LEASE AGREEMENT                  Exhibit 10.21

	THIS LEASE made as of this 27th day of June, 1996, 
by and between SIRO, L.L.C., a Michigan Limited Liability 
Company, whose address is c/o W. Sidney Smith, 108 S. University, 
Suite 6, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858, hereinafter referred to as 
"Landlord," and VALASSIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,  a Delaware 
Corporation, whose address is Westwood Office Park, 36111 
Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150, hereinafter referred to as 



	Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases 
from Landlord, that certain real property located in the City of 
Livonia , County of Wayne, State of Michigan, commonly known as 
19975 Victor Parkway, Livonia, MI 48152, and more particularly 
described on Exhibit  A  attached hereto and made a part hereof, 
together with all appurtenances, improvements, easements and 
rights-of-way thereunto pertaining ("Premises").   Tenant shall 
use and occupy the Premises as a corporate office building only 
and for no other uses.  The building to be constructed on the 
premises is agreed to be One Hundred Thousand Five Hundred 
Ninety-Seven (100,597) square feet ("Building"). 


	A. 	LANDLORD'S WORK. Landlord shall perform the work 
and make the installations in the Premises substantially as 
set forth in the Plans and Specifications prepared by Harley 
Ellington Design for Perini Building Company (Perini), which 
Tenant acknowledges it has reviewed and approved (such work 
and installations being hereinafter referred to as 
("Landlord's Work").   Tenant agrees to pay all design and 
construction costs incurred prior to Landlord's closing a 
certain bond issue in the amount of approximately Twenty 
Million ($20,000,000.00) Dollars  (Bond Issue) to finance 
the construction of the building and improvements.  Landlord 
shall reimburse Tenant for the amounts advanced in a lump 
sum from the Bond Issue.  Landlord agrees to pay all design 
and construction costs incurred after the closing of the 
Bond Issue to Perini.  In no event shall Landlord's 
reimbursement to Tenant plus payment to Perini or others for 
design and building costs (Maximum Costs) exceed, the sum of 
Ten Million Five Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Two Hundred 
Eighty-Two & 00\100 ($10,535,282.00) Dollars  ("Maximum Cost ").
The Maximum Cost includes an allowance on the Valassis 
Communications Headquarters Design Budget Update dated May 
6, 1996 (Budget) of  One Million Nine Hundred Thirty-Two 
Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Six  & 00/100 ($1,932,656.00) 
Dollars for interior work performed by Tenant, in accordance 
with Paragraph 2.B. hereof.  Landlord agrees to increase 
this allowance to Two Million Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred-
Forty & 00/100 ($2,011,940.00) Dollars.  This allowance 
increase shall not increase the Maximum Cost.  Tenant shall 
cause the scope of interior work set forth in the Budget to 


be performed.  See Exhibit B.  If Tenant is able to perform 
the interior work described in the Budget for less than 
$2,011,940.00, it shall be entitled to the savings.  If the 
interior work costs more, Tenant shall pay the additional 
cost.  Tenant shall be solely and exclusively responsible 
for and pay all design and construction costs that exceed 
the Maximum Cost and shall pay for same forthwith upon 
demand.  In the event that the actual cost of the Landlord s 
Work is less than the Maximum Cost, Landlord shall be 
entitled to retain the difference.  Landlord's obligation to 
perform Landlord's Work shall not require Landlord to incur 
overtime costs and expenses and shall be subject to 
unavoidable delays due to acts of God, governmental 
restrictions, strikes, labor disturbances, shortages of 
material and supplies, and for any other cause or event 
beyond Landlord's reasonable control. Landlord shall, when 
construction progress so permits, notify Tenant in advance 
of the approximate date on which the Premises will be 
substantially completed and ready for Tenant's occupancy, as 
evidenced by a temporary occupancy permit,  and will notify 
Tenant when the Premises is, in fact, so completed and 
ready, which latter notice shall constitute delivery of pos-
session of the Premises to Tenant. If any dispute shall 
arise as to whether the Premises are substantially completed 
and ready for Tenant's occupancy, a certificate furnished by 
Landlord's architect or designer certifying the date of 
substantial completion shall be conclusive and binding of 
that fact and date upon Landlord and Tenant.

	B. TENANT'S WORK. Landlord agrees that prior to the 
commencement of Tenant s right to possession, Tenant may, at 
Tenant's sole cost and expense, provide additional work to 
or on the Premises, provided that Tenant has furnished to 
Landlord design drawings and/or working drawings and 
specifications with respect to the work Tenant wishes to 
have performed and Landlord has approved of the same in 
writing.  All such Tenant's work shall be done at such times 
and in such manner as Landlord may designate, and only by 
such contractors or mechanics as are approved by Landlord. 
No deviations from the final set of plans and 
specifications, once approved by Landlord, shall be made by 
Tenant without Landlord's prior written consent.  Approval 
of the plans and specifications by Landlord shall not 
constitute the assumption of and responsibility by Landlord 
for their accuracy or sufficiency, and Tenant shall be 
solely responsible for such items. If such designs and/or 
working drawings and specifications are not furnished by 
Tenant to the Landlord for approval in time to permit 
Landlord's approval, or improvements are commenced or 
constructed on the Premises by Tenant without Landlord's 
approval, then the Landlord may, at its option, declare the 
Tenant in default of this provision, and in addition to any 
and all remedies provided in this Lease to the Landlord, 
cancel and terminate the Tenant's interest in and to this 
Lease by notice in writing to Tenant and forthwith re-enter 
and re-take possession of the Premises, it being understood 
that time is of the essence.


C.	Upon completion of construction, all the improvements on the 
Premises 	shall be the property of Landlord, and Tenant, except as to 
its interest under this Lease, 	shall have no interest in or to any of 
the improvements.  

	3.	RENT

	Tenant shall pay Landlord rent of  One Million, Six Hundred 
Fifty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-One & 00/100 
($1,659,851.00) Dollars  per year for each year.  The rent shall be 
payable in semi-annual installments of Eight Hundred Twenty-Nine 
Thousand, Nine Hundred Twenty-Five & 00/100  ($829,925.00) 
Dollars. The first payment shall be due on the commencement date of 
Tenant s right to possession as set forth in Article 4 hereof.  Future 
payments shall be due in advance of the first day of every six (6) 
months thereafter.  If  the commencement date of this Lease shall fall 
on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, then an 
additional rental of an amount calculated by prorating the semi-
annual payment set forth above shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord 
for the month in which said commencement date shall occur. Tenant 
agrees to make all rental payments to Landlord at 108 S. University, 
Suite 6, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858.  The rental is calculated at the rate of 
sixteen dollars and fifty cents ($16.50) per square foot of the Building.

	4.	TERM 

A.	TERM OF RIGHT OF POSSESSION.  Provided that the 
contingencies herein are satisfied, the commencement of Tenant 
s right to possess and use the Premises shall be the first to occur 
of the following events:  (i) the date Tenant commences 
operation of its business on the Premises;  (ii) the date the 
improvements are substantially complete, as evidenced by a 
temporary occupancy permit; or  (iii) May 1, 1997.  The term of 
Tenant s right to possession shall be sixteen (16) years.  If the 
commencement date is the first day of a calendar month, the 
sixteen (16) year term shall begin to run from that date.  If the 
commencement date is other than the first day of a month, the 
sixteen (16) year term shall commence on the first day of the 
following month.  The term of Tenant s right to possession may 
be extended in accordance with Article 5 hereof.  

B.	TERM OF OBLIGATIONS.  Notwithstanding the term of 
Tenant's right to possession, all of the provisions of this Lease 
Agreement are binding on the parties from the date this 
Agreement is executed.  As such, Tenant acknowledges that 
Tenant is responsible for payments and other obligations, set 
forth herein, even though Tenant does not yet have physical 
possession of the Premises.

C.  Landlord agrees that Tenant shall have possession of the Premises with a
temporary certificate of occupancy issued by the City of Livonia on or before 
April 15, 1997.  If a temporary certificate of occupancy is not issued on or
before April 15, 1997, Landlord shall pay to Tenant forthwith, the Tenant's
then current rent and Hold-over penalty plus the difference between Tenant's
then current monthly rent and the monthly rent required under this Lease.  For
each month or part thereof that a temporary certificate of occupancy is not 
issued, three months or a proration thereof, shall be added to the term of this
Lease.  The above shall not apply to any delays caused by Tenant's change 
orders or natural disasters.



	A.	Provided that this Lease shall be in good standing and 
in full force and 	effect and shall not theretofore have been 
terminated and that Tenant shall not be in 
default under any of the terms or conditions hereof, Tenant shall 
have the option to 	extend the terms of this Lease, upon the 
same terms and conditions, except as to rental, extension or 
renewal, as are herein set forth, for an additional term of five (5) 
years to commence upon the expiration of the original term 
hereof.  Such option shall be deemed exercised by Tenant unless 
Tenant delivers to Landlord notice in writing of Tenant's election 
not to renew  between two hundred-ten (210) and one hundred-
eighty (180) days before the end of the original term hereof.  In 
the event the Tenant shall remain in possession of the Premises 
beyond the term of Tenant s right to possession, Tenant shall be 
deemed a holdover and subject to Article 39 hereof.

	B.	Provided the above option is exercised, Tenant shall 
have one (1)  additional option to extend the term of the Lease 
for one (1) additional consecutive term of five (5) years under the 
same terms and conditions, by giving Landlord notice at least 
one hundred-eighty (180) days prior to the expiration of the then 
current term.  Rental shall be at an amount equal to the greater 
of the then market rate or the rental rate for the preceding five 
(5) years.

		C.	Rental for each five (5) year option period shall be set 
at the beginning of 	each option, at an amount equal to the greater 
of the then market rate or $16.50 per square 	foot per annum.


	A.	Tenant covenants and agrees to be responsible for all 
maintenance repair and upkeep of the Premises during the term 
of Tenant s right to possession.  The Premises includes, but is 
not limited to, for this purpose, all parking areas, the buildings, 
improvements, foundations, exterior and interior walls, windows, 
doors, floors, ceilings, downspouts, gutters, roof, skylights, 
plumbing and sewerage facilities, air-condition system, heating 
system, electrical facilities and equipment, glazing, lighting 
fixtures and all other fixtures, equipment and appliances of 
every kind and nature.  Tenant agrees that Landlord shall not  be 
called upon or obligated to make any repairs, replacements, 
rebuildings, restorations, improvements, alterations, remodeling 
or additions whatsoever in or about the Premises.

		B.   	Tenant shall be responsible for all janitorial service on 
the Premises during 	the term hereof.

		C.	Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of 
Landlord, which shall 	not be unreasonably withheld, make 
alterations, improvements or additions to the 	Premises and to 
the building and improvements thereon.  Consent is not required 
if it 	involves less than Eight Thousand (8,000) square feet, 
provided it does not diminish the value of the Premises.  If 
Landlord determines that same injures the Premises or decreases 
the value thereof, it will be deemed to be reasonable cause for 
withholding consent.  Tenant shall pay all costs and expense in 
connection with the same and shall hold Landlord harmless 


	D.	In a situation involving a need to repair, replace, or 
restore any portion of the Premises, and which is not covered by 
the provisions of "Eminent Domain" or "Damage and 
Destruction," Tenant may, claim the benefit of any property 
damage insurance which may be payable to Landlord by reason of 
the loss or casualty giving rise to such need. However, the 
benefits of such property damage insurance may be claimed only 
for the purpose of and to the extent necessary to replace, repair 
or restore the damaged or condemned portion of the Premises. 


	If at any time any bankruptcy or any reorganization proceeding 
is instituted by or against Tenant either in the State or Federal 
Courts, or if a receiver is appointed under Chapters X or XI of the 
Bankruptcy Act, for its business or property on the Premises, Landlord 
shall have the option, to be exercised by written notice given to 
Tenant, to declare this Lease terminated at any time after the 
expiration of twenty (20) days following the commencement of such 
proceeding unless the proceeding is dismissed and unless all 
payments of rent and other payments required by this Lease to be 
made by Tenant to Landlord are paid promptly during said period of 
twenty (20) days. Landlord shall under no circumstances be required 
to permit a receiver to retain possession of said premises, and 
Landlord need not lease said premises to such receivers, but Landlord 
shall be entitled to immediate possession of said premises. Any 
repossession or termination hereunder shall not operate in any way to 
prejudice or affect the right of Landlord for recovery of rent or other 
charges theretofore accrued, thereafter accruing or to any other 
damages, nor shall any such termination or repossession ever be 
construed as a waiver of or an election not to claim future damages on 
account of such breach, but all such damages, including all future 
rentals, shall be fully recoverable by Landlord. 


	The Tenant, upon paying the rent herein provided and 
performing all and singular the covenants and conditions of this Lease 
on its part to be performed, shall and may peaceably and quietly have, 
hold and enjoy the Premises during the term hereof, and Landlord 
warrants that Landlord has full right and sufficient title to lease the 
Premises for the term herein provided, and agrees to indemnify 
Tenant for and against any and all loss and damage that may result to 
Tenant on account of any failure of, or defect in, Landlord's title or 
right to make and execute this Lease   


	Should either party hereto institute any action or proceeding in 
court to enforce any provision hereof or for damages by reason of any 
alleged breach of any provision of this Lease or for a declaration of 
such party's rights or obligations hereunder, or for any other judicial 
remedy, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the 
losing party such amount as the court may adjudge to be reasonable 
attorney's fees for the services rendered to the party finally prevailing 
in such action or proceeding. 



	Tenant shall keep the Premises free of construction liens and 
other liens of like nature other than liens created or claimed by 
reason of any work done by or at the instance of Landlord. Tenant 
agrees to protect and indemnify Landlord against all such liens, or 
claims which may ripen into such liens, and against all attorney's fees 
and other costs and expenses arising from any such claim or lien. If 
Tenant fails to fully discharge any such lien or claim, the Landlord, at 
its option, may pay the same or any part thereof, and shall be the sole 
judge of the legality of such lien or claim. Tenant shall repay Landlord 
all amounts so paid by Landlord, together with interest thereon at the 
maximum rate allowable by law from the time of payment by Landlord 
until repayment by Tenant. 


	Tenant shall, from the date of this Lease, and at its own expense, 
insure that the Premises conforms to and complies with all laws, 
ordinances, and regulations now in force or that are enacted hereafter 
affecting the use or occupancy of all or any part of the Premises. 
Tenant indemnifies Landlord against and agrees to save Landlord 
harmless from all expenses imposed or incurred for or because of any 
violation by Tenant or anyone claiming under Tenant of any law, 
ordinance, or regulation occasioned by the neglect or omission, or 
willful act of Tenant or any person on the Premises by permission or 
holding under Tenant unless such violation results solely from an act 
or omission on the part of Landlord and/or the agents, servants or 
employees of Landlord. 

	12.	TITLE

Tenant acknowledges that Tenant has had the opportunity to 
review the commitment for
the owner s policy of title insurance provided to Landlord from Phillip 
R. Seaver Title Company, Inc., dated June 25, 1996.  Tenant reviewed 
all of the matters of record reflected in such commitment and agrees 
to insure that the Premises shall at all times comply with those 
matters of record affecting the Premises from the date of this 
Agreement until the expiration of this Agreement.  Tenant shall 
indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all expenses and costs 
incurred by Landlord as a result of any of the matters of record 
affecting the Premises.

	Tenant acknowledges that Tenant had a survey of the Premises 
prepared by Orchard, Hilz and McClement, Inc.  Tenant has expressly 
approved such survey and hereby accepts the Premises in accordance 
with and subject to all matters set forth on the survey.  Tenant 
understands that Tenant shall not be released from any of its 
obligations under this Agreement due to error(s) on the survey, or any 
matters shown on the survey.


	Tenant agrees to pay all charges when due for water, gas, 
electricity, or other utilities incurred by it in connection with the 


	15.	TAXES

A.	From the date of this Agreement until the expiration of the 
Term and any  renewals thereof, Tenant shall pay all real 
property taxes and assessments which may be levied upon 
or assessed against those lands comprising the Premises; 
except that Landlord shall pay the December, 1996 real 
property taxes and assessments. Tenant shall also pay all 
taxes or assessments levied upon or assessed against the 
improvements situated within the Premises and all taxes 
levied upon or assessed against any personal property 
situated within the Premises.  Tenant understands  that 
Landlord shall not be required to pay any taxes or 
assessments whatsoever which may be or become a lien 
upon the lands, improvements and personal property.   Any 
taxes or assessments which may be levied or assessed for a 
period beginning before the commencement of this Lease 
or ending after the termination hereof shall be paid by 
Tenant.  Tenant shall not be obligated to pay any income 
tax or other tax, assessment or charge which may be levied 
or become due by reason of the rents and profits received 
by Landlord as a result of this Lease. 


	The Tenant agrees to comply with and abide by all the 
covenants, conditions, restrictions and terms as set forth in the 
condominium documents for Victor Corporate Park Condominium, 
according to the Master Deed, all exhibits and condominium 
documents.  Tenant further agrees to pay any and all condominium 
association fees, assessments, common area charges, or any other 
charges of any kind attributable to the Condominium Unit, which 
become due and payable from and after the commencement date of 
Tenant s right to possession.  Landlord shall be responsible for all 
condominium assessments coming due prior to the commencement 
date of Tenant s right to possession.



	A.	Tenant agrees within ten (10) days after request 
therefor by Landlord to execute in recordable form and deliver to 
Landlord a statement, in writing, certifying if true (a) that this 
Lease is in full force and effect, (b) the date of commencement of 
the term of this Lease, (c) that rent is paid currently without any 
off-set or defense thereto, (d) the amount of rent, if any, paid in 
advance, (e) that there are no uncured defaults by Landlord or 
stating those claimed by Tenant, and (f) such other information 
as Landlord may reasonably request; provided that, in face, such 
facts are accurate and ascertainable.

B.	Tenant shall, in the event any proceedings are 
brought for the foreclosure
of or in the event of exercise of the power of sale under any 
mortgage made by Landlord covering the Premises, attorn to the 
purchaser upon any such foreclosure or sale 	and recognize 
such purchaser as the Landlord under this Lease.


	C.	Tenant agrees that this Lease shall, at the request of 
Landlord, be subordinate to any first mortgages or deeds of trust 
that may hereafter be placed upon the leased premises and to 
any and all advances to be made thereunder, and to the interest 
thereon, and all renewals, replacements and extensions thereof, 
provided the mortgagee or trustee named in said mortgages or 
trust deeds shall agree to recognize the lease of Tenant in the 
event of foreclosure if Tenant is not in default. Tenant also 
agrees that any mortgagee or trustee may elect to have this 
Lease a prior lien to its mortgage or deed of trust, and in the 
event of such election and upon notification by such mortgagee 
or trustee to Tenant to that effect, this Lease shall be deemed 
prior in lien to said mortgage or deed of trust, whether this Lease 
is dated prior to or subsequent to the date of said mortgage or 
deed of trust. Tenant agrees, that upon the request of Landlord, 
any mortgagee or any trustee, it shall execute whatever 
instruments may be required to carry out the intent of this 

	D.	Failure of Tenant to execute any of the above 
instruments within fifteen (15) days upon written request so to 
do by Landlord, shall constitute a breach of this Lease and 
Landlord may, at its option, cancel this Lease and terminate 
Tenant's interest herein. Further, Tenant hereby irrevocably 
appoints Landlord as attorney-in-fact for Tenant with full power 
and authority to execute and deliver in the name of Tenant any 
such instruments.

	E.	If Landlord's mortgagee will approve this Lease, only 
upon the basis of 	modification of the terms and provisions of 
this Lease, other than those provisions 	relating to the size 
and location of the Premises, the amount of rent and charges 
payable hereunder and the use for which Tenant is permitted to 
operate the leased premises, Landlord shall have the right to 
cancel this Lease if Tenant refuses to approve in writing any 
such modifications within thirty (30) days after Landlord's 
request therefor, which request may not be made later than 
forty-five (45) days after the delivery of possession of the 
Premises to Tenant. If such right to cancel is exercised, this 
Lease shall thereafter be null and void, and  neither party shall 
have any liability to the other by reason of such cancellation.


	Tenant shall, from the date this Agreement is executed, keep in 
force and effect a policy of public liability and property damage 
insurance with respect to the Premises, and the business operated by 
Tenant in which the limits of public liability shall be not less than 
Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) per occurrence, and in which the 
limit of property damage liability shall be not less than Five Hundred 
Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The policy shall name Landlord, any 
other parties in interest designated by Landlord, and Tenant as 
insured, and shall contain a clause that the insurer will not cancel or 
change the insurance without first giving Landlord thirty (30) days 
prior written notice. Such insurance may be furnished by Tenant 


under any blanket policy carried by it or under a separate policy 
therefor. The insurance shall be with an insurance company approved 
by Landlord and a copy of the paid-up policy evidencing such 
insurance or a certificate of insurance certifying to the issuance of 
such policy shall be delivered to Landlord prior to the commencement 
of Tenant's work and upon renewals not less than thirty (30) days prior 
to the expiration of such coverage.


(a) Tenant shall, from the date of this Agreement, carry 
insurance for fire and special extended coverage (as determined 
by Landlord) insuring the improvements located on the Premises 
and all appurtenances thereto for the full insurable value thereof 
(with deductibles accepted  by Landlord) such insurance coverage 
to include the improvements provided by Landlord and Tenant, 
and such insurance coverage shall include rental insurance. 
Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage 
suffered by Tenant which is not covered by such insurance 
(including without limitation, the amount of any such 
deductibles).   If the cost to repair or replace the damaged 
improvements exceeds the full insurable value, Tenant shall pay 
the difference.  The policy shall name Landlord, any other 
parties in interest designated by Landlord, and Tenant as 
insured, and shall contain a clause that the insurer will not 
cancel or change the insurance without first giving Landlord 
thirty (30) days prior written notice.  Such insurance may be 
furnished by Tenant under any blanket policy carried by it or 
under a separate policy therefor.  The insurance shall be with an 
insurance company approved by Landlord and a copy of the paid-
up policy evidencing such insurance or a certificate of insurance 
certifying to the issuance of such policy shall be delivered to 
Landlord prior to the commencement of Tenant s work and upon 
renewals not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of 
such coverage.

(b) Tenant shall pay the cost of the premiums for all such 
insurance, and the expenses incurred by Landlord relative to 
insurance appraisals, adjusters and reasonable attorneys' fees in 
connection therewith. Such statements may include charges for 
premiums covering more than a single year.
(c) Tenant will not do or suffer to be done, or keep or suffer to be 
kept, anything in, upon or about the Premises which will 
contravene policies insuring against loss or damage by fire or 
other hazards (including, without limitation, public liability) or 
which will prevent Tenant  from procuring such policies in 
companies acceptable to Landlord. 
(d) Tenant agrees to carry, at its expense, insurance against 
vandalism, malicious mischief, and such other perils as are from 
time to time included in a standard extended coverage 
endorsement, insuring Tenant's  trade fixtures, furnishings, 
operating equipment and personal property, such as signs, wall 
coverings, carpeting and drapes located on or within the 
Premises, in an amount equal to not less than one hundred 
percent (100%) of the actual replacement cost thereof and to 
furnish Tenant with a certificate evidencing such coverage.



	Tenant agrees, from the date of this Agreement, to indemnify 
Landlord and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, 
actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with (i) loss of 
life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of 
any occurrence in, upon or at the Premises, including the person and 
property of Tenant, and its employees and all persons in the building 
at its or their invitation or with their consent, (ii) the occupancy or 
use by Tenant of the Premises or any part thereof, or (iii) occasioned 
wholly or in part by any act or omission of Tenant, its agents, 
contractors, employees, servants, customers or licensees. For the 
purpose hereof, the Premises shall include the service areas adjoining 
the same.   All property kept, stored or maintained in the Premises 
shall be so kept, stored or maintained at the risk of Tenant only. In 
case Landlord shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any 
litigation commenced by or against Tenant, then Tenant shall protect 
and hold Landlord harmless and shall pay all costs, expenses and 
reasonable attorney fees incurred or paid by Landlord in connection 
with such litigation. Tenant shall also pay all costs, expenses and 
reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred or paid by Landlord in 
enforcing the covenants and agreements of this Lease.


	Tenant shall not commit or suffer to be committed any waste or 
any nuisance upon the Premises.


	A.	Tenant shall not sublet the Premises, or any portion 
thereof, without the written consent of Landlord, which shall not 
unreasonably be withheld, conditioned or delayed.  Any such 
subletting shall not relieve Tenant of its obligations to Landlord 
under this Lease. 

		B.	Tenant shall not have the right to assign this Lease or 
to hypothecate or 	encumber its leasehold interest 
hereunder, without the written consent of Landlord, which 
	shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or 
delayed.  If Landlord consents; (i) 	Tenant shall not by 
reason of any such assignment be relieved of any 
responsibility, liability or obligation to Landlord under the 
terms of this Lease; (ii) that any assignee shall agree in 
writing to be bound by all the terms, covenants and 
conditions of this Lease; and (iii) that an executed original 
of such assignment and agreement shall be delivered to 

		C.	Tenant may assign or sublet to a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Tenant. 
Tenant shall not by reason of any such assignment or sublease 
be relieved of any responsibility, liability or obligation under this 



	A.	Tenant shall, upon termination of the term of Tenant's right to
possession or any earlier termination of this Lease, 
surrender to Landlord the Premises, including without 
limitations, all building apparatus not covered by Section B of 
this Article, and all alterations, improvements and other 
additions which may be made or installed by either party.

	B.	Notwithstanding Section A of this Article, Tenant 
shall have the right to remove all trade fixtures, furniture, 
equipment and signs, which may be installed in the Premises 
prior to or during Tenant s right to possession at Tenant s cost, 
if Tenant is not in default at the time of removal.  The Tenant 
shall at its own cost and expense repair any and all damage to 
the Premises resulting from or caused by such removal, and shall 
restore the premises to its original condition, reasonable wear 
and tear excepted. Tenant shall have sixty (60) days after 
termination of this Lease for any reason whatsoever to effect 
such removal, repair and restoration; provided, however, no such 
fixtures or equipment placed on or in the Premises by Tenant, 
and which remain the property of Tenant, may be removed at a 
time when Tenant is in default in payment of rent or any other 
money payable hereunder, or in the performance of any other 
covenant under this Lease. 

	C.	Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, 
Tenant shall have the right at any time to remove its signs and 
other equipment bearing any of its trade names or trademarks, 
whether registered or unregistered. Landlord shall have no right 
to use and shall not have or acquire any interest in such trade 
name and service mark by reason of any of the terms or 
provisions of this Lease, or by reason of use of the same on the 


	A.	In the event that the whole of the Premises shall be 
taken under the power of eminent domain, the Tenant shall 
continue to pay the balance of the rentals minus the amount of 
the condemnation proceeds received by Landlord, provided, 
however, that Tenant shall have the right, but not the obligation, 
to participate in the Landlord's condemnation proceedings. 

	B.	In the event that a portion of the Premises shall be 
taken under the power of eminent domain, the obligation of 
Tenant under this Lease to pay rent and all of the other 
provisions of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect.  All 
damages awarded for any such taking under the power of 
eminent domain, whether for the whole or part of the Premises, 
shall belong to and be the property of Landlord, whether such 
damages shall be awarded as compensation for diminution in 
value of the leasehold or for the fee of the Premises; provided, 
however, that Tenant shall receive credit against rental equal to 
the damages paid to Landlord.



	Tenant shall not cause or permit any hazardous material (as 
hereinafter defined) to be released, brought upon, stored, produced, 
emitted, disposed of or used upon, about or beneath the premises by 
Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees.

	Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless from 
and against any and all environmental damages which arise from: (1) 
the presence upon, about or beneath the premises of any hazardous 
material or of any chemical substance requiring remediation under 
any Federal, State or local statute, regulation, ordinance or policy; or 
(2) the breach of any of the provisions of this Lease. For the purpose 
of this Lease, "environmental damages" shall mean: (1) all claims, 
judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, liabilities and losses (in-
cluding, without limitation, diminution in the value of the premises, 
damages for the loss of or restriction on rentable or usable space or of 
any amenity of the premises and from any adverse impact on 
Landlord's marketing of space); (2) all sums paid for settlement of 
claims, attorney fees, consultant's fees and expert's fees; and (3) all 
costs incurred by Landlord in connection with the investigation of 
hazardous material upon, about or beneath the premises, the 
preparation of any remedial investigation and feasibility studies or 
reports in the performance of any clean up, remediation, removal or 
restoration work required by an Federal, State or local governmental 
agency or political subdivision necessary for Landlord to make full 
economic use of the premises or otherwise required under this Lease. 
Tenant's obligations under this Section shall survive the expiration of 
this Lease.
	Notwithstanding any other obligation of Tenant to indemnify 
Landlord pursuant to this Lease, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and 
expense, promptly take all actions required by any Federal, State or 
local governmental agency or political subdivision necessary for 
Landlord to make full economic use of the premises, which 
requirements or necessity arise from presence upon, about or beneath 
the premises of any hazardous material. Such action shall include, but 
not be limited to, the investigation of the environmental condition of 
the premises, the preparation of any remedial investigation and 
feasibility studies or reports and the performance of any clean up, 
remedial, removal or restoration work. Tenant shall take all actions 
necessary to restore the premises to the condition existing prior to 
the introduction of the hazardous material upon, about or beneath the 
premises, notwithstanding any lesser standard of remediation 
allowable under applicable law or government policies. Tenant shall 
nevertheless obtain Landlord's approval prior to undertaking any 
activities required by this Section, which approval shall not be 
unreasonably withheld so long as such actions would not potentially 
have a material adverse long-term or short-term affect on the 
premises or any other property or business owned or operated by 
Landlord. Tenant shall promptly supply Landlord with any notices and 
correspondence concerning environmental damages received by 
Tenant form the United States Environmental Protection Agency or 
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The obligations of 
Tenant pursuant to this Section shall not apply to situations where 
hazardous materials are released, brought upon, stored, produced, 
emitted, disposed of or used upon, about or beneath the premises at 
the time or times other than during the term of this Lease except 


where such event occurs as a result of the acts or omissions of 
Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees or as a result of 
the acts or omissions of any agent, employee, contractor or invitee of 
any permitted Sublessee or assignee of Tenant. Tenant's obligation 
under this Section shall survive the expiration of this Lease.

	"Hazardous Material" means any material or substance: (1) 
defined as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to the Comprehensive 
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 USC 
Section 9601 et. seq.) and amendments thereto and regulations 
promulgated thereunder; (1) containing gasoline, oil, diesel fuel or 
other petroleum products; (3) defined as a "hazardous waste" pursuant 
to the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 USC 
Section 6901 et. seq.) and amendments thereto and regulations 
promulgated thereunder; (4) containing polychlorinated biphenyls 
(PCB's); (5) containing asbestos; (6) radioactive; (7) biological or (8) the 
presence of which requires investigation or remediation under any 
Federal, hazardous substance, material or waste which is or becomes 
regulated by any Federal, State or local governmental authority, or 
which causes a nuisance upon or waste to the premises. 

A.	From the date of this Agreement until the expiration 
of the term, including
any renewals or holdover periods, Tenant shall be solely 
responsible for the cost of repairing, restoring or replacing any 
portion of the Premises (including the Building and any 
improvements) that are partially or totally damaged or 
destroyed.  In such event, Tenant  shall, as soon as reasonably 
possible, commence and proceed diligently to restore the 
Premises substantially to their condition at the time of  such 
damage or destruction.  Tenant shall have the use of any 
insurance proceeds resulting from the damage or destruction to 
the extent necessary to repair and/or replace the damaged or 
destroyed property. 

		B.	Tenant understands that its rent and other 
obligations hereunder shall not 	be abated during the period of 
any 	damage, repair or restoration provided for in this Article.


The following occurrences shall be deemed defaults by Tenant:

		(a)	Tenant shall fail to pay when due any rent or 
other sum payable under this Lease and such failure continues 
for fifteen  (15) days after written notice from Landlord.

		(b)	Tenant shall abandon or vacate the Premises 
before the end of the term of this Lease, provided, however, that 
Tenant shall not be deemed to have abandoned, vacated or 
surrendered the Premises if Tenant meets all its financial and 
maintenance obligations under the Lease.

		(c)	Tenant shall be in breach of any other obligation 
under this Lease, and such breach shall continue for thirty (30) 
days after written notice from Landlord. 



In the event of a default by Tenant, Landlord shall have the 
following rights and remedies
in addition to all other rights and remedies otherwise available to 

		(a)	Landlord shall be entitled to immediately 
accelerate upon written notice to Tenant the full balance of the 
rent payable for the remainder of the term of this Lease. 

		(b)	Landlord shall have the right to terminate this 
Lease upon written notice, in accordance with the Summary 
Proceedings Act, to Tenant without prejudice to any claim for 
rents or other sums due or to become due under this Lease.

		(c)	Landlord shall have the immediate right of re-
entry and may remove all persons and property from the 
Premises.  Such property may be removed and stored at the cost 
of Tenant.  Should Landlord elect to re-enter as herein provided, 
or should Landlord take possession pursuant to legal 
proceedings, Landlord may either terminate this Lease or, from 
time to time, without terminating this Lease, relet the Premises 
or any part thereof for such term or terms (which may be for a 
term extending beyond the term of this Lease) and at such rental 
or rentals and upon such other terms and conditions as 
Landlord, in the exercise of its sole discretion, deems advisable, 
with the right to make alterations and repairs to the Premises.  
Upon each such reletting, (i) Tenant shall be immediately liable 
to pay to Landlord, in addition to any indebtedness other than 
rent due hereunder, the cost and expense of such reletting and 
of any such alterations and repairs incurred by Landlord, and the 
amount, if any, by which the rent reserved in this Lease for the 
period of the reletting as accelerated under Subparagraph (a) of 
this Paragraph, exceeds the amount agreed to be paid for rent for 
the Premises by the reletting Tenant; or (ii) at the option of 
Landlord, rents received by Landlord from such reletting shall be 
applied first, to the payment of any indebtedness other than rent 
due hereunder from Tenant to Landlord; second, to the payment 
of any costs and expenses of such reletting and of such 
alterations and repairs; third, to the payment of rent unpaid 
hereunder; and the residue, if any, held by Landlord and applied 
in payment of future unaccelerated rent as the same may 
become due and payable hereunder.

		(d)	Landlord may immediately sue to recover from 
Tenant all damages Landlord may incur by reason of Tenant's 
default, including the cost of recovering the Premises, and 
including the rent reserved and charged in this Lease for the 
remainder of the stated term as accelerated under Subparagraph 
(a) of this Paragraph, all of which shall be immediately due and 
payable along with attorneys' fees and Landlord shall attempt to 
mitigate damages in a commercially reasonable manner.



All installments of rent payable to Landlord under this Lease if 
not paid within five (5)
days after they become due shall be subject to a late charge equal to 
five percent (5%) of the installment amount.  In addition, any 
payment rent or other amount due from Tenant to Landlord which is 
not made when due under this Lease shall bear interest at the rate of 
seven percent (7%) per annum from the date of nonpayment to the 
date of payment.

In case suit shall be brought by Landlord for recovery of 
possession of the Leased
Premises, for the recovery of rent or any other amount due under the 
provisions of this Lease, or because of the breach of any other 
covenant herein contained on the part of Tenant to be kept or 
performed, all expenses incurred therefor (including attorneys' fees) 
shall be awarded to Landlord if Landlord is the party prevailing in such 


	A Memorandum of Lease, suitable for recording in the Office of 
the County Register of Deeds of the County within which the Premises 
are situated, and satisfactory in form to both Landlord and Tenant, 
shall be executed and recorded. Said document shall be entitled 
"Memorandum of Lease" and shall incorporate the legal description of 
the Premises.


	A.	All notices or demands of any kind which Landlord is 
required to or desires to serve on Tenant with respect to this 
Lease may be served by mailing a copy of such notice or demand 
to Tenant by certified mail, with return receipt requested and 
postage prepaid, addressed to Tenant at the place last 
designated by it as the place at which notices may be served, or 
if no such written designation is then in effect then addressed to 
Tenant at the Premises. Tenant hereby designates the Premises 
as the place at which notices shall be served. Service by mail 
shall be deemed complete at the expiration of the third day after 
the date of delivery thereof to the address specified. 

	B.	All notices or demands of any kind which Tenant is 
required to or desires to serve on Landlord with respect to this 
Lease may be served by mailing a copy of such notice or demand 
to Landlord by certified mail, with return receipt requested and 
postage prepaid, addressed to Landlord at the place last 
designated by it as the place at which notices may be served. 
Landlord hereby designates 108 S. University, Suite 6, Mt. 
Pleasant, MI 48858 as the place at which notices shall be served. 
Service by mail shall be deemed complete at the expiration of 
the third day after the date of delivery thereof  to the address 



	This Lease shall be construed under the laws of the State within 
which the Premises are situated and shall be binding upon and inure 
to the benefit, as the case may require, of the parties hereto and their 
respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 


	The words "Landlord" and "Tenant" as used herein, shall include, 
apply to, bind and benefit, as the context may permit or require, the 
parties executing this Lease and their respective heirs, executors, 
administrators, successors and assigns. 

	Wherever the context so permits or requires, words of any 
gender used in this-Lease shall be construed to include any other 
gender, and words in the singular number shall be construed to 
include the plural. 


	In the event that any term, provision, condition or covenant 
contained in this Lease, or the application thereof to any person or 
circumstance, shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, or be 
held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent 
jurisdiction, the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such 
term, provision, condition or covenant to persons or circumstances 
other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall 
not be affected thereby and all such remaining terms, provisions, 
conditions and covenants in this Lease shall be deemed to be valid 
and enforceable. 


	Whenever in this Lease the Landlord's approval or consent is 
required, such approval or consent shall be in writing and Landlord 
covenants and agrees that such approval or consent shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.


	The headings and captions contained in this Lease are inserted 
only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way 
define, limit or describe the scope or intent of this Lease nor of any 
provision herein contained. 


	Landlord and Tenant each agree that they shall hold in strict 
confidence all documents and information concerning this transaction 
and the business and property of the other.  No press release or public 
disclosure, either written or oral, of the terms of this Lease shall be 
made by either party without the consent of the other.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord may make such disclosures 
to its lenders or investors as is necessary to obtain the financing in 
this transaction.



Any holding over after the expiration of the term, or any renewal 
hereof, with or without
the consent of Landlord, shall be construed to be a tenancy from 
month to month, at One Hundred-Fifty percent (150%) of the rents 
specified for the period immediately preceding the expiration of the 
last term or renewal term.  The rent will be prorated on a monthly 
basis, and payable monthly, and shall otherwise be on the terms and 
conditions herein specified, so far as applicable.


	In the event that Landlord does not close the Bond Issue on or 
before November 1, 1996,  Landlord has the right and option to sell, 
and Tenant shall repurchase the Premises upon the terms and 
conditions set forth below:

A.  Term of Option: The option granted hereunder shall be 
exercisable until November 30, 1996 and all rights hereunder shall expire at
5:00 o clock in the afternoon on said date.

		B.    Purchase Price:    The purchase price, upon exercise of 
this option, shall be 	Three Million Twelve Thousand Two 
Hundred Eighty-Six & 00/100 ($3,012,286.00) Dollars, plus an 
amount equal seven (7%) percent interest per annum plus any 
amount equal to any money owed by Landlord to Tenant as 
reimbursement for construction and design costs on or for the 
Premises or for any other reason.

		C.    Exercise of Option:   The option granted hereunder 
shall be exercisable by 	the giving of a written notice to 
Landlord by certified mail, return receipt requested.  Notice shall 
be deemed given on the day that the notice is mailed in any U. S. 
Post Office.

		D.    Sale on Exercise: If this option is exercised, the 
purchase and sale of the 	above described property shall then 
be made upon the following terms and conditions:

(i)	Upon exercise of the option, Landlord shall 
secure and deliver to Tenant a commitment for 
an owner s title insurance policy, subject to 
permitted exceptions.  Permitted Exceptions 
shall mean all conditions, covenants, 
restrictions and conditions which were on title 
when Landlord received it from Tenant and 
construction liens placed on the premises.

(ii)	At time of closing, Landlord shall provide Tenant 
with an owners policy of title insurance on ALTA 
Owner s Policy Form No. B-1970 with the 
standard exceptions for the full amount of the 
purchase price.


(iii)	Landlord shall convey a good and marketable 
title, subject to existing easements for public 
utilities, to serve the premises and zoning 

(iv)	All real estate taxes and special assessments 
shall be assumed by Tenant.  All transfer taxes 
shall be paid by Landlord.

(v)	The sale shall be closed by payment of the full 
purchase price upon delivery of an executed 
Warranty Deed, subject to permitted exceptions.

(vi)	This sale and purchase shall be closed on or 
before thirty (30) days after exercise of option.

(vii)	Possession shall be delivered at time of closing.


A.	Net Lease.  This Lease is a net lease and, except as 
otherwise expressly
provided herein, any present or future law to the contrary 
notwithstanding, shall not terminate, nor shall Tenant  be 
entitled to any abatement, reduction, set-off, counterclaim, 
defense or deduction with respect to any Basic Rent, Additional 
Rent or other sum payable hereunder, unless expressly provided 
to the contrary herein.	

		B.	Non-Terminability.  Tenant shall remain obligated under this Lease in
accordance with its terms and shall not take any action to terminate, rescind
or avoid this Lease, unless expressly provided to the contrary herein.	


	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 
instrument to be executed as of the day and year shown opposite their 
respective signatures hereinbelow. 

					SIRO, L.L.C.,
					a Michigan Limited Liability Company,

					By: /s/ W. Sidney Smith
							W. Sidney Smith
						Its:  Member

					By: /s/ Roger E. Hinman
							Roger E. Hinman
						Its:  Member

					By: /s/ Stacia S. Smith
							Stacia S. Smith
						Its:  Member


					a Michigan Corporation,

					By: /s/ Robert L. Recchia
						Its:  CFO


	On June 27, 1996, before me, a Notary Public ln and for said 
County and State, personally appeared W. Sidney Smith and Stacia S. Smith, 
known to me to be the Authorized Signators of Siro, L.L.C., who executed the 
within instrument, on behalf of the Company. 

							/s/  Peggy Mangum
								    Notary Public 	
							Isabella County, Michigan
							My commission expires: 9/10/96


	On June 27, 1996, before me, a Notary Public in and for said 
County and State, personally appeared Roger E. Hinman who, known to be an 
Authorized Signator of Siro, L.L.C., who executed the within instrument, on 
behalf of the Company.

							/s/ Peggy Mangum
											Notary Public 
							Isabella County, Michigan
							My commission expires: 9/10/96


	On June 27, 1996, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County 
and State, personally appeared Robert L. Recchia known to me to be the 
Authorized Signator of Valassis Communication, Inc., who executed the within 
instrument, on behalf of the Corporation.

							/s/ Terry D. Bowlby
											Notary Public
							Oakland County, Michigan
							My commission expires: 12/18/96


Legal Description

Unit 2,  Victor Corporate Park Condominium , according to the 
Master Deed recorded in Liber 24532, Pages 729 through 797, 
inclusive, Wayne County Records, and amended by First 
Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Liber 26231, Pages 860 
through 867, inclusive, Wayne County Records, and Second 
Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Liber 26733, Pages 491 
through 500, inclusive, Wayne County Records, and Third 
Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Liber 27753, Pages 538 
through 562, inclusive, Wayne County Records, and Fourth 
Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Liber 28166, Page 912, 
Wayne County Records,, and Fifth Amendment to Master Deed 
recorded in Liber 28772, Pages 903 through 916, inclusive, Wayne 
County Records, and designated as Wayne County Condominium 
Subdivision Plan No. 284, together with rights in common elements 
and limited common elements, as set forth in the above Master 
Deed (and Amendments thereto) and as described in Act 59 of the 
Public Acts of 1978, as amended.

	Tax Item No:  Part of 024-01-0002-000