WASHINGTON,  D.C.  20549


                                      FORM  8-K

                                  CURRENT  REPORT

                   PURSUANT  TO  SECTION  13  OR  15(D)  OF  THE
                         SECURITIES  EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934

                       DATE  OF  REPORT:  FEBRUARY  22,  2000
                        (Date  of  earliest  event  reported)

                           INCYTE  PHARMACEUTICALS,  INC.
          (Exact  name  of  registrant  as  specified  in  its  charter)

                DELAWARE                   0-27488          94-3136539
     (State  or  other  jurisdiction     (Commission      (IRS  Employer
            of  incorporation)           File  Number)  Identification  No.)

       3174  PORTER  DRIVE,  PALO  ALTO,  CALIFORNIA         94304
        (Address  of  principal  executive  offices)       (Zip  Code)

   Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code:  (650)  855-0555

Item  5.     Other  Events.

     Set  forth  below  are  updated  descriptions  of  the business of and risk
factors affecting an investment in Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the "Company").
Also attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1 and incorporated by reference herein is the
press release dated February 1, 2000 announcing the placement of $150 million in
convertible  subordinated  notes  by  the  Company.  In  the descriptions of the
business  and  risk factors below, all references to "Incyte," "we," "us," "our"
or  the "Company" mean Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its subsidiaries, except
where  it  is  made  clear  that  the  term  means  only  the  parent  company.

     As  used  in  this  current  report  on  Form  8-K,  the  words  "expects,"
"anticipates,"  "estimates,"  "plans"  and  similar  expressions are intended to
identify  forward-looking statements. These are statements that relate to future
periods  and include statements under the captions "Business" and "Risk Factors"
as  to  our  expected  losses,  the  adequacy  of  capital  resources, growth in
operations, the ability to commercialize products developed under collaborations
and  alliances,  our  ability  to  complete the sequence of full-length genes in
areas  of therapeutic interest and file patents on these potential drug targets,
our  ability to integrate companies and operations that we have acquired or will
acquire,  our  ability to implement online delivery of our database and software
products,  the  scheduling  and  timing  of  current  and future litigation, our
strategy  with  regard  to protecting our proprietary technology, our ability to
compete  and  respond  to  rapid  technological  change  and the performance and
utility  of our products and services. Forward-looking statements are subject to
risks  and  uncertainties  that  could cause actual results to differ materially
from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited
to,  the  extent  to  which the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries use
genomic  information  in research and development, risks relating to development
of  new  products  and  services  and  their  use by our potential customers and
collaborators,  our  ability to work with our collaborators to meet the goals of
our  collaborators  and  alliances, the effectiveness of our sequencing efforts,
the  impact  of  alternative  technological advances and competition, changes in
patent  laws,  and  the  risks  set  forth  under  "Risk  Factors."

Incyte,  LifeSeq  and PathoSeq are our registered trademarks. ZooSeq, LifeTools,
LifeArray,  LifeProt, LifeExpress, GeneAlbum and GEM are our trademarks. We also
refer  to  trademarks  of  other  corporations and organizations in this current
report  on  Form  8-K.



     Incyte  is  a  leading  provider  of genomic information-based products and
services.  These  products  and services include database products, genomic data
management  software  tools,  microarray-based gene expression services, genomic
reagents  and  related services. We focus on providing an integrated platform of
information  technologies  designed  to  assist pharmaceutical and biotechnology
companies  and  academic  researchers  in  the  understanding of disease and the
discovery  and  development  of  new  drugs.

     Our  genomic  databases  integrate bioinformatics software with proprietary
and,  when  appropriate, publicly available genomic information. In building the
databases,  we  utilize  high-throughput,  computer-aided  gene  sequencing  and
analysis  technologies  to  identify and characterize the expressed genes of the
human  genome,  as  well  as  certain  animal,  plant  and microbial genomes. By
searching our proprietary genomic databases, customers can integrate and analyze
genomic  information  from  multiple sources in order to discover genes that may
represent  the  basis  for new biological targets, therapeutic proteins, or gene
therapy,  antisense or diagnostic products. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology
industries use our genomic products and services to accelerate the discovery and
development  of  new  diagnostic  and  therapeutic  products.  Our  products and
services  can  be  applied  to  gene  and  target discovery, functional genomics
studies,  preclinical  pharmacology  and  toxicology  studies,  and  can  aid in
understanding  and  analyzing  the  results  of  clinical  development  studies.

     We currently provide access to our genomic databases through collaborations
with  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology companies worldwide. As of December 31,
1999,  more  than  twenty  companies  had  entered into multi-year agreements to
obtain access to our databases on a non-exclusive basis. These companies include
the  following:

    Abbott  Laboratories             Johnson  &  Johnson
    AstraZeneca  PLC                 Millennium  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.
    Aventis  S.A.                    Monsanto  Company
    Bristol-Myers  Squibb  Company   Novartis  AG
    Eli  Lilly  and  Company         Pfizer  Inc.
    F.  Hoffmann-La  Roche  Ltd.     Pharmacia  &  Upjohn,  Inc.
    Genentech,  Inc.                 Schering  AG
    Glaxo  Wellcome  plc             Schering-Plough,  Ltd.

  Revenues  from  these  companies  have  primarily consisted of database access
fees.  Our LifeSeq Gold human gene sequence database agreements also provide for
future  milestone  payments and royalties from the sale of products derived from
proprietary  information  contained  in  one  or  more  database  modules.

     Our  portfolio  of  products  and  services  includes:

- -     LifeSeq  Gold  human  gene  sequence  and  expression  database;

- -     PathoSeq  microbial  genomic  database;

- -     ZooSeq  animal  model  gene  sequence  and  expression  database;

- -     LifeExpress  gene  expression  and  protein  expression  database;

- -     SNP  database  that  identifies  common  DNA  sequence  variants  between

- -     LifeTools  suite  of  bioinformatics  software;

- -     LifeArray  gene  expression  data  management  and  analysis  software;

- -     LifeProt  protein  expression  data  management and analysis software; and

- -     contract  sequencing  and  other  services.

The  databases  are available using the Oracle database architecture and operate
on  Sun  Microsystems,  Compaq and SGI workstations. As part of our strategy for
expanding  our customer base, we are developing the infrastructure to enable the
online  delivery  of  our  database  and  software  products.


     Genes,  found  in  all  living cells, are composed of DNA, which in turn is
composed  of  two strands of complementary nucleotides referred to as base pairs
or  bases.  Nucleotides may be one of four different molecules-adenine, guanine,
cytosine,  or  thymine-which  are strung together in specific patterns to create
genes. Genes provide the necessary information to create proteins, the molecules
that  carry  out all functions within a cell. Many human diseases are associated
with  the  inadequate  or  inappropriate  presence, production or performance of
proteins.  As  such,  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology companies often seek to
develop  drugs that will bind to a targeted protein involved in disease in order
to regulate, inhibit or stimulate its biological activity. Other proteins, known
as  therapeutic  proteins, have direct biological activity and may be capable of
treating  disease.  Insulin and human growth hormone are examples of therapeutic
proteins.  Understanding the role genes play in disease, and the protein targets
or  therapeutic proteins that they encode, has thus become a significant area of
interest  and  research  within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.


     One  frequently  employed method for determining gene function involves the
grouping  of genes into "related" families based on similarities, or homologies,
in  DNA  sequence.  DNA sequencing is a process that identifies the order of the
bases  in a segment of DNA. Once a gene's sequence is known, its function may be
inferred  by  comparing  its sequence with the sequences of other human genes of
known  function,  because  genes  with  homologous  sequences  may  have related
functions. Comparing gene sequences across species has also become a useful tool
for understanding gene function, as frequently it is easier to first assess gene
function  in  other  organisms.

Gene  Expression

     Another  method  used to determine gene function focuses on the analysis of
gene  activity, referred to as expression, within a cell. When a gene is active,
its  DNA is copied into messenger RNA or "mRNA." The population of mRNA within a
cell  can  be  isolated  and converted into complementary DNA or "cDNA," thereby
creating  a  cDNA  library  that represents the population of mRNAs present in a
cell type at a particular time. In a process called "gene expression profiling,"
high-throughput  cDNA  sequencing, computer analysis and microarray technologies
can  be  used  to identify which genes are active or inactive and, if active, at
what  levels.  Expression  profiles  provide a more detailed picture of cellular
genetics than conventional laboratory techniques by indicating which genes, both
known  and  novel,  are specifically correlated to discrete biological events in
normal  and  disease-state  cells.

Microarray  Technology

     Microarray  technology  can  be  used to analyze the expression patterns or
sequence  variations  in  a  large  number of genes simultaneously. A microarray
consists  of  fragments  of  a  single  strand DNA's double strand attached to a
surface,  usually  a  glass, plastic or silicon slide, in a grid-like formation.
When  cDNA  that  has  been  prepared from mRNA samples from normal and diseased
cells  is  applied  to  the  microarray, complementary strands attach to the DNA
fragments  on  the  microarray.  Microarray technology allows the fabrication of
very small grids containing probes for thousands of different genes. Microarrays
can  be  used  in  drug discovery and development, to evaluate the behavior of a
large  number  of related genes in a diseased tissue or in response to treatment
with  a  new  drug  or in diagnostic testing to quickly detect the presence of a
large  number  of  disease  markers.


     Due to improvements in sequencing technology, genomic information from both
public  and  private  sources  is  increasing  at  a dramatic rate. As a result,
bioinformatics,  or  the use of computers and sophisticated algorithms to store,
analyze and interpret large volumes of biological data, is essential in order to
capture  value  from  this  growing  pool  of  data.  To date, the main focus of
bioinformatic  and  genomic  tools has been drug discovery. The Company believes
these  tools, and those under development, will also assist researchers with the
preclinical  and clinical development process. For example, with the help of new
technology  and  bioinformatic  analyses  scientists  may  be  able to correlate
genetic  and  physiologic  response  in  preclinical animal models, examine gene
expression  profiles  in  drug-treated  animals  to  assess  the pharmacological
activity  and  toxicity  of  new  drugs,  and  stratify  clinical trial patients
according  to  their  gene  expression  profiles.

Single  Nucleotide  Polymorphism  ("SNP")  Discovery

     Due  to genetic variation, individuals may respond differently to treatment
with  the same drug. Few, if any, FDA-approved drugs are capable of successfully
treating  every individual diagnosed with a targeted disease. The differences in
patients' responses to a drug are believed to result in part from differences in
the  sequence  of  nucleotides  within  genes.  The most common form of sequence
variation  is  known  as  a  single  nucleotide  polymorphism or "SNP." A SNP is
defined  as  a  single  base  difference  within the same DNA region between two
individuals.  Some  SNPs  are  "silent"  and  not associated with a disease or a
patient's  ability  to respond to a particular therapy, and some SNPs occur at a
frequency  that  is  too  low  to  justify  large-scale patient screening. Thus,
researchers  need  to  do  more  than identify SNPs; they must identify the most
frequently  occurring  SNPs  and  identify those that correlate with a patient's
disease  prognosis  or  ability to respond to a drug. Through our acquisition of
Hexagen  in  September  1998,  we  are  developing  fluorescent  single-strand
confirmation  polymorphism  (fSSCP)  technology, a high-throughput SNP discovery
technology.  fSSCP  is  particularly  useful  for  identifying SNPs in genes not
expressed  or  more  rarely  expressed.  This  gel-based  system detects SNPs in
multiple  samples  simultaneously by observing changes in the tertiary structure
of  single  stranded  DNA  fragments  due  to  base  pair  changes.  Incyte  is
contributing  technologies  in  the  areas  of  electrophoresis,  fluorescence
chemistries,  sequencing  and bioinformatics in order to continue to develop and
improve  the  accuracy  and  efficiency  of  this  technology.

Gene  Mapping

     Mapping  refers  to the determination of the physical location of a gene in
the  genome  and  the  relative  position  of  that  gene to other genes along a
chromosome.  Physiological  processes  and  associated diseases can be extremely
complex  and involve many genes. A gene can activate one or more different genes
forming  a  cascade  of  genetically  controlled events or a "pathway." When the
genes  involved in such a pathway are located within neighboring regions of DNA,
mapping  can  allow  the  location  of  one  member of the pathway to be used to
identify  the  other  members.  In addition, genetically inherited diseases that
have  been  passed  from generation to generation may be associated with visible
chromosome alterations, such as deletions of large segments of the chromosome or
insertions  within the chromosome. These physical chromosome abnormalities allow
researchers  to  identify the DNA regions and genes that have a critical role in
causing  disease.


     Proteomics is a relatively new field of study that involves the separation,
identification, and characterization of proteins present in a biological sample.
By  comparing  disease  and  control  samples,  it  is  possible  to  identify
disease-specific  proteins.  These  may  have  potential  as  targets  for  drug
development  or as molecular markers of disease. The power of proteomics lies in
the  ability  to  directly  measure  a  gene  product,  determine  subcellular
localization  and  detect  post-translational  modifications.


     Our current products and services include an integrated platform of genomic
databases,  data  management  software  tools,  microarray-based gene expression
databases  and  services,  and  related  reagents  and  services.

     Genomic  Databases.   We  provide  our  database  collaborators  with
non-exclusive  database  access.  Database  collaborators  receive periodic data
updates  as  well  as software upgrades and additional search and analysis tools
when  they  become  available.  The fees and the period of access are negotiated
independently with each company. Fees generally consist of database access fees,
option fees, and non-exclusive or exclusive license fees corresponding to patent
rights  on  proprietary  sequences.  We  may  also  receive future milestone and
royalty  payments  from  database collaborators from the development and sale of
their products derived from our technology and database information. Researchers
can  browse  not only Incyte-generated data, but also public domain information.
We  currently  offer  the  following  database  modules:

- -     LifeSeq  Gold  Database.   The  LifeSeq Gold human sequence and expression
database  integrates  the  information  from  our  LifeSeq  public-domain  and
proprietary gene sequences and expression database; LifeSeq FL, full-length gene
sequence  database; and the sequence information from our GeneAlbum database and
reagent  set.  LifeSeq  Gold  uses  a  novel  method  to  assemble cDNA sequence
fragments  (ESTs) into genes, providing increased sensitivity for distinguishing
between  closely  related  sequences, including splice variants. Researchers can
easily  move  from  one  module  to  another  through  the  HTML-based graphical
interface.  The  sequence  database  contains  our computer-edited gene sequence
files  and  is  used by researchers to identify related or homologous genes. For
example,  a  scientist  may  wish  to  identify  new  genes homologous to a gene
identified  through  their  own research and believed to be linked to a disease.
The database contains biological information about each sequence in our sequence
database,  including  tissue  source,  homologies,  and  annotations  regarding
characteristics  of  the  gene  sequence.  Also,  the  database  contains a gene
expression  profile  for  every tissue in the database combined with proprietary
bioinformatics  software  to  allow  collaborators  to  browse  data and compare
differences  in  gene  expression  across  cells, tissues, and different disease
states.  Thus, the database can be used to assist researchers in correlating the
presence  of  specific  genes  to  discrete  biological  events  in  normal  and
disease-state  cells.  We  continually  add  sequences  and expression data from
normal  and  diseased  tissues  to  the  LifeSeq  Gold  database.

- -     PathoSeq  Database.   The PathoSeq database currently contains proprietary
and public domain genomic data for more than 40 medically relevant bacterial and
fungal  microorganisms.  With  drug-resistant  strains  of  bacteria  and  other
microorganisms  posing  an increasing threat to world health, pharmaceutical and
biotechnology  companies  are searching for genes unique to these pathogens that
will  aid  in  the  development  of  new  drugs to treat infectious disease. Our
proprietary  bioinformatics  process edits all sequence data to remove artifacts
and  contamination, assemble sequences, display the relative position of the DNA
coding  regions,  and identify genes either common among multiple microorganisms
or  unique  to  one  microbial  genome. We believe PathoSeq can help researchers
understand  the  biology  of  microorganisms,  study  the  mechanisms  of  drug
resistance,  identify  genes  that  may  make  effective  drug  targets,  and,
ultimately,  develop  new  therapeutics to treat and prevent infectious disease.

- -     ZooSeq Database.   The ZooSeq database was developed to aid pharmaceutical
and biotechnology companies in designing and evaluating preclinical drug studies
in  animal  models, a crucial step in the drug development process. The database
currently  contains  gene  sequence  and expression data for the rat, mouse, and
monkey-animals  commonly  used  in  preclinical  drug  toxicology  and  efficacy
studies.  By correlating a drug's effects on an animal with the animal's genetic
makeup, and then cross-referencing these data with our human LifeSeq database, a
researcher may better predict the drug's efficacy and side effects before moving
to  human  clinical  trials.

- -     LifeExpress  Database.   The  LifeExpress  database  is  a  comprehensive,
nonexclusive  database  of  gene  expression  and  protein expression on samples
focusing  on  major  therapeutic areas and pharmacology/toxicology.  The protein
expression modules of the LifeExpress database are developed in cooperation with
collaborator  Oxford  GlycoSciences.  The  two  subcategories of LifeExpress are
TargetExpress  and  LeadExpress.  Aimed  at  facilitating  the  discovery  and
validation  of high value targets, TargetExpress provides further annotation and
detailed  expression information on known and unknown gene products. LeadExpress
focuses on using genomic and proteomic technologies to further annotate chemical
structures  of  common  drug  classes.

- -     IsSNPs.   Our  in  silico  SNP  program  identifies  common SNPs by mining
LifeSeq  Gold and genomic sequence data. We have identified approximately 46,000
isSNPs  and expect to identify a total of 100,000 isSNPs from LifeSeq Gold (over
60,000  from  expressed  regions)  throughout  the  coming  year.

     Contract  Sequencing.   Contract  sequencing  services  generally  include
generating  sequence  and  bioinformatics  data  for  customers  using  our core
strengths  in  library  construction,  high-throughput  cDNA  sequencing  and

     Software.   We  have  developed  an  enterprise-wide  genomic  information
management system capable of updating, reprocessing and integrating genetic data
from  multiple  sources  and  from  different  organisms. This system allows the
integration  of our proprietary, subscriber-specific and public domain data, and
is  capable  of  comparing information from humans, animals, microbes, fungi and
plants.  The  system  incorporates  the  architecture necessary to integrate our
software  tools  data  visualization  tools,  data  mining  programs and project
management  capabilities,  and  is  capable  of being integrated with additional
technologies  developed  to  more  efficiently  manage and analyze genomic data.

- -     LifeTools,  a  suite  of  specialized  bioinformatic software programs and
project  management  tools, consists sequence analysis and data management tools
for  handling complex genomic information from multiple sources. LifeTools reads
and  edits raw sequence data, including data imported from public databases, and
annotates  and  clusters  sequence  fragments  based  on  sequence  similarity.
LifeTools  includes  a fast, scalable database search engine with intranet-based
graphical  tools  for interactive queries and analyses. The LifeTools relational
database  management  system stores and distributes sequence assembly, homology,
tissue  expression  information  and  biological  data.  Our database management
architecture  is  based  on  open  system standards, providing interconnectivity
between  disparate  systems and applications, and enterprise-wide access to data
and  functions.

- -     LifeArray  software  manages  and  analyzes data resulting from microarray
hybridization  experiments.  It includes a searchable database that accommodates
experiment results from a variety of microarray platforms. LifeArray provides an
integrated data warehouse and analysis environment, which allows the customer to
bring  data  from multiple microarray platforms into one integrated environment.
LifeArray  enables  the  user  to  visualize  differential  expression  between
biological  samples  and can track all details of microarrays, genes, biological
samples,  donor  information,  and  experimental  results  in  one  integrated
environment  with  a  Java-based interface. It is an enterprise-wide system that
can  support  as  many simultaneous users as required, and grow to suit changing
microarray  management  needs.

- -     LifeProt  software  provides  tools  to  query,  display,  and analyze the
protein  expression  data  resulting from two-dimensional gel experiments. Using
the  program's  query capabilities, customers can quickly locate relevant sample
data  sets  from  among  many stored in a central database. This database tracks
experiment  conditions, tissue, treatment, and donor information, as well as the
sample  data.  The  LifeProt  software  is an enterprise-wide system that uses a
Java-based  interface  and  is  available across a company to scientists using a
variety  of  different  computers  and  operating  systems.

     Microarray-Based  Services.   We  offer  microarray-based  gene  expression
services  to  the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and agricultural industries and
academic  researchers. These services can be used to simultaneously evaluate the
gene  expression  profile  of  a  large  number  of  genes.  Our  GEM microarray
technology  allows probes for up to 10,000 genes per microarray. Microarrays can
be  used  to identify the genes involved in a complex disease pathway, examine a
drug-treated  tissue  to  understand  how  the  drug  affected the expression of
important genes, and study several new drug candidates to determine if one has a
more  favorable  effect  on gene expression than the others. Experiments can use
either  prefabricated  arrays  or  custom  arrays.  Prefabricated arrays contain
either  public  domain  genes  or  genes chosen from our databases. We currently
offer  18  prefabricated  microarrays,  including  an array containing the genes
found  in  a  microbial  pathogen  Staphlycoccus aureus, an array containing the
genes  found  in  the  rat liver and kidney, and a series of arrays that contain
Incyte  proprietary  genes.  Custom  arrays  can  contain  genes provided by the
customer  or  chosen  by  the  customer  from  our  proprietary  databases.

     DNA  Reagents  and Other Services.   We offer a variety of DNA reagents and
other  services  designed  to assist its collaborators in using information from
its  databases  in the customer's internal lab-based experiments. The cloned DNA
fragments  from  which  the  information  in  our databases is derived represent
valuable  resources  for  researchers,  enabling  them  to  perform  bench-style
experiments to supplement the information obtained from searching our databases.
We  retain  copies  of all isolated clones corresponding to the sequences in the
database.  Our  collaborators  may request clones corresponding to a sequence of
interest  on  a  one-by-one  basis or through the LifeSeq GeneAlbum component of
LifeSeq  Gold.  GeneAlbum is a subscription-based service that provides database
collaborators  with  large numbers of sequence verified DNA clones. In addition,
we  produce  a  broad  line of genomic research products, such as DNA clones and
insert  libraries,  and  offers  technical  support  services,  including
high-throughput  DNA  screening,  custom  robotic  services,  contract  DNA
preparation,  contract  mapping and fluorescent in situ hybridization, to assist
researchers  in  the  identification  and  isolation  of  novel  genes.


     We engage in the high-throughput automated sequencing of genes derived from
tissue  samples followed by the computer-aided analysis of each gene sequence to
identify  homologies  to  genes  of  known  function  in  order  to  predict the
biological function of newly identified sequences. The derivation of information
in  our  databases  involves  the  following  steps:

- -     Tissue  Access.   We  obtain tissue samples representing most major organs
in  the human body from various academic and commercial sources. Where possible,
we obtain information as to the medical history and pathology of the tissue. The
genetic  material  is  isolated  from  the tissue and prepared for analysis. The
results  of  this  analysis,  as well as the corresponding pathology and medical
history  information,  are  incorporated  into  the  databases.

- -     High-Throughput  cDNA  Sequencing.   We  utilize  specialized  teams in an
integrated  approach to its high-throughput sequencing and analysis effort. Gene
sequencing is performed using multiple work shifts to increase daily throughput.
One  team  develops  and  prepares  cDNA  libraries  from  biological sources of
interest, a second team prepares the cDNAs using robotic workstations to perform
key  steps  that  result  in  purified  cDNAs  for  sequencing, and a third team
operates  the  automated  DNA  sequencers.

- -     Bioinformatics.   Sequence  information generated from our high-throughput
sequencing  operations  is  uploaded  to  a  network of servers. Our proprietary
bioinformatic  software  then  assembles and edits the sequence information. The
sequence  of each cDNA is compared via automated, computerized algorithms to the
sequences  of  known  genes  in  our  databases  and  public domain databases to
identify  whether the cDNA codes for a known protein or is homologous to a known
gene.  Each  sequence is annotated as to its cell or tissue source, its relative
abundance  and whether it is homologous to a known gene with known function. The
bioinformatics  staff  monitors  this  computerized  analysis  and  may  perform
additional analyses on sequence information. The finished data are then added to
our  proprietary  sequence  databases.


     As of December 31, 1999, we had database collaboration agreements with more
than  20  companies.  Each collaborator has agreed to pay annual fees to receive
non-exclusive  access  to  one  or more of our databases. One of these companies
contributed  12%  of total revenues in 1998. No customer contributed 10% or more
of  total  revenues  in  1999  or  1997. During 1999, our database collaborators
included  the  following  companies:

    Abbott  Laboratories             Johnson  &  Johnson
    AstraZeneca  PLC                 Millennium  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.
    Aventis  S.A.                    Monsanto  Company
    Bristol-Myers  Squibb  Company   Novartis  AG
    Eli  Lilly  and  Company         Pfizer  Inc.
    F.  Hoffmann-La  Roche  Ltd.     Pharmacia  &  Upjohn,  Inc.
    Genentech,  Inc.                 Schering  AG
    Glaxo  Wellcome  plc             Schering-Plough,  Ltd.

     Some of our database agreements contain minimum annual update requirements,
which  if  not  met  could  result in our breach of the respective agreement. We
cannot  assure you that any of our database collaboration agreements will not be
terminated  earlier  in  accordance  with  their terms. In 1999 one LifeSeq Gold
database  collaborator  did not renew their subscription. The impact of this did
not have a significant impact on our results of operations or a material adverse
impact  on our business or financial condition. However, future loss of revenues
from any individual database agreement, if terminated or not renewed, could have
an  adverse  impact on our results of operations, although it is not anticipated
to  have  a  material  adverse  impact  on  our business or financial condition.


     Since  our  inception, we have made substantial investments in research and
technology development. During the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997
we  spent  approximately  $146.8  million,  $97.2  million,  and  $72.5 million,
respectively,  on  research  and  development  activities.  This  investment  in
research  and development includes an active program to enter into relationships
with  other  technology-driven companies and, when appropriate, acquire licenses
to  technologies  for  evaluation or use in the production and analysis process.
Not  all  of these technologies or relationships survive the evaluation process.
We  have  entered  into  a number of research and development relationships with
companies  and  research  institutions.

     In  January 1998, we announced a relationship with Oxford GlycoSciences plc
("OGS")  to  investigate the use of proteomics, the large-scale, high-throughput
analysis  of  protein  expression,  in  the development of new information-based
products.  As  part of the relationship, we made an equity investment in OGS. We
and  OGS  entered into a collaborative agreement under which the two parties are
developing  data,  software and related services, focusing on protein expression
and  sequence  information  from  a  variety  of  human  tissues. As part of the
collaborative  agreement,  we  reimbursed  OGS $5.0 million in 1999 for services
rendered  and  agreed  to  reimburse OGS for up to an additional $5.0 million in
2000  if  revenues are not sufficient to offset OGS' expenses for services to be

     In  August  1998,  we  initiated  a  series  of  programs  in  human genome
sequencing,  accelerated human genome mapping, bioinformatics and SNP discovery.
The information resulting from these efforts will be used to supplement existing
databases  and  to  generate  new  databases and services. We are initiating SNP
programs  focused  on specific candidate genes, gene families, disease pathways,
therapeutic  areas  or  drug  targets  that  could  be  useful  to  individual
pharmaceutical  partners. These programs may include the identification of genes
associated  with  a  particular  disease and an in depth study of the population
frequency  and disease correlation of SNPs within a selected DNA region. The SNP
discovery efforts were assisted by our acquisition of Hexagen in September 1998.

     We  are  developing  various  platforms  that  can  be  used  for  the high
throughput  screening  of  patient  samples  in  order  to  correlate  SNPs with
patients'  responses  to  drugs. These platforms may be used to offer genotyping
and  patient  profiling  services  to  pharmaceutical companies to help identify
statistically  significant  and  medically relevant associations between SNPs in
specific  genes and drug response or disease susceptibility. We expect that this
service will be used to assist in the evaluation of new drugs in clinical trials
and  to  assess  clinical  trial  design.


     In  September 1997, we established a 50-50 joint venture company, diaDexus,
LLC,  with  SmithKline  Beecham  Corporation.  diaDexus  is applying genomic and
bioinformatic  technologies  to  the  discovery  and  commercialization of novel
molecular  diagnostic products. We provide diaDexus with non-exclusive access to
our  human  and  microbial  databases (LifeSeq Gold and PathoSeq) for diagnostic
applications.  diaDexus  also  has  exclusive rights to develop diagnostic tests
based  on  novel molecular targets and genetic alterations identified as part of
SmithKline  Beecham's drug discovery efforts. SmithKline Beecham and Incyte have
also  each  assigned  various  additional technologies and intellectual property
rights in the diagnostic field and initially contributed a combined total of $25
million  in  funding  to  diaDexus. In July 1999, we and SmithKline Beecham each
invested an additional $2.5 million in the form of convertible notes that mature
in  April  2000.  The  notes  will  automatically convert into equity if certain
funding  requirements  are  met.

     diaDexus  is  focusing  initially  on  the  generation of unique diagnostic
markers  for so-called "homebrew" tests-scientifically validated tests which are
awaiting  formal  regulatory  approval-for  reference laboratory testing and for
license  to  diagnostic  kit manufacturers. Ultimately, diaDexus may develop its
own  capacity to manufacture kits for sale to clinical testing laboratories. The
initial  product  range will focus on tests for disease detection. New tests for
improved diagnosis, staging and patient stratification in infectious disease and
oncology  will  be  accorded  particular  emphasis.


     Our  database  business and competitive position are in part dependent upon
our  ability  to  protect  our  proprietary  database  information  and software
technology.  We  rely  on  patent,  trade  secret  and copyright law, as well as
nondisclosure  and  other  contractual  arrangements  to protect our proprietary

     Our ability to license proprietary genes and SNPs may be dependent upon our
ability  to obtain patents, protect trade secrets and operate without infringing
upon  the  proprietary rights of others. Other pharmaceutical, biotechnology and
biopharmaceutical  companies,  as  well as academic and other institutions, have
filed  applications  for,  may have been issued patents or may obtain additional
patents and proprietary rights, relating to products or processes competitive to
our  products  or  processes. Patent applications filed by competitors may claim
some  of  the  same gene sequences or partial gene sequences as those claimed in
patent  applications  that we file. We are aware that some entities have made or
have  announced  their  intention  to  make  gene  sequences publicly available.
Publication  of  sequence information may adversely affect our ability to obtain
patent  protection  for  sequences  that  have  been  made  publicly  available.

     Our  current policy is to file patent applications on what we believe to be
novel  full-length  and  partial  gene  sequences  obtained  through  our
high-throughput  computer-aided  gene  sequencing  efforts.  We  have filed U.S.
patent  applications in which we have claimed certain partial gene sequences and
have  filed  patent  applications  in the U.S. and applications under the Patent
Cooperation  Treaty  ("PCT"),  designating countries in Europe as well as Canada
and Japan, claiming full-length gene sequences associated with cells and tissues
that are the subject of our high-throughput gene sequencing program. To date, we
hold  approximately  400 U.S. patents with respect to full-length gene sequences
and  one issued U.S. patent claiming multiple partial gene sequences. Currently,
we  have  no  registered  copyrights  for  our  database-related  software.

     In  1996,  the  United States Patent and Trademark Office issued guidelines
limiting  the  number of partial gene sequences that can be examined in a single
patent  application. Many of our patent applications containing multiple partial
sequences  contain  more sequences than the maximum number allowed under the new
guidelines.  We  are  reviewing  our options, and due to the resources needed to
comply  with  the  guidelines,  we may decide to abandon patent applications for
some  of  our  partial  gene  sequences.

     We  have  begun  to file patent applications for patentable SNPs identified
with our LifeSeq Gold database, through our human genome sequencing program, and
through  the  use  of  our  fSSCP discovery technology. These patents will claim
rights  to  SNPs for diagnostic and genotyping purposes. As information relating
to particular SNPs is developed, we plan to seek additional rights in those SNPs
that  are  associated  with  specific diseases, functions or drug responses. The
scope  of  patent  protection  for  gene  sequences,  including  SNPs, is highly
uncertain,  involves  complex  legal and factual questions and has recently been
the subject of much controversy. No clear policy has emerged with respect to the
breadth  of  claims  allowable  for SNPs. There is significant uncertainty as to
what,  if any, claims will be allowed on SNPs discovered through high throughput
discovery  programs.

     As  the  biotechnology  industry expands, more patents are issued and other
companies  engage in the business of discovering genes and other genomic-related
businesses,  the  risk  increases that our potential products, and the processes
used  to develop these products, may be subject to claims that they infringe the
patents  of others. Further, we are aware of several issued patents in the field
of microarray or gridding technology, which can be utilized in the generation of
gene  expression  information.  Some  of  these  patents  are  the  subject  of
litigation.  Therefore,  our  operations may require us to obtain licenses under
any  of  these patents or proprietary rights, and these licenses may not be made
available  on  terms  acceptable  to  us.  Litigation may be necessary to defend
against  or  assert  claims of infringement, to enforce patents issued to us, to
protect  trade  secrets  or  know-how owned by us, or to determine the scope and
validity of the proprietary rights of others. We believe that some of our patent
applications  cover  genes that may also be claimed in patent applications filed
by  other  parties. Interference proceedings may be necessary to establish which
party  was  the  first to invent a particular sequence for the purpose of patent
protection.  Several  interferences  involving  our patent applications covering
full  length  genes  have been declared. Litigation or interference proceedings,
regardless  of  the outcome, could result in substantial costs to us, and divert
our  efforts,  and may have a material adverse effect on our business, operating
results  and  financial  condition.  In addition, there can be no assurance that
such  proceedings  or  litigation  would  be  resolved  in  our  favor.

     In  January  and  September  1998,  Affymetrix,  Inc. filed lawsuits in the
United  States District Court for the District of Delaware alleging infringement
of  three  U.S.  patents by both Synteni and Incyte. Incyte believes that it and
Synteni  have meritorious defenses and intends to defend these suits vigorously.
See  "Risk  Factors-We  Are  Involved  in  Patent Litigation, Which If We Do Not
Resolve  Favorably  Could  Negatively  Impact  Our  Business."


     There  is a finite number of genes in the human genome, and competitors may
seek  to  identify,  sequence  and  determine  in the shortest time possible the
biological  function of a large number of genes in order to obtain a proprietary
position with respect to the largest number of new genes discovered. A number of
companies,  institutions,  and  government-financed entities are engaged in gene
sequencing,  gene  discovery,  gene  expression analysis, positional cloning and
other  genomic  service  businesses.  Many  of these companies, institutions and
entities  have greater financial and human resources than we do. In addition, we
are  aware  that  other  companies  have  developed  databases  containing  gene
sequence,  gene  expression,  genetic variation or other genomic information and
are  marketing,  or  have  announced  their  intention  to market, their data to
pharmaceutical  companies.  We expect that additional competitors may attempt to
establish  databases  containing  this  information  in  the  future.

     In  addition,  competitors may discover and establish patent positions with
respect  to the gene sequences and polymorphisms in our databases. Further, some
entities  engaged in or with stated intentions to engage in gene sequencing have
made  or  have  stated  their  intention to make the results of their sequencing
efforts  publicly  available. These patent positions, or the public availability
of  gene  sequences  comprising  substantial  portions of the human genome or on
microbial  or  plant  genes,  could:

- -     decrease  the  potential  value  of  our databases to our subscribers; and

- -     adversely  affect  our  ability to realize royalties or other revenue from
commercialization  of  products  based  upon  such  genetic  information.

     The  gene  sequencing  machines  that  are  utilized in our high-throughput
computer-aided  gene  sequencing  operations  are commercially available and are
currently  being  utilized by several competitors. Also, some of our competitors
or  potential competitors are in the process of developing, and may successfully
develop,  proprietary sequencing technologies that may be more advanced than the
technology  we  use.  In  addition,  we are aware that a number of companies are
pursuing  alternative  methods  for  generating  gene  expression  information,
including  some  that have developed and are developing microarray technologies.
At least one other company currently offers microarray-based services that might
be competitive with those we offer. These advanced sequencing or gene expression
technologies,  if  developed, may not be commercially available for our purchase
or  license  on  reasonable  terms,  if  at  all.

     A  number  of  companies  have announced their intent to develop and market
software  to  assist  pharmaceutical  companies  and academic researchers in the
management  and  analysis  of their own genomic data, as well as the analysis of
sequence data available in the public domain. Some of these entities have access
to  significantly  greater  resources than we do, and their products may achieve
greater  market  acceptance  than  our  products.

     Our  SNP  discovery platform represents a modification of a process that is
in  the  public  domain.  Other  companies  could  make  similar  or  superior
improvements  in  this  process.

     We  believe  that  the  following  are important aspects of our competitive
- -     the  features  and  ease  of  use  of  our  database  software;
- -     our  experience  in  high-throughput  gene  sequencing;
- -     the  cumulative  size  of  our  databases;
- -     the  quality  of  the  data,  including  the annotations in our databases;
- -     our  computing  infrastructure;  and
- -     and  our  experience  with  bioinformatics  and  database  software.

     The  genomics  industry  is characterized by extensive research efforts and
rapid  technological  progress.  New  developments  are expected to continue and
there  can  be  no  assurance  that  discoveries  by  others will not render our
services  and potential products noncompetitive. In addition, significant levels
of  research  in  biotechnology  and  medicine  occur  in universities and other
non-profit research institutions. These entities have become increasingly active
in  seeking patent protection and licensing revenues for their research results.
These entities also compete with us in recruiting talented scientists. See "Risk
Factors-We  Experience Intense Competition and Rapid Technological Change and If
We  Do  Not  Compete  Effectively  Our  Revenues  May  Decline."


     Regulation  by  governmental  authorities  in  the  United States and other
countries  will  be  a significant factor in the production and marketing of any
pharmaceutical  products  that  may  be developed by us or our licensees. At the
present time, we do not intend to develop any pharmaceutical products ourselves.
Our  agreements  with  our  LifeSeq  Gold  database  subscribers provide for the
payment  to  us  of  royalties on any pharmaceutical products developed by those
subscribers  derived  from  proprietary  information  obtained  from our genomic
databases.  Thus,  the  receipt  and  timing  of  regulatory  approvals  for the
marketing of such products may have a significant effect on our future revenues.
Pharmaceutical  products developed by licensees will require regulatory approval
by  governmental  agencies  prior  to  commercialization.  In  particular, human
pharmaceutical  therapeutic  products  are  subject  to rigorous preclinical and
clinical  testing  and  other  approval procedures by the United States Food and
Drug  Administration  in  the  United  States  and similar health authorities in
foreign  countries.  Various  federal  and,  in  some  cases, state statutes and
regulations  also  govern  or  influence  the  manufacturing,  safety, labeling,
storage, record keeping and marketing of such pharmaceutical products, including
the  use, manufacture, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous materials and
certain  waste  products.  The  process  of  obtaining  these  approvals and the
subsequent  compliance  with  appropriate  federal  and  foreign  statutes  and
regulations  require the expenditure of substantial resources over a significant
period of time, and there can be no assurance that any approvals will be granted
on  a  timely basis, if at all. Any such delay in obtaining or failure to obtain
such  approvals  could  adversely affect our ability to earn milestone payments,
royalties  or other license-based fees. Additional governmental regulations that
might  arise  from  future  legislation  or  administrative  action  cannot  be
predicted,  and  such  regulations  could  delay  or  otherwise affect adversely
regulatory  approval of potential pharmaceutical products. See "Risk Factors-Our
Revenues  Are  Derived  Primarily  from  the  Pharmaceutical  and  Biotechnology
Industries  and  May  Fluctuate  Substantially  Due  to Reductions and Delays in
Research  and  Development  Expenditures."


     As  of  December 31, 1999, we had 1,108 full-time equivalent employees (195
of  whom  were  contract  or  part-time employees), including 399 in sequencing,
microarray,  SNP  and reagent production, 294 in bioinformatics, 239 in research
and  technology  development,  and  176  in  marketing, sales and administrative
positions. None of our employees is covered by collective bargaining agreements,
and  management  considers  relations  with its employees to be good. Our future
success  will  depend  in  part  on the continued service of our key scientific,
software,  bioinformatics  and management personnel and its ability to identify,
hire  and  retain  additional  personnel,  including  personnel  in the customer
service,  marketing  and sales areas. There is intense competition for qualified
personnel in the areas of our activities, especially with respect to experienced
bioinformatics  and  software  personnel,  and there can be no assurance that we
will  be able to continue to attract and retain such personnel necessary for the
development  of  our business. Failure to attract and retain key personnel could
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  our  business,  financial  condition and
operating results. See "Risk Factors-We May Have Difficulty Managing Our Growth,
Which  May  Impact Our Ability to Optimize Our Resources" and "-We Depend on Key
Employees  in  a  Competitive  Market  for Skilled Personnel and the Loss of the
Services  of  Any  of  Our  Key Employees Would Materially Affect Our Business."



     We  had net losses from inception in 1991 through 1996, reported net income
in  1997  and  1998,  and  again  incurred  a net loss in 1999. Because of those
losses,  we had an accumulated deficit of $55.2 million as of December 31, 1999.
We  intend  to  make  significant  investments  in  sequencing,  bioinformatics,
expression  database  development  and  single  nucleotide polymorphism, or SNP,
discovery over the next six to nine months, so we expect to report net losses at
least  through the first three quarters of 2000 and for the year ending December
31, 2000. We may report net losses in future periods as well. We expect that our
expenditures  may  continue to increase through the first three quarters of 2000
due  in  part  to  our  continued  investment  in  new  product  and  technology
development,  including  the  continuation  of  our  genomic  sequencing,
bioinformatics,  expression  database  development,  SNP-discovery  programs,
obligations  under  existing  and future research and development alliances, and
our  increasing  investment  in  marketing,  sales  and  customer  service.  Our
profitability  depends  on  our  ability  to  increase  our  revenues:

     To  generate  significant  revenues,  we  must  obtain  additional database
collaborators and retain existing collaborators.   While we had over 20 database
agreements  as  of  December  31,  1999,  we  may  be  unable  to enter into any
additional  agreements.  In 1999, one LifeSeq Gold database collaborator did not
renew  their  subscription.  Our  other database collaborators may choose not to
renew  upon  expiration  of other existing agreements. Our database revenues are
also  affected  by  the  extent  to  which  existing  collaborators expand their
agreements  with  us to include our new database products and to the extent that
existing  collaborators reduce the number of products or services for which they
subscribe.  Some  of  our  database  agreements  require  us to meet performance
obligations.  A database collaborator can terminate its agreement before the end
of  its  scheduled  term  if we breach the agreement and fail to cure the breach
within  a  specified  period.

     Our  revenues and profitability will also depend on our ability to generate
profits  from  microarray  services  and  expression  databases.   We  acquired
Synteni,  Inc.  in  January  1998 to provide microarray services and to generate
information  for  expression  databases.  The  contribution  of  our  microarray
operations  to  our  operating results will depend on whether we can continue to
obtain  high-volume  customers for microarray services and expression databases,
whether  we  can  continue  to  increase our microarray production capacity in a
timely  manner and with consistent volumes and quality, and the costs associated
with  increasing  our  microarray  production  capacity.

     We  do  not  expect milestone or royalty payments to contribute to revenues
for  a  substantial  period  of  time.   Part  of  our strategy is to license to
database  collaborators  our know how and patent rights associated with the gene
sequences  and  related information in our proprietary databases, for use in the
discovery  and  development  of  potential  pharmaceutical,  diagnostic or other
products.  Any  potential  product  that  is  the subject of such a license will
require  several  years  of further development, clinical testing and regulatory
approval  before  commercialization.  In  1999, one customer paid future license
fees,  even  though  the customer has not developed a product using our database
information. We are not assured of any additional milestone or royalty payments.


     Our  operating  results  are  unpredictable and may fluctuate significantly
from  period  to  period  due  to  a  variety  of  factors,  including:
- -     changes  in  the  demand  for  our  products  and  services;
- -     the  introduction  of  competitive databases or services, including public
domain  databases;
- -     the  pricing  of  access  to  our  databases;
- -     the  nature, pricing and timing of other products and services provided to
our  collaborators;
- -     changes  in  the research and development budgets of our collaborators and
potential  collaborators;
- -     depreciation  expense  from  capital  expenditures;
- -     acquisition,  licensing  and  other  costs related to the expansion of our
operations,  including  operating  losses of acquired businesses such as Synteni
and  Hexagen;
- -     losses  and  expenses  related  to  our  investments in joint ventures and
businesses,  including  our  proportionate  share  of  operating  losses  of our
diaDexus,  LLC,  joint  venture  with  SmithKline  Beecham  Corporation;
- -     payments  of milestones, license fees or research payments under the terms
of  our  increasing  number  of  external  alliances;  and
- -     expenses  related to, and the results of, litigation and other proceedings
relating  to  intellectual  property  rights  (including  the  lawsuits filed by
Affymetrix,  Inc.  described  below).

     In  particular,  revenues  from  our  database  business  are unpredictable
- -     the  timing  of  our  database  installations  is  determined  by  our
- -     the  sales  cycle  for  our  database  products  is  lengthy;  and
- -     the  time  required  to  complete  custom  orders  can vary significantly.

     We expect our expression databases to represent an increasing amount of our
revenues.  Also,  revenues  may  be  affected  by developments in the Affymetrix
litigation,  which  may  cause  potential  customers to postpone or change their
decision  to  use  our  microarray  services.

     We  are  investing in a number of new areas to try to broaden our business.
These  areas  include sequencing, bioinformatics, gene expression databases, SNP
discovery,  molecular  diagnostics,  proteomics,  or  the  large  scale,
high-throughput  analysis  of protein expression, and the online delivery of our
database  and  software  products.  Because many of these address new markets or
involve  untested technologies, they may not generate any revenues or provide an
adequate  return  on  our  investment.  In these cases, we may have to recognize
expenses  or  losses.

     We  have significant fixed expenses, due in part to our need to continue to
invest  in  product  development  and  extensive  support  for  our  database
collaborators.  We  may  be  unable  to adjust our expenditures if revenues in a
particular  period  fail  to meet our expectations, which would adversely affect
our  operating  results  for  that period. Forecasting operating and integration
expenses for acquired businesses may be particularly difficult, especially where
the  acquired  business  focuses on technologies that do not have an established

     We  believe that period-to-period comparisons of our financial results will
not  necessarily  be  meaningful. You should not rely on these comparisons as an
indication  of  our  future  performance. If our operating results in any future
period  fall  below  the  expectations of securities analysts and investors, our
stock  price  will  likely  fall,  possibly  by  a  significant  amount.


     Genomic businesses are intensely competitive.   The human genome contains a
finite  number  of  genes.  Our  competitors  may seek to identify, sequence and
determine  the  biological  function  of  numerous  genes  in  order to obtain a
proprietary  position  with  respect  to new genes. A number of companies, other
institutions  and  government-financed  entities are engaged in gene sequencing,
gene  discovery,  gene  expression  analysis,  positional  cloning, the study of
genetic  variation,  and  other  genomic  service  businesses.  Many  of  these
companies,  institutions and entities have greater financial and human resources
than  we  do.

     Some  of our competitors have developed databases containing gene sequence,
gene  expression,  genetic  variation  or  other  genomic  information  and  are
marketing  or  plan to market their data to pharmaceutical companies. Additional
competitors  may  attempt  to establish databases containing this information in
the  future.  We  expect  that  competition  in  our  industry  will continue to
intensify.  Several  large  pharmaceutical companies have formed a consortium to
create  a  SNPs  database and to make all of the information publicly available.
The  formation  of  this consortium could delay or reduce the potential revenues
related  to  our  SNP-related  business.

     Patent  positions  or  public  disclosures  may  reduce  the  value  of our
databases.    Competitors  may  discover  and  establish  patent  positions with
respect to gene sequences in our databases. Further, certain entities engaged in
gene  sequencing  have  made  the  results  of their sequencing efforts publicly
available.  In  January  2000,  the  Celera  Genomics  Group  of  PE Corporation
announced  that it has DNA sequence in its database that covers 90% of the human
genome and plans to complete the sequencing of the human genome by the summer of
2000. Celera has announced that it has filed a provisional patent application on
newly  discovered  partial  genes  and  stated  its  intention  to  file  full
applications on medically important discoveries. The Human Genome Project, which
is  coordinated  by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of
Health,  has  announced  that  a  consortium of laboratories associated with the
Project  predicts  that  they  will  produce  at  least  90% of the human genome
sequence in a "working draft form" by the spring of 2000 and that they intend to
make  the  information  publicly  available.  The  public  availability  of gene
sequences  or  resulting  patent  positions covering substantial portions of the
human  genome  or microbial or plant genomes could reduce the potential value of
our  databases to our collaborators. It could also impair our ability to realize
royalties  or  other  revenue  from  any  commercialized  products based on this
genetic  information.

     Competitors may develop superior technology.   The gene sequencing machines
used  in our computer-aided sequencing operations are commercially available and
are  being used by at least one competitor. In addition, some of our competitors
and  potential  competitors  are  developing proprietary sequencing technologies
that  may  be more advanced than ours. PE Corporation began commercial shipments
of  a  new  gel-based  sequencing  machine,  of  which  a large number have been
provided  to  Celera  Genomics  Group.  We  may  be  unable  to obtain access to
sufficient  quantities  of  these  machines  on  acceptable  terms.

     In  addition,  a  number  of companies are pursuing alternative methods for
generating gene expression information, including microarray technologies. These
advanced  sequencing  or  gene  expression  technologies may not be commercially
available for us to purchase or license on reasonable terms, if at all. At least
one  other  company  currently  offers  microarray-based  services that might be
competitive  with  ours.

     Our  SNP  discovery platform represents a modification of a process that is
in  the  public domain. We are seeking patent protection for these improvements,
but  have  not  yet  received any patents. Other companies could make similar or
superior  improvements to this process without infringing our rights, and we may
not  have  access  to those improvements. The discovery of SNPs is a competitive
area.  Other  companies  may develop or obtain access to different SNP discovery
platforms,  to  which  we  may  not  have  access,  that may make our technology

     We  also face competition from providers of software. A number of companies
have  announced  their  intent  to  develop  and  market  software  to  assist
pharmaceutical  companies  and  academic  researchers  in managing and analyzing
their  own  genomic  data  and  publicly  available  data.

     We  must continue to invest in new technologies.   The genomics industry is
characterized  by  extensive  research efforts, resulting in rapid technological
progress.  To  remain  competitive,  we  must  continue to expand our databases,
improve  our  software,  and  invest  in  new technologies. New developments are
expected  to  continue,  and  discoveries  by others may render our services and
potential  products  noncompetitive.


     In  January  1998,  Affymetrix  filed  a  lawsuit in federal court alleging
infringement  of  U.S.  patent  number 5,445,934 by both Synteni and Incyte. The
complaint  alleges  that  the  '934  patent  has been infringed by Synteni's and
Incyte's  making,  using,  selling,  importing, distributing or offering to sell
high density arrays in the United States and that this infringement was willful.
Affymetrix  seeks  a  permanent  injunction  enjoining  Synteni  and Incyte from
further  infringement  of  the  '934 patent and seeks damages, costs, attorneys'
fees  and  interest.  Affymetrix also requests triple damages based on allegedly
willful  infringement.

     In  September  1998,  Affymetrix  filed  an  additional  lawsuit  alleging
infringement  of  U.S.  patent  numbers  5,744,305  and 5,800,992 by Synteni and
Incyte.  The  complaint  alleges  that  the  '305  patent  has been infringed by
Synteni's  and  Incyte's  making,  using,  selling,  importing,  distributing or
offering  to sell high density arrays in the United States. It also alleges that
the  '992  patent  has  been  infringed by the use of Synteni's and Incyte's GEM
microarray  technology  to  conduct  gene  expression monitoring using two-color
labeling  and  that  this  infringement  was  willful.  Affymetrix  had sought a
preliminary  injunction  enjoining  Synteni and Incyte from using GEM microarray
technology  to  conduct this kind of gene expression monitoring, and a permanent
injunction  enjoining  Synteni  and  Incyte from further infringing the '305 and
'992  patents.

     The  lawsuits  were initially filed in the United States District Court for
the District of Delaware. In November 1998, the court granted Incyte's motion to
transfer the suits to the United States District Court for the Northern District
of  California.  Affymetrix's request for a preliminary injunction was denied in
April  1999.  As  a  result  of  the  assignment of the case to a new judge, all
scheduled trial and pretrial dates have been vacated. A new schedule is expected
to  be  set  by  the  court  in  late  April  2000.

     In  April  1999,  the  Board  of Patent Appeals and Interferences of United
States Patent and Trademark Office declared interferences between pending patent
applications  licensed  exclusively  to  us  and  the  Affymetrix  '305 and '992
patents.  An  interference  proceeding  is  invoked  by the Patent and Trademark
Office  when more than one patent applicant claims the same invention. The Board
of  Patent  Appeals  and  Interferences  evaluates all relevant facts, including
those  bearing on first to invent, validity, enablement and scope of claims, and
then  makes  a  determination as to who, if anyone, is entitled to the patent on
the  disputed  invention.  In  September  1999,  the Board of Patent Appeals and
Interferences determined that Incyte had not met its prima facie case, and ruled
that  patents  licensed  by Incyte and Synteni from Stanford University were not
entitled to priority over corresponding claims in the two Affymetrix patents. We
have  sought de novo review of the board decisions in the United States district
court  for  the  Northern  District  of  California.

     We  believe  we  have meritorious defenses and intend to defend these suits
vigorously.  However,  our  defense may be unsuccessful. At this time, we cannot
reasonably  estimate  the  possible range of any loss resulting from these suits
due  to  uncertainty  about  the  ultimate  outcome. We have spent and expect to
continue  to  spend  a  significant  amount of money and management time on this
litigation.  Also,  if  we are required to license any technology as a result of
these  suits,  we  do  not know whether we will be able to do so on commercially
acceptable  terms,  if  at  all.


     There  is no precedent for our microarray-based gene expression database or
service  businesses  or  the use of SNP-based genetic variation information. The
usefulness  of  the  information  generated by these businesses is unproven. Our
collaborators  and  potential  collaborators  may  determine that our databases,
software tools and microarray-related services are not useful or cost-effective.
Due  to the nature and price of some of the products and services we offer, only
a limited number of companies are potential collaborators for those products and
services.  If  we do not develop these new products and services in time to meet
market  demand  or  if  there  is  insufficient  demand  for  these products and
services, we may not be able to cover our costs of developing these products and
services  or  earn  a  sufficient  return  on  our  investment.

     Additional  factors  that  may  affect demand for our products and services

- -     the  extent  to  which  pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies conduct
these  activities  in-house  or  through  industry  consortia;

- -     the  emergence  of  competitors  offering  similar services at competitive

- -     the  extent to which the information in our databases is made public or is
covered  by  others'  patents;

- -     our  ability  to establish and enforce proprietary rights to our products;

- -     regulatory  developments  or changes in public perceptions relating to the
use  of  genetic information and the diagnosis and treatment of disease based on
genetic  information;  and

- -     technological  innovations  that  are  more advanced than the technologies
that  we  have  developed  or  that  are  available  to  us.

     Many  of  these  factors  are  beyond  our  control.


     We recently began to focus part of our business on developing databases and
other  products  and  services  to  assist pharmaceutical companies in a new and
unproven  area:  the  identification  and  correlation  of  genetic variation to
disease and drug response. We will incur significant costs over the next several
years  in  expanding our research and development in this area. These activities
may  never  generate  significant  revenues  or  profitable  operations.

     This  new  aspect  of  our business will focus on SNPs, one type of genetic
variation.  The  role  of  SNPs  in  disease  and  drug  response  is  not fully
understood, and relatively few, if any, therapeutic or diagnostic products based
on  SNPs  have  been developed and commercialized. Among other things, demand in
this  area  may  be  adversely affected by ethical and social concerns about the
confidentiality  of  patient-specific  genetic  information and about the use of
genetic  testing  for  diagnostic  purposes.

     Except  for  a few anecdotal examples, there is no proof that SNPs have any
correlation to diseases or a patient's response to a particular drug or class of
drug.  Identifying  statistically significant correlations is time-consuming and
could involve the collection and screening of a large number of patient samples.
We  do  not  know  if the SNPs we have discovered to date are suitable for these
correlation  studies.  Nor  do  we  currently have access to the patient samples
needed  or  technology  allowing  us  to  rapidly  and cost-effectively identify
pre-determined  SNPs  in  large  numbers  of  patients.

     Most  SNPs  may  occur  too  infrequently to warrant their use in analyzing
patients'  genetic  variation.  We  may  have trouble identifying SNPs that both
correlate with diseases or drug responses and occur frequently enough to justify
their  use  by  pharmaceutical  companies.

     Our  success  will also depend upon our ability to develop, use and enhance
new  and relatively unproven technologies. Our strategy of using high-throughput
mutation  detection  processes and sequencing to identify SNPs and genes rapidly
is  unproven.  Among  other  things,  we  will  need  to continue to improve the
throughput  of our SNP-discovery technology. We may not be able to achieve these
necessary  improvements, and other factors may impair our ability to develop our
SNP-related  products  and  services  in  time  to  be  competitively available.


     We  make  strategic  investments  in  joint  ventures  or  businesses  that
complement  our business. These investments, such as our investment in diaDexus,

- -     often  be made in securities lacking a public trading market or subject to
trading  restrictions,  either  of  which  increases  our  risk  and reduces the
liquidity  of  our  investment;

- -     require  us  to  record  losses  and  expenses  related  to  our ownership

- -     require  us  to  record  charges  related to the acquisition of in-process
technologies or for the impairment in the value of the securities underlying our
investment;  and

- -     require  us  to  invest  greater  amounts  than  anticipated  or to devote
substantial  management  time  to  the  management  of  research and development
relationships  and  joint  ventures.

     The  market values of many of these investments fluctuate significantly. We
evaluate  our  long-term  equity investments for impairment of their values on a
quarterly  basis.  Impairment  could  result  in future charges to our earnings.
These  losses  and  expenses  may  exceed  the  amounts  that  we  anticipated.


     Our ability to obtain new subscribers for our databases, software tools and
microarray  and other services depends upon prospective subscribers' perceptions
that  our  products and services can help accelerate drug discovery efforts. Our
database  sales  cycle  is  typically  lengthy  because  we  need to educate our
potential  subscribers  and  sell  the  benefits  of our tools and services to a
variety  of  constituencies  within potential subscriber companies. In addition,
each  database  subscription  and  microarray  services  agreement  involves the
negotiation  of  unique  terms.  We  may expend substantial funds and management
effort  with no assurance that a subscription or services agreement will result.
Actual and proposed consolidations of pharmaceutical companies have affected the
timing  and  progress  of  our  sales  efforts.  We  expect that future proposed
consolidations  will  have  similar  effects.


     We  may  be unable to protect our proprietary information, which may result
in  unauthorized  use  and  a  loss  of  revenue.   Our business and competitive
position depend upon our ability to protect our proprietary database information
and  software technology, but our strategy of obtaining proprietary rights in as
many genes and SNPs as possible is unproven. Despite our efforts to protect this
information  and  technology, unauthorized parties may attempt to obtain and use
information  that  we  regard as proprietary. Although our database subscription
agreements  require our subscribers to control access to our databases, policing
unauthorized  use  of  our  databases  and  software  may  be  difficult.

     We  pursue  a  policy  of  having  our  employees, consultants and advisors
execute proprietary information and invention agreements when they begin working
for  us. However, these agreements may not provide meaningful protection for our
trade  secrets or other proprietary information in the event of unauthorized use
or  disclosure.

     Our  means of protecting our proprietary rights may not be adequate and our
competitors  may:

- -     independently develop substantially equivalent proprietary information and

- -     otherwise  gain  access  to  our  proprietary  information;  or

- -     design  around  patents  issued  to us or our other intellectual property.

     Our  patent  applications may conflict with others.   Our current policy is
to  file  patent  applications  on  what  we believe to be novel full-length and
partial  gene  sequences  obtained  through our gene sequencing efforts. We have
filed  U.S.  patent  applications  in which we have claimed certain partial gene
sequences.  We  have  also  applied  for patents in the U.S. and other countries
claiming  full-length  gene sequences associated with cells and tissues involved
in  our  gene  sequencing  program.  We  hold a number of issued U.S. patents on
full-length  genes  and  one  issued  U.S. patent claiming multiple partial gene
sequences.  A number of entities make certain gene sequences publicly available,
which  may  adversely  affect  our  ability  to  obtain  patents on those genes.

     We  believe  that some of our patent applications claim genes that may also
be  claimed  in  patent  applications  filed  by others. In some or all of these
applications, a determination of priority of inventorship may need to be decided
in  an  interference  before  the  United  States  Patent  and Trademark Office.

     Enforcement  of  gene  patents  is  uncertain and gene patents may be found
unenforceable,  resulting  in  a  loss  of  competitive  benefit.   One  of  our
strategies  is  to obtain proprietary rights in as many genes (including partial
gene  sequences)  and  SNPs  as  possible.  While  the  USPTO has issued patents
covering  full-length  genes,  partial  gene  sequences and SNPs, we do not know
whether or how courts may enforce those patents, if that becomes necessary. If a
court  finds  these  types  of inventions to be unpatentable, or interprets them
narrowly,  the  benefits  of  our  strategy  may  not  materialize.

     We  may  decide  to  abandon  patent applications, which could diminish the
value  of our patent portfolio and possibly our future revenues.   The USPTO has
had  a  substantial  backlog  of biotechnology patent applications, particularly
those claiming gene sequences. In 1996, the USPTO issued guidelines limiting the
number  of  partial  gene  sequences that can be examined within a single patent
application. Many of our patent applications contain more partial sequences than
the  maximum  number allowed under these guidelines. Due to the resources needed
to  comply with the guidelines, we may decide to abandon patent applications for
some  of  our  partial  gene  sequences.

     Because  filing large numbers of patent applications and maintaining issued
patents can be very costly, we may choose not to pursue every application. If we
do  not  pursue  patent  protection  for all of our full-length and partial gene
sequences, the value of our intellectual property portfolio could be diminished.
Because  of  the  possible  delay  in  obtaining allowance of some of our patent
applications,  and  the  secrecy of patent applications, we do not know if other
applications  having  priority  over  ours  have  been  filed.

     We  may  need  to  refile some of our patent applications and the period of
patent  protection  has  been shortened, which may affect our potential revenues
and  profits.   The  value of our patents depends in part on their duration. The
U.S.  patent  laws  were amended in 1995 to change the term of patent protection
from  17  years  from  patent  issuance  to 20 years from the earliest effective
filing date of the application. Because the average time from filing to issuance
of  biotechnology  applications  is at least one year and may be more than three
years  depending  on  the  subject matter, a 20-year patent term from the filing
date  may result in substantially shorter patent protection, which may adversely
affect  our  rights  under  any  patents  that  we obtain. We may need to refile
applications  claiming large numbers of gene sequences and, in these situations,
the  patent  term  will  be  measured  from  the  date  of the earliest priority
application.  This  would  shorten  our  period  of  patent  exclusivity.

     International  patent  protection is particularly uncertain, and opposition
proceedings  in foreign countries may be costly and divert management resources.
Biotechnology  patent  law outside the United States is even more uncertain than
in  the  United  States  and is currently undergoing review and revision in many
countries.  Further,  the  laws  of  some  foreign countries may not protect our
intellectual property rights to the same extent as U.S. laws. We may participate
in  opposition  proceedings to determine the validity of our or our competitors'
foreign  patents,  which  could result in substantial costs and diversion of our


     The  technology  that  we  use  to  develop our products, and those that we
incorporate  in  our  products,  may be subject to claims that they infringe the
patents or proprietary rights of others. The risk of this occurring will tend to
increase  as  the  genomics,  biotechnology and software industries expand, more
patents  are  issued  and other companies attempt to discover genes and SNPs and
engage  in  other  genomic-related  businesses.

     As  is  typical  in the genomics, biotechnology and software industries, we
have  received,  and  we will probably receive in the future, notices from third
parties  alleging patent infringement. We believe that we are not infringing the
patent rights of any such third party. Except for Affymetrix, no third party has
filed  a  patent  lawsuit  against  us.

     We  may,  however,  be  involved  in  future  lawsuits  alleging  patent
infringement  or  other  intellectual  property  rights violations. In addition,
litigation  may  be  necessary  to:

- -     assert  claims  of  infringement;

- -     enforce  our  patents;

- -     protect  our  trade  secrets  or  know-how;  or

- -     determine the enforceability, scope and validity of the proprietary rights
of  others.

     We  may be unsuccessful in defending or pursuing these lawsuits. Regardless
of  the  outcome,  litigation  can  be  very  costly and can divert management's
efforts.  An  adverse determination may subject us to significant liabilities or
require  us to seek licenses to other parties' patents or proprietary rights. We
may  also be restricted or prevented from manufacturing or selling our products.
Further,  we  may  not  be  able  to obtain the necessary licenses on acceptable
terms,  if  at  all.


     Our  databases  also  require software support and will need to incorporate
features  determined  by  database  collaborators.  If  we  experience delays or
difficulties  in  implementing  our  database software or collaborator-requested
features,  we  may  be  unable  to  service  our  collaborators.


     As part of our business strategy, we may acquire other assets, technologies
and  businesses.  We  acquired  Synteni in January 1998 and Hexagen in September

     These  and  any  future  acquisitions  involve risks such as the following:

- -     we  may  be  exposed  to  unknown  liabilities  of  acquired  companies;

- -     our  acquisition  and  integration costs may be higher than we anticipated
and  may  cause  our  quarterly  and  annual  operating  results  to  fluctuate;

- -     we  may  experience  difficulty and expense in assimilating the operations
and  personnel of the acquired businesses, disrupting our business and diverting
management's  time  and  attention;

- -     we  may be unable to integrate or complete the development and application
of  acquired  technology;

- -     we  may  experience  difficulties  in establishing and maintaining uniform
standards,  controls,  procedures  and  policies;

- -     our  relationships  with  key  customers  of  acquired  businesses  may be
impaired, due to changes in management and ownership of the acquired businesses;

- -     we  may  be  unable  to  retain  key employees of the acquired businesses;

- -     we  may  incur  amortization  expenses  if  an  acquisition  results  in
significant  goodwill  or  other  intangible  assets;  and

- -     our  stockholders may be diluted if we pay for the acquisition with equity

     In  addition, if we acquire additional businesses that are not located near
our  Palo  Alto,  California  headquarters,  we  may  experience more difficulty
integrating  and  managing  the  acquired  businesses'  operations.


     We expect to continue to experience significant growth in the number of our
employees  and  the  scope  of  our  operations. This growth has placed, and may
continue  to  place,  a significant strain on our management and operations. Our
ability  to manage this growth will depend upon our ability to attract, hire and
retain  skilled  employees.  Our  success will also depend on the ability of our
officers  and key employees to continue to implement and improve our operational
and  other  systems  and  to  hire,  train  and  manage  our  employees.

     In  addition,  we  must continue to invest in customer support resources as
the  number  of  database collaborators and their requests for support increase.
Our  database  collaborators typically have worldwide operations and may require
support at multiple U.S. and foreign sites. To provide this support, we may need
to  open  offices  in addition to our Palo Alto, California headquarters and our
offices  in  Fremont,  California,  St.  Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, England,
which  could  result  in  additional  burdens  on  our  systems  and  resources.


     We  are  highly  dependent  on  the  principal  members  of our management,
operations and scientific staff, including Roy A. Whitfield, our Chief Executive
Officer,  and  Randal  W. Scott, our President and Chief Scientific Officer. The
loss  of either of these persons' services may have a material adverse effect on
our  business.  We have not entered into any employment agreement with either of
these persons and do not maintain a key person life insurance policy on the life
of  any  employee.

     Our future success also will depend in part on the continued service of our
key  scientific,  software,  bioinformatics  and  management  personnel  and our
ability  to  identify,  hire and retain additional personnel, including customer
service,  marketing  and  sales  staff.  We  experience  intense competition for
qualified  personnel.  We  may  not  be  able  to continue to attract and retain
personnel  necessary  for  the  development  of  our  business.


     We  rely  on  a  small  number of suppliers of gene sequencing machines and
reagents  required for gene sequencing.   Although we are evaluating alternative
gene  sequencing machines, they may not be available in sufficient quantities or
at  acceptable costs. In addition, if a third party claims that our use of these
machines  infringes  their patent rights, our use of these machines could become
more  costly  or  could  be  prevented.  If  we  are unable to obtain additional
machines  or  an  adequate supply of reagents or other materials at commercially
reasonable  rates,  our  ability  to  identify genes and SNPs would be adversely

     We rely on outside sources for tissue samples from which we isolate genetic
material  used  in our operations.   Our business could be adversely affected if
we  lose  access  to  some of these sources, or if they charged us higher access
fees  or  imposed  tighter  restrictions on our use of the information generated
from  the  samples.

     We  cannot  control  the  performance of collaborators.   We may enter into
research and development relationships with corporate and academic collaborators
and  others.  The  success  of  these  relationships depends upon third parties'
performance  of  their  responsibilities.  Our  ability  to  develop  these
relationships  is  uncertain,  and  any  established  relationships  may  prove
unsuccessful. Our collaborators may also be pursuing alternative technologies or
developing  alternative  products  on their own or in collaboration with others,
including  our  competitors.

     We rely on third-party data sources.   We rely on scientific and other data
supplied  by  others, including our academic collaborators and sources of tissue
samples.  This  data  could contain errors or other defects, which could corrupt
our  databases.  In addition, we cannot guarantee that our data sources acquired
this  information  in  compliance  with  legal  requirements. If either of these
happen  and  become  known,  our business prospects could be adversely affected.


     Our  research  and development involves the controlled use of hazardous and
radioactive materials and biological waste. We are subject to federal, state and
local laws and regulations governing the use, manufacture, storage, handling and
disposal of these materials and certain waste products. Although we believe that
our  safety procedures for handling and disposing of these materials comply with
legally  prescribed  standards,  the  risk of accidental contamination or injury
from  these  materials  cannot  be  completely  eliminated.  In  the event of an
accident,  we  could be held liable for damages, and this liability could exceed
our  resources.

     We  believe  that  we  are  in  compliance  in  all  material respects with
applicable  environmental  laws  and  regulations and currently do not expect to
make  material  additional  capital  expenditures  for  environmental  control
facilities  in the near term. However, we may have to incur significant costs to
comply  with  current  or  future  environmental  laws  and  regulations.


     We  expect  that  our  revenues  in  the foreseeable future will be derived
primarily  from  products  and  services  provided  to  the  pharmaceutical  and
biotechnology industries. Accordingly, our success will depend directly upon the
success  of  the  companies  within  these  industries  and their demand for our
products  and services. Our operating results may fluctuate substantially due to
reductions  and  delays in research and development expenditures by companies in
these  industries.  These reductions and delays may result from factors such as:

- -     changes  in  economic  conditions;

- -     consolidation  in  the  pharmaceutical  industry;

- -     changes  in  the  regulatory  environment affecting health care and health
care  providers;

- -     pricing  pressures;

- -     market-driven  pressures on companies to consolidate and reduce costs; and

- -     other  factors  affecting  research  and  development  spending.

These  factors  are  not  within  our  control.


     Based  upon  our  current plans, we believe that our existing resources and
our  anticipated cash flow from operations will satisfy our capital needs for at
least the next twelve months.  Our cash requirements depend on numerous factors,

- -     our  ability  to  attract  and  retain collaborators for our databases and
other  products  and  services;

- -     expenditures  in  connection  with  alliances,  license  agreements  and
acquisitions  of  and  investments in complementary technologies and businesses;

- -     the  need  to  increase  research  and development spending as a result of
competing  technological  and  market  developments;

- -     the cost of filing, prosecuting, defending and enforcing patent claims and
other  intellectual  property  rights;

- -     the  purchase  of  additional  capital  equipment,  including  equipment
necessary  to  process  data for our databases and to ensure that our sequencing
and  microarray  operations  remain  competitive;

- -     capital  expenditures  required  to  expand  our  facilities;  and

- -     costs  associated  with  the  integration  of  acquired  operations.

     Changes  in  our  research and development plans or other changes affecting
our  operating  expenses  may alter the timing and amount of expenditures of our
capital  resources. If we need additional funding, we may be unable to obtain it
on  favorable terms, or at all. If adequate funds are not available, we may have
to  curtail  operations  significantly  or  obtain  funds  by  entering  into
arrangements requiring us to relinquish rights to certain technologies, products
or  markets.  In  addition,  if  we  raise funds by selling stock or convertible
securities,  our  existing  stockholders  could  suffer  dilution.


     As  a  result  of  computer programs being written using two digits, rather
than  four, to represent year dates, the performance of our computer systems and
those  of  our suppliers and customers in the Year 2000 and beyond is uncertain.
Any  computer  programs  that  have time-sensitive software may recognize a date
using  "00"  as  the  Year  1900  rather  than  the Year 2000. In addition, some
computer  programs  that  were date sensitive to the Year 2000 may not have been
programmed to process the Year 2000 as a leap year. These Year 2000 issues could
result in a system failure or miscalculations which disrupt our operations, such
as  a  temporary  inability  to process transactions, send invoices or engage in
other  normal  business  activities.

     We  rely,  both  domestically  and  internationally,  upon various vendors,
government  agencies,  utility  companies, telecommunications service companies,
delivery  service companies and other service providers. We have no control over
these  third  parties  and,  although  to  date  they  have  not  experienced  a
significant adverse impact from the transition to the Year 2000, they may suffer
a  Year  2000  business  disruption  at  any  time  in the Year 2000 and beyond.

     Year  2000  problems  could  disrupt  our  business and require us to incur
significant,  unanticipated  expenses  to remedy them. They could also result in
claims  and  litigation  against us, which could subject us to significant costs
and  could  require  substantial  attention  from our management. Similarly, the
demand  for  our  products  could  be affected by Year 2000 issues affecting our
customers,  which would harm our operating results. To date, we are not aware of
any  major  Year 2000 problems, but there can be no assurance that there will be
no  Year  2000  disruptions  in  the  coming  months.


     We conduct our sequencing and a significant portion of our other activities
at  our  facilities in Palo Alto, California, and conduct our microarray-related
activities  at  our  facilities  in Fremont, California. Both locations are in a
seismically  active  area. Although we maintain business interruption insurance,
we do not have or plan to obtain earthquake insurance. A major catastrophe (such
as  an  earthquake  or  other  natural  disaster)  could  result  in a prolonged
interruption  of  our  business.


     As  a  result  of our February 2000 sale of $200 million of our convertible
subordinated  notes  due  2007,  we will have substantial amounts of outstanding
indebtedness.  As  a  result  of  this  indebtedness, our principal and interest
payment  obligations have increased substantially. There is the possibility that
we  may  be unable to generate cash sufficient to pay the principal of, interest
on and other amounts due in respect of our indebtedness when due. We also expect
to  add  additional  equipment  loans  and  lease  lines  to  finance  capital
expenditures  and may obtain additional long term debt, working capital lines of
credit  and  lease  lines.  There  can  be  no  assurance  that  any  financing
arrangements  will  be  available.

     Our  substantial  leverage  could  have  significant negative consequences,

- -     increasing  our  vulnerability  to  general  adverse economic and industry

- -     limiting  our  ability  to  obtain  additional  financing;

- -     requiring  the  dedication  of  a substantial portion of our expected cash
flow from operations to service our indebtedness, thereby reducing the amount of
our  expected  cash flow available for other purposes, including working capital
and  capital  expenditures;

- -     limiting  our  flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our
business  and  the  industry  in  which  we  compete;  or

- -     placing  us  at  a  possible  competitive  disadvantage  compared  to less
leveraged  competitors  and  competitors  that  have  better  access  to capital


     Our  stock price has been and is likely to be highly volatile, particularly
due  to  our  relatively limited trading volume. Our stock price could fluctuate
significantly  due  to  a  number  of  factors,  including:

- -     variations  in  our  anticipated  or  actual  operating  results;

- -     sales  of  substantial  amounts  of  our  stock;

- -     announcements  about  us or about our competitors, including technological
innovations  or  new  products  or  services;

- -     litigation  and  other  developments  relating  to  our  patents  or other
proprietary  rights  or  those  of  our  competitors;

- -     conditions  in  the life sciences, pharmaceuticals or genomics industries;

- -     governmental  regulation  and  legislation;  and

- -     changes  in  securities  analysts'  estimates  of  our performance, or our
failure  to  meet  analysts'  expectations.

Many  of  these  factors  are  beyond  our  control.

     In  addition,  the stock markets in general, and the Nasdaq National Market
and  the  market  for life sciences and technology companies in particular, have
experienced  extreme  price and volume fluctuations recently. These fluctuations
often  have  been  unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of
these  companies.  These  broad market and industry factors may adversely affect
the  market  price  of  our  common  stock,  regardless  of our actual operating

     In  the  past,  companies  that  have  experienced volatility in the market
prices  of  their  stock  have  been  the  object  of  securities  class  action
litigation.  If  we  were  the  object of securities class action litigation, it
could  result in substantial costs and a diversion of management's attention and

Item  7.     Financial  Statements  and  Exhibits.

     (c)     Exhibits

99.1     Press  release  dated February 1, 2000 announcing the placement of $150
million  in  convertible  subordinated  notes  by  the  Company.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

     Dated:  February  22,  2000


         By:       /s/ John M. Vuko
         Name:     John  M.  Vuko
         Title:    Executive  Vice  President  and
                   Chief  Financial  Officer