Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                              (Amendment No. ___)

Filed by the Registrant                         [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant      [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
      [ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
      [ ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
           Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
      [X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
      [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
      [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
           Section 240.14a-12
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        THE GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
      [x]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1),
           14a-6(i)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
      [ ]  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act
           Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
      [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

           1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


           2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


           3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:


           4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


           5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by the  Exchange
     Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)    Amount Previously Paid:


     2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3)    Filing Party:


     4)    Date Filed:


March 22, 1996

Dear Global Health Sciences Fund Shareholder:

We are  pleased to enclose  the Proxy  Statement  for the April 30,  1996 annual
shareholders'   meeting  of  your  Fund.  Please  take  the  time  to  read  the
accompanying  Proxy  Statement  and cast your  vote,  since the  matters  we are
submitting  for your  consideration  are  important  to the Fund and to you as a
shareholder. Your vote is important.

We are requesting action on two proposals:

      1.    Election of Three Trustees:  Fund management proposes
            that Charles W. Brady, Fred A. Deering and A. D. Frazier,
            Jr. be reelected as Class A trustees.

      2.    Ratification of Appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as
            the Fund's Independent Accountants:  Fund management
            proposes that Price Waterhouse LLP continue to be
            retained as the Fund's independent accountants.

We appreciate  your  thoughtful  consideration  of these issues and ask that you
vote promptly. If we do not receive sufficient votes to approve these proposals,
it may necessitate a further mailing or a telephone canvass. Thank you.


                                /s/ R. Dalton Sim
                                R. Dalton Sim
                                The Global Health Sciences Fund

                         THE GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
                             7800 East Union Avenue
                             Denver, Colorado 80237

                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 30, 1996

      Notice is  hereby  given  that an  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of The Global  Health  Sciences Fund (the "Fund") will be held at the
Grand Hotel, 75 14th Street, Atlanta,  Georgia 30309 on Tuesday, April 30, 1996,
at 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time, for the following purposes:

1.    To elect three trustees to serve as the Class A trustees of the Fund until
      the annual meeting of shareholders in 1999 and until their successors are
      elected and qualified;

2.    To ratify or reject the selection by the Fund's trustees of Price
      Waterhouse LLP as independent accountants of the Fund for the fiscal year
      ending October 31, 1996; and

3.    To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or
      any adjournment(s) thereof.

      The  trustees  of the Fund have fixed the close of  business  on March 18,
1996,  as the record  date for the  determination  of  shareholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

      A  complete  list of  shareholders  of the  Fund  entitled  to vote at the
Meeting will be available and open to the  examination of any shareholder of the
Fund for any purpose  germane to the Meeting during  ordinary  business hours at
the offices of the Fund, 7800 East Union Avenue, Denver,  Colorado 80237. A copy
of this list also will be available at the Meeting.

      You are cordially  invited to attend the Meeting.  Shareholders who do not
expect to attend the Meeting in person are requested to complete,  date and sign
the enclosed  form of proxy and return it promptly in the envelope  provided for
that purpose. The enclosed proxy is being solicited on behalf of the trustees of
the Fund.


      Please mark,  sign, date and return the enclosed proxy in the accompanying
envelope  as soon as possible  in order to ensure a full  representation  at the
Meeting.  The Meeting will have to be adjourned without  conducting any business
if less than a majority of the eligible shares is represented,  and the Fund, at
shareholders'  expense, will have to continue to solicit votes until a quorum is
obtained.  The  Meeting  also may be  adjourned,  if  necessary,  to continue to
solicit  votes if less than the required  shareholder  vote has been obtained to
elect the  specified  number of trustees and approve  Proposal  (2).  Your vote,
then,  could be critical in allowing the Fund to hold the Meeting as  scheduled.
By  marking,  signing,  and  promptly  returning  the  enclosed  proxy,  you may
eliminate  the  need  for  additional  solicitation.  Your  cooperation  will be

                                   By Order of the Trustees,

                                   /s/ Glen A. Payne
                                   Glen A. Payne

Denver, Colorado
Dated:  March 22, 1996

                         THE GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
                             7800 East Union Avenue
                             Denver, Colorado 80237


                            TO BE HELD APRIL 30, 1996


       The  enclosed  proxy is being  solicited  by the  trustees  of The Global
Health Sciences Fund (the "Fund"), for use in connection with the annual meeting
of  shareholders  (the  "Meeting")  to be held at 3:00 p.m.,  Eastern  Time,  on
Tuesday,  April 30, 1996, at the Grand Hotel, 75 14th Street,  Atlanta,  Georgia
30309,  and at any  adjournment  thereof  for  the  purposes  set  forth  in the
foregoing notice. An Annual Report,  including financial statements for the Fund
for the fiscal year ended  October 31, 1995,  is available  without  charge upon
request by calling 800-528-8765 or writing the Fund at P.O. Box 173711,  Denver,
CO 80217-3711.  The approximate mailing date of proxies and this Proxy Statement
is March 22, 1996.

       If the enclosed  proxy is duly  executed and returned in time to be voted
at the Meeting,  and not  subsequently  revoked,  all shares  represented by the
proxy will be voted in accordance with the  instructions  marked thereon.  If no
instructions  are given,  such shares will be voted FOR the nominees for trustee
hereinafter  listed and FOR  Proposal  (2). A majority of the shares of the Fund
entitled to vote,  represented in person or by proxy,  shall constitute a quorum
at the Meeting.  If a quorum is present,  the affirmative  vote of a majority of
the shares  represented at the Meeting and entitled to vote shall  determine the
election of trustees and Proposal (2).

       Shares held by shareholders  present in person or represented by proxy at
the Meeting will be counted both for the purpose of determining  the presence of
a quorum and for calculating the votes cast on the issues before the Meeting. An
abstention on a particular vote by a shareholder,  either by proxy or by vote in
person at the Meeting,  has the same effect as a negative vote, because in order
to be approved,  the proposals require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares represented at the Meeting (including abstaining shares).  Shares held by
a broker or other  fiduciary as record  owner for the account of the  beneficial
owner  are  counted  toward  the  required  quorum if the  beneficial  owner has
executed and timely  delivered  the necessary  proxy,  or if the broker or other
fiduciary votes the shares pursuant to applicable  stock exchange rules granting
the broker or fiduciary the discretion to vote the beneficial owner's shares on

one or more of the issues before the Meeting.  Where the broker or fiduciary has
no  discretion  to vote the shares as to one or more issues  before the Meeting,
and does not receive a proxy from the beneficial  owner,  the shares will not be
voted on such issues, and will not count for or against such issues.

       Execution of the enclosed proxy will not affect a shareholder's  right to
attend the Meeting and vote in person,  and a shareholder giving a proxy has the
power to revoke it (by  written  notice to the Fund at Post  Office Box  173711,
Denver, Colorado 80217-3711, execution of a subsequent proxy, or oral revocation
at the Meeting) at any time before it is exercised.

       Shareholders  of the Fund of record at the close of business on March 18,
1996 (the "Record  Date"),  are entitled to vote at the Meeting,  including  any
adjournment  thereof,  and  are  entitled  to  one  vote  for  each  share,  and
corresponding fractional votes for fractional shares, on each matter to be acted
upon at the Meeting. On the Record Date,  20,507,200 shares of the Fund's shares
of beneficial interest, $.01 par value per share, were outstanding.

       There  were  no  persons  known  to own  beneficially  5% or  more of the
outstanding shares of the Fund on the Record Date. As of such date, the trustees
and officers of the Fund, as a group,  beneficially  owned less than one percent
of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

       In addition to the  solicitation  of proxies by use of the mail,  proxies
may be  solicited  by officers of the Fund,  and by officers  and  employees  of
INVESCO  Trust  Company  ("INVESCO"),   the  investment  adviser  to  the  Fund,
personally or by telephone or telegraph, without special compensation. All costs
of printing and mailing  proxy  materials  and the costs and expenses of holding
the Meeting and soliciting proxies will be paid by the Fund.

       The trustees may seek one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to solicit
additional shareholders, if necessary, to obtain a quorum for the Meeting, or to
obtain the required  shareholder  vote to elect the specified number of trustees
and approve  Proposal (2). An adjournment  would require the affirmative vote of
the  holders  of a  majority  of  the  shares  present  at  the  Meeting  (or an
adjournment  thereof) in person or by proxy and entitled to vote. If adjournment
is proposed in order to obtain the  required  shareholder  vote on a  particular
proposal,  the persons named as proxies will vote in favor of adjournment  those
shares which they are entitled to vote in favor of the  proposal,  and will vote
against adjournment those shares required to be voted against the proposal.  For
purposes of voting on an adjournment, a proxy marked in favor of at least one of
the three  nominees  for trustee  will be treated as a vote in favor of Proposal


     The Fund currently has seven  trustees,  divided into three  classes,  with
three  trustees in Class A, two trustees in Class B and two trustees in Class C.
Class A trustees' terms will expire at the Meeting to be held on April 30, 1996;
Class B trustees'  terms will expire at the annual meeting of shareholders to be
held in 1998;  and Class C trustees'  terms will expire at the annual meeting of
shareholders to be held in 1997.

     At the Meeting, the Class A trustees are to be elected to hold office until
the 1999 annual meeting of shareholders  and until their  successors are elected
and qualified. All three of the nominees,  Charles W. Brady, Fred A. Deering and
A. D. Frazier, Jr., have consented to serve, if reelected,  and no circumstances
now known will prevent any of the nominees from serving.  If any nominee  should
be unable to serve, the proxy will be voted for a substitute nominee proposed by
the present trustees.


     Information concerning the trustees of the Fund is set forth below.

                                                                                               No. of Fund Shares
                                                                                               Beneficially Owned
                                                                                               Directly or
                         Principal Occupation During Past                       Trustee        Indirectly on
Name and Address         Five Years and Other Affiliations*                     Since          March 18, 1996+
- ----------------         ----------------------------------                     -------        ------------------
Class A
Charles W. Brady++       Chief Executive Officer an Director of INVESCO         1991                   0
1315 Peachtree Street,   PLC (financial Services holding company), London,
N.E.                     England, and of various subsidiaries thereof;
Atlanta, GA  30309       Chairman of the Board of the Fund, the INVESCO
                         Funds, INVESCO Advisor Funds, Inc., and INVESCO
                         Treasurer's Series Trust (registered open-end
                         management investment companies). Age 60.

Fred A. Deering#         Vice Chairman of the Board of the INVESCO Funds,       1992                17.897
Security Life Center     INVESCO Advisor Funds, Inc., and INVESCO Treasurer's
1290 Broadway            Series Trust; Formerly, Chairman of the Executive
Denver, CO 80203         Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors
                         of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company,
                         Denver, Colorado; Director of ING America Life
                         Insurance Company, Urbaine Life Insurance Company 
                         and Midwestern United Life Insurance Company. Age 68.

A. D. Frazier, Jr.#      Chief Operating Officer of the Atlanta Committee       1994                    0
250 Williams Street      for the Olympic Games.  From 1982 to 1991, Mr.
Suite 6000               Frazier was employed in various capacities by
Atlanta, GA  30303       First Chicago Bank, most recently as Executive
                         Vice President of the North American Banking
                         Group. Director of the INVESCO Funds, INVESCO
                         Advisor Funds, Inc., Charter Medical Corp. and
                         Magellan Health Services, Inc. Trustee of INVESCO
                         Treasurer's Series Trust.  Age 51.

Class B
Dan J. Hesser++          President and Director of the INVESCO Funds;           1991                    0
7800 East Union Avenue   Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
Suite 800                Executive Officer of INVESCO Funds Group, Inc.
Denver, CO  80237        and Director of INVESCO Trust Company.  Age 56.

Larry Soll, Ph.D.#       Retired.  Formerly, Chairman of the Board (1987        1991                7,000.000
623 Westside Road        to 1994), Chief Executive Officer (1982 to 1989;
Friday Harbor, WA 98250  1993 to 1994) and President (1982 to 1989) of
                         Synergen Corp. (a biotechnology company), Boulder,
                         Colorado. Director of Synergen since its incorpora-
                         tion in 1982. Director of ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                         and Immulogic Pharmaceutical Corp. Age 53.

Class C
R. Dalton Sim++          President of the Fund; Chairman of the Board (since    1991                1,000.000
7800 East Union Avenue   March 1993) and President (since January 1991) of
Suite 800                INVESCO Trust Company; Director since June 1987 and,
Denver, CO 80237         and, formerly, Executive Vice President and Chief
                         Investment Officer (June 1987 to January 1991) of
                         INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. Director of the INVESCO
                         Funds. Age 56.

John W. McIntyre#        Retired.  Formerly, Vice Chairman of the Board of      1991                7,874.040
7 Piedmont Center,       Directors of The Citizens and Southern Corporation
Suite 100                and Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Atlanta, GA  30305       Officer of The Citizens and Southern Georgia Corp.
                         and Citizens and Southern National Bank.  Director
                         of the INVESCO Funds, INVESCO Advisor Funds, Inc.
                         and Golden Poultry Co. Inc. Trustee of INVESCO
                         Treasurer's Series Trust and Gables Residential
                         Trust. Age 65.

All trustees and executive officers as a group                                                    15,891.937

     * As used in this Proxy  Statement,  the term "INVESCO Funds" refers to the
14 mutual funds,  consisting of 39 separate portfolios,  managed and distributed
by INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. ("IFG").  INVESCO,  the adviser to the Fund, serves
as sub-adviser to 27 of these portfolios.

     # Member of the audit committee.

     + As interpreted by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  a security is
beneficially  owned by a person if that  person  has or shares  voting  power or
investment  power with  respect to the  security.  The persons  listed have sole
voting and investment power with respect to their respective Fund shares.

     ++ Because of his affiliation with INVESCO,  the Fund's investment adviser,
or  companies  affiliated  with  INVESCO,  this  individual  is  deemed to be an
"interested  person"  of the  Fund as that  term is  defined  in the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").

     The only  committee of the trustees is the audit  committee.  The Fund does
not  have  a  compensation  committee  or  a  nominating  committee.  The  audit
committee,  consisting of four independent trustees, meets periodically with the
Fund's  independent  accountants  and the executive  officers of the Fund.  This
committee  reviews  the  accounting  principles  being  applied  by the  Fund in
financial reporting,  the scope and adequacy of internal controls,  the scope of
the audit and non-audit  assignments  of the  independent  accountants,  and the
related fees. All of the  recommendations of the audit committee are reported to
the  trustees.  During the year ended  October 31,  1995,  the trustees met four
times and the audit committee met two times.  With the exception of Mr. Frazier,
who missed one trustee meeting and an audit  committee  meeting held on the same
day, each trustee attended seventy-five percent or more of the total meetings of
the  trustees  and the  committees  of the trustees on which he served that were
held during the year.

Trustee Compensation

     The following table sets forth, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1995,
the compensation paid by the Fund to its four independent  trustees for services
rendered in their capacities as trustees of the Fund. In addition, the following
table sets forth the total  compensation  paid by the Fund,  the INVESCO  Funds,
INVESCO Advisor Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Treasurer's Series Trust  (collectively,
the  "INVESCO  Complex")  (48  funds in total) to these  trustees  for  services
rendered in their  capacities  as  directors  or trustees  during the year ended
December 31, 1995.

                                                     Total Compensation
                       Aggregate Compensation           From INVESCO
Name of Person               From Fund            Complex Paid To Trustees
- --------------         ----------------------     ------------------------

Fred A. Deering              $11,000                    $ 87,350

A.D. Frazier, Jr.             10,000                      63,500

John W. McIntyre              11,000                      67,850

Larry Soll, Ph.D.             11,000                      11,000

Total                        $43,000                    $229,700

% of Net Assets              0.0113%1                    0.0017%2

     1Total as a percentage of the Fund's net assets as of October 31, 1995.

     2Total as a  percentage  of the net  assets of the  INVESCO  Complex  as of
December 31, 1995.

     Messrs.  Brady, Hesser and Sim, as "interested  persons" of the Fund and of
the other  funds in the INVESCO  Complex,  receive  compensation  as officers or
employees  of  INVESCO  or its  affiliated  companies,  and do not  receive  any
trustee's  fees or other  compensation  from the Fund or the other  funds in the
INVESCO Complex for their service as directors or trustees.

      The Fund has no stock option or pension or retirement plans for management
or other personnel, and pays no compensation to any of its officers.

      The Fund's  officers and trustees,  persons who are  beneficial  owners of
more than 10% of the Fund's shares,  and certain persons affiliated with INVESCO
are required to file reports of their  holdings and  transactions  in the Fund's
shares with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") and the New York
Stock  Exchange,  and to furnish  the Fund with copies of those  reports.  Based
solely  upon  its  review  of  the  copies  it has  received  and  upon  written
representations  it has obtained  from these  persons,  the Fund  believes  that
during the fiscal year ended October 31, 1995,  these persons have complied with
all such filing requirements.

Information Concerning INVESCO

      INVESCO,  a  Colorado  trust  company  incorporated  in  1969,  serves  as
sub-adviser  or adviser to a total of 41 portfolios,  including the Fund.  These
funds had aggregate assets of approximately $11 billion as of December 31, 1995.

In addition, INVESCO provides investment management services to private clients,
including  employee  benefit  plans which may be invested in a collective  trust
sponsored by INVESCO.  INVESCO also acts as custodian for numerous IRA and other
retirement  plan  accounts   invested  in  the  INVESCO  Funds.   INVESCO  is  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of IFG, which is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
INVESCO PLC, a United Kingdom corporation.

      Three of the trustees of the Fund are affiliated with INVESCO.  Charles W.
Brady,  chairman of the Fund since 1991, is chairman and chief executive officer
of INVESCO PLC and a director of various  subsidiaries  thereof.  Dan J. Hesser,
trustee of the Fund since  1991,  is  chairman,  president  and chief  executive
officer of IFG and a director of INVESCO. R. Dalton Sim, president (since 1994),
vice president (1991 to 1994) and trustee (since 1991) of the Fund, is chairman,
president and chief executive officer of INVESCO. Other officers of the Fund who
are also officers of INVESCO are: John Schroer,  30 years of age, vice president
and portfolio  manager (since 1996) of the Fund and vice president  (since 1995)
and  portfolio  manager  (since  1993)  of  INVESCO  (formerly,  assistant  vice
president of Trust  Company of the West,  1990 to 1993);  Ronald L.  Grooms,  49
years of age,  treasurer  of the Fund since 1991 and senior vice  president  and
treasurer of IFG and INVESCO;  and Glen A. Payne, 48 years of age,  secretary of
the Fund since 1991 and senior vice president, general counsel, and secretary of
IFG and INVESCO.  The address of each of the foregoing officers and directors of
INVESCO is 7800 East Union  Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado  80237.  In addition,  C.
William Maher,  35 years of age, has been assistant  treasurer of the Fund since
1992 and is  first  vice  president  and  manager  of the  Funds  Administration
Division of Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management Inc. ("Mitchell  Hutchins"),  the
Fund's  administrator,  and assistant treasurer of the PaineWebber mutual funds.
The offices of Mitchell Hutchins are located at 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New
York,  New York 10019.  At their meeting held on February 14, 1996, the trustees
of the Fund selected INVESCO Funds Group, Inc., 7800 East Union Avenue,  Denver,
Colorado 80237, to succeed Mitchell Hutchins as the Fund's administrator. IFG is
expected to assume this  responsiblity,  as well as  responsibility  for certain
accounting and financial  reporting services currently performed for the Fund by
State Street Bank and Trust Company in May 1996.


      The trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the Fund, as defined in
the 1940  Act,  have  selected  Price  Waterhouse  LLP to  continue  to serve as
independent  accountants  of the Fund  for the year  ending  October  31,  1996,
subject to ratification by the Fund's shareholders. This firm has no direct

financial  interest or material  indirect  financial  interest in the Fund.
Representatives of this firm are not expected to attend the Meeting.

      The following  summarizes  Price  Waterhouse  LLP's audit services for the
fiscal  year ended  October  31,  1995:  audit of annual  financial  statements;
preparation of the Fund's  federal and state income tax returns;  preparation of
the  Fund's  federal  excise tax  return,  consultation  with the  Fund's  audit
committee;  and routine  consultation  on  financial  accounting  and  reporting

      The trustees authorized all services performed by Price Waterhouse LLP. In
addition,  the trustees  annually review the scope of services to be provided by
Price  Waterhouse LLP and consider the effect,  if any, that  performance of any
non-audit services might have on audit independence.

      An  audit  committee,  consisting  of  four  independent  trustees,  meets
periodically  with the Fund's  independent  accountants to review accounting and
reporting requirements.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      The  management  of the Fund has no business  to bring  before the Meeting
other than the matters  described above.  Should any other business be presented
at the Meeting,  it is the  intention of the persons  named in the  accompanying
proxy to vote on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Proposals  of  shareholders  which may be  properly  included in the proxy
solicitation  material for the 1997 annual  meeting of the  shareholders  of the
Fund must be  received by the  Secretary  of the Fund,  7800 East Union  Avenue,
Denver, Colorado 80237, no later than November 22, 1996.

                              By Order of the Trustees,

                              /s/ Glen A. Payne
                              Glen A. Payne

March 22, 1996

                         THE GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
                                 APRIL 30, 1996
                This Proxy is solicited on Behalf of the Trustees

The  undersigned  hereby  appoints R. Dalton Sim and Glen A. Payne,  and each of
them,  proxy for the undersigned,  with the power of substitution,  to vote with
the same  force and  effect as the  undersigned  at the  Annual  Meeting  of the
shareholders of The Global Health Sciences Fund (the "Fund"),  to be held at the
Grand Hotel, 75 14th Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, on Tuesday, April 30, 1996,
at 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) and at any adjournment thereof, upon the matters set
forth below, all in accordance with and as more fully described in the notice of
annual meeting and proxy  statement,  dated March 22, 1996,  receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged.

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the  undersigned  shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION  IS MADE,  THIS PROXY WILL BE


Please sign this proxy  exactly as your name appears on the reverse side hereof.
Joint owners should each sign personally.  Trustees and other fiduciaries should
indicate the capacity in which they sign,  and where more than one name appears,
a majority  must sign. If a  corporation,  this  signature  should be that of an
authorized officer who should state his or her title.


- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------

                                                           With-      For all
                                                 For       hold       Except
1.)   Election of Three Trustees.               [     ]   [     ]     [    ]

      Class A:  Charles W. Brady, Fred A. Deering
                and A.D. Frazier, Jr.

      If you do not wish your shares voted "FOR"
      a particular nominee, mark the "For All 
      Except" box and strike a line through the
      nominee's name.  Your shares will be voted
      for the remaining nominees.

                                                 For      Against    Abstain
2.)   Ratification of appointment of Price      [    ]    [     ]    [     ]
      Waterhouse LLP as the Fund's independent

      In their discretion, the Proxies are 
      authorized to vote upon such other
      business as may properly come before 
      the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.   Date:

- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
Shareholder sign here                     Co-owner sign here

Mark box at right if comments or address change          [  ]
have been noted on the reverse side of this card.