As  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange Commission on May 28, 1999.

                            Registration No. ________

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM N-14


                             Liberty Funds Trust VI
                          (formerly, Colonial Trust VI)
               (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                     One Financial Center, Boston, MA 02111
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (617) 426-3750
                        (Area Code and telephone Number)

                              Nancy L. Conlin, Esq.
                      Colonial Management Associates, Inc.
                              One Financial Center
                                Boston, MA 02111
                     (Name and Address of Agent for Service)

 Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: As soon as practicable after
                this Registration Statement becomes effective.

           It is proposed  that this filing will become  effective  on
                      June 28, 1999 pursuant to Rule 488.


                    Title of Securities Being Registered:
                 Shares of Beneficial Interest, no par value

                             Liberty Funds Trust VI
                           (Newport Asia Pacific Fund)

                              Cross-Reference Sheet
                           as required by Rule 481(a)

Part A
Form N-14 Item                 Caption in Prospectus/Proxy Statement

    1                          Cross-Reference Sheet; Front Cover

    2                          Front Cover; Back Cover

    3                          Cover Letter, Summary of the Combination; Reasons
                               for the Combination; Tax Consequences of the
                               Combination; Comparison of Investment Objectives,
                               Policies and Restrictions; Principal Risk Factors

    4                          Cover Letter, Summary of the Combination; Reasons
                               for the Combination; Tax Consequences of the
                               Combination; Comparison of Investment Objectives,
                               Policies and Restrictions; Principal Risk
                               Factors; Exhibit A

    5, 6                       Summary of the Combination; Reasons for the
                               Combination; Comparison of Investment Objectives,
                               Policies and Restrictions; Principal Risk
                               Factors; Summary of Expenses; Capitalization;
                               Exhibit B

    7                          General Information; Determination and
                               Recommendation of the Trustees; Required Vote

    8                          General Information

    9                          Not Applicable

Part B
Form N-14 Item                 Caption in Statement of Additional Information

    10, 11                     Cover Page

    12, 13                     Not Applicable

    14                         Financial Statements

Part C
Form N-14 Item

    15                         Indemnification

    16                         Exhibits

    17                         Undertakings

                             LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST II
                              ONE FINANCIAL CENTER
                           BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111
                                1 (800) 426-3750

                          OF THE NEWPORT TIGER CUB FUND
                                September 9, 1999

Dear Shareholder:

         Newport Tiger Cub Fund (the "Fund"), a separate series of Liberty Funds
Trust II ("Trust II"),  will hold a Special Meeting of Shareholders on September
9,  1999  at  the  offices  of  Colonial   Management   Associates,   Inc.,  the
administrator of the Fund, One Financial Center,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02111.
The  meeting  is being  called  for the  purpose  of  voting  on a  proposal  to
reorganize  the Fund into the  Newport  Asia  Pacific  Fund (the  "Asia  Pacific
Fund"), a diversified  portfolio of Liberty Funds Trust VI, which is referred to
as the "Reorganization."

         If the  Reorganization  is approved by shareholders of the Fund, all of
the assets of the Fund will be exchanged  for shares of the Asia Pacific Fund as
described in the  accompanying  Notice and Combined Proxy  Statement/Prospectus.
Your Fund shares would be exchanged  for an equal dollar  amount of Asia Pacific
Fund shares with no tax impact to you. The investment objectives and policies of
the Asia Pacific Fund are similar to the objectives and policies of the Fund. We
have approved the  Reorganization  and recommend that  shareholders  vote in its

         In light of the  similarity in investment  objective and policies,  and
the greater  diversity  in  portfolio  the Asia  Pacific  Fund can  provide,  we
determined  that the  Reorganization  is in the  best  interests  of the  Fund's
shareholders.  We encourage you to review the enclosed  materials for all of the
details. You should know that, if approved, the proposed Reorganization will not
affect the value of your account or result in your paying any  additional  sales

         The  Fund's  Board  of  Trustees  urges  you to vote  FOR the  proposed
Reorganization.  Please  complete  the  enclosed  proxy and return it as soon as
possible in the envelope  provided.  To ensure that your votes are counted,  you
must vote,  sign and return the enclosed  proxy card. By promptly  returning the
proxy,  you help avoid the  necessity  and  expenses of  follow-up  mailings and
telephone  solicitations  to assure a quorum.  If you later decide to attend the
meeting,  you may revoke your proxy and vote your shares in person.  If you have
any questions, please call us at (800) 338-2550.


The Board of Trustees of


                             LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST II
                              ONE FINANCIAL CENTER
                           BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111
                                1 (800) 426-3750
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                September 9, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Special  Meeting") of Newport Tiger Cub Fund (the "Fund"), a separate series of
Liberty  Funds  Trust  II,  will  be  held  at  One  Financial  Center,  Boston,
Massachusetts,  02111 on  Thursday,  September  9, 1999,  at 2:00 p.m.,  for the
following purposes:

         1. To approve or disapprove an Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization by
and between  Liberty  Funds Trust II, on behalf of the Fund,  and Liberty  Funds
Trust VI, on behalf of the  Newport  Asia  Pacific  Fund (the  "Plan"),  and the
transactions contemplated thereby.

         2. To transact any other  business  that may  properly  come before the
Meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the Special Meeting.

The  Trustees  have fixed the close of  business  on June 28, 1999 as the record
date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at
the Meeting or any  adjournment or postponement  thereof.  The enclosed proxy is
being solicited on behalf of the Trustees.

                                        By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        Nancy L. Conlin

Boston, Massachusetts
July 16, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT -- We urge you to sign and date the enclosed  proxy card and return it
in the enclosed  addressed  envelope which requires no postage and is intended
for your  convenience.  You may also submit your vote on the  proposal by
telephone,  facsimile,  or over the Internet  (  To vote  via
telephone,  please  call  (800) [ ].  Your  proxy  may be sent by  facsimile  by
dialing (800) [ ] between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  Eastern Time. If
you can attend the Special  Meeting and wish to vote your shares in person at
that time, you will be able to do so.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST II
                            LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST VI
                             ONE FINANCIAL CENTER
                          BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111
                               (800) 426-3750

                               Dated July 16, 1999


         This Combined  Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus  (the  "Statement")  is
furnished in connection with the  solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board
of Trustees of Liberty  Funds Trust II ("Trust  II"), a  Massachusetts  business
trust,  in connection  with the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Newport Tiger
Cub Fund (the  "Fund")  to be held at the  offices  of Trust II,  One  Financial
Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111 on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 2:00 p.m.,
and at any adjournments and postponements  thereof  (collectively,  the "Special
Meeting"). At the Special Meeting, the shareholders of the Fund will be asked to

         1. An Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  by and between Trust II on
behalf of the Fund and Liberty  Funds Trust VI ("Trust VI") on behalf of Newport
Asia Pacific Fund (the "Asia Pacific Fund"),  and the transactions  contemplated

         The Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  is referred to herein as the
"Plan" and the transactions  contemplated  thereby are referred to herein as the

         Trust II and Trust VI are open-end management investment companies. The
Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund are each managed by Newport Fund Management, Inc.
The Board of Trustees of Trust II,  including the  non-interested  Trustees (the
"disinterested  Trustees"),  has  unanimously  determined  that the Plan and the
Reorganization  are in the best interests of the Fund and its  shareholders.  In
reaching that determination,  the Board of Trustees considered the compatibility
of the two funds' investment  objectives,  policies and portfolios,  the greater
diversity of the Asia Pacific Fund, the better investment  performance record of
the Asia Pacific Fund, the relative future growth  prospects of the Fund and the
Asia Pacific Fund, the proposed terms of the Reorganization, the tax-free status
of the  Reorganization  and the  ability of  shareholders  of the Fund to retain
their exchange privileges for shares of other Liberty mutual funds.

         The Plan  provides  that on  September  10,  1999 (the  "Reorganization
Date"),  all of the  portfolio  securities  and other assets of the Fund will be
transferred  to the Asia Pacific Fund, and the Asia Pacific Fund will assume all
of the  liabilities of the Fund. The Asia Pacific Fund will issue Class A shares
of beneficial interest in the Asia Pacific Fund in an amount equal to the Fund's
Class  A  shares.  These  shares  will  be  distributed  to the  Fund's  Class A

shareholders in proportion to their holdings on the Reorganization  Date. In the
same  manner,  the Asia  Pacific  Fund will issue Class B, C and Z shares to the
Fund that will be  distributed  to the Fund's Class B, C and Z  shareholders  in
proportion to their respective holdings on the Reorganization  Date. As a result
of these transactions, shares of Class A, B, C and Z of the Fund will convert to
the  respective  Class  A,  B, C and Z  shares  of the  Asia  Pacific  Fund on a
dollar-for dollar-basis.  You will not pay a sales charge, nor will the exchange
be a taxable event.

         Effective  as of the close of  business  on August 6, 1999,  the Fund's
shares will no longer be available to new accounts or subsequent  investments by
existing shareholders.

         This Statement sets forth concisely the information  that  shareholders
of the Fund  should  know  before  voting  on the Plan  (and the  Reorganization
contemplated  thereby) and should be retained for future reference.  The Plan is
attached to this Statement as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference.

         A  Prospectus  for the Asia  Pacific  Fund dated  August 25,  1998,
Revised May 14, 1999,  as supplemented  from time to time,  which  describes
the  investment  objectives, programs,  policies and risks of investing in the
Asia Pacific Fund, accompanies this  Statement.  A  Prospectus  for the Fund,
dated  November  30,  1998,  was previously  provided to the  shareholders  of
the Fund.  Additional  information concerning  the Asia  Pacific Fund is set
forth in its  Statement of  Additional Information dated August 25, 1998,
Revised June 1, 1999. Additional information concerning the Fund is
set forth in its Statement of Additional  Information  dated  November 30, 1998.
Moreover,   further  information  concerning  the  matters  considered  in  this
Statement  is set  forth in the  Statement  of  Additional  Information  to this
Statement,  dated July 16,  1999.  Each of these  documents  is on file with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC"), and is available without charge
upon oral or written  request by writing or calling  Trust II at the address and
telephone  number  shown  above.  The  information  contained  in  each  of  the
Prospectuses  and  Statements  of  Additional  Information  referred to above is
incorporated into this Statement by reference.

         The SEC  maintains a website at  http:\\  that  contains the
Prospectuses,   Statements  of  Additional  Information  and  other  information
regarding Trust II, Trust VI and other registrants that file electronically with
the SEC.

         This Statement  constitutes (i) the proxy statement of the Fund for the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  and (ii) the  Prospectus for the Asia Pacific
Fund  shares,  which have been  registered  with the SEC and are to be issued in
connection with the Reorganization.

         The Notice, this Statement,  and the accompanying proxy are expected to
first be sent to shareholders of the Fund on or about July 16, 1999.





         The following is a summary of certain background  information  relating
to the  proposed  Reorganization,  the  parties  thereto  and  the  transactions
contemplated  thereby,  and is  qualified  by  reference  to the  more  complete
information   contained  elsewhere  in  this  Statement  and  the  Statement  of
Additional  Information  with respect to this Statement,  the  Prospectuses  and
Statements of Additional  Information of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund, and
the Plan,  attached  to this  Statement  as  Exhibit  A, all of which  have been
incorporated by reference into this Statement.

Proposed Reorganization and Plan

         Based on their  evaluation  of the  relevant  information  presented to
them,  and in light of their  fiduciary  duties under federal and state law, the
Board of  Trustees  of Trust II,  including  the  non-interested  Trustees,  has
unanimously  concluded that the proposed  Reorganization  is consistent with the
best interests of the  shareholders  of the Fund. The Board of Trustees of Trust
II  recommends  the  approval  of  the  Plan  and  related  transactions  by the
shareholders of the Fund at the Special Meeting.

         The Plan provides that at the Reorganization  Date all of the portfolio
securities  and other assets of the Fund will be transferred to the Asia Pacific
Fund, and the Asia Pacific Fund will assume all the liabilities of the Fund. The
Asia Pacific Fund will issue to the Fund full and  fractional  Class A shares of
beneficial  interest  in the Asia  Pacific  Fund  having a total net asset value
equal to the total net  asset  value of Class A shares of the Fund.  In the same
manner,  the Asia  Pacific  Fund will issue Class B, C and Z shares to the Fund,
each class  having a total net asset  value  equal to the  respective  total net
asset  value  of  Class  B, C and Z  shares  of the  Fund.  As a  result  of the
Reorganization,  each  shareholder  of the Fund will become a shareholder of the
Asia Pacific Fund and will hold, immediately after the Closing Date, Class A, B,
C and Z shares of the Asia  Pacific Fund having a total net asset value equal to
the total net asset  value of the  respective  Class A, B, C and Z shares of the
Fund held by the shareholder  immediately  before the  Reorganization  Date. The
Reorganization is structured to be a tax-free reorganization, and therefore will
not be a taxable event for  shareholders  of the Fund. For further  information,
see the discussion below of the Reorganization,  which includes a description of
the Plan.

Reasons for the Reorganization

         The purpose of the  Reorganization is to allow shareholders of the Fund
to become  shareholders  of the Asia Pacific Fund.  The Board of Trustees of the
Fund  believes  that  the  Reorganization   offers  the  following  benefits  to
shareholders of the Fund:

o             Although the Asia Pacific Fund has been in operation for less than
              one year, it has  outperformed the Fund. The table below shows the
              investment  performance  record  of Class A shares  (at net  asset
              value) of the Asia Pacific Fund and the Fund.

                                                                      Total Cumulative Investment Return for
                                                                           Periods Ended March 31, 1999
                                                            One-Year          Since Inception       Since August 20, 1998
Asia Pacific Fund (8/20/98 Inception Date)                     N/A                 49.60%
Tiger Cub Fund (6/3/96 Inception Date)                       -20.78%              -43.75%

o             The  Asia  Pacific  Fund  offers   shareholders  of  the  Fund  an
              investment    objective   and   investment   policies   that   are
              substantially  similar  investment  to  those  of the  Fund and is
              managed by the same investment  advisor,  Newport Fund Management,
              Inc.  (the  "Advisor").  As a  diversified  Asian  fund,  the Asia
              Pacific  Fund  offers  access  to more  markets,  including,  most
              notably Japan, than the Fund.

o             The Asia  Pacific  Fund is more  diversified  than  the Fund  with
              respect  to the  size  of the  companies  it may  hold.  The  Fund
              concentrates its investments in small  capitalization  stocks. The
              Asia   Pacific   Fund   invests  in  stocks  of   companies   with
              capitalizations  ranging  from  small  to  large.  Market  capital
              diversification as well as broader geographical diversification is
              expected to provide  shareholders with a less volatile  investment
              than the Fund.

o             Shareholders of the Fund will invest in the Asia Pacific Fund on a
              dollar-for-dollar  basis,  without  paying  a sales  charge,  in a
              transaction that will not be a taxable event.

         For these  reasons,  the Board of  Trustees  of the Fund,  including  a
majority of the disinterested  Trustees,  has determined that the Reorganization
is consistent with the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders, that the
terms  of the  Plan are fair  and  reasonable  and  that the  interests  of Fund
shareholders will not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization.

Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reorganization

         It is a condition of the closing of the Reorganization that counsel for
the Fund has issued an opinion to the effect  that the  Reorganization  will not
give rise to the  recognition  of income,  gain, or loss for federal  income tax
purposes to the Fund, the Asia Pacific Fund, or their respective shareholders.

Overview of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund

         The Asia  Pacific Fund and the Fund each offers four classes of shares.
Class A shares are  offered  with a sales  charge  and are  subject to an annual
asset-based  service fee of 0.25%  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1 under the  Investment
Company  Act of 1940 (the "1940  Act").  Class B shares are offered at net asset
value and are  subject to an annual  asset-based  service  fee  pursuant to Rule
12b-1 under the 1940 Act of 0.25%, a distribution  fee of 0.75% and a contingent
deferred sales charge upon redemptions made within four years of purchase not to
exceed  5.00% (as a  percentage  of the  redemption  price).  Class C shares are

offered at net asset value, and are subject to an annual asset-based service fee
pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act of 0.25%, a distribution  fee of 0.75%
and a contingent  deferred sales charge upon redemptions made within one year of
purchase not to exceed 1.00% (as a percentage of the redemption price).  Class Z
shares  are  offered  at net asset  value,  are not  subject  to a 12b-1  fee, a
distribution fee and are only available to institutional investors.

         In the  Reorganization,  the Asia  Pacific  Fund will issue to the Fund
Class A shares of the Asia Pacific Fund in an amount equal to the  aggregate net
asset value of the Fund's Class A shares.  The Fund will immediately  distribute
these shares to the Fund's Class A shareholders  in proportion to their holdings
on the Reorganization Date. In the same manner, the Asia Pacific Fund will issue
to the Fund's Class B, Class C and Class Z  shareholders  in proportion to their
respective  holdings  on  the  Reorganization   Date.  As  a  result,   Class  A
shareholders  of the Fund will become Class A  shareholders  of the Asia Pacific
Fund, Class B shareholders  will become Class B shareholders of the Asia Pacific
Fund, Class C shareholders  will become Class C shareholders of the Asia Pacific
Fund and Class Z  shareholders  will  become  Class Z  shareholders  of the Asia
Pacific Fund.

         As shareholders of the Asia Pacific Fund, shareholders of the Fund will
continue to have exchange  privileges with other Liberty mutual funds.  The Asia
Pacific  Fund's  policies,   procedures,   and  restrictions   concerning  share
redemption and exchange,  dividend  payment,  and the determination of net asset
value are identical to those of the Fund, as set forth in the  Prospectuses  for
the funds.

                       THE FUND AND THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND

         The investment  objective and policies of each fund are similar and are
set forth below.  The  discussion is qualified in its entirety by the disclosure
that appears elsewhere in this Statement, and in the Prospectuses and Statements
of Additional Information of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund. There can be no
assurance that either fund will achieve its investment objective.

The Fund

The Fund seeks capital  appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities
of small  companies  located in the nine Tigers of Asia (Hong  Kong,  Singapore,
South Korea, Taiwan,  Malaysia,  Thailand,  Indonesia,  The People's Republic of
China and the Philippines) ("Small Company Tiger Securities").

The Fund seeks to invest in companies with consistently  above-average  earnings
growth. Normally, the Fund will invest at least 65% of its total assets in Small
Company Tiger  Securities.  The Fund may invest up to 35% of its total assets in
equity securities of large companies located in the nine Tigers of Asia.

The Asia Pacific Fund

The Asia  Pacific  Fund  normally  invests  at least 80% of its total  assets in
equity securities of companies whose principal  activities are conducted in Asia
or the Pacific  Basin.  Such  countries or regions may include  Australia,  Hong
Kong, India,  Indonesia,  Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the People's Republic of
China, the Philippines,  Singapore,  South Korea,  Taiwan and Thailand.  Many of
these countries do not have highly  developed  economies and securities  markets
(emerging  market  countries).  Although the amount of the Asia  Pacific  Fund's
assets  invested  in emerging  market  countries  will vary over time,  the Asia
Pacific Fund may invest all of its assets in emerging markets securities.  Under
normal market conditions,  the Asia Pacific Fund expects to invest its assets in
a number of countries  and issuers.  A  significant  portion of the Asia Pacific
Fund's  assets will be invested in issuers  whose  principal  activities  are in
Japan  and  Hong  Kong  (including   Chinese  issuers  whose   securities  trade
principally in Hong Kong markets).

The Asia Pacific Fund will not limit its  investments to any particular  type of
company. The Asia Pacific Fund may invest in the equity securities of companies,
large or small, whose earnings, the Advisor believes, are in a relatively strong
growth  trend,  or in  companies  whose  securities  the  Advisor  believes  are

The Advisor  determines  where an issuer's  principal  activities are located by
considering such factors as its country of organization,  the principal  trading
market for its  securities,  the source of its  revenues and the location of its

Other Policies

Both  the Fund  and the  Asia  Pacific  Fund  may  invest  in  foreign  currency
transactions,  which  includes  the  ability to  purchase  and sell (i)  foreign
currencies on a spot and forward basis, (ii) foreign currency futures contracts,
and (iii) options on foreign currency futures  contracts.  Both funds may engage
in repurchase agreements. Each fund limits the amount of its net assets that may
be invested in securities  that are illiquid,  including  repurchase  agreements
with maturities in excess of seven days to 15% of its net assets.

Operations of the Asia Pacific Fund Following the Reorganization

         As noted above, there are differences in the investment policies of the
Fund and the Asia  Pacific  Fund.  It is not  expected,  however,  that the Asia
Pacific Fund will revise its investment policies following the Reorganization to
reflect those of the Fund.  Based on its review of the investment  portfolios of
the Fund, however,  the Advisor believes that most, if not all, of the assets of
the Fund are and will be  consistent  with the  investment  policies of the Asia
Pacific Fund and thus can be  transferred  to and held by the Asia Pacific Fund.
If the  Reorganization  is approved,  the Fund will sell, prior to the effective
time of the  Reorganization,  any  assets  that are  inconsistent  with the Asia
Pacific Fund's investment policies.  The proceeds of any such sales will be held
in temporary  investments or reinvested in assets that qualify to be held by the
Asia Pacific Fund.  The possible need for the Fund to dispose of assets prior to
the effective time of the Reorganization could result in selling securities at a
disadvantageous  time and could result in the Fund  realizing  losses that would
not  otherwise  have been  realized.  The Advisor  believes that any such losses
would not be material.  After the  Reorganization,  the Trustees and officers of

Trust VI and its  Advisor,  portfolio  manager,  distributor  and other  outside
agents will continue to serve in their current capacities.

Comparative Fee Table

         The  following  tables set forth the current  fees and  expenses of the
Fund and the Asia  Pacific  Fund and the pro forma  expenses of the Asia Pacific
Fund,  assuming the  Reorganization  with the Fund occurs on September 10, 1999.
Excluding  extraordinary  expenses,  the current  fees and  expenses of the Asia
Pacific Fund are expected to remain unchanged as a result of the Reorganization.

                                Annual Fund Operating Expenses
                           (As a percentage of average daily net assets)

The Fund
                                                         Class A            Class B             Class C            Class Z
Management and Administration Fee*                        0.38%              0.38%               0.38%              0.38%
12b-1 Fees                                                0.25               1.00                1.00               0.00
Other Expenses                                            1.62               1.62                1.62               1.62
                                                          ----               ----                ----               ----
Total Operating Expenses*                                 2.25%              3.00%               3.00%              2.00%
                                                          =====              =====               =====              =====

Asia Pacific Fund
                                                         Class A            Class B             Class C            Class Z
Management and Administration Fee**                       0.00%              0.00                0.00%              0.00%
12b-1 Fees                                                0.25               1.00                1.00               0.00
Other Expenses                                            1.90               1.90                1.90               1.90
                                                          ----               ----                ----               ----
Total Operating Expenses**                                2.15%              2.90%               2.90%              1.90%
                                                          =====              =====               =====              =====

Pro Forma Combined (i.e., shares of Asia Pacific Fund following Reorganization)
                                                         Class A            Class B             Class C            Class Z
Management and Administration Fee**                       0.00%              0.00                0.00%              0.00%
12b-1 Fees                                                0.25               1.00                1.00               0.00
Other Expenses                                            1.90               1.90                1.90               1.90
                                                          ----               ----                ----               ----
Total Operating Expenses**                                2.15%              2.90%               2.90%              1.90%
                                                          =====              =====               =====              =====

*    The  Advisor and  Administrator  have  voluntarily  agreed to waive or bear
     certain  Fund  expenses.   Absent  such   arrangements,   "Management   and
     administration  fees"  would  have been  1.40% for each class of shares and
     "Total operating expenses" would have been 3.27% for Class A shares,  4.02%
     for Class B and Class C shares and 3.02% for Class Z shares.
**   The Advisor and Administrator  have voluntarily agreed until further notice
     to bear a portion of the management  fees and or expenses so that the Funds
     total annual operating expenses,  excluding commissions,  taxes, 12b-1 fees
     and any extraordinary  expenses, will not exceed 1.90%. Absent such waiver,
     "Management and  administration  fees" and "other expenses" would have been
     1.25%  and  4.33%,  respectively,  for each  Class  of  shares  and  "Total
     operating  expenses"  would be 5.83% for Class A shares,  6.58% for Class B
     and Class C shares and 5.58% for Class Z shares.


         The following  examples show the cumulative  transaction  and operating
expenses  attributable  to a  hypothetical  $1,000  investment  in each Class of
shares of the Fund, the Asia Pacific Fund and the pro forma combined  results of
the Reorganization  for the periods specified,  assuming a 5% annual return and,
unless otherwise noted,  redemption at the end of the period.  The 5% return and
expenses used in this example  should not be considered  indicative of actual or
expected  performance  on expenses of the Fund or the Asia Pacific Fund. The pro
forma example is for comparison purposes only and is not a representation of the
Asia Pacific Fund's actual expenses for returns, either past or future.

The Fund
                        Class A                  Class B                        Class C                  Class Z
Period:                                    (1)            (2)             (1)             (2)
1 year                    $79               $80            $30             $40             $30             $20
3 years                   124               123             93              93(4)           93              63
5 years                   171               178            158             158             158             108
10 years                  301               314(3)         314(3)          332             332             233

Without  voluntary fee reductions,  the amounts would be $89, 152, $218 and $394
for Class A shares for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years,  respectively;  $90, $152, $226 and
$406  for  Class  B  shares  assuming  redemptions  for 1,  3,  5 and 10  years,
respectively;  $40,  $122,  $206  and  $406  for  Class  B  shares  assuming  no
redemptions for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years, respectively; $50, $122, $206 and $422 for
Class C shares assuming redemptions for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years, respectively; $40,
$122,  $206 and $422 for Class C shares  assuming no redemptions for 1, 3, 5 and
10 years, respectively; and $30, $93, $159 and $334 for Class Z shares for 1, 3,
5 and 10 years, respectively.

Asia Pacific Fund
                        Class A                  Class B                        Class C                  Class Z
Period:                                    (1)            (2)             (1)             (2)
1 year                    $78               $79            $29             $39             $29             $xx
3 years                   121               120             90              90(4)           90              xx
5 years                    xx                xx             xx              xx              xx              xx
10 years                   xx              xx(3)          xx(3)             xx              xx              xx

Without  voluntary fee reductions,  the amounts would be $112, $220, $xx and $xx
for Class A shares for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years,  respectively;  $115, $223, $xx and
$xx  for  Class  B  shares  assuming  redemptions  for 1,  3,  5 and  10  years,
respectively;  $65, $193, $xx and $xx for Class B shares assuming no redemptions
for 1, 3, 5 and 10  years,  respectively;  $75,  $193,  $xx and $xx for  Class C
shares assuming redemptions for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years,  respectively;  $65, $193,
$xx and $xx for Class C shares assuming no redemptions for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years,
respectively;  and $xx,  $xx,  $xx and $xx for Class Z shares for 1, 3, 5 and 10
years, respectively

Pro Forma Example
                        Class A                  Class B                        Class C                  Class Z
Period:                                    (1)            (2)             (1)             (2)
1 year                    $xx               $xx            $xx             $xx             $xx             $xx
3 years                    xx                xx             xx            xx(4)             xx              xx
5 years                    xx                xx             xx              xx              xx              xx
10 years                   xx              xx(3)          xx(3)             xx              xx              xx

(1)    Assumes redemption at end of period.
(2)    Assumes no redemption.
(3)    Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares after
       approximately 8 years; therefore, years 9 and 10 reflect Class A
       share expenses.
(4)    Class C shares do not incur a contingent deferred sales charge on
       redemptions after 1 year.

Comparison of Principal Risk Factors

         Because the Asia Pacific Fund's investment objective is similar to that
of the Fund, the investment risks of the two funds are generally similar.  These
risks are those  associated with funds that invest in securities whose principal
activities are  concentrated in one region.  Certain  differences are identified
below.  See the  Prospectus of the Asia Pacific  Fund,  which  accompanies  this
Statement,  for a more detailed  discussion of the investment  risks of the Asia
Pacific Fund.

         There can be no assurance that either the Fund or the Asia Pacific Fund
will achieve its investment  objective.  Both the Asia Pacific Fund and the Fund
concentrate  their  investments  in equity  securities  of companies  located in
particular  regions.  The Fund focuses on the nine Tigers of Asia,  and the Asia
Pacific  Fund  invests in Asia and the Pacific  Basin  region.  Therefore,  each
fund's  investments are particularly  susceptible to regional trends. The prices
of the funds' securities, and therefore, the net asset value of the Fund and the
Asia Pacific Fund may be  adversely  affected by negative  economic or political
events  in any of the nine  Tigers  of Asia or in Asian  and the  Pacific  Basin
region.  In addition,  recent events in a number of the nine Tigers of Asia have
highlighted the financial  interdependence  of the region and demonstrated  that
negative  financial  events in one such country may have  far-reaching  negative
effects throughout the region. The uncertainty  surrounding the effects of these
events may  negatively  impact the return of the Fund and the Asia  Pacific Fund
and the value of the funds' shares.

         The  risks  of  foreign  investing  are  typically  increased  in  less
developed  countries,  which  are  sometimes  referred  to  as  emerging  market
countries.  Political and economic  structures in these countries may be new and
developing  rapidly,  and may cause  instability.  Emerging market countries are
also more likely to experience  high levels of inflation,  deflation or currency
devaluations, which could hurt their economies and securities markets.

         The Fund and the Asia  Pacific  Fund may each invest in  smaller,  less
established  companies.  Smaller companies are more likely than larger companies

to have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or to depend on a
small,  less experienced  management team. Stocks of smaller companies may trade
less  frequently  and in limited volume and their prices may fluctuate more than
stocks of other companies.  Stocks of smaller companies,  therefore, may be more
vulnerable to adverse developments than those of larger companies.

                                   * * *


                                   * * *

Fundamental Versus Non-fundamental Investment Limitations

         Neither the Fund nor the Asia Pacific  Fund may change its  fundamental
investment limitations without the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of its  outstanding  shares (as  defined in the 1940 Act).  However,  investment
limitations  that are (i) not  fundamental or (ii)  "operating"  policies of the
Fund or the Asia  Pacific  Fund may be  changed  by their  respective  Boards of
Trustees  without  shareholder  approval.  The fundamental  policies of the Asia
Pacific Fund are the same as those of the Fund. The fundamental policies of each
fund are set forth in its Statement of Additional Information.

Purchase and Redemption Information, Exchange Privileges, Distributions and

         Each fund's policies,  procedures,  and  restrictions  concerning share
purchase  and  redemption,  exchange  privileges  and  dividend  payment and the
determination  of net asset value are identical,  as set forth in the Prospectus
for each fund. Please refer to the Prospectuses for further information on these

Forms of Organization

         The Asia  Pacific  Fund is a  diversified  portfolio  of Trust  VI,  an
open-end   management   investment   company.   Trust  VI  was  organized  as  a
Massachusetts business trust in 1991. The Fund is a separate series of Trust II,
which was organized as a  Massachusetts  business trust in 1991. The Declaration
of  Trust  for  Trust  VI  and  the  Declaration  of  Trust  for  Trust  II  are
substantially identical and should provide for no difference in the operation or
administration  of the funds.  The respective  Declarations of Trust are on file
with the SEC.

Liability of Shareholders

         Under certain circumstances, shareholders may be held personally liable
under   Massachusetts   law  for  obligations  of  each  fund.  To  protect  its
shareholders,  each Trust's Declaration of Trust, filed with the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, expressly disclaims the liability of its shareholders for acts or
obligations of the respective  fund. The Declaration of Trust requires notice of

this  disclaimer  to  be  given  in  each  note,  bond,  contract,   instrument,
certificate or undertaking  made or issued by the Trustees or by any officers or
officer. In the unlikely event a shareholder,  based on the mere fact of being a
shareholder,  is held  personally  liable  for a fund's  obligations,  a fund is
required to indemnify the shareholder  against all loss and expense arising from
such liability, but only out of the assets of the particular series of shares of
which he or she is or was a  shareholder.  Therefore,  financial  loss resulting
from liability as a shareholder will occur only if a fund itself cannot meet its
obligations to indemnify shareholders and pay judgments against them.

Shareholder Meetings; Election of Members of the Board

         Massachusetts  business trust law does not require investment companies
to hold annual  meetings of  shareholders.  The ability of shareholders to elect
members of the Board of  Trustees  from time to time will not change as a result
of the Reorganization.

Terms of Board Members

         The  Declarations of Trust of Trust II and Trust VI each provides that,
except in the event of death,  resignation,  or removal, Trustees elected by the
respective  Trust's  shareholders  or by the respective  Trust's  Trustees shall
serve until the next meeting of shareholders  called for the purpose of electing
trustees.  Each Trust's  by-laws  provide that a Trustee shall hold office until
his or her  successor  is elected  and  qualified,  or until his or her  earlier
death, resignation or removal.

Removal of Board Members

         Under the Declarations of Trust of Trust II and Trust VI, a Trustee can
be removed,  with or without cause,  (i) by a majority vote of the Trustees then
in office,  or (ii) at any  meeting  called for that  purpose,  by a vote of the
holders of two-thirds of the respective Trust's  outstanding  shares.  Under the
by-laws of each Trust, at any shareholder  meeting at which a quorum is present,
the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the votes  entitled to be
cast for the  election of Trustees  is needed to remove a Trustee  from  office,
with or without cause.

Special Meetings of Shareholders

         The  Declarations  of Trust of Trust II and Trust VI each  provide that
shareholders'  meetings of each Trust, or of any series or class thereof, may be
called by the  respective  Board of Trustees or such other  person or persons as
may be  specified  in the  by-laws and held from time to time for the purpose of
taking  action  upon  any  matter  requiring  the vote or the  authority  of the
shareholders  of Trust II or Trust VI or any  series  or class or upon any other
matter deemed by the Trustees to be necessary or desirable.  Each Declaration of
Trust also  provides  that  shareholders  are  entitled  to at least seven days'
written notice of any meeting of shareholders. The by-laws of Trust II and Trust
VI state  that a meeting of the  shareholders  of Trust II or Trust VI or of any
one or more  series  or  classes  of  shares  may be  called  at any time by the
respective  Board of Trustees,  by the respective  President or, if the Trustees
and the  President  fail to call any  meeting  of  shareholders  for a period of

thirty days after written  application of one or more  shareholders  who hold at
least  ten  percent  of all  outstanding  shares  of Trust II or  Trust  VI,  if
shareholders  of all series are required  under the  respective  Declaration  of
Trust to vote in the aggregate and not by individual series at such meeting,  or
of any series or class,  if  shareholders  of such series or class are  entitled
under the  Declaration  of Trust to vote by  individual  series or class at such
meeting,  then such  shareholders  may call such  meeting.  If the  meeting is a
meeting of the shareholders of one or more series or classes of shares,  but not
a  meeting  of  all  shareholders  of  Trust  II or  Trust  VI,  then  only  the
shareholders  of such one or more series or classes shall be entitled to receive
notice of and to vote at the meeting.

Liability of Board Members and Officers; Indemnification

         The  Declarations  of Trust for Trust II and Trust VI each provide that
the  respective  Trustees will not be responsible or liable in any event for any
neglect or  wrongdoing  of any officer,  agent,  employee,  advisor or principal
underwriter of Trust II or Trust VI, nor will any Trustee be responsible for the
act or omission of any other Trustee.  However,  the terms of the Declaration of
Trusts do not protect any Trustee  against any  liability  to which such Trustee
would otherwise be subject by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross
negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his or
her office.  Finally,  each Declaration of Trust provides that every note, bond,
contract,  instrument,  certificate, share or undertaking and every other act or
thing whatsoever executed or done by or on behalf of Trust II or Trust VI or the
respective  Trustees or any of them in connection with Trust II or Trust VI will
be conclusively  deemed to have been executed or done only in or with respect to
their or his or her  capacity  as  Trustees  of Trust II or Trust VI executed or
done by or on behalf  of Trust II or Trust VI or the  respective  Trustees,  and
such Trustees or Trustee will not be personally liable thereon.

         Each  Declaration of Trust provides that each Trust will indemnify each
of its  respective  Trustees  and officers  (including  persons who serve at the
request of each Trust as Trustees,  officers or trustees of another organization
in which  Trust II or Trust VI has any  interest as a  shareholder,  creditor or
otherwise)   (hereinafter  referred  to  as  a  "Covered  Person")  against  all
liabilities  and  expenses,  including  but  not  limited  to  amounts  paid  in
satisfaction of judgments, in compromise or as fines and penalties,  and counsel
fees reasonably incurred by any Covered Person in connection with the defense or
disposition of any action, suit or other proceeding,  whether civil or criminal,
before any court or  administrative  or legislative  body, in which such Covered
Person may be or may have been  involved as a party or  otherwise  or with which
such person may be or may have been  threatened,  while in office or thereafter,
by reason of being or having  been such a Trustee  or  officer,  except  that no
Covered Person shall be  indemnified  against any liability to Trust II or Trust
VI or its  shareholders  to which such Covered Person would otherwise be subject
by reason of  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless
disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of such Covered Person's office.

Voting Rights of Shareholders

         Each Trust's  respective  Declaration of Trust grants  shareholders the
power to vote only with  respect  to: (i) the  election  of  trustees;  (ii) the
approval of any  investment  advisory  contract;  (iii) the  termination  of the
respective  trust or any series thereof;  (iv) any amendments to the Declaration
of Trust; (v) the approval of any merger,  consolidation or sale of assets; (vi)
whether  or not a court  action,  proceeding  or claim  should or should  not be
brought  or  maintained  derivatively  or as a class  action  on  behalf  of the
respective trust or a series thereof;  or (vii) any matters relating to Trust II
or Trust VI as may be required by law or the Declaration of Trust,  the by-laws,
or any registration of Trust II or Trust VI with the SEC or any state.

Certain Service Provider Arrangements

         Investment Advisory Fees. Newport Fund Management,  Inc.  ("Newport") a
Virginia  corporation,  with offices at 580 California  Street,  Suite 1960, San
Francisco,  California  94104,  serves  as the  investment  advisor  to the Fund
pursuant to an investment  advisory  agreement that became  effective on June 3,
1996.  Newport  also  serves as  investment  advisor  to the Asia  Pacific  Fund
pursuant to an investment advisory agreement that became effective on August 25,
1998.  Newport  is a wholly  owned  indirect  subsidiary  of  Liberty  Financial
Companies,  Inc. ("LFC"),  which in turn is a majority owned indirect subsidiary
of Liberty Mutual Insurance  Company  ("Liberty  Mutual").  Liberty Mutual is an
underwriter  of workers'  compensation  insurance  and a property  and  casualty
insurer in the United States.

         The  fees to which  each  fund is  subject  for  investment  management
services is set forth below:

- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
    Fund                  Management Fee (% of Average Daily Net Asset Value)
- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Tiger Cub Fund                            1.15%
Asia Pacific Fund                         1.00%

         Administrator.  Colonial  Management  Associates,  Inc.  ("CMA") serves
as administrator to both the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund.  CMA is an indirect
subsidiary of LFC.

         Distributor. Liberty Funds Distributor, Inc. serves as the distributor
for both the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund.

         Transfer  Agent,  Accounting  Agent and  Shareholder  Servicing  Agent.
Liberty Funds  Services,  Inc., a  wholly-owned  indirect  subsidiary of Liberty
Mutual,  serves as the shareholder  services and transfer agent to both the Fund
and the Asia Pacific Fund.

         Custodial Services.  Chase Manhattan Bank serves as the custodian for
both the Fund and Asia Pacific Fund.


Approval or  Disapproval  of the  Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  between
Liberty Funds Trust II, Acting on Behalf of Newport Tiger Cub Fund,  and Liberty
Funds  Trust VI,  Acting on Behalf of  Newport  Asia  Pacific  Fund,  and of the
Transactions Contemplated Therein.

         The  terms  and  conditions  under  which  the  Reorganization  may  be
consummated  are set forth in the Plan.  Significant  provisions of the Plan are
summarized  below.  However,  this  summary  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by
reference  to the  Plan,  a copy of  which  is  attached  as  Exhibit  A to this
Statement and incorporated by reference into this Statement.

Description of the Plan

The Plan provides for the Reorganization on the following terms:

o             The Plan  provides  that at the  Closing  Date (as  defined in the
              Plan) all of the portfolio securities and other assets of the Fund
              will be transferred to the Asia Pacific Fund, and the Asia Pacific
              Fund will assume all of the liabilities of the Fund.

o             The net asset values of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund will be
              computed as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange  (normally
              4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) on the Closing Date.

o             The Asia Pacific Fund will issue to the Fund Class A shares of the
              Asia Pacific Fund in an amount equal to the  aggregate  net
              asset value of the Fund's Class A shares.  As part of the
              liquidation of the Fund, the Fund will  immediately  distribute
              those shares to Class A  shareholders  of record of the Fund in
              proportion to their  holdings on the Closing Date. In the
              same manner,  Asia Pacific  Fund will issue to the Fund Class B,
              Class C and Class Z shares that will be  distributed  to
              the Fund's Class B, Class C and Class Z shareholders in proportion
              to their  respective  holdings on the Closing Date. As
              a  result,  Class A  shareholders  of the Fund  will  become Class
              A  shareholders  of the Asia  Pacific  Fund,  Class B
              shareholders  of the Fund will become Class B shareholders  of the
              Asia Pacific Fund,  Class C  shareholders  of the Fund
              will become  Class C  shareholders  of the Asia  Pacific  Fund and
              Class Z  shareholders  of the Fund will become Class Z
              shareholders of the Asia Pacific Fund.

o             On  completion  of the  Reorganization,  an open  account  will be
              established  on the books of the Asia  Pacific Fund in the name of
              each shareholder of record of the Fund. Certificates  representing
              shares in the Asia Pacific Fund will not be physically  issued. As
              promptly   as   practicable   after   the   consummation   of  the
              Reorganization,  the Fund will be terminated as a separate  series
              of Trust II under the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts.
              After the Closing  Date,  the Fund will not  conduct any  business
              except  in  connection   with  its  ceasing  its   operations  and

Board Consideration

The Board of Trustees of Trust II approved the  Reorganization at a meeting held
on April  29,  1999.  The Board of  Trustees  of Trust II  reviewed  information
relating to (i) the  similarity in investment  objective and policies,  (ii) the
greater  diversification the Asia Pacific Fund is allowed in choosing securities
in Asian markets,  (iii) comparisons of expense ratios and management fees, (iv)
the similarity in shareholder  services,  (v) the relative  performance records,
including  total return and relative  peer group  rankings as compiled by Lipper
Analytical Services,  Inc., of the two funds, (vi) the relative prospects of the
two funds to generate  additional  sales in the future,  (vii) the  expected tax
consequences to shareholders of the Fund,  (viii) the estimated  expenses of the
Reorganization to be paid by the Fund and absorbed indirectly by shareholders of
the Fund,  and (ix) the  overall  reduction  in expense  ratios  realized by the

         The Board determined to recommend that shareholders of the Fund approve
the transaction in light of the compatibility of the Fund's and the Asia Pacific
Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies and portfolios,  the better investment
performance  record  of the  Asia  Pacific  Fund,  the  greater  flexibility  in
investment  choices  available to the Asia  Pacific  Fund,  the relative  future
growth  prospects of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund,  the proposed  terms of
the Reorganization,  the tax-free status of the Reorganization,  and the ability
of  shareholders  of the Fund to  maintain  the same  purchase,  redemption  and
exchange privileges, distribution options and pricing.

         Because each Fund  shareholder  will receive shares of the Asia Pacific
Fund  having an  aggregate  net asset  value  equal to that of their Fund shares
(after   payment  by  the  Fund  of  its   expenses  in   connection   with  the
Reorganization),  the Board determined that the shareholders will not suffer any
dilution as a result of the Reorganization.

         The  Board  believes  that the  proposed  arrangements  are in the best
interests of the  shareholders of the Fund and recommends that the  shareholders
of the Fund vote "FOR" the Reorganization.

         Similarly, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Trust VI, the Board
of Trustees,  acting on behalf of the Asia Pacific Fund, considered the proposed
Reorganization  with respect to the Asia Pacific Fund. Based on their evaluation
of the relevant  information  provided to them, and in light of their  fiduciary
duties under federal and state law, the Board of Trustees unanimously determined
that (a) the proposed  Reorganization would be in the best interests of the Asia
Pacific Fund and its  shareholders,  and (b) the  interests of the existing Asia
Pacific  Fund  shareholders  will not be  diluted  as a result  of the  proposed


         Because the Fund will be combined in the  Reorganization  with the Asia
Pacific  Fund,  the total  capitalization  of the Asia  Pacific  Fund  after the
Reorganization  is expected to be greater  than the  current  capitalization  of
either the Fund or the Asia Pacific Fund.  The following  table sets forth as of
June 1, 1999: (i) the capitalization of Class A shares,  Class B shares, Class C
shares  and  Class Z shares  of the  Fund;  (ii) the  capitalization  of Class A

shares,  Class B shares,  Class C shares and Class Z shares of the Asia  Pacific
Fund; and (iii) the pro forma  capitalization of Class A shares, Class B shares,
Class C shares and Class Z shares of the Asia  Pacific  Fund as adjusted to give
effect  to  the  Reorganization.  If  the  Reorganization  is  consummated,  the
capitalization of the Asia Pacific Fund is likely to be different at the Closing
Date as a result of daily share purchase and redemption activity in the Fund and
the Asia Pacific Fund.

- -------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
                                                                                               Asia Pacific Fund
                                           Tiger Cub Fund          Asia Pacific Fund               Pro Forma
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
Total Net Assets
Net Asset Value Per Share
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class Z

Shares Outstanding
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class Z
- -------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------

                         FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES

         It is anticipated that the Reorganization  will be tax-free for federal
tax purposes.  It is a condition to the consummation of the Reorganization  that
Trust II, on  behalf  of the Fund,  and Trust VI, on behalf of the Asia  Pacific
Fund, receive an opinion of counsel substantially to the effect that for federal
income tax purposes: (i) no gain or loss will be recognized by the Fund upon the
transfer of its assets to the Asia  Pacific  Fund in exchange  for shares of the
Asia Pacific Fund and the assumption by the Asia Pacific Fund of the liabilities
of the Fund or upon the  distribution  of shares of the Asia Pacific Fund by the
Fund to its shareholders in liquidation; (ii) no gain or loss will be recognized
by the  shareholders  of the Fund upon the  exchange of their shares in the Fund
for Asia Pacific Fund shares;  (iii) the basis of the Asia Pacific Fund shares a
shareholder of the Fund receives in connection with the  Reorganization  will be
the same as the basis of his or her shares of the Fund exchanged therefor;  (iv)
a Fund  shareholder's  holding  period for his or her shares in the Asia Pacific
Fund will be  determined  by  including  the period for which he or she held the
Fund shares exchanged therefor, provided that he or she held such Fund shares as
capital assets;  (v) no gain or loss will be recognized by the Asia Pacific Fund
upon the receipt of the assets of the Fund in exchange for the Asia Pacific Fund
shares and the  assumption  by the Asia Pacific Fund of the  liabilities  of the
Fund;  (vi) the basis in the hands of the Asia Pacific Fund of the assets of the
Fund  transferred to the Asia Pacific Fund will be the same as the basis of such
assets in the hands of the Fund immediately prior to the transfer; and (vii) the
holding  periods of the assets of the Fund in the hands of the Asia Pacific Fund
will include the period during which such assets were held by the Fund.

         Neither the Fund nor the Asia Pacific Fund has sought a tax ruling from
the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS").  The opinion of counsel is not binding
on the IRS and does not  preclude  the IRS from  adopting a  contrary  position.
Shareholders  should consult their own tax advisers concerning the potential tax
consequences   to  them,   including   foreign,   state  and  local  income  tax


General Information

         This Statement is being furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Trust II in  connection  with the Special
Meeting of the Fund's  shareholders.  It is expected  that the  solicitation  of
proxies will be primarily by mail.  Officers and service contractors of Trust II
may  also  solicit  proxies  by  telephone,  fax,  or  personal  interview.  Any
shareholder  giving a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is  exercised by
submitting to Trust II a written notice of revocation or a subsequently executed
proxy or by attending the Special Meeting and voting in person.

         The cost of preparing, printing and mailing the enclosed combined proxy
statement and prospectus,  accompanying notice and proxy statement and all other
costs in connection  with the  solicitation of proxies will be paid by the Fund,
including any additional solicitation made by letter, telephone or telegraph. In
addition to solicitation by mail, certain officers and  representatives of Trust
II, officers and employees of the Advisor and certain  financial  services firms
and their  representatives,  who will  receive no extra  compensation  for their
services, may solicit proxies by telephone, telegram or personally.

         Shareholder  Communications  Corporation  ("SCC")  has been  engaged to
assist in the  solicitation of proxies.  As the Special Meeting date approaches,
certain   shareholders  of  the  Fund  may  receive  a  telephone  call  from  a
representative of SCC if their vote has not yet been received.  Authorization to
permit SCC to execute  proxies may be obtained by telephonic  or  electronically
transmitted  instructions  from  shareholders  of the  Fund.  Proxies  that  are
obtained  telephonically  will be recorded in accordance with the procedures set
forth below. The Trustees believe that these procedures are reasonably  designed
to ensure that the identity of the  shareholder  casting the vote is  accurately
determined and that the voting  instructions  of the  shareholder are accurately
determined.  The cost of this  assistance is expected to be  approximately  $[ ]
and, as stated above, will be borne by the Fund.

         In  all  cases  where  a  telephonic   proxy  is  solicited,   the  SCC
representative  is required to ask for each  shareholder's  full name,  address,
social security or employer  identification number, title (if the shareholder is
authorized to act on behalf of an entity, such as a corporation), and the number
of shares  owned and to confirm  that the  shareholder  has  received  the proxy
statement  card in the  mail.  If the  information  solicited  agrees  with  the
information  provided to SCC, then the SCC representative has the responsibility
to explain the process, read the proposals listed on the proxy card, and ask for
the  shareholder's  instructions  on  each  proposal.  The  SCC  representative,
although he or she is permitted to answer  questions  about the process,  is not

permitted to recommend to the  shareholder  how to vote,  other than to read any
recommendation   set  forth  in  the  proxy  statement.   SCC  will  record  the
shareholder's  instructions  on the card.  Within  72  hours,  SCC will send the
shareholder  a letter or  mailgram  to  confirm  his or her vote and  asking the
shareholder to call SCC immediately if his or her instructions are not correctly
reflected in the confirmation.

         If the shareholder  wishes to participate in the Special  Meeting,  but
does not wish to give his or her proxy by telephone,  the  shareholder may still
submit  the proxy card  originally  sent with the proxy  statement  or attend in
person.  Should shareholders require additional  information regarding the proxy
or  replacement  proxy cards,  they may contact SCC  toll-free at (800) [ ]. Any
proxy given by a shareholder, whether in writing or by telephone, is revocable.

         Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on June 28, 1999,
will be  entitled  to vote at the  Special  Meeting.  On that  date  there  were
outstanding  and entitled to be voted [ .000] shares of the Fund.  Each share is
entitled to one vote and each fractional  share is entitled to the  proportional
fraction of a vote.

         If the  accompanying  proxy is  executed  and  returned in time for the
Special Meeting, the shares covered thereby will be voted in accordance with the
proxy on all matters  that may properly  come before the Special  Meeting or any
adjournment  of the Special  Meeting.  For  information  on  adjournment  of the
Special Meeting, see "Quorum" below.

Shareholder and Board Approvals

         The vote of the  shareholders  of the Asia  Pacific  Fund is not  being
solicited   because   their   approval  or  consent  is  not  required  for  the
Reorganization to be consummated. On June 28, 1999, the name, address, and share
ownership of the persons who beneficially  owned 5% or more of any of the Fund's
outstanding  shares,  and the  percentage  of shares that would be owned by such
persons upon  consummation of the  Reorganization  based upon their holdings and
outstanding shares at June 28, 1999 are as follows:

                                                                                Share Ownership of
                                         Share Ownership of                     the Asia Pacific Fund
Name/Address                             the Fund                               After the Reorganization

         On June 28, 1999, the name, address, and share ownership of the persons
who beneficially  owned 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the Asia Pacific
Fund and the  percentage  of shares  that  would be owned by such  persons  upon
consummation  of the  Reorganization  based upon their holdings and  outstanding
shares at June 28, 1999, are as follows:

                                                                                Share Ownership of
                                         Share Ownership of                     the Asia Pacific Fund
Name/Address                             the Asia Pacific Fund                  After the Reorganization

         On June 28,  1999,  the  Trustees and officers of Trust II, as a group,
beneficially  owned ________ shares of the Fund, which were approximately __% of
the Fund's  shares then  outstanding.  As of June 28,  1999,  the  Trustees  and
officers  of Trust VI, as a group,  owned  ________  shares of the Asia  Pacific
Fund, which were approximately ___% of that fund's shares then outstanding.

Quorum and Required Vote

         Each share of the Fund is entitled  to one vote.  Approval of the above
proposal  requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of the Fund
outstanding  and  entitled  to  vote.  For  this  purpose,  a  majority  of  the
outstanding shares of the Fund means the vote of the lesser of:

(1)    67% or more of the shares present at the Special Meeting,  if the holders
       of more than 50% of the shares of the Fund are present or represented by
       proxy, or

(2)    more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

       Shares of the Fund  represented in person or by proxy,  including  shares
which abstain or do not vote with respect to the  proposal,  will be counted for
purposes of determining  whether there is a quorum at the meeting.  Accordingly,
an abstentation from voting has the same effect as a vote AGAINST the proposal.

       However, if a broker or nominee holding shares in "street name" indicates
on the proxy card that it does not have  discretionary  authority to vote on the
proposal,  those shares will NOT be  considered  present and entitled to vote on
the  proposal.  Thus,  a  "broker  non-vote"  has NO  EFFECT  on the  voting  in
determining  whether the proposal has been adopted in accordance with clause (1)
above,  it more  than  50% of the  outstanding  shares  (excluding  the  "broker
non-votes")  are present or  represented.  However,  for purposes of determining
whether the  proposal has been adopted in  accordance  with clause (2) above,  a
"broker  non-vote"  has the same effect as a vote AGAINST the  proposal  because
shares  represented  by a "broker  non-vote" are  considered  to be  outstanding

       If the required  approval of shareholders is not obtained,  the Fund will
continue  to engage  in  business  as a  separate  mutual  fund and the Board of
Trustees of Trust II will consider what further action may be appropriate.

         The  presence at the  Special  Meeting,  in person or by proxy,  of the
holders of a majority  of the  shares of the Fund  entitled  to be cast shall be
necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
In the event that the necessary quorum to transact business or the vote required
to approve the  Proposal is not  obtained  at the Special  Meeting,  the persons

named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of the Special Meeting to
permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment as to a matter will
require the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the Fund's shares
present  in person or by proxy at the  Special  Meeting.  The  persons  named as
proxies  will vote in favor of such  adjournment  those  proxies  which they are
entitled  to vote in favor  and will vote  against  any such  adjournment  those
proxies to be voted against the Proposal.  If no shareholder entitled to vote is
present  in person or by proxy,  any  officer  present  to preside or act at the
Special Meeting as Secretary may also adjourn the meeting.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         The Fund and the Asia  Pacific  Fund are  subject to the  informational
requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and the 1940
Act,  as  applicable,  and, in  accordance  with such  requirements,  file proxy
materials,  reports,  and other information with the SEC. These materials can be
inspected and copied at the Public Reference Facilities maintained by the SEC at
450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549 and at the offices of the Fund
and the Asia Pacific Fund listed on the first page of this Statement.  Copies of
such materials can also be obtained from the Public Reference Branch,  Office of
Consumer Affairs and Information  Services,  Securities and Exchange Commission,
Washington,  D.C.  20549,  at prescribed  rates,  or at no charge from the EDGAR
database on the SEC's website at ""

Board Members and Officers

         The current Trustees and officers of Trust VI will continue to serve as
Trustees  and  officers of Trust VI following  the  Reorganization.  The current
Trustees and  officers of Trust II will not continue to serve in such  positions
as they relate to the Fund  following the  Reorganization,  except to the extent
that  action may be required  of them in  connection  with the winding up of the
affairs of the Fund.

Financial Information of the Fund

         Financial  information  about the Fund for the fiscal year ended August
31, 1998 is contained in the Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and for the period
ended February 28, 1999 is contained in the  Semi-Annual  Report to shareholders
that was recently  distributed to shareholders of the Fund. The Annual Report to
Shareholders  is  incorporated  by reference  into the  Statement of  Additional
Information to this Statement dated July 16, 1999.

Financial Information of the Asia Pacific Fund

         Below is  financial  information  about the Asia  Pacific  Fund for the
period  ended  December  31,  1998.  It is based on a single  share  outstanding
through such period.  This information is derived from financial  statements for
such  period.  The  data  should  be  read in  conjunction  with  the  financial
statements and related notes,  which are included in the  Semi-Annual  Report to
Shareholders which is incorporated by reference into the Statement of Additional
Information to this Statement.

                            [INSERT FINANCIAL TABLES]

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         The  financial  statements  of the Fund for the most recent fiscal year
end,  August 31, 1998,  which are included in the  Prospectus  and  Statement of
Additional Information and in the Statement of Additional Information related to
this Statement, have been audited by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  L.L.P. independent
accountants  for the Fund, and to the extent  indicated in their report thereon,
incorporated  by  reference  or included in such  Prospectus  and  Statement  of
Additional  Information.  Such  audited  financial  statements  included in such
Prospectus  and  Statement  of  Additional  Information  have been  included  in
reliance upon such reports given upon the authority of such firm as an expert in
accounting and auditing.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         The  Board of  Trustees  of Trust II knows of no other  business  to be
brought before the Special Meeting.  However, if any other matters properly come
before the Special Meeting, it is the intention that proxies that do not contain
specific  restrictions  to the  contrary  will  be  voted  on  such  matters  in
accordance with the judgment of the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy.

                              SHAREHOLDER INQUIRIES

         Shareholder  inquiries  may be addressed to the Fund in writing at the
address on page 1 of this  Statement or by  telephoning (800) 426-3750.

                            PROPOSALS OF SHAREHOLDERS

         Shareholders  wishing  to submit  proposals  for  inclusion  in a proxy
statement or a shareholder  meeting  subsequent to the Special Meeting,  if any,
should send their written  proposals to the Secretary of Trust II, One Financial
Center,  11th  Floor,  Boston,  MA 02111,  within a  reasonable  time before the
solicitation of proxies for such meeting. Pursuant to its by-laws, Trust II does
not  generally,  and has no  present  intention  to,  hold  annual  meetings  of
shareholders.  The  timely  submission  of a  proposal  does not  guarantee  its


         By Order of the Board of Trustees

         Nancy L. Conlin

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
Proposed Reorganization and Plan
   Reasons for the Reorganization
   Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reorganization
   Overview of the Fund and the Asia Pacific Fund
   The Fund
   The Asia Pacific Fund
   Other Policies
   Operations of the Asia Pacific Fund Following the Reorganization
   Comparative Fee Table
   Comparison of Principal Risk Factors
   Fundamental Versus Non-fundamental Investment Limitations
   Purchase and Redemption Information, Exchange Privileges, Distributions and
   Forms of Organization
   Liability of Shareholders
   Shareholder Meetings; Election of Members of the Board
   Terms of Board Members
   Removal of Board Members
   Special Meetings of Shareholders
   Liability of Board Members and Officers; Indemnification
   Voting Rights of Shareholders
   Certain Service Provider Arrangements
   Description of the Plan
   Board Consideration
   General Information
   Shareholder and Board Approvals
   Quorum and Required Votes
   Board Members and Officers
   Financial Information of the Fund
   Financial Information of the Asia Pacific Fund

                                                                     EXHIBIT A


         THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF  REORGANIZATION  dated as of, April 29, 1999
by and between the Liberty Funds Trust II (formerly Colonial Trust II) ("Trust
II"), a Massachusetts business trust  established  under a  Declaration of Trust
dated  November 15, 1991,  as amended,  on behalf of the Newport Tiger Cub Fund
("Acquired Fund"), a series of Trust II, and Liberty  Funds Trust VI (formerly
Colonial Trust VI) ("Trust  VI"),  a  Massachusetts  business trust  established
under a  Declaration  of Trust dated  December 30, 1991,  as amended,  on behalf
of Newport Asia Pacific Fund ("Acquiring Fund"), a series of Trust VI.

         This  Agreement  is  intended  to  be  and  is  adopted  as a  plan  of
reorganization  and  liquidation  within the  meaning  of Section  368(a) of the
United States  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  and any
successor  provision.  The reorganization will consist of the transfer of all of
the assets of Acquired  Fund in exchange  for the  issuance of Class A, Class B,
Class C and Class Z shares of beneficial  interest of Acquiring Fund ("Acquiring
Fund  Shares")  and the  assumption  by  Acquiring  Fund of the  liabilities  of
Acquired Fund (other than certain  expenses of the  reorganization  contemplated
hereby) and the  distribution of such Acquiring Fund Shares to the  shareholders
of the Acquired Fund in liquidation of the Acquired Fund, all upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth in this Agreement.

         In  consideration  of the premises and of the covenants and  agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:


         1.1      Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth and on
                  the basis of the representations and warranties contained

      (a) Trust II, on behalf of the Acquired  Fund will transfer and deliver to
Acquiring  Fund and Acquiring  Fund will acquire all the assets of Acquired Fund
as set forth in paragraph 1.2.

      (b) Acquiring Fund will assume all of the Acquired Fund's  liabilities and
obligations of any kind whatsoever,  whether  absolute,  accrued,  contingent or
otherwise,  (the  "Obligations"),  each as in  effect  on the date  hereof  with
respect to events occurring at any time up to and including the Closing Date (as
defined  in  paragraph  1.2  hereof)  including  events   contemplated  by  this
Agreement, except that expenses of reorganization contemplated hereby to be paid
by Acquired  Fund  pursuant to  paragraphs  1.5 and 11.2 shall not be assumed or
paid by the Acquiring Fund, and

      (c) Acquiring Fund will issue and deliver to Acquired Fund in exchange for
such assets the number of Acquiring Fund Shares (including fractional shares, if
any)  determined by dividing the net asset value of Acquired  Fund,  computed in
the manner and as of the time and date set forth in  paragraph  2.1,  by the net
asset value of one  Acquiring  Fund Share,  computed in the manner and as of the
time and date set forth in paragraph 2.2. Such transactions  shall take place at
the closing provided for in paragraph 3.1 (the "Closing").

         1.2      The assets of Acquired  Fund to be acquired by Acquiring  Fund
                  shall consist of all cash, securities,  dividends and interest
                  receivable,  receivables  for shares sold and all other assets
                  which are owned by Acquired  Fund on the closing date provided
                  in  paragraph  3.1  (the  "Closing  Date")  and  any  deferred
                  expenses,  other  than  unamortized  organizational  expenses,
                  shown as an asset on the books of Acquired Fund on the Closing

         1.3      As provided in  paragraph  3.4, as soon after the Closing Date
                  as  is  conveniently  practicable  (the  "Liquidation  Date"),
                  Acquired Fund will  liquidate and  distribute  pro rata to its
                  shareholders  of  record   ("Acquired   Fund   Shareholders"),
                  determined as of the close of business on the  Valuation  Date
                  (as  defined in  paragraph  2.1),  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares
                  received by Acquired  Fund  pursuant to  paragraph  1.1.  Such
                  liquidation  and  distribution  will  be  accomplished  by the
                  transfer of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares then  credited to the
                  account of  Acquired  Fund on the books of  Acquiring  Fund to
                  open  accounts on the share  records of Acquiring  Fund in the
                  names of the Acquired Fund  Shareholders  and representing the
                  respective  pro rata number of Acquiring  Fund Shares due such
                  shareholders.  Acquiring  Fund shall not be obligated to issue
                  certificates  representing Acquiring Fund Shares in connection
                  with such exchange.

         1.4      With respect to Acquiring Fund Shares  distributable  pursuant
                  to paragraph  1.3 to an Acquired  Fund  Shareholder  holding a
                  certificate  or  certificates  for shares of Acquired Fund, if
                  any,  on the  Valuation  Date,  Trust VI will not permit  such
                  shareholder  to  receive  Acquiring  Fund  Share  certificates
                  therefor,  exchange such  Acquiring  Fund Shares for shares of
                  other investment companies, effect an account transfer of such
                  Acquiring Fund Shares, or pledge or redeem such Acquiring Fund
                  Shares  until Trust VI has been  notified by Acquired  Fund or
                  its agent that such Shareholder has surrendered all his or her
                  outstanding  certificates  for Acquired Fund shares or, in the
                  event of lost certificates, posted adequate bond.

         1.5      Acquired Fund will pay or cause an affiliate to pay the
                  expenses incurred in connection with the consummation of  the
                  reorganization  contemplated  hereby,  including  legal  fees,
                  costs of filing,  printing and mailing the Proxy Statement and
                  the Registration  Statement  referred to in paragraph 5.3, and
                  proxy solicitation costs.

         1.6      As promptly as possible  after the Closing Date,  the Acquired
                  Fund shall be  terminated  pursuant to the  provisions  of the
                  laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  and,  after the
                  Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall not conduct any business
                  except in connection with its liquidation.

                  2.       VALUATION.

         2.1      For the purpose of paragraph  1, the value of Acquired  Fund's
                  assets to be acquired by Acquiring Fund hereunder shall be the
                  net asset  value  computed  as of the close of business on the
                  New York Stock Exchange on the business day next preceding the
                  Closing (such time and date being herein called the "Valuation
                  Date")  using  the  valuation  procedures  set  forth  in  the
                  Declaration  of  Trust  of  Trust  VI  and  the  then  current
                  prospectus or statement of additional information of Acquiring
                  Fund,  after deduction for the expenses of the  reorganization
                  contemplated  hereby to be paid by the Acquired  Fund pursuant
                  to paragraphs  1.2 and 1.5, and shall be certified by Acquired

         2.2      For the purpose of  paragraph  2.1,  the net asset value of an
                  Acquiring  Fund Share  shall be the net asset  value per share
                  computed  as of the close of  business  on the New York  Stock
                  Exchange on the Valuation Date, using the valuation procedures
                  set forth in the Declaration of Trust of Trust VI and the then
                  current  prospectus or statement of additional  information of
                  Acquiring  Fund,  without  deduction  for the  expenses of the
                  reorganization contemplated hereby to be paid by Acquired Fund
                  pursuant to paragraphs  1.2 and 1.5, and shall be certified by
                  Acquiring Fund.

         3.       CLOSING AND CLOSING DATE.

         3.1      The Closing  Date shall be on September  10, 1999,  or on such
                  other date as the parties  may agree in  writing.  The Closing
                  shall  be  held  at  9:00  a.m.  at the  offices  of  Colonial
                  Management  Associates,  Inc., One Financial  Center,  Boston,
                  Massachusetts 02111, or at such other time and/or place as the
                  parties may agree.

         3.2      The  portfolio  securities  of  Acquired  Fund  shall  be made
                  available by Acquired  Fund to The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  as
                  custodian   for   Acquiring   Fund  (the   "Custodian"),   for
                  examination  no later than five  business  days  preceding the
                  Valuation Date. On the Closing Date, such portfolio securities
                  and all  Acquired  Fund's cash shall be  delivered by Acquired
                  Fund to the Custodian for the account of Acquiring  Fund, such
                  portfolio  securities  to be duly  endorsed in proper form for
                  transfer in such manner and  condition as to  constitute  good
                  delivery  thereof in accordance with the custom of brokers or,
                  in the case of portfolio  securities held in the U.S. Treasury
                  Department's book-entry system or by Depository Trust Company,
                  Participants Trust Company or other third party  depositories,
                  by transfer to the account of the Custodian in accordance with
                  Rule  17f-4  or Rule  17f-5,  as the case  may be,  under  the
                  Investment   Company   Act  of  1940  (the  "1940   Act")  and
                  accompanied by all necessary  federal and state stock transfer

                  stamps or a check for the appropriate  purchase price thereof.
                  The  cash  delivered  shall  be in the  form  of  currency  or
                  certified or official bank checks payable to the order of "The
                  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  custodian  for Newport  Asia  Pacific

         3.3      In the event that on the Valuation Date (a) the New York Stock
                  Exchange  shall be closed to trading or trading  thereon shall
                  be  restricted,  or (b) trading or the reporting of trading on
                  said Exchange or elsewhere shall be disrupted so that accurate
                  appraisal  of the value of the net assets of Acquired  Fund or
                  Acquiring  Fund  impracticable,  the  Closing  Date  shall  be
                  postponed  until  the  first  business  day after the day when
                  trading shall have been fully resumed and reporting shall have
                  been  restored;  provided  that if trading  shall not be fully
                  resumed and reporting  restored  within three business days of
                  the Valuation Date, this Agreement may be terminated by either
                  of Trust II or Trust VI upon the giving of  written  notice to
                  the other party.

         3.4      At the  Closing,  Acquired  Fund or its  transfer  agent shall
                  deliver to Acquiring  Fund or its  designated  agent a list of
                  the names and addresses of the Acquired Fund  Shareholders and
                  the number of  outstanding  shares of  beneficial  interest of
                  Acquired Fund owned by each Acquired Fund Shareholder,  all as
                  of the close of business on the Valuation  Date,  certified by
                  the  Secretary  or  Assistant  Secretary of Trust II. Trust VI
                  will provide to Acquired Fund evidence satisfactory to it that
                  the Acquiring  Shares issuable  pursuant to paragraph 1.1 have
                  been  credited  to  Acquired  Fund's  account  on the books of
                  Acquiring Fund. On the Liquidation Date, Trust VI will provide
                  to  Acquired  Fund  evidence  satisfactory  to  it  that  such
                  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  have been  credited  pro rata to open
                  accounts in the names of the  Acquired  Fund  shareholders  as
                  provided in paragraph 1.3.

         3.5      At the  Closing  each  party  shall  deliver to the other such
                  bills  of  sale,  agreements  of  assumption  of  liabilities,
                  checks,  assignments,  stock  certificates,  receipts or other
                  documents  as such other party or its  counsel may  reasonably
                  request in connection with the transfer of assets,  assumption
                  of liabilities and liquidation contemplated by paragraph 1.


         4.1      Trust II, on behalf of Acquired Fund,  represents and warrants
                  the following to Trust VI and to the Acquiring  Fund as of the
                  date hereof and agrees to confirm the continuing  accuracy and
                  completeness in all material  respects of the following on the
                  Closing Date:

                  (a)    Trust II is a business  trust duly  organized,  validly
                         existing  and in good  standing  under  the laws of the
                         Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

                  (b)    Trust  II  is  a  duly  registered  investment  company
                         classified  as a  management  company  of the  open-end
                         diversified   type  and  its   registration   with  the
                         Securities  and Exchange  Commission  as an  investment

                         company under the 1940 Act is in full force and effect,
                         and  Acquired  Fund is a separate  series  thereof duly
                         designated in accordance with the applicable provisions
                         of the  Declaration  of  Trust of Trust II and the 1940

                  (c)    Trust II is not in violation in any material respect of
                         any provision of its Declaration of Trust or By-laws or
                         of  any  agreement,  indenture,  instrument,  contract,
                         lease or other undertaking to which Trust II is a party
                         or by which Acquired Fund is bound,  and the execution,
                         delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  will not
                         result in any such violation;

                  (d)    Trust II has no material contracts or other commitments
                         (other than this Agreement and such other  contracts as
                         may be  entered  into  in the  ordinary  course  of its
                         business)  which if terminated,  may result in material
                         liability to Acquired  Fund or under which  (whether or
                         not  terminated)  any  material  payments  for  periods
                         subsequent  to  the  Closing  Date  will  be  due  from
                         Acquired Fund;

                  (e)    No   litigation   or   administrative   proceeding   or
                         investigation  of or before  any court or  governmental
                         body  is  presently   pending  or  threatened   against
                         Acquired Fund, any of its properties or assets,  or any
                         person whom Acquired Fund may be obligated to indemnify
                         except as previously  disclosed in writing to Acquiring
                         Fund.  Acquired Fund knows of no facts which might form
                         the basis for the institution of such proceedings,  and
                         is not a party to or subject to the  provisions  of any
                         order,  decree or judgment of any court or governmental
                         body  which   materially  and  adversely   affects  its
                         business or its ability to consummate the  transactions
                         contemplated hereby;

                  (f)    The statement of assets and liabilities,  the statement
                         of operations, the statement of changes in net assets,
                         and the schedule of investments  as at and for the two
                         years ended August 31, 1998, of Acquired Fund,  audited
                         by PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, and the statement of
                         assets and liabilities, the statement of operations,
                         the statement of changes in net assets and the schedule
                         of investments for the six-months ended February 28,
                         1999 copies of which have been furnished to Acquiring
                         Fund, fairly reflect the financial condition and
                         results of operations of Acquired Fund as of such dates
                         and for the periods  then ended in  accordance  with
                         generally accepted accounting principles  consistently
                         applied, and Acquired Fund has no known liabilities of
                         a material amount, contingent or otherwise,  other than
                         those shown on the statements of assets and liabilities
                         referred to above or those incurred in the ordinary
                         course of its business since February 28, 1999;

                  (g)    Since  February  28,  1999,  there  has  not  been  any
                         material  adverse change in Acquired  Fund's  financial
                         condition,  assets,  liabilities or business other than
                         changes  occurring in the ordinary  course of business,

                         or any  incurrence  by Acquired  Fund of  indebtedness,
                         except as disclosed in writing to Acquiring  Fund.  For
                         the purposes of this subparagraph (g), distributions of
                         net investment  income and net realized  capital gains,
                         changes in portfolio securities,  changes in the market
                         value of portfolio  securities or net redemptions shall
                         be deemed to be in the ordinary course of business;

                  (h)    By the Closing Date,  all federal and other tax returns
                         and  reports of Acquired  Fund  required by law to have
                         been filed by such date (giving  effect to  extensions)
                         shall have been filed,  and all federal and other taxes
                         shown to be due on said returns and reports  shall have
                         been paid so far as due, or  provision  shall have been
                         made  for  the  payment  thereof,  and to the  best  of
                         Acquired  Fund's  knowledge no such return is currently
                         under audit and no  assessment  has been  asserted with
                         respect to such returns;

                  (i)    For all taxable years and all applicable quarters of
                         such years from the date of its inception, Acquired
                         Fund has met the  requirements  of  subchapter M of the
                         Code,  for  treatment as a "regulated  investment
                         company" within the meaning of Section  851(a) of the
                         Code.  Neither  Trust II nor Acquired  Fund has at any
                         time since its  inception  been liable for nor is now
                         liable for any material  excise tax pursuant to Section
                         4982 of the Code.  Acquired  Fund has duly filed all
                         federal,  state,  local and foreign tax returns which
                         are required to have been filed,  and all taxes of
                         Acquired Fund which are due and payable have been paid
                         except for amounts that alone or in the aggregate would
                         not reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse
                         effect.  Acquired Fund is in compliance in all material
                         respects with  applicable  regulations of the Internal
                         Revenue Service pertaining to the reporting of
                         dividends and other  distributions  on and redemptions
                         of its capital stock and to  withholding in respect of
                         dividends and other  distributions  to  shareholders,
                         and is not liable for any material penalties which
                         could be imposed thereunder;

                  (j)    The authorized  capital of Trust II consists of an
                         unlimited  number of shares of beneficial interest with
                         no par value,  of such number of different  series or
                         classes as designated in Trust II's  Declaration  of
                         Trust, five series of which  (including  Acquired Fund)
                         are currently  authorized and  outstanding.  The
                         outstanding shares of  beneficial  interest in Acquired
                         Fund are,  and at the Closing  Date will be divided
                         into Class A shares,  Class B shares,  Class C shares
                         and Class Z shares, each having the characteristics
                         described in the prospectus  and  statement of
                         additional  information  dated  November 30, 1998.  All
                         issued and outstanding shares of Acquired Fund are, and
                         at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued
                         and  outstanding,  fully paid and (except as set forth
                         in the Acquired  Fund's  prospectus)  non-assessable by
                         Acquired  Fund and will have been issued in compliance
                         with all applicable  registration or qualification
                         requirements of federal and state  securities  laws.
                         No options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe  for

                         or purchase,  or  securities convertible into or
                         exchangeable  for, any shares of beneficial  interest
                         of Acquired Fund are outstanding and none will be
                         outstanding on the Closing Date;

                  (k)    At the Closing  Date,  Acquired Fund will have good and
                         marketable  title to its  assets to be  transferred  to
                         Acquiring  Fund  pursuant to  paragraph  1.1,  and full
                         right,  power, and authority to sell, assign,  transfer
                         and deliver  such assets as  contemplated  hereby,  and
                         upon  delivery  and payment  for such assets  Acquiring
                         Fund will acquire good and  marketable  title  thereto,
                         subject  to  no   restrictions  on  the  full  transfer
                         thereof,  including  such  restrictions  as might arise
                         under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933

                  (l)    The  Acquired   Fund's   investment   operations   from
                         inception to the date hereof have been in compliance in
                         all material respects with the investment  policies and
                         investment restrictions set forth in its prospectus and
                         statement of additional  information  as in effect from
                         time to time except as previously  disclosed in writing
                         to Acquiring Fund;

                  (m)    The  execution,   delivery  and   performance  of  this
                         Agreement  has been duly  authorized by the Trustees of
                         Trust II, and,  upon  approval  thereof by the required
                         majority of the  shareholders  of Acquired  Fund,  this
                         Agreement   will   constitute  the  valid  and  binding
                         obligation of Acquired Fund  enforceable  in accordance
                         with its  terms  except as the same may be  limited  by
                         bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar
                         laws  affecting the  enforcement  of creditors'  rights
                         generally and other equitable principles; and

                  (n)    The Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued to Acquired Fund
                         pursuant to  paragraph  1 will not be acquired  for the
                         purpose of making any  distribution  thereof other than
                         to  the  Acquired  Fund  Shareholders  as  provided  in
                         paragraph 1.3; and

                  (o)    The  information  provided by Acquired  Fund for use in
                         the Registration Statement and Proxy Statement referred
                         to in  paragraph  5.3 shall be accurate and complete in
                         all  material  respects  and shall  comply with federal
                         securities  and other laws and  regulations  applicable

                           4.2 Trust VI, on behalf of Acquiring Fund, represents
                  and  warrants  the  following  to Trust II and to the Acquired
                  Fund  as  of  the  date  hereof  and  agrees  to  confirm  the
                  continuing  accuracy and completeness in all material respects
                  of the following on the Closing Date:

                  (a)   Trust VI is a business trust duly organized,  validly
                        existing and in good standing under the laws of The
                        Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

                  (b)    Trust  VI  is  a  duly  registered  investment  company
                         classified  as a  management  company  of the  open-end
                         diversified   type  and  its   registration   with  the
                         Securities  and Exchange  Commission  as an  investment
                         company under the 1940 Act is in full force and effect,
                         and Acquiring  Fund is a separate  series  thereof duly
                         designated in accordance with the applicable provisions
                         of the  Declaration  of  Trust of Trust VI and the 1940

                  (c)    The current  prospectus  and  statement  of  additional
                         information  dated  August 28, 1998 of  Acquiring  Fund
                         conform  in all  material  respects  to the  applicable
                         requirements   of  the  1933  Act  and  the  rules  and
                         regulations of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
                         thereunder and do not include any untrue statement of a
                         material  fact or  omit  to  state  any  material  fact
                         required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
                         statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
                         which they were made, not misleading,  and there are no
                         material  contracts to which  Acquiring Fund is a party
                         that  are  not  referred  to  in  such  prospectus  and
                         statement   of   additional   information   or  in  the
                         registration statement of which they are a part;

                  (d)    At the  Closing  Date,  Acquiring  Fund will have good
                         and marketable title to its assets;

                  (e)    Trust VI is not in violation in any material respect of
                         any  provisions of its  Declaration of Trust or By-laws
                         or of any agreement, indenture,  instrument,  contract,
                         lease or other undertaking to which Trust VI is a party
                         or by which Acquiring Fund is bound, and the execution,
                         delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  will not
                         result in any such violation;

                  (f)    No   litigation   or   administrative   proceeding   or
                         investigation  of or before  any court or  governmental
                         body  is  presently   pending  or  threatened   against
                         Acquiring  Fund  or any of its  properties  or  assets.
                         Acquiring  Fund knows of no facts  which might form the
                         basis for the institution of such  proceedings,  and is
                         not a party  to or  subject  to the  provisions  of any
                         order,  decree or judgment of any court or governmental
                         body  which   materially  and  adversely   affects  its
                         business or its ability to consummate the  transactions
                         contemplated hereby;

                  (g)    The statement of assets and liabilities,  the statement
                         of operations,  the statement of changes in assets, and
                         the  schedule of  investments  as of and for the period
                         ended December 31, 1998, of Acquiring  Fund,  copies of
                         which have been  furnished  to  Acquired  Fund,  fairly
                         reflect  the   financial   condition   and  results  of
                         operations  of  Acquiring  Fund as of such date and the
                         results of its  operations for the period then ended in
                         accordance   with   generally    accepted    accounting
                         principles consistently applied, and Acquiring Fund has
                         no known  liabilities of a material amount,  contingent
                         or  otherwise,  other than those shown on the statement

                         of assets and  liabilities  referred  to above or those
                         incurred in the ordinary  course of its business  since
                         December 31, 1998;

                  (h)    Since  December  31,  1998,  there  has  not  been  any
                         material  adverse change in Acquiring  Fund's financial
                         condition,  assets,  liabilities or business other than
                         changes  occurring in the ordinary  course of business,
                         or any  incurrence by Acquiring  Fund of  indebtedness.
                         For the purposes of this  subparagraph  (h), changes in
                         portfolio  securities,  changes in the market  value of
                         portfolio securities or net redemptions shall be deemed
                         to be in the ordinary course of business;

                  (i)    By the Closing Date,  all federal and other tax returns
                         and reports of Acquiring  Fund  required by law to have
                         been filed by such date (giving  effect to  extensions)
                         shall have been filed,  and all federal and other taxes
                         shown to be due on said returns and reports  shall have
                         been paid so far as due, or  provision  shall have been
                         made  for  the  payment  thereof,  and to the  best  of
                         Acquiring  Fund's knowledge no such return is currently
                         under audit and no  assessment  has been  asserted with
                         respect to such returns;

                  (j)    For each fiscal year of its  operation,  Acquiring Fund
                         has met the  requirements  of  Subchapter M of the Code
                         for qualification as a regulated investment company;

                  (k)    The authorized  capital of Trust VI consists of an
                         unlimited number of shares of beneficial  interest,  no
                         par value,  of such number of different  series as the
                         Board of Trustees  may  authorize  from time to time,
                         four series of which (including  Acquiring Fund) are
                         currently  authorized and outstanding.  The outstanding
                         shares of beneficial  interest in Acquiring  Fund are,
                         and at the Closing Date will be,  divided into Class A
                         shares, Class B  shares,  Class C shares  and  Class Z
                         shares,  each  having  the  characteristics  described
                         in the prospectus  and  statement  of  additional
                         information  referred  to in  paragraph  4.2(c).  All
                         issued  and outstanding  shares of the  Acquiring  Fund
                         are, and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly
                         issued and outstanding,  fully paid and  non-assessable
                         by Trust VI, and will have been  issued in  compliance
                         with all applicable  registration or qualification
                         requirements of federal and state securities laws.
                         Except for Class B shares which convert to Class A
                         shares after the  expiration  of a period of time,  no
                         options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe for or
                         purchase,  or securities  convertible into or
                         exchangeable for, any shares of beneficial  interest in
                         Acquiring  Fund of any class are  outstanding  and none
                         will be  outstanding  on the Closing Date;

                  (l)    The  Acquiring   Fund's   investment   operations  from
                         inception to the date hereof have been in compliance in
                         all material respects with the investment  policies and
                         investment restrictions set forth in its prospectus and
                         statement of additional  information  as in effect from
                         time to time;

                  (m)    The  execution,   delivery  and   performance  of  this
                         Agreement  have been duly  authorized  by all necessary
                         action  on the part of  Trust  VI,  and this  Agreement
                         constitutes  the valid and binding  obligation of Trust
                         VI and Acquiring Fund  enforceable  in accordance  with
                         its  terms,  except  as  the  same  may be  limited  by
                         bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar
                         laws  affecting the  enforcement  of creditors'  rights
                         generally and other equitable principles;

                  (n)    The Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued and delivered to
                         Acquired Fund  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement
                         will at the Closing Date have been duly authorized and,
                         when so issued and delivered,  will be duly and validly
                         issued shares of  beneficial  interest of the Acquiring
                         Fund,  and will be fully  paid  and  non-assessable  by
                         Trust VI, and no  shareholder of Trust VI will have any
                         preemptive right of subscription or purchase in respect
                         thereof; and

                  (o)    The  information  to be furnished by Acquiring Fund for
                         use in the  Registration  Statement and Proxy Statement
                         referred  to in  paragraph  5.3 shall be  accurate  and
                         complete in all material respects and shall comply with
                         federal  securities  and  other  laws  and  regulations
                         applicable thereto.


         Trust  VI,  on behalf  of  Acquiring  Fund,  and Trust II, on behalf of
Acquired Fund, each hereby covenants and agrees with the other as follows:

        5.1       Acquiring  Fund  and  Acquired  Fund  each  will
                  operate its business in the ordinary  course  between the date
                  hereof and the Closing  Date,  it being  understood  that such
                  ordinary course of business will include regular and customary
                  periodic dividends and distributions.

         5.2      Acquired  Fund will call a meeting of its  shareholders  to be
                  held prior to the Closing  Date to consider  and act upon this
                  Agreement and take all other  reasonable  action  necessary to
                  obtain the required  shareholder  approval of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby.

         5.3      In  connection  with the Acquired Fund  shareholders'  meeting
                  referred to in  paragraph  5.2,  Acquired  Fund will prepare a
                  Proxy  Statement  for  such  meeting,  to  be  included  in  a
                  Registration  Statement  on  Form  N-14  which  Trust  VI will
                  prepare  and file for the  registration  under the 1933 Act of
                  the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be  distributed  to the Acquired
                  Fund shareholders  pursuant hereto, all in compliance with the
                  applicable  requirements  of  the  1933  Act,  the  Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"), and the 1940 Act.

         5.4      The  information  to be furnished by Acquired  Fund for use in
                  the Registration Statement and the information to be furnished
                  by  Acquiring  Fund for use in the  Proxy  Statement,  each as
                  referred to in paragraph  5.3,  shall be accurate and complete
                  in  all  material  respects  and  shall  comply  with  federal
                  securities   and  other   laws  and   regulations   thereunder
                  applicable thereto.

         5.5      Acquiring  Fund will advise  Acquired  Fund promptly if at any
                  time prior to the  Closing  Date the assets of  Acquired  Fund
                  include any securities  which  Acquiring Fund is not permitted
                  to acquire.

         5.6      Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Acquired Fund and
                  Acquiring  Fund will  each  take,  or cause to be  taken,  all
                  action,  and do or  cause to be done,  all  things  reasonably
                  necessary,  proper or advisable to cause the conditions to the
                  other  party's  obligations  to  consummate  the  transactions
                  contemplated  hereby to be met or fulfilled  and  otherwise to
                  consummate and make effective such transactions.

         5.7      Acquiring Fund will use all  reasonable  efforts to obtain the
                  approvals  and  authorizations  required by the 1933 Act,  the
                  1940 Act and such of the state Blue Sky or securities  laws as
                  it may deem  appropriate  in order to continue its  operations
                  after the Closing Date.

         5.8      Promptly  after the Closing Date,  Acquired Fund will furnish
                  to Acquiring  Fund pro forma tax returns for the period
                  from March 1, 1999 to the Closing Date.


                  The  obligations  of Acquired to consummate  the  transactions
                  provided for herein shall be subject, at its election,  to the
                  performance  by  Trust  VI  and  Acquiring  Fund  of  all  the
                  obligations to be performed by them hereunder on or before the
                  Closing  Date  and,  in  addition  thereto,  to the  following
                  further conditions:

         6.1      All  representatives  and  warranties  of the  Acquiring  Fund
                  contained in this  Agreement  shall be true and correct in all
                  material  respects as of the date  hereof and,  except as they
                  maybe  affected  by  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
                  Agreement,  as of the  Closing  Date  with the same  force and
                  effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date; and

         6.2      Trust VI, on behalf of Acquiring Fund, shall have delivered to
                  Trust II a  certificate  executed in its name by its President
                  or Vice President and its Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, in
                  form  satisfactory  to  Trust II and  dated as of the  Closing
                  Date, to the effect that the representations and warranties of
                  Trust VI on behalf of  Acquiring  Fund made in this  Agreement
                  are true and correct at and as of the Closing Date,  except as
                  they may be affected by the transactions  contemplated by this
                  Agreement,  and that Trust VI and Acquiring Fund have complied

                  with all the covenants and agreements and satisfied all of the
                  conditions  on their parts to be performed or satisfied  under
                  this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date.


                  The obligations of Acquiring Fund to complete the transactions
                  provided for herein shall be subject, at its election,  to the
                  performance  by  Acquired  Fund of all the  obligations  to be
                  performed  by it  hereunder on or before the Closing Date and,
                  in addition thereto, to the following further conditions:

         7.1      All  representations  and  warranties  of  the  Acquired  Fund
                  contained in this  Agreement  shall be true and correct in all
                  material respects as of the date hereof and except as they may
                  be  affected  by  the   transactions   contemplated   by  this
                  Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same forward effect
                  as if made on and as of the Closing Date.

         7.2      Trust II, on behalf of Acquired Fund,  shall have delivered to
                  Trust VI a  certificate  executed in its name by its President
                  or Vice President and its Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, in
                  form and  substance  satisfactory  to Trust VI and  dated  the
                  Closing  Date,  to the  effect  that the  representations  and
                  warranties  of Acquired  Fund made in this  Agreement are true
                  and correct at and as of the Closing Date,  except as they may
                  be  affected  by  the   transactions   contemplated   by  this
                  Agreement,  and that Trust II and Acquired  Fund have complied
                  with all the covenants and agreements and satisfied all of the
                  conditions on its part to be performed or satisfied under this
                  Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date;

        7.3       The  Acquired  Fund shall have  delivered  to the
                  Acquiring  Fund  the  Statement  of  Assets  and  Liabilities,
                  together with a list of its portfolio  securities  showing the
                  federal   income  tax  basis  and  holding   periods  of  such
                  securities, as of the Closing Date, certified by the Treasurer
                  or Assistant Treasurer of the Acquired Fund; and

         7.4      Prior to the Closing Date, Acquired Fund shall have declared a
                  dividend  or  dividends  which,  together  with  all  previous
                  dividends,  shall  have  the  effect  of  distributing  all of
                  Acquired  Fund's  investment  company  taxable  income for its
                  taxable  years ending on or after  December 30, 1998 and on or
                  prior to the  Closing  Date  (computed  without  regard to any
                  deduction  for  dividends  paid),  and all of its net  capital
                  gains realized in each of its taxable years ending on or after
                  December 30, 1998 and on or prior to the Closing Date.

         7.5      The  custodian  of  Acquired  Fund  shall  have  delivered  to
                  Acquiring Fund a certificate  identifying all of the assets of
                  Acquired Fund held by such custodian as of the Valuation Date.

                  AND ACQUIRED FUND.

         The respective  obligations of Trust II and Trust VI hereunder are each
subject to the further conditions that on or before the Closing Date:

         8.1      This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated herein shall
                  have been approved by the vote of the required majority of the
                  holders of the  outstanding  shares of Acquired Fund of record
                  on the  record  date  for  the  meeting  of  its  shareholders
                  referred to in paragraph 5.2;

         8.2      On the Closing Date no action,  suit or other  preceding shall
                  be pending before any court or governmental agency in which it
                  is sought to restrain or prohibit,  or obtain damages or other
                  relief in connection  with, this Agreement or the transactions
                  contemplated hereby;

         8.3      All consents of other parties and all other  consents,  orders
                  and permits of federal, state and local regulatory authorities
                  (including those of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
                  of state Blue Sky and securities authorities) deemed necessary
                  by  Trust  II or  Trust  VI to  permit  consummation,  in  all
                  material  respects,  of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
                  shall have been  obtained,  except where failure to obtain any
                  such  consent,  order or permit  would not involve a risk of a
                  material  adverse  effect  on  the  assets  or  properties  of
                  Acquiring Fund or Acquired Fund.

         8.4      The Registration  Statement referred to in paragraph 5.3 shall
                  have  become  effective  under the 1933 Act and no stop  order
                  suspending  the  effectiveness  thereof shall have been issued
                  and,  to  the  best  knowledge  of  the  parties  hereto,   no
                  investigation  or proceeding  for that purpose shall have been
                  instituted or be pending, threatened or contemplated under the
                  1933 Act;

         8.5      The parties shall have received a favorable opinion of Ropes &
                  Gray  satisfactory to Trust II and Trust VI,  substantially to
                  the effect that, for federal income tax purposes:

                  (a)    No gain or loss will be  recognized  by  Acquired  Fund
                         upon the  transfer of its assets to  Acquiring  Fund in
                         exchange for Acquiring  Fund Shares and the  assumption
                         by the Acquiring  Fund of the  liabilities  of Acquired
                         Fund, or upon the  distribution  of the Acquiring  Fund
                         Shares to its shareholders in liquidation;

                  (b)    No gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquiring
                         Fund  Shareholders upon the exchange of their shares of
                         Acquired Fund for Acquiring Fund Shares;

                  (c)    The basis of the Acquiring Fund Shares an Acquired Fund
                         Shareholder    receives   in   connection    with   the
                         Reorganization  will be the same as the basis of his or
                         her shares of Acquired Fund exchanged therefor;

                  (d)    An Acquired Fund Shareholder's holding period for his
                         or her Acquiring Fund Shares will be  determined by
                         including the period for which he or she held
                         the shares of Acquired  Fund  exchanged  therefor,
                         provided that he or she held such shares of Acquired
                         Fund capital assets;

                  (e)    No gain or loss will be  recognized  by Acquiring  Fund
                         upon the  receipt  of the  assets of  Acquired  Fund in
                         exchange for Acquiring  Fund Shares and the  assumption
                         by Acquiring Fund of the liabilities of Acquired Fund;

                  (f)    The  basis in the  hands of the  Acquiring  Fund of the
                         assets of Acquired Fund  transferred  to Acquiring Fund
                         in the reorganization  will be the same as the basis of
                         such assets in the hands of Acquired  Fund  immediately
                         prior to the transfer; and

                  (g)    The holding  periods of the assets of Acquired  Fund in
                         the hands of  Acquiring  Fund will  include the periods
                         during which such assets were held by Acquired Fund.

         8.6      At any  time  prior  to  the  Closing,  any  of the  foregoing
                  conditions  of this  Agreement  may be waived  jointly  by the
                  Board of Trustees of Trust II and the Board of Trustees of the
                  Trust VI if, in their  judgment,  such  waiver will not have a
                  material  adverse effect on the interests of the  shareholders
                  of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund.


         9.1      Trust II, on behalf of Acquired  Fund, and Trust VI, on behalf
                  of Acquiring  Fund,  each represents and warrants to the other
                  that there are no brokers or finders  entitled  to receive any
                  payments in  connection  with the  transactions  provided  for

         9.2      Trust II, on behalf of Acquired  Fund, and Trust VI, on behalf
                  of  Acquiring  Fund,  shall  each be liable  for all  expenses
                  incurred by such party in  connection  with  entering into and
                  carrying out the provisions of this Agreement other than those
                  to be paid  solely by Acquired  Fund as provided in  paragraph
                  1.5 whether or not the  transactions  contemplated  hereby are


         10.1     Trust II on behalf of Acquired  Fund and Trust VI on behalf of
                  Acquiring   Fund  agree  that  neither   party  has  made  any
                  representation,  warranty or covenant not set forth herein and
                  that this Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement  between
                  the parties.

         10.2     The  representations,  warranties  and covenants  contained in
                  this Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or

                  in connection  herewith shall not survive the  consummation of
                  the transactions contemplated hereunder except paragraphs 1.1,
                  1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 5.4, 9, 10, 13 and 14.

         11.      TERMINATION.

         11.1     This  Agreement may be  terminated by the mutual  agreement of
                  Trust II and Trust VI. In  addition,  either Trust II or Trust
                  VI may at its option  terminate  this Agreement at or prior to
                  the Closing Date because:

                  (a)    Of a  material  breach by the other of any
                         representation,  warranty, covenant or agreement
                         contained herein to be performed by the other party at
                         or prior to the Closing Date; or

                  (b)    A condition  herein  expressed  to be  precedent to the
                         obligations of the  terminating  party has not been met
                         and it reasonably appears that it will not or cannot be

                  (c)    If the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have
                         not been  substantially  completed by November 30, 1999
                         this Agreement  shall  automatically  terminate on that
                         date  unless a later date is agreed to by both Trust II
                         and Trust VI.

         11.2     If for  any  reason  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
                  Agreement are not consummated, no party shall be liable to any
                  other party for any  damages  resulting  therefrom,  including
                  without limitation consequential damages.

         12.      AMENDMENTS.

         This Agreement may be amended,  modified or supplemented in such manner
as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the authorized officers of Trust II
on behalf of Acquired Fund and Trust VI on behalf of Acquiring  Fund;  provided,
however,  that  following  the  shareholders'  meeting  called by Acquired  Fund
pursuant to paragraph 5.2 no such  amendment may have the effect of changing the
provisions for  determining  the number of Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued to
shareholders  of Acquired  Fund under this  Agreement  to the  detriment of such
shareholders without their further approval.

         13.      NOTICES.

         Any notice,  report,  statement or demand  required or permitted by any
provisions of this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be given by prepaid
telegraph,  telecopy or certified  mail  addressed to Liberty  Funds Trust II or
Liberty  Fund Trust VI,  One  Financial  Center,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02111,
attention Nancy L. Conlin, Secretary.


         14.1     The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement
                  are for  reference  purposes  only and shall not affect in any
                  way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

         14.2     This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
                  each of which shall be deemed an original.

         14.3     This   Agreement   shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
                  accordance   with  the  domestic   substantive   laws  of  The
                  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  without giving effect to any
                  choice or conflicts of law rule or provision that would result
                  in the  application  of the domestic  substantive  laws of any
                  other jurisdiction.

         14.4     This  Agreement  shall  bind and inure to the  benefit  of the
                  parties  hereto and their  respective  successors and assigns,
                  but no  assignment  or  transfer  hereof  or of any  rights or
                  obligations  hereunder  shall be made by any party without the
                  written consent of the other party.  Nothing herein  expressed
                  or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or
                  give any person,  firm or corporation,  other than the parties
                  hereto and their respective successors and assigns, any rights
                  or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

         14.5     A copy  of the  Declaration  of  Trust  of  Trust  II and  the
                  Declaration of Trust VI are each on file with the Secretary of
                  State of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  and  notice is
                  hereby  given that no trustee,  officer,  agent or employee of
                  either Trust II or Trust VI shall have any personal  liability
                  under this Agreement,  and that this Agreement is binding only
                  upon the assets and  properties of Acquired Fund and Acquiring

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each  of the  parties  hereto  has  caused  this
Agreement  to be  executed  as a  sealed  instrument  by its  President  or Vice
President  and its  corporate  seal to be affixed  thereto  and  attested by its
Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

                                        LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST VI,
                                        on behalf of Newport Asia Pacific Fund


- -----------------------
Assistant Secretary

                                         LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST II,
                                         on behalf of Newport Tiger Cub Fund


- -----------------------
Assistant Secretary

                                    EXHIBIT B

                           [Insert Financial History]

                           NEWPORT ASIA PACIFIC FUND
                   (a diversified open-end management company)
                     One Financial Center, Boston, MA 02111


This  Prospectus  relates to the  proposed  issuance  of shares of Newport  Asia
Pacific Fund (Asia Pacific Fund) to Newport Tiger Cub Fund (Tiger Cub Fund), One
Financial  Center,  Boston,  MA 02111, in connection with the proposed  tax-free
combination  (Combination)  of Tiger Cub Fund into Asia Pacific  Fund.  The Asia
Pacific Fund seeks  capital  appreciation  by investing in equity  securities of
companies whose principal activities are in Asia or the Pacific Basin. Tiger Cub
Fund  seeks  capital  appreciation  in the  nine  Tigers  of  Asia  (Hong  Kong,
Singapore,  South Korea, Taiwan,  Malaysia,  Thailand,  Indonesia,  The People's
Republic of China and the Philippines).

This Prospectus  explains  concisely the information that  shareholders of Tiger
Cub Fund should know before  voting on the  Combination.  Read it carefully  and
retain  it for  future reference.  The Asia  Pacific  Fund's  August  25,  1998,
Revised May 14, 1999, Prospectus is enclosed.  Such  Prospectus is  incorporated
herein by reference. Tiger Cub Fund's  November  30, 1998  Prospectus  and
Statement  of  Additional Information (SAI) and Asia Pacific Fund's August 25,
1998, Revised June 1, 1999 SAI, all of which have been filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  (SEC), are incorporated herein  by  reference  and are
available  without  charge  from  Liberty  Funds Distributor, Inc. (LFD), One
Financial Center, Boston, MA 02111, 1-800-338-2550.  LFD is the  distributor
for both the Asia  Pacific Fund and the Tiger Cub Fund.  The  Prospectuses and
SAIs referred to above are also available on the SEC's Web site


                           Prospectus dated July 16, 1999


      The Tiger Cub Fund seeks capital  appreciation  by investing  primarily in
equity  securities  of small  companies  (i.e.,  companies  with  equity  market
capitalizations  of U.S. $1 billion or less)  located in the nine Tigers of Asia
(Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia,  Thailand,  Indonesia, The
People's   Republic  of  China  and  the  Philippines)   ("Small  Company  Tiger


      The  Tiger  Cub Fund  seeks  to  invest  in  companies  with  consistently
above-average earnings growth. Normally, the Tiger Cub Fund will invest at least
65% of its total assets in Small  Company Tiger  Securities.  The Tiger Cub Fund
may invest up to 35% of its total assets in equity securities of large companies
(i.e.,  companies  with  equity  market  capitalizations  of more than  U.S.  $1
billion) located in the nine Tigers of Asia ("Large Company Tiger  Securities").
Small and Large Company Tiger  Securities  include  common and preferred  stock,
warrants  (rights) to purchase stock,  debt securities  convertible  into stock,
sponsored and unsponsored  American  Depositary Receipts (receipts issued in the
U.S. by banks or trust  companies  evidencing  ownership of  underlying  foreign
securities),  Global  Depositary  Receipts  (receipts issued by foreign banks or
trust  companies  evidencing  ownership of underlying  foreign  securities)  and
shares of closed-end investment companies that invest primarily in the foregoing
securities.  A large  portion of the Tiger Cub Fund's  assets may be invested in
companies  located in Hong Kong and  Singapore,  which are not considered by the
Advisor to be emerging markets.  The remaining  countries in which the Tiger Cub
Fund invests are considered to be emerging markets.  Dividend income will not be
considered in choosing the investments of the Tiger Cub Fund.

     Regional  Concentration  and  Trends.  As the Tiger Cub Fund's  investments
will,  under normal  circumstances,  be  concentrated  in equity  securities  of
companies  located in the nine Tigers of Asia, the Tiger Cub Fund's  investments
the Tiger  Fund's  investments  will be  particularly  susceptible  to  regional
trends.  The prices of the Tiger Cub Fund's securities,  and therefore,  the net
asset value of the Tiger Cub Fund may be adversely affected by negative economic
or  political  events in any of the nine  Tigers of Asia.  In  addition,  recent
events in a number of the nine  Tigers of Asia have  highlighted  the  financial
interdependence of the region and demonstrated that negative financial events in
one such country may have far-reaching  negative effects  throughout the region.
The uncertainty  surrounding the effects of the foregoing  events may negatively
impact the Fund's return and the value of the Fund's shares.

         In addition to the investment  policies described below (and subject to
certain restrictions described herein), Tiger Cub Fund may invest in some or all
of the following  securities and employ some or all of the following  investment
techniques,  some of which may present special risks as described  below. A more
complete  discussion of these  securities  and  investment  techniques and their
associated risks is contained in the Fund's Statement of Additional Information.


     Foreign  Securities.  Foreign  securities  have  special  risks  related to
political,  economic and legal conditions  outside of the U.S. As a result,  the
prices of foreign securities and, therefore, the value of the Fund's shares, may
fluctuate  substantially  more than the prices of securities of issuers based in
the U.S. Special risks associated with foreign securities include, among others,
the   possibility  of  unfavorable   movements  in  currency   exchange   rates,
difficulties  in enforcing  judgments  abroad,  the existence of less liquid and
less  regulated  markets,  the  unavailability  of  reliable  information  about
issuers, the existence of different accounting,  auditing and legal standards in

foreign countries,  the existence (or potential  imposition) of exchange control
regulations  (including  currency blockage or other restrictions on repatriation
of capital), and political and economic instability.  In addition,  transactions
in foreign  securities may be more costly due to currency  conversion  costs and
higher  brokerage  and  custodial  costs  and  may  be  subject  to  delays  and
disruptions in securities settlement procedures.

Emerging Markets. A portion of the Fund's investments will consist of securities
issued by companies  located in countries whose economies,  political systems or
securities  markets are not yet highly developed.  Special risks associated with
these  investments  (in  addition  to  the   considerations   regarding  foreign
investments   generally)   may  include,   among   others,   greater   political
uncertainties,  an economy's dependence on revenues from particular  commodities
or on  international  aid or development  assistance,  highly limited numbers of
potential buyers for such securities,  heightened volatility of security prices,
restrictions  on  repatriation  of  capital   invested  abroad  and  delays  and
disruptions in securities settlement procedures.

Small Companies.  The Fund may invest in small companies  (companies with equity
market   capitalizations  of  U.S.  $1  billion  or  less.  The  smaller,   less
well-established  companies  in which  the Fund may  invest  may  offer  greater
opportunities   for  capital   appreciation   than  larger,   better-established
companies, but may also involve certain special risks. Such companies often have
limited  product lines,  markets or financial  resources and depend heavily on a
small management group.  Their securities may trade less frequently,  in smaller
volumes, and fluctuate more sharply in value than exchange-listed  securities of
larger companies.

Foreign Currency  Transactions.  In connection with their  investments in equity
securities,  the Fund may purchase and sell (i) foreign  currencies on a spot or
forward basis,  (ii) foreign  currency futures  contracts,  and (iii) options on
foreign  currencies  and foreign  currency  futures.  Such  transactions  may be
entered  into  (i)  to  lock  in a  particular  foreign  exchange  rate  pending
settlement of a purchase or sale of a foreign security or pending the receipt of
interest, principal or dividend payments on a foreign security held by the Fund,
or (ii) to hedge against a decline in the value,  in U.S.  dollars or in another
currency,  of a  foreign  currency  in  which  securities  held by the  Fund are
denominated.  The Fund will not attempt,  nor would it be able, to eliminate all
foreign currency risk. Further,  although hedging may lessen the risk of loss if
the hedged currency's value declines, it limits the potential gain from currency
value increases.

Futures  Contracts  and Options.  The Fund may  purchase and sell foreign  stock
index futures contracts and options on such contracts.  Such transactions may be
entered into to gain  exposure to a particular  foreign  equity  market  pending
investment in  individual  securities or to hedge  against  market  declines.  A
futures contract creates an obligation by the seller to deliver and the buyer to
take delivery of a type of instrument at the time and in the amount specified in
the contract.  A sale of a futures  contract can be terminated in advance of the
specified  delivery  date by  subsequently  purchasing  a  similar  contract;  a
purchase of a futures  contract can be terminated by a subsequent  sale. Gain or
loss on a contract  generally is realized upon such termination.  An option on a
futures  contract  generally  gives the option  holder  the  right,  but not the
obligation,  to  purchase  or sell the futures  contract  prior to the  option's
specified  expiration date. If the option expires  unexercised,  the holder will
lose any amount it paid to  acquire  the  option.  Transactions  in futures  and
related options may not precisely achieve the goals of hedging or gaining market
exposure  to the extent  there is an  imperfect  correlation  between  the price
movements of the contracts and of the underlying securities. In addition, if the
Advisor's stock market  movement  expectancies  are inaccurate,  the Fund may be
worse off than if it had not hedged.

Temporary/Defensive  Investments. The Fund may invest temporarily available cash
in U.S. dollar or foreign currency denominated demand deposits,  certificates of
deposit, bankers' acceptances, and high-quality,  short-term debt securities, as

well as in Treasury bills and repurchase  agreements.  Some or all of the Fund's
assets may be  invested in such  investments  during  periods of unusual  market
conditions.  Under a repurchase agreement,  the Fund buys a security from a bank
or dealer,  which is  obligated  to buy it back at a fixed  price and time.  The
security is held in a separate account at the Fund's custodian and,  constitutes
the  Fund's  collateral  for  the  bank's  or  dealer's  repurchase  obligation.
Additional  collateral will be added so that the obligation will at all times be
fully  collateralized.  However,  if the  bank  or  dealer  defaults  or  enters
bankruptcy,  the Fund  may  experience  costs  and  delays  in  liquidating  the
collateral and may experience a loss if it is unable to demonstrate its right to
the collateral in a bankruptcy  proceeding.  Not more than 15% of the Fund's net
assets  will be invested in  repurchase  agreements  maturing in more than seven
days and other illiquid assets.

Borrowing of Money. The Fund may borrow money from banks, other affiliated funds
and other entities,  to the extent  permitted by law, for temporary or emergency
purposes up to 33 1/3% of its total assets.

InterFund  Lending  Program.  The Fund may  participate in an interfund  lending
program,   subject  to  certain  restrictions  described  in  the  Statement  of
Additional Information.

As fundamental investment policies which may not be changed without the approval
of a majority of their outstanding voting securities, each Fund may:

1.        Borrow from banks,  other  affiliated  funds and other entities to the
          extent   permitted  by  applicable  law,   provided  that  the  Fund's
          borrowings  shall not exceed 33 1/3% of the value of its total  assets
          (including  the  amount   borrowed)  less   liabilities   (other  than
          borrowings) or such other percentage permitted by law;
2.        Only own real estate acquired as the result of owning securities and
          not more than 5% of total  assets;
3.        Purchase and sell futures  contracts  and related options as long as
          the total initial margin and premiums on contracts do not exceed 5% of
          total assets;
4.        Underwrite securities issued by others only when disposing of
          portfolio securities;
5.        Make loans (a) through lending of securities, (b) through the purchase
          of debt  instruments or similar  evidences of  indebtedness  typically
          sold  privately  to financial  institutions,  (c) through an interfund
          lending program with other affiliated funds provided that no such loan
          may be made if, as a result,  the aggregate of such loans would exceed
          33 1/3% of the value of its total assets (taken at market value at the
          time of such loans) and (d) through repurchase agreements; and
6.        Not concentrate  more than 25% of its total assets in any one industry
          or, with respect to 75% of total assets,  purchase any security (other
          than  obligations  of the U.S.  government  and cash  items  including
          receivables)  if as a result  more than 5% of its total  assets  would
          then be  invested in  securities  of a single  issuer or purchase  the
          voting securities of an issuer if, as a result of such purchases,  the
          Fund would own more than 10% of the outstanding  voting shares of such

As non-fundamental investment policies which may be changed without a
shareholder vote, each Fund may not:
1.        Purchase securities on margin, but it may receive short-term credit to
          clear securities transactions and may make initial or maintenance
          margin deposits in connection with futures transactions (Tiger Cub
          Fund only);
2.        Have a short securities position, unless the Fund owns, or owns rights
          (exercisable  without  payment)  to acquire,  an equal  amount of such
          securities; and
3.        Invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid assets.

Notwithstanding the investment policies and restrictions of the Funds, the Funds
may invest all or a portion of their investable  assets in investment  companies
with substantially the same investment  objective,  policies and restrictions as
the Funds.

                            NEWPORT ASIA PACIFIC FUND

                       Statement of Additional Information
                                  July 16, 1999

This  Statement  of  Additional  Information  (SAI) is not a  prospectus  and is
authorized for distribution  only when accompanied or preceded by the Prospectus
of Newport Asia Pacific Fund (Asia Pacific Fund) dated July 16, 1999 relating to
the  proposed  combination  of Newport  Tiger Cub Fund (Tiger Cub Fund) and Asia
Pacific Fund. This SAI should be read together with the Prospectus.  The SAI for
Asia  Pacific  Fund dated  August 25,  1998, Revised June 1, 1999 and the SAI
for Tiger Cub Fund dated November 30, 1998, each filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission,  are herein incorporated by reference.  Copies of each
Prospectus and SAI relating to Asia Pacific  Fund and Tiger Cub Fund are
available  without  charge and may be obtained by writing to Liberty Funds
Distributor,  Inc., One Financial  Center, Boston, MA 02111-2621 or by calling

This  SAI  consists  of the  information  set  forth  herein  and the  following
described documents, each of which is herein incorporated by reference:

1.  The financial  statements of Asia Pacific Fund included in the
    Fund's Semi-Annual Report to Shareholders for the period ended
    December 31, 1998 to be filed by amendment.

2.  The financial statements and Report of Independent Accountants of Tiger Cub
    Fund included in the Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal
    year ended August 31, 1998 (SEC Accession Number 0000021847-98-000151).  The
    financial statements of Tiger Cub Fund included in the Fund's Semi-Annual
    Report to Shareholders for the period ended February 28, 1999 (SEC Accession
    Number 0000950156-99-000342).

3.  Pro Forma Combined Financial  Statements for Asia Pacific Fund
    and Tiger Cub Fund prepared the period ended December 31, 1998
    and the year ended August 31, 1998, respectively to be filed by amendment.


Item 15.  Indemnification

Article VIII of the Registrant's Agreement and Declaration of Trust, as amended,
provides for  indemnification  of the  Registrant's  Trustees and officers.  The
effect of the relevant section of Article VIII of the Registrant's Agreement and
Declaration of Trust, as amended, is to provide  indemnification for each of the
Registrant's   Trustees  and  officers  against  liabilities  and  counsel  fees
reasonably  incurred in connection  with the defense of any legal  proceeding in
which such  Trustee or officer may be involved by reason of being or having been
a Trustee or officer, except with respect to any matter as to which such Trustee
or officer  shall have been  adjudicated  not to have acted in good faith in the
reasonable  belief  that such  Trustee's  or  officer's  action  was in the best
interest  of the  Registrant,  and except  that no  Trustee or officer  shall be
indemnified against any liability to the Registrant or its shareholders to which
such  Trustee  or  officer  shall  otherwise  be  subject  by reason of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties
involved in the conduct of such Trustee's or officer's office.

Insofar as indemnification  for liabilities  arising under the Securities Act of
1933 (the "Act") may be permitted to Trustees,  officers and controlling persons
of the  Registrant  pursuant to the  foregoing  provisions,  or  otherwise,  the
Registrant  has been advised that in the opinion of the  Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "Commission")  such  indemnification is against public policy as
expressed  in the Act,  and is,  therefore,  unenforceable.  In the event that a
claim for  indemnification  against such liabilities  (other than the payment by
the Registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a Trustee, officer or controlling
person of the  Registrant  in the  successful  defense  of any  action,  suit or
proceeding)  is  asserted  by such  Trustee,  officer or  controlling  person in
connection with the securities being registered,  the Registrant will, unless in
the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent,
submit  to a  court  of  appropriate  jurisdiction  the  question  whether  such
indemnification  by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will
be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

Item 16.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         1.(a)    Agreement  and   Declaration  of  Trust  is   incorporated  by
                  reference to the Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 11
                  to the  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A,  filed with the
                  Commission on or about October 28, 1996.

         1.(b)    Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust is
                  incorporated by reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 17 to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A,
                  filed with the Commission on or about May 24, 1999.

         2.       By-Laws,  as  amended,   dated  4/1/99,  are  incorporated  by
                  reference to the Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 17
                  to the  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A,  filed with the
                  Commission on or about May 24, 1999.

         3.       Not applicable

         4.       Agreement and Plan of Reorganization constitutes Exhibit A in
                  Part A of this Registration Statement

         5.       Not applicable

         6.       Form of Management  Agreement is  incorporated by reference to
                  the  Registrant's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  17  to  the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the Commission
                  on or about May 24, 1999.

         7.(a)    Form of  Distribution  Agreement  between the  Registrant  and
                  Liberty Funds  Distributor,  Inc. is incorporated by reference
                  to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 17 to the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the Commission
                  on or about May 24, 1999.

         7.(b)    Form  of  12b-1  Plan   Implementing   Agreement  between  the
                  Registrant and Liberty Funds Distributor, Inc. is incorporated
                  by reference to the Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No.
                  17 to the Registration  Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the
                  Commission on or about May 24, 1999.

         7.(c)    Form of Selling  Agreement - filed as Exhibit  6(b) in Part C,
                  Item  24(b)  of   Post-Effective   Amendment  No.  49  to  the
                  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty  Funds Trust I
                  (formerly  Colonial Trust I),  Registration  Nos.  2-41251 and
                  811-2214,  filed with the  Commission on or about November 20,
                  1998 and is hereby  incorporated  by reference and made a part
                  of this Registration Statement.

         7.(d)    Form  of  Bank  and  Bank  Affiliated   Selling  Agreement  is
                  incorporated by reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 10 to the Registration Statement on Form
                  N-1A,  filed with the  Commission  on or about  September  27,

         7.(e)    Form of Asset Retention Agreement is incorporated by reference
                  to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 10 to the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the Commission
                  on or about September 27, 1996.

         8.       Not applicable

         9.(a)    Global  Custody  Agreement  with the Chase  Manhattan  Bank is
                  incorporated by reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 13 to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A,
                  filed with the Commission on or about October 24, 1997.

         9.(b)    Amendment No. 4 to Appendix A of Custody  Agreement - filed as
                  Exhibit (g)(2) in Part C, Item 23 of Post-Effective  Amendment
                  No. 56 to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty
                  Funds Trust I (formerly  Colonial Trust I),  Registration Nos.
                  2-41251 and  811-2214,  filed with the  Commission on or about
                  May 27, 1999 and is hereby  incorporated by reference and made
                  a part of this Registration Statement.

         10.      Form of Distribution Plan adopted pursuant to Section 12b-1 of
                  the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 - filed as Exhibit (m) in
                  Part C,  Item 23 of  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  56 to the
                  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty  Funds Trust I
                  (formerly  Colonial Trust I),  Registration  Nos.  2-41251 and
                  811-2214,  filed with the  Commission on or about May 27, 1999
                  and is hereby  incorporated  by  reference  and made a part of
                  this Registration Statement.

         11.      Opinion and Consent of Counsel to Newport Asia Pacific Fund as
                  to Legality of the Securities  Being  Registered will be filed
                  by amendment.

         12.      Opinion and Consent of Counsel to Newport  Asia  Pacific  Fund
                  Supporting Tax Matters and  Consequences to Shareholders  will
                  be filed by amendment.

         13.(a)   Form of Pricing and  Bookkeeping  Agreement is incorporated by
                  reference to the Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 10
                  to the Registration Statement on Form
                  N-1A,  filed with the  Commission  on or about  September  27,

         13.(b)   Amendment to Appendix I of Pricing and Bookkeeping Agreement -
                  filed as Exhibit  (h)(2) in Part C, Item 23 of  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 54 to the Registration Statement on Form N-1A of
                  Liberty   Funds   Trust  I   (formerly   Colonial   Trust  I),
                  Registration  Nos.  2-41251  and  811-2214,   filed  with  the
                  Commission   on  or  about   March  18,  1999  and  is  hereby
                  incorporated by reference and made a part of this Registration

         13.(c)   Amended and  Restated  Shareholders'  Servicing  and  Transfer
                  Agent Agreement,  as amended,  is incorporated by reference to
                  the  Registrant's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  10  to  the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the Commission
                  on or about September 27, 1996.

         13.(d)   Amendment  No.  13  to  Schedule  A of  Amended  and  Restated
                  Shareholders'  Servicing and Transfer Agent  Agreement - filed
                  as  Exhibit  (h)(5)  in  Part  C,  Item  23 of  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 54 to the Registration Statement on Form N-1A of
                  Liberty   Funds   Trust  I   (formerly   Colonial   Trust  I),
                  Registration  Nos.  2-41251  and  811-2214,   filed  with  the
                  Commission   on  or  about   March  18,  1999  and  is  hereby
                  incorporated by reference and made a part of this Registration

         13.(e)   Amendment  No.  19  to  Appendix  I of  Amended  and  Restated
                  Shareholders'  Servicing and Transfer Agent  Agreement - filed
                  as  Exhibit  (h)(6)  in  Part  C,  Item  23 of  Post-Effective
                  Amendment No. 54 to the Registration Statement on Form N-1A of
                  Liberty   Funds   Trust  I   (formerly   Colonial   Trust  I),
                  Registration  Nos.  2-41251  and  811-2214,   filed  with  the
                  Commission   on  or  about   March  18,  1999  and  is  hereby
                  incorporated by reference and made a part of this Registration

         13.(f)   Credit  Agreement  - filed as  Exhibit  9.(f) in Part C,  Item
                  24(b) of  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 19 to the Registration
                  Statement  on Form N-1A of  Liberty  Funds  Trust V  (formerly
                  Colonial Trust V),  Registration  Nos.  811-5030 and 33-12109,
                  filed  with the  Commission  on or about  May 20,  1996 and is
                  hereby  incorporated  by  reference  and  made a part  of this
                  Registration Statement.

         13.(g)   Amendment  No. 1 to the  Credit  Agreement  - filed as Exhibit
                  9.(f) in Part C, Item 24(b) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 99
                  to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A, of Liberty Funds
                  Trust III (formerly  Colonial  Trust III),  Registration  Nos.
                  811-881 and  2-15184,  filed with the  Commission  on or about
                  December 17, 1997 and is hereby  incorporated by reference and
                  made a part of this Registration Statement.

         13.(h)   Amendment  No. 2 to the  Credit  Agreement  - filed as Exhibit
                  9.(g) in Part C, Item 24(b) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 99
                  to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty  Funds
                  Trust III (formerly  Colonial  Trust III),  Registration  Nos.
                  811-881 and  2-15184,  filed with the  Commission  on or about
                  December 17, 1997 and is hereby  incorporated by reference and
                  made a part of this Registration Statement.

         13.(i)   Amendment  No. 3 to the  Credit  Agreement  - filed as Exhibit
                  9.(h) in Part C, Item 24(b) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 99
                  to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty  Funds
                  Trust III (formerly  Colonial  Trust III),  Registration  Nos.
                  811-881 and  2-15184,  filed with the  Commission  on or about
                  December 17, 1997 and is hereby  incorporated by reference and
                  made a part of this Registration Statement.

         13.(j)   Amendment  No. 4 to the  Credit  Agreement  - filed as Exhibit
                  9.(h) in Part C, Item 24(b) of  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.
                  102 to the  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A of  Liberty
                  Funds Trust III (formerly  Colonial  Trust III),  Registration
                  Nos.  811-881 and  2-15184,  filed with the  Commission  on or
                  about  September  17,  1998  and  is  hereby  incorporated  by
                  reference and made a part of this Registration Statement.

         13.(k)   Form of Administration  Agreement is incorporated by reference
                  to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 17 to the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A, filed with the Commission
                  on or about May 24, 1999.

         14.      Consent of  Independent  Accountants,  PricewaterhouseCoopers
                  LLP, will be filed by amendment.

         15.      Not applicable

         16.      Power of Attorney for: Robert J. Birnbaum, Tom Bleasdale, John
                  V. Carberry,  Lora S. Collins,  James E. Grinnell,  Richard W.
                  Lowry,  Salvatore  Macera,  William E. Mayer,  James L. Moody,
                  Jr., John J. Neuhauser,  Thomas E. Stitzel, Robert L. Sullivan
                  and Anne-Lee  Verville is incorporated  herein by reference to
                  Exhibit  18.(a)  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  50 to the
                  Registration Statement on Form N-1A of Liberty Funds Trust IV,
                  Registration  Nos.  2-62492  and  811-2865,   filed  with  the
                  Commission on November 9, 1998.

         17.      Form of Proxy is filed herewith.

Item 17.  Undertakings.

         1.       The  undersigned  Registrant  agrees  that prior to any public
                  reoffering of the securities  registered  through the use of a
                  prospectus which is a part of this  Registration  Statement by
                  any person or party who is deemed to be an underwriter  within
                  the  meaning  of  Rule  145(c)  of  the  Securities  Act,  the
                  reoffering  prospectus will contain the information called for
                  by the applicable registration form for reofferings by persons
                  who may be deemed underwriters, in addition to the information
                  called for by the other items of the applicable form.

         2.       The undersigned  Registrant  agrees that every prospectus that
                  is filed under paragraph 1 above will be filed as a part of an
                  amendment to this Registration  Statement and will not be used
                  until the amendment is effective, and that, in determining any
                  liability  under the 1933 Act, each  post-effective  amendment
                  shall be deemed  to be a new  registration  statement  for the
                  securities offered therein, and the offering of the securities
                  at that  time  shall be  deemed  to be the  initial  bona fide
                  offering of them.


A copy of the  Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust of Liberty  Funds  Trust VI
(Trust),  as  amended,  is on file with the  Secretary  of The  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  and notice is hereby given that this  Registration  Statement has
been executed on behalf of the Trust by officers of the Trust as officers and by
its Trustees as trustees and not individually, and the obligations of or arising
out of this  Registration  Statement  are not binding upon any of the  Trustees,
officers or shareholders of the Trust individually but are binding only upon the
assets and property of the Trust.


As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration  Statement has been
signed on behalf of the  Registrant,  in the City of Boston and  Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, on the 28th day of May, 1999.

                           LIBERTY FUNDS TRUST VI (formerly Colonial Trust VI)

                           By:    /s/ STEPHEN E. GIBSON
                                      Stephen E. Gibson

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration  Statement has been
signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

SIGNATURE                                 TITLE                                         DATE

/s/ STEPHEN E. GIBSON                     President (chief executive officer)           May 28, 1999
Stephen E. Gibson

/s/ TIMOTHY J. JACOBY                     Treasurer and Chief Financial
Timothy J. Jacoby                         Officer (principal financial officer)         May 28, 1999

/s/ J. KEVIN CONNAUGHTON                  Controller and Chief Accounting               May 28, 1999
J. Kevin Connaughton                      Officer (principal accounting officer)

/s/ ROBERT J. BIRNBAUM*                   Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Robert J. Birnbaum

/s/ TOM BLEASDALE*                        Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Tom Bleasdale

/s/ JOHN V. CARBERRY*                     Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
John V. Carberry

/s/ LORA S. COLLINS*                      Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Lora S. Collins

/s/ JAMES E. GRINNELL*                    Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
James E. Grinnell

/s/ RICHARD W. LOWRY*                     Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Richard W. Lowry

/s/ SALVATORE MACERA*                     Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Salvatore Macera

/s/ WILLIAM E. MAYER*                     Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
William E. Mayer

/s/ JAMES L. MOODY, JR.*                  Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
James L. Moody, Jr.

/s/ JOHN J. NEUHAUSER*                    Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
John J. Neuhauser

/s/ THOMAS E. STITZEL*                    Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Thomas E. Stitzel

/s/ ROBERT L. SULLIVAN*                   Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Robert L. Sullivan

/s/ Anne-Lee Verville*                    Trustee                                       May 28, 1999
Anne-Lee Verville

/s/ SUZAN M. BARRON                                                                     May 28, 1999
*/Suzan M. Barron
Attorney-in-fact for each trustee

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

         17.      Form of Proxy