Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998


                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

 For the transition period from _____________________ to ______________________

                        Commission File Number:  0-27488

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                  Delaware                                 94-3136539
         (State or other jurisdiction          (IRS Employer Identification No.)
        of incorporation or organization)
  3174 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, California 94304       (650) 855-0555
     (Address of principal executive offices)    (Registrant's telephone number,
                                                           including area code)

            Securities registered to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act

                      Common Stock, par value $.001 per share
             Series A Participating Preferred Stock Purchase Rights

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
by  Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the
preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required
to  file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
the  past  90  days.  [X]Yes     [  ]     No

Indicate  by  check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K (Section 229.405 of this chapter) is not contained herein, and
will  not  be  contained,  to  the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive
proxy  or  information  statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this
Form  10-K  or  any  amendment  to  this  Form  10-K.  [  ]

The  aggregate  market  value of Common Stock held by non-affiliates (based upon
the  closing  sale price on the Nasdaq National Market on February 28, 1999) was
approximately $782,993.

As  of  February  28, 1999,  there were 27,901,268 shares of Common Stock, $.001
per share par value, outstanding.


Items  10  (as to directors), 11, 12 and 13 of Part III incorporate by reference
information  from  the  registrant's  proxy  statement  to  be  filed  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  in  connection  with  the solicitation of
proxies  for  the registrant's 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
June  8,  1999.


     When  used in this Report, the words "expects," "anticipates," "estimates,"
and  similar  expressions  are  intended to identify forward-looking statements.
These  statements, which include statements as to the performance and utility of
the  Company's  and  diaDexus'  products  and  services, and future products and
services, are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to  differ  materially  from  those  projected.  These  risks  and uncertainties
include,  but  are  not limited to, those risks discussed below, as well as, the
extent  of  utilization of genomic information by the pharmaceutical industry in
both research and development; risks relating to the development of new database
products  and their use by potential collaborators of the Company; the impact of
technological advances and competition; the ability of the Company to obtain and
retain customers; competition from other entities; and the risks set forth below
under  Item  7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results  of  Operations-Factors  That May Affect Results." These forward-looking
statements  speak  only  as of the date hereof.  The Company expressly disclaims
any  obligation  or  undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to
any  forward-looking  statements  contained  herein to reflect any change in the
Company's  expectations  with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions
or  circumstances  on  which  any  such  statement  is  based.


     Incyte  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  ("Incyte"  or  the "Company"), is a leading
provider  of  genomic  information-based  tools  and  services.  These tools and
services  include  database  products,  genomic  data management software tools,
microarray-based  gene  expression  services,  genomic  reagents  and  related
services. The Company focuses on genomic information-based tools that can assist
pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology companies in the discovery and development of
new  drugs  and  assist  agricultural  companies  in  the  development  of  new
agricultural  products.

     The  Company's  genomic  databases  integrate  bioinformatics software with
proprietary  and,  when  appropriate,  publicly available genomic information to
create  information-based   tools   used  by  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology
companies  in  drug  discovery  and  development. In building the databases, the
Company  utilizes  high-throughput,  computer-aided gene sequencing and analysis
technologies  to  identify  and  characterize  the  expressed genes of the human
genome, as well as certain animal, plant and microbial genomes. By searching the
genomic  databases, customers can integrate and analyze genomic information from
multiple sources in order to discover genes that may represent the basis for new
biological  targets,  therapeutic  proteins,   or  gene  therapy,  antisense  or
diagnostic products. The Company's genomic products and services are designed to
assist  the  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  industries in utilizing genomic
information  to  accelerate  the discovery and development of new diagnostic and
therapeutic products. The Company's products and services can be applied to gene
and  target  discovery, functional genomic studies, preclinical pharmacology and
toxicology  studies,  and  can aid in understanding and analyzing the results of
clinical  development  studies.

     The  Company  currently  provides  access  to its genomic databases through
collaborations  with  pharmaceutical,  biotechnology, and agricultural companies
worldwide.  As  of  December  31,  1998,  twenty-two  companies had entered into
multi-year  database agreements to obtain access to the Company's databases on a
non-exclusive  basis. Revenues from these subscribers generally include database
access fees. The Company's database agreements also provide for future milestone
payments  and  royalties  from  the  sale  of  products derived from proprietary
information  contained  in  one  or  more  database  modules.

     The  Company's  portfolio  of  database modules includes the LifeSeq  human
gene  sequence  and expression database, the LifeSeq FL  database of full-length
human  genes,  the  LifeSeq  AtlasTM  mapping database, the PathoSeqTM microbial
genomic database, the ZooSeqTM animal genomic database, the LifeToolsTM suite of
bioinformatics   software  programs,   the   LifeArrayTM  gene  expression  data
management  and  analysis  software,  and  a  variety  of  custom  database  and
sequencing services. Each database module consists of a relational database that
runs  on  UNIX-based  client/server  networks  and incorporates HyperText Markup
Language ("HTML") and JAVA graphical user interfaces enabling subscribers to use
multiple  search  tools  and  browse various database modules. The databases are
available  using  either  Oracle or Sybase database architectures and operate on
Sun Microsystems, Compaq Computer Corporation and Silicon Graphics workstations.


     Genes,  found  in  all living cells, are comprised of DNA, which in turn is
comprised  of  nucleotide  base  pairs  or  bases.  Genes  provide the necessary
information  to  code for the synthesis of proteins, the molecules which conduct
all  functions  within  a  cell.  Many  human  diseases  are associated with the
inadequate  or inappropriate presence, production or performance of proteins. As
such,  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  companies often seek to develop drugs
that  will  bind to a targeted protein involved in disease in order to regulate,
inhibit  or   stimulate  its  biological  activity.  Other  proteins,  known  as
therapeutic  proteins,  have  direct  biological  activity and may be capable of
treating  disease.  Insulin and human growth hormone are examples of therapeutic
proteins.  Understanding the role genes play in disease, and the protein targets
or therapeutic proteins which they encode, has thus become a significant area of
interest  and  research  within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.


     One  frequently  employed method for determining gene function involves the
grouping of genes into "related" families based on similarities in DNA sequence.
DNA  sequencing is a process that identifies the order in which the bases in DNA
are  arranged  in  a  particular  section of DNA, or DNA fragment. Once a gene's
sequence  is  known, its function may be inferred by comparing its sequence with
the  sequences of other human genes of known function, as genes with similar, or
homologous sequences may have related functions. Comparing gene sequences across
species  has  also  become  a  useful  tool  for understanding gene function, as
frequently it is easier to assess gene function in lower organisms than it is in

Gene  Expression

     Another  method  used to determine gene function focuses on the analysis of
gene  activity  within  a  cell.  When  a gene is active, its DNA is copied into
messenger  RNA  or "mRNA."  The population of mRNA within a cell can be isolated
and  converted  into  copy  DNA  or "cDNA," thereby creating a cDNA library that
represents  the population of mRNAs present in a cell type at a particular time.
In  a  process   called   "gene  expression  profiling,"   high-throughput  cDNA
sequencing,  computer  analysis  and  microarray  technologies  can  be  used to
identify  which  genes  are  active  or inactive and, if active, at what levels.
Expression  profiles  provide  a more detailed picture of cellular genetics than
conventional  laboratory  techniques  by  indicating which genes, both known and
novel,  are  specifically correlated to discrete biological events in normal and
disease-state  cells.

Microarray  Technology

     Microarray  technology  can  be  used to analyze the expression patterns or
sequence  variations  in  a  large  number of genes simultaneously. A microarray
consists  of  DNA  fragments  attached to a surface, usually a glass, plastic or
silicon  slide,  in a grid-like formation.  The DNA fragments serve as probes to
detect  the  presence of specific populations of mRNA within normal and diseased
cells.   The   DNA  fragments  on  the  microarray  will  detect  specific  mRNA
populations  by  pairing with the complementary cDNA that has been prepared from
mRNA  samples  from  normal and diseased cells. Microarray technology allows the
fabrication  of  very  small  grids containing probes for thousands of different
genes.  Microarrays  can  be used in drug discovery and development, to evaluate
the  behavior  of  a  large  number  of related genes in a diseased tissue or in
response to treatment with a new drug or in diagnostic testing to quickly detect
the  presence  of  a  large  number  of  disease  markers.


     Due to improvements in sequencing technology, genomic information from both
public  and  private  sources  is  increasing  at  a dramatic rate. As a result,
bioinformatics,  or  the use of computers and sophisticated algorithms to store,
analyze and interpret large volumes of biological data, is essential in order to
capture  value  from  this  growing  pool  of  data.  To date, the main focus of
bioinformatic  and  genomic  tools has been drug discovery. The Company believes
these  tools,  as  well as tools under development, will also assist researchers
with  the  preclinical  and  clinical development process. For example, with the
help  of  new  technology  and  bioinformatic analyses scientists may be able to
correlate genetic and physiologic response in preclinical animal models, examine
gene  expression  profiles in drug-treated animals to assess the pharmacological
activity  and  toxicity  of  new  drugs,  and  stratify  clinical trial patients
according  to  their  gene  expression  profiles.

Single  Nucleotide  Polymorphism  ("SNP")  Discovery

     Due  to genetic variation, individuals may respond differently to treatment
with the same drug.  Few, if any, FDA-approved drugs are capable of successfully
treating  every individual with a targeted disease. The differences in patients'
drug  responses  are believed to result in part from differences in the sequence
of nucleotides within genes. The most common form of sequence variation is known
as  a single nucleotide polymorphism or "SNP." A SNP is defined as a single base
difference  within  the  same  DNA region between two individuals. Some SNPs are
"silent"  and not associated with a disease or a patient's ability to respond to
a  particular  therapy,  and  some  SNPs occur at a frequency that is too low to
justify  large-scale  patient  screening. Thus, researchers need to do more than
identify  SNPs;  they  must  identify  the  most  frequently  occurring SNPs and
identify  those which correlate with a patient's disease prognosis or ability to
respond  to  a  drug.  Through its acquisition of Hexagen Limited ("Hexagen") in
September  1998,  the  Company is developing fSSCP technology, a high-throughput
SNP  discovery  technology. fSSCP is particularly useful for identifying SNPs in
genes not expressed or more rarely expressed. This gel-based system detects SNPs
in  multiple  samples  simultaneously  by  observing  changes  in  the  tertiary
structure  of  single stranded DNA fragments due to base pair changes. Incyte is
contributing  technologies   in   the  areas  of  electrophoresis,  fluorescence
chemistries,  sequencing  and bioinformatics in order to continue to develop and
improve  the  accuracy  and  efficiency  of  this  technology.

Gene  Mapping

     Mapping  refers  to the determination of the physical location of a gene in
the  genome  and  the  relative  position  of  that  gene to other genes along a
chromosome.  Physiological  processes  and  associated diseases can be extremely
complex  and involve many genes. A gene can activate one or more different genes
forming  a  cascade  of  genetically  controlled events or a "pathway." When the
genes  involved in such a pathway are located within neighboring regions of DNA,
mapping  can  allow  the  location  of  one  member of the pathway to be used to
identify  the  other  members.  In addition, genetically inherited diseases that
have  been  passed  from generation to generation may be associated with visible
chromosome alterations, such as deletions of large segments of the chromosome or
insertions  within the chromosome. These physical chromosome abnormalities allow
researchers  to  identify the DNA regions and genes that have a critical role in
causing  the  disease.


     The  Company's current products and services include an integrated platform
of  genomic  databases,  data  management  software tools, microarray-based gene
expression  services,  and  related  reagents.

     GENOMIC  DATABASES. The Company provides its  database  collaborators  with
non-exclusive  database  access.  Database  collaborators  receive periodic data
updates,  typically  monthly, as well as software upgrades and additional search
and analysis tools when they become available. The fees and the period of access
are  negotiated with each company, with the initial term typically lasting for a
period  of  three  years.  Fees  generally  consist  of  database  access  fees,
non-exclusive  or exclusive license fees and option fees corresponding to patent
rights  on  proprietary sequences. The Company may also receive future milestone
and royalty payments from database collaborators from the sale of their products
derived  from the Company's technology and database information. Researchers can
browse  not  only  Company-generated  data,  but  also public domain information
provided  through HTML links to the World Wide Web. The Company currently offers
the  following  database  modules:

- -      LifeSeq  Database.   The  LifeSeq  human  gene  sequence  and  expression
database  consists  of  a  proprietary  sequence  database  module  linked  to a
proprietary  gene  expression  database module. Researchers can easily move from
one  module  to  another  through  HTML-based graphical interfaces. The sequence
database  contains the Company's computer-edited gene sequence files and is used
by researchers to identify related or homologous genes. For example, a scientist
may wish to identify new genes homologous to a gene identified through their own
research  and  believed  to  be  linked  to  a  disease. The expression database
contains  biological  information  about each sequence in the Company's sequence
database,   including  tissue  source,  homologies,  and  annotations  regarding
characteristics  of the gene sequence. Most importantly, the expression database
contains  a  gene  expression  profile for every tissue in the database combined
with  proprietary  bioinformatics software to allow collaborators to browse data
and  compare differences in gene expression across cells, tissues, and different
disease  states. Thus, the expression database can be used to assist researchers
in  correlating  the presence of specific genes to discrete biological events in
normal  and  disease-state  cells.   The  Company  continually  adds  additional
sequences  and  expression  data from normal and diseased tissues to the LifeSeq

- -     LifeSeq  FL  Database.    This  database  contains  the  full-length  gene
sequences  for DNA fragments of medically interesting genes found in the LifeSeq
human  gene  sequence  and expression database. The Company's scientists and the
collaborators  select  genes for inclusion in this database based on a number of
factors,  including their sequence homologies to known therapeutically important
gene  families,  unusual  tissue  or  disease-related  expression  patterns  and
chromosomal  location.   A   variety   of   methods,  including  a  proprietary,
high-throughput cloning technology and algorithms to identify secreted proteins,
are  used  to  identify  medically  interesting genes and obtain the full-length

- -     LifeSeq  AtlasTM  Database.   The  LifeSeq  Atlas  database  contains  the
chromosomal  locations  for genes and gene fragments identified in the Company's
LifeSeq  human  gene  sequence and expression database that the Company believes
may  be  of  utility to its database collaborators. In particular, this database
may  be  useful for companies engaged in positional cloning, a technique used to
identify  genes  believed  to be responsible for genetic disorders, which relies
heavily  on  comparative  analysis  of  the  chromosomes  of members of families
afflicted  by  a  disease.

- -     LifeSeq  Gold  Database.  The LifeSeq Gold database combines the Company's
LifeSeq, LifeSeq FL, and GeneAlbum into one enhanced database. LifeSeq Gold uses
a  novel method to assemble cDNA sequence fragments (ESTs) into genes, providing
increased  sensitivity  for  distinguishing  between  closely related sequences,
including  splice  variants.

- -     PathoSeqTM Database.  The PathoSeq database currently contains proprietary
and public domain genomic data for over three dozen medically relevant bacterial
and  fungal  microorganisms.  With  drug-resistant strains of bacteria and other
microorganisms  posing  an increasing threat to world health, pharmaceutical and
biotechnology  companies  are searching for genes unique to these pathogens that
will aid in the development of new drugs to treat infectious disease. PathoSeq's
software  and bioinformatic tools edit all sequence data to remove artifacts and
contamination,  assemble all sequences, display the relative position of the DNA
coding  regions,  and identify genes either common among multiple microorganisms
or  unique  to  one  microbial  genome.  The  Company believes PathoSeq can help
researchers  understand  the  biology of microorganisms, study the mechanisms of
drug  resistance,  identify  genes  that  may  make effective drug targets, and,
ultimately,  develop  new  therapeutics to treat and prevent infectious disease.

- -     ZooSeqTM  Database.     The   ZooSeq   database   was   developed  to  aid
pharmaceutical   and   biotechnology   companies  in  designing  and  evaluating
preclinical  drug  studies  in  animals,  a crucial step in the drug development
process.  ZooSeq  contains  genomic  information  from  animals commonly used in
preclinical  drug  pharmacology  and  toxicology studies. The database currently
contains  gene  sequence  and  expression  data  for the rat, mouse, and monkey,
animals  most commonly used in preclinical drug toxicology and efficacy studies.
ZooSeq  is  designed  to  allow  scientists to compare gene sequence, expression
patterns  and  function  across  species.  By correlating a drug's effects on an
animal  with  the animal's genetic makeup, and then cross-referencing these data
with  the  Company's human LifeSeq database, a researcher may better predict the
drug's  efficacy  and  side  effects  before  moving  to  human clinical trials.

- -     Public  Domain  Databases.  The LifeSeq PD and PathoSeqTM PD databases use
the  same  database architecture as the LifeSeq and PathoSeq databases, but they
contain cDNA sequence data obtained solely from public-domain sources and do not
include  the  Company's  proprietary  sequences.

satellite  databases,  the  Company  generates sequence data and gene expression
profiles  using  genetic material from tissues or cells selected by the database
subscribers.  These  databases  are  provided  exclusively for a negotiated time
period in a format compatible with the Company's non-exclusive database modules.
These  tissues  and cells can be provided by the database subscribers from their
own tissue banks, internal research programs or from other sources. In addition,
in  1998  the Company began to offer high volume contract sequencing services to
pharmaceutical,  biotechnology,  agricultural  and  academic  researchers.

     SOFTWARE.  The Company has developed an enterprise-wide genomic information
management system capable of updating, reprocessing and integrating genetic data
from  multiple  sources and from different organisms. This system integrates the
Company's  proprietary,  subscriber-specific  and  public  domain  data,  and is
capable  of  comparing  information  from  humans,  animals, microbes, fungi and
plants.  The  system  incorporates  the  architecture necessary to integrate the
Company's software tools with three-dimensional visualization tools, data mining
programs and project management capabilities, and is capable of being integrated
with  additional  technologies  developed to more efficiently manage and analyze
genomic  data.

     LifeTools, a suite of specialized bioinformatic software programs, consists
of  high-throughput  sequence  analysis  and  data management tools for handling
complex genomic information from  multiple sources. LifeTools  blocks, reads and
edits raw sequence data,  including  data  imported  from  public databases, and
annotates  and  clusters  sequence   fragments  based  on  sequence  similarity.
LifeTools SeqServer is a fast, scalable  database  search  engine with intranet-
based   graphical   tools   for  interactive  queries  and  analyses.  LifeTools
Relational,  a  relational  database  management system, stores and  distributes
sequence cluster, homology, tissue  expression  information and biological data.
The  Company's  database  management  architecture  is  based  on  open   system
standards,   providing   interconnectivity   between   disparate   systems   and
applications, and enterprise-wide access to data and  functions.

     LifeArray  software  manages  and  analyzes data  resulting from microarray
hybridization experiments. It includes a searchable database which can be loaded
with  microarray  experimental  results  from a variety of microarray platforms.
LifeArray  provides  an integrated data warehouse and analysis environment which
allows  the  customer  to bring data from multiple microarray platforms into one
integrated  environment.  LifeArray  enables  the user to visualize differential
expression  between  biological  samples  and tracks all details of microarrays,
genes,  biological  samples,  donor information, and experimental results in one
integrated  environment  Java-based  interface.  It is an enterprise-wide system
that  can  support  as  many  simultaneous  users as required, and grow  to suit
changing microarray management needs. The Company intends to continue to develop
new  bioinformatic  software  programs  internally,  as well as with third party
software  developers  and  development  groups.

     MICROARRAY-BASED  SERVICES.    The  Company  offers  microarray-based  gene
expression  services  to  the  pharmaceutical,  biotechnology  and  agricultural
industries.  These  services  can  be  used  to simultaneously evaluate the gene
expression  profile  of  a large number of genes. The Company's GEMTM microarray
contains  probes  for  up  to  10,000  genes.  Microarray  applications  include
identifying  the  genes  involved  in  a  complex  disease  pathway, examining a
drug-treated  tissue  to  understand  how  the  drug  affected the expression of
important  genes,  and  studying several new drug candidates to determine if one
has  a more favorable effect on gene expression than the others. Experiments can
use  either  prefabricated arrays or custom arrays. Prefabricated arrays contain
either  public  domain  genes  or genes chosen from the Company's databases. The
Company  currently  offers  over  a dozen prefabricated microarrays including an
array  containing  the genes found in a microbial pathogen Staphlycoccus aureus,
an array containing the genes found in the rat liver and kidney, and a series of
arrays  that  contain  Incyte  proprietary  genes.  Custom  arrays contain genes
provided  by  the  customer  or  chosen  by  the  customer  from  the  Company's
proprietary  databases.

     DNA  CLONE  AND  OTHER SERVICES.  The Company offers a variety of DNA clone
and  other  services  designed  to assist its collaborators in using information
from  its  databases  in  internal lab-based experiments. The DNA fragments from
which  the  information in the Company's databases is derived represent valuable
resources  for  researchers, enabling them to perform bench-style experiments to
supplement  the information obtained from searching the Company's databases. The
Company  retains a copy of all isolated clones corresponding to the sequences in
the  database. The Company's collaborators may request from the Company's clones
corresponding to a sequence of interest on a one-by-one basis or through LifeSeq
GeneAlbumTM,  a  subscription-based service that provides database collaborators
with  large  numbers  of  sequence verified DNA clones. In addition, the Company
produces  a  broad  line  of  genomic  research products, such as DNA clones and
insert   libraries,  and   offers   technical   support   services,    including
high-throughput  DNA  screening,   custom   robotic   services,   contract   DNA
preparation, and fluorescent in-situ hybridization, to assist researchers in the
identification  and  isolation  of  novel  genes.


     The  Company  engages  in the high-throughput automated sequencing of genes
derived from tissue samples followed by the computer-aided analysis of each gene
sequence  to  identify homologies to genes of known function in order to predict
the  biological  function  of  newly  identified  sequences.  The  derivation of
information  in  the  Company's  databases  involves  the  following  steps:

     TISSUE ACCESS. The Company obtains tissue  samples  representing most major
organs  in  the  human  body from various academic and commercial sources. Where
possible,  the  Company  obtains  information  as  to  the  medical  history and
pathology  of  the  tissue. The genetic material is isolated from the tissue and
prepared for analysis. The results of this analysis as well as the corresponding
pathology  and  medical history information are incorporated into the databases.

     HIGH-THROUGHPUT CDNA SEQUENCING. The Company  utilizes specialized teams in
An integrated  approach  to  its high-throughput sequencing and analysis effort.
Gene  sequencing  is  performed  using  multiple  work  shifts to increase daily
throughput. One  team  develops  and  prepares  cDNA  libraries from  biological
sources of interest, a second team prepares the cDNAs using robotic workstations
to perform key  steps  that  result  in  purified  cDNAs  for  sequencing, and a
third team operates  the  automated  DNA  sequencers.

     BIOINFORMATICS.   Sequence  information   generated   from   the  Company's
high-throughput  sequencing  operations is uploaded to a network of servers. The
Company's  proprietary  bioinformatic  software  then  assembles  and  edits the
sequence  information.  The  sequence  of  each  cDNA is compared via automated,
computerized  algorithms  to  the  sequences  of  known  genes  in the Company's
databases  and  public domain databases to identify whether the cDNA codes for a
known protein or is homologous to a known gene. Each sequence is annotated as to
its  cell  or tissue source, its relative abundance and whether it is homologous
to  a  known  gene  with  known function. The bioinformatics staff monitors this
computerized  analysis   and   may  perform  additional  analyses  on   sequence
information.  The  finished  data  are  then  added to the Company's proprietary
sequence  databases.


      The  Company  had  database  collaboration  agreements   with   twenty-two
companies  as of December 31, 1998.  Each collaborator has agreed to pay, during
a  typical  term  of three years, annual fees to receive non-exclusive access to
one  or  more  of the Company's databases. For the years ended December 31, 1998
and  1997,  the Company recognized revenue from twenty-two and eighteen of these
companies, respectively, one of which contributed 12% of total revenues in 1998.
No  customer  contributed  10%  or  more of total revenues in 1997. In 1996, the
Company  recognized  revenue  from  ten  of these companies, three of which each
contributed  in  excess  of  10% of total revenues. As of December 31, 1998, the
Company  had  database  agreements  with:

Abbott Laboratories           Monsanto Company
ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.   Novartis AG
BASF AG                       Novo Nordisk A/S
Bayer Corporation             NV Organon
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company  Pfizer Inc
Eli Lilly and Company         Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.     Rhone-Poulenc S.A.
Genentech, Inc.               Schering AG
Glaxo Wellcome plc            Schering-Plough, Ltd.
Hoechst AG                    SmithKline Beecham
Johnson & Johnson             Zeneca Ltd.

     Certain  of the Company's database agreements contain minimum annual update
requirements  which  if  not  met  could  result  in the Company's breach of the
respective  agreement.  There  can  be  no  assurance  that any of the Company's
database collaboration agreements will be renewed upon expiration or will not be
terminated earlier in accordance with their terms. The loss of revenues from any
individual  database  agreement,  if  terminated  or  not renewed, could have an
adverse  impact  on  the  Company's  results  of  operations, although it is not
anticipated  to  have  a  material  adverse  impact on the Company's business or
financial  condition.  See  Note  8  of  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial


     Since  its  inception,  The  Company  has  made  substantial investments in
research  and  technology development. During the years ended December 31, 1998,
1997,  and  1996, the Company spent approximately  $97.2 million, $72.5 million,
and  $41.3  million,  respectively, on research and development activities. This
investment  in research and development includes an active program to enter into
relationships  with  other  technology-driven  companies  and, when appropriate,
acquire  licenses  to  technologies  for evaluation or use in the production and
analysis  process.  Not  all  of these technologies or relationships survive the
evaluation  process.  The  Company  has  entered  into  a number of research and
development  relationships  with  companies  and  research  institutions.

     In  January  1998,  the   Company  announced  a  relationship  with  Oxford
GlycoSciences  plc  ("OGS"),  to  investigate  the   use   of   proteomics,  the
large-scale,  high-throughput analysis of protein expression, in the development
of new information-based products. As part of the relationship, the Company made
an  equity  investment  in OGS. The Company and OGS entered into a collaborative
agreement  under which the two parties are developing data, software and related
services, focusing on protein expression and sequence information from a variety
of human tissues. As part of the collaborative agreement, the Company has agreed
to  reimburse  OGS for up to $5.0 million in 1999 if revenues are not sufficient
to  offset  OGS'  expenses  for  services  rendered.

     In  August 1998, the Company initiated a series of programs in human genome
sequencing,  accelerated human genome mapping and SNP discovery. The information
resulting  from  these efforts will be used to supplement existing databases and
to  generate  new databases and services. The Company is initiating SNP programs
focused  on  specific  candidate   genes,   gene  families,   disease  pathways,
therapeutic  areas  or   drug   targets  that  could  be  useful  to  individual
pharmaceutical  partners. These programs may include the identification of genes
associated  with  a  particular  disease and an in depth study of the population
frequency  and disease correlation of SNPs within a selected DNA region. The SNP
discovery efforts were assisted by the acquisition of Hexagen in September 1998.

     The  Company is developing various platforms that  can be used for the high
throughput  screening  of  patient  samples  in  order  to  correlate  SNPs with
patients'  responses  to  drugs.  This  includes further development of existing
microarray  platforms  to  enable  the  cost  effective detection of SNPs. These
platforms  may  be  used  to  offer genotyping and patient profiling services to
pharmaceutical  companies  to  help  identify   statistically   significant  and
medically relevant associations between SNPs in specific genes and drug response
or disease susceptibility. The Company expects that this service will be used to
assist  in the evaluation of new drugs in clinical trials and to assess clinical
trial  design.


     In  September  1997, the Company established a 50-50 joint venture company,
diaDexus, LLC ("diaDexus"), with SmithKline Beecham Corporation ("SB"). diaDexus
is  applying  genomic  and  bioinformatic  technologies  to  the  discovery  and
commercialization  of  novel  molecular  diagnostic  products.  The  Company has
provided diaDexus with non-exclusive access to its human and microbial databases
(LifeSeq,  LifeSeq  FL,  LifeSeq  Atlas,  LifeSeq  GeneAlbum,  and PathoSeq) for
diagnostic  applications.  diaDexus  has  exclusive rights to develop diagnostic
tests  based  on  novel  molecular targets and genetic alterations identified as
part  of SB's drug discovery efforts. SB and the Company have also each assigned
various  additional  technologies  and  intellectual   property  rights  in  the
diagnostic  field  and contributed a combined total of $25 million in funding to

     diaDexus  is  focusing  initially  on  the  generation of unique diagnostic
markers  for  so-called  'homebrew' tests - scientifically validated tests which
are  awaiting  formal regulatory approval - for reference laboratory testing and
for  license  to  diagnostic kit manufacturers. Ultimately, diaDexus may develop
its  own capacity to manufacture kits for sale to clinical testing laboratories.
The  initial  product range will focus on tests for disease detection. New tests
for improved diagnosis, staging and patient stratification in infectious disease
and  oncology  will  be  accorded  particular  emphasis.


     The  Company's  database  business  and  competitive  position  are in part
dependent  upon  the  Company's  ability  to  protect  its  proprietary database
information  and software technology. The Company relies on patent, trade secret
and  copyright  law, as well as nondisclosure and other contractual arrangements
to  protect  its  proprietary  information.

    The Company's ability to license proprietary genes and SNPs may be dependent
upon  the Company's ability to obtain patents, protect trade secrets and operate
without  infringing upon the proprietary rights of others. Other pharmaceutical,
biotechnology  and  biopharmaceutical  companies,  as well as academic and other
institutions  have  filed  applications for, may have been issued patents or may
obtain  additional  patents  and  proprietary  rights  relating  to  products or
processes  competitive  with  those of the Company. Patent applications filed by
competitors  may claim some of the same gene sequences or partial gene sequences
as  those  claimed  in  patent applications filed by the Company. The Company is
aware  that  some  entities  have made or have announced their intention to make
gene sequences publicly available, which may adversely affect the ability of the
Company  and  others  to obtain patents on such genes. There can be no assurance
that  such  publication  of  sequence  information will not adversely affect the
Company's  ability to obtain patent protection for sequences that have been made
publicly  available.

     The  Company's  current  policy  is  to file patent applications on what it
believes  to  be  novel full-length  and partial gene sequences obtained through
the  Company's  high-throughput  computer-aided  gene  sequencing  efforts.  The
Company  has  filed  U.S.  patent  applications in which the Company has claimed
certain partial gene sequences and has filed patent applications in the U.S. and
applications  under the Patent Cooperation Treaty ("PCT"), designating countries
in  Europe  as  well  as  Canada  and  Japan claiming full-length gene sequences
associated  with  cells  and  tissues  that  are  the  subject  of the Company's
high-throughput  gene sequencing program. To date, the Company holds a number of
issued  U.S.  patents  with respect to full-length gene sequences and one issued
U.S. patent claiming multiple partial gene sequences. Currently, the Company has
no  registered  copyrights  for  the  Company's  database-related  software.

     In  1996,  the  United  States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") issued
guidelines  limiting  the  number  of  gene  sequences that can be examined in a
single  patent application. Many of the Company's patent applications containing
multiple  partial  sequences  contain  more  sequences  than  the maximum number
allowed  under  the new guidelines. The Company is reviewing its options, and it
is  possible that due to the resources needed to comply with the guidelines, the
Company  may  decide to abandon patent applications for some of its partial gene

     The  Company  also  plans  to  seek  patent  protection for patentable SNPs
identified  with  its  LifeSeq  database,  through  its  human genome sequencing
program,  and through the use of the Company's fSSCP discovery technology. These
patents  will  claim  rights  to SNPs for diagnostic and genotyping purposes. As
information  relating to particular SNPs is developed, the Company plans to seek
additional  rights  in  those  SNPs  that are associated with specific diseases,
functions  or drug responses. The scope of patent protection for gene sequences,
including  SNPs,  is  highly  uncertain,  involves  complex  legal  and  factual
questions and has recently been the subject of much controversy. No clear policy
has  emerged  with respect to the breadth of claims allowable for SNPs. There is
significant  uncertainty  as  to  what,  if  any, claims will be allowed on SNPs
discovered  through  high  throughput  discovery  programs.

     As  the  biotechnology  industry expands, more patents are issued and other
companies  engage in the business of discovering genes and other genomic-related
businesses,  the  risk  increases that the Company's potential products, and the
processes  used  to  develop  these products, may be subject to claims that they
infringe  the patents of others. Further, the Company is aware of several issued
patents in the field of microarray or gridding technology, which can be utilized
in  the generation of gene expression information.  Certain of these patents are
the subject of litigation. Therefore, the Company's operations may require it to
obtain licenses under any such patents or proprietary rights, and these licenses
may  not be made available on terms acceptable to the Company. Litigation may be
necessary to defend against or assert claims of infringement, to enforce patents
issued  to  the  Company,  to  protect  trade  secrets  or know-how owned by the
Company,  or  to  determine  the scope and validity of the proprietary rights of
others.  The  Company  believes  that  some of the Company's patent applications
cover  genes  which  may  also  be claimed in patent applications filed by other
parties.  Interference proceedings may be necessary to establish which party was
the  first to invent a particular sequence for the purpose of patent protection.
Two  such  interferences involving the Company patent applications covering full
length  genes  have  been declared. Such litigation or interference proceedings,
regardless  of  the outcome, could result in substantial costs to, and diversion
of  effort  by  the  Company,  and  may  have  a  material adverse effect on the
Company's  business,  operating  results  and  financial condition. In addition,
there  can be no assurance that such proceedings or litigation would be resolved
in  the  Company's  favor.

     In  January  and  September  1998,  Affymetrix,  Inc.  ("Affymetrix") filed
lawsuits  in  the  United  States  District  Court  for the District of Delaware
alleging  infringement of three U.S. patents by both Synteni and Incyte.  Incyte
believes  that  it  and  Synteni  have meritorious defenses and intend to defend
these  suits  vigorously. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition  and  Results of Operations - Factors That May Affect Results - We Are
Involved  In  Patent  Litigation."


     There  is a finite number of genes in the human genome, and competitors may
seek  to  identify,  sequence  and  determine  in the shortest time possible the
biological  function of a large number of genes in order to obtain a proprietary
position with respect to the largest number of new genes discovered. A number of
companies,  institutions,  and  government-financed entities are engaged in gene
sequencing,  gene  discovery,  gene  expression analysis, positional cloning and
other  genomic  service  businesses.  Many  of these companies, institutions and
entities  have  greater  financial  and  human  resources  than  the Company. In
addition,  the  Company  is  aware that other companies have developed databases
containing  gene  sequence,  gene expression, genetic variation or other genomic
information  and  are  marketing,  or  have announced their intention to market,
their  data  to  pharmaceutical  companies.  The Company expects that additional
competitors  may  attempt  to establish databases containing this information in
the  future.

     In  addition,  competitors may discover and establish patent positions with
respect  to  the  gene  sequences  and polymorphisms in the Company's databases.
Further, certain entities engaged in or with stated intentions to engage in gene
sequencing have made or have stated their intention to make the results of their
sequencing  efforts  publicly  available.  These patent positions, or the public
availability  of  gene  sequences  comprising  substantial portions of the human
genome or on microbial or plant genes, could decrease the potential value of the
Company's  databases  to  the  Company's  subscribers  and  adversely affect the
Company's  ability  to realize royalties or other revenue from commercialization
of  products  based  upon  such  genetic  information.

     The  gene  sequencing  machines  that  are  utilized   in   the   Company's
high-throughput  computer-aided  gene  sequencing  operations  are  commercially
available  and  are  currently  being utilized by several competitors. Moreover,
some of the Company's competitors or potential competitors are in the process of
developing,  and  may  successfully develop, proprietary sequencing technologies
that  may be more advanced than the technology used by the Company. In addition,
the Company is aware that a number of companies are pursuing alternative methods
for  generating  gene expression information, including some that have developed
and  are  developing  microarray  technologies.  At   least  one  other  company
currently  offers microarray-based services that might be competitive with those
offered  by  the  Company.  These   advanced   sequencing   or  gene  expression
technologies,  if  developed,  may not be commercially available for purchase or
license  by  the  Company  on  reasonable  terms,  if  at  all.

     A  number  of  companies  have announced their intent to develop and market
software  to  assist  pharmaceutical  companies  and academic researchers in the
management  and  analysis  of their own genomic data, as well as the analysis of
sequence data available in the public domain. Some of these entities have access
to  significantly  greater  resources  than  the Company, and their products may
achieve  greater  market  acceptance  than  the products offered by the Company.

     The SNP discovery platform used by the Company represents a modification of
a  process  that  is in the public domain. Other companies could make similar or
superior  improvements  in  this  process.

     The  Company  believes  that  the  features and ease of use of its database
software, its experience in high-throughput gene sequencing, the cumulative size
of  its  database,  the  quality  of the data,  including the annotations in its
database, and  its  experience  with  bioinformatics  and  database software are
important aspects  of  the  Company's  competitive  position.

     The  genomics  industry  is characterized by extensive research efforts and
rapid technological  progress. New developments are  expected  to  continue  and
there can be  no  assurance  that  discoveries  by  others  will  not render the
Company's  services  and  potential   products   noncompetitive.   In  addition,
Significant  levels  of  research   in   biotechnology  and  medicine  occur  in
universities and  other non-profit research  institutions. These  entities  have
become  increasingly  active in seeking patent protection and licensing revenues
for  their  research  results.  These  entities also compete with the Company in
recruiting  talented  scientists.  See  "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition  and Results of Operations - Factors That May Affect Results
- - We Experience Intense Competition and  Rapid  Technological  Change."


     Regulation  by  governmental  authorities  in  the  United States and other
countries  will  be  a significant factor in the production and marketing of any
pharmaceutical products that may be developed by a licensee of the Company or by
the  Company.  At  the  present time, the Company does not intend to develop any
pharmaceutical  products  itself.  The  Company's  agreements  with its database
subscribers  provide  for  the  payment  to  the  Company  of  royalties  on any
pharmaceutical  products  developed by such subscribers derived from proprietary
information obtained from the Company's genomic databases. Thus, the receipt and
timing  of  regulatory  approvals  for the marketing of such products may have a
significant  effect  in  the  future  on  the Company's revenues. Pharmaceutical
products developed by licensees will require regulatory approval by governmental
agencies  prior  to  commercialization.  In  particular,   human  pharmaceutical
therapeutic  products  are  subject to rigorous preclinical and clinical testing
and  other approval procedures by the United States Food and Drug Administration
in  the  United  States  and  similar  health  authorities in foreign countries.
Various  federal  and, in some cases, state statutes and regulations also govern
or  influence  the  manufacturing, safety, labeling, storage, record keeping and
marketing  of  such  pharmaceutical  products,  including  the use, manufacture,
storage,  handling  and  disposal  of  hazardous  materials  and  certain  waste
products. The process of obtaining these approvals and the subsequent compliance
with  appropriate  federal  and  foreign  statutes  and  regulations require the
expenditure  of  substantial  resources  over  a significant period of time, and
there  can be no assurance that any approvals will be granted on a timely basis,
if at all. Any such delay in obtaining or failure to obtain such approvals could
adversely  affect the Company's ability to earn milestone payments, royalties or
other  license-based  fees. Additional governmental regulations that might arise
from  future  legislation or administrative action cannot be predicted, and such
regulations  could  delay  or  otherwise affect adversely regulatory approval of
potential pharmaceutical products.  See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial  Condition and Results of Operations - Factors That May Affect Results
- -  Our  Revenues Are Derived Primarily from the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology


     As of December 31, 1998, the Company had 867 full-time equivalent employees
(140 of whom were contract or part-time employees), including 281 in sequencing,
microarray  and  reagent  production, 238 in bioinformatics, 219 in research and
technology  development,  and  129  in  marketing,  sales   and   administrative
positions.  None  of the Company's employees is covered by collective bargaining
agreements,  and  management  considers relations with its employees to be good.
The Company's future success will depend in part on the continued service of its
key  scientific,  software,  bioinformatics  and  management  personnel  and its
ability  to  identify, hire and retain additional personnel, including personnel
in the customer service, marketing and sales areas. There is intense competition
for  qualified  personnel  in  the areas of the Company's activities, especially
with respect to experienced bioinformatics and software personnel, and there can
be  no assurance that the Company will be able to continue to attract and retain
such  personnel necessary for the development of the Company's business. Failure
to  attract and retain key personnel could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition and operating results. See "Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and Results of Operations -
Factors  That  May  Affect Results - We May Have Difficulty Managing Our Growth"
and  "-  We  Depend  on  Key  Employees  in  a  Competitive  Market  for Skilled


     Incyte's headquarters are in Palo Alto, California, where its main research
laboratories,  sequencing facility, bioinformatics and administrative facilities
are  located. Incyte also operates facilities in Fremont, California; St. Louis,
Missouri;  and  Cambridge, England. As of December 31, 1998, Incyte had multiple
sublease  and  lease  agreements covering approximately 295,000 square feet that
expire on various dates ranging from March 1999 to March 2007. In July 1997, the
Company  entered  into  a  multi-year lease with respect to a 95,000 square foot
building being constructed adjacent to the Company's Palo Alto headquarters. The
Company believes that its current facilities are adequate to support its current
and  anticipated  near-term  operations.


     In  January  1998,  Affymetrix,  Inc.  filed a lawsuit in the United States
District Court for the District of Delaware alleging infringement of U.S. patent
number  5,445,934  (the "'934 Patent") by both Synteni and Incyte. The complaint
alleges  that  the '934 Patent has been infringed by the making, using, selling,
importing,  distributing  or  offering to sell in the United States high density
arrays  by Synteni and Incyte and that such infringement was willful. Affymetrix
seeks  a  permanent  injunction  enjoining  Synteni  and  Incyte   from  further
infringement  of  the  '934  Patent  and,  in addition, seeks damages, costs and
attorney's  fees and interest. Affymetrix further requests that any such damages
be  trebled  based  on  its  allegation  of  willful  infringement by Incyte and

     In  September  1998,  Affymetrix  filed an additional lawsuit in the United
States  District Court for the District of Delaware alleging infringement of the
U.S.  patent  number  5,800,992  (the  "'992  Patent")  and  U.S.  patent number
5,744,305  (the "'305 Patent") by both Synteni and Incyte. The complaint alleges
that  the  '305  Patent  has  been  infringed  by  the  making,  using, selling,
importing,  distributing  or  offering to sell in the United States high density
arrays by Synteni and Incyte, that the '992 Patent has been infringed by the use
of Synteni's and Incyte's GEMTM microarray technology to conduct gene expression
monitoring  using  two-color  labeling,  and that such infringement was willful.
Affymetrix  seeks  a  permanent  injunction  enjoining  Synteni  and Incyte from
further  infringement  of the '305 and '992 Patents and, in addition, Affymetrix
seeks a preliminary injunction enjoining Incyte and Synteni from using Synteni's
and  Incyte's  GEM  microarray  technology to conduct gene expression monitoring
using  two-color  labeling  as  described  in the '992 patent. In November 1998,
Incyte's  motion  to  transfer the suits to the United States District Court for
the  Northern  District  of  California  was  granted. A hearing on Affymetrix's
request  for  a  preliminary injunction is scheduled for April 30, 1999. No date
has  been  set  regarding  the  trial  of any of Affymetrix's other allegations.

     In  January  1999,  the  United States Patent and Trademark Office notified
Incyte  of  the  patentability  of  claims  directed  to two-color hybridization
licensed  exclusively  to Incyte. The USPTO examiner has agreed with Incyte that
certain claims overlap with those of '992 assigned to Affymetrix. Therefore, the
USPTO has recommended that the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences declare
an  interference  between  Incyte's  two-color  hybridization  claims  and  the
corresponding  claims  in  the  '992  patent.

     Incyte  and  Synteni  believe  they have meritorious defenses and intend to
defend  the suits vigorously. However, there can be no assurance that Incyte and
Synteni  will  be  successful  in  the defense of these suits. At this time, the
Company cannot reasonably estimate the possible range of any loss resulting from
these suits due to uncertainty regarding the ultimate outcome. Regardless of the
outcome,  this  litigation has resulted and is expected to continue to result in
substantial  expenses  and  diversion of the efforts of management and technical
personnel.  Further,  there  can  be  no  assurance that any license that may be
required as a result of this suit or the outcome thereof would be made available
on  commercially  acceptable  terms,  if  at  all.


     Not  applicable.

     PART  II


     The  Company's common stock, par value $.001 ("Common Stock"), is traded on
the  Nasdaq  National  Market  ("Nasdaq") under the symbol "INCY." The following
table  sets  forth,  for  the periods indicated, the range of high and low sales
prices  for  the  Common  Stock  on  Nasdaq  as  reported  in  its  consolidated
transaction  reporting  system.

1997                     HIGH       LOW
      First Quarter     37 1/4     24 1/16
      Second Quarter    35 7/8     20 3/4
      Third Quarter     42 1/4     29 13/16
      Fourth Quarter    45 1/4     31 1/2

      First Quarter     50 3/8     36
      Second Quarter    47 1/4     31 1/2
      Third Quarter     42         18 1/2
      Fourth Quarter    39 1/8     20 15/16

     The above high and low sales prices for the Common Stock have been adjusted
to  reflect  the November 1997 two-for-one stock split effected in the form of a
stock  dividend.

     As  of  December 31, 1998, the Common Stock was held by 393 stockholders of
record.  The  Company  has never declared or paid dividends on its capital stock
and  does  not  anticipate  paying  any  dividends  in  the  foreseeable future.


     The  data  set forth below should be read in conjunction with "Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and
the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements and related Notes included in Item 8 of
this  Report.

                                                          YEAR ENDED
                                                          DECEMBER 31,
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA 1,             1998    1997     1996      1995       1994 
                                          -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------
(in thousands, except per share data)

Revenues                                 $134,811  $89,996  $41,895   $ 12,299  $  1,512 
Costs and expenses:
 Research and development                  97,192   72,452   41,337     19,272    11,169 
 Selling, general and administrative       25,438   13,928    6,957      3,952     2,328 
 Charge for purchase of  in-process
             research and development      10,978        -    3,165          -         - 
      Acquisition-related charges           1,171        -        -          -         - 
                                         ---------  -------  --------  --------  -------
     Total costs and expenses             134,779   86,380   51,459     23,224    13,497 

Income (loss) from operations                  32    3,616   (9,564)   (10,925)  (11,985)
Interest and other income, net and
      Losses from joint venture             5,792    3,840    2,288        988       510 
                                         ---------  -------  --------  --------  --------
Income (loss) before income taxes           5,824    7,456   (7,276)    (9,937)  (11,475)
Provision for income taxes                  2,352      548        -          -          - 
                                         ---------  -------  --------  --------  --------
Net income (loss)                        $  3,472  $ 6,908  $(7,276)  $ (9,937) $(11,475)
                                         =========  =======  ========  ======== =========

Basic net income (loss) per share        $  0.13  $  0.28  $ (0.32)  $  (0.53)  $  (0.82)
                                         ========  =======  ========  ========  =========
Number of shares used in computation
  of basic net income (loss) per share     26,921   24,300   22,398     18,819     14,060 
                                         ========  =======  ========  ========  =========

Diluted net income (loss) per share      $  0.12  $  0.26  $ (0.32)  $  (0.53)  $  (0.82)
                                         ========  =======  ========  ========  =========
Number of shares used in computation
  of diluted net income (loss) per share   28,899   26,498   22,398     18,819     14,060 
                                         ========  =======  ========  ========  =========

                                                          DECEMBER 31,
BALANCE SHEET DATA 1                       1998     1997      1996       1995      1994 
                                       --------- --------- ---------  --------  --------
(in thousands)
Cash, cash equivalents, and securities
 available -for-sale                    $111,233  $113,095  $ 40,238  $ 41,218   $25,257 
Working capital                           81,437    90,700    21,351    39,015    20,866 
Total assets                             230,290   199,089    69,173    58,892    29,350 
Noncurrent portion of capital lease
 obligations and notes payable               796       801        37       147       148 
Accumulated deficit                      (28,401)  (30,129)  (37,037)  (29,761)  (19,824)
Stockholders' equity                     179,567   145,702    44,834    47,606    24,344 

1  Financial  data  for  the years ended December 31, 1994, 1995, and 1996, have
been  restated  to  reflect  the  combined results and financial position of the
Company and Genome Systems, Inc. All periods through December 31, 1997 have been
restated  to  reflect combined results and financial position of the Company and
Synteni,  Inc.  See  Note  9  of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial Statements.


     The  following discussion and analysis of the Company's financial condition
and  results  of  operations  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  "Selected
Consolidated  Financial  Data"  and  the  Consolidated  Financial Statements and
related  Notes  included  elsewhere  in  this  Report.

     When  used  in  this  discussion,  the  words   "expects,"   "anticipates,"
"estimates,"  and  similar  expressions are intended to identify forward-looking
statements.  Such  statements, which include statements as to expected net loss,
expected  expenditure  levels,  expected  cash  flows,  the  adequacy of capital
resources,  growth  in  operations and Year 2000 related actions, are subject to
risks  and  uncertainties  that  could cause actual results to differ materially
from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited
to, those risks discussed below, as well as the extent of utilization of genomic
information  by  the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries;
risks  relating  to  the  development of new products and their use by potential
collaborators  of  the  Company;  the  impact  of  technological  advances  and
competition;  the  ability  of  the  Company  to  obtain  and  retain customers;
competition  from  other entities; early termination of a database collaboration
agreement  or  failure  to  renew  an  agreement upon expiration; the ability to
successfully  integrate the operations of recent business combinations; the cost
of  accessing  technologies  developed by other companies; uncertainty as to the
scope  of  coverage,  enforceability  or commercial protection from patents that
issue  on  gene  sequences  and  other  genetic information; developments in and
expenses relating to litigation; the results and viability of joint ventures and
businesses  in  which the Company has purchased equity; uncertainties associated
with  the  Company's  ability  to  raise  capital through the sale of private or
public equity or otherwise;  the ability of the Company to implement in a timely
manner  the programs and actions related to the Year 2000 issue; and the matters
discussed in "Factors That May Affect Results." These forward-looking statements
speak only as of the date hereof. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation
or  undertaking  to  release  publicly   any   updates   or   revisions  to  any
forward-looking  statements  contained  herein  to  reflect  any  change  in the
Company's  expectations  with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions
or  circumstances  on  which  any  such  statement  is  based.


     Incyte  Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Incyte" and, together with its wholly owned
subsidiaries,   the   "Company")   designs,   develops   and   markets   genomic
information-based  tools  including  database  products, genomic data management
software  tools,  microarray-based gene expression services and genomic reagents
and  related  services. The Company's genomic databases integrate bioinformatics
software  with  proprietary  and,  when  appropriate, publicly available genetic
information  to  create  information-based  tools  used  by  pharmaceutical  and
biotechnology  companies  in  drug  discovery  and  development.

     Revenues  recognized  by  the  Company  consist  primarily of non-exclusive
database  access  fees related to database agreements. Revenues also include the
sales of genomic screening products and services, fees for microarray-based gene
expression services, fees for contract sequencing services, and sales of genomic
data  management  software  tools. The Company's database agreements provide for
future  milestone  payments and royalties from the sale of products derived from
proprietary  information  obtained  through  the  databases.  There  can  be  no
assurance  that  any  database  subscriber  will  ever  generate  products  from
information  contained  within the databases and thus that the Company will ever
receive  milestone  payments or royalties. The Company's ability to maintain and
increase  revenues  will  be  dependent  upon  its  ability to obtain additional
database  subscribers,  retain  existing subscribers, and to expand its customer
base  for microarray services. The loss of revenues from any individual database
agreement,  if  terminated  or  not renewed, could have an adverse impact on the
Company's  results  of  operations,  although  it  is  not anticipated to have a
material  adverse  impact  on  the  Company's  business or financial conditions.

     The  Company  intends  to  invest  approximately $45 million in its genomic
sequencing,  mapping  and  SNP  discovery  programs in 1999, and as a result the
Company  expects to report a net loss for 1999 of approximately $20 million. The
genomic  sequencing  and  mapping programs are expected to be completed in 2000,
with  the  Company  projecting  a  return to profitability in the second half of
2000.  If  the costs of these programs are greater than anticipated, or if these
programs take longer to complete, the Company may not return to profitability in

     In September 1998, the Company completed the acquisition of Hexagen Limited
("Hexagen"), a privately held SNP discovery company based in Cambridge, England.
The  Company  issued 976,130 shares of its common stock and $5.0 million in cash
in  exchange  for  all  of Hexagen's outstanding capital stock. In addition, the
Company  assumed  Hexagen's  stock options, which if fully vested and exercised,
would  amount  to 125,909 shares of its common stock. The intrinsic value of the
stock options was included in the purchase price of Hexagen. The transaction was
accounted  for  as a purchase with a portion of the purchase price, estimated to
be  approximately  $11.0  million,  expensed  in  the third quarter of 1998 as a
charge for the purchase of in-process research and development. The remainder of
the  purchase  price,  approximately  $17.6  million,  was allocated to goodwill
($16.3  million),  developed  technology ($0.7 million), and Hexagen's assembled
work  force  ($0.6  million),  which  are being amortized over 8, 5 and 3 years,
respectively.  The Company will evaluate its intangible assets for impairment on
a  quarterly  basis.

     The  Company  allocated Hexagen's purchase price based on the relative fair
value  of  the  net  tangible and intangible assets acquired. In performing this
allocation, the Company considered, among other factors, the technology research
and  development  projects  in  process  at  the  date of acquisition. Hexagen's
in-process  research and development program consisted of the development of its
fSSCP  technology  for  SNP discovery. At the date of the acquisition, Hexagen's
research  and  development  program  was  approximately  80% completed and total
continuing  research  and  development commitments to complete the projects were
expected  to  be  approximately  $1.4  million. The projects were expected to be
successfully  completed  by mid-2000. The value assigned to purchased in-process
R&D  was  determined  by  estimating  the  costs  to develop Hexagen's purchased
in-process  research  and  development  into   commercially   viable   products,
estimating  the  resulting  net cash flows from the projects and discounting the
net  cash  flows  to their present value. The rates utilized to discount the net
cash  flows to their present value were based on Hexagen's weighted average cost
of  capital.  A  discount  rate  of  24.0%  was  used for valuing the in-process
research  and  development  and  is  intended  to be commensurate with Hexagen's
corporate  maturity  and  the  uncertainties in the economic estimates described
above. Additionally, this project will require maintenance expenditures when and
if  it  reaches  a state of technological and commercial feasibility. Management
believes  the  Company  has  positioned  itself  to  complete  the  research and
development  program.  However,  there is risk associated with the completion of
the  project,  which  includes  the  inherent  difficulties and uncertainties in
completing the project and thereby achieving technological feasibility and risks
related to the impact of potential changes in future target markets. There is no
assurance that the project will meet either technological or commercial success.
Failure  to complete the development of the fSSCP technology in its entirety, or
in  a  timely  manner,  could  have  a  material adverse impact on the Company's
financial  condition  and  results  of  operations.

     The  estimates  used  by  the  Company  in  valuing in-process research and
development  were  based  upon assumptions the Company believes to be reasonable
but  which are inherently uncertain and unpredictable. The Company's assumptions
may  be  incomplete  or  inaccurate,   and   no  assurance  can  be  given  that
unanticipated  events  and  circumstances  will  not  occur. Accordingly, actual
results  may  vary from the projected results. Any such variance may result in a
material  adverse effect on the financial condition and results of operations of
the  Company.

     In  January  1998,  the  Company completed the acquisition of Synteni, Inc.
("Synteni"),  a  privately-held  microarray-based  gene  expression company. The
transaction  has  been  accounted  for  as  a  pooling  of  interests,  and  the
consolidated  financial statements discussed herein and all historical financial
information  have  been  restated  to  reflect  the  combined operations of both
companies. The Company's ability to generate revenues and operating profits from
microarray-based  gene  expression  services will be dependent on the ability of
the  Company  to  obtain high volume customers for microarray services. Prior to
the  merger,  Synteni's  microarray service agreements consisted of small volume
pilot  or  feasibility  agreements.

     In  September  1997,  the  Company  formed  a  joint venture, diaDexus, LLC
("diaDexus"),  with  SmithKline  Beecham  Corporation  ("SB") which will utilize
genomic  and  bioinformatics technologies in the discovery and commercialization
of  molecular  diagnostics.  The  Company  and  SB each hold a 50 percent equity
interest  in  diaDexus. The investment is accounted for under the equity method,
and  the  Company  records  its  share  of  diaDexus' earnings and losses in its
statement  of  operations.

     In  August  1996,  the  Company acquired all the common stock of Combion, a
microarray  technology  company,  in a stock for stock exchange, issuing 146,342
shares  of  its  common  stock. The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase,
with  a  purchase  price  of  $3.2  million,  including  transaction  fees,  and
approximately  $3.2  million  was  expensed  as  a  charge  for  the purchase of
in-process  research  and  development.  Combion's   in-process   research   and
development  program  consisted of the development of its microarray technology.
The  Company allocated the purchase price to assets and liabilities based on the
relative  fair  value  of  the net tangible and intangible assets. In performing
this  allocation,  the  Company  considered, among other factors, the technology
research  and  development  projects in-process at the date of acquisition. With
regard  to  the  in-process  research  and  development  projects,  the  Company
considered  factors  such  as  the stage of development of the technology at the
time  of  acquisition, the importance of each project to the overall development
plan,  alternative  future  use  of the technology and the projected incremental
cash  flows  from the projects when completed and any associated risks. In 1998,
the  Company  continued  to  utilize  the  microarray  technology purchased from
Combion  for  internal  research  and  development  purposes.

     If  the staff of the SEC chooses to review the Company's calculation of its
charge  for  the  purchase of in-process research and development for either the
Hexagen  or  Combion acquisitions and the staff disagrees with the methodologies
and/or  assumptions  used in the computation of such amounts, the Company may be
required  to  adjust  the  portion of the purchase price allocated to in-process
research  and  development.

     In July 1996, the Company issued 408,146 shares of common stock in exchange
for  all of the capital stock of Genome Systems, Inc., a privately held genomics
company located in St. Louis, Missouri. Genome Systems provides genomic research
products  and  technical  support  services  to scientists to assist them in the
identification  and  isolation of novel genes. The merger has been accounted for
as  a  pooling of interests and, accordingly, the Company's financial statements
and  financial data have been restated to include the accounts and operations of
Genome  Systems  since  inception.

     The  Company  has  made  and  intends  to continue to make strategic equity
investments  in,  and  acquisitions  of,  technologies  and  businesses that are
complementary  to  the  businesses  of the Company. As a result, the Company may
record  losses  or  expenses  related  to  the Company's proportionate ownership
interest   in   such  long-term  equity  investments,  record  charges  for  the
acquisition of in-process technologies, or record charges for the recognition of
the  impairment  in  the  value  of  the securities underlying such investments.

     In  September  1998,  one  company  in  which  the  Company  held an equity
investment,  OncorMed,  Inc.,  was  acquired in a stock-for-stock merger by Gene
Logic  Inc.  The investment in Gene Logic is accounted for under the cost method
of accounting. In January 1998, the Company announced a relationship relating to
the  joint  development  of  proteomics  data  and  related software with Oxford
GlycoSciences plc ("OGS"). As part of this relationship, the Company made a $5.0
million  initial  equity  investment and a follow-on investment in April 1998 of
approximately  $0.8  million  as  part of the OGS initial public offering of its
ordinary  shares. As part of the collaborative agreement, the Company has agreed
to  reimburse  OGS for up to $5.0 million in 1999 if revenues are not sufficient
to  offset  OGS'  expenses  for  services  rendered.  The  market  prices of the
securities of the companies in which the Company invests are highly volatile and
therefore  subject  to  declines  in  market value. The Company will continue to
evaluate  its  long-term equity investments for impairment on a quarterly basis.

     In  an effort to broaden its business, the Company is investing in a number
of  new  areas,  including  microarray  services,  molecular diagnostics, genome
sequencing,  SNP  discovery and proteomics. Given that many of these address new
markets,  or  involve untested technologies, it is not known if any of them will
generate  revenues  or if the revenues will be sufficient to provide an adequate
return on the investment. Depending on the investment required and the timing of
such  investments,  expenses  or  losses  related  to  these  investments  could
adversely  affect  operating  results.

     The  Company  has  incurred  and is likely to continue to incur substantial
expenses  in  its defense of the lawsuits filed in January and September 1998 by
Affymetrix,  Inc.  ("Affymetrix")  alleging  patent  infringement by Synteni and
Incyte.  Affymetrix  seeks a preliminary injunction enjoining Incyte and Synteni
from  using  certain  microarray  technology  in a manner alleged to infringe an
Affymetrix  patent  and a permanent injunction enjoining Incyte and Synteni from
further  infringement  of  certain  Affymetrix  patents. In addition, Affymetrix
seeks  damages, costs, attorneys' fees and interest. Affymetrix further requests
that  any  such  damages be trebled on its allegation of willful infringement by
Incyte  and  Synteni.  Incyte and Synteni believe they have meritorious defenses
and  intend to defend these suits vigorously. However, there can be no assurance
that  Incyte  and  Synteni  will be successful in the defense of these suits. At
this time, the Company cannot reasonably estimate the possible range of any loss
related  to  these  suits  due  to  uncertainty  regarding the ultimate outcome.
Regardless  of  the  outcome,  this  litigation  has resulted and is expected to
continue  to  result  in  substantial  expenses  and diversion of the efforts of
management  and  technical  personnel.  Any  future  litigation  could result in
similar  expenses  and diversion of efforts.  Further, there can be no assurance
that  any license that may be required as a result of these suits or the outcome
thereof  would  be  made  available on commercially acceptable terms, if at all.


     The  Company  recorded net income for the years ended December 31, 1998 and
1997  of  $3.5  million  and  $6.9 million, respectively, and a net loss of $7.3
million  for  the  year ended December 31, 1996. On a per share basis, basic net
income  per  share was $0.13 and $0.28 for the years ended December 31, 1998 and
1997  and  basic  net  loss  per share was $0.32 for the year ended December 31,
1996.  Diluted  net  income  per  share  was $0.12 and $0.26 for the years ended
December  31,  1998  and  1997, respectively, and diluted net loss per share was
$0.32  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1996. Excluding acquisition related
charges,  the Company recorded net income of $15.5 million and basic and diluted
net  income  per  share  of  $0.58  and  $0.54, respectively, for the year ended
December 31, 1998. The net income per share in 1997 reflects the dilutive effect
of  approximately  2.7  million shares issued in an August 1997 follow-on public
offering.  The  net  loss  per  share  in  1996  reflects the dilutive effect of
approximately 0.6 million shares issued in 1996 in connection with the Company's
business combinations with Genome Systems and Combion. The net income (loss) per
share  for  all  periods  presented  reflects  the issuance of approximately 2.3
million  shares  in  January  1998  in  connection  with  the Company's business
combination  with  Synteni.  All  share  and  per  share data have been adjusted
retroactively  for  a  two-for-one  stock  split effected in the form of a stock
dividend  paid  on  November  7,  1997 to holders of record on October 17, 1997.

     Revenues.  Revenues  for  the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996
were  $134.8  million, $90.0 million, and $41.9 million, respectively.  Revenues
resulted  primarily from database access fees and, to a much lesser extent, from
genomic  screening  products  and  services,  microarray-based  gene  expression
services,  fees  for  contract  sequencing, and genomic data management software
tools  and  maintenance.  The  increase  in  revenues  from  year  to  year  was
predominantly  driven  by  an  increase  in the number of database collaboration
agreements,  expanded  database agreements with existing customers and increased
revenues  from  microarray-related  products  and  services.

     Expenses.  Total  costs and expenses for the years ended December 31, 1998,
1997,  and  1996   were  $134.8  million,  $86.4  million,  and  $51.5  million,
respectively.  Total  costs  and  expenses  for the year ended December 31, 1998
included  a  one-time  charge  of  $11.0  million for the purchase of in-process
research and development relating to the acquisition of Hexagen, and acquisition
related  expenses of $1.2 million related to the combination with Synteni. Total
costs  and  expenses  for  the  year ended December 31, 1996 included a one-time
charge  of  $3.2 million for the purchase of in-process research and development
relating to the acquisition of Combion. Total costs and expenses are expected to
increase  in  the  foreseeable  future  due  to  the continued investment in new
products  and  services.

     Research  and  development  expenses for the years ended December 31, 1998,
1997,   and   1996   were  $97.2 million,  $72.5 million,  and  $41.3   million,
respectively.  The  increase  in  research and development expenses in 1998 over
1997 resulted primarily from an increase in bioinformatics and software develop-
ment efforts and to  a  lesser  extent  microarray  production capacity, genomic
sequencing, genetic  mapping,  SNP  discovery  efforts and from costs related to
technology development  initiatives,  costs  related  to  intellectual  property
protection. The increase in research  and  development  expenses  in  1997  over
1996  resulted  primarily  from  an  increase  in  bioinformatics  and  software
development efforts and to a  lesser extent from increased gene sequence, micro-
array,and reagent production; costs related to intellectual property protection;
license and milestone  payments  under  research  and  development alliances and
increased microarray  research  and  development.  The Company  expects research
and development spending to increase over  the  next  few  years  as the Company
continues  to  pursue  the  development  of  new database products and services,
expansion  of  existing  database  products  as well as increases in sequencing,
microarray  and  SNP  discovery operations, and investments in new technologies.

     Selling,  general  and administrative expenses for the years ended December
31,  1998,  1997,  and  1996 were $25.4 million, $13.9 million and $7.0 million,
respectively.  The  increase  in selling, general and administrative expenses in
1998  over  1997  resulted  primarily  from  the  growth  in sales and marketing
activities  and to a lesser extent the expansion of the Company's United Kingdom
operations  and  increased  personnel  to  support the growing complexity of the
Company's  operations. The Company's 1998 operations were also impacted by legal
expenses  from   the   patent  infringement  lawsuits  filed  by  Affymetrix  of
approximately  $2.9 million. The increase in selling, general and administrative
expenses in 1997 over 1996 resulted primarily from the continued growth in sales
and  marketing activities,  the  increase in expenses from the Company's Synteni
microarray division,  and  increased personnel to support the growing complexity
of the Company's  operations.  The  Company  expects that total selling, general
and administrative  expenses  will  continue to increase due to continued growth
in marketing, sales and customer  support; the expansion of the Company's United
Kingdom  operations;  and legal expenses related to the Company's defense of the
lawsuits  filed  by  Affymetrix.

     Interest  and  Other  Income,  Net.  Interest and other income, net for the
years  ended  December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996 were $7.3 million, $4.1 million,
and  $2.3  million,  respectively. Interest and other income, net increased as a
result  of  increased  interest  income  from higher average combined cash, cash
equivalent  and marketable securities balances and an increase in realized gains
on  the  sale  of  marketable  securities.

     Losses from Joint Venture.  Losses from joint venture were $1.5 million and
$0.3 million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997. The loss represents
the  Company's  share  of diaDexus' losses from operations. The loss in 1998 was
net  of  $2.5  million  of  amortization of the excess of the Company's share of
diaDexus'  net  assets over its basis. As diaDexus was formed in September 1997,
no  losses from joint venture were recognized prior to 1997. The Company expects
that  losses  from  joint venture will increase in 1999, as diaDexus' losses are
expected  to increase in 1999 and as the favorable impact of the amortization of
the  excess  of  the  Company's share of diaDexus' net assets over its basis was
fully  recognized  in  the  fourth quarter of 1998 and will not be recognized in

     Income  Taxes.  The estimated effective annual income tax rate for 1998 was
14.0%,  excluding  the  charge  for  the  purchase  of  in-process  research and
development,  and  for  1997 was 7.3%, which represents the provision of federal
and  state  alternative  minimum  taxes  after utilization of net operating loss
carryforwards.  The  increase  in the effective tax rate resulted primarily from
the  Company's expectation that it would fully utilize all federal net operating
loss  carryforwards  available to benefit the income tax provision. No provision
was  recorded  in  1996  as  the  Company  incurred  net  operating  losses.


     As  of  December  31,  1998,  the  Company had $111.2 million in cash, cash
equivalents  and  marketable  securities,  compared to $113.1 million, excluding
restricted  cash, as of December 31, 1997. The Company has classified all of its
marketable  securities as short-term, as the Company may not hold its marketable
securities  until  maturity  in  order  to  take  advantage  of favorable market
conditions.  Available  cash  is  invested  in  accordance  with  the  Company's
investment  policy's  primary  objectives  of liquidity, safety of principal and
diversity  of  investments.

     Net  cash  provided  by operating activities was $36.2 million for the year
ended  December  31,  1998,  compared to $18.0 million and $18.5 million for the
years  ended  December  31,  1997 and 1996. The increase in net cash provided by
operating  activities  in  1998  was primarily due to the increase in net income
before  non-cash  charges  and  the  decrease  in accounts receivable, partially
offset  by the increase in prepaid and other assets and the decrease in deferred
revenues.  The  decrease  in  net  cash provided by operating activities in 1997
resulted primarily from increases in accounts receivable partially offset by the
change  from  net loss to net income, increases in accrued and other liabilities
and  increases   in   deferred   revenue  due  to  the  prepayment  of  database
collaboration  fees.  Due to the significant investment in the Company's genomic
sequencing,  mapping  and SNP discovery programs, the Company does not expect to
generate  positive  cash  flows  from  operations  in  1999.

     The  Company's  investing  activities,  other  than  purchases,  sales  and
maturities  of  marketable  securities,  have consisted predominantly of capital
expenditures  and  purchases  of long-term investments. Capital expenditures for
the  years  ended  December  31,  1998, 1997, and 1996 were $30.7 million, $27.2
million, and $20.5 million, respectively. Capital expenditures increased in 1998
and  1997  primarily  due to investments in computer and laboratory equipment as
well  as  leasehold  improvements  related  to  the  expansion  of the Company's
facilities.  Long-term  investments  in  companies  with  which  the Company has
research  and  development  agreements  were  $7.1  million  for  the year ended
December  31, 1998 compared to $8.5 million and $0.3 million for the years ended
December  31,  1997  and  1996,  respectively.  In  1998,  the Company paid $4.0
million, net of cash received, in connection with the purchase of Hexagen and in
1997 transferred $6.0 million to restricted cash for disbursement to diaDexus in
accordance  with  the  diaDexus joint venture agreement. In the future, net cash
used  by  investing activities may fluctuate significantly from period to period
due  to  the  timing  of  strategic equity investments, capital expenditures and
maturity/sales  and  purchases  of  marketable  securities.

     Net  cash provided by financing activities was $4.0 million, $94.8 million,
and  $1.5  million  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  1998, 1997, and 1996,
respectively.  Net  cash  provided by financing activities in 1997 was primarily
due  to proceeds from follow-on public stock offerings in August 1997, while net
cash  provided  by financing activities in 1998 and 1996 was due to issuances of
common  stock  upon  exercise  of  stock  options.

     The Company expects its cash requirements to increase significantly in 1999
as  it:  invests  in its genomic sequencing, mapping and SNP discovery programs;
invests  in  data-processing-related  computer  hardware in order to support its
existing  and  new  database  products; continues to seek access to technologies
through  investments,  research  and  development  alliances, license agreements
and/or  acquisitions;  and  addresses  its  needs  for  larger facilities and/or
improvements  in  existing facilities. The Company has entered into a multi-year
lease  with  respect to a 95,000 square foot building being constructed adjacent
to  the  Company's  Palo  Alto  headquarters.  The  Company's  share  of  tenant
improvements  is  estimated  to  be  between $10.0 million and $15.0 million, of
which  approximately  $6.8  million has been expended through December 31, 1998.

     Based  upon  its  current  plans,  the  Company  believes that its existing
resources  and anticipated cash flow from operations will be adequate to satisfy
its  capital needs at least through the next twelve months. However, the Company
may   be   unable   to   obtain  additional  collaborators  or  retain  existing
collaborators  for  its databases, and its products and services may not produce
revenues  which,  together  with  the  Company's  cash,  cash  equivalents,  and
marketable  securities,   would   be   adequate   to  fund  the  Company's  cash
requirements.  The  Company's  cash  requirements  depend  on  numerous factors,
including the ability of the Company to attract and retain collaborators for its
databases  and  other  products  and services; the cost required to complete the
genomic sequencing and human genome mapping programs; expenditures in connection
with  alliances,  license  agreements  and  acquisitions  of  and investments in
complementary  technologies  and  businesses; competing technological and market
developments;  the  cost  of filing, prosecuting, defending and enforcing patent
claims  and  other  intellectual  property  rights;  the  purchase of additional
capital equipment, including capital equipment necessary to ensure the Company's
sequencing  and  microarray  operations remain competitive; capital expenditures
required  to  expand  the  Company's  facilities;  and costs associated with the
integration  of new operations assumed through mergers and acquisitions. Changes
in  the  Company's research and development plans or other changes affecting the
Company's  operating  expenses may result in changes in the timing and amount of
expenditures  of  the  Company's  capital  resources.

     The  Company  expects  to  continue to fund future operations with revenues
from  database  products  and services; with its current cash, cash equivalents,
and  marketable  securities.  Additional  funding,  if  necessary,  may  not  be
available  on  favorable  terms,  if at all. If adequate funds are not available
through  the public markets and/or other sources, the Company may be required to
curtail  operations  significantly   or   to   obtain  funds  by  entering  into
collaborative  arrangements that may require the Company to relinquish rights to
certain  of its technologies, product candidates, products or potential markets.


     A  single  currency  called the euro was introduced in Europe on January 1,
1999.  Eleven  of  the  fifteen member countries of the European Union agreed to
adopt  the  euro  as  their common legal currency on that date. Fixed conversion
rates  between  these  participating countries' existing currencies (the "legacy
currencies")  and  the  euro  were  established  as  of  that  date.  The legacy
currencies  are  scheduled  to  remain legal tender as denominations of the euro
until  at  least  January  1, 2002, but not later than July 1, 2002. During this
transition  period,  parties  may settle transactions using either the euro or a
participating  country's legal currency. The Company will evaluate the impact of
the  euro  conversion on its computer and financial systems, business processes,
market  risk, and price competition. The Company does not expect this conversion
to  have  a  material impact on its results of operations, financial position or
cash  flows.

YEAR  2000

     As  a  result  of  computer programs being written using two digits, rather
than  four,  to  represent year dates, the performance of the Company's computer
systems  and those of its suppliers and customers in the Year 2000 is uncertain.
Any  computer  programs  that  have time-sensitive software may recognize a date
using  "00"  as  the year 1900 rather than the year 2000. This could result in a
system  failure or miscalculations causing disruptions of operations, including,
among  other  things,  a  temporary  inability  to  process  transactions,  send
invoices,  or  engage  in  other  normal  business  activities.

     The  Company is in the process of evaluating the Year 2000 readiness of the
software  products  sold by the Company ("Products"), the information technology
systems  used  in its operations ("IT Systems"), and its non-IT Systems, such as
building  security,  voice  mail,  and  other  systems.  The  Company  currently
anticipates  that  this  project  will  consist  of  the  following  phases: (i)
identification  of all Products, IT Systems, and non-IT Systems; (ii) assessment
of  repair  or  replacement  requirements;  (iii)  repair  or  replacement; (iv)
testing; (v) implementation; and (vi) creation of contingency plans in the event
of  Year  2000  failures.

     The  Company  will  initiate  an  assessment of all current versions of its
Products  and  believes  that  this will be completed in the first half of 1999.
Even so, whether a complete system or device in which a Product is embedded will
operate  correctly  for  an  end-user  depends  in  large  part on the Year 2000
compliance  of  the  system's  other  components,  most of which are supplied by
parties  other than the Company. The supplier of the Company's current financial
and accounting software has informed the Company that such software is Year 2000
compliant.  The  Company  relies,  both  domestically  and internationally, upon
various  vendors,  government  agencies,  utility  companies, telecommunications
service  companies,  delivery service companies, and other service providers who
are  outside  of  the Company's control. There is no assurance that such parties
will  not  suffer  a  Year 2000 business disruption, which could have a material
adverse  effect  on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

     The  Company  relies  for  its successful operation upon goods and services
purchased  from certain vendors. If these vendors fail to adequately address the
Year  2000  such  that  their  delivery  of goods and services to the Company is
materially  impaired,  it  could have a material adverse impact on the Company's
operations  and  financial  results.  The  Company  is  preparing  to survey its
principal  vendors  to  assess the effect the Year 2000 issue will have on their
ability to supply their goods and services without material interruption, and at
this  time  the  Company cannot determine or predict the outcome of this effort.
Contingency  plans  will  be  developed and executed with respect to vendors who
will  not  be Year 2000 ready in a timely manner where such lack of readiness is
expected to have a material adverse impact on the Company's operations. However,
because  the  Company  cannot be certain that its vendors will be able to supply
material  goods  and  services  without  material  interruption, and because the
Company  cannot  be  certain  that  execution  of  its contingency plans will be
capable  of implementation or result in a continuous and adequate supply of such
goods  and  services,  the Company can give no assurance that these matters will
not  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  Company's  future consolidated
financial  position,  results  of  operations,  or  cash  flows.

     If  the  Company's customers fail to achieve an adequate state of Year 2000
readiness  in  their  own  operations,  or  if their Year 2000 readiness efforts
consume  significant resources, their ability to purchase the Company's products
may  be  impaired. This could adversely affect demand for the Company's products
and,  therefore,  the  Company's future revenues. The Company plans to develop a
contingency  plan  for  Year 2000 noncompliant customers and at this time cannot
determine  the  impact  it  will  have,  if  any.

     To  date,  the  Company  has  not  incurred  any  material  expenditures in
connection  with  identifying or evaluating Year 2000 compliance issues. Most of
its  expenses have related to the opportunity cost of time spent by employees of
the  Company evaluating its financial and accounting software, its products, and
general  Year 2000 compliance matters. Absent a significant Year 2000 compliance
deficiency,  management  currently  estimates that the cost to complete its Year
2000  compliance  programs  will  be  between  $1.0  million  and  $1.5 million,
approximately  8%-12%  of  the  total  1999 IT budget, which will be expensed as
incurred.  The  Company  has  not deferred any IT projects due to its efforts to
ensure  Year  2000  compliance. The Company believes that available cash will be
sufficient  to  cover  the  projected  costs  associated  with these activities.
     The  Company  is  focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of its
operations  that  may  be  affected by the Year 2000 issue and is addressing the
most  critical applications first. The Company intends to develop and implement,
if  necessary,  appropriate contingency plans to mitigate to the extent possible
the  effects  of  any  Year  2000  noncompliance, and expects to have such plans
completed  in  the  second  half  of  1999.  As  part  of  the  development of a
contingency plan, the Company will evaluate its worst case scenario in the event
of  Year  2000  noncompliance.  Although  the full consequences are unknown, the
failure  of either the Company's critical systems or those of its material third
parties  to  be  Year  2000  compliant  would  result in the interruption of the
Company's  business, which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's
business,  financial  condition  and  results  of  operations.


     All  references to "we," "us," "our," or the "Company" in this section mean
Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its subsidiaries, except where it is made clear
that the term means only the parent company.  All references to "Incyte" in this
section  mean  Incyte  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.,  the  parent  company.

     The  risks  and  uncertainties described below are not the only ones facing
our  company.  Additional  risks  and uncertainties not presently known to us or
that  we  currently  deem  immaterial  may  also impair our business operations.

     If  any  of  the  following  risks  actually occur, our business, financial
condition  and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.


     We  had  net  losses  each  year  from  inception in 1991 through 1996, and
reported  net  income  in  1997  and 1998.  However, because of those prior year
losses,  we had an accumulated deficit of $28.4 million as of December 31, 1998.
Because  we  intend  to  make  a significant investment in the programs formerly
associated with the Incyte Genetics business unit over the next 12 to 24 months,
we  expect  to  report  a net loss for 1999 and possibly 2000. We may report net
losses  in  future  periods  as  well.

     We  expect that our expenditures will continue to increase, due in part to:

     -     our  continued  investment in new product and technology development,
including  the  ramp-up  of  our  genomic  sequencing, mapping and SNP-discovery

     -     obligations  under  existing  and  future  research  and  development
alliances,  and

     -     our  increasing  investment in marketing, sales and customer service.

     Our  profitability  depends  on  our  ability  to  increase  our  revenues:

agreements  as  of  December  31,  1998,  we  may  be  unable  to enter into any
additional  agreements.  Our  database agreements typically have a term of three
years,  and  we  cannot assure you that any will be renewed upon expiration. Our
database  revenues  are  also  affected  by  the  extent  to  which  existing
collaborators  expand  their  agreements  with  us  to  include our new database
products.  Some  of  our  database  agreements  require  us  to meet performance
obligations.  A database collaborator can terminate its agreement before the end
of  its  scheduled  term  if we breach the agreement and fail to cure the breach
within  a  specified  period.

OUR  CUSTOMER BASE FOR MICROARRAY SERVICES. We acquired Synteni, Inc. in January
1998 primarily for this purpose. Synteni's contribution to our operating results
will  depend  on  whether  we  can  obtain  high-volume customers for microarray
services  and  the  costs  associated  with increasing our microarray production
capacity.  Before  we  acquired  Synteni,  its  microarray  service  agreements
consisted  of  small  volume  pilot  or  feasibility  agreements.

FOR  A  SUBSTANTIAL  PERIOD  OF  TIME.  Part  of  our  strategy is to license to
database  collaborators  our know how and patent rights associated with the gene
sequences  and  related information in our proprietary databases, for use in the
discovery  and  development  of  potential  pharmaceutical,  diagnostic or other
products.  Any  potential  product  that  is  the subject of such a license will
require  several  years  of further development, clinical testing and regulatory
approval  before commercialization. Accordingly, we do not expect to receive any
milestone  or  royalty  payments  from  any  of these licenses for a substantial
period  of  time,  if  at  all.


     Our  operating  results  are  unpredictable and may fluctuate significantly
from  period  to  period  due  to  a  variety  of  factors,  including:

     -     changes  in  the  demand  for  our  products  and  services;

     -     the  introduction  of  competitive  databases  or  services;

     -     the  pricing  of  access  to  our  databases;

     -     the  nature,  pricing  and  timing  of  other  products  and services
provided  to  our  collaborators;

     -     changes  in the research and development budgets of our collaborators
and  potential  collaborators;

     -     depreciation  expense  from  capital  expenditures;

     -     acquisition,  licensing  and  other costs related to the expansion of
our  operations,  including  operating  losses  of  acquired  businesses such as
Synteni  and  Hexagen  Limited;

     -     losses  and expenses related to our investments in joint ventures and
businesses,  including  our  proportionate  share  of  operating  losses  of our
diaDexus,  LLC,  joint  venture  with  SmithKline  Beecham  Corporation;

     -     payments  of  milestones, license fees or research payments under the
terms  of  our  increasing  number  of  external  alliances;  and

     -     expenses  related  to,  and  the  results  of,  litigation  and other
proceedings  relating  to  intellectual  property rights (including the lawsuits
filed  by  Affymetrix,  Inc.  described  below).

     In  particular,  revenues  from  our  database  business  are unpredictable

     -     the  timing  of  our  database  installations  is  determined  by our

     -     the  sales  cycle  for  our  database  products  is  lengthy,  and

     -     the  time  required to complete custom orders can vary significantly.

     We  expect our microarray services to represent an increasing amount of our
revenues.  Revenues  from  these  sources  depend  on  volume  of  usage  by our
collaborators,  and  can  therefore  fluctuate  significantly.

     We  are  investing in a number of new areas to try to broaden our business.
These  areas  include  genomic  sequencing and mapping, SNP discovery, molecular
diagnostics,  and  proteomics,  or  the large scale, high-throughput analysis of
protein  expression.  Because  many  of  these  address  new  markets or involve
untested technologies, they may not generate any revenues or provide an adequate
return  on  our investment. In these cases, we may have to recognize expenses or

     We  have significant fixed expenses, due in part to our need to continue to
invest  in  product   development   and   extensive  support  for  our  database
collaborators.  We  may  be  unable  to adjust our expenditures if revenues in a
particular  period  fail  to meet our expectations, which would adversely affect
our  operating  results  for  that period. Forecasting operating and integration
expenses for acquired businesses may be particularly difficult, especially where
the  acquired  business  focuses on technologies that do not have an established

     We  believe that period-to-period comparisons of our financial results will
not  necessarily  be  meaningful. You should not rely on these comparisons as an
indication  of  our  future  performance. If our operating results in any future
period  fall  below  the  expectations of securities analysts and investors, our
stock  price  will  likely  fall,  possibly  by  a  significant  amount.


finite  number  of  genes.  Our  competitors  may seek to identify, sequence and
determine  the  biological  function  of  numerous  genes  in  order to obtain a
proprietary  position  with  respect  to  new  genes.  We believe that the first
company  to  sequence  all,  or  the commercially relevant portion, of the human
genome  should  have  a  competitive  advantage.  A  number  of companies, other
institutions  and  government-financed  entities are engaged in gene sequencing,
gene  discovery,  gene  expression  analysis,  positional  cloning, the study of
genetic  variation,   and  other  genomic  service  businesses.  Many  of  these
companies,  institutions and entities have greater financial and human resources
than  we  do.

     Some  of our competitors have developed databases containing gene sequence,
gene  expression,  genetic  variation  or  other  genomic  information  and  are
marketing  or  plan to market their data to pharmaceutical companies. Additional
competitors  may  attempt  to establish databases containing this information in
the  future.  We  expect  that  competition  in  our  industry  will continue to
intensify. We also believe that some pharmaceutical companies are discussing the
possibility  of  working  together  to  discover SNPs and share SNP-related data
among  themselves.  The  formation  of  this sort of consortium could reduce the
prospective  customer  base  for  our  SNP-related  business.

DATABASES.  Competitors may discover and establish patent positions with respect
to  gene  sequences  in our databases. Further, certain entities engaged in gene
sequencing have made the results of their sequencing efforts publicly available.
The Celera Genomics Group of The Perkin-Elmer Corporation has announced plans to
sequence  the entire human genome within three years and to make the basic human
sequence  data  publicly available. The public availability of gene sequences or
resulting  patent positions covering substantial portions of the human genome or
microbial  or plant genomes could reduce the potential value of our databases to
our  collaborators.  It  could  also  impair our ability to realize royalties or
other  revenue  from  any  commercialized  products  based  on  this  genetic

     COMPETITORS  MAY DEVELOP SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY.  The gene sequencing machines
used  in our computer-aided sequencing operations are commercially available and
are  being used by at least one competitor. In addition, some of our competitors
and  potential  competitors  are  developing proprietary sequencing technologies
that  may  be  more  advanced  than ours. Perkin-Elmer has announced that it has
begun  commercial  shipments  of  a new gel-based sequencing machine, and that a
large  number  of these machines will be provided to Celera. We may be unable to
obtain  access  to  these  machines  on  acceptable  terms.

     In  addition,  a  number  of companies are pursuing alternative methods for
generating gene expression information, including microarray technologies. These
advanced  sequencing  or  gene  expression  technologies may not be commercially
available for us to purchase or license on reasonable terms, if at all. At least
one  other  company  currently  offers  microarray-based  services that might be
competitive  with  ours.

     Our  SNP  discovery platform represents a modification of a process that is
in  the  public domain. We are seeking patent protection for these improvements,
but  have  not  yet  received any patents. Other companies could make similar or
superior  improvements to this process without infringing our rights, and we may
not  have  access  to those improvements. The discovery of SNPs is a competitive
area.  Other  companies  may develop or obtain access to different SNP discovery
platforms,  to  which  we  may  not  have  access,  that may make our technology

     We  also face competition from providers of software. A number of companies
have  announced  their  intent   to   develop  and  market  software  to  assist
pharmaceutical  companies  and  academic  researchers  in managing and analyzing
their  own genomic data and publicly available data. Some of these entities have
access  to  significantly  greater  resources than we do, and their products may
achieve  greater  market  acceptance  than  ours.

     WE  MUST  CONTINUE TO INVEST IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES.  The genomics industry is
characterized  by  extensive  research efforts, resulting in rapid technological
progress.  To  remain  competitive,  we  must  continue to expand our databases,
improve  our  software,  and  invest  in  new technologies. New developments are
expected  to  continue,  and  discoveries  by others may render our services and
potential  products  noncompetitive.


     In  January  1998,  Affymetrix  filed  a  lawsuit in federal court alleging
infringement  of  U.S.  patent  number 5,445,934 by both Synteni and Incyte. The
complaint  alleges  that  the  '934  patent  has been infringed by Synteni's and
Incyte's  making,  using,  selling,  importing, distributing or offering to sell
high density arrays in the United States and that this infringement was willful.
Affymetrix  seeks  a  permanent  injunction  enjoining  Synteni  and Incyte from
further  infringement  of  the  '934 patent and seeks damages, costs, attorneys'
fees  and  interest.  Affymetrix also requests triple damages based on allegedly
willful  infringement.

     In  September  1998,  Affymetrix  filed   an  additional  lawsuit  alleging
infringement  of  U.S.  patent  numbers  5,744,305  and 5,800,992 by Synteni and
Incyte.  The  complaint  alleges  that  the  '305  patent  has been infringed by
Synteni's  and  Incyte's  making,  using,  selling,  importing,  distributing or
offering  to sell high density arrays in the United States. It also alleges that
the  '992  patent  has  been  infringed by the use of Synteni's and Incyte's GEM
microarray  technology  to  conduct  gene  expression monitoring using two-color
labeling  and that this infringement was willful. Affymetrix seeks a preliminary
injunction  enjoining Synteni and Incyte from using GEM microarray technology to
conduct  this  kind  of  gene  expression monitoring, and a permanent injunction
enjoining  Synteni and Incyte from further infringing the '305 and '992 patents.

     The  lawsuits  were initially filed in the United States District Court for
the District of Delaware. In November 1998, the court granted Incyte's motion to
transfer the suits to the United States District Court for the Northern District
of California. A hearing on Affymetrix's request for a preliminary injunction is
scheduled  for  April 30, 1999.  No date has been set regarding the trial of any
of  Affymetrix's  other  allegations.

     In  January  1999,  the  United States Patent and Trademark Office notified
Incyte  of  the  patentability  of  claims  directed  to two-color hybridization
licensed  exclusively  to Incyte. The USPTO examiner has agreed with Incyte that
certain  claims  overlap with those of the '992 patent. Therefore, the USPTO has
recommended  that  the  Board  of  Patent  Appeals  and Interferences declare an
interference  between  Incyte's  two-color  hybridization  claims  and  the
corresponding  claims  in  the  '992  patent.

     We  believe  we  have meritorious defenses and intend to defend these suits
vigorously.  However,  our  defense may be unsuccessful. At this time, we cannot
reasonably  estimate  the  possible range of any loss resulting from these suits
due  to  uncertainty  about  the  ultimate  outcome. We have spent and expect to
continue  to  spend  a  significant  amount of money and management time on this
litigation.  Also,  if  we are required to license any technology as a result of
these  suits,  we  do  not know whether we will be able to do so on commercially
acceptable  terms,  if  at  all.


     There  is  no  precedent  for  our microarray-based gene expression service
business  or  the use of SNP-based genetic variation information. The usefulness
of  the information generated by these businesses is unproven. Our collaborators
and potential collaborators may determine that our databases, software tools and
microarray-related  services are not useful or cost-effective. Due to the nature
and  price  of  the  products  and  services  we offer, only a limited number of
companies  are  potential  collaborators for our products and services. If we do
not  develop these new products and services in time to meet market demand or if
there is insufficient demand for these products and services, we may not be able
to  cover  our  costs  of  developing  these  products  and  services  or earn a
sufficient  return  on  our  investment.

     Additional  factors  that  may  affect demand for our products and services

     -     the  extent  to  which  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  companies
conduct  these  activities  in-house  or  through  industry  consortia;

     -     the emergence of competitors offering similar services at competitive

     -     the  extent  to which the information in our databases is made public
or  is  covered  by  others'  patents;

     -     our  ability  to  establish  and  enforce  proprietary  rights to our

     -     regulatory  developments or changes in public perceptions relating to
the  use of genetic information and the diagnosis and treatment of disease based
on  genetic  information;  and

     -     technological  innovations  that  are  more  advanced  than  the
technologies  that  we  have  developed  or  that  are  available  to  us.

Many  of  these  factors  are  beyond  our  control.


     We recently began to focus part of our business on developing databases and
other  products  and  services  to  assist pharmaceutical companies in a new and
unproven  area:  the  identification  and  correlation  of  genetic variation to
disease  and  drug  response.  Hexagen,  which will be an important part of this
business,  was  founded  in  1996 and has generated no revenues to date. We will
incur  significant  costs  over the next several years in expanding our research
and development in this area. These increased costs will include costs resulting
from  hiring  a substantial number of new employees and reagent costs associated
with  our  genomic  sequencing,  gene  mapping and SNP discovery programs. These
activities  may  never  generate  significant revenues or profitable operations.

     This new aspect of our business  will  focus  on  SNPs, one type of genetic
variation.  The  role  of  SNPs  in  disease  and  drug  response  is  not fully
understood, and relatively few, if any, therapeutic or diagnostic products based
on  SNPs  have  been developed and commercialized. Among other things, demand in
this  area  may  be  adversely affected by ethical and social concerns about the
confidentiality  of  patient-specific  genetic  information and about the use of
genetic  testing  for  diagnostic  purposes.

     Except  for  a few anecdotal examples, there is no proof that SNPs have any
correlation to diseases or a patient's response to a particular drug or class of
drug.  Identifying  statistically significant correlations is time-consuming and
could involve the collection and screening of a large number of patient samples.
We  do  not  know  if the SNPs we have discovered to date are suitable for these
correlation  studies.  Nor  do  we  currently have access to the patient samples
needed  or  technology  allowing  us  to  rapidly  and cost-effectively identify
pre-determined  SNPs  in  large  numbers  of  patients.

     Most  SNPs  may  occur  too  infrequently to warrant their use in analyzing
patients'  genetic  variation.  We  may  have trouble identifying SNPs that both
correlate with diseases or drug responses and occur frequently enough to justify
their  use  by  pharmaceutical  companies.

     Our  success  will also depend upon our ability to develop, use and enhance
new  and relatively unproven technologies. Our strategy of using high-throughput
mutation  detection  processes and sequencing to identify SNPs and genes rapidly
is  unproven.  Among other things, we will need to improve the throughput of our
SNP-discovery  technology.  We  may  not  be  able  to  achieve  these necessary
improvements,  and  other  factors  may  impair   our  ability  to  develop  our
SNP-related  products  and  services  in  time  to  be  competitively available.


     We  make  strategic  investments  in  joint  ventures  or  businesses  that
complement  our business. These investments, such as our investment in diaDexus,

     -     often  be  made  in  securities  lacking  a  public trading market or
subject  to trading restrictions, either of which increases our risk and reduces
the  liquidity  of  our  investment,

     -     require  us  to  record  losses and expenses related to our ownership

     -     require us to record charges related to the acquisition of in-process
technologies or for the impairment in the value of the securities underlying our
investment,  and

     -     require  us  to  invest greater amounts than anticipated or to devote
substantial  management  time  to  the  management  of  research and development
relationships  and  joint  ventures.

     The  market values of many of these investments fluctuate significantly. We
evaluate  our  long-term  equity investments for impairment of their values on a
quarterly  basis.  Impairment  could  result  in future charges to our earnings.
These  losses  and  expenses  may  exceed  the  amounts  that we anticipated. In
addition,  as  part of our collaborative agreement with Oxford GlycoSciences plc
relating  to  the  joint  development  of  a  proteomics  database, we agreed to
reimburse  Oxford GlycoSciences up to $5.0 million in 1999 if their revenues are
insufficient  to  offset  their  expenses  for  services  rendered.


     Our ability to obtain new subscribers for our databases, software tools and
microarray  and other services depends upon prospective subscribers' perceptions
that  our  products and services can help accelerate drug discovery efforts. Our
sales  cycle  is  typically  lengthy  because  we  need to educate our potential
subscribers  and  sell  the  benefits  of our tools and services to a variety of
constituencies within potential subscriber companies. In addition, each database
subscription  and  microarray  services  agreement  involves  the negotiation of
unique  terms.  We  may  expend  substantial funds and management effort with no
assurance  that  a  subscription  or  services agreement will result. Actual and
proposed consolidations of pharmaceutical companies have affected the timing and
progress  of  our  sales  efforts. We expect that future proposed consolidations
will  have  similar  effects.


competitive position depend upon our ability to protect our proprietary database
information  and  software technology, but our strategy of obtaining proprietary
rights in as many genes and SNPs as possible is unproven. Despite our efforts to
protect  this  information  and  technology, unauthorized parties may attempt to
obtain  and use information that we regard as proprietary. Although our database
subscription  agreements  require  our  subscribers  to  control  access  to our
databases,  policing  unauthorized  use  of  our  databases  and software may be

     We  have been issued a number of patents with respect to the gene sequences
in  our  databases  and  have  filed  for  patents  on  selected features of our
software.  However, as of the date of this prospectus, we have no issued patents
or  registered  copyrights  for  that  software.  We  cannot prevent others from
independently  developing software that might be covered by copyrights issued to
us,  and  trade  secret  laws  do  not  prevent  independent  development.

     We  pursue  a  policy  of  having  our  employees, consultants and advisors
execute proprietary information and invention agreements when they begin working
for us.  However, these agreements may not provide meaningful protection for our
trade  secrets or other proprietary information in the event of unauthorized use
or  disclosure.

     Our  means of protecting our proprietary rights may not be adequate and our
competitors  may:

     -     independently  develop  substantially  equivalent  proprietary
information  and  techniques,

     -     otherwise  gain  access  to  our  proprietary  information,  or

     -     design  around  patents  issued  to  us  or  our  other  intellectual

file  patent applications on what we believe to be novel full-length and partial
gene  sequences obtained through our gene sequencing efforts. We have filed U.S.
patent  applications in which we have claimed certain partial gene sequences. We
have  also  applied  for  patents  in  the  U.S.  and  other  countries claiming
full-length  gene  sequences  associated  with cells and tissues involved in our
gene  sequencing program. We hold a number of issued U.S. patents on full-length
genes  and  one  issued  U.S. patent claiming multiple partial gene sequences. A
number  of  entities  make  certain gene sequences publicly available, which may
adversely  affect  our  ability  to  obtain  patents  on  those  genes.

     We  believe  that some of our patent applications claim genes that may also
be  claimed  in  patent  applications  filed  by others. In some or all of these
applications, a determination of priority of inventorship may need to be decided
in  an  interference  before  the  United  States  Patent  and  Trademark Office

     The  USPTO   has   recommended  that  the  Board   of  Patent  Appeals  and
Interferences  declare  an  interference  with  respect  to a patent application
directed  to technology licensed exclusively to us and an Affymetrix patent that
is  the  subject  of our litigation with Affymetrix. The Board of Patent Appeals
has  also  declared  two  interferences  involving  applications covering Incyte
full-length  genes,  and  has  advised  us   of  approximately   15   additional
interferences  that  might  be  declared.  We  cannot predict whether any of the
interferences  would  be  resolved  in  our  favor.  Regardless  of the outcome,
interferences  could  be  expensive  and  time-consuming.

     ENFORCEMENT  OF  GENE  PATENTS  IS  UNCERTAIN.  One of our strategies is to
obtain  proprietary  rights  in as many genes (including partial gene sequences)
and  SNPs  as  possible. While the USPTO has issued patents covering full-length
genes, partial gene sequences and SNPs, we do not know whether or how courts may
enforce  those  patents, if that becomes necessary. If a court finds these types
of  inventions  to be unpatentable, or interprets them narrowly, the benefits of
our  strategy  may  not  materialize.

substantial  backlog  of  biotechnology  patent applications, particularly those
claiming  gene  sequences.  In  1996,  the  USPTO issued guidelines limiting the
number  of  partial  gene  sequences that can be examined within a single patent
application. Many of our patent applications contain more partial sequences than
the  maximum  number allowed under these guidelines. Due to the resources needed
to  comply with the guidelines, we may decide to abandon patent applications for
some  of  our  partial  gene  sequences.

     Because  filing large numbers of patent applications and maintaining issued
patents can be very costly, we may choose not to pursue every application. If we
do  not  pursue  patent  protection  for all of our full-length and partial gene
sequences, the value of our intellectual property portfolio could be diminished.
Because  of  the  possible  delay  in  obtaining allowance of some of our patent
applications,  and  the  secrecy of patent applications, we do not know if other
applications  having  priority  over  ours  have  been  filed.

PATENT  PROTECTION HAS BEEN SHORTENED.  The value of our patents depends in part
on  their duration. The U.S. patent laws were amended in 1995 to change the term
of  patent  protection  from  17 years from patent issuance to 20 years from the
earliest effective filing date of the application. Because the average time from
filing to issuance of biotechnology applications is at least one year and may be
more  than  three  years  depending on the subject matter, a 20-year patent term
from  the  filing  date  may  result in substantially shorter patent protection,
which may adversely affect our rights under any patents that obtain. We may need
to  refile  applications  claiming large numbers of gene sequences and, in these
situations,  the  patent  term  will  be  measured from the date of the earliest
priority  application.  This  would  shorten  our  period of patent exclusivity.

patent  law  outside  the  United States is even more uncertain and is currently
undergoing  review  and  revision  in many countries.  Further, the laws of some
foreign  countries  may not protect our intellectual property rights to the same
extent  as  U.S. laws. We may participate in opposition proceedings to determine
the  validity  of our or our competitors' foreign patents, which could result in
substantial  costs  and  diversion  of  our  efforts.


     The  technology  that  we  use  to  develop our products, and those that we
incorporate  in  our  products,  may be subject to claims that they infringe the
patents or proprietary rights of others. The risk of this occurring will tend to
increase  as  the  genomics,  biotechnology and software industries expand, more
patents  are  issued  and other companies attempt to discover genes and SNPs and
engage  in  other  genomic-related  businesses.

     As  is  typical  in the genomics, biotechnology and software industries, we
have  received,  and  we will probably receive in the future, notices from third
parties  alleging patent infringement. We believe that we are not infringing the
patent rights of any such third party. Except for Affymetrix, no third party has
filed  a  patent  lawsuit  against  us.

     We  may,  however,  be  involved  in  future  lawsuits  alleging  patent
infringement  or  other  intellectual  property  rights violations. In addition,
litigation  may  be  necessary  to:

     -     assert  claims  of  infringement,

     -     enforce  our  patents,

     -     protect  our  trade  secrets  or  know-how,  or

     -     determine  the  enforceability, scope and validity of the proprietary
rights  of  others.

     We  may be unsuccessful in defending or pursuing these lawsuits. Regardless
of  the  outcome,  litigation  can  be  very  costly and can divert management's
efforts.  An  adverse determination may subject us to significant liabilities or
require  us to seek licenses to other parties' patents or proprietary rights. We
may  also be restricted or prevented from manufacturing or selling our products.
Further,  we  may  not  be  able  to obtain the necessary licenses on acceptable
terms,  if  at  all.


     Our  databases  also  require  extensive  software support and will need to
incorporate  features  determined  by  database  collaborators. If we experience
delays or difficulties  in  implementing our database software  or collaborator-
requested  features, we may be unable to service our collaborators.


     Our  recent  acquisitions  of Synteni and Hexagen involve several potential
operating  and business risks, including potential problems and costs associated
with integrating Synteni's and Hexagen's businesses, technologies and management
with  ours. Our integration efforts may also result in the loss of efficiency or

     The  combined  companies  may  not realize any revenue enhancements or cost
savings.  Increases in other expenses and operating losses, including losses due
to problems in integrating the acquired companies with ours, may offset any cost
savings.  Our  combined  operating  results  and  financial condition may not be
superior  to  what we could have achieved without these acquisitions, even if we
integrate  the  acquired  business  efficiently,  effectively  and quickly.  The
combination  of  these  businesses with ours may also take longer than expected.

     In  particular,  we began our integration of Hexagen recently. We will need
to  integrate  Hexagen's technology with our existing technology and improve its
throughput,  in order to develop a SNP database. We may be unable to achieve the
necessary  improvements,  which  could slow our efforts to develop a SNP-related
business.  Also,  since  Hexagen  is  located  in  England,  we  may  experience
difficulties  in integrating their operations with our U.S.-based operations. We
may also incur an expense if the goodwill and other intangible assets associated
with  the  Hexagen  purchase  are  determined  to  be  impaired  in  the future.


     As part of our business strategy, we may acquire other assets, technologies
and businesses.  We acquired two companies in 1996, Synteni in January 1998, and
Hexagen  in  September  1998.

     These  and  any  future  acquisitions  involve risks such as the following:

     -     we  may  be  exposed  to  unknown  liabilities of acquired companies;

     -     our  acquisition  and  integration  costs  may  be  higher  than  we
anticipated  and  may  cause  our  quarterly  and  annual  operating  results to

     -     we  may  experience  difficulty  and  expense  in  assimilating  the
operations and personnel of the acquired businesses, disrupting our business and
diverting  management's  time  and  attention;

     -     we  may  be  unable  to  integrate  or  complete  the development and
application  of  acquired  technology;

     -     we  may  experience  difficulties  in  establishing  and  maintaining
uniform  standards,  controls,  procedures  and  policies;

     -     our  relationships  with  key customers of acquired businesses may be
impaired, due to changes in management and ownership of the acquired businesses;

     -     we  may be unable to retain key employees of the acquired businesses;

     -     we  may  incur  amortization  expenses  if  an acquisition results in
significant  goodwill  or  other  intangible  assets;  and

     -     our  stockholders  may  be diluted if we pay for the acquisition with
equity  securities.

In  addition,  if we acquire additional businesses that are not located near our
Palo  Alto,  California  headquarters,  we  may  experience  more  difficulty
integrating  and  managing  the  acquired  businesses'  operations.


     We expect to continue to experience significant growth in the number of our
employees  and  the  scope  of  our  operations. This growth has placed, and may
continue  to  place,  a significant strain on our management and operations. Our
ability  to  manage  this  growth  will  depend  upon our ability to broaden our
management  team  and our ability to attract, hire and retain skilled employees.
Our success will also depend on the ability of our officers and key employees to
continue to implement and improve our operational and other systems and to hire,
train  and  manage  our  employees.

     In  addition,  we  must continue to invest in customer support resources as
the  number  of  database collaborators and their requests for support increase.
Our  database  collaborators typically have worldwide operations and may require
support at multiple U.S. and foreign sites. To provide this support, we may need
to  open  offices  in addition to our Palo Alto, California headquarters and our
offices  in  Fremont,  California,  St.  Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, England,
which  could  result  in  additional  burdens  on  our  systems  and  resources.


     We  are  highly  dependent  on  the  principal  members  of our management,
operations and scientific staff, including Roy A. Whitfield, our Chief Executive
Officer,  and  Randal  W. Scott, our President and Chief Scientific Officer. The
loss  of  any of these persons' services would have a material adverse effect on
our  business.  We  have  not  entered into any employment agreement with any of
these persons and do not maintain a key person life insurance policy on the life
of  any  employee.

     Our future success also will depend in part on the continued service of our
key  scientific,  software,  bioinformatics  and  management  personnel  and our
ability  to  identify,  hire and retain additional personnel, including customer
service,  marketing  and  sales  staff.  We  experience  intense competition for
qualified  personnel.  We  may  not  be  able  to continue to attract and retain
personnel  necessary  for  the  development  of  our  business.


REAGENTS  REQUIRED  FOR GENE SEQUENCING.  Although we are evaluating alternative
gene  sequencing machines, they may not be available in sufficient quantities or
at  acceptable costs. In addition, if a third party claims that our use of these
machines  infringes  their patent rights, our use of these machines could become
more  costly  or  could  be  prevented.  If  we  are unable to obtain additional
machines  or  an  adequate supply of reagents or other materials at commercially
reasonable  rates,  our  ability  to  identify genes and SNPs would be adversely

MATERIAL USED IN OUR OPERATIONS.  Our business could be adversely affected if we
lose  access  to some of these sources, or if they charged us higher access fees
or imposed tighter restrictions on our use of the information generated from the

research and development relationships with corporate and academic collaborators
and  others.  The  success  of  these  relationships depends upon third parties'
performance   of   their   responsibilities.   Our   ability  to  develop  these
relationships  is  uncertain,  and  any   established  relationships  may  prove
unsuccessful. Our collaborators may also be pursuing alternative technologies or
developing  alternative  products  on their own or in collaboration with others,
including  our  competitors.

     WE  RELY ON THIRD-PARTY DATA SOURCES.  We rely on scientific and other data
supplied  by  others, including our academic collaborators and sources of tissue
samples.  These  data could contain errors or other defects, which could corrupt
our  databases.  In addition, we cannot guarantee that our data sources acquired
this  information  in  compliance  with  legal  requirements. If either of these
happen  and  become  known,  our business prospects could be adversely affected.


     Based  upon  our  current plans, we believe that our existing resources and
anticipated cash flow from operations can satisfy our capital needs for at least
the  next 12 months. However, our products and services may not produce revenues
which, together with our existing cash and other resources, are adequate to meet
our  cash  needs.  Our  cash requirements depend on numerous factors, including:

     -     our ability to attract and retain collaborators for our databases and
other  products  and  services;

     -     expenditures  in  connection  with  alliances, license agreements and
acquisitions  of  and  investments in complementary technologies and businesses;

     -     the need to increase research and development spending as a result of
competing  technological  and  market  developments;

     -     the  cost  of  filing,  prosecuting,  defending  and enforcing patent
claims  and  other  intellectual  property  rights;

     -     the  purchase  of  additional  capital equipment, including equipment
necessary  to  process  data for our databases and to ensure that our sequencing
and  microarray  operations  remain  competitive;

     -     capital  expenditures  required  to  expand  our  facilities;  and

     -     costs  associated  with  the  integration  of  acquired  operations.

     Changes  in  our  research and development plans or other changes affecting
our  operating  expenses  may alter the timing and amount of expenditures of our
capital  resources. If we need additional funding, we may be unable to obtain it
on  favorable terms, or at all. If adequate funds are not available, we may have
to  curtail  operations  significantly   or   obtain   funds  by  entering  into
arrangements requiring us to relinquish rights to certain technologies, products
or  markets.  In  addition,  if  we  raise funds by selling stock or convertible
securities,  our  existing  stockholders  could  suffer  dilution.


     As  a  result  of  computer programs being written using two digits, rather
than  four, to represent year dates, the performance of our computer systems and
those of our suppliers and customers in the Year 2000 is uncertain. Any computer
programs  that  have  time-sensitive software may recognize a date using "00" as
the  year  1900 rather than the year 2000. This could result in a system failure
or  miscalculations  which disrupt our operations, such as a temporary inability
to  process  transactions,  send  invoices  or  engage  in other normal business

     We  are evaluating the Year 2000 readiness of the software products that we
sell,  the  information technology systems used in our operations, and our other
systems  such  as  building security and voicemail. We currently anticipate that
this  project  will  consist  of  the  following  phases:

     -     identifying  all  of  our  software  products, information technology
systems  and  other  systems;

     -     assessing  repair  or  replacement  requirements;

     -     repair  or  replacement;

     -     testing;

     -     implementation;  and

     -     creating  contingency  plans  in  the  event  of  Year 2000 failures.

     We  will  initiate  an  assessment  of all current versions of our software
products and believe that this will be completed in the first half of 1999. Even
so,  whether a complete system or device in which a software product is embedded
will  operate  correctly  for  an  end-user  depends  largely  on  the Year 2000
compliance  of  other  components,  most of which are supplied by third parties.

     We  rely,  both  domestically  and  internationally,  upon various vendors,
government  agencies,  utility  companies, telecommunications service companies,
delivery  service companies and other service providers. We have no control over
these  third  parties  and  they  may  suffer  a  Year 2000 business disruption.

     We  also  rely  upon goods and services purchased from certain vendors, and
our business could be disrupted if they fail to adequately address the Year 2000
issue.  We are preparing to survey our principal vendors to assess the potential
effect of the Year 2000 issue on their ability to supply us. We cannot currently
predict  the  outcome  of  this  effort.  We intend to develop contingency plans
regarding  vendors  whose  failure  to  be Year 2000 ready is expected to have a
material adverse impact on our operations. However, our vendors may be unable to
supply  important  goods  and  services  without  material  interruption and our
contingency  plans  may  not  keep  us  adequately  supplied.

     The  demand  for  our  products  could also be affected by Year 2000 issues
affecting  our  customers.  We  plan to develop a contingency plan for customers
with  Year 2000 problems, but we cannot presently determine what impact, if any,
it  will  have.

     We are focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of our operations
that may be affected by the Year 2000 issue and are addressing the most critical
applications  first.  We  intend  to  develop  and  implement,   if   necessary,
appropriate  contingency  plans  to  mitigate  the  effects  of  any  Year  2000
noncompliance.  We  expect  to  have these plans completed in the second half of
1999.  As  part  of  the development of a contingency plan, we will evaluate our
worst  case scenario for Year 2000 noncompliance. Although the full consequences
are  unknown,  the  failure  of  our  critical  systems or those of our material
vendors  and  other  business partners to be Year 2000 complaint would interrupt
our  business.


     Our  research  and development involves the controlled use of hazardous and
radioactive materials and biological waste. We are subject to federal, state and
local laws and regulations governing the use, manufacture, storage, handling and
disposal of these materials and certain waste products. Although we believe that
our  safety procedures for handling and disposing of these materials comply with
legally  prescribed  standards,  the  risk of accidental contamination or injury
from  these  materials  cannot  be  completely  eliminated.  In  the event of an
accident,  we  could be held liable for damages, and this liability could exceed
our  resources.

     We  believe  that  we  are  in  compliance  in  all  material respects with
applicable  environmental  laws  and  regulations and currently do not expect to
make  material  additional   capital   expenditures  for  environmental  control
facilities  in the near term. However, we may have to incur significant costs to
comply  with  current  or  future  environmental  laws  and  regulations.


     We  expect  that  our  revenues  in  the foreseeable future will be derived
primarily  from  products  and  services  provided  to  the  pharmaceutical  and
biotechnology industries. Accordingly, our success will depend directly upon the
success  of  the  companies  within  these  industries  and their demand for our
products  and services. Our operating results may fluctuate substantially due to
reductions  and  delays in research and development expenditures by companies in
these  industries.  These reductions and delays may result from factors such as:

     -     changes  in  economic  conditions;

     -     changes  in  the  regulatory  environment  affecting  health care and
health  care  providers;

     -     pricing  pressures;

     -     market-driven pressures on companies to consolidate and reduce costs;

     -     other  factors  affecting  research  and  development  spending.

These  factors  are  not  within  our  control.


     We conduct our sequencing and a significant portion of our other activities
at  our  facilities in Palo Alto, California, and conduct our microarray-related
activities  at  our  facilities  in Fremont, California. Both locations are in a
seismically  active  area. Although we maintain business interruption insurance,
we do not have or plan to obtain earthquake insurance. A major catastrophe (such
as  an  earthquake  or  other  natural  disaster)  could  result  in a prolonged
interruption  of  our  business.


     The  Company  is  exposed  to  interest  rate  risk  primarily  through its
investments  in  short-term  marketable  securities  and  its  note payable. The
Company's  investment  policy  calls  for  investment  in  short  term, low risk
instruments.  As  of December 31, 1998, investments in marketable securities was
$61.2  million.  At December 31, 1998, the Company had a fixed rate note payable
balance  of  $0.7  million. Due to the nature of these investments and note, any
decrease  in  rates  would not have a material impact on the Company's financial

     The Company is exposed to equity price risks  on  the marketable portion of
equity  securities  included  in  its  portfolio  of  investments and  long-term
investments,  entered  into  to  further  its business and strategic objectives.
These investments are in  small capitalization  stocks  in  the  pharmaceutical/
biotech  industry  sector, in  companies  which  the  Company  has  research and
development or licensing agreements.  The  Company typically does not attempt to
reduce or eliminate its market  exposure  on  these  securities.  As of December
31, 1998, long-term investments were $12.4  million.

     The  Company  typically  does  not  hedge  its  foreign currency  exposure.
Management does  not  believe  that  the  Company's exposure to foreign currency
rate fluctuations  is  material.




     Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors                         43

     Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1998 and 1997                 44

     Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended 
          December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996                                     45
     Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)                    46

     Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity for the three 
          year period ended December 31, 1998                                  47

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow for the years ended 
          December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996                                     48

     Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements                            50

     Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts                           66


     Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Accountants             67

     Balance Sheet at December 31, 1998 and 1997                              68

     Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 
          1998 and  for the period from inception
          (September 1997) through December 31, 1997 and 1998                  69

     Statement of Changes In Members' Equity For the Period 
          From Inception (September 1997) through December 31, 1998            70

     Statement of Cash Flow for the year ended 
          December 31, 1998 and for the period from inception 
         (September 1997) through December 31, 1997 and 1998                   71
     Notes to Financial Statements                                             72


The  Board  of  Directors  and  Stockholders  of  Incyte  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets  of  Incyte
Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.,  as  of  December  31,  1998  and  1997, and the related
consolidated  statements   of   operations,  comprehensive  net  income  (loss),
stockholders'  equity,  and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  December  31,  1998.  Our  audits  also  included the financial statement
schedules  listed  in  the  Index  at  Item 14(a).These financial statements and
schedule  are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statements and schedule based on our
audits.  We  did  not  audit  the financial statements of diaDexus, LLC, a joint
venture, which statements reflect total assets of $20,215,000 and $10,212,000 as
of December 31, 1998 and 1997 respectively, and total net loss of $7,928,000 and
$548,000,  for  the  years  then  ended.  Those statements were audited by other
auditors  whose  report  has been furnished to us, and our opinion insofar as it
relates  to  the  loss  from  joint venture recorded under the equity method and
other  data  included  for  diaDexus,  LLC, is based solely on the report of the
other  auditors.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits and the report of other auditors provide a reasonable
basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our  opinion,  based  on  our  audits  and the report of other auditors, the
financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the consolidated financial position of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., at December
31,  1998  and 1997, and the consolidated results of its operations and its cash
flows  for  each  of  the  three years in the period ended December 31, 1998, in
conformity  with generally accepted accounting principles. Also, in our opinion,
the  related  financial  statement  schedule, when considered in relation to the
basic  financial  statements  taken  as a whole, presents fairly in all material
respects  the  information  set  forth  therein.

                                                         /s/Ernst  &  Young  LLP

Palo  Alto,  California
January  27,  1999

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
              (in thousands, except number of shares and par value)

                                                                      DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                                          1998            1997 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents                                     $      50,048   $      55,598 
      Restricted cash                                                           -           6,000 
      Marketable securities - available-for-sale                           61,185          57,497 
      Accounts receivable, net                                             14,318          19,983 
      Prepaid expenses and other current assets                             5,813           3,836 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
            Total current assets                                          131,364         142,914 

Property and equipment, net                                                54,429          38,070 
Long-term investments                                                      20,653          14,800 
Goodwill and other intangible assets, net                                  16,955               - 
Deposits and other assets                                                   6,889           3,305 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
            Total assets                                            $     230,290   $     199,089 
                                                                    ==============  ==============


Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable                                              $       8,244   $       5,791 
      Accrued and other current liabilities                                 7,843           5,416 
      Accrued compensation                                                  4,786           3,192 
      Due to joint venture                                                      -           6,000 
      Deferred revenue                                                     29,054          31,815 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
            Total current liabilities                                      49,927          52,214 

Non-current portion of capital lease obligations and note payable             796           1,173 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
            Total liabilities                                              50,723          53,387 
                                                                    --------------  --------------

Stockholders' equity:
      Preferred stock, $0.001 par value; 5,000,000 shares
         authorized; none issued and outstanding at December 31,
         1998 and 1997.                                                         -               - 
      Common stock, $0.001 par value; 75,000,000 shares
         authorized; 27,829,850 and 26,054,475 shares issued and
         outstanding at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.              28              26 
      Additional paid-in capital                                          209,192         175,749 
      Deferred compensation                                                (1,209)              - 
      Receivable from stockholders                                            (33)              - 
      Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                           (10)             56 
      Accumulated deficit                                                 (28,401)        (30,129)
                                                                    --------------  --------------              
            Total stockholders' equity                                    179,567         145,702 
                                                                    --------------  --------------
            Total liabilities and stockholders' equity              $     230,290   $     199,089 
                                                                    ==============  ==============

                             See accompanying notes

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                        YEAR ENDED
                                                       DECEMBER 31,
                                                 1998      1997      1996 
                                               ---------  --------  --------
 Revenues                                      $134,811   $89,996   $41,895 

Costs and expenses:
 Research and development                       97,192    72,452    41,337 
 Selling, general and administrative            25,438    13,928     6,957 
 Charge for the purchase of in-process research
    and development                             10,978         -     3,165 
 Acquisition-related charges                     1,171         -         - 
                                              ---------  --------  --------
Total costs and expenses                       134,779    86,380    51,459 

Income (loss) from operations                       32     3,616    (9,564)

Interest and other income                        7,416     4,326     2,538 
Interest and other expense                        (150)     (186)     (250)
Losses from joint venture                       (1,474)     (300)        - 
                                               ---------  --------  --------
Income (loss) before income taxes                5,824     7,456    (7,276)

Provision for income taxes                       2,352       548         - 
                                               ---------  --------  --------

Net income (loss)                              $  3,472   $ 6,908   $(7,276)
                                               =========  ========  ========

Basic net income (loss) per share              $   0.13   $  0.28   $ (0.32)
                                               =========  ========  ========
Shares used in computing
   basic net income (loss) per share             26,921    24,300    22,398 
                                               =========  ========  ========

Diluted net income (loss) per share            $   0.12   $  0.26   $ (0.32)
                                               =========  ========  ========
Shares used in computing
   diluted net income (loss) per share           28,899    26,498    22,398 
                                               =========  ========  ========

                             See accompanying notes

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                                 (in thousands)

                                                             YEAR  ENDED
                                                            DECEMBER 31,
                                                     1998      1997       1996 
                                                 ----------   --------  --------
Net income (loss)                                $    3,472   $  6,908  $(7,276)

Other comprehensive income (loss)
     Unrealized gains (losses) on 
        marketable securities                           338        127     (106)
     Foreign currency translation adjustments          (404)         2        - 
                                                  ----------  --------  --------
Other comprehensive income (loss)                       (66)       129     (106)
                                                  ----------  --------  --------
Comprehensive income (loss)                        $   3,406   $  7,037  $(7,382)
                                                  ==========  ========  ========

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                    (in thousands, except number of shares)

                                                              ADDITIONAL   STOCK      
                                                  COMMON       PAID-IN     TO BE     DEFERRED
                                                   STOCK       CAPITAL    ISSUED   COMPENSATION
                                               -----------   ----------  -------  --------------
Balances at January 1, 1996                    $       21  $    77,241    $   100   $      (29)
Issuance of 457,296 shares of  Common  Stock
   upon exercise of  Stock options and  299,398
   shares upon exercise of warrant.                     1        1,581          -            - 
Issuance of 249,200 common stock  previously
   subscribed                                           -          100       (100)           - 
Issuance of 146,342 shares of  Common Stock  in
   exchange of  Combion, Inc                            -        3,000          -            - 
Amortization of deferred compensation                   -            -          -           29 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)  on
   marketable securities                                -            -          -            - 
Net loss                                                -            -          -            - 
                                               -----------  -----------  --------- ------------
Balances at December 31, 1996                          22       81,922          -            - 
Issuance of 2,755,426 shares of  Common   Stock,
   net of expenses and  underwriters' fees of $5,065    3       87,239          -            - 
Issuance of 462,434 shares of Common  Stock,
   net of expenses of   $41                             1        3,559          -            - 
Issuance of 431,879 shares of  Common  Stock
   upon exercise of  stock options and 14,934
   shares  upon exercise of warrant.                    -        3,029          -            - 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)  on
   marketable securities                                -            -          -            - 
Net change in cumulative translation adjustment         -            -          -            - 
Net income                                              -            -          -            - 
                                               ----------- ------------  ---------  -----------
Balances at December 31, 1997                          26      175,749          -            - 
Adjustment to conform fiscal year of  pooled entity
   Synteni (including issuance of  
   337,271 shares of  common stock)                     -        3,732          -       (1,658)
Issuance of 423,030 Common Stock  upon
   exercise of stock options; 38,944 shares issued
   under ESPP                                           1        4,748          -            - 
Issuance of  976,130 shares of Common Stock in
   purchase of Hexagen  Limited                         1       23,438          -            - 
Tax benefit from employee stock transactions            -        1,525          -            - 
Amortization of deferred compensation                   -            -          -          449 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses) on
   marketable securities                                -            -          -            - 
Repayment of receivable from shareholder                -            -          -            - 
Change in cumulative translation adjustment             -            -          -            - 
Net income                                              -            -          -            - 
                                               -----------  -----------  ---------  -----------
Balances at December 31, 1998                   $      28  $   209,192   $      -   $   (1,209)
                                               =========== ============ ==========  ===========

                                               RECEIVABLE       OTHER                        TOTAL
                                                  FROM      COMPREHENSIVE   ACCUMULATED  STOCKHOLDERS'
                                              STOCKHOLDER      INCOME         DEFICIT       EQUITY
                                             -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------    
Balances at January 1, 1996                   $         -   $         33   $    (29,761)  $    47,605 

Issuance of 457,296 shares of  Common  Stock
   upon exercise of  Stock options and  299,398
   shares upon exercise of warrant.                     -              -              -         1,582 
Issuance of 249,200 common stock  previously
   subscribed                                           -              -              -             - 
Issuance of 146,342 shares of  Common Stock  in
   exchange of  Combion, Inc                            -              -              -         3,000 
Amortization of deferred compensation                   -              -              -            29 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)  on
   marketable securities                                -           (106)             -          (106)
Net loss                                                -              -         (7,276)       (7,276)
                                             -------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------    
Balances at December 31, 1996                           -            (73)       (37,037)       44,834 
Issuance of 2,755,426 shares of  Common   Stock,
   net of expenses and  underwriters' fees of $5,065    -              -              -        87,242 
Issuance of 462,434 shares of Common  Stock,
   net of expenses of   $41                             -              -              -         3,560 
Issuance of 431,879 shares of  Common  Stock
   upon exercise of  stock options and 14,934
   shares  upon exercise of warrant.                    -              -              -         3,029 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)  on
   marketable securities                                -            127              -           127 
Net change in cumulative translation adjustment         -              2              -             2 
Net income                                              -              -          6,908         6,908 
                                             -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------    
Balances at December 31, 1997                           -             56        (30,129)      145,702 
Adjustment to conform fiscal year of  pooled entity
  Synteni (including issuance of  337,271 shares    
  of  common stock)                                   (49)             -         (1,744)          281 
Issuance of 423,030 Common Stock  upon
   exercise of stock options;  38,944 shares 
   issued under ESPP                                    -              -              -         4,749 
Issuance of  976,130 shares of Common Stock in
   purchase of Hexagen  Limited                         -              -              -        23,439 
Tax benefit from employee stock transactions            -              -              -         1,525 
Amortization of deferred compensation                   -              -              -           449 
Net change in unrealized gains (losses) on
   marketable securities                                -            338              -           338 
Repayment of receivable from shareholder               16              -              -            16
Change in cumulative translation adjustment             -           (404)             -          (404)
Net income                                              -              -          3,472         3,472 
                                             -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------    
Balances at December 31, 1998                $        (33)  $        (10)  $    (28,401)  $   179,567 
                                             =============  =============  =============  ============    

                                               See accompanying notes

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                                 (in thousands)

                                                          YEAR ENDED                                                               
                                                         DECEMBER 31,
                                                 1998       1997       1996 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------

     Net income (loss)                         $   3,472   $  6,908   $ (7,276)
     Adjustments to reconcile net income 
         (loss)to net cash provided by 
         operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization            17,827     10,633      6,529 
         Non-cash portion of the charge 
              for the purchase of in-process 
              research and development            10,978          -      3,000 
         Losses in joint venture                   1,474        300          - 
         Adjustment to conform fiscal year 
              of pooled entity                       278          -          - 
         Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
              Accounts receivable                  5,885    (18,451)     5,174 
              Prepaid expenses and other assets   (5,280)    (3,495)    (2,074)
              Accounts payable                     1,773      1,028      2,430 
              Accrued and other current 
                  liabilities                      1,826     14,404     10,143 
              Deferred revenue                    (2,000)     6,660        601 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------       
Net cash provided by operating activities         36,233     17,987     18,527 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------

     Capital expenditures                        (30,710)   (27,225)   (20,453)
     Long-term investments                        (7,145)    (8,537)      (313)            
     Purchase of Hexagen (net of cash received)   (3,977)         -          - 
     Transfer to restricted cash                       -     (6,000)         - 
     Proceeds from sale of assets leased back 
         under operating leases                        -      1,696          - 
     Purchases of marketable securities          (98,512)   (53,464)   (16,526)
     Sales of marketable securities               88,081      8,515          - 
     Maturities of marketable securities           6,900     18,225     16,336 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash used in investing activities            (45,363)   (66,790)   (20,956)
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------

     Proceeds from issuance of common stock        4,749     93,831      1,582 
     Proceeds from capital leases and note 
         payable                                       -      1,000          - 
     Principal payments on capital lease 
         obligations and note payable               (781)       (46)      (121)
     Proceeds from repayment of receivable 
         from shareholders                            16          -          - 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash provided by financing activities          3,984     94,785      1,461 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------

Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash 
     equivalents                                    (404)         -          - 

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash 
     equivalents                                  (5,550)    45,982       (968)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  55,598      9,616     10,584 
                                               ----------  ---------  ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     $  50,048   $ 55,598   $  9,616 
                                               ==========  =========  =========

                             See accompanying notes

                          INCYTE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                                 (in thousands)


                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                 1998      1997      1996
                                               --------  --------  --------

     Interest paid                             $   138   $    16   $    17
                                               ========  ========  ========
     Taxes paid                                $   705   $   252   $     -
                                               ========  ========  ========

     Tangible assets acquired 
         (excluding $1,023 cash received)      $ 3,025 
     Purchased in-process R&D                   10,978 
     Goodwill and other intangible 
          assets acquired                       17,553 
     Acquisition costs incurred                 (1,029)
     Liabilities assumed                        (3,112)
     Common stock issued                       (23,438)
     Cash paid for acquisition (net of 
          $1,023 cash received)                $ 3,977 

                             See accompanying notes

                             INCYTE  PHARMACEUTICALS,  INC.


Organization  and  Business.  Incyte  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. (the "Company") was
incorporated  in  Delaware  in  April  1991.  The Company designs, develops, and
markets  genomic  information-based  tools  including database products, genomic
data  management  software  tools, microarray-based gene expression services and
genomic reagents and related services. The Company's genomic databases integrate
bioinformatics  software  with  proprietary   and,  when  appropriate,  publicly
available  genetic  information  to  create   information-based  tools  used  by
pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  companies in drug discovery and development.

Principles  of Consolidation.  The consolidated financial statements include the
accounts of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and its wholly owned subsidiaries. All
material  intercompany  accounts, transactions, and profits have been eliminated
in  consolidation.

In  September  1998,  the  Company  completed the acquisition of Hexagen Limited
("Hexagen"),  which  was accounted for as a purchase. The Company issued 976,130
shares  of  the its common stock and $5.0 million in cash in exchange for all of
Hexagen's  outstanding capital stock. In addition, the Company assumed Hexagen's
outstanding  stock options, which if fully vested and exercised, would amount to
125,909  shares of common stock. The consolidated financial statements discussed
herein  reflect  the  inclusion  of  the  results  of  Hexagen  from the date of
acquisition,  September  21,  1998.

In  January  1998, the Company issued shares of common stock in exchange for all
of the capital stock of Synteni, Inc. ("Synteni"). The merger has been accounted
for  as  a  pooling  of  interests  and,  accordingly,  the  Company's financial
statements  and  financial data for all periods have been retroactively restated
to  include  the  accounts  and operations of Synteni since inception. Synteni's
fiscal year ends on September 30. Synteni's results of operations for the period
from  October  1,  1997  to December 31, 1997 were recorded directly in retained
earnings  in  1998.

In August 1996, the Company acquired Combion, Inc. ("Combion") for shares of the
Company's  Common Stock.  The acquisition of Combion has been accounted for as a
purchase, and the consolidated financial statements discussed herein reflect the
inclusion  of  the  results  of Combion from the date of acquisition, August 15,

In  July 1996, the Company issued shares of its common stock in exchange for all
of  the  outstanding  shares  of  Genome  Systems,  Inc. ("Genome Systems"). The
transaction  has  been  accounted  for  as  a  pooling  of  interests,  and  the
consolidated  financial statements discussed herein and all historical financial
information  have  been  restated  to  reflect  the  combined operations of both
companies.  See  Note  9

Reclassifications.  Certain  reclassifications   were  made  to  prior  periods'
balances  to  conform  with  the  1998  presentation.

Use  of  Estimates.  The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally  accepted  accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and
accompanying  notes.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.

Foreign  Currency Translation.  The financial statements of subsidiaries outside
the  United  States  are  measured  using  the  local currency as the functional
currency.  Assets  and  liabilities  of these subsidiaries are translated at the
rates  of  exchange  at  the  balance  sheet  date.  The  resultant  translation
adjustments  are  included  in the cumulative translation adjustment, a separate
component  of  stockholders'  equity. Income and expense items are translated at
average  monthly  rates  of  exchange.

Concentrations  of  Credit  Risk.   Cash,   cash   equivalents,  and  short-term
investments,  trade   receivables,  and  long  term  strategic  investments  are
financial instruments which potentially subject the Company to concentrations of
credit  risk. The estimated fair value of financial instruments approximates the
carrying  value  based  on  available  market information. The Company primarily
invests  its  excess  available  funds  in  notes  and  bills issued by the U.S.
government and its agencies and corporate debt securities and, by policy, limits
the  amount  of  credit  exposure  to  any  one  issuer  and  to any one type of
investment,  other  than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government.
The  Company's  customers  are  pharmaceutical,  biotechnology  and agricultural
companies  which  are  typically  located  in  the United States and Europe. The
Company  has  not  experienced  any  credit  losses to date and does not require
collateral  on receivables. The Company's long-term investments represent equity
investments  in  a  number of companies whose businesses may be complementary to
the  Company's  business.   The  Company  evaluates  the  long-term  investments
quarterly  for  impairment,  and  to date has not incurred a material impairment
related  to  these  investments.  (See  Long-Term  Investments)

Cash  and Cash Equivalents.  Cash and cash equivalents are held in U.S. and U.K.
banks  or  in  custodial accounts with U.S. and U.K. banks. Cash equivalents are
defined as all liquid investments with maturity from date of purchase of 90 days
or  less  that are readily convertible into cash and have insignificant interest
rate  risk.  All  other  investments  are  reported  as  marketable securities -

Restricted  Cash.  Restricted cash at December 31, 1997 consists of cash held in
an  escrow account which was disbursed to the Company's joint venture, diaDexus,
LLC  ("diaDexus"),  in  1998 in accordance with the joint venture agreement (see
Joint  Venture  and  Note  8).

Marketable  Securities  Available-for-Sale.     All  marketable  securities  are
classified  as  available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are carried at
fair value, with unrealized gains and losses reported as a separate component of
stockholders' equity.  The amortized cost of debt securities in this category is
adjusted  for  amortization of premiums and accretions of discounts to maturity.
Such amortization is included in interest income.  Realized gains and losses and
declines  in  value  judged  to  be  other than temporary for available-for-sale
securities  are  included  in  interest  and  other  income/expense. The cost of
securities  is  sold  is  based  on  the  specific  identification  method.

The  following is a summary of the Company's investment portfolio, excluding the
Company's  investment  in diaDexus and including cash equivalents of $26,203,000
and  $40,064,000  as  of  December  31,  1998  and  1997,  respectively.

                                                                UNREALIZED   ESTIMATED
                                                    AMORTIZED     GAINS        FAIR
                                                      COST       (LOSSES)     VALUE
                                                   -----------  -----------  --------
DECEMBER 31, 1998
U.S. Treasury notes and other U.S. government and
   agency securities                               $    72,635  $       210  $ 72,845
Corporate debt securities                               14,543            -    14,543
Long term equity investments                            12,245          182    12,427
                                                   -----------  -----------  --------
                                                   $    99,423  $       392  $ 99,815
                                                   ===========  ===========  ========

DECEMBER 31, 1997
U.S. Treasury notes and other U.S. government and
   agency securities                               $    53,951  $        47  $ 53,998
Corporate debt securities                               30,543            -    30,543
Floating rate notes                                     13,013            7    13,020
Long term equity investments                             5,100            -     5,100
                                                   -----------  -----------  --------
                                                   $   102,607  $        54  $102,661
                                                   ===========  ===========  ========

At  December  31, 1998 and 1997, all of the Company's investments are classified
as  short-term,  as  the Company has classified its investments as available for
sale  and may not hold its investments until maturity in order to take advantage
of  market conditions. At December 31, 1998, marketable securities with a market
value of $46,355,000 and an amortized cost of $46,227,000 had maturities under a
year  and  marketable  securities  with  a  market  value  of $41,033,000 and an
amortized  cost  of  $40,958,000  had  maturities over a year, but less than two
years.  Unrealized  losses  were  not  material  and  have therefore been netted
against  unrealized  gains.  Net  realized  gains  of  $380,000  from  sales  of
marketable securities were included in Interest and Other Income in 1998 and net
realized  losses  of  $25,000  losses  from  sales of marketable securities were
included  in  Interest  and  Other  Expense  in  1997.

Accounts  Receivable. Accounts receivable at December 31, 1998 and 1997 included
an  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  of  $434,000 and $225,000, respectively.

Property  and  Equipment.  Property  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost,  less
accumulated  depreciation  and  amortization. Depreciation is recorded using the
straight-line  method  over  the estimated useful lives of the respective assets
(generally  two  to  five  years). Leasehold improvements are amortized over the
shorter  of  the estimated useful life of the assets or lease term. Property and
equipment  consists  of  the  following:

                                                    DECEMBER 31,
                                                  1998     1997
                                                --------  -------

Office equipment                                $  3,577  $ 2,588
Laboratory equipment                              25,665   18,939
Computer equipment                                35,209   22,168
Leasehold improvements                            26,026   14,495
                                                --------  -------
                                                  90,477   58,190
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization    36,048   20,120
                                                --------  -------
                                                $ 54,429  $38,070
                                                ========  =======

Depreciation  expense,  including  depreciation  expense of assets under capital
leases,  was  $13,420,000, $8,758,000, and $5,298,000, for 1998, 1997, and 1996,
respectively. Amortization of leasehold improvements was $3,343,000, $2,260,000,
and  $1,061,000  for  1998,  1997,  and  1996,  respectively.

Certain  laboratory  and computer equipment used by the Company could be subject
to  technological obsolescence in the event that significant advancement is made
in  competing  or  developing  equipment  technologies.  Management  continually
reviews  the  estimated  useful lives of technologically sensitive equipment and
believes  that  those estimates appropriately reflect the current useful life of
its  assets.  In  the  event  that  a  currently  unknown significantly advanced
technology  became  commercially  available,  the  Company would re-evaluate the
value  and  estimated  useful lives of its existing equipment, possibly having a
material  impact  on  the  financial  statements.

Long-Term  Investments.  The  Company has made equity investments in a number of
companies  whose businesses may be complementary to the Company's business.  The
Company  accounts  for  its investment in diaDexus ($8,226,000 and $9,700,000 at
December  31, 1998 and 1997, respectively) under the equity method of accounting
(see Joint Venture and Note 10 ). All investments in which the shares are freely
tradable or become freely tradable within one year of the balance sheet date are
accounted  for  in  accordance  with  SFAS 115, with unrealized gains and losses
being  reported  as  a  separate component of stockholders' equity. In all other
cases, the cost method of accounting is used. The Company holds less than 10% of
each  long-term  investment  and does not exert significant influence over these

Goodwill  and Other Intangible Assets. Goodwill and other intangible assets were
generated  in  the  acquisition  of  Hexagen.  Goodwill  is being amortized on a
straight  line  basis  over 8 years and the other intangible assets of developed
technology  and assembled workforce are being amortized on a straight line basis
over  5  and  3  years,  respectively.

Software  Costs.  In  accordance with the provisions of the Financial Accounting
Standards Board Statement No. 86, "Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software
to  be Sold, Leased or Otherwise Marketed," the Company has capitalized software
development  costs  incurred  in  developing certain products once technological
feasibility  of  the  products  has  been  determined.   The   Company  recorded
capitalized  software,  net  of  amortization  of  $6,315,000  and $2,987,000 at
December  31,  1998  and  1997,  respectively,  and  recorded   amortization  of
capitalized  software  of  $1,379,000,  $391,000  and  none  for the years ended
December  31,  1998,  1997  and  1996,  respectively

Accumulated  Other  Comprehensive Income. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
consists  of  the  following  at  December  31:

                                           1998   1997
                                           -----  ----
Unrealized gains on marketable securities   392     54
Cumulative Translation Adjustment          (402)     2
                                           -----  ----
                                            (10)    56
                                           =====  ====

Revenue  Recognition.  The Company recognizes revenue for database collaboration
agreements  evenly over the term of each agreement. Revenue is deferred for fees
received  before  earned.  Revenues  from  custom  orders,  such   as   contract
sequencing,  and  reagents are recognized upon completion and shipment. Revenues
from  genomic  screening  services  are recognized upon completion. Revenue from
gene  expression microarray services includes; technology access fees, which are
generally  recognized  ratably  over  the access term; capacity ramp up charges,
which  are recognized ratably as capacity is increased; and usage fees which are
recognized at the completion of key stages in the performance of the service, in
proportion  to  costs incurred. Generally, software revenue is allocated between
license fees and maintenance fees, in accordance with SOP 97-2, with the license
revenue  being  recognized  upon  installation,  and maintenance fees recognized
evenly  over  the  maintenance  term.

Stock-Based  Compensation.  The  Company  accounts  for  stock  option grants to
employees  in accordance with APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees.  The  Company  currently  grants  stock options for a fixed number of
shares to employees and directors with an exercise price equal to the fair value
of  the  shares  at  the  date  of  grant, and therefore records no compensation
expense. Prior to the merger with Incyte, Synteni recorded deferred compensation
of  $1,658,000  for options issued to employees with an exercise price below the
fair  market  value  of the underlying stock. The amount is being amortized over
the  vesting  period  of  the  options  issued.

Advertising  Costs.  All costs associated with advertising products are expensed
in the year incurred. Advertising expense for the years ended December 31, 1998,
1997,  and  1996  were  $1,092,000,  $772,000,  and  $573,000,  respectively.

Joint Venture.  In September 1997, the Company formed a joint venture, diaDexus,
LLC  with  SmithKline Beecham Corporation ("SB"), which will utilize genomic and
bioinformatic  technologies  in the discovery and commercialization of molecular
diagnostics.  The  Company  and  SB  each  hold  a 50 percent equity interest in
diaDexus  and  the  Company accounts for the investment under the equity method.
See  Note  10

New  Pronouncements  In June 1998, the FASB issued Statement No. 133, Accounting
for  Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities. ("SFAS 133"). This statement
is  effective  for  fiscal  years  beginning  after  June  15,  1999.  SFAS  133
established  standards  for  reporting  derivative   instruments   and   hedging
activities.  Application  of  SFAS  133  will have no impact on the consolidated
financial  position  or  results  of  operations  as  currently  reported.


As  of  December  31,  1998, the Company had entered into database collaboration
agreements  with  twenty-two  pharmaceutical,  biotechnology   and  agricultural
companies.  Over  78% of revenues in 1998 were derived from such collaborations.
Each  collaborator  has  agreed to pay, during the term of the agreement, annual
fees  to  receive  non-exclusive  access  to  selected  modules of the Company's
databases.  In  addition,  if a customer develops certain products utilizing the
Company's technology and proprietary database information, milestone and royalty
payments could potentially be received by the Company. The loss of revenues from
any  individual  database agreement, if terminated or not renewed, could have an
adverse  impact  on  the  Company's  results  of  operations, although it is not
anticipated  to  have  a  material  adverse  impact on the Company's business or
financial  condition.

The  Company  has  also  entered  into  microarray  production  agreements  with
pharmaceutical,  biotechnology  and agricultural companies. The agreements range
from  small  volume  pilot agreements to large volume production agreements. The
large  volume  production  agreements  require an up front technology access fee
that entitles the customer to order products and services at set prices over the
term  of  the  agreement.

One  of  the  collaborators  contributed  12% of the Company's total revenues in
1998.  No  collaborators individually contributed more than 10% of the Company's
total  revenues  in 1997. Over 90% of the revenues in 1996 were derived from ten
collaborators,  three  of  which  individually  contributed more than 10% of the
total,  or  approximately  37%  in  the  aggregate.


At  December  31, 1998, the Company had signed noncancelable operating leases on
multiple  facilities, including facilities in Palo Alto and Fremont, California,
St.  Louis,  Missouri and Cambridge, England. The leases expire on various dates
ranging from March 1999 to March 2009. Rent expense for the years ended December
31,  1998,  1997,  and  1996,  was  approximately  $5,218,000,  $3,490,000,  and
$1,675,000,  respectively.

The  Company  had  laboratory  and office equipment with a cost of approximately
$2,334,000 and $189,000 at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively, and related
accumulated  amortization of approximately $177,000 and $136,000 at December 31,
1998  and  1997, respectively, under capital leases. These leases are secured by
the  equipment  leased  thereunder.

At  December 31, 1998, future noncancelable minimum payments under the operating
and  capital  leases  and  notes  payable  were  as  follows:

                                                           CAPITAL LEASES
                                             OPERATING          AND
                                               LEASES       NOTE PAYABLE
                                         ----------------  --------------
Year ended December 31,                           (in thousands)
 1999                                    $         10,912  $        1,457
 2000                                              10,567             702
 2001                                               9,708             199
 2002                                               7,958               -
 2003                                               6,326               -
 Thereafter                                        27,123               -
                                         ----------------  --------------
Total minimum lease payments             $         72,594           2,358
Less amount representing interest                                     425
Present value of minimum lease payments                             1,933
Less current portion                                                1,137
Non-current portion                                        $          796

In  July  1997,  Synteni  obtained  $1,000,000  in debt financing secured by its
property  and  equipment. The loan is repayable in 48 equal monthly installments
commencing  on  September  1, 1997 and carries an annual interest rate of 9%. In
connection with the financing, Synteni issued a warrant to purchase 2,569 shares
of  common stock, exercisable for a period of seven years from the date of issue
at  an  exercise  price  of  $7.79  per  share. Using the Black-Scholes model to
determine  the  fair market value of the warrant, management has determined that
such  fair  value  is  nominal.

In  July  1997,  the  Company  entered into a multi-year lease with respect to a
95,000  square  foot  building  to be constructed adjacent to the Company's Palo
Alto  headquarters.  The  term  of  the  lease is twelve years at an approximate
annual  rent  of  $3.4  million.  The  Company's share of tenant improvements is
estimated  to be between $10.0 million and $15.0 million, of which approximately
$6.8  million  has  been  expended  through  December  31,  1998.

The Company has entered into a number of research and development alliances with
companies and research institutions. These agreements provide for the funding of
research  activities  by  the  Company  and  the possible payment of milestones,
license  fees,  and,  in  some  cases,  royalties.  As  part  of a collaborative
agreement  with  Oxford  GlycoSciences  plc   ("OGS")   relating  to  the  joint
development  of a proteomics database, the Company has agreed to reimburse up to
$5.0  million in 1999 if OGS' revenues are not sufficient to offset expenses for
services rendered. The Company's commitments under any other of these agreements
do  not  represent  a significant expenditure in relation to the Company's total
research  and  development  expense.


Common  Stock.  At  December  31,  1998,  the  Company  had  reserved a total of
5,996,589  shares  of its Common Stock for issuance upon exercise of outstanding
stock  options  and  purchases  under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan described
below.  In  October  1997,  the  Company's  Board  of   Directors  authorized  a
two-for-one  stock  split  effected  in  the  form  of  a stock dividend paid on
November  7,  1997  to  holders of record on October 17, 1997. All share and per
share  data  have  been  adjusted  retroactively  to  reflect  the  split.

On  May  21, 1997, the Company's stockholders approved an increase in the number
of  shares  authorized  for  issuance  from  20,000,000  to  75,000,000.

Sales  of Stock.  In August 1997, the Company completed a follow-on public stock
offering  and  issued 2,755,426 shares of common stock, including 355,426 shares
covered  by  the  exercise of the underwriters' over-allotment option, at $33.50
per  share.  Net  proceeds  from  this offering were approximately $87.2 million
after  deducting  the  underwriting  discount  and  offering  expenses.

Stock  Compensation  Plans.  The  Company applies APB Opinion No. 25 and related
Interpretations  in accounting for its stock compensation plans. Accordingly, no
compensation  cost, excluding options issued by Synteni prior to the merger, has
been  recognized for its fixed stock option plans. Had compensation cost for the
Company's  three  stock-based compensation plans been determined consistent with
FASB  Statement No. 123, the Company's pro forma net loss in 1998, 1997 and 1996
would  have  been  approximately  $7.4 million,  $0.5 million and $11.0 million,
respectively.  The  Company's  pro forma basic and diluted net loss per share in
1998,  1997 and 1996 would have been $0.27 per share,  $0.02 per share and $0.49
per  share, respectively. The weighted average fair value of the options granted
during  1998, 1997 and 1996 are estimated at $16.59, $14.66 and $9.44 per share,
respectively,  on  the  date  of  grant, using the Black-Scholes multiple-option
pricing  model  with  the  following  assumptions: dividend yield 0%, 0% and 0%,
volatility  of  57%,  56%  and  55%,  risk-free interest rate with an average of
5.06%,  6.05%  and  6.10%,  and  an average expected life of 3.79, 3.37 and 3.25
years,  for  1998,  1997  and  1996, respectively. The average fair value of the
employees'  purchase  rights  under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan during 1998
and  1997 is estimated at $12.15 and $11.86, respectively, on the date of grant,
using  the  Black-Scholes  multiple-option  pricing  model  with  the  following
assumptions:  dividend  yield  0%  and  0%, volatility of 57% and 56%, risk free
interest  rate  of  4.75%  and  5.64%,  and  an  expected  life  of  6  months,

As  FASB  123 is only applicable to options granted after December 31, 1994, the
pro  forma  effect  was not fully reflected until 1998. The Black-Scholes option
valuation  model  was  developed  for use in estimating the fair value of traded
options  which  have  no  vesting  restrictions  and  are fully transferable. In
addition,  option  valuation  models  require  the  input  of  highly subjective
assumptions,  including  the  expected  stock  price volatility and option life.
Because  the Company's employee stock options have characteristics significantly
different  from those of traded options, because changes in the subjective input
assumptions  can  materially  affect  the  fair  value estimate, and because the
Company  has  a relatively limited history with option behavior, in management's
opinion the existing models do not necessarily provide a reliable single measure
of  the  fair  value  of  its  employee  stock  options.

Summaries  of  stock  option activity for the Company's three fixed stock option
plans  as  of  December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, and related information for the
years  ended  December  31  are  included  in  the  plan  descriptions  below.

1991  Stock  Plan.  In  November  1991,  the Board of Directors adopted the 1991
Stock  Plan  (the  "Stock  Plan"), which was amended and restated in 1992, 1995,
1996  and  1997  for  issuance  of  common  stock to employees, consultants, and
scientific  advisors.  Options issued under the plan shall, at the discretion of
the  compensation committee of the Board of Directors, be either incentive stock
options  or  nonstatutory  stock options. The exercise prices of incentive stock
options  granted  under  the plan are not less than the fair market value on the
date  of the grant, as determined by the Board of Directors. The exercise prices
of  nonstatutory stock options granted under the plan cannot be less than 85% of
the  fair  market  value on the date of the grant, as determined by the Board of
Directors.  Options  generally  vest  over  four  years,  pursuant  to a formula
determined  by  the Company's Board of Directors, and expire after ten years. On
May  21,  1997, the Company's stockholders approved an increase in the number of
shares  of  Common  Stock reserved for issuance under the plan from 4,000,000 to
4,800,000.  On June 15, 1998, the Company's stockholders approved an increase in
the  number  of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance under the plan from
4,800,000  to  6,300,000.

1996  Synteni  Stock  Plan.  In  December  1996,  Synteni's  board  of directors
approved and adopted the 1996 Equity Incentive Plan ("Synteni Plan").  Under the
Synteni  Plan,  Synteni  could grant incentive stock options, nonstatutory stock
options,  stock  bonuses  or  restricted  stock  purchase rights to purchase the
aggregate  equivalent  of 436,100 shares of Incyte Common Stock. Incentive stock
options  could  be  granted  to employees and nonstatutory options and rights to
purchase  restricted stock may be granted to employees, directors or consultants
at exercise prices of no less than 100% and 85%, respectively, of the fair value
of  the common stock on the grant date, as determined by the board of directors.
Options  could  be  granted  with  different vesting terms from time to time and
options  expire  no more than 10 years after the date of grant.  All outstanding
options  at  the  time  of  the  merger with Incyte were converted to options to
purchase  Incyte  Common  Stock,  and  the  Synteni  Plan  was  terminated.

Activity  under  the  combined  plans  was  as  follows:


                                                      SHARES SUBJECT TO
                                                     OUTSTANDING OPTIONS
                                         SHARES                 AVERAGE
                                       AVAILABLE                EXERCISE
                                       FOR GRANT       SHARES   PRICE
                                      -------------  ----------  ------
Balance at January 1, 1996                 590,782   2,472,668     6.56
Additional authorization                   800,000           -        -
Options granted                         (1,052,300)  1,052,300    19.75
Options exercised                                -    (446,556)    3.54
Options canceled                           140,326    (140,326)    8.38
                                      -------------  ----------  ------
Balance at December 31, 1996               478,808   2,938,086    11.63
Additional authorization                   800,000           -        -
Shares authorized under Synteni Plan       436,100           -        -
Options granted                         (1,159,508)  1,159,508    25.56
Options exercised                                -    (408,171)    7.27
Options canceled                           109,398    (109,398)   19.27
                                      -------------  ----------  ------
Balance at December 31, 1997               664,798   3,580,025    16.46
Additional authorization                 1,500,000           -        -
Options granted                         (1,002,834)  1,002,834    28.70
Options exercised                                -    (421,010)    8.52
Options canceled                           207,763    (207,763)   30.73
Termination of Synteni Plan                (88,280)          -        -
                                      -------------  ----------  ------
Balance at December 31, 1998             1,281,447   3,954,086   $19.66
                                      =============  ==========  ======

Included  in the above table, in the 1998 activity, were stock options issued by
Synteni to purchase 89,587 Incyte equivalent common shares at a weighted average
exercise  price  of  $1.49,  in  the period from October 1, 1997 to December 31,
1997.  The  Company  recorded  $1,658,000  of  deferred  compensation related to
these  options, which is being amortized over the vesting period of the options.

Options  to  purchase  a  total  of 2,447,539; 2,145,403 and 2,914,596 shares at
December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively, were exercisable. Of the options
exercisable, 1,851,549; 1,197,542 and 803,004 shares were vested at December 31,
1998,  1997  and  1996,  respectively.

Non-Employee  Directors'  Stock  Option  Plan.  In  August  1993,  the  Board of
Directors  approved  the  1993  Directors'  Stock  Option  Plan (the "Directors'
Plan"),  which  was  amended  in  1995.  The  Directors'  Plan  provides for the
automatic  grant  of  options to purchase shares of Common Stock to non-employee
directors  of  the  Company.  The  maximum  number  of shares issuable under the
Directors'  Plan  is  400,000.

The  Directors'  Plan  provides  immediate  issuance  of  options to purchase an
initial  40,000 shares of Common Stock to each new non-employee director joining
the  Board.   The  initial   options   are  exercisable  in  five  equal  annual
installments.  Additionally,  members  who  continue  to serve on the Board will
receive  annual option grants for 10,000 shares exercisable in full on the first
anniversary  of  the date of the grant.  All options are exercisable at the fair
market  value of the stock on the date of grant.  Through December 31, 1998, the
Company had granted options under the Directors' Plan to purchase 287,500 shares
of  Common  Stock  at  a  weighted average exercise price of $11.18 (267,500 and
227,500 shares of Common Stock at a weighted average exercise price of $8.71 and
$5.37  at  December  31, 1997 and 1996, respectively); 241,500 shares are vested
and  exercisable  at  December 31, 1998 (171,500  and 141,500 shares were vested
and  exercisable  at  December  31,  1997  and  1996, respectively). To date, no
options  under  the  Director's  Plan  have  been  exercised  or  canceled.  The
Directors' Plan was amended in March 1998 by the Board of Directors to eliminate
the  grant referred to above to each new non-employee director and to reduce the
annual  grants  from  10,000  shares  to  5,000  shares.

The  following  table  summarizes information about stock options outstanding at
December  31,  1998,  for  the 1991 Stock Plan, the 1993 Directors' Stock Option
Plan  and  the  Synteni  1996  Equity  Incentive  Plan


                          OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                 OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                  -----------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                                       WEIGHTED       WEIGHTED               WEIGHTED
                                       AVERAGE         AVERAGE                AVERAGE
- ----------------  --------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------  ---------

0.50 - 2.00             471,028               6.07  $    1.21      471,022  $    1.21
2.03 - 7.25             542,577               6.71       5.41      433,648       6.23
7.38 - 8.88             643,808               6.77       8.60      643,808       8.60
9.00 - 19.13            492,043               7.16      15.09      480,043      15.03
19.25 - 20.94           537,690               7.85      20.79      328,087      20.69
21.00 - 31.69           464,818               8.82      26.35      171,111      26.52
32.25 - 35.63           464,728               9.53      34.58       37,803      34.42
36.63 - 42.25           431,400               8.92      37.38      109,464      37.42
43.88 - 47.00           193,500               9.13      44.99       14,053      43.88
                  --------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------  ---------
0.50 - 47.00          4,241,592               7.72  $   19.05    2,689,039  $   12.40
                  ==============  =================  =========  ===========  =========

In  July  1996,  in  connection with the Genome Systems transaction described in
Note  9 below, the Company issued, in exchange for an option to purchase capital
stock  of  Genome  Systems, an option to purchase 21,482 shares of Incyte Common
Stock at an exercise price of $0.0235 per share. The option was not issued under
the  provisions  of  either  plan  described above. As of December 31, 1998, the
option  has  been  exercised  in  full.

Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan.  On  May  21,  1997, the Company's stockholders
adopted  the  1997  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  ("ESPP").  The  Company has
authorized  400,000  shares  of  Common  Stock for issuance under the ESPP. Each
regular  full-time  and  part-time employee is eligible to participate after one
year of employment. The Company issued 38,944 shares under the ESPP in 1998, and
361,056  shares remain available for issuance under the ESPP. As of December 31,
1998  and  1997,  $162,000  and  $238,000,  respectively, has been deducted from
employees'  payroll  for  the  purchase  of  shares  under  the  ESPP

Stockholders Rights Plan.  On September 25, 1998, the Board of Directors adopted
a  Stockholder  Rights Plan (the "Rights Plan"), pursuant to which one preferred
stock  purchase  right (a "Right") was distributed for each outstanding share of
Common  Stock  held of record on October 13, 1998. One Right will also attach to
each  share  of  Common  Stock issued by the Company subsequent to such date and
prior  to  the distribution date defined below. Each Right represents a right to
purchase,  under  certain  circumstances,  a  fractional  share of the Company's
Series  A Participating Preferred Stock at an exercise price of $200.00, subject
to  adjustment.  In  general,  the  Rights  will  become  exercisable  and trade
independently  from  the  Common Stock on a distribution date that will occur on
the  earlier  of  (i)  the public announcement of the acquisition by a person or
group  of 15% or more of the Common Stock or (ii) ten days after commencement of
a  tender  or  exchange  offer  for  the  Common  Stock that would result in the
acquisition  of  15% or more of the Common Stock. Upon the occurrence of certain
other events related to changes in ownership of the Common Stock, each holder of
a  Right  would  be entitled to purchase shares of Common Stock, or an acquiring
corporation's  common  stock, having a market value of twice the exercise price.
Under  certain  conditions, the Rights may be redeemed at $0.01 per Right by the
Board  of  Directors.  The  Rights  expire  on  September  25,  2008


The  provision  for  income  taxes  consists  of  the  following:

                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                     1998       1997
                                  ---------  --------
   Federal                        $  2,012   $   533
   Foreign                             165        15
   State                               175         -
                                  ---------  --------
Total provision for income taxes  $  2,352  $    548
                                  =========  ========

No  provision  or  benefit  for  income  taxes  was  recorded in 1996 due to the
Company's  net  operating  loss.

Income  (loss)  before  provision for income taxes consisted of the following:

                1998      1997       1996 
              --------  --------  --------
U.S.          $  5,536  $  7,393  $(7,276)
Foreign            288        63        - 
              --------  --------  --------
              $  5,824  $  7,456  $(7,276)
              ========  ========  ========

The provision (benefit) for income taxes differs from the federal statutory rate
as  follows:


                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                      1998      1997      1996 
                                                    --------  --------  --------

Provision (benefit) at U.S. federal statutory rate  $ 2,038   $ 2,610   $(2,547)
State taxes, net of federal benefit                     112         -         - 
Use of net operating loss carryforwards              (4,208)   (3,373)        - 
Unbenefitted net operating losses                         -     1,225     1,427 
Non-deductible purchased    in-process R&D            3,842         -     1,120 
Non-deductible acquisition costs                        410         -         - 
Other                                                   158        86         - 
                                                    --------  --------  --------
Provision for income tax                            $ 2,352   $   548   $     - 
                                                    ========  ========  ========

Significant  components  of  the  Company's  deferred tax assets are as follows:

                                                 DECEMBER 31,
                                               1998       1997 
                                             ---------  ---------

Deferred tax assets
   Net operating loss carryforwards          $  6,200   $ 10,000 
   Research credits                             6,900      4,000 
   Capitalized research and development         6,100      1,400 
   Accruals and reserves                        2,600      2,000 
   Other, net                                   1,200        800 
                                             ---------  ---------
Total deferred tax assets                      23,000     18,200 
Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets   (23,000)   (18,200)
                                             ---------  ---------
Net deferred tax assets                      $      -   $      - 
                                             =========  =========

The  valuation  allowance  for  deferred  tax  assets increased by approximately
$4,800,000, $3,300,000, and $2,800,000 during the years ended December 31, 1998,
1997  and 1996. Approximately $5,500,000 of the valuation allowance for deferred
tax  assets  relates  to  benefits  of  stock   option  deductions  which,  when
recognized,  will  be  allocated  directly  to  contributed  capital.

The  Company's  management  believes the uncertainty regarding the timing of the
realization  of  net  deferred  tax  assets  requires  a  valuation  allowance.

As   of   December  31,  1998,  the  Company  had  federal  net  operating  loss
carryforwards  of  approximately  $17,100,000.  The  Company  also  had  federal
research  and  development tax credit carryforwards of approximately $4,900,000.
The  net operating loss carryforwards will expire at various dates, beginning in
2009,  through  2018  if  not  utilized.

Utilization  of the net operating losses and credits may be subject to an annual
limitation,  due to the "change in ownership" provisions of the Internal Revenue
Code  of  1986  and  similar  state  provisions.


On  December  31,  1997,  the Company adopted the Financial Accounting Standards
Board  Statement  No.  128,  Earnings  per  Share, which required the Company to
change  the  method  used to compute earnings per share and to restate all prior
periods. The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net
income  (loss)  per  share  (in  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts):

                                                                      YEAR  ENDED
                                                                       DECEMBER 31,
                                                                1998       1997      1996 
                                                             ---------  ---------  --------
 Net income (loss)                                           $  3,472   $  6,908    $(7,276)
                                                             =========  =========  ========

 Denominator for basic net income (loss)
    Per share - weighted-average shares                        26,921     24,300     22,398 
 Dilutive potential common shares - stock options               1,978      2,198          - 
                                                             ---------  ---------  ---------

       Denominator for diluted net income (loss) per share     28,899     26,498     22,398 
                                                             =========  =========  =========

Basic net income (loss) per share                            $   0.13   $   0.28   $  (0.32)
                                                             =========  =========  =========

Diluted net income (loss) per share                          $   0.12   $   0.26   $  (0.32)
                                                             =========  =========  =========

Options  and  warrants  to purchase 654,000 and 3,194,000 shares of common stock
were  outstanding  at  December  31,  1998, and 1996, respectively, but were not
included  in  the  computation  of diluted net income (loss) per share, as their
effect was  anti-dilutive.  There were no such anti-dilutive securities in 1997.


The  Company  has  a  defined contribution plan covering all domestic employees.
Employees  may contribute a portion of their compensation, which is then matched
by the Company, subject to certain limitations. Defined contribution expense for
the  Company  was  $709,000,  $520,000,  and  $244,000  in 1998, 1997, and 1996,


The  Company  adopted  SFAS  131, Disclosure about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related  Information,  at  December  31,  1998.  SFAS 131 establishes annual and
interim  reporting  standards for an enterprise's operating segments and related
disclosures  about its products, services, geographic areas and major customers.
The  Company's  operations  are  treated  as  one operating segment, the design,
development,  and  marketing  of  genomic  information-based  tools,  as it only
reports  profit  and  loss  information on an aggregate basis to chief operating
decision  makers  of  the  Company.  For  the  year ended December 31, 1998, the
Company  recorded  revenue  from  customers  throughout the United States and in
Canada, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Switzerland, and
the  United Kingdom. Export revenue for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997,
and  1996  were  $33,584,000,  $25,694,000,  and  $9,743,000,  respectively.


Acquisitions  accounted  for  under  the  purchase  method  of  accounting

In  September  1998,  the  Company  completed the acquisition of Hexagen Limited
("Hexagen"), a privately held SNP discovery company based in Cambridge, England.
The  Company  issued 976,130 shares of its common stock and $5.0 million in cash
in  exchange  for  all  of Hexagen's outstanding capital stock. In addition, the
Company  assumed  Hexagen's  stock options, which if fully vested and exercised,
would  amount  to  125,909  shares  of  its  common  stock.  The transaction was
accounted  for  as a purchase with a portion of the purchase price, estimated to
be  approximately  $11.0  million,  expensed  in  the third quarter of 1998 as a
charge  for  the  purchase of in-process research and development. The remaining
portion  of  the  purchase  price, approximately $17.6 million, was allocated to
goodwill  ($16.3  million),  developed  technology ($0.7 million), and Hexagen's
assembled  work  force ($0.6 million), which are being amortized over 8, 5 and 3
years,  respectively.

The  Company allocated Hexagen's purchase price based on the relative fair value
of  the  net  tangible  and  intangible  assets  acquired.  In  performing  this
allocation, the Company considered, among other factors, the technology research
and  development  projects  in  process  at  the  date of acquisition. Hexagen's
in-process  research and development program consisted of the development of its
fSSCP  technology  for  SNP discovery. At the date of the acquisition, Hexagen's
research  and  development  program  was  approximately  80% completed and total
continuing  research  and  development commitments to complete the projects were
expected  to  be  approximately  $1.4  million, and be successfully completed by
mid-2000.  The  value  assigned  to  purchased  in-process R&D was determined by
estimating  the  costs  to  develop  Hexagen's purchased in-process research and
development into commercially viable products, estimating the resulting net cash
flows  from  the  projects  and  discounting the net cash flows to their present
value.  The rates utilized to discount the net cash flows to their present value
were  based  on  Hexagen's  weighted average cost of capital. A discount rate of
24.0%  was  used  for  valuing  the  in-process  research and development and is
intended  to  be  commensurate  with  Hexagen's   corporate   maturity  and  the
uncertainties  in  the  economic  estimates described above. Additionally, these
projects will require maintenance expenditures when and if they reach a state of
technological  and  commercial  feasibility. Management believes the Company has
positioned  itself  to  complete  the research and development program. However,
there  is  risk associated with the completion of the project, which include the
inherent  difficulties  and uncertainties in completing each project and thereby
achieving technological feasibility and risks related to the impact of potential
changes in future target markets and there is no assurance that the project will
meet  either  technological  or  commercial  success.  Failure  to  complete the
development  of  the  fSSCP  technology  in its entirety, or in a timely manner,
could  have  a  material adverse impact on the Company's financial condition and
results  of  operations.

The estimates used by the Company in valuing in-process research and development
were  based upon assumptions the Company believes to be reasonable but which are
inherently  uncertain  and  unpredictable.  The  Company's  assumptions  may  be
incomplete  or  inaccurate,  and  no  assurance  can be given that unanticipated
events  and  circumstances  will not occur. Accordingly, actual results may vary
from  the  projected results. Any such variance may result in a material adverse
effect  on the financial condition and results of operations of the Company. The
results  of operations of Hexagen have been included in the consolidated results
of  the  Company  from  the  date  of  acquisition  in  September  1998.

Associated  risks  include  the  inherent   difficulties  and  uncertainties  in
completing  each  project  and  thereby  achieving technological feasibility and
risks  related  to  the  impact  of  potential  changes in future target markets

The  table  below  presents the pro forma results of operations and earnings per
share for Hexagen and the Company. The transaction is assumed to be completed on
January  1,  1998 for the period ended December 31, 1998 and January 1, 1997 for
the  period  ended  December  31,  1997.


                                                     1998     1997
                                                   --------  -------

Revenues                                           $134,811  $89,996
                                                   ========  =======
Net income                                         $  7,323  $   271
                                                   ========  =======
Pro forma basic net income per share               $   0.27  $  0.01
                                                   ========  =======
Pro forma diluted net income per share             $   0.25  $  0.01
                                                   ========  =======
Pro forma shares for basic net income per share      27,340   25,276
                                                   ========  =======
Pro forma shares for diluted net income per share    29,459   27,588
                                                   ========  =======

In  August  1996,  the  Company  acquired  all  the  common  stock of Combion, a
microarray  technology  company,  in a stock for stock exchange, issuing 146,342
shares  of common stock. The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase, with a
purchase  price  of  $3.2 million, including transaction fees, and approximately
$3.2  million  was  expensed as a charge for the purchase of in-process research
and  development.  In  accordance with APB Opinion No. 16, the Company allocated
the  purchase  price to assets and liabilities based on the estimated fair value
of  the  net  tangible and intangible assets. In performing this allocation, the
Company considered, among other factors, the technology research and development
projects  in-process  at  the date of acquisition. With regard to the in-process
research  and  development  projects, the Company considered factors such as the
stage  of  development  of  the  technology  at  the  time  of  acquisition, the
importance  of  each project to the overall development plan, alternative future
use of the technology and the projected incremental cash flows from the projects
when  completed  and  any  associated  risks.  Combion's in-process research and
development  program  consisted of the development of its microarray technology.
Associated  risks  include  the  inherent  difficulties  and   uncertainties  in
completing the in process research and development project and thereby achieving
technological  feasibility  and risks related to the impact of potential changes
in  future  target  markets.  The  estimates  used  by  the  Company  in valuing
in-process  research  and  development  were  based upon assumptions the Company
believes  to be reasonable but which are inherently uncertain and unpredictable.
The  Company's assumptions may be incomplete or inaccurate, and no assurance can
be   given   that   unanticipated  events  and  circumstances  will  not  occur.
Accordingly,  actual  results  may  vary  from  the  projected results. Any such
variance  may result in a material adverse effect on the financial condition and
results  of  operations of the Company. Pro Forma results of operations have not
been  presented  because the effect of this acquisition, exclusive of the charge
for  in-process  research  and  development,  was  not material to the Company's
consolidated  results  of  operations  or  financial  position.  The  results of
operations  of  Combion  have  been  included in the consolidated results of the
Company  from  the  date  of  acquisition.

Acquisitions  accounted  for  under the pooling of interest method of accounting

In January 1998, the Company issued 2,340,237 shares of common stock in exchange
for  all  of  the  capital  stock  of Synteni, a privately held microarray-based
genomics   company   in   Fremont,   California.   Synteni   is  developing  and
commercializing  technology  for generating microarrays and related software and
services.  The  merger  was  accounted  for  as  a  pooling  of  interests  and,
accordingly,  the  Company's  financial  statements and financial data have been
restated  to  include  the  accounts  and operations of Synteni since inception.

In  July 1996, the Company issued 408,146 shares of common stock in exchange for
all  of  the  capital  stock  of Genome Systems, Inc., a privately held genomics
company located in St. Louis, Missouri. Genome Systems provides genomic research
products  and  technical  support  services  to scientists to assist them in the
identification  and  isolation of novel genes. The merger has been accounted for
as  a  pooling of interests and, accordingly, the Company's financial statements
and  financial data have been restated to include the accounts and operations of
Genome  Systems  since  inception.

The  table  below presents the separate results of operations for Incyte, Genome
Systems,  and Synteni prior to the respective mergers.  Incyte's results include
Genome  Systems  from  August  1996  and  Synteni  from  January  1998.


Revenues:                           1998      1997      1996 
                                ---------  --------  --------
   Incyte                       $134,811   $88,351   $40,051 
   Genome                              -         -     1,734 
   Synteni                             -     1,645       110 
                                ---------  --------  --------
                                $134,811   $89,996   $41,895 
                                =========  ========  ========

Net income (loss):
   Incyte                       $  4,532   $10,408   $(6,724)
   Genome                              -         -       106 
   Synteni                             -    (3,500)     (515)
   Acquisition-related charges    (1,060)        -      (143)
                                ---------  --------  --------
                                $  3,472   $ 6,908   $(7,276)
                                =========  ========  ========


In  September 1997, the Company formed a joint venture, diaDexus, in conjunction
with  SB,  which  will  utilize  genomic  and  bioinformatic technologies in the
discovery  and  commercialization  of molecular diagnostics.  The Company and SB
each  hold a 50 percent equity interest in diaDexus and the Company accounts for
the  investment  under the equity method. Beginning in 1998, the Company's share
in  diaDexus'  net losses was partially offset by the amortization of the excess
of  the  Company's share of diaDexus' net assets over its basis, which was fully
amortized  in  1998.  Through December 31, 1998, the Company has recorded losses
from  diaDexus  of $1,774,000, net of excess of the Company's share of diaDexus'
net  assets over its basis. At December 31, 1997 a portion of the investment was
reflected  as restricted cash and in accrued liabilities on the balance sheet as
that  balance  was  held  in  an  escrow  account. This was disbursed in full to
diaDexus  in  1998 in accordance with the joint venture agreement. The following
is  summary of diaDexus' financial information as of December 31, 1998 and 1997,
for  the  year ended December 31, 1998, and the period from inception (September
1997)  through  December  31,  1997 (in  thousands):

                       1998      1997
                     ------    ------
Current assets       $16,866 $  6,625
Total assets          20,215   10,212
Current liabilities    3,565    2,658
Total liabilities      3,681    2,760
Net loss              7,928     548


In  January  1998, Affymetrix, Inc. ("Affymetrix") filed a lawsuit in the United
States  District Court for the District of Delaware, subsequently transferred to
the  United  States  District  Court  for the Northern District of California in
November  1998, alleging infringement of U.S. patent number 5,445,934 (the "'934
Patent")  by both Synteni and Incyte. The complaint alleges that the '934 Patent
has  been  infringed  by  the making, using, selling, importing, distributing or
offering  to sell in the United States high density arrays by Synteni and Incyte
and  that such infringement was willful. Affymetrix seeks a permanent injunction
enjoining  Synteni  and Incyte from further infringement of the '934 Patent and,
in  addition,  seeks damages, costs and attorney's fees and interest. Affymetrix
further  requests  that  any  such damages be trebled based on its allegation of
willful  infringement  by  Incyte  and  Synteni.

In  September  1998, Affymetrix filed an additional lawsuit in the United States
District  Court  for  the  District of Delaware, subsequently transferred to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of California in November
1998,  alleging  infringement  of  the  U.S.  patent number 5,800,992 (the "'992
Patent")  and  U.S.  patent number 5,744,305 (the "'305 Patent") by both Synteni
and Incyte. The complaint alleges that the '305 Patent has been infringed by the
making,  using,  selling,  importing,  distributing  or  offering to sell in the
United  States  high  density arrays by Synteni and Incyte, that the '992 Patent
has  been  infringed  by  the  use  of  Synteni's  and Incyte's GEMTM microarray
technology  to  conduct gene expression monitoring using two-color labeling, and
that  such  infringement  was  willful.  Affymetrix seeks a permanent injunction
enjoining  Synteni  and  Incyte  from  further infringement of the '305 and '992
Patents  and,  in  addition, Affymetrix seeks a preliminary injunction enjoining
Incyte  and  Synteni from using Synteni's and Incyte's GEM microarray technology
to  conduct  gene expression monitoring using two-color labeling as described in
the  '992 patent. A hearing on Affymetrix's request for a preliminary injunction
is scheduled for April 30, 1999. No date has been set regarding the trial of any
of  Affymetrix's  other  allegations.

In  January  1999,  the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) notified
Incyte  of  the  patentability  of  claims  directed  to two-color hybridization
licensed  exclusively  to  Incyte.  The PTO examiner has agreed with Incyte that
certain  claims  overlap  with  those of the '992 Patent assigned to Affymetrix.
Therefore,  the  PTO  as  recommended  that  the  Board  of  Patent  Appeals and
Interferences  declare  an interference between Incyte's two-color hybridization
claims  and  the  corresponding  claims  in  the  '992  Patent.

Incyte  and  Synteni believe they have meritorious defenses and intend to defend
the suits vigorously. However, there can be no assurance that Incyte and Synteni
will  be  successful  in  the  defense of these suits. At this time, the Company
cannot  reasonably  estimate the possible range of any loss resulting from these
suits  due  to  uncertainty  regarding  the  ultimate outcome. Regardless of the
outcome,  this  litigation has resulted and is expected to continue to result in
substantial  expenses  and  diversion of the efforts of management and technical
personnel.  Further,  there  can  be  no  assurance that any license that may be
required as a result of this suit or the outcome thereof would be made available
on  commercially  acceptable  terms,  if  at  all.


                                        BALANCE AT   CHARGED TO              BALANCE AT
                                        BEGINNING     COSTS AND                END OF
- --------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  --------
                                                  ( in thousands)
Allowance for doubtful accounts - 1996            -           -           -          -
Allowance for doubtful accounts - 1997            -         260         (35)       225
Allowance for doubtful accounts - 1998          225         213          (4)       434


January  15,  1999

To  the  Board  of  Directors  and  Members  of
diaDexus,  LLC

In  our  opinion,  the  accompanying balance sheet and the related statements of
operations,  of  changes in members' equity and of cash flows present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the financial position of diaDexus, LLC (a development
stage  company) at December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the results of its operations
and  its  cash  flows  for the year ended December 31, 1998, for the period from
inception  (September  1997)  through  December 31, 1997 and for the period from
inception  (September  1997)  through  December  31,  1998,  in  conformity with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  These financial statements are the
responsibility  of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion  on  these  financial  statements  based on our audit.  We conducted our
audits  of  these  statements  in  accordance  with  generally accepted auditing
standards  which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,  assessing  the
accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating  the  overall  financial statement presentation.  We believe that our
audits  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  the  opinion  expressed  above.

\s\  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP

- --------------

                                                                    DECEMBER 31,
                                                                1998          1997 
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                 $  16,454,000  $  6,540,000 
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                       412,000        85,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------
      Total current assets                                     16,866,000     6,625,000 

Property and equipment, net                                     3,280,000     3,516,000 
Deposits                                                           69,000        71,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------

                                                            $  20,215,000  $ 10,212,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------

Current liabilities:
  Due to Members                                            $   2,690,000  $  2,451,000 
  Accounts payable                                                239,000             - 
  Accrued liabilities                                             636,000       207,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------
      Total current liabilities                                 3,565,000     2,658,000 

Deferred rent                                                     116,000       102,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------
      Total liabilities                                         3,681,000     2,760,000 

Commitments (Note 7)

Members' equity:
  Series A preferred capital; 4,400,000 units authorized,
    issued and outstanding                                     10,762,000    14,726,000 
  Series B preferred capital; 4,400,000 units authorized,
    issued and outstanding                                      5,762,000     9,726,000 
  Common capital; 1,200,000 units
    Authorized; no units issued and outstanding                         -             - 
  Additional paid-in capital                                       10,000             - 
  Member contributions receivable                                       -   (17,000,000)
                                                            -------------  -------------
      Total Members' equity                                    16,534,000     7,452,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------

                                                            $  20,215,000  $ 10,212,000 
                                                            -------------  -------------

 The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  financial  statements.

- -------------------------


                                              FOR  THE  PERIOD  FROM  INCEPTION
                                YEAR  ENDED      (SEPTEMBER  1997)  THROUGH
                                DECEMBER 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                                    1998            1997          1998 
Operating expenses:
  Research and development    $   6,761,000   $     401,000   $ 7,162,000 
  General and administrative      1,882,000         279,000     2,161,000 
                              --------------  --------------  ------------
    Total operating expenses      8,643,000         680,000     9,323,000 

Interest income                     715,000         132,000       847,000 
                              --------------  --------------  ------------

Net loss                      $  (7,928,000)  $    (548,000)  $(8,476,000)
                              --------------  --------------  ------------

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 SERIES A              SERIES B         
                              PREFERRED CAPITAL      PREFERRED CAPITAL  
                             UNITS         AMOUNT   UNITS        AMOUNT  

Issuance, at inception, 
  of Series A Preferred 
  units at $3.41 per unit   4,400,000  $15,000,000            - $         -  

Issuance, at inception, 
  of Series B Preferred 
  units at $2.27 per unit           -            -    4,400,000  10,000,000  
Net loss                            -     (274,000)           -    (274,000)             
                           ----------- ------------  ----------- ------------  
Balance at December 
   31, 1997                 4,400,000   14,726,000    4,400,000    9,726,000 
Proceeds received 
  from Members                      -            -            -            - 

Issuance of options to 
  non-employees                     -            -            -            - 

Net loss                            -   (3,964,000)           -   (3,964,000) 
                           -----------  -----------  ----------  ------------ 
Balance at December 
  31, 1998                  4,400,000   $10,762,000   4,400,000  $ 5,762,000 
                           -----------  -----------  ----------  ------------

                                  ADDITIONAL         MEMBER
                                  PAID-IN         CONTIRUBITON     TOTAL
                                  CAPITAL          RECEIVABLE

Issuance, at inception, 
  of Series A Preferred 
  units at $3.41 per unit                -        $(11,000,000)    $ 4,000,000 

Issuance, at inception, 
  of Series B Preferred 
  units at $2.27 per unit                -          (6,000,000)      4,000,000 

Net loss                                                    -        (548,000)
                                -----------       -------------     ------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                       (17,000,000)     7,452,000 

Proceeds received from Members                      17,000,000     17,000,000 

Issuance of options to 
  non-employees                     10,000                   -         10,000 

Net loss                                 -                   -     (7,928,000)
                                -----------       -------------    ------------
Balance at December 31, 1998        10,000                   -     $16,534,000 
                                ----------        -------------    ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

- --------------------------

                                                                    <           c>
                                                                      FOR  THE  PERIOD  FROM INCEPTION
                                                          YEAR ENDED     (SEPTEMBER 1997) THROUGH
                                                         DECEMBER 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                                                            1998            1997          1998 
Cash flow used in operating activities:
  Net loss                                               $(7,928,000)     $(548,000)    $(8,476,000)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in
    Operating activities:
      Depreciation                                         1,657,000          2,000       1,659,000 
      Loss on disposal of property and equipment              23,000              -          23,000 
      Stock-based compensation                                10,000              -          10,000 
      Changes in assets and liabilities:
        Prepaid expenses and other current assets           (319,000)       (85,000)       (404,000)
        Accounts payable                                     239,000              -         239,000 
        Accrued liabilities                                  244,000        207,000         451,000 
        Due to Members                                       132,000        185,000         317,000 
        Deposits                                               2,000         (4,000)         (2,000)
        Deferred rent                                         14,000        102,000         116,000 
                                                         ------------     ----------     -----------        
          Net cash used in operating activities           (5,926,000)      (141,000)     (6,067,000)
                                                         -------------    ----------     -----------

Cash flow used in investing activities for
  Purchases of property and equipment                     (1,160,000)      (272,000)     (1,432,000)
                                                         ------------     ----------     -----------
Cash flow provided by financing activities:
  Proceeds from issuance of Series A Preferred Units               -      2,953,000      13,953,000 
  Proceeds from issuance of Series B Preferred Units               -      4,000,000      10,000,000 
  Proceeds from Member contributions receivable           17,000,000              -               - 
                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------
          Net cash provided by financing activities       17,000,000      6,953,000      23,953,000 
                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                  9,914,000      6,540,000      16,454,000 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           6,540,000              -               - 
                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               $16,454,000     $6,540,000     $16,454,000 
                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------

Supplemental disclosure of noncash financing activities:
  Capital contribution of property and equipment         $         -     $1,047,000     $ 1,047,000 
                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------

  Construction in-progress funded by a Member             $  106,000     $2,199,000     $ 2,305,000 
                                                          -------------- -----------    ------------

  Deposit funded by a Member                              $        -     $   67,000     $    67,000 
                                                          --------------  ----------    ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

- --------------------------------
diaDexus,  LLC  (the  "Company")  was  formed in Delaware as a limited liability
company  ("LLC")  in  September  1997  for   the   purpose   of   discovery  and
commercialization  of  novel   molecular  diagnostic  products.   The  Company's
founders and members ("Members") are SmithKline Beecham Corporation ("SmithKline
Beecham")  and  Incyte  Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Incyte").  The Company is in the
development  stage  at  December  31,  1998,  devoting  substantially all of its
efforts   to   recruiting   personnel,   financial  planning,  establishing  its
facilities,  defining  its  research  and  product  development  strategies  and
conducting  research  and  development.

In  connection  with  forming the Company, SmithKline Beecham and Incyte entered
into  several agreements during September 1997, including an Operating Agreement
(the  "Operating  Agreement") and a Master Strategic Relationship Agreement (the
"Master  Agreement").  The  Operating  Agreement serves as the Company's by-laws
while  the  Master  Agreement  documents  certain specific matters regarding the
operation  of  the Company.  During September 1997, the Company issued 4,400,000
Series  A  Preferred  Units  to  SmithKline  Beecham  in exchange for an initial
capital  contribution  of  $4.0  million  in  cash  and assets and a contractual
commitment  for  additional  cash  contributions  of  $11.0  million,  which was
received  in  two installments on April 15 and July 15, 1998.  Concurrently, the
Company  issued  4,400,000 of Series B Preferred Units to Incyte in exchange for
an  initial  capital  contribution  of  $4.0  million  in cash and a contractual
commitment for additional cash contributions of $6.0 million, which was received
in  two  installments  on  April  15  and  July  15,  1998.

In  addition  to  the  above  contributions,  SmithKline Beecham has granted the
Company various exclusive and non-exclusive rights to develop certain diagnostic
tests  using  genes identified by SmithKline Beecham, including genes identified
by  SmithKline  Beecham  from  the  Human  Genome  Sciences, Inc. collaboration.
SmithKline  Beecham  has  also  granted  the  Company an exclusive license for a
number  of diagnostic tests which are in late stage clinical validation.  Incyte
has  provided  the  Company  with  non-exclusive  access  to certain of its gene
sequence and expression databases for various exclusive and non-exclusive rights
to  diagnostic applications.  The Company will pay royalties to Incyte and Human
Genome  Sciences,  Inc.  on  the  sale of certain products developed using their
respective  proprietary databases.  Both SmithKline Beecham and Incyte have also
non-exclusively   licensed   various   additional  technologies  useful  in  the
diagnostic  field  to   the   Company. Non-cash   assets   received  as  capital
contributions  have  been  recorded  in  amounts  equal to the Members' net book
value,  which  was  zero  for  all  the  property  and  rights  described above.

The  LLC  will  merge  into  a C corporation at the earliest of (i) the eighteen
month  anniversary  of the Company's formation (March 1999); (ii) any time after
January  1,  1999,  if  the  Company's cash balance falls below $2.0 million, or
(iii)  the  mutual  agreement  of  SmithKline  Beecham  and  Incyte.

The  Company  has  incurred  a loss of $8,476,000 since inception and expects to
incur  additional losses in 1999.  Management believes that the aggregate amount
of  cash  and  cash  equivalents  on  hand  at  December  31,  1998 will provide
sufficient  working  capital  to  fund the Company's operations through at least
December  31,  1999.

- ---------------------------------------------

The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of
three  months  or less to be cash equivalents.  Cash equivalents at December 31,
1998  consist  of  a  money market investment totaling $16,321,000, the carrying
amount  of  which  approximates  fair  value.

Financial  instruments  that  potentially  subject  the  Company  to significant
concentrations  of credit risk consist principally of cash and cash equivalents.
The  Company maintains its cash and cash equivalents in a money market fund with
a  high-credit  quality  financial  institution.

Property  and  equipment  are  stated  at  the  Company's cost, less accumulated
depreciation.  Assets  contributed  by the Members are recorded at amounts equal
to  the  Members'   net   book   value.   Depreciation  is  computed  using  the
straight-line  method  over  the estimated remaining useful lives of the assets,
which  is  generally one to three years.  Leasehold improvements are depreciated
over  the  shorter  of  their  useful  lives  or  the  term  of  the  lease.

Research  and  development  costs  are  expensed  as  incurred.

The  Company  has  adopted the pro forma disclosure requirements of Statement of
Financial   Accounting   Standards   No.   123,   "Accounting   for  Stock-Based
Compensation"  ("SFAS  123").  As  permitted, the Company continues to recognize
equity-based  compensation  under  the  intrinsic  value method of accounting as
prescribed  by Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25.  The pro forma effect
of  applying  SFAS  123  is described in Note 6 to the financial statements. The
Company  accounts  for  options  issued  to non-employees in accordance with the
provisions  of  SFAS  123.

No  provision  or  benefit for federal and state income taxes is reported in the
financial  statements  as  the Company has elected to be taxed as a partnership.
The  federal and state income tax effects of the Company's results of operations
are  recorded  by  the  Members  in  their  respective  income  tax  returns.

The  preparation  of  financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure of
contingent  assets  and  liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
the  reported  amounts  of expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results
could  differ  from  those  estimates.

- ---------------------------------------------
Under  an  Intercompany  Services  Agreement, SmithKline Beecham and Incyte have
agreed  to provide the Company with certain services, including legal, financial
and research and development.  Charges for these services are primarily based on
actual  costs  incurred  by each Member and amounted to $159,000 and $26,000 for
SmithKline  Beecham  and  Incyte, respectively, during the period from inception
(September  1997)  to  December  31,  1997.  Of  the  total fiscal 1997 charges,
$120,000  and  $65,000 were included in research and development and general and
administrative  expense,  respectively.  During   1998,  the   Company  incurred
additional  charges  of  $86,000 and $72,000 from SmithKline Beecham and Incyte,
respectively,  all  of  which  has  been  included  in research and development.

Additionally,  SmithKline  Beecham  has  agreed to pay, on the Company's behalf,
certain  costs  associated  with the build-out of the Company's leased facility.
Such  amounts were included in construction-in-progress at December 31, 1997 and
in  leasehold  improvements  and  laboratory equipment at December 31, 1998.  In
1997,  SmithKline  Beecham also made a lease deposit on behalf of the Company of

In  September 1998, the Company entered into a service agreement with SmithKline
Beecham and SmithKline Beecham plc.  Under the agreement, SmithKline Beecham plc
will  employ  an individual to monitor journals and databases for information on
genes  and  proteins which may be of interest to the Company's research efforts.
The  term of the agreement is one year, unless otherwise modified by the Company
and  SmithKline  Beecham  plc.  In  consideration for such services, the Company
will  pay  a  total  of  $200,000,  of  which $50,000 was included in the due to
Members  balance  at  December  31,  1998.

In  March  1998,  the Company entered into a collaboration and license agreement
with  Incyte  and  a  third  party  (see Note 3).  Through December 31, 1998, no
amounts  had  been  recorded  relating  to  this  agreement.

At  December  31,  1998  and  1997,  due  to Members consisted of $2,618,000 and
$2,425,000,  respectively,  due  to  SmithKline Beecham and $72,000 and $26,000,
respectively,  due  to  Incyte.  The Company's intention is to repay all amounts
due  to  Members  during  1999.

- ---------------------------------------------

In   September   1998,   the   Company  entered  into  a  worldwide,  exclusive,
royalty-bearing  license  agreement whereby the Company was granted the right to
develop, manufacture and sell certain products relating to diagnosis of cervical
disease.  The  Company  paid  a  non-refundable fee of $250,000 upon signing the
agreement  for  access  to related technology for a six month evaluation period.
The  Company  is amortizing the initial fee over the six month evaluation period
and,  at  December  31,  1998,  approximately  $191,000  is  included in prepaid
expenses.  Unless previously terminated by the Company, additional fees totaling
$1,750,000  will  be  due  upon the earlier of specified dates or achievement of
designated  milestones.  The  Company  has the option to terminate the agreement
without  penalty  through  the  earlier  of  the  successful  completion  of the
predetermined  development  plan  or September 30, 2000.  As the Company has not
sold  or  sublicensed any products relating to the license agreement, no royalty
obligations  have  accumulated  or  been  paid  through  December  31,  1998.

In  March  1998,  the Company entered into a collaboration and license agreement
with  Incyte  and  a  third party (collectively, the "Licensor").  The agreement
provides  the  Company  access  to certain information and databases relating to
prostate  disease  for  an  initial  option period which expires on the later of
March  18,  1999  or  six  months  following  the completion of certain research
activities,  as defined.  The Company may then, at its option, enter into either
an  exclusive  or a non-exclusive license arrangement with the Licensor.  Future
consideration  for  entering into an exclusive license arrangement is $1,000,000
or  $500,000  for  a  non-exclusive  license.  Additionally, should it choose to
obtain  either license, the Company will owe the Licensor $100,000 upon approval
for  sale  in  certain  countries  of  each product developed as a result of the
collaboration  and  license  agreement.  The  $100,000  payments  are creditable
against future royalties on sales of the related products.  Through December 31,
1998, the Company has not recorded any amounts relating to the collaboration and
license  agreement.

Property  and  equipment  consists  of  the  following:

                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                          1998         1997 

Leasehold improvements           $   2,111,000   $        - 
Laboratory equipment                 1,313,000    1,047,000 
Computer equipment and software        599,000      168,000 
Furniture and fixtures                 428,000       75,000 
Construction-in-progress               477,000    2,228,000 
                                 --------------  -----------
                                     4,928,000    3,518,000 
Less accumulated depreciation       (1,648,000)      (2,000)
                                 --------------  -----------

                                 $   3,280,000   $3,516,000 
                                 --------------  -----------

- ---------------------------------------------
In  accordance  with  the  terms  of  the  Operating  Agreement,  the rights and
preference  of  the  Members,  as well as the allocation and distribution of net
income  or  losses,  are  as  follows:

At  December  31,  1998  and  1997,  the  Company had authorized and outstanding
8,800,000 Preferred Units ("Preferred Units"), of which 4,400,000 are designated
Series  A  and  4,400,000  are  designated  as Series B.  Each Preferred Unit is
entitled  to  one  vote  on all matters, other than the election of the Board of
Directors,  including  Member  distributions.  The  holders  of  Series  A and B
Preferred  Units  are  each entitled, upon approval of the majority of the units
within  each  series, to elect two of the five Directors constituting the Board.
The  fifth Board member is the Company's Chief Executive Officer who was elected
by  the  A/B Members, voting as a class (by vote of the holders of a majority of
the  Series  A  and  Series  B  Preferred  Units).

In  the  event  the  Company  makes  a  distribution,  each Preferred Unit has a
distribution  preference  of  $11.36 per unit (defined as the "Original Purchase
Price"),  plus  a  15%  per  annum  compounded  rate  of return (the "Preference
Amount")  on  such  Original  Purchase  Price.

When  the  Company  merges  into  a  C  corporation,  each  Preferred  Unit will
automatically  convert into one share of preferred stock.  Each member will also
receive  100  shares  of  common  stock  upon  such  conversion.

At December 31, 1998 and 1997, the Company had authorized 1,200,000 Common Units
for issuance in connection with a unit option plan.  Common Units have no voting
rights  and,  after  payment  of  the  Preference  Amount  to the Preferred Unit
holders,  distributions (if any) are allocated ratably among holders of both the
Common  and  Preferred Units.  As of December 31, 1998, no units had been issued
under  the  Company's  option  plan.

Net  losses of the Company are allocated (i) to the members of the Preferred and
Common  Units in proportion to their relative number of units to the extent that
this  would not cause such holders to have a capital deficit; (ii) to the extent
any holder's capital account would equal zero the loss is allocated to all other
holders in proportion to their relative ownership of units until such allocation
would  cause  those  holders  to  have  a capital account balance of zero; (iii)
thereafter,  the  remaining loss would be allocated to all holders in proportion
to  their  relative  number  of  units.

Net  income  of  the  Company is allocated (i) to the holders of Preferred Units
proportionately  based  on  their  capital  account  deficit  until  all capital
accounts  are zero; (ii) to the holders of Preferred Units whose capital account
is  less than any declared but unpaid dividend in proportion to their respective
unpaid  dividends; (iii) to the holders of Preferred Units whose capital account
is less than any unpaid Preference Amount in proportion to such amounts; (iv) to
each  Common Unit that has a capital account less than any distributed amount in
proportion  to such amounts; and (v) thereafter, to all holders in proportion to
their  relative  number  of  units.

- ---------------------------------------------

The  holders  of  the  Preferred  Units are entitled to receive a non-cumulative
dividend,  if  and  when declared by the Board, at a rate of 8% per annum of the
undistributed  Preference  Amount  attributable to each Preferred Unit, prorated
for any partial year, commencing on the first date each Preferred Unit is issued
and  outstanding.  Dividends shall be paid from available cash after approval of
at  least  75%  of  the  Preferred  Unit  holders.

In  the  event of any liquidation of the Company, distributions, if any, will be
made  to  all  unit  holders  in  proportion  to  the  positive balance in their
respective  capital  accounts,  after  giving  cumulative  effect  to  all
contributions,  distributions  and  allocations  for  all periods and payment of
costs  for  winding  up  of the business, payment of debts, and establishment of
appropriate  reserves.

In  January  1998,  the  Company's Board of Directors adopted the 1997 Incentive
Plan  (the  "1997  Plan")  under  which 1,200,000 shares of the Company's Common
Units  ("Units")  were reserved for issuance to employees and consultants of the
Company.  Options  granted  under  the 1997 Plan are for terms not to exceed ten
years.  If  the  option  is  granted to an individual who, at the time of grant,
owns  a  membership  interest  in  the Company representing more than 10% of the
voting  power of all classes of membership interest of the Company or any parent
or  subsidiary,  the exercise price of the stock option must be at least 110% of
the  estimated fair value of the Units at the date of grant.  Exercise prices of
options  granted to all other persons must be at least 85% of the estimated fair
value  of the Units at the date of grant.  Options under the 1997 Plan generally
vest  over  four  to  five  years.  The  1997  Plan  expires  in  2008.

Information  regarding  the  Company's  option  activity  is  summarized  below:

                              OPTIONS     OPTIONS       EXERCISE
                              AVAILABLE   OUTSTANDING   PRICE

Options authorized            1,200,000             -   $       -
Granted                        (760,500)      760,500        0.36
Canceled                         44,250       (44,250)       0.35
                              ----------  ------------           

Balance at December 31, 1998    483,750       716,250        0.36
                              ----------  ------------           

- ---------------------------------------------

The  following  table  summarizes  information  about  options  outstanding  and
exercisable  under  the  1997  Plan  at  December  31,  1998:

                          OPTIONS      OPTIONS      CONTRACTUAL

0.35                         691,250       11,509          9.18
0.75                          25,000            -          9.85
                          -----------  -----------              
                             716,250       11,509          9.20
                          -----------  -----------                           

Had compensation cost for the Company's option plan been determined based on the
fair  value  at the grant date as prescribed in SFAS 123, the Company's net loss
for 1998 would have included an additional $15,000 of compensation expense.  The
fair  value  of  each  option  grant is estimated on the date of grant using the
minimum  value  method with the following assumptions used for grants during the
applicable  period:  dividend yield of zero percent, risk-free interest rates of
5.4%  and  a  weighted  average  expected  option  term  of  5  years.

The  Company  offers  its  employees  a 401(k) plan that qualifies as a deferred
salary arrangement under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Under the
401(k)  plan,  participating  employees  may  defer  a  portion  of their pretax
earnings  not  to  exceed  certain  statutorily  specified  amounts ($10,000 for
calendar year 1998).  The Company, at its discretion, may make contributions for
the  benefit  of eligible employees.  In 1998, the Company made no contributions
under  the  401(k)  plan.

The  Company  leases its office facilities under a noncancelable operating lease
agreement  which  expires  in  September  2002  and contains renewal provisions.
Future minimum lease payments under the noncancelable lease at December 31, 1998
are  as  follows:


1999                              $  780,000
2000                                 799,000
2001                                 818,000
2002                                 624,000

    Total minimum lease payments  $3,021,000

- ---------------------------------------------

Rent  expense  for  the year ended December 31, 1998 was $825,000.  Rent expense
for  the  period  from  inception (September 1997) through December 31, 1997 was

In 1998, the Company entered into a noncancelable sublease agreement relating to
a  portion  of  its leased office facilities.  The sublease agreement expires in
August  1999.  Rental  income for the year ended December 31, 1998 was $117,000.
Future  minimum  sublease  payments  receivable  total  $129,000  for  1999.

At  December  31, 1998, the Company is committed to pay access fees to Incyte of
$5.0  million  for  use  of  certain  of  its  gene  sequence  databases.





     The  information  required  by  this  item  (with  respect to Directors) is
incorporated  by  reference  from the information under the caption "Election of
Directors"  contained  in  the  Company's  Proxy  Statement to be filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  in  connection  with  the solicitation of
proxies for the Company's 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on June
8,  1999  (the  "Proxy  Statement").

     The  executive  officers  of  the  Company  are  as  follows:

     ROY  A.  WHITFIELD, age 46, has been Chief Executive Officer of the Company
since  June  1993  and  a  director  since  June  1991.  Mr. Whitfield served as
President  of  the Company from June 1991 until January 1997 and as Treasurer of
the  Company  from  April  1991  until  October 1995.  Previously, Mr. Whitfield
served  as  the  President  of  Ideon  Corporation,  which  was a majority owned
subsidiary  of  Invitron Corporation ("Invitron"), a biotechnology company, from
October  1989  until  April  1991.  From 1984 to 1989, Mr. Whitfield held senior
operating  and  business   development   positions  with  Technicon  Instruments
Corporation  ("Technicon"),   a   medical  instrumentation   company,   and  its
predecessor  company,  CooperBiomedical,  Inc.,  a  biotechnology  and   medical
diagnostics  company.  Prior to his work at Technicon, Mr. Whitfield spent seven
years with the Boston Consulting Group's international consulting practice.  Mr.
Whitfield  received  a  B.S.  with First Class Honors in mathematics from Oxford
University,  and  an  M.B.A.  with  Distinction  from  Stanford  University. Mr.
Whitfield  is  a  director  of  Aurora  Biosciences  Corporation.

     RANDAL  W.  SCOTT,  PH.D.,  age 41, has been President of the Company since
January  1997.  He  has  served as Chief Scientific Officer of the Company since
March 1995, Secretary of the Company since April 1991, and a director since June
1991.  Dr.  Scott  served  as Executive Vice President of the Company from March
1995  until  January  1997  and  Vice President, Research and Development of the
Company  from  April  1991  until February 1995. Dr. Scott was one of Invitron's
founding  scientists  and was employed by Invitron from March 1985 to June 1991.
In  1987,  Dr.  Scott  started the Protein Biochemistry Department at Invitron's
California  Research Division and became Senior Director of Research in November
1988.  Dr.  Scott was responsible for developing Invitron's proprietary products
and  discovery  programs and is an inventor of several of the Company's patents.
Prior  to joining Invitron, he was a Senior Scientist at Unigene Laboratories, a
biotechnology  company.  Dr.  Scott  received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the
University  of  Kansas.

     DENISE  M. GILBERT, PH.D., age 41, has been Executive Vice President, Chief
Financial  Officer  and  Treasurer  of the Company since October 1995. From July
1993  to October 1995 Dr. Gilbert was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of  Affymax  N.V.,  a  biopharmaceutical  company. Prior to joining Affymax, Dr.
Gilbert  spent  seven years as a Wall Street biotechnology analyst, serving as a
Managing Director of Smith Barney from July 1991 to July 1993, Vice President at
NatWest Securities from July 1990 to July 1991, and senior analyst at Montgomery
Securities  from  July  1986  to  July  1990.  Dr.  Gilbert received her B.A. in
Biological  Sciences from Cornell University and Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental
Biology  from  Harvard  University.


     The information required by this item is incorporated by reference from the
information  under  the   captions   "Election   of  Directors-Compensation   of
Directors,"  "Executive Compensation," and "Report of the Compensation Committee
of  the  Board  of  Directors  on  Executive Compensation-Compensation Committee
Interlocks  and  Insider  Participation"  contained  in  the  Proxy  Statement.


     The information required by this item is incorporated by reference from the
information  under  the  captions  "Election  of  Directors  -  Compensation  of
Directors,"  "Executive Compensation," and "Report of the Compensation Committee
of  the  Board  of  Directors on Executive Compensation - Compensation Committee
Interlocks  and  Insider  Participation"  contained  in  the  Proxy  Statement.


     The information required by this item is incorporated by reference from the
information  contained under the caption "Certain Transactions" contained in the
Proxy  Statement.

     PART  IV



          (1)     Financial  Statements

Reference  is  made  to the Index to Consolidated Financial Statements of Incyte
Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. and the Index to Financial Statements of diaDexus, LLC, a
Limited  Liability  Company,  under  Item  8  of  Part  II  hereof.

          (2)     Financial  Statement  Schedules

The  following  financial  statement schedule of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is
filed  as  part  of  this  Form  10-K  in  included  in  Item  8  of  Part  II:

Schedule  II-  Valuation  and Qualifying Accounts for each of the three years in
the  period  ended  December  31,  1998.

All  other financial  statement  schedules  have  been omitted  because they are
not applicable or  not required or because the information is included elsewhere
in the Consolidated  Financial  Statements  or  the  Notes  thereto.

          (3)     Exhibits

See  Item  14(c)  below.  Each  management  contract  or  compensatory  plan  or
arrangement  required  to  be  filed  has  been  identified.

     (B)     REPORTS  ON  FORM  8-K.

The  Company  filed  one  report  on  Form  8-K  during the fiscal quarter ended
December  31,  1998,  as  follows:

i)  Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on October 6, 1998, reporting under Item 2
the  completion  of  the acquisition of  Hexagen Limited effective September 21,
1998, as amended by Form 8-K/A filed on December 4, 1998 to file under Item 7 of
Form  8-K  certain  financial  statements  and  information required thereunder.


- --------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.1       Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of December 23, 1997
          among Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bond Acquisition Corp.
          and Synteni, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to
          the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated January 22,
          1998 (File No. 0-27488)).
2.2       Share Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 21, 1998, by
          and among Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Hexagen Limited and
          the shareholders of Hexagen Limited (incorporated by reference
          to Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K
          dated September 21, 1998 (File No. 0-27488)).
3(i)      Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-31307)).
3(i)(a)   Certificate of Designation of Series A Participating Preferred
3(ii)     Bylaws of the Company, as amended (incorporated by
          reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-31307)).
4.1       Form of Common Stock Certificate (incorporated by reference
          to the exhibit of the same number to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
4.2       Rights Agreement dated as of September 25, 1998 between the
          Company and Chase Mellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C.,
          which includes as Exhibit B, the rights certificate (incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form 8-A relating to the Series A Participating
          Preferred Stock Purchase Rights (filed on September 30, 1998).
10.1#     1991 Stock Plan of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as amended
          and restated (the "Plan") (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
          10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8
          (File No. 33-93666)).
10.2#     Form of Incentive Stock Option Agreement under the Plan
          (incorporated by reference to the exhibit of the
          the Company's Registration reference to the exhibit of the same 
          number to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
          No. 33-68138)).
10.3#     Form of Nonstatutory Stock Option Agreement under the Plan
          (incorporated by  reference to the exhibit of to the 
          Company's Registration reference to the exhibit of the same number to 
          the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
10.4#     Amended and Restated 1993 Directors' Stock Option Plan of
          Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to the
          exhibit of the same number to the Company's Annual Report
          on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997).
10.5#     Form of Indemnity Agreement between the Company and its directors 
          and Form of Indemnity Agreement between the Company and its directors 
          and officers (incorporated by reference to 10.5 to the Company's 
          Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
10.6      Lease Agreement dated December 8, 1994 between the
          Company and Matadero Lease Agreement dated December 8, 1994 
          between the Company and Matadero Creek (incorporated by reference
          Exhibit 10.16 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the 
          year ended December 31, 1994).
10.7      Lease dated July 18, 1991 between the Company and Harry J.
          Fair, Jr., as  Lease dated July 18, 1991 between the Company 
          and Harry J. Fair, Jr., as amended (incorporated by reference 
          to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
          No. 33-68138)).
10.8      Lease Amendment and Extension to Lease dated July 18, 1991
          between the Company and Harry J. Fair, Jr., as amended
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's
          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,

- --------------  -------------------------------------------------------------
                Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of June 22, 1994 between the 
                Company and Pfizer Inc (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit B to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated
                June 23, 1994).
10.10           Registration Rights Agreement dated as of June 22, 1994 between 
                the Company and Pfizer Inc (incorporated by
                reference to Exhibit C to the Company's Current Report on
                Form 8-K dated June 23, 1994).
10.11+          Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of November 30, 1994
                between the Company and The Upjohn Company
                (incorporated by reference to Exhibit B to the Company's
                Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 30, 1994, as
                amended by Form 8-K/A filed with the Commission on March
                27, 1995).
10.12           Registration Rights Agreement dated as of November 30, 1994
                between the Company  and The Upjohn Company
                (incorporated by reference to Exhibit C to the Company's
                Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 30, 1994).
10.13#          1996 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form
                S-8 (File No. 333-13449)).
10.14#          1997 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 10.1 to the 1997 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated 
                by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Registration 
                Form S-8 (File No. 333-31413)).
10.15#          1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan of Incyte
                Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8
                (File No. 333-31409)).
10.16           1998 amendment to the 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
                of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 99 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended September 30, 1998).
10.17+          Master Strategic Relationship Agreement dated as of
                September 2, 1997 between SmithKline Beecham Corporation,
                Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and diaDexus, LLC (incorporated
                by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to the Company's Quarterly
                Report on Form 10-Q/A for the quarter ended September 30,
10.18#          1996 Synteni, Inc. Equity Incentive Stock Plan (incorporated 
                by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to the Company's Registration
                Statement on Form S-8 (File No. 333-46639)).
10.19#          The Hexagen Limited Unapproved Company Share Option Plan
                1996, as amended (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to
                the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (File 333-
21.1            Subsidiaries of the Company
23.1            Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors
23.2            Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Accountants
24.1            Power of Attorney (see page 86 of this Form 10-K)
27              Financial Data Schedule

+     Confidential  treatment  has been granted with respect to certain portions
of  these  agreements.
#     Indicates  management  contract  or  compensatory  plan  or  arrangement.


                              INCYTE  PHARMACEUTICALS,  INC.

Date:  March 23,  1999                    By     /s/ROY  A.  WHITFIELD
                                       Roy  A.  Whitfield
                                   Chief  Executive  Officer


     KNOW  ALL  MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that  each person whose signature appears
below  constitutes and appoints Roy A. Whitfield, Randal W. Scott, and Denise M.
Gilbert,  and  each  of them, his or her true and lawful attorneys-in-fact, each
with  full  power  of substitution, for him or her in any and all capacities, to
sign  any  amendments  to  this  report  on Form 10-K and to file the same, with
exhibits  thereto  and  other  documents  in   connection  therewith,  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  hereby ratifying and confirming all that
each  of  said  attorneys-in-fact  or  their substitute or substitutes may do or
cause  to  be  done  by  virtue  hereof.

     Pursuant  to  the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by  the  following  persons  on  behalf of the
registrant  and  in  the  capacities  and  on  the  dates  indicated.

 NAME                             TITLE                         DATE

/s/ ROY A. WHITFIELD              Chief Executive Officer       March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------  (Principal Executive Officer                                             
Roy A. Whitfield                  and Director

/s/ DENISE M. GILBERT             Executive Vice President,     March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------  Finance and Chief Financial                                            
Denise M. Gilbert                 Officer (Principal Financial

/s/ WILLIAM DELANEY               Vice President of Finance,    March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------  Corporate Controller
William Delaney                   (Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ JEFFREY J. COLLINSON          Chairman of the Board         March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------                                               
Jeffrey J. Collinson

/s/ BARRY M. BLOOM                Director                      March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------                                               
Barry M. Bloom

/s/ FREDERICK B. CRAVES           Director                      March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------                                               
Frederick B. Craves

/s/ JON S. SAXE                   Director                      March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------                                               
Jon S. Saxe

/s/ RANDAL W. SCOTT               President                     March 23, 1999
- --------------------------------                                               
Randal W. Scott


- --------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.1       Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of December 23, 1997
          among Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bond Acquisition Corp.
          and Synteni, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to
          the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated January 22,
          1998 (File No. 0-27488)).
2.2       Share Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 21, 1998, by
          and among Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Hexagen Limited and
          the shareholders of Hexagen Limited (incorporated by reference
          to Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K
          dated September 21, 1998 (File No. 0-27488)).
3(i)      Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-31307)).
3(i)(a)   Certificate of Designation of Series A Participating Preferred
3(ii)     Bylaws of the Company, as amended (incorporated by
          reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-31307)).
4.1       Form of Common Stock Certificate (incorporated by reference
          to the exhibit of the same number to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
4.2       Rights Agreement dated as of September 25, 1998 between the
          Company and Chase Mellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C.,
          which includes as Exhibit B, the rights certificate (incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form 8-A relating to the Series A Participating
          Preferred Stock Purchase Rights (filed on September 30, 1998).
10.1#     1991 Stock Plan of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as amended
          and restated (the "Plan") (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
          10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8
          (File No. 33-93666)).
10.2#     Form of Incentive Stock Option Agreement under the Plan
          (incorporated by reference to the exhibit of the
          the Company's Registration reference to the exhibit of the same 
          number to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
          No. 33-68138)).
10.3#     Form of Nonstatutory Stock Option Agreement under the Plan
          (incorporated by  reference to the exhibit of to the 
          Company's Registration reference to the exhibit of the same number to 
          the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
10.4#     Amended and Restated 1993 Directors' Stock Option Plan of
          Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to the
          exhibit of the same number to the Company's Annual Report
          on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997).
10.5#     Form of Indemnity Agreement between the Company and its directors 
          and Form of Indemnity Agreement between the Company and its directors 
          and officers (incorporated by reference to 10.5 to the Company's 
          Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-68138)).
10.6      Lease Agreement dated December 8, 1994 between the
          Company and Matadero Lease Agreement dated December 8, 1994 
          between the Company and Matadero Creek (incorporated by reference
          Exhibit 10.16 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the 
          year ended December 31, 1994).
10.7      Lease dated July 18, 1991 between the Company and Harry J.
          Fair, Jr., as  Lease dated July 18, 1991 between the Company 
          and Harry J. Fair, Jr., as amended (incorporated by reference 
          to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
          No. 33-68138)).
10.8      Lease Amendment and Extension to Lease dated July 18, 1991
          between the Company and Harry J. Fair, Jr., as amended
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's
          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,

- --------------  -------------------------------------------------------------
                Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of June 22, 1994 between the 
                Company and Pfizer Inc (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit B to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated
                June 23, 1994).
                Registration Rights Agreement dated as of June 22, 1994 between 
                the Company and Pfizer Inc (incorporated by
                reference to Exhibit C to the Company's Current Report on
                Form 8-K dated June 23, 1994).
10.11+          Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of November 30, 1994
                between the Company and The Upjohn Company
                (incorporated by reference to Exhibit B to the Company's
                Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 30, 1994, as
                amended by Form 8-K/A filed with the Commission on March
                27, 1995).
10.12           Registration Rights Agreement dated as of November 30, 1994
                between the Company  and The Upjohn Company
                (incorporated by reference to Exhibit C to the Company's
                Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 30, 1994).
10.13#          1996 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form
                S-8 (File No. 333-13449)).
10.14#          1997 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 10.1 to the 1997 Amendment to the Plan (incorporated 
                by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Registration 
                Form S-8 (File No. 333-31413)).
10.15#          1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan of Incyte
                Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                10.1 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8
                (File No. 333-31409)).
10.16           1998 amendment to the 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
                of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 99 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended September 30, 1998).
10.17+          Master Strategic Relationship Agreement dated as of
                September 2, 1997 between SmithKline Beecham Corporation,
                Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and diaDexus, LLC (incorporated
                by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to the Company's Quarterly
                Report on Form 10-Q/A for the quarter ended September 30,
10.18#          1996 Synteni, Inc. Equity Incentive Stock Plan (incorporated 
                by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to the Company's Registration
                Statement on Form S-8 (File No. 333-46639)).
10.19#          The Hexagen Limited Unapproved Company Share Option Plan
                1996, as amended (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to
                the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (File 333-
21.1            Subsidiaries of the Company
23.1            Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors
23.2            Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Accountants
24.1            Power of Attorney (see page 86 of this Form 10-K)
27              Financial Data Schedule

+     Confidential  treatment  has been granted with respect to certain portions
of  these  agreements.
#     Indicates  management  contract  or  compensatory  plan  or  arrangement.

Copies  of  above exhibits not contained herein are available to any stockholder
upon  written  request Investor Relations, Incyte Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.,  
3174  Porter  Drive,  Palo Alto, CA 94034