Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-K
                  For the fiscal year ended DECEMBER 31, 1997
                        Commission File Number: 0-19822

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       MASSACHUSETTS                                   04-3023928
(State or other jurisdiction             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 
of incorporation or organization)

  430 MAIN STREET, WILLIAMSTOWN, MA                        01267
  ----------------------------------                ------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (413) 458-1000
        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None
           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                          Common Stock ($.01 par value)
                                (Title of class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulations S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
form 10-K. [ X ]

The  aggregate  market  value of the voting stock held by  nonaffiliates  of the
registrant as of March 12, 1998 was $130,906,000  (based on the closing price of
the Company's common stock on The Nasdaq Stock Market's National Market.)

The  number  of  outstanding  shares of  common  stock as of March 12,  1998 was

Portions of the annual  stockholders report for the year ended December 31, 1997
are  incorporated  by  reference  into  Parts I and II.  
Portions  of the  proxy
statement for the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held April 24, 1998 are
incorporated by reference into Part III.

                                    FORM 10-K
                       FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997


Item 1. Business........................................................    3
Item 2. Properties......................................................   18
Item 3. Legal Proceedings...............................................   18
Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.............   18

Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters 19
Item 6. Selected Financial Data.........................................   19
Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
        of Operations .................................................... 19
Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.....................   19
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
        Financial Disclosure...............................................19

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant                 20
Item 11. Executive Compensation
Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management     20
Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                     20


Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K    21

                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

   Except for the historical  information contained or incorporated by reference
in this Form 10-K, the matters discussed or incorporated by reference herein are
forward-looking  statements.  Such forward-looking  statements involve known and
unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other  factors  that may  cause  the  actual
results,  performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be
materially  different  from any  future  results,  performance  or  achievements
expressed or implied by such forward-looking  statements.  Such factors include,
among  others,  the risk  factors set forth under "Risk  Factors" as well as the
following: general economic and business conditions; industry trends; changes in
business strategy or development plans;  availability and quality of management;
and availability,  terms and deployment of capital.  Special attention should be
paid  to  such  forward-looking   statements  including,  but  not  limited  to,
statements  relating  to  (i)  the  Company's  ability  to  execute  its  growth
strategies and to realize its growth  objectives and (ii) the Company's  ability
to obtain sufficient  resources to finance its working capital needs and provide
for its known obligations.
                                     PART I

         ...Litchfield  Financial Corporation (the "Company" or "Litchfield") is
a specialty  finance company that provides  financing to creditworthy  borrowers
for assets not typically  financed by banks. The Company provides such financing
by purchasing  consumer loans, by making loans to businesses secured by consumer
receivables and by making other secured loans to businesses.
              Currently,  the Company  provides  financing  for the  purchase of
rural and vacation properties and vacation ownership interests,  popularly known
as timeshare interests  ("Purchased Loans"). The Company also provides financing
to rural  land  dealers,  timeshare  resort  developers  and  others  secured by
receivables   ("Hypothecation   Loans"),  to  dealers  and  developers  for  the
acquisition and development of rural land  and timeshare resorts ("A & D Loans")
and for other secured loans ("Other Loans").
      Purchased  loans  consist  primarily of "Land Loans" and "VOI Loans." Land
Loans are  typically  secured  by one to twenty  acre rural  parcels.  VOI Loans
finance  the  purchase  of  ownership  interests  in  fully  furnished  vacation
      The principal sources of the Company's  revenues are (i) interest and fees
on loans, (ii) gains on sales of loans and (iii) servicing and other fee income.
Gains on sales of loans are based on the  difference  between the allocated cost
basis of the assets sold and the  proceeds  received,  which  includes  the fair
value of any  assets or  liabilities  that are newly  created as a result of the
transaction.  Because  a  significant  portion  of  the  Company's  revenues  is
comprised of gains realized upon sales of loans,  the timing of such sales has a
significant effect on the Company's results of operations.

Business Strategy
          ..The Company was founded in November 1988. The Company's strategy has
been to build its serviced  portfolio (the "Serviced  Portfolio")  consisting of
the principal  amount of loans  serviced by or on behalf of the Company  (except
loans participated without recourse to the company) by acquiring loan portfolios
from rural land dealers,  resort  developers and financial  institutions  and by
providing loans to such dealers and developers and other  businesses  secured by
consumer  receivables.  The Company also provides  A & D Loans in order  to have
the opportunity to  finance  additional  receivables  generated  by  these A & D
Loans. As part of its business and financing  strategy,  the Company seeks niche
markets  where its  underwriting  expertise  and ability to provide  value-added
services  enable  it to  distinguish  itself  from its  competitors  and earn an
attractive  rate of return  on its  invested  capital.  Initially,  the  Company
pursued this  strategy by financing  consumer  Land Loans  through a land dealer
network and  portfolio  acquisitions.  Subsequently,  the Company  extended  its
strategy to financing  consumer VOI Loans and providing  Hypothecation  Loans to
land dealers and resort developers.  In 1995, the Company significantly expanded
its financing of VOI Loans when it acquired  approximately  $41.5 million of VOI
related  loans and assets as part of its  purchase of the  Government  Employees
Financial  Corporation  ("GEFCO")  portfolio.  In 1997, the Company expanded its
financing of Hypothecation Loans to other finance companies  ("Specialty Finance
Loans") secured by other types of collateral. The Company expects to continue to
expand  its  Specialty  Finance  lending.  These  loans may be  larger  than the
Company's average  Hypothecation  Loans and may provide the Company an option to
take an equity position in the borrower.  The Company's objective is to identify
other lending  opportunities  or lines of business to diversify its portfolio as
it did with VOI Loans and Hypothecation Loans.
            Management  believes that the  marketing  and  operating  strategies
 implemented  by the Company  have  enabled it to provide  financing  to parties
 whose  needs have been  historically  underserved  in a highly  fragmented  and
 inefficient  market.  In doing so, the Company has  increased  its earnings per
 share during each of its full years of operations.

Characteristics of the Serviced Portfolio, Loan Purchases and Originations
            The  following  table  shows  the  growth  in the  diversity  of the
 Serviced Portfolio from primarily  Purchased Loans to a mix of Purchased Loans,
 Hypothecation Loans, A & D Loans and Other Loans:

                                                  December 31,
                                   1993     1994     1995     1996     1997
                                   ----    ------    ----     ----     ----
Purchased Loans................... 89.0%    85.3%    81.6%    67.1%    56.6%
Hypothecation Loans...............  5.0      9.0     12.5     20.7     26.9
A&D Loans.........................  4.3      3.3      3.1      8.7     13.7
Other Loans.......................  1.7      2.4      2.8      3.5      2.8
                                  -------  -------  ------   -------  -------
              Total.............. 100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%
                                  =====    =====    =====    =====     =====

   The  following  table  shows the  growth in the  diversity  of the  Company's
originations  from  primarily  Purchased  Loans  to a mix  of  Purchased  Loans,
Hypothecation Loans, A & D Loans and Other Loans:

                                                   December 31,
                                     1993    1994     1995     1996     1997
                                     ----    ----     ----     ----     ----
Purchased Loans...................   77.8%   67.6%    71.4%    49.9%    30.3%
Hypothecation Loans...............   11.8    22.2     20.9     29.6     37.1
A&D Loans.........................    7.1     6.0      3.1     14.4     24.0
Other Loans.......................    3.3     4.2      4.6      6.1      8.6
                                     -----   -----    -----    -----    -----
     Total........................  100.0%   100.0%  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%
                                     =====   =====    =====    =====    =====

   (1) Purchased Loans
   The Company provides  indirect  financing to consumers through a large number
of  experienced  land  dealers  and resort  developers  from which it  regularly
purchases land loans and VOI loans. The land dealers and resort  developers make
loans  to   consumers  generally  using the  Company's  standard  forms and sub-
ject  to  the  Company's underwriting criteria.  The Company then purchases such
loans from the land dealer or resort developer on an individually approved basis
in accordance with the Company's credit guidelines.
   Each land dealer and resort  developer from whom the Company  purchases loans
is interviewed by the Company's management and approved by its credit committee.
Management  evaluates  each land  dealer's  and resort  developer's  experience,
financial statements and credit references and personally inspects a substantial
portion of the land  dealer's and resort  developer's  inventory of land or VOIs
prior to approval of loan purchases.
   In order to enhance the creditworthiness of loans purchased from land dealers
and  resort  developers,  the  Company  requires  most land  dealers  and resort
developers to guarantee payment of the loans and ordinarily retains a portion of
the amount  payable by the Company to each land dealer and resort  developer  on
the purchase of the loan. The retained portion,  or reserve,  is released to the
land dealer or resort developer as the related loan is repaid.
   Prior to purchasing land loans or VOI loans, the Company evaluates the credit
and  payment  history  of each  borrower  in  accordance  with its  underwriting
guidelines,  performs  borrower  interviews  on a sample of loans,  reviews  the
documentation  supporting the loans for  completeness and obtains an appropriate
opinion from local legal counsel.  The Company  purchases only those loans which
meet its credit standards.
   The Company  also purchases   portfolios  of seasoned  loans  primarily  from
land  dealers  and resort  developers.  The land  dealers  or resort  developers
generally  guarantee  the loans  sold and the  Company  ordinarily  withholds  a
reserve as described above.  Management believes that the portfolio  acquisition
program is attractive to land dealers and resort developers  because it provides
them with liquidity to purchase additional inventory. The Company also

purchases  portfolios of seasoned loans from financial  institutions and others.
Sellers  generally  do not  guarantee  such loans,  but the Company sets aside a
portion of the purchase discount as an allowance for future loan losses.
   In  evaluating  such  seasoned  portfolios,  the Company  conducts its normal
review  of  the  borrower's   documentation,   payment  history  and  underlying
collateral.  However,  the Company  may not always be able to reject  individual
   The Company's  portfolio of Purchased Loans is secured by property located in
40 states.

                                        Principal Amount of Loans

                                              December 31,
                                1993       1994       1995      1996      1997
                                ----       ----       ----      ----      ----
Southwest..................     18%         19%         16%      26%       30%
South......................     33          37          31       31        31
West.......................      2           3          20       20        17
Mid-Atlantic...............     17          16          16       10        10
Northeast..................     30          25          17       13        12
                                ---        ----         ---      ---      ----
       Total...............    100%        100%        100%     100%      100%
                               ===         ===         ===      ===        ===

   a.  Land Loans
   Dealers from whom the Company purchases Land Loans are typically closely-held
firms with annual revenues of less than $3.0 million. Dealers generally purchase
large rural  tracts  (generally  100 or more acres) from farmers or other owners
and  subdivide  the  property  into one to twenty  acre  parcels  for  resale to
consumers.  Generally,  the subdivided  property is not developed  significantly
beyond the provision of graded access roads.  In recreational  areas,  sales are
made primarily to urban consumers who wish to use the property for a vacation or
retirement  home or for  recreational  purposes  such  as  fishing,  hunting  or
camping.  In other rural areas, sales are more commonly made to persons who will
locate a manufactured home on the parcel. The aggregate principal amount of Land
Loans purchased from individual  dealers during the twelve months ended December
31, 1997 varied from a low of  approximately  $2,000 to a high of  approximately
$5.2 million.  As of December 31, 1997, the five largest  dealers  accounted for
approximately  18.4% of the  principal  amount of the Land Loans in the Serviced
Portfolio, and no single dealer accounted for more than 5.4%.
        As of December 31, 1997,  47.0% of the Serviced  Portfolio  consisted of
Land Loans with an average  principal  balance  of  approximately  $13,000.  The
following  table sets forth as of December 31, 1997,  the  distribution  of Land
Loans in the Company's Serviced Portfolio:

                                            Percentage of           Percentage of
                                   Principal   Principal  Number of   Number of
Principal Balance                   Amount      Amount     Loans       Loans
Less than $10,000  ............   26,905,000     18.9%     5,142       46.7%
$10,000-$19,999................   55,891,000     39.1      3,949       35.8
$20,000 and greater............   60,032,000     42.0      1,933       17.5
                               -------------   ------    -------     ------
   Total....................... $142,828,000    100.0%    11,024      100.0%
                                 ============   =====     ======      =====

   As of December 31, 1997, the weighted average interest rate of the Land Loans
included in the Company's  Serviced Portfolio was 12.1% and the weighted average
remaining maturity was 12.1 years. The following table sets forth as of December
31, 1997 the distribution of interest rates payable on the Land Loans:

                                                                     Percentage of    
Interest Rate                                           Amount           Amount
Less than 12.0%..............................      $  49,844,000         34.9%
12.0%-13.9%..................................         67,202,000         47.0
14.0% and greater.........................            25,782,000         18.1
                                                    -------------     -----------                                 -----
   Total...................................         $142,828,000        100.0%
                                                    ============      ===========

   As of December 31, 1997,  the  Company's  Land Loan  borrowers  resided in 50
states, the District of Columbia and two territories or foreign countries.

   b. VOI Loans
   The Company purchases VOI Loans from various resort  developers.  The Company
generally  targets  small to medium size resorts with  completed  amenities  and
established property owners associations.  These resorts participate in programs
that  permit  purchasers  of VOIs to  exchange  their  time  intervals  for time
intervals  in other  resorts  around the world.  During the twelve  months ended
December 31, 1997, the Company acquired approximately $4.3 million of VOI Loans.
As of December 31, 1997, the five largest developers accounted for approximately
36.6% of the principal amount of the VOI Loans in the Serviced Portfolio, and no
single developer accounted for more than 9.0%.
   As of December 31,  1997,  9.6% of the  Serviced  Portfolio  consisted of VOI
Loans, with an average principal balance of approximately  $3,600. The following
table sets forth as of December 31, 1997 the distribution of VOI Loans.

                                               Percentage of          Percentage of
                                  Principal      Principal   Number of Number of
Principal Balance                   Amount         Amount      Loans     Loans 
                                    ------         -----       -----     -----
Less than $4,000...............   $10,198,000      34.9%       4,827     60.0%
$4,000-$5,999..................     9,778,000      33.4        1,979     24.6
$6,000 and greater.............     9,256,000      31.7        1,235     15.4
                                 -------------    ------       -----    ------
   Total.......................   $29,232,000     100.0%       8,041    100.0%
                                  ===========     =====        =====    =====

       As of December 31, 1997,  the weighted  average  interest rate of the VOI
Loans  included in the Company's  Serviced  Portfolio was 14.6% and the weighted
average  remaining  maturity was 3.7 years. The following table sets forth as of
December 31, 1997 the distribution of interest rates payable on the VOI Loans:

                                                                   Percentage of
                                                  Principal          Principal
Interest Rate                                      Amount              Amount
Less than 14.0%................................  $11,864,000            40.6%
14.0%-15.9%....................................    7,824,000            26.8
16.0% and greater..............................    9,544,000            32.6
                                                 -----------          ------
   Total.......................................  $29,232,000           100.0%
                                                 ===========           =====

        As of December 31,  1997,  the  Company's  VOI  borrowers  resided in 50
states, the District of Columbia and seven territories or foreign countries.
   (2) Hypothecation Loans
   The Company extends Hypothecation Loans to land dealers and resort developers
and other businesses secured by consumer  receivables.  During the twelve months
ended December 31, 1997, the Company  extended or acquired  approximately  $68.6
million of Hypothecation  Loans, of which $16.8 million,  or 24.5%, were secured
by Land Loans,  $39.8  million,  or 58.0%,  were  secured by VOI Loans and $12.0
million, or 17.5% were secured by Other Loans.
   The Company typically extends  Hypothecation Loans to land dealers and resort
developers  based  on  advance  rates  of 75% to  85% of the  eligible  consumer
receivables  which serve as collateral.  The Company's  Hypothecation  Loans are
typically  made at variable rates based on the prime rate of interest plus 2% to
4%. As of December  31,  1997,  the Company had $81.9  million of  Hypothecation
Loans  outstanding,  none of which were 30 days or more past due.  Hypothecation
Loans are secured by  receivables  from the sale of  timeshare  resorts or rural
land in 28 states and one  foreign  country.  Hypothecation  Loans range in size
from $7,800 to $8.7 million with an average principal balance of $1,204,000. The
five largest Hypothecation Loans represent 10.7% of the Serviced Portfolio.
   In addition, the Company has recently expanded its marketing of Hypothecation
Loans to include  loans to other  finance  companies  secured by other  types of
collateral.  These loans may be larger than the Company's average  Hypothecation
Loans and may provide the Company  with an option to take an equity  position in
the borrower.
   (3) A & D Loans
   The  Company  also  makes  A & D Loans to  dealers  and  developers  for  the
acquisition and  development of rural and timeshare  resorts in order to finance
additional  receivables  generated by the A & D Loans.  During the twelve months
ended  December  31, 1997,  the Company made $44.4  million of A&D Loans to land
dealers and resort developers, of which $15.8 million, or 35.6%, were secured by
land and $28.6 million, or 64.4%, were secured by resorts under development.
   The Company generally makes A & D Loans to land dealers and resort developers
based on loan to value ratios of 60% to 80% at variable rates based on the prime
rate plus 2% to 4%. As of December 31, 1997, the Company had

$41.7 million of A & D Loans outstanding, none of which were 30 days or more 
past due.  A & D Loans are secured by timeshare  resort  developments  and rural
land subdivisions  in 18 states.  A & D Loans range in size from $7,800 to $7.3
million with an  average  principal  balance of  $622,000.  The five  largest
A & D Loans represent 6.1% of the Serviced Portfolio.
   (4) Other Loans
   Other Loans consist  primarily of consumer home improvement  loans,  consumer
construction loans and other secured commercial loans. Historically, the Company
has made or  acquired  certain  other  secured and  unsecured  loans to identify
additional  lending  opportunities  or lines of  business  for  possible  future
expansion as it did with VOI Loans and  Hypothecation  Loans. As of December 31,
1997, the Company had $8.5 million of such loans, 1.97% of which were 90 days or
more past due.  Other Loans  range in size from $34 to $151,000  with an average
principal balance of $13,800. The five largest Other Loans represent 0.2% of the
Serviced Portfolio.

Loan Underwriting
         ...Litchfield has established loan underwriting criteria and procedures
designed  to  reduce  credit  losses  on  its  Serviced   Portfolio.   The  loan
underwriting  process  includes  reviewing each borrower's  credit  history.  In
addition,   Litchfield's   underwriting   staff  routinely   conducts  telephone
interviews  with a sample  of  borrowers.  The  primary  focus of the  Company's
underwriting  is to assess the likelihood  that the borrower will repay the loan
as agreed  by examining the borrower's  credit history  through credit reporting
            Litchfield's  loan  policy is to  purchase  Land and VOI Loans  from
 $3,000 to $50,000.  On a case by case basis,  the  Company  will also  consider
 purchasing  such loans in excess of  $50,000.  As of  December  31,  1997,  the
 Company had 155 Land Loans exceeding $50,000 representing 3.0% of the number of
 such loans in the Serviced Portfolio,  for a total of $11.5 million. There were
 no VOI Loans  exceeding  $50,000 as of December  31,  1997.  The  Company  will
 originate  Hypothecation  Loans  up to $15  million  and A & D Loans  up to $10
 million.  From time to time,  the Company may have an  opportunity to originate
 larger  Hypothecation Loans or A & D Loans in which case the Company would seek
 to participate such loans with other financial institutions. Construction loans
 greater  than  $200,000  and any other  loans  greater  than  $100,000  must be
 approved by the Credit  Committee  which is  comprised  of the Chief  Executive
 Officer,  Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and two Senior Vice

Collections and Delinquencies
         ...Management believes that the relatively low delinquency rate for the
Serviced  Portfolio  is  attributable   primarily  to  the  application  of  its
underwriting  criteria,  as well as to  guarantees  and reserves  withheld  from
dealers or developers.  No assurance can be given that these  delinquency  rates
can be maintained in the future.
        ....Collection  efforts  are  managed  and  delinquency  information  is
analyzed at the Company's headquarters.  Unless circumstances otherwise dictate,
collection efforts are generally made by mail and telephone.  Collection efforts
begin when an account is four days past due, at which time the Company sends out
a late notice.  When an account is sixteen days past due the Company attempts to
contact the borrower to determine the reason for the  delinquency and to attempt
to cause the account to become current.  If the status of the account  continues
to deteriorate,  an analysis of that delinquency is undertaken by the collection
supervisor to determine the  appropriate  action.  When the loan is 90 days past
due in accordance  with its original terms and it is determined that the amounts
cannot be collected  from the dealer or developer  guarantees  or reserves,  the
loan is generally placed on a non-accrual  status and the collection  supervisor
determines  the  action  to be  taken.  The  determination  of how to work out a
delinquent  loan is based upon many factors,  including the  borrower's  payment
history and the reason for the current  inability to make timely  payments.  The
Company  has not  restructured  a  material  number  of  problem  loans.  When a
guaranteed  loan  becomes  60  days  past  due,  in  addition  to the  Company's
collection procedures,  the Company generally also obtains the assistance of the
dealer or developer in collecting the loan.
         ...The  Company  extends a limited  number of its loans for reasons the
Company  considers  acceptable  such as temporary  loss of employment or serious
illness.  In order to qualify for a one to three month  extension,  the customer
must make three timely payments  without any  intervention  by the Company.  For
extensions  of four to six  months,  the  customer  must make four to six timely
payments,  respectively,  without any  intervention by the Company.  The Company
will not extend a loan more than two times for an aggregate  six months over the
life of the loan.  The Company  has  extended  approximately  one percent of its
loans through December 31, 1997. The Company does not generally modify any other
loan terms such as interest rates or payment amounts.
    Regulations  and practices  regarding the rights of the mortgagor in default
 vary greatly from state to state.  To the extent  permitted by applicable  law,
 the Company collects late charges and return-check fees and records these items
 as additional revenue. Only if a delinquency cannot otherwise be cured will the
 Company decide that  foreclosure is the  appropriate  course of action.  If the
 Company  determines  that  purchasing a property  securing a mortgage loan will
 minimize the loss associated with such defaulted loan, the Company may accept a
 deed in lieu of  foreclosure,  take legal  action to collect on the  underlying
 note or bid at the foreclosure sale for such property.

Serviced Portfolio
            The   following   table  shows  the  Company's   delinquencies   and
delinquency  rates,  net of  dealer/developer  reserves and  guarantees  for the
Serviced Portfolio:

                                          Year Ended December 31,
                       1993         1994          1995          1996          1997
Serviced Portfolio..$84,360,000  $105,013,000  $176,650,000  $242,445,000  $304,102,000
Delinquent Loans (1)    511,000       981,000     3,062,000     3,255,000     3,642,000
Delinquency as a
   percentage of
   Serviced Portfolio     .61%         .93%         1.73%         1.34%          1.20%
- -----------
(1). Delinquent loans are those which are 30 days or more past due
     which are not covered by dealer/developer reserves or guarantees and not
     included in other real estate owned.

Land Loans
 ......         The following table shows the Company's delinquencies and
delinquency rates, net of dealer/developer reserves and guarantees for Land
Loans in the Serviced Portfolio:

                                                 Year ended December 31,
                                     1993         1994         1995          1996         1997
                                     ----         ----         ----          ----         ----
Land Loans in Serviced Portfolio  $77,258,000  $90,502,000  $97,266,000  $119,370,000  $142,828,000
Delinquent Land Loans (1)             511,000      981,000    1,059,000     1,920,000     2,453,000
Delinquency as a percentage of Land
   Loans in Serviced Portfolio         0.66%        1.08%        1.09%        1.61%         1.72%
- ----------
(1)Delinquent  loans are those  which are 30 days or more past due which are not
   covered by dealer/developer  reserves or guarantees and not included in other
   real estate owned.

VOI Loans
              The  following  table  shows  the  Company's   delinquencies   and
delinquency rates, net of dealer/developer reserves and guarantees for VOI Loans
in the Serviced Portfolio:

                                        Year ended December 31,
                                       1993      1994       1995         1996         1997
                                       ----      ----       ----         ----         ----
VOI Loans in Serviced Portfolio    $1,434,000 $2,851,000 $46,700,000 $43,284,000  $29,232,000
Delinquent VOI Loans (1)..             ---        ---      1,958,000   1,316,000      739,000
Delinquency as a percentage of VOI
  Loans in Serviced Portfolio          ---        ---         4.19%       3.04%      2.53%
- ----------
(1)Delinquent  loans are those  which are 30 days or more past due which are not
   covered by dealer/developer  reserves or guarantees and not included in other
   real estate owned.

Hypothecation, A & D and Other Loans
              The Company did not have any delinquent Hypothecation Loans or 
A & D Loans for the years ended December 31, 1993 through December 31, 1997. The
Company did not have significant amounts of delinquent Other Loans for the years
ended December 31, 1993 through  December 31, 1996. At December 31, 1997,  there
were $8.5 million of Other Loans of which  $450,000 or 5.3% were 30 days or more
past due and not  covered by  dealer/developer  reserves or  guarantees  and not
included in other real estate owned.

Allowance for Loan Losses,  Net Charge-offs and Dealer Reserves 
The following is an analysis of the total allowances for all loan losses:

                                                            Year ended December 31,
                                          1993        1994         1995         1996         1997
Allowance, beginning of year.......    $498,000   $1,064,000   $1,264,000   $3,715,000   $4,528,000
Provision for loan losses..........     620,000      559,000      890,000    1,954,000    1,400,000
Net charge-offs of uncollectible
    accounts (1)...................    (493,000)    (359,000)    (946,000) (1,965,000)   (2,010,000)
Allocation of purchase adjustment (2)   439,000          ---    2,507,000     824,000     1,959,000
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------
Allowance, end of year.............  $1,064,000    $1,264,000  $3,715,000  $4,528,000    $5,877,000
                                     ==========    ==========  ==========  ==========    ==========
- ----------
(1)   Net of recoveries of  $10,000, $47,000, $11,000, $310,000 and $424,000 in
      1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively.
(2)   Represents allocation of purchase adjustment related to purchase of
      certain non-guaranteed loans.

   The following is an analysis of net charge-offs by major loan and collateral
   types experienced by the Company:

                                                Year ended December 31,
                                      1993       1994        1995        1996         1997
                                      ----       ----        ----        ----         ----
Land Loans...............           $493,000    $359,000   $546,000    $669,000     $986,000
VOI loans................                ---         ---     45,000   1,284,000      939,000
Hypothecation Loans......                ---         ---        ---         ---          ---
A&D Loans................                ---         ---    352,000      (8,000)      (2,000)
Other Loans..............                ---         ---      3,000      20,000       87,000
                                    ---------   ---------  --------- -----------    --------
                                     $493,000   $359,000   $946,000  $1,965,000   $2,010,000
                                     ========   ========   ========  ==========   ==========
Net charge-offs as a percentage of
   the average Serviced Portfolio     .69%        .38%        .67%       .94%        .74%

       As part of the  Company's  financing  of Land  Loans and VOI  Loans,  the
Company enters into  arrangements  with most land dealers and resort  developers
whereby the Company  establishes  reserves to protect the Company from potential
losses  associated with such loans.  The Company retains a portion of the amount
payable to them for a Land Loan or a VOI Loan which the  Company  uses to absorb
loan losses for those loans.  The Company  negotiates the amount of the reserves
with the land dealers and resort developers based upon various criteria,  two of
which are the financial  strength of the land dealer or resort developer and the
credit risk associated with the loans being purchased.  Dealer reserves for Land
Loans were $6,420,000,  $7,555,000 and $8,321,000 at December 31, 1995, 1996 and
1997, respectively. Developer reserves for VOI Loans were $3,224,000, $3,072,000
and $2,299,000 at December 31, 1995, 1996 and 1997,  respectively.  Most dealers
and  developers  provide  personal and, when relevant,  corporate  guarantees to
further protect the Company from loss.

Loan Servicing and Sales
         The Company  retains the right to service all the loans it  originates.
Servicing  includes  collecting  payments from borrowers,  remitting payments to
investors who have  purchased the loans,  accounting for principal and interest,
contacting delinquent borrowers and supervising  foreclosure and bankruptcies in
the event of unremedied  defaults.  Substantially all servicing results from the
origination  and  purchase  of loans by the  Company,  and the  Company  has not
historically  purchased  loan  servicing  rights except in  connection  with the
purchase  of  loans.  Servicing  rates  generally  approximate  .5% to 2% of the
principal balance of a loan.
              In connection with the Company's  continuing  growth,  the Company
decided  to  subcontract  its  servicing  rights  in order  to  avoid  incurring
additional fixed overhead costs associated with such servicing. Accordingly, the
Company  subcontracted to an unaffiliated third party the servicing of VOI Loans
in  1995  and  the  remaining   loans  in  April  1996.   The  Company   retains
responsibility for servicing all loans as master servicer.
              In  1990,   the  Company  began   privately   placing   issues  of
pass-through  certificates evidencing an undivided beneficial ownership interest
in pools of loans which have been transferred to trusts.  The principal and part
of the interest  payments on the loans transferred to the trust are collected by
the  Company,  as the  servicer of the loan pool,  remitted to the trust for the
benefit of the investors,  and then distributed by the trust to the investors in
the pass-through certificates.
              As of December 31,  1997,  the Company had sold or  securitized  a
total of  approximately  $348.2  million in loans.  In certain of the  Company's
issues of pass-through certificates, credit enhancement was achieved by dividing
the  issue  into  a  senior  portion  which  was  sold  to the  investors  and a
subordinated  portion which was retained by the Company. In certain other of the
Company's  private  placements,  credit  enhancement  was achieved  through cash
collateral.  If borrowers default in the payment of principal or interest on the
loans  underlying  these issues of  pass-through  certificates,  losses would be
absorbed first by the subordinated  portion or cash collateral  account retained
by the Company and might,  therefore,  have to be charged  against the allowance
for loan losses to the extent  dealer/developer  guarantees and reserves are not
             The Company also has a $125.0 million  revolving line of credit and
sale  facility  for its land loans as part of an asset backed  commercial  paper
facility with a multi-seller  commercial paper conduit.  The facility expires in
June 1998.  As of December  31,  1997,  the  outstanding  balance of the sold or
pledged  loans  securing this  facility was $108.6  million.  The Company has an
additional revolving line of credit and sale facility for its VOI loans of $25.0
million with another multi-seller commercial paper conduit. The facility expires
in March 2000. As of December 31, 1997, the outstanding aggregate balance of the
sold loans under the facility was $12.5 million.

Marketing and Advertising
            The Company  markets  its  program to rural land  dealers and resort
developers through brokers,  referrals,  dealer and developer solicitation,  and
targeted direct mail. The Company employs three  marketing  executives  based in
Denver,   Colorado  and  six  marketing   executives   based  in   Williamstown,
Massachusetts.  In the last 5 years the Company  has closed  loans with over 250
different dealers and developers.
            Management  believes that the Company benefits from name recognition
as a result of its referral,  advertising and other marketing efforts. Referrals
have been the strongest source of new business for the Company and are generated
in the states in which the Company operates by dealers,  brokers,  attorneys and
financial  institutions.  Management and marketing  representatives also conduct
seminars for dealers and brokers and attend trade shows to improve awareness and
understanding of the Company's programs.

              The Company is  licensed as a mortgage  banker in 15 of the states
in  which it  operates,  and in those  states  its  operations  are  subject  to
supervision by state  authorities  (typically  state banking or consumer  credit
authorities).  Expansion  into other states may be  dependent  upon a finding of
financial responsibility, character and fitness of the Company and various other
matters. The Company is generally subject to state regulations,  examination and
reporting  requirements,  and licenses are revocable  for cause.  The Company is
subject to state usury laws in all of the states in which it operates.
              The  Company's  consumer  finance  activities  are  subject to the
Truth-in-Lending Act. The Truth-in-Lending Act contains disclosure  requirements
designed to provide  consumers  with uniform,  understandable  information  with
respect to the terms and conditions of loans and credit transactions in order to
give them the  ability  to compare  credit  terms.  Failure  to comply  with the
requirements  of the  Truth-in-Lending  Act may give rise to a limited  right of
rescission  on the part of the  borrower.  The  Company  believes  that it is in
compliance in all material respects with the Truth-in-Lending Act.
            The  Company  is also  required  to  comply  with the  Equal  Credit
Opportunity Act of 1974, as amended  ("ECOA"),  which  prohibits  creditors from
discriminating  against  applicants  on the basis of race,  color,  sex,  age or
marital  status.  Regulation B promulgated  under ECOA restricts  creditors from
obtaining  certain types of information from loan  applicants.  It also requires
certain disclosures by the lender regarding consumer rights and requires lenders
to advise  applicants of the reasons for any credit denial.  In instances  where
the  applicant  is denied  credit or the interest  rate  charged  increases as a
result of information  obtained from a consumer credit agency,  another statute,
the Fair  Credit  Reporting  Act of 1970,  as amended,  requires  the lenders to
supply the applicant with a name and address of the reporting agency.

              The  finance  business  is highly  competitive,  with  competition
occurring  primarily on the basis of customer  service and the term and interest
rate of the loans.  Traditional  competitors  in the  finance  business  include
commercial  banks,  credit unions,  thrift  institutions,  industrial  banks and
finance companies, many of which have considerably greater financial,  technical
and marketing  resources than the Company.  As a result of consolidation and the
failure of certain financial institutions,  the number of financial institutions
is being  reduced.  There can be no  assurance  that the  Company  will not face
increased competition from remaining institutions or new financial institutions.
            The Company  believes  that it  competes  on the basis of  providing
competitive rates and prompt, efficient and complete service, and by emphasizing
customer service on a timely basis to attract  borrowers whose needs are not met
by traditional financial institutions.

            As of December  31, 1997,  the Company had 71  full-time  equivalent
employees.  None  of  the  Company's  employees  are  covered  by  a  collective
bargaining agreement.  The Company considers its relations with its employees to
be good.

Risk Factors
   General Business Risks. The Company's business is subject to various business
risks. The level of the Company's revenues is dependent upon demand for the type
of loans  purchased,  sold and  serviced  by the  Company  from  both  potential
borrowers  and  investors.  Future  declines in real estate  values,  changes in
prevailing  interest rates and changes in the availability of attractive returns
on  alternative  investments  each could make loans of the type  originated  and
purchased by the Company less attractive to borrowers and investors.
   Funding and Liquidity. The Company has a constant need for working capital to
fund its lending,  purchasing and  securitization  activities  and, as a result,
generally has experienced negative cash flows from operations. Historically, the
Company has funded any negative cash flows from  operations  by borrowing  under
secured lines of credit and issuing  long-term debt and equity  securities.  The
Company's lines of credit are renewable on one to three year bases.  The Company
had  secured  lines of  credit  totaling  $116.0  million  with  five  financial
institutions  as of December 31, 1997.  To date,  the Company has issued  $122.8
million  of  long-term  debt and has  publicly  issued  $25.6  million of equity
   The  Company  also has a $125.0  million  revolving  line of credit  and sale
facility  as  part  of  an  asset  backed   commercial  paper  facility  with  a
multi-seller commercial paper conduit. The facility expires in June, 1998. As of
December 31, 1997, the outstanding balance of the sold or pledged loans securing
this facility was $108.6 million.  The Company has an additional  revolving line
of  credit  and  sale  facility  of  $25.0  million  with  another  multi-seller
commercial paper conduit. The facility expires in March 2000. As of December 31,
1997, the outstanding  aggregate  balance of the sold or pledged loans under the
facility was $12.5 million.
   There can be no assurance that the Company will continue to be able to obtain
financing or raise capital on terms  satisfactory to the Company.  To the extent
the company  cannot raise  additional  funds,  it could have a material  adverse
impact on its operations and its ability to repay the Notes.
   Impact of Economic  Cycles.  The business risks associated with the Company's
business  become  more acute in an economic  slowdown.  Such an  environment  is
generally  characterized  by decreased demand for rural and vacation real estate
and VOIs  and  declining  real  estate  values  in many  areas  of the  country.
Delinquencies,  foreclosures and loan losses generally  increase during economic
slowdowns or recessions,  and any such future  slowdowns could adversely  affect
future operations of the Company.
   Interest Rate Risk. The Company's interest and fees on loans, gain on sale of
loans and  interest  expense  are  affected by changes in  interest  rates.  The
Company could be adversely  affected by interest rate  increases if its variable
rate liabilities exceed its variable rate assets or if the rates on its variable
rate  liabilities  increase  sooner or to a greater extent than the rates on its
variable rate assets.
   The  Company  seeks to  mitigate  a  portion  of its  interest  rate  risk by
attempting to match fixed and variable rate assets and liabilities,  instituting
interest  rate floors and by entering into interest rate swaps on certain of its
variable  rate  assets,  and  purchasing  interest  rate caps on  certain of its
variable rate liabilities.
   There  can be no  assurance  that the  Company's  attempts  to  mitigate  its
interest rate risk will be effective.
   Competition.  The  financing  of VOIs is highly  competitive  and many of the
Company's competitors have greater financial resources. In addition, the Company
may enter  new lines of  business  that may be highly  competitive  and may have
competitors with greater financial resources than the Company.
   Credit Risks.  The  Company's  loans are subject to  delinquency  and default
risk.  General  downturns in the economy and other factors  beyond the Company's
control  may have an adverse  effect on the  Company's  delinquency  and default
rates.  The  Company's A & D Loans and, to a lesser  extent,  its  Hypothecation
Loans have a greater  concentration of credit risk due to their larger size and,
in the case of A & D Loans, their development and marketing risk.
   The Company's VOI business is subject to certain  risks  associated  with VOI
ownership.  Although  individual VOI owners are obligated to make payments under
their notes irrespective of any defect in, damage to, or change in conditions of
the  vacation  resort  (such as  erosion,  construction  of  adjacent  or nearby
properties,  or  environmental  problems)  or of any breach of  contract  by the
property  owners  association to provide  certain  services to the VOI borrowers
(including any such breach resulting from a destruction of the resort) or of any
other loss of benefits of ownership of their unit week(s)  (including  cessation
of the ability of the borrowers to exchange  their time  intervals in the resort
for time intervals in other  unaffiliated  resorts),  any such material  defect,
damage, change, breach of contract, or loss of benefits is likely to result in a
delay in payment or default by a substantial  number of the borrowers whose VOIs
are  affected.  The  costs of  foreclosure  and  resale of unit  weeks  securing
defaulted  loans  are  likely to be  substantially  higher  than such  costs for
traditional  mortgage loans, and this may materially affect the amounts realized
by the Company on defaulted loans.
   Estimates of Future  Prepayment and Default  Rates. A significant  portion of
the  Company's  revenues  historically  has been  comprised of gains on sales of
loans. The gains are recorded in the Company's revenues and on its balance sheet
(as  retained  interests  on loan sales) at the time of sale,  and the amount of
gains recorded is based in part on management's  estimates of future  prepayment
and default rates and other considerations in light of then-current  conditions.
If  actual  prepayments  with  respect  to loans  occur  more  quickly  than was
projected  at the time such loans were sold,  as can occur when  interest  rates
decline,  interest  would be less than expected and earnings would be charged in
the current  period.  If actual  defaults with respect to loans sold are greater
than  estimated,  charge-offs  would  exceed  previously  estimated  amounts and
earnings would be charged in the current period.
   Expansion  of  Business.  The  Company has  increased  the number and average
principal  amount of its  Hypothecation  and A & D Loans. A & D Loans are larger
commercial loans to land dealers and resort developers and, consequently, have a
greater  concentration of credit risk than the company's  Purchased Loans. A & D
Loans for  timeshare  resorts are also  subject to greater  risk  because  their
repayment depends on the successful  completion of the development of the resort
and the  subsequent  successful  sale of a  substantial  portion of the resort's
timeshare  interests.  The  Company  may seek to limit its  exposure  to any one
developer by participating a portion of an A & D Loan with another lender.
   The Company has  historically  made  Hypothecation  Loans to land dealers and
resort   developers   secured  by  Land  Loans  and  VOI  Loans,   respectively.
Hypothecation Loans are commercial loans that have significantly larger balances
than  the  Company's   Purchased  Loans  and,   consequently,   have  a  greater
concentration  of credit  risk  which is only  partially  offset  by the  lesser
concentration of credit risk of the underlying collateral.
   In addition, the Company has recently expanded its marketing of Hypothecation
Loans to include  loans to other  finance  companies  secured by other  types of
collateral.  These loans may be subject to  additional  risk because the Company
has relatively  less  experience  with these other types of collateral than with
Land  Loans or VOI  Loans.  In  addition,  these  loans may be  larger  than the
Company's average Hypothecation Loans and may provide the Company with an option
to take an equity position in the borrower.
   Fluctuations  in  Quarterly  Results of  Operations.  Since gains on sales of
loans are a significant  portion of the Company's  revenues,  the timing of loan
sales has a significant effect on the Company's quarterly results of operations,
and the results of one quarter are not necessarily indicative of results for the
next quarter.
   Contingent  Repurchase  Obligations.   In  connection  with  certain  of  the
Company's whole loan sales to investors, the Company has committed to repurchase
such  loans  that  become 90 days past due.  These  contingent  obligations  are
subject to various terms and conditions, including limitations on the amounts of
loans which must be  repurchased.  The Company  has also  guaranteed  payment of
mortgage loans included in certain of its mortgage  securitization  programs. As
of  December  31,  1997,  the  Company  had  outstanding  contingent  repurchase
obligations in the aggregate amount of approximately $9.2 million.  In addition,
when the Company sells mortgage loans through mortgage securitization  programs,
the  Company  commits  to  replace  any loans  that do not  conform  to  certain
representations and warranties included in the operative loan sale documents.
   Regulation. The operations of the Company are subject to extensive regulation
by federal,  state and local  government  authorities and are subject to various
laws and judicial and administrative decisions imposing various requirements and
restrictions,   including  among  other  things,   regulating   credit  granting
activities,  establishing maximum interest rates and finance charges,  requiring
disclosures to customers, governing secured transactions and setting collection,
repossession  and claims  handling  procedures  and other  trade  practices.  In
addition,   certain  states  have  enacted   legislation   which  restricts  the
subdivision  of rural land and  numerous  states  have  enacted  regulations  in
connection with VOIs.  Although the Company believes that it is in compliance in
all material respects with applicable  federal,  state and local laws, rules and
regulations,  there can be no assurance that more  restrictive  laws,  rules and
regulations or  interpretations  thereof will not be adopted in the future which
could make compliance  much more difficult or expensive,  restrict the Company's
ability to  originate  or sell loans,  further  limit or restrict  the amount of
interest and other  charges  earned under loans  originated  or purchased by the
Company, or otherwise adversely affect the business or prospects of the Company.
   Environmental  Liabilities.  In the course of its  business,  the Company has
acquired,  and may in the future acquire,  properties  securing defaulted loans.
Although  substantially all of the Company's Land Loans are secured by mortgages
on rural  land,  there is a risk that  hazardous  substances  or waste  could be
discovered on such properties after  foreclosure by the Company.  In such event,
the  Company  might be  required to remove  such  substances  from the  affected
properties  at its sole cost and expense.  There can be no  assurances  that the
cost of such removal  would not  substantially  exceed the value of the affected
properties or the loans secured by the properties or that the Company would have
adequate remedies against the prior owner or other responsible  parties, or that
the Company  would not find it  difficult  or  impossible  to sell the  affected
properties either prior to or following any such removal.
   Dependence  on Senior  Management.  The  Company's  success  depends upon the
continued  contributions  of its  senior  management.  The loss of  services  of
certain of the Company's  executive  officers  could have an adverse effect upon
the Company's  business.  The Company maintains key man insurance on the life of
one member of its senior  management,  Chief  Executive  Officer and  President,
Richard A. Stratton.

            The Company owns a leasehold interest in approximately 26,000 square
feet of  office  space  in  Williamstown,  Massachusetts,  which  is used as the
Company's headquarters.  The initial ten year lease term expires in May 2007 and
is renewable at the Company's  option for two additional  ten year periods.  The
initial land lease  provides for an annual  rental of $20,000.  The Company also
occupies an  aggregate  of  approximately  5,100  square feet of office space in
Lakewood, Colorado, pursuant to a lease expiring in January 2001, with an option
to renew until 2004,  providing for an annual rental of  approximately  $56,000,
including utilities and exterior maintenance expenses. The Company also owns, in
Stamford,  Vermont,  an aggregate of approximately  13,000 square feet of office
space, which is currently for sale or lease.

              The Company is not a party to any material legal proceedings.


                                     PART II

              The Company's  common stock is traded on The Nasdaq Stock Market's
National  Market  under  the  symbol  "LTCH."  At March  12,  1998,  there  were
approximately  1,100  holders of record of the Company's  common  stock.  Common
Stock  Market  Prices and  Dividends  on pages 9 and 10 of the Annual  Report to
Stockholders  for the year ended  December 31, 1997 are  incorporated  herein by

              The Selected  Consolidated  Financial Information on pages 2 and 3
of the Annual  Report to  stockholders  for the year ended  December 31, 1997 is
incorporated herein by reference.

               The Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition
and  Results  of  Operations  on pages 4  through  10 of the  Annual  Report  to
Stockholders  for the year ended  December  31, 1997 is  incorporated  herein by

            The  consolidated  financial  statements  and report of  independent
auditors  included on pages 11 through 26 of the Annual  Report of  Stockholders
for the year ended December 31, 1997 are incorporated herein by reference.


                                    PART III

    contained on pages 4 through 8 of Litchfield Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 24, 1998, with respect to directors
and executive  officers of the Company,  is incorporated  herein by reference in
response to this item.

    The  information  contained  on pages 9 through 16 of  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 24, 1998, with respect to executive
compensation and transactions,  is incorporated  herein by reference in response
to this item.

    information contained on pages 2 through 4 of Litchfield Financial
Corporation's  Proxy  Statement  dated March 24, 1998,  with respect to security
ownership of certain beneficial owners and management, is incorporated herein by
reference in response to this item.

    The information  contained on page 8 of Litchfield  Financial  Corporation's
Proxy Statement dated March 24, 1998, with respect to certain  relationships and
transactions, is incorporated herein by reference in response to this item.

                                    PART IV


(a)(1) Financial Statements
       The following  consolidated  financial statements of Litchfield Financial
Corporation and subsidiaries, included in the annual report of the registrant to
its  stockholders  for the year ended  December  31,  1997 are  incorporated  by
reference in Item 8:

      Consolidated  balance  sheets - December  31,  1997 and 1996  
      Consolidated statements of income - Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996
      and 1995
      Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity - Years ended December 31,
      1997, 1996 and 1995
      Consolidated  statements  of cash flows - Years ended  December  31, 1997,
      1996 and 1995
      Notes to consolidated financial statements - December 31,

   (2) Financial statement schedules
       All schedules for which  provision is made in the  applicable  accounting
regulation of the Securities and Exchange  Commission are not required under the
related instructions or are inapplicable and therefore have been omitted.

   (3) Listing of Exhibits
    A.  Exhibits Incorporated by Reference.

         (i) The following exhibits are incorporated  herein by reference to the
         Company's  Registration  Statement  on  Form  S-1  (No.  33-44915),  as
         amended,  filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
         numbers   indicated  below   correspond  to  those  used  for  exhibits
         originally filed with such Registration Statement) (No. 33-44915):

   3.1   Restated Articles of Organization of the Company.
   3.2   Restated By-Laws of the Company.
   10.1  1990 Stock Option Plan adopted and approved on May 30, 1990 and form
         of Stock Option Agreement
   10.2  Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of November 21, 1988.
   10.28 Pooling and Trust Agreement dated as of December 31, 1990 between the
         Company and State Street Bank and Trust Company of  Connecticut,  N.A.,
         as trustee of Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II.
   10.29 Servicing  Agreement  dated December 31, 1990 between State Street Bank
         and Trust  Company of  Connecticut,  N.A.,  as  trustee  of  Litchfield
         Financial Mortgage Trust II, and the Company.

   10.30 Purchase  Agreement dated December 31, 1990 with respect to the sale of
         Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 1990-2 by Litchfield
         Financial Mortgage Trust II.
   10.31 Class B and Class B-1 Purchase  Agreement  dated December 31, 1990 with
         respect to the sale of Mortgage Pass-Through  Certificate Series 1990-2
         by Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust II.
   10.35 Pooling and Trust Agreement as of December 20, 1991 between the
         Company and James C. Farrington, as trustee of Litchfield Financial
         Mortgage Trust V.
   10.36 Servicing Agreement dated as of December 14, 1991 between the Company
         and James C. Farrington, as trustee of Litchfield Financial Mortgage
         Trust V.
   10.37 Purchase  Agreement dated December 20, 1991 with respect to the sale of
         Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 1991-1 of Litchfield
         Financial Mortgage Trust V.
   10.38 Class B Purchase  Agreement dated December 20, 1991 with respect to the
         sale of Mortgage Pass-Through  Certificates Series 1991-1 of Litchfield
         Financial Mortgage Trust V.
   10.48 Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan dated February 18, 1992.
            (ii) The following exhibits are incorporated by reference to the
         Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 33-52390), as
         amended, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (exhibit
         numbers indicated below correspond to those exhibits originally filed
         with such Registration Statement No. 33-52390):

   4.1   Form of Indenture pursuant to which the Company's 10% Notes due 2002
         were issued.
   4.2   Form of 10% Note due 2002.
   10.51 Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of March 31, 1992 among the
         Company,  Litchfield Mortgage  Securities  Corporation I, and Thomas P.
         McHugh, Esquire, as trustee of Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust VII.
   10.57 Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of September 14, 1992 among
         the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1992-2, and the
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee of Litchfield Financial Mortgage
         Trust 1992-2.
   10.58 Mortgage Purchase  Agreement dated as of September 24, 1992 between the
         Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1992-2.

         (iii) The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  by  reference to the
         Company's  annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
         1992 as filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
         numbers   indicated  below   correspond  to  those  used  for  exhibits
         originally filed with such annual report on Form 10-K):

   10.59 Second Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan.
   10.61 Mortgage Purchase Agreement dated as of March 19, 1993 between the
         Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation I.
   10.62 Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of February 23, 1993
         among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation I, and
         Thomas P. McHugh, Esquire, as trustee of Litchfield Financial
         Mortgage Trust 1993-1.

         (iv) The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  by  reference  to the
         Company's  Registration  Statement No. 33-60788, as amended, filed with
         the Securities and Exchange Commission (exhibit numbers indicated below
         correspond to those exhibits  originally  filed with such  Registration
         Statement No. 33- 60788):

   4.3   Form of Indenture pursuant to which the Company's 8 7/8% Notes due
         2003 were issued.
   4.4   Form of 8 7/8% Note due 2003.

         (v)  The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  by  reference  to the
         Company's  annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
         1993 as filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
         numbers   indicated  below   correspond  to  those  used  for  exhibits
         originally filed with such annual report on Form 10-K)

   10.64 Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of August 27, 1993, among the
         Company,  Litchfield Mortgage  Securities  Corporation and Harris Trust
         and Savings Bank, as Trustee of the Litchfield Financial Mortgage Trust
   10.65 Mortgage Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of September 28, 1993,  between
         the Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation.
   10.66 Pooling and Servicing  Agreement,  dated as of November 30, 1993, among
         the Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  and Harris
         Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee of the Litchfield Financial Mortgage
         Trust 1993-3.
   10.67 Mortgage Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 21, 1993, between the
         Company  and  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation.  (vi)  The
         following  exhibits are  incorporated  by  reference  to the  Company's
         Registration  Statement  No.  33-89488,  as  amended,  filed  with  the
         Securities and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit  numbers  indicated below
         correspond to those exhibits  originally  filed with such  Registration
         Statement No. 33- 89488):

   4.5   Form of Indenture pursuant to which the Company's 10% Notes due 2004
         were issued.
   4.6   Form of 10% Notes due 2004.
   10.68 Pooling and Servicing  Agreement,  dated as of June 1, 1994,  among the
         Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.69 Series Trust Agreement, dated as of June 16, 1994, between the Company,
         Litchfield  Mortgage   Securities   Corporation  1994,  and  The  Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.70 Mortgage  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of June 16, 1994,  between the
         Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994.
   10.71 Pledge and Collateral Agency Agreement, dated as of June 16, 1994,
         among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994,
         Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation and The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.72 Sinking Fund Account Agreement, dated as of June 16, 1994, among the
         Company, Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation, The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
         Capital Markets.
   10.73 Rate Stabilization Agreement, dated as of June 16, 1994, between the
         Company and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation.
   10.74 Series Trust Agreement, dated as September 27, 1994, among the
         Company Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.75 Mortgage Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of September 27, 1994,  between
         the Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994.
   10.76 Pledge and Collateral Agency Agreement, dated as of September 27, 1994,
         among the Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation 1994,
         Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.) Finance  Corporation  and The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.77 Sinking Fund Account Agreement, dated as of September 27, 1994, among
         the Company, Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation,
         The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
         Capital Markets.
   10.78 Rate Stabilization Agreement, dated as of September 27, 1994, between
         the Company and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation.
   10.79 Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of August 31, 1994, among the
         Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation and Thomas P.
         McHugh, Esquire, as trustee.
   10.80 Mortgage Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 12, 1994 between the
         Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation.
   10.81 Lease,  dated as of February 1, 1995, between the Company and Fox Point
         Property L.L.C.
   10.84 Employment Agreement, date as of December 23, 1994, between the
         Company and Wayne M. Greenholtz.
   10.85    Third Amendment to the 1990 Stock Option Plan.

         (vii) The  following  exhibits  are  incorporated  by  reference to the
         Company's  annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
         1994 as filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (exhibit
         numbers   indicated  below   correspond  to  those  used  for  exhibits
         originally filed with such annual report on Form 10-K)

   10.91 Series  Trust  Agreement,  dated as of  December  28,  1994,  among the
         Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, and The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.92 Mortgage Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 28, 1994, between the
         Company and Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994.
   10.93 Certificate  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of December 28, 1994, among
         Litchfield Mortgage Securities  Corporation 1994, the Company,  Holland
         Limited Securitizations, Inc., and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.)
         Capital Markets.
   10.94 Pledge and Collateral Agency Agreement, dated as of December 28,
         1994, among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation
         1994, Holland Limited Securitization, Inc. and The Chase Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
    10.95   Sinking Fund Account Agreement, dated as of December 28, 1994,
         among the Company, Holland Limited Securitization, Inc., The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
   10.97 Amendment No. 1 to Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of
         December 1, 1994, among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities
         Corporation 1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.98 Amendment No. 1 to Series Trust Agreement Dated June 16, 1994, dated as
         of December 28, 1994, among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities
         Corporation 1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.99 Amendment to Sinking Fund Account Agreement (Litchfield Mortgage
         Trust 1994-1), dated as of December 28, 1994, among the Company,
         Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation, The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
   10.100   Amendment No. 1 to Series Trust Agreement Dated September 27,
         1994, dated as of December 28, 1994, among the Company, Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank,
         N.A., as trustee.
   10.101   Amendment to Sinking Fund Account Agreement (Litchfield Mortgage
         Trust 1994-2), dated as of December 28, 1994, among the Company,
         Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation, The Chase
         Manhattan Bank, N.A., Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
   10.102   Indenture, dated as of January 9, 1995, between Litchfield
         Residual Securities Corporation and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.,
         as note trustee.
   10.103Note Purchase Agreement,  dated as of January 9, 1995, among Litchfield
         Residual  Securities  Corporation,  Connecticut  General Life Insurance
         Company and Connecticut General Life Insurance Company on behalf of one
         or more accounts.
   10.104   10.43% Secured Notes, due May 1, 2024.
   10.105 Agreement and  Certificate,  dated as of January 9, 1995,  between the
         Company and the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as Note Trustee.

   10.106 Amendment  No. 1 to Pooling  and Trust  Agreement, dated as January 6,
         1995,  among  the  Company,  State  Street  Bank and Trust  Company  of
         Connecticut,    National    Association,    as   trustee,   and   those
         Certificateholders on the signature pages thereto.
   10.107   Amendment No. 1 to Servicing Agreement, dated as of January 6,
         1995, among the Company, State Street Bank and Trust Company of
         Connecticut, National Association, as trustee, and those
         Certificateholders on the signature pages thereto.
   10.108   Amendment No. 1 to Pooling and Trust Agreement, dated as of
         January 6, 1995, among the Company, James C. Farrington, as trustee,
         and those Certificateholders on the signature pages thereto.
   10.109Intercreditor  Agreement,  dated as of January 9, 1995,  in  connection
         with the Litchfield  Mortgage Trust 1994-1,  among the Chase  Manhattan
         Bank,  N.A., as trustee under an Indenture,  the Chase  Manhattan Bank,
         N.A.,  as  collateral  agent  under  a  Pledge  and  Collateral  Agency
         Agreement for the benefit of Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance
         Corporation,  The Chase Manhattan Bank,  N.A., as agent there under and
         the Company.
   10.110 Mortgage Loan  Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of  January  9,  1995,  in
         connection  with  the  Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust  1994-1,  among  the
         Company, Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation, and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.111Amendment No. 1 to Pledge and Collateral Agency Agreement,  dated as of
         January 9, 1995,  in  connection  with the  Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust
         1994-1, among the Company,  Litchfield Mortgage Securities  Corporation
         1994,  Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation,  and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.112   Amendment No. 1 Rate Stabilization Agreement, dated as of January
         9, 1995, in connection with the Litchfield Mortgage Trust 1994-1,
         between the Company, and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance
   10.113Intercreditor  Agreement,  dated as of January,  9, 1995, in connection
         with the Litchfield  Mortgage Trust 1994-2,  among The Chase  Manhattan
         Bank,  N.A., as trustee under an Indenture,  The Chase  Manhattan Bank,
         N.A.,  as  collateral  agent  under  a  Pledge  and  Collateral  Agency
         Agreement for the benefit of Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance
         Corporation and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.114Mortgage  Loan  Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of  January  9,  1995,  in
         connection  with  the  Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust  1994-2,  among  the
         Company, Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation, and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as agent thereunder and the Company.
   10.115Amendment No. 1 to Pledge and Collateral Agency Agreement,  dated as of
         January 9, 1995,  in  connection  with the  Litchfield  Mortgage  Trust
         1994-2, among the Company,  Litchfield Mortgage Securities  Corporation
         1994,  Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance Corporation,  and The
         Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.116   Amendment No. 1 Rate Stabilization Agreement, dated as of January
         9, 1995, in connection with the Litchfield Mortgage Trust 1994-2,
         between the Company and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Finance
   10.117   Certificate Purchase Agreement (for Litchfield Mortgage Trust
         1994-1), dated as of January 26, 1995, among Litchfield Mortgage
         Securities Corporation 1994, the Company, Holland Limited
         Securitizations, Inc., and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
   10.118   Certificate Purchase Agreement (for Litchfield Mortgage Trust
         1994-2), dated as of January 26, 1995, among Litchfield Mortgage
         Securities Corporation 1994, the Company, Holland Limited
         Securitizations, Inc., and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
   10.119Amended and Restated Pledge and Collateral  Agency Agreement Dated June
         16, 1994, dated as of January 26, 1995,  among the Company,  Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities  Corporation 1994, Holland Limited  Securitization,
         Inc., and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as
         collateral agent.
   10.120   Amendment No. 1 to Mortgage Loan Pledge Agreement (Litchfield
         Mortgage  Trust  1994-1),  dated as of  January  26,  1995,  among  the
         Company, Holland Limited Securitization,  Inc., and The Chase Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.

   10.121   Amendment No. 2 to Pooling and Servicing Agreement, dated as of
         January 26, 1995, among the Company, Litchfield Mortgage Securities
         Corporation 1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as trustee.
   10.122Amendment No. 2 to Series Trust  Agreement  Dated June 16, 1994,  dated
         as  of  January  26,  1995,  among  the  Company,  Litchfield  Mortgage
         Securities  Corporation  1994, and The Chase Manhattan  Bank,  N.A., as
   10.123Amended and  Restated  Pledge and  Collateral  Agency  Agreement  Dated
         September  27, 1994,  dated as of January 26, 1995,  among the Company,
         Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities   Corporation  1994,  Holland  Limited
         Securitization, Inc., and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as
         collateral agent.
   10.124   Amendment No. 1 to Mortgage Loan Pledge Agreement (Litchfield
         Mortgage  Trust  1994-2),  dated as of  January  26,  1995,  among  the
         Company, Holland Limited Securitization,  Inc., and The Chase Manhattan
         Bank, N.A., as collateral agent.
   10.125   Amendment No. 2 to Series Trust Agreement Dated September 27,
         1994, dated as of January 26, 1995, among the Company, Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, and The Chase Manhattan Bank,
         N.A., as trustee.

   (viii)The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended June 30, 1995 as
         filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit  numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q)

   10.126Asset  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of March 30,  1995  between  GEICO
         Corporation,   Government   Employees  Financial   Corporation,   GEICO
         Financial  Services,  Inc.,  GEICO  Financial  Company,  Willow  Valley
         Associates,  LTD.,  Variproperties,  Inc.  as  sellers  and  Litchfield
         Financial Corporation as purchaser (excluding exhibits and schedules).
   10.127   Litchfield Financial Corporation 1995 Stock Option Plan for
         Non-Employee Directors.
   10.128Sale  and  Servicing  Agreement  dated  as of March  22,  1995  between
         Litchfield Timeshare Securities Corporation as depositor and Litchfield
         Financial  Corporation  as  servicer  and  Litchfield  Timeshare  Trust
   10.129Amended and Restated  Sale and  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of March
         22,  1995  between  Litchfield  Timeshare  Securities   Corporation  as
         depositor  and  Litchfield   Financial   Corporation  as  servicer  and
         Litchfield Timeshare Trust 1995-1.
   10.130   Litchfield Timeshare Trust 1995-1 Trust Agreement dated as of March
         22, 1995 between Litchfield Timeshare Securities Corporation 1995-1
         and the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. as trustee.
   10.131   Amended and Restated Litchfield Timeshare Trust 1995-1 Trust
         Agreement dated as of March 22, 1995 between Litchfield Timeshare
         Securities Corporation 1995-1 and the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. as
   10.133Litchfield  Timeshare  Trust  1995-1  Class  A  Certificates   Purchase
         Agreement dated April 27, 1995 between Litchfield  Timeshare Securities
         Corporation 1995-1 as depositor,  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation as
         initial  servicer,  and Teachers  Insurance and Annuity  Association of
         America as purchaser.
   10.134Litchfield  Timeshare  Trust  1995-1  Class  A  Certificates   Purchase
         Agreement dated June 22, 1995 between Litchfield  Timeshare  Securities
         Corporation 1995-1 as depositor,  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation as
         initial  servicer,  and Teachers  Insurance and Annuity  Association of
         America as purchaser.
   10.135   Subservicing Agreement between Concord Servicing Corporation,
         Litchfield Financial Corporation, and Litchfield Timeshare Trust
         1995-1, as amended.
   (ix)  The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995
         as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q)

   10.136   Receivables Financing facility extended by Holland Limited
         Securitization, Inc. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) capital
         Markets, Inc., to Litchfield Financial Corporation and Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994 dated September 29, 1995.

   (x)   The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,  1997,  as
         filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  (exhibit  numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such annual report on Form 10-K):

   10.137   Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated as of July 19,
         1996, between the Company and Richard A. Stratton.
   10.138   Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated as of July 19,
         1996, between the Company and Heather A. Sica.
   10.139   Employment Agreement, dated as of July 19, 1996, between the
         Company and Ronald E. Rabidou.
   10.140Commercial  Security  Agreement  dated  as of  July  23,  1996,  in the
         principal  amount of  $5,000,000  between  the Company and BSB Bank and
         Trust Co.
   10.142Loan  Agreement,  dated as of  September  13,  1996,  in the  principal
         amount of $15,000,000 between the Company and Bank of Scotland.
   10.143Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of September  13, 1996 between the Company
         and Bank of Scotland.
   10.144Security Agreement,  dated as of September 13, 1996 between the Company
         and Bank of Scotland.
   10.145   Amendment No. 1 to Receivable Purchase Agreement dated September
         29, 1995, dated as of December 18, 1995 among the Company, Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, Holland Limited Securities, Inc.
         and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets, Inc.
   10.146   Amendment No. 1 to Receivable Loan and Security Agreement dated
         September 29, 1995, dated as of December 18, 1995 among the Company,
         Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, Holland Limited
         Securities, Inc. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
         Markets, Inc.
   10.147   Amendment No. 2 to Receivable Purchase Agreement dated September
         29, 1995, dated as of September 27, 1996 among the Company, Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, Holland Limited Securities, Inc.
         and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets, Inc.
   10.148   Amendment No. 2 to Receivable Loan and Security Agreement dated
         September 29, 1995, dated as of September 27, 1996 among the Company,
         Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994, Holland Limited
         Securities, Inc. and Internationale Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital
         Markets, Inc.
   10.149Revolving  Credit Note,  dated as of April 26, 1996,  in the  principal
         amount of  $20,000,000  between the Company and the First National Bank
         of Boston.
   10.150Revolving  Credit Note,  dated as of October 26, 1996, in the principal
         amount of $10,000,000 between the Company and Fleet Bank-NH.
   10.151Promissory  Note, dated as of January 23, 1997, in the principal amount
         of $8,000,000 between the Company and BSB Bank and Trust Co.

   (xi)  The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1997 as
         filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit  numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q):

   10.152Master  revolving  credit  promissory  note dated as of March 21,  1997
         between  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation  and  Republic  Bank in the
         principal amount of $3,000,000.
   10.153Wholesale  warehouse loan and mortgage  security  agreement dated as of
         March 21, 1997 between  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation and Republic
         Bank in the principal amount of $3,000,000.

   (xii) The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended June 30, 1997 as
         filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit  numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q):
   10.154   Loan and security agreement dated March 6, 1997 between Litchfield
         Financial Corporation and Green Tree Financial Servicing Corporation in
         the principal amount of $25,000,000.
   10.155Second  amended  and  restated  loan  and  security   agreement   among
         Litchfield Financial Corporation,  BankBoston,  N.A., and Fleet Bank-NH
         in the principal amount of $50,000,000.
   10.156 9.3% Note  purchase agreement  dated April 7, 1997 between  Litchfield
         Financial Corporation and Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of
         America in the principal amount of $20,000,000.

   (xiii)The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1997
         as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit numbers
         indicated below correspond to those used for exhibits  originally filed
         with such quarterly report on Form 10-Q):

   10.157   Employment agreement, dated as of March 17, 1997 between the
         Company and Joseph S. Weingarten.
   10.158Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  dated  March 21,  1997 among the  Company,
         Litchfield Capital  Corporation,  Eaglefunding  Capital Corporation and
         The First National Bank of Boston, as deal agent.

   (xiv) The following  exhibits are  incorporated by reference to the Company's
         Registration  Statement  No.  333-37963,  as  amended,  filed  with the
         Securities and Exchange  Commission  (exhibit  numbers  indicated below
         correspond to those exhibits originally filed with
         such Registration Statement No. 333-37963):

       4.7 Form of Indenture  pursuant to which the  Company's  8.45% Notes were
      4.8   Form of 8.45% Note due 2002

    B. Exhibits filed with this Report on Form 10-K.

    The following exhibits are filed herewith:

   10.159 Ground and building lease, dated May 28, 1997, between the Company and
         David Mandelbaum, as Trustee, for Williamstown Property Trust.
   10.160   Indenture of Trust dated as of June 1, 1997, between Litchfield
         Hypothecation Corporation and The Chase Manhattan Bank.
   10.161Servicing  agreement  dated  as of  June 1,  1997  among  the  Company,
         Litchfield Hypothecation Corporation and The Chase Manhattan Bank.
   10.162Indenture  of Trust  dated as of  August  1,  1997  between  Litchfield
         Hypothecation Corporation 1997-B and The Chase Manhattan Bank.
   10.163Servicing  agreement  dated as of August 1,  1997,  among the  Company,
         Litchfield Hypothecation Corporation 1997-B and The Chase Manhattan
   10.164  Amendment No. 4 to Receivables Purchase Agreement dated September
         29, 1995, dated as of  November 27, 1997 among the Company,
         Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation
         1994,                         Holland Limited Securities, Inc. and
         ING Barings (U.S.) Capital Markets, Inc.
   10.165   Amendment No. 4 to Receivables Loan Agreement dated September 29,
         1995, dated as of November 27, 1997 among the Company, Litchfield
         Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994,
         Holland Limited Securities, Inc. and ING Barings (U.S.) Capital
         Markets, Inc.
10.166  Employment agreement, dated as of January 1, 1998, between the Company
        and John J. Malloy.
     11.1    Statement Re:  Computation of Earnings per Share.
     13.1    Annual Report to Stockholders for the Year Ended December 31,
     21.1    List of Subsidiaries.
     23.1    Consent of Independent Auditors.
     27.1    Financial Data Schedule.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K


(c) Exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K

   Such  exhibits are either filed  herewith or  incorporated  by reference,  as
         described above.

(d) Financial Statement Schedules.

   All  schedules  for  which  provision  is made in the  applicable  accounting
   regulation of the Securities  and Exchange  Commission are not required under
   the related instructions or are inapplicable and therefore have been omitted.


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


/s/ Richard A. Stratton
Chief Executive Officer and Director
March 27, 1997

/s/ Ronald E. Rabidou
Chief Financial Officer
March 27,  1997

/s/ David M. Pascale
Chief Accounting Officer and Controller
March 27, 1997

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

/s/ John Costa                          /s/ Heather Sica
JOHN COSTA                              HEATHER A. SICA
Director                                Executive Vice President and Director
March 27, 1997                          March 27, 1997

/s/ Donald R. Dion, Jr.                 /s/ Richard A. Stratton
DONALD R. DION, JR.                     RICHARD A. STRATTON
Director                                Chief Executive Officer and Director
March 27, 1997                          March 27, 1997

/s/ David J. Ferrari                    /s/ James Westra
DAVID J. FERRARI                        JAMES WESTRA
Director                                Director
March 27, 1997                          March 27, 1997

/s/ Gerald Segel
March 27, 1997

                                                                Exhibit 10.159
                            GROUND AND BUILDING LEASE

      LEASE dated as of May 28, 1997 between DAVID MANDELBAUM,  as he is Trustee
   of WILLIAMSTOWN PROPERTY TRUST under Declaration of Trust dated June 10, 1968
   and recorded with Berkshire  Northern  District  Registry of Deeds,  having a
   principal office at Mandelbaum & Mandelbaum, 80 Main Street, West Orange, New
   Jersey,   07052  ("Landlord")  and  LITCHFIELD   FINANCIAL   CORPORATION,   a
   Massachusetts  business  corporation  having a principal  office in Stamford,
   Vermont ("Tenant").


      Landlord  is the  owner of the  land  located  at  Route 2,  Williamstown,
   Massachusetts  described on Exhibit A attached  hereto (the  "Land").  Tenant
   desires  to  lease  the  Land  and  the   existing   buildings  on  the  Land
   ("Buildings"),  for use by Tenant or a any sublessee for any lawful  business
   purpose including, without limitation,  financial and general business office
   purposes and accessory and related purposes  thereto  ("Allowed  Uses").  The
   Land and the Buildings are collectively referred to herein as the "Premises".


      1.  LEASE  OF  THE  PREMISES.  Landlord  hereby  leases  to  Tenant  and
   Tenant  hereby  leases from  Landlord  for the Term  specified in Section 2
   and the Rental specified in Section 3, the Premises.

      2.  TERM.

            2.1  Definitions.  As  used  herein,  the  following  terms  shall
   have the meanings indicated:
                  2.1.1 "Commencement Date" shall mean June 1, 1997.

                  2.1.2  "Lease  Year"  shall  mean the  period of  twelve  (12)
   consecutive  months  commencing on the Commencement  Date and each succeeding
   12-month period.

                  2.1.3  "Partial  Lease  year"  shall  mean,  in the  event  of
   termination  of this  Lease on a date  other  than the last day of any  Lease
   year,  the  period  from  the   Commencement   Date  of  anniversary  of  the
   Commencement  Date, as the case may be, through the date of termination.  For
   any Partial Lease Year, Rental (as defined in Section 3) shall be prorated on
   a per diem basis using a 365-day year.

            2.2  Initial  Term.  The  initial  term of this Lease (the  "Initial
   Term")  shall  commence on the  Commencement  Date and shall  continue  for a
   period of ten (10) Lease Years.

            2.3 Extension Terms.  Tenant shall have the right to extend the term
   of  this  Lease  for two (2)  additional  consecutive  ten  (10)  year  terms
   ("Extension Terms"). Tenant may exercise its right to extend the term of this
   Lease by giving Landlord  written notice on or before the date six (6) months
   prior to the expiration of the immediately  preceding term of this Lease. The
   term of this Lease (the  "Term")  shall refer to and include the Initial Term
   and any Extension Terms unless otherwise required specifically or by context.
   Upon the  timely  giving  of such  notice,  the Term of this  Lease  shall be
   extended,  as  aforesaid,  without the need for further act of deed of either
   party.  Each such  Extension Term shall be upon the same terms and conditions
   of the Lease in effect  during the Initial Term,  except that Rental  payable
   during each year of each  Extension  Term shall be determined as set forth in
   Section 3.

      3.  RENTAL.  Tenant  shall  pay  Landlord  Rental  as  follows  (as used
   herein,  "Rental" shall mean Basic Rental and Additional  Rental as defined
   in this Section 3):

            3.1 Basic Rental. During the Initial Term, Tenant shall pay Landlord
   a fixed  annual  rental  for each  Lease  Year of the  Initial  Term  ("Basic
   Rental") of Twenty Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five Dollars  ($20,425),  per
   annum  payable  in  advance in monthly  installments  of One  Thousand  Seven
   Hundred and Two Dollars and Eight Cents  ($1,702.08) on the first day of each

            3.2 Rent  Adjustment  - Extension  Terms.  The Basic  Rental for the
   first  year of the first  Extension  Term  (being the 11th year of the Lease)
   shall be increased to Twenty-Seven  Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars
   ($27,447), effective on the anniversary of the Commencement Date. Thereafter,
   the Basic Rental for each year of each  Extension  Term shall be increased by
   an amount equal to the change in the  Consumer  Price Index from the previous
   anniversary date. Provided, however, the Basic Rental for each year after the
   11th year of the lease shall be  increased  by an amount not less than 3% per
   year and not  exceeding  6% over the  Basic  Rental of the  prior  year.  The
   minimum and Maximum rents for years 12 through 20 and years 21 through 30 are
   shown on Exhibit B. Exhibit B is incorporated herein by reference.

            3.3  Additional  Rental.  Intending that this Lease be "triple net",
   so-called,  during the Term, Tenant shall pay to or on behalf of the Landlord
   as additional rental (the "Additional  Rental") the amounts specified in this
   Section  3.3.  Additional  Rental to be paid to or on behalf of the  Landlord
   shall be paid within  fifteen (15) days after  Landlord  shall give Tenant an
   invoice specifying the Additional Rental due.

                  3.3.1  Taxes.  Commencing  as of the  Commencement  Date,  and
   continuing  thereafter throughout the term of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to
   the  taxing  authority  all real  estate  taxes  assessed  or  imposed on the
   premises, including any special assessments or betterments,  which become due
   and payable in respect of each fiscal/tax  year occurring  during the term of
   this Lease.  Such  payments by Tenant shall be made on or before any payments
   are due and payable to the taxing authority without interest or penalty.

                Proration  of  Taxes.   Tenant's  payment  of
   real estate taxes shall be prorated for periods at the beginning  (i.e..,  in
   respect of the fiscal/tax year in which the Commencement Date occurs) and end
   of the Term which do not constitute full fiscal/tax years.

                   Tenant's   Right   to   Contest   Assessed
   Valuation  of Premises.  Tenant may require  Landlord,  at Tenant's  cost and
   expense,  to  appeal  or  contest  any tax  assessment  for  which  Tenant is
   responsible   through  all   administrative  and  judicial  tribunals  having
   jurisdiction  in real  estate tax appeal  cases.  If  Landlord  shall fail or
   refuse,  upon the request of Tenant,  to take any necessary  steps to contest
   the validity or amount of the real estate taxes or of the assessed valuation,
   Tenant may undertake,  by appropriate  proceedings in the name of Landlord or
   Tenant,  to contest the same. Within a reasonable time after demand therefor,
   Landlord shall execute and deliver to Tenant any documents  which re required
   to  enable  Tenant to  prosecute  any such  proceeding.  If an  abatement  is
   obtained, the costs incurred by either party shall first be reimbursed out of
   abatement proceeds; Tenant shall be entitled to receive the remainder of said
   abatement proceeds relating to the fiscal/tax years occurring during the term
   of the Lease.
      Landlord recognizes that the Premises are in an Economic  Opportunity Area
   as that term is  described  in 402 CMR 2.00 et seq.  As a  result,  Tenant is
   eligible  to  apply  through  the  Town of  Williamstown  for  Tax  Increment
   Financing as described in 751 CMR 11 et seq. Tenant may require Landlord,  at
   Tenant's cost and expense, to apply or cooperate in Tenant's  application for
   Tax Increment  Financing or any other benefit  available because the Premises
   are within an  Economic  Opportunity  Area.  Within a  reasonable  time after
   demand  therefor,  Landlord shall execute and deliver to Tenant any documents
   which are required to prosecute such  application.  If Landlord shall fail or
   refuse, upon request of Tenant, to take any steps to apply for and obtain Tax
   Increment Financing,  Tenant may undertake such steps in the name of Landlord
   or Tenant to complete such application and obtain such benefits.

                  3.3.2  Utilities.  Tenant shall be solely  responsible for and
   promptly  pay all  charges for  utilities  used on the  Premises,  including,
   without limitation, heat, electricity, oil and water.

                  3.3.4 Maintenance.  The Tenant shall be solely responsible for
   the  maintenance  of the  Premises,  including  snow  removal,  sweeping  and
   striping  of  parking  lots  and   maintenance   of  the  Buildings  and  any
   improvements  made thereto by Tenant,  all of which shall become the property
   of the Landlord at the expiration of the term.

            3.4 Late  Payment.  In the event that Tenant shall be more than five
   (5) days late in the  payment of Rental  there shall be charged a late fee of
   5% or any unpaid Rental.


            4.1 Tenant's Insurance.  During the Term, Tenant shall maintain with
   respect to the Premises,  public liability  insurance with a minimum combined
   single  limit of  $1,000,000  per  occurrence  of bodily  injury of death and
   $1,000,000 for property damage with Landlord listed as an additional insured.
   In addition,  Tenant shall maintain fire and extended  coverage  insurance on
   the Building in an amount which shall be adjusted  annually to equal the full
   replacement cost of the Building,  naming the Landlord as additional insured.
   Tenant shall provide  Landlord with  certificates  or other  evidence of such
   insurance acceptable to Landlord.  Each insurance policy maintained by Tenant
   shall  contain a  provision  that it cannot be  canceled  without at least 20
   days' prior notice to Landlord.

            4.2 Tenant's  Risk of Loss.  All property of any kind that may be on
   the Premises  shall be at the sole risk of Tenant,  and Landlord shall not be
   liable to Tenant or any other  persons for any injury,  loss or damage to any
   persons or  property  on the  Premises  from  causes  other  than  Landlord's
   omission, fault, negligence or other misconduct. Landlord shall not be liable
   for any damage to persons or property  by water,  which may be  sustained  by
   reason of breakage,  leakage, or obstruction of any pipes or other leakage in
   or about the Premises  arising from causes  other than  Landlord's  omission,
   fault, negligence or other misconduct.

      5. ACCESS TO THE PREMISES. Landlord and its agents shall have the right to
   enter into and upon the  Premises,  or any part  thereof,  at all  reasonable
   times upon  reasonable  prior advance  notice (except that no notice shall be
   required   in  an   emergency)   and  subject  to   Tenant's   security   and
   confidentiality  requirements  and provided  Landlord  does not  unreasonably
   interfere with Tenant's business,  for any of the following purposes:  (a) to
   determine the condition of the Premises and whether  Tenant is complying with
   Tenant's  obligations  under this Lease;  (b) to perform any repair permitted
   hereunder; or (c) to show the Premises to prospective tenants within the last
   six (6) months of the Initial Term in the event that Tenant has not exercised
   the option for the  applicable  Extension  Term. In exercising  any rights of
   access to the Premises, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to minimize any
   interference with Tenant's use of the Premises.

      6.   TENANT'S   ALTERATIONS.   Tenant  shall  be  entitled  to  make  such
   improvements,  alterations (structural or otherwise),  restorations, changes,
   replacements,  installations,  enlargements  or  additions to the Premises as
   Tenant  deems  necessary  or desirable  ("Improvements"),  provided  that all
   Improvements shall require the prior consent of Landlord, which consent shall
   not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed.  Prior to the  Commencement  Date,
   Tenant shall obtain or cause to be obtained all building  permits,  licenses,
   variances  and  other  governmental   approvals  which  may  be  required  in
   connection  with the making of  Improvements  ("Approvals").  Landlord  shall
   cooperate  with Tenant in the  obtaining of Approvals  and shall  execute any
   documents required in furtherance  thereof.  All Improvements  constructed or
   installed  on the Premises by Tenant at any time prior to the  expiration  or
   earlier  termination of this Lease shall be the property of the Tenant.  Upon
   the  expiration  or  earlier   termination  of  this  Lease,   title  to  the
   Improvements  shall vest in Landlord so that the  Improvements and the entire
   Premises  shall  vest in  Landlord  without  notice or  execution  of further
   instruments and without cost,  expense or obligation of any kind or nature to
   Landlord.  Any trade fixtures or unaffixed  personal property owned by Tenant
   shall remain the property of Tenant;  provided  that if Tenant shall make any
   Improvements  to accommodate  such fixtures or property,  Tenant must restore
   the Premises to its  original  condition  with  respect to such  Improvements
   prior to removing any such fixtures or property.

      7.  MECHANICS'  LIENS.  If any mechanics' or  materialmens'  lien shall be
   filed  against the Premises as a result of any work or act of Tenant,  Tenant
   shall  discharge  the lien  within  thirty  (30) days after the filing of the
   lien.  If Tenant shall fail to discharge the lien as required by this Section
   7,  Landlord  shall be  entitled  to bond or pay the  lien or  claim  for the
   account of the Tenant,  without inquiring into the validity thereof,  and all
   costs incurred by landlord to bond or pay to discharge the lien shall be paid
   by Tenant  upon  demand and shall be  treated  in the same  manner as rent in

      8.  COMPLIANCE  WITH LAW;  MAINTENANCE;  ETC.  Tenant  hereby  covenants
   and agrees that:

            8.1 Use of Premises;  Compliance  with Law.  Tenant shall (a) unless
   otherwise agreed to by Landlord,  use the Premises only for the allowed Uses,
   (b)  observe  and  comply  with  all  applicable  present  and  future  laws,
   ordinances,  requirements,  orders,  directives,  rules  and  regulations  of
   federal  state,  city and town  governments  pertaining to such Allowed Uses,
   and,  (c) prior to the  Commencement  Date,  obtain at Tenant's  own expenses
   every permit,  license or certificate  required for Tenant's operation at the
   Premises by any governmental agency having jurisdiction thereon.

      Prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant shall receive a satisfactory review
   of (a) the zoning laws and  regulations  applicable to the Premises or to any
   proposed  use of the  Premises  by Tenant and (b) any  permits,  licenses  or
   certificates issued to Landlord or Assignor by any governmental agency having
   jurisdiction upon the Premises.

      Prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant shall obtain a satisfactory  review
   of (a)  Landlord's  title to the  Premises,  and (b)  proof by  survey of the
   boundaries of the Premises and any easements, covenants or restrictions which
   burden the Premises.  Tenant will not use, or permit the use of, the Premises
   for any  improper,  offensive  or unlawful  purpose.  Tenant will observe and
   comply with all applicable present and future laws, ordinances, requirements,
   orders,  directives,  rules and regulations of federal,  state, city and town
   governments relating to the operation or occupancy of the Premises.

            8.2 Maintenance  and Repair.  Tenant shall, at Tenant's own expense,
   (a) make all necessary interior repairs in and to the Premises,  (b) make any
   and all replacements of plate door, window and any other glass (with glass of
   the same kind and quality),  whether interior or exterior, which shall become
   broken  by  any  means  whatsoever,  (c)  make  any  and  all  repairs  to or
   replacements of the Mechanical  Systems  servicing the Premises,  (d) perform
   all necessary exterior maintenance and repairs (including structural repairs)
   to the  Premises  and all  other  improvements  on the  Premises  (including,
   without  limitation,  maintenance  and  repair  of access  roads,  driveways,
   parking lots, loading areas,  landscaped and planted areas, lighting fixtures
   and pedestrian sidewalks,), (e) provide adequate policing, sanding, sweeping,
   cleaning and such other acts as may be  necessary  to keep the access  roads,
   driveways,  parking  lots  and  sidewalks  in  a  safe,  clean  and  sanitary
   condition,  (e) remove all snow, ice and other  obstructions  from the access
   roads, driveways,  parking lots and sidewalks, (f) make all other repairs and
   tenantable  condition,  reasonable  and ordinary  wear and tear and damage by
   fire  and  other  casualty  excepted,   and  all  repairs,   alterations  and
   modifications required by any governmental laws, ordinance or regulation, (g)
   not permit, suffer of commit any waste of, or nuisance on, the Premises,  (h)
   not  permit  any act or thing to be done on the  Premises  which may void any
   insurance  carried by Landlord on the Premises and (i) upon expiration of the
   Term or earlier  termination of this Lease,  vacate the Premises,  remove all
   Tenant's  goods and  effects,  and  leave the  Premises  in good  repair  and
   tenantable  condition,  reasonable  and ordinary wear and tear, and damage by
   fire and other  casualty  excepted.  If Tenant shall fail to make repairs and
   replacements  as required by this  Section 8.2 within  thirty (30) days after
   Landlord   shall  give  Tenant  notice   demanding   that  such  repairs  and
   replacements  be made,  Landlord  shall be entitled to make such  repairs and
   replacements  and all costs  incurred by  Landlord  to make such  repairs and
   replacements  shall be paid by Tenant upon demand and shall be treated in the
   same manner as rent in arrears.

            8.3  Indemnification.  Tenant  shall  indemnify  and  hold  Landlord
   harmless  from and  against  all  costs,  losses,  damages,  liabilities  and
   expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), arising out of or based upon
   (i) damage to property or injury to persons  resulting  from any  accident or
   other occurrence in the Premises (ii) damage to property or injury to persons
   outside of the Premises to the extent caused by the  negligence of the Tenant
   or its  agents,  servants,  or  employees;  provided,  however,  in any  such
   instances, the Tenant shall no be deemed to be required to indemnify and hold
   Landlord harmless with respect to any damage to property of injury to persons
   to the extent caused by the  negligent act or omission or willful  misconduct
   of the Landlord, its agents, servants, employees or contractors.


            9.1 Site Assessment.  Prior to the Commencement  Date,  Tenant shall
   obtain a satisfactory site assessment,  including such subsurface  inspection
   or testing as Tenant deems  appropriate  to  determine  that the Premises are
   free from environmental contamination, addressed to Landlord and Tenant.

            9.2 Environmental Indemnification. Contingent upon Tenant's delivery
   to Landlord of the site assessment  referred to in paragraph 9.1 above, which
   site assessment  shall in all respects be satisfactory to Landlord,  Landlord
   shall  indemnify and hold Tenant  harmless for any (a) "releases" or unlawful
   "threats of release" on the Premises of any  "hazardous  materials" or "oils"
   (as such terms are defined in the  Massachusetts  Oil and hazardous  Material
   Release  Prevention and Response Act,  Chapter 21E of  Massachusetts  General
   Laws, as amended ("Chapter 21E"), or (b) violations of any and all applicable
   federal,  state  and  municipal  statutes,  ordinances,  by-laws,  rules  and
   regulations  relating  to the  environment,  including,  without  limitation,
   Chapter  21E,  the  Federal  Resource  Conservation  and  Recovery  act,  the
   Massachusetts  Hazardous  Waste  Management  Act, the Federal Water Pollution
   Control  Act,  the  Federal  Clean  Air Act and  the  Massachusetts  Wetlands
   Protection  Act,  occurring  at or  about  the  Premises  and  predating  the
   execution of this Lease.

            9.3  Environmental  Conditions.  Without  limiting  the  any  of the
   provisions  of this Section 9.3,  Tenant shall (a) not "release" or cause any
   unlawful "threat of release" on the Premises of any "hazardous  materials" or
   "oils" (as such  terms are  defined in the  Massachusetts  Oil and  Hazardous
   Material  Release  Prevention and Response Act,  chapter 21E of Massachusetts
   General laws, as amended  (Chapter  21E")),  (b) not receive  notice from the
   Massachusetts   Department   of   Environmental   Protection   or  any  other
   governmental  authority  claiming violation on the Premises of Chapter 21E or
   any similar law  dealing  with  hazardous  materials  or oils,  (c) not incur
   during the Term any  liability to the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  under
   Chapter 21E on the Premises,  (d) maintain and use the Premises,  at Tenant's
   own expense, in accordance with all applicable  federal,  state and municipal
   statutes,   ordinances,   by-laws,  rules  and  regulation  relating  to  the
   environment, including, without limitation, Chapter 21E, the federal Resource
   Conservation and Recovery Act, the  Massachusetts  Hazardous Waste Management
   Act, the Federal Water  Pollution  Control Act, the Federal Clean Air Act and
   the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.

      10.  DESTRUCTION BY FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY.  In the event that:

      (a) the  Buildings  shall be  damaged by fire or other  casualty  to the
   extent of 25% or more of the cost of the replacement thereof; or

      (b) the Buildings shall be damaged in whole or in part during the last two
   years of the Initial  Term or any  Extension  Term;  then,  in any such event
   (referred  to herein as  "Substantial  Destruction"),  Tenant  shall have the
   right to terminate  this Lease by notice given to Landlord  within sixty (60)
   days after such event, and upon the date specified in such notice (which date
   shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the giving of said notice), (i)
   this Lease  shall  terminate,  (ii) Tenant  shall  vacate and  surrender  the
   Premises  to  Landlord,  and  (iii) all  insurance  proceeds  payable  on the
   Premises  shall be applied  first to refund to Tenant any rental paid for any
   period  subsequent to such Substantial  Destruction,  and the balance of such
   proceeds  shall  belong to  Landlord.  If Tenant shall not elect to terminate
   this Lease,  Tenant  shall  restore  Landlord.  If Tenant  shall not elect to
   terminate this Lease, Tenant shall restore the Premises as nearly as possible
   to the condition they were in prior to the  Substantial  Destruction.  Tenant
   shall  commence  restoration  of the Premises  upon receipt of the  insurance
   proceeds  and the Basic  Rental  shall be  reduced  for the  period  when the
   Premises are  unrestored  in the same  proportion  that the floor area of the
   unrestored  portion  of the  Premises  bears to the total  floor  area of the
   Premises prior to such damage. In the event that the Premises are damaged but
   not the extent of Substantial Destruction, the Premises shall be restored and
   insurance proceeds applied as provided herein without any rebate of Rental.


            11.1 Total  Condemnation.  If during the Term all of the Premises is
   taken for,  or damages as a result of, any public or  quasi-public  use under
   any  statue,  or by the right of eminent  domain  whether  by a  condemnation
   proceeding  or  otherwise,  or any transfer of all of the Premises is made in
   avoidance of the exercise of the power of eminent domain  (referred to below,
   in any such event,  as a  "Taking"),  then this Lease shall  terminate on the
   date that possession of the Premises is taken, and the rent and other charges
   provided  herein to be paid by Tenant shall be apportioned and paid by Tenant
   through such  termination  date.  In the event of a Taking of any part of the
   Premises such  termination  date. In the event of a Taking of any part of the
   Premises  either  party may elect to terminate  this Lease by giving  written
   notice to the other,  and the Term shall  expire and come to an end as of the
   last day of the  calendar  month in which  such  notice is  given.  Upon such
   termination,  the rent  shall be  adjusted  to the  date of  termination  and
   neither party shall have any further  rights or  liabilities  hereunder.  The
   total  award or  payment  made in such  proceeding  or in lieu of  settlement
   thereof  (referred  to below,  in any such  event,  as an  "Award")  shall be
   divided  between  Landlord  and  Tenant in the manner  set forth  below.  the
   parties  shall be in good faith  attempt to agree  upon the  division  of the
   Award  within  the thirty  (30) days  immediately  following  the date of the
   determination  of the amount of the Award. In the event of a Taking resulting
   in the  termination of this Lease pursuant to the provisions of this Section,
   the parties hereto agree to cooperate in applying for and in prosecuting  any
   claim  for such  Taking  and  further  agrees  that is there is one (1) award
   covering  both  Landlord's  and Tenant's  interests in the Premises  that the
   aggregate net award, after deducting the reasonable expenses of Landlord, and
   Tenant, including attorneys' fees, incurred in connection therewith, shall be
   distributed as follows, and in the following order of priority:

                  (i)  Landlord  shall be  entitled  to an  amount  equal to the
   value,  on the vesting  date,  of the land taken as improved as to  building,
   parking and  utilities  and available for its best of most economic use as of
   the Commencement Date, giving effect to the existence of this Lease.

                  (ii) Tenant  shall be entitled to an amount of the award equal
   to the then fair market value of the  improvements  erected by or for Tenant.
   For such purposes the fair market value of Tenant's  improvements  shall mean
   the product of (a) the sum of one hundred  (100%)  percent of all of Tenant's
   costs and expenses in  construction of the Premises as certified from time to
   time by Tenant,  including  the cost of labor and  materials;  architectural,
   engineering and permit fees; attorneys' fees; title insurance premises, (b) a
   fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of years or part thereof
   between the vesting date pursuant to the Taking and the  Expiration  Date and
   the  denominator  of which shall be the Term. For purposes  hereof,  the Term
   shall be determined as if the Lease had been renewed by Tenant for all of the
   Extension Terms.

                  (iii)   Landlord   and  Tenant  shall  be  entitled  to  the
   balance of the award, 50-50.

            11.2 (i) In the case of a Taking of less than  substantially  all of
   the Premises and if this Lease is not  terminated  as provided in Section (a)
   hereof,  Tenant,  at its expense,  shall proceed with  diligence to repair or
   reconstruct the Premises to a complete  architectural unit or units (all such
   repairs,  reconstruction  and  work  being  referred  to in this  Section  as
   "Tenant's Reconstruction Work") and the award in the condemnation proceedings
   allocable  to the  Premises  (hereinafter  called  "Tenant's  Award"),  after
   deduction of the expenses of Landlord, and Tenant incurred in connection with
   the Taking, shall be made available to Tenant for purposes of paying the cost
   and expense of the Reconstruction Work.

                  (ii)  Neither  party  shall,  without  the consent o the other
   party hereto, make any settlement with the condemning authority of convey any
   portion of the Premises or building to such authority in lieu of condemnation
   or consent to any Taking.

            11.3 In the event of a temporary Taking of all or any portion of the
   Premises, this Lease shall not terminate and Tenant shall continue to perform
   and observe  all of its  Obligations  as though the Taking had not  occurred,
   except only to extent that Tenant may be prevented from doing so by the terms
   of the order of the  authority  which made the  Taking.  In the event of such
   Taking,  Tenant  shall be entitled to receive the entire  amount of any Award
   therefor,  whether  paid by way of  damages,  rent or  otherwise,  unless the
   period of governmental  occupancy  extends beyond the termination of the Term
   (as same may be  extended),  in which  case the  amount of the  Award,  after
   payment to Landlord  therefrom of the estimated  cost of  restoration  of the
   Premises,  shall be  considered  as rent from the  Taking  authority  for the
   entire period of its occupancy and shall be apportioned  between Landlord and
   Tenant as of the rate of such termination.

            11.4 If the  parties  are unable to agree upon the  division  of the
   total  Award  within  the  prescribed  time,  then  such  division  shall  be
   determined by  arbitration  in  accordance  with  Massachusetts  General Laws
   Chapter  251.  The cost of the  arbitration  shall be paid by the  parties in
   equal shares.

      12. ASSIGNMENT; SUBLETTING. Tenant may at any time, and from time to time,
   assign its interest in the Lease, in the Premises, or sublease, or permit the
   occupancy of, all or any part of the premises,  without Landlord's consent to
   any  successor  in  interest  of Tenant or to any  present or future  parent,
   affiliated  or subsidiary  corporation  or other  entity,  whether  direct or
   indirect,  and whether arising  pursuant to a sale of stock,  sale of assets,
   merger,  consolidation or otherwise ( the aforesaid  permitted  assignees and
   sublessees  are  hereinafter   collectively   referred  to  as  the  "Related
   Parties").  Tenant agrees to promptly notify in writing  Landlord of any such
   assignment  or  subletting.  Tenant agrees not to assign its interest in this
   lease or in the  Premises to any third party  (other  than  Related  Parties)
   without first obtaining  Landlord's written consent,  which consent shall not
   be  unreasonably  withheld or  delayed.  Tenant may sublet the  Premises,  or
   portions  thereof,  without  Landlord's prior written  consent,  upon written
   notice to Landlord.  No permitted  assignment or  subleasing  will in any way
   affect of reduce any of the obligations of Tenant under this Lease.


            13.1 Attornment.  In the event of (a) a sale, transfer or assignment
   of  Landlord's  interest in the  Premises,  or (b) any  proceedings  that are
   brought  for the  foreclosure  of, or for the  exercise  of any power of sale
   under,  any  mortgage  made by  Landlord  covering  the  Premises or any part
   thereof,  Tenant  agrees  to  attorn  to and to  recognize  such  transferee,
   purchaser or mortgagee as Landlord under this Lease.

            13.2 Collateral  Assignment;  Subordination.  Tenant shall, upon the
   written  request of Landlord,  enter into a written  agreement with any bank,
   trust company or other lending institution or individual ("Bank") which shall
   provide  that,  upon the request of Bank,  Tenant  shall make all payments of
   Rental and other sums  thereafter  due under  this  Lease  directly  to Bank.
   tenant shall,  upon notice from Landlord,  (a) agree that this Lease shall be
   subject and  subordinate  to any mortgage or deed of trust  granted to a Bank
   with  respect  to the  Premises  and (ii)  agree  upon  request  to  execute,
   acknowledge and deliver at any time hereafter,  any and all instruments which
   the Landlord may deem necessary to acknowledge this  subordination,  provided
   however,  that  Landlord  shall  furnish  to  Tenant  from the  holder of any
   mortgage  to  which  this  Lease  is or  may  hereafter  become  subject  and
   subordinate,  as a condition thereof, an agreement  reasonably  acceptable to
   Tenant  whereby such holder  agrees,  regardless of the  foreclosure  of such
   mortgage or any other  enforcement  of the  holder's  rights  thereunder,  to
   recognize Tenant's right under this Lease and not to disturb Tenant's use and
   occupancy  of the  Premises  hereunder  so long as no Default  (as defined in
   Section 15) remains outstanding.

            13.3  Remedies.  Failure  of  Tenant  to  execute  any of the  above
   instruments  within thirty (30) days after notice,  shall constitute a breach
   of this Lease and Landlord shall in such event have the right, at its option,
   to cancel this Lease and terminate Tenant's interest hereunder.

      14. HOLDOVER. Should Tenant remain in possession of the Premises after the
   expiration of the Term, or any extension thereof,  such holding over shall be
   deemed to have  created and  construed to be a tenancy from month to month on
   the terms and  conditions  set forth in this Lease.  Monthly rent during such
   holdover  period shall be equal to the monthly rent due and payable by Tenant
   to Landlord immediately prior to the expiration of the term of this Lease.


            15.1  Default.  For  purposes  of this  Section  15,  a  "Default"
   shall mean:

            (a)  default in the  payment of Rental or other  costs to be paid by
   Tenant,  if such  default  shall  continue  for seven (7) days after  default
   notice by Landlord  to Tenant,  provided,  however,  that  Landlord  shall be
   obliged to provide  Tenant with only one (1) such payment  default notice per
   calendar year; and

            (b) any other  default by Tenant  under  this Lease if such  default
   shall  continue for a period of fifteen (15) days after  default  notice form
   landlord to Tenant;  provided,  however,  if Tenant could not with reasonable
   diligence  cure such  default  within  said  15-day  period  but  shall  have
   commenced in good faith curing such default  within such 15-day  period,  and
   proceeded with reasonable  diligence,  Tenant shall have a reasonable time to
   cure such default.

            15.2 Remedies. In the event (a) of any Default under this Lease, (b)
   the estate  hereby  created in Tenant  shall be taken by process of law,  (c)
   Tenant shall file a voluntary  petition in  bankruptcy,  (d) any  involuntary
   petition initiating a bankruptcy proceeding shall be filed against Tenant and
   is not dismissed  within 60 days, (e) Tenant shall make an assignment for the
   benefit of  creditors  or take the  benefit of any  insolvency  law, or (f) a
   receiver shall be appointed for Tenant (any Default and the occurrence of any
   of the events  referred to in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this Section 15.2
   being hereinafter referred to as an "event of Default"),  then Landlord shall
   have all of the following rights:

      (i) At  Landlord's  option,  to elect to declare the entire Rental for the
   balance of the Term or any part thereof due and payable forthwith.

      (ii) To collect or bring  action for the whole Rental or such part thereof
   as  aforesaid,  as  being  rent in  arrears  or file  proofs  of claim in any
   bankruptcy or insolvency  proceedings for such Rental, or institute any other
   proceedings to enforce payment thereof.

      (iii) To re-enter  and  repossess  the  Premises  or any part  thereof and
   attempt to relet all or any part of the  Premises  for the  account of Tenant
   for  such  rental  and  upon  such  terms  and  to  such  persons,  firms  or
   corporations  and for  such  period  or  periods  as  Landlord,  in its  sole
   discretion, shall determine,  including a term beyond the termination of this
   Lease,  and  Landlord  shall not be required to accept any tenant  offered by
   Tenant or observe any instructions  given by Tenant about such reletting,  or
   do any act or exercise any care for diligence  with respect to such reletting
   or the mitigation of damages for the purpose of such reletting.  Landlord may
   make such repairs, changes, alterations or additions in or to the Premises to
   the extent Landlord shall deem desirable or convenient,  and the cost of such
   repair,  changes,  alterations  or  additions,  as  well  as  any  reasonable
   brokerage and legal fees expended by Landlord in connection as any reasonable
   brokerage and legal fees expended by Landlord in connection with a reletting,
   shall be charged to and be payable by Tenant as  additional  rent  hereunder,
   and any sums  collected  by  Landlord  from any new tenant  shall be credited
   against the balance of the Rental due hereunder as aforesaid.

      (iv) To give  Tenant  notice  that this Lease  shall  cease and expire and
   become absolutely void on the date specified in such notice,  which shall not
   be less than five (5) days after the date of such notice,  and thereupon this
   Lease shall  terminate  with the same force and effect (except as to Tenant's
   liability) as if the date fixed in such notice were the date herein specified
   for the expiration of the Term.

      16.  SIGNS.
            16.1 Permitted Signs. Subject to applicable governmental regulations
   and  permits,  Tenant shall have the right to erect any signs on the Premises
   or to affix  any signs to the  outside  of the  Buildings.  The  erection  or
   affixation of such signs by Tenant shall be subject to  Landlord's  approval,
   which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.  Said signs (including the
   sign boxes) and affixed  designed  features shall,  at all times,  remain the
   personal property of Tenant,  may be removed by Tenant at any time during the
   Term,  and  shall be  removed  by  Tenant  upon  the  expiration  or  earlier
   termination of this Lease,  unless  otherwise  agreed by Landlord and Tenant.
   Upon Tenant's removal of any such signs,  Tenant shall repair the Premises to
   the condition they were in prior to the erection or affixation of such signs.

      17. TENANT'S RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. If at any time during the term of the
   Lease,  Landlord  shall  desire to sell the  Premises  (other than a transfer
   among present  partners of Williamstown  Property Trust and their  families),
   Tenant  shall  have a right to first  refusal  to  purchase  the same,  to be
   exercised as follows:

      In the  event  Landlord  shall  receive  any  offer  for the  purchase  or
   conveyance  of the  Premises,  or  transfer  of  Landlord's  interest  in the
   Premises  to  a  person,  firm  or  entity  including,   without  limitation,
   subsidiaries   or   affiliates  of  Landlord  (the  "bona  fida  third  party
   prospective  purchaser"),  which  offer  Landlord  is prepared to accept (the
   "Acceptable  Offer"),  Landlord shall immediately notify Tenant in writing of
   the  receipt  of the  Acceptable  Offer,  stating  the  following  terms  and
   conditions of sale: quality of title, form of deed, purchase price, method of
   payment, amount of deposit, time and place of closing, condition of premises,
   extension to perfect title or make Premises conform, adjustments,  persons to
   hold  deposit,  and  remedies in case of default (the  "Landlord's  Notice").
   Tenant may exercise its right of first  refusal to purchase the Premises upon
   the same terms and conditions  contained in the  Acceptable  Offer by sending
   written  notice of the  exercise  of its right of first  refusal to  Landlord
   within thirty (30) days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's Notice. Landlord
   and Tenant shall enter into a purchase and sale  agreement in a form mutually
   acceptable to their respective  attorneys within thirty (30) days of Tenant's
   exercise  of the  herein  right of first  refusal.  If Tenant  shall  fail to
   exercise its right of first  refusal by giving  Landlord the notice  required
   hereunder,  Landlord  may sell the  Premises  to said bona fide  third  party
   prospective  purchaser  upon the same  terms and  conditions  as  offered  to
   Tenant.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein  contained,  in the
   event Landlord and said bona fide third party  prospective  purchaser fail to
   consummate the sale of the Premises, then immediately upon Landlord's receipt
   of any  subsequent  offer by the  same  bona  fide  third  party  prospective
   purchaser, or any other bona fide third party prospective purchaser, Landlord
   shall  notify  Tenant as  aforesaid  and  Tenant  shall have a right of first
   refusal with respect to such subsequent  offers as aforesaid.  The provisions
   of this Section 17 shall not be construed to apply to bona fide  mortgages to
   recognized lending institutions of the demised premises, or any part thereof,
   or to sales or other  proceedings  for the foreclosure  thereof.  In no event
   shall  Tenant be required to purchase the  Premises  together  with any other

      In the event Tenant  purchases  the  Premises  and takes title  thereto in
   accordance  with this  Section 17 pursuant to a  Landlord's  Notice  given to
   Tenant during the Initial term or first Extension Term, then, upon payment of
   the purchase  price in full  Landlord  shall pay a broker  commission of five
   (5%) percent of the purchase price to Harsch Associates.

      18.  NON-WAIVER.  The failure on the part of Landlord to act upon a breach
   of  any of  the  covenants  or  agreements  in  this  Lease  shall  in no way
   constitute  a waiver of the rights of  Landlord  to act upon such  breach any
   item in the future or to act upon any other or future  breach of Tenant.  Any
   and all rights and remedies  created for Landlord  herein shall be cumulative
   and the use of one remedy  shall not be taken to exclude the right to use any

      19.  SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Lease shall be deemed invalid
   or  unenforceable,  the balance of this Lease shall remain in effect;  and if
   any provision shall be deemed inapplicable to any person or circumstances, it
   shall   nevertheless   be  construed  to  apply  to  all  other  persons  and

      20.  LANDLORD AND TENANT  RELATIONSHIP.  It is understood  and agreed that
   Landlord  shall never be treated as a partner or  associate  of Tenant in the
   conduct of  Tenant's  business,  nor shall  Landlord  be liable for any debts
   incurred by Tenant in the conduct of Tenant's  business or  otherwise;  it is
   understood  that the  relationship  is and at all times shall  remain that to
   Landlord and Tenant.

   used in this Lease means only the owner or the  mortgagee in  possession  for
   the  time  being  of the  Premises,  so that in the  event of any sale of the
   Premises or any assignment of this Lease,  Landlord named herein shall be and
   hereby is entirely  relieved of all obligations of Landlord  hereunder and it
   shall be deemed  without  further  agreement  between  the  parties  and such
   purchaser(s) or assignee(s) that the purchaser(s) or assignee(s) have assumed
   and agreed to observe and perform all obligations of Landlord  hereunder;  it
   being  understood  that the  provisions  of the preceding  sentence  shall be
   applicable  to  any  successor  Landlord.  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the
   contrary  provided in this Lease, if Landlord or any successor in interest of
   Landlord shall be a mortgagee,  or an individual,  joint venture,  tenancy in
   common, firm or partnership,  general or limited,  there shall be no personal
   liability on the part of Landlord or such mortgagee or individual,  or on the
   part  of any  member  of such  joint  venture,  tenancy  in  common,  firm or
   partnership,  with respect to any of the Lease Provisions; and in all events,
   irrespective  of who or what  person(s)  or  entity(ies)  comprise  Landlord,
   Tenant shall look solely to the equity of Landlord  (or of such  successor in
   interest) in the Premises  for the  satisfaction  of each and every remedy of
   Tenant  in the  event of any  breach  by  Landlord  or by such  successor  in
   interest  of  any of the  Lease  Provisions,  such  exculpation  of  personal
   liability to be absolute and without any expectations  whatsoever  (provided,
   however,  Landlord  agrees for itself,  its  successors  and assigns that the
   Landlord  shall not encumber the  Premises or permit the  encumbrance  of the
   Premises with any mortgage,  lien or other debt in an amount in excess of, in
   the  aggregate,  fifty (50%) percent of its then fair market  value;  for the
   purposes of this Section 21 "fair  market  value" shall mean the value of the
   Premises as determined by an appraisal by a real estate  appraiser having the
   designation Member of the Appraisal Institute which appraisal shall be at the
   sole expense of Landlord.

      22.   INTEGRATION;   MODIFICATION.   This  Lease   contains  a  complete
   statement of all representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements by
   and  between  the  parties  with  respect  to the  Premises  and  cannot be
   modified except by written agreement signed by both Landlord and Tenant.

      23.  SUCCESSORS.  This  Lease  shall be  binding  upon and  inure to the
   benefit  of  the   parties   hereto,   their   heirs,   successors,   legal
   representatives and assigns.

      24. GOVERNING LAW;  EFFECT.  This Lease shall be governed by and construed
   in accordance with the substantive law of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,
   without  giving  effect  to the  conflicts  or choice  of law  provisions  of
   Massachusetts  or any  other  jurisdiction,  and shall  have the  effect of a
   sealed instrument.

      25.  RECORDING.   Tenant  shall  not  record  this  Lease.  The  parties
   will,  at the  request of either,  enter into a short form notice of lease,
   in a form suitable for recording.

      26. NOTICE. Any notice,  approval,  consent or other  communication  under
   this  Lease  shall be in  writing  and  shall  be  considered  give  when (a)
   delivered  personally,  (b) mailed by  registered or certified  mail,  return
   receipt requested, or (c) transmitted by telecopy with a confirming copy sent
   by  overnight  mail or  courier  service,  to the  parties  at the  addresses
   indicated below (or at such other address as a party may specify by notice to
   the others  pursuant  hereto).  Notice  given by a party's  counsel  shall be
   considered notice given by that party.

            (a) If to Landlord, to it at:

                  Attn:  David Mandelbaum
                  Mandelbaum & Mandelbaum
                  80 Main Street
                  West Orange, New Jersey 07052-5497
                  Telecopy:  (210)325-8201

            (b) If to Tenant, to it at:

                  430 Main Street
                  Williamstown, MA  01267

            (c) In each case, with a copy to:

                  F. Sydney Smithers
                  Cain, Hibbard, Myers & Cook
                  66 West Street
                  Pittsfield, MA  01201
                  Telecopy:  (413)443-7694

            and to:

                  Thomas P. McHugh
                  84 Spring Street
                  Williamstown, MA  01267
                  Telecopy:  (413)458-2657

      Signed and sealed on the date first above written.


                                          WILLIAMSTOWN PROPERTY TRUST

                                          By: /s/ David Mandelbaum
                                          Its: Trustee


                                          LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                          By: /s/ Richard A. Stratton
                                          Its: President

                                                                Exhibit 10.160

               INDENTURE OF TRUST (herein,  as amended or supplemented from time
   to time as permitted hereby,  the "Indenture"),  dated as of June 1, 1997, by
   and between Litchfield Hypothecation Corp., a corporation organized under the
   laws of the State of Delaware (the "Issuer"), and The Chase Manhattan Bank, a
   New York  banking  corporation,  as  trustee  (together  with  its  permitted
   successors in the trusts hereunder, the "Trustee").

                             W I T N E S S E T H:

               WHEREAS,  the  Issuer  proposes  to issue  from  time to time its
   Hypothecation Loan Collateralized Notes in an aggregate outstanding principal
   amount not to exceed $33,181,000 (collectively, the "Notes") pursuant to this
   Indenture  and to  deliver  the  net  proceeds  of the  sale  thereof  to the
   Originator (as such term and such other capitalized terms used herein and not
   otherwise  defined are defined in Article I hereof) in  consideration  of the
   purchase of the Loans by the Issuer from the Originator;

               WHEREAS,   Litchfield  Financial  Corporation,   a  Massachusetts
   corporation,  in its capacity as servicer (the "Master Servicer") pursuant to
   a  Servicing  Agreement,  dated as of June 1, 1997  (herein,  as  amended  or
   supplemented  from  time  to  time  as  permitted  thereby,   the  "Servicing
   Agreement"),  by and among the Issuer, the Master Servicer,  and the Trustee,
   will service the Loans;

               WHEREAS, as security for the Notes, the Issuer proposes to pledge
   and assign all of the Issuer's right,  title and interest in and to the Loans
   and the Loan  Collateral  (other than the  Unassigned  Rights) to the Trustee
   pursuant to this Indenture;

               WHEREAS,  the  Issuer  has  duly  authorized  the  execution  and
   delivery  of  this   Indenture   to  provide  for  the   issuance,   payment,
   administration  and  securing  of the Notes for the  benefit  of the  Holders

               WHEREAS,  the Issuer and the  Trustee  agree that the  Trustee be
   appointed  under this Indenture and be charged with and accept the trusts and
   duties set forth in this Indenture in connection with the issuance,  payment,
   administration and securing of the Notes under this Indenture for the benefit
   of the Holders of the Notes;

               WHEREAS,  the  Trustee  has duly  authorized  the  execution  and
   delivery of this Indenture and is duly authorized to accept the trusts and to
   perform its obligations under this Indenture;

               WHEREAS,  all things  necessary  to make this  Indenture  a valid
   agreement  of the Issuer and the  Trustee in  accordance  with its terms have
   been done; and

               WHEREAS,  all things  necessary to make the Notes,  when executed
   and delivered by the Issuer and authenticated by the Trustee and issued as in
   this  Indenture  provided,  the valid,  binding and legal  obligations of the
   Issuer according to the import thereof, have been done and performed.

                                GRANTING CLAUSE

               NOW,  THEREFORE,  in order to secure the payment of the principal
   of,  interest on, and all other amounts payable with respect to, the Notes to
   be issued pursuant to this Indenture,  and in order to secure the performance
   and  observance of all the covenants and conditions  contained  herein and in
   such Notes,  and in order to declare the terms and conditions  upon which the
   Notes are executed, authenticated, issued, delivered, secured and accepted by
   all Persons who shall from time to time be or become Holders thereof, and for
   and in consideration of the mutual covenants  contained herein, of acceptance
   by the  Trustee  of the  trusts  hereby  created,  and  of the  purchase  and
   acceptance of the Notes by the Holders  thereof,  the Issuer has executed and
   delivered this Indenture and by these presents:

               The Issuer does hereby pledge, bargain, sell, warrant,  alienate,
   remise, convey, assign, transfer, create and grant a lien upon and a security
   interest in and a right of set-off against  (collectively,  "Grant") unto the
   Trustee,  its successor or successors  and its or their assigns  forever,  in
   trust and as collateral security for the benefit of the Holders of the Notes,
   the  Issuer's  entire  right,  title,  interest  and  estate,  whether now or
   hereafter acquired, in, to and under (i) the Loans; (ii) the Loan Collateral;
   (iii) all monies  and other  property  of any kind that  relate to any of the
   Loans and that are now or at any time or times hereafter in the possession or
   under the control of the Issuer, the Master Servicer, any Sub-Servicer or the
   Trustee or any bailee of the Trustee,  including without limitation, the Lock
   Box  Account  and all monies  therein;  (iv) the  Servicing  Agreement,  each
   Subservicing  Agreement,   each  Agency  Agreement,  the  Purchase  and  Sale
   Agreement,   the  Deposit  Account   Assignment  and  the  Payment  Direction
   Agreement;  (v) all books and records of the Issuer to the extent  pertaining
   to any of (i) through (iv) above,  including  all computer  programs,  disks,
   tapes and related  electronic data processing  media,  credit files,  account
   cards,  payment  records,  correspondence  and  ledgers  in which  any of the
   foregoing are reflected or maintained;  (vi) all moneys and  securities  from
   time to time held by the  Trustee in any Account  created  under the terms of
   this Indenture and all interest,  profits,  proceeds, or other income derived
   from such moneys and securities;  (vii) the present and continuing  exclusive
   right,  power and  authority,  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Servicing
   Agreement,  to give and  receive  notices and other  communications,  to make
   waivers  or other  agreements  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Servicing
   Agreement, to make claims for and demand performance on, under or pursuant to
   any of the Loan  Collateral,  to bring actions and proceedings  thereunder or
   for the  enforcement  thereof or the Loans,  and to  exercise  all  remedies,
   powers,  privileges and options and to do any and all things which the Issuer
   is or may  become  entitled  to do under  the  Loans or the Loan  Collateral;
   (viii)  any and all  property  of every  name and  nature,  now or  hereafter
   transferred,  mortgaged,  pledged  or  assigned  as  security  or  additional
   security for payment or performance  of any  obligation of the  Hypothecation
   Borrowers  to the  Issuer  under the Loans or any of the Loan  Collateral  or
   otherwise   (other  than  the  Unassigned   Rights),   and  the  liabilities,
   obligations and indebtedness evidenced thereby or reflected therein; and (ix)
   all   income,   revenues,   issues,   products,   revisions,   substitutions,
   replacements, profit and proceeds of and from all of the foregoing, including
   proceeds of and unearned premiums with respect to insurance policies insuring
   any of the Loan Collateral (collectively, the "Trust Estate").

               TO HAVE AND TO HOLD IN TRUST all and  singular  the Trust  Estate
   whether now or  hereafter  acquired,  unto the Trustee and its  successor  or
   successors and its or their assigns forever for the benefit of the Holders of
   the Notes, but:

               IN TRUST  NEVERTHELESS,  upon the terms,  trusts  and  conditions
   hereinafter set forth for the equal and proportionate  benefit,  security and
   protection of all present and future Holders of the Notes without preference,
   privilege,  priority or distinction as to the lien or otherwise of any of the
   Notes over any of the other  Notes,  except as  otherwise  may be provided in
   this Indenture.

               PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the Issuer, its successors or assigns,
   (i) shall pay, or cause to be paid,  the  principal of and  interest  payable
   with respect to, the Notes due or to become due thereon,  at the times and in
   the manner mentioned in the Notes, or shall provide, as permitted hereby, for
   the payment thereof,  (ii) shall keep,  perform and observe all the covenants
   and conditions pursuant to the terms of this Indenture to be kept,  performed
   and  observed  by it, and (iii)  shall pay or cause to be paid to the Trustee
   all  sums  of  money  due or to  become  due to it and  any  other  fiduciary
   appointed hereunder in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, then,
   upon the final payment thereof, this Indenture,  all rights of the Holders of
   the Notes under this  Indenture and the rights hereby granted for the benefit
   thereof shall cease, determine and be void; otherwise this Indenture shall be
   and remain in full force and effect.

               The Trustee,  for itself and its successors  and assigns,  hereby
   declares that it shall hold all the estate,  right, title and interest in any
   property received by it under this Indenture,  including, without limitation,
   the Trust Estate,  in trust for the benefit of all present and future Holders
   of  the  Notes,  subject  to  the  terms  of  this  Indenture.   The  Trustee
   acknowledges  the Grant of the Trust  Estate  hereunder,  accepts  the trusts
   hereunder  in  accordance  with the  provisions  hereof and agrees to perform
   fully the duties  herein  required of it to the end that the interests of the
   Holders  of  the  Notes  may  be  adequately  and  effectively  protected  in
   accordance with the provisions of this Indenture.

               THIS TRUST  INDENTURE  FURTHER  WITNESSETH,  and it is  expressly
   declared  that all Notes  issued  and  secured  hereunder  are to be  issued,
   authenticated  and delivered and all said property,  rights and interests and
   other amounts hereby assigned and pledged,  are to be dealt with and disposed
   of under, upon and subject to the terms, conditions, stipulations, covenants,
   agreements,  trusts,  uses and  purposes as  hereinafter  expressed,  and the
   Issuer has agreed and covenanted, and does hereby agree and covenant with the
   Trustee and with the respective Holders of the Notes, as follows:


                          DEFINITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS

               SECTION I.1  Definitions.  For all  purposes  of this  Indenture,
   except as otherwise expressly provided herein or unless the context otherwise
   requires,  capitalized  terms not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the
   meanings ascribed to such terms in Appendix A hereto which is incorporated by
   reference  herein.  All other  capitalized  terms used herein  shall have the
   meanings specified herein.

               SECTION I.2 Construction.  In this Indenture,  unless the context
   otherwise requires:

               (a) The terms "hereby," "hereof," "hereto," "herein," "hereunder"
   and any similar terms,  as used in this  Indenture,  refer to this Indenture,
   and the term "hereafter"  shall mean after, and the term  "heretofore"  shall
   mean before, the date of the execution and delivery of this Indenture.

               (b)  Words  of  the  masculine  gender  shall  mean  and  include
   correlative  words of the feminine and neuter genders and words importing the
   singular number shall mean and include the plural number and vice versa.

               (c) Words  importing  persons shall include firms,  associations,
   partnerships (including limited partnerships), trusts, corporations and other
   legal entities, including public bodies, as well as natural persons.

               (d) Any headings  preceding the texts of the several Articles and
   Sections  of this  Indenture,  and any table of  contents  appended to copies
   hereof, shall be solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute
   a part of this Indenture, nor shall they affect its meaning,  construction or

                                  ARTICLE II

                                   THE NOTES

               SECTION  II.1  Authorization  of Notes;  Notes to  Constitute
   Full Recourse Obligations.

               (a) The Notes  issuable  hereunder  shall be issued as registered
   Notes,  without coupons,  in one or more series as from time to time shall be
   authorized by the Issuer. The Notes of all series shall be known and entitled
   generally  as  the  "Litchfield   Hypothecation   Corp.   Hypothecation  Loan
   Collateralized  Notes."  The Notes of each  series  shall  have such  further
   particular designation as the Issuer may adopt for each series, and each Note
   issued  hereunder shall bear upon the face thereof the designation so adopted
   for the series to which it belongs;

               (b) The Trustee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate
   and  deliver a series of Notes of the Issuer  which  shall be  designated  as
   "Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp.  Hypothecation Loan  Collateralized  Notes,
   Series A" (the  "Series A  Notes").  The  Trustee  is  hereby  authorized  to
   authenticate  and deliver to the Purchaser on the Closing Date Series A Notes
   in the initial principal amount of $15,325,159.07.

               (c) The Trustee is hereby  authorized to authenticate and deliver
   a series of Notes of the Issuer which shall be  designated  from time to time
   as "Litchfield  Hypothecation Corp.  Hypothecation Loan Collateralized Notes,
   Series B Variable  Funding Notes (the "Variable  Funding  Notes") at any time
   and from time to time on or after the  Closing  Date,  the  Trustee is hereby
   authorized  upon the  direction  of the Issuer to  authenticate  and  deliver
   Variable  Funding  Notes  in any  principal  amount  in  excess  of  $25,000;
   provided,  however,  that no  authorization  and delivery of Variable Funding
   Notes shall be authorized if, after giving effect to the principal  amount of
   Variable  Funding Notes to be issued,  the aggregate  principal amount of all
   Notes  outstanding  would exceed the Note Limit.  The Variable  Funding Notes
   shall be revolving variable amount funding Notes issued by the Issuer for the
   purpose  of  funding   Future   Advances  made  by  the   Originator  to  the
   Hypothecation  Borrowers  and  assigned  to the  Issuer.  Any  Noteholder  of
   Variable Funding Notes that purchases  additional  Variable Funding Notes (or
   at such Holder's  direction,  the Trustee) may, and is hereby  authorized to,
   record on the grid attached to such  Noteholder's Note the date and amount of
   any additional principal to be evidenced thereby; provided, however, that the
   failure to make any such  recordation  on such grid or any error on such grid
   shall not affect any Noteholder's rights with respect to the principal amount
   of such Note,  or interest  thereon.  At any time and from time to time after
   the Closing Date, any Holder of Variable  Funding Notes shall have the right,
   upon  written  notice to the  Trustee  and the  Issuer  and  delivery  of the
   Variable  Funding Note to be  converted  to the Trustee,  to convert not less
   than $750,000 in aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of Variable Funding
   Notes into Series C Notes of a like aggregate  principal amount. Any Variable
   Funding Note so converted shall be cancelled by the Trustee.

               (d) The Trustee is hereby  authorized to authenticate and deliver
   a series of Notes of the Issuer which shall be  designated  from time to time
   as "Litchfield  Hypothecation Corp.  Hypothecation Loan Collateralized Notes,
   Series  C" (the  "Series C  Notes").  At any time and from time to time on or
   after the Closing Date, the Trustee is hereby  authorized upon receipt from a
   Holder of Variable Funding Notes of written notice  requesting  conversion of
   such  Variable  Funding  Notes  pursuant  to  Section  2.1(c)  hereof  (which
   conversion  shall be effective as of a Payment Date  specified in the request
   for  conversion)  and  the  Variable  Funding  Notes  to  be  converted,   to
   authenticate  and deliver  Series C Notes to such Holder in a like  aggregate
   principal amount as the aggregate  outstanding amount of the Variable Funding
   Notes converted.

               (e) The Notes shall  constitute full recourse  obligations of the
   Issuer.  The Notes  when  issued  shall  not  constitute  direct or  indirect
   indebtedness or obligations of the Master Servicer or the Originator. Neither
   the Master Servicer nor the Originator  shall be liable to the Holders of the
   Notes for the payment of the principal  thereof and interest  thereon for any
   liability  under  this  Indenture.  The  foregoing  shall  not  diminish  the
   Originator's obligations under the Guarantee. Neither the Notes nor the Loans
   are insured by any governmental agency.

               SECTION II.2 Forms of Notes and  Certificate  of  Authentication.
   The  Notes  and the  Trustee's  certificate  of  authentication  shall  be in
   substantially  the  forms  set  forth in  Exhibit  A  attached  hereto,  with
   necessary or appropriate variations,  omissions and insertions,  as permitted
   or required by this  Indenture  and may have such  letters,  numbers or other
   marks of  identification  and such legends or endorsements  placed thereon as
   may,  consistent  herewith,  be determined by the Authorized  Officers of the
   Issuer  executing such Notes,  as evidenced by their execution of such Notes.
   The definitive Notes shall be typed,  photocopied,  printed,  lithographed or
   engraved or produced by any  combination  of these  methods  (with or without
   steel engraved borders),  all as determined by the Authorized Officers of the
   Issuer executing such Notes, as evidenced by their execution of such Notes.

               SECTION II.3 Authorized Principal Amount. The aggregate principal
   amount of the Notes  that may be  authenticated,  delivered  and  Outstanding
   under this  Indenture  is  $33,181,000.  All Notes shall be  identical in all
   respects  except for the maturity  thereof,  the interest rate  thereon,  the
   denominations thereof and such differences to reflect the revolving nature of
   the Variable  Funding Notes.  All Notes issued under this Indenture  shall in
   all respects be equally and ratably  entitled to the benefits  hereof without
   preference, priority or distinction on account of the actual time or times of
   authentication and delivery,  all in accordance with the terms and provisions
   of this Indenture.

               SECTION  II.3 Date of Notes;  Denominations.  (i) Notes which are
   authenticated and delivered by the Trustee to or upon the order of the Issuer
   on the Closing  Date shall be dated as of the Closing  Date.  Other series of
   Notes which are authenticated after the Closing Date shall be dated as of the
   respective Closing date therefor. All other Notes which are authenticated for
   any other purpose hereunder shall be dated the date of their  authentication.
   The Series A Notes shall be issued in minimum denominations of $100,000,  the
   Variable  Funding Notes shall be issued in minimum  denominations  of $25,000
   and the Series C Notes shall be issued in minimum denominations of $750,000.

                (ii)  Notes  issued  upon  transfer,  exchange,   conversion  or
   replacement  of other  Notes  shall be  issued  in  authorized  denominations
   reflecting  the  original   aggregate   principal  amount  of  the  Notes  so
   transferred,  exchanged,  converted or replaced, but shall represent only the
   then  current  outstanding  principal  amount  of the  Notes so  transferred,
   converted,  exchanged or replaced. In the event that any Note is divided into
   more than one Note in accordance  with the provisions  hereof,  the principal
   amount  of such  Note  shall  be  proportionately  divided  among  the  Notes
   delivered in exchange therefor.

               SECTION   II.4   Execution,   Authentication,   Delivery  and
   Dating.  (i) Each Note shall be  executed  on behalf of the Issuer with the
   manual or facsimile signature of an Authorized Officer of the Issuer.

                (ii)  Notes  bearing  the  manual  or  facsimile   signature  of
   individuals who were at any time Authorized Officers of the Issuer shall bind
   the Issuer,  notwithstanding that such individuals or any of them have ceased
   to hold such offices prior to the  authentication  and delivery of such Notes
   or did not hold such offices at the date of such Notes.

               (iii) At any time and from time to time after the  execution  and
   delivery  of this  Indenture,  the Issuer may deliver  Notes  executed by the
   Issuer to the  Trustee  for  authentication.  Upon a written  order  from the
   Issuer  (which  order  shall be in the form of Exhibit B hereto)  the Trustee
   shall  authenticate and deliver such Notes as in this Indenture  provided and
   not otherwise.  No Note shall be entitled to any benefit under this Indenture
   or be valid or obligatory for any purpose,  unless there appears on such Note
   a  certificate  of  authentication  substantially  in the form  set  forth in
   Exhibit A hereto  executed  by the  Trustee  by the  manual  signature  of an
   Authorized  Officer of the Trustee,  and such certificate upon any Note shall
   be conclusive evidence,  and the only evidence,  that such Note has been duly
   authenticated and delivered hereunder.

               SECTION II.5 Transfer and Registry; Exchange; Negotiability.

               (a) (i) Each Note  shall be  transferable  only upon the books of
   the Issuer (the "Note Register"), which shall be kept for that purpose at the
   office  of  the  Person   acting  as  registrar  of  the  Issuer  (the  "Note
   Registrar").  The Trustee is hereby designated as the Note Registrar. Subject
   to the  provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section 2.6, the transfers of any
   Note may be  effected  on the books of the  Issuer by the  Holder  thereof in
   person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing,  upon surrender thereof
   together  with a written  instrument  of  transfer  satisfactory  to the Note
   Registrar duly executed by the Holder or its duly authorized  attorney.  Upon
   the  transfer  of any such Note,  the Issuer  shall  issue in the name of the
   transferee a new Note or Notes of the same aggregate  principal  amount,  the
   same series, interest rate and maturity as the surrendered Note.

                (ii) At the option of the  Holder,  Notes may be  exchanged  for
   other  Notes  of  any  authorized  denominations,  and  of a  like  aggregate
   principal amount, series,  interest rate and maturity,  upon surrender of the
   Notes to be  exchanged  at such office or agency.  Whenever  any Notes are so
   surrendered  for exchange,  the Issuer shall  execute,  and the Trustee shall
   authenticate and deliver,  the Notes which the Noteholder making the exchange
   is entitled to receive.

               (iii) All Notes  issued  upon any  registration  of  transfer  or
   exchange of Notes shall be the valid  obligations  of the Issuer,  evidencing
   the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits under this Indenture, as the
   Notes surrendered upon such registration of transfer or exchange.

                (iv) Every Note presented or  surrendered  for  registration  of
   transfer or exchange  shall (if so required by the Issuer or the  Trustee) be
   duly endorsed,  or be accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form
   satisfactory  to the Trustee,  duly  executed,  by the Holder  thereof or his
   attorney duly authorized in writing.

               (b)      Each Note shall bear the following legend:


               (c) No Note or any  beneficial  interest  therein  may be sold or
   transferred  (including,  without  limitation,  by pledge  or  hypothecation)
   unless such transfer is exempt from the registration requirements of the 1933
   Act and any  applicable  state  securities  and  blue  sky laws or is made in
   accordance with said Act and state laws. As a condition precedent to any such
   transfer,  a certificate or certificates in the form of Exhibit C hereto,  as
   appropriate, shall be delivered to the Trustee.

               (d)      None  of  the  Issuer,   the  Note  Registrar  or  the
   Trustee  is  obligated  to  register  the  Notes  under the 1933 Act or any
   other securities law.

               SECTION II.6  Regulations With Respect to Exchanges and Transfers
   . In all cases in which the privilege of exchanging or transferring  Notes is
   exercised,  the Issuer shall execute and the Trustee shall  authenticate  and
   deliver Notes in accordance with the provisions of this Indenture.  For every
   such  exchange or  registration  of transfer of Notes,  whether  temporary or
   definitive,  the Issuer and the  Trustee  may  require  the  payment of a sum
   sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental  charge required to be paid
   with respect to such exchange or registration of transfer. Neither the Issuer
   nor the Trustee  shall be required  to register  the  transfer of or exchange
   Notes for a period beginning on the Record Date next preceding a Payment Date
   and ending on such Payment Date.

               SECTION II. Mutilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost Notes

               (a) In case any Note  shall  become  mutilated  or be  destroyed,
   stolen or lost,  the Issuer shall  execute,  and  thereupon the Trustee shall
   authenticate  and deliver,  a new Note of like  aggregate  principal  amount,
   series,  interest  rate and  maturity  as the Note so  mutilated,  destroyed,
   stolen or lost, in exchange and  substitution  for such mutilated  Note, upon
   surrender  and  cancellation  of  such  mutilated  Note  or in  lieu  of  and
   substitution  for the Note  destroyed,  stolen or lost,  upon filing with the
   Trustee  evidence  satisfactory  to the Issuer and the Trustee that such Note
   has been destroyed,  stolen or lost and proof of ownership thereof,  and upon
   furnishing  the Issuer and Trustee with such  security or indemnity as may be
   required by them to save each of them  harmless  (an  unsecured  agreement of
   indemnity of a Purchaser  being deemed  sufficient for this purpose) and upon
   payment of any tax or  governmental  charge the Issuer and Trustee may incur.
   All Notes so surrendered to the Trustee shall be canceled by it. Any such new
   Notes issued pursuant to this Section 2.8 in  substitution  for Notes alleged
   to  be  destroyed,  stolen  or  lost  shall  constitute  original  additional
   contractual  obligations on the part of the Issuer,  whether or not the Notes
   so alleged to be destroyed,  stolen or lost shall be found at any time, or be
   enforceable by anyone, and shall be equally secured by, and entitled to equal
   and proportionate benefits with all other Notes issued under the Indenture.

               (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 2.8,
   in the event any such Note shall have  matured,  and no default has  occurred
   which is then  continuing  in the payment of the  principal of or interest on
   the Notes,  the Issuer may authorize the payment of the same (upon  surrender
   thereof as provided in Section  2.9)  instead of issuing a  substitute  Note,
   provided security or  indemnification  is furnished as above provided in this
   Section 2.8.

               (c) The  provisions  of this Section 2.8 are  exclusive and shall
   preclude (to the extent  lawful) all of the rights and remedies  with respect
   to the payment of mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed Notes, including those
   granted by any law or statute now existing or hereafter enacted.

               SECTION II.7 Medium of Payment; Payment of Principal and Interest

               (a) The Notes  shall be payable in lawful  currency of the United
   States of America and shall be payable by check mailed by first class mail to
   the Person  entitled  thereto at such  Person's  address as it appears on the
   Note Register on the  applicable  Record Date except that payments to Holders
   of in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000) of original principal amount
   of the Notes shall be made in immediately  available funds to an account at a
   banking  institution  in the United  States;  provided  that such  Holder has
   provided to the Trustee no later than two Business Days prior to the relevant
   Payment Date its wire transfer  instructions (the wire transfer  instructions
   of the  Purchaser  set  forth  in the  Note  Purchase  Agreement  are  deemed
   sufficient for all payments on the Notes held by the Purchaser).

               (b) Each Note shall bear  interest on the  outstanding  principal
   amount  thereof  from and  including  (i) June 24,  1997,  in the case of the
   Series A  Notes,  and (ii) in the case of the  Variable  Funding  Notes,  the
   Series C Notes and any  subsequent  series of Notes,  from and  including the
   Closing  date  therefor,  and,  in each case,  the most  recent date to which
   interest has been paid until paid.  Interest  shall  accrue on the  principal
   amount of the  Series A Notes and the  Variable  Funding  Notes at the end of
   each  day at a rate  per  annum  equal  to 2.10%  plus  the  LIBOR  Rate,  as
   determined  by the Master  Servicer  and set forth in the  Master  Servicer's
   Certificate.  Interest  shall accrue on the Series C Notes and any subsequent
   series of Notes at a rate to be  determined on or before the Closing for such
   series of Notes.  The term "LIBOR Rate" shall mean the rate  published in The
   Wall Street Journal under "Money Rates" (or if such  publication  shall cease
   to  publish  such rate,  then the rate  published  in such  other  nationally
   recognized  publication  as the Trustee may from time to time specify) as the
   average of the interbank offered rates for U.S. Dollar deposits in the London
   interbank  market for a term of one  month,  based on  quotations  at 5 major
   banks.  The LIBOR Rate for each day of a Payment  Period shall be the rate so
   published on the first  Business Day of such Payment  Period.  Interest shall
   accrue  at the  Default  Rate with  respect  to the  principal  amount of any
   portion of the Notes that is not paid on the Payment Date for such  principal
   (whether due at stated maturity,  on demand,  upon acceleration or otherwise)
   until paid in full.  Interest shall be calculated daily and shall be computed
   on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve months of 30 days each.

               (c) (i) On each Payment Date,  payments of principal of the Notes
   will be due in an amount equal to the Principal  Payment Amount in respect of
   the aggregate Loans as of such Payment Date.

               (ii) (A) If any of the representations or warranties contained in
   Section  3 of the  Purchase  and Sale  Agreement  shall  prove to be,  in any
   material and adverse respect,  false, incorrect or misleading as to any Loan,
   the Issuer,  at its expense,  shall promptly take such action as is necessary
   and use its best  efforts  to  cause  such  false,  incorrect  or  misleading
   representation or warranty to be, in all material respects, true, correct and
   not misleading,  within 30 days following the giving of written notice to the
   Issuer by the Trustee of such false,  incorrect or misleading  representation
   or warranty (provided,  however, that the Trustee shall have no obligation to
   investigate or determine whether any such representation is false,  incorrect
   or misleading) or following the discovery thereof by the Issuer.

               (B) If within the  applicable  time period set forth in paragraph
   (A)  above the  Issuer  fails to cure,  in all  material  respects,  any such
   representation  or warranty  with respect to a Loan which is, in any material
   respect,  false,  incorrect or misleading,  then, the Issuer shall as soon as
   possible but in no event later than 60 days following  notice or discovery of
   the false,  incorrect or  misleading  representation  or  warranty,  take all
   actions necessary or advisable under this Indenture and the Purchase and Sale
   Agreement to (i) cause the Trustee to redeem (pursuant to the exercise of the
   Repurchase  Option  set  forth  in  Section  4(b) of the  "Purchase  and Sale
   Agreement"),  on a pro rata basis among the  outstanding  Notes, an aggregate
   principal  amount of the Notes equal to the outstanding  principal  amount of
   the  Loan  with  respect  to  which  the  false,   incorrect  or   misleading
   representation  or warranty  was made,  and to pay  accrued  interest on such
   redeemed  Notes to the date of  redemption  or (ii),  with the consent of the
   Holders of at least 66 2/3% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount of
   the Notes, substitute a new Loan for such Loan.

               (iii) The Issuer shall have the right to prepay all, but not less
   than all,  of any series of  outstanding  Notes at any time after the date on
   which the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of such  series of Notes
   equals or is less than 10% of the initial aggregate  principal amount of such
   series of Notes.

               (iv) In the event that, pursuant to the terms of the Purchase and
   Sale  Agreement,  the  Originator  has  notified  the  Issuer  that  (A)  the
   Originator intends to exercise Unassigned Rights in respect of a Loan and (B)
   such exercise of Unassigned Rights requires the release of such Loan from the
   Lien of the Trust Estate hereunder, the Issuer shall have the right to prepay
   an aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes equal to the principal
   amount of the Loan released  hereunder.  Upon such prepayment,  together with
   accrued interest on such prepaid Notes to the date of prepayment, the Trustee
   shall release the related Loan in accordance with Section 8.3 hereof.

                  (v) All  unpaid  principal  of the Notes  shall  mature and be
   immediately due and payable at Stated Maturity.

                 (vi)  Payments  of  principal  (as a result of  prepayments  or
   otherwise)  to be made  will be  allocated  pro rata  among  the Notes in the
   proportion  which the outstanding  principal amount of each Note bears to the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of the Notes of all series as of the
   first day of the month in which the Payment Date occurs.

                (vii) All reductions in the principal  amount of a Note effected
   by payments of  installments  of principal  made on any Payment Date shall be
   binding  upon all future  Holders of the Note and of any Note issued upon the
   registration of transfer thereof or in exchange  therefor or in lieu thereof,
   whether or not such payment is noted on such Note.

               (viii) Whenever the entire  remaining  unpaid principal amount of
   the Notes will become due and payable on the next Payment  Date,  the Trustee
   shall notify the Person in whose name such Note is registered as of the close
   of  business on the Record  Date prior to such  Payment  Date that such final
   installment is expected to be paid on such Payment Date. Such notice shall be
   given  by the  Trustee  in the  name  and at the  expense  of the  Issuer  by
   first-class  mail,  postage  prepaid,  mailed no later than the  Business Day
   following  the day on  which  the  Trustee  receives  the  Master  Servicer's
   Certificate  with respect to such Payment  Date.  Such notice shall set forth
   the following  information:  the fact of such expectation of payment in full,
   restating the requirement set forth in this Indenture that such payment shall
   be payable only upon  presentation of such Note (or in the case of mutilated,
   destroyed,  lost  or  stolen  Notes,  a  certificate  to that  effect  and an
   indemnity  (or  unsecured  agreement of indemnity) as provided in Section 2.8
   hereof) on or after the Payment Date therefor at the  corporate  trust office
   of the Trustee for payment,  the place where such Notes are to be surrendered
   for payment and that no interest  shall accrue on the principal of such Notes
   for any period after such Payment Date.

               (ix) The final  installment  of principal of any Note made on any
   Payment Date shall be payable,  subject to Section 2.8(b)  hereof,  only upon
   presentation  of such Note (or in the case of mutilated,  destroyed,  lost or
   stolen  Notes,  a  certificate  to that effect and an indemnity (or unsecured
   agreement  of  indemnity)  as provided in Section 2.8 hereof) on or after the
   Payment  Date  therefor  at the  corporate  trust  office of the  Trustee for
   payment;  provided,  however, that this requirement of presentation shall not
   apply to the Purchaser if it furnishes to the Trustee its unsecured agreement
   of indemnity in the same manner as is permitted by Section 2.8 hereof.

               SECTION II.8 Persons Deemed Owners. The Issuer,  the Trustee  and
   the Note  Registrar  may deem and  treat the  Person  in whose  name any Note
   shall be  registered  upon the Note Register  as the  absolute  owner of such
   Note, whether such Note shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving
   payment of, or on account of, the  principal of and interest on such Note and
   for all other  purposes,  and all such payments so made to any such Holder or
   upon his order  shall be valid  and effective  to satisfy and  discharge  the
   liability  upon  such  Note to  the extent  of the  sum or sums  so paid, and
   neither  the Issuer,  the Trustee nor the Note Registrar shall be affected by
   any notice to the contrary.

               SECTION II.9 Cancellation. All Notes  surrendered upon payment of
   the final installment of  principal  pursuant  to  Section  2.9(c)  hereof or
   otherwise  surrendered  for registration  of transfer, conversion or exchange
   shall be delivered to the Trustee  and shall be  promptly  canceled  by it.  
   The Issuer may at any time deliver to the Trustee for cancellation  any Notes
   previously  authenticated and  delivered  hereunder which the Issuer may have
   acquired  in any manner whatsoever,  and all Notes so  delivered  shall  be
   promptly  canceled by the Trustee.  No Notes shall be  authenticated  in lieu
   of or in exchange for any Notes canceled as provided in this Section,  except
   as expressly permitted by this Indenture.

               SECTION II.10 Access to List of Noteholders'  Names and Addresses
   . The Note  Registrar  will  furnish or cause to be furnished to the Trustee,
   the Issuer or any Noteholder  promptly after receipt by the Note Registrar of
   a  request  therefor  from the  Trustee,  the  Issuer or such  Noteholder  in
   writing,  a list, in such form as the Trustee,  the Issuer or such Noteholder
   may reasonably require,  of the primary contacts,  names and addresses of the
   Noteholders as of the most recent Record Date.  Every Noteholder by receiving
   and holding Notes, agrees with the Issuer, the Registrar and the Trustee that
   neither  the  Issuer,  the  Note  Registrar  nor the  Trustee  shall  be held
   accountable  by reason of the  disclosure of any such  information  as to the
   names and addresses of the  Noteholders  hereunder,  regardless of the source
   from which such information was derived.

               SECTION II.11 Acts of Noteholders

               (a)  Any  request,  demand,  authorization,   direction,  notice,
   consent,  waiver or other  action  provided by this  Indenture to be given or
   taken  by  Noteholders  may be  embodied  in  and  evidenced  by one or  more
   instruments  of  substantially  similar tenor signed by such  Noteholders  in
   person  or by an agent  duly  appointed  in  writing,  and,  except as herein
   otherwise  expressly  provided,  such action shall become effective when such
   instrument or instruments  are delivered to the Trustee and where required to
   the  Issuer.  Proof of  execution  of any  such  instrument  or of a  writing
   appointing  any  such  agent  shall be  sufficient  for any  purpose  of this
   Indenture  and  conclusive  in favor of the Trustee and the Issuer if made in
   the manner provided in this Section 2.13.

               (b)      The fact and date of the  execution by any  Noteholder
   of any such  instrument or writing may be proven in any  reasonable  manner
   which the Trustee deems sufficient.

               (c)      The  ownership  of Notes  shall be  proven by the Note

               (d)  Any  request,  demand,  authorization,   direction,  notice,
   consent, waiver or other act by a Noteholder shall bind every Holder of Notes
   issued upon the registration of transfer  thereof or in exchange  therefor or
   in lieu  thereof,  in respect of anything  done, or omitted to be done by the
   Trustee or the Issuer in reliance  thereon,  whether or not  notation of such
   action is made upon such Notes.

               (e) The Trustee may require such  additional  proof of any matter
   referred to in this Section 2.13 as it shall deem necessary.

                                  ARTICLE III

                               ISSUANCE OF NOTES

               SECTION III.1 Conditions to Authentication  and Delivery of Notes
   . Following  execution  and delivery of this  Indenture by the Issuer and the
   Trustee,  Notes  shall  from  time to  time be  executed  by the  Issuer  and
   delivered to the Trustee for  authentication  and delivery  together with the
   written order required pursuant to Section 2.5 hereof,  and,  thereupon,  the
   same  shall  be  authenticated;  provided,  however,  that on or  before  the
   authentication and delivery of Notes on the Closing Date, and, as a condition
   to such authentication and delivery,  the Trustee, or the Collateral Agent on
   behalf of the Trustee, shall have received the following:

 (i)A List of Loans, certified by an Authorized Officer of the Master Servicer;

      (ii)The originals of each Loan Document relating to each Loan;

      (iii)If any of the Transaction Documents include an instrument executed by
   a Hypothecation  Borrower or a Consumer,  the original instrument endorsed in
   blank by the  Hypothecation  Borrower  or  Consumer,  or, if  endorsed to the
   Originator or the Issuer,  endorsed in blank by an Authorized  Officer of the
   Originator or the Issuer;

            (iv)  The originals of all Consumer Financing Documents;

      (v)If any of the Loan Collateral  consists of real estate  encumbered by a
   Mortgage,  an  original or copy  time-stamped  by the  appropriate  recording
   office of the recorded  Mortgage and an original or copy  time-stamped by the
   appropriate recording office of all amendments to such Mortgage;

      (vi)A copy of an  officially  certified  document,  dated not more than 30
   days prior to the Closing Date (and, if available,  confirmed on the Business
   Day prior to the Closing Date by telegram, telephone or other similar means),
   evidencing the due organization and good standing of the Issuer;

      (vii)A  certificate of an Authorized Officer of the Issuer dated as of the
   Closing  Date,  certifying  that (a) the Issuer is not in Default  under this
   Indenture;  (b) the issuance of the Notes  applied for will not result in any
   breach of any of the terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of, or  constitute a
   default under any indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust or other  agreement or
   instrument  to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its  property is
   bound or any  order of any  court or  administrative  agency  entered  in any
   Proceeding  to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its property may
   be bound or may be subject;  (c) the Issuer is the owner of each Loan Granted
   to the Trustee;  the Issuer has not assigned any interest or participation in
   any such  Loan;  and the Issuer has full right to Grant each such Loan to the
   Trustee;  (d) the Issuer has Granted to the Trustee all of its right,  title,
   and  interest  in each Loan  Granted  to the  Trustee;  (e) other  than liens
   created  under or pursuant  to the  Indenture,  the Trust  Estate is free and
   clear of any pledge,  charge or encumbrance  thereon or with respect  thereto
   created by or through the Issuer, and all action on the part of the Issuer to
   that end has been duly and  validly  taken;  (f) after  giving  effect to the
   issuance of the Notes,  the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes  will not  exceed  the Note  Limit;  and (g) all  conditions  precedent
   provided in this  Indenture  relating  to the  issuance,  authentication  and
   delivery of the Notes applied for have been complied with;

      (viii)An  Opinion of Counsel  (or  Opinions  of  Counsel)  to the  Issuer,
   addressed  to the  Trustee  and the  Purchaser  and  dated  as of the date of
   authentication  of the Notes  applied  for,  in the form  attached  hereto as
   Exhibit D;

      (ix)A fully executed copy of each of the following agreements:

             (A)  this Indenture;

             (B)  the Servicing Agreement;

             (C)  the Agency Agreements;

             (D)   the Purchase and Sale Agreement;

             (E)  the Deposit Account Assignment; and

             (F)  the Payment Direction Agreement.

      (x)A certificate of an Authorized  Officer of the Issuer,  dated as of the
   date of authentication of the Notes applied for, that the Issuer has filed or
   caused to be filed UCC-1 financing  statements in the  appropriate  recording
   offices executed by the Issuer, as debtor, and naming the Trustee, as secured
   party, and the Loans and Loan Collateral as collateral;

      (xi)Copies of resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Master Servicer
   approving the execution,  delivery and performance of the Servicing Agreement
   and the  transactions  contemplated  thereby,  certified  by the  Clerk or an
   Assistant Clerk of the Master Servicer;

      (xii)A copy of an officially  certified  document,  dated not more than 30
   days prior to the date of  authentication  of the Notes  applied for (and, if
   available,  confirmed  on the  Business  Day prior to such date by  telegram,
   telephone or other similar means),  evidencing the due  organization and good
   standing of the Master Servicer in the state of its organization; and

      (xiii)Other.  Such other documents as may be reasonably requested by the 
                    Trustee or the Purchaser.

         SECTION   III.2   Additional   Document   Deliveries;    Post   Closing
   Matters.SECTION III.2 Additional Document Deliveries; Post Closing Matter (a)
   Within 90 days of the Closing  Date,  the Issuer shall deliver to the Trustee
   (or the  Collateral  Agent)  with  respect  to each  Mortgage  received  by a
   Hypothecation  Borrower  from a Consumer  and  collaterally  assigned  to the
   Originator,  the original or copy  time-stamped by the appropriate  recording
   office of such collateral assignment and the original or copy time-stamped by
   the appropriate recording office of collateral reassignments of such Mortgage
   (which may be contained in one instrument)  from the Originator to the Issuer
   and from the Issuer to the Trustee.

         (b) On or before any Closing  after the Closing Date, as a condition to
   the  authentication  and delivery of Notes on the date of such  Closing,  the
   Trustee,  or the  Collateral  Agent on  behalf  of the  Trustee,  shall  have
   received (i) the documents specified in Sections 3.1(i) through 3.1(v) above,
   and (ii) a certificate of an Authorized  Officer of the Issuer dated the date
   of such  Closing,  certifying as to the matters set forth in Section 3.1 (vi)

         (c) Within 90 days of the  Closing  Date,  the Issuer  shall  cause all
   lock-box  or  collection  accounts  in  respect  of the  Loans  or  the  Loan
   Collateral  which on the Closing Date are owned or in the name of the "Master
   Servicer"  to be  transferred  to an account or  accounts  in the name of the
   Trustee.  The Trustee shall not have any obligations with respect to any such
   account, including,  without limitation, any obligation to direct investments
   in such  account  or to  respond  to any  inquiry  with  respect  to any such

                                  ARTICLE IV

                            COVENANTS OF THE ISSUER

         SECTION IV.1 Payment of Principal and Interest. The Issuer will duly
   and punctually pay the principal of and interest on the Notes in accordance
   with the terms of the Notes and this Indenture.

         SECTION IV.2 Maintenance of Existence

             (a) Except as permitted by Section 4.2(b),  the Issuer will keep in
   full effect its  existence,  rights and  franchises as a business trust under
   the laws of the State of its  organization  and the  Issuer or any  permitted
   successor hereunder will obtain and preserve its qualification to do business
   as a foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction in which such qualification is
   or shall be  necessary to protect the  validity  and  enforceability  of this
   Indenture,  the Notes, the Servicing  Agreement or any of the Loan Documents.
   The Issuer at all times shall hold itself out as having an existence separate
   from that of the Master  Servicer,  and shall keep books and records separate
   from those of the Master Servicer.

             (b) Any Person  into which the  Issuer  hereunder  may be merged or
   with which it may be  consolidated  on an  involuntary  basis,  or any Person
   resulting from any such merger or consolidation to which the Issuer hereunder
   shall be a party,  shall be the successor Issuer under this Indenture without
   the execution or filing of any paper, instrument or further act to be done on
   the part of the parties hereto, anything herein, or in any agreement relating
   to such merger or consolidation,  by which any such successor Issuer may seek
   not to retain certain powers, rights and privileges theretofore obtaining for
   any period of time  following such merger or  consolidation,  to the contrary

         SECTION IV.3  Protection of Trust Estate

             (a) The Issuer will from time to time  execute and deliver or cause
   to be delivered  all  amendments  hereto and all such  financing  statements,
   continuation   statements,   instruments  of  further   assurance  and  other
   instruments, and will take such other action necessary or advisable to:

      (i)Grant more effectively all or any portion of the
   Trust Estate;

      (ii)maintain or preserve the lien (and the priority thereof) of this 
   Indenture or carry out more effectively the purposes hereof;

      (iii)perfect, publish notice of, or protect the validity of any Grant 
   made or to be made by this Indenture;

      (iv)preserve  and defend  title to the Trust  Estate and the rights of the
   Trustee, and of the Noteholders secured thereby, in such Trust Estate against
   the claims of all Persons and parties; and

      (v)pay any and all taxes levied or assessed upon all or any part of the 
   Trust Estate.

               (b) The  Issuer  hereby  designates  the  Trustee  its  agent and
   attorney-in-fact  to execute,  upon the Issuer's failure to do so in a timely
   manner, any financing statement,  continuation  statement or other instrument
   required pursuant to this Section 4.3. Such power of attorney is coupled with
   an interest and irrevocable,  and the Issuer hereby ratifies and confirms all
   that the  Trustee may do by virtue  thereof.  Such  designation  shall not be
   deemed to create a duty in the  Trustee  to  monitor  the  compliance  by the
   Issuer with the foregoing  covenants,  and the duty of the Trustee to execute
   any instrument  required pursuant to this Section 4.3 shall arise only if the
   Trustee has knowledge of the type  described in Section  9.1(e) hereof of any
   Default by the Issuer in complying with the provisions of this Section 4.3.

         SECTION IV.4 Enforcement of Servicing Agreement

               (a) The Noteholders agree that (i) the Issuer and the Trustee are
   hereby authorized to engage the Master Servicer to service the Loans pursuant
   to the Servicing Agreement, and (ii) the Trustee shall be entitled to rely on
   the services of the Master  Servicer  for  purposes of  servicing  the Loans.
   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the Trustee is notified by the Issuer or
   any of the  Noteholders  that action is necessary (x) for the  enforcement of
   the Loans and the Loan Collateral,  including without limitation,  the prompt
   payment of all principal  and interest and all other amounts due  thereunder,
   consistent with the provisions of the Servicing Agreement,  or (y) to defend,
   enforce,  preserve and protect the rights and privileges of the Issuer and of
   the  Noteholders  under or with  respect  to the Loans and the  related  Loan
   Collateral,  or (z)  to  preserve  the  Liens  of  the  Loans  and  the  Loan
   Collateral, the Trustee shall notify the Master Servicer and request that the
   Master Servicer take such action.

         The Issuer will  punctually  perform and observe all of its obligations
   and agreements contained in the Servicing  Agreement.  The Issuer shall cause
   the Master  Servicer to  diligently  enforce all terms and  covenants  and to
   satisfy  all  conditions  of  the  Servicing  Agreement,  including,  without
   limitation,  the prompt  payment of all  principal and interest and all other
   amounts due  thereunder.  The Issuer at all times shall cause to be defended,
   enforced, preserved and protected the rights and interests of the Issuer, the
   Trustee and the Noteholders under or with respect to the Servicing Agreement.

               (b) If the Issuer shall have  knowledge of the  occurrence  of an
   Event of Default under the  Servicing  Agreement,  the Issuer shall  promptly
   notify the Trustee thereof,  and shall specify in such notice the action,  if
   any, the Issuer is taking in respect of such Event of Default.  If such Event
   of Default  arises from the failure of the Master  Servicer to perform any of
   its duties or obligations  under the Servicing  Agreement with respect to the
   Loans securing the Notes, the Issuer may remedy such failure.  So long as any
   such Event of Default under the Servicing Agreement shall be continuing,  the
   Trustee may, and upon the direction of (i) the Purchaser  while the Purchaser
   is a Holder of Notes, or (ii) the Holders of Notes representing not less than
   51% of the then aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (other
   than Notes owned by the Originator or any Affiliate of the  Originator),  the
   Trustee shall  terminate all of the rights and powers of the Master  Servicer
   under the  Servicing  Agreement  pursuant  to  Section  6.1 of the  Servicing
   Agreement.  Unless  directed  or  permitted  by the Trustee or the Holders of
   Notes  representing  not  less  than 51% of the  then  aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the Notes (other than Notes owned by the  Originator  or
   any Affiliate of the Originator),  the Issuer may not waive any such Event of
   Default under the  Servicing  Agreement or terminate the rights and powers of
   the Master Servicer under the Servicing Agreement.

               (c) Upon any  termination  of the  Master  Servicer's  rights and
   powers  pursuant  to Section  5.1 of the  Servicing  Agreement,  all  rights,
   powers, duties,  obligations and responsibilities of the Master Servicer with
   respect to the  related  Loans  shall  vest in and be assumed by a  Successor
   Master  Servicer  appointed  by the  Issuer  with  the  consent  of  (i)  the
   Purchaser,  while  the  Purchaser  is a Holder  of  Notes,  and (ii) the then
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not less  than  51% of the  then  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes (provided,  that the Holder of any
   Notes owned by the Originator or any Affiliate of the Originator shall not be
   entitled to  participate  in any  consent of the  proposed  Successor  Master
   Servicer  as an  affiliate  of the  Originator),  and such  Successor  Master
   Servicer shall be the successor in all respects to the Master Servicer in its
   capacity  as  servicer  with  respect  to  such  Loans  under  the  Servicing
   Agreement.  No resignation  or  termination of the Master  Servicer under the
   Servicing  Agreement shall be effective until a Successor Master Servicer has
   been  appointed  and  assumed  the duties of the Master  Servicer.  Upon such
   appointment,  such  Successor  Master  Servicer  shall enter into a servicing
   agreement with the Issuer and the Trustee, such agreement to be substantially
   similar to the Servicing Agreement.  If, within 15 days after the termination
   or  resignation  of the Master  Servicer,  the Issuer shall not have obtained
   such a new servicer  acceptable to the  Noteholders  as provided  above,  the
   Trustee may appoint,  or may petition a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to
   appoint,  a successor  servicer to service the Loans.  In connection with any
   such appointment, the Trustee may make such arrangements for the compensation
   of such successor as it and such successor shall agree,  and the Issuer shall
   enter into an agreement  with such successor for the servicing of such Loans,
   such  agreement to be in form and substance  satisfactory  to the Trustee and
   (i) the Purchaser  while the Purchaser is a Holder of Notes and (ii) the then
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not less  than  51% of the  then  aggregate
   outstanding  principal  amount of the  Notes.  Any such  compensation  of the
   successor  servicer  shall  not be in excess of that  payable  to the  Master
   Servicer under the Servicing  Agreement,  unless the Master  Servicer or some
   other Person agrees to pay such additional compensation.

               (d) If any of the  Noteholders or the Issuer notifies the Trustee
   that action is necessary in order to defend, enforce, preserve or protect the
   rights and interests of the Issuer and the Noteholders  under or with respect
   to the Servicing Agreement, the Trustee shall notify the Issuer or the Master
   Servicer,  as the case may be, and direct the  notified  party to  diligently
   enforce all terms and covenants  and satisfy all  conditions of the Servicing
   Agreement. The Trustee may, without the consent of any Noteholder, enter into
   or consent to any amendment or supplement to the Servicing  Agreement for the
   purpose of increasing  the  obligations or duties of any party other than the
   Trustee or the Noteholders.  Except as provided above in this paragraph,  the
   Trustee shall not consent or agree to or permit any  amendment,  modification
   or waiver of the Servicing Agreement without the prior consent thereto of the
   Holders of 66-2/3% of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes
   (without  regard  to any Notes  owned by the  Master  Servicer  or any of its
   Affiliates).  The Trustee  may, in its  discretion,  decline to enter into or
   consent to any such  supplement  or  amendment  if its own rights,  duties or
   immunities shall be adversely affected.

         SECTION IV.5 Books of Account. The  Issuer covenants  that the books of
   record  and  account of the Issuer and, pursuant to the provisions of the
   Servicing Agreement, the Master Servicer  shall at all  times be  subject  to
   the  inspection  and use of the Trustee and any Holder of Notes and of their
   respective agents and attorneys.

         SECTION IV.6 Performance of Obligations. The Issuer will punctually 
   perform and observe all of its obligations and agreements  under the terms of
   this  Indenture and the Notes.  The Issuer will not take any action, and will
   use its best  efforts  not to permit any action to be taken by others,  which
   would release any Person's  covenants or obligations under any instrument 
   included in the Trust Estate, or which would result in the hypothecation,  
   subordination,  termination or discharge of, or impair the  validity  or  
   effectiveness  of, any such  instrument,  except as expressly provided in 
   this Indenture.

         SECTION IV. Negative Covenants. Except as  expressly  permitted by this
   Indenture or  contemplated by the Servicing Agreement, the Issuer will not:

               (a)      sell,  transfer,  exchange or otherwise dispose of any
   of the Trust Estate;

               (b) claim any credit on, make any deduction from the principal or
   interest  payable in respect of the Notes (other than amounts  required to be
   withheld from such payments under the Code or any other  applicable  state or
   federal law) or assert any claim against any present or former  Noteholder by
   reason of the payment of any taxes  levied or assessed  upon any of the Trust

               (c) engage in any business or activity or create,  incur,  assume
   or in any manner become liable on any debt other than in connection  with, or
   relating to, the issuance of the Notes pursuant to this Indenture;

               (d)      amend the certificate of  incorporation  of the Issuer
   without the prior written consent of the Purchaser;

               (e)      dissolve or liquidate in whole or in part;

               (f)  consolidate  with or merge into any other  Person or convey,
   transfer  or lease  substantially  all of its  assets as an  entirety  to any
   Person  unless  the  Person  formed by such  consolidation  or into which the
   Issuer has been merged or the Person which acquires  substantially all of the
   assets of the Issuer as an entirety is an  organization  organized  under the
   laws of a state in the United States, can lawfully perform the obligations of
   the Issuer  hereunder  and executes and delivers to the Trustee an agreement,
   in form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to the Trustee, which contains
   an assumption by such  successor  entity of the due and punctual  performance
   and observance of each representation,  warranty,  covenant and obligation to
   be made, performed or observed by the Issuer under this Indenture;

               (g) (i) permit the validity or effectiveness of this Indenture to
   be impaired or permit the lien of this  Indenture  with  respect to the Trust
   Estate to be subordinated,  terminated or discharged, or permit any Person to
   be released from any covenants or obligations under this Indenture, the Loans
   or the Loan Collateral,  (ii) permit any lien, pledge, charge, adverse claim,
   security  interest,  mortgage or other encumbrance  (other than liens created
   under or  pursuant  to this  Indenture)  to be  created  on or  extend  to or
   otherwise  arise upon or burden the Trust  Estate or any part  thereof or any
   interest  therein or the proceeds  thereof,  or (iii) permit the lien of this
   Indenture  not to  constitute  a  perfected  security  interest  in the Trust

               (h) permit any  material  amendment  to the Loan  Documents  or
   waive any payment default thereunder;

               (i) permit  any  amendment  or  modification  to the  Servicing
   Agreement; or

               (j)  permit  any  amendment  or  modification  to any  Consumer
   Financing Document.

         SECTION IV.7 Protection of Security:  Power to Issue Notes and Grant
   Trust .  The Issuer represents, warrants and covenants that:

               (a) The  Issuer  is,  and at all  times  during  the term of this
   Indenture will be, a corporation  duly organized and validly existing in good
   standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware;  and the Issuer is, and at
   all times  during the term of this  Indenture  will be, duly  qualified to do
   business as a foreign corporation and in good standing under the laws of each
   jurisdiction where the character of its property,  the nature of its business
   or the  performance  of its  obligations  under  this  Indenture  makes  such
   qualification  necessary except where the failure to be so qualified will not
   have a material  adverse  effect on the business of the Issuer or its ability
   to perform its  obligations  under this  Indenture or any other  documents or
   transactions  contemplated hereunder or the validity or enforceability of the

               (b) The Issuer  holds,  and at all times  during the term of this
   Indenture  will hold,  all material  licenses,  certificates,  franchises and
   permits from all  governmental  authorities  necessary for the conduct of its
   business and has received no notice of proceedings relating to the revocation
   of any such license, certificate, franchise or permit, which singly or in the
   aggregate,  if the  subject of an  unfavorable  decision,  ruling or finding,
   would  materially and adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations
   under this  Indenture  or any other  documents or  transactions  contemplated
   hereunder or the validity or enforceability of the Loans;

               (c) The  Issuer  has,  and at all times  during  the term of this
   Indenture will have, all requisite power and authority to own its properties,
   to conduct  its  business,  to execute  and deliver  this  Indenture  and all
   documents  and  transactions  contemplated  hereunder,  to perform all of its
   obligations  under this  Indenture  and any other  documents or  transactions
   contemplated  hereunder,  to issue the Notes and to Grant the Trust Estate in
   the manner and to the extent  provided  herein.  The Issuer has all requisite
   power and authority to acquire, own, sell and convey to the Trustee the Trust

               (d)  This  Indenture,  the  Notes  and all  other  documents  and
   instruments  required or contemplated  hereby to be executed and delivered by
   the Issuer have been duly  authorized,  executed and  delivered by the Issuer
   and,  assuming the due  execution  and delivery by the other party or parties
   hereto and thereto,  if any,  constitute legal,  valid and binding agreements
   enforceable  against the Issuer in  accordance  with their  respective  terms
   subject,  as to the  enforcement  of  remedies,  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
   reorganization,   moratorium   and   other   similar   laws   affecting   the
   enforceability of creditors' rights generally  applicable in the event of the
   bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  reorganization  of the  Issuer  and  to  general
   principles of equity;

               (e) The execution, delivery and performance by the Issuer of this
   Indenture,  the Notes and any other documents and  transactions in connection
   herewith  to which the Issuer is a party do not and will not (i)  violate any
   of the provisions of the  organizational  documents or by-laws of the Issuer;
   (ii)  violate  any  provision  of any law,  governmental  rule or  regulation
   currently in effect  applicable  to the Issuer or its  properties or by which
   the Issuer or its  properties  may be bound or  affected,  (iii)  violate any
   judgment,  decree, writ, injunction,  award, determination or order currently
   in effect  applicable to the Issuer or its  properties or by which the Issuer
   or its properties  are bound or affected,  (iv) conflict with, or result in a
   breach  of, or  constitute  a default  under,  any of the  provisions  of any
   indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, contract or other instrument to which the
   Issuer  is a party  or by  which it is  bound  or (v)  except  for the  Grant
   hereunder,  result in the creation or  imposition of any lien upon any of its
   properties  pursuant to the terms of any such  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of
   trust, contract or other instrument;

               (f)  Except  for  the  filing  of  financing  statements  and the
   recording of assignments contemplated hereby, no consent,  approval, order or
   authorization  of,  and no  filing  with or  notice  to,  any  court or other
   governmental  authority  in respect of the Issuer is required  in  connection
   with the authorization,  execution,  delivery or performance by the Issuer of
   this  Indenture,  the Notes or any of the  other  documents  or  transactions
   contemplated hereunder;

               (g) The Issuer is not in default under any  agreement,  contract,
   instrument  or indenture to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its
   properties  is or are  bound,  or with  respect  to any  order of any  court,
   administrative  agency,  arbitrator or  governmental  body which would have a
   material adverse effect on the transactions  contemplated  hereunder;  and no
   event  has  occurred  which  with  notice  or  lapse  of time  or both  would
   constitute  such a default  with  respect  to any such  agreement,  contract,
   instrument  or  indenture,  or with  respect  to any such order of any court,
   administrative agency, arbitrator or governmental body;

               (h)  There  is no  pending  or,  to  the  best  of  the  Issuer's
   knowledge,  threatened action,  suit,  proceeding or investigation before any
   court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or  governmental  body against or
   affecting  the Issuer  which,  if decided  adversely,  would  materially  and
   adversely  affect (i) the  condition  (financial or  otherwise),  business or
   operations  of the  Issuer,  (ii) the  ability of the  Issuer to perform  its
   obligations  under, or the validity or  enforceability  of, this Indenture or
   any other documents or transactions contemplated under this Indenture,  (iii)
   any Loan Collateral, (iv) the Master Servicer's ability to service the Loans;

               (i) No document,  certificate or report  furnished or required to
   be  furnished  by the Issuer  pursuant  to this  Indenture  contains  or will
   contain when  furnished  any untrue  statement of a material fact or fails or
   will fail to state a material fact  necessary in order to make the statements
   contained therein not misleading;

               (j) Other than liens created under or pursuant to this Indenture,
   the  Trust  Estate  is and will be free and  clear of any  pledge,  charge or
   encumbrance thereon or with respect thereto created by or through the Issuer,
   and all  action  on the part of the  Issuer  to that  end has  been  duly and
   validly taken;

               (k) The Issuer  shall at all times,  to the extent  permitted  by
   law,  defend,  preserve and protect the Grant of the Trust Estate and all the
   rights of Noteholders  under this Indenture against all claims and demands of
   all  Persons  whomsoever  claiming  by,  through or under the Issuer  (except
   claims and demands of the Trustee under or pursuant to this Indenture);

               (l) The Issuer  shall at all times hold itself out to the public,
   including creditors of the Originator, and carry out its business and conduct
   its affairs under the Issuer's own name and as a separate and distinct entity
   from the Originator or any of its Affiliates;

               (m) The Issuer shall at all times be responsible  for the payment
   of all its  obligations  and  indebtedness,  shall at all  times  maintain  a
   business  office,  records,  books of  account  and funds  separate  from the
   Originator  and  shall  observe  all  customary  formalities  of  independent

               (n) The  Issuer  shall  make its books and  records  and the Note
   Register available to the Noteholders and the Trustee,  at their own expense,
   for purposes of inspection  and copying and shall,  at the Issuer's  expense,
   furnish, or cause to be furnished, to the Trustee or any Noteholder, promptly
   after  receipt by the Issuer of a request  therefor  from the Trustee or such
   Noteholder in writing, a list of the primary contacts, names and addresses of
   the Noteholders as of the Record Date immediately preceding such request;

               (o) As long as any Note is  outstanding,  the  Issuer  shall  not
   issue, incur, assume or guarantee any indebtedness or other obligation except
   for such  indebtedness  as may be  incurred  by the Issuer  pursuant  to this
   Indenture and related documents or instruments;

               (p) Each of the  representations and warranties of the Originator
   set forth in the Purchase and Sale  Agreement  are true and correct as of the
   date  when  made,  and the  Issuer  hereby  makes  such  representations  and
   warranties to the Trustee for the benefit of the Noteholders; and

               (q) The Issuer  shall  provide to each  Noteholder  (i) within 60
   days of the end of each fiscal quarter the unaudited financial  statements of
   the Issuer as of the end of such fiscal quarter,  and (ii) within 135 days of
   the end of each fiscal year of the Issuer, the unaudited financial statements
   of the Issuer as of the end of such fiscal year.

         SECTION IV.8 Maintenance of Offices or Agency. The Issuer will maintain
   an office or agency, which may be changed in the  discretion  of the Issuer,
   within the United States of America at which Notes may be presented or 
   surrendered  for payment,  Notes may be surrendered for  registration  of 
   transfer or exchange and notices and demands to or upon the Issuer in respect
   of the Notes and this  Indenture may be served.  The Issuer hereby initially
   appoints the Trustee at its corporate  trust office such  office or agency.
   The Issuer will give  prompt  written  notice to the Trustee of the location,
   and of any  change in the location, of any such office or agency.  If at any
   time the Issuer  shall fail to maintain any such office  or agency or shall
   fail to  furnish  the  Trustee  with the address thereof, such presentations,
   surrenders, notices and demands may be made or served at the corporate  trust
   office,  and the Issuer  hereby appoints the Trustee  at its  corporate trust
   office  its  agent  to  receive  all  such presentations, surrenders, notices
   and demands.

         SECTION IV.10 Further Assurances. The Issuer will execute and deliver,
   or cause to be executed  and delivered,  all such additional  instruments and
   do, or cause to be done, all such additional actions as (i) may be necessary
   or proper,  consistent with the Granting  Clause hereof,  to carry out the 
   purposes of this Indenture and to make  subject to the lien hereof any  
   property  intended so to be subject, (ii) may be  necessary  or proper to  
   transfer to any  successor  trustee the estate, powers, instruments and funds
   held in trust hereunder and to confirm the lien of this Indenture with 
   respect to any series of the Notes,  or (iii) the Trustee may  reasonably  
   request for any of the foregoing  purposes.  The Issuer hereby  authorizes  
   the Trustee to execute and file all such financing statements,  continuation
   statements and other documents as the Trustee may deem necessary or advisable
   to make or keep  effective  the  lien of this Indenture or any supplemental
   indenture and the priority thereof. The Trustee shall have no duty to monitor
   compliance  by the Issuer  with the  foregoing covenants or to determine  
   whether the  execution or filing of any  financing statements or any other
   document is necessary or advisable in connection with the foregoing.

                                   ARTICLE V


         SECTION V.1 Collection of Money. Except as otherwise expressly provided
   herein, the Trustee may demand payment or delivery of, and shall  receive and
   collect,  directly and without intervention  or  assistance  from any  fiscal
   agent or other  intermediary, pursuant  to the terms  hereof,  all money and
   other  property  payable to or receivable by the Trustee pursuant to this
   Indenture,  including all payments due on the Loans, in accordance  with the
   respective  terms and conditions of such Loans and the Loan Collateral.
   Except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein,  the Trustee shall hold all
   such money and property received by it as part of the Trust Estate and shall
   apply it as provided in this Indenture.

         SECTION V.2 Payment Account

               (a) On or prior to the Closing Date, the Trustee shall  establish
   and  thereafter  maintain a separate  trust account under the sole control of
   the Trustee entitled "The Chase Manhattan Bank, as trustee,  in trust for the
   benefit of the holders of the Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp.  Hypothecation
   Loan   Collateralized   Notes--Payment   Account."  The  Trustee  shall  make
   withdrawals  from the Payment  Account  only as  provided in this  Indenture.
   Monies on deposit in the Payment Account shall be invested in accordance with
   Section 5.3 hereof.

               (b) Not later than the Business Day immediately following receipt
   thereof,  the Trustee shall deposit or cause to be deposited into the Payment
   Account all monies received by the Trustee in respect of the Loans (including
   all payments,  insurance  proceeds,  condemnation  proceeds,  recoveries  and
   Servicer Advances, if any) in immediately available funds;

               (c) On each Payment Date,  the Trustee,  in  accordance  with the
   Master Servicer's  Certificate,  shall withdraw and distribute or cause to be
   distributed all monies received in the related  Collection  Period on deposit
   in the Payment Account  (including any Investment Income with respect to such
   monies on deposit in the Payment Account) in the following order of priority:

       (i) To the  Trustee,  all  accrued  and  unpaid  fees and  reimbursable
   expenses due and payable to the Trustee pursuant to Section 9.7 hereof;

           (ii) If the Master  Servicer is not the Originator or an Affiliate of
   the  Originator,  to the Master  Servicer  by wire  transfer  of  immediately
   available funds, an amount equal to the Servicing Fee due and payable on such
   Payment  Date plus all  Servicer  Advances  made by the  Master  Servicer  on
   previous  Payment  Dates  to the  extent  the  Master  Servicer  has not been
   reimbursed for such Servicer Advances;

      (iii)To the Holders of Notes on the Record Date  relating to such  Payment
   Date, interest accrued on the Notes in the related Payment Period;

      (iv)Pro  rata to the Holders of Notes on the Record Date  relating to such
   Payment Date,  the  Principal  Payment  Amount due and payable,  if any, with
   respect to the Notes;

      (v)If  the  Master  Servicer  is the  Originator  or an  Affiliate  of the
   Originator,  to the Master Servicer by wire transfer of immediately available
   funds,  an amount equal to the  Servicing Fee due and payable on such Payment
   Date plus all  Servicer  Advances  made by the Master  Servicer  on  previous
   Payment Dates to the extent the Master  Servicer has not been  reimbursed for
   such Servicer Advances; and

      (vi)Provided  no Payment  Default has occurred and is  continuing,  to the
   Issuer,  all remaining  amounts on deposit in the Payment  Account,  plus all
   Investment Income, if any, then held in the Payment Account to the extent not
   needed to make the distributions  required by clauses (i) through (v) of this
   Section 5.2(c);

           SECTION V.3 Servicer Advances.  If on the date which is two  Business
   Days prior to a Payment  Date, amounts  on deposit  in  the  Payment  Account
   are insufficient to make the distributions required to be made on such 
   Payment Date pursuant to paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of Section 5.2 hereof,
   the Master Servicer shall be required to make a deposit in the amount of such
   shortfall into the Payment Account(each, a "Servicer Advance") on such date;
   provided, however, that the Master Servicer  shall not be obligated  to make
   any Servicer  Advance if the Master Servicer  determines  that the Master
   Servicer will not be able to ultimately recover the full amount of such 
   Servicer Advance; and, provided, further that at no time shall outstanding
   unreimbursed  Future Advances in respect of any particular  Loan exceed
   $100,000.  The Master  Servicer shall be entitled to reimbursement for any 
   Servicer Advance as provided in Section 5.2 hereof.

         SECTION V.4 Investment of Funds. Amounts on deposit in the Payment
   Account shall, if and to the extent then permitted by law, be invested by the
   Trustee in Eligible Investments, at the  written direction of  an Authorized
   Officer  of  the  Issuer.   Such investments  shall mature on or before the
   Business Day preceding the Payment Date following the date of such
   investment.  Net income or gain received and collected from such investments
   shall be credited and losses charged to the Payment Account.

         SECTION V.4 Repayment to the Issuer from the Accounts. After payment in
   full of the principal of, interest on, and all other amounts due and payable
   with respect to the Notes (in accordance with Section 7.1 hereof) and the
   payment of all fees, reimbursable charges and expenses of or other amounts
   owed to the Issuer, the Trustee, and the Note Registrar and all other amounts
   required to be paid hereunder, all amounts remaining in the Payment Account
   shall be paid to the Issuer on its written order.

         SECTION V.5 Reports to the Noteholders. On each Payment Date, the
   Trustee will furnish to the Issuer and will include  with each  distribution
   to the  Noteholders  the Master  Servicer's Certificate delivered pursuant to
   Section 3.1(a) of the Servicing Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VI

                                  ARTICLE VII

                        EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES

         SECTION VII.1 Events of Default. Each of the events  described  in
   clauses (a) through (l) below shall constitute  an "Event of Default"  with
   respect to the Notes  (whatever  the reason  for such  Event of  Default  and
   whether  it shall be  voluntary  or involuntary  or be effected by operation
   of law or pursuant to any  judgment, decree  or  order  of any  court  or any
   order,  rule or  regulation  of any administrative or governmental body):

               (a) The Issuer shall fail to make any payment of principal on the
   Notes within two  Business  Days of the day the same becomes due and payable;

               (b) The Issuer  shall fail to make any payment of interest on the
   Notes within two  Business  Days of the day the same becomes due and payable;

               (c) The Issuer  shall fail to observe or perform in any  material
   respects any of the  covenants of the Issuer under  Sections  4.2,  4.3, 4.4,
   4.5, 4.6 or 4.9 hereof,  which failure has continued for a period of 30 days;

               (d)      The  Issuer  shall  fail to  observe  or  perform  its
   covenants under Section 4.7 hereof; or

               (e) Any  representation  or  warranty  of the Issuer set forth in
   Section 4.8 of this Indenture shall prove to be false in any material respect
   as of the date when made; or

               (f)      The  Issuer  makes an  assignment  for the  benefit of
   creditors  or is  generally  not paying its debts as such debts become due;

               (g) The  Issuer  petitions  or applies to any  tribunal  for,  or
   consents  to,  the  appointment  of,  or  taking  possession  by, a  trustee,
   receiver, custodian,  liquidator or similar official of the Issuer, or of any
   substantial  part of the assets of the Issuer,  or commences a voluntary case
   under the Bankruptcy Law of the United States or any proceedings  relating to
   the Issuer, under the Bankruptcy Law of any other jurisdiction; or

               (h) Any  such  petition  or  application  is  filed,  or any such
   proceedings  are  commenced,  against  the  Issuer  and the Issuer by any act
   indicates its approval thereof,  consent thereto or acquiescence  therein, or
   any  order,  judgment  or  decree is  entered  appointing  any such  trustee,
   receiver,  custodian,  liquidator  or  similar  official,  or  approving  the
   petition in any such  proceedings and such order,  judgment or decree remains
   unstayed and in effect for more than 30 days; or

               (i) Any order,  judgment or decree is entered in any  proceedings
   against the Issuer  decreeing the  dissolution  of the Issuer and such order,
   judgment or decree remains unstayed and in effect for more than 60 days; or

               (j) A final  judgment  in an  amount  in  excess  of  $50,000  is
   rendered  against the Issuer,  and within 60 days after entry  thereof,  such
   judgment is not discharged or execution  thereof stayed  pending  appeal,  or
   within 60 days after the  expiration  of any such stay,  such judgment is not

               (k)      Any  assignment  by the  Issuer to a  delegate  of its
   duties or rights  hereunder,  except as specifically  permitted  hereunder,
   or any attempt to make such an assignment; or

               (l)      Any occurrence or existence of any Event of
   Default (as defined in the Servicing Agreement) under the
   Servicing Agreement.

               SECTION VII.2 Acceleration of Maturity. (a) Upon the occurrence
   and continuance of an Event of Default, (i) if such event is an Event of
   Default specified in clause (h), (i), (j) or (k)  of  Section  7.1,  all of
   the  Notes  at the time outstanding  shall automatically  become immediately
   due  and  payable  at par  together  with interest accrued thereon,  without
   presentment,  demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby
   waived by the  Issuer,  and (ii) if such event is any other Event of Default,
   the Trustee may,  and, upon the written request of over 25% in aggregate
   outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (by notice in writing to the
   Issuer and the  Trustee),  shall  declare all of the  Notes  to be,  and  all
   of the  Notes  shall  thereupon  be and  become, immediately due and payable
   together with interest accrued thereon, without presentment, demand, protest
   or other notice of any kind,  all of which are hereby waived by the Issuer.

               (b) At any time after a declaration  pursuant to Section  7.2(a),
   but before any  judgment  or decree for the  payment of monies due shall have
   been obtained or entered, unless the same has been discharged, and before the
   Notes have matured by their terms, or as otherwise  provided  herein,  if all
   overdue payments of principal and interest upon such Notes, together with the
   reasonable and proper  charges,  expenses and  liabilities of the Trustee and
   the Holders of such Notes and their  respective  agents and attorneys and all
   other sums then  payable  by the Issuer  under  this  Indenture  (except  the
   principal of and interest  accrued since the next  preceding  Payment Date on
   such Notes or due and  payable  solely by virtue of such  declaration)  shall
   either be paid by or for the account of the Issuer or provisions satisfactory
   to the Holders of 51% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes shall be made for such  payment,  and all Events of Default  under such
   Notes and under this  Indenture  (other  than the  payment of  principal  and
   interest  due and  payable  solely by reason of such  declaration)  have been
   cured to the satisfaction of the Holders of 51% of the aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the Notes or  provision  deemed by the Holders of 51% of
   the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes to be adequate has
   been made  therefor,  then and in every  such case the  Holders of 51% of the
   aggregate  outstanding principal amount of the Notes by written notice to the
   Issuer and to the Trustee,  shall have the right,  but not be  obligated  to,
   rescind such declaration and annul such Event of Default in its entirety. For
   purposes  of the  foregoing  sentence,  the  Holders of 51% of the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes shall be determined without regard
   to any  Notes  owned  by the  Originator  or any of its  Affiliates.  No such
   rescission and annulment  shall extend to or affect any  subsequent  Event of
   Default or impair or exhaust any right or power consequent thereon.

               SECTION VII.3 Enforcement of Remedies. (a) If an Event of Default
   shall have  occurred  and be continuing and the Notes have been declared due
   and payable and such declaration and its consequences have not been rescinded
   and annulled, the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the Holders of
   over 25% in  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes shall,
   proceed to protect and enforce its rights and the rights of the Noteholders
   under the Notes and this  Indenture  and take one or more of the following
   actions without limitation:

      (i)proceed  to  protect  and  enforce  its  rights  and the  rights of the
   Noteholders by appropriate Proceedings whether by the specific enforcement of
   any covenant or agreement in this  Indenture or in the aid of the exercise of
   any power granted herein, or to enforce any other property remedy;

      (ii)institute  Proceedings  for the collection of all amounts then payable
   on the Notes,  whether by  declaration  or  otherwise,  enforce any  judgment
   obtained, and collect any monies adjudged due;

      (iii)in accordance with Section 7.13, sell the Trust Estate or any portion
   thereof or rights or interest therein, at one or more public or private sales
   called and conducted in any manner permitted by law;

      (iv)institute  Proceedings  from time to time for the  complete or partial
   foreclosure of this Indenture with respect to the Trust Estate; and

      (v)exercise  any remedies of a secured party under the Uniform  Commercial
   Code and take any other appropriate  action or protect and enforce the rights
   and remedies of the Trustee or the Noteholders hereunder.

               (b) In the  enforcement of any right or remedy under the Notes or
   this Indenture,  the Trustee shall be entitled to sue for, enforce payment on
   and receive any and all amounts then or during any Event of Default becoming,
   and any time remaining,  due from the Issuer, for principal and interest,  or
   otherwise,  under any of the provisions of the Notes or this  Indenture,  and
   unpaid,  with  interest on overdue  payments at the rate or rates of interest
   specified  in the  Notes,  together  with any and all costs and  expenses  of
   collection and of all Proceedings  under the Notes or the Indenture,  without
   prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Trustee or the  Noteholders and
   to recover and enforce judgments or decrees against the Issuer, but solely as
   provided in this Indenture and in the Notes for any amounts remaining unpaid,
   with  interest,  costs and  expenses,  and to collect (but solely from moneys
   available  therefor to the extent  provided in this  Indenture) in any manner
   provided by law,  the moneys  adjudged or decreed to be payable.  The Trustee
   shall  file  such  proof of claim and other  papers  or  documents  as may be
   necessary  or  advisable  in order to have the claims of the  Trustee and the
   Noteholders allowed in any judicial proceeding, relative to the Issuer or its
   creditors or property.

               (c) The Trustee  may,  and if requested in writing by the Holders
   of over 51% in  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount  of the  Notes  and
   furnished with reasonable  security and indemnity (an unsecured  agreement of
   indemnity of the Purchaser being deemed sufficient for such purpose),  shall,
   institute and maintain such suits and  proceedings or take such other acts as
   it may be advised  shall be necessary or expedient to prevent any  impairment
   of the security under this Indenture or under any Loan Collateral by any acts
   which may be  unlawful  or in  violation  of this  Indenture  or of such Loan
   Collateral,  and such suits and  proceedings  as the  Trustee  may be advised
   shall be necessary or expedient to preserve or protect its  interests and the
   interests  of the  Noteholders;  provided,  that  such  request  shall not be
   otherwise  than  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of law  and  of  this

               SECTION VII.2 Application of Money Collected Upon Acceleration. 
   If the Notes have been declared due and payable  pursuant on to Section  7.2
   hereof,  any moneys  collected  by the Trustee  pursuant to this Article  VII
   or  otherwise  held by the  Trustee as part of the Trust  Estate shall be
   applied  in the  following  order at the date or dates  fixed by the Trustee
   and,  in case of the  distribution  of such  moneys on account  of principal
   of and  interest  on the Notes  upon  presentation  and  surrender thereof:

               FIRST:  To the payment of amounts  due the Trustee  pursuant to
   Section  9.7 hereof  including  amounts  payable to the  Trustee  acting as
   Master Servicer;

               SECOND:  To the  payment  of  all  the  amounts  then  due  and
   unpaid upon the Notes for:

               (a)      all  interest   payable  on  the  Notes   through  the
   Acceleration Date;

               (b)      interest    from   the   first   day   following   the
   Acceleration  Date  to the  date  of  payment  in  full  of  the  aggregate
   principal amount of the Notes; and

               (c) interest on any overdue installments of interest on the Notes
   from the due date of any such installments to the date of payment but only to
   the extent that payment of such interest shall be legally enforceable;

   such funds to be  allocated in  proportion  to the total amount of interest
   otherwise payable on the Notes;

               THIRD:  To the  payment  of all  amounts  then  due and  unpaid
   upon the Notes for  principal  ratably,  without  preference or priority of
   any kind;

               FOURTH:  To the  payment of all other  amounts  to the  persons
   entitled thereto in accordance with this Indenture.

               SECTION  VII.3  Unconditional  Rights of  Noteholders  To Receive
   Principal an.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision in this  Indenture,  the
   Holder of any Note shall have an absolute and unconditional  right to receive
   payment of the principal of and interest on such Note (subject to Section 2.9
   hereof) on or after the respective  Payment Dates expressed in such Note, and
   such right shall not be impaired without the consent of such Holder.

               SECTION VII.4 Restoration of Rights and Remedies. If the Trustee
   or any  Noteholder has instituted any Proceeding to enforce any right or
   remedy under this  Indenture and such  proceeding has been  discontinued  or
   abandoned  for any  reason,  or has been determined adversely to the Trustee
   or to such  Noteholder,  then and in every such case the  Issuer, the Trustee
   and  the  Noteholders   shall,   subject  to  any determination in such
   proceedings, be restored severally and respectively to their former positions
   hereunder,  and thereafter all rights and remedies of the Trustee and the
   Noteholders  shall continue as though no such Proceeding had been instituted.

               SECTION VII.5 Rights and Remedies Cumulative. No right or remedy
   herein  conferred  upon or  reserved to the Trustee or to the  Noteholders is
   intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, and every right and
   remedy shall, to the extent permitted by law, be cumulative and in addition
   to every other right and remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing
   at law or in equity or otherwise;  the assertion or  employment  of any right
   or remedy  hereunder,  or  otherwise,  shall not prevent the concurrent
   assertion or employment of any other appropriate right or remedy.

               SECTION VII.6 Delay or Omission Not Waiver. No delay or omission
   of the Trustee or any Holder to exercise any right or remedy  accruing upon
   any Event of Default shall impair any such right or remedy or  constitute  a
   waiver of any such  Event of Default or an acquiescence  therein.  Every such
   right and remedy given by this Article VII or by law to the Trustee or to the
   Noteholders may be exercised from time to time, and as often as may be deemed
   expedient,  by the  Trustee  or by the Noteholders, as the case may be.

               SECTION VII.9 Control by Noteholders.  Subject to the  provisions
   of Section  7.2,  Section  7.3 and Section  7.7,  the  Holders  of at  least
   51% of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes shall have the
   right to direct the time, method and place of  conducting  any  proceeding
   for any  remedy  available  to the Trustee with respect to the Notes or
   exercising any trust or power  conferred on the Trustee with respect to the
   Notes; provided that:

               (a)      such  direction  shall  not be in  conflict  with  any
   rule of law or with this Indenture;

               (b)      the Trustee shall have been  provided  with  indemnity
   reasonably satisfactory to it;

               (c)  subject  to (d)  below,  any  direction  to the  Trustee  to
   undertake  a sale of the  Trust  Estate or any part  thereof  shall be by the
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not  less  than  66-2/3%  of the  aggregate
   outstanding principal amount of the Notes; and

               (d) the Trustee may take any other  action  deemed  proper by the
   Trustee which is not  inconsistent  with such direction;  provided,  however,
   that,  subject to Section  9.1 hereof,  the Trustee  need not take any action
   which  it  determines  might  involve  it in  liability  or may  be  unjustly
   prejudicial to the Noteholders not consenting.

               SECTION VII.7 Waiver of Past Events of Default. Prior to the time
   a judgment or decree for payment of the money due has been  obtained by the
   Trustee,  as provided in this Article VII, the Trustee may waive any past
   Event of Default with respect to the Notes and its consequences except an
   Event of Default (a) in the payment of principal of or interest on any of the
   Notes or (b) in respect of a  covenant  or  provision hereof which cannot be
   modified or amended  without the consent of the Holder of each Note affected.
   Upon any such waiver, such Event of Default shall cease to exist and be
   deemed to have been cured and not to have occurred, and any Event of Default
   arising  therefrom  shall be deemed to have been cured, and not to have
   occurred for every purpose of this Indenture.  In the case of any such
   waiver, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Holders of the Notes shall be
   restored to their former positions and rights hereunder, respectively; but no
   such waiver  shall extend to any  subsequent  or other Event of Default or 
   impair any right consequent thereon.

               SECTION VII.8 Undertaking for Costs. The Issuer and the Trustee
   agree,  and each  Noteholder by such Noteholder's acceptance of a Note shall
   be deemed to have agreed,  that any court may in its discretion  require,  in
   any suit for the enforcement of any right or  remedy  under  this  Indenture
   undertaken  by the  Trustee  at the direction  of the Noteholders, or in any
   suit  against  the Trustee for any action taken, suffered or omitted by it as
   Trustee,  the filing by any party litigant in such suit of an  undertaking
   to pay the costs of such suit,  and that such court may in its  discretion
   assess  reasonable  costs,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees,  against
   any party litigant in such suit, having due regard to the merits  and good
   faith of the claims or  defenses  made by such party litigant;  but the
   provisions of this Section 7.11 shall not apply to  any  suit  instituted  by
   the  Trustee,  to any  suit  instituted  by any Noteholder, or group of
   Noteholders, holding in the aggregate at least 51% of the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal  amount of the  Notes,  or to any suit instituted by
   any Noteholder for the enforcement of the payment of principal of or interest
   on any Note, which principal or interest is due and payable.

               SECTION VII.12 Issuer Waiver of Stay or Extension Laws; Waiver of
   Ju. (i) The Issuer  covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that
   it will not at any time insist upon, plead, or in any manner whatsoever claim
   or take the  benefit or  advantage  of, any stay or  extension  law  wherever
   enacted,  now or at any  time  hereafter  in  force,  which  may  affect  the
   covenants or the performance of this Indenture; and the Issuer (to the extent
   that it may lawfully do so) hereby  expressly waives all benefit or advantage
   of any such law, and covenants  that it will not hinder,  delay or impede the
   execution  of any power herein  granted to the  Trustee,  but will suffer and
   permit  the  execution  of every  such  power as  though no such law had been

               (ii) The Issuer and the Trustee  each hereby  waives the right to
   trial by jury in any  Proceeding  of any kind arising out of or in respect of
   this Indenture or any Note.

               SECTION VII.9 Sale of Trust Estate.
               (a) The  power to  effect  any sale of any  portion  of the Trust
   Estate  pursuant to Section 7.3 hereof  shall not be  exhausted by any one or
   more sales as to any portion of the Trust Estate remaining unsold,  but shall
   continue unimpaired until either the entire Trust Estate shall have been sold
   or all amounts  payable on the Notes and under this Indenture shall have been
   paid  pursuant to Section 7.4. The Trustee may from time to time postpone any
   sale by  public  announcement  made at the time and place of such  sale.  The
   Trustee  hereby  expressly  waives  its right to any  amount  fixed by law as
   compensation for any sale; provided, however, that such waiver does not apply
   to any amounts to which the Trustee is otherwise  entitled  under Section 9.7

               (b) The  Trustee may bid for and acquire any portion of the Trust
   Estate in connection with a public sale or, to the extent permitted by law, a
   private sale thereof, and in lieu of paying cash to the Issuer therefor,  may
   make settlement for the purchase price by applying to the gross sale price in
   payment therefor the sum of (i) the amount of unpaid principal of and accrued
   interest  on  the  Notes,  and  (2)  the  expenses  of  the  sale  and of any
   proceedings in connection  therewith which are reimbursable to it pursuant to
   Section 9.7 hereof and other  amounts due  hereunder and secured by the Trust
   Estate. The Notes need not be produced to complete any such sale.

               (c)  The  Trustee  shall  execute  and  deliver  an   appropriate
   instrument  of  conveyance  transferring  its  interest in any portion of the
   Trust Estate in connection  with a sale hereof.  In addition,  the Trustee is
   hereby irrevocably  appointed an agent and  attorney-in-fact of the Issuer to
   transfer and convey the Issuer's  interest in any portion of the Trust Estate
   in connection with a sale thereof, and to take all action necessary to effect
   such  sale.  No  purchaser  or  transferee  at  such a sale  shall  have  any
   obligation   to  ascertain  the   Trustee's   authority,   inquire  into  the
   satisfaction  of any  conditions  precedent or see to the  application of any

               SECTION VII.10 Action on Notes. The Trustee's  right to seek and
   recover  judgment on the Notes or under this Indenture shall not be affected
   by the seeking,  obtaining or application of any other relief  under or with
   respect to this  Indenture. Neither the lien of this Indenture nor any rights
   or remedies of the Trustee or the  Noteholders  shall be impaired by the
   recovery of any judgment by the Trustee  against  the  Issuer  or by the
   levy of any  execution  under  such judgment  upon any  portion of the Trust
   Estate or upon any of the assets of the Issuer.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                           SATISFACTION AND DISCHARGE

               SECTION VIII.1 Satisfaction and Discharge of Indenture. This
   Indenture shall cease to be of further effect except as to (a  rights  of
   registration   of  transfer  and  exchange,   (b)  rights  of substitution of
   new Notes for mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Notes, (c) rights of
   Noteholders to receive  payments of principal  thereof and interest thereon,
   (d) the rights, obligations and immunities of the Trustee hereunder, and (e)
   the rights of Noteholders as beneficiaries hereof with respect to the
   property so deposited  with the Trustee and payable to them, and the Trustee,
   on  demand  of  and at  the  expense  of the  Issuer,  shall  execute  proper
   instruments acknowledging satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture, when:

               (a) all Notes theretofore authenticated and delivered (other than
   Notes  which  have been  mutilated,  destroyed,  stolen  and which  have been
   replaced,  or paid as provided in Section 2.8 hereof) have been  delivered to
   the Trustee for cancellation; and

               (b)  the  Issuer  has  delivered  to  the  Trustee  an  Officer's
   Certificate  stating  that  there  has been  compliance  with all  conditions
   precedent  herein  provided  for  the  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  this

               Notwithstanding the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture,
   the  obligations of the Issuer to the Trustee under Section 9.7 hereof and of
   the  Trustee  to the Issuer and the  Noteholders,  as the case may be,  under
   Section 8.2 hereof and the  provisions  of Article II hereof with  respect to
   lost,  stolen,  destroyed or mutilated  Notes,  registration  of transfer and
   exchange of Notes, and rights to receive payments of principal of or interest
   on the Notes shall survive.

               SECTION VIII.2 Application of Trust Money. All moneys  deposited
   with the  Trustee  pursuant to Article V hereof shall be held in trust by the
   Trustee, in its trust capacity and not in its commercial capacity, and
   applied by the Trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Notes and
   this Indenture,  to the payment to the Holders of the Notes, and, if required
   hereunder, to the Issuer.

               SECTION VIII.3 Release of Trust Estate

               (a Subject to the  payment of its fees and  expenses  pursuant to
   Section 9.7 hereof and only when and to the extent required by the provisions
   of this Indenture,  the Trustee shall execute instruments to release property
   from the lien of this  Indenture,  or convey the  Trustee's  interest  in the
   same, in a manner and under circumstances which are not inconsistent with the
   provisions of this Indenture. No party relying upon an instrument executed by
   the  Trustee as provided in this  Article V shall be bound to  ascertain  the
   Trustee's  authority,   inquire  into  the  satisfaction  of  any  conditions
   precedent or see to the application of any moneys.

               (b The  Trustee  shall,  at  such  time  as  there  are no  Notes
   outstanding and all sums due the Trustee  pursuant to Section 9.7 hereof have
   been paid, release the Trust Estate from the lien of this Indenture.

               (c  Upon  receipt  of an  Officer's  Certificate  of  the  Master
   Servicer  stating either (i) that all payments of principal and interest have
   been made  upon any Loan  held by the  Trustee,  or the  Collateral  Agent on
   behalf of the Trustee,  hereunder and deposited  into the Payment  Account or
   (ii) that the Trustee has received an amount sufficient to prepay a principal
   amount of the Notes equal to the  outstanding  principal  amount of a Loan in
   accordance  with  Section  2.9(c)(ii)(B)(iv)  hereof,  the  Trustee,  or  the
   Collateral Agent on behalf of the Trustee,  shall promptly release,  reassign
   without  representation  or  recourse  and deliver  the Loan  Documents  with
   respect to such Loan to the Issuer.

                                  ARTICLE IX

                                  THE TRUSTEE
               SECTION IX.1  Certain Duties and Responsibilities

               (a   Except during the continuance of an Event of Default:

          (i) the  duties  of the  Trustee  shall be  determined  solely  by the
   express  provisions of this Indenture and the Trustee need perform only those
   duties and no others;  the Trustee undertakes to perform such duties and only
   such duties as are specifically  set forth in this Indenture,  and no implied
   covenants  or  obligations  shall be read into  this  Indenture  against  the
   Trustee; and

         (ii0  in the  absence  of  bad  faith  on its  part,  the  Trustee  may
   conclusively rely upon certificates or opinions  furnished to the Trustee and
   conforming  to the  requirements  of  this  Indenture,  including  investment
   instructions  received pursuant to Section 5.4 hereof, as to the truth of the
   statements and the correctness of the opinions expressed therein;  but in the
   case of any such  certificates  or opinions  which by any  provision  of this
   Indenture  are  specifically  required to be furnished  to the  Trustee,  the
   Trustee shall be under a duty to examine the same to determine whether or not
   they conform as to form to the requirements of this Indenture.

               (b In case an Event of Default has  occurred  and is  continuing,
   the Trustee shall exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by this
   Indenture,  and use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a
   prudent man would exercise or use under the  circumstances  in the conduct of
   his own affairs.

               (c No provision of this Indenture, including, without limitation,
   Section 9.7, shall be construed to relieve the Trustee from liability for its
   own negligent  action,  its own negligent  failure to act, or its own willful
   misconduct, except that:

      (i0this subsection shall not be construed to limit the effect of 
   subsection (a) of this Section 9.1;

      (ii0the Trustee shall not be liable for any error of judgment made in good
   faith by an Authorized Officer of the Trustee, unless it shall be proved that
   the Trustee was negligent in ascertaining the pertinent facts; and

      (iii0the Trustee shall not be personally liable with respect to any action
   taken  or  omitted  to be taken by it in good  faith in  accordance  with any
   direction  received  by the  Trustee  in  accordance  with the  terms of this
   Indenture  from the Holders of at least 51% (or such other  percentage as may
   be required by the terms hereof) of the then aggregate  outstanding principal
   amount of the Notes relating to the time,  method and place of conducting any
   Proceeding for any remedy  available to the Trustee,  or exercising any trust
   or power conferred upon the Trustee, under this Indenture.

               (d Whether or not therein expressly so provided,  every provision
   of this Indenture  relating to the conduct of,  affecting the liability of or
   affording  protection  to the Trustee  shall be subject to the  provisions of
   this Section.

               (e For all purposes under this  Indenture,  the Trustee shall not
   be deemed to have  notice of any  Default or Event of Default  (other than an
   Event of Default  described in Sections 7.1(a) or (b) hereof) or a Default or
   Event of Default under any document  included in the Trust Estate,  unless an
   Authorized  Officer of the Trustee has actual knowledge thereof or unless the
   Trustee has  received  written  notice  thereof at the Trust  Office and such
   notice references the Notes generally,  the Issuer,  the Trust Estate or this
   Indenture.  For purposes of  determining  the  Trustee's  responsibility  and
   liability  hereunder,  whenever  reference  is made in  this  Indenture  to a
   Default or an Event of Default,  such  reference  shall be construed to refer
   only to the Default or the Event of Default of which the Trustee is deemed to
   have notice pursuant to this Section 9.1(e).

               (f No provision of this  Indenture  shall  require the Trustee to
   expend or risk its own funds or otherwise  incur  financial  liability in the
   performance of any of its duties hereunder,  or in the exercise of any of its
   rights or powers,  if there shall be  reasonable  ground for  believing  that
   repayment of such funds or adequate  indemnity against such risk or liability
   is not  reasonably  assured to it, the Trustee having the right to require an
   indemnity pursuant to subparagraph (g) below.

               (g The Trustee shall not be under any obligation to institute any
   suit, or to take any remedial  Proceeding  under this Indenture,  or to enter
   any  appearance  in or in any way  defend  any  suit in  which it may be made
   defendant,  or to take  any  steps  in the  execution  of the  trusts  hereby
   created, the performance of any of its duties hereunder or in the enforcement
   of any rights  and  powers  hereunder  until it shall be  indemnified  to its
   reasonable  satisfaction against any and all costs and expenses,  outlays and
   counsel fees and other  reasonable  disbursements  and against all liability,
   except  liability  which  is  adjudicated  to  have  resulted  from  its  own
   negligence or willful misconduct, in connection with any action so taken.

               (h  Notwithstanding  any  extinguishment of all right,  title and
   interest  of the  Issuer in and to the  Trust  Estate  following  an Event of
   Default and a consequent  declaration of  acceleration of the maturity of the
   Notes, whether such extinguishment  occurs through a sale of the Trust Estate
   to another  person,  the  acquisition  of the Trust  Estate by the Trustee or
   otherwise,  the rights,  powers and duties of the Trustee with respect to the
   Trust Estate (or the proceeds  thereof) and the Noteholders and the rights of
   the Noteholders shall continue to be governed by the terms of this Indenture.

               (i The Trustee shall keep and maintain proper books of record and
   accounts  relating to the Notes in which full,  true and correct entries will
   be made of all  dealings  or  transactions  of the Trustee in relation to the
   Notes,  the  Accounts  and the Issuer.  The Trustee  shall keep such books of
   record and accounts  available for  inspection by the Issuer or by any Holder
   of Notes during reasonable business hours and under reasonable circumstances.
   For purposes of preparing  such books and records,  the Trustee is authorized
   to retain outside accountants at the expense of the Issuer.

               SECTION IX Notice of Events of Default. Promptly  after the
   Trustee shall have notice of the occurrence of any Default or Event of
   Default, the Trustee shall transmit by mail to all Holders and the Issuer
   notice of such Event of Default known to the Trustee.

               SECTION IX.4 Certain Rights of the Trustee.  Except as otherwise
   expressly  provided  in  Section  9.1 hereof:

               (a in  the  absence  of  bad  faith  or  negligence  the  Trustee
   conclusively  may rely on and shall be protected in acting or refraining from
   acting  when  doing  so,  in each  case in  accordance  with any  resolution,
   certificate,   statement,   instrument,  opinion,  report,  notice,  request,
   direction,  consent, order, bond, note or other paper or document believed by
   the Trustee to be genuine and to have been signed or  presented by the proper
   party or  parties,  and the Trustee  need not  investigate  any facts  stated

               (b whenever in the  administration  of this Indenture the Trustee
   shall  deem it  desirable  that a matter be proved  or  established  prior to
   taking, suffering or omitting any action hereunder, the Trustee (unless other
   evidence be herein specifically  prescribed) may, in the absence of bad faith
   on its part, rely upon an Officer's Certificate;

               (c before  the  Trustee  acts or  refrains  from  acting,  it may
   require an  Officer's  Certificate  or Opinion of Counsel,  or both,  and the
   Trustee  shall not be liable  for any  action it takes,  suffers  or omits in
   reliance on either  thereof;  the Trustee may consult with  counsel,  and the
   written  advice of such  counsel or any Opinion of Counsel  shall be full and
   complete  authorization  and  protection  in respect of the  legality  of any
   action taken,  suffered or omitted by the Trustee hereunder in good faith and
   in reliance thereon;

               (d the Trustee shall not be under any  obligation to exercise any
   of the  rights or powers  vested in it by this  Indenture  at the  request or
   direction of any of the Noteholders  pursuant to this Indenture,  unless such
   Noteholders  shall  have  offered  to  the  Trustee  reasonable  security  or
   indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities which might be incurred
   by it in compliance with such request or direction;

               (e the Trustee shall not be bound to make any investigation  into
   the  facts or  matters  stated  in any  resolution,  certificate,  statement,
   instrument,  opinion,  report, notice,  request,  direction,  consent, order,
   bond, note or other paper or document,  but the Trustee in its discretion may
   make such further inquiry or  investigation  into such facts or matters as it
   may see fit, and if the Trustee shall  determine to make such further inquiry
   or  investigation,  it shall be entitled,  on reasonable  prior notice to the
   Issuer, to examine the books, records and premises of the Issuer,  personally
   or by agent or attorney,  during the Issuer's normal business hours; provided
   that the Trustee shall and shall cause its agents to hold in  confidence  all
   such information  except to the extent  disclosure may be required by law and
   except to the extent that the Trustee,  in its sole  judgment,  may determine
   that such disclosure is consistent with its obligations hereunder;

               (f the Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers  hereunder
   or perform any duties  hereunder  either  directly or by or through agents or
   attorneys  and the Trustee  shall not be  responsible  for any  misconduct or
   negligence on the part of any agent or attorney appointed with due care by it

               (g the  Trustee  shall not be liable  for any  action it takes or
   omits to take in good faith which it believes to be  authorized or within the
   rights or powers conferred upon it by this Indenture; and

               (h to the extent a Person  other than the Trustee is appointed by
   the Issuer to act as Note  Registrar,  such  Person  shall be an agent of the
   Issuer,  and the Trustee shall not be liable or  responsible by reason of any
   act or omission of any such Person.

               SECTION IX.5 Not Responsible for Recitals or Issuance of Notes.
   The recitals contained herein and in the Notes, except any such recitals
   relating to the Trustee,  shall be taken as the  statements  of the Issuer,
   and the Trustee assumes no responsibility for their correctness.  The Trustee
   shall not be responsible  for and makes no representation as to the validity
   or sufficiency of this Indenture, the Notes or the Trust Estate. The Trustee
   shall  not be accountable for the Issuer's issue of the Notes or application
   of the  proceeds  thereof or for any money paid to the Issuer or upon the
   Issuer's  direction  under any of the provisions of this  Indenture. The
   Trustee is not  responsible  for the use or  application of any moneys by any
   agent other than the Trustee,  including,  without limitation, the Master 
   Servicer. The Trustee shall not be responsible for any statement in the Notes
   or in any other document  prepared,  executed or delivered in connection with
   the sale and  issuance  of the Notes or the  execution  and  delivery of this
   Indenture except its certificate of authentication.

               . The  Trustee,  in its  individual  or any other  capacity,  may
   become the owner or pledgee of Notes and may  otherwise  deal with the Issuer
   with the same rights it would have if it were not Trustee.

               . Money held by the  Trustee in trust  hereunder  will be held by
   the Trustee in its trust  capacity and not in its commercial  capacity,  in a
   segregated  account in accordance  with the  Indenture.  The Trustee shall be
   under no liability for interest on any money received by it hereunder  except
   as  otherwise  agreed in writing  with the Issuer and except to the extent of
   income or other gain on Eligible  Investments  which are  obligations  of the
   Trustee  (excluding  obligations  of Affiliates of the Trustee) and income or
   other gain actually received by the Trustee on Eligible Investments which are
   obligations of a third party.

               .ECTION IX.8 Compensation and Reimbursement

               (a       The Issuer agrees:

         (1) subject to any separate written agreement with the Trustee,  to pay
   the  Trustee  from  time to time  reasonable  compensation  for all  services
   rendered  by it or any of its  agents,  including,  without  limitation,  the
   Collateral  Agent  (each,  the  "Trustee"  for the  purposes of this  Section
   9.7(a)) hereunder (which  compensation  shall not be limited by any provision
   of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust);

         (2) to  reimburse  the  Trustee  upon its  request  for all  reasonable
   expenses,  disbursements  and  advances  incurred  or made by the  Trustee in
   accordance with any provision of this Indenture; and

         (3) to  indemnify  the Trustee  for,  and to hold the Trustee  harmless
   against,  any loss,  liability or expense incurred without  negligence or bad
   faith on its part,  arising out of or in  connection  with the  acceptance or
   administration   of  this  trust  (other  than  taxes,   penalties  or  other
   liabilities arising in connection with the Trustee's failure to withhold from
   payments with respect to the Notes amounts  required to be withheld under the
   Code, or the Trustee's withholding from such payments amounts not required or
   permitted to be withheld under the Code),  including the reasonable costs and
   expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  of defending  themselves
   against any claim or liability in connection with the exercise or performance
   of any of their powers or duties hereunder; provided that:

      (i0with respect to any such claim, the Trustee shall have given the Issuer
   written  notice  thereof  promptly  after the  Trustee  shall have  knowledge
   thereof, provided,  however, that the failure of the Trustee to so notify the
   Issuer  shall not  relieve  the Issuer of its  obligations  pursuant  to this

      (ii0the  Issuer shall assume the defense of any such claim,  provided that
   if the Issuer shall not have employed counsel reasonably  satisfactory to the
   Trustee to direct the defense of such claim  within a  reasonable  time after
   such notice of the claim  pursuant to paragraph (i) above,  the Trustee shall
   have the right to direct the defense of such claim;

      (iii0the  Trustee  shall have the right to employ  separate  counsel  with
   respect to any claim and to participate in the defense thereof,  but the fees
   and  expenses of such counsel  shall be at the expense of the Trustee  unless
   the payment of such counsel has been  specifically  authorized by the Issuer;
   provided  further,  however,  that if the Trustee shall assume the defense of
   any claim as a result of the  Issuer's  failure to assume the defense of such
   claim as  described  in  paragraph  (ii)  above,  the  Issuer  shall  pay the
   reasonable  fees and expenses of  Trustee's  counsel in  connection  with the
   defense of such claim; and

      (iv0notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this  Section  9.7(a)(3),
   the  Issuer  shall  not be liable  for  settlement  of any such  claim by the
   Trustee entered into without the prior consent of the Issuer.

               Nothing  in this  Section  9.7  shall be  construed  to limit the
   exercise by the Trustee of any right or remedy permitted under this Indenture
   or  otherwise  in the event of the  Issuer's  failure to pay any sums due the
   Trustee pursuant to this Section 9.7.

               (b The  provisions  of this  Section  9.7 shall  govern all other
   provisions of this  Indenture  regarding the payment of the fees and expenses
   of the Trustee.

               (c To secure the Issuer's payment  obligations under this Section
   9.7,  the  Trustee  shall have a lien prior to the  Noteholders  on the Trust
   Estate,  except  with  respect  to such  moneys  as are  held in trust to pay
   principal of and interest on  particular  Notes.  Such lien shall survive the
   satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture.

               (d The payment  obligations  of the Issuer under this Section 9.7
   shall survive the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture.

               .  The  Trustee  shall  be  a  corporation  or  national  banking
   association  or trust company  organized and doing business under the laws of
   the United States of America or of any State,  authorized  under such laws to
   exercise corporate trust powers,  having a combined capital and surplus of at
   least  $50,000,000,  subject to  supervision or examination by any federal or
   state banking authority  (except as provided in Section 9.9 hereof).  If such
   Trustee publishes reports of condition annually, or more frequently, pursuant
   to law or to the  requirements  of the  aforesaid  supervising  or  examining
   authority,  then for the purposes of this  Section 9.8, the combined  capital
   and surplus of such corporation  shall be deemed to be the respective  amount
   set forth in its most recently  published  report of  condition.  The Trustee
   shall  provide  copies of such reports to the Issuer or any  Noteholder  upon
   request at the requesting  party's expense.  If at any time the Trustee shall
   cease to be eligible in accordance  with the  provisions of this Section 9.8,
   it shall  resign  immediately  in the manner and with the effect  hereinafter
   specified in this Article IX.

               SECTION IX.10 Resignation and Removal; Appointment of Successor .

               (a No resignation or removal of the Trustee and no appointment of
   a successor  trustee pursuant to this Article IX shall become effective until
   the  acceptance of  appointment  by the successor  trustee under Section 9.10
   hereof. Any successor Trustee appointed  hereunder is subject to the approval
   of the Holders of at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount
   of the Notes, which approval, in neither case, shall be unreasonably withheld
   or delayed.

               (b The Trustee or any trustee  hereafter  appointed may resign at
   any time by  giving  written  notice of  resignation  to the  Issuer,  and by
   mailing notice of resignation by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to all of
   the  Noteholders,  at their  addresses  appearing on the Note Register.  Upon
   receiving  notice of  resignation  of the Trustee,  the Issuer shall promptly
   appoint a successor trustee, by written instrument, in duplicate, one copy of
   which instrument shall be delivered to the resigning  Trustee and one copy to
   the  successor  trustee  or  trustees.  The  Trustee  shall  serve as trustee
   hereunder until a successor  trustee shall have been appointed and shall have
   accepted such appointment;  provided,  however,  that if no successor trustee
   shall have been appointed and have accepted  appointment within 30 days after
   the giving of such notice of resignation,  the resigning  Trustee may, or any
   Noteholder  who has been a bona fide  Holder  for at least six  months may on
   behalf of himself or herself and all others similarly situated,  petition any
   such court of  competent  jurisdiction  for the  appointment  of a  successor
   trustee. Such court may thereupon,  after such notice, if any, as it may deem
   proper and prescribe, appoint a successor trustee.

               (c       If at any time:

         (1) the Trustee shall cease to be eligible under Section 9.8 hereof and
   shall fail to resign,  after written request therefor by the Issuer or by any
   Noteholder who has been a bona fide Holder for at least six months; or

         (2) (A) the  Trustee  shall  become  incapable  of acting,  (B) a court
   having  jurisdiction  in  the  premises  in  respect  of  the  Trustee  in an
   involuntary  case under the  federal  bankruptcy  laws,  as now or  hereafter
   constituted, or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy,  insolvency
   or other similar law, shall have entered a decree or order granting relief or
   appointing a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator
   (or  similar  official)  for the Trustee or for any  substantial  part of the
   Trustee's  property,  or  ordering  the  winding-up  or  liquidation  of  the
   Trustee's  affairs,  provided  any such decree or order shall have  continued
   unstayed and in effect for a period of 60 consecutive days or (C) the Trustee
   commences  a  voluntary  case under the federal  bankruptcy  laws,  as now or
   hereafter  constituted,  or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy,
   insolvency or other similar law, or consents to the  appointment of or taking
   possession  by  a  receiver,   liquidator,   assignee,   trustee,  custodian,
   sequestrator  (or  other  similar  official)  for  the  Trustee  or  for  any
   substantial part of the Trustee's  property,  or makes any assignment for the
   benefit of creditors or fails generally to pay its debts as such debts become
   due or takes any corporate  action in  furtherance  of any of the  foregoing;
   then, in any such case the Issuer hereby agrees with the Noteholders  that it
   shall remove the Trustee by written  request and appoint a successor  trustee
   by written  instrument,  in duplicate,  one copy of which instrument shall be
   delivered to the Trustee so removed and one copy to the successor trustee, or
   any  Noteholder  who has been a bona fide Holder for at least six months may,
   on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, petition any court of
   competent jurisdiction for the removal of the Trustee and for the appointment
   of a successor trustee.  Such court may hereupon,  after such notice, if any,
   as it may prescribe, remove the Trustee and appoint a successor trustee.

               (d The  Trustee  may  also be  removed  at any time by act of the
   Holders of at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount of the

               (e The Issuer shall give notice of the  resignation or removal of
   the  Trustee by mailing  notice of such event by  first-class  mail,  postage
   prepaid,  to the Holders of the Notes as their names and addresses  appear in
   the Note  Register.  Each  notice  shall  include  the name of the  successor
   trustee  and the  address of its trust  division  or  department.  The notice
   required  by this  paragraph  (e) may be given at the same time as the notice
   required by Section 9.10.

               . Every  successor  trustee  appointed  hereunder  shall execute,
   acknowledge  and  deliver  to the  Issuer  and  its  predecessor  trustee  an
   instrument  accepting  such  appointment  hereunder.  Upon the  delivery  and
   execution  of the required  instruments,  the  resignation  or removal of the
   predecessor  trustee  shall  become  effective  and such  successor  trustee,
   without any further act, need or conveyance, shall become vested with all the
   rights,  powers, trusts, duties and obligations of its predecessor hereunder.
   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  on request  of the Issuer or the  successor
   trustee,  such  predecessor  trustee  shall,  upon payment of its then unpaid
   charges due and  payable  under  Section  9.7 hereof,  execute and deliver an
   instrument  transferring to such successor trustee all of the rights,  powers
   and trusts of the  predecessor  trustee and shall duly  assign,  transfer and
   deliver  to such  successor  trustee  all  property  and  money  held by such
   predecessor  trustee  hereunder.  Upon request of any such successor trustee,
   the Issuer shall execute any and all instruments  providing for more full and
   certain vesting in and confirming to such successor  trustee all such rights,
   powers and trusts of this Indenture.

               Upon acceptance of appointment by a successor trustee as provided
   in this Section  9.10,  the Issuer shall mail notice  thereof by  first-class
   mail,  postage prepaid,  to the Holders at the Holders'  addresses  appearing
   upon the Note  Register.  If the Issuer  fails to mail such notice  within 10
   days after acceptance of appointment by the successor trustee,  the successor
   trustee shall cause such notice to be mailed at the expense of the Issuer.
               Any  successor  trustee  must,  at the  time of such  successor's
   acceptance of its appointment, meet the eligibility requirements set forth in
   this  Article IX, and  otherwise  exercise the rights,  remedies,  powers and
   authority of the predecessor trustee with respect to the Trust Estate.

               Notwithstanding  the  replacement of the Trustee or any successor
   trustee   pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  Indenture,   the  Issuer's
   obligations  set forth in Section 9.7 hereof shall  survive such  replacement
   and continue for the benefit of the resigning or replaced trustee.

               SECTION IX. Merger,  Conversion,  Consolidation  or Succession to
   Business . Any corporation  into which the Trustee may be merged or converted
   or with which it may be consolidated,  or any corporation  resulting from any
   merger, conversion or consolidation to which the Trustee shall be a party, or
   any corporation succeeding to all or substantially all of the corporate trust
   business  of the Trustee  shall be the  successor  of the  Trustee  hereunder
   without the  execution  or filing of any paper or any further act on the part
   of any of the parties hereto;  provided such  corporation  shall be otherwise
   qualified  and  eligible  under this  Article IX. In case any Notes have been
   authenticated,  but  not  delivered,  by the  Trustee  then  in  office,  any
   successor  by merger,  conversion  or  consolidation  to such  authenticating
   Trustee  may deliver  the Notes so  authenticated  with the same effect as if
   such successor trustee had itself authenticated such Notes.

               . The Trustee  shall have power,  with the consent of the Holders
   of  Notes  representing  at  least  51% of  the  then  aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the Notes, to appoint,  one or more Persons  approved by
   the Issuer either to act as Collateral Agent or co-trustee of all or any part
   of the Trust Estate,  or to act as separate trustee of any such property,  in
   either  case  with  such  powers  as may be  provided  in the  instrument  of
   appointment, and to vest in such Person or Persons in the capacity aforesaid,
   any property, title, right or power deemed necessary or desirable, subject to
   the other  provisions of this Section.  The Issuer hereby directs the Trustee
   to  appoint  BankBoston  as the  initial  Collateral  Agent  pursuant  to the
   Collateral Agent  Agreement.  If the Issuer does not approve such appointment
   within 15 days  after the  receipt by it of a request so to do, or in case an
   Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Trustee alone shall have
   power to make such appointment.

               Should any written  instrument from the Issuer be required by any
   Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee so appointed for more fully
   confirming to such  Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee  or separate  trustee such
   property,  title,  right or power,  any and all such  instruments  shall,  on
   request, be executed, acknowledged and delivered by the Issuer.

               Every Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee shall, to
   the extent permitted by law, but to such extent only, be appointed subject to
   the following terms, namely:

         (1) The Notes  shall be  authenticated  and  delivered  and all rights,
   powers,  duties  and  obligations  hereunder  in  respect  of the  custody of
   securities or cash held by or required to be deposited with the Trustee in an
   Account hereunder, shall be exercised, solely by the Trustee.

         (2) The rights,  powers,  duties and  obligations  hereby  conferred or
   imposed upon the Trustee  shall be conferred or imposed upon and exercised or
   performed  by the  Trustee  or by the  Trustee  and  such  Collateral  Agent,
   co-trustee  or  separate  trustee  jointly,  as  shall  be  provided  in  the
   instrument appointing such Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee,
   except to the  extent  that  under any law of any  jurisdiction  in which any
   particular  act is to be  performed,  the  Trustee  shall be  incompetent  or
   unqualified to perform such act, in which event such rights,  powers,  duties
   and obligations  shall be exercised and performed by such  Collateral  Agent,
   co-trustee or separate trustee.

         (3) The Trustee at any time, by an  instrument  in writing  executed by
   it, with the  concurrence  of the Issuer,  may accept the  resignation  of or
   remove any Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee appointed under
   this  Section  9.12,  and,  in case an Event of Default has  occurred  and is
   continuing,  the Trustee  shall have power to accept the  resignation  of, or
   remove, any such Collateral Agent, co-trustee or separate trustee without the
   concurrence  of the Issuer.  Upon the  written  request of the  Trustee,  the
   Issuer shall join with the Trustee in the execution, delivery and performance
   of all  instruments  and  agreements  necessary or proper to effectuate  such
   resignation or removal.  A successor to any Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee or
   separate  trustee so  resigned  or  removed  may be  appointed  in the manner
   provided in this Section 9.12.

         (4) No Collateral Agent, co-trustee or separate trustee hereunder shall
   be personally liable by reason of any act or omission of the Trustee,  or any
   other such trustee hereunder.

         (5) Any act of Noteholders  delivered to the Trustee shall be deemed to
   have been delivered to each such  Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee and separate

                                    ARTICLE X


               . Without the consent of, or notice to, the Holders of any Notes,
   the Issuer and the  Trustee,  may amend this  Indenture  at any time and from
   time to time for any of the following purposes:

               (a to correct or amplify the  description  of any property at any
   time subject to the lien of this Indenture,  or better to assure,  convey and
   confirm unto the Trustee any property  subject or required to be subjected to
   the lien of this  Indenture,  or to  subject  to the  lien of this  Indenture
   additional property; or

               (b to evidence the succession,  in compliance with the provisions
   of Section 4.2(b) hereof, of another person to the Issuer, and the assumption
   by any such successor of the covenants of the Issuer  contained herein and in
   the Notes; or

               (c       to  add  to  the   covenants  of  the  Issuer  or  the
   Trustee,  for the benefit of the Noteholders,  or to surrender any right or
   power herein conferred upon the Issuer; or

               (d       to convey,  transfer,  assign,  mortgage or pledge any
   property to the Trustee to constitute additional Trust Estate; or

               (e to cure any  ambiguity,  correct or  supplement  any provision
   herein  which may be  defective  or  inconsistent  with any other  provisions
   herein or amend any other  provisions  with  respect to matters or  questions
   arising under this  Indenture,  provided that such action shall not adversely
   affect the interests of the Holders; or

               (f       to  evidence  and  provide  for  the   acceptance   of
   appointment  hereunder by a successor  trustee or note registrar,  pursuant
   to the requirements of Sections 9.9 or 9.10 hereof.

               The Trustee is hereby  authorized to join in the execution of any
   such   amendment  and  to  make  any  further   appropriate   agreements  and
   stipulations which may be therein contained or required.

               . With the  consent  of the  Holders  of at least  66-2/3% of the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of the Notes delivered to the Issuer
   and the Trustee,  the Issuer,  pursuant to a written request, and the Trustee
   may  amend  this  Indenture  for  the  purpose  of  adding  to,  changing  or
   eliminating  any of the  provisions  of this  Indenture or of  modifying  the
   rights of  Holders  under this  Indenture;  provided,  however,  that no such
   amendment shall, without the consent of the Holder of each outstanding Note:

         (1) change the  maturity of the  principal  of, or any  installment  of
   principal  of or  interest  on,  any Note,  or reduce  the  principal  amount
   thereof,  the  interest  rate  thereon,  or  change  the  provisions  of this
   Indenture  relating  to the  application  of the Trust  Estate to  payment of
   principal  of Notes,  or change  any place of payment  where,  or the coin or
   currency in which,  the  principal of or the interest of any Note is payable,
   or impair  the right to  institute  Proceedings  for the  enforcement  of the
   provisions of the  Indenture  requiring the  application  of funds  available
   therefor, as provided in Article VII, to the payment of any amount due on the
   Notes on or after the maturity thereof; or

         (2) reduce the percentage of the aggregate outstanding principal amount
   of the  Notes,  the  consent  of the  Holders  of which is  required  for any
   amendment,  or the consent of the Holders of which is required for any waiver
   of compliance with certain  provisions of this Indenture or certain  defaults
   hereunder and their consequences provided for in this Indenture; or

         (3)      modify  or  alter  the  provisions  of  the  proviso  to the
   definition of the term "outstanding"; or

         (4) permit the  creation  of any lien  ranking  prior to or on a parity
   with the lien of this Indenture with respect to any part of a Trust Estate or
   terminate  the lien of this  Indenture  on any  property at any time  subject
   hereto or deprive  any Holder of the  security  afforded  by the lien of this
   Indenture except as expressly otherwise permitted hereby; or

         (5) reduce the percentage of the aggregate outstanding principal amount
   of the Notes,  the  consent of the Holders of which is required to direct the
   Trustee to sell the Trust Estate pursuant to Section 7.13 hereof; or

         (6)  modify  any of the  provisions  of this  Section  10.2,  except to
   increase  any  percentage   specified  herein  or  to  provide  that  certain
   additional  provisions of this Indenture cannot be modified or waived without
   the consent of each Holder of an outstanding Note affected thereby; or

         (7) modify any of the  provisions of this Indenture in such a manner as
   to affect  the  calculation  of the  amount of any  payment  of  interest  or
   Principal  Payment Amount due on any Note on any Payment Date  (including the
   calculation of any of the individual components of such calculation).

               Promptly after the execution by the Issuer and the Trustee of any
   amendment  pursuant to this Section,  the Trustee shall mail to the Holders a
   notice  setting forth in general terms the substance of such  amendment.  Any
   failure of the Trustee to mail such notice, or any defect therein, shall not,
   however, in any way impair or affect the validity of any such amendment.

               . Upon the execution of any amendment of this Indenture  pursuant
   to the  provisions  hereof,  this  Indenture  shall be,  and be deemed to be,
   modified and amended in  accordance  therewith  with respect to each Note and
   the respective  rights,  limitations,  obligations,  duties,  liabilities and
   immunities  under this  Indenture of the Trustee,  the Issuer and the Holders
   shall thereafter be determined,  exercised and enforced  hereunder subject in
   all  respects to such  modifications  and  amendments,  and all the terms and
   conditions  of any such  amendment  shall be and be  deemed to be part of the
   terms and conditions of this Indenture for any and all purposes.

               . Notes  authenticated  and delivered  after the execution of any
   amendment of this Indenture  pursuant to this Article X may, and, if required
   by the Issuer  shall,  bear a notation in form  approved by the Trustee as to
   any matter  provided for in such  amendment.  If the Issuer shall so require,
   new Notes so modified  as to  conform,  in the opinion of the Trustee and the
   Issuer,  to any such amendment may be prepared and executed by the Issuer and
   authenticated and delivered by the Trustee in exchange for outstanding Notes.

                                  ARTICLE XI


               . In any case where several  matters are required to be certified
   by, or covered by an opinion of, any  specified  Person,  it is not necessary
   that all such matters be certified by, or covered by the opinion of, only one
   such Person,  or that they be so  certified or covered by only one  document,
   but one such  Person  may  certify or give an  opinion  with  respect to some
   matters and one or more other such Persons as to other matters,  and any such
   Person may  certify  or give an opinion as to such  matters in one or several
   documents.  Where any Person is required to make, give or execute two or more
   applications, requests, consents, certificates, statements, opinions or other
   instruments under this Indenture, they may, but need not, be consolidated and
   form one instrument.

               Any certificate or opinion may be based, insofar as it relates to
   legal matters, upon an opinion of, or representations by, counsel, unless the
   Issuer  knows,  or in the exercise of reasonable  care should know,  that the
   certificate  or opinion or  representations  with respect to the matters upon
   which his  certificate  or  opinion  is based are  erroneous.  Any  Officer's
   Certificate  or  Opinion  of  Counsel  may  be  based,   without  independent
   investigation,  insofar as it relates to factual matters,  upon a certificate
   or opinion of, or representations by the Trustee or other appropriate Person,
   stating that the  information  with respect to such factual matters is in the
   possession of the Issuer,  the Trustee or other  appropriate  Person,  as the
   case may be, unless such Person knows,  or in the exercise of reasonable care
   should know, that the certificate or opinion or representations  with respect
   to such matters are erroneous.  Any opinion of counsel may be based upon such
   assumptions as shall be deemed  appropriate by counsel rendering such Opinion
   of Counsel.

               In connection with any application,  certificate or report to the
   Trustee,  whenever this Indenture  provides that the Issuer shall deliver any
   document as a condition of the granting of such  application,  or as evidence
   of the Issuer's  compliance  with any terms  hereof,  it is intended that the
   truth and accuracy of the facts and opinions stated in such document,  at the
   time of the granting of such  application  or at the  effective  date of such
   certificate  or report (as the case may be), shall in such case be conditions
   precedent to the right of the Issuer to have such  application  granted or to
   the  sufficiency  of such  certificate  or report.  The foregoing  shall not,
   however,  be construed to affect the  Trustee's  right to rely upon the truth
   and accuracy of any  statement or opinion  contained in any such  document as
   provided in Article IX hereof or to impose a duty on the Trustee to ascertain
   such truth or inaccuracy.

               Whenever  this  Indenture   provides  that  the  absence  of  the
   occurrence and  continuation  of a Default or Event of Default as a condition
   precedent  to the  taking of any  action by the  Trustee  at the  request  or
   direction of the Issuer, then,  notwithstanding that the satisfaction of such
   condition is a condition precedent to the Issuer's right to make such request
   or direction,  the Trustee  shall be protected in acting in  accordance  with
   such request or direction if it does not have knowledge of the occurrence and
   continuance of such Default or Event of Default as provided in Section 9.1(e)

               . All  notices,  requests  or  other  communications  desired  or
   required  to be given under this  Indenture  shall be in writing and shall be
   sent by (a certified or registered mail,  return receipt  requested,  postage
   prepaid, (b) national prepaid overnight delivery service, (c
    telecopy or other facsimile  transmission  (following with hard copies to be
   sent by national prepaid overnight delivery service) or (d) personal delivery
   with receipt acknowledged in writing, as follows:

               (a)      If to the Trustee:

                     The Chase Manhattan Bank
                     450 West 33rd Street
                     New York, New York  10001
                     Attention:  Global Trust Services,
                                 Structured Finance Services

               (b)      If to the Issuer:

                     Litchfield Hypothecation Corp.
                     c/o Litchfield Financial Corporation
                     789 Main Road
                     Stamford, Vermont 05352
                     Attention:  President

   with a copy of any letter,  notice,  communication or direction  hereunder to
   the Originator at the address set forth below.

               (c)      If to the Purchaser:

                     Liberty Bank
                     315 Main Street
                     Middletown, Connecticut  06457
                     Attention:  Mr. James Bishop

                (d)     If to the Originator or the Master Servicer:

                     Litchfield Financial Corporation
                     789 Main Road
                     Stamford, Vermont 05352
                     Attention:  President

               (f)      Notices  required  under this  Indenture to be sent to
   the Noteholders shall in addition be sent to the Issuer.

   All notices  shall be deemed given when  actually  received or refused by the
   party to whom the same is directed (except to the extent sent by certified or
   registered mail, return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  in which event
   such notice shall be deemed given three days after the date of mailing). Each
   party may  designate  a change of address  or  supplemental  addressee(s)  by
   notice to the other  parties,  given at least 15 days  before  such change of
   address is to become  effective.  Any notice  received from any Noteholder by
   any party listed in this Section 11.2 shall be promptly  transmitted  by such
   party to all other parties listed in this Section 11.2.

               . Upon the request of any  Noteholder  holding 51% or more of the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of all  Notes,  the  Trustee  shall
   deliver promptly to such Noteholder such information with respect to the Loan
   Collateral as such Noteholder shall request.

               Where this  Indenture  provides for notice to  Noteholders of any
   event,  such notice shall be  sufficiently  given  (unless  otherwise  herein
   expressly provided) if in writing and mailed,  first-class,  postage prepaid,
   to each  Noteholder  affected by such event,  at its address as it appears on
   the Note  Register,  not later than the latest date, and not earlier than the
   earliest date,  prescribed  for the giving of such notice.  In any case where
   notice to  Noteholders  is given by mail,  neither  the  failure to mail such
   notice, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, to any particular  Noteholder
   shall  affect  the   sufficiency   of  such  notice  with  respect  to  other
   Noteholders,  and any notice  which is mailed in the manner  herein  provided
   shall conclusively be presumed to have been duly given.

               Where this  Indenture  provides  for notice in any  manner,  such
   notice  may be waived in  writing by any  Person  entitled  to  receive  such
   notice,  either  before  or after the  event,  and such  waiver  shall be the
   equivalent of such notice.  Waivers of notice by  Noteholders  shall be filed
   with the Trustee but such filing  shall not be a condition  precedent  to the
   validity of any action taken in reliance upon such a waiver.

               In case, by reason of the suspension of regular mail service as a
   result  of  a  strike,  work  stoppage  or  similar  activity,  it  shall  be
   impractical  to mail notice of any event to  Noteholders  when such notice is
   required to be given  pursuant to any provision of this  Indenture,  then any
   manner of giving such notice as shall be satisfactory to the Trustee shall be
   deemed to be a sufficient giving of such notice.

               . The  Article  and  Section  headings  herein  and the  Table of
   Contents  are for  convenience  only and shall not  affect  the  construction

               . All  covenants and  agreements in this  Indenture by the Issuer
   shall bind its successors and assigns, whether so expressed or not.

               . In case any  provision in this  Indenture or in the Notes shall
   be  invalid,   illegal  or   unenforceable,   the   validity,   legality  and
   enforceability  of the remaining  provisions shall not in any way be affected
   or impaired thereby.

               . If any Payment  Date or other date for the payment of principal
   of or  interest  on any Note is  proposed  to be  paid,  or any date on which
   mailing of notices by the Trustee to any Person is  required  pursuant to any
   provision   of  this   Indenture,   shall  not  be  a  Business   Day,   then
   (notwithstanding  any other provision of the Notes or this Indenture) payment
   or mailing of such notice  need not be made on such date,  but may be made or
   mailed on the next  succeeding  Business  Day with the same force and effect,
   and in the case of payments, but no interest shall accrue for the period from
   and  after  the date on which  such  payment  was due to the next  succeeding
   Business Day when paid.

               . This  Indenture,  each indenture  supplemental  hereto and each
   Note shall be  construed in  accordance  with and governed by the laws of the
   State of New York, without regard to the conflict-of-law provisions thereof.

               . This instrument may be executed in any number of  counterparts,
   each of which so  executed  shall be deemed to be an  original,  but all such
   counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument.

               . If this  Indenture is subject to  recording in any  appropriate
   public  recording  office,  such recording is to be effected by the Issuer at
   its expense.

               . No recourse for obligations  hereunder or any other  obligation
   running  directly  for the benefit of the  Trustee may be taken,  directly or
   indirectly,  against (i) any holder of a  beneficial  interest in the Issuer,
   (ii)  any  partner,  beneficiary,  agent,  officer,  director,  employee,  or
   successor  or assign of a holder of a beneficial  interest in the Issuer,  or
   (iii)  any  incorporator,  subscriber  to  the  capital  stock,  stockholder,
   officer,  director or employee of the Trustee with respect to the predecessor
   or successor of the Trustee  with  respect to the Issuer's  obligations  with
   respect to the Notes or the  obligation  of the Issuer or the  Trustee  under
   this Indenture or any  certificate  or other writing  delivered in connection
   herewith or therewith.

               . The Issuer agrees that, on reasonable prior notice,  during the
   Issuer's  normal  business  hours it will  permit any  representative  of the
   Trustee or any  Noteholder  to  examine  all the books of  account,  records,
   reports  and  other  papers  of the  Issuer,  to  make  copies  and  extracts
   therefrom,  to cause  such books to be  audited  by  independent  accountants
   selected by the Issuer with the consent of (i) the  Purchaser,  so long as it
   owns any Notes,  and (ii) the  Holders of not less than 51% of the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal  amount of the  Notes;  and to  discuss  the  Issuer's
   affairs,  finances and accounts  with the Issuer's  officers,  employees  and
   independent  accountants all at such reasonable  times and as often as may be
   reasonably requested;  provided that the Issuer shall be entitled to have its
   representatives present at any such discussion. The Trustee and the Purchaser
   shall hold,  and shall cause their  respective  representatives  to hold,  in
   confidence  all such  information  except  to the  extent  disclosure  may be
   required by law and except to the extent  that the Trustee or the  Purchaser,
   in its  respective  sole  judgment,  may  determine  that such  disclosure is
   consistent  with its  obligations  hereunder.  Any  expenses  incident to the
   exercise by the Trustee or a Noteholder of any right under this Section 11.12
   shall be borne by the Issuer.

               . The  amount of  interest  payable or paid on any Note under the
   terms of this Indenture shall be limited to any amount which shall not exceed
   the maximum  nonusurious rate of interest permitted by the applicable laws of
   the State of New York (or the laws of any other jurisdiction determined to be
   applicable laws of the United States permitting a higher maximum  nonusurious
   rate that  preempts  such  applicable  New York (or other) laws,  which could
   lawfully be contracted for, charged or received (the "Highest Lawful Rate")).
   In the event any payment of interest on any Note  exceeds the Highest  Lawful
   Rate,  the Issuer  stipulates  that such excess amount will be deemed to have
   been paid as a result of an error on the part of both the Trustee,  acting on
   behalf of the Holder,  and the Issuer,  and the Holder  receiving such excess
   payment shall  promptly,  upon discovery of such error or upon notice thereof
   from the Issuer or the  Trustee,  refund the amount of such excess or, at the
   option of the  Trustee,  apply the excess to the payment of principal of such
   Note, if any,  remaining unpaid.  In addition,  all sums paid or agreed to be
   paid for the use,  forbearance  or detention  of money  shall,  to the extent
   permitted by  applicable  law, be amortized,  prorated,  allocated and spread
   throughout the full term of such Notes.


               IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Issuer and the Trustee have caused this
   Indenture to be duly executed by their duly authorized officers all as of the
   day and year first above written.

                            THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,
                                       as Trustee


                                       LITCHFIELD HYPOTHECATION CORP.


                                  APPENDIX A


      The definitions  contained herein are incorporated into and made a part of
   the Indenture,  the Servicing Agreement,  the Purchase and Sale Agreement and
   the Note Purchase Agreement, each as defined below.

            Acceleration   Date  shall  mean  the  date  on  which   occurs  the
   acceleration  of the  maturity  of the Notes  pursuant  to Section 7.2 of the

            Account shall mean any account or fund, and any subaccount  thereof,
   established under Article V of the Indenture.

            Affiliate  shall mean with  respect to any Person,  any other Person
   directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under direct or indirect
   common  control  with  such  specified  Person.  For  the  purposes  of  this
   definition,  "control", when used with respect to any specified Person, means
   the power to direct the management  and policies of such Person,  directly or
   indirectly,  whether through the ownership of voting securities,  by contract
   or otherwise;  and the terms  "controlling"  and  "controlled"  have meanings
   correlative to the foregoing.

            Agency  Agreement  shall mean for each  Sub-Servicer,  a  Collateral
   Agent and Bailee Agreement to be executed on or about the Closing Date by the
   Issuer, the Trustee and such Sub-Servicer.

            Applicable   Laws  shall  mean  all  laws,   rules  and  regulations
   applicable to the Person,  conduct,  transaction,  covenant,  Loan Documents,
   Transaction  Documents,  Consumer  Financing  Documents  or other  matters in
   question,  including all applicable common law and equitable principles;  all
   provisions  of all  applicable  state and  federal  constitutions,  statutes,
   rules,  regulations and orders of governmental bodies; and orders,  judgments
   and decrees of all courts and  arbitrators.  The term  includes  all Consumer
   Laws, Land Sales Laws, and Environmental Laws.

            Assigned Assets shall have the meaning  ascribed to such term in the
   Purchase and Sale Agreement.

            Authorized  Officer shall mean in the case of the Master Servicer or
   the Issuer, any Vice President or more senior officer, and in the case of the
   Trustee,  a trust  officer or other  officer in the  Global  Trust  Services,
   Structured Finance Services Department of the Trustee customarily  performing
   functions similar to those of a trust officer.

            Bankruptcy   Law   shall   mean  any   bankruptcy,   reorganization,
   compromise,  arrangement,  insolvency,  readjustment of debt, dissolution, or
   liquidation or similar law, whether now or hereafter in effect.

            Business Day shall mean any day that is not a Saturday,  Sunday or a
   day on which banking  institutions located in the City of New York, New York,
   or in the city and state where the  principal  offices of each of the Trustee
   and the Master  Servicer are located,  are  authorized or obligated by law or
   executive order to be closed.

            Claims  shall  mean  any  and  all  claims,  demands,   liabilities,
   obligations,  losses, damages,  penalties,  actions, judgments, suits, costs,
   expenses  or  disbursements  of any  kind  or  nature  whatsoever  (including
   reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses),  whether  arising  under  or in
   connection with the Loan Documents, any Transaction Documents, any Applicable
   Laws (including any Environmental Law) or otherwise.

            Closing  shall mean each  closing of the  issuance  and  delivery of
   Notes pursuant to the Indenture.

            Closing  Date  shall  mean the date on which  the  Notes  are  first
   executed, authenticated and delivered.

            Code shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  or
   any  successor  statute  thereto,   including  the  regulations   promulgated

            Collateral   Agency  Agreement  shall  mean  the  Collateral  Agency
   Agreement,  dated as of June 1, 1997, among  BankBoston,  N.A., as Collateral
   Agent, the Trustee, the Issuer and the Originator.

            Collateral  Agent  shall mean the Person  appointed  by the  Trustee
   pursuant  authority  set forth in  Section  9.12 of the  Indenture  to act as
   collateral  agent for the Loans and Loan  Collateral,  initially  BankBoston,

            Collection  Period  shall mean with respect to a Payment  Date,  the
   period  commencing  on the first day and  ending on the last day of the month
   preceding such Payment Date.

            Consumer shall mean a Timeshare Purchaser or a Land Purchaser.

            Consumer   Financing   Documents  shall  mean  all  instruments  and
   agreements  executed by a Consumer in favor of a Hypothecation  Borrower that
   evidences or secures the financing of a sale of Land or a Timeshare  Interval
   by such Hypothecation Borrower to such Consumer.

            Consumer Laws shall mean all federal,  state or local laws, rules or
   regulations  that govern or relate to the rights or protections of consumers,
   including  the Truth in Lending  Act (and  Regulation  Z  promulgated  by the
   Federal  Reserve Board pursuant  thereto),  the Equal Credit  Opportunity Act
   (and Regulation  promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board pursuant  thereto),
   the  Consumer  Credit  Protection  Act of 1968,  the Real  Estate  Settlement
   Procedures  Act of 1974,  the Fair Debt  Collection  Practices  Act, all Land
   Sales Laws, and all Applicable Laws regulating the amount of interest fees or
   other charges that may be assessed against or collected from consumers.

            Consumer Receivable shall mean an amount or amounts at any time due,
   payable or owing by a Consumer to a Hypothecation Borrower in connection with
   the sale of land or a Timeshare  Interval by such  Hypothecation  Borrower to
   such Consumer.

            Default  shall mean any  occurrence  which is, or with notice or the
   lapse of time or both would become, an Event of Default.

            Default Rate shall mean with  respect to all Notes at any time,  the
   then highest  interest rate  applicable to any Series of Notes,  plus (two) 2
   percentage points per annum.

            Deposit Account  Assignment shall mean the Collateral  Assignment of
   Deposit Account, dated as of June 1, 1997, executed by the Issuer in favor of
   the Trustee by which the Issuer  collaterally  assigns its rights in the Lock
   Box Account to the Trustee.

            Eligible  Investments shall mean (i) marketable  direct  obligations
   issued or  unconditionally  guaranteed  by the United States  government  and
   backed by the full faith and credit of the United  States  government  having
   maturities  of not more than 12  months  from the date of  acquisition;  (ii)
   domestic  certificates of deposit and time deposits having  maturities of not
   more than 12 months from the date of acquisition, bankers' acceptances having
   maturities  of not more  than 12  months  from the  date of  acquisition  and
   overnight bank deposits, in each case issued by any commercial bank organized
   under the laws of the United  States,  any state  thereof or the  District of
   Columbia,  which at the time of  acquisition  are  rated A-1 (or  better)  by
   Standard  &  Poor's  Corporation  or P-1 (or  better)  by  Moody's  Investors
   Services,  Inc.,  and not  subject  to  offset  rights  in favor of such bank
   arising  from any  banking  relationship  with such  bank;  (iii)  repurchase
   obligations with a term of not more than 30 days for underlying securities of
   the types  described  in  clauses  (i) and (ii) above  entered  into with any
   financial  institution  meeting the  qualifications  specified in clause (ii)
   above;  (iv) commercial  paper having at the time of investment  therein or a
   contractual  commitment  to invest  therein a rating  of A-1 (or  better)  by
   Standard  &  Poor's  Corporation  or P-1 (or  better)  by  Moody's  Investors
   Services,  Inc.,  and  having a  maturity  within 9 months  after the date of
   acquisition  thereof;  and (v)  investments in money market funds  (including
   funds of the Trustee or its Affiliates as well as funds for which the Trustee
   and its Affiliates may receive  compensation) rated in the highest investment
   category  by each of  Standard & Poor's  Corporation  and  Moody's  Investors
   Services, Inc.

            Environmental  Laws shall mean all  federal,  state and local  laws,
   rules, regulations,  ordinances,  programs,  permits,  guidances,  orders and
   consent  decrees  relating  to  health,  safety  or  environmental   matters,
   including the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
   Liability Act of 1980.

            Event of Default shall have the meaning  specified in Section 7.1 of
   the Indenture.

            Federal  Reserve  Board  shall  mean the Board of  Governors  of the
   Federal Reserve System.

            Future  Advances  shall  mean the  right and the  obligation  of the
   Originator to fund any loan or advance to a Hypothecation  Borrower after May
   31, 1997, pursuant to the Loan Documents or otherwise.

            Grant shall have the meaning  specified in the  Granting  Clauses of
   the Indenture.

            Guarantee shall mean the Guarantee, dated as of June 1, 1997, by the
   Originator in favor of the Purchaser.

            Highest  Lawful  Rate shall have the  meaning  specified  in Section
   11.14 of the Indenture.

            Hypothecation  Borrower  shall  mean a Person  who is liable for the
   payment,  in whole or in part,  of a Loan,  including  any  guarantor of such
   Hypothecation Loan.

            Indenture  shall mean the  Indenture  of Trust,  dated as of June 1,
   1997,  between the Issuer and the Trustee,  as from time to time supplemented
   or amended by one or more amendments or supplements.

            Instrument shall have the meaning ascribed to the term  "instrument"
   in the UCC.

            Investment  Income  shall mean any  interest  or other  earnings  on
   Accounts that are part of the Trust Estate.

            Issuer shall mean  Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp.,  a  corporation
   organized  under the laws of the State of Delaware,  and its  successors  and

            Land  Purchaser  shall mean a Person who  purchases one or more land
   lots from a Hypothecation Borrower.

            Land  Sales Laws shall  mean all laws,  rules and  regulations  that
   govern or relate to the  dedication,  development  and operation of Timeshare
   Projects or the  promotion,  offer or sale of land or Timeshare  Intervals to

            LIBOR Rate shall have the  meaning  ascribed to such term in Section
   2.9(b) of the Indenture.

            Lien shall mean any interest in property securing an obligation owed
   to, or a claim by, a Person  other  than the owner of the  property,  whether
   such  interest is based on common law,  statute or contract.  The term "Lien"
   shall  also  include  reservations,  exceptions,  encroachments,   easements,
   rights-of-way,  covenants, conditions,  restrictions,  leases and other title
   exceptions and encumbrances affecting the property.

            List of Loans shall mean the schedule,  attached to the Indenture as
   Schedule I, of all Loans  constituting a part of the Trust Estate thereunder,
   which  schedule  shall set forth or include for each Loan (i) the name of the
   Hypothecation  Borrower under such Loan,  (ii) the account number assigned to
   such loan by the Originator,  (iii) the outstanding  principal balance of the
   Loan as of May 31, 1997, and (iv) the aggregate  revolving  commitment of the
   Originator to make advances in respect of the Loan.

            Loan shall mean the loan or loans made by the Originator pursuant to
   a revolving  credit  facility,  in each case  specified  on Schedule I to the
   Indenture,  to a  Hypothecation  Borrower for the purpose of financing all or
   part of the Hypothecation  Borrower's  Consumer  Receivables derived from the
   sale of land or  Timeshare  Intervals,  including,  without  limitation,  all
   Future Advances made by the Originator to a Hypothecation  Borrower after the
   Closing Date and sold to the Issuer pursuant to the terms of the Purchase and
   Sale Agreement; but excluding all Unassigned Rights.

            Loan  Collateral  shall mean with respect to each Loan, the Issuer's
   entire  right,  title,  interest and estate in, to and under all property and
   interests in property to the extent the Issuer holds a Lien in such  property
   to secure the whole or any part of a Loan,  including all Consumer  Financing
   Documents, Transaction Documents, Payment Rights and
   Remedies in respect of such Loan.

            Loan Documents shall mean with respect to a Loan, those instruments,
   agreements,  guaranty  documents,  certificates  or  other  writings,  now or
   hereafter executed and delivered by the Hypothecation  Borrower that evidence
   or secure the  payment of such Loan,  as the same may be  modified,  amended,
   consolidated, continued or extended from time to time.

            Lock Box  Account  shall mean the bank  account  established  by the
   Issuer at the Lock Box Bank,  which account shall  constitute  the depository
   account for all  payments  and  proceeds  with  respect to the Loans and Loan
   Collateral,  shall be  collaterally  assigned to the Trustee  pursuant to the
   Deposit Account Assignment, and shall be the subject of the Payment Direction

            Lock Box Bank shall mean Bank One, Arizona, N.A., a national banking

            Master  Servicer  shall mean  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation,  a
   Massachusetts  corporation,  in its capacity as servicer  under the Servicing
   Agreement, together with its successors and assigns as permitted thereunder.

            Master  Servicer's  Certificate  shall  mean  a  certificate  to  be
   provided  by the  Master  Servicer  in  accordance  with  Section  3.1 of the
   Servicing  Agreement  and  signed  by an  Authorized  Officer  of the  Master
   Servicer and furnished to the Issuer and the Trustee by the Master Servicer.

            Mortgage  shall mean an instrument  or agreement  that creates under
   Applicable  Laws a Lien upon real property or improvements  thereon,  whether
   such  instrument  or agreement is a mortgage,  deed of trust,  deed to secure
   debt or other form of security instrument.

            1933 Act shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and the
   applicable published rules and regulations thereunder.

            Note or Notes  shall  mean any  note or  notes,  as the case may be,
   issued pursuant to the Indenture.

            Noteholder  or Holder shall mean the  registered  owner of a Note as
   evidenced by the Note Register.

            Note Limit shall mean $33,181,000.

            Note  Purchase  Agreement  shall mean the Note  Purchase  Agreement,
   dated June 24, 1997, among the Purchaser, the Issuer and the Master Servicer.

            Note Register and Note Registrar shall have the respective  meanings
   specified in Section 2.6 of the Indenture.

            Officer's  Certificate  shall mean,  unless otherwise  specified,  a
   certificate  signed by any Authorized  Officer of the party  delivering  such
   certificate,  delivered  to the Trustee  and  complying  with the  applicable
   requirements of Section 11.1 of the Indenture.

            Opinion  of  Counsel  shall  mean one or more  written  opinions  of
   counsel who may, except as otherwise expressly provided in the Indenture,  be
   counsel for the Issuer or its Affiliates.

            Originator   shall  mean   Litchfield   Financial   Corporation,   a
   Massachusetts corporation, in its capacity as originator of the Loans.

            outstanding shall mean, as of the date of  determination,  all Notes
   theretofore authenticated and delivered hereunder except:

              a)  Notes   theretofore   canceled  by  the  Note  Registrar  or
   delivered to the Note Registrar for cancellation;

              b)  Notes  for the  payment  of  which  money  in the  necessary
   amount has been  theretofore  deposited  with the  Trustee in trust for the
   Holders of such Notes;

              c)  Notes in  exchange  for or in lieu of which other Notes have
   been authenticated and delivered hereunder; and

              d)  Notes  alleged to have been  mutilated,  destroyed,  lost or
   stolen for which  replacement  Notes have been  issued as  provided  for in
   Section 2.7 of the Indenture;

   provided,  however,  that in determining whether the Holders of the requisite
   aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of the Notes have given any request,
   demand, authorization,  direction, notice, consent or waiver hereunder, Notes
   owned by the Issuer or any other  obligor upon the Notes or any  Affiliate of
   the Issuer or such other  obligor shall be  disregarded  and deemed not to be
   outstanding,  except  that,  in  determining  whether  the  Trustee  shall be
   protected in relying upon any such request, demand, authorization, direction,
   notice,  consent or waiver, only Notes which the Trustee knows to be so owned
   shall be so disregarded. Notes so owned which have been pledged in good faith
   may be regarded as outstanding if the pledgee establishes to the satisfaction
   of the Trustee the  pledgee's  right so to act with respect to such Notes and
   that the pledgee is not the Issuer or any other obligor upon the Notes or any
   Affiliate of the Issuer or such other obligor.

            Payment  Account  shall mean the  Account by that name  established,
   maintained and disbursed pursuant to Article V of the Indenture.

            Payment Date shall mean the 25th day of each month in each year,  or
   if  such  day is not a  Business  Day,  the  next  succeeding  Business  Day,
   commencing July 25, 1997.

            Payment  Default  shall  mean  an  Event  of  Default  specified  in
   paragraph (a) or (b) of Section 7.1 of the Indenture.

            Payment  Direction   Agreement  shall  mean  the  Payment  Direction
   Agreement,  dated as of June 1, 1997 among the  Issuer,  the  Trustee and the
   Lock Box Bank.

            Payment Period shall mean with respect to a Payment Date, the period
   from and  including  the  immediately  preceding  Payment Date and to but not
   including such Payment Date.

            Payment Right shall mean the right of the  Originator or the Issuer,
   as the case may be, to the payment of money from a Hypothecation  Borrower or
   from any other Person at any time under any Transaction  Document,  including
   the right to the repayment of a Loan.

            Person  shall  mean any  legal  person,  including  any  individual,
   corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, association,  joint stock company,
   trust,  unincorporated  organization or government or any agency or political
   subdivision thereof.

            Principal  Payment  Amount  shall mean with  respect to each Payment
   Date, an amount equal to the aggregate  payments of principal due and payable
   on  the  Loans,  and  principal  prepaid  in  respect  of the  Loans,  by all
   Hypothecation Borrowers, whether regularly scheduled amortization payments or
   by acceleration,  prepayment,  mandatory or optional redemption,  maturity or
   otherwise, in the Collection Period relating to such Payment Date.

            Proceeding  shall  mean any suit in  equity,  action at law or other
   judicial or administrative proceeding.

            Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement  shall  mean  the  Purchase  and Sale
   Agreement, dated as of June 1, 1997, between the Originator and the Issuer.

            Purchase  Price shall mean in respect of any Loan or Future  Advance
   and related Loan Collateral, the outstanding principal amount of such Loan or
   Future  Advance  plus  accrued  interest,  if  any,  as of the  date  of such

            Purchaser   shall  mean   Liberty   Bank,  a   Connecticut   banking

            Record Date shall mean, with respect to a Payment Date, (i) the last
   day of the immediately  preceding  calendar month or (ii) with respect to the
   initial Payment Date, the Closing Date.

            Remedies shall mean all rights,  remedies,  privileges and powers of
   the  Originator  or the  Issuer,  as the  case  may be,  arising  under or in
   connection with any of the Transaction Documents.

            Servicer  Advances  shall  have the  meaning  accorded  such term in
   Section 5.3 of the Indenture.

            Servicing  Agreement shall mean the servicing  agreement to be dated
   as of June 1, 1997,  among the Issuer,  the  Trustee and the Master  Servicer
   wherein the Master Servicer has agreed to provide  administrative,  servicing
   and collection services in respect of the Loans.

            Servicing  Fee shall mean with  respect  to each  Payment  Date,  an
   amount equal to $150.00 per outstanding Loan on such date.

            State  shall  mean any one of the  states  of the  United  States of
   America, or the District of Columbia.

            Stated Maturity shall mean June 30, 2002.

            Sub-Servicer shall mean such Person or Persons as may be retained by
   the Master  Servicer to fulfill the role of Master  Servicer  for one or more
   Loans pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Servicing Agreement.

            Sub-Servicing Agreement shall mean each Servicing Agreement which is
   entered into between the Master  Servicer and a  Sub-Servicer  and which sets
   forth the  responsibility  of the  Sub-Servicer  to the Master  Servicer with
   respect to one or more Loans.

            Timeshare  Interval shall mean a timeshare  ownership  interest in a
   Timeshare  Project  sold to a Timeshare  Purchaser  by delivery of a warranty
   deed or  other  appropriate  instrument  of  conveyance  or  transfer,  which
   interest  consists of an  undivided  interest  with those of other  Timeshare
   Purchasers in the Timeshare Project.

            Timeshare  Project shall mean a vacation or resort  property that is
   dedicated to Timeshare Interval ownership pursuant to a timeshare plan.

            Timeshare  Purchaser  shall mean a Person who  purchases one or more
   Timeshare Intervals from a Hypothecation Borrower.

            Timeshare  Unit shall mean with  respect to a Timeshare  Project,  a
   unit within  such  Timeshare  Project  that is or may become the subject of a
   timeshare ownership interest in favor of a Timeshare Purchaser.

            Transaction  Documents  shall  mean  with  respect  to a  Loan,  all
   Instruments,  agreements,  documents and other writings that now or hereafter
   (i) evidence a Loan or any Payment  Right  relating  thereto,  including  all
   promissory  notes and loan  agreements,  (ii) secure (whether by the grant or
   conveyance of a security  interest or other Lien) a Loan or any Payment Right
   relating  thereto,   including  all  security  agreements,   UCC-1  financing
   statements,  Mortgages, pledge agreements, lease agreements,  negative pledge
   agreements,  hypothecation agreements, assignments, title insurance policies,
   surveys and site  assessments,  (iii) guarantee the payment or performance of
   all or any  part of any  Payment  Right  owing by a  Hypothecation  Borrower,
   including all  guaranties,  support or  contribution  agreements,  letters of
   credit,  indemnifications and repurchase agreements,  or (iv) are at any time
   executed and  delivered by any Person in  connection  with or relating to any
   Payment  Right,  including  all  mortgagee  waivers or  agreements,  lockbox,
   blocked  account  or other  dominion  account  agreements,  intercreditor  or
   subordination agreements and estoppel certificates, whether the foregoing are
   executed and delivered by a Hypothecation  Borrower,  any guarantor or surety
   of a Payment  Right or any other  Person.  The term  "Transaction  Documents"
   shall include the Loan Documents and the Consumer Financing Documents.

            Trustee  shall  mean The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  until a  successor
   Person shall have become the Trustee pursuant to the applicable provisions of
   the Indenture, and thereafter "Trustee" shall mean such successor Person.

            Trust  Estate  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in the  Granting
   Clauses of the Indenture.

            Trust  Office  shall mean the office of the  Trustee  located at 450
   West 33rd Street, New York, New York 10001.

            Unassigned  Rights  shall  mean  (i)  the  Originator's   right  and
   obligation to fund any Future Advances, (ii) any loan or advances made by the
   Originator to a Hypothecation  Borrower which does not constitute a Loan, and
   (iii) any collateral  pledged by a  Hypothecation  Borrower to the Originator
   which does not directly secure a Loan (i.e.,  collateral  pledged by means of

            Variable  Funding  Notes  shall  mean the Notes of that  designation
   issued pursuant to Section 2.1 of the Indenture.

                                                                 Exhbit 10.161

         SERVICING AGREEMENT, dated as of June 1, 1997 (the "Agreement"), by and
   among LITCHFIELD  HYPOTHECATION  CORP., a corporation  organized and existing
   under the laws of the State of Delaware (herein, together with its successors
   and  assigns,  called the  "Issuer"),  LITCHFIELD  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a
   corporation   organized  and  existing   under  the  laws  of  the  State  of
   Massachusetts (herein,  together with its successors and assigns,  called the
   "Master  Servicer"),  and  THE  CHASE  MANHATTAN  BANK,  a New  York  banking
   corporation, as trustee (the "Trustee").

                             PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

         WHEREAS,  the  Issuer  has  entered  into an  Indenture  of Trust  (the
   "Indenture")  dated as of the date of this  Agreement  with the  Trustee,  as
   trustee,  pursuant  to which the Issuer  shall issue its  Hypothecation  Loan
   Collateralized  Notes  (collectively,  the "Notes"),  on the terms and in the
   amounts  described  therein.  Pursuant to the Indenture,  as security for the
   indebtedness  represented by the Notes, the Issuer is and will be Granting to
   the Trustee on behalf of the Noteholders,  the Trust Estate,  which includes,
   among other things, the Loans and the Loan Collateral,  its rights under this
   Agreement, the Payment Account and all proceeds of the foregoing.

         WHEREAS,  the parties  desire to enter into this  Agreement to provide,
   among other things, for the servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral by the
   Master Servicer.  The Master Servicer  acknowledges that, in order to further
   secure the Notes,  the Issuer is and will be Granting to the  Trustee,  among
   other  things,  this  Agreement,  and the  Master  Servicer  agrees  that all
   covenants and agreements  made by the Master  Servicer herein with respect to
   the Loans  securing  the Notes shall also be for the benefit and  security of
   the Trustee  and the  Noteholders.  For its  services  hereunder,  the Master
   Servicer will receive the Servicing Fee.

         NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  premises  and  the  mutual
   agreements  hereinafter set forth,  the Issuer,  the Servicer and the Trustee
   agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1


               SECTION 1.1.  Defined Terms.

         (a) For all purposes of this Agreement,  except as otherwise  expressly
   provided herein or unless the context otherwise  requires,  capitalized terms
   not otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings  ascribed to such terms
   in the Appendix A hereto which is incorporated by reference herein. All other
   capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings specified herein.

         (b) All terms defined in this Agreement shall have the defined meanings
   when used in any  certificate  or other  document made or delivered  pursuant
   hereto unless otherwise defined therein.

         (c) As used in this Agreement and in any  certificate or other document
   made or delivered pursuant hereto or thereto, accounting terms not defined in
   this Agreement or in any such  certificate or other document,  and accounting
   terms partly  defined in this  Agreement or in any such  certificate or other
   document to the extent not defined,  shall have the respective meanings given
   to them under generally accepted  accounting  principles.  To the extent that
   the  definitions  of  accounting  terms  in  this  Agreement  or in any  such
   certificate  or other  document  are  inconsistent  with the meanings of such
   terms  under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,   the  definitions
   contained in this  Agreement  or in any such  certificate  or other  document
   shall control.

         (d) The words  "hereof,"  "herein,"  "hereunder"  and words of  similar
   import when used in this  Agreement  shall refer to this Agreement as a whole
   and not to any particular  provision of this  Agreement;  Section and Exhibit
   references  contained  in this  Agreement  are  references  to  Sections  and
   Exhibits in or to this Agreement  unless  otherwise  specified;  and the term
   "including" shall mean "including without limitation".

         (e) The  definitions  contained in this Agreement are applicable to the
   singular as well as the plural  forms of such terms and to the  masculine  as
   well as to the feminine and neuter genders of such terms.

         (f) Any agreement,  instrument or statute defined or referred to herein
   or in any  instrument or certificate  delivered in connection  herewith means
   such agreement,  instrument or statute as from time to time amended, modified
   or  supplemented  and includes  (in the case of  agreements  or  instruments)
   references to all attachments thereto and instruments  incorporated  therein;
   references to a Person are also to its permitted successors and assigns.

                                   ARTICLE 2


               SECTION 2.1.  The Master Servicer to Act as the Servicer.

         (a) Engagement of the Master  Servicer.  The Master  Servicer is hereby
   authorized to and shall service and administer the Loans and Loan  Collateral
   in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement.  Subject to the  provisions
   herein, including, without limitation, Sections 2.6 hereof and subject to the
   Master  Servicer's  obligations  and the  covenants  of the Issuer  under the
   Indenture,  the Master  Servicer shall have full power and authority,  acting
   alone and subject only to the specific  requirements and prohibitions of this
   Agreement,  to do and take any and all actions, or to refrain from taking any
   such actions and to do any and all things in connection  with such  servicing
   and  administration  which it may deem  necessary  or  desirable,  including,
   without  limitation,   calculating  and  compiling  information  required  in
   connection  with any  report  to be  delivered  pursuant  to this  Agreement.
   Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  but  subject  to the
   provisions of the Indenture and this Agreement, the Master Servicer is hereby
   authorized and empowered by the Issuer to execute and deliver,  in the Master
   Servicer's  own name,  on  behalf  of the  Issuer  and  Trustee,  any and all
   instruments of satisfaction or cancellation, or of partial or full release or
   discharge,  and all other comparable  instruments,  with respect to the Loans
   and the Loan Collateral,  including, without limitation, consenting to sales,
   transfers  or   encumbrances  of  the  Loan  Collateral  or  assignments  and
   assumptions of the Loans,  all in accordance  with the terms of the Loans and
   the Loan Collateral. The Master Servicer agrees that (i) its servicing of the
   Loans and Loan  Collateral  shall be carried out in accordance  with prudent,
   customary and usual procedures of financial  institutions which service loans
   and  collateral  similar to the Loans and Loan  Collateral  and,  (ii) to the
   extent more exacting,  the procedures  which the Master Servicer would use if
   the Loans were owned by the Master Servicer (the "Servicing Standard").

         (b)  List  of  the  Master  Servicer's  Officers.  Promptly  after  the
   execution and delivery of this  Agreement,  the Master Servicer shall deliver
   to the  Issuer and the  Trustee a list of  officers  of the  Master  Servicer
   involved in, or  responsible  for, the  administration  and  servicing of the
   Loans and the Loan Collateral,  which list shall from time to time be updated
   by the Master Servicer on request of the Trustee.

         (c) Actions to Perfect  Security  Interests.  The Master Servicer shall
   promptly  take all  actions  that are  necessary  or  desirable  to  maintain
   continuous  perfection and priority of the security  interests granted by the
   Hypothecation  Borrowers in the Loan  Collateral  subject to the terms of the
   Indenture and this Agreement,  including,  but not limited to,  obtaining the
   execution by the  Hypothecation  Borrowers and  Consumers and the  recording,
   registering,  filing,  re-recording,   re-registering  and  refiling  of  all
   mortgages,    assignments,   security   agreements,   financing   statements,
   continuation statements or other instruments as are necessary to maintain the
   security   interests  granted  by  the  Hypothecation   Borrowers  under  the
   respective Loans.  Without limiting the foregoing,  the Master Servicer shall
   file or  cause  to be  filed  the  financing  statements  on Form  UCC-1  and
   assignments  of financing  statements  on Form UCC-3  required to be filed in
   connection with the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the Indenture relating to
   the Loans and the transactions contemplated thereby.

         (d)      Servicer  Advances.  The Master  Servicer  hereby  agrees to
   make  Servicer  Advances  at the  times  and in the  amounts  specified  in
   Section  5.3 of the  Indenture.  The  obligation  of  the  Master  Servicer
   shall be subject to the provisions of said Section 5.3 of the Indenture.

         (e) Limitation on the Master  Servicer's  Obligations.  Notwithstanding
   anything to the contrary herein, other than Section 4.3(e) hereof, the Master
   Servicer may but shall not be obligated to incur any cost or expense (whether
   for  maintaining  insurance,   protecting  or  maintaining   collateral,   or
   otherwise) if the Master Servicer, in its reasonable  discretion,  determines
   that such advances may not be recovered from the Hypothecation Borrowers.

               SECTION 2.2.  Collection  of Loan  Payments and  Remittances;
   Protection of Loan Collateral; Payment Account.

         (a)      Collection  of  Payments;  Protection  of  Loan  Collateral.
   The  Master  Servicer  shall  perform  (or shall  cause a  Sub-Servicer  to
   perform) the following  servicing,  collection  supervision  and collateral
   protection activities:

   (1) perform  standard  accounting  services and general  recordkeeping
   services with respect to the Loans and Loan Collateral;

   (2) respond to any  telephone and written  inquiries of  Hypothecation
   Borrowers and Consumers concerning the Loans and Loan Collateral;

   (3) keep  Hypothecation   Borrowers  and  Consumers  informed  of  the
   proper place and method for making  payments  with respect to the Loans and
   Consumer Receivables;

   (4) contact Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers to effect collection and to
   discourage  delinquencies  in the payment of Loans and Consumer  Receivables,
   doing so by any lawful means, including, but not limited to, the following:

         (i)   transmittal of routine past due notices;

        (ii)   preparing and mailing collection letters;

       (iii)   contacting delinquent  Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers by
   telephone to encourage payment;

        (iv)   transmittal  of reminder  notices to  delinquent  Hypothecation
   Borrowers and Consumers; and

         (v)   initiating  and pursuing  termination  or  foreclosure  actions
   deemed necessary by the Master Servicer;

   (5)      be  responsible  for the receipt and  disbursement  of monies paid
   by Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers as follows:

      (i) the receipt and collection of all amounts due and payable with respect
   to each Loan and the proceeds of any Loan  Collateral,  including  all monies
   remitted by Consumers with respect to Consumer  Receivables forming a part of
   the Loan Collateral; in connection herewith the Master Servicer shall use its
   best efforts to cause the  collection  of all  payments  called for under the
   terms and provisions of each Loan and Consumer Receivable,  and shall use its
   best  efforts  to cause  each  Hypothecation  Borrower  to make all  payments
   required  to be made in respect of its Loan  pursuant  to the Loan  Documents
   directly to the Lock Box Account at the Lockbox Bank.

      (ii)  the  deposit of all such  payments  and  proceeds  in the Lock Box
            Account in accordance with Section 2.2(b) below;

      (iii) the maintenance of accurate and timely books and records relating to
            the Master  Servicer's  receipt and  collection of all such payments
            and  proceeds  and the  balance  due in  respect  of the  Loans  and
            Consumer Receivables;

      (iv)  the rendering to Hypothecation Borrowers and to Trustee, of periodic
            reports  (not less  frequently  than  monthly)  in which the  Master
            Servicer shall set forth such information as is customarily reported
            to such  borrowers  under a servicing  agreement  or as is otherwise
            reasonably requested by the Trustee; and

      (v)   the  maintenance  of records  concerning  the status of all of the
            Consumer Receivables.

   (6) take such other action as may be necessary  or  appropriate  to carry out
   the duties and obligations  imposed upon the Master Servicer  pursuant to the
   terms  of this  Section  and of  Section  4.4(a)  of the  Indenture  which is
   incorporated herein by reference.

         (b) Deposit of Misdirected  Funds; No Commingling.  The Master Servicer
   shall  promptly  remit,  or  cause to be  remitted,  to the Lock Box Bank for
   deposit in the Lock Box Account on the  Business  Day  immediately  following
   receipt  thereof by the Master Servicer and in the form received all payments
   received  by the  Master  Servicer  in  respect  of  the  Loans  or  Consumer
   Receivables  incorrectly  sent to the Master  Servicer by, or on behalf of, a
   Hypothecation Borrower or Consumer,  respectively.  The Master Servicer shall
   not commingle  with its own assets and shall keep  separate,  segregated  and
   appropriately  marked  and  identified  all  Loans,  Loan  Collateral  or any
   property  comprising any part of the Trust Estate, and for such time, if any,
   as such Loans,  Loan  Collateral or property are in the possession or control
   of the Master Servicer,  the Master Servicer shall hold the same in trust for
   the benefit of the Trustee, the Noteholders (or, following termination of the
   Indenture, the Issuer).

               SECTION 2.3.  Records.

         The  Master  Servicer  shall  retain (or cause to be  retained,  at the
   principal  servicing  offices  of the  Sub-Servicers)  all  data  (including,
   without limitation,  computerized records) relating directly to or maintained
   in connection with the servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral,  and shall
   give the Trustee access to all data at all reasonable  times upon  reasonable
   notice,  and,  while an Event of  Default  shall be  continuing,  the  Master
   Servicer shall, on demand of the Trustee,  immediately deliver to the Trustee
   (or, at the Trustee's written instruction,  to the Successor Master Servicer)
   all data (including, without limitation,  computerized records) necessary for
   the servicing of the Loans and Loan  Collateral.  If the rights of the Master
   Servicer shall have been terminated in accordance with Section 5.1 or if this
   Agreement shall have been terminated  pursuant to Section 6.1(b),  the Master
   Servicer shall,  upon demand of the Trustee or of the successor to the rights
   of the  Issuer,  in the  case of  Section  6.1(b),  deliver  (or  cause to be
   delivered)  to  the  Trustee  all  data   (including,   without   limitation,
   computerized  records)  necessary  for the  servicing  of the  Loans and Loan
   Collateral.  In addition to delivering  such data, the Master Servicer shall,
   at its expense (or at the expense of the  Issuer's  successor in the event of
   termination under Section 6.1(b)), use its best efforts to effect the orderly
   and efficient transfer of the servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral with
   respect to which such termination shall have occurred to the party which will
   be assuming responsibility for such servicing, including, without limitation,
   directing  Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers to remit scheduled payments
   and all other payments in respect of the Loans and Consumer Receivables to an
   account or address designated by, with the consent of the Trustee or such new
   servicer.  Upon  request of the  Trustee  while an Event of Default  shall be
   continuing,  the Master Servicer also shall send (or cause to be sent) to the
   Trustee copies of all invoices,  statements or other  directions with respect
   to payments that are sent to the Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers.  The
   provisions  of this  paragraph  shall not  require  the  Master  Servicer  to
   transfer  any  proprietary  material or computer  programs  unrelated  to the
   servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral.

               SECTION 2.4.  No Offset.

         Prior to the  termination  of this  Agreement,  the  obligations of the
   Master  Servicer under this Agreement shall not be subject to, and the Master
   Servicer  hereby waives,  any defense,  counterclaim or right of offset which
   the  Master  Servicer  has or may have  against  the  Issuer or the  Trustee,
   whether in respect of this Agreement, any Loan or otherwise.

               SECTION 2.5.  Servicing Compensation; Reimbursement for Advances.

        As  compensation  for the  performance  of its  obligations  under this
   Agreement, the Master Servicer shall be entitled to receive the Servicing Fee
   from the Issuer on each Payment  Date out of amounts  released by the Trustee
   from the Payment  Account on such Payment Date pursuant to Section  5.2(c) of
   the  Indenture.  The Servicing Fee shall include  amounts in respect of funds
   advanced  by the  Master  Servicer  in  respect  of the  Loans  (whether  for
   maintaining insurance,  protecting or maintaining collateral,  or otherwise),
   if any. In addition,  the Master Servicer shall be entitled to reimbursements
   for advances made by the Master Servicer from recoveries. Such reimbursements
   from recoveries may be made by the Master Servicer  netting the  unreimbursed
   advanced  amount from recoveries or by remittance from the Trustee in respect
   of recoveries received by the Trustee.

               SECTION 2.6.  Sub-Servicing Agreements.

         The Master Servicer may engage  Sub-Servicers to perform some or all of
   the Master Servicer's  responsibilities under this Agreement,  subject to the
   following terms and conditions:

               (a) On or prior to the Closing Date,  the Master  Servicer  shall
   enter  into  one or  more  subservicing  agreements  (each  a  "Sub-Servicing
   Agreement") with one or more Sub-Servicers, and the Master Servicer shall not
   amend,  supplement or terminate the Sub-Servicing  Agreement, or agree to any
   assignment of any rights or obligations  thereunder by the  Sub-Servicer,  or
   terminate  the  Sub-Servicer,  without  the  consent of the  Holders of Notes
   representing at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
   the Notes.

         (b) If the  Sub-Servicing  Agreement with a Sub-Servicer is terminated,
   the Master Servicer may enter into one or more Sub-Servicing  Agreements with
   another   Sub-Servicer   reasonably   acceptable  to  the  Holders  of  Notes
   representing at least 51% or the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
   the Notes and the Issuer to assist the Master  Servicer in the performance of
   its duties under this Agreement.

         (c)  The  Master   Servicer   shall  be  entitled  to   terminate   any
   Sub-Servicing  Agreement  that may  exist in  accordance  with the  terms and
   conditions of such Sub-Servicing  Agreement;  provided,  however, that in the
   event  of  the  termination  of any  Sub-Servicing  Agreement  by the  Master
   Servicer or the related  Sub-Servicer,  the Master  Servicer shall either act
   directly as servicer in accordance  with its duties  hereunder or shall enter
   into a Sub-Servicing Agreement with a successor Sub-Servicer.

         (d) References in this Agreement to actions taken or to be taken by the
   Master  Servicer in servicing the Loans and Loan  Collateral  include actions
   taken or to be taken by a  Sub-Servicer  on  behalf of the  Master  Servicer.
   Notwithstanding any Sub-Servicing Agreement, or any of the provisions of this
   Agreement relating to agreements or arrangements  between the Master Servicer
   and a Sub-Servicer, the Master Servicer shall remain obligated and liable for
   the  servicing  and  administering  of  the  Loans  and  Loan  Collateral  in
   accordance with the provisions of this Agreement  without  diminution of such
   obligation or liability by virtue of such Sub-Servicing  Agreement and to the
   same extent and under the same terms and conditions as if the Master Servicer
   alone were servicing and  administering  the Loans and Loan  Collateral.  Any
   funds  received  by any  Sub-Servicer  shall be deemed to be  received by the
   Master Servicer.

                                   ARTICLE 3

                            STATEMENTS AND REPORTS

               SECTION 3.1.  Reporting by the Master Servicer.

         (a) Not later than 11:00 am on the third  Business Day  preceding  each
   Payment  Date,  the  Master  Servicer  shall  transmit  to the Issuer and the
   Trustee and upon  receipt  the Trustee  shall  forward to the  Noteholders  a
   certificate  (the  "Master   Servicer's   Certificate")   setting  forth  the
   information in respect of the Loans set forth in Exhibit A hereto.

                                   ARTICLE 4

                             THE MASTER SERVICER

               SECTION 4.1.  Representations and Warranties Concerning the
               Master Servicer.

         The  Master  Servicer  represents  and  warrants,  effective  as of the
   Closing Date, as follows:

         (a) The  Master  Servicer  (i) has been duly  organized  and is validly
   existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the state of its  formation
   and  organization,  (ii) has qualified to do business and is in good standing
   in each  jurisdiction  where the character of its properties or the nature of
   its  activities  makes such  qualification  necessary and where failure to so
   qualify  would have a material  and adverse  effect on its ability to perform
   its  obligations  hereunder,  and (iii) has full power,  authority  and legal
   right to own its property,  to carry on its business as presently  conducted,
   and to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

         (b) The execution and delivery by the Master Servicer of this Agreement
   are within the power of the Master  Servicer and have been duly authorized by
   all  necessary  action  on the  part  of the  Master  Servicer.  Neither  the
   execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement,  nor the  consummation  of the
   transactions herein contemplated,  nor compliance with the provisions hereof,
   will conflict  with or result in a breach of, or constitute a default  under,
   any of the provisions of any law,  governmental rule,  regulation,  judgment,
   decree or order  binding  on the Master  Servicer  or its  properties  or the
   charter or bylaws or other  organizational  documents  and  agreements of the
   Master  Servicer,  or any  of the  provisions  of  any  indenture,  mortgage,
   contract or other  instrument  to which the Master  Servicer is a party or by
   which it is bound or result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge
   or  encumbrance  upon any of its  property  pursuant to the terms of any such
   indenture, mortgage, contract or other instrument.

         (c) The Master  Servicer  is not  required to obtain the consent of any
   other party or consent, license,  approval or authorization,  or registration
   or  declaration  with,  any  governmental  authority,  bureau  or  agency  in
   connection with the execution,  delivery,  performance by the Master Servicer
   of this Agreement,  or validity or  enforceability  of this Agreement against
   the Master Servicer.

         (d) This  Agreement  has been duly executed and delivered by the Master
   Servicer and constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  instrument  enforceable
   against  the  Master  Servicer  in  accordance  with its  terms  (subject  to
   applicable bankruptcy laws and to general principles of equity).

         (e) There  are no  actions,  suits or  proceedings  pending  or, to the
   knowledge of the Master Servicer,  threatened against or affecting the Master
   Servicer,  before  or by any  court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator  or
   governmental  body with respect to any of the  transactions  contemplated  by
   this  Agreement or the Indenture,  or which will, if determined  adversely to
   the Master  Servicer,  materially  and  adversely  affect it or its business,
   assets, operations or condition,  financial or otherwise, or adversely affect
   the  Master  Servicer's   ability  to  perform  its  obligations  under  this
   Agreement. The Master Servicer is not in default with respect to any order of
   any court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or governmental body so as to
   materially  and  adversely  affect  the  transactions   contemplated  by  the
   above-mentioned documents.

         (f) The Master  Servicer has obtained or made all  necessary  licenses,
   registrations,  consents,  approvals, waivers and notifications of creditors,
   lessors and other persons, in each case, in connection with the execution and
   delivery of this Agreement by the Master  Servicer,  and the  consummation by
   the  Master  Servicer  of all  the  transactions  herein  contemplated  to be
   consummated by the Master  Servicer and the  performance  of its  obligations

         (g)  The  Master  Servicer  is  not in  default  under  any  agreement,
   contract,  instrument or indenture to which the Master Servicer is a party or
   by which it or its  properties is or are bound,  or with respect to any order
   of any court,  administrative agency,  arbitrator or governmental body, which
   would  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  transactions  contemplated
   hereunder;  and no event has  occurred  which with notice or lapse of time or
   both  would  constitute  such a  material  default  with  respect to any such
   agreement,  contract,  instrument or  indenture,  or with respect to any such
   order of any court, administrative agency, arbitrator or governmental body.

         (h) The collection and servicing  practices used by the Master Servicer
   with respect to each Loan and related Loan Collateral  shall be consistent in
   all material respects with those customarily  employed by the Master Servicer
   servicing loans which are owned by the Master Servicer.

         (i) The  Master  Servicer  (i) shall not  extend or  shorten,  amend or
   otherwise modify the terms of any Loan, or amend, modify or waive any term or
   condition of any Loan Collateral  related thereto,  in any manner which would
   have a material  adverse  effect on the interests of the  Noteholders  or the
   Issuer,  including, but not limited to, extending or shortening the due date,
   or  impairing  the  collectibility  of such Loan and (ii)  shall not take any
   action that could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
   (x) the  collectibility  of the Loans taken as a whole or (y) the realization
   on the related Loan  Collateral,  taken as a whole, or (z) the ability of the
   Master  Servicer to perform its obligations  hereunder,  in each case without
   obtaining  the prior  written  consent of the Trustee,  the Purchaser and the

               SECTION 4.2.  Existence; Status as the Master Servicer

         The Master Servicer shall keep in full effect its existence, rights and
   franchises under the laws of the state of its formation and organization, and
   will  obtain  and  preserve  its   qualification   to  do  business  in  each
   jurisdiction in which such  qualification is or shall be necessary to protect
   the  validity  and  enforceability  of the  Loans  and Loan  Collateral,  the
   Indenture and this Agreement or to perform its obligations hereunder.

               SECTION 4.2.  Performance of Obligations.

         (a)  Timely   Performance.   The  Master  Servicer  shall  punctually
   perform and observe all of its  obligations  and  agreements  contained  in
   this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof.

         (b) Prohibited Actions.  The Master Servicer shall not take any action,
   or permit  any action to be taken by others,  which  would  excuse any person
   from any of its  covenants  or  obligations  under  any of the  Loans or Loan
   Collateral or under any other  instrument  included in the Trust  Estate,  or
   which  would   result  in  the   amendment,   hypothecation,   subordination,
   termination  or  discharge  of, or impair  the  validity,  enforceability  or
   effectiveness  of, any of the Loans or Loan  Collateral,  except as expressly
   provided herein and therein or as contemplated by the Indenture.

         (c) Limitations of  Responsibility  of the Master Servicer.  The Master
   Servicer  will have no  responsibility  under  this  Agreement  other than to
   render the services called for hereunder in good faith.  The Master Servicer,
   its affiliates, its directors, officers,  shareholders and employees will not
   be liable to the Issuer,  the Trustee,  the Noteholders or others,  except by
   reason of acts  constituting bad faith,  willful  misfeasance,  negligence or
   reckless disregard of its duties.

         (d)  Right to  Receive  Instructions.  In the  event  that  the  Master
   Servicer is unable to decide  between  alternative  courses of action,  or is
   unsure as to the  application  of any  provision of this  Agreement,  or such
   provision  is ambiguous  as to its  application,  or is, or appears to be, in
   conflict  with any other  applicable  provision,  or in the  event  that this
   Agreement permits any determination by the Master Servicer or is silent or is
   incomplete  as to the course of action which the Master  Servicer is required
   to take with respect to a particular  set of facts,  the Master  Servicer may
   give notice (in such form as shall be appropriate under the circumstances) to
   the Trustee requesting  instructions in accordance with the Indenture and, to
   the extent that the Master Servicer shall have acted or refrained from acting
   in good faith in  accordance  with any such  instructions  received  from the
   Trustee, the Master Servicer shall not be liable on account of such action or
   inaction  to any  Person.  Subject  to the  Servicing  Standard  set forth in
   Section 2.1(a),  if the Master  Servicer shall not have received  appropriate
   instructions within ten days of such notice (or within such shorter period of
   time as may be specified in such notice) the Master  Servicer  may, but shall
   be  under  no  duty  to,  take  or  refrain  from  taking  such  action,  not
   inconsistent with this Agreement,  as the Master Servicer shall deem to be in
   the best  interests  of the Trustee and the Issuer,  and the Master  Servicer
   shall have no liability to any Person for such action or inaction  except for
   the Master Servicer's own willful misconduct or negligence.

         (e) No Duties Except as Specified in this Agreement or in Instructions.
   Except as  expressly  provided  by the terms of this  Agreement,  the  Master
   Servicer shall not have any duty or obligation to manage, make any payment in
   respect of, register,  record, sell, reinvest, dispose of, create, perfect or
   maintain title or any security  interest in, or otherwise deal with the Trust
   Estate, to prepare or file any report or other document, or to otherwise take
   or refrain from taking any action under, or in connection  with, any document
   contemplated  hereby to which the  Master  Servicer  is a party.  The  Master
   Servicer  nevertheless  agrees  that it will,  at its own  cost and  expense,
   promptly take all action as may be necessary to discharge any asserted  liens
   on any part of the Trust Estate which result from asserted claims against the
   Master  Servicer  personally  that are not  related to the  ownership  or the
   administration  of the Trust Estate or the  transactions  contemplated by the

         (f) No Action Except Under  Specified  Documents or  Instructions.  The
   Master Servicer shall not manage, control, use, sell, reinvest, dispose of or
   otherwise  deal with any part of the Trust  Estate  except (1) in  accordance
   with the  powers  granted  to and the  authority  conferred  upon the  Master
   Servicer  pursuant to this Agreement,  or (2) in accordance with instructions
   delivered to the Master Servicer pursuant hereto.

         (g)  Limitations  on the  Master  Servicer  Liability.  Subject  to the
   Servicing  Standards set forth in Section  2.1(a),  and except for the Master
   Servicer's own willful  misconduct or negligence,  the Master  Servicer shall
   not  be  personally  liable  under  any  circumstances,   including,  without

               (1) for any  action  taken or  omitted  to be taken by the Master
   Servicer in good faith in  accordance  with the  instructions  of the Trustee
   made in accordance herewith;

               (2) for any representation,  warranty,  covenant,  agreement or
   indebtedness  of the Trust under the Notes,  or for any other  liability or
   obligation of the Trust;

               (3) for or in  respect of the  validity  or  sufficiency  of this
   Agreement or for the due execution  hereof by any party hereto other than the
   Master Servicer, or for the form, character, genuineness,  sufficiency, value
   or validity of any part of the Trust Estate, including but not limited to the
   Loans and Loan Collateral; and

               (4) for any action or  inaction  of the  Trustee,  and the Master
   Servicer  shall  not  be  responsible   for  performing  or  supervising  the
   performance of any  obligation  under this Agreement or the Indenture that is
   required to be performed by the Trustee.

         (h) Limitation on Expenditure of Personal  Funds.  No provision of this
   Agreement  (other than Section  2.1(d) and paragraph (e) above) shall require
   the Master  Servicer to expend or risk its personal funds or otherwise  incur
   any  financial  liability in the  performance  of any of its rights or powers
   hereunder, if the Master Servicer shall have reasonable grounds for believing
   that  repayment  of such funds or  adequate  indemnity  against  such risk or
   liability is not reasonably assured or provided to it.

         (i) Furnishing of Documents.  The Master  Servicer shall furnish to the
   Trustee, promptly upon receipt thereof,  duplicates or copies of all material
   reports, notices, requests, demands,  certificates,  financial statements and
   any other instruments furnished to the Master Servicer hereunder.

         (j) Reliance; Advice of Counsel. In performing its duties hereunder the
   Master Servicer may conclusively  rely on and shall be protected in acting or
   refraining  from  acting when doing so, in each case in  accordance  with any
   signature,   instrument,   notice,   resolution,   request,  consent,  order,
   certificate,  report, opinion, bond or other document or paper believed by it
   to be genuine and believed by it to be signed by the proper party or parties.
   The Master  Servicer may accept a certified copy of a resolution of the board
   of directors or other  governing  body of any  corporate  party as conclusive
   evidence that such resolution has been duly adopted by such body and that the
   same is in full  force and  effect.  As to any fact or matter  the  manner or
   ascertainment  of which is not  specifically  prescribed  herein,  the Master
   Servicer may for all  purposes  hereof rely on a  certificate,  signed by the
   president  or any  vice  president  or by  the  treasurer  or  any  assistant
   treasurer or the secretary or any assistant  secretary of the relevant party,
   as to such  fact or  matter,  and  such  certificate  shall  constitute  full
   protection to the Master Servicer for any action taken or omitted to be taken
   by it in good faith in reliance  thereon  without  specific  knowledge to the

         (k) Reliance on Third Parties.  Subject to the Servicing  Standard,  in
   the  exercise  and  performance  of its  duties  and  obligations  under this
   Agreement,  the Master  Servicer may, at the expense of the Master  Servicer,
   consult with counsel,  accountants  and other skilled  persons to be selected
   with reasonable care and employed by it, and the Master Servicer shall not be
   liable  for  anything  done,  suffered  or  omitted  in good  faith  by it in
   accordance  with the advice or opinion of any such  counsel,  accountants  or
   other skilled persons.

         (l) Independent  Contractor.  In performing its obligations as servicer
   hereunder the Master Servicer acts solely as an independent contractor of the
   Issuer and Trustee.  Nothing in this Agreement  shall, or shall be deemed to,
   create or constitute any joint venture,  partnership employment, or any other
   relationship  between  the  Issuer  and the  Trustee  on the one hand and the
   Master  Servicer on the other  hand,  other than the  independent  contractor
   contractual relationship established hereby. The Master Servicer shall not be
   and  shall not be deemed  to be  liable  for any acts or  obligations  of the
   Issuer or the  Trustee,  and,  without  limiting  the  foregoing,  the Master
   Servicer  shall not be liable under or in  connection  with the Notes and all
   Persons  having  any  claim  under or in  respect  of this  Agreement  or the
   Indenture  shall look only to the Trust  Estate for  payment or  satisfaction

               SECTION 4.4.  Merger; Resignation and Assignment.

         (a) The Master  Servicer may not merge into any  corporation or convey,
   transfer or lease  substantially  all of its assets as an entity,  unless and
   until the Master  Servicer's  successor  or a new  servicer  is  approved  in
   writing by the Issuer and the Holders of Notes  representing  at least 51% of
   the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes and is willing to
   service the Loans and Loan  Collateral  and enter into a servicing  agreement
   with the Issuer and the Trustee in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
   to such parties.

         (b) Except as  provided  in Section  2.6  hereinabove  with  respect to
   Sub-Servicers,  the Master  Servicer may not assign this  Agreement or any of
   its rights, powers, duties or obligations hereunder.

         (c) Except as  provided  in  Sections  4.4(a)  and (b),  the duties and
   obligations of the Master  Servicer under this Agreement shall continue until
   this  Agreement  shall have been  terminated  as provided in Section 6.1, and
   shall  survive  the  exercise  by the  Issuer or the  Trustee of any right or
   remedy under this Agreement,  or the enforcement by the Issuer,  the Trustee,
   or any  Noteholder  of any  provision  of the  Indenture,  the  Notes or this

               SECTION 4.5.  Indemnities.

         (a) The Master  Servicer shall  indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee
   and  the  Noteholders  from  and  against  any  losses,  damages,  claims  or
   liabilities arising out of the Master Servicer's breach of this Agreement.

         (b) The Master  Servicer  agrees to  indemnify  the Trustee for, and to
   hold the Trustee harmless  against,  any loss,  liability or expense incurred
   without  negligence or bad faith on its part, arising out of or in connection
   with the acceptance or  administration  of the trust created by the Indenture
   (other than taxes,  penalties or other liabilities arising in connection with
   the  Trustee's  failure to withhold  from  payments with respect to the Notes
   amounts required to be withheld under the Code, or the Trustee's  withholding
   from such payments amounts not required or permitted to be withheld under the
   Code),  including the  reasonable  costs and expenses,  including  reasonable
   attorneys'  fees, of defending  themselves  against any claim or liability in
   connection  with the exercise or performance of any of their powers or duties
   under the Indenture provided that:

      (i)with respect to any such claim, the Trustee shall have given the Master
   Servicer  written  notice  thereof  promptly  after the  Trustee  shall  have
   knowledge thereof,  provided,  however, that the failure of the Trustee to so
   notify the Master  Servicer  shall not  relieve  the Master  Servicer  of its
   obligations pursuant to this subparagraph;

      (ii)the  Master  Servicer  shall  assume the  defense  of any such  claim,
   provided  that  if the  Master  Servicer  shall  not  have  employed  counsel
   reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Trustee to direct the defense of such claim
   within a reasonable time after such notice of the claim pursuant to paragraph
   (i) above,  the  Trustee  shall have the right to direct the  defense of such

      (iii)the  Trustee  shall have the right to employ  separate  counsel  with
   respect to any claim and to participate in the defense thereof,  but the fees
   and  expenses of such counsel  shall be at the expense of the Trustee  unless
   the payment of such counsel has been  specifically  authorized  by the Master
   Servicer;  provided  further,  however,  that if the Trustee shall assume the
   defense of any claim as a result of the Master  Servicer's  failure to assume
   the defense of such claim as described in  paragraph  (ii) above,  the Master
   Servicer shall pay the reasonable  fees and expenses of Trustee's  counsel in
   connection with the defense of such claim; and

      (iv)notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Section 4.5(b),  the
   Master  Servicer  shall not be liable for settlement of any such claim by the
   Trustee entered into without the prior consent of the Master Servicer.

         (c) The  Provisions  of  Section  4.5(a)  and  (b)  shall  survive  the
   termination of this Agreement and the Indenture.

                                   ARTICLE 5


               SECTION 5.1.  Events of Default.

         (a) Any of the following acts or occurrences  shall constitute an Event
   of Default by the Master Servicer under this Agreement:

                  (i) any failure by the Master  Servicer to remit any  payments
   received  by it in  respect of the Loans or Loan  Collateral  to the Lock Box
   Bank in  accordance  with any  provision  hereof within two (2) Business Days
   after receipt thereof; or

                 (ii) the Trustee shall not have received a report in accordance
   with Section 3.1(a) of the Indenture within two (2) Business Days of the date
   required to be delivered or the Master  Servicer  shall have defaulted in the
   due observance of any provision of Section 4.2 or Section 4.4 hereof and such
   default shall have continued for five (5) Business Days after it has obtained
   knowledge of, or has been notified by the Trustee of such default; or

                (iii) the Master  Servicer shall default in the due  performance
   and  observance  of any other  provision of this  Agreement  and such default
   shall have continued for a period of 30 days after it has obtained  knowledge
   of, or has been notified by the Trustee of such default; or

                 (iv) any  representation,  warranty or  statement of the Master
   Servicer made in this Agreement or by the Master  Servicer in its capacity as
   servicer  in any  certificate,  report or other  writing  delivered  pursuant
   hereto shall prove to be  incorrect  in any  material  respect as of the time
   when the same shall have been made; or

                  (v)   the  Master  Servicer  makes  an  assignment  for  the
   benefit of  creditors  or is  generally  not paying its debts as such debts
   become due; or

                 (vi) the Master  Servicer  petitions or applies to any tribunal
   for, or consents to, the appointment of, or taking  possession by, a trustee,
   receiver,  custodian,  liquidator or similar official of the Master Servicer,
   or of any substantial part of the assets of the Master Servicer, or commences
   a  voluntary  case  under  the  bankruptcy  law of the  United  States or any
   proceedings relating to the Master Servicer,  under the bankruptcy law of any
   other jurisdiction; or

                (vii) any such  petition or  application  is filed,  or any such
   proceedings  are  commenced,  against  the  Master  Servicer  and the  Master
   Servicer  by any act  indicates  its  approval  thereof,  consent  thereto or
   acquiescence  therein, or any order, judgment or decree is entered appointing
   any such trustee,  receiver,  custodian,  liquidator or similar official,  or
   approving the petition in any such  proceedings  and such order,  judgment or
   decree remains unstayed and in effect for more than 45 days; or

               (viii)  any  order,   judgment   or  decree  is  entered  in  any
   proceedings  against the Master  Servicer  decreeing the  dissolution  of the
   Master  Servicer and such order,  judgment or decree remains  unstayed and in
   effect for more than 60 days; or

                 (ix) a final  judgment  for an amount  in  excess  of  $500,000
   (exclusive of any portion  thereof which is insured) is rendered  against the
   Master Servicer, and within 60 days after the entry thereof, such judgment is
   not discharged or the execution  thereof is stayed pending appeal,  or within
   60  days  after  the  expiration  of any  such  stay,  such  judgment  is not

         (b)  Upon  the  occurrence  and  continuance  of an  Event  of  Default
   specified  in clause (v) or (vi)  above,  all of the rights and powers of the
   Master Servicer under this Agreement shall automatically terminate, including
   without  limitation  all rights of the Master  Servicer  to receive  from and
   after such  termination  the servicing  compensation  provided for in Section
   2.5, or any compensation or expense  reimbursement  hereunder,  other than to
   the extent accrued prior to such  termination  and not previously  paid. Upon
   the occurrence and continuance of any other Event of Default, the Issuer upon
   direction  of  the  Holders  representing  at  least  51%  of  the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes may, by notice given to the Master
   Servicer  (with copies to the Issuer and the  Trustee),  terminate all of the
   rights and  powers of the Master  Servicer  under this  Agreement,  including
   without limitation all rights of the Master Servicer to receive the servicing
   compensation  provided for in Section 2.5. Upon any automatic  termination or
   the giving of the notice referred to in the preceding  sentence,  all rights,
   powers,  duties  and  responsibilities  of the  Master  Servicer  under  this
   Agreement,  whether  with respect to the related  Loans and Loan  Collateral,
   Payment Account,  any Servicing Fee or otherwise shall vest in and be assumed
   by a new servicer as provided in Section  4.4(c) of the  Indenture.  From and
   during the continuation of an Event of Default, the Issuer upon the direction
   of the  Holders  representing  at  least  51% of  the  aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the  Notes  (without  regard  to any Notes  owned by the
   Master  Servicer  or any of its  Affiliates),  are  each  hereby  irrevocably
   authorized  and  empowered  to execute and  deliver,  on behalf of the Master
   Servicer,   as  attorney-in-fact  or  otherwise,   all  documents  and  other
   instruments  (including any notices to Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers
   deemed necessary or advisable by the Holders representing at least 51% of the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (without regard to any
   Notes owned by the Master Servicer or any of its  Affiliates)),  and to do or
   accomplish  all other acts or things  necessary or appropriate to effect such
   vesting  and  assumption.  Except  as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in the
   Indenture,  the Issuer shall not have any right to waive any Event of Default
   by the Master Servicer under this Agreement.

         (c) Promptly  after the Trustee shall have notice of the  occurrence of
   any Event of Default,  the Trustee shall transmit by mail to all  Noteholders
   notice of such Event of Default known to the Trustee.

               SECTION 5.3.  No Effect on Other Parties.

         Upon any  termination  of the rights and powers of the Master  Servicer
   from  time to time  pursuant  to  Section  5.1 or upon any  appointment  of a
   successor  to the  Master  Servicer,  all  the  rights,  powers,  duties  and
   obligations  of the Issuer or the Trustee  under this  Agreement or under the
   Indenture  shall remain  unaffected by such  termination or  appointment  and
   shall  remain  in full  force and  effect  thereafter,  except  as  otherwise
   expressly provided in this Agreement or in the Indenture.

               SECTION 5.4.  Rights Cumulative

         All rights and remedies from time to time conferred upon or reserved to
   the Issuer, the Trustee, or the Noteholders or to any or all of the foregoing
   are cumulative,  and none is intended to be exclusive of another or any right
   or remedy  which they may have at law or in equity.  No delay or  omission in
   insisting upon the strict  observance or performance of any provision of this
   Agreement,  or in  exercising  any right or remedy,  shall be  construed as a
   waiver or relinquishment of such provision, nor shall it impair such right or
   remedy.  Every  right and  remedy may be  exercised  from time to time and as
   often as deemed expedient.

                                   ARTICLE 6

                           MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

               SECTION 6.1.  Termination of Agreement

         (a) The respective  duties and  obligations of the Master  Servicer and
   the Issuer created by this Agreement shall terminate upon the latest to occur
   of (i) the final payment or other  liquidation of the last  outstanding  Loan
   included in the Trust  Estate,  (ii) the  satisfaction  and  discharge of the
   Indenture  pursuant to Article VIII of the Indenture,  and (iii) with respect
   to any Loan, the disposition of all property acquired upon foreclosure of any
   Loan Collateral.  Upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section
   6.1(a),  the Master Servicer shall pay over to the Issuer or any other Person
   entitled  thereto all monies  received from the  Hypothecation  Borrowers and
   Consumers and held by the Servicer.

         (b) Following an Event of Default under the Indenture, the successor to
   the  rights  of the  Issuer  in  respect  of the  Loans  and Loan  Collateral
   (including,  without  limitation,  the  Trustee or any or all of the  related
   Noteholders)  shall have the right to terminate this Agreement,  by notice to
   the  Master  Servicer  and the  Issuer.  Upon such  termination,  the  Master
   Servicer  shall be entitled to receive only the accrued and unpaid  servicing
   compensation  provided for in Section 2.5 to the date of such termination and
   any other  reimbursement  to which it would  otherwise be entitled of amounts
   theretofore advanced by it.

               SECTION 6.2.  Amendment.

         (a) This Agreement may only be amended from time to time by the Issuer,
   the Servicer and the Trustee, with the consent of the Holders representing at
   least 51% of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes (without
   giving  regard to any Notes owned by the Master  Servicer or its  Affiliates)
   for the  purpose of adding any  provisions  to or  changing  in any manner or
   eliminating any of the provisions of this Agreement,  provided, however, that
   no such amendment shall,  without consent of each  Noteholder,  (i) reduce in
   any manner the amount of, or the timing of, payments  received on the related
   Loans which are required to be deposited in the Payment  Account;  (ii) alter
   the  priorities  with which any  allocation of funds shall be made under this
   Agreement;  (iii)  permit the  creation  of any lien  (other than the lien or
   permitted by the  Indenture) on the Trust Estate for the Notes or any portion
   thereof or deprive  any such  Holder of the  benefit of this  Agreement  with
   respect to the Trust  Estate or any  portion  thereof;  or (iv)  modify  this
   Section 6.2 or Section 4.2, 4.3(b) or 4.4.

         (b) Promptly after the execution of any amendment,  the Master Servicer
   shall send to the Trustee a conformed  copy of each such  amendment,  but the
   failure to do so will not impair or affect its validity.  Promptly  after the
   execution of any amendment  pursuant to Section 6.2(a) the Issuer shall cause
   to be sent to each Noteholder a copy of such amendment.  Any failure to do so
   shall not affect the validity of such amendment.

         (c) It shall not be necessary, in any consent of Noteholders under this
   Section 6.2, to approve the particular form of any proposed amendment, but it
   shall be sufficient if such consent shall approve the substance thereof.  The
   manner of obtaining such consents and of evidencing the  authorization of the
   execution  thereof  by  Noteholders  shall  be  subject  to  such  reasonable
   regulations as the Trustee may prescribe.

         (d)  Any  amendment  or  modification  effected  contrary  to the
   provisions of this Section 6.2 shall be void.

               SECTION 6.3.  Governing Law.

         This  Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with and governed by
   the laws of the State of New York,  without  regard  to the  conflict  of law
   provisions thereof.

               SECTION 6.4.  Notices.

         All notices, requests or other communications desired or required to be
   given  under  this  Agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall be sent by (a)
   certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid, (b)
   national prepaid overnight delivery service,  (c) telecopy or other facsimile
   transmission  (following  with  hard  copies to be sent by  national  prepaid
   overnight   delivery   service)  or  (d)  personal   delivery   with  receipt
   acknowledged  in writing,  as follows:  (a) if to the Issuer,  c/o Litchfield
   Financial  Corporation,  789 Main Road, Stamford,  Vermont 05352,  Attention:
   President,  (b)  if to  the  Master  Servicer,  to  the  Master  Servicer  at
   Litchfield Financial  Corporation,  789 Main Road,  Stamford,  Vermont 05352,
   Attention:  President,  (c) if to the Trustee,  at 450 West 33rd Street,  New
   York, New York 10001,  Attention:  Global Trust Services,  Structured Finance
   Services.  Any of the persons in subclauses  (a) through (d) above may change
   its  address  for notices  hereunder  by giving  notice of such change to the
   other persons.  Any change of address shown on a Note Register  shall,  after
   the  date of such  change,  be  effective  to  change  the  address  for such
   Noteholder  hereunder.  All notices and demands  shall be deemed to have been
   given either at the time of the delivery thereof to any officer of the Person
   entitled  to receive  such  notices and demands at the address of such person
   for notices hereunder,  or on the third day after the mailing thereof to such
   address, as the case may be.

               SECTION 6.5.  Severability of Provisions.

         If one or more of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be for any
   reason  whatever  held invalid or  unenforceable,  such  provisions  shall be
   deemed severable from the remaining  covenants,  agreements and provisions of
   this Agreement and such invalidity or unenforceability shall in no way affect
   the validity or  enforceability of such remaining  provisions,  the rights of
   any parties hereto,  or the rights of the Trustee or any Noteholders.  To the
   extent  permitted by law, the parties hereto waive any provision of law which
   renders any  provision  of this  Agreement  invalid or  unenforceable  in any

               SECTION 6.6.  Binding Effect; Limited Rights of Others.

         The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
   benefit of the respective  successors and assigns of the parties hereto,  and
   all such provisions shall inure to the benefit of the Trustee and the related
   Noteholders,  provided that following an Event of Default under the Indenture
   and  foreclosure of the Trust Estate pursuant  thereto,  the successor to the
   rights of the  Issuer in  respect of the  related  Loans and Loan  Collateral
   (including  without  limitation  the  Trustee  or any  or all of the  related
   Noteholders)  shall not be bound by the provisions of this Agreement  unless,
   within 90 days after the date on which such successor shall have succeeded to
   such rights of the Issuer,  such  successor  shall not have  terminated  this
   Agreement pursuant to Section 6.1(b).  Nothing in this Agreement expressed or
   implied,  shall be construed to give any Person other than the parties hereto
   any legal or  equitable  right,  remedy or claim  under or in respect of this
   Agreement  or  any  covenants,  agreements,   representations  or  provisions
   contained herein.

               SECTION 6.7.  Article and Section Headings.

         The  article  and  section  headings  herein  are  for  convenience  of
   reference only, and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof.

               SECTION 6.8.  Counterparts.

         This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,  each of which
   shall be an original and all of which shall  constitute  but one and the same

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
   duly executed by their  respective  officers  thereunto duly authorized as of
   the day and year first above written.






                      THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as Trustee


                                                                Exhibit 10.162

            INDENTURE OF TRUST (herein,  as amended or supplemented from time to
   time as permitted hereby,  the  "Indenture"),  dated as of August 1, 1997, by
   and between LITCHFIELD  HYPOTHECATION  CORP. 1997-B, a corporation  organized
   under  the laws of the  State  of  Delaware  (the  "Issuer"),  and THE  CHASE
   MANHATTAN BANK, a New York banking corporation, as trustee (together with its
   permitted successors in the trusts hereunder, the "Trustee").

                             W I T N E S S E T H:

               WHEREAS,  the  Issuer  proposes  to issue  from  time to time its
   Hypothecation Loan Collateralized Notes in an aggregate outstanding principal
   amount not to exceed $45,295,000 (collectively, the "Notes") pursuant to this
   Indenture  and to  deliver  the  net  proceeds  of the  sale  thereof  to the
   Originator (as such term and such other capitalized terms used herein and not
   otherwise  defined are defined in Article I hereof) in  consideration  of the
   purchase of the Loans by the Issuer from the Originator;

               WHEREAS, Litchfield  Financial  Corporation,   a  Massachusetts
   corporation,  in its capacity as servicer (the "Master Servicer") pursuant to
   a  Servicing  Agreement,  dated as of August 1, 1997  (herein,  as amended or
   supplemented  from  time  to  time  as  permitted  thereby,   the  "Servicing
   Agreement"),  by and among the Issuer, the Master Servicer,  and the Trustee,
   will service the Loans;

               WHEREAS, as security for the Notes, the Issuer proposes to pledge
   and assign all of the Issuer's right,  title and interest in and to the Loans
   and the Loan  Collateral  (other than the  Unassigned  Rights) to the Trustee
   pursuant to this Indenture;

               WHEREAS,  the  Issuer  has  duly  authorized  the  execution  and
   delivery  of  this   Indenture   to  provide  for  the   issuance,   payment,
   administration  and  securing  of the Notes for the  benefit  of the  Holders

               WHEREAS,  the Issuer and the  Trustee  agree that the  Trustee be
   appointed  under this Indenture and be charged with and accept the trusts and
   duties set forth in this Indenture in connection with the issuance,  payment,
   administration and securing of the Notes under this Indenture for the benefit
   of the Holders of the Notes;

               WHEREAS,  the  Trustee  has duly  authorized  the  execution  and
   delivery of this Indenture and is duly authorized to accept the trusts and to
   perform its obligations under this Indenture;

               WHEREAS,  all things  necessary  to make this  Indenture  a valid
   agreement  of the Issuer and the  Trustee in  accordance  with its terms have
   been done; and

               WHEREAS,  all things  necessary to make the Notes,  when executed
   and delivered by the Issuer and authenticated by the Trustee and issued as in
   this  Indenture  provided,  the valid,  binding and legal  obligations of the
   Issuer according to the import thereof, have been done and performed.

                                GRANTING CLAUSE

               NOW,  THEREFORE,  in order to secure the payment of the principal
   of,  interest on, and all other amounts payable with respect to, the Notes to
   be issued pursuant to this Indenture,  and in order to secure the performance
   and  observance of all the covenants and conditions  contained  herein and in
   such Notes,  and in order to declare the terms and conditions  upon which the
   Notes are executed, authenticated, issued, delivered, secured and accepted by
   all Persons who shall from time to time be or become Holders thereof, and for
   and in consideration of the mutual covenants  contained herein, of acceptance
   by the  Trustee  of the  trusts  hereby  created,  and  of the  purchase  and
   acceptance of the Notes by the Holders  thereof,  the Issuer has executed and
   delivered this Indenture and by these presents:

               The Issuer does hereby pledge, bargain, sell, warrant,  alienate,
   remise, convey, assign, transfer, create and grant a lien upon and a security
   interest in and a right of set-off against  (collectively,  "Grant") unto the
   Trustee,  its successor or successors  and its or their assigns  forever,  in
   trust and as collateral security for the benefit of the Holders of the Notes,
   the  Issuer's  entire  right,  title,  interest  and  estate,  whether now or
   hereafter acquired, in, to and under (i) the Loans; (ii) the Loan Collateral;
   (iii) all monies  and other  property  of any kind that  relate to any of the
   Loans and that are now or at any time or times hereafter in the possession or
   under the control of the Issuer, the Master Servicer, any Sub-Servicer or the
   Trustee or any bailee of the Trustee,  including without limitation, the Lock
   Box  Account  and all monies  therein;  (iv) the  Servicing  Agreement,  each
   Subservicing  Agreement,   each  Agency  Agreement,  the  Purchase  and  Sale
   Agreement,   the  Deposit  Account   Assignment  and  the  Payment  Direction
   Agreement;  (v) all books and records of the Issuer to the extent  pertaining
   to any of (i) through (iv) above,  including  all computer  programs,  disks,
   tapes and related  electronic data processing  media,  credit files,  account
   cards,  payment  records,  correspondence  and  ledgers  in which  any of the
   foregoing are reflected or maintained;  (vi) all moneys and  securities  from
   time to time held by the  Trustee in any Account  created  under the terms of
   this Indenture and all interest,  profits,  proceeds, or other income derived
   from such moneys and securities;  (vii) the present and continuing  exclusive
   right,  power and  authority,  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Servicing
   Agreement,  to give and  receive  notices and other  communications,  to make
   waivers  or other  agreements  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Servicing
   Agreement, to make claims for and demand performance on, under or pursuant to
   any of the Loan  Collateral,  to bring actions and proceedings  thereunder or
   for the  enforcement  thereof or the Loans,  and to  exercise  all  remedies,
   powers,  privileges and options and to do any and all things which the Issuer
   is or may  become  entitled  to do under  the  Loans or the Loan  Collateral;
   (viii)  any and all  property  of every  name and  nature,  now or  hereafter
   transferred,  mortgaged,  pledged  or  assigned  as  security  or  additional
   security for payment or performance  of any  obligation of the  Hypothecation
   Borrowers  to the  Issuer  under the Loans or any of the Loan  Collateral  or
   otherwise   (other  than  the  Unassigned   Rights),   and  the  liabilities,
   obligations and indebtedness evidenced thereby or reflected therein; and (ix)
   all   income,   revenues,   issues,   products,   revisions,   substitutions,
   replacements, profit and proceeds of and from all of the foregoing, including
   proceeds of and unearned premiums with respect to insurance policies insuring
   any of the Loan Collateral (collectively, the "Trust Estate").

               TO HAVE AND TO HOLD IN TRUST all and  singular  the Trust  Estate
   whether now or  hereafter  acquired,  unto the Trustee and its  successor  or
   successors and its or their assigns forever for the benefit of the Holders of
   the Notes, but:

               IN TRUST  NEVERTHELESS,  upon the terms,  trusts  and  conditions
   hereinafter set forth for the equal and proportionate  benefit,  security and
   protection of all present and future Holders of the Notes without preference,
   privilege,  priority or distinction as to the lien or otherwise of any of the
   Notes over any of the other  Notes,  except as  otherwise  may be provided in
   this Indenture.

               PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the Issuer, its successors or assigns,
   (i) shall pay, or cause to be paid,  the  principal of and  interest  payable
   with respect to, the Notes due or to become due thereon,  at the times and in
   the manner mentioned in the Notes, or shall provide, as permitted hereby, for
   the payment thereof,  (ii) shall keep,  perform and observe all the covenants
   and conditions pursuant to the terms of this Indenture to be kept,  performed
   and  observed  by it, and (iii)  shall pay or cause to be paid to the Trustee
   all  sums  of  money  due or to  become  due to it and  any  other  fiduciary
   appointed hereunder in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, then,
   upon the final payment thereof, this Indenture,  all rights of the Holders of
   the Notes under this  Indenture and the rights hereby granted for the benefit
   thereof shall cease, determine and be void; otherwise this Indenture shall be
   and remain in full force and effect.

               The Trustee,  for itself and its successors  and assigns,  hereby
   declares that it shall hold all the estate,  right, title and interest in any
   property received by it under this Indenture,  including, without limitation,
   the Trust Estate,  in trust for the benefit of all present and future Holders
   of  the  Notes,  subject  to  the  terms  of  this  Indenture.   The  Trustee
   acknowledges  the Grant of the Trust  Estate  hereunder,  accepts  the trusts
   hereunder  in  accordance  with the  provisions  hereof and agrees to perform
   fully the duties  herein  required of it to the end that the interests of the
   Holders  of  the  Notes  may  be  adequately  and  effectively  protected  in
   accordance with the provisions of this Indenture.

               THIS TRUST  INDENTURE  FURTHER  WITNESSETH,  and it is  expressly
   declared  that all Notes  issued  and  secured  hereunder  are to be  issued,
   authenticated  and delivered and all said property,  rights and interests and
   other amounts hereby assigned and pledged,  are to be dealt with and disposed
   of under, upon and subject to the terms, conditions, stipulations, covenants,
   agreements,  trusts,  uses and  purposes as  hereinafter  expressed,  and the
   Issuer has agreed and covenanted, and does hereby agree and covenant with the
   Trustee and with the respective Holders of the Notes, as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I

                          DEFINITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS

               SECTION I.1  Definitions.  For all  purposes  of this  Indenture,
   except as otherwise expressly provided herein or unless the context otherwise
   requires,  capitalized  terms not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the
   meanings ascribed to such terms in Appendix A hereto which is incorporated by
   reference  herein.  All other  capitalized  terms used herein  shall have the
   meanings specified herein.

               SECTION I.2 Construction.  In this Indenture,  unless the context
   otherwise requires:

               (a) The terms "hereby," "hereof," "hereto," "herein," "hereunder"
   and any similar terms,  as used in this  Indenture,  refer to this Indenture,
   and the term "hereafter"  shall mean after, and the term  "heretofore"  shall
   mean before, the date of the execution and delivery of this Indenture.

               (b)  Words  of  the  masculine  gender  shall  mean  and  include
   correlative  words of the feminine and neuter genders and words importing the
   singular number shall mean and include the plural number and vice versa.

               (c) Words  importing  persons shall include firms,  associations,
   partnerships (including limited partnerships), trusts, corporations and other
   legal entities, including public bodies, as well as natural persons.

               (d) Any headings  preceding the texts of the several Articles and
   Sections  of this  Indenture,  and any table of  contents  appended to copies
   hereof, shall be solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute
   a part of this Indenture, nor shall they affect its meaning,  construction or

                                  ARTICLE II

                                   THE NOTES

               SECTION  II.1  Authorization  of Notes;  Notes to  Constitute
   Full Recourse Obligations.

               (a) The Notes  issuable  hereunder  shall be issued as registered
   Notes,  without coupons,  in one or more series as from time to time shall be
   authorized by the Issuer. The Notes of all series shall be known and entitled
   generally as the "Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp. 1997-B  Hypothecation Loan
   Collateralized  Notes."  The Notes of each  series  shall  have such  further
   particular designation as the Issuer may adopt for each series, and each Note
   issued  hereunder shall bear upon the face thereof the designation so adopted
   for the series to which it belongs;

               (b) The Trustee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate
   and  deliver a series of Notes of the Issuer  which  shall be  designated  as
   "Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp. 1997-B  Hypothecation  Loan  Collateralized
   Notes, Series A" (the "Series A Notes").  The Trustee is hereby authorized to
   authenticate  and deliver to the Purchaser on the Closing Date Series A Notes
   in the initial principal amount of $25,465,228.47.

               (c) The Trustee is hereby  authorized to authenticate and deliver
   a series of Notes of the Issuer which shall be  designated  from time to time
   as "Litchfield  Hypothecation Corp. 1997-B  Hypothecation Loan Collateralized
   Notes,  Series B Variable Funding Notes (the "Variable Funding Notes") at any
   time and from time to time on or after  the  Closing  Date,  the  Trustee  is
   hereby  authorized  upon the  direction  of the  Issuer to  authenticate  and
   deliver  Variable Funding Notes in any principal amount in excess of $25,000;
   provided,  however,  that no  authorization  and delivery of Variable Funding
   Notes shall be authorized if, after giving effect to the principal  amount of
   Variable  Funding Notes to be issued,  the aggregate  principal amount of all
   Notes  outstanding  would exceed the Note Limit.  The Variable  Funding Notes
   shall be revolving variable amount funding Notes issued by the Issuer for the
   purpose  of  funding   Future   Advances  made  by  the   Originator  to  the
   Hypothecation  Borrowers  and  assigned  to the  Issuer.  Any  Noteholder  of
   Variable Funding Notes that purchases  additional  Variable Funding Notes (or
   at such Holder's  direction,  the Trustee) may, and is hereby  authorized to,
   record on the grid attached to such  Noteholder's Note the date and amount of
   any additional principal to be evidenced thereby; provided, however, that the
   failure to make any such  recordation  on such grid or any error on such grid
   shall not affect any Noteholder's rights with respect to the principal amount
   of such Note,  or interest  thereon.  At any time and from time to time after
   the Closing Date, any Holder of Variable  Funding Notes shall have the right,
   upon  written  notice to the  Trustee  and the  Issuer  and  delivery  of the
   Variable  Funding Note to be  converted  to the Trustee,  to convert not less
   than $750,000 in aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of Variable Funding
   Notes into Series C Notes of a like aggregate  principal amount. Any Variable
   Funding Note so converted shall be cancelled by the Trustee.

               (d) The Trustee is hereby  authorized to authenticate and deliver
   a series of Notes of the Issuer which shall be  designated  from time to time
   as "Litchfield  Hypothecation Corp. 1997-B  Hypothecation Loan Collateralized
   Notes, Series C" (the "Series C Notes"). At any time and from time to time on
   or after the Closing Date, the Trustee is hereby authorized upon receipt from
   a Holder of Variable Funding Notes of written notice requesting conversion of
   such  Variable  Funding  Notes  pursuant  to  Section  2.1(c)  hereof  (which
   conversion  shall be effective as of a Payment Date  specified in the request
   for  conversion)  and  the  Variable  Funding  Notes  to  be  converted,   to
   authenticate  and deliver  Series C Notes to such Holder in a like  aggregate
   principal amount as the aggregate  outstanding amount of the Variable Funding
   Notes converted.

               (e) The Notes shall  constitute full recourse  obligations of the
   Issuer.  The Notes  when  issued  shall  not  constitute  direct or  indirect
   indebtedness or obligations of the Master Servicer or the Originator. Neither
   the Master Servicer nor the Originator  shall be liable to the Holders of the
   Notes for the payment of the principal  thereof and interest  thereon for any
   liability  under  this  Indenture.  The  foregoing  shall  not  diminish  the
   Originator's obligations under the Guarantee. Neither the Notes nor the Loans
   are insured by any governmental agency.

               SECTION II.2 Forms of Notes and  Certificate  of  Authentication.
   The  Notes  and the  Trustee's  certificate  of  authentication  shall  be in
   substantially  the  forms  set  forth in  Exhibit  A  attached  hereto,  with
   necessary or appropriate variations,  omissions and insertions,  as permitted
   or required by this  Indenture  and may have such  letters,  numbers or other
   marks of  identification  and such legends or endorsements  placed thereon as
   may,  consistent  herewith,  be determined by the Authorized  Officers of the
   Issuer  executing such Notes,  as evidenced by their execution of such Notes.
   The definitive Notes shall be typed,  photocopied,  printed,  lithographed or
   engraved or produced by any  combination  of these  methods  (with or without
   steel engraved borders),  all as determined by the Authorized Officers of the
   Issuer executing such Notes, as evidenced by their execution of such Notes.

               SECTION II.3 Authorized Principal Amount. The aggregate principal
   amount of the Notes  that may be  authenticated,  delivered  and  Outstanding
   under this  Indenture  is  $45,295,000.  All Notes shall be  identical in all
   respects  except for the maturity  thereof,  the interest rate  thereon,  the
   denominations thereof and such differences to reflect the revolving nature of
   the Variable  Funding Notes.  All Notes issued under this Indenture  shall in
   all respects be equally and ratably  entitled to the benefits  hereof without
   preference, priority or distinction on account of the actual time or times of
   authentication and delivery,  all in accordance with the terms and provisions
   of this Indenture.

               SECTION  II.4 Date of Notes;  Denominations.  (i) Notes which are
   authenticated and delivered by the Trustee to or upon the order of the Issuer
   on the Closing  Date shall be dated as of the Closing  Date.  Other series of
   Notes which are authenticated after the Closing Date shall be dated as of the
   respective Closing date therefor. All other Notes which are authenticated for
   any other purpose hereunder shall be dated the date of their  authentication.
   The Series A Notes shall be issued in minimum denominations of $100,000,  the
   Variable  Funding Notes shall be issued in minimum  denominations  of $25,000
   and the Series C Notes shall be issued in minimum denominations of $750,000.

                (ii)  Notes  issued  upon  transfer,  exchange,   conversion  or
   replacement  of other  Notes  shall be  issued  in  authorized  denominations
   reflecting  the  original   aggregate   principal  amount  of  the  Notes  so
   transferred,  exchanged,  converted or replaced, but shall represent only the
   then  current  outstanding  principal  amount  of the  Notes so  transferred,
   converted,  exchanged or replaced. In the event that any Note is divided into
   more than one Note in accordance  with the provisions  hereof,  the principal
   amount  of such  Note  shall  be  proportionately  divided  among  the  Notes
   delivered in exchange therefor.

               SECTION   II.5   Execution,   Authentication,   Delivery  and
   Dating.  (i) Each Note shall be  executed  on behalf of the Issuer with the
   manual or facsimile signature of an Authorized Officer of the Issuer.

                (ii)  Notes  bearing  the  manual  or  facsimile   signature  of
   individuals who were at any time Authorized Officers of the Issuer shall bind
   the Issuer,  notwithstanding that such individuals or any of them have ceased
   to hold such offices prior to the  authentication  and delivery of such Notes
   or did not hold such offices at the date of such Notes.

               (iii) At any time and from time to time after the  execution  and
   delivery  of this  Indenture,  the Issuer may deliver  Notes  executed by the
   Issuer to the  Trustee  for  authentication.  Upon a written  order  from the
   Issuer  (which  order  shall be in the form of Exhibit B hereto)  the Trustee
   shall  authenticate and deliver such Notes as in this Indenture  provided and
   not otherwise.  No Note shall be entitled to any benefit under this Indenture
   or be valid or obligatory for any purpose,  unless there appears on such Note
   a  certificate  of  authentication  substantially  in the form  set  forth in
   Exhibit A hereto  executed  by the  Trustee  by the  manual  signature  of an
   Authorized  Officer of the Trustee,  and such certificate upon any Note shall
   be conclusive evidence,  and the only evidence,  that such Note has been duly
   authenticated and delivered hereunder.

               SECTION II.6  Transfer and Registry; Exchange; Negotiability.

               (a) (i) Each Note  shall be  transferable  only upon the books of
   the Issuer (the "Note Register"), which shall be kept for that purpose at the
   office  of  the  Person   acting  as  registrar  of  the  Issuer  (the  "Note
   Registrar").  The Trustee is hereby designated as the Note Registrar. Subject
   to the  provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section 2.6, the transfers of any
   Note may be  effected  on the books of the  Issuer by the  Holder  thereof in
   person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing,  upon surrender thereof
   together  with a written  instrument  of  transfer  satisfactory  to the Note
   Registrar duly executed by the Holder or its duly authorized  attorney.  Upon
   the  transfer  of any such Note,  the Issuer  shall  issue in the name of the
   transferee a new Note or Notes of the same aggregate  principal  amount,  the
   same series, interest rate and maturity as the surrendered Note.

                (ii) At the option of the  Holder,  Notes may be  exchanged  for
   other  Notes  of  any  authorized  denominations,  and  of a  like  aggregate
   principal amount, series,  interest rate and maturity,  upon surrender of the
   Notes to be  exchanged  at such office or agency.  Whenever  any Notes are so
   surrendered  for exchange,  the Issuer shall  execute,  and the Trustee shall
   authenticate and deliver,  the Notes which the Noteholder making the exchange
   is entitled to receive.

               (iii) All Notes  issued  upon any  registration  of  transfer  or
   exchange of Notes shall be the valid  obligations  of the Issuer,  evidencing
   the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits under this Indenture, as the
   Notes surrendered upon such registration of transfer or exchange.

                (iv) Every Note presented or  surrendered  for  registration  of
   transfer or exchange  shall (if so required by the Issuer or the  Trustee) be
   duly endorsed,  or be accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form
   satisfactory  to the Trustee,  duly  executed,  by the Holder  thereof or his
   attorney duly authorized in writing.

               (b)      Each Note shall bear the following legend:


               (c) No Note or any  beneficial  interest  therein  may be sold or
   transferred  (including,  without  limitation,  by pledge  or  hypothecation)
   unless such transfer is exempt from the registration requirements of the 1933
   Act and any  applicable  state  securities  and  blue  sky laws or is made in
   accordance with said Act and state laws. As a condition precedent to any such
   transfer,  a certificate or certificates in the form of Exhibit C hereto,  as
   appropriate, shall be delivered to the Trustee.

               (d) None  of  the  Issuer,   the  Note  Registrar  or  the
   Trustee  is  obligated  to  register  the  Notes  under the 1933 Act or any
   other securities law.

               SECTION II.7 Regulations With Respect to Exchanges and Transfers.
   In all cases in which the privilege of exchanging or transferring  Notes is
   exercised,  the Issuer shall execute and the Trustee shall  authenticate  and
   deliver Notes in accordance with the provisions of this Indenture.  For every
   such  exchange or  registration  of transfer of Notes,  whether  temporary or
   definitive,  the Issuer and the  Trustee  may  require  the  payment of a sum
   sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental  charge required to be paid
   with respect to such exchange or registration of transfer. Neither the Issuer
   nor the Trustee  shall be required  to register  the  transfer of or exchange
   Notes for a period beginning on the Record Date next preceding a Payment Date
   and ending on such Payment Date.

               SECTION II.8  Mutilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost Notes.

               (a) In case any Note  shall  become  mutilated  or be  destroyed,
   stolen or lost,  the Issuer shall  execute,  and  thereupon the Trustee shall
   authenticate  and deliver,  a new Note of like  aggregate  principal  amount,
   series,  interest  rate and  maturity  as the Note so  mutilated,  destroyed,
   stolen or lost, in exchange and  substitution  for such mutilated  Note, upon
   surrender  and  cancellation  of  such  mutilated  Note  or in  lieu  of  and
   substitution  for the Note  destroyed,  stolen or lost,  upon filing with the
   Trustee  evidence  satisfactory  to the Issuer and the Trustee that such Note
   has been destroyed,  stolen or lost and proof of ownership thereof,  and upon
   furnishing  the Issuer and Trustee with such  security or indemnity as may be
   required by them to save each of them  harmless  (an  unsecured  agreement of
   indemnity of a Purchaser  being deemed  sufficient for this purpose) and upon
   payment of any tax or  governmental  charge the Issuer and Trustee may incur.
   All Notes so surrendered to the Trustee shall be canceled by it. Any such new
   Notes issued pursuant to this Section 2.8 in  substitution  for Notes alleged
   to  be  destroyed,  stolen  or  lost  shall  constitute  original  additional
   contractual  obligations on the part of the Issuer,  whether or not the Notes
   so alleged to be destroyed,  stolen or lost shall be found at any time, or be
   enforceable by anyone, and shall be equally secured by, and entitled to equal
   and proportionate benefits with all other Notes issued under the Indenture.

               (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 2.8,
   in the event any such Note shall have  matured,  and no default has  occurred
   which is then  continuing  in the payment of the  principal of or interest on
   the Notes,  the Issuer may authorize the payment of the same (upon  surrender
   thereof as provided in Section  2.9)  instead of issuing a  substitute  Note,
   provided security or  indemnification  is furnished as above provided in this
   Section 2.8.

               (c) The  provisions  of this Section 2.8 are  exclusive and shall
   preclude (to the extent  lawful) all of the rights and remedies  with respect
   to the payment of mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed Notes, including those
   granted by any law or statute now existing or hereafter enacted.

              SECTION II.9 Medium of Payment; Payment of Principal and Interest.

               (a) The Notes  shall be payable in lawful  currency of the United
   States of America and shall be payable by check mailed by first class mail to
   the Person  entitled  thereto at such  Person's  address as it appears on the
   Note Register on the  applicable  Record Date except that payments to Holders
   of in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000) of original principal amount
   of the Notes shall be made in immediately  available funds to an account at a
   banking  institution  in the United  States;  provided  that such  Holder has
   provided to the Trustee no later than two Business Days prior to the relevant
   Payment Date its wire transfer  instructions (the wire transfer  instructions
   of the  Purchaser  set  forth  in the  Note  Purchase  Agreement  are  deemed
   sufficient for all payments on the Notes held by the Purchaser).

               (b) Each Note shall bear  interest on the  outstanding  principal
   amount  thereof from and  including  (i) August 28, 1997,  in the case of the
   Series A  Notes,  and (ii) in the case of the  Variable  Funding  Notes,  the
   Series C Notes and any  subsequent  series of Notes,  from and  including the
   Closing  date  therefor,  and,  in each case,  the most  recent date to which
   interest has been paid until paid.  Interest  shall  accrue on the  principal
   amount of the  Series A Notes and the  Variable  Funding  Notes at the end of
   each  day at a rate  per  annum  equal  to 2.10%  plus  the  LIBOR  Rate,  as
   determined  by the Master  Servicer  and set forth in the  Master  Servicer's
   Certificate.  Interest  shall accrue on the Series C Notes and any subsequent
   series of Notes at a rate to be  determined on or before the Closing for such
   series of Notes.  The term "LIBOR Rate" shall mean the rate  published in The
   Wall Street Journal under "Money Rates" (or if such  publication  shall cease
   to  publish  such rate,  then the rate  published  in such  other  nationally
   recognized  publication  as the Trustee may from time to time specify) as the
   average of the interbank offered rates for U.S. Dollar deposits in the London
   interbank  market for a term of one  month,  based on  quotations  at 5 major
   banks.  The LIBOR Rate for each day of a Payment  Period shall be the rate so
   published on the first  Business Day of such Payment  Period.  Interest shall
   accrue  at the  Default  Rate with  respect  to the  principal  amount of any
   portion of the Notes that is not paid on the Payment Date for such  principal
   (whether due at stated maturity,  on demand,  upon acceleration or otherwise)
   until paid in full.  Interest shall be calculated daily and shall be computed
   on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve months of 30 days each.

               (c) (i) On each Payment Date,  payments of principal of the Notes
   will be due in an amount equal to the Principal  Payment Amount in respect of
   the aggregate Loans as of such Payment Date.

               (ii) (A) If any of the representations or warranties contained in
   Section  3 of the  Purchase  and Sale  Agreement  shall  prove to be,  in any
   material and adverse respect,  false, incorrect or misleading as to any Loan,
   the Issuer,  at its expense,  shall promptly take such action as is necessary
   and use its best  efforts  to  cause  such  false,  incorrect  or  misleading
   representation or warranty to be, in all material respects, true, correct and
   not misleading,  within 30 days following the giving of written notice to the
   Issuer by the Trustee of such false,  incorrect or misleading  representation
   or warranty (provided,  however, that the Trustee shall have no obligation to
   investigate or determine whether any such representation is false,  incorrect
   or misleading) or following the discovery thereof by the Issuer.

               (B) If within the  applicable  time period set forth in paragraph
   (A)  above the  Issuer  fails to cure,  in all  material  respects,  any such
   representation  or warranty  with respect to a Loan which is, in any material
   respect,  false,  incorrect or misleading,  then, the Issuer shall as soon as
   possible but in no event later than 60 days following  notice or discovery of
   the false,  incorrect or  misleading  representation  or  warranty,  take all
   actions necessary or advisable under this Indenture and the Purchase and Sale
   Agreement to (i) cause the Trustee to redeem (pursuant to the exercise of the
   Repurchase  Option  set  forth  in  Section  4(b) of the  "Purchase  and Sale
   Agreement"),  on a pro rata basis among the  outstanding  Notes, an aggregate
   principal  amount of the Notes equal to the outstanding  principal  amount of
   the  Loan  with  respect  to  which  the  false,   incorrect  or   misleading
   representation  or warranty  was made,  and to pay  accrued  interest on such
   redeemed  Notes to the date of  redemption  or (ii),  with the consent of the
   Holders of at least 66 2/3% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount of
   the Notes, substitute a new Loan for such Loan.

               (iii) The Issuer shall have the right to prepay all, but not less
   than all,  of any series of  outstanding  Notes at any time after the date on
   which the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of such  series of Notes
   equals or is less than 10% of the initial aggregate  principal amount of such
   series of Notes.

               (iv) In the event that, pursuant to the terms of the Purchase and
   Sale  Agreement,  the  Originator  has  notified  the  Issuer  that  (A)  the
   Originator intends to exercise Unassigned Rights in respect of a Loan and (B)
   such exercise of Unassigned Rights requires the release of such Loan from the
   Lien of the Trust Estate hereunder, the Issuer shall have the right to prepay
   an aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes equal to the principal
   amount of the Loan released  hereunder.  Upon such prepayment,  together with
   accrued interest on such prepaid Notes to the date of prepayment, the Trustee
   shall release the related Loan in accordance with Section 8.3 hereof.

                  (v) All  unpaid  principal  of the Notes  shall  mature and be
   immediately due and payable at Stated Maturity.

                 (vi)  Payments  of  principal  (as a result of  prepayments  or
   otherwise)  to be made  will be  allocated  pro rata  among  the Notes in the
   proportion  which the outstanding  principal amount of each Note bears to the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of the Notes of all series as of the
   first day of the month in which the Payment Date occurs.

                (vii) All reductions in the principal  amount of a Note effected
   by payments of  installments  of principal  made on any Payment Date shall be
   binding  upon all future  Holders of the Note and of any Note issued upon the
   registration of transfer thereof or in exchange  therefor or in lieu thereof,
   whether or not such payment is noted on such Note.

               (viii) Whenever the entire  remaining  unpaid principal amount of
   the Notes will become due and payable on the next Payment  Date,  the Trustee
   shall notify the Person in whose name such Note is registered as of the close
   of  business on the Record  Date prior to such  Payment  Date that such final
   installment is expected to be paid on such Payment Date. Such notice shall be
   given  by the  Trustee  in the  name  and at the  expense  of the  Issuer  by
   first-class  mail,  postage  prepaid,  mailed no later than the  Business Day
   following  the day on  which  the  Trustee  receives  the  Master  Servicer's
   Certificate  with respect to such Payment  Date.  Such notice shall set forth
   the following  information:  the fact of such expectation of payment in full,
   restating the requirement set forth in this Indenture that such payment shall
   be payable only upon  presentation of such Note (or in the case of mutilated,
   destroyed,  lost  or  stolen  Notes,  a  certificate  to that  effect  and an
   indemnity  (or  unsecured  agreement of indemnity) as provided in Section 2.8
   hereof) on or after the Payment Date therefor at the  corporate  trust office
   of the Trustee for payment,  the place where such Notes are to be surrendered
   for payment and that no interest  shall accrue on the principal of such Notes
   for any period after such Payment Date.

               (ix) The final  installment  of principal of any Note made on any
   Payment Date shall be payable,  subject to Section 2.8(b)  hereof,  only upon
   presentation  of such Note (or in the case of mutilated,  destroyed,  lost or
   stolen  Notes,  a  certificate  to that effect and an indemnity (or unsecured
   agreement  of  indemnity)  as provided in Section 2.8 hereof) on or after the
   Payment  Date  therefor  at the  corporate  trust  office of the  Trustee for
   payment;  provided,  however, that this requirement of presentation shall not
   apply to the Purchaser if it furnishes to the Trustee its unsecured agreement
   of indemnity in the same manner as is permitted by Section 2.8 hereof.

               SECTION II.10 Persons Deemed Owners. The Issuer,  the Trustee  
   and the Note  Registrar  may deem and treat the  Person in whose name any 
   Note  shall be  registered  upon the Note Register  as the  absolute  owner 
   of such  Note,  whether  such Note shall be overdue or not,  for the purpose 
   of  receiving  payment of, or on account of, the  principal of and interest 
   on such Note and for all other  purposes,  and all such payments so made to 
   any such Holder or upon his order shall be valid and effective to satisfy 
   and  discharge  the liability  upon such Note to the extent of the sum or 
   sums so paid,  and neither  the Issuer,  the Trustee nor the Note Registrar 
   shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

               SECTION II.11 Cancellation. All Notes surrendered upon payment 
   of the final installment of principal  pursuant to Section  2.9(c)  hereof 
   or otherwise  surrendered  for registration  of transfer,  conversion or 
   exchange shall be delivered to the Trustee  and shall be  promptly canceled  
   by it.  The Issuer may at any time deliver to the Trustee for cancellation  
   any Notes  previously  authenticated and  delivered  hereunder which the 
   Issuer may have  acquired  in any manner whatsoever, and all Notes so  
   delivered  shall be  promptly  canceled by the Trustee.  No Notes shall be  
   authenticated  in lieu of or in exchange for any Notes canceled as provided 
   in this Section,  except as expressly permitted by
   this Indenture.

               SECTION II.12 Access to List of Noteholders' Names and Addresses.
   The Note  Registrar  will  furnish or cause to be furnished to the Trustee,
   the Issuer or any Noteholder  promptly after receipt by the Note Registrar of
   a  request  therefor  from the  Trustee,  the  Issuer or such  Noteholder  in
   writing,  a list, in such form as the Trustee,  the Issuer or such Noteholder
   may reasonably require,  of the primary contacts,  names and addresses of the
   Noteholders as of the most recent Record Date.  Every Noteholder by receiving
   and holding Notes, agrees with the Issuer, the Registrar and the Trustee that
   neither  the  Issuer,  the  Note  Registrar  nor the  Trustee  shall  be held
   accountable  by reason of the  disclosure of any such  information  as to the
   names and addresses of the  Noteholders  hereunder,  regardless of the source
   from which such information was derived.

               SECTION II.13  Acts of Noteholders.

               (a)  Any  request,  demand,  authorization,   direction,  notice,
   consent,  waiver or other  action  provided by this  Indenture to be given or
   taken  by  Noteholders  may be  embodied  in  and  evidenced  by one or  more
   instruments  of  substantially  similar tenor signed by such  Noteholders  in
   person  or by an agent  duly  appointed  in  writing,  and,  except as herein
   otherwise  expressly  provided,  such action shall become effective when such
   instrument or instruments  are delivered to the Trustee and where required to
   the  Issuer.  Proof of  execution  of any  such  instrument  or of a  writing
   appointing  any  such  agent  shall be  sufficient  for any  purpose  of this
   Indenture  and  conclusive  in favor of the Trustee and the Issuer if made in
   the manner provided in this Section 2.13.

               (b)  The fact and date of the  execution by any  Noteholder
   of any such instrument or writing may be proven in any  reasonable  manner
   which the Trustee deems sufficient.

               (c)  The  ownership  of Notes  shall be  proven by the Note

               (d)  Any  request,  demand,  authorization,   direction,  notice,
   consent, waiver or other act by a Noteholder shall bind every Holder of Notes
   issued upon the registration of transfer  thereof or in exchange  therefor or
   in lieu  thereof,  in respect of anything  done, or omitted to be done by the
   Trustee or the Issuer in reliance  thereon,  whether or not  notation of such
   action is made upon such Notes.

               (e) The Trustee may require such  additional  proof of any matter
   referred to in this Section 2.13 as it shall deem necessary.

                                  ARTICLE III

                               ISSUANCE OF NOTES

               SECTION III.1 Conditions to Authentication and Delivery of Notes.
   Following  execution  and delivery of this  Indenture by the Issuer and the
   Trustee,  Notes  shall  from  time to  time be  executed  by the  Issuer  and
   delivered to the Trustee for  authentication  and delivery  together with the
   written order required pursuant to Section 2.5 hereof,  and,  thereupon,  the
   same  shall  be  authenticated;  provided,  however,  that on or  before  the
   authentication and delivery of Notes on the Closing Date, and, as a condition
   to such authentication and delivery,  the Trustee, or the Collateral Agent on
   behalf of the Trustee, shall have received the following:

      (i)A List of Loans, certified by an Authorized Officer of the Master 

      (ii)The originals of each Loan Document relating to each Loan;

      (iii)If any of the Transaction Documents include an instrument executed by
   a Hypothecation  Borrower or a Consumer,  the original instrument endorsed in
   blank by the  Hypothecation  Borrower  or  Consumer,  or, if  endorsed to the
   Originator or the Issuer,  endorsed in blank by an Authorized  Officer of the
   Originator or the Issuer;

      (iv)The originals of all Consumer Financing Documents (other than Consumer
   Financing  Documents  relating  to the  Atlantic  Gulf  Loan  (which  Loan is
   identified as Loan # 20100000672  on the List of Loans) which may be retained
   in microfiche form at the Servicer or related Subservicer);

      (v)If any of the Loan Collateral  consists of real estate  encumbered by a
   Mortgage,  an  original or copy  time-stamped  by the  appropriate  recording
   office of the recorded  Mortgage and an original or copy  time-stamped by the
   appropriate recording office of all amendments to such Mortgage;

      (vi)A copy of an  officially  certified  document,  dated not more than 30
   days prior to the Closing Date (and, if available,  confirmed on the Business
   Day prior to the Closing Date by telegram, telephone or other similar means),
   evidencing the due organization and good standing of the Issuer;

      (vii)A  certificate of an Authorized Officer of the Issuer dated as of the
   Closing  Date,  certifying  that (a) the Issuer is not in Default  under this
   Indenture;  (b) the issuance of the Notes  applied for will not result in any
   breach of any of the terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of, or  constitute a
   default under any indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust or other  agreement or
   instrument  to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its  property is
   bound or any  order of any  court or  administrative  agency  entered  in any
   Proceeding  to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its property may
   be bound or may be subject;  (c) the Issuer is the owner of each Loan Granted
   to the Trustee;  the Issuer has not assigned any interest or participation in
   any such  Loan;  and the Issuer has full right to Grant each such Loan to the
   Trustee;  (d) the Issuer has Granted to the Trustee all of its right,  title,
   and  interest  in each Loan  Granted  to the  Trustee;  (e) other  than liens
   created  under or pursuant  to the  Indenture,  the Trust  Estate is free and
   clear of any pledge,  charge or encumbrance  thereon or with respect  thereto
   created by or through the Issuer, and all action on the part of the Issuer to
   that end has been duly and  validly  taken;  (f) after  giving  effect to the
   issuance of the Notes,  the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes  will not  exceed  the Note  Limit;  and (g) all  conditions  precedent
   provided in this  Indenture  relating  to the  issuance,  authentication  and
   delivery of the Notes applied for have been complied with;

      (viii)An  Opinion of Counsel  (or  Opinions  of  Counsel)  to the  Issuer,
   addressed  to the  Trustee  and the  Purchaser  and  dated  as of the date of
   authentication  of the Notes  applied  for,  in the form  attached  hereto as
   Exhibit D;

      (ix)A fully executed copy of each of the following agreements:

             (A)  this Indenture;

             (B)  the Servicing Agreement;

             (C)  the Agency Agreements;

             (D)   the Purchase and Sale Agreement;

             (E)  the Deposit Account Assignment; and

             (F)  the Payment Direction Agreement.

      (x)A certificate of an Authorized  Officer of the Issuer,  dated as of the
   date of authentication of the Notes applied for, that the Issuer has filed or
   caused to be filed UCC-1 financing  statements in the  appropriate  recording
   offices executed by the Issuer, as debtor, and naming the Trustee, as secured
   party, and the Loans and Loan Collateral as collateral;

      (xi)Copies of resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Master Servicer
   approving the execution,  delivery and performance of the Servicing Agreement
   and the  transactions  contemplated  thereby,  certified  by the  Clerk or an
   Assistant Clerk of the Master Servicer;

      (xii)A copy of an officially  certified  document,  dated not more than 30
   days prior to the date of  authentication  of the Notes  applied for (and, if
   available,  confirmed  on the  Business  Day prior to such date by  telegram,
   telephone or other similar means),  evidencing the due  organization and good
   standing of the Master Servicer in the state of its organization; and

      (xiii)Other.  Such other documents as may be reasonably requested by the 
   Trustee or the Purchaser.

   Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  for each Loan  constituting a  Participation
   Interest, in lieu of the foregoing documents,  the Trustee, or the Collateral
   Agent on  behalf  of the  Trustee,  shall  have  received  a copy of the Loan
   Documents and the original participation  certificate endorsed in blank by an
   Authorized Officer of the Originator.

           (a) Within 90 days of the Closing  Date,  the Issuer shall deliver to
   the Trustee (or the Collateral  Agent) with respect to each Mortgage received
   by a Hypothecation  Borrower from a Consumer and collaterally assigned to the
   Originator,  the original or copy  time-stamped by the appropriate  recording
   office of such collateral assignment and an original collateral  reassignment
   of such Mortgage (which may be contained in a blanket  reassignment) from the
   Originator  to the Issuer and from the  Issuer to the  Trustee  (which may be
   contained  in one  instrument),  executed in blank and in form  suitable  for
   recording  by the Trustee (or the  Collateral  Agent) at any time an Event of
   Default exists.

         (b) On or before any Closing  after the Closing Date, as a condition to
   the  authentication  and delivery of Notes on the date of such  Closing,  the
   Trustee,  or the  Collateral  Agent on  behalf  of the  Trustee,  shall  have
   received (i) the documents specified in Sections 3.1(i) through 3.1(v) above,
   and (ii) a certificate of an Authorized  Officer of the Issuer dated the date
   of such  Closing,  certifying as to the matters set forth in Section 3.1 (vi)

         (c) Within 90 days of the  Closing  Date,  the Issuer  shall  cause all
   lock-box  or  collection  accounts  in  respect  of the  Loans  or  the  Loan
   Collateral  which on the Closing Date are owned or in the name of the "Master
   Servicer"  to be  transferred  to an account or  accounts  in the name of the
   Trustee.  The Trustee shall not have any obligations with respect to any such
   account, including,  without limitation, any obligation to direct investments
   in such  account  or to  respond  to any  inquiry  with  respect  to any such

                                  ARTICLE IV

                            COVENANTS OF THE ISSUER

         SECTION IV.1 Payment of Principal and Interest. The Issuer will duly 
   and punctually pay the principal of and interest on the Notes in accordance 
   with the terms of the Notes and this Indenture.

         SECTION IV.2  Maintenance of Existence.

             (a) Except as permitted by Section 4.2(b),  the Issuer will keep in
   full effect its  existence,  rights and  franchises as a business trust under
   the laws of the State of its  organization  and the  Issuer or any  permitted
   successor hereunder will obtain and preserve its qualification to do business
   as a foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction in which such qualification is
   or shall be  necessary to protect the  validity  and  enforceability  of this
   Indenture,  the Notes, the Servicing  Agreement or any of the Loan Documents.
   The Issuer at all times shall hold itself out as having an existence separate
   from that of the Master  Servicer,  and shall keep books and records separate
   from those of the Master Servicer.

             (b) Any Person  into which the  Issuer  hereunder  may be merged or
   with which it may be  consolidated  on an  involuntary  basis,  or any Person
   resulting from any such merger or consolidation to which the Issuer hereunder
   shall be a party,  shall be the successor Issuer under this Indenture without
   the execution or filing of any paper, instrument or further act to be done on
   the part of the parties hereto, anything herein, or in any agreement relating
   to such merger or consolidation,  by which any such successor Issuer may seek
   not to retain certain powers, rights and privileges theretofore obtaining for
   any period of time  following such merger or  consolidation,  to the contrary

         SECTION IV.3  Protection of Trust Estate.

             (a) The Issuer will from time to time  execute and deliver or cause
   to be delivered  all  amendments  hereto and all such  financing  statements,
   continuation   statements,   instruments  of  further   assurance  and  other
   instruments, and will take such other action necessary or advisable to:

      (i)Grant more effectively all or any portion of the
   Trust Estate;

      (ii)maintain or preserve the lien (and the priority thereof) of this 
   Indenture or carry out more effectively the purposes hereof;

      (iii)perfect, publish notice of, or protect the validity of any Grant 
   made or to be made by this Indenture;

      (iv)preserve  and defend  title to the Trust  Estate and the rights of the
   Trustee, and of the Noteholders secured thereby, in such Trust Estate against
   the claims of all Persons and parties; and

      (v)pay any and all taxes levied or assessed upon all or any part of the 
   Trust Estate.

               (b) The  Issuer  hereby  designates  the  Trustee  its  agent and
   attorney-in-fact  to execute,  upon the Issuer's failure to do so in a timely
   manner, any financing statement,  continuation  statement or other instrument
   required pursuant to this Section 4.3. Such power of attorney is coupled with
   an interest and irrevocable,  and the Issuer hereby ratifies and confirms all
   that the  Trustee may do by virtue  thereof.  Such  designation  shall not be
   deemed to create a duty in the  Trustee  to  monitor  the  compliance  by the
   Issuer with the foregoing  covenants,  and the duty of the Trustee to execute
   any instrument  required pursuant to this Section 4.3 shall arise only if the
   Trustee has knowledge of the type  described in Section  9.1(e) hereof of any
   Default by the Issuer in complying with the provisions of this Section 4.3.

         SECTION IV.4  Enforcement of Servicing Agreement.

               (a) The Noteholders agree that (i) the Issuer and the Trustee are
   hereby authorized to engage the Master Servicer to service the Loans pursuant
   to the Servicing Agreement, and (ii) the Trustee shall be entitled to rely on
   the services of the Master  Servicer  for  purposes of  servicing  the Loans.
   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the Trustee is notified by the Issuer or
   any of the  Noteholders  that action is necessary (x) for the  enforcement of
   the Loans and the Loan Collateral,  including without limitation,  the prompt
   payment of all principal  and interest and all other amounts due  thereunder,
   consistent with the provisions of the Servicing Agreement,  or (y) to defend,
   enforce,  preserve and protect the rights and privileges of the Issuer and of
   the  Noteholders  under or with  respect  to the Loans and the  related  Loan
   Collateral,  or (z)  to  preserve  the  Liens  of  the  Loans  and  the  Loan
   Collateral, the Trustee shall notify the Master Servicer and request that the
   Master Servicer take such action.

         The Issuer will  punctually  perform and observe all of its obligations
   and agreements contained in the Servicing  Agreement.  The Issuer shall cause
   the Master  Servicer to  diligently  enforce all terms and  covenants  and to
   satisfy  all  conditions  of  the  Servicing  Agreement,  including,  without
   limitation,  the prompt  payment of all  principal and interest and all other
   amounts due  thereunder.  The Issuer at all times shall cause to be defended,
   enforced, preserved and protected the rights and interests of the Issuer, the
   Trustee and the Noteholders under or with respect to the Servicing Agreement.

               (b) If the Issuer shall have  knowledge of the  occurrence  of an
   Event of Default under the  Servicing  Agreement,  the Issuer shall  promptly
   notify the Trustee thereof,  and shall specify in such notice the action,  if
   any, the Issuer is taking in respect of such Event of Default.  If such Event
   of Default  arises from the failure of the Master  Servicer to perform any of
   its duties or obligations  under the Servicing  Agreement with respect to the
   Loans securing the Notes, the Issuer may remedy such failure.  So long as any
   such Event of Default under the Servicing Agreement shall be continuing,  the
   Trustee may, and upon the direction of (i) the Purchaser  while the Purchaser
   is a Holder of Notes, or (ii) the Holders of Notes representing not less than
   51% of the then aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (other
   than Notes owned by the Originator or any Affiliate of the  Originator),  the
   Trustee shall  terminate all of the rights and powers of the Master  Servicer
   under the  Servicing  Agreement  pursuant  to  Section  6.1 of the  Servicing
   Agreement.  Unless  directed  or  permitted  by the Trustee or the Holders of
   Notes  representing  not  less  than 51% of the  then  aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the Notes (other than Notes owned by the  Originator  or
   any Affiliate of the Originator),  the Issuer may not waive any such Event of
   Default under the  Servicing  Agreement or terminate the rights and powers of
   the Master Servicer under the Servicing Agreement.

               (c) Upon any  termination  of the  Master  Servicer's  rights and
   powers  pursuant  to Section  5.1 of the  Servicing  Agreement,  all  rights,
   powers, duties,  obligations and responsibilities of the Master Servicer with
   respect to the  related  Loans  shall  vest in and be assumed by a  Successor
   Master  Servicer  appointed  by the  Issuer  with  the  consent  of  (i)  the
   Purchaser,  while  the  Purchaser  is a Holder  of  Notes,  and (ii) the then
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not less  than  51% of the  then  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes (provided,  that the Holder of any
   Notes owned by the Originator or any Affiliate of the Originator shall not be
   entitled to  participate  in any  consent of the  proposed  Successor  Master
   Servicer  as an  affiliate  of the  Originator),  and such  Successor  Master
   Servicer shall be the successor in all respects to the Master Servicer in its
   capacity  as  servicer  with  respect  to  such  Loans  under  the  Servicing
   Agreement.  No resignation  or  termination of the Master  Servicer under the
   Servicing  Agreement shall be effective until a Successor Master Servicer has
   been  appointed  and  assumed  the duties of the Master  Servicer.  Upon such
   appointment,  such  Successor  Master  Servicer  shall enter into a servicing
   agreement with the Issuer and the Trustee, such agreement to be substantially
   similar to the Servicing Agreement.  If, within 15 days after the termination
   or  resignation  of the Master  Servicer,  the Issuer shall not have obtained
   such a new servicer  acceptable to the  Noteholders  as provided  above,  the
   Trustee may appoint,  or may petition a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to
   appoint,  a successor  servicer to service the Loans.  In connection with any
   such appointment, the Trustee may make such arrangements for the compensation
   of such successor as it and such successor shall agree,  and the Issuer shall
   enter into an agreement  with such successor for the servicing of such Loans,
   such  agreement to be in form and substance  satisfactory  to the Trustee and
   (i) the Purchaser  while the Purchaser is a Holder of Notes and (ii) the then
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not less  than  51% of the  then  aggregate
   outstanding  principal  amount of the  Notes.  Any such  compensation  of the
   successor  servicer  shall  not be in excess of that  payable  to the  Master
   Servicer under the Servicing  Agreement,  unless the Master  Servicer or some
   other Person agrees to pay such additional compensation.

               (d) If any of the  Noteholders or the Issuer notifies the Trustee
   that action is necessary in order to defend, enforce, preserve or protect the
   rights and interests of the Issuer and the Noteholders  under or with respect
   to the Servicing Agreement, the Trustee shall notify the Issuer or the Master
   Servicer,  as the case may be, and direct the  notified  party to  diligently
   enforce all terms and covenants  and satisfy all  conditions of the Servicing
   Agreement. The Trustee may, without the consent of any Noteholder, enter into
   or consent to any amendment or supplement to the Servicing  Agreement for the
   purpose of increasing  the  obligations or duties of any party other than the
   Trustee or the Noteholders.  Except as provided above in this paragraph,  the
   Trustee shall not consent or agree to or permit any  amendment,  modification
   or waiver of the Servicing Agreement without the prior consent thereto of the
   Holders of 66-2/3% of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Notes
   (without  regard  to any Notes  owned by the  Master  Servicer  or any of its
   Affiliates).  The Trustee  may, in its  discretion,  decline to enter into or
   consent to any such  supplement  or  amendment  if its own rights,  duties or
   immunities shall be adversely affected.

         SECTION IV.5 Books of Account. The  Issuer  covenants  that the books 
   of record  and  account of the Issuer and, pursuant to the provisions of the 
   Servicing Agreement, the Master Servicer  shall at all  times be  subject to 
   the  inspection  and use of the Trustee and any Holder of Notes and of their 
   respective agents and attorneys.

         SECTION IV.6 Performance of Obligations. The Issuer will punctually 
   perform and observe all of its obligations and agreements under the terms of 
   this Indenture and the Notes.  The Issuer will not take any action, and will 
   use its best  efforts  not to permit any action to be taken by others, which 
   would release any Person's  covenants or obligations under any instrument 
   included in the Trust Estate, or which would result in the hypothecation,  
   subordination,  termination or discharge of, or impair the  validity  or  
   effectiveness  of, any such  instrument,  except as expressly provided in 
   this Indenture.

         SECTION IV.7 Negative Covenants. Except as expressly permitted by this
   Indenture or contemplated by the Servicing Agreement, the Issuer will not:
               (a) sell, transfer, exchange or otherwise dispose of any
   of the Trust Estate;

               (b) claim any credit on, make any deduction from the principal or
   interest  payable in respect of the Notes (other than amounts  required to be
   withheld from such payments under the Code or any other  applicable  state or
   federal law) or assert any claim against any present or former  Noteholder by
   reason of the payment of any taxes  levied or assessed  upon any of the Trust

               (c) engage in any business or activity or create,  incur,  assume
   or in any manner become liable on any debt other than in connection  with, or
   relating to, the issuance of the Notes pursuant to this Indenture;

               (d)  amend the certificate of  incorporation  of the Issuer
   without the prior written consent of the Purchaser;

               (e)  dissolve or liquidate in whole or in part;

               (f)  consolidate  with or merge into any other  Person or convey,
   transfer  or lease  substantially  all of its  assets as an  entirety  to any
   Person  unless  the  Person  formed by such  consolidation  or into which the
   Issuer has been merged or the Person which acquires  substantially all of the
   assets of the Issuer as an entirety is an  organization  organized  under the
   laws of a state in the United States, can lawfully perform the obligations of
   the Issuer  hereunder  and executes and delivers to the Trustee an agreement,
   in form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to the Trustee, which contains
   an assumption by such  successor  entity of the due and punctual  performance
   and observance of each representation,  warranty,  covenant and obligation to
   be made, performed or observed by the Issuer under this Indenture;

               (g) (i) permit the validity or effectiveness of this Indenture to
   be impaired or permit the lien of this  Indenture  with  respect to the Trust
   Estate to be subordinated,  terminated or discharged, or permit any Person to
   be released from any covenants or obligations under this Indenture, the Loans
   or the Loan Collateral,  (ii) permit any lien, pledge, charge, adverse claim,
   security  interest,  mortgage or other encumbrance  (other than liens created
   under or  pursuant  to this  Indenture)  to be  created  on or  extend  to or
   otherwise  arise upon or burden the Trust  Estate or any part  thereof or any
   interest  therein or the proceeds  thereof,  or (iii) permit the lien of this
   Indenture  not to  constitute  a  perfected  security  interest  in the Trust

               (h) permit any  material  amendment  to the Loan  Documents  or
   waive any payment default thereunder;

               (i) permit  any  amendment  or  modification  to the  Servicing
   Agreement; or

               (j)  permit  any  amendment  or  modification  to any  Consumer
   Financing Document.

         SECTION  IV.8  Protection  of  Security:  Power to Issue  Notes  and
   Grant Trust Estate; Indenture to Constitute Contract.  The Issuer represents,
   warrants and covenants that:

               (a) The  Issuer  is,  and at all  times  during  the term of this
   Indenture will be, a corporation  duly organized and validly existing in good
   standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware;  and the Issuer is, and at
   all times  during the term of this  Indenture  will be, duly  qualified to do
   business as a foreign corporation and in good standing under the laws of each
   jurisdiction where the character of its property,  the nature of its business
   or the  performance  of its  obligations  under  this  Indenture  makes  such
   qualification  necessary except where the failure to be so qualified will not
   have a material  adverse  effect on the business of the Issuer or its ability
   to perform its  obligations  under this  Indenture or any other  documents or
   transactions  contemplated hereunder or the validity or enforceability of the

               (b) The Issuer  holds,  and at all times  during the term of this
   Indenture  will hold,  all material  licenses,  certificates,  franchises and
   permits from all  governmental  authorities  necessary for the conduct of its
   business and has received no notice of proceedings relating to the revocation
   of any such license, certificate, franchise or permit, which singly or in the
   aggregate,  if the  subject of an  unfavorable  decision,  ruling or finding,
   would  materially and adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations
   under this  Indenture  or any other  documents or  transactions  contemplated
   hereunder or the validity or enforceability of the Loans;

               (c) The  Issuer  has,  and at all times  during  the term of this
   Indenture will have, all requisite power and authority to own its properties,
   to conduct  its  business,  to execute  and deliver  this  Indenture  and all
   documents  and  transactions  contemplated  hereunder,  to perform all of its
   obligations  under this  Indenture  and any other  documents or  transactions
   contemplated  hereunder,  to issue the Notes and to Grant the Trust Estate in
   the manner and to the extent  provided  herein.  The Issuer has all requisite
   power and authority to acquire, own, sell and convey to the Trustee the Trust

               (d)  This  Indenture,  the  Notes  and all  other  documents  and
   instruments  required or contemplated  hereby to be executed and delivered by
   the Issuer have been duly  authorized,  executed and  delivered by the Issuer
   and,  assuming the due  execution  and delivery by the other party or parties
   hereto and thereto,  if any,  constitute legal,  valid and binding agreements
   enforceable  against the Issuer in  accordance  with their  respective  terms
   subject,  as to the  enforcement  of  remedies,  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
   reorganization,   moratorium   and   other   similar   laws   affecting   the
   enforceability of creditors' rights generally  applicable in the event of the
   bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  reorganization  of the  Issuer  and  to  general
   principles of equity;

               (e) The execution, delivery and performance by the Issuer of this
   Indenture,  the Notes and any other documents and  transactions in connection
   herewith  to which the Issuer is a party do not and will not (i)  violate any
   of the provisions of the  organizational  documents or by-laws of the Issuer;
   (ii)  violate  any  provision  of any law,  governmental  rule or  regulation
   currently in effect  applicable  to the Issuer or its  properties or by which
   the Issuer or its  properties  may be bound or  affected,  (iii)  violate any
   judgment,  decree, writ, injunction,  award, determination or order currently
   in effect  applicable to the Issuer or its  properties or by which the Issuer
   or its properties  are bound or affected,  (iv) conflict with, or result in a
   breach  of, or  constitute  a default  under,  any of the  provisions  of any
   indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, contract or other instrument to which the
   Issuer  is a party  or by  which it is  bound  or (v)  except  for the  Grant
   hereunder,  result in the creation or  imposition of any lien upon any of its
   properties  pursuant to the terms of any such  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of
   trust, contract or other instrument;

               (f)  Except  for  the  filing  of  financing  statements  and the
   recording of assignments contemplated hereby, no consent,  approval, order or
   authorization  of,  and no  filing  with or  notice  to,  any  court or other
   governmental  authority  in respect of the Issuer is required  in  connection
   with the authorization,  execution,  delivery or performance by the Issuer of
   this  Indenture,  the Notes or any of the  other  documents  or  transactions
   contemplated hereunder;

               (g) The Issuer is not in default under any  agreement,  contract,
   instrument  or indenture to which the Issuer is a party or by which it or its
   properties  is or are  bound,  or with  respect  to any  order of any  court,
   administrative  agency,  arbitrator or  governmental  body which would have a
   material adverse effect on the transactions  contemplated  hereunder;  and no
   event  has  occurred  which  with  notice  or  lapse  of time  or both  would
   constitute  such a default  with  respect  to any such  agreement,  contract,
   instrument  or  indenture,  or with  respect  to any such order of any court,
   administrative agency, arbitrator or governmental body;

               (h)  There  is no  pending  or,  to  the  best  of  the  Issuer's
   knowledge,  threatened action,  suit,  proceeding or investigation before any
   court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or  governmental  body against or
   affecting  the Issuer  which,  if decided  adversely,  would  materially  and
   adversely  affect (i) the  condition  (financial or  otherwise),  business or
   operations  of the  Issuer,  (ii) the  ability of the  Issuer to perform  its
   obligations  under, or the validity or  enforceability  of, this Indenture or
   any other documents or transactions contemplated under this Indenture,  (iii)
   any Loan Collateral, (iv) the Master Servicer's ability to service the Loans;

               (i) No document,  certificate or report  furnished or required to
   be  furnished  by the Issuer  pursuant  to this  Indenture  contains  or will
   contain when  furnished  any untrue  statement of a material fact or fails or
   will fail to state a material fact  necessary in order to make the statements
   contained therein not misleading;

               (j) Other than liens created under or pursuant to this Indenture,
   the  Trust  Estate  is and will be free and  clear of any  pledge,  charge or
   encumbrance thereon or with respect thereto created by or through the Issuer,
   and all  action  on the part of the  Issuer  to that  end has  been  duly and
   validly taken;

               (k) The Issuer  shall at all times,  to the extent  permitted  by
   law,  defend,  preserve and protect the Grant of the Trust Estate and all the
   rights of Noteholders  under this Indenture against all claims and demands of
   all  Persons  whomsoever  claiming  by,  through or under the Issuer  (except
   claims and demands of the Trustee under or pursuant to this Indenture);

               (l) The Issuer  shall at all times hold itself out to the public,
   including creditors of the Originator, and carry out its business and conduct
   its affairs under the Issuer's own name and as a separate and distinct entity
   from the Originator or any of its Affiliates;

               (m) The Issuer shall at all times be responsible  for the payment
   of all its  obligations  and  indebtedness,  shall at all  times  maintain  a
   business  office,  records,  books of  account  and funds  separate  from the
   Originator  and  shall  observe  all  customary  formalities  of  independent

               (n) The  Issuer  shall  make its books and  records  and the Note
   Register available to the Noteholders and the Trustee,  at their own expense,
   for purposes of inspection  and copying and shall,  at the Issuer's  expense,
   furnish, or cause to be furnished, to the Trustee or any Noteholder, promptly
   after  receipt by the Issuer of a request  therefor  from the Trustee or such
   Noteholder in writing, a list of the primary contacts, names and addresses of
   the Noteholders as of the Record Date immediately preceding such request;

               (o) As long as any Note is  outstanding,  the  Issuer  shall  not
   issue, incur, assume or guarantee any indebtedness or other obligation except
   for such  indebtedness  as may be  incurred  by the Issuer  pursuant  to this
   Indenture and related documents or instruments;

               (p) Each of the  representations and warranties of the Originator
   set forth in the Purchase and Sale  Agreement  are true and correct as of the
   date  when  made,  and the  Issuer  hereby  makes  such  representations  and
   warranties to the Trustee for the benefit of the Noteholders; and

               (q) The Issuer  shall  provide to each  Noteholder  (i) within 60
   days of the end of each fiscal quarter the unaudited financial  statements of
   the Issuer as of the end of such fiscal quarter,  and (ii) within 135 days of
   the end of each fiscal year of the Issuer, the unaudited financial statements
   of the Issuer as of the end of such fiscal year.

         SECTION IV.9 Maintenance of Offices or Agency. The Issuer will maintain
   an office or agency, which may be changed in the  discretion  of the Issuer,
   within the United States of America at which Notes may be presented or 
   surrendered  for payment,  Notes may be surrendered for  registration  of 
   transfer or exchange and notices and demands to or upon the  Issuer in  
   respect of the Notes and this  Indenture  may be served.  The Issuer hereby  
   initially  appoints the Trustee at its corporate  trust office such  office 
   or agency.  The Issuer will give  prompt  written  notice to the Trustee of 
   the  location,  and of any  change in the  location,  of any such office or 
   agency.  If at any time the Issuer shall fail to maintain any such office or 
   agency or shall  fail to  furnish  the  Trustee  with the  address thereof, 
   such presentations,  surrenders,  notices and demands may be made or served 
   at the  corporate  trust office,  and the Issuer  hereby  appoints the 
   Trustee  at its  corporate  trust  office  its  agent  to  receive  all  such
   presentations, surrenders, notices and demands.

         SECTION IV.10 Further Assurances. The Issuer will execute and deliver,
   or cause to be executed  and delivered,  all such additional instruments and 
   do, or cause to be done, all such additional actions as (i) may be necessary 
   or proper, consistent with the Granting Clause hereof, to carry out the 
   purposes of this Indenture and to make subject to the lien hereof any 
   property  intended so to be subject, (ii) may be  necessary  or proper to  
   transfer to any  successor  trustee the estate, powers,  instruments and 
   funds held in trust hereunder and to confirm the lien of this Indenture with 
   respect to any series of the Notes,  or (iii) the Trustee may  reasonably  
   request for any of the foregoing  purposes.  The Issuer hereby  authorizes  
   the Trustee to execute and file all such financing statements, continuation  
   statements and other  documents as the Trustee may deem  necessary  or  
   advisable  to make or keep  effective  the  lien of this Indenture or any 
   supplemental indenture and the priority thereof. The Trustee shall have no 
   duty to monitor  compliance  by the Issuer  with the  foregoing covenants or 
   to determine  whether the  execution or filing of any  financing statements 
   or any other document is necessary or advisable in connection with
   the foregoing.

                                   ARTICLE V


         SECTION V.1 Collection of Money. Except as otherwise expressly provided
   herein, the Trustee may demand payment or delivery of, and shall receive and
   collect,  directly and without intervention  or  assistance  from any fiscal
   agent or other  intermediary, pursuant  to the terms  hereof,  all money and 
   other  property  payable to or receivable by the Trustee pursuant to this 
   Indenture,  including all payments due on the Loans, in accordance with the 
   respective  terms and conditions of such Loans and the Loan Collateral.  
   Except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein, the Trustee shall hold all 
   such money and property received by it as part of the Trust Estate and shall 
   apply it as provided in this Indenture.

         SECTION V.2  Payment Account.

               (a) On or prior to the Closing Date, the Trustee shall  establish
   and  thereafter  maintain a separate  trust account under the sole control of
   the Trustee entitled "The Chase Manhattan Bank, as trustee,  in trust for the
   benefit of the holders of the Litchfield  Hypothecation  Corp.  Hypothecation
   Loan   Collateralized   Notes--Payment   Account."  The  Trustee  shall  make
   withdrawals  from the Payment  Account  only as  provided in this  Indenture.
   Monies on deposit in the Payment Account shall be invested in accordance with
   Section 5.3 hereof.

               (b) Not later than the Business Day immediately following receipt
   thereof,  the Trustee shall deposit or cause to be deposited into the Payment
   Account all monies received by the Trustee in respect of the Loans (including
   all payments,  insurance  proceeds,  condemnation  proceeds,  recoveries  and
   Servicer Advances, if any) in immediately available funds;

               (c) On each Payment Date,  the Trustee,  in  accordance  with the
   Master Servicer's  Certificate,  shall withdraw and distribute or cause to be
   distributed all monies received in the related  Collection  Period on deposit
   in the Payment Account  (including any Investment Income with respect to such
   monies on deposit in the Payment Account) in the following order of priority:

       (i) To the  Trustee,  all  accrued  and  unpaid  fees and  reimbursable
   expenses due and payable to the Trustee pursuant to Section 9.7 hereof;

           (ii) If the Master  Servicer is not the Originator or an Affiliate of
   the  Originator,  to the Master  Servicer  by wire  transfer  of  immediately
   available funds, an amount equal to the Servicing Fee due and payable on such
   Payment  Date plus all  Servicer  Advances  made by the  Master  Servicer  on
   previous  Payment  Dates  to the  extent  the  Master  Servicer  has not been
   reimbursed for such Servicer Advances;

      (iii)To the Holders of Notes on the Record Date  relating to such  Payment
   Date, interest accrued on the Notes in the related Payment Period;

      (iv)Pro  rata to the Holders of Notes on the Record Date  relating to such
   Payment Date,  the  Principal  Payment  Amount due and payable,  if any, with
   respect to the Notes;

      (v)If  the  Master  Servicer  is the  Originator  or an  Affiliate  of the
   Originator,  to the Master Servicer by wire transfer of immediately available
   funds,  an amount equal to the  Servicing Fee due and payable on such Payment
   Date plus all  Servicer  Advances  made by the Master  Servicer  on  previous
   Payment Dates to the extent the Master  Servicer has not been  reimbursed for
   such Servicer Advances; and

      (vi)Provided  no Payment  Default has occurred and is  continuing,  to the
   Issuer,  all remaining  amounts on deposit in the Payment  Account,  plus all
   Investment Income, if any, then held in the Payment Account to the extent not
   needed to make the distributions  required by clauses (i) through (v) of this
   Section 5.2(c);

           SECTION V.3 Servicer Advances. If on the date which is two  Business
   Days prior to a Payment  Date, amounts  on deposit  in the  Payment  Account 
   are  insufficient  to make the distributions required to be made on such 
   Payment Date pursuant to paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of Section 5.2 hereof,  
   the Master  Servicer shall be required to make a deposit in the amount of 
   such  shortfall  into the Payment  Account (each, a "Servicer Advance") on 
   such date; provided, however, that the Master Servicer shall not be obligated
   to make any Servicer  Advance if the Master Servicer  determines  that the 
   Master Servicer will not be able to ultimately recover the full amount of 
   such Servicer Advance; and, provided, further that at no time shall 
   outstanding  unreimbursed  Future Advances in respect of any particular  
   Loan exceed $100,000.  The Master Servicer shall be entitled to reimbursement
   for any Servicer Advance as provided in Section 5.2 hereof.

         SECTION V.4 Investment of Funds. Amounts on deposit in the Payment 
   Account shall, if and to the extent then permitted by law, be invested by the
   Trustee in Eligible Investments, at the  written  direction  of  an  
   Authorized  Officer  of  the  Issuer.   Such investments shall mature on or 
   before the Business Day preceding the Payment Date following the date of such
   investment.  Net income or gain received and collected from such  investments
   shall be credited and losses charged to the
   Payment Account.

         SECTION V.5 Repayment to the Issuer from the Accounts. After payment in
   full of the principal of, interest on, and all other amounts due and payable 
   with respect to the Notes (in accordance with Section 7.1 hereof) and the 
   payment of all fees, reimbursable charges and expenses of or other amounts 
   owed to the Issuer, the Trustee, and the Note Registrar and all other amounts
   required to be paid hereunder, all amounts remaining in the Payment Account 
   shall be paid to the Issuer on its written order.

         SECTION V.6 Reports to the Noteholders. On each Payment Date, the 
   Trustee will furnish to the Issuer and will include with each distribution to
   the  Noteholders  the Master  Servicer's Certificate delivered pursuant to 
   Section 3.1(a) of the Servicing Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VI


                                  ARTICLE VII

                        EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES

         SECTION VII.1 Events of Default. Each of the events described in 
   clauses (a) through (l) below shall constitute an "Event of Default"  with  
   respect to the Notes  (whatever  the reason  for such  Event of  Default and
   whether  it shall be  voluntary  or involuntary  or be effected by operation 
   of law or pursuant to any  judgment, decree  or  order  of any  court or any
   order,  rule or  regulation  of any administrative or governmental body):

               (a) The Issuer shall fail to make any payment of principal on the
   Notes within two  Business  Days of the day the same becomes due and payable;

               (b) The Issuer  shall fail to make any payment of interest on the
   Notes within two  Business  Days of the day the same becomes due and payable;

               (c) The Issuer  shall fail to observe or perform in any  material
   respects any of the  covenants of the Issuer under  Sections  4.2,  4.3, 4.4,
   4.5, 4.6 or 4.9 hereof,  which failure has continued for a period of 30 days;

               (d)  The  Issuer  shall  fail to  observe  or  perform  its
   covenants under Section 4.7 hereof; or

               (e) Any  representation  or  warranty  of the Issuer set forth in
   Section 4.8 of this Indenture shall prove to be false in any material respect
   as of the date when made; or

               (f)      The  Issuer  makes an  assignment  for the  benefit of
   creditors  or is  generally  not paying its debts as such debts become due;

               (g) The  Issuer  petitions  or applies to any  tribunal  for,  or
   consents  to,  the  appointment  of,  or  taking  possession  by, a  trustee,
   receiver, custodian,  liquidator or similar official of the Issuer, or of any
   substantial  part of the assets of the Issuer,  or commences a voluntary case
   under the Bankruptcy Law of the United States or any proceedings  relating to
   the Issuer, under the Bankruptcy Law of any other jurisdiction; or

               (h) Any  such  petition  or  application  is  filed,  or any such
   proceedings  are  commenced,  against  the  Issuer  and the Issuer by any act
   indicates its approval thereof,  consent thereto or acquiescence  therein, or
   any  order,  judgment  or  decree is  entered  appointing  any such  trustee,
   receiver,  custodian,  liquidator  or  similar  official,  or  approving  the
   petition in any such  proceedings and such order,  judgment or decree remains
   unstayed and in effect for more than 30 days; or

               (i) Any order,  judgment or decree is entered in any  proceedings
   against the Issuer  decreeing the  dissolution  of the Issuer and such order,
   judgment or decree remains unstayed and in effect for more than 60 days; or

               (j) A final  judgment  in an  amount  in  excess  of  $50,000  is
   rendered  against the Issuer,  and within 60 days after entry  thereof,  such
   judgment is not discharged or execution  thereof stayed  pending  appeal,  or
   within 60 days after the  expiration  of any such stay,  such judgment is not

               (k) Any  assignment  by the  Issuer to a  delegate  of its
   duties or rights  hereunder,  except as specifically  permitted  hereunder,
   or any attempt to make such an assignment; or

               (l) Any occurrence or existence of any Event of
   Default (as defined in the Servicing Agreement) under the
   Servicing Agreement.

               SECTION VII.2 Acceleration of Maturity. (a) Upon the occurrence 
   and continuance of an Event of Default,(i) if such event is an Event of 
   Default specified in clause (h), (i), (j) or (k)  of  Section  7.1,  all of  
   the  Notes  at  the  time outstanding shall automatically become immediately
   due  and  payable  at par  together  with interest accrued thereon,  without 
   presentment,  demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby
   waived by the  Issuer,  and (ii) if such event is any other Event of Default,
   the Trustee may,  and, upon the written request of over 25% in aggregate  
   outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (by notice in writing to the 
   Issuer and the  Trustee),  shall  declare all of the Notes to be, and all of 
   the  Notes  shall  thereupon  be and  become, immediately due and payable 
   together with interest accrued thereon, without presentment, demand, protest 
   or other notice of any kind, all of which are hereby waived by the Issuer.

               (b) At any time after a declaration  pursuant to Section  7.2(a),
   but before any  judgment  or decree for the  payment of monies due shall have
   been obtained or entered, unless the same has been discharged, and before the
   Notes have matured by their terms, or as otherwise  provided  herein,  if all
   overdue payments of principal and interest upon such Notes, together with the
   reasonable and proper  charges,  expenses and  liabilities of the Trustee and
   the Holders of such Notes and their  respective  agents and attorneys and all
   other sums then  payable  by the Issuer  under  this  Indenture  (except  the
   principal of and interest  accrued since the next  preceding  Payment Date on
   such Notes or due and  payable  solely by virtue of such  declaration)  shall
   either be paid by or for the account of the Issuer or provisions satisfactory
   to the Holders of 51% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes shall be made for such  payment,  and all Events of Default  under such
   Notes and under this  Indenture  (other  than the  payment of  principal  and
   interest  due and  payable  solely by reason of such  declaration)  have been
   cured to the satisfaction of the Holders of 51% of the aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the Notes or  provision  deemed by the Holders of 51% of
   the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes to be adequate has
   been made  therefor,  then and in every  such case the  Holders of 51% of the
   aggregate  outstanding principal amount of the Notes by written notice to the
   Issuer and to the Trustee,  shall have the right,  but not be  obligated  to,
   rescind such declaration and annul such Event of Default in its entirety. For
   purposes  of the  foregoing  sentence,  the  Holders of 51% of the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes shall be determined without regard
   to any  Notes  owned  by the  Originator  or any of its  Affiliates.  No such
   rescission and annulment  shall extend to or affect any  subsequent  Event of
   Default or impair or exhaust any right or power consequent thereon.

               SECTION VII.3 Enforcement of Remedies. (a) If an Event of Default
   shall have  occurred  and be  continuing  and the Notes have been
   declared due and payable and such declaration and its  consequences  have not
   been rescinded and annulled, the Trustee may, and upon the written request of
   the  Holders of over 25% in  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes shall,  proceed to protect and enforce its rights and the rights of the
   Noteholders  under the Notes and this  Indenture  and take one or more of the
   following actions without limitation:

      (i)proceed  to  protect  and  enforce  its  rights  and the  rights of the
   Noteholders by appropriate Proceedings whether by the specific enforcement of
   any covenant or agreement in this  Indenture or in the aid of the exercise of
   any power granted herein, or to enforce any other property remedy;

      (ii)institute  Proceedings  for the collection of all amounts then payable
   on the Notes,  whether by  declaration  or  otherwise,  enforce any  judgment
   obtained, and collect any monies adjudged due;

      (iii)in accordance with Section 7.13, sell the Trust Estate or any portion
   thereof or rights or interest therein, at one or more public or private sales
   called and conducted in any manner permitted by law;

      (iv)institute  Proceedings  from time to time for the  complete or partial
   foreclosure of this Indenture with respect to the Trust Estate; and

      (v)exercise  any remedies of a secured party under the Uniform  Commercial
   Code and take any other appropriate  action or protect and enforce the rights
   and remedies of the Trustee or the Noteholders hereunder.

               (b) In the  enforcement of any right or remedy under the Notes or
   this Indenture,  the Trustee shall be entitled to sue for, enforce payment on
   and receive any and all amounts then or during any Event of Default becoming,
   and any time remaining,  due from the Issuer, for principal and interest,  or
   otherwise,  under any of the provisions of the Notes or this  Indenture,  and
   unpaid,  with  interest on overdue  payments at the rate or rates of interest
   specified  in the  Notes,  together  with any and all costs and  expenses  of
   collection and of all Proceedings  under the Notes or the Indenture,  without
   prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Trustee or the  Noteholders and
   to recover and enforce judgments or decrees against the Issuer, but solely as
   provided in this Indenture and in the Notes for any amounts remaining unpaid,
   with  interest,  costs and  expenses,  and to collect (but solely from moneys
   available  therefor to the extent  provided in this  Indenture) in any manner
   provided by law,  the moneys  adjudged or decreed to be payable.  The Trustee
   shall  file  such  proof of claim and other  papers  or  documents  as may be
   necessary  or  advisable  in order to have the claims of the  Trustee and the
   Noteholders allowed in any judicial proceeding, relative to the Issuer or its
   creditors or property.

               (c) The Trustee  may,  and if requested in writing by the Holders
   of over 51% in  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount  of the  Notes  and
   furnished with reasonable  security and indemnity (an unsecured  agreement of
   indemnity of the Purchaser being deemed sufficient for such purpose),  shall,
   institute and maintain such suits and  proceedings or take such other acts as
   it may be advised  shall be necessary or expedient to prevent any  impairment
   of the security under this Indenture or under any Loan Collateral by any acts
   which may be  unlawful  or in  violation  of this  Indenture  or of such Loan
   Collateral,  and such suits and  proceedings  as the  Trustee  may be advised
   shall be necessary or expedient to preserve or protect its  interests and the
   interests  of the  Noteholders;  provided,  that  such  request  shall not be
   otherwise  than  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of law  and  of  this

               SECTION VII.4  Application of Money Collected Upon  Acceleration.
   If the Notes have been  declared  due and  payable  pursuant  to Section  7.2
   hereof,  any moneys  collected by the Trustee pursuant to this Article VII or
   otherwise held by the Trustee as part of the Trust Estate shall be applied in
   the following order at the date or dates fixed by the Trustee and, in case of
   the  distribution  of such moneys on account of  principal of and interest on
   the Notes upon presentation and surrender thereof:

               FIRST:  To the payment of amounts  due the Trustee  pursuant to
   Section  9.7 hereof  including  amounts  payable to the  Trustee  acting as
   Master Servicer;

               SECOND:  To the  payment  of  all  the  amounts  then  due  and
   unpaid upon the Notes for:

               (a)      all  interest   payable  on  the  Notes   through  the
   Acceleration Date;

               (b)      interest    from   the   first   day   following   the
   Acceleration  Date  to the  date  of  payment  in  full  of  the  aggregate
   principal amount of the Notes; and

               (c) interest on any overdue installments of interest on the Notes
   from the due date of any such installments to the date of payment but only to
   the extent that payment of such interest shall be legally enforceable;

   such funds to be  allocated in  proportion  to the total amount of interest
   otherwise payable on the Notes;

               THIRD:  To the  payment  of all  amounts  then  due and  unpaid
   upon the Notes for  principal  ratably,  without  preference or priority of
   any kind;

               FOURTH:  To the  payment of all other  amounts  to the  persons
   entitled thereto in accordance with this Indenture.

               SECTION  VII.5  Unconditional  Rights of  Noteholders  To Receive
   Principal and Interest.  Notwithstanding any other provision in this 
   Indenture,  the Holder of any Note shall have an absolute and unconditional  
   right to receive payment of the principal of and interest on such Note 
   (subject to Section 2.9 hereof) on or after the respective Payment Dates 
   expressed in such Note, and such right shall not be impaired without the 
   consent of such Holder.

               SECTION VII.6 Restoration of Rights and Remedies. If the Trustee 
   or any  Noteholder has instituted any Proceeding to enforce any right or 
   remedy under this  Indenture and such  proceeding has been  discontinued  or
   abandoned for any reason, or has been determined adversely to the Trustee or 
   to such  Noteholder,  then and in every such case the  Issuer,  the  Trustee
   and  the  Noteholders   shall,   subject  to  any determination in such 
   proceedings, be restored severally and respectively to their former positions
   hereunder,  and thereafter all rights and remedies of the Trustee and the  
   Noteholders  shall continue as though no such Proceeding had been instituted.

               SECTION VII.7 Rights and Remedies Cumulative. No right or remedy
   herein  conferred  upon or  reserved to the Trustee or to the  Noteholders is
   intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,  and every right and 
   remedy shall, to the extent permitted by law, be cumulative and in addition 
   to every other right and remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing 
   at law or in equity or otherwise;  the assertion or  employment of any right 
   or remedy  hereunder,  or  otherwise,  shall not prevent the concurrent 
   assertion or employment of any other appropriate right or remedy.

               SECTION VII. 8 Delay or Omission Not Waiver. No delay or omission
   of the Trustee or any Holder to exercise any right or remedy  accruing upon 
   any Event of Default shall impair any such right or remedy or  constitute  
   a waiver of any such  Event of  Default or an acquiescence  therein.  Every 
   such right and remedy given by this Article VII or by law to the Trustee or 
   to the  Noteholders may be exercised from time to time,  and as often as may 
   be  deemed  expedient,  by the  Trustee  or by the Noteholders, as the case 
   may be.

               SECTION VII9 Control by Noteholders.  Subject to the  provisions
   of Section  7.2,  Section  7.3 and Section  7.7,  the  Holders  of at  least
   51% of the  aggregate  outstanding principal amount of the Notes shall have 
   the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding  
   for any  remedy  available  to the Trustee with respect to the Notes or 
   exercising any trust or power  conferred on the Trustee with respect to the 
   Notes; provided that:

               (a) such  direction  shall  not be in  conflict  with  any
   rule of law or with this Indenture;

               (b) the Trustee shall have been  provided  with  indemnity
   reasonably satisfactory to it;

               (c) subject  to (d)  below,  any  direction  to the  Trustee  to
   undertake  a sale of the  Trust  Estate or any part  thereof  shall be by the
   Holders  of  Notes  representing  not  less  than  66-2/3%  of the  aggregate
   outstanding principal amount of the Notes; and

               (d) the Trustee may take any other  action  deemed  proper by the
   Trustee which is not  inconsistent  with such direction;  provided,  however,
   that,  subject to Section  9.1 hereof,  the Trustee  need not take any action
   which  it  determines  might  involve  it in  liability  or may  be  unjustly
   prejudicial to the Noteholders not consenting.

               SECTION VII.10 Waiver of Past Events of Default. Prior to the 
   time a judgment or decree for payment of the money due has been  obtained by 
   the Trustee, as provided in this Article VII, the Trustee may waive any past 
   Event of Default with respect to the Notes and its consequences except an 
   Event of Default (a) in the payment of principal of or interest on any of the
   Notes or (b) in respect of a  covenant  or  provision hereof which cannot be 
   modified or amended  without the consent of the Holder of each Note affected.
   Upon any such  waiver,  such Event of Default  shall cease to exist and be 
   deemed to have been cured and not to have occurred, and any Event of Default
   arising  therefrom  shall be deemed to have been cured, and not to have 
   occurred for every purpose of this Indenture. In the case of any such waiver,
   the Issuer, the Trustee and the Holders of the Notes shall be restored to 
   their former positions and rights hereunder, respectively; but no such waiver
   shall extend to any  subsequent  or other Event of Default or impair any 
   right consequent thereon.

               SECTION VII.11 Undertaking for Costs. The Issuer and the Trustee 
   agree,  and each  Noteholder by such Noteholder's acceptance of a Note shall 
   be deemed to have agreed,  that any court may in its discretion  require,  
   in any suit for the enforcement of any right or  remedy  under  this  
   Indenture  undertaken  by the  Trustee  at the direction of the Noteholders,
   or in any suit against the Trustee for any action taken, suffered or omitted 
   by it as Trustee,  the filing by any party litigant in such suit of an  
   undertaking  to pay the costs of such suit,  and that such court may in its  
   discretion  assess reasonable costs, including reasonable  attorneys' fees,  
   against any party litigant in such suit, having due regard to the merits and 
   good faith of the claims or  defenses  made by such party litigant;  but the 
   provisions of this Section 7.11 shall not apply to  any  suit instituted  by 
   the  Trustee,  to any  suit  instituted  by any Noteholder, or group of 
   Noteholders, holding in the aggregate at least 51% of the  aggregate  
   outstanding  principal  amount of the  Notes,  or to any suit instituted by 
   any Noteholder for the enforcement of the payment of principal of or interest
   on any Note, which principal or interest is due and payable.

               SECTION VII.12 Issuer Waiver of Stay or Extension Laws; Waiver of
   Ju. (i) The Issuer  covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that
   it will not at any time insist upon, plead, or in any manner whatsoever claim
   or take the  benefit or  advantage  of, any stay or  extension  law  wherever
   enacted,  now or at any  time  hereafter  in  force,  which  may  affect  the
   covenants or the performance of this Indenture; and the Issuer (to the extent
   that it may lawfully do so) hereby  expressly waives all benefit or advantage
   of any such law, and covenants  that it will not hinder,  delay or impede the
   execution  of any power herein  granted to the  Trustee,  but will suffer and
   permit  the  execution  of every  such  power as  though no such law had been

               (ii) The Issuer and the Trustee  each hereby  waives the right to
   trial by jury in any  Proceeding  of any kind arising out of or in respect of
   this Indenture or any Note.

               SECTION VII.13 Sale of Trust Estate.

               (a) The  power to  effect  any sale of any  portion  of the Trust
   Estate  pursuant to Section 7.3 hereof  shall not be  exhausted by any one or
   more sales as to any portion of the Trust Estate remaining unsold,  but shall
   continue unimpaired until either the entire Trust Estate shall have been sold
   or all amounts  payable on the Notes and under this Indenture shall have been
   paid  pursuant to Section 7.4. The Trustee may from time to time postpone any
   sale by  public  announcement  made at the time and place of such  sale.  The
   Trustee  hereby  expressly  waives  its right to any  amount  fixed by law as
   compensation for any sale; provided, however, that such waiver does not apply
   to any amounts to which the Trustee is otherwise  entitled  under Section 9.7

               (b) The  Trustee may bid for and acquire any portion of the Trust
   Estate in connection with a public sale or, to the extent permitted by law, a
   private sale thereof, and in lieu of paying cash to the Issuer therefor,  may
   make settlement for the purchase price by applying to the gross sale price in
   payment therefor the sum of (i) the amount of unpaid principal of and accrued
   interest  on  the  Notes,  and  (2)  the  expenses  of  the  sale  and of any
   proceedings in connection  therewith which are reimbursable to it pursuant to
   Section 9.7 hereof and other  amounts due  hereunder and secured by the Trust
   Estate. The Notes need not be produced to complete any such sale.

               (c) The  Trustee  shall   execute  and  deliver  an   appropriate
   instrument  of  conveyance  transferring  its  interest in any portion of the
   Trust Estate in connection  with a sale hereof.  In addition,  the Trustee is
   hereby irrevocably  appointed an agent and  attorney-in-fact of the Issuer to
   transfer and convey the Issuer's  interest in any portion of the Trust Estate
   in connection with a sale thereof, and to take all action necessary to effect
   such  sale.  No  purchaser  or  transferee  at  such a sale  shall  have  any
   obligation   to  ascertain  the   Trustee's   authority,   inquire  into  the
   satisfaction  of any  conditions  precedent or see to the  application of any

               SECTION VIII.1 Satisfaction and Discharge of Indenture. The 
   Trustee's  right to seek and recover  judgment on the Notes or under this  
   Indenture  shall not be affected by the seeking,  obtaining or application  
   of any other  relief  under or with  respect to this  Indenture. Neither the 
   lien of this  Indenture nor any rights or remedies of the Trustee or the  
   Noteholders  shall be impaired by the recovery of any judgment by the Trustee
   against  the  Issuer  or by the  levy of any  execution  under  such judgment
   upon any  portion of the Trust  Estate or upon any of the assets of
   the Issuer.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                           SATISFACTION AND DISCHARGE

               SECTION VIII.1 Satisfaction and Discharge of Indenture. This 
   Indenture shall cease to be of further effect except as to (a)  rights  of  
   registration   of  transfer  and  exchange,   (b)  rights  of substitution 
   of new Notes for mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Notes, (c) rights of 
   Noteholders to receive  payments of principal  thereof and interest thereon, 
   (d) the rights, obligations and immunities of the Trustee hereunder, and (e) 
   the rights of Noteholders as beneficiaries hereof with respect to the 
   property so deposited  with the Trustee and payable to them, and the Trustee,
   on  demand  of  and at  the  expense  of the  Issuer,  shall  execute  proper
   instruments acknowledging satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture, when:

               (a) all Notes theretofore authenticated and delivered (other than
   Notes  which  have been  mutilated,  destroyed,  stolen  and which  have been
   replaced,  or paid as provided in Section 2.8 hereof) have been  delivered to
   the Trustee for cancellation; and

               (b)  the  Issuer  has  delivered  to  the  Trustee  an  Officer's
   Certificate  stating  that  there  has been  compliance  with all  conditions
   precedent  herein  provided  for  the  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  this

               Notwithstanding the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture,
   the  obligations of the Issuer to the Trustee under Section 9.7 hereof and of
   the  Trustee  to the Issuer and the  Noteholders,  as the case may be,  under
   Section 8.2 hereof and the  provisions  of Article II hereof with  respect to
   lost,  stolen,  destroyed or mutilated  Notes,  registration  of transfer and
   exchange of Notes, and rights to receive payments of principal of or interest
   on the Notes shall survive.

               SECTION VIII.2 Application of Trust Money. All moneys deposited  
   with the  Trustee  pursuant to Article V hereof shall be held in trust by the
   Trustee,  in its trust  capacity and not in its commercial capacity, and 
   applied by the Trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Notes and 
   this Indenture,  to the payment to the Holders of the Notes, and, if required
   hereunder, to the Issuer.

               SECTION VIII.3  Release of Trust Estate.

               (a) Subject to the  payment of its fees and expenses  pursuant to
   Section 9.7 hereof and only when and to the extent required by the provisions
   of this Indenture,  the Trustee (or any Collateral Agent on its behalf) shall
   execute  instruments to release property from the lien of this Indenture,  or
   convey  the   Trustee's   interest  in  the  same,  in  a  manner  and  under
   circumstances  which  are  not  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  this
   Indenture.  No party  relying upon an  instrument  executed by the Trustee as
   provided  in this  Article  V shall  be  bound  to  ascertain  the  Trustee's
   authority,  inquire into the satisfaction of any conditions  precedent or see
   to the application of any moneys.

               (b) The  Trustee  shall,  at such  time  as  there  are no  Notes
   outstanding and all sums due the Trustee  pursuant to Section 9.7 hereof have
   been paid, release the Trust Estate from the lien of this Indenture.

               (c)  Upon receipt of an Officer's  Certificate  of  the  Master
   Servicer  substantially  in the form of Exhibit E stating either (i) that all
   payments of principal  and interest  have been made upon any Loan held by the
   Trustee,  or the  Collateral  Agent on behalf of the Trustee,  hereunder  and
   deposited  into the Payment  Account or (ii) that the Trustee has received an
   amount  sufficient  to prepay a  principal  amount of the Notes  equal to the
   outstanding   principal   amount  of  a  Loan  in  accordance   with  Section
   2.9(c)(ii)(B)(iv)  hereof, the Trustee,  or the Collateral Agent on behalf of
   the Trustee,  shall promptly  release,  reassign  without  representation  or
   recourse  and deliver  the Loan  Documents  with  respect to such Loan to the

                                  ARTICLE IX

                                  THE TRUSTEE

               SECTION IX.1  Certain Duties and Responsibilities

               (a)  Except during the continuance of an Event of

          (i) the  duties  of the  Trustee  shall be  determined  solely  by the
   express  provisions of this Indenture and the Trustee need perform only those
   duties and no others;  the Trustee undertakes to perform such duties and only
   such duties as are specifically  set forth in this Indenture,  and no implied
   covenants  or  obligations  shall be read into  this  Indenture  against  the
   Trustee; and

         (ii  in the  absence  of  bad  faith  on its  part,  the  Trustee  may
   conclusively rely upon certificates or opinions  furnished to the Trustee and
   conforming  to the  requirements  of  this  Indenture,  including  investment
   instructions  received pursuant to Section 5.4 hereof, as to the truth of the
   statements and the correctness of the opinions expressed therein;  but in the
   case of any such  certificates  or opinions  which by any  provision  of this
   Indenture  are  specifically  required to be furnished  to the  Trustee,  the
   Trustee shall be under a duty to examine the same to determine whether or not
   they conform as to form to the requirements of this Indenture.

               (b In case an Event of Default has  occurred  and is  continuing,
   the Trustee shall exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by this
   Indenture,  and use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a
   prudent man would exercise or use under the  circumstances  in the conduct of
   his own affairs.

               (c No provision of this Indenture, including, without limitation,
   Section 9.7, shall be construed to relieve the Trustee from liability for its
   own negligent  action,  its own negligent  failure to act, or its own willful
   misconduct, except that:

      (i0this subsection shall not be construed to limit the effect of 
   subsection (a) of this Section 9.1;

      (ii0the Trustee shall not be liable for any error of judgment made in good
   faith by an Authorized Officer of the Trustee, unless it shall be proved that
   the Trustee was negligent in ascertaining the pertinent facts; and

      (iii0the Trustee shall not be personally liable with respect to any action
   taken  or  omitted  to be taken by it in good  faith in  accordance  with any
   direction  received  by the  Trustee  in  accordance  with the  terms of this
   Indenture  from the Holders of at least 51% (or such other  percentage as may
   be required by the terms hereof) of the then aggregate  outstanding principal
   amount of the Notes relating to the time,  method and place of conducting any
   Proceeding for any remedy  available to the Trustee,  or exercising any trust
   or power conferred upon the Trustee, under this Indenture.

               (d Whether or not therein expressly so provided,  every provision
   of this Indenture  relating to the conduct of,  affecting the liability of or
   affording  protection  to the Trustee  shall be subject to the  provisions of
   this Section.

               (e For all purposes under this  Indenture,  the Trustee shall not
   be deemed to have  notice of any  Default or Event of Default  (other than an
   Event of Default  described in Sections 7.1(a) or (b) hereof) or a Default or
   Event of Default under any document  included in the Trust Estate,  unless an
   Authorized  Officer of the Trustee has actual knowledge thereof or unless the
   Trustee has  received  written  notice  thereof at the Trust  Office and such
   notice references the Notes generally,  the Issuer,  the Trust Estate or this
   Indenture.  For purposes of  determining  the  Trustee's  responsibility  and
   liability  hereunder,  whenever  reference  is made in  this  Indenture  to a
   Default or an Event of Default,  such  reference  shall be construed to refer
   only to the Default or the Event of Default of which the Trustee is deemed to
   have notice pursuant to this Section 9.1(e).

               (f No provision of this  Indenture  shall  require the Trustee to
   expend or risk its own funds or otherwise  incur  financial  liability in the
   performance of any of its duties hereunder,  or in the exercise of any of its
   rights or powers,  if there shall be  reasonable  ground for  believing  that
   repayment of such funds or adequate  indemnity against such risk or liability
   is not  reasonably  assured to it, the Trustee having the right to require an
   indemnity pursuant to subparagraph (g) below.

               (g The Trustee shall not be under any obligation to institute any
   suit, or to take any remedial  Proceeding  under this Indenture,  or to enter
   any  appearance  in or in any way  defend  any  suit in  which it may be made
   defendant,  or to take  any  steps  in the  execution  of the  trusts  hereby
   created, the performance of any of its duties hereunder or in the enforcement
   of any rights  and  powers  hereunder  until it shall be  indemnified  to its
   reasonable  satisfaction against any and all costs and expenses,  outlays and
   counsel fees and other  reasonable  disbursements  and against all liability,
   except  liability  which  is  adjudicated  to  have  resulted  from  its  own
   negligence or willful misconduct, in connection with any action so taken.

               (h  Notwithstanding  any  extinguishment of all right,  title and
   interest  of the  Issuer in and to the  Trust  Estate  following  an Event of
   Default and a consequent  declaration of  acceleration of the maturity of the
   Notes, whether such extinguishment  occurs through a sale of the Trust Estate
   to another  person,  the  acquisition  of the Trust  Estate by the Trustee or
   otherwise,  the rights,  powers and duties of the Trustee with respect to the
   Trust Estate (or the proceeds  thereof) and the Noteholders and the rights of
   the Noteholders shall continue to be governed by the terms of this Indenture.

               (i The Trustee shall keep and maintain proper books of record and
   accounts  relating to the Notes in which full,  true and correct entries will
   be made of all  dealings  or  transactions  of the Trustee in relation to the
   Notes,  the  Accounts  and the Issuer.  The Trustee  shall keep such books of
   record and accounts  available for  inspection by the Issuer or by any Holder
   of Notes during reasonable business hours and under reasonable circumstances.
   For purposes of preparing  such books and records,  the Trustee is authorized
   to retain outside accountants at the expense of the Issuer.

               SECTION IX.2 Notice of Events of Default. Promptly after the 
   Trustee shall have notice of the occurrence of any Default or Event of 
   Default, the Trustee shall transmit by mail to all Holders and the Issuer 
   notice of such Event of Default known to the Trustee.

               SECTION IX.3 Certain Rights of the Trustee.  Except as otherwise
   expressly  provided  in  Section  9.1 hereof:

               (a in  the  absence  of  bad  faith  or  negligence  the  Trustee
   conclusively  may rely on and shall be protected in acting or refraining from
   acting  when  doing  so,  in each  case in  accordance  with any  resolution,
   certificate,   statement,   instrument,  opinion,  report,  notice,  request,
   direction,  consent, order, bond, note or other paper or document believed by
   the Trustee to be genuine and to have been signed or  presented by the proper
   party or  parties,  and the Trustee  need not  investigate  any facts  stated

               (b whenever in the  administration  of this Indenture the Trustee
   shall  deem it  desirable  that a matter be proved  or  established  prior to
   taking, suffering or omitting any action hereunder, the Trustee (unless other
   evidence be herein specifically  prescribed) may, in the absence of bad faith
   on its part, rely upon an Officer's Certificate;

               (c before  the  Trustee  acts or  refrains  from  acting,  it may
   require an  Officer's  Certificate  or Opinion of Counsel,  or both,  and the
   Trustee  shall not be liable  for any  action it takes,  suffers  or omits in
   reliance on either  thereof;  the Trustee may consult with  counsel,  and the
   written  advice of such  counsel or any Opinion of Counsel  shall be full and
   complete  authorization  and  protection  in respect of the  legality  of any
   action taken,  suffered or omitted by the Trustee hereunder in good faith and
   in reliance thereon;

               (d the Trustee shall not be under any  obligation to exercise any
   of the  rights or powers  vested in it by this  Indenture  at the  request or
   direction of any of the Noteholders  pursuant to this Indenture,  unless such
   Noteholders  shall  have  offered  to  the  Trustee  reasonable  security  or
   indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities which might be incurred
   by it in compliance with such request or direction;

               (e the Trustee shall not be bound to make any investigation  into
   the  facts or  matters  stated  in any  resolution,  certificate,  statement,
   instrument,  opinion,  report, notice,  request,  direction,  consent, order,
   bond, note or other paper or document,  but the Trustee in its discretion may
   make such further inquiry or  investigation  into such facts or matters as it
   may see fit, and if the Trustee shall  determine to make such further inquiry
   or  investigation,  it shall be entitled,  on reasonable  prior notice to the
   Issuer, to examine the books, records and premises of the Issuer,  personally
   or by agent or attorney,  during the Issuer's normal business hours; provided
   that the Trustee shall and shall cause its agents to hold in  confidence  all
   such information  except to the extent  disclosure may be required by law and
   except to the extent that the Trustee,  in its sole  judgment,  may determine
   that such disclosure is consistent with its obligations hereunder;

               (f the Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers  hereunder
   or perform any duties  hereunder  either  directly or by or through agents or
   attorneys  and the Trustee  shall not be  responsible  for any  misconduct or
   negligence on the part of any agent or attorney appointed with due care by it

               (g the  Trustee  shall not be liable  for any  action it takes or
   omits to take in good faith which it believes to be  authorized or within the
   rights or powers conferred upon it by this Indenture; and

               (h to the extent a Person  other than the Trustee is appointed by
   the Issuer to act as Note  Registrar,  such  Person  shall be an agent of the
   Issuer,  and the Trustee shall not be liable or  responsible by reason of any
   act or omission of any such Person.

               SECTION IX.4 Not  Responsible for Recitals or Issuance of Notes.
   The  recitals  contained  herein and in the Notes,  except any such  recitals
   relating to the Trustee,  shall be taken as the statements of the Issuer, and
   the Trustee  assumes no  responsibility  for their  correctness.  The Trustee
   shall not be responsible for and makes no  representation  as to the validity
   or sufficiency of this Indenture,  the Notes or the Trust Estate. The Trustee
   shall not be  accountable  for the Issuer's issue of the Notes or application
   of the  proceeds  thereof  or for any  money  paid to the  Issuer or upon the
   Issuer's direction under any of the provisions of this Indenture. The Trustee
   is not  responsible  for the use or  application  of any  moneys by any agent
   other than the Trustee,  including,  without limitation, the Master Servicer.
   The Trustee shall not be responsible for any statement in the Notes or in any
   other document  prepared,  executed or delivered in connection  with the sale
   and issuance of the Notes or the  execution  and  delivery of this  Indenture
   except its certificate of authentication.

               SECTION IX.5 May Hold Notes. The Trustee, in its individual or 
   any other capacity, may become the owner or pledgee of Notes and may 
   otherwise deal with the Issuer with the same rights it would have if it were 
   not Trustee.

               SECTION IX.6 Money Held in Trust. Money held by the Trustee in 
   trust hereunder will be held by the Trustee in its trust capacity and not in 
   its commercial  capacity,  in a segregated  account in accordance  with the  
   Indenture.  The Trustee shall be under no liability for interest on any money
   received by it hereunder  except as  otherwise  agreed in writing  with the 
   Issuer and except to the extent of income or other gain on Eligible  
   Investments  which are  obligations  of the Trustee  (excluding  obligations
   of Affiliates of the Trustee) and income or other gain actually received by 
   the Trustee on Eligible Investments which are obligations of a third party.

               SECTION IX.7  Compensation and Reimbursement.

               (a       The Issuer agrees:

         (1) subject to any separate written agreement with the Trustee,  to pay
   the  Trustee  from  time to time  reasonable  compensation  for all  services
   rendered  by it or any of its  agents,  including,  without  limitation,  the
   Collateral  Agent  (each,  the  "Trustee"  for the  purposes of this  Section
   9.7(a)) hereunder (which  compensation  shall not be limited by any provision
   of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust);

         (2) to  reimburse  the  Trustee  upon its  request  for all  reasonable
   expenses,  disbursements  and  advances  incurred  or made by the  Trustee in
   accordance with any provision of this Indenture; and

         (3) to  indemnify  the Trustee  for,  and to hold the Trustee  harmless
   against,  any loss,  liability or expense incurred without  negligence or bad
   faith on its part,  arising out of or in  connection  with the  acceptance or
   administration   of  this  trust  (other  than  taxes,   penalties  or  other
   liabilities arising in connection with the Trustee's failure to withhold from
   payments with respect to the Notes amounts  required to be withheld under the
   Code, or the Trustee's withholding from such payments amounts not required or
   permitted to be withheld under the Code),  including the reasonable costs and
   expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  of defending  themselves
   against any claim or liability in connection with the exercise or performance
   of any of their powers or duties hereunder; provided that:

      (i with respect to any such claim, the Trustee shall have given the Issuer
   written  notice  thereof  promptly  after the  Trustee  shall have  knowledge
   thereof, provided,  however, that the failure of the Trustee to so notify the
   Issuer  shall not  relieve  the Issuer of its  obligations  pursuant  to this

      (ii the  Issuer shall assume the defense of any such claim,  provided that
   if the Issuer shall not have employed counsel reasonably  satisfactory to the
   Trustee to direct the defense of such claim  within a  reasonable  time after
   such notice of the claim  pursuant to paragraph (i) above,  the Trustee shall
   have the right to direct the defense of such claim;

      (iii the  Trustee  shall have the right to employ  separate  counsel  with
   respect to any claim and to participate in the defense thereof,  but the fees
   and  expenses of such counsel  shall be at the expense of the Trustee  unless
   the payment of such counsel has been  specifically  authorized by the Issuer;
   provided  further,  however,  that if the Trustee shall assume the defense of
   any claim as a result of the  Issuer's  failure to assume the defense of such
   claim as  described  in  paragraph  (ii)  above,  the  Issuer  shall  pay the
   reasonable  fees and expenses of  Trustee's  counsel in  connection  with the
   defense of such claim; and

      (iv notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this  Section  9.7(a)(3),
   the  Issuer  shall  not be liable  for  settlement  of any such  claim by the
   Trustee entered into without the prior consent of the Issuer.

               Nothing  in this  Section  9.7  shall be  construed  to limit the
   exercise by the Trustee of any right or remedy permitted under this Indenture
   or  otherwise  in the event of the  Issuer's  failure to pay any sums due the
   Trustee pursuant to this Section 9.7.

               (b The  provisions  of this  Section  9.7 shall  govern all other
   provisions of this  Indenture  regarding the payment of the fees and expenses
   of the Trustee.

               (c To secure the Issuer's payment  obligations under this Section
   9.7,  the  Trustee  shall have a lien prior to the  Noteholders  on the Trust
   Estate,  except  with  respect  to such  moneys  as are  held in trust to pay
   principal of and interest on  particular  Notes.  Such lien shall survive the
   satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture.

               (d The payment  obligations  of the Issuer under this Section 9.7
   shall survive the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture.

               SECTION IX.8 Trustee Eligibility.  The Trustee shall be a 
   corporation  or  national  banking association  or trust company  organized 
   and doing business under the laws of the United States of America or of any 
   State,  authorized  under such laws to exercise corporate trust powers,  
   having a combined capital and surplus of at least  $50,000,000,  subject to  
   supervision or examination by any federal or state banking authority  
  (except as provided in Section 9.9 hereof).  If such Trustee publishes reports
   of condition annually, or more frequently, pursuant to law or to the  
   requirements  of the  aforesaid  supervising  or  examining authority, then 
   for the purposes of this  Section 9.8, the combined  capital and surplus of 
   such corporation  shall be deemed to be the respective  amount set forth in 
   its most recently  published  report of  condition.  The Trustee shall  
   provide  copies of such reports to the Issuer or any Noteholder upon request 
   at the requesting party's expense.  If at any time the Trustee shall cease to
   be eligible in accordance  with the  provisions of this Section 9.8, it shall
   resign immediately in the manner and with the effect hereinafter specified in
   this Article IX.

               SECTION IX.9 Resignation and Removal; Appointment of Successor .

               (a No resignation or removal of the Trustee and no appointment of
   a successor  trustee pursuant to this Article IX shall become effective until
   the  acceptance of  appointment  by the successor  trustee under Section 9.10
   hereof. Any successor Trustee appointed  hereunder is subject to the approval
   of the Holders of at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount
   of the Notes, which approval, in neither case, shall be unreasonably withheld
   or delayed.

               (b The Trustee or any trustee  hereafter  appointed may resign at
   any time by  giving  written  notice of  resignation  to the  Issuer,  and by
   mailing notice of resignation by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to all of
   the  Noteholders,  at their  addresses  appearing on the Note Register.  Upon
   receiving  notice of  resignation  of the Trustee,  the Issuer shall promptly
   appoint a successor trustee, by written instrument, in duplicate, one copy of
   which instrument shall be delivered to the resigning  Trustee and one copy to
   the  successor  trustee  or  trustees.  The  Trustee  shall  serve as trustee
   hereunder until a successor  trustee shall have been appointed and shall have
   accepted such appointment;  provided,  however,  that if no successor trustee
   shall have been appointed and have accepted  appointment within 30 days after
   the giving of such notice of resignation,  the resigning  Trustee may, or any
   Noteholder  who has been a bona fide  Holder  for at least six  months may on
   behalf of himself or herself and all others similarly situated,  petition any
   such court of  competent  jurisdiction  for the  appointment  of a  successor
   trustee. Such court may thereupon,  after such notice, if any, as it may deem
   proper and prescribe, appoint a successor trustee.

               (c       If at any time:

         (1) the Trustee shall cease to be eligible under Section 9.8 hereof and
   shall fail to resign,  after written request therefor by the Issuer or by any
   Noteholder who has been a bona fide Holder for at least six months; or

         (2) (A) the  Trustee  shall  become  incapable  of acting,  (B) a court
   having  jurisdiction  in  the  premises  in  respect  of  the  Trustee  in an
   involuntary  case under the  federal  bankruptcy  laws,  as now or  hereafter
   constituted, or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy,  insolvency
   or other similar law, shall have entered a decree or order granting relief or
   appointing a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator
   (or  similar  official)  for the Trustee or for any  substantial  part of the
   Trustee's  property,  or  ordering  the  winding-up  or  liquidation  of  the
   Trustee's  affairs,  provided  any such decree or order shall have  continued
   unstayed and in effect for a period of 60 consecutive days or (C) the Trustee
   commences  a  voluntary  case under the federal  bankruptcy  laws,  as now or
   hereafter  constituted,  or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy,
   insolvency or other similar law, or consents to the  appointment of or taking
   possession  by  a  receiver,   liquidator,   assignee,   trustee,  custodian,
   sequestrator  (or  other  similar  official)  for  the  Trustee  or  for  any
   substantial part of the Trustee's  property,  or makes any assignment for the
   benefit of creditors or fails generally to pay its debts as such debts become
   due or takes any corporate  action in  furtherance  of any of the  foregoing;
   then, in any such case the Issuer hereby agrees with the Noteholders  that it
   shall remove the Trustee by written  request and appoint a successor  trustee
   by written  instrument,  in duplicate,  one copy of which instrument shall be
   delivered to the Trustee so removed and one copy to the successor trustee, or
   any  Noteholder  who has been a bona fide Holder for at least six months may,
   on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, petition any court of
   competent jurisdiction for the removal of the Trustee and for the appointment
   of a successor trustee.  Such court may hereupon,  after such notice, if any,
   as it may prescribe, remove the Trustee and appoint a successor trustee.

               (d The  Trustee  may  also be  removed  at any time by act of the
   Holders of at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding principal amount of the

               (e The Issuer shall give notice of the  resignation or removal of
   the  Trustee by mailing  notice of such event by  first-class  mail,  postage
   prepaid,  to the Holders of the Notes as their names and addresses  appear in
   the Note  Register.  Each  notice  shall  include  the name of the  successor
   trustee  and the  address of its trust  division  or  department.  The notice
   required  by this  paragraph  (e) may be given at the same time as the notice
   required by Section 9.10.

               SECTION IX.10 Acceptance of Appointment by Successor. Every  
   successor  trustee  appointed  hereunder  shall execute, acknowledge  and  
   deliver  to the  Issuer  and  its  predecessor  trustee  an instrument  
   accepting  such  appointment  hereunder.  Upon the  delivery  and execution  
   of the required  instruments,  the resignation or removal of the predecessor
   trustee  shall  become  effective  and such  successor  trustee, without any 
   further act, need or conveyance, shall become vested with all the rights,  
   powers, trusts, duties and obligations of its predecessor hereunder. 
   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  on request  of the Issuer or the  successor
   trustee,  such  predecessor  trustee  shall,  upon payment of its then unpaid
   charges due and  payable  under  Section  9.7 hereof,  execute and deliver an
   instrument  transferring to such successor trustee all of the rights,  powers
   and trusts of the  predecessor  trustee and shall duly  assign,  transfer and
   deliver  to such  successor  trustee  all  property  and  money  held by such
   predecessor  trustee  hereunder.  Upon request of any such successor trustee,
   the Issuer shall execute any and all instruments  providing for more full and
   certain vesting in and confirming to such successor  trustee all such rights,
   powers and trusts of this Indenture.

               Upon acceptance of appointment by a successor trustee as provided
   in this Section  9.10,  the Issuer shall mail notice  thereof by  first-class
   mail,  postage prepaid,  to the Holders at the Holders'  addresses  appearing
   upon the Note  Register.  If the Issuer  fails to mail such notice  within 10
   days after acceptance of appointment by the successor trustee,  the successor
   trustee shall cause such notice to be mailed at the expense of the Issuer.

               Any  successor  trustee  must,  at the  time of such  successor's
   acceptance of its appointment, meet the eligibility requirements set forth in
   this  Article IX, and  otherwise  exercise the rights,  remedies,  powers and
   authority of the predecessor trustee with respect to the Trust Estate.

               Notwithstanding  the  replacement of the Trustee or any successor
   trustee   pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  Indenture,   the  Issuer's
   obligations  set forth in Section 9.7 hereof shall  survive such  replacement
   and continue for the benefit of the resigning or replaced trustee.

               SECTION IX.11 Merger, Conversion, Consolidation or Succession to 
   Business of Trustee. Any corporation into which the Trustee may be merged or
   converted or with which it may be consolidated, or any corporation resulting 
   from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which the Trustee shall be a 
   party,  or any corporation  succeeding to all or  substantially  all of the 
   corporate  trust business  of the Trustee  shall be the  successor  of the  
   Trustee  hereunder without the execution or filing of any paper or any 
   further act on the part of any of the parties hereto;  provided such  
   corporation  shall be otherwise qualified and eligible under this Article IX.
   In case any Notes have been authenticated, but not delivered, by the Trustee
   then  in  office,  any successor by merger, conversion or  consolidation  to 
   such  authenticating Trustee may deliver the Notes so authenticated with the 
   same effect as if such successor trustee had itself authenticated such Notes.

               SECTION IX.12 Co-trustees and Separate Trustees. The Trustee 
   shall have power,  with the consent of the Holders of  Notes  representing  
   at  least  51% of  the  then  aggregate  outstanding principal  amount of the
   Notes, to appoint,  one or more Persons  approved by the Issuer either to act
   as Collateral Agent or co-trustee of all or any part of the Trust Estate, or 
   to act as separate trustee of any such property,  in either  case  with  such
   powers  as may be  provided  in the  instrument  of appointment, and to vest 
   in such Person or Persons in the capacity aforesaid, any property, title, 
   right or power deemed necessary or desirable, subject to the other provisions
   of this Section.  The Issuer hereby directs the Trustee to appoint BankBoston
   as the  initial  Collateral Agent pursuant to the Collateral Agent Agreement.
   If the Issuer does not approve such appointment within 15 days  after the  
   receipt by it of a request so to do, or in case an Event of Default has 
   occurred and is continuing, the Trustee alone shall have power to make such 

               Should any written  instrument from the Issuer be required by any
   Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee so appointed for more fully
   confirming to such  Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee  or separate  trustee such
   property,  title,  right or power,  any and all such  instruments  shall,  on
   request, be executed, acknowledged and delivered by the Issuer.

               Every Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee shall, to
   the extent permitted by law, but to such extent only, be appointed subject to
   the following terms, namely:

         (1) The Notes  shall be  authenticated  and  delivered  and all rights,
   powers,  duties  and  obligations  hereunder  in  respect  of the  custody of
   securities or cash held by or required to be deposited with the Trustee in an
   Account hereunder, shall be exercised, solely by the Trustee.

         (2) The rights,  powers,  duties and  obligations  hereby  conferred or
   imposed upon the Trustee  shall be conferred or imposed upon and exercised or
   performed  by the  Trustee  or by the  Trustee  and  such  Collateral  Agent,
   co-trustee  or  separate  trustee  jointly,  as  shall  be  provided  in  the
   instrument appointing such Collateral Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee,
   except to the  extent  that  under any law of any  jurisdiction  in which any
   particular  act is to be  performed,  the  Trustee  shall be  incompetent  or
   unqualified to perform such act, in which event such rights,  powers,  duties
   and obligations  shall be exercised and performed by such  Collateral  Agent,
   co-trustee or separate trustee.

         (3) The Trustee at any time, by an  instrument  in writing  executed by
   it, with the  concurrence  of the Issuer,  may accept the  resignation  of or
   remove any Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee or separate trustee appointed under
   this  Section  9.12,  and,  in case an Event of Default has  occurred  and is
   continuing,  the Trustee  shall have power to accept the  resignation  of, or
   remove, any such Collateral Agent, co-trustee or separate trustee without the
   concurrence  of the Issuer.  Upon the  written  request of the  Trustee,  the
   Issuer shall join with the Trustee in the execution, delivery and performance
   of all  instruments  and  agreements  necessary or proper to effectuate  such
   resignation or removal.  A successor to any Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee or
   separate  trustee so  resigned  or  removed  may be  appointed  in the manner
   provided in this Section 9.12.

         (4) No Collateral Agent, co-trustee or separate trustee hereunder shall
   be personally liable by reason of any act or omission of the Trustee,  or any
   other such trustee hereunder.

         (5) Any act of Noteholders  delivered to the Trustee shall be deemed to
   have been delivered to each such  Collateral  Agent,  co-trustee and separate

                                   ARTICLE X


               SECTION X.1 Amendments Without Consent of Noteholders. Without 
   the consent of, or notice to, the Holders of any Notes, the Issuer and the  
   Trustee,  may amend this  Indenture  at any time and from
   time to time for any of the following purposes:

               (a to correct or amplify the  description  of any property at any
   time subject to the lien of this Indenture,  or better to assure,  convey and
   confirm unto the Trustee any property  subject or required to be subjected to
   the lien of this  Indenture,  or to  subject  to the  lien of this  Indenture
   additional property; or

               (b to evidence the succession,  in compliance with the provisions
   of Section 4.2(b) hereof, of another person to the Issuer, and the assumption
   by any such successor of the covenants of the Issuer  contained herein and in
   the Notes; or

               (c  to  add  to  the   covenants  of  the  Issuer  or  the
   Trustee,  for the benefit of the Noteholders,  or to surrender any right or
   power herein conferred upon the Issuer; or

               (d  to convey,  transfer,  assign,  mortgage or pledge any
   property to the Trustee to constitute additional Trust Estate; or

               (e  to cure any  ambiguity,  correct or supplement any provision
   herein  which may be  defective  or  inconsistent  with any other  provisions
   herein or amend any other  provisions  with  respect to matters or  questions
   arising under this  Indenture,  provided that such action shall not adversely
   affect the interests of the Holders; or

               (f  to  evidence  and  provide  for  the   acceptance   of
   appointment  hereunder by a successor  trustee or note registrar,  pursuant
   to the requirements of Sections 9.9 or 9.10 hereof.

               The Trustee is hereby  authorized to join in the execution of any
   such   amendment  and  to  make  any  further   appropriate   agreements  and
   stipulations which may be therein contained or required.

               SECTION X.2 Amendments With Consent of Noteholders. With the  
   consent  of the  Holders  of at least  66-2/3% of the aggregate  outstanding
   principal amount of the Notes delivered to the Issuer and the Trustee,  the 
   Issuer,  pursuant to a written request, and the Trustee may  amend  this  
   Indenture  for  the  purpose  of  adding  to,  changing  or eliminating  
   any of the  provisions  of this  Indenture or of  modifying  the rights of  
   Holders  under this  Indenture;  provided,  however,  that no such amendment 
   shall, without the consent of the Holder of each outstanding Note:

         (1) change the  maturity of the  principal  of, or any  installment  of
   principal  of or  interest  on,  any Note,  or reduce  the  principal  amount
   thereof,  the  interest  rate  thereon,  or  change  the  provisions  of this
   Indenture  relating  to the  application  of the Trust  Estate to  payment of
   principal  of Notes,  or change  any place of payment  where,  or the coin or
   currency in which,  the  principal of or the interest of any Note is payable,
   or impair  the right to  institute  Proceedings  for the  enforcement  of the
   provisions of the  Indenture  requiring the  application  of funds  available
   therefor, as provided in Article VII, to the payment of any amount due on the
   Notes on or after the maturity thereof; or

         (2) reduce the percentage of the aggregate outstanding principal amount
   of the  Notes,  the  consent  of the  Holders  of which is  required  for any
   amendment,  or the consent of the Holders of which is required for any waiver
   of compliance with certain  provisions of this Indenture or certain  defaults
   hereunder and their consequences provided for in this Indenture; or

         (3)  modify  or  alter  the  provisions  of  the  proviso  to the
   definition of the term "outstanding"; or

         (4) permit the  creation  of any lien  ranking  prior to or on a parity
   with the lien of this Indenture with respect to any part of a Trust Estate or
   terminate  the lien of this  Indenture  on any  property at any time  subject
   hereto or deprive  any Holder of the  security  afforded  by the lien of this
   Indenture except as expressly otherwise permitted hereby; or

         (5) reduce the percentage of the aggregate outstanding principal amount
   of the Notes,  the  consent of the Holders of which is required to direct the
   Trustee to sell the Trust Estate pursuant to Section 7.13 hereof; or

         (6)  modify  any of the  provisions  of this  Section  10.2,  except to
   increase  any  percentage   specified  herein  or  to  provide  that  certain
   additional  provisions of this Indenture cannot be modified or waived without
   the consent of each Holder of an outstanding Note affected thereby; or

         (7) modify any of the  provisions of this Indenture in such a manner as
   to affect  the  calculation  of the  amount of any  payment  of  interest  or
   Principal  Payment Amount due on any Note on any Payment Date  (including the
   calculation of any of the individual components of such calculation).

               Promptly after the execution by the Issuer and the Trustee of any
   amendment pursuant to this Section,  the Trustee shall mail to the Holders a
   notice  setting forth in general terms the substance of such  amendment.  Any
   failure of the Trustee to mail such notice, or any defect therein, shall not,
   however, in any way impair or affect the validity of any such amendment.

               SECTION X.3 Effect of Amendment. Upon the execution of any 
   amendment of this Indenture pursuant to the provisions hereof, this Indenture
   shall be,  and be deemed to be, modified and amended in accordance therewith
   with respect to each Note and the respective rights, limitations, 
   obligations, duties, liabilities and immunities under this  Indenture of the 
   Trustee, the Issuer and the Holders shall thereafter be determined, exercised
   and enforced  hereunder subject in all  respects to such  modifications  and
   amendments,  and all the terms and conditions  of any such  amendment  shall 
   be and be deemed to be part of the terms and conditions of this Indenture for
   any and all purposes.

               SECTION X.4 Reference in Notes to Amendments. Notes authenticated
   and delivered  after the execution of any amendment of this Indenture  
   pursuant to this Article X may, and, if required by the Issuer  shall,  bear 
   a notation in form  approved by the Trustee as to any matter  provided for in
   such  amendment.  If the Issuer shall so require, new Notes so modified as to
   conform, in the opinion of the Trustee and the Issuer, to any such amendment 
   may be prepared and executed by the Issuer and authenticated and delivered by
   the Trustee in exchange for outstanding Notes.

                                  ARTICLE XI


               SECTION XI.1 Form of Documents Delivered to Trustee. In any case 
   where several  matters are required to be certified by, or covered by an 
   opinion of, any  specified  Person, it is not necessary that all such matters
   be certified by, or covered by the opinion of, only one such Person, or that 
   they be so  certified or covered by only one  document, but one such  Person
   may  certify or give an  opinion  with  respect to some matters and one or 
   more other such Persons as to other matters, and any such Person may certify
   or give an opinion as to such matters in one or several documents.  Where any
   Person is required to make, give or execute two or more applications, 
   requests, consents, certificates, statements, opinions or other instruments 
   under this Indenture, they may, but need not, be consolidated and form one 

               Any certificate or opinion may be based, insofar as it relates to
   legal matters, upon an opinion of, or representations by, counsel, unless the
   Issuer  knows,  or in the exercise of reasonable  care should know,  that the
   certificate  or opinion or  representations  with respect to the matters upon
   which his  certificate  or  opinion  is based are  erroneous.  Any  Officer's
   Certificate  or  Opinion  of  Counsel  may  be  based,   without  independent
   investigation,  insofar as it relates to factual matters,  upon a certificate
   or opinion of, or representations by the Trustee or other appropriate Person,
   stating that the  information  with respect to such factual matters is in the
   possession of the Issuer,  the Trustee or other  appropriate  Person,  as the
   case may be, unless such Person knows,  or in the exercise of reasonable care
   should know, that the certificate or opinion or representations  with respect
   to such matters are erroneous.  Any opinion of counsel may be based upon such
   assumptions as shall be deemed  appropriate by counsel rendering such Opinion
   of Counsel.

               In connection with any application,  certificate or report to the
   Trustee,  whenever this Indenture  provides that the Issuer shall deliver any
   document as a condition of the granting of such  application,  or as evidence
   of the Issuer's  compliance  with any terms  hereof,  it is intended that the
   truth and accuracy of the facts and opinions stated in such document,  at the
   time of the granting of such  application  or at the  effective  date of such
   certificate  or report (as the case may be), shall in such case be conditions
   precedent to the right of the Issuer to have such  application  granted or to
   the  sufficiency  of such  certificate  or report.  The foregoing  shall not,
   however,  be construed to affect the  Trustee's  right to rely upon the truth
   and accuracy of any  statement or opinion  contained in any such  document as
   provided in Article IX hereof or to impose a duty on the Trustee to ascertain
   such truth or inaccuracy.

               Whenever  this  Indenture   provides  that  the  absence  of  the
   occurrence and  continuation  of a Default or Event of Default as a condition
   precedent  to the  taking of any  action by the  Trustee  at the  request  or
   direction of the Issuer, then,  notwithstanding that the satisfaction of such
   condition is a condition precedent to the Issuer's right to make such request
   or direction,  the Trustee  shall be protected in acting in  accordance  with
   such request or direction if it does not have knowledge of the occurrence and
   continuance of such Default or Event of Default as provided in Section 9.1(e)

               SECTION XI.2 Notices, etc., to Parties. All notices, requests or
   other  communications  desired  or required  to be given under this Indenture
   shall be in writing and shall be sent by (a certified or registered mail,  
   return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid, (b) national prepaid overnight 
   delivery service, (c) telecopy or other facsimile  transmission  (following 
   with hard copies to be sent by national prepaid overnight delivery service) 
   or (d) personal delivery with receipt acknowledged in writing, as follows:

               (a)      If to the Trustee:

                     The Chase Manhattan Bank
                     450 West 33rd Street
                     New York, New York  10001
                     Attention:  Global Trust Services,
                                 Structured Finance Services

               (b)      If to the Issuer:

                     Litchfield Hypothecation Corp. 1997-B
                     c/o Litchfield Financial Corporation
                     789 Main Road
                     Stamford, Vermont 05352
                     Attention:  President

   with a copy of any letter,  notice,  communication or direction  hereunder to
   the Originator at the address set forth below.

               (c)      If to the Purchaser:

                     Green Tree Financial Servicing Corporation
                     100 North Point Center East
                     Suite 200
                     Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
                     Attention:  Vice President

                (d)     If to the Originator or the Master Servicer:

                     Litchfield Financial Corporation
                     789 Main Road
                     Stamford, Vermont 05352
                     Attention:  President

               (f)  Notices  required  under this  Indenture to be sent to
   the Noteholders shall in addition be sent to the Issuer.

   All notices  shall be deemed given when  actually  received or refused by the
   party to whom the same is directed (except to the extent sent by certified or
   registered mail, return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  in which event
   such notice shall be deemed given three days after the date of mailing). Each
   party may  designate  a change of address  or  supplemental  addressee(s)  by
   notice to the other  parties,  given at least 15 days  before  such change of
   address is to become  effective.  Any notice  received from any Noteholder by
   any party listed in this Section 11.2 shall be promptly  transmitted  by such
   party to all other parties listed in this Section 11.2.

               SECTION XI.3 Notices and Information to Noteholders; Waiver. Upon
   the request of any  Noteholder  holding 51% or more of the aggregate  
   outstanding  principal  amount of all  Notes,  the  Trustee  shall deliver 
   promptly to such Noteholder such information with respect to the Loan
   Collateral as such Noteholder shall request.

               Where this  Indenture  provides for notice to  Noteholders of any
   event,  such notice shall be  sufficiently  given  (unless  otherwise  herein
   expressly provided) if in writing and mailed,  first-class,  postage prepaid,
   to each  Noteholder  affected by such event,  at its address as it appears on
   the Note  Register,  not later than the latest date, and not earlier than the
   earliest date,  prescribed  for the giving of such notice.  In any case where
   notice to  Noteholders  is given by mail,  neither  the  failure to mail such
   notice, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, to any particular  Noteholder
   shall  affect  the   sufficiency   of  such  notice  with  respect  to  other
   Noteholders,  and any notice  which is mailed in the manner  herein  provided
   shall conclusively be presumed to have been duly given.

               Where this  Indenture  provides  for notice in any  manner,  such
   notice  may be waived in  writing by any  Person  entitled  to  receive  such
   notice,  either  before  or after the  event,  and such  waiver  shall be the
   equivalent of such notice.  Waivers of notice by  Noteholders  shall be filed
   with the Trustee but such filing  shall not be a condition  precedent  to the
   validity of any action taken in reliance upon such a waiver.

               In case, by reason of the suspension of regular mail service as a
   result  of  a  strike,  work  stoppage  or  similar  activity,  it  shall  be
   impractical  to mail notice of any event to  Noteholders  when such notice is
   required to be given  pursuant to any provision of this  Indenture,  then any
   manner of giving such notice as shall be satisfactory to the Trustee shall be
   deemed to be a sufficient giving of such notice.

               SECTION XI.4 Effect of Headings and Table of Contents. The  
   Article  and  Section  headings  herein  and the  Table of Contents  are for
   convenience  only and shall not  affect  the  construction hereof.

               SECTION XI.5 Successors and Assigns. All covenants and agreements
   in this  Indenture by the Issuer shall bind its successors and assigns, 
   whether so expressed or not.

               SECTION XI.6 Severability. In case any provision in this 
   Indenture or in the Notes shall be  invalid,   illegal  or   unenforceable,
   the   validity,   legality  and enforceability  of the remaining  provisions 
   shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

               SECTION XI.7 Legal Holidays. If any Payment  Date or other date 
   for the payment of principal of or  interest  on any Note is  proposed  to be
   paid, or any date on which mailing of notices by the Trustee to any Person is
   required  pursuant to any provision   of  this   Indenture,   shall  not  be
   a  Business   Day,   then (notwithstanding  any other provision of the Notes 
   or this Indenture) payment or mailing of such notice need not be made on such
   date,  but may be made or mailed on the next  succeeding  Business  Day with 
   the same force and effect, and in the case of payments, but no interest shall
   accrue for the period from and  after  the date on which  such  payment  was 
   due to the next  succeeding Business Day when paid.

               SECTION XI.8 Governing Law. This  Indenture,  each indenture  
   supplemental  hereto and each Note shall be  construed in  accordance  with 
   and governed by the laws of the State of New York, without regard to the 
   conflict-of-law provisions thereof.

               SECTION XI.9 Counterparts. This instrument may be executed in any
   number of  counterparts, each of which so  executed  shall be deemed to be an
   original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the
   same instrument.

               SECTION XI.10 Recording of Indenture. If this Indenture is 
   subject to  recording in any  appropriate public  recording  office,  such 
   recording is to be effected by the Issuer at its expense.

               SECTION XI.11 Limited Obligations. No recourse for obligations  
   hereunder or any other  obligation running  directly  for the benefit of the
   Trustee may be taken,  directly or indirectly,  against (i) any holder of a  
   beneficial  interest in the Issuer, (ii)  any  partner,  beneficiary,  agent,
   officer,  director,  employee,  or successor  or assign of a holder of a 
   beneficial  interest in the Issuer,  or (iii)  any  incorporator, subscriber
   to  the  capital  stock,  stockholder, officer,  director or employee of the 
   Trustee with respect to the predecessor or successor of the Trustee  with  
   respect to the Issuer's  obligations  with respect to the Notes or the  
   obligation  of the Issuer or the  Trustee  under this Indenture or any  
   certificate  or other writing  delivered in connection herewith or therewith.

               SECTION XI.12 Inspection. The Issuer agrees that, on reasonable 
   prior notice,  during the Issuer's  normal  business  hours it will  permit 
   any  representative  of the Trustee or any  Noteholder  to  examine  all the 
   books of  account,  records, reports  and  other  papers  of the  Issuer,  
   to  make  copies  and  extracts therefrom,  to cause  such books to be  
   audited  by  independent  accountants selected by the Issuer with the consent
   of (i) the  Purchaser,  so long as it owns any Notes,  and (ii) the  Holders 
   of not less than 51% of the  aggregate outstanding  principal  amount of the
   Notes;  and to  discuss  the  Issuer's affairs,  finances and accounts  with 
   the Issuer's  officers,  employees  and independent  accountants all at such 
   reasonable  times and as often as may be reasonably requested;  provided that
   the Issuer shall be entitled to have its representatives present at any such 
   discussion. The Trustee and the Purchaser shall hold,  and shall cause their
   respective  representatives  to hold,  in confidence  all such  information  
   except  to the  extent  disclosure  may be required by law and except to the 
   extent  that the Trustee or the  Purchaser, in its  respective sole judgment,
   may  determine  that such  disclosure is consistent  with its  obligations  
   hereunder.  Any  expenses  incident to the exercise by the Trustee or a 
   Noteholder of any right under this Section 11.12 shall be borne by the 

              SECTION XI.13 Usury. The  amount of  interest  payable or paid on 
   any Note under the terms of this Indenture shall be limited to any amount 
   which shall not exceed the maximum  nonusurious rate of interest permitted by
   the applicable laws of the State of New York (or the laws of any other 
   jurisdiction determined to be applicable laws of the United States permitting
   a higher maximum  nonusurious rate that  preempts  such  applicable New York 
   (or other) laws,  which could lawfully be contracted for, charged or received
   (the "Highest Lawful Rate")). In the event any payment of interest on any 
   Note  exceeds the Highest Lawful Rate, the Issuer stipulates that such excess
   amount will be deemed to have been paid as a result of an error on the part 
   of both the Trustee, acting on behalf of the Holder, and the Issuer, and the 
   Holder  receiving such excess payment shall promptly, upon discovery of such 
   error or upon notice thereof from the Issuer or the Trustee, refund the 
   amount of such excess or, at the option of the Trustee, apply the excess to 
   the payment of principal of such Note, if any, remaining unpaid.  In 
   addition,  all sums paid or agreed to be paid for the use,  forbearance  or 
   detention  of money  shall,  to the extent permitted by  applicable  law, be 
   amortized,  prorated,  allocated and spread throughout the full term of such 


               IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Issuer and the Trustee have caused this
   Indenture to be duly executed by their duly authorized officers all as of the
   day and year first above written.

                            THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,
                                       as Trustee


                                       LITCHFIELD HYPOTHECATION CORP.


                                   APPENDIX A


      The definitions  contained herein are incorporated into and made a part of
   the Indenture,  the Servicing Agreement,  the Purchase and Sale Agreement and
   the Note Purchase Agreement, each as defined below.

            Acceleration   Date  shall  mean  the  date  on  which   occurs  the
   acceleration  of the  maturity  of the Notes  pursuant  to Section 7.2 of the

            Account shall mean any account or fund, and any subaccount  thereof,
   established under Article V of the Indenture.

            Affiliate  shall mean with  respect to any Person,  any other Person
   directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under direct or indirect
   common  control  with  such  specified  Person.  For  the  purposes  of  this
   definition,  "control", when used with respect to any specified Person, means
   the power to direct the management  and policies of such Person,  directly or
   indirectly,  whether through the ownership of voting securities,  by contract
   or otherwise;  and the terms  "controlling"  and  "controlled"  have meanings
   correlative to the foregoing.

            Agency  Agreement  shall mean for each  Sub-Servicer,  a  Collateral
   Agent and Bailee Agreement to be executed on or about the Closing Date by the
   Issuer, the Trustee and such Sub-Servicer.

            Applicable   Laws  shall  mean  all  laws,   rules  and  regulations
   applicable to the Person,  conduct,  transaction,  covenant,  Loan Documents,
   Transaction  Documents,  Consumer  Financing  Documents  or other  matters in
   question,  including all applicable common law and equitable principles;  all
   provisions  of all  applicable  state and  federal  constitutions,  statutes,
   rules,  regulations and orders of governmental bodies; and orders,  judgments
   and decrees of all courts and  arbitrators.  The term  includes  all Consumer
   Laws, Land Sales Laws, and Environmental Laws.

            Assigned Assets shall have the meaning  ascribed to such term in the
   Purchase and Sale Agreement.

            Authorized  Officer shall mean in the case of the Master Servicer or
   the Issuer, any Vice President or more senior officer, and in the case of the
   Trustee,  a trust  officer or other  officer in the  Global  Trust  Services,
   Structured Finance Services Department of the Trustee customarily  performing
   functions similar to those of a trust officer.
            Bankruptcy   Law   shall   mean  any   bankruptcy,   reorganization,
   compromise,  arrangement,  insolvency,  readjustment of debt, dissolution, or
   liquidation or similar law, whether now or hereafter in effect.

            Business Day shall mean any day that is not a Saturday,  Sunday or a
   day on which banking  institutions located in the City of New York, New York,
   or in the city and state where the  principal  offices of each of the Trustee
   and the Master  Servicer are located,  are  authorized or obligated by law or
   executive order to be closed.

            Claims  shall  mean  any  and  all  claims,  demands,   liabilities,
   obligations,  losses, damages,  penalties,  actions, judgments, suits, costs,
   expenses  or  disbursements  of any  kind  or  nature  whatsoever  (including
   reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses),  whether  arising  under  or in
   connection with the Loan Documents, any Transaction Documents, any Applicable
   Laws (including any Environmental Law) or otherwise.

            Closing  shall mean each  closing of the  issuance  and  delivery of
   Notes pursuant to the Indenture.

            Closing  Date  shall  mean the date on which  the  Notes  are  first
   executed, authenticated and delivered.

            Code shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  or
   any  successor  statute  thereto,   including  the  regulations   promulgated

            Collateral   Agency  Agreement  shall  mean  the  Collateral  Agency
   Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1997, among BankBoston,  N.A., as Collateral
   Agent, the Trustee, the Issuer and the Originator.

            Collateral  Agent shall mean the Person or persons  appointed by the
   Trustee pursuant  authority set forth in Section 9.12 of the Indenture to act
   as collateral agent for the Loans and Loan Collateral.

            Collection  Period  shall mean with respect to a Payment  Date,  the
   period  commencing  on the first day and  ending on the last day of the month
   preceding such Payment Date.

            Consumer shall mean a Timeshare Purchaser or a Land Purchaser.

            Consumer   Financing   Documents  shall  mean  all  instruments  and
   agreements  executed by a Consumer in favor of a Hypothecation  Borrower that
   evidences or secures the financing of a sale of Land or a Timeshare  Interval
   by such Hypothecation Borrower to such Consumer.
            Consumer Laws shall mean all federal,  state or local laws, rules or
   regulations  that govern or relate to the rights or protections of consumers,
   including  the Truth in Lending  Act (and  Regulation  Z  promulgated  by the
   Federal  Reserve Board pursuant  thereto),  the Equal Credit  Opportunity Act
   (and Regulation  promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board pursuant  thereto),
   the  Consumer  Credit  Protection  Act of 1968,  the Real  Estate  Settlement
   Procedures  Act of 1974,  the Fair Debt  Collection  Practices  Act, all Land
   Sales Laws, and all Applicable Laws regulating the amount of interest fees or
   other charges that may be assessed against or collected from consumers.

            Consumer Receivable shall mean an amount or amounts at any time due,
   payable or owing by a Consumer to a Hypothecation Borrower in connection with
   the sale of land or a Timeshare  Interval by such  Hypothecation  Borrower to
   such Consumer.

            Default  shall mean any  occurrence  which is, or with notice or the
   lapse of time or both would become, an Event of Default.

            Default Rate shall mean with  respect to all Notes at any time,  the
   then highest  interest rate  applicable to any Series of Notes,  plus (two) 2
   percentage points per annum.

            Deposit Account  Assignment shall mean the Collateral  Assignment of
   Deposit Account,  dated as of August 1, 1997, executed by the Issuer in favor
   of the  Trustee by which the Issuer  collaterally  assigns  its rights in the
   Lock Box Account to the Trustee.

            Eligible  Investments shall mean (i) marketable  direct  obligations
   issued or  unconditionally  guaranteed  by the United States  government  and
   backed by the full faith and credit of the United  States  government  having
   maturities  of not more than 12  months  from the date of  acquisition;  (ii)
   domestic  certificates of deposit and time deposits having  maturities of not
   more than 12 months from the date of acquisition, bankers' acceptances having
   maturities  of not more  than 12  months  from the  date of  acquisition  and
   overnight bank deposits, in each case issued by any commercial bank organized
   under the laws of the United  States,  any state  thereof or the  District of
   Columbia,  which at the time of  acquisition  are  rated A-1 (or  better)  by
   Standard  &  Poor's  Corporation  or P-1 (or  better)  by  Moody's  Investors
   Services,  Inc.,  and not  subject  to  offset  rights  in favor of such bank
   arising  from any  banking  relationship  with such  bank;  (iii)  repurchase
   obligations with a term of not more than 30 days for underlying securities of
   the types  described  in  clauses  (i) and (ii) above  entered  into with any
   financial  institution  meeting the  qualifications  specified in clause (ii)
   above;  (iv) commercial  paper having at the time of investment  therein or a
   contractual  commitment  to invest  therein a rating  of A-1 (or  better)  by
   Standard  &  Poor's  Corporation  or P-1 (or  better)  by  Moody's  Investors
   Services,  Inc.,  and  having a  maturity  within 9 months  after the date of
   acquisition  thereof;  and (v)  investments in money market funds  (including
   funds of the Trustee or its Affiliates as well as funds for which the Trustee
   and its Affiliates may receive  compensation) rated in the highest investment
   category  by each of  Standard & Poor's  Corporation  and  Moody's  Investors
   Services, Inc.

            Environmental  Laws shall mean all  federal,  state and local  laws,
   rules, regulations,  ordinances,  programs,  permits,  guidances,  orders and
   consent  decrees  relating  to  health,  safety  or  environmental   matters,
   including the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
   Liability Act of 1980.

            Event of Default shall have the meaning  specified in Section 7.1 of
   the Indenture.

            Federal  Reserve  Board  shall  mean the Board of  Governors  of the
   Federal Reserve System.

            Future  Advances  shall  mean the  right and the  obligation  of the
   Originator to fund any loan or advance to a Hypothecation Borrower after July
   31, 1997, pursuant to the Loan Documents or otherwise.

            Grant shall have the meaning  specified in the  Granting  Clauses of
   the Indenture.

            Guarantee  shall mean the Guarantee,  dated as of August 1, 1997, by
   the Originator in favor of the Purchaser.

            Highest  Lawful  Rate shall have the  meaning  specified  in Section
   11.14 of the Indenture.

            Hypothecation  Borrower  shall  mean a Person  who is liable for the
   payment,  in whole or in part,  of a Loan,  including  any  guarantor of such
   Hypothecation Loan.

            Indenture  shall mean the Indenture of Trust,  dated as of August 1,
   1997,  between the Issuer and the Trustee,  as from time to time supplemented
   or amended by one or more amendments or supplements.

            Instrument shall have the meaning ascribed to the term  "instrument"
   in the UCC.

            Investment  Income  shall mean any  interest  or other  earnings  on
   Accounts that are part of the Trust Estate.

            Issuer shall mean Litchfield Hypothecation Corp.
   1997-B,  a corporation  organized  under the laws of the State of Delaware,
   and its successors and assigns.

            Land  Purchaser  shall mean a Person who  purchases one or more land
   lots from a Hypothecation Borrower.

            Land  Sales Laws shall  mean all laws,  rules and  regulations  that
   govern or relate to the  dedication,  development  and operation of Timeshare
   Projects or the  promotion,  offer or sale of land or Timeshare  Intervals to

            LIBOR Rate shall have the  meaning  ascribed to such term in Section
   2.9(b) of the Indenture.

            Lien shall mean any interest in property securing an obligation owed
   to, or a claim by, a Person  other  than the owner of the  property,  whether
   such  interest is based on common law,  statute or contract.  The term "Lien"
   shall  also  include  reservations,  exceptions,  encroachments,   easements,
   rights-of-way,  covenants, conditions,  restrictions,  leases and other title
   exceptions and encumbrances affecting the property.

            List of Loans shall mean the schedule,  attached to the Indenture as
   Schedule I, of all Loans  constituting a part of the Trust Estate thereunder,
   which  schedule  shall set forth or include for each Loan (i) the name of the
   Hypothecation  Borrower under such Loan,  (ii) the account number assigned to
   such loan by the Originator,  (iii) the outstanding  principal balance of the
   Loan as of July 31, 1997, and (iv) the aggregate revolving  commitment of the
   Originator to make advances in respect of the Loan.

            Loan  shall  mean  (i) the  loan  or  loans  made by the  Originator
   pursuant to a revolving credit facility, in each case specified on Schedule I
   to the Indenture,  to a  Hypothecation  Borrower for the purpose of financing
   all or part of the Hypothecation Borrower's Consumer Receivables derived from
   the sale of land or Timeshare Intervals,  including, without limitation, (ii)
   each  Participation  Interest  specified on Schedule 1 to the Indenture,  and
   (iii) all Future Advances made by the Originator to a Hypothecation  Borrower
   after the  Closing  Date and sold to the Issuer  pursuant to the terms of the
   Purchase and Sale Agreement; but excluding all Unassigned Rights.

            Loan  Collateral  shall mean with respect to each Loan, the Issuer's
   entire  right,  title,  interest and estate in, to and under all property and
   interests in property to the extent the Issuer holds a Lien in such  property
   to secure the whole or any part of a Loan,  including all Consumer  Financing
   Documents, Transaction Documents, Payment Rights and
   Remedies in respect of such Loan.

            Loan Documents shall mean with respect to a Loan, those instruments,
   agreements,  guaranty  documents,  certificates  or  other  writings,  now or
   hereafter  executed and delivered by the Hypothecation  Borrower  (including,
   with respect to a Participation Interest, all Participation  Agreements) that
   evidence  or secure the  payment of such Loan,  as the same may be  modified,
   amended, consolidated, continued or extended from time to time.

            Lock Box Account shall mean the bank account or accounts established
   by the  Issuer at the Lock Box Bank,  which  accounts  shall  constitute  the
   depository  account or accounts for all payments and proceeds with respect to
   the Loans and Loan Collateral,  shall be collaterally assigned to the Trustee
   pursuant to the Deposit Account  Assignment,  and shall be the subject of the
   Payment Direction Agreement.

            Lock Box Bank shall mean Bank One, Arizona, N.A., a national banking

            Master  Servicer  shall mean  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation,  a
   Massachusetts  corporation,  in its capacity as servicer  under the Servicing
   Agreement, together with its successors and assigns as permitted thereunder.

            Master  Servicer's  Certificate  shall  mean  a  certificate  to  be
   provided  by the  Master  Servicer  in  accordance  with  Section  3.1 of the
   Servicing  Agreement  and  signed  by an  Authorized  Officer  of the  Master
   Servicer and furnished to the Issuer and the Trustee by the Master Servicer.

            Mortgage  shall mean an instrument  or agreement  that creates under
   Applicable  Laws a Lien upon real property or improvements  thereon,  whether
   such  instrument  or agreement is a mortgage,  deed of trust,  deed to secure
   debt or other form of security instrument.

            1933 Act shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and the
   applicable published rules and regulations thereunder.

            Note or Notes  shall  mean any  note or  notes,  as the case may be,
   issued pursuant to the Indenture.

            Noteholder  or Holder shall mean the  registered  owner of a Note as
   evidenced by the Note Register.

            Note Limit shall mean $45,295,000.

            Note  Purchase  Agreement  shall mean the Note  Purchase  Agreement,
   dated  August  28,  1997,  among the  Purchaser,  the  Issuer  and the Master
            Note Register and Note Registrar shall have the respective  meanings
   specified in Section 2.6 of the Indenture.

            Officer's  Certificate  shall mean,  unless otherwise  specified,  a
   certificate  signed by any Authorized  Officer of the party  delivering  such
   certificate,  delivered  to the Trustee  and  complying  with the  applicable
   requirements of Section 11.1 of the Indenture.

            Opinion  of  Counsel  shall  mean one or more  written  opinions  of
   counsel who may, except as otherwise expressly provided in the Indenture,  be
   counsel for the Issuer or its Affiliates.

            Originator   shall  mean   Litchfield   Financial   Corporation,   a
   Massachusetts corporation, in its capacity as originator of the Loans.

            outstanding shall mean, as of the date of  determination,  all Notes
   theretofore authenticated and delivered hereunder except:

             (a)  Notes   theretofore   canceled  by  the  Note  Registrar  or
   delivered to the Note Registrar for cancellation;

             (b) Notes for the  payment of which money in the  necessary  amount
   has been  theretofore  deposited with the Trustee in trust for the Holders of
   such Notes;

             (c)  Notes in  exchange  for or in lieu of which other Notes have
   been authenticated and delivered hereunder; and

             (d) Notes alleged to have been mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen
   for which  replacement  Notes have been issued as provided for in Section 2.7
   of the Indenture;

   provided,  however,  that in determining whether the Holders of the requisite
   aggregate  outstanding  principal amount of the Notes have given any request,
   demand, authorization,  direction, notice, consent or waiver hereunder, Notes
   owned by the Issuer or any other  obligor upon the Notes or any  Affiliate of
   the Issuer or such other  obligor shall be  disregarded  and deemed not to be
   outstanding,  except  that,  in  determining  whether  the  Trustee  shall be
   protected in relying upon any such request, demand, authorization, direction,
   notice,  consent or waiver, only Notes which the Trustee knows to be so owned
   shall be so disregarded. Notes so owned which have been pledged in good faith
   may be regarded as outstanding if the pledgee establishes to the satisfaction
   of the Trustee the  pledgee's  right so to act with respect to such Notes and
   that the pledgee is not the Issuer or any other obligor upon the Notes or any
   Affiliate of the Issuer or such other obligor.
            Participation Agreement shall mean all participation agreements, and
   other  instruments,   agreements,  certificates  or  other  writings  now  or
   hereafter evidencing a Participation Interest.

            Participation  Interest  shall mean the  Originator's  interest in a
   loan purchased pursuant to a Participation  Agreement, in each case specified
   on  Schedule  I to the  Indenture,  such  interest  being in a loan made to a
   Hypothecation  Borrower  for  the  purpose  of  financing  all or part of the
   Hypothecation  Borrower's Consumer  Receivables derived from the sale of land
   or Timeshare Intervals.

            Payment  Account  shall mean the  Account by that name  established,
   maintained and disbursed pursuant to Article V of the Indenture.

            Payment Date shall mean the 25th day of each month in each year,  or
   if  such  day is not a  Business  Day,  the  next  succeeding  Business  Day,
   commencing September 25, 1997.

            Payment  Default  shall  mean  an  Event  of  Default  specified  in
   paragraph (a) or (b) of Section 7.1 of the Indenture.

            Payment  Direction   Agreement  shall  mean  the  Payment  Direction
   Agreement,  dated as of August 1, 1997 among the Issuer,  the Trustee and the
   Lock Box Bank.

            Payment Period shall mean with respect to a Payment Date, the period
   from and  including  the  immediately  preceding  Payment Date and to but not
   including such Payment Date.

            Payment Right shall mean the right of the  Originator or the Issuer,
   as the case may be, to the payment of money from a Hypothecation  Borrower or
   from any other Person at any time under any Transaction  Document,  including
   the right to the repayment of a Loan.

            Person  shall  mean any  legal  person,  including  any  individual,
   corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, association,  joint stock company,
   trust,  unincorporated  organization or government or any agency or political
   subdivision thereof.

            Principal  Payment  Amount  shall mean with  respect to each Payment
   Date, an amount equal to the aggregate  payments of principal due and payable
   on  the  Loans,  and  principal  prepaid  in  respect  of the  Loans,  by all
   Hypothecation Borrowers, whether regularly scheduled amortization payments or
   by acceleration,  prepayment,  mandatory or optional redemption,  maturity or
   otherwise, in the Collection Period relating to such Payment Date.
            Proceeding  shall  mean any suit in  equity,  action at law or other
   judicial or administrative proceeding.

            Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement  shall  mean  the  Purchase  and Sale
   Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1997, between the Originator and the Issuer.

            Purchase  Price shall mean in respect of any Loan or Future  Advance
   and related Loan Collateral, the outstanding principal amount of such Loan or
   Future  Advance  plus  accrued  interest,  if  any,  as of the  date  of such

            Purchaser shall mean Green Tree Financial  Servicing  Corporation,
   a Delaware corporation.

            Record Date shall mean, with respect to a Payment Date, (i) the last
   day of the immediately  preceding  calendar month or (ii) with respect to the
   initial Payment Date, the Closing Date.

            Remedies shall mean all rights,  remedies,  privileges and powers of
   the  Originator  or the  Issuer,  as the  case  may be,  arising  under or in
   connection with any of the Transaction Documents.

            Servicer  Advances  shall  have the  meaning  accorded  such term in
   Section 5.3 of the Indenture.

            Servicing  Agreement shall mean the servicing  agreement to be dated
   as of August 1, 1997,  among the Issuer,  the Trustee and the Master Servicer
   wherein the Master Servicer has agreed to provide  administrative,  servicing
   and collection services in respect of the Loans.

            Servicing  Fee shall mean with  respect  to each  Payment  Date,  an
   amount equal to $150.00 per outstanding Loan on such date.

            State  shall  mean any one of the  states  of the  United  States of
   America, or the District of Columbia.

            Stated Maturity shall mean December 31, 2003.

            Sub-Servicer shall mean such Person or Persons as may be retained by
   the Master  Servicer to fulfill the role of Master  Servicer  for one or more
   Loans pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Servicing Agreement.

            Sub-Servicing Agreement shall mean each Servicing Agreement which is
   entered into between the Master  Servicer and a  Sub-Servicer  and which sets
   forth the  responsibility  of the  Sub-Servicer  to the Master  Servicer with
   respect to one or more Loans.
            Timeshare  Interval shall mean a timeshare  ownership  interest in a
   Timeshare  Project  sold to a Timeshare  Purchaser  by delivery of a warranty
   deed or  other  appropriate  instrument  of  conveyance  or  transfer,  which
   interest  consists of an  undivided  interest  with those of other  Timeshare
   Purchasers in the Timeshare Project.

            Timeshare  Project shall mean a vacation or resort  property that is
   dedicated to Timeshare Interval ownership pursuant to a timeshare plan.

            Timeshare  Purchaser  shall mean a Person who  purchases one or more
   Timeshare Intervals from a Hypothecation Borrower.

            Timeshare  Unit shall mean with  respect to a Timeshare  Project,  a
   unit within  such  Timeshare  Project  that is or may become the subject of a
   timeshare ownership interest in favor of a Timeshare Purchaser.

            Transaction  Documents  shall  mean  with  respect  to a  Loan,  all
   Instruments,  agreements,  documents and other writings that now or hereafter
   (i) evidence a Loan or any Payment  Right  relating  thereto,  including  all
   promissory notes, loan agreements,  and Participation  Agreements (ii) secure
   (whether by the grant or conveyance  of a security  interest or other Lien) a
   Loan  or  any  Payment  Right  relating   thereto,   including  all  security
   agreements,  UCC-1 financing statements,  Mortgages, pledge agreements, lease
   agreements,    negative   pledge   agreements,    hypothecation   agreements,
   assignments,  title insurance policies,  surveys and site assessments,  (iii)
   guarantee the payment or  performance of all or any part of any Payment Right
   owing by a  Hypothecation  Borrower,  including  all  guaranties,  support or
   contribution  agreements,  letters  of credit,  indemnifications,  repurchase
   agreements and participation agreements, or (iv) are at any time executed and
   delivered by any Person in connection  with or relating to any Payment Right,
   including all mortgagee  waivers or agreements,  lockbox,  blocked account or
   other dominion account agreements,  intercreditor or subordination agreements
   and estoppel  certificates,  whether the foregoing are executed and delivered
   by a  Hypothecation  Borrower,  any guarantor or surety of a Payment Right or
   any other Person.  The term  "Transaction  Documents"  shall include the Loan
   Documents and the Consumer Financing Documents.

            Trustee  shall  mean The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  until a  successor
   Person shall have become the Trustee pursuant to the applicable provisions of
   the Indenture, and thereafter "Trustee" shall mean such successor Person.

            Trust  Estate  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in the  Granting
   Clauses of the Indenture.

            Trust  Office  shall mean the office of the  Trustee  located at 450
   West 33rd Street, New York, New York 10001.

            Unassigned  Rights  shall  mean  (i)  the  Originator's   right  and
   obligation to fund any Future Advances, (ii) any loan or advances made by the
   Originator to a Hypothecation  Borrower which does not constitute a Loan, and
   (iii) any collateral  pledged by a  Hypothecation  Borrower to the Originator
   which does not directly secure a Loan (i.e.,  collateral  pledged by means of

            Variable  Funding  Notes  shall  mean the Notes of that  designation
   issued pursuant to Section 2.1 of the Indenture.

                                                                Exhibit 10.163

         SERVICING AGREEMENT,  dated as of August 1, 1997 (the "Agreement"),  by
   and among LITCHFIELD  HYPOTHECATION CORP. 1997-B, a corporation organized and
   existing under the laws of the State of Delaware  (herein,  together with its
   successors   and  assigns,   called  the  "Issuer"),   LITCHFIELD   FINANCIAL
   CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State
   of Massachusetts  (herein,  together with its successors and assigns,  called
   the "Master  Servicer"),  and THE CHASE  MANHATTAN  BANK,  a New York banking
   corporation, as trustee (the "Trustee").


      WHEREAS,   the  Issuer  has  entered  into  an  Indenture  of  Trust  (the
   "Indenture")  dated as of the date of this  Agreement  with the  Trustee,  as
   trustee,  pursuant  to which the Issuer  shall issue its  Hypothecation  Loan
   Collateralized  Notes  (collectively,  the "Notes"),  on the terms and in the
   amounts  described  therein.  Pursuant to the Indenture,  as security for the
   indebtedness  represented by the Notes, the Issuer is and will be Granting to
   the Trustee on behalf of the Noteholders,  the Trust Estate,  which includes,
   among other things, the Loans and the Loan Collateral,  its rights under this
   Agreement, the Payment Account and all proceeds of the foregoing.

      WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to provide, among
   other  things,  for the  servicing  of the Loans and Loan  Collateral  by the
   Master Servicer.  The Master Servicer  acknowledges that, in order to further
   secure the Notes,  the Issuer is and will be Granting to the  Trustee,  among
   other  things,  this  Agreement,  and the  Master  Servicer  agrees  that all
   covenants and agreements  made by the Master  Servicer herein with respect to
   the Loans  securing  the Notes shall also be for the benefit and  security of
   the Trustee  and the  Noteholders.  For its  services  hereunder,  the Master
   Servicer will receive the Servicing Fee.

      NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements
   hereinafter  set forth,  the Issuer,  the Servicer  and the Trustee  agree as

   ARTICLE I.     
   SECTION 1.  Defined Terms.    
   1. For all  purposes of this  Agreement,  except as otherwise  expressly  
   provided herein or unless the  context  otherwise  requires,  capitalized  
   terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such 
   terms in the Appendix A hereto which is  incorporated  by reference  herein.
   All other capitalized terms used herein  shall have the  meanings  specified

      0.0.1. All terms defined in this Agreement shall have the defined meanings
   when used in any  certificate  or other  document made or delivered  pursuant
   hereto unless otherwise defined therein.

      0.0.2. As used in this Agreement and in any certificate or other document
   made or delivered pursuant hereto or thereto, accounting terms not defined
   in this Agreement or in any such certificate or other document,  and
   accounting terms partly defined in this Agreement or in any such certificate
   or other document to the extent not defined,  shall have the respective
   meanings given to them under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.
   To the  extent  that the definitions of accounting  terms in this Agreement
   or in any such certificate or other  document  are  inconsistent  with the
   meanings of such terms under generally accepted accounting  principles,
   the definitions contained in this Agreement or in any such certificate or
   other document shall control.

      1. The words "hereof,"  "herein,"  "hereunder" and words of similar import
   when used in this Agreement  shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not
   to any particular provision of this Agreement; Section and Exhibit references
   contained in this  Agreement are references to Sections and Exhibits in or to
   this Agreement unless  otherwise  specified;  and the term "including"  shall
   mean "including without limitation".

      1.0.1. The  definitions contained in this Agreement are applicable to the
   singular as well as the plural  forms of such terms and to the  masculine  as
   well as to the feminine and neuter genders of such terms.

      2. Any agreement,  instrument or statute  defined or referred to herein or
   in any instrument or certificate  delivered in connection herewith means such
   agreement,  instrument or statute as from time to time  amended,  modified or
   supplemented  and  includes  (in  the  case  of  agreements  or  instruments)
   references to all attachments thereto and instruments  incorporated  therein;
   references to a Person are also to its permitted successors and assigns.



      SECTION 3.1.  The Master Servicer to Act as the Servicer.

      3.1.1  Engagement of the Master Servicer.  The Master  Servicer is hereby
   authorized to and shall service and administer the Loans and Loan  Collateral
   in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement.  Subject to the  provisions
   herein, including, without limitation, Sections 2.6 hereof and subject to the
   Master  Servicer's  obligations  and the  covenants  of the Issuer  under the
   Indenture,  the Master  Servicer shall have full power and authority,  acting
   alone and subject only to the specific  requirements and prohibitions of this
   Agreement,  to do and take any and all actions, or to refrain from taking any
   such actions and to do any and all things in connection  with such  servicing
   and  administration  which it may deem  necessary  or  desirable,  including,
   without  limitation,   calculating  and  compiling  information  required  in
   connection  with any  report  to be  delivered  pursuant  to this  Agreement.
   Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  but  subject  to the
   provisions of the Indenture and this Agreement, the Master Servicer is hereby
   authorized and empowered by the Issuer to execute and deliver,  in the Master
   Servicer's  own name,  on  behalf  of the  Issuer  and  Trustee,  any and all
   instruments of satisfaction or cancellation, or of partial or full release or
   discharge,  and all other comparable  instruments,  with respect to the Loans
   and the Loan Collateral,  including, without limitation, consenting to sales,
   transfers  or   encumbrances  of  the  Loan  Collateral  or  assignments  and
   assumptions of the Loans,  all in accordance  with the terms of the Loans and
   the Loan Collateral. The Master Servicer agrees that (i) its servicing of the
   Loans and Loan  Collateral  shall be carried out in accordance  with prudent,
   customary and usual procedures of financial  institutions which service loans
   and  collateral  similar to the Loans and Loan  Collateral  and,  (ii) to the
   extent more exacting,  the procedures  which the Master Servicer would use if
   the Loans were owned by the Master Servicer (the "Servicing Standard").

      3.1.2. List of the Master Servicer's Officers.Promptly after the execution
   and delivery of this  Agreement,  the Master  Servicer  shall  deliver to the
   Issuer and the Trustee a list of officers of the Master Servicer involved in,
   or  responsible  for, the  administration  and servicing of the Loans and the
   Loan Collateral,  which list shall from time to time be updated by the Master
   Servicer on request of the Trustee.

      3.1.3  Actions to Perfect Security Interests.  The Master  Servicer shall
   promptly  take all  actions  that are  necessary  or  desirable  to  maintain
   continuous  perfection and priority of the security  interests granted by the
   Hypothecation  Borrowers in the Loan  Collateral  subject to the terms of the
   Indenture and this Agreement,  including,  but not limited to,  obtaining the
   execution by the  Hypothecation  Borrowers and  Consumers and the  recording,
   registering,  filing,  re-recording,   re-registering  and  refiling  of  all
   mortgages,    assignments,   security   agreements,   financing   statements,
   continuation statements or other instruments as are necessary to maintain the
   security   interests  granted  by  the  Hypothecation   Borrowers  under  the
   respective Loans.  Without limiting the foregoing,  the Master Servicer shall
   file or  cause  to be  filed  the  financing  statements  on Form  UCC-1  and
   assignments  of financing  statements  on Form UCC-3  required to be filed in
   connection with the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the Indenture relating to
   the Loans and the transactions contemplated thereby.

      3.1.4  Servicer  Advances.  The  Master  Servicer  hereby  agrees to make
   Servicer  Advances  at the times and in the  amounts  specified  in Section
   5.3 of the  Indenture.  The  obligation  of the  Master  Servicer  shall be
   subject to the provisions of said Section 5.3 of the Indenture.

      3.1.5.  Limitation on the Master Servicer's Obligations.  Notwithstanding
   anything to the contrary herein, other than Section 4.3(e) hereof, the Master
   Servicer may but shall not be obligated to incur any cost or expense (whether
   for  maintaining  insurance,   protecting  or  maintaining   collateral,   or
   otherwise) if the Master Servicer, in its reasonable  discretion,  determines
   that such advances may not be recovered from the Hypothecation Borrowers.

      SECTION 3.2.  Collection of Loan Payments and  Remittances;  Protection
   of Loan Collateral; Payment Account.

      3.2.1.  Collection of Payments;   Protection  of  Loan  Collateral.  The
   Master  Servicer shall perform (or shall cause a  Sub-Servicer  to perform)
   the following servicing,  collection  supervision and collateral protection

     perform standard  accounting  services and
   general  recordkeeping   services  with  respect  to  the  Loans  and  Loan

        respond  to  any   telephone  and  written
   inquiries of  Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers  concerning  the Loans
   and Loan Collateral;

         keep    Hypothecation     Borrowers    and
   Consumers  informed  of the proper  place and  method  for making  payments
   with respect to the Loans and Consumer Receivables;

          contact   Hypothecation    Borrowers   and
   Consumers  to effect  collection  and to  discourage  delinquencies  in the
   payment of Loans and Consumer  Receivables,  doing so by any lawful  means,
   including, but not limited to, the following:

             transmittal  of  routine  past due notices;

             preparing  and  mailing   collection letters;
             contacting delinquent
   Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers by telephone to encourage payment;

              transmittal  of reminder  notices to
   delinquent Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers; and

              initiating and pursuing
   termination  or  foreclosure   actions  deemed   necessary  by  the  Master

      be  responsible  for the receipt and  disbursement  of
   monies paid by Hypothecation Borrowers and Consumers as follows:

   the receipt and collection of all amounts due and payable
   with respect to each Loan and the proceeds of any Loan Collateral,  including
   all monies remitted by Consumers with respect to Consumer Receivables forming
   a part of the Loan  Collateral;  in connection  herewith the Master  Servicer
   shall use its best efforts to cause the collection of all payments called for
   under the terms and  provisions  of each Loan and  Consumer  Receivable,  and
   shall use its best efforts to cause each  Hypothecation  Borrower to make all
   payments  required  to be made in  respect of its Loan  pursuant  to the Loan
   Documents directly to the Lock Box Account at the Lockbox Bank.

      the  deposit of all such  payments  and  proceeds in
   the Lock Box Account in accordance with Section 2.2(b) below;

          the  maintenance  of accurate  and timely  books
   and records  relating to the Master  Servicer's  receipt and  collection of
   all such  payments  and  proceeds  and the  balance  due in  respect of the
   Loans and Consumer Receivables;

          the rendering to  Hypothecation  Borrowers and to
   Trustee,  of periodic reports (not less frequently than monthly) in which the
   Master Servicer shall set forth such  information as is customarily  reported
   to such borrowers under a servicing  agreement or as is otherwise  reasonably
   requested by the Trustee; and

          the   maintenance  of  records   concerning  the
   status of all of the Consumer Receivables.  take such other  action as may be necessary  or  appropriate  to
   carry  out the  duties  and  obligations  imposed  upon the  Master  Servicer
   pursuant to the terms of this Section and of Section  4.4(a) of the Indenture
   which is incorporated herein by reference.

      3.2.2. Deposit of Misdirected Funds; No Commingling. The Master Servicer
   shall  promptly  remit,  or  cause to be  remitted,  to the Lock Box Bank for
   deposit in the Lock Box Account on the  Business  Day  immediately  following
   receipt  thereof by the Master Servicer and in the form received all payments
   received  by the  Master  Servicer  in  respect  of  the  Loans  or  Consumer
   Receivables  incorrectly  sent to the Master  Servicer by, or on behalf of, a
   Hypothecation Borrower or Consumer,  respectively.  The Master Servicer shall
   not commingle  with its own assets and shall keep  separate,  segregated  and
   appropriately  marked  and  identified  all  Loans,  Loan  Collateral  or any
   property  comprising any part of the Trust Estate, and for such time, if any,
   as such Loans,  Loan  Collateral or property are in the possession or control
   of the Master Servicer,  the Master Servicer shall hold the same in trust for
   the benefit of the Trustee, the Noteholders (or, following termination of the
   Indenture, the Issuer).

      SECTION 3.3.  Records.

      The  Master  Servicer  shall  retain  (or  cause  to be  retained,  at the
   principal  servicing  offices  of the  Sub-Servicers)  all  data  (including,
   without limitation,  computerized records) relating directly to or maintained
   in connection with the servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral,  and shall
   give the Trustee access to all data at all reasonable  times upon  reasonable
   notice,  and,  while an Event of  Default  shall be  continuing,  the  Master
   Servicer shall, on demand of the Trustee,  immediately deliver to the Trustee
   (or, at the Trustee's written instruction,  to the Successor Master Servicer)
   all data (including, without limitation,  computerized records) necessary for
   the servicing of the Loans and Loan  Collateral.  If the rights of the Master
   Servicer shall have been terminated in accordance with Section 5.1 or if this
   Agreement shall have been terminated  pursuant to Section 6.1(b),  the Master
   Servicer shall,  upon demand of the Trustee or of the successor to the rights
   of the  Issuer,  in the  case of  Section  6.1(b),  deliver  (or  cause to be
   delivered)  to  the  Trustee  all  data   (including,   without   limitation,
   computerized  records)  necessary  for the  servicing  of the  Loans and Loan
   Collateral.  In addition to delivering  such data, the Master Servicer shall,
   at its expense (or at the expense of the  Issuer's  successor in the event of
   termination under Section 6.1(b)), use its best efforts to effect the orderly
   and efficient transfer of the servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral with
   respect to which such termination shall have occurred to the party which will
   be assuming responsibility for such servicing, including, without limitation,
   directing  Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers to remit scheduled payments
   and all other payments in respect of the Loans and Consumer Receivables to an
   account or address designated by, with the consent of the Trustee or such new
   servicer.  Upon  request of the  Trustee  while an Event of Default  shall be
   continuing,  the Master Servicer also shall send (or cause to be sent) to the
   Trustee copies of all invoices,  statements or other  directions with respect
   to payments that are sent to the Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers.  The
   provisions  of this  paragraph  shall not  require  the  Master  Servicer  to
   transfer  any  proprietary  material or computer  programs  unrelated  to the
   servicing of the Loans and Loan Collateral.

      SECTION 3.4.  No Offset.

      Prior to the termination of this Agreement,  the obligations of the Master
   Servicer  under  this  Agreement  shall not be  subject  to,  and the  Master
   Servicer  hereby waives,  any defense,  counterclaim or right of offset which
   the  Master  Servicer  has or may have  against  the  Issuer or the  Trustee,
   whether in respect of this Agreement, any Loan or otherwise.

      SECTION 3.5.  Servicing Compensation; Reimbursement for Advances.

      As  compensation  for  the  performance  of  its  obligations  under  this
   Agreement, the Master Servicer shall be entitled to receive the Servicing Fee
   from the Issuer on each Payment  Date out of amounts  released by the Trustee
   from the Payment  Account on such Payment Date pursuant to Section  5.2(c) of
   the  Indenture.  The Servicing Fee shall include  amounts in respect of funds
   advanced  by the  Master  Servicer  in  respect  of the  Loans  (whether  for
   maintaining insurance,  protecting or maintaining collateral,  or otherwise),
   if any. In addition,  the Master Servicer shall be entitled to reimbursements
   for advances made by the Master Servicer from recoveries. Such reimbursements
   from recoveries may be made by the Master Servicer  netting the  unreimbursed
   advanced  amount from recoveries or by remittance from the Trustee in respect
   of recoveries received by the Trustee.

            SECTION 2.6.  Sub-Servicing Agreements.

      The Master Servicer may engage Sub-Servicers to perform some or all of the
   Master  Servicer's  responsibilities  under  this  Agreement,  subject to the
   following terms and conditions:

      3.5.1. On or prior to the Closing  Date,  the Master Servicer shall enter
   into one or more subservicing  agreements (each a "Sub-Servicing  Agreement")
   with one or more  Sub-Servicers,  and the  Master  Servicer  shall not amend,
   supplement  or  terminate  the  Sub-Servicing  Agreement,  or  agree  to  any
   assignment of any rights or obligations  thereunder by the  Sub-Servicer,  or
   terminate  the  Sub-Servicer,  without  the  consent of the  Holders of Notes
   representing at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
   the Notes.

      4. If the  Sub-Servicing  Agreement with a Sub-Servicer  is terminated,
   the Master Servicer may enter into one or more Sub-Servicing  Agreements with
   another   Sub-Servicer   reasonably   acceptable  to  the  Holders  of  Notes
   representing at least 51% or the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
   the Notes and the Issuer to assist the Master  Servicer in the performance of
   its duties under this Agreement.

      4.0.1. The Master Servicer shall be entitled to terminate any
   Sub-Servicing Agreement that may exist in accordance  with the terms and
   conditions of such Sub-Servicing  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that  in
   the  event  of  the termination  of any  Sub-Servicing  Agreement  by the 
   Master  Servicer or the related  Sub-Servicer,  the Master  Servicer  shall
   either act  directly  as servicer  in  accordance  with its duties hereunder
   or shall  enter into a Sub-Servicing Agreement with a successor Sub-Servicer.

      5.  References in this Agreement to actions taken or to be taken by the
   Master  Servicer in servicing the Loans and Loan  Collateral  include actions
   taken or to be taken by a  Sub-Servicer  on  behalf of the  Master  Servicer.
   Notwithstanding any Sub-Servicing Agreement, or any of the provisions of this
   Agreement relating to agreements or arrangements  between the Master Servicer
   and a Sub-Servicer, the Master Servicer shall remain obligated and liable for
   the  servicing  and  administering  of  the  Loans  and  Loan  Collateral  in
   accordance with the provisions of this Agreement  without  diminution of such
   obligation or liability by virtue of such Sub-Servicing  Agreement and to the
   same extent and under the same terms and conditions as if the Master Servicer
   alone were servicing and  administering  the Loans and Loan  Collateral.  Any
   funds  received  by any  Sub-Servicer  shall be deemed to be  received by the
   Master Servicer.



      SECTION 6.1.  Reporting by the Master Servicer.

      7.  Not later than 11:00 am on the third  Business Day  preceding  each
   Payment  Date,  the  Master  Servicer  shall  transmit  to the Issuer and the
   Trustee and upon  receipt  the Trustee  shall  forward to the  Noteholders  a
   certificate  (the  "Master   Servicer's   Certificate")   setting  forth  the
   information in respect of the Loans set forth in Exhibit A hereto.



   SECTION 8.1.  Representations  and  Warranties  Concerning
   the Master Servicer.

      The Master Servicer  represents and warrants,  effective as of the Closing
   Date, as follows:   The  Master  Servicer   has  been  duly
   organized and is validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the
   state of its formation and organization, has qualified to do
   business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction  where the character of
   its  properties  or the nature of its  activities  makes  such  qualification
   necessary  and where  failure to so qualify would have a material and adverse
   effect  on  its   ability  to  perform   its   obligations   hereunder,   and  has  full  power,  authority  and  legal  right  to own  its
   property, to carry on its business as presently conducted,  and to enter into
   and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

      8.1.1.  The execution and delivery by the Master Servicer of this
   Agreement  are  within the power of the  Master  Servicer  and have been duly
   authorized  by all  necessary  action  on the  part of the  Master  Servicer.
   Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the consummation of
   the  transactions  herein  contemplated,  nor compliance  with the provisions
   hereof,  will conflict with or result in a breach of, or constitute a default
   under,  any of the  provisions  of any law,  governmental  rule,  regulation,
   judgment, decree or order binding on the Master Servicer or its properties or
   the charter or bylaws or other organizational documents and agreements of the
   Master  Servicer,  or any  of the  provisions  of  any  indenture,  mortgage,
   contract or other  instrument  to which the Master  Servicer is a party or by
   which it is bound or result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge
   or  encumbrance  upon any of its  property  pursuant to the terms of any such
   indenture, mortgage, contract or other instrument.

      8.1.2.  The Master Servicer is not required to obtain the consent
   of any  other  party or  consent,  license,  approval  or  authorization,  or
   registration  or declaration  with,  any  governmental  authority,  bureau or
   agency in connection with the execution,  delivery, performance by the Master
   Servicer of this Agreement,  or validity or  enforceability of this Agreement
   against the Master Servicer.

      8.1.3. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the
   Master  Servicer  and  constitutes  a legal,  valid  and  binding  instrument
   enforceable against the Master Servicer in accordance with its terms (subject
   to applicable bankruptcy laws and to general principles of equity).

      8.1.4.  There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending or, to
   the  knowledge of the Master  Servicer,  threatened  against or affecting the
   Master Servicer, before or by any court, administrative agency, arbitrator or
   governmental  body with respect to any of the  transactions  contemplated  by
   this  Agreement or the Indenture,  or which will, if determined  adversely to
   the Master  Servicer,  materially  and  adversely  affect it or its business,
   assets, operations or condition,  financial or otherwise, or adversely affect
   the  Master  Servicer's   ability  to  perform  its  obligations  under  this
   Agreement. The Master Servicer is not in default with respect to any order of
   any court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or governmental body so as to
   materially  and  adversely  affect  the  transactions   contemplated  by  the
   above-mentioned documents.

      8.1.5.  The Master  Servicer has  obtained or made all  necessary
   licenses,  registrations,  consents,  approvals, waivers and notifications of
   creditors,  lessors and other persons,  in each case, in connection  with the
   execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement by the Master  Servicer,  and the
   consummation  by  the  Master  Servicer  of  all  the   transactions   herein
   contemplated  to be consummated by the Master Servicer and the performance of
   its obligations hereunder.

      9.   The  Master  Servicer  is  not  in  default  under  any
   agreement,  contract, instrument or indenture to which the Master Servicer is
   a party or by which it or its properties is or are bound,  or with respect to
   any order of any court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or  governmental
   body,  which  would  have a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  transactions
   contemplated hereunder;  and no event has occurred which with notice or lapse
   of time or both would  constitute such a material default with respect to any
   such  agreement,  contract,  instrument or indenture,  or with respect to any
   such order of any court,  administrative  agency,  arbitrator or governmental

      9.0.1. The collection and servicing practices used by the Master
   Servicer  with  respect to each Loan and  related  Loan  Collateral  shall be
   consistent in all material  respects with those  customarily  employed by the
   Master Servicer servicing loans which are owned by the Master Servicer.

      9.0.2.  The Master  Servicer  (i) shall not  extend or  shorten,
   amend or otherwise  modify the terms of any Loan,  or amend,  modify or waive
   any term or condition of any Loan Collateral  related thereto,  in any manner
   which  would  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  interests  of  the
   Noteholders  or the  Issuer,  including,  but not limited  to,  extending  or
   shortening  the due date,  or impairing the  collectibility  of such Loan and
   (ii) shall not take any action  that could  reasonably  be expected to have a
   material  adverse  effect on (x) the  collectibility  of the Loans taken as a
   whole or (y) the  realization  on the  related  Loan  Collateral,  taken as a
   whole,  or (z) the ability of the Master  Servicer to perform its obligations
   hereunder,  in each case without  obtaining the prior written  consent of the
   Trustee, the Purchaser and the Issuer.

           SECTION 9.1.  Existence; Status as the Master Servicer

      The Master  Servicer shall keep in full effect its  existence,  rights and
   franchises under the laws of the state of its formation and organization, and
   will  obtain  and  preserve  its   qualification   to  do  business  in  each
   jurisdiction in which such  qualification is or shall be necessary to protect
   the  validity  and  enforceability  of the  Loans  and Loan  Collateral,  the
   Indenture and this Agreement or to perform its obligations hereunder.

            SECTION 9.2.  Performance of Obligations.

      9.2.1.   Timely   Performance.   The  Master  Servicer  shall  punctually
   perform and observe all of its  obligations  and  agreements  contained  in
   this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof.

      9.2.2.  Prohibited Actions. The Master Servicer shall not take any action,
   or permit  any action to be taken by others,  which  would  excuse any person
   from any of its  covenants  or  obligations  under  any of the  Loans or Loan
   Collateral or under any other  instrument  included in the Trust  Estate,  or
   which  would   result  in  the   amendment,   hypothecation,   subordination,
   termination  or  discharge  of, or impair  the  validity,  enforceability  or
   effectiveness  of, any of the Loans or Loan  Collateral,  except as expressly
   provided herein and therein or as contemplated by the Indenture.

      9.2.3.  Limitations of Responsibility of the Master Servicer.  The Master
   Servicer  will have no  responsibility  under  this  Agreement  other than to
   render the services called for hereunder in good faith.  The Master Servicer,
   its affiliates, its directors, officers,  shareholders and employees will not
   be liable to the Issuer,  the Trustee,  the Noteholders or others,  except by
   reason of acts  constituting bad faith,  willful  misfeasance,  negligence or
   reckless disregard of its duties.

      9.2.4. Right to Receive Instructions. In the event that the Master
   Servicer is unable to decide between alternative courses of action, or is
   unsure as to the  application  of any provision of this  Agreement,  or such
   provision is ambiguous as to its  application,  or is, or appears to be, in
   conflict  with any other applicable  provision, or in the event that this
   Agreement permits any  determination by the Master Servicer or is silent or
   is incomplete as to the  course of action  which the Master  Servicer  is
   required  to take with respect to a particular set of facts, the Master
   Servicer may give notice (in such form as shall be  appropriate  under the
   circumstances)  to the Trustee requesting  instructions  in accordance with
   the Indenture and, to the extent that the Master  Servicer  shall have acted
   or refrained  from acting in good faith in accordance with any such
   instructions received from the Trustee, the Master  Servicer shall not be
   liable on account of such action or inaction to any Person. Subject to the
   Servicing Standard set forth in Section 2.1(a), if the Master Servicer shall
   not have received  appropriate  instructions within ten days of such  notice
   (or  within  such shorter period of time as may be specified in such notice)
   the Master Servicer may, but shall be under no duty to, take or refrain from
   taking such  action,  not  inconsistent  with this Agreement,  as the Master
   Servicer shall deem to be in the best interests of the Trustee and the
   Issuer,  and the Master  Servicer shall have no liability to any Person for
   such  action or inaction  except for the Master  Servicer's own willful
   misconduct or negligence.

      9.2.5. No Duties Except as Specified in this Agreement or in Instructions.
   Except as  expressly  provided  by the terms of this  Agreement,  the  Master
   Servicer shall not have any duty or obligation to manage, make any payment in
   respect of, register,  record, sell, reinvest, dispose of, create, perfect or
   maintain title or any security  interest in, or otherwise deal with the Trust
   Estate, to prepare or file any report or other document, or to otherwise take
   or refrain from taking any action under, or in connection  with, any document
   contemplated  hereby to which the  Master  Servicer  is a party.  The  Master
   Servicer  nevertheless  agrees  that it will,  at its own  cost and  expense,
   promptly take all action as may be necessary to discharge any asserted  liens
   on any part of the Trust Estate which result from asserted claims against the
   Master  Servicer  personally  that are not  related to the  ownership  or the
   administration  of the Trust Estate or the  transactions  contemplated by the
   Indenture. No Action Except Under Specified Documents or Instructions.  The
   Master Servicer shall not manage, control, use, sell, reinvest, dispose of or
   otherwise  deal  with  any  part of the  Trust  Estate  except  in
   accordance  with the powers  granted to and the authority  conferred upon the
   Master Servicer pursuant to this Agreement,  or  in accordance with
   instructions delivered to the Master Servicer pursuant hereto.

      9.2.6.  Limitations on the Master  Servicer  Liability.  Subject to the
   Servicing  Standards set forth in Section  2.1(a),  and except for the Master
   Servicer's own willful  misconduct or negligence,  the Master  Servicer shall
   not  be  personally  liable  under  any  circumstances,   including,  without

   for any  action  taken or omitted to be taken by
   the Master  Servicer in good faith in accordance  with the  instructions of
   the Trustee made in accordance herewith;

   for  any  representation,   warranty,  covenant,
   agreement or  indebtedness  of the Trust under the Notes,  or for any other
   liability or obligation of the Trust;

    for or in respect of the validity or  sufficiency of this
   Agreement or for the due execution  hereof by any party hereto other than the
   Master Servicer, or for the form, character, genuineness,  sufficiency, value
   or validity of any part of the Trust Estate, including but not limited to the
   Loans and Loan Collateral; and

   for any action or inaction of the  Trustee,  and
   the  Master   Servicer   shall  not  be   responsible   for  performing  or
   supervising the  performance of any obligation  under this Agreement or the
   Indenture that is required to be performed by the Trustee.

       9.2.7.  Limitation on Expenditure of Personal  Funds.  No provision of
   this  Agreement  (other than Section  2.1(d) and  paragraph  (e) above) shall
   require the Master Servicer to expend or risk its personal funds or otherwise
   incur any  financial  liability  in the  performance  of any of its rights or
   powers  hereunder,  if the Master Servicer shall have reasonable  grounds for
   believing  that  repayment of such funds or adequate  indemnity  against such
   risk or liability is not reasonably assured or provided to it.

      9.0.6.  Furnishing of Documents.  The Master Servicer shall furnish to
   the Trustee,  promptly  upon  receipt  thereof,  duplicates  or copies of all
   material  reports,  notices,  requests,  demands,   certificates,   financial
   statements  and  any  other  instruments  furnished  to the  Master  Servicer

      10. Reliance; Advice of Counsel. In performing its duties hereunder
   the Master Servicer may conclusively rely on and shall be protected in acting
   or refraining  from acting when doing so, in each case in accordance with any
   signature,   instrument,   notice,   resolution,   request,  consent,  order,
   certificate,  report, opinion, bond or other document or paper believed by it
   to be genuine and believed by it to be signed by the proper party or parties.
   The Master  Servicer may accept a certified copy of a resolution of the board
   of directors or other  governing  body of any  corporate  party as conclusive
   evidence that such resolution has been duly adopted by such body and that the
   same is in full  force and  effect.  As to any fact or matter  the  manner or
   ascertainment  of which is not  specifically  prescribed  herein,  the Master
   Servicer may for all  purposes  hereof rely on a  certificate,  signed by the
   president  or any  vice  president  or by  the  treasurer  or  any  assistant
   treasurer or the secretary or any assistant  secretary of the relevant party,
   as to such  fact or  matter,  and  such  certificate  shall  constitute  full
   protection to the Master Servicer for any action taken or omitted to be taken
   by it in good faith in reliance  thereon  without  specific  knowledge to the

      10.0.1.  Reliance on Third Parties.  Subject to the Servicing Standard,
   in the  exercise and  performance  of its duties and  obligations  under this
   Agreement,  the Master  Servicer may, at the expense of the Master  Servicer,
   consult with counsel,  accountants  and other skilled  persons to be selected
   with reasonable care and employed by it, and the Master Servicer shall not be
   liable  for  anything  done,  suffered  or  omitted  in good  faith  by it in
   accordance  with the advice or opinion of any such  counsel,  accountants  or
   other skilled persons.

      10.0.2.  Independent  Contractor.  In  performing  its  obligations  as
   servicer  hereunder  the  Master  Servicer  acts  solely  as  an  independent
   contractor of the Issuer and Trustee.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall,  or
   shall be deemed  to,  create or  constitute  any joint  venture,  partnership
   employment,  or any other relationship  between the Issuer and the Trustee on
   the one hand and the  Master  Servicer  on the  other  hand,  other  than the
   independent  contractor  contractual  relationship  established  hereby.  The
   Master  Servicer  shall not be and  shall not be deemed to be liable  for any
   acts or obligations of the Issuer or the Trustee,  and,  without limiting the
   foregoing,  the Master  Servicer  shall not be liable under or in  connection
   with the Notes and all  Persons  having any claim under or in respect of this
   Agreement or the Indenture shall look only to the Trust Estate for payment or
   satisfaction thereof.

      SECTION 10.1.  Merger; Resignation and Assignment.

      10.1.1.  The Master Servicer may not merge into any corporation or convey,
   transfer or lease  substantially  all of its assets as an entity,  unless and
   until the Master  Servicer's  successor  or a new  servicer  is  approved  in
   writing by the Issuer and the Holders of Notes  representing  at least 51% of
   the  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes and is willing to
   service the Loans and Loan  Collateral  and enter into a servicing  agreement
   with the Issuer and the Trustee in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
   to such parties.

      10.1.2.  Except as  provided in Section 2.6  hereinabove with  respect to
   Sub-Servicers,  the Master  Servicer may not assign this  Agreement or any of
   its rights, powers, duties or obligations hereunder.

      10.1.3.  Except as  provided  in  Sections 4.4(a) and (b), the duties and
   obligations of the Master  Servicer under this Agreement shall continue until
   this  Agreement  shall have been  terminated  as provided in Section 6.1, and
   shall  survive  the  exercise  by the  Issuer or the  Trustee of any right or
   remedy under this Agreement,  or the enforcement by the Issuer,  the Trustee,
   or any  Noteholder  of any  provision  of the  Indenture,  the  Notes or this

      SECTION 10.2.  Indemnities.

      10.2.1.  The Master Servicer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee
   and  the  Noteholders  from  and  against  any  losses,  damages,  claims  or
   liabilities arising out of the Master Servicer's breach of this Agreement.

      10.2.2.  The Master Servicer  agrees to indemnify  the Trustee for, and to
   hold the Trustee harmless  against,  any loss,  liability or expense incurred
   without  negligence or bad faith on its part, arising out of or in connection
   with the acceptance or  administration  of the trust created by the Indenture
   (other than taxes,  penalties or other liabilities arising in connection with
   the  Trustee's  failure to withhold  from  payments with respect to the Notes
   amounts required to be withheld under the Code, or the Trustee's  withholding
   from such payments amounts not required or permitted to be withheld under the
   Code),  including the  reasonable  costs and expenses,  including  reasonable
   attorneys'  fees, of defending  themselves  against any claim or liability in
   connection  with the exercise or performance of any of their powers or duties
   under the Indenture provided that: with respect to any such claim,  the Trustee shall have
   given the Master Servicer  written notice thereof  promptly after the Trustee
   shall have  knowledge  thereof,  provided,  however,  that the failure of the
   Trustee  to so notify  the  Master  Servicer  shall not  relieve  the  Master
   Servicer of its obligations pursuant to this subparagraph; the Master Servicer shall assume the defense of any such
   claim,  provided that if the Master Servicer shall not have employed  counsel
   reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Trustee to direct the defense of such claim
   within a reasonable time after such notice of the claim pursuant to paragraph
   (i) above,  the  Trustee  shall have the right to direct the  defense of such
   claim;  the  Trustee  shall  have the right to employ  separate
   counsel with respect to any claim and to participate in the defense  thereof,
   but the fees and  expenses  of such  counsel  shall be at the  expense of the
   Trustee unless the payment of such counsel has been  specifically  authorized
   by the Master Servicer;  provided further, however, that if the Trustee shall
   assume the defense of any claim as a result of the Master Servicer's  failure
   to assume the defense of such claim as described in paragraph (ii) above, the
   Master  Servicer  shall pay the  reasonable  fees and  expenses of  Trustee's
   counsel in connection with the defense of such claim; and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section
   4.5(b),  the Master  Servicer  shall not be liable for settlement of any such
   claim by the Trustee  entered  into  without the prior  consent of the Master

      11.  The  Provisions  of  Section  4.5(a)  and  (b)  shall
   survive the termination of this Agreement and the Indenture.

   ARTICLE 12.


           SECTION 12.1.  Events of Default

      12.1.1. Any of the following acts or occurrences shall constitute an Event
   of Default by the Master Servicer under this Agreement:

          any failure by the Master  Servicer to remit
   any payments received by it in respect of the Loans or Loan Collateral to the
   Lock Box Bank in accordance with any provision hereof within two (2) Business
   Days after receipt thereof; or

          the Trustee shall not have received a report
   in accordance  with Section  3.1(a) of the Indenture  within two (2) Business
   Days of the date required to be delivered or the Master  Servicer  shall have
   defaulted in the due  observance  of any  provision of Section 4.2 or Section
   4.4 hereof and such default  shall have  continued for five (5) Business Days
   after it has obtained  knowledge  of, or has been  notified by the Trustee of
   such default; or

          the Master Servicer shall default in the due
   performance  and observance of any other provision of this Agreement and such
   default  shall have  continued  for a period of 30 days after it has obtained
   knowledge of, or has been notified by the Trustee of such default; or

         any representation,  warranty or statement of
   the Master  Servicer made in this Agreement or by the Master  Servicer in its
   capacity as servicer in any  certificate,  report or other writing  delivered
   pursuant hereto shall prove to be incorrect in any material respect as of the
   time when the same shall have been made; or

          the Master  Servicer  makes an  assignment
   for the benefit of creditors  or is generally  not paying its debts as such
   debts become due; or

          the Master Servicer  petitions or applies to
   any tribunal for, or consents to, the  appointment  of, or taking  possession
   by, a trustee,  receiver,  custodian,  liquidator or similar  official of the
   Master  Servicer,  or of any  substantial  part of the  assets of the  Master
   Servicer,  or  commences a  voluntary  case under the  bankruptcy  law of the
   United States or any proceedings  relating to the Master Servicer,  under the
   bankruptcy law of any other jurisdiction; or

         any such petition or application is filed, or
   any such  proceedings  are  commenced,  against the Master  Servicer  and the
   Master Servicer by any act indicates its approval thereof, consent thereto or
   acquiescence  therein, or any order, judgment or decree is entered appointing
   any such trustee,  receiver,  custodian,  liquidator or similar official,  or
   approving the petition in any such  proceedings  and such order,  judgment or
   decree remains unstayed and in effect for more than 45 days; or

          any order,  judgment or decree is entered in
   any proceedings  against the Master Servicer decreeing the dissolution of the
   Master  Servicer and such order,  judgment or decree remains  unstayed and in
   effect for more than 60 days; or

          a final  judgment for an amount in excess of
   $500,000  (exclusive  of any  portion  thereof  which is insured) is rendered
   against the Master Servicer, and within 60 days after the entry thereof, such
   judgment is not discharged or the execution thereof is stayed pending appeal,
   or within 60 days after the expiration of any such stay, such judgment is not

      12.1.2.  Upon  the  occurrence  and  continuance  of an Event of
   Default  specified in clause (v) or (vi) above,  all of the rights and powers
   of the Master  Servicer under this Agreement shall  automatically  terminate,
   including  without  limitation  all rights of the Master  Servicer to receive
   from and after such  termination the servicing  compensation  provided for in
   Section 2.5, or any compensation or expense  reimbursement  hereunder,  other
   than to the extent accrued prior to such termination and not previously paid.
   Upon the occurrence and continuance of any other Event of Default, the Issuer
   upon  direction  of the Holders  representing  at least 51% of the  aggregate
   outstanding  principal amount of the Notes may, by notice given to the Master
   Servicer  (with copies to the Issuer and the  Trustee),  terminate all of the
   rights and  powers of the Master  Servicer  under this  Agreement,  including
   without limitation all rights of the Master Servicer to receive the servicing
   compensation  provided for in Section 2.5. Upon any automatic  termination or
   the giving of the notice referred to in the preceding  sentence,  all rights,
   powers,  duties  and  responsibilities  of the  Master  Servicer  under  this
   Agreement,  whether  with respect to the related  Loans and Loan  Collateral,
   Payment Account,  any Servicing Fee or otherwise shall vest in and be assumed
   by a new servicer as provided in Section  4.4(c) of the  Indenture.  From and
   during the continuation of an Event of Default, the Issuer upon the direction
   of the  Holders  representing  at  least  51% of  the  aggregate  outstanding
   principal  amount of the  Notes  (without  regard  to any Notes  owned by the
   Master  Servicer  or any of its  Affiliates),  are  each  hereby  irrevocably
   authorized  and  empowered  to execute and  deliver,  on behalf of the Master
   Servicer,   as  attorney-in-fact  or  otherwise,   all  documents  and  other
   instruments  (including any notices to Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers
   deemed necessary or advisable by the Holders representing at least 51% of the
   aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (without regard to any
   Notes owned by the Master Servicer or any of its  Affiliates)),  and to do or
   accomplish  all other acts or things  necessary or appropriate to effect such
   vesting  and  assumption.  Except  as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in the
   Indenture,  the Issuer shall not have any right to waive any Event of Default
   by the Master Servicer under this Agreement.

      12.1.3.  Promptly  after the  Trustee  shall have  notice of the
   occurrence of any Event of Default, the Trustee shall transmit by mail to all
   Noteholders notice of such Event of Default known to the Trustee.

      SECTION 12.2.  No Effect on Other Parties.

      Upon any  termination of the rights and powers of the Master Servicer from
   time to time pursuant to Section 5.1 or upon any  appointment  of a successor
   to the Master Servicer, all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of the
   Issuer or the  Trustee  under this  Agreement  or under the  Indenture  shall
   remain unaffected by such termination or appointment and shall remain in full
   force and effect thereafter,  except as otherwise  expressly provided in this
   Agreement or in the Indenture.

      SECTION 12.3.  Rights Cumulative.

      All rights and remedies  from time to time  conferred  upon or reserved to
   the Issuer, the Trustee, or the Noteholders or to any or all of the foregoing
   are cumulative,  and none is intended to be exclusive of another or any right
   or remedy  which they may have at law or in equity.  No delay or  omission in
   insisting upon the strict  observance or performance of any provision of this
   Agreement,  or in  exercising  any right or remedy,  shall be  construed as a
   waiver or relinquishment of such provision, nor shall it impair such right or
   remedy.  Every  right and  remedy may be  exercised  from time to time and as
   often as deemed expedient.

   ARTICLE 13.


      SECTION 13.1.  Termination of Agreement.  The  respective  duties  and  obligations  of the Master
   Servicer and the Issuer  created by this Agreement  shall  terminate upon the
   latest to occur of the final payment or other liquidation of
   the last outstanding Loan included in the Trust Estate,  the
   satisfaction  and discharge of the Indenture  pursuant to Article VIII of the
   Indenture, and  with respect to any Loan, the disposition of
   all  property  acquired  upon  foreclosure  of  any  Loan  Collateral.   Upon
   termination of this  Agreement  pursuant to this Section  6.1(a),  the Master
   Servicer  shall pay over to the Issuer or any other Person  entitled  thereto
   all monies received from the  Hypothecation  Borrowers and Consumers and held
   by the Servicer.

      13.1.1.  Following an Event of Default under the  Indenture,  the
   successor  to the  rights  of the  Issuer  in  respect  of the Loans and Loan
   Collateral (including,  without limitation,  the Trustee or any or all of the
   related  Noteholders)  shall have the right to terminate this  Agreement,  by
   notice to the Master  Servicer  and the Issuer.  Upon such  termination,  the
   Master  Servicer  shall be  entitled  to receive  only the accrued and unpaid
   servicing  compensation  provided  for in  Section  2.5 to the  date  of such
   termination  and any  other  reimbursement  to which it  would  otherwise  be
   entitled of amounts theretofore advanced by it.

      SECTION 13.2.  Amendment.  This  Agreement may only be amended from time to time by
   the Issuer,  the Servicer  and the  Trustee,  with the consent of the Holders
   representing at least 51% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of
   the Notes (without giving regard to any Notes owned by the Master Servicer or
   its  Affiliates)  for the purpose of adding any  provisions to or changing in
   any manner or eliminating any of the provisions of this Agreement,  provided,
   however,  that no such amendment  shall,  without consent of each Noteholder,  reduce in any  manner  the  amount  of, or the  timing  of,
   payments  received on the related Loans which are required to be deposited in
   the Payment  Account;  alter the priorities  with which any
   allocation  of funds  shall be made  under this  Agreement;
   permit the  creation  of any lien (other  than the lien or  permitted  by the
   Indenture)  on the Trust  Estate  for the  Notes or any  portion  thereof  or
   deprive any such Holder of the benefit of this  Agreement with respect to the
   Trust Estate or any portion thereof; or  modify this Section
   6.2 or Section 4.2, 4.3(b) or 4.4.

      13.2.1. Promptly after the execution of any amendment, the Master
   Servicer shall send to the Trustee a conformed  copy of each such  amendment,
   but the  failure to do so will not impair or affect  its  validity.  Promptly
   after the  execution of any amendment  pursuant to Section  6.2(a) the Issuer
   shall  cause  to be sent to each  Noteholder  a copy of such  amendment.  Any
   failure to do so shall not affect the validity of such amendment.

      13.2.2.  It shall not be necessary, in any consent of Noteholders
   under this  Section  6.2,  to approve  the  particular  form of any  proposed
   amendment,  but it shall be  sufficient  if such  consent  shall  approve the
   substance  thereof.  The manner of obtaining  such consents and of evidencing
   the authorization of the execution thereof by Noteholders shall be subject to
   such reasonable regulations as the Trustee may prescribe.

      13.2.3.  Any  amendment or  modification  effected  contrary to
   the provisions of this Section 6.2 shall be void.

      SECTION 13.3.  Governing Law.

      This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with and governed by the
   laws  of the  State  of New  York,  without  regard  to the  conflict  of law
   provisions thereof.

      SECTION 13.4.  Notices.

      All notices,  requests or other  communications  desired or required to be
   given  under this  Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be sent by 13.5.
   certified or registered  mail,  return receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,
   13.6.  national prepaid overnight delivery service,  13.7.  telecopy or other
   facsimile  transmission  (following  with hard  copies to be sent by national
   prepaid overnight  delivery service) or 13.8.  personal delivery with receipt
   acknowledged  in writing,  as follows:  (i) if to the Issuer,  c/o Litchfield
   Financial  Corporation,  789 Main Road, Stamford,  Vermont 05352,  Attention:
   President,  (ii)  if to the  Master  Servicer,  to  the  Master  Servicer  at
   Litchfield Financial  Corporation,  789 Main Road,  Stamford,  Vermont 05352,
   Attention:  President,  (iii) if to the Trustee, at 450 West 33rd Street, New
   York, New York 10001,  Attention:  Global Trust Services,  Structured Finance
   Services. Any of the persons in subclauses (i) through (iii) above may change
   its  address  for notices  hereunder  by giving  notice of such change to the
   other persons.  Any change of address shown on a Note Register  shall,  after
   the  date of such  change,  be  effective  to  change  the  address  for such
   Noteholder  hereunder.  All notices and demands  shall be deemed to have been
   given either at the time of the delivery thereof to any officer of the Person
   entitled  to receive  such  notices and demands at the address of such person
   for notices hereunder,  or on the third day after the mailing thereof to such
   address, as the case may be.

      SECTION 13.5.  Severability of Provisions.

      If one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be for any reason
   whatever  held  invalid or  unenforceable,  such  provisions  shall be deemed
   severable  from the remaining  covenants,  agreements  and provisions of this
   Agreement and such invalidity or unenforceability  shall in no way affect the
   validity or  enforceability of such remaining  provisions,  the rights of any
   parties  hereto,  or the  rights of the  Trustee or any  Noteholders.  To the
   extent  permitted by law, the parties hereto waive any provision of law which
   renders any  provision  of this  Agreement  invalid or  unenforceable  in any

      SECTION 13.6.  Binding Effect; Limited Rights of Others.

      The  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
   benefit of the respective  successors and assigns of the parties hereto,  and
   all such provisions shall inure to the benefit of the Trustee and the related
   Noteholders,  provided that following an Event of Default under the Indenture
   and  foreclosure of the Trust Estate pursuant  thereto,  the successor to the
   rights of the  Issuer in  respect of the  related  Loans and Loan  Collateral
   (including  without  limitation  the  Trustee  or any  or all of the  related
   Noteholders)  shall not be bound by the provisions of this Agreement  unless,
   within 90 days after the date on which such successor shall have succeeded to
   such rights of the Issuer,  such  successor  shall not have  terminated  this
   Agreement pursuant to Section 6.1(b).  Nothing in this Agreement expressed or
   implied,  shall be construed to give any Person other than the parties hereto
   any legal or  equitable  right,  remedy or claim  under or in respect of this
   Agreement  or  any  covenants,  agreements,   representations  or  provisions
   contained herein.

      SECTION 13.7.  Article and Section Headings.

      The article and section  headings  herein are for convenience of reference
   only, and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof.

      SECTION 13.8.  Counterparts.

      This  Agreement  may be  executed in several  counterparts,  each of which
   shall be an original and all of which shall  constitute  but one and the same

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
   duly executed by their  respective  officers  thereunto duly authorized as of
   the day and year first above written.

                        LITCHFIELD HYPOTHECATION CORP. 1997-B



                              LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION


                      THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as Trustee


                                                                Exhibit 10.164

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 4
                          Dated as of November 7, 1997


                         Receivables Purchase Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

      THIS AMENDMENT NO. 4 dated as of November 7, 1997 ("Amendment") is entered
   into by and among LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORPORATION 1994, a Delaware
   corporation (the "Seller"), LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a Massachusetts
   corporation ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED SECURITIZATION, INC., a Delaware
   corporation  ("HLS") and ING BARING (U.S.) CAPITAL  MARKETS,  INC.  (formerly
   known as Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets,  Inc.), as agent
   (the "Agent"). Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein
   shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the "Agreement" referred to


            A. The  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent are  parties to that
   certain  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of September 29, 1995 (as
   amended  from  time to time  prior  to the  date  hereof,  the  "Agreement"),
   pursuant to which HLS has agreed to purchase certain assets and to make other
   financial accommodations to the Seller.

            B. The  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the  Agent  have  agreed  to
   amend  the   Agreement   on  the  terms  and  subject  to  the   conditions
   hereinafter set forth.

            NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises set forth above,
   and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
   which are hereby  acknowledged,  the  Seller,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent
   agree as follows:

            SECTION 1.  Amendment  of the  Agreement.  Effective  as of the date
   first above written,  subject to the fulfillment of the conditions  precedent
   set forth in Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

            1.1. The defined term "Purchase  Limit" contained in Section 1.01 of
   the  Agreement  is  amended to delete  the  amount  "$100,000,000"  set forth
   therein and to substitute "$125,000,000" therefor.

            SECTION  2.  Conditions  Precedent.   This  Amendment  shall  become
   effective  and shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon
   the  satisfaction  of the following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no event has
   occurred and is  continuing  which  constitutes  an Event of Default or would
   constitute an Event of Default but for the  requirement  that notice be given
   or time elapse or both;  and (b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5)
   copies of this Amendment duly executed by the Seller, Litchfield, HLS and the
   Agent  and(ii)  written  confirmation  from each of S&P and  Fitch  that this
   Amendment will not adversely  affect the rating of the commercial paper notes
   issued by HLS to fund the  acquisition of "Purchased  Assets" (as such quoted
   terms are defined in the Agreement) to the Seller.

            SECTION  3.  Representations  and  Warranties  of the  Seller and

            3.1 Each of the Seller and Litchfield hereby represents and warrants
   that this Amendment  constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the
   such Person enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

            3.2 Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each of the Seller and
   Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations  and warranties made in
   the  Agreement  by such Person to the extent the same are not amended  hereby
   and agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be
   deemed to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

            SECTION 4.  Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

            4.1. Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each reference in the
   Agreement to "this Agreement",  "hereunder",  "hereof", "herein", or words of
   like import shall mean and be a reference to the Agreement as amended hereby,
   and each  reference to the  Agreement in any other  document,  instrument  or
   agreement  executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as amended

            4.2. Except as specifically  amended hereby, the Agreement and other
   documents, instruments and agreements executed and/or delivered in connection
   therewith  shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby  ratified and

            4.3. The  execution,  delivery and  effectiveness  of this Amendment
   shall not (a) operate as a waiver of any right,  power or remedy of the Agent
   or the  Seller  under the  Agreement  or any other  document,  instrument  or
   agreement  executed in connection  therewith,  (b) constitute a waiver of any
   provision  contained therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent to any other
   or further actions or occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


            SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph headings contained in
   this Amendment are and shall be without substance,  meaning or content of any
   kind  whatsoever  and are not a part of the  agreement  between  the  parties

            SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be executed in one
   or more  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all
   of which together shall constitute
   one and the same instrument.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to
   be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the
   date first above written.


                                    By__/s/ John Francis Egan__________
                              Title: Vice President


                        By__/s/ John Francis Egan________
                              Title: Vice President




   By  ING BARING (U.S.)  CAPITAL MARKETS, INC., as attorney-in-fact


                                                                Exhibit 10.165

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 4
                          Dated as of November 7, 1997


                     Receivables Loan and Security Agreement
                         Dated as of September 29, 1995

            THIS AMENDMENT NO. 4 dated as of November 7, 1997  ("Amendment")  is
   entered into by and among LITCHFIELD MORTGAGE SECURITIES  CORPORATION 1994, a
   Delaware corporation (the "Borrower"),  LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a
   Massachusetts  corporation  ("Litchfield"),  HOLLAND LIMITED  SECURITIZATION,
   INC., a Delaware  corporation  ("HLS") and ING BARING (U.S.) CAPITAL MARKETS,
   INC.  (formerly known as Internationale  Nederlanden  (U.S.) Capital Markets,
   Inc.),  as  agent  (the  "Agent").  Capitalized  terms  used  herein  and not
   otherwise  defined  herein shall have the meanings  assigned to such terms in
   the "Agreement" referred to below.


            A. The Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent are parties to that
   certain  Receivables  Loan and Security  Agreement  dated as of September 29,
   1995  (as  amended  from  time  to  time  prior  to  the  date  hereof,   the
   "Agreement"),  pursuant  to which HLS has  agreed to make  certain  loans and
   other financial accommodations to the Borrower.

            B. The  Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent  have  agreed to
   amend  the   Agreement   on  the  terms  and  subject  to  the   conditions
   hereinafter set forth.

            NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises set forth above,
   and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
   which are hereby acknowledged,  the Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and the Agent
   agree as follows:

            SECTION 1.  Amendment  of the  Agreement.  Effective  as of the date
   first above written,  subject to the fulfillment of the conditions  precedent
   set forth in Section 2 below, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

            1.1. The defined term "Borrowing Limit" contained in Section 1.01 of
   the  Agreement  is  amended to delete  the  amount  "$100,000,000"  set forth
   therein and to substitute "$125,000,000" therefor.

            SECTION  2.  Conditions  Precedent.   This  Amendment  shall  become
   effective  and shall be deemed  effective as of date first above written upon
   the  satisfaction  of the following  conditions  precedent:  (a) no event has
   occurred and is  continuing  which  constitutes  an Event of Default or would
   constitute an Event of Default but for the  requirement  that notice be given
   or time elapse or both;  and (b) the Agent shall have  received  (i) five (5)
   copies of this Amendment duly executed by the Borrower,  Litchfield,  HLS and
   the Agent and (ii) written  confirmation from each of S&P and Fitch that this
   Amendment will not adversely  affect the rating of the commercial paper notes
   issued by HLS to fund "Loans"  secured by  interests in "Pledged  Assets" (as
   such quoted terms are defined in the Agreement) to the Borrower.

            SECTION 3.  Representations  and  Warranties  of the Borrower and

            3.1  Each of the  Borrower  and  Litchfield  hereby  represents  and
   warrants  that  this  Amendment   constitutes  a  legal,  valid  and  binding
   obligation of the such Person  enforceable  against it in accordance with its

            3.2 Upon the  effectiveness of this Amendment,  each of the Borrower
   and Litchfield  reaffirms all covenants,  representations and warranties made
   in the Agreement by such Person to the extent the same are not amended hereby
   and agrees that all such covenants,  representations  and warranties shall be
   deemed to have been remade as of the effective date of this Amendment.

            SECTION 4.  Reference to and Effect on the Agreement.

            4.1. Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each reference in the
   Agreement to "this Agreement",  "hereunder",  "hereof", "herein", or words of
   like import shall mean and be a reference to the Agreement as amended hereby,
   and each  reference to the  Agreement in any other  document,  instrument  or
   agreement  executed and/or delivered in reference to the Agreement as amended

            4.2. Except as specifically  amended hereby, the Agreement and other
   documents, instruments and agreements executed and/or delivered in connection
   therewith  shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby  ratified and

            4.3. The  execution,  delivery and  effectiveness  of this Amendment
   shall not (a) operate as a waiver of any right,  power or remedy of the Agent
   or the Borrower  under the  Agreement or any other  document,  instrument  or
   agreement  executed in connection  therewith,  (b) constitute a waiver of any
   provision  contained therein,  nor (c) be deemed to be a consent to any other
   or further actions or occurrences, except as specifically set forth herein.


            SECTION 6. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph headings contained in
   this Amendment are and shall be without substance,  meaning or content of any
   kind  whatsoever  and are not a part of the  agreement  between  the  parties

            SECTION 7.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may be executed in one
   or more  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all
   of which together shall constitute
   one and the same instrument.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to
   be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the
   date first above written.


                                    By___/s/ John Francis Egan ________
                              Title: Vice President


                                    By___/s/ John Francis Egan_________
                              Title: Vice President




                              By    ING   BARING   (U.S.)   CAPITAL   MARKETS,
   INC., as attorney-in-fact


                                                                Exhibit 10.166

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

    AGREEMENT  entered into as of the 1st day of January,  1998,  by and between
   Litchfield   Financial   Corporation,   a  Massachusetts   corporation   (the
   "Company"), and John J. Malloy, an individual residing in Ridgewood,
   New Jersey (the "Executive").

    WHEREAS,  the Board of Directors  determined that it is in the best interest
   of the Company to execute and deliver this Employment Agreement;

    NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and  valuable  consideration  , the  receipt  and
   sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the undersigned  hereby enter
   into this Employment Agreement as follows:

    1. Nature of Employment;  Term of  Employment.  The Company shall employ the
   Executive  as its Senior Vice  President  and the  Executive  shall serve the
   Company in such capacity, upon the terms and conditions contained herein. The
   Executive's  employment shall commence on January 1, 1998, or such later date
   on or before January 15, 1998, on which the Executive  shall be available for
   employment  hereunder and shall continue until December 31, 2000. The term of
   the  Executive's  employment  hereunder,  subject  to  termination  as herein
   provided, is referred to herein as the "Term." The Executive agrees to devote
   his full  working  time and energy and best  efforts to the  business  of the
   Company and the performance of his duties hereunder during the Term; provided
   that  nothing  herein  shall  preclude  the  Executive  from (i) managing his
   personal business affairs or (ii) in his individual capacity, providing legal
   services for family  members and  acquaintances  as long as the same does not
   conflict with or interfere with his services hereunder. The Executive will be
   employed at the Company's  headquarters  in the  Williamstown,  Massachusetts
   area and the Company shall not relocate the Executive to a location more than
   25 miles from Williamstown, Massachusetts.

    2. Compensation.  In consideration of the services rendered by the Executive
   under this Agreement,  the Company shall pay the Executive a base salary (the
   "Base Salary") of (i) One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars  ($150,000) per year
   during the period from the date hereof  through  December 31, 1998,  (ii) One
   Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Dollars ($155,000) for 1999 and (iii) One Hundred
   Sixty Thousand Dollars ($160,000) for 2000. In addition,  the Executive shall
   be entitled to receive a bonus (the  "Bonus")  upon the terms as set forth on
   Schedule 1 hereto. The Executive's Base Salary and Bonus will be reviewed not
   less than  annually  by the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  but in no event
   reduced.  The  Executive's  Base Salary will be paid in  accordance  with the
   Company's normal payroll practice.

    3. Fringe Benefits. During the Term and thereafter to the extent provided in
   Section  5.6(c),  the  Executive  shall be  entitled to  participate  in such
   employee  benefit  plans as are made  available  generally  to key  executive
   employees of the Company,  including but not limited to 401(k) plans, pension
   plans, health benefits,  life insurance and three (3) weeks paid vacation per

    4.  Expenses.  The Company shall  reimburse  the  Executive  for  reasonable
   expenses  incurred  in  connection  with its  business  affairs,  subject  to
   guidelines  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and to  the  receipt  of
   appropriate  documentation  therefor. The foregoing shall include, but not be
   limited  to,   reimbursement  for  bar  or  other  professional   association
   qualification  and membership  dues,  premiums for malpractice  insurance and
   professional continuing education relevant to the Executive's position at the

    5.  Termination.

    5.1 Death. In the event of the death of the Executive  during his employment
   hereunder,  his employment by the Company shall be deemed to terminate at the
   end of the calendar month in which his death occurs.

    5.2  Disability.  In the event of the physical or mental  disability  of the
   Executive  for a  period  in  excess  of  ninety  (90)  consecutive  days  as
   determined  by a qualified  physician,  such that the  Executive is unable to
   discharge  his  responsibilities  hereunder,  then the Board of Directors may
   vote to terminate the Executive's  employment  effective as of the end of the
   calendar month which includes the last day of such ninety (90) day period.

    5.3 By the Executive for Cause.  In the event the Company shall fail to make
   any payment owed to the Executive  under Section 2 hereof when due or pay any
   expenses for which the Executive is entitled to reimbursement under Section 4
   hereof,  or  breach  any of  the  other  material  covenants  of the  Company
   hereunder,  and such non-payment,  non-reimbursement or breach shall continue
   for a period of twenty (20) days after the  Executive  gives  written  notice
   hereof to the Company,  the  Executive  shall be entitled to  terminate  this
   Agreement on the expiration of such twenty (20) day period.

    5.4 By the  Executive  Without  Cause.  The  Executive  may  terminate his
   employment  at any time without  cause upon 30 days' prior  written  notice
   to the Company.

    5.5 By the Company for Cause.  The Company  may  terminate  the  Executive's
   employment for "reasonable  cause," by which phrase is meant only one or more
   of the following:

    (a) If the  Executive  has been  convicted  of,  or  pleads  guilty  or nolo
   contendere to a felony, the Company may terminate the Executive's  employment
   immediately upon the occurrence of such conviction or plea.

    (b) If the Executive shall commit any embezzlement  against the Company, the
   Company  may  terminate  the  Executive's  employment  at any time  after the
   commission of such act.

    (c) If the Executive has (i) engaged in willful  misconduct  with respect to
   the Company  other than that  covered by  subparagraph  (b), or (ii)  grossly
   neglected his duties to the Company,  and after  written  notice of the same,
   specifying  in  reasonable  detail the alleged  misconduct  or  neglect,  the
   Executive  fails to cease  such  misconduct  or neglect  within a  reasonable
   period of time not  exceeding  thirty  (30) days  following  the date of such
   notice,  the Company may  terminate  the  Executive's  employment at any time
   after  expiration  of such thirty (30) day period;  provided that the Company
   has complied with the following terms and conditions:

        (A)      the  Executive  is  provided  with  written   notice  of  the
   proposed termination;

        (B) the Executive is given the  opportunity  to appear with his counsel,
   and to present  evidence and a defense to the alleged  misconduct or neglect,
   at a duly called and held  meeting of the Board of  Directors of the Company,
   the purpose of which shall be to determine  whether the Executive  engaged in
   such  willful  misconduct  or  grossly  neglected  his  duties  and should be
   terminated; and

        (C) if the  Executive  avails  himself of the  opportunity  set forth in
   clause (B), following such meeting not less than two-thirds of the members of
   the Board of Directors  determine that the Executive  engaged in such willful
   misconduct or grossly neglected his duties and should be terminated.

    5.5A By the Company Without Cause. The Company may terminate the Executive's
   employment  other than for  "reasonable  cause" upon 60 days'  prior  written
   notice to the Executive.

    5.6    Rights and  Obligations  of the  Executive  and the  Company  upon

    (a) In the event the Executive's  employment  terminates pursuant to Section
   5.1 or 5.2,  the Company  shall  continue to make,  until  December 31, 2000,
   payments at a rate equal to the Base Salary in effect on the date of death or
   disability as the case may be. The  Executive  shall have no liability to the
   Company as a result of a termination  of employment  pursuant to Sections 5.1
   or 5.2 hereof.  In the event of  termination  pursuant to Sections 5.1 or 5.2
   the Executive shall also be entitled to receive a pro rata share of any bonus
   which  otherwise  would have been  payable  with respect to the year in which
   termination occurs, but shall not be entitled to any bonus for any subsequent

    (b) In the event of the Executive's  employment  terminates or is terminated
   pursuant to Sections  5.4 or 5.5,  all of the  Executive's  rights to receive
   compensation  under  Section 2 (other than Base Salary for services  rendered
   prior to the date of  termination  and other  amounts  earned but unpaid) and
   other  benefits  (excluding  any  benefits  which by their terms have vested)
   shall  cease  upon the  date of  termination.  The  Executive  shall  have no
   liability to the Company as a result of a termination of employment  pursuant
   to Sections 5.3 or 5.4 hereof.

    (c) If the Executive  terminates his employment pursuant to Section 5.3, the
   Company shall,  until  December 31, 2000,  continue to pay and provide to the
   Executive  the Base Salary,  Bonus and fringe  benefits  which the  Executive
   would otherwise have received under Sections 2 and 3 during that period. Such
   payments  and  benefits  shall  be  liquidated  damages  for  termination  of
   employment,  and the  Executive  shall not be entitled to receive any further
   payment or benefit.

    (d) If the Company terminates the Executive's employment pursuant to Section
   5.5A, the Company shall, until December 31, 2000, continue to pay and provide
   to the  Executive  the Base  Salary,  Bonus  and  fringe  benefits  which the
   Executive  would  otherwise  have received under Sections 2 and 3 during that
   period, in addition to any other remedies available to the Executive pursuant
   to applicable  law. The Executive shall have no liability to the Company as a
   result of a termination of employment pursuant to Section 5.5A hereof.

    6.  Restrictive   Covenants.    In   consideration   of   his   employment
   hereunder,  the  Executive  agrees  that  he  will  observe  the  following
   covenants.  For the  purposes of this  Section,  the term  "Company"  shall
   include  any  of  the  Company's  current  or  future  direct  or  indirect

    6.1  Non-disclosure.   The  Executive   acknowledges  that  the  technology,
   research,  know-how, trade secrets,  marketing techniques,  business plan and
   other  confidential  information used or to be used by the Company in pursuit
   of its business (collectively, the "Proprietary Information") are of value to
   the Company and provide the Company with substantial competitive advantage in
   its business. By virtue of his relationship to the Company, the Executive has
   knowledge  of and  will be  given  access  to  Proprietary  Information.  The
   Executive agrees that he will not, during the Term or at any time thereafter,
   directly or indirectly divulge, transmit or otherwise disclose or cause to be
   divulged,  other than in the ordinary course of his employment hereunder, any
   Proprietary  Information.  Any Proprietary  Information  which comes into the
   public  domain  through  no  fault  of  the  Executive's  shall  cease  to be
   Proprietary Information for purposes of this Agreement.

    6.2 Non-Competition.

    (a) The  Executive  agrees  that  upon  any  termination  of his  employment
   pursuant  to Section  5.5,  he will,  during the  Non-Competition  Period (as
   defined in Section 6.2(d)) observe the non-competition  covenant set forth in
   Section 6.2(c).

    (b) The  Executive  agrees  that  upon  any  termination  of his  employment
   pursuant to any one of Sections  5.2, or 5.4, or upon  expiration of the Term
   on December 31, 2000, he will, during the Non-Competition Period, observe the
   non-competition  convenant  set forth in Section 6.2 (c) provided that within
   thirty days after termination pursuant to Section 5.2 or 5.4, or in the event
   of  termination  upon  expiration  of the Term, at least thirty days prior to
   such expiration, the Company shall have given written notice to the Executive
   of its election to require the  Executive to be bound by the  non-competition
   covenant set forth in Section  6.2(c) in exchange for the payments to be made
   pursuant to Section 6.2(e).

    (c) If the  Executive is required  under Section 6.2 (a) or (b) to observe a
   non-competition  covenant,  he shall  not  engage in any  business  or render
   services to any  business  in the United  States,  as an  officer,  director,
   employee,  agent,  stockholder (excluding ownership of not more than one (1%)
   percent of the  outstanding  shares of a publicly  held  corporation  if such
   ownership does not involve managerial or operational responsibility), manager
   partner or consultant,  if such business is  competitive  with any product or
   service  then being  developed,  produced  or marketed  by the  Company.  The
   parties  agree that the  current  business  of the  Company  consists  of the
   origination,   purchasing,   servicing,  packaging  or  disposing  of  loans,
   obligations,  receivables,  notes  or  mortgages  or  the  acquisition  of or
   investment in any company which engages in such services. The foregoing shall
   not preclude the  Executive  from acting as general  counsel of, or providing
   legal services to, any person or entity.

    (d) The term  "Non-Competition  Period"  shall  mean:  (i) for  purposes  of
   Section  6.2(a),  the  first  to  occur  of (x)  the  date  12  months  after
   termination of employment and (y) December 31, 2000; and (ii) for purposes of
   Section  6.2(b),  the date 18  months  after  termination  of  employment  or
   expiration of the Term, as the case may be.

    (e) If the  Company  wishes to require  that the  Executive  be bound by the
   non-competition  covenant  in  Section  6.2(c)  following  a  termination  of
   employment  pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.4 or upon expiration of the Term on
   December 31, 2000, it shall give the Executive  written notice of such effect
   as set forth in Section  6.2(b).  In such event,  the  Company  shall pay the
   Executive (i)  compensation at a monthly rate equal to the annual Base Salary
   in effect as of the date of the  termination of employment  divided by 12, to
   be paid monthly in advance,  during the  continuation of the  Non-Competition
   Period,  and  (ii) an  amount  equal to  one-half  of the  Bonus  paid to the
   Executive  under  Section 2 for the year  immediately  preceding  the year in
   which  termination  occurs,  which  payment  shall be made in  equal  monthly
   payments on the first day of each month during the Non-Competition Period.

    7.  [Intentionally Omitted]

    8.  Payments  Upon  Change  of  Control.  In  the  event  of a  Change  of
   Control  Transaction (as herein defined),  the provisions of this Section 8
   shall apply:

    (a) If  within  one  year  following  consummation  of a Change  of  Control
   Transaction,  the Company shall seek to (x) relocate the principal  office of
   the Company  more than 25 miles from its current  location or (y)  materially
   alter the Executive's  authority or  responsibility  within the Company,  and
   such alteration continues for 20 days after notice thereof from the Executive
   to the Company,  the  Executive  may  terminate  his  employment  pursuant to
   Section  5.3. In such event,  the  Executive  shall  receive the payments and
   benefits provided under Section 5.6(c) unless he elects, by written notice to
   the Company  within 30 days of such  termination,  to receive,  in a lump sum
   payment,  an amount  equal to 150% of the Base Salary then in effect.  If the
   Executive  elects such lump sum  payment,  it shall be paid within 30 days of
   such  election,  he shall have no further  obligations  hereunder,  except to
   observe the covenants set forth in Section 6.1, and the Company shall have no
   further obligations hereunder, other than to pay such lump sum payment.

    (b) A "Change of  Control  Transaction"  shall mean (i) a sale,  conveyance,
   lease or other  transfer  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets of the
   Company,  (ii) a consolidation  or merger of the Company with or into another
   corporation   in  which  the  Company  is  not  the  surviving  or  resulting
   corporation or after which more than 50% of the issued and outstanding shares
   of  voting  capital  stock  of the  surviving  or  resulting  corporation  is
   thereafter  owned of record or  beneficially by any single Person or Group of
   affiliated  Persons,  (iii) a sale or  transfer  in a single  transaction  of
   shares of the voting capital stock of the Company, which results in more than
   50% of the issued and  outstanding  shares of the voting capital stock of the
   Company being thereafter owned of record or beneficially by any single Person
   or Group of  affiliated  Persons,  (iv) any  other  transaction  or series of
   transactions  involving  the  issuance,  sale or  transfer  of  shares of the
   capital stock of the Company,  which results in more than fifty percent (50%)
   of the  issued and  outstanding  shares of the  voting  capital  stock of the
   Company being thereafter owned of record or beneficially by any single Person
   or Group of affiliated  Persons,  or (v) a majority of the Board of Directors
   of the  Company  ceasing  to  consist of  individuals  (A) who are  currently
   members  of the  Board or (B) for  whose  nomination  for such  membership  a
   majority of such current members voted in favor.

    (c)  "Group of  affiliated  Persons"  shall  mean a group of tow (2) or more
   persons (i) in which one (1) or more of such Persons controls,  is controlled
   by, or is under common control with,  another of such Persons,  or (ii) which
   is associated by agreement for the purpose of controlling  the Company or any
   successor  corporation  thereof. The term "Group of affiliated Persons" shall
   not include any such group which consists entirely of Persons who are current
   stockholders and/or directors of the Company which any currently be deemed to
   control  the  Company.  "Person"  shall  mean  an  individual,   partnership,
   corporation, trust, or other business entity.

    9. Termination of this Agreement.  This Agreement shall remain in full force
   and effect,  notwithstanding  any  termination of the Term,  until all of the
   parties' obligations hereunder have been fully performed.

    10. Notices.  All  notices  hereunder,  to  be  effective,   shall  be  in
   writing and shall be delivered by hand or by  certified  mail,  postage and
   fees prepaid, as follows:

           (i)   If to the Company:  Litchfield Financial Corporation
                                 789 Main Road
                                 Stamford, VT  05352

              With a Copy to:    James Westra, Esq.
                                 Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar
                                 101 Federal Street
                                 Boston, MA  02110

           (ii)  If to Executive:John J. Malloy
                                 146 Melrose Place
                                 Ridgewood, New Jersey  07450

   unless and until  notice of another or  different  address  shall be given as
   provided herein.

    11. Modification.   This  Agreement   constitutes  the  entire   Agreement
   between the  parties  hereto  with  regard to the  subject  matter  hereof,
   superseding all prior  understandings  and  agreements,  whether written or
   oral.  This  Agreement  may not be amended  or revised  except by a writing
   signed by the parties.

    12.  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
   to the benefit of both parties and their  respective  successors and assigns,
   including  any  corporation  with  which or into  which  the  Company  or its
   successor  may be merged  or which may  succeed  to its  assets or  business,
   although the  obligations  of the Executive are personal and may be performed
   only by him.

    13. Captions.  Captions  herein have been inserted  solely for convenience
   of  reference  and in no  way  define,  limit  or  describe  the  scope  or
   substance of any provision of this Agreement.

    14.  Severability.  The  provisions  of this  Agreement are  severable,  and
   invalidity  of any  provision  shall not  affect  the  validity  of any other
   provision.  In the  event  that any  court of  competent  jurisdiction  shall
   determine that any provision of this Agreement or the application  thereof is
   unenforceable  because of the duration or scope  thereof,  the parties hereto
   agree that said court in making such  determinations  shall have the power to
   reduce the  duration and scope of such  provision to the extent  necessary to
   make it  enforceable,  and that the  Agreement  in its reduced  form shall be
   valid and enforceable to the full extent permitted by law.

    15. Governing  Law. This Agreement  shall be construed  under and governed
   by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as
   a sealed instrument as of the day and year first above written.


                    By:/s/Heather A. Sica
                       Title:  Executive Vice President
                        /s/ John J. Malloy

                       John J. Malloy

                                                                  Exhibit 11.1

                        Litchfield Financial Corporation

                        Computation of Earnings per Share

                                           Year Ended December 31,
                                               1997        1996          1995
                                             ---------    ---------    -----------
      Weighted average number of common
         shares outstanding...............   6,572,465    6,441,636     4,315,469
                                            ==========   ==========    ==========

      Income before extraordinary item....  $6,603,000   $5,273,000    $3,449,000
      Extraordinary item (net of applicable
      tax benefit of $138,000)............    (220,000)         ---           ---
                                            -----------  ---------------- -------
      Net income..........................  $6,383,000   $5,273,000    $3,449,000
                                            ==========   ==========    ==========

      Income before extraordinary item per
         common share.....................        $1.19     $ .97        $ .80
      Extraordinary item (net of applicable tax
         benefit of $138,000) per common share     (.04)      ---           ---  
                                                   -----   -------        ------
      Net income per common share.........        $1.15     $ .97        $  .80
                                                  =====     =====         =====

      Weighted average number of common
         shares outstanding...............   5,572,465    5,441,659     4,313,583
      Net effect of dilutive stock options
         based on the treasury stock method
         using the average market price...     336,967      240,516       209,138
                                           -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total...............................   5,909,432    5,682,152     4,524,607
                                            ==========   ==========    ==========

      Income before extraordinary item....  $6,603,000   $5,273,000    $3,449,000
      Extraordinary item (net of applicable
         tax benefit of $138,000).........    (220,000)        ---           ---
                                            -----------  -----------  ------------
      Net income..........................  $6,383,000   $5,273,000    $3,449,000
                                            ==========   ==========    ==========

      Income before extraordinary item per
         common share.....................       $1.12        $ .93         $ .76
      Extraordinary item (net of applicable tax
         benefit of $138,000) per common share    (.04)         ---            ---
                                                  -----       -------       -------
      Net income per common share.........        $1.08       $ .93          $ .76
                                                  =====        =====          =====

                                                                   Exhibit 13.1

                                  Company LOGO

                          A specialty finance company.

                               1997 ANNUAL REPORT

             Chart of Earnings per share before extraordinary item.

                   Income Per Share Before Extraordinary Item

    LITCHFIELD  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION  is  a  finance  company  which  provides
financing to creditworthy  borrowers for assets not typically financed by banks.
The Company  provides such  financing by purchasing  consumer  loans,  by making
loans to businesses secured by consumer  receivables and by making other secured
loans to businesses.

    Through  the  support of its  investors  and  dedication  of its  employees,
Litchfield has been able to provide quality service,  maintain consistent growth
and be among the top performers in the financial services industry. Litchfield's
common  stock  trades on The Nasdaq  Stock  Market's  National  Market under the
symbol "LTCH" and is listed in some newspapers as "LITCHFNL".

                                 Revenue Growth


                        Chart of revenue by year by type.

Dear Fellow Stockholders:

    Litchfield had an outstanding year in 1997. Net income before  extraordinary
item was $6.6  million,  a 25%  increase  over 1996.  Earnings  per share before
extraordinary item was $1.12, up 20% over 1996. Originations were up 38% to $185
million and portfolio quality remained excellent,  as delinquencies and defaults
were level with the prior year. The fourth quarter of 1997  represented our 20th
consecutive  quarter as a public  company  where  earnings  per share were at or
above  analysts?  estimates.  It is our ninth year of earnings per share growth,
before  extraordinary item, in excess of 20%. In addition,  our stock was up 30%
in 1997 compared to 20% for the Russell 2000 small company index.

    In order to continue to be successful, our company needs four things; ideas,
great people, good loans, and fairly priced money. We made progress in all these
areas during 1997.

    Ideas. We continue to have  innovative  ideas for growing  originations.  In
past years we had the idea to lend money to finance  companies and have now done
so  successfully  for several years.  In 1997 we formalized this idea and formed
our specialty  finance  group which acts as an incubator  for future  businesses
which will help us continue to grow and diversify our company.
    People. In 1997 we added some outstanding  people to our management team and
continued to improve our staff. We believe that employees are more satisfied and
thus more  productive  when they have some autonomy and ability to make changes.
We solicit ideas from  employees and ask them to implement  their own ideas.  We
agree on  specific,  quantifiable  goals  which will  enable us to  achieve  our
business plan. This process lets us know where we need to improve and permits us
to each set specific goals to assist in achieving our business plan.

    Loans.  In 1997 we expanded our portfolio from $242 million to $304 million,
an increase of 26%. We established many new customer  relationships and expanded
our relationships with our existing customers.  The flow of loans and the demand
for our business continues to grow as our pipeline is at its highest point ever.
We are evaluating and underwriting  these requests in order to bring the highest
quality of these loans into our portfolio.

    Money. In 1997 we made great progress in our liquidity.  We lowered our cost
of money by refinancing long term debt and improving terms with some lenders. We
sold  hypothecation  loans  for the  first  time  and  participated  some of our
acquisition and development  loans. We now have liquidity for  substantially all
of the assets on our balance sheet.

    We are still  committed  to the  strategy  adopted  some  five  years ago of
increasing our recurring cash revenues and thereby  improving the quality of our
earnings.  Today,  interest and servicing  income represent more than 70% of our

    The result of all this  progress  and hard work is an increase in our return
on equity and an expansion of our market capitalization to over $100 million. We
will  continue to work on more good ideas,  building  our team,  acquiring  high
quality  loans,  improving  our  liquidity and lowering the cost of our funds in
1998 and  beyond.  These  attributes,  plus  careful  expense  control,  are our
culture.  I would  like to offer a  special  thank you to our  employees  who we
believe are the best team in specialty finance.  They are the primary reason for
our success. I would also like to thank all of you for your continued support.

                              RANDY  STRATTON
                      Chief Executive Officer and President
January 31 , 1998

                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                             Year Ended December 31,
Statements of Income Data: (1)           1997      1996       1995     1994     1993
      Interest and fees on loans....   $19,374    $14,789   $11,392   $5,669   $4,330
      Gain on sale of loans.........     8,564      7,331     5,161    4,847    4,550
      Servicing and other fee income     1,753      1,576       908      459      501
                                       -------    -------   -------   ------   ------
           Total revenues...........    29,691     23,696    17,461   10,975    9,381
                                       -------    -------   -------   ------   ------
      Interest expense..............    10,675      7,197     6,138    3,158    2,717
    Salaries and employee benefits..     3,399      2,824     2,798    1,776    1,350
      Other operating expenses......     3,480      3,147     2,120    1,164    1,017
      Provision for loan losses.....     1,400      1,954       890      559      620
                                       -------    -------   -------  -------   ------
           Total expenses...........    18,954     15,122    11,946    6,657    5,704
                                       -------    -------   -------  -------   ------
Income before income taxes and
      extraordinary item............    10,737      8,574     5,515    4,318    3,677
Provision for income taxes..........     4,134      3,301     2,066    1,619    1,426
                                       -------    -------   -------  -------   ------
Income before extraordinary item....     6,603      5,273     3,449    2,699    2,251
Extraordinary item (2)..............      (220)       ---       ---     (126)     ---
                                       -------     ------    ------  -------    -----
           Net income...............   $ 6,383    $ 5,273   $ 3,449   $2,573   $2,251
                                       =======    =======   =======   ======   ======

Basic per common share amounts:
      Income before extraordinary item   $1.19      $ .97     $ .80     $ .66   $ .55
      Extraordinary item............      (.04)       ---       ---      (.03)    ---
                                         -----       ----      ----      -----    ----
           Net income per share.....     $1.15      $ .97     $ .80     $ .63   $ .55
                                         =====      =====      =====    =====    =====
Basic weighted average number of
   shares outstanding...............   5,572,465   5,441,636  4,315,469  4,116,684  4,065,688

Diluted per common share amounts:
      Income before extraordinary item  $ 1.12      $ .93     $ .76     $ .63   $ .53
      Extraordinary item............      (.04)       ---       ---      (.03)    ---
                                          -----      -----     -----     -----   -----
Net income per share................     $1.08      $ .93     $ .76     $ .60   $ .53
                                         =====       =====     =====     =====   =====
Diluted weighted average number
      of  shares outstanding........  5,909,432   5,682,152  4,524,607  4,282,884  4,216,151

Cash dividends declared per common share  $ .06     $ .05     $ .04     $ .03    $ .02

Other Statements of Income Data:
Income before extraordinary item as
   a percentage of revenues.........      22.3%     22.3%      19.8%     24.6%   24.0%
Return on average assets (3)........       3.8%      4.0%       3.7%      4.6%    5.0%
Return on average equity (3)........      14.1%     13.3%      16.6%     17.2%   17.0%

(1)Certain  amounts in the 1993 through  1996  financial  information  have been
   reclassified to conform with the 1997 presentation.
(2)Reflects  loss on early  extinguishment  of a portion  of the 1992  Notes (as
   defined  herein),  net of applicable tax benefit of $76,000,  for 1994 and of
   the remainder of the 1992 Notes,  net of applicable  tax benefit of $138,000,
   for 1997.
(3)   Before extraordinary item.

                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                           December 31,
Balance Sheet Data (4):                 1997      1996       1995      1994       1993
                                      -------    -------   -------   -------    -------
Total assets.......................  $186,790   $152,689  $112,459   $63,487    $54,444
Loans held for sale (5).............   16,366     12,260    14,380    11,094      5,931
Other loans (5).....................   86,307     79,996    33,613    15,790     10,306
Retained interests in loan sales (5)   30,299     28,912    22,594    11,996     11,764
Secured debt........................    5,387     43,727     9,836     5,823        ---
Unsecured debt......................  105,347     46,995    47,401    29,896     32,302
Stockholders' equity................   52,071     42,448    37,396    16,610     14,722

Other Financial Data:
Loans purchased and originated (6).. $184,660   $133,750  $121,046   $59,798    $42,410
Loans sold (6)......................   98,747     54,936    65,115    40,116     28,099
Loans participated (6)..............    6,936        ---       ---       ---        ---
Serviced Portfolio (7)..............  304,102    242,445   176,650   105,013     84,360
Loans serviced for others...........  179,790    129,619   111,117    72,731     59,720
Dealer/developer reserves...........   10,655     10,628     9,644     6,575      4,926
Allowance for loan losses (8).......    5,877      4,528     3,715     1,264      1,064
Allowance ratio (9).................      1.93%      1.87%     2.10%     1.20%      1.26%
Net charge-off ratio (6)(10)........       .74%       .94%      .67%      .38%       .69%
Non-performing asset ratio (11)  ...      1.03%      1.57%     1.35%     1.02%      1.48%

(4)In 1997, the Company adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No.
   125,  "Accounting  for  Transfers  and  Servicing  of  Financial  Assets  and
   Extinguishments  of Liabilities."  Consequently,  certain amounts included in
   the 1993 through 1996 financial  statements have been reclassified to conform
   with the 1997 presentation:  "Subordinated pass- through certificates held to
   maturity,"  "Excess servicing asset" and "Allowance for loans sold" have been
   reclassified as "Retained interests in loan sales." In addition,  "Loans held
   for investment" have been reclassified as "Other loans."
(5)Amount  indicated is net of allowance  for losses and recourse  obligation on
   retained interests in loan sales.
(6)   During the relevant period.
(7)The Serviced  Portfolio consists of the principal amount of loans serviced by
   or on behalf of the Company,  except loans  participated  without recourse to
   the Company.
(8)The  allowance  for loan  losses  includes  allowance  for  losses  under the
   recourse provisions of loans sold.
(9)The allowance  ratio is the  allowances for loan losses divided by the amount
   of the Serviced Portfolio.
(10) The net  charge-off  ratio is  determined  by  dividing  the  amount of net
   charge-offs for the period by the average Serviced Portfolio for the period.
(11)The  non-performing  asset ratio is  determined  by dividing  the sum of the
   amount of those  loans  which  are 90 days or more  past due and  other  real
   estate owned by the amount of the Serviced Portfolio.



Litchfield Financial  Corporation (the "Company") is a specialty finance company
which  provides  financing to  creditworthy  borrowers  for assets not typically
financed by banks.  The Company  provides such financing by purchasing  consumer
loans,  by making loans to  businesses  secured by consumer  receivables  and by
making other secured loans to businesses.

Currently, the Company provides financing for the purchase of rural and vacation
properties  and  vacation  ownership  interests,  popularly  known as  timeshare
interests ("Purchased Loans"). The Company also provides financing to rural land
dealers,   timeshare  resort   developers  and  others  secured  by  receivables
("Hypothecation  Loans"),  to dealers and  developers  for the  acquisition  and
development  of rural land and  timeshare  resorts  ("A&D  Loans") and for other
secured loans ("Other Loans").

Purchased  loans  consist  primarily of "Land Loans" and "VOI Loans." Land Loans
are typically secured by one to twenty acre rural parcels. VOI Loans finance the
purchase of ownership interests in fully furnished vacation properties.

The  principal  sources of the  Company's  revenues are (i) interest and fees on
loans,  (ii)  gain  from the sale of loans  and  (iii)  servicing  and other fee
income.  Gains on  sales  of loans  are  based  on the  difference  between  the
allocated  cost  basis of the  assets  sold  and the  proceeds  received,  which
includes the fair value of any assets or liabilities that are newly created as a
result  of the  transaction.  Because a  significant  portion  of the  Company's
revenues is comprised of gains realized upon sales of loans,  the timing of such
sales has a significant effect on the Company's results of operations.

Results of Operations

The  following  table sets forth the  percentage  relationship  to  revenues  of
certain items included in the Company's statements of income.

                                               Year  ended December 31,
                                              1997          1996          1995
                                             ------        ------        ------
          Interest and fees on loans......     65.3%         62.4%        65.2%
          Gain on sale of  loans.........      28.8          30.9         29.6
          Servicing and other fee income.       5.9           6.7          5.2
                                              -----         -----        -----
                                              100.0         100.0        100.0
                                              -----         -----        -----
          Interest expense...............      36.0          30.4         35.2
          Salaries and employee benefits.      11.4          11.9         16.0
          Other operating expenses.......      11.7          13.3         12.1
          Provision for loan losses......       4.7           8.2          5.1
                                               ----          ----         ----
                                               63.8          63.8         68.4
                                               ----          ----         ----
      Income before income taxes and extraordinary
          item...........................      36.2          36.2         31.6
      Provision for income taxes.........      13.9          13.9         11.8
      Income before extraordinary item...      22.3          22.3         19.8
      Extraordinary item.................      (0.8)          ---          ---
                                             -------       --------     --------
      Net income.........................      21.5 %        22.3%        19.8%
                                             =======        =======       ======

Year Ended December 31, 1997 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1996

Revenues  increased  25.3% to $29,691,000  for the year ended December 31, 1997,
from  $23,696,000  for the year ended  December  31,  1996.  Net income for 1997
increased  21.1% to $6,383,000  compared to $5,273,000 in 1996.  Net income as a
percentage  of revenues was 21.5% for the year ended  December 31, 1997 compared
to 22.3% for the year ended December 31, 1996.  Loan purchases and  originations
grew 38.1% to  $184,660,000  in 1997 from  $133,750,000  in 1996.  The  Serviced
Portfolio increased 25.4% to $304,102,000 at December 31, 1997 from $242,445,000
at December 31, 1996.

Interest  and  fees on  loans  increased  31.0%  to  $19,374,000  in  1997  from
$14,789,000 in 1996,  primarily as the result of the higher  average  balance of
loans held for sale and other loans  during  1997.  The  average  rate earned on
loans owned and retained interests in loan sales decreased to 12.2% for the year
ended  December  31,  1997 from  12.5% for the year  ended  December  31,  1996,
primarily due to the effect of the growth in  Hypothecation  Loans and A&D Loans
as a  percentage  of the  Serviced  Portfolio.  Hypothecation  Loan and A&D Loan
yields are usually less than Land Loan or VOI Loan yields,  but servicing  costs
and loan losses are generally less as well.

Gain on the sale of loans  increased 16.8% to $8,564,000 in 1997 from $7,331,000
in 1996.  The volume of loans sold increased  79.7% to $98,747,000  for the year
ended 1997 from  $54,936,000  for the same period in 1996. Gain on sale of loans
increased  less than the volume of loans sold for the year  ended  December  31,
1997 primarily due to the lower yield on the sale of Hypothecation Loans in 1997
and, to a lesser  extent,  the lower amount of discount  relating to loans sold.
The  yield on the sale of  Hypothecation  Loans is  significantly  less than the
typical yield on sales of consumer receivables  primarily due to shorter average
maturities and the nature of the underlying collateral.

Servicing and other fee income  increased 11.2% to $1,753,000 for the year ended
December 31, 1997,  from  $1,576,000 for the year ended December 31, 1996 mostly
due to the  increase  in other  fee  income  resulting  from the  collection  of
significant  prepayment  penalties from a Hypothecation  Loan and an A&D Loan in
1997.  Although loans serviced for others  increased  38.7% to  $179,790,000  at
December  31, 1997 from  $129,619,000  at December 31,  1996,  servicing  income
remained  relatively constant due to a decrease in the average servicing fee per
loan  primarily  as the result of the  decrease in the number of  purchased  VOI
Loans in the Serviced Portfolio.

Interest  expense  increased  48.3% to $10,675,000  for 1997, from $7,197,000 in
1996. The increase in interest expense primarily reflects an increase in average
borrowings  that were only  partially  offset by a decrease  in  average  rates.
During the year ended December 31, 1997,  borrowings averaged $107,900,000 at an
average rate of 9.1%  compared to  $71,800,000  and 9.3%,  respectively,  during
1996.  Interest  expense  includes the  amortization  of deferred  debt issuance

Salaries and employee benefits  increased 20.4% to $3,399,000 for the year ended
December 31, 1997 from  $2,824,000  for the year ended December 31, 1996 because
of an increase in the number of employees and, to a lesser  extent,  an increase
in salaries. The number of full time equivalents increased to 71 at December 31,
1997  compared to 57 at December 31, 1996.  Personnel  costs as a percentage  of
revenues  decreased  slightly  to 11.4% for the year  ended  December  31,  1997
compared to 11.9% in 1996. As a percentage of the Serviced Portfolio,  personnel
costs decreased to 1.12% for the year ended December 31, 1997 from 1.16% for the
same period in 1996.

Other  operating  expenses  increased  10.6% to  $3,480,000  for the year  ended
December 31, 1997 from  $3,147,000  for the same period in 1996 primarily as the
result of the growth in the Serviced  Portfolio.  As a  percentage  of revenues,
other operating  expenses  decreased to 11.7% in 1997 compared to 13.3% in 1996.
As a percentage of the Serviced Portfolio, other operating expenses decreased to
1.14% for 1997 from 1.30% for 1996.

During 1997, the provision for loan losses  decreased  28.4% to $1,400,000  from
$1,954,000 in 1996. The provision for loan losses decreased despite the increase
in loans owned and  retained  interests  in loans sold  because of the growth in
Hypothecation  Loans as a percentage  of the Serviced  Portfolio.  Hypothecation
Loans have experienced  significantly  lower  delinquency and default rates than
Purchased Loans.

Year Ended December 31, 1996 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1995

Revenues  increased  35.7% to $23,696,000  for the year ended December 31, 1996,
from  $17,461,000  for the year ended December 31, 1995. Net income for the year
ended December 31, 1996 increased 52.9% to $5,273,000  compared to $3,449,000 in
1995.  Net  income as a  percentage  of  revenues  was 22.3% for the year  ended
December 31, 1996 compared to 19.8% for the year ended  December 31, 1995.  Loan
originations  grew  10.5% to  $133,750,000  in 1996 from  $121,046,000  in 1995.
Excluding  the  1995  purchase  of  $41,500,000  of loans  from  the  Government
Employees Financial  Corporation  ("GEFCO"),  originations  increased 68.1%. The
Serviced  Portfolio  increased  37.2% to  $242,445,000 at December 31, 1996 from
$176,650,000 at December 31, 1995.

Interest  and  fees on  loans  increased  29.8%  to  $14,789,000  in  1996  from
$11,392,000  in 1995,  primarily  as the  result of  increases  in other  loans,
retained  interests  in loans  sold  and  fees  related  to  Hypothecation  Loan
originations.  The average rate earned on loans owned and retained  interests in
loans sold decreased to 12.5% for the year ended December 31, 1996 from 13.2% in
1995,  primarily  due to the  effect of the growth in  Hypothecation  Loans as a
percentage  of the loan  portfolio.  Hypothecation  Loan yields are usually less
than Land Loan or VOI Loan yields,  but Hypothecation  Loans servicing costs and
loan losses are generally less as well.

Gain on the sale of loans  increased 42.0% to $7,331,000 in 1996 from $5,161,000
in 1995.  The volume of loans sold decreased  15.6% to $54,936,000  for the year
ended 1996 from  $65,115,000 in 1995. The primary reason for the increase in the
gain on sale of loans  despite the decrease in the volume of loans sold was that
the Company did not recognize any gain on the sale of  $27,155,000  of VOI Loans
purchased from GEFCO in the second quarter of 1995.

Loans serviced for others  increased  16.7% to $129,619,000 at December 31, 1996
from $111,117,000 at December 31, 1995. Servicing and other fee income increased
73.6% to $1,576,000 for the year ended December 31, 1996,  from $908,000 in 1995
because of the higher average Serviced Portfolio in 1996. In connection with the
Company's  continued  growth,  the Company  decided to subcontract its servicing
rights in order to avoid incurring  additional  fixed overhead costs  associated
with such servicing.  Accordingly,  the Company subcontracted to an unaffiliated
third party the servicing of VOI Loans in 1995 and the remaining  loans in April

Interest  expense  increased 17.3% to $7,197,000 for the year ended December 31,
1996,  from  $6,138,000  in 1995.  The  increase in interest  expense  primarily
reflects an increase in average  borrowings that were only partially offset by a
decrease in average rates.  During the year ended December 31, 1996,  borrowings
averaged  $71,800,000 at an average rate of 9.3% as compared to $60,500,000  and
9.7%,  respectively,  during 1995. Interest expense includes the amortization of
deferred debt issuance costs.

Salaries and employee  benefits remained  relatively  constant at $2,824,000 for
the year  ended  December  31,  1996  compared  to  $2,798,000  in 1995  despite
increases  in  incentive  compensation,  salaries  and  the  average  number  of
employees in 1996. The average number of employees  increased to 56 in 1996 from
45 in 1995, primarily as the result of the GEFCO acquisition. The number of full
time equivalents increased to 57 at December 31, 1996 compared to 55 at December
31, 1995. The small increase in the number of full-time  equivalents despite the
significant growth in originations and the Serviced Portfolio described above is
partially the result of subcontracting  servicing to a third party. As a result,
personnel  costs as a  percentage  of revenues  decreased  to 11.9% for the year
ended December 31, 1996 compared to 16.0% in 1995.

Other  operating  expenses  increased  48.4% to  $3,147,000  for the year  ended
December 31, 1996 from  $2,120,000  for the same period in 1995 primarily as the
result of the  subcontracting  of servicing to a third party. As a percentage of
revenues,  other  operating  expenses  increased to 13.3% in 1996 as compared to
12.1% in 1995.

During 1996,  the Company  increased  its  provision  for loan losses  119.6% to
$1,954,000  from  $890,000  in 1995,  primarily  as the  result  of the  overall
increase in the Serviced Portfolio as well as the proportionate  increase in the
percentage of non-guaranteed loans in the Serviced Portfolio.  Historically, the
loan  loss  rate for  non-guaranteed  loans  has been  higher  than the rate for
guaranteed loans.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company's  business requires continued access to short and long-term sources
of debt financing and equity capital.  The Company's principal cash requirements
arise  from  loan  originations,  repayment  of debt on  maturity,  payments  of
operating and interest  expenses and loan  repurchases.  The  Company's  primary
sources of liquidity are loan sales,  short-term  borrowings under secured lines
of credit and long-term debt and equity offerings.

Since its inception,  the Company has sold  $348,198,000  of loans at face value
($249,451,000  through December 31, 1996). The principal amount remaining on the
loans sold was  $179,790,000  at December 31, 1997 and  $129,619,000 at December
31, 1996.  In 1997,  the Company sold or  securitized  $51,196,000  of Purchased
Loans and  $47,551,000 of  Hypothecation  Loans. In connection with certain loan
sales,  the Company  commits to  repurchase  from  investors any such loans that
become 90 days or more past due. This obligation is subject to various terms and
conditions,  including,  in some instances,  a limitation on the amount of loans
that may be required to be repurchased.  There were approximately  $9,238,000 of
loans at December 31, 1997 which the Company  could be required to repurchase in
the  future  should  such  loans  become 90 days or more past due.  The  Company
repurchased  $740,000,  $991,000  and  $448,000 of such loans under the recourse
provisions of loan sales in 1997,  1996 and 1995,  respectively.  As of December
31, 1997, $21,412,000 of the Company's cash was restricted as credit enhancement
for certain securitization programs. The Company also participated $6,936,000 of
A&D and Other Loans without recourse to the Company.

The Company  funds its loan  purchases  in part with  borrowings  under  various
secured  lines of  credit.  Lines are paid down when the  Company  receives  the
proceeds from the sale of the loans or when cash is otherwise  available.  These
lines of credit  totaled  $116,000,000  at December 31, 1997 and  $50,000,000 at
December 31, 1996.  Outstanding  borrowings on these lines of credit were $8,000
at December 31, 1997 and $34,500,000 at December 31, 1996. Interest rates on the
above  lines of credit  range from the  Eurodollar  or LIBOR rate plus 2% to the
prime rate plus  1.25%.  The Company is not  required  to maintain  compensating
balances or forward sales commitments under the terms of these lines of credit.

The Company also finances its loan purchases with two revolving  lines of credit
and sales  facilities as part of asset backed  commercial  paper facilities with
multi seller commercial paper issuers.  Such facilities totaled  $150,000,000 at
December 31, 1997 and $100,000,000 at December 31, 1996. As of December 31, 1997
and 1996, the outstanding balances of loans sold or pledged under the facilities
were $121,142,000 and $77,521,000,  respectively.  Outstanding  borrowings under
the lines of credit  were  $169,000  at  December  31,  1997 and  $1,799,000  at
December 31,  1996.  Interest is payable on the lines of credit based on certain
commercial paper rates.

The Company also finances its liquidity  needs with  long-term  debt.  Long-term
debt totaled  $105,347,000  at December 31, 1997 and $46,995,000 at December 31,

The Company  also has a term note payable  monthly  based on  collection  of the
underlying  collateral.  The note is  redeemable  only with the  approval of the
noteholder.  The note is  collateralized  by certain of the  Company's  retained
interests  in loan  sales  and cash.  The  balance  outstanding  on the note was
$5,210,000 and $7,428,000 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

In June 1997, the Company  entered into two interest rate swap  agreements.  The
swap agreements involve the payment of interest to the counterparty at the prime
rate on a notional  amount of  $110,000,000  and the  receipt of interest at the
commercial paper rate plus a spread and the LIBOR rate plus a spread on notional
amounts of $80,000,000 and $30,000,000, respectively. The swap agreements expire
in June 2000.  There is no exchange of the notional  amounts upon which interest
payments are based.

Historically, the Company has not required major capital expenditures to support
its operations.

Credit Quality and Allowances for Loan Losses

The Company  maintains  allowances  for loan losses and recourse  obligations on
retained  interests in loan sales at levels which, in the opinion of management,
provide adequately for current and future losses on such assets.  Past-due loans
(loans  30 days or more  past due  which  are not  covered  by  dealer/developer
reserves and guarantees) as a percentage of the Serviced Portfolio were 1.20% at
December 31, 1997 compared to 1.34% at December 31, 1996.  Management  evaluates
the  adequacy  of the  allowances  on a  quarterly  basis by  examining  current
delinquencies,  the characteristics of the accounts, the value of the underlying
collateral,   and  general  economic  conditions  and  trends.  Management  also
evaluates the extent to which  dealer/developer  reserves and  guarantees can be
expected to absorb loan losses.  When the Company does not receive guarantees on
loan portfolios purchased,  it adjusts its purchase price to reflect anticipated
losses and its  required  yield.  This  purchase  adjustment  is  recorded as an
increase in the  allowance  for loan losses and is used only for the  respective
portfolio.  A  provision  for  loan  losses  is  recorded  in an  amount  deemed
sufficient by management to maintain the  allowances at adequate  levels.  Total
allowances for loan losses and recourse obligation on retained interests in loan
sales  increased to  $5,877,000  at December 31, 1997  compared to $4,528,000 at
December 31, 1996. The allowance  ratio (the  allowances for loan losses divided
by the amount of the Serviced Portfolio) at December 31, 1997 increased slightly
to 1.93% from 1.87% at December 31, 1996.

As part of the Company's financing of Land Loans and VOI Loans, arrangements are
entered  into  with  dealers  and  resort   developers,   whereby  reserves  are
established to protect the Company from potential  losses  associated  with such
loans.  As  part  of  the  Company's  agreement  with  the  dealers  and  resort
developers,  a portion of the amount payable to each dealer and resort developer
for a Land Loan or a VOI Loan is retained by the Company and is available to the
Company to absorb loan losses for those loans. The Company negotiates the amount
of the reserves with the dealers and developers based upon various criteria, two
of which are the  financial  strength of the dealer or developer and credit risk
associated with the loans being purchased. Dealer/developer reserves amounted to
$10,655,000  and  $10,628,000 at December 31, 1997 and 1996,  respectively.  The
Company  generally  returns  any excess  reserves to the  dealer/developer  on a
quarterly basis as the related loans are repaid by borrowers.

Impact of Year 2000

As the year 2000  approaches,  an issue  impacting  all  companies  has  emerged
regarding how existing  application  software programs and operating systems can
accommodate  this  date  value.  Substantially  all of the  Company's  operating
systems are already  year 2000  compliant.  The Company does not expect to incur
any significant  additional costs to make its remaining  applications  year 2000

Market for Common Stock

The  Company's  Common  Stock is traded on The Nasdaq  Stock  Market's  National
Market under the symbol "LTCH." The following table sets forth,  for the periods
indicated,  the high and low stock prices of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  All
share  prices  have been  adjusted  for a 5% stock  dividend in each of 1996 and

                                   High         Low      Dividends
                1st Quarter..      16 3/4       14            ---
                2nd Quarter..      17           13 7/8        ---
                3rd Quarter..      21 3/4       16 3/8        ---
                4th Quarter..      21 1/2       16 1/2       $.06

                1st Quarter..      13 5/8       11            ---
                2nd Quarter..      14 1/4       12 7/8        ---
                3rd Quarter..      15           11 1/2        ---
                4th Quarter..      15           12 1/2       $.05

                1st Quarter..      10 7/8         9 5/8       ---
                2nd Quarter..      12 7/8       10            ---
                3rd Quarter..      16           12 3/8        ---
                4th Quarter..      15 1/4       12 3/8       $.04


Inflation has not had a significant effect on the Company's operating results to

Notes to Investors

This annual report may contain certain forward-looking  statements which involve
a number of risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual  results to differ
materially.  Specifically,  comments  related  to  originations,  revenues,  net
income,   profitability,   delinquencies   and   defaults   may  be   considered
forward-looking  and subject to a number of risks and  uncertainties,  including
but not limited to: demand for loans,  declines in real estate value, changes in
prevailing  interest rates,  continued  availability of various funding sources,
economic cycles,  prepayment,  timing of loan sales,  collection and delinquency
risks,  contingent  repurchase  obligations,  dependence  on senior  management,
competition,  regulation and environmental liabilities. Refer to Form 10-K for a
complete list of factors as discussed under "Risk Factors".

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                 (in thousands, except share and per share data)


                                                                   December 31,
  ASSETS                                                        1997        1996                                              
Cash and cash equivalents................................   $  19,295  $    5,557
Restricted cash..........................................      23,496      18,923
Loans held for sale, net of allowance for loan losses of
   $1,388 and $817 in 1997 and 1996, respectively........      16,366      12,260
Other loans, net of allowance for loan losses of
   $2,044 and $1,200 in 1997 and 1996, respectively......      86,307      79,996
Retained interests in loan sales.........................      30,299      28,912
Other....................................................      11,027       7,041
                                                             ----------  --------
     Total assets........................................    $186,790    $152,689
                                                             ========    ========

   Lines of credit....................................... $       177   $  36,299
   Term note payable.....................................       5,210       7,428
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities..............       6,479       3,811
   Dealer/developer reserves.............................      10,655      10,628
   Deferred income taxes.................................       6,851       5,080
                                                          ----------- -----------
                                                               29,372      63,246
                                                           ----------  ----------
   9.3%  Notes.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..              20,000         ---
   8.45%  Notes due 2002.  . . .. . . . . .. . .               51,750         ---
   10% Notes due 2002....................................         ---      12,785
   8.875% Notes due 2003.................................      15,317      15,930
   10% Notes due 2004....................................      18,280      18,280
                                                           ----------  ----------
                                                              105,347      46,995
                                                           ----------  ----------
Stockholders' equity:
   Preferred stock, $.01 par value; authorized 1,000,000 shares, none
     issued and outstanding..............................         ---         ---
   Common stock, $.01 par value; authorized 8,000,000 shares,
     5,656,609 shares issued and outstanding in 1997; 5,444,399 shares
     issued and outstanding in 1996......................          56          54
   Additional paid in capital............................      36,681      34,633
   Net unrealized gain on retained interests in loan sales      1,071         ---
   Retained earnings.....................................      14,263        7,761
                                                           ----------  -----------
     Total stockholders' equity..........................      52,071      42,448
                                                           ----------  ----------
     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity..........    $186,790    $152,689
                                                             ========    ========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                 (in thousands, except share and per share data)

                                                            Year Ended
                                                            December 31,
                                                     1997       1996        1995
                                                  ---------- ----------   ------

   Interest and fees on loans................     $19,374     $14,789    $11,392
   Gain on sale of loans.....................       8,564       7,331      5,161
   Servicing and other fee income............       1,753       1,576        908
                                                 --------   --------- ----------
                                                   29,691      23,696     17,461
                                                  -------    --------   --------

   Interest expense..........................      10,675       7,197      6,138
   Salaries and  employee benefits...........       3,399       2,824      2,798
   Other operating expenses..................       3,480       3,147      2,120
   Provision for loan losses.................       1,400       1,954        890
                                                 --------   --------- ----------
                                                   18,954      15,122     11,946
                                                  -------    --------   --------

Income before income taxes and extraordinary item  10,737       8,574      5,515
Provision for income taxes...................       4,134       3,301      2,066
                                                 --------   ---------  ---------
Income before extraordinary item.............       6,603       5,273      3,449
Extraordinary item (net of applicable tax
   benefit of $138)..........................        (220)         ---         ---
                                                --------- ------------------------
Net income...................................     $ 6,383    $  5,273   $  3,449
                                                  =======    ========   ========

Basic per common share amounts:
   Income before extraordinary item..........       $1.19       $ .97  $ .80
   Extraordinary item........................        (.04)        ---    ---
                                                   ------     --------------
   Net income................................       $1.15       $ .97  $ .80
                                                    =====       =====  =====

Basic weighted average number of shares......   5,572,465   5,441,636  4,315,469

Diluted per common share amounts:
   Income before extraordinary item..........       $1.12       $ .93  $ .76
   Extraordinary item........................       (.04)         ---    ---
                                                  ------      --------------
   Net income................................       $1.08       $ .93  $ .76
                                                    =====       =====  =====

Diluted weighted average number of shares....   5,909,432   5,682,152  4,524,607

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                 (in thousands, except share and per share data)

                                               Gains on
                                    Additional Retained
                             Common   Paid In  Interests in  Retained Treasury
                             Stock    Capital   Loan Sales   Earnings   Stock    Total

December 31, 1994..........    $38   $11,868$     ---         $ 5,299   $(595)  $16,610
   Issuance of 186,819 shares in
     connection with 5%
     stock dividend........      2     2,473      ---          (2,475)    ---       ---
   Issuance of 1,282,551 shares
     (including reissuance of 100
     shares held in treasury)   12    17,532      ---            ---        1     17,545
   Dividends ($.04 per share)  ---       ---      ---             (208)             (208)
   Net income..............    ---       ---      ---             3,449    ---     3,449
                             ------- ---------  -------          ------- -------- -------
December 31, 1995..........     52    31,873      ---             6,065   (594)   37,396
   Issuance of 259,124 shares in
     connection with 5%
     stock dividend........      3     3,301      ---             (3,304)   ---       ---
   Issuance of 10,560 shares
     (including reissuance of
     10 shares held in treasury)---       52       ---               ---     ---       52
   Retirement of 48,990 shares
     held in treasury......     (1)     (593)      ---                       594      ---
   Dividends ($.05 per share)   ---      ---       ---               (273)    ---    (273)
   Net income..............     ---      ---       ---               5,273    ---   5,273
                             --------  --------  --------          ---------  ------  ------
December 31, 1996..........     54    34,633       ---               7,761     ---  42,448
   Issuance of 212,210 shares    2     2,048       ---                 ---     ---   2,050
   Net unrealized gain on retained
     interests in loan sales.   ---      ---      1,071                ---     ---   1,071
   Tax benefit from stock options
     exercised.............     ---      ---       ---                  458    ---     458
   Dividends ($.06 per share)   ---      ---       ---                 (339)          (339)
   Net income..............     ---      ---       ---                6,383    ---   6,383
                             -------  --------  ---------          ---------- -----  -------
December 31, 1997..........    $56   $36,681     $1,071             $14,263    $--- $52,071
                                ===  =======     ======            ==========  ===== =======

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 (in thousands)
                                                                   Year Ended
                                                                  December 31,
                                                          1997       1996      1995
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income......................................     $  6,383   $ 5,273    $ 3,449
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash (used in) provided by
     operating activities:
     Gain on sale of loans.........................       (8,564)   (7,331)    (5,161)
     Amortization and depreciation.................          954       520        511
     Amortization of retained interests in loan sales      4,945     3,444      2,267
     Provision for loan losses.....................        1,400     1,954        890
     Deferred income taxes.........................        1,771     1,340      1,209
     Net changes in operating assets and liabilities:
              Restricted cash......................       (4,573)   (2,578)    (4,957)
       Loans held for sale.........................       (3,644)    3,008     (1,814)
       Retained interests in loan sales............       (2,264)   (4,868)   (10,421)
       Dealer /developer reserves..................           27       984      3,069
       Net change in other assets and liabilities..        1,456    (1,373)     1,139
                                                          ---------  --------  ---------
     Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities  (2,109)      373     (9,819)
                                                         ----------  --------  ---------
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchase of investments held to maturity........          ---       ---     (5,595)
   Redemption of investments held to maturity......           59       118      9,232
   Net originations and principal payments on other loans(54,882)  (47,170)   (18,022)
   Other loans sold ...............................       47,727       ---        ---
   Collections on retained interests in loan sales.        4,620       590        ---
   Capital expenditures and other assets...........       (3,400)     (126)    (1,676)
                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
      Net cash used in investing activities........       (5,876)  (46,588)   (16,061)
                                                          ---------   -------   --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Net (repayments) borrowings on lines of credit..       (36,122)   36,299     (5,823)
   Proceeds from issuance of 9.3% Notes............        20,000       ---     18,400
   Proceeds from issuance of 8.45% Notes...........        51,750       ---        ---
   Retirement of long-term Notes...................       (13,398)     (406)      (895)
   Proceeds from term note.........................            ---       ---     12,500
   Payments of term note...........................        (2,218)   (2,408)    (2,664)
   Net proceeds from issuance of common stock......         2,050        52     17,544
   Dividends paid..................................          (339)     (273)      (208)
                                                          ---------- --------- ----------
     Net cash provided by financing activities.....        21,723    33,264     38,854
                                                           --------   -------   --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents       13,738   (12,951)    12,974
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.....         5,557    18,508      5,534
                                                          ---------   -------  ---------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period...........       $19,295   $ 5,557    $18,508
                                                           =======   =======    =======

Supplemental Schedule of Noncash Financing and Investing Activities:
   Exchange of loans for retained interests in loan sales    $577    $3,540     $8,842
   Transfers from loans to real estate acquired through 
    foreclosure                                           $ 1,425    $1,654    $ 1,991
                                                           =======  ========   =======

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
   Interest paid...................................       $ 9,841   $ 6,674    $ 5,766
                                                          ========   =======   ========
   Income taxes paid...............................       $ 2,656   $ 1,411   $  1,151
                                                          ========   =======   ========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


Litchfield  Financial  Corporation is a specialty finance company which provides
financing to creditworthy  borrowers for assets not typically financed by banks.
The Company  provides such  financing by purchasing  consumer  loans,  by making
loans to businesses secured by consumer  receivables and by making other secured
loans to businesses.

Basis of Presentation

The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of  Litchfield
Financial  Corporation  and  its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries.   All  significant
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation.

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Interest income

Interest  income from loans and retained  interests in loan sales is  recognized
using the interest  method.  Accrual of interest is suspended when collection is
doubtful and, in any event,  when a loan is contractually  delinquent for ninety
days. The accrual is resumed when the loan becomes  contractually  current as to
principal and interest and past-due interest is recognized at that time.

Gain on sale of loans and retained interests in loan sales

As of January 1, 1997,  the Company  adopted the  requirements  of  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 125 "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing
of  Financial  Assets and  Extinguishments  of  Liabilities"  for  transfers  of
receivables.  This standard did not have a material effect on net income for the
year ended December 31, 1997. The Company has reclassified  certain subordinated
pass-through certificates,  excess servicing assets and allowance for loans sold
as retained interests in loan sales to conform with this standard.

Gains on sales of loans are based on the  difference  between the allocated cost
basis of the assets sold and the  proceeds  received,  which  includes  the fair
value of any  assets or  liabilities  that are newly  created as a result of the
transaction.  Newly created  interests which consist  primarily of interest only
strips and  recourse  obligations  are  initially  recorded at fair  value.  The
previous  carrying amount is allocated  between the assets sold and any retained
interests based on their relative fair values at the date of transfer.  Retained
interests  in  transferred  assets  consists  of  subordinate  portions  of  the
principal balance of transferred assets and interest only strips.

The Company  estimates fair value using  discounted  cash flow analysis (using a
discount  rate  commensurate  with the risks  involved),  because  quoted market
prices are not available.  The Company's analysis incorporates  assumptions that
market  participants  would be expected to use in their estimates of future cash
flows including  assumptions about interest,  defaults and prepayment rates. The
Company  considers  retained  interests  in loan  sales,  such  as  subordinated
pass-through  certificates  and  interest  only strips,  as  available  for sale
because such assets are subject to prepayment.

There is generally no servicing asset or liability because the Company estimates
that the  benefits  of  servicing  are just  adequate to  compensate  it for its
servicing responsibilities.

On a quarterly  basis,  the Company  assesses the carrying value of the retained
interest in loans sold by comparing actual versus assumed  prepayment rates on a
disaggregated  basis reflecting  factors such as origination  dates and types of
loans.  The Company will adjust the amortized  cost of the retained  interest in
loan sales for any permanent unfavorable changes.


Loans held for sale are carried at the lower of aggregate  cost or market value.
Market value is determined by outstanding  commitments from investors or current
investor yield requirements.

Provisions for loan losses and impairment of loans

Provisions  for loan  losses  are  charged to income in  amounts  sufficient  to
maintain  the  allowances  at levels  considered  adequate to cover  anticipated
losses on outstanding loans, including loans sold and retained interests in loan
sales.  Management  evaluates  allowance  requirements  on a quarterly  basis by
examining  current  delinquencies,  historical  loan  losses,  the  value of the
underlying  collateral and general  economic  conditions and trends.  Management
also  evaluates the  availability  of  dealer/developer  reserves to absorb loan
losses.  The Company  determines those loans that are  uncollectible  based upon
detailed  review of all loans and any  charge-offs  are charged to the allowance
for loan losses.

Land Loans,  VOI Loans and Other Loans which  consist of large groups of smaller
balance loans are evaluated  collectively  for  impairment and are stated at the
lower of cost or fair value.

Hypothecation  Loans and A&D Loans are  evaluated  individually  for  impairment
based on the factors  described  above.  No such loans were impaired at December
31, 1997 or 1996.

Loan origination fees and related costs

The Company defers the excess of loan origination fees over related direct costs
and  recognizes  such amount as interest  income over the estimated  life of the
related loans using the interest method.

Real estate acquired through foreclosure

Real estate acquired  through  foreclosure is carried at the lower of fair value
less  estimated  costs  to sell or  cost.  On a  quarterly  basis,  the  Company
evaluates  the  carrying  value of the real estate and  establishes  a valuation
allowance  if the fair value of the asset less the  estimated  costs to sell the
asset is less than the carrying value of the asset.  Subsequent increases in the
fair value less the estimated  cost to sell the asset would reduce the valuation
allowance, but not below zero. There was no such valuation allowance at December
31, 1997 or 1996. Other real estate owned of $910,000 and $1,775,000 is included
in other assets at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Dealer/developer reserves

As part of the  Company's  financing  of loans  through  dealer/developers,  the
Company  retains a portion of the proceeds from the purchased loans as a reserve
to offset potential losses on those loans. The Company  negotiates the amount of
reserves with the dealer/developers  based upon various criteria,  including the
credit risk associated with the  dealer/developer and the loans being purchased.
The Company generally returns any excess reserves to the  dealer/developer  on a
quarterly basis as the related loans are repaid by borrowers.

Income taxes

The Company  uses the  liability  method of  accounting  for income taxes in its
financial statements.

Net income per common share

In 1997,  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 128,  "Earnings Per
Share" was issued.  This  statement  establishes  standards  for  computing  and
presenting earnings per share. The statement replaces primary earnings per share
with basic earnings per share. Basic earnings per share excludes dilution and is
computed by dividing  income  available to common  stockholders  by the weighted
average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per
share  reflects the  potential  dilution  that could occur if stock  options and
stock award grants were exercised.  Diluted earnings per share also includes the
assumption that all  convertible  debt has been converted as of the beginning of
each period.  Diluted earnings per share is computed similarly to the previously
reported  fully diluted  earnings per share.  All prior period amounts have been
restated to conform to FASB Statement No. 128.

Cash and cash equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid  instruments  purchased with an original
maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Restricted cash

    Restricted cash represents  accounts  established as credit enhancements for
certain loan sales and escrow deposits held for customers.

Deferred debt issuance costs

Deferred  debt issuance  costs are amortized  over the life of the related debt.
The unamortized balance of $3,336,000 and $1,820,000 is included in other assets
at  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  respectively.  The amount of the  accumulated
amortization  was  $1,868,000  and  $1,051,000  at  December  31, 1997 and 1996,

Stock-based compensation

In October 1995, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued  Statement of
Financial   Accounting   Standards   No.   123   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation."  The Company has elected to follow  Accounting  Principles  Board
Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25) and related
Interpretations  in  accounting  for its  employee  stock  options  because,  as
discussed below,  the alternative fair value accounting  provided for under FASB
Statement No. 123,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation,"  requires use of
option  valuation  models that were not  developed  for use in valuing  employee
stock  options.  Under  APB 25,  because  the  exercise  price of the  Company's
employee stock options  equals the market price of the  underlying  stock on the
date of grant, no compensation expense is recognized.


Certain amounts in the 1995 and 1996 financial statements have been reclassified
to conform with the 1997 presentation.

New accounting standards

In  1997,  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standard  No.  130,  "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income" was issued.  This  statement  establishes  standards  for
reporting  comprehensive  income and its components and requires this disclosure
be added as a new section in a financial statement.  This statement is effective
for fiscal years  beginning  after December 31, 1997. The Company will adopt the
new disclosures required by FASB Statement No. 130 in 1998.

In 1997, Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 131,  "Disclosures about
Segments of an Enterprise and Related  Information"  was issued.  This statement
establishes  standards for reporting  information  about  operating  segments in
annual and interim financial statements.  This statement is effective for annual
periods  beginning  after December 15, 1997, and for interim  periods  beginning
after December 31, 1998. The Company will adopt the new disclosures  required by
Statement  No. 131 for the year ended  December 31,  1998.  The Company does not
expect its current disclosures to change  significantly under FASB Statement No.

2.  Investments and Retained Interests in Loan Sales

The following is a summary of investments and retained interests in loan sales:
(Dollars in thousands)                        Gross Unrealized                                                              Fair
December 31, 1997                  Cost      Gains      Losses             Value
Mortgage-backed securities....      $ 83     $ ---     $ ---                $ 83
Retained interests in loan sales  29,228      1,071      ---              30,299
                                 -------     ------    ------             ------
  Total.......................   $29,311     $1,071    $ ---             $30,382
                                 =======     ======    ======             ======
(Dollars in thousands)                        Gross Unrealized                                                                  Fair
December 31, 1996                  Cost      Gains      Losses              Value
Mortgage-backed securities....     $ 142     $ ---      $ ---              $ 142
Retained interests in loan sales  28,912       185        ---             29,097
                                 -------      -----     -------          --------- 
  Total.......................   $29,054      $185     $  ---            $29,239
                                ========     =====       ======          =========
The amortized cost and estimated  fair value of debt  securities at December 31,
1997, by contractual maturity,  are shown below. Expected maturities will differ
from contractual  maturities  because the issuers of the securities may have the
right  to  prepay  obligations  without  prepayment  penalties.  Mortgage-backed
securities are included in other assets.

(Dollars in thousands)                            Cost          Fair Value
                                                ---------       ----------
Due in one year or less..............          $  2,486         $  2,486
Due after one year through five years            26,825           27,896
                                               ---------        ---------
   Total debt securities.............           $29,311          $30,382
                                                =======           =======

In 1990, the Company began privately placing issues of pass-through certificates
evidencing an undivided  beneficial  ownership  interest in pools of loans which
have been transferred to trusts. The principal and part of the interest payments
on the loans  transferred  to the trust are  collected  by the  Company,  as the
servicer  of the  loan  pool,  remitted  to the  trust  for the  benefit  of the
investors,   and  then  distributed  by  the  trust  to  the  investors  in  the
pass-through certificates.

In  certain  of  the  Company's  issues  of  pass-through  certificates,  credit
enhancement  was achieved by dividing the issue into a senior  portion which was
sold to the  investors  and a  subordinated  portion  which was  retained by the
Company. The Company had investments in pass-through certificates of $15,747,000
and $18,004,000 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. In certain other of
the Company's private  placements,  credit enhancement was achieved through cash
collateral.  The Company had  $21,412,000  and $18,647,000 of restricted cash at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively, representing credit enhancements.

If  borrowers  default in the payment of  principal  or interest on the mortgage
loans  underlying  these issues of  pass-through  certificates,  losses would be
absorbed first by the subordinated  portion or cash collateral  account retained
by the Company and might,  therefore,  have to be charged  against the allowance
for the loan losses to the extent  dealer/developer  guarantees and reserves are
not available.

3.  Loans

Loans at December 31 consisted of the following:
   (Dollars in thousands)
                                                      December 31,
   Loans held for sale                            1997            1996
   Land...................................      $10,333          $11,833
   VOI....................................        3,134            2,194
   Other..................................        4,520              ---
   Discount, net of accretion.............         (233)            (950)
   Allowance for loan losses..............       (1,388)            (817)
                                              ---------       ----------
   Loans, net.............................      $16,366          $12,260
                                                =======          =======

   (Dollars in thousands)
                                                         December 31,
   Other loans                                    1997            1996
- -------
   Land...................................     $  1,911         $  1,861
   VOI....................................          793            1,313
   Hypothecation..........................       36,206           44,153
   A&D....................................       41,385           22,811
   Other .................................        8,631           12,410
   Discount, net of accretion.............         (575)          (1,352)
   Allowance for loan losses..............       (2,044)          (1,200)
                                              ---------        ---------
   Loans, net.............................      $86,307          $79,996
                                                =======          =======

Contractual maturities of loans as of December 31, 1997 are as follows:

                                                              December 31,
   (Dollars in thousands)                                          1997

   1997..............................................         $    2,739
   1998..............................................             13,904
   1999..............................................             29,040
   2000..............................................             12,488
   2001  ............................................              3,531
   Thereafter........................................             40,971

It is the Company's  experience that a substantial  portion of the loans will be
repaid before contractual maturity dates. Consequently,  the above tabulation is
not to be regarded as a forecast of future cash collections.

4.  Allowances for Loan Losses and Recourse Obligations

An analysis of the total allowances for all loan losses and recourse obligations

                                                          December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                              1997             1996
                                                   -------          -----
Allowances for losses on loans held for sale       $1,388         $   817
Allowance for losses on other loans........         2,044           1,200
Recourse obligation on retained interests in loan sales
                                                    2,445           2,511
                                                   $5,877          $4,528

                                                   ======          ======

The total allowance for loan losses consists of the following:

                                                         Year ended December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                           1997        1996        1995
Allowance at beginning of period..........      $4,528      $3,715      $1,264
Net charge-offs of uncollectible accounts (1)   (2,010)     (1,965)       (946)
Provision for loan losses ................       1,400       1,954         890
Allocation of purchase adjustment (2).....       1,959         824       2,507
                                               -------    --------     -------
Allowance at  end of period...............      $5,877      $4,528      $3,715
                                                ======      ======      ======

(1)  Net  of  recoveries  of  $424,   $310  and  $11  in  1997,  1996  and  1995,
(2)Represents  allocation  of  purchase  adjustment  related to the  purchase of
   certain nonguaranteed loans.

Net  charge-offs by major loan and collateral  types  experienced by the Company
are summarized as follows:

                                                      Year ended December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                             1997       1996         1995
                                                 -------     -------      -----
Land......................................     $   986     $   669        $546
VOI.......................................         939       1,284          45
Hypothecation.............................         ---         ---         ---
A&D.......................................          (2)         (8)        352
Other.....................................          87          20           3
                                             ---------   ---------     -------
Total.....................................      $2,010      $1,965        $946
                                                ======      ======        ====

5. Derivative financial instruments held for purposes other than trading

The  Company's  objective  in managing  interest  rate  exposure is to match its
proportion  of fixed  versus  variable  rate assets,  liabilities  and loan sale
facilities.  In June 1997,  the  Company  entered  into two  interest  rate swap
agreements.  The  swap  agreements  involve  the  payment  of  interest  to  the
counterparty  at the prime rate on a  notional  amount of  $110,000,000  and the
receipt of  interest  at the  commercial  paper rate plus a spread and the LIBOR
rate  plus  a  spread  on  notional  amounts  of  $80,000,000  and  $30,000,000,
respectively.  The swap agreements  expire in June 2000. There is no exchange of
the notional amounts upon which the interest payments are based.

The  differential to be paid or received as interest rates change is accrued and
recognized  as an  adjustment  to interest  expense on  outstanding  debt,  (the
accrual accounting method.) The related amount receivable from or payable to the
counterparty is included in other assets or other  liabilities.  The fair values
of the swap  agreements  are not  recognized  in the financial  statements.  The
Company intends to keep the contracts in effect until they mature in June 2000.

In June 1994,  the Company  entered into an interest rate cap  agreement  with a
bank in order to manage its exposure to certain increases in interest rates. The
interest  rate cap  entitles  the  Company to  receive  an  amount,  based on an
amortizing  notional amount,  when commercial paper rates exceed 8%. If payments
were to be received as a result of the cap  agreement , they would be accrued as
a reduction of interest expense.  The amount was $4,471,000 at December 31, 1997
and the agreement expires in July 2003.

The  Company is exposed to credit  loss in the event of  non-performance  by the
swap counterparty or cap provider.

6.  Debt
Financial data relating to the Company's secured lines of credit is as follows:

                                                          December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                                 1997       1996
Lines of credit available (1)..............         $117,669     $51,799

Borrowings outstanding at end of period (1)             $177     $36,299

Weighted average interest rate at end of period          7.7%        7.9%

Maximum borrowings outstanding at any month end       $50,577     $36,299

Average amount outstanding during the period          $33,419     $15,948

Weighted average interest rate during the period (determined
  by dividing interest expense by average borrowings):    8.2%        7.6%

(1)Amount  includes  $169 and $1,799 of  outstanding  borrowings at December 31,
   1997  and  1996,   respectively,   on  the  revolving  line  of  credit  with
   multi-seller commercial paper issuer. (See Note 11.)

As of December 31, 1997 and 1996 the Company had no unsecured lines of credit.

In May 1997,  the  Company  renewed  and  amended  a  secured  line of credit to
increase the line from  $30,000,000  to  $50,000,000  and extend the maturity to
April 2000.  There were no outstanding  borrowings  under this line of credit at
December  31,  1997.  Outstanding  borrowings  under  the  line of  credit  were
$26,200,000  at December  31,  1996.  This line of credit is secured by consumer
receivables and other secured loans.

In December 1997, the Company amended a line of credit to increase the line from
$20,000,000  to  $30,000,000.  There were no outstanding  borrowings  under this
facility at December 31, 1997.  Outstanding  borrowings  on this  facility  were
$8,300,000 at December 31, 1996.  This  facility is secured by certain  retained
interests in loan sales,  cash  collateral  accounts and certain other loans and
matures in September 1999.

In March 1997,  the Company  entered into a $25,000,000  secured line of credit.
There were no  outstanding  borrowings  at December  31,  1997.  The facility is
secured  by  loans  to  developers  of  VOI  resorts  for  the  acquisition  and
development of VOI resorts  ("Facility A") and the related financing of consumer
purchases  of VOIs  ("Facility  B").  Although  the  maximum  amount that can be
borrowed on each facility is $15,000,000,  the aggregate outstanding  borrowings
cannot exceed $25,000,000. This facility expires in March 2000.

In January 1997, the Company  amended a line of credit to increase the line from
$5,000,000 to  $8,000,000,  which is secured by consumer  receivables  and other
secured  loans.  This line of credit  matures  in  January  1999.  There were no
outstanding borrowings on this line of credit at December 31, 1997 and 1996.

Also in March 1997, the Company entered into a $3,000,000 line of credit secured
by consumer receivables and other secured loans which matures in March 1998.
There were no outstanding borrowings at December 31, 1997.

In December 1997, the Company  entered into a $1,500,000  construction  mortgage
secured  by certain  assets of the  Company  which  matures  in  December  2008.
Outstanding  borrowing under this  construction  mortgage was $8,000 at December
31, 1997.

Interest  rates on the above lines of credit range from the  Eurodollar or LIBOR
rate plus 2% to the prime  rate plus  1.25%.  The  Company  is not  required  to
maintain  compensating  balances or forward sales commitments under the terms of
these lines of credit.

The  term  note  is  payable  monthly  based  on  collection  of the  underlying
collateral. The note is redeemable only with the approval of the noteholder. The
note is  collateralized by certain of the Company's  retained  interests in loan
sales  and  cash.  The  balance  outstanding  on the  note  was  $5,210,000  and
$7,428,000 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

In April 1997,  the Company  issued  unsecured  notes with an initial  principal
balance of $20,000,000. Interest is payable at 9.3% semiannually in arrears. The
notes require  principal  reductions of $7,500,000,  $6,000,000,  $6,000,000 and
$500,000 in March 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively.

In November  1997,  the Company  completed a public  offering of  $51,750,000 of
8.45% Notes due 2002 ("1997  Notes"),  which is an unsecured  obligation  of the
Company.  The proceeds were used to repay the outstanding  balance on certain of
the  Company's  lines of  credit  and to retire  the 10%  Notes due 2002  ("1992
Notes").  The 1992 Notes were  retired at par and  resulted in an  extraordinary
loss of $220,000,  net of  applicable  tax benefit of  $138,000.  The 1997 Notes
allow for a maximum  annual  redemption  at the election of the  noteholders  of
$2,588,000  and  contain  certain  restrictions  regarding  the  payment of cash
dividends and require the maintenance of certain financial ratios.

Previously,  the Company  completed  public offerings of $17,570,000 in May 1993
("1993 Notes") and $18,400,000 in March 1995 ("1995 Notes").  The 1993 Notes and
the 1995 Notes bear interest at 8 7/8% and 10%,  respectively,  and are due 2003
and  2004,  respectively.  The 1993  Notes  and the  1995  Notes  are  unsecured
obligations  of the Company and each such issuance  allows for a maximum  annual
redemption by noteholders of 5% of the original  principal  amount  thereof.  In
June 1997, the noteholders  redeemed,  and the Company paid $613,000 of the 1993

7.   Retirement Plans

Effective  January 1, 1996, the Company  implemented  the  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation  Employee 401(k) Plan ("the Plan"), a defined  contribution plan for
all eligible  employees  at least 21 years of age and who have been  employed by
the Company for at least six months.  Participating employees may elect to defer
up to fifteen percent of their annual gross earnings.  The Company will match an
amount equal to one hundred percent of the employee's pretax contributions up to
five percent of the employee's eligible compensation  contributed into the Plan.
Contributions  made by the Company in 1997 and 1996 were  $125,000 and $101,000,

8.  Income Taxes

Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the net tax effects of  temporary  differences
between the carrying  amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. Significant components of
the Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities are as follows:

                                                             December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                                    1997        1996
                                                        --------     -----
Deferred Tax Assets:
  Loan loss allowance...........................         $  44      $  300
  Other.........................................           697         817
                                                          -----       -----
  Total deferred tax assets.....................           741       1,117
   Valuation allowance..........................           ---         ---
                                                        ----------   ---------
   Net deferred tax assets......................            741       1,117
                                                         --------      ------
Deferred Tax Liabilities:
  Depreciation..................................             50          43
  Mortgage loan income
   recognition..................................           6,131       4,729
  Accretion income..............................           1,360       1,425
  Other.........................................              51         ---
                                                            -----       ----
   Total deferred tax liabilities...............           7,592       6,197
                                                          -------     -------
     Net deferred tax liabilities...............          $6,851      $5,080
                                                          ======      ======

Significant  components  of the  provision  for  income  taxes  attributable  to
continuing operations are as follow:

                                                          Year ended
                                                          December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                              1997       1996        1995
                                                  --------   ---------   ------
  Federal.................................          $2,313    $  1,911     $   819
  State...................................              50          50          38
                                                   ---------   ---------   ---------
   Total Current..........................           2,363       1,961         857
                                                     -------     -------    --------
  Federal.................................           1,630       1,288       1,191
  State...................................             141          52          18
                                                    --------   ---------   ---------
   Total Deferred.........................           1,771       1,340       1,209
                                                    -------     -------     -------
                                                    $4,134      $3,301      $2,066
                                                     ======      ======      ======

The reconciliation of income tax attributable to continuing operations computed
at the U.S. federal statutory tax rates to income tax expense is:

                                                             Year ended
                                                            December 31,
                                                     1997        1996       1995
                                                   --------    --------    -----

Tax at U.S. statutory rates...............         35.0%      35.0%       34.0%
State income taxes, net of
  federal tax benefit.....................          3.4        3.4         3.4
Other - net...............................          0.1        0.1         0.1
                                                  -----      ------      -----
                                                   38.5%      38.5%       37.5%
                                                   ====       ====        ====

9.  Earnings per Share

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per

                                                   Year ended December 31,
                                            1997           1996         1995
  Net Income..............................  $6,383,000  $5,273,000  $3,449,000
                                            ==========  ==========  ==========
  Denominator for basic earnings per share
    weighted-average shares...............   5,572,465   5,441,636   4,315,469
  Effect of dilutive securities:
   Employee stock options.................     336,967     240,516     209,138
                                            ----------  ----------  ----------
  Denominator for diluted earnings per share-
    adjusted weighted-average shares and
    assumed conversions...................   5,909,432   5,682,152   4,524,607
                                             =========   =========   =========

  Basic earnings per share................        $1.15   $ .97       $ .80
                                                  =====   =====       =====
  Diluted earnings per share..............        $1.08   $ .93       $ .76
                                                  =====   =====       =====

10.   Stockholders'  Equity  and  Stock   Option Plans

Stockholders' Equity

The Company declared 5% stock dividends in 1996 and 1995. Accordingly,  weighted
average share and per share amounts have been restated for periods presented.

Stock Option Plans

The  Company  has  reserved  1,122,319  shares of common  stock for  issuance to
officers,  directors and employees on exercise of options  granted under a stock
option plan  established in 1990.  Options were granted at prices equal to or in
excess of the fair  market  value of the stock on the date of the  grant.  There
were  573,346  and 615,000  shares  exercisable  at December  31, 1997 and 1996,

Information with respect to options granted is as follows:

                                                    Number          Exercise
                                                      of              price
                                                     Shares         per share
Outstanding at December 31, 1994...........         677,469
  Granted..................................          81,588         $9.98-$11.56
  Canceled or exercised....................         (43,385)        $1.44-$11.67
                                                   --------         ------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1995...........         715,672
  Granted..................................         204,311       $11.55 - $14.05
  Canceled or exercised....................         (13,175)        $1.15-$11.55
                                                   --------        --------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1996...........         906,808
  Granted..................................          46,250       $14.38 - $21.00
  Canceled or exercised....................        (209,950)        $4.61-$13.33
                                                    -------        --------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1997...........         743,108

In April 1995, the Company  established  the Stock Option Plan for  Non-Employee
Directors  which  provides for the grant of options to purchase  5,513 shares of
common stock to each non-employee  director serving on the Board at the time the
plan was approved and to each new non-employee director elected in the five year
period commencing April 1995. The maximum number of shares for which options may
be granted  under the plan is 66,150  shares.  Options  for 22,052  shares  were
granted  at an  exercise  price of $12.02  per share in 1995  which was the fair
market  value on the  date of  grant.  There  were  18,377  and  22,052  options
outstanding at December 31, 1997 and 1996,  respectively.  There were 11,025 and
7,352 options that were exercisable at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Pro forma information regarding net income and earnings per share is required by
Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-based
Compensation,"  which also requires that the information be determined as if the
Company had  accounted  for its employee  stock  options  granted  subsequent to
December 31, 1994 under the fair value method of that Statement.  The fair value
for these  options was  estimated  at the date of grant using the  Black-Scholes
option pricing model with the following  weighted-average  assumptions for 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively: risk-free interest rates of 5.78%, 6.23% and 6.31%;
a dividend  yield of .32%,  .35% and .35%,  volatility  factors of the  expected
market  price  of the  Company's  common  stock  of  .23,  .24  and  .24;  and a
weighted-average expected life of the option of 7.5 years.

The Black-Scholes option valuation model was developed for use in estimating the
fair value of traded  options which have no vesting  restrictions  and are fully
transferable.  In addition,  option valuation models require the input of highly
subjective  assumptions  including the expected stock price volatility.  Because
the  Company's  employee  stock  options  have   characteristics   significantly
different from those of traded  options,  and because  changes in the subjective
input assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimate, in management's
opinion,  the  existing  models do not  necessarily  provide a  reliable  single
measure of the fair value of its employee stock options.

For purposes of pro forma  disclosures,  the estimated fair value of the options
is amortized to expense over the options'  vesting  period.  The  Company's  pro
forma information that follows is presented in thousands, except per share data.

                                                         Year ended
                                                         December 31,
                                                  1997        1996        1995
                                                --------    --------    ------
Pro forma net income before extraordinary item  $6,280       $4,983     $3,363
Extraordinary item.......................         (220)         ---        ---
                                                --------    ----------  -------
Pro forma net income.....................       $6,060       $4,983      $3,363
                                                ======       ======      ======

Pro forma basic earnings per share
  Income before extraordinary item.......     $   1.13        $ .92       $ .78
  Extraordinary item.....................         (.04)         ---         ---
                                                ----------    ----------  ----------
  Net income.............................     $   1.09       $  .92      $  .78
                                                ========     ========    ========

Pro forma diluted earnings
   per share
  Income before extraordinary item.......     $   1.06         $ .88     $  .74
  Extraordinary item.....................        ( .04)          ---         ---
                                               ---------     ---------  ----------
  Net income.............................     $   1.02         $ .88     $  .74
                                               ========       =======    ========

11.  Sale of Loans

The  Company  has sold  $348,198,000  and  $249,451,000  of loans at face  value
through December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The principal amount remaining
on the loans sold was  $179,790,000  and  $129,619,000  at December 31, 1997 and
1996,  respectively.  The Company guarantees,  through replacement or repayment,
loans in default up to a specific  percentage  of loans  sold.  Dealer/Developer
guaranteed loans are secured by repurchase or replacement guarantees in addition
to, in most instances, dealer/developer reserves.

The Company's  exposure to loss on loans sold in the event of  nonperformance by
the consumer, the dealer/developer on its guarantee,  and the determination that
the collateral is of no value was  $9,238,000,  $8,780,000,  and  $10,259,000 at
December  31,  1997,  1996 and 1995,  respectively.  Such  amounts have not been
discounted.  The Company  repurchased  $740,000,  $991,000 and $448,000 of loans
under  the  recourse   provisions  of  loan  sales  in  1997,  1996,  and  1995,
respectively.  In addition,  when the Company sells loans through securitization
programs,  the Company commits either to replace or repurchase any loans that do
not conform to the requirements thereof in the operative loan sale document.

The Company's Serviced  Portfolio is geographically  diversified with collateral
and consumers located in 44 and 50 states,  respectively.  At December 31, 1997,
19.1% and 10.4% of the portfolio by collateral location was located in Texas and
Florida, respectively, and 19.1% and 12.9% of the portfolio by borrower location
were located in Texas and Florida,  respectively.  No other state  accounted for
more than 10.0% of the total.

The Company has a revolving line of credit and sale facility as part of an asset
backed  commercial  paper facility with a multi-seller  commercial  paper issuer
("Conduit A"). In November  1997,  the Company  amended the facility to increase
the  facility to  $125,000,000,  subject to certain  terms and  conditions.  The
facility expires in June 1998.

 In connection with the facility,  the Company formed a wholly owned subsidiary,
Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994 ("LMSC"), to purchase loans from
the Company.  LMSC either  pledges the loans on a revolving  line of credit with
Conduit A or sells the loans to Conduit A. Conduit A issues  commercial paper or
other  indebtedness to fund the purchase or pledge of loans from LMSC. Conduit A
is not affiliated with the Company or its  affiliates.  As of December 31, 1997,
the outstanding  balance of the sold or pledged loans securing this facility was
$108,625,000.  Outstanding  borrowings  under the line of credit at December 31,
1997 and 1996 were $169,000 and $1,799,000, respectively. Interest is payable on
the line of credit at an interest rate based on certain commercial paper rates.

On March 21, 1997, the Company closed an additional revolving line of credit and
sale facility of  $25,000,000  with another  multi-seller  of  commercial  paper
conduit ("Conduit B"). The facility,  which expires in March 2000, is subject to
certain  terms  and  conditions,   credit  enhancement   requirements  and  loan
eligibility criteria. The outstanding aggregate balance of the loans pledged and
sold under the facility at any time cannot exceed $25,000,000.

In connection with the facility,  the Company formed a wholly owned  subsidiary,
Litchfield Capital Corporation 1996 ("LCC"), to purchase loans from the Company.
LCC either  pledges  the loans on a revolving  line of credit with  Conduit B or
sells  the  loans to  Conduit  B.  Conduit  B issues  commercial  paper or other
indebtedness to fund the purchase or pledge of loans from LCC.  Conduit B is not
affiliated  with the Company or its  affiliates.  As of December 31,  1997,  the
outstanding  aggregate  balance  of  the  sold  loans  under  the  facility  was
$12,517,000. There were no outstanding borrowings under the line of credit as of
December 31, 1997. Interest is payable on the line of credit at an interest rate
based on certain commercial paper rates.

                              REPORT OF MANAGEMENT

12.  Quarterly Results of Operations (Unaudited)
                                     First   Second    Third   Fourth     Total
                                  (in thousands, except share and per share data)
Total revenues..................   $2,750   $4,574    $5,464   $4,673    $17,461
Total expenses..................    2,157    3,013     3,137    3,639     11,946
Net income......................      370      975     1,454      650      3,449

Earnings per common share:
   Basic........................      .09       .24      .35       .13        .80
   Diluted......................      .09       .23      .33       .13        .76

Weighted average number of shares:
   Basic........................ 4,085,033   4,100,300   4,120,674   4,948,327  4,315,469
   Diluted...................... 4,231,959   4,264,612   4,387,045   5,198,573  4,524,607

Total revenues..................   $4,650   $6,101    $6,977   $5,968    $23,696
Total expenses..................   3,355     3,560     3,808    4,399     15,122
Net income......................     798     1,564     1,946      965      5,273

Earnings per common share:
   Basic........................      .15       .29       .36        .18      .97
   Diluted......................      .14       .27       .34        .17      .93

Weighted average number of shares:
   Basic........................ 5,436,149   5,442,768   5,443,319   5,444,399  5,441,636
   Diluted...................... 5,629,983   5,708,164   5,697,100   5,706,061  5,682,152

Total revenues..................   $6,407   $7,691    $8,263   $7,330    $29,691
Total expenses..................    4,545    4,634     4,749    5,026     18,954
Income before extraordinary item    1,145     1,880     2,161    1,417      6,603
Extraordinary item..............     ---       ---      ---      (220)      (220)
Net income......................    1,145    1,880     2,161    1,197      6,383

Earnings per common share:
   Basic income before extraordinary item.21    .34      .38      .25        1.19
   Diluted income before extraordinary item.20  .32      .36      .24        1.12
   Extraordinary item...........     ---       ---       ---     (.04)       (.04)
   Basic net income.............      .21       .34      .38       .21       1.15
   Diluted net income...........      .20       .32      .36       .20       1.08

Weighted average number of shares:
   Basic........................ 5,446,679   5,560,167   5,629,644   5,652,424  5,572,465
   Diluted...................... 5,792,078   5,857,176   5,980,698   6,014,831  5,909,432

   A significant portion of the Company's revenues consists of gains on sales of
loans.  Thus, the timing of loan sales has a significant effect on the Company's
results  of  operations.   An  accrual  of  approximately  $510,000  for  salary
compensation as the result of the realization of performance criteria by certain
executive and  management  personnel was recorded in the fourth quarter of 1995.
In 1996 and 1997,  such  amounts  were  accrued  throughout  the year  including
$128,000 and $123,000, respectively, in the fourth quarter.

                              REPORT OF MANAGEMENT

To the Stockholders and Noteholders of

ated  financial  statements  have been  prepared in  conformity  with  generally
accepted accounting principles.  They include amounts based on informed judgment
and  estimates.   The  representations  in  the  financial  statements  are  the
responsibility  of  management.  Financial  information  elsewhere in the Annual
Report is consistent with that in the financial statements.

   To meet  management's  responsibility,  the  Company  maintains  a system  of
internal  control  designed  to  provide  reasonable  assurance  that  errors or
irregularities that could be material to the financial  statements are prevented
or would be detected  within a timely  period.  The system of  internal  control
includes statements of policies and business  practices,  widely communicated to
employees, which are designed to require them to maintain high ethical standards
in their  conduct of Company  affairs.  The internal  controls are  augmented by
organizational arrangements that provide for appropriate delegation of authority
and  division  of  responsibility  and  by a  program  of  internal  audit  with
management follow-up.

   The financial  statements have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP. Their audit
was conducted in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards and
included a review of internal controls and selective tests of transactions.

   The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors,  composed  entirely of outside
directors,  meets  periodically with the independent  auditors and management to
review  accounting,   auditing,   internal  accounting  controls  and  financial
reporting matters.  The independent  auditors have free access to this committee
without management present.

Chief Financial OfficerChief Accounting Officer and Controller

                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

The Board of Directors and Stockholders

We have  audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of  Litchfield
Financial  Corporation  as of  December  31,  1997  and  1996,  and the  related
consolidated  statements of income,  changes in stockholders'  equity,  and cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended  December 31, 1997.  These
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the  consolidated  financial  position  of  Litchfield
Financial  Corporation  at  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  and the  consolidated
results of its  operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the
period ended December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
January 31, 1998

      Corporate Officers                         Board of Directors

Richard A. Stratton                        John A. Costa
Chief Executive Officer and President      Managing Director of Planning and
                                           Business Development for Cardholder
Heather A. Sica                            Management Services
Executive Vice President and Treasurer
                                           Donald R. Dion, Jr., Esq.
Ronald E. Rabidou                          Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer                    of Dion Money Management Advisors,
Wayne M. Greenholtz
Senior Vice President                      Daivd J. Ferrari
                                           President, Argus Management
John J. Malloy                             Corporation
Senior Vice President
                                           Gerald Segel
James H. Shippee                           Retired Chairman, Tucker Anthony &
Senior Vice President                      R.L. Day, Inc.

Michael A. Spadacino                       Heather A. Sica
Senior Vice President                      Executive Vice President and

Joseph S. Weingarten                       Richard A. Stratton
Senior Vice President                      Chief Executive Officer and President

James A. Yearwood                          James Westra, Esq.
First Vice President                       Stockholder of Hutchins, Wheeler &
                                           Dittmar, A Professional Corporation
David M. Pascale
Chief  Accounting Officer
and Controller                                   Nasdaq Symbol

      General                              Counsel  The  common  stock is traded
                                           under the symbol "LTCH".
Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar,
A Professional Corporation                    Copies of the Company's Form
Boston, MA                                 10-K Report, filed with the
Securities and
                                           Exchange Commission, may be obtained
      Transfer Agent                       from the office of the Treasurer,
                                         Financial Corporation, 430 Main Street,
State Street Bank and Trust Company        Williamstown, MA  01267.
c/o Boston EquiServe
Boston, MA                                    As of January 31, 1998, there were
                                           1,070 stockholders of record.

      Independent Auditors

Ernst & Young LLP
Boston, MA

     Corporate Headquarters                  Western Regional Office

Litchfield Financial Corporation           Litchfield Financial Corporation

  430 Main Street                            13701 West Jewell Avenue
  Williamstown, MA  01267                    Suite 200
                                             Lakewood, CO  80228
  Tel:  (413) 458-1000                                Tel:  (303) 985-1030
  Fax: (413) 458-1020                                 Fax:  (303) 985-5375
  E-mail:  lfc@ltchfld.com

                                                                  Exhibit 21.1

   List of Subsidiaries

       Name and Doing Business As                             Incorporation        D/B/A
       Litchfield Financial Corporation                       Massachusetts        None
       Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation             Massachusetts        None
       Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1992-2      Massachusetts        None
       Taconic Financial Services Corporation                 Vermont              None
       Litchfield Mortgage Securities Corporation 1994        Delaware             None
       Litchfield Residual Securities Corporation             Delaware             None
       Stamford Asset Recovery Corporation                    Delaware             None
       Stamford Business Credit Corporation                   Delaware             None
       Litchfield Timeshare Securities Corporation 1995       Delaware             None
       LTSC Real Estate Asset Corporation                     Delaware             None
       Litchfield Capital Corporation 1996                    Delaware             None
       Green Mountain Funding  Corporation                    Delaware             None
       Litchfield Hypothecation Corporation                   Delaware             None
       Litchfield Hypothecation Corporation 1997-B            Delaware             None

                                                                  Exhibit 23.1

   Consent of Independent Auditors

   We consent to the  incorporation  by  reference  in this Annual  Report (Form
   10-K) of  Litchfield  Financial  Corporation  of our report dated January 31,
   1998,  included  in the 1997  Annual  Report to  Stockholders  of  Litchfield
   Financial Corporation.

   We also consent to the incorporation by reference in Registration  Statements
   (Forms  S-8 Nos.  333-11529  and  333-11531)  filed with the  Securities  and
   Exchange Commission  pertaining to various Litchfield  Financial Stock Option
   Plans of our report dated  January 31, 1998 with respect to the  consolidated
   financial  statements of Litchfield  Financial  Corporation  incorporated  by
   reference in the Annual  Report  (Form 10-K) for the year ended  December 31,

                                                         /s/   Ernst  &  Young

                                                         ERNST & YOUNG LLP

   Boston, Massacusetts
   March 27, 1998