Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                 Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) January 7, 2002

                             PLM International, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

 Delaware                            1-9670          94-3041257
(State  or  other  jurisdiction     (Commission     (IRS  Employer
 of  incorporation)                 File  Number)    Identification  No.)

  120  Montgomery  Street,  Suite  1350,  San  Francisco,  CA     94104
        (Address  of  principal  executive  offices)          (Zip  Code)

Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code  (415)  445-3201

(Former  name  or  former  address,  if  changed  since  last  report)

Item  5.      Other  Events
     As  previously  reported,  on  December  22,  2000, PLM International, Inc.
("PLM")  entered  into  an  Agreement  and Plan of Merger with MILPI Acquisition
Corp.  ("MILPI")  pursuant  to  which MILPI agreed to acquire PLM.  In the first
step  of  the  transaction,  MILPI  made  a tender offer to purchase any and all
shares  of  PLM's  outstanding  common  stock at a price of $3.46 per share.  In
order  to  complete  the transaction, PLM will now hold a special meeting of its
shareholders  to  approve  the  merger  of  MILPI  into  PLM.  If  the merger is
consummated,  the amount of funds required by MILPI to purchase the remainder of
the shares pursuant to the merger is estimated to be approximately $4.4 million.
Because MILPI currently owns in excess of 50% of the shares of PLM and will vote
those  shares  in  favor  of  the merger proposal, the approval of the merger is

     MILPI is  100% owned by MILPI Holdings, LLC, which is owned by four trusts.
Two  of  the  trusts,  AFG  Investment  Trust C and AFG Investment Trust D, have
provided  the  additional  funds necessary to complete the merger. Approximately
70%  of  these  funds  (or  approximately  $3.1 million) have been obtained from
existing resources and internally generated funds of AFG Investment Trusts C and
D  and  approximately 30% of these funds (or $1.3 million) have been obtained by
means  of  a  loan  from  PLM  to  AFG  Investment  Trusts  C  and  D.

On  January  7,  2002,  PLM International, Inc. entered into separate promissory
notes  with  each of AFG Investment Trust C and AFG Investment Trust D to borrow
an aggregate of approximately $1.3 million each by means of a 364 day, unsecured
loan which will carry interest at LIBOR plus 200 basis points (provided that the
interest rate may not at any time be higher than 2% over the base rate from time
to  time  announced  by  Fleet Bank of Massachusetts, N.A.).  Attached hereto as
Exhibits  99.1  and  99.2  are  copies  of  the  promissory  notes.

Item  7.     Financial  Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits

     (c)     Exhibits
Exhibit  99.1     Promissory  Note,  dated  as  of  January 7, 2002, between AFG
Investment  Trust  C  and  PLM  International,  Inc.

Exhibit  99.2     Promissory  Note,  dated  as  of  January 7, 2002, between AFG
Investment  Trust  D  and  PLM  International,  Inc.

     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

Dated:   January  7,  2002               PLM  INTERNATIONAL,  INC.

                                       By:     /s/  James  A.  Coyne
                                       Name:  James  A.  Coyne
                                       Title:  Vice  President

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX


Number   Exhibit Name                                                          Location
- -------  --------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------

99.1     Promissory Note, dated as of January 7, 2002, between AFG Investment  Filed herewith
         Trust C and PLM International, Inc.
         Promissory Note, dated as of January 7, 2002, between AFG Investment  Filed herewith
99.2     Trust D and PLM International, Inc.