PC25TM MODEL C FUEL CELL POWER PLANTS

ONSI Corporation("SELLER")  and Chugach  Electric  Association,  Inc.  ("BUYER")
     agree as follows:


         SELLER  shall  manufacture  and deliver to BUYER six (6) PC25 Fuel Cell
         Power Plants as described in  Attachment A ("Power  Plants") and as set
         forth below in Section 2.

         SELLER  will  provide  the  service  options  as set forth in Section 2

         SELLER shall furnish  installation and service manuals prior to or upon
         delivery of the first Power Plant.


         Power Plants

         The Power  Plants  shall be  delivered  on or before  the below  listed
delivery dates:

Quantity        Part Number         Unit Price      Total        Delivery Date

   6               TBD              $627,500      $3,765,000     December 1998
              (Power Plant with
               Grid Independent
               Parallel; High Grade

         Services                                                         Price

         1.       ONSI will provide the site installation  design $0.00 based on
                  our standard installation drawings.
                  This  effort will  include  the initial  site visit (up to two
                  days) followed by one on-site design review.


         The  total  price of this  Contract  (subject  to  increase  due to the
         exercise of the option in Article 5) is $3,765,000.  BUYER shall pay to
         SELLER in  installments  within  thirty  (30) days of  presentation  of
         SELLER's invoices in accordance with the following schedule:

         Upon execution of this Contract.              20% of the unit price of
                                                       each Power Plant

         Two months prior to delivery                  50% of the unit price of
                                                       each Power Plant

         Upon  delivery or ten (10) days after         20% of the unit price of
         notice  from  SELLER  that the Power          each Power Plant
         Plant is ready for delivery, whichever 
         occurs first.

         Upon initial operation or one hundred         10% of the unit price of
         twenty (120) days after the earlier of        each  Power  Plant
         delivery or notice of readiness for 
         delivery, whichever occurs first.

     All  payments  shall be made in U.S.  dollar funds by wire  transfer of the
          required  remittance  without  discount to a U.S.  bank  designated by
          SELLER for credit to SELLER's account.


         This Contract is subject to and incorporates the terms of the following

          A.   Attachment A, PC25(TM) Fuel Cell Power Plant Description

          B.   Attachment B, ONSI Corporation General Contract Provisions


         The following special provisions are applicable to this Contract:

         A.       BUYER  grants  SELLER  an option  to  purchase  up to four (4)
                  additional  Power Plants at the price and  delivery  dates set
                  forth below subject to the terms of this Contract. This option
                  may  be  exercised  by  the  BUYER  providing  SELLER  written
                  notification no later than August 30, 1998.

         Power Plants

Quantity    Part Number  Unit Price            Total              Delivery Date

Up to 4     FC13300-01    $600,000          $2,400,000            December 1999

      B.   i.  BUYER acknowledges that the funding to provide the development
               of the load share Site  Management  System may be  provided  by a
               third  party.  In the  event  SELLER  has not  entered  a legally
               binding agreement for this development  effort with a third party
               by May 15,  1998,  then SELLER and BUYER agree to seek a mutually
               agreeable  alternative  approch, but if agreement is not reached,
               then  SELLER may  terminate  this  Contract  by  providing  BUYER
               written notice of such termination no later than June 30, 1998.

          ii.  SELLER  agrees  that if  notwithstanding  BUYER's  best  efforts,
               funding is not  obtained in order to complete the purchase of the
               Power Plants hereunder,  then BUYER may cancel its order for such
               Power Plants upon written  notice to SELLER on or before June 30,
               1998.  BUYER shall forfeit a portion of payments made by BUYER in
               respect  of such  Power  Plants  to the  extent  of the costs and
               non-cancelable  commitments  not otherwise  recoverable  that are
               incurred by SELLER to the date of  cancellation,  but in no event
               more  than  $200,000.   Such  costs  shall  be  substantiated  by
               suporting  documentataon.  Within  thirty  (30) days of  SELLER's
               receipt of BUYER's cancellation  notice,  Seller shall return the
               payments  made by Buyer  less the  amount  forfeited  under  this
               Section 5B(ii).  If, Seller recovers all or a portion of the cost
               and  non-cancelable  commitments  incurred  under this Contrat by
               contating  to sell at least four (4) Power  Poants  withthe  grid
               independent  paralleling option by December 31, 1999, Seller will
               return  the amount  forgeited  hereunder  by BUYER less  SELLER's
               unrecovered  costs  as  porvicded  above;  and if six (6) or more
               Power  Plants with the grid  independent  paralleling  option are
               sold by December 31, 1999, the entire amount forfeited under this
               Secion 5 B (ii) will be returned to Buyer up to a maximum  amount
               of $200,000.

6.       NOTICES

         Address  all  notices,  which  shall be made in writing in the  English
         language, by certified mail, return receipt requested,  or by facsimile

         ONSI Corporation                    Chugach Electric Association, Inc.
         P.O. Box 1148                       P. O. Box 196300
         195 Governor's Highway              5601 Minnesota Drive
         South Windsor, CT  06074 U.S.A.     Anchorage, AK  99519
         Attn:    Counsel                    Attn: Evan J. Griffith, Jr.
         Facsimile:  (860) 727-2319          Facsimile: 907-762-4514

This  Contract  has been  executed  on behalf of SELLER  and BUYER by their duly
authorized representatives as set forth below:


By        /s/ R L Suttmeiller         By /s/ Eugene N. Bjornstad

Name Robert L. Suttmeiller            Name Eugene N. Bjornstad

Title    President                    Title   General Manager

Date   May 4, 1998                    Date   April 24, 1998

                                  ATTACHMENT A
                        (Standard Model C Configuration)

The PC25 is a packaged,  self-contained  fuel cell Power  Plant  which  operates
unattended  and  automatically  using  pipeline  natural gas fuel.  The standard
configuration  PC25  Model  C  can  provide  on-site  electricity  and  heat  in
connection with the utility grid. The Power Plant's capabilities can be extended
with optional configurations.


The maximum continuous net electrical power output capability is 200 kW/235 kVA.
The  Power  Plant  will  operate   continuously  at  temperatures  from  -20  to
110(degree)F at 500 feet above sea level.

The maximum heat  available from the Power Plant is 750,000 Btu/hr at an ambient
temperature of 60(degree)F.


The PC25 operates on pipeline  natural gas delivered at pressures  between 4 and
14 inches water column with gas composition limits in accordance with Table 1.

             Table 1. Fuel Composition Limits - Pipeline Natural Gas

                                           Maximum Allowable
                                            Percent Volume

            Methane                              100
            Ethanes                               10
            Propane                                5
            Butanes                             1.25
            Pentanes, Hexanes, C6+               0.5
            CO2                                    3
            O2                                   0.2
            N2 (continuous)                        4
            Total Sulfur            30 ppmv maximum (6 ppmv average)
            Ammonia                              1 ppmv
            Chlorine                    0.05 ppm (weight basis)

At rated power, the PC25 consumes less than 2000 standard cubic feet per hour of
natural gas with a higher heating value of 1000 Btu/ft3.

PC25 Standard Equipment

The PC25 equipment consists of two modules: a Power Module, designed for outdoor
or indoor  operation,  and a Cooling  Module  intended  for  outdoor  operation.
Dimensions of these modules are indicated in Figure 1. These modules include all
equipment  necessary to (1) convert natural gas to utility quality ac power, (2)
provide  useful heat to the  customer  and (3) reject  excess  heat to air.  All
controls and  instrumentation  required for starting and  operating the PC25 are

                       Figure 1. Approximate Module Sizes


PC25 Grid-Independent/Paralleling Power Plant Option

When  multiple  power  plants  are  operated  in the  grid-independent  mode and
connected  in  parallel  to  a  load,  an  internal  load  sharing   control  is
incorporated into each of the power plants to enable all power plants to operate
in phase, at the same voltage, and share the current properly.

PC25 High-Grade Heat Recovery Option

The standard  PC25 power plant  provides heat in a single  medium-grade  stream.
However,  the power plant can be configured to provide more than 300,000  Btu/hr
of heat at rated  power to heat a  customer's  pressurized  hot water  system to
250(degree) F. The remaining 40,000

Btu/hr  or more of heat is  provided  at  140(degree)  F.  The high  grade  heat
decreases to zero at approximately  half rated power.  Similar to the basic PC25
power plant, the estimated high-grade heat availability is dependent upon supply
and return water temperatures.

Customer Furnished Materials and Equipment

The customer must supply a foundation for the equipment,  electrical connections
to the building  and/or  electrical  power grid, gas supply  plumbing,  plumbing
connections to the building and electrical and plumbing  connections between the
Cooling Module and Power Module.

In  addition,  for  the  Grid-Independent/Paralleling  power  plant  option  the
customer must incorporate a Site Management System into the site installation to
coordinate  the  operation  of  the  multiple  fuel  cell  power  plants  during
transitions  between  operating  modes and provide the  interface  communication
capabilities  for control of the multi-unit  installation.  This Site Management
System is site specific and is external to the power plant.

The power plant also requires up to 82 kW of electrical power during start.

The information  contained in this document is intended to be  representative of
the PC25 configuration.  However,  the materials and characteristics are subject
to  change.  All  fuel  cell  power  plants  are  subject  to  deterioration  in
performance over time and with repeated thermal cycles associated with shutdowns
and startups. Deterioration can be minimized by maintaining continuous operation
to the fullest extent possible.

                                  ATTACHMENT B
                                ONSI CORPORATION
                           GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS


BUYER  shall pay  SELLER,  in  addition  to the  Price,  any and all taxes  (not
including  income  taxes) which may be imposed by any taxing  authority  arising
from the sale,  delivery,  or  subsequent  use of the goods sold,  and for which
SELLER may be held  responsible  for  collection  or payment,  either on its own
behalf or that of BUYER, upon receipt by BUYER from SELLER of its bill therefor.


Deliveries  pursuant to this  Contract  are FOB SELLER's  place of  manufacture.
Title and risk of loss for each  Power  Plant  shall  pass to BUYER at  SELLER's
place of  manufacture  upon  delivery or ten (10) days after  notice from SELLER
that the Power Plant is ready for delivery,  whichever occurs first. BUYER shall
arrange transportation and insurance from the place of manufacture. SELLER shall
notify  BUYER of the  actual  shipping  date at least ten (10) days prior to the
actual shipping date.


A.       Warranty

         1.       Power Plant Warranty

                  SELLER  warrants  that,  at the time of  delivery,  each Power
                  Plant  furnished   hereunder  shall  be  free  of  defects  in
                  materials and manufacturing workmanship.

                  SELLER's  obligations under this warranty with respect to each
                  Power Plant shall  expire  twelve  (12) months  after  initial
                  operation  or use,  but in no event later than  eighteen  (18)
                  months  after  the date of its  delivery  or,  if BUYER  shall
                  refuse  to  accept  delivery  of the  Power  Plant  when it is
                  offered for delivery on or after the scheduled  delivery date,
                  the date of such offer for delivery.

                  SELLER warrants that at the time of initial operation, and for
                  a period of twelve  (12)  months  thereafter,  but in no event
                  later  than  eighteen  (18)  months  after  the  date  of  its
                  delivery, each Power Plant furnished under this Contract shall
                  be  capable of  functioning  as  described  in  Attachment  A,
                  providing BUYER has installed,  operated,  and maintained each
                  Power Plant and the Site  Managmenetn  System according to the
                  SELLER's specifications and recommendations.

         2.       Warranty of Services

                  SELLER warrants to BUYER that all  services  provided  under
                  the Contract will be

                  performed in a diligent  manner in  accordance  with the usual
                  industrial  standards.  SELLER's  liability and BUYER's remedy
                  under this warranty are limited to SELLER's correction of such
                  services  as are shown to SELLER  reasonable  satisfaction  to
                  have been  defective,  provided  that  written  notice of such
                  defective  services  shall  have been given by BUYER to SELLER
                  within ninety (90) days after the performance of such services
                  by SELLER.

B.       Remedy and Conditions of Power Plant Warranty

                    1.   SELLER's   liability  and  BUYER's   remedy  under  the
                         foregoing   warranty  are  limited  to  the  repair  or
                         replacement, at SELLER's option, of defective equipment
                         or materials or parts thereof,  which BUYER will afford
                         SELLER a reasonable  opportunity  to inspect,  provided
                         that written notice of the defect shall have been given
                         by  BUYER to  SELLER  within a  reasonable  time  after
                         discovery of the claimed defect,  but in no event later
                         than the expiration of the applicable  warranty period.
                         SELLER  shall  not be  responsible  for  remedying  the
                         effects of ordinary wear and tear.

                    2.   In the event it is necessary to remove any equipment or
                         materials,  or parts  thereof,  from the Power Plant in
                         order for BUYER or  SELLER  to  repair or  replace  the
                         same,  BUYER, at SELLER's  election,  shall provide the
                         personnel and equipment  necessary for such removal and
                         reinstallation  at  SELLER's  expense,  however,  BUYER
                         shall  provide  SELLER  with its cost  estimate  of the
                         removal and  reinstallation  for any  unscheduled  work
                         exceeding  one (1)  man-day  of  effort  and  shall not
                         proceed with the effort until SELLER's written approval
                         is received.

                    3.   Any  cost  of  shipment  of  repaired  or   replacement
                         equipment or materials,  or parts  thereof,  to or from
                         SELLER's plant or any other off-site  facility shall be
                         borne by SELLER, and SELLER shall bear the risk of loss
                         of such  equipment or materials or parts  thereof while
                         they are  located  away from the  location of the Power

                    4.   In the  event  any  equipment  or  materials,  or parts
                         thereof,  originally  furnished by SELLER are replaced,
                         SELLER, at its option,  shall be entitled to possession
                         of and title to all of the  equipment so  replaced.  In
                         the event SELLER,  or BUYER acting at SELLER's request,
                         removes  any  replaced  equipment  from the Power Plant
                         location,  title to and  risk of loss of such  replaced
                         equipment or materials or parts  thereof  shall pass to
                         SELLER at the time it is removed  from the Power  Plant

                    5.   Where repaired or  replacement  equipment or materials,
                         or  parts  thereof,  are  furnished  pursuant  to  this
                         Provision   3,  they  will  be   subject  to  the  same
                         warranties,  the same  conditions and the same remedies
                         provided for the original  equipment and materials,  or
                         parts  thereof,  provided that the warranty  period for
                         repaired or  replacement  equipment  and  materials  or
                         parts  thereof  shall be the balance of the  applicable
                         warranty  period  under  Provision  3-A  above  or  the
                         waranty  period   porvided  by  the  suppl9ier  of  hte
                         reapired or replaced  equipment o rmatereials or parts.
                         In the eveent it is necessary  to remove any  repoaried
                         or replaced  equipment or materials,  or perts thereof,
                         from  thePower  Polant  inorder  for BUYER or SELLER to
                         reair or replace the same,  after the original  waranty
                         period of the

                         PowerPlant has expired, BUYER shall provide the 
                         personnel and equipment necessary for such removal and 
                         reinstallation at BUYER's expense.

                    6.   BUYER agrees to provide and maintain  telephone service
                         at its own expense so that SELLER can monitor the Power
                         Plant  and  its  operation   remotely   throughout  the
                         applicable warranty period under Provision 3-A above.

                    7.   SELLER shall have no  obligation  to provide the remedy
                         specified  in  this   Provision  3  for   equipment  or
                         materials   which  have  been  subjected  to  accident,
                         alteration, abuse or misuse or have not been maintained
                         and  operated  in   accordance   with  the   procedures
                         prescribed  by  SELLER,   including  the  providing  of
                         natural gas at the site in accordance with SELLER's gas
                         specification  set forth in Attachment A, and otherwise
                         in accordance with  reasonable and prudent  maintenance
                         and operational standards.

C.       Limitation of Warranty and Remedies



In order to  accomplish  the  objectives  set  forth in this  Contract,  certain
permits,  approvals,  licenses and/or other authorizations  (collectively called
"authorizations") may have to be obtained from governmental  authorities.  BUYER
shall be responsible for obtaining any authorizations that are necessary for its
acquisition, financing, ownership, shipping, export, installation, operation and
maintenance of the Power Plant.  SELLER shall be  responsible  for obtaining any
authorizations  required for performance of its obligations under this Contract.
The parties  agree to cooperate  and provide  support to each other in obtaining
the authorizations required hereunder. All such authorizations shall be obtained
in a timely manner.

SELLER shall be notified of and afforded an opportunity to attend at its expense
all  presentations  to  governmental  authorities  and  insurers  relating to or
otherwise  affecting  the safety or other  aspects of the  equipment  or related
services  furnished by SELLER. All materials to be presented to any governmental
authority or to any insurer  describing SELLER or the safety or other aspects of
the  equipment or related  services  furnished by SELLER shall be subject to the
approval of SELLER, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

SELLER  shall not be  obligated  to disclose to BUYER  information  which SELLER
considers   confidential  or  proprietary   (hereinafter   collectively   called
"Proprietary  Information").  However,  SELLER may, at its  discretion,  provide
Proprietary  Information  which is necessary in connection with licensing of the
Power Plant,  or in connection  with other  regulatory  matters,  or where it is
necessary to repair,  operate or maintain the Power Plants.  If SELLER furnishes
any  Proprietary  Information  to BUYER,  it shall be designated as such.  BUYER
shall receive and hold such Proprietary Information in confidence,  shall use it
exclusively in connection with the Power Plant

for  the  purposes  specified  above  (including  necessary   disclosures  on  a
proprietary  basis to others  in that  connection,  but in any  event  excluding
disclosures to other suppliers of electric  generating  equipment) and shall not
publish or otherwise  disclose it to others.  This obligation of BUYER shall not
apply to  information  which is in or  hereafter  comes into the  public  domain
through  no breach of this  Contract,  which  BUYER can show to have been in its
possession before any disclosure  hereunder or which BUYER receives from a third
party having a right to make such a disclosure.  All Proprietary  Information of
SELLER furnished to BUYER shall remain the property of SELLER.


SELLER shall not be liable for delays,  interruptions  or failures in performing
its obligations arising from any act, delay or failure to act on the part of any
governmental  authority,  including  delay or failure to act in the  issuance of
permits,  approvals or licenses;  acts of God;  accidents or disruptions such as
fire,  explosion,  or major  equipment  breakdown;  failure or delay in securing
necessary materials,  equipment, services or facilities; labor difficulties such
as strikes, slowdowns or shortages; delays in transportation;  or any cause of a
similar or dissimilar nature beyond SELLER's  reasonable  control.  The time for
performance  of this  Contract  shall be extended for a period equal to any time
lost by  reason  of the  delay.  SELLER  shall  not be  obligated  to incur  any
additional expenses in connection with such a delay unless so directed by BUYER,
in which event the cost of any measures  taken to recover any lost time shall be
for BUYER's account.


Until the payment  obligations  set forth in Provision 3 of the Contract of Sale
(and any  increases  due to the  exercise  of the option in  Provision  5 of the
Contract of Sale) are satisfied,  neither BUYER nor SELLER may assign any of its
rights or obligations  under this Contract,  except with the written  consent of
the other,  and any assignment made without such consent shall be null and void;
provided,  however,  that SELLER may, upon written  notice to BUYER,  assign its
rights and obligations  without such consent, to an entity which acquires all or
substantially  all of SELLER's assets or which controls,  is controlled by or is
under common control with SELLER. Such written consent shall not be unreasonably


A.   SELLER shall conduct, at its own expense,  the entire defense of any claim,
     suit or action  alleging that,  without  further  combination  which is the
     basis  therefor,  the  use  or  resale  by  BUYER  of the  goods  delivered
     hereunder,  directly  infringes any patent of the United States but only on
     the condition  that (a) SELLER  receives  prompt  (sufficient  so as not to
     prejudice any of SELLER's  interests) written notice of such claim, suit or
     action  and full  opportunity  and  authority  to assume  the sole  defense
     thereof, including settlement and appeals, and all information available to
     BUYER for such defense;  (b) such claim, suit or action is not based on the
     use of the goods in a manner  not  reasonably  contemplated  by SELLER  and
     BUYER;  (c) the claim,  suit or action is brought  against  BUYER or one to
     whom BUYER is or may become legally obligated for the infringement; and (d)
     BUYER has paid all amounts then due and payable hereunder.  Provided all of
     the foregoing  conditions  have been met, SELLER shall, at its own expense,
     subject to Provision 8 entitled "Liability Limitation",  either settle said
     infringement claim, suit, or action or pay all

     damages and costs awarded by the court therein and, if the use or resale of
     such goods is finally enjoined,SELLER shall,at SELLER's option and expense,
     (i)  procure for BUYER the right to use or resell the goods,  (ii)  replace
     them with equivalent  noninfringing goods, (iii) modify them so they become
     noninfringing but substantially  equivalent, or (iv) remove them and refund
     the  purchase  price  (less a  reasonable  allowance  for use,  damage  and

B.   If a claim,  suit or action is based on the use by BUYER of such goods in a
     manner not reasonably  contemplated  by BUYER and SELLER,  or on the use or
     sale by BUYER of such goods in  combination  with other goods not delivered
     to BUYER  hereunder  by SELLER,  or on the  manufacture  of such goods to a
     design  specified  by BUYER,  then BUYER  shall  indemnify  and hold SELLER
     harmless against all liability,  costs, expenses and damages arising out of
     such claim, suit or action.


The Price allocable in this Contract to any Power Plant  (including all options)
and/or services  alleged to be the cause of any loss or damage to BUYER shall be
the ceiling  limit on SELLER's  liability,  whether  founded in contract or tort
(including negligence),  arising out of, or resulting from, (i) this Contract or
the performance or breach thereof, (ii) the design, manufacture, delivery, sale,
repair,  replacement,  or  (iii)  the use of any  such  Power  Plant.  Under  no
circumstances  shall SELLER be liable for any special,  incidental,  indirect or
consequential  damages of any nature whatsoever,  including without  limitation,
lost profits, revenues or sales, or increased costs of production,  whether such
claims are based in contract or tort  including  negligence,  or any other legal
theory or principle.


BUYER  shall not  install or operate a Power Plant  delivered  hereunder  in any
territory in the United States in which (a) SELLER has provided  another  person
with an exclusive license to install and operate Power Plants and (b) SELLER has
notified  BUYER of such  territory,  unless BUYER shall have  received the prior
permission of the person having an exclusive license for such territory.  SELLER
hereby  notifies  BUYER that it has  provided  other  persons  with an exclusive
license to install and operate Power Plants in the exclusive natural gas service
or  franchise  area of Pacific Gas and  Electric  and  Southern  California  Gas
Company.  BUYER  shall  include  this  clause  with  SELLER  identified  as ONSI
Corporation in any contract under which a Power Plant is resold or that provides
another  person  with the right to install  and  operate a Power Plant and shall
notify the Purchaser  under any such contract of such  territories  on behalf of
SELLER.  Notwithstanding  any other provisions of this Contract to the contrary,
BUYER agrees that the person  holding the exclusive  license in a territory is a
third party  beneficiary  of this  provision  and such  person may enforce  this


A.       Third Party Beneficiaries

         The  provisions  of this  Contract  are solely  for the  benefit of the
         parties  hereto and not for any other  person,  except as  specifically
         provided herein.

B.       Waivers

         Waiver by any party of any  default by the other  shall not be deemed a
         waiver by such party of any other  default.  No waiver shall be binding
         unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the
         party granting the waiver.  No alteration or modification of any of the
         provisions  hereof  shall be binding  unless in writing and signed by a
         duly authorized representative of the party to be bound thereby.

C.       Notices

         Notices and other communications between the parties shall be addressed
         as specified on the  signature  page of this  Contract,  provided  that
         either party may change its respective  address by notice to the other.
         All  notices  and  communications  shall be given  in  writing,  in the
         English  language,  by certified  mail,  return receipt  requested,  or

D.       Section Headings

         The  section  headings  used  in  this  Contract  are  merely  for  the
         convenience of the parties and do not have substantive  meaning.  It is
         not intended that said headings will be considered in the  construction
         of this Contract.

E.       Compliance with Laws

         SELLER and BUYER will each  comply  with all  federal,  state and local
         laws  applicable to the  performance  of their  respective  obligations

F.       Law Controlling

         The rights of all parties under this Contract and the  construction and
         effect of every  provision  hereof  shall be subject  to and  construed
         according  to the laws of the State of Alaska,  including  the  Uniform
         Commercial  Code,  and of the United  States of America,  excluding the
         United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods.

G.       Entire Agreement

         This  Contract  contains  the  entire  agreement  between  the  parties
         regarding the Power Plant(s) and any equipment, materials, services and
         information  provided  in  connection   therewith.   Any  previous  and
         collateral  agreements,   representations,   warranties,  promises  and
         conditions  relating  to  the  subject  matter  of  this  Contract  are
         superseded by this Contract. Any representation,  warranty,  promise or
         condition not  incorporated  in this  Contract  shall not be binding on
         either  party.  No  modification  nor any claimed  waiver of any of the
         provisions  hereof shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the
         party  against  whom  such  modification  or  waiver  is  sought  to be