distribution-at-death  rules  described  in   "Death
Provisions  for  Non-Qualified Certificates"; (b)  purchase  payments  made
between  8/14/82  and  1/18/85  and the  income  allocable  to  them  will,
following  an exchange, no longer be covered by a "grandfathered" exception
to  the  penalty tax for a distribution of income that is allocable  to  an
investment made over ten years prior to the distribution; and (c)  purchase
payments  made  before  8/14/82  and the income  allocable  to  them  will,
following  an  exchange, continue to receive the following  "grandfathered"
tax  treatment under prior law: (i) the penalty tax does not apply  to  any
distribution;  (ii) partial surrenders are treated first as  a  non-taxable
return  of  principal  and  then a taxable  return  of  income;  and  (iii)
assignments  are  not treated as surrenders subject to taxation.  Keyport's
understanding  of  the  above is principally based on  legislative  reports
prepared by the Staff of the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation.


The  Certificate is designed for use with several types of Qualified Plans.
The  tax  rules  applicable to participants in such  Qualified  Plans  vary
according  to  the type of plan and the terms and conditions  of  the  plan
itself.  Therefore, no attempt is made herein to provide more than  general
information  about  the use of the Certificate with the  various  types  of
Qualified  Plans.  Participants  under such  Qualified  Plans  as  well  as
Certificate Owners, Annuitants, and Designated Beneficiaries are  cautioned
that  the  rights of any person to any benefits under such Qualified  Plans
may  be  subject  to  the  terms and conditions  of  the  plans  themselves
regardless  of  the  terms  and conditions of  the  Certificate  issued  in
connection therewith. Following are brief descriptions of the various types
of  Qualified  Plans  and  of  the  use of the  Certificate  in  connection
therewith.  Purchasers  of  the Certificate should  seek  competent  advice
concerning  the terms and conditions of the particular Qualified  Plan  and
use of the Certificate with that Plan.

1.  Tax-Sheltered Annuities

Section 403(b) of the Code permits public school employees and employees of
certain  types  of  charitable,  educational and  scientific  organizations
specified  in  Section 501(c)(3) of the Code to purchase annuity  contracts
and,  subject  to certain contribution limitations, exclude the  amount  of
premium  payments from gross income for tax purposes. However, such premium
payments  may  be subject to Social Security ("FICA") taxes. This  type  of
annuity contract is commonly referred to as a "Tax-Sheltered Annuity".

Section   403(b)(11)  of  the  Code  contains  distribution   restrictions.
Specifically, benefits may be paid, through surrender of the Certificate or
otherwise,  only (a) when the employee attains age 59-1/2,  separates  from
service,  dies  or  becomes totally and permanently  disabled  (within  the
meaning of Section 72(m)(7) of the Code) or (b) in the case of hardship.  A
hardship distribution must be of employee contributions only and not of any
income  attributable  to such contributions. Section  403(b)(11)  does  not
apply to distributions attributable to assets held as of December 31, 1988.
Thus,  it  appears  that  the  law's  restrictions  would  apply  only   to
distributions attributable to contributions made after 1988, to earnings on
those  contributions, and to earnings on amounts held as of  12/31/88.  The
Internal  Revenue Service has indicated that the distribution  restrictions
of  Section  403(b)(11)  are  not  applicable  when  TSA  funds  are  being
transferred   tax-free  directly  to  another  TSA  issuer,  provided   the
transferred  funds  continue  to  be  subject  to  the  Section  403(b)(11)
distribution restrictions.

Keyport  will  notify a Certificate Owner who has requested a  distribution
from  a  Certificate if all or part of such distribution  is  eligible  for
rollover  to  another  TSA or to an IRA. Any amount eligible  for  rollover
treatment will be subject to mandatory federal income tax withholding at  a
20% rate if the Certificate Owner receives the amount rather than directing
Keyport  by Written Request to transfer the amount as a direct rollover  to
another TSA or IRA.

2.  Individual Retirement Annuities

Section  408 of the Code permits eligible individuals to contribute  to  an
individual retirement program known as an "Individual Retirement  Annuity."
These  Individual  Retirement Annuities are subject to limitations  on  the
amount  which may be contributed, the persons who may be eligible,  and  on
the  time when distributions may commence. In addition, distributions  from
certain types of Qualified Plans may be placed on a tax-deferred basis into
an Individual Retirement Annuity.

3.  Corporate Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans

Sections  401(a)  and  403(a)  of the Code permit  corporate  employers  to
establish  various types of retirement plans for employees. Such retirement
plans  may permit the purchase of the Certificate to provide benefits under
the plans.

                                THE COMPANY

A. Business


Keyport Life Insurance Company ("Keyport") is a specialty insurance company
providing  a  diversified  line  of fixed,  indexed  and  variable  annuity
products  designed to serve the growing retirement savings  market.   These
annuity  products are sold through a wide ranging network of banks,  agents
and  securities dealers.  Keyport seeks to (i) maintain its presence in the
fixed  annuity  market  while expanding its sales of variable  and  equity-
indexed  annuities, (ii) achieve a broader market presence through the  use
of  diversified  distribution channels and (iii)  maintain  a  conservative
approach to investment and liability management.

Keyport  is  licensed to do business in all states except New York  and  is
also  licensed in the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands.  Keyport
has  been  rated  A+  (Superior) by A.M. Best and  Company  ("A.M.  Best"),
independent analysts of the insurance industry.  Keyport has been rated  A+
each  year  since 1976, the first year Keyport was subject to  A.M.  Best's
alphabetic  rating system. Standard & Poor's ("S&P") has rated  Keyport  AA
for excellent financial security, Moody's Investor Services ("Moody's") has
rated  Keyport A1 for good financial strength and Duff & Phelps  has  rated
Keyport AA- for very high claims paying ability. The A.M. Best's A+  rating
is in the highest rating category, which also includes A++. S&P and Duff  &
Phelps  have  one  rating  category above AA and  Moody's  has  two  rating
categories  above A. Within the S&P AA category, only AA+  is  higher.  The
Moody's "1" modifier signifies that Keyport is at the higher end of  the  A
category while the Duff & Phelps "-" modifier signifies that Keyport is  at
the  lower end of the AA category. These ratings merely reflect the opinion
of  the rating company as to the relative financial strength of Keyport and
Keyport's ability to meet its contractual obligations to its policyholders.

Keyport's  wholly  owned insurance subsidiaries are Independence  Life  and
Annuity  Company ("Independence Life") and American Benefit Life  Insurance
Company,  to  be  renamed Keyport Benefit Life Insurance Company  ("Keyport
Benefit"), on or about April 1, 1998.  Other wholly owned subsidiaries  are
Liberty  Advisory  Services  Corp.,  an investment  advisory  company,  and
Keyport Financial Services Corp., a broker-dealer.

Keyport  is  an  indirect  wholly  owned subsidiary  of  Liberty  Financial
Companies,  Inc. ("Liberty Financial") which is a publicly  traded  holding
company.  Liberty  Financial is an indirect majority  owned  subsidiary  of
Liberty  Mutual  Insurance  Company  ("Liberty"),  a  multi-line  insurance

Liberty Financial is an asset accumulation and management company providing
investment  management and retirement-oriented insurance  products  through
multiple   distribution   channels.    Keyport   issues   and   underwrites
substantially  all  of  Liberty  Financial's retirement-oriented  insurance
products.   Liberty  Financial's investment advisor, asset  management  and
bank   distribution   operating  units  are  The   Colonial   Group,   Inc.
("Colonial"),  Stein  Roe & Farnham Incorporated  ("Stein  Roe"),   Newport
Pacific  Management,  Inc.  ("Newport")  and  Independent  Holdings,   Inc.
("Independent").  Colonial, Stein Roe and Newport manage certain underlying
mutual  funds  and  other invested assets of Keyport's  separate  accounts.
Stein Roe also provides asset management services for a substantial portion
of Keyport's general account.  Independent, through its subsidiary, markets
Keyport's products through the bank distribution channel.

Keyport's  executive  and administrative offices are located  at  125  High
Street,  Boston Massachusetts 02110, and its home office is at  695  George
Washington Highway, Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865.

B. Selected Financial Data

The  following selected consolidated financial data for Keyport  should  be
read  in  conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and  notes
thereto included elsewhere in this prospectus.

Selected Financial Data   (in thousands)

As of and for
the year ended
December 31          1997       1996        1995       1994         1993

Income statement
     income     $   847,048 $   790,365 $   755,930 $   689,575 $  669,667
     credited      (594,084)   (572,719)   (555,725)   (481,926)  (504,205)
     spread         252,964     217,646     200,205     207,649    165,462
 Fee income          36,353      33,534      29,767      25,273     18,158
     expenses       (49,941)    (43,815)    (44,475)    (54,295)   (40,697)
 Income before
     income taxes   172,651     137,846     107,941      95,276     86,705
 Net income         113,561      90,624      69,610      63,225     57,995

Balance sheet
 Total cash and
   investments  $13,505,858 $12,305,312 $10,922,125 $ 9,274,793 $8,912,526
 Total assets    15,342,189  13,924,557  12,280,194  10,873,604 10,227,327
   equity         1,103,021     980,782     902,331     682,485    684,270

C. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations
and Financial Condition

1. Results of Operations

Net income was $113.6 million in 1997 compared to $90.6 million in 1996 and
$69.6 million in 1995. The improvement of $23.0 million in 1997 compared to
1996  resulted from higher investment spread, higher fee income and  higher
net  realized  investment  gains. Partially  offsetting  these  items  were
increased  amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and  value  of
insurance  in  force,  higher  operating expenses  and  higher  income  tax

Investment  spread is the amount by which investment income earned  on  the
Company's  investments exceeds interest credited to policyholder  balances.
Investment spread was $253.0 million in 1997 compared to $217.6 million  in
1996  and $200.2 million in 1995. The amount by which the average yield  on
investments  exceeds  the average interest credited  rate  on  policyholder
balances  is  the  investment  spread percentage.  Such  investment  spread
percentage was 1.91% in 1997, and 1.84% in 1996 and 1995.

Investment income was $847.0 million in 1997 compared to $790.4 million  in
1996  and  $755.9  million in 1995. The increase of $56.6 million  in  1997
compared to 1996 primarily relates to an $85.6 million increase as a result
of  a  higher  level  of  average invested assets, partially  offset  by  a
$29.0 million decrease resulting from a lower average investment yield. The
1997  investment  income was net of $47.6 million of  S&P  500  Index  call
option   amortization  expense  related  to  the  Company's  equity-indexed
annuities  compared to $14.0 million in 1996. The average investment  yield
was  6.90%  in 1997 compared to 7.16% in 1996.  Investment income increased
in 1996 compared to 1995 primarily as a result of a higher level of average
invested  assets, partially offset by a decrease in the average  investment
yield. The average investment yield was 7.16% in 1996 compared to 7.51%  in

Interest  credited to policyholders totaled $594.1 million in 1997 compared
to  $572.7  million  in 1996 and $555.7 million in 1995.  The  increase  of
$21.4 million in 1997 compared to 1996 primarily relates to a $56.4 million
increase  as  a result of a higher level of average policyholder  balances,
partially offset by a $35.0 million decrease resulting from a lower average
interest  credited  rate.   Policyholder balances  averaged  $11.9  billion
(including  $10.8  billion of fixed products and $1.1  billion  of  equity-
indexed  annuities)  in  1997 compared to $10.8  billion  (including  $10.4
billion of fixed products and $0.4 billion of equity-indexed annuities)  in
1996.   The  average  interest credited rate  was  4.99%  (5.45%  on  fixed
products  and 0.85% on equity-indexed annuities) in 1997 compared to  5.32%
(5.50%  on fixed products and 0.85% on equity-indexed annuities)  in  1996.
The  Company's equity-indexed annuities credit interest to the policyholder
at a "participation rate" equal to a portion (ranging for existing policies
from  60%  to  95%)  of  the change in value of the  S&P  500  Index.   The
Company's  equity-indexed  annuities  also  provide  a  full  guarantee  of
principal  if held to term, plus interest at 0.85% annually.  For  each  of
the   periods   presented,   the   interest  credited   to   equity-indexed
policyholders  related to the participation rate was offset  by  investment
income recognized on the S&P 500 Index call options, resulting in an  0.85%
net  credited rate.  Interest credited to policyholders increased  in  1996
compared  to  1995  primarily as a result of  a  higher  level  of  average
policyholder  balances,  partially offset by  a  decrease  in  the  average
interest  credited rate. Policyholder balances averaged  $10.8  billion  in
1996  compared to $9.8 billion in 1995.  The average interest credited rate
was 5.67% in 1995.

Average  investments  (computed  without  giving  effect  to  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 115),  including  a  portion  of  the
Company's cash and cash equivalents, were $12.3 billion in 1997 compared to
$11.0  billion  in  1996 and $10.1 billion in 1995. The  increase  of  $1.3
billion  in  1997 compared to 1996 was primarily due to a 100%  coinsurance
agreement with respect to a $954.0 million block of SPDAs entered into with
Fidelity  & Guaranty Life Insurance Company ("F&G Life") during  the  third
quarter  of  1996 and investment portfolio earnings. The increase  of  $0.9
billion  in 1996 compared to 1995 was primarily due to the reinvestment  of
portfolio earnings and the F&G Life transaction.

Net  realized investment gains were $24.7 million in 1997 compared to  $5.5
million in 1996 and net realized investment losses of $4.0 million in 1995.
Sales  of  fixed maturity investments generally are made to maximize  total
return.  The  net realized investment gains in 1997 included gains  on  the
sales  of  fixed  maturity  investments  of  $16.8  million  and  gains  on
redemption  of  seed  money investments in separate  account  mutual  funds
sponsored  by  the  Company of $7.9 million.  The net  realized  investment
gains  in  1996  were  primarily attributable to sales  of  fixed  maturity
investments and sales of investments received in the F&G Life transaction.

Surrender  charges on fixed and variable annuity withdrawals generally  are
assessed at declining rates applied to policyholder withdrawals during  the
first  five  to seven years of the contract. Total surrender  charges  were
$16.0  million in 1997 compared to $14.9 million in 1996 and $14.8  million
in 1995.

Total  annuity  withdrawals represented 11.6% of the total average  annuity
policyholder  and separate account balances in 1997 and 1996  and  9.9%  in
1995.   Excluding surrenders from the older block of annuities acquired  in
the  F&G Life transaction, the withdrawal percentages were 10.6% and  10.0%
in 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Separate account fees are primarily mortality and expense charges earned on
variable annuity and variable life policyholder balances. These fees, which
are  based  on  the  market  values  of the  assets  in  separate  accounts
supporting  the  contracts, were $17.1 million in 1997  compared  to  $16.0
million  in  1996 and $13.2 million in 1995.  Such fees represented  1.54%,
1.68%  and  1.61%  of average variable annuity and variable  life  separate
account balances in 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Management  fees  are  primarily investment advisory fees  related  to  the
separate  account assets. The fees are based on the levels of assets  under
management, which are affected by product sales and redemptions and changes
in the market values of the investments managed.  Management fees were $3.3
million in 1997 compared to $2.6 million in 1996 and $1.8 million in  1995.
The increase of $0.7 million in 1997 compared to 1996 primarily reflects  a
higher level of average assets under management.

Operating  expenses  primarily represent compensation,  selling  and  other
general  and administrative expenses. These expenses were $49.9 million  in
1997  compared  to  $43.8 million in 1996 and $44.5 million  in  1995.  The
increase  in  1997  compared to 1996 was primarily due to  higher  employee
related  expenses and selling expenses.  The decrease in 1996  compared  to
1995  was  primarily due to IRS interest penalties of $1.9 million recorded
in 1995 related to a federal income tax assessment.

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs was $75.9 million in 1997
compared  to  $60.2  million  in  1996 and $58.5  million  in  1995.  These
increases  in amortization in 1997 and 1996 were primarily related  to  the
increase  in  investment  spread  from the  growth  of  business  in  force
associated  with fixed and equity-indexed products and the increased  sales
of  variable  annuity  products.  Amortization expense  represented  29.2%,
27.7%   and   29.2%,  of  investment  spread  for  1997,  1996  and   1995,

Amortization of value of insurance in force totaled $10.5 million  in  1997
compared to $10.2 million in 1996 and $9.5 million in 1995. The increase in
amortization  in  1997  compared to 1996 was  primarily  due  to  increased
amortization of $4.0 million related to the F&G Life transaction, partially
offset   by  decreased  amortization  related  to  a  change  in  mortality
assumptions.   The increase in amortization in 1996 compared  to  1995  was
primarily due to $2.7 million of amortization recorded in 1996 relating  to
the  F&G  Life transaction, partially offset by lower amortization in  1996
due to an increase in estimated amortization periods in the last quarter of
1995 of the Company's closed block of single premium whole life insurance.

Federal  income tax expense was $59.1 million or 34.2% of pretax income  in
1997  compared to $47.2 million, or 34.3%  pretax income in 1996, and $38.3
million, or 35.5% of pretax income in 1995.

Effective  July 18, 1997, due to a decrease in the ownership percentage  of
the  Company's  indirect parent, the Company is no longer included  in  the
consolidated  federal income tax return of Liberty.  The Company  does  not
expect this change to have a material effect on its financial condition  or
its  results  from  operations.  The Company will be  required  to  file  a
separate federal income tax return until the Company is eligible to file  a
consolidated federal income tax return with Liberty Financial in 2002.

2. Financial Condition

Stockholder's Equity as of December 31, 1997 was $1.1 billion  compared  to
$980.8  million  as  of  December 31, 1996. The increase  in  stockholder's
equity  was due to net income of $113.6 million, as well as an increase  in
after-tax  unrealized  gains  and losses (net of  adjustments  to  deferred
policy acquisition costs and value of insurance in force) during the period
of $8.7 million.

Investments  not including cash and cash equivalents totaled $12.3  billion
at  December 31, 1997 compared to $11.5 billion at December 31, 1996.   The
increase  of $0.8 billion is primarily attributable to the reinvestment  of
portfolio earnings in 1997.

The  Company's  general investment policy is to hold fixed maturity  assets
for  long-term  investment and, accordingly, the Company does  not  have  a
trading  portfolio.   To  provide  for maximum  portfolio  flexibility  and
appropriate tax planning, the Company classifies its entire fixed  maturity
portfolio  as "available for sale" and accordingly carries such investments
at  fair  value.  The Company's total investments at December 31, 1997  and
1996  reflected net unrealized gains of $280.3 million and $229.8  million,
respectively, relating to its fixed maturity and equity portfolios.

Approximately  $11.0  billion, or 81.7%, of the Company's  general  account
investments  at  December  31,  1997,  was  rated  by  Standard  &   Poor's
Corporation, Moody's Investors Service or under comparable statutory rating
guidelines  established by the NAIC.  At December 31,  1997,  the  carrying
value  of  investments  in below investment grade securities  totaled  $1.1
billion,  or  7.9% of general account investments of $13.5  billion.  Below
investment  grade  securities generally provide higher yields  and  involve
greater  risks  than  investment  grade securities  because  their  issuers
typically are more highly leveraged and more vulnerable to adverse economic
conditions  than investment grade issuers. In addition, the trading  market
for  these  securities  may  be  more limited  than  for  investment  grade

3. Management of the Company's Investments

Asset-liability duration management is utilized by the Company to  minimize
the  risks of interest rate fluctuations and policyholder withdrawals.  The
Company  believes  that its fixed and equity-indexed policyholder  balances
should be backed by investments, principally comprised of fixed maturities,
that  generate  predictable rates of return. The Company does  not  have  a
specific target rate of return. Instead, its rates of return vary over time
depending  on the current interest rates, the slope of the yield curve  and
the  excess at which fixed maturities are priced over the yield curve.  Its
portfolio strategy is designed to achieve acceptable risk-adjusted  returns
by effectively managing portfolio liquidity and credit quality.

The  Company  conducts  its  investment operations  to  closely  match  the
duration  of  the  assets in its investment portfolio to  its  policyholder
balances. The Company seeks to achieve an acceptable spread between what it
earns  on its assets and interest credited on its policyholder balances  by
investing   principally  in  fixed  maturities.  The  Company's  fixed-rate
products  incorporate surrender charges to encourage persistency  and  make
the cost of its policyholder balances more predictable. Approximately 83.0%
of  the  Company's  fixed  annuity policyholder balances  were  subject  to
surrender charges at December 31, 1997.

As  part of its asset-liability management discipline, the Company conducts
detailed  computer  simulations that model its  fixed-maturity  assets  and
liabilities under commonly used stress-test interest rate scenarios.  Based
on  the results of these computer simulations, the investment portfolio has
been constructed with a view toward maintaining a desired investment spread
between  the  yield on portfolio assets and the interest  credited  on  its
policyholder  balances  under a variety of possible  future  interest  rate
scenarios.  At  December 31, 1997 the effective duration of  the  Company's
fixed  maturities investments (including certain cash and cash equivalents)
was  approximately  2.9.  Effective duration is a common  measure  for  the
price sensitivity of a fixed-income portfolio to changes in interest rates.
It  measures  the approximate percentage change in the market  value  of  a
portfolio  when  interest rates change by 100 basis points.   This  measure
includes  the  impact  of estimated changes in portfolio  cash  flows  from
features, such as prepayments and bond calls.

As  a  component of its investment strategy and to reduce its  exposure  to
interest rate risk, the Company utilizes interest rate swap agreements  and
interest  rate cap agreements to match assets more closely to  liabilities.
Swap  agreements are agreements to exchange with counterparty interest rate
payments  of  differing character (e.g., fixed-rate payments exchanged  for
variable-rate payments) based on an underlying principal balance  (notional
principal)  to  hedge against interest rate changes. The Company  currently
utilizes  swap  agreements to reduce asset duration  and  to  better  match
interest earned on longer-term fixed-rate assets with interest credited  to
policyholders.   The  Company had 45 outstanding swap  agreements  with  an
aggregate  notional principal amount of $2.6 billion and had 39 outstanding
swap agreements with an aggregate notional principal amount of $2.3 billion
as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Cap agreements are agreements with a counterparty which require the payment
of  a  premium for the right to receive payments for the difference between
the  cap interest rate and a market interest rate on specified future dates
based  on  an  underlying principal balance (notional principal)  to  hedge
against rising interest rates. The Company had interest rate cap agreements
with  an aggregate notional amount of $250.0 million and $450.0 million  as
of December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

With  respect  to the Company's equity-indexed annuities, the Company  buys
call  options  on  the  S&P 500 Index to hedge its obligations  to  provide
returns  based upon this index.  The Company had call options with  a  book
value  of  $323.3 million and $109.7 million as of December  31,  1997  and
1996, respectively.

There are risks associated with some of the techniques the Company uses  to
match  its  assets and liabilities. The primary risk associated with  swap,
cap  and call option agreements is counterparty nonperformance. The Company
believes that the counterparties to its swap and call option agreements are
financially  responsible  and that the counterparty  risk  associated  with
these  transactions is minimal.  In addition, swap agreements have interest
rate  risk  and  call options have stock market risk.   However,  the  swap
agreements  hedge fixed-rate assets; the Company expects that any  interest
rate  movements  that adversely affect the market value of swap  agreements
would  be offset by changes in the market values of such fixed rate assets.
Similarly,  the  call  options hedge the Company's obligations  to  provide
returns  on equity-indexed annuities based upon the S&P 500 Index, and  the
Company believes that any stock market movements that adversely affect  the
market  value of S&P 500 call options would be substantially  offset  by  a
reduction  in policyholder liabilities.  However, there can be no assurance
that  these hedges will be effective in offsetting the potentially  adverse
effects  of  changes in S&P 500 Index levels.  The Company's  profitability
could  be  adversely  affected if the value of its  S&P  500  call  options
increase less than (or decrease more than) the value of the guarantees made
to equity-indexed policyholders.

The  Company routinely reviews its portfolio of investment securities.  The
Company   identifies  monthly  any  investments  that  require   additional
monitoring, and carefully reviews the carrying value of such investments at
least  quarterly to determine whether specific investments should be placed
on  a nonaccrual basis and to determine declines in value that may be other
than  temporary.  There  were no non-income producing  investments  in  the
Company's  fixed maturity portfolio at December 31, 1997.  In making  these
reviews,  the Company principally considers the adequacy of collateral  (if
any),   compliance  with  contractual  covenants,  the  borrower's   recent
financial   performance,  news  reports  and  other  externally   generated
information  concerning the creditor's affairs. In  the  case  of  publicly
traded  fixed maturity investments, management also considers market  value
quotations, if available.

4. Liquidity

The  Company's  liquidity  needs and financial  resources  pertain  to  the
management  of  the general account assets and policyholder  balances.  The
Company  uses cash for the payment of annuity and life insurance  benefits,
operating  expenses  and  policy acquisition costs,  and  the  purchase  of
investments. The Company generates cash from annuity premiums and deposits,
net  investment  income, and from maturities and sales of its  investments.
Annuity  premiums,  maturing  investments and net  investment  income  have
historically  been sufficient to meet the Company's cash requirements.  The
Company  monitors  cash  and cash equivalents  in  an  effort  to  maintain
sufficient  liquidity  and has strategies in place to  maintain  sufficient
liquidity  in  changing  interest rate environments.  Consistent  with  the
nature of its obligations, the Company has invested a substantial amount of
its  general  account assets in readily marketable securities. At  December
31,  1997,  $10.3  billion,  or  76.2%, of the  Company's  general  account
investments are considered readily marketable.

To  the extent that unanticipated surrenders cause the Company to sell  for
liquidity purposes a material amount of securities prior to their maturity,
such  surrenders  could  have a material adverse  effect  on  the  Company.
Although no assurance can be given, the Company believes that liquidity  to
fund withdrawals would be available through incoming cash flow, the sale of
short-term  or floating-rate instruments, thereby precluding  the  sale  of
fixed maturity investments in a potentially unfavorable market.

Current  Rhode  Island insurance law permits the payment  of  dividends  or
distributions  from the Company to Liberty Financial, which, together  with
dividends  and  distributions paid during the preceding 12 months,  do  not
exceed  the  lesser  of (i) 10% of statutory surplus as  of  the  preceding
December  31 or (ii) the net gain from operations for the preceding  fiscal
year.  Any  proposed  dividend  in excess  of  this  amount  is  called  an
"extraordinary  dividend" and may not be paid until it is approved  by  the
Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Rhode Island.  As of December 31,
1997,  the  amount  of dividends that the Company could  pay  without  such
approval was $70.3 million.

Based  upon the historical cash flow of the Company, the Company's  current
financial condition and the Company's expectation that there will not be  a
material adverse change in the results of operations of the Company and its
subsidiaries during the next twelve months, the Company believes that  cash
flow  provided  by  operating  activities over  this  period  will  provide
sufficient liquidity for the Company to meet its liquidity needs.

5. Year 2000

Many  existing computer programs use only two digits to identify a year  in
the  date  field.  These  programs  were  designed  and  developed  without
considering  the  impact  of the upcoming change in  the  century.  If  not
corrected,  many  computer  applications could  fail  or  create  erroneous
results by or at the Year 2000. This potential problem has become known  as
the  "Year 2000 issue". The Year 2000 issue affects virtually all companies
and organizations.

Computer  applications  which are affected by the  Year  2000  issue  could
impact  Keyport's  business  functions in  various  ways,  ranging  from  a
complete  inability to perform critical business functions  to  a  loss  of
productivity  in  varying degrees. Likewise, the failure of  some  computer
applications could have no impact on critical business functions.

Keyport  is assessing and addressing the Year 2000 issue by implementing  a
four-step  plan. The first two steps involve inventorying all the  computer
applications  which support Keyport's business functions  and  prioritizing
computer applications which are affected by the Year 2000 issue based  upon
the  degree  of  impact each has on the functioning of  Keyport's  business
units. The first two steps of the plan are substantially complete.

The  final two steps of the four-step plan involve remediation of  affected
computer  applications  (i.e., repairing or replacing  programs,  including
those  which  interface  with third-party computer applications  that  have
unremediated  Year 2000 issues, and appropriate testing) and reinstallation
of  computer  applications. For computer applications  which  are  "mission
critical"  (i.e., their failure would result in the complete  inability  to
perform critical business functions), Keyport expects to complete the final
two  steps of the plan by December 31, 1998. Remediation and reinstallation
of  non-critical  computer applications is scheduled  to  be  completed  by
December 31, 1999.

Keyport  believes that the Year 2000 issue could have a material impact  on
Keyport's  operations  if  the four-step plan is  not  timely  implemented.
However, based upon the progress that is being made, Keyport believes  that
the  timetable for implementing the plan will be met and that the Year 2000
issue  will  not  pose significant operational problems  for  its  computer

6. Effects of Inflation

Inflation  has  not  had  a material effect on the  Company's  consolidated
results of operations to date. The Company manages its investment portfolio
in  part  to reduce its exposure to interest rate fluctuations. In general,
the  fair  value  of  the Company's fixed maturity portfolio  increases  or
decreases in inverse relationship with fluctuations in interest rates,  and
the  Company's  net  investment income increases  or  decreases  in  direct
relationship  with interest rate changes.  For example, if  interest  rates
decline the Company's fixed maturity investments generally will increase in
fair  value,  while net investment income will decrease as  fixed  maturity
investments mature or are sold and the proceeds are reinvested  at  reduced
rates.  However, inflation may result in increased operating expenses  that
may not be readily recoverable in the prices of the services charged by the

D. General Account Investments

Premium deposits on fixed and equity-indexed annuities are credited to  the
Company's  general account investments (which at December 31, 1997  totaled
$13.5  billion).  To maintain its investment spreads at acceptable  levels,
the Company must earn returns on its general account sufficiently in excess
of the fixed or indexed returns credited to policyholders.  The key element
of  this  investment  process  is asset/liability  management.   Successful
asset/liability  management  requires both  a  quantitative  assessment  of
overall  policy liabilities (including maturities, surrenders and crediting
of  interest)  and prudent investment of general account assets.   The  two
most  important tools in managing policy liabilities are setting  crediting
rates  and establishing surrender periods.  The investment process requires
portfolio techniques that earn acceptable yields while effectively managing
both  interest  rate  risk  and  credit risk.   The  Company  emphasizes  a
conservative  approach  to asset/liability management,  which  is  oriented
toward  reducing downside risk in adverse markets, as opposed to maximizing
spread  in  favorable  markets.  The approach is also  designed  to  reduce
earnings  volatility.  Various factors can impact the Company's  investment
spread, including changes in interest rates and other factors affecting the
Company's general account investments.

The bulk of the Company's general account investments are invested in fixed
maturity  securities (83.3% at December 31, 1997).  The Company's principal
strategy  for managing interest rate risk is to closely match the  duration
of  its  general account investment portfolio to its policyholder balances.
At  December 31, 1997, the effective duration of its fixed income portfolio
was  approximately  2.9.  The Company also employs  hedging  strategies  to
manage  this risk, including interest rate swaps and caps.  In the case  of
equity-indexed products, the Company purchases S&P 500 Index  call  options
to  hedge  its  obligations to provide participation rate returns.   Credit
risk is managed by careful credit analysis and monitoring. At December  31,
1997,  the  Company's fixed maturity portfolio had an overall  average  S&P
rating  of  A+.   A  portion of the general account  investments  (7.9%  at
December  31,  1997) are invested in below investment grade fixed  maturity
securities  to  enhance  overall portfolio yield.  Below  investment  grade
securities  pose  greater  risks  than investment  grade  securities.   The
Company  actively manages its below investment grade portfolio to  optimize
its risk/return profile.  There were no non-income producing investments in
the Company's fixed maturity portfolio at December 31, 1997.

As  of  December 31, 1997, the Company owned approximately $3.5 billion  of
mortgage-backed  securities  (26.2% of its  general  account  investments),
97.4%  of  which  were  investment grade.  Mortgage-backed  securities  are
subject to significant prepayment and extension risks, since the underlying
mortgages may be repaid more or less rapidly than scheduled.

As of December 31, 1997, approximately $3.2 billion (23.8% of the Company's
general  account investments) were invested in securities which  were  sold
without  registration under the Securities Act and were not freely tradable
under   the  Securities  Act  or  which  were  otherwise  illiquid.   These
securities  may be resold pursuant to an exemption from registration  under
the  Securities  Act.   If the Company sought to sell such  securities,  it
might be unable to do so at the then current carrying values and might have
to  dispose  of such securities over extended periods of time at  uncertain

E.  Competition

The  Company's  business activities are conducted in extremely  competitive
markets.  Keyport competes with a large number of life insurance companies,
some  of  which  are  larger and more highly capitalized  and  have  higher
ratings  than Keyport. No one company dominates the industry. In  addition,
Keyport's  products compete with alternative investment vehicles  available
through  financial  institutions, brokerage firms and investment  managers.
Management  believes  that  Keyport competes principally  with  respect  to
product  features, pricing, ratings and service; management  also  believes
that  Keyport  can  continue  to compete successfully  in  this  market  by
offering  innovative products and superior services. In addition, financial
institutions  and  broker-dealers  focus  on  the  insurer's  ratings   for
financial  strength  or  claims-paying ability in  determining  whether  to
market the insurer's annuities.

F.  Employees

As  of  December  31, 1997, the Company had 412 full-time  employees.   The
Company  provides  its  employees with a broad range  of  employee  benefit
programs.   The Company believes that its relations with its employees  are

G. Regulation

The Company's business activities are extensively regulated.  The following
briefly  summarizes  the  principal  regulatory  requirements  and  certain
related matters.

Keyport's  retirement-oriented insurance products generally are  issued  as
individual  policies.   The  policy  is  a  contract  between  the  issuing
insurance  company  and  the  policyholder.  Policy  forms,  including  all
principal  contract terms, are regulated by state law.  In most cases,  the
policy  form must be approved by the insurance department or similar agency
of a state in order for the policy to be sold in that state.

Keyport  and Independence are each chartered in Rhode Island and the  State
of  Rhode Island Insurance Department is their primary oversight regulator.
Keyport  and Independence Life also must be licensed by the state insurance
regulators in each other jurisdiction in which they conduct business.  They
currently  are  licensed to conduct business in 49  states  (the  exception
being  New  York),  and in the District of Columbia. State  insurance  laws
generally provide regulators with broad powers related to issuing  licenses
to  transact  business,  regulating marketing and  other  trade  practices,
operating   guaranty  associations,  regulating  certain   premium   rates,
regulating   insurance   holding  company  systems,  establishing   reserve
requirements,  prescribing  the  form and  content  of  required  financial
statements  and  reports,  performing  financial  and  other  examinations,
determining  the  reasonableness  and adequacy  of  statutory  capital  and
surplus,  regulating the type and amount of investments permitted, limiting
the  amount of dividends that can be paid and the size of transactions that
can  be consummated without first obtaining regulatory approval, and  other
related  matters.   The  regulators  also  make  periodic  examinations  of
individual  companies and review annual and other reports on the  financial
conditions   of   all   companies   operating   within   their   respective

Keyport  prepares  its statutory-basis financial statements  in  accordance
with   accounting  practices  prescribed  or  permitted  by  the  Insurance
Department  of  the  State  of Rhode Island. Certain  statutory  accounting
practices  are  prescribed  by state laws. Permitted  statutory  accounting
practices encompass all accounting practices that are not proscribed;  such
practices may differ between the states and companies within a state.   The
National  Association of Insurance Commissioners (the "NAIC") currently  is
in  the process of codifying statutory accounting practices, the result  of
which  is  expected  to constitute the only source of prescribed  statutory
accounting  practices.  That project, which is expected to be completed  in
1998  may  result in changes to the accounting practices that  the  Company
uses  to  prepare its statutory-basis financial statements.  The impact  of
any such changes on the Company's statutory-surplus cannot be determined at
this  time.  No assurance can be given that such changes would not  have  a
material adverse effect on the Company.

Risk  Bond  Capital  Requirements. In recent  years,  various  states  have
adopted  new  quantitative  standards  promulgated  by  the  NAIC.    These
standards   are   designed  to  reduce  the  risk  of   insurance   company
insolvencies, in part by providing an early warning of financial  or  other
difficulties.   These  standards  include  the  NAIC's  risk-based  capital
("RBC")  requirements.   RBC  requirements  attempt  to  measure  statutory
capital and surplus needs based on the risks in a company's mix of products
and  investment  portfolio.  The requirements provide  for  four  different
levels  of  regulatory  attention  which  implement  increasing  levels  of
regulatory control (ranging from development of an action plan to mandatory
receivership).   As  of December 31, 1997, Keyport's  capital  and  surplus
exceeded the level at which the lowest of these regulatory attention levels
would be triggered.

Guaranty  Fund Assessments. Under the insurance guaranty fund laws existing
in  each  state,  insurers  can  be assessed  for  certain  obligations  of
insolvent  insurance  companies to policyholders  and  claimants.   Because
assessments  typically  are not made for several  years  after  an  insurer
fails, Keyport cannot accurately determine the precise amount or timing  of
its  exposure  to known insurance company insolvencies at this  time.   For
certain information regarding the Company's historical and estimated future
assessments,   see   Note  11  to  the  Company's  Consolidated   Financial
Statements.   The  insolvency of large life insurance companies  in  future
years  could  result in material assessments to Keyport by  state  guaranty

Insurance  Holding Company Regulation. Current Rhode Island  insurance  law
imposes   prior   approval  requirements  for  certain  transactions   with
affiliates  and  generally regulates dividend payments by a  Rhode  Island-
chartered insurance subsidiary to its parent company.  Keyport may not make
dividend  payments  in  excess of the lesser of (i) 10%  of  its  statutory
surplus as of the preceding December 31 or (ii) its statutory net gain from
operations  for  the preceding fiscal year without prior  approval  by  the
State of Rhode Island Insurance Department.  As of December 31, 1997,  such
restriction  would limit dividends without such approval  to  approximately
$70.3 million.  Keyport has not paid any dividends since its acquisition in
December, 1988.

KFSC,  a  subsidiary of Keyport, is regulated as a broker-dealer under  the
Exchange  Act and is a member of the NASD. (See "Distribution of  Contracts
and Certificates".)

                            COMPANY MANAGEMENT

The following are the principal officers and directors of the Company:

                           Position with          Other Business, Vocation
                             Keyport               or Employment for Past
Name, Age                 Year of Election            Five Years

Kenneth R. Leibler, 48   Chairman of the Board,  Chief Executive Officer
                         12/31/94                of Liberty Financial
                                                 Companies, Inc. ("LFC"),
                                                 1/1/95; President of
                                                 LFC, formerly Chief
                                                 Operating Officer of LFC

Frederick Lippitt, 81    Director, 1/31/62,      Chairman of The
                         and Assistant           Providence Plan,
                         Secretary, 4/9/69       Providence, RI

Robert C. Nyman, 61      Director, 4/11/96       Formerly President and
                                                 Chairman of Nyman
                                                 Manufacturing Co., East
                                                 Providence, RI

John W. Rosensteel, 57   President and Chief     Chairman of the Board,
                         Executive Officer,      Director and President
                         12/30/92                of KFSC, 11/12/92;
                         and Director, 11/5/92   Chairman of the Board,
                                                 Director, President and
                                                 Chief Executive Officer of
                                                 LASC, 1/8/93; President,
                                                 Chief Executive Officer,
                                                 Chairman of the  Board and
                                                 Director of Independence
                                                 Life and Annuity Company,

Paul H. LeFevre, Jr., 55 Executive               Formerly Senior Vice
                         Vice President,         President and Chief
                         4/10/97                 Financial Officer of the
                                                 Company, 9/1/95; Director,
                                                 1/8/93, and Executive Vice
                                                 President, 7/22/97 of
                                                 LASC; formerly Senior
                                                 Vice President and Chief
                                                 Financial Officer of LASC,
                                                 1/8/93; Director, 10/1/93,
                                                 and Executive Vice
                                                 President, 7/28/97, of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company; formerly
                                                 Senior Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 10/1/93

Bernard R.
Beckerlegge, 51          Senior Vice President   Senior Vice President
                         and General Counsel,    and General Counsel of
                         9/1/95                  LASC, 7/22/97; Senior Vice
                                                 President and General
                                                 Counsel of Independence
                                                 Life and Annuity Company,
                                                 10/9/95; formerly General
                                                 Counsel for B.T. Variable
                                                 Insurance Co., 8/1/88

Stephen B. Bonner, 51    Senior Vice President,  Senior Vice President
                         11/7/96                 of Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 7/28/97;
                                                 formerly President of
                                                 Construction Information
                                                 Group at McGraw Hill,

Bernhard M. Koch, 43     Senior Vice President   Senior Vice President and
                         and Chief Officer,      Chief Financial Officer of
                         8/7/97                  LASC, 7/22/97; Senior Vice
                                                 President and Chief
                                                 Financial Officer of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 7/28/97;
                                                 formerly Executive Vice
                                                 President and Chief
                                                 Financial Officer of Life
                                                 Partners Group, 12/1/95;
                                                 formerly Senior Vice
                                                 President and Chief
                                                 Financial Officer of
                                                 Laurentian Capital Corp.,

Stewart R.
Morrison, 41             Senior Vice President,  Formerly Vice President,
                         4/10/97, and Chief      Investments of the
                         Investment Officer,     Company; Senior Vice
                         5/16/94                 President and Chief
                                                 Investment Officer of
                                                 LASC, 7/22/97; formerly
                                                 Vice President,
                                                 Investments of LASC,
                                                 1/8/93; Senior Vice
                                                 President and Chief
                                                 Investment Officer of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 7/28/97;
                                                 formerly Vice President,
                                                 Investments of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 10/1/93

Francis E. Reinhart, 57  Senior Vice President,  Formerly Chief
                         4/5/90, and Chief       Administrative Officer of
                         Information Officer,    the Company, 4/5/90;
                         4/10/97                 Director, 3/15/95 and
                                                 Vice President, 10/24/85,
                                                 of KFSC; Senior Vice
                                                 President of LASC, 1/8/93;
                                                 formerly Chief
                                                 Administrative Officer
                                                 1/8/93; Senior Vice
                                                 President, 10/1/93 and
                                                 Chief Information Officer,
                                                 7/28/97, of Independence
                                                 Life and Annuity Company,
                                                 formerly Chief
                                                 Administrative Officer
                                                 of Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 10/1/93

James P. Greaton, 40     Vice President and      Vice President and
                         Corporate Actuary,      Corporate Actuary of
                         6/12/96                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 12/31/96;
                                                 formerly Valuation
                                                 Actuary, Providian Capital
                                                 Management, 5/94

Jeffery J. Lobo, 36      Vice President-Risk     Formerly Assistant Vice
                         Management, 6/12/96     President - Director of
                                                 Quantitative Research for
                                                 the Company, 2/8/95;
                                                 formerly Vice President of
                                                 Credit Suisse Financial
                                                 Products, 11/94; trader
                                                 for SBCI Securities (Asia)
                                                 Inc., 7/93

Jeffery J.
Whitehead, 41            Vice President,         Formerly Controller of the
                         11/5/92, and            Company; Vice President
                         Treasurer, 5/4/95       and Treasurer of LASC,
                                                 5/19/95; Vice President
                                                 and Treasurer of
                                                 Independence Life and
                                                 Annuity Company, 5/19/95


The  tables  that  appear  below,  along with  the  accompanying  text  and
footnotes, provide information on compensation and benefits for  the  named
executive  officers, in accordance with applicable SEC  requirements.   All
the  data regarding values for stock options pertain to options to purchase
shares  of Keyport's parent corporation, Liberty Financial Companies,  Inc.
("Liberty Financial").  Such data are hypothetical in terms of the  amounts
that  an  individual  may  or may not receive,  because  such  amounts  are
contingent  on continued employment with Keyport and the price  of  Liberty
Financial's  Common Stock ("Common Stock").  All year-end values  shown  in
these  tables for outstanding stock options reflect a price of  $37.75  per
share,  which  was the closing price of the Common Stock on  the  New  York
Stock  Exchange on December 31, 1997 (the last trading day of 1997).   None
of  the  named  executive  officers received any  perquisites  during  1997
exceeding  the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of such officer's total salary  and
bonus for such year.

Summary  Compensation Table.  The following table sets  forth  compensation
information  for  the  past two fiscal years for each  of  Keyport's  chief
executive  officer  and  the other four most highly  compensated  executive

                        Summary Compensation Table

                         Annual              Long-Term
                       Compensation         Compensation

Name and                               Restricted   Securities
Principal             Base               Stock      Underlying   All Other
Position             Salary    Bonus     Awards2     Options
During 1997    Year    ($)      ($)1      ( $)         (#)           ($)3

John W.
Rosensteel,    1997   420,000  330,000   149,625     18,750         26,937
President      1996   396,500  275,000     --        22,500         27,994
and Chief

Paul H.
LeFevre, Jr.,  1997   315,000  205,000    85,500      9,000         24,971
Executive      1996   275,000  155,000     --        13,500         15,638

Stephen B.
Bonner,4       1997   275,000  150,000    64,125      7,500        175,707
Senior Vice    1996    80,754               --        --            17,414
and Chief Sales

Francis E.
Reinhart,      1997   245,000  115,000       --      11,250         18,790
Senior Vice    1996   233,000  105,000       --      11,250         13,136
and Chief

Stewart R.
Morrison,      1997   230,000  130,000    42,750      8,250         13,205
Senior Vice    1996   182,700   54,000       --       6,000         11,170
President &

1   The  amounts presented are bonuses earned in 1997 and paid in 1998,  or
earned in 1996 and paid in 1997, respectively.

2   The  number of shares and value of restricted stock held by  the  named
executive  officers as of December 31, 1997 is as follows:  Mr. Rosensteel:
5,250  shares, $198,188; Mr. LeFevre:  3,000 shares, $113,250; Mr.  Bonner:
2,250  shares,  $84,938; Mr. Morrison:  1,500 shares,  $56,625.   All  such
shares  will  vest  any  time after May 13, 1999 if for  a  10  consecutive
trading-day  period, the closing price of Liberty Financial's Common  Stock
exceeds  $41.73.  Liberty Financial pays dividends on all such shares,  and
the  recipients are entitled to retain all such dividends regardless of any
future forfeitures.

3   Consists  of  (a)  in the case of Mr. Rosensteel, $5,000  of  insurance
premiums paid by Keyport with respect to term life insurance purchased  for
his  benefit  in  each  year; (b) contributions under defined  contribution
plans  for  the  benefit of the named executive officers,  individually  as
follows:  Mr. Rosensteel, $21,937 in 1997 and $22,994 in 1996; Mr. LeFevre,
$24,971 in 1997 and $15,638 in 1996; Mr. Bonner, $4,125 in 1997 and  $0  in
1996;  Mr. Reinhart, $18,790 in 1997 and $13,136 in 1996; and Mr. Morrison,
$13,205 in 1997 and $11,170 in 1996; (c) in the case of Mr. Bonner, $75,000
for  a  signing  bonus  paid in 1997; and (d) in the case  of  Mr.  Bonner,
$96,582 in 1997 and $17,414 in 1996 of moving expenses reimbursement.

4   Mr. Bonner became an executive officer of Keyport effective November 7,

Option  Grant  Table.   The following table sets forth certain  information
regarding  options to purchase Common Stock granted during 1997 by  Liberty
Financial to the executive officers named in the above summary compensation

                     Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                                                 Value at
                          Percent                                of Stock
           Number of      of Total                                Price
          Securities      Options                              Appreciation
          Underlying     Granted to   Exercise                  of Option
           Options       Employees   Price Per  Expiration      Terms ($)2
Name       Granted (#)    in 1997     Share($)   on Date1     5%      10%

John W.
Rosensteel  18,750        2.4%        28.50     5/13/07    336,006  851,656

Paul H.
LeFevre, Jr. 9,000        1.2%        28.50     5/13/07    161,311  408,795

Stephen B.
Bonner       7,500        1.0%        28.50     5/13/07    134,426  340,662

Francis E.
Reinhart    11,250        1.4%        28.50     5/13/07    201,639  510,994

Stewart R.
Morrison     6,000        0.8%        28.50     5/13/07    107,541  272,530

1   Each  option  becomes  exercisable in four  equal  annual  installments
commencing on May 14, 1998, and vests in full upon the death, disability or
retirement (after age 60) of the optionee.

2  Amounts  represent  hypothetical gains that could be  achieved  for  the
respective options if such options are not exercised until the end  of  the
option  term.   These  gains  are based on assumed  rates  of  stock  price
appreciation  of 5% and 10% in accordance with applicable SEC  regulations,
compounded  annually  from the dates the options were granted  until  their
expiration  dates  and, therefore, are not intended  to  forecast  possible
future  appreciation in the Common Stock.  This table does  not  take  into
account  appreciation in the price of the Common Stock after  the  date  of

Option Exercises and Year-End Values Table.  The following table sets forth
certain  information regarding (i) the 1997 exercises of stock options  and
(ii)  the  stock  options held as of December 31,  1997  by  the  executive
officers named in the above summary compensation table.

Aggregate Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Aggregate Option  Values
at Fiscal Year-End

                                       Number of              Value of
              Shares                  Securities           Unexercised
             Acquired                 Underlying           In-the-Money
              Upon        Value      Unexercised            Options at
             Exercise   Realized      Options at              Year-End
Name            (#)        ($)        Year-End (#)              ($)
                                  Exerci-   Unexerci-   Exerci-   Unexerci-
                                   sable       sable     sable       sable

John W.
Rosensteel     9,450    234,078   86,536     59,359     2,154,228   950,858

Paul H.
LeFevre, Jr.  23,500    677,490   54,373     24,753     1,568,396   358,533

Stephen B.
Bonner         ----      ----      ----       7,500       ----       69,375

Francis E.
Reinhart      20,200    512,000   16,313     24,191       498,505   329,605

Stewart R.
Morrison       5,062     78,692    ----      15,190        ----     253,733

Certain Additional Information Regarding Executive Officer Compensation

Defined Benefit Retirement Programs.  Each of the executive officers in the
above  summary  compensation  table  participates  in  Liberty  Financial's
Pension  Plan  and  Keyport's Supplemental Pension Plan (collectively,  the
"Pension  Plans").  The following table shows the estimated annual  pension
benefits  payable upon retirement for the specified compensation and  years
of service classification under the Pension Plans.

Estimated Annual Retirement Benefits at Age 65
under the Pension Plans

                          Years of Credited Service

Compensation      15         20         25         30        35
$  200,000    $  52,178  $  69,570  $  86,963  $  93,629  $100,296
   400,000      106,178    141,570    176,963    190,296   203,629
   600,000      160,178    213,570    266,963    286,963   306,963
   800,000      214,178    285,570    356,963    383,629   410,296
 1,000,000      268,178    357,570    446,963    480,296   513,629
 1,200,000      322,178    429,570    536,963    576,963   616,963

Benefits under the Pension Plans are based on an employee's average pay for
the five highest consecutive years during the last ten years of employment,
the  employee's estimated social security retirement benefit and  years  of
credited  service with Keyport.  The current compensation  covered  by  the
Pension Plans for each participating executive officer in the above summary
compensation  table is as follows: Mr. Rosensteel, $695,000;  Mr.  LeFevre,
$470,000;  Mr.  Bonner, $325,000; Mr. Reinhart, $350,000 and Mr.  Morrison,
$305,000.   For  purposes of determining benefits payable  upon  retirement
under  the  Pension  Plans, compensation includes base  salary  and  annual
bonus.  Benefits are payable in the form of a single-life annuity providing
for  monthly  payments.  Actuarially equivalent methods of payment  may  be
elected  by the recipient.  As of December 31, 1997, the executive officers
named  in  the  above  summary compensation table had  the  following  full
credited years of service under the Pension Plans: Mr. Rosensteel, 5 years;
Mr.  LeFevre, 18 years; Mr. Bonner, 1 year; Mr. Reinhart, 13 years; and Mr.
Morrison, 7 years.

Change   of  Control  Provisions  of  1990  Stock  Option  Plan.    Liberty
Financial's 1990 Stock Option Plan, as amended (the "1990 Plan"),  provided
for  the  grant of options to officers and other key employees  of  Liberty
Financial  for  the purchase of shares of common stock.  As  of  March  20,
1998,   options issued and outstanding under the 1990 Plan included  82,141
shares  held by Mr. Rosensteel (69,659 of which were vested), 45,372 shares
held  by Mr. LeFevre (all of which were vested); and 16,000 shares held  by
Mr.  Reinhart (all of which were vested).   No additional options  will  be
granted under the 1990 Plan.  Upon a change of control of Liberty Financial
(defined as the transfer of 50% or more of the equity ownership of  Liberty
Financial  other  than  solely  pursuant to  a  public  offering  in  which
securities  are issued for cash), all non-vested options will automatically
vest  and  Liberty Financial's Compensation and Stock Option Plan committee
may,  in its discretion, elect to cancel all outstanding options by  paying
the  holders thereof an amount equal to the difference between the  formula
value  of  the Common Stock (as defined in the 1990 Plan) and the  exercise
price of the options.

Compensation  of  Directors.  Directors of Keyport who are  also  employees
receive  no compensation in addition to their compensation as employees  of
Keyport.  The two outside directors (Lippitt and Nyman) receive $2,000  per
quarter, plus $500 for each meeting of the Board of Directors and $200  for
each Audit Committee meeting that they attend.  Three meetings of the Board
of  Directors  and  two  meetings  of the  Audit  Committee  are  scheduled

                             LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

The  Company is from time to time involved in litigation incidental to  its
business.  In the opinion of Keyport's management, the resolution  of  such
litigation  is  not  expected  to have a material  adverse  effect  on  the
Company's financial condition or results of operations.


The  consolidated financial statements including schedules of Keyport  Life
Insurance  Company at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and for each of  the  two
years  in  the period ended December 31, 1997, appearing in this Prospectus
and  Registration  Statement  have been  audited  by  Ernst  &  Young  LLP,
independent  auditors,  as  set  forth in their  report  thereon  appearing
elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given  upon
the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

The consolidated financial statements of Keyport Life Insurance Company for
the  year ended December 31, 1995 have been included herein in reliance  on
the   report  of  KPMG  Peat  Marwick  LLP,  independent  certified  public
accountants,  appearing elsewhere herein, and upon the  authority  of  said
firm as experts accounting and auditing.

                           CHANGE IN ACCOUNTANTS

The consolidated financial statements of Keyport and also Liberty Financial
and  its  subsidiaries, including Keyport, for the year ended December  31,
1997  and  1996 have been audited and reported upon by Ernst  &  Young  LLP

For  fiscal  years prior to 1996, the consolidated financial statements  of
Keyport  and  Liberty  Financial  and its subsidiaries,  were  audited  and
reported  on  by  KPMG  Peat  Marwick LLP ("KPMG").   On  March  13,  1996,
following  a  competitive  proposal  process,  Liberty  Financial's   Audit
Committee  terminated  KPMG's  appointment as independent  accountants  for
Liberty   Financial  and  its  audited  subsidiaries,  including   Keyport,
effective  March 14, 1996, and voted to recommend to the Liberty  Financial
Board   of   Directors  that   E&Y  be  appointed  as  Liberty  Financial's
independent  accountants for fiscal year 1996. The Liberty Financial  Board
of  Directors approved this recommendation on April 10, 1996.  On April 11,
1996 Keyport's Board of Directors approved such engagement of E&Y.

In connection with the audit of Keyport's financial statements for the year
ended  December 31, 1995, and the subsequent interim period  through  March
14,  1996,  there  were no disagreements between Keyport and  KPMG  on  any
matter   of   accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial   statement
disclosure,  or  auditing scope or procedures, which disagreements  if  not
resolved to KPMG's satisfaction would have caused KPMG to make reference to
the  subject  matter of the disagreement in connection  with  KPMG's  audit
report  on  the  financial statements of Keyport. In  addition,  the  audit
report  of  KPMG on the financial statements of Keyport for the year  ended
December  31,  1995 did not contain any adverse opinion  or  disclaimer  of
opinion,  nor were such reports qualified or modified as to uncertainty  or
audit scope.

                               LEGAL MATTERS

Legal matters with respect to the organization of Keyport, its authority to
issue  annuity contracts and the validity of the Certificates, as  well  as
matters  relating to the Federal securities laws, have been passed upon  by
Bernard  R.  Beckerlegge,  General Counsel. In  addition,  certain  matters
relating  to  the Federal securities laws have been passed upon  by  Jorden
Burt Boros Cicchetti Berenson & Johnson LLP as Special Counsel for Keyport.

                      Report of Independent Auditors
The Board of Directors
Keyport Life Insurance Company

We  have  audited the consolidated balance sheet of Keyport Life  Insurance
Company  as  of  December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the  related  consolidated
statements  of income, stockholder's equity, and cash flows for  the  years
then  ended.  Our  audits also included the financial  statement  schedules
listed  in  the Index at Item 16. These financial statements and  schedules
are the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility  is
to  express an opinion on these financial statements and schedules based on
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits in accordance with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the  audit  to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of  material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test  basis,
evidence   supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in   the   financial
statements.   An  audit  also includes assessing the accounting  principles
used  and  the  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as  well  as
evaluating  the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe  that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred  to  above
present  fairly,  in  all  material respects,  the  consolidated  financial
position  of Keyport Life Insurance Company at December 31, 1997 and  1996,
and  the consolidated results of its operations and its cash flows for  the
years   then   ended  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles.   Also,  in  our  opinion,  the  related  financial   statement
schedules,  when  considered in relation to the basic financial  statements
taken  as  a whole, present fairly in all material respects the information
set forth therein.

                                                  ERNST & YOUNG LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
February 3, 1998

                       Independent Auditors' Report
The Board of Directors Keyport Life Insurance Company

We  have  audited  the consolidated financial statements  of  Keyport  Life
Insurance  Company and subsidiaries for the year ended December  31,  1995,
included herein. In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial
statements, we also have audited the financial statement Schedule III ("the
financial  statement schedule") as of December 31, 1995 and  for  the  year
then  ended, also included herein. These consolidated financial  statements
and  financial  statement schedule are the responsibility of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion   on   these
consolidated financial statements and financial statement schedule based on
our audit.

We  conducted  our  audit  in accordance with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the  audit  to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of  material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test  basis,
evidence   supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in   the   financial
statements.   An  audit  also includes assessing the accounting  principles
used  and  significant estimates made by management, as well as  evaluating
the  overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that  our  audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred  to  above
present fairly, in all material respects the results of operations and cash
flows  for  Keyport Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries  for  the  year
ended  December 31, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted  accounting
principles. Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule,
when  considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements
taken as a whole, presents fairly in all material respects, the information
set forth therein.

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
February 16, 1996

                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                              (in thousands)

                                                         December 31
                  ASSETS                           1997             1996

Cash and investments:
  Fixed maturities available for sale
    (amortized cost: 1997 - $10,981,618;
      1996 - $10,500,431)                       $11,246,539     $10,718,644
  Equity securities (cost:  1997 - $21,950;
    1996 - $19,412)                                  40,856          35,863
  Mortgage loans                                     60,662          67,005
  Policy loans                                      554,681         532,793
  Other invested assets                             440,773         183,622
  Cash and cash equivalents                       1,162,347         767,385
      Total cash and investments                 13,505,858      12,305,312

Accrued investment income                           165,035         146,778
Deferred policy acquisition costs                   232,039         250,355
Value of insurance in force                          53,298          70,819
Income taxes recoverable                             22,537             323
Intangible assets                                    18,058          19,186
Other assets                                         16,175          40,316
Separate account assets                           1,329,189       1,091,468

      Total assets                              $15,342,189     $13,924,557



  Policy liabilities                            $12,086,076     $11,637,528
  Current income taxes                               -               13,123
  Deferred income taxes                             133,003          25,747
  Payable for investments purchased and loaned      722,116         211,234
  Other liabilities                                  34,015          38,476
  Separate account liabilities                    1,263,958       1,017,667
      Total liabilities                          14,239,168      12,943,775

Stockholder's equity:
  Common stock, $1.25 par value; authorized
    8,000 shares; issued and outstanding 2,412
      shares                                          3,015           3,015
  Additional paid-in capital                        505,933         505,933
  Net unrealized investment gains                    82,277          73,599
  Retained earnings                                 511,796         398,235
      Total stockholder's equity                  1,103,021         980,782

      Total liabilities and
        stockholder's equity                    $15,342,189     $13,924,557

                          See accompanying notes.

                              (in thousands)

                                               Year ended December 31
                                           1997       1996        1995

  Investment income                    $ 847,048   $ 790,365   $ 755,930
  Interest credited to policyholders    (594,084)   (572,719)   (555,725)
  Investment spread                      252,964     217,646     200,205
  Net realized investment gains
    (losses)                              24,723       5,509      (3,958)
  Fee income:
    Surrender charges                     15,968      14,934      14,772
    Separate account fees                 17,124      15,987      13,154
    Management fees                        3,261       2,613       1,841
  Total fee income                        36,353      33,534      29,767

  Policy benefits                         (3,924)     (3,477)     (4,448)
  Operating expenses                     (49,941)    (43,815)    (44,475)
  Amortization of deferred policy
    acquisition costs                    (75,906)    (60,225)    (58,541)
  Amortization of value of insurance
    in force                             (10,490)    (10,196)     (9,479)
  Amortization of intangible assets       (1,128)     (1,130)     (1,130)
Total expenses                          (141,389)   (118,843)   (118,073)

Income before income tax expense         172,651     137,846     107,941
Income tax expense                       (59,090)   (47,222)     (38,331)

            Net income                 $ 113,561   $ 90,624    $  69,610

                          See accompanying notes.

                              (in thousands)

                             Additional   Investment
                     Common   Paid-in       Gains      Retained
                     Stock    Capital      (Losses)    Earnings       Total

  January 1, 1995   $3,015   $505,933   $  (64,464)  $238,001  $   682,485

Net income                                             69,610       69,610
Change in net
  gains (losses)                           150,236                 150,236

  December 31, 1995  3,015    505,933       85,772    307,611      902,331

Net income                                             90,624       90,624
Change in net
  gains (losses)                           (12,173)                (12,173)

  December 31, 1996  3,015    505,933       73,599    398,235      980,782

Net income                                            113,561      113,561
Change in net
  gains (losses)                             8,678                   8,678

  December 31, 1997 $ 3,015  $505,933    $  82,277   $511,796   $1,103,021

                          See accompanying notes.

                              (in thousands)

                                             Year ended December 31
                                       1997          1996         1995

Cash flows from operating
    Net income                  $    113,561  $      90,624  $     69,610
    Adjustments to reconcile
     net income to net cash
     provided by operating
       Interest credited to
         policyholders               594,084        572,719       555,725
       Net realized investment
         (gains) losses              (24,723)        (5,509)        3,958
       Amortization of value of
         insurance in force and
         intangible assets            11,618         11,326        10,609
       Net amortization on
         investments                  29,862        (29,088)        9,688
       Change in deferred policy
         acquisition costs           (10,252)       (24,403)      (24,630)
       Change in current and
         deferred income taxes        66,919          4,938         1,953
       Net change in other assets
         and liabilities               1,746        (42,634)      (62,375)
           Net cash provided by
             operating activities    782,815        577,973       564,538

Cash flow from investing activities:
  Investments purchased -
    available for sale            (4,543,374)    (4,363,074)   (2,851,013)
  Investments sold -
    held to maturity                    -             -            14,930
  Investments sold -
    available for sale             2,563,465      1,714,023       605,197
  Investments matured -
    held to maturity                    -             -           317,773
  Investments matured -
    available for sale             1,531,693      1,387,664       906,522
  Increase in policy loans           (21,888)       (34,467)      (21,033)
  Decrease in mortgage loans           6,343          7,500        54,947
  Other assets purchased, net        (48,921)      (130,087)          -
  Value of business acquired,
    net of cash                         -           (30,865)          -
           Net cash used in
            investing activities    (512,682)    (1,449,306)     (972,677)

Cash flows from financing
    Withdrawals from policyholder
      accounts                    (1,320,837)    (1,154,087)     (933,785)
    Deposits to policyholder
      accounts                       950,472      2,134,504      1,116,975
    Securities lending               495,194       (119,083)       317,715
         Net cash provided by
         financing activities        124,829        861,334        500,905

Change in cash and
  cash equivalents                   394,962         (9,999)        92,766
Cash and cash equivalents
  at beginning of year               767,385        777,384        684,618

Cash and cash equivalents at
  end of year                    $ 1,162,347    $   767,385    $   777,384

                          See accompanying notes.

                Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             December 31, 1997

1.  Accounting Policies


Keyport Life Insurance Company offers a diversified line of fixed, indexed,
and  variable  annuity  products designed to serve the  growing  retirement
saving  market.   These annuity products are sold through  a  wide  ranging
network of banks, agents, and securities dealers.

The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stein Roe Services Incorporated
("Stein Roe").  Stein Roe is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Financial
Companies,  Incorporated ("Liberty Financial") which is a  majority  owned,
indirect subsidiary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company ("Liberty Mutual").

Principles of Consolidation

The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  Keyport  Life  Insurance
Company  and  its wholly owned subsidiaries, Independence Life and  Annuity
Company  ("Independence Life"), Liberty Advisory Services Corporation,  and
Keyport Financial Services Corp., (collectively the "Company").

The  accompanying consolidated financial statements have been  prepared  in
accordance  with  generally accepted accounting principles  which  vary  in
certain respects from reporting practices prescribed or permitted by  state
insurance regulatory authorities. All significant intercompany transactions
and  balances have been eliminated.   Certain prior year amounts have  been
reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.

Use of Estimates

The  preparation  of  financial  statements in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting principles requires management to make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect the amounts reported in the financial  statements
and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Investments in debt and equity securities classified as available for  sale
are  carried at fair value, and after-tax unrealized gains and losses  (net
of  adjustments to deferred policy acquisition costs and value of insurance
in force) are reported as a separate component of stockholder's equity. The
cost  basis  of  securities  is adjusted for declines  in  value  that  are
determined  to  be  other than temporary.  Realized  investment  gains  and
losses are calculated on a first-in, first-out basis.

On December 31, 1995, pursuant to the "Guide to Implementation of Statement
115  on  Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities,"
the  Company  made  a one-time reclassification of certain  fixed  maturity
securities from held to maturity to available for sale. The amortized  cost
of  those  securities  at the time of transfer was $1.4  billion,  and  the
unrealized gain of $13.9 million was recorded net of taxes in stockholder's

For  the  mortgage  backed  bond portion of the fixed  maturity  investment
portfolio,  the Company recognizes income using a constant effective  yield
based  on anticipated prepayments over the estimated economic life  of  the
security.  When  actual prepayments differ significantly  from  anticipated
prepayments, the effective yield is recalculated to reflect actual payments
to  date  and  anticipated future payments and any resulting adjustment  is
included in investment income.

Mortgage loans are carried at amortized cost.  Policy loans are carried  at
the  unpaid  principal  balances plus accrued interest.   Partnerships  are
accounted  for  by  using  the  equity method of  accounting.   Partnership
investments totaled $117.3 million and $72.6 million at December  31,  1997
and 1996, respectively.


The  Company  uses  interest rate swap and cap  agreements  to  manage  its
interest  rate risk and call options on the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite
Stock  Price  Index ("S&P 500 Index") to hedge its obligations  to  provide
returns based upon this index.

The  Company utilizes interest rate swap agreements ("swap agreements") and
interest  rate  cap  agreements ("cap agreements")  to  match  assets  more
closely to liabilities.  Swap agreements are agreements to exchange with  a
counterparty  interest rate payments of differing character  (e.g.,  fixed-
rate  payments exchanged for variable-rate payments) based on an underlying
principal  balance  (notional  principal) to hedge  against  interest  rate
changes.   The  Company currently utilizes swap agreements to reduce  asset
duration  and  to  better match interest rates earned on longer-term  fixed
rate assets with interest rates credited to policyholders.

Cap agreements are agreements with a counterparty which require the payment
of  a  premium for the right to receive payments for the difference between
the  cap interest rate and a market interest rate on specified future dates
based  on  an  underlying  principal balance (notional  balance)  to  hedge
against rising interest rates.

Hedge accounting is applied after the Company determines that the items  to
be  hedged  expose  it  to  interest rate or  price  risk,  designates  the
instruments  as  hedges,  and assesses whether the instruments  reduce  the
indicated  risks  through the measurement of changes in the  value  of  the
instruments and the items being hedged at both inception and throughout the
hedge  period.   From  time  to time, interest rate  swap  agreements,  cap
agreements and call options are terminated.  If the terminated position was
accounted  for  as  a  hedge, realized gains or  losses  are  deferred  and
amortized  over  the remaining lives of the hedged assets  or  liabilities.
Conversely, if the terminated position was not accounted for as a hedge, or
if  the  assets  and  liabilities that were hedged  no  longer  exist,  the
position is "marked to market" and realized gains or losses are immediately
recognized in income.

The  net  differential  to  be  paid or  received  on  interest  rate  swap
agreements is recognized as a component of net investment income.  Premiums
paid  for  interest rate cap agreements are deferred and amortized  to  net
investment  income  on  a  straight-line  basis  over  the  terms  of   the
agreements.  The unamortized premium is included in other invested  assets.
Amounts  earned  on  interest  rate  cap  agreements  are  recorded  as  an
adjustment to net investment income.  Interest rate swap agreements and cap
agreements  hedging  investments  designated  as  available  for  sale  are
adjusted  to  fair  value with the resulting unrealized  gains  and  losses
included in stockholder's equity.

Premiums  paid on call options are amortized to net investment income  over
the  terms  of  the  contracts.  The call options  are  included  in  other
invested assets and are carried at amortized cost plus intrinsic value,  if
any,  of  the call options as of the valuation date.  Changes in  intrinsic
value  of  the  call  options  are recorded as an  adjustment  to  interest
credited to policyholders.

Fee Income

Fees  from  investment advisory services are recognized  as  revenues  when
services  are  provided.  Revenues from fixed and  variable  annuities  and
single  premium  whole life policies include mortality  charges,  surrender
charges, policy fees, and contract fees and are recognized when earned.

Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

Policy acquisition costs are the costs of acquiring new business which vary
with,  and are primarily related to, the production of new business.   Such
costs  include  commissions, costs of policy issuance,   underwriting,  and
selling  expenses.  These costs are deferred and amortized in  relation  to
the  present  value  of estimated gross profits from mortality,  investment
spread,  and  expense  margins.   Deferred  policy  acquisition  costs  are
adjusted  for  amounts relating to unrealized gains  and  losses  on  fixed
maturity securities the Company has designated as available for sale.  This
adjustment,  net  of  tax, is included with the change  in  net  unrealized
investment  gains  or  losses  that  is credited  or  charged  directly  to
stockholder's  equity.   Deferred  policy  acquisition  costs   have   been
decreased  by $126.9 million at December 31, 1997 and decreased  by  $103.7
million at December 31, 1996, relating to this adjustment.

Value of Insurance in Force

Value  of insurance in force represents the actuarially-determined  present
value of projected future gross profits from policies in force at the  date
of  their  acquisition.   This amount is amortized  in  proportion  to  the
projected  emergence  of profits over periods not exceeding  15  years  for
annuities  and  25 years for life insurance.  Interest is  accrued  on  the
unamortized balance at the contract rate of 5.34%, 5.30% and 5.58% for  the
years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

The  value  of insurance in force is adjusted for amounts relating  to  the
recognition  of  unrealized investment gains and losses.  This  adjustment,
net  of tax, is included with the change in net unrealized investment gains
or  losses  that  is credited or charged directly to stockholder's  equity.
Value of insurance in force has decreased by $31.8 million at December  31,
1997  and decreased by $26.0 million at December 31, 1996, relating to this

Estimated net amortization expense of the value of insurance in force as of
December  31,  1997 is as follows (in thousands): 1998  -  $8,701;  1999  -
$10,890;  2000  -  $9,926; 2001 - $8,711; 2002 - $7,694; and  thereafter  -

Intangible Assets

Intangible  assets  consist of goodwill arising from business  combinations
accounted  for  as a purchase.  Amortization is provided on a straight-line
basis over twenty-five years.

Separate Account Assets and Liabilities

The  assets  and liabilities resulting from variable annuity  and  variable
life policies are segregated in separate accounts. Separate account assets,
which  are  carried  at fair value, consist principally of  investments  in
mutual  funds. Investment income and changes in asset values are  allocated
to the policyholders, and therefore, do not affect the operating results of
the  Company.  The Company provides administrative services and  bears  the
mortality  risk  related to these contracts. As of December  31,  1997  and
1996, Keyport also classified as separate account assets $65.2 million  and
$73.8  million, respectively, investments in certain mutual funds sponsored
by affiliates of the Company and other investments.

Policy Liabilities

Policy  liabilities  consist of deposits received plus  credited  interest,
less accumulated policyholder charges, assessments, and withdrawals related
to  deferred  annuities  and  single premium whole  life  policies.  Policy
benefits that are charged to expense include benefit claims incurred in the
period in excess of related policy account balances.

Income Taxes

Income  taxes  have been provided using the liability method in  accordance
with SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," and are calculated as  if
the companies filed their own income tax returns.

Effective  July 18, 1997, due to changes in ownership of Liberty Financial,
the  Company is no longer included in the consolidated federal  income  tax
return  of  Liberty  Mutual.   The Company  will  be  eligible  to  file  a
consolidated  federal  income tax return with Liberty  Financial  in  2002.
Independence  Life, which until July 18, 1997, was required  under  federal
tax law to file its own federal income tax return, may join with Keyport in
a  consolidated  income  tax  return  filing.   Liberty  Advisory  Services
Corporation and Keyport Financial Services Corp. must file separate federal
tax returns.

Cash Equivalents

Short-term investments having an original maturity of three months or  less
are classified as cash equivalents.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In  January  1998,  the  FASB voted to proceed  with  the  drafting  of  an
accounting standard titled "Accounting for Derivative Instruments  and  for
Hedging Activities."  This accounting standard requires companies to report
derivatives on the balance sheet at fair value with changes in  fair  value
recorded  in  income or equity.  The accounting standard also  changes  the
accounting  for  derivatives  used in hedging strategies  from  traditional
deferral accounting to a current recognition approach which could impact  a
company's income statement and balance sheet and expand the definition of a
derivative  instrument.   The  Company is evaluating  the  impact  of  this
accounting  standard.  This accounting standard will  become  effective  in

In  June  1996, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No.  125,  "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets  and
Extinguishment  of  Liabilities" ("SFAS 125"). The relevant  provisions  of
SFAS  125  relating to securities lending, dollar rolls, and other  similar
secured transactions become effective in 1998. It is not expected that  the
adoption  of  SFAS  125  will  have  a material  effect  on  the  Company's
consolidated financial position or results of operations.

2.  Acquisitions

On August 9, 1996, Keyport entered into a 100 percent coinsurance agreement
for  a $954.0 million block of single premium deferred annuities issued  by
Fidelity  &  Guaranty  Life  Insurance Company  ("F&G  Life").  Under  this
transaction, the investment risk of the annuity policies was transferred to
Keyport.   However, F&G Life will continue to administer the  policies  and
will  remain  contractually  liable  for  the  performance  of  all  policy
obligations. This transaction increased investments by $923.1  million  and
value of insurance in force by $30.9 million.

3.  Investments

Fixed Maturities

As  of December 31, 1997 and 1996, the Company did not hold any investments
in  fixed  maturities that were classified as held to maturity  or  trading
securities.   The  amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and  losses,  and
fair value of fixed maturity securities are as follows (in thousands):

                                          Gross      Gross
                            Amortized  Unrealized  Unrealized
December 31, 1997              Cost      Gains       Losses    Fair Value

U.S. Treasury securities     $  128,580  $  1,107  $     (40)  $   129,647
Mortgage backed securities
  of U.S. government
  corporations and agencies   1,089,809    49,536     (1,602)    1,137,743
Debt securities issued by
  foreign governments           272,559    12,694     (4,966)      280,287
Corporate securities          4,744,208   189,387    (83,562)    4,850,033
Other mortgage backed
  securities                  2,325,889    81,886     (2,579)    2,405,196
Asset backed securities       2,200,689    26,178     (3,118)    2,223,749
Senior secured loans            219,884       -          -         219,884

  Total fixed maturities   $ 10,981,618  $360,788  $ (95,867)  $11,246,539

                                         Gross      Gross
                            Amortized  Unrealized  Unrealized
December 31, 1996              Cost      Gains       Losses    Fair Value

U.S. Treasury securities    $    35,308  $    130  $     (87)  $    35,351
Mortgage backed securities
  of U.S. government
  corporations and agencies   1,689,989    41,783     (8,618)    1,723,154
Debt securities issued by
  foreign governments           246,339    11,718       (554)      257,503
Corporate securities          4,093,473   153,422    (12,298)    4,234,597
Other mortgage backed
  securities                  2,413,020    47,596    (23,970)    2,436,646
Asset backed securities       1,736,012    15,531     (6,440)    1,745,103
Senior secured loans            286,290       -          -         286,290

  Total fixed maturities    $10,500,431  $270,180  $ (51,967)  $10,718,644

At December 31, 1997, gross unrealized gains on equity securities, interest
rate  cap agreements and investments in separate accounts aggregated  $27.4
million, and gross unrealized losses aggregated $6.9 million, respectively.
At December 31, 1996, gross unrealized gains on equity securities, interest
rate  cap agreements and investments in separate accounts aggregated  $29.9
million, and gross unrealized losses aggregated $5.3 million, respectively.

Contractual Maturities

The  amortized  cost  and  fair value of fixed  maturities  by  contractual
maturity as of December 31, 1997 are as follows (in thousands):

December 31, 1997                       Amortized Cost       Fair Value

Due in one year or less                  $   147,177       $   147,503
Due after one year through five years      1,925,739         1,926,372
Due after five years through ten years     2,350,299         2,419,857
Due after ten years                          942,016           986,119
                                           5,365,231         5,479,851
Mortgage and asset backed securities       5,616,387         5,766,688
                                         $10,981,618       $11,246,539

Actual  maturities will differ in some cases from those shown above because
borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations.

Net Investment Income

Net investment income is summarized as follows (in thousands):

Year Ended December 31            1997           1996            1995

Fixed maturities             $   811,688     $   737,372     $   681,998
Mortgage loans and other
  invested assets                 27,833          11,422          12,881
Policy loans                      32,224          30,188          28,485
Equity securities                  5,443           4,494           4,807
Cash and cash equivalents         34,449          36,138          41,643
  Gross investment income        911,637         819,614         769,814
Investment expenses              (15,311)        (12,708)        (10,837)
Amortization of options and
  interest rate caps             (49,278)        (16,541)         (3,047)
  Net investment income      $   847,048     $   790,365     $   755,930

There were no non-income producing fixed maturity investments as of
December 31, 1997 or 1996.

Net Realized Investment Gains (Losses)

Net  realized  investment  gains (losses) are  summarized  as  follows  (in

Year Ended December 31                     1997         1996        1995

Fixed maturities held to maturity:
  Gross gains                          $     -      $     -       $  1,306
  Gross losses                               -            -            (64)

Fixed maturities available for sale:
  Gross gains                            42,464       24,304         8,156
  Gross losses                          (19,146)     (17,814)      (15,982)

Equity securities                           (51)       1,492          (405)
Investments in separate accounts          7,912         (576)        1,684
Interest rate swaps                          -            -           (860)
Other                                        -          (208)          (13)
Gross realized investment gains
  (losses)                               31,179        7,198        (6,178)

Amortization adjustments of deferred
  policy acquisition costs
  and value of insurance inforce         (6,456)      (1,689)        2,220

Net realized investment gains (losses) $ 24,723     $  5,509      $ (3,958)

Proceeds  from  sales  of fixed maturities available  for  sale  were  $2.6
billion, $1.7 billion and $565.4 million, for the years ended December  31,
1997,  1996  and 1995, respectively. The sale of fixed maturities  held  to
maturity during 1995 relate to certain securities, with amortized  cost  of
$15.0  million,  which  were sold specifically due  to  a  decline  in  the
issuers' credit quality.

Deferred tax liabilities for the Company's unrealized investment gains  and
losses,  net of adjustments to deferred policy acquisition costs and  value
of  insurance inforce were $44.3 million and $39.5 million at December  31,
1997 and 1996, respectively.

No  investment in any person or its affiliates (other than bonds issued  by
agencies  of  the  United  States  government)  exceeded  ten  percent   of
stockholder's equity at December 31, 1997.

At  December 31, 1997, the Company did not have a material concentration of
financial   instruments  in  a  single  investee,  industry  or  geographic

At  December  31,  1997,  $1.1  billion  of  fixed  maturities  were  below
investment grade.

4.  Derivatives

Outstanding  derivatives,  shown  in  notional  amounts  along  with  their
carrying value and fair value, are as follows (in thousands):

                                             Assets (Liabilities)
                                      Carrying    Fair   Carrying   Fair
                    Notional Amounts    Value     Value   Value     Value
December 31          1997      1996      1997      1997    1996     1996

Interest rate cap
   agreements   $  250,000 $  450,000 $   102   $    102 $  1,363 $  1,363
Indexed call
  options            -           -     323,343   345,294  109,701  122,395
Interest rate
  swaps          2,575,000  2,275,000  (42,123)  (42,123)  (8,753)  (8,753)

The  interest  rate swap agreements expire in 1998 to 2001.   The  interest
rate  cap  agreements  expire  in 1999 through  2000.   The  call  options'
maturities range from 1998 to 2002.

The Company currently utilizes swap agreements to reduce asset duration and
to better match interest rates earned on longer-term fixed rate assets with
interest  credited  to policyholders.  Cap agreements  are  used  to  hedge
against  rising  interest rates.  Call options are  used  for  purposes  of
hedging the Company's equity-indexed products.  The call options hedge  the
interest credited on these 1, 5 and 7 year term products, which is based on
the  changes  in  the S&P 500 Index.  At December 31, 1997  and  1996,  the
Company  had  approximately $155.0 million and $73.1 million, respectively,
of unamortized premium in call option contracts.

Fair  values  for  swap and cap agreements are based on current  settlement
values.   The  current settlement values are based on quoted market  prices
and  brokerage  quotes,  which utilize pricing  models  or  formulas  using
current  assumptions.  Fair values for call options  are  based  on  quoted
market prices.

Deferred  losses of $5.1 million and $7.9 million as of December  31,  1997
and  1996,  respectively,  resulting from  terminated  interest  rate  swap
agreements are included with the related fixed maturity securities to which
the hedge applied and are being amortized over the life of such securities.

There are risks associated with some of the techniques the Company uses  to
match  its assets and liabilities.  The primary risk associated with  swap,
cap  and  call  option agreements is the risk associated with  counterparty
nonperformance.  The Company believes that the counterparties to its  swap,
cap  and  call option agreements are financially responsible and  that  the
counterparty risk associated with these transactions is minimal.

5.  Income Taxes

Income tax expense (benefit) is summarized as follows (in thousands):

Year Ended December 31        1997        1996            1995

Current                  $ (48,477)     $  52,369        $  37,746
Deferred                   107,567         (5,147)             585
                         $  59,090      $  47,222        $  38,331

A reconciliation of income tax expense with expected federal income tax
expense computed at the applicable federal income tax rate of 35% is as
follows (in thousands):

Year Ended December 31               1997          1996           1995

Expected income tax expense       $  60,427    $  48,246       $  37,779
Increase (decrease) in income
  taxes resulting from:
    Nontaxable investment income     (1,416)      (1,216)         (1,737)
    Amortization of goodwill            396          396             396
    Other, net                         (317)        (204)          1,893
Income tax expense                $  59,090    $  47,222       $  38,331

The  components  of  deferred  federal income  taxes  are  as  follows  (in

December 31                                 1997                    1996

Deferred tax assets:
  Policy liabilities                   $   124,250            $   171,327
  Guaranty fund expense                      2,795                  6,260
  Net operating loss carryforwards           2,111                  2,667
  Other                                      1,205                  3,915
    Total deferred tax assets              130,361                184,169

Deferred tax liabilities:
  Deferred policy acquisition costs        (56,331)               (63,076)
  Value of insurance in force and
    intangible assets                      (18,022)               (20,539)
  Excess of book over tax basis of
    investments                           (178,697)              (118,403)
  Separate account asset                      (645)                (4,557)
  Deferred loss on interest rate swaps      (1,792)                (2,765)
  Other                                     (7,877)                  (576)
    Total deferred tax liabilities        (263,364)              (209,916)
      Net deferred tax liability       $  (133,003)           $   (25,747)

As  of  December  31, 1997, the Company had approximately $6.0  million  of
purchased net operating loss carryforwards (relating to the acquisition  of
Independence  Life). Utilization of these net operating loss carryforwards,
which  expire  through 2006, is limited to use against  future  profits  of
Independence  Life.  The Company believes that it is more likely  than  not
that it will realize the benefit of its deferred tax assets.

Income taxes refunded were $8.0 million in 1997 and income taxes paid  were
$46.9 million and $44.7 million in 1996 and 1995, respectively.

6.  Retirement Plans

Keyport  employees and certain employees of Liberty Financial are  eligible
to  participate in the Liberty Financial Companies, Inc. Pension Plan  (the
"Plan").   It  is  the  Company's practice to fund  amounts  for  the  Plan
sufficient  to  meet  the minimum requirements of the  Employee  Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974.  Additional amounts are contributed from  time
to  time  when  deemed  appropriate by the Company.  Under  the  Plan,  all
employees  are vested after five years of service.  Benefits are  based  on
years  of  service,  the  employee's  average  pay  for  the  highest  five
consecutive  years  during  the  last ten  years  of  employment,  and  the
employee's  estimated  social  security  retirement  benefit.  Plan  assets
consist principally of investments in certain mutual funds sponsored by  an
affiliated company.

The  Company  also has an unfunded non-qualified Supplemental Pension  Plan
("Supplemental Plan") collectively with the Plan, (the "Plans"), to replace
benefits  lost  due to limits imposed on Plan benefits under  the  Internal
Revenue Code.

The following table sets forth the Plans' funded status.

December 31                                          1997          1996
(Dollars in thousands)

Actuarial present value of benefit obligations:
    Vested benefit obligations                     $    8,374    $   7,172
    Accumulated benefit obligation                 $    9,500    $   7,963

Projected benefit obligation                       $   12,594    $  10,559
Plan assets at fair value                              (7,801)      (6,399)
Projected benefit obligation in excess of the
    Plans' assets                                       4,793        4,160
Unrecognized net actuarial loss                        (1,727)      (1,496)
Prior service cost not yet recognized in net
    periodic pension cost                                (160)        (183)
Accrued pension cost                               $    2,906    $   2,481

The  assumptions  used  to  develop the  actuarial  present  value  of  the
projected  benefit obligation and the expected long-term rate of return  on
plan assets are as follows:

Year Ended December 31                            1997      1996      1995

Pension cost includes the following components:
Service cost benefits earned during the period   $  804   $  717   $  541
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation       829      725      603
Actual return on Plan assets                       (898)    (732)    (999)
Net amortization and deferred amounts               396      357      600
Total net periodic pension cost                  $1,131   $1,067   $  745

Discount rate                                      7.25%    7.50%    7.25%
Rate of increase in compensation level             5.00%    5.25%    5.25%
Expected long-term rate of return on assets        8.50%    8.50%    8.50%

The Company provides various other funded and unfunded defined contribution
plans,  which include savings and investment plans and supplemental savings
plans.   For  each  of the years ended December 31, 1997,  1996  and  1995,
expenses related to these defined contribution plans totaled (in thousands)
$702, $590 and $595, respectively.

7.  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The following discussion outlines the methodologies and assumptions used to
determine  the  fair  value  of the Company's financial  instruments.   The
aggregate  fair value amounts presented herein do not necessarily represent
the  underlying  value  of  the Company, and accordingly,  care  should  be
exercised in deriving conclusions about the Company's business or financial
condition based on the fair value information presented herein.

The  following  methods  and  assumptions  were  used  by  the  Company  in
determining fair values of financial instruments:

Fixed  maturities  and  equity  securities:   Fair  values  for  fixed
maturity   securities  are  based  on  quoted  market  prices,   where
available.  For fixed maturities not actively traded, the fair  values
are determined using values from independent pricing services, or,  in
the case of private placements, are determined by discounting expected
future cash flows using a current market rate applicable to the yield,
credit  quality, and maturity of the securities.  The fair values  for
equity securities are based on quoted market prices.

Mortgage  loans:  The fair value of mortgage loans are  determined  by
discounting future cash flows to the present at current market  rates,
using expected prepayment rates.

Policy  loans:   The  carrying value of policy loans approximates  fair

Other  invested  assets:   With the exception  of  call  options,  the
carrying value for assets classified as other invested assets  in  the
accompanying  balance  sheets approximates  their  fair  value.   Fair
values  for  call  options are based on market prices  quoted  by  the
counterparty to the respective call option contract.

Cash  and  cash  equivalents:  The carrying value  of  cash  and  cash
equivalents approximates fair value.

Policy  liabilities:   Deferred annuity contracts  are  assigned  fair
value equal to current net surrender value.  Annuitized contracts  are
valued  based on the present value of the future cash flows at current
pricing rates.

The  fair values and carrying values of the Company's financial instruments
are as follows (in thousands):

December 31                           1997                    1996
                              Carrying      Fair      Carrying      Fair
                               Value       Value       Value       Value
 Fixed maturity securities  $11,246,539 $11,246,539 $10,718,644 $10,718,644
 Equity securities               40,856      40,856      35,863      35,863
 Mortgage loans                  60,662      63,007      67,005      73,424
 Policy loans                   554,681     554,681     532,793     532,793
 Other invested assets          440,773     462,724     183,622     196,316
 Cash and cash equivalents    1,162,347   1,162,347     767,385     767,385

 Policy liabilities          12,086,076  11,366,534  11,637,528  11,127,352

8. Quarterly Financial Data, in thousands (unaudited)

Quarter Ended 1997     March 31     June 30    September 30    December 31

Investment income     $ 206,515   $ 210,655     $ 210,365      $ 219,513
Interest credited to
  policyholders        (147,313)   (147,224)     (150,875)      (148,672)
Investment spread        59,202      63,431        59,490         70,841
Net realized
  investment gains       12,796       2,669         4,951          4,307
Fee income                8,252       8,578         9,841          9,682
Pretax income            47,423      39,914        39,876         45,438
Net income               31,538      26,095        26,377         29,551

Quarter Ended 1996     March 31     June 30    September 30    December 31

Investment income     $ 187,728   $ 188,334     $ 200,253      $ 214,050
Interest credited to
  policyholders        (138,109)   (136,161)     (146,071)      (152,378)
Investment spread        49,619      52,173        54,182         61,672
Net realized
  investment gains
  (losses)                2,052      (2,487)          755          5,189
Fee income                7,769       8,006         9,015          8,744
Pretax income            30,340      29,650        34,575         43,281
Net income               19,688      19,943        22,289         28,704

9.  Statutory Information

The  Company  is  domiciled  in Rhode Island  and  prepares  its  statutory
financial statements in accordance with accounting principles and practices
prescribed  or permitted by the State of Rhode Island Insurance Department.
Statutory surplus and statutory net income differ from stockholder's equity
and  net  income reported in accordance with GAAP primarily because  policy
acquisition costs are expensed when incurred, policy liabilities are  based
on  different assumptions, and income tax expense reflects only taxes  paid
or currently payable. The Company's statutory surplus and net income are as
follows (in thousands):

Year Ended December 31          1997            1996            1995

Statutory surplus           $  702,610      $  567,735      $  535,179
Statutory net income           107,130          40,237          38,264

10.  Transactions with Affiliated Companies

The  Company  reimbursed  Liberty  Financial  and  certain  affiliates  for
expenses incurred on its behalf for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996
and   1995.    These  reimbursements  included  corporate,   general,   and
administrative  expenses, corporate overhead, such as executive  and  legal
support,  and investment management services.  The total amounts reimbursed
were  $7.8 million for the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 and  $7.6
million  for  the  year  ended  December 31, 1995.   In  addition,  certain
affiliated companies distribute the Company's products and were  paid  $7.2
million,  $6.4 million and $7.6 million by the Company for the years  ended
December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

Keyport  has  mortgage  notes in the original principal  amount  of  $100.0
million  on  properties owned by certain indirect subsidiaries  of  Liberty
Mutual.  The notes were purchased for their face value. Liberty Mutual  has
agreed  to  provide credit support to the obligors under these  notes  with
respect  to  certain  payments of principal and interest  thereon.   As  of
December 31, 1997 and 1996, the amounts outstanding were $39.5 million.

Dividend  payments to Liberty Financial from the Company  are  governed  by
insurance laws which restrict the maximum amount of dividends that  may  be
paid  without  prior  approval  of  the State  of  Rhode  Island  Insurance
Department.   As  of  December 31, 1997, the maximum  amount  of  dividends
(based on statutory surplus and statutory net gains from operations)  which
may  be  paid  by  Keyport  was approximately $70.3  million  without  such

11. Commitments and Contingencies

Leases: The Company leases data processing equipment, furniture and certain
office  facilities from others under operating leases expiring  in  various
years  through  2008.  Rental expense (in thousands)  amounted  to  $3,408,
$3,213  and  $3,221 for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996  and  1995,
respectively. For each of the next five years, and in the aggregate, as  of
December  31,  1997, the following are the minimum future  rental  payments
under  noncancelable operating leases having remaining terms in  excess  of
one year (in thousands):

                           Year         Payments

                           1998         $     3,536
                           1999               3,505
                           2000               3,273
                           2001               3,178
                           2002                 288
                           Thereafter         1,248
                                        $    15,028

Legal  Matters:  The  Company is involved at various  times  in  litigation
common  to its business. In the opinion of management, provisions made  for
potential losses are adequate and the resolution of  any such litigation is
not  expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company's  financial
condition or its results of operations.

Regulatory  Matters:  Under existing guaranty  fund  laws  in  all  states,
insurers  licensed  to  do business in those states  can  be  assessed  for
certain  obligations of insolvent insurance companies to policyholders  and
claimants. The actual amount of such assessments will depend upon the final
outcome of rehabilitation proceedings and will be paid over several  years.
In  1997,  1996  and  1995, the Company was assessed  $5.9  million,  $10.0
million,  and $8.1 million, respectively. During 1997, 1996 and  1995,  the
Company   recorded   $1.0  million,  $1.0  million,   and   $2.0   million,
respectively, of provisions for state guaranty fund association expense. At
December  31,  1997  and 1996, the reserve for such  assessments  was  $8.0
million and $12.9 million, respectively.

                                APPENDIX A


Set  forth below is an illustration of how interest will be credited to  an
Interest  Account  during a ten-year Term and an Indexed Account  during  a
five-year  Term. The illustration also applies to a shorter Term if  values
for  inapplicable  years are ignored. For the purpose of this  illustration
certain assumptions are made as indicated.


A. Illustration of Interest Account
Beginning Account Value:                $100,000
Guaranteed Interest Rate:               6% per year compounded annually

Account Value at End of Certificate Year:

Year 1         Year 2         Year 3         Year 4         Year 5
$106,000.00    $112,360.00    $119,101.60    $126,247.70    $133,822.56

Year 6         Year 7         Year 8         Year 9         Year 10
$141,851.91    $150,363.03    $159,384.81    $168,947.90    $179,084.77

B. Illustration of Index Account

The  Certificate  provides that the Index Increase to be credited  on  each
Account Anniversary is the sum of two parts:

Part 1 represents the proportionate credit for an increase (if any) in  the
Index from its prior highest Account Anniversary value to its value on  the
current Account Anniversary. The formula for Part 1 is:

A x ((C-B)/D) x (E/F) x G

Part  2 represents the proportionate credit for an increase(s) (if any)  in
the  Index  occurring on a prior Account Anniversary(ies). The formula  for
Part 2 is:

A x ((B-D)/D) x (1/F) x G


A  is the Participation Rate for the Term

B   is the highest Index value on all Account Anniversaries, including  the
Index  value at the beginning of the Term, but excluding the value  of  the
Index on the current Account Anniversary. The value of B can never be  less
than  the  Minimum S&P Index Value nor greater than the Maximum  S&P  Index
Value.  The  Minimum S&P Index Value and the Maximum S&P  Index  Value  are
defined below.

C   is  the value of the Index on the current Account Anniversary, not less
than B or greater than the Maximum S&P Index Value for the Term.

D  is the Index value at the beginning of the Term

E  is the number of completed Account Years in the Term

F  is the total number of Account Years in the Term

G  is the smaller of the Account Value at the beginning of the term and the
Account  Value  (prior  to  the crediting of any Index  Increases)  on  any
Account Anniversary in the Term, including the current Account Anniversary

The Minimum S&P Index Value and the Maximum S&P Index Value are defined  as

Minimum S&P Index Value   = [(Floor / Participation Rate for Term) +  1]  x
[Beginning of Term Index value]

Maximum  S&P  Index Value = [(Cap / Participation Rate for  Term)  +  1]  x
[Beginning of Term Index value]

The  Index Increase to be credited on the Account Anniversary is  equal  to
Part 1 + Part 2.

On  the  first Account Anniversary of any term, substitute D for B  in  the
above formulas.

If   "Death  Provisions"  provides  that  the  Index  Increase  is  to   be
recalculated,  then:  "E" in the formula for Part 1 is  equal  to  "F"  and
"(1/F)" in the formula for Part 2 is multiplied by the sum of 1.0 plus  the
number of Account Years from the start of the Account Year of death to  the
end of the Term.

Using  the  assumptions  below, Keyport has prepared  the  following  three
illustrations using different assumptions as to changes in the Index  value

Beginning Account Value  =   $100,000.00
Beginning Index Value    =      500
Participation Rate       =      80%
Cap                      =      80%
Maximum S&P Index Value  =   [(80% / 80%) + 1] x 500 = 1000
Floor                    =       0%
Minimum S&P Index Value  =   [(0% / 80%) + 1] x 500 = 500

Illustration No. 1

Year Year-End    Cumulative                                       Indexed
     Index Value Change                                            Account
                 in Index  Value of B  Value of C  Part 1  Part 2   Value

0      500                                                        $100,000
1      600         20%        500         600    $ 3,200  $ ---   $103,200
2      690         38%        600         690    $ 5,760  $ 3,200 $112,160
3      775         55%        690         775    $ 8,160  $ 6,080 $126,400
4      900         80%        775         900    $16,000  $ 8,800 $151,200
5     1035        107%        900        1000    $16,000  $12,880 $180,000

Illustration No. 2

Year Year-End    Cumulative                                       Indexed
     Index Value Change                                            Account
                 in Index  Value of B Value of C  Part 1  Part 2   Value

0      500                                                        $100,000
1      550         10%        500         550    $ 1,600  $ ---   $101,600
2      500          0%        550         550    $ ---    $ 1,600 $103,200
3      560         12%        550         560    $   960  $ 1,600 $105,760
4      620         24%        560         620    $ 7,680  $ 1,920 $115,360
5      660         32%        620         660    $ 6,400  $ 3,840 $125,600

Illustration No. 3

Year Year-End    Cumulative                                       Indexed
     Index Value Change                                            Account
                 in Index  Value of B Value of C  Part 1  Part 2   Value

0      500                                                        $100,000
1      450        -10%        500         500    $ ---    $ ---   $100,000
2      425        -15%        500         500    $ ---    $ ---   $100,000
3      450        -10%        500         500    $ ---    $ ---   $100,000
4      515          3%        500         515    $1,920   $ ---   $101,920
5      530          6%        515         530    $2,400   $   480 $104,800
                                APPENDIX B



The  applicable  surrender or transfer value is multiplied  by  the  Market
Value  Adjustment  Factor  to arrive at the Market  Value  Adjustment.  The
formula  that will be used to determine the Market Value Adjustment  Factor

[(1+a)/(1+b)](n/12) - 1, where

a  = the Treasury Rate for the Term of the Account from which the surrender
or transfer amount is being taken.

b  = the Treasury Rate for a period equal to the time remaining (rounded up
to  the  next whole number of Account Years) to the expiration of the  Term
for the Account from which the surrender or transfer amount is being taken;

n  =  the number of complete Account Months remaining before the expiration
of  the Term for the Account from which the surrender or transfer amount is
being  taken,  times  the applicable Scaling Factor  from  the  Certificate
Schedule for the Term of the Account from which the amount is being  taken,
if the Account is an Indexed Account. The first Account Month begins on the
day  that the Term begins and each subsequent Account Month begins  on  the
same day one month later.

The  Treasury  Rate  for an Account is the interest rate  in  the  Treasury
Constant Maturity Series as published by the Federal Reserve Board,  for  a
maturity  equal  to  the number of years specified in "a"  and  "b"  above.
Weekly  Series  are  published at the beginning of the following  week.  To
determine "a", Keyport uses the weekly Series first published on  or  after
the  most recent Determination Date which occurs on or before the first day
of  the Account's current Term, except that if the first day is the same as
the  Determination Date or the date of publication, or any date in between,
Keyport  instead  uses the weekly Series first published  after  the  prior
Determination Date.  To determine "b", Keyport uses the weekly Series first
published on or after the most recent Determination Date which occurs on or
before  the date on which the Market Value Adjustment Factor is calculated,
except  that if the calculation date is the same as the Determination  Date
or  the  date of publication, or any date in between, Keyport instead  uses
the weekly Series first published after the prior Determination Date.   The
Determination  Dates  are the last business days prior  to  the  first  and
fifteenth days of each month.

If the number of years specified in "a" or "b" does not equal a maturity in
the Treasury Constant Maturity Series, the Treasury Rate will be determined
by  straight  line  interpolation between the interest rate  for  the  next
highest and next lowest maturities.


Example 1

Assume  that the Certificate Owner purchased a Certificate for $10,000  and
allocated his interest to an Interest Account with a five-year Term  and  a
Guaranteed  Interest Rate of 6%. Exactly two years later,  the  Certificate
Owner's Account was surrendered when the Surrender Charge was 3%. There had
been  no  prior  surrenders and the interest earned in the previous  twelve
months  is  equal  to  $636 ($11,236 - $10,600). Therefore,  the  Surrender
Charge and the Market Value Adjustment do not apply to $636 of the Interest
Account  Value. At the beginning of the Term, the Treasury Rate for  5-year
Treasury Notes was 7% and, at the time of the surrender, the Treasury  Rate
for 3-year Treasury Notes was 4.5%.

According to the Certificate, the Market Value Adjustment is

(A - Free Withdrawal Amount) x B = C


A = the amount surrendered
= $10,000 x 1.06 x 1.06
= $11,236.00

B = the Market Value Adjustment Factor
= [(1+a)/(1+b)](n/12) - 1, where

a  = the Treasury Rate for the Term of the Account from which the surrender
amount is being taken. Here, a = 7%.

b  = the Treasury Rate for a period equal to the time remaining (rounded up
to  the  next whole number of Account Years) to the expiration of the  Term
for  the Account from which the surrender amount is being taken. Here, b  =

n  =  the number of complete Account Months remaining before the expiration
of the Term for the Account from which the surrender amount is being taken,
times  the applicable Scaling Factor from the Certificate Schedule for  the
Term of the Account from which the amount is being taken, if the Account is
an Indexed Account. Here, n = 36

B = [(1+.07)/(1+.045)](36/12) - 1
= [(1+.07)/(1+.045)]3 - 1
= .0735


C = (A - 1,236) x B
= ($11,236 - 636) x .0735
=  $779.10  is  the Market Value Adjustment, which would be  added  to  the
Account Value in determining the Certificate Withdrawal Value.

The Surrender Charge is equal to I x (A - Free Withdrawal Amount), where

A = the surrendered amount = $11,236, and

I = the Surrender Charge Percentage. Here, I = 3%


The Surrender Charge = .03 x ($11,236 - 636)
= .03 x $10,600 = $318.00

The Certificate Value = [((.9 x $10,000 x 1.03) + 330) x 1.03]
  + 348
= $10,236.00

The Adjusted Certificate Value = $10,236.00 x [($11,236.00
  + $779.10) / $11,236.00]
= $10,945.76

Under  the  Certificate, the Certificate Withdrawal Value is equal  to  the
greater  of (1) the amount surrendered, less any Surrender Charge plus  any
Market  Value  Adjustment  or  (2) the Adjusted  Certificate  Value.  Here,
therefore,  the  Certificate  Withdrawal Value  would  be  the  greater  of
($11,236.00 - $318.00 + $779.10 = $11,697.10) or $10,945.76. Therefore, the
Certificate Withdrawal Value is equal to $11,697.10.

Example 2

Given the same circumstances as in Example 1, but using a Treasury Rate  of
7.5%  instead of 4.5% at the time of surrender, the Market Value Adjustment
is computed as follows:

B = [(1+.07)/(1+.075)](36/12) - 1
= [(1+.07)/(1+.075)]3 - 1
= -.0139


C = (A - 636) x B
= ($11,236 - 636) x -.0139
=  Negative  $147.34  is  the  Market  Value  Adjustment,  which  would  be
subtracted from the Account Value in determining the Certificate Withdrawal

As  described  in  the previous example, the Surrender Charge  would  equal

The Adjusted Certificate Value = $10,236.00 x [($11,236.00 -
  $147.34) / $11,236.00]
= $10,101.77

Accordingly,  the  Certificate Withdrawal Value would  be  the  greater  of
($11,236.00 - $318.00 - $147.34 = $10,770.66) or $10,101.77. Therefore, the
Certificate Withdrawal Value is equal to $10,770.66.

Example 3

Given  the same circumstances as in Example 2, but assuming (1) an  Indexed
Account  instead of an Interest Account with an Account Value  of  $11,236,
(2)  Index Increases credited in the prior year equal to $1,236.00, and (3)
a  scaling  factor ("k") of .9, the Market Value Adjustment is computed  as

B = [(1+.07)/(1+.075)]((36 x k)/12) - 1
= [(1+.07)/(1+.075)]((36 x 9)/12) - 1
= [(1+.07)/(1+.075)](2.7) - 1
= -.0125


C = (A - 1,236) x B
= ($11,236 - 1,236) x -.0125
=  Negative  $125.00  is  the  Market  Value  Adjustment,  which  would  be
subtracted from the Account Value in determining the Certificate Withdrawal

As  described  in  the previous example, the Surrender Charge  would  equal

The Certificate Value = [((.9 x $10,000 x 1.03) + 0) x 1.03]
  + 687.90
= $10,236.00

The Adjusted Certificate Value = $10,236.00 x [($11,236.00 -
  $125.00) / $11,236.00]
= $10,122.12

Accordingly,  the  Certificate Withdrawal Value would  be  the  greater  of
($11,236.00 - $300.00 - $125.00 = $10,811.00) or $10,122.12. Therefore, the
Certificate Withdrawal Value is equal to $10,811.00.

                                APPENDIX C


State                        Non-Tax Qualified            Tax-Qualified
                           Contracts/Certificates    Contracts/Certificates
                                Rate of Tax                 Rate of Tax

California                         2.35                          0.50
District of Columbia               2.25                          2.25
Kansas                             2.00                          0.00
Kentucky                           2.00                          2.00
Maine                              2.00                          0.00
Nevada                             3.50                          0.00
South Dakota                       1.25                          0.00
Virgin Islands                     5.00                          5.00
West Virginia                      1.00                          1.00
Wyoming                            1.00                          0.00

                              Distributed by:
                     Keyport Financial Services Corp.
                  125 High Street, Boston, MA  02110-2712
                               Keyport Logo
                                Issued by:
                      Keyport Life Insurance Company
                  125 High Street, Boston, MA  02110-2712

MVA                                                             528.5/98