Washington, D.C.  20549
                         Form  10-Q

                SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1999

                 Commission file number 0-20141

                       Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Pennsylvania                                 25-1666413
(State or other jurisdiction of         (IRS Employer ID No)
Incorporation or Organization)

349 Union Street, Millersburg, PA                17061
(Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip Code)

                        (717) 692-2133
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed
all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12
months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                   [ X ] Yes      [  ] No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the
classes of common stock, as of the latest practical date.

2,893,203 shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per share,
were outstanding as of June 30, 1999.

                       MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
                 (Unaudited; Dollars in thousands)

                                        June 30,   Dec. 31,
                                          1999       1998
                                        --------   --------
   Cash and due from banks                 5,768      5,651
   Interest bearing balances              40,913     42,883
   Available-for-sale securities          66,239     67,933
   Federal funds sold                          0          0
   Loans                                 155,083    152,993
        Allowance for loan losses          2,439      2,313
                                         -------    -------
              Net loans                  152,644    150,680
                                         -------    -------
   Bank premises and equip't, net          3,362      3,498
   Other real estate                          53        347
   Accrued interest receivable             2,180      1,907
   Cash surrender value of life insurance  3,993      3,900
   Other assets                            1,775      1,028
                                         -------    -------
              Total Assets               276,927    277,827
                                         =======    =======
   Demand                                 21,815     20,971
   NOW                                    26,994     28,234
   Money Market                           20,684     17,158
   Savings                                26,802     25,305
   Time                                  124,935    125,134
                                         -------    -------
              Total deposits             221,230    216,802
                                         -------    -------
   Short-term borrowings                  11,082     12,159
   Accrued interest payable                1,711      1,240
   Other liabilities                       1,031        540
   Long-term debt                         15,477     15,550
                                         -------    -------
              Total Liabilities          250,531    246,291
                                         -------    -------
   Common stock, par value $1 per share;
    authorized 10,000,000 shares; issued
    2,912,267 shares at June 30, 1999 and
    December 31, 1998                      2,912      2,912
   Surplus                                17,181     17,181
   Undivided profits                       8,097     11,640
   Unrealized holding gain on securities,
    net of estimated tax effect           -1,261        344
     Less:  Treasury Stock at cost
              (19,059 and 19,241 shares)     533        541
                                         -------    -------
              Total Stockholders Equity   26,396     31,536
                                         -------     ------
              Total Liabilities & Equity 276,927    277,827
                                         =======    =======

                        MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
                 (Unaudited; dollars in thousands)

                               Three Months    Six Months
                              Ended June 30,  Ended June 30,
                               1999   1998     1999   1998
INTEREST INCOME:               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Interest & fees on loans     3,341  3,591    6,688  7,099
  Int.-bearing balances          622    662    1,255  1,277
  Treas. & Agency securities     618    602    1,243  1,171
  Municipal securities           330    236      654    465
  Other securities                35     14       64     26
  Fed funds sold and repos         0     17        0     25
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
       Total Int. Income       4,946  5,122    9,904 10,063
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Deposits                     2,083  2,185    4,194  4,361
  Short-term borrowings           63     26      143    112
  Long-term borrowings           223    213      435    329
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
       Total Int. Expense      2,369  2,424    4,772  4,802
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
       Net Int. Income         2,577  2,698    5,132  5,261
PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES         75     25      150     54
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Net Int. Inc. after Prov.    2,502  2,673    4,982  5,207
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Trust Dept                      55     47       73     55
  Service Chgs. on Deposits      119    111      244    211
  Investment sec. gains, net       0      3       50      8
  Gain on sale of loans            0     23        0     23
  Other                          397    106      658    414
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Total Non-Interest Income      571    290    1,025    711
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Salaries and benefits          960    883    1,939  1,720
  Occupancy, net                  78     81      167    163
  Equipment                      115    133      230    256
  PA Bank Shares tax              69     65      138    144
  Other                          553    517      956  1,042
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
       Tot. Non-int. Exp.      1,775  1,679    3,430  3,325
                               -----  -----    -----  -----
  Income before income taxes   1,298  1,284    2,577  2,593
INCOME TAX EXPENSE               326    344      653    712
                               -----  -----    -----  -----

       NET INCOME                972    940    1,924  1,881
                               =====  =====    =====  =====
Other Comprehensive Income, net
     of tax:
  Unrealized holding losses on
   securities arising during the
   period                     -1,122      7   -1,605    -30
  Less:  reclassification
   adjustments for gains included
   in net income                   0      3       50      8
                                ----   ----     ----   ----
  Other comprehensive income  -1,122      4   -1,655    -38
                                ----   ----     ----   ----
       Comprehensive Income     -150    944      269  1,843
                               =====  =====    =====  =====
NET INCOME PER SHARE            0.34   0.33      .66    .65
                               =====  =====    =====  =====
Weighted Average No. of
  Shares Outstanding       2,894,672       2,893,963
                                  2,891,492       2,891,798

                   MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
             (Unaudited; Dollars in thousands)

                                   For the six months ended:
                                        June 30,  June 30,
                                          1999      1998
                                        --------  --------
Operating Activities:
  Net Income                               1,924     1,881
Adjustments to reconcile net income
to net cash provided by operating
  Provision for loan losses                  150        54
  Depreciation                               201       196
  Change in interest receivable             -273       -69
  Change in other assets                    -130       118
  Change in interest payable                 471       463
  Change in other liabilities                491       271
  Other, net                                   0         0
                                         -------   -------
            Net cash provided by
            operating activities:          2,834     2,914
                                         -------   -------
Investing Activities:
  Net decrease in int-bearing balances     1,970    -6,274
  Proceeds from sale of securities         3,811         0
  Proceeds from the maturity of secs.      4,773     7,933
  Purchase of investment securities       -9,160    -9,327
  Proceeds from the sale of loans              0     1,574
  Net decrease in loans                   -2,324    -5,847
  Net purchases of fixed assets              -65      -459
  Proceeds from sale of other real estate    504     1,163
  Capitalized additions - ORE                  0         0
                                         -------   -------
            Net cash provided by
            investing activities            -491   -11,237
                                         -------   -------
Financing Activities:
  Net increase in demand and savings       4,627     4,285
  Net increase in time deposits             -199    -6,935
  Net increase in sh-term borrowings      -1,077     1,795
  Net increase in long-term borrowings       -73     9,932
  Cash dividend declared                  -5,504      -990
                                         -------   -------
            Net cash provided by
            financing activities          -2,226     8,087
                                         -------   -------
  Net increase in cash & equivalents         117      -236
  Cash & cash equivalents, beg of period   5,651     6,998
                                         -------   -------
  Cash & cash equivalents, end of period   5,768     6,762
                                         =======   =======
Supplemental Noncash Disclosures:
  Loan charge-offs                            99        51
  Transfers to other real estate               0         0

                   Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1.  The consolidated interim financial statements included
here have been prepared by the Company, without audit,
according to the rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission with respect to Form 10-Q.  The
financial information included here reflects all
adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring
adjustments) which are, in our opinion,
necessary for a fair statement of results for the
periods covered.  Certain information and footnote
disclosures normally included in financial statements
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles have been condensed or omitted according to these
rules and regulations.  We believe, however, that the
disclosures made here are adequate so that the information
is not misleading.  You should read these interim financial
statements along with the financial statements including the
notes included in the Company's most recent Form 10-K.

2.  Interim statements are subject to possible adjustments
in connection with the annual audit of the Company's
accounts for the full fiscal year.  In our opinion, all
necessary adjustments have been included so that the interim
financial statements are not misleading.

3.  The results of operations for the interim periods
presented are not necessarily an indicator of the results
expected for the full year.

4.  Management considers the Allowance for Loan Losses to be
adequate at this time.

                   Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.
                  Millersburg, Pennsylvania

Management's Discussion of Consolidated Financial Condition
for the six months ended June 30, 1999, compared to year-
end 1998 and the Results of Operations for the second
quarter and first half of 1999 compared to the same periods
in 1998.


Total assets as of June 30, 1999, amounted to $276,927,000,
compared to $277,827,000 the total assets as of December 31,

Our entire portfolio of investment securities is considered
available for sale as of June 30, 1999.  As such, the
investments are recorded on our Balance Sheet at market
value.  Our investments: US Treasury, Agency and Municipal
securities are given a market price relative to investments
of the same type with similar maturity dates.  Since the
interest rate environment of these securities has increased
by as much as 1.80 percentage points in the past nine
months, our existing securities are valued lower in
comparison.  This difference in value, or unrealized loss,
amounted to $1,261,000, net of tax, as of the end of the
quarter.  However, the investments are all high quality
United States and municipal securities that if held to
maturity are expected to yield no loss to the bank.

Loans remained fairly flat during the first half due to
some large payoffs in the commercial loan portfolio along
with a continued competitive pricing environment

Foreclosed assets held for sale (real estate owned by the
Corporation resulting from loan transactions) decreased to
$294,000 during the first half of 1999 due to the sale of
a commercial property and several lots of undeveloped land.
These sales of other real estate resulted in an after-tax
gain of approximately $215,000.  As of June 30, 1999, the
balance of foreclosed assets held for sale consisted
exclusively of undeveloped land.

Total deposits increased by $4,428,000 during the first
six months of 1999.  This increase was seen mainly in our
money market deposit and savings accounts.

All components of long-term debt are advances from the FHLB.
Long-term debt advances were initiated in order to secure an
adequate spread on certain pools of loans and investments of
the Bank.

During the first quarter of 1999 our Board of Directors
declared a special cash dividend of $1.50 per share.  This
special dividend is not expected to affect future regular
dividends.  The special dividend was declared to reduce the
capital levels of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc., increase return on
equity (ROE), and enhance shareholder value.  We have
enjoyed a very solid capital position due to strong
financial performance.  After payment of this special
dividend, Mid Penn will maintain capital levels well above
regulatory requirements.  In the banking industry, there has
been a general shift from return on assets (ROA) to ROE as a
measure of financial performance.  By lowering capital
through this special dividend, we will be improving ROE,
thus improving this ratio important to bank stock analysis.

We have also modified our employee performance incentives to
encourage activities that will emphasize earnings per share
and return on equity instead of our traditional return on
assets approach.  We believe over time this change in
emphasis will improve performance measures that investors


Net income for the first half of 1999 was $1,924,000,
compared with $1,881,000 earned in the same period
of 1998.  Net income per share for the first half of
1999 and 1998 was $.66 and $.65, respectively.  . Net income
as a percentage of stockholders' equity, also known as
return on equity,(ROE), was 14.5% on an annualized basis for
the first half of 1999 as compared to 12.0% for the same
period in 1998.

Second quarter net income was $972,000 or $.34 per share, in
1999 as compared to $940,000, or $.33 per share, during the
same period of 1998.

Net interest income of $5,132,000 for the period ended
June 30, 1999, decreased 2.5% from the $5,261,000
earned in the same period of 1998. Margins continued to
be challenged by strong rate competition for loans.

The Bank made a provision for loan losses of $150,000 and
$54,000 during the first half of 1999 and 1998,
respectively.  Due to the cyclical nature of the economy
coupled with the Bank's substantial involvement in
commercial loans and the record number of nationwide
consumer bankruptcies, management thought it prudent to make
this allocation now during stronger economic times.  On a
quarterly basis, senior management reviews potentially
unsound loans taking into consideration judgments regarding
risk or error, economic conditions, trends and other

Non-interest income increased to $571,000 for the second
quarter of 1999 over $290,000 earned during the same period
of 1998. Gains resulting from the sale of other real estate
amounted to $325,000 during the first half of 1999 in
comparison to the $207,000 earned during the same period of
1998.  A significant contribution to non-interest income
is insufficient fund (NSF) fee income.  NSF fee income
contributed in excess of $180,000 during the first half of

Non-interest expense has remained fairly constant at
$3,430,000 for the first six months of 1999 compared to
$3,325,000 for the same period of 1998.  We do anticipate
higher non-interest expense in the upcoming quarters as we
update our technology so as to be able to provide internet
banking services to our customers by yearend or the
beginning of next year.  We have also hired a business
development officer for our trust department in order to
increase our market penetration and fee income potential in
the areas of asset management and trust services.


The Bank's objective is to maintain adequate liquidity while
minimizing interest rate risk.  Adequate liquidity provides
resources for credit needs of borrowers, for depositor
withdrawals, and for funding Corporate operations.  Sources
of liquidity include maturing investment securities,
overnight borrowings of federal funds (and Flex Line),
payments received on loans, and increases in deposit

Funds generated from operations contributed a major source
of funds for the first half of 1999.  The major source of
funds came from the increase in demand and savings deposits,
mainly the $3,526,000 increase in money market deposit
accounts.  Other major sources of funds included
the $1,970,000 net decrease in investment certificates of
deposit, and the proceeds of the sale of other real estate
of $504,000.

The major use of funds during the period was a net increase
in loans of $2,324,000.  The other major use of funds was
for the payment of the first two quarter regular dividends
and the February special dividend of $1.50 per share, having
a combined total of $5,504,000.


Total non-performing assets increased to $3,373,000
representing 1.22% of total assets at June 30, 1999, from
$3,064,000 or 1.10% of total assets at December 31, 1998.
Included in the past-due category is a commercial loan of
which we are a participant with another bank with our
outstanding principal balance exceeding $500,000 as of June
30, 1999.  This loan was paid to us in full subsequent to
the end of the quarter.  Most non-performing assets are
supported by collateral value that appears to be adequate at
June 30, 1999.

The Allowance for Loan Losses at June 30, 1999, was
$2,439,000 or 1.57% of loans, net of unearned interest, as
compared to $2,313,000 or 1.51% of loans, net of unearned
interest, at December 31, 1998.

Based upon the ongoing analysis of the Bank's loan portfolio
by the loan review department, the latest quarterly analysis
of potentially unsound loans and non-performing assets,
we consider the Allowance for Loan Losses to be
adequate to absorb any reasonable, foreseeable loan losses.


We have established a Year 2000 compliance committee to
address the risks of the critical internal bank systems that
are affected by date sensitive applications, as well as
external systems provided by third parties.  A comprehensive
Year 2000 Business Action Plan was developed detailing the
sequence of events and actions to be taken as the Year 2000

In November 1997, the Company purchased and installed an
upgrade to its current computer systems to improve
efficiencies of operations and position itself for future
growth.  The cost of the new system was approximately
$284,000.  Anticipated additional costs prior to year 2000
are estimated to be $47,000.  Testing demonstrated that the
new hardware and software are Year 2000 compliant.  In
addition, the Corporation has hired a third-party Year 2000
consultant.  With the aid of the consultant, we have
developed a Year 2000 testing master plan, organization
chart and detailed work plan.  The testing plan includes
several phases of testing in accordance with regulatory
guidelines.  We successfully completed the testing of all
systems critical the operation of the bank on February 3,

                 MID PENN BANCORP, INC.

                                        June 30,  Dec. 31,
                                           1999     1998
                                        --------  --------
Non-Performing Assets:
     Non-accrual loans                       911       376
     Past due 90 days or more              1,522       844
     Restructured loans                      887     1,497
                                         -------   -------
     Total non-performing loans            3,320     2,717
     Other real estate                        53       347
                                         -------   -------
              Total                        3,373     3,064
                                         =======   =======
     Percentage of total loans outstanding  2.17      2.00
     Percentage of total assets             1.22      1.10

Analysis of the Allowance for Loan Losses:
     Balance beginning of period           2,313     2,281

     Loans charged off:

     Commercial real estate, construction
      and land development                     0        40
     Commercial, industrial and agricultural  70       200
     Real estate - residential mortgage        0        40
     Consumer                                 29        37
                                         -------   -------
              Total loans charged off         99       317
                                         -------   -------

Recoveries of loans previously charged off:

     Commercial real estate, construction
      and land development                    55        10
     Commercial, industrial and agricultural   1        56
     Real estate - residential mortgage        0         0
     Consumer                                 19        29
                                         -------   -------
              Total recoveries                75        95
                                         -------   -------

       Net charge-offs (recoveries)          -24      -222
                                         -------   -------
       Current period provision for
                  loan losses                150       254
                                         -------   -------
       Balance end of period               2,439     2,313
                                         =======    ======

                    Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings - Nothing to report

Item 2.  Changes in Securities - Nothing to report

Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities - Nothing to report

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- - At the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29,
1999, a vote was held for the election of Class A directors:
Gregory M. Kerwin, Warren A. Miller, Edwin D. Schlegel, and
Eugene F. Shaffer to serve for a three-year term, and to
ratify the selection of Parente, Randolph, Orlando, Carey
and Associates as external auditors for the corporation for
the year ending December 31, 1999.  Gregory M. Kerwin
received 2,426,595 votes for and 12,407 votes withheld.
Warren A. Miller received 2,423,059 votes for and 15,943
votes withheld. Edwin D. Schlegel received 2,430,515 votes
for and 8,487 votes withheld. Eugene F. Shaffer received
2,425,365 votes for and 13,637 votes withheld.  The
selection of external auditors received 2,429,650 votes for,
2,711 votes against, and 6,641 votes abstaining.

Item 5.  Other Information - Nothing to report

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
 a.  Exhibits - (27) Financial Data Schedule
 b.  Reports on Form 8-K - None

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly

Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.

/s/ Eugene F. Shaffer              /s/ Kevin W. Laudenslager
By: Eugene F. Shaffer              By: Kevin W. Laudenslager
Chairman, Pres. & CEO              Treasurer
Date:  July 28, 1999               Date:  July 28, 1999