TRANSITION PLAN

                                  by and among


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                       1996 EKLUTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT

                                 TRANSITION PLAN

                                  by and among


This plan comprises:

          o   Transition Plan, consisting of 13 Sections contained on 10 pages;

          o   Exhibit A, consisting of 33 pages;

          o   Exhibit B, consisting of 5 pages;

          o   Exhibit C, consisting of 12 pages;

          o   Exhibit D, consisting of 25 pages;

          o   Exhibit E, consisting of 9 pages; and

THIS PLAN ("PLAN")  dated as of May 28, 1996,  is adopted by and among,  namely,
The United States of America d/b/a Alaska Power  Administration  (APA) a unit of
the  Department of Energy  (DOE);  The  Municipality  of Anchorage  (ML&P);  the
Chugach Electric Association, Inc.(CEA); and the Matanuska Electric Association,
Inc. (MEA).  Unless  specifically  referred to herein, the above are hereinafter
designated the "Parties."
WHEREAS, by the Alaska Power  Administration Asset Sale and Termination Act, APA
is authorized to sell to the  undersigned  Utilities  (hereinafter  the "Eklutna
Purchasers"),  physical assets, property interests,  and all other interests the
DOE  may  have  in  the  Eklutna   Hydroelectric   Generation  Plant,   tunnels,
transmission lines, rights-of-way, equipment, rolling stock, and other rights in
contract  (hereinafter  the  "Eklutna  Project")  as set  forth  in the  Eklutna
Purchase Agreement, dated August 2, 1989, attached hereto and incorporated below
by reference as Exhibit A  (hereinafter  referred to as the Purchase  Agreement)
together with all amendments thereto; and

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WHEREAS,  the Eklutna Purchasers are required prior to May 28, 1996, pursuant to
the Purchase  Agreement to jointly develop and adopt specific  transition  plans
setting  forth the  arrangements  and a timetable  for  completing  the sale and
transfer;  and  WHEREAS,  the Eklutna  Purchasers  have signed a  Memorandum  of
Understanding  dated July 25, 1989,  attached hereto as Exhibit B, in which they
mutually declare their respective  proportionate shares of the Eklutna Project's
capacity,  energy,  and undivided interest in Eklutna assets to be 16/30 to ML&P
(53.33%);  9/30 to CEA (30%); and 5/30 to MEA (16.67%), and further declare that
the Eklutna Project operating costs will be borne in these same proportions; and
WHEREAS,  the Eklutna Purchasers,  subject to the rights of the Parties to amend
the terms of the Purchase Agreement  subsequent to adoption of this Plan, desire
to formalize  transition  plans and  arrangements by the terms of this Plan; and
WHEREAS,  the Parties intend that this Plan shall foster an efficient,  orderly,
and expeditious transfer of the Eklutna Project and its operation to the Eklutna
Purchasers,  and further intend that the transfer be  accomplished  with minimum
costs  and  minimum  adverse  impacts  to  APA  employees.   NOW  THEREFORE,  IN
CONSIDERATION  of the mutual  covenants set forth  herein,  the Parties agree as


Parties to This Plan:  The Parties to this Plan are the United States of America
d/b/a  Alaska  Power  Administration  (APA) a unit of the  Department  of Energy
(DOE), and the Eklutna Purchasers: The Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal
Light & Power (ML&P), purchaser of 16/30ths of the Eklutna Project (53.33%); the
Chugach Electric  Association,  Inc. (CEA),  purchaser of 9/30ths of the Eklutna
Project  (30%);  and the  Matanuska  Electric  Association  (MEA),  purchaser of
5/30ths of the Eklutna Project (16.67%). The Eklutna Purchasers shall, after the
Transaction  Date,  own an  undivided  interest  in the Eklutna  Project  assets
identified in Section 4 of the Purchase  Agreement  that are the subject of this
Plan,  and will  exercise  the  rights  and bear  the  responsibilities  of such
ownership in proportion to their respective shares.


(a) Effective  Date.  This Plan shall become  effective upon execution by all of
the Parties ("Effective Date").

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(b) Expiration Date. Unless earlier  terminated  pursuant to other provisions of
this Plan, this Plan shall expire upon completion of the tasks herein defined or
as otherwise mutually agreed upon by all of the Parties.


The date upon which  ownership of the Eklutna  Project  transfers to the Eklutna
Purchasers  is the  "Transaction  Date"  and  shall  be  within  30  days of the
completion  of all items  listed in Exhibit C and section 10 of this Plan to the
satisfaction  of all  Parties  or as late as  November  28,  1997,  or  later if
mutually agreed upon.


(a) Section 5(a) of the Purchase  Agreement  specifies  the selling price of the
Eklutna Project as the discounted  present value of the remaining payment stream
(as described in the 1987 repayment study) plus $1,000,000.00. The present value
using the 9% discount rate will be determined  by APA using the  methodology  of
Section 5 of the Purchase  Agreement  and the  remaining  payments  described in
Exhibit B of Amendment No. 3 to the Purchase  Agreement dated June 22, 1995. The
price estimated in the Purchase Agreement assumes  adjustments for a Transaction
Date  that is  other  than  the  beginning  of a  federal  fiscal  year.  If the
established  Transaction  Date is a date  other  than the  start of the  federal
fiscal year,  the selling price will be  established  and payments  scheduled in
accordance with the Purchase Agreement. The payment to the U.S. Treasury will be
fully paid within five years of the  Transaction  Date.  The portion paid to the
U.S.  Treasury  following  the  Transaction  Date will carry  interest of 9% per
annum. (b) The Eklutna  Purchasers  intend to make payments to the U.S. Treasury
or  deposits  in an  escrow  account  with  certified  funds  (by  check or wire
transfer) on the Transaction  Date. If any Eklutna  Purchaser  should  otherwise
choose to make  payments  within the allowable  five year window,  such election
must be  announced  prior to the  Transaction  Date.  A  schedule  will  then be
developed  and any and all  interest  charges  associated  with the  established
schedule will be borne by the Eklutna Purchaser (or Purchasers) that so elect to
make  payments.  An interest  bearing escrow account may be established in which
the Eklutna  Purchasers may deposit payment amounts.  Funds will be held in this
escrow  account to cover  completion of  outstanding  land,  property,  or other
issues identified on the Transaction Date. Funds will be

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released to the U.S. Treasury as mutually agreed to by the Parties.  Interest on
funds held in this  escrow  account  shall be  credited  toward the 9% per annum
interest  to be paid by the  Eklutna  Purchasers  to the  U.S.  Treasury  on the
portion paid following the Transaction Date, from the Transaction Date until the
date the payments are actually made to the U.S. Treasury.


EVENT                                                                               TIMETABLE
APA and the Eklutna Purchasers set mutually agreeable functional ...............   Complete
transfer date of October 1, 1996 ("Transition Date") 

Eklutna Purchasers provide APA with proposed organization and
staffing requirements related to employees currently at the Eklutna ............   May 28, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------
Project ........................................................................

Eklutna  Purchasers  representatives  meet with the Eklutna Project Jun 10, 1996
personnel to discuss detailed transition staffing plans ........................

Eklutna Operating Committee (EOC), as established in this Plan, ................   Jun 28, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------
begins to meet, develops coordination procedures for functional
control in consultation with APA, and conduct other business ...................

Parties determine the budgetary offsets to current Eklutna Project
rates and  propose new power rates for the transition period ...................   Jul 1, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------

APA initiates personnel actions necessary to facilitate the
functional transfer to the utilities ...........................................   Aug 15, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------

Detailed plans, agreements, and SOP's in place and executed for ................   Aug 30, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------
October 1, 1996 change in functional control ...................................

Eklutna personnel  transition to their respective utility employer .............   Oct 1, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------

EOC manages the  operation and adjusts procedures as required in ...............   Commences
consultation with APA ..........................................................   Oct 1, 1996

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Office space and full access to all government records for an APA Commences real
estate person and rewind contracting  officer's  representative Oct 1, 1996 will
be provided by Eklutna Purchasers.

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EVENT                                                                 TIMETABLE

Formal environmental, engineering, and safety inspections           
continue until complete ............................................ Aug 1, 1996

Parties agree on resolution of inspection issues ................... Aug 30, 1996

Generator rewind, plant modifications, and inspection corrective
actions continue until completed ................................... As Required

Title and land conveyance issues continue until complete ........... Transaction Date

Conveyance documents in final draft ................................ Aug 30, 1996

Transaction Date and the Eklutna Project sale executed ............. Nov 28, 1997
                                                                     (unless earlier
                                                                      agreed upon)


EVENT                                                               TIMETABLE

APA Listing of Eklutna Project data and records to be transferred
which will include their current location .......................   May 24, 1996

Site selection by Eklutna Purchasers for data and document ......   Aug 1, 1996
relocation plan .................................................

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Data and documents transferred to Eklutna Purchasers after the         To Be
Transaction Date as mutually agreed to by Parties.                   Determined

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Inspection  results and a required DOE work plan are attached  hereto as Exhibit
C. The  Parties  agree that this list may not be all  inclusive,  and other work
items  may be  added  by any  Eklutna  Purchaser  if,  in  their  judgment,  new
information warrants. The Parties will mutually agree who has the responsibility
to correct the added work items and set the schedule for their  completion.  All
formal inspection results and action plans to deal with outstanding issues shall
be finalized by August 1, 1996.  Description of inspection lists in this Exhibit
     (a) Listing of  engineering  inspection  results as known when this Plan is
     executed,  the timetable of work to be completed by APA, and the resolution
     of other  inspection  issues.  (b)  Listing  of  environmental  and  safety
     inspection  results  and  the APA  responses  are in  draft  form as of the
     Effective  Date of this Plan,  and shall be included in this Exhibit C upon
     receipt of same.

Attached  as Exhibit D are the  Physical  assets  list of APA and asset lists of
each of the utilities for those assets  located on APA property.  APA intends to
transfer,  on the  Transaction  Date,  full title to all such  assets to Eklutna
Purchasers.  If the Eklutna  Purchasers should choose to operate and/or maintain
the Eklutna Project prior to the  Transaction  Date, they shall be authorized to
use listed APA equipment, tools, and vehicles. All assets listed by each utility
as their own are not intended to be, and shall not be,  transferred to the other
Eklutna  Purchasers,  but shall remain  available for the benefit of the Eklutna
Project.  APA  is in  the  process  of  finalizing  its  survey  results  on all
rights-of-way,  easements,  and  structures  intended  to  be  transferred.  All
parcels,  rights-of-way,  and easements shall be fully described upon completion
and compiled for inclusion in the transfer documents executed on the Transaction
Date. Any discrepancies shall be dealt with pursuant to Section 10 below.

All personal property transferred to Eklutna Purchasers by APA shall be free and
clear of any rights of third parties on the  Transaction  Date.  Pursuant to the
Purchase  Agreement,  APA represents to the Eklutna  Purchasers  that it, or its
designated  successor  or assigns,  shall  provide  without  cost to the Eklutna
Purchasers real property interests described as follows:
     (a) Titles to APA fee owned property, including Reed and Palmer substations
     free and clear of  encumbrances or conditions of title which would restrict
     the Eklutna  Purchasers' rights to continue to operate the Eklutna Project,
     including the  transmission  lines and facilities  located within described
     rights-of-way, easements, or permitted areas;

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     (b) The generation  facility free of any  encumbrances,  covenants,  and/or
     restrictions  which  would  arise  from  its  designation  as  historically
     significant and would prevent the Eklutna Purchasers from use, maintenance,
     repair,  remodel,  modification or upgrade of the buildings or equipment of
     the  Eklutna  Project  assets;  (c) Fee title to the  Anchorage  Substation
     property and other Eklutna  Project land rights free and clear of claims of
     Cook Inlet  Region Inc.;  (d) Access  rights-of-way  or easements  allowing
     access for line maintenance of the transmission  lines presently being used
     as  disclosed by the 1996 survey;  (e)  Easement  rights to cross  military
     reserve and fee owned  properties  owned or controlled by the United States
     Army  within  Ft.  Richardson,  Alaska on the  existing  transmission  line
     right-of-way;  (f)  Easements,  rights-of-way,  or permits as  required  to
     provide for 115 KV transmission  line facilities  located in the CEA double
     circuit  portion  of the  transmission  line as set forth in  contract  No.
     85-80AP10022.000;  (g) Easement rights for the existing  transmission lines
     across  private  property,  including  those areas of  easements  presently
     authorized  under  44LD513  and section  17(b) of ANCSA,  free and clear of
     claims  of  Eklutna  Inc.  or  other  underlying  landowners  and  free  of
     encroachments  disclosed by the APA 1996 survey;  (h) Transfer of all other
     agreements and rights and  obligations  with parties who are not purchasers
     under this  agreement;  and (i) Easement and access  rights for the Wasilla
     Radio  Relay   facility  free  and  clear  of  third  party   claims.   (j)
     Rights-of-way across property owned by the United States and managed by the
     Bureau of Land  Management.  (k) Questions as to any limitations that there
     may be on the use of or interference with all natural inflows to and waters
     of the Eklutna Reservoir will be resolved.
In  the  event  any of  these  rights  can  not be  transferred  to the  Eklutna
Purchasers,  or  must  be  acquired  by APA  to be  transferred  to the  Eklutna
Purchasers,  APA and its successor or assigns  warrant that they will proceed to
acquire such rights through the legal acquisition process,  even if such process
is not  completed  by the  Transaction  Date.  APA and its  successor or assigns
warrant  that they  have the  staff  and  resources  necessary  to  acquire  the
interests outlined above and will use such staff and other resources to complete
the acquisition in a timely manner.  Resolution of any real property issues will
be identified in the transaction documents.

Attached hereto as Exhibit E is the Eklutna  Purchasers' plan for delineation of
responsibilities  and  activities  to effect  the  transition  of the  currently
employed APA personnel at Eklutna and Eklutna Project operations.

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The  provisions of this Plan shall not create any rights in favor of any person,
corporation, or association not a Party to this Plan, and the obligations herein
assumed are solely for the use and benefit of the Parties to this Plan and their
successors and assigns.

The  provisions  of this Plan have been  negotiated by the Parties and represent
their best effort to follow the intent of the APA Asset Sale and Termination Act
pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement.  Should  modifications  to this Plan become
necessary,  the  Parties  agree to  continue  their best  effort to work  toward
changes that are mutually agreeable to the Parties, and in timely enough fashion
that this agreement and any such  modifications are adopted by the Parties on or
before the Transaction Date.

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                            Alaska Power Administration, a unit of the
                            U.S. Department Of Energy

                               /s/ Nicki J. French
                                   Nicki J. French
                                   Assistant Administrator

                            Municipality of Anchorage

                              /s/ Larry A. Crawford
                                  Larry A. Crawford
                                  Municipal Manager

                            Chugach Electric Association, Inc.

                             /s/ Eugene N. Bjornstad
                                 Eugene N. Bjornstad
                                 General Manager

                            Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.

                             /s/ Wayne D. Carmony
                                 Wayne D. Carmony
                                 General Manager

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RECOMMENDED:                                   APPROVED AS TO FORM:

Anchorage Municipal Light & Power              MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE

/s/ Thomas R. Stahr                             /s/ Mary K. Hughes
- -------------------                            ---------------------------------
  Thomas R. Stahr                                   Mary K. Hughes
  General Manager                                  Municipal Attorney



/s/ G Vakalis
- ----------------------------------------------------
                 George J. Vakalis
                 Operations Manager

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                                    EXHIBIT A

                           Eklutna Purchase Agreement

                                 August 2, 1989

                       Chugach Electric Association, Inc.

                      Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.

                            Municipality of Anchorage
                          d/b/a Municipal Light & Power

                           Alaska Power Administration
                       United States Department of Energy


              Eklutna Purchase Agreement

                   Table of Contents


1.  Parties to the Agreement.....................................1
2.  Purpose......................................................1
3.  Definitions..................................................1
4.  Assets to be Sold or Transferred.............................2
5.  Price and Payment Terms......................................4
6.  Responsibilities.............................................5
7.  Operation and Maintenance Expenses, Revenues.................6
8.  Non-Power Users..............................................6
9.  Transition Plans and Activities..............................7
10. Interim Activities...........................................8
11. Post-sale Operations, Maintenance and
        Power Marketing Arrangements............................11
12. Effective Date..............................................12
13. Environmental Management....................................12
14. Term........................................................12
15. Dispute Resolution..........................................13
16. Notice......................................................13
17. Amendment...................................................13
18. Approvals...................................................13
19. Assignment..................................................14
20. Force Majeure...............................................14
21. Continuing Support and Assistance...........................14
22. Relationship of Purchasers..................................14
23. Agreement for Benefit of Parties Only.......................15
24. Miscellaneous Provisions....................................15

              Table of Contents

Appended Material:

Exhibit A:        Lands, Easements and Rights-of-Ways, Including Map
                  Marked Exhibit A, Dated February 3, 1989

Exhibit B:        Future Principal & Interest Payments
                  Projected Selling Price

                                                                 August 2, 1989


1.       Parties to the Agreement.

          The  parties to this  Agreement  are the Alaska  Power  Administration
(APAD), a unit of the United States  Department of Energy,  and the Municipality
of  Anchorage  d/b/a  Municipal  Light and Power  (ML&P),  the Chugach  Electric
Association,  Inc,  (Chugach) and Matanuska  Electric  Association,  Inc.  (MEA)
(Purchasers) .

2.       Purpose.

          This Agreement sets out arrangements, terms and conditions for sale of
the Eklutna  Hydroelectric  Project (Eklutna) to Purchasers,  such arrangements,
terms and conditions to be implemented if the United States Congress  authorizes
such sale.

3.       Definitions, As used in this Agreement:

         "ADNR" means the Alaska Department of Natural

         "ANCSA" means the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

         "APAD"  means the  Alaska  Power  Administration,  a unit of the United
States Department of Energy (including any successor entity).

         "Chugach" means the Chugach Electric Association, Inc.

         "BLM's means the United States Bureau of Land

         "Eklutna"   means  the  Eklutna   Hydroelectric   Project   authorized,
constructed  and operated  pursuant to the Eklutna  Project Act of July 31, 1950
(64 Stat,  382, as  amended),  including  any and all  property  and  facilities
acquired or used in connection with Eklutna.

         "MEA" means the Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.

         "ML&P" means the Municipality of Anchorage, d\b\a
Municipal Light and Power.

         "Purchasers" means ML&P, Chugach, and MEA.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2. 1989
                                                                         Page 2

         "Actions" means actions, inaction, and omissions.

         "Transaction Date" means the date on which ownership of
Eklutna is to be transferred to the Purchasers as set forth in
Sections 4 and 9,

4.       Assets to be Sold and Transferred.

         a. The Eklutna assets to be sold and  transferred  consist of the power
production, transmission,  associated real property and all other facilities and
assets provided or otherwise  acquired for Eklutna under the Eklutna Project Act
of July 31, 1950 (64 Stat. 382, as amended) including but not limited to:

         (1) Eklutna Dam; power intake structure; power tunnel and penstock; the
Eklutna powerplant containing two complete  turbine-generator  sets with ratings
of 15,000  kilowatts,  each;  auxiliary  electrical  and mechanical  systems;  a
tailrace  and  tailrace  embankment;  switchyard,   transformers,  115  kilovolt
transmission   lines  connecting  the  powerplant  with  Palmer  and  Anchorage;
Anchorage, Palmer and Reed Substations; access roads; maintenance facilities and
vehicles;  supervisory  control and  communications  systems;  various buildings
including office,  warehouse,,  and garage;  personal property,  including spare
parts and equipment;  and any  improvements,,  replacements and renewals of such
major items;

         (2) Title in  acquired  land at Palmer  Substation,  and  easements  or
rights-of-way  for Eklutna  facilities  on privately  owned land as described in
Exhibit A; and fee title to lands at Anchorage  Substation if the  Department of
Interior determines that the lands are available under law for conveyance to the

         (3) Granted  rights-of-way for existing Eklutna  facilities  located on
BLM managed lands and military lands as described in Exhibit A;

         (4)  Studies, records, drawings, operating data,,
technical information; water rights including the reservoir

rights;  licenses  and any other  permits;  accurate  location  maps of  Eklutna
facilities  tied to public land surveys;  acceptable  land  descriptions  of the
areas of the easements, permits and licenses showing the location of the Eklutna
facilities  within the described  areas;  other tangible  rights as required for
operations  and  maintenance  of Eklutna  facilities;  and  warranties  or other
intangible rights associated with the assets to be transferred and sold,

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 3

         b. Granted rights-of-way for existing Eklutna facilities located on BLM
managed lands including lands selected by the State of Alaska and military lands

         (1) Be sufficient for  operation,  maintenance,  repairs,  renewals and
replacements of Eklutna facilities located on such lands,  including  provisions
for access.

         (2) Be issued consistent with existing Federal statutes,  at no cost to
the Purchasers,  and remain  effective for a period equal to the life of Eklutna
as extended by any  improvements,  repairs,  renewals or replacements;  provided
further that if Eklutna is further sold or transferred to private ownership, BLM
may  assess  such  reasonable  and  customary  fees  for  continued  use  of the
rights-of-way  on BLM managed lands and military lands as consistent with law or

         c. The life of Eklutna shall  continue as long as Eklutna is capable of
generating and transmitting  electricity,  Temporary interruptions in service or
generation of power shall not  constitute a termination  of the life of Eklutna,
Disuse of one portion of the project  system shall not cause the life to Eklutna
as a whole to terminate,

         d. APAD shall provide satisfactory  assurance that ANCSA 17(b) easement
rights   crossing   native  lands  are  sufficient   for  continued   operation,
maintenance, repair and replacement of Eklutna facilities by the Purchasers.

         e. The above  description  of assets is  intended to be general and not
precise or all inclusive, As part of the transition activities, the parties will
jointly  prepare  a  particularized  listing  of  the  assets  to  be  sold  and

         f. APAD intends that the sale and transfer of Eklutna to the Purchasers
not result in additional costs to the Purchasers for licenses,  permits or other
rights for Eklutna,,  which costs would not have been incurred  under  continued
Federal ownership of Eklutna.

         g. Nothing in this  Agreement  shall  prevent  Purchasers  from seeking
substantial  change  in  Eklutna.   Purchasers  shall  be  responsible  for  any
appropriate  approvals  by affected  government  and  non-governmental  entities
required for such substantial change.

         h. On the  Transaction  Date,  the  APAD  shall  convey  or cause to be
conveyed  title to all Eklutna assets to the Purchasers by bill of sale or other
instrument of conveyance,  provided that Purchasers pay or make  arrangement for
payment under Section 5 of

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 4

this  Agreement,  and  provided  further that for any assets not  available  for
transfer at the Transaction Date, APAD shall provide:

         (1) Mutually satisfactory  assurance that such remaining assets will be
transferred to the Purchasers subsequently and in a timely fashion, and

         (2) Clear authority to the Purchasers for the beneficial use, enjoyment
and  occupancy  of  such  remaining  assets  pending  their  conveyance  to  the

         (3)  If  APAD  fails  to  perform  any of the  requirements  stated  in
paragraphs  4(h),,  4(h)(1)  or 4(h)(2)  above,,  the  parties  agree to discuss
appropriate remedies.  The parties may agree to mediation,  arbitration or other
means  to  resolve  issues  presented  by a  failure  of  APAD to  perform  such
requirements,  Purchasers  shall also have an absolute  right to  terminate  the
Agreement in the event APAD fails to perform such requirements,

         i. If after the Transaction  Date some event occurs which prevents APAD
from transferring  title and beneficial use,  enjoyment and occupancy of Eklutna
to the  Purchasers,  the  parties  agree to discuss  and  implement  appropriate
remedies including resolution through negotiation, arbitration or litigation, as

5.       Price and Payment Terms.

         a.  If the Transaction Date is October 1. 1989, the selling
price shall be $10,435,000.

         If the Transaction Date is October 1. 1990, the selling
price shall be $9,580,000.

         If the Transaction  Date is October 1, 1991, the selling price shall be

         If the Transaction Date is other than one of the three above dates, the
selling price will be calculated by APAD as the  discounted  present value as of
the Transaction Date of all remaining  principal and interest payments after the
Transaction  Date  according to the payment  schedule shown on Exhibit B of this
agreement  plus $1 f 000 I 000 ($1  million) , Exhibit B payments  for the first
year will be prorated to reflect  the  portion of the year  remaining  after the
Transaction  Date.  Subsequent  Exhibit B payments  will be assumed at  mid-year

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2. 1989
                                                                         Page 5

         The  price  determination  is to be  included  in the  transition  plan
required under Section 9 below.

         b. The Purchasers shall pay the full selling price to the United States
Treasury  within  five years  after the  Transaction  Date.  Any  portion of the
selling  price  paid after the  Transaction  Date will  carry  interest  charges
payable to the United States  Treasury as discussed  below, If the full price is
paid by the Transaction Date, there will be no interest charges.

         The  purpose  for  allowing  up to five  years for the  payments  is to
provide some flexibility to the Purchasers in arranging for payment and start up
costs so as to minimize adverse impacts on Purchasers"  ratepayers,  The purpose
of the interest  charges is to assure that the United States  Treasury  receives
the full value of the  selling  price.  The  Purchasers  shall not seek  Federal
financing for the purchase.

         c.  The discount rate to be used for determination of the
selling price shall be nine percent (9%),

         The interest rate to be charged for payments after the Transaction Date
shall be nine percent (9%).

         The sales price described above is full  consideration  for all Eklutna
assets described in Section 4 (Assets to be Sold and Transferred).

         d.  APAD  shall  not  change  its  rate  criteria  for the  purpose  of
accelerating  principal  payments  before the  Transaction  Date, The Purchasers
shall not delay  their  take of  allocated  power for the  purpose  of  shifting
revenues beyond the Transaction Date,

6.       Responsibilities.

         a.  As of  the  Transaction  Date,  the  Purchasers  shall  assume  all
ownership  responsibilities  for Eklutna and ownership  responsibilities of APAD
and its successors for Eklutna shall cease, except as follows:

         (1)  APAD shall be solely responsible for all costs to

               close out APAD responsibilities including but not limited to
               Federal    employee   entitlements    and   benefits   for  APAD

         (2) The parties  recognize that there may be unfinished  work as of the
Transaction  Date  which  is  the  responsibility  of  APAD  to  complete.  Such
unfinished work could include incomplete transfer of some assets to be completed
by APAD under Sections 4 and 10 or specific APAD responsibilities

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 6

arising out of the joint determination of maintenance activities to be completed
by APAD under  Sections  9 and 10,  APAD  shall be solely  responsible  for such
unfinished work,

         (3) APA  shall be solely  responsible  for any  claims  or other  legal
proceedings  arising from actions or alleged  actions by APAD while APAD managed
or operated  Eklutna or from actions or alleged  actions by APAD in carrying out
remaining  APAD  responsibilities  under this  agreement  after the  Transaction

7.       Operation and Maintenance Expenses, Revenues.

         Operation  and  maintenance   expenses  up  to  the  Transaction  Date,
including  all  obligations  incurred by APAD which require  payments  after the
Transaction Date shall be the responsibility of APAD,  Subsequent  operation and
maintenance  expenses shall be the  responsibility of the Purchasers,  APAD fund
balances from  Congressional  appropriations  as of the  Transaction  Date shall
remain with APAD.

         All revenues for power sold up to the Transaction Date will be returned
to the United States Treasury,  The Purchasers shall be responsible for sales of
power after the  Transaction  Date,  including the collection and disposition of
revenues therefrom.

8.       Non-Power Users.

         a. The  parties  do not intend to  adversely  affect  non-power  users'
rights as a result of transfer  of  ownership  and  control of Eklutna  from the
Federal government to the Purchasers.

         As of the  Transaction  Date,  the  Purchasers  shall  assume  all APAD
responsibilities  and  benefits  with  respect  to  the  following   agreements,
including  amendments and supplemental  agreements made or entered into prior to
the Transaction Date,  provided that after the effective date of this Agreement,
APAD shall consult with the Purchasers prior to making additional amendments and
supplemental agreements:

         (1) The  agreement  dated  February  17,  1984,  between  APAD  and the
Municipality  of Anchorage  concerning the Eklutna Water Project;  as amended by
Supplemental Agreement
No. 1 dated August 24, 1988;

         (2) The agreement  dated November 1, 1982,  between APAD and Cook Inlet
Aquaculture Association concerning the
Eklutna hatchery,

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 7

         b.  The Purchasers shall consult with BLM and ADNR to ensure
effective and proper management of lands required for Eklutna,

         c. Except to the extent Purchasers  determine public  recreational uses
shall be limited by safety and  operational  requirements,  the Purchasers  will
continue to make Eklutna lands and water  available to the public for recreation

9.       Transition Plans and Activities.

         a. Within six months after the Congressional authorization is obtained,
the Purchasers and APAD shall adopt specific  transition plans setting forth the
arrangements  and a timetable for completing the sale and transfer,  The parties
intend  that the  transition  plans  shall  foster  an  efficient,  orderly  and
expeditious  transfer of Eklutna and its operation to the  Purchasers,  minimize
transition costs and minimize adverse impacts on employees, The transition plans
and activities shall be developed  jointly by the Purchasers and APAD and, among
other items, shall include:

         (1)  The selection of a "Transaction Date" on which
ownership of Eklutna would transfer to the Purchasers;

         (2)  A schedule for payments to the United States
Treasury including provisions for reasonable grace periods;

         (3)  Arrangements and timetable for the transfer of
operations, maintenance, power marketing and administration
of Eklutna;

         (4)  A definition of activities and schedules for
completing the sale and the assignment of responsibilities
for such activities;

         (5) A continuation of the consultations and access to records and data,
and  arrangements  and  timetable  for transfer of data and other records to the

         (6)  Provisions for environmental, engineering and
safety inspections by the Purchasers and APAD and a joint

determination by the Purchasers and APAD of specific
maintenance activities, including procurement, to be
completed by the APAD;

         (7)  If necessary, provisions for completing any asset
transfer actions that may not be completed as of the
Transaction Date;

         (8)  A particularized listing of all the Eklutna assets
to be sold and transferred, including photocopies of all

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 8

rights-of-way   obtained  from  BLM,  accurate  location  maps  of  the  Eklutna
facilities tied to public land surveys,  and suitable legal  descriptions of all
real property interest.  The parties to this Agreement  recognize that the lands
work will not be completed before the date of the transition plans,

         (9) A description of the condition of title to the Eklutna assets as of
the date of the transition  plans,  identifying with  particularity  third party
interests  and  rights and other  matters  affecting  title that may  materially
impair  the  ability  of the  Purchasers  to  have  the  full  beneficial  use,,
enjoyment,  occupancy and operation of the Eklutna assets,  and a description of
APAD's  intended  course  of action  prior to the  Transaction  Date to  remove,
resolve or limit such matters,

         (10)  Transition  staffing  plans as necessary to assure  continuity of
operations and minimizing adverse impacts on APAD employees, In this regard, the
parties  agree  that for two years  after  the  Transaction  Date  APAD  Eklutna
personnel  have  first  call on  post-transfer  Eklutna  jobs for which they are
qualified  subject to the labor  agreements of  Purchasers.  The staffing  plans
shall  also  consider  transferring  portions  or  all  of  the  operations  and
maintenance  functions to the Purchasers in advance of the Transaction  Date, if
that course of action is found to be feasible and helpful in minimizing  adverse
impacts to employees.  In a manner consistent with their personnel  policies and
staffing requirements, the Purchasers will assist in locating

suitable employment opportunities for displaced APAD
employees for a period of two years after the Transaction
Date; and

         (11)  Other matters as may be considered necessary by
the parties,

10.  Interim Activities.

         The  parties to this  Agreement  recognize  that,  in  addition  to the
transition plans and activities  described above, a number of actions need to be
taken by the parties and other  entities.  The asset  transfer and sale involves
several  entities  including the Federal,  State and local  governments  and two
Alaska Native  corporations.  The parties  intend to maintain full  coordination
with each of these entities and ensure that legislation authorizing the sale and
transfer provides appropriate authority to implement the sale and transfer,  The
parties  shall take all  actions  necessary  to complete  the sale and  transfer
including, but not limited to, the following listed actions:

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                         Page 9

         a. APAD shall  prepare  Congressional  legislation  needed to implement
this Agreement. The legislation,  among other items, shall include provisions to
accomplish the following:

         (1) Authorize in accordance  with this  Agreement the sale and transfer
of Eklutna to the Purchasers.

         (2) Direct and authorize other Federal  agencies,  including the United
States   Department   of  the   Interior,   to  assist  and  cooperate  in  sale
implementation including transfer of Eklutna assets under their jurisdiction.

         (3)   Authorize   and  direct  the   Secretary  of  Interior  to  issue
rights-of-way  to Alaska  Power  Administration  for  subsequent  assignment  to
Purchasers  at no cost to  remain  effective  for a period  equal to the life of
Eklutna  as  extended  by  improvements,   repairs,  renewals  or  replacements,
sufficient  for  operation,  maintenance,  repair  and  replacement  of  Eklutna
facilities  located on lands managed by the BLM  including  land selected by the
State of Alaska, and military lands, including access;  provided that if Eklutna
is further sold or  transferred  to private  ownership,  the BLM may assess such
reasonable  and customary  fees for continued  use of the  rights-of-way  on BLM
managed lands and military  lands as consistent  with current law or regulation;
provided  further  that at no  additional  cost fee title to lands at  Anchorage
Substation  shall be  transferred  to Purchasers  if the  Department of Interior
determines  that  the  lands  are  available  under  law for  conveyance  to the

         (4)  Authorize  the State of Alaska  (State)  to select  and direct the
Secretary of Interior to convey to the State certain Eklutna lands identified in
Exhibit A,  including  the lake bed of Eklutna Lake if not  navigable  under the
submerged  Lands Act and  approximately  853 acres of improved lands housing the
powerhouse,,  intake  structure,,  dam  facilities,  and a portion  of the power
tunnel under the  provision of section 6 of the Alaska  Statehood Act of July 7,
1958,  Public Law 85-508,  and the North Anchorage Land Agreement of January 31,
1983, such conveyances to be

subject to the rights-of-way being provided to Purchasers
under Section 10(a)(3) above.

         (5) Exempt  Eklutna and the  Purchasers,,  including but not limited to
subsequent  facilities  modifications,  from  jurisdiction of the Federal Energy
Regulatory  Commission under the Federal Power Act (16 U*S*CO 791),, unless such
modifications impact Federal lands other than those
presently used for Eklutna.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                        Page 10

         (6)  Authorize  expenditure  of such sums as are  necessary  to prepare
Eklutna assets for sale and conveyance,  such preparations to provide sufficient
title to ensure the beneficial use, enjoyment and occupancy to the Purchasers of
the assets to be sold.

         b.  APAD shall, in addition to the responsibilities set
forth in Section 4:

         (1)  Prepare  all  Eklutna  assets  including  but not limited to those
assets described in Section 4 (Assets to be Sold and Transferred) for conveyance
to the Purchasers  including all actions necessary to establish sufficient title
to ensure the beneficial use,  enjoyment and occupancy to the Purchasers of such

         (2) Apply for and obtain BLM  rights-of-way  necessary  for  operation,
maintenance,  repair and  replacement of Eklutna  facilities  located on Federal
lands, managed by the BLM, such rights-of-way to be subsequently  transferred to
the Purchasers.

         (3) Provide satisfactory  assurance that the Purchasers have sufficient
ANCSA 17(b) easement rights for continued  operation,  maintenance,,  repair and
replacement of Eklutna facilities.

         (4)  Continue to maintain Eklutna in accordance with
prudent utility practices, and Federal, and utility industry

         (5)  Appoint  one person and an  alternate  to  represent  APAD for all
activities  required of APAD after the execution of this  Agreement and prior to
the Transaction Date.

         (6) Manage and  operate  Eklutna in  accordance  with  prudent  utility
practices, and Federal and utility industry standards in such a manner as to not
diminish  the  capability  of Eklutna to  produce  energy and power at  historic

         C.       Purchasers shall:

         (1) Establish organizational,  functional and staffing arrangements for
operations,  maintenance  and  administration  of  Eklutna to be in effect on or
before the Transaction Date including the following:

         (A)  Purchasers  agree with each other and the APAD that each Purchaser
shall appoint one person and an

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2. 1989
                                                                        Page 11

alternate to represent that Purchaser for all activities  required of Purchasers
after the execution of this Agreement and prior to the Transaction Date.

         (B) By the Transaction Date,  Purchasers shall agree in writing to have
an  effective  organization  which shall be  responsible  for the sale of power,
operation and maintenance of Eklutna and, if necessary, Purchasers shall execute
power sales agreements to purchase power from Eklutna.

         (C) Purchasers shall provide in their organizational agreements that if
one or more of the  Purchasers  are unable or unwilling to purchase its share of
Eklutna, then the other Purchasers may purchase that share,

         (2)  Arrange for the payment of the amounts set out in
Section 5 (Price and Payment Terms) to be paid to the United
States Treasury,

         d. The Purchasers and APAD shall conduct engineering, environmental and
safety  inspections at Eklutna and jointly  determine a list of items or matters
they consider necessary to be changed or modified prior to transfer.  APAD shall
make such changes and  modifications  prior to the Transaction  Date, or provide
appropriate  assurances that those changes or  modifications  shall be made, The
Purchasers  and  APAD  shall  also   consensually  and  jointly   determine  the
acceptability  of  Eklutna  for  transfer  to the  Purchasers,  Failure to reach
agreement on the joint  determination of either the list of necessary changes or
modifications  or the  acceptability  of Eklutna for transfer  shall  constitute
grounds for termination of the Agreement.

         e. This  Agreement may be  terminated  by  Purchasers  if, prior to the
Transaction  Date,  the value of Eklutna or its capability to produce energy and
power has been  diminished by any cause after the  execution of this  Agreement.
Any notice of termination shall be provided to APAD in writing.

         f. The parties  agree that the  above-listed  action in  subsections(a)
through (d) are crucial to the sale and transfer of Eklutna.  The Purchasers may
elect to  terminate  this  Agreement  if the  authorizing  legislation  does not
contain  substantially the same provisions set forth in Section 10(a) or if APAD
fails to complete its obligations under Sections 10(b) and 10(d), APAD may elect
to terminate this Agreement if the Purchasers fail to complete their obligations
under Sections 10(c) and 10(d).

11.      Post-sale Operations, Maintenance and Power Marketing

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                        Page 12

         The Purchasers shall establish appropriate organizational, staffing and
administrative arrangements for Eklutna on or before the Transaction Date.

         To assist in implementation of these post-sale arrangements, APAD shall
make available for inspection and use by the Purchasers all Eklutna  records and
data and shall consult with the Purchasers on operation procedures,  replacement
schedules,  staffing  plans and training on a continuing  basis  starting on the
effective date of this Agreement,

         These  provisions are intended to ensure that the Purchasers  have full
opportunity to become fully  familiar with Eklutna and to help identify  further
specific  actions that shall  facilitate the transfer of operation of Eklutna to
the Purchasers.

         12.      Effective Date.

         This Agreement shall become  effective as of the calendar date on which
all parties have executed this Agreement.

         13.      Environmental Management.

         The parties intend that the transfer of ownership be  accomplished in a
manner that assures  continued  compliance with  environmental and public safety
standards and laws including  appropriate dam safety measures,  The parties note
that, under applicable  Department of Energy  instructions,  APAD is required to
prepare  a  management  plan  for  Eklutna  covering  environmental  and  safety

         APAD shall develop and implement such management plan prior to the date
on which the  transaction  plans are adopted and in full  consultation  with the
Purchasers,  Failure by the  Purchasers to agree to such a plan shall be grounds
for termination of this Agreement by the Purchasers.

         The Purchasers agree to continue the  implementation of such management
plan  after the  Transaction  Date,  including  periodic  updates of the plan as

         14.      Term.

         This Agreement  shall remain in effect for such time as is necessary to
complete the sale of Eklutna to the Purchasers and payments for such sale to the
United States  Treasury,  provided that this Agreement shall terminate two years
after the effective date if authorization  by Congressional  legislation has not
been obtained within those two years,, and provided further

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2. 1989
                                                                        Page 13

that  this  Agreement   shall   terminate  two  years  after  the  date  of  the
Congressional  authorization  if transfer of Eklutna to the  Purchasers  has not
occurred  by that time.  The above  termination  dates may be extended by mutual
agreement of the parties,

         The above termination  provisions are intended to provide ample time to
obtain Congressional authorization and complete the transaction.  However, it is
the intent of the  parties to obtain such  authorization  as quickly as possible
and complete the sale as quickly thereafter as is reasonably practicable.

This  Agreement  shall be  terminated  if, at any time prior to the  Transaction
Date, the  Purchasers  determine they are not able to meet the payment terms and
so notify APAD in writing,

         15.      Dispute Resolution.

         The parties  shall attempt to settle any claim or  controversy  arising
out of this  Agreement in good faith.  The parties may agree to submit any claim
or controversy  to a  mutually-acceptable  mediator,  the cost of which shall be
borne equally by APAD and  Purchasers,  The use of such a procedure shall not be
construed to affect  adversely the rights of either party under the doctrines of
laches, waiver or estoppel. Nothing in this section shall prevent any party from
resorting  to judicial  procedures.  Any  judicial  action shall be filed in the
Federal court at Anchorage, Alaska,

         16.      Notice.

         All notices under this  Agreement  shall be in writing  directed to the
Purchasers  through the  General  Managers  of the  Purchasers,  and to the APAD
through the Administrator of the APAD or its successor.

         17.      Amendment.

         This  Agreement  may be modified  only by mutual  agreement  in writing
between the Purchasers and APAD. Any such  modifications must be consistent with
applicable State and

Federal law.

         18.      Approvals.

         Any final sale and transfer of Eklutna shall become  effective  only on
the  obtaining of all required  regulatory  and  administrative  approvals or on
receiving satisfactory assurance that such approvals are forthcoming.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                        Page 14

19.      Assignment.

         This  Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the
respective  successors  and assigns of the parties to this  Agreement,  provided
however,  that  neither  this  Agreement  nor  any  interest  therein  shall  be
transferred  or assigned by any party to any other party,,  except to the United
States or an agency  thereof,  without the written  consent of the others  whose
written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,

         However,  any  assignment by Purchasers  must be made to a successor in
interest to the Purchasers and such assignment shall provide that the power from
Eklutna  be  used  for the  benefit  of  customers  in the  service  area of the
Purchasers, Any of the Purchasers may assign its interest to the Alaska Electric
Generation & Transmission  Cooperative,,  Inc.  (AEG&T)  subject to any existing
agreements, including amendments, between Chugach,, AEG&T and MEA.

20.      Force Majeure.

         Failure  by  either  APAD  or  the  Purchasers  to  perform  any of the
requirements of this Agreement  brought about by causes beyond their control and
without fault or negligence of the parties shall  constitute an excusable delay.
In any instance where excusable  delay occurs,  the time for completing the work
shall be extended by negotiation of the parties,

21.      Continuing Support and Assistance.

         The  parties  agree to support  and assist  each other in the  mutually
satisfactory resolution of any unforeseen problems associated with the transfer.
APAD and the Purchasers recognize that new issues involving the transfer process
may arise prior to and after transfer,  or that issues  considered  resolved may
need further  clarification,  implementation or other  resolution.  APAD and the
Purchasers agree that open lines of  communication  are desirable after the date
of this Agreement and after transfer to facilitate the transfer process. To that
end , APAD and the Purchasers each agree to exercise their good faith efforts in
implementing the terms of this Agreement expeditiously. APAD

further agrees to use its best efforts to make available an appropriate  Federal
entity to  implement  this  section  in the event  that APAD as an  identifiable
Federal entity ceases to exist.

         22.      Relationship of Purchasers.

         The  covenants,  obligations  and  liabilities  of the  Purchasers  are
intended to be several and not joint or collective, and nothing contained herein
shall be construed to

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                        Page 15

create an association, joint venture, trust or partnership, or to impose a trust
or partnership covenant, obligation or liability on or with regard to any of the
Purchasers.  Each  Purchaser  shall  be  individually  responsible  for  its own
covenants,  obligations  and  liabilities  as  provided  in this  Agreement.  No
Purchaser  shall,  by virtue of this  Agreement,  be under the control of, or be
deemed to control,  the other Purchaser.  No Purchaser shall be the agent of, or
have a right or power to bind, the other Purchasers  without its express written
consent,  except as may be expressly  provided in this Agreement,,  or as may be
otherwise  provided by  existing  law.  The  provisions  of this  Section may be
modified by the final approved  agreements provided for under Section 10 (c) (1)

23.      Agreement for Benefit of Parties Only.

         As provided in Section 8, above,  the parties  intend to protect  fully
the rights of  non-power  users of Eklutna  land and water.  The  parties do not
intend by this Agreement to create rights in, or to grant remedies to, any third
party as a  beneficiary  of this  Agreement,  or as a  beneficiary  of any duty,
covenant,  obligation or undertaking  established by, or performed  pursuant to,
this Agreement.

24.      Miscellaneous Provisions.

         a. The  parties  agree,  upon  request of the other  parties,  to make,
execute and deliver any and all documents  reasonably required to implement this

         b.  Captions and headings  appearing in this  Agreement are included to
facilitate reference to the Agreement,  and they are not to be read as a part of
this Agreement, nor shall they have bearing on its interpretation.

         c.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  simultaneously  in  two or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the parties have caused this

Agreement to be executed the day and year written hereafter.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
                                                                        Page 16

         DATED this 2nd day of August, 1989,


by:    /s/  Lace Walls
         Lace Walls


by:    /s/  Robert L. Husted
         Robert L. Husted


by:    /s/  Tom Fink
         Tom Fink


by:    /s/  Robert J. Cross
         Robert J. Cross

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2. 1989
Exhibit A                                                           Page 1 of 2

Lands, Easements and Rights-of-Way

Exhibit A consists of this narrative (pages 1 and 2 of 2) and the
map prepared by BLM, signed and dated February 3, 1989,

This  exhibit  describes  and  displays  present  land  status  for the  Eklutna
Hydroelectric Project and describes in general terms the conveyances of land and
land rights contemplated in the purchase agreement.

1.       BLM - managed  lands and  military  lands used for Eklutna  Project for
         which BLM is to provide APAD  rights-of-way  sufficient  for operation,
         maintenance,   repair  and  replacement  of  Eklutna  facilities,  such
         rights-of-way to be assigned by APAD to the Purchasers.

         Legend Symbols and Description.

         Withdrawals.   Refers  to  approximately  863  acres  of  public  lands
         withdrawn for Eklutna at the "Intake  Area," "Power  Tunnel,"  "Eklutna
         Powerplant" and "Anchorage  Substation," The total acreage is comprised
         of the following land:

         a.  Approximately  320 acres  withdrawn  for the "Power  Tunnel"  under
         Public Land Order 1231 dated September 28, 1955.

         b.   Approximately  230  acres  utilized  for  the  "Intake  Area"  and
         approximately  60  acres  for a  portion  of  "Eklutna  Powerplant"  as
         described by ANCSA 3(e) determination AA-51183 dated July 30, 1986.

         c.  Approximately  243  acres  utilized  for  "Eklutna  Powerplant"  as
         described by ANCSA 3(e) determination AA-42534 dated September 1, 1982.

         d. Approximately 10 acres withdrawn for
         "Anchorage Substation" under Secretarial

         order dated April 4, 1952.

         State Land-R/W.  Refers to rights-of-way  across  State-selected  lands
         covering the transmission line east of "Eklutna Powerplant" to the Knik

         Military Land-R/W,  Refers to rights-of-way  across military lands used
         for Eklutna transmission lines.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
Exhibit A                                                           Page 2 of 2

         Acquired-3 (e). Refers to approximately 2.5 acres of acquired land used
         for "Reed Substation" as described by ANCSA 3(e) determination AA-45155
         dated July 30, 1985.

2.       ANCSA 17(b) Easements.

         Map symbol:                N Native Land - 17(b) Easements.

         Refers to  rights-of-way  that are  reserved  for portions of the 115kV
transmission  line, access roads and other Eklutna  facilities located on Native
corporation  lands, and exist as easement  reservations in the ANCSA conveyances
to the Native  corporations  pursuant to Section 17(b) of ANCSA. These easements
will not be  altered  by the sale of Eklutna  and the  Purchasers  may use these
easements for their intended purposes,

3.       APAD Acquired Land and Easements.

         Refers to land and  easements  acquired  by the  Bureau of  Reclamation
(predecessor of APAD) during construction of Eklutna and now controlled by APAD.
APAD will assign the land and easements to the Purchasers.

Legend Symbols and Description:

         Acquired. Refers to approximately 0.8 acres of
         land owned by APAD at Palmer Substation,

         Acquired-Easements, Refers to approximately 33 easements across private
lands acquired by the Bureau of Reclamation  (predecessor  of APAD) and now held
by APAD,

4.       Other Easements on Private Land.

Map [Symbol]:              Note: Other Easements on Private
                           Lands To Be Acquired - See Exhibit
                           A Narrative

Refers to  approximately  two hundred and fifty  (250)  parcels of private  land
located along the 115kV  transmission line, many of which require title curative
action for purposes of perfecting  assignable  easement rights or  rights-of-way
for the Purchasers,  APAD shall be responsible for acquiring assignable easement
rights or  rights-of-way  across  these  lands,  for  subsequent  assignment  to

5.       Reservoir.

         Eklutna Lake as designated on the map is the reservoir
described in the body of the Agreement.

Exhibit B
Eklutna Purchase Agreement

Future Principal and Interest Payments,
(FY 1987 Power Repayment Study Data)

                                 Units: $1000's

FISCAL YEAR                PRINCIPAL        INTEREST          TOTAL

1989                       693              346               1,039
1990                       1,316            316               1,632
1991                       1,383            283               1,666
1992                       0                265               265
1993                       629              658               887
1994                       1,476            231               1,707
1995                       0                213               213
1996                       1,318            196               1,514
1997                       1,548            160               1,708
1998                       1,586            121               1,707
1999                       1,624            81                1,705
2000                       0                61                61
2001                       1,472            43                1,515
2002                       952              12                964

TOTAL '89    - 02          $13,997          $2,586                     $16,583
TOTAL '90    - 02          $13,304          $2,240                     $15,544
TOTAL '91    - 02          $11,988          $1,924                     $13,912
TOTAL '92    - 02          $10,605          $1,641                     $12,246

Projected Selling Price
                                 Units: $1000's

Transaction                Present Value of 1/                Selling
Date                       Remaining Payments                 Price

Oct. 1, 1989               $9,435                                      $10,435
(start of FY 1990)

Oct. l, 1990               $8,580                                      $ 9,580
(start of FY 1991)

Oct. 1, 1991               $7,631                                      $ 8,631

(start of FY 1992)

 1/  Discount Rate of 9.0%; payments assumed at mid year.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement
August 2, 1989

Amendment No. 1

1.       Purpose.

         This Amendment No. 1 reflects new information with
respect to lands, extends the term of the August 2, 1989, Eklutna
Purchase Agreement ("Agreement"), and states the selling price if.
the Transaction Date is October 1, 1992, or October 1, 1993.

2.       Amendments to Section 10, Interim Activities.

         Section 10a. (4) of the Agreement is amended to read as

     "10.a.(4)  Authorize  the State of Alaska  (State) to select and direct the
Secretary  of  the  Interior  to  convey  to the  State  certain  Eklutna  lands
identified in Exhibit A,  including  approximately  853 acres of improved  lands
housing the powerhouse,  intake structure, dam facilities,, and a portion of the
power tunnel under the provision of Section 6(a) of the Alaska  Statehood Act of
July 7, 1958,  Public Law 85-508,  and the North  Anchorage  Land  Agreement  of
January 31, 1983,  such  conveyances  to be subject to the  rights-of-way  being
provided to Purchasers under Section 10(a)(3) above."

3.       Amendment to Section 5.  Price and Payment Terms.

         Section 5 (a) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

         "a. If the Transaction Date is October 1, 1991, the selling
price shall be $8,613,000.

         If the Transaction Date is October 1, 1992, the selling
be $9,022,000.

         If the Transaction Date is October 1, 1993, the selling be $8,818,000.

          If the  Transaction  Date is other than one of the three above  dates,
the selling price will be calculated by APAD as

the  discounted  present  value  as of the  Transaction  Date  of all  remaining
principal and interest  payments  after the  Transaction  Date  according to the
payment  schedule  shown on  Exhibit B of this  agreement  plus  $1,000,000  ($1
million),  Exhibit B payments for the first year will be prorated to reflect the
portion of the year remaining after the Transaction Date.  Subsequent  Exhibit B
payments will be assumed at mid-year (April).

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
Amendment No. 1                                                         Page 2

         The price determination is to be included in the
transition plan required under Section 9 below."

4.       New Exhibit B.

         A new Exhibit B dated June 25, 1991,  reflecting the above amendment to
Section 5, Price and Payment Terms, is incorporated in the Agreement in place of
the original Exhibit B.

5.       Extended Term.

         The first  paragraph of Section 14 of the  Agreement is amended to read
as follows:

     "This  Agreement  shall  remain in effect for such time as is  necessary to
complete the sale of Eklutna to the Purchasers and payments for such sale to the
United States Treasury,  provided that this Agreement shall terminate four years
after the effective date if authorization  by Congressional  legislation has not
been obtained within those four years,  and provided further that this Agreement
shall terminate two years after the date of the  Congressional  authorization if
transfer of Eklutna to the  Purchasers  has not occurred by that time. The above
termination dates may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties."

6.       Effective Date

         This Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement shall become
effective as of the calendar date on which all parties have
executed this Amendment.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
Amendment No. 1                                                         Page 3

         DATED this 30th day of July, 1991.


By:  /s/  Thomas D. Humphrey, Pres                                       7/30/91
         Thomas D. Humphrey                                                 Date


By:    /s/  Jess Lee                                                     7/29/91
         Jess Lee                                                      Date


By:    /s/ Tom Fink                                                      7/30/91
         Tom Fink                                                      Date


By:    /s/  Robert J. Cross                                       July 26, 1991
     --------------------------------------                      ---------------
         Robert J. Cross                                               Date

Exhibit B                             06/25/91
Eklutna Purchase Agreement

Future Principal and Interest Payments
(FY 1987 Power Repayment Study Data)

                                    Units: $1,000's

FISCAL YEAR                PRINCIPAL        INTEREST          TOTAL

1989                       693              346               1,039
1990                       1,316            316               1,632
1991                       1,383            283               1,666
1992                       0                265               265
1993                       629              258               887
1994                       1,476            231               1,707
1995                       0                213               213
1996                       1,318            196               1,514
1997                       1,548            160               1,708
1998                       1,586            121               1,707
1999                       1,624            81                1,705
2000                       0                61                61
2001                       1,472            43                1,515
2002                       952              12                964

TOTAL '92 - 02             $10,605          $1,641                     $12,246
TOTAL '93 - 02             $10,605          $1,376                     $11,981
TOTAL '94 - 02             $9,976           $1.118                     $11,094

Projected Selling Price

                  Units: $1,000's

Transaction                Present Value of                   Selling
Date                       Remaining Payments                 Price

Oct. 1, 1991               $7,613                                      $8,613
(start of FY 1992)

Oct. 1, 1992               $8,022                                      $9,022
(start of FY 1993)

Oct. 1, 1993               $7,818                                      $8,818
(start of FY 1994)

Discount Rate                9.0%; payments assumed at mid-year.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement
August 2, 1989

Amendment No. 2

1.       Purpose.

         This Amendment No. 2 extends the term of the August 2,
1989, Eklutna Purchase Agreement ("Agreement"), and states the
selling price if the Transaction Date is October 1, 1993,
October 1, 1994, or October 1, 1995,

2.       Amendment to Section 5, Price and Payment Terms.

         Section 5 (a) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

         "a. If the Transaction Date is October 1, 1993, the selling
         price shall be $8,810,000.

         If the Transaction  Date is October 1, 1994, the selling price shall be

         If the Transaction  Date is October 1, 1995, the selling price shall be

         If the Transaction Date is other than one of the three above dates, the
selling price will be calculated by APAD as the  discounted  present value as of
the Transaction Date of all remaining  principal and interest payments after the
Transaction  Date  according to the payment  schedule shown on Exhibit B of this
agreement plus  $1,000,000  ($1 million).  Exhibit B payments for the first year
will be  prorated  to  reflect  the  portion  of the year  remaining  after  the
Transaction  Date.  Subsequent  Exhibit B payments  will be assumed at  mid-year

         The price determination is to be included in the
transition plan required under Section 9 below,"

3.       New Exhibit B.

         A new Exhibit B dated March 8, 1993,  reflecting the above amendment to
Section 5, Price and Payment Terms, is incorporated in

the Agreement in place of the Amendment No. 1 Exhibit B.

4.       Extended Term.

         The first  paragraph of Section 14 of the  Agreement is amended to read
as follows:

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
Amendment No. 2                                                          Page 2

         "This Agreement shall remain in effect for such time as is necessary to
complete the sale of Eklutna to the Purchasers and payments for such sale to the
United States  Treasury,  provided that this Agreement shall terminate six years
after the effective date if authorization  by Congressional  legislation has not
been obtained within those six years,  and provided  further that this Agreement
shall terminate two years after the date of the  Congressional  authorization if
transfer of Eklutna to the  Purchasers  has not occurred by that time. The above
termination dates may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties."

5.       Effective Date.

         This Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement shall become
effective as of the calendar date on which all parties have
executed this Amendment.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       August 2, 1989
Amendment No. 2                                                          Page 3

         DATED this 14 day of June, 1993.


By:    /s/ William Ryan                                                 5/19/93
         William L. Ryan                                                  Date


By:  /s/ Barbara J. Miller                                         June 8, 1993
     --------------------------------                            --------------
         Barbara J. Miller                                                Date


By:    /s/  Tom Fink                                                    4/28/93
         Tom Fink                                                         Date


By:   /s/ Michael A. Deihl                                              3/26/93
         Michael A. Deihl                                                 Date

Exhibit B                          03/26/93
Eklutna Purchase Agreement
Amendment No. 2

Future Principal and Interest Payments
(FY 1987 Power Repayment Study Data)

                                    Units: $1,000's

FISCAL YEAR                PRINCIPAL        INTEREST          TOTAL

1994                       1,476            231               1,707
1995                       0                213               213
1996                       1,318            196               1,514
1997                       1,548            160               1,708
1998                       1,586            121               1,707
1999                       1,624            81                1,705
2000                       0                61                61
2001                       1,472            43                1,515
2002                       952              12                964

TOTAL '94 - 02             $9,976                    $1,118            $11,094
TOTAL '95 - 02             $8,500                    $887              $9,387
TOTAL '96 - 02             $8,500                    $674              $9,174

Projected Selling Price

                  Units: $1,000's

Transaction                Present Value of                   Selling
Date                       Remaining Payments                 Price

Oct. 1, 1993               $7,810                                      $8,810
(start of FY 1994)

Oct. 1, 1994               $6,733                                      $7,733
(start of FY 1995)

Oct. 1, 1995               $7,117                                      $8,117
(start of FY 1996)

Discount Rate              9.0%; payments assumed at mid-year.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement
April 21, 1995

Amendment No. 3

1.       Purpose.

         This Amendment No. 3 extends the term of the August 2, 1989, Eklutna
Purchase Agreement('Agreement"), and states the selling price if the Transaction
Date is October 1, 1995, October 1, 1996, or October 1, 1997.

2.       Amendment to Section 5. Price and Payment Terms.

         Section 5 (a) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

         " a.If the Transaction Date is October 1, 1995,the selling price shall 
be $8,117,000.

         If the Transaction  Date is October l, 1996, the selling price shall be

         If the Transaction  Date is October 1, 1997, the selling price shall be

         If the Transaction Date is other than one of the three above dates, the
selling price will be calculated by APAD as the  discounted  present value as of
the Transaction Date of all remaining  principal and interest payments after the
Transaction  Date  according to the payment  schedule shown on Exhibit B of this
agreement plus  $1,000,000  ($1 million).  Exhibit B payments for the first year
will be  prorated  to  reflect  the  portion  of the year  remaining  after  the
Transaction  Date.  Subsequent  Exhibit B payments  will be assumed at  mid-year

The price  determination is to be included in the transition plan required under
Section 9 below."

3.       New Exhibit B.

         A new Exhibit B dated February 23, 1995, reflecting the above amendment
to Section 5, Price and Payment Terms, is incorporated in the Agreement in place
of the Amendment No. 1 Exhibit B.

4.       Extended Terms.

         The first paragraph of Section 14 of the Agreement is amended to read

as follows:

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       April 21, 1995
Amendment No. 3                                                          Page 2

     "This  Agreement  shall  remain in effect for such time as is  necessary to
complete the sale of Eklutna to the Purchasers and payments for such sale to the
United States Treasury, provided that this Agreement shall terminate eight years
after the effective date if authorization  by Congressional  legislation has not
been obtained within those eight years, and provided further that this Agreement
shall terminate two years after the date of the  Congressional  authorization if
transfer of Eklutna to the  Purchasers  has not occurred by that time. The above
termination dates may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties."

5.       Effective Date.

          This Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement shall become effective as of
the calendar date on which all parties have executed this Amendment.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement                                       April 21, 1995
Amendment No. 3                                                          Page 3

         DATED this 22 day of June, 1995.


By:    /s/ Elizabeth P. Kennedy                                         4/25/95
         Elizabeth Page Kennedy                                            Date


By:    /s/ Barbara J. Miller                                       May 4, 1995
     -----------------------------------------------------        -------------
         Barbara J. Miller                                             Date


By:    /s/ Larry D. Crawford                                            6/22/95
         Larry D/ Crawford                                                Date
         Municipal Manager


By:    /s/ Michael A. Deihl                                     April 21, 1995
     ---------------------------------------------------       ----------------
         Michael A. Deihl

Exhibit B
Eklutna Purchase Agreement
Amendment No. 3


                                    Units: $1,000's
FISCAL YEAR                PRINCIPAL        INTEREST          TOTAL
1996                       1,318            196               1,514
1997                       1,548            160               1,708
1998                       1,586            121               1,707
1999                       1,624            81                1,705
2000                       0                61                61
2001                       1,472            43                1,515
2002                       952              12                964

TOTAL '96 - 02             8,500            674               9,174
TOTAL '97 - 02             7,182            478               7,660
TOTAL '98 - 02             5,634            318               5,952


         Units: $ 1,000's

                                    Present Value of
                                    Remaining Payments
Transaction Date                    (Discount Rate = 9%)          Selling Price

October 1, 1995                     7,117                              8,117
(start of FY 1996)

October 1, 1996                     6,178                              7,178
(start of FY 1997)

October 1, 1997                     4,953                              5,953
(start of FY 1998)

NOTE:  Payments assumed at mid-year.


                                    EXHIBIT B

                           Memorandum of Understanding

                                  July 25, 1989


                       Chugach Electric Association, Inc.

                      Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.

                            Municipality of Anchorage
                          d/b/a Municipal Light & Power


THIS  MEMORANDUM OF  UNDERSTANDING  is made this 25th day of July,  1989, by and
LIGHT & POWER  ("ML&P"),  MEA,  Chugach  and ML&P are  hereinafter  collectively
called the "Purchasers,"
         1. Recital. The Purchasers are parties to that certain Eklutna Purchase
Agreement  ("Purchase  Agreement")  dated as of March 31, 1989,  with the Alaska
Power  Administration  ("APAD")  which  concerns the purchase by  Purchasers  of
certain  real and  personal  property  referred to therein as  "Eklutna,"  It is
understood that the Purchase  Agreement has not yet been executed by ML&P and is
therefore not yet effective. The parties expect that the Purchase Agreement will
be so  executed  and,  upon  that  assumption,  enter  into this  Memorandum  of
         2,  Cost,  Power and Title  Interests  of  Purchasers.  It is  mutually
understood by the Purchasers  that the allocation of output power  (capacity and
energy) from Eklutna (as defined in Section 3 of the Purchase  Agreement)  under
the Purchase  Agreement will continue as under the present  participation in the
following proportions:  16/30 to ML&P, 9/30 to Chugach and 5/30 to MEA, and that
these same  proportionate  shares  will  determine  the  Purchasers'  respective
proportionate   shares  of  their  undivided  interest  in  the  Eklutna  assets
identified in Section 4 of the

- -1-

Purchase  agreement,  the  Purchasers'  respective  shares of the purchase price
identified  in  Section  5  of  the  Purchase  Agreement,  and  the  Purchasers'
respective shares of Eklutna's operating costs.
         3. Operation of Eklutna.  It is further  understood and agreed that the
Purchasers and their  successors and assigns shall operate Eklutna in accordance
with prudent  electric  utility  practices in order to produce power in the most
efficient  manner  possible for the maximum  beneficial  use of customers in the
service area of the  Purchasers,  subject to  compliance  with those water usage
agreements  that the Purchasers  have agreed to assume  pursuant to Section 8 of
the Purchase Agreement,


By:    /s/ Ken Ritchey
Its:  Acting General Manager

By:    /s/ David L. Highers
Its:  General Manager

By:    /s/ Tom Fink
Its:  Mayor




No.      AM 674-89

Meeting Date.

From:             Mayor Fink

Subject:          Eklutna Purchase Agreement

In its AR87-41(S-1) as amended and dated March 3, 1987, the Anchorage Municipal
Assembly  resolved  that (1) the best  interest  of the  public may be served by
federal  transfer of the Eklutna  Hydroelectric  Facility to the Municipality or
other local  entities with all rights,  title and interest of the United States,
including  reserved and acquired water rights;  and (2) the  administration  may
commence formal negotiations with the Department of Energy regarding divestiture
of the project.

On May 20, 1987, the Alaska Power Association (APA) formally requested proposals
from the Municipality of Anchorage,  Chugach Electric Association (CEA), and the
Matanuska  Electric  Association  (MEA) for the  purchase  and  transfer  of the
Eklutna Power Project.  The  Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal Light and
Power (ML&P),  CEA, and MEA  (cumulatively  the  "Purchasers")  have developed a
joint  proposal  for  purchase  of the  Eklutna  Project.  The  Joint  proposals
presently  under  review  by the  Municipality  of  Anchorage  Chugach  Electric
Association and Matanuska  Electric  Association is entitled  "Eklutna  Purchase
Agreement" and sets out arrangements,  terms, and conditions for sale of Eklutna
to purchasers,  such arrangements terms, and conditions to be implemented if the
United States  Congress  authorizes such sale. The following are essential terms
of the proposed agreement:

         a. The Eklutna assets to be sold and transferred  generally  consist of
the power  productions  transmissions  associated  real  property  and all other
facilities  and assets,  provided for Eklutna  under the Eklutna  Project Act of
July 31, 1950; all rights-of-way  and easements for existing Eklutna  facilities
located on BLM managed lands and military lands; and water rights, including the


         b.  Within six (6) months of  Congressional  authorization,  transition
plans are to be adopted which will, among other things, identify the Transaction
Date on which  ownership of the Eklutna  facilities will transfer to Purchasers;
determine a schedule  for  payment of the  purchase  price to the United  States
Treasury;  provide  for the  orderly  transfer  of the  operations  and  related
activities  Of  Eklutna;  provide  for  environmental   engineering  and  safety
inspections by Purchasers; provide for completion of any asset transfer; develop
a particularized listing of assets to be sold or transferred;  and address other
matters may be considered necessary by the parties.

Eklutna Purchase Agreement
Page 2

         c. Total or combined  Purchase Price to the three purchasing  utilities
is dependent on the timing of the Transaction  Date:$10,435,000 if on October 1,
1989;  $9,580,000 if on October 1, 1990;  $81,631,000 if on October 1, 1991. Any
other  Transaction  Date  shall  result in a  selling  price  calculated  as the
discounted  present value of all remaining  principal and interest payments plus
$1 million. The full selling price is to be paid within five (5) years after the
Transaction  Date using an interest  rate of 9 percent.  The discount rate to be
used in  determining  the selling  price is also 9 percent.  ML&P's share of the
purchase  price  is 16/30  or  initially  $5,565,333.33,  which  moneys  will be
committed upon the effective date of the Agreement.

         d.  Effective  date of the Purchase  Agreement is the calendar  date on
which  all  parties  have  executed  the  agreement.   The  Agreement   requires
authorization  by  Congressional  legislation  within two years of the effective
date of the Agreement,  and further  requires  transfer of Eklutna assets within
two years of Congressional legislation authorizing the transfer.

         e.  The covenants, obligations and liabilities of the Purchasers
are intended to be several and not joint or collective.
ML&P, CEA, and MEA shall each acquire an undivided interest

of 16/30, 9/30 and 5/30, respectively in the Eklutna Power

         f. Purchasers of Eklutna are assuming all  responsibilities  associated
with the Agreement  dated February 17, 1984 between APA and the  municipality of
Anchorage  concerning the Eklutna Water Project and the  Supplemental  Agreement
No. 1 dated August 24, 1988. AWWU's entitlement to secure a long range source of
water for Anchorage with the Eklutna Water Project is thereby preserved.

         g.  The  Purchasers   are  executing  a  memorandum  of   understanding
concerning the possible election by the municipality to internally  reassign its
interest in the  Eklutna  Power  Project.  In the event of a sale or transfer of
ML&P or for other  reasons  the  Municipality  may  retain its  interest  in the
Eklutna Power Project for the benefit of the  Municipality and the Eklutna Water

Eklutna Purchase Agreement
Page 3

The subject  Eklutna  Purchase  Agreement will result in lower costs to ML&P for
Eklutna power than under existing federal ownership.  The Agreement ensures that
ML&P  will  retain  its  current  share of  Eklutna  output  for the life of the
Project.  Since  Eklutna is and will  continue  to be ML&P's  lowest cost energy
sources retention of ML&P's share will continue to stabilize rates.

It is recommended that the Assembly  authorize the  Administration to enter into
an agreement  for the purchase of Eklutna  under the basic terms and  conditions
outlined above.

Concur:                                     Submitted by:

/s/ Richard L. Besse for                    /s/ Thomas R. Stahr
Lee Nunn                                    Thomas R. Stahr
Executive Manager                           General Manager
Enterprise Activities                       Municipal Light & Power

Concur:                                     Funds Certification:

                                            (0530 Operating)
/s/ Larry D Crawford
Larry D. Crawford
Municipal Manager                           /s/  Bob Nelson
                                            Bob Nelson
                                            Chief Fiscal Officer

Respectfully Submitted:                     Concur:

/s/  Tom Fink                               /s/  Richard D. Kibby
Tom Fink                                    Richard D. Kibby
Mayor                                       Municipal Attorney


                                            /s/ Richard L. Besse
                                            Richard L. Besse, P.E.
                                            General Manager
                                            Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility


                                    EXHIBIT C

Engineering inspection results listing (to date) including APA's response to the
Stone & Webster report in 12 pages to ML&P dated May 13, 1996.

Environmental  and safety  inspection  results  and APA's  response  will not be
available  from Stone & Webster  until  after the  Effective  Date of this Plan.
These results are incorporated into Exhibit C by reference, and will be included
by mutual consent of the Parties upon receipt from Stone & Webster.

Mr. Moe T. Aslam, P.E.                     May 13, 1996
Chief Engineer
Anchorage Municipal Light & Power                            J.O.No. 05450.07
821 East First Avenue
Anchorage,  AK  99501


Dear Moe:

The  following  items are suggested for inclusion in your list of major items to
be discussed among APA and the Purchasing Utilities:

         o         Survey of Dam and comparison with 1987 Survey

         o         APA's current program for routine inspections of the dam

         o         Rehabilitation of Power Tunnel Adit

         o         Environmental Management Plan

         o         List of Physically separated sites to be included in the 
                   transfer, together with land and landrights data

         o         List of vehicles and off road equipment to be transferred

         o         Transmission Line Survey

A more comprehensive list of Technical and Miscellaneous Items is attached.

The list of  environmental  issues,  and Health and Safety are  prepared  by Jim
Rogers and the list of Health and Safety issues,  prepared by Mike Daniels, Mike
Schowen and Sterling Larson will follow.

Best Regards,

/s/  Fred R. Harty, Jr. BJT

Fred R. Harty, Jr.
Task Coordinator



                          EKLUTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT

                     (see also the separate lists covering:
                              o Environmental Items
                           o Safety and Health Items)


                                                        APA POSITION                                    TRANSITION TEAM RESOLUTION
Remote Sites

o  Possibilities for relocating or 
   discontinuing the use of the Reed 
   substation should be considered 
   due to the security problem.

o  Ownership of the old Eklutna powerhouse
   should be established with respect 
   to the transfer process.

o  At the Palmer  substation,  the  transformer        APA has advised  that MEA
   should be  checked  for  damage  because of the     preformed  a  detailed inspection  
   deformed skid.                                      (letter of February 27, 1996) 

o  Grounds maintenance should be performed at          APA will remove brush, weeds and logs
   the Repeater Station. Also, the provisions          (letter of February 27, 1996) 
   for future snow removal and winter access to the 
   MEA substation should be established with respect   Future maintenance to be established 
   to the Repeater Station.

Eklutna Dam and Spillway                               APA will remove logs and debris (letter of February 27,
o  The area upstream from the spillway is heavily 
   encumbered with floating logs and other debris. 
   This material should be removed.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o  There is an area of subsidence at the               APA will perform the survey (letter of February 27, 1996)
   downstream edge of the dam crest, about two
   thirds of the way between the right abutment
   and the spillway structure.  The subsidence is
   on the order of 2 ft to 3 ft over an area that is
   large enough to make this a gentle depression.
   We were unable to find a notation of the
   condition in previous reports.  A survey of this
   area and institution of a monitoring program is

o  A survey program is also suggested for the road     APA will perform the survey (letter of February 27, 1996)
   that leads from the main road to the right
   abutment.  This survey would determine if
   there is a spot in the road which is lower than
   the crest of the dam.

o  A survey of the various dam monitoring              APA will perform the survey (letter of February 27, 1996)
   monuments should also be made and compared
   with previous measurements.  Other areas of
   interest for a survey are described in the
   detailed report.

o  Some means should be provided for removal of water 
   which accumulates in the spillway outlet gate access  
   gallery.  There was standing water in this gallery at 
   the time of the inspection.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o  An area of standing water was noted downstream from 
   the toe of the dam toward the outlet of the spillway 
   channel. This condition was noted in previous reports
   with the comment that it was not clear whether the
   wet spot was related to the reservoir or originated
   downstream.  This area should continue to be observed   
   in future inspections, particularly when the area     
   between the two dams is dry.       
o  Brush and small trees were noted on the             APA will remove vegetation (letter of February 27, 1996)
   downstream embankment and abutments of the
   dam.  This vegetation should be removed.

Intake Gate Area

o  The surface drainage should be improved around the
   intake gate silo.

o  It is suggested that this gate operating system
   be renovated and updated.

o  Cracks  noted in the silo concrete at the level of 
   the gate operating system should be  monitored  to  
   determine if any changes are being experienced.

o  The steel items such as ladders,  platforms,  gate  
   operator and gate operator supports should be cleaned 
   and painted.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o   It is suggested that the provision of a permanent
    power supply be considered for this structure.
o   The access road was washed out at the time of      APA has restored the road to its original  condition (letter
    the site visit. It is suggested that improvements  of February 27, 1996) 
    be made to permit uninterruptible vehicle access          
    on this road, which serves the intake gate silo    An upgrade has been suggested for consideration by the
    and  the  Anchorage  Water District diversion      Purchasing Utilities

Gage House for Reservoir Water Level Monitoring

o   The ownership of this gage house should be
    verified with respect to the project transfer.

o   The identity of the floating cable, noted during   Repaired by USGS (letters of February 27, 1996 and
    the inspection, should be established and any      March 13, 1996)
    necessary remedial action taken.

Adit to the Power  Tunnel                              APA will only patch the holes at the power tunnel
                                                       access  entrance  (letter of February 27, 1996)
o   Remedial measures should be taken to restore 
    access to the watertight bulkhead in the adit 
    and to prevent unauthorized entry into this area.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

Surge Tank

o   The area around the surge tank should be monitored for
    erosion of surface material. Corrective measures should
    be taken if necessary.
o   The inside of the surge tank should be inspected when
    the opportunity presents itself.

o   The free turning  operation of the wheels on the 
    wheeled gate should be verified to be sure that they  
    will function under load during an emergency gate closure 
    (previous closure operations are understood to have been 
    with no flow).

o   The gate may need painting or other maintenance.   There is no record of when the gate was last painted 
                                                       (letter of March 13, 1996)
o   A broken grounding strap needs to be repaired.

o   Restrictions related to operation at high lake
    level should be noted.

Tailrace Channel

o   Obstructions caused by the presence of cables sticking
    up on the embankment roadway should be addressed.
51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o   Confirm or adjust the values of minimum            Levels not confirmed per letter of March 13, 1996 
    tailwater level based on project datum:            

                  20 ft elev - one unit
                  21 ft elev - two units

    (It has been reported that all project elevations
    following the 1964 earthquake are 2.6 ft. to 2.9
    ft. lower than those shown on the drawings.  If
    sea level forms the basis for tailwater level, the
    new tailwater, based on project datum, could be
    higher when affected by high tides)


o   Acceptability of the sump oil separation method
    should be reviewed.

o   Redesign of the exhaust system should be           APA will replace the batteries with a different type 
    considered to avoid the present situation in       (letter of February 27, 1996)
    which the battery room exhaust is ducted
    through the main control panel.  Also, the
    potential for inadvertent passage of oil room
    exhaust into the control room should be

o   Rehabilitation of the butterfly valves should be 
    considered to correct leaking which has been reported 
    to be unfixable through normal seal adjustment.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o   Greaseless wicket gate bearings should be
    considered for installation on the turbines.

o   A thin walled  section of cooling  water pipe,     Two sections  have been patched.  APA will correct the last
    noted in the Bureau of Reclamation Inspection      section this year  (letter of February  27,  1996)
    Report, should be replaced.
o   The cable trays presently have 1/4 inch asbestos  
    flexboard underneath the cables. Other arrangements  
    should be established so that this asbestos material 
    can be removed.

o   The immobility of the transformers on their        APA will add restraints (letter of February 27, 1996)
    rails should be verified to prevent damaging
    movement in the event of an earthquake.

o   Consideration should be given to more
    conventional distribution methods of supplying
    power to the Government Camp.


o   On Structure 8/7, a broken bell should be          APA will be responding to these issues during the normal
    replaced in the right insulator string             maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)
o   On Structure 10/5, two broken bells in the         APA will be responding to these issues during the normal
    center insulator string and one broken             maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)
    bell in each of the outside strings should
    be replaced.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o   Vibration on the center phase between              APA will be responding to these issues during the normal
    structures 7/1-7/2 should be addressed             maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)
o   Remedial measures or changes should be             APA has no plans for any major work in this area
    considered at three areas on the line that         (letter of  February  27,  1996)
    are subject to damage, as described in the
    detailed  report  (avalanche  zone  between 3/7 
    and 3/8, old Knik River bridge, and the 
    Matanuska River crossing between 9/3 and 10/3)

o   The out of plumb condition of the insulator        APA has no plans for any major work in this area
    strings should be addressed at structures          (letter of February 27, 1996)  
    8/7, 8/8, 9/1 and 9/2

o   Excess brush and trees should be removed from      APA has no plans for any major work in this area
    the rights of way as described in the detailed     (letter of February 27, 1996)

o   Structure 10/4 should be made plumb                APA has no plans for any major work in this area 
                                                       (letter of February 27, 1996)


o   Deterioration of the cross arm at Structure 18     APA will be responding to these issues under the 
    should be addressed                                normal maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)

o   Broken bells, as described in the detailed         APA will be responding to these issues under the 
    report, should be replaced                         normal maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)
51396.ATT - 5/13/96

o   Excess brush and trees should be monitored for     APA will be responding to these issues under the 
    timely removal as described in the detailed        normal maintenance program (letter of March 13, 1996)

MISCELLANEOUS                                          APA will provide the original drawings.  You should be 
- -------------                                          aware that APA presently has a surveying contract under 
                                                       way to make an as-built plan of the entire transmission line. 
o   Plan and profile of each transmission line

o   Land and Land rights data for:                     This will be compiled as part of transition activities 
                                                       (letter of March 13, 1996)

    1. The power plant and associated structures 
       including the tailrace channel

    2. The substations and switchyard

    3. The transmission line rights-of-way and 
       access to the rights-of-way

    4. Other properties to be transferred

o   List of all outstanding contracts and              This has been provided to Tim McConnel (and other purchasers) 
    commitments including informal agreements:         as part of transition activities (letter of March 13, 1996)
    For example, it is understood that APA has 
    an understanding that the Fish Hatchery may
    use some storage areas in the Eklutna warehouse.  
    It is also understood that APA sometimes provides 
    road maintenance and snow removal services in the 
    park area.  Such agreements and understandings 
    should be listed. 

o   List of vehicles and other on road and off road    This will be compiled as part of transition activities 
    equipment                                          (letter of March 13, 1996)

o   List of all major items of spare parts and spare   This will be compiled as part of transition activities 
    equipment                                          (letter of March 13, 1996)

o   List of physically separated sites that are to     APA is collecting this and will provide this as    
    be included in the transfer, such as the power     part of the transition process (letter of March 13, 1996) 
    plant itself, the USGS station house, the 
    repeaters station, storage yards, transmission 
    line and substations.

51396.ATT - 5/13/96


                                    EXHIBIT D

The Eklutna Asset List comprises:

1.  Eklutna Project Personal Property in 8 pages

2.  Eklutna Property Inventory, Major Equipment, in 7 pages

3.  Eklutna Project Furniture Inventory in 4 Pages

The Eklutna Purchasers Asset Lists of Utility owned items on Eklutna Project

1.  CEA Inventory Letter of May 22, 1996 in 2 pages

2.  MEA Inventory Letter of April 1, 1996 in 2 pages

3.  ML&P Inventory Letter of April 24, 1996 in 2 pages

                                            TOTAL PAGES       25

Item                                                                                                              APA
Number    Item Description                                   Serial No.          QTY      Location      Condition Number
    1     1966 Allis Chalmers Dozer                                6606          1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    8410.6
    2     1993 John Deere Dozer                                T045OGF795714     1 ea     Warehouse       Good     382
    3     1994 Ford Dump Truck                               IFDXK84EXRVA26419   1 ea     Warehouse       Good    48761
    4     1962 Studebaker Dump Truck                               7E40A         1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    48766
    5     1960 2-1/2 Ton Boom Truck                               140285         1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    48768
    6     1957 Caterpillar Motor Grader                           8T21663        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    48769
    7     1987 Ford 555B Backhoe                                  C771016        1 ea     Warehouse       Good      23
    8     Thiokol Rangemaster                                     67B9370        1 ea        Yard         Fair   5122.1A
    9     1988 Jeep Cherokee                                 IJCML77IOJTI57056   1 ea       Garage        Good    48777
   10     1989 Chevy Pickup                                  2GCEK2ZXKI 194266   1 ea    Power Plant      Good    48762
   11     1988 Chevy Pickup                                  IGCDK14H4JE124133   1 ea    Power Plant      Good    48776
   12     1994 Chevy Pickup                                  IGCEK14H2PE224566   1 ea    Power Plant      Good    48770
   13     1994 Chevy I -Ton/Snow Plow                        IGDHK34K9PE563972   1 ea       Garage        Good    48758
   14     1985 Dodge Pickup                                  IB7HW14HXFS657165   1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    48765
   15     1984 Dodge Line Truck                              187KW34W2ES311402   1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    48767
   16     Stihl Chainsaw                                         227850872       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     331
   17     Stihl Chainsaw                                         227850894       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     332
   18     Stihl Chainsaw                                         227850861       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     330
   19     Stihl Chainsaw                                         227850901       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     333
   20     Homelite Chainsaw                                      8LI4907AI       1 ea     Warehouse       Fair     116
   21     Homelite Chainsaw                                      HK2230297       1 ea     Warehouse       Fair     117
   22     Homelite Chainsaw                                      HK2190954       1 ea     Warehouse       Fair     118
   23     Homelite Chainsaw                                      7E2772322       1 ea     Warehouse       Fair   6625.27
   24     Onan-Generator                                         25C815072       1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    3375.9
   25     Onan Generator                                          3375.8         1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    3375.8
   26     Johnson Outboard Motor                                  1188798        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    5055.1
   27     Lawn Mower - Wheeler                                    228270         1 ea     Warehouse       Good      7
   28     Lawn Mower - Toro                                        T 236         1 ea     Warehouse       Fair     N/A
   29     Riding Lawn Mower - Sears                                3264          1 ea       Garage        Fair    4445.5
   30     Lawn Rake                                                60102         1 ea     Warehouse       Poor    945.1
   31     Water Pump                                              1456266        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    5940.4
   32     Hydraulic Line Press                                    75L2286        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair    5770.1
   33     Hydraulic Pump                                          2718809        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair     N/A
   34     Snow Blower - MTD                                     3146IOE000       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     381
   35     Homelite Weed Eater                                    HJ3350430       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     112
   36     Lincoln Welder/Generator                                3451173        1 ea     Warehouse       Fair   8920.2B
   37     Thiokol Range Master                                                   1 ea        Yard         Fair     N/A
   38     Capstan Hoist                                           280097         1 ea     Warehouse       Fair   3850.17
   39     1985 Wisconsin Tilting Trailer                     IW91SC205F1008162   1 ea        Yard         Good     N/A
   40     Shaper Cincinnati                                                      1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   41     Turret Milling Machine                                1011 505367      1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   42     Lathe Model #957                                                       1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   43     Metal Cutting Band Saw Model 8C-W                       6540581        1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   44     Bench Grinder Model #508                                 1338          1 ea    Machine Shop     Good    3490.1
   45     Lincoln Welder                                          A320510        1 ea    Machine Shop     Good    8920.2
   46     Pipe threader (Ridgid)                                  396385         1 ea    Machine Shop     Good      14
   47     Black & Decker 10" Bench Saw                                           1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   48     Hinsey Bench Grinder                                    210422         1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair     N/A
   49     14" Chop Saw                                          110037 9309      1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   50     Cincinnati Drill Press                                                 1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   51     LeBlond 10' Lathe                                                      1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   52     Manley Hand Press                                                      1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   53     Miller CP-300 Welder                                                   1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   54     HotPoint Clothes Dryer                                                 1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair     N/A
   55     Norge Clothes Washer                                                   1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair    8865.2
   56     Kleen-Flo Parts Washer                                  606284         1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   57     Pyrotronics Fire Alarm System System 3                                 1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   58     Radionics Security Alarm System                                        1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   59     HomeMade Sand Blaster                                                  1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   60     National Champion Oil Furnace                           541920         1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair      21
   61     PMG Bearing Puller                                                     1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair     N/A
   62     Jet Pump Profile for turning jet pump nozzles                          1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair     N/A
   63     Oxygen & Acetylene Bottles, Torch & Cart                               1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   64     Vacuum Pump & Motor                                                    1 ea    Machine Shop     Good     N/A
   65     2200 lb Portable Crane Hoist (OTC)                                     1 ea  Generator Floor    Good     N/A
   66     Puller                                                   22007         1 ea  Second Level Floor Good     N/A
   67     23 lb Weights for Tightwire readings                                   4 ea  Second Level Floor Fair     N/A
   68     Portable Oil Press Pump, Oil Filtering System                          1 ea      Oil Room       Good     N/A
   69     Aluminum Ladder for Draft Tube                                         1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   70     Wicket Gate Stans                                                      1 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   71     30 for Hvd Jack                                          47353         6 ea    Third Level      Fair    5770.3
   72     10 to Track Jack                                                       2 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   73     Screw Jacks                                                            3 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   74     60 ton Portable Hyd 3-in stroke                                        1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   75     10,000 Pst Air Hyd Pump                                                1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   76     20 ton Portable Hyd Ram 1-3/4 in stroke                                1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   77     20 ton Portable Hyd Ram 3 in stroke                                    1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   78     Hand Portapower Pump                                                   1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   79     Portable Oil Furnace with Day Tank                                     1 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   80     Assorted Hand Tools                                                    1 ea  Machine Shop OfficeFair     N/A
   81     Hand Tools                                                             1 ea    Machine Shop     Fair     N/A
   82     Assorted Slings, Cables, Eye Bolts, Metric Wrenches, S Hook                  Generator Floor    Good     N/A
   83     Deck Hatch Eyebolts, Shackles                                                Generator Floor    Good     N/A
   84     Push Button Cord for Stop Log Hoist                                          Generator Floor    Good     N/A
   85     Snugging Wrenches 1" drive sockets                                             Second Level     Fair     N/A
   86     Assorted Spanner Wrenches, Lifting Eye Bolt, Open End Wren                     Second Level     Fair     N/A
   87     Hatch Lifting Eye Bolt                                                         Second Level     Good     N/A
   88     Assorted Allen Wrenches, Open-end Wrenches                                     Second Level     Fair     N/A
   89     Spare Parts: Gov Lube Pump & PMG's                                             Second Level     Good     N/A
   90     Spare Parts: Flyball Prerun Tester                                             Second Level     Good     N/A
   91     lnnertube for Butterfly Valve                                                  Second Level     Fair     N/A
   92     Turbine Nut Remover for Porta-Power                                            Second Level     Fair     N/A
   93     Turbine Nut Spanner Wrench, Manhole Door Wrench                                Third Level      Fair     N/A
   94     1 in electric Impact Wrench                                            1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   95     120V AC to 12V DC Light Transformer w/Drop Light                       1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   96     449 V electric heater                                                  1 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   97     Generator Rotor Floor-mount with Bolts                                 1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   98     Generator Rotor Lifting Device                                         1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   99     Runner Shaft Lifting Device                                            1 ea    Third Level      Good     N/A
   100    Floor-mount Hyd Press Rotors                                           1 ea    Third Level      Fair     N/A
   101    Partial Spools ACSR                                                    8 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   102    Full Spools ACSR                                                       3 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   103    X Braces                                                              25 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   104    1O" Suspension Insulators                                             500 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   105    7 1/2" Phase Hangers                                                  21 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   106    8" Phase Hangers                                                      64 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   107    9 1/2" Phase Hangers                                                  117 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   108    11" Phase Hangers                                                     21 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   109    1O' Cross Arms                                                         2 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   110    25'Cross Arms                                                          6 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   111    Boxes Pole Toppers                                                    11 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   112    Boxes Aluminum Armor Rod                                               5 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   113    Box Guy Guards                                                         1 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   114    Boxes Crossplates Anchors                                              2 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   115    Guy Anchor Rods                                                       24 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   116    Vibration Dampers                                                     15 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   117    3 Bolt Guy Clamps                                                     120 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   118    4 Bolt Guy Clamps                                                     45 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   119    3/4" X 2 1/2" Cone Head Bolts                                         100 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   120    Miscellaneous Lag Bolts                                               75 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   121    Square Washers 5/8' Hole                                              600 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   122    Square Washers 1/2" Hole                                              350 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   123    3" X 3" Curved Washers                                                25 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   124    1/2" Lock Washers                                                     100 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   125    5/8" Lock Washers                                                     300 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   126    3/4" Lock Washers                                                     75 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   127    7/8" Lock Washers                                                     150 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   128    5/8" Hex Palnuts                                                      150 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   129    1/2" Sqaure Lock Nuts                                                 75 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   130    5/8" Square Lock Nuts                                                 250 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   131    3/4" Square Lock Nuts                                                 200 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   132    7/8" Square Lock Nuts                                                 25 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   133    1/2" Square Nuts                                                      75 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   134    5/8" Square Nuts                                                      250 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   135    3/4" Square Nuts                                                      200 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   136    7/8" Square Nuts                                                      100 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   137    7/8" Square Nuts                                                      100 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   138    2" X 5/8" Bolts                                                       50 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   139    6" X 5/8" Bolts                                                       300 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   140    13" X 7/8" Boks                                                       80 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   141    11" X 5/8" Bolts                                                      18 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   142    13" X 7/8" Bolts                                                      36 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   143    Serving Sleeves                                                       150 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   144    Deadend Straps                                                        48 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   145    4 Section Pole Band Assemblies                                        12 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   146    3 Section Pole Band Assemblies                                        22 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   147    9" Extension Links                                                    45 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   148    3""U"Bolts                                                            60 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   149    Extended Parallel Groove Clamps                                       22 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   150    Offset Guy Clamps                                                      6 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   151    3" X 10" Extension Links                                              90 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   152    Aluminum ACSR "T" Connectors                                          10 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   163    5" Chain Shackles                                                      4 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   154    Ball Eyes - Round                                                     4 ea.     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   155    Hot Line Strain Clamps - Steel                                         2 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   156    Yoke sets - double Strain                                              2 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   157    3" Galvanized Staples                                                  I bx     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   158    15" X 7/8" Bolts                                                      98 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   159    17" X 7/8" Bolts                                                      38 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   160    21" X 7/8" Threaded Rod                                               44 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   161    7" X 7/8" Threaded Rod                                                32 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   162    9" X 3/4" Threaded Rod                                                10 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   163    9" X 7/8" Threaded Rod                                                10 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   164    9" X 1/2" Double Arming Bolts                                         64 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   165    ACSR Spices                                                           69 ea     Warehouse       Good     N/A
   166    Suspension Clamps                                                     80 ea     Warehouse       Used     NIA
   167    Ball Hooks                                                            50 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   168    Ball Clevises                                                         14 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   169    Oval Ball Eyes                                                        50 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   170    Socket Eyes                                                           200 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   171    Twisted Shackles                                                      100 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   172    "Y" Clevis Eyes                                                        3 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   173    Turn Buckles                                                           8 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   174    Rod Ground Clamps                                                     10 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   175    Straight Line Strain Clamps - Aluminum                                 5 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   176    Guy Hooks                                                             32 ea     Warehouse       Used     N/A
   177    Cross Arm Plates                                                      180 ea    Warehouse       Used     N/A
   178    Monitor, TV 19"                                       T6GOI 1789       1 ea       Office        Good      4
   179    Recorder, VCR                                          B6500616        1 ea       Office        Good      5
   180    Monitor, Service                                         2787          1 ea     Warehouse       Good      9
   181    Weedeater                                                1216          1 ea     Warehouse       Good      8
   182    Crane, Mobile Lifting                                 0612POO017       1 ea     Warehouse       Good     102
   183    Video Cam 8MM                                           215700         1 ea       Office        Good     303
   184    Microwave Oven                                                         1 ea       Office        Good     305
   185    Radio Transceiver Portable                              251581         1 ea       Office        Good     321
   186    Radio Transceiver Portable                              251733         1 ea       Office        Good     322
   187    Radio Transceiver Portable                              251730         1 ea       Office        Good     323
   188    Radio Transceiver Portable                              251732         1 ea       Office        Good     324
   189    Radio Mobile w/charger                                  C17002         1 ea       Office        Good     325
   190    Radio Mobile w/charger                                  C20041         1 ea       Office        Good     326
   191    Radio Mobile w/charger                                  C3 034         1 ea       Office        Good     327
   192    Radio Hand Held Portable w/charger                 EPU 4142A 223931    1 ea       Office        Good     335
   193    Radio Hand Held Portable                           EPU-4142A-225904    1 ea       Office        Good     336
   194    Canon Telefax                                          WBLO9376        1 ea       Office        Good     338
   195    Copier, Monroe Office Copier                                           1 ea       Office        Good     383
   196    Binoculars                                                             1 ea       Office        Good    560.5
   197    Blueprint Machine                                        7394          1 ea       Garage        Good    680.2
   198    Camera 35 MM                                                           1 ea       Office        Good    1155.2
   199    Freezer, Upright                                                       1 ea       Office        Good    2800.4
   200    Freezer, Chest                                     42MO551WW-1053528   1 ea       Office        Good     3260
   201    Radio Transceiver, Walki-Talkie                        738160847       1 ea       Office        Good   6036.36
   202    Radio Transceiver, Walki-Talkie                        738161047       1 ea                     Good   6036.38
   203    Radio, Transceiver, Walki-Talkie                       841377501       1 ea                     Good   6036.47
   204    Radio, Transceiver, Walki-Talkie                       843225402       1 ea                     Good   6036.48
   205    Table Radial-Arm Saw                                    107112         1 ea                     Good   6625.14
   206    Table Saw                                             KSSSFN-349       1 ea                     Good   6625.23
   207    Chain Saw                                              200530067       1 ea     Warehouse       Good   6625.25
   208    Chain Saw                                              35431879        1 ea     Warehouse       Good   6625.26A
   209    BandSaw                                                  80754         1 ea     Warehouse       Good   6625.29
   210    Trlr Diesel Tank                                       AV-255119       1 ea                     Good    8450.8
   211    Welder & Generator Combo                               AC-225-S        1 ea     Warehouse              8920.3A
   212    Welder High Frequency                                    8326          1 ea     Warehouse       Good    8920.6
   213    Wrench, Electric Impact                                ASL 13941       1 ea     Warehouse       Good    89902

                           EKLUTNA PROPERTY INVENTORY



         - Tierney Electrical Manufacturing Co.
         - Enclosure Type-1
         - KVA - 300
         - PH=3
         - H2 - 60
         - Pri.   Volts -           7200
         - Sec.   Volts - 408/277
         - Ser.   # 188-6  (SS Buss #2)
         - Ser.   # 188-5  (SS Buss #1)


         - Elseco Switchgear Electric Service Engineering Co.
         - DS 115 & DS 215


         - 60 cy 50 KVA
         - Volts 480 to 120/240
         - Class A-A
         - Type DB
         - Ser.  #63033 (KCD)
         - Ser.  #63034 (KCC)


         - GE
         - Type AM - 13.8-250-1
         - KV - 13. 8
         - Amps - 2000
         - Interrupting KVA - 22,000
         - Ser. #376A355-25-4 (112)
         - Ser. #376A355-25-1 (212)

         - Ser. #376A355-25-5 (118)
         - Ser. #376A355-25-3 (218)



         - GE
         - Model 5K324XA11A
         - H.P. 7.5 - Nema Class B - Type K - Code G - Frame - 324PH - 60 cy-3
         PH - Volts - 220/440
         - FL Speed @ 60 cy - 1160
         - FL AmP @ 60 cy - 21.1/10.6
         - SER. # RHJ6877121 (#1)
         - SER. # SSSFJ6793973


         - GE - Dry Type - Indoor - 3-phase - 60 Hz - Class AA
         - Model # 9T26G3106
         - kVA - 200
         - Hv - 6900
         - LV - 260
         - SER. # DX


         - GE
         - 1C-7932
         - CAT    - O55O2XO798701
         - Elem   - 228B9856
         - ASM             - 228B9864
         - Outl. - 228B9852



         - Ederer
         - 40-ton



         - Best Power Systems


         - Best
         - BYE1OO-MBB-1
         - Volts - 277
         - Cont. AMPS - 80
         - Max Amps - 100
         - 1 Ph 60 Hz


         - Peerless electric Co.
         - 15 HP
         - 1450/1750 RPM
         - 40(degree)C
         - 3 pH
         - 208-220/440 Volts
         - 50/60 Cy
         - 38/19 Amps
         - Frame - P326
         - SER. #LD11287 (#2)
         - SER. #LD12306 (#2)


         -Exide  -Model SCRF  130-3-100L  -Input volts - 480 AC -Input Amps-28
         -pH 3 60 Hz -DC Amps 100 DC Volts 130

         -Cell No. 60
         -Type Cell - Lead
         -(A) SER. # 85256-1/7150-1 MG
         -(B) SER. # 85256-1/7150-2 MG


         - Exide
         - Norm.Cap. - 320 Amp HR
         - CAT # 74431


         -SER. # 54839
         -PH 1
         -Volts 110
         -Amps 12
         -Watts 1300
         -60 Cy
         -Cap. Gal./Hr - 1/2
         -Mfg. Cat. No. EL 1/2



         -Model SK225D70
         -HP 3
         -Type K
         -Code J
         -Fr. 225
         -PH 3
         -Volts 220/440
         -60 Cy
         -FL Amps 8.45/4.23
         -FL Speed 1725



         - Fairbank Morse
         - 10 HP
         - 3 PH
         - 60 Cy - 220/440  Volts - 28/14 Amps - S.F. 1.15 - Code G - Type QZK-
         FR RS326 - # F208018 (U-1) - # F208019 (U-2)



         -BROWN & SHARPE MFG. CO.
         -3 PH 60 cy
         -Type PA
         -FR: H56SP
         -HP 1/2
         -Volts - 208-220/440
         -Amps - l.6/.8
         - RPM    - 1725/1425
         - SER. # CZ4726 (U-1)
         - SER. # AS9225 (U-2)
         - SER.   # AS9213 (Spare)


         - Brown & Sharpe Mfg . Co.
         - Type - DM
         - FR: HJ6SSP
         - HP- 112
         - Volts 125
         - AMPS 4.1
         - RPM 1725
         - SER. # AW2985 (U-2)
         - SER. # AW2986 (U-1)
         - SER. # DP5299 (Spare)




         - Limitorque Corp.
         - SMC - 041
         - Order # 10967501
         - Duty - 5 min.
         -SER. # M058356 (U-2)
         -SER. # M058357 (U-1)


         -Type - T
         -HP - 33 -Arm.  volts - 125 -AMPS - 3.6 -Field volts - 125 - AMP - .4-
         FR - FY56 - RPM - 1900 - Duty - 5 min
         - ID # W7800783M-RN (U-1)
         - ID # W7800783M-RN (U-2)



         - Fairbanks Morse
         - HP 30 - 3-ph - 60 cy
         - RPM - 3505 - Volts -  220/440 - AMPS - 72/36 - sf - l.l5 - Code - F-
         Type - Q2K - FR - RW3645 - SER. # F230825




         - Type   - RS25A
         - Volts           - 600
         - 60 Cy
         - Frame - 600 AMPS
         - Int. AMP - 25,000
         - Overload AMP - 400 AMP
         - SER. # 39165 Al (022)
         - SER. # 39165 A2 (033)
         - SER. # 39165 B1 (012)



         - Reliance Electric
         - Type - ML
         - FR - 284
         - HP - 5
         - RMP - 1200
         - Volts           - 230/460
         - AMPS - 26/8
         - SER. # 85707 (U-2)
         - SER. # 8S706 (U-1)



         - Oerlikon
         - RPM - 645
         - Volts - 460
         - HP - 1.8
         - 3 PH
         - SER. # 878000L01.2 (U-2)
         - SER. # 878000L01.l (U-1)



         - Hevi-Duty  Electric - KVA 20000 - Class 0A - Rise  65(degree)C  - KVA
         25000  Class FA - Rise  65(degree)C  - HVV -  115000  GRD Y - LV - 6600

         -3 PH
         -Impedance 10.74 cy at 20000 kVA
         -YR. of MFG - 1995
         - SER. # GM 931037 (KW2A)
         - SER. # GM 931036 (KW1A)



         - Dry Type
         - 3 PH - High  Voltage  - 480 - Low  Voltage -  208y/l20  - 60 Hz - CRT
         - kVA - 75
         - SER. # J8201-A



         - ABB - Type - 121 PA  40-12B  - Max  Volts  - 121 kV -  Short  Circuit
         Current  -  40KA  -  Freq  - 60  Hz -  Cont.  Current  -  1200  AMPS  -
         Interrupting  Time - 3 cy - SER. #  000901-02  (462) - SER. # 000901-01

Item                                                                                                                        APA
Number      Item Description                        Serial No.        QTY       Location                        Condition   Number
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1      Metal Desks                                               2 ea            Bob's Office              Fair        N/A
     2      Chairs                                                    3 ea            Bob's Office              Worn        N/A
     3      Van Seat                                                  1 ea            Bob's Office               N/A        N/A
     4      File Cabinet                                              1 ea            Bob's Office              Fair        N/A
     5      Metal Desks                                               2 ea            Bill's Office             Fair        N/A
     6      Storage Cabinets                                          1 ea            Bill's Office             Fair        N/A
     7      Tables                                                    2 ea            Control Room              Good        N/A
     8      Chairs                                                    2 ea            Control Room              Good        N/A
     9      Metal Desk                                                1 ea            Control Room              Good        N/A
    10      File Cabinet                                              2 ea            Control Room              Fair        N/A
    11      Storage Cabinet                                           1 ea            Control Room              Fair        N/A
    12      Storage Cabinet                                           3 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    13      File Cabinet                                              5 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    14      Shelf Units                                               4 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    15      Blueprint Storage Cabinets                                5 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    16      Tables                                                    2 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    17      Roll-out Storage Unit                                     1 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    18      Metal Desk                                                1 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    19      Blueprint Storage Rack                                    1 ea          Transformer Room            Good        N/A
    20      Stool                                                     1 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    21      Roll-out Stand                                            1 ea          Transformer Room            Fair        N/A
    22      Shelving Units                                            2 ea         Powerhouse Basement          Fair        N/A
    23      Chair                                                     1 ea      Powerhouse Governor Level       Fair        N/A
    24      Work Bench                                                1 ea      Powerhouse Governor Level       Poor        N/A
    25      Storage Cabinet                                           1 ea      Powerhouse Governor Level       Fair        N/A
    26      Shelf Unit                                                1 ea      Powerhouse Governor Level       Fair        N/A
    27      Locker                                                    1 ea      Powerhouse Governor Level       Fair        N/A
    28      Locker                                                    14 ea        Powerhouse High Bay          Fair        N/A
    29      Storage Cabinet                                           1 ea         Powerhouse High Bay          Fair        N/A
    30      Display Cabinet                                           1 ea              Vestibule               Good        N/A
    31      Work Bench                                                1 ea            Machine Shop              Poor        N/A
    32      Multiple Drawer Storage                                   4 ea            Machine Shop              Fair        N/A
    33      Storage Cabinets                                          4 ea            Machine Shop              Fair        N/A
    34      Storage Bins                                              1 ea            Machine Shop              Fair        N/A
    35      Flammable Storage Cabinets                                2 ea            Machine Shop              Good        N/A
    36      File Cabinets                                             13 ea              Office                 Good        N/A
    37      Storage Cabinets                                          2 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    38      Blueprint Storage Cabinets                                10 ea              Office                 Good        N/A
    39      Bookcases                                                 9 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    40      Roll-out Shelf Unit                                       1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    41      Tables                                                    9 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    42      Metal Desks                                               3 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    43      Crendenza                                                 1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    44      Telephone tables                                          2 ea               Office                 Fair        N/A
    45      Television Stand                                          1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    46      Computer Center                                           1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    47      Shelf Unit                                                1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    48      Work Bench                                                1 ea               Office                 Poor        N/A
    49      Stool                                                     1 ea               Office                 Fair        N/A
    50      Step Stool                                                1 ea               Office                 Fair        N/A
    51      Safe                                                      1 ea               Office                 Fair        N/A
    52      Chairs                                                    14 ea              Office                 Fair        N/A
    53      Metal Desk                                                1 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    54      Bookcases                                                 1 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    55      Chair                                                     1 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    56      Fie Cabinet                                               1 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    57      Flammable Storage Cabinet                                 1 ea               Garage                 Good        N/A
    58      Work Bench                                                1 ea               Garage                 Poor        N/A
    59      Multiple Drawer Storage Cabinet                           3 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    60      Shelving Units                                            4 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    61      Storage Cabinet                                           1 ea               Garage                 Fair        N/A
    62      Metal Shelving Units                                      60 ea             Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    63      Metal circular Shelf Bin                                  1 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    64      Storage Cabinet                                           1 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    65      Flammable Storage Cabinet                                 2 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    66      Tables                                                    4 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    67      Drafting Tables                                           2 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    66      File Cabinet                                              1 ea              Warehouse               Good        N/A
    69      Chairs                                                    3 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    70      Metal Desks                                               1 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    71      Wood Storage Bin Unit                                     2 ea              Warehouse               Fair        N/A
    72                                                                                                                      N/A
    73      Zenith 386-25 Computer                   ZBV-3629-GK      1 ea               Office                 Good        83
    74      IBM 286 Computer                            5170          1 ea              Warehouse               Poor        N/A
    75      ADS 486 DX66                             9405133001       1 ea               Office                 Good        339
    76      IBM 8088                                    5150          1 ea              Warehouse               Good        310
    77      Zenith 386- Lap Top                      ZTC3034-MO       1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    78      COMPUADD 386                               516403         1 ea               Office                 Good        254
    79      Zenith ZCM-1490-Z                       941NCO368NOM      1 ea              Warehouse               Good        N/A
    80      Zenith ZCM- I 490-Z                     944ND0164NOM      1 ea              Warehouse               Good        N/A
    81      ADS RE 1450                             US9405133002      1 ea               Office                 Good        N/A
    82      IBM                                        478117         1 ea              Warehouse               Good        N/A
    83      Okidata 93 DM Printer                     10333294        1 ea               Office                 Good        311
    84      Epson FX1050 Printer                     OE11020765       1 ea              Warehouse               Good        N/A
    85      Citizen Premier 35 Printer                6XI25215        1 ea              Warehouse               Good        308
    86      HP LazerJet IIIP                         FANB327377       1 ea               Office                 Good        179

The  following  is an  inventory of Chugach  owned  equipment  at the  Anchorage

- -        One (1) 115kV circuit breaker, Westinghouse
         Breaker #2400

- -        Four (4) 115kV capacitor voltage transformers, Trench Electric
         Each transformer is mounted on a steel support structure
         CEA #'s           PT 125
                           PT 126
                           PT 127
                           PT 128

- -        Two (2) 115kV disconnect switches, Royal/Powerdyne
         Mounted on wood pole structure
         Switch #'s S2901 and S2801

- -        Three guyed poles terminating 115kV line from University Substation

- -        Three guyed poles terminating 115kV line from Eklutna Power Plant

- -        Satellite receiver antenna, Truetime
         Mounted on wood pole adjacent control building

The following equipment is located inside the control building:

- -        One (1) RTU cabinet

- -        One (1) slip-link cabinet

- -        One (1) Relay panel containing relays, switches, meters, and satellite 
         clock receiver Relay panel designation: "CEA 115kV Line to University"

- -        One (1) AC distribution panel and meterbase with meter
         Panel designation:  Panel DHD

                                                                    PAGE 2 OF 2

Chugach also owns the following equipment at the Eklutna Generation Plant:

- -        One (1)  Harris-Westronic  D-20 SCADA Remote  Terminal Unit (RTU) and a
         slip link  cabinet  mounted on the  adjacent  wall.  This  equipment is
         located  downstairs  below the control room in approximate  vicinity of
         the State of Alaska microwave equipment.

Sincerely,                                              Concur:

/s/ Jim K. Topolski
Jim K. Topolski                                       /s/ Michael V. Dillon
Manager, Land Services                                    Michael V. Dillon
                                                          General Foreman, APA

                                                                  April 1, 1996

Mr. Jim Hall, Projects Manager
P.O. Box 2929
Palmer, AK 99645

Dear Jim:

The following is the result of our area inventory on March 28, 1996:

On this date Jim Hall,  Matanuska  Electric  Association  (MEA) and  Michael  V.
Dillon,   Alaska  Power  Administration  (APA)  toured  the  listed  facilities.
Ownership of various  equipment at these facilities was established and mutually
agreed upon.  In some cases it is better to indicate by exception  the equipment
owned by one or the other organization.


All APA owned except:                                        Breaker B627 - MEA
                                         Station Service Transformer 3237 - MEA


Disconnect Switch #365 - APA
Disconnect Switch #371 - MEA


All APA except:                                                       RTU - MEA
                          4 ea 833 kVA Single Phase 6600-7200 Transformers- MEA
                                                 3 installed (Camp Line) -  MEA
                                                                  1 Spare - MEA


All MEA except:                                       High Side Dead End  - APA
                                                              781 Disc SW - APA
                                                               760 GND SW - APA
                                                             115 kV Fuses - APA
                                                       Property and fence - APA


MEA -             RTU house and all contents including the DC supply for
                  the switch motor operators

                  Take Off Structure

APA -             561 Disc SW
                  560 GND SW
                  571 Disc SW
                  570 GND SW
                  Motor Operators for 561 and 571
                  Dead End Structures
                  Property and fence


All MEA except:                           1271 Disc SW less motor operator- APA
                                               1261 Disc SW manual Op only- APA
                                                        Property and fence- APA

CEA:                                                    Power Pot 115 kV 50 kVA


                                                        /s/ Michael V. Dillon

                                                            Michael V. Dillon
                                                            General Foreman

cc:      Nick French, APA
         Tim McConnell, AML&P

CONCUR:                                                  CONCUR:

/s/ Michael V. Dillon              4-1-96            /s/ James D. Hall   4-1-96
Michael V. Dillon                   Date                 Jim Hall         Date
General Foreman                                          Projects Manager

ML&P Inventory of Property at Eklutna
April 24, 1996


o        Two (2) pilot wire protection cabinets, Lloyd Controls

o        One (1) three-phase 115 kV oil circuit breaker, type V,Allis Chalmers, 
         Breaker #1162

o        One (1) Switching structure and attached switches and insulators

o        Switches
         One (1) ABS 1163
         One (1) ABS 1161
         One (1) GND Switch 1160
         One (1) By Pass Switch 1169

o        Three (3) Potential transformers, three-phase, low side

o        Six (6) line poles (dead end) and insulators


o        One (1) Center panel left side Quantum Watt Hour Meter #84878233, KVA &
         KVAR inand-out

o        Center panel right side ML&P
         Three (3) Amp Meter
         Two (2) Volt Meter
         One (1) Synch Scope and Control Switches

o        ML&P RTU relays for APA South line:
         Two (2) phase zone timers
         One (1) KD11 (phase-to-ground)


o        Panel 6R: Relays for APA south line:
         Two (2) phase zone timers
         One (1) Inst. overcurrent relay
         One (1) pilot wire relay

o        Panel 9R:
         Two (2) Timers
         One (1) Instantaneous  fault Detection Three (3) Synch Check Relays One
         (1) Pilot Wire Relay One (1) KD 10 relay Two (2) Phase zone  timers One
         (1) Instantaneous fault detector Three (3) Synch check relays

o        Back Wall
         One (1) 19" Rack
         One (1) Granger Radio Equipment

o        One (1) ML&P Padmounted Transformer #5217 7200V/120/240V

o        One (1) ML&P Station Service Meter
         Miscellaneous Antennas on pole adjacent to control building


o        One (1) ML&P RTU

o        Dunstan Controller and computer equipment for AGC/SCADA

As inventoried on April 24, 1996, by:

/s/ Tim McConnell                                   /s/ Michael V. Dillon
Timothy F. McConnell                                    Michael V. Dillon
Manager, Power Management, ML&P                    Eklutna General Foreman, APA


                                    EXHIBIT E

                               Eklutna Purchasers
           Manner of Acting, Functional Responsibilities, and Staffing

PREAMBLE:  The following is the general delineation of responsibilities  for the
Eklutna Project under ownership and operation of the Eklutna Purchasers and will
provide for efficient  management during normal and contingency  operation.  The
Eklutna Purchasers expect these responsibilities will normally be carried out by
the utility so assigned in this  Exhibit F. Any  Purchaser  desiring to contract
out  or  transfer   between   Eklutna   Purchasers   the   performance   of  its
responsibilities as designated in this Exhibit E shall first obtain approval for
the change from APA and an  operating  committee  (herein  later  defined as the
Eklutna  Operating  Committee) which will be established prior to the Transition
Date. The Parties intend to execute detailed transition  agreements prior to the
Transition Date. (A) Manner of Acting.
     (1) Transition  Period.  A transition  period  commencing on the Transition
         Date and  concluding on the  Transaction  Date is anticipated to enable
         the Eklutna Purchasers to become familiar with the skills and work load
         necessary  for prudent  operation of the Eklutna  Project.  During that
         time,  the  current  staff,  now  employed  by APA,  who may be offered
         employment  by the  Eklutna  Purchasers  and who may accept such offers
         will serve in the capacities  described below, and the costs associated
         with their work on the  Eklutna  Project  shall be paid by the  Eklutna
         Purchasers in proportion to their  respective  Eklutna  Project shares.
         Should those offered employment choose not to remain, their function(s)
         shall continue to be performed by the Purchasing Utility(s) responsible
         for those functions as that Utility determines and with the approval of
         the Eklutna Operating Committee (EOC).
     (2) Post Transaction Date Period.  The Eklutna Purchasers agree that unless
         modified by the double majority voting  provisions set forth in Section
         (A)(3) below,  division of responsibilities set forth in this Exhibit E
         will form the basis for operations subsequent to the Transaction Date.
     (3) Eklutna   Operating   Committee   (EOC).  The  EOC  consisting  of  one
         representative  from each of CEA, MEA, and ML&P shall be formed for the
         management  of the Eklutna  Project.  The EOC shall  manage the Eklutna
         Project  as  authorized  by  APA  and  as  agreed  to by  the  Parties,
         commencing  on the  Transition  Date.  The  EOC  shall  meet  at  least
         quarterly  or more often at the  request  of any member  with the first
         meeting to be held not later than June 30,  1996.  The  Chairman of the
         EOC shall be the ML&P representative until the end of the calendar year
         1997.  The  Chairmanship  thereafter  shall  rotate  among the  Eklutna
         Purchasers  at the first meeting of each calendar year in the following
         order:  CEA,  MEA,  and  ML&P.  Decisions  of the EOC will be by double
         majority (a vote of two of the three  Eklutna  Purchasers  whose shares
         total at least 51% of the  Eklutna  Project  shares)  unless  otherwise
         agreed to by the Eklutna  Purchasers  in the  Ownership  and  Operating
         Agreement to be executed by and among the Eklutna  Purchasers not later
         than  one  year  prior  to the  Transaction  Date  or at  such  time as
         otherwise  agreed to by the Eklutna  Purchasers.  During the Transition
         Period,  decisions  by the EOC will be advisory in nature to APA unless
         specific  authority  is  granted  to  the  EOC by  APA  under  mutually
         agreeable terms.

     (4) Responsibilities of the EOC. Responsibilities of the EOC shall include:
         (a)  Prompt and Effective Oversight.The prompt and effective attention 
              of the EOC shall be given to major  maintenance and operating 
              concerns or other conditions interfering with the safe and 
              efficient operation of the Eklutna Project.
         (b)  The EOC shall ensure preparation of:
              (i) An Eklutna Project Budget;
              (ii)An Eklutna  Project  Status  Report for  distribution  to each
                  Eklutna  Purchaser (and to APA prior to the Transaction  Date)
                  that  will  include   monthly   summaries,   by  each  Eklutna
                  Purchaser,  of Eklutna Project energy,  capacity, and wheeling
                  schedules (to include losses and inadvertent power flows);
              (iii) A monthly revenue report;
              (iv)Reliability and scheduling occurrences causing significant 
                  power quality or scheduling deviations to the Eklutna 
              (v) Status report of EOC action items;
              (vi)An annual energy allocation for each of the EklutnaPurchasers 
                  prior to each water year; and
              (vii)  Notification  of any known  limiting  factors  through  the
                  following  quarter that would constrain any capacity or energy
                  (including any transmission constraints).
     (B)  Functional  Responsibilities.   Duties  and  responsibilities  may  be
          revised and  clarified  under the terms of the Ownership and Operating
          Agreement to be executed prior to the Transaction Date or by action of
          the  EOC.  The  functional  responsibilities  for the  administration,
          operation, and maintenance of the Eklutna Project are as follows:
     (1)  Operation of the Eklutna  Plant and  Switchyard.  MEA will operate the
          Eklutna  Plant and  Switchyard.  CEA and ML&P will provide  advice and
          assistance  to MEA as  requested  by MEA or the  EOC.  The  operator's
          duties,  to the extent  authorized  by the Eklutna  Project  operating
          budget or as otherwise funded shall include:
               (a)  Providing on-site personnel as required to meet the needs of
                    the Eklutna Project as determined by the EOC and the Eklutna
                    Project operating budget;
               (b)  Bringing to the attention of the Eklutna Project Maintenance
                    Superintendent  or the EOC  required  Eklutna  Project  work
                    essential to the safe and prudent operation of the Plant and
                    Switchyard; and
               (c)  Coordinating   the  daily   activities   pursuant  to  these
                    responsibilities  with the ML&P  Dispatch  Center.  The ML&P
                    Dispatch  Center  shall have  supervisory  control  over all
                    switching functions and generator loading.
     (2) Maintenance of the Eklutna Plant and Switchyard. ML&P will maintain the
     Plant and Switchyard.  ML&P's general duties,  to the extent  authorized by
     the Eklutna Project operating budget or as otherwise funded shall include:
               (a)  Maintaining  the Plant and  Switchyard,  including SCADA and
                    communication  equipment,  to meet the needs of the  Eklutna
                    Purchasers   as  determined  by  the  EOC  and  the  Eklutna
                    operating budget; and
               (b)  Providing  a  qualified  and  designated   Eklutna   Project
                    Maintenance Superintendent who shall be responsible for:
               (i)  Developing  a daily  maintenance  schedule  for the  Eklutna
                    Plant  in   coordination   with  the   operating   utility's
                    management, and as approved by the EOC;
               (ii)Developing and implementing the preventive  maintenance plans
                    for the Eklutna Project as approved by APA and the EOC; and
               (iii)Overseeing,  on  behalf  of the  EOC,  all  Eklutna  Project
                    maintenance in progress, with authority to suspend or modify
                    such work as required to comply with the schedules and plans
                    approved by APA and the EOC;
               (iv)Bringing to the attention of the EOC required Eklutna Project
                    work  essential  to  the  safe  and  prudent  operation  and
                    maintenance  of the Plant and  Switchyard  and performing or
                    causing to be performed such required Eklutna Project work;
               (v)  Preparation of preliminary  annual budget  estimates for the
                    Eklutna Project for submittal to MEA; and
               (vi)Other Eklutna  Project duties as assigned by ML&P pursuant to
                    the above responsibilities,  and with the concurrence of the

     (3)  Dispatch  of the  Eklutna  Project.  ML&P will  dispatch  the  Eklutna
     Project.  ML&P's general  duties,  to the extent  authorized by the Eklutna
     Project operating budget or as otherwise funded shall include:
               (a)  Scheduling and dispatching plant capacity and energy to meet
                    the  needs of the  Eklutna  Purchasers  in  accordance  with
                    procedures  established  by the  EOC,  and  under  the  ML&P
                    automatic generation control (AGC) system. This will include
                    the   collection   of  SCADA  data  and  other   information
                    sufficient  to record  all  wheeling  over  Eklutna  Project
                    transmission lines; and
               (b)  Directing  and  controlling   all  switching,   tagging  and
                    clearance activities for the Eklutna Project; and
               (c)  Honoring each Eklutna Purchaser's scheduling requests to the
                    extent possible within the operating guidelines  established
                    by the EOC.
     (4) Transmission Line and Substation Operation, Maintenance, and Repair.
         (a)  Facilities.  As directed by the EOC and within the  limitations of
              the Eklutna Project operating  budget,  CEA, ML&P, and MEA will be
              responsible  for the  operation,  maintenance,  and  repair of the
              transmission segments and substations as follows: (i) CEA--for the
              dual  circuits on steel towers from Fossil Creek to the tap behind
                  Totem  Theater in accordance  with its May 1, 1980,  agreement
              with  APA;  (ii)ML&P--for  the tap and  lines  from the  above CEA
              maintained circuit to the Anchorage
                  Substation, and the Anchorage Substation; and
              (iii) MEA--for all remaining Eklutna Project  transmission  lines,
                  the Palmer and Reed  Substations,  and the Wasilla radio relay
              (iv)All costs for construction,  operation, or maintenance of taps
                  and facilities  owned  individually by ML&P, CEA, and MEA will
                  be borne by that  respective  utility  and not  considered  an
                  Eklutna Project cost.

         (b)        Maintenance  Activities.  Transmission  line and  substation
                    maintenance  shall be performed in accordance with the plans
                    approved  by the EOC.  As directed by the EOC and within the
                    limitations of the Eklutna  Project  operating  budget,  the
                    daily activities pursuant to these responsibilities shall be
                    coordinated   with  the  Eklutna   Project   Dispatcher   in
                    accordance  with  procedures  approved  by the EOC.  General
                    duties,  to the extent  authorized  by the  Eklutna  Project
                    operating budget or as otherwise funded shall include:
              (i) Maintaining Eklutna Project transmission lines and Eklutna 
                  Project substations so as to meet the needs of the Eklutna 
                  Purchasers; and
              (ii)Bringing to the attention of the EOC required  Eklutna Project
                  work   essential  to  the  safe  and  prudent   operation  and
                  maintenance  of the  Eklutna  Project  transmission  lines and
                  Eklutna  Project  substation  equipment,   and  performing  or
                  causing to be performed such required  Eklutna Project work to
                  the  extent  existing  obligations  require  or funds are made
                  available for such work.
     (5) Dam Maintenance and Inspections.  As directed by the EOC and within the
         limitations of the Eklutna Project operating budget, CEA is responsible
         for  advising  the  EOC on dam  and  waterway  maintenance  to  include
         penstock,  tailrace,  and  embankments,  for ensuring  required  safety
         inspections  are  completed  as may be  prudent  or  required,  and for
         bringing to the attention of the EOC such required Eklutna Project work
         on and along the  waterways  necessary  to  ensure  safe and  efficient
         operation  of the Eklutna  Project.  The daily  activities  pursuant to
         these  responsibilities  shall be coordinated  with the Eklutna Project
         Maintenance Superintendent and the Eklutna Project Dispatcher.
     (6) Environmental  Regulatory  Compliance.  CEA is responsible for advising
         the EOC on required procedures, inspections, and other actions required
         to ensure compliance with environmental mandates.  General duties shall
         include periodic  inspection of Eklutna Project related  operations and
         review  and  coordination  with APA of  Eklutna  Project  environmental
     (7) Fleet  Maintenance.  MEA has the  responsibility for fleet maintenance,
         and shall take title to the  titled  vehicles  subject to the rights of
         the  other  Eklutna  Purchasers  on the  Transaction  Date.  The  daily
         activities pursuant to these responsibilities shall be coordinated with
         the Eklutna Project Maintenance Superintendent.
     (8) Annual Budgeting,  Billing, and Accounting. MEA will prepare the annual
         budget estimates;  customary  financial  reports;  billings for Eklutna
         Project Power,  wheeling,  and other benefits;  other reports now being
         accomplished by the APA administrative  staff at the Eklutna Plant; and
         other  tasks  as may be  requested  by the  EOC.  The  Eklutna  Project
         Maintenance  Superintendent  will provide  preliminary  Eklutna Project
         cost  estimates for the annual budget to MEA to begin the annual budget
         process.   MEA  will  also  be  responsible  for  billing  the  Eklutna
         Purchasers for all advanced  costs and for payment of same,  subject to
         cash management  procedures  established by the EOC. Each utility shall
         submit  its  requested  reimbursement  items  to MEA for  payment  on a
         monthly basis. During the transition period, APA will calculate billing
         per the Power Sales Contract, and will submit a single combined monthly
         bill to the Eklutna Purchasers.
     (9) Purchasing.  Individual Eklutna Project invoices for tools,  equipment,
         supplies,  and  contract  services up to $2,000 may be approved by each
         utility pursuant to its  responsibilities  as described herein, but may
         not exceed a  quarterly  limit as  prescribed  by the EOC in its annual
         operating  budget.  All  contracts or payment of invoices for more than
         $2,000 will normally require EOC approval,  but this is not intended to
         constrain or delay necessary purchases to meet an emergency.

     (10)  Right-of-Way  Authority.   Right-of-way  authority  for  third  party
           requests  will  remain the  responsibility of APA until such time as 
           it is transferred to the Eklutna Purchasers.

(C)  Staffing.
     Beginning on the  Transition  Date, the Eklutna  Purchasers  anticipate the
     following APA employees  shall,  effective on the Transition  Date,  become
     employees of the utilities as follows.

     Planned Eklutna Project Staff Assignments For The Transition Period:
     Mike Dillon         Eklutna Project Maintenance Superintendent to ML&P

     Amerilis Foster     Administrative Assistant to MEA

     Bill Murphy         Maintenance Mechanic to MEA

     Bob Plumley         Plant Mechanic to MEA

     John Rivera         Plant Electrician to MEA

     Terms  and  conditions  of  employment   shall  be  developed  as  soon  as
     practicable  to enable a smooth  transition  to  operation  of the  Eklutna
     Project by the Eklutna Purchasers.