WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

     Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant X
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
  Preliminary Proxy Statement          Confidential, for use of the Commission
                                        only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)
X Definitive Proxy Statement
  Definitive Additional Materials
  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant As Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement. If other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): 
X  No fee required.
   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
     to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

5)  Total fee paid:

  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
   0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
   previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
   the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

   1)  Amount previously paid:

   2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

   3)  Filing party:

   4)  Date filed:

                          [COMPANY LOGO INSERTED HERE]

                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.
                              14000 Riverport Drive
                        Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043

                                  May 27, 1998

     The 1998  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of  EXPRESS  SCRIPTS,  INC.,  a
Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at the Radisson Hotel, 11228
Lone Eagle Drive, Bridgeton, Missouri 63044, on Wednesday, May 27, 1998, at 9:30
a.m., to consider and act upon the following matters:

 1.  to elect ten (10)  directors  to serve  until the next  Annual  Meeting of
     Stockholders  or until  their respective successors are elected and 

 2.  to approve the Second Amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994
     Stock Option Plan;

 3.  to amend the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number
     of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock to 75,000,000 shares;

 4.  to ratify the  appointment of Price Waterhouse  LLP as the Company's  
     independent accountants for the Company's current fiscal year; and

 5.  to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournments thereof.

     Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 31, 1998, are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting. At least ten days prior to the
Meeting, a complete list of stockholders  entitled to vote will be available for
inspection by any  stockholder  for any purpose  germane to the Meeting,  during
ordinary  business hours, at the office of the Secretary of the Company at 14000
Riverport Drive,  Maryland Heights,  Missouri 63043. As a stockholder of record,
you are cordially  invited to attend the Meeting in person. If you do not expect
to be present,  please  complete,  sign and date the enclosed  Proxy and mail it
promptly in the enclosed  envelope.  The return of the  enclosed  Proxy will not
affect your right to vote in person if you attend the Meeting.

By Order of the Board of Directors.

                                      /s/  Thomas M. Boudreau

                                      Thomas M. Boudreau

14000 Riverport Drive
Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043
April 22, 1998


                          [COMPANY LOGO INSERTED HERE]

                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.
                              14000 RIVERPORT DRIVE
                        MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MISSOURI 63043


                       1998 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies  by the  Board  of  Directors  of  Express  Scripts,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company"),  to be  voted  at  the  1998  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  of the Company (the "Meeting") and any  adjournment  thereof.  The
Meeting will be held at the Radisson Hotel,  11228 Lone Eagle Drive,  Bridgeton,
Missouri  63044 on Wednesday,  May 27, 1998, at 9:30 a.m.,  for the purposes set
forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and in this
Proxy Statement.  This Proxy Statement and the accompanying  Proxy will first be
sent or given to stockholders on or about April 22, 1998.

     A Proxy,  in the  accompanying  form,  which  is  properly  executed,  duly
returned to the Company and not revoked,  will be voted in  accordance  with the
instructions  contained  therein  and, in the absence of specific  instructions,
will be voted (i) for the nominees for director  named in this Proxy  Statement,
(ii) for the proposal to approve the Second  Amendment to the Company's  Amended
and Restated 1994 Stock Option Plan (the  "Amendment  to the 1994 Plan"),  (iii)
for the proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to increase
the  number of  authorized  shares of Class A Common  Stock to  75,000,000  (the
"Amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation"),  (iv) for ratification of the
appointment of Price  Waterhouse LLP as independent  accountants for the Company
for 1998,  and (v) in  accordance  with the  judgment  of the  person or persons
voting the proxies on any other  matter that may be brought  before the Meeting.
Each such Proxy granted may be revoked at any time  thereafter by writing to the
Secretary of the Company  prior to the Meeting,  by executing  and  delivering a
subsequent proxy or by attending and voting in person at the Meeting,  except as
to any matter or matters upon which, prior to such revocation, a vote shall have
been cast pursuant to the authority conferred by such Proxy.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     Stockholders  of record as of the close of  business on March 31, 1998 (the
"Record Date") will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting or any
adjournments  thereof.  On the Record  Date there were 9,269,270 outstanding
shares of the  Company's  Class A Common  Stock,  $.01 par value per share  (the
"Class A Common Stock"), and 7,510,000 outstanding shares of the Company's Class
B Common  Stock,  $.01 par value per share (the "Class B Common  Stock",  which,
together with the Class A Common Stock, are hereinafter collectively referred to
as the  "Common  Stock").  All of the  outstanding  shares of the Class B Common
Stock are owned by NYLIFE HealthCare Management,  Inc. ("NYLIFE HealthCare"),  a
Delaware  corporation  and an  indirect  subsidiary  of New York Life  Insurance
Company, a mutual insurance company organized and existing under the laws of the
State of New York ("New York Life").

     The Class B Common Stock is convertible into shares of Class A Common Stock
on a share-for-share  basis at any time at the option of the holder, and will be
automatically  converted to Class A Common Stock upon any transfer to any entity
other than New York Life or its  affiliates.  Each  holder of the Class A Common
Stock is entitled to one vote for each share held by such holder and each holder
of the Class B Common Stock is entitled to ten votes for each share held by such
holder.  In all respects other than voting power and the  convertibility  of the
Class B Common  Stock,  the Class A Common  Stock  and Class B Common  Stock are
identical.  The Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock vote  together
as a single  class on all matters  except where  Delaware  law or the  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation require otherwise.

     The presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of shares entitled to
cast a majority of the votes of all  outstanding  shares  entitled to vote shall
constitute a quorum at the Meeting.  A  stockholder  who abstains from a vote by
registering an abstention  vote will be deemed present at the Meeting for quorum
purposes  but will not be deemed to have voted on the  particular  matter  under
consideration.  Similarly,  in the event a nominee holding shares for beneficial
owners  votes  on  certain  matters  pursuant  to  discretionary   authority  or
instructions  from  beneficial  owners,  but with  respect  to one or more other
matters  does not  receive  instructions  from  beneficial  owners  and does not
exercise discretionary  authority (a so-called  "non-vote"),  the shares held by
the nominee will be deemed  present at the Meeting for quorum  purposes but will
not be deemed to have voted on such other  matters.  Thus,  on the votes for the
proposals to elect directors and ratify the  appointment of  accountants,  where
the outcome depends upon the votes cast,  abstentions and non-votes will have no
effect.  However,  on the  proposal to approve the  Amendment  to the 1994 Plan,
where  approval  depends  upon the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
eligible to be cast at a meeting of the  Stockholders of the Company voting as a
single class,  and the proposal to approve the Amendment to the  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  where the  affirmative  votes of a majority of the total  voting
power of the  outstanding  Class A Common  Stock and Class B Common Stock voting
together as a single class and voting  separately by class are necessary for the
proposed  amendment  to be approved,  abstentions  and  non-votes  will have the
effect of votes against the proposals.


     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the  Company's  Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock as of
February  1,  1998  (unless  otherwise  noted) by (i) each  person  known by the
Company to own beneficially more than five percent of the outstanding  shares of
Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock,  (ii) each of the five most highly
compensated  executive officers and each director of the Company,  and (iii) all
executive officers and directors of the Company as a group. Included are amounts
of  shares  which  may be  acquired  on  February  1,  1998 or within 60 days of
February 1, 1998  pursuant  to the  exercise of stock  options by  employees  or
outside directors.  Unless otherwise indicated,  each of the persons or entities
listed below exercise sole voting and investment power over the shares that each
of them beneficially owns.

                               SHARES BENEFICIALLY OWNED

NAME AND ADDRESS                        NUMBER         PERCENT OF CLASS
   Howard Atkins.................           0          *
   Judith E. Campbell............           0          *
   Richard M. Kernan, Jr.........           0          *
   Richard A. Norling(1).........      24,000          *
   Frederick J. Sievert..........           0          *
   Stephen N. Steinig............           0          *
   Seymour Sternberg(2)..........       3,000          *
   Barrett A. Toan(3)............     151,000          1.6%
   Howard L. Waltman(4)..........       4,800          *
   Norman Zachary(5).............      17,000          *
   Stuart L. Bascomb(6)..........      21,150          *
   Thomas M. Boudreau(7).........      13,900          *
   Linda L. Logsdon(8)...........      12,500          *
   David A. Lowenberg(9).........      22,400          *
   Directors and Executive
     Officers as a Group (18
     persons)(10)................     290,350          3.1%   
   Pilgrim Baxter &
     Associates, Ltd.(11)........   1,220,700         13.2%
     825 Duportail Road
     Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087
   AMVESCAP PLC(12)..............     930,100         10.0%
     11 Devonshire Square
     London, England EC2M 4YR
   Wasatch Advisors, Inc.(13)....     543,869          5.9%
     68 South Main Street, Ste.400
     Salt Lake City, UT 84101

   NYLIFE HealthCare Management,
     Inc.(14)(15)(16)............   7,510,000         100.0%
- ---------------
* Indicates less than 1%
(1) Consists of options for 24,000 shares granted under the Amended and Restated
    1992 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors (the "Outside Directors Plan").
(2) Excludes 180 shares held by Mr. Sternberg's son, as to which shares 
    Mr. Sternberg disclaims beneficial ownership.
(3) Includes options for 139,000 shares granted under the Company's Amended and
    Restated 1992 Employee Stock Option Plan (the "1992 Plan") and the Amended 
    and Restated 1994 Employee Stock Option Plan (the "1994 Plan"; together with
    the 1992 Plan, the "Plans"). The shares subject to the options are 
    restricted from transfer with the transfer restriction lapsing as to 20% of 
    such shares on each anniversary date of the date of grant. The transfer 
    restriction is subject to complete lapse in the event of a "change in 
    control" of the Company (as defined in the Plans) or termination of 
    Mr. Toan's employment by reason of death, disability or retirement or by the
    Company without cause. Upon termination of Mr. Toan's employment, the 
    Company will purchase any shares issued upon the exercise of the option that
    remain subject to the transfer restriction, at the lesser of the option 
    exercise price or the then current market value of the Class A Common Stock.
(4) Consists of options for 4,800 shares granted under the Outside Directors
(5) Consists of options for 17,000 shares granted under the Outside Directors 
(6) Includes options for 16,000 shares granted under the Plans and 5,150 shares
    owned by Mr. Bascomb, of which 1,650 shares are held as co-trustee (with
    shared voting and dispositive power) of a trust for the benefit of his
(7) Consists of options for 13,900 shares granted under the Plans.
(8) Includes options for 10,000 shares granted under the Plans.
(9) Consists of options for 22,400 shares granted under the Plans.
(10) Includes options for 266,700 shares granted under the Outside Directors
     Plan and the Plans.
(11) The information with respect to the beneficial ownership of these shares as
     of December 31, 1997 has been obtained from a copy of an Amendment No. 3 to
     Schedule 13G dated January 10, 1998. Such filing reports that the
     beneficial owner is a registered investment advisor and it shares voting
     power with respect to all of the shares reported but has sole dispositive
     power as to all of the shares reported.
(12) The information with respect to the beneficial ownership of these shares as
     of December 31, 1997 has been obtained from a copy of an Amendment No. 1 to
     Schedule 13G dated February 9, 1998. Such filing reports that the
     beneficial owner is a parent holding company and it shares voting power and
     dispositive power as to all of the shares reported.
(13) The information with respect to the beneficial ownership of these shares as
     of December 31, 1997 has been obtained from a copy of an Amendment No. 2 to
     Schedule 13G dated February 11, 1998. Such filing reports that the
     beneficial owner is a registered investment advisor and it has sole voting
     and sole dispositive power as to all of the shares reported.
(14) Messrs. Atkins, Kernan, Sievert, Steinig and Sternberg, and Ms. Campbell,
     directors of the Company, are also directors and/or hold various executive
     positions with New York Life and/or NYLIFE HealthCare, as described herein.
     All of the foregoing directors disclaim beneficial ownership of the
     Company's Class B Common Stock owned by NYLIFE HealthCare.
(15) Each share of Class B Common Stock has ten (10) votes per share and will
     automatically convert upon transfer (other than to New York Life or its
     affiliates) at any time into shares of Class A Common Stock on a
     share-for-share basis and otherwise at the option of NYLIFE HealthCare.
     NYLIFE HealthCare is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life
     that has 89.0% of the voting power of the Common Stock of the Company.
(16) If  converted  to  Class A  Common  Stock,  the  Class B  Common  Stock  
     would  represent  approximately  44.8% of the outstanding Class A Common 

                            I. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     At the Meeting, the entire Board of Directors,  comprised of ten directors,
is to be elected to serve until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until
their  successors  shall be duly elected and qualified.  The number of directors
was fixed by the Board of Directors  pursuant to the  Company's  Bylaws.  Unless
otherwise  specified,  all  proxies  will be voted in favor of the ten  nominees
listed below as directors of the Company.

     The Board of  Directors  has no reason to expect  that any of the  nominees
will be unable to stand for  election at the date of the  Meeting.  If a vacancy
occurs among the  original  nominees  prior to the Meeting,  the proxies will be
voted  for a  substitute  nominee  named by the Board of  Directors  and for the
remaining  nominees.  Directors  are elected by a  plurality  of the votes cast.
NYLIFE HealthCare has indicated its intention to vote its shares for election of
the ten nominees.  Assuming NYLIFE  HealthCare  votes in favor of such nominees,
such vote would be sufficient to elect the nominees.  The following  information
is furnished  as of March 1, 1998,  with respect to each of the nominees for the
Board of Directors:


     Howard  Atkins,  47, was elected a director of the Company in January 1997,
to fill a vacancy on the Board created by the resignation of Lee M. Gammill, Jr.
He has been an Executive Vice President and the Chief  Financial  Officer of New
York Life since April,  1996.  From  September 1991 until joining New York Life,
Mr.  Atkins was the Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer of
Midlantic  Bank  Corporation.  Mr.  Atkins is also a director of NYLCare  Health
Plans, Inc. ("NYLCare"), a subsidiary of New York Life.

     Judith E.  Campbell,  50, was elected a director of the Company in November
1997,  to fill a vacancy on the Board created by the  resignation  of Bernard N.
Del  Bello.  Ms.  Campbell  has  been a  Senior  Vice  President  and the  Chief
Information Officer of New York Life since June, 1997. From October,  1995 until
joining  New York Life,  Ms.  Campbell  was Senior  Vice  President  of Consumer
Banking,  Manager of Deposit  Products,  Consumer Payments and Direct Banking of
PNCBank.  Ms.  Campbell  served as a Senior Vice  President  of  Midlantic  Bank
Corporation from May, 1992 until October, 1995, when Midlantic Bank was acquired
by PNCBank.

     Richard M. Kernan,  Jr., 57, was elected a director of the Company in March
1992. He has been an Executive Vice President and the Chief  Investment  Officer
of New York Life since March 1991.  Mr. Kernan is also Chairman of New York Life
Worldwide  Holdings,  Inc.,  Trustee of The Mainstay Funds, and the Chairman and
CEO of Mainstay VP Series Fund,  Inc., all  subsidiaries of New York Life, and a
director of NYLIFE HealthCare, NYLCare and other New York Life subsidiaries.

     Richard A.  Norling,  52, was  elected a director  of the  Company in March
1992. Mr.  Norling has been the Chief  Operating  Officer of Premier,  Inc., the
largest  voluntary  healthcare  alliance in the U.S., since September 1997. From
July 1989  until  joining  Premier,  Mr.  Norling  was the  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of Fairview  Hospital  and  HealthCare  Services,  a regional
integrated  network of  hospitals,  ambulatory  care  services  and health  care
management enterprises.

     Frederick  J.  Sievert,  50, was  elected a director of the Company in July
1995.  Since  January 1997,  Mr.  Sievert has been the Vice Chairman of New York
Life.  From February 1995 to December  1996,  Mr.  Sievert was an Executive Vice
President of New York Life.  From January 1992 to January 1995,  Mr. Sievert was
Senior Vice  President  of New York Life in charge of financial  management  and
policyholder services for Individual Operations.  Mr. Sievert is also a director
of NYLCare and other subsidiaries of New York Life.

     Stephen N.  Steinig,  52, was  elected a director of the Company in January
1994.  Since February 1994, Mr. Steinig has been Senior Vice President and Chief
Actuary of New York Life.  From  February  1992 to February  1994,  he was Chief
Actuary and Controller of New York Life. From November 1989 to February 1992, he
held the position of Senior Vice  President  and Chief Actuary of New York Life.
Mr. Steinig is also a director of NYLCare and other New York Life subsidiaries.

     Seymour Sternberg, 54, was elected a director of the Company in March 1992.
Mr. Sternberg is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of New York
Life.  He has been  with New York  Life  since  February  1989,  serving  as the
President and Chief Operating  Officer from October 1995 to April 1997, the Vice
Chairman from February to September  1995,  and as an Executive  Vice  President
from  March  1992 to  February  1995.  Mr.  Sternberg  is also  Chairman,  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  President  of NYLIFE  Healthcare,  and a director or an
officer of a number of other New York Life subsidiaries, including NYLCare.

     Barrett A. Toan, 50, was elected Chief Executive  Officer of the Company in
March 1992 and President  and a director in October  1990.  Mr. Toan has been an
executive employee of the Company since May 1989.

     Howard L. Waltman,  65, was elected Chairman of the Board of the Company in
March 1992.  Mr.  Waltman has been a director of the Company since its inception
in September  1986.  From 1983 until September 1992, Mr. Waltman was Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive  Officer of Sanus Corp.  Health Systems,  a wholly
owned subsidiary of New York Life, which is now known as NYLCare. From September
1992 to  December  31,  1995,  Mr.  Waltman  served as  Chairman of the Board of

     Norman  Zachary,  71, was  elected a director of the Company in March 1992.
From June 1967 to November 1991,  Mr.  Zachary held various  positions at Logica
Data Architects,  Inc. (formerly known as Data Architects,  Inc.) ("Logica"),  a
consulting and software development company,  including serving as President and
a director until November 1990. Logica provided  consulting services to New York
Life from time to time.


     The Company has established an Executive Committee,  an Audit Committee and
a Compensation  Committee.  During  intervals  between  meetings of the Board of
Directors,  the  Executive  Committee  (comprised  of Messrs.  Kernan,  Sievert,
Sternberg  (Chairperson),  Toan,  Waltman  and  Zachary)  has all the powers and
authority of the Board of Directors,  except as otherwise  provided by the Board
of Directors,  the Company's  Bylaws, or as required by law. The Audit Committee
(comprised of Messrs.  Norling,  Steinig and Zachary  (Chairperson)) reviews the
internal controls of the Company and the objectivity of its financial reporting.
In addition,  the Audit  Committee  must review and, by majority  vote,  approve
material  transactions  with related  parties (see  "Certain  Relationships  and
Related Transactions - Approval of Related Party  Transactions").  A majority of
the Audit  Committee must be  unaffiliated  with the Company and its affiliates.
The  Compensation   Committee  (comprised  of  Messrs.   Sievert  (Chairperson),
Sternberg and Zachary) administers the Company's compensation plans. The Company
does not have a standing Nominating Committee.

     During  1997,  the Board of Directors  held five  meetings,  the  Executive
Committee  held five  meetings,  the Audit  Committee held four meetings and the
Compensation  Committee held four meetings.  Each director attended at least 75%
of the  aggregate  number of  meetings  held by the Board of  Directors  and the
Committees on which he or she served during 1997.

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

     Directors  of the Company who are also  employed by the Company or New York
Life or its  subsidiaries do not receive  compensation for serving as directors.
During 1997, directors who were not employees of the Company or New York Life or
its  subsidiaries  received an annual  retainer of $10,000 and a fee of $750 for
each  Board  or  Committee  meeting   attended.   The  Company  also  reimburses
non-employee  directors for  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in connection with
attending Board and Committee Meetings.

     Under the Outside  Directors Plan, prior to the amendment thereto effective
January 24, 1996,  each  non-employee  director  received a one-time  grant of a
ten-year option to purchase 14,000 shares of Class A Common Stock at an exercise
price equal to the fair market  value of the Class A Common Stock at the date of
grant. This option became exercisable in three equal annual  installments on the
first three  anniversaries  of the grant date.  Mr. Norling and Mr. Zachary were
granted options to purchase 14,000 shares each upon the closing of the Company's
initial public offering in June 1992.

     Effective January 24, 1996, each non-employee director who is first elected
or appointed as a  non-employee  director on or after such date shall  receive a
ten-year  option to purchase 24,000 shares of the Class A Common Stock as of the
date of the first Board  meeting he or she attends as a  non-employee  director.
These options will become  exercisable in five equal installments at the rate of
one-fifth  per year on each  anniversary  of the grant date.  In addition,  each
non-employee  director  who was first  elected or  appointed  as a  non-employee
director prior to January 24, 1996 received an option to purchase 10,000 shares,
in addition to the 14,000 previously granted. These additional options vested in
two  installments  of 5,000 shares each on June 16, 1996 and June 16, 1997.  The
exercise price of all options granted under the Outside  Directors Plan is equal
to the fair market value of the Class A Common  Stock at the date of grant.  Mr.
Norling and Mr. Zachary were each granted options to purchase 10,000  additional
shares  effective  January 24,  1996,  and Mr.  Waltman was granted an option to
purchase 24,000 shares effective May 22, 1996.

                            ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of Directors  (the  "Committee")
administers  the Company's  compensation  plans,  including the Company's  stock
option  plans  for  its  employees.   The  Committee's  overall  recommendations
regarding  compensation  are  subject  to  approval  of the Board of  Directors;
although the  Committee has authority to grant stock options under the Company's
employee stock option plans, it now recommends stock option grants for executive
officers  to,  and acts in  conjunction  with,  the full Board of  Directors  in
awarding  stock  options to such  individuals  in order to comply with the rules
adopted under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


     The  Company's  general  compensation  policy for its  executive  officers,
including  the Chief  Executive  Officer  ("CEO"),  is to provide (i) short term
compensation consisting of two components,  a fixed base salary and a cash bonus
awarded based upon specific  short term financial and  non-financial  objectives
for the individual and the Company,  and (ii) long term compensation  consisting
of options to purchase the Company's stock based upon the  Committee's  judgment
as to the relative  contribution of each officer to the long term success of the
Company.  The CEO also consults with the Committee regarding the compensation of
those executive  officers whose base salary exceeds  $100,000 or whose potential
bonus is in excess of $50,000.  The Committee reviews  compensation on an annual

     The Company's  policy is to combine short term  compensation  and long term
incentive   compensation  to  create  a  total  compensation   package  that  is
competitive with compensation  packages for executive  officers of similar sized
companies  in  comparable  businesses.  In general  the Company  places  greater
emphasis on incentive compensation than most comparable companies.

     In November,  1997 the Company engaged a nationally  recognized  consulting
firm to review compensation  levels for the Company's  executive  officers.  The
study  was  based  on a  group  of  comparable  companies  in  health  care  and
information  intensive businesses (the "Comparator  Companies").  The consultant
determined  that the  Company's  executive  officers,  including  its CEO,  were
generally  compensated at a level  significantly  lower than the median of total
compensation  received by executives in comparable  positions at the  Comparator
Companies.  Accordingly,  the Committee approved certain adjustments to the base
salary and bonus levels for the executive officers to take effect March, 1998 to
bring executive  compensation  approximately to the median level of compensation
for the Comparator Companies. The Committee also recommended long term incentive
compensation awards in the form of additional stock options,  which were made in
the fall of 1997, as discussed below.

     The Committee is  continuing  to study the impact of Section  162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code on the  deductibility of executive  officer  compensation.
The Committee is endeavoring to maximize the  deductibility  of  compensation to
the extent practicable while maintaining competitive compensation.


     BASE SALARY: The Committee  determines the salary ranges for each executive
officer   position   in  the   Company   based  upon  the  level  and  scope  of
responsibilities  of the  position  and the pay levels of  similarly  positioned
executive  officers in companies deemed  comparable by the Committee.  The CEO's
evaluation of the level of  responsibility of each position (other than his own)
and the performance of each other executive  officer is of paramount  importance
when base salary is determined.  For 1997 compensation,  which was determined in
late  1996,  the  Committee  obtained  information  about the  salary  and total
compensation  of officers in comparable  companies  through  review of published
reports and periodic surveys.

     ANNUAL  BONUS   COMPENSATION:   Each  executive  officer's  bonus  has  two
components: (i) an amount based on the Company's profitability goal, and (ii) an
amount based on achieving  specific  work plan  objectives.  For each  executive
officer each component of the bonus is expressed as a specific dollar amount. In
general, the profitability component represents  approximately 28 percent of the
total annual bonus amount, and the work plan objectives  represent the remaining
72 percent. The potential bonus amount for 1997 for any executive officer (other
than the CEO) is between  approximately  31  percent  and 50 percent of the base
salary, depending on the extent to which that executive officer's department can
help meet certain Company-wide goals.

     Executive  officers  are eligible  for annual  bonus  payments  only to the
extent that the Company meets certain  predetermined  profitability goals, which
are  approved by the Board in its annual  review of the  Company's  budget.  For
1997, the goals were based on the Company's budgeted net income for 1997. If the
Company  meets  these  profitability  goals,  the  executive  will  receive  the
specified profitability portion of the bonus.

     In determining  the amount of the work plan bonus component to be paid, the
Committee  examines  the  executive's  individual  contribution  to  his  or her
departmental  work plan and the extent to which the departmental work plan goals
have been achieved.  The departmental  work plan goals are determined based upon
the departmental  function,  and include such items as development and marketing
of new products and programs within a specified time frame, systems enhancements
to support new  products and  programs,  improvements  in mail service  pharmacy
processing costs and enhancements in the provider networks.  The work plan bonus
for 1997 is  available  only to the  extent  that  the  Company's  overall  1997
profitability goals are achieved.

     For 1997,  actual  aggregate  bonuses paid to current  executive  officers,
including  the CEO,  represented  approximately  33% of the salaries and bonuses
paid to these officers,  compared to 29% in 1996.  Actual aggregate bonuses paid
to all current  executive  officers  who received  bonuses for 1997  represented
approximately 94% of the total amounts allocated for bonuses for these executive
officers and  approximately 28% of the total bonus amounts paid to all employees
for 1997, compared to 80% and 26%, respectively, in 1996.

     LONG TERM INCENTIVE  COMPENSATION:  Long term incentive  compensation is in
the form of the Company's  stock option  plans,  which are designed to align the
executive's  incentive  compensation  more directly with  stockholder  values by
linking  compensation  to the  performance  of the  Company's  stock.  Long term
compensation is also designed to encourage executives to make career commitments
to the Company.  Each  executive  officer  receives an initial option grant upon
employment  with  the  Company,  and  typically  receives  an  annual  grant  of
additional  stock options  thereafter.  The size of an executive's  stock option
award is based upon the CEO's and the Committee's  subjective  evaluation of the
contribution  that the executive  officer is expected to make to overall  growth
and  profitability of the Company during the vesting period of the options.  The
Committee also considers  comparable long term incentive  compensation levels at
the Comparator Companies.

     Stock options are granted with an exercise  price equal to the market value
on the date of grant and  constitute  compensation  only if the Company's  stock
price  increases  thereafter.  The  Committee  has  discretion  to determine the
vesting schedule for each option grant and generally has made grants that become
exercisable  in equal amounts over five years.  In general,  executives  must be
employed  by the  Company  at the time of  vesting  in order to  exercise  their
options.  Reference is made to the text of the Company's  Stock Option Plans for
detailed information on the terms of these plans.

     SEVERANCE  ARRANGEMENTS:  On  January  27,  1998,  the  Board of  Directors
authorized  the  Company  to  enter  into  severance   agreements  with  certain
executives  selected  by the  Board of  Directors,  upon  recommendation  of the
Compensation  Committee.  The  severance  agreements  are designed  generally to
encourage the Company's key management  personnel to remain with the Company and
its subsidiaries and to continue to devote their full attention to the Company's
business,  without distraction from personal  uncertainties and risks created by
certain events that are not within their control.  The severance  agreements are
operative only in the event the  executive's  employment with the Company or any
of its  subsidiaries,  as the case may be,  terminates for any reason other than
death,  disability or "cause",  or in the event that the  executive  voluntarily
terminates  employment  for "good  reason"  (as such  terms are  defined  in the
agreements).  The severance benefit thereunder generally will be an amount equal
to (i) one year's salary at the rate in effect on the date of termination,  plus
(ii) an amount equal to the current  year's bonus  potential  multiplied  by the
average  percentage of the bonus  potential  realized by the executive  over the
preceding  three  years,  prorated  for the  portion of the year of  termination
during  which  the  executive  was  employed  by the  Company.  Six  executives,
including all of the executive officers named in the Summary  Compensation Table
below (the "Named  Officers")  other than the  Company's  CEO, have entered into
such  agreements  with the  Company.  (The CEO has  previously  entered  into an
employment agreement with the Company that includes a severance  agreement.) See
"Executive Compensation-Severance  Agreements" herein for additional information
regarding the severance agreements.


     The  Committee  evaluates  the  performance  of the  CEO  for  purposes  of
recommending  to the Board his  annual  base pay  adjustment  and  annual  bonus
awards. The Committee also determines his annual stock option award. The factors
considered  in  recommending  an increase in the CEO's salary in 1997 related to
the overall  performance of the Company,  particularly the increase in revenues,
membership, net income and earnings per share, which were subjectively evaluated
by the Committee. Another factor was the percentage increase in salary allocated
to certain senior executives of the Company in general, although this factor was
of secondary importance.

     Under his employment agreement with the Company, the CEO may earn an annual
bonus of up to 80% of his base  salary  based upon  achievement  of  performance
objectives set by the Board upon  recommendation  of the  Committee.  Mr. Toan's
bonus award for 1997 performance was recommended by the Committee based upon the
Company's  attainment of its  profitability  and  enrollment  goals,  which were
weighted equally,  and for his performance of the 1997  non-financial  work plan
objectives that were assigned to him. The factors used in the non-financial work
plan   objectives   related  to  such  items  as  new   product   introductions,
strengthening of the Company's  management  information systems, and development
and  implementation  of a new  marketing  plan,  all of which were  subjectively

     In  November,  1997,  the  Committee,  acting  jointly  with  the  Board of
Directors, awarded the CEO additional options to acquire shares of the Company's
Class A Common Stock in view of the importance of his expected  contribution  to
the  Company's  long term  goals of  sustaining  revenue  and  earnings  growth,
increasing   market   penetration  and  improving   service   effectiveness  and

March 2, 1998                           COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                                        Frederick J. Sievert, Chairman
                                        Seymour Sternberg
                                        Norman Zachary

     The  Compensation  Committee  Report  on  Executive  Compensation  and  the
performance  graph below shall not be deemed  incorporated  by  reference by any
general  statement  incorporating  by reference  this Proxy  Statement  into any
filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates this information
by reference, and shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.


     Mr. Sternberg is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of New
York Life; Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of NYLIFE HealthCare;
and a director of NYLCare. Mr. Sievert is the Vice Chairman of New York Life and
a director of NYLCare.  The Company is a party to  agreements  with  NYLCare,  a
subsidiary  of NYLIFE  HealthCare,  under  which the Company  provides  pharmacy
benefit  management  services  to certain  group  policyholders  of NYLCare  and
various pharmacy benefit management,  informed decision counseling,  vision care
and  infusion  therapy  services to health  maintenance  organizations  owned or
managed by NYLCare. In 1997, the Company derived  $208,118,000,  or 16.9% of its
net revenues,  from services provided to NYLCare. See "Certain Relationships and
Related  Transactions" for a more complete description of this and certain other
transactions  involving  the  Company  and  New  York  Life  or its  affiliates,
including NYLCare.


     The following  performance  graph compares the cumulative total stockholder
return of the Company's Class A Common Stock,  commencing  January 1, 1993, with
the  cumulative  total return on the Standard & Poor's Health Care 500 Index and
the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, to the end of 1997.  These indices are included
only for comparative  purposes as required by Securities and Exchange Commission
rules in effect as of the date of this Proxy  Statement  and do not  necessarily
reflect management's opinion that such indices are an appropriate measure of the
relative  performance  of the  Class A Common  Stock,  and are not  intended  to
forecast or be indicative of possible  future  performance of the Class A Common

                 [Performance Graph, in tubular format, follows]

                                                                         INDEXED RETURNS
                                                                           Years Ending
Company/Index                          Dec92        Dec93          Dec94          Dec95            Dec96           Dec97
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPRESS SCRIPTS INC  -CL                100          144.07        225.29          312.65          219.93          367.83
HEALTH CARE-500                         100          91.60         103.61          163.55          197.49          283.82
S&P 500 COMP INDEX                      100          110.08        111.53          153.45          188.68          251.63

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  table  sets  forth  information  concerning  the annual and
long-term  compensation  for all  services  rendered  in all  capacities  to the
Company for the fiscal  years ended  December 31,  1997,  1996 and 1995,  by the
Company's  chief  executive  officer and its other four most highly  compensated
executive officers (the "Named Officers"):

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                      LONG TERM
                                       ANNUAL COMPENSATION                           COMPENSATION
                                                                      OTHER ANNUAL    UNDERLYING        ALL OTHER
                            YEAR        SALARY($)        BONUS($)(1) COMPENSATION($)   OPTIONS(#)     COMPENSATION($)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BARRETT A. TOAN             1997     332,256(3)         250,000(3)        --           28,000(4)          2,000(2)
  PRESIDENT, CHIEF          1996     290,769(3)         204,000(3)        --              28,000          2,000(2)
  EXECUTIVE OFFICER         1995     253,269(3)         170,000(3)        --              14,000          1,000(2)

STUART L. BASCOMB           1997        210,815        95,380             --            8,200(4)          2,000(2)
  EXECUTIVE VICE            1996        193,877        80,000             --               8,000          2,000(2)
  PRESIDENT                 1995        172,223        62,800             --               5,000          1,000(2)

  SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF  1997        191,109        65,000             --            8,200(4)          2,000(2)
  ADMINISTRATION, GENERAL   1996        174,462        52,500             --              10,000          2,000(2)
  COUNSEL AND SECRETARY     1995        151,962        43,680             --               6,000          1,000(2)

  SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT     1997        187,786       100,000             --            6,500(4)                 0
  OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT      1996      20,192(5)        48,000             --              50,000                 0
  SERVICES                  1995            N/A           N/A             --                 N/A               N/A

  SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT     1997        150,769        63,844             --             5,100(4)          2,000(2)
  AND DIRECTOR OF SITE      1996        145,000        53,000             --              10,000          2,000(2)
  OPERATIONS                1995        141,827        49,200             --              15,000          1,000(2)
- -------------------
(1)  Consists of amounts earned pursuant to the Company's annual bonus plan.
     Effective with 1995, that portion of the bonus based on each Named
     Officer's workplan objectives is evaluated based on workplan performance
     from March 15 through the following March 14.
(2)  Consists of the Company's matching  contribution in connection with the 
     Company's 401(k) Plan,  established  effective January 1, 1994.
(3)  Represents compensation awarded pursuant to the Company's annual bonus plan
     and the Employment Agreement between Mr. Toan and the Company.
(4)  Consists of stock options awarded on November 25, 1997. The stock options
     awarded were conditioned upon the employee executing a nondisclosure and
     noncompetition agreement with the Company.
(5)  Ms. Logsdon joined the Company on November 4, 1996.



     The table  below  sets  forth  certain  information  on the grants of stock
options to the Named  Officers  pursuant to Plans for each Named  Officer's 1997

                        OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1997
                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                               NUMBER OF      PERCENT OF TOTAL
                              SECURITIES       OPTIONS GRANTED
                              UNDERLYING       TO EMPLOYEES IN                                           GRANT DATE
                                OPTIONS        FISCAL YEAR(2)        EXERCISE          EXPIRATION       PRESENT VALUE
NAME                        GRANTED (#)(1)                        PRICE ($/SH)(3)         DATE             ($)(4)
- ----                        --------------     --------------     ---------------         ----             ------

Barrett A. Toan                28,000(5)           15.3%               $57.00           11/25/07           $668,080
Stuart L. Bascomb               8,200(6)            4.5%                57.00           11/25/07            195,652
Thomas M. Boudreau              8,200(6)            4.5%                57.00           11/25/07            195,652
Linda L. Logsdon                6,500(6)            3.6%                57.00           11/25/07            155,090
David A. Lowenberg              5,100(6)            2.8%                57.00           11/25/07            121,686

- ------------------
(1)  Consists of options awarded on November 25, 1997.
(2)  Total options granted to employees in fiscal year 1997 includes all options
     granted to employees in 1997, other than those awarded on January 29, 1997,
     which were attributable to 1996.
(3)  Represents the closing price per share as reported on the Nasdaq National
     Market ("Nasdaq") on November 24, 1997, the last date preceding the date of
     grant on which a transaction was reported.
(4)  Such estimated value is derived using the Black-Scholes method taking into
     account the following key assumptions: (a) volatility of 43.498% calculated
     using daily stock prices for the 12-month period prior to the grant date;
     (b) 0% dividend yield; (c) an interest rate of 5.88%, which represents the
     interest rate on U.S. Treasury securities on the date of grant with a
     maturity date corresponding to that of the option term; (d) 10 year option
     term; and (e) an exercise price equal to the fair market value at the date
     of grant. The resulting Black-Scholes value was discounted by approximately
     35.32%, which consists of a discount of approximately 11.38% to reflect the
     probability of forfeiture due to termination prior to vesting, and a
     discount of approximately 23.94% to reflect the probability of a shortened
     option term due to termination of employment prior to the option expiration
     date. The actual value of the options will depend on the excess of the
     market price of the shares over the exercise price on the date the options
     are exercised, and may vary significantly from the theoretical values
     estimated by the Black-Scholes model.
(5)  Such options are fully exercisable from date of grant. The shares subject
     to the options are restricted from transfer with the transfer restriction
     lapsing as to 20% of such shares on each anniversary of the date of grant.
     The transfer restriction is subject to complete lapse in the event of a
     "change of control" of the Company (as defined in the Plan) or termination
     of Mr. Toan's employment by reason of death, disability, retirement or by
     the Company without cause. Upon termination of Mr. Toan's employment, the
     Company will repurchase any shares issued upon exercise of the options that
     remain subject to the transfer restriction, at the lesser of the option
     exercise price or the then current market value for the Class A Common
(6)  Becomes exercisable as to 20% of the shares subject to the option on each
     anniversary of the date of grant. The options shall terminate in the event
     of a "change of control" of the Company, whereby the Company shall pay the
     employee an amount equal to the excess of the "market price" over the
     exercise price thereof, for the vested options or all options, depending on
     whether an offer of "comparable employment" is made to and accepted by the
     employee. The options terminate upon termination of employment unless the
     employee dies, retires or is permanently disabled, or his or her employment
     is terminated without cause.

The Company has no plan under which it may grant stock appreciation rights.

     The table set forth below provides certain  information with respect to the
1997 fiscal  year-end value of options to purchase the Company's  Class A Common
Stock granted to the Named Officers and options exercised during such period.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                              Number of Securities
                                                                             Underlying Unexercised    Value of Unexercised
                                                                             Options at Fiscal Year    In-the-Money Options
                                                                                      End             at Fiscal Year End (2)
                            SHARES ACQUIRED ON                                    Exercisable/             Exercisable/
NAME                             EXERCISE            VALUE REALIZED (1)          UNEXERCISABLE             UNEXERCISABLE
- ----                             --------            ------------------          -------------             -------------

Barrett A. Toan                   71,000                 $2,660,235                139,000/0               $3,577,375/$0
Stuart L. Bascomb                 41,800                 $1,447,724              13,400/27,000           $455,950/$531,900
Thomas M. Boudreau                  8,900                 $ 170,252              10,700/40,600           $328,375/$968,600
Linda L. Logsdon                   ----                     ----                  8,000/48,500          $260,000/$1,336,000
David A. Lowenberg                 ----                     ----                 17,400/32,700           $692,394/$661,248

- --------------------
(1)  Based on the difference between the sale price and the exercise price.
(2)  Based on $61.00, the closing price of the Class A Common Stock as reported
     on the Nasdaq on December 31, 1997. On March 9, 1998, the closing price of
     the Class A Common Stock was $82.75.


     Effective  as of April 1, 1992,  the  Company  entered  into an  Employment
Agreement with Mr. Toan for an initial term extending through March 31, 1996 (as
amended by a letter  agreement  dated  February 28, 1996, the  "Agreement").  On
April 1, 1995,  and on each April 1  thereafter,  the term of the  Agreement  is
renewed  for a new term of two  years  unless  either  party  has given one year
notice of  termination.  Neither  party has given the required  notice as of the
date of this Proxy Statement,  thus the term of this Agreement was renewed.  The
Agreement provides for annual base compensation of $330,000, subject to increase
in the discretion of the Board of Directors. Pursuant to the Agreement, Mr. Toan
is also eligible for bonus awards of up to 80% of his base salary, consisting of
up to 30%  for  meeting  financial  objectives,  up to 20%  for  exceeding  such
financial  objectives  and up to 30%  for  meeting  or  exceeding  non-financial
objectives. The financial objectives,  which are based on attaining a net income
target,  and the non-financial  objectives,  which are based on reaching targets
such as growth in the  number of plan  participants,  expansion  of the scope of
services  offered by the  Company  and  expansion  of the  markets in which such
services are offered,  will be determined each year by the Board of Directors in
its discretion.  Pursuant to the Agreement, effective upon the Company's initial
public  offering in June 1992,  Mr. Toan  received  options to purchase  140,000
shares of Class A Common  Stock under the 1992 Plan,  which are  exercisable  at
$6.50 per share, and has received  additional  options on an annual basis. These
options are nonqualified options and are exercisable in full immediately. If Mr.
Toan exercises any of the options prior to the fifth  anniversary of the date of
grant,  however,  the shares received upon exercise,  to the extent  exceeding a
number of shares equal to the product of (x) 20% of the number of shares subject
to the  options,  and (y) the number of whole  years  elapsed  since the date of
grant,  will be "restricted  shares" and subject to forfeiture  until such fifth
anniversary.  A pro rata portion of the restricted  shares received will vest on
each succeeding anniversary until the fifth anniversary after the date of grant,
except that the restricted  shares will vest upon the occurrence of a "change of
control" of the Company or if Mr. Toan's  employment  is  terminated  due to his
death,  disability,  retirement or by the Company  without cause.  If Mr. Toan's
employment  is  terminated  without  cause,  the  Agreement  provides  that base
compensation  will continue to be paid until the later of (a) the  expiration of
the term of the Agreement, or (b) 24 months after the termination of employment.
Under  such  circumstances,  Mr.  Toan will also be paid a pro rata  portion  of
incentive compensation for services prior to termination.


     On January 27, 1998, the Board of Directors authorized the Company to enter
into severance  agreements  with  executives  selected by the Board of Directors
upon recommendation of the Compensation Committee.  The severance agreements are
designed generally to encourage the Company's key management personnel to remain
with the Company  and its  subsidiaries  and to  continue  to devote  their full
attention  to  the  Company's   business   without   distraction  from  personal
uncertainties  and risks  created by certain  events  that are not within  their
control.   The  severance  agreements  are  operative  only  in  the  event  the
executive's  employment with the Company terminates for reasons discussed below.
Six  executives,  including all of the Named  Officers  other than the Company's
CEO, have entered into such  agreements with the Company (The CEO has previously
entered into an employment  agreement with the Company that includes a severance
agreement - see "Employment Agreements" above).

     The  severance   agreements   generally  provide  that,  in  the  event  of
termination of the executive's  employment with the Company for any reason other
than  death or  disability  (as  defined in the  agreements)  and other than for
"cause" (as defined in the agreements, relating generally to acts constituting a
felony,   gross  dishonesty  or  gross  misconduct  or  willful   violations  of
obligations  to the  Company),  or in the event  that the  executive  terminates
employment for "good reason" (as defined in the agreements,  relating  generally
to breaches of the  agreement by the Company or changes in the  executive's  job
location,  title, authority,  duties,  compensation or benefits),  the executive
will be entitled to receive,  subject to certain  conditions,  a cash  severance
benefit payable in four  substantially  equal quarterly payments in an aggregate
amount equal to: (i) twelve (12) times the monthly base salary being paid to the
executive immediately prior to the date of termination plus (ii) an amount equal
to the  product of (x) the  executive's  "bonus  potential"  (as  determined  in
accordance  with the  agreements)  for the year in which the date of termination
occurs,  multiplied by (y) the average  percentage of the bonus potential earned
by the executive for the three full years  immediately  preceding  such year (or
such shorter  period if the  executive was employed by the Company for less than
three full years and  received or was  eligible  to receive a bonus  during such
period),  which  product  will  be  prorated  for  the  portion  of the  year of
termination  in which the executive was employed by the Company.  As a condition
to receiving  severance  benefits an executive must execute a release of certain
claims  against the Company,  and in specified  circumstances,  agree to certain
non-competition restrictions.  All payments will be discontinued in the event of
a breach by the executive.  Any amounts earned by the executive from  employment
with a third  party  prior to the final  payment  of amounts  payable  under the
severance  agreement  will  reduce  the  severance  benefit  due  the  executive
thereunder, except that no such reduction will be required in the event the date
of  termination  occurs  within 18 months  following a "change in  control"  (as
defined in the severance agreements).  The severance agreements also are subject
to certain arbitration provisions.  The agreements continue through December 31,
1999, and renew  automatically for additional one year terms unless either party
provides  notice as specified in the agreements;  provided,  that the agreements
will  continue  for two years  beyond  the month in which any  change in control


     Until April 1992, the Company was a direct subsidiary of NYLCare, which was
a subsidiary  of New York Life.  Since April 1992,  both the Company and NYLCare
have  been  direct  subsidiaries  of  NYLIFE  HealthCare,  which is an  indirect
subsidiary  of New York  Life.  NYLIFE  HealthCare  is the  beneficial  owner of
7,510,000  shares (or 100%) of the Class B Common Stock.  On March 16, 1998, New
York Life announced that it had reached an agreement with Aetna U.S. HealthCare,
Inc.  ("Aetna")  pursuant to which  Aetna will  acquire  NYLCare  (the "New York
Life/Aetna Transaction"). In connection therewith, the Company and Aetna reached
an  agreement to amend  certain of the terms and  provisions  of the  agreements
between the Company and NYLCare (the "Aetna Amendments"),  such Aetna Amendments
to  become   effective  upon  the   consummation  of  the  New  York  Life/Aetna
Transaction,  which the  parties  announced  is  expected  to close in the third
quarter of 1998. The material  terms and provisions of the Aetna  Amendments are
discussed with the related agreements below.

     The  Company  is  also a party  to a  series  of  agreements  with  Premier
Purchasing  Partners,  L.P.,  (formerly  known as  American  HealthCare  Systems
Purchasing  Partners,  L.P.; the  "Partnership"),  a healthcare group purchasing
organization  affiliated with Premier,  Inc.  (formerly known as APS Healthcare,
Inc.;  "Premier").  Premier is the largest voluntary  healthcare alliance in the
U.S.,  formed  as a result  of the  mergers  in late  1995 of three  predecessor
alliances,  American HealthCare  Systems,  Premier Health Alliance and SunHealth
Alliance.  The Premier  alliance  includes more than 240  integrated  healthcare
systems that own or operate  approximately 750 hospitals and are affiliated with
another 1,080 hospitals. Mr. Norling, who has served as a member of the Board of
Directors of the Company since March,  1992,  has served as the Chief  Operating
Officer of Premier since September, 1997.


     In an effort to minimize  conflicts,  the Company's Bylaws require that any
material  transaction  with a related party be approved by the  Company's  Audit
Committee, which currently consists of three directors. A Bylaw provision, which
cannot be changed without the affirmative  vote of a majority of the outstanding
Class A Common  Stock,  requires  that a  majority  of  directors  on the  Audit
Committee be persons who are not directors of New York Life or its  subsidiaries
(other  than the  Company)  or  officers  or  employees  of New York Life or its
subsidiaries.  A material transaction is a transaction that, by itself, would be
required to be disclosed in the Company's  proxy  statement under the Securities
and Exchange  Commission's rules and regulations as in effect at the time of the
transaction.  In general,  under the Securities and Exchange  Commission's rules
and  regulations  as in effect on the date of this Proxy  Statement,  a material
transaction  would be any  transaction,  or series of similar  transactions,  in
which the amount involved exceeds $60,000.



     Through an  agreement  with New York Life,  which was  assigned  to NYLCare
effective  January 1, 1996, the Company  provides  pharmacy  benefit  management
services to certain group  indemnity  policyholders  of NYLCare  (formerly group
indemnity  policyholders  of New York Life) and certain  contract  holders whose
health benefit plans provide indemnity style benefits for which NYLCare provides
administrative  services only (such services formerly being provided by New York
Life). The agreement was amended and restated  effective  September 1, 1995, and
again amended  effective January 1, 1997. Since January 1, 1997, the Company has
shared certain  retrospective  discounts  received from drug  manufacturers with
NYLCare  with  respect  to  the  foregoing   business  at  a  fixed  amount  per
prescription,  conditioned upon the policyholders/contract holders participation
in the Company's  ExpressPreferenceSM  drug therapy management program. The term
of the agreement expires December 31, 1999, subject to a review of the Company's
fees and  charges  on January 1,  1999.  If the  parties  are unable to agree to
revised fees and charges,  the  agreement may be terminated by either party upon
60 days prior notice.  In consideration  for its services,  the Company receives
fees from NYLCare  which it believes are  competitive  with those  received from
unrelated clients. The Company and NYLCare also indemnify each other against all
loss,  damage  or  expense  that  such  party  may  sustain  as a result  of any
negligence  or  willful  misconduct  or  unnecessary  delay by the  indemnifying
party's performance under the agreement and, in the Company's case, any material
misrepresentation  or breach of a  representation  or warranty by the Company in
the agreement.  In connection  with the sale of NYLCare to Aetna and pursuant to
the Aetna Amendments,  the Company will continue to serve members of the NYLCare
indemnity  programs  at the  current  contract  rates  until  such  members  are
converted to Aetna health insurance  policies;  provided that Aetna shall assume
responsibility  for formulary  management  and  retrospective  discount  program
administration upon consummation of the New York Life/Aetna Transaction, and the
Company  shall  receive a fixed amount per  prescription  in lieu of the current


     The  Company  and  NYLCare  are  parties  to an  agreement  (the  "Original
Agreement") which first became effective January 1, 1992. The Original Agreement
was amended and restated  effective  January 1, 1995 (the  "Amended  Agreement")
and, pursuant thereto, the Company and various NYLCare subsidiaries have entered
into pharmacy  benefit  management  (PBM),  managed  vision care  ("Vision") and
infusion therapy service  ("Infusion  Therapy")  agreements  (collectively,  the
"Site  Agreements").  The initial term of the Amended  Agreement  will expire on
December 31, 1999, and it may be extended for  additional  one-year terms unless
terminated  by either  party upon notice given at least 90 days prior to the end
of the  initial  term or any  anniversary  date;  provided  that the Company and
Aetna,  pursuant to the Aetna  Amendments,  have  agreed to amend and  otherwise
extend certain  provisions of the Amended  Agreement until December 31, 2003, as
more particularly described below. The Amended Agreement supersedes the Original
Agreement in its entirety for any transaction occurring or circumstances arising
after January 1, 1995.


     Under the Amended Agreement,  NYLCare is required to use the Company as the
exclusive  provider of the managed care  products  and services  provided by the
Company to its  clients  for all health  maintenance  organizations  ("HMOs") in
which NYLCare,  directly or indirectly,  holds at least a majority interest (the
"NYLCare Owned Sites"),  subject to certain  exceptions with respect to infusion
therapy  services,  as discussed  below. In addition,  NYLCare agreed to use its
best efforts to use the Company as the  exclusive  provider of such managed care
products and  services to any HMOs which  NYLCare does not own, but for which it
provides health care management services (the "NYLCare Managed Sites"),  subject
to certain  exceptions,  including  the  condition  that the prices the  Company
offers  are  reasonably   competitive  with  those  available  from  third-party

     In the Amended  Agreement,  the Company is also the  exclusive  provider of
such  services  to NYLCare  Owned Sites that may be  established  in the future,
unless  the  Company  elects  otherwise  within 60 days of being  notified  that
NYLCare has acquired or  established  a new site.  If NYLCare is required to use
the Company's  pharmacy  products for a new NYLCare Owned Site, the Company must
offer such site its most favorable pricing for such products for HMOs located in
the same  metropolitan  area at that time. If there is no HMO in that area,  the
Company must offer such site the most favorable  pricing  offered by the Company
to any other  client in that  area or, if there is no such  client,  a client of
comparable  size in the same census region,  provided that such price may not be
above the prices  payable by existing  NYLCare Owned Sites under the  agreements
the Company has with those  sites.  The Company  believes  that the terms of the
Amended Agreement are no less favorable to the Company than the terms that could
have been obtained in an arm's length  transaction  with an  unaffiliated  third

     Pursuant to the Amended Agreement and the PBM Site Agreements,  the Company
now  provides  PBM  services  to each of the  NYLCare  Owned  Sites in  Chicago,
Connecticut,  Dallas,  Houston,  Maine,  New Jersey,  New York,  Seattle and the
Baltimore/Washington  D.C. area, and the NYLCare Managed Site in North Carolina.
The   agreements   with  the  Dallas,   Houston,   New  York,   New  Jersey  and
Baltimore/Washington  D.C. sites provide for an annual decrease in the rates for
pharmacy  services that the Company  provides through December 31, 1999, with an
additional  reduction  in the  rates  for the  price of mail  pharmacy  services
provided to these sites  compared to the prices  offered by the Company to other
HMOs in their respective market area, from January 1, 1996, through December 31,

     In the  Amended  Agreement,  NYLCare  also  agreed to assist the Company in
product  design and  promotion  and in the  development  and  promotion  of drug
formularies. In the PBM Site Agreements for each NYLCare Owned Site, the Company
agrees to develop and maintain  drug  formularies  for each NYLCare  Owned Site.
Pursuant to the Amended Agreement, the Company agreed to negotiate retrospective
discounts  from drug  manufacturers  for drugs used by  members of health  plans
sponsored by the NYLCare Owned Sites ("volume-based  discounts"). In the Amended
Agreement, the first $400,000 of volume-based discounts will be allocated to the
Company and  discounts  in excess of that amount  will be  allocated  25% to the
Company  and  75%  to  NYLCare,   except  that  certain  volume-based  discounts
attributable  to prescription  drug usage by members of certain  Medicare health
plans  sponsored  by the  NYLCare  Owned  Sites above  certain  amounts  will be
allocated 50% to NYLCare and 50% to the Company. For the year ended December 31,
1997,  volume-based  discounts  aggregating  $5,803,000  were  allocated  to the

     Each PBM Site  Agreement for a NYLCare Owned Site provides that the Company
and each  site  shall  defend  and  indemnify  the other  for  claims  and costs
resulting from the grossly negligent acts or omissions or intentional misconduct
in connection with the performance of the agreements.  The Amended Agreement has
an identical  provision with respect to NYLCare and the Company.  No claims have
been made under any of these indemnities.

     In accordance  with the Amended  Agreement and the Vision Site  Agreements,
the Company  continues  to provide  vision  services  for the  Chicago,  Dallas,
Houston,  New Jersey, New York and the  Baltimore/Washington  D.C. NYLCare Owned

     The Company also  continues  to provide  Infusion  Therapy  services to the
NYLCare  Owned  Sites  in  Dallas,   Houston,  New  Jersey,  New  York  and  the
Baltimore/Washington  D.C.  area,  pursuant  to the  Amended  Agreement  and the
Infusion Therapy Site Agreements. Under the Infusion Therapy Site Agreements for
the Dallas,  Houston and the  Baltimore/Washington,  D.C. sites, these sites are
not required to use the Company as the  exclusive  provider of Infusion  Therapy
services so long as the Company  receives,  for each year during the term of the
Amended  Agreement,  80% of the aggregate amount that such HMO paid in the prior
year,  calculated  on a  member  month  basis,  for  non-maternity,  out-patient
Infusion Therapy services to all providers (the  "Guaranteed  Amount").  For the
other NYLCare Owned Sites and future NYLCare Owned Sites, once such site's total
payments for Infusion Therapy services equal or exceed $1.3 million in any year,
such site is released from the  requirement  to use the Company as its exclusive
provider  of  Infusion  Therapy  services  so long as it pays  the  Company  the
applicable  Guaranteed  Amount.  In the Infusion  Therapy Site  Agreements,  the
Company also agrees to give these sites a discount  for fees for these  services
if the volume of services  purchased from the Company exceeds certain thresholds
in any year.  The  Company  also  provides  infusion  therapy  services to three
NYLCare  preferred  provider  organizations  under separate  agreements that are
terminable by either party upon 30 days prior written notice.


     Upon  consummation  of the  New  York  Life/Aetna  Transaction,  the  Aetna
Amendments  shall take effect.  From and after that date and continuing  through
December  31,  2003,  the  Company  will  provide  PBM  services  to 1.4 million
NYLCare/Aetna  HMO  members in lieu of the  exclusivity  requirements  described
above. The existing contract pricing shall remain in effect through December 31,
1999, and, thereafter,  certain pricing adjustments,  which the Company believes
reflect an  appropriate  market  price,  will be  instituted.  Aetna will assume
responsibility for formulary  development and promotion  activities,  as well as
management of  volume-based  discount  programs,  and the Company will receive a
fixed amount per prescription in lieu of the current percentage-based allocation

     The Company will also be the  preferred  Infusion  Therapy  provider to the
NYLCare/Aetna  HMO members located in the geographic  areas currently  served by
the Company through December 31, 2003.  Specifically,  the current pricing terms
of the Infusion  Therapy Site  Agreements  are extended until December 31, 2000,
and,  thereafter,  limited  price  adjustments  may take  effect  under  certain
circumstances.  A minimum  annual  revenue  guaranty  is provided in lieu of the
Guaranteed  Amount  described  above.  The Vision Site  Agreements will continue
under their current terms through December 31, 1999.

     In connection with the Aetna Amendments, the Company and New York Life have
reached  an  agreement  in  principle  whereby  New York Life will make  certain
transition-related  payments to the Company in 1999. The agreement is subject to
the approval of the Company's Audit Committee.


     The Company also provides informed decision  counseling services to NYLCare
HMO members and group indemnity  policyholders pursuant to an agreement dated as
of April 1, 1997,  which expires March 31, 1999.  The Company  believes that the
terms of the agreement are no less  favorable to the Company than the terms that
could have been  obtained in an arm's length  transaction  with an  unaffiliated
third party and,  pursuant to the Aetna  Amendments,  the Company and Aetna will
extend the term of the agreement until December 31, 1999.

     For the year ended  December  31, 1997,  the net revenues  that the Company
derived from all services provided to NYLCare were  approximately  $208,118,000,
or  16.9%  of total  net  revenues  for  such  period,  of  which  approximately
$22,734,000 was attributable to vision,  infusion therapy and informed  decision
counseling services. As of January 1, 1998, the Company provides PBM services to
approximately 1.4 million NYLCare HMO members and approximately  500,000 NYLCare
group health insurance policyholders.


     The  Company and New York Life are parties to an  agreement  that  provides
that,  so  long  as New  York  Life,  directly  or  through  one or  more of its
majority-owned  subsidiaries,  owns 10% or more of the Class B Common Stock, New
York  Life  will not  engage  directly,  or  through  any of its  majority-owned
subsidiaries,  with certain  exceptions  relating to the ordinary  course of its
investment  and its claims  processing  activities,  in a business  that derives
substantial  revenues,  as  defined in such  agreement,  from one or more of the
following  activities within the United States (the "Protected  Business"):  the
provision  of  pharmacy  benefit  management  services   (including   dispensing
prescription   drugs,   monitoring  cost  and  quality  of  pharmacy   services,
establishing a network of retail pharmacies,  processing claims for prescription
drugs,  performing  drug  utilization  review  and  assisting  in the  design of
prescription drug programs for benefit plans),  and the provision of vision care
and  home  infusion  therapy  services.  New York  Life  and its  majority-owned
subsidiaries may (i) engage in portfolio investment  activities,  without any of
the entities in which they invest being subject to the  foregoing  restrictions,
(ii) process claims for prescription drugs in connection with processing medical
claims under insurance  policies,  (iii) acquire  entities engaged in all or any
aspect of the Protected  Business,  unless any such entity derived a majority of
its  consolidated  revenues  from  the  Protected  Business  in the  first  year
proceeding such  acquisition,  and (iv) continue to operate the business of such
acquired entities as they may thereafter  develop or expand.  The foregoing does
not in any way  restrict the  activities  of entities in which New York Life and
its subsidiaries  own less than a majority equity interest.  This agreement will
not be affected by the New York Life/Aetna Transaction.

     For an annual  premium of $5,800,  the Company has  obtained a $2.5 million
life insurance  policy from New York Life on the life of Mr. Toan. New York Life
maintains  Directors and  Officers/Corporation  Reimbursement  ("D&O") insurance
covering  directors  and  officers  of New York  Life and its  subsidiaries  for
certain  expenses and liabilities of such directors and officers while acting in
their  capacity  as such  while New York Life  maintains  voting  control of the
Company.  The total  amount of New York  Life's D&O  insurance  is $100  million
aggregate  each policy year with a $5 million  deductible  amount for  corporate
liability and up to $10,000 for individual liability.  The Company did not incur
any annualized  premium  expense for insurance  covering the first $5 million of
such D&O  liability  deductible  for 1997  because the premium was waived by the
insurer.  There is no  assurance  that New York Life  will  provide  excess  D&O
insurance for the Company in the future.

     From  1989,  when  NYLCare  acquired  all of the  outstanding  stock of the
Company,  through June 15, 1992, the Company was included in consolidated groups
with New York Life for  federal  income tax  purposes.  The Company is no longer
entitled by law to be included in the  consolidated tax groups and will continue
as a party to the tax allocation  agreements only for purposes of adjustments to
tax  liabilities  for the years in which it was  included in those  consolidated


     The Company  maintains  an  intercompany  account for  payments to NYLCare,
which,  historically,  was used for miscellaneous  expenses related primarily to
salary and other  expenses for the Chairman of the Board and a certain  sublease
between the  companies.  This  intercompany  account is now  primarily  used for
NYLCare's portion of the volume based discounts earned by the Company which, for
the period January 1, 1997 to February 28, 1998, were approximately $13,648,000.
The  highest  outstanding  balance  at any one time since  January 1, 1997,  was
approximately  $8,466,000.  As of February 28, 1998, the balance of such account
was approximately $6,310,000.


     On December 31, 1995, the Company  entered into a series of agreements with
the Partnership,  which, among other things,  designate the Company as Premier's
exclusive  preferred  provider of  outpatient  PBM services to  shareholders  of
Premier and their  affiliated  healthcare  entities,  plans and facilities which
participate  in  the  Partnership's   purchasing  programs.   The  term  of  the
relationship  is ten years,  subject to early  termination by the Partnership at
five years upon payment of an early  termination fee to the Company.  Premier is
required  to  promote  the  Company  as  the   preferred  PBM  provider  to  its
shareholders and their  affiliates.  An individual  Premier member or affiliated
managed  care  plan is not  required  to  enter  into a PBM  agreement  with the
Company, but if it does so, the term of the agreement will be five years.

     As a result of the number of Premier plan members that receive PBM services
from the Company and the outcome of certain joint drug  purchasing  initiatives,
the Company issued 227,273 shares of its Class A Common Stock to the Partnership
in May, 1996.  The  Partnership  could also become  entitled to receive up to an
additional   2,250,000   shares,   depending   on  the   number  of  members  in
Premier-affiliated  managed  care  plans that  contract  for the  Company's  PBM
services. If the Partnership earns stock totaling over 5% of the Company's total
voting stock, it is entitled to have its designee  nominated for election to the
Board of Directors.

     For the year ended  December  31, 1997,  the net revenues  that the Company
derived from  services  provided to the Premier  affiliates  were  approximately
$82,351,000,  or 6.7% of total net revenues for such period.  Under the terms of
the  agreements  with the  Partnership,  as of January 1, 1998,  the Company was
providing  service  to 20  Premier  affiliates  representing  approximately  1.0
million members.



     On June 6, 1994,  the Board of  Directors  of the Company  adopted the 1994
Stock Option Plan,  which provides for the grant of  nonqualified  stock options
and incentive  stock options  (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code")) to certain officers and other key
employees of the Company or certain  subsidiaries.  On March 22, 1995, the Board
of  Directors  adopted  the  Amended and  Restated  1994 Stock  Option Plan (the
"Plan"),  which was approved by the stockholders of the Company on May 24, 1995,
and amended by the Board of Directors and  stockholders  on January 29, 1997 and
May 28, 1997,  respectively,  to increase the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock which may be issued  thereunder.  The  purposes of the Plan are to further
the  growth,  development  and  financial  success of the  Company by  providing
incentives  to those  officers and other key employees who have the capacity for
contributing in substantial  measure toward the growth and  profitability of the
Company and to assist the Company in attracting and retaining employees with the
ability to make such contributions.

     On January 27,  1998,  the Board of  Directors  adopted an amendment to the
Plan  (the  "Second   Amendment")  which  is  described  below  under  "Proposed
Amendment". NYLIFE HealthCare has indicated its intention to vote its shares for
approval of the Second  Amendment.  Assuming NYLIFE HealthCare votes in favor of
such amendment,  such vote would be sufficient to approve such amendment. If the
Second  Amendment to the Plan is not approved,  the existing plan would continue
in effect.


     The complete  text of the Second  Amendment to the Plan, as approved by the
Board of Directors,  subject to stockholder  approval, is set forth in Exhibit A
to this Proxy Statement. The following summary of certain provisions of the Plan
is qualified in its entirety by reference to the text of the Plan.

     The Plan is  administered  by the  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of
Directors (the  "Committee").  A total of 460,000 shares of Class A Common Stock
have been reserved for grants of options under the Plan, subject to antidilution
adjustments as provided in the Plan and a proposed  increase in the total number
of shares available for grant, as described below.

     The  Committee  has the power to interpret  the Plan and to  determine  and
interpret  the terms of each option  agreement  (which  need not be  identical),
including,  without  limitation,  (i) which  eligible  employees will be granted
options, (ii) the number of options that will be granted to an employee (subject
to the  limitations  set forth in the Plan),  (iii)  whether or not the  options
granted are incentive  stock options or  nonqualified  stock  options,  (iv) the
exercise price of the options, (v) the form of consideration that may be used to
pay for the shares  issued upon  exercise of an option,  and (vi) when an option
will vest or become  exercisable,  and  whether  and to what  extent  the shares
received  upon exercise will be  "restricted  shares" for a period of time,  and
subject to  forfeiture.  No more than 150,000  options may be granted to any one
individual  under the Plan.  Options  have been granted to 94 officers and other
key  employees  from time to time under the Plan,  six of which  have  forfeited
their unexercised options upon termination of their employment with the Company.

     The  exercise  price of an  option  may not be less  than  100% of the fair
market  value of the Class A Common  Stock at the time of the grant (110% of the
fair  market  value in the  case of an  incentive  stock  option  granted  to an
individual who at the time of grant beneficially owns more than 10% of the total
combined  voting  power  of  all  classes  of  stock  of  the  Company  (a  "10%
stockholder")).  Such fair market value shall  generally be considered to be the
closing  sale price per share on Nasdaq on the last  trading day  preceding  the
date of grant.  The  purchase  price is to be paid in cash,  by check or, at the
discretion of the Committee and upon such terms as the Committee may approve, by
delivering  previously  owned  shares,  having  shares  withheld  or  exercising
pursuant to a "cashless exercise" procedure, or any combination thereof.

     The term of each option  shall be no longer than ten years from the date of
grant  (five  years in the  case of an  incentive  stock  option  granted  to an
individual who is a 10% stockholder).

     At the time of exercise of a  nonqualified  stock  option,  the optionee is
required  to  pay to the  Company,  or  make  arrangements  satisfactory  to the
Committee  regarding the payment of, any taxes required to be withheld by reason
of such  exercise.  The  Committee may permit  optionees to satisfy  withholding
obligations by delivering  previously owned shares or by electing to have shares

     Options  are not  transferable  other  than by will or  under  the  laws of
descent  and  distribution,  and are  exercisable  during  the  lifetime  of the
optionee  only by the optionee or his or her  guardian or legal  representative.
Subject to the "change in  control"  provision  referred  to below,  all options
terminate  immediately in the event of termination of employment for any reason,
except as follows:  if such  employment  is terminated  due to death,  permanent
disability (as defined in the Plan),  retirement (as defined in the Plan), or by
the Company without cause (as defined in the Plan), all outstanding options will
immediately  become  exercisable  and will remain  exercisable  for three months
following such termination; provided, that the Committee may, in its discretion,
permit the option to be exercised after such period. In no event,  however,  may
an option be exercised  beyond the original  term of such option.  The Committee
also  has the  discretion  to  determine  whether  and to what  extent  unvested
restricted  shares will vest or be forfeited  upon an optionee's  termination of

     If an option  expires or terminates  without having been exercised in full,
or any restricted shares received upon exercise of an option are forfeited, such
shares will again be available for grant of options.

     In the  event  that the  outstanding  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  are
changed  into or  exchanged  for a  different  number or kind of shares or other
securities   of  the  Company,   or  of  another   corporation,   by  reason  of
reorganization,  merger or other subdivision,  consolidation,  recapitalization,
reclassification,  stock split,  issuance of warrants or rights, stock dividend,
combination of shares or similar event,  appropriate adjustments will be made by
the  Committee  in the  number  and kind of shares  subject  to and which may be
subject to options under the Plan, and the purchase price per share,  to prevent
dilution or enlargement of benefits granted to, or available for, optionees.

     The Committee  may  accelerate  the  exercisability  of any option,  or the
vesting of any restricted  shares,  at any time.  Options granted under the Plan
prior to the amendment and restatement thereof in 1995 become fully exercisable,
and  restricted  shares will fully  vest,  upon the  occurrence  of a "change in
control" of the Company,  which,  for purposes of such option grants,  means the
occurrence  of any of the  following  events at a time when New York Life is not
the beneficial  owner of fifty percent or more of the combined  voting power for
the election of directors of the Company: (i) any person (other than the Company
or any parent  corporation  or  subsidiary  or related  employee  benefit  plan)
becomes the beneficial owner of securities representing fifty percent or more of
the combined  voting power for the election of directors of the Company;  (ii) a
change in the  majority  of the  members  of the Board of  Directors  during any
period  of two  consecutive  years  that is not  approved  by a vote of at least
two-thirds of the members of the Board who were members at the beginning of such
two-year  period;  (iii) the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve a merger or
consolidation involving the Company that results in existing stockholders owning
80% or less of the combined voting power of the voting securities of the Company
after such merger or  consolidation,  other than a  recapitalization  or similar
transaction  in which no  "person"  acquires  more  than  fifty  percent  of the
combined voting power for the election of directors; or (iv) the stockholders of
the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation or an agreement providing for
the sale or disposition of all or  substantially  all of the Company's assets or
any transaction having a similar effect.

     With respect to all other options granted under the Plan, in the event of a
"change  in  control",  all  outstanding  options,  whether  or  not  previously
exercisable  and  vested,  will  terminate  and any  restricted  shares  will be
redeemed by the Company and, in either case, the Company will pay the optionee a
specified  amount in lieu of such  options or  restricted  shares.  For  options
granted  after the Plan was amended and  restated,  the term "change of control"
means the occurrence of one of the following events: (i) the first date on which
both of the  following  conditions  shall  exist:  (A) New York Life  shall have
ceased to be the ultimate  beneficial  owner of  securities  representing  fifty
percent or more of the combined voting power for the election of directors,  and
(B) a person (other than the Company or any parent  corporation or subsidiary or
related  employee  benefit  plan)  becomes the  beneficial  owner of  securities
representing fifty percent or more of the combined voting power for the election
of directors of the Company; (ii) the stockholders of the Company approve a plan
of complete liquidation of the Company; or (iii) the stockholders of the Company
approve an agreement for the sale or disposition of all or substantially  all of
the  Company's  assets  or any  transaction  having a similar  effect.  Upon the
occurrence  of such a change of  control,  the Company  will pay the  optionee a
specified amount in lieu of such options or restricted  shares,  and such amount
will be determined  based upon whether an offer of  "comparable  employment"  is
made to and accepted by the optionee. For purposes of the foregoing, "comparable
employment"  means  employment  with the  Company or its  successor  following a
change in control  pursuant  to which (i) the  employee's  responsibilities  and
duties  are  substantially  the same  and the  other  terms  and  conditions  of
employment  are  not  materially  more  burdensome;  (ii)  his or her  aggregate
compensation is  substantially  the same; and (iii) the employee is not required
to  relocate  unless  the  Company  or its  successor  pays  the  cost  of  such
relocation,  appropriate  cost of living  adjustments  are made, the employee is
employed under a written  contract for a term of not less than three years,  and
the employee is required to make only one such move during the first three years
of the written contract.

     The Board of Directors may at any time terminate or modify the Plan, except
that without the approval of the  stockholders it may not increase the number of
shares as to which options may be granted,  change the class of persons eligible
to participate in the Plan,  change the minimum purchase price of shares subject
to the options, extend the maximum period for granting or exercising options, or
otherwise materially increase the benefits accruing to optionees under the Plan.
The Plan will terminate on June 6, 2004. No termination or amendment of the Plan
may,  without  the consent of the  optionee to whom an option has been  granted,
alter or impair any rights or obligations under any option theretofore granted.


     Under the  proposed  Second  Amendment to the Plan,  effective  January 27,
1998, the number of shares which may be issued under the Plan would be increased
from 460,000  shares of Class A Common Stock to 960,000 shares of Class A Common


     INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  An optionee does not realize income on the grant
of an incentive stock option. If an optionee exercises an incentive stock option
in  accordance  with the terms of the option and does not  dispose of the shares
acquired within two years from the date of the grant of the option or within one
year from the date of the  exercise,  the optionee will not realize any ordinary
income by reason of the  exercise,  and the Company will be allowed no deduction
by reason of the  grant or the  exercise.  The  optionee's  basis in the  shares
acquired upon exercise will be the amount of cash paid upon  exercise.  Provided
the optionee holds the shares acquired as a capital asset at the time of sale or
other disposition of the shares, his or her gain or loss, if any,  recognized on
the sale or other disposition, will be a capital gain or loss. The amount of his
or her gain or loss will be the  difference  between the amount  realized on the
disposition of the shares and his or her basis in the shares.

     If an  optionee  disposes  of the shares  within two years from the date of
grant of the option or within one year from the date of  exercise,  the optionee
will realize ordinary income at the time of disposition  equal to the excess, if
any,  of the lesser of (a) the amount  realized on the  disposition,  or (b) the
fair  market  value of the shares on the date of  exercise  over the  optionee's
basis in the shares.  The Company  will be entitled to a deduction  in an amount
equal to such income.  The excess, if any, of the amount realized on disposition
of such shares over the fair market  value of the shares on the date of exercise
will be  treated  as a long- or  short-term  capital  gain,  depending  upon the
holding  period of the  shares,  provided  the  optionee  holds the  shares as a
capital asset at the time of disposition.

     The excess of the fair market value of the shares at the time the incentive
stock  option  is  exercised  over the  exercise  price  for the  shares  is tax
preference  income  for  purposes  of  computing  the  alternative  minimum  tax
applicable to individuals.

     NONQUALIFIED  STOCK OPTIONS.  Nonqualified stock options do not qualify for
the special tax  treatment  accorded to incentive  stock options under the Code.
Although an optionee does not  recognize  income at the time of the grant of the
option, he or she recognizes ordinary income upon the exercise of a nonqualified
stock  option in an amount  equal to the excess of the fair market  value of the
stock on the date of exercise of the option over the amount of cash paid for the

     As a result of the optionee's  exercise of a nonqualified stock option, the
Company will be entitled to deduct as compensation an amount equal to the amount
included in the optionee's gross income. If the optionee pays all or part of the
option price of a nonqualified stock option by surrendering shares already owned
by such optionee, certain additional tax rules apply.

     The excess of the fair market value of the stock on the date of exercise of
a  nonqualified  stock  option over the exercise  price is not a tax  preference

     RESTRICTED  SHARES.  An optionee does not recognize  income upon receipt of
restricted  shares (unless he or she elects,  within thirty days of the transfer
of restricted  shares,  to recognize  income  currently).  Upon the lapse of the
restriction,  the optionee will recognize  income in an amount equal to the fair
market  value of the shares on the date the  restriction  lapses and the Company
will be entitled to a tax deduction equal to the same amount.

     If the optionee elects to recognize income within thirty days of receipt of
the  shares,  he or she will  recognize  income in an  amount  equal to the fair
market value of the shares on the date of receipt of the  restricted  shares and
the Company will be entitled to a tax deduction equal to the same amount.

     CHANGE IN CONTROL. If there is an acceleration of the vesting or payment of
benefits and/or an acceleration  of the  exercisability  of stock options upon a
change in control,  all or a portion of the accelerated  benefits may constitute
"Excess  Parachute  Payments"  under  Section  280G of the  Code.  The  optionee
receiving an Excess Parachute  Payment incurs an excise tax of 20% of the amount
of the payment in excess of the employee's average annual  compensation over the
five calendar years preceding the year of the change in control, and the Company
is not entitled to a deduction for such payment.

     The foregoing is a summary of the Federal  income tax  consequences  to the
participants in the Plan and to the Company, based upon current income tax laws,
regulations and rulings.


     The following table shows options which have been granted under the Plan to
date to each of the Named  Officers  and  certain  specified  groups  (including
options which have been exercised):


                                          NUMBER OF       EXERCISE PRICE PER
NAME AND POSITION                           SHARES             SHARE (1)

BARRETT A. TOAN                           56,000(2)           $45.0625(7)
STUART L. BASCOMB                         18,200(3)           $43.8819(7)
THOMAS M. BOUDREAU                        12,200(3)           $49.1721(7)
LINDA L. LOGSDON                          46,500(3)           $32.4839(7)
DAVID A. LOWENBERG                         9,100(3)           $46.5055(7)
Executive Officer Group (4)               247,500(3)          $46.0040(7)
Non-Executive Officer Director                0                   ---
Non-Executive Officer Employee            168,335(3)          $44.4307(7)

- -----------------------------
(1)  The closing price of the Company's Class A Common Stock as reported on Nasdaq on March 9, 1998, was $82.75.
(2)  See Note 5 to "Option Grants in Fiscal Year 1997" on page 9.
(3)  See Note 6 to "Option Grants in Fiscal Year 1997" on page 9.
(4)  Consists of nine persons.
(5)  Consists of nine persons.
(6)  Consists of 85 persons.
(7)  Exercise prices shown are weighted averages of the actual exercise prices
     for stock options granted to the individuals or members of the groups, as



     The Board of  Directors  has  proposed an  amendment to Article Four of the
Certificate of Incorporation  of the Company  increasing the number of shares of
Class A Common  Stock which the  Company is  authorized  to issue to  75,000,000
shares.  The  number of  shares of Class B Common  Stock  which the  Company  is
authorized to issue will remain at 22,000,000.

     The Certificate of Incorporation  presently authorizes the Company to issue
5,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock,  issuable in series, the terms of which may
be fixed by the Board of  Directors,  30,000,000  shares of Class A Common Stock
and  22,000,000  shares of Class B Common  Stock.  The  Class B Common  Stock is
convertible,  share-for-share,  into  Class A Common  Stock at the option of the
holder and  automatically  so converts upon any transfer to any person or entity
other than New York Life or its affiliates.  In stockholder votes, each share of
Class A Common Stock has one vote and each share of Class B Common Stock has ten
votes.  Under the Certificate of  Incorporation,  the outstanding Class B Common
Stock is entitled to equal treatment (payable in shares of Class B Common Stock)
with the  Class A Common  Stock in the event of any  Common  Stock  dividend  or
split.  In all respects  other than voting power and the  convertibility  of the
Class B Common  Stock,  the  shares  of Class A Common  Stock and Class B Common
Stock are identical.

     Other than Premier,  the holders of the Common Stock do not have preemptive
rights as to additional issues of Common Stock or, other than the Class B Common
Stock,  conversion  rights.  Premier has a contractual  right  pursuant to its
agreements  with the  Company to  maintain  its  proportionate  interest  in the
Company's Class A Common Stock should the Company issue additional shares of its
Class A Common Stock in a firm commitment public offering. Therefore, should the
Board of Directors  elect to issue  additional  shares of Class A Common  Stock,
existing  stockholders  (other  than  potentially  Premier)  would  not have any
preferential  rights to purchase such shares. In addition,  the shares of Common
Stock are not subject to redemption or to any further calls or  assessments  and
are not entitled to the benefit of any sinking fund provisions.

     At March 31, 1998,  no shares of  Preferred  Stock, 9,269,270 shares of
Class A Common  Stock and  7,510,000  shares of Class B Common Stock were issued
and outstanding,  and a total of 12,080,784  shares of Class A Common Stock were
reserved for future issuance upon  conversion of the outstanding  Class B Common
Stock (7,510,000 shares), for issuance upon exercise of stock options granted or
which may be granted under the Company's two employee stock option plans and its
stock option plan for outside directors (1,667,100 shares, including the 500,000
shares  proposed  under the  Amendment  to the 1994 Plan),  and for  issuance in
connection  with the Company's  strategic  alliances with certain of its clients

     The Board of Directors is recommending  that the authorized  Class A Common
Stock be increased so that the Company will have additional shares available for
such proper  corporate  purposes as the Board may determine,  without having the
further need to seek  stockholder  authorization.  Such purposes  might include,
among other  corporate  purposes,  the  issuance of  additional  shares as stock
dividends or stock splits, as consideration for the acquisition of properties or
businesses or in capital raising  transactions and the reservation of additional
shares for use in  compensation  plans or for  conversion  of  Preferred  Stock,
should the Board determine to provide conversion rights to one or more series of
the Preferred  Stock which it may  establish.  The future  issuance of shares of
Class A Common Stock may, depending on the circumstances, have a dilutive effect
on the  earnings  per share,  voting  power and other  interests of the existing
stockholders.  Except for the  presently  reserved  shares,  the  Company has no
present  plans,  understandings  or  commitments  for the issuance of any of the
additional  shares  of Class A Common  Stock.  The Board of  Directors  does not
presently  intend to seek  stockholder  approval of any  particular  issuance of
shares  unless such approval is required by law or the rules of The Nasdaq Stock
Market.  The Company reserves the right to seek a further increase in authorized
shares from time to time in the future as considered appropriate by the Board of

     If the proposed amendment is approved,  the first paragraph of Article 4 of
the Certificate of Incorporation will read as follows:

                           "4. The total number of shares of stock which the
         Corporation has authority to issue is 102,000,000 shares, of which (i)
         5,000,000 shares are preferred stock, par value $0.01 per share (the
         "Preferred Stock"), and (ii) 97,000,000 shares are common stock,
         consisting of 75,000,000 shares of Class A Common Stock, par value
         $0.01 per share (the "Class A Common Stock"), and 22,000,000 shares of
         Class B Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Class B Common

     Assuming stockholders' approval of this proposal, the required amendment of
the Certificate of Incorporation  will become effective at the close of business
on June 12, 1998, or as soon thereafter as practicable.

     The  affirmative  votes of a  majority  of the  total  voting  power of the
outstanding  Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock voting  together as a
single  class and voting  separately  by class are  necessary  for the  proposed
amendment to be approved. Therefore, abstentions and broker non-votes (which may
occur if a  beneficial  owner of stock where  shares are held in a brokerage  or
bank account fails to provide the broker or bank voting  instructions as to such
shares)  effectively count as votes against the proposal.  NYLIFE HealthCare has
indicated  its  intention  to vote  its  Class B  Common  Stock  in favor of the
proposed amendment.



     The  firm of Price  Waterhouse  LLP  served  as the  Company's  independent
accountants  for the year ended  December 31, 1997.  The Board of Directors  has
appointed,  subject to stockholder ratification,  Price Waterhouse LLP to act in
that capacity for the year ending December 31, 1998. A  representative  of Price
Waterhouse LLP is expected to be present at the Meeting with the  opportunity to
make a statement if he or she desires to do so and to be available to respond to
appropriate questions from stockholders.

DECEMBER 31, 1998.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     In  accordance  with the Bylaws of the Company,  a  stockholder  who at any
annual meeting of  stockholders  of the Company intends to nominate a person for
election as a director or present a proposal must so notify the Secretary of the
Company,  in writing  describing  such  nominee(s)  or  proposal  and  providing
information concerning such stockholder and the reasons for and interest of such
stockholder  in the  proposal.  Generally,  to be timely,  such  notice  must be
received by the Secretary  during the 30 day period that ends 60 days before the
anniversary of the prior years' annual meeting.  Any person interested in making
such a  nomination  or  proposal  should  request a copy of the  relevant  Bylaw
provisions  from the  Secretary  of the  Company.  These  Bylaw  provisions  are
separate  from and in  addition  to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission's
requirements  that a  stockholder  must meet to have a proposal  included in the
Company's proxy statement.

     Stockholder  proposals  intended to be presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting
must be received by the Company no later than  December 24, 1998, in order to be
eligible for inclusion in the Company's  proxy  statement and proxy  relating to
that meeting.  Upon receipt of any proposal,  the Company will determine whether
to  include  such  proposal  in  accordance  with   regulations   governing  the
solicitation of proxies.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  does not intend to bring  before the Meeting any matters  other
than those  specifically  described above and knows of no matters other than the
foregoing to come before the Meeting.  If any other matters or motions  properly
come  before  the  Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the
accompanying  Proxy to vote such Proxy in accordance with their judgment on such
matters or  motions,  including  any  matters  dealing  with the  conduct of the

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The  Company  will bear the cost of the  solicitation  of  proxies  for the
Meeting. Brokerage houses, banks, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries are being
requested  to  forward  the  proxy  material  to  beneficial  owners  and  their
reasonable  expenses  therefor will be  reimbursed by the Company.  Solicitation
will be made by mail and  also may be made  personally  or by  telephone  by the
Company's officers,  directors and employees,  without special  compensation for
such activities.

By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Thomas M. Boudreau
                                        Thomas M. Boudreau
April 22, 1998                          Secretary

                                    EXHIBIT A

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.


     A. Express  Scripts,  Inc. (the "Company") has an Amended and Restated 1994
Stock  Option Plan which was amended and restated on March 22, 1995 and approved
by the stockholders on May 24, 1995, and which was  subsequently  amended by the
Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") and approved by the stockholders
on January 29, 1997 and May 29, 1997, respectively (as amended, the "Plan").

     B. On January  27,  1998,  the Board  approved an increase in the number of
shares which may be issued pursuant to the Plan.


     1. DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms set forth in this Second Amendment to the
Plan (the "Second Amendment") shall be as defined in the Plan.

     2.  AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2.1,  SHARES  SUBJECT TO PLAN.  Section 2.1 of the
Plan is amended by deleting the number  "460,000" in the first sentence  thereof
and inserting in lieu thereof the number "960,000."

effective date of this Second  Amendment  shall be January 27, 1998. This Second
Amendment  shall  be  submitted  for the  approval  of the  stockholders  of the
Corporation  at the next  annual  meeting  thereof on May 27,  1998,  and if not
approved by the stockholders this Second Amendment shall be null and void.

Dear Shareholder:

     The annual meeting of Stockholders of Express Scripts, Inc. will be held at
the Radisson Hotel, 11228 Lone Eagle Drive,  Bridgeton,  Missouri 63044, at 9:30
a.m. on Wednesday, May 27, 1998.

     It is important that your shares be represented at this meeting. Whether or
not you plan to attend the meeting,  please review the enclosed proxy materials,
complete the attached  proxy form below,  and return it promptly in the envelope

                 Please Detach and Mail in the Envelope Provided
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

X      Please mark your
       votes as in this

              FOR ALL THE         WITHHOLD      NOMINEE: HOWARD ATKINS         
                NOMINEES        AUTHORITY TO             JUDITH E. CAMPBELL    
            LISTED AT RIGHT     VOTE FOR ALL             RICHARD M. KERNAN, JR.
           (except as marked   NOMINEES LISTED           RICHARD A. NORLING    
                 to the           AT RIGHT               FREDERICK J. SIEVERT  
            contrary below)                              STEPHEN N. STEINIG    
                                                         SEYMOUR STERNBERG
(1)              ______            ______                BARRETT A. TOAN
Election                                                 HOWARD L. WALTMAN     
of                                                       NORMAN ZACHARY

                       For    Against   Abstain
(2) Approval of the     
Second Amendment to 
the Company's Amended
and Restated 1994              
Stock Option Plan       ____   _____     ____   

(3) Approval of an
Amendment to the
Company's Certificate
of Incorporation        ____   _____     ____   

(4) Ratification of
The appointment of
Price Waterhouse LLP
as the Company's
accountants for 1998    ____   _____     _____  

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any     
individual nominee, print                              
that nominee's name below.                             
- --------------------------------------------------
This Proxy will be voted "FOR" items 1,2, 3 and 4 if no
instruction to the contrary is indicated.  If any other
business is presented at the meeting, the proxy will be
voted in accordance with the recommendation of management.

Dated:_________________________             _______________________________

                                             (Signature if held jointly)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.


     The undersigned  hereby appoints Barrett A. Toan and Stuart L. Bascomb,  or
either  one of  them,  as  proxies  for  the  undersigned  with  full  power  of
substitution,  to vote all  shares of the  Common  Stock of the  undersigned  in
Express  Scripts,  Inc. (the "Company") at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
the  Company to be held on May 27,  1998 at 9:30 A.M.,  at the  Radisson  Hotel,
11228  Lone  Eagle  Drive,  Bridgeton,  Missouri  63044,  or at any  adjournment
thereof,  upon  the  matters  described  in  the  Notice  of  such  Meeting  and
accompanying  Proxy Statement,  receipt of which is acknowledged,  and upon such
other  business as may  properly  come  before the  Meeting or any  adjournments
thereof, hereby revoking any proxies heretofore given.

                                   APPENDIX I

                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.


       The purposes of the Plan are to further the growth, development and
financial success of the Company by providing incentives to those officers and
other key employees who have the capacity for contributing in substantial
measure toward the growth and profitability of the Company and to assist the
Company in attracting and retaining employees with the ability to make such

     To accomplish  such purposes,  the Plan provides that the Company may grant
Incentive Stock Options and Nonqualified Stock Options.

     Whenever  the  following  terms are used in the Plan,  they  shall have the
meaning specified below unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary.

     "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     "Cause" shall mean the willful failure by an Employee to perform his duties
with the Company,  a Parent or a Subsidiary  or the willful  engaging in conduct
which is injurious to the Company,  a Parent or any  Subsidiary,  monetarily  or
otherwise, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, provided that,
if the Employee has entered into an employment  agreement with the Company,  the
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may determine to substitute the definition
set forth in such agreement.

     "Change in Control" shall mean the following:

     (i) the first date on which both of the following  conditions  shall exist:
(A) New York Life Insurance  Company ("New York Life") shall have ceased to be a
Parent,  and (B) a "person" (as such term is used in Section  13(d) and 14(d) of
the Exchange Act), other than the Company or a Related Entity is the "beneficial
owner"  (as  defined  in  Rule  13d-3  under  the  Exchange  Act),  directly  or
indirectly,  of  securities of the Company  representing  fifty percent (50%) or
more of the combined voting power for the election of directors of the Company's
then outstanding securities;

     (ii) the shareholders of the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation
of the Company; or

     (iii) the  shareholders of the Company approve an agreement for the sale or
disposition by the Company of all or  substantially  all of the Company's assets
or any transaction having a similar effect.

     "Change in Control  Date"  shall  mean,  in the case of a Change in Control
defined in clause (i) or (ii) of the definition  thereof,  the date on which the
event occurs,  and in the case of a Change in Control defined in clause (iii) of
the definition thereof, the date on which the transaction closes.

     "Change in Control Price" shall mean, in a Change in Control transaction in
connection with which New York Life receives  consideration  for the transfer or
cancellation of its voting securities, the per share amount received by New York
Life; and in the case of any other Change in Control transaction, the greater of
the highest Fair Market Value or the highest price per share paid in a bona fide
transaction  related to such  Change in  Control at any time  during the 60 days
immediately preceding the Change in Control Date.

     "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from time
to time.

     "Committee" shall mean the Compensation  Committee of the Board,  appointed
as provided in Section 6.1.

     "Company" shall mean Express Scripts, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any
successor corporation.

     "Comparable   Employment"  shall  mean  employment  with  the  Company  any
successor to the Company's  business  following a Change in Control  pursuant to

     (i) the  responsibilities  and duties of the Employee are substantially the
same  as  before  the  Change  of  Control  (such  changes  as  are a  necessary
consequence  of the fact  that  the  securities  of the  Company  are no  longer
publicly  traded if the Company's  securities  cease to be publicly  traded as a
consequence  of the  Change  of  Control  shall  not be  considered  a change in
responsibilities  or duties),  and the other terms and  conditions of employment
following  the  Change in  Control  do not  impose on the  Employee  obligations
materially more burdensome than those to which the Employee was subject prior to
the Change in Control;

     (ii) the aggregate compensation  (including salary, bonus and other benefit
plans,  including option plans) of such Employee is  substantially  economically
equivalent to or greater than such Employee's aggregate compensation immediately
prior to the Change in Control Date. In making such determination there shall be
taken  into   account   all   contingent   or   unvested   compensation,   under
performance-based  compensation plans or otherwise,  with appropriate adjustment
for rights of forfeiture, vesting rules and other contingencies to payment; and

     (iii) the Employee is not required to relocate from the  metropolitan  area
of his or her residence  immediately  preceding the Change in Control (A) unless
the Company or such  successor pays the cost of such  relocation  (including any
loss  and  expenses  that the  employee  may  incur  upon the sale of his or her
residence),  (B) if the  relocation  is to an area with a higher  cost of living
than  the  area of the  Employee's  residence  prior  to such  relocation,  such
Employee's  compensation is equitably  adjusted to account for such  difference,
(C) unless the Employee is employed  under a written  contract for a term of not
less than three (3) years, and (D) is required to make only one such move during
the first three years of the written contract.

     "Effective Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

     "Employee" shall mean any employee  (including any officer whether or not a
director) of the Company,  or of any corporation which is then a Subsidiary that
has been designated by the Board to participate in the Plan.

     "Early  Retirement"  shall  mean  retirement  by an  Employee  from  active
employment  with the Company,  a Parent or any  Subsidiary  (i) with the express
consent for purposes of the Plan of the Committee or such officer of the Company
as the Committee may designate  from time to time, or (ii) pursuant to the early
retirement  provisions of a pension plan maintained by the Company,  a Parent or
any Subsidiary.

     "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Fair Market  Value" per Share as of a particular  date shall mean,  unless
otherwise determined by the Committee:

     (i) the closing sales price per Share on a national securities exchange for
the last preceding date on which there was a sale of Shares on such exchange;

     (ii) if clause  (i) does not apply and the  Shares  are then  quoted on the
National  Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system (known as
"NASDAQ"),  the closing  price per Share as reported on such system for the last
preceding date on which a sale was reported;

     (iii) if clause (i) or (ii) does not apply and the  Shares are then  traded
on an  over-the-counter  market, the average of the closing bid and asked prices
for the Shares in such  over-the-counter  market for the last  preceding date on
which such bid and asked prices were quoted; or

     (iv) if the Shares are not then listed on a national securities exchange or
traded  in an  over-the-counter  market,  such  value  as the  Committee  in its
discretion may determine.

     "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean an Option intended to be and designated
as an "incentive stock option" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

     "Nonqualified  Stock  Option" shall mean an Option that is not an Incentive
Stock Option.

     "Normal  Retirement"  shall mean  retirement  by an  Employee  from  active
employment  with  the  Company,  a  Parent  or any  Subsidiary  (i) on or  after
attainment of age  sixty-five  (65),  or (ii) pursuant to the normal  retirement
provisions  of a  pension  plan  maintained  by the  Company,  a  Parent  or any

     "Option"  shall mean an option to  purchase  Shares  (including  Restricted
Shares, if the Committee so determines) granted pursuant to the Plan.

     "Option  Agreement"  shall  mean an Option  Agreement  to be  entered  into
between  the  Company  and an  Optionee,  which  shall  set  forth the terms and
conditions of the Options granted to such Optionee.

     "Optionee"  shall  mean an  Employee  to whom an  Option  has been  granted
pursuant to the Plan.

     "Parent" shall mean any corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken
chain of corporations ending with the Company if each of the corporations (other
than the Company),  or if each group of commonly controlled  corporations,  then
(i) is the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act),
directly or indirectly,  of securities of one or more of the other  corporations
in such chain  representing  fifty percent (50%) or more of the combined  voting
power  for the  election  of  directors  for  such  corporation,  or (ii) if the
determination  of whether a  corporation  is a Parent is being made to determine
whether the requirements  governing  Incentive Stock Options have been met, owns
stock  possessing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined voting power
of all classes of stock of such corporation.

     "Payment  Date"  shall  mean a date not later than ten (10)  business  days
following the Change in Control Date.

     "Permanent  Disability"  shall mean that the Employee has suffered physical
or mental  incapacity  of such  nature as to  prevent  him from  engaging  in or
performing the principal  duties of his customary  employment or occupation on a
continuing or sustained basis, provided that, if an Employee has entered into an
employment  agreement with the Company,  the Committee,  in its sole discretion,
may determine to substitute  the  definition  set forth in such  agreement.  All
determinations  as to the date and extent of disability of any Employee shall be
made by the Committee  upon the basis of such evidence as it deems  necessary or

     "Plan" shall mean this Express  Scripts,  Inc.  1994 Stock Option Plan,  as
hereinafter amended from time to time.

     "Related  Entity" shall mean a Parent, a Subsidiary or any employee benefit
plan (including a trust forming a part of such Plan)  maintained by the Company,
a Parent or a Subsidiary.

     "Restricted  Shares"  shall mean Shares  which are  received by an Optionee
upon the exercise of an Option and are subject to the restrictions  described in
Section 4.2(c).

     "Restriction  Period" shall mean the period during which Restricted  Shares
are subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 4.2(c).

     "Retirement" shall mean Early Retirement or Normal Retirement.

     "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Share" shall mean a share of the Company's  Class A Common Stock,  .01 par

     "Stockholder  Approval  Date"  shall have the  meaning set forth in Section

     "Subsidiary"   shall  mean  any   corporation   in  an  unbroken  chain  of
corporations  beginning with the Company,  if each such corporation  (other than
the last  corporation  in the  unbroken  chain),  or if each  group of  commonly
controlled  corporations,  then owns  fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the total
combined voting power in one of the other corporations in such chain.

     "Ten-Percent  Stockholder"  shall  mean an  Employee,  who,  at the time an
Incentive  Stock  Option is to be  granted to the  Employee,  owns  (within  the
meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code) stock possessing more than ten percent
(10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
a Parent or a Subsidiary.

     "Termination of Employment" shall mean the time when the  employee-employer
relationship  between the Employee and the Company,  a Parent or a Subsidiary is
terminated for any reason whatsoever,  but excluding any termination where there
is a simultaneous reemployment by either the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary.



     The maximum number of Shares that may be issued or transferred  pursuant to
Options  under this Plan shall  initially be 210,000.  The Company shall reserve
such number of Shares for the purposes of the Plan,  out of its  authorized  but
unissued Shares or out of Shares held in the Company's  treasury,  or partly out
of each.  If any Shares that have been  subject to an Option cease to be subject
thereto,  or any Restricted  Shares received by an Optionee upon the exercise of
an Option are forfeited to the Company in accordance with the Option  Agreement,
such Shares may again be the subject of Options hereunder.


     In the event that the  outstanding  Shares are  hereafter  changed  into or
exchanged  for a different  number or kind of shares or other  securities of the
Company, or of another corporation, by reason of reorganization, merger or other
subdivision,  consolidation,  recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock split,
issuance of warrants or rights, stock dividend, combination of shares or similar
event,  appropriate adjustments shall be made by the Committee in the number and
kind of Shares  subject to and which may be subject to Options  under this Plan,
and the purchase  price per Share,  to prevent  dilution or  enlargement  of the
benefits granted to, or available for, Optionees,  including  adjustments of the
limitations in Section 2.1 of the maximum number and kind of shares which may be
issued hereunder as Shares.


     Any  Employee  who is employed on the senior  staff,  or as a member of the
sales force or who is  designated  by the  Committee as a key Employee  shall be
eligible to receive  Options  under this Plan.  In no event shall any Options be
granted to any member of the Board who is not an Employee.  The Committee  shall
from time to time, in its sole discretion:

     (a) select from among the eligible Employees  (including Optionees who have
previously  received Options) such of them as in its opinion should be permitted
to receive Options under this Plan;

     (b) determine the number of Shares to be subject to each Option  granted to
such selected Employees;  provided, that in no event shall Options be granted to
any Employee in excess of 150,000;

     (c)  determine  the terms and  conditions  applicable to each Option (which
need not be identical), consistent with the Plan; and

     (d) establish such  conditions as to the manner of exercise of such Options
as it may deem necessary,  including but not limited to, requiring  Optionees to
enter into agreements  regarding  transferability  and other  restrictions  with
respect to Shares issuable upon exercise of such Options.



     Options shall be granted only pursuant to an Option Agreement,  which shall
be executed by the Optionee and an  authorized  officer of the Company and which
shall  contain  such terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  shall  determine,
consistent  with the  Plan,  including  appropriate  vesting  arrangements.  The
aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined as of the date of grant) of the Shares
with respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options  granted under this Plan and all
other  option  plans  of the  Company,  the  Parent  and any  Subsidiary  become
exercisable by an Employee  during any calendar year shall not exceed  $100,000.
To the extent the  limitation  set forth in the preceding  sentence is exceeded,
the Options with respect to such excess amount shall be treated as  Nonqualified
Stock Options.

4.2      TERMS

     The  Options   granted   hereunder  shall  have  the  following  terms  and

     (a) PRICE.  The purchase price for the Shares subject to an Option,  or the
manner in which such purchase price is to be determined,  shall be determined by
the Committee,  in its sole discretion,  and set forth in the Option  Agreement,
provided  that the  purchase  price per Share shall not be less than one hundred
percent  (100%) of the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the date the Option is
granted (110% in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option granted to a Ten-Percent

     (b) TERM.  Options shall be for such term as the Committee shall determine,
and as shall be set  forth in each  Option  Agreement,  provided  that no Option
shall be  exercisable  after the  expiration  of ten  years  from the date it is
granted  (five  years in the case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  to a
Ten-Percent Stockholder).

     (c) VESTING.  Options shall be exercisable in such installments (which need
not be equal) and at such times as may be  designated  by the  Committee and set
forth in the Option Agreement.  To the extent not exercised,  installments shall
accumulate and may be exercised, in whole or in part, at any time after becoming
exercisable,  but not later than the date the Option expires.  The Committee may
accelerate the  exercisability  of any Option,  or the vesting of any Restricted
Shares, or portion thereof at any time.

     The  Committee  may in its  discretion  provide  that  all or a part of the
Shares received by an Optionee upon the exercise of a Nonqualified  Stock Option
shall be Restricted  Shares subject to any or all of the following  restrictions
or conditions:

     (i) Subject to the provisions of the Plan and the Option Agreement,  during
a period  set by the  Committee  commencing  with  the date of the  grant of the
Option (the  "Restriction  Period"),  the Optionee may not be permitted to sell,
transfer,  pledge  or  assign  the  Restricted  Shares.  The  Committee  in  its
discretion may provide for the lapse of such  restrictions in  installments  and
may accelerate or waive such restrictions in whole or in part, based on service,
performance and/or such other factors or criteria as the Committee may determine
in its discretion,

     (ii)  Except as  provided  in this  clause  (ii) and clause (i) above,  the
Optionee shall have, with respect to the Restricted Shares, all of the rights of
a  shareholder  of the Company,  including  the right to vote the Shares and the
right to receive any cash  dividends.  Stock  dividends  issued with  respect to
Restricted  Shares  shall be treated as  additional  Restricted  Shares that are
subject to the same  restrictions  and other terms and conditions  that apply to
the Shares with respect to which such dividends are issued.

     (iii) Subject to the applicable provisions of the Option Agreement and this
Section,  upon  Termination of Employment  during the  Restriction  Period,  all
Shares still subject to  restriction  will vest, or be forfeited,  in accordance
with the terms and conditions established by the Committee at grant.

     (iv) If and when the Restriction  Period expires without a prior forfeiture
of the Restricted Shares, certificates for an appropriate number of unrestricted
Shares shall be delivered to the Optionee promptly.

     (d) Termination of Employment. Except as provided in this Section 4.2(d) or
in the Option Agreement evidencing such an Option, in the event of a Termination
of  Employment  of an Optionee,  all  outstanding  Options held by such Optionee
shall terminate immediately, provided that, if such Termination of Employment is
due to the  Optionee's  death,  Permanent  Disability,  or  Retirement or by the
Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary without Cause, all outstanding Options held by
such Optionee shall  immediately  become fully  exercisable to the extent not so
exercisable,  shall remain  exercisable  for a period of three months  following
such Termination of Employment, and shall thereafter terminate.  Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  (i) the Committee may provide,  either at the time an Option is
granted  or  thereafter,  that the  Option  may be  exercised  after the  period
provided  for in this  Section  4.2(d),  but in no event  beyond the term of the
Option,  and (ii) no provision in this Section  4.2(d) shall extend the exercise
period of an Option beyond its original term.


     No Option granted under the Plan shall be  transferable  by the Optionee to
whom granted otherwise than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and
an Option may be  exercised  during the  lifetime of such  Optionee  only by the
Optionee or his guardian or legal representative. The terms of such Option shall
be  binding  upon  the  beneficiaries,   executors,  administrators,  heirs  and
successors of the Optionee.


     The exercise of an Option shall be made only by a written notice  delivered
in person or by mail to the Secretary of the Company at the Company's  principal
executive  office,   specifying  the  number  of  Shares  to  be  purchased  and
accompanied by full payment therefor and otherwise in accordance with the Option
Agreement  pursuant to which the Option was granted.  The purchase price for any
Shares  purchased  pursuant to the  exercise of an Option  shall be paid in full
upon such exercise in cash, by check or, at the  discretion of the Committee and
upon such terms and conditions as the Committee  shall approve,  by transferring
previously  owned Shares to the Company,  having  Shares  withheld or exercising
pursuant to a "cashless exercise"  procedure,  or any combination  thereof.  Any
Shares  transferred  to the  Company as payment of the  purchase  price under an
Option shall be valued at their Fair Market Value on the day  preceding the date
of exercise of such Option.  If requested by the  Committee,  the Optionee shall
deliver  the Option  Agreement  evidencing  the Option to the  Secretary  of the
Company who shall  endorse  thereon a notation of such  exercise and return such
Option Agreement to the Optionee.  Not less than one hundred (100) Shares may be
purchased at any time upon the exercise of an Option unless the number of Shares
so purchased  constitutes the total number of Shares then purchasable  under the
Option or the Committee determines otherwise in its sole discretion.


     No Optionee shall be deemed for any purpose to be or to have the rights and
privileges of the owner of any Shares subject to any Option unless and until (a)
the Option shall have been exercised pursuant to the terms thereof,  and (b) the
Company shall have issued the Shares to the Optionee.



     Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  in the event of a Change
in Control (i) all outstanding  Options,  whether or not previously  exercisable
and vested,  shall terminate  immediately and become null and void on the Change
in Control Date, and (ii) any Restricted Shares shall be redeemed by the Company
and  canceled as of the Change in Control  Date;  and in either case the Company
shall pay such  Optionee  the amount,  if any,  determined  in  accordance  with
Section 5.2 in lieu of such options or Restricted Shares.


     (a) NO  OFFER OF  COMPARABLE  EMPLOYMENT.  If an  Optionee  is not  offered
Comparable  Employment  with  the  Company  or any  successor  to the  Company's
business on or prior to the Change in Control  Date,  the Company  shall pay the
Optionee for each of his Options that was terminated  pursuant to Section 5.1 an
amount  equal to the  excess,  if any of the  Change in  Control  Price over the
purchase  price for the shares subject to such Option,  and for each  Restricted
Share that was redeemed and  canceled,  an amount equal to the Change in Control
Price.  Such aggregate  amount shall be paid to the Optionee by the Company in a
cash lump sum on the Payment Date.

     (b) OFFER OF COMPARABLE  EMPLOYMENT ACCEPTED. If an Optionee is offered and
accepts Comparable Employment with the Company or any successor to the Company's
business,  the Company  shall pay the  Optionee for each of his Options that was
canceled  pursuant to Section 5.1 an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of the
Change in Control Price over the purchase  price for the shares  subject to such
Option, and for each Restricted Share that was redeemed and canceled,  an amount
equal to the Change in Control Price. Such aggregate amount shall be paid to the
Optionee as follows:

     (i) any amount  attributable to Options that were vested on or prior to the
Change in Control Date shall be paid to the Optionee on the Payment Date.

     (ii) any amount attributable to Options that would have become vested after
the Change in Control Date but prior to the second  anniversary of the Change in
Control  Date,  or to  Restricted  Shares  the  transferability  and  forfeiture
restrictions on which would have lapsed during such period, shall be paid to the
Optionee  on the date  that the  Options  otherwise  would  have  vested  or the
restrictions on such Restricted  Shares otherwise would have lapsed, as the case
may be; and

     (iii) any other amounts due to the Optionee and not  disbursed  pursuant to
the preceding clauses (i) and (ii) shall be paid in two cash installments on the
first  and  second  anniversary  of  the  Change  in  Control  Date,  the  first
installment  being  equal to one-half of the amount that would have been paid in
the absence of the  preceding  clause (ii) above minus the amount of any payment
made prior to such first installment  pursuant to the preceding clause (ii), and
the second installment being equal to the remaining balance due to the Optionee.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of a Termination of Employment
of the Optionee at any time before such second anniversary, other than by reason
of (A) the Optionee's death, Permanent Disability or Retirement, (B) termination
by the Company or any successor to the Company's  business without Cause, or (C)
termination  by the Employee  after his  employment  ceases for any reason to be
Comparable Employment,  the Optionee shall forfeit any right to, an shall not be
paid,  any unpaid  installments.  In the case of a Termination of Employment for
any reason  specified in clause (A), (B) or (C) of the preceding  sentence,  all
unpaid  installments  shall be paid to the  Optionee  in a cash lump sum  within
thirty (30) days of such Termination of Employment.

     (c) OFFER OF  COMPARABLE  EMPLOYMENT  REJECTED.  If an  Optionee is offered
Comparable  Employment  with  the  Company  or any  successor  to the  Company's
business  and he rejects  such offer,  the Company  will pay to the Optionee for
each of his Options  that was fully  vested  immediately  prior to the Change in
Control  Date,  an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of the Change in Control
Price over the purchase  price for the shares  subject to such  Option,  and for
each  Restricted  Share that was  redeemed  and  canceled an amount equal to the
lesser of (i) the  Change  in  Control  Price,  or (ii) the  amount  paid by the
Optionee to acquire such Restricted Shares from the Company.  Except as provided
in the  preceding  sentence,  the Company  shall not be required to pay, and the
Optionee  shall not be entitled to receive,  any amount  under this Section 5 or
otherwise in connection with the  cancellation of any other Options  pursuant to
Section 5.1. Any amount  payable to the Optionee  hereunder  shall be payable on
the Payment Date.


     (a) Any amount  that may become  payable to  Optionees  pursuant to Section
5.2(b) above shall be  deposited on the Payment Date in escrow with a U.S.  bank
with unrestricted capital and surplus of not less than $100,000,000.  Such funds
shall be invested in securities  issued or fully guaranteed as to both principal
and interest by the U.S. Government.  Interest earned shall be allocated ratably
among the  Optionees  receiving  payment of such funds and,  if any  amounts are
forfeited by an  Optionee,  to the  Company,  and shall be  disbursed  when such
payments are made.


     (i) Subject to the following  clauses (ii) and (iii),  the escrow agreement
shall  provide for  disbursements  to  Optionees in  accordance  with a schedule
attached thereto and prepared in accordance with Section 5.2(b)(ii) and (iii).

     (ii) If an Optionee  forfeits his rights to any  payments  from the escrow,
the Company shall give written  notice thereof  contemporaneously  to the escrow
agent and the  Optionee  by  certified  or  registered  mail (in the case of the
Optionee,  to the last  known  address  of the  Optionee  on the  records of the
Company),  stating the reason for such  forfeiture and the amount  thereof.  The
escrow  agent  shall  disburse  the amount  stated in such notice to the Company
thirty  (30) days after  receipt  thereof  unless  prior to such time the escrow
agent receives  written  notice of objection  from the Optionee.  If a notice of
objection is  received,  the escrow  agent shall  disburse  such funds only upon
order of a court of competent  jurisdiction or upon written  instructions signed
by both the Company and the Optionee.

     (iii) If an Optionee or his  successor  in interest  becomes  entitled to a
payment from the escrow prior to the time stated in the  schedule,  the Optionee
or such successor  shall give written notice  thereof  contemporaneously  to the
escrow agent and the Company by certified or registered mail, stating the reason
for such  accelerated  payment and the amount  thereof.  The escrow  agent shall
disburse  the amount  stated in such notice to the  Optionee  or such  successor
thirty  (30) days after  receipt  thereof  unless  prior to such time the escrow
agent  receives  written  notice of objection  from the Company.  If a notice of
objection is  received,  the escrow  agent shall  disburse  such funds only upon
order of a court of competent  jurisdiction or upon written  instructions signed
by both the Company and the Optionee.


     In the  event  that  the  aggregate  present  value of the  payments  to an
Optionee under this Plan, and any other plan, program, or arrangement maintained
by the Company (a Subsidiary or, if applicable, a Parent) constitutes an "excess
parachute  payment"  (within the meaning of Section  280G(b)(1) of the Code) and
the excise tax on such payment  would cause the net  parachute  payments  (after
taking into account  federal,  state and local income and excise taxes) to which
the  Optionee  otherwise  would be  entitled,  to be less than what the Optionee
would have netted  (after  taking into account  federal,  state and local income
taxes) had the present value of his total parachute  payments equaled $1.00 less
than three times his "base amount" (within the meaning of Section  280G(b)(3)(A)
of the Code), the Optionee's total "parachute  payments"  (within the meaning of
Section  280G(b)(2)(A)  of the Code) shall be reduced  (by the minimum  possible
amount) so that their aggregate present value equals $1.00 less than three times
such base amount. For purposes of this calculation, it shall be assumed that the
Optionee's tax rate will be the maximum marginal federal, state and local income
tax rate on earned  income,  with such maximum  federal rate to be computed with
regard  to  Section  1(g) of the Code,  if  applicable.  In the  event  that the
Optionee and the Company or any successor to the  Company's  Business are unable
to agree as to the amount of the reduction described above, if any, the Optionee
shall select a law firm or accounting firm from among those regularly  consulted
(during the twelve-month  period immediately prior to the Change in Control that
resulted in the  characterization  of the payments as parachute payments) by the
Company  regarding  federal income tax or employee  benefit matters and such law
firm or accounting firm shall determine, at the Company's expense, the amount of
such  reduction  and such  determination  shall be final  and  binding  upon the
Optionee and the Company or such successor.



     The Plan shall be  administered  by the Committee which shall consist of at
least three directors of the Company,  appointed by the Board and holding office
at the  pleasure of the Board.  All  Committee  members  shall be members of the
Board.  All members of the Committee  must be  "disinterested  persons," as such
term  is  described  in  Rule  16b-3  adopted  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  under the Exchange  Act, if and as such Rule is in effect and to the
extent  required by Section 162(m) of the Code and the  Regulations  promulgated
thereon, an "outside director" within the meaning thereof.


     It shall be the duty of the Committee to conduct the general administration
of the Plan in accordance  with its terms and  provisions.  The Committee  shall
have the power to interpret the Plan and the Option Agreements and to adopt such
rules for the administration,  interpretation and application of the Plan as are
consistent therewith and to interpret, amend or revoke any such rules.


     The  Committee  shall act by a  majority  of its  members  in  office.  The
Committee  may act  either  by vote at a  telephonic  or other  meeting  or by a
memorandum or other written instrument signed by a majority of the Committee .


     Members of the Committee may receive such  compensation  for their services
as members as may be  determined  by the Board.  All  expenses  and  liabilities
incurred by members of the Committee in connection  with the  administration  of
the Plan shall be borne by the  Company.  The  Committee  may employ  attorneys,
consultants,  accountants,  appraisers,  or other persons.  The  Committee,  the
Company  and its  officers  and  directors  shall be  entitled  to rely upon the
advice,  opinions or valuations  of any such persons.  All actions taken and all
interpretations  and determinations made by the Committee in good faith shall be
final and binding  upon all  Optionees,  the  Company  and all other  interested
persons.  No member of the Committee shall be personally  liable for any action,
determination or  interpretation  made in good faith with respect to the Plan or
the Options,  and all members of the Committee  shall be fully  protected by the
Company in respect to any such action, determination or interpretation.



     (a) EFFECTIVE  DATE. The Plan shall become  effective as of the date of the
adoption  of the Plan by the  Board,  subject to the  approval  of the Plan by a
majority  of the  Company's  stockholders  (the  "Effective  Date"),  and  shall
continue  in effect  until  June 6, 2004 or until the  Change in  Control  Date,
whichever is sooner; provided, that termination of the Plan shall not affect the
rights of any Optionee  with  respect to Options  granted or  Restricted  Shares
acquired  contemporaneously  with or prior to such termination.  Notwithstanding
anything  herein or in any Option  Agreement to the  contrary,  Options  granted
hereunder  shall  not  vest  and  may  not be  exercised  prior  to the  date of
stockholder  approval (the "Stockholder  Approval Date"), and, in the event that
the  Stockholder  Approval Date has not occurred on or prior to June 6, 1995 (or
such later date as determined by the Board in its sole discretion),  all Options
granted prior to such date shall be null and void and of no effect,  retroactive
to the  date of  grant,  and the Plan  shall be null and void and of no  effect,
retroactive to the date of Board approval.

     (b) EFFECT OF CERTAIN  AMENDMENTS.  The amendments approved by the Board of
Directors on March 22, 1995, other than the amendments to sections 2.1, 3(b) and
6.1 hereof,  shall be effective only with respect to Options  granted after such
date,  provided,  however,  that the  Committee may enter into  agreements  with
Optionees  whose options were granted prior to such date to make such amendments
applicable, in whole or in part, to such Options.


     The  Plan  may be  wholly  or  partially  amended  or  otherwise  modified,
suspended or terminated at any time or from time to time by the Board; provided,
however,  that,  except as  provided  in  Section  2.2,  no  amendment  shall be
effective  unless  approved by the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
eligible  to be cast at a meeting of  stockholders  of the  Company  held within
twelve  (12)  months  of the date of  adoption  of such  amendment,  where  such
amendment will:

     (a) increase the number of Shares as to which  Options may be granted under
the Plan;

     (b) change the class of persons eligible to participate in the Plan;

     (c) change the  minimum  purchase  price of Shares  pursuant  to Options as
provided herein;

     (d) extend the maximum period for granting or exercising  Options  provided
herein; or

     (e) otherwise  materially increase the benefits accruing to Optionees under
the Plan.

     From and after the Effective  Date,  neither the amendment,  suspension nor
termination  of the Plan shall,  without the consent of the  Optionee,  alter or
impair  any  rights or  obligations  under any Option  theretofore  granted.  No
Options may be granted during any period of suspension nor after  termination or
expiration of the Plan.


     The  adoption  of the Plan  shall  not  affect  any other  compensation  or
incentive plans in effect for the Company or any Subsidiary. Nothing in the Plan
shall be  construed  to limit  the right of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  to
establish  any other forms of incentives  or  compensation  for Employees of the
Company or any Subsidiary.


     (a) The Plan and the  rights of all  persons  claiming  hereunder  shall be
construed and  determined  in accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware
without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof.

     (b) The obligation of the Company to sell or deliver Shares with respect to
Options  granted under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable  laws,  rules
and regulations, including all applicable federal and state securities laws, and
the obtaining of all such  approvals by  governmental  agencies as may be deemed
necessary or appropriate by the Committee.

     (c) The Board may make such changes as may be necessary or  appropriate  to
comply with the rules and  regulations of any government  authority or to obtain
the tax benefits  under the  applicable  provisions of the Code and  regulations
promulgated thereunder for Employees granted Incentive Stock Options.

     (d) Each  Option is subject  to the  requirement  that,  if at any time the
Committee determines, in its sole discretion, that the listing,  registration or
qualification  of  Shares  issuable  pursuant  to the  Plan is  required  by any
securities  exchange  or under any  state or  federal  law,  or the  consent  or
approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body is  necessary  or desirable as a
condition of, or in connection  with,  the grant of an Option or the issuance of
Shares,  no Options shall be granted or payment made or Shares issued,  in whole
or in part, unless listing, registration, qualification, consent or approval has
been effected or obtained free of any conditions as acceptable to the Committee.

     (e) In the event that the  disposition of Shares  acquired  pursuant to the
Plan  is  not  covered  by a  then  current  registration  statement  under  the
Securities Act, and is not otherwise exempt from such registration,  such Shares
shall be restricted  against  transfer to the extent  required by the Securities
Act or  regulations  thereunder,  and the Committee  may require any  individual
receiving  Shares  pursuant to the Plan, as a condition  precedent to receipt of
such Shares,  to represent to the Company in writing that the Shares acquired by
such  individual  are  acquired  for  investment  only  and  not  with a view to
distribution.  The  certificate  for such  shall  include  any  legend  that the
Committee deems appropriate to reflect any restrictions on transfer.


     No later than the date as to which an amount first  becomes  includable  in
the gross income of an Optionee for Federal  income tax purposes with respect to
any Option  granted under the Plan,  the Optionee  shall pay to the Company,  or
make  arrangements  satisfactory to the Committee  regarding the payment of, any
Federal,  state, or local taxes of any kind required by law or the Company to be
withheld with respect to such amount.  The  obligations of the Company under the
Plan shall be conditional  on such payment or  arrangements  and the Company,  a
Parent and any Subsidiary  shall, to the extent  permitted by law have the right
to deduct  any such  taxes from any  payment  of any kind  otherwise  due to the
Optionee.  In its  discretion,  the  Committee  may permit  Optionees to satisfy
withholding  obligations by delivering previously owned Shares or by electing to
have Shares withheld.


     Nothing  in the  Plan or in any  Option  Agreement  shall  confer  upon any
Optionee  any right to  continue in the employ of the  Company,  a Parent or any
Subsidiary  or shall  interfere  with or  restrict  in any way the  right of the
Company, a Parent and any Subsidiary,  which are hereby expressly  reserved,  to
remove,  terminate  or  discharge  any  Optionee  at any  time  for  any  reason
whatsoever, with or without Cause.


     Titles are provided herein for  convenience  only and are not to serve as a
basis for  interpretation  or  construction  of the Plan. The masculine  pronoun
shall include the feminine and neuter and the singular shall include the plural,
when the context so indicates.



     In the  event of a Change  in  Control,  (a) all  outstanding  Options  not
previously exercisable and vested shall immediately become fully exercisable and
vested, and (b) the  transferability and forfeiture  restrictions  applicable to
any  Restricted  Shares to the extent not  already  lapsed,  shall  lapse and no
longer be applicable,  and such Shares shall be deemed fully vested and owned by
the Optionee.

     "Change in  Control"  shall  mean the  occurrence  of any of the  following
events at a time when New York Life  Insurance  Company,  A New York mutual life
insurance company, or any successor thereto is not a Parent:

     (i) any  "person,"  as such term is used in Section  13(d) and 14(d) of the
Exchange Act, (other than the Company or a Related Entity,  without the approval
of the Board, becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company representing
fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the  combined  voting power for the election of
directors of the Company's then outstanding securities;

     (ii) during any period of two  consecutive  years beginning on or after the
effective  date of the Plan,  individuals  who at the  beginning  of such period
constitute the Board, and any new director (other than a director  designated by
a person  who has  entered  into an  agreement  with  the  Company  to  effect a
transaction  described in clause (i), (iii) or (iv)) whose election by the Board
or nomination for election by the Company's  shareholders was approved by a vote
of at least  two-thirds  (2/3) of the directors  then still in office who either
were  directors at the  beginning of the period or whose  election or nomination
for election was previously so approved  (unless the approval of the election or
nomination  for election of such new directors was in connection  with an actual
or threatened election or proxy contest),  cease for any reason to constitute at
least a majority thereof;

     (iii) the  shareholders of the Company approve a merger or consolidation of
the Company with any other corporation, other than (x) a merger or consolidation
which  would  result  in  the  voting  securities  of  the  Company  outstanding
immediately   prior  thereto   continuing  to  represent  (either  by  remaining
outstanding  or by being  converted  into  voting  securities  of the  surviving
entity)  more than eighty  percent  (80%) of the  combined  voting  power of the
voting   securities  of  the  Company  or  such  surviving  entity   outstanding
immediately  after such merger or consolidation or (y) a merger or consolidation
effected to implement a recapitalization of the Company (or similar transaction)
in which no "person" (as defined  above in clause (i))  acquires more than fifty
percent (50%) of the combined  voting power for the election of directors of the
Company's then outstanding securities; or

     (iv) the shareholders of the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation
of the Company or an agreement for the sale or disposition by the Company of all
or substantially all of the Company's assets or any transaction having a similar

                               FIRST AMENDMENT TO
                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.


     A. Express  Scripts,  Inc. (the "Company") has an Amended and Restated 1994
Stock Option Plan (the "Plan")  which was amended and restated on March 22, 1995
and approved by the stockholders on May 24, 1995.

     B. On January 29, 1997, the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board")
approved an increase in the number of shares which may be issued pursuant to the


     1. DEFINITIONS.  Capitalized terms set forth in this First Amendment to the
Plan (the "First Amendment") shall be as defined in the Plan.

     2.  AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2.1,  SHARES  SUBJECT TO PLAN.  Section 2.1 of the
Plan is amended by deleting the number  "210,000" in the first sentence  thereof
and inserting in lieu thereof the number "460,000."

effective  date of this First  Amendment  shall be January 29, 1997.  This First
Amendment  shall  be  submitted  for the  approval  of the  stockholders  of the
Corporation  at the next  annual  meeting  thereof on May 28,  1997,  and if not
approved by the stockholders this First Amendment shall be null and void.

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                              EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC.


     A. Express  Scripts,  Inc. (the "Company") has an Amended and Restated 1994
Stock  Option Plan which was amended and restated on March 22, 1995 and approved
by the stockholders on May 24, 1995, and which was  subsequently  amended by the
Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") and approved by the stockholders
on January 29, 1997 and May 29, 1997, respectively (as amended, the "Plan").

     B. On January  27,  1998,  the Board  approved an increase in the number of
shares which may be issued pursuant to the Plan.


     1. DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms set forth in this Second Amendment to the
Plan (the "Second Amendment") shall be as defined in the Plan.

     2.  AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2.1,  SHARES  SUBJECT TO PLAN.  Section 2.1 of the
Plan is amended by deleting the number  "460,000" in the first sentence  thereof
and inserting in lieu thereof the number "960,000."

effective date of this Second  Amendment  shall be January 27, 1998. This Second
Amendment  shall  be  submitted  for the  approval  of the  stockholders  of the
Corporation  at the next  annual  meeting  thereof on May 27,  1998,  and if not
approved by the stockholders this Second Amendment shall be null and void.