OF THE ERO INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN

	The Third Restatement of the ERO Industries, Inc. Retirement Income

        Plan (the "Plan") is hereby amended, effective July 1, 1996 (unless

        otherwise set forth below), as follows:

            1.   Section 3.1 (Annual Compensation) shall be amended, effective

        January 1, 1994, by adding the following paragraphs:

            In addition to other applicable limitations set forth in the Plan,
            and notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the
            contrary, for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1994,
            the annual compensation of each Employee taken into account under
            the Plan shall not exceed the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit.
            The OBRA '93 annual compensation limit is $150,000, as adjusted
            by the Commissioner for increases in the cost of living in
            accordance with Section 401(a)(17)(B) of the Code.  The cost-of-
            living adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to any
            period, not exceeding 12 months, over which compensation is
            determined (determination period) beginning in such calendar year.
            If a determination period consists of fewer than 12 months, the
            OBRA '93 annual compensation limit will be multiplied by a
            fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months in the
            determination period, and the denominator of which is 12.

            For Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, any
            reference in this Plan to the limitation under Section 401(a)
            (17) of the Code shall mean the OBRA '93 annual compensation
            limit set forth in this provision.

            If compensation for any prior determination period is taken into
            account in determining an Employee's benefits accruing in the
            current Plan Year, the compensation for that prior determination
            period is subject to the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit in
            effect for that prior determination period.  For this purpose,
            for determination periods beginning before the first day of the
            first plan year beginning on or after January 1, 1994, the OBRA
            '93 annual compensation limit is $150,000.

            2.   Section 3.3 (Break In Service) shall be amended to read as


            Break in Service shall mean, for purposes of determining Year of
            Service, a Plan Year in which an Employee completes five hundred
            (500) or fewer Hours of Service and, for purposes of determining
            Year of Eligible Service, any twelve (12) consecutive month
            period beginning on an Employee's first day of employment, and
            succeeding anniversaries thereof, in which an Employee completes
            five hundred (500) or fewer Hours of Service.

            3.   Section 3.9 (Employee) shall be amended by deleting the first

        sentence thereof and inserting the following sentence:

            Employee shall mean any common law employee of the Company,
            excluding (i) any person serving only as a director, (ii) all
            independent contractors, (iii) any person whose employment is
            governed by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement with
            the Company where retirement benefits were the subject of good
            faith bargaining between employee representatives and the Company,
            and (iv) any person who is a non-resident alien deriving no earned
            income from the Company which constitutes income from sources in
            the United States.

            4.     Section 3.32 (Year of Eligible Service) shall be amended

        to read as follows:

            Year of Eligible Service shall mean any twelve (12) consecutive
            month period, beginning with the Employee's first day of
            employment and ending on an Employee's anniversary of his first
            day of employment, and succeeding anniversaries thereof, during
            which period the Employee (i) was employed with the Company or
            any member of its controlled group, and (ii) completed one
            thousand (1,000) or more Hours of Service.

            5.   Article IV (Eligibility for Participation) shall be amended

        to read as follows:

            (a)  Each Employee shall become a Participant hereunder upon the
                 January 1 or July 1 immediately following completion of a
                 Year of Eligible Service, or, if later, attainment of age 21.

            (b)  A Participant who terminates employment and is subsequently
                 reemployed as an Employee shall become a Participant again
                 on his date of reemployment.

            (c)  An Employee who terminates employment after being eligible
                 to become a Participant, but prior to the date upon which
                 he first becomes eligible to enter the Plan, and who then
                 is reemployed before incurring a Break in Service, shall be
                 eligible to become a Participant on his date of reemployment.

            (d)  An Employee who terminates employment before becoming eligible
                 to become a Participant and who is reemployed before incurring
                 a Break in Service shall be eligible to become a Participant
                 when he satisfies the eligibility requirements of paragraph
                 (a) hereof, based on his date of reemployment.

            (e)  An Employee who terminates employment before becoming a
                 Participant and who is reemployed after incurring a Break
                 in Service shall be eligible to become a Participant when
                 he satisfies the eligibility requirements of paragraph (a)
                 hereof, based on his date of reemployment.

            6.   Section 5.2 (Company Contributions) shall be amended to read

        as follows:

            Contributions of the Company to the Trust Fund for Matching
            Contributions or Company Elective Contributions shall be made
            in cash.  Any contributions made hereunder shall be conditioned
            upon the deductibility of such contribution under Section 404
            of the Code and, to the extent the deduction is not allowed,
            the nondeductible contribution shall be returned to the Company
            within one (1) year of the date the Trust Fund is notified of
            said nondeductibility.  The Plan Administrator shall adjust
            all Participants' accounts to reflect only the deductible portion
            of the Company Elective Contributions and Matching Contributions
            for the end of the Plan Year to which the nondeductible
            contribution relates.

            7.   Paragraph (a) of Section 5.4 (Participant's Salary Reduction

        Election) shall be amended to read as follows:

            Each Participant shall have the option to enter into a written
            (or by any other means approved by the Company) salary reduction
            agreement, which agreement shall be applicable to all compensation
            received thereafter.  The salary reduction agreement shall provide
            that the Participant agrees to accept a reduction in salary from
            the Company equal to an integral percentage of from two percent
            (2%) to fifteen percent (15%) of his Annual Compensation, subject
            to the then effective dollar limitation in effect ($9,500 for
            the 1996 calendar year) under Section 402(g) of the Code.  The
            amount by which Annual Compensation is reduced shall be treated
            as a Company Elective Contribution and allocated to that
            Participant's Elective Account.

            8.   Section 7.1 shall be amended to read as follows:

                 Section 7.1     Allocation of Matching Contributions and

            (a)  For each Participant who authorizes Company Elective
                 Contributions during the Plan Year, the Company shall
                 contribute each payroll period to the Plan, on behalf
                 of each such Participant, a "Matching Contribution" in
                 an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Participant's
                 Company Elective Contribution, provided, however, that the
                 Matching Contribution shall not be made on the portion of a
                 Participant's Company Elective Contribution that exceeds six
                 percent (6%) of the Participant's compensation in each such
                 payroll period.  Matching Contributions hereunder shall be
                 made to the Trust Fund no later than the time prescribed by
                 law for filing the Company's federal income tax return for
                 the Plan Year to which they relate, including any extensions

            (b)  To the extent of one percent (1%) of the Participant's
                 compensation in each payroll period, Matching Contributions
                 shall be allocated to a Participant's 100% Account.  Matching
                 Contributions allocated to a Participant in excess of one
                 percent (1%) of his compensation in each such payroll period,
                 and all Forfeitures, shall be allocated to a Participant's
                 Regular Account.

            (c)  The Company shall direct the Plan Administrator to establish
                 and maintain a Matching Contribution Account in the name
                 of each of its Participants on whose behalf Matching
                 Contributions are made.

            (d)  Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary, any
                 Matching Contributions (and interest thereon), whether
                 vested or not, that are associated with an excess elective
                 deferral under Section 5.4 or are associated with an excess
                 elective contribution under Section 7.2 shall be forfeited
                 within two and one-half months after the end of the Plan
                 Year in which such excess elective deferrals or excess
                 contributions were made and shall be reallocated as a
                 Forfeiture hereunder.

            (e)  As of the last day of the Plan Year, Forfeitures shall be
                 allocated to all Participants who are employed by the
                 Company at the close of business on the last day of the
                 Plan Year and who completed a Year of Service in such Plan
                 Year.  A Participant eligible to share in Forfeitures for
                 the Plan Year shall share in such Forfeitures in the
                 proportion that his Annual Compensation bears to the Annual
                 Compensation of all eligible Participants for such Plan Year.

            9.   Paragraph (b) of Section 7.2 (Limitation of Company Elective

        Contributions -- 401(k) Deferral Percentage Tests) shall be amended to

        add the following sentence.

            For purposes of determining a Participant's compensation hereunder,
            if an Employee becomes a Participant during a Plan Year, his
            compensation in such Plan Year for purposes of the actual deferral
            percentage test provided for hereunder shall be his Annual
            Compensation for the entire Plan Year, unless the Company, in
            a manner applied uniformly for all Participants for such Plan Year,
            determines that compensation shall be based only upon the portion
            of Annual Compensation earned during the period in which the
            Participant participated in the Plan.

            10.  The following Paragraph (f) shall be added to Section 9.3

        (Other Forms of Settlement):

            (f)  If a distribution is one to which Sections 401(a)(11) and
                 417 of the Code do apply, such distribution may be made or
                 commence less than thirty (30) days after written explanation
                 of the forms of distribution is given (but not sooner than
                 seven (7) days after such explanation is given), provided
                 the requirements set forth in Section 1.417(e)-1T of the
                 Tax Regulations are met.                              

            11.  Section 10.6 (Participant Loans) shall be amended to read

        as follows:

            Upon application by an Employee who is a Participant or any other
            party-in-interest, as defined in Section 3(14) of ERISA, and upon
            a determination that the Employee or other party-in-interest is
            deemed to have a "serious financial hardship," as determined in
            accordance with Section 10.3(d) of the Plan, the Plan's trustee
            may lend such Employee or other party-in-interest an amount such
            that the aggregate of all of his outstanding loans under this Plan
            and all other plans maintained by the Company or any member of its
            controlled group does not exceed the lesser of: (1) fifty thousand
            dollars ($50,000) (reduced by the excess, if any, of (A) the
            highest outstanding balance of loans from the Plan and all other
            plans maintained by the Company or any member of its controlled
            group during the one (1) year period ending on the day before the
            date on which such loan is made over (B) the outstanding balance
            of loans from the Plan and all other plans maintained by the
            Company or any member of its controlled group on the date on which
            such loan is made); or (2) an amount which does not exceed one-half
            (1/2) of the Vested Accounts, if any, under the Plan as of the date
            on which the loan is approved.  All loans shall follow a uniform,
            nondiscriminatory policy.  Loans shall not be made available to
            highly compensated Employees in an amount greater than the amount
            made available to other Employees.

            In addition to such rules and regulations as the Plan Administrator
            may adopt, all loans shall comply with the following terms and

            (a)  An application for a loan by an Employee or other party-in-
                 interest shall be made in writing to the Plan Administrator,
                 whose action thereon shall be final.  The Plan Administrator
                 shall specify the form of the application and any supporting
                 data required.

            (b)  The period of repayment for any loan shall be five (5) years,
                 unless the loan is used to acquire a dwelling unit which
                 within a reasonable time shall be used as the principal
                 residence of the Employee or other party-in-interest, in
                 which case the period of repayment shall be determined by
                 the Plan Administrator.  Loans shall be repayable in
                 substantially equal amortized installments of both principal
                 and interest payable not less frequently than quarterly.
                 Loans to Employees shall be repaid through automatic payroll
                 deduction, and for parties-in-interest who are  not Employees,
                 on such other terms and conditions as the Plan Administrator
                 deems appropriate.  To the extent that such loan is unpaid at
                 the time a distribution of such Participant's Accounts becomes
                 payable, such unpaid amount shall be deducted from the amount
                 otherwise payable from his Account.  Any loan described in
                 this Section 10.6 shall be considered an investment of the
                 Account from which it was borrowed. Such Account shall not
                 share in the allocation of earnings under the Plan to the
                 extent of such loan.

            (c)  Each loan shall bear interest at a rate which is two percent
                 (2%) above the prime rate, as such rate is charged from time
                 to time by area banking businesses.

            (d)  Each loan shall be supported by collateral equal to no more
                 than fifty percent (50%) of the Employee's or other party-
                 in-interest's entire Vested Accounts in the Trust Fund.
                 A loan also shall be supported by the Employee's or other
                 party-in-interest's promissory note for the amount of the
                 loan, including interest, payable to the order of the
                 trustee.  The promissory note shall require that the unpaid
                 principal and interest will become due and payable if a loan
                 payment is not made by the last day of the calendar year
                 quarter following the calendar year quarter in which the
                 installment was due and owing.  In the event of default,
                 foreclosure on the note and attachment of security will
                 not occur until a distributable event occurs in the Plan.

            (e)  Each loan shall be in an amount not less than one thousand
                 dollars ($1,000.00).

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Second Amendment

        to the Plan to be executed by its duly authorized officer this ____

        day of July, 1996.

                                          ERO INDUSTRIES, INC.,
                                          a Delaware corporation

                                          By: /s/Ted J. Lueken
                                          Its: Senior Vice President of Finance