
	THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of the 2nd day of June, 
1998, by and between DAVID A. BRANDON (hereinafter "Mr. 
Brandon" or the "Executive") and VALASSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 
INC., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the "Corporation").

	WHEREAS, Mr. Brandon has been employed by the Corporation as 
its President and Chief Executive Officer pursuant to an 
employment agreement dated March 18, 1992, as amended on June 18, 
1993, July 9, 1995 and December 22, 1995, respectively 
(collectively referred to herein as the "Employment Agreement") 
and is a party to a Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement with the 
Corporation dated March 18, 1992, as amended on June 18, 1993 and 
July 9, 1995 and a Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement dated 
December 8, 1997 (each of such option agreements collectively 
referred to herein as the "Option Agreement") and has rendered 
valuable services 
to the Corporation; and

	WHEREAS, it is the desire of Mr. Brandon that he relinquish 
certain of his duties under the Employment Agreement, to amend 
the Employment Agreement and the Option Agreement in various 
respects and to resolve all matters arising out of or related to 
Mr. Brandon's employment with the Corporation and the change in 
his duties with the Corporation;  

	NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual 
covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree 
as follows:

Brandon hereby voluntarily resigns as President and Chief 
Executive Officer of the Corporation.  Mr. Brandon hereby agrees 
to continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of the Corporation 
until December 31, 1998 in a non-executive capacity at which 
point he will resign his positions as Chairman of the Board and a 
director of the Corporation.

     2. AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS.  The Employment Agreement and 
Option Agreement are hereby amended in the following respects:

          (i) Section 1(b) of the Employment Agreement is hereby 
          amended to provide that the Employment Period will 
          terminate on December 31, 1998.  The segment of the 
          Employment Period between July 1, 1998 and December 31, 
          1998 shall be referred to as the "Transition Period".  
          Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the 
          Executive's resignation of his position as President 
          and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation shall be 
          considered an event under Section 5(a) of the 
          Employment Agreement, and the provisions of Section


          5(a), subject to amendments thereto contained in the 
          June 2, 1998 Amendment to Employment Agreement and Non-
          Qualified Stock Option Agreements, shall apply.  
          Further, the Executive's resignation of his position as 
          Chairman of the Board and a director of the Corporation 
          shall be considered an Expiration of the Employment 
          Period under Section 5(a) of the Agreement, and the 
          provisions of Section 5(a), subject to amendments 
          thereto contained in the June 2, 1998 Amendment to 
          Employment Agreement and Non-Qualified Stock Option 
          Agreements, shall apply.  After the Expiration of the 
          Employment Period, the Executive shall not be deemed to 
          be employed by the Corporation, and the provisions 
          pertaining to the Consulting Period shall apply.

          (ii) Section 2(a) of the Employment Agreement is hereby 
          amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "Effective immediately, the Executive shall serve 
             as Chairman of the Board of Directors in a 
             non-executive capacity with such authorities, 
             duties and responsibilities as shall be 
             reasonably determined by the Board of 
             Directors from time to time. The Executive 
             shall preside at Board meetings but shall have 
             no executive duties and shall not be 
             considered an employee of the Corporation.  
             The Executive shall no longer be obligated to 
             serve as a director of any of the 
             Corporation's subsidiaries or affiliates."

          (iii) Sections 2(b) and 2(c) of the Employment 
          Agreement are hereby deleted.

          (iv) Section 2(d) of the Employment Agreement is hereby 
          amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "During any severance period (as hereinafter 
             defined) and for a period of ten years 
             thereafter or for a period of ten years 
             following the Expiration of the Employment 
             Period or at the option of the Corporation for 
             a period of ten years following the voluntary 
             termination of employment by the Executive 
             during the Employment Period (excluding a 
             termination for Good Reason), the Executive 
             shall serve as a Consultant to the Corporation 
             (the "Consulting Period") on the terms 
             hereinafter set forth.  During the Consulting 
             Period, the Executive shall not be required to 
             serve as a Consultant to the Corporation 
             during any period in which, as a result of any 
             public office held by the Executive at that 
             time, the Executive, in his sole discretion, 
             determines that such consulting or service 


             would be unethical or inappropriate.  During 
             the Consulting Period, the Executive shall 
             furnish at the request of the Corporation 
             advisory and consulting services.  The 
             Executive shall not be obligated to consult 
             with the Corporation more than 48 hours in any 
             one calendar quarter.  During the Consulting 
             Period, the Executive shall be free to accept 
             other employment and engage in other business 
             endeavors, subject in all respects to the 
             other provisions of this Agreement, including, 
             without limitation, the provisions of Section 
             8 hereof." 

          (v) Section 3(a) of the Employment Agreement is hereby 
          amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "From the date hereof until June 30, 1998, the 
             Executive shall be paid a salary at a rate of 
             $1,000,000 per year.  During the Transition 
             Period, the Executive shall be paid an 
             aggregate fee of $500,000 for his services as 
             Chairman of the Board of the Corporation.  The  
             Corporation shall pay such amounts to the 
             Executive on a biweekly basis.  All other 
             terms and provisions of Section 3(a) are 
             hereby deleted."     

          (vi) Section 3(b) of the Employment Agreement shall be 
          amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "With respect to the semi-annual period ending 
             June 30, 1998, the Executive shall be entitled 
             to receive a semi-annual cash bonus of up to  
             $500,000 in accordance with the Valassis 
             Communications, Inc. Senior Executives Annual 
             Bonus Plan, as amended by Amendment 1 thereto.  
             In addition, the Executive shall receive 
             15,000 shares of the Corporation's Common 
             Stock under the Executive Restricted Stock 
             Plan.  The restrictions on such 15,000 shares 
             shall be waived as of June 30, 1998."

          (vii) Section 3(e) of the Employment Agreement is 
          hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:  

          "During the Transition Period segment of the 
             Employment Period, the Executive shall be entitled 
             to participate in the Corporation's medical, dental 
             and prescription drug plans (the "Health Benefit 
             Plans"), as well as the Corporation's disability 
             and life insurance plans.  During the Consulting 
             Period, the Executive shall be entitled to 
             participate in the Corporation's Health Benefit 
             Plans.  Such Health Benefit Plans shall be equal to 

             the health benefit plans the Corporation generally 
             provides to employees and/or other senior 
             executives of the Corporation."     

          (viii) Section 3(f) of the Employment Agreement shall 
          be amended in its entirety to provide that the 
          Executive shall be reimbursed for all reasonable 
          expenses properly incurred by him in connection with 
          the performance of his duties as Chairman of the Board, 
          and the Executive shall account to the Corporation for 
          such expenses.

          (ix) Section 3(h) of the Employment Agreement shall be 
          amended in its entirety to provide that the Executive 
          shall vacate his office at the Corporation's 
          headquarters no later than July 31, 1998, and the 
          Corporation shall have no obligation after such date to 
          provide the Executive with office and support staff.  

          (x) Section 3(i) of the Employment Agreement shall be 
          hereby modified to provide that the Executive's use of 
          the corporate plane for both business and non-business 
          reasons (provided that the Executive shall reimburse 
          the Corporation as the Corporation may direct for the 
          direct costs of any such non-business related use) 
          shall extend only until June 30, 1998.

          (xi) The Executive shall be entitled to the vacation 
          and other benefits provided in Section 3(j) until June 
          30, 1998 at which time such benefits shall cease.

          (xii) Section 5 of the Employment Agreement is hereby 
          amended to provide that all references to the 
          Executive's Annual Base Salary shall mean salary at a 
          rate of $1,000,000 per year and all references to the 
          Executive's Annual Cash Bonus shall be to the $500,000 
          bonus that the Executive is eligible to receive under 
          Section 3(b); provided, however, that the date of 
          termination is prior to June 30, 1998.  In addition, 
          Section 5(a)(iv)(b) shall be deleted in its entirety.  
          The last two sentences of Section 5(b) shall be amended 
          to read as follows:

          "Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Corporation 
             exercises its option under Section 2(d) for a 
             Consulting Period or if the Consulting Period 
             otherwise applies (provided, however, that in no 
             circumstance will the Executive be entitled to 
             receive compensation under this section and 
             Section 5(a)(iii)), the Corporation shall pay to 
             the Executive for the duration of any such 
             Consulting Period as follows:  For the first three 
             years of any such Consulting Period, the 
             Corporation shall pay to the Executive an amount 
             equal to the biweekly installment of the


             Executive's rate of Annual Base Salary in effect 
             as of the date the Executive terminates 
             employment.  If the Consulting Period continues 
             thereafter, the Corporation shall pay to the 
             Executive at the same frequency an amount equal to 
             one-half of such biweekly installment for the 
             balance of the term of the Consulting Period."

          (xiii) Section 11(b) of the Employment Agreement is 
          hereby amended to change the addresses of the parties 
          as follows:

          If to the Executive:

               David A. Brandon
               12028 Hunters Creek Drive
               Plymouth, MI  48170

          If to the Corporation:
               c/o Valassis Communications, Inc. 
               19975 Victor Parkway
               Livonia, MI  48152
               Attn:  Barry P. Hoffman, Esq.
          The reference to CPH shall be hereby deleted.
          (xiv) Section 14 of the Employment Agreement shall be 
          deleted in its entirety.

Stock Option Agreement dated as of December 8, 1997, between 
the Executive and the Corporation (the "December Option 
Agreement") is hereby amended in the following respects:

          (i) Section 2 of the December Option Agreement is 
          hereby amended to provide that the Option shall be 
          exercisable for 100% of the Common Shares which are 
          subject to the Option as of the date hereof.

          (ii) Section 3 of the December Option Agreement is 
          hereby amended to add a new subsection (c) to read as 

               "The Option shall be exercisable by you until 
                June 30, 1999."

     4. UNAMENDED TERMS; EFFECTIVENESS.  All other terms of the 
Employment Agreement and the Option Agreement shall remain in 
full force and effect.  The amendments to the Employment 
Agreement and the Option Agreement contained in this Agreement 
shall be effective from and after the date of this Agreement.  

     5. RESTRICTED STOCK.  The Corporation confirms to the 
Executive that as of June 30, 1998, the one-year restriction


lapses with respect to (i) the 30,000 shares of restricted 
stock issued to the Executive for Fiscal Year 1997 pursuant to 
the Employment Agreement and (ii) all outstanding matches of 
restricted stock issued to Mr. Brandon pursuant to the 
Corporation's Employee and Director Restricted Stock Award 
     6. SETTLEMENT PROVISIONS.  The Executive shall promptly 
settle all matters relating to travel and entertainment 
expenses incurred prior to the date hereof.

     7. NON-DISCLOSURE OF THIS AGREEMENT.  The Corporation and 
the Executive agree to keep confidential and not disclose or 
divulge the terms and conditions of this Agreement to any third 
party, except:

     (a) in connection with any actions or proceedings 
         to enforce the terms and conditions of this 

     (b) as compelled by a court of competent 

     (c) to their respective accountants and lawyers;

     (d) reporting the income payable to the Executive 
         under this Agreement to the Internal Revenue 
         Service; and/or

     (e) in accordance with the Corporation's 
         disclosure policies and as may be required by 
         applicable securities laws or stock exchange 
         rules; and/or

     (f) the Company and the Executive shall mutually 
         agree on the text of a press release to be 
         issued immediately following the execution of 
         this Agreement.


     8.1. BY THE CORPORATION.  The Corporation, for itself, its 
successors and its assigns, hereby releases and forever 
discharges the Executive and his successors and assigns from 
any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, agreements, 
debts, promises, judgments and demands whatsoever, known or 
unknown, which the Corporation ever had, now has or hereafter 
can, shall or may have, from the beginning of time through the 
date of this Agreement, from whatever source arising, 
including, but not limited to, any claims which the Corporation 
may have under any contract or policy, whether such contract or 
policy is written or oral, express or implied, and any claims 
which the Corporation may have based upon any federal, state or 
local statutes, orders or regulations concerning discrimination


on any account or claims of libel, slander, defamation or 
damage to professional reputation.

     8.2. BY THE EXECUTIVE.  The Executive, for himself, his 
successors and his assigns hereby releases and forever 
discharges the Corporation, its subsidiaries and each of their 
respective directors, officers and employees from any and all 
claims, actions, suits, proceedings, agreements, debts, 
promises, judgments and demands whatsoever, known or unknown, 
which the Executive ever had, now has or hereafter can, shall 
or may have, from the beginning of time through the date of 
this Agreement, from whatever source arising, including, but 
not limited to, any claims which the Executive may have under 
any contract or policy, whether such contract or policy is 
written or oral, express or implied, and any claims which the 
Executive may have based upon any federal, state or local 
statutes, orders or regulations concerning discrimination on 
account of race, color, creed or religion, sex, national 
origin, age, handicap or disability, marital status, height, 
weight, sexual preference or sexual orientation, equal pay or 
any other category protected by law, including the Federal Age 
Discrimination in Employment Act; any claim relating to claims 
of libel, slander, defamation or damage to professional 
reputation; and any vacation pay, sick leave, health insurance, 
life insurance, disability benefits, severance or unemployment 
insurance benefits, retirement or social security benefits, 
workers' compensation or any other form of fringe, welfare, or 
retirement benefits paid or given to the Executive prior to the 
date of this Agreement.

     8.3. EFFECT.  The releases set forth in Sections 8.1 and 
8.2 shall not release any claim, demand, right, or cause of 
action of any kind that either the Executive or the Corporation 
may have on account of or in any way arising out of or related 
to a breach of the terms and provisions of this Agreement or 
any breach of the terms and provisions of the Employment 
Agreement and the Option Agreement arising after the date 

     9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  The Executive understands and agrees 
that he:

     (a) has carefully read and understands all of the 
         provisions of this Agreement;

     (b) is by this Agreement releasing the Corporation 
         from any and all claims he may have against 

     (c) knowingly and voluntarily agrees to all of the  
         terms set forth in this Agreement;

     (d) knowingly and voluntarily intends to be 
         legally bound by the same;


     (e) has been separately represented by his 
         respective legal counsel prior to executing 
         this Agreement.


     10.1. NOTICES.  The provisions regarding notices in the 
Employment Agreement are hereby incorporated in this Agreement 
as though set forth in full herein.

     10.2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This instrument, together with 
the Employment Agreement and the Option Agreement, contains the 
entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject 
matter hereof.  The provisions of this Agreement may not be 
amended, modified or waived orally but only by an instrument in 
writing signed by the party to be charged.  

     10.3. SEVERABILITY.  In case any one or more of the terms 
or provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason 
be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such invalidity, 
illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other terms 
or provisions hereof, but such term or provision shall be 
deemed modified or deleted as or to the extent required by 
applicable law, and such modification or deletion shall not 
affect the validity of the other terms or provisions of this 

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed 
this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                    VALASSIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 

                    By:  _________________________________

                              David A. Brandon
