                                                     Exhibit 10.1
Agreement by and between Shiva Corporation, a Massachusetts
corporation, with offices at 28 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA and
Northern Telecom Inc., a Delaware corporation, with offices at
4001 E. Chapel Hill-Nelson Hwy., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
for itself and for the benefit of its parent, Northern Telecom
Limited and Northern Telecom Limited's SUBISDIARIES AND

1.  This Agreement is made pursuant to and hereby incorporates
    by reference the terms and conditions of that certain
    Marketing and Distribution Agreement ("M&A Agreement"),
    between Shiva Corporation and Northern Telecom Limited,
    effective as of March 21, 1997.  Unless otherwise specified
    herein, terms defined in the M&A Agreement which are used
    herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the M&A

2.  The parties hereby agree that the attached Addenda 6, 7 and
    8 are added to and made a part of Exhibit E of the M&A

3.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the M&A
    Agreement, including, without limitation, Addendum 3 to
    Exhibit E, each party is hereby relieved of any restriction
    stated in the M&A Agreement or elsewhere on its right or
    ability to perform or have performed research and
    development with respect to any products of THIRD PARTIES,
    or to promote, market, sell or otherwise distribute products
    of any THIRD PARTIES, or any obligation to promote the use,
    marketing or sale of products of the other party, provided
    that the restriction set forth under "License Type" in
    Exhibit E, Addendum 6 shall remain in effect.

4.  Notwithstanding anything in Section 16.5 of the M&A
    Agreement to the contrary, the parties acknowledge that (a)
    NORTEL shall have the rights set forth in Section 16.5 of
    the M&A Agreement to obtain a fully paid-up license with
    respect to the PRODUCTS collectively described in Exhibit E,
    Addenda 6 and 7 for the sum of Twenty Million Dollars
    ($20,000,000.00), provided that such sum shall be payable in
    equal quarterly installments over ten (10) calendar quarters
    in accordance with Section 16.5, and (b) such rights may be
    exercised by NORTEL at any time after the execution of this
    Agreement by the parties.  Such sum of Twenty Million
    Dollars ($20,000,000.00) is a net amount which shall not be
    reduced by any royalty payments (prepaid or otherwise) paid
    by NORTEL to SHIVA pursuant to the Agreement and upon the
    exercise by NORTEL of its rights as set forth in this
    Section, NORTEL shall have no other right to repayment of
    any such royalty payments.

5.  Upon the exercise under Section 4 above by NORTEL of its
    rights pursuant to Section 16.5 of the M&A Agreement (as
    amended as described above) with respect to the PRODUCTS
    described in Exhibit E, Addenda 6 and 7, SHIVA shall at
    NORTEL's option, (which may be exercised through December 31,


    1998) and for and in consideration of the payment of Six
    Million Dollars ($6,000,000.00) by NORTEL to SHIVA: (a)
    provide to NORTEL within ***** (**) days of the exercise of
    such option a ******* in form satisfactory to NORTEL pursuant
    to which NORTEL, and ****************** NORTEL may *********
    ("NORTEL ********"), including, but not limited to,
    ************************** and/or its parent, subsidiary and
    affiliated companies, entities and all of their shareholders,
    directors, officers, employees, attorneys, agents, successor
    and assigned (collectively, "*****") shall be *********** and
    ************************* any and all ****** and ****** which
    SHIVA (including its offers, directors, shareholders,
    employees, agents, assigns, transferees and beneficiaries)
    may have ******************************** NORTEL, a NORTEL
    ********, including, but not limited to, *****, including,
    but not limited to, any such ****** and ****** which SHIVA
    ************ NORTEL by letter dated January 29, 1998 from
    James L. Zucco to Glenn Falcao, and all related or similar
    *****************, including without limitation any patent,
    trade secret and/or other intellectual property ************
    or ******************and any ********************** or
    ****************** or
    ************************************************, or (b)
    assign to NORTEL or any NORTEL ******** all such
    **** and ********* within such ***** (**) day period in form
    satisfactory to NORTEL.  Such ********** assignment shall be
    effective upon payment of the sum of Six Million Dollars
    ($6,000,000.00) set forth in this Section and shall be
    subject to revocation by SHIVA in the event NORTEL is in
    breach of its obligation to pay any of the quarterly payments
    set forth in Section 4 for more than thirty (30) days after
    written notice of such breach is provided to NORTEL by SHIVA.
    Such release or assignment shall also not be subject to or
    conditioned upon any regulatory approvals which may be
    required with respect to the exercise by NORTEL of the rights
    set forth in Section 4.

6.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.13 of the M&A
    Agreement, NORTEL shall have the right to extend offers of
    employment to SHIVA's SPG personnel for a four (4) week
    period following the execution of this Agreement.  NORTEL
    shall provide SHIVA with a list of the SPG personnel who
    accept such offers.

7.  Unless otherwise specified in the M&A Agreement or an
    Addendum to Exhibit E to the M&A Agreement, SHIVA's standard
    and published United States list price for each PRODUCT
    ordered by NORTEL shall be reduced by a discount of *****
    percent (**%).

8.  Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement,
    Northern Telecom Inc. shall issue unconditional, non-
    cancelable blanket purchase orders to SHIVA for the

    a. reimbursement of One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
      ($1,200,000.00) in first quarter 1998 SPG expenses, and

    b. reimbursement of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand
       Dollars ($2,500,000.00) in P3/P4 prototype material

    Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement,
    Northern Telecom Inc. shall issue an unconditional, non-
    cancelable blanket purchase order to SHIVA for a minimum of
    Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) to cover releases of
    PRODUCTS to be issued during the first three (3) calendar
    months of 1998 provided that the foregoing Five Million
    Dollar ($5,000,000.00) commitment shall be reduced by the
    dollar value of any purchase orders which Northern Telecom
    Inc. may have issued between January 1, 1998 and the date of
    execution of this Agreement.

    Thereafter, on or before the first day of each of the next
    succeeding seven (7) calendar quarters, NORTEL shall issue an
    unconditional, non-cancelable blanket purchase order to
    SHIVA, each for a minimum of Five Million Dollars
    ($5,000,000.00) to cover releases of PRODUCTS to be issued
    during the three (3) calendar months of each of said calendar
    quarters, provided that in the event NORTEL fails to exercise
    its options pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 of this Agreement,
    NORTEL shall issue such blanket purchase orders for three (3)
    additional calendar quarters beyond the seven (7) quarters
    referred to above.

    The releases issued pursuant to each of the blanket purchase
    orders referenced in the two (2) preceding paragraphs shall
    identify the specific PRODUCTS to be shipped and the dates
    said PRODUCTS shall be shipped.

    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, NORTEL's
    obligations to issue or to continue to issue any blanket
    purchase orders shall be deemed fully satisfied, and NORTEL
    shall have no further obligation to issue any blanket
    purchase orders after it has issued blanket purchase orders,
    or any other purchase orders regardless of the number of such
    blanket purchase orders or other purchase orders theretofore
    issued, totaling, in the aggregate, Forty Million Dollars
    ($40,000,000.00) or, if NORTEL is required to issue blanket
    purchase orders for three (3) additional calendar quarters
    pursuant to the second paragraph of this Section, Fifty-Five
    Million Dollars ($55,000,000.00).

9.  The total fee for the development to be performed by Shiva
    with respect to the RCAS and SS7 on Rapport Model 112
    Products set forth in Addenda 6 and 7 to Exhibit E, attached
    hereto, shall be $12 Million, payable pursuant to two (2)
    unconditional, non-cancelable purchase orders issued upon
    execution of this Agreement with payment terms as follows:

    a. The first payment shall be due and payable upon execution
       of this Agreement, and

    b. The second payment shall be due and payable on April 1,

    Shiva shall use commercially reasonable efforts to pursue the
    development of the RCAS and SS7 on Rapport Model 112 Products
    set forth in Addenda 6 and 7 to Exhibit E.

10. Notwithstanding the description of the blanket purchase
    orders and purchase orders in Sections 8 and 9 above as
    unconditional and non-cancelable, NORTEL reserves the right
    to cancel any of said blanket purchase orders and purchase
    orders if SHIVA is in breach of its obligations under any one
    or more of such blanket purchase orders or purchase orders of
    the same type (e.g. a breach of a development purchase order
    may act to allow cancellation of development purchase orders
    but may not be used to cancel product purchase orders), or
    any one or more of the conditions described in Section 16.3
    of the M&A Agreement occurs with respect to SHIVA.

11. NORTEL hereby agrees to supply SHIVA with NORTEL's model of
    the cabinet or chassis consisting of a set of designed
    subassemblies and a shelf, cable management panels, cooling
    unit, air intake baffle and breaker interface panel (the
    "RCAS Chassis") for the RCAS PRODUCT described in Exhibit E,
    Addendum 6, of this Agreement, on an as-ordered basis, for as
    long as NORTEL continues to manufacture the RCAS Chassis,
    under such terms as shall be mutually agreed upon, provided
    that such terms shall include the following:  (a) the price
    for such RCAS Chassis shall be the product obtained by
    multiplying NORTEL's standard cost of goods sold (as used by
    NORTEL under generally accepted accounting practices to
    determine the cost of goods sold for financial reporting
    purposes) by a factor of 1.25, and (b) SHIVA shall deliver a
    rolling forecast every thirty (30) days of its requirements
    for the next twelve (12) months of the RCAS Chassis and
    NORTEL shall accept orders from SHIVA consistent with the
    most recent forecast for shipment within sixty (60) days.

12. The parties agree to prepare a mutually acceptable joint
    press release that describes the terms of this Agreement,
    such press release to occur as soon as SHIVA's federal
    securities regulations obligation requires, subsequent to

13. Except as otherwise specified herein, the M&A Agreement shall
    remain unchanged and enforceable in accordance with its

Shiva Corporation                  Northern Telecom Inc.

By: /s/ James L. Zucco             By: /s/ Glenn Falcao
    ----------------------             -------------------------
                                           Vice President/General
Title: President & CEO             Title:  Public Data Networks
       -------------------                 ----------------------

Date:  February 27, 1998           Date:   February 27, 1998
       -------------------                 ----------------------


                              EXHIBIT E


- ----------------

RCAS (as developed per the Specifications attached hereto)

License Type
- ------------

Type A,

Type A, provided that anything in the M&A Agreement or this
Addendum notwithstanding, so long as NORTEL shall have exercised
its rights pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement by June 30,
1998, SHIVA shall not promote, market, sell, distribute or
otherwise convey any RCAS PRODUCTS or license or otherwise convey
(a) any of ******** THIRD PARTY competitors identified in Exhibit
K of the M&A Agreement during the twelve (12) month period
commencing on the date of such exercise by NORTEL, and (b) to any
of SHIVA's current or future channel partners for such twelve
(12) month period.

- ---------

No separate royalty fee is assessed.  The price for the SPECIFIC
PRODUCT RCAS identified in this Addendum 6 shall be the product
obtained by multiplying SHIVA's standard cost of goods sold (as
used by SHIVA under generally accepted accounting practices to
determine the cost of goods sold for financial reporting
purposes) multiplied by a factor of 1.75.

Development Provisions
- ----------------------

Upon execution of this Agreement, SHIVA shall promptly commence
and diligently pursue the development of the Specific Product
identified in this Addendum in accordance with the Specifications
attached as Schedule 1 hereto.

SHIVA shall not include in any deliverable any technology,
including, without limitation, any software, firmware or hardware
rights, in which it does not own all right, title and interest,
below, and solely to the extent set forth below.

Each Party shall each retain all right, title and interest in, to
and under its respective BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  Each
Party may freely use, enjoy, license, dispose of, or otherwise
exploit any of its respective rights, titles and interests in, to
discretion.  Except to the extent of NORTEL's funding of SHIVA
development under this Addendum pursuant to Section 9 of this
Agreement, all research and development costs and expenses
associated with a Party's BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY shall
be borne by such Party and shall be for such Party's own account,
and no sums shall be due and payable by either Party to the other
with respect thereto.

NORTEL hereby grants to SHIVA a non-exclusive, nontransferable,
royalty free, license to use NORTEL BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL
PROPERTY consisting of circuitry design provided by NORTEL to
SHIVA solely with respect to the Specific Product described in
this Addendum 6 in support of the development activities relating
to this Addendum 6, and solely with respect to the manufacture
and sale to NORTEL of the Specific Product identified in this
Addendum 6 under the terms of the M&A Agreement.  Such license
shall automatically terminate upon the termination of the M&A
Agreement. SHIVA shall defend, indemnify and hold NORTEL harmless
with respect to any and al claims, liabilities, damages, costs
and expenses arising out of the exercise by SHIVA of such
license, except for such claims, liabilities, damages, costs and
expenses arising with respect to such Specific Products sold to
NORTEL by SHIVA.  For purposes of the M&A Agreement, this
indemnity shall be deemed part of Section 15 thereof.

Except as explicitly provided herein, no other license is granted
under any INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  For example, but without
limitation no license of any nature whatsoever is granted by
NORTEL to SHIVA with respect to NORTEL's Frame Breaker Interface

                             Schedule I

The following shall apply to the Software Specifications the
Software for SS7 on Rapport Model 112 and the Hardware and
Software for RCAS (collectively, "Pegasus").

The Delivery Date for all Deliverables associated with the items
identified below as the April 30, 1998 Deliverables shall be
April 30, 1998.

The Delivery Date for all Deliverables associated with the items
identified below as the June 30, 1998 Deliverables, including
Hardware and Software, shall be June 30, 1998.

Acceptance Criteria
            Number of errors detected at Tech Trial finish must
            not exceed:
                  Critical - severity 1: None
                  Major - severity 2:    None
                  Minor                  1 per 1000 lines of code
                  Critical:  bugs which cause the product to
                  Major:  bugs which cause the product to fail to
                          function or which prevent effective
                          management of the product.
                  Minor:  bugs for which a work-around is

                  traffic carrying capacity -
                          256 simultaneous digital/analog calls
                          @17kbps - 20% spare CPU
                  all release 5.2 feature errors fixed in releasd

ShivOS 5.5 for Pegasus Content

April 30, 1998 Deliverables
        IP Dialin - maximum of 256 calls
        MLP dial-in calls - maximum number to be determined
         connection to backbone (Egress Pipe) over 10/100Mbit/s
        L2F (NAS)
        IP Filtering enhancements from 5.2
        Modem Enhancements from 5.2 - including updated Rockwell
         modem code, improved modem diagnostics
        Radius Enhancements from 5.2
        IP address pools per phonegroup from 5.2
        L2F NAS support including local L2F authentication from
        Channelized T1/E1 support from 5.2
        STAC version 5.2.2 from 5.2
        New Modem MIBs from 5.2
        TFTP configurable option from 5.2
        PPP decode - including improvements since 5.2
        Bootp discovery (as supported by SNM Windows) - utilizing
         bootp mechanism from 5.2

        Increased number of SNMP trap hosts - from 5.2
        INC support - from 5.2
        5.2.1 functionality - Auto-Alert, CLID, IP DoD,
         TraceRoute, 2 way Authentication
        PIAFS - from 5.2.4
        Slot numbering changes - slots from 0 to 15
        Slot discovery - algorithm to find what is installed in
         what slot, including "dual" cards such as the
         CPU/Ethernet card.
        S115 CPU UARTs configured as 9600 baud for all operations
         (LRAS uses 9600 and 19200 for different operations)
        Bootp mode via the CPU pin reset button (as in
         LanRoverD56) (not well tested)
        Simple Menu system for admin port I
        INC - support for periodic audits with 256 calls
        Hot Insert/Remove software support for S117DMC-32 (as per
         firmware spec - unscheduled not working)
        Async-HDLC running on the DMC-32
        Compression on the S116 T1/E1, including cross-bu7s
         driver speed ups.
        Other ShivOS Performance Enhancements (transparent to
         user). E.g. single imput queue.
        MVIP clocking auto-determination and O failover
        I/O Alarm support for hardware failures - specifically
         power supply and fans - includes O SNMP trap generation
        MIB changes to support Alarms, Hot Swap and 16 slots
        Shell command changes to support O Alarms, Hot Swap and
         16 slots
        Pre-bootstrap Manufacturing, Test and Product Integrity
         code - configures by jumper settings
        Improved Power-on Self Test
        RCAS and IVPAC firmware branding

June 30, 1998 Deliverables
        All of the April 30, 1998 Deliverables plus the
        S118 - Quad Serial Frame Relay Card
        Frame Relay protocol module running on S116 and S118
        Frame Relay on the S1`16 Quad T1/E1/PRI card

                              EXHIBIT E

                      SPECIFIC PRODUCT/FEATURE
                 ADDENDUM 7-SS7 ON RAPPORT MODEL 112

- ----------------

SS7 on Rapport Model 112 (as developed per the Specifications
attached hereto)

License Type

Type A

- ---------

No separate royalty fee is assessed.

Development Provisions
- ----------------------

Upon execution of this Agreement, SHIVA shall promptly commence
and diligently pursue the development of the Specific Product
identified in this Addendum in accordance with the Specifications
attached as Schedule 1 hereto.

SHIVA shall not include in any deliverable any technology,
including, without limitation, any software, firmware or hardware
rights, in which it does not own all right, title and interest,
below, and solely to the extent set forth below.

Each Party shall each retain all right, title and interest in, to
and under its respective BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  Each
Party may freely use, enjoy, license, dispose of, or otherwise
exploit any of its respective rights, titles and interests in, to
discretion.  Except to the extent of NORTEL's funding of SHIVA
development under this Addendum 7 pursuant to Section 9 of this
Agreement, all research and development costs and expenses
associated with a Party's BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY shall
be borne by such Party and shall be for such Party's own account,
and no sums shall be due and payable by either Party to the other
with respect thereto.

NORTEL hereby grants to SHIVA a non-exclusive, nontransferable,
royalty free, license to use NORTEL BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL
PROPERTY consisting of circuitry design provided by NORTEL to
SHIVA solely with respect to the Specific Product described in
this Addendum 7 in support of the development activities relating
to this Addendum 7, and solely with respect to the manufacture
and sale to NORTEL of the Specific Product identified in this
Addendum 7 under the terms of the M&A Agreement.  Such license
shall automatically terminate upon the termination of the M&A

Agreement.  SHIVA shall defend, indemnify and hold NORTEL
harmless with respect to any and al claims, liabilities, damages,
costs and expenses arising out of the exercise by SHIVA of such
license, except for such claims, liabilities, damages, costs and
expenses arising with respect to such Specific Products sold to
NORTEL by SHIVA.  For purposes of the M&A Agreement, this
indemnity shall be deemed part of Section 15 thereof.

Except as explicitly provided herein, no other license is granted
under any INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  For example, but without
limitation no license of any nature whatsoever is granted by
NORTEL to SHIVA with respect to NORTEL's Frame Breaker Interface

                             Schedule I

The following shall apply to the Software Specifications the
Software for SS7 on Rapport Model 112 and the Hardware and
Software for RCAS (collectively, "Pegasus").

The Delivery Date for all Deliverables associated with the items
identified below as the April 30, 1998 Deliverables shall be
April 30, 1998.

The Delivery Date for all Deliverables associated with the items
identified below as the June 30, 1998 Deliverables, including
Hardware and Software, shall be June 30, 1998.

Acceptance Criteria
            Number of errors detected at Tech Trial finish must
            not exceed:
                  Critical - severity 1: None
                  Major - severity 2:    None
                  Minor                  1 per 1000 lines of code
                  Critical:  bugs which cause the product to
                  Major:  bugs which cause the product to fail to
                          function or which prevent effective
                          management of the product.
                  Minor:  bugs for which a work-around is

                  traffic carrying capacity -
                          256 simultaneous digital/analog calls
                          @17kbps - 20% spare CPU
                  all release 5.2 feature errors fixed in releasd

ShivOS 5.5 for Pegasus Content

April 30, 1998 Deliverables
        IP Dialin - maximum of 256 calls
        MLP dial-in calls - maximum number to be determined
         connection to backbone (Egress Pipe) over 10/100Mbit/s
        L2F (NAS)
        IP Filtering enhancements from 5.2
        Modem Enhancements from 5.2 - including updated Rockwell
         modem code, improved modem diagnostics
        Radius Enhancements from 5.2
        IP address pools per phonegroup from 5.2
        L2F NAS support including local L2F authentication from
        Channelized T1/E1 support from 5.2
        STAC version 5.2.2 from 5.2
        New Modem MIBs from 5.2
        TFTP configurable option from 5.2
        PPP decode - including improvements since 5.2
        Bootp discovery (as supported by SNM Windows) - utilizing
         bootp mechanism from 5.2

        Increased number of SNMP trap hosts - from 5.2
        INC support - from 5.2
        5.2.1 functionality - Auto-Alert, CLID, IP DoD,
         TraceRoute, 2 way Authentication
        PIAFS - from 5.2.4
        Slot numbering changes - slots from 0 to 15
        Slot discovery - algorithm to find what is installed in
         what slot, including "dual" cards such as the
         CPU/Ethernet card.
        S115 CPU UARTs configured as 9600 baud for all operations
         (LRAS uses 9600 and 19200 for different operations)
        Bootp mode via the CPU pin reset button (as in
         LanRoverD56) (not well tested)
        Simple Menu system for admin port I
        INC - support for periodic audits with 256 calls
        Hot Insert/Remove software support for S117DMC-32 (as per
         firmware spec - unscheduled not working)
        Async-HDLC running on the DMC-32
        Compression on the S116 T1/E1, including cross-bu7s
         driver speed ups.
        Other ShivOS Performance Enhancements (transparent to
         user). E.g. single imput queue.
        MVIP clocking auto-determination and O failover
        I/O Alarm support for hardware failures - specifically
         power supply and fans - includes O SNMP trap generation
        MIB changes to support Alarms, Hot Swap and 16 slots
        Shell command changes to support O Alarms, Hot Swap and
         16 slots
        Pre-bootstrap Manufacturing, Test and Product Integrity
         code - configures by jumper settings
        Improved Power-on Self Test
        RCAS and IVPAC firmware branding

June 30, 1998 Deliverables
        All of the April 30, 1998 Deliverables plus the
        S118 - Quad Serial Frame Relay Card
        Frame Relay protocol module running on S116 and S118
        Frame Relay on the S1`16 Quad T1/E1/PRI card

                              EXHIBIT E

                      SPECIFIC PRODUCT/FEATURE

- -----------------

All products manufactured or marketed by SHIVA which are not
otherwise covered by another Addenda to Exhibit E of the M&A

License Type
- ------------

Type A, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

- ---------

No separate royalty fee is assessed.