April 12, 1999

Dear INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund Shareholder:

     We are pleased to enclose the Proxy  Statement  for the May 10, 1999 annual
shareholders'   meeting  of  your  Fund.  Please  take  the  time  to  read  the
accompanying  Proxy  Statement  and cast your  vote,  since the  matters  we are
submitting  for your  consideration  are  important  to the Fund and to you as a
shareholder. Your vote is important.

We are requesting action on two proposals:

1.    Election of one trustee: Fund management proposes that Fred A. Deering be
      reelected as Class A trustee; and

2.    Ratification  of Appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's
      independent accountants: Fund management  proposes  that
      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP continue  to  be  retained  as  the  Fund's
      independent accountants.

     We appreciate  your thoughtful  consideration  of these issues and ask that
you vote  promptly.  If we do not  receive  sufficient  votes to  approve  these
proposals,  it may necessitate a further mailing or a telephone  canvass.  
Thank you.


                                    /s/ Mark H. Williamson
                                    Mark H. Williamson
                                    INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund

                                                          7800 East Union Avenue
                                                          Denver, Colorado 80237

                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 10, 1999

     Notice  is  hereby  given  that an  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of INVESCO  Global Health  Sciences Fund (the "Fund") will be held at
the Four Seasons Hotel, 75 Fourteenth Street,  Atlanta Georgia 30309, on Monday,
May 10, 1999, at 11:00 a.m.,  Eastern Time,  for the following  purposes:  

     1. To elect one trustee to serve as a Class A trustee of the Fund until the
        annual  meeting of  shareholders  in 2002 and until his successor is 
        elected and qualified;

     2. To  ratify  or  reject  the   selection  by  the  Fund's   trustees  of
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants of the Fund for 
        the fiscal year ending October 31, 1999; and

     3. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Meeting
        or any adjournment(s) thereof.

     The  trustees  of the Fund have  fixed the close of  business  on March 26,
1999,  as the record  date for the  determination  of  shareholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

     A complete list of shareholders of the Fund entitled to vote at the Meeting
will be available and open to the examination of any shareholder of the Fund for
any purpose germane to the Meeting during ordinary business hours at the offices
of the Fund, 7800 East Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237. A copy of this list
also will be available at the Meeting.

     You are cordially  invited to attend the Meeting.  Shareholders  who do not
expect to attend the Meeting in person are requested to complete,  sign and date
the enclosed  form of proxy and return it promptly in the envelope  provided for
that purpose. The enclosed proxy is being solicited on behalf of the trustees of
the Fund.


     Please mark,  sign, date and return the enclosed proxy in the  accompanying
envelope  as soon as possible  in order to ensure a full  representation  at the
Meeting.  The Meeting will have to be adjourned without  conducting any business
if less than a majority of the eligible shares is represented,  and the Fund, at
shareholders'  expense, will have to continue to solicit votes until a quorum is
obtained.  The  Meeting  also may be  adjourned,  if  necessary,  to continue to
solicit  votes if less than the required  shareholder  vote has been obtained to
elect  the  trustee  and  ratify  the   selection  of  the  Fund's   independent
accountants. Your vote, then, could be critical in allowing the Fund to hold the
Meeting as scheduled.  By marking,  signing and promptly  returning the enclosed
proxy, you may eliminate the need for additional solicitation.  Your cooperation
will be appreciated.

                                               By Order of the Trustees, 

                                               /s/ Glen A. Payne
                                               Glen A.  Payne

Denver, Colorado
Dated: April 12, 1999

                           INVESCO GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCES FUND
                                   7800 East Union Avenue
                                   Denver, Colorado 80237

                                 TO BE HELD MAY 10, 1999
     The enclosed  proxy is being  solicited  by the trustees of INVESCO  Global
Health Sciences Fund (the "Fund"), for use at the annual meeting of shareholders
(the "Meeting") to be held at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on Monday, May 10, 1999.
The  Meeting  will be held at the Four  Seasons  Hotel,  75  Fourteenth  Street,
Atlanta,  Georgia  30309.  The  enclosed  proxy  will be used  for the  purposes
described in the preceding notice and may also be used at any adjournment of the
DENVER,  CO 80217-3711.  The approximate  mailing date of proxies and this Proxy
Statement is April 12, 1999.

     If the enclosed proxy is properly executed and returned in time to be voted
at the Meeting, your shares will be voted according to the instructions you have
marked on the proxy. If you sign the proxy but give no instructions, your shares
will be voted FOR the  nominee  for  trustee,  and FOR Item 2. A majority of the
shares of the Fund  entitled to vote,  represented  in person or by proxy,  will
constitute a quorum at the Meeting. If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote
of a plurality  (i.e.,  the largest  number of shares voted at the meeting for a
trustee  nominee) of the shares  represented at the Meeting and entitled to vote
shall  determine  Item 1.  The  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the  shares
represented at the meeting and entitled to vote shall determine Item 2.

     Shares held by  shareholders  present in person or  represented by proxy at
the Meeting will be counted both for the purpose of determining  the presence of
a quorum and for calculating the votes cast on the issues before the Meeting. An
abstention on a particular vote by a shareholder,  either by proxy or by vote in
person at the Meeting,  has the same effect as a negative vote, because approval
of Item 2 requires the YES vote of a majority of the shares  represented  at the
Meeting  (including  abstaining  shares).  Shares  held  by a  broker  or  other
fiduciary  as record owner for the account of the  beneficial  owner are counted
toward the  required  quorum if the  beneficial  owner has  executed  and timely
delivered the necessary  proxy,  or if the broker or other  fiduciary  votes the
shares  pursuant to  applicable  stock  exchange  rules  granting  the broker or
fiduciary the discretion to vote the beneficial owner's shares on one or more of
the issues before the Meeting.  Where the broker or fiduciary  does not have the
discretion to vote the shares on one or more issues before the Meeting, and does
not receive a proxy from the beneficial  owner,  the shares will not be voted on
such issues, and will not count for or against such issues.

     Execution of the enclosed  proxy will not affect a  shareholder's  right to
attend the Meeting and vote in person,  and a shareholder giving a proxy has the
power to revoke it (by  written  notice to the Fund at Post  Office Box  173711,
Denver, Colorado 80217-3711, execution of a subsequent proxy, or oral revocation
at the Meeting) at any time before it is exercised.

     Shareholders  of record of the Fund at the close of  business  on March 26,
1999 (the "Record  Date"),  are entitled to vote at the Meeting,  including  any
adjournment  thereof,  and  are  entitled  to  one  vote  for  each  share,  and
corresponding fractional votes for fractional shares, on each matter to be acted
upon at the Meeting. On the Record Date, 30,156,115 of the Fund's shares
of beneficial interest, $.01 par value per share, were outstanding.

     There  were  no  persons  known  to  own  beneficially  5% or  more  of the
outstanding  shares of the Fund on the  Record  Date.  On the Record  Date,  the
trustees and officers of the Fund, as a group,  beneficially owned less than one
percent of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

     In  addition  to the  solicitation  of  proxies  by  mail,  proxies  may be
solicited by officers of the Fund,  by officers and  employees of INVESCO  Funds
Group,  Inc.  ("IFG"),  the  Fund's  investment  adviser,  and by  officers  and
employees of INVESCO Distributors,  Inc. ("IDI"), a broker-dealer  subsidiary of
IFG.  These  proxies may be solicited  personally  or by telephone or telegraph,
without  special  compensation.  IFG and IDI are  referred  to  collectively  as

     Shareholder  Communications Corporation ("SCC") has been retained to assist
in  the  solicitation  of  proxies.  As the  meeting  date  approaches,  certain
shareholders  whose votes the Fund has not yet  received  may receive  telephone
calls  from  representatives  of SCC  requesting  that they  authorize  SCC,  by
telephonic or electronically transmitted instructions, to execute proxy cards on
their behalf.  Telephone  authorizations will be recorded in accordance with the
procedures  set  forth  below.   INVESCO  believes  that  these  procedures  are
reasonably  designed to ensure that the identity of the shareholder  casting the
vote  is  accurately   determined  and  that  the  voting  instructions  of  the
shareholder are accurately determined.

     SCC has received an opinion of  Massachusetts  counsel that  addresses  the
validity,  under the applicable laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  of
authorization   given  orally  to  execute  a  proxy.   The  opinion   given  by
Massachusetts counsel concludes that a Massachusetts court would find that there
is no  Massachusetts  law or public  policy  against the  acceptance  of proxies
signed by an orally authorized agent,  provided it adheres to the procedures set
forth below.

     In all cases where a telephonic proxy is solicited,  the SCC representative
is required to ask the shareholder for such  shareholder's  full name,  address,
Social Security or employer  identification  number, title (if the person giving
the proxy is authorized to act on behalf of an entity,  such as a  corporation),
and the number of shares owned, and to confirm that the shareholder has received
the Proxy  Statement in the mail. If the information  solicited  agrees with the
information  provided  to  SCC by the  Fund,  the  SCC  representative  has  the
responsibility  to explain the voting process,  read the proposals listed on the
proxy card, and ask for the shareholder's instructions on the proposal. Although
he or  she  is  permitted  to  answer  questions  about  the  process,  the  SCC
representative  is not  permitted to recommend to the  shareholder  how to vote,
other than to read any recommendation set forth in the Proxy Statement. SCC will
record the  shareholder's  instructions on the card.  Within 72 hours,  SCC will
send the shareholder a letter or mailgram  confirming the shareholder's vote and
asking the shareholder to call SCC immediately if the shareholder's instructions
are not correctly reflected in the confirmation.

     If a shareholder wishes to participate in the Meeting, but does not wish to
give a proxy by  telephone,  such  shareholder  may still  submit the proxy card
originally sent with the Proxy Statement or attend in person. Any proxy given by
a shareholder,  whether in writing or by telephone,  is revocable. A shareholder
may revoke the accompanying  proxy or a proxy given  telephonically  at any time
prior to its use by filing with the Fund a written  revocation  or duly executed
proxy bearing a later date. In addition, any shareholder who attends the Meeting
in  person  may vote by  ballot  at the  Meeting,  thereby  canceling  any proxy
previously given.


     The  trustees may seek one or more  adjournments  of the Meeting to solicit
additional shareholders, if necessary, to obtain a quorum for the Meeting, or to
obtain  the  required  shareholder  vote to elect the  trustee  and  ratify  the
selection of the Fund's  independent  accountants.  An adjournment would require
the YES vote of the holders of a majority  of the shares  present at the Meeting
(or an adjournment  thereof), in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote. If an
adjournment  is proposed in order to obtain the required  shareholder  vote on a
particular  proposal,  the  persons  named  as  proxies  will  vote in  favor of
adjournment  those  shares  which  they  are  entitled  to vote in  favor of the
proposal,  and will vote against  adjournment  those shares required to be voted
against  the  proposal.  A  shareholder  vote may be  taken on one of the  Items
discussed  herein prior to any such  adjournment  if sufficient  votes have been
received and it is otherwise appropriate.

                     ITEM 1: ELECTION OF TRUSTEE OF THE FUND

     The Fund currently has four trustees,  divided into three classes, with one
trustee  in Class A, one  trustee  in Class B and two  trustees  in Class C. The
Class A trustee's  term will  expire at the Meeting to be held on May 10,  1999;
the Class B trustee's term will expire at the annual meeting of  shareholders to
be held in 2001;  and the Class C  trustees'  terms  will  expire at the  annual
meeting of shareholders to be held in 2000.

     At the  Meeting,  the Class A trustee is to be elected to hold office until
the 2002 annual meeting of  shareholders  and until his successor is elected and
qualified.  The nominee,  Fred A. Deering,  has consented to serve if reelected,
and no  circumstances  now known will prevent the nominee from  serving.  If the
nominee  should be unable to  serve,  the proxy  will be voted for a  substitute
nominee proposed by the present trustees.

                     MR. DEERING AS A TRUSTEE OF THE FUND.

     Information concerning the trustees of the Fund is set forth below.

                                                                                No. of Fund Shares
                                                                                Owned Directly
                       Principal Occupation During Past       Trustee           or Indirectly on
Name and Address       Five Years and Other Affiliations*     Since             March 26, 1999+
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                Vice Chairman of the Board of the       1992             523.070
Fred A. Deering#       INVESCO Funds and INVESCO
Security Life Center   Treasurer's Series Trust;
1290 Broadway          formerly Chairman of the
Denver, CO 80203       Executive Committee and Chairman
                       of the Board of Security Life of
                       Denver Insurance Company, Denver,
                       Colorado; Director of ING
                       American Holdings Company and
                       First ING Life Insurance Company
                       of New York.  Age 71

Class B                Retired.  Formerly, Chairman of         1991             11,842.00
Larry Soll, Ph.D.#     the Board (1987 to 1994), Chief
345 Poorman Road       Executive Officer (1982 to 1989;
Boulder, CO  80302     1993 to 1994) and President (1982
                       to 1989) of Synergen Inc. (a
                       biotechnology company), Boulder,
                       Colorado.  Director of Synergen
                       since its incorporation in 1982.
                       Director of ISIS Pharmaceuticals,
                       Inc.  Director of INVESCO Funds
                       and trustee of INVESCO
                       Treasurer's Series Trust.  Age 56.

Class C                Retired.  Formerly, Vice Chairman       1991             11,969.442  
John W. McIntyre#      of the Board of Citizens and
7 Piedmont Center,     Southern Corporation and Chairman
Suite 100              of the Board and Chief Executive
Atlanta, GA  30305     Officer of Citizens and
                       Southern Georgia Corp. and
                       Citizens and Southern National
                       Bank.  Director of the INVESCO
                       Funds and Kaiser Foundation
                       Health Plan of Georgia, Inc.
                       Trustee of INVESCO Treasurer's
                       Series Trust, Gables Residential
                       Trust, Employee's Retirement
                       System of GA, Emory University,
                       and J.M. Tull Charitable
                       Foundation.  Age 68.

Class C                Chairman and Chief Executive       1991 (Mr. Brady       0
Charles W. Brady++     Officer of AMVESCAP PLC, London,   did not serve as a
Chairman of the Board  England, and of various            trustee between 
1315 Peachtree         subsidiaries thereof, Chairman of  2/28/1997 and  
Street, NE             the Board of the INVESCO Funds     8/3/1998)             
Atlanta, GA  30309     and INVESCO Treasurer's        
                       Series Trust.  Age 64.                    

All trustees and executive officers                                             24,334.512
as a group

   * As used in this Proxy Statement,  the term "INVESCO Funds" refers to the 
     14 mutual funds, consisting of 51 separate portfolios, managed by IFG and
     distributed by IDI, excluding the Fund.
   # Member of the audit committee.  

   + As interpreted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, a security is
     beneficially owned by a person if that person has or shares voting power or
     investment power with respect to the security. The persons listed have sole
     voting and investment  power with respect to their  respective Fund shares.

   ++ Because of his affiliation with IFG, the Fund's investment  adviser,  or
      companies  affiliated  with  IFG,  this individual  is  deemed  to be  an
      "interested  person" of the Fund as that term is defined in the Investment
      Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").

   The only  committee  of the Board of Trustees is the audit  committee.  The
audit committee,  consisting of three independent  trustees,  meets periodically
with the Fund's independent  accountants and the executive officers of the Fund.
This committee  reviews the accounting  principles  being applied by the Fund in
financial reporting,  the scope and adequacy of internal controls,  the scope of
the audit and  non-audit  assignments  of the  independent  accountants  and the
related fees. All of the  recommendations of the audit committee are reported to
the  trustees.  During the year ended  October 31,  1998,  the trustees met four
times and the audit committee met two times. Each trustee attended  seventy-five
percent or more of the total  meetings of the trustees and the committees of the
trustees on which he served that were held during the year.


     The following  table shows the  compensation  paid by the Fund to its three
independent  trustees  for their  services as trustees of the Fund in the fiscal
year  ended  October  31,  1998.  The  following  table  also  shows  the  total
compensation paid by the Fund, the INVESCO Funds, and INVESCO Treasurer's Series
Trust (collectively,  the 54 portfolios of the "INVESCO Complex",  including the
Fund) to these trustees for their  services as directors or trustees  during the
year ended December 31, 1998.

                             COMPENSATION TABLE


                                   Benefits                          Total Compensation
                   Aggregate       Accrued as     Estimated Annual   from the Fund and  
                   Compensation    Part of Fund   Benefits Upon      INVESCO Complex                         
Name of Person     from the Fund   Expenses(2)    Retirement(3)      Paid to Trustees                                         
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fred A. Deering      $19,000         $0.00          $0.00           $103,700
John W. Mcintyre(1)  $20,000         $0.00          $0.00            $98,500
Dr. Larry Soll       $19,000         $0.00          $0.00            $96,000
TOTAL                $58,000         $0.00          $0.00           $298,200

AS A PERCENTAGE      0.0099%(4)                                     0.0014%(5) 

(1) The chairman of the audit committee  receives  compensation for serving in 
    such capacity in addition to the  compensation  paid to all  Independent

2)  Represents  benefits  accrued  with respect to the Defined Benefit Deferred 
    Compensation Plan discussed below, and not compensation deferred at the 
    election of the  trustees. This plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees on
    October  12,  1998. As of October 31, 1998, the Fund's fiscal  year end, no
    benefits had begun accruing to eligible trustees.  

(3) These figures represent the Fund's estimated annual benefits payable upon 
    the trustee's retirement. These estimated benefits assume retirement at
    age 72 and that the basic retainer payable to the trustees will be adjusted 
    periodically  for inflation.  This results in lower estimated benefits for 
    trustees who are closer to  retirement and higher estimated benefits for 
    trustees who are farther from retirement. Each of these trustees has served 
    as a trustee for the minimum  five-year  period required to be eligible to  
    participate  in  the  Defined  Benefit  Deferred Compensation Plan.

(4) Total as a percentage of Fund's net assets as of October 31,  1998.  

(5) Total as a percentage of the INVESCO Complex's net assets as of 
    December 31, 1998.

     The trustees who are not "interested persons" of the Fund (as defined under
federal  law) and of the other funds in the INVESCO  Complex  (the  "Independent
Trustees"),  establish their own  compensation  from the Fund and other funds in
the INVESCO Complex and are not paid by INVESCO or any affiliated  company.  Mr.
Brady,  as an "interested  person" of the Fund and of other funds in the INVESCO
Complex,  receives  compensation  as an officer  of  companies  affiliated  with
INVESCO,  but does not receive any trustee fees or other  compensation  from the
Fund or from other funds in the INVESCO  Complex for his service as a trustee or

     On October 12,  1998,  the board of trustees of the Fund  adopted a Defined
Benefit Deferred  Compensation Plan (the "Plan") for the Independent Trustees of
the Fund.  Under the Plan,  each trustee who is not an interested  person of the
Fund (as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act), and who has served for at
least five years (a "Qualified  Trustee") is entitled to receive four  quarterly
payments during the first twelve months after his retirement,  with each payment
to be equal to 25 percent of the sum of the annual basic retainer and annualized
quarterly board meeting fees payable by the Fund to the  Independent  Trustee on
his retirement  (the "First Year Retirement  Benefit").  As of October 31, 1998,
the Fund's fiscal year end, no benefits had begun accruing to eligible trustees.

     Trustees normally retire at age 72, or age 73, 74, or 75, if the retirement
date is extended by the Board.  In no event may a trustee  retire later than the
last day of the calendar quarter in which the trustee's  seventy-fifth  birthday

     Beginning with the first anniversary of the Qualified Trustee's retirement,
and beginning as of the retirement of an Independent Trustee whose retirement is
after the date of the last day of the calendar  quarter in which such  trustee's
seventy-fifth  birthday occurred,  the Independent Trustee will receive, for the
remainder of his life, a benefit (the "Benefit"),  payable quarterly,  with each
quarterly  payment to be equal to 12.50  percent of the sum of the annual  basic
retainer and annualized  quarterly board meeting fees payable by the Fund to the
Independent Trustee on his retirement.

     If an Independent  Trustee's service as a trustee is terminated  because of
his death  after the last day of the  calendar  quarter in which such  trustee's
seventy-second birthday occurred and before the last day of the calendar quarter
in  which  such  trustee's   seventy-fifth   birthday  occurs,   the  designated
beneficiary of the  Independent  Trustee will receive the First Year  Retirement
Payments and will, beginning with the quarter following the quarter in which the
last First Year Retirement  Payment is made, receive the Benefit for a period of
ten years, with quarterly payments to be made to the designated beneficiary.

     If an Independent  Trustee's service as a trustee is terminated  because of
his death  before the last day of the calendar  quarter in which such  trustee's
seventy-second  birthday occurs or after the last day of the calendar quarter in
which such trustee's seventy-fifth birthday occurred, the designated beneficiary
of the  Independent  Trustee will receive the Benefit for a period of ten years,
with quarterly  payments to be made to the designated  beneficiary  beginning in
the first quarter following the trustee's death.

     If an Independent  Trustee's service as a trustee is terminated  because of
his  disability  after  the  last day of the  calendar  quarter  in  which  such
trustee's  seventy-second  birthday  occurred  and  before  the  last day of the
calendar  quarter in which such trustee's  seventy-fifth  birthday  occurs,  the
Independent  Trustee will receive the First Year  Retirement  Payments and will,
beginning  with the quarter  following  the quarter in which the last First Year
Retirement  Payment is made,  receive the Benefit for the remainder of his life,
with quarterly payments to be made to the disabled  Independent  Trustee. 

If the disabled Independent Trustee should die before the First Year Retirement
Payments are completed  and before forty  quarterly  Benefit  payments are made,
such payments will continue to be made to the Independent  Trustee's  designated
beneficiary until the aggregate of the First Year Retirement  Payments and forty
quarterly  Benefit payments have been made to the disabled  Independent  Trustee
and the trustee's designated beneficiary.

     If an Independent  Trustee's service as a trustee is terminated  because of
his  disability  before  the  last day of the  calendar  quarter  in which  such
trustee's  seventy-second  birthday occurs or after the last day of the calendar
quarter in which such trustee's seventy-fifth birthday occurred, the Independent
Trustee will receive the Benefit for the remainder of his life,  with  quarterly
payments to be made to the disabled  Independent  Trustee beginning in the first
quarter  following the trustee's  termination  for  disability.  If the disabled
Independent  Trustee  should  die  before  forty  quarterly  payments  are made,
payments  will  continue  to be made  to the  Independent  Trustee's  designated
beneficiary until the aggregate of forty quarterly payments has been made to the
disabled Independent Trustee and the trustee's designated beneficiary.

     Any question involving  entitlement to payments under or the administration
of the Plan  will be  referred  to a  four-person  committee  (the  "Committee")
composed of three  Independent  Trustees  designated  by all of the  Independent
Trustees  of the Trust and one  trustee  of the Trust who is not an  Independent
Trustee,  designated  by  the  non-Independent  Trustees.  Except  as  otherwise
provided,  the  Committee  will  make  all  interpretations  and  determinations
necessary or desirable for the Plan's  administration,  and such interpretations
and  determinations  will be final and  conclusive.  Committee  members  will be
elected annually.

     The Committee  will  represent and act on behalf of the Trust in respect of
the Plan and,  subject to the other  provisions  of the Plan,  the Committee may
adopt,   amend  or  repeal   bylaws  or  other   regulations   relating  to  the
administration of the Plan, the conduct of the Committee's  affairs,  its rights
or powers, or the rights or powers of its members.  The Committee will report to
the Independent Trustees and to the Board from time to time on its activities in
respect of the Plan.  The Committee or persons  designated by it will cause such
records to be kept as may be necessary for the  administration  of the Plan. The
cost of the Plan is paid by the Trust.

     A Deferred Fee  Agreement  for  Independent  Trustees  became  effective on
January 1,  1999.  Pursuant  to the  Deferred  Fee  Agreement,  the  Independent
Trustees  may defer  receipt of a portion of the  compensation  which they would
otherwise  have  been  paid as  trustees  of the Fund.  The  deferred  amount is
invested in shares of the Fund. Each Independent Trustee may therefore be deemed
to have an  indirect  interest  in shares of the Fund,  in  addition to any Fund
shares he may own directly or beneficially.

     The Fund's officers and trustees, persons who are beneficial owners of more
than 10% of the Fund's shares,  and certain persons  affiliated with INVESCO are
required to file reports of their holdings and transactions in the Fund's shares
with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange, and
to furnish the Fund with copies of those  reports.  Based solely upon its review
of the copies it has received and upon written  representations  it has obtained
from these persons,  the Fund believes that during the fiscal year ended October
31, 1998, these persons have complied with all such filing requirements.


     INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. ("IFG"), a Delaware  corporation  incorporated in
1932, serves as adviser to 52 investment company portfolios, including the Fund.
These funds had aggregate assets of  approximately  $21.1 billion as of February
28, 1999. In addition,  IFG provides  investment  management services to private
clients. INVESCO Distributors, Inc. ("IDI") is a wholly owned subsidiary of IFG.
Both  companies  are indirect  subsidiaries  of AMVESCAP  PLC, an  international
investment  management company that managed approximately $275 billion in assets
as of December  31, 1998.  AMVESCAP  PLC is based in London with money  managers
located in Europe, North America, South America and Asia.

     One of the  trustees of the Fund is  affiliated  with  INVESCO.  Charles W.
Brady,  the current  Chairman of the Fund, is also Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer of AMVESCAP PLC and a director of various subsidiaries  thereof. Mark H.
Williamson,  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Fund since 1998, is
Chairman,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of IFG and IDI;  formerly,
Chairman  and CEO of  NationsBanc  Advisors,  Inc.  (1995-1997 ) and Chairman of
NationsBanc  Investments,  Inc. (1997-1998).  Other officers of the Fund

who are also officers of IFG are: John R. Schroer, 34 years of age, Senior Vice
President  and  portfolio  manager  (since  1996) of the Fund  and  Senior  Vice
President  (since 1998) and portfolio  manager (since 1993) of IFG,  Senior Vice
President  (1996-1998)  of INVESCO Trust Company,  Vice  President  (1995-1996),
Assistant  Vice President of Trust Company of the West,  (1990-1993);  Ronald L.
Grooms,  52 years of age,  Treasurer  and  Principal  Financial  and  Accounting
Officer of the Fund since 1991, Senior Vice President,  Director,  and Treasurer
of IFG and IDI; and Glen A. Payne, 51 years of age,  Secretary of the Fund since
1991 and Senior Vice  President,  General  Counsel and Secretary of IFG and IDI.
The address of the  foregoing  officers and  directors  is INVESCO  Funds Group,
Inc., 7800 East Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237.

     On December 6, 1996, Advantage Partners, L.P. filed an action, individually
and  derivatively  on behalf of the Fund,  against  INVESCO  Trust  Company (the
former name of the adviser to the Fund),  INVESCO Funds Group, Inc., INVESCO PLC
(the predecessor to AMVESCAP PLC), and the Fund's  trustees.  The suit was filed
in the federal court for the District of Colorado, Case No. 96-D-2824. Plaintiff
alleged  violations  of  Sections  36(b) and 48(a) of the 1940 Act and state law
(including an alleged  breach of fiduciary  duty against the Fund's  adviser and
the trustees)  concerning the Fund's capital gain distribution  declared for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 1996,  and other alleged action or inaction by the
Fund's  adviser  or the  trustees.  This case was  settled  and  dismissed  with
prejudice on February 19, 1999. The Court retains  jurisdiction  over the matter
until the final  implementation  of the settlement.  The settlement  required no
payment by the Fund,  and the Fund,  the trustees  and INVESCO  denied any wrong


     The  Independent  Trustees  have  selected  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  to
continue  to serve as  independent  accountants  of the Fund for the year ending
October  31,  1999.  This  selection  is subject to  ratification  by the Fund's
shareholders  at the  Meeting.  This firm has no direct  financial  interest  or
material indirect financial interest in the Fund or INVESCO.  Representatives of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are not expected to attend the Meeting.

     PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP performed the following  audit services for the
     fiscal year ended October 31, 1998.

          o audit of annual financial statements

          o preparation  of the Fund's  federal and state income tax returns 
          o preparation of the Fund's  federal  excise tax return 

          o consultation  with the Fund's audit committee 

          o routine consultation on financial accounting and reporting matters.

     The trustees  authorized all services  performed by  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP.  In  addition,  the  trustees  annually  review the scope of services to be
provided by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP and consider the effect,  if any,  that
performance of any non-audit services might have on audit independence.

     The audit committee of the Fund,  consisting of three independent trustees,
meets  periodically  with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP to review  accounting and
reporting requirements.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The  management  of the Fund has no  business  to bring  before the Meeting
other than the matters  described above.  Should any other business be presented
at the Meeting,  it is the  intention of the persons  named in the  accompanying
proxy to vote on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Proposals  of  shareholders  which may be  properly  included  in the proxy
solicitation  material for the 2000 annual  meeting of the  shareholders  of the
Fund must be  received by the  Secretary  of the Fund,  7800 East Union  Avenue,
Denver, Colorado 80237, no later than November 30, 1999.

                                                 By Order of the Trustees,
                                                 /s/ Glen A. Payne
                                                 Glen A. Payne

April 12, 1999



                                 MAY 10, 1999

The undersigned hereby appoints Mark Williamson and Glen A. Payne, and each
of them, proxy for the undersigned, with the power of substitution, to vote with
the  same  force  and  effect  as the  undersigned  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund (the "Fund"),  to be held at
the Four Seasons Hotel, 75 Fourteenth Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, on Monday,
May 10, 1999, at 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) and at any  adjournment  thereof,  upon
the matters set forth on the reverse side, all in accordance with and as more 
fully described in the Notice of Annual  Meeting  and Proxy  Statement,  dated
April 12,  1999, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

This proxy,  when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY WILL

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.  If stock is held in the name of 
joint owners, each should sign.  Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators,
etc.. should so indicate.  If shareholder is a corporation or partnership,
please sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized person.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_______________________________             _____________________________
_______________________________             _____________________________
_______________________________             _____________________________    






     Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy           Date

  -----Shareholder sign here-------    --------Co-owner sign here-----------

                                                         For    Withhold    
1.  Proposal to elect Fred A. Deering to serve as a      
    Class A trustee of the Fund until the annual         ____   ______
    meeting of shareholders in 2002 and until his
    successor is elected and qualified.                      

                                                         For    Against   Abstain     
2.  Proposal to ratify the selection of  
    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent            ____   ______    ______
    accountants for the Fund for the fiscal year
    ending October 31, 1999.

In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other 
business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

Mark box at right if an address change or comment has been        
noted on the reverse side of this card.                         _____  

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------