Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

[ X ]   Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
        Act of 1934 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997 or

[   ]   Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 
        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Commission File Number: 0-19756

                            PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   Delaware                              94-3023969
        (State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)               Identification No.)

                               2375 Garcia Avenue
                             Mountain View, CA 94043
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                         Telephone Number (650) 903-3700

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                  Name of each exchange
           Title of each class                    on which registered
           -------------------                    ---------------------
           None                                   None 

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                          Common Stock, Par value $.01
                                (Title of Class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the
registrant, based upon the closing sale price of the Common Stock on December
31, 1997, as reported on the NASDAQ National Market System, was approximately

As of December 31, 1997, registrant had outstanding 18,347,977 shares of Common


Portions of the definitive Proxy Statement for the registrant's 1998 
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, to be filed with the Commission on or 
prior to April 30, 1998, are incorporated by reference into Part III of 
this report.

                               PART I 

This Annual Report for Protein Design Labs, Inc. ("PDL" or the 
"Company"), in addition to historical information, contains forward-
looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. The Company's 
actual results may differ significantly from the results discussed in 
the forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such a 
difference include, but are not limited to those discussed in "Risk 
Factors," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition 
and Results of Operations" and "Business" as well as those discussed 
elsewhere in this document. Actual events or results may differ 
materially from those discussed in this Annual Report.



PDL is a leader in the development of humanized and human 
monoclonal antibodies for the prevention and treatment of a variety of 
disease conditions, including autoimmune diseases, inflammatory 
conditions, cancers and viral infections. The Company uses proprietary 
computer software and other technologies to develop its SMART[TM] 
humanized antibodies for potential use as effective pharmaceuticals 
without the limitations of traditional mouse-derived (murine) 
antibodies. PDL believes that its technologies are broadly applicable to 
a variety of diseases, as demonstrated by the Company's diverse product 
development pipeline and its collaborative arrangements with numerous 
pharmaceutical companies. The Company and its collaborative partners 
currently have multiple product candidates in clinical development and 
numerous additional product candidates in preclinical studies. The 
Company's most advanced product, Zenapax[R], has been approved for 
marketing in the United States ("U.S.") and Switzerland for the 
prophylaxis of acute organ rejection in patients receiving renal 
transplantations. This product is exclusively licensed to Hoffmann-La 
Roche Inc. and its affiliates ("Roche").  PDL has received U.S. and 
European patents that the Company believes cover most humanized 
antibodies and that may lead to additional corporate partnering, patent 
licensing and other revenue opportunities.

Antibodies have long had promise as therapeutic compounds to treat 
a variety of disease conditions. Traditional murine antibodies, however, 
have significant drawbacks which in most cases prevent them from 
becoming effective therapeutics. The most important of these is the 
human anti-mouse antibody ("HAMA") response, in which the murine 
antibody is recognized by the body's immune system as foreign and is 
rapidly neutralized and rendered ineffective. PDL's antibodies are 
designed to avoid these drawbacks, including the HAMA response. PDL's 
SMART antibodies are predominantly human antibodies that incorporate the 
structural information from the binding region of promising murine 
antibodies. By applying its proprietary SMART antibody technology, 
the Company is able to create recombinant antibodies with molecular 
structures that are approximately 90% human and 10% murine. The Company 
also has technologies to produce fully human antibodies to treat 
additional diseases using antibody therapy. 

PDL's business strategy is to leverage its technologies, research 
expertise and intellectual property in the field of antibodies to become 
a profitable, research-based biotechnology company that manufactures 
and, in North America, markets its own products. Key aspects of PDL's 
strategy are to: (i) expand the Company's product portfolio to provide 
multiple product candidates to treat a variety of diseases and 
conditions; (ii) establish collaborative relationships with 
pharmaceutical companies to reduce development costs and risks and to 
enhance commercial opportunities; (iii) leverage its patent position by 
providing humanization services for promising murine antibodies of other 
parties and/or licensing certain rights in exchange for near-term 
revenues and future royalty opportunities; and (iv) retain North American
marketing rights to certain products to provide for greater revenue 

The Company actively seeks partnerships with pharmaceutical, chemical and 
biotechnology companies.  The breadth of the Company's antibody 
technology and its patent position are key assets in attracting such 
companies to enter into various types of collaborative relationships. In 
one type of collaborative arrangement, the Company licenses certain 
marketing rights to one or more potential products developed by PDL in 
return for a licensing and signing fee, research funding and 
milestone payments, and royalties on potential product sales. In another 
type of arrangement, PDL uses its proprietary technology to develop a 
SMART antibody based on a promising murine antibody developed by a 
corporate partner. In such cases, PDL typically receives a licensing and 
signing fee and other payments, royalties on potential sales and, in 
some cases, an option to co-promote in North America.


The Company believes it is a leader in the development of 
antibody-based therapeutics and has one of the broadest product 
pipelines in this area. One antibody product created by the Company has 
been approved for marketing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 
("FDA") and the Swiss regulatory authorities, and the Company has 
several other product candidates in clinical development and a number 
of product candidates in preclinical development for the treatment of a 
variety of disease conditions, including autoimmune diseases, 
inflammatory conditions, cancers and viral infections. 

Clinical Product Candidates

Table One summarizes the potential therapeutic indications, development status
and commercial rights for PDL product candidates that have entered clinical 
trials. The development and commercialization of the Company's clinical

product candidates are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties. See
"Risk Factors."  

Table One

                              THERAPEUTIC              DEVELOPMENT         COMMERCIAL
       PRODUCT                INDICATIONS               STATUS (1)         RIGHTS(2)
- ---------------------    ----------------------    -------------------- ----------------
Zenapax (daclizumab)     Organ transplant          Approved for         Roche
                         rejection                 marketing (kidney)
                         Tropical spastic
                         paraparesis               Phase I/II
                         Uveitis                   Phase I/II
                         Psoriasis                 Phase I/II
                         Certain blood cancers     Phase II

SMART M195               Acute myelogenous         Phase II/III         PDL and Kanebo
  Antibody               leukemia
                         Acute promyelocytic       Phase II

OST 577 (Human           Treatment of chronic      Phase II             PDL and Novartis
  Anti-Hepatitis B       hepatitis B
  Antibody, Ostavir

PROTOVIR[TM](Human          Cytomegalovirus           Phase II             PDL and Novartis
  Anti-Cytomegalovirus   infections in bone
  Antibody)              marrow transplantation

SMART Anti-CD3           Organ transplantation     Phase I              PDL
  Antibody               rejection and certain
                         autoimmune diseases

(1) The development status identifies the most advanced development 
status achieved for at least one of the listed potential therapeutic 
indications but not all potential therapeutic indications have achieved the 
development status specified.  Unless otherwise noted, development 
status refers to the stage of U.S. development. 

(2)  Marketing rights for each of these products differ.  See  "-- 
Collaborative and Licensing Arrangements."   

ZENAPAX (daclizumab). Zenapax is a humanized antibody, created by 
PDL and licensed exclusively to Roche, which binds to the IL-2 receptor 
on T cells. IL-2 is a lymphokine which stimulates T cells to divide and 
participate in an immune response. By blocking the binding of IL-2 to 
its receptor, Zenapax inhibits the proliferation of activated T cells 
and can suppress the immune response. As described below, in December 
1997, the FDA approved the marketing of Zenapax for the prophylaxis of 
acute organ rejection in patients receiving renal (kidney) 
transplantations. Zenapax may also be useful for the treatment of 
certain autoimmune diseases, and is currently being tested clinically 
for several such indications. Zenapax is more specific and less toxic 
than other immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine or Orthoclone 
OKT[R]3 ("OKT3"), because Zenapax suppresses only activated T cells 
involved in an immune response rather than all T cells and possibly 
other unrelated cells.  See "Risk Factors -- Dependence on Roche with 
Respect to Zenapax."

Organ Transplantation. In September 1996, the Company's corporate 
partner, Roche, announced results from two multinational Phase III 
studies of Zenapax for the prevention of acute rejection episodes in a 
total of 535 cadaveric kidney transplantation recipients. As set forth 
in the following table, analysis of the data by Roche indicated that, 
when administered with a standard immunosuppressive regimen, Zenapax is 
effective in reducing the incidence of acute rejection episodes that 
occur within six months of transplantation, the primary endpoint of 
these two trials. In the double therapy trial, in which all patients 
received an immunosuppressive regimen of cyclosporine and prednisone, 
acute rejection episodes were reduced by 40% in patients treated with 
Zenapax. In the triple therapy trial, in which all patients received 
cyclosporine, prednisone and azathioprine, the incidence of acute 
rejection episodes was reduced by 37% in patients treated with Zenapax.  
The results are presented in Table Two.

Table Two

                             Incidence of Kidney Rejection Episodes
                    Without        With         Reduction with        
Trial               Zenapax       Zenapax           Zenapax         p Value

Double Therapy ....   47%           28%              40%             0.001
Triple Therapy ...    35%           22%              37%             0.03 

Roche also noted that secondary endpoints of reduction in the total
number of rejection episodes per patient and increase in the time 
to first rejection episode were achieved with Zenapax in both clinical 
trials. In addition, in pooled data from the studies, there were a total 
of 31 kidneys lost and 10 deaths in the groups not treated with Zenapax, 
but only 16 kidneys lost and 1 death in the Zenapax-treated groups. The 
addition of Zenapax to the standard immunosuppressive regimen did not 
result in an increase in drug-related serious adverse events. 

Based on these trials, Roche filed a Biologics License Application 
("BLA") for Zenapax with the FDA in June 1997, and has also filed for 
regulatory approval to market Zenapax in Canada, Europe and other 
countries. In October 1997, the Biological Response Modifiers Advisory 
Committee unanimously recommended to the FDA that marketing clearance 
for Zenapax be granted, and the FDA granted such approval in December 
1997. Zenapax is the first humanized antibody to be approved for 
marketing by the FDA.  In March 1998, Zenapax was also approved for 
marketing in Switzerland. Roche's regulatory submissions are currently 
under review in Canada and other countries.

In addition to the studies described above, a randomized, double-
blind study has been conducted with 75 evaluable patients to assess 
Zenapax in combination with CellCept[R], plus cyclosporine and steroids, 
in kidney transplantation patients. CellCept, marketed by Roche, is also 
used to prevent kidney transplantation rejection. In this study, 12% of 
Zenapax-treated patients had an acute rejection episode, compared to 20% 
of patients not receiving Zenapax, and the combination of CellCept and 
Zenapax was well-tolerated.  Preliminary results of a single-arm Phase 
II study of Zenapax in liver transplantation have been published.  In 
this study, only one in 28 patients (3.6% of the patients studied) 
treated with Zenapax together with cyclosporine and corticosteroids had 
a rejection episode within three months of the liver transplantation. 

A preliminary study is also being conducted to determine whether 
the combination of Zenapax and CellCept is sufficient to allow the 
elimination of cyclosporine, a widely used but more toxic drug, from the 
standard immunosuppressive regimen for kidney transplantation patients.  
Preliminary results in this single-arm, multi-center study of 99 patients
from 23 patients in a single center participating in this study 
were presented in February 1998.  These preliminary results showed 6 
rejection episodes among the 23 reported patients, for a 26% incidence 
rate.  Patients have been followed for two to eight months after kidney 
transplantation, and patient followup is continuing. The study is 
continuing and final results from all patients may differ significantly 
from these preliminary results from a single center.  A study of Zenapax 
in pediatric kidney transplantation is also being conducted.

According to industry sources, approximately 20,000 solid organs 
are transplanted into patients in the U.S. each year, with kidney 
transplantations accounting for about 12,000 of the total. A comparable 
number of kidney transplantations are performed in Europe. The majority 
of kidney transplantation patients receive cadaveric kidneys.

Autoimmune Diseases.  Because of the ability of Zenapax to inhibit 
the proliferation of T cells, the Company believes that Zenapax may have 
potential for the treatment of certain autoimmune diseases. 
Investigators at the National Institutes of Health ("NIH") are 
evaluating Zenapax in a preliminary clinical trial for uveitis, an 
autoimmune disease of the eye and in patients with tropical spastic 
paraparesis, a rare autoimmune disease of the nerves considered by these 
investigators to be a model for multiple sclerosis.  In addition, a 
proof-of-concept clinical trial of Zenapax is in progress for psoriasis.

Cancer.  The Company believes that Zenapax may also have potential 
for the treatment of certain blood cancers, because the IL-2 receptor is 
present on these types of cancer cells. The murine antibody from which 
Zenapax was originally created has been tested at NIH in patients with 
adult T-cell leukemia, and several of the patients experienced 
remissions, especially when the antibody was linked to a radioisotope. A 
pilot Phase I clinical trial of Zenapax for the treatment of certain 
cancers was completed in 1993 at the National Cancer Institute ("NCI") 
of NIH, and a Phase II trial of a radiolabeled form of Zenapax for 
certain blood cancers is in progress at NCI.

There can be no assurance that Roche will successfully market 
Zenapax for use in preventing kidney transplantation rejections in a 
timely manner, or that Roche will pursue or continue clinical trials in 
autoimmune diseases or other indications.   See "Risk Factors--
Dependence on Roche with Respect to Zenapax."

SMART M195 ANTIBODY.  The SMART M195 Antibody is a humanized 
antibody that binds to the cancer cells of most patients with myeloid 
leukemia. Myeloid leukemia, the major form of leukemia in adults, is 
classified into two types -- acute myelogenous leukemia ("AML") and 
chronic myelogenous leukemia ("CML"). There are at least 11,000 new 
cases of myeloid leukemia in the U.S. each year, of which more than half 
are AML. Currently, the survival rate of myeloid leukemia patients is 
very low, despite aggressive chemotherapy and multiple, expensive 

PDL has adopted strategies designed to achieve improved efficacy 
of antibodies in certain cancers.  First, PDL's anti-cancer antibodies 
are humanized, which allows for longer term treatment by minimizing the 
HAMA response and potentially makes the antibodies more effective in 
killing cancer cells. Second, the Company is initially focusing on 
treatment of blood cancers, such as myeloid leukemia, which may be more 
susceptible to antibody therapy than solid tumors because the cancer 
cells are more readily accessible. Third, PDL generally plans to conduct 
trials of its antibodies in combination with, or following, other 
chemotherapeutic agents. Thus, by applying its antibodies in a "minimal 
residual disease" setting, the Company hopes SMART antibodies will 
eliminate or suppress the cancer cells remaining after chemotherapy, 
leading to longer disease-free survival. 

PDL is conducting a randomized Phase II/III trial of the SMART 
M195 Antibody for AML, which was initiated in June 1994. Patients in the 
trial first receive a specific regimen of chemotherapy. Those patients 
entering clinical remission are randomized either to observation or to 
receive 20 doses of the SMART M195 Antibody given over an eight month 
period. The primary clinical endpoint is the median duration of disease-
free survival, which in the absence of SMART M195 Antibody therapy has 
historically been about eight months. The study is planned to evaluate 
144 patients in remission, but a substantially larger number will need 
to receive chemotherapy in order to reach that number of patients in 
remission. The study is currently expected to require several additional 
years to complete. The Company has added other U.S. medical centers and 
taken other actions to accelerate patient accrual in the study. However, 
patient accrual has not increased to the level desired by the Company.  
The Company intends to review the status of the clinical trial in the 
second half of 1998 and there can be no assurance that the trial will be 
continued or, if continued, that patient accrual can be completed in a 
timely fashion, if at all. See "Risk Factors -- Limited Experience with 
Clinical Trials; Risk of Delay."

In 1997, the Company initiated a Phase II trial of the SMART M195 
Antibody in patients with relapsed AML.  The Company plans to enroll 40 
patients in this trial. The goal of the study is to determine whether 
high doses of the SMART M195 Antibody, administered as a single agent, 
can induce any complete remissions in this patient population.

The SMART M195 Antibody is also being studied in a Phase II trial 
under a physician-sponsored Investigational New Drug Application ("IND") 
at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ("Sloan-Kettering"), in 
patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia ("APL"), one of several types 
of AML. This trial is designed to examine whether the SMART M195 
Antibody can improve elimination of minimal residual leukemia that 
remains after treatment with retinoic acid, a drug approved to treat 
APL. The effectiveness is measured by elimination of cells having the 
characteristic genetic mutation found in APL to below detectable levels 
("molecular remission"). Normally, up to three rounds of expensive and 
toxic chemotherapy are required to bring newly diagnosed APL patients 
into molecular remission after therapy with retinioc acid. Of the patients
in the APL study, thirteen were evaluable for molecular remission and fifteen
were evaluable for clinical remission. All thirteen of the evaluable patients
entered complete molecular remission.  All fifteen of the evaluable patients
entered complete clinical remission after treatment with retinoic acid,
the SMART M195 Antibody and one round of chemotherapy.  All evaluable
patients entering complete clinical and/or complete molecular remission
remain in complete remission with a median duration of more than 20 months.
More patients and longer-term follow up are necessary to evaluate the
significance of the observed remissions. While these results suggest that the
SMART M195 Antibody may be biologically active in APL, the Company currently
has no plans to conduct pivotal clinical trials in this subpopulation of AML 

A Phase I clinical trial of the SMART M195 Antibody linked to 213-
Bismuth, an alpha particle-emitting isotope, was initiated in 1996 and 
completed in 1998 under a physician-sponsored IND at Sloan-Kettering in 
advanced myeloid leukemia patients. The Company supported this trial to 
obtain preliminary evidence of the safety and potential efficacy of the 
SMART M195 Antibody-213-Bismuth used as a single agent to induce 
remissions of advanced myeloid leukemia. Generators to produce the 213-
Bismuth isotope were supplied by the European Commission Directorate-
General JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements in conjunction with 
PharmActinium, Inc. and associated companies. The Company believes that 
this study was the first clinical trial of an antibody combined with an 
alpha-emitting isotope. In previous clinical trials of radiolabeled 
antibodies, the antibodies have been linked to radioisotopes that emit 
beta or gamma particles. Alpha particles release more energy over 
a shorter path than beta or gamma particles and, therefore, may be more 
effective in destroying the targeted cancer cells without damaging 
nearby normal cells. 

Exclusive development and marketing rights to the SMART M195 
Antibody in Asia have been licensed to PDL's collaborative partner, 

a human antibody, developed using the trioma technology and licensed by 
PDL from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation ("Novartis") (formerly 
known as Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation). OST 577 binds to the major 
protein present on hepatitis B virus ("HBV"), the hepatitis B surface 
antigen. Infection with HBV is a common cause of liver disease. In 
most cases of infection, the patient's immune response is sufficient to 
ultimately eliminate the virus. However, an estimated 2% to 10% of HBV-
infected patients become chronic carriers of the virus, and about one-
fourth of these patients develop chronic hepatitis B ("CHB"), which is 
characterized by progressive liver damage and often cirrhosis and liver 
cancer. In the U.S. there are an estimated one million chronic carriers 
of HBV, with 300,000 new HBV infections and more than 10,000 patients 
hospitalized due to HBV infections each year. While interferon-alpha is 
approved in the U.S. for treatment of CHB, only 30-40% of treated 
patients respond to this treatment, which must be given over four months 
and has significant side effects. 

In patients receiving liver transplantations due to end-stage CHB, 
the virus remaining after the transplantation usually will rapidly 
infect and in many cases destroy the new liver. An initial Phase I/II 
clinical trial of OST 577 enrolled five patients receiving liver 
transplantations due to end-stage CHB.  In the clinical trial, each 
patient received doses of OST 577 for up to 18 months 
after transplantation. Three of the five treated patients showed no 
evidence of viral recurrence more than one year after transplantation. 
The other two patients developed recurrence but remained asymptomatic 
for four years, after which one of them developed symptoms. 

A Phase I/II clinical trial of OST 577 has also been completed in 
12 patients with CHB. OST 577 was well tolerated by patients treated at 
the two lower dose levels, but some reversible side effects were seen at 
the highest level. Key markers for HBV infection decreased at least 
temporarily by 50% or more in many of the patients during treatment. 
Specifically, such reductions were seen in 5 of 10 patients for liver 
enzyme levels; in 10 of 12 for hepatitis B surface antigen; and in 5 of 
9 for viral DNA levels. Results obtained in early clinical trials may 
not be predictive of results in larger, later-stage trials. See "Risk 
Factors -- Uncertainty of Clinical Trial Results." 

In 1996, PDL's former development partner for this antibody, 
Boehringer Mannheim, initiated a multinational, controlled Phase II 
trial of OST 577 to evaluate the antibody for use both as a single agent 
and in combination with interferon-alpha. In December 1997, after 16 of 
a planned 200 patients had been enrolled in this study, Boehringer 
Mannheim concluded, based on its analysis of the data, that when used as 
defined in the study, treatment with OST 577 gave rise, in certain 
patients, to self-resolving side effects induced by immune complex 
formation such as proteinuria and fever.  Based on its analysis, 
Boehringer Mannheim terminated the study and returned all rights to this 
product to PDL. PDL is currently planning to conduct clinical trials of 
OST 577 in combination with a nucleoside analog, which may reduce 
circulating levels of HBV and therefore reduce or eliminate the 
formation of immune complexes and associated side effects. However, 
there can be no assurance that supplies of a nucleoside analog will be 
available for such studies, that the studies will be initiated or 
completed in a timely manner, if at all, that side effects will be 
reduced to an acceptable level in this setting, or that OST 577 will be 
found safe and effective in such trials. See "Risk Factors -- 
Uncertainty of Clinical Trial Results." Novartis has certain rights to 
co-promote or co-market this antibody in North America or to receive 
royalties on product sales, if any. See "-- Collaborative and Licensing 
Arrangements -- Novartis." 

derived using the trioma technology and licensed by PDL from Novartis.  
PROTOVIR binds to all tested strains of human cytomegalovirus ("CMV"). 
CMV is an important cause of morbidity and death in patients with 
suppressed immune systems, such as AIDS patients and recipients of solid 
organ and bone marrow transplantations ("BMT"). 

Bone Marrow Transplantation. The Company has completed a 
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded Phase II trial to assess 
the potential safety and efficacy of PROTOVIR for the prevention of CMV 
infections in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation patients, which 
compared two dose levels of PROTOVIR against placebo in 179 evaluable 
patients. Preliminary analysis of the data showed that patients in the 
PROTOVIR treatment group who did not have a CMV infection prior to 
transplantation and received grafts from CMV positive donors (a 
prospectively defined subgroup) demonstrated a statistically significant 
lower incidence of the primary endpoint (CMV infection, death or disease 
relapse) relative to the control group at 98 days post-transplantation. 
However, there was no significant difference in this endpoint for all 
patients in the study. The Company is currently considering whether the 
market size for the CMV negative recipient/CMV positive donor subgroup 
is sufficient to justify further clinical trials of PROTOVIR.

CMV Retinitis.  The potential safety and efficacy of PROTOVIR was 
evaluated in a Phase II/III clinical trial conducted by the National Eye 
Institute Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS ("NEI SOCA") for the 
treatment of CMV retinitis, a common ophthalmic condition in AIDS 
patients that often leads to blindness. In August 1996, NEI SOCA, acting 
on the recommendation of an independent data and safety monitoring 
board, halted the study based on lack of evidence of efficacy. 
Concurrently with the NEI SOCA trial, PROTOVIR also was being evaluated 
in a Phase II clinical trial being conducted by the National Institute 
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases AIDS Clinical Trial Group ("NIAID 
ACTG") for treatment of CMV retinitis. Based on the NEI SOCA findings 
and actions, the NIAID ACTG Phase II trial was also terminated.  

There can be no assurance that the Company will continue further 
development of PROTOVIR, whether by seeking to out-license or 
terminating further clinical trials of this antibody. Exclusive rights 
for the therapeutic application of PROTOVIR outside of North America and 
Asia had been licensed to Boehringer Mannheim, which returned all rights 
to PDL in December 1997. Novartis, from whom PDL licensed the antibody, 
has certain rights to co-promote or co-market this antibody in North 
America and Asia or to receive royalties on product sales. See "-- 
Collaborative and Licensing Arrangements." 

SMART Anti-CD3 Antibody. This antibody binds to the CD3 antigen, a 
key receptor for stimulation of T cells. A competitive murine antibody, 
the OKT3 antibody, binds to the same target antigen.  OKT3 is being 
marketed for the treatment of acute organ transplantation rejection. 
While highly effective, OKT3 is hampered by the often serious toxicity 
associated with its use, as well as by the HAMA response. In addition to 
being humanized, PDL's SMART Anti-CD3 Antibody has been engineered to 
reduce interactions with the immune system that may contribute to the 
toxicity of OKT3. The Company has retained worldwide rights to the SMART 
Anti-CD3 antibody and believes that potential indications for 
this antibody may include treatment of organ transplantation rejection 
and certain severe autoimmune diseases.  

The Company is currently conducting a Phase I, open-label dose 
escalation trial of the SMART Anti-CD3 Antibody. The purpose of the 
study is to determine preliminary tolerability, pharmacokinetics and 
bioactivity of the drug candidate. To date, enrollment and treatment 
have been completed at the first three dose levels, and are in progress 
at the fourth dose level. At the highest dose levels tested thus 
far, there was a profound, temporary depletion of the patients' T cells 
(an indication of bioactivity) with only mild to moderate side effects. 
The most frequent side effect observed was transient headache, which was 
readily treated with acetaminophen or codeine. A multiple-dose study of 
the antibody is currently being planned. While the results obtained in 
the ongoing Phase I trial have been encouraging thus far, there can be 
no assurance that the antibody will be found to be safe and effective in 
the current study at higher dose levels or in future studies. See "Risk 
Factors -- Uncertainty of Clinical Trial Results." 

Yamanouchi Humanized Antibody.  Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., 
Ltd. ("Yamanouchi") has in progress a Phase I clinical trial in Europe 
of an antibody humanized by the Company, a SMART anti-gpIIb/IIIa 
monoclonal antibody fragment, for the potential treatment of certain 
cardiovascular disorders.


Table Three summarizes the potential therapeutic indications and 
commercial rights for certain of PDL's preclinical product candidates. 
"Preclinical" development includes in vitro testing, efficacy and 
toxicology testing in animals, process development and manufacturing 
scale-up prior to initiation of clinical trials. The Company has other 
compounds in development in addition to those listed below and is 
conducting research in other areas. The development and 
commercialization of the Company's preclinical product candidates are 
subject to numerous risks and uncertainties. See "Risk Factors."  

Table Three

                              THERAPEUTIC               COMMERCIAL
       PRODUCT                INDICATIONS               RIGHTS(1)
- ---------------------    ----------------------    --------------------
Autoimmune and
Inflammatory conditions

SMART Anti-L-Selectin    Trauma                    PDL and Roche
Antibody                                           (Boehringer Mannheim)

SMART Anti-E/P-          Stroke, certain           PDL
  Selectin Antibody      autoimmune diseases
                         (e.g. psoriasis), asthma

SMART Anti-Gamma         Certain autoimmune        PDL
Interferon Antibody      diseases (e.g. Crohn's

SMARTABL 364             Certain epithelial cell   PDL and Novartis

Viral Infections

Human Anti-Varicella     Shingles (herpes zoster)  PDL and Novartis
  Zoster Antibody

Human Anti-Herpes        Neonatal and genital      PDL and Novartis
  Antibody               herpes

(1) The development and marketing rights for each of these products 
differ. See  "-- Collaborative and Licensing Arrangements."   

have made possible a new therapeutic approach to inflammation resulting 
from causes such as injury or autoimmune disease. Certain proteins 
called adhesion molecules, located on the surface of various types of 
cells, play a key role in inflammation by directing the movement of 
white blood cells from the bloodstream into the sites of tissue 
inflammation. In laboratory experiments conducted by PDL and others, 
antibodies have been shown to block the function of these adhesion 
molecules. PDL has developed several SMART antibodies against adhesion 

PDL's SMART Anti-L-Selectin Antibody binds to L-selectin, an adhesion
molecule on the surface of white blood cells. The Company believes
that potential indications for this antibody may include trauma,
ARDS, reperfusion injury (e.g., due to myocardial infarction) and possibly
certain autoimmune diseases. In studies conducted by independent
investigators, treatment with the SMART Anti-L-Selectin Antibody
resulted in a statistically significant improvement in survival 
in a primate model that simulates severe trauma. Boehringer Mannheim has 
licensed rights to this antibody from PDL outside of North America and 

PDL's SMART Anti-E/P-Selectin Antibody binds to two different 
adhesion molecules, E- and P-selectin, that occur on the surface of the 
cells on the inner lining of blood vessels. The Company believes that 
potential indications for such an antibody may include stroke and 
certain autoimmune diseases including psoriasis and asthma. 

PDL's SMART Anti-Gamma-Interferon Antibody binds to and 
neutralizes gamma interferon, a lymphokine that stimulates several types 
of white blood cells. The Company believes that potential indications 
for this antibody may include inflammatory bowel disease, type I 
diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases.

CANCERS.  PDL's SMART ABL 364 Antibody has potential for the 
treatment of many solid tumors, including colon, lung and breast cancer. 
Initial laboratory tests have shown that the SMART ABL 364 Antibody, in 
conjunction with other components of the immune system, can kill cancer 

VIRAL INFECTIONS.  Varicella zoster virus ("VZV") is the virus 
responsible for causing chickenpox and shingles (herpes zoster). 
Shingles, a painful blistering condition of the skin, results from 
reactivation of the latent VZV that initially infected the patient years 
earlier. In the U.S., 10-20% of the population will develop shingles, 
with the incidence and severity of the condition increasing with age. A 
significant percentage of patients with shingles experience post-
herpetic neuralgia, a very painful nerve condition which may last 
from weeks to years in some patients. Current anti-viral therapies are 
moderately effective in treating shingles, but have little or no effect 
on post-herpetic neuralgia. PDL's Human Anti-Varicella Zoster Antibody 
effectively neutralizes all tested strains of VZV in in vitro studies. 

Herpes simplex virus ("HSV") causes a painful recurring genital 
infection. The virus also causes neonatal herpes, an uncommon but very 
serious disease of newborn infants. PDL's Human Anti-Herpes Antibody 
binds to and effectively neutralizes all strains of HSV tested, and is 
well-tolerated and non-immunogenic in primates. In animal studies 
sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease 
Collaborative Antiviral Studies Group ("NIAID-CASG"), the antibody 
effectively protected mice from a lethal herpes infection 
when administered up to 72 hours after exposure to the virus. The 
Company believes that competition from antiviral drugs and the present 
reimbursement environment may limit the market opportunities for the 
Human Anti-Herpes Antibody in treating genital herpes. The Company has 
signed a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement with NIAID-
CASG to provide the antibody primarily for clinical studies in neonatal 
herpes, but there can be no assurance NIAID-CASG will initiate or 
complete such studies in a timely manner, if at all.


BACKGROUND ON ANTIBODIES.  Antibodies are protective proteins 
released by the immune system's B cells, a type of white blood cell, in 
response to the presence of a foreign substance in the body, such as a 
virus. B cells produce millions of different kinds of antibodies, which 
have slightly different shapes that enable them to bind to and thereby 
inactivate different targets. Antibodies of identical molecular 
structure that bind to a specific target are called monoclonal 
antibodies. Typically, mice have been used to produce 
monoclonal antibodies to a wide variety of molecular targets, including 
targets to which the human body does not normally produce antibodies. In 
particular, many murine antibodies have been developed as potential 
therapeutics to neutralize viruses, destroy cancer cells or inhibit 
immune function. 

Although murine monoclonal antibodies are relatively easy to 
generate, they have significant drawbacks as therapeutics. Murine 
antibodies have a relatively short half-life in human patients, 
requiring them to be administered frequently. Moreover, murine 
antibodies are not adapted to work effectively with the human immune 
system and therefore often have limited ability to destroy the 
target, such as cancer cells. Most importantly, when injected into 
humans, a murine antibody is usually recognized by the body's immune 
system as foreign. The immune system therefore responds with a HAMA 
response, which rapidly neutralizes the murine antibody and renders it 
ineffective for further therapy. These problems have largely prevented 
murine antibodies from fulfilling their promise as therapeutics. 

More recently, improved forms of antibodies, such as humanized and 
chimeric antibodies, have been developed using recombinant DNA 
technology. These new antibodies can minimize or avoid many of the 
problems associated with murine antibodies and have led to a resurgence 
of interest in antibody therapeutics by the pharmaceutical and 
biotechnology industries. As a result of these advances, many monoclonal 
antibodies are now progressing into clinical trials.  In a list of 
biotechnology medicines under clinical development in the U.S. published 
in 1996 by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, 
antibodies comprised the single largest category, representing 78 of 284 
products listed. In particular, PDL is aware of more than twenty 
humanized antibodies in clinical trials, including several antibodies 
addressing large markets that are being developed by major 
pharmaceutical companies. Three humanized or chimeric antibodies have 
already been approved for marketing by the FDA.

PDL'S SMART ANTIBODY TECHNOLOGY.  PDL believes that its patented 
SMART antibody technology has positioned the Company as a leader in the 
development of therapeutic antibodies that overcome the problems 
associated with murine antibodies. PDL's SMART antibodies are human-like 
antibodies designed using structural information from promising murine 
antibodies to capture the benefits of such antibodies while overcoming 
many of their limitations in treating humans. Clinical trials and 
preclinical studies have shown that PDL's SMART antibodies generally 
avoid a HAMA response and have a longer half-life than murine 

Every antibody contains two regions, a variable domain that binds 
to the target antigen and a constant domain that interacts with other 
portions of the immune system. The variable domain is composed of the 
complementarity determining regions ("CDRs") that directly bind to the 
target antigen and the framework region that holds the CDRs in position 
and helps maintain their required shape.  Researchers have used genetic 
engineering to construct "humanized" antibodies that consist of the CDRs 
from a murine antibody with the framework region and constant domain 
from a human antibody. However, when the CDRs from the murine antibody 
are combined with the framework of the human antibody, the human 
framework often distorts the shape of the CDRs so they no longer bind 
well to the target. Therefore, it is usually necessary to substitute one 
or more amino acids from the murine antibody into the framework of the 
humanized antibody for it to maintain the binding ability of the murine 

A SMART antibody is a humanized antibody designed by using 
PDL's proprietary computer technology to guide the choice of 
substitutions of amino acids from the murine antibody into the human 
antibody framework, based on structural information derived from the 
murine antibody. The construction of a SMART antibody starts with the 
identification of a murine antibody that has demonstrated favorable 
results in laboratory, animal or human studies. A model of the murine 
antibody is generated using proprietary computer modeling software that 
predicts the shapes of antibodies and eliminates the need for more time-
consuming laboratory techniques. The resulting model is carefully 
analyzed to identify the few key amino acids in the framework most 
responsible for maintaining the shape of the CDRs. Software developed at 
PDL as well as the experience of the Company's computational chemists is 
important in this analysis. These few key murine amino acids are 
substituted into the human framework of the SMART antibody along with 
the murine CDRs in order to maintain their ability to bind well to the 
target. The resulting SMART antibody retains most or all of the binding 
ability of the murine antibody, but is about 90% human. 

In 1996, the Company was issued U.S. and European patents which 
cover, in most circumstances, humanized antibodies that contain amino 
acid substitutions from the murine antibody in their framework. The 
Company believes that most humanized antibodies require such amino acid 
substitutions in order to maintain high binding ability. The patents 
also cover pharmaceutical compositions containing such humanized 
antibodies and other aspects of PDL's SMART antibody technology. Two 
additional U.S. patents that cover other aspects of PDL's humanization 
technology were issued in 1997. PDL has filed similar patent 
applications in Japan and other countries. See "-- Patents and 
Proprietary Technology." 

OTHER PDL TECHNOLOGIES.  In addition to its SMART antibody 
technology, PDL employs additional antibody-based drug development 
technologies to overcome shortcomings of murine antibodies. The Company 
is also pursuing a rational drug design program that leverages its 
computer expertise to potentially develop new drug candidates.

Human Antibodies.  The use of fully human monoclonal antibodies is 
another approach to avoiding many of the problems associated with murine 
antibodies. In April 1993, PDL exclusively licensed from Novartis its 
patented "trioma" technology to generate certain human antibodies, along 
with four human anti-viral antibodies. The trioma technology is used to 
produce fully human antibodies against viruses and potentially other 
organisms which infect humans. A key aspect of the technology is the use 
of a mouse-human hybrid cell line as the fusion partner to immortalize 
human antibody-producing B cells. Trioma cell lines generated in this 
manner often stably produce human antibodies. As with SMART antibodies, 
clinical trials and preclinical studies have shown that PDL's human 
antibodies generally avoid a HAMA response and have a longer half-
life than murine antibodies. See "-- Collaborative and 
Licensing Arrangements -- Novartis." 

Other New Technologies.  The Company is pursuing a rational drug 
design program focusing on small molecules by extending the Company's 
computer modeling tools originally developed for its SMART antibody 
program. Rational drug design utilizes computer models of proteins and 
their interactions with smaller molecules to accelerate discovery and 
optimization of new drug compounds. Although PDL's technology is at an 
early stage, the Company believes that this application of its modeling 
algorithms may ultimately be used to develop non-antibody, small-
molecule drug candidates. For that purpose, PDL has initiated a program 
in medicinal and combinatorial chemistry.

As one aspect of its small-molecule program, PDL has begun a 
research program to discover and develop new antibiotics for the 
treatment of certain microbial infections, including infections caused 
by microbes that have developed resistance to available antibiotics. 
This program, which utilizes technology to identify microbial genes that 
are differentially expressed when microbes infect a host, was developed 
by Stanley Falkow, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology, Immunology and 
Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and a PDL 
Distinguished Investigator and Director, who will direct the program. If 
discovered, these microbial genes and their products may become 
potential targets for novel antibiotics, which may be identified by high 
throughput screening and medicinal chemistry. It is anticipated that 
much or all of those aspects of the work will be conducted by PDL's 
corporate partners. PDL has entered into a collaborative agreement with 
Eli Lilly & Company ("Lilly"), under which Lilly will receive rights to 
products generated under this research program through research 
involving seven specific genera of bacteria. See "-- Collaborative and 
Licensing Arrangements." 


PDL's objective is to leverage its research expertise and 
intellectual property primarily in the field of antibodies to become a 
profitable, research-based biotechnology company that manufactures and, 
in North America, markets its own products. PDL's strategy to achieve 
this objective involves the following elements:

Expand Product Portfolio.  The Company believes that its SMART 
antibody technology is capable of converting essentially any promising 
murine antibody into a humanized antibody better suited for therapeutic 
use. As a result, the Company has been able to rapidly develop a broad 
portfolio of product candidates with potential applications to the 
prevention and treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, 
cancers, viral infections, and other diseases. This diverse product 
pipeline enhances commercial opportunities and reduces the Company's 
reliance on individual products.

Establish Collaborative Arrangements.  The Company actively seeks 
corporate partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, and to date has 
entered into partnerships with numerous such companies, including Roche 
and Lilly. Typically, the Company receives a licensing and signing fee, 
research funding and/or milestone payments, and the rights to royalties 
on product sales, if any, in return for certain marketing rights to one 
or more potential products developed at PDL. These revenues help to 
defray PDL's own product development expenses, while the partner 
typically bears significant direct responsibility for certain product 
development activities and expenses.

Leverage Patent Position.  An important aspect of PDL's business 
strategy is to obtain both near-term revenues and potential royalties by 
providing humanization services for promising murine antibodies of other 
parties and/or licensing limited rights under its issued humanized 
antibody patents and corresponding patent applications to other 
companies developing humanized antibodies. These arrangements typically 
involve a combination of licensing and signing fees, milestone payments, 
annual maintenance fees and royalties on product sales, if any.  Since 
December 1996, PDL has also entered into seven patent licensing 
agreements with other companies developing humanized antibodies.  The 
Company's patents are also helpful in inducing other companies to enter 
into collaborative relationships with the Company, in which PDL uses its 
proprietary technology to develop SMART antibodies based on promising 
murine antibodies developed by the other companies. PDL has entered into 
eight such humanization relationships, including six since December 
1995. In addition to paying PDL licensing and signing and other fees and 
royalties on product sales, if any, in some cases the other companies 
have granted PDL options to obtain North American co-promotion rights. 

Retain North American Marketing Rights.  Where appropriate, PDL 
retains North American marketing rights to its potential products. This 
strategy provides the Company with future revenue opportunities.


Roche.  In 1989, PDL entered into agreements with Roche to 
collaborate on the research and development of SMART antibodies against 
the IL-2 receptor, including Zenapax. Under these agreements, Roche has 
exclusive, worldwide rights to manufacture, market and sell Zenapax. The 
arrangement provides for research and development funding, milestone and 
bonus payments and royalties to PDL under the agreements. Most of such 
milestone and bonus payments have already been received from Roche, and 
Roche has completed its research funding to PDL under these agreements, 
although Roche will continue to fund its own clinical development 
activities.  PDL has begun to receive royalties on sales of Zenapax in 
1998.  Royalties to PDL are subject to certain offsets for milestones 
and third party royalties paid by Roche under the arrangement.  See 
"Risk Factors -- Dependence on Roche with Respect to Zenapax."

Corange/Boehringer Mannheim.  In October 1993, PDL and Corange 
entered into a collaborative arrangement providing for the grant of 
exclusive marketing rights in certain territories for a number of 
products in development. In consideration for these rights, Corange paid 
to PDL a $10 million licensing and signing fee and $30 million in 
research and development funding over three years and agreed to certain 
milestone payments and the payment of royalties on future product sales, 
if any. Product rights and duties under this arrangement were 
subsequently assigned and delegated to Corange's subsidiary, Boehringer 
Mannheim. In conjunction with this collaborative arrangement, PDL and 
Corange also entered into a stock purchase agreement, a standstill 
agreement and a registration rights agreement pursuant to which Corange 
invested an aggregate of $75 million in PDL through the purchase of 
approximately 2.433 million newly issued shares of common stock in 
December 1993 and 1994.  In March 1997, Corange sold 750,000 of those 
shares as part of a registered public offering filed by the Company.  In 
addition, the agreement with Corange providing for restrictions on 
disposition of the remaining 1,682,877 shares held by Corange expired in 
March 1998.

In 1994 and 1995, the parties amended certain of the agreements in 
this collaborative arrangement. As part of these amendments, the parties 
agreed to terminate Boehringer Mannheim's rights to certain preclinical 
products. In addition, in December 1997, Boehringer Mannheim notified 
PDL that it was terminating its rights to OST 577 and PROTOVIR. As a 
result, Boehringer Mannheim currently has exclusive marketing rights 
outside of North America and Asia for the SMART Anti-L-Selectin Antibody 
and North American co-promotion rights and exclusive marketing rights 
outside of North America for an additional antibody to an undisclosed 
cardiovascular target. 

Further, in March 1998, Roche completed the acquisition of Corange. 
The Company expects that Roche will review the drug development 
programs of the Company and Boehringer Mannheim.  The Company cannot 
predict the outcome or timing of such review or whether or not it will 
occur and in particular, whether Roche will decide to continue, modify 
or terminate either or both of the remaining Boehringer Mannheim 
development programs under the collaborative agreement with the Company. 
In addition, Roche acquired 1,682,877 shares of the Company's common 
stock held by Corange.  These shares are no longer subject to 
contractual limitations on disposition.  See "Risk Factors -- Dependence 
on Collaborative Partners."

Lilly.  In December 1997, PDL entered into a collaborative agreement
with Lilly to discover and develop new antimicrobial agents 
for the treatment of certain microbial infections, including those 
caused by microbes that have developed resistance to available 
antibiotics. The agreement involves a program to identify microbial 
genes that are differentially expressed when microbes infect a host. PDL 
received an initial payment of $3 million under the agreement. The 
agreement further provides for additional research funding of up to $9.6 
million in the second through fifth years of the agreement, if the 
agreement is not earlier terminated.  PDL can also receive milestone 
payments for identification of gene targets and for each compound 
selected for development by Lilly, Lilly will receive exclusive 
worldwide rights to gene targets and human pharmaceutical and related 
diagnostic products generated under the research program directed to 
seven specific genera of bacteria. PDL is entitled to royalties on Lilly 
sales of such products, if any, and the parties have agreed to negotiate 
co-promotion rights in the U.S. and Canada. In addition, under certain 
conditions, PDL will have an option to develop certain compounds 
identified through the collaboration. 

Novartis.  In April 1993, PDL and Novartis entered into agreements 
providing for the grant of exclusive licenses to PDL of four human anti-
viral antibodies and other related technology and antibodies from 
Novartis. The four human monoclonal antibodies target cytomegalovirus, 
the hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex viruses, and varicella zoster 
virus, respectively. In addition, PDL received an exclusive license to 
the SMART ABL 364 Antibody, an antibody previously humanized by PDL for 
Novartis. This arrangement also included exclusive licenses to the 
Novartis trioma human antibody technology and patents as well as the 
purchase of certain antibody supplies and related manufacturing 
equipment. In consideration for the licenses and assets transferred, PDL 
initially paid Novartis $5 million and agreed to provide up to an 
additional $5 million in future milestone payments in the event of 
certain product approvals under the agreements.

Under the terms of the Novartis agreements, PDL has the right to 
manufacture and market the antibodies acquired from Novartis throughout 
the world. Novartis retained certain co-promotion and co-marketing 
rights, and rights to royalties on sales by PDL of licensed products in 
countries where Novartis does not sell these antibodies with PDL under 
the co-promotion and co-marketing arrangements. In November 1993, PDL 
paid Novartis an additional $2.75 million to amend the April 1993 
agreement relating to the human antibodies in order to terminate certain 
of Novartis' co-promotion and co-marketing rights in countries outside 
of the U.S., Canada and Asia and to reduce royalties Novartis may earn 
from the sale of human antibody products in countries outside of the 
U.S., Canada and Asia.

Kanebo.  In February 1992, PDL and Kanebo, Ltd. ("Kanebo") entered 
into a product licensing agreement whereby Kanebo received an exclusive 
license to the SMART M195 Antibody for therapeutic uses in certain Asian 
countries, including Japan, in exchange for a licensing and signing fee, 
research funding, milestone payments and royalties on product sales, if 
any. The research funding period under the agreement expired in 
September 1993. Also in September 1993 and May 1995, PDL entered into 
purchase agreements with Kanebo pursuant to which PDL sold Kanebo 
preclinical and clinical quantities of the SMART M195 Antibody. Kanebo 
is currently in the clinical stage of development with this antibody.

Yamanouchi.  In February 1991, PDL and Yamanouchi entered into a 
collaborative agreement providing for the humanization of a murine anti-
platelet (anti-gpIIb/IIIa) antibody developed by Yamanouchi for 
potentially treating certain cardiovascular disorders. Yamanouchi is 
currently conducting Phase I clinical trials in Europe with this 
humanized antibody. Yamanouchi has exclusive, worldwide rights to this 
antibody and is responsible for all clinical trials and for obtaining 
necessary government regulatory approvals. The agreement provides for 
milestone payments, all of which have been received by the Company, and 
royalties on product sales, if any.

Mochida.  In December 1995, PDL and Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., 
Ltd. ("Mochida") entered into an agreement providing for the 
humanization by PDL of a murine antibody that has potential for treating 
certain infectious diseases.  PDL received a licensing and signing fee 
and milestone payments and can earn royalties on product sales, if any. 
In addition, PDL has an option to co-promote the antibody in North 

Toagosei.  In September 1996, PDL and Toagosei Co., Ltd. 
("Toagosei") entered into an agreement providing for the humanization by 
PDL of a murine antibody that has potential for treating cancer. PDL 
received a licensing and signing fee and milestone payments and can earn 
royalties on product sales, if any. PDL also has an option to co-promote 
the compound in North America. In addition, in the fourth quarter of 
1997, Toagosei made a $2.0 million private equity investment in PDL in 
return for 44,568 newly issued shares of PDL common stock at a purchase 
price of $44.875 per share.

Roche.  In October 1996, PDL entered into an agreement with Roche 
providing for the humanization by PDL of an additional murine antibody 
to a different target than Zenapax. PDL received a licensing and signing 
fee and a milestone payment under this agreement. Roche, however, 
recently discontinued development of this antibody.

Genetics Institute.  In December 1996, PDL and Genetics Institute, 
Inc. ("Genetics Institute"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Home 
Products, entered into an agreement pursuant to which PDL will initially 
develop three humanized monoclonal antibodies based on murine antibodies 
developed by Genetics Institute that modulate the immune co-stimulatory 
pathway. In addition, Genetics Institute received a worldwide, 
nonexclusive license for those antibodies under PDL's humanized antibody 
patents.  To date, PDL has received a $2.5 million licensing and signing 
fee and a milestone payment and is entitled to receive additional 
milestone payments and royalties on product sales, if any. In addition, 
PDL received an option to co-promote the products in North America. The 
agreement contemplates that PDL may collaborate with Genetics Institute 
to humanize additional antibodies in the field.

Teijin.  In March 1997, PDL and Teijin Limited ("Teijin") entered 
into an agreement providing for the humanization by PDL of a murine 
antibody to a toxin produced by the E. coli O157 bacteria that can cause 
serious illness or death from the consumption of contaminated food. To 
date, PDL has received a licensing and signing fee and milestone payment 
and can earn further milestone payments and royalties on product sales, 
if any.

Ajinomoto. In July 1997, PDL and Ajinomoto Co., Inc. ("Ajinomoto") 
entered into an agreement providing for the humanization by PDL of a 
murine antibody directed at cardiovascular conditions. To date, PDL has 
received a licensing and signing fee and can earn milestone payments and 
royalties on product sales, if any. In addition, PDL received certain 
rights to obtain co-promotion rights to the potential product in North 

Patent Licenses.  Since December 1996, PDL has entered into seven 
patent licensing agreements with five companies relating to antibodies 
humanized by those companies. In each agreement, PDL granted a 
worldwide, nonexclusive license under its humanized antibody patents to 
the other company for an antibody to a specific target antigen. In each 
case, PDL received a licensing and signing fee and the right to receive 
royalties on product sales, if any. Under some of these agreements, PDL 
can also receive milestone payments.

For a discussion of certain risks related to the Company's 
humanization and patent licensing arrangements, see "-- Uncertainty of 
Patents and Proprietary Technology; Opposition Proceedings" and "-- 
Dependence on Collaborative Partners."


PDL currently leases approximately 47,000 square feet housing its 
manufacturing facilities in Plymouth, Minnesota. PDL intends to continue 
to manufacture potential products for use in preclinical studies and 
clinical trials using this manufacturing facility in accordance with 
standard procedures that comply with current Good Manufacturing 
Practices ("cGMP") and appropriate regulatory standards. Roche is 
responsible for manufacturing Zenapax.

In order to obtain regulatory approvals and to expand its capacity 
to produce its products for commercial sale at an acceptable cost, PDL 
will need to improve and expand its existing manufacturing capabilities 
and demonstrate to the FDA its ability to manufacture its products using 
controlled, reproducible processes. Accordingly, the Company is evaluating
plans to improve and expand the capacity of its current facility. 
Such plans, if fully implemented, would result in substantial 
costs to the Company and may require a suspension of manufacturing 
operations during construction. See "Risk Factors -- Absence of 
Manufacturing Experience" and "-- Uncertainties Resulting From 
Manufacturing Changes."


The Company's success is significantly dependent on its ability to 
obtain patent protection for its products and technologies and to 
preserve its trade secrets and operate without infringing on the 
proprietary rights of third parties. PDL files and prosecutes patent 
applications to protect its inventions. No assurance can be given that 
the Company's pending patent applications will result in the issuance of 
patents or that any patents will provide competitive advantages or will 
not be invalidated or circumvented by its competitors. Moreover, no 
assurance can be given that patents are not issued to, or patent 
applications have not been filed by, other companies which would have an 
adverse effect on the Company's ability to use, manufacture or market 
its products or maintain its competitive position with respect to its 
products. Other companies obtaining patents claiming products or 
processes useful to the Company may bring infringement actions against 
the Company. As a result, the Company may be required to obtain licenses 
from others or not be able to use, manufacture or market its products. 
Such licenses may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, if 
at all.

PDL has a number of patents and has exclusively licensed certain 
patents regarding the trioma technique and related antibodies from 
Novartis. In June 1996, PDL was issued a U.S. patent covering Zenapax 
and certain related antibodies against the IL-2 receptor.  PDL has been 
issued a patent by the European Patent Office ("EPO") and three patents 
by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("PTO"). PDL believes, based on 
its review of the scientific literature, that most humanized antibodies 
are covered by one or more of these patents. In addition, PDL is 
currently prosecuting other patent applications with the PTO and in 
other countries, including members of the European Patent Convention, 
Canada, Japan and Australia. The patent applications are directed to 
various aspects of PDL's SMART and human antibodies, antibody technology 
and other programs, and include claims relating to compositions of 
matter, methods of preparation and use of a number of PDL's compounds. 
However, PDL does not know whether any pending applications will result 
in the issuance of patents or whether such patents will provide 
protection of commercial significance. Further, there can be no 
assurance that PDL's patents will prevent others from developing 
competitive products using related technology.

Patents in the U.S. are issued to the party that is first to 
invent the claimed invention. Since patent applications in the U.S. are 
maintained in secrecy until patents issue, PDL cannot be certain that it 
was the first inventor of the invention covered by its pending patent 
applications or patents or that it was the first to file patent 
applications for such inventions. The patent positions of biotechnology 
firms generally are highly uncertain and involve complex legal and 
factual questions. No consistent policy has emerged regarding the 
breadth of claims in biotechnology patents, and patents of biotechnology 
products are uncertain, so that even issued patents may later be 
modified or revoked by the PTO or the courts. Moreover, the issuance of 
a patent in one country does not assure the issuance of a patent with 
similar claims in another country, and claim interpretation and 
infringement laws vary among countries, so the extent of any patent 
protection may vary in different territories.

The EPO patent applies in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, 
Italy and eight other Western European countries. The EPO (but not PTO) 
procedures provide for a nine-month opposition period in which other 
parties may submit arguments as to why the patent was incorrectly 
granted and should be withdrawn or limited. Eighteen notices of 
opposition to PDL's European patent were filed during the opposition 
period, including oppositions by major pharmaceutical and biotechnology 
companies, which cited references and made arguments not considered by 
the EPO and PTO before grant of the respective patents. The entire 
opposition process, including appeals, may take several years to 
complete, and during this lengthy process, the validity of the EPO 
patent will be at issue, which may limit the Company's ability to 
negotiate or collect royalties or to negotiate future collaborative 
research and development agreements based on this patent. PDL intends to 
vigorously defend the European patent and, if necessary, the U.S. 
patents; however, there can be no assurance that the Company will 
prevail in the opposition proceedings or any litigation contesting the 
validity or scope of these patents. If the outcome of the European 
opposition proceeding or any litigation involving the Company's antibody 
humanization patents were to be unfavorable, the Company's ability to 
collect royalties on existing licensed products and to license its 
patents relating to humanized antibodies may be materially adversely 
effected, which could have a material adverse affect on the business and 
financial condition of the Company.  In addition, such proceedings or 
litigation, or any other proceedings or litigation to protect the 
Company's intellectual property rights or defend against infringement 
claims by others, could result in substantial costs and diversion of 
management's time and attention, which could have a material adverse 
effect on the business and financial condition of the Company.

A number of companies, universities and research institutions have 
filed patent applications or received patents in the areas of antibodies 
and other fields relating to PDL's programs. Some of these applications 
or patents may be competitive with PDL's applications or contain claims 
that conflict with those made under PDL's patent applications or 
patents. Such conflicts could prevent issuance of patents to PDL, 
provoke an interference with PDL's patents or result in a significant 
reduction in the scope or invalidation of PDL's patents, if issued. An 
interference is an administrative proceeding conducted by the PTO to 
determine the priority of invention and other matters relating to the 
decision to grant patents. Moreover, if patents are held by or issued to 
other parties that contain claims relating to PDL's products or 
processes, and such claims are ultimately determined to be valid, no 
assurance can be given that PDL would be able to obtain licenses to 
these patents at a reasonable cost, if at all, or to develop or obtain 
alternative technology.

The Company is aware that Celltech has been granted a patent by 
the EPO covering certain humanized antibodies, which PDL has opposed, 
and Celltech has a pending application for a corresponding U.S. patent 
(the "U.S. Adair Patent Application"). Because U.S. patent applications 
are maintained in secrecy, the U.S. Adair Patent Application remains
confidential. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that such claims 
would not cover any of PDL's SMART antibodies or be competitive with or
conflict with claims in PDL's patents or patent applications. If the
U.S. Adair Patent Application issues and if it is determined to be
valid and to cover any of PDL's SMART antibodies, there can be
no assurance that PDL would be able to obtain a license on commercially 
reasonable terms, if at all. If the claims of the U.S. Adair Patent
Application conflict with claims in PDL's patents or patent applications,
there can be no assurance that an interference would not be declared
by the PTO, which could take several years to resolve and could
involve significant expense to the Company. Also, such conflict 
could prevent issuance of additional patents to PDL relating to 
humanization of antibodies or result in a significant reduction in the 
scope or invalidation of PDL's patents, if issued. Moreover, uncertainty 
as to the validity or scope of patents issued to PDL relating generally 
to humanization of antibodies may limit the Company's ability to 
negotiate or collect royalties or to negotiate future collaborative 
research and development agreements based on these patents.

PDL has obtained a nonexclusive license under a patent held by 
Celltech (the "Boss Patent") relating to PDL's current process for 
producing SMART and human antibodies. An interference proceeding was 
declared in early 1991 by the PTO between the Boss Patent and a patent 
application filed by Genentech, Inc. ("Genentech") to which PDL does not 
have a license. PDL is not a party to the interference proceeding, and 
the timing and outcome of the proceeding or the scope of any patent that 
may be subsequently issued cannot be predicted. If the Genentech patent 
application were held to have priority over the Boss Patent, and if it 
were determined that PDL's processes and products were covered by a 
patent issuing from such patent application, PDL might be required to 
obtain a license under such patent or to significantly alter its 
processes or products. There can be no assurance that PDL would be able 
to successfully alter its processes or products to avoid infringing such 
patent or to obtain such a license on commercially reasonable terms, if 
at all, and the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on 
the business and financial condition of the Company.

The Company is aware that Lonza Biologics, Inc. has a patent 
issued in Europe to which PDL does not have a license (although Roche 
has advised the Company that it has a license covering Zenapax), which 
may cover the process the Company uses to produce its potential 
products. If it were determined that PDL's processes were covered by 
such patent, PDL might be required to obtain a license under such patent 
or to significantly alter its processes or products, if necessary to 
manufacture or import its products in Europe. There can be no assurance 
that PDL would be able to successfully alter its processes or products 
to avoid infringing such patent or to obtain such a license on 
commercially reasonable terms, if at all, and the failure to do so could 
have a material adverse effect on the business and financial condition 
of the Company.

Also, Genentech has patents in the U.S. and Europe that relate to 
chimeric antibodies. Although Genentech's European patent was declared 
invalid by the EPO in the opposition process, Genentech has appealed 
that decision, thereby staying that decision. If Genentech were to 
assert that the Company's SMART antibodies infringe these patents, PDL 
might have to choose whether to seek a license or to challenge in court 
the validity of such patents or Genentech's claim of infringement. There 
can be no assurance that PDL would be successful in either obtaining 
such a license on commercially reasonable terms, if at all, or that it 
would be successful in such a challenge of the Genentech patents, and 
the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on the 
business and financial condition of the Company.

In addition to seeking the protection of patents and licenses, PDL 
also relies upon trade secrets, know-how and continuing technological 
innovation which it seeks to protect, in part, by confidentiality 
agreements with employees, consultants, suppliers and licensees. There 
can be no assurance that these agreements will not be breached, that PDL 
would have adequate remedies for any breach or that PDL's trade secrets 
will not otherwise become known, independently developed or patented by 


The manufacturing, testing and marketing of PDL's products are 
subject to regulation by numerous governmental authorities in the U.S. 
and other countries based upon their pricing, safety and efficacy. In 
the U.S., pharmaceutical (biologic) products are subject to rigorous FDA 
regulation. The federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act ("FD&C Act"), Public 
Health Service Act ("PHS Act") and other federal, state and local 
regulations govern the manufacture, testing, labeling, storage, record 
keeping, clinical and nonclinical studies to assess safety and efficacy, 
approval, advertising and promotion of pharmaceutical products. The 
process of developing and obtaining approval for a new pharmaceutical 
product within this regulatory framework requires a number of years and 
the expenditure of substantial resources. There can be no assurance that 
necessary approvals will be obtained on a timely basis, if at all.

In addition to the requirement for FDA approval of each 
pharmaceutical product, each pharmaceutical product manufacturing 
facility must be registered with, and approved by, the FDA. The 
manufacturing and quality control procedures must conform to cGMP in 
order to receive FDA approval. Pharmaceutical product manufacturing 
establishments are subject to inspections by the FDA and local 
authorities as well as inspections by authorities of other countries. To 
supply pharmaceutical products for use in the U.S., foreign 
manufacturing establishments must comply with cGMP and are subject to 
periodic inspection by the FDA or by corresponding regulatory agencies 
in such countries under reciprocal agreements with the FDA. Moreover, 
pharmaceutical product manufacturing facilities may also be regulated by 
state, local and other authorities.

For marketing of pharmaceutical products outside the U.S., PDL is 
subject to foreign regulatory requirements governing marketing approval 
and pricing, and FDA and other U.S. export provisions should the 
pharmaceutical product be manufactured in the U.S. Requirements relating 
to the manufacturing, conduct of clinical trials, product licensing, 
promotion, pricing and reimbursement vary widely in different countries. 
Difficulties or unanticipated costs or price controls may be encountered 
by PDL or its licensees or its marketing partners in their respective 
efforts to secure necessary governmental approvals to market potential 
pharmaceutical products, which could delay or preclude PDL or its 
licensees or its marketing partners from marketing their potential 
pharmaceutical products.

The basic steps required by the FDA before a new pharmaceutical 
product for human use may be marketed in the U.S. include (i) 
preclinical laboratory and animal tests, (ii) submission to the FDA of 
an application for an Investigational New Drug ("IND") which must be 
reviewed by the FDA before clinical trials may begin, (iii) completion 
of adequate and well-controlled human clinical trials to establish the 
safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical product for its intended use, 
(iv) for therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, submission of a Biologics 
License Application ("BLA") to the FDA, and (v) FDA approval of the BLA 
prior to any commercial sale or shipment of the pharmaceutical product.

Preclinical tests for safety are conducted in the laboratory and 
in animals in compliance with FDA good laboratory practices regulations.  
Other additional tests are conducted to assess the potential safety and 
biological activity of the pharmaceutical product in order to support a 
sponsor's contention that it is reasonably safe to conduct proposed 
clinical investigations. The results of these studies are submitted to 
the FDA as part of an IND. Testing in humans may begin 30 days after 
filing an IND unless the FDA requests additional information or raises 
questions or concerns that must be resolved before the FDA will permit 
the study to proceed. In such cases, there can be no assurance that 
resolution will be achieved in a timely manner, if at all.

Clinical trials are conducted in accordance with good clinical 
practices based on regulations promulgated by the FDA and under 
protocols that include detail on the objectives of the trial, the 
parameters to be used to monitor safety, and the efficacy criteria to be 
evaluated. Each protocol must be submitted to the FDA as part of an IND. 
Further, each clinical trial must be reviewed and approved by an 
independent institutional review board ("IRB") at each of the medical 
institutions at which the trial will be conducted. There can be no 
assurance that submission of a protocol to an IRB or an IND to the FDA 
will result in the initiation or completion of a clinical investigation. 
Clinical trials are typically conducted in three sequential phases, 
although the phases may overlap. In Phase I, the pharmaceutical product 
is typically tested in a small number of healthy people or patients to 
initially determine safety, dose tolerance (including side effects 
associated with increasing doses), metabolism, distribution and 
excretion. Phase II usually involves studies in a limited patient 
population to obtain a preliminary determination of efficacy, to 
identify an optimal dose and to further identify safety risks. Phase III 
trials are larger, multi-center trials undertaken to provide further 
confirmation of efficacy and provide additional safety information in a 
specific patient population. The FDA reviews the results of the trials 
and may discontinue them at any time for safety reasons or other reasons 
if they are deemed to be non-compliant with FDA regulations. There can 
be no assurance that Phase I, II or III clinical trials will be 
completed successfully within any specific time period, if at all, with 
respect to any of the Company's or its collaborators' pharmaceutical 
products that are subject to such testing requirements.

Recently, the FDA has been engaged in regulatory reform efforts 
aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on manufacturers of certain 
biotechnology products. For example, in May 1996, the FDA issued 
regulations that eliminate the previous requirement of a separate 
establishment license application, in addition to the product license 
application, for certain categories of biotechnology products, including 
the pharmaceutical products of the Company. Furthermore, the FDA has 
announced its intention to adopt a single approval application for all 
pharmaceutical products. There can be no assurance, however, that 
implementation of these changes will benefit the Company or otherwise 
reduce the regulatory requirements applicable to the Company or that 
these changes will not result in the imposition of other, more 
burdensome obligations on the Company in connection with regulatory 
review of the Company's products. In any event, the results of the 
preclinical and clinical trials and a description of the manufacturing 
process and tests to control the quality of the pharmaceutical product 
must be submitted to the FDA in a BLA for approval. The approval process 
is likely to require substantial time and resource commitment by an 
applicant. Approval is influenced by a number of factors, including the 
severity of the disease being treated, availability of alternative 
treatments, and the risks and benefits of the proposed therapeutic as 
demonstrated in the clinical trials. Additional data or clinical trials 
may be requested by the FDA and may delay approval. There is no 
assurance that FDA approval will be granted on a timely basis, if at 

After FDA approval for the initial indications and dosage forms, 
further studies may be required by the FDA to gain approval for labeling 
of the pharmaceutical product for other disease indications or dosage 
forms, or to monitor for adverse effects. Both before and after approval 
is obtained, a pharmaceutical product, its manufacturer and the holder 
of the BLA for the pharmaceutical product are subject to comprehensive 
regulatory oversight. The FDA may deny a BLA if applicable regulatory 
criteria are not satisfied, require additional testing or information or 
require postmarketing testing and surveillance to monitor the safety or 
efficacy of the pharmaceutical product. Moreover, even if regulatory 
approval is granted, such approval may be subject to limitations on the 
indicated uses for which the pharmaceutical product may be marketed. 

Approvals may be withdrawn if compliance with regulatory standards 
is not maintained or if problems with the pharmaceutical product occur 
following approval. Among the conditions for BLA approval is the 
requirement that the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical product comply 
with cGMP. In addition, under a BLA, the manufacturer continues to be 
subject to facility inspection and the applicant must assume 
responsibility for compliance with applicable pharmaceutical product and 
establishment standards. Violations of regulatory requirements at any 
stage may result in various adverse consequences, including FDA refusal 
to accept a license application, total or partial suspension of 
licensure, delay in approving or refusal to approve the pharmaceutical 
product or pending marketing approval applications, warning letters, 
fines, injunctions, withdrawal of the previously approved pharmaceutical 
product or marketing approvals and/or the imposition of criminal 
penalties against the manufacturer and/or BLA holders. In addition, 
later discovery of previously unknown problems may result in new 
restrictions on such pharmaceutical product, manufacturer and/or BLA 
holders, including withdrawal of the pharmaceutical product or marketing 
approvals and pharmaceutical product recalls or seizures.

In addition to regulations enforced by the FDA, the Company is 
subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the 
use, generation, manufacture, storage, discharge, handling and disposal 
of certain materials and wastes used in its operations, some of which 
are classified as "hazardous." There can be no assurance that the 
Company will not be required to incur significant costs to comply with 
environmental laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and state, 
local and foreign counterparts to such laws, rules and regulations as 
its manufacturing and research activities are increased or that the 
operations, business and future profitability of the Company will not be 
adversely affected by current or future laws, rules and regulations.

Although the Company believes that its safety processes and 
procedures and its handling and disposing of materials and wastes comply 
with applicable laws, rules and regulations, the risk of accidental 
contamination or injury from these materials cannot be eliminated. In 
the event of such an accident, the Company could be held liable for any 
damages that result and any such liability could exceed the resources of 
the Company. In addition, the Company cannot predict the extent of the 
adverse effect on its business or the financial and other costs that 
might result from any new government requirements arising out of future 
legislative, administrative or judicial actions. Compliance with such 
laws, rules and regulations does not have, nor is such compliance 
presently expected to have, a material adverse effect on the Company's 
business. However, the Company cannot predict the extent of the adverse 
effect on its business or the financial and other costs that might 
result from any new government requirements arising out of future 
legislative, administrative or judicial actions.


The Company's potential products are intended to address a wide 
variety of disease conditions, including autoimmune diseases, 
inflammatory conditions, cancers and viral infections. Competition with 
respect to these disease conditions is intense and is expected to 
increase. This competition involves, among other things, successful 
research and development efforts, obtaining appropriate regulatory 
approvals, establishing and defending intellectual property rights, 
successful product manufacturing, marketing, distribution, market and 
physician acceptance, patient compliance, price and potentially securing 
eligibility for reimbursement or payment for the use of the Company's 
product. The Company believes its most significant competitors may be 
fully integrated pharmaceutical companies with substantial expertise in 
research and development, manufacturing, testing, obtaining regulatory 
approvals, marketing and securing eligibility for reimbursement or 
payment, and substantially greater financial and other resources than 
the Company. Smaller companies also may prove to be significant 
competitors, particularly through collaborative arrangements with large 
pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore, academic institutions, 
governmental agencies and other public and private research 
organizations conduct research, seek patent protection, and establish 
collaborative arrangements for product development, clinical development 
and marketing. These companies and institutions also compete with the 
Company in recruiting and retaining highly qualified personnel. The 
biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are subject to rapid and 
substantial technological change. The Company's competitors may develop 
and introduce other technologies or approaches to accomplishing the 
intended purposes of the Company's products which may render the 
Company's technologies and products noncompetitive and obsolete.

In addition to currently marketed competitive drugs, the Company 
is aware of potential products in research or development by its 
competitors that address all of the diseases being targeted by the 
Company. These and other products may compete directly with the 
potential products being developed by the Company. In this regard, the 
Company is aware that potential competitors are developing antibodies or 
other compounds for treating autoimmune diseases, inflammatory 
conditions, cancers and viral infections. In particular, a number of 
other companies have developed and will continue to develop human 
antibodies and humanized antibodies. In addition, protein design is 
being actively pursued at a number of academic and commercial 
organizations, and several companies have developed or may develop 
technologies that can compete with the Company's SMART and human 
antibody technologies. There can be no assurance that competitors will 
not succeed in more rapidly developing and marketing technologies and 
products that are more effective than the products being developed by 
the Company or that would render the Company's products or technology 
obsolete or noncompetitive. Further, there can be no assurance that the 
Company's collaborative partners will not independently develop products 
competitive with those licensed to such partners by the Company, thereby 
reducing the likelihood that the Company will receive revenues under its 
agreements with such partners.

Any potential product that the Company succeeds in developing and 
for which it gains regulatory approval must then compete for market 
acceptance and market share. For certain of the Company's potential 
products, an important factor will be the timing of market introduction 
of competitive products. Accordingly, the relative speed with which the 
Company and competing companies can develop products, complete the 
clinical testing and approval processes, and supply commercial 
quantities of the products to the market is expected to be an important 
determinant of market success. Other competitive factors include the 
capabilities of the Company's collaborative partners, product efficacy 
and safety, timing and scope of regulatory approval, product 
availability, marketing and sales capabilities, reimbursement coverage, 
the amount of clinical benefit of the Company's products relative to 
their cost, method of administration, price and patent protection. There 
can be no assurance that the Company's competitors will not develop more 
efficacious or more affordable products, or achieve earlier product 
development completion, patent protection, regulatory approval or 
product commercialization than the Company. The occurrence of any of 
these events by the Company's competitors could have a material adverse 
effect on the business and financial condition of the Company.


As of December 31, 1997, PDL had 217 full-time employees, of whom 
29 hold Ph.D. and/or M.D. degrees.  Of the total, 76 employees were engaged 
in research and development, 47 in quality assurance and compliance, 19 
in clinical and regulatory, 40 in manufacturing and 35 in general and 
administrative functions.  PDL's scientific staff members have 
diversified experience and expertise in molecular and cell biology, 
biochemistry, virology, immunology, protein chemistry, computational 
chemistry and computer modeling.  PDL's success will depend in large 
part on its ability to attract and retain skilled and experienced 
employees.  None of PDL's employees are covered by a collective 
bargaining agreement, and PDL considers its relations with its employees 
to be good.


PDL seeks to comply with environmental statutes and the regulations
of federal, state and local governmental agencies.  PDL has put 
into place processes and procedures and maintains records in order 
to monitor its environmental compliance.  PDL may invest additional 
resources, if required, to comply with applicable regulations, and the 
cost of such compliance may increase significantly.


This Annual Report contains, in addition to historical information, 
forward-looking statements  which involve risks and uncertainties.  The 
Company's actual results may differ significantly from the results 
discussed in forward-looking statements.  Factors that may cause such a 
difference include those discussed in the material set forth below and 
elsewhere in this document.

     History Of Losses; Future Profitability Uncertain.  The Company 
has a history of operating losses and expects to incur substantial 
additional expenses with resulting quarterly losses over at least the 
next several years as it continues to develop its potential products, to 
invest in new research areas and to devote significant resources to 
preclinical studies, clinical trials and manufacturing. As of December 
31, 1997, the Company had an accumulated deficit of approximately $59.4 
million. The time and resource commitment required to achieve market 
success for any individual product is extensive and uncertain. No 
assurance can be given that the Company, its collaborative partners or 
licensees will successfully develop products, obtain required regulatory 
approvals, manufacture products at an acceptable cost and with 
appropriate quality, or successfully market such products. 

The Company's revenues to date have consisted principally of research 
and development funding, licensing and signing fees and milestone 
payments from pharmaceutical, chemical and biotechnology companies 
under collaborative, humanization and patent licensing agreements.  
These revenues may vary considerably from quarter to quarter and from 
year to year, and revenues in any period may not be predictive of 
revenues in any subsequent period, and variations may be significant 
depending on the terms of the particular agreements.   In addition, 
revenues from patent licensing arrangements and royalties are expected 
to vary considerably from quarter to quarter and from year to year, and 
revenues in any period may not be predictive of revenues in any 
subsequent period, with significant variations depending on the terms of 
the particular agreements. For example, revenues in each of the quarters 
of 1997 included several non-recurring payments in connection with new 
humanization, patent licensing and other research and development 
agreements, which payments resulted in significant variations in 
revenues in each of the quarters in 1997.

Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., including its affiliates ("Roche") has 
received regulatory approval to distribute Zenapax[R] in the U.S. and 
Switzerland.  Zenapax, a product created by the Company, is licensed 
exclusively to Roche and the Company is dependent upon the efforts of 
Roche to obtain additional regulatory approvals and market Zenapax. The 
Company has begun receiving royalties in 1998 based on revenue from sales of 
Zenapax by Roche, with royalties based on U.S. sales paid to the Company on a 
quarterly basis and sales outside of the U.S. on a semi-annual basis. 
The Company intends to recognize royalty revenues when royalty reports 
are received from its collaborative partners, including Roche. This 
method of accounting for royalty revenues from the Company's licensees, 
taken together with the unpredictable timing of payments of non-
recurring licensing and signing fees and milestones under new and 
existing collaborative, humanization and patent licensing agreements, is 
likely to result in significant quarterly fluctuations in revenues in 
quarterly and annual periods. Thus, revenues in any period may not be 
predictive of revenues in any subsequent period, and variations may be 
significant depending on the terms of the particular agreements. 

Although the Company anticipates entering into new collaborations 
from time to time, the Company presently does not anticipate continuing 
to realize non-royalty revenue from its new and proposed collaborations 
at levels commensurate with the revenue historically recognized under 
its older collaborations. Moreover, the Company anticipates that it will 
incur significant operating expenses as the Company increases its 
research and development, manufacturing, preclinical, clinical and 
administrative and patent activities. Accordingly, in the absence of 
substantial revenues from new corporate collaborations or patent 
licensing arrangements, royalties on sales of Zenapax or other products 
licensed under the Company's intellectual property rights or other 
sources, the Company expects to incur substantial operating losses in 
the foreseeable future as certain of its earlier stage potential 
products move into later stage clinical development, as additional 
potential products are selected as clinical candidates for further 
development, as the Company invests in new headquarters and additional 
laboratory and manufacturing facilities or capacity, as the Company 
defends or prosecutes its patents and patent applications, and as the 
Company invests in continuing and new research programs or acquires 
additional technologies, product candidates or businesses. For example, 
the Company expects to invest approximately $13 million related to the 
construction of its new headquarters facilities located in Fremont, 
California, which improvements will include the expansion of laboratory 
and development facilities. The amount of net losses and the time 
required to reach sustained profitability are highly uncertain. To 
achieve sustained profitable operations, the Company, alone or with its 
collaborative partners, must successfully discover, develop, 
manufacture, obtain regulatory approvals for and market potential 
products. No assurances can be given that the Company will be able to 
achieve or sustain profitability, and results are expected to fluctuate 
from quarter to quarter and year to year.

     Dependence On Roche With Respect To Zenapax. Roche controls the 
development and marketing of Zenapax, the most advanced of the Company's 
products in development, and the Company is dependent upon the resources 
and activities of Roche to pursue commercialization of Zenapax in order 
for the Company to receive royalties or additional milestone payments 
from the marketing and development of this product. There can be no 
assurance that Roche's further development, regulatory and marketing 
efforts will be successful, including without limitation, whether or how 
quickly Zenapax might receive regulatory approvals in addition to those 
in the U.S. and Switzerland and how rapidly it might be adopted by the 
medical community. In addition, there can be no assurance that other 
independently developed products of Roche, including CellCept[R], or 
others will not compete with or prevent Zenapax from achieving 
meaningful sales. Roche's development and marketing efforts for CellCept 
may result in delays or a relatively smaller resource commitment to 
product launch and support efforts than might otherwise be obtained for 
Zenapax if this potentially competitive product were not under 
development or being marketed. 

Moreover, Roche has stated that it plans to conduct or support 
other clinical trials of Zenapax in autoimmune indications. There can be 
no assurance that Roche will continue or pursue additional clinical 
trials in these indications or that, even if the additional clinical 
trials are completed, Zenapax will be shown to be safe and efficacious, 
or that the clinical trials will result in approval to market Zenapax in 
these indications. Any adverse event or announcement related to Zenapax 
would have a material adverse effect on the business and financial 
condition of the Company.

     Uncertainty Of Clinical Trial Results.  Before obtaining regulatory
approval for the commercial sale of any of its potential products,
the Company must demonstrate through preclinical studies and clinical
trials that the product is safe and efficacious for use in the 
clinical indication for which approval is sought. There can be no 
assurance that the Company will be permitted to undertake or continue 
clinical trials for any of its potential products or, if permitted, that 
such products will be demonstrated to be safe and efficacious. Moreover, 
the results from preclinical studies and early clinical trials may not 
be predictive of results that will be obtained in later-stage clinical 
trials. Thus, there can be no assurance that the Company's present or 
future clinical trials will demonstrate the safety and efficacy of any 
potential products or will result in approval to market products.

In advanced clinical development, numerous factors may be involved 
that may lead to different results in larger, later-stage trials from 
those obtained in earlier stage trials. For example, early stage trials 
usually involve a small number of patients and thus may not accurately 
predict the actual results regarding safety and efficacy that may be 
demonstrated with a large number of patients in a later-stage trial. 
Also, differences in the clinical trial design between an early-stage 
and late-stage trial may cause different results regarding the safety 
and efficacy of a product to be obtained. In addition, many early stage 
trials are unblinded and based on qualitative evaluations by clinicians 
involved in the performance of the trial, whereas later stage trials are 
generally required to be blinded in order to provide more objective data 
for assessing the safety and efficacy of the product.  Moreover, 
preliminary results from early stage trials may not be representative of 
results that may obtained as the trial proceeds to completion.  For 
example, with respect to the preliminary results of the study of the 
elimination of cyclosporine through the use of the combination of 
Zenapax and CellCept presented in February 1998, there can be no 
assurance that the preliminary results with limited patient followup 
from a single center will be representative of the results that may be 
obtained as additional data is obtained from other centers participating 
in the study and final results from all patients are compiled. 

The Company may at times elect to aggressively enter potential 
products into Phase I/II trials to determine preliminary efficacy in 
specific indications. In addition, in certain cases the Company has 
commenced clinical trials without conducting preclinical animal testing 
where an appropriate animal model does not exist. Similarly, the Company 
or its partners at times will conduct potentially pivotal Phase II/III 
or Phase III trials based on limited Phase I or Phase I/II data.  As a 
result of these and other factors, the Company anticipates that only 
some of its potential products will show safety and efficacy in clinical 
trials and that the number of products that fail to show safety and 
efficacy may be significant. 

     Limited Experience With Clinical Trials; Risk Of Delay.  The 
Company has conducted only a limited number of clinical trials to date. 
There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to successfully 
commence and complete all of its planned clinical trials without 
significant additional resources and expertise. In addition, there can 
be no assurance that the Company will meet its contemplated development 
schedule for any of its potential products. The inability of the Company 
or its collaborative partners to commence or continue clinical trials as 
currently planned, to complete the clinical trials on a timely basis or 
to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of its potential products, would 
have a material adverse effect on the business and financial condition 
of the Company.

The rate of completion of the Company's or its collaborators' 
clinical trials is significantly dependent upon, among other factors, 
the rate of patient enrollment. Patient enrollment is a function of many 
factors, including, among others, the size of the patient population, 
perceived risks and benefits of the drug under study, availability of 
competing therapies, access to reimbursement from insurance companies or 
government sources, design of the protocol, proximity of and access by 
patients to clinical sites, patient referral practices, eligibility 
criteria for the study in question and efforts of the sponsor of and 
clinical sites involved in the trial to facilitate timely enrollment in 
the trial. Delays in the planned rate of patient enrollment may result 
in increased costs and expenses in completion of the trial or may 
require the Company to undertake additional studies in order to obtain 
regulatory approval if the applicable standard of care changes in the 
therapeutic indication under study. These considerations may lead the 
Company to consider the termination of ongoing clinical trials or 
halting further development of a product for a particular indication. 
For example, despite modifications to the clinical trial design in order 
to increase the rate of enrollment, patient accrual in the Company's 
ongoing Phase II/III trial of the SMART M195 Antibody in myeloid 
leukemia continues at a slower rate than the Company desires. There can 
be no assurance that any further actions by the Company to accelerate 
accrual in this trial will be successful or, to the extent that they 
involve modifications in the design of the trial, will not cause that 
trial to be considered a Phase II clinical trial and thereby require one 
or more additional potentially pivotal trials to be conducted.  In 
addition, if patient accrual continues at the current rate, the Company 
expects to review the viability of the ongoing clinical trial in the 
second half of 1998 in order to determine whether to further modify or 
terminate this trial in order to dedicate resources to more promising 
clinical development programs, which programs may or may not include the 
SMART M195 Antibody.

     Uncertainty Of Patents And Proprietary Technology; Opposition 
Proceedings.  The Company's success is significantly dependent on its 
ability to obtain patent protection for its products and technologies 
and to preserve its trade secrets and operate without infringing on the 
proprietary rights of third parties. The Company files and prosecutes 
patent applications to protect its inventions. No assurance can be given 
that the Company's pending patent applications will result in the 
issuance of patents or that any patents will provide competitive 
advantages or will not be invalidated or circumvented by its 
competitors. Moreover, no assurance can be given that patents are not 
issued to, or patent applications have not been filed by, other 
companies which would have an adverse effect on the Company's ability to 
use, manufacture or market its products or maintain its competitive 
position with respect to its products. Other companies obtaining patents 
claiming products or processes useful to the Company may bring 
infringement actions against the Company. As a result, the Company may 
be required to obtain licenses from others or not be able to use, 
manufacture or market its products. Such licenses may not be available 
on commercially reasonable terms, if at all.

Patents in the U.S. are issued to the party that is first to invent 
the claimed invention. Since patent applications in the U.S. are 
maintained in secrecy until patents issue, the Company cannot be certain 
that it was the first inventor of the inventions covered by its pending 
patent applications or that it was the first to file patent applications 
for such inventions. The patent positions of biotechnology firms 
generally are highly uncertain and involve complex legal and factual 
questions. No consistent policy has emerged regarding the breadth of 
claims in biotechnology patents, and patents of biotechnology products 
are uncertain so that even issued patents may later be modified or 
revoked by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("PTO") or the courts in 
proceedings instituted by third parties. Moreover, the issuance of a 
patent in one country does not assure the issuance of a patent with 
similar claims in another country and claim interpretation and 
infringement laws vary among countries, so the extent of any patent 
protection may vary in different territories.

The Company has several patents and exclusive licenses covering
its humanized and human antibody technology, respectively. With 
respect to its human antibody technology and antibodies, the Company has 
exclusively licensed certain patents from Novartis Pharmaceuticals 
Corporation ("Novartis") (formerly known as Sandoz Pharmaceuticals 
Corporation). With respect to its SMART antibody technology and 
antibodies, the Company has been issued fundamental patents by the 
European Patent Office ("EPO") and PTO.  In addition, in June 1996 the 
Company was issued a U.S. patent covering Zenapax and certain related 
antibodies against the IL-2 receptor. The Company is also currently 
prosecuting other patent applications with the PTO and in other 
countries, including members of the European Patent Convention, Canada, 
Japan and Australia. The patent applications are directed to various 
aspects of the Company's SMART and human antibodies, antibody technology 
and other programs, and include claims relating to compositions of 
matter, methods of preparation and use of a number of the Company's 
compounds. However, the Company does not know whether any pending 
applications will result in the issuance of patents or whether such 
patents will provide protection of commercial significance. Further, 
there can be no assurance that the Company's patents will prevent others 
from developing competitive products using related technology.

With respect to its issued antibody humanization patents, the 
Company believes the patent claims cover Zenapax and, based on its 
review of the scientific literature, most humanized antibodies. The EPO 
(but not PTO) procedures provide for a nine-month opposition period in 
which other parties may submit arguments as to why the patent was 
incorrectly granted and should be withdrawn or limited. Eighteen 
notices of opposition to the Company's European patent were filed during 
the opposition period, including oppositions by major pharmaceutical and 
biotechnology companies, which cited references and made arguments not 
considered by the EPO and PTO before grant of the respective patents. The 
entire opposition process, including appeals, may take several years to 
complete, and during this lengthy process, the validity of the EPO 
patent will be at issue, which may limit the Company's ability to 
negotiate or collect royalties or to negotiate future collaborative 
research and development agreements based on this patent. 
The Company intends to vigorously defend the European and, if necessary, 
the U.S. patent; however, there can be no assurance that the Company 
will prevail in the opposition proceedings or any litigation contesting 
the validity or scope of these patents.  If the outcome of the European 
opposition proceeding or any litigation involving the Company's antibody 
humanization patents were to be unfavorable, the Company's ability to 
collect royalties on licensed products and to license its patents 
relating to humanized antibodies may be materially adversely affected, 
which could have a material adverse affect on the business and financial 
conditions of the Company.  In addition, such proceedings or litigation, 
or any other proceedings or litigation to protect the Company's 
intellectual property rights or defend against infringement claims by 
others, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of 
management's time and attention, which could have a material adverse 
effect on the business and financial condition of the Company.

A number of companies, universities and research institutions have 
filed patent applications or received patents in the areas of antibodies 
and other fields relating to the Company's programs. Some of these 
applications or patents may be competitive with the Company's 
applications or contain claims that conflict with those made under the 
Company's patent applications or patents. Such conflict could prevent 
issuance of patents to the Company, provoke an interference with the 
Company's patents or result in a significant reduction in the scope or 
invalidation of the Company's patents, if issued. An interference is an 
administrative proceeding conducted by the PTO to determine the priority 
of invention and other matters relating to the decision to grant 
patents. Moreover, if patents are held by or issued to other parties 
that contain claims relating to the Company's products or processes, and 
such claims are ultimately determined to be valid, no assurance can be 
given that the Company would be able to obtain licenses to these patents 
at a reasonable cost, if at all, or to develop or obtain alternative 

The Company is aware that Celltech Limited ("Celltech") has been 
granted a patent by the EPO covering certain humanized antibodies, which 
PDL has opposed, and that Celltech has a pending application for a 
corresponding U.S. patent (the "U.S. Adair Patent Application").  Because 
U.S. patent applications are maintained in secrecy, the U.S. Adair Patent
Application remains confidential.  Accordingly, there can be no assurance
that claims in such a patent or application would not cover any of the  
Company's SMART antibodies or be competitive with or conflict with claims  
in the Company's patents or patent applications.  If the U.S. Adair Patent 
Application issues and if it is determined to be valid and to cover any 
of the Company's SMART antibodies, there can be no assurance that PDL 
would be able to obtain a license on commercially reasonable terms, if 
at all.  If the claims of the U.S. Adair Patent Application conflict 
with claims in the Company's patents or patent applications, there can 
be no assurance that an interference would not be declared by the PTO, 
which could take several years to resolve and could involve significant 
expense to the Company.  Also, such conflict could prevent issuance of 
additional patents to PDL relating to humanization of antibodies or 
result in a significant reduction in the scope or invalidation of the 
Company's patents, if issued.  Moreover, uncertainty as to the validity 
or scope of patents issued to the Company relating generally to 
humanization of antibodies may limit the Company's ability to negotiate 
or collect royalties or to negotiate future collaborative research and 
development agreements based on these patents.

The Company has obtained a nonexclusive license under a patent held
by Celltech (the "Boss Patent") relating to the Company's current 
process for producing SMART and human antibodies. An interference 
proceeding was declared in early 1991 by the PTO between the Boss Patent 
and a patent application filed by Genentech, Inc. ("Genentech") to which 
the Company does not have a license. The Company is not a party to this 
proceeding, and the timing and outcome of the proceeding or the scope of 
any patent that may be subsequently issued cannot be predicted. If the 
Genentech patent application were held to have priority over the Boss 
Patent, and if it were determined that the Company's processes and 
products were covered by a patent issuing from such patent application, 
the Company may be required to obtain a license under such patent or to 
significantly alter its processes or products. There can be no assurance 
that the Company would be able to successfully alter its processes or 
products to avoid infringing such patent or to obtain such a license on 
commercially reasonable terms, if at all, and the failure to do so could 
have a material adverse effect on the Company.

The Company is aware that Lonza Biologics, Inc. has a patent issued 
in Europe to which the Company does not have a license (although 
Roche has advised the Company that it has a license covering Zenapax), 
which may cover the process the Company uses to produce its potential 
products. If it were determined that the Company's processes were 
covered by such patent, the Company might be required to obtain a 
license under such patent or to significantly alter its processes or 
products, if necessary to manufacture or import its products in Europe. 
There can be no assurance that the Company would be able to successfully 
alter its processes or products to avoid infringing such patent or to 
obtain such a license on commercially reasonable terms, if at all, and 
the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on the 
business and financial condition of the Company.

Also, Genentech has patents in the U.S. and Europe that relate to 
chimeric antibodies.  Although the European patent was declared invalid 
by the EPO in the opposition process, Genentech has appealed that 
decision, thereby staying that decision.  If Genentech were to assert 
that the Company's SMART antibodies infringe these patents, the Company 
might have to choose whether to seek a license or to challenge in court 
the validity of such patents or Genentech's claim of infringement. There 
can be no assurance that the Company would be successful in either 
obtaining such a license on commercially reasonable terms, if at all, or 
that it would be successful in such a challenge of the Genentech 
patents, and the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect 
on the business and financial condition of the Company.

In addition to seeking the protection of patents and licenses, the 
Company also relies upon trade secrets, know-how and continuing 
technological innovation which it seeks to protect, in part, by 
confidentiality agreements with employees, consultants, suppliers and 
licensees. There can be no assurance that these agreements will not be 
breached, that the Company would have adequate remedies for any breach 
or that the Company's trade secrets will not otherwise become known, 
independently developed or patented by competitors.

     Dependence On Collaborative Partners.  The Company has 
collaborative agreements with several pharmaceutical or other companies to 
develop, manufacture and market certain potential products, which include
Zenapax, the most advanced product of the Company. The Company 
granted its collaborative partners certain exclusive rights to 
commercialize the products covered by these collaborative agreements. In 
some cases, the Company is relying on its collaborative partners to 
conduct clinical trials, to compile and analyze the data received from 
such trials, to obtain regulatory approvals and, if approved, to 
manufacture and market these licensed products. As a result, the Company 
often has little or no control over the development and marketing of 
these potential products and little or no opportunity to review clinical 
data prior to or following public announcement.

The Company's collaborative research agreements are generally
terminable by its partners on short notice. Suspension or 
termination of certain of the Company's current collaborative research 
agreements could have a material adverse effect on the Company's 
operations and could significantly delay the development of the affected 
products. Continued funding and participation by collaborative partners 
will depend on the timely achievement of research and development 
objectives by the Company, the retention of key personnel performing 
work under those agreements and the successful achievement of clinical 
trial goals, none of which can be assured, as well as on each 
collaborative partner's own financial, competitive, marketing and 
strategic considerations. Such considerations include, among other 
things, the commitment of management of the collaborative partners to 
the continued development of the licensed products, the relationships 
among the individuals responsible for the implementation and maintenance 
of the collaborative efforts, the relative advantages of alternative 
products being marketed or developed by the collaborators or by others, 
including their relative patent and proprietary technology positions, 
and their ability to manufacture potential products successfully. In 
this regard, Boehringer Mannheim GmbH ("Boehringer Mannheim") recently 
terminated further development of and its license to OST 577, the most 
advanced product in development under the agreement with Boehringer 
Mannheim.  In order to proceed with further clinical development of OST 
577, the Company is dependent upon Boehringer Mannheim to transfer 
technical data, existing clinical supplies and other regulatory 
information related to OST 577 to the Company in a timely manner.  There 
can be no assurance that Boehringer Mannheim will cooperate with the 
Company in providing any of such data, supplies or information in a 
manner that will permit the Company to easily or rapidly proceed with 
further clinical development of OST 577.  In addition, Boehringer 
Mannheim has invoked the dispute resolution provisions under its 
collaborative research agreement to address the reimbursement of up to 
$2.0 million for the Phase II study of OST 577 for the treatment of 
chronic hepatitis B ("CHB") conducted by Boehringer Mannheim. The 
Company is unable to predict the outcome of this proceeding but in any 
event has estimated and recorded a liability with respect to this 

Further, in March 1998 Roche completed the acquisition of Corange, 
the parent company of Boehringer Mannheim. The Company has not been 
advised of any anticipated changes to the existing collaborative 
arrangement with the Company resulting from the completed acquisition. 
However, the Company expects that Roche will review the various drug 
development programs of the Company and Boehringer Mannheim, including 
those for the SMART[TM] Anti-L-Selectin Antibody and an antibody to an 
undisclosed cardiovascular target. The Company cannot predict the 
outcome or timing of such review or whether or not it will occur and in 
particular, whether Roche will decide to continue, modify or terminate 
the development program for these antibodies.  In addition, Roche 
acquired 1,682,877 shares of the Company's common stock held by Corange 
which are no longer subject to contractual limitations on disposition.

The Company's ability to enter into new collaborations and the 
willingness of the Company's existing collaborators to continue 
development of the Company's potential products depends upon, among 
other things, the Company's patent position with respect to such 
products. In this regard, the Company has been issued patents by PTO and 
EPO with claims that the Company believes, based on its survey of the 
scientific literature, cover most humanized antibodies. Eighteen notices 
of opposition to the European patent have been filed with the EPO, and 
either or both patents may be further challenged through administrative 
or judicial proceedings. The Company has applied for similar patents in 
Japan and other countries. The Company has entered into several 
collaborations related to both the humanization and patent licensing of 
certain antibodies whereby it granted licenses to its patent rights 
relating to such antibodies, and the Company anticipates entering into 
additional collaborations and patent licensing agreements partially as a 
result of the Company's patent and patent applications with respect to 
humanized antibodies. As a result, the inability of the Company to 
successfully defend the opposition proceeding before the EPO or, if 
necessary, to defend patents granted by the PTO or EPO or to 
successfully prosecute the corresponding patent applications in Japan or 
other countries could adversely affect the ability of the Company to 
collect royalties on existing licensed products such as Zenapax, and 
enter into additional collaborations, humanization or patent licensing 
agreements and could therefore have a material adverse effect on the 
Company's business or financial condition.

     Absence Of Manufacturing Experience.  Of the products developed by 
the Company which are currently in clinical development, Roche is 
responsible for manufacturing Zenapax. If further development occurs, 
the Company intends to manufacture OST 577, the SMART M195 Antibody, the 
SMART Anti-CD3 Antibody and PROTOVIR as well as some or all of its other 
products in preclinical development.  The Company currently leases 
approximately 47,000 square feet housing its manufacturing facilities in 
Plymouth, Minnesota. The Company intends to continue to manufacture 
potential products for use in preclinical and clinical trials using this 
manufacturing facility in accordance with standard procedures that 
comply with current Good Manufacturing Practices ("cGMP") and 
appropriate regulatory standards. The manufacture of sufficient 
quantities of antibody products in accordance with such standards is an 
expensive, time-consuming and complex process and is subject to a number 
of risks that could result in delays. For example, the Company has 
experienced some difficulties in the past in manufacturing certain 
potential products on a consistent basis. Production interruptions, if 
they occur, could significantly delay clinical development of potential 
products, reduce third party or clinical researcher interest and support 
of proposed clinical trials, and possibly delay commercialization of 
such products and impair their competitive position, which would have a 
material adverse effect on the business and financial condition of the 

The Company has no experience in manufacturing commercial 
quantities of its potential products and currently does not have 
sufficient capacity to manufacture its potential products on a 
commercial scale. In order to obtain regulatory approvals and to create 
capacity to produce its products for commercial sale at an acceptable 
cost, the Company will need to improve and expand its existing 
manufacturing capabilities, including demonstration to the FDA of its 
ability to manufacture its products using controlled, reproducible 
processes. Accordingly, the Company is evaluating plans to improve and 
expand the capacity of its current manufacturing facility.  The Company 
intends to partially implement such plans during 1998.  Such plans, if 
fully implemented, would result in substantial costs to the Company and 
may require a suspension of manufacturing operations during 
construction. There can be no assurance that construction delays would 
not occur, and any such delays could impair the Company's ability to 
produce adequate supplies of its potential products for clinical use or 
commercial sale on a timely basis. Further, there can be no assurance 
that the Company will successfully improve and expand its manufacturing 
capability sufficiently to obtain necessary regulatory approvals and to 
produce adequate commercial supplies of its potential products on a 
timely basis. Failure to do so could delay commercialization of such 
products and impair their competitive position, which could have a 
material adverse effect on the business or financial condition of the 

     Uncertainties Resulting From Manufacturing Changes.  Manufacturing 
of antibodies for use as therapeutics in compliance with regulatory 
requirements is complex, time-consuming and expensive. When certain 
changes are made in the manufacturing process, it is necessary to 
demonstrate to the FDA that the changes have not caused the resulting 
drug material to differ significantly from the drug material previously 
produced, if results of prior preclinical studies and clinical trials 
performed using the previously produced drug material are to be relied 
upon in regulatory filings. Such changes could include, for example, 
changing the cell line used to produce the antibody, changing the 
fermentation or purification process or moving the production process to 
a new manufacturing plant. Depending upon the type and degree of 
differences between the newer and older drug material, various studies 
could be required to demonstrate that the newly produced drug material 
is sufficiently similar to the previously produced drug material, 
possibly requiring additional animal studies or human clinical trials. 
Manufacturing changes have been made or are likely to be made for the 
production of the Company's products currently in clinical development, 
in particular OST 577. There can be no assurance that such changes will 
not result in delays in development or regulatory approvals or, if 
occurring after regulatory approval, in reduction or interruption of 
commercial sales. In addition, manufacturing changes to its manufacturing
facility may require the Company to shut down production for a period of time. 
There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to reinitiate
production in a timely manner, if at all, following such shutdown. Delays
as a result of manufacturing changes or shutdown of the manufacturing facility
could have an adverse effect on the competitive position of those products
and could have a material adverse effect on the business and financial
condition of the Company.

     Dependence On Suppliers.  The Company is dependent on outside 
vendors for the supply of raw materials used to produce its product 
candidates. The Company currently qualifies only one or a few vendors 
for its source of certain raw materials. Therefore, once a supplier's 
materials have been selected for use in the Company's manufacturing 
process, the supplier in effect becomes a sole or limited source of such 
raw materials to the Company due to the extensive regulatory compliance 
procedures governing changes in manufacturing processes. Although the 
Company believes it could qualify alternative suppliers, there can be no 
assurance that the Company would not experience a disruption in 
manufacturing if it experienced a disruption in supply from any of these 
sources. Any significant interruption in the supply of any of the raw 
materials currently obtained from such sources, or the time and expense 
necessary to transition a replacement supplier's product into the 
Company's manufacturing process, could disrupt the Company's operations 
and have a material adverse effect on the business and financial 
condition of the Company. A problem or suspected problem with the 
quality of raw materials supplied could result in a suspension of 
clinical trials, notification of patients treated with products or 
product candidates produced using such materials, potential product 
liability claims, a recall of products or product candidates produced 
using such materials, and an interruption of supplies, any of which 
could have a material adverse effect on the business or financial 
condition of the Company.

     Competition; Rapid Technological Change.  The Company's potential 
products are intended to address a wide variety of disease conditions, 
including autoimmune diseases, inflammatory conditions, cancers and 
viral infections. Competition with respect to these disease conditions 
is intense and is expected to increase. This competition involves, among 
other things, successful research and development efforts, obtaining 
appropriate regulatory approvals, establishing and defending 
intellectual property rights, successful product manufacturing, 
marketing, distribution, market and physician acceptance, patient 
compliance, price and potentially securing eligibility for reimbursement 
or payment for the use of the Company's product. The Company believes 
its most significant competitors may be fully integrated pharmaceutical 
companies with substantial expertise in research and development, 
manufacturing, testing, obtaining regulatory approvals, marketing and 
securing eligibility for reimbursement or payment, and substantially 
greater financial and other resources than the Company. Smaller 
companies also may prove to be significant competitors, particularly 
through collaborative arrangements with large pharmaceutical companies. 
Furthermore, academic institutions, governmental agencies and other 
public and private research organizations conduct research, seek patent 
protection, and establish collaborative arrangements for product 
development, clinical development and marketing. These companies and 
institutions also compete with the Company in recruiting and retaining 
highly qualified personnel. The biotechnology and pharmaceutical 
industries are subject to rapid and substantial technological change. 
The Company's competitors may develop and introduce other technologies 
or approaches to accomplishing the intended purposes of the Company's 
products which may render the Company's technologies and products 
noncompetitive and obsolete.

In addition to currently marketed competitive drugs, the Company 
is aware of potential products in research or development by its 
competitors that address all of the diseases being targeted by the 
Company. These and other products may compete directly with the 
potential products being developed by the Company. In this regard, the 
Company is aware that potential competitors are developing antibodies or 
other compounds for treating autoimmune diseases, inflammatory 
conditions, cancers and viral infections. In particular, a number of 
other companies have developed and will continue to develop human and 
humanized antibodies. In addition, protein design is being actively 
pursued at a number of academic and commercial organizations, and 
several companies have developed or may develop technologies that can 
compete with the Company's SMART and human antibody technologies. There 
can be no assurance that competitors will not succeed in more rapidly 
developing and marketing technologies and products that are more 
effective than the products being developed by the Company or that would 
render the Company's products or technology obsolete or noncompetitive. 
Further, there can be no assurance that the Company's collaborative 
partners will not independently develop products competitive with those 
licensed to such partners by the Company, thereby reducing the 
likelihood that the Company will receive revenues under its agreements 
with such partners.

Any potential product that the Company or its collaborative 
partners succeed in developing and obtaining regulatory approval for 
must then compete for market acceptance and market share. For certain of 
the Company's potential products, an important factor will be the timing 
of market introduction of competitive products. Accordingly, the 
relative speed with which the Company and its collaborative partners can 
develop products, complete the clinical testing and approval processes, 
and supply commercial quantities of the products to the market compared 
to competitive companies is expected to be an important determinant of 
market success. For example, with respect to the speed of development of 
OST 577, the Company is aware that other drugs such as lamivudine from 
Glaxo Wellcome plc are in advanced clinical development or have been 
submitted for approval in certain jurisdictions for the treatment of CHB 
by competitive companies that have significantly greater experience and 
resources in developing antiviral products than the Company. Although 
the Company is considering clinical trials involving a combination of 
OST 577 and nucleoside analogs such as lamivudine, the availability of 
lamivudine or other drugs for the treatment of CHB could have a material 
adverse impact on the clinical development and commercial potential of 
OST 577.

Other competitive factors include the capabilities of the 
Company's collaborative partners, product efficacy and safety, timing 
and scope of regulatory approval, product availability, marketing and 
sales capabilities, reimbursement coverage, the amount of clinical 
benefit of the Company's products relative to their cost, method of 
administration, price and patent protection. There can be no assurance 
that the Company's competitors will not develop more efficacious or more 
affordable products, or achieve earlier product development completion, 
patent protection, regulatory approval or product commercialization than 
the Company. The occurrence of any of these events by the Company's 
competitors could have a material adverse effect on the business and 
financial condition of the Company. 

     Dependence on Key Personnel.  The Company's success is dependent 
to a significant degree on its key management personnel. To be 
successful, the Company will have to retain its qualified clinical, 
manufacturing, scientific and management personnel. The Company faces 
competition for personnel from other companies, academic institutions, 
government entities and other organizations. There can be no assurance 
that the Company will be successful in hiring or retaining qualified 
personnel, and its failure to do so could have a material adverse effect 
on the business and financial condition of the Company.

     Potential Volatility Of Stock Price.  The market for the Company's 
securities is volatile and investment in these securities involves 
substantial risk. The market prices for securities of biotechnology 
companies (including the Company) have been highly volatile, and the 
stock market from time to time has experienced significant price and 
volume fluctuations that may be unrelated to the operating performance 
of particular companies. Factors such as disappointing sales of approved 
products, approval or introduction of competing products, results of 
clinical trials, delays in manufacturing or clinical trial plans, 
fluctuations in the Company's operating results, disputes or 
disagreements with collaborative partners, market reaction to 
announcements by other biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies, 
announcements of technological innovations or new commercial therapeutic 
products by the Company or its competitors, initiation, termination or 
modification of agreements with collaborative partners, failures or 
unexpected delays in manufacturing or in obtaining regulatory approvals 
or FDA advisory panel recommendations, developments or disputes as to 
patent or other proprietary rights, loss of key personnel, litigation, 
public concern as to the safety of drugs developed by the Company, 
regulatory developments in either the U.S. or foreign countries (such as 
opinions, recommendations or statements by the FDA or FDA advisory 
panels, health care reform measures or proposals), market acceptance of 
products developed and marketed by the Company's collaborators, sales of 
the Company's common stock held by collaborative partners or insiders and 
general market conditions could result in the Company's failure to meet the 
expectations of securities analysts or investors. In such event, or in 
the event that adverse conditions prevail or are perceived to prevail 
with respect to the Company's business, the price of the Company's 
common stock would likely drop significantly. In the past, following 
significant drops in the price of a company's common stock, securities 
class action litigation has often been instituted against such a 
company. Such litigation against the Company could result in substantial 
costs and a diversion of management's attention and resources, which 
would have a material adverse effect on the Company's business and 
financial condition.

     No Assurance Of Regulatory Approval; Government Regulation. The 
manufacturing, testing and marketing of the Company's products are 
subject to regulation by numerous governmental authorities in the U.S. 
and other countries based upon their pricing, safety and efficacy. In 
the U.S., pharmaceutical products are subject to rigorous FDA 
regulation. The federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act ("FD&C Act"), Public 
Health Service Act ("PHS Act") and other federal, state and local 
regulations govern the manufacture, testing, labeling, storage, record 
keeping, clinical and nonclinical studies to assess safety and efficacy, 
approval, advertising and promotion of pharmaceutical products. The 
process of developing and obtaining approval for a new pharmaceutical 
product within this regulatory framework requires a number of years and 
the expenditure of substantial resources. There can be no assurance that 
necessary approvals will be obtained on a timely basis, if at all.

In addition to the requirement for FDA approval of each 
pharmaceutical product, each pharmaceutical product manufacturing 
facility must be registered with, and approved by, the FDA. The 
manufacturing and quality control procedures must conform to cGMP in 
order to receive FDA approval. Pharmaceutical product manufacturing 
establishments are subject to inspections by the FDA and local 
authorities as well as inspections by authorities of other countries. To 
supply pharmaceutical products for use in the U.S., foreign 
manufacturing establishments must comply with cGMP and are subject to 
periodic inspection by the FDA or by corresponding regulatory agencies 
in such countries under reciprocal agreements with the FDA. Moreover, 
pharmaceutical product manufacturing facilities may also be regulated by 
state, local and other authorities.

For marketing of pharmaceutical products outside the U.S., the 
Company is subject to foreign regulatory requirements governing 
marketing approval and pricing, and FDA and other U.S. export provisions 
should the pharmaceutical product be manufactured in the U.S. 
Requirements relating to the manufacturing, conduct of clinical trials, 
product licensing, promotion, pricing and reimbursement vary widely in 
different countries. Difficulties or unanticipated costs or price 
controls may be encountered by the Company or its licensees or marketing 
partners in their respective efforts to secure necessary governmental 
approvals to market the potential pharmaceutical products, which could 
delay or preclude the Company or its licensees or its marketing partners 
from marketing their potential pharmaceutical products.

The basic steps required by the FDA before a new pharmaceutical 
product for human use may be marketed in the U.S. include (i) 
preclinical laboratory and animal tests, (ii) submission to the FDA of 
an application for an Investigational New Drug ("IND") which must be 
reviewed by the FDA before clinical trials may begin, (iii) completion 
of adequate and well-controlled human clinical trials to establish the 
safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical product for its intended use, 
(iv) for therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, submission of a Biologics 
License Application ("BLA") to the FDA, and (v) FDA approval of the BLA 
prior to any commercial sale or shipment of the pharmaceutical product.

The FDA reviews the results of the trials and may discontinue them 
at any time for safety reasons or other reasons if they are deemed to be 
non-compliant with FDA regulations. There can be no assurance that Phase 
I, II or III clinical trials will be completed successfully within any 
specific time period, if at all, with respect to any of the Company's or 
its collaborators' pharmaceutical products, each of which is subject to 
such testing requirements.

Both before and after approval is obtained, a pharmaceutical 
product, its manufacturer and the holder of the BLA for the 
pharmaceutical product are subject to comprehensive regulatory 
oversight. The FDA may deny a BLA if applicable regulatory criteria are 
not satisfied, require additional testing or information or require 
postmarketing testing and surveillance to monitor the safety or efficacy 
of the pharmaceutical product. Moreover, even if regulatory approval is 
granted, such approval may be subject to limitations on the indicated 
uses for which the pharmaceutical product may be marketed. Further, 
approvals may be withdrawn if compliance with regulatory standards is 
not maintained or if problems with the pharmaceutical product occur 
following approval. Among the conditions for BLA approval is the 
requirement that the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical product comply 
with cGMP. In addition, under a BLA, the manufacturer continues to be 
subject to facility inspection and the applicant must assume 
responsibility for compliance with applicable pharmaceutical product and 
establishment standards. Violations of regulatory requirements at any 
stage may result in various adverse consequences, including FDA refusal 
to accept a license application, total or partial suspension of 
licensure, delay in approving or refusal to approve the pharmaceutical 
product or pending marketing approval applications, warning letters, 
fines, injunctions, withdrawal of the previously approved pharmaceutical 
product or marketing approvals and/or the imposition of criminal 
penalties against the manufacturer and/or BLA holders. In addition, 
later discovery of previously unknown problems may result in new 
restrictions on such pharmaceutical product, manufacturer and/or BLA 
holders, including withdrawal of the pharmaceutical product or marketing 
approvals and pharmaceutical product recalls or seizures.

     No Sales And Marketing Experience.  The Company intends to market 
and sell certain of its products, if successfully developed and 
approved, through a direct sales force in the U.S. and through sales and 
marketing partnership arrangements outside the U.S. However, the Company 
does not expect to establish a direct sales capability for at least the 
next few years. The Company has no history or experience in sales, 
marketing or distribution. To market its products directly, the Company 
must either establish a marketing group and direct sales force or obtain 
the assistance of another company. There can be no assurance that the 
Company will be able to establish sales and distribution capabilities or 
succeed in gaining market acceptance for its products. If the Company 
enters into co-promotion or other marketing or patent licensing 
arrangements with established pharmaceutical companies, the Company's 
revenues will be subject to the payment provisions of such arrangements 
and dependent on the efforts of third parties. There can be no assurance 
that the Company will be able to successfully establish a direct sales 
force or that its collaborators will effectively market any of the 
Company's potential products, and the inability of the Company or its 
collaborators to do so could have a material adverse effect on the 
business and financial condition of the Company.

     Product Liability And Insurance. The Company faces an inherent 
business risk of exposure to product liability claims in the event that 
the use of products during research and development efforts or after 
commercialization results in adverse effects. There can be no assurance 
that the Company will avoid significant product liability exposure. The 
Company maintains product liability insurance for clinical trials. 
However, there can be no assurance that such coverage will be adequate 
or that adequate insurance coverage for future clinical trials or 
commercial activities will be available at an acceptable cost, if at 
all, or that a product liability claim would not materially adversely 
affect the business or financial condition of the Company.

     Future Requirements For Significant Additional Capital.  The 
Company's operations to date have consumed substantial amounts of cash. 
Negative cash flow from operations is expected to increase beyond 
current levels over at least the next year as the Company expects to 
spend substantial funds in conducting clinical trials, to expand its 
research and development programs, to develop and expand its research, 
development and manufacturing capabilities and to defend or prosecute 
its patents and patent applications. The Company's future capital 
requirements will depend on numerous factors, including, among others, 
royalties from the sales of Zenapax by Roche; the progress of the 
Company's product candidates in clinical trials; the continued or 
additional support by collaborative partners or other third parties of 
research and clinical trials; enhancement of research and development 
programs; the time required to gain regulatory approvals; the resources 
the Company devotes to self-funded products, manufacturing methods and 
advanced technologies; the ability of the Company to obtain and retain 
funding from third parties under collaborative agreements; the 
development of internal marketing and sales capabilities; the demand for 
the Company's potential products, if and when approved; potential 
acquisitions of technology, product candidates or businesses by the 
Company; and the costs of defending or prosecuting any patent opposition 
or litigation necessary to protect the Company's proprietary technology.  
In order to develop and commercialize its potential products, the 
Company may need to raise substantial additional funds through equity or 
debt financings, collaborative arrangements, the use of sponsored 
research efforts or other means. No assurance can be given that such 
additional financing will be available on acceptable terms, if at all, 
and such financing may only be available on terms dilutive to existing 
stockholders. The inability of the Company to secure adequate funds on a 
timely basis could result in the delay or cancellation of programs that 
the Company might otherwise pursue and, in any event, could have a 
material adverse effect on the business and financial condition of the 

     Environmental Regulation.  The Company is subject to federal, 
state and local laws and regulations governing the use, generation, 
manufacture, storage, discharge, handling and disposal of certain 
materials and wastes used in its operations, some of which are 
classified as "hazardous." There can be no assurance that the Company 
will not be required to incur significant costs to comply with 
environmental laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and state, 
local and foreign counterparts to such laws, rules and regulations as 
its manufacturing and research activities are increased or that the 
operations, business and future profitability of the Company will not be 
adversely affected by current or future laws, rules and regulations. The 
risk of accidental contamination or injury from hazardous materials 
cannot be eliminated. In the event of such an accident, the Company 
could be held liable for any damages that result and any such liability 
could exceed the resources of the Company. In any event, the cost of 
defending claims arising from such contamination or injury could be 
substantial. In addition, the Company cannot predict the extent of the 
adverse effect on its business or the financial and other costs that 
might result from any new government requirements arising out of future 
legislative, administrative or judicial actions.

     Uncertainty Related To Health Care Industry.  The health care 
industry is subject to changing political, economic and regulatory 
influences that may significantly affect the purchasing practices and 
pricing of human therapeutics. Cost containment measures, whether 
instituted by health care providers or enacted as a result of government 
health administration regulators or new regulations, such as pricing 
limitations or formulary eligibility for dispensation by medical 
providers, could result in greater selectivity in the availability of 
treatments. Such selectivity could have an adverse effect on the 
Company's ability to sell its products and there can be no assurance 
that adequate third-party coverage will be available for the Company to 
maintain price levels sufficient to generate an appropriate return on 
its investment in product development. Third-party payors are 
increasingly focusing on the cost-benefit profile of alternative 
therapies and prescription drugs and challenging the prices charged for 
such products and services. Also, the trend towards managed health care 
in the U.S. and the concurrent growth of organizations such as health 
maintenance organizations, which could control or significantly 
influence the purchase of health care services and products, as well as 
legislative proposals to reform health care or reduce government 
insurance programs, may all result in lower prices or reduced markets 
for the Company's products. The cost containment measures that health 
care providers and payors are instituting and the effect of any health 
care reform could adversely affect the Company's ability to sell its 
products and may have a material adverse effect on the Company. To date, 
the Company has conducted limited marketing studies on certain of its 
potential products and has not undertaken any pharmacoeconomic analysis 
with respect to its products under development. The cost containment 
measures and reforms that government institutions and third party payors 
are considering instituting could result in significant and 
unpredictable changes to the marketing, pricing and reimbursement 
practices of biopharmaceutical companies such as the Company. The 
adoption of any such measures or reforms could have a material adverse 
effect on the business and financial condition of the Company.

     Conduct of Certain Activities in California.   The Company 
maintains its headquarters and research and development facilities in 
northern California.  California has historically been the site of 
various natural disasters, including earthquakes, seismic tremors, 
unstable geologic fault lines, floods and mudslides.   The occurrence of 
a natural disaster of significant magnitude in northern California could 
seriously impair the operations of the Company for an extended period of 
time as well as result in the loss of data and information essential to 
the continuation of the Company's business.  Although the Company 
maintains duplicate copies of certain of its data and information on its 
information systems at its Minnesota facility, there can be no assurance 
that such natural disaster would not significantly disrupt the 
operations of the Company.  Moreover, there can be no assurance that the 
Company's employees or other suitable personnel would be available to 
resume the operations of the Company in California in a timely manner, 
and the cost of resuming its operations and responding to such disaster 
could have a material adverse effect on the business and financial 
condition of the Company.


The Company leases approximately 43,000 square feet of laboratory and 
office space in Mountain View, California. The Company's lease will 
terminate on December 31, 2000. The Company has also leased an 
additional 10,000 square feet of office space located adjacent to its 
current facility in Mountain View, California through May 31, 1998, and 
has negotiated an extension of this lease through September 30, 1998.  
In July 1997, the Company entered into a lease agreement for a term of 
approximately 12 years to lease approximately 90,000 square feet of 
research and development and general office space in Fremont, 
California.  The Company plans to relocate its California headquarters 
to this facility during the third or fourth quarter of 1998.  

The Company also leases approximately 47,000 square feet of 
manufacturing, laboratory and office space in Plymouth, Minnesota. The 
Company's lease will terminate on February 29, 2004, subject to the 
Company's options to extend the lease for two additional five year 
terms. Although these facilities currently leased by the Company are 
sufficient for its present manufacturing operations, the Company 
believes that it may have to obtain additional manufacturing space in 
the future and may lease or acquire additional space as required.

The Company owns substantially all of the equipment used in its 
facilities. See Note 4 to the financial statements.


The Company is involved in administrative opposition proceedings 
being conducted by the European Patent Office with respect to its 
European patent relating to humanized antibodies. Eighteen oppositions 
were filed with respect to the issuance of the patent to the Company in 
January 1996. The opposition briefs argue that the patent was 
incorrectly granted and should be withdrawn or limited.  See "Business -
- - Patents and Proprietary Technology" and "Risk Factors -- Uncertainty 
of Patents and Proprietary Technology; Opposition Proceedings."  Other 
than such administrative proceeding, the Company is not a party to any 
material administrative proceedings.  The Company believes that the 
outcome of these opposition proceedings will not have a material adverse 
effect on the financial position, results of operations or the cash 
flows of the Company. However, if such outcome were to be unfavorable, 
the Company's ability to collect royalties on licensed products and to 
license its patents relating to humanized antibodies may be materially 
adversely affected which could in the future have a material adverse 
effect on the Company's results of operations, cash flows and financial 

In 1997, Boehringer Mannheim invoked the dispute resolution 
provisions under its collaborative research agreement with the Company 
to address the reimbursement of up to $2.0 million for the terminated 
Phase II study of OST 577 for the treatment of chronic active hepatitis 
B initiated by Boehringer Mannheim as well as certain legal expenses 
related to Boehringer Mannheim's participation in the Company's public 
offering in early 1997. The collaborative research agreement with 
Boehringer Mannheim provides for reimbursement from PDL of costs and 
expenses of up to $2.0 million for a Phase II study of OST 577 in the 
event certain conditions are met with respect to that study.   In March 
1998, Roche acquired Boehringer Mannheim.  The Company is unable to 
predict the outcome of this proceeding but in any event has estimated 
and recorded a liability with respect to this matter. See "Risk 
Factors."  Other than such legal proceeding, the Company is not a party 
to any material legal proceedings.


Not applicable. 




        1996            High        Low
- --------------------  ---------  ---------
First Quarter            28.38      20.38
Second Quarter           30.00      22.00
Third Quarter            27.25      12.00
Fourth Quarter           38.38      21.75

        1997            High        Low
- --------------------  ---------  ---------
First Quarter            40.13      31.75
Second Quarter           35.88      24.38
Third Quarter            43.50      26.50
Fourth Quarter           51.50      35.88

The Company's Common Stock trades on the Nasdaq National Market under 
the symbol "PDLI." Prices indicated above are the high and low sales 
prices as reported by the Nasdaq National Market System for the periods 
indicated. The Company has never paid any cash dividends on its capital 
stock and does not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the 
foreseeable future.

As of December 31, 1997, the approximate number of common 
stockholders of record was 300. The market for the Company's securities 
is volatile. See "Risk Factors."

In October 1997, the Company entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement 
with Toagosei Co., Ltd. ("Toagosei") pursuant to which the Company sold 
44,568 shares of newly issued Common Stock at a price per share of 
$44.875.  The Company offered and sold the shares to Toagosei, a 
sophisticated investor who purchased such shares for investment 
purposes, in a transaction not involving a public offering pursuant to 
the exemption from registration provisions of Section 4(2) of the 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended. 


(In thousands, except per share and number of employees data)

                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                 1997      1996      1995      1994       1993
                               --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
   Research and development
    revenue under
    collaborative agreements-
    related parties (1)          $   --   $11,000   $10,333   $9,333   $14,233
   Research and development
    revenue-other (1)            11,137     5,500     1,075     2,527       456
   Interest and other income      9,118     6,100     6,205     3,349     2,111
                               --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
      Total revenues             20,255    22,600    17,613    15,209    16,800

 Costs and expenses:
   Research and development      25,614    28,795    20,803    16,367    12,329
   Purchase of in-process
     technology                      --        --        --        --     7,725
   General and administrative     6,629     5,601     5,163     4,051     2,653
   Special charge (2)            11,887        --        --        --        --
   Interest expense                  --        --         1         7        25
                               --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
      Total costs and expenses   44,130    34,396    25,967    20,425    22,732
                               --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
 Net loss                      ($23,875) ($11,796)  ($8,354)  ($5,216)  ($5,932)
                               ========= ========= ========= ========= =========

Net loss per share (3)           ($1.35)   ($0.76)   ($0.54)   ($0.37)   ($0.47)
                               ========= ========= ========= ========= =========
 Shares used in computation
   of net loss per share         17,649    15,604    15,343    14,060    12,747
                               ========= ========= ========= ========= =========

                                                  December 31,
                                 1997      1996      1995      1994       1993
                               --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Cash, cash equivalents and
  investments                  $163,655   $99,667  $107,065  $113,245   $72,732
Working capital                  66,490    74,221    43,522    95,450    29,843
Total assets                    175,026   110,331   116,412   121,054    80,294
Capital lease obligations,
  less current portion               --        --        --        --        25
Accumulated deficit             (59,382)  (35,507)  (23,711)  (15,357)  (10,141)
Total stockholders' equity      168,468   105,112   112,856   117,783    77,921
Number of employees                 217       208       181       145       112

- ------------------
(1)  Certain amounts in the category "Research and development revenue 
under collaborative agreements-related parties" for the years ended 
December 31, 1994-96 have been reclassified under the category 
"Research and development revenue-other" based on a determination 
that one of the Company's collaborative partners was not a related 
party during these periods.  The total research and development 
revenue for these periods is unchanged.

(2)  Represents a non-cash special charge of approximately $11.9 million 
related to the extension of the term of all outstanding stock 
options held by employees, officers, directors and consultants to 
the Company that were granted prior to February 1995, with the 
single exception of stock options granted to one non-employee 
director.  The extension conforms the term of previously granted 
stock options, which was six years, to those granted since February 
1995, ten years.

(3)     For a description of the computation of net loss per share, see 
Note 1 to the Financial Statements. 


This Annual Report contains forward-looking statements which 
involve risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual results may differ 
significantly from the results discussed in the forward-looking 
statements. Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are 
not limited to those discussed in "Risk Factors" as well as those 
discussed elsewhere in this document.


Since the Company's founding in 1986, a primary focus of its 
operations has been research and development.  Achievement of successful 
research and development and commercialization of products derived from 
such efforts is subject to high levels of risk and significant resource 
commitments.  The Company has a history of operating losses and expects 
to incur substantial additional losses over at least the next few years, 
as it continues to develop its proprietary products, devote significant 
resources to preclinical studies, clinical trials, and manufacturing and 
to defend its patents and other proprietary rights.  The Company's 
revenues to date have consisted principally of research and development 
funding, licensing and signing fees and milestone payments from 
pharmaceutical, chemical and biotechnology companies under collaborative 
research and development and patent licensing agreements.  These revenues may 
vary considerably from reporting period to reporting period and revenues 
in any period may not be predictive of revenues in any subsequent 
period, and variations may be significant depending on the terms of the 
particular agreements.  In 1998, the Company began receiving royalties from 
sales of Zenapax[R] by Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., including its affiliates 
("Roche").  The Company is dependent upon the further development,
regulatory and marketing efforts of Roche with respect to Zenapax
and there can be no assurance that Roche's further development, 
regulatory and marketing efforts will be successful, including, without 
limitation, if and when regulatory approvals in various countries may be 
obtained and whether or how quickly Zenapax might be adopted by the 
medical community.  The Company began to receive royalties based on revenue 
from sales of Zenapax by Roche in 1998, with royalties based on U.S. sales  
paid to the Company on a quarterly basis and international sales on a 
semi-annual basis.  The Company intends to recognize royalty revenues when 
royalty reports are received from Roche and the Company's other collaborative 
partners.  This method of recognizing royalty revenues from the Company's 
licensees, taken together with the unpredictable timing of payments of 
non-recurring licensing and signing fees and milestones under new and 
existing collaborative research and development and patent licensing 
agreements, is likely to result in significant fluctuations in revenues 
in quarterly and yearly periods.

Although the Company anticipates entering into new collaborations 
and patent licensing agreements from time to time, the Company presently 
does not anticipate realizing non-royalty revenue from its new and 
proposed collaborations and agreements at levels commensurate with the 
non-royalty revenue historically recognized under its older 
collaborations.  Moreover, as the Company expands its business 
activities, advancing potential products in clinical development, the 
Company anticipates that its operating expenses will generally continue 
to increase significantly as the Company dedicates more resources to its 
research and development, manufacturing, preclinical and clinical 
activity, and administrative and patent activities.  Accordingly, in the 
absence of substantial revenues from new corporate collaborations or 
patent licensing agreements, significant royalties on sales of Zenapax 
and other products licensed under the Company's intellectual property 
rights, or other sources, the Company expects to incur substantial 
operating losses in the foreseeable future as certain of its earlier 
stage potential products move into later stage clinical development, as 
additional potential products are selected as clinical candidates for 
further development, as the Company invests in additional facilities or 
manufacturing capacity, as the Company defends or prosecutes its patents 
and patent applications and as the Company invests in research or 
acquires additional technologies or businesses.  

Contract revenues from research and development are recorded as 
earned based on the performance requirements of the contracts.  Revenues 
from achievement of milestone events are recognized when the funding 
party agrees that the scientific or clinical results stipulated in the 
agreement have been met. Deferred revenue arises principally due to 
timing of cash payments received under research and development 

The Company's collaborative, humanization and patent licensing 
agreements with third parties provide for the payment of royalties to 
the Company based on net sales of the licensed product under the 
agreement. The agreements generally provide for royalty reports to the 
Company following completion of each calendar quarter or semi-annual 
period and royalty revenue is recognized when royalty reports are 
received from the third party.


Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 

The Company's total revenues were $20.3 million in 1997 as 
compared to $22.6 million in 1996 and $17.6 million in 1995.  Total 
research and development revenues represented $11.1 million, $16.5 
million and $11.4 million of total revenues in 1997, 1996 and 1995, 
respectively.  Interest and other income were $9.1 million in 1997, $6.1 
million in 1996, and $6.2 million in 1995.

The decrease in total research and development revenues in 1997 
from the prior years was primarily attributable to expiration of 
reimbursement funding under an agreement with Boehringer Mannheim which 
funding arrangement expired as scheduled in October 1996.  The Company 
recognized $11.0 million in licensing and signing fees and milestone 
payments in 1997 compared to $6.5 million and $1.0 million in 1996 and 
1995, respectively.  Of the amounts expended by the Company for research 
and development, $0.1 million in 1997, $10.0 million in 1996 and $10.4 
million in 1995 represented third-party funded research and development 
activities (not including licensing and signing fees, milestone payments 
and product sales). 

Interest and other income increased to $9.1 million in 1997 from 
$6.1 and $6.2 million in 1996 and 1995, respectively.  This increase is 
primarily attributable to the increased interest earned on the Company's 
investment balances as a result of the Company's follow-on public 
offering, which was completed during the first quarter of 1997.  
Interest and other income of $6.1 million in 1996 was comparable to $6.2 
million in 1995.

Total costs and expenses increased to $44.1 million in 1997 from 
$34.4 million in 1996 and $26.0 million in 1995.  The increase in costs 
and expenses in 1997 compared to 1996 and 1995 was due primarily to a 
non-cash special charge of $11.9 million associated with the extension 
of the term of certain stock options that were granted prior to 1995.  
The special charge is expected to be non-recurring and conformed the 
term of previously granted stock options, which was six years, to those 
granted since February 1995, ten years.  Exercise prices of the stock 
options were not altered.  Without the non-cash special charge, total 
costs and expenses in 1997 were $32.2 million, a decrease from 1996, due 
principally to a decrease in research and development expenses.

Research and development expenses in 1997 decreased to $25.6 
million from $28.8 million in 1996 and $20.8 million in 1995.  The 
decrease in 1997 costs and expenses as compared to 1996 was primarily 
due to reduced clinical trial costs resulting from the termination of a 
clinical trial in third quarter of  1996 involving PROTOVIR[TM], a product 
candidate.  Excluding clinical trial costs for PROTOVIR, the Company's 
1997 research and development expenses increased as a result of the 
addition of staff, the initiation and continuation of clinical trials, 
costs of conducting preclinical tests, expansion of pharmaceutical 
development capabilities including support for both clinical development 
and manufacturing process development, and higher costs in the expanded 
operation of the manufacturing facility. 

General and administrative expenses for 1997 increased to $6.6 
million from $5.6 million in 1996 and $5.2 million in 1995.  These 
increases were primarily the result of increased staffing and associated 
expenses necessary to manage and support the Company's expanding 


To date the Company has financed its operations primarily through 
public and private placements of equity securities, research and development 
revenues and interest income on invested capital.  At December 31, 1997, 
the Company had cash, cash equivalents and investments in the aggregate 
of $163.7 million, compared to $99.7 million at December 31, 1996 and 
$107.1 million at December 31, 1995.  This increase in cash resources in 
1997 primarily reflects the completion of a public offering of 2.275 
million shares of the Company's Common Stock in the first quarter of 
1997.  The net proceeds of this offering to the Company were 
approximately $68.2 million. 

In 1997, Boehringer Mannheim GmbH ("Boehringer Mannheim") invoked
the dispute resolution provisions under its collaborative research 
agreement with the Company to address the reimbursement of up to $2.0 
million for the Phase II study of OST 577 for the treatment of chronic 
hepatitis B ("CHB") then being conducted by Boehringer Mannheim as well 
as certain legal expenses related to Boehringer Mannheim's participation 
in the Company's public offering in the first quarter of 1997.  In March 
1998, Roche acquired Boehringer Mannheim.  The Company is unable to 
predict the outcome of this proceeding but in any event has estimated 
and recorded a liability with respect to this matter.  The collaborative 
research agreement with Boehringer Mannheim provides for reimbursement 
from PDL of costs and expenses of up to $2.0 million for a Phase II 
study of OST 577 in the event certain conditions are met with respect to 
that study. 

In July 1997, the Company entered into a lease agreement for a 
term of approximately 12 years to lease approximately 90,000 square feet 
of research and development and general office space in Fremont, 
California.  The Company plans to relocate its California headquarters 
to this facility during the third or fourth quarter of 1998 and expects 
to invest approximately $13 million related to the construction of these 
new headquarters, which improvements will include expanded laboratory 
and development facilities. 

As set forth in the Statements of Cash Flows, net cash used in 
operating activities was approximately $7.6 million for the year ended 
December 31, 1997 compared to approximately $7.0 million in 1996 and 
$7.1 million in 1995.  The increase in 1997 was primarily due to the 
Company's continued investment in research and development, the addition 
of staff, initiation and continuation of clinical trials, costs of 
conducting preclinical tests, expansion of pharmaceutical development 
capabilities including support for both clinical development and 
manufacturing process development, and costs of the expanded operation 
of the manufacturing facility. 

As set forth in the Statements of Cash Flows, net cash used in 
investing activities for the year ended December 31, 1997 was $72.1 
million compared to net cash provided by investing activities of $11.8 
million in 1996 and $4.8 million in 1995.  The increase in 1997 was 
primarily the result of increased purchases of short- and long-term 
investments from the proceeds of the Company's public offering the first 
quarter of 1997. 

As set forth in the Statements of Cash Flows, net cash provided by 
financing activities for the years ended December 31, 1997 was $74.9 
million compared to $4.7 million in 1996 and $1.5 million in 1995.  The 
change in 1997 was primarily the result of the completion of a public 
offering of 2.275 million shares of the Company's common stock in the 
first quarter of 1997 and the exercise of outstanding stock options.  

The Company's future capital requirements will depend on numerous 
factors, including, among others, royalties from Roche's marketing of 
Zenapax; the ability of the Company to enter into additional patent 
licensing arrangements; the progress of the Company's product candidates 
in clinical trials; the ability of the Company's collaborative partners 
to obtain regulatory approval and successfully manufacture and market 
the Company's products; the continued or additional support by 
collaborative partners or other third parties of research and clinical 
trials; enhancement of existing and investment in new research and 
development programs; the time required to gain regulatory approvals; 
the resources the Company devotes to self-funded products, manufacturing 
methods and advanced technologies; the ability of the Company to obtain 
and retain funding from third parties under collaborative agreements; 
the development of internal marketing and sales capabilities; the demand 
for the Company's potential products, if and when approved; potential 
acquisitions of technology, product candidates or businesses by the 
Company; and the costs of defending or prosecuting any patent opposition 
or litigation necessary to protect the Company's proprietary technology.  
In order to develop and commercialize its potential products the Company 
may need to raise substantial additional funds through equity or debt 
financings, collaborative arrangements, the use of sponsored research 
efforts or other means.  No assurance can be given that such additional 
financing will be available on acceptable terms, if at all, and such 
financing may only be available on terms dilutive to existing 
stockholders.  The Company believes that existing capital resources will 
be adequate to satisfy its capital needs through at least 2000. 


The Company has conducted a preliminary review of its internal 
operations and inquired of certain of its key vendors to assess the 
appropriate resource commitments and contingency plans that may be 
required to maintain the Company's computer systems after December 31, 
1999.  Based on this preliminary review, the Company does not believe 
that modifications to existing computer systems to provide for proper 
functioning with respect to dates in the year 2000 and thereafter will 
pose significant operational problems or require significant financial 
commitments on behalf of the Company.  This belief is based on a 
preliminary review and certain related estimates and assumptions of 
future events such as the timely completion or availability of upgrades 
or modifications to the Company's software and computer systems as 
specified by its vendors, and the continued availability of certain 
resources and internal capabilities, including without limitation the 
employees of the Company responsible for the information systems and 
manufacturing software used in the Company's operations.  There can be 
no assurance that a complete review of the Company's operations will not 
identify additional efforts that may have a material impact on the 
future operating results or financial condition of the Company, that 
management's estimates can be achieved, that certain software used by 
the Company will be upgraded or modified and made available to the 
Company in a timely manner, that management's assumptions regarding the 
further growth of the Company are complete or accurate or that the 
required resources and capabilities of the Company to address this 
potential issue will continue to be available in a timely manner.  
Moreover, the Company's operations and development program are dependent 
upon certain third party vendors who perform services for the Company, 
as well as certain agencies and organizations such as the U.S. Food and 
Drug Administration and foreign regulatory authorities.  These third 
party vendors, agencies and authorities may have difficulties or 
problems in timely upgrading or modifying their internal operations and 
computer systems to address the year 2000 issue and there can be no 
assurance that the systems of these vendors, agencies and authorities 
will be timely upgraded or modified in a manner that would not adversely 
affect the Company's business. 


                            PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                   (In thousands, except par value per share)

                                                          December 31,
                                                      1997           1996
                                                  -------------  -------------
  Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                          $9,266        $14,141
     Short-term investments                             63,003         64,050
     Other current assets                                  779          1,250
                                                  -------------  -------------
      Total current assets                              73,048         79,441
     Property and equipment, net                         9,996          8,590
     Long-term investments                              91,386         21,475
     Other assets                                          596            825
                                                  -------------  -------------
                                                      $175,026       $110,331
                                                  =============  =============

  Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable                                     $475         $1,029
     Accrued compensation                                  833            635
     Other accrued liabilities                           3,646          3,555
     Deferred revenue                                     1604            --
                                                  -------------  -------------
      Total current liabilities                          6,558          5,219


  Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
      share, 10,000 shares authorized;
      no shares issued and outstanding                     --             --
     Common stock, par value $0.01 per share,
      40,000 shares authorized; 18,348
      and 15,759 issued and outstanding at
      December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
      respectively                                         183            158
     Additional paid-in capital                        227,093        140,328
     Accumulated deficit                               (59,382)       (35,507)
     Unrealized gain on investments                        574            133
                                                  -------------  -------------
      Total stockholders' equity                       168,468        105,112
                                                  -------------  -------------
                                                      $175,026       $110,331
                                                  =============  =============

                               See accompanying notes

                            PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                   (In thousands, except net loss per share data)
                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                        1997           1996           1995
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------
 Research and development revenue
   under collaborative agreements-
   related parties                       $  --          $11,000       $10,333
 Research and development revenue-
   other                                  11,137          5,500         1,075
 Interest and other income                 9,118          6,100         6,205
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------
 Total revenues                           20,255         22,600        17,613

Costs and expenses:
 Research and development                 25,614         28,795        20,803
 General and administrative                6,629          5,601         5,163
 Special charge                           11,887           --             --
 Interest expense                           --             --               1
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------
 Total costs and expenses                 44,130         34,396        25,967
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------
Net loss                                ($23,875)      ($11,796)      ($8,354)
                                    =============  =============  ============

Net loss per share                        ($1.35)        ($0.76)       ($0.54)
                                    =============  =============  ============
Shares used in computation
  of net loss per share                   17,649         15,604        15,343
                                    =============  =============  ============

                             See accompanying notes

                           PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
        (In thousands, except per share and shares of common stock data)

                                   Common Stock          Additional                                 Gain (loss)       Total
                               ----------------------     Paid-in       Accumulated     Deferred         on       Shareholders'
                                 Shares      Amount       Capital         Deficit     Compensation  Investments      Equity
                               -----------  ---------  --------------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 1994   15,247,916       $152        $134,132       ($15,357)         ($94)      ($1,050)      $117,783
Issuance of common stock to
  employees, consultants and
  outside directors for cash      157,845          2           1,484            --            --           --            1,486
Amortization of deferred
  compensation                         --         --            --              --             94          --               94
Change in unrealized gain
  (loss) on investments                --         --            --              --            --          1,846          1,846
Net loss                               --         --            --           (8,354)          --           --           (8,354)
                               -----------  ---------  --------------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 1995   15,405,761        154         135,616        (23,711)          --            796        112,855
Issuance of common stock to
  employees, consultants and
  outside directors for cash      353,328          4           4,712            --            --           --            4,716
Change in unrealized gain
  (loss) on investments                --         --            --              --            --           (663)          (663)
Net loss                               --         --            --          (11,796)          --           --          (11,796)
                               -----------  ---------  --------------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 1996   15,759,089        158         140,328        (35,507)          --            133        105,112

Follow-on public offering of
  common stock at $32.00 per 
  share (net underwriters discount
  of $4,004 and offering expenses
  of $665)                      2,275,000         22          68,109            --            --           --           68,131
Issuance of common stock to 
  investor at $44.875 per share    44,568         --           2,000            --            --           --            2,000
Issuance of common stock to
  employees, consultants and
  outside directors for cash      269,320          3           4,769            --            --           --            4,772
Extension of term of certain 
  stock options                        --         --          11,887            --            --           --           11,887
Change in unrealized gain
  (loss) on investments                --         --            --              --            --            441            441
Net loss                               --         --            --          (23,875)          --           --          (23,875)
                               -----------  ---------  --------------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 1997   18,347,977       $183        $227,093       ($59,382)     $    --           $574       $168,468
                               ===========  =========  ==============  =============  ============  ============  =============

                             See accompanying notes

                                  PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
                                   STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                       (In thousands)

                                                             Years Ended December 31,
                                                       1997           1996           1995
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net loss                                             ($23,875)      ($11,796)      ($8,354)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
    cash used in operating activities
    Depreciation and amortization                         3,244          3,242         2,533
    Other                                                  (706)           466        (1,924)
    Special charge                                       11,887             --             --
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Other current assets                                    470           (601)          377
    Accounts payable                                       (554)           392          (120)
    Accrued liabilities                                     289          2,272           339
    Deferred revenue                                      1,604         (1,000)           92
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
Total adjustments                                        16,234          4,771         1,297
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
  Net cash used in operating activities                  (7,641)        (7,025)       (7,057)

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of short- and long-term investments       (317,482)       (24,458)      (74,162)
  Maturities of short- and long-term investments       249,681         39,900        46,900
  Proceeds from sales of short and long term
    investments                                              --             --        36,349
  Capital expenditures                                   (4,565)        (3,699)       (3,586)
  (Increase) decrease in other assets                       229             22          (659)
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
  Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities   (72,137)        11,765         4,842

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Principal payments on capital lease obligations          --             --             (25)
  Proceeds from issuance of capital stock                74,903          4,715         1,486
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
  Net cash provided by financing activities              74,903          4,715         1,461
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
  cash equivalents                                       (4,875)         9,455          (754)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year           14,141          4,686         5,440
                                                   -------------  -------------  ------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 $9,266        $14,141        $4,686
                                                   =============  =============  ============
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
          Interest paid                                 $   --         $   --             $1
                                                   =============  =============  ============

                             See accompanying notes

                            PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               December 31, 1997

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 

Organization and Business 

Since the Company's founding in 1986, a primary focus of its 
operations has been research and development. Achievement of 
successful research and development and commercialization of products 
derived from such efforts is subject to high levels of risk and 
significant resource commitments. The Company has a history of 
operating losses and expects to incur substantial additional expenses 
over at least the next few years, as it continues to develop its 
proprietary products, devote significant resources to preclinical 
studies, clinical trials, and manufacturing and to defend its patents 
and other proprietary rights. The Company's revenues to date have 
consisted principally of research and development funding, licensing 
and signing fees and milestone payments from pharmaceutical companies 
under collaborative research and development and patent licensing 
agreements. These revenues may vary considerably quarter to quarter
and from year to year and revenues in any period may not be 
predictive of revenues in any subsequent period, and variations may 
be significant depending on the terms of the particular agreements. 
In 1998, Company began receiving royalties from sales of Zenapax by 
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., including its affiliates ("Roche").
The Company is dependent upon the further development, regulatory and 
marketing efforts of Roche with respect to Zenapax and there can be 
no assurance that Roche's further development, regulatory and 
marketing efforts will be successful, including, without limitation, 
if and when regulatory approvals in various countries may be obtained 
and whether or how quickly Zenapax might be adopted by the medical 
community. In addition, the Company intends to recognize royalty 
revenues when royalty reports are received from Roche and the Company's other 
collaborative partners. This method of recognizing royalty revenues 
from the Company's licensees, taken together with the unpredictable 
timing of payments of non-recurring licensing and signing fees and 
milestones under new and existing collaborative research and 
development and patent licensing agreements, may result in 
significant fluctuations in revenues in quarterly and yearly periods.

Although the Company anticipates entering into new collaborative, 
humanization and patent licensing agreements from time to time, the 
Company presently does not anticipate realizing non-royalty revenue 
from its new and proposed collaborations and agreements at levels 
commensurate with the non-royalty revenue historically recognized 
under its older collaborations. Moreover, the Company anticipates 
that its operating expenses will continue to increase significantly 
as the Company increases its research and development, manufacturing, 
preclinical and clinical activity, and administrative and patent 
activities. Accordingly, in the absence of substantial revenues from 
new corporate collaborations or patent licensing agreements, 
significant royalties on sales of Zenapax and other products licensed 
under the Company's intellectual property rights, or other sources, 
the Company expects to incur substantial operating losses in the 
foreseeable future as certain of its earlier stage potential products 
move into later stage clinical development, as additional potential 
products are selected as clinical candidates for further development, 
as the Company invests in additional facilities or manufacturing 
capacity, as the Company defends or prosecutes its patents and patent 
applications and as the Company invests in research or acquires 
additional technologies or businesses.

Cash Equivalents, Investments and Concentration of Credit Risk 

The Company considers all highly liquid investments purchased with a 
maturity of three months or less at the date of acquisition to be 
cash equivalents. The "Other" adjustments line item in the Statements 
of Cash Flows represents the accretion of the book value of certain 
debt securities. The Company places its cash and short-term and long-
term investments with high-credit-quality financial institutions and 
in securities of the U.S. government and U.S. government agencies 
and, by policy, limits the amount of credit exposure in any one 
financial instrument. To date, the Company has not experienced credit 
losses on investments in these instruments.

Revenue Recognition

Contract revenues from research and development are recorded as earned 
based on the performance requirements of the contracts.  Revenues from 
achievement of milestone events are recognized when the funding party 
agrees that the scientific or clinical results stipulated in the 
agreement have been met. Deferred revenue arises principally due to 
timing of cash payments received under research and development 

The Company's collaborative, humanization and patent licensing 
agreements with third parties provide for the payment of royalties to 
the Company based on net sales of the licensed product under the 
agreement.  The agreements generally provide for royalty payments to 
the Company following completion of each calendar quarter or semi-
annual period and royalty revenue is recognized when royalty reports 
are received from the third party.

Certain amounts in the category "Research and development revenue 
under collaborative agreements-related parties" for the years ended 
December 31, 1994-96 have been reclassified under the category 
"Research and development revenue-other" based on a determination 
that one of the Company's collaborative partners was not a related 
party during these periods.  The total research and development 
revenue for these periods is unchanged.

New Accounting Standards 

In 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement 
No. 128, "Earnings Per Share" ("FAS 128").  Effective December 31, 
1997, the Company adopted FAS 128. FAS 128 requires the presentation 
of basic earnings (loss) per share and diluted earnings (loss) per 
share, if more dilutive, for all periods presented.  In accordance 
with FAS 128, net loss per share has been computed using the weighted 
average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the 
period.  Diluted net loss per share has not been presented as, due to 
the Company's net loss position, it is antidilutive.  Had the Company 
been in a net income position, diluted earnings per share for 1997, 
1996, and 1995 would have included an additional 1,052,000, 964,000, 
and 579,000 shares, respectively, related to the Company's 
outstanding stock options.  The Company's previously reported net 
loss per share amounts conformed to FAS 128 and, accordingly, its 
adoption has no effect on these financial statements.

Management Estimates 

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally 
accepted accounting principles requires the use of management's 
estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the 
financial statements and accompanying notes. For example, the Company 
has a policy of recording expenses for clinical trials based upon pro 
rating estimated total costs of a clinical trial over the estimated 
length of the clinical trial and the number of patients anticipated 
to be enrolled in the trial. Expenses related to each patient are 
recognized ratably beginning upon entry into the trial and over the 
course of the trial. In the event of early termination of a clinical 
trial, management accrues an amount based on its estimate of the 
remaining non-cancellable obligations associated with the winding 
down of the clinical trial. These estimates and assumptions could 
differ significantly from the amounts which may actually be realized.

In 1997, Boehringer Mannheim GmbH ("Boehringer Mannheim") invoked the 
dispute resolution provisions under its collaborative research 
agreement to address the reimbursement of up to $2.0 million for the 
Phase II study of OST 577 for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B 
("CHB") then being conducted by Boehringer Mannheim as well as 
certain legal expenses related to Boehringer Mannheim's participation 
in the Company's public offering in the first quarter of 1997. In 
March 1998, Roche acquired Boehringer Mannheim. The Company is unable 
to predict the outcome of this proceeding but in any event has 
estimated and recorded a liability with respect to this matter. The 
collaborative research agreement with Boehringer Mannheim provides 
for reimbursement from PDL of costs and expenses of up to $2.0 
million for a Phase II study of OST 577 in the event certain 
conditions are met with respect to that study.

Property and Equipment

Property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated
straight-line depreciation and amortization and consist of the

(In thousands)
                                                         December 31,
                                                     1997          1996
                                                 ------------- -------------
 Laboratory and manufacturing equipment               $12,789       $10,171
 Office equipment                                       3,608         3,238
 Furniture and fixtures                                 5,927         4,351
                                                 ------------- -------------
                                                       22,324        17,760
 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       (12,328)       (9,170)
                                                 ------------- -------------
                                                       $9,996        $8,590
                                                 ============= =============

Laboratory, manufacturing, office equipment and furniture and fixtures
are depreciated over the estimated useful lives of the assets,
generally three to five years.

2.      Collaborative, Humanization and Licensing Arrangements 


Roche and the Company have entered into a product licensing agreement 
for Zenapax, a humanized antibody created by the Company. Since 
December 31, 1994, amounts received as research and development 
funding and milestone payments under the agreement are not material.  
Related costs for research and development under this arrangement 
approximated the related revenues and are included in research and 
development expenses in the accompanying financial statements. The 
research and development funding arrangement expired in January 1995. 
The Company will receive further payments if additional milestones 
are achieved and royalty payments to the Company on net sales of 
Zenapax. Royalties payable to the Company are subject to certain 
offsets for milestones and third party royalties paid by Roche under 
the agreement. The product licensing agreement may be terminated by 
Roche upon 90 days notice, in which event rights licensed to Roche 
will revert to the Company.

Corange/Boehringer Mannheim 

In October 1993, Corange International Limited ("Corange") entered 
into a strategic alliance with the Company, which alliance included a 
joint development, marketing and licensing agreement, as amended in 
1994, 1995 and 1996, including an assignment of all rights and 
obligations of Corange to Boehringer Mannheim GmbH ("Boehringer 
Mannheim") (the "Agreement"). The Company recognized research and 
development funding under the Agreement of approximately $10.0 
million and $10.3 million in 1996 and 1995, respectively. Related 
costs under the Agreement approximated the related research and 
development funding revenue and are included in research and 
development expenses in the accompanying financial statements. The 
research and development funding expired as scheduled in October 
1996. The Company also recorded as contract revenue under the 
Agreement a milestone payment of $1.0 million in 1996. The Agreement 
provides for additional payments to the Company upon the achievement 
of certain milestones related to certain remaining licensed products 
under the Agreement, as well as the payment of royalties to the 
Company on net sales of licensed products. The royalty rate is 
subject to reduction upon the occurrence of certain events. In March 
1998, Roche acquired Boehringer Mannheim.  The Company cannot predict 
the outcome or timing of whether Roche will decide to continue, 
modify or terminate the preclinical development program for some or 
all of the Boehringer Mannheim preclinical development programs being 
conducted with the Company.


In April 1993, the Company entered into agreements with Sandoz 
Pharma, Sandoz, Ltd. and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation 
(collectively, "Novartis") to acquire certain licenses and rights to 
certain human, humanized and mouse monoclonal antibodies and certain 
related know-how, patent rights, equipment and materials. The Company 
is pursuing development of these products with the intent of 
producing treatments for certain diseases, and has obtained from 
Novartis worldwide manufacturing and marketing rights to these 
products. The agreements call for milestone payments of up to $5.0 
million to Novartis in the event of certain product approvals. The 
agreements further specify that Novartis has certain co-promotion and 
co-marketing rights for certain of the products licensed and will be 
entitled to royalties on the Company's sales of certain products in 
countries where Novartis does not sell such products. 


In February 1992, Kanebo Ltd. ("Kanebo") entered into a product 
licensing agreement with the Company.  Under this agreement, the 
Company received a licensing and signing fee, research and 
development funding and milestone payments and may receive additional 
milestone payments and royalties on product sales, if any.  Since 
December 31, 1994, the Company has received payments for delivery of 
manufactured drug substance under related supply agreements.  These 
amounts are not material.


In December 1997, the Company entered into a research, development 
and licensing agreement with Eli Lilly & Company ("Lilly"). The 
Company received a non-refundable licensing and signing fee under the 
Agreement of $3.0 million in 1997, of which the Company recognized 
$1.35 million in 1997.  Related costs under the agreement are 
anticipated to approximate the related research and development 
funding revenue and the portion of these costs incurred in 1997 are 
included in research and development expenses in the accompanying 
financial statements. The agreement further provides for additional 
annual research funding of $2.4 million for the second through fifth 
years if the agreement is not earlier terminated. In addition, under 
this agreement the Company can earn milestones, receive royalty 
payments on net sales of licensed products and negotiate co-promotion 
rights in the U.S. and Canada. The agreement may be terminated by 
Lilly upon written notice ranging from 30-180 days upon the 
occurrence of certain events, including the event that certain key 
personnel are no longer associated with the Company or are unable to 
fulfill certain obligations under the Agreement with Lilly.

 Humanization Agreements

Since December 31, 1994, PDL has entered into six antibody 
humanization agreements pursuant to which the Company performed 
antibody humanization services and granted patent licenses to 
specified antibody targets with Roche, Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., 
Ltd., Toagosei Co., Ltd., Genetics Institute, Inc. (a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of American Home Products Corporation), Teijin Limited and 
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.  Under these agreements, PDL received a licensing 
and signing fee and the right to receive milestone payments for 
achievement of certain specified milestones, as well as royalties on 
product sales, if any.  Under some of these agreements, PDL received 
certain rights to co-promote the product.  The Company recognized 
$4.0 million in 1997, $4.5 million in 1996 and $1.0 million in 1995 
under these arrangements.

Patent Licensing Agreements

Since December 31, 1994, PDL has entered into seven patent licensing 
agreements with Sankyo Co., Ltd., Biogen, Inc., IDEC Pharmaceuticals 
Corporation (two licenses), MedImmune, Inc. (two licenses) and NeoRx 
Corporation relating to antibodies humanized by those companies. In 
each agreement, PDL granted a worldwide, nonexclusive license under 
its humanized antibody patents to the other company for an antibody 
to a specific target antigen. In each case, PDL received a licensing 
and signing fee and the right to receive royalties on net sales of 
licensed products.  Under some of these agreements, PDL could also 
receive milestone payments.  The Company recognized $5.4 million in 
1997, $1.0 million in 1996 and no revenue under these types of 
arrangements in 1995.

3.    Other Accrued Liabilities

At December 31, other accrued liabilities consisted of the following:

(In thousands)
                                                     1997          1996
                                                 ------------- -------------
   Employee stock purchase plan                          $379          $334
   Clinical trials                                      1,434         1,843
   Accrued rent                                           256           282
   Other accrued liabilities                            1,577         1,096
                                                 ------------- -------------
                                                       $3,646        $3,555
                                                 ============= =============

The Company has a policy of recording expenses for clinical trials 
based upon pro rating estimated total costs of a clinical trial over 
the estimated length of the clinical trial and the number of patients 
anticipated to be enrolled in the trial. Expenses related to each 
patient are recognized ratably beginning upon entry into the trial 
and over the course of the trial. In the event of early termination 
of a clinical trial, management accrues an amount based on its 
estimate of the remaining non-cancellable obligations associated with 
the winding down of the clinical trial. 

4.      Commitments 

The Company occupies leased facilities under agreements that expire 
in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2010. The Company also has leased certain 
office equipment under operating leases. Rental expense under these 
arrangements totaled approximately $1.7 million, $1.3 million, and 
$1.3 million for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, 

At December 31, 1997 the total future minimum non-cancelable payments
under these agreements are approximately as follows:

(In thousands)
   1998                                                $2,289
   1999                                                 2,900
   2000                                                 2,763
   2001                                                 1,870
   2002                                                 1,913
   Thereafter                                          13,359

In July 1997, the Company entered into a lease agreement for a term 
of approximately twelve years to lease approximately 90,000 square 
feet of research and development and general office space in Fremont, 
California. The Company plans to relocate its California headquarters 
to this facility during the third or fourth quarter of 1998. The 
Company plans to invest approximately $13 million in order to make 
the building suitable for its operations.  Lease commitments under 
this arrangement are included above. 

Effective in June 1997, the Company entered into a Sponsored Research 
Agreement with Stanford University to provide aggregate funding and 
equipment support of up to $3 million over a period of 3 years for the 
laboratory of Stanley Falkow, Ph.D.  In 1997, the Company provided 
approximately $1.0 million in funding and equipment support under this 
commitment.  Dr. Falkow is a member of the Board of Directors and a 
Distinguished Investigator (consultant) of the Company. The funding 
arrangement provides the Company with certain exclusive rights to 
intellectual property resulting from the research efforts in Dr. 
Falkow's laboratory during the funding period. The amount of annual 
funding from the Company is subject to reduction in the event that Dr. 
Falkow obtains other grants or financial support for his laboratory. 
The agreement further provides that the Company may terminate the 
funding arrangement upon 90 days written notice.

5.      Short- and Long-Term Investments 

The Company invests its excess cash balances primarily in short-term 
and long-term marketable securities and U.S. government and 
government agency notes. These securities are classified as 
available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair 
value, with the unrealized gains and losses reported in stockholders' 
equity. The amortized cost of debt securities is adjusted for 
amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts to maturity. Such 
amortization is included in interest income. The cost of securities 
sold is based on the specific identification method, when applicable. 

The following is a summary of available-for-sale securities. 
Estimated fair value is based upon quoted market prices for these or 
similar instruments.

(In thousands)
                                  Available-for-Sale Securities
                                       Gross         Gross       Estimated
                                    Unrealized    Unrealized       Fair
                         Cost          Gains        Losses         Value
                     ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
December 31, 1997

Securities of the
 U.S. Government and
 its agencies            $139,815          $589          ($15)     $140,389
 securities                14,000          --            --          14,000
                     ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Total                   $153,815          $589          ($15)     $154,389
                     ============= ============= ============= =============

December 31, 1996

Securities of the
U.S. Government and
its agencies              $85,393          $133     $    --         $85,526
                     ============= ============= ============= =============

During 1997, there were no realized gains or losses on the sale of 
available-for-sale securities, as all securities liquidated in 1997 
were held to maturity. During 1996, there were no realized gains or 
losses on the sale of available-for-sale securities, as all 
securities liquidated in 1996 were held to maturity.  The remaining 
contractual period until maturity of short-term and long-term 
investments generally range from 1 to 12 months, and 13 to 24 months, 
respectively.  The mortgage-backed securities, which had a maturity 
of 30 years, were sold in February 1998 and reinvested in securities 
of U.S. Government agencies with maturities ranging up to 24 months.

6.      Stockholders' Equity 

1997 Public Offering

In March 1997, the Company completed a public offering in which it 
sold 2,275,000 shares of common stock at a price per share of $32.00.  
The net proceeds of this offering to the Company were approximately 
$68.2 million.

1997 Private Placement

In October 1997, the Company entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement 
with Toagosei pursuant to which the Company sold 44,568 shares of 
Common Stock to Toagosei at a price of $44.875.  The net proceeds of 
this offering to the Company were approximately $2.0 million.

1991 Stock Option Plan 

In December 1991, the Board of Directors adopted the 1991 Stock 
Option Plan (the "Option Plan"). During 1995, the stockholders 
approved an increase in the number of shares reserved under the 
Option Plan from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 shares of common stock for 
the grant of options under the Option Plan.

At December 31, 1997, options to purchase 957,320 shares were 
exercisable at prices ranging from $6.25 to $42.44. Options granted 
under the Option Plan generally vest at the rate of 25 percent at the 
end of the first year, with the remaining balance vesting monthly 
over the next three years in the case of employees, and ratably over 
two or five years in the case of advisors and consultants.

1992 Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan

In February 1992 the Board of Directors adopted the 1992 Outside 
Directors' Stock Option Plan (the "Directors' Plan"). The Company has 
reserved 200,000 shares of common stock for the grant of options 
under the Directors' Plan. Through December 31, 1997, the Company 
granted options to purchase 135,000 shares at exercise prices ranging 
from $7.25 to $38.75 per share, of which 40,585 were exercisable at 
December 31, 1997. Options granted pursuant to the Directors' Plan 
vest ratably over five years. A total of 17,916 options were 
exercised through December 31, 1997.

 1993 Employee Stock Purchase Plan 

In February 1993, the Board of Directors adopted the 1993 Employee 
Stock Purchase Plan (the "Employee Purchase Plan"). The Company has 
reserved 300,000 shares of common stock for the purchase of shares by 
employees under the Employee Purchase Plan. Eligibility to 
participate in the Employee Purchase Plan is essentially limited to 
full time employees of the Company who own less than 5% of the 
outstanding shares of the Company. Under the Employee Purchase Plan, 
eligible employees can purchase shares of the Company's common stock 
based on a percentage of their compensation, up to certain limits. 
The purchase price per share must equal at least the lower of 85% of 
the market value on the date offered or on the date purchased. During 
1997, an aggregate of 30,456 shares was purchased by employees under 
the Employee Purchase Plan at prices ranging from $23.27 to $24.23 
per share.

Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation

The Company has elected to follow Accounting Principles Board Opinion 
No. 25, "Accounting of Stock Issued to Employees" ("APB 25") and 
related interpretations, in accounting for stock options granted to 
employees, consultants and directors under the Option Plan and 
Directors' Plan because, as discussed below, the alternative fair 
value accounting provided for under Financial Accounting Standard 123 
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" ("FAS 123") requires use of 
option valuation models that were not developed for use in valuing 
employee stock options.  Under APB 25, because the exercise price of 
the Company's stock options equals the market price of the underlying 
stock on the date of grant, no compensation expense is recognized.  
Pro forma information regarding net income and earnings per share in 
1997, 1996 and 1995 has been determined as if the Company had 
accounted for its stock options under the fair value method 
prescribed by FAS 123.  The resulting effect on pro forma net income 
and earnings per share on a pro forma basis disclosed for 1997, 1996 
and 1995 is not likely to be representative of the effects on net 
income and earnings per share on a pro forma basis in future years, 
because 1997, 1996 and 1995 pro forma results include the impact of 
only three years, two years and one year, respectively, of options 
vesting, while subsequent years will include additional years of 
vesting.  The 1997 pro forma net loss excludes the $11.9 million non-
cash special charge related to the extension of all stock options 
granted prior to February 1995 except stock options granted to one 
non-employee director (See Note 9).  The special charge represents 
the intrinsic value of the modified options calculated in accordance 
with APB 25.  Under FAS 123, only the additional compensation cost 
related to the time value of the modified options is included in pro 
forma net losses.

(In thousands, except per share data)
                         1997          1996          1995
                     ------------- ------------- -------------
Net loss:
  As reported            ($23,875)     ($11,796)      ($8,354)
  Pro forma              ($17,727)     ($14,399)      ($9,220)

Net loss per share:
  As reported              ($1.35)       ($0.76)       ($0.54)
  Pro forma                ($1.00)       ($0.92)       ($0.60)

The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of grant 
using the Black-Scholes options pricing model with the following 
weighted-average assumptions used for grants in 1997, 1996 and 1995, 
respectively: (a) no dividends; (b) expected volatility of 55%; (c) 
weighted-average risk-free interest rates of 6.22%, 5.93% and 6.46%; 
and (d) expected lives of 6 years.

 A summary of the status of the Company's stock option plans at 
December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, and changes during the years ending 
those dates is presented below.

(In thousands, except exercise prices)  
                                         1997                 1996                 1995
                                  -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
                                             Weighted             Weighted              Weighted
                                              Average              Average              Average
                                             Exercise             Exercise              Exercise
                                     Shares     Price     Shares     Price     Shares     Price
- --------------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
Outstanding at beginning of year      1,941    $18.44      1,756    $15.61      1,412     $13.72
    Granted                             448     36.25        608     24.90        544      18.99
    Exercised                          (237)    17.16       (309)    13.23       (137)      9.41
    Forfeited                           (52)    23.66       (114)    21.32        (63)     16.75
                                  ----------           ----------           ----------
Outstanding at end of year            2,100     22.25      1,941     18.44      1,756      15.61
                                  ==========           ==========           ==========
Weighted average fair value of
  options granted during the year              $21.33               $14.23                $11.01
                                             =========            =========            ==========

     The following information applies to all stock options under the 
Company's stock option plans at December 31, 1997:

 (In thousands, except exercise prices and remaining contractual life data)
                          Options Outstanding              Options Exercisable
                  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
                                 Average    Weighted                  Weighted
                                Remaining    Average                   Average
    Range of         Number    Contractual  Exercise       Number     Exercise
 Exercise Prices  Outstanding  Life (years)   Price     Exercisable     Price
- ----------------- ------------ ----------- -----------  ------------ -----------
$ 6.25 - $ 10.50          181        4.54       $7.82           179       $7.79
 12.13 -   18.13          803        6.47       16.00           563       10.99
 19.06 -   29.25          698        8.27       24.41           232       23.41
 31.50 -   42.44          418        9.60       36.94            24       35.88
                  ------------                          ------------
                        2,100                  $22.25           998      $16.54
                  ============                          ============

7.      Income Taxes 

As of December 31, 1997 the Company had federal and state net 
operating loss carryforwards of approximately $45.5 million and $3.9 
million, respectively. Federal net operating loss carryforwards will 
expire at various dates beginning in 2002 through 2012, if not 

The federal net operating loss carryforward differs from the 
accumulated deficit principally due to temporary differences in the 
recognition of certain revenue and expense items for financial and 
federal tax reporting purposes, consisting primarily of in-process 
technology capitalized for federal tax purposes.

Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary 
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities 
for financial reporting and the amount used for income tax purposes. 
Significant components of the Company's deferred tax assets and 
liabilities for federal and state income taxes as of December 31 are 
as follows:

(In thousands)
                                                       1997       1996
                                                     ---------  ---------

 Deferred tax assets:
    Net operating loss carryforwards                  $15,700    $11,400
    Research credits                                    3,400      2,400
    Deferred revenue                                      600         --
    Capitalized research and development                3,300      2,800
    Special stock option charge                         4,700         --
    Other                                                 400        500
                                                     ---------  ---------
 Total deferred tax assets                             28,100     17,100
 Valuation allowance for deferred tax asset           (28,100)   (17,100)
                                                     ---------  ---------
 Net deferred tax assets                                $  --      $  --
                                                     =========  =========

Because of the Company's lack of earnings history, the deferred tax 
assets have been fully offset by a valuation allowance. The valuation 
allowance increased by $6.9 million during the year ended December 
31, 1996.

Utilization of the net operating loss and credit carryforwards may be 
subject to a substantial annual limitation due to the ownership 
change limitations provided by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and 
similar state provisions. The annual limitation may result in the 
expiration of net operating losses and credits before utilization.

8.      Legal Proceedings 

The Company is involved in administrative opposition proceedings 
being conducted by the European Patent Office with respect to its 
European patent relating to humanized antibodies. Eighteen 
oppositions were filed with respect to the issuance of the patent to 
the Company in January 1996. The opposition briefs argue that the 
patent was incorrectly granted and should be withdrawn or limited. 
Other than such administrative proceeding, the Company is not a party 
to any material administrative proceedings. The Company believes that 
the outcome of these opposition proceedings will not have a material 
adverse effect on the financial position, results of operations or 
the cash flows of the Company. However, if such outcome were to be 
unfavorable, the Company's right to receive royalties on sales of 
licensed products such as Zenapax and its ability to license its 
patents relating to humanized antibodies may be materially adversely 
affected which could in the future have a material adverse effect on 
the Company's results of operations, cash flows and financial 

In 1997, Boehringer Mannheim invoked the dispute resolution 
provisions under its collaborative research agreement with the 
Company to address the reimbursement of up to $2.0 million for the 
terminated Phase II study of OST 577 for the treatment of CHB 
initiated by Boehringer Mannheim as well as certain legal expenses 
related to Boehringer Mannheim's participation in the Company's 
public offering in early 1997.   In March 1998, Roche acquired 
Boehringer Mannheim.  The Company is unable to predict the outcome of 
this proceeding but in any event has estimated and recorded a 
liability with respect to this matter. Other than such legal 
proceeding, the Company is not a party to any material legal 
proceedings. The collaborative research agreement with Boehringer 
Mannheim provides for reimbursement from PDL of costs and expenses of 
up to $2.0 million for a Phase II study of OST 577 in the event 
certain conditions are met with respect to that study. 

9.     Special Charge

In 1997, the Company incurred a non-cash special charge of 
approximately $11.9 million related to the extension of the term of 
all stock options held by employees, officers, directors and 
consultants of the Company that were granted prior to February 1995, 
with the single exception of stock options granted to one non-
employee director.  The non-cash special charge conforms the term of 
previously granted stock options, which was six years, to those 
granted since February 1995, ten years.  The special charge resulted 
in an increase in additional paid-in capital of approximately $11.9 
million, although no proceeds were received by the Company.

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors

Board of Directors and Stockholders Protein Design Labs, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Protein Design Labs, 
Inc., as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related statements of 
operations, stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of three years 
in the period ended December 31, 1997. These financial statements are 
the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to 
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are 
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test 
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial 
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles 
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating 
the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits 
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present 
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Protein 
Design Labs, Inc. at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the results of its 
operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period 
ended December 31, 1997 in conformity with generally accepted accounting 

                                        /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP 

Palo Alto, California 
February 3, 1998


Not Applicable. 


Certain information required by Part III is omitted from this 
Report in that the Registrant will file a definitive proxy statement 
pursuant to Regulation 14A for the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders 
(the "Proxy Statement") not later than 120 days after the end of the 
fiscal year covered by this Report, and certain information included 
therein is incorporated by reference.


The information concerning the Company's directors as required by 
this Item is incorporated by reference to the Section entitled 
"Nomination of Directors" of the Proxy Statement. 

The information concerning the Company's executive officers as 
required by this Item is incorporated by reference to the Section 
entitled "Executive Officers of the Registrant" of the Proxy Statement. 

The information concerning compliance with requirements regarding 
reporting of timely filing of statements regarding changes in beneficial 
ownership of securities of the Company as required by this Item is 
incorporated by reference to the Section entitled "Section 16(a) 
Reporting" of the Proxy Statement.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference 
to the Section entitled "Executive Compensation and Other Matters" of 
the Proxy Statement.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference 
to the Section entitled "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners 
and Management" of the Proxy Statement.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to 
the Section entitled "Executive Compensation and Other Matters - 
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation" of the 
Proxy Statement.


(a)     The following documents are filed as part of this report: 

(1)     Index to financial statements

The following financial statements of the Company and the Report of the 
Independent Auditors are included in Part II, Item 8.


Balance Sheets                                        57

Statements of Operations                              58

Statements of Stockholders' Equity                    59

Statements of Cash Flows                              60

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors     74

(2)     All financial statement schedules are omitted 
because the information is inapplicable or presented 
in the Financial Statements or notes.

(3)     The items listed on the Index to Exhibits on page 78 
are incorporated herein by reference.

(b)     Reports on Form 8-K. 


(c)     See (a)(3) above. 

(d)     See (a)(3) above. 

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                       PROTEIN DESIGN LABS, INC.

                                       By:       /s/ LAURENCE JAY KORN
                                              Laurence Jay Korn,
                                              Chief Executive Officer
                                              and Chairperson of the Board
                                              of Directors

                                                      March 30, 1998

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

        Signature                           Title                      Date
- --------------------------  -------------------------------------  -------------
   /s/ LAURENCE JAY KORN    Chief Executive Officer and            March 30, 1998
- --------------------------  Chairperson of the Board of Directors
(Laurence Jay Korn)         (Principal Executive Officer)

   /s/ JON S. SAXE          President and Director                 March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(Jon S. Saxe)               (Principal Accounting Officer)

   /s/ CARY L. QUEEN        Director                               March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(Cary L. Queen)

   /s/ GEORGE M. GOULD      Director                               March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(George M. Gould)

   /s/ STANLEY FALKOW       Director                               March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(Stanley Falkow)

   /s/ MAX LINK             Director                               March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(Max Link)

   /s/ JURGEN DREWS         Director                               March 30, 1998
- --------------------------
(Jurgen Drews)

                           INDEX TO EXHIBITS


      Number             Exhibit Title      

Restated Certificate of Incorporation.  (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 3.1 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Amended and Restated Bylaws. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 
to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1995.)

Registration Rights Agreement between the Company and certain holders 
of Preferred Stock and Common Stock, dated August 21, 1986.  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Registration Statement 
No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Amendment to Registration Rights Agreement between the Company and 
certain holders of Preferred Stock and Common Stock, dated March 16, 
1989. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to Registration 
Statement No.  33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Registration Rights Agreement between the Company and Hoffmann-La 
Roche Inc., dated March 16, 1989.  (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 4.3 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 
28, 1992.)

Standstill Agreement between the Company and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., 
dated March 16, 1989.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to 
Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Registration Rights Agreement between the Company and Corange 
International Limited, dated October 28, 1993. (Incorporated by 
Reference to Exhibit 4.5 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 

Standstill Agreement between the Company and Corange International 
Limited, dated October 28, 1993. (Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 
4.5 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

Amendment No. 1 to Stock Purchase Agreement, Registration Rights 
Agreement and Joint Development, Marketing and Licensing Agreement.  
(Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 5.2 to Current Report on Form 8-
K filed December 15, 1994.)

1991 Stock Option Plan, as amended on October 20, 1992 and June 15, 
1995, together with forms of Incentive Stock Option Agreement and 
Nonqualified Stock Option Agreements. (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.1 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1996.)

Founder Stock Purchase Agreement between the Company and Dr. Laurence 
Jay Korn, dated August 21, 1986.  (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.3 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 
28, 1992.)

Founder Stock Purchase Agreement between the Company and Dr. Cary 
Queen,  dated January 1, 1987.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 
10.4 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 

1986 Stock Purchase Plan.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.18 
to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Forms of Stock Purchase Agreement under the 1986 Stock Purchase Plan.  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to Registration Statement 
No.  33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Outside Directors Stock Option Plan, together with form of 
Nonqualified Stock Option Agreements. (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.31 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

1993 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.  (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.32  to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Letter Agreement between the Company and Saxe Associates, dated June 
14, 1993 (with certain confidential information deleted and marked by 
a box surrounding the deleted information). (Incorporated by reference 
to Exhibit 10.9 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

Lease Agreement between the Company and Charleston Properties, a 
California general partnership, dated December 22, 1989.  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to Registration Statement 
No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

First Amendment of Lease between the Company and Charleston 
Properties, a California general partnership, dated August 31, 1992.  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.26 to Annual Report on Form 
10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Lease Agreement between the Company and Plymouth Business Center I 
Partnership, a Minnesota general partnership, dated February 10,  
1992. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.28 to Annual Report on 
Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement between the Company and Plymouth 
Business Center I Partnership, a Minnesota general partnership, dated 
July 8, 1993. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to Annual 
Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

License Agreement between the Company and the National Technical 
Information Service effective as of October 31, 1988 (with certain 
confidential information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the 
deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.7 to 
Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

License Agreement between the Company and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. 
effective January 31, 1989 (with certain confidential information 
deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.8 to Registration Statement 
No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

License Agreement between the Company and F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co.  
effective January 31, 1989 (with certain confidential information 
deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.9 to Registration Statement 
No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

License Agreement between the Company and the Medical Research Council 
of the United Kingdom dated July 1, 1989, as amended on January 30, 
1990 (with certain confidential information deleted and marked by a 
box surrounding the deleted information). (Incorporated by reference 
to Exhibit 10.10 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective 
January 28, 1992.)

Software License Agreement among the Company, Molecular Applications 
Group and Michael Levitt effective September 1, 1990 (with certain 
confidential information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the 
deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to 
Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Development and License Agreement between the Company and Yamanouchi 
Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. effective February 12, 1991, as amended 
on February 12, 1991 (with certain confidential information deleted 
and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.16 to Registration Statement 
No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 1992.)

Form of Director and Officer Indemnification Agreement.  (Incorporated 
by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 
effective January 28, 1992.)

Stock Purchase Agreement between the Company and certain holders of 
Preferred Stock and Common Stock dated August 21, 1986. (Incorporated 
by reference to Exhibit 10.22 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 
effective January 28, 1992.)

Stock Purchase Agreement between the Company and Hoffmann-La Roche 
Inc.  dated March 16, 1989.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 
10.25 to Registration Statement No. 33-44562 effective January 28, 

Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Assets between the Company and 
Helix BioCore, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, dated February 10,  
1992. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.27 to Annual Report on 
Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Agreement between the Company and Kanebo, Ltd., a Japanese 
corporation, dated February 29, 1992. (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.29 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Letter dated November 4, 1992 amending the License Agreement between 
the Company and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. effective January 21, 1989.  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.30 to Annual Report on Form 
10-K filed March 31, 1993.)

Asset Purchase and License Agreement among the Company, Sandoz Pharma 
Ltd. and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation, dated April 13, 1993  
(with certain confidential information deleted and marked by a box 
surrounding the deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 5.1 to Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 28, 1993.)

License Agreement among the Company, Sandoz Pharma Ltd. and Sandoz 
Ltd., dated April 13, 1993 (with certain confidential information 
deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 5.2 to Current Report on Form 8-
K filed April 28, 1993.)

Letter dated October 21, 1993 amending the Asset Purchase and License 
Agreement among the Company, Sandoz Pharma Ltd. and Sandoz 
Pharmaceuticals Corporation, dated April 13, 1993 (with certain 
confidential information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the 
deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.31 to 
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

Amended and Restated Agreement between the Company and Sloan-Kettering 
Institute for Cancer Research, dated April 1, 1993  (with certain 
confidential information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the 
deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.32 to 
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

Stock Purchase Agreement between the Company and Corange International 
Limited, dated October 28, 1993. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 
5.1 to Current Report on Form 8-K filed November 12, 1993.)


Joint Development, Marketing and License Agreement between the Company 
and Corange International Limited, dated October 28, 1993  (with 
certain confidential information deleted and marked by a box 
surrounding the deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 5.2 to Current Report on Form 8-K filed November 12, 1993.)

License Agreement between the Company and The Board of Trustees of 
Leland Stanford Junior University effective as of June 30, 1993 (with 
certain confidential information deleted and marked by a box 
surrounding the deleted information). (Incorporated by reference to 
Exhibit 10.35 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1994.)

Lease Agreement between the Company and Bio-Shore Holdings, Ltd. dated 
as of May 16, 1994 (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to 
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed August 2, 1994.)

Amendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement between the Company and St. Paul 
Properties, effective as of October 25, 1994.  (Incorporated by 
reference to Exhibit 10.36 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 
31, 1995.)

Amendment No.1 to Lease Agreement between the Company and Bio-Shore 
Holdings, Ltd. dated as of October 17, 1994. (Incorporated by 
reference to Exhibit 10.38 to Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 
31, 1995.)

Patent License Agreement between the Company and Celltech Limited 
dated as of September 30, 1994 (with certain confidential information 
deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.39 to Annual Report on Form 
10-K filed March 31, 1995.)

Amendment No. 2 to Joint Development, Marketing and Licensing 
Agreement between the Company and Boehringer Mannheim GmbH dated and 
effective as of November 7, 1995 (with certain confidential 
information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted 
information). (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.37 to Annual 
Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1996.)

Development and License Agreement between the Company and an Unnamed 
Japanese Pharmaceutical Company dated December 28, 1995 (with certain 
confidential information deleted and marked by a box surrounding the 
deleted information). (Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 10.38 to 
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 31, 1996.)

Amendment No. 3 to Joint Development, Marketing and Licensing 
Agreement between the Company and Boehringer Mannheim GmbH dated and 
effective as of May 31, 1996 (with certain confidential information 
deleted and marked by a box surrounding the deleted information).  
(Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Quarterly Report on Form 
10-Q filed August 14, 1996.)

Amendment No. 3 to Lease Agreement between the Company and St. Paul 
Properties, effective as of  November 27, 1996.

Second Amendment of Lease Agreement between Bio-Shore Holdings, Ltd., 
and the Company, dated February 25, 1998.

Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors.

Financial Data Schedule.


*       Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.