April 12, 2006

Daniel H. Morris
Division of Corporation Finance
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549

                  FILED JANUARY 27, 2006

Dear Mr. Morris:

         We have received and reviewed your comment letter dated February 23,
2006 to our Registration Statement on form S-3 of January 27, 2006. This cover
letter and the enclosed revised filing is intended to respond to the points
raised in your letter in addition to providing you with the supplemental
information requested by several comments. In some of our responses we proffer
an explanation for our belief that a revision is not necessary and we would
appreciate your additional consideration of these points in particular.

         We have enclosed both clean and marked copies to show changes of the
reviewed filing. References below to page numbers are to the unmarked version.

         We appreciate the Commission's continued review of our intended
disclosure and look forward to working with you on such questions as may be
presented in the course of developing a compliant filing for Impac Secured
Assets Corp.



         (1) We note from your "Deriatives" disclosure in the base prospectus
         that in addition to the derivatives you have specifically identified,
         "agreements relating to other types of derivative products... may be
         entered into... " Please note that a takedown off of a shelf that
         involves assets, structural features, credit enhancement or other
         features that were not described in the base prospectus will usually
         require either a new registration statement, if to include additional
         assets, or a post-effective amendment. Also, please note that
         Securities Act Rule 409 requires that the registration statement be
         complete at the time of effectiveness except for information that is
         not known or reasonably available. Please confirm for us that the base
         prospectus includes all assets, credit enhancements or other structural
         features reasonably contemplated to be included in an actual takedown
         and revise to eliminate the language noted above.


         We understand that phrases as described in this comment cannot be used
         to add asset types, structural features, credit enhancement types or
         similar items in the prospectus supplement that were not contemplated
         and described in the base prospectus. However, we understand that
         phrases of this type can be used in the base prospectus, to a limited
         degree, to permit supplemental or modified terms in the prospectus
         supplement so long as information in the prospectus supplement
         complements the information in the base prospectus and does not differ
         from it. We have reviewed our use of phrases of this type in the base
         prospectus, and have made revisions accordingly.


         (2) Please confirm that the depositor or any issuing entity previously
         established, directly or indirectly, by the depositor or any affiliate
         of the depositor has been current and timely with Exchange Act
         reporting during the last twelve months with respect to asset-backed
         securities involving the same asset class. Please refer to General
         Instruction I.A.4. of Form S-3. Also, please provide us with the CIK
         codes for any affiliate of the depositor that has offered a class of
         asset-backed securities involving the same asset class as this


         The Registrant has advised us that the depositor and any issuing entity
         established by the depositor or any affiliate of the depositor with
         respect to asset-backed securities involving the same asset class has
         been current and timely with Exchange Act reporting during the period
         January 1, 2005 through January 27, 2006. In making this confirmation,
         we take into account the definitions and conditions set forth in
         General Instruction I.A.4. of Form S-3.

         The following is a list of CIK numbers for any affiliate of the
         depositor that has offered a class of asset-backed securities involving
         the same asset class as this offering during the last twelve months:



         (3) We note from the "Mortgage Pools" section of your base prospectus
         that a trust fund may include mortgage securities in the pool of
         assets. Please revise your prospectus supplement to include bracketed
         language regarding the disclosure you will provide with respect to
         these securities if you choose to include them in the asset pool of an
         issuing entity. Additionally, revise the cover page of your base
         prospectus to indicate that a trust fund may include mortgage


         We have included a placeholder for a description of any mortgage
         securities to be included in the pool of assets. We have revised the
         cover page of the base prospectus to indicate that a trust fund may
         include mortgage securities.


         (4) Please confirm that all material terms to be included in the
         finalized agreements will also be disclosed in the final Rule 424(b)
         prospectus, or that finalized agreements will be filed simultaneously
         with or prior to the final prospectus. Refer to Item 1100(f) of
         Regulation AB.


         All material terms of the finalized agreements that are required to be
         filed as an exhibit to the registration statement under cover of Form
         8-K will either be in the final 424 or filed prior to or simultaneously
         with the 424. We will file all agreements that are required to be filed
         with the Securities and Exchange Commission as promptly as possible
         after a transaction closes and will be in compliance with 1934 Act
         reporting requirements.


         (5) Please also confirm that you will file unqualified legal and tax
         opinions at the time of each takedown.


         The legality and tax opinion that is now being filed as an exhibit to
         the registration statement speaks prospectively to the securities to be
         issued in each takedown, and does not contain any conditions or
         qualifications that would not appear in, and be acceptable for,
         opinions delivered to transaction participants at the time of each
         takedown. Accordingly, we believe that the opinion that is filed as an
         exhibit fulfills the requirements for the final legality and tax
         opinions, as described in footnote 133 to the Regulation AB adopting
         release. This approach is consistent with our firm's past practice, and
         has been accepted by the Staff in prior Form S-3 ABS registration
         statement full reviews.


         (6) Please ensure that the publicly-filed version of your next
         amendment includes page numbers.


         We will ensure that all publicly-filed versions of our next amendment
         will include page numbers.


- -----


         (7) Please revise to provide a bracketed placeholder indicating that
         you will identify the issuing entity on the cover page of the
         prospectus supplement. Please also revise the cover page of the second
         prospectus supplement to identify both the issuing entity and the
         sponsor, as well as the depositor. Refer to Item 1102(a) of Regulation.


         We have made these changes.


         (8) Please revise to disclose the first expected distribution date and
         the distribution frequency for payments on the securities. Refer to
         Item 1102(g) of Regulation AB.


         We have made this change.


         (9) Please refer to Item 1102(d) of Regulation AB and revise the cover
         page to indicate, if true, that the securities are the obligations of
         the issuing entity only.


         We have made this change.

Credit Enhancement
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         (10) Please include a bracketed placeholder for other possible credit
         enhancement and derivative disclosure. We note the credit enhancement
         and derivatives you contemplate using as described in the base
         prospectus. Additionally, please include bracketed placeholders to
         confirm that you will indentify any third parties providing credit
         support for 10% or more of the pool assets.


         We have made these changes.


         (11) As a follow-up to the comment above, we note that your summary of
         credit enhancement includes only a cross-reference to a discussion
         elsewhere in the prospectus supplement. Please include a brief
         description of subordination in the summary.


         We have made this change.


         (12) Please provide a brief summary of how losses not covered by credit
         enhancement will be allocated to the securities. See Item
         1103(a)(3)(ix) of Regulation AB.


         We have made this change.

The Mortgage Pool
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         (13) Please revise this section to provide additional disclosure
         regarding the pool characteristics in tabular or graphical format,
         similar to what you have provided in the second prospectus supplement.
         Refer to Item 1111(b) of Regulation AB.


         We have made this change.


         (14) As your base prospectus indicates that you may include delinquent
         assets in an asset pool, please expand your disclosure in this section
         to provide bracketed information showing the form of disclosure you
         would provide if applicable. See Items 1111(c) and 1100(b)(1) of
         Regulation AB. You may also refer to Section 1.01 of Regulation AB
         Telephone Interpretations available on our website.


         We have made this change.

Description of the Certificates
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         (15) Please provide a bracketed placeholder, where appropriate,
         confirming that you will provide all financial disclosure required by
         Item 1114(b) for credit enhancers meeting the applicable thresholds. In
         this regard, we note that while the second prospectus supplement
         incorporates by reference certain financial information of the insurer,
         it appears to incorporate by reference financial statements that are
         several years old instead of the current fiancial statements required.
         Additionally, please provide similar bracketed language regarding the
         disclosure you will provide with respect to derivative arrangements
         with third parties. Refer to Item 1115 of Regulation AB.


         We have made this change. Please note that reference to certain
         financial information of the insurer in the second prospectus
         supplement was created as a form of disclosure for the insurer
         therefore we removed specific dates of the financial statements.



         (16) We note from the body of the second prospectus supplement that you
         plan to use a financial guaranty insurance policy and
         overcollateralization. In accordance with our comments above, please
         expand the summary section to provide a description of the guaranty and


         We have made this change.



         (17) We note that the body of this prospectus supplement refers to the
         use of overcollateralization. Accordingly, please revise your cover
         page and summary to indicate that overcollateralization will be
         provided and include a brief description of overcollateralization, as
         well as subordination, in the summary.


         We have made these changes.


Distributions of Interest and Principal on the Securities
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         (18) We note from this section that the related prospectus supplement
         will specify the security interest rate, or, in the case of a variable
         or adjustable security interest rate, the method for determining the
         security interest rate, for each class. Please revise the base
         prospectus to specify all indices that may be used to determine
         interest payments on the offered securities. Refer to Item 1113(a)(3)
         of Regulation AB.


         We do not believe that Regulation AB contains an express limitation on
         the types of indices that may apply to pool assets that have adjustable
         interest rates. Nevertheless, it is our intention that indices that
         apply to pool assets with adjustable rates will be indices that are of
         a type that are customarily used in the debt and fixed income markets
         to measure the cost of borrowed funds, and that these indices will not
         be tied to the value of an equity or commodity or otherwise create
         exposure to ABS investors to an asset that is not transferred to or
         otherwise a part of the asset pool.

         Consistent with the foregoing, we do not believe that Regulation AB
         requires a listing in the base prospectus of all possible indices that
         may apply to pool assets with adjustable rates. However, we have added
         language to the base prospectus stating that all indices that apply to
         pool assets with adjustable rates will be indices "that are of a type
         that are customarily used in the debt and fixed income markets to
         measure the cost of borrowed funds."

Pre-Funding Account
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         (19) We note that your base prospectus contemplates a prefunding
         account to purchase additional mortgage loans. Please revise the
         summary section of the prospectus supplement to include a bracketed
         placeholder confirming that you will provide the disclosure required by
         Item 1103(a)(5) of Regulation AB


         The requested disclosure has been added to the forms of prospectus

Reduction or Substitution of Credit Enhancement
- -----------------------------------------------


         (20) We note that "in most cases," credit support will be subject to
         reduction on a non-discretionary basis in accordance with a schedule or
         formula described in the prospectus supplement. Please confirm that all
         reductions or substitutions of credit enhancement are non-discretionary
         in nature or explain the other types of reductions and substitutions
         you intend to use and why they would fit within the definition of an
         asset-backed security.


         We have made this change.

- -----------


         (21) Your disclosure regarding market swaps discusses ways in which a
         market value swap "might" operate. Please revise to clarify, if true,
         that the market value swaps contemplated by this offering are limited
         to use in auctions. If they are not, please specifically discuss the
         different types of market value swaps that may occur and why you
         believe they are consistent with the requirements of Regulation AB.


         The market value swaps contemplated by this offering are limited to use
         in auctions. We have revised the language to make the limitation clear.


         (22) Please delete the reference to credit default swaps from the
         prospectus. Alternatively, please explain how these derivative
         instruments would meet the definition of an asset backed security or
         revise as appropriate. Refer to Section III.A.2.a of SEC Release No.
         33-8518 and Item 1115 of Regulation AB.


         The counterparty's obligation under any credit default swap will result
         from losses or defined credit events relating only to some or all of
         the assets in the related asset pool. A credit default swap will only
         be used if all of the referenced assets are in the related asset pool.
         As a result, no credit default swap will cause the performance of the
         asset-backed securities to be synthetically linked to assets outside of
         the pool. Please note that footnote 68 of the Regulation AB Adopting
         Release states "[a]s another example of a swap or other derivative
         permissible in an ABS transaction, a credit derivative such as a credit
         default swap could be used to provide viable credit enhancement for
         asset-backed securities. For example, a credit default swap may be used
         to reference assets actually in the asset pool, which would be
         analogous to buying protection against losses on those pool assets." In
         addition, Item 1114 of Regulation AB clearly contemplates that
         permitted credit enhancements may include derivatives whose primary
         purpose is to provide credit enhancement. The sponsor's use of credit
         default swaps will be strictly within the foregoing provisions.

Purchase Obligations
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         (23) Please expand your disclosure to separately address each of the
         "purchase obligations" to which you refer and to provide a general
         explanation of the mechanics for each type of purchase obligation you
         list in this paragraph.


         We have made this change.


         (24) We note that purchase obligations may include put options and
         demand features. Please note that we have referred this section to the
         Division of Investment Management for possible comment.


         We look forward to responding to any specific comments the Division of
         Investment Management might have on this section.

         Please contact Leigh Anne Kuiken at (212) 912-8307 or the undersigned
at (212) 912-7950 with any other questions.


                                                   /s/ Marlo A. Young
                                                   Marlo A. Young