Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               [Amendment No. ___]

Filed by the Registrant                           [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant        [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
   [X]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
   [ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
         Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
   [ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
   [ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
   [ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
         Section 240.14a-12
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

   [X]   No fee required
   [ ]   $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)1(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)
         or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule A
   [ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
         and 0-11.

          1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          3.   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          5.   Total fee paid:

   [ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
   [ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by Exchange
         Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
         fee  was  paid   previously.   Identify  the   previous   filing  by
         registration  statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date
         of its filing.

          1.   Amount Previously Paid:

          2.   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          3.   Filing Party:

          4.   Date Filed:



                                                             March 19, 2001

Dear INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund Shareholder:

We are  pleased  to  enclose  the Proxy  Statement  for the May 8,  2001  annual
shareholders'   meeting  of  your  Fund.  Please  take  the  time  to  read  the
accompanying  Proxy  Statement  and cast your  vote,  since the  matters  we are
submitting  for your  consideration  are  important  to the Fund and to you as a
shareholder. Your vote is important.

We are requesting action on two proposals:

1.   Election of two  trustees:  INVESCO and the Board of Trustees  propose that
     Mark H.  Williamson and Larry Soll, PhD. be re-elected as Class B Trustees;

2.   Reorganization of the Fund as a newly created series of an existing INVESCO
     Funds open-end  investment  company  effectively  converting the Fund to an
     open-end mutual fund.

   The  principal  matter to be acted  upon at the  meeting  is  Proposal  2. If
approved,  Proposal 2 will allow shareholders to immediately buy and sell shares
of the Fund at net asset value,  subject to a contingent  deferred  sales charge
explained in the Proxy Statement. The Board of Trustees has unanimously approved
this proposal  because it believes it is in the best interests of  shareholders.
Among other things,  the board of trustees  determined that open-ending the Fund
was the most  effective  action that could be taken to eliminate the  persistent
discount from net asset value at which the Fund's shares, and the shares of most
other equity closed-end funds have historically traded.

   We appreciate your thoughtful  consideration of these issues and ask that you
vote promptly. If we do not receive sufficient votes to approve these proposals,
it may necessitate a further mailing or a telephone canvass. Thank you.


                                    MARK H.  WILLIAMSON
                                    INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund

                                           INVESCO GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
                                                        7800 East Union Avenue
                                                        Denver, Colorado 80237

                            TO BE HELD ON MAY 8, 2001

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of  shareholders  (the "Meeting")
of INVESCO  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund (the  "Fund") will be held at 7800 E.
Union  Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado  80237 on Tuesday  May 8, 2001,  at 1:00 p.m.,
Mountain Time, for the following purposes:

1.   Election of two  trustees:  INVESCO and the Board of Trustees  propose that
     Mark H.  Williamson and Larry Soll, PhD. be re-elected as Class B Trustees;

2.   Reorganization of the Fund as a newly created series of an existing INVESCO
     Funds open-end  investment  company  effectively  converting the Fund to an
     open-end mutual fund.

The  Trustees  of the Fund have fixed the close of  business on March 9, 2001 as
the record date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and
to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

A complete list of shareholders of the Fund entitled to vote at the Meeting will
be available and open to the  examination of any shareholder of the Fund for any
purpose germane to the Meeting during ordinary  business hours at the offices of
the Fund,  7800 East Union Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado 80237. A copy of this list
also will be available at the Meeting.

You are cordially invited to attend the Meeting.  Shareholders who do not expect
to attend the Meeting in person are  requested  to  complete,  sign and date the
enclosed form of proxy and return it promptly in the envelope  provided for that
purpose.  The enclosed proxy is being solicited on behalf of the Trustees of the


Please  mark,  sign,  date and return  the  enclosed  proxy in the  accompanying
envelope  as soon as possible  in order to ensure a full  representation  at the
Meeting.  The Meeting will have to be adjourned without  conducting any business
if less than a majority of the eligible shares is represented,  and the Fund, at
shareholders'  expense, will have to continue to solicit votes until a quorum is
obtained.  The  Meeting  also may be  adjourned,  if  necessary,  to continue to
solicit  votes if less than the required  shareholder  vote has been obtained to
re-elect  the  Trustees  or  approve  the other  Proposal  to be voted on at the
meeting.  Your vote,  then,  could be critical in allowing  the Fund to hold the
Meeting as scheduled.  By marking,  signing and promptly  returning the enclosed
proxy, you may eliminate the need for additional solicitation.  Your cooperation
will be appreciated.

                                               By Order of the Trustees,

                                               Glen A.  Payne

Denver, Colorado

Dated:  March 19, 2001

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                        (A MASSACHUSETTS BUSINESS TRUST)

                             7800 EAST UNION AVENUE
                             DENVER, COLORADO 80237
                           (TOLL FREE) 1(800)528-8765.

                            TO BE HELD ON MAY 8, 2001


                               VOTING INFORMATION


      This Proxy Statement ("Proxy Statement") is furnished in connection with a
solicitation  of proxies  made by, and on behalf  of, the Board of  Trustees  of
INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund ("Global Health Sciences Fund" or "Fund") to
be used at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of INVESCO Global Health Sciences
Fund and at any adjournments thereof  ("Meeting"),  to be held on May 8, 2001 at
1:00 p.m. at 7800 East Union  Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado  80237,  the  principal
executive  office of Global Health  Sciences Fund and INVESCO Funds Group,  Inc.
("INVESCO"), the Fund's investment adviser.

      The purpose of the Meeting is set forth in the  accompanying  Notice.  The
solicitation  is made  primarily by the mailing of this Proxy  Statement and the
accompanying proxy card on or about March 19, 2001. Supplementary  solicitations
may be made by mail,  telephone,  facsimile,  electronic  means  or by  personal
interview by representatives of Global Health Sciences Fund and also may be made
by telephone or oral  communications by  representatives  of INVESCO and INVESCO
Distributors,  Inc. ("IDI"),  the distributor of the INVESCO group of investment
companies  ("INVESCO  Funds"),  who will not receive any  compensation for these
activities   from  Global  Health   Sciences  Fund.  In  addition,   Shareholder
Communications Corporation,  Inc. will assist the Fund in soliciting proxies for
the Meeting and will be paid a fee of approximately $_____ (or such other fee as
determined  necessary and appropriate by the Fund) plus out-of-pocket  expenses.
The  expenses  in  connection  with  preparing  this  Proxy  Statement  and  its
enclosures  will be paid by Global Health Sciences Fund. The Fund will reimburse
brokerage  firms  and  others  for  their  reasonable   expenses  in  forwarding
solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares.

      If the enclosed proxy card is executed and returned,  it may  nevertheless
be  revoked at any time prior to its use by  written  notification  received  by
Global Health Sciences Fund, by the execution of a later-dated proxy card, or by
attending the Meeting and voting in person.

      All proxy  cards  solicited  by the Board of  Trustees  that are  properly
executed and received by the Secretary  prior to the Meeting,  and which are not
revoked,  will be voted at the Meeting.  Shares represented by such proxies will
be voted in accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  specification is
made on a proxy card,  it will be voted FOR the matters  specified  on the proxy
card. Only proxies that are voted will be counted toward  establishing a quorum.
Broker non-votes are not considered voted for this purpose.  Shareholders should
note that  while  votes to  ABSTAIN  will count  toward  establishing  a quorum,
passage of any  proposal  being  considered  at the Meeting will occur only if a
sufficient  number of votes  are cast FOR the  proposal.  Accordingly,  votes to
ABSTAIN and votes  AGAINST  will have the same effect in  determining  whether a
proposal is approved.

      If a quorum is not  present at the  Meeting,  or if a quorum is present at
the Meeting but  sufficient  votes to approve one or more of the proposed  items
are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder attention, the
persons  named as proxy  agents  may  propose  one or more  adjournments  of the
Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies.  Any such  adjournment  will
require  the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of those  shares  present at the
Meeting or  represented  by proxy.  When voting on a proposed  adjournment,  the
persons named as proxy agents will vote FOR the proposed  adjournment all shares
that they are  entitled to vote with  respect to each item,  unless  directed to
vote  AGAINST  the item,  in which case such  shares  will be voted  against the
proposed  adjournment with respect to that item. A shareholder vote may be taken
on one or more of the items in this  Proxy  Statement  or on any other  business
properly  presented at the meeting prior to such adjournment if sufficient votes
have been received and it is otherwise appropriate.

DENVER, COLORADO 80237, OR BY CALLING 1 (800) 528-8765.

      INVESCO,  with main  offices  located at 7800 East Union  Avenue,  Denver,
Colorado 80237, is Global Health Sciences Fund's Investment Adviser.

      As of March 9, 2001,  ("Record  Date"),  Global  Health  Sciences Fund had
42,278,823   shares  of  beneficial   interest,   $0.01  par  value  per,  share
outstanding.  Shareholders of record of Global Health Sciences Fund at the close
of  business  on March 9,  2001 will be  entitled  to vote at the  Meeting  with
respect  to the  proposals  set  forth in the  accompanying  notice.  Each  such
shareholder  will be  entitled  to one vote for each  share  (and  proportionate
fractional votes for each fraction of a share) held on that date.

      Except as set forth in Appendix A, INVESCO does not know of any person who
owns  beneficially  5% or more of the  shares of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund.
Trustees and officers of Global Health  Sciences Fund own in the aggregate  less
than 1% of the shares of Global Health Sciences Fund.




      Shareholders  of Global Health Sciences Fund will be asked at the upcoming
Meeting  (1) to elect two Class B Trustees  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund to
serve  for a  term  expiring  on  the  date  on  which  the  annual  meeting  of
shareholders  is held in 2004,  or until their  respective  successors  are duly
elected and qualified;  and (2) to vote upon and approve the  reorganization  of
Global Health  Sciences  Fund  ("Reorganization")  as an open-end  fund, as more
fully described below.


      Shareholders of Global Health Sciences Fund are being asked to approve the
Reorganization,  the  principal  purpose  of which is to convert  Global  Health
Sciences Fund into an open-end fund by reorganizing  the Fund as a newly created
series  ("New  Fund") of  INVESCO  Counselor  Series  Funds,  Inc.,  a  Maryland
corporation  ("Counselor  Series Funds").  As a closed-end  fund,  Global Health

Sciences Fund's shares have often traded at a discount to net asset value (NAV).
Converting  Global Health Sciences Fund into an open-end fund will eliminate the
discount  and  give  shareholders  of the New Fund the  ability  IMMEDIATELY  to
realize  the value of their  shares by  redeeming  them from the New Fund at NAV
(subject to a  Contingent  Deferred  Sales  Charge  ("CDSC") of 2% for the first
twelve months following the Reorganization, as described in Proposal 2).

     The Reorganization  will be accomplished  pursuant to an Agreement and Plan
of  Reorganization  ("Agreement"),  which is attached  hereto as Appendix B. The
Agreement  provides for the  acquisition by the New Fund of all of the assets of
Global Health Sciences Fund in exchange,  share for share, for Class A shares of
stock of the New Fund and the  assumption by the New Fund of the  liabilities of
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund.  As provided  in the  Agreement,  Global  Health
Sciences Fund will then constructively  distribute the Class A shares of the New
Fund to its  shareholders  in  liquidation  of Global Health  Sciences Fund. The
Reorganization  will occur as soon as practical after the Annual Meeting,  or on
such other date as the Board of Trustees of Global Health  Sciences Fund and the
Board of Directors  of Counselor  Series  Funds may  determine  (Closing  Date).
Accordingly, as a result of the Reorganization, Global Health Sciences Fund will
dissolve and the former  shareholders of Global Health Sciences Fund will become
Class A shareholders of the New Fund.

     The New Fund  will  have the same  investment  objective,  and,  except  as
described  below,  generally  similar  investment  policies and  restrictions as
currently  apply to Global  Health  Sciences  Fund.  However,  as  described  in
Proposal 2, Global Health Sciences Fund's  investment  restrictions and policies
are, in specific and material respects, different from those associated with New
Fund and the Counselor  Series  open-end  equity  funds.  These  differences  in
fundamental  investment  restrictions relate to the Funds' ability to borrow, to
lend assets, and their issuer  diversification  requirements.  The New Fund will
have non-fundamental investment policies that differ from those of Global Health
Sciences  Fund,  including  a lower  limit on New  Fund's  ability  to invest in
illiquid securities,  and New Fund's higher limit to engage in short selling. In
addition,  if the Reorganization is approved by shareholders,  the New Fund will
adopt a fundamental  investment  policy permitting the New Fund to invest all of
its  assets in  another  open-end  investment  company  managed by INVESCO or an
affiliate with  substantially the same investment  objective and policies as New

     In connection with the  Reorganization,  the New Fund will adopt a proposed
Investment Advisory  Agreement,  attached hereto as Appendix C, and a new Master
Plan and  Agreement  for  Distribution  - Class A  shares,  attached  hereto  as
Appendix  D, for the New Fund  Class A  Shares.  Under the  Proposed  Investment
Advisory  Agreement,  INVESCO  will  manage  the New Fund,  but will  change its
management fee from an annual rate of 1.00% on ending daily net assets up to and
including  $500 million,  and 0.90% on ending daily net assets in excess of $500
million,  to a base management fee calculated at the annual rate of 1.50% of the
Fund's daily net assets (the "Base Fee").  This Base Fee will be adjusted,  on a
monthly  basis (i) upward at the rate of 0.20%,  on a pro rata  basis,  for each
percentage  point the  investment  performance of the Class A shares of the Fund
exceeds the sum of 2.00% plus the investment record of the Morgan Stanley Health
Care Product Index (the  "Index"),  or (ii) downward at the rate of 0.20%,  on a
pro rata basis,  for each  percentage  point the investment  record of the Index
less 2.00% exceeds the  investment  performance of the Class A shares of the New
Fund (the "Fee  Adjustment").  The maximum or minimum  adjustment  will be 1.00%
annually.  During the first twelve months of operation,  the management fee will
be charged at the base fee of 1.50% with no performance adjustment.

     Each  shareholder  of Global Health  Sciences Fund will receive a number of
full and fractional  Class A shares of the New Fund equal in number and value to
the  aggregate  net asset  value of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund held by such
shareholder  on the  Closing  Date.  The net asset  value of each fund  shall be
determined  according to valuation  procedures that are the same for both funds.
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  shareholders  will  not  pay any  sales  load in
connection  with the  Reorganization  and the exchange of Global Health Sciences
Fund shares for Class A

shares of the New Fund,  but the Class A shares  will be  subject to a 12b-1 fee
calculated  as a  percentage  of the New  Fund's  average  net  assets  that are
acquired by New Fund after the Reorganization  attributable to Class A shares at
an annual rate of 0.35%.  This 12b-1 structure  initially  reduces the 12b-1 fee
paid by New Fund below 0.35% of average  net assets  because the 0.35% 12b-1 fee
is based only on assets  acquired  by New Fund after the  Closing  Date,  and is
therefore based on less than 100% of New Fund's total Class A assets.  The 12b-1
fee applicable to the Class A shares will be lower than the 12b-1 fee applicable
to any  other  share  class  of the  New  Fund  available  to  non-institutional

     The proposed  Plan is  PROSPECTIVE  in nature.  Thus,  the fee will only be
assessed based on new sales of New Fund Class A shares, exchanges into the Class
A  shares  and  reinvestments  of  dividends  and  capital  gains  distributions
(collectively  "New Class A Assets")  of the New Fund which occur after the Plan
is implemented.  The distribution fees would be absorbed pro rata by all the New
Fund  shareholders.  The Plan would  limit the  amount of the New Fund's  assets
which could be used for  distribution and promotion of Class A shares during any
12-month  period to a maximum  of 0.35 of 1% (35  basis  points)  of New Class A
Assets  added  after the Plan is  implemented.  Any  increase in this rate would
require  approval of the Board and shareholders of the New Fund. At no time will
the fees under the Plan be applied to a level of New Class A Assets  higher than
the net Class A assets of the New Fund.

      The Global Health  Sciences Fund and Counselor  Series Funds have received
an  opinion  of  their  fund  counsel,  Kirkpatrick  &  Lockhart  LLP,  that the
Reorganization  will  not  result  in any gain or loss for  Federal  income  tax
purposes to Global Health  Sciences Fund, the New Fund,  shareholders  of Global
Health Sciences Fund or shareholders of the New Fund.

      If approved at the meeting, it is anticipated that the Reorganization will
occur as soon as practical after the meeting,  but the  Reorganization  could be
delayed or cancelled as provided in the Agreement.  The Agreement provides that,
if either the Board of  Trustees of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund,  or Board of
Directors  of  Counselor  Series  Funds  determines  that  consummation  of  the
Reorganization   is   impracticable   or  inadvisable   due  to  adverse  market
developments,   or   otherwise,   the  parties  may   determine   to  delay  the
Reorganization or terminate the Agreement in its entirety. See "Proposal 2 -- To
Approve the Reorganization."

                                  THE PROPOSALS


      The Fund currently has five Trustees, divided into three classes, with one
Trustee in Class A, two  Trustees  in Class B and two  Trustees  in Class C. The
Class B  Trustees'  terms will  expire at the Meeting to be held on May 8, 2001;
the Class A Trustee's term will expire at the annual meeting of  shareholders to
be held in 2002;  and the Class C  Trustees'  terms  will  expire at the  annual
meeting of shareholders to be held in 2003.

      At the  Meeting,  two Class B Trustees  are to be  elected to hold  office
until the 2004 annual  meeting of  shareholders  and until their  successors are
elected and  qualified.  The  nominees,  Larry Soll,  Ph.D.,  who is presently a
Trustee of the Global  Health  Sciences  Fund,  and Mark H.  Williamson,  who is
presently  Chairman of the Board, have consented to serve if re-elected,  and no
circumstances now known will prevent the nominees from serving. If either of the
nominees  should  be unable to  serve,  the proxy  will be voted for  substitute
nominees proposed by the present trustees.

Information concerning the Trustees of the Fund is set forth below.

                                                                                                           No. of Fund
                                                                                                           Owned Directly
                                Principal Occupation During Past Five Years and                            or Indirectly on
Name and Address                Other Affiliations*                                     Trustees Since     March __, 2001+
- ----------------                -----------------------------------------------         --------------     ----------------
Class A                         Vice Chairman of the Board of the INVESCO Funds;            1992
Fred A. Deering#                formerly Chairman of the Executive Committee and
Security Life Center            Chairman of the Board of Security Life of Denver
1290 Broadway                   Insurance Company, Denver, Colorado; Director of
Denver, CO 80203                ING American Holding Company and First ING Life
                                Insurance Company of New York. Age 73.

Class B                         President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman            2000
Mark H. Williamson*             of the Board of the INVESCO Funds; President,
7800 E. Union Avenue            Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
Denver, Colorado 80237          of INVESCO Funds Group, Inc.; President, Chief
Chairman of the Board           Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of
                                INVESCO Distributors, Inc.; President, Chief
                                Operating Officer and Chairman of the Board of
                                INVESCO Global Health Sciences Funds; formerly,
                                Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of NationsBanc
                                Advisors, Inc.; formerly Chairman of NationsBanc
                                Investments, Inc. Age 49

Class B                         Retired. Formerly, Chairman of the Board (1987 to           1991
Larry Soll, Ph.D.#              1994), Chief Executive Officer (1982 to 1989; 1993
4291 Westside Road              to 1994) and President (1982 to 1989) of Synergen Inc.
Friday Harbor, WA 98250         (a biotechnology company), Boulder, Colorado. Director
                                of Synergen since its incorporation in 1982. Formerly,
                                Director of ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1991 to 2000).
                                Director of INVESCO Funds. Age 58

Class C                         Retired. Formerly, Vice Chairman of the Board of The        1991
John W. McIntyre#               Citizens and Southern Corporation and Chairman of
7 Piedmont Center,              the Board and Chief Executive Officer of The Citizens
Suite 100                       and Southern Georgia Corp. and The Citizens and
Atlanta, GA 30305               Southern National Bank. Director of the INVESCO
                                Funds and Kaiser Foundation Health Plans of Georgia,
                                Inc. Trustee of Gables Residential Trust, Employee's
                                Retirement System of GA, Emory University, and J.M.
                                Tull Charitable Foundation. Age 70

Class C                         Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AMVESCAP        1991 (Mr. Brady did
Charles W. Brady++              PLC, London, England, and of various subsidiaries       not serve as a
1315 Peachtree Street, NE       thereof. Chairman of the Board of the Fund from         trustee between
Atlanta, GA 30309               1991-1997, and 1998-2000. Director of INVESCO           2/28/1997 and
                                Funds. Age 65.                                          8/3/1998)

All trustees and executive officers as a group

     * As used in this Proxy Statement, the term "INVESCO Funds" refers to the 9
     investment  companies,  consisting  of 45 separate  portfolios,  managed by
     INVESCO  Funds Group and  distributed  by IDI,  excluding the Global Health
     Sciences Fund.

     # Member of the audit committee.

     + As interpreted by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  a security is
     beneficially owned by a person if that person has or shares voting power or
     investment power with respect to the security. The persons listed have sole
     voting and investment power with respect to their respective Fund shares.

     ++  Because  of his  affiliation  with  INVESCO  Funds  Group,  the  Fund's
     investment adviser, or companies  affiliated with INVESCO Funds Group, this
     individual is deemed to be an "interested  person" of the Fund as that term
     is defined in the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940

      The only  standing  committee of the Global  Health  Sciences  Fund is the
Audit  Committee.  The Audit  Committee,  consisting  of the  three  independent
Trustees,  meets  periodically with the Fund's  independent  accountants and the
executive officers of the Fund. This committee reviews the accounting principles
being  applied by the Fund in  financial  reporting,  the scope and  adequacy of
internal  controls,  the  scope of the audit and  non-audit  assignments  of the
independent  accountants and the related fees. All of the recommendations of the
audit committee are reported to the Trustees.  During the year ended October 31,
2000,  Trustees  met four  times and the audit  committee  met two  times.  Each
Trustee attended seventy-five percent or more of the total meetings of the Board
and of the  committee  of  Trustees on which he served that were held during the

                              TRUSTEE COMPENSATION

      The  following  table  shows the  compensation  paid by the Global  Health
Sciences Fund to its three  independent  Trustees for their services as trustees
of the Fund in the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000. The following  table also
shows the total  compensation  paid by the Global  Health  Sciences Fund and the
INVESCO  Funds to these  Trustees  for their  services as  Directors or Trustees
during the year ended December 31, 2000.

                               COMPENSATION TABLE

                  COMPENSATION   ACCRUED AS       ANNUAL         THE FUND AND
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FRED A. DEERING      19,000          20,276          8,000           112,250

JOHN W. MCINTYRE(1)  22,000          19,035          9,261           116,000

DR. LARRY SOLL       19,000          13,202         15,839           110,100
                     ------          ------         ------           -------
Total                60,000          52,513         33,100           338,350

As a Percentage
of Net Assets       0.0064%         0.0056%                          0.0008%

(1) The chairman of the audit  committee  receives  compensation  for serving in
such capacity in addition to the compensation paid to all Independent Trustees.
(2) Represents  benefits  accrued with respect to the Defined  Benefit  Deferred
Compensation Plan discussed below, and not compensation deferred at the election
of Trustees. This plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees on October 12, 1998.
(3) These figures  represent the Global Health Sciences Fund's  estimated annual
benefits payable upon the Trustee's retirement.  These estimated benefits assume
retirement  at age 72 and that the basic  retainer  payable to Trustees  will be
adjusted  periodically for inflation.  This results in lower estimated  benefits
for  Trustees who are closer to  retirement  and higher  estimated  benefits for
Trustees who are farther from retirement. Each of these Trustees has served as a
Trustee for the minimum  five-year period required to be eligible to participate
in the Defined Benefit Deferred Compensation Plan.
(4) Total as a  percentage  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's net assets as of
October 31, 2000.
(5) Total as a  percentage  of the INVESCO  Funds' net assets as of December 31,

      Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of Global Health Sciences Fund
(as  defined  under  Federal  Law) and of the  INVESCO  Funds (the  "Independent
Trustees"), establish their own compensation from the Fund and the INVESCO Funds
and are not  paid by  INVESCO  or any  affiliated  company.  Messrs.  Brady  and
Williamson,  as  "interested  persons"  of the  Fund and of the  INVESCO  Funds,
receive  compensation as officers of companies  affiliated with INVESCO,  but do
not receive any Trustee fees or other  compensation  from the Fund or from other
funds in the INVESCO Funds for their service as a Trustee or Director.

      On October 12,  1998,  the Board of Trustees of the Fund adopted a Defined
Benefit Deferred  Compensation Plan (the "Plan") for the Independent Trustees of
the Fund.  Under the Plan,  each Trustee who is not an interested  person of the
Fund (as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act), and who has served for at
least five years (a "Qualified  Trustee") is entitled to receive four  quarterly
payments during the first twelve months after his retirement,  with each payment
up to 25 percent of a basic benefit (the "First Year Retirement Benefit").

      Trustees  normally retire between the ages of 72 and 75, if the retirement
date is extended by the Board.  In no event may a Trustee  retire later than the
last day of the calendar quarter in which the Trustee's  seventy-fifth  birthday

      Beginning  with  the  first   anniversary   of  the  Qualified   Trustee's
retirement,  and beginning as of the retirement of an Independent  Trustee whose
retirement  is after the date of the last day of the  calendar  quarter in which
such Trustee's  seventy-fifth  birthday occurred,  the Independent  Trustee will
receive,  for the  remainder  of his life, a benefit  (the  "Benefit"),  payable
quarterly,  with each  quarterly  payment  to be equal to 50% of the First  Year
Retirement Benefit.

      If an Independent  Trustee's service as a Trustee is terminated because of
his death  after the last day of the  calendar  quarter in which such  Trustee's
seventy-second birthday occurred and before the last day of the calendar quarter
in  which  such  Trustee's   seventy-fifth   birthday  occurs,   the  designated
beneficiary of the  Independent  Trustee will receive the First Year  Retirement
Benefit and will,  beginning with the quarter following the quarter in which the
last First Year Retirement  Benefit is paid, receive the Benefit for a period of
ten years, with quarterly payments to be made to the designated beneficiary.

      If an Independent  Trustee's service as a Trustee is terminated because of
his death  before the last day of the calendar  quarter in which such  Trustee's
seventy-second  birthday occurs or after the last day of the calendar quarter in
which such Trustee's seventy-fifth birthday occurred, the designated beneficiary
of the  Independent  Trustee will receive the Benefit for a period of ten years,
with quarterly  payments to be made to the designated  beneficiary  beginning in
the first quarter following the Independent Trustee's death.

      If an Independent  Trustee's service as a Trustee is terminated because of
his  disability  after  the  last day of the  calendar  quarter  in  which  such
Trustee's  seventy-second  birthday  occurred  and  before  the  last day of the
calendar  quarter in which such Trustee's  seventy-fifth  birthday  occurs,  the
Independent  Trustee  will receive the First Year  Retirement  Benefit and will,
beginning  with the quarter  following  the quarter in which the last First Year
Retirement Benefit payment is made, receive the Benefit for the remainder of his
life, with quarterly payments to be made to the disabled Independent Trustee. If
the disabled  Independent  Trustee  should die before the First Year  Retirement
Benefit  payments are completed and before forty quarterly  Benefit payments are
made,  such  payments  will  continue  to be made to the  Independent  Trustee's
designated  beneficiary until the aggregate of the First Year Retirement Benefit
payments and forty  quarterly  Benefit  payments  have been made to the disabled
Independent Trustee and his designated beneficiary.

      If an Independent  Trustee's service as a Trustee is terminated because of
his  disability  before  the  last day of the  calendar  quarter  in which  such
Trustee's  seventy-second  birthday occurs or after the last day of the calendar
quarter in which such Trustee's seventy-fifth birthday occurred, the Independent
Trustee will receive the Benefit for the remainder of his life,  with  quarterly
payments to be made to the disabled  Independent  Trustee beginning in the first
quarter following the Independent Trustee's  termination for disability.  If the
disabled  Independent  Trustee  should die before forty  quarterly  payments are
made, payments will continue to be made to the Independent  Trustee's designated
beneficiary until the aggregate of forty quarterly payments has been made to the
disabled Independent Trustee and his designated beneficiary.

      Any question involving entitlement to payments under or the administration
of the Plan  will be  referred  to a  four-person  committee  (the  "Committee")
composed of three  Independent  Trustees  designated  by all of the  Independent
Trustees  of the Fund  and one  trustee  of the  Fund who is not an  Independent
Trustee,  designated  by  the  non-Independent  Trustees.  Except  as  otherwise
provided,  the  Committee  will  make  all  interpretations  and  determinations
necessary or desirable for the Plan's  administration,  and such interpretations
and  determinations  will be final and  conclusive.  Committee  members  will be
elected annually.

      The Committee  will  represent and act on behalf of the Fund in respect of
the Plan and,  subject to the other  provisions  of the Plan,  the Committee may
adopt,   amend  or  repeal   bylaws  or  other   regulations   relating  to  the
administration of the Plan, the conduct of the Committee's  affairs,  its rights
or powers, or the rights or powers of its members.  The Committee will report to
the  Independent  Trustees and to the Board of Trustees from time to time on its
activities  in respect of the Plan.  The  Committee or persons  designated by it
will cause such records to be kept as may be necessary for the administration of
the Plan. The cost of the Plan is paid by the Fund.

      If Proposal 2 is approved, the Plan will  terminate  and no  additional
benefits  will  accrue  to  Qualified  Trustees  after  the  completion  of  the

      A Deferred Fee  Agreement for  Independent  Trustees  became  effective on
January 1,  1999.  Pursuant  to the  Deferred  Fee  Agreement,  the  Independent
Trustees may defer  receipt of a portion of the  compensation,  which they would
otherwise  have  been  paid as  Trustees  of the Fund.  The  deferred  amount is
invested  in shares of the Fund.  Each  Independent  Trustee  who has elected to
defer  payment of fees  pursuant to the Deferred Fee  Agreement may be deemed to
have an indirect  interest in shares of the Fund, in addition to any Fund shares
he may own directly or beneficially.

      If Proposal 2 is approved,  Trustees will no longer receive fees for their
services as Trustees and  therefore no  additional  deferral of fees will accrue
pursuant to the Deferred Fee Agreement.

      The Fund's  Officers and Trustees,  persons who are  beneficial  owners of
more than 10% of the Fund's shares,  and certain persons affiliated with INVESCO
are required to file reports of their  holdings and  transactions  in the Fund's
shares  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and the New York  Stock
Exchange,  and to furnish the Fund with copies of those  reports.  Based  solely
upon its review of the copies it has received  and upon written  representations
it has obtained  from these  persons,  the Fund  believes that during the fiscal
year ended  October 31, 2000,  these  persons have complied with all such filing

                            AS TRUSTEES OF THE FUND.



     Shareholders  of Global Health Sciences Fund are being asked to vote on and
approve the Reorganization,  the principal purpose of which is to convert Global
Health Sciences Fund into an open-end fund. As a closed-end fund,  Global Health
Sciences  Fund  does not  continuously  redeem  outstanding  shares  or sell new
shares.  Instead,  Global Health Sciences Fund's shares, which are listed on the
New York  Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE"),  trade on the  secondary  market.  Since it
commenced operations January 24, 1992, Global Health Sciences Fund's shares have
generally  traded at a discount  to net asset  value  ("NAV"),  with  infrequent
instances  in which  Fund  shares  have  traded  at or above  net  asses  value.
Converting  Global Health  Sciences Fund into an open-end fund will  IMMEDIATELY
eliminate  the  discount and give  shareholders  the ability to realize the full
value of their shares by  redeeming  them from the New Fund at NAV (subject to a
CDSC  of 2% for  the  first  twelve  months  following  the  Reorganization,  as
described below).

     The Reorganization  will be accomplished  pursuant to an Agreement and Plan
of  Reorganization  between  Global Health  Sciences Fund and INVESCO  Counselor
Series   Funds,   Inc.,  a  Maryland   corporation,   which   provides  for  the
reorganization  of Global Health  Sciences Fund as a newly created  series ("New
Fund") of Counselor Series Funds.  Pursuant to the Agreement,  the New Fund will
acquire all of the assets of Global Health Sciences Fund in exchange for Class A
shares of common stock of the New Fund and the assumption by the New Fund of the
liabilities of Global Health Sciences Fund. As provided in the Agreement, Global
Health  Sciences Fund will then distribute the Class A shares of the New Fund to
its  shareholders.  Each  shareholder will be credited with a number of full and
fractional  Class A shares of the New Fund equal in value to the  aggregate  net
asset  value  of the  shares  of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  held  by  such
shareholder on the date of the Reorganization.  Accordingly,  as a result of the
Reorganization,  Global Health Sciences Fund will dissolve and the  shareholders
of Global Health Sciences Fund will become shareholders of the New Fund.

      The New Fund  will  have the same  investment  objective,  and,  except as
described  below,  generally  similar  investment  policies and  restrictions as
currently exist for Global Health Sciences Fund.  However,  as described  below,
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  investment  restrictions  and policies are, in
specific and material  respects,  different from those  associated  with the New
Fund and the Counselor Series Funds. As a result of the  Reorganization,  Global
Health Sciences Fund's shares will be delisted from the NYSE.

     In connection  with voting on the  Reorganization,  shareholders  of Global
Health  Sciences  Fund are also  being  asked to  approve  (i) a new  Investment
Advisory  Agreement,  between Counselor Series Funds, on behalf of New Fund, and
INVESCO;  and (ii) a Master Plan and Agreement of  Distribution  with respect to
the Class A shares of the New Fund.

      The Board of Trustees of Global Health Sciences Fund, including all of the
Trustees who are not "interested  persons" of Global Health Sciences Fund within
the meaning of the 1940 Act (the Independent Trustees), has unanimously approved
the  Reorganization  and has determined that the  Reorganization  is in the best
interest of Global  Health  Sciences Fund and that the interests of the existing
shareholders  of Global Health  Sciences Fund will not be diluted as a result of
the Reorganization.  As part of the Reorganization,  the Board has also approved
the  issuance  of Class A shares  of the New Fund to  existing  shareholders  of
Global Health Sciences Fund.

     If approved at the Meeting,  it is anticipated that the Reorganization will
be  implemented  as soon as practical  after the Annual  Meeting.  However,  the
Agreement  provides  that if either  the  Board of  Trustees  of  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund or the Board of Directors of  Counselor  Series Funds  determines
that  consummation of the  Reorganization is impracticable or inadvisable due to
adverse market developments or otherwise, the parties may determine to delay the
Reorganization or terminate the Agreement in its entirety.


      Shareholders  are being asked to approve the  Agreement  pursuant to which
Global Health  Sciences Fund would  effectively  reorganize from a Massachusetts
business trust to an open-end,  multiple-class fund organized as a newly created
series  of  Counselor  Series  Funds.  Counselor  Series  Funds  is an  open-end
investment   company  organized  as  a  Maryland   corporation  by  Articles  of
Incorporation   dated  April  24,  2000,   as  amended   November  6,  2000  and
supplemented,  November 9, 2000.  The Articles of  Incorporation  authorize  the
issuance of shares in different  series and  authorize  the Board of  Directors,
without  shareholder  action,  to establish and create  additional series and to
designate the rights and preferences thereof. Currently, there are two series of
Counselor Series Funds:  INVESCO Advantage Fund, and INVESCO Global Growth Fund.
The Directors of Counselor  Series Funds have  authorized the designation of the
New Fund as an additional  series of Counselor  Series  Funds.  The interests of
investors in the various  series of Counselor  Series Funds will be separate and
distinct.  All assets and  liabilities of a particular  series are allocated and
belong entirely to that series.

     The New Fund will have three  classes of shares with  differing  sales load
and distribution fee structures: Class A, Class B, and Class C. The shareholders
of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund will receive Class A shares of the New Fund in
the  Reorganization in exchange for their shares of Global Health Sciences Fund.
No sales load will be payable on the Class A shares  received in this  exchange,
but the Class A shares will be subject to a 12b-1 fee calculated as a percentage
of  the  New  Fund's  average  net  assets   acquired  by  New  Fund  after  the
Reorganization  attributable to Class A shares at an annual rate of 0.35%.  This
12b-1  structure  initially  reduces  the 12b-1 fee paid by New Fund below 0.35%
because  the 0.35%  12b-1 fee is based  only on assets  going  into the New Fund
after the Closing Date,  and is therefore  based on less than 100% of New Fund's
total Class A assets.

      The  12b-1 fee  applicable  to the Class A shares of the New Fund is lower
than the 12b-1 fee  applicable  to the  shares of other  classes of the New Fund
available to non-institutional investors. New purchases of Class A shares of the
New Fund will be  subject  to a maximum  front-end  sales load of 5.50% and will
also be  subject to the 12b-1  fee.  Shareholders  of the New Fund will have the
ability to purchase or otherwise acquire additional Class A shares and shares of
other  classes of the New Fund for which they are  eligible  at a price based on
the NAV of the shares (subject to each Class' maximum sales charge).

The Class A shares of the New Fund  acquired  in  exchange  for shares of Global
Health  Sciences  Fund will be subject to a  Contingent  Deferred  Sales  Charge
("CDSC") of 2% of the net asset value of such shares if such shares are redeemed
out of the New Fund during the first twelve months following the Reorganization.
[No CDSC will be imposed on new sales of the New Fund's shares;  however a sales
load will be  charged.]  The proceeds of the CDSC will be retained by INVESCO in

order to partially offset increased  distribution costs that will be incurred by
INVESCO as more fully described herein at Section G - Master  Distribution  Plan
and Agreement.  The CDSC is designed to reduce the possibility that the New Fund
will  experience  significant  out flows of assets  resulting  from  shareholder
redemptions  occurring  after the  conversion  of the Fund to an open-end  fund,
thereby  protecting the interests of  shareholders  who exchange their shares of
Global Health  Sciences Fund for shares of the New Fund by  maintaining a stable
asset base.

      The New Fund may also incur  transaction  costs to the extent that the New
Fund must sell portfolio securities to finance redemptions, and the New Fund may
realize  taxable  gains as a result of these sales that must be  distributed  as
taxable distributions to shareholders.

      For a discussion of the differences between open-end and closed-end funds,
see "Comparison of Open-End and Closed-End Investment Companies" below.


      As a result of the Reorganization,  the Trustees of Global Health Sciences
Fund will be joined by the Directors of Counselor Series Funds,  each of whom is
currently a director of all of the INVESCO  open-end  funds.  The  Directors  of
Counselor  Series Funds are listed below.  Except as indicated,  each individual
has held the office shown or other offices in the same company for the last five
years. All Directors holding positions with Counselor Series Funds also hold the
same positions for all of the other open-end funds advised by INVESCO.

                              POSITION(S) HELD WITH   PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION(S)
- ----------------------        ---------------------   -----------------------

Mark H. Williamson (2)(3)     President, Chief Exec-  President, Chief Executive
7800 E. Union Avenue          utive Officer and       Officer and Chairman of
Denver, Colorado              Chairman of the Board   the Board of INVESCO
Age: 49                                               Funds Group, Inc.; Presi-
                                                      dent, Chief Executive
                                                      Officer and Chairman of
                                                      the Board of INVESCO
                                                      Distributors, Inc.; Presi-
                                                      dent, Chief Operating
                                                      Officer and Chairman of
                                                      the Board of INVESCO
                                                      Global Health Sciences
                                                      Fund; formerly, Chairman
                                                      and Chief Executive
                                                      Officer of NationsBanc
                                                      Advisors, Inc.; formerly,
                                                      Chairman of NationsBanc
                                                      Investments, Inc.

Fred A. Deering (1)(2)(7)(8)  Vice Chairman of the    Trustee of INVESCO Global
Security Life Center          Board                   Health Sciences Fund;
1551 Larimer Street, #1701                            formerly, Chairman of the
Denver, Colorado                                      Executive Committee and
Age: 73                                               Chairman of the Board of
                                                      Security Life of Denver
                                                      Insurance Company;
                                                      Director of ING American
                                                      Holdings Company and First
                                                      ING Life Insurance
                                                      Company of New York.

                              POSITION(S) HELD WITH   PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION(S)
- ----------------------        ---------------------   -----------------------
Victor L. Andrews,            Director                Professor Emeritus, Chair-
Ph.D.(4)(6)(10)                                       man Emeritus and Chairman
34 Seawatch Drive                                     of the CFO Roundtable of
Savannah, Georgia                                     the Department of Finance
Age:  70                                              of Georgia State
                                                      University; President,
                                                      Andrews Financial
                                                      Associates, Inc.
                                                      (consulting firm);
                                                      Director of The Sheffield
                                                      Funds, Inc.; formerly,
                                                      member of the faculties of
                                                      the Harvard Business
                                                      School and the Sloan
                                                      School of Management of

Bob R. Baker(2)(4)(5)(9)(10)  Director                Consultant (since 2000);
37 Castle Pines Dr., N.                               formerly, President and
Castle Rock, Colorado                                 Chief Executive Officer
Age:  64                                              (1989 to 2000) of AMC
                                                      Cancer Research Center,
                                                      Denver, Colorado; until
                                                      mid-December 1988, Vice
                                                      Chairman of the Board of
                                                      First Columbia Financial
                                                      Corporation, Englewood,
                                                      Colorado; formerly,
                                                      Chairman of the Board and
                                                      Chief Executive Officer of
                                                      First Columbia Financial

Charles W. Brady(3)(10)       Director                Chief Executive Officer
1315 Peachtree St., N.E.                              and Chairman of
Atlanta, Georgia                                      AMVESCAP PLC, London,
Age:  65                                              England and various
                                                      subsidiaries of AMVESCAP
                                                      PLC; Trustee of INVESCO
                                                      Global Health Sciences

Lawrence H. Budner            Director                Trust Consultant; prior to
(1)(5)(10)                                            June 30, 1987, Senior Vice
7608 Glen Albens Circle                               President and Senior Trust
Dallas, Texas                                         Officer of InterFirst
Age:  70                                              Bank, Dallas, Texas.

                              Position(s) Held With   Principal Occupation(s)
Name, Address, and Age        Company                 During Past Five Years
- ----------------------        ---------------------   -----------------------
James T. Bunch(4)(5)(9)                               Principal and Founder of
3600 Republic Plaza           Director                Green Manning & Bunch
370 Seventeenth Street                                Ltd., Denver, Colorado,
Denver, Colorado                                      since August 1988; Direc-
Age:  58                                              tor and Secretary of
                                                      Green Manning & Bunch
                                                      Securities, Inc., Denver,
                                                      Colorado, since September
                                                      1993; Vice President and
                                                      Director of Western Golf
                                                      Association and Evans
                                                      Scholars Foundation;
                                                      formerly, General Counsel
                                                      and Director of Boettcher
                                                      & Co., Denver, Colorado;
                                                      formerly, Chairman and
                                                      Managing Partner of Davis
                                                      Graham & Stubbs, Denver,

Wendy L. Gramm,               Director                Self-employed (since
Ph.D.(4)(6)(9)                                        1993); Distinguished
3401 N. Fairfax                                       Senior Fellow and Direc-
Arlington, VA                                         tor, Regulatory Studies
Age: 56                                               Program, Mercatus Center,
                                                      George Mason University,
                                                      VA; formerly, Chairman,
                                                      Commodity Futures Trading
                                                      Commission; Administrator
                                                      for Information and
                                                      Regulatory Affairs at the
                                                      Office of Management and
                                                      Budget; Also, Director of
                                                      Enron Corporation, IBP
                                                      Inc., State Farm Insurance
                                                      Company, International
                                                      Republic Institute, and
                                                      the Texas Public Policy
                                                      Foundation; formerly,
                                                      Director of the Chicago
                                                      Mercentile Exchange
                                                      (1994-1999), Kinetic
                                                      Concepts, Inc. (1996-1997)
                                                      and the Independent
                                                      Women's Forum (1994-1999).

Richard W. Healey(3)          Director                Director and Senior Vice
7800 E. Union Avenue                                  President of INVESCO
Denver, Colorado                                      Funds Group, Inc.; Direc-
Age:  46                                              tor and Senior Vice Presi-
                                                      dent of INVESCO
                                                      Distributors, Inc.; for-
                                                      merly, Senior Vice Presi-
                                                      dent of GT Global-North
                                                      America (1996 to 1998)
                                                      and The Boston Company
                                                      (1993 to 1996).

                              Position(s) Held With   Principal Occupation(s)
Name, Address, and Age        Company                 During Past Five Years
- ----------------------        ---------------------   -----------------------
Gerald J. Lewis(1)(6)(7)                              Chairman of Lawsuit Res-
701 "B" Street                Director                olution Services, San
Suite 2100                                            Diego, California since
San Diego, California                                 1987; Director of General
Age:  67                                              Chemical Group, Inc.,
                                                      Hampdon, New Hampshire,
                                                      since 1996; formerly,
                                                      Associate Justice of the
                                                      California Court of
                                                      Appeals; Director of
                                                      Wheelabrator Technologies,
                                                      Inc., Fisher Scientific,
                                                      Inc., Henley
                                                      Manufacturing, Inc., and
                                                      California Coastal
                                                      Properties, Inc.; Of
                                                      Counsel, Latham &
                                                      Watkins, San Diego,
                                                      California (1987 to

John W. McIntyre (1)(2)(5)(7) Director                Retired. Formerly, Vice
7 Piedmont Center                                     Chairman of the Board
Suite 100                                             of Directors of The
Atlanta, Georgia                                      Citizens and Southern
Age: 70                                               Corporation and Chairman
                                                      of the Board and Chief
                                                      Executive Officer of The
                                                      Citizens and Southern
                                                      Georgia Corp. and The
                                                      Citizens and Southern
                                                      National Bank; Trustee of
                                                      INVESCO Global Health
                                                      Sciences Fund, Gables
                                                      Residential Trust,
                                                      Employee's Retirement
                                                      System of GA, Emory
                                                      University, and J.M. Tull
                                                      Charitable Foundation;
                                                      Director of Kaiser Foun
                                                      dation Health Plans of
                                                      Georgia, Inc.

Larry Soll, Ph.D.             Director                Retired.  Formerly, Chair-
(4)(6)(9)(10)                                         man of the Board (1987 to
4291 Westside Road                                    1994), Chief Executive
Friday Harbor, WA 98250                               Officer (1982 to 1989 and
Age:  58                                              1993 to 1994) and Presi-
                                                      dent (1982 to 1989) of
                                                      Synergen Inc.; Director
                                                      of Synergen since
                                                      incorporation in 1982;
                                                      formerly, Director of Isis
                                                      Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                      (1991 to 2000); Trustee
                                                      of INVESCO Global
                                                      Health Sciences Fund.

(1)   Member of the audit committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(2)  Member  of the  executive  committee  of the  Counselor  Series  Funds.  On
occasion, the executive committee acts upon the current and ordinary business of
the  Company  between  meetings  of the board of  directors.  Except for certain
powers,  which, under applicable law, may only be exercised by the full board of
directors,  the executive committee may exercise all powers and authority of the
board of  directors  in the  management  of the  business  of the  Company.  All
decisions are subsequently submitted for ratification by the board of directors.

(3) These  directors  are  "interested  persons" of the  Counselor  Series Funds
defined in the 1940 Act.

(4)   Member of the management liaison committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(5)   Member of the brokerage committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(6)   Member of the derivatives committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(7)   Member of the legal committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(8)   Member of the insurance committee of the Counselor Series Funds

(9)   Member of the nominating committee of the Counselor Series Funds.

(10)  Member of the compensation committee of the Counselor Series Funds.


     The Global  Health  Sciences  Fund was organized on November 18, 1991, as a
closed-end  fund because it was believed  such a structure,  among other things,
would permit  management of the Fund's portfolio  consistent with its investment
objectives and policies  without the pressures and constraints to which open-end
investment  companies  ("mutual  funds") are subject as a result of cash inflows
and  redemptions.   However,   the  shares  of  most  equity   closed-end  funds
historically  sell at a discount to net asset value,  and Global Health Sciences
Fund has been no  exception.  Converting  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund into an
open-end fund would address this problem by giving  shareholders the opportunity
IMMEDIATELY to redeem their shares from the New Fund at NAV, subject to the CDSC
described  above.  During the time that Global Health  Sciences Fund has been in
existence,  its discount has been as high as 27.52%,  which occurred on July 16,
1996. The Global Health Sciences Fund has infrequently traded at a premium,  and
most instances of Fund shares trading at a premium occurred early in the life of
the Fund. The greatest  premium of price to net asset value at which Fund shares
have traded was 8.42%,  which  occurred on January  24,  1992.  Since the Fund's
organization,  INVESCO  and the Board of  Trustees  (the  "Board")  have taken a
number of steps to attempt to narrow the discount.

     In 1997,  INVESCO hired a full-time person to handle investor relations for
the Fund, and supported that effort with both budget and additional  staff.  The
investor  relations'  initiative  was  designed  to  increase  the  interest  of
investors and  broker-dealers in the Fund. INVESCO and the Board envisioned that
increased  publicity would create greater market  interest and trading  volumes,
which would tend to decrease the discount.  Also in 1997,  the Board  approved a
proposal to change the Fund's name from Global  Health  Sciences Fund to INVESCO
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund, in order to more closely align the Fund with the
INVESCO brand and capitalize  indirectly on marketing  initiatives then underway
with respect to the INVESCO  mutual  funds.  In 1998,  the  Trustees  approved a
proposal to retain PaineWebber,  Inc. (now known as UBS Warburg, Inc.) to assist
in promoting the Fund and to advise the Board on market  conditions  that impact
closed-end funds. These efforts produced some narrowing of the discount, but the
effect has not been sustained over time.

     In 1998,  the Board of Trustees  approved  another change aimed at reducing
the discount by adopting a managed  distribution  policy.  This policy  provides
shareholders  a 10% yearly return by paying a fixed yearly  dividend of at least
10%,  in equal  quarterly  installments.  The  anticipated  benefit of a managed
distribution  policy was that a consistent dividend would be viewed favorably by
investors,  making the Fund more  attractive  to investors,  thereby  increasing
market volume and thus mitigating the discount.  The managed distribution policy
kept the discount at comparatively  low single-digit  levels until mid-1999.  At
that time, the health sciences sector  generally went out of favor.  For most of
calendar  2000,  the discount was at or near the levels it was prior to adoption
of the managed  distribution  policy. Thus, after considering again the issue of
how best to address the Fund's discount,  the Board on February 6, 2001 approved
submitting  the  proposed   Reorganization  to  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's
shareholders for their approval.

     After detailed  consideration,  the Board determined that  participation in
the Reorganization would be in the best interests of Global Health Sciences Fund
and that the interests of existing shareholders would not be diluted as a result
of the Reorganization.  In reaching this  determination,  the Board approved the
recommendation  that the New Fund should be  organized  as a series of Counselor
Series Funds and should offer three share classes -- Class A, Class B, and Class
C. The Board was advised that the load and distribution structure for each share
class would be the same as for other similar  series of Counselor  Series Funds.
The Board  also  noted  the fact that  existing  shareholders  of Global  Health
Sciences  Fund would  become  holders  of Class A shares in the New Fund  issued
pursuant to the  Reorganization.  The Board was advised that no sales load would
be charged on these shares in the Reorganization, but that all of the holders of
the Class A shares  would  become  subject to the Master Plan and  Agreement  of
Distributors  applicable  to Class A shares of the New Fund.  In  addition,  the
Board was advised  that new  purchases of Class A shares would be subject to the
standard  sales  loads and fees  associated  with the Class A shares of  similar
series of Counselor  Series Funds. The Board also noted that the 0.35% 12b-1 fee
applicable   to  Class  A  shares  was  the  lowest   12b-1  fee   available  to
non-institutional investors in the Counselor Series Funds.

     In  considering  the Master Plan and  Agreement of  Distribution  - Class A
Shares, the Trustees, including all of the Independent Trustees, determined that
it was important that IDI, on behalf of New Fund, be in a position to reasonably
compensate the efforts of third parties such as  full-service  brokerage  firms,
discount brokers,  banks,  investment advisers,  consultants and others who will
distribute  additional  shares of the New Fund if  Proposal  2 is  approved.  An
enhanced  marketing  effort  by IDI on  behalf  of the New  Fund,  and  sales of
additional New Fund shares through third-party  intermediaries would benefit the
New Fund and its  shareholders by maintaining  asset levels of the open-end fund
and should, if successful, mitigate against the potential adverse impact of high
levels of redemptions  that quite possibly could follow the approval of Proposal
2, and  potentially  follow again after the  expiration of the CDSC on exchanged
shares.  While there can be no assurance that such distribution  efforts will be
successful  in  offsetting  substantial   redemptions,   INVESCO  and  IDI  have
substantial  experience  managing and distributing  open-end  investment company
shares and have advised the Trustees that approval of the Plan by current Global
Health  Sciences  Fund  shareholders  is  advisable   because   distribution  of
additional  New Fund shares by third party  intermediaries  will be an important
element in a successful  Reorganization of the Global Health Sciences Fund as an
open-end mutual fund.

      The Board was advised that Thomas Wald,  who is  currently  the  portfolio
manager of Global Health Sciences Fund would be the manager of the New Fund.

     The Board also  considered that the New Fund would have the same investment
objective and, except as necessary to conform the existing  investment  policies
of Global Health  Sciences Fund to the  analogous  policies of Counselor  Series
Funds,  the same investment  policies and  restrictions.  In this connection the
Board  considered  that  there are some  material  and  substantive  differences
between the New Fund's fundamental investment restriction on borrowing,  lending
securities and issuer  diversification and those of Global Health Sciences Fund.

Health Sciences Fund does not borrow in order to purchase securities,  while New
Fund will be able to do so,  and  intends  to do so as an  investment  strategy.
Global Health  Sciences Fund is only  permitted to lend up to 25% of its assets,
while New Fund will be able to lend up to 33 1/3% of its assets.  Global  Health
Sciences Fund is a diversified fund, while the New Fund will be non-diversified.
Certain other fundamental investment restrictions of Global Health Sciences Fund
are  worded  somewhat  differently  from the  analogous  fundamental  investment
restrictions of the New Fund. The Board also considered that the non-fundamental
investment  policy of Global Health  Sciences  Fund  concerning  investments  in
illiquid  securities is different from that of the New Fund. New Fund may invest
no more than 15% of its  assets  in  illiquid  securities  while  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund has  authority  to invest up to 25% of its net assets in illiquid
securities.  It was pointed out to the Board that Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
investments in illiquid  securities  averaged  11.75% of net assets for calendar
year 2000,  calculated  weekly; and 13.02% of net assets net assets for calendar
year 2000,  calculated monthly.  The highest level in that period was 18.62% and
the lowest  level was 5.92%.  It was  further  pointed  out that  Global  Health
Sciences Fund generally did not invest outside that range with great  regularity
in preceding periods and therefore the differing  investment  policies would not
significantly  reduce the New  Fund's  investments  in  illiquid  securities  as
compared to Global Health Sciences Fund. The Board was also advised that,  while
Global Health  Sciences Fund has actively  engaged in short sales,  the New Fund
will have a greater ability to engage in short sales.

     The Board also  considered  the fact that it was advisable for the New Fund
to impose a 2%  Contingent  Deferred  Sales  Charge on  existing  Global  Health
Sciences Fund shareholders who redeem their New Fund shares within twelve months
after  Reorganization  thereby  reducing the possibility  that the New Fund will
experience significant outflows of assets resulting from shareholder redemptions
occurring  after  the  conversion  of the  Fund to an  open-end  fund  and  thus
protecting  the interests of  shareholders  who exchange  their shares of Global
Health  Sciences Fund for shares of New Fund by maintaining a stable asset base.
Substantial  shareholder  redemptions may require Global Health Sciences Fund to
liquidate portfolio  securities,  thereby increasing realized capital gains, and
give rise to increased taxable distributions to shareholders.

     The  Board  also  considered  the fact that  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
currently  pays an  investment  advisory fee equal to an annual rate of 1.00% on
ending daily net assets up to and including  $500  million,  and 0.90% on ending
daily  net  assets  in  excess  of $500  million;  and  there is no  performance
adjustment to this fee. The Board  specifically  considered  INVESCO's  proposal
that the New Fund's  management  fee be a base  management fee calculated at the
annual rate of 1.50% of the Fund's daily net assets (the "Base Fee").  This Base
Fee under INVESCO's proposal will be adjusted,  on a monthly basis (i) upward at
the rate of 0.20%, on a pro rata basis, for each percentage point the investment
performance  of the Class A shares of the Fund  exceeds the sum of 2.00% and the
investment record of the Morgan Stanley Health Care Product Index (the "Index"),
or (ii) downward at the rate of 0.20%, on a pro rata basis,  for each percentage
point the  investment  record of the Index less  2.00%  exceeds  the  investment
performance  of the  Class A shares  of the Fund  (the  "Fee  Adjustment").  The
maximum or minimum  adjustment will be 1.00%  annually.  During the first twelve
months of operation, the management fee will be charged at the base fee of 1.50%
with no performance adjustment.

      The Board was advised by INVESCO that it  anticipates  that Class A shares
of the New Fund will have higher  gross  expenses  than Global  Health  Sciences
Fund,  as a result  of the  potential  decrease  in the  Fund's  assets  and the
increased  registration  fees,  distribution  expenses,  custody and  transfer
agency expenses associated with operating as an open-end fund.

     The Board was  advised by  INVESCO  that the  dividend  and  capital  gains
distribution  policies of New Fund would differ from the  dividend  distribution
policies of Global  Health  Sciences Fund in the  following  manner.  The Global
Health  Sciences  Fund,  pursuant  to an  order  issued  by the  SEC,  currently
distributes  10% of its net  assets  annually,  in the  form  of 2.5%  quarterly

distributions (the "Managed Distribution  Policy").  Any capital gains in excess
of the 10% Managed  Distribution Policy are normally distributed to shareholders
at year's end.  The Managed  Distribution  Policy  provides  that  distributions
pursuant to that policy in excess of capital gains  available  for  distribution
are treated as a return of shareholder  capital. As previously described herein,
the  Managed  Distribution  Policy was  approved  by the Board of Trustees in an
effort to  permanently  decrease or eliminate  the Fund's  discount to net asset
value, which will certainly occur if Proposal 2 is approved.  Consequently,  the
Trustees have deferred  consideration of  distributions  pursuant to the Managed
Distribution  Policy  pending the outcome of voting on Proposal 2 and completion
of the Reorganization.

     New Fund shares  necessarily  will be  purchased  and redeemed at net asset
value,   and  therefore  will  not  have  a  policy  analogous  to  the  Managed
Distribution  Policy.  Rather,  the New Fund  will  normally  only  make  annual
distributions  of its capital  gains.  Shareholders  should note that the fiscal
year end of  Counselor  Series  Funds is August  31st and the fiscal year end of
Global Health Sciences Fund is October 31st.

     The Board was  advised  that  continuation  of the Global  Health  Sciences
Fund's Dividend  Reinvestment Plan could  potentially  interfere with an orderly
implementation of the Reorganization,  if Proposal 2 is approved. Therefore, the
Trustees have suspended the Dividend  Reinvestment Plan, effective  immediately,
pending   the  outcome  of  voting  on   Proposal  2  and   completion   of  the
Reorganization.  If  Proposal  2 is  approved,  dividends  paid by New Fund will
automatically  be reinvested in additional  shares of New Fund unless INVESCO is
otherwise instructed by shareholders.

     The Board was advised that an orderly implementation of the Reorganization,
if approved,  would be  facilitated  by issuing shares of New Fund in book-entry
form only. Therefore,  if Proposal 2 is approved,  all outstanding Global Health
Sciences Fund shares represented by a certificate in Global Health Sciences Fund
will be represented as certificated shares in the New Fund. However,  there will
not be a new certificate  issued. If a shareholder wants to redeem shares in New
Fund,  represented by existing  certificates in Global Health Sciences Fund, the
shareholder  will  have to return  the  closed-end  fund  share  certificate  to

     INVESCO  advised  the Board that  shareholders  of New Fund will be able to
receive  scheduled   quarterly  or  monthly  payments  from  their  accounts  by
participating  in  INVESCO's  Periodic   Withdrawal  Plan,  which  provides  for
quarterly  or monthly  payments  ($100  minimum) by check  payable to whomever a
shareholder  designates.  The shareholder must have at least $10,000 invested in
the INVESCO  Funds,  and at least  $5000 in the fund from which the  withdrawals

      The Board also considered the fact that INVESCO would obtain an opinion of
counsel that the  Reorganization  will qualify as a tax-free  reorganization for
federal income tax purposes.

     Finally,  the Board  considered  the fact that INVESCO's  Counselor  Series
Funds product line  currently has no health  science  equity fund. The Board was
advised that Global Health Sciences Fund has had relatively strong  performance,
and  that,  while  it is  probable  that the New  Fund's  assets  will  decrease
immediately  following the Reorganization  being implemented,  despite the CDSC,
INVESCO  believes that Global Health  Sciences  Fund's  performance  record will
position the New Fund  strategically  to benefit from a turnaround in the health
sciences sector.

     The  desirability  of  creating  a new  Global  Health  Sciences  series of
Counselor  Series  Funds  was  also  considered  and  approved  by the  Board of
Directors of INVESCO  Counselor  Series  Funds,  Inc. at a meeting of that Board
held on February 5, 2001.

     The Board of Directors of Counselor  Series Funds  specifically  considered
the  potential  benefits  and  risks  associated  with  the  Reorganization  and
determined that the addition of New Fund to Counselor Series Funds would provide
convenience  and flexibility to shareholders of both Global Health Sciences Fund
and the  Counselor  Series Funds  because the New Fund  represents an investment
alternative  consistent  with  investment  goals of Global Health Sciences Fund,
while  also   positioning  New  Fund  to  capitalize  on  both  existing  strong
shareholder relationships and current mutual fund distribution opportunities for
health sciences funds. The Directors also considered the impact of the differing
investment policies of the two Funds, in particular New Fund's increased ability
to both leverage its assets and sell securities short, and its decreased ability
to purchase  illiquid  securities in comparison to Global Health  Sciences Fund.
The Directors  considered  that  quantifying  such a comparison is difficult but
concluded  that the reduction in  investment  potential and risk from New Fund's
decreased ability to invest in illiquid  securities may to some extent be offset
by the leverage and short-selling strategies currently employed by the Counselor
Series Funds investment  personnel who would assist Mr. Wald in implementing New
Fund's aggressive global growth,  leveraging,  and short-selling  strategies, if
Proposal 2 is approved.  These  strategies are generally  consistent with Global
Health Sciences Fund's investment goals and risks but differ in certain specific
risks, as described herein, from the investment strategies currently employed by
Global Health Sciences Fund.


      Global Health Sciences Fund has certain  investment  restrictions that are
fundamental.  If the proposed Reorganization is approved, the New Fund will have
fundamental  investment  restrictions that are different,  in material respects,
from certain fundamental investment policies of Global Health Sciences Fund. The
fundamental  investment  restrictions of the New Fund with respect to borrowing,
lending  and  issuer   diversification   will  differ   substantively  from  the
fundamental investment restrictions of Global Health Sciences Fund. In addition,
the New Fund will adopt a new fundamental  investment  policy permitting the New
Fund  to  invest  all of its  assets  in  another  open-end  fund.  Three  other
fundamental  restrictions  of Global Health  Sciences Fund would differ from the
analogous  policies to be adopted by new Fund;  the  differences  in these three
investment restrictions could have a material positive or negative impact on how
Global Health Sciences Fund - if it is reorganized as New Fund - is operated.

     BORROWING.  Global Health  Sciences Fund's current  fundamental  investment
restriction  relating to borrowing  and the issuance of senior  securities is as

          The Fund may not borrow money or issue senior securities,  except that
     the Fund may borrow in an amount not  exceeding  15% of its total assets to
     finance the  repurchase of or tender offers for Shares to pay dividends and
     other distributions, and may borrow for temporary purposes in an amount not
     exceeding  5% of its  total  assets  (the  Fund  will not be deemed to have
     issued a senior  security  by  reason of  effecting  short  sales,  lending
     securities,  purchasing  securities  on a when-issued  or delayed  delivery
     basis,  or  engaging  in  hedging   transactions  in  accordance  with  its
     investment   policies,   or  entering  into   collateral   arrangements  or
     maintaining margin deposits incident to any of the foregoing practices).

      New Fund  will  have the  following  fundamental  investment  restrictions
relating to borrowing and the issuance of senior securities:

          The Fund may not borrow  money,  except that the Fund may borrow money
     in an amount  not  exceeding  33 1/3% of its total  assets  (including  the
     amount borrowed) less liabilities (other than borrowings). The Fund may not
     issue senior securities, except as permitted under the 1940 Act.

      In addition, the following non-fundamental  investment restriction will be
applicable to the New Fund:

          The  Fund  may  borrow  money  only  from a bank or  from an  open-end
     management  investment  company  managed by INVESCO  or an  affiliate  or a
     successor  thereof for temporary or emergency  purposes,  for leveraging or
     investing,  or by engaging in reverse repurchase  agreements with any party
     (reverse repurchase agreements will be treated as borrowing for purposes of
     [the] fundamental limitation [on borrowing].

     As a result of these changes,  the New Fund will have the ability to borrow
up to 33 1/3% of its  assets,  compared  to the  maximum  15% of its assets that
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund is  permitted  to borrow.  Unlike  Global  Health
Sciences Fund, the New Fund would also be permitted to borrow for the purpose of
purchasing securities - i.e., the New Fund will have the ability to leverage its
assets. To the extent the New Fund uses borrowing to buy securities, the risk of
loss is magnified if the value of the security  purchased  decreases,  and gains
will be  magnified if the value of the security  purchased  increases.  To repay
such borrowing,  New Fund might have to sell portfolio  securities at a time and
at a price that is  unfavorable  to New Fund. In addition,  New Fund would incur
the expense of interest on such borrowing.

     ISSUER DIVERSIFICATION.  Global Health Sciences Fund is a diversified fund;
it  has   the   following   fundamental   investment   restriction   on   issuer

          The Fund may not,  with respect to 75% of its total  assets,  purchase
     the securities of any one issuer (except U.S. Government Securities) if the
     purchase  would  cause  the Fund to have  more  than 5% of the value of its
     total assets  invested in the securities of such issuer or to own more than
     10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer.

     The New  Fund,  by  contrast,  will be a  non-diversified  fund,  with  the
following fundamental investment restriction on issuer diversification:

          [New Fund] may not, with respect to 50% of its total assets,  purchase
     the securities of any issuer (other than securities issued or guaranteed by
     the  U.S.  Government  or any  of its  agencies  or  instrumentalities,  or
     securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, (i) more than 5%
     of the Fund's  total  assets  would be invested in the  securities  of that
     issue, or (ii) the Fund would hold more than 10% of the outstanding  voting
     securities of that issuer.

Because a  smaller  portion  of its  portfolio  will be  subject  to the  issuer
diversification requirements,  New Fund will have greater investment flexibility
than Global Health Sciences Fund, in that it will be permitted to acquire larger
positions  in  the  securities  of  a  particular  issuer.  Investing  a  larger
percentage  of  its  assets  in a  single  issuer's  securities,  however,  will
increase  the  New Fund's  exposure to the risks  associated  with such issuer's
financial condition and operations, and the risk that the value of that issuer's
securities will decrease.

     LENDING.  Global Health Sciences Fund's fundamental  investment restriction
with respect to lending is as follows:

          The Fund may not make  loans  of money or  securities  to any  person,
     except  that the Fund may lend money  through the  purchase  of  securities
     (including  repurchase   agreements)  in  accordance  with  its  investment
     policies, and make loans of portfolio securities in an amount not exceeding
     25% of the Fund's assets.

New Fund's  fundamental  investment  restriction  on lending would  increase the
foregoing limit from 25% to 33 1/3%, by providing as follows:

          [New Fund] may not lend any security or make any loan if, as a result,
     more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other  parties,  but
     this  limitation  does not apply to the purchase of debt  securities  or to
     repurchase agreements.

Global Health Sciences Fund's fundamental  investment  restriction on lending is
more  limiting  than  the  provisions  in the 1940 Act  governing  lending.  The
advantage of lending  portfolio  securities is that a fund continues to have the
benefits (and risks) of ownership of the securities lent, while at the same time
receiving  interest  payments from the borrower of the  securities.  The primary
risk in lending portfolio securities is that a borrower might fail to return the
securities at the agreed-upon time.

     If the  Reorganization  is approved and the Global Health  Sciences Fund is
reorganized as New Fund,  the  fundamental  investment  policies of the New Fund
will differ in minor  respects  from those of Global  Health  Sciences Fund with
respect  to  investment  in   commodities,   investment  in  real  estate,   and
underwriting  securities in order to conform their wording to the wording of the
analogous fundamental investment restrictions of the Counselor Series Funds.

      Global Health Sciences Fund's fundamental investment restrictions in these
three areas are as follows:

      The Fund may not buy or sell commodities, commodity contracts, oil, gas or
      other mineral  interests or exploration  programs  (however,  the Fund may
      purchase  securities  of companies  which invest in the  foregoing and may
      enter into transactions in hedging instruments).

            The Fund  may not buy or sell  real  estate  or  interests  there in
      (however,  securities  issued by companies  which invest in real estate or
      interests therein may be purchased and sold).

            The Fund  may not  engage  in the  underwriting  of any  securities,
      expect  insofar  as the  Fund  may be  deemed  an  underwriter  under  the
      Securities  Act of 1933 in the sale of its  Shares  or in  disposing  of a
      portfolio security.

The  analogous  fundamental  investment  restrictions  for New  Fund  will be as

          [New Fund] may not purchase or sell physical commodities; however this
     policy  shall not prevent  the Fund from  purchasing  and  selling  foreign
     securities,  futures contracts,  options,  forward contracts,  swaps, caps,
     floors, collars and other financial instruments.

          [New Fund] may not purchase or sell real estate  unless  acquired as a
     result of ownership of securities or other  instruments (but this shall not
     prevent the Fund from investing in securities or other  instruments  backed
     by real  estate or  securities  of  companies  engaged  in the real  estate

          [New Fund] may not underwrite the securities of other issuers,  except
     insofar  as it may be  deemed  to be an  underwriter  under the 1933 Act in
     connection with the disposition of the Fund's portfolio securities.

     The New Fund will also adopt a fundamental  investment  policy that permits
it to invest all of its assets in another open-end investment company managed by
INVESCO or an affiliate with  substantially  the same  investment  objective and
policies  as the New Fund.  Adoption  of the  policy  will allow the New Fund to
participate  in a  so-called  "master/feeder  fund"  organizational  format.  If
Proposal  2 is  approved,  the New Fund  will  adopt the  following  fundamental
investment policy:

           [New Fund]  may,  notwithstanding  any other  fundamental  investment
     policy or limitation, invest all of its asset in the securities of a single
     open-end  management  investment company managed by INVESCO or an affiliate
     or a successor thereof, with substantially the same fundamental  investment
     objective, policies, and limitations as the Fund

     The master/feeder structure has the potential, under certain circumstances,
to minimize  administrative  costs and  maximize  the  possibility  of gaining a
broader investor base. Currently,  neither Counselor Series Funds nor any of the
other INVESCO Funds intends to establish a master/feeder structure; however, the
Board of Directors of Counselor  Series Funds has recommended  that each series'
shareholders  adopt a policy that would permit this  structure in the event that
the Board determines to recommend the adoption of a master/feeder structure.


      Non-fundamental  investment  restrictions  may be  changed  or  adopted by
either the Trustees of Global Health Sciences Fund or the Directors of New Fund;
a change to, or adoption of, a non-fundamental  investment  restriction does not
require shareholder approval.

      If  the  Reorganization  is  approved,   the  New  Fund  will  also  adopt
non-fundamental   investment   restrictions   that   conform  to  the   standard
non-fundamental investment restrictions applicable to the other Counselor Series
Funds. As a result of the adoption of these non-fundamental investment policies,
New Fund's  ability to invest in illiquid  securities  would be less than Global
Health  Sciences Fund's ability to invest in such securities - 15% of net assets
for New Fund, as opposed to 25% of net assets for Global Health  Sciences  Fund.
Global Health Sciences Fund has never invested the maximum  permitted 25% of its
net assets in illiquid securities, and very rarely invested more than 15% of its
net assets in illiquid  securities.  Global Health Sciences Fund had _______% of
its assets invested in illiquid securities as of March 9, 2001.

      Furthermore, the current limit on Global Health Sciences Fund's ability to
engage in short sales (it may do so only to the extent  that the current  market
value of  securities  sold short does not exceed 25% of the Fund's total assets)
would be removed.

      In addition to the  non-fundamental  restrictions  on borrowing  discussed
above,  New  Fund's  non-fundamental  investment  restriction  on  investing  in
illiquid securities will be as follows:

          [New Fund] does not currently intend to purchase any security if, as a
     result,  more than 15% of its net assets  would be invested  in  securities
     that  are  deemed  to be  illiquid  because  they are  subject  to legal or
     contractual  restrictions  on  resale  or  because  they  cannot be sold or
     disposed of in the ordinary course of business at approximately  the prices
     at which they are valued.

The New Fund's non-fundamental investment restriction on investing in securities
issued by other investment companies will be as follows:

          [New  Fund]  may  invest  in  securities  issued  by other  investment
     companies  to the extent  that such  investments  are  consistent  with the
     Fund's  investment  objective and policies and  permissible  under the 1940


      Under the current Advisory Agreement, INVESCO is responsible for providing
investment advice to Global Health Sciences Fund and, in general, for conducting
the  management  and investment  program of the Fund under the  supervision  and
control of the Board of Trustees.  In  addition,  INVESCO is required to furnish
office  facilities  and  equipment  to the  Fund,  and to supply  certain  other
services,  including  all  facilities  and  personnel  necessary  to provide the
services required to be rendered by INVESCO.

      Global Health  Sciences Fund pays INVESCO a fee based on an annual rate of
1.00% on the Fund's  ending daily net assets up to and including  $500,000,  and
0.90% on the  Fund's  ending  daily net  assets in excess of  $500,000.  For the
fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, the Fund paid INVESCO investment  management
fees of $______.  Additionally,  in accordance with an Administrative Agreement,
the Fund pays  INVESCO a monthly  fee based on the  annual  rate of 0.10% on the
Fund's ending daily net assets for administrative  services. For the fiscal year
ended October 31, 2000, the Fund paid INVESCO  administrative fees of $________.
Out of this  administrative  services  fee,  INVESCO pays UBS Warburg  (formerly
Paine  Webber,  Inc.)  $250,000  per year  for the  promotional  services  it is
providing the Fund.

      Under the current Advisory  Agreement,  the Fund pays certain of its other
costs not paid by INVESCO, including (i) interest and taxes, including issue and
transfer  taxes incurred by or levied by the Fund;  (ii) insurance  premiums for
fidelity and other coverage requisite to its operations;  (iii) compensation and
expenses of its Trustees  other than Trustees that are  associated or affiliated
with INVESCO;  (iv) legal and audit  expenses;  (v) custodian,  dividend  paying
agent,  registrar and transfer  agent fees and expenses  (including  charges and
expenses of the Fund's Dividend Reinvestment Plan) and brokerage commissions, if
any; (vi) certain expenses incidental to registration, under Federal Law, of the
Fund's  shares for public sale;  (vii)  certain  expenses  incidental to holding
meetings  of  the  Fund's   shareholders;   (viii)  payments  under  the  Fund's
Administrative  Agreement  with  INVESCO;  (ix) fees and expenses of listing and
maintaining  the  listing  of the  Fund's  shares on the NYSE;  (x) the costs of
certificates  representing  the  Fund's  shares;  and  (xi)  such  non-recurring
expenses as may arise, including any litigation affecting the Fund and the legal
obligation  that the Fund may have to indemnify  its Officers and Trustees  with
respect thereto.

      The current Advisory  Agreement  provides that INVESCO shall not be liable
for any error of  judgment  or mistake of law,  or for any loss  suffered by the
Fund in  connection  with the matters to which the Advisory  Agreement  relates,
except  for a loss  resulting  from  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith  or gross
negligence  on the part of INVESCO in the  performance  of its  obligations  and
duties or by reason of its  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties
under the Advisory Agreement.

      The Advisory  Agreement may be terminated  without penalty upon sixty (60)
days' written notice by either party, or by a vote of the majority of the Fund's
shares, and automatically terminates in the event of its assignment.

     In  connection  with the  Reorganization,  shareholders  are being asked to
approve the proposed new Investment Advisory Agreement (the "Proposed Investment
Advisory  Agreement"),  as discussed below.  Pursuant to the Proposed Investment
Advisory Agreement, Counselor Series Funds on behalf of the New Fund will employ
INVESCO to  supervise  the New Fund's  investment  program and to furnish  other
services to the New Fund.  Under the terms of the Proposed  Investment  Advisory
Agreement,   INVESCO  will  act  as  investment  adviser  and,  subject  to  the
supervision  of the Board of  Directors of Counselor  Series  Funds,  direct the
investments  of the New  Fund in  accordance  with  the  New  Fund's  investment
objective,  policies,  and  limitations.  INVESCO will also provide the New Fund
with all necessary office  facilities and personnel for servicing the New Fund's
investments  and  compensate  all officers of the New Fund and all Directors who
are  "interested  persons" of  Counselor  Series  Funds or of  INVESCO,  and all
personnel of the New Fund or INVESCO  performing  services relating to research,
statistical, and investment activities.

      In addition, INVESCO or its affiliates,  subject to the supervision of the
Board of Directors,  will continue to provide the management and  administrative
services  necessary for the operation of the New Fund.  These  services  include
providing  facilities for maintaining the New Fund's  organization;  supervising
relations   with   custodians,   transfer  and  pricing   agents,   accountants,
underwriters, and other persons dealing with the New Fund; preparing all general

shareholder communications and conducting shareholder relations; maintaining the
New Fund's  records and  registration  of the New Fund's  shares  under  federal
securities  laws and making  necessary  filings  under  state  securities  laws;
developing  management and shareholder services for the New Fund; and furnishing
reports,  evaluations,  and analyses on a variety of subjects to the  Directors.
Other than the fee for providing  investment  advisory  services  proposed to be
charged  the New Fund by  INVESCO  described  below,  the terms of the  Proposed
Investment  Advisory  Agreement are substantially the same as those contained in
the Fund's current Advisory Agreement.

     For the advisory  services it provides to the Fund,  INVESCO will receive a
base  management  fee  calculated  at the annual rate of 1.50% of the New Fund's
daily net assets (the "Base Fee"). This Base Fee will be adjusted,  on a monthly
basis (i) upward at the rate of 0.20%, on a pro rata basis,  for each percentage
point the  investment  performance of the Class A shares of the New Fund exceeds
the sum of 2.00% and the  investment  record of the Morgan  Stanley  Health Care
Product Index (the  "Index"),  or (ii)  downward at the rate of 0.20%,  on a pro
rata basis,  for each percentage  point the investment  record of the Index less
2.00% exceeds the  investment  performance of the Class A shares of the New Fund
(the "Fee Adjustment"). The maximum or minimum adjustment, if any, will be 1.00%
annually.  Therefore, the maximum annual fee payable to INVESCO will be 2.50% of
average  daily net  assets and the  minimum  annual fee will be 0.50% of average
daily net assets.  During the first twelve months of operation,  the  management
fee will be charged at the base fee of 1.50% with no performance adjustment.

      In determining the Fee Adjustment,  if any,  applicable  during any month,
INVESCO will compare the investment performance of the Class A shares of the New
Fund for the twelve-month  period ending on the last day of the prior month (the
"Performance  Period")  to  the  investment  record  of  the  Index  during  the
Performance  Period.  The  investment  performance  of  the  New  Fund  will  be
determined by adding together (i) the change in the net asset value of the Class
A shares during the  Performance  Period,  (ii) the value of cash  distributions
made by the New Fund to holders of Class A shares to the end of the  Performance
Period,  and (iii) the value of capital gains per share, if any, paid or payable
on undistributed  realized long-term capital gains accumulated to the end of the
Performance Period, and will be expressed as a percentage of its net asset value
per share at the beginning of the Performance  Period.  The investment record of
the Index will be determined  by adding  together (i) the change in the level of
the  Index  during  the  Performance   Period  and  (ii)  the  value,   computed
consistently  with the Index,  of cash  distributions  made by  companies  whose
securities  comprise the Index accumulated to the end of the Performance Period,
and will be  expressed  as a  percentage  of the Index at the  beginning of such

      After it determines any Fee Adjustment,  INVESCO will determine the dollar
amount of  additional  fees or fee  reductions  to be accrued  for each day of a
month by  multiplying  the Fee Adjustment by the average daily net assets of the
Class A shares of the New Fund during the  Performance  Period and dividing that
number by the number of days in the Performance  Period.  The management fee, as
adjusted, is accrued daily and paid monthly.

     At the request of INVESCO,  the Board of Trustees  discussed  the  Proposal
Investment  Advisory  Agreement  for New Fund at a meeting  held on  February 6,
2001.  In addition,  the  Independent  Trustees also  discussed  approval of the
Proposal  Investment  Advisory  Agreement  for New Fund with  their  independent
counsel.  In evaluating the Proposed Investment Advisory Agreement for New Fund,
the  Board of  Trustees  received  information  from  INVESCO  to  assist in its
deliberations.  The Trustees  considered  various  matters,  discussed below, in
determining  the  reasonableness  and  fairness of the  proposed  changes in the
investment   advisory  fee  payable  by  New  Fund  and  reached  the  following

     o    First, New Fund will use investment  leverage through bank borrowings,
          and make  extensive use of short sales and various types of derivative
          instruments.   These  practices  require  a  significant  devotion  of
          management, investment, trading and administrative resources;

     o    Second,  investment  management  fees are  calculated  based  upon net
          assets.  As a consequence,  INVESCO is effectively not compensated for
          managing assets derived from the bank  borrowings,  which may equal up
          to 33 1/3% of New Fund's net assets, notwithstanding that these assets
          are managed as part of New Fund's overall portfolio;

     o    Third,  the  mechanics of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission's
          mandated   calculation  of  the  performance  fee  adjustment  creates
          distortions in the amount of compensation paid to INVESCO of a rapidly
          growing or shrinking fund. This distortion is a function of basing the
          monthly  performance  adjustment  calculation  on average asset levels
          over  rolling  12  month  periods.  The Base  Fee is  permitted  to be
          calculated  each month  based on the  average  daily net  assets  that
          month. As a result, in a rapidly growing fund the amount of the Fund's
          assets upon which a performance  fee adjustment is calculated will lag
          the average  assets of the Fund  calculated on a more frequent  basis;
          the opposite is true in the case of a rapidly shrinking fund;

     o    Fourth,  to the  knowledge  of the  Trustees,  there  are a small  but
          growing number of other  registered  mutual funds which have the broad
          investment  mandate and investment  practices of the Counselor  Series
          Funds.  This fact  makes  meaningful  comparison  of  management  fees
          between the New Fund and other  registered  mutual funds  problematic.
          However, the New Fund is, in many respects, similar to an unregistered
          hedge fund. The Trustees  understand that the management fee for these
          unregistered  funds is  generally  a Base Fee of 3/4 of 1% to 11/2% of
          net assets per annum,  plus a performance  fee of 20% of returns which
          exceed a so-called  "hurdle rate." The hurdle rate is typically set at
          6% to  10%  of  returns  based  on  invested  capital.  While  federal
          securities  laws  prohibit  this  type  of  fee  from  being  used  in
          connection  with  registered  mutual funds like the New Fund, this fee
          would generally far exceed the Proposed Fee;

     o    Fifth, in today's highly complex  investment  world,  the Trustees and
          INVESCO both believe the  increased  fee,  particularly  when fixed at
          1.5% of net  assets  during  the first  twelve  months  following  the
          Reorganization,  will help INVESCO  remain  competitive in attracting,
          retaining  and  motivating  the top quality  investment  personnel and
          other key  personnel  necessary to manage New Fund and provide new and
          innovative services to shareholders of the open-end fund; and

     o    Sixth,  the  Trustees  considered  today's  ever-expanding  securities
          markets,  which operate  continuously  around the globe.  The Trustees
          believe  that   additional   resources  will  help  INVESCO   maintain
          state-of-the-art  computer  systems,  access  information  and analyze
          strategies using sophisticated tools and methodologies,  a hallmark of
          INVESCO's philosophy in creating the Counselor Series Funds.

     The  Trustees  reached  these  conclusions  after  careful  discussion  and
     analysis and believe that they have carefully and  thoroughly  examined the
     questions and alternatives. In recommending that the shareholders of Global
     Health  Sciences  Fund approve the  Reorganization,  including the Proposed
     Investment  Advisory  Agreement,  the Independent  Trustees have considered
     what they believe to be the best  interests of the  shareholders  of Global
     Health  Sciences  Fund,  who will  become  shareholders  of New Fund should
     Proposal 2 be approved.  In so doing the Independent  Trustees were advised
     by independent  counsel,  retained by the Independent Trustees, and paid by
     the  Fund,  as to the  nature  of the  matters  to be  considered  and  the
     standards to be used in reaching their decision.

If the Fund  outperforms  the Morgan  Stanley  Health Care Product Index by more
than 2%, the Base Fee will be adjusted as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% PERFORMANCE OVER                           ADVISORY FEE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2%                                             1.50%  (no increase in
                                               Base Fee)

3%                                             1.70%

4%                                             1.90%

5%                                             2.10%

6%                                             2.30%

7%                                             2.50%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If the  Fund  underperforms  the  Index by more  than  2%,  the Base Fee will be
adjusted as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% PERFORMANCE UNDER                         ADVISORY FEE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2%                                            1.50%  (no decrease in
                                              Base Fee)

3%                                            1.30%

4%                                            1.10%

5%                                            0.90%

6%                                            0.70%

7%                                            0.50%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The Index is an  equal-dollar  weighted index of 26 companies  involved in
the business of pharmaceuticals, including biotechnology and medical technology.

     The  performance  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund has  historically  been
compared to the S&P Health Care Composite  Index ("S & P Health Care Index"),  a
capitalization  weighted  index of all the  stocks in the  Standard & Poor's 500
Index  ("S&P"  500") that are  involved in the  business of health care  related
products or services.  Use of the S&P Health Care Index tends to  emphasize  the
performance of large  capitalization  pharmaceutical  companies for two reasons.
First,  the S&P 500  itself  is  representative  of the  performance  of  larger
capitalization  companies so use of a subset index thereof necessarily  includes
only the larger participants in the health sciences sector, which tend primarily
to be pharmaceutical companies.  Second  the  capitalization  weighting  further
amplifies the effect of the index price changes  resulting from price changes of
larger  capitalization  companies  over price changes of smaller  capitalization
companies  within the index.  At the  request of  INVESCO,  in  considering  the
adoption of the New Fund as a series of Counselor Series Funds, the Directors of
Counselor  Series  Funds,  permitted  INVESCO to  consider  use of an index more
representative  of the assets  historically held by Global Health Sciences Fund,
which assets will comprise the asset base of New Fund if Proposal 2 is approved.
INVESCO believes that the comparison of New Fund's performance to

the  Morgan  Stanley  Health  Care  Product  Index is  appropriate  because  its
equal-dollar  weighting,  and its inclusion of  biotechnology  and other medical
technology products,  is more representative of the types of investments INVESCO
will make on behalf of New Fund.  It is important to note that,  after the first
twelve months of operation of New Fund, the investment advisory fee INVESCO will
receive from New Fund will be determined by comparison of New Fund's performance
to the Index.   During the first  twelve  months of  operation,  the  investment
advisory  fee  INVESCO  will  receive  from New Fund  will be fixed at 1.5%,  an
investment  advisory  fee that is  materially  higher  than the 0.90%  currently
charged Global Health Sciences Fund at its current asset levels.

      If the  Directors of the Counselor  Series Funds should  determine at some
future date that  another  securities  index is a better  representative  of the
composition  of the New Fund than is the  Morgan  Stanley  Health  Care  Product
Index,  the  Directors may change the  securities  index used to compute the Fee
Adjustment.  If the Directors do so, the new securities  index (the "New Index")
will be applied prospectively to determine the amount of the Fee Adjustment. The
Index will continue to be used to determine the amount of the Fee Adjustment for
that  part of the  Performance  Period  prior to the  effective  date of the New
Index.  A change in the  Index  would be  submitted  to  shareholders  for their
approval unless the SEC determines that shareholder approval is not required.

      INVESCO may also receive fees for acting as  securities  lending agent for
New Fund, in connection with New Fund's securities lending activities.


      If the  Reorganization  is  approved,  the  New  Fund will adopt a  Master
Distribution  Plan and Agreement - Class A (the "Class A Plan") pursuant to Rule
12b-1 under the 1940 Act.  Rule 12b-1  provides in substance  that a mutual fund
may not  engage  directly  or  indirectly  in  financing  any  activity  that is
primarily  intended to result in the sale of shares of a fund except pursuant to
a plan  approved  on behalf of the fund under Rule 12b-1.  The Class A Plan,  as
approved by the  Directors  of  Counselor  Series Funds, allows the New Fund and
INVESCO Distributors, Inc. ("IDI"), the New Fund's distributor, to incur certain
expenses that might be considered  to constitute  direct or indirect  payment by
the New Fund of distribution expenses.

      Under  the  Class A  Plan,  Class  A  shares  of the  New  Fund  will  pay
compensation  to IDI at an annual rate of 0.35% per annum of the  average  daily
net assets  attributable  to Class A shares for the  purpose  of  financing  any
activity  which is  primarily  intended to result in the sale of Class A shares.
With  regard to the Class A Plan for the New Fund,  the Plan  provides  that the
Class A shares of the Fund shall pay  compensation  to IDI at an annual  rate of
0.35%  per  annum  of new  sales  of  shares,  exchanges  into  the New Fund and
reinvestments of dividends and capital gain distributions made after the closing
date, for the purpose of financing any activity  which is primarily  intended to
result in the sale of Class A shares of the New Fund. During any period in which
the New Fund is closed due to high asset  levels,  the Class A shares of the New
Fund will reduce this payment of 0.35% to 0.25% per annum.

      The proposed Plan is  PROSPECTIVE  in nature.  Thus,  the fee will only be
assessed based on new sales of New Fund Class A shares, exchanges into the Class
A  shares  and  reinvestments  of  dividends  and  capital  gains  distributions
(collectively  "New Class A Assets")  of the Fund which  occur after the Plan is
implemented.  The  distribution  fees  would  be  absorbed  pro rata by all Fund
shareholders.  The Plan would limit the amount of the Fund's  assets which could
be used for  distribution  and  promotion of Class A shares  during any 12-month
period to a maximum  of 0.35 of 1% (35 basis  points)  of New Assets of the Fund
added after the Plan is  implemented.  Any  increase in this rate would  require
approval  of the Board and  shareholders  of the Fund.  At no time will the fees
under the Plan be applied to a level of New Class A Assets  higher  than the net
Class A assets of the New Fund.

      However,  to remain  competitive in distribution Class A shares of the New
Fund, IDI will likely need to compensate  third parties for  distribution of the
shares at levels  that exceed the amounts  IDI  receives  from New Fund.  To the
extent this is so,  INVESCO  will pay these  periodic  payments on behalf of New
Fund.  To partially  offset this  expense,  INVESCO will retain the 2% CDSC that
will be in effect if Proposal 2 is approved.

     The Class A Plan is designed to  compensate  IDI, on a monthly  basis,  for
certain  promotional and other  sales-related  costs,  and to implement a dealer
incentive  program which provides for periodic  payments to selected dealers who
furnish continuing personal shareholder services to their customers who purchase
and own Class A shares of the New Fund.  Payments can also be directed by IDI to
selected  institutions that have entered into service agreements with respect to
Class A shares of the New Fund and that provide continuing  personal services to
their customers who own Class A shares of the New Fund. The service fees payable
to  selected  institutions  are  calculated  at the annual  rate of 0.25% of the
average  daily net asset value of those Class A New Fund shares that are held in
such institutions' customers' accounts.

      Of the  aggregate  amount  payable  under  the Class A Plan,  payments  to
dealers  and other  financial  institutions  that  provide  continuing  personal
shareholder  services to their  customers who purchase and own Class A shares of
the New Fund,  in  amounts  up to 0.25% of the  average  daily net assets of the
Class A shares of the New Fund  attributable to the customers of such dealers or
financial  institutions,  are characterized as service fees. Payments to dealers
and other  financial  institutions  in excess of such amount and payments to IDI
would be  characterized  as an asset-based  sales charge pursuant to the Class A
Plan.  The Class A Plan also imposes a cap on the total amount of sales charges,
including  asset-based  sales  charges,  that  may be paid by the  Company  with
respect to the Class A shares of the New Fund.

      IDI may pay investment  dealers or other financial service firms for share
purchases  (measured on an annual  basis) of Class A shares of the New Fund sold
at net asset value to an employee benefit plan as follows: 1.00% of the first $2
million of such purchases,  plus 0.80% of the next $1 million of such purchases,
plus 0.50% of the next $17 million of such  purchases,  plus 0.25% of amounts in
excess of $20 million of such purchases.

      To the extent they are successful in attracting new investments, marketing
efforts  conducted  pursuant to the Class A Plan may benefit the shareholders of
the New Fund by  attracting  more  assets  which may in turn  lower the  ongoing
expenses  per share of the New Fund.  The Board  believes  that these  marketing
efforts will also assist in selling shares of the New Fund to offset redemptions
that are anticipated to occur after the  Reorganization.  To the extent that the
new Fund is  successful  in  offsetting  redemptions  with new sales of  shares,
INVESCO believes it will be able to manage the New Fund more effectively


      Annual fund  operating  expenses  are paid out of Global  Health  Sciences
Fund's  assets.  Expenses are factored  into the Fund's share price or dividends
and are not charged directly to shareholder accounts.

      The following  table shows the fees and expenses of Global Health Sciences
Fund for the fiscal  year ended  October  31,  2000,  and the pro forma fees and
expenses of the New Fund  adjusted to reflect the proposed  fees as expenses had
it been operating in the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000.

FEES PAID TO INVESCO                GHS                     NEW FUND - CLASS A
- --------------------                ---                     ------------------
MANAGEMENT FEES                     1.00%                   _____%
12B-1 FEES                          NONE                    _____%
OTHER EXPENSES                      ____%                   _____%
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES            ____%                   _____%

      In addition to the fund operating expenses, Class A shares of the New Fund
acquired in exchange for shares of Global  Health  Sciences Fund will be subject
to a CDSC of 2% of the net  asset  value  of such  shares,  if such  shares  are
redeemed  out of the New Fund  during  the first  twelve  months  following  the
Reorganization.  The  proceeds  of the  CDSC  will be  retained  by  INVESCO  to
partially offset additional  distribution  expenses associated with the New Fund
that will be paid by INVESCO, on behalf of the New Fund, as more fully described
in  the  preceding   Section  G  -  Master   Distribution  Plan  and  Agreement.
Furthermore, no sales load will be payable on the Class A shares received in the
Reorganization,  but new  purchases  of Class A shares  of the New Fund  will be
subject to a maximum  front-end sales load of 5.50%.  Since the shares of Global
Health  Sciences  Fund  cannot be  redeemed  and,  other than  reinvestments  of
dividends and capital gain distributions,  can only be purchased on the New York
Stock Exchange, they are not subject to any redemption fees or sales loads.


The following table illustrates the expenses on a hypothetical $1,000 investment
in Global Health  Sciences  Fund,  and the estimated  expenses on a hypothetical
$1,000 investment in the New Fund calculated at the rates stated above, assuming
a 5% annual return.

                                    1 year 3 years 5 years  10 years
Global Health Sciences Fund         $____   $____   $____    $_____
New Fund Class A Shares             $____   $____   $____    $_____
New Fund Class A Shares (open-end   $____   $____   $____    $_____
excluding sales charge)

      Based upon an opinion of counsel,  neither Global Health Sciences Fund nor
its  shareholders  will realize any gain or loss for federal income tax purposes
as a result of the Reorganization.  However,  shareholders will recognize a gain
or loss if they later  redeem their shares of the New Fund or if they sell their
shares of Global Health Sciences Fund prior to the  Reorganization to the extent
that the  redemption  or sale  proceeds are greater or less than the  respective
adjusted tax basis of their shares.  Payment for any such redemptions  generally
will be made within seven days after receipt of a proper request for redemption.
Such  payments  may be  postponed  or the right of  redemption  suspended  under
unusual  circumstances  that affect the ability to value the  securities  in New
Fund's  portfolio or when an emergency  makes it not reasonably  practicable for
New Fund to dispose of portfolio  securities or to fairly determine the value of
its net assets.

     To the extent that the New Fund must dispose of portfolio securities to pay
redemption proceeds,  the New Fund may have capital gains or losses that must be
distributed to shareholders.  As a result, remaining shareholders may be subject
to higher capital gain tax or dividend liabilities in fiscal year 2001 than they
might have been subject to had Global Health Sciences Fund remained a closed-end


Open-end  investment  companies,  commonly  referred to as mutual  funds,  issue
redeemable  securities.  The holders of redeemable  securities have the right to
surrender  those  securities  to the mutual fund and obtain in return, an amount
based on their proportionate share of the value of the mutual fund's net assets.

     Most mutual  funds also  continuously  issue new shares to  investors  at a
price based on the fund's net asset value at the time of  issuance.  Such fund's
net  asset  value  per  share is  determined  by  deducting  the  amount  of its
liabilities  from the value of its assets,  and dividing the  difference  by the
number of shares outstanding.

In contrast, closed-end investment companies such as Global Health Sciences Fund
do not redeem their  outstanding  shares or engage in the continuous sale of new
securities, and thus operate with a relatively fixed capitalization.  The shares
of closed-end  investment  companies are normally  bought and sold in securities
markets. Global Health Sciences Fund's shares are currently listed and traded on
the New York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE").  If the Fund is converted to an open-end
investment company, its shares will be delisted from the NYSE.

Some of the legal and practical  differences between operations of Global Health
Sciences  Fund as a  closed-end  versus an  open-end  investment  company are as

     (a) ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF SHARES. Once Global Health Sciences Fund
is  reorganized  into an open-end  investment  company the Fund's shares will no
longer be listed on the NYSE.  Shareholders  desiring  to  realize  the value of
their shares will be able to do so IMMEDIATELY by exercising their right to have
such shares  redeemed by the New Fund at the next  determined  current net asset
value,  less the CDSC fee (as described  above).  The New Fund's net asset value
per  share  will be  calculated  by  dividing  (i) the  value  of its  portfolio
securities  plus all cash and  other  assets  (including  accrued  interest  and
dividends  received but not collected) less all liabilities  (including  accrued
expenses) by (ii) the number of outstanding shares of the New Fund. The 1940 Act
generally requires open-end  investment  companies to value their assets on each
business day in order to  determine  the current net asset value on the basis of
which their shares may be redeemed by shareholders or purchased by investors. It
is anticipated that leading  financial  publications  will publish the net asset
value of the New Fund on a daily basis.

SALES  CHARGE.  The  implementation  of  Reorganization  will have the effect of
IMMEDIATELY  eliminating  any  market  discount  from net  asset  value.  If the
Reorganization  is  approved by the  shareholders,  the market  discount  may be
reduced or the Fund's shares may trade at a premium prior to the Closing Date to
the extent  investors  are  induced  to  purchase  shares in the open  market in
anticipation of such a Reorganization.  However,  there can be no assurance that
this will be the case.  After the  Reorganization,  shareholders of the New Fund
will be permitted to redeem their shares,  subject to a CDSC that will be set at
2% for the first twelve months following the Reorganization.

      (c) PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT. Because a closed-end investment company does not
have to redeem its shares, it may keep all of its assets fully invested and make
investment decisions without having to adjust for cash inflows and outflows from
continuing sales and redemptions of its shares. In contrast, open-end investment
companies  may  be  subject  to  pressure  to  sell   portfolio   securities  at
disadvantageous times or prices in order to satisfy such redemption requests. In
addition,  sales of portfolio  securities may generate  taxable gains or losses,
which must be distributed to shareholders.

     (d)  EXPENSES;  COSTS OF POTENTIAL  NET  REDEMPTIONS.  Open-end  investment
companies are generally more expensive to operate and administer than closed-end
investment  companies,  and thus the  expense  ratio of the New Fund  after  the
Reorganization  may be higher than Global Health Sciences Fund's current expense
ratio.  The New Fund's expense ratio could be adversely  affected by significant
redemptions.  Additional  costs  may  be  incurred  by  the  sale  of  portfolio
securities if a substantial number of redemption requests are received following
the  Reorganization.  The New  Fund  may  also  be  required  to sell  portfolio
securities or incur  borrowing  costs in order to meet  redemptions.  During its
first twelve months,  the New Fund will have a higher management fee than Global
Health Sciences Fund (and may well have a higher  management fee thereafter) and
will be subject to a 12b-1 fee on its classes of shares.

      (e) SENIOR SECURITIES AND BORROWINGS.  The Investment  Company Act of 1940
prohibits   mutual  funds  from   issuing   "senior   securities"   representing
indebtedness  (i.e.,  bonds,  debentures,  notes and other similar  securities),
other than  indebtedness  to banks where there is an asset  coverage of at least
300% for all borrowings.  Open-end investment  companies generally may not issue
preferred stock.  While Global Health Sciences Fund has not done so,  closed-end
investment  companies  are  generally  permitted  to issue  "senior  securities"
representing  indebtedness  to any lender if the 300% asset coverage test is met
and may issue preferred stock (subject to various limitations).


Global Health Sciences Fund is a Massachusetts business trust and is governed by
its Declaration of Trust,  By-laws and  Massachusetts  trust law. As part of the
Reorganization,  Global Health  Sciences Fund will reorganize as the New Fund, a
series of a Maryland  corporation.  As such,  the New Fund will be governed with
Articles of Incorporation,  By-laws,  and under applicable Maryland  corporation
law.  Certain  differences  between a Maryland  corporation  and a Massachusetts
business trust are summarized below.

      (a) SHARES OF CAPITAL STOCK.  The Articles of  Incorporation  of Counselor
Series  Funds permit the  Directors  to issue an  unlimited  number of shares of
stock and to divide such shares into an  unlimited  number of series or classes,
all without  shareholder  approval.  Counselor  Series Funds  currently  has two
series.  The authorized capital stock of New Fund consists of 100,000,000 shares
of  Common  Stock.   The  Directors  of  Counselor  Series  Funds  may,  without
shareholder approval,  increase the number of shares authorized and may classify
and reclassify the shares of Counselor  Series Funds into  additional  series or
classes at a future date.

      (b) VOTING  REQUIREMENTS.  The  By-laws  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
require that special  meetings of  shareholders  must be called upon the written
request of shareholders entitled to vote not less than 25% of all votes entitled
to be cast at the special  meeting.  The By-laws of Counselor  Series Funds, and
Maryland General  Corporation Law, require that special meetings of shareholders
must be called upon  the  written  request of  shareholders  holding to not less
than 10% of all votes entitled to be cast at the special meeting.

      The Articles of  Incorporation  of Counselor  Series Funds provide that on
each matter  submitted  for a vote of the  shareholders,  each holder of a share
will be permitted one vote per share owned.  All shares of all classes or series
will vote as a single class or series ("single class voting"), unless a separate
vote of any class or series is required by the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,
or by the Maryland  General  Corporation  Law, or the matter does not affect any
other class or series  other than those  classes or series  voting on the issue.
Holders of the shares of stock of the Company  shall not be entitled to exercise
cumulative voting in the election of directors or any other matter.

     The  establishment  and  designation  of any  series or class of share,  in
addition to those originally set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, will be
effective  upon  the  adoption  by a  majority  of the  current  directors  of a
resolution  setting  forth  such  establishment.  Such  additions  will  also be
effective upon  designation and the relative right and preference of such series
or class,  and the filing with the proper  authority of the State of Maryland of
Articles   Supplementary   establishing  and  designating  relative  rights  and

      (c) SHAREHOLDER  MEETINGS.  Counselor Series Funds is not required to hold
annual meetings of its  shareholders,  thus subsequent to the  Reorganization of
Global Health Sciences Fund into the New Fund, the New Fund will not be required
to hold annual  meetings of its  shareholders.  Global  Health  Sciences Fund is
required to hold annual shareholders meetings pursuant to the rules of the NYSE.

The  Directors of  Counselor  Series Funds may be removed for cause by a written
instrument  signed by at least two-thirds of the remaining  Directors or by vote
of  shareholders  of Counselor  Series Funds holding not less than two-thirds of
the votes then outstanding, cast in person or by proxy at any meeting called for
that  purpose.  The By-laws of Global Health  Sciences Fund permit  removal of a
Trustee by the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of Global Health
Sciences Fund.

      (d) SHAREHOLDER LIABILITY. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of Global
Health Sciences Fund may, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable
as partners for Global Health Sciences Fund's obligations.  However, the risk of
a shareholder  incurring  financial loss on account of shareholder  liability is
limited to  circumstances  in which both inadequate  insurance exists and Global
Health  Sciences  Fund itself is unable to meet its  obligations.  As a Maryland
corporation, the shareholders of New Fund have no personal liability to New Fund
or its creditors with respect to their stock,  except that a shareholder  may be
liable  to  the  extent  that  (1)  the  subscription   price  or  other  agreed
consideration for the stock has not been paid, or (2) liability is imposed under
any other provision of Maryland law.

     (e) LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES.  Under the Global Health Science's
Fund's  Declaration of Trust,  Trustees are  personally  liable only for willful
misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of their duties.
Under the Declaration of Trust, Trustees, officers, agents and employees will be
indemnified  against all  liabilities  and expenses  (including  amounts paid in
satisfaction of judgments, in compromise, as fines and penalties, and as counsel
fees) reasonably  incurred by them in connection with the defense or disposition
of any action,  suit or other  proceeding,  whether civil or criminal,  in which
they may be  involved or with which they may be  threatened,  while in office or
thereafter,  by reason of their  being or having  been such a Trustee,  officer,
employee or agent,  except with respect to any matter as to which they have been
adjudicated  to have  acted in bad  faith  or with  willful  misfeasance,  gross
negligence or reckless disregard of their duties, provided,  however, that as to
any matter disposed of by a compromise payment,  pursuant to a consent decree or
otherwise,  no indemnification either for that payment or for any other expenses
may be  provided  unless  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund has  received a written
opinion from  independent  legal counsel  approved by the Trustees to the effect
that if either the matter of willful  misfeasance,  gross negligence or reckless
disregard of duty, or the matter of good faith and  reasonable  belief as to the
best interests of Global Health  Sciences Fund, had been  adjudicated,  it would
have  been  adjudicated  in favor of the  person  seeking  indemnification.  The
Trustees  may receive  advance  payments  in  connection  with  indemnification;
provided the indemnified person has given a written undertaking to reimburse the
Global Health Sciences Fund in the event it is  subsequently  determined that he
or she is not entitled to such indemnification.

      Maryland law provides that in addition to any other liabilities imposed by
law,  a  Director  of New Fund may be  liable  to the  Fund  for  voting  for or
assenting to the declaration of any dividend or other  distribution of assets to
New Fund shareholders that is contrary to Maryland law if it is established that
the  Director  did not act in  good  faith,  in a  manner  he or she  reasonably
believed  to be in the best  interest  of New  Fund  and  with the care  that an
ordinarily   prudent   person  in  a  like  position  would  use  under  similar
circumstances.  In the event of any litigation against the Directors or Officers
of New Fund, Maryland law permits, and New Fund's By-laws will require, New Fund
to indemnify a Director or Officer for certain expenses and to advance money for
such expenses only if he or she demonstrates  that he or she acted in good faith
and  reasonably  believed that his or her conduct was in, or not opposed to, the
best interest of New Fund and, with respect to a criminal proceeding,  he or she
had no reasonable cause to believe such conduct was unlawful.

The foregoing is only a summary of certain of the differences  between Counselor
Series Funds' Articles of Incorporation  and By-laws and Maryland law and Global
Health Sciences Fund's  Declaration of Trust and By-laws and Massachusetts  law.
It is not a  complete  list of  differences.  Shareholders  should  refer to the
provisions of such Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Maryland law, and such
Declaration of Trust, By-laws and Massachusetts law directly for a more thorough


     If the  Reorganization is approved,  the Board will take such other actions
as are necessary to implement the  Reorganization.  The Reorganization of Global
Health  Sciences  Fund  from a  Massachusetts  business  trust  to an  open-end,
multiple-class  fund  organized  as a series of a Maryland  corporation  will be
accomplished  by: (i) filing a Certificate  of Designation  designating  the New
Fund as a series of shares of Counselor  Series Funds with the State of Maryland
(ii)  transferring  all of the assets of Global Health  Sciences Fund to the New
Fund solely in exchange  for Class A shares of Common  Stock of the New Fund and
the  assumption by the New Fund of the  liabilities  of Global  Health  Sciences
Fund,  (iii) filing a Certificate of Dissolution for Global Health Sciences Fund
with the Secretary of State of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  (iv) filing
with the SEC of an  application  for an Order under Section 8(f) of the 1940 Act
terminating the registration of the Global Health Sciences Fund as an investment
company,  (v)  having the New Fund enter  into a  new  Advisory  Agreement  with
INVESCO,  as described above, and (vi) having the New Fund enter into the Master
Plan and Agreement of Distribution, as described above. All of the above actions
will be deemed to have  received  the  necessary  approval of the Global  Health
Sciences Fund's shareholders if the shareholders approve the reorganization

      In the  event  that the  Reorganization  is not  approved,  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund will  continue to engage in business as a  registered  closed-end
investment  company under the Fund's  current  fundamental  and  non-fundamental
investment  policies.  In that event,  the Board of  Trustees  of Global  Health
Sciences Fund may consider other options,  including possibly liquidating Global
Health Sciences Fund upon the approval of Fund shareholders.



      PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, 1670 Broadway,  Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado,
are the  independent  accountants  of  both  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  and
Counselor Series Funds. The independent accountants are responsible for auditing
the financial statements of the Funds.

     This firm has no direct financial  interest or material indirect  financial
interest in the Global  Health  Sciences  Fund,  the  Counselor  Series Funds or
INVESCO.  Representatives  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP are not  expected  to
attend the Meeting.

     PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP provided the following audit services to Global
Health Sciences Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000.

     o    audit of annual financial statements

     o    preparation of the Fund's federal and state income tax returns

     o    preparation of the Funds federal excise tax return

     o    consultation with the Fund's audit committee

     o    routine consultation on financial accounting and reporting matters.

     The trustees  authorized all services  performed by  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. In addition,  the trustees  annually review the scope of the services to be
provided by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP and consider the effect,  if any,  that
performance of any non-audit services might have on audit independence.

     The audit committee of the fund,  consisting of three independent Trustees,
meets  periodically  with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP to review  accounting and
reporting requirements.

     In the fiscal year ending October 31, 2000, Global Health Sciences Fund and
INVESCO paid PWC for audit and other services as follows.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------
                          GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES      INVESCO
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Audit Fees                     $33,500                 None

Financial Systems Design          None                 None
and Implementation

Other Fees
  Press Releases               $ 3,000
  Tax Work                     $ 4,200
  Various                                            $130,500
Total                          $40,700               $130,500
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

State Street Bank and Trust Company, P.O. Box 351, Boston MA is the custodian of
the cash and  investments  of both Global  Health  Sciences  Fund and  Counselor
Series Funds, and will act as custodian of New Fund if Proposal 2 is approved. .

The transfer agent of Global Health  Sciences Fund is Equiserve  [ADDRESS].  The
Transfer  Agent of  Counselor  Series  Funds is INVESCO,  7800 E. Union  Avenue,
Denver CO 80237. INVESCO will act as transfer agent of New Fund if Proposal 2 is


advise Shareholder Communications  Corporation,  Inc., 77 Water St., 20th Floor,
New York, New York,  10005, if you know that other persons are beneficial owners
of shares for which proxies are being solicited and, if so, the number of copies
of the Proxy  Statement  you wish to  receive  in order to supply  copies to the
beneficial owners of the respective shares.

OTHER  BUSINESS.  The Board knows of no other  business to be brought before the
Meeting.  However,  if any other matters properly come before the Meeting, it is
the intention  that proxies which do not contain  specific  instructions  to the
contrary  will be voted on such matters in  accordance  with the judgment of the
persons therein designated.

SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS.  If the Reorganization is approved by the shareholders of
Global  Health  Sciences  Fund,  the New Fund  does not  intend  to hold  annual
meetings of  shareholders  in the future.  In the event that the New Fund should
hold a Special Meeting of Shareholders,  a shareholder  proposal  intended to be
presented at any such meeting of  shareholders  of the New Fund must be received
by the New Fund within a reasonable time before the solicitation by the Board of
Directors of the New Fund  relating to such meeting is to be made in order to be
considered in the New Fund's proxy  statement and form of proxy relating to that
meeting.  If the  Reorganization is not approved,  shareholders of Global Health
Sciences Fund wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for
a subsequent annual shareholders  meeting should send their written proposals by
_________, 2001 to the Fund's Secretary, 7800 E. Union Avenue, Denver CO 80237.

                                   APPENDIX A

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of INVESCO Global Health
Sciences  Fund's  outstanding  equity  securities  as of March  9,  2001 by each
beneficial  owner  of 5% or  more  of  INVESCO  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's
outstanding equity securities:

                                             Amount and
                                              Nature of
Name and Address                              Ownership       Percentage

                                   APPENDIX B

THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION (Agreement) is made as of May 8, 2001,
by and between (i) INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund, a Massachusetts business
trust duly registered as a closed-end  management  investment  company under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (1940 Act), with a principal place of
business at 7800 E. Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237 (Global Health Sciences
Fund),  and (ii) INVESCO  Counselor Series Funds,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation
(Counselor Series),  on behalf of a new segregated  portfolio of assets (series)
of Counselor  Series named "Global  Health  Sciences Fund"  (Series).  Counselor
Series is a duly organized  corporation  under the laws of the State of Maryland
duly  registered  as an open-end  management  company  under the 1940 Act with a
principal place of business at 7800 E. Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237. The
Series and Global Health Sciences Fund may be referred to herein collectively as
the "Funds" or each individually as a "Fund."

This Agreement is intended to be, and is adopted as, a "plan of  reorganization"
within the meaning of the regulations  under Section 368 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986,  as amended  (Code),  regarding  a  reorganization  under  Section
368(a)(1)(F) of the Code. The reorganization will comprise:  (a) the transfer of
all of the  assets  of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund to the  Series  solely in
exchange  for Class A shares of common stock of the Series  (Series  Shares) and
the assumption by the Series of Global Health Sciences Fund's  liabilities;  and
(b) the  constructive  distribution  of such  Series  shares  by  Global  Health
Sciences Fund pro rata to its shareholders in complete liquidation,  dissolution
and  termination  of Global  Health  Sciences Fund in exchange for all of Global
Health Sciences Fund's  outstanding  shares.  On the Closing Date (as defined in
Section  6),  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund shall  receive a number of full and
fractional  Series Shares having an aggregate net asset value equal to the value
of the assets of Global Health  Sciences  Fund,  less the  liabilities of Global
Health  Sciences  Fund, at the  Valuation  Time (as defined in Section 4), which
Global Health Sciences Fund shall then distribute pro rata to its  shareholders.
The foregoing  transactions are referred to herein as the  "Reorganization."  In
consideration  of the mutual  promises  and subject to the terms and  conditions
herein, the parties covenant and agree as follows:


Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  represents  and  warrants to and agrees with the
Series that:

(a) Global Health  Sciences Fund is a trust duly organized and validly  existing
under the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and has the power to own
all of its  properties  and assets and to carry out its  obligations  under this
Agreement.  It has all necessary  federal,  state, and local  authorizations  to
carry on its business as now being conducted and to carry out this Agreement;

(b) Global Health Sciences Fund is a closed-end  management  investment  company
duly registered  under the 1940 Act, and such  registration is in full force and

(c) The Prospectus of Global Health  Sciences Fund,  dated January 16, 1992, and
any information provided in the annual report of Global Health Sciences Fund for
the year ended  October 31, 2000  pursuant to Rule  8b-16(b) of the 1940 Act and
previously  furnished  to the  Series,  did not and do not  contain  any  untrue
statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(d) There are no material legal,  administrative,  or other proceedings  pending
or, to the knowledge of Global Health Sciences Fund,  threatened  against Global
Health  Sciences  Fund  which  assert  liability  on the part of  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund.  Global Health  Sciences Fund knows of no facts which might form
the basis for the institution of such proceedings;

(e) Global Health  Sciences  Fund is not in, and the  execution,  delivery,  and
performance of this  Agreement in accordance  with its terms will not result in,
violation of any provision of its  Declaration  of Trust or By-laws,  or, to the
knowledge  of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund,  of  any  agreement,   indenture,
instrument,  contract,  lease,  or  other  undertaking  to which  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund is a party or by which Global  Health  Sciences  Fund is bound or
result in the  acceleration  of any  obligation or the imposition of any penalty
under any agreement,  judgment or decree to which Global Health Sciences Fund is
a party or is bound;

(f) The Statement of Assets and  Liabilities,  the Statement of Operations,  the
Statement of Changes in Net Assets,  Financial  Highlights,  and the Schedule of
Investments  (including  market values) of Global Health Sciences Fund at or for
the year ended  October 31, 2000,  have been  audited by  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP,  independent  accountants,  and have been furnished to the Series  together
with  such  unaudited  financial   statements  and  a  Schedule  of  Investments
(including  market values) at and for the six month period ended April 30, 2001.
Said Statements of Assets and  Liabilities  and Schedules of Investments  fairly
present  the Fund's  financial  position as of their  respective  dates and said
Statements of  Operations,  Statements  of Changes in Net Assets,  and Financial
Highlights  fairly  reflect  its  results of  operations,  changes in  financial
position, and financial highlights for the periods covered thereby in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied;

(g) Global Health Sciences Fund has no known  liabilities of a material  nature,
contingent or  otherwise,  other than those shown as owed by it on its Statement
of Assets  and  Liabilities  as of April 30,  2001,  and those  incurred  in the
ordinary  course of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  business as an  investment
company  since April 30, 2001,  except as otherwise  disclosed in writing to and
accepted by Counselor Series;

(h) The proxy  statement  filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission by
Global Health Sciences Fund relating to the Reorganization  (Proxy Statement) on
the date such Proxy  Statement is first sent to  shareholders  of Global  Health
Sciences Fund insofar as it relates to Global Health Sciences Fund, (i) complies
in all material  respects with the  provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended (1933 Act), the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (1934 Act),
the 1940  Act,  and the  rules  and  regulations  thereunder,  and (ii) does not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the  statements  therein not
misleading;  and at the time of the shareholders' meeting referred to in Section
7 and on the Closing Date, the Proxy  Statement  insofar as it relates to Global
Health Sciences Fund will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or
omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make
the statements therein not misleading;

(i) All material contracts and commitments of Global Health Sciences Fund (other
than this Agreement and investment  contracts,  including options,  futures, and
forward  contracts)  will be  terminated  without  liability  to  Global  Health
Sciences  Fund on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date  (other  than  those  made in
connection  with  redemptions  of shares and the  purchase and sale of portfolio
securities made in the ordinary course of business);

(j) No consent, approval,  authorization,  or order of any court or governmental
authority is required for the consummation by Global Health Sciences Fund of the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  except such as have been obtained
under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and state securities or blue sky
laws (which  term as used herein  shall  include  the  District of Columbia  and
Puerto Rico);

(k) Global Health Sciences Fund has filed or will file all federal and state tax
returns which, to the knowledge of Global Health Sciences Fund's  officers,  are
required to be filed by Global Health Sciences Fund and has paid or will pay all
federal and state taxes shown to be due on said returns or provision  shall have
been made for the payment  thereof,  and, to the best of Global Health  Sciences
Fund's knowledge,  no such return is currently under audit and no assessment has
been asserted with respect to such returns;

(l) Global Health Sciences Fund has met the  requirements of Subchapter M of the
Code for qualification and treatment as a regulated  investment  company ("RIC")
for all of its prior taxable years and intends to meet such requirements for its
current  taxable  year;  its assets will be  invested  at all times  through the
Closing Date in a manner that ensures compliance with the foregoing;  and it has
no earnings and profits  accumulated in any taxable year in which the provisions
of Subchapter M did not apply to it;

(m) All of the issued and outstanding shares of Global Health Sciences Fund are,
and at the Closing  Date will be, duly and validly  issued and  outstanding  and
fully paid and  nonassessable  as a matter of  Massachusetts  law, and have been
offered for sale and in conformity with all applicable  federal securities laws.
All of the issued and outstanding shares of Global Health Sciences Fund will, at
the  Closing  Date,  be held by the  persons and in the amounts set forth in the
list of  shareholders  submitted to  Counselor  Series in  accordance  with this

(n) As of both the  Valuation  Time (as  defined in  Section 4) and the  Closing
Date, Global Health Sciences Fund will have the full right, power, and authority
to sell, assign,  transfer,  and deliver its portfolio  securities and any other
assets of Global Health  Sciences Fund to be transferred to the Series  pursuant
to this  Agreement.  As of the Closing  Date,  subject  only to the  delivery of
Global Health Sciences Fund's portfolio  securities and any such other assets as
contemplated by this  Agreement,  the Series will acquire Global Health Sciences
Fund's   portfolio   securities   and  any  such  other  assets  subject  to  no
encumbrances,  liens, or security  interests (except for those that may arise in
the  ordinary  course or that are  disclosed  to the  Series)  and  without  any
restrictions upon the transfer thereof; and

(o) The  execution,  performance,  and delivery of this Agreement will have been
duly authorized prior to the Closing Date by all necessary action on the part of
Global Health Sciences Fund, and this Agreement  constitutes a valid and binding
obligation of Global Health  Sciences Fund  enforceable  in accordance  with its
terms (except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent
transfer, reorganization,  moratorium, and similar laws relating to or affecting
creditors' rights and by general  principles of equity),  subject to approval of
the shareholders of the Fund.


Counselor Series, on behalf of the Series, represents and warrants to and agrees
with Global Health Sciences Fund that:

(a) The  Series  will be a  series  of  Counselor  Series,  a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Maryland that has the power to own all of its properties and assets and to carry
out its  obligations  under  this  Agreement.  It has [or will have prior to the
Closing  Date] [not in Section  1(a)] all necessary  federal,  state,  and local
authorizations  to carry on its business as now being conducted and to carry out
this Agreement;

(b)  Counselor  Series  is  an  open-end,  management  investment  company  duly
registered  under  the 1940  Act,  and such  registration  is in full  force and
effect,  and the Series is a newly organized  series of Counselor  Series,  and,
prior to the Closing Date,  the Series has not and shall not have engaged in any
business  activities  other  than such  activities  as are  directly  related to
organization of the Series in anticipation of the  Reorganization  and any other
transactions contemplated hereby;

(c) Prior to the  Closing  Date,  Counselor  Series  shall have on file with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  an effective  Prospectus  and Statement of
Additional   Information   for  the   Series   (Series   Disclosure   Documents)
contemplating  that the Series  shall be managed as an open-end  fund having the
same  investment  objective as the Global Health  Sciences Fund, as described in
the Proxy Statement,  and the Series Disclosure  Documents shall not contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to
be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(d) There are no material legal,  administrative,  or other proceedings  pending
or, to the knowledge of Counselor  Series,  threatened  against the Series which
assert  liability on the part of the Series.  Counselor Series knows of no facts
which might form the basis for the institution of such proceedings;

(e) Counselor Series is not in, and the execution,  delivery, and performance of
this Agreement in accordance with its terms will not result in, violation of any
provision  of its Articles of  Incorporation  or any  Supplement  thereto or any
amendment  thereof or Bylaws,  or, to the knowledge of Counselor  Series, of any
agreement, indenture, instrument, contract, lease, or other undertaking to which
Counselor  Series is a party or by which Counselor  Series is bound or result in
the  acceleration  of any  obligation or the imposition of any penalty under any
agreement, judgment, or decree to which Counselor Series is a party or is bound;

(f) The Series has no liabilities of any nature, contingent or otherwise;

(g) No consent, approval,  authorization,  or order of any court or governmental
authority is required  for the  consummation  by the Series of the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement,  except such as have been obtained, or as may be
contemplated  hereby,  under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and state
securities  or blue  sky laws  (which  term as used  herein  shall  include  the
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico);

(h)  Counselor  Series has filed or will file all  federal and state tax returns
which,  to the  knowledge  of Counselor  Series's officers,  are required  to be
filed by  Counselor  Series and has paid or will pay all federal and state taxes
shown to be due on said  returns  or  provision  shall  have  been  made for the
payment  thereof,  and, to the best of  Counselor  Series's  knowledge,  no such
return is currently under audit and no assessment has been asserted with respect
to such returns;

(i) The Series will be a "fund" as defined in section  851(g)(2) of the Code and
will meet all the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for qualification and
treatment as a RIC for its taxable year in which the Reorganization  occurs; and
it intends to continue to meet all such requirements for the next taxable year;

(j) As of the Closing Date,  the shares of beneficial  interest of the Series to
be issued to Global  Health  Sciences Fund will have been duly  authorized  and,
when  issued and  delivered  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  will be legally  and
validly issued and will be fully paid and  nonassessable  by the Series,  and no
shareholder  of the Series will have any  preemptive  right of  subscription  or
purchase in respect thereof;

(k) The  execution,  performance,  and delivery of this Agreement will have been
duly authorized prior to the Closing Date by all necessary action on the part of
Counselor Series, and this Agreement  constitutes a valid and binding obligation
of Counselor Series enforceable in accordance with its terms (except as the same
may be limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency, fraudulent transfer,  reorganization,
moratorium,  and similar laws relating to or affecting  creditors' rights and by
general principles of equity);

(l) The  Proxy  Statement  on the date such  Proxy  Statement  is first  sent to
shareholders  of Global Health  Sciences Fund insofar as it relates to Counselor
Series,  (i) complies in all material  respects with the  provisions of the 1933
Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act, and the rules and  regulations  thereunder,
and (ii) does not contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to

state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading;  and at the time of the shareholders' meeting
referred to in Section 7 and on the Closing Date, the Proxy Statement insofar as
it relates to  Counselor  Series  will not  contain  any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; and

(m) The  issuance of the Series  Shares  pursuant to this  Agreement  will be in
compliance with all applicable federal securities laws.


(a)Subject  to the  requisite  approval  of the  shareholders  of Global  Health
   Sciences Fund and to the other terms and conditions contained herein,  Global
   Health Sciences Fund agrees to assign, sell, convey, transfer, and deliver to
   the Series as of the Closing Date all of the assets of Global Health Sciences
   Fund of every kind and nature existing on the Closing Date. The Series agrees
   in exchange  therefor:  (i) to assume all of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's
   liabilities   existing  on  or  after  the  Closing  Date,   whether  or  not
   determinable  on the  Closing  Date,  and (ii) to issue and deliver to Global
   Health  Sciences Fund a number of full and  fractional  Class A shares of the
   Series  having an aggregate  net asset value equal to the value of the assets
   of Global Health Sciences Fund less the liabilities of Global Health Sciences
   Fund, determined as provided for under Section 4.

(b)The assets of Global Health  Sciences Fund to be acquired by the Series shall
   include,  without  limitation,   all  cash,  cash  equivalents,   securities,
   receivables (including interest or dividends receivables), claims, chooses in
   action,  and other  property  owned by Global Health  Sciences  Fund, and any
   deferred or prepaid  expenses (other than deferred  organizational  expenses)
   shown as an asset on the books of Global Health  Sciences Fund on the Closing
   Date.  Global Health Sciences Fund will pay or cause to be paid to the Series
   any dividend or interest payments received by it on or after the Closing Date
   with  respect to the assets  transferred  to the  Series  hereunder,  and the
   Series will retain any dividend or interest payments received by it after the
   Valuation  Time with  respect to the  assets  transferred  hereunder  without
   regard to the payment date thereof.

(c)The  liabilities  of Global Health  Sciences Fund to be assumed by the Series
   shall  include  all of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  liabilities,  debts,
   obligations,  and  duties,  of  whatever  kind or nature,  whether  absolute,
   accrued,  contingent,  or  otherwise,  whether or not arising in the ordinary
   course of business,  whether or not  determinable  on the Closing  Date,  and
   whether or not  specifically  referred to in this Agreement.  Notwithstanding
   the foregoing,  Global Health Sciences Fund agrees to use its best efforts to
   discharge all of its known  liabilities prior to the Closing Date, other than
   liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business.

(d)Pursuant  to  this   Agreement,   as  soon  after  the  Closing  Date  as  is
   conveniently  practicable,  Global Health  Sciences Fund will  constructively
   distribute  pro rata to its  shareholders  of  record,  determined  as of the
   Valuation Time, the Series Shares in exchange for such  shareholders'  shares
   of  beneficial  interest in Global  Health  Sciences  Fund and Global  Health
   Sciences Fund will be liquidated  and dissolved in accordance  with the trust
   law of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and Global Health Sciences Fund's
   Declaration of Trust. Such distribution  shall be accomplished by the Series'
   transfer  agent opening  accounts on the Series' share  transfer books in the
   names of the Global Health Sciences Fund  shareholders  and  transferring the
   Series Shares thereto. Each Global Health Sciences Fund shareholder's account
   shall be credited with the  respective pro rata number of full and fractional
   (rounded to the third decimal place) Series Shares due that shareholder.  All
   outstanding Global Health Sciences Fund shares,  including any represented by
   certificates,  shall  simultaneously  be canceled on Global  Health  Sciences
   Fund's  share  transfer  records.  The  Series  shall not issue  certificates
   representing the Series Shares in connection with the Reorganization.

(e)Any  reporting  responsibility  of Global  Health  Sciences Fund is and shall
   remain  its  responsibility  up to and  including  the  date on  which  it is

(f)Any  transfer  taxes  payable  upon  issuance of the Series  Shares in a name
   other than that of the  registered  holder on Global Health  Sciences  Fund's
   books of the Global Health Sciences Fund shares constructively  exchanged for
   the Series  Shares shall be paid by the person to whom such Series Shares are
   to be issued, as a condition of such transfer.


(a)The  Valuation  Time shall be as of the close of  regular  trading on the New
   York  Stock  Exchange  on the  Closing  Date,  or such  other  date as may be
   mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties hereto (Valuation Time).

(b)As of the Closing  Date,  the Series will deliver to Global  Health  Sciences
   Fund the number of Series Shares having an aggregate net asset value equal to
   the value of the assets of Global Health Sciences Fund transferred  hereunder
   less the liabilities of Global Health  Sciences Fund,  determined as provided
   in this Section 4.

(c)The net asset value per share of the Series to be delivered to Global  Health
   Sciences  Fund,  the  value of the  assets  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
   transferred hereunder,  and the liabilities of Global Health Sciences Fund to
   be assumed hereunder,  shall, in each case, be determined as of the Valuation

(d)All  computations  pursuant  to this  Section  shall be made by or under  the
   direction  of INVESCO  Funds  Group,  Inc.,  in  accordance  with its regular
   practice as pricing agent for the Funds.


(a) Global Health Sciences Fund shall be responsible for all expenses,  fees and
other  charges  in  connection  with  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this
Agreement.  Any portfolio transaction expenses incurred in the purchase and sale
of securities in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
which may be attributable to the Series will be borne by the Series.

(b) Each of the Series and Global Health  Sciences Fund represents that there is
no person who has dealt with it who by reason of such  dealings  is  entitled to
any broker's or finder's or other similar fee or  commission  arising out of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


(a)The  Reorganization,  together with related acts  necessary to consummate the
   same  (Closing),  unless  otherwise  provided  herein,  shall  occur  at  the
   principal office of the Funds, 7800 E. Union Avenue, Denver,  Colorado, as of
   the  Valuation  Time on a date  determined  by both the Board of  Trustees of
   Global Health  Sciences Fund and the Board of Directors of Counselor  Series,
   or at some other time and place agreed to by Global Health  Sciences Fund and
   Counselor Series (Closing Date).

(b)If on the Closing Date: (i) any of the markets for securities  held by Global
   Health  Sciences  Fund is closed  to  trading,  or (ii)  trading  thereon  is
   restricted,  or (iii)  trading or the  reporting of trading on said market or
   elsewhere is disrupted, all so that accurate appraisal of the total net asset
   value of Global Health Sciences Fund, the Valuation Time and the Closing Date
   shall be  postponed  until  the  first  business  day after the day when such
   trading  shall have been fully  resumed  and such  reporting  shall have been
   restored, or such other date as the parties may agree.

(c)If, prior to the Closing Date,  either the Board of Trustees of Global Health
   Sciences Fund or the Board of Directors of Counselor Series determines in its
   sole discretion that it is either  impracticable or inadvisable to consummate
   the Reorganization on the Closing Date due to adverse market  developments or
   otherwise,  the parties may  determine to delay the Closing Date to such time
   as shall be  mutually  agreed  by the  parties  hereto or to  terminate  this
   Agreement in its entirety in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 12


(a)Global Health  Sciences Fund  agrees to call a meeting of its shareholders to
   consider   transferring  its  assets  to  the  Series   as  herein  provided,
   approving  this  Agreement,  and authorizing the liquidation of Global Health
   Sciences Fund.

(b)Global Health  Sciences  Fund agrees that as soon as  reasonably  practicable
   after distribution of the Series Shares, Global Health Sciences Fund shall be
   terminated and dissolved  pursuant to the trust laws of the  Commonwealth  of
   Massachusetts  and its  Declaration  of Trust,  any further  actions shall be
   taken in connection therewith as required by applicable law, and on and after
   the Closing Date Global  Health  Sciences Fund shall not conduct any business
   except in connection with its liquidation, dissolution and termination.


Counselor Series's obligations hereunder shall be subject to satisfaction of the
following conditions,  at or before the Closing:

(a)That Global  Health  Sciences Fund furnishes to Counselor Series a statement,
   dated  as of  the  Closing  Date,  signed  by an  officer  of  Global  Health
   Sciences  Fund,  certifying  that  as  of the Valuation  Time and the Closing
   Date  all  representations and warranties of Global Health Sciences Fund made
   in  this  Agreement  are true  and correct in all material  respects and that
   Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  has  complied  with  all the  agreements  and
   satisfied  all the  conditions on its part to be performed or satisfied at or
   prior to such dates;

(b)That Global Health  Sciences Fund furnishes the Counselor  Series with copies
   of the  resolutions,  certified by an officer of Global Health Sciences Fund,
   evidencing   the  approval  of  this   Agreement  and  the  approval  of  the
   transactions  contemplated herein by the requisite vote of the holders of the
   outstanding shares of beneficial interest in Global Health Sciences Fund;

(c)That, on or prior to the Closing Date,  Global Health  Sciences Fund declares
   one or more  dividends  or  other  distributions  which,  together  with  all
   previous such dividends or other  distributions  attributable  to its current
   taxable year,  shall have the effect of distributing  to the  shareholders of
   Global Health  Sciences  Fund  substantially  all of Global  Health  Sciences
   Fund's investment  company taxable income and all of its net realized capital
   gain (each determined without regard to the deduction for dividends paid), if
   any, as of the Closing Date; [not necessary for an F reorganization;  usually
   not done]

(d)Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  fund  accounting  and  pricing  agent shall
   deliver at the Closing a certificate of an authorized  officer verifying that
   the  information  (including  adjusted  basis  and  holding  period,  by lot)
   concerning  the assets,  including all portfolio  securities,  transferred by
   Global Health Sciences Fund to the Series, as reflected on the Series's books
   immediately  after the Closing,  does or will conform to that  information on
   Global Health Sciences Fund's books immediately before the Closing.

(e)That  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  custodian  delivers  to the  Series a
   certificate  identifying  the assets of Global  Health  Sciences Fund held by
   such  custodian as of the Valuation Time and stating that as of the Valuation

   Time: (i) the assets held by the custodian will be transferred to the Series;
   (ii) Global Health  Sciences  Fund's assets have been duly endorsed in proper
   form for transfer in such condition as to constitute  good delivery  thereof;
   and (iii) to the best of the  custodian's  knowledge,  all necessary taxes in
   conjunction with the delivery of the assets, including all applicable federal
   and state stock  transfer  stamps,  if any,  have been paid or provision  for
   payment has been made;

(f)That Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  transfer  agent  delivers to Counselor
   Series at the  Closing a  certificate  setting  forth the number of shares of
   Global Health Sciences Fund outstanding as of the Valuation Time and the name
   and  address  of each  holder of record of any such  shares and the number of
   shares held of record by each such shareholder;

(g)That  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund calls a meeting of its  shareholders  to
   consider   transferring   its  assets  to  the  Series  and  authorizing  the
   liquidation  and  termination  of Global Health  Sciences Fund, all as herein

(h)That Global Health  Sciences Fund delivers to Counselor  Series a certificate
   of an officer of Global Health  Sciences Fund,  dated as of the Closing Date,
   that there has been no  material  adverse  change in Global  Health  Sciences
   Fund's  financial  position  since April 30, 2001,  other than changes in the
   market value of its portfolio  securities,  or changes due to dividends paid,
   or losses from operations; and

(i)That all of the issued  and  outstanding  shares of  beneficial  interest  in
   Global  Health  Sciences  Fund shall have been  offered  for sale and sold by
   Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  in  conformity  with  all  applicable   state
   securities  laws and,  to the extent  that any audit of the records of Global
   Health Sciences Fund or its transfer agent by Counselor  Series or its agents
   shall have revealed  otherwise,  Global Health Sciences Fund shall have taken
   all actions that in the opinion of Counselor  Series are  necessary to remedy
   any prior failure on the part of Global Health  Sciences Fund to have offered
   for sale and sold such shares in conformity with such laws.


Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  obligations  hereunder  shall  be  subject  to
satisfaction  of the following  conditions,  at or before the Closing:

(a)That Counselor  Series shall have  executed  and  delivered to Global  Health
   Sciences  Fund  an  Assumption  of  Liabilities,  certified  by an officer of
   Counselor  Series,  dated  as  of the  Closing  Date,  pursuant  to which the
   Series  assumes  all of  the  liabilities  of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
   existing at the Valuation Time;

(b)That Counselor  Series  furnishes to Global Health Sciences Fund a statement,
   dated as of the  Closing  Date,  signed by an  officer of  Counselor  Series,
   certifying   that  as  of  the  Valuation  Time  and  the  Closing  Date  all
   representations and warranties of Counselor Series made in this Agreement are
   true and correct in all material respects,  and Counselor Series has complied
   with all the  agreements  and satisfied all the  conditions on its part to be
   performed or satisfied at or prior to such dates; and

(c)That  Global  Health   Sciences  Fund  shall  have  received  an  opinion  of
   Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP, counsel to Counselor  Series,  to the effect that
   the Series  Shares are duly  authorized  and upon  delivery to Global  Health
   Sciences Fund as provided in this  Agreement  will be validly issued and will
   be fully  paid and  nonassessable  by the Series  and no  shareholder  of the
   Series  has any  preemptive  right of  subscription  or  purchase  in respect


Counselor Series's and Global Health Sciences Fund's obligations hereunder shall
be  subject  to  satisfaction  of the  following  conditions,  at or before  the

(a)That  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  shall  have  been
   approved  by the  requisite  vote of the  holders of the  outstanding  shares
   of beneficial interest in Global Health Sciences Fund;

(b)That on or before the Closing Date, the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
   (SEC) shall have declared  effective the Series Disclosure  Documents meeting
   the requirements of Section 2(c) hereof;

(c)That neither the Trustees of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund nor the Directors
   of Counselor  Series shall have made and not withdrawn a  determination  that
   the  Reorganization  is either  impracticable  or inadvisable  due to adverse
   market developments or otherwise, as described in Section 6(c) hereof;

(d)That all  consents  of other  parties  and all other  consents,  orders,  and
   permits of federal,  state, and local regulatory authorities (including those
   of the SEC and of state Blue Sky and  securities  authorities,  which term as
   used herein  shall  include the  District of Columbia  and Puerto  Rico,  and
   including "no action" positions of such federal or state authorities)  deemed
   necessary  by  Counselor  Series or  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund to permit
   consummation,  in all material  respects,  of the  transactions  contemplated
   hereby  shall have been  obtained,  except  where  failure to obtain any such
   consent,  order,  or permit  would not  involve a risk of a material  adverse
   effect on the  assets or  properties  of  Counselor  Series or Global  Health
   Sciences Fund,  provided that either party hereto may for itself waive any of
   such conditions;

(e)That all  proceedings  taken by Counselor  Series or Global  Health  Sciences
   Fund in connection with the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and
   all documents  incidental thereto shall be satisfactory in form and substance
   to Counselor  Series and its counsel,  Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP, and Global
   Health Sciences Fund and its counsel, ____________ LLP;

(f)That there shall not be any material  litigation  pending with respect to the
   matters contemplated by this Agreement; and

(g)That Counselor  Series and Global Health Sciences Fund shall have received an
   opinion of  ______________,  satisfactory  to each of them,  that for federal
   income tax purposes:

I.   The  acquisition by the Series of all the assets of Global Health  Sciences
     Fund in exchange  solely for the Series  Shares and the  assumption  by the
     Series  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  liabilities,  followed  by the
     distribution  by Global  Health  Sciences  Fund of the Series Shares to the
     shareholders  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  pursuant  to the  complete
     liquidation of Global Health Sciences Fund and in exchange for their Global
     Health Sciences Fund shares,  will constitute a  reorganization  within the
     meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(F)  of the Code,  and Global Health  Sciences
     Fund and the Series will each be a "party to a  reorganization"  within the
     meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

II.  No gain or loss will be recognized by Global Health  Sciences Fund upon the
     transfer of all of its assets to the Series, in exchange solely for [shares
     of beneficial  interest of the Series]  [suggested  substitute - the Series
     Shares] and the assumption by the Series of Global Health  Sciences  Fund's
     liabilities,   followed  by  Global  Health  Sciences   Fund's   subsequent
     distribution  of those  shares to  shareholders  in  liquidation  of Global
     Health Sciences Fund.

III. No gain or loss will be  recognized  by ["to" in II, above] the Series upon
     receipt of the assets of Global Health Sciences Fund in exchange solely for
     the Series  Shares and its  assumption  of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's

IV.  The  shareholders  of Global Health Sciences Fund will recognize no gain or
     loss upon the exchange of their Global  Health  Sciences Fund shares solely
     for Series Shares.

V.   The  basis of  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  assets in the hands of the
     Series will be the same as the basis of those assets in the hands of Global
     Health Sciences Fund immediately prior to the Reorganization.

VI.  The basis of Series  Shares in the  hands of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
     shareholders will be the same as their basis in Global Health Sciences Fund
     shares to be exchanged therefor.

VII. The Series'  holding period with respect to the assets received from Global
     Health  Sciences  Fund will  include  the period for which such assets were
     held by Global Health Sciences Fund.

VIII.The holding  period of Series  Shares to be received by each Global  Health
     Sciences  Fund  shareholder  will  include the period  during  which Global
     Health  Sciences Fund shares to be  surrendered  in exchange  therefor were
     held, provided such Global Health Sciences Fund shares were held as capital
     assets by that shareholder on the date of the Reorganization.

IX.  The  Reorganization  will not result in the  termination  of Global  Health
     Sciences  Fund's  taxable  year  and  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund's  tax
     attributes  enumerated  in  Section  381(c) of the Code will be taken  into
     account by the Series as if there had been no Reorganization.

X.   The  qualification  of each of Fund as a RIC under Sections 851 through 855
     of the Code will not be affected as a result of the Reorganization,  except
     that,  upon the liquidation and dissolution of Global Health Sciences Fund,
     it will no longer qualify as a RIC.

Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  neither  Fund may waive the
conditions set forth in this subsection 10(g).


(a)Global  Health  Sciences  Fund  covenants  to  operate  its  business  in the
   ordinary  course  between  the date  hereof and the  Closing  Date,  it being
   understood  that such ordinary course of business will include the payment of
   customary dividends and other distributions;

(b)The Series  covenants that,  between the date hereof and the Closing Date, it
   shall not engage in any business activities other than such activities as are
   directly  related  to  organization  of the  Series  in  anticipation  of the
   Reorganization and any other transactions contemplated hereby;

(c)Global  Health  Sciences Fund  covenants  that it is not acquiring the Series
   Shares for the purpose of making any  distribution  other than in  accordance
   with the terms of this Agreement;

(d)Global Health  Sciences Fund covenants that it will assist  Counselor  Series
   in  obtaining  such  information  as  Counselor  Series  reasonably  requests
   concerning the beneficial  ownership of Global Health Sciences Fund's shares;

(e)Global Health  Sciences Fund covenants that its  liquidation  and termination
   will be effected in the manner provided in the General Corporation Law of the
   State of  Maryland  and its  Articles of  Incorporation  in  accordance  with
   applicable law and after the Closing Date,  Global Health  Sciences Fund will
   not  conduct any  business  except in  connection  with its  liquidation  and


Counselor Series and Global Health Sciences Fund may terminate this Agreement by
mutual agreement. In addition, either Counselor Series or Global Health Sciences
Fund may at its option  terminate this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date

(a) of a  material  breach  by the  other of any  representation,  warranty,  or
agreement contained herein to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date; or

(b)  a condition  herein  expressed to be precedent  to the  obligations  of the
terminating party has not been met and it reasonably appears that it will not or
cannot be met. In the event of any such termination, there shall be no liability
for damages on the part of Global Health Sciences Fund or Counselor  Series,  or
their respective Trustees/Directors or officers.


(a)This   Agreement   supersedes   all   previous    correspondence   and   oral
   communications  between the parties  regarding  the  subject  matter  hereof,
   constitutes the only  understanding  with respect to such subject matter, may
   not be changed  except by a letter of  agreement  signed by each party hereto
   and shall be  construed  in  accordance  with and governed by the laws of the
   State of Maryland.

(b)This Agreement may be amended,  modified,  or  supplemented in such manner as
   may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the respective President,  any Vice
   President,  or Treasurer of Counselor  Series or Global Health Sciences Fund;
   provided,  however, that following the shareholders' meeting called by Global
   Health  Sciences  Fund  pursuant  to  Section  7 of this  Agreement,  no such
   amendment may have the effect of changing the provisions for  determining the
   number  of the  Series  Shares  to be paid to  Global  Health  Sciences  Fund
   shareholders  under this  Agreement  to the  detriment  of such  shareholders
   without their further approval.

(c)Except as expressly  provided  otherwise  herein,  either Counselor Series or
   Global  Health  Sciences  Fund may waive  any  condition  to its  obligations
   hereunder,  provided  that such  waiver  does not have any  material  adverse
   effect on the interests of its shareholders.

(d)The  representations,  warranties,  and covenants contained in the Agreement,
   or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith, shall
   survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.


A copy of Global Health  Sciences  Fund's  Declaration of Trust, as restated and
amended,  is on  file  with  the  Secretary  of  State  of the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts,  and notice is hereby given that this  instrument  is executed on
behalf of the  Trustees of Global  Health  Sciences  Fund as  trustees,  and not
individually  and that the obligations of Global Health Sciences Fund under this
instrument are not binding upon any of Global Health Sciences  Fund's  Trustees,
officers, or shareholders, as the case may be, individually but are binding only
upon the assets and property of Global Health  Sciences Fund.  Each of Counselor
Series and Global  Health  Sciences Fund agrees that its  obligations  hereunder
apply only to it and not to its shareholders  individually or to the Trustees or
Directors thereof.


This  Agreement  shall bind and inure to the benefit of the  parties  hereto and
their  respective  successors and assigns,  but no assignment or transfer of any
rights or obligations  hereunder  shall be made by any party without the written
consent of the other party.  Nothing herein  expressed or implied is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon or give any person, firm, or corporation other
than the parties hereto and their  respective  successors and assigns any rights
or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed
in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall
be deemed to be an original.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be
executed by an appropriate officer. SIGNATURE LINES OMITTED

                                   APPENDIX C
                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT is made this 23rd day of August, 2000, in Denver,  Colorado,
by  and  between  INVESCO  Funds  Group,   Inc.  (the  "Adviser"),   a  Delaware
corporation,  and INVESCO Advantage Series Funds,  Inc., a Maryland  Corporation
(the "Company").

                             W I T N E S S E T H :
                             - - - - - - - - - -

     WHEREAS, the Company is a corporation organized under the laws of the State
of Maryland; and

     WHEREAS,  the Company is  registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "Investment Company Act"), as a non-diversified,  open-end
management  investment  company and  currently  has one class of shares which is
divided into series (the "Shares"), which may be divided into additional series,
each representing an interest in a separate portfolio of investments specific in
Schedule A (each a "Fund" and, collectively, the "Funds"); and

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  desires  that the  Adviser  manage  its  investment
operations and provide certain other services, and the Adviser desires to manage
said operations and to provide such other services;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of these  premises  and of the  mutual
covenants and  agreements  hereinafter  contained,  the parties  hereto agree as

     1.   INVESTMENT  MANAGEMENT  SERVICES.  The Adviser hereby agrees to manage
          the investment operations of the Company's Funds, subject to the terms
          of this Agreement and to the  supervision  of the Company's  directors
          (the "Directors").  The Adviser agrees to perform,  or arrange for the
          performance of, the following specific services for the Company:

          (a)  to manage the investment and reinvestment of all the assets,  now
               or hereafter acquired, of the Company's Funds, and to execute all
               purchases and sales of portfolio securities;

          (b)  to maintain a  continuous  investment  program for the  Company's
               Funds,  consistent with (i) the Funds' investment policies as set
               forth in the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation,  Bylaws,  and
               Registration  Statement,  as from time to time amended, under the
               Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and
               in any prospectus  and/or statement of additional  information of
               the  Company,  as from time to time  amended and in use under the
               Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and (ii) the Company's status
               as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code
               of 1986, as amended;

          (c)  to determine what  securities are to be purchased or sold for the
               Company's Funds,  unless  otherwise  directed by the Directors of
               the Company, and to execute transactions accordingly;

          (d)  to  provide  to the  Company's  Funds the  benefit  of all of the
               investment analyses and research, the reviews of current economic
               conditions  and of trends,  and the  consideration  of long-range
               investment  policy  now  or  hereafter   generally  available  to
               investment advisory customers of the Adviser;

          (e)  to  determine  what  portion  of the  Company's  Funds  should be
               invested  in the  various  types  of  securities  authorized  for
               purchase by the Funds; and

          (f)  to make  recommendations as to the manner in which voting rights,
               rights  to  consent  to  Company  action  and  any  other  rights
               pertaining to the Funds' securities shall be exercised.

            With respect to execution of transactions  for the Company's  Funds,
            the Adviser is  authorized to employ such brokers or dealers as may,
            in the Adviser's best judgment,  implement the policy of the Company
            to obtain prompt and reliable  execution at the most favorable price
            obtainable.  In assigning an execution or negotiating the commission
            to be paid therefor,  the Adviser is authorized to consider the full
            range and quality of a broker's  services which benefit the Company,
            including but not limited to research and  analytical  capabilities,
            reliability   of   performance,    and   financial   soundness   and
            responsibility.  Research services prepared and furnished by brokers
            through which the Adviser effects securities  transactions on behalf
            of the Company may be used by the  Adviser in  servicing  all of its
            accounts,  and not all such  services  may be used by the Adviser in
            connection with the Company.  In the selection of a broker or dealer
            for execution of any negotiated transaction,  the Adviser shall have
            no duty or  obligation to seek advance  competitive  bidding for the
            most favorable negotiated  commission rate for such transaction,  or
            to  select  any  broker  solely  on the  basis of its  purported  or
            "posted"  commission rate for such transaction,  provided,  however,
            that the Adviser shall consider such "posted"  commission  rates, if
            any, together with any other information available at the time as to
            the  level  of  commissions   known  to  be  charged  on  comparable
            transactions  by other  qualified  brokerage  firms,  as well as all
            other relevant factors and circumstances,  including the size of any
            contemporaneous  market in such  securities,  the  importance to the
            Company of speed, efficiency,  and confidentiality of execution, the
            execution   capabilities   required  by  the  circumstances  of  the
            particular  transactions,  and the apparent knowledge or familiarity
            with  sources  from or to whom such  securities  may be purchased or
            sold. Where the commission rate reflects  services,  reliability and
            other  relevant  factors in addition to the cost of  execution,  the
            Adviser   shall   have  the  burden  of   demonstrating   that  such
            expenditures were bona fide and for the benefit of the Company.

     2.   OTHER SERVICES AND FACILITIES.  The Adviser shall, in addition, supply
          at its own expense all  supervisory  and  administrative  services and
          facilities  necessary in connection with the day-to-day  operations of
          the  Company  (except  those   associated  with  the  preparation  and
          maintenance of certain required books and records,  and  recordkeeping
          and   administrative   functions  relating  to  employee  benefit  and
          retirement  plans,  which services and facilities are provided under a
          separate Administrative Services Agreement between the Company and the
          Adviser).  These  services  shall  include,  but  not be  limited  to:
          supplying  the  Company  with  officers,   clerical  staff  and  other
          employees,  if any, who are necessary in connection with the Company's
          operations;   furnishing  office  space,  facilities,  equipment,  and
          supplies;  providing  personnel and facilities  required to respond to
          inquiries  related  to  shareholder   accounts;   conducting  periodic
          compliance reviews of the Company's operations; preparation and review
          of required  documents,  reports and filings by the Adviser's in-house
          legal and accounting  staff  (including the  prospectus,  statement of
          additional  information,  proxy statements,  shareholder  reports, tax
          returns,  reports to the SEC,  and other  corporate  documents  of the
          Company),  except insofar as the assistance of independent accountants
          or  attorneys is necessary or  desirable;  supplying  basic  telephone
          service and other  utilities;  and preparing and maintaining the books
          and  records  required to be prepared  and  maintained  by the Company
          pursuant to Rule 31a-1(b)(4),  (5), (9), and (10) under the Investment
          Company Act of 1940. All books and records  prepared and maintained by
          the Adviser for the Company under this Agreement shall be the property
          of the Company and, upon request therefor, the Adviser shall surrender
          to the Company such of the books and records so requested.

     3.   PAYMENT OF COSTS AND  EXPENSES.  The Adviser  shall bear the costs and
          expenses  of  all  personnel,   facilities,   equipment  and  supplies
          reasonably  necessary to provide the services  required to be provided
          by the Adviser under this Agreement.  The Company shall pay all of the
          costs and expenses  associated  with its  operations  and  activities,
          except those  expressly  assumed by the Adviser under this  Agreement,
          including but not limited to:

          (a)  all brokers'  commissions,  issue and transfer  taxes,  and other
               costs  chargeable  to the Company in connection  with  securities
               transactions  to which the  Company  is a party or in  connection
               with securities owned by the Company's Funds;

          (b)  the  fees,   charges  and  expenses  of  any  independent  public
               accountants,  custodian,  depository,  dividend disbursing agent,
               dividend   reinvestment   agent,   transfer   agent,   registrar,
               independent pricing services and legal counsel for the Company;

          (c)  the interest on indebtedness, if any, incurred by the Company;

          (d)  the taxes, including franchise, income, issue, transfer, business
               license,  and other  corporate  fees  payable  by the  Company to
               federal, state, county, city, or other governmental agents;

          (e)  the fees and expenses  involved in maintaining  the  registration
               and  qualification  of the Company  and of its shares  under laws
               administered  by the Securities and Exchange  Commission or under
               other applicable regulatory requirements;

          (f)  the compensation and expenses of its independent  Directors,  and
               the compensation of any employees and officers of the Company who
               are  not  employees  of the  Adviser  or  one  of its  affiliated
               companies and compensated as such;

          (g)  the  costs of  printing  and  distributing  reports,  notices  of
               shareholders'  meetings,  proxy  statements,   dividend  notices,
               prospectuses,  statements  of  additional  information  and other
               communications  to the  Company's  shareholders,  as  well as all
               expenses of shareholders' meetings and Directors' meetings;

          (h)  all costs,  fees or other expenses arising in connection with the
               organization   and   filing   of  the   Company's   Articles   of
               Incorporation,    including   its   initial    registration   and
               qualification  under the 1940 Act and under the Securities Act of
               1933, as amended, the initial determination of its tax status and
               any rulings obtained for this purpose,  the initial  registration
               and  qualification  of its securities under the laws of any state
               and  the  approval  of the  Company's  operations  by  any  other
               federal, state, or foreign authority;

          (i)  the  expenses  of  repurchasing   and  redeeming  shares  of  the
               Company's Funds;

          (j)  insurance premiums;

          (k)  the  costs  of  designing,  printing,  and  issuing  certificates
               representing  shares  of  beneficial  interest  of the  Company's

          (l)  extraordinary  expenses,  including  fees  and  disbursements  of
               Company counsel,  in connection with litigation by or against the

          (m)  premiums for the fidelity bond maintained by the Company pursuant
               to Section 17(g) of the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder
               (except for such  premiums as may be allocated to third  parties,
               as insured thereunder);

          (n)  association and institute dues;

          (o)  the  expenses of  distributing  shares of the Company but only if
               and to the  extent  permissible  under  a  plan  of  distribution
               adopted by the Company  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the  Investment
               Company Act of 1940; and

          (p)  all fees paid by the Company for  administrative,  recordkeeping,
               and  sub-accounting  services under the  Administrative  Services
               Agreement  between the Company  and the Adviser  dated  August 1,

     4.   USE OF AFFILIATED  COMPANIES.  In connection with the rendering of the
          services  required to be provided by the Adviser under this Agreement,
          the  Adviser  may, to the extent it deems  appropriate  and subject to
          compliance with the  requirements of applicable laws and  regulations,
          and upon receipt of written  approval of the Company,  make use of its
          affiliated  companies and their  employees;  provided that the Adviser
          shall supervise and remain fully  responsible for all such services in
          accordance  with and to the extent provided by this Agreement and that
          all costs and expenses  associated  with the  providing of services by
          any such  companies or employees and required by this  Agreement to be
          borne by the Adviser  shall be borne by the Adviser or its  affiliated

     5.   COMPENSATION OF THE ADVISER.  For the advisory services assumed by the
          Adviser under this Agreement, the Company shall pay to the Adviser the
          fees set forth on Schedule B.

          connection  with  purchases or sales of  securities  for the Company's
          Funds, neither the Adviser nor its officers or employees will act as a
          principal  or agent for any party  other than the  Company's  Funds or
          receive any  commissions.  The Adviser will comply with all applicable
          laws in acting hereunder including,  without limitation, the 1940 Act;
          the  Investment  Advisers Act of 1940,  as amended;  and all rules and
          regulations duly promulgated under the foregoing.

     7.   DURATION AND TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall become effective as of
          the  date it is  approved  by a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
          securities of the  Company's  Funds,  and unless sooner  terminated as
          hereinafter provided, shall remain in force for an initial term ending
          two  years  from  the  date  of  execution,  and  from  year  to  year
          thereafter,  but  only as long as  such  continuance  is  specifically
          approved  at  least  annually  (i)  by a  vote  of a  majority  of the
          outstanding  voting  securities  of  the  Company's  Funds  or by  the
          Directors of the Company,  and (ii) by a majority of the  Directors of
          the  Company  who are not  interested  persons  of the  Adviser or the
          Company by votes cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
          voting on such approval.

          This  Agreement may, on 60 days' prior written  notice,  be terminated
          without the payment of any penalty,  by the  Directors of the Company,
          or by the vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of
          the  Company's  Funds,  as the case may be,  or by the  Adviser.  This
          Agreement shall immediately  terminate in the event of its assignment,
          unless an order is issued by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
          conditionally  or  unconditionally  exempting such assignment from the
          provisions  of  Section  15(a) of the 1940 Act,  in which  event  this
          Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect  subject to the terms
          and provisions of said order. In  interpreting  the provisions of this
          paragraph 7, the definitions contained in Section 2(a) of the 1940 Act
          and  the  applicable  rules  under  the  1940  Act  (particularly  the
          definitions  of  "interested  person,"  "assignment"  and  "vote  of a
          majority of the outstanding voting securities") shall be applied.

          The Adviser  agrees to furnish to the  Directors  of the Company  such
          information  on an annual  basis as may  reasonably  be  necessary  to
          evaluate the terms of this Agreement.

          Termination  of this  Agreement  shall  not  affect  the  right of the
          Adviser to receive  payments on any unpaid balance of the compensation
          described in paragraph 5 earned prior to such termination.

     8.   NON-EXCLUSIVE  SERVICES.  The Adviser  shall,  during the term of this
          Agreement,  be  entitled  to render  investment  advisory  services to
          others, including, without limitation, other investment companies with
          similar  objectives to those of the Company's  Funds. The Adviser may,
          when it deems  such to be  advisable,  aggregate  orders for its other
          customers  together with any securities of the same type to be sold or
          purchased  for the Company's  Funds in order to obtain best  execution
          and lower  brokerage  commissions.  In such event,  the Adviser  shall
          allocate  the shares so  purchased  or sold,  as well as the  expenses
          incurred in the  transaction,  in the manner it  considers  to be most
          equitable  and  consistent  with  its  fiduciary  obligations  to  the
          Company's Funds and the Adviser's other customers.


          NOTICE. Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing, addressed
          and delivered or mailed,  postage prepaid,  to the other party at such
          address  as such other  party may  designate  for the  receipt of such

          AMENDMENTS  HEREOF.  No  provision  of this  Agreement  may be  orally
          changed or  discharged,  but may only be modified by an  instrument in
          writing  signed  by the  Company  and the  Adviser.  In  addition,  no
          amendment to this Agreement shall be effective  unless approved by (1)
          the vote of a majority of the  Directors of the  Company,  including a
          majority of the  Directors  who are not parties to this  Agreement  or
          interested  persons  of any such  party  cast in  person  at a meeting
          called for the purpose of voting on such  amendment,  and (2) the vote
          of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of any of the
          Company's  Funds as to which such amendment is applicable  (other than
          an amendment which can be effective without shareholder approval under
          applicable law).

          SEVERABILITY.  Each  provision  of this  Agreement  is  intended to be
          severable. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal or
          made invalid by a court  decision,  statute,  rule or otherwise,  such
          illegality   or   invalidity   shall  not  affect  the   validity   or
          enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement.

          HEADINGS.  The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
          and  identification  only  and  are in no way  intended  to  describe,
          interpret,  define  or  limit  the  size,  extent  or  intent  of this
          Agreement or any provision hereof.

          APPLICABLE  LAW. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of Maryland.  To the extent that the  applicable
          laws  of the  State  of  Maryland,  or any of the  provisions  herein,
          conflict with applicable  provisions of the 1940 Act, the latter shall

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Adviser  and the  Company  each has caused  this
Agreement  to be duly  executed  on its  behalf  by an  officer  thereunto  duly
authorized, on the date first above written.

                                    INVESCO ADVANTAGE SERIES FUNDS, INC.


                                        Mark H. Williamson
                                        President & Chairman of the Board
- ------------------                      of Directors
Glen A. Payne

                                    INVESCO FUNDS GROUP, INC.


                                        Mark H. Williamson
- -----------------                       President & Chief Executive Officer
Glen A. Payne

                               INVESTMENT ADVISORY
                                   SCHEDULE A

COMPANY                    FUNDS                            EFFECTIVE DATE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESCO ADVANTAGE SERIES FUNDS, INC.(1)                      AUGUST 23, 2000
                           Advantage Fund
                           Global Growth Fund(2)             November 29, 2000
                           Advantage Global Health
                             Sciences Fund(3)                ___________, 2001
                           Advantage Technology/
                             Telecommunications Fund(3)      ___________, 2001

(1)  Amended  November 8, 2000 - On  November  8, 2000,  the name of the INVESCO
     Advantage Series Funds, Inc. was changed to INVESCO Counselor Series Funds,
     Inc.  Therefore,  all references to INVESCO  Advantage  Series Funds,  Inc.
     should be changed to INVESCO Counselor Series Funds, Inc.
(2)  Amended November 29, 2000.
(3)  Amended _______, 2001.

                               INVESTMENT ADVISORY
                                   SCHEDULE B

                             INVESCO ADVANTAGE FUND

For the  services to be rendered  and the charges and  expenses to be assumed by
the  Adviser  hereunder,  the Company  shall pay to the Adviser an advisory  fee
which will be computed  daily and paid as of the last day of each  month,  using
for each daily  calculation the most recently  determined net asset value of the
INVESCO  Advantage Fund, the INVESCO  Advantage Global Health Sciences Fund, and
the INVESCO Advantage  Technology/Telecommunications Fund (individually referred
to as a  "Portfolio"),  as determined by valuations made in accordance with each
Portfolio's  procedures for  calculating to net asset value as described in each
Portfolio's current Prospectus and/or Statement of Additional  Information.  The
advisory fee to the Adviser shall be computed at an annual rate of 1.50% of each
Portfolio's  daily  average net assets (the "Base  Fee").  This Base Fee will be
adjusted,  on a  monthly  basis (i)  upward at the rate of 0.20%,  on a pro rata
basis,  for each  percentage  point by which the investment  performance of each
Portfolio exceeds the sum of 2.00% and the investment record of the Russell 3000
Index for the INVESCO  Advantage  Fund,  the Morgan  Stanley Health Care Product
Index for the INVESCO  Advantage  Global Health  Sciences  Fund, and the Merrill
Lynch     100     Technology     Index     for     the     INVESCO     Advantage
Technology/Telecommunications  Fund (the "Index" or "Indexes"), or (ii) downward
at the rate of 0.20%, on a pro rata basis,  for each  percentage  point by which
the investment  record of the applicable Index less 2.00% exceeds the investment
performance of each Portfolio.  The maximum or minimum adjustment,  if any, will
be 1.00% annually. Therefore, the maximum annual fee payable to the Adviser will
be 2.50% of average daily net assets and the minimum annual fee will be 0.50% of
average  daily net assets.  During the first  twelve  months of  operation,  the
management  fee will be  charged  at the base fee of 1.50%  with no  performance
adjustment.  During any period when the  determination  of each  Portfolio's net
asset value is suspended by the Directors of the Company, the net asset value of
a share of that  Portfolio as of the last business day prior to such  suspension
shall  be  deemed  to be the net  asset  value at the  close of each  succeeding
business day until it is again determined.

In determining the fee adjustment,  if any, applicable during any month, INVESCO
will compare the investment  performance of the Class A Shares of each Portfolio
 for the twelve-month  period ending on the last day of the prior month (the
"Performance  Period") to the investment  record of the applicable  Index during
the Performance Period. The investment performance of each Portfolio will be
determined by adding together (i) the change in the net asset value of the Class
A Shares during the  Performance  Period,  (ii) the value of cash  distributions
made by the applicable Portfolio to holders of Class A Shares to the end of
the Performance  Period, and (iii) the value of capital gains per share, if any,
paid on undistributed realized long-term capital gains accumulated to the end of
the Performance  Period,  and will be expressed as a percentage of the net asset
value  per  share of the  Class A Shares  at the  beginning  of the  Performance
Period.  The  investment  record of the  applicable  Index will be determined by
adding  together (i) the change in the level of the Index during the Performance
Period  and (ii) the  value,  computed  consistently  with  the  Index,  of cash
distributions made by companies whose securities  comprise the Index accumulated
to the end of the Performance  Period,  and will be expressed as a percentage of
the Index at the beginning of such Period.

After it determines any fee adjustment, INVESCO will determine the dollar amount
of  additional  fees or fee  reductions to be accrued for each day of a month by
multiplying  the fee  adjustment  by the average daily net assets of the Class A
Shares of  each Portfolio during the  Performance  Period and dividing that
number by the number of days in the Performance  Period.  The management fee, as
adjusted, is accrued daily and paid monthly.

If the Directors  determine at some future date that another securities index is
more representative of the composition of the INVESCO Advantage Fund than is the
Russell 3000 Index,  or the Morgan Stanley Health Care Product Index for INVESCO
Advantage Global Health Sciences Fund, or the Merrill Lynch 100 Technology Index
for INVESCO  Advantage  Technology/Telecommunications  Fund,  the  Directors may
change the securities index used to compute the fee adjustment. If the Directors
do so, the new securities index (the "New Index") will be applied  prospectively
to determine  the amount of the fee  adjustment.  The Index will  continue to be
used  to  determine  the  amount  of the fee  adjustment  for  that  part of the
Performance Period prior to the effective date of the New Index. A change in the
Index  will be  submitted  to  shareholders  for their  approval  unless the SEC
determines that shareholder approval is not required.

However,  no such fee shall be paid to the Adviser with respect to any assets of
each  Portfolio which may be invested in any other  investment  company for
which the Adviser serves as investment  adviser.  The fee provided for hereunder
shall be prorated in any month in which this  Agreement is not in effect for the
entire month.

Interest,  taxes and extraordinary items such as litigation costs are not deemed
expenses for  purposes of this  section and shall be borne by each  Portfolio in
any  event.  Expenditures,  including  costs  incurred  in  connection  with the
purchase or sale of portfolio  securities,  which are  capitalized in accordance
with  generally  accepted   accounting   principles   applicable  to  investment
companies,  are  accounted  for as  capital  items and shall not be deemed to be
expenses for purposes of this section.

                           INVESCO GLOBAL GROWTH FUND(1)

For the  services to be rendered  and the charges and  expenses to be assumed by
the  Adviser  hereunder,  the Company  shall pay to the Adviser an advisory  fee
which  will be  computed  on a daily  basis  and paid as of the last day of each
month,  using for each daily calculation the most recently  determined net asset
value of the INVESCO  Global Growth Fund,  as  determined by valuations  made in
accordance  with the INVESCO Global Growth Fund's  procedure for calculating its
net asset value as  described in the INVESCO  Global  Growth  Fund's  Prospectus
and/or  Statement  of  Additional  Information.  As  full  compensation  for its
advisory  services to the INVESCO  Global  Growth Fund,  the Adviser  receives a
monthly fee from the Fund.  The fee is calculated at the annual rate of 1.00% of
the INVESCO Global Growth Fund's average net assets.

During any period when the  determination of the net asset value is suspended by
the  Directors  of the  Company,  the net asset  value of a share of the INVESCO
Global Growth Fund as of the last business day prior to such suspension shall be
deemed to be the net asset value at the close of each  succeeding  business  day
until it is again determined.  However, no such fee shall be paid to the Adviser
with  respect  to any  assets of the  INVESCO  Global  Growth  Fund which may be
invested  in any  other  investment  company  for which  the  Adviser  serves as
investment  adviser.  The fee  provided for  hereunder  shall be prorated in any
month in which this Agreement is not in effect for the entire month.

Interest,  taxes and extraordinary items such as litigation costs are not deemed
expenses  for the  purposes  of  calculating  the fee and  shall be borne by the
Company in any event. Expenditures,  including costs incurred in connection with
the purchase or sale of the INVESCO  Global  Growth Fund  securities,  which are
capitalized  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting   principles
applicable to investment companies, are accounted for as capital items and shall
not be deemed to be expenses for purposes of  calculating  the fee. 1.00% of the
Fund's average net assets.

(1)  Amended November 29, 2000.
(2)  Amended _______, 2001.

                                   APPENDIX D

                                (CLASS A SHARES)

     THIS  AGREEMENT  made as of the 1st day of June,  2000, by and between each
registered  investment  company  referenced  in  Schedule  A,  each  a  Maryland
Corporation (each  individually  referred to as "Company"),  with respect to the
shares  of the Class A shares  ("Class A  Shares")  of the  common  stock of the
Company  allocated  to each series set forth on Schedule A to this  Agreement as
amended  from time to time (the  "Funds")  and  INVESCO  DISTRIBUTORS,  INC.,  a
Delaware corporation (the "Distributor").

     WHEREAS, the Company engages in business as one or more open-end management
investment companies, and is registered as such under the Investment Company Act
of 1940, as amended (the "Act"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to finance the  distribution  of the Class A
Shares  of the  Funds in  accordance  with  this  Master  Distribution  Plan and
Agreement  of  Distribution  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act (the "Plan and
Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  Distributor  desires  to  be  retained  to  perform  services  in
accordance with such Plan and Agreement and on said terms and conditions; and

     WHEREAS,  this Plan and  Agreement has been approved by a vote of the board
of directors of the Company,  including a majority of the  directors who are not
interested persons of the Company, as defined in the Act, and who have no direct
or indirect  financial interest in the operation of this Plan and Agreement (the
"Independent Directors"),  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on this Plan and Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Company hereby adopts the Plan set forth herein and the
Company and Distributor hereby enter into this Agreement pursuant to the Plan in
accordance  with the  requirements  of Rule 12b-1 under the Act, and provide and
agree as follows:

     FIRST:  The Plan is defined as those  provisions  of this document by which
the Company  adopts a Plan  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act and  authorizes
payments as described  herein.  The Agreement is defined as those  provisions of
this document by which the Company retains  Distributor to provide  distribution
services  beyond  those  required  by the  Underwriting  Agreement  between  the
parties,   as  are   described   herein.   The   Company  may  retain  the  Plan
notwithstanding  termination  of the  Agreement.  Termination  of the Plan  will
automatically terminate the Agreement. Each Fund is hereby authorized to utilize
the assets of the  Company to finance  certain  activities  in  connection  with
distribution of the Company's Class A Shares.

     SECOND:  Each Fund shall incur expenses per annum allocable solely to Class
A Shares of the average daily net assets of such Fund  attributable to the Class
A Shares,  at the rates set forth in Schedule B opposite  the name of such Fund,
subject to any limitations  imposed from time to time by applicable rules of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

     THIRD: To the extent obligations incurred by the Distributor out of its own
resources  to finance any activity  primarily  intended to result in the sale of
Class A Shares, pursuant to this Plan and Agreement or otherwise,  may be deemed
to constitute the indirect use of Class A Shares Fund assets,  such indirect use
of Class A Shares Fund assets is hereby  authorized  in addition  to, and not in
lieu of, any other payments authorized under this Plan and Agreement.

     FOURTH:  Distributor  shall provide to the Company's Board of Directors and
the Board of Directors shall review, at least quarterly, a written report of the
amounts  expended  pursuant to the Plan and Agreement and the purposes for which
such expenditures were made.

     FIFTH:   Amounts   payable   pursuant  to  paragraph   SECOND  above  shall
compensate/reimburse  the  Distributor  for  financing  any  activity  which  is
primarily intended to result in the sale of the Class A Shares,  including,  but
not  limited  to,   expenses  of  organizing  and  conducting   sales  seminars,
advertising  programs,  finders fees, printing of prospectuses and statements of
additional  information  (and  supplements  thereto)  and reports for other than
existing shareholders,  preparation and distribution of advertising material and
sales  literature,  supplemental  payments to dealers and other  institutions as
asset-based  sales charges and providing  such other  services and activities as
may from time to time be agreed upon by the Company. Such reports,  prospectuses
and  statements of  additional  information  (and  supplements  thereto),  sales
literature, advertising and other services and activities may be prepared and/or
conducted either by Distributor's  own staff, the staff of affiliated  companies
of the Distributor, or third parties.

     SIXTH:   Amounts   set   forth   in   Schedule   B  may  also  be  used  to
compensate/reimburse the Distributor for making payments of service fees under a
shareholder  service  arrangement to be established by Distributor in accordance
with paragraph  SEVENTH below. To the extent that amounts paid hereunder are not
used specifically to compensate  Distributor for any such expense,  such amounts
may be treated as compensation for Distributor's  distribution-related services.
All  amounts  expended  pursuant  to the  Plan  and  Agreement  shall be paid to
Distributor and are the legal  obligation of the Company and not of Distributor.
That portion of the amounts paid under the Plan and  Agreement  that is not paid
or  advanced  by  Distributor  to dealers  or other  institutions  that  provide
personal  continuing  shareholder service as a service fee pursuant to paragraph
SEVENTH below shall be deemed an asset-based  sales charge. No provision of this
Plan and Agreement  shall be interpreted to prohibit any payments by the Company
during periods when the Company has suspended or otherwise limited sales.

     SEVENTH:  Distributor  may  make  payments  to  selected  banks,  financial
planners,  retirement plan service providers and other appropriate third parties
acting in an  agency  capacity  for  their  customers  who  provide  shareholder
services to their  customers from time to time. The maximum  service fee paid to
any service provider shall be twenty-five one-hundredths of one percent (0.25%),
per annum of the  average  daily net assets of the Company  attributable  to the
Class A Shares owned by the  customers of such service  provider,  or such lower
rate for the Fund as is specified on Schedule B.

     (A)  Pursuant  to this  program,  Distributor  may  enter  into  agreements
          ("Service Agreements") with such broker-dealers  ("Dealers") as may be
          selected  from  time to  time by  Distributor  for  the  provision  of
          distribution-related  personal shareholder services in connection with
          the sale of Shares to the Dealers' clients and customers ("Customers")
          who may from time to time  directly or  beneficially  own Shares.  The
          distribution-related  personal continuing  shareholder  services to be
          rendered by Dealers  under the Service  Agreements  may  include,  but
          shall not be  limited  to,  the  following:   (i)  distributing  sales
          literature;  (ii) answering routine Customer inquiries  concerning the
          Company and the Class A Shares;  (iii) assisting Customers in changing
          dividend options, account designations and addresses, and in enrolling
          into any of several  retirement  plans offered in connection  with the
          purchase of Class A Shares;  (iv) assisting in the  establishment  and
          maintenance of customer accounts and records, and in the processing of
          purchase and  redemption  transactions;  (v)  investing  dividends and
          capital gains distributions  automatically in Class A Shares; and (vi)
          providing  such other  information  and services as the Company or the
          Customer may reasonably request.

     (B)  Distributor may also enter into agreements  ("Third Party Agreements")
          with  selected  banks,  financial  planners,  retirement  plan service
          providers  and other  appropriate  third  parties  acting in an agency
          capacity for their customers ("Third  Parties").  Third Parties acting
          in such capacity will provide some or all of the shareholder  services
          to their  customers  as set forth in the Third Party  Agreements  from
          time to time.

     (C)  Distributor may also enter into variable group annuity  contractholder
          service  agreements  ("Variable  Contract  Agreements")  with selected
          insurance companies ("Insurance  Companies") offering variable annuity
          contracts  to  employers  as funding  vehicles  for  retirement  plans
          qualified  under Section  401(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code,  where
          amounts  contributed  under such plans are  invested  pursuant to such
          variable  annuity  contracts  in Class A Shares  of the  Company.  The
          Insurance  Companies  receiving  payments under such Variable Contract
          Agreements will provide  specialized  services to contractholders  and
          plan  participants,  as set forth in the Variable Contract  Agreements
          from time to time.

     (D)  Distributor may also enter into shareholder  service agreements ("Bank
          Trust  Department  Agreements  and Brokers  for Bank Trust  Department
          Agreements") with selected bank trust departments and brokers for bank
          trust  departments.  Such bank trust  departments and brokers for bank
          trust departments will provide some or all of the shareholder services
          to  their  customers  as  set  forth  in  the  Bank  Trust  Department
          Agreements and Brokers for Bank Trust Department Agreements.

     EIGHTH: No provision of this Plan and Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit
any payments by a Fund to the  Distributor  or by a Fund or the  Distributor  to
investment  dealers,  financial  institutions and 401(k) plan service  providers
where such payments are made under the Plan and Agreement.

     NINTH: The Company,  on behalf of the Funds, and the Distributor shall each
comply with all  applicable  provisions of the Act, the  Securities Act of 1933,
rules and regulations of the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.
and  its  affiliates,  and of all  other  federal  and  state  laws,  rules  and
regulations governing the issuance and sale of Class A Shares.

     TENTH:  Nothing  herein  contained  shall  require  the Company to take any
action  contrary to any  provision of its Articles of  Incorporation,  or to any
applicable statute or regulation.

     ELEVENTH:  This Plan and  Agreement  shall become  effective as of the date
hereof,  shall  continue  in force  and  effect  until May 31,  2001,  and shall
continue in force and effect from year to year  thereafter,  provided  that such
continuance  is  specifically  approved  at least  annually by a majority of the
Board of  Directors of the Company and a majority of the  Company's  Independent
Directors cast in person at a meeting called for such purpose,  as  contemplated
by paragraphs (d) and (e) of Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act.

     Any amendment to this Plan and Agreement  that requires the approval of the
shareholders  of Class A Shares  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act shall
become  effective as to such Class A Shares upon the approval of such  amendment
by a "majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  (as defined in the 1940
Act) of such Class A Shares, PROVIDED that the Board of Directors of the Company
has approved such amendment.

     TWELFTH: This Plan and Agreement, any amendment to this Plan and Agreement
and any  agreements  related to this Plan and Agreement  shall become  effective
immediately  upon the receipt by the Company of both (a) the affirmative vote of
a majority of the Board of  Directors of the  Company,  and (b) the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the Independent  Directors of the Company,  cast in person
at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on this Plan and Agreement or such
agreements.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  no such amendment that requires the
approval  of the  shareholders  of  Class A Shares  of a  Company  shall  become
effective as to such Class A Shares until such  amendment  has been  approved by
the shareholders of such Class A Shares in accordance with the provisions of the
ELEVENTH paragraph of this Plan and Agreement.

     This Plan and  Agreement  may not be amended  to  increase  materially  the
amount of distribution  expenses  provided for in paragraph SECOND hereof unless
such  amendment  is  approved  in the manner  provided  herein,  and no material
amendment to the Plan and Agreement  shall be made unless approved in the manner
provided for in the ELEVENTH paragraph hereof.

     So long as the Plan and  Agreement  remains in effect,  the  selection  and
nomination of persons to serve as Independent  Directors of the Company shall be
committed  to the  discretion  of the  Independent  Directors  then  in  office.
However,  nothing  contained  herein shall  prevent the  participation  of other
persons in the selection and nomination process,  provided that a final decision
on any such  selection or nomination is within the  discretion  of, and approved
by, a majority of the Independent Directors of the Company then in office.


     (A)  This Plan and  Agreement may be terminated as to any Fund at any time,
          without  the  payment of any  penalty,  by vote of a  majority  of the
          Independent  Directors  or by vote of a  majority  of the  outstanding
          voting  securities  of  Class  A  Shares  of  such  Fund,  or  by  the
          Distributor, on sixty (60) days' written notice to the other party.

     (B)  In the event that neither Distributor nor any affiliate of Distributor
          serves  the  Company  as  investment   adviser,   the  agreement  with
          Distributor  pursuant to this Plan shall  terminate at such time.  The
          board of directors may determine to approve a continuance  of the Plan
          and/or a continuance of the Agreement, hereunder.

     (C)  To the  extent  that this  Plan and  Agreement  constitutes  a Plan of
          Distribution  adopted  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1  under the Act it shall
          remain in effect as such,  so as to  authorize  the use by the Class A
          Shares of each Fund of its assets in the amounts and for the  purposes
          set forth herein,  notwithstanding  the occurrence of an "assignment,"
          as  defined  by the Act and the  rules  thereunder.  To the  extent it
          constitutes  an  agreement  pursuant  to a plan,  it  shall  terminate
          automatically in the event of such "assignment." Upon a termination of
          the  agreement  with  Distributor,  the  Funds  may  continue  to make
          payments  pursuant  to  the  Plan  only  upon  the  approval  of a new
          agreement under this Plan and Agreement,  which may or may not be with
          Distributor,  or the adoption of other arrangements  regarding the use
          of the amounts  authorized to be paid by the Funds  hereunder,  by the
          Company's  board of directors in accordance  with the  procedures  set
          forth above.

     FOURTEENTH:  Any notice under this Plan and Agreement  shall be in writing,
addressed and delivered,  or mailed postage prepaid,  to the other party at such
address as the other  party may  designate  for the  receipt of  notices.  Until
further  notice to the other party,  it is agreed that the addresses of both the
Company  and the  Distributor  shall be 7800 East Union  Avenue,  Mail Stop 201,
Denver, Colorado 80237.

     FIFTEENTH:  This Plan and  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws (without  reference to conflicts of law provisions) of
the State of Maryland.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Plan and Agreement to be
executed in duplicate on the day and year first above written.

                                    COMPANY (Listed in Schedule A)

                                       Name:  Mark H. Williamson
                                       Title:  President


- --------------------
Name:  Glen A. Payne
Title:  Secretary


                                       Name:  Ronald L. Grooms
                                       Title:  Treasurer


- --------------------
Name:  Glen A. Payne
Title:  Secretary

                                   SCHEDULE A
                                (CLASS A SHARES)

COMPANY                    FUNDS                            EFFECTIVE DATE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESCO ADVANTAGE SERIES FUNDS, INC.(1)                     AUGUST 23, 2000
                           Advantage Fund
                           Global Growth Fund(2)            November 29, 2000
                           Advantage Global Health
                             Sciences Fund(3)               ________, 2001
                           Advantage Technology/
                             Telecommunications Fund(3)     ________, 2001

INVESCO MONEY MARKET FUNDS, INC.                            AUGUST 23, 2000
                           Cash Reserves Fund

(1)  Amended on November 8, 2000 - On November 8, 2000,  the name of the INVESCO
     Advantage Series Funds, Inc. was changed to INVESCO Counselor Series Funds,
     Inc.  Therefore,  all references to INVESCO  Advantage  Series Funds,  Inc.
     should be changed to INVESCO Counselor Series Funds, Inc.
(2)  Amended on November 29, 2000.
(3)  Amended on _______, 2001.

                                   SCHEDULE B
                                (CLASS A SHARES)
                                DISTRIBUTION FEE

     The Company shall pay the Distributor as full compensation for all services
rendered and all facilities  furnished under the Distribution Plan and Agreement
for  each  Fund  (or  Class  thereof)  designated  below,  a  Distribution  Fee1
determined by applying the annual rate set forth below as to each Fund (or Class
thereof) to the average daily net assets of the Fund (or Class  thereof) for the
plan year, computed in a manner used for the determination of the offering price
of shares of the Fund.

                                  ASSET       MAXIMUM   MAXIMUM
                                 CHARGE         FEE        FEE           DATE
INVESCO Advantage Fund            0.10%        0.25%      0.35%     August 23, 2000
INVESCO Cash Reserves Fund        0.10%        0.25%      0.35%     August 23, 2000
INVESCO Global Growth Fund(2)     0.10%        0.25%      0.35%     November 29, 2000
INVESCO Advantage Global
  Health Sciences Fund(3)         0.10%        0.25%      0.35%     _______, 2001
INVESCO Advantage
  Telecommunications Fund(3)      0.10%        0.25%      0.35%     _______, 2001

- ----------------

(1)  The  Distribution  Fee is payable apart from the sales  charge,  if any, as
     stated  in the  current  prospectus  for  the  applicable  Fund  (or  Class
(2)  Amended on November 29, 2000.
(3)  Amended on _______, 2001.




                                   MAY 8, 2001

The undersigned  hereby appoints Mark H. Williamson and Glen A. Payne,  and each
of them, proxy for the undersigned,  with the power of substitution to vote with
the  same  force  and  effect  as the  undersigned  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund (the "Fund"),  to be held at
the offices of the Fund, 7800 East Union Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado, on Tuesday,
May 8, 2001 at 1:00 p.m.  (Mountain Time) and at any adjournment  thereof,  upon
the matters set forth on the reverse side,  all in  accordance  with and as more
fully described in the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, dated March
19, 2001, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the  undersigned  shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION  IS MADE,  THIS PROXY WILL BE


Please  sign  exactly as name  appears  hereon.  If stock is held in the name of
joint owners, each should sign.  Attorneys-in-fact,  executors,  administrators,
etc., should so indicate. If shareholder is a corporation or partnership, please
sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized person.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------




1.Proposal to elect (01) Mark H. Williamson          For     With-   For All
  and (02) Larry Soll, PhD as Class B trustees     Nominees  hold    Except
  of the Fund until the annual meeting of           [   ]    [   ]    [   ]
  shareholders in 2003 and until the annual
  meeting of shareholders in 2003 and until
  their successors are elected and qualified.

  Instruction:  To withhold authority to vote for any nominee,  mark the "For
  All Except" box and strike a line  through the  nominee's  name in the list
  above. Your shares will be voted "For" the remaining nominee.

2.Proposal to approve In their discretion, the       For     Against   Abstain
  Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other    [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
  business as may properly come before the
  meeting or any adjournment thereof.

In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business
as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

Mark box at right if an address  change or comment has been noted on the reverse
side of this card. Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy. [ ]

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.      Date:

- ------------------------------------      --------------------------------------
Shareholder sign here                     Co-owner sign here