Washington, D. C. 20549
                                   FORM 10-K/A
(Mark One)
[X]      Annual Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
         Exchange Act of 1934 [Fee Required]
         For the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1997; or
[ ]      Transition Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
         Exchange Act of 1934 [No Fee Required]
         For the Transition Period from ______ to ______
Commission File Number  1-19577

                             HARMONY HOLDINGS, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
                Delaware                               95-4333330
       (State or Other Jurisdiction      (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
     of Incorporation or Organization)
      1990 Westwood Boulevard, Suite 310
        Los Angeles, California                        90025-4676
      (Address of Principal Executive                  (Zip Code)
Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code:  (310) 446-7700
Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:     NONE
Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                          Common Stock, $.01 par value
                                (Title of Class)

         Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.
                                    Yes[x]                             No

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein and will not be contained, to
the  best  of  Registrant's   knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]
         State  the  aggregate   market  value  of  the  voting  stock  held  by
non-affiliates  of the Registrant (based upon the average of the closing bid and
asked prices of such stock as reported on the National Association of Securities
Dealers Automated Quotation System as of September 24, 1997):
                Common Stock, $.01 par valueC$13,312,604

         Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the  Registrant's
classes of Common Stock, as of the latest practicable date.
        Class                                   Outstanding at October 28, 1997
Common Stock, par value                                6,487,429 shares
    $.01 per share


         PART III



         The following table sets forth certain information with respect to each
         of the current Directors and executive  officers of the Company and the
         Presidents of the  Company's  principal  subsidiaries  at September 30,

            Name                                Age                       Position with the Company

         Christopher T. Dahl                    54                    Chairman of the Board and President

         Harvey Bibicoff                        58                    Chief Executive Officer

         Brian Rackohn                          37                    Chief Financial Officer

         Stephen Oakes                          42                    President of Curious Pictures, Inc.

         Elizabeth Silver                       36                    President of The End, Inc.

         Rick Bieber                            42                    President   and  Chief   Executive   Officer   of  Harmony
                                                                      Pictures, Inc.

         Richard W. Perkins                     66                    Director

         William E. Cameron                     52                    Director

         William M. Toles                       50                    Director

                  Christopher  T. Dahl,  has been  President and Chairman of the
         Board of the  Company  since  July  22,1997.  Since  its  inception  in
         February 1990, Mr. Dahl has been the President, Chief Executive Officer
         and  Chairman  of the Board of  Directors  of  Children=s  Broadcasting
         Corporation  (ACBC@),  the  country=s  premier  radio  network  devoted
         exclusively to programming for children.  He is also Chairman and Chief
         Executive  Officer of Community  Airwaves  Corporation,  a company that
         owns and operates radio stations in the Midwest and Hawaii.


                  Harvey  Bibicoff has served as Chief  Executive  Officer since
         January 19, 1996,  and as Chairman of the Board of  Directors  and as a
         director of the Company from August 1991 until July 1997. From May 1996
         until February 1997, Mr. Bibicoff also acted as Chief Executive Officer
         of Harmony  Pictures,  Inc. Mr.  Bibicoff served as the Chairman of the
         Board, Chief Financial Officer,  Secretary and as a director of Ventura
         Entertainment Group, Inc. , a company engaged in various  entertainment
         ventures, from May 1988 through April 1995.

                  Brian  Rackohn  has been the Chief  Financial  Officer  of the
         Company since March 1994 and Secretary from December 1, 1995 until July
         22,  1997.  Previously,  Mr.  Rackohn  served five years as the General
         Manager and Chief Financial  Officer of Superior Stamp & Coin Co., Inc.
         of Beverly Hills, California,  which filed for bankruptcy protection on
         August 23, 1994.

                  Stephen   Oakes  has  been   President  of  Curious   Pictures
         Corporation  since January 1993.  Prior to 1993,  Mr. Oakes founded and
         operated  Broadcast  Arts  in  1981 a  company  engaged  in  television
         commercial   production.   He  has   directed   over  270   mixed-media
         commercials, was creative director and producer for the original season
         of  "Pee-Wee's  Playhouse"  for  CBS,  and was  designer,  director  or
         producer of on-air graphics and program openings for networks and cable
         groups, including CBS, MTV, HBO, Cinemax and Showtime.

               Elizabeth  Silver has been President of The End, Inc. since April
          1993. Ms. Silver  founded The End, Inc. along with another  individual
          in March 1991. Previously,  Ms. Silver headed several major production
          companies'  music  video  divisions.  Ms.  Silver has over a decade of
          musical film production and programming experience.
               Rick Bieber has served as President and Chief  Executive  Officer
          of Harmony Pictures,  Inc., since February 1997. From 1992 to 1997 Mr.
          Bieber served as president of Rick Bieber Productions,  located on the
          Twentieth Century Fox lot, during which time he additionally  acted as
          President of Fox West Pictures,  a unit of Fox, Inc., assisting in the
          launch of Fox's weekly movie night.
                 Richard W.  Perkins,  has been a Director of the Company since
         July 22, 1997. For more than five years, Mr. Perkins has been President
         and Chief  Executive  Officer of Perkins  Capital  Management,  Inc., a
         registered  investment  advisor.  Mr.  Perkins  is a  director  of  the
         following companies: Community Airwaves Corporation; CBC; Bio-Vascular,
         Inc.; CNS, Inc.;  LifeCore  Biomedical,  Inc.;  Nortech Systems,  Inc.;
         Eagle Pacific Industries, Inc.; and Quantech LTD.

                  William E.  Cameron,  has been a Director of the Company since
         July 22, 1997. For more than the past five years,  Mr. Cameron has been
         Head  of  International   Business  Development  for  Universal  Health
         Communications,  the largest  medical/health/wellness  video library in
         the world.

                  William M. Toles,  has been a Director  of the  Company  since
         July 22,  1997.  For more  than  five  years,  Mr.  Toles  has been the
         President and Chief Executive Officer of Tol-O-Matics, a privately held
         manufacturer of motion control products.


                  Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires
         the  Company's  executive  officers  and  Directors,  and  persons  who
         beneficially  own more than 10% of the Company's  Common Stock, to file
         reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with the  Securities and
         Exchange  Commission.  Executive  officers,  Directors  and  beneficial
         owners of more than 10% of the  Company's  Common Stock are required by
         the Commission's  regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all
         Section  16(a)  forms that they file.  Based  solely on a review of the
         copies  of  such   forms   furnished   to  the   Company,   or  written
         representations  that no reports on Form 5 were  required,  the Company
         believes  that for the period from July 1, 1996  through June 30, 1997,
         all of its executive officers,  Directors and beneficial owners of more
         than 10% of the  Company's  Common Stock  complied  with Section  16(a)
         filing requirements applicable to them.


                  Summary of Executive Officer Compensation. The following table
         sets forth the total compensation paid or accrued by the Company to the
         Chief Executive Officer and the other most highly compensated executive
         officer of the Company who served in such capacities during fiscal 1997
         ("Named Executive Officers") whose aggregate cash compensation exceeded
         $100,000 for all services  rendered to the Company and its subsidiaries
         during each of the last three fiscal years:

                  Summary Compensation Table
                                                                                                             Long Term
                                               Fiscal Year     Salary          Bonus     Other Annual       Options/SARs
         Name and Position                        Ended        Amount         Amount     Compensation         (Number)
         Harvey Bibicoff, Chief Executive Officer 1997         247,200            --          --             350,000
                                                  1996         165,000            --          --             --
                                                  1995         165,288            --          --             --

         Brian Rackohn, Chief Financial Officer   1997         133,900            --          --             75,000 (1)
                                                  1996         114,900            --          --             25,000
                                                  1995         101,923            --          --             25,000

               (1) In connection with the issuance of 75,000 options exercisable
          at a price of  $1.50,  25,000  options  were  cancelled  that had been
          issued at an exercise price of $3.00 in fiscal 1996 and 25,000 options
          were  cancelled  that had been issued at an exercise price of $3.30 in
          fiscal 1995.


                  Stock Option  Grants in Fiscal Year ended June 30,  1997.  The
         following  table  contains  information  concerning  the grant of stock
         options under the Stock Option Plan to the Named Executive  Officers in
         the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997:

                                   Stock Option Grants in Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1997

                                                                                                     Potential Realizable
                                                                                                       Value at Assumed
                                                                                                        Annual Rates of
                                                                                                          Stock Price
                                         Individual Grants                                              for Option Term
                                                   % of Total
                                     Options       Granted in        Exercise       Expiration
                 Name                Granted       Fiscal Year         Price           Date          5% (2)       10% (2)

                Harvey Bibicoff      350,000            36%            $1.50         10/01/01     $145,048      $320,518
                Brian Rackohn         75,000(1)          8%             1.50         01/02/02       31,082        68,682

         (1)      In  connection  with the  issuance of 75,000  options,  25,000
                  options were cancelled that had been issued at $3.00 in fiscal
                  1996 and 25,000 options were cancelled that had been issued at
                  $3.30 in fiscal 1995.
         (2)      Potential  gains and net of exercise  price,  but before taxes
                  associated  with exercise.  The 5% and 10% assumed  compounded
                  annual rates of stock price appreciation are mandated by rules
                  of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  There can be no
                  assurance  provided  to any  executive  officer  or any  other
                  holder of the Company's securities that the actual stock price
                  appreciation  over the  ten-year  option  term  will be at the
                  assumed  5% and 10%  levels  or at any  other  defined  level.
                  Unless the market price of the Common Stock  appreciates  over
                  the option  term,  no value will be  realized  from the option
                  grants made to persons named in this table.

                           Stock Option  Exercises in Fiscal Year ended June 30,
                  1997 and Option Values at June 30, 1997.  The following  table
                  provides   information  on  the  Named   Executive   Officers'
                  unexercised  options  at June  30,  1997.  None  of the  Named
                  Executive  Officers  exercised  any options  during the fiscal
                  year ended June 30, 1997:

                                            Stock Option Values at June 30, 1997

                    For the year ended 6/30/97
                    Name                Shares acquired   Dollar value      Number of                Value of
                                        from options      Realized on       unexercised              In-the-Money
                                        exercised         exercise          Options/SARs             Options/SARs
                                                                            at FY-End (#)            at FY-End ($) (1)
                    ------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------ ------------------- ------
                    ------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------ ------------------- ------
                    Harvey Bibicoff            0                 0              850,000        (e)        670,313         (e)
                    Brian Rackohn              0                 0               50,000        (e)         40,625         (e)
                                                                                 25,000       (ue)         20,313        (ue)

                  Exercisable (e)
                  Unexercisable (ue)
               (1)  Represents the closing price of the Common Stock on June 30,
                    1997 minus the exercise price of the options.


                                                             Ten Year Stock Option Repricings

           Name                Date            Number of      Market  Price of   Exercise Price at   New        Length     of
                                               securities     Stock   at  Time   Time of Repricing   Exercise   Original
                                               underlying     of    Time    of   or Amendment ($)    Price ($)  Option   Term
                                             Stock Options    Repricing     or                                  Remaining  at
                                              Repriced or     Amendment ($)                                     Date       of
                                              Amended (#)                                                       Repricing  or
           ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------
           Brian Rackohn        01/02/97         25,000             1.25               3.30            1.50       2.1years
           Brian Rackohn        01/02/97         25,000             1.25               3.00            1.50       3.25years

         Compensation of Directors

                  No fees  are paid to  Directors  of the  Company  who are also
         officers or employees  of the Company for their  services as members of
         the Board of Directors.  Harry Shuster and Ivan  Berkowitz both of whom
         resigned as Board of Director  members on July 22, 1997 had been issued
         five year stock options to acquire  25,000 shares at an exercise  price
         of $2.00  during the fiscal  year ended June 30, 1997 and paid $250 for
         work on the audit committee.  The Company  reimbursed all Directors for
         reasonable travel and lodging expenses  incurred in attending  meetings
         of the Board of Directors.

               Concurrently  with his election as a Director and Chairman of the
          Board  of the  Company  on July  22,  1997,  Christopher  T.  Dahl was
          appointed  the Company's  President.  Mr. Dahl  presently  receives an
          annual salary of $75,000 for his services as President.

                  On August  1, 1997 the  Company  entered  into an  independent
         contractor  agreement with William Cameron,  a Director of the Company.
         Under  the  agreement  Mr.  Cameron  will  be  providing  non-exclusive
         services to the Company including,  without limitation, the initiation,
         promotion,  development  and  maintenance  of business  and  investment
         contacts  relating to increasing  the  Company's  sales , marketing and
         investment  opportunities.  The  contract  is at will and  compensation
         under the contract is $3,000 for every month that it is in force.

                                  COMPENSATION REPORT

                  During the fiscal  year ended June 30,  1997,  the Company did
         not have a Compensation Committee and therefore, the entire Board acted
         on the matters that would have been acted on by Compensation Committee.
         The  Compensation  Report set forth below  described  the  compensation
         policies of the Board of  Directors  for the fiscal year ended June 30,
         1997 and  reflects  the  salaries  and bonuses  paid during that fiscal
         year.  The current Board of Directors  assumed their  positions in July
         1997  and  established  a  Compensation   Committee  in  October  1997.
         Accordingly,  the policies described below may not reflect the policies
         of the  Compensation  Committee or the current Board of Directors.  The
         Compensation  Report shall not be deemed  incorporated  by reference by
         any general  statement  incorporating by reference this proxy statement
         into  any  filing  under  the  Securities  Act  1933 or the  Securities
         Exchange   Act  of  1934,   except  to  the  extent  that  the  Company
         specifically  incorporates this information by reference, and shall not
         otherwise be deemed filed under such act.

                                  Overview and Philosophy

                  The Board of Directors  establishes  the general  compensation
         policies of the Company,  determines  the  compensation  levels for the
         Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and other senior Company officers,  and
         administers  and/or  provides  oversight  on  all  short-term  (annual)
         incentive  plans, all long-term  incentive  plans,  including the Stock
         Option Plan,  and approves  any grants of stock  options,  stock and/or
         stock warrants to Company officers.

                  The Company  applies a consistent  philosophy to  compensation
         for all  employees,  including the officers.  This  philosophy is based
         upon the premise that the  achievements  of the Company result from the
         coordinated efforts of all individuals  working toward common,  defined
         objectives.  The Company  strives to attain  these  objectives  through
         teamwork that is focused upon meeting the expectations of customers and


                                Compensation Policy

                  The  Company's   compensation  policy  is  to  ensure  that  a
         substantial  portion of  potential  aggregate  annual  compensation  be
         contingent  upon  the  performance  of the  Company.  The  goals of the
         compensation programs are to align compensation with performance and to
         enable  the  Company  to  attract,  retain  and  reward  personnel  who
         contribute to the success of the Company.  The  Company's  compensation
         program for officers is based on the same  guidelines that apply to all
         Company employees.

                  The Company is committed to providing incentive  opportunities
         that,  together with base  salaries  (where  appropriate),  provide for
         competitive  and  equitable  total  cash  compensation   opportunities.
         Additionally,   future  base  salary   increases   or   incentive   pay
         opportunities  are directly  linked to the achievement of key financial

                  The variable  compensation plans focus respective employees on
         the  immediate  objectives  of the  business  and their job;  encourage
         employees to work together as a team to achieve Company  success;  and,
         recognize  and  reward  the  sustained   contribution   of  outstanding
         performers within the Company.

                              Components of Compensation

                  The Company has  compensation  programs that include both cash
         and equity components. The Board has established base salary, short and
         long-term  incentive  compensation mix targets for each officer and for
         all employees,  where applicable,  of the Company. The compensation mix
         targets  define the  desired  percentage  for each  component  of total

                  With respect to cash  compensation  for officers,  the Company
         sets base salaries and target incentive  opportunities for each officer
         by reviewing the cash compensation provided to comparable positions and
         through   assessing   the   internal   equity   of  cash   compensation
         opportunities  based on position  responsibilities,  the performance of
         each incumbent, and overall levels of contribution to the Company. When
         considering  competitive pay practices,  the Board reviews compensation
         levels in both the entertainment industry and general industry at firms
         comparable in size and revenue to the Company.

                  With regard to  equity-based  compensation  for officers,  the
         Company  considered  and granted stock  options for the reported  year.
         Stock option grants were based on relative  position,  responsibilities
         and/or historical and expected contribution to the Company.

                    Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

                  Mr. Bibicoff has been Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company
         since January 19, 1996. Based on a thorough  review,  it was determined
         that Mr.  Bibicoff's base salary was within a competitive range of pay,
         as compared with  companies of similar size and scope.  In  determining
         Mr.  Bibicoff's  compensation,  the Board  considered  various  factors
         particularly Mr. Bibicoff's guidance in the Company=s  turnaround.  See
         "Employment Agreements" herein.

                  The Board of Directors (at June 30, 1997):
                  Harvey Bibicoff
                  Ivan Berkowitz
                  Harry Shuster

         Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

                  During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997, the Company had no
         Compensation  Committee or other Board Committee performing  equivalent
         functions.  Mr. Bibicoff, the Company=s Chief Executive Officer, served
         as a Director of the Company  until July 22, 1997 and  participated  in
         deliberations of the Board concerning the compensation of all executive
         officers other than himself.

         Employment Agreements

                  On January 1, 1997, Brian Rackohn, Chief Financial Officer, of
         the  Company,  entered  into a two-year  employment  contract  with the
         Company,  which  contract  expires  on  December  31,  1998.  Under the
         contract,  Mr.  Rackohn is entitled to a salary of $132,000 in year one
         and  $141,000 in year two.  He was also  granted  five-year  options to
         purchase  75,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at an exercise
         price of $1.50 per share. In addition 50,000 existing five-year options
         previously granted to Mr. Rackohn,  to purchase shares of the Company's
         Common Stock were canceled. See "Executive Compensation" herein.


                  On May 2,  1994,  Harvey  Bibicoff,  Chief  Executive  Officer
         entered into a four-year  employment  contract with the Company,  which
         was to expire on June 30,  1998.  Under such  agreement,  Mr.  Bibicoff
         earned an annual salary of $165,000 and was granted  five-year  options
         to purchase 250,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock at an exercise
         price of $2.50 per share. On October 1, 1996, Mr. Bibicoff entered into
         an amendment to his May 1994,  employment  contract that provided for a
         revised  expiration  date of August 19, 2000. Mr.  Bibicoff then became
         entitled  to an annual  salary  of  $265,000  per year and was  granted
         additional   five-year  options  to  purchase  350,000  shares  of  the
         Company's Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.50 per share. On July
         22, 1997, Mr. Bibicoff entered into an amended and restated  employment
         agreement, which expires on July 21, 1999. Mr. Bibicoff continues to be
         entitled to a salary of $265,000 per year. However, the Company, at the
         sole discretion of its Board of Directors, can terminate Mr. Bibicoff's
         obligations to perform as the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer upon
         furnishing ten days written notice.  Commencing September 20, 1997, Mr.
         Bibicoff  also  obtained  the right to resign  as the  Company's  Chief
         Executive Officer upon furnishing ten days written notice.  Upon either
         event Mr.  Bibicoff  would  continue  to  receive  his  salary  for the
         remaining  term of the  agreement.  On October 23, 1997,  Mr.  Bibicoff
         submitted  to the  Company  ten days  written  notice  to resign as the
         Company's Chief Executive Officer effective November 3, 1997.



                 Comparison of Five Preceding Year Cumulative Stockholder Return

                  The following graph shows the cumulative return experienced by
         the Company's  stockholders during the period July 1, 1992 through June
         30, 1997 as compared  with the NASDAQ Total Return Index (U.S.) And the
         NASDAQ  Tele-communications Stock Index. The graph assumes $100 on July
         1, 1992 in the  Company's  Common Stock and each of the indices.  Total
         return  calculations  assume the  reinvestment  of all  dividends.  The
         Company has never paid dividends.

                                                                Fiscal Year End
                                                     7/01/92     6/30/93     6/30/94     6/30/95     6/30/96      6/30/97
                   Harmony Holdings, Inc.            100         200         88          112         68           74
                   NASDAQ Total return Index (US)    100         126         127         170         218          265
                   NASDAQ Financial                  100         131         148         169         220          322
                   --------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------



                  The following  table sets forth the number of shares of Common
         Stock of the Company beneficially owned as of October 14, 1997, by: (i)
         each  person  who  beneficially  owns  more than  five  percent  of the
         Company's Common Stock;  (ii) each Director and Named Executive Officer
         and (iii) all  executive  officers  and  Directors  of the Company as a
         group.  Except as otherwise noted, the person named has sole voting and
         dispositive power over the total number of shares beneficially owned:

                                                                      Amount and
                     Name and                                         Nature of                            Percentage
                    Address of                                        Beneficial                          of Outstanding
               Beneficial Owner (1)                                   Ownership                            Common Stock

                  Children's Broadcasting Corporation                2,938,731 (2)(4)                           40.7%

                  Harvey Bibicoff                                      600,000 (2)                               9.6%

                  Christopher T. Dahl                                   10,000                                   *

                  Richard W. Perkins                                   200,000                                   3.1%

                  William E. Cameron                                         0                                   *

                  William M. Toles                                           0                                   *

                  Brian Rackohn                                         50,000 (3)                               *

                  All officers and Directors as a group
                  (6 persons)                                          910,000 (2)(3)                           14.1%
                  * Percentage omitted because it is less than 1%

                  (1)      The business  address of Messrs  Bibicoff and Rackohn
                           and all officers and directors of the Company is 1990
                           Westwood   Boulevard,   Suite   310,   Los   Angeles,
                           California   90025.   The   address   of   Children's
                           Broadcasting  Corporation ("CBC") is 724 First Street
                           North, 4th floor, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.
                  (2)      Includes 300,000  immediately  exercisable  options 
                           held by Mr. Bibicoff and 750,000 immediately 
                           exercisable options held by CBC.
                  (3)      Consists of 50,000 immediately exercisable options
                           held by Mr. Rackohn.
                  (4)      Based solely on information contained in schedule 13D
                           as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
                           CBC has  entered  into an  agreement  with  Glenn  B.
                           Laken,  whereby Mr. Laken can require CBC to purchase
                           225,000 shares of the Company's  stock he controls on
                           or after  January 31, 1998,  and CBC has the right to
                           purchase such shares on or before  February 15, 1998,
                           all subject to various  conditions  set forth in such



                  As of  September  30,  1997,  the  Company  was owed  $208,889
         pursuant to a note receivable from Harvey Bibicoff ,the Company's Chief
         Executive Officer,  in connection with Mr. Bibicoff's purchase of stock
         options  from a former  officer of the  Company  in 1996.  The note was
         originally  issued  for  $260,000,  is due May  31,  1998  and  accrues
         interest at the prime rate plus 1 1/2 %.


                  The Company  has entered  into an  agreement  with  Bibicoff &
         Associates,  Inc., whereby such corporation  provides investor relation
         services to the Company through  September 30, 2000, for a flat rate of
         $75,000  paid upon  execution of the  agreement.  The  Company's  Chief
         Executive Officer, Harvey Bibicoff, is also the President of Bibicoff &
         Associates, Inc.



                      Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
              Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused
              this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,
              thereunto duly authorized.

                              Harmony Holdings, Inc.
                              By:/s/Brian Rackohn        Dated: October 28, 1997

                              Brian Rackohn
                              Chief Financial Officer