Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-K
                                   ACT of 1934
                  For the fiscal year ended DECEMBER 31, 1996 
                        Commission File Number: 0-19822 

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                            MASSACHUSETTS 04-3023928  
       (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
                        of incorporation or organization)

               789 MAIN ROAD, STAMFORD,                  VT 05352 
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (802) 694-1200
        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None
           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                         Common Stock ($.01 par value) 
                                (Title of class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  X  No
Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulations S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
form 10-K. [ X ]

The  aggregate  market  value of the voting stock held by  nonaffiliates  of the
registrant as of March 11, 1997 was  $82,031,000  (based on the closing price of
the Company's common stock on The Nasdaq Stock Market's National Market.)

The  number  of  outstanding  shares of  common  stock as of March 11,  1997 was


Portions of the annual  stockholders report for the year ended December 31, 1996
are  incorporated  by  reference  into  Parts I and II.  Portions  of the  proxy
statement for the Special  Meeting in Lieu of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
to be held April 25,1997 are incorporated by reference into Part III.

                                  FORM 10-K
                     FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996


PART I                                                                      PAGE
- ------                                                                      ----
Item 1.   Business                                                             3
Item 2.   Properties                                                          16
Item 3.   Legal  Proceedings                                                  16
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                 16

- -------
Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and 
          Related Stockholder Matters                                         17
Item 6.   Selected Financial  Data                                            17
Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
          Financial  Condition  and Results of Operation                      17
Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                         17
Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting 
          and  Financial Disclosure                                           17

- --------
Item 10. Directors  and  Executive  Officers of the  Registrant               18
Item 11. Executive   Compensation                                             18
Item 12. Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial  Owners and  Management   18
Item 13. Certain  Relationships and Related  Transactions                     18

- -------
Item 14..Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K      19

                                                                       Form 10-K
     This document  contains  forward-looking  statements that involve risks and
uncertainties.  The Company's actual results may differ  significantly  from the
results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Reference is hereby made to
Risk Factors contained later in this document that could cause actual results to
differ materially from those contained in this document.

                                     PART I


     Litchfield  Financial  Corporation (the "Company") is a specialty  consumer
finance company which provides  financing for the purchase of rural and vacation
properties  ("Land Loans") and financing of vacation  ownership  interests ("VOI
Loans"),  popularly known as timeshare interests. In addition, the Company makes
loans  to  rural  land  dealers  and  resort  developers   secured  by  consumer
receivables and other secured loans  (collectively  "Dealer/Other  Loans"). 

     The principal  sources of the Company's  revenues are (i) interest and fees
on loans,  (ii) gains from the sale of loans and (iii)  servicing  and other fee
income.  Gains on sales of loans are based  principally  on the present value of
the  difference  between the interest to be collected  from the borrower and the
interest  to be passed on to the  purchaser  of the loan  during  the  estimated
average life of the loans,  less a normal  servicing fee (referred to as "excess
servicing  asset").  The excess servicing asset is calculated using  prepayment,
default and interest rate  assumptions  prevalent in the marketplace at the time
of sale for similar  instruments.  The excess  servicing asset is amortized over
the estimated term of the loans using the interest method. Because a significant
portion of the Company's  revenues is comprised of gains  realized upon sales of
loans,  the  timing of such  sales  has a  significant  effect on the  Company's
results of operations.

Business Strategy

     The Company was founded in November 1988.  The Company's  strategy has been
to build its Serviced Portfolio, consisting of the principal amount of Land, VOI
and  Dealer/Other  Loans  serviced by or on behalf of the Company,  by acquiring
loan  portfolios  from  financial  institutions,  rural land  dealers and resort
developers  and by  providing  loans to such dealers and  developers  secured by
consumer  receivables.  As part of its  business  and  financing  strategy,  the
Company  seeks niche  markets  where its  underwriting  expertise and ability to
provide   value-added   services  enable  it  to  distinguish  itself  from  its
competitors  and earn an  attractive  rate of  return on its  invested  capital.
Initially,  the Company  pursued this strategy by financing  consumer Land Loans
through a land dealer  network and  portfolio  acquisitions.  Subsequently,  the
Company  extended  its strategy to  financing  consumer VOI Loans and  providing
loans to land  dealers and resort  developers  secured by consumer  Land and VOI
Loans ("Hypothecation  Loans"). In 1995, the Company significantly  expanded its
financing of VOI Loans when it acquired approximately $34.1 million of VOI Loans
as  part of its  purchase  of the  Government  Employees  Financial  Corporation


                                                                       Form 10-K

("GEFCO")  portfolio.  In 1996,  the Company  expanded its financing of loans to
land  dealers  and  resort  developers  for  the  acquisition  of  land  and the
acquisition and development of timeshare resorts ("A&D Loans").

     Management believes that the marketing and operating strategies implemented
by the Company have enabled it to provide  financing to parties whose needs have
been historically  underserved in a highly fragmented and inefficient market. In
doing so, the Company has  increased  its  earnings per share during each of its
full years of operations.

Characteristics of the Serviced Portfolio

 Land Loans

     As of December 31, 1996, 49.2 % of the Serviced Portfolio consisted of Land
Loans with an average principal balance of approximately  $12,000. The following
table sets forth as of December 31, 1996 the  distribution  of Land Loans in the
Company's Serviced Portfolio:

                                     Percentage of                 Percentage of
                      Principal      Principal         Number of       Number of
Principal Balance     Amount         Amount            Loans           Loans
- -----------------     ------         ------            -----           -----
Less than  $ 10,000   $26,621,000     22.3%            5,144           51.6%
$ 10,000 - $ 19,999    47,870,000     40.1             3,373           34.0
$ 20,000 - $ 29,999    23,159,000     19.4               971            9.7
$ 30,000 - $ 49,999    13,609,000     11.4               371            3.7
$ 50,000 - $ 99,999     5,730,000      4.8                88            0.9
$100,000 - $250,000     2,387,000      2.0                14            0.1
                     ------------    ------            -----          ------
Total                $119,376,000    100.0%            9,961          100.0%
                     ============    ======            =====          ====== 

     As of December 31, 1996,  the weighted  average  interest  rate of the Land
Loans included in the Company's  Serviced  Portfolio was 12.24% and the weighted
average remaining  maturity was 11.1 years. The following table sets forth as of
December 31, 1996 the distribution of interest rates payable on the Land Loans:

                                                      Percentage of
                                        Principal       Principal
           Interest Rate                Amount          Amount
           -------------                ---------       ------
           Less than 8.0%          $    2,388,000          2.0%
           8.0% - 9.9%                 12,296,000         10.3
           10.0% - 11.9%               25,427,000         21.3
           12.0% - 13.9%               53,003,000         44.4
           14.0% - 15.9%               25,188,000         21.1
           16.0% and greater            1,074,000          0.9
                                      -----------        ------
                Total                 119,376,000        100.0%
                                      ===========        ======


                                                                       Form 10-K

     A Land Loan borrower  generally uses the property which secures the loan as
a site for a lower-cost  primary  residence,  often  consisting of  manufactured
housing,  as a site  for a  vacation  or  retirement  home  or for  recreational
purposes.  As of December 31, 1996, the Company's Land Loan borrowers resided in
50 states and the District of Columbia.

 VOI Loans

     As of December 31, 1996, 17.9% of the Serviced  Portfolio  consisted of VOI
Loans, with an average principal balance of approximately  $4,200. The following
table sets forth as of December 31, 1996 the distribution of VOI Loans.

                                       Percentage of            Percentage of
                            Principal    Principal    Number of   Number of
    Principal Balance        Amount       Amount       Loans       Loans
    -----------------      ----------    -------      --------   --------
    Less than $ 4,000      $13,288,000     30.7%       5,468      53.0%
    $4,000 -  $ 5,999       13,591,000     31.4        2,680      26.0
    $6,000 -  $ 7,999       11,773,000     27.2        1,670      16.2
    $8,000 -  $ 9,999        3,549,000      8.2          402       3.9
   $10,000 -  $18,000        1,083,000      2.5           91       0.9 
                             ---------      ---           --       --- 
        Total               43,284,000    100.0%      10,311     100.0%
                            ==========    =====       ======     ===== 

     As of December 31,  1996,  the weighted  average  interest  rate of the VOI
Loans included in the Company's  Serviced  Portfolio was 14.61% and the weighted
average  remaining  maturity was 4.0 years. The following table sets forth as of
December 31, 1996 the distribution of interest rates payable on the VOI Loans:

                                                      Percentage of
                                        Principal       Principal
           Interest Rate                  Amount         Amount
           Less than 10.0%           $ 1,169,000            2.7
           10.0% - 11.9%               4,545,000           10.5
           12.0% - 13.9%              11,124,000           25.7
           14.0% - 15.9%              12,423,000           28.7
           16.0% - 17.9%              14,023,000           32.4
                                      ----------           ----

                 Total                43,284,000          100.0%
                                      ==========          ====== 

     As of December 31, 1996, the Company's VOI borrowers  resided in 50 states,
the District of Columbia and eight territories or foreign countries.

Loan Purchases and Originations

     Litchfield  purchases  seller-originated  consumer Land Loans and VOI Loans
and acquires seasoned loan portfolios from financial institutions,  land dealers
and resort developers. The Company also provides loans to dealers and developers
secured by consumer  receivables.  For the year ended  December  31,  1996,  the


                                                                       FORM 10-K

Company  extended and acquired $133.8 million of loans, of which 36.7% were Land
Loans, 12.3% were VOI Loans and 51.0% were Dealer/Other Loans.

     (1) Dealer and  Developer  Program: 
     Financing  is provided to consumers  through a large number of  experienced
land dealers and resort  developers from which  Litchfield  regularly  purchases
mortgage  loans.  The  mortgage  loans are made to consumers by land dealers and
resort  developers using  Litchfield's  standard forms and subject to its terms.
Mortgage loans are in turn purchased by Litchfield  from land dealers and resort
developers on an  individually  approved basis in accordance  with  Litchfield's
credit guidelines.

     Each land dealer and resort developer from whom Litchfield  purchases loans
must be  interviewed  by the  Company's  senior  management  and approved by its
credit committee. Management evaluates each land dealer's and resort developer's
experience, financial statements and credit references and personally inspects a
substantial  portion of the land  dealer's and resort  developer's  inventory of
land and VOIs prior to approval of loan purchases.

     In order to  enhance  the  creditworthiness  of loans  purchased  from land
dealers and resort developers,  Litchfield requires most land dealers and resort
developers to guarantee payment of the loans and ordinarily retains a portion of
the amount  payable by the Company to each land dealer and resort  developer  on
purchase of the loan. The retained portion,  or reserve, is released to the land
dealer or resort developer as the related loans are repaid

     a. Land  Loans  
     Dealers  from  whom  the  Company   purchases   Land  Loans  are  typically
closely-held  firms with  annual  revenues  of less than $3.0  million.  Dealers
generally purchase large rural tracts (generally 100 or more acres) from farmers
or other owners and  subdivide the property into five to twenty acre parcels for
resale  to  consumers.  Generally  the  subdivided  property  is  not  developed
significantly  beyond the  provision of graded  access  roads.  In  recreational
areas,  sales are made primarily to urban consumers who wish to use the property
for a vacation or retirement home or for recreational  purposes such as fishing,
hunting or  camping.  In other  rural  areas,  sales are more  commonly  made to
persons  who will  locate  a  manufactured  home on the  parcel.  The  aggregate
principal amount of Land Loans purchased from individual dealers during the year
ended December 31, 1996 varied  significantly from a low of approximately $2,300
to a high of  approximately  $4.7  million.  As of December 31,  1996,  the five
largest dealers accounted for approximately 23.6% of the principal amount of the
Land Loans in the Serviced  Portfolio,  and no single dealer  accounted for more
than 7.1%.

b. VOI Loans
     The Company  purchases VOI Loans from various  financial  institutions  and
resort  developers.  The Company  generally  targets mature,  small resorts with
completed amenities and established property owners associations.  These resorts
participate  in programs that permit  purchasers of VOIs to exchange  their time
intervals for time intervals in other resorts around the world.  During the year
ended  December  31,  1996,  the Company  acquired  from such  institutions  and
developers  approximately  $16.5 million of VOI Loans.  As of December 31, 1996,
the five largest developers  accounted for approximately  63.1% of the principal
amount  of the VOI Loans in the  Serviced  Portfolio,  and no  single  developer
accounted for more than 19.2%.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     (2) Portfolio Acquisitions
     Litchfield  also engages in the purchase of  portfolios  of seasoned  loans
from land dealers, resort developers and financial institutions.  Most purchases
are  from  land  dealers  and  resort  developers,  substantially  all of  which
guarantee  the loans  sold and from which the  Company  ordinarily  withholds  a
reserve.   Management  believes  that  the  portfolio   acquisition  program  is
attractive to land dealers and resort  developers  because it provides them with
liquidity to purchase additional inventory.

     Prior to purchasing such loans, Litchfield evaluates the credit and payment
history  of  each  borrower  in  accordance  with  the  Company's   underwriting
guidelines,   performs  a  sampling   of   borrower   interviews,   reviews  the
documentation  supporting the loans for  completeness and obtains an appropriate
opinion from local legal counsel.  Out of a land dealer's or resort  developer's
total portfolio,  Litchfield selects only individual loans which meet its credit
standards. In addition,  Litchfield evaluates the dealer's or developer's credit
references,  experience  and  financial  statements  and inspects a  substantial
portion of the dealer's inventory prior to approval.

     The Company,  from time to time, has acquired loan  portfolios from the RTC
and others secured by rural and vacation land. In evaluating the portfolios, the
Company  conducted its normal review of the  borrower's  documentation,  payment
history and underlying collateral. Although the Company was able to review loans
included in these portfolios,  the Company could not select individual loans for
purchase,  but rather had to purchase the entire portfolio offered.  The Company
adjusted its purchase price accordingly.

     (3) Dealer/Other Loans
     The Company extends loans to land dealers and resort developers  secured by
consumer receivables  (Hypothecation  Loans). During the year ended December 31,
1996,  the  Company  extended  or  acquired   approximately   $43.1  million  of
Hypothecation  Loans to land  dealers  and  resort  developers,  of which  $15.1
million,  or 35.0%, were secured by Land Loans and $28.0 million, or 65.0%, were
secured by VOI Loans.

     Hypothecation  Loans are  typically  extended  to land  dealers  and resort
developers  based  on  advance  rates  of 50% to  85% of the  eligible  consumer
receivables  which serve as collateral.  The Company's  Hypothecation  Loans are
typically  made at variable rates based on the prime rate of interest plus 3% to
5%. As of December  31,  1996,  the Company had $49.5  million of  Hypothecation
Loans outstanding, none of which were 90 days or more past due. As of such date,
the  largest  Hypothecation  Loan was $5.7  million  and the  average  principal
balance was $839,000.

     The Company also makes A&D Loans to dealers and developers with whom it has
an ongoing  relationships.  During the year ended December 31, 1996, the Company
made $25.1  million A&D Loans to land  dealers and resort  developers,  of which
$7.0 million,  or 27.9%, were secured by land and $18.1 million,  or 72.1%, were
secured by resorts under development.

     A&D Loans are  generally  extended to land  dealers  and resort  developers
based on loan to value ratios of 30% to 70% at variable rates based on the prime
rate plus 2% to 5%. As of December  31, 1996,  the Company had $25.1  million of
A&D Loans  outstanding,  none of which were 90 days or more past due. As of such
date,  the largest A&D Loan was $3.4 million and the average  principal  balance
was $652,000


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     The Company also makes other secured loans to dealers and  developers  with
whom it has an ongoing relationship.  In addition,  the Company acquired certain
secured  and  unsecured  loans in  connection  with the  GEICO  purchase.  As of
December  31,  1996,  the Company has $6.5  million of such loans  (collectively
referred to as "Other Loans") none of which were 90 days or more past due.

Geographic Distribution
Land Loans
     The Company's  portfolio of Land Loans is secured by property located in 34
states, primarily in the Eastern United States.

                       Number of Loans              Principal Amount of Loans   
                       ---------------              -------------------------   

                           December 31,              December 31,
                           ------------              ------------

                  1992  1993  1994  1995   1996    1992  1993  1994  1995   1996
                  ----  ----  ----  ----   ----    ----  ----  ----  ----   ----
Southwest          17%   18%   20%   23%   35%      14%   14%   19%   27%    27%
South              36    34    38    32    34       28    29    32    38     34
Mid-Wes            --     2     3     4     5       --     2     3     3      7
Mid-Atlantic       16    15    13    14     9       17    16    15    11     12
New York State     24    21    18    18    12       29    24    21    15     14
New England         7    10     8     9     5       12    15    10     6      6
                  ---   ---   ---   ---   ---      ---   ---   ---   ---    ---

         Total    100%  100%  100%  100%  100%     100%  100%  100%  100%   100%
                  ===   ===   ===   ===   ===      ===   ===   ===   ===    === 

VOI Loans

     The Company's  portfolio of VOI Loans is secured by property  located in 17

                       Number of Loans              Principal Amount of Loans   
                       ---------------              -------------------------   

                           December 31,              December 31,
                           ------------              ------------

                  1992  1993  1994  1995   1996    1992  1993  1994  1995   1996
                  ----  ----  ----  ----   ----    ----  ----  ----  ----   ----
South             100%    2%    7%   28%    24%    100%    2%    7%   28%    28%
Mid-West          ---   ---   ---    52     61     ---    ---   ---    53    55
Mid-Atlantic      ---    98    93    19     13     ---     98    93    16    15
New England       ---   ---   ---     1      2     ---    ---   ---     3     2
                  ---   ---   ---   ---    ---     ---    ---   ---   ---   ---
   Total          100%  100%  100%  100%  100%     100%  100%  100%  100%   100%
                  ===   ===   ===   ===   ===      ===   ===   ===   ===    === 


Loan Underwriting 

     Litchfield  has  established  loan  underwriting  criteria  and  procedures
designed to reduce credit losses on its portfolio. The loan underwriting process
includes  reviewing each borrower's credit history and, for land loans in excess
of  $50,000  and VOI  loans in  excess  of  $15,000,  verifying  employment  and
calculating   certain   debt-to-income   ratios.   In   addition,   Litchfield's
underwriting  staff  routinely  conducts  telephone  interviews  with a selected
sample of  borrowers.  The primary  focus of the  Company's  underwriting  is to
assess  the  likelihood  that the  borrower  will  repay  the loan as  agreed by
examining the  borrower's  credit  history  through  standard  credit  reporting


                                                                       FORM 10-K

bureaus.  In order to verify a  borrower's  employment  status,  the Company may
contact  the  applicant's  employer  or obtain  current  pay stubs or recent tax

     Litchfield's  loan policy is to purchase  Land and VOI Loans from $3,000 to
$50,000. On a case by case basis, the Company will also consider purchasing such
loans in excess of $50,000.  As of December 31,  1996,  the Company had 102 Land
Loans  exceeding  $50,000  representing  5.0% of the number of such loans in the
Serviced  Portfolio,  for a  total  of $8.1  million.  There  were no VOI  Loans
exceeding  $50,000 as of December 31, 1996.  The Company will  originate  Dealer
Loans up to $10.0  million.  All loans greater than $100,000 must be approved by
the  Credit  Committee  which  is  comprised  of the  Chief  Executive  Officer,
Executive  Vice  President,  a senior  Vice  President  and the Chief  Financial

Collections and Delinquencies

     Management  believes  that  the  relatively  low  delinquency  rate for the
Serviced  Portfolio  is  attributable   primarily  to  the  application  of  its
underwriting criteria, as well as to dealer guarantees and reserve requirements.
No assurance can be given that these  delinquency rates can be maintained in the

     Collection  efforts are managed and delinquency  information is analyzed at
the corporate headquarters.  Unless circumstances otherwise dictate,  collection
efforts are generally made by mail and telephone.  Collection efforts begin when
an account is five days past due, at which time the Company  attempts to contact
the borrower to determine the reason for the delinquency and to attempt to cause
the  account  to become  current.  If the  status of the  account  continues  to
deteriorate,  an analysis of that  delinquency  is undertaken by the  collection
supervisor to determine the  appropriate  action.  When the loan is 90 days past
due in accordance  with its original terms and it is determined that the amounts
cannot be collected  from the dealer or developer  guarantees  or reserves,  the
loan is generally placed on a non-accrual  status and the collection  supervisor
determines  the  action  to be  taken.  The  determination  of how to work out a
delinquent  loan is based upon many factors,  including the  borrower's  payment
history and the reason for the current  inability to make timely  payments.  The
Company has not  restructured a material number of problem loans.  When a dealer
program loan becomes 30 days past due, in addition to the  Company's  collection
procedures,  the Company also has the  assistance  of the dealer or developer in
collecting the loan.

     Regulations and practices  regarding the rights of the mortgagor in default
vary greatly from state to state. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the
Company collects late charges and  return-check  fees and records these items as
additional  revenue.  Only if a delinquency  cannot  otherwise be cured will the
Company decide that  foreclosure  is the  appropriate  course of action.  If the
Company  determines  that  purchasing a property  securing a mortgage  loan will
minimize the loss  associated with such defaulted loan, the Company may accept a
deed in lieu of foreclosure, take legal action to collect on the underlying note
or bid at the foreclosure sale for such property.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

Land Loans

     The following table shows the Company's  historic  delinquency rate, net of
dealer/developer  reserves  and  guarantees  for  Land  Loans  in  the  Serviced

                                          Year ended December 31,
                                      1992           1993           1994          1995             1996
                                      ----           ----           ----          ----             ----
Land Loans in Serviced  
 Portfolio                     $58,968,000    $77,258,000    $90,502,000   $97,266,000      $119,370,000
Delinquent Land Loans (1)          553,000        511,000        981,000     1,059,000         1,920,000
Delinquency as a
 percentage of Land
 Loans in Serviced Portfolio          0.94%          0.66%          1.08%        1.09%             1.61%

     (1) Delinquent loans are those which are 30 days or more past due which are
not covered by dealer/developer reserves or guarantees and not included in other
real estate owned.

VOI Loans

     The following table shows the Company's  historic  delinquency rate, net of
dealer/developer   reserves  and  guarantees  for  VOI  Loans  in  the  Serviced

                                           Year ended December 31,     
                                1992         1993            1994           1995          1996
                                ----         ----            ----           ----          ----
VOI Loans in Serviced 
Portfolio                   $300,000   $1,434,000      $2,851,000     $46,700,000   $43,284,000
Delinquent VOI Loans (1)         ---          ---             ---       1,958,000     1,316,000
Delinquency as a percentage
 of VOI Loans in Serviced
 Portfolio                       ---%          ---%           ---%           4.19%         3.04%

(1) Delinquent  loans are those which are 30 days or more past due which are not
covered by  dealer/developer  reserves or  guarantees  and not included in other
real estate owned.

     The  following is an analysis of the total  allowances  for all loan losses
owned and sold:

                                           Year ended December 31,     
                                1992         1993            1994           1995          1996
                                ----         ----            ----           ----          ----

Allowance, beginning of year  $299,000    $498,000      $1,064,000    $1,264,000    $3,715,000
Provision for loan losses      270,000     620,000         559,000       890,000     1,954,000
Net charge-offs of 
uncollectible accounts (1)    (179,000)   (493,000)       (359,000)     (946,000)   (1,965,000)
Allocation of purchase 
adjustment (2)                 108,000     439,000           ---       2,507,000       824,000
                              -------     -------      ----------    ----------    ----------

Allowance, end of year        $498,000  $1,064,000      $1,264,000    $3,715,000    $4,528,000 
                              ========  ==========      ==========    ==========    ========== 

(1) Net of  recoveries  of $20,000,  $10,000,  $47,000,  $11,000 and $310,000 in
1992,  1993,  1994, 1995 and 1996,  respectively. 

(2) Represents  allocation of purchase adjustment related to purchase of certain
non-guaranteed loans including the GEFCO portfolio in 1995.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

      The following is an analysis of net charge-offs by major loan and
collateral types experienced by the Company:


                                           Year ended December 31,     
                       1992          1993            1994           1995      1996
                       ----          ----            ----           ----      ----

Land Loans            $179,000    $493,000        $359,000      $546,000     $669,000
VOI loans                  ---         ---             ---        45,000    1,284,000
Dealer/Other Loans         ---         ---             ---       355,000       12,000
                     ---------    --------        --------      --------    ---------
                     $ 179,000    $493,000        $359,000      $946,000     $965,000
                     =========    ========        ========      ========    =========
Net charge-offs
as a percentage
of the average
Serviced Portfolio         .37%       .69%            .38%          .67%         .94%

     As  part  of  the  Company's   financing  of  Land  Loans  and  VOI  Loans,
arrangements are entered into with land dealers and resort  developers,  whereby
reserves are established to protect the Company from potential losses associated
with such loans.  As part of the Company's  agreement  with the land dealers and
resort developers,  a portion of the amount payable to them for a Land Loan or a
VOI Loan is retained by the  Company and is  available  to the Company to absorb
loan losses for those loans.  The Company  negotiates the amount of the reserves
with the land dealers and resort developers based upon various criteria,  two of
which are the financial  strength of the land dealers and resort  developers and
the credit risk associated with the loans being  purchased.  Dealer reserves for
Land Loans  amounted to  $6,112,000,  $6,420,000  and $7,556,000 at December 31,
1994, 1995 and 1996, respectively.  Developer reserves for VOI Loans amounted to
$463,000,  $3,224,000  and  $3,072,000  at  December  31,  1994,  1995 and 1996,
respectively. Historically, substantially all of the dealers and developers have
provided  personal and, when relevant,  corporate  guarantees to further protect
the Company from loss.

     Loan Servicing and Sales

     The  Company  retains  the right to  service  all the loans it  originates.
Servicing  includes  collecting  payments from borrowers,  remitting payments to
investors who have  purchased the loans,  accounting for principal and interest,
contacting delinquent borrowers and supervising  foreclosure and bankruptcies in
the event of unremedied  defaults.  Substantially all servicing results from the
origination  and  purchase  of loans by the  Company,  and the  Company  has not
historically  purchased  loan  servicing  rights except in  connection  with the
purchase  of  loans.  Servicing  rates  generally  approximate  .5% to 2% of the
principal balance of a loan.

     In connection with the Company's  continuing growth, the Company decided to
subcontract its servicing  rights in order to avoid incurring  additional  fixed
overhead  costs  associated  with  such  servicing.   Accordingly,  the  Company
subcontracted to an unaffiliated  third party the servicing of VOI Loans in 1995
and the remaining  loans in April 1996. The Company retains  responsibility  for
servicing all loans as master servicer.

     In 1990,  the  Company  began  privately  placing  issues  of  pass-through
certificates  evidencing an undivided  beneficial ownership interest in pools of
loans  which have been  transferred  to trusts.  The  principal  and part of the
interest  payments on the loans  transferred  to the trust are  collected by the
Company, as the servicer of the loan pool, remitted to the trust for the benefit
of the  investors,  and then  distributed  by the trust to the  investors in the
pass-through  certificates. 


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     As of December 31, 1996,  the Company has completed  private  placements of
pass-through certificate for a total of approximately $201.7 million,  including
securitizations  to  Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.) Capital  Markets,  Inc.
("ING"),  Cigna,  Teachers  Insurance  and Annuity  Association  and the Bank of
Boston. In certain of the Company's issues of pass-through certificates,  credit
enhancement  was achieved by dividing the issue into a senior  portion which was
sold to the  investors  and a  subordinated  portion  which was  retained by the
Company.  In  certain  other  of  the  Company's  private   placements,   credit
enhancement was achieved  through cash collateral.  If borrowers  default in the
payment  of  principal  or  interest  on the loans  underlying  these  issues of
pass-through  certificates,  losses would be absorbed first by the  subordinated
portion or cash collateral account retained by the Company and might, therefore,
have to be charged  against the  allowance  for loan losses to the extent dealer
guarantees and reserves are not available.

     The Company also has a revolving  line of credit and sale  facility as part
of  an  asset  backed   commercial   paper   facility   with   Holland   Limited
Securitization,  Inc. ("HLS"), a multi-seller  commercial paper issuer sponsored
by ING. In October  1996,  the  Company  amended  the  facility to increase  the
facility  to $100  million,  subject to  certain  terms and  conditions,  reduce
certain credit  enhancement  requirements  and expand  certain loan  eligibility
criteria. The facility expires in June 1998.

     In  connection  with the  facility,  the  Company  formed  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary,   Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994  ("LMSC"),  to
purchase  loans from the Company.  LMSC either  pledges the loans on a revolving
line of credit with HLS or sells the loans to HLS. HLS issues  commercial  paper
or other  indebtedness to fund the purchase or pledge of loans from LMSC. HLS is
not affiliated with the Company or its affiliates.  As of December 31, 1996, the
outstanding  balance  of loans  sold under this  facility  was  $77,521,000  and
outstanding  borrowings  under the line of credit were  $1,799,000.  Interest is
payable on the line of credit at an  interest  rate based on certain  commercial
paper rates.

     Marketing and Advertising

     The Company markets its program to rural land dealers and resort developers
through referrals, dealer and developer solicitation,  and targeted direct mail.
The Company employs four marketing executives based in Denver,  Colorado and six
marketing executives based in Stamford, Vermont. In the last 5 years the Company
has closed loans with over 250 different dealers and developers.

     Management  believes that the Company  benefits from name  recognition as a
result of its referral,  advertising and other marketing efforts. Referrals have
been the  strongest  source of new business for the Company and are generated in
the states in which the  Company  operates by dealers,  brokers,  attorneys  and
financial  institutions.  Management and marketing  representatives also conduct
seminars for dealers and brokers and attend trade shows to improve awareness and
understanding of the Company's programs.


     The Company is licensed as a mortgage banker in nine of the states in which
it operates,  and in those states its  operations  are subject to supervision by
state  authorities  (typically  state banking or consumer  credit  authorities).


                                                                       FORM 10-K

Expansion  into  other  states  may be  dependent  upon a finding  of  financial
responsibility,  character and fitness of the Company and various other matters.
The Company is generally subject to state regulations, examination and reporting
requirements,  and licenses are revocable  for cause.  The Company is subject to
state usury laws in all of the states in which it operates.

     The   Company's   consumer   finance   activities   are   subject   to  the
Truth-in-Lending Act. The Truth-in-Lending Act contains disclosure  requirements
designed to provide  consumers  with uniform,  understandable  information  with
respect to the terms and conditions of loans and credit transactions in order to
give them the  ability  to compare  credit  terms.  Failure  to comply  with the
requirements  of the  Truth-in-Lending  Act may give rise to a limited  right of
rescission  on the part of the  borrower.  The  Company  believes  that it is in
substantial  compliance in all material respects with the Truth-in-Lending  Act.

     The Company is also  required to comply with the Equal  Credit  Opportunity
Act of 1974, as amended ("ECOA"),  which prohibits creditors from discriminating
against  applicants  on the basis of race,  color,  sex, age or marital  status.
Regulation B promulgated  under ECOA restricts  creditors from obtaining certain
types of information from loan applicants.  It also requires certain disclosures
by  the  lender  regarding  consumer  rights  and  requires  lenders  to  advise
applicants  of the  reasons  for any  credit  denial.  In  instances  where  the
applicant is denied credit or the interest rate charged increases as a result of
information  obtained from a consumer credit agency,  another statute,  the Fair
Credit  Reporting  Act of 1970,  as amended,  requires the lenders to supply the
applicant with a name and address of the reporting agency.


     The  consumer  finance  business is highly  competitive,  with  competition
occurring  primarily on the basis of customer  service and the term and interest
rate of the loans.  Traditional  competitors  in the consumer  finance  business
include commercial banks, credit unions,  thrift institutions,  industrial banks
and  finance  companies,  many of which  have  considerably  greater  financial,
technical and marketing resources than the Company. As a result of consolidation
and the  failure  of certain  financial  institutions,  the number of  financial
institutions  is being reduced.  There can be no assurance that the Company will
not face  increased  competition  from remaining  institutions  or new financial

     The Company believes that it competes on the basis of providing competitive
rates and prompt,  efficient and complete service,  and by emphasizing  customer
service  on a timely  basis to  attract  borrowers  whose  needs  are not met by
traditional financial institutions.


     As of December 31, 1996, the Company had 57 full-time equivalent employees.
The Company's  employees are not covered by a collective  bargaining  agreement.
The Company considers its relations with its employees to be good.


                                                                       FORM 10-K
     Risk Factors

     General  Business  Risks.  The  Company's  business  is  subject to various
business risks. The level of the Company's revenues is dependent upon demand for
the type of loans originated,  purchased,  sold and serviced by the Company from
both potential  borrowers and investors.  Future declines in real estate values,
changes  in  prevailing  interest  rates  and  changes  in the  availability  of
attractive returns on alternative  investments each could make loans of the type
originated  and  purchased  by the Company  less  attractive  to  borrowers  and

     Funding  Sources.  The  Company  has an  ongoing  need for debt and  equity
financing  to fund its  lending and  purchasing  activities.  Historically,  the
Company has funded its  originations  and purchases of loans by borrowing  under
secured and unsecured lines of credit from unaffiliated financial  institutions.
As of December 31, 1996,  the Company had secured  lines of credit  totaling $50
million  with  three  financial  institutions,  of  which  all $50  million  was
available for borrowings, and $34.5 million of borrowings were outstanding.  Two
of these  lines  are  renewable  on an annual  basis  and the other  line has an
initial three-year term expiring in September 1999. The Company has also entered
into a  four-year  arrangement  expiring  in June  1998 with  another  financial
institution,  pursuant to which such  institution  has agreed to provide  credit
enhancements  and liquidity to facilitate  the sale by the Company of its loans.
Such  institution's  obligations  under this  arrangement  cannot  exceed $100.0
million at any one time.  The Company has sold  approximately  $98.5  million of
loans using this facility.  To the extent that the Company does not successfully
sell  its  loans  into  the  secondary  markets  and  maintain  line  of  credit
arrangements, it may have to curtail its loan purchasing activities, which could
have a material adverse effect on its operation.

     Impact of Economic Cycles. The business risks associated with the Company's
business  become  more acute in an economic  slowdown.  Such an  environment  is
generally  characterized  by decreased demand for rural and vacation real estate
and declining  real estate  values in many areas of the country.  Delinquencies,
foreclosures,  and loan losses generally  increase during economic  slowdowns or
recessions,  and  any  such  future  slowdowns  could  adversely  affect  future
operations of the Company.

     Prepayment   Risk.  A  significant   portion  of  the  Company's   revenues
historically  has been  comprised  of gains on sales of  loans.  The  gains  are
recorded  in the  Company's  revenues  and on its  balance  sheet (as an "excess
servicing asset") at the time of sale, and the amount of gains recorded is based
in part on certain  estimates made by management at that time.  Those  estimates
are based on  management's  expectations  of future  prepayment  rates and other
considerations.  If actual  prepayments with respect to loans occur more quickly
than was  projected at the time such loans were sold, as can occur when interest
rates  decline,  a charge to earnings will be taken in the period of adjustment.
If actual  prepayments  with  respect  to loans  sold  occur  more  slowly  than
estimated, the carrying value on the balance sheet of the excess servicing asset
would not  increase,  although  total income would exceed  previously  estimated

     Fluctuations in Quarterly Results of Operations.  A significant  portion of
the Company's  revenues consists of gains recognized upon sales of loans.  Thus,
the timing of loan sales has a significant  effect on the  Company's  results of
operations,  and the results of one quarter are not  necessarily  indicative  of
results for the next quarter.

     Contingent  Repurchase  Obligations.   In  connection  with  the  Company's
practice of selling whole loans to investors,  the Company  generally commits to
repurchase such loans that become 90 days past due. These contingent obligations


                                                                       FORM 10-K

are  subject to  various  terms and  conditions,  including  limitations  on the
amounts of loans  which must be  repurchased.  The Company  also has  guaranteed
payment of loans included in certain of its mortgage securitization programs. As
of  December  31,  1996,  the  Company  had  outstanding  contingent  repurchase
obligations in the aggregate amount of approximately $8.4 million.  In addition,
when the Company  sells loans  through  mortgage  securitization  programs,  the
Company commits to replace any loans that do conform to certain  representations
and  warranties  included  in the  operative  loans  sale  documents.  Also,  in
connection with certain securitization programs $18.9 million of restricted cash
represent accounts established as credit enhancements as of December 31, 1996.

     Dependence on Senior  Management.  The Company's  success  depends upon the
continued  contributions  of its  senior  management.  The loss of  services  of
certain of the Company's  executive  officers  could have an adverse effect upon
the Company's  business.  The Company maintains key man insurance on the life of
one member of its senior  management,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  President
Richard A. Stratton.

     Significant Influence of Certain Stockholders.  As of January 31, 1997, the
executive officers and directors of the Company  beneficially owned 16.4% of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock.  Accordingly,  such persons, if they were to
act in concert, would have significant influence on the Company.

     Regulation.  The  operations  of  the  Company  are  subject  to  extensive
regulation by federal, state and local government authorities and are subject to
various  laws  and  judicial  and  administrative   decisions  imposing  various
requirements and restrictions,  including among other things,  regulating credit
granting  activities,  establishing  maximum interest rates and finance charges,
requiring  disclosures to customers,  governing secured transactions and setting
collection,   repossession  and  claims  handling  procedures  and  other  trade
practices. In addition,  certain states have enacted legislation which restricts
the  subdivision  of rural land and numerous  states have enacted  regulation in
connection with vacation ownership interests. Although the Company believes that
it is in compliance in all material  respects with applicable  local,  state and
federal  laws,  rules  and  regulations,  there  can be no  assurance  that more
restrictive  laws, rules and regulations will not be adopted in the future which
could make compliance  much more difficult or expensive,  restrict the Company's
ability to  originate  or sell loans,  further  limit or restrict  the amount of
interest and other  charges  earned under loans  originated  or purchased by the
Company, or otherwise adversely affect the business or prospects of the Company.
     Environmental  Liabilities.  In the course of its business, the Company has
acquired,  and may in the  future  acquire,  properties  securing  loans  it has
arranged that are in default.  Although substantially all of the Company's loans
are secured by mortgages on rural land and VOIs,  there is a risk that hazardous
substances or waste could be discovered on such properties after  foreclosure by
the  Company.  In such  event,  the  Company  might be  required  to remove such
substances from the affected properties at its sole cost and expense.  There can
be no assurances  that the cost of such removal would not  substantially  exceed
the value of the affected  properties or the loans secured by the  properties or
that the Company would have adequate  remedies  against the prior owner or other
responsible  parties,  or that  the  Company  would  not  find it  difficult  or
impossible to sell the affected properties either prior to or following any such


     Collection and Delinquency  Risks  Associated with VOI Loans. The Company's
collection  of  payments  due under the VOI Loans is subject  to  certain  risks
associated with VOI ownership.  Although  individual VOI owners are obligated to
make  payments  under their notes  irrespective  of any defect in, damage to, or
change in conditions of the vacation  resort (such as erosion,  construction  on
adjacent or nearby  properties,  or environmental  problems) or of any breach of
contract by the property owners  association to provide certain  services to the
VOI borrowers  (including  any such breach  resulting  from a destruction of the
resort) or of any other loss of  benefits  of  ownership  of their unit  week(s)
(including  cessation  of the ability of the  borrowers  to exchange  their time
intervals in the resort for time intervals in other unaffiliated  resorts),  any
such material defect, damage, change, breach of contract, or loss of benefits is
likely to result in a delay in payment or default by a substantial number of the
borrowers  whose  VOIs are  affected.  In  addition,  the  Company  relies  upon
unaffiliated  third parties to market VOIs and to resell VOIs securing defaulted
loans. If such third parties were to cease its sales and resales efforts, either
voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  and the Company  were  unable to make  suitable
arrangements with a successor marketer, the ability of the Company to realize on
defaulted loans might be substantially diminished.  The costs of foreclosure and
resale of unit weeks  securing  defaulted  loans are likely to be  substantially
higher than such costs in the  traditional  mortgages,  and this may  materially
affect the amounts  realized by the  Company on  defaulted  loans in the best of
circumstances. Such marketing companies are entitled to sales and commission.
     Competition.  The financing of VOI loans is highly  competitive and many of
the  Company's  competitors  have  greater  financial  resources.   The  Company
generally targets mature, small resorts with completed amenities and established
property owners  associations.  The Company believes that financing of such VOIs
is  typically  fragmented  and less  competitive.  Nonetheless,  there can be no
assurance that the Company's strategy will be successful.


     The Company owns an aggregate of approximately 13,000 square feet of office
space in Stamford,  Vermont,  which is used as the Company's  headquarters.  The
Company also occupies an aggregate of approximately  5,100 square feet of office
space in Lakewood,  Colorado, pursuant to a lease expiring in January 1998, with
an option to renew until 2001,  providing for an annual rental of  approximately
$40,000, including utilities and exterior maintenance expenses.


     The Company is not a party to any material legal proceedings.




                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                   PART II


     The Company's common stock is traded on The Nasdaq Stock Market's  National
Market  under the symbol  "LTCH." At March 11,  1997,  there were  approximately
1,500 holders of record of the  registrants  common  stock.  Common Stock Market
Prices and  Dividends on page 25 of the Annual  Report to  Stockholders  for the
year ended December 31, 1996 is incorporated herein by reference.


     The Selected  Consolidated  Financial  Information  on pages 2 and 3 of the
Annual  Report  of  stockholders  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1996  is
incorporated herein by reference.


     The Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations on pages 4 through 10 of the Annual Report of Stockholders for the
year ended December 31, 1996 is incorporated herein by reference.


     The consolidated  financial  statements and report of independent  auditors
included  on pages 11 through 27 of the Annual  Report of  Stockholders  for the
year ended December 31, 1996 is incorporated herein by reference.




                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                  PART III


     The  information  contained  on pages 4 through 7 of  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 27, 1997, with respect to directors
and executive  officers of the Company,  is incorporated  herein by reference in
response to this item.


     The  information  contained on pages 8 through 13 of  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 27, 1997, with respect to executive
compensation and transactions,  is incorporated  herein by reference in response
to this item.


     The  information  contained  on pages 2 through 4 of  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 27, 1997,  with respect to security
ownership of certain beneficial owners and management, is incorporated herein by
reference in response to this item.


     The information  contained on page 7 of Litchfield Financial  Corporation's
Proxy Statement dated March 27, 1997, with respect to certain  relationships and
transactions, is incorporated herein by reference in response to this item.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                   PART IV


(a)(1) Financial Statements
     The following  consolidated  financial  statements of Litchfield  Financial
Corporation and subsidiaries, included in the annual report of the registrant to
its  stockholders  for the year ended  December  31,  1996 are  incorporated  by
reference in Item 8:
     Consolidated balance sheets - December 31, 1996 and 1995
     Consolidated statements of income - Years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and
     Consolidated  statements of stockholders' equity - Years ended December 31,
            1996, 1995 and 1994
     Consolidated statements of cash flows - Years ended December 31, 1996, 1995
            and 1994
     Notes to consolidated financial statements - December 31, 1996

   (2) Financial statement schedules
     All  schedules  for which  provision is made in the  applicable  accounting
regulation of the Securities and Exchange  Commission are not required under the
related instructions or are inapplicable and therefore have been omitted.

     (3) Listing of Exhibits
          A.  Exhibits Incorporated by Reference.

     (i) The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  herein by reference to the
     Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (No. 33-44915),  as amended,
     filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (exhibit  numbers
     indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits originally filed with
     such  Registration  Statement)  (No.  33-44915):

     3.1 Restated Articles of Organization of the Company.

     3.2 Restated By-Laws of the Company.

     10.1   1990 Stock  Option  Plan  adopted  and  approved on May 30, 1990 and
            form of Stock Option Agreement

     10.2   Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of November 21, 1988.

     10.28  Pooling and Trust Agreement  dated as of  December 31, 1990  between
            the Company and State Street  Bank and Trust Company of Connecticut,
            N.A., as trustee of Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II.

     10.29  Servicing  Agreement  dated  December 31, 1990 between  State Street
            Bank  and  Trust  Company  of  Connecticut,   N.A.,  as  trustee  of
            Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II, and the Company.

                                                                       FORM 10-K

     10.30  Purchase  Agreement  dated  December  31,  1990 with  respect to the
            sale  of  Mortgage  Pass  Through   Certificates  Series  1990-2  by
            Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II.

     10.31  Class B  and  Class  B-1  Purchase  Agreement  dated   December  31,
            1990 with respect to the sale of Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificate
            Series 1990-2 by Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II.
     10.35  Pooling  and Trust  Agreement  as of December  20, 1991  between the
            Company  and  James  C.   Farrington,   as  trustee  of   Litchfield
            Financial Mortgage Trust V.
     10.36  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of  December  14,  1991  between  the
            Company  and  James  C.   Farrington,   as  trustee  of   Litchfield
            Financial Mortgage Trust V.
     10.37  Purchase  Agreement  dated  December  20,  1991 with  respect to the
            sale  of  Mortgage   Pass-Through   Certificates  Series  1991-1  of
            Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust V.
     10.38  Class B Purchase  Agreement  dated December 20, 1991 with respect to
            the sale of  Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates  Series  1991-1 of
            Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust V.
     10.48   Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan dated February 18, 1992.
            (ii) The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  by reference to
            the  Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (No.  33-52390),
            as  amended,  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
            (exhibit  numbers  indicated  below  correspond  to  those  exhibits
            originally filed with such Registration Statement No. 33-52390):

      4.1   Form of  Indenture  pursuant  to which the  Company's  10% Notes due
            2002 were issued.
      4.2   Form of 10% Note due 2002.
     10.51  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of March 31, 1992 among
            the  Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  I, and
            Thomas P.  McHugh,  Esquire,  as  trustee  of  Litchfield  Financial
            Mortgage Trust VII.
     10.57  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of  September  14, 1992
            among  the  Company,   Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation
            1992-2,   and  the  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,   N.A.,  as  trustee  of
            Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust 1992-2.
     10.58  Mortgage  Purchase  Agreement dated as of September 24, 1992 between
            the Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities  Corporation 1992-2.

            (iii) The following  exhibits are  incorporated  by reference to the
            Company's  annual  report on Form 10-K for the year  ended  December
            31,  1992 as  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
            (exhibit  numbers  indicated  below  correspond  to  those  used for
            exhibits originally filed with such annual report on Form 10-K):

     10.59  Second Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan.
     10.61  Mortgage  Purchase  Agreement dated as of March 19, 1993 between the
            Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation I.
     10.62  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  dated  as  of February  23, 1993
            among the Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation I,
            and Thomas P. McHugh,  Esquire,  as trustee of Litchfield  Financial
            Mortgage Trust 1993-1.

     (iv) The following  exhibits are incorporated by reference to the Company's
          Registration   Statement No. 33-60788,  as  amended,  filed   with the
          Securities   and  Exchange   Commission   (exhibit  numbers  indicated
          below  correspond   to    those  exhibits   originally filed with such
          Registration Statement  No. 33- 60788):

     4.3  Form of Indenture  pursuant to which the  Company's 8 7/8% Notes due
          2003 were issued.
     4.4  Form of 8 7/8% Note due 2003.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     (v)  The  following   exhibits are   incorporated   by   reference  to  the
          Company's annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
          1993 as filed with the  Securities and  Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
          numbers   indicated   below   correspond   to those used for  exhibits
          originally  filed with such annual report on Form 10-K)

   10.64 Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of  August 27,  1993,   among
         the Company,  Litchfield Mortgage  Securities  Corporation and   Harris
         Trust  and  Savings  Bank,  as  Trustee  of  the  Litchfield  Financial
         Mortgage Trust 1993-2.

   10.65 Mortgage  Purchase    Agreement,   dated  as  of  September  28,  1993,
         between the Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation.

   10.66 Pooling   and   Servicing  Agreement,  dated as of November  30,  1993,
         among  the  Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation and
         Harris   Trust  and   Savings   Bank,  as  Trustee  of  the  Litchfield
         Financial Mortgage Trust 1993-3.

   10.67 Mortgage   Purchase   Agreement,   dated   as  of  December  21,  1993,
         between  the  Company  and Litchfield Mortgage  Securities Corporation
         (vi) The  following   exhibits are    incorporated  by reference to the
         Company's  Registration   Statement No. 33-89488,  as  amended,   filed
         with  the  Securities   and  Exchange     Commission  (exhibit  numbers
         indicated  below   correspond  to those exhibits  originally filed with
         such Registration Statement No. 33- 89488):

   4.5   Form of  Indenture  pursuant  to  which  the   Company's  10% Notes due
         2004 were issued.

   4.6   Form of 10% Note due 2004.

   10.68 Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement,  dated   as of  June 1, 1994,  among
         the  Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation 1994, and
         The Chase  Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.

   10.69 Series  Trust  Agreement,    dated as of June 16,  1994,   between  the
         Company,  Litchfield Mortgage  Securities   Corporation 1994, and   The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.

   10.70 Mortgage Purchase Agreement,  dated as of    June 16, 1994, between the
         Company and   Litchfield   Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994.

   10.71 Pledge and    Collateral Agency  Agreement,  dated as of June 16, 1994,
         among  the   Company,     Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation
         1994,  Internationale    Nederlanden   (U.S.) Finance  Corporation  and
         The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.

   10.72 Sinking Fund  Account   Agreement,   dated  as of June 16, 1994,  among
         the   Company,    Internationale     Nederlanden    (U.S.)      Finance
         Corporation,  The  Chase   Manhattan   Bank,  N.A.  and  Internationale
         Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets.

   10.73 Rate  Stabilization   Agreement,  dated  as  of June 16, 1994,  between
         the   Company  and    Internationale    Nederlanden    (U.S.)   Finance

   10.74 Series  Trust  Agreement,   dated  as  September  27,  1994,  among the
         Company  Litchfield   Mortgage   Securities  Corporation 1994, and  The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.

   10.75 Mortgage  Purchase  Agreement,  dated  as  of  September   27,    1994,
         between  the  Company and  Litchfield Mortgage  Securities  Corporation

   10.76 Pledge and Collateral  Agency  Agreement,  dated  as  of  September 27,
         1994,   among   the      Company,    Litchfield   Mortgage   Securities
         Corporation   1994,      Internationale   Nederlanden   (U.S.)  Finance
         Corporation  and    The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,  as  collateral

   10.77 Sinking  Fund   Account   Agreement,  dated as of  September  27, 1994,
         among   the   Company,    Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.)  Finance
         Corporation,    The Chase   Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.  and  Internationale
         Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets.

   10.78 Rate   Stabilization  Agreement,    dated  as of  September  27,  1994,
         between  the   Company and  Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.) Finance

                                                                       FORM 10-K

   10.79 Pooling and Servicing Agreement,  dated   as  of August 31, 1994, among
         the Company,  Litchfield Mortgage    Securities  Corporation and Thomas
         P. McHugh, Esquire, as trustee.

   10.80 Mortgage Purchase Agreement,     dated as of September 12, 1994 between
         the Company and  Litchfield   Mortgage  Securities Corporation.

   10.81 Lease,  dated as of  February  1, 1995,   between  the  Company and Fox
         Point Property L.L.C.

   10.84 Employment  Agreement,   date as of  December  23,  1994,   between the
         Company and Wayne M. Greenholtz.

   10.85 Third Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan.

         (vii) The  following   exhibits  are  incorporated  by reference to the
         Company's  annual   report  on  Form 10-K for the year  ended  December
         31,  1994 as  filed   with  the   Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
         (exhibit   numbers   indicated  below   correspond  to  those  used for
         exhibits originally filed with such annual report on Form 10-K)

   10.91 Series Trust  Agreement,   dated as of December  28,  1994,   among the
         Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage   Securities  Corporation 1994, and  The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.

   10.92 Mortgage  Purchase  Agreement,   dated as of December 28, 1994, between
         the  Company  and  Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994.

   10.93 Certificate   Purchase  Agreement,   dated  as of  December  28,  1994,
         among   Litchfield    Mortgage    Securities   Corporation   1994,  the
         Company,  Holland  Limited   Securitizations,  Inc., and Internationale
         Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets.

   10.94 Pledge and   Collateral   Agency   Agreement,  dated as of December 28,
         1994,   among   the     Company,    Litchfield    Mortgage   Securities
         Corporation   1994,  Holland   Limited   Securitization,  Inc.  and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.

   10.95 Sinking  Fund  Account   Agreement,   dated as  of December  28,  1994,
         among  the  Company,   Holland Limited Securitization,  Inc., The Chase
         Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.  and  Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital

   10.97 Amendment  No. 1 to  Pooling  and   Servicing  Agreement,   dated as of
         December   1,  1994,    among  the     Company,   Litchfield   Mortgage
         Securities  Corporation  1994, and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,
         as trustee.

   10.98 Amendment  No. 1  to  Series   Trust  Agreement  Dated  June 16,  1994,
         dated   as of   December  28,  1994,  among   the  Company,  Litchfield
         Mortgage   Securities   Corporation  1994,   and  The  Chase  Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as trustee.

   10.99 Amendment   to Sinking Fund  Account   Agreement  (Litchfield  Mortgage
         Trust  1994-1),   dated as of  December 28,   1994,  among the Company,
         Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.) Finance    Corporation,  The Chase
         Manhattan   Bank,  N.A.,   Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.) Capital

  10.100 Amendment  No.  1  to  Series  Trust   Agreement   Dated  September 27,
         1994,  dated as  of December 28 , 1994,  among the Company,  Litchfield
         Mortgage   Securities   Corporation  1 994,  and  The  Chase  Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as trustee.

  10.101 Amendment   to   Sinking   Fund     Account    Agreement    (Litchfield
         Mortgage   Trust   1994-2),   dated as of December 28, 1994,  among the
         Company,   Internationale   Nederlanden   (U.S.)  Finance  Corporation,
         The  Chase  Manhattan Bank, N.A.,   Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.)
         Capital Markets.

  10.102 Indenture,  dated    as of    January  9,  1995,    between  Litchfield
         Residual   Securities   Corporation  and   The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,
         N.A., as note trustee.

  10.103 Note  Purchase  Agreement,    dated   as of   January  9,  1995,  among
         Litchfield   Residual   Securities  Corporation,   Connecticut  General
         Life   Insurance   Company   and  Connecticut  General  Life  Insurance
         Company on behalf of one or more accounts.

  10.104 10.43% Secured Notes, due May 1, 2024.

  10.105 Agreement  and  Certificate,   dated as  of January 9,   1995,  between
         the  Company  and the  Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as Note Trustee.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

  10.106 Amendment  No.    1  to  Pooling    and   Trust  Agreement,   dated  as
         January 6,   1995,   among the  Company,  State  Street  Bank and Trust
         Company  of    Connecticut,   National  Association,  as  trustee,  and
         those Certificateholders on the signature pages thereto.

  10.107 Amendment  No. 1   to Servicing    Agreement,    dated as of January 6,
         1995,  among the  Company,  State     Street Bank and Trust  Company of
         Connecticut,   National      Association,   as   trustee,   and   those
         Certificateholders on the signature pages thereto.

 10.108  Amendment  No. 1 to   Pooling  and  Trust     Agreement,  dated   as of
         January  6,  1995,     among  the  Company,  James  C.  Farrington,  as
         trustee,  and  those     Certificateholders   on  the  signature  pages

 10.109  Intercreditor   Agreement,    dated   as  of   January  9,   1995,   in
         connection   with  the   Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust 1994-1,  among the
         Chase  Manhattan  Bank,   N.A.,  as trustee   under an  Indenture,  the
         Chase Manhattan Bank,   N.A.,  as  collateral  agent under a Pledge and
         Collateral  Agency   Agreement  for   the   benefit  of  Internationale
         Nederlanden   (U.S.)  Finance   Corporation,  The Chase Manhattan Bank,
         N.A., as agent there  under and the Company.

 10.110  Mortgage  Loan  Pledge   Agreement,   dated  as  of January 9, 1995, in
         connection  with  the   Litchfield   Mortgage  Trust 1994-1,  among the
         Company,   Internationale   Nederlanden   (U.S.)  Finance  Corporation,
         and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.

 10.111  Amendment   No.  1  to   Pledge   and  Collateral   Agency   Agreement,
         dated  as of January   9,   1995,  in  connection  with the  Litchfield
         Mortgage  Trust  1994-1,  among   the   Company,   Litchfield  Mortgage
         Securities  Corporation   1994,   Internationale    Nederlanden  (U.S.)
         Finance   Corporation,    and  The  Chase   Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,  as
         collateral agent.

 10.112  Amendment  No.  1   Rate   Stabilization   Agreement,   dated   as  of
         January 9, 1995, in connection     with the  Litchfield  Mortgage Trust
         1994-1,   between  the  Company,     and   Internationale   Nederlanden
         (U.S.) Finance Corporation.

 10.113  Intercreditor  Agreement,   dated   as  of  January,   9,   1995,    in
         connection    with the   Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust 1994-2,  among The
         Chase    Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,  s  trustee  under an  Indenture,  The
         Chase Manhattan Bank,   N.A.,  as  collateral  agent under a Pledge and
         Collateral  Agency   Agreement  for   the  benefit   of  Internationale
         Nederlanden  (U.S.)   Finance  Corporation  and  The  Chase   Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.

 10.114  Mortgage  Loan  Pledge  Agreement,   dated as of  January 9,  1995,  in
         connection   with the    Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust 1994-2,  among the
         Company,   Internationale  Nederlanden    (U.S.)  Finance  Corporation,
         and  The  Chase   Manhattan  Bank,  N.A., as agent  thereunder  and the

 10.115  Amendment  No.  1  to    Pledge   and  Collateral   Agency   Agreement,
         dated as  of January  9,  1995,   in   connection  with the  Litchfield
         Mortgage  Trust   1994-2,  among  the  Company,    Litchfield  Mortgage
         Securities    Corporation   1994,  Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.)
         Finance   Corporation,   and   The  Chase   Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,  as
         collateral agent.

 10.116  Amendment  No. 1 Rate  Stabilization  Agreement, dated as of January 9,
         1995, in connection with the Litchfield Mortgage Trust 1994-2,  between
         the Company and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation.

 10.117  Certificate  Purchase Agreement (for Litchfield Mortgage Trust 1994-1),
         dated as of January  26, 1995,  among  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities
         Corporation 1994, the Company, Holland Limited  Securitizations,  Inc.,
         and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets.

 10.118  Certificate  Purchase Agreement (for Litchfield Mortgage Trust 1994-2),
         dated as of January 26,  1995,  among  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities
         Corporation 1994, the Company, Holland Limited  Securitizations,  Inc.,
         and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets.

 10.119  Amended and Restated  Pledge and  Collateral   Agency  Agreement Dated 
         June 16,  1994,  dated as  of January  26,  1995,  among  the  Company,
         Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994,  Holland  Limited 
         Securitization, Inc., and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral

 10.120  Amendment No. 1 to Mortgage Loan Pledge Agreement(Litchfield  Mortgage
         Trust  1994-1), dated as of January 26,1995, among the Company, Holland
         Limited  Securitization,  Inc.,  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,
         as collateral agent.

                                                                       FORM 10-K

 10.121  Amendment No. 2 to Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of January
         26,1995, among the Company, Litchfield  Mortgage Securities Corporation
         1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.

 10.122  Amendment  No. 2 to Series Trust  Agreement Dated June 16, 1994,  dated
         as  of  January  26,  1995,  among  the  Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage
         Securities  Corporation  1994,  and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank, N.A.,
         as trustee.

 10.123  Amended and  Restated Pledge and  Collateral  Agency  Agreement   Dated
         September 27, 1994,  dated as of January 26, 1995,  among the  Company,
         Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994,   Holland  Limited
         Securitization, Inc., and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral

 10.124  Amendment No. 1 to Mortgage Loan Pledge Agreement (Litchfield  Mortgage
         Trust 1994-2), dated as of January 26, 1995, among the Company, Holland
         Limited  Securitization,   Inc.,  and  The  Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.,
         as collateral agent.

 10.125  Amendment No. 2  to Series Trust Agreement  Dated  September 27,  1994,
         dated as of January 26, 1995,  among the Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage
         Securities  Corporation  1994,  and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank, N.A.,
         as trustee.

  (iii)   The  following  exhibits   are   incorporated   by  reference  to  the
          Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30,
          1995 as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
          numbers   indicated  below  correspond  to  those  used  for  exhibits
          originally filed with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q) 10.126 Asset
          Purchase   Agreement   dated  as of  March 30,  1995   between   GEICO
          Corporation,    Government  Employees  Financial  Corporation,   GEICO
          Financial  Services,  Inc.,   GEICO Financial  Company,  Willow Valley
          Associates,  LTD.,  Variproperties,   Inc. as sellers  and  Litchfield
          Financial   Corporation   as   purchaser    (excluding   exhibits  and

   10.127 Litchfield  Financial   Corporation   1995    Stock  Option  Plan  for
          Non-Employee Directors.

   10.128 Sale and  Servicing  Agreement   dated  as of March 22,  1995  between
          Litchfield   Timeshare   Securities    Corporation  as  depositor  and
          Litchfield   Financial   Corporation    as  servicer  and   Litchfield
          Timeshare Trust 1995-1.

   10.129 Amended and  Restated   Sale  and   Servicing   Agreement  dated as of
          March 22, 1995 between Litchfield  Timeshare   Securities  Corporation
          as depositor and  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation   as servicer and
          Litchfield Timeshare Trust 1995-1.

   10.130 Litchfield  Timeshare  Trust   1995-1  Trust   Agreement  dated  as of
          March 22, 1995 between  Litchfield  Timeshare  Securities  Corporation
          1995-1 and the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. as trustee.

   10.131 Amended and  Restated  Litchfield   Timeshare   Trust   1995-1   Trust
          Agreement  dated as of March 22, 1995   between  Litchfield  Timeshare
          Securities  Corporation  1995-1 and  the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. as

   10.132 Loan  and   Security    Agreement    between    Litchfield   Financial
          Corporation  and the First  National  Bank of Boston as amended in the
          principal  amount of  $15,000,000   under the revolving line of credit
          promissory note.

   10.133 Litchfield  Timeshare      Trust 1995-1 Class A Certificates  Purchase
          Agreement   dated  April   27,  1995  between   Litchfield   Timeshare
          Securities  Corporation   1995-1 as  depositor,  Litchfield  Financial
          Corporation as initial servicer,   and Teachers  Insurance and Annuity
          Association of America as purchaser.

   10.134 Litchfield  Timeshare   Trust  1995-1  Class A  Certificates  Purchase
          Agreement    dated  June  22,  1995   between   Litchfield   Timeshare
          Securities  Corporation   1995-1  as depositor,  Litchfield  Financial
          Corporation as initial servicer,   and Teachers  Insurance and Annuity
          Association of America as purchaser.

   10.135 Subservicing  Agreement   between   Concord   Servicing   Corporation,
          Litchfield  Financial  Corporation,  and  Litchfield  Timeshare  Trust
          1995-1, as amended.

                                                                       FORM 10-K

   (ix)  The  following      exhibits  are  incorporated  by  reference  to  the
         Company's   quarterly    report  on Form  10-Q  for the  quarter  ended
         September   30,  1995 as    filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
         Commission   (exhibit  numbers    indicated  below  correspond to those
         used for   exhibits   originally  filed with such  quarterly  report on
         Form 10-Q)

  10.136 Receivables   Financing   facility   extended   by   Holland    Limited
         Securitization,  Inc.  and  Internationale   Nederlanden (U.S.) capital
         Markets,   Inc.,  to  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation and Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994 dated September 29, 1995.


   B.  Exhibits Filed with this Report on Form 10-K.

   The following exhibits are filed herewith:

   10.137 Amended and Restated   Employment  Agreement,    dated  as of July 19,
          1996, between the Company and Richard A. Stratton.

   10.138 Amended and Restated  Employment Agreement, dated as of July 19, 1996,
          between the Company and Heather A. Sica.

   10.139 Employment  Agreement,  dated  as  of July  19,    1996,  between  the
          Company and Ronald E. Rabidou.

   10.140 Commercial   Security   Agreement  dated  as of July 23, 1996,  in the
          principal  amount of $5,000,000  between the Company and  BSB Bank and
          Trust Co.

   10.141 Promissory  Note,  dated  as of  July  23,  1996 ,  in  the  principal
          amount of $5,000,000  between the Company and BSB Bank and Trust Co.

   10.142 Loan  Agreement,   dated as of  September 13,   1996, in the principal
          amount of $15,000,000 between the Company and Bank of Scotland.

   10.143 Pledge  Agreement,   dated  as of   September  13,  1996   between the
          Company and Bank of Scotland.

   10.144 Security  Agreement,  dated  as of   September   13,  1996 between the
          Company and Bank of Scotland.

   10.145 Amendment No. 1 to Receivable    Purchase  Agreement   dated September
          29,  1995,   dated  as  of  December  18,  1995  among  the  Company,
          Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994,  Holland Limited
          Securities,   Inc.  and  Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.)  Capital
          Markets, Inc.

   10.146 Amendment No. 1 to Receivable   Loan  and  Security   Agreement  dated
          September 29, 1995,  dated as of December 18, 1995  among the Company,
          Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation   1994,  Holland Limited
          Securities,   Inc.  and  Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.)  Capital
          Markets, Inc.

   10.147 Amendment No. 2 to Receivable   Purchase  Agreement  dated   September
          29,  1995,  dated  as  of  September  27,  1996   among  the  Company,
          Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation   1994,  Holland Limited
          Securities,   Inc.  and  Internationale   Nederlanden  (U.S.)  Capital
          Markets, Inc.

   10.148 Amendment No. 2 to  Receivable   Loan and  Security   Agreement  dated
          September  29,  1995,  dated  as of  September  27,   1996  among  the
          Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities   Corporation 1994, Holland
          Limited  Securities,   Inc.  and   Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.)
          Capital Markets, Inc.

   10.149 Revolving  Credit  Note,   dated  as of   April  26,   1996,   in  the
          principal  amount of  $20,000,000   between  the Company and the First
          National Bank of Boston.

   10.150 Revolving  Credit   Note,  dated as of   October    26,  1996,  in the
          principal  amount  of  $10,000,000   between  the  Company  and  Fleet

   10.151 Promissory  Note,   dated as  of January 23, 1997,    in the principal
          amount of $8,000,000 between the Company and BSB Bank and Trust Co.

   11.1   Statement Re: Computation of Earnings per Share.
   13.1   Annual Report to Stockholders for the Year Ended December 31, 1996.
   21.1   List of Subsidiaries.
   23.1   Consent of Independent Auditors.
   27.1   Financial Data Schedule

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K



                                                                       FORM 10-K

(c) Exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K

    Such exhibits are either filed herewith or  incorporated  by  reference,  as
    described above.

(d) Financial Statement Schedules.

    All schedules  for  which   provision is made in the  applicable  accounting
    regulation  of the   Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  are not required
    under the related   instructions  or are   inapplicable  and therefore  have
    been omitted.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this  report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


/s/ Richard A. Stratton  
- ------------------------------------                                  
Chief Executive Officer and Director
March 26, 1997

/s/ Ronald E. Rabidou         
- ------------------------------------                            
Chief Financial Officer
March 26, 1997

/s/ Norah K. Bresett    
- -------------------------------------                                     
Chief Accounting Officer and Controller
March 26, 1997

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  this
report  has been  signed  below by the  following  persons  on  behalf of the
registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

/s/ John Costa                          /s/Heather Sica   
- ---------------------------             -------------------------------------   
JOHN COSTA                              HEATHER A. SICA
Director                                Executive Vice President and Director
March 26, 1997                          March 26, 1997

/s/ Donald R. Dion, Jr                  /s/ Richard  A. Stratton   
- ---------------------------             -------------------------------------   
DONALD R. DION, JR.                     RICHARD A. STRATTON
Director                                Chief Executive Officer and Director
March 26, 1997                          March 26, 1997

/s/ David J. Ferrari                    /s/ James Westra       
- ---------------------------             -------------------------------------   
DAVID J. FERRARI                        JAMES WESTRA
Director                                Director
March 26, 1997                          March 26, 1997

/s/ Gerald Segel 
- ---------------------------                                             
March 26, 1997


                                                                       FORM 10-K
                                                                  Exhibit 10.137


     AGREEMENT  entered  into as of the 19th day of July,  1996,  by and between
Litchfield Financial Corporation,  a Massachusetts  corporation (the "Company"),
and Richard A. Stratton,  an individual residing in Williamstown,  Massachusetts
(the "Executive").

     WHEREAS,   the  Company  and  the  Executive  originally  entered  into  an
Employment  Agreement,  dated as of  November  21, 1988 in  connection  with the
initial financing of the Company (the "Employment Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  and the  Executive  entered  into an  Amendment  to
Employment  Agreement,  dated as of  January  1, 1992 (the  "Amendment"),  which
Amendment  increased  the term,  changed  the base  salary and changed the bonus
arrangement; and

     WHEREAS, the Company and the Executive entered into an Amended and Restated
Employment Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1994 (the "Restated Agreement");

     WHEREAS,  the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors  determined
that it is in the best interest of the Company to amend and restate the Restated
Agreement further to increase the term, to change the base salary, to change the
bonus arrangement and to add certain severance benefits.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and  valuable  consideration  , the  receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  the undersigned hereby enter into
this Amended and Restated Employment Agreement as follows:

     1. Nature of Employment;  Term of Employment.  The Company shall employ the
Executive as its  President  and the  Executive  shall serve the Company in such
capacity,  upon the terms  and  conditions  contained  herein.  The  Executive's
employment  shall  commence on the date first written  above and shall  continue
until  December  31, 1998.  The term of the  Executive's  employment  hereunder,
subject to termination as herein provided,  is referred to herein as the "Term."
The Executive agrees to devote his full working time and energy and best efforts
to the  business  of the  Company and the  performance  of his duties  hereunder
during the Term;  provided that nothing herein shall preclude the Executive from
managing his personal business affairs as long as the same do not interfere with
his services hereunder.

     2. Compensation. In consideration of the services rendered by the Executive
under this  Agreement,  the Company  shall pay the  Executive a base salary (the
"Base Salary") of (i) Two Hundred Fifteen Thousand  Dollars  ($215,000) per year
during the period from the date  hereof  through  December  31,  1996,  (ii) Two
Hundred  Twenty-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($225,000)  per year  during the period
January 1, 1997  through  December 31,  1997,  and (iii) Two Hundred  Forty-Five
Thousand  Dollars  ($245,000) per year during the period January 1, 1998 through
December 31, 1998.  The  Executive's  Base Salary will be reviewed not less than
annually  by the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  but in no event  reduced.  In
addition,  the Executive shall be entitled to receive a bonus (the "Bonus") upon
the terms as set forth on Schedule 1 hereto.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     3. Fringe  Benefits.  During the Term and thereafter to the extent provided
in Section  5.6(c),  the  Executive  shall be  entitled to  participate  in such
employee  benefit  plans  as are  made  available  generally  to  key  executive
employees of the Company, including four (4) weeks paid vacation per year.

     4.  Expenses.  The Company shall  reimburse  the  Executive for  reasonable
expenses incurred in connection with its business affairs, subject to guidelines
approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  to  the  receipt  of   appropriate
documentation therefor.

     5. Termination.

     5.1 Death. In the event of the death of the Executive during his employment
hereunder, his employment by the Company shall be deemed to terminate at the end
of the calendar month in which his death occurs.

     5.2  Disability.  In the event of the physical or mental  disability of the
Executive for a period in excess of ninety (90)  consecutive  days as determined
by a qualified  physician,  such that the  Executive is unable to discharge  his
responsibilities  hereunder,  then the Board of Directors  may vote to terminate
the Executive's  employment  effective as of the end of the calendar month which
includes the last day of such ninety (90) day period.

     5.3 By the Executive for Cause. In the event the Company shall fail to make
any payment of salary owed to the  Executive  under Section 2 hereof when due or
pay any expenses  for which the  Executive  is entitled to  reimbursement  under
Section 4 hereof,  or breach any of the other material  covenants of the Company
hereunder, and such non-payment,  non-reimbursement or breach shall continue for
a period of twenty (20) days after the Executive  gives written notice hereof to
the Company,  the Executive shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on the
expiration of such twenty (20) day period.

     5.4 By the  Executive  Without  Cause.  The  Executive  may  terminate  his
employment at any time without  cause upon 30 days' prior written  notice to the

     5.5 By the Company for Cause.  The Company may  terminate  the  Executive's
employment for "reasonable  cause," by which phrase is meant only one or more of
the following:

     (a)  If the  Executive  has been  convicted  of, or  pleads  guilty or nolo
          contendere  to a felony,  the Company may  terminate  the  Executive's
          employment immediately upon the occurrence of such conviction or plea.

     (b)  If the Executive  shall commit any  embezzlement  against the Company,
          the Company may terminate the Executive's employment at any time after
          the commission of such act.

     (c)  If the Executive has (i) engaged in willful misconduct with respect to
          the  Company  other than that  covered by  subparagraph  (b),  or (ii)
          grossly neglected his duties to the Company,  and after written notice
          of the same, specifying in reasonable detail the alleged misconduct or
          neglect,  the  Executive  fails to cease  such  misconduct  or neglect
          within a  reasonable  period of time not  exceeding  thirty  (30) days


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          following  the date of such  notice,  the  Company may  terminate  the
          Executive's  employment  at any time after  expiration  of such thirty
          (30) day  period;  provided  that the Company  has  complied  with the
          following terms and conditions:

          (A)  the  Executive is provided  with  written  notice of the proposed

          (B)  the  Executive  is  given  the  opportunity  to  appear  with his
               counsel,  and to present  evidence  and a defense to the  alleged
               misconduct  or neglect,  at a duly called and held meeting of the
               Board of Directors of the Company,  the purpose of which shall be
               to  determine  whether  the  Executive  engaged  in such  willful
               misconduct  or  grossly   neglected  his  duties  and  should  be
               terminated; and

          (C)  if the Executive  avails himself of the  opportunity set forth in
               clause (B),  following  such meeting not less than  two-thirds of
               the  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  determine  that  the
               Executive engaged in such willful misconduct or grossly neglected
               his duties and should be terminated.

     5.5A  By  the  Company  Without  Cause.   The  Company  may  terminate  the
Executive's  employment  other than for  "reasonable  cause" upon 60 days' prior
written notice to the Executive. 

     5.6  Rights  and   Obligations  of  the  Executive  and  the  Company  upon

               (a)  In the event the Executive's  employment terminates pursuant
                    to Section 5.1, the Company  shall  continue to make,  until
                    December  31,  1998,  payments  at a rate  equal to the Base
                    Salary in effect on the date of death.  The Executive  shall
                    have  no   liability  to  the  Company  as  a  result  of  a
                    termination  of  employment  pursuant to Sections 5.1 or 5.2
                    hereof. In the event of termination pursuant to Sections 5.1
                    or 5.2 the Executive shall also be entitled to receive a pro
                    rata  share of any bonus  which  otherwise  would  have been
                    payable  with  respect  to the  year  in  which  termination
                    occurs,  but  shall  not be  entitled  to any  bonus for any
                    subsequent  year. 

               (b)  In the event of the Executive's  employment terminates or is
                    terminated  pursuant  to  Sections  5.4 or  5.5,  all of the
                    Executive's  rights to receive  compensation under Section 2
                    (other than Base Salary for services  rendered  prior to the
                    date of termination and other amounts earned but unpaid) and
                    other benefits  (excluding any benefits which by their terms
                    have vested) shall cease upon the date of  termination.  The
                    Executive shall have no liability to the Company as a result
                    of a termination  of employment  pursuant to Sections 5.3 or
                    5.4 hereof. 

               (c)  If the  Executive  terminates  his  employment  pursuant  to
                    Section 5.3 or if the  Company  terminates  the  Executive's
                    employment  pursuant to Section  5.5A,  the  Company  shall,
                    until December 31, 1998,  continue to pay and provide to the
                    Executive the Base Salary,  Bonus and fringe  benefits which
                    the Executive would otherwise have received under Sections 2
                    and 3 during that period.  Such payments and benefits  shall
                    be liquidated damages for termination of employment, and the
                    Executive  shall not be  entitled  to  receive  any  further
                    payment or benefit.

     6. Restrictive Covenants. In consideration of his employment hereunder, the
Executive agrees that he will observe the following covenants.  For the purposes


                                                                       FORM 10-K

of this Section,  the term "Company" shall include any of the Company's  current
or future direct or indirect subsidiaries.

     6.1  Non-disclosure.   The  Executive  acknowledges  that  the  technology,
research, know-how, trade secrets, marketing techniques, business plan and other
confidential  information  used or to be used by the  Company  in pursuit of its
business  (collectively,  the  "Proprietary  Information")  are of  value to the
Company and provide the Company with  substantial  competitive  advantage in its
business.  By virtue of his  relationship  to the  Company,  the  Executive  has
knowledge of and will be given access to Proprietary Information.  The Executive
agrees that he will not, during the Term or at any time thereafter,  directly or
indirectly  divulge,  transmit or  otherwise  disclose or cause to be  divulged,
other than in the ordinary course of his employment  hereunder,  any Proprietary
Information.  Any  Proprietary  Information  which comes into the public  domain
through no fault of the  Executive's  shall cease to be Proprietary  Information
for purposes of this Agreement.

     6.2 Non-Competition.

     (a)  The  Executive  agrees  that upon any  termination  of his  employment
          pursuant to any one of Sections 5.3, 5.5, or 5.5A, he will, during the
          Non-Competition  Period (as  defined in Section  6.2(d))  observe  the
          non-competition covenant set forth in Section 6.2(c).

     (b)  The  Executive  agrees  that upon any  termination  of his  employment
          pursuant to any one of Sections 5.2, or 5.4, or upon expiration of the
          Term on December 31, 1998, he will, during the Non-Competition Period,
          observe  the  noncompetition  covenant  set forth in  Section  6.2 (c)
          provided that within thirty days after termination pursuant to Section
          5.2 or 5.4,  or in the event of  termination  upon  expiration  of the
          Term, at least thirty days prior to such expiration, the Company shall
          have given written  notice to the Executive of its election to require
          the Executive to be bound by the non-competition covenant set forth in
          Section  6.2(c) in exchange  for the  payments to be made  pursuant to
          Section 6.2(e).

     (c)  If the Executive is required under Section 6.2 (a) or (b) to observe a
          non-competition  covenant,  he shall  not  engage in any  business  or
          render  services to any business in the United States,  as an officer,
          director,  employee,  agent,  stockholder  (excluding ownership of not
          more than one (1%)  percent  of the  outstanding  shares of a publicly
          held  corporation  if such  ownership  does not involve  managerial or
          operational  responsibility),  manager partner or consultant,  if such
          business  is  competitive  with any  product  or  service  then  being
          developed, produced or marketed by the Company. The parties agree that
          the  current  business of the  Company  consists  of the  origination,
          purchasing,  servicing,  packaging or disposing of loans, obligations,
          receivables, notes or mortgages or the acquisition of or investment in
          any company which engages in such services.

     (d)  The term  "Non-Competition  Period"  shall mean:  (i) for  purposes of
          Section  6.2(a),  the first to occur of (x) the date 12  months  after
          termination  of  employment  and (y) December  31, 1998;  and (ii) for
          purposes of Section  6.2(b),  the date 18 months after  termination of
          employment or expiration of the Term, as the case may be.

     (e)  If the Company  wishes to require  that the  Executive be bound by the
          non-competition  covenant in Section 6.2(c) following a termination of


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          employment  pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.4 or upon  expiration of the
          Term on December 31, 1998, it shall give the Executive  written notice
          of such  effect as set forth in Section  6.2(b).  In such  event,  the
          Company  shall pay the Executive  (i)  compensation  at a monthly rate
          equal  to the  annual  Base  Salary  in  effect  as of the date of the
          termination  of  employment  divided  by 12,  to be  paid  monthly  in
          advance,  during the continuation of the  Non-Competition  Period, and
          (ii) an amount  equal to one-half  of the Bonus paid to the  Executive
          under Section 2 for the year  immediately  preceding the year in which
          termination  occurs,  which  payment  shall be made in  equal  monthly
          payments  on the first day of each month  during  the  Non-Competition

     7. [Intentionally Omitted]

     8.  Payments  Upon Change of  Control.  In the event of a Change of Control
Transaction (as herein defined), the provisions of this Section 8 shall apply:

     (a)  If within  one year  following  consummation  of a Change  of  Control
          Transaction,  the Company  shall seek to (x)  relocate  the  principal
          office of the Company more than 25 miles from its current  location or
          (y)  materially  alter the  Executive's  authority  or  responsibility
          within the Company,  and such  alteration  continues for 20 days after
          notice  thereof from the  Executive to the Company,  the Executive may
          terminate his employment  pursuant to Section 5.3. In such event,  the
          Executive  shall  receive the  payments and  benefits  provided  under
          Section  5.6(c)  unless he elects,  by written  notice to the  Company
          within 30 days of such termination, to receive, in a lump sum payment,
          an amount  equal to 150% of the Base  Salary  then in  effect.  If the
          Executive  elects  such lump sum  payment,  it shall be paid within 30
          days of such election, he shall have no further obligations hereunder,
          except to observe  the  covenants  set forth in Section  6.1,  and the
          Company shall have no further obligations hereunder, other than to pay
          such lump sum  payment. 

     (b)  A "Change of Control  Transaction" shall mean (i) a sale,  conveyance,
          lease or other transfer of all or  substantially  all of the assets of
          the  Company,  (ii) a  consolidation  or merger of the Company with or
          into another  corporation in which the Company is not the surviving or
          resulting  corporation  or after which more than 50% of the issued and
          outstanding  shares  of  voting  capital  stock  of the  surviving  or
          resulting corporation is thereafter owned of record or beneficially by
          any  single  Person or Group of  affiliated  Persons,  (iii) a sale or
          transfer in a single transaction of shares of the voting capital stock
          of the  Company,  which  results  in more than 50% of the  issued  and
          outstanding  shares of the voting  capital  stock of the Company being
          thereafter  owned of record or  beneficially  by any single  Person or
          Group of affiliated  Persons,  (iv) any other transaction or series of
          transactions involving the issuance, sale or transfer of shares of the
          capital stock of the Company, which results in more than fifty percent
          (50%) of the issued and outstanding shares of the voting capital stock
          of the Company being thereafter owned of record or beneficially by any
          single Person or Group of affiliated Persons, or (v) a majority of the
          Board of  Directors of the Company  ceasing to consist of  individuals
          (A) who are currently members of the Board or (B) for whose nomination
          for such membership a majority of such current members voted in favor.

     (c)  "Group of  affiliated  Persons"  shall mean a group of tow (2) or more


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          persons  (i) in which  one (1) or more of such  Persons  controls,  is
          controlled  by,  or is under  common  control  with,  another  of such
          Persons,  or (ii) which is  associated by agreement for the purpose of
          controlling the Company or any successor corporation thereof. The term
          "Group of affiliated  Persons"  shall not include any such group which
          consists  entirely  of Persons  who are  current  stockholders  and/or
          directors of the Company  which any currently be deemed to control the
          Company. "Person" shall mean an individual, partnership,  corporation,
          trust, or other business entity.

     9.   Termination of this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall remain in full
          force and effect,  notwithstanding  any termination of the Term, until
          all of the parties' obligations hereunder have been fully performed.

     10.  Notices. All notices hereunder,  to be effective,  shall be in writing
          and shall be delivered by hand or by certified mail,  postage and fees
          prepaid, as follows:

     (i)  If to the  Company:   Litchfield  Financial  Corporation 
                                789 Main Road
                                Stamford, VT 05352

                With a Copy to: James Westra, Esq.
                                Hutchins,  Wheeler & Dittmar
                                101 Federal Street
                                Boston, MA 02110

     (ii) If  to   Executive:   Richard   A.   Stratton  
                                Three   Hawthorne   Court
                                Williamstown, MA 01267

              With a Copy to:   John M. Cornish, Esq.
                                Choate, Hall & Stewart
                                Exchange Place
                                Boston, MA  02109

unless  and  until  notice  of another or different  address  shall  be given as
provided herein.

     11. Modification.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire Agreement between
the parties  hereto with regard to the subject matter  hereof,  superseding  all
prior understandings and agreements, whether written or oral. This Agreement may
not be  amended  or  revised  except by a writing  signed  by the  parties. 

     12. Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the benefit of both  parties and their  respective  successors  and  assigns,
including any corporation  with which or into which the Company or its successor
may be merged or which may  succeed  to its  assets or  business,  although  the
obligations of the Executive are personal and may be performed only by him.


     13. Captions.  Captions herein have been inserted solely for convenience of
reference and in no way define,  limit or describe the scope or substance of any
provision of this Agreement.

     14.  Severability.  The  provisions of this  Agreement are  severable,  and
invalidity  of any  provision  shall  not  affect  the  validity  of  any  other
provision. In the event that any court of competent jurisdiction shall determine
that any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof is unenforceable
because of the  duration or scope  thereof,  the parties  hereto agree that said
court in making such determinations  shall have the power to reduce the duration
and scope of such provision to the extent necessary to make it enforceable,  and
that the  Agreement  in its reduced form shall be valid and  enforceable  to the
full extent permitted by law.

     15.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as
a sealed instrument as of the day and year first above written.


                    By: /s/ Heather A. Sica      
                       Title:  Executive Vice President

                      /s/ Richard A. Stratton  
                      Richard A. Stratton


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                  Schedule 1

                          Terms of Management Bonus

     1. The Company  shall pay to the Executive a bonus with respect to the year
ending  December  31,  1996 equal to two and nine tenths  percent  (2.9%) of the
Company's Pre-Tax Income (as hereinafter defined) for such year if, and only if,
the  Earnings  per Share (as  hereinafter  defined) of the Company for such year
equal at least 115% of the Earnings per Share of the Company for the immediately
preceding year.

     2. The Company  shall pay to the Executive a bonus with respect to the year
ending  December  31,  1997 equal to the Base Salary in effect for such year if,
and only if, the  Earnings per Share of the Company for such year equal at least
118% of the  Earnings  per Share of the  Company for the  immediately  preceding

     3. The Company  shall pay to the Executive a bonus with respect to the year
ending  December  31,  1998 equal to the Base Salary in effect for such year if,
and only if, the  Earnings per Share of the Company for such year equal at least
118% of the  Earnings  per Share of the  Company for the  immediately  preceding

     4. Pre-Tax Income of the Company shall mean the consolidated  income of the
Company and its subsidiaries,  as determined by the Company's independent public
accountants  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting   principles
("GAAP"),  prior to the payment of taxes,  and prior to taking into  account the
effect of any extraordinary  gains or losses.  Earnings per Share of the Company
shall  mean  the  consolidated  net  income  per  share of the  Company  and its
subsidiaries,   as  determined  by  the  Company's  independent  accountants  in
accordance  with  GAAP,   prior  to  taking  into  account  the  effect  of  any
extraordinary gains or losses.

     5. Any bonus  payable  shall be paid  within 30 days  after  release by the
Company's independent public accountants of audited financial statements for the
year with  respect to which such bonus is payable.  Failure to earn a bonus with
respect to any one year shall not affect the  Executive's  right to earn a bonus
for any other year.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                                                Exhibit 10.138


     AGREEMENT  entered  into as of the 19th day of July,  1996,  by and between
Litchfield Financial Corporation,  a Massachusetts  corporation (the "Company"),
and  Heather  A.  Sica,  an  individual  residing  in  Brunswick,  New York (the

     WHEREAS,  the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors  determined
that it is in the best  interest  of the  Company  to enter  into an  Employment
Agreement with the Executive

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and  valuable  consideration  , the  receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  the undersigned hereby enter into
this Employment Agreement as follows:

     1. Nature of Employment;  Term of Employment.  The Company shall employ the
Executive  as its Chief  Financial  Officer  and the  Executive  shall serve the
Company in such capacity,  upon the terms and conditions  contained herein.  The
Executive's  employment shall commence on the date first written above and shall
continue  until  December  31,  1998.  The  term of the  Executive's  employment
hereunder,  subject to termination as herein provided,  is referred to herein as
the "Term." The Executive  agrees to devote her full working time and energy and
best  efforts to the business of the Company and the  performance  of her duties
hereunder  during the Term;  provided  that nothing  herein  shall  preclude the
Executive from managing her personal business affairs as long as the same do not
interfere with her services hereunder.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Executive  may by  written  notice to the
Company  from  time to time  during  the Term (a)  reduce  her  working  time to
part-time  status  which  may be any  percentage  (but  not  less  than  50%) of
full-time status  designated by her in such notice,  and (b) if her working time
has been reduced under clause (a),  increase her working time to any  percentage
of full-time status  designated by her in such notice.  Any such change shall be
effective at the beginning of the third calendar week  which begins after the
giving of such notice, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

     2. Compensation. In consideration of the services rendered by the Executive
under this  Agreement,  the Company  shall pay the  Executive a base salary (the
"Base  Salary") of (i) One Hundred Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($150,000) per year
during  the  period  from  the  date  hereof  through  December  31,  1998.  The
Executive's Base Salary will be reviewed not less than annually by the Company's
Board of Directors, but in no event reduced. In addition, the Executive shall be
entitled  to  receive  a bonus  (the  "Bonus")  upon the  terms as set  forth on
Schedule 1 hereto.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  during any period that the
Executive is working on part-time  status pursuant to Section 1, the Base Salary
and Bonus  otherwise  payable for such period shall be reduced so that it is the
same percentage of such Base Salary and Bonus as the percentage of full-time
status then being worked by the Executive. 

     3. Fringe  Benefits.  During the Term and thereafter to the extent provided
in Section  5.6(c),  the  Executive  shall be  entitled to  participate  in such
employee  benefit  plans  as are  made  available  generally  to  key  executive
employees of the Company, including four (4) weeks paid vacation per year.

     4.  Expenses.  The Company shall  reimburse  the  Executive for  reasonable
expenses incurred in connection with its business affairs, subject to guidelines


                                                                       FORM 10-K

approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  to  the  receipt  of   appropriate
documentation therefor.

     5. Termination.

     5.1 Death. In the event of the death of the Executive during her employment
hereunder, her employment by the Company shall be deemed to terminate at the end
of the calendar month in which her death occurs.

     5.2  Disability.  In the event of the physical or mental  disability of the
Executive for a period in excess of ninety (90)  consecutive  days as determined
by a qualified  physician,  such that the  Executive is unable to discharge  her
responsibilities  hereunder,  then the Board of Directors  may vote to terminate
the Executive's  employment  effective as of the end of the calendar month which
includes the last day of such ninety (90) day period.

     5.3 By the Executive for Cause. In the event the Company shall fail to make
any payment of salary owed to the  Executive  under Section 2 hereof when due or
pay any expenses  for which the  Executive  is entitled to  reimbursement  under
Section 4 hereof,  or breach any of the other material  covenants of the Company
hereunder, and such non-payment,  non-reimbursement or breach shall continue for
a period of twenty (20) days after the Executive  gives written notice hereof to
the Company,  the Executive shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on the
expiration of such twenty (20) day period. 

     5.4 By the  Executive  Without  Cause.  The  Executive  may  terminate  her
employment at any time without  cause upon 30 days' prior written  notice to the

     5.5 By the Company for Cause.  The Company may  terminate  the  Executive's
employment for "reasonable  cause," by which phrase is meant only one or more of
the following:

     (a)  If the  Executive  has been  convicted  of, or  pleads  guilty or nolo
          contendere  to a felony,  the Company may  terminate  the  Executive's
          employment immediately upon the occurrence of such conviction or plea.

     (b)  If the Executive  shall commit any  embezzlement  against the Company,
          the Company may terminate the Executive's employment at any time after
          the commission of such act.

     (c)  If the Executive has (i) engaged in willful misconduct with respect to
          the  Company  other than that  covered by  subparagraph  (b),  or (ii)
          grossly neglected her duties to the Company,  and after written notice
          of the same, specifying in reasonable detail the alleged misconduct or
          neglect,  the  Executive  fails to cease  such  misconduct  or neglect
          within a  reasonable  period of time not  exceeding  thirty  (30) days
          following  the date of such  notice,  the  Company may  terminate  the
          Executive's  employment  at any time after  expiration  of such thirty
          (30) day  period;  provided  that the Company  has  complied  with the
          following terms and conditions:

          (A)  the  Executive is provided  with  written  notice of the proposed


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          (B)  the  Executive  is  given  the  opportunity  to  appear  with her
               counsel,  and to present  evidence  and a defense to the  alleged
               misconduct  or neglect,  at a duly called and held meeting of the
               Board of Directors of the Company,  the purpose of which shall be
               to  determine  whether  the  Executive  engaged  in such  willful
               misconduct  or  grossly   neglected  her  duties  and  should  be
               terminated; and

          (C)  if the Executive  avails himself of the  opportunity set forth in
               clause (B),  following  such meeting not less than  two-thirds of
               the  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  determine  that  the
               Executive engaged in such willful misconduct or grossly neglected
               her duties and should be terminated.

     5.5A  By  the  Company  Without  Cause.   The  Company  may  terminate  the
Executive's  employment  other than for  "reasonable  cause" upon 60 days' prior
written notice to the Executive.

     5.6  Rights  and   Obligations  of  the  Executive  and  the  Company  upon

          (a)  In the event the Executive's  employment  terminates  pursuant to
               Section 5.1, the Company shall  continue to make,  until December
               31,  1998,  payments at a rate equal to the Base Salary in effect
               on the date of death.  The  Executive  shall have no liability to
               the Company as a result of a termination  of employment  pursuant
               to  Sections  5.1 or 5.2  hereof.  In the  event  of  termination
               pursuant  to  Sections  5.1 or 5.2 the  Executive  shall  also be
               entitled to receive a pro rata share of any bonus which otherwise
               would  have  been  payable  with  respect  to the  year in  which
               termination  occurs,  but shall not be  entitled to any bonus for
               any subsequent year.

          (b)  In the  event  of the  Executive's  employment  terminates  or is
               terminated   pursuant  to  Sections   5.4  or  5.5,  all  of  the
               Executive's rights to receive compensation under Section 2 (other
               than  Base  Salary  for  services  rendered  prior to the date of
               termination  and  other  amounts  earned  but  unpaid)  and other
               benefits  (excluding  any  benefits  which  by their  terms  have
               vested) shall cease upon the date of  termination.  The Executive
               shall  have  no  liability  to  the  Company  as  a  result  of a
               termination of employment pursuant to Sections 5.3 or 5.4 hereof.

          (c)  If the Executive  terminates her  employment  pursuant to Section
               5.3 or if  the  Company  terminates  the  Executive's  employment
               pursuant to Section 5.5A, the Company  shall,  until December 31,
               1998,  continue  to pay and  provide  to the  Executive  the Base
               Salary,  Bonus and  fringe  benefits  which the  Executive  would
               otherwise  have  received  under  Sections  2 and 3  during  that
               period.  Such payments and benefits  shall be liquidated  damages
               for  termination  of employment,  and the Executive  shall not be
               entitled to receive any further payment.

          6.   Restrictive   Covenants.   In  consideration  of  her  employment
               hereunder,  the  Executive  agrees  that  she  will  observe  the
               following  covenants.  For the purposes of this Section, the term
               "Company"  shall include any of the  Company's  current or future
               direct or indirect subsidiaries.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          6.1  Non-disclosure.  The Executive  acknowledges that the technology,
               research, know-how, trade secrets, marketing techniques, business
               plan and other confidential information used or to be used by the
               Company   in   pursuit  of  its   business   (collectively,   the
               "Proprietary  Information")  are  of  value  to the  Company  and
               provide the Company with substantial competitive advantage in its
               business.  By  virtue of her  relationship  to the  Company,  the
               Executive   has   knowledge  of  and  will  be  given  access  to
               Proprietary Information.  The Executive agrees that she will not,
               during the Term or at any time thereafter, directly or indirectly
               divulge,  transmit or otherwise disclose or cause to be divulged,
               other than in the ordinary  course of her  employment  hereunder,
               any Proprietary  Information.  Any Proprietary  Information which
               comes into the public domain through no fault of the  Executive's
               shall cease to be  Proprietary  Information  for purposes of this

     6.2 Non-Competition.

          (a)  The Executive  agrees that upon any termination of her employment
               pursuant to any one of  Sections  5.3,  5.5,  or 5.5A,  she will,
               during the Non-Competition  Period (as defined in Section 6.2(d))
               observe the non-competition covenant set forth in Section 6.2(c).

          (b)  The Executive  agrees that upon any termination of her employment
               pursuant to any one of Sections  5.2, or 5.4, or upon  expiration
               of  the  Term  on  December  31,  1998,  she  will,   during  the
               Non-Competition  Period, observe the noncompetition  covenant set
               forth in Section 6.2 (c) provided  that within  thirty days after
               termination  pursuant  to Section  5.2 or 5.4, or in the event of
               termination  upon  expiration  of the Term,  at least thirty days
               prior to such  expiration,  the Company  shall have given written
               notice to the  Executive of its election to require the Executive
               to be bound by the non-competition  covenant set forth in Section
               6.2(c)  in  exchange  for the  payments  to be made  pursuant  to
               Section 6.2(e).

          (c)  If the  Executive  is  required  under  Section 6.2 (a) or (b) to
               observe a non-competition  covenant,  she shall not engage in any
               business or render services to any business in the United States,
               as an officer, director,  employee, agent, stockholder (excluding
               ownership  of not more than one (1%)  percent of the  outstanding
               shares of a publicly held  corporation if such ownership does not
               involve  managerial  or  operational   responsibility),   manager
               partner or consultant,  if such business is competitive  with any
               product or service then being developed,  produced or marketed by
               the Company.  The parties agree that the current  business of the
               Company  consists  of  the  origination,  purchasing,  servicing,
               packaging or disposing of loans, obligations,  receivables, notes
               or mortgages or the  acquisition  of or investment in any company
               which engages in such services.

          (d)  The term "Non-Competition Period" shall mean: (i) for purposes of
               Section  6.2(a),  the  first to  occur of (x) the date 12  months
               after  termination  of employment  and (y) December 31, 1998; and
               (ii) for  purposes of Section  6.2(b),  the date 18 months  after
               termination  of employment or expiration of the Term, as the case
               may be.

          (e)  If the Company  wishes to require that the  Executive be bound by
               the  non-competition  covenant  in  Section  6.2(c)  following  a
               termination of employment pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.4 or upon
               expiration  of the Term on December 31,  1998,  it shall give the
               Executive  written  notice of such effect as set forth in Section
               6.2(b).  In such event,  the Company  shall pay the Executive (i)


                                                                       FORM 10-K

               compensation at a monthly rate equal to the annual Base Salary in
               effect as of the date of the termination of employment divided by
               12, to be paid monthly in advance, during the continuation of the
               Non-Competition  Period,  and (ii) an amount equal to one-half of
               the  Bonus  paid to the  Executive  under  Section 2 for the year
               immediately preceding the year in which termination occurs, which
               payment shall be made in equal monthly  payments on the first day
               of each month during the Non-Competition Period.

     7. [Intentionally Omitted]

     8.  Payments  Upon Change of  Control.  In the event of a Change of Control
Transaction (as herein defined), the provisions of this Section 8 shall apply:

          (a)  If within one year following  consummation of a Change of Control
               Transaction, the Company shall seek to (x) relocate the principal
               office  of the  Company  more  than 25  miles  from  its  current
               location or (y)  materially  alter the  Executive's  authority or
               responsibility  within the Company, and such alteration continues
               for 20 days  after  notice  thereof  from  the  Executive  to the
               Company,  the Executive may terminate her employment  pursuant to
               Section  5.3.  In such event,  the  Executive  shall  receive the
               payments and benefits  provided  under Section  5.6(c) unless she
               elects,  by written  notice to the Company within 30 days of such
               termination,  to receive,  in a lump sum payment, an amount equal
               to 150% of the  Base  Salary  then in  effect.  If the  Executive
               elects such lump sum payment,  it shall be paid within 30 days of
               such election,  she shall have no further obligations  hereunder,
               except to observe the covenants set forth in Section 6.1, and the
               Company shall have no further obligations  hereunder,  other than
               to pay such lump sum payment.

          (b)  A  "Change  of  Control  Transaction"  shall  mean  (i)  a  sale,
               conveyance,  lease or other transfer of all or substantially  all
               of the assets of the Company,  (ii) a consolidation  or merger of
               the Company with or into another corporation in which the Company
               is not the surviving or resulting corporation or after which more
               than 50% of the issued and  outstanding  shares of voting capital
               stock of the  surviving or resulting  corporation  is  thereafter
               owned of record or  beneficially by any single Person or Group of
               affiliated  Persons,  (iii)  a  sale  or  transfer  in  a  single
               transaction of shares of the voting capital stock of the Company,
               which  results  in more than 50% of the  issued  and  outstanding
               shares  of  the  voting   capital  stock  of  the  Company  being
               thereafter  owned of record or  beneficially by any single Person
               or Group of affiliated  Persons,  (iv) any other  transaction  or
               series of transactions  involving the issuance,  sale or transfer
               of shares of the capital  stock of the Company,  which results in
               more than  fifty  percent  (50%) of the  issued  and  outstanding
               shares  of  the  voting   capital  stock  of  the  Company  being
               thereafter  owned of record or  beneficially by any single Person
               or Group of affiliated Persons, or (v) a majority of the Board of
               Directors of the Company  ceasing to consist of  individuals  (A)
               who  are  currently  members  of  the  Board  or  (B)  for  whose
               nomination for such membership a majority of such current members
               voted in favor.

          (c)  "Group of  affiliated  Persons"  shall mean a group of tow (2) or
               more  persons  (i) in  which  one (1) or  more  of  such  Persons
               controls,  is  controlled  by, or is under common  control  with,
               another of such Persons, or (ii) which is associated by agreement
               for the  purpose of  controlling  the  Company  or any  successor
               corporation thereof. The term "Group of affiliated Persons" shall
               not include any such group which consists entirely of Persons who
               are current  stockholders  and/or  directors of the Company which


                                                                       FORM 10-K

               any  currently be deemed to control the Company.  "Person"  shall
               mean an individual,  partnership,  corporation,  trust,  or other
               business entity.

          9. Termination of this Agreement.  This Agreement shall remain in full
     force and effect, notwithstanding any termination of the Term, until all of
     the parties' obligations hereunder have been fully performed.

          10.  Notices.  All notices  hereunder,  to be  effective,  shall be in
     writing and shall be delivered by hand or by  certified  mail,  postage and
     fees prepaid, as follows:

           (i)   If to the Company:  Litchfield Financial Corporation
                                     789 Main Road
                                     Stamford, VT  05352

                 With a Copy to:     James Westra, Esq.
                                     Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar
                                     101 Federal Street
                                     Boston, MA  02110

           (ii)  If to Executive:Heather A. Sica
                                 [Include Address]

                  With a Copy to:    John M. Cornish, Esq.
                                     Choate, Hall & Stewart
                                     Exchange Place
                                     Boston, MA  02109

unless  and until  notice of  another  or  different  address  shall be given as
provided herein.

11.  Modification.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire Agreement between the
parties hereto with regard to the subject matter hereof,  superseding  all prior
understandings  and agreements,  whether written or oral. This Agreement may not
be amended or revised except by a writing signed by the parties.

12.  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to
the  benefit  of both  parties  and their  respective  successors  and  assigns,
including any corporation  with which or into which the Company or its successor
may be merged or which may  succeed  to its  assets or  business,  although  the
obligations of the Executive are personal and may be performed only by her

13.  Captions.  Captions  herein have been inserted  solely for  convenience  of
reference and in no way define,  limit or describe the scope or substance of any
provision of this Agreement.

14. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and invalidity
of any provision  shall not affect the validity of any other  provision.  In the


                                                                       FORM 10-K

event  that  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  shall  determine  that any
provision of this Agreement or the application thereof is unenforceable  because
of the duration or scope  thereof,  the parties  hereto agree that said court in
making such determinations shall have the power to reduce the duration and scope
of such provision to the extent  necessary to make it enforceable,  and that the
Agreement in its reduced form shall be valid and  enforceable to the full extent
permitted by law.

15.  Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be construed under and governed by the
laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have duly  executed  this
     Agreement  as a  sealed  instrument  as of the day  and  year  first  above


                    By: /s/ Richard A. Stratton                              
                         Title:  President

                        /s/ Heather A. Sica   
                        Heather A. Sica


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                  Schedule 1

                          Terms of Management Bonus

1. The Company  shall pay to the  Executive a bonus with  respect to the each of
the years  ending  December  31,  1996,  1997 and 1998  equal to one half of the
aggregate  Base Salary and Bonus paid or payable to Richard A. Stratton for such
year reduced by the Executive's Base Salary paid for such year.

2. Any bonus payable shall be paid within 30 days after release by the Company's
independent public accountants of audited financial statements for the year with
respect to which such bonus is payable.  Failure to earn a bonus with respect to
any one year  shall not  affect  the  Executive's  right to earn a bonus for any
other year.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                                                Exhibit 10.139

This  AGREEMENT  dated as of July 19,  1996,  is made by and between  Litchfield
Financial Corporation,  a Massachusetts corporation ("Litchfield") and Ronald E.
Rabidou (the "Executive").

WHEREAS,  Litchfield  considers it essential to the best  interest of Litchfield
and its current  stockholders  (hereinafter known as "Shareholders",  which term
shall include  Affiliates of the current  stockholders  to foster the continuous
employment of key management personnel; and

WHEREAS,  Litchfield has  determined  that appr opriate steps should be taken to
reinforce and encourage  the  continued  attention and  dedication of members of
Litchfield's management,  including the Executive, to their assigned duties with
Litchfield,  without  distraction in the face of circumstances  arising from the
possibility of a Transaction;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein
contained,  and for other valuable  consideration,  Litchfield and the Executive
hereby agree as follows:

1.   Defined Terms.  The definition of capitalized  terms used in this Agreement
     are provided in the last Section hereof

2.   Term of Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall  commence on the date hereof and
     shall  continue  in  effect  through  December  31,  1997,   provided  that
     commencing on January 1, 1998,  and each January 1 thereafter,  the term of
     this Agreement  shall  automatically  be extended for one  additional  year
     unless,  not later than October 31 of the previous year,  either Litchfield
     or the  Executive  shall have given  notice to the other not to extend this
     Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if a  Transaction  shall have
     occurred during the term of this  Agreement,  this Agreement shall continue
     in effect for a period of one (1) year beyond the date on which the closing
     for such Transaction occurred,  provided,  however, that if a notice not to
     extend this  Agreement was given before  closing of the  Transaction,  this
     Agreement shall not continue unless the executive consents in writing.

3.   Litchfield's  Covenants  Summarized.  In order to induce the  Executive  to
     remain in the employ of Litchfield and in  consideration of the Executive's
     covenants set forth in Sections 4 and 7 hereof,  Litchfield  agrees,  under
     the  conditions  described  herein,  to pay  the  Executive  the  Severance
     Payments  described in Section 6 hereof and the other payments and benefits
     described in Section 5 hereof in the event (i) that during the term of this
     Agreement  following  a  Transaction  either  (x)  the  employment  of  the
     Executive is terminated by Litchfield  for reasons other than Cause,  death
     or disability, or (y) the Executive terminates his employment by Litchfield
     for Good Reason,  and (ii) the  Executive  has  fulfilled his covenants set
     forth in  Section  4. No amount or  benefit  shall be  payable  under  this
     Agreement  unless there shall have been a  termination  of the  Executive's
     employment  by  Litchfield  for  reasons  other  than Cause or the death or
     disability  of the Executive or by the Executive for Good Reason within one
     year  following a  Transaction.  This  Agreement  shall not be construed as
     creating  an express  or  implied  contract  of  employment,  and except as
     otherwise  agreed in writing  between the  Executive  and  Litchfield,  the
     Executive  shall  not  have any  right  to be  retained  in the  employ  of
     Litchfield.  No  benefits  shall  be  payable  hereunder  in the  event  of
     termination of Executive's employment prior to a Potential Transaction.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

4.   Executive's Covenants . The Executive agrees that, subject to the terms and
     conditions  of this  Agreement,  in the  event of a  Potential  Transaction
     during the term of this Agreement, the Executive will in good faith use all
     reasonable efforts,  consistent with his duties and authority a an employee
     of Litchfield  to  consummate a Transaction  which has been approved by the
     Board of  Directors  of  Litchfield.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
     Executive  shall in all events be entitled to terminate his employment with
     or without Good Reason,  and shall have no  liability  to  Litchfield  as a
     result of such termination.

5.   Compensation Other than Severance Payments.

               5.1  Payment  of  Salary  upon  Termination.  If the  Executive's
          employment  shall be terminated for any reason following a Transaction
          and  during  the  term of this  Agreement,  Litchfield  shall  pay the
          Executive's  full  salary  to  the  Executive   through  the  Date  of
          Termination  at  the  rate  in  effect  at  the  time  the  Notice  of
          Termination is given.

               5.2  Payment of Benefits  upon  Termination.  IF the  Executive's
          employment  shall be terminated for any reason following a Transaction
          and during the term of this  agreement,  Litchfield  shall pay or make
          available  to the  Executive  any rights,  compensation,  and benefits
          which are vested in the  Executive  or which the  Executive  has or is
          otherwise  entitled to receive under any plan or program of Litchfield
          as such  rights,  compensation  or benefits  become due.  Such rights,
          compensation, and benefits shall be determined under, and paid or made
          available in accordance with,  Litchfield's  applicable  insurance and
          other compensation or benefit plans, programs, and arrangements.

6.    Severance Payments.

               6.1  Determination  of  Severance  Payments.  In  addition to the
          payments  and  benefits  under  Section  5,  Litchfield  shall pay the
          Executive the payments  described in this Section 6.1 (the  "Severance
          Payments") upon the termination of the Executive's employment,  during
          the term of this  Agreement,  following a Transaction in the event (i)
          the  employment  of the  Executive is  terminated  by  Litchfield  for
          reasons  other  than  Cause,  death  or  disability  or the  Executive
          terminates his employment by Litchfield for Good Reason,  and (ii) the
          Executive  has fulfilled his covenants set forth in Section 4. In lieu
          of any further salary payments to the Executive for periods subsequent
          to the  Date of  Termination  and in lieu  of any  severance  benefits
          otherwise payable to the Executive under any then existing broad-based
          employee  severance  plan,  Litchfield  shall pay to the  Executive  a
          lump-sum  severance  payment,  in  cash,  equal to the  higher  of the
          Executive's  annual  base  salary in effect  immediately  prior to the
          occurrence  of the event or  circumstance  upon  which  the  Notice of
          Termination is based or in effect  immediately  prior the Transaction.

               6.2 Gross-up  Payments.  In the event that the excise tax imposed
          by Section 4999 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
          "Code"),  or any  penalty  or excise tax  subsequently  imposed by law
          applies to any  payment or benefit  received  or to be received by the
          Executive in connection  with a Transaction or the  termination of the
          Executive's   employment  (whether  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  this
          Agreement  or  any  other  plan,   arrangement,   or  agreement   with
          Litchfield,  any Person whose actions result in the Transaction or any
          Person  affiliated  with Litchfield or such Person) (all such payments
          and  benefits,  including the Severance  Payments,  being  hereinafter
          called  "Total  Payments"),  an  additional  amount  shall  be paid by
          Litchfield to the Executive such that the aggregate  after-tax  amount
          that he shall  receive with respect to the Total  Payments,  including
          this  Section,  shall  have a  present  value  equal to the  aggregate


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          after-tax  amount that he would have  received  and  retained had such
          excise or  penalty  tax (and any  interest  or  penalties  in  respect
          thereof) not applied to him. For this purpose,  the Executive shall be
          assumed to be subject to tax in each year relevant to the  computation
          at the then  maximum  applicable  combined  Federal and  Massachusetts
          income tax rate,  and the  present  value of  payments to him shall be
          made consistent with the principles of Section 280G of the Code.

               6.3 Timing of Payments.  The payments provided for in Section 6.1
          hereof shall be made not later that the tenth  business day  following
          the Date Termination. The payment provided for be Section 6.2 shall be
          paid not later  than the tenth  business  day  following  the date the
          gross-up  amount is computed,  but in no event later than the date any
          excise tax is due and payable.

7.   Termination Procedures and Agreement Not to Compete.

               7.1 Notice of  Termination.  After a  Transaction  and during the
          term of this Agreement,  any purported  termination of the Executive's
          employment  (other than by reason of death) shall be  communicated  by
          written Notice of Termination  fro one party hereto to the other party
          hereto in  accordance  will  Section 10 hereof.  For  purposes of this
          Agreement,  a "Notice of Termination"  shall mean a notice which shall
          indicate the specific  termination  provision in this Agreement relied
          upon  and  shall  set  forth  in  reasonable   detail  the  facts  and
          circumstances,  if any,  claimed to provide a basis for termination of
          the Executive's employment under the provision so indicated.

               7.2 Date of Termination.  "Date of Termination,"  with respect to
          any  purported  termination  of the  Executive's  employment  after  a
          Transaction and during the term of this Agreement, shall mean the date
          specified  in the  Notice  of  Termination  (which,  in the  case of a
          termination  by  Litchfield,  shall not be less than  thirty (30) days
          (except in the case of a termination for Cause) and, in any case of at
          termination by the Executive, shall not be less than fifteen (15) days
          or more than sixty (60) days, respectively,  from the date such Notice
          of Termination is given).

     8. No Mitigation. If the Executive's employment by Litchfield is terminated
during the term of this  Agreement,  the executive is not required to seek other
employment  or to  attempt  in any way to  reduce  any  amounts  payable  to the
Executive by Litchfield pursuant to Section 6 hereof. Further, the amount of any
payment or benefit  provided for in Section 6 hereof shall not be reduced by any
compensation  earned by the  Executive  as the result of  employment  by another
employer,  by retirement  benefits,  by offset  against any amount claimed to be
owed by the Executive to Litchfield, or otherwise.

9. Successors; Binding Agreement.

     9.1  Successors of  Litchfield.  The provision of this  Agreement  shall be
          binding  upon,  and shall inure to the benefit of the  successors  and
          assigns of Litchfield.

     9.2  Successors of the Executive. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit
          of  and  be   enforceable  by  the   Executive's   personal  or  legal
          representatives,   executors,   administrators,   successors,   heirs,
          distributees, devisees, and legatees. If the Executive shall die while
          any amount would still be payable to the  Executive  hereunder  (other
          than amounts  which,  by their terms,  terminate upon the death of the
          Executive) if the  Executive had continued to live,  all such amounts,


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          unless otherwise provided herein, shall be paid in accordance with the
          terms of this Agreement to the executors, personal representatives, or
          administrators of the Executive's estate.

     10.  Notices.  For the  purpose of this  Agreement,  notices  and all other
communications  provided for in the  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be
deemed  to have been  duly  given  when  delivered  or  mailed by United  States
certified  or  registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,
addressed to the respective  addresses set forth below, or to such other address
as  either  party  may have  furnished  to the other in  writing  in  accordance
herewith,  except that notice of change of address shall be effective  only upon
actual receipt:

        To Litchfield:                          To the Executive:
        Litchfield Financial Corporation        Apt 207, 1 Berkshire Square
        P.O. Box 488                           Adams, MA  01220
        Williamstown, MA  01267

     11. Miscellaneous.  No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived,
or  discharged  unless such waiver,  modification,  or discharge is agreed to in
writing and signed by both the Executive and by Litchfield.  Except as expressly
provided  herein,  no waiver by either party hereto at any time of any breach by
the other party hereto,  or compliance  with, any condition or provision of this
Agreement  to be  performed  by such  other  party  shall be  deemed a waiver of
similar or  dissimilar  provisions  or conditions at the same or at any prior or
subsequent time. No agreements or representations, oral or otherwise, express or
implied,  with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof have been made by either
party  which  are not  expressly  se  forth  in this  Agreement.  The  validity,
interpretation  construction and performance of this Agreement shall be governed
by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and this Agreement shall be an
instrument  under seal.  All  references to sections of the Code shall be deemed
also to refer to any successor provisions to such sections. An payments provided
for hereunder  shall be paid net of any  applicable  withholding  required under
federal,  state , or local  law and any  additional  withholding  to  which  the
Executive has agreed. The obligations of Litchfield and Executive under Sections
6,  7, 8 and 14  hereof  shall  survive  the  expiration  of the  term  of  this

     12. Validity.  The invalidity or  unenforceability of any provision of this
Agreemen  t shall  not  affect  the  validity  or  enforceability  of any  other
provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

     13. Counterparts. This Agreement may have executed in several counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed to be an original,  but all of which together will
constitute one and the same instrument.

     14.  Settlement of Disputes;  Arbitration.  All claims by the Executive for
benefits under this Agreement shall be in writing.  Any denial by the Litchfield
of a claim for benefits under this Agreement shall be delivered to the Executive
in writing and shall set forth the specific reasons for the denial and specified
provisions of this  Agreement  relied upon.  Any further  dispute or controversy
arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled  exclusively
by arbitration  in Boston,  Massachusetts,  in accordance  with the rules of the
American Arbitration  Association then in effect. Judgment may be entered on the
arbitrator's  award in any court  having  jurisdiction.  The  Executive  shall ,
however, be entitled to seek specific performance of the Executive's right to be
paid  until  the  Date  Termination  during  the  pendency  of  any  dispute  or
controversy arising under or in connections with this Agreement.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     15. Definitions.  For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated below:

     (A)  "Affiliate" with respect to any person shall mean one who controls, is
          controlled  by, or in under common  control  with,  such  Person.

     (B)  "Cause" for termination by Litchfield of the  Executive's  employment,
          after  any  Transaction,  shall  mean (i) the  willful  and  continued
          failure by the  Executive  to  substantially  perform the  Executive's
          duties with Litchfield (other than any such failure resulting from the
          Executive's  incapacity  due to  physical or mental  illness)  after a
          written  demand  for  substantial  performance  is  delivered  to  the
          Executive by  Litchfield,  which  demand  identifies  with  reasonable
          specificity the manner in which Litchfield believes that the Executive
          has not substantially  performed the Executive's  duties, ,or (ii) the
          willful  engaging by the Executive in  misconduct  which is materially
          and adversely  injurious to  Litchfield  or its parent  company or any
          subsidiaries or affiliates thereof,  monetarily or otherwise, or (iii)
          the  conviction  of the  Executive of, or the plea by the Executive of
          guilty  or nolo  contendere  to, a  felony;  provided,  however,  that
          "Cause" shall not exist under  clauses (i) and (ii) unless  Litchfield
          has complied with the following terms and conditions:

               (A)  the  Executive  is  provided  with  written  notice  of  the
                    proposed  termination; 

               (B)  the  Executive is given the  opportunity  to appear with his
                    counsel,  and  to  present  evidence  and a  defense  to the
                    alleged acts or omissions  constituting  "Cause",  at a duly
                    called  and  held  meeting  of the  Board  of  Directors  of
                    Litchfield,  the  purpose  of which  shall  be to  determine
                    whether  "Cause"  exists  under  clause  (i) or (ii) and the
                    Executive should be terminated; and

               (C)  if the Executive avails himself of the opportunity set forth
                    in  clause  (B),   following  such  meeting  not  less  than
                    two-thirds   of  the  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors
                    determine  that "Cause" exists under clause (1) and (ii) and
                    the Executive should be terminated.  For purposes of clauses
                    (i) and (ii) of this definition,  no act, or failure to act,
                    n the  Executive's  part  shall be deemed  "willful"  unless
                    done,  or omitted to be done,  b the  executive  not in good
                    faith and without reasonable belief that the Executive's act
                    or failure to act, was in the best interest of Litchfield.

     (C)  "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue code o f1986,  as amended from
          time to time.

     (D)  "Date of  Termination"  shall have the  meaning  stated in Section 7.2

     (E)  "Litchfield"  shall  mean  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation  and any
          successor to its business  and/or  assets.  Payments or benefits  from
          Litchfield shall include those from any of its stockholders.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     (F)  "Good  Reason"  shall  mean   termination  by  the  Executive  of  his
          employment  following  a  Transaction  for  any  one  or  more  of the
          following  reasons:  (i)  the  responsibility  and  authority  of  the
          Executive shall be materially altered following the Transaction;  (ii)
          the  compensation  of the  Executive  (taking  into  account only base
          salary and bonus) shall be diminished  following the  Transaction;  or
          (iii) following a Transaction  Litchfield  shall require the Executive
          to relocate to a location more than 25 miles distant.

     (G)  "Notice of  Termination"  shall have the meaning stated in Section 7.1

     (H)  "Person"  shall mean a natural  person or company;  however,  a Person
          shall not include any  shareholder or any company  owned,  directly or
          indirectly, by any shareholder.

     (I)  "Potential  Transaction"  shall  be  deemed  to have  occurred  if the
          conditions  asset forth in any one of the following  paragraphs  shall
          have been satisfied:

          (i)  Litchfield  enters into an agreement,  the  consummation of which
               would  result  in  the  occurrence  of  a  Transaction;  or  
          (ii) Litchfield  or any  Person  (with  the  approval  of  Litchfield)
               publicly  announces an  intention  to take or to consider  taking
               actions which,  if consummated,  would  constitute a Transaction.

     (J)  "Severance  Payments"  shall mean those payments  described in Section
          6.1 hereof.

     (K)  "Total  Payments"  shall mean those payments  described in Section 6.2

     (L)  A  "Transaction"  shall be  deemed to have  occurred  upon (i) a sale,
          conveyance, lease or other transfer of all or substantially all of the
          assets of  Litchfield,  (ii) a  consolidation  or merger of Litchfield
          with  or into  another  corporation  in  which  Litchfield  is not the
          surviving or resulting corporation or after which more than 50% of the
          issued and outstanding shares of voting capital stock of the surviving
          or resulting corporation is thereafter owned of record or beneficially
          by any single Person or Group of affiliated  Persons,  (iii) a sale or
          transfer in a single transaction of shares of the voting capital stock
          of  Litchfield,  which  results  in more  than 50% of the  issued  and
          outstanding  shares of the voting  capital stock of  Litchfield  being
          thereafter  owned of record or  beneficially  by any single  Person or
          Group of affiliated  Persons,  (iv) any other transaction or series of
          transactions involving the issuance, sale or transfer of shares of the
          capital stock of Litchfield,  which results in more than fifty percent
          (50%) of the issued and outstanding shares of the voting capital stock
          of Litchfield  being thereafter owned of record or beneficially by any
          single Person or Group of affiliated Persons, or (v) a majority of the
          Board of Directors of Litchfield ceasing to consist of individuals (A)
          who are currently members of the Board or (B) for whose nomination for
          such membership a majority of such current members voted in favor.

     (M)  "Group of  affiliated  Persons"  shall mean a group of two (2) or more
          Persons  (i) in which  one (1) or more of such  Persons  controls,  is
          controlled  by,  or is under  common  control  with,  another  of such
          Persons,  or (ii) which is  associated by agreement for the purpose of
          controlling  Litchfield or any successor corporation thereof. The term


                                                                       FORM 10-K

          "Group of affiliated  Persons"  shall not include any such group which
          consists  entirely  of Persons  who are  current  stockholders  and/or
          directors of  Litchfield  and which may currently be deemed to control
          Litchfield.   "Person"   shall   mean  an   individual,   partnership,
          corporation, trust or other business entity.

Executed as of the date first above written.


                          By: /s/ Richard A. Stratton      
                               Name:  Richard A. Stratton
                                Title:  President

                           /s/ Ronald E. Rabidou    


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                                                  Exhibit 10.140

          789 MAIN ROAD                               Commercial Loan Department
          STAMFORD, VT 05352                          58-68 Exchange Street, 
                                                      (P.O. Box 1056)
                                                      Binghamton, NY 13902

CORPORATION  (referred  to below  as  "Grantor");  and BSB BANK & TRUST  COMPANY
(referred to below as "Lender).  For valuable  consideration,  Grantor grants to
Lender a security  interest in the  Collateral  to secure the  indebtedness  and
agrees that Lender shall have the rights stated in this  Agreement  with respect
to the Collateral, in addition to all other rights which Lender may have by law.

DEFINITIONS.  The following words shall have the following meanings when used in
this  Agreement.  Terms not otherwise  defined in this Agreement  shall have the
meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code. All references
to dollar  amounts  shall mean amounts in lawful  money of the United  States of

     Agreement.  The word "Agreement" means this Commercial  Security Agreement,
     as this Commercial  Security Agreement may be amended or modified from time
     to  time,  together  with  all  exhibits  and  schedules  attached  to this
     Commercial  Security  Agreement  from  time to time.

     Collateral. The word "Collateral" means the following described property of
     Grantor,  whether now owned or hereafter acquired,  whether now existing or
     hereafter  arising,  and  wherever  located:  

     (a)  All  accounts,  general  intangibles,   instruments,   rents,  moneys,
          payments,  and all other rights, arising out of a sale, lease or other
          disposition  of any of  the  property  described  in  this  Collateral
     (b)  All   proceeds   (including   insurance   proceeds)   from  the  sale,
          destruction,  loss,  or  other  disposition  of any  of  the  property
          described in this Collateral section.

     (c)  Those  certain  loans  made by Grantor  and  assigned  to Lender  (the
          "Pledged Loans") along with the original promissory notes, endorsed to
          Lender and if  applicable  , the recorded  Mortgage,  Deed of Trust or
          comparable Security Instrument (or copy of Mortgage,  Deed of Trust or
          comparable Security Instrument, accompanied by evidence of recordation
          in the appropriate  public  recording  office),  an original  executed
          Assignment  of  Mortgage,   Deed  of  Trust  or  comparable   Security
          Instrument in favor of Lender in recordable  form. All such collateral
          must be  satisfactory  to  Lender  prior to  assignment  of  Grantor's


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          Commercial Security Agreement

     (d)  All records and data relating to any of the property described in this
          Collateral  section,  whether  in the form of a  writing,  photograph,
          microfilm,  microfiche,  or  electronic  media,  together  with all of
          Grantor's right,  title, and interest in and to all computer  software
          required to utilize, create, maintain, and process any such records or
          data on electronic media.

     Event of Default.  The words "Events of Default " mean and include  without
     limitation  any of the Events of  Default  set forth  below in the  section
     filled "Event of Default."

     Grantor.  The word "Grantor " means Litchfield Financial  Corporation,  its
     successors and assigns

     Guarantor.  The word "Guarantor" means and includes without limitation each
     and  all  of  the  guarantors,   sureties,  and  accommodation  parties  in
     connection with the indebtedness.

     Indebtedness.  The word "Indebtedness" means the indebtedness  evidenced by
     the Note,  including all  principal  and interest,  together with all other
     indebtedness and costs and expenses for which Grantor is responsible  under
     this Agreement or under any of the Related Documents. In addition, the word
     "Indebtedness" includes all other obligations,  debts and liabilities, plus
     interest  thereon,  of Grantor,  or any one or more of them, to lender,  as
     well as all claims by Lender against  Grantor,  or any one or more or them,
     whether  existing now or later;  whether they are voluntary or involuntary,
     due or not due, direct or indirect,  absolute or contingent,  liquidated or
     unliquidated;  whether  Grantor may be liable  individually or jointly with
     others;   whether   Grantor  may  be   obligated  as   guarantor,   surety,
     accommodation  party or otherwise;  whether recovery upon such Indebtedness
     may be  hereafter  may  become  barred by any  statute of  limitations  and
     whether  such  indebtedness  may  be  or  hereafter  may  become  otherwise

     Lender.  The word "Lender" means BSB BANK & TRUST  COMPANY,  its successors
     and assigns.

     Note.  The word "Note" means the Revolving Line of Credit  Promissory  Note
     dated  July  23,  1996,  in the  principal  amount  of  $5,000,000.00  from
     Litchfield Financial Corporation to Lender,  together with all renewals of,
     extensions of,  modifications  of,  refinancing of,  consolidations  of and
     substitutions for the note or credit agreement.

     Related Documents.  The words "Related  Documents" mean and include without
     limitation  all  promissory  notes,  credit  agreements,  loan  agreements,
     environmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds
     of trust, and all other instruments,  agreements and documents, whether now
     or  hereafter  existing,  executed  in  connection  with the  Indebtedness.


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     RIGHT OF  SETOFF.  In  addition  to  Lender's  right of setoff  arising  by
     operation of law,  Grantor  hereby grants  Lender a contractual  possessory
     security interest in and hereby assigns,  conveys,  delivers,  pledges, and
     transfers  all of Grantor's  right.  title and interest in and to Grantor's
     accounts with Lender (whether checking,  savings, or some other account and
     whether evidenced by a certificate of deposit), including all accounts held
     jointly with someone else and all accounts  Grantor may open in the future,
     excluding,  however, all IRA and Keogh accounts, and all trust accounts for
     which the grant of security interest would be prohibited by law.  Grantor's
     authorizes  Lender, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to charge or
     setoff all Indebtedness  against any and all such accounts.  OBLIGATIONS OF
     GRANTOR. Grantor warrants and covenants to Lender as follows:

     Organization:  Grantor is a corporation  which is duly  organized,  validly
     existing,   and  in  good   standing   under  the  laws  of  the  State  of
     Massachusetts.  Grantor  has its chief  executive  office at 789 Main Road,
     Stamford,  Vermont 05352.  Grantor will notify Lender of any changes in the
     location of Grantor's chief executive office.

     Authorization.  The execution,  delivery, and performance of this Agreement
     by Grantor have been duly authorized by all necessary action by Grantor and
     do not  conflict  wit,  result in a violation  of, or  constitute a default
     under (a) any provision of its articles of  incorporation  or organization,
     or bylaws, or any agreement or other instrument binding upon Grantor or (b)
     any law,  governmental  regulation,  court decree,  or order  applicable to

     Perfection of Security  Interest.  Grantor agrees to execute such financing
     statements  and to take  whatever  other actions are requested by Lender to
     perfect and continue  Lender's  security  interest in the Collateral.  Upon
     request  of  Lender,  Grantor  may  deliver  to  Lender  any and all of the
     documents evidencing or constituting the Collateral,  and Grantor will note
     Lender's interest upon any and all chattel paper if not delivered to Lender
     for possession by Lender. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as its irrevocable
     attorney-in-fact  for the purpose of executing any  documents  necessary to
     perfect or to continue the  security  interest  granted in this  Agreement.
     Lender may at any time,  and without  further  authorization  from Grantor,
     file  a  carbon,  photographic  or  other  reproduction  of  any  financing
     statement or of this  Agreement for use as a financing  statement.  Grantor
     will  reimburse  Lender  for  all  expenses  for  the  perfection  and  the
     continuation  of  the  perfection  of  Lender's  security  interest  in the
     Collateral.  Grantor  authorizes  Lender  to  file  a  financing  statement
     covering the Collateral  without  Grantor's  signature  pursuant to Uniform
     Commercial Code Section  9-402(2)(e).  Grantor  promptly will notify Lender
     before any change in  Grantor's  name  including  any change to the assumed
     business names of Grantor. This is a continuing Security Agreement and will
     continue in effect even though all or any part of the  Indebtedness is paid
     in full and even though for a period of time Grantor may not be Indebted to


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     No Violation. The execution and delivery of this Agreement will not violate
     any law or agreement  governing Grantor or to which Grantor is a party, and
     its certificate or articles of incorporation and bylaws do not prohibit any
     term or condition of this Agreement.

     Enforceability  of  Collateral.  To the extent the  Collateral  consists of
     accounts,  chattel  paper,  or  general  intangibles,   the  Collateral  is
     enforceable  in accordance  with its terms,  is genuine,  and complies with
     applicable  laws  concerning  form,  content and manner of preparation  and
     execution, and all persons appearing to be obligated on the Collateral have
     authority and capacity to contract and are in fact obligated as they appear
     to be on the  Collateral.  At the time any  account  becomes  subject  to a
     security interest in favor of Lender, the account shall be a good and valid
     account representing an undisputed,  bona fide indebtedness incurred by the
     account debtor,  for merchandise held subject to delivery  instructions and
     theretofore  shipped or  delivered  pursuant to a contract of sale,  or for
     services  theretofore  performed by Grantor with or for the account debtor;
     there shall be no setoffs or counterclaims against any such account; and no
     agreement under which any deductions or discounts may be claimed shall have
     been made with the  account  debtor  except  those  disclosed  to Lender in

     Location of the Collateral.  Grantor,  upon request of Lender, will deliver
     to Lender in form  satisfactory to Lender a schedule of real properties and
     Collateral  locations relating to Grantor's  operations,  including without
     limitation the following (a) all real property owned or being  purchased by
     Grantor;  (b) all real property being rented or leased by Grantor;  (c) all
     storage facilities owned, rented, leased, or being used by Grantor; (d) all
     other properties  where Collateral is or may be located;  and (e) any other
     collateral  described  above.  Except in the  ordinary  course of business,
     Grantor shall not remove the Collateral from its existing locations without
     the prior written consent of Lender.

     Removal of Collateral.  Grantor shall keep the Collateral (or to the extent
     the  Collateral  consists of  intangible  property  such as  accounts,  the
     records concerning the Collateral) at Grantor's address shown above , or at
     such other  locations as are  acceptable to Lender.  Except in the ordinary
     course of its business, including the sales of inventory, Grantor shall not
     remove the Collateral from its existing locations without the prior written
     consent of Lender. To the extent that the Collateral  consists of vehicles,
     or other titled property, Grantor shall not take or permit any action which
     would  require  application  for  certificates  of title  for the  vehicles
     outside the State of New York, without the prior written consent of Lender.
     Notwithstanding  the above Lender  acknowledges that some of the collateral
     consists of mobile homes which will be located  outside of the State of New


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     Transaction  Involving  Collateral.  Except for inventory  sold or accounts
     collected in the ordinary course of Grantor's  business,  Grantor shall not
     sell,  offer to sell, or otherwise  transfer of dispose of the  Collateral.
     While  Grantor is not in default  under this  Agreement,  Grantor  may sell
     inventory,  but only in the  ordinary  course of its  business  and only to
     buyers who qualify as a buyer in the ordinary course of business. A sale in
     the ordinary  course of Grantor's  business  does not include a transfer in
     partial or total satisfaction of a debt or any bulk sale. Grantor shall not
     pledge, mortgage, encumber or otherwise permit the Collateral to be subject
     to any lien,  security  interest,  encumbrances  or charge,  other than the
     security interest provided for in this Agreement, without the prior written
     consent of Lender. This includes security interests even if junior in right
     to  security  interests  granted  under this  Agreement.  Unless  waived by
     Lender,  all proceeds from any  disposition of the Collateral (for whatever
     reason) shall be held in trust for Lender and shall not be commingled  with
     any other funds;  provided  however,  this requirement shall not constitute
     consent by Lender to any sale or other disposition.  Upon receipt,  Grantor
     shall  immediately  deliver  any such  proceeds  to Lender.  At  Borrower's
     request,  and in the absence of any default as defined herein by Grantor in
     making any payment of principal or interest  when the same shall become due
     under the $5,000,000.00  Note, Lender shall release  collateral in Lender's
     possession from time to time in the manner instructed by Grantor,  but only
     if after such release the outstanding  principal  balance of the Note shall
     not exceed the  Borrowing  Base.  Grantor and its agents shall  continue to
     service and  administer the loans  constituting  Collateral in the ordinary
     course of business.  Grantor  shall collect all amounts due to Grantor with
     respect to the  Collateral,  and, in the absence of a Default,  may use the
     same to carry on Grantor's business.

     Title.  Grantor  represents  and  warrants to Lender that it holds good and
     marketable  title to the  Collateral,  free  and  clear  of all  liens  and
     encumbrances except for the lien of this Agreement.  No financing statement
     covering any of the  Collateral  is on file in any public office other than
     those which reflect the security  interest  created by this Agreement or to
     which Lender has  specifically  consented.  Grantor  shall defend  Lender's
     rights in the  Collateral  against  the  claims  and  demands  of all other


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     Collateral Schedules and Locations.  As often as Lender shall require , and
     insofar as the  Collateral  consists of accounts  and general  intangibles,
     Grantor shall  deliver to Lender  schedules of such  Collateral,  including
     such information as Lender may require,  including without limitation names
     and  addresses  of account  debtors  and  agings of  accounts  and  general
     intangibles. Insofar as the Collateral consists of inventory and equipment,
     Grantor shall  deliver to Lender,  as often as Lender shall  require,  such
     lists,  descriptions,  and  designations  of such  Collateral as Lender may
     require to identify the nature,  extent,  and location of such  Collateral.
     Such   information   shall  be  submitted  for  Grantor  and  each  of  its
     subsidiaries or related companies.

     Maintenance  and  Inspection  of  Collateral.  Grantor  shall  maintain all
     tangible  Collateral in good condition and repair.  Grantor will not commit
     or  permit  damage  to or  destruction  the  Collateral  or any part of the
     Collateral. Lender and Its designated representatives and agents shall have
     the  right at all  reasonable  times to  examine,  inspect,  and  audit the
     Collateral wherever located. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of all
     cases involving the return, rejection,  repossession,  loss or damage of or
     to any Collateral;  of any request for credit or adjustment or of any other
     dispute  arising  with  respect to the  Collateral;  and  generally  of all
     happenings  and events  affecting the Collateral or the value or the amount
     of the Collateral.

     Taxes,  Assessments  and  Liens.  Grantor  will  pay  when  due all  taxes,
     assessments and liens upon the Collateral, its use or operations, upon this
     Agreement,  upon any promissory note or notes evidencing the  Indebtedness,
     or upon any of the other Related  Documents.  Grantor may withhold any such
     payment  or may  elect to  contest  any lien in  Grantor  is in good  faith
     conducting an  appropriate  proceeding to contest the obligation to pay and
     so long as  Lender's  interest  in the  Collateral  is not  jeopardized  in
     Lender's  sole opinion.  If the  Collateral si subjected to a lien which is
     not discharged within fifteen (15) days,  Grantor shall deposit with Lender
     cash, a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security  satisfactory to
     Lender in an amount  adequate to provide for the discharge of the lien plus
     any interest, costs, reasonable attorney's fees or other charges that could
     accrue as a result of foreclosure or sale of the Collateral. In any contest
     Grantor  shall defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy any final adverse
     judgment  before  enforcement  against the  Collateral.  Grantor shall name
     Lender as an  additional  obligee  under any surety bond  furnished  in the
     contest proceedings.

     Compliance With  Governmental  Requirements.  Grantor shall comply promptly
     with all  laws,  ordinances,  rules  and  regulations  of all  governmental
     authorities,  now or  hereafter  in effect,  applicable  to the  ownership,
     production,  disposition, or use of the Collateral.  Grantor may contest in
     good faith any such law,  ordinance or regulation  and withhold  compliance
     during any proceeding,  including  appropriate appeals, so long as Lender's
     interest in the Collateral, in Lender's opinion, is not jeopardized.


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     Hazardous  Substances.  Grantor represents and warrants that to the best of
     Grantor's  knowledge,  the Collateral  never has been, and never will be as
     long as this  Agreement  remains  a lien on the  Collateral,  used  for the
     generation,  manufacture,  storage,  transportation,  treatment,  disposal,
     release or threatened release of any hazardous waste or substance, as those
     terms   are   defined   in  the   Comprehensive   Environmental   Response,
     Compensation,  and Liability Act of 1980,  as amended,  42, U.S.C.  Section
     9601,et seq.  ("CERCLA"),  the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
     of  1986,   Pub.  L.  No.  99-499   ("SARA"),   the   Hazardous   Materials
     Transportation  Act,  49  U.S.C.   Section  1801,  et  seq.,  the  Resource
     Conservation  and Recovery  Act, 42 U.S.C.  Section 6901, et seq., or other
     applicable state or Federal laws, rules, or regulations adopted pursuant to
     any of the foregoing. The terms "hazardous waste" and "hazardous substance"
     shall also include, without limitation, petroleum and petroleum by-products
     or any fraction thereof and asbestos.  The  representations  and warranties
     contained herein are based on Grantor's due diligence in investigating  the
     Collateral for hazardous wastes and substances. Grantor hereby (a) releases
     and waives any future claims against  Lender for indemnity or  contribution
     in the event  Grantor  becomes  liable for cleanup or other costs under any
     such laws, and (b) agrees to indemnity and hold harmless Lender against any
     and all claims and losses resulting from a breach of this provision of this
     Agreement.  This  obligation to indemnity  shall survive the payment of the
     Indebtedness and the satisfaction of this Agreement.

     Maintenance of Casualty  Insurance.  Grantor shall procure and maintain all
     risks insurance,  including  without  limitation fire, theft, and liability
     coverage  together  with such other  insurance  as Lender may require  with
     respect  to  the  Collateral,  in  form,  amounts,   coverage's  and  basis
     reasonably  acceptable  to Lender  and  issued by a  company  or  companies
     reasonably  acceptable  to Lender  .Grantor,  upon request of Lender,  will
     deliver  to  Lender  from  time to item the  policies  or  certificates  of
     insurance  in form  satisfactory  to Lender,  including  stipulations  that
     coverages  will not be  canceled  or  diminished  without at least ten (10)
     days' prior written  notice to Lender and not  including any  disclaimer of
     the insurer's  liability for failure to give such a notice.  Each insurance
     policy also shall include an  endorsement  providing that coverage in favor
     of Lender will not be  impaired in any way by any act,  omission or default
     of Grantor or any other person.  In connection  with all policies  covering
     assets in which  Lender  holds or is offered a security  Interest.  Grantor
     will provide Lender with such loss payable or other  endorsements as Lender
     may  require.  If  Grantor  at any time  fails to  obtain or  maintain  any
     insurance as required  under this  Agreement,  Lender may (but shall not be
     obligated to) obtain such insurance as Lender deems appropriate,  including
     if it so  chooses  "single  interest  insurance",  which  will  cover  only
     Lender's interest in the Collateral.


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     Application of Insurance Proceeds.  Grantor shall promptly notify Lender of
     any loss or  damage to the  Collateral.  Lender  may make  proof of loss if
     Grantor  fails to do so  within  fifteen  (15)  days of the  casualty.  All
     proceeds of any insurance on the  Collateral,  including  accrued  proceeds
     thereon,  shall be held by  Lender  as part of the  Collateral.  If  Lender
     consents to repair or replacement  of the damaged or destroyed  Collateral,
     Lender shall,  upon  satisfactory  proof of  expenditure,  pay or reimburse
     Grantor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair or restoration.
     If Lender  does not  consent to repair or  replacement  of the  Collateral,
     Lender shall  retain a sufficient  amount of the proceeds to pay all of the
     Indebtedness, and shall pay the balance to Grantor. Any proceeds which have
     not been  disbursed  within six (6) months  after  their  receipt and which
     Grantor has not committed to the repair or  restoration  of the  Collateral
     shall be used to repay the Indebtedness.  Grantor hereby appoints Lender as
     Its attorney-in-fact- with full power and authority to endorse in Grantor's
     name any check or draft  representing  the proceeds of any insurance on the
     Collateral  and to settle or compromise  in Grantor's  name any claims with
     respect to such insurance.

     Insurance  Reserves.  Lender may require  Grantor to  maintain  with Lender
     reserves for payment of insurance premiums, which reserves shall be created
     by  monthly  payments  from  Grantor  of a sum  estimated  by  Lender to be
     sufficient  to produce,  at least  fifteen (15) days before the premium due
     date,  amounts at least  equal to the  insurance  premiums  to be paid.  If
     fifteen  (15)  days  before   payment  is  due,   the  reserve   funds  are
     insufficient,  Grantor  shall upon demand pay any  deficiency to Lender The
     reserve  funds  shall be held by  Lender  as a  general  deposit  and shall
     constitute  a  non-interest-bearing  account  which  Lender may  satisfy by
     payment if the  insurance  premiums  required  to be paid by  Grantor,  and
     Lender is not the agent of Grantor  for payment of the  insurance  premiums
     required  to be paid by  Grantor.  The  responsibility  for the  payment of
     premiums shall remain Grantor's sole responsibility.

     Insurance Reports. Grantor, upon request of Lender, shall furnish to Lender
     reports on each existing  policy of insurance  showing such  information as
     Lender may reasonably request including the following:  (a) the name of the
     insurer;  (b) the risk  insured;  (c) the  amount  of the  Policy;  (d) the
     property  insured;  (e) the  then  current  value  on the  basis  of  which
     insurance has been obtained and the manner of determining  that value;  and
     (f) the  expiration  date of the policy.  In addition,  Grantor  shall upon
     request  by  Lender   (however  not  more  often  than  annually)  have  an
     independent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine, as applicable,  the
     cash value or replacement cost of the Collateral.


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     except as otherwise  provided  below with respect to accounts,  Grantor may
     have possession of the tangible personal property and beneficial use of all
     the  Collateral and may use it in any lawful manner not  inconsistent  with
     this Agreement or the Related  Documents,  provided that Grantor's right to
     possession  and  beneficial  use shall not  apply to any  Collateral  where
     possession  of the  Collateral  by Lender  is  required  by law to  perfect
     Lender's security interest in such Collateral.  Until otherwise notified by
     Lender,  Grantor may collect any of the Collateral  consisting of accounts.
     Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  and Grantor's  failure to cure
     same as  provided  herein,  Lender may  exercise  its rights to collect the
     accounts and to notify account debtors to make payments  directly to Lender
     for application to the  Indebtedness.  If Lender at any time has possession
     of any  Collateral,  whether  before or after an Event of  Default,  Lender
     shall be  deemed  to have  exercised  reasonable  care in the  custody  and
     preservation of the Collateral if Lender takes such action for that purpose
     as Grantor shall request or as Lender,  in Lender's sole discretion,  shall
     deem appropriate under the circumstances,  but failure to honor any request
     by  Grantor  shall not of itself  be  deemed  to be a failure  to  exercise
     reasonable  care.  Lender shall not be required to take any steps necessary
     to preserve any rights in the  Collateral  against  prior  parties,  nor to
     protect,  preserve or maintain  any security  interest  given to secure the

     EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If not discharged or paid when due, Lender may (but
     shall  not be  obligated)  discharge  or pay  any  amounts  required  to be
     discharge  or paid by  Grantor  under  this  Agreement,  including  without
     limitation all taxes, liens,  security interests,  encumbrances,  and other
     claims,  at any time  levied or placed on the  Collateral.  Lender also may
     (but shall not be obligated to) pay all costs for insuring, maintaining and
     preserving the Collateral. All such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender
     for such purposes,  with the exception of insurance premiums paid by Lender
     with  incurred or paid by Lender to the date of repayment  by Grantor.  All
     such expenses shall become a balance of the Note and be  apportioned  among
     and by payable with any  installment  payments to become due during  either
     (i) the term of any applicable  insurance policy or (ii) the remaining term
     of the Note;  or (c) be treated as a balloon  payment which will be due and
     payable at the Note's maturity.  This Agreement also will secure payment of
     these  amounts.  Such right shall be in  addition  to all other  rights and
     remedies to which Lender may be entitled upon the occurrence of an Event of

     EVENTS OF  DEFAULT.  Each of the  following  shall  constitute  an Event of
     Default under this Agreement: 

     Default of Indebtedness. Failure of Grantor to make any payment when due on
     the  Indebtedness. 

     Other  Defaults.  Failure of Grantor  to comply  with or perform  any other
     term,  obligation,  covenant or condition contained in this Agreement or in
     any of the Related  Documents or in any other agreement  between Lender and


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     False  Statements.  Any  warranty,  representation  or  statement  made  or
     furnished to Lender by or on behalf of Grantor  under this  Agreement,  the
     Note or the  Related  Documents  is false  or  misleading  in any  material
     respect, either now or at the time made or furnished.

     Defective Collateralization. This Agreement or any of the Related Documents
     ceases to be in full force and effect (including  failure of any collateral
     documents to create a valid and perfected security interest or lien) at any
     time and for any reason.

     Insolvency.  The  dissolution or  termination  of Grantor's  existence as a
     going  business,  the insolvency or Grantor,  the appointment of a receiver
     for any part of  Grantor's  property,  any  assignment  for the  benefit of
     creditors,  any  type  of  creditor  workout,  or the  commencement  of any
     proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Grantor.

     Creditors  or  Forfeiture  Proceedings.   Commencement  of  foreclosure  or
     forfeiture  proceedings,   whether  by  judicial  proceedings,   self-help,
     repossession  or any other  method,  by any  creditor  of Grantor or by any
     governmental agency against the Collateral or any other collateral securing
     the  Indebtedness.  This includes a garnishment of any of Grantor's deposit
     accounts  with Lender.  However,  this Event of Default  shall not apply if
     there  is  a  good  faith   dispute  by  Grantor  as  to  the  validity  or
     reasonableness  of  the  claim  which  is the  basis  of  the  creditor  or
     forfeiture  proceeding  and If Grantor gives Lender  written  notice of the
     creditor or  forfeiture  proceeding  and deposits  with Lender  moneys or a
     surety  bond  for the  creditor  or  forfeiture  proceeding,  in an  amount
     determined by Lender, in its sole discretion,  as being an adequate reserve
     or bond for the dispute.

     Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect
     to any  Guarantor  of any of the  Indebtedness  or such  Guarantor  dies or
     becomes incompetent.  Lender, at its option, may, but shall not by required
     to, permit the Guarantor estate or assume  unconditionally  the obligations
     arising  under the  guaranty in a manner  satisfactory  to Lender,  and, in
     doing so, cure the Event of Default.

     Adverse  Change.  A material  adverse change occurs in Grantor's  financial
     condition, or Lender believes the prospect of payment or performance of the
     Indebtedness is impaired.

     Right to Cure.  If any default,  other than a Default on  Indebtedness,  is
     curable and if Grantor has not been given a prior notice of a breach of the
     same provision of this Agreement,  it may be cured (and no Event of Default
     will have occurred) If Grantor. after Lender sends written notice demanding
     cure of such default,  (a) cures the default  within  fifteen (15) days; or
     (b),  if the  cure  requires  more  than  fifteen  (15)  days,  immediately
     initiates  steps which  Lender  deems in  Lender's  sole  discretion  to be
     sufficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practical.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     RIGHTS AND  REMEDIES ON DEFAULT.  If an Event of Default  occurs under this
     Agreement,  at any time  thereafter,  Lender shall have all the rights of a
     secured party under the New York Uniform  Commercial  Code. In addition and
     without  limitation,  Lender may exercise any one or more of the  following
     rights and remedies:

     Accelerate  Indebtedness.  Lender  may  declare  the  entire  Indebtedness,
     including  any  prepayment  penalty which Grantor would be required to pay,
     immediately due and payable, without notice.

     Assemble Collateral. Lender may require Grantor to deliver to Lender all or
     any portion of the  Collateral  and any and all  certificates  of title and
     other documents  relating to the Collateral.  Lender may require Grantor to
     assemble  the  Collateral  and make it available to Lender at a place to be
     designated  by Lender.  Lender also shall have full power to enter upon the
     property of Grantor to take possession of and remove the Collateral. If the
     Collateral  contains  other goods not covered by this Agreement at the time
     of repossession,  Grantor agrees Lender may take such other goods, provided
     that  Lender  makes  reasonable  efforts to return  them to  Grantor  after

     Sell the Collateral. Lender shall have full power to sell, lease, transfer,
     or otherwise deal with the  Collateral or proceeds  thereof in its own name
     or that of Grantor.  Lender may sell the  Collateral  at public  auction or
     private sale. Unless the Collateral  threatens to decline speedily in value
     or is of a type customarily sold on a recognized  market,  Lender will give
     Grantor  reasonable  notice of the time after which any private sale or any
     other   intended   disposition  of  the  Collateral  is  to  be  made.  The
     requirements  of reasonable  notice shall be met if such notice is given at
     least  ten  (10)  days  before  the time of the  sale or  disposition.  Any
     expenses  relating to the disposition of the Collateral,  including without
     limitation the expenses of retaking, holding, insuring,  preparing for sale
     and selling the Collateral (including legal fees and costs), shall become a
     part of the  Indebtedness  secured by this  Agreement  and payable from the
     proceeds  of the  disposition  of the  Collateral,  and shall be payable on
     demand,  with  interest  at the Note rate from  date of  expenditure  until

     Appoint Receiver. To  the  extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,   Lender
     shall   have  the   following   rights   and   remedies    regarding    the
     appointment   of   a  receiver:  (a) Lender may have  a receiver  appointed
     as   a   matter   of right;    (b)   the   receiver  may  be an employee of


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                         COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     Lender and may serve without bond; and (c) all fees of the receiver and his
     or her  attorney  shall  become  part of the  Indebtedness  secured by this
     Agreement  and  payable  from  the  proceeds  of  the  disposition  of  the
     Collateral,  and shall be payable on demand, with interest at the Note rate
     from date of expenditure until repaid.

     Collect  Revenues,  Apply  Accounts.  Lender,  either  itself or  through a
     receiver,  may collect the payments,  rents,  income, and revenues from the
     Collateral.  Lender  may  at  any  time  in  its  discretion  transfer  any
     Collateral  into  its  own  name or that of its  nominee  and  receive  the
     payments,  rents,  income,  and  revenues  therefrom  and  hold the same as
     security for the indebtedness or apply it to payment of the indebtedness in
     such order of preference as Lender may determine, Insofar as the Collateral
     consists of accounts, general intangibles, insurance policies, instruments,
     chattel paper,  chooses in action, or similar property,  Lender may demand,
     collect, receipt for, settle, compromise,  adjust, sue for, foreclosure, or
     realize  on  the  Collateral  as  Lender  may  determine,  whether  or  not
     indebtedness or Collateral is then due. For these purposes,  Lender may, on
     behalf of and in the name of  Grantor,  receive,  open and  dispose of mail
     addressed to Grantor;  change any address to which mail and payments are to
     be sent;  and endorse  notes,  checks,  draft,  money orders,  documents of
     title, instruments and items pertaining to payment, shipment, or storage of
     any Collateral. To facilitate collection, Lender may notify account debtors
     and obligators on any Collateral to make payments directly to Lender.

     Obtain Deficiency.  If Lender chooses to sell any or all of the Collateral,
     Lender may obtain a judgment  against Grantor for any deficiency  remaining
     on the Indebtedness due to Lender after application of all amounts received
     from the exercise of the rights provided in this  Agreement.  Grantor shall
     be  liable  for a  deficiency  even if the  transaction  described  in this
     subsection is a sale of accounts or chattel paper.

     Other Rights and Remedies. Lender shall have all the rights and remedies of
     a secured creditor under the provisions of the Uniform  Commercial Code, as
     may be amended from time to time,  In  addition,  Lender shall have and may
     exercise  any or all rights and  remedies it may have  available by law, in
     equity, or otherwise.


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     Cumulative Remedies. All of Lender's rights and remedies, whether evidenced
     by this Agreement or the Related  Documents or by any other writing,  shall
     be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently.  Election by
     Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exclude  pursuit of any other remedy,
     and an  election  to make  expenditures  or to take  action to  perform  an
     obligation  of Grantor under this  Agreement,  after  Grantor's  failure to
     perform,  shall not  affect  Lender's  right to  declare  a default  and to
     exercise its remedies.

     MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part
     of this Agreement:

     Amendments.   This   Agreement,   together  with  any  Related   Documents,
     constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as to the
     matters set forth in this Agreement.  No alteration of or amendment to this
     Agreement  shall be  effective  unless  given in writing  and signed by the
     party or  parties  sought  to be  charged  of bound  by the  alteration  or

     Applicable Law. This Agreement has been delivered to Lender and accepted by
     Lender in the State of New York. If there is a lawsuit. Grantor agrees upon
     Lender's  request  to submit to the  jurisdiction  of the  courts of Broome
     County, State of New York. Lender and Grantor hereby waive the right to any
     jury trial in any action,  proceeding,  or  counterclaim  brought by either
     Lender or Grantor  against the other.  This Agreement  shall be governed by
     and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

     Attorney's  Fees;  Expenses.  Grantor  agrees  to pay  upon  demand  all of
     Lender's  costs and  expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and
     Lender's legal  expenses,  incurred in connection  with the  enforcement of
     this Agreement. Lender may pay someone else to help enforce this Agreement,
     and Grantor shall pay the costs and expenses of such enforcement. Costs and
     expenses  include  Lender's  reasonable  attorneys' fees and legal expenses
     whether or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable attorneys' fees and
     legal expenses for bankruptcy  proceedings (and including efforts to modify
     or vacate any automatic stay or injunction),  appeals , and any anticipated
     post-judgment  collection services.  Grantor also shall pay all court costs
     and such additional fees as may be directed by the court.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     Caption  Headings.  Caption  headings in this Agreement are for convenience
     purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the  provisions
     of this Agreement.

     Multiple  Parties;  Corporate  Authority.  All obligations of Grantor under
     this  Agreement  shall be joint and several,  and all references to Grantor
     shall mean each and every  Grantor.  This means that each of the  Borrowers
     signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Agreement.

     Notices.  Any notices  required to be given under this  Agreement  shall be
     given in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile, and shall be effective when
     actually delivered or when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight
     courier or  deposited  in the United  States  mail,  first  class,  postage
     prepaid,  addressed  to the party to whom the  notice is to be given at the
     address  shown  above.  Any party may change its address for notices  under
     this  Agreement  by giving  formal  written  notice  to the other  parties,
     specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the party's address.
     The the  extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  if there is more than one
     Grantor,  notice to any Grantor will constitute notice to all Grantors. For
     notice  purposes,  Grantor  will  keep  Lender  informed  at all  times  of
     Grantor's current addressees.

     Power of Attorney.  Grantor hereby  appoints  Lender as its true and lawful
     attorney-in-fact,  irrevocably,  with full power of  substitution to do the
     following:  (a) to demand, collect,  receive,  receipt for, sue and recover
     all sums of money or other property which may now or hereafter  become due,
     owing or payable from the Collateral;  (b) to execute, sign and endorse any
     and all claims, instruments,  receipts, checks, draft or warrants issued in
     payment for the Collateral;  (c) to settle or compromise any and all claims
     arising  under the  Collateral,  and in the place and stead of Grantor,  to
     execute and deliver its release and  settlement  for the claim;  and (d) to
     file any claim or claims or to take any action or institute or take part in
     any  proceedings,  either  in its own  name or in the name of  Grantor,  or
     otherwise,  which  in the  discretion  of  Lender  may  seem  necessary  or
     advisable.  This power is given as security for the  Indebtedness,  and the
     authority  hereby conferred is and shall be irrevocable and shall remain in
     full force and  effect as long as there is any  amount due and owing  under
     the Note.

     Severability.  If a court of competent  jurisdiction finds any provision of
     this  Agreement  to be  invalid  or  unenforceable  as  to  any  person  or
     circumstance,  such  finding  shall not render  that  provision  invalid or
     unenforceable  as to any person or  circumstance,  such  finding  shall not
     render that such offending  provision  shall be deemed to be modified to be
     within the limits of enforceability or validity;  however, if the offending
     provision  cannot  be so  modified,  it shall  be  stricken  and all  other
     provisions of this  Agreement in all other  respects shall remain valid and


                                                                       FORM 10-K


     Successor Interests. Subject to the limitations set forth above on transfer
     of the  Collateral,  this Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the
     benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns.

     Waiver.  Lender  shall not be deemed to have  waived any rights  under this
     Agreement  unless such waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender.  No
     delay or omission on the part of the Lender in  exercising  any right shall
     operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by Lender of
     a provision of this Agreement shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of
     Lender's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or
     any other provision of this Agreement.  No prior waiver by Lender,  nor any
     course of dealing between Lender and Grantor,  shall constitute a waiver of
     any of Lender's rights or of any of Grantor's obligations as to any further
     transactions.  Whenever  the  consent  of Lender  is  required  under  this
     Agreement, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not
     constitute continuing consent to subsequent instances where such consent is
     required  and in all cases such  consent  may be granted or withheld in the
     sole discretion of Lender.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                          COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT

     23, 1996





     By: _____________________________
                  Authorized Officer


                                                                       FORM 10-K

                                                                Exhibit 10.141

                               PROMISSORY NOTE


Principal         Loan Date      Maturity   Loan #   Call  Collateral  Account  Officer   Initials
$5,000,000.00     07-23-96       07-15-97   11077    032   NOTES       2958     LK576    ---------

Borrower:   Litchfield Financial Corporation        Lender:BSB  BANK & TRUST
              Box 544                                Commercial Loan Dept.
              Williamstown, MA 01267                 58-68Exchange St.
                                                     (P.O. Box 1056
                                                     Binghamton, NY 13902

Principal Amount: $5,000,000  Initial Rate: 9.500%   Date of Note: July 23, 1996

     PROMISE TO PAY. Litchfield Financial  Corporation  ("Borrower") promises to
     pay to BSB Bank and Trust Co. ("Lender"),  or order, in lawful money of the
     United  States of America,  the  principal  amount of Five Million & 00/100
     Dollars  (5,000,000.00)  or so much as may be  outstanding,  together  with
     interest  on the unpaid  outstanding  principal  balance  of each  advance.
     Interest shall be calculated  from the date of each advance until repayment
     of each advance.

     PAYMENT.  Borrower  will pay this loan in one  payment  of all  outstanding
     principal plus all accrued  unpaid  interest on July 15, 1997. In addition,
     Borrower  will pay  regular  monthly  payments of accrued  unpaid  interest
     beginning August 15, 1996, and all subsequent  interest payments are due on
     the same day of each month after that. Borrower will pay Lender at Lender's
     address  shown  above or at such  other  place as Lender may  designate  in
     writing.  Unless otherwise  agreed or required by applicable law,  payments
     will be applied first accrued unpaid interest,  then to principal,  and any
     remaining amount to any unpaid collection costs and late charges.

     VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. The interest rate on this Note is subject to change
     from time to time based on changes in an index which is Lender's Prime Rate
     (the "Index").  This is the rate Lender charges, or would charge, on 90-day
     unsecured loans to the most creditworthy corporate customers. This rate may
     or may not be the lowest  rate  available  from  Lender ate any given time.
     Lender will tell Borrower the current index rate upon  Borrower's  request.
     Borrower  understands  that  Lender may make loans  based on other rates as
     well. The interest rate change will not occur more often than each day. The
     Index  currently is 8.250% per annum.  The  interest  rate to be applied to
     unpaid principal balance of this Note will be at a rate of 1.250 percentage
     points over the Index,  resulting  in an initial  rate of 9.500% per annum.
     NOTICE:  Under no circumstances will the interest rate on this Note be more
     than the maximum rate allowed by applicable law.

     PREPAYMENT. Borrower may pay without penalty all or a portion of the amount
     owed earlier than it is due. Early  payments will not,  unless agreed to by
     Lender in writing, relieve Borrower of Borrower's obligation to continue to
     make  payments of accrued  unpaid  interest.  Rather,  they will reduce the
     principal balance due.


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     LATE CHARGE. If a payment is 10 days or more late, Borrower will be charged
     4.000% of the unpaid portion of the regularly  scheduled payment or $10.00,
     whichever is greater.

     DEFAULT.  Borrower will be in default if any of the following happens:  (a)
     Borrower  fails to make any  payment  when due.  (b)  Borrower  breaks  any
     promise Borrower has made to Lender, or Borrower fails to comply with or to
     perform  when  due any  other  term,  obligation,  covenant,  or  condition
     contained  in this Note or any  agreement  related to this Note,  or in any
     other agreement or loan Borrower has with Lender. (c) Any representation or
     statement  made or furnished to Lender or Borrower or on Borrower's  behalf
     is false or  misleading in any material  respect  either now or at the time
     made or furnished.  (d) Borrower becomes insolvent, a receiver is appointed
     for any part of Borrower's property, Borrower's property, Borrower makes an
     assignment  for the benefit of  creditors,  or any  proceeding is commenced
     either by Borrower or against  Borrower  under any bankruptcy or insolvency
     laws.  (e) Any creditor  tries to take any of Borrower's  property on or in
     which Lender has a lien or security  interest.  This includes a garnishment
     of any of Borrower's accounts with Lender. (f) Any guarantor dies or any of
     the other events  described in this default  section occurs with respect to
     any  guarantor  of this  Note.  (g) A  material  adverse  change  occurs in
     Borrower's financial condition,  or Lender believes the prospect of payment
     or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired.

     If any default, other than a default in payment, is curable and if Borrower
     has not been given a notice of a breach of the same  provision of this Note
     within the preceding  twelve (12) months,  it may be cured (and no event of
     default will have  occurred) if Borrower,  after  receiving  written notice
     from Lender  demanding  cure of such default:  (a) cures the default within
     (15)  days;  or (b) if the cure  requires  more  than  fifteen  (15)  days,
     immediately  initiates steps which Lender deems in Lender's sole discretion
     to be sufficient to cure the default and thereafter continues and completes
     all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produce compliance as soon
     as reasonably practical.

     LENDER RIGHTS. Upon default, Lender may declare the entire unpaid principal
     balance  on this Note and all  accrued  unpaid  interest  immediately  due,
     without  notice,  and then  Borrower  will pay that amount.  Upon  default,
     including failure to pay upon final maturity,  Lender,  at its option,  amy
     also, if permitted  under  applicable law,  increase the variable  interest
     rate on this Note to 2.250  percentage  points over the Index. The interest
     rate will not exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. Borrower
     agrees to pay all costs and  expenses  incurred  by Lender to collect  this
     Note. This includes,  subject to any limits under applicable law,  Lender's
     reasonable attorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses whether or not there
     is a lawsuit,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees and legal expenses for
     bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic
     stay or injunction),  appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection
     services. If not prohibited by law, Borrower also will pay any court costs,
     in addition to all other sums provided by law. This Note has been delivered
     to Lender and  accepted  by Lender in the State of New York.  If there is a
     lawsuit,   Borrower   agrees  upon  Lender's   request  to  submit  to  the
     jurisdiction of the courts of BROOME County,  the State of New York. Lender
     and  Borrower  hereby  waive  the  right to any jury  trial in any  action,
     proceeding.  or counterclaim  brought by either Lender or Borrower  against
     the other.  This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
     the laws of the State of New York.

     RIGHT OF  SETOFF.  In  addition  to  Lender's  right of setoff  arising  by
     operation  of law,  Borrower  grants  to  Lender a  contractual  possessory
     security interest in, and hereby assigns, conveys,  delivers,  pledges, and
     transfers  to Lender all  Borrower's  right,  title and interest in and to,
     Borrower's  accounts with Lender (whether checking,  savings, or some other
     account and whether  evidenced  by a  certificate  of  deposit),  including
     without  limitation  all  accounts  held  jointly with someone else and all
     accounts  Borrower  may open in the future,  excluding  however all IRA and


                                                                       FORM 10-K

     Keogh  accounts,  and all trust  accounts for which the grant of a security
     interest would be prohibited by law.  Borrower  authorizes  Lender,  to the
     extent  permitted by applicable  law, to charge or setoff all sums owing on
     this Note against any and all such accounts.

     COLLATERAL.  This  Note  is  secured  by  INDIVIDUAL  NOTES  ORIGINATED  OR
     is any inconsistency  between the terms and conditions of this Note and the
     terms and conditions of the collateral documents,  the terms and conditions
     of this Note shall prevail.

     LINE OF CREDIT.  This Note evidences a revolving  line of credit.  Advances
     under  this Note may be  requested  only in writing  by  Borrower  or by an
     authorized  person.  All  communications,  instructions,  or  directions by
     telephone  or  otherwise  to Lender are to be directed  to Lender's  office
     shown  above.  The  following  party or parties are  authorized  to request
     advances  under the line of credit until Lender  receives  from Borrower at
     Lender's  address  shown  above  written  notice  of  revocation  of  their
     CONTROLLER;  and JENNIFER FIELD,  SENIOR ACCOUNTANT.  Borrower agrees to be
     liable for all sums either: (a) advanced in accordance with the instruction
     of an authorized person or (b) credited to any of Borrower's  accounts with
     Lender.  The unpaid principal balance owing on this Note at any time may be
     evidenced by  endorsements  on this Note or by Lender's  internal  records,
     including  daily  computer  print-outs.  Lender will have no obligations to
     advance  funds  under this Note if: (a)  Borrower  or any  guarantor  is in
     default under the terms of this Note or any agreement  that Borrower or any
     Guarantor has with Lender,  including any agreement made in connection with
     the  signing of this Note;  (b)  Borrower  or any  guarantor  ceases  doing
     business or is  insolvent;  (c) any  guarantor  seeks,  claims or otherwise
     attempts to limit, modify or revoke such guarantor's guarantee of this Note
     or any other loan with Lender;  or (d) Borrower has applied funds  provided
     pursuant to this Note for purposes other than those authorized by Lender.

     GENERAL  PROVISIONS.  Lender may delay or forgo enforcing any of its rights
     or remedies  under this Note without  losing  them.  Borrower and any other
     person who signs,  guarantees or endorses this Note, to the extent  allowed
     by law,  waive  presentment,  demand  for  payment,  protest  and notice of
     dishonor.  Upon any change in the terms of this Note, and unless  otherwise
     expressly  stated in  writing,  no party who signs  this  Note,  whether as
     maker, guarantor,  accommodation maker or endorser,  shall be released from
     liability.  All  such  parties  agree  that  Lender  may  renew  or  extend
     (repeatedly  and for any length of time) this loan, or release any party or
     guarantor  or  collateral;  or  impair,  fail to  realize  upon or  perfect
     Lender's  security  interest in the  collateral;  and take any other action
     deemed necessary by Lender without the consent of or notice to anyone.  All
     such  parties  also agree that  Lender may  modify  this loan  without  the
     consent  of or  notice  to  anyone  other  than  the  party  with  whom the
     modification is made.



                                                                       FORM 10-K


     By:  ________________________________________
          Richard A. Stratton, President

     By:  ________________________________________
          Heather A. Sica, Exec Vice Pres/Treas.

     By:  ________________________________________
          Ronald E. Rabidou, Chief Financial Officer

     By:  _________________________________________
          Norah K. Bresett, Controller


                                                                  Exhibit 10.142

                                LOAN AGREEMENT

     LOAN AGREEMENT dated as of September 13,  1996 between LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL
     CORPORATION,  a Massachusetts corporation ("Borrower") and BANK OF SCOTLAND
     (the "Bank").

                            W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS,  the  Borrower  is a finance  company  principally  engaged in the
business  of  providing  financing  for the  purchase  of rural  land,  vacation
properties and timeshare interests, and has requested that the Bank establish in
its  favor  a  $15,000,000  revolving  credit  facility  for  general  corporate

     WHEREAS,  upon the terms and  conditions set forth in this  Agreement,  the
Bank is amenable to establishing such a facility;

     NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:

     Section 1. DEFINITIONS.

     (a) Terms used in this Agreement  which are defined in Annex I hereto shall
have the meanings  specified in such Annex I (unless  otherwise  defined herein)
and shall include in the singular number the plural and in the plural number the
     (b) Unless otherwise specified,  each reference in this Agreement or in any
other Loan Document to a Loan Document shall mean such Loan Document as the same
may from time to time be amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified.
     (c) All references to Sections in this Agreement or in Annex I hereto shall
be deemed references to Sections in this Agreement unless otherwise specified.

     Section 2. THE LOAN FACILITIES.

     2.1 The Loans.  (a) Subject  to the terms and  conditions set forth herein,
the Bank agrees at any time and from time to time during the  Commitment  Period
(but  excluding  the last day  thereof)  to make loans to the  Borrower  (each a
"Revolving  Credit Loan" and  collectively,  the "Revolving Credit Loans") up to
its Commitment,  provided that in no event shall the aggregate  principal amount
of Revolving  Credit Loans  outstanding at any time exceed the lesser of (x) the
Commitment then in effect and (y) the then current  Borrowing  Base.  During the
Commitment  Period,  the  Borrower  may utilize  the  Commitment  by  borrowing,

prepaying  the  Revolving  Credit Loans in whole or in part  without  premium or
penalty,  and  reborrowing,  all in  accordance  with the terms  and  conditions

     (b) The Bank shall not be  required to make any Loans  hereunder  unless an
initial Revolving Credit Loan is made, in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement, on or prior to October 30, 1996.

     2.2 Notice of Borrowing.  (a) Whenever the Borrower desires to utilize the
Commitment  hereunder,  the Borrower  shall give at least one Business Day's (or
such shorter  period of time as the Bank agrees to) prior  telephonic  notice to
the  Bank  (confirmed  on the same day by  telecopier);  provided  that any such
notice given on the Business Day preceding the requested date of such loan shall
(unless the Bank agrees  otherwise) be given prior to 11:00 A.M. (New York time)
on that  Business  Day.  Such notice shall  specify (x) the date of the proposed
borrowing,  which shall be a Business Day during the Commitment  Period (each, a
"Borrowing  Date") and (y) the total amount of such borrowing (which shall be in
a minimum  amount of  $500,000  and,  if  greater,  in an  integral  multiple of
$100,000 in excess thereof (or, if less, equal to the Unutilized Commitment).

     (b)  Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  hereof  (including   without
limitation  Section  6  hereof),  the  Bank  will  make the  amount  of its Loan
available  to the  Borrower in same day funds at the Closing  Office on the date
specified in the notice for the proposed  borrowing against delivery to the Bank
of such instruments, documents and papers as are provided for herein.

     2.3 The Note. (a)  The  Borrower's  obligation to pay the principal of, and
interest on, the  Revolving  Credit  Loans shall be  evidenced by the  Revolving
Credit Note.

     (b) (i) The Revolving Credit Note shall: (1) be dated the Closing Date; (2)
be in an original  principal  amount equal to $15,000,000;  (3) be payable in an
amount equal to the outstanding  principal amount of the Loans evidenced thereby
on the last day of the  Commitment  Period;  (4) bear  interest  as  provided in
Section 3; and (5) be entitled to the  benefits of this  Agreement  and shall be
secured by the Security Documents.

     (c) The principal  amount of all Loans  outstanding  from time to time, and
interest  accrued  thereon,  shall be  recorded  on the records of the Bank and,
prior to any  transfer  of, or any  action to  collect,  any  Note,  the  unpaid
principal  amount of the Loans  evidenced  by such Note shall be endorsed on the
reverse side of such Note,  together with the date of such  endorsement  and the
date to which the interest has been paid;  any failure to make such  endorsement
and  provide  such  other  information,  however,  shall not  affect  Borrower's
obligations hereunder or under the Revolving Credit Note.

     2.4 Mandatory Prepayments of Revolving Credit Loans. (a) The Borrower shall
immediately  prepay the Revolving  Credit Loans to the extent that the aggregate

outstanding  principal  amount thereof on any day shall exceed the amount of the
Commitment in effect on such day.

     (b) The Borrower shall immediately prepay the Revolving Credit Loans to the
extent that the aggregate  outstanding principal amount thereof on any day shall
exceed the amount of the Borrowing Base on such day.

     (c) In the  event  that  (A)(1)  any  Assignment  Asset is sold,  assigned,
transferred or otherwise conveyed (any such sale, assignment,  transfer or other
conveyance,  a "Transfer")  by the Borrower to any Person or (2) the Borrower or
any other Person  receives any payment or proceeds in respect of any  Assignment
Asset and (B) at the time of such Transfer or receipt of payment or proceeds,  a
Default or Event of Default has occurred and is  continuing or would result from
such  Transfer,  payment or receipt of proceeds,  the Borrower  shall prepay the
Revolving Credit Loans in an amount equal to the full consideration  received or
receivable  in respect of such  Transfer (in the case of a Transfer) or the full
amount of payments or proceeds received (if other than in respect of a Transfer)
on (x) in the case of a Transfer, the date of such Transfer or, if earlier, when
any  such  consideration  is paid and (y) in the case of any  other  payment  or
proceed, on the date when any such payment or proceed is received.

     (d) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  amounts prepaid
under subsections 2.4(b) and 2.4(c) of this Section 2.4 may be reborrowed.

     2.5 Voluntary  Repayment of Revolving Credit Loans. The Borrower shall have
the right,  at any time and from time to time,  upon at least one Business Day's
prior  notice  to the Bank in  writing  or by  telephone  (confirmed  as soon as
possible  thereafter in writing) to prepay the Revolving Credit Loans, in whole,
or in part in amounts  equal to $500,000 or, if greater,  integral  multiples of
$100,000 in excess  thereof,  or, if less, the aggregate  outstanding  principal
amount of the Revolving  Credit Loan, and without  premium or penalty,  provided
that at the time of any such  prepayment of the Revolving  Credit Loans in full,
the Borrower  shall pay all interest  accrued on the amount of such  prepayment.
Subject to the terms and  conditions of this  Agreement,  amounts  prepaid under
this Section 2.5 may be reborrowed.

     2.6 Reduction of Commitments.  (a) The Borrower shall have the right at any
time and from time to time upon at least 3 Business  Days' prior written  notice
to the Bank to reduce  permanently  in amounts  equal to  $1,000,000 or integral
multiples thereof or terminate the Unutilized Commitment (after giving effect to
all pending requests for Revolving Credit Loans).

     (b)  Subject to Sections  2.6(c) and 2.6(d),  the Bank shall have the right
upon written  notice to the  Borrower at any time or from time to time  whenever
the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment  Assets (without giving effect to any
subsequent increase in the Assignment Assets pursuant to Section 11 hereof other
than increases consented to by the Bank in accordance with Section 11 hereof) is
less than $10,000,000 (a "Section 2.6(b) Commitment  Reduction Event") to reduce
the Commitment  (x) with  respect to the first $500,000 by which such Book Value
is  less  than  $10,000,000,  by an  amount  equal  to  the  difference  between

$10,000,000 and the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment  Assets, and (y) with
respect to the amount by which  $9,500,000  exceeds the aggregate  Book Value of
the Assignment  Assets,  by 150% of the difference  between  $9,500,000 and such
aggregate  Book  Value.  As to each  such  reduction,  the  amount  by which the
Commitment is then reduced pursuant to this Section 2.6(b) is sometimes referred
to as the "Commitment Reduction Amount".

     (c) (i)  Notwithstanding  the p rovisions of Section 2.6(b), the Bank shall
not have the right to reduce the Commitment pursuant thereto upon the occurrence
of a Section 2.6(b) Commitment Reduction Event for so long as:

               (A) the sum of (1)  the  Security  Value  of the  Borrowing  Base
          Collateral,  and (2) the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment Assets
          equals or exceeds  $30,000,000;  (B) the  aggregate  Book Value of the
          Assignment Assets equals or exceeds  $5,000,000;  and (C) the Security
          Value of the Borrowing Base Collateral equals or exceeds $20,000,000;

     (ii)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section  2.6(b),  if at the time a
Section  2.6(b)  Commitment  Reduction  Event occurs the  Security  Value of the
Borrowing Base Collateral  equals or exceeds  $20,000,000 and the aggregate Book
Value of the Assignment Assets equals or exceeds  $5,000,000,  the amount of the
Commitment  Reduction  Amount  shall not  exceed the  amount  determined  by the
following formula: 

                  1.5X + $500,000,

     where  X=  $30,000,000  minus  the sum of (i)  the  Security  Value  of the
     Borrowing  Base  Collateral,  plus  (ii) the  aggregate  Book  Value of the
     Assignment Assets, plus (iii) $500,000.

     (d) If, within 15 days after the occurrence of a Section 2.6(b)  Commitment
Reduction Event: 
     (1) the Bank shall have reduced the  Commitment in accordance  with Section
2.6(b), and

     (2) either

     (x) the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment  Assets shall have increased
from its  then-current  amount as a result of the designation of (and the Bank's
acceptance  of) new  Assignment  Assets  pursuant to Section  11.2 hereof  (such
increase,  a "Book Value Increase"),  or 

     (y) the  Security  Value of the  Borrowing  Base  Collateral  shall  exceed
$20,000,000  (the amount,  if any, by which the Security  Value of the Borrowing
Base Collateral exceeds $20,000,000 being sometimes referred to as the "Security
Value Excess"), and

     (3) the Borrower shall have given written notice to the Bank stating:
     (x) that such Book Value  Increase has occurred or a Security  Value Excess
exists,  in each case (i) specifying the relevant  amount and (ii) together with
such supporting and supplemental information as the Bank shall request, and
     (y) that the Borrower  wants all or a portion of the  Commitment  Reduction
Amount restored, and
     (z) the amount of the Commitment  Reduction  Amount that the Borrower wants
restored,  which  amount (i) shall not be less than (A)  $500,000 or an integral
multiple of $100,000 in excess thereof or (B) if the Commitment Reduction Amount
was less than  $500,000,  the Commitment  Reduction  Amount and (ii) shall in no
event exceed the amount described below,

     then,  if the Bank concurs that such Book Value  Increase has occurred or a
     Security  Value Excess exists (as the case may be), the Bank shall promptly
     thereafter by written  notice to the Borrower  confirm that the  Commitment
     has been increased by an amount equal to the lesser of

     (A) the related Commitment  Reduction Amount minus any such amount that has
been restored  pursuant to this Section 2.6 (d) (or such lesser amount requested
by the Borrower), or

     (B) (i) if the increase is being granted  because a Book Value Increase has
occurred, the amount of such Book Value Increase, or
     (ii) if the  increase  is being  granted  because a Security  Value  Excess
exists, the amount of such excess, or
     (iii) if the increase is being granted  because both a Book Value  Increase
has occurred and a Security Value Excess exists, the sum of the amounts computed
in accordance with clauses (i) and (ii) immediately preceding;  provided that if
the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment  Assets is less than $9,500,000,  the
amount  of the  increase  or  excess  (as the  case may be)  resulting  from the
operation  of  clauses B(i)  and B(ii)  above shall be 150% of the amount of the
Book Value Increase or the Security  Value Excess,  as the case may be, for that
portion of such Book Value Increase which brings the aggregate Book Value of the
Assignment  Assets to  $9,500,000 or (without  duplication)  that portion of the

Security  Value  Excess  which,  if the amount  thereof was the amount of a Book
Value Increase, would bring the aggregate Book Value of the Assignment Assets to

provided however, that, notwithstanding the foregoing,

     (x) if during such 15-day  period the  Commitment  has been  terminated  or
reduced for any reason other than a Section 2.6(b)  Commitment  Reduction Event,
the Commitment shall not be restored pursuant to this Section 2.6(d); and
     (y) in no event shall any increase pursuant to this Section 2.6(d) occur if
the amount of such increase would be less than the lesser of:

     (i) such Commitment  Reduction Amount (net of any such amount that has been
restored pursuant to this Section 2.6(d)), and 
     (ii) $500,000 (or, if greater,  an integral  multiple of $100,000 in excess
thereof), all such increases being rounded down to the nearest $100,000.

     Section 3. INTEREST.
     3.1 Rate of  Interest.   The Borrower  agrees to pay interest in respect of
the unpaid  principal  amount of the  Revolving  Credit  Loans from time to time
outstanding  from the date  the  proceeds  thereof  are  made  available  to the
Borrower  hereunder  (whether by  acceleration or otherwise) at a rate per annum
equal  (subject to the  provisions  of  Section 3.3)  to the sum of (x) the Base
Rate,  which interest rate shall change as and when the Base Rate changes,  plus
(y) 1% per annum.

     3.2 Interest  Payment Dates.  Accrued  interest in respect of each Loan, on
and prior to  maturity,  shall be payable in arrears on each  Quarterly  Payment
Date,  commencing with the quarter ending December 31, 1996, on the date of each
prepayment,  at maturity  (whether by  acceleration  or  otherwise)  and,  after
maturity, upon demand.

     3.3 Overdue  Payment of Principal  and  Interest. Each  Loan and each other
amount due under this  Agreement or any other Loan Document  shall bear interest
for each day on which an Event of Default  exists  under  Section 9.1 or Section
9.7 hereof (after as well as before judgment),  payable on demand, at a rate per
annum  (the  "Past-Due  Rate")  equal  to the  sum of (x) the  rate of  interest
otherwise payable on such date, plus (y) 2% per annum.

     3.4  Capital  Adequacy.   If  the  Bank  shall  have  determined  that  the
applicability  after the date hereof of any law,  rule,  regulation or guideline
adopted  pursuant  to or  arising  out of the  July  1988  report  of the  Basle
Committee   on  Banking   Regulations   and   Supervisory   Practices   entitled
"International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards", or the

adoption after the date hereof of any other law,  rule,  regulation or guideline
regarding  capital  adequacy,  or any change in any of the  foregoing  or in the
enforcement or  interpretation  or administration of any of the foregoing by any
court, Government Authority,  central bank or comparable agency charged with the
enforcement or interpretation or  administration  thereof,  or compliance by the
Bank (or any lending office of the Bank) or any holding company of the Bank with
any request or directive  regarding  capital adequacy (whether or not having the
force of law) of any such authority,  central bank or comparable  agency, has or
would have the effect of reducing the rate of return on the Bank's capital or on
the  capital of the Bank's  holding  company,  if any, as a  consequence  of its
Loans,  Commitments or other  obligations  hereunder to a level below that which
the  Bank or the  Bank's  holding  company  could  have  achieved  but for  such
applicability,  adoption,  change or compliance  (taking into  consideration the
Bank's  policies and the policies of the Bank's holding  company with respect to
capital  adequacy) by an amount  deemed by the Bank to be material,  then,  upon
demand by the Bank,  the  Borrower  shall pay to the Bank from time to time such
additional  amount or amounts as will  compensate the Bank or the Bank's holding
company for any such  reduction  suffered,  together  with interest on each such
amount from the date demanded  until  payment in full thereof  (after as well as
before  judgment) at the Base Rate. A certificate of the Bank to the Borrower as
to any such  additional  amount or amounts  (including  calculations  thereof in
reasonable  detail)  shall  be  submitted  by the  Bank to the  Borrower,  which
certificate,  in the absence of manifest error,  shall be conclusive and binding
on the Borrower.  In  determining  such amount or amounts,  the Bank may use any
method of averaging and attribution as it (in its sole and absolute  discretion)
shall deem applicable.

     Section 4. FEES

     4.1 Facility  Fee.  The  Borrower  agrees to pay to the Bank a facility fee
with respect to this Agreement for the period  commencing on the Closing Date to
and including the Revolving  Credit Maturity Date,  computed at a rate per annum
equal to 3/8 of 1% of the average daily  Commitment  during the period for which
payment is made;  provided,  that for the purposes of this Section 4.1 only, any
reduction of the  Commitment  pursuant to Section  2.6(b)  shall be  disregarded
until 15 days after the related Section 2.6(b)  Commitment  Reduction Event and,
to the extent that any portion of such Commitment reduction is restored pursuant
to Section  2.6(d),  shall not be deemed to have reduced the  Commitment  at any
time. Such facility fee shall be payable  quarterly in arrears on each Quarterly
Payment Date commencing on the last day of the quarter ending December 31, 1996,
on each date that the Commitment is reduced or terminated,  and on the Revolving
Credit Maturity Date.

     4.2 Arrangement  Fee. The Borrower agrees to pay to the Bank an arrangement
fee for  establishing its Commitment,  as follows:  $25,000 on the Closing Date;
$25,000 on the first  anniversary of the Closing Date; and $25,000 on the second
anniversary  of the Closing Date;  provided that if prior to either  anniversary
date specified above the Commitment  shall have been terminated and no Loans are
outstanding and all other  obligations of the Borrower under this Assignment and
the other Loan Documents  have been paid in full,  the Borrower's  obligation to
pay the arrangement fee on such anniversary date (and the succeeding anniversary
date, if any) shall be terminated.

     Section 5. PAYMENTS, ETC.

     5.1 Payments on Non-Business Days;  Calculations.   Whenever any payment to
be made  hereunder or under the Note shall be stated to be due on a day which is
not a  Business  Day,  the due  date  thereof  shall  be  extended  to the  next
succeeding  Business Day and interest  shall be payable at the  applicable  rate
during such  extension.   Interest and the facility fee  hereunder and under the
other Loan  Documents  shall be calculated on the basis of actual number of days
elapsed  in a year of 365 days;  if for any  reason a Loan is repaid on the same
day on which it is made, one day's interest  (subject to the other provisions of
this Agreement)  shall be paid on that Loan. The Borrower hereby  authorizes and
directs the Bank to charge any account of the Borrower  maintained at any office
of the Bank with the  amount  of any  principal,  interest  or fee when the same
becomes  due and  payable  under the terms  hereof  or of the  Notes;  provided,
however,  that the Bank  shall not be under any  obligation  to charge  any such

     5.2 Net  Payments;  Application.  (a) All payments  hereunder and under the
other  Loan  Documents  shall  be made by the  Borrower  to the  Bank in  freely
transferable  U.S.  dollars and in same day funds at the Closing  Office without
setoff or counterclaim and in such amounts as may be necessary in order that all
such payments  (after (i) withholding for or on account of any present or future
taxes,  levies,  imposts,  duties or other similar charges of whatsoever  nature
imposed  on  the  amounts   described  above  by  any  government  or  political
subdivision or taxing  authority  thereof or therein,  other than any tax (other
than such taxes  referred to in clause (ii) below)  imposed on the Bank pursuant
to the income tax laws of the jurisdiction where the Bank's principal or lending
office or offices are  located,  and (ii)  deduction  of an amount  equal to any
taxes on or measured by the net income  payable to the Bank with  respect to the
amount by which the payments  required to be made by this Section 5.2 exceed the
amount  otherwise  specified to be paid under this Agreement and the Note) shall
not be less than the amounts otherwise specified to be paid under this Agreement
and the Note.  With respect to each such deduction or withholding,  the Borrower
shall  promptly (and in no event later than 30 days  thereafter)  furnish to the
Bank such  certificates,  receipts  and other  documents  as may be  required to
establish  any tax credit,  exemption  or reduction in rate to which the Bank or
holder of the Note may be entitled. The Bank agrees to furnish the Borrower, as
soon as  practicable  after any written  request of the Borrower to such effect,
any executed form reasonably  requested by the Borrower such as Internal Revenue
Service  Form  4224 or 1001,  and any  other  applicable  form as to the  Bank's
entitlement,  if any, to exemption from, or a reduced rate of, or its subjection
to, United States  withholding  tax on amounts  payable to it hereunder or under
the Note and the Bank undertakes to use its best efforts  promptly to notify the
Borrower  of any  material  change  in any  information,  statement  or  form so
furnished to the Borrower;  provided,  however,  that any failure on the part of
the Bank to furnish any such  information,  statements  or forms shall in no way
affect the obligations of the Borrower or the rights of the Bank under the terms
of this Agreement or of the Note.

     (b) Unless otherwise  specifically  provided herein,  all payments under or
pursuant to, or in satisfaction of, any of the Borrower's obligations under this
Agreement  or under the Note  (including  any  received in  connection  with the
foreclosure upon or other  realization on any Collateral) will be applied in the
following  order of priority:  (i) to any amounts not  otherwise  listed in this
Section  5.2(b)  then due and  payable  under  this  Agreement,  the Note or the

Security  Documents,  (ii) to any fees then due and payable  pursuant to Section
4.1 or 4.2 of this Agreement (in such order as the Bank may elect), (iii) to any
interest on the Note then due and payable,  (iv) to any principal  amount of the
Revolving  Credit Loans then due, and (v) to reduce the unpaid  principal amount
of the Revolving Credit Loans.


     The Bank shall not be obligated to make the initial  Revolving  Credit Loan
hereunder  unless  on the  date  of such  Loan  (unless  otherwise  specifically
indicated) the following  conditions have been fulfilled to the  satisfaction of
the Bank or waived:

     6.1 Default, etc.  On the date of such Loan (and after giving effect to all
Loans requested to be made on such date),  there shall exist no Default or Event
of Default and all representations and warranties made by the Borrower herein or
in the other Loan  Documents  or  otherwise  made by the  Borrower in writing in
connection  herewith  or  therewith  shall be true and  correct in all  material
respects with the same effect as though such representations and warranties have
been made at and as of such time.

     6.2 Note.  On the date of such  Loan,  the Bank  shall  have  received  the
Revolving Credit Note, duly executed and completed by the Borrower.

     6.3 [intentionally deleted]

     6.4 Supporting  Documents of the Borrower.  There shall have been delivered
to the Bank, such  information  and copies of documents,  approvals (if any) and
records  (certified where appropriate) of corporate and legal proceedings as the
Bank may have reasonably  requested relating to the Borrower's entering into and
performance  of the Loan  Documents  or the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement.  Such documents shall, in any event, include:

     (a) certified copies of the Charter Documents of each of the Borrower, LMSC
and LTSC;

     (b)  certificates  of authorized  officers of the Borrower,  certifying the
corporate  resolutions  of the  Borrower  relating  to  the  entering  into  and
performance  of  the  Loan  Documents  by  the  Borrower  and  the  transactions
contemplated thereby;

     (c)  certificates of authorized  officers of the Borrower,  with respect to
the  incumbency  and  specimen  signatures  of its  officers or  representatives
authorized to execute such documents and any other documents and papers,  and to
take any other action, in connection therewith; and

     (d) a certificate of an authorized officer of the Borrower  certifying,  as
of the Closing  Date,  compliance  with the  conditions  of Section  6.1,  6.10,
6.12(b) and 6.18 and also the  absence of any  material  adverse  changes of the
type referred to in Section 6.8.

     6.5 Security Documents. There shall have been delivered to the Bank:

     (a) A Security  Agreement  executed by the Borrower,  substantially  in the
form of Exhibit B hereto (as amended,  supplemented  or otherwise  modified from
time to time,  the "Security  Agreement"),  covering all of the  Borrowing  Base
     (b) A pledge agreement executed by the Borrower,  substantially in the form
of  Exhibit C  hereto (as the same may from time to time be  amended,  restated,
supplemented or otherwise modified,  the "Pledge Agreement") covering (1) all of
the  present  and  future  shares  of  LMSC,   together  with  (x)  certificates
representing  such  pledged  shares  and  (y)  undated  stock  powers  for  such
certificates,  duly  executed  in blank by the  Borrower,  and  (2) the  Class B
Certificate, together with undated power of transfer, duly executed in blank.
     (c) Copies of such consents of third parties as are required or as the Bank
may  reasonably  request,  including,  without  limitation,  with respect to the
conveyance to the Borrower of Certificate B.

     6.6  UCC.  The  Borrower   shall  have   delivered  to  the  Bank  evidence
satisfactory  to the Bank of all  filings  of  financing  statements  under  the
applicable  Uniform  Commercial Code,  satisfactory Lien search requests on Form
UCC-11  confirming  the  absence  of any  Liens  (except  those  in  favor of or
consented  to by the  Bank)  on any  Collateral  or any  Assignment  Assets  and
evidence  satisfactory to the Bank of all other action with respect to the Liens
created by the  Security  Documents  necessary  or  appropriate  to perfect such

     6.7 Financial Statements. (a) The Borrower shall have delivered to the Bank
a copy of its  consolidated  audited  financial  statements  for the year ending
December 31,  1995,  and a copy of its  quarterly  report  on Form  10-Q for the
fiscal  quarter  ended  June 30,  1996,  in each case  satisfactory  in form and
substance to the Bank and,  with respect to the  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q,
certified by the CFO of the Borrower as having been prepared in accordance  with
GAAP,  consistently applied and as fairly presenting the financial condition and
results of operation as at the dates and for the periods indicated.

     (b) The  computations of the ratios required by Sections  8.18-8.22 for the
most recent applicable  period shall have been delivered to the Bank,  certified
by the Borrower's chief financial officer.

     6.8  Adverse  Change.  There  shall have been,  in the Bank's  opinion,  no
Material Adverse Change since December31, 1995 with respect to the Consolidated
Group taken as a whole or the Borrower, LMSC or LTSC. 

     6.9 Insurance. There shall have been delivered to the Bank a certificate of
an authorized officer of the Borrower that all insurance policies referred to in
Section  7.4 are in full force and effect and that all  premiums  required to be
paid thereon have been paid in full.

     6.10 Approvals and Consents. All orders, permissions,  consents, approvals,
licenses,  authorizations  and  validations  of,  and  filings,  recordings  and
registrations  with, and exemptions by, any Government  Authority,  or any other
Person,  required to authorize  or required in  connection  with the  execution,
delivery and  performance  of this Agreement or the other Loan Documents and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and  thereby by the  Borrower,  LTSC and LMSC
shall have been obtained (and, if so requested, furnished to the Bank).

     6.11 Legal  Opinions.  The Bank shall have received  legal opinions in form
and substance  satisfactory  to it,  addressed to the Bank and dated the Closing
Date,  of Battle Fowler LLP,  counsel to the Borrower,  and other counsel to the
Borrower acceptable to the Bank.

     6.12  Change in Law.  (a) On the date of such  Loan,  no change  shall have
occurred  in  applicable  law, or in  applicable  regulations  thereunder  or in
interpretations thereof by any Government Authority which, in the opinion of the
Bank,  would make it illegal for the Bank to effect the Loan required to be made
on such date.
     (b) No suit,  action or  proceeding  shall be pending or  threatened  by or
before  any  Governmental   Authority   seeking  to  restrain  or  prohibit  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     6.13 All  Proceedings to be  Satisfactory.  All corporate,  partnership (if
any)  and  legal   proceedings  and  all  instruments  in  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and the other documents referred to
herein shall be  satisfactory  in form and  substance to the Bank,  and the Bank
shall have received all  information  and copies of all documents which the Bank
may reasonably  have  requested in connection  herewith,  such  documents  where
appropriate  to be  certified  by proper  corporate  officials  or  governmental

     6.14 Fees and Expenses.  The Bank's  arrangement fee referred to in Section
4.2 and the legal fees and expenses (through the Closing Date) of the Bank's New
York  counsel  and (if any) local or  special  counsel  in  connection  with the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall (to the extent  demand for
payment thereof shall have been made) have been paid in full.

     6.15 Other Agreements. The Borrower shall have delivered to the Bank copies
of the Receivables Purchase Agreement,  Receivables Loan Agreement,  the Class B
Certificate  Agreements and such agreements and instruments ancillary thereto as
the Bank may request,  certified by the Borrower as true, correct,  complete and
in full force and effect.

     6.16  Borrowing  Base.  The Bank shall have  received  (i) the most  recent
Borrowing Base Certificate and other documentation required by Section 7.16, and

(ii) a  Borrowing  Base  Certificate  dated the date of the Loans,  in each case
together  with such  supplemental  or supporting  documentation  as the Bank may
reasonably  request,  showing,  in each case, that the aggregate amount of Loans
requested does not exceed the Borrowing Base as of August 31, 1996.

     6.17 Assignment  Assets.  The Bank shall have received an Assignment  Asset
Certificate  dated the date of such  Loans  showing  that the Book  Value of the
Assignment Assets is at least $10,000,000.

     6.18 Transfer of Class B Certificate.  The Borrower shall have delivered to
the Bank evidence  satisfactory to the Bank of the irrevocable and unconditional
sale to the Borrower by LTSC of the Class B Certificate in  consideration  of an
unsecured  promissory note not in excess of $10,557,005.19,  which note shall be
absolutely and fully  subordinated  to the Obligations and shall be satisfactory
to the Bank in all respects.

     6.19 Borrowing Base Collateral.  The terms of the Borrowing Base Collateral
shall be satisfactory to the Bank.

     6.20  Troubled  Loan  Certificate.  The Bank shall have received a Troubled
Loan Certificate as of August 31, 1996 evidencing compliance with Section 8.21.

      6.21  Extraordinary Assets.  The Bank shall have received an
Extraordinary Asset Certificate as of August 31, 1996 evidencing compliance
with Section 8.22.

     All  documents  and papers  required by this Section 6 shall be in form and
     substance satisfactory to the Bank and delivered to the Bank at its Closing
     Office or as the Bank may otherwise direct.


     The Bank shall not be  obligated  to make any Loan after the  Closing  Date
unless, at the time of such Loan (except as hereinafter indicated) the following
conditions (unless waived in writing by the Bank) have been satisfied:

     6A.1 Certain  Conditions.  At the time of such Loan, and immediately  after
giving effect thereto, (a) all deficiencies,  if any, with respect to conditions
precedent to any prior Loan or to the effectiveness of this Agreement shall have
been corrected, (b) all of the conditions specified in Sections 6.1, 6.12, 6.13,
6.14,  6.15 and 6.19 shall be  satisfied  in full (with any  reference in any of
such Sections to Loans  effected on the Closing Date to be deemed a reference to
the Loans then requested),  (c) each of the documents  specified in Section 6.2,
6.4, 6.5, 6.6,  6.9, 6.10 or 6.18 of this  Agreement  shall be in full force and
effect and no party thereto shall have failed to perform in any material respect
any of its obligations thereunder, (d) no issuer thereof shall have rescinded or
qualified  any of the  statements,  certificates,  letters,  reports or opinions
referred to in Section 6 hereof,  and (e) there  shall have been,  in the Bank's
opinion,  no Material  Adverse  Change  since the Closing Date in respect of the
Consolidated Group or the Borrower, LTSC or LMSC.

     6A.2 Subsequent Opinions of Counsel.  If reasonably  requested by the Bank,
the Bank shall have received  from counsel  referred to in Section 6.11 or other
counsel  satisfactory  to the Bank such  favorable  supplemental  legal opinions
addressed to the Bank and dated the date of such Loan and covering  such matters
incidental to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement as the Bank in its
reasonable judgment believes required to confirm, as of such Borrowing Date (and
after giving effect to the events occurring,  and the passing of time since, the
Closing Date),  any opinions  given on the Closing Date,  each of which opinions
shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.

     6A.3  Officer's  Certificate.  (a) If requested by the Bank, the Bank shall
have received a certificate of authorized  officers of the Borrower  certifying,
as of the date of the Loan then being requested,  compliance with the provisions
of Section 6.1 (with the reference  therein to Loans being deemed a reference to
the Loans then being requested on the date of said  certificate)  and further to
the effect that the  conditions  specified in Section 6A.1 are satisfied at such

     (b) The making of each Loan subsequent to the Closing Date shall constitute
a  representation  and warranty by the Borrower to the Bank that, at the time of
said subsequent Loan (and after giving effect thereto),  (i) all representations
and warranties contained herein or in the other Loan Documents or otherwise made
by the Borrower in connection  herewith or therewith are true and correct in all
material  respects  with the same  effect as  though  such  representations  and
warranties  were being made at and as of such time,  (ii) no Default or Event of
Default exists and (iii) the conditions  specified in Section 6A.1 are satisfied
at such time.

     6A.4  Borrowing  Base.  On the date of such Loan (and after  giving  effect
thereto),  the Bank shall have received the Borrowing Base Certificate dated the
date of such Loan, together with such supplemental and supporting  documentation
as the Bank may reasonably request,  which Borrowing Base Certificate shall show
that (x) the aggregate amount of the Loans does not exceed the Borrowing Base as
of the date of the most recent  certificate  delivered (or required to have been
delivered) pursuant to Section 7.16 hereto (after giving effect to distributions
made with respect thereto through the date such  certificate is delivered or was
required to have been delivered).

     6A.5 Assignment  Assets.  On the date of such Loan, (i) the Bank shall have
received an Assignment  Asset  Certificate  dated the date of such Loans,  which
Assignment Asset  Certificate shows that the Book Value of the Assignment Assets
is at  least  $5,000,000  as of the  Current  Date,  and  (ii)  the  outstanding
principal amount of Loans (after giving effect to such Loan) does not exceed the
Permitted Reduction Commitment.

     6A.6 Fees and Expenses. To the extent demand therefor shall have been made,
all legal fees and expenses of the Bank's New York counsel and (if any) local or
special  counsel  in  connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement shall have been paid in full.

     All of the documents, agreements, certificates, financial statements, legal
     opinions, analyses, reports and other papers referred to in this Section 6A
     shall  be in form and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Bank  and  shall be
     delivered to the Bank at its Closing Office, or at such other office as the
     Bank may from time to time specify to the Borrower.


     The Borrower covenants and agrees hereby that, so long as this Agreement is
in effect and until the Commitment is terminated and all of the Loans,  together
with interest,  commissions,  fees and all other obligations  incurred hereunder
are paid in full, it will perform,  and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to
perform, the obligations set forth in this Section 7.

     7.1 Financial Statements. Borrower will furnish to the Bank:

          (a) As soon as  practicable  and in any event within 45 days after the
     close of each  quarter of each  Fiscal  Year,  as at the end of and for the
     period  commencing  at the end of the previous  Fiscal Year and ending with
     the end of such  quarter,  as the case may be,  an  unaudited  consolidated
     balance sheet of the  Consolidated  Group and a  consolidated  statement of
     income and change in retained earnings of the Consolidated Group,  together
     with a quarterly cash flow statement,  such statements to be accompanied by
     separate balance sheets and income statements for each of LTSC and LMSC all
     in reasonable  detail and  certified by the CFO subject to normal  year-end
     audit  and   adjustments   and  setting  forth  in  comparative   form  the
     corresponding  figures as of one year prior thereto or for the  appropriate
     periods of the  preceding  fiscal year,  as the case may be (which  balance
     sheet and statements may, if the Borrower wishes,  be provided on quarterly
     reporting  Form 10-Q),  each such  delivery of financial  statements  to be
     accompanied by a certificate of the CFO, in form and substance satisfactory
     to  the  Bank,  setting  forth  calculations   (together  with  appropriate
     supporting  information)  with respect to compliance  with each of Sections

          (b) As soon as  practicable  and in any event within  ninety (90) days
     after the close of each  Fiscal  Year,  as at the end of and for the Fiscal
     Year just closed, a consolidated  balance sheet of the Consolidated  Group,
     and a  consolidated  statement  of  income  and  retained  earnings  of the
     Consolidated  Group for such Fiscal Year,  setting forth the  corresponding
     figures of the previous annual audit in comparative form, all in reasonable
     detail and accompanied by the Auditors'  opinion (without any qualification
     unacceptable to the Bank) that such financial statements have been prepared
     in  accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied  and  fairly  present  the
     financial  condition and results of operations of the Consolidated Group at
     Fiscal  Year-End  and  for  the  Fiscal  Year  indicated,   such  financial
     statements  to  be  accompanied  by  separate  balance  sheets  and  income
     statements  for  each  of LTSC  and  LMSC,  and  further  accompanied  by a
     certificate  of the CFO or CEO that no Event of Default  or Default  exists
     or, if in the  opinion  of the CFO or CEO,  any Event of Default or Default
     exists,  specifying the nature thereof and the period of existence thereof,
     and further  accompanied by a certificate of the CFO, in form and substance
     satisfactory  to the Bank,  setting forth the  calculations  (together with
     appropriate supporting information) with respect to compliance with each of
     Sections 8.18-8.22;

          (c) As soon as  practicable  and in any event within 25 days after the
     end of each month, a certificate in form and substance  satisfactory to the
     Bank  signed  by the  CEO or the  CFO  stating  (i)  that a  review  of the
     activities of the Consolidated  Group during such month has been made under
     their  supervision  with a view to  determining  whether the  Borrower  has
     observed,  performed  and  fulfilled  all of  its  obligations  under  this
     Agreement and the other Loan Documents, and (ii) that there exists no Event
     of Default  or  Default,  or if any Event of  Default  or  Default  exists,
     specifying  the nature  thereof,  the period of existence  thereof and what
     action the Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto;

          (d) Promptly upon receipt  thereof,  copies of all detailed  financial
     reports and  management  letters,  if any,  submitted  to any member of the
     Consolidated  Group by the  Auditors,  in  connection  with each  annual or
     interim audit of their respective books by such Auditors;

          (e) As soon as possible  and in any event (A) within 30 days after the
     Borrower or any of its ERISA  Affiliates  knows that any Termination  Event
     described in clause (i) of the definition of Termination Event with respect
     to any Pension  Plan has occurred or is expected to occur and (B) within 10
     days after the Borrower or any of its ERISA Affiliates knows that any other
     Termination  Event with  respect to any  Pension  Plan has  occurred  or is
     expected to occur, a statement of the CFO describing such Termination Event
     and the action, if any, which the Borrower or such ERISA Affiliate proposes
     to take with respect thereto;

          (f) Promptly and in any event within five  Business Days after receipt
     thereof  by the  Borrower  or any of its  ERISA  Affiliates  from the PBGC,
     copies of each notice  received by the Borrower or any such ERISA Affiliate
     of the PBGC's  intention to terminate any Pension Plan or to have a trustee
     appointed  to  administer  any Pension  Plan,  any notice of  noncompliance
     issued by the PBGC with  respect to a proposed  standard  termination  of a
     Pension Plan,  and any notice issued by the PBGC with respect to a proposed
     distress termination of a Pension Plan;

          (g) Promptly and in any event within 30 days after the filing  thereof
     with the Internal  Revenue  Service,  copies of each  Schedule B (Actuarial
     Information)  to the annual  report (Form 5500 Series) with respect to each
     Pension Plan;

          (h) Promptly and in any event within five  Business Days after receipt
     thereof by the Borrower or any of its ERISA Affiliates from a Multiemployer

     Plan sponsor,  a copy of each notice received by the Borrower or any of its
     ERISA  Affiliates  concerning  (x) the  imposition  or amount of withdrawal
     liability under Subtitle E of Title IV of ERISA or (y) any determination by
     a  Multiemployer  Plan  sponsor  that  such  Multiemployer  Plan is,  or is
     expected to be, in "reorganization"  (within the meaning of Section 4241 of
     ERISA) or "insolvent" (within the meaning of Section 4245 of ERISA), or has
     incurred  or is  expected  to incur  an  "accumulated  funding  deficiency"
     (within  the  meaning of Section  302 of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code);
          (i) With reasonable promptness,  such other information respecting the
     business,  properties,  operations,  prospects or condition  (financial  or
     otherwise) of the Consolidated  Group or any member thereof as the Bank may
     from time to time reasonably  request.

          7.2 Notice of  Litigation.  Borrower will promptly give written notice
     to the Bank of (i) any action or  proceeding  or, to the extent it may have
     any notice  thereof,  any claim  which may  reasonably  be  expected  to be
     commenced or asserted against the Borrower or any Subsidiary,  in which the
     amount  involved is $150,000 or more,  or (ii) any dispute  which may exist
     between  the  Borrower  or any  Subsidiary  and  any  Government  Authority
     (including,  without limitation, any audit by the IRS) or (iii) any dispute
     which may exist between the Borrower or any Subsidiary and any employees of
     the  Borrower or such  Subsidiary  or any union  representing,  claiming to
     represent or seeking to represent  any such  employees,  which  dispute may
     substantially  affect the normal  business  operations of the  Consolidated
     Group or any member  thereof,  or any of their  respective  properties  and

          7.3 Payment of Charges. The Borrower will duly pay and discharge,  and
     will  cause  each of its  Subsidiaries  to duly pay and  discharge  (i) all
     taxes,  assessments  and  governmental  charges or levies  imposed  upon or
     against it or its property or assets,  or upon any  property  leased by it,
     prior to the date on which  penalties  attach  thereto,  unless  and to the
     extent only that such taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies
     are being contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently
     conducted  and the Borrower or such  Subsidiary  has set aside on its books
     adequate  reserves  therefor in accordance  with GAAP,  and (ii) all lawful
     claims, whether for labor, materials,  supplies, services or anything else,
     which might or could, if unpaid, become a lien or charge upon such property
     or assets, unless and to the extent only that the validity thereof is being
     contested  in  good  faith  and  by  appropriate   proceedings   diligently
     conducted,  and (iii) all its trade bills when due in accordance with their
     original terms,  including any applicable grace periods,  unless and to the
     extent only that such trade bills are being  contested in good faith and by
     appropriate proceedings diligently conducted.

          7.4  Insurance.  The  Borrower  will keep,  and will cause each of its
     Subsidiaries to keep, (i) its insurable  property insured at all times with
     financially sound and responsible insurance carriers against loss or damage
     by fire and other risks, casualties and contingencies in such manner and to
     the  extent  that like  properties  are  customarily  so  insured  by other
     corporations  engaged in the same or similar business  similarly  situated,
     and (ii)  adequate  insurance  at all  times  with  financially  sound  and
     responsible  insurance  carriers against  liability on account of damage to
     persons and  properties  and under all  applicable  workmen's  compensation
     laws, in such manner and to the extent that like properties are customarily
     so insured by other  corporations  engaged in the same or similar  business
     similarly situated.

          7.5  Maintenance  of Records.  The Borrower will keep,  and will cause
     each of its  Subsidiaries to keep, at all times books of record and account
     in which full,  true and correct  entries  will be made of all  dealings or
     transactions in relation to its business and affairs, and the Borrower will
     provide,  and will  cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to  provide,  adequate
     protection against loss or damage to such books of record and account.

          7.6  Preservation of Corporate  Existence.  The Borrower will maintain
     and preserve its corporate existence and right to carry on its business and
     duly procure all necessary renewals and extensions  thereof,  and maintain,
     preserve and renew all rights,  powers,  privileges and franchises which in
     the  opinion  of the Board of  Directors  of the  Borrower  continue  to be
     advantageous to it and comply in all material  respects with all applicable
     Legal Requirements,  and, in each such case, cause each of its Subsidiaries
     so to do. Without  limiting the  generality of the foregoing,  the Borrower
     agrees to (and to cause each  Subsidiary  to)  qualify to do  business as a
     foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction  where the nature of its business
     and the operations conducted by it therein require it to be so qualified.

          7.7 Preservation of Assets. The Borrower will keep and will cause each
     of its Subsidiaries so to keep, its property in good repair,  working order
     and  condition  and from time to time make all needful and proper  repairs,
     renewals, replacements, extensions, additions, betterments and improvements
     thereto,  so  that  the  business  carried  on by it  may be  properly  and
     advantageously  conducted at all times in accordance with prudent  business

          7.8  Inspection  of Books and Assets.  (a) Upon three  Business  Days'
     notice, the Borrower will allow any  representative,  officer or accountant
     of the Bank,  during normal business hours, to visit and inspect any of its
     property,  to examine its books of record and  account,  and to discuss its
     affairs,  finances and accounts with its officers,  and at such  reasonable
     time and as often as the Bank may  request  and,  in each such case,  cause
     each of its Subsidiaries so to do.

          (b) Upon three Business  Days' notice and the prior  submission by the
     Bank to the Borrower of its proposed  agenda  therefor,  the Borrower  will
     allow any  representative,  officer or  accountant of the Bank from time to
     time to discuss the Financial  Statements,  the other financial information
     from  time to time  delivered  hereunder  and the  financial  condition  of
     members  of  the   Consolidated   Group   (collectively,   the   "Financial
     Information") with the Auditors;  provided,  however, that if no Default or
     Event of Default  then  exists the Bank shall not have the right to require
     such discussions  more than once per year. The Borrower hereby  irrevocably
     authorizes  the  Auditors  to discuss  all of the  foregoing  with all such
     Persons.  The  Borrower  shall  have  the  right to have one or more of its
     officers present at any such discussions.

          7.9 Payment of  Indebtedness.  The Borrower  will duly and  punctually
     pay,  or  cause  to be  paid,  the  principal  of and the  interest  on all

     Indebtedness for Borrowed Money heretofore or hereafter incurred or assumed
     by the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries,  or in  respect of which the
     Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall otherwise be liable,  when and as
     the same  shall  become  due and  payable,  unless  such  Indebtedness  for
     Borrowed Money shall be renewed or extended,  and will (and will cause each
     Subsidiary to) faithfully observe, perform and discharge all the covenants,
     conditions and obligations  which are imposed on the Borrower or any of its
     Subsidiaries  by any and all  indentures  and  other  agreements  securing,
     relating to, or evidencing such Indebtedness for Borrowed Money or pursuant
     to which such Indebtedness for Borrowed Money is incurred, and the Borrower
     will not permit (and will ensure that none of its Subsidiaries  permit) any
     act or  omission  to  occur or exist  which is or may be  declared  to be a
     default thereunder.

          7.10 Further Assurances. The Borrower will, and will cause each of its
     Subsidiaries to, make,  execute or endorse,  and acknowledge and deliver or
     file,  all  such  vouchers,   invoices,  notices,  and  certifications  and
     additional agreements,  undertakings,  conveyances, transfers, assignments,
     or further assurances,  and take any and all such other action, as the Bank
     may from time to time deem  necessary  or  proper in  connection  with this
     Agreement,  the obligations of the Borrower  hereunder or under the Note or
     any of the other Loan Documents,  or for the better assuring and confirming
     unto the Bank all or any part of the security for the Loans.

          7.11 Notice of  Default.  Forthwith  upon any officer of the  Borrower
     obtaining  knowledge of the existence of an Event of Default,  the Borrower
     will deliver to the Bank a certificate signed by an officer of the Borrower
     specifying the nature thereof,  the period of existence  thereof,  and what
     action the Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto.

          7.12  Reserves.  The Borrower  will set up, and will cause each of its
     Subsidiaries  to set up, on its books from its  earnings,  reserves for bad
     debt in accordance with GAAP and in an aggregate  amount deemed adequate in
     the  judgment of the  Borrower and accepted by the Auditors in their annual

          7.13 Arms-length  Transactions.  The Borrower will conduct,  and cause
     each of its  Subsidiaries  to  conduct,  all  transactions  with any of its
     Affiliates on an arms-length basis.

          7.14 Environmental Matters. With respect to any Property for which the
     Borrower or any Subsidiary may be  responsible,  the Borrower will promptly
     notify the Bank (with a description in reasonable detail) of:

                    (i) the  receipt by the  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  of any
               material Environmental Claim;

                    (ii) the  discovery  of any  Contaminant  or Release on, in,
               under or  emanating  from any  Properties  or  operations  of the
               Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  liability  for which might
               have a Material Adverse Effect;

                    (iii) (x) the material  violation of, or any condition which
               might result in a material violation of, any Environmental Law or
               (y) any change in any Environmental Law or in the  administration
               or interpretation thereof, which in either case might subject any
               member of the Consolidated Group material Environmental Costs;

                    (iv) the  commencement  of any  judicial  or  administrative
               proceeding   or   investigation   alleging  a  violation  of  any
               Environmental Law; or

                    (v)  any  material   change  in  the   representations   and
               warranties in Section 10.12;

and  the  Borrower  will,   and  will cause each of its respective  Subsidiaries
to, commence within 90 days after any such request,  and diligently prosecute to
completion,  such  Remedial  Action as the Bank may request in respect of any of
the matters  addressed in such notice.  As used in this Section 7.14 in relation
to any  Environmental  Claim or any violation of Environmental Law or any change
in the  representations  and  warranties  in  Section  10.12  hereof,  the  term
"material"  shall mean that such  Environmental  Claim,  violation or change (i)
involves,  or might  reasonably  be expected to involve  Environmental  Costs in
excess of $250,000,  or (ii) occurs outside the ordinary course of business,  or
(iii) gives rise, or might  reasonably be expected to give rise, to a Default or
Event of Default, or (iv) would otherwise be of concern to a prudent lender.

     7.15  Solvency.  The Borrower  will  continue to be Solvent and ensure that
each Subsidiary will continue to be Solvent.

     7.16  Borrowing  Base  Certificate.  The Borrower will furnish the Bank (a)
within 25 days of the end of each  month  and,  if a Default or Event of Default
then  exists,  from time to time  upon the  Bank's  request,  a  Borrowing  Base
Certificate  as of the close of business on the last  Business Day of such month
(or, if a Default or Event of Default  exists,  as of such date specified by the
Bank), (b) on or prior to the  twenty-fifth  (25th) day of each month (and, if a
Default  or Event of  Default  then  exists,  from time to time upon the  Bank's
request),  computer print-outs as of the end of the immediately  preceding month
(or, if a Default or Event of Default  exists,  as of such date specified by the
Bank)  of  all  loans  and  other  Receivables  which  support,  underly  or are
components  of the  Borrowing  Base  Collateral,  in the same form  required  by
Section 6.10(a) and Section 6.10(b) of the  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement and
Section 6.10(a)  and Section 6.10(b) of the  Receivables  Loan Agreement (in the
case of Borrowing Base Collateral consisting of Uncertificated  Residual Rights)
and by  Section  3.1(b)  of the  Class B  Servicing  Agreement  (in the  case of
Borrowing Base Collateral consisting of the Class B Certificate),  in each case,
without  regard to any  amendment of any such  agreement not consented to by the
Bank or any termination of any such agreement,  (c) on November 8, 1996 (or such
later date (if any) on or prior to November  22, 1996  requested by the Borrower
pursuant to the definition of "Transition Date" in Annex I hereto), unless prior
thereto the Transition Date has occurred, a Borrowing Base Certificate as of the
close of business  on the second  Business  Day prior  thereto and (d) within 25
days of the end of each month,  a report in form and substance  satisfactory  to
the Bank as to the  existence,  aging  of and  payments  made on the  Assignment

     7.17 Extraordinary Asset Certificate. The Borrower will furnish to the Bank
within  25 days  after the end of each  month  (and,  if a  Default  or Event of
Default exists,  more frequently if the Bank so requests) an Extraordinary Asset
Certificate  substantially  in the form of Exhibit G hereto setting forth, as of
close of  business  on the last day of such month (or,  if a Default or Event of
Default exists, as of such date specified by the Bank) (i) the Portfolio Amount;
and (ii) all  Extraordinary  Loans  (specifying  in reasonable  detail each such
asset and the principal amount or, as appropriate, book value thereof).

     7.18 Notification of Account Debtors.  Upon request of the Bank made at any
time when a Default or Event of Default exists, promptly notify (in manner, form
and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Bank)  all  Persons  who  are at any  time
obligated  with respect to the  Assignment  Assets and, if any  Receivables  are
distributed to the Bank, all Persons who are obligated thereunder, that the Bank
possesses  a  security  interest  in (or  assignment  of the  proceeds  of) such
Assignment  Assets or Receivables  (as the case may be) and that all payments in
respect thereof are to be made to such account as the Bank directs.

     7.19 Troubled Loan  Certificate.  The Borrower will furnish to the Bank (i)
within 15 days after the end of each fiscal  quarter,  (ii)  whenever the amount
calculated  pursuant  to clause (A) of  Section  8.21  hereof  exceeds 9% of the
Borrower's consolidated Tangible Net Worth, within 15 days after the end of each
month, and (iii) if a Default or Event of Default exists, from time to time upon
the Bank's request,  a Troubled Loan  Certificate  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit H  hereto setting forth, as of the last day of such quarter or month, as
the case may be (or,  if a Default or Event of Default  exists,  as of such date
specified by the Bank), (x) the Borrower's  consolidated  Tangible Net Worth and
(y) the  amount of  Receivables  specified in Sections 8.21 (A)(i),  A(ii),  and
A(iii),  respectively,  and the amount of Dealer  Recourse  and  Dealer  Reserve
specified in Section 8.21(A)(iv).

     7.20  Receivable  Delinquencies.  The  Borrower  will  furnish to the Bank,
within 10 days  after the end of each  month,  a report in the form of Exhibit I
hereto showing delinquent Receivables.


     The  Borrower  covenants  and agrees that so long as this  Agreement  is in
effect and until the  Commitment  is terminated  and all of the Loans,  together
with interest,  commissions,  fees and all other obligations incurred hereunder,
are paid in  full,  the  Borrower  will  perform,  and  will  cause  each of its
Subsidiaries to perform,  the obligations set forth in this Section 8 (unless it
shall first have procured the written consent of the Bank to do otherwise).

     8.1 Engage in Same Type of Business.  The Borrower will not (i) enter into,
or  permit  any of its  Subsidiaries  to  enter  into,  any  business  which  is
substantially  different from the business of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
as set forth on Schedule  10.19,  or (ii) make or acquire loans other than loans

of the type and as otherwise described on Schedule 10.19; provided however, that
the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  shall be permitted to make and acquire loans
which are different  from those  described on Schedule  10.19 (each such loan, a
"New Business Loan") so long as the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
New Business  Loans held by the Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  does not at any
time exceed 25% of the Portfolio Amount.

     8.2 Liens;  Springing Liens.  (a) The  Borrower will not contract,  create,
incur,  assume  or  suffer  to exist  any Lien  upon or with  respect  to, or by
transfer or otherwise  subject to the prior payment of any  indebtedness  (other
than the Loans),  any of the Collateral or Assignment Assets (or any proceeds of
any of the foregoing) whether now owned or hereafter acquired,  or permit any of
its Subsidiaries so to do, other than Liens in favor of the Bank.

     (b) In the event that (1) an Event of Default  exists under  Section 9.1 or
9.3,  (2) any  other  Event  of  Default  has  existed  for a period  of  thirty
consecutive  days or (3) the Bank determines that a Material  Adverse Change has
occurred (any such event,  a "Covenant  Springing  Lien Event"),  then forthwith
upon written  request of the Bank the Borrower will make effective  provision to
cause the  Obligations  to be secured by a first  priority,  perfected  security
interest  in all of the  Assignment  Assets,  which Lien shall  remain in effect
until all  Loans are  repaid,  all  other  Obligations  are paid in full and the
Commitment is terminated, and the Borrower shall, on demand of the Bank, execute
such agreements,  financing  statements,  mortgages and other instruments as the
Bank shall reasonably request to give effect to such Lien and the perfection and
priority thereof,  and deliver such  Environmental  Audits and appraisals as the
Bank shall request. In furtherance (but not in limitation) of the foregoing, the
Borrower  hereby  grants the Bank a lien on all  Assignment  Assets and proceeds
thereof,  whether now or  hereafter  existing,  arising or acquired and wherever
located,  effective  upon the  occurrence  of a Covenant  Springing  Lien Event.
Neither this  Section 8.2(b)  nor compliance  herewith shall modify or waive any
provision of Section 9.

     (c) If,  notwithstanding  the  provisions of the foregoing  clause (a), the
Borrower  creates,  assumes or suffers to exist any Lien on any Assignment Asset
(including  any  Assignment  Asset which is acquired  after the date hereof) the
Borrower will simultaneously  therewith make effective provision  (including the
execution  of  all  agreements,   financing  statements,   mortgages  and  other
instruments  reasonably  required  by the Bank) to cause  all of the  Assignment
Assets to secure the Obligations equally and ratably with all other indebtedness
so  secured  (but  shall not take any steps to secure  such  other  indebtedness
equally and ratably with such  Obligations),  will  deliver  such  Environmental
Audits and  appraisals  as the Bank shall  reasonably  request and will promptly
provide written notice thereof to the Bank and, by executing this Agreement, the
Borrower  hereby grants an equal and ratable lien on, and security  interest in,
such Assignment Assets and proceeds thereof,  whether now or hereafter existing,
arising or acquired and  wherever  located,  effective  upon any such other Lien
existing upon any Assignment Asset. Nothing in this Section 8.2(c) shall relieve
the  Borrower  from its  obligations  set  forth  in said  Section  8.2(a),  the
violation of which shall be an Event of Default.

     8.3 Other Indebtedness; Prepayment of Long Term Debt. (a) The Borrower will
not contract,  create,  incur,  assume or suffer to exist any  Indebtedness  for
Borrowed Money or permit any of its Subsidiaries so to do; except

               (i) indebtedness of the Borrower represented by the Loans;

               (ii)  indebtedness  existing on the Closing Date and indicated on
          Schedule 8.3 to this Agreement;

               (iii) trade payables incurred in the ordinary course of business;
          provided  that  such  trade  payables  (except  to  the  extent  being
          contested  in  good  faith  by  appropriate   proceedings   diligently
          conducted and for which appropriate  reserves have been established in
          accordance with GAAP) are not more than 60 days past due; and

               (iv) other indebtedness  incurred after the Closing Date but only
          if (x) no  Default  or Event of Default  shall  have  occurred  and is
          continuing on the date such  indebtedness  is incurred or would result
          therefrom and (y) had such  indebtedness been incurred as of the first
          day of any relevant Four Quarter Period and been  outstanding for that
          entire   period,   Borrower   would  have  been  in  compliance   with
          Sections 8.18 through 8.20 hereof as at such fiscal quarter end.

               (b)  Borrower  will  not  (i)  amend  the  terms  of  any  notes,
          documents,  instruments  or agreements  related to Long Term Debt that
          would  shorten the  maturity  date of any portion of  principal at any
          time payable  thereunder to a date which is earlier than the date (the
          "Post-Termination  Date") which is 91 days after the Revolving  Credit
          Maturity Date, or (ii) make any payment on account of the principal of
          or retire (by acquisition,  purchase, payment, prepayment,  redemption
          or  otherwise)  all or any part of any Long Term Debt,  other than (a)
          the amounts  specified in Section  10.17 with respect to the Long Term
          Debt so  specified  therein  on the dates  specified  therein,  (b) in
          addition to the amounts  specified in clause (a)  preceding and clause
          (c)  following,  $4,700,000 in the aggregate of Long Term Debt and (c)
          with the  proceeds of any loan which  refinances  such Long Term Debt,
          provided that no such  refinancing  loan shall require that any amount
          of principal  (other than principal to be repaid  thereunder after the
          Post-  Termination  Date) be repaid sooner (or in any greater  amount)
          than was required under the Long Term Debt which it refinances.

               8.4  Activity of the  Borrower.  The  Borrower  shall  remain the
          primary operating company as among the Borrower,  its Subsidiaries and
          other Affiliates and shall remain the sole primary servicer, purchaser
          and originator of Receivables  owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the
          Borrower, any Subsidiary, or any trust, pool or similar entity created
          or capitalized by the Borrower, any Subsidiary or any Affiliate of the
          Borrower (it being  understood that the Borrower shall be permitted to
          retain sub-servicers consistent with past practice).

               8.5 Servicing  and  Originating.  The Borrower  shall service the
          Receivables  included in the Portfolio  Amount in accordance with each

          agreement  relating  thereto to which it is a party and in  accordance
          with  customary  and normal  standards  of  practice  for the  prudent
          servicing of assets of such type.

               (b) Without the prior  written  consent of the Bank (such consent
          not to be unreasonably withheld), the Borrower will not make or permit
          any of its  Subsidiaries  to make any material change in any of its or
          their  credit or lending  policies or  procedures  as in effect on the
          date hereof.

      8.6   [intentionally deleted]

               8.7 Accounting Changes.  (a) The Borrower will not make or permit
          any of its  Subsidiaries to make any significant  change in accounting
          treatment and reporting practices,  except as permitted or required by

               (b) The Borrower will not change its Fiscal Year or permit any of
          its Subsidiaries to change its Fiscal Year.

     8.8  Consolidation and Merger.  The Borrower will not wind up, liquidate or
dissolve its affairs or enter into any transaction of merger or consolidation or
permit any of its  Subsidiaries so to do (or agree to do any of the foregoing at
any future time) except that (i) any wholly-owned Subsidiary of the Borrower may
merge into the  Borrower  if both  before  and after  giving  effect  thereto no
Default or Event of Default has  occurred or would  result  therefrom;  provided
that the Borrower shall at all times be the continuing corporation, and (ii) any
wholly-owned  Subsidiary  of the Borrower may merge into any other  wholly-owned
Subsidiary of the Borrower  (other than the Borrower);  provided that unless the
conditions  to the  release  of the  Pledged  Shares  (as  defined in the Pledge
Agreement)  shall have been fulfilled to the Bank's  satisfaction,  LMSC may not
merge with or into any other wholly owned  Subsidiary of the  Borrower.  Written
notice of any merger permitted by this Section 8.8,  however,  shall be given by
the Borrower to the Bank before the effective date of such merger or within five
Business Days thereafter.

     8.9 Sale of Assets. The Borrower will not convey,  sell, lease or otherwise
dispose of (or agree to do any of the  foregoing  at any future  time) or permit
any of its  Subsidiaries so to do, (i) all or a substantial part of its property
or assets or any part of such property or assets  material to the conduct of its
business  substantially as now conducted or as conducted after the Closing Date,
or (ii) any of its assets (other than  equipment  which is obsolete or no longer
used or useful in the conduct of its  business)),  except in the ordinary course
of business (including, without limitation, in securitization or whole loan sale
     8.10 [intentionally deleted] 

     8.11 Compliance with ERISA. The Borrower will not (i) terminate,  or permit
any of its  Subsidiaries  to terminate,  any Pension Plan so as to result in any

material  (in the  opinion of the Bank)  liability  of the  Borrower or any such
Subsidiary to the PBGC,  (ii) permit to exist the  occurrence of any  Reportable
Event (as defined in Section  4043 of ERISA),  or any other event or  condition,
which  presents  a  material  (in  the  opinion  of the  Bank)  risk  of  such a
termination  by the PBGC of any Pension  Plan,  (iii) allow,  or permit any such
Subsidiary to allow, the aggregate amount of "benefit  liabilities"  (within the
meaning of Section  4001(a)(16)  of ERISA) under all Pension  Plans of which the
Borrower or any ERISA Affiliate is a "contributing  sponsor" (within the meaning
of Section  4001(a)(13) of ERISA) to exceed $100,000,  (iv) allow, or permit any
such Subsidiary to allow, any Plan to incur an "accumulated  funding deficiency"
(within the meaning of Section 302 of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code), whether
or not waived,  (v) engage, or permit any such Subsidiary or any Plan to engage,
in any "prohibited  transaction"  (within the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA or
Section 4975 of the Code)  resulting in any material (in the opinion of the Bank
and  considered  by itself or together  with all other such  liabilities  of the
Borrower  and all  ERISA  Affiliates)  liability  to the  Borrower  or any ERISA
Affiliate,  (vi) allow, or permit any such Subsidiary to allow, any Plan to fail
to comply with the  applicable  provisions of ERISA and the Code in any material
respect, (vii) fail, or permit any such Subsidiary to fail, to make any required
contribution  to any  Multiemployer  Plan,  or (viii)  completely  or  partially
withdraw,  or permit any such  Subsidiary to  completely or partially  withdraw,
from a Multiemployer Plan, if such complete or partial withdrawal will result in
any material (in the opinion of the Bank) withdrawal liability under Title IV of

     8.12  Related  Transactions.  (a) The  Borrower  will  not  enter  into any
transaction with any Subsidiary or other member of the Consolidated Group or any
Affiliate of any Subsidiary or other member of the  Consolidated  Group (or with
any relative of such Affiliate) or any Person with which any officer or director
of any  Subsidiary  or other  member of the  Consolidated  Group has a financial
interest on more favorable terms than if such Person was totally  unrelated,  or
permit any of its Subsidiaries so to do.

     (b) The Borrower will not make, or cause any of its  Subsidiaries  to make,
any  payments,  directly or  indirectly,  to any  Subsidiary or Affiliate or any
officer,  director or principal  stockholder  of the Borrower or any  Affiliate,
except as permitted by Sections 8.12(a) and 8.16.

     8.13  Subsidiaries.  The  Borrower  will  not  sell,  assign,  transfer  or
otherwise  dispose of, or in any way part with control of, any shares of capital
stock of LTSC or LMSC or any indebtedness or obligations of any character of any
of its Subsidiaries,  or permit LTSC or LMSC so to do with respect to any shares
of capital stock of any other  Subsidiary or any  indebtedness or obligations of
any  character of the Borrower or any of its other  Subsidiaries,  or issue,  or
permit LTSC or LMSC to issue, any additional shares of capital stock.

     8.14 Borrowing  Base. The Borrower will not permit the aggregate  principal
amount of  outstanding  Loans to exceed the amount of the Borrowing  Base at any

     8.15 Investments.  The Borrower will not invest in (by capital contribution
or  otherwise),  or acquire for investment or purchase or make any commitment to

purchase  the  obligations  or  stock  of,  any  Person  or  permit  any  of its
Subsidiaries so to do, if at the time of such investment  (both before and after
giving effect  thereto) a Default or Event of Default has occurred or would have
occurred  had such  investment  been  made on the last day of the most  recently
ended fiscal quarter. The Bank hereby acknowledges and agrees that the foregoing
provisions  of this Section 8.15 shall not legally  prohibit the Borrower or any
Subsidiary  from  taking  any of the  actions  required  pursuant  to a  binding
agreement relating to a securitization or whole loan transaction of the Borrower
or such Subsidiary entered into by the Borrower or such Subsidiary; however, the
Borrower  acknowledges that,  notwithstanding  the foregoing  provisions of this
sentence,  if the Borrower or any Subsidiary  takes any such action or makes any
investment in violation of the first  sentence of this Section 8.15,  same shall
nonetheless  be an Event of Default for all purposes of this  Agreement  and the
other Loan Documents.

     8.16 Dividends,  Distributions and Purchases of Capital Stock. The Borrower
will not declare or pay any dividends (other than dividends payable in shares of
its  common  stock),  or  return  any  capital  to its  stockholders  as such or
authorize  or make any other  distribution,  payment or  delivery of property or
cash to its  stockholders  as such,  or redeem,  retire,  purchase or  otherwise
acquire, directly or indirectly, for a consideration (otherwise than in exchange
for, or from the proceeds of the substantially  concurrent sale of, other shares
of the same type of  capital  stock or of  common  stock of the  Borrower),  any
shares of any class of its capital  stock now or hereafter  outstanding,  or any
warrants or other securities (now or hereafter outstanding)  convertible into or
exercisable for any equity or other  securities of the Borrower or a Subsidiary,
or redeem, retire, purchase or otherwise acquire, directly or indirectly,  for a
consideration,  any  subordinated  debt or make any  payments  on account of the
principal  thereof,  or set aside any funds for any of the  foregoing  purposes;
provided,  however,  that the Borrower may (x) pay dividends on its common stock
and (y) make  payments  to  repurchase  up to an  aggregate  amount of 5% of its
common stock from the date hereof until the Revolving  Credit  Termination  Date
if, at the time of each such  payment  referred  to in clause  (x) and (y) above
(both before and after giving  effect  thereto),  no Default or Event of Default
(i) has occurred and is continuing or (ii) would have occurred had such dividend
been paid or such repurchase  payment been made (as the case may be) on the last
day of the most recently ended fiscal quarter.

     8.17  Leasebacks.  The Borrower  will not enter into,  or permit any of its
Subsidiaries to enter into, any arrangement with any bank,  insurance company or
other lender or investor providing for the leasing to the Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries of real property (i) which at the time has been or is to be sold or
transferred  by the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  to  such  lender  or
investor,  or (ii) which has been or is being  acquired  from another  person by
such lender or investor or on which one or more  buildings  or  facilities  have
been or are to be  constructed  by such  lender or  investor  for the purpose of
leasing such property to the Borrower or any such Subsidiary. 

     8.18  Tangible  Net Worth.  The Borrower  will not permit the  consolidated
Tangible Net Worth of the Borrower, at any time to be less than $30,000,000 plus
50% of the cumulative amount of the Borrower's  consolidated positive net income
(determined in accordance  with GAAP) for each fiscal year  commencing  with the
Fiscal Year ending December 31, 1996.

     8.19  Debt:  Net Worth  Ratio.   The  Borrower  will not  permit  the ratio
(expressed  as  a  percentage)  of  (x)  the  sum  of  all  liabilities  of  the
Consolidated Group (including,  without  limitation,  all Indebtedness for Money
Borrowed of the Consolidated  Group other than any such indebtedness  consisting
of recourse made  available by the Borrower or any  Subsidiary  consistent  with
past  practices  to Persons to which the  Borrower or such  Subsidiary  conveyed
Receivables  pursuant to a securitization or whole loan sale transaction) to (y)
the Borrower's  consolidated Tangible Net Worth at any time to be more than 300%
as at the end of any fiscal quarter of the Borrower.

     8.20 Interest Coverage Ratio. (a) The Borrower will not permit the Interest
Coverage Ratio of the Consolidated  Group for any Four Quarter Period to be less
than 1.8:1.0.

     (b) In the event that Borrower does not deliver any financial  statement or
certificate  required  to be  delivered  after  the end of any  month or  fiscal
quarter  pursuant to Section 7.1(a),  7.1(c),  7.16 or 7.17 within 10 days after
the date required therefor pursuant to said clause, the Borrower shall be deemed
to be in default of Sections  8.18-8.22  (inclusive) for purposes of Section 9.3

     8.21 Limit on Troubled Loans.  The Borrower will not permit at any time the
sum of (A) (i) the aggregate  principal  amount of  Receivables  which are 90 or
more days past due from their Due Date in payment  of any  amount  payable  with
respect thereto plus (without  duplication) (ii) the aggregate  principal amount
of all  Receivables  which are on  non-accrual  status or which  pursuant to the
Servicing  Standards should be on non-accrual status plus (without  duplication)
(iii) the aggregate  book value of all REO  Properties  minus (iv) the amount at
such  time of  Dealer  Recourse  and  Dealer  Reserve  in  respect  of any  such
Receivables to exceed (B) 10% of the Borrower's  consolidated Tangible Net Worth
at such time.

     8.22 Exposure to Extraordinary Transactions.  The Borrower will not permit,
at anytime,  (x) the aggregate  principal amount of Extraordinary Loans that the
Borrower or any Subsidiary holds or services,  or in respect of which any Person
has recourse  (contingent  or  otherwise)  to the Borrower or any  Subsidiary to
exceed (y) 15% of the Portfolio Amount at such time.

     8.23 Amendments to Documents.  The Borrower will not (A) amend, supplement,
or otherwise  modify,  directly or indirectly,  (i) any of its Charter Documents
(or  permit  LMSC  to  amend,   supplement  or  otherwise  modify,  directly  or
indirectly,  its Charter  Documents)  or (ii) any  agreement or provision  which
subordinates any obligation to any of the Obligations or (B) amend,  supplement,
otherwise  modify,  waive,  or terminate,  or agree to,  consent to or otherwise
permit there to be (or permit LTSC, LMSC or any other Subsidiary of the Borrower
to  agree  to  consent  to or  otherwise  permit  there  to be)  any  amendment,
modification,  supplement,  waiver  or  termination  of any  provision  of,  the
Receivables  Purchase  Agreement,  the Receivables  Loan agreement,  the Class B

Certificate Agreements,  any agreement relating to any Assignment Assets, or any
agreement or other  instrument  relating to any of the foregoing  except for, in
the case of any such amendment,  supplement,  modification  or waiver,  any such
amendment,  modification,  supplement or waiver of any agreement  referred to in
this  clause (B) which does not and will not,  directly  or  indirectly  reduce,
delay or otherwise  have any adverse effect upon (and does not and will not have
the direct or  indirect  effect of  reducing,  delaying or  otherwise  adversely
affecting) any payment required in respect of the Uncertificated Residual Rights
or  Class B  Certificate  or any  Assignment  Asset  or any  other  right of the
Borrower or the Bank with respect to any such agreement, Uncertificated Residual
Right, Class B Certificate or Assignment Asset.

          Section 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT.

          Upon the occurrence of any of the following  specified events (each an
     "Event of Default"):

     9.1  Principal  and  Interest.   The Borrower  shall default in the due and
punctual  payment of (i) any  principal due on any Loan; or (ii) any interest on
any Loan or in the due and punctual payment of the facility fee, arrangement fee
or any other amount due hereunder;  provided that failure to duly and punctually
make an interest payment shall not be an Event of Default under this Section 9.1
if such  interest  payment is paid within five days after the date it is due and
Borrower  has not been late in making an interest  payment on the Note more than
once in the preceding 12 months; or

     9.2  Representations  and  Warranties.   Any  representation,  warranty  or
statement  made by the Borrower in any Loan  Document or otherwise in writing by
the Borrower in connection  with any of the foregoing,  or in any certificate or
other  statement  furnished  pursuant  to or  in  connection  with  any  of  the
foregoing, shall be breached or shall prove to be untrue in any material respect
on the date as of which made; or

     9.3 Certain Covenants - The Borrower or any Subsidiary shall default in the
due performance or observance of any term,  covenant or agreement on its part to
be performed or observed  pursuant to Section 7.1,  Section 7.11,  Section 7.16,
Section 7.17, Section 7.18, Section 7.19 or Section 8; or

     9.4 Other  Covenants.  The Borrower or any Subsidiary  shall default in the
due performance or observance of any term,  covenant or agreement on its part to
be performed or observed  pursuant to any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement
(other than those  referred to in Sections 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3) and such default (if
capable of cure)  shall  continue  unremedied  for a period of 30 days after the
earlier of the date on which the Bank gives the Borrower  notice of such default
or the date an officer of the Borrower or any Subsidiary  becomes aware thereof;

     9.5  Other  Obligations.   (i)  Any  indebtedness  of the  Borrower  or any
Subsidiary  in aggregate  principal  amount in excess of $500,000  shall be duly

declared  to be or shall  become due and  payable  prior to the stated  maturity
thereof,  or (ii) any obligation of the Borrower or any Subsidiary in respect of
indebtedness  in excess of $500,000 in aggregate  principal  amount shall not be
paid as and when the same becomes due and payable including any applicable grace
period,  or there shall occur and be continuing  any event which  constitutes an
event of default  under any  instrument,  agreement or evidence of  indebtedness
relating to any  indebtedness  of the  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  in excess of
$500,000 in aggregate  principal amount,  the effect of which is to permit (with
or  without  the giving of  notice,  the  passage of time or both) the holder or
holders of such instrument, agreement or evidence of indebtedness, or a trustee,
agent or other  representative on behalf of such holder or holders, to cause the
indebtedness evidenced thereby to become due prior to its stated maturity; or

     9.6 Change of Control.  A Change of Control Event shall occur; or

     9.7  Insolvency.   The Borrower or any Subsidiary shall dissolve or suspend
or  discontinue  its business,  or shall make an  assignment  for the benefit of
creditors or a composition  with creditors,  shall be unable or admit in writing
its  inability  to pay its  debts  as they  mature,  shall  file a  petition  in
bankruptcy, shall become insolvent (howsoever such insolvency may be evidenced),
shall be  adjudicated  insolvent  or  bankrupt,  shall  petition or apply to any
tribunal  for the  appointment  of (or  there  shall be  appointed  pursuant  to
contract) any administrator, receiver, liquidator or trustee of or for it or any
substantial  part of its  property or assets,  shall  commence  any  proceedings
relating to it under any bankruptcy,  reorganization,  arrangement, readjustment
of  debt,  receivership,  dissolution  or  liquidation  law  or  statute  of any
jurisdiction,  whether now or hereafter  in effect;  or there shall be commenced
against the Borrower or any  Subsidiary any such  proceeding  which shall remain
undismissed  for a period of 60 days or more,  or any order,  judgment or decree
approving the petition in any such proceeding shall be entered;  or the Borrower
or any  Subsidiary  shall by any act or failure to act  indicate its consent to,
approval of or acquiescence in, any such proceeding or in the appointment of any
receiver,  liquidator  or  trustee of or for it or any  substantial  part of its
property  or  assets,   or  shall  suffer  any  such   appointment  to  continue
undischarged or unstayed for a period of 60 days or more; or the Borrower or any
Subsidiary  shall  take any  action  for the  purpose  of  effecting  any of the
foregoing; or any court of competent jurisdiction shall assume jurisdiction with
respect  to any such  proceeding  or a receiver  or trustee or other  officer or
representative of a court or of creditors, or any court, governmental officer or
agency,  shall under color of legal  authority,  take and hold possession of any
substantial part of the property or assets of the Borrower or any Subsidiary; or
there shall happen or exist under the laws of any applicable jurisdiction,  with
respect to any member of the  Consolidated  Group,  any event  analogous  to and
having a substantially similar effect to any of the foregoing events; or

     9.8 Security Documents. The breach by the Borrower of any term or provision
of any Security Document, which default in the judgment of the Bank is material;
or any Security  Document is at any time not in full force and effect; or any of
the  Security  Documents  shall fail to grant to the Bank the Lien and  security
interest purported to be created thereby; or

     9.9  Judgments.  (a) Any final  non-appealable  judgment for the payment of
money in excess of  $500,000  shall be  rendered  against  the  Borrower  or any
Subsidiary; or

     (b) Final  judgment for the payment of money in excess of $500,000 shall be
rendered  against the  Borrower  or any  Subsidiary,  and the same shall  remain
undischarged  for a  period  of 30 days  during  which  execution  shall  not be
effectively stayed or contested in good faith; or

     9.10 Change in Management. Any two of the following individuals shall cease
to be senior officers of the Borrower with an active  management  role:  Richard
Stratton, Heather Sica, James Shippee, and Ron Rabidou; or

     9.11 Environmental  Problems.  The Borrower or any Subsidiary incurs or (in
the opinion of the Bank) is reasonably likely to incur,  Environmental  Costs in
excess of $500,000 in the aggregate during any 18-month period; then, and in any
such event,  and at any time  thereafter,  if any Event of Default shall then be
continuing  the Bank may by written  notice to the  Borrower:  (i)  declare  the
principal of and accrued  interest on the Loans to be,  whereupon the same shall
forthwith become, due and payable without presentment,  demand, protest or other
notice of any kind, all of which are hereby waived by the Borrower;  and/or (ii)
declare the Commitment of the Bank  terminated,  whereupon the Commitment of the
Bank  shall  forthwith  terminate  immediately;  provided  that if any  Event of
Default  described in Section 9.7 shall occur with respect to the Borrower,  the
result which would otherwise occur only upon the giving of written notice by the
Bank to the Borrower as herein described shall occur automatically,  without the
giving of any such notice.


     In order to induce  the Bank to enter into this  Agreement  and to make the
Loans  provided for herein,  the Borrower  makes the following  representations,
covenants and warranties, both as of the date hereof and (after giving effect to
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby to occur on the Closing  Date) as of the
Closing Date (unless such representation, covenant or warranty is expressly made
as of a specified  date,  in which case the same shall be made as of such date),
which representations,  covenants and warranties shall survive the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the other documents and  instruments  referred to

     10.1 Status;  Validity.   (a) The Borrower is a duly  organized and validly
existing  corporation in good standing under the laws of  Massachusetts  and has
the  corporate  power and  authority to own or hold under lease its property and
assets,  to transact  the  business  in which it is  engaged,  to enter into and
perform this Agreement and the other Loan Documents and to borrow hereunder. The
Borrower is duly qualified or licensed as a foreign corporation in good standing
in Vermont and in each other jurisdiction where failure to so qualify would have
a Material  Adverse Effect.  The chief executive office of each of the Borrower,
LTSC and LMSC is located in Stamford, Vermont.

     (b) LMSC is a duly  organized  and  validly  existing  corporation  in good
standing under the laws of Delaware and has the corporate power and authority to
own or hold under lease its property and assets, and to transact the business in
which it is engaged,  and is duly qualified or licensed as a foreign corporation
in good standing in Vermont and in each other  jurisdiction  where failure so to
qualify would have a Material Adverse Effect.

     (c)  The  execution,  delivery  and  performance  by the  Borrower  of this
Agreement and the other Loan  Documents and the other  documents,  agreements or
instruments   provided  for  therein,   the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  thereunder and the use of the proceeds of the Loans have been duly
authorized by all necessary  corporate and stockholder action on the part of the
Borrower  and each  relevant  Subsidiary.  This  Agreement  and the  other  Loan
Documents  and the other  documents,  agreements  or  instruments  provided  for
therein  are  the  legal,  valid  and  binding   obligations  of  the  Borrower,
enforceable  in  accordance  with  their   respective   terms  subject,   as  to
enforceability, to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization and similar
laws  affecting the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and to general
principles of equity  (regardless of whether such enforcement is considered in a
proceeding in equity or at law)
     (d) The Borrower is the primary  operating  company as among the  Borrower,
its  Subsidiaries  and any  other  Affiliate  of the  Borrower,  and is the sole
primary  servicer,  purchaser and originator of Receivables  owned,  directly or
indirectly,  by the Borrower,  any Subsidiary,  any Affiliate of the Borrower or
any trust or pool or similar entity created or capitalized by the Borrower,  any
Subsidiary  or any  Affiliate  of the  Borrower,  it being  understood  that the
Borrower  shall  be  permitted  to  retain  subservicers  consistent  with  past

     10.2  Compliance  with Other  Instruments.  Neither  the  Borrower  nor any
Subsidiary is in material default under any Material  Agreement to which it is a
party, and neither the execution,  delivery or performance of this Agreement and
the other Loan  Documents nor the  consummation  of the  transactions  herein or
therein  contemplated,  nor compliance  with the terms and provisions  hereof or
thereof, will contravene any provision of any Legal Requirement or will conflict
with or will result in any breach of, any of the terms, covenants, conditions or
provisions  of, or  constitute a default  under,  or,  except as provided by the
Security  Documents,  result in the creation or imposition of (or the obligation
to create or impose) any Lien upon any of the  property or assets of such Person
pursuant  to the terms of any  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust or  Material
Agreement  to which such Person is a signatory  or by which such Person is bound
or to which such Person may be subject or violate any  provision  of the Charter
Documents of such Person.

     10.3  Litigation.   Except as disclosed on Schedule 10.3 to this Agreement,
as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date, there are no actions, suits or
proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Borrower, threatened, against or
affecting the Borrower or any Subsidiary before any Government Authority, which,
if adversely determined, would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower or
any Subsidiary, or on the Consolidated Group.

     10.4  Compliance  with Law.  Except for matters which could not result in a

Material  Adverse  Change in respect of the  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  or the
Consolidated  Group (a) all  business  and  operations  of the Borrower and each
Subsidiary  have been and are being  conducted in accordance with all applicable
Legal  Requirements;  (b) the  Borrower  and each  Subsidiary  has  obtained all
permits, licenses and authorizations, or consents which are otherwise necessary,
for such Person to conduct its business as it is conducted;  and (c) neither the
Borrower nor any Subsidiary is a party to, has been  threatened  with, and there
are no facts existing as a basis for any  governmental or other proceeding which
might  result in a  suspension,  limitation  or  revocation  of any such permit,
license or authorization.

     10.5  Capitalization  of LMSC.  (a)  Schedule  10.5 to this  Agreement is a
true,  correct and complete list of LMSC's  authorized  capital  stock,  the par
value of same, and the number of such shares issued and outstanding.  All of the
shares of LMSC listed on said schedule as outstanding have been duly and validly
issued,  are  fully  paid and  nonassessable,  are now  outstanding,  are  owned
beneficially and of record as indicated on said schedule, and are owned free and
clear of all Liens (other than Liens in favor of the Bank).

     (b) Other than as  disclosed  in the  Financial  Statements  referred to in
Section 10.11, no member of the  Consolidated  Group has outstanding any option,
warrant,  bonds, debentures or other right, put, call or commitment to issue, or
any obligation or commitment to purchase any of its authorized capital stock, or
any  securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for  any of its  authorized
capital stock.

     (c) LMSC has no (and so long as shares of LMSC are  pledged  to the Bank as
Collateral, will not have) outstanding any option, warrant, bonds, debentures or
other right,  put, call or commitment to issue,  or any obligation or commitment
to purchase any of its authorized  capital stock, or any securities  convertible
into or exchangeable for any of its authorized capital stock.

     10.6  Governmental  Approvals.  No order,  permission,  consent,  approval,
license,  authorization,  registration  or  validation  of, or filing  with,  or
exemption by, any Government Authority is required to authorize,  or is required
in connection with the execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement or
the other Loan Documents by the Borrower or any Subsidiary, or the taking of any
action hereby or thereby contemplated.

     10.7 Federal  Reserve Margin  Regulations;  Proceeds.  (a) No member of the
Consolidated  Group  is  engaged  principally,   or  as  one  of  its  important
activities, in the business of extending credit for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying  any margin stock  (within the meaning of  Regulation U of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve  System).  No part of the proceeds of any Loans
will be used to purchase or carry any such margin  stock or to extend  credit to
others for the purpose of purchasing or carrying any such margin stock.

     (b) The  proceeds  of the Loans  shall be used  solely  for the  Borrower's
working capital needs.

     10.8 Taxes. (a) All tax returns of any nature whatsoever, including but not
limited to, all US income,  payroll,  stock transfer, and excise tax returns and
all appropriate state and local income,  sales, excise,  payroll,  franchise and
real and personal property tax returns, and corresponding returns under the laws
of any  jurisdiction,  which are  required  to be filed by the  Borrower  or any
Subsidiary  have been or will be filed by the due date or  extended  due date of
such returns.

     (b) Except for amounts which in the aggregate do not exceed  $100,000,  all
taxes due and payable with respect to each member of the Consolidated Group have
been paid,  and there are no  liabilities,  interest or  penalties  payable with
respect to any taxes which remain unpaid.

     10.9  Investment  Company Act.  Neither the Borrower nor any Subsidiary nor
the entering into of the Loan Documents nor the issuance of the Note, is subject
to any of the  provisions  of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended.
Neither the Borrower nor any Subsidiary is a "holding company" as defined in the
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended,  or subject to any other
federal  or  state  statute  or   regulation   limiting  its  ability  to  incur
Indebtedness for Money Borrowed.

     10.10  Properties of the Borrower.   (a) The Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
have good and marketable title to, or valid leasehold interests in, all of their
material properties and assets.

     (b) The Borrower has full,  valid and exclusive  right,  title and interest
(in  fee  simple  where  applicable)  to all  of  the  following:  the  Class  B
Certificate,  the  Pledged  Shares (as  defined in the  Pledge  Agreement),  the
Assignment  Assets,  and (from and after the Transition  Date, if the Transition
Date occurs) the Uncertificated Residual Rights. The Borrower's ownership rights
in and to all of the foregoing are subject to no Liens, burdens or defects.

     (c) The Receivables Purchase Agreement,  Receivables Loan Agreement and the
Class B Certificate  Agreements are in full force and effect; there have been no
amendments to, or waivers of any  provisions of, any of the foregoing  since the
date each was originally  executed  except for the following  amendments,  true,
complete  and  accurate  copies of which  have been  provided  to the Bank:  (i)
Amendment No. 1 dated as of December 18, 1995 to Receivables Purchase Agreement,
(ii)  Amendment  No.  1  dated  as of  December  18,  1995 to  Receivables  Loan
Agreement,  (iii)  Amendment No. 2 dated as of September 27, 1996 to Receivables
Purchase  Agreement,  (iv)  Amendment  No. 2 dated as of  September  27, 1996 to
Receivables  Loan Agreement,  and (v) Amendment No. One to Trust Agreement dated
as of September, 1996 (in the form previously delivered to the Bank).

     10.11  Financial  Condition.   (a)  The  audited   consolidated   Financial
Statements  of the  Consolidated  Group for its Fiscal Years ended  December 31,
1994 and December  31, 1995,  and the  financial  statements  for the six months
ended June 30,  1995 and June 30, 1996  contained  in the  Borrower's  quarterly
report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended June 30, 1996 have been  delivered to
the Bank,  have been  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP and fairly  present the

financial  condition and the results of operations of the Consolidated  Group as
of the dates and for the periods covered thereby  (subject,  in the case of such
unaudited  statements,  to normal year-end audit and  adjustment).  There are no
contingent  obligations,  material  liabilities  or any material  unrealized  or
anticipated losses from unfavorable  commitments which are not disclosed in such
Financial Statements.

     (b)  There  has  been  no  Material   Adverse  Change  in  respect  of  the
Consolidated Group, or any member thereof, since December 31, 1995.

     (c) At the time of, and after giving  effect to, each Loan,  the  Borrower,
(i) is Solvent, and (ii) possesses,  in the opinion of the Borrower,  sufficient
capital to conduct the business in which it is engaged or presently  proposes to

     10.12 Environmental  Matters. (a) The Borrower and each Subsidiary (and any
predecessor in interest of any of them) has been and continues to be in material
compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws;

     (b) The Borrower and each Subsidiary have obtained all material permits and
approvals   required   under   Environmental   Laws,   including   all  material
environmental,  health and safety permits, licenses,  approvals,  authorization,
variances,  agreements,  and waivers of Government  Authorities  ("Environmental
Permits")  necessary  for the conduct of its business  and the  operation of its
facility,  and all  such  Environmental  Permits  are in good  standing  and the
Borrower  and each  Subsidiary  is in  compliance  with all  material  terms and
conditions of such Environmental Permits;

     (c) Neither the Borrower  nor any  Subsidiary  nor any of their  respective
Properties  or operations  is subject to any  outstanding  written order from or
agreement  with any  Government  Authority  or other Person or is subject to any
judicial or docketed administrative  proceeding respecting any (x) Environmental
Law, (y) Remedial Action or (z) Environmental Claim or Environmental Costs;

     (d) To the Borrower's  knowledge,  there are no conditions or circumstances
now or formerly  associated  with any Property or  operations by the Borrower or
any Subsidiary (or any predecessor in interest of any of them) which may prevent
or interfere with material compliance by the Borrower or any Subsidiary with any
applicable  Environmental  Laws or form the basis of any material  Environmental
Claim or give rise to any material Environmental Costs;

     (e) No Environmental Claim (including,  without  limitation,  in respect of
any  alleged  violation  of any  Environmental  Laws) is pending  or  threatened
against, or has been received by, the Borrower or any Subsidiary;

     (f) No Environmental Lien and no unrecorded Environmental Lien has attached

to  any  Property  of  the  Borrower  or any  Subsidiary  and to the  Borrower's
knowledge,  no action has been taken by any Person which could  subject any such
Property to any Environmental Lien;

     (g)  Neither  the  Borrower  nor any  Subsidiary  (nor any  predecessor  in
interest of any of them) has transported or arranged for the  transportation  of
any  Contaminant to any location which is (i) listed on the National  Priorities
List under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation and Liability
Act of 1980,  as amended,  (ii) listed for  possible  inclusion  on the National
Priorities List by the United States  Environmental  Protection Agency, or (iii)
listed  on any  similar  state  list or (iv) to the  Borrower's  knowledge,  the
subject of federal,  state or local enforcement actions or other  investigations
which may lead to Environmental Claims against the Borrower or any Subsidiary or
the imposition of Environmental Costs on the Borrower or any Subsidiary; and

     (h) Except as complies with all Environmental  Laws, no Property is located
in, and no operations by the Borrower or any Subsidiary  (or any  predecessor in
interest of any of them) affect, any Environmentally Sensitive Area.

     10.13  Disclosure.   Neither this  Agreement or any other Loan Document nor
any  statement,  list,  certificate  or other  document or  information,  or any
schedules  to this  Agreement  or any other  Loan  Document  delivered  or to be
delivered  to the Bank  contains  or will  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omits or will omit to state a material  fact  necessary to make
statements  contained herein or therein,  in light of the circumstances in which
they are made, not misleading.

     10.14  Compliance  with ERISA.  The Borrower and each ERISA  Affiliate  and
each Plan and the trusts maintained  pursuant to such plans are in compliance in
all material respects with the presently  applicable  provisions of Sections 401
through  and  including  417 of the Code,  and of ERISA  and (i) no event  which
constitutes a Reportable  Event as defined in Section 4043 of ERISA has occurred
and is  continuing  with respect to any Plan which is or was covered by Title IV
of ERISA,  (ii) no Plan which is  subject to Part 3 of  Subtitle B of Title 1 of
ERISA has incurred any "accumulated  funding  deficiency" (within the meaning of
Section  302 of ERISA or Section  412 of the Code)  whether or not  waived,  and
(iii) no written  notice of  liability  has been  received  with  respect to the
Borrower or any Subsidiary for any "prohibited  transaction" (within the meaning
of  Section  4975 of the  Code  or  Section  406 of  ERISA),  nor  has any  such
prohibited  transaction  resulting  in  liability  to the  Borrower or any ERISA
Affiliate occurred.

     Neither the Borrower nor any ERISA Affiliate (i) has incurred any liability
to the PBGC (or any successor thereto under ERISA), or to any trustee of a trust
established under Section 4049 of ERISA, in connection with any Plan (other than
liability  for  premiums  under  Section  4007 or ERISA),  (ii) has incurred any
withdrawal  liability  under Subtitle E of Title IV of ERISA in connection  with
any Plan which is a  Multiemployer  Plan, nor (iii) has  contributed or has been
obligated to  contribute on or after  September 26, 1980, to any  "multiemployer
plan"  (within the meaning of Section  3(37) of ERISA) which is subject to Title

     The  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement (i)
will not give rise to any  liability  on behalf  of the  Borrower  or any of its
ERISA  Affiliates  under Title IV of ERISA to the PBGC (other than  ordinary and
usual PBGC premium liability), to the trustee of a trust established pursuant to
Section  4049  of  ERISA,  or to any  Multiemployer  Plan,  and  (ii)  will  not
constitute a "prohibited transaction" under Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975
of the Code.

     10.15 The Security  Documents.   (a) Each  Security Document when delivered
will grant a Lien in the  properties  or rights  intended to be covered  thereby
(the  "Collateral")  which (i) will constitute a valid and enforceable  security
interest  under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code of the  State  (x) in which  the
Collateral  is located and (y) by which any  Security  Document is governed  (as
applicable, the "UCC"), (ii) will be entitled to all of the rights, benefits and
priorities  provided  by the UCC,  and (iii)  when such  Security  Documents  or
financing  statements with respect thereto are filed and recorded as required by
the UCC,  will be  superior  and prior to the  rights of all third  Persons  now
existing or hereafter arising whether by way of mortgage, pledge, lien, security
interest,  encumbrance or otherwise, except for Permitted Liens. All such action
as is necessary in law has been taken,  or prior to the Closing Date (or, in the
case of Liens to be granted  subsequent to the Closing  Date,  prior to the date
required  therefor in accordance with the terms hereof) will have been taken, to
establish and perfect the security interest of the Bank in the Collateral and to
entitle the Bank to  exercise  the rights and  remedies  provided in each of the
Security Documents and the UCC, and no filing, recording, registration or giving
of notice or other action is required in connection therewith except such as has
been made or given or will have been made or given prior to such  date(s).   All
filing and other fees and all recording or other tax payable with respect to the
recording of any of the Security  Documents  and UCC financing  statements  have
been paid or provided for.

     10.16 The Assignment Asset s. (i) All information provided and that will be
provided to the Bank with respect to the Assignment Assets and the Book Value of
Assignment  Assets is and will be true and  correct  in all  respects,  (ii) the
Borrower has good and  marketable  title to each  Assignment  Asset set forth on
Schedule  11.1 on date  hereof and will have good and  marketable  title to each
asset which  subsequently  becomes an  Assignment  Asset,  in each case free and
clear of Liens;  and (iii) no  Assignment  Asset is or will constitute  "chattel
paper" or an "instrument" (in each case, as defined in the UCC).

     10.17 Long Term Debt. No principal  amount of any Long Term Debt is payable
on or prior to the Revolving Credit Maturity Date other than:

     (a) On April 1 of each year,  up to $920,000  in respect of the  Borrower's
10% Notes due 2004;

     (b) On June 1 of each year,  up to $878,000 in respect of Borrower's 8 7/8%
Notes due 2003;

     (c) On November 1 of each year, up to $753,253 in respect of the Borrower's
10% Notes due 2002; and

     (d) regularly scheduled  amortization payments in respect of the four notes
(in  the   original   principal   amounts   of   $3,173,076.92,   $3,173,076.92,
$3,076,923.08  and  $3,076,923.08,  respectively),  each dated  January 9, 1995,
issued by Litchfield  Residual  Securities  Corp., a  Massachusetts  corporation
("LRSC"),  in favor of CIG & CO. pursuant to an Indenture dated as of January 9,
1995 between LRSC and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as Trustee (true,  correct
and  complete  copies of which notes and  Indenture  have been  delivered by the
Borrower to the Bank).

     10.18  Qualification.  (a) Solely by reason of (and  without  regard to any
other  activities  of the Bank in any state in which  Collateral is located) the
entering into,  performance  and  enforcement of this  Agreement,  the Note, the
Security  Documents and the other Loan Documents by the Bank will not constitute
doing  business  by the Bank in Vermont or any such other state or result in any
liability of the Bank for taxes or other governmental charges in any such state;
and  qualification  by the  Bank  to do  business  in such  jurisdiction  is not
necessary in connection with, and the failure to so qualify will not affect, the
enforcement  of, or  exercise  of any  rights  or  remedies  under,  any of such

     (b) No "business activity," "doing business" or similar report or notice is
required to be filed by the Bank in any such jurisdiction in connection with the
Loans or the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement,  and the failure to
file any such  report or  notice  will not  affect  the  enforcement  of, or the
exercise of any rights or remedies under, this Agreement, the Security Documents
or any of the other Loan Documents.

     10.19 Business of  Consolidated  Group.  Schedule 10.19 hereto sets forth a
complete  and  accurate  description  of the  business of the  Borrower  and its
Subsidiaries as of the date hereof  including a full description of the types of
loans made and acquired by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries.

     10.20 Dealer  Recourse.  Schedule  10.20 sets forth a complete and accurate
description  of the Borrower's  policies for  determining  when Dealer  Recourse
should no longer be treated as available to the Borrower or its Subsidiaries and
when the amount of Dealer Recourse which the Borrower treats as available from a
Dealer  should be  reduced.  The  Borrower  has  treated  and will treat  Dealer
Recourse  as  described  in  Schedule  10.20  in  each  statement,   report  and
calculation furnished and which will be furnished to the Bank.

     10.21 Identity of Spread Account;  Excess  Servicing  Assets.  The "Custody
Receivables Account" specified in each Borrowing Base Certificate is the "Spread
Account"  (as  defined in each of the  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement  and the
Receivables Loan Agreement).  The only Persons other than the Borrower, the Bank
(on and after the Transition Date) and, until the Transition Date, LMSC, with an
interest in the Spread Account are the Agent and the Lender in their capacity as
such under the  Receivables  Loan  Agreement  and the Agent and the Purchaser in
their capacity as such under the Receivables  Loan Agreement.  All rights of the

Borrower (and, until the Transition Date, LMSC) to receive  remittances from the
Spread  Account  are set  forth in  Sections  2.06(b)  and  2.06(c)  of  (i) the
Receivables  Loan Agreement and (ii) the  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement.  The
rights under Sections 2.06(c)(vii) and 2.05(c)(viii) of (i) the Receivables Loan
Agreement and (ii) the Receivables Purchase Agreement constitute the entirety of
the "Excess  Servicing  Asset" specified in the Borrowing Base  Certificate.  No
Person other than the Borrower, the Bank (on and after the Transition Date) and,
prior to the Transition  Date,  LMSC,  has any interest in the Excess  Servicing

     Section 11. ASSIGNMENT ASSETS.

     11.1 Initial  Assignment  Assets.  The Assignment Assets and the Book Value
thereof on the date hereof are set forth on Schedule 11.1 hereto.

     11.2 Change Assignment  Assets. No asset may be designated as an Assignment
Asset after the Closing Date unless the Bank shall agree to its designation (and
to the  book  value  therefor)  in  writing.  If the  Borrower  desires  to have
additional  assets so designated as  Assignment  Assets,  it shall so notify the
Bank in writing,  identifying the additional assets requested for inclusion with
particularity  satisfactory to the Bank, and setting forth a proposed book value
for such  assets,  and upon  request  of the  Bank,  execute  any UCC  financing
statements  with  respect to such assets as the Bank may  request.  The Borrower
shall  provide  the Bank with all  information  requested  with  respect to such
assets.  If the Bank  agrees (in its  reasonable  discretion)  that such  assets
should  constitute  Assignment  Assets  and that the  proposed  book  values are
appropriate,  the Bank shall so notify the Borrower and promptly thereafter send
to the Borrower a revised Schedule 11.1 which includes such assets as Assignment
Assets with the Book Values as have been so agreed.

     11.3 Deletion of Assignment Assets. No Assignment Asset may be redesignated
as an asset which is not an Assignment Asset unless the Bank shall agree to such
redesignation  in  writing.  If  the  Borrower  desires  to  so  redesignate  an
Assignment  Asset,  it  shall  so  notify  the  Bank,  identifying  such  asset,
requesting  that such  specified  asset no longer be designated as an Assignment
Asset and  certifying the Book Value as of the date of such request of the other
Assignment  Assets. If no Default or Event of Default exists, and the conditions
set forth in the provision to this Section 11.3 are satisfied,  such asset shall
be removed from  Schedule 11.1  and such asset will then cease to  constitute an
Assignment Asset upon the Bank's sending to the Borrower a revised Schedule 11.1
giving effect to such deletion,  which revised  schedule the Bank agrees to send
promptly  following the Borrower's request therefor and the satisfaction of such
conditions;  provided  however that (i) no such  deletion  shall occur if, after
giving effect to such  deletion,  the Book Value of  Assignment  Assets would be
less than $5,000,000;  and (ii) if, as a result of such deletion,  the aggregate
principal  amount of outstanding  Loans would exceed the amount (the  "Permitted
Reduction  Commitment")  to  which,  pursuant  to  Section  2.6(b),  the Bank is
entitled to reduce the  Commitment as a result of such  deletion,  it shall be a
condition  precedent  to such  deletion  that the Loans be  prepaid in an amount
equal to the  amount  by which  the  outstanding  principal  amount of the Loans
exceeds the Permitted Reduction Commitment.

     11.4 Notice of Payments. Within five days of any payment of principal being

made on any  Assignment  Asset,  or of the Book  Value of any  Assignment  Asset
becoming  zero pursuant to the proviso to the  definition  of "Book Value",  the
Borrower  shall  give  notice  thereof  to the  Bank  in  writing. 

     Section 12. MISCELLANEOUS.

     12.1 Calculations and Financial Data.  Calculations  hereunder  (including,
without limitation,  calculations used in determining,  or in any certificate of
the Borrower reflecting,  compliance by the Borrower with the provisions of this
Agreement)  shall be made and financial  data required  hereby shall be prepared
both as to  classification  of items and as to amount  in  accordance  with GAAP
consistent with the audited Financial  Statements described in Section 10.11(a);
provided that for purposes of Sections 8.18 through 8.22  (inclusive)  no effect
shall be given to any change in GAAP from those in effect on December 31, 1995.

     12.2 Amendment and Waiver.  Except as otherwise  provided,  no provision of
any of the Loan  Documents  may be changed,  waived,  discharged  or  terminated
orally,  but  only by an  instrument  in  writing  signed  by the  Bank  and the
Borrower,   except  that  waivers  of  provisions  relating  to  the  Borrower's
performance or non-performance  of its obligations  hereunder or thereunder need
not be signed by the Borrower. Any such change, waiver, discharge or termination
shall be effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific  purposes
for which made or given.

     12.3 Expenses; Indemnification.  (a) Whether or not the transactions hereby
contemplated  shall  be  consummated,  the  Borrower  shall  pay all  reasonable
out-of-pocket costs and expenses of the Bank incurred in connection with (x) the
preparation,  execution, delivery, administration,  filing and recording of, and
(y)  the  amendment  (including  any  waiver  or  consent)  or  modification  of
(including any amendment,  waiver, consent or modification at any time requested
by the  Borrower,  whether  or not  the  same is  finalized  or  executed),  and
enforcement of or preservation of any rights under, this Agreement and the other
Loan  Documents,  including,  without  limitation,  (A) the reasonable  fees and
expenses of Sullivan &  Worcester  LLP,  counsel for the Bank and any special or
local counsel  retained by the Bank, (B) the reasonable fees and expenses of any
appraisers  retained by the Bank if  applicable  with respect to any  collateral
granted to the Bank after the date  hereof,  and (c)  travel,  title  insurance,
mortgage recording and filing costs.

     (b) The Borrower  agrees to pay, and to save the Bank harmless from (x) all
present  and future  stamp,  filing  and other  similar  taxes,  fees or charges
(including  interest and penalties,  if any), which may be payable in connection
with the Loan Documents or the issuance of the Note or any  modification  of any
of the foregoing,  and (y) all finder's and broker's fees in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Loan Documents.

     (c) The Borrower  agrees to indemnify,  pay and hold harmless the Bank, any
Bank Assignee and each holder of a Note and their respective  present and future
officers,  directors,  employees  and  agents  (collectively,  the  "Indemnified
Parties")  from  and  against  all  liability,   losses,  damages  and  expenses
(including,  without limitation,  legal fees and expenses) arising out of, or in

any way connected  with, or as a result of (i) the execution and delivery of the
Letter  Agreement,  of  this  Agreement  and the  other  Loan  Documents  or the
documents or transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby or the performance by
the parties  hereto or thereto of their  respective  obligations  hereunder  and
thereunder or relating thereto; or (ii) any claim, action,  suit,  investigation
or proceeding (in each case,  regardless of whether or not the Indemnified Party
is a party thereto or target thereof) in any way relating to any Collateral, the
Borrower, any Subsidiary or any Affiliate of any of the foregoing;  or (iii) any
actual or alleged violation by the Borrower, any Affiliate or Subsidiary (or any
predecessor in interest of any of them) of any Environmental  Law; provided that
the  Borrower  shall not be liable to any  Indemnified  Party for any portion of
such liabilities, losses, damages and expenses sustained or incurred as a direct
result  of the  gross  negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of the  Bank or such
Indemnified  Party if such gross negligence or willful  misconduct is determined
to have occurred by a final and non- appealable decision of a court of competent
jurisdiction.  No  Indemnified  Party  shall  be  entitled  to any  indirect  or
consequential damages.

     (d) All  obligations  provided for in this  Section 12.3 and Sections  3.4,
4.1,  4.2 and 5.2  shall  survive  any  termination  of this  Agreement  and the
Commitment, and the payment in full of the Loans.

     12.4 Benefits of Agreement; Descriptive Headings.  (a) This Agreement shall
be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of and be  enforceable  by the parties
hereto and their respective  successors and assigns,  and, in particular,  shall
inure to the  benefit of the  holders  from time to time of the Note;  provided,
however,  that the  Borrower  may not  assign or  transfer  any of its rights or
obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Bank and any such
purported assignment or transfer shall be void. In furtherance of the foregoing,
the Bank shall be  entitled  at any time to grant  participations  in or assign,
sell  or  otherwise  transfer  the  whole  or  any  part  of its  rights  and/or
obligations under this Agreement,  the Loan Documents or any Loan or the Note to
any Person.  No such  participation  shall relieve the Bank from its obligations
hereunder  and the  Borrower  need deal  solely  with the Bank with  respect  to
waivers, modifications and consents to this Agreement, the Loan Documents or the
Note. Any such participant,  assignee, purchaser or transferee is referred to in
this Agreement as a "Bank Assignee".  The Borrower agrees that the provisions of
Sections  3.4,  5.2 and 12.3 shall run to the benefit of each Bank  Assignee and
its participations or interests herein, and the Bank may enforce such provisions
on behalf of any such Bank Assignee;  provided, however, that if the Bank grants
a  participation  in the  whole or any  part of its  rights  and/or  obligations
pursuant to this Section 12.4, then the amounts that the Borrower is required to
pay  pursuant  to this  Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,  additional
amounts  made  pursuant to Section  5.2) shall not exceed the  amounts  that the
Borrower  would have been required to pay to the Bank pursuant to this Agreement
had the Bank not granted such participation.  The Borrower hereby further agrees
that any such Bank Assignee may, to the fullest  extent  permitted by applicable
law, exercise the right of set off with respect to such participation (and in an
amount up to the amount of such participation) as fully as if such Bank Assignee
were the direct creditor of the Borrower. Upon a participation, assignment, sale
or transfer in accordance  with the  foregoing,  the Borrower shall execute such
documents  and do such acts as the Bank may  reasonably  request to effect same.
The Bank may furnish any  information  concerning the Borrower or any Subsidiary
in its  possession  from time to time to Bank Assignees  (including  prospective
Bank  Assignees).   The  Bank  shall  notify  Borrower  of  any   participation,

assignment, sale or transfer granted by it pursuant to this Section 12.4 but the
Borrower's   approval  shall  not  be  required  for  any  such   participation,
assignment,  sale or transfer. The Borrower shall not be responsible for any due
diligence  costs or legal  expenses of such Bank  Assignees in  connection  with
their entering into such participation, assignment, sale or transfer.

     (b) The  descriptive  headings of the various  provisions of this Agreement
and the other Loan Documents are inserted for  convenience of reference only and
shall  not be  deemed  to  affect  the  meaning  or  construction  of any of the
provisions hereof.

     (c) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained herein or in any of
the Loan  Documents,  unless the Bank or the  Borrower  otherwise  request  with
respect  to any  specific  exhibit,  exhibits  to this  Agreement  shall  not be
required to be attached to the  execution  or any other copy of this  Agreement,
and any  references  in this  Agreement  or the  other  Loan  Documents  to such
exhibits as "Exhibits  hereto," "Exhibits to this Agreement" or words of similar
effect  shall be deemed to refer to such  document  as  executed  by the parties
thereto and delivered on the Closing Date.

     12.5  Notices,  Requests,  Demands,  etc .  Except as  otherwise  expressly
provided herein, all notices,  requests,  demands or other  communications to or
upon the  respective  parties  hereto shall be deemed to have been duly given or
made when  delivered  (if sent by  Federal  Express or other  similar  overnight
delivery  service),  or three Business Days after mailing (when mailed,  postage
prepaid, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested),  or (in the
case of telex,  telegraphic,  telecopier or cable notice) when  delivered to the
telex,  telegraph,  telecopier  or  cable  company,  or (in the case of telex or
telecopier  notice sent over a telex or telecopier  owned or operated by a party
hereto) when sent;  in each case  addressed as follows,  except that notices and
communications  to the Bank  pursuant to Sections 2 and 9 shall not be effective
until received by the Bank: (i) if to the Bank, at the Closing Office,  and (ii)
if  to  the  Borrower,  at  its  address  specified  with  its  signature  below
(Attention:  President), or to such other addresses as any of the parties hereto
may hereafter  specify to the others in writing,  provided  that  communications
with  respect  to a change  of  address  shall be deemed  to be  effective  when
actually received.

EXECUTED); except (as to any other Loan Document) to the extent specifically set
forth otherwise in that Loan Document.

     12.7 Counterparts;  Telecopies. This Agreement and the other Loan Documents
may be executed in any number of  counterparts  by the different  parties hereto
and  thereto  on  separate  counterparts,  each of which  when so  executed  and
delivered shall be deemed to be an original,  but all the  counterparts for each

such  Loan  Document  shall  together  constitute  one and the same  instrument.
Telecopied  signatures  hereto and to the other Loan  Documents  shall be of the
same force and effect as an original of a manually signed copy.

     12.8  Waivers.   No failure or delay on the part of the Bank in  exercising
any right,  power or privilege  under this Agreement or any other Loan Document,
and no course of dealing  between the  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  and the Bank
shall operate as a waiver thereof;  nor shall any single or partial  exercise of
any right,  power or privilege  hereunder preclude any other or further exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right,  power or privilege.  The rights and
remedies  herein  expressly  provided are  cumulative  and not  exclusive of any
rights  or  remedies  which  the Bank  would  otherwise  have  pursuant  to such
documents  or at law or equity.   No notice to or demand on the  Borrower in any
case shall  entitle  the  Borrower  to any other or further  notice or demand in
similar or other  circumstances  or constitute a waiver of the right of the Bank
to any other or further action in any circumstances without notice or demand.

     12.9  Recoveries.  Any  Recoveries  (after  deduction  and  payment  of all
expenses  and costs  permitted  by this  Agreement,  the  Security  Documents or
applicable law), shall be applied against the Loans.

execution and delivery hereof,  the Borrower accepts and consents for itself and
in respect to its property,  generally and unconditionally,  the jurisdiction of
the  aforesaid  courts and agrees  that such  jurisdiction  shall be  exclusive,
unless  waived by the Bank in writing,  with respect to any action or proceeding
brought by it against the Bank and any questions  relating to usury. Each of the
Bank and the  Borrower  agrees  that  Sections  5-1401 and 5-1402 of the General
Obligations  Law of the State of New York shall apply to the Loan  Documents and
waives any right to stay or to dismiss any action or proceeding  brought  before
said  courts  on the  basis of  forum  non  conveniens.  In  furtherance  of the
foregoing, the Borrower hereby irrevocably designates and appoints Battle Fowler
LLP, 75 East 55th Street,  New York, New York 10022, as agent of the Borrower to
receive  service of all process brought against the Borrower with respect to any
such  proceeding  in any such  court in New  York,  such  service  being  hereby
acknowledged  by the  Borrower  to be  effective  and  binding  service in every
respect.  The Borrower  hereby  irrevocably  consents that all process served or
brought  against it or its agent for service of process with respect to any such
proceeding in any such court in New York shall be effective and binding  service
in every respect if sent by registered mail, or (if permitted by law) by Federal
Express or other  similar  overnight  delivery  service,  to the Borrower at its
address set forth next to its  signature  below or to such other  address as the
Bank is notified of in accordance  with the provisions of Section 12.5 or to its
agent as aforesaid.   Nothing herein shall affect the right of the Bank to serve
process in any other  manner  permitted  by law or shall  limit the right of the
Bank to bring proceedings  against the Borrower in the courts of any other court
or tribunal otherwise having jurisdiction.

     12.11  Severability.   If any provision of this Agreement  shall be held or
deemed to be or shall, in fact, be illegal,  inoperative or  unenforceable,  the
same shall not affect any other  provision  or  provisions  herein  contained or
render the same invalid, inoperative or unenforceable to any extent whatever.

     12.12 Right of Set-off.  In addition to any rights now or hereafter granted
under  applicable  law or  otherwise  and not by way of  limitation  of any such
rights, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the Bank is hereby authorized
at any time or from time to time, without notice to the Borrower or to any other
Person,  any such  notice  being  hereby  expressly  waived,  to set-off  and to
appropriate and apply any and all deposits (general or special,  time or demand,
provisional  or final) and any other  indebtedness  at any time held or owing by
the Bank to or for the credit or the  account  of the  Borrower  against  and on
account of the  obligations  and  liabilities  of the  Borrower now or hereafter
existing  under any of the Loan  Documents  irrespective  of  whether or not any
demand  shall  have  been  made   thereunder  and  although  said   obligations,
liabilities or claims,  or any of them,  shall be contingent or unmatured.   The
Bank,  if it  exercises  any rights  granted  under this  Section  12.12,  shall
thereafter notify the Borrower of such action; provided that the failure to give
such notice shall not affect the validity of such set-off and application.

     12.13 No Third  Party  Beneficiaries.   This  Agreement  is solely  for the
benefit of the Bank,  the Borrower and their  respective  successors and assigns
(except as otherwise  expressly  provided  herein) and nothing  contained herein
shall be deemed to confer  upon anyone  other than the Bank,  the  Borrower  and
their respective successors and assigns any right to insist on or to enforce the
performance  or  observance  of any of the  obligations  contained  herein.  All
conditions  to the  obligations  of the Bank to effect  the Loans  provided  for
herein are imposed  solely and  exclusively  for the benefit of the Bank and its
successors  and  assigns  and no other  Person  shall have  standing  to require
satisfaction  of such  conditions  in  accordance  with their terms and no other
Person  shall  under  any  circumstances  be deemed  to be  beneficiary  of such

     12.14  Effectiveness.  This Agreement shall become effective when and as of
the date (the "Effective Date") that all of the parties hereto shall have signed
a copy hereof  (whether  the same or  different  counterparts)  and the Borrower
shall have delivered it to the Bank at the Closing Office.

     12.15 Survival; Integration.  (a) Each of the representations,  warranties,
terms,  covenants,  agreements and conditions  contained in this Agreement shall
specifically  survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the other
Loan Documents and the making of the Loans and shall, unless otherwise expressly
provided,  continue  in full  force and  effect  until the  Commitment  has been
terminated  and  the  Loans  together  with  interest  thereon,  the  Commitment
commissions,  the fees and  compensation of the Bank, and all other sums payable
hereunder or thereunder have been indefeasibly paid in full.

     (b) This Agreement,  together with the other Loan Documents,  comprises the
complete and  integrated  agreement of the parties on the subject  matter hereof
and thereof and supersedes the Letter Agreement and all other prior  agreements,
written or oral, on the subject  matter hereof and thereof.  In the event of any
direct conflict  between the provisions of this Agreement and those of any other
Loan  Document,  the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall  control and govern;
provided that the inclusion of  supplemental  rights or remedies in favor of the
Bank in any  other  Loan  Document  shall  not be  deemed a  conflict  with this
Agreement.  Each Loan Document was drafted with the joint  participation  of the
respective  parties thereto and shall be construed  neither against nor in favor
of any party, but rather in accordance with the fair meaning thereof.

     12.16 Domicile of Loans. The Bank may make, maintain or transfer any of its
Loans  hereunder  to, or for the account of, any branch  office,  subsidiary  or
affiliate of the Bank.

     12.17  Waiver  of Jury  Trial.  EACH OF THE  BORROWER  AND THE BANK  HEREBY

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly executed and delivered by their  respective duly authorized  officers as of
the date first above written.

                                             LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL  CORPORATION
789 Main Road
Stamford, Vermont  05352
fax:  802/694-1552                           By /s/ 
                                             Name:  Heather A. Sica
                                             Title:    Executive Vice President

                                              BANK OF SCOTLAND
565 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10017
fax: 212/557-9460                             By /s/   
                                              Name:  Catherine M. Oniffrey
                                              Title: Vice President

                                                                  Exhibit 10.143
                                PLEDGE AGREEMENT

     PLEDGE  AGREEMENT  dated  as  of  September  13,  1996  between  Litchfield
Financial Corporation (the "Pledgor"), and BANK OF SCOTLAND (the "Pledgee").

     WHEREAS,  the  Pledgor  and the  Pledgee  are  parties to a Loan  Agreement
(herein, as at any time amended,  extended,  restated,  renewed or modified, the
"Loan  Agreement")  dated as of the date hereof,  pursuant to which the Bank (as
defined  therein)  has  agreed,  subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth
therein,  to extend loans to the Pledgor in accordance  with the terms  thereof;

     WHEREAS,  it is a condition to the extension of credit by the Bank pursuant
to the Loan  Agreement  that the Pledgor enter into this  Agreement and grant to
the Pledgee the security interest provided for herein;

     NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:

     For  good and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  of  which is  hereby
acknowledged,  as  collateral  security  for the due and  punctual  payment  and
performance  of all the  Secured  Obligations  (as defined  below),  the Pledgor
hereby  deposits and pledges with Pledgee the shares of stock indicated on Annex
1 hereto (all such shares,  together with all other shares of stock  required to
be deposited hereunder,  the "Pledged Shares") and the certificates indicated on
Annex 1 hereto under the heading  "Pledged  Interests"  (all such  certificates,
together  with all other  securities or other  instruments  of any kind relating
thereto or arising thereunder required to be deposited  hereunder,  the "Pledged
Interests";  the  Pledged  Shares  and the  Pledged  Interests  being  sometimes
referred to herein as the "Pledged Securities") and hereby grants to the Pledgee
a security interest in and a lien upon, and hereby assigns,  transfers,  pledges
and sets over to the Pledgee,  all of Pledgor's right, title and interest in and
to the following (the "Collateral"):

     (a) the Pledged Securities;

     (b) all dividends, interest and other payments made on or in respect of the
Pledged Securities;

     (c) all proceeds of the Pledged Securities and any of the other Collateral;

     (d) all other  securities,  money and other property required to be pledged
hereunder, and all rights related thereto;

     (e) all collateral,  liens and security  interests securing the obligations
of any issuer of any of the Pledged Securities;

     (f)  all  other  rights  of the  Pledgor  with  respect  to  the  foregoing
Collateral.  Unless otherwise specified, all terms used in this Pledge Agreement
shall have the meaning specified therefor as used in the Loan Agreement. As used
herein,  the term "Secured  Obligations"  shall mean (i) all  obligations of the
Pledgor under this Pledge  Agreement;  and (ii) all  obligations of the Borrower
for principal, interest, fees or otherwise, incurred under or in connection with
the Loan Agreement, the Note and the other Loan Documents, all other Obligations
under the Loan Agreement,  and all other obligations of Pledgor now or hereafter
arising  (including  future  advances)  under of in  connection  with any of the

     Section 1. Representations. The Pledgor represents, warrants and covenants,
which representations,  warranties and covenants shall survive the execution and
delivery hereof, as follows:

     (a) The  Pledged  Securities  are duly and validly  issued,  fully paid and
non-assessable,  and the Pledged Interests are the valid and binding obligations
of the issuer thereof,  enforceable against such issuer in accordance with their
respective  terms. No offsets,  defenses or  counterclaims  by any issuer of the
Pledged Interests exist against the Pledgor or any Affiliate of the Pledgor.

     (b) When deposited with the Pledgee,  the Pledged  Securities  will be duly
and validly pledged hereunder in accordance with applicable law, and the Pledgor
warrants and covenants  and agrees to defend the  Pledgee's  rights and title in
and to the Pledged  Securities against the claims and demands of all persons and

     (c) The  Pledgor  is the sole  legal and  equitable  owner of, and has good
title to, all of the Pledged Securities listed on Annex 1 hereto, free and clear
of  all  claims,  security  interests,   mortgages,  pledges,  liens  and  other
encumbrances  of every nature  whatsoever  except in favor of the  Pledgee.  The
Pledgor  has full  power,  authority  and  legal  right to  pledge  the  Pledged
Securities being pledged by the Pledgor as herein provided.

     (d)  Each  certificate  evidencing  the  Pledged  Shares  and  the  Pledged
Interests  is issued in the name of the  Pledgor as  provided in Annex 1 hereto,
and each such  certificate has been duly executed in blank by the Pledgor or has
attached  thereto an instrument of transfer or assignment duly executed in blank
by the Pledgor,  with  signatures  appropriately  guaranteed (if required by the
Pledgee) and accompanied in each case by any required  transfer tax stamps,  all
in form and substance satisfactory to the Pledgee.

     (e) The security interest  described in this Pledge Agreement  represents a
valid first lien on and security  interest in the Collateral  superior and prior
to the rights of all third persons or entities.

     (f) No filings or  recordings  (including,  without  limitation,  under the

Uniform  Commercial Code) are necessary to be made in order to perfect,  protect
and preserve the lien on and security interest in the Collateral created by this
Pledge Agreement.

     (g) The Pledgor will not (i) sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of
any of the Collateral,  or any rights  pertaining  thereto,  or (ii) create,  or
suffer to be created or to exist, any mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest,
charge or  encumbrance  upon the  Collateral  or any part  thereof,  or upon the
income or  profits  thereof  or any other  rights  related  thereto,  other than
pursuant to (or as permitted by) this Pledge Agreement, or (iii) subordinate its
right to  receive  any  payment  in  respect  of, or any of its other  rights in
connection  with,  any  Pledged  Interests  to  that  of  any  other  Person  or
obligation, or (iv) directly or indirectly amend, modify, surrender, compromise,
accept  prepayment  of, or waive any of its  rights  under,  any of the  Pledged
Securities (or agree to any of the foregoing) or take any action to enforce same
without the prior  written  consent of Pledgee.  Each of LMSC,  as issuer of the
Pledged  Shares,  and LTSC, as Depositor with respect to the Class B Certificate
Agreements,  by its  acknowledgment and consent hereto agrees that such will not
be done without such consent.  The Pledgor will, from time to time, promptly pay
and discharge all taxes, assessments and other governmental charges, the lien of
which  would or might  be prior or equal to the lien of this  Pledge  Agreement,
imposed  upon the  Collateral  or any part thereof or upon the income or profits
therefrom,  and also all  taxes,  assessments  and  other  governmental  charges
imposed upon the lien or interest of the Pledgee under this Pledge  Agreement or
in respect of the Collateral, and at its expense will take all such other action
as from time to time may be  necessary  or  appropriate  to preserve the lien of
this Pledge Agreement on the Collateral as a first lien thereon.

     (h) This Pledge  Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action
(corporate or otherwise) on the part of the Pledgor and the Pledgor has obtained
all consents and approvals (governmental, third party or otherwise) necessary in
connection  therewith,  including  without  limitation  all  such  consents  and
approvals necessary for the Pledgee to sell, assign or otherwise transfer any or
all of the Pledged  Securities  to a third party as provided in Section 6 hereof
(except  to the  extent  that any  such  sale may  require  compliance  with the
Securities  Act of  1933  (the  "1933  Act")  or  comparable  provisions  of any
applicable state securities  laws). This Pledge Agreement is the Pledgor's valid
and binding  obligation,  enforceable against the Pledgor in accordance with its

     (i) The Pledged  Shares now constitute and shall at all times in the future
constitute 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of the issuer thereof.

     (j) The Pledgor hereby agrees to immediately, upon receipt thereof, deliver
to the Pledgee all certificates  representing any additional  shares of stock or
other  equity  securities  of the issuer of Pledged  Shares  that are  hereafter
acquired  by Pledgor  and all  certificates  issued in  respect  of the  Pledged
Interests,  each such  certificate to be duly executed in blank or have attached
thereto a stock power (or other  appropriate  transfer power, in the case of the
Pledged Interests) duly signed in blank by the Pledgor.

     (k) There is no  shareholders  or other  agreement  which would  affect the
right or  ability  of the  Pledgee  (or any  transferee  of the  Pledgee  or any

subsequent  transferee) to freely transfer the Pledged  Securities in accordance
with the terms of this Pledge Agreement or subsequently.

     Section 2. Transfer of Shares and  Interest.  At any time when a Default or
Event of  Default  exists,  the  Pledgee  may  cause  all or any of the  Pledged
Securities to be transferred  into its name or that of a nominee or nominees (to
the extent that any of the Pledged Securities are not already so transferred).

     Section 3.  Voting  Rights and  Rights to  Distributions  Prior to Event of
Default.  So  long as an  Event  of  Default  shall  not  have  occurred  and be
continuing,  the Pledgor shall be entitled,  to the extent not inconsistent with
this Pledge Agreement and the Loan Agreement:

     (a) To exercise the voting power with respect to the Pledged Securities and
for that purpose the Pledgee  shall execute or cause to be executed from time to
time (at the expense of the Pledgor) such proxies or other  instruments in favor
of the Pledgor or its  nominee,  in such form and for such  purposes as shall be
reasonably  required  by the  Pledgor  and as shall be  specified  in a  written
request therefor, to enable it to exercise such voting power with respect to the
Pledged  Securities;  provided  that such voting  power  shall not,  without the
Pledgee's  prior written  consent,  be exercised by the Pledgor to (i) adversely
affect the maturity, interest rate, principal amount, any other amount or timing
of any  distribution  on account  of, or any other right of the owner or Pledgee
with respect to, any of the Pledged Interests, (ii) subordinate or terminate any
of the Pledged Interests,  (iii) commence any foreclosure action or exercise any
other remedy under any of the Pledged Interests, (iv) otherwise adversely affect
the interests of the Pledgee in connection  with any of the Pledged  Securities;
or (v) in any manner that is  inconsistent  with the terms of the Loan Agreement
or any other Loan Document;

     (b) To receive and retain for its own account any and all dividends  (other
than stock dividends and liquidating  dividends) paid or declared on the Pledged
Shares and,  subject to the Pledgor's  obligations  under Section  2.4(b) of the
Loan Agreement,  distributions with respect to the Pledged Interests pursuant to
the terms of the Class B Certificate Agreements as in effect on the date hereof.

     (c) To exercise any  conversion,  option or similar right  permitted by the
terms of any of the Pledged Securities (subject,  however, to Section 4 hereof),
but only with the prior written consent of the Pledgee.

     Section 4. Dissolution of Issuer; Stock Dividends. If, upon the dissolution
or  liquidation  (in  whole  or in  part) of the  issuer  of any of the  Pledged
Securities,  any sum shall be paid upon or with  respect  to any of the  Pledged
Securities,  such sum shall be promptly paid over to the Pledgee,  to be held by
the Pledgee as  collateral  security  for the Secured  Obligations.  In case any
stock or similar  dividend,  debt security or trust or other  interest  shall be
declared on or issued in respect of any of the Pledged Securities, or any shares
of stock or other debt or equity securities or trust or other interests shall be
issued upon conversion of any of the Pledged  Securities (or the exercise of any
option or similar right) or otherwise in respect thereof, or any shares of stock
or  fractions  thereof  shall be issued  pursuant  to any stock  split or merger

involving any of the Pledged Securities, or any distribution of capital or trust
or  other  interests  shall  be made on any of the  Pledged  Securities,  or any
property  shall be  distributed  upon or with respect to the Pledged  Securities
pursuant to the  recapitalization  or  reclassification  of the capital stock or
other  equity,  trust or other  instrument  of the issuer of any of the  Pledged
Securities  or the  merger or  reorganization  thereof or  otherwise  (including
without  limitation  as a result  of any  default  by the  issuer  of any of the
Pledged Interests and any resultant realization upon any collateral  therefore),
the shares or other property so distributed  shall be delivered  promptly to the
Pledgee  (accompanied,  where  applicable,  by proper  instruments of assignment
and/or  stock  powers  executed  by Pledgor  in  accordance  with the  Pledgee's
instructions)  to  be  held  by  it  as  collateral  security  for  the  Secured

     Section  5.  Voting  Rights  and  Rights to  Distributions  After  Event of
Default. If any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

     (a) the Pledgee  shall  thereafter  be entitled  (i) to exercise the voting
power with  respect to the Pledged  Securities,  (ii) to receive and retain,  as
collateral  security  for  the  Secured  Obligations,  any  and  all  dividends,
principal,  interest and other payments and  distributions  at any time and from
time to time declared or paid upon any of the Pledged  Securities,  and (iii) to
exercise any  conversion,  option or similar right permitted by the terms of any
of the Pledged Securities; and

     (b) any dividends, principal, interest or other payments,  distributions or
sums paid to the Pledgor upon or with  respect to any of the Pledged  Securities
shall be  received  by the Pledgor on behalf of and in trust for the Pledgee and
shall  be paid  over  promptly  to the  Pledgee,  to be held by the  Pledgee  as
collateral security for the Secured Obligations.

     Section 6.  Certain  Rights of Pledgee  After Event of Default.  (a) If any
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, the Pledgee may exercise
all rights of a secured  party under the Uniform  Commercial  Code and,  without
obligation to resort to other security, may at any time and from time to time:

     (i) sell, resell, assign and deliver, in its discretion,  all or any of the
Pledged  Securities,  in one or more parcels at the same or different times, and
all right, title and interest,  claim and demand therein and right of redemption
thereof,  on any securities  exchange on which the Pledged  Securities or any of
them may then be listed,  or at public or private sale, for cash, upon credit or
for  future  delivery,  and at such  price or  prices  and on such  terms as the
Pledgee may determine, the Pledgor hereby agreeing that, upon such sale, any and
all equity or right of redemption of the Pledgor shall be  automatically  waived
and  released  without any  further  action on the part of the  Pledgor,  and in
connection  therewith the Pledgee may grant options,  all without either demand,
advertisement or notice (except as required by law), all of which (to the extent
permitted by law) are hereby  expressly  waived.  In the event of any such sale,
the  Pledgee  shall  give the  Pledgor  ten days  prior  written  notice  of its
intention to sell except that, if the Pledgee shall determine, in its reasonable
discretion,  that any of the Pledged Securities threatens to decline speedily in
value,  any such sale may be made upon three days' prior  written  notice to the
Pledgor. Upon each such sale, the Pledgee may purchase all or any of the Pledged

Securities being sold, free from any equity or right of redemption,  which, upon
each such sale, shall be waived and released. Any such sale or other disposition
shall be made in a  commercially  reasonable  manner.  The proceeds of each such
sale shall be applied as  provided  in Section 7 hereof,  and the  Pledgor  will
continue  to be liable for any  deficiency  with  respect to any of the  Secured
Obligations  remaining unpaid. The balance, if any, remaining after indefeasible
cash  payment  in full of the  Secured  Obligations  shall  be paid  over to the
Pledgor or its  designee.  For the  purposes of this  Section 6, an agreement to
sell any or all the Pledged  Securities entered into after the applicable notice
period specified above shall be treated as a sale thereof, and the Pledgee shall
be entitled to carry out such sale  pursuant to such  agreement  and the Pledgor
shall not be  entitled to the return of any of the  Pledged  Securities  subject
thereto  notwithstanding the fact that after the Pledgee shall have entered into
any such  agreement  the  Pledgor or  another  Affiliate  of Pledgor  shall have
tendered payment in full of the Secured Obligations; and

     (ii)  appropriate and apply all money held as part of the Collateral to the
Secured Obligations.

     (b) Pledgor recognizes that, by reason of certain prohibitions contained in
the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, the Pledgee may be compelled,
with  respect  to any  sale  of all or any  part  of the  Collateral,  to  limit
purchasers  to those  who  will  agree,  among  other  things,  to  acquire  the
Collateral  for their own  account,  for  investment  and not with a view to the
distribution or resale thereof.  Pledgor acknowledges that any such private sale
may  be at  prices  and on  terms  less  favorable  to the  Pledgee  than  those
obtainable through a public sale without such restrictions, and, notwithstanding
such  circumstances,  agrees that any such  private sale shall be deemed to have
been made in a commercially reasonable manner and that the Pledgee shall have no
obligation  to engage in public sales and no obligation to delay the sale of any
Collateral  for the period of time  necessary  to permit the  respective  issuer
thereof to register it for public sale.

     Section 7. Distribution of Proceeds.  Except as otherwise  provided herein,
all money that the Pledgee  shall  receive,  in accordance  with the  provisions
hereof, whether by sale of the Pledged Securities or otherwise, shall be applied
in the  following  manner:  First,  to the  payment  of all costs  and  expenses
incurred  in  connection  with the  administration  and  enforcement  of, or the
preservation of any rights under, this Pledge Agreement or any of the reasonable
expenses and disbursements of the Pledgee (including without limitation the fees
and disbursements of its counsel and agents);  and Second, to the payment of the
Secured Obligations in such order as the Pledgee may determine.

     Section 8. Cumulative  Remedies;  Standard of Care. The rights,  powers and
remedies  (collectively,  the "Rights")  provided herein in favor of the Pledgee
shall not be deemed exclusive, but shall be cumulative, and shall be in addition
to all  other  Rights  in favor of the  Pledgee  existing  at law or in  equity,
including  (without  limitation) all of the Rights  available to a secured party
under  the  provisions  of  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code  as  adopted  in  any
appropriate jurisdiction. The Pledgee shall exercise the same care and diligence
in holding the Pledged  Securities  that the Pledgee would devote to the custody
of securities and certificates owned by the Pledgee.

     Section 9. Sale of Pledged  Securities.  If any Event of Default shall have
occurred, the Pledgee shall have the right, for and in the name, place and stead
of the Pledgor,  to execute  endorsements,  assignments or other  instruments of
conveyance or transfer with respect to all or any of the Pledged  Securities and
the other Collateral.

     Section  10.  Delay;  Amendment.  No delay on the  part of the  Pledgee  in
exercising  any of its  rights,  or partial or single  exercise  thereof,  shall
constitute a waiver  thereof.  No provision  of this Pledge  Agreement  shall be
waived,  amended,  supplemented  or  otherwise  modified  except  by  a  written
instrument executed by the Pledgor and the Pledgee.

     Section  11.  Survival  of  Obligations.  The  obligations  of the  Pledgor
hereunder shall remain in full force and effect without regard to, and shall not
be impaired by: (a) any  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  arrangement,
readjustment,  composition, liquidation or the like of the Pledgor or any issuer
of the Pledged Securities;  (b) any exercise or non-exercise,  or any waiver, by
the Pledgee of any Right under or in respect of the Secured  Obligations  or any
security for any of the Secured  Obligations (other than this Pledge Agreement);
or (c) any amendment to or  modification  of the Loan  Agreement,  the Note, the
Loan Documents,  the Secured  Obligations or any security for any of the Secured
Obligations (other than this Pledge Agreement), whether or not the Pledgor shall
have notice or knowledge of any of the foregoing.

     Section  12.  Return of Pledged  Securities.  After the  indefeasible  cash
payment in full of all of the Secured  Obligations,  the Pledgor  (except to the
extent otherwise contemplated by this Pledge Agreement) shall be entitled to the
return of all of the Pledged  Securities  and of all  Collateral  which have not
been used or applied  toward the  payment  in full of the  Secured  Obligations,
without  representation or warranty of any kind by the Pledgee.

     (b) The Pledged  Shares shall cease to constitute  Collateral  hereunder if
(i) (x) the Transition  Date shall have occurred on or prior to November 8, 1996
or such later  date,  if any,  on or prior to November  22,  1996  requested  by
Pledgor  pursuant to the definition of "Transition  Date" in Annex I to the Loan
Agreement,  and (y) no Default or Event of Default  shall exist on such date; or
(ii) on November 22, 1996 (x) the outstanding principal amount of the Loans does
not exceed the  Borrowing  Base  determined  solely on the basis of the Security
Value of the Class B Certificate  and (y) no Default or Event of Default exists.
In the event that the Pledged  Shares cease to constitute  Collateral  hereunder
pursuant to the  immediately  preceding  sentence,  the Pledgee  shall  within a
reasonable time after such cessation and following  receipt of a written request
from Pledgor,  return the Pledged Shares to the Pledgor,  without representation
or warranty of any kind by the Pledgee.

     Section 13. Assignment.  This Pledge Agreement is binding upon the Pledgor,
the Pledgee  and their  respective  executors,  administrators,  successors  and
assigns and shall inure to the  benefit of the  Pledgee and its  successors  and
assigns. The Pledgor may not assign its rights or obligations  hereunder without
the prior written consent of the Pledgee.

     Section  14.  Governing  Law.  THIS  PLEDGE  AGREEMENT  AND THE  RIGHTS AND

     Section 15.  Further  Assurances.  The Pledgor  hereby  agrees,  at its own
expense,  to execute and deliver,  from time to time,  any and all  further,  or
other,  instruments,  and to perform  such acts,  as the Pledgee may  reasonably
request to effect the  purposes  of this Pledge  Agreement  and to secure to the
Pledgee the benefits of all rights,  authorities and remedies conferred upon the
Pledgee  by the terms of this  Pledge  Agreement.  In the event that at any time
hereafter, due to any change in circumstances, including without limitation, any
change  in any  applicable  law,  or any  decision  hereafter  made  by a  court
construing any applicable law, it is, in the opinion of counsel for the Pledgee,
necessary or desirable to file or record this Pledge  Agreement or any financing
statement or other  instrument or document  respecting this Pledge  Agreement or
the  pledge  made  hereunder,  the  Pledgor  agrees to pay all  fees,  costs and
expenses of such recording or filing and to execute and deliver any  instruments
that may be necessary or appropriate to make such filing or recording effective.
The Pledgee shall have the right to file any such financing  statements  without
the signature of the Pledgor to the extent permitted by applicable law.

     Section  16.   Attorney-in-Fact.   The  Pledgee  is  hereby  appointed  the
attorney-in-fact  of the Pledgor for the purpose of carrying out the  provisions
hereof and taking any action and executing any instruments which the Pledgee may
deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes hereof, which appointment
as  attorney-in-fact  is  irrevocable  and  coupled  with an  interest.  Without
limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  if any Event of Default shall have
occurred,  the Pledgee  shall have the right and power to  receive,  endorse and
collect all checks made  payable to the order of the  Pledgor  representing  any
distribution in respect of the Pledged Securities or the other Collateral or any
part thereof and to give full discharge for the same.

     Section 17.  Severability.  Any provision of this Pledge Agreement which is
prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction  shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be ineffective to the extent of such  prohibition  or  unenforceability  without
invalidating  the  remaining  provisions  hereof,  and any such  prohibition  or
unenforceability   in  any   jurisdiction   shall  not   invalidate   or  render
unenforceable such provisions in any other jurisdiction.

     Section  18.  Indemnification.  (a) The  Pledgor  agrees to  indemnify  the
Pledgee from and against any and all claims,  damages,  losses,  liabilities and
expenses  arising out of or in  connection  with or  resulting  from this Pledge
Agreement (including without limitation,  enforcement of this Pledge Agreement),
unless and to the extent  that such  claims,  damages,  losses,  liabilities  or
expenses  are   attributable  to  the  Pledgee's  gross  negligence  or  willful
misconduct  as  determined  by a final,  non-appealable  judgment  of a court of
competent jurisdiction.

     (b) The Pledgor will upon demand  promptly pay to the Pledgee the amount of
any and all costs and  expenses  incurred in  connection  with the  preparation,
administration and enforcement of, or the preservation of any rights under, this
Pledge  Agreement and the reasonable  expenses and  disbursements of the Pledgee
(including  without  limitation  the fees and  disbursements  of its counsel and

     (c) The foregoing  provisions of this Section 18 are in furtherance and not
in limitation of Pledgor's obligations under Section 12.3 of the Loan Agreement.

     Section  19.  Waiver of Jury  Trial.  EACH OF THE  PLEDGEE  AND THE PLEDGOR

     Section 20.  Notices;  Headings.  (a) Any notice or demand upon the Pledgor
under this Pledge Agreement shall be deemed to have been  sufficiently  given or
served for all purposes hereof when mailed,  postage  prepaid,  by registered or
certified mail, return receipt  requested,  or when  telegraphed,  telecopied or
telexed or delivered by hand (or by Federal Express or similar courier service),
to the Pledgor at its  address  set forth below or at such other  address as the
Pledgor may designate in a writing mailed, delivered, telegraphed, telecopied or
telexed to the Pledgee,  provided that in the case where the Pledgee is required
to give only three days' notice of a proposed sale of the Collateral such notice
if delivered by mail shall not be deemed given until  delivered.  All notices to
the  Pledgee  provided  for  herein  shall be  deemed to have  been  given  when
delivered by mail or by hand,  or  telegraphed,  telecopied  or telexed,  to the
Pledgee at its address  set forth below or at such other  address as the Pledgee
may designate in a writing mailed, delivered, telegraphed, telecopied or telexed
to the Pledgor.

     (b) The  descriptive  headings  of the  various  provisions  of this Pledge
Agreement are inserted for  convenience  of reference  only and shall not affect
the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this Pledge Agreement.

     (c) As used in this Pledge Agreement,  "written,"  "writing" and variations
thereof shall refer to any form of written  communication  or a communication by
means of telex, telecopier, telegraph or cable.

     Section 21.  Jurisdiction.  The Pledgor hereby agrees that any legal action
or proceeding  against the Pledgor with respect to this Pledge  Agreement or the
other documents  contemplated hereby or referred to herein may be brought in any
court in the  State of New  York or of the  United  States  of  America  for the

Southern  District of New York,  as the Pledgee may elect,  and by execution and
delivery of this Pledge  Agreement  the Pledgor  generally  and  unconditionally
accepts   for   itself  and  in  respect   to  its   property,   generally   and
unconditionally,  the jurisdiction of the aforesaid  courts.  The Pledgor waives
any right to stay or to dismiss any action or proceeding  brought  before any of
said courts on the basis of forum non  conveniens.  Pledgor  agrees that process
against the Pledgor in any such action or proceeding  may be served  against the
Pledgor by registered  or certified  mail sent to the Pledgor at its address set
forth below (or such other address as Pledgee is notified of pursuant to Section
20 hereof), or to Pledgor's agent for service of process as set forth in Section
12.10 of the Loan Agreement, any and each such service being hereby acknowledged
by the Pledgor as being effective and binding service in every respect.  Nothing
herein  shall  affect  the right of the  Pledgee  to serve  process in any other
manner  permitted by  applicable  law or shall limit the right of the Pledgee to
bring  actions  and  proceedings  against the Pledgor in the courts of any other

     Section 22. Counterparts;  Joint and Several  Obligations.  (a) This Pledge
Agreement  may be executed in any number of  counterparts,  and by the different
parties  hereto on the same or  separate  counterparts,  each of which  shall be
deemed to be an original and all of which taken  together  shall  constitute one
and the same agreement.  Telecopied signatures hereto shall be of the same force
and effect as an original of a manually signed copy.

     (b) If there is more than one Pledgor  signing this Pledge  Agreement,  the
obligations of the Pledgors hereunder are joint and several.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Pledgor and the Pledgee  have duly  executed  and
delivered this Pledge Agreement as of the date first above written.

789 Main Road                              LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL
Stamford, Vermont 05352                    CORPORATION, Pledgor
Telecopier No:  802-694-1552
                                           Name:  Heather A. Sica
                                           Title: Executive Vice President

565 Fifth Avenue                          BANK OF SCOTLAND, Pledgee
New York, New York  10017
Telecopier No:  212-682-5720
                                          By /s/   
                                          Name:  Catherine M. Oniffrey
                                          Title: Vice President

Acknowledged and Consented to:

Litchfield Timeshare Securities Corporation 1995-1

  Name:  Heather A. Sica
  Title:    Executive Vice President

Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994

  Name:  Heather A. Sica

                                                                    Annex 1 to
                                                              Pledge Agreement

                               Pledged Securities

                                Pledged Shares
                                                      No. of
Pledgor               Issuer                Class     Shares      Cert. No.
- ----------            -----------           ------    ------      --------
Litchfield            Litchfield            common    100              2
Financial             Mortgage
Corporation           Securities

                            [Borrower to complete]

                              Pledged Interests
                                        Name of        Certificate
Pledgor               Issuer            Security       Balance        Cert. No.
- ----------            ----------       ----------      -----------    --------

Litchfield            Litchfield        Class B        $6,719,499.88      B-3
Financial             Timeshare         Certificate
Corporation           Trust 1995-1

Litchfield            Litchfield        Class B        $2,181,992.30      B1-3
Financial             Timeshare         Certificate
Corporation           Trust 1995-1

                            [Borrower to complete]

                                                                  Exhibit 10.144

                               SECURITY AGREEMENT

     SECURITY  AGREEMENT,  dated as of September  13, 1996,  between  Litchfield
Financial   Corporation,   a   corporation   incorporated   under  the  laws  of
Massachusetts (the "Debtor"), and the Bank of Scotland (the "Secured Party");

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS,  the Debtor and the Secured Party are parties to a Loan  Agreement
(herein, as at any time amended,  extended,  restated,  renewed or modified, the
"Loan  Agreement")  dated as of the date hereof,  pursuant to which the Bank (as
defined  therein)  has  agreed,  subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth
therein, to extend loans to the Debtor in accordance with the terms thereof; and

     WHEREAS,  it is a condition to the extension of credit by the Bank pursuant
to the Loan Agreement that the Debtor enter into this Agreement and grant to the
Secured Party the security interest provided for herein;


     Section 1. Terms.  Unless otherwise defined herein,  capitalized terms used
in this  Agreement  shall  have  the  meaning  specified  therefor  in the  Loan
Agreement.  As used herein the following terms shall have the meanings specified
and shall include in the singular number the plural and in the plural number the

     "Assignment  Asset  Agreement"  shall mean any  agreement  relating  to any
Assignment Asset.

     "Class  B  Certificateholder"  means  the  Debtor  in its  capacity  as the
registered holder of the Class B Certificate.

     "Class B Rights"  has the meaning  specified  therefor in clause (i) of the
definition of Collateral.

     "Collateral"  means all of the  Debtor's  right,  title and interest in and
under or arising out of each and all of the following:

     All of the  following  wherever  located,  whether now owned or existing or
hereafter arising or acquired:

(i)  all of the Debtor's present and future rights under the Trust Agreement, as
     amended,  supplemented,  restated or otherwise  modified from time to time,
     which arise from Debtor's status as a Class B Certificateholder  thereunder
     (herein sometimes referred to as the "Class B Rights"),  including, without
     limitation,  all such rights  evidenced by the Class B  Certificate and all
     rights  under  Sections  8.1  and  4.3  of the  Trust  Agreement  (and  any
     comparable  sections in any  amendment,  supplement,  restatement  or other
     modification of the Trust Agreement),  including without limitation Section
     4.3(a)(x) and (xi), Section 4.3(b)(ix), (x), (xi) and (xii), Section 4.3(c)
     (viii), (ix), (x) and (xi) and Section 4.3(d) thereof, together with

          (a) all  claims,  rights,  powers or  privileges  and  remedies of the
          Debtor  relating  thereto  or arising  in  connection  with any of the
          foregoing including,  without limitation,  all rights of the Debtor in
          its capacity as a Class B Certificateholder to make determinations, to
          exercise  any  election  (including,  but not limited to,  election of
          remedies) or option or to give or receive any notice,  consent, waiver
          or  approval,  together  with full  power  and  authority  to  demand,
          receive,  enforce,  collect or receipt for any of the foregoing or any
          property  which is the  subject  of the Class B Rights,  to enforce or
          execute any checks, or other instruments or orders, to file any claims
          and to take any other action in connection  with any of the foregoing,

          (b) all liens,  security,  guaranties,  endorsements,  warranties  and
          indemnities  and all  insurance  and  claims  for  insurance  relating
          thereto or arising in connection  therewith to which Debtor has right,
          title or interest as a Class B Certificateholder,

          (c) all other rights to property to which  Debtor has right,  title or
          interest as a Class B Certificateholder,

          (d)  all  writings  relating  to the  Class B  Rights  or  arising  in
          connection   therewith  including  without   limitation,   all  notes,
          contracts,  security agreements,  guaranties,  chattel paper and other
          evidence of  indebtedness  or security,  all  powers-of-attorney,  all
          books,  records,  ledger cards and invoices,  all credit  information,
          reports or  memorandums  and all evidence of filings or  registrations
          relating  thereto,  in each case to which  Debtor has right,  title or

          interest as a Class B Certificateholder, and all property from time to
          time described in any financing statement (UCC-1) signed by the Debtor
          naming the Secured Party as secured party;

               (e) all accounts,  contract rights, general intangibles and other
               property  rights of any nature  whatsoever  arising  out of or in
               connection  with the  foregoing,  including  without  limitation,
               interest,  payments and other distributions thereon and rights to
               interest, payments and other distributions due and to become due,
               whether as repayments,  reimbursements,  contractual obligations,
               indemnities, damages or otherwise; and

(ii) all proceeds of, and other  payments made on and rights to amounts  payable
     in respect of, each and every  Assignment  Asset, and all other proceeds of
     each and every Assignment Asset; and

     (iii)   all   additions,   accessions,   replacements,   substitutions   or
improvements  and all  products  and  proceeds  including,  without  limitation,
proceeds of insurance, of any and all of the Collateral described in clauses (i)
or (ii) above.

     "Secured  Obligations"  means the  principal of, and interest on, the Loans
and the Note, all Obligations under the Loan Agreement and all other obligations
of the Debtor,  now existing or hereafter  arising  (including  future advances)
under this Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the other Loan Documents and any other
document executed by Debtor in connection with any of the foregoing.

     Section 2. Security Interests.  As security for the payment and performance
of all  Secured  Obligations  the  Debtor  does  hereby  grant and assign to the
Secured Party a continuing  security interest in all of the Collateral,  whether
now owned or existing or hereafter arising or acquired and wherever located.

     Section 3. General  Representations,  Warranties and Covenants.  The Debtor
represents,  warrants  and  covenants,  which  representations,  warranties  and
covenants shall survive execution and delivery of this Agreement, as follows:

     (a) This Agreement is made with full recourse to the Debtor and pursuant to
and upon all the warranties,  representations,  covenants, and agreements on the
part of the Debtor contained herein, in the Loan Agreement and otherwise made in
writing in connection herewith or therewith.

     (b) Except for the  security  interest of the Secured  Party  therein,  the
Debtor is, and as to Collateral acquired from time to time after the date hereof
the Debtor will be, the owner of all the Collateral free from any lien, security
interest,  encumbrance or other right,  title or interest of any Person, and the
Debtor shall defend the Collateral against all claims and demands of all Persons
at any time  claiming  the same or any interest  therein  adverse to the Secured

     (c) There is no financing  statement (or similar statement or instrument of
registration under the law of any jurisdiction) now on file or registered in any
public office covering any interest of any kind in the  Collateral,  or intended
so to be, which has not been  terminated  or released by the secured party named
therein  and so long as the  Loan  Agreement  remains  in  effect  or any of the
Secured Obligations of the Debtor remain unpaid, the Debtor will not execute and
there  will not be on file in any  public  office any  financing  statement  (or
similar   statement  or  instrument  of  registration   under  the  law  of  any
jurisdiction)  or  statements  relating  to  the  Collateral,  except  financing
statements filed or to be filed in respect of and covering the security interest
of the Secured Party hereby  granted and provided for and except with respect to
Permitted Liens.

     (d) The chief executive office and chief place of business of the Debtor is
located at the address of the Debtor  listed on the signature  page hereof,  and
the Debtor will not move its chief executive  office and chief place of business
except to such new location as the Debtor may establish in  accordance  with the
last  sentence of this Section  3(d).  The  originals of all Class B Certificate
Agreements and all documents (as well as all duplicates  thereof) evidencing all
accounts and all other contract  rights and other property of the Debtor and the
only original books of account and records of the Debtor  relating  thereto are,
and will  continue  to be,  kept at such chief  executive  office or at such new
location as the Debtor may  establish in  accordance  with the last  sentence of
this Section 3(d). The Debtor shall  establish no such new location until (i) it
shall  have  given to the  Secured  Party not less than 45 days'  prior  written
notice of its  intention  so to do,  clearly  describing  such new  location and
providing such other  information  in connection  therewith as the Secured Party
may  reasonably  request,  and (ii) with respect to such new location,  it shall
have taken such action,  satisfactory to the Secured Party  (including,  without
limitation,  all action required by Section 7 hereof),  to maintain the security
interest of the Secured  Party in the  Collateral  intended to be granted at all
times fully perfected and in full force and effect.

     (e) The name of the Debtor is as set forth on the signature page hereto and
the Debtor shall not change such name, conduct its business in any other name or
take title to the Collateral in any other name while this  Agreement  remains in
effect.  The Debtor has never had any name, or conducted business under any name
in any jurisdiction, other than its name set forth on the signature page hereto,
during the past six years other than as set forth in Schedule 1 annexed hereto.

     (f) The Debtor hereby  assigns to the Secured Party all of Debtor's  right,
title and interest in and to any and all moneys which may become due and payable
with  respect  to the  Collateral  under any  policy  insuring  the  Collateral,
including  return of  unearned  premium,  and,  subject  to the Loan  Agreement,
directs  any such  insurance  company to make  payment  directly  to the Secured
Party;  and  authorizes  the  Secured  Party to apply such  moneys in payment on

account  of the  indebtedness  secured  hereby,  whether  or not due,  or toward
replacement  of the  Collateral  and to remit any surplus to the Debtor  subject
however to the terms of the Loan Agreement.

     (g) The Debtor will not use the  Collateral  in violation of any statute or
ordinance or  applicable  insurance  policy and will  promptly pay all taxes and
assessments levied against the Collateral.

     (h) The Debtor will not sell,  transfer,  change the registration,  if any,
dispose of,  attempt to dispose of, or abandon the  Collateral  or any  material
part thereof without the prior written consent of the Secured Party.

     (i) The  Debtor  will not assert  against  the  Secured  Party any claim or
defense  which the Debtor may have against any seller of the  Collateral  or any
part thereof or against any other Person with respect to the  Collateral  or any
part thereof.

     (j) The Debtor will  indemnify and hold the Secured Party harmless from and
against any loss, liability,  damage, costs and expenses whatsoever arising from
the Debtor's use,  operation,  ownership or possession of the  Collateral or any
part thereof.

     (k) The Debtor will not enter into any agreement that is inconsistent  with
the Debtor's obligations under this Agreement, without the prior written consent
of the Secured Party.

     Section 4. Special Provisions Concerning Class B Certificate Agreements and
Assignment  Asset  Agreements.  The Debtor  represents,  warrants  and agrees as

     (a) The Debtor will  faithfully  abide by,  perform and discharge  each and
every obligation, covenant and agreement to be performed by the Debtor under the
Class B Certificate Agreements and Assignment Assets Agreements.

     (b) At the request of the Secured  Party,  and at the sole cost and expense
of the Debtor,  the Debtor will  enforce or secure the  performance  of each and
every  obligation,  covenant,  condition and agreement  contained in the Class B
Certificate  Agreements and Assignment  Assets Agreements to be performed by the
other parties thereto.

     (c) The Debtor  will not modify  (and will not permit any  Subsidiary  to),
amend or agree to vary any of the Class B  Certificate  Agreements or Assignment
Asset  Agreements  in any  material  respect  or  otherwise  act (or  permit any
Subsidiary to act) in a manner likely  (directly or  indirectly)  to entitle any
party thereto to claim that the Debtor (or any  Subsidiary)  is in default under
the terms  thereof  or to claim a defense  to  payment  of, or right of  set-off
against, the Debtor or any Subsidiary of Debtor.

     (d) Without the prior written consent of the Secured Party, the Debtor will

not (and will not permit any  Subsidiary  to) waive or in any manner  release or
discharge any party to any Class B Certificate Agreement or any Assignment Asset
Agreement  from  any of the  material  obligations,  covenants,  conditions  and
agreements to be performed by it under such Class B Certificate Agreement or any
Assignment Asset Agreement including, without limitation, the obligation to make
all  payments  in the  manner,  at the time,  in the  amounts  and at the places

     (e) Unless an Event of Default  shall have  occurred and the Secured  Party
otherwise instructs,  the Debtor will (and will cause each applicable Subsidiary
to) appear in and defend every action or proceeding  arising under,  growing out
of or in any manner  connected  with any Class B  Certificate  Agreement  or any
Assignment  Asset  Agreement or the  obligations,  duties or  liabilities of the
Debtor (or any Subsidiary) and any assignee thereunder.

     (f) Upon the  request of the  Secured  Party,  the Debtor  will send to the
Secured  Party copies of all notices,  documents  and other papers  furnished or
received by it with  respect to any of the  Class B  Certificate  Agreements  or
Assignment Asset Agreements.

     (g) The Debtor represents and warrants to the Secured Party that each Class
B Certificate represents the interests in and to the Trust Estate created by the
Trust  Agreement  that  such  Certificate  purports  to  evidence  and that upon
delivery thereof to the Bank, the Bank will have all rights arising therefrom as
are set forth in the Trust Agreement.  No portion of the Collateral  consists of
the GP Interest (as defined in the Trust Agreement) or any part thereof.

     Section 5. Special Provisions  Concerning  Assignment Assets. (a) As of the
time when any asset becomes an Assignment  Asset,  the Debtor shall be deemed to
have warranted as to each such Assignment  Asset that: such Assignment Asset and
all papers and documents  relating  thereto are genuine and in all respects what
they purport to be; all  information  provided to the Secured Party with respect
to the Book Value thereof is true and accurate and calculated in accordance with
Debtor's  customary  procedures;  such asset was not designated as an Assignment
Asset  pursuant to any  adverse  selection  process;  no such asset was or would
qualify as a non-qualifying asset under any securitization or similar program of
Debtor or its Subsidiaries; and all papers and documents relating thereto:

          (i) were signed by the obligor named therein (or such  obligor's  duly
     authorized agent) and are otherwise binding on the obligor; 

          (ii) represent the genuine, legal, valid and binding obligation of the
     obligor evidencing indebtedness unpaid and owed by such obligor;

          (iii)  evidence  true  and  undisputed   obligations   enforceable  in
     accordance with their  respective  terms and not subject to the fulfillment
     of any contract or condition  whatsoever  or to any  defenses,  set-offs or
     counterclaims, or stamp or other taxes; and

          (iv) are in compliance and will conform with all  applicable  federal,
     state and local laws (including  applicable usury laws) and applicable laws
     of any relevant foreign jurisdiction.

          (b) The Debtor  will keep and  maintain at the  Debtor's  own cost and
     expense  satisfactory  and  complete  records  of  the  Assignment  Assets,
     including,  but not limited to, records of all payments  received,  and the
     Debtor will make the same available to the Secured  Party,  at the Debtor's
     own cost and expense,  at any and all  reasonable  times upon demand of the
     Secured  Party.  The Debtor  shall,  at the  Debtor's own cost and expense,
     deliver  copies of all  Assignment  Asset  Agreements  (including,  without
     limitation,  all documents evidencing the Assignment Assets) and such books
     and  records  to the  Secured  Party  or to its  representatives  upon  its
     request. If the Secured Party shall so request, the Debtor shall legend, in
     form and manner  satisfactory to the Secured Party,  the Assignment  Assets
     and  other  books,  records  and  documents  of the  Debtor  evidencing  or
     pertaining to the Assignment  Assets with an  appropriate  reference to the
     fact that the proceeds  thereof have been assigned to the Secured Party and
     that the Secured Party has a security interest therein, and that Debtor and
     its Subsidiaries are prohibited from granting a security  interest or other
     lien on or with respect to such assets to any other Person.

          (c) The Debtor will not rescind or cancel any  indebtedness  evidenced
     by any  Assignment  Asset or modify any term thereof or make any adjustment
     with respect thereto,  or extend or renew the same, or compromise or settle
     any dispute,  claim, suit or legal proceeding relating thereto, or sell any
     Assignment Asset or interest therein,  without the prior written consent of
     the Secured Party.

          (d) The Debtor  will duly  fulfill all  obligations  on its part to be
     fulfilled  under or in connection  with the  Assignment  Assets and will do
     nothing to impair the rights of the Secured Party in the proceeds thereof.

          (e) The Debtor shall endeavor to collect or cause to be collected from
     the obligor of each Assignment  Asset, as and when due (including,  without
     limitation,  Assignment Assets which are delinquent, such Assignment Assets
     to be collected in accordance  with generally  accepted  lawful  collection
     procedures)  any  and  all  amounts  owing  under  or on  account  of  such
     Assignment  Asset.  The costs and expenses  (including  attorney's fees) of
     collection,  whether incurred by the Debtor or the Secured Party,  shall be
     borne by the Debtor.

          (f) If any  Assignment  Asset  becomes  evidenced by an  instrument or
     chattel paper (in each case, as defined in the UCC), the Debtor will notify
     the Secured  Party  thereof,  and upon request by the Secured  Party legend
     such instrument or chattel paper to the effect that the Secured Party has a
     security  interest in the proceeds  thereof and that the pledge or transfer
     of such instrument or chattel paper to any other Person is prohibited.

          (g) Upon  request of the  Secured  Party,  the Debtor  shall  promptly
     notify (in manner,  form and substance  satisfactory  to the Secured Party)
     all Persons who are at any time obligated under any Assignment  Assets that

     the Secured  Party  possesses a security  interest in the  proceeds of such
     Assignment Asset and that all payments in respect thereof are to be made to
     such account as the Secured Party directs.

          Section 6. Right to Distributions  After Event of Default. In addition
     to any other rights and remedies now or hereafter  granted under applicable
     law or elsewhere in this  Agreement or the other Loan  Documents and not by
     way of limitation  of any such rights and remedies,  if an Event of Default
     shall have  occurred and be  continuing,  all  principal,  interest,  other
     payments,  distributions  and other sums paid to Debtor upon,  with respect
     to,  arising out of or  consisting of the  Collateral  shall be received by
     Debtor on behalf  of and in trust for the  Secured  Party and shall be paid
     over promptly to the Secured Party,  to be held as collateral  security for
     the Secured Obligations.

          Section  7.  Special  Provisions  Concerning  Remedies  and  Sale.  In
     addition  to any  rights  and  remedies  now  or  hereafter  granted  under
     applicable  law  and  not by way of  limitation  of  any  such  rights  and
     remedies,  upon the  occurrence  of an Event of Default the  Secured  Party
     shall have all of the  rights and  remedies  of a secured  party  under the
     Uniform  Commercial  Code as  enacted  in any  applicable  jurisdiction  in
     addition to the rights and remedies  provided herein, in the Loan Agreement
     and in any other  agreement  executed in connection with the Loan Agreement
     whereby the Debtor has granted  any lien to the Secured  Party.  Without in
     any way limiting the foregoing,  upon the giving of notice to the Debtor of
     Secured  Party's  intent to pursue any one or all of the  following  or any
     other remedies:

          (a) The Secured  Party shall have all of the rights and  remedies of a
     secured  party  under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code  as  enacted  in  any
     applicable  jurisdiction  in addition to the rights and  remedies  provided
     herein, in the Loan Agreement and any other document whereby the Debtor has
     granted any Lien to the  Secured  Party.  The Secured  Party shall have the
     right,  without further notice to, or assent by, the Debtor, in the name of
     the Debtor or in the name of the Secured Party or otherwise:

          (i)  to  ask  for,  demand,  collect,   receive,   compound  and  give
     acquittance for the Collateral or any part thereof;

          (ii) to extend the time of payment of,  compromise or settle for cash,
     credit  or  otherwise,  and  upon  any  terms  and  conditions,  any of the

          (iii) to endorse the name of the Debtor on any checks, drafts or other
     orders or instruments for the payment of moneys payable to the Debtor which
     shall be issued in respect of any Account;

          (iv) to  file  any  claims,  commence,  maintain  or  discontinue  any
     actions,  suits or other proceedings  deemed by the Secured Party necessary
     or advisable  for the purpose of  collecting  or  enforcing  payment of any

          (v) to  make  test  verifications  of the  Collateral  or any  portion

          (vi) to notify any or all account  debtors or other  obligor under any
     or all of the  Collateral to make payment  thereof  directly to the Secured
     Party for the  account of the  Secured  Party and to require  the Debtor to
     forthwith give similar notice to the account debtors;

          (vii) to require the Debtor  forthwith  to account for and transmit to
     the Secured  Party in the same form as received  all  proceeds  (other than
     physical property) of collection of Collateral  received by the Debtor and,
     until so  transmitted,  to hold the same in trust for the Secured Party and
     not commingle such proceeds with any other funds of the Debtor;

          (viii) to take  possession  of any or all of the  Collateral  and, for
     that  purpose,  to  enter,  with the aid and  assistance  of any  Person or
     Persons  and  with  or  without  legal  process,  any  premises  where  the
     Collateral,  or any part thereof, are, or may be, placed or assembled,  and
     to remove any of such Collateral;

          (ix) to execute any instrument  and do all other things  necessary and
     proper to protect and  preserve  and realize  upon the  Collateral  and the
     other rights contemplated hereby;

          (x) upon notice to such effect,  to require the Debtor to deliver,  at
     the Debtor's expense, any or all Collateral to the Secured Party at a place
     designated by the Secured Party and after delivery thereof the Debtor shall
     have no further claim to or interest in the Collateral; and

          (xi) without  obligation to resort to other security,  at any time and
     from time to time, to sell,  re-sell,  assign and deliver all or any of the
     Collateral,  in one or more parcels at the same or different times, and all
     right, title and interest, claim and demand therein and right of redemption
     thereof,  at public or private  sale,  for cash,  upon credit or for future
     delivery,  and at such  price or prices  and on such  terms as the  Secured
     Party may  determine,  with the amounts  realized  from any such sale to be
     applied to the Secured  Obligations in the manner determined by the Secured

          The Debtor  hereby  agrees that all of the  foregoing  may be effected
     without  demand,  advertisement  or notice  (except as  otherwise  provided
     herein or as may be required  by law),  all of which  (except as  otherwise
     provided) are hereby expressly  waived, to the extent permitted by law. The
     Secured  Party  shall not be  obligated  to do any of the acts  hereinabove
     authorized,  but in the event that the Secured  Party elects to do any such
     act, the Secured  Party shall not be  responsible  to the Debtor except for
     its gross negligence or willful misconduct. 

          (b) The Secured Party may take legal  proceedings  for the appointment
     of a receiver or receivers (to which the Secured Party shall be entitled as
     a matter of right) to take  possession of the  Collateral  pending the sale

     thereof  pursuant either to the powers of sale granted by this Agreement or
     to a judgment,  order or decree  made in any  judicial  proceeding  for the
     foreclosure or involving the enforcement of this  Agreement.  If, after the
     exercise  of any or all of such  rights and  remedies,  any of the  Secured
     Obligations  shall remain  unpaid,  the Debtor shall remain  liable for any
     deficiency.  After termination of this Agreement and the Loan Agreement and
     the indefeasible payment in full of the Secured  Obligations,  any proceeds
     of the  Collateral  received or held by the  Secured  Party shall be turned
     over to the Debtor and the Collateral  shall be reassigned to the Debtor by
     the Secured  Party  without  recourse to the Secured  Party and without any
     representations, warranties or agreements of any kind.

          (c) Upon any sale of any of the  Collateral,  whether  made  under the
     power of sale  hereby  given  or under  judgment,  order or  decree  in any
     judicial  proceeding for the  foreclosure  or involving the  enforcement of
     this Agreement:

          (i) the Secured  Party may bid for and  purchase  the  property  being
     sold,  and upon  compliance  with the  terms of sale may hold,  retain  and
     possess and  dispose of such  property in its own  absolute  right  without
     further  accountability,  and may, in paying the purchase  money  therefor,
     deliver the Note or claims for interest  thereon and any other  instruments
     evidencing the Secured Obligations or agree to the satisfaction of all or a
     portion of the Secured Obligations in lieu of cash in payment of the amount
     which shall be payable thereon, and the Note and such instruments,  in case
     the amounts so payable  thereon  shall be less than the amount due thereon,
     shall be returned to the Secured Party after being appropriately stamped to
     show partial payment;

          (ii) the  Secured  Party  may make and  deliver  to the  purchaser  or
     purchasers  a good and  sufficient  deed,  bill of sale and  instrument  of
     assignment and transfer of the property sold;

          (iii) the Secured Party is hereby  irrevocably  appointed the true and
     lawful  attorney-in-fact  of the Debtor in its name and stead,  to make all
     necessary  deeds,  bills of sale and instruments of assignment and transfer
     of the property  thus sold and for such other  purposes as are necessary or
     desirable to effectuate the provisions (including, without limitation, this
     Section  7) of this  Agreement,  and for that  purpose it may  execute  and
     deliver all necessary  deeds,  bills of sale and  instruments of assignment
     and transfer,  and may substitute one or more Persons with like power,  the
     Debtor hereby ratifying and confirming all that its said attorney,  or such
     substitute or  substitutes,  shall lawfully do by virtue hereof;  but if so
     requested by the Secured Party or by any purchaser, the Debtor shall ratify
     and confirm any such sale or transfer by executing  and  delivering  to the
     Secured  Party or to such  purchaser all  property,  deeds,  bills of sale,
     instruments or assignment and transfer and releases as may be designated in
     any such request;

          (iv) all right, title, interest,  claim and demand whatsoever,  either
     at law or in equity or otherwise,  of the Debtor of, in and to the property
     so sold shall be divested;  such sale shall be a perpetual  bar both at law
     and in equity against the Debtor,  its successors and assigns,  and against
     any and all Persons claiming or who may claim the property sold or any part
     thereof from, through or under the Debtor, its successors or assigns;

          (v) the receipt of the Secured Party or of the officer  thereof making
     such sale shall be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers at
     such  sale  for  his  or  their  purchase  money,  and  such  purchaser  or
     purchasers,  and his or their  assigns or personal  representatives,  shall
     not,  after paying such purchase  money and  receiving  such receipt of the
     Secured  Party  or of  such  officer  therefor,  be  obliged  to see to the
     application  of such  purchase  money or be in any way  answerable  for any
     loss, misapplication or nonapplication thereof; and

          (vi) to the extent  that it may  lawfully  do so,  and  subject to any
     legal  requirement that the Secured Party act in a commercially  reasonable
     manner,  the Debtor  agrees  that it will not at any time insist  upon,  or
     plead, or in any manner  whatsoever  claim or take the benefit or advantage
     of, any appraisement, valuation, stay, extension or redemption laws, or any
     law  permitting it to direct the order in which the  Collateral or any part
     thereof  shall be sold,  now or at any time  hereafter in force,  which may
     delay,  prevent or otherwise  affect the performance or enforcement of this
     Agreement,  the Loan Agreement,  the Note, the Loan Documents, or any other
     agreement executed in connection with the Loan Agreement whereby the Debtor
     has granted any Lien to the Secured Party,  and the Debtor hereby expressly
     waives all benefit or advantage of any such laws and covenants that it will
     not hinder, delay or impede the execution of any power granted or delegated
     to the  Secured  Party in this  Agreement,  but will  suffer and permit the
     execution of every such power as though no such laws were in force.  In the
     event of any sale of Collateral pursuant to this Section, the Secured Party
     shall,  at  least 10 days  before  such  sale,  give  the  Debtor  written,
     telegraphic  or telex notice of its intention to sell,  except that, if the
     Secured  Party  shall  determine  in its  sole  discretion  that any of the
     Collateral  threatens  to decline  speedily in value,  any such sale may be
     made upon 3 days' written, telegraphic or telex notice to the Debtor.

          Section 8.  Application  of Moneys.  (a) Except as otherwise  provided
     herein or in the Loan  Agreement,  all moneys which the Secured Party shall
     receive, in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be applied (to the
     extent thereof) in the following manner: First, to the payment of all costs
     and expenses incurred in connection with the administration and enforcement
     of, or the  preservation of any rights under,  this Agreement or any of the
     reasonable  expenses and  disbursements  of the Secured  Party  (including,
     without limitation,  the fees and disbursements of its counsel and agents);
     Second, to the payment of all Secured  Obligations  arising out of the Loan
     Agreement and the Note and, if not therein  provided,  in such order as the
     Secured Party may determine; and Third, to the payment of all other Secured
     Obligations in such order as the Secured Party may determine.

          (b) If after applying any amounts which the Secured Party has received
     in respect of the Collateral any of the Secured  Obligations remain unpaid,
     the Debtor shall  continue to be liable for any  deficiency,  together with

          Section 9.  Financing  Statements;  Documentary  Stamp Taxes.  (a) The
     Debtor will, at its own expense, make, execute, endorse,  acknowledge, file
     and/or  deliver  to the  Secured  Party  from  time  to  time  such  lists,

     schedules,  confirmatory  assignments,  conveyances,  financing statements,
     transfer endorsements, powers of attorney, certificates,  reports and other
     assurances  or  instruments  and take such  further  steps  relating to the
     Collateral and other  property or rights  covered by the security  interest
     hereby granted,  which the Secured Party deems  appropriate or advisable to
     perfect,  preserve or protect its security interest in the Collateral.  The
     Debtor hereby constitutes the Secured Party its attorney-in-fact to execute
     and file in the name and on behalf of the Debtor such additional  financing
     statements  as the Secured  Party may request,  such acts of such  attorney
     being hereby  ratified and  confirmed;  such power,  being  coupled with an
     interest,  is irrevocable  until the Secured  Obligations are paid in full.
     Further,  to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Debtor  authorizes
     the  Secured  Party to file  any  such  financing  statements  without  the
     signature of the Debtor. The Debtor will pay all applicable filing fees and
     related expenses in connection with any such financing statements.

          (b) The  Debtor  agrees  to  procure,  pay  for,  affix to any and all
     documents  and  cancel  any  documentary  tax  stamps  required  by  and in
     accordance with,  applicable law and the Debtor will indemnify and hold the
     Secured  Party  harmless  against any  liability  (including  interest  and
     penalties) in respect of such documentary stamp taxes.

          Section  10.  Fees and  Expenses,  etc.  Any and all  fees,  costs and
     expenses  of  whatever  kind or nature,  including  but not  limited to the
     reasonable attorneys' fees and legal expenses incurred by the Secured Party
     in connection with this Agreement, the filing or recording of any documents
     (including  all  taxes in  connection  therewith)  in public  offices,  the
     payment or discharge of any taxes, counsel fees, maintenance fees, fees and
     other  costs  relating  to  the   encumbrances  or  otherwise   protecting,
     maintaining,  preserving the Collateral, or in defending or prosecuting any
     actions or proceedings  arising out of or related to the Collateral,  shall
     be borne and paid by the Debtor on demand by the Secured Party and until so
     paid shall be added to the principal amount of the Secured  Obligations and
     shall bear interest at the highest  pre-maturity  fluctuating rate provided
     for in the Loan Agreement for the Loans. In addition,  the Debtor will pay,
     and indemnify and hold the Secured Party harmless from and against, any and
     all  liabilities,   obligations,   losses,   damages  penalties,   actions,
     judgments,  suits,  costs,  expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature
     whatsoever with respect to the Collateral,  including (without  limitation)
     claims  of  patent  or  trademark  infringement  and any  claim  of  unfair
     competition or anti-trust violation.

          Section  11.  Miscellaneous.  (a) Any notice or demand upon the Debtor
     shall be deemed to have been sufficiently  given or served for all purposes
     thereof when mailed,  postage  prepaid,  by registered  or certified  mail,
     return receipt requested, or when telegraphed,  telecopied, telexed or sent
     by messenger or by Federal Express (or similar overnight express or courier
     service),  to the Debtor at its  address  set forth  below or at such other
     address as the Debtor may  designate in a writing  delivered to the Secured
     Party,  provided  that in the case where the  Secured  Party is required to
     give only three  days'  notice of a proposed  sale of the  Collateral  such
     notice  shall not be deemed given until  delivered  to the chief  executive
     office of the Debtor provided for herein.  All notices to the Secured Party
     shall be deemed to have  been  given  when  delivered  by mail,  telegraph,
     telecopy, telex, messenger or Federal Express (or similar overnight express
     or courier  service) to the Secured Party at its address set forth below or
     at such  other  address as the  Secured  Party may  designate  in a writing
     delivered to the Debtor.

     (b) No delay  on the part of the  Secured  Party in  exercising  any of its
rights, remedies,  powers and privileges hereunder or partial or single exercise
thereof,  shall constitute a waiver thereof. None of the terms and conditions of
this  Agreement  may be  changed,  waived,  modified  or  varied  in any  manner
whatsoever unless in writing duly signed by the Debtor and the Secured Party. No
notice to or demand on the  Debtor in any case shall  entitle  the Debtor to any
other  or  further  notice  or  demand  in  similar  or other  circumstances  or
constitute  a waiver of any of the rights of the  Secured  Party to any other or
further action in any circumstances without notice or demand.

     (c) The obligations of the Debtor  hereunder shall remain in full force and
effect  without  regard to, and shall not be  impaired  by, (i) any  bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization,  arrangement, readjustment, composition, liquidation
or the like of the Debtor; (ii) any exercise or non-exercise,  or any waiver of,
any right, remedy, power or privilege under or in respect of the Loan Agreement,
the Note, this Agreement, the other Loan Documents, any other agreement executed
in connection with the Loan Agreement whereby the Debtor has granted any Lien to
the Secured Party or any other agreement  executed in connection with any of the
foregoing,  the  Secured  Obligations  or any  security  for any of the  Secured
Obligations;  or (iii) any amendment to or modification of any of the foregoing;
whether  or  not  the  Debtor  shall  have  notice  or  knowledge  of any of the
foregoing.  The rights and  remedies of the Secured  Party  herein  provided are
cumulative  and not exclusive of any rights or remedies  which the Secured Party
would otherwise have.

     (d) This Agreement  shall be binding upon the Debtor and its successors and
assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the Secured  Party and its  successors
and  assigns,  except  that the  Debtor  may not  transfer  or assign any of its
obligations,  rights or interest  hereunder without the prior written consent of
the Secured Party and any such purported assignment by the Debtor shall be void.
All  agreements,  representations  and warranties  made herein shall survive the
execution and delivery of this Agreement.

     (e) The descriptive  headings of the several sections of this Agreement are
inserted  for  convenience  only and shall not in any way affect the  meaning or
construction of any provision of this Agreement.

     (f) Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in
any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of
such  prohibition  or  unenforceability   without   invalidating  the  remaining
provisions  hereof,  and  any  such  prohibition  or   unenforceability  in  any
jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render  unenforceable such provision in any
other jurisdiction.

     (g) All  rights,  remedies  and powers  provided by this  Agreement  may be
exercised  only to the extent  that the  exercise  thereof  does not violate any
applicable  provision  of law,  and the  provisions  hereof are  intended  to be
subject to all  applicable  mandatory  provisions of law that may be controlling
and to be  limited  to the extent  necessary  so that they will not render  this

Agreement  invalid,  unenforceable  in  whole or in part or not  entitled  to be
recorded, registered or filed under the provisions of any applicable law.

     (h) This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties  hereunder
shall be construed in  accordance  with and be governed by the laws of the State
of New York except to the extent that matters of title, or creation,  perfection
and priority of the security  interests  created hereby, or procedural issues of
foreclosure  are  required  to be governed by the laws of the state in which the
Collateral, or part thereof, is located.

     (i) It is expressly  agreed,  anything herein,  in the Loan Documents or in
any other  agreement or instrument  executed in connection with the Loans to the
contrary notwithstanding,  that the Debtor shall remain liable to perform all of
the  obligations,  if any,  assumed by it with respect to the Collateral and the
Secured Party shall not have any obligations or liabilities  with respect to any
Collateral by reason of or arising out of this Agreement,  nor shall the Secured
Party be  required or  obligated  in any manner to perform or fulfill any of the
obligations  of the  Debtor  under  or  pursuant  to any  or in  respect  of any

     (j) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by the
different  parties  hereto  on  separate  counterparts,  each of  which  when so
executed and delivered shall be an original, but all of which counterparts taken
together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
executed and  delivered by their duly  authorized  officers as of the date first
above written.

789 Main Road                            LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL
Stamford, Vermont 05352                  CORPORATION, Pledgor
Telecopier No:  802-694-1552
                                         Name:  Heather A. Sica
                                         Title: Executive Vice President

565 Fifth Avenue                         BANK OF SCOTLAND, Pledgee
New York, New York  10017
Telecopier No:  212-682-5720
                                         Name:  Catherine M. Oniffrey
                                         Title:     Vice President

                                                                    Schedule 1



                                                                  Exhibit 10.145

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1
                          Dated as of December 18, 1995
                         Receivables Purchase Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

     THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 dated as of December 18, 1995 ("Amendment") is entered
into by and among LITCHFIELD  MORTGAGE  SECURITIES  CORPORATION 1994, a Delaware
corporation (the "Seller"),  LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a Massachusetts
corporation  ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED  SECURITIZATION,  INC., a Delaware
as agent (the "Agent").  Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined
herein  shall  have the  meanings  assigned  to such  terms  in the  "Agreement"
referred to below.

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

     A. The Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent are parties to that  certain
Receivables  Purchase  Agreement dated as of September 29, 1995 (as amended from
time to time prior to the date hereof,  the "Agreement"),  pursuant to which the
HLS has agreed to purchase  certain  assets and to make certain other  financial
accommodations to the Seller.

     B. The  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  have  agreed to amend the
Agreement on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises set forth above, and for
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the Seller, Litchfield, HLS and the Agent agree as follows:

     SECTION 1. Amendment of the Agreement. Effective as of the date first above
written,  subject to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  precedent set forth in
Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

     1.1. The defined  term  "Purchase  Limit"  contained in Section 1.01 of the
Agreement is amended to delete the amount  $50,000,000  set forth therein and to
substitute $75,000,000 therefor.

     SECTION 2. Conditions Precedent.  This Amendment shall become effective and
shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon the  satisfaction
of  the  following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no  event  has  occurred  and is
continuing which constitutes an Event of Default or would constitute an Event of
Default but for the requirement that notice be given or time elapse or both; and

(b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5) copies of this  Amendment  duly
executed  by the  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS  and  the  Agent  and  (ii)  written
confirmation  from each of S&P and Fitch that this  Amendment will not adversely
affect  the  rating  of the  commercial  paper  notes  issued by HLS to fund its
acquisition of "Purchased Assets" (as defined in the Agreement) from the Seller;

     SECTION 3. Representations and Warranties of the Seller and Litchfield.

     3.1 Each of the Seller and Litchfield  hereby  represents and warrants that
this  Amendment  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the such
Person enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

     3.2  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each of the  Seller  and
Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations and warranties made in the
Agreement  by such  Person to the  extent  the same are not  amended  hereby and
agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be deemed
to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

     SECTION 4. Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

     4.1.  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each  reference  in the
Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein", or words of like
import shall mean and be a reference to the  Agreement  as amended  hereby,  and
each reference to the Agreement in any other  document,  instrument or agreement
executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as amended hereby.

     4.2.  Except  as  specifically  amended  hereby,  the  Agreement  and other
documents,  instruments and agreements  executed and/or  delivered in connection
therewith  shall  remain in full force and effect  and are hereby  ratified  and

     4.3. The execution,  delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment shall not
(a) operate as a waiver of any right, power or remedy of the Agent or the Seller
under the Agreement or any other document,  instrument or agreement  executed in
connection  therewith,  (b)  constitute  a  waiver  of any  provision  contained
therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent to any other or  further  actions or
occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


     SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph  headings  contained in this
Amendment  are and shall be  without  substance,  meaning or content of any kind
whatsoever  and are not a part of the  agreement  between  the  parties  hereto.

     SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be  executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Amendment to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,  as of the date
first above written.

                                    LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES 
                                    CORPORATION 1994


                                    LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION


                                    INTERNATIONALE NEDERLANDEN (U.S.) CAPITAL
                                    MARKETS, INC.


                                    HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.

                                    By    Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
                                          Capital Markets, Inc., as


                                                               Exhibit 10.146

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1
                          Dated as of December 18, 1995
                     Receivables Loan and Security Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

     THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 dated as of December 18, 1995 ("Amendment") is entered
into by and among LITCHFIELD  MORTGAGE  SECURITIES  CORPORATION 1994, a Delaware
corporation (the "Borrower"),  LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a Massachusetts
corporation  ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED  SECURITIZATION,  INC., a Delaware
as agent (the "Agent").  Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined
herein  shall  have the  meanings  assigned  to such  terms  in the  "Agreement"
referred to below.

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

     A. The Borrower,  Litchfield, HLS and the Agent are parties to that certain
Receivables  Loan and  Security  Agreement  dated as of  September  29, 1995 (as
amended from time to time prior to the date hereof,  the "Agreement"),  pursuant
to  which  the  HLS has  agreed  to  make  certain  loans  and  other  financial
accommodations to the Borrower.

     B. The  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent have  agreed to amend the
Agreement on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises set forth above, and for
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby  acknowledged,  the  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  agree as

     SECTION 1. Amendment of the Agreement. Effective as of the date first above
written,  subject to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  precedent set forth in
Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

     1.1. The defined term  "Borrowing  Limit"  contained in Section 1.01 of the
Agreement is amended to delete the amount  $50,000,000  set forth therein and to
substitute $75,000,000 therefor.

     SECTION 2. Conditions Precedent.  This Amendment shall become effective and
shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon the  satisfaction
of  the  following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no  event  has  occurred  and is

continuing which constitutes an Event of Default or would constitute an Event of
Default but for the requirement that notice be given or time elapse or both; and
(b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5) copies of this  Amendment  duly
executed  by the  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  and  (ii)  written
confirmation  from each of S&P and Fitch that this  Amendment will not adversely
affect the rating of the  commercial  paper notes  issued by HLS to fund "Loans"
secured by  interests  in "Pledged  Assets" (as such quoted terms are defined in
the Agreement) to the Borrower;

     SECTION 3. Representations and Warranties of the Borrower and Litchfield.

3.1  Each of the Borrower and  Litchfield  hereby  represents  and warrants that
     this  Amendment  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
     such Person enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

     3.2 Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each of the  Borrower and
Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations and warranties made in the
Agreement  by such  Person to the  extent  the same are not  amended  hereby and
agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be deemed
to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

     SECTION 4. Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

            4.1.  Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each reference in
the Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein", or words
of like import shall mean and be a reference to the Agreement as amended
hereby, and each reference to the Agreement in any other document, instrument
or agreement executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as
amended hereby.

     4.2.  Except  as  specifically  amended  hereby,  the  Agreement  and other
documents,  instruments and agreements  executed and/or  delivered in connection
therewith  shall  remain in full force and effect  and are hereby  ratified  and

     4.3. The execution,  delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment shall not
(a)  operate  as a waiver  of any  right,  power or  remedy  of the Agent or the
Borrower  under the  Agreement or any other  document,  instrument  or agreement
executed in  connection  therewith,  (b)  constitute  a waiver of any  provision
contained  therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent  to any other or  further
actions or occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


     SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph  headings  contained in this
Amendment  are and shall be  without  substance,  meaning or content of any kind
whatsoever and are not a part of the agreement between the parties hereto.

     SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be  executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Amendment to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,  as of the date
first above written.
                                    LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES
                                             CORPORATION 1994


                                    LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION


                                    INTERNATIONALE NEDERLANDEN (U.S.) CAPITAL
                                    MARKETS, INC.


                                    HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.

                                    By    Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
                                          Capital Markets, Inc., as



                                                                  Exhibit 10.147

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 2
                         Dated as of September 27, 1996


                         Receivables Purchase Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

     THIS  AMENDMENT  NO. 2 dated as of  September  27,  1996  ("Amendment")  is
entered into by and among LITCHFIELD  MORTGAGE  SECURITIES  CORPORATION  1994, a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Seller"),   LITCHFIELD  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a
Massachusetts corporation ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.,
a Delaware  corporation  ("HLS") and  INTERNATIONALE  NEDERLANDEN (U.S.) CAPITAL
MARKETS,  INC., as agent (the  "Agent").  Capitalized  terms used herein and not
otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings  assigned to such terms in the
"Agreement" referred to below.

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

     A. The Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent are parties to that  certain
Receivables  Purchase  Agreement dated as of September 29, 1995 (as amended from
time to time prior to the date hereof,  the "Agreement"),  pursuant to which the
HLS  has  agreed  to  purchase  certain  assets  and  to  make  other  financial
accommodations to the Seller.

     B. The  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  have  agreed to amend the
Agreement on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises set forth above, and for
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the Seller, Litchfield, HLS and the Agent agree as follows:

     SECTION 1. Amendment of the Agreement. Effective as of the date first above
written,  subject to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  precedent set forth in
Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

     1.1. The defined term "Aggregate Originator  Concentration Limit" contained
in Section 1.01 of the  Agreement is amended to delete "10%" from clause  (a)(i)
thereof and to substitute "25%" therefor.

     1.2. The defined term "Minimum Overcollateralization  Percentage" contained
in Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to delete "nineteen  percent (19%)%"
from clause (i) thereof and to substitute "seventeen percent (17%)" therefor.

     1.3. The defined term "Originator  Purchase  Overcollateralization  Amount"
contained in Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to delete such term in its
entirety and to substitute the following therefor:

     "Originator Purchase  Overcollateralization Amount" means, at any time, the
remainder of (a) the quotient of (i) the aggregate Stated  Principal  Balance of
Approved Acquired Receivables which constitute Purchased Receivables, divided by
(ii) 1.20 minus (b) the lesser of (i) the  product of (A) the  aggregate  Stated
Principal  Balance of Approved Acquired  Receivables which constitute  Purchased
Receivables  multiplied  by (B) 83.33% and (ii) the product of (A) the aggregate
Stated  Principal  Balance of Approved  Acquired  Receivables  which  constitute
Purchased  Receivables  multiplied by (B) 89% multiplied by (C) a fraction,  (x)
the numerator of which is the aggregate  purchase  price paid by the  Originator
for such Approved Acquired  Receivables which constitute  Purchased  Receivables
and (y) the denominator of which is the aggregate  Stated  Principal  Balance of
such Approved  Acquired  Receivables at the time the  Originator  purchased such
Approved Acquired Receivables.

     1.4. The defined  term  "Purchase  Limit"  contained in Section 1.01 of the
Agreement is amended to delete the amount "$75,000,000" set forth therein and to
substitute "$100,000,000" therefor.

     1.5. The defined term "Required Overcollateralization Percentage" contained
in Section  1.01 of the  Agreement  is amended  to delete  "twenty-five  percent
(25%)"  from  clause  (i)  thereof  and to  substitute  "twenty  percent  (20%)"

     1.6.  Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to add the  following  terms
"Originator Note" and "Required  Amount" to such Section in proper  alphabetical

     "Originator  Note" means a promissory  note made by the Originator in favor
of the  Seller  evidencing  indebtedness  of the  Originator  to the  Seller for
borrowed money substantially in the form of Exhibit H hereto.

     "Required Amount" means, as of any date of  determination,  an amount equal
to the  aggregate  Stated  Principal  Balance of that  portion of the  Purchased
Receivables  Balance at such time that is  represented  by Eligible  Receivables
that are Direct  Originations  in excess of ten percent  (10%) of the  Purchased
Receivables Balance at such time.

     1.7.  Section  2.02(a)  of the  Agreement  is  amended  to delete  the last
sentence  of such  Section  in its  entirety  and to  substitute  the  following

After  the  Collection  Date has  occurred,  the  Purchaser  and the  Agent,  in
accordance  with their  respective  interests,  shall assign and transfer to the
Seller,  for no  consideration,  their  respective  remaining  interests  in the
Purchased  Assets and the  Originator  Notes to the Seller free and clear of any
Adverse Claim  resulting  solely from an act by the Purchaser or the Agent,  but
without any other representation or warranty, express or implied.

     1.8.  Section 4.02 of the Agreement is amended to add the following  clause
(mm) thereto:

     (mm) The maker of the Mortgage Note in respect of any Purchased  Receivable
that is a Direct Origination has made at least twenty four (24) monthly payments
thereon prior to the date the Receivable became a Purchased Receivable; provided
that this clause (mm) shall be applicable only to such Purchased  Receivables in
excess of 10% of the Purchased Receivables Balance.

     1.9.  Section 6.10 of the Agreement is amended to add the following  clause
(f) thereto:

     (f) Together with each Monthly  Remittance Report and Purchase  Date/Spread
Account Surplus Remittance Report required to be delivered to the Agent pursuant
to Section 6.10 hereof,  the Originator and the Seller shall prepare and forward
to the Agent for the Purchaser, a report setting forth the aggregate outstanding
principal  balance of the  Originator  Notes and a  calculation  of the Required
Amount,  in each case, as of the date of each such Monthly  Remittance Report or
Purchase Date/Spread Account Surplus Remittance Report (as applicable).

     1.10.  Section 7.01 is amended to delete clause (n) thereof in its entirety
and to substitute the following therefor:

     (n) the Originator has a tangible net worth of less than $25,000,000;

     1.11.  Section 7.01 is further amended to add the following clauses (r) and
(s) thereto:

     (r) any two of Ronald  Rabidou,  Richard A.  Stratton,  Heather A. Sica and
James H.  Shippee  shall cease to be  employees  of the  Originator;  or (

     s) the aggregate  outstanding  principal balance of the Originator Notes is
less than the Required Amount at any time,

     1.12.  The Agreement is further  amended to add the following  Section 8.03

     SECTION 8.03.  Assignment of Originator  Notes;  Seller's Demand Obligation
under  Originator  Notes.  To secure the prompt recovery in full of all Capital,
whether now or hereafter existing,  applicable to Purchased Receivables that are
Direct Originations in excess of 10% of the Gross Eligible  Receivables Balance,
the  Seller  hereby  grants to the Agent for the  benefit  of each  Purchaser  a
security  interest in all of the  Seller's  right,  title and  interest,  now or
hereafter  existing  in,  to and under all of the  Originator  Notes and  hereby
assigns to the Agent,  for the benefit of the  Purchaser  hereunder,  all of the
Seller's right and title and interest therein. Upon the receipt by the Seller of

any  Originator  Note,  the Seller  shall  deliver such  Originator  Note to the
Custodian  within  one  Business  Day after the  Seller's  receipt  thereof,  in
suitable  form  for  transfer  by  delivery,  or  accompanied  by duly  executed
instruments  of  transfer  or  assignment  in blank,  all in form and  substance
satisfactory to the Agent and the Custodian.  From time to time on and after the
Termination  Date,  subject  to the  limitations  set forth  herein,  the Seller
covenants  and agrees to make  demand for  payment on the  Originator  under the
Originator  Notes  in  respect  of each  Purchased  Receivable  that is a Direct
Origination  that  becomes a Defaulted  Receivable  on or after the  Termination
Date. The amount of each such demand for payment shall be equal to the aggregate
of the Accelerated  Payment Amounts of such Defaulted  Receivables that have not
previously  been the subject of a payment  demand under this Section  8.03.  The
Seller  shall or shall  cause the  Originator  to remit the  amount of each such
demand  directly to the Agent's Account to be applied in accordance with Section
2.05 hereof. The Seller's  obligation to make such demands for payment under the
Originator  Notes shall be limited to an aggregate  amount equal to the Required
Amount as of the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding the
Termination  Date.  The parties  hereto  agree that if the Seller  shall fail to
comply with this Section 8.03,  the Agent shall have the right,  directly and as
attorney-in-fact  of the  Seller,  to  enforce  the  Seller's  rights  under the
Originator Notes.

     SECTION 2. Conditions Precedent.  This Amendment shall become effective and
shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon the  satisfaction
of  the  following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no  event  has  occurred  and is
continuing which constitutes an Event of Default or would constitute an Event of
Default but for the requirement that notice be given or time elapse or both; and
(b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5) copies of this  Amendment  duly
executed  by the  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS  and  the  Agent  and  (ii)  written
confirmation  from each of S&P and Fitch that this  Amendment will not adversely
affect  the  rating  of the  commercial  paper  notes  issued by HLS to fund the
acquisition  of  "Purchased  Assets"  (as such  quoted  terms are defined in the
Agreement) to the Seller;

     SECTION 3. Representations and Warranties of the Seller and Litchfield.

     3.1 Each of the Seller and Litchfield  hereby  represents and warrants that
this  Amendment  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the such
Person enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

     3.2  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each of the  Seller  and
Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations and warranties made in the
Agreement  by such  Person to the  extent  the same are not  amended  hereby and
agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be deemed
to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

     SECTION 4. Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

     4.1.  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each  reference  in the
Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein", or words of like
import shall mean and be a reference to the  Agreement  as amended  hereby,  and
each reference to the Agreement in any other  document,  instrument or agreement
executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as amended hereby.

     4.2.  Except  as  specifically  amended  hereby,  the  Agreement  and other
documents,  instruments and agreements  executed and/or  delivered in connection
therewith  shall  remain in full force and effect  and are hereby  ratified  and

     4.3. The execution,  delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment shall not
(a) operate as a waiver of any right, power or remedy of the Agent or the Seller
under the Agreement or any other document,  instrument or agreement  executed in
connection  therewith,  (b)  constitute  a  waiver  of any  provision  contained
therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent to any other or  further  actions or
occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


     SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph  headings  contained in this

Amendment  are and shall be  without  substance,  meaning or content of any kind
whatsoever and are not a part of the agreement between the parties hereto.

     SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be  executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Amendment to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,  as of the date
first above written.

                                    LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES
                                           CORPORATION 1994

                                    LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                    INTERNATIONALE NEDERLANDEN (U.S.)
                                    CAPITAL MARKETS, INC.
                                    HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.

                                    By    Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
                                          Capital Markets, Inc., as


                                                                  Exhibit 10.148

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 2
                         Dated as of September 27, 1996


                     Receivables Loan and Security Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

     THIS  AMENDMENT  NO. 2 dated as of  September  27,  1996  ("Amendment")  is
entered into by and among LITCHFIELD  MORTGAGE  SECURITIES  CORPORATION  1994, a
Delaware  corporation (the  "Borrower"),  LITCHFIELD  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a
Massachusetts corporation ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.,
a Delaware  corporation  ("HLS") and  INTERNATIONALE  NEDERLANDEN (U.S.) CAPITAL
MARKETS,  INC., as agent (the  "Agent").  Capitalized  terms used herein and not
otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings  assigned to such terms in the
"Agreement" referred to below.


     A. The Borrower,  Litchfield, HLS and the Agent are parties to that certain
Receivables  Loan and  Security  Agreement  dated as of  September  29, 1995 (as
amended from time to time prior to the date hereof,  the "Agreement"),  pursuant
to  which  the  HLS has  agreed  to  make  certain  loans  and  other  financial
accommodations to the Borrower.

     B. The  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent have  agreed to amend the
Agreement on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises set forth above, and for
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby  acknowledged,  the  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  agree as

     SECTION 1. Amendment of the Agreement. Effective as of the date first above
written,  subject to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  precedent set forth in
Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

     1.1. The defined term "Aggregate Originator  Concentration Limit" contained
in Section 1.01 of the  Agreement is amended to delete "10%" from clause  (a)(i)
thereof and to substitute "25%" therefor.

     1.2. The defined term  "Borrowing  Limit"  contained in Section 1.01 of the
Agreement is amended to delete the amount "$75,000,000" set forth therein and to
substitute "$100,000,000" therefor.

     1.3. The defined term "Minimum Overcollateralization  Percentage" contained
in Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to delete "nineteen  percent (19%)%"
from clause (i) thereof and to substitute "seventeen percent (17%)" therefor.

     1.4. The defined term "Originator  Purchase  Overcollateralization  Amount"
contained in Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to delete such term in its
entirety and to substitute the following therefor:

     "Originator Purchase  Overcollateralization Amount" means, at any time, the
remainder of (a) the quotient of (i) the aggregate Stated  Principal  Balance of
Approved Acquired Receivables which constitute Pledged  Receivables,  divided by
(ii) 1.20 minus (b) the lesser of (i) the  product of (A) the  aggregate  Stated
Principal  Balance of Approved  Acquired  Receivables  which constitute  Pledged
Receivables  multiplied  by (B) 83.33% and (ii) the product of (A) the aggregate
Stated  Principal  Balance of Approved  Acquired  Receivables  which  constitute
Pledged Receivables  multiplied by (B) 89% multiplied by (C) a fraction, (x) the
numerator of which is the aggregate  purchase  price paid by the  Originator for
such Approved Acquired  Receivables which constitute Pledged Receivables and (y)
the  denominator  of which is the  aggregate  Stated  Principal  Balance of such
Approved Acquired Receivables at the time the Originator purchased such Approved
Acquired Receivables.

     1.5. The defined term "Required Overcollateralization Percentage" contained
in Section  1.01 of the  Agreement  is amended  to delete  "twenty-five  percent
(25%)"  from  clause  (i)  thereof  and to  substitute  "twenty  percent  (20%)"

     1.6.  Section 1.01 of the Agreement is amended to add the  following  terms
"Originator Note" and "Required  Amount" to such Section in proper  alphabetical

     "Originator  Note" means a promissory  note made by the Originator in favor
of the Borrower  evidencing  indebtedness  of the Originator to the Borrower for
borrowed money substantially in the form of Exhibit H hereto.

     "Required Amount" means, as of any date of  determination,  an amount equal
to the  aggregate  Stated  Principal  Balance  of that  portion  of the  Pledged
Receivables  Balance at such time that is  represented  by Eligible  Receivables
that are  Direct  Originations  in excess of ten  percent  (10%) of the  Pledged
Receivables Balance at such time.

     1.7.  Section  2.13(a)(iii)  of the  Agreement  is amended  to delete  such
Section in its entirety and to substitute the following therefor:

     (iii) all right,  title and  interest of the  Borrower in, to and under all
Purchased Rate Caps and all Originator Notes;

     1.8.  Section 4.02 of the Agreement is amended to add the following  clause
(mm) thereto:

     (mm) The maker of the  Mortgage  Note in respect of any Pledged  Receivable
that is a Direct Origination has made at least twenty four (24) monthly payments
thereon prior to the date the Receivable became a Pledged  Receivable;  provided
that this clause (mm) shall be applicable  only to such Pledged  Receivables  in
excess of 10% of the Pledged Receivables Balance.

     1.9.  Section 6.10 of the Agreement is amended to add the following  clause
(f) thereto:

     (f) Together with each Monthly Remittance Report and Borrowing  Date/Spread
Account Surplus Remittance Report required to be delivered to the Agent pursuant

to Section 6.10  hereof,  the  Originator  and the  Borrower  shall  prepare and
forward  to the Agent  for the  Lender,  a report  setting  forth the  aggregate
outstanding  principal  balance of the Originator Notes and a calculation of the
Required  Amount,  in each case, as of the date of each such Monthly  Remittance
Report  or  Borrowing   Date/Spread   Account  Surplus   Remittance  Report  (as

     1.10.  Section 7.01 is amended to delete clause (n) thereof in its entirety
and to substitute the following therefor:

     (n) the Originator has a tangible net worth of less than $25,000,000;

     1.11.  Section 7.01 is further amended to add the following clauses (r) and
(s) thereto:

     (r) any two of Ronald  Rabidou,  Richard A.  Stratton,  Heather A. Sica and
James H. Shippee shall cease to be employees of the Originator; or

     (s) the aggregate  outstanding principal balance of the Originator Notes is
less than the Required Amount at any time,

     1.12.  The Agreement is further  amended to add the following  Section 8.03

     SECTION 8.03.  Borrower's  Demand  Obligation under Originator  Notes. From
time to time on and after the Termination  Date,  subject to the limitations set
forth  herein,  the Borrower  covenants and agrees to make demand for payment on
the Originator under the Originator Notes in respect of each Pledged  Receivable
that is a Direct Origination that becomes a Defaulted Receivable on or after the
Termination  Date.  The amount of each such demand for payment shall be equal to
the aggregate of the Accelerated  Payment Amounts of such Defaulted  Receivables
that have not previously been the subject of a payment demand under this Section
8.03.  The Borrower  shall or shall cause the  Originator to remit the amount of
each such demand  directly to the  Agent's  Account to be applied in  accordance
with Section 2.05 hereof.  The  Borrower's  obligation  to make such demands for

payment under the Originator Notes shall be limited to an aggregate amount equal
to the  Required  Amount  as of the  close  of  business  on  the  Business  Day
immediately preceding the Termination Date. The parties hereto agree that if the
Borrower  shall fail to comply with this Section 8.03,  the Agent shall have the
right,  directly  and  as  attorney-in-fact  of the  Borrower,  to  enforce  the
Borrower's rights under the Originator Notes.

     SECTION 2. Conditions Precedent.  This Amendment shall become effective and
shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon the  satisfaction
of  the  following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no  event  has  occurred  and is
continuing which constitutes an Event of Default or would constitute an Event of
Default but for the requirement that notice be given or time elapse or both; and
(b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5) copies of this  Amendment  duly
executed  by the  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  and  (ii)  written
confirmation  from each of S&P and Fitch that this  Amendment will not adversely
affect the rating of the  commercial  paper notes  issued by HLS to fund "Loans"
secured by  interests  in "Pledged  Assets" (as such quoted terms are defined in
the Agreement) to the Borrower;

     SECTION 3. Representations and Warranties of the Borrower and Litchfield.

     3.1 Each of the Borrower and Litchfield hereby represents and warrants that
this  Amendment  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the such
Person enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

     3.2 Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each of the  Borrower and
Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations and warranties made in the
Agreement  by such  Person to the  extent  the same are not  amended  hereby and
agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be deemed
to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

     SECTION 4. Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

     4.1.  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each  reference  in the
Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein", or words of like
import shall mean and be a reference to the  Agreement  as amended  hereby,  and
each reference to the Agreement in any other  document,  instrument or agreement
executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as amended hereby.

     4.2.  Except  as  specifically  amended  hereby,  the  Agreement  and other
documents,  instruments and agreements  executed and/or  delivered in connection
therewith  shall  remain in full force and effect  and are hereby  ratified  and

     4.3. The execution,  delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment shall not
(a)  operate  as a waiver  of any  right,  power or  remedy  of the Agent or the
Borrower  under the  Agreement or any other  document,  instrument  or agreement
executed in  connection  therewith,  (b)  constitute  a waiver of any  provision
contained  therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent  to any other or  further
actions or occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


     SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph  headings  contained in this
Amendment  are and shall be  without  substance,  meaning or content of any kind
whatsoever and are not a part of the agreement between the parties hereto.

     SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be  executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Amendment to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,  as of the date
first above written.

                                    LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES
                                    CORPORATION 1994


                                    LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION


                                    INTERNATIONALE NEDERLANDEN (U.S.)
                                    CAPITAL MARKETS, INC.


                                    HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC.
                                    By    Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
                                          Capital Markets, Inc., as


                                                                  Exhibit 10.149

                            REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT
                                 PROMISSORY NOTE
                                  VARIABLE RATE

Revolving Line of Credit                        Pittsfield, Massachusetts
$20,000,000                                     April 26, 1996

corporation (the "Borrower"), promises to pay to the order of THE FIRST NATIONAL
BANK OF BOSTON (the "Bank"),  ON DEMAND,  the  principal  sum of TWENTY  MILLION
DOLLARS  ($20,000,000)  or the then current  balance of the  Borrower's  line of
credit  account under this Note (the  "Borrower's  Revolving  Line  Account") on
advances  made  from time to time on or after  the date  hereof by the Bank,  as
reflected by the books,  records and ledgers of the Bank, together with interest
on the unpaid  principal  balance and partial payments of principal from time to
time which, unless earlier demanded, shall be payable as follows:

     (a)  Interest  at the rate set  forth  below on the last day of each  month
commencing May 31, 1996; and

     (b) Principal balance and accrued interest (a) on April 30, 1997, or (b) at
any other time ON DEMAND.

     Interest  shall be calculated  on the daily  principal  balance  during the
preceding  month at an annual  rate  equal to either of the  following:  (i) the
Bank's  Base Rate (as herein  defined)  or (ii) with  respect to any  advance or
portion  thereof  identified in a Notice of Borrowing (as herein  defined),  the
Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate (as herein  defined)  plus two  percent  (2.0%)  (the
"Eurodollar  Rate").  During the initial  Interest  Period and thereafter in the
absence  of any  Notice  of  Borrowing  with  respect  to any  amounts  advanced
hereunder,  the  annual  interest  rate  shall be the Base  Rate.  All  interest
calculations  shall be made on the basis of a 360 day year for the actual number
of days elapsed including holidays or days on which the Bank is not open for the
conduct of banking  business.  Interest on overdue principal or after demand for
payment  shall be payable at an annual  rate equal to the  greater of 18 percent
(18%) per annum or four percent (4%) above the Base Rate.

     Any  installment  or payment due  hereunder  which shall be received by the
Bank more than ten days after its due date  shall be  subject  to an  additional
charge of five percent of the amount so overdue (but in no event higher than the
maximum allowed by Massachusetts law).

     The term Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate applicable to any Interest Period shall
mean the  rate of  interest  per  annum  determined  pursuant  to the  following

                  AER         =     [ IOR ]*
                                    [1.00 - RP]

                  AER         =     Adjusted Eurodollar Rate
                  IOR         =     Interbank Offered Rate
                  RP          =     Reserve Percentage

          The Adjusted Eurodollar Rate shall be adjusted automatically as of the
     effective date of any change in the Reserve Percentage.

          *The amount in brackets shall be rounded upwards, if necessary, to the
     next higher 1/100 of 1%.

          The term Base Rate shall mean the rate of  interest  established  from
     time-to-time  by Bank at its head  office as its Base Rate.  The Bank shall
     not be obligated to give the Borrower notice of any change in the Base Rate
     except for the Bank's customary periodic invoices.

          The term  Business Day shall mean a day upon which banks in London and
     Boston are not required or authorized to close.

          The term  Interbank  Offered Rate  applicable  to any Interest  Period
     shall mean the rate of interest determined by the Bank to be the prevailing
     rate per annum at which deposits in U.S. dollars are offered to the Bank by
     first-class  banks in the  interbank  Eurodollar  market  in which the Bank
     regularly participates on or about 10:00 a.m. (Boston,  Massachusetts time)
     two Business Days before the first day of such Interest Period in an amount
     approximately  equal to the  principal  amount  identified  in a Notice  of
     Borrowing  to which such  Interest  Period is to apply for a period of time
     approximately equal to such Interest Period.
          The term Interest  Period shall mean the period  commencing (a) on the
     date hereof,  (b) on a date  identified  in a Notice of Borrowing or (c) at
     the  conclusion  of each  successive  Interest  Period and ending one, two,
     three or six months  thereafter,  as the  Borrower may elect in a Notice of
     Borrowing; provided that:

          (i) for the initial  Interest  Period and thereafter in the absence of
     any election by the Borrower, the Interest Period shall be one month;

          (ii) any Interest  Period  (other than an Interest  Period  determined
     pursuant to clause (iv)  below) that would  otherwise  end on a day that is
     not a Business  Day shall be extended to the next  succeeding  Business Day
     unless such  Business Day shall fall in the next calendar  month,  in which
     case such Interest Period shall end on the immediately  proceeding Business

          (iii) any  Interest  Period that begins on the last  Business Day of a
     calendar month (or on a day for which there is no numerically corresponding
     day in the  calendar  month  at the end of  such  Interest  Period)  shall,
     subject to clause (iv) below,  end on the last  Business  Day of a calendar

          (iv) any Interest  Period that would  otherwise end after the Maturity
     Date shall end on the Maturity Date; and

          (v) no Interest Period shall have a duration of less than one month.

          The term  Notice of  Borrowing  shall mean a written  notice  given by
     Borrower to Bank at least three Business Days prior to the  commencement of
     the Interest Period  specified in such notice,  which notice shall identify
     (a) the  amount of any  advance or portion  thereof  with  respect to which
     Borrower shall elect to have interest  calculated at the  Eurodollar  Rate;
     and (b) the Interest Period selected by Borrower for such amount.

          The term Reserve  Percentage  applicable to any Interest  Period shall
     mean the rate  (expressed as a decimal)  applicable to the Bank during such
     Interest Period under regulations  issued from time to time by the Board of
     Governors of the Federal Reserve System for determining the maximum reserve
     requirement  (including,   without  limitation,  any  basic,  supplemental,
     emergency  or marginal  reserve  requirement)  of the Bank with  respect to
     "Eurocurrency liabilities" as that term is defined under such regulations.

          The Borrower may prepay funds advanced hereunder, in whole or in part,
     without  prepayment  penalty,  any  partial  prepayment  to be  $1,000 or a
     multiple thereof, if (a) the interest rate applicable to such amount on the
     date of  prepayment  shall be the Base Rate and (b) the Borrower  shall not
     have given a Notice of Borrowing  selecting  the  Eurodollar  Rate for such
     amount.  If (c) on the date of prepayment  the interest rate  applicable to
     any amount to be prepaid shall be the  Eurodollar  Rate or (d) the Borrower
     shall have given a Notice of Borrowing  selecting the  Eurodollar  Rate for
     such amount,  then (1) upon three  Business  Days prior notice to the Bank,
     the  Borrower  may prepay funds  advanced  hereunder,  in whole or in part,
     without  penalty  at the  end of the  Interest  Period  applicable  to such
     amount, any partial prepayments to be $1,000 or a multiple thereof, and (2)
     at any time other than the end of any Interest Period, the Borrower may not
     voluntarily  prepay  the funds  advanced  hereunder.  With  respect  to any
     prepayment  (whether by reason of  acceleration or otherwise) not otherwise
     permitted by the preceding  two  sentences,  the Borrower  shall pay to the
     Bank any  losses,  costs  and  damages  with  respect  to such  prepayment,
     including,  without limitation,  any lost profits, upon presentation by the
     Bank of a statement of the amount due setting forth the Bank's  calculation
     thereof, which shall be deemed true and correct absent manifest error.

          In the event that:  (i) on any date on which the  Adjusted  Eurodollar
     Rate would  otherwise be set for any Interest  Period,  the Bank shall have
     determined  in  good  faith  (which   determination   shall  be  final  and
     conclusive) that, by reason of changes  affecting the interbank  Eurodollar
     market  adequate and  reasonable  means do not exist for  ascertaining  the
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate,  or  (ii)  at any  time  the  Bank  shall  have
     determined  in  good  faith  (which   determination   shall  be  final  and
     conclusive)  that:  (A) the  continued  advance of funds  hereunder  at the
     Adjusted   Eurodollar   Rate  for  any   Interest   Period  has  been  made
     impracticable  or  unlawful by (1) the  occurrence  of a  contingency  that
     materially  and adversely  affects the interbank  Eurodollar  market or (2)
     compliance  by  the  Bank  in  good  faith  with  any   applicable  law  or
     governmental  regulation,  guideline or order or  interpretation  or change
     thereof by any governmental  authority  charged with the  interpretation or

     administration  thereof  or with  any  request  or  directive  of any  such
     governmental authority (whether or not having the force of law); or (B) the
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate shall no longer  represent the effective cost to
     the Bank for U.S.  dollar  deposits in the interbank  Eurodollar  market in
     which the Bank regularly  participates;  then,  and in any such event,  the
     Bank  shall  forthwith  so  notify  the  Borrower  thereof  (a  "Notice  of
     Termination  of Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate").  Until the Bank  notifies the
     Borrower that the  circumstances  giving rise to such Notice of Termination
     of Adjusted  Eurodollar Rate no longer apply, the obligation of the Bank to
     continue  the advance of funds  hereunder at the  Eurodollar  Rate shall be
     suspended.  If at the time  the  Bank  gives a  Notice  of  Termination  of
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate,  the Borrower has  previously  given the Bank a
     Notice of Borrowing but the applicable  Interest  Period shall not yet have
     commenced, such Notice of Borrowing shall be deemed to be void.

          Upon such date as shall be specified in such Notice of  Termination of
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate (which  shall not be earlier  than the date such
     notice is given)  the  Borrower  shall  prepay  the  principal  amount  due
     hereunder, together with interest thereon and any other amounts required to
     be paid  hereunder,  or the  interest  rate  applicable  to this Note shall
     convert to the Base Rate.

          In case any law,  regulation,  treaty  or  official  directive  or the
     interpretation  or application  thereof by any court or by any governmental
     authority  charged with the  administration  thereof or the compliance with
     any  guideline  or  request  of any  central  bank  or  other  governmental
     authority  (whether or not having the force of law):  (i) subjects the Bank
     to any tax with  respect to payments of  principal or interest or any other
     amounts payable  hereunder by the Borrower or otherwise with respect to the
     transactions  contemplated  hereby  (except  for taxes on the  overall  net
     income of the Bank imposed by the United States of America or any political
     subdivision  thereof),  or (ii) imposes,  modifies or deems  applicable any
     deposit insurance,  reserve, special deposit or similar requirement against
     assets  held by, or  deposits  in or for the  account  of, or loans by, the
     Bank,  or (iii) imposes upon the Bank any other  condition  with respect to
     its performance  under this Note, and the result of any of the foregoing is
     to increase the cost to the Bank,  reduce the income receivable by the Bank
     or impose any  expense  upon the Bank with  respect to this Note,  the Bank
     shall notify the Borrower  thereof.  The Borrower agrees to pay to the Bank
     the amount of such  increase  in cost,  reduction  in income or  additional
     expense  as and when  such  cost,  reduction  or  expense  is  incurred  or
     determined,  upon presentation by the Bank of a statement in the amount and
     setting forth the Bank's  calculation  thereof,  which  statement  shall be
     deemed true and correct absent manifest error.

          The entries on the records of the Bank  (including  any  appearing  on
     this Note) shall be prima facie evidence of the aggregate  principal amount
     outstanding  under this Note and interest accrued  thereon.  The Bank shall
     enter all advances as debits in the  Borrower's  Revolving Line Account and
     credit all  payments  made by the  Borrower  on  account to the  Borrower's
     Revolving  Line  Account.  At least once per month the Bank shall  render a
     statement of account for the Borrower's Revolving Line Account.

          Payments  shall be applied first to late  charges,  second to interest
     and  then to  principal.  Interest  shall  continue  to  accrue  until  the
     appropriate payment is actually received by the Bank. If any installment of
     this Note  becomes  due and payable on any day upon which the office of the

     Bank is legally closed for business,  the due date shall be extended to the
     next  succeeding  business  day and  interest  shall be payable at the then
     applicable rate during such extension.

          The  following  loan  documents and security  instruments  executed in
     connection with this Note (the "Loan Documents") are incorporated herein by
     reference with the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full:

          The Loan and Security  Agreement  among the Borrower and the Bank,  as
     amended  by  Amendments  No.  1  through  Amendment  No. 6 and as it may be
     amended or modified  from time to time (the "Loan and Security  Agreement")
     and all other Loan Documents (as defined therein).

          As used in this Note, the term "Obligors" shall mean the Borrower, and
     any  endorser,  guarantor  and  surety  of  this  Note  or the  obligations
     represented  by this  Note,  and any  other  party to this  Note.  The term
     "Obligations"  shall mean any  obligation  hereunder  or  otherwise  of any
     Obligor to the Bank whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, due
     or to become due, now existing or hereafter arising.

          The  securities,  instruments  or other  property  listed  in the Loan
     Documents,  if any, and also any other property  belonging to,  standing in
     the name of or  pledged  on  behalf  of,  any  Obligor  which may be now or
     hereafter in the  possession  of the Bank for any purpose,  or in which the
     Bank may at any time have a security interest or other lien,  together with
     all additions or accessions or proceeds thereto or  substitutions  therefor
     (collectively,  "Collateral"), shall constitute continuing security for any
     and all Obligations.

          Should  the Bank at any time  reasonably  deem  itself  insecure,  the
     Borrower  shall  deliver to the Bank,  forthwith  upon  demand,  additional
     property  to  be  held  as  Collateral  in an  amount  and  of a  character
     satisfactory to the Bank, and shall execute and deliver such agreements and
     documents,  including any financing statements under the applicable Uniform
     Commercial Code, with respect to such Collateral as the Bank shall require.

          The Borrower  represents and warrants that (a) all Collateral is owned
     by the  Borrower  or by the  person(s)  delivering  all or any  part of the
     property  to the Bank to be held as  Collateral  and is not  subject to any
     liens, security interests or rights of others, except those approved by the
     Bank in writing,  and its delivery to the Bank has been duly  authorized by
     all necessary action, and that (b) the Collateral is genuine and is what it
     purports to be.

          The Bank may at its option  after an Event of Default  (as  defined in
     the Loan and  Security  Agreement)  or demand of this Note,  whether or not
     this Note is due and  regardless  of the adequacy of any other  Collateral,
     demand,  sue for,  collect or make any  compromise  or  settlement it deems
     desirable with reference to any Collateral.  The right is expressly granted
     to the Bank at its  option  to  transfer  at any time to  itself  or to its
     nominee any securities,  instruments,  documents or other property  pledged
     hereunder  and to receive the income  thereon and hold the same as security
     herefor,  or apply it on the principal or interest due hereon or due on any
     liability secured hereby.  The Bank shall have no duty as to the protection

     or collection of any  Collateral  or any income  thereon,  and shall not be
     bound to take any steps  necessary to preserve any rights in any Collateral
     against  prior  parties.  If  any  Obligor,  as  registered  holder  of any
     securities  constituting  Collateral,  receives  (a) any  dividend or other
     distribution  in cash or other property in connection  with the liquidation
     or  dissolution  of  the  issuer  of  such  securities,  or (b)  any  stock
     certificate,  warrant,  option  or right,  whether  as an  addition  to, in
     substitution  of, or in exchange for, such securities,  or otherwise,  such
     Obligor  shall accept the same in trust for the Bank,  and shall  forthwith
     deliver  the  same to the  Bank  in the  exact  form  received,  with  such
     Obligor's  endorsement and or assignment when necessary,  to be held by the
     Bank as Collateral.

          In addition to the  foregoing,  to secure the payment of this Note and
     the  payment  and  performance  of any  other  indebtedness,  liability  or
     obligation  of the  Borrower  to the  Bank,  the Bank is  hereby  granted a
     security interest in all bank deposits, credits, other money, and property,
     whether  or not  due,  of any  Obligor  at any  time or  from  time to time
     credited,  held,  or  owed  by  the  Bank,  due  from  the  Bank  or in the
     possession,  custody or control of the Bank in any  capacity,  and all such
     assets shall constitute Collateral hereunder.

          The  Borrower  shall  furnish  the Bank  from  time to time  with such
     financial  statements and other information as the Bank may require in form
     satisfactory to the Bank. Financial information furnished to the Bank shall
     be true and correct and fairly  represent  the  financial  condition of the
     Borrower  as of the  date(s)  furnished  and the  operating  results of the
     Borrower  for the periods for which the same are  furnished.  The  Borrower
     shall  permit  representatives  of  the  Bank  to  inspect  the  Borrower's
     properties  and its  books and  records,  and to make  copies or  abstracts

          Nothing  herein shall be  construed to restrict the Bank,  in its sole
     discretion,  from making  advances  requested by an  Authorized  Officer of
     Borrower in excess of the stated maximum dollar amount,  without  requiring
     the execution of additional  promissory notes, or otherwise  modifying this
     instrument,  and the  Bank's so doing at any time shall not waive its right
     to insist upon strict  compliance  with the terms of this Note,  any of the
     Loan  Documents  or other  instruments  executed  in  connection  with this
     financial transaction.

          The  Obligors  agree  that the  Bank  may,  in its sole and  exclusive
     discretion,  (i) make loan  advances to the Borrower upon verbal or written
     authority  of any  Authorized  Officer (as defined in the Loan and Security
     Agreement)  or (ii) deliver loan  proceeds by direct  deposit to any demand
     deposit  account  of the  Borrower  with  the  Bank,  or  otherwise,  as so
     directed,  and that all such loans and  advances as evidenced by the Bank's
     books,  records and ledgers shall represent the binding  obligations of the
     Borrower hereunder.

          Each of the  Obligors  (i) waives  presentment  for  payment,  demand,
     notice, protest, and diligence in collection or bringing suit and all other
     demands  and  notices  in  connection   with  the   delivery,   acceptance,
     performance,  default or  enforcement of this Note or any  Collateral,  and
     assents  to any  extension  or  postponement  of the time of payment or any
     other indulgence under this Note, or with respect to any Collateral, to any
     substitution,  exchange or release of any Collateral  and/or to the release
     of any other party or person primarily or secondarily liable hereunder, and

     (ii)  agrees to the  application  by the Bank ("Set Off  Rights"),  without
     prior notice,  as payment or part payment of, or as an offset to, this Note
     or any  Obligations,  of all  bank  deposits,  credits,  other  money,  and
     property, whether or not due, of the Borrower or any Obligor at any time or
     from time to time credited,  held or owed by the Bank, due from the Bank or
     in the possession, custody or control of the Bank in any capacity. The Bank
     shall be deemed to have  exercised  its Set Off  Rights  and to have made a
     charge against any such deposits,  credits,  money or property  immediately
     upon the  occurrence of an event of default under any of the Loan Documents
     even  though  such  charge  is made or  entered  on the  books  of the Bank
     subsequent thereto.

          The Borrower will pay on demand all reasonable costs of collection and
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees paid or incurred by the Bank in enforcing  the
     Obligations of any Obligor.

          All  parties  now or  hereafter  liable for the  payment of any of the
     indebtedness  evidenced by this Note agree, by executing and endorsing this
     Note or by entering into or executing any agreement to pay any indebtedness
     hereby  evidenced,  that the Bank shall have the right,  without notice and
     without in any way affecting  the  liability of any Obligor,  to (a) accept
     partial  payment,  (b) exchange or release  security or collateral,  or (c)
     deal in any way at any time with any parties liable for the indebtedness or
     any other indulgences or forbearances whatsoever.

          In the event any payment of principal or interest  received in payment
     of this Note and paid by the  Borrower  or any  Obligor  shall be deemed by
     final order of a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to have been a voidable
     preference or fraudulent conveyance under the bankruptcy or insolvency laws
     of the United States,  or otherwise due to any party,  other than the Bank,
     then the  obligation  of the Borrower and the Obligors  shall survive as an
     obligation due hereunder,  and shall not be discharged or satisfied by said
     payment or payments,  notwithstanding return by the Bank to said parties of
     this Note, or any guaranty, endorsement or the like.

          The Bank may  assign and  transfer  this Note to any  person,  firm or
     corporation and deliver to the assignee any Collateral or security interest
     held by the  Bank in  connection  with  this  Note;  in the  event  of such
     assignment, the Bank shall have no further responsibility or liability with
     respect to such Collateral or security  interest and the terms of this Note
     and the Loan  Documents  shall inure to the benefit of the assignee and its
     successors.  Any payments  received by the Bank after the effective date of
     any such assignment shall be transferred by the Bank to the assignee.

          If  any  provision  of  this  Note  is  deemed  by  any  court  having
     jurisdiction  thereon  invalid or  unenforceable,  the balance of this Note
     shall remain in effect; if any provision of this Note is deemed by any such
     court to be  unenforceable  because  such  provision is too broad in scope,
     such provision shall be construed to be limited in scope to the extent such
     court shall deem necessary to make it enforceable;  and if any provision is
     deemed  inapplicable by any such court to any person or  circumstances,  it
     shall  nevertheless  be  construed  to  apply  to  all  other  persons  and

          No delay or omission on the part of the Bank in  exercising  any right

     hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver of such  right or of any other  right
     under  this  Note.  No  waiver of any right  shall be  effective  unless in
     writing  and  signed  by the Bank nor  shall a waiver  on one  occasion  be
     construed as a bar to or waiver of any such right on any future occasion.

          This document  shall be construed in accordance  with the  substantive
     law of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  without  giving effect to the
     conflicts  or  choice  of law  provisions  of  Massachusetts  or any  other
     jurisdiction, and shall have the effect of a sealed instrument.

          The  Borrower  represents  that the proceeds of this Note shall not be
     used for personal, family, household or agricultural purposes.



______________________              By____________________________
                                          Its:   President

                                                                  Exhibit 10.150

                           REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT
                               PROMISSORY NOTE
                                VARIABLE RATE

Revolving Line of Credit                        Pittsfield, Massachusetts
$10,000,000                                     October 26, 1996

     corporation (the "Borrower"), promises to pay to the order of FLEET BANK-NH
     (the  "Bank"),  ON  DEMAND,  the  principal  sum  of  TEN  MILLION  DOLLARS
     ($10,000,000)  or the then current balance of the Borrower's line of credit
     account  under  this Note (the  "Borrower's  Revolving  Line  Account")  on
     advances  made from  time to time on or after  the date  hereof by the Bank
     pursuant  to the  Loan and  Security  Agreement  (as  defined  herein),  as
     reflected  by the books,  records  and ledgers of the Bank,  together  with
     interest on the unpaid principal  balance and partial payments of principal
     from time to time  which,  unless  earlier  demanded,  shall be  payable as

          (a) Interest at the rate set forth below on the last day of each month
     commencing November 30, 1996; and

          (b) Principal  balance and accrued  interest (a) on April 30, 1997, or
     (b) at any other time ON DEMAND.

          Interest shall be calculated on the daily principal balance during the
     preceding month at an annual rate equal to either of the following: (i) the
     Base Rate (as  herein  defined)  or (ii) with  respect  to any  advance  or
     portion  thereof  identified in a Notice of Borrowing (as herein  defined),
     the Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate (as herein  defined) plus two percent (2.0%)
     (the "Eurodollar Rate").  During the initial Interest Period and thereafter
     in the  absence  of any Notice of  Borrowing  with  respect to any  amounts
     advanced  hereunder,  the annual  interest rate shall be the Base Rate. All
     interest  calculations shall be made on the basis of a 360 day year for the
     actual number of days elapsed including  holidays or days on which the Bank
     is not open for the  conduct  of  banking  business.  Interest  on  overdue
     principal  or after  demand for payment  shall be payable at an annual rate
     equal to the  greater of 18 percent  (18%) per annum or four  percent  (4%)
     above the Base Rate.

          Any  installment  or payment due hereunder  which shall be received by
     the Bank  more  than ten days  after its due date  shall be  subject  to an
     additional charge of five percent of the amount so overdue (but in no event
     higher than the maximum allowed by Massachusetts law).

          The term Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate  applicable to any Interest Period

     shall mean the rate of interest per annum  determined by The First National
     Bank of Boston, as Agent ("Agent") pursuant to the following formula:

                  AER         =     [ IOR ]*
                                    [1.00 - RP]

                  AER         =     Adjusted Eurodollar Rate
                  IOR         =     Interbank Offered Rate
                  RP          =     Reserve Percentage

          The Adjusted Eurodollar Rate shall be adjusted automatically as of the
     effective date of any change in the Reserve Percentage.

          *The amount in brackets shall be rounded upwards, if necessary, to the
     next higher 1/100 of 1%.

          The term Base Rate shall me an the rate of interest  established  from
     time-to-time by The First National Bank of Boston ("Bank of Boston") at its
     head  office  as its  Base  Rate.  The  Base  Rate is an  index  and is not
     necessarily  the  lowest  interest  rate  offered  by Bank of Boston to its
     customers.  The Bank shall not be obligated to give the Borrower  notice of
     any  change in the Base Rate  except  for the  Agent's  customary  periodic

          The term  Business Day shall mean a day upon which banks in London and
     Boston are not required or authorized to close.

          The term  Interbank  Offered Rate  applicable  to any Interest  Period
     shall mean the rate of interest  determined by the Bank of Boston to be the
     prevailing rate per annum at which deposits in U.S.  dollars are offered to
     the Bank of Boston by first-class banks in the interbank  Eurodollar market
     in which the Bank of Boston  regularly  participates on or about 10:00 a.m.
     (Boston, Massachusetts time) two Business Days before the first day of such
     Interest Period in an amount  approximately  equal to the principal  amount
     identified  in a Notice of  Borrowing to which such  Interest  Period is to
     apply for a period of time approximately equal to such Interest Period. 

          The term Interest  Period shall mean the period  commencing (a) on the
     date hereof,  (b) on a date  identified  in a Notice of Borrowing or (c) at
     the  conclusion  of each  successive  Interest  Period and ending one, two,
     three or six months  thereafter,  as the  Borrower may elect in a Notice of
     Borrowing; provided that:

          (i) for the initial  Interest  Period and thereafter in the absence of
     any election by the Borrower, the Interest Period shall be one month;

          (ii) any Interest  Period  (other than an Interest  Period  determined
     pursuant to clause (iv)  below) that would  otherwise  end on a day that is
     not a Business  Day shall be extended to the next  succeeding  Business Day
     unless such  Business Day shall fall in the next calendar  month,  in which
     case such Interest Period shall end on the immediately  proceeding Business

          (iii) any  Interest  Period that begins on the last  Business Day of a
     calendar month (or on a day for which there is no numerically corresponding
     day in the  calendar  month  at the end of  such  Interest  Period)  shall,
     subject to clause (iv) below,  end on the last  Business  Day of a calendar

          (iv) any Interest  Period that would  otherwise end after the Maturity
     Date shall end on the Maturity Date; and

          (v) no Interest Period shall have a duration of less than one month.

          The term  Notice of  Borrowing  shall mean a written  notice  given by
     Borrower  to Agent  and  Bank at least  three  Business  Days  prior to the
     commencement of the Interest Period specified in such notice,  which notice
     shall  identify  (a) the  amount of any  advance or  portion  thereof  with
     respect to which  Borrower  shall elect to have interest  calculated at the
     Eurodollar  Rate; and (b) the Interest Period selected by Borrower for such

          The term Reserve  Percentage  applicable to any Interest  Period shall
     mean the rate (expressed as a decimal)  applicable to Bank of Boston during
     such  Interest  Period  under  regulations  issued from time to time by the
     Board of  Governors  of the  Federal  Reserve  System for  determining  the
     maximum reserve  requirement  (including,  without  limitation,  any basic,
     supplemental,  emergency or marginal reserve requirement) of Bank of Boston
     with respect to  "Eurocurrency  liabilities"  as that term is defined under
     such regulations.

          Agent shall determine the Adjusted Eurodollar Rate on the basis of the
     entire  amount of any  advance or  portion  thereof  with  respect to which
     Borrower shall elect to have interest calculated at the Adjusted Eurodollar
     Rate, and Agent shall allocate to Bank and to each other Lender (as defined
     in the  Loan and  Security  Agreement)  which  has not  given a  Notice  of
     Termination of Adjusted  Eurodollar Rate each Lender's  proportionate share
     of such advance and the interest payable hereunder.

          The Borrower may prepay funds advanced hereunder, in whole or in part,
     without  prepayment  penalty,  any  partial  prepayment  to be  $1,000 or a
     multiple thereof, if (a) the interest rate applicable to such amount on the
     date of  prepayment  shall be the Base Rate and (b) the Borrower  shall not
     have given a Notice of Borrowing  selecting  the  Eurodollar  Rate for such
     amount.  If (c) on the date of prepayment  the interest rate  applicable to
     any amount to be prepaid shall be the  Eurodollar  Rate or (d) the Borrower
     shall have given a Notice of Borrowing  selecting the  Eurodollar  Rate for
     such amount,  then (1) upon three  Business  Days prior notice to the Agent
     and Bank, the Borrower may prepay funds advanced hereunder,  in whole or in
     part,  without penalty at the end of the Interest Period applicable to such

     amount, any partial prepayments to be $1,000 or a multiple thereof, and (2)
     at any time other than the end of any Interest Period, the Borrower may not
     voluntarily  prepay  the funds  advanced  hereunder.  With  respect  to any
     prepayment  (whether by reason of  acceleration or otherwise) not otherwise
     permitted by the preceding  two  sentences,  the Borrower  shall pay to the
     Bank any  losses,  costs  and  damages  with  respect  to such  prepayment,
     including,  without limitation,  any lost profits, upon presentation by the
     Bank of a statement of the amount due setting forth the Bank's  calculation
     thereof, which shall be deemed true and correct absent manifest error.

          In the event that:  (i) on any date on which the  Adjusted  Eurodollar
     Rate would  otherwise  be set for any  Interest  Period,  Agent  shall have
     determined  in  good  faith  (which   determination   shall  be  final  and
     conclusive) that, by reason of changes  affecting the interbank  Eurodollar
     market  adequate and  reasonable  means do not exist for  ascertaining  the
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate,  or  (ii)  at any  time  the  Bank  shall  have
     determined  in  good  faith  (which   determination   shall  be  final  and
     conclusive)  that:  (A) the  continued  advance of funds  hereunder  at the
     Adjusted   Eurodollar   Rate  for  any   Interest   Period  has  been  made
     impracticable  or  unlawful by (1) the  occurrence  of a  contingency  that
     materially  and adversely  affects the interbank  Eurodollar  market or (2)
     compliance  by  the  Bank  in  good  faith  with  any   applicable  law  or
     governmental  regulation,  guideline or order or  interpretation  or change
     thereof by any governmental  authority  charged with the  interpretation or
     administration  thereof  or with  any  request  or  directive  of any  such
     governmental authority (whether or not having the force of law); or (B) the
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate shall no longer  represent the effective cost to
     the Bank for U.S.  dollar  deposits in the interbank  Eurodollar  market in
     which the Bank regularly  participates;  then,  and in any such event,  the
     Bank shall forthwith so notify the Agent and Borrower thereof (a "Notice of
     Termination  of Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate").  Until the Bank  notifies the
     Agent and  Borrower  that the  circumstances  giving rise to such Notice of
     Termination of Adjusted  Eurodollar Rate no longer apply, the obligation of
     the Bank to continue the advance of funds  hereunder at the Eurodollar Rate
     shall be suspended.  If at the time the Bank gives a Notice of  Termination
     of Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate, the Borrower has previously given the Bank a
     Notice of Borrowing but the applicable  Interest  Period shall not yet have
     commenced, such Notice of Borrowing shall be deemed to be void.

          Upon such date as shall be specified in such Notice of  Termination of
     Adjusted  Eurodollar  Rate (which  shall not be earlier  than the date such
     notice is given)  the  Borrower  shall  prepay  the  principal  amount  due
     hereunder, together with interest thereon and any other amounts required to
     be paid  hereunder,  or the  interest  rate  applicable  to this Note shall
     convert to the Base Rate.

          In case any law,  regulation,  treaty  or  official  directive  or the
     interpretation  or application  thereof by any court or by any governmental
     authority  charged with the  administration  thereof or the compliance with
     any  guideline  or  request  of any  central  bank  or  other  governmental
     authority  (whether or not having the force of law):  (i) subjects the Bank
     to any tax with  respect to payments of  principal or interest or any other
     amounts payable  hereunder by the Borrower or otherwise with respect to the
     transactions  contemplated  hereby  (except  for taxes on the  overall  net
     income of the Bank imposed by the United States of America or any political
     subdivision  thereof),  or (ii) imposes,  modifies or deems  applicable any
     deposit insurance,  reserve, special deposit or similar requirement against
     assets  held by, or  deposits  in or for the  account  of, or loans by, the
     Bank,  or (iii) imposes upon the Bank any other  condition  with respect to

     its performance  under this Note, and the result of any of the foregoing is
     to increase the cost to the Bank,  reduce the income receivable by the Bank
     or impose any  expense  upon the Bank with  respect to this Note,  the Bank
     shall notify the Borrower and Agent thereof.  The Borrower agrees to pay to
     the Bank the  amount  of such  increase  in cost,  reduction  in  income or
     additional expense as and when such cost,  reduction or expense is incurred
     or determined,  upon  presentation by the Bank of a statement in the amount
     and setting forth the Bank's calculation thereof,  which statement shall be
     deemed true and correct absent manifest error.
          The entries on the records of the Bank  (including  any  appearing  on
     this Note) shall be prima facie evidence of the aggregate  principal amount
     outstanding  under this Note and interest accrued  thereon.  The Bank shall
     enter all advances as debits in the  Borrower's  Revolving Line Account and
     credit all  payments  made by the  Borrower  on  account to the  Borrower's
     Revolving  Line  Account.  At least once per month the Bank shall  render a
     statement of account for the Borrower's Revolving Line Account.

          Payments  shall be applied first to late  charges,  second to interest
     and  then to  principal.  Interest  shall  continue  to  accrue  until  the
     appropriate payment is actually received by the Bank. If any installment of
     this Note  becomes  due and payable on any day upon which the office of the
     Bank is legally closed for business,  the due date shall be extended to the
     next  succeeding  business  day and  interest  shall be payable at the then
     applicable rate during such extension.

          The  following  loan  documents and security  instruments  executed in
     connection with this Note (the "Loan Documents") are incorporated herein by
     reference with the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full:

          The  Amended  and  Restated  Loan and  Security  Agreement  among  the
     Borrower,  Agent, and the Bank and The First National Bank of Boston, as it
     may be  amended  or  modified  from  time to time (the  "Loan and  Security
     Agreement") and all other Loan Documents (as defined therein).

          As used in this Note, the term "Obligors" shall mean the Borrower, and
     any  endorser,  guarantor  and  surety  of  this  Note  or the  obligations
     represented  by this  Note,  and any  other  party to this  Note.  The term
     "Obligations"  shall mean any  obligation  hereunder  or  otherwise  of any
     Obligor to the Bank whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, due
     or to become due, now existing or hereafter arising.

          The  securities,  instruments  or other  property  listed  in the Loan
     Documents,  if any, and also any other property  belonging to,  standing in
     the name of or  pledged  on  behalf  of,  any  Obligor  which may be now or
     hereafter in the  possession  of the Bank for any purpose,  or in which the
     Bank may at any time have a security interest or other lien,  together with
     all additions or accessions or proceeds thereto or  substitutions  therefor
     (collectively,  "Collateral"), shall constitute continuing security for any
     and all Obligations.

          Should  the Bank at any time  reasonably  deem  itself  insecure,  the

     Borrower  shall  deliver  to the  Bank or  Agent,  forthwith  upon  demand,
     additional  property  to be  held  as  Collateral  in an  amount  and  of a
     character  satisfactory  to the Bank,  and shall  execute and deliver  such
     agreements  and  documents,  including any financing  statements  under the
     applicable  Uniform Commercial Code, with respect to such Collateral as the
     Bank and Agent shall require.

          The Borrower  represents and warrants that (a) all Collateral is owned
     by the  Borrower  or by the  person(s)  delivering  all or any  part of the
     property to the Bank or Agent to be held as  Collateral  and is not subject
     to any liens, security interests or rights of others, except those approved
     by the  Bank in  writing,  and its  delivery  to the  Bank  has  been  duly
     authorized by all necessary action,  and that (b) the Collateral is genuine
     and is what it purports to be.

          The Bank and Agent may at their  option  after an Event of Default (as
     defined in the Loan and Security Agreement) or demand of this Note, whether
     or not  this  Note is due  and  regardless  of the  adequacy  of any  other
     Collateral,  demand,  sue for, collect or make any compromise or settlement
     it deems desirable with reference to any Collateral. The right is expressly
     granted to the Bank and Agent at their  option to  transfer  at any time to
     themselves or to their nominee any  securities,  instruments,  documents or
     other property pledged hereunder and to receive the income thereon and hold
     the same as security herefor,  or apply it on the principal or interest due
     hereon or due on any liability  secured hereby.  Neither Agent nor the Bank
     shall have any duty as to the protection or collection of any Collateral or
     any income thereon,  nor shall they be bound to take any steps necessary to
     preserve  any  rights  in any  Collateral  against  prior  parties.  If any
     Obligor,  as registered holder of any securities  constituting  Collateral,
     receives (a) any dividend or other  distribution  in cash or other property
     in connection  with the  liquidation  or  dissolution of the issuer of such
     securities, or (b) any stock certificate, warrant, option or right, whether
     as an addition to, in substitution of, or in exchange for, such securities,
     or otherwise, such Obligor shall accept the same in trust for the Bank, and
     shall  forthwith  deliver the same to the Agent in the exact form received,
     with such Obligor's  endorsement and or assignment  when  necessary,  to be
     held by the Agent as Collateral.

          In addition to the  foregoing,  to secure the payment of this Note and
     the  payment  and  performance  of any  other  indebtedness,  liability  or
     obligation  of the  Borrower  to the  Bank,  the Bank is  hereby  granted a
     security interest in all bank deposits, credits, other money, and property,
     whether  or not  due,  of any  Obligor  at any  time or  from  time to time
     credited,  held,  or  owed  by  the  Bank,  due  from  the  Bank  or in the
     possession,  custody or control of the Bank in any  capacity,  and all such
     assets shall constitute Collateral hereunder.

          The  Borrower  shall  furnish  the Bank  from  time to time  with such
     financial  statements and other information as the Bank may require in form
     satisfactory to the Bank. Financial information furnished to the Bank shall
     be true and correct and fairly  represent  the  financial  condition of the
     Borrower  as of the  date(s)  furnished  and the  operating  results of the
     Borrower  for the periods for which the same are  furnished.  The  Borrower
     shall  permit  representatives  of  the  Bank  to  inspect  the  Borrower's
     properties  and its  books and  records,  and to make  copies or  abstracts

          Nothing  herein shall be  construed to restrict the Bank,  in its sole
     discretion,  from making  advances  requested by an  Authorized  Officer of
     Borrower in excess of the stated maximum dollar amount,  without  requiring
     the execution of additional  promissory notes, or otherwise  modifying this
     instrument,  and the  Bank's so doing at any time shall not waive its right
     to insist upon strict  compliance  with the terms of this Note,  any of the
     Loan  Documents  or other  instruments  executed  in  connection  with this
     financial transaction.

          The  Obligors  agree  that the Bank and Agent  may,  in their sole and
     exclusive discretion, (i) make loan advances to the Borrower upon verbal or
     written  authority  of any  Authorized  Officer (as defined in the Loan and
     Security  Agreement) or (ii) deliver loan proceeds by direct deposit to any
     demand deposit account of the Borrower with the Agent, or otherwise,  as so
     directed,  and that all such loans and advances as evidenced by the Agent's
     books,  records and ledgers shall represent the binding  obligations of the
     Borrower hereunder.

          Each of the  Obligors  (i) waives  presentment  for  payment,  demand,
     notice, protest, and diligence in collection or bringing suit and all other
     demands  and  notices  in  connection   with  the   delivery,   acceptance,
     performance,  default or  enforcement of this Note or any  Collateral,  and
     assents  to any  extension  or  postponement  of the time of payment or any
     other indulgence under this Note, or with respect to any Collateral, to any
     substitution,  exchange or release of any Collateral  and/or to the release
     of any other party or person primarily or secondarily liable hereunder, and
     (ii)  agrees to the  application  by the Bank ("Set Off  Rights"),  without
     prior notice,  as payment or part payment of, or as an offset to, this Note
     or any  Obligations,  of all  bank  deposits,  credits,  other  money,  and
     property, whether or not due, of the Borrower or any Obligor at any time or
     from time to time credited,  held or owed by the Bank, due from the Bank or
     in the possession, custody or control of the Bank in any capacity. The Bank
     shall be deemed to have  exercised  its Set Off  Rights  and to have made a
     charge against any such deposits,  credits,  money or property  immediately
     upon the  occurrence of an event of default under any of the Loan Documents
     even  though  such  charge  is made or  entered  on the  books  of the Bank
     subsequent thereto.

          The Borrower will pay on demand all reasonable costs of collection and
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees  paid or  incurred  by the Bank  and  Agent in
     enforcing the Obligations of any Obligor.

          All  parties  now or  hereafter  liable for the  payment of any of the
     indebtedness  evidenced by this Note agree, by executing and endorsing this
     Note or by entering into or executing any agreement to pay any indebtedness
     hereby  evidenced,  that the Bank shall have the right,  without notice and
     without in any way affecting  the  liability of any Obligor,  to (a) accept
     partial  payment,  (b) exchange or release  security or collateral,  or (c)
     deal in any way at any time with any parties liable for the indebtedness or
     any other indulgences or forbearances whatsoever.

          In the event any payment of principal or interest  received in payment
     of this Note and paid by the  Borrower  or any  Obligor  shall be deemed by
     final order of a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to have been a voidable
     preference or fraudulent conveyance under the bankruptcy or insolvency laws
     of the United States,  or otherwise due to any party,  other than the Bank,
     then the  obligation  of the Borrower and the Obligors  shall survive as an
     obligation due hereunder,  and shall not be discharged or satisfied by said

     payment or payments,  notwithstanding return by the Bank to said parties of
     this Note, or any guaranty, endorsement or the like.

          The Bank may assign and transfer this Note to any person,  as provided
     in the Loan and Security Agreement.

          If  any  provision  of  this  Note  is  deemed  by  any  court  having
     jurisdiction  thereon  invalid or  unenforceable,  the balance of this Note
     shall remain in effect; if any provision of this Note is deemed by any such
     court to be  unenforceable  because  such  provision is too broad in scope,
     such provision shall be construed to be limited in scope to the extent such
     court shall deem necessary to make it enforceable;  and if any provision is
     deemed  inapplicable by any such court to any person or  circumstances,  it
     shall  nevertheless  be  construed  to  apply  to  all  other  persons  and

          No delay or  omission  on the part of the Bank or Agent in  exercising
     any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver of such right or of any other
     right under this Note. No waiver of any right shall be effective  unless in
     writing  and  signed  by the Bank nor  shall a waiver  on one  occasion  be
     construed as a bar to or waiver of any such right on any future occasion.

          This document  shall be construed in accordance  with the  substantive
     law of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  without  giving effect to the
     conflicts  or  choice  of law  provisions  of  Massachusetts  or any  other
     jurisdiction, and shall have the effect of a sealed instrument.

          The  Borrower  represents  that the proceeds of this Note shall not be
     used for personal, family, household or agricultural purposes.



     ______________________              By____________________________
                                          Its:  President

                                                                  Exhibit 10.151

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

Principal       Loan Date     Maturity   Loan #   Call  Collateral  Account  Officer  Initials
8,000,000.00     01-13-97     01-15-98   11077     032   NOTES       2958    LK576    --------

Borrower:   Litchfield Financial Corporation       Lender: BSB  BANK & TRUST
            Box 544                                        Commercial Loan Dept.
            Williamstown, MA 01267                         58-68 Exchange St.(P.O.Box 1056
                                                           Binghamton, NY  13902

Principal Amount:  $8,000,000     Initial Rate:  9.500%   Date of Note : January 13, 1997

          PROMISE TO PAY. Litchfield Financial Corporation ("Borrower") promises
     to pay to BSB Bank and Trust Co.  ("Lender"),  or order, in lawful money of
     the United  States of  America,  the  principal  amount of Eight  Million &
     00/100 Dollars  ($8,000,000.00) or so much as may be outstanding,  together
     with interest on the unpaid outstanding  principal balance of each advance.
     Interest shall be calculated  from the date of each advance until repayment
     of each advance.

          PAYMENT. Borrower will pay this loan in one payment of all outstanding
     principal  plus all  accrued  unpaid  interest  on  January  15,  1998.  In
     addition,  Borrower  will pay regular  monthly  payments of accrued  unpaid
     interest beginning February 15, 1997, and all subsequent  interest payments
     are due on the same day of each month after that.  Borrower will pay Lender
     at  Lender's  address  shown  above or at such  other  place as Lender  may
     designate in writing.  Unless  otherwise  agreed or required by  applicable
     law,  payments  will be applied  first  accrued  unpaid  interest,  then to
     principal, and any remaining amount to any unpaid collection costs and late

          VARIABLE  INTEREST  RATE. The interest rate on this Note is subject to
     change  from time to time based on changes  in an index  which is  Lender's
     Prime Rate (the "Index"). This is the rate Lender charges, or would charge,
     on 90-day  unsecured loans to the most  creditworthy  corporate  customers.
     This rate may or may not be the lowest rate  available  from Lender ate any
     given  time.  Lender  will  tell  Borrower  the  current  index  rate  upon
     Borrower's request.  Borrower  understands that Lender may make loans based
     on other rates as well.  The interest rate change will not occur more often
     than each day. The Index  currently is 8.250% per annum.  The interest rate
     to be applied to unpaid principal balance of this Note will be at a rate of
     1.250  percentage  points over the Index,  resulting  in an initial rate of
     9.500% per annum.  NOTICE: Under no circumstances will the interest rate on
     this Note be more than the maximum rate allowed by applicable law.

          PREPAYMENT.  Borrower may pay without  penalty all or a portion of the
     amount owed earlier than it is due. Early payments will not,  unless agreed
     to by Lender in writing,  relieve  Borrower  of  Borrower's  obligation  to
     continue to make payments of accrued  unpaid  interest.  Rather,  they will
     reduce the principal balance due.

          LATE CHARGE.  If a payment is 10 days or more late,  Borrower  will be
     charged 4.000% of the unpaid portion of the regularly  scheduled payment or
     $10.00, whichever is greater.

          DEFAULT.  Borrower will be in default if any of the following happens:
     (a) Borrower  fails to make any payment  when due. (b) Borrower  breaks any
     promise Borrower has made to Lender, or Borrower fails to comply with or to
     perform  when  due any  other  term,  obligation,  covenant,  or  condition
     contained  in this Note or any  agreement  related to this Note,  or in any
     other agreement or loan Borrower has with Lender. (c) Any representation or
     statement  made or furnished to Lender or Borrower or on Borrower's  behalf
     is false or  misleading in any material  respect  either now or at the time
     made or furnished.  (d) Borrower becomes insolvent, a receiver is appointed
     for any part of Borrower's property, Borrower's property, Borrower makes an
     assignment  for the benefit of  creditors,  or any  proceeding is commenced
     either by Borrower or against  Borrower  under any bankruptcy or insolvency
     laws.  (e) Any creditor  tries to take any of Borrower's  property on or in
     which Lender has a lien or security  interest.  This includes a garnishment
     of any of Borrower's accounts with Lender. (f) Any guarantor dies or any of
     the other events  described in this default  section occurs with respect to
     any  guarantor  of this  Note.  (g) A  material  adverse  change  occurs in
     Borrower's financial condition,  or Lender believes the prospect of payment
     or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired.

          If any  default,  other than a default in  payment,  is curable and if
     Borrower  has not been given a notice of a breach of the same  provision of
     this Note within the preceding twelve (12) months,  it may be cured (and no
     event of default will have occurred) if Borrower,  after receiving  written
     notice from Lender  demanding  cure of such default:  (a) cures the default
     within (15) days;  or (b) if the cure requires more than fifteen (15) days,
     immediately  initiates steps which Lender deems in Lender's sole discretion
     to be sufficient to cure the default and thereafter continues and completes
     all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produce compliance as soon
     as reasonably practical.

          LENDER  RIGHTS.  Upon  default,  Lender may declare the entire  unpaid
     principal balance on this Note and all accrued unpaid interest  immediately
     due, without notice, and then Borrower will pay that amount.  Upon default,
     including failure to pay upon final maturity,  Lender,  at its option,  amy
     also, if permitted  under  applicable law,  increase the variable  interest
     rate on this Note to 2.250  percentage  points over the Index. The interest
     rate will not exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. Borrower
     agrees to pay all costs and  expenses  incurred  by Lender to collect  this
     Note. This includes,  subject to any limits under applicable law,  Lender's
     reasonable attorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses whether or not there
     is a lawsuit,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees and legal expenses for
     bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic
     stay or injunction),  appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection
     services. If not prohibited by law, Borrower also will pay any court costs,
     in addition to all other sums provided by law. This Note has been delivered
     to Lender and  accepted  by Lender in the State of New York.  If there is a
     lawsuit,   Borrower   agrees  upon  Lender's   request  to  submit  to  the
     jurisdiction of the courts of BROOME County,  the State of New York. Lender
     and  Borrower  hereby  waive  the  right to any jury  trial in any  action,
     proceeding.  or counterclaim  brought by either Lender or Borrower  against
     the other.  This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
     the laws of the State of New York.

          RIGHT OF SETOFF.  In addition to Lender's  right of setoff  arising by
     operation  of law,  Borrower  grants  to  Lender a  contractual  possessory
     security interest in, and hereby assigns, conveys,  delivers,  pledges, and
     transfers  to Lender all  Borrower's  right,  title and interest in and to,

     Borrower's  accounts with Lender (whether checking,  savings, or some other
     account and whether  evidenced  by a  certificate  of  deposit),  including
     without  limitation  all  accounts  held  jointly with someone else and all
     accounts  Borrower  may open in the future,  excluding  however all IRA and
     Keogh  accounts,  and all trust  accounts for which the grant of a security
     interest would be prohibited by law.  Borrower  authorizes  Lender,  to the
     extent  permitted by applicable  law, to charge or setoff all sums owing on
     this Note against any and all such accounts.

          COLLATERAL.  This Note is secured by  INDIVIDUAL  NOTES  ORIGINATED OR
     is any inconsistency  between the terms and conditions of this Note and the
     terms and conditions of the collateral documents,  the terms and conditions
     of this Note shall prevail.

          LINE OF  CREDIT.  This Note  evidences  a  revolving  line of  credit.
     Advances under this Note may be requested only in writing by Borrower or by
     an authorized person. All  communications,  instructions,  or directions by
     telephone  or  otherwise  to Lender are to be directed  to Lender's  office
     shown  above.  The  following  party or parties are  authorized  to request
     advances  under the line of credit until Lender  receives  from Borrower at
     Lender's  address  shown  above  written  notice  of  revocation  of  their
     CONTROLLER;  and JENNIFER FIELD,  SENIOR ACCOUNTANT.  Borrower agrees to be
     liable for all sums either: (a) advanced in accordance with the instruction
     of an authorized person or (b) credited to any of Borrower's  accounts with
     Lender.  The unpaid principal balance owing on this Note at any time may be
     evidenced by  endorsements  on this Note or by Lender's  internal  records,
     including  daily  computer  print-outs.  Lender will have no obligations to
     advance  funds  under this Note if: (a)  Borrower  or any  guarantor  is in
     default under the terms of this Note or any agreement  that Borrower or any
     Guarantor has with Lender,  including any agreement made in connection with
     the  signing of this Note;  (b)  Borrower  or any  guarantor  ceases  doing
     business or is  insolvent;  (c) any  guarantor  seeks,  claims or otherwise
     attempts to limit, modify or revoke such guarantor's guarantee of this Note
     or any other loan with Lender;  or (d) Borrower has applied funds  provided
     pursuant to this Note for purposes other than those authorized by Lender.

          GENERAL  PROVISIONS.  Lender may delay or forgo  enforcing  any of its
     rights or remedies  under this Note without  losing them.  Borrower and any
     other person who signs,  guarantees  or endorses  this Note,  to the extent
     allowed by law, waive presentment,  demand for payment,  protest and notice
     of  dishonor.  Upon any  change  in the  terms  of this  Note,  and  unless
     otherwise  expressly  stated in  writing,  no party who  signs  this  Note,
     whether as maker,  guarantor,  accommodation  maker or  endorser,  shall be
     released  from  liability.  All such parties agree that Lender may renew or
     extend  (repeatedly  and for any length of time) this loan,  or release any
     party or  guarantor  or  collateral;  or impair,  fail to  realize  upon or
     perfect Lender's  security  interest in the collateral;  and take any other
     action  deemed  necessary  by Lender  without  the  consent of or notice to
     anyone.  All such  parties  also  agree that  Lender  may modify  this loan
     without the  consent of or notice to anyone  other than the party with whom
     the modification is made.



     By:  ________________________________________
          Richard A. Stratton, President

     By:  ________________________________________
          Heather A. Sica, Executive Vice President

     By:  ________________________________________
          Ronald E. Rabidou, Chief Financial Officer

     By:  _________________________________________
          Norah K. Bresett, Controller

     By:  _________________________________________
          Jennifer A. Field, Senior Accountant