Exhibit No. 10.7

          Confidential Materials omitted and filed separately with the
         Securities and Exchange Commission. Asterisks denote omissions.

                                SOFTWARE LICENSE
                                HARDWARE PURCHASE
                                   AND SUPPORT

                            dated as of July 24, 2003


                                    ADP, Inc.


                               Kronos Incorporated

THIS  AGREEMENT,  dated as of July 24,  2003 is between  ADP,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation  ("ADP"),  its Subsidiaries and Affiliates,  with offices at One ADP
Boulevard,  Roseland, New Jersey 07068, and Kronos Incorporated, a Massachusetts
corporation  ("Kronos"),  its Subsidiaries  and Affiliates,  with offices at 297
Billerica Road, Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824.

     WHEREAS,  the  parties  have  agreed to revise  and  replace  the  Restated
Agreement  dated as of  September  25,  2000 (the "Prior  Agreement")  with this

     WHEREAS,  ADP desires  Kronos to provide,  and Kronos desires to provide to
ADP, a license to use the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software or any part  thereof,
the right to  sublicense  the same to ADP Clients,  and certain  other rights in
connection therewith; and

     WHEREAS,  ADP also desires to purchase  and Kronos  desires to sell to ADP,
certain  units of hardware  manufactured  by Kronos for the purpose of providing
such hardware to ADP Clients;

     WHEREAS,  ADP also desires Kronos to provide, and Kronos desires to provide
to ADP, certain  maintenance,  support,  training and technical  assistance with
respect to the ADP Time & Attendance  Software and  Hardware,  all in accordance
with the terms and conditions set forth herein; and

     WHEREAS,  Kronos  desires to offer  certain  human  resources  and  payroll
software to its customers in accordance  with the terms and conditions set forth

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.    Definitions.

(a)  "ADP Acquired Time & Attendance  Software"  shall mean time and  attendance
     software acquired from a third party (non-Kronos) company.

(b)  "ADP  Clients"  shall mean all current and future  clients and customers of
     ADP  and  its  Subsidiaries  and  Affiliates  who are now or will be in the
     future receiving any of the ADP Services.

(c)  "ADP Features" shall mean the following ADP developed  additional  features
     and/or  improvements  that  resulted  from  the  licensing  of TKC and Lite
     Software Source Code: (i) e-Time payroll  interface utility (ii) hand punch
     interface to RSI utility and (iii) punch detail utility.

(d)  "ADP Services" shall mean any or all of the payroll processing, payroll tax
     filing,  human  resources and employee  benefits  administration  and other
     related services offered by ADP and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, now or
     in the future  (including,  without  limitation,  the ADP Time & Attendance

(e)  "ADP  Time &  Attendance  Services"  shall  mean the  time  and  attendance
     services,  which includes the Hardware and ADP Time & Attendance  Software,
     provided by ADP to ADP Clients.

(f)  "ADP Time & Attendance Software" shall mean the eTime 1000 Software,  eTime
     100 Software and the Enterprise eTime Software, all as defined herein.

(g)  "Affiliate"  shall mean, with respect to any entity,  any other entity that
     directly or indirectly through one or more  intermediaries,  controls or is
     controlled  by or is under  common  control  with,  such  entity;  provided
     however,  that any  Affiliate of ADP shall be required to be within the ADP
     Employer Services Group.

(h)  "Bug" shall mean, when measured against the Kronos user guide documentation
     applicable to the comparable (as to version and type) Kronos Software,  and
     against any additional  specifications  for enhancements  made by Kronos if
     such  specifications  are  agreed  upon in writing  by the  parties,  (i) a
     reproducible  error that causes the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software to (a)
     produce  erroneous,  distorted or misleading  information,  (b)  abnormally
     cease to operate  or (c)  interpret  input in an  erroneous,  distorted  or
     misleading  fashion  or (ii) a  malfunction  in the ADP  Time &  Attendance
     Software that has been reported and documented by three or more independent

(i)  "Devices"  shall mean  telephony  data  collection  devices  (comparable to
     Kronos'  TeleTime  or  Workforce  TeleTime),  swipe  readers  in which  the
     computer  that the swipe reader is attached to records the swipe,  point of
     sale systems,  palm readers,  scanners,  portable  handheld data collectors
     (which must be used in a mobile type of  application  i.e. not secured to a
     stationary operation), personal computers, kiosks and wall mount pc kiosks.

(j)  "eLabor  Software"  shall  mean all  Time &  Attendance  software  that was
     originally  obtained by ADP from eLabor Inc. and all software  derived from
     such  original  software,   including,   but  not  limited  to,  bug-fixes,
     corrections, modifications, enhancements, versions, and releases.

(k)  "Enterprise eTime Software" shall mean the WFC Software (referred to in the
     Prior Agreement as "ADP WFC Software") as enhanced or modified  pursuant to
     Section 5.2 or pursuant to other specifications mutually agreed upon by the

(l)  "eTime 100 Software"  and "eTime 100" shall mean the software  (referred to
     in the Prior  Agreement  as  "ADP-ized  Lite  Software"),  as  enhanced  or
     modified under previous agreement(s),  or herein pursuant to Section 5.1 or
     pursuant to other specifications mutually agreed upon by the parties.

(m)  "eTime  1000  Software"  and  "eTime  1000"  shall  mean  the TKC  Software
     (referred to in the Prior Agreement as "ADP-ized TKC Software") as enhanced
     or modified under a previous  agreement(s),  or herein  pursuant to Section
     5.1 or  pursuant  to  other  specifications  mutually  agreed  upon  by the

(n)  "End-Users"  shall mean all current and future clients  (including  ADP) of
     Kronos who are now or will be in the future  sub-licensing  the Software or
     any part thereof.

(o)  "Event of  Default"  shall  have the  meaning  set forth in  Section  13(b)

(p)  "Hardware"  shall mean the units of hardware  developed and manufactured by
     Kronos,  as more fully  described on Exhibit A ("ADP Price List")  attached
     hereto,  as such  Exhibit may be amended  from time to time,  and any other
     hardware added to this Agreement under Section 7.

(q)  "Hardware  Delivery  Period" shall mean that ADP shall be entitled to order
     Hardware  pursuant  to this  Agreement  by issuing  P.O.'s  during the term
     hereof for delivery not later than 90 days after the expiration of the term

(r)  "Hardware  Warranty  Period"  shall have the  meaning  set forth in Section
     11(a)(i) hereof.

(s)  "Hosted  Environment" shall mean the utilization of software installed in a
     data center or other similar facility.

(t)  "Hosting  Services  Company"  shall mean a company  that hosts  third party
     software  applications in a data center or other similar facility on behalf
     of the user of such software application.

(u)  "Kronos Software" shall mean the Workforce Central(R) Software,  Timekeeper
     Central(R) Software and Lite Software, as such terms are defined herein and
     custom software developed for such Kronos software, if any.

(v)  "License Fee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a)(i).

(w)  "Licensed  Basis" shall mean  software  licensed to a customer that is paid
     for by the  customer  on a one-time  basis and not on a  recurring  billing

(x)  "Lite Software" shall mean the software  programs and modules  developed by
     or for, and owned by,  Kronos,  as generally  described on Exhibit B and as
     listed on Exhibit A attached  hereto.  Lite Software shall also include (if
     any, at Kronos'  sole option)  software  programs  and/or  modules that are
     released by Kronos as a corrective  or Bug-fix  release  during the term of
     this Agreement,  standard  modifications,  standard enhancements and future
     versions  of  the  Lite   Software;   provided,   however,   that  software
     developed/manufactured  by  third  parties  other  than  Kronos  shall  not
     constitute  Lite Software  unless such third party  software is embedded in
     the Lite  Software or is offered for  resale/sublicensing  by Kronos to ADP
     under this Agreement; and provided further that inclusion of modifications,
     enhancements and future versions,  if any, within this definition shall not
     automatically imply that such items and maintenance of those items are free
     of charge.

(y)  "Materials"  shall mean at any given time the then  current  version of all
     standard  documentation  provided  by Kronos  with  respect  to the  Kronos
     Software or Hardware or any part thereof, including without limitation, any
     product descriptions and specifications,  users' manuals,  installation and
     training guides and data sheets, distributed to its End-Users.

(z)  "No  Start"  shall  mean a  Sublicense  to an ADP  Client for which ADP has
     already paid Kronos the applicable  License Fee but the Sublicensee has not
     paid ADP any licensing fee  applicable  within six (6) months from shipment
     of the ADP Time & Attendance  Software by Kronos for  Enterprise  eTime and
     three (3) months from shipment by ADP for eTime 1000 and/or eTime 100.

(aa) "Object  Code"  shall mean  computer  programs in machine  executable  form
     stored on magnetic or electronic  recording media.  (bb) "Order  Acceptance
     Date" shall mean the date that Kronos receives a complete P.O. from ADP for
     Hardware.  (cc) "Payroll  Processing  Services" shall mean the provision of
     payroll processing  services in a service bureau  environment,  including a
     Hosted Environment.

(dd) "P.O." shall mean a Purchase Order or other agreed upon order form.

(ee) "Scheduling"  shall  mean  specifying  the  times  a  person   starts/stops
     different work activities  and/or the process of forecasting and planning a
     schedule, as such schedule relates to the scheduling of people for work.

(ff) "Software"  shall mean the Kronos  Software  and the ADP Time &  Attendance

(gg) "Source Code" shall mean, with respect to any software program or module, a
     set of  instructions  written by computer  programmers  in a higher  level,
     human-readable  programming language (including,  if any, systems and other
     documentation  in existence on or after the date hereof that are maintained
     by Kronos for purposes of maintaining  and  supporting the Software)  which
     will enable a user to direct  computer  functions  and maintain and support
     such software programs and modules.

(hh) "Sublicense"  shall  mean  any  re-licensing  by  ADP  of  the  ADP  Time &
     Attendance  Software  or any  part  thereof  to any  ADP  Client  or  other
     authorized  Sublicensee  pursuant to a sublicense validly issued under this

(ii) "Sublicensee" shall mean any person or entity Sublicensed by ADP to use the
     ADP Time & Attendance Software.

(jj) "Subsidiary" shall mean any company or
     other legal entity, at least fifty percent (50%) of whose outstanding stock
     or other ownership interest entitled to vote for election of directors,  or
     such other control as may exist, is now or hereafter owned or controlled by
     an entity, either directly or through one or more Subsidiaries or both.

(kk) "Subscription"  shall mean a service  whereby a customer is charged for the
     use of software on a recurring basis.

(ll) "Termination  Loss"  shall  mean  that  the  Sublicensee  had  paid  ADP  a
     Subscription  licensing  fee  applicable  to  the  ADP  Time  &  Attendance
     Software, but has terminated its arrangement with ADP to receive ADP Time &
     Attendance,  is  no  longer  paying  ADP  any  Subscription  licensing  fee
     applicable  to the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software,  and  notifies  ADP in
     writing that it is no longer  using the ADP Time & Attendance  Software and
     all copies thereof.

(mm) "Time & Attendance" shall mean collecting worked and non-worked time (which
     may  include   activity   details  as   necessary);   and   applying   work
     policies/workrules, in either case, for use in calculating total time (e.g.
     regular hours,  overtime hours,  sick time, etc.) to pay the individual who
     worked (it being understood that the absence of a work  policy/workrule can
     defacto be deemed a work policy/workrule).

(nn) "Timekeeper Central  Software(R)" or "TKC Software" shall mean the software
     programs  and  modules  developed  by or for,  and  owned  by,  Kronos,  as
     generally  described  on  Exhibit  B and as listed  on  Exhibit A  attached
     hereto. TKC Software shall also include additional software programs and/or
     modules that are  developed  for and/or by Kronos and released by Kronos as
     part of a corrective or Bug-fix release to its End-Users during the term of
     this Agreement;  standard  modifications and standard  enhancements made to
     the TKC  Software  by  Kronos  and  future  versions  of the TKC  Software;
     provided,  however,  that inclusion of future  versions,  enhancements  and
     upgrades within this  definition  shall not  automatically  imply that such
     items and maintenance of such items are free of charge.

(oo) "TRM  Software"  shall mean the Time$aver or TimeCare  Software,  which was
     originally  obtained by ADP from Time Resources  Management,  Inc., and all
     software derived from such original software,  including but not limited to
     bug-fixes,   corrections,   modifications,   enhancements,   versions,  and

(pp) "Workforce  Central(R)Software"  or "WFC Software"  shall mean the software
     programs  and  modules  developed  by or for,  and  owned  by,  Kronos,  as
     generally described on Exhibit B and as listed on Exhibit A attached hereto
     and future modules added. WFC Software shall also include (if any) software
     programs  and/or  modules that are  released by Kronos as a  corrective  or
     Bug-fix  release  to its  End-Users  during  the  term of  this  Agreement,
     standard  modifications and standard enhancements or new versions developed
     by Kronos  that are offered by Kronos to its  End-Users  during the term of
     this  Agreement  as part  of the  Workforce  Central  Suite  product  line;
     provided, however, that inclusion of such Bug-fix releases,  modifications,
     enhancements  and new  versions,  if any,  within  this  definition  of WFC
     Software shall not automatically  imply that such items are free of charge.
     For the  purposes of this  Agreement,  Workforce HR and  Workforce  Payroll
     software,  tax  filing  or check  printing  services  and any  other  human
     resources  and/or payroll  related Kronos software shall not constitute WFC

(qq) "Workforce HR(TM) Software" shall mean software that electronically  stores
     baseline employee demographic data.

(rr) "Workforce  Payroll(TM)  Software" shall mean software that calculates from
     the gross pay amount to the net pay.

2.   Grant of  Software  License  to ADP;  Right to  Sublicense.  Subject to the
     terms,  conditions and  restrictions set forth herein  (including,  without
     limitation,  in this Section 2 and in Section 2.1), Kronos hereby grants to
     ADP the following:

(a)  a  worldwide  and  non-exclusive  Object  Code  license  to the ADP  Time &
     Attendance Software;

(b)  the right to  provide,  at any time  during  the term of this  Agreement  a
     Sublicense to any Sublicensee;

(c)  the limited right to duplicate  (directly,  or  indirectly  through a third
     party)  the  eTime  1000  Software  and  eTime  100  Software  (but not the
     Enterprise eTime Software) at ADP's sole cost and expense;

(d)  the right to copy,  reproduce,  modify and distribute  the Materials  under
     ADP's name and service mark in connection  with ADP's marketing of ADP Time
     & Attendance Software and in support of Sublicensees;

(e)  a worldwide,  royalty-free and non-exclusive  license (i) under any patents
     owned or licensed  by Kronos at any time during the term of this  Agreement
     to the extent necessary to exercise any right or license granted under this
     Agreement and (ii) except as  restricted  elsewhere in this  Agreement,  to
     combine the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software or any part  thereof  with any
     data  collection  equipment  or  other  Scheduling  or  Time  &  Attendance

(f)  the right to access,  use and operate  the  software  internally  by ADP as
     needed to support and provide maintenance to Sublicensees;

(g)  the right to use,  execute,  perform,  display,  and operate the ADP Time &
     Attendance  Software as necessary  for ADP to promote,  sell,  demonstrate,
     advertise,  showcase,  publicize, and otherwise generate market interest in
     the ADP Time & Attendance Software; and

(h)  the right to combine the ADP Time & Attendance Software with Devices.

2.1  Permitted  Methods of Sublicensing  and Use by ADP of ADP Time & Attendance

(a)  All  Sublicenses  issued by ADP under this Agreement shall convey an object
     code (but not a source  code)  license to the  Sublicensees.  For those ADP
     Clients  having  [**] or less  employees,  ADP may  Sublicense  ADP  Time &
     Attendance  Software either on a Licensed Basis or on a Subscription basis.
     For those ADP  Clients  having  greater  than  [**]  employees,  ADP Time &
     Attendance  Software may only be offered on a Subscription basis. In either
     case, such ADP Time & Attendance Software may be installed either at an ADP
     Client location or in a Hosted Environment  (regardless of whether ADP or a
     third party acts as the Hosting Services Company). In connection therewith,
     ADP shall deliver a copy of the ADP Time & Attendance  Software or any part
     thereof to any such  Sublicensee (or to a Hosting  Services Company for the
     benefit of any such Sublicensee) only pursuant to a "shrink wrap" or "click
     wrap"  license  agreement  substantially  in the form of  Annex I  attached
     hereto.  ADP shall  report in  writing to Kronos any breach of the terms of
     the shrink wrap or click wrap  license  terms  known by ADP.  ADP agrees to
     take all reasonable  steps to enforce the terms of the shrink wrap or click
     wrap license and shall  cooperate  with Kronos in enforcing its terms.  For
     purposes of clarity,  any person or entity that receives the benefit of the
     use of such ADP Time & Attendance  Software  without  actually  receiving a
     copy of such ADP Time & Attendance  Software (i.e.  such software is hosted
     by ADP or by a third party Hosting Services Company) shall be considered to
     be, and shall be, a Sublicensee and ADP shall pay Kronos a separate License
     Fee  for  each  such  person  or  entity,  in the  same  manner  as if such
     Sublicensee  received  a copy of such  Software  and any such use  shall be
     subject to the Annex I terms and conditions,  but ADP shall not be required
     to pay a License Fee with respect to such Hosting Services Company itself.

(b)  With respect to eTime 100 Software  only,  the following  provisions  shall
     apply:  ADP shall only have the right to Sublicense  such Software:  (i) to
     any  person or  entity  that has [**] or fewer  employees;  and (ii) to any
     person or entity using the eTime 100 Software with Hardware that is a [**],
     or using such Software  independent of any hardware (not including Devices)
     unless Kronos has given ADP its written consent to Sublicense such Software
     on different Hardware for a particular person or entity.

(c)  ADP's  use of the ADP  Time &  Attendance  Software  for  its own  internal
     business and employees shall be subject to Kronos'  standard  "shrink wrap"
     license  agreement  and the  terms of this  Agreement  do not apply to such
     internal use by ADP.

(d)  For the purposes of this Agreement,  when calculating restrictions relating
     to the maximum number of employees  allowed,  such as in this section or in
     section 3.1, the  measurement  of employees  shall be as of the time of the
     sale,  it being  understood  that such number of  employees  may  increase.
     Additionally,  such  employees  may be employed by a part of a legal entity
     that employs more than the employee restrictions specified herein, provided
     that the single employer is on a separate and distinct worksite and has the
     authority  to make  the  decision  for the  purchase  of  employer  related
     services  independently at such worksite, (as opposed to the decision being
     required to be made centrally by such legal entity).

3.0  Restrictions on Kronos.

(a)  Other  Payroll  Providers.  Subject  to  the  exceptions  contained  in the
     remainder of this Section 3(a),  during the term of this  Agreement  Kronos
     will not, in the United States (excluding Puerto Rico), [**] software owned
     by  Kronos  or  licensed  by it from any third  party,  including,  without
     limitation, the Kronos Software or any part thereof (collectively,  "Kronos
     Time & Attendance  Software") or [**] a Payroll Processing Services company
     [**] with that company [**] used in conjunction with that company's Payroll
     Processing Services with respect to clients having [**] or more employees.

(i)  Kronos may offer [**] to a company that  provides  payroll  software,  [**]
     shall be used only in  conjunction  with such  company's  licensed  payroll
     software  product and [**].  If any  company  provides  Payroll  Processing
     Services in addition to  providing a payroll  product on a Licensed  Basis,
     [**]  described in the initial  sentence of this Section  3(a)(i) with such
     Payroll  Processing  Services  company with  respect to the Licensed  Basis
     business of such company.

(ii) The  foregoing  restrictions  shall not  apply to  Kronos'  existing  joint
     marketing agreements with Pentamation Enterprises, Inc. and Siemens Medical
     Systems Healthcare Information Solutions,  formerly known as Shared Medical
     Systems Corporation,  subject to the limitations and requirements set forth
     in Exhibit C.

(b)  Direct Provision of Payroll Services.  Subject to the exceptions  contained
     in the  remainder of this Section 3(b),  during the term of this  Agreement
     Kronos will not, in the United  States  (excluding  Puerto  Rico),  provide
     Payroll Processing  Services to clients having [**] or more employees.  For
     purposes of the preceding sentence,  the term "Payroll Processing Services"
     shall specifically exclude tax filing services.

(i)  With  respect to any clients who desire to license the  Workforce HR and/or
     Workforce  Payroll  Software  (or any other  software  products  performing
     substantially  the same  functionality  as  Workforce  HR and/or  Workforce
     Payroll, but licensed under a different name by Kronos  (collectively,  the
     "Kronos  Workforce  Software"))  Kronos may do so on a Licensed Basis. With
     respect to any  clients  that desire to install  such  software in a Hosted
     Environment,  Kronos shall [**] to such  clients,  subject to the following
     conditions:  (A) Kronos may [**] with  respect to the  performance  of such
     hosting  services,  (B)  Kronos  shall  [**] and (C) such  customers  shall
     contract directly [**].

(ii) Kronos shall [**] services to clients  having [**] or more  employees  [**]
     under the same conditions and  restrictions  applicable to Kronos Workforce
     Software (as  specified  in the  immediately  preceding  clause (i) of this
     Section 3(b)).

(iii)Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  an  acquisition by Kronos of any business
     that  includes  Payroll  Processing  Services  will not be deemed to be, or
     treated as, a violation of Sections 3.0(a) or (b) above if Kronos abides by
     the  following  provisions  with respect to the  business  acquired in such

A.   The term  "Prohibited  Kronos Acquired  Products/Services"  shall mean that
     portion of the Payroll Processing Services business acquired by Kronos [**]
     pursuant to Sections 3.0(a) or (b) above.

B.   Kronos shall [**] provide any support or maintenance  with respect  thereto
     except that [**],  Kronos may accommodate the needs of the client base that
     are  using  such  products  or  services  at the time such  acquisition  is
     consummated (including any successors to or assignees from such client base
     (the "Kronos  Acquired Client Base")) by selling  capacity upgrade licenses
     and by providing  support or  maintenance  which shall [**] (other than bug

C.   Kronos shall [**] ADP's Payroll Processing Services.

(c)  The  restrictions  on Kronos  contained in this section shall also apply to
     Kronos' Affiliates and Subsidiaries.

3.1  Restrictions on ADP.

(a)  Other Time & Attendance  Providers.  Subject to the exceptions contained in
     the  remainder of this Section 3.1,  during the term of this  Agreement ADP
     will not, in the United  States  (excluding  Puerto  Rico):  (A) acquire or
     enter  into any joint  venture  or joint  marketing  agreement  or  similar
     arrangement  with any third party for the purpose of developing,  marketing
     and/or  manufacturing  Time &  Attendance  software or hardware  for use by
     clients  having  [**] or more  employees  or (B) offer or  provide  any ADP
     Acquired  Time &  Attendance  Software to any  clients  having [**] or more
     employees.  For  purposes of this Section 3.1, the terms "Time & Attendance
     software" and "ADP Acquired Time & Attendance  Software" shall specifically
     exclude Scheduling software.

(i)  ADP shall be permitted to provide  services  using any ADP Acquired  Time &
     Attendance Software to clients that employ between [**] and [**] employees,
     provided that ADP shall only offer such Acquired Time & Attendance Software
     in a Hosted Environment and on a Subscription basis.

(ii) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  an acquisition by ADP of any business that
     includes Time & Attendance  software  and/or hardware will not be deemed to
     be, or treated as, a violation of Section  3.1(a) above  (including  clause
     (i) thereof) if ADP abides by the following  provisions with respect to the
     business acquired in such acquisition:

A.   The term  "Prohibited  ADP  Acquired  Products/Services"  shall  mean  that
     portion of the Time & Attendance  software and/or hardware  acquired by ADP
     that, [**] pursuant to Section 3.1(a) (including clause (i) thereof).

B.   ADP shall not be permitted to sell or sublicense any additional  Prohibited
     ADP Acquired  Products/Services  or provide any support or maintenance with
     respect  thereto  except  that  for up to [**]  years  from the date of the
     acquisition  of such  Prohibited  ADP Acquired  Products/Services,  ADP may
     accommodate  the needs of the client  base that are using such  products or
     services  at the  time  such  acquisition  is  consummated  (including  any
     successors to or assignees from such client base (the "ADP Acquired  Client
     Base")) by selling capacity  upgrade  licenses and by providing  support or
     maintenance  which shall [**] such  products  or  services  (other than bug

C.   ADP shall  not  attempt  to  transition  the  Acquired  Client  Base to any
     alternative Time & Attendance  software and/or hardware other than ADP Time
     &  Attendance  Software  and/or  Hardware  (or other  products  or services
     provided  by  Kronos),  [**]Software  or  any  other  ADP  Acquired  Time &
     Attendance Software that is not a Prohibited ADP Acquired Product/Service.

(b)  Distributors/Resellers.  During the term of this Agreement ADP will not, in
     the United  States  (excluding  Puerto  Rico),  offer ADP Time & Attendance
     Software or any Acquired  Time & Attendance  Software  through  third party
     distributors or resellers, to clients having [**] or more employees, except
     that ADP may offer or  distribute  [**]  Software  through such third party
     distributors  or  resellers  to  clients  of  any  size  on a  licensed  or
     subscription  basis and  deployed  either at a  client's  location  or in a
     Hosted Environment and, in connection  therewith,  the [**] Software may be
     combined  with [**].  In the event ADP desires to offer or  distribute  any
     other  ADP  Acquired  Time  &  Attendance   Software  through  third  party
     distributors  or resellers,  it shall obtain the prior  written  consent of
     Kronos, which Kronos shall not unreasonably withhold or delay.

(d)  Hardware.  During the term of this  Agreement  ADP will not,  in the United
     States (excluding Puerto Rico),  combine ADP Time & Attendance  Software or
     ADP Acquired Time & Attendance Software with [**] (other than Devices) with
     respect to  Clients  having  [**] or more  employees,  except as  otherwise
     provided in Section 3.1(b) above and Section 3.2 below.

(e)  The restrictions on ADP contained in this section shall also apply to ADP's
     Affiliates and Subsidiaries.

(f)  For  purposes  of  clarity,  it is  understood  and agreed that none of the
     restrictions  contained in this Section 3.1 shall apply with respect to the
     [**] Software,  except as follows: any individual,  whether an ADP employee
     or  contractor,  working  on the  engineering  or  development  of the [**]
     Software  shall be  strictly  prohibited  from  having any access to Kronos
     confidential  information  (as defined in Section 17);  provided,  however,
     that the following  individuals may be given access to Kronos  confidential
     information solely to the extent required to perform their responsibilities
     in   connection   with   ADP's   performance   of   this   Agreement:   (a)
     marketing/product  management  individuals;  (b) individuals  developing an
     interface from a Kronos or [**] Software product to an internally developed
     ADP  module  or to  third  party  hardware  or  software;  (c)  individuals
     installing  and/or  providing  service  support  for ADP Time &  Attendance
     Software;  and (d) one  individual who has  management  responsibility  for
     development  of  both  [**]  Software  product/technology  and  ADP  Time &
     Attendance Software or Hardware.

3.2  Hardware Interface for ADP Acquired Time & Attendance Software. Kronos will
     work with ADP to  develop a  software  interface  that will  enable any ADP
     Acquired Time & Attendance  Software to communicate with the Hardware.  The
     parties shall jointly agree on the product  requirements  for such software
     interface,  which to the  extent  developed  by  Kronos,  shall be owned by
     Kronos.  ADP will provide Kronos with all technical  information,  software
     and/or  assistance  necessary  for the  parties  to develop  such  software
     interface,  including  the  development  by ADP of the  ADP  file  transfer
     dynamic  linking  library  ("DLL"),  which  is  required  for the  software
     interface to be  operable,  and to the extent  developed  by ADP,  shall be
     owned by ADP. The parties agree to use commercially  reasonable  efforts to
     develop such software  interface(s) and DLL(s)  promptly.  Until the Kronos
     component of any such interface is final and ready for use by  Sublicensees
     and for the thirty (30) day period  thereafter,  ADP shall be  permitted to
     combine the applicable  ADP Acquired Time & Attendance  Software with [**].
     If, after the delivery of such software  interface to ADP, ADP continues to
     combine such  software  with [**],  ADP must pay Kronos for the  equivalent

3.3  [**].  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained herein, ADP may
     enter into or continue, a direct marketing, reseller or similar arrangement
     with  [**]  software  to  users of ADP Time &  Attendance  Software  or ADP
     Acquired Time & Attendance Software) [**].

3.4  ADP Marketing and Pricing.  ADP shall  determine in its sole discretion and
     from time to time hereafter the fees it will charge ADP Clients for the ADP
     Time &  Attendance  services and the degree of effort to be expended by ADP
     in support,  promotion and marketing of the ADP Time & Attendance  Software
     or any part thereof; provided however, that ADP agrees to make a good faith
     effort to support, promote and market the ADP Time & Attendance Software.

4.   Title, Ownership and Use of Kronos Software.

(a)  Title to,  sole  ownership  and all  rights in the  Kronos  Software  as it
     presently exists or as it is developed by Kronos in the future shall at all
     times  remain  with  Kronos and Kronos may use the Kronos  Software  in any
     manner it chooses without having to account to ADP,  subject,  however,  to
     the restrictions set forth in Section 3.

(b)  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  contained  herein,  ADP  shall
     include Kronos'  copyright notice on the inside cover or title page of each
     volume of the  Materials  and on the user's  log-on screen and on any eTime
     100 or eTime 1000 Software  copied,  reproduced,  modified or  distributed.
     Except as otherwise indicated in the preceding  sentence,  ADP shall not be
     required to use or include  Kronos'  name,  trademarks  or service marks in
     connection  with  ADP's use or  sublicensing  of the ADP Time &  Attendance
     Software  and/or the  Materials,  although  ADP shall have the right in its
     discretion to use such name or marks;  provided however,  that any such use
     in  written  material  distributed  outside  of ADP shall be subject to the
     prior  written  consent of Kronos and shall comply with legal  requirements
     for proper  trademark  and service mark usage and  protection  against mark
     dilution.  In the event that any modifications are made to the Materials by
     ADP,  ADP shall be solely  responsible  for such  modifications  and to the
     extent  that such  modifications  impair  Kronos'  ability to  perform  its
     obligations under this Agreement,  ADP agrees that Kronos shall be released
     from such obligations to the same extent. ADP may request, (and Kronos will
     reasonably  consider  such  request),  to  modify  the  Materials  to ADP's
     specifications, with any such modifications to be at ADP's expense.

(c)  Kronos shall use commercially  reasonable  standards in determining whether
     to enforce  its rights  against all  infringers  of its  copyrights  in the
     Software and/or the Materials. A failure of Kronos to so enforce its rights
     against any infringer of such copyrights within a reasonable period of time
     after  appropriate  notification,  which  failure  results  or is likely to
     result in a material  loss of value of the licenses  and rights  granted to
     ADP  herein,  shall be deemed to be an Event of  Default  for  purposes  of
     Section 13(b).

(d)  In the event Kronos  elects to provide any beta  software  releases to ADP,
     such beta  software  will be provided for a limited test period only and is
     subject to the Annex I terms and  conditions,  except that ADP shall not be
     required  to pay a  licensing  fee for such  beta  software.  Any such beta
     software is to be used for evaluation and testing  purposes only and may be
     Sublicensed  to ADP Clients only for  evaluation  and testing  purposes and
     only if the Sublicensee  acknowledges in writing that such beta software is
     pre-release  software and may contain bugs. In addition,  ADP acknowledges,
     and any Sublicensee must acknowledge in writing, the following: ADP AND ITS
     OTHERWISE.  In addition,  at the end of the specified test period, all beta
     software (and all copies thereof) will be returned to Kronos by ADP or will
     be destroyed by ADP.

5.   Software, Maintenance and Support Obligations; Training.

5.1  For TKC Software and Lite Software

(a)  Throughout the term of this  Agreement,  Kronos shall provide to ADP, at no
     further  charge in  excess of the  amounts  specified  on  Exhibit A and in
     Section 5.1, the following  maintenance and support services for the latest
     version of eTime 1000 Software  (including Version 3A thereof,  as provided
     below)  and the eTime 100  Software  provided  to ADP by  Kronos;  provided
     however, that support for the ADP Features shall be as specified in Section
     5.1(d) and  support  for new modules not listed on Exhibit A at the time of
     signing  of  this  Agreement  shall  be  as  specified  in  Section  5.1(c)
     ("Software Maintenance Services"):

(i)  correcting  Bugs in eTime  1000  (with  respect to Version 3A of eTime 1000
     Software,  for as long as Kronos  corrects  Bugs in the  comparable  (as to
     version and type) TKC Software and, at Kronos' sole option,  in eTime 100);
     provided  however,  that Kronos  reserves the right to correct any such Bug
     via a workaround and/or to correct any Bug through an enhancement or update
     provided  under  Section  5.1(a)(iii)  and it shall be ADP's  obligation to
     supply such update or enhancement to its customers;  and provided  further,
     that in correcting  Bugs in the eTime 1000 Software and eTime 100 Software,
     Kronos  shall  provide  such  fixes or such  workarounds,  enhancements  or
     updates  using the same criteria and  priorities  with regard to correcting
     Bugs,  including the selection of the means of  correction,  as Kronos uses
     for the comparable (as to version and type) TKC Software and Lite Software;

(ii) providing  ADP with  updates to the  Materials  and/or  providing  ADP with
     replacement  documentation,  in each case to reflect changes that were made
     by the  incorporation  of  Bug-fixes  and/or  other  corrections;  provided
     however,  that ADP may request,  (and Kronos will reasonably  consider such
     request) to modify the  Materials  to ADP's  specifications,  with any such
     modification to be at ADP's expense; and

(iii)providing  ADP  with any  enhancements  or  updates  (with  respect  to TKC
     Software, at Kronos' sole option); provided however, that for upgrades that
     increase  the number of users and/or the number of  employees,  the upgrade
     fees shall be as specified in Exhibit A.

     For the term of this Agreement, Kronos' obligations under this Section
     5.1(a) will continue.  Thereafter,  unless otherwise agreed,  Kronos shall
     have no further license or support obligations.

(b)  At the end of each quarter during the term of this Agreement, ADP shall pay
     Kronos for phone  support  personnel  for the eTime 1000 Software and eTime
     100 Software at Kronos' then-current time and materials rate; provided that
     without  written  approval by ADP, such quarterly  support shall not exceed
     $[**].  Such phone  support  personnel  shall be available  during  Kronos'
     standard support hours,  exclusive of Kronos holidays. For Kronos holidays,
     Kronos'  technical  support  team shall be  available  in  accordance  with
     Kronos' standard holiday coverage. The Kronos phone support personnel shall
     not be  required  to  respond  to any  inquiries  from ADP other than those
     received from ADP's central help desk.

(c)  The parties  recognize  and agree that,  Kronos has provided the  following
     features and services for the eTime 1000 Software:

(i)  enabling  eTime  1000  Software  to   communicate   with  ADP's  blue  time

(ii) providing  for automatic  import of employees  into the eTime 1000 Software
     database from ADP payroll  processing  products;

(iii)incorporating  the  payroll  interface  utility  developed  by ADP into the
     eTime 1000 Software;

(iv) making  changes in text for the TKC  Software and DCM  including  replacing
     "Kronos"  with  "ADP",   replacing   "Timekeeper  Central"  with  "e-Time",
     replacing  "CardSaver(R)" with  "CardTracker",  replacing "Database Poster"
     with "DataPoster";  replacing "Timekeeper(R)  terminals" with "timeclocks";
     and removing "Kronos" before the words "Accruals",  "Archiver", "Scheduler"
     and "Messaging";

(v)  modifying the DKPARM's (or any  methodology  that  substitutes for DKPARM's
     and is used to implement  licensing  levels) to support only four licensing

(vi) deleting certain items in the Kronos help menus; and

(vii)conducting  quality  assurance  testing on the eTime 1000 Software prior to
     releasing it to ADP.

Kronos agrees that for any future  releases of eTime 1000  Software  provided to
ADP under this  Agreement,  Kronos will continue to include  these  features and
services;  provided however,  that for any new modules (i.e.  modules other than
those listed on Exhibit A at the time of signing of the Agreement),  Kronos will
perform the services listed in Section 5.1(c)(i),  (ii), (iii), (v) and (vii) to
enable such new module to work in  conjunction  with the eTime 1000 Software but
will not perform the services  listed in Section  5.1(c)(iv) and (vi) within the
new module.  If the new module does not work with  Kronos'  non-ADP time clocks,
Kronos shall not be required to perform the service listed in Section  5.1(c)(i)
for such new module.

(d)  If Kronos  makes a change in the TKC  Software  that  makes an ADP  Feature
     unable to perform the functions it performed  prior to such change,  Kronos
     agrees,  promptly upon ADP's written request and free of charge, to restore
     the prior functionality. If ADP makes a change in an ADP Feature that makes
     it unable to perform the  functions it performed  with eTime 1000  Software
     prior to such change,  and ADP requests  assistance  from Kronos to correct
     such  deficiency,  or ADP adds a new Device or TKC  Interface  and requests
     Kronos' assistance to make such new Device or Interface work in conjunction
     with the eTime 1000  Software,  Kronos  agrees to provide  such  consulting
     assistance  at Kronos' then  effective  rates,  promptly upon ADP's written

(e)  If ADP requests  new features or  development  for  Software,  Kronos shall
     consider,  and respond to ADP in a timely manner to, such requests and such
     custom  software  shall  be  licensed  to ADP  pursuant  to the  terms  and
     conditions of Kronos' standard custom software license  agreement,  subject
     to any  additional  charges  as may be agreed  upon by the  parties.  It is
     understood and acknowledged,  however,  that it is Kronos' intention not to
     undergo any further development of the eTime 100 Software or the eTime 1000
     Software, including related modules and import/export functionality.

(f)  ADP shall  direct to the  applicable  third party all requests for support,
     modification and/or enhancement of third party software used in conjunction
     with the TKC  Software,  eTime 1000 Software or the Lite Software and eTime
     100 Software,  but not embedded within such Software or  resold/sublicensed
     to ADP by Kronos  hereunder,  and Kronos shall not be responsible  for such

(g)  Kronos  agrees  that if it  develops  import/export  functionality  for TKC
     Software, it shall provide such functionality to ADP at such time.

In addition,  during the term of this  Agreement,  if ADP  provides  Kronos with
written  notice that,  notwithstanding  the  capabilities  within the eTime 1000
Software in Section 5.1 a.-g., ADP is unable to proceed with  interfacing  eTime
1000  Software  to a Device  or is unable  to  create a TKC  Interface  to ADP's
Payroll  Processing  Services (but not to any other product or service),  Kronos
agrees to supply ADP with the additional  information Kronos reasonably believes
is required to enable ADP to proceed in a reasonable manner,  subject to Section

5.2  For WFC Software

(a)  Kronos agrees to provide the following support/maintenance services for the
     Enterprise  eTime Software,  subject to ADP's payment of the fees specified
     in Sections  5.2(b) and  6(a)(ii),  and for as long as Kronos  continues to
     license and support the  comparable  (as to version and type) WFC  Software
     (but in no event less than the term of this Agreement):

     (i)  correcting Bugs;  provided however,  that Kronos reserves the right to
          correct any Bug via a workaround  and/or to correct any Bug through an
          enhancement or update provided under Section 5.2(a)(iii), and it shall
          be ADP's  obligation  to  supply  such  update or  enhancement  to its
          customers; and provided further that in correcting Bugs in the ADP WFC
          Software,  Kronos  shall  provide  such  fixes  or  such  workarounds,
          enhancements  or updates using the same criteria and  priorities  with
          regard to  correcting  Bugs,  including  the selection of the means of
          correction, as Kronos uses for the comparable (as to version and type)
          WFC Software.

     (ii) providing ADP with updates to the Materials  and/or providing ADP with
          replacement  documentation  in each case to reflect  changes that were
          made by the  incorporation  of  Bug-fixes  and/or  other  corrections;
          provided  however,  that ADP may request,  (and Kronos will reasonably
          consider   such   request)   to   modify   the   Materials   to  ADP's
          specifications,  with any such  modifications  to be at ADP's expense;

     (iii)providing  ADP with any  enhancements  or updates  to the extent  such
          enhancements  or  updates  are  released  by  Kronos  as  part  of the
          Workforce Central Software Suite product line; provided however,  that
          for  upgrades  that  increase the number of users and/or the number of
          employees, ADP shall pay the difference as specified on Exhibit A.

(b)  At the end of each quarter during the term of this Agreement, ADP shall pay
     Kronos for phone support for the Enterprise  eTime Software at Kronos' then
     current time and materials rate; provided that, without written approval by
     ADP,  such  annual  support  shall not  exceed  $[**].  The  phone  support
     personnel shall be assigned to support  telephone  inquiries from a central
     ADP help desk concerning  Enterprise eTime Software and shall be subject to
     the same  restrictions  specified  in the last three  sentences  of Section

(c)  ADP shall  direct to the  applicable  third party all requests for support,
     modification and/or enhancement of third party software used in conjunction
     with the WFC Software and the Enterprise  eTime Software,  but not embedded
     within such WFC Software or Enterprise eTime Software or resold/sublicensed
     to ADP by Kronos  hereunder,  and Kronos shall not be responsible  for such

(d)  If ADP requests  new features or  development  for  Software,  Kronos shall
     consider  and respond to ADP in a timely  manner to such  requests and such
     custom  software shall be licensed  pursuant to the terms and conditions of
     Kronos' standard custom software license agreement.

(e)  Kronos  agrees  that if it  develops  import/export  functionality  for WFC
     Software,  it shall provide such  functionality to ADP for Enterprise eTime
     Software at such time.

In addition,  during the term of this  Agreement,  if ADP  provides  Kronos with
written notice that,  notwithstanding  the  capabilities  within WFC Software in
Section 5.2(e)(i) - (viii), ADP is unable to proceed with interfacing Enterprise
eTime  Software  to a Device or is unable  to  create a WFC  Interface  to ADP's
Payroll Processing Services,  (but not to any other product or service),  Kronos
agrees to supply ADP with the additional  information Kronos reasonably believes
is required to enable ADP to proceed in a reasonable  manner and if ADP requests
Kronos'  assistance to make such Device or Interface  work in  conjunction  with
Enterprise eTime Software,  Kronos agrees to provide such consulting  assistance
at Kronos' then effective rates, promptly upon ADP's written request.

5.3  Training.

(a)  Kronos shall provide ADP employees with access to standard  Kronos training
     classes  on the Kronos  Software  and  Hardware  at rates as  specified  in
     Exhibit A. Such training  shall be held at either an ADP site or at Kronos'
     corporate  headquarters,  or at a mutually agreed alternative location. ADP
     shall be responsible  for all costs of such training,  and of ADP personnel
     during all training and technical assistance provided by Kronos pursuant to
     this Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  all wages,  salaries and
     travel expenses.

(b)  Kronos will provide  ADP's  training  department  with  training  materials
     relating to the Hardware and ADP Time & Attendance  Software,  by providing
     to ADP,  [**], one  camera-ready  copy of all  applicable  Kronos  prepared
     training materials on TKC Software, WFC Software and Lite Software.  Kronos
     shall also supply ADP with one copy of such  materials in electronic  form,
     if available. Alternatively, ADP may, at its option and its expense, engage
     Kronos to modify the Kronos training materials to ADP's specifications. The
     fee payable by ADP with respect to such  modifications  shall be determined
     by the parties prior to the commencement of any such modifications.

6.   Payments to Kronos for Software and Support.

(a)  In  consideration  of  Kronos'  (i) grant to ADP of the  license  and other
     rights  described in Section 2 herein,  and (ii) as to eTime 1000  Software
     and eTime 100 Software,  the provision of Software  Maintenance Services to
     ADP  pursuant to Section  5.1(a)  herein,  and as to the  Enterprise  eTime
     Software,  the provision of the services pursuant to Section 5.2(a) herein,
     ADP shall pay to Kronos the following fees:

(i)  For each  Sublicense,  the  applicable  per copy  license  fee set forth on
     Exhibit A attached hereto ("License Fee").

(ii) For Enterprise  eTime  maintenance,  the fees specified in the  "ADP/Kronos
     Enterprise eTime Software Maintenance  Policy",  attached hereto as Exhibit

(iii)The fees  specified  on Exhibit A for eTime 1000  Software  shall remain in
     effect throughout the term of the Agreement.  The fees specified on Exhibit
     A for Enterprise  eTime Software shall remain in effect until September 30,
     2004. Thereafter such fees may be increased by Kronos by up to [**] percent
     ([**]%) per year, if Kronos  increases  its list prices [**].  Kronos shall
     increase  such fees by the same  percentage  increase as to the list prices
     for[**].  If at any time  during the term of this  Agreement  Kronos  shall

No later than the tenth business day following the end of each month,  ADP shall
submit to Kronos a report,  certified and signed by the  comptroller  of the ADP
Time & Attendance division, which specifies all copies shipped during such month
of eTime  1000 and eTime 100,  all  copies of  modules,  all  version  upgrades,
employee capacity, all user upgrades and all platform upgrades.

(b)  Kronos  shall issue a credit for  purposes of reusing a  Sublicense  to ADP
     monthly for any ADP T &A Software or maintenance  fees  associated  with No
     Starts. Such No Starts shall be netted out of the yearly installed base for
     the  purpose  of  maintenance  billing  calculations.   In  addition,   all
     Termination  Losses shall be netted out of the yearly software  maintenance
     billing   calculation  with  respect  to  Enterprise   eTime.  The  parties
     acknowledge  and  agree  that  at the  end of the  Agreement  or  when  ADP
     discontinues  purchasing  ADP T&A  Software,  no monetary  credit  shall be
     payable to ADP by Kronos for any unused credits, as defined above.

(c)  In the event of an increase in the number of employees  of a company  using
     ADP Acquired Time & Attendance Software, as contemplated in section 3.1(a),
     to  greater  than  [**]employees,  ADP may  continue  to  utilize  such ADP
     Acquired  Time & Attendance  Software  for such client,  as allowed in this
     Agreement,  but ADP shall pay Kronos a fee equal to the equivalent employee
     license for eTime 1000 Software.

7.   Purchase and Sales of Hardware.

Kronos  agrees to sell and ADP  agrees to  purchase  from time to time,  certain
items of Hardware,  all as more fully  described  in Exhibit A attached  hereto,
subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If at any time during the
term of this  Agreement,  Kronos  shall  discontinue  any  Hardware  purchasable
hereunder  with less than [**] notice to ADP and the only  replacement  for such
Hardware  offered  by  Kronos  is [**] the  original  Hardware,  [**]  after the
discontinuance.  Thereafter,  the  parties  agree  to  negotiate  in good  faith
concerning  the  price  for  such  replacement.  In  addition,  for  updates  or
enhancements  to  Hardware  that are  offered by Kronos  during the term of this
Agreement when the original Hardware is not  discontinued,  the parties agree to
negotiate in good faith concerning the applicable prices and terms.

8.   Order of Hardware.

Exhibit E attached hereto contains the agreed procedures and terms regarding the
ordering of Hardware and related matters  including  shipping,  cancellations of
orders, risk of loss during shipping and return of Hardware.

9.   Hardware Purchase Price; Payment; Taxes.

(a)  The purchase  prices for the Hardware  purchased by ADP hereunder  shall be
     the prices  listed on  Exhibit A attached  hereto,  which  shall  remain in
     effect throughout the term of the Agreement.

(b)  Kronos will provide ADP with a [**]% discount from list price on all Kronos
     manufactured parts and peripheral devices, and standard dealer discounts on
     all parts, peripherals and consumables not manufactured by Kronos which are
     not listed in Exhibit A. In addition,  ADP may purchase parts,  peripherals
     and consumables  directly from any commercial source, but Kronos shall have
     no  responsibility  for such  peripherals  and  consumables,  or for  their
     effects upon the Hardware.

(c)  Unless otherwise  expressly  stated by Kronos,  all prices are exclusive of
     federal,  state, local,  excise,  sales, use or similar taxes. ADP shall be
     liable  for all such  taxes.  ADP  shall  provide  Kronos  with a  properly
     executed  resale or tax  exemption  certificate  acceptable  to the  taxing
     authorities,  or in lieu thereof,  shall remit to Kronos the full amount of
     such tax as shall be separately stated on the face of the invoice.

(d)  Kronos shall issue one monthly  invoice to ADP for eTime 1000  Software and
     eTime 100 Software  and ADP shall pay such invoice [**] days from  receipt.
     Kronos shall  invoice ADP upon  shipment,  for all other  Kronos  Software,
     Hardware,  peripheral  devices,  and  other  items,  and ADP shall pay such
     invoices net [**] days. If partial  shipments  are  authorized by ADP, each
     shipment  shall  be paid for when due  without  regard  to other  scheduled
     shipments.  Such  invoice  shall  contain  any  applicable  credits for the
     purpose of re-using a Sublicense for any No Starts from the previous month.

10.  Hardware Maintenance.

On a year to year basis, ADP has engaged Kronos to perform maintenance  services
with respect to the Hardware.  Such services are described on Exhibit F attached
hereto and incorporated by reference  herein,  which Exhibit also sets forth the
amounts payable by ADP for such services.

In addition,  Kronos shall be subject to the  obligations set forth on Exhibit F
attached hereto during the term of this Agreement.

Notwithstanding  ADP's retention of Kronos to provide maintenance  services with
respect to the Hardware,  ADP may perform such maintenance  itself. In addition,
ADP may [**]. In addition,  ADP may [**]. For so long as ADP continues to engage
Kronos to perform  maintenance  with  respect to the  Hardware,  the  revenue to
Kronos from ADP attributable to such maintenance shall equal or exceed $[**] for
every calendar quarter.

In the event the  Agreement  expires  or is  terminated  and Kronos is no longer
providing Hardware  maintenance  services for ADP, the parties agree that Kronos
will comply with the provisions of Exhibit F relating to spare parts in order to
allow ADP to maintain and support the existing Hardware.

11.  Hardware Warranty Coverage.

(a)  The following warranty shall apply to the Hardware specified:

(i)  Kronos  warrants  that the Kronos 140, 144, 420, 440, 480 and 4500 Hardware
     shipped  hereunder will be free from defects in material or workmanship and
     will perform in accordance with its published  specifications  for a period
     of 120 days from the date of  shipment  by Kronos,  and the ADP 150 and 154
     Hardware  shipped  hereunder  will be free  from  defects  in  material  or
     workmanship   and  will   perform   in   accordance   with  its   published
     specifications  for a  period  of  fifteen  (15)  months  from  the date of
     shipment by Kronos, (such 120 day and such 15 month periods, as applicable,
     hereafter  shall be called  "Hardware  Warranty  Period").  If the Hardware
     covered  by  the  warranty  does  not  function  in  accordance  with  such
     specifications,  ADP or its designee may contact Kronos'  Technical Support
     Department  for  telephone  assistance in attempting to isolate and correct
     the problem at no charge to ADP;  provided  that if such problem is not the
     result of a  Hardware  defect,  such  assistance  shall be billed to ADP at
     Kronos' customary rates.

(ii) Kronos shall repair or replace  Hardware  returned to it within ten working
     days after the same has been  received by Kronos'  factory or repair depot.
     ADP shall be responsible for one-way shipping charges to Kronos' factory or
     repair  depot and  Kronos  shall be  responsible  for the  return  shipping
     charges to ADP.

(iii)The  above  warranty  extends  to ADP,  and to  Sublicensees  that  receive
     Hardware.  Warranty  claims  may  be  generated  to  Kronos  by  ADP  or by
     Sublicensees.  The repair or  replacement  of parts or  Hardware  shall not
     extend the original  Warranty  Period,  but each item  repaired or replaced
     shall  have a  warranty  for the  greater  of: (i) 30 days from the date of
     ADP's or  Sublicensee's  receipt of shipment of a repaired or replaced item
     and (ii) the remainder of the original  warranty period regarding such item
     of Hardware.

(b)  The foregoing warranty shall not apply in the following circumstances:

(i)  accident, neglect or misuse by ADP or Sublicensees;

(ii) alterations,  which shall include,  but not be limited to,  installation or
     removal of Kronos features or any other  modification,  whenever any of the
     foregoing is performed  by entities or persons  other than the  maintenance
     provider designated pursuant to Section 11; provided that,  notwithstanding
     the foregoing,  installation of Hardware by Sublicensees  and by any person
     or entity that is an authorized  purchaser of Hardware under this Agreement
     in  accordance  with Kronos'  installation  procedures  shall not cause the
     warranty to be inapplicable;

(iii)failure to provide and maintain a suitable installation  environment,  with
     all   facilities   prescribed   by  the   appropriate   Kronos   functional
     specifications  (including,  but not limited to,  failure of, or failure to
     provide,  adequate  electrical power, air conditioning or humidity control)
     or from use of supplies or materials not meeting Kronos specifications; and

(iv) the use of the Hardware for other than the purposes for which designed.

(c)  If ADP  modifies the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software,  the Hardware or the
     Materials,  ADP shall be solely  responsible for such  modifications and to
     the extent  such  modifications  impair  Kronos'  ability  to  perform  its
     obligations under this Agreement,  ADP agrees that Kronos shall be released
     from such obligations to the same extent.


12.  [**].

[**] under this Agreement [**] at the  commencement  of each Kronos fiscal year,
for purchases/licenses of similar hardware and software,  excluding upgrades, in
similar  quantities (it being  understood  that Kronos may [**].  Kronos agrees,
while  this  Agreement  is in effect,  that if the  Hardware  Fees and  Software
License  [**],  then ADP shall [**] . In no event shall Kronos be subject to any
restrictions  [**]. [**], Kronos shall, upon request from ADP, [**]. [**] Kronos
shall [**] shall take effect.

13.  Term and Termination; Rights Upon Termination.

(a)  The term of this  Agreement  shall  commence  on the date  hereof and shall
     continue until April 3, 2008, unless earlier  terminated in accordance with
     this Agreement.  Thereafter,  this Agreement shall automatically be renewed
     for [**], unless terminated by either party upon notice to the other party,
     such  notice  to be  given  in  writing  at least  [**]  days  prior to the
     commencement of any renewal term.

(b)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  either party
     hereto may terminate this Agreement upon written notice upon the occurrence
     of an Event of Default  (as defined  below)  caused by the other  party.  A
     party shall have  committed an Event of Default under this  Agreement  upon
     the occurrence of any of the following  events:  (i) failure to pay any sum
     of money due  hereunder  for more than [**] days  after the same has become
     due and  payable  and  written  notice  of  such  failure  to pay has  been
     received,  provided,  in the event that such unpaid amounts are the subject
     of a good faith  dispute,  an Event of Default  shall not be deemed to have
     occurred  for so long as the party  withholding  such monies has  deposited
     such monies with a mutually  agreed upon escrow  agent,  (ii) any  material
     breach of its representations,  warranties or covenants contained herein or
     failure to perform any of its other  obligations  hereunder for a period of
     [**] days after the giving of notice of such breach or failure by the other
     party;  provided however that a breach of subsections (a) or (b) of Section
     3.0 shall be subject to Section 13(e) and provided further that a breach of
     a subsection  (a) of Section 3.1 shall be subject to Section  14(f);  (iii)
     commission  of an  act  of  bankruptcy  or  becoming  the  subject  of  any
     proceeding  under the U.S.  Bankruptcy Code or any state bankruptcy laws or
     becoming  insolvent,  or the  subjection  of any  substantial  part of such
     party's property to any levy, seizure, assignment,  application or sale for
     or by any creditor or governmental agency, which proceeding, levy, seizure,
     assignment or  application  for sale shall not have been  dismissed  within
     [**]  days,  or (iv)  failure  to remain in the  business  or  provide  the
     products  or services  contemplated  hereby for a period of [**] days after
     the giving of notice of such failure by the other party.

(c)  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  the  non-defaulting  party may
     provide the other party with notice of termination setting forth the nature
     of such Event of Default.  Any such notice  shall  become  effective on the
     date it is deemed to be given pursuant to Section 22(e).

(d)  In the event that either party shall terminate this Agreement on account of
     an Event of Default committed by the other party, ADP shall have no further
     rights to  duplicate  eTime  1000 or eTime 100  Software,  or to market and
     provide new  Sublicenses  of ADP Time & Attendance  Software from and after
     the effective date of such termination except as provided in Section 13(e).
     ADP  shall  immediately  provide  to  Kronos  all  copies of the ADP Time &
     Attendance  Software and Materials in its possession,  other than copies of
     the ADP Time & Attendance  Software and Materials  validly  licensed by ADP
     for its own  internal use (which use shall be only as described in Annex I)
     or shall destroy all such copies and shall provide to Kronos  certification
     of such destruction. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, ADP may retain
     copies of the ADP Time & Attendance  Software and Materials for the limited
     purpose  of  continuing  to  support  existing   Sublicensees   with  valid
     Sublicenses issued prior to termination and for a sufficient period of time
     to allow  fulfillment of orders  pursuant to Section  13(h).  Upon any such
     termination,  (i) ADP shall pay any amounts  that are then due and owing to
     Kronos and (ii) any further or future payment  obligations  hereunder shall
     be null and void;  except that if the termination is on account of an Event
     of Default by ADP,  ADP shall be  required  to pay all  amounts  owed under
     Section 13(f).

(e)  (1)  Except as  provided  in the clause (3) of this  Section  13(e),  it is
     understood and agreed that with respect to a breach of  subsections  (a) or
     (b) of Section 3.0 by Kronos,  Kronos  shall have [**] days  following  the
     receipt  of written  notice  from ADP of such  breach to cure such  breach,
     subject to the  following:  (i) during such cure  period,  Kronos  shall be
     required  to  cease  any   sales/licenses,   services,   implementation  or
     development activity giving rise to such breach within [**] days of Kronos'
     receipt of such notice, provided that concerning the provision by Kronos of
     ongoing  support to any  installed  client  base giving rise to such breach
     after such [**] day period, Kronos shall be required, as soon as reasonably
     practicable, to:

     a.   discontinue all service/support to such installed base; or

     b.   recommend  the  conversion  of  such  installed  base  to ADP  Payroll
          Processing Services;

provided  however,  that after such initial [**] day period following notice, if
Kronos is unable to accomplish such  discontinuance or conversion,  Kronos shall
be required to pay ADP all revenue derived by Kronos if any, from such installed
base for the  support  giving rise to such  breach at prices  equivalent  to the
prices charged by ADP for the comparable support; and (ii) any cure shall be the
ceasing of all activities  giving rise to such breach going forward (which shall
include,   but  not  be  limited   to,  the   termination/cancellation   of  any
contract/arrangement  giving  rise to such  breach) and the payment by Kronos to
ADP of any actual damages resulting to ADP during the period of breach; provided
however,  that in the case of a bona fide dispute  concerning  the amount of the
actual damages owed,  Kronos shall immediately pay ADP all actual damages not in
dispute and, within [**] days after written notice from ADP of the amount of the
remaining  actual  damages,  Kronos  shall  either pay such  damages or commence
arbitration  pursuant to Section 22(l)  concerning  such  damages;  and provided
further that until the  arbitrator  rules  concerning  such  remaining  disputed
actual  damages,  Kronos  shall not be deemed to have failed to cure such breach
solely  because of its  failure  to pay such  damages,  but Kronos  shall not be
relieved of any of its other obligations concerning cure.

     (2)  If Kronos  pays ADP such  actual  damages  (whether  prior to or after
          arbitration),  but  Kronos is still in breach of its cure  obligations
          hereunder  and  therefore ADP is permitted to reproduce the ADP Time &
          Attendance  Software  for  Sublicensing  as specified in clause (3) of
          this  Section  13(e),  ADP shall be  required  to refund to Kronos the
          amount of such actual  damages prior to reproducing  and  Sublicensing
          any such ADP Time & Attendance Software.

     (3)  [**] if Kronos  fails to cure such  breach as  specified  herein,  ADP
          shall  terminate this Agreement but shall retain the right to continue
          to Sublicense the ADP Time & Attendance  Software to ADP Clients for a
          period  equal  to  the  remaining   term  of  this  Agreement  had  no
          termination  notice been given (but in no event for a period exceeding
          [**]  months)  and ADP shall be  entitled  to combine  such ADP Time &
          Attendance   Software  with  any  hardware;   provided   that,   after
          termination of this Agreement as  contemplated  by this Section 13(e),
          no  License  Fees shall be  payable  by ADP,  and Kronos  shall not be
          obligated  to  provide  ADP with  copies of the ADP Time &  Attendance
          Software or Materials, but ADP shall be entitled to reproduce the same
          solely for  Sublicensing to ADP Clients for the remaining term of this
          Agreement,  (but in no event for a period exceeding [**] months). Such
          rights  shall be ADP's  exclusive  remedies  in the event of Events of
          Default described in clause (1) of this Section 13(e).

     (4)  In addition,  [**],  Kronos shall be required to notify ADP in writing
          within  [**] days  (which  notice  shall be deemed to  constitute  the
          written  notice  of ADP as  specified  in clause  (1) of this  Section
          13(e)) and Kronos  shall have an  opportunity  to cure such  breach as
          specified  in this  Section  13(e),  and if Kronos  fails to cure such
          breach,  ADP  shall  have  the  right  to  Sublicense  the ADP  Time &
          Attendance Software, subject to the requirements in clause (3) of this
          Section 13(e).

(f)  (1)  Except  as  provided  in  clause  (3) of  this  Section  13(f),  it is
     understood  and agreed that with respect to a breach of  subsection  (a) of
     Section  3.1 by ADP,  ADP shall  have [**] days  following  the  receipt of
     written  notice from Kronos of such breach to cure such breach,  subject to
     the following:  (i) during such cure period, ADP shall be required to cease
     any  sales/licenses,  services,  implementation  and  development  activity
     giving  rise to such  breach  within  [**]  days of ADP's  receipt  of such
     notice,  provided that  concerning the provision of ongoing  support to any
     installed client base giving rise to such breach after such [**] day period
     ADP shall be required, as soon as reasonably practicable, to:

     a.   discontinue all service/support to such installed client base; or

     b.   convert  such  installed  base to ADP Time &  Attendance  Software and

provided  however,  that after such initial [**]day period following  notice, if
ADP is unable to accomplish  such  discontinuance  or  conversion,  ADP shall be
required to pay Kronos all revenue  derived by ADP from such  installed base for
the support  giving rise to such breach,  at prices that are  equivalent  to the
prices charged by ADP for a comparable Kronos product support; and (ii) any cure
shall be the ceasing of all activities  giving rise to such breach going forward
(which shall include, but not be limited to, the termination/cancellation of any
contract/arrangement  giving  rise to such  breach)  and the  payment  by ADP to
Kronos of any actual damages  resulting to Kronos during the period of breach of
such subsection (a) of Section 3.1; provided however, that in the case of a bona
fide  dispute  concerning  the  amount of the  actual  damages  owed,  ADP shall
immediately  pay Kronos all actual damages not in dispute and,  within [**] days
after written notice from Kronos of the amount of the remaining  actual damages,
ADP shall  either pay such damages or commence  arbitration  pursuant to Section
22(l)  concerning such damages;  and provided  further that until the arbitrator
rules concerning such remaining disputed actual damages, ADP shall not be deemed
to have  failed to cure such  breach  solely  because of its failure to pay such
damages,  but  ADP  shall  not be  relieved  of any  of  its  other  obligations
concerning cure.

     (2)  If ADP pays  Kronos  such actual  damages  (whether  prior to or after
          arbitration),  but ADP is still  in  breach  of its  cure  obligations
          hereunder and therefore required to pay the amount specified in clause
          (3) of this Section 13(f), the amount of actual damages paid by ADP to
          Kronos shall be credited toward such amount specified in clause (3) of
          this Section 13(f).

     (3)  [**] if ADP fails to cure such breach as required herein, Kronos shall
          have the right to  receive  from ADP an amount  equal to [**]  dollars
          ($[**]),  multiplied  by the number of months (or  fractions  thereof)
          remaining  in the term of this  Agreement,  but in no event shall such
          number of months  exceed  [**].  It is agreed  and  understood  by the
          parties  that  Kronos  shall have no  obligation  to supply ADP Time &
          Attendance  Software or Hardware,  or services,  and ADP shall have no
          rights to duplicate any ADP Time & Attendance Software in exchange for
          Kronos'  receipt of the amount  specified in the  preceding  sentence.
          After  ADP has paid  Kronos  such  amount,  subsection  (a) and (b) of
          Section  3.0 and  subsection  (a) of Section 3.1 shall no longer be in
          effect,  and either party may terminate this  Agreement,  upon written
          notice  to the  other  party.  In the  event  either  party  elects to
          terminate this Agreement, the provisions of Section 13(d) shall apply.
          (4) In  addition,  [**],  ADP shall be  required  to notify  Kronos in
          writing  within  ten  (10)  days  (which  notice  shall be  deemed  to
          constitute  the written  notice of Kronos  specified  in clause (1) of
          this  Section  13(f)) and ADP shall have an  opportunity  to cure such
          breach as specified in this  Section  13(f),  and if ADP fails to cure
          such breach,  Kronos shall have a right to receive from ADP the amount
          specified in clause (3) of this Section 13(f).

(g)  The  remedies  described  in  Sections  13(e) and  13(f) for the  Events of
     Default  described  in each such  section  shall be the sole and  exclusive
     remedy for such Events of Defaults.  All other remedies provided to ADP and
     Kronos for Events of  Defaults  other than under  Sections  13(e) and 13(f)
     herein  shall  not be  deemed  exclusive  but  shall be  cumulative  and in
     addition to all other remedies  provided by law or in equity.  Both parties
     hereto acknowledge that the performance of their obligations  hereunder and
     the rights  granted  hereunder are of a unique  character that gives them a
     special  value,  the loss of which  may not be  adequately  compensated  in
     damages  in an action at law,  that a breach  of this  Agreement  by either
     party may cause the other party  irreparable  injury and,  therefore,  that
     either party may be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent such injury.

(h)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, it is
     hereby  expressly  agreed that upon the  expiration or  termination of this
     Agreement for any reason  whatsoever,  such expiration or termination shall
     not terminate or diminish in any way the right of those  Sublicensees  then
     using the  Hardware or ADP Time &  Attendance  Software or any part thereof
     under  Sublicenses  validly  issued  during  the term of the  Agreement  to
     continue to use the Hardware or ADP Time & Attendance  Software or any part
     thereof.  If this  Agreement is  terminated  by Kronos for any reason other
     than ADP's  default,  ADP shall have the right to  continue  to fulfill the
     terms of any  outstanding  agreements  and/or  proposals that are in effect
     prior to the effective date of any such termination.

14.  Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Kronos.

     Kronos represents, warrants and covenants that:

(a)  Kronos has, and will have at all times  during the term of this  Agreement,
     the right to enter  into this  Agreement,  and abide by its  terms,  and no
     other person or entity shall have any rights to interfere  with or prohibit
     the  activities  under this  Agreement,  in each case other than as covered
     under Section  16(a).  The  individual  signing this Agreement on behalf of
     Kronos  has the  authority  to sign on  behalf  of  Kronos  Affiliates  and
     Subsidiaries, as well as on behalf of Kronos.

(b)  Neither the rights  granted to ADP  hereunder  nor the exercise of any such
     rights will  infringe  upon or  conflict  with any rights held by any third
     party under any copyright,  patent,  trademark or other proprietary  right;
     provided that Kronos makes no representation with respect to the Total Time
     service  mark or the ADP  service  mark or  trademark.  The  Hardware to be
     furnished  pursuant  to this  Agreement  will be free  from any  claims  of
     infringement  of  any  United  States  patent,   copyright,   trademark  or
     proprietary right.

(c)  Kronos will have good and marketable title to the Hardware,  free and clear
     of all liens,  claims,  encumbrances  and  security  interests  of any kind
     whatsoever, in each case, other than as covered under Section 16(a).


(d)  The eTime 1000  Software  will perform in  accordance  with the  applicable
     published  user  guides for the  comparable  (as to  version  and type) TKC
     Software,  as modified in accordance  with Section  5.1(c).  The Enterprise
     eTime  Software  will  perform in  accordance  with the  applicable  Kronos
     electronic  on-line  documentation  for the  comparable  (as to version and
     type) WFC  Software.  These  warranties  shall  not apply in the  following
     circumstances: (i) accident, neglect or misuse; (ii) alterations other than
     in accordance with Kronos'  installation  procedures;  and (iii) failure to
     provide and maintain a suitable installation  environment,  including,  but
     not  limited  to,  failure  to  provide  adequate   electrical  power,  air
     conditioning or humidity control. ADP's SOLE REMEDY, AND THE SOLE LIABILITY

(e)  Kronos agrees to obtain  Underwriters  Laboratory ("UL")  certification for
     the  Hardware  and to  provide  ADP with  evidence  of such  approval  when
     granted.  The Hardware  shall  comply with all  government  and  regulatory
     requirements  such as FCC and CSA. If and when  changes are  required to be
     made to any Hardware in order to obtain UL  certification or to comply with
     other  standards,  Kronos  agrees to make all  changes to such  Hardware at
     Kronos' factory at no charge to ADP and to pay all expenses associated with
     the retrofitting of all such changes to previously delivered Hardware at no
     charge to ADP.

(f)  Kronos has not intentionally inserted any virus, time bomb or other similar
     device into the Software, and it has used commercially  reasonable business
     methods to test the Software for such viruses,  time bombs or other similar


15.  Representations, Warranties and Covenants of ADP.

     ADP represents, warrants and covenants that ADP has, and will  have  at all
     times  during  the term  of this Agreement,  the right to  enter into  this
     Agreement,  and abide  by its terms,  and no other  person or  entity shall
     have any rights  to interfere  with or prohibit  the activities  under this
     Agreement,  and that the individual signing this Agreement on behalf of ADP
     has the authority to sign on behalf of ADP Affiliates  and Subsidiaries, as
     well as on behalf of ADP.

16.  Indemnification.

(a)  Kronos agrees to defend ADP and its  Sublicensees,  at Kronos' own cost and
     expense,  against any claim,  suit or  proceeding  in  connection  with any
     allegation  that the Hardware or the ADP Time & Attendance  Software or any
     part of either thereof (or the Materials) infringes upon or interferes with
     any patent,  trademark,  copyright  or other  proprietary  right of a third
     party,  except to the extent such allegation is based on  modifications  or
     enhancements  made by ADP (or by a  third  party  or by  Kronos,  at  ADP's
     request or direction). Kronos will pay damages assessed against ADP and its
     Sublicensees   (whether  by  court  award  or  by   settlement)   that  are
     attributable  to any such claim,  but only on the condition that (i) Kronos
     is promptly  notified in writing of any claim of infringement and furnished
     with all papers received in connection therewith and (ii) Kronos shall have
     sole direction and control of any  negotiations  or of any suit that may be
     brought  and ADP shall  assist  Kronos in any  reasonable  way  required by
     Kronos in its defense, and (iii) ADP takes all reasonable steps to mitigate
     any potential  damages that may result from such claim, suit or proceeding.
     If  ADP's  or a  Sublicensee's  use  of the  Hardware  or  the  ADP  Time &
     Attendance  Software or any part of either thereof shall be prevented by an
     injunction based on an alleged infringement, Kronos shall have the right to
     substitute for the infringing Hardware or ADP Time & Attendance Software or
     part of either thereof another suitable product substantially equivalent in
     performance, or, at Kronos' option, obtain for ADP and its Sublicensees the
     right to  continue  the use of the ADP Time &  Attendance  Software or part

(b)  Kronos  further  agrees to defend  ADP,  at Kronos'  own cost and  expense,
     against any claim,  suit or proceeding in  connection  with any  allegation
     that the Hardware  sold to a  Sublicensee  with the eTime 1000  Software or
     eTime 100 Software, or the eTime 1000 Software or eTime 100 Software or any
     part of either  thereof  caused  or  causes  damages  to be  incurred  by a
     Sublicensee  and/or  another  third-party;   provided  however,  that  this
     agreement is subject to ADP's having sublicensed the eTime 1000 Software or
     eTime  100  Software,   as  applicable,   under  provisions   substantially
     equivalent to those in Annex I. However,  Kronos shall have no liability or
     obligation  pursuant  to  this  Section  16(b)  to  the  extent  that  such
     allegation is based on or damage is caused by modifications or enhancements
     made by ADP or its  Sublicensees  (or by another  third  party or Kronos at
     ADP's request or direction) or installations not in accordance with Kronos'
     installation  procedures.  Kronos  will pay  damages  assessed  against ADP
     (whether by court award or by settlement) that are attributable to any such
     claim,  but only on the condition  that (i) Kronos is promptly  notified in
     writing of any such claim, suit or proceeding and furnished with all papers
     received in connection  therewith and (ii) Kronos shall have sole direction
     and control of any  negotiations or of any suit that may be brought and ADP
     shall  assist  Kronos  in any  reasonable  way  required  by  Kronos in its
     defense, and (iii) ADP takes all reasonable steps to mitigate any potential
     damages  that may  result  from such  claim,  suit or  proceeding.  KRONOS'

(c)  ADP agrees to defend  Kronos,  at ADP's own cost and  expense,  against any
     claim,  suit or  proceeding  in  connection  with any  allegation  that the
     Hardware  or the ADP  Time &  Attendance  Software  or any  part of  either
     infringes upon or interferes with any patent, trademark, copyright or other
     proprietary  right of a third party to the extent that the  Hardware or ADP
     Time & Attendance  Software  incorporates any modifications,  enhancements,
     functions  or features  that are made by ADP (or by a third party or Kronos
     at ADP's request or direction) and such claim,  suit or proceeding  results
     from such modifications,  enhancements, functions or features. ADP will pay
     damages  assessed  against Kronos (whether by court award or by settlement)
     attributable  to any such claim,  but only on the condition that (i) ADP is
     promptly  notified in writing of any claim of  infringement  and  furnished
     with all papers  received in  connection  therewith and (ii) ADP shall have
     sole direction and control of any  negotiations  or of any suit that may be
     brought and Kronos shall assist ADP in any  reasonable  way required by ADP
     in its  defense,  and  (iii)  Kronos  shall  take all  reasonable  steps to
     mitigate any damages that may result from such suit,  claim or  proceeding.
     To the extent that Kronos has reason to believe or suspect that any present
     or proposed modification,  enhancement, function or feature made by ADP (or
     by Kronos  or a third  party at ADP's  request  or  direction)  may or will
     infringe upon or interfere with any patent,  copyright,  trademark or other
     proprietary  right of a third-party,  Kronos will  immediately  notify ADP.

(d)  ADP further agrees to defend Kronos, at ADP's own cost and expense, against
     any claim,  suit or proceeding in connection  with any allegation  that the
     Hardware  sold to a  Sublicensee  with the eTime 1000 Software or eTime 100
     Software,  or the eTime 1000  Software or eTime 100 Software or any part of
     either  thereof  caused or causes  damages to be incurred by a  Sublicensee
     and/or  another  third-party to the extent that such Hardware or ADP Time &
     Attendance Software incorporates any modifications, enhancements, functions
     or features  that are made by ADP (or by a  third-party  or Kronos at ADP's
     request or direction) and such claim, suit and proceeding results from such
     modifications,  enhancements,  functions or features.  ADP will pay damages
     assessed  against Kronos (whether by court award or by settlement) that are
     attributable  to any such claim,  but only on the condition that (i) ADP is
     promptly notified in writing of any claim, suit or proceeding and furnished
     with all papers  received in  connection  therewith and (ii) ADP shall have
     sole direction and control of any  negotiations  or of any suit that may be
     brought and Kronos shall assist ADP in any  reasonable  way required by ADP
     in its  defense,  and  (iii)  Kronos  shall  take all  reasonable  steps to
     mitigate any damages that may result from such suit,  claim or  proceeding.

17.  Confidentiality.

(a)  ADP and  Kronos  recognize  that,  in the  performance  of this  Agreement,
     employees of ADP and Kronos may learn of or be exposed to trade  secrets or
     other  confidential   information  (including,   without  limitation,   any
     information concerning the business, operations or clients of ADP or Kronos
     which are the property of ADP or Kronos, respectively). In order to provide
     the  unrestricted  basis of  communication  required for the successful and
     expeditious  performance of this Agreement,  Kronos and ADP agree that they
     will take all  reasonable  efforts to prevent  such trade  secrets or other
     confidential  information  from  being used for any  purpose  other than in
     connection  with this  Agreement and from  becoming  known to anyone except
     bona fide employees only on a need-to-know  basis,  and such employees will
     be cautioned that such information is confidential. In addition, Kronos and
     ADP each agree to obtain signed  confidentiality  agreements from any third
     parties hired or otherwise  engaged by it in connection with this Agreement
     prior to allowing  access to any such  information and to deliver copies of
     the same to the other upon request.  Each party will cause its employees to
     be bound by the obligation of confidentiality  contained herein. Unless and
     until any such  information  is (i) in or becomes part of the public domain
     other than by disclosure  by Kronos or ADP in violation of this  Agreement,
     (ii) demonstrably  known to Kronos or ADP previously,  (iii)  independently
     developed  by Kronos or ADP outside of this  Agreement  or (iv)  rightfully
     obtained by Kronos or ADP from third parties,  Kronos and ADP shall use the
     same degree of care in the handling of such  information  as they would use
     with regard to their own  proprietary  and/or  confidential  information in
     order to prevent the disclosure thereof.

(b)  ADP and Kronos shall each return to the other any confidential  information
     obtained  from  the  other  or  provide  proof  of   destruction   of  such
     confidential  information upon the expiration or sooner termination of this
     Agreement or upon request by the other party.

(c)  Kronos  shall not reveal the names or addresses of any ADP Clients or other
     authorized customer of ADP under this Agreement to any local Kronos office,
     except as required to perform its responsibilities under this Agreement and
     provided  that  Kronos  complies  with the  requirements  stated  herein in
     connection with any such disclosure. Neither party may provide the customer
     lists of the other to any third  party,  except  as  required  by Kronos to
     perform its maintenance  responsibilities under this Agreement and provided
     that Kronos complies with the requirements stated herein in connection with
     any  third  party  disclosure.   It  is  understood  and  agreed  that  the
     confidentiality  provisions of Kronos'  agreements  with its dealers signed
     prior to the Prior  Agreement  shall  satisfy  the  obligation  under  this
     section to obtain signed confidentiality agreements.

18.  Force Majeure.

     With respect to Hardware or  Software,  Kronos shall not be liable for  any
     loss,  damage or  penalty  for delay in  delivery  or for  failure to  give
     notice of  delay when such delay is  due to causes  beyond  the  reasonable
     control of Kronos;  provided,  however,  that if ADP demonstrates to Kronos
     that ADP has thereby lost an order,  then ADP may,  upon written  notice to
     Kronos  cancel  such  order  without  any charge  therefor.  The  time  for
     performance hereunder  shall be extended  by a period of time equal  to the
     time lost because of any such delay.

19.  Use of Name.

(a)  With respect to any Hardware purchased by ADP hereunder to be used with ADP
     Time &  Attendance  Software and ADP  Acquired  Time & Attendance  Software
     (other than those  products  that ADP  purchases  from Kronos in nominal or
     relatively insignificant amounts), Kronos hereby agrees to replace external
     Kronos markings or other insignia  (except serial  numbers,  patent notices
     and safety agency approval  plates) that are affixed to Hardware with ADP's
     markings or other markings designed by ADP for such purpose.

(b)  Kronos hereby authorizes ADP  representatives  to make use of Kronos' name,
     trademark or trade name in connection  with marketing ADP Time & Attendance
     to ADP Clients,  prospective ADP Clients,  and other  authorized  customers
     and/or prospective  authorized  customers of ADP under Agreement;  provided
     however,  that  no  such  use  will  be  made  in  any  written  materials,
     distributed  outside of ADP without Kronos'  written  approval and any such
     use will be in proper legal form.

(c)  Subject to Section 22(h),  each party  expressly  prohibits the other party
     from any direct or indirect use,  reference to, or other  employment of its
     name,  trademarks  or trade names or of any name,  trademark  or trade name
     exclusively  licensed to such party,  except as specified in this Agreement
     or as expressly authorized in writing.

20.  Relationship of the Parties.

(a)  The parties acknowledge that the relationship  between Kronos and ADP shall
     be  construed  solely  as that of  licensor  and  licensee  in the  case of
     Software and vendor and vendee in the case of Hardware. The parties further
     acknowledge that any and all rights not expressly  granted pursuant to this
     Agreement are reserved to the respective party and that neither party shall
     have any right,  power or authority to in any way obligate the other to any
     contract, term or condition not set forth herein.

(b)  The parties hereto  acknowledge  that both parties  hereto are  independent
     contractors.  Neither party shall in any way represent itself as a partner,
     joint-venturer,  agent,  employee  or general  representative  of the other

21.  Limitation Of Liability And Indemnification.


22.  Miscellaneous.

(a)  This Agreement and the Exhibits  attached  hereto and  incorporated  herein
     contain the entire  agreement  of the parties  with  respect to its subject
     matter and supersede all existing agreements,  including the Agreement, and
     all other oral, written or other communications between them concerning its
     subject matter, including,  without limitation,  any summaries of terms and
     conditions  hereof.  This Agreement shall not be modified in any way except
     by a writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

(b)  This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of ADP and
     Kronos  and  their  respective   successors  and  permitted  assigns.  This
     Agreement,  and the rights and obligations  conveyed  hereby,  shall not be
     assigned or  otherwise  transferred,  voluntarily,  by operation of law, or
     otherwise by either party  without the prior  written  consent of the other
     party,  and any attempt to assign any rights,  duties or  obligations  that
     arise under this Agreement  without such consent will be void. In the event
     of a  "Change  of  Control"  of one  party,  as  defined  in the  following
     sentence, the other party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement
     by providing written notice to the party affected by the Change of Control,
     within thirty (30) days of the event causing the Change of Control. "Change
     of Control" shall mean: (i) the  acquisition of "beneficial  ownership" (as
     defined in Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of securities
     representing  50% or more of the combined  voting power of a company's then
     outstanding  securities  by any "person" (as defined in Sections  13(d) and
     14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; (ii) the complete liquidation
     of a company; (iii) the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of a
     company;  or (iv) a merger or consolidation that would result in the voting
     securities of a company outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing to
     represent less than 50% of the combined voting power of that company or the
     surviving or acquiring entity outstanding  immediately after such merger or
     consolidation. In the event of a Change of Control of Kronos, the surviving
     or  acquiring  entity  shall be required to offer to ADP all  hardware  and
     software  being  marketed/licensed  by Kronos at the time of the  Change in
     Control (including,  without limitation, IBM iSeries product line, ShopTrac
     Pro(R)) with  pricing at discounts  equal to the  discounts  applicable  to
     Enterprise eTime Software and Hardware under this Agreement.

(c)  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid,  illegal or
     unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder of
     this Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

(d)  This  Agreement  shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State
     of New Jersey without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.

(e)  All notices,  requests,  demands and other  communications  provided for by
     this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given
     (i) on the date  delivered,  if by  personal  delivery,  (ii) one day after
     being sent by overnight  courier  service,  or (iii) three days after being
     mailed, by certified or registered mail, return receipt  requested,  in any
     United  States post office or box  addressed  to the address of the parties
     stated  below or to such  changed  address  as such party may have fixed by
     written notice:

                   If to Kronos:
                   297 Billerica Road
                   Chelmsford, MA  01824
                   Attention:  Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
                   with a copy to the General Counsel at the same address

                   If to ADP:
                   ADP, Inc.
                   One ADP Boulevard
                   Roseland, New Jersey 07068
                   Attention: President, Employer Services Group

                   with a copy to the General Counsel at the same address
                   provided, however, that any notice of change of address shall
                   be effective only upon receipt.

(f)  A waiver of any Event of Default under this Agreement shall not be a waiver
     of any other or  subsequent  Event of  Default.  Failure or delay by either
     party to enforce  compliance with any terms or conditions of this Agreement
     shall not constitute a waiver of such terms or conditions.

(g)  The persons  executing this Agreement on behalf of Kronos and ADP represent
     and warrant  that they  respectively  have been and are on the date of this
     Agreement duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate corporate action
     to enter into and execute this Agreement.

(h)  The parties agree that promptly  after the execution of this Agreement they
     will cooperate,  in good faith, to develop a press release  concerning this
     Agreement  and they  shall  jointly  issue that  press  release.  Except as
     otherwise  specifically provided herein, or as required by law, each of the
     parties agrees that it will not publicly  release  (through a press release
     or otherwise) the fact that they have entered into this  Agreement,  or use
     other  party's  name,   logo  or  service  mark  in  connection   with  any
     advertising,  sales or promotional activities unless the President of ADP's
     Employer  Services  Group or the  Executive  Vice  President  of  Kronos as
     applicable, gives prior written consent in each instance.

(i)  ADP agrees to  maintain  adequate  financial  records  of all  transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Not more than four times in any calendar
     year, Kronos shall be entitled to audit and examine the records  maintained
     by ADP in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.
     Any such audit shall be during normal  business hours and upon at least ten
     business  days prior  written  notice.  The cost of any such audit shall be
     borne by Kronos; provided however, that if such audit demonstrates that ADP
     has  underpaid  any  amounts  owed to  Kronos  by more than 7 1/2 % for the
     audited period, the cost of the audit shall be borne by ADP.

(j)  The headings in this  Agreement are intended for  convenience  of reference
     and this Agreement shall not be affected or impaired thereby.

(k)  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
     shall be  deemed  an  original  and all of  which,  taken  together,  shall
     constitute one agreement.

(l)  Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this
     Agreement  shall be  determined  and settled by  arbitration  in  Hartford,
     Connecticut.  Any award  rendered  shall be final and  conclusive  upon the
     parties and a judgment  thereon may be entered in a court having  competent
     jurisdiction.  The party submitting such dispute shall request the American
     Arbitration  Association to: (i) appoint an arbitrator who is knowledgeable
     in the microcomputer  area and familiar with the personal computer software
     industry and who will follow  substantive  rules of law; (ii) allow for the
     parties to request discovery  pursuant to the rules then in effect upon the
     Federal  Rules of Civil  Procedure  for a period  not to exceed  sixty (60)
     days;  (iii) require the testimony to be transcribed;  and (iv) require the
     award to be  accompanied by findings of fact and a statement of reasons for
     the decision.  Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses,  including
     attorney's  fees, in connection with such  arbitration.  The parties hereto
     further  agree that the preceding  clause  (l)(i) shall not prevent  either
     party from seeking  injunctive relief in a judicial  proceeding as provided
     further in Section 13(g).

(m)  If there is any inconsistency between the terms set forth in this Agreement
     and the terms of any  Exhibit or Annex  attached  hereto,  the terms of the
     Agreement shall control.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date first above written.

ADP, INC.                                     KRONOS INCORPORATED

By:   /s/Russell Fradin                      By:   /s/Aron Ain
- ----------------------------------           ----------------------------------
   (Authorized Signature)                       (Authorized Signature)

Name:    Russell Fradin                      Name:    Aron Ain
- ----------------------------------           ----------------------------------
   (please print)                               (please print)

Title: President-Employer Services           Title: Executive V.P. & Chief
- ----------------------------------                  Operating Officer

                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 ADP PRICE LIST
                         HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND TRAINING

Price book and its contents Valid as of 6/19/03, Subject to Change

ADP Price List

Description and Pricing for ADP Hardware, eTIME Heavy Software,

Lite Software, Badges and Accessories

                             ADP 400 and 100 Clocks
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description                                            Part Number     ADP Price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Timeclock 440 Basic 512K                           8600615-429       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Timeclock 420 Gate w\Relay 512K                    8600615-430       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Timeclock 460 w/Print Op/modem 512K                8600615-411       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Timeclock 480 512K                                 8600615-427       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Timeclock 480 512K Alphanumeric                    8600615-428       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ETIME Lite Clock 150                                   8601003-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ETIME Lite Clock w\ Modem 154                          8601003-011       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ETIME Heavy 140                                        8601001-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ETIME Heavy w\Modem 144                                8601001-011       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Numeric Bar Code 10/100 Mbit Ethernet        8602000-401       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Numeric Mag Stripe 10/100 Mbit Ethernet      8602000-402       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Numeric Proximity 10/100 Mbit Ethernet       8602000-403       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ** Please note Alpha numeric key pads not numeric
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Alpha Bar Code 10/100 Mbit Ethernet**        8602000-451       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Alpha Mag Stripe 10/100 Mbit Ethernet**      8602000-452       $[**]
4500 Full Alpha Proximity 10/100 Mbit Ethernet**       8602000-453       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Alpha Bar Code Modem**                       8602000-461       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Alpha Mag Stripe Modem**                     8602000-462       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Full Alpha Proximity Modem**                      8602000-463       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Install Manual Kit                                8700366-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Battery Back Up Kit (all supported countries)          8601763-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal AC Outlet Kit (U.S., Canada, Mexico)          8601824-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Linear Imager Bar Code Reader Kit (all supported
countries)                                             8601982-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Laser Imager Kit                                  8601983-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 Interface Board Kit                               8601965-003       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP HIGH RES Wand Kit                                  8601979-004       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP MED RES Wand Kit   - OBSOLETE                      8601979-005       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP LOW RES Wand Kit   - OBSOLETE                      8601979-006       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Terminal Debug Kit (Hyper Terminal serial cable)       8601762-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP 4500 Power Transformer                             7800100-005       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP4500 Power Cord - 6 Feet                            7200200-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP4500 Power Cord - 12 Inches                         7200201-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Smart Convertor                                    8600737-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Modem kit                                          8601183-003       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Remote Reader RS485 Kit                            8600826-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Relay Kit                                          8600669-005       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gasket Kit                                             8600764-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wand Kit                                               8600759-004       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal AC Surge Protector                            8600619-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
External Surge Protector                               AP00535-003       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
485 PC Board                                           8600909-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wrenches for clocks                                    8900018-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Battery Back Up Kit                                8600670-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lithium Battery                                        7900002-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Power Supply Cord for Clock                            7800008-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clock Security Screws                                  9000108-001    $[**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP CCD Scanner Kit*                                   8600775-004       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP I\O Board*need this for scanner                    8600671-003       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Auxillary Power                                        8600603-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Ethernet Kit                                       8600947-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key Pad Repl                                           3600390-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alt Reader Mag                                         8600767-057       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rem Rdr Kit Mag                                        8600556-012       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128K to 256K Memory upgrade                            8600797-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
512k Ram Upgrade                                       8601184-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP minimum order fee (any order $200)                 9999ADP-MIN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable, Bell Relay, 400                                 3600440-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boxes                  Qty's of 280                    9800314-002    $[**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Foam Corner Caps       Qty's of 280                    9800313-001     [**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pkg inserts            Qty's of 280                    9800315-001     [**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mag Reader Track I                                     8600556-008       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mag Reader Track II                                    8600556-012       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/O Daughter Board Kit                                 8600671-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alternate I/O Option Board                             8600767-xxx       $[**]
(Custom Format and/or Site Code)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alternate Reader I/O Daughter Board                    8600767-001       $[**]
(If using Kronos standard Format HID Proximity Cards)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multi Reader I/O                                       8600767-080 or    $[**]
                                                    any 8600767-xxx part
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proximity Interface Kit (Custom?)                      8600732-012       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mini Proximity Reader Option Kit                       8600732-009       $[**]
(includes Multi Reader I/O P/N 8600732-012)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proximity Pro Reader Option Kit                        8600732-010       $[**]
(includes Multi Reader I/O P/N 8600732-012)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One-time Custom Format Fee                             9990155-155       $[**]
(to create a version of the I/O Option Board for
formats not currently available from Kronos)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One-time Custom Site Code Fee                          9990155-156       $[**]
(to create a version of the I/O Option Board for
Site Code formats not currently available from Kronos)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Bar Code Stickers packs of 50                      9900127-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Insert Bar Code Stickers packs of 50                   BG00034-000    $[**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP New Style Employee Badges packs of  50             6800132-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP New Style Supervisor Badges ordered in singles     6800133-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP New Style Maintenance Badges ordered in singles    6800134-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Badge Racks                                            AP00003-005       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Key Labels\set                                9900164-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP 4500/400 Employee Proximity Badge packs of 50      6800202-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP 4500 Maintenance Proximity Badge ordered in
singles                                                6800203-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP 4500 Supervisor Proximity Badge ordered in
singles                                                6800204-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/O to Main                                            3600398-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/O to Main                                            3600398-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB9-25 Adapter                                         3600474-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Smart Converter Cable                                  3600448-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Position Connectors                                  5100015-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time Lite 100 ft cable                           3600527-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Printer Clock Cable 25ft                               3600661-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time Lite 250 ft cable                           3600527-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Position Connectors                                  5100004-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 Position Connectors                                  5100013-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140,144 Power Cord                                     7800010-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 Pin bell relay connector                             5103537-000       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ethernet Standoff                                      8200200-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modem Standoff                                         8200109-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time V9.1 S\U 1000                               8601355-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time V9.1 S\U 5000                               8601356-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time V9.1 M\U 1000                               8601355-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time V9.1 M\U 5000                               8601356-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accruals S\U V9.0, 9.1 & e-TIME                        9990145-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accruals M\U V9.0, 9.1 & e-TIME                        9990146-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Single User 1000                       8601272-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Single User 5000                       8601272-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Multi User 1000                        8601273-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Multi User 5000                        8601273-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Single User Accruals                   9990150-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 3A Multi User Accruals                    9990151-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Scheduler S\U  (3.x)                            9990152-KSM       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Scheduler M\U  (3.x)                            9990153-KSM       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x S\U 1000                              8601553-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x S\U 3000                              8601583-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x M\U 1000                              8601553-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x M\U 3000                              8601583-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x Syb upg S\U 1000                      8601554-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Heavy 4.x Syb upg M\U 1000                      8601554-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Messaging S\U   (4.x)                           9990150-MSG       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Messaging M\U  (4.x)                            9990151-MSG       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Scheduler S\U  (4.x)                            9990152-KSM       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Scheduler M\U  (4.x)                            9990153-KSM       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Accruals S\U  (4.x)                             9990150-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Accruals M\U  (4.x)                             9990151-ACR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Lite 200 ee Cap Release  **                     8601282-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Time Lite 1000 Cap Release   **               Special Line "8A"    $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   **  Prior to  purchasing a CAP Release, you MUST
       first purchase the Core Software
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBS Heavy 3A (150 support) total time lite DOS
clients only                                           8601360-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-TIME Lite Software                                   9999ADP-ETL       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   NOTE:  If ADP wants to upgrade a customer to a higher
   user and employee level for software, ADP shall pay
   the difference between the two software packages
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   **must be purchased in [**] quantity for this pricing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RJ11 100 Foot Cable                                    3600527-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transformer                                            7800010-002       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mounting Wedge                                         8400332-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adaptor RJ11 to DB9                                    3600525-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manual kit 140\150                                     8700124-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adaptor RJ11 to DB25F                                  3600526-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wall Anchor Plastic                                    8900052-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Screw                                                  9000151-001    $[**] each
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mtg Screw Height Guage                                 8400343-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connector Cover                                        8400342-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable Tele Cord 7ft                                    3600340-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable Tele Cord  10.5in                                3600340-003       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 series install manual                              4701137-001       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comm board test kit                                    8601172-001       $[**]
tooling fee applies if less than [**] ordered
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(all fees are per clock)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Restocking fee (new equip 400's)                       9990145-RST       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Refurbish fee (used returned for credit 400's)         9990145-RFB       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair & return clocks no problem found 400            9990140-NPF       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair & return w\o modem no refurb 400                9990140-RNR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair & return w\modem no refurb 400                  9990141-RNR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair & return w\o modem & w\refurb 400               9990140-RAR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair & return w\modem & w\refurb 400                 9990141-RAR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140\144 Series Out of Warranty Charge                  9990140-OOW       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 Series Unopened, under 1 year old                  9990140-UNO       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 Series Opened, under 1 year old                    9990140-OPN       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150\154 Series Out of Warranty Charge                  9990150-OW        $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair depot upgrade                                   9990140-UPG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 Series No Problem Found Mt. Clockmor               9990150-NPF*      $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Temp # for Transition of IBM Inventory  SVCS           9990140-INV       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Unit Repair for Services Business                  9990140-RPR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Peripheral Repair for Svcs Business                9990140-PER       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Svcs Install                                       9900145-INS       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" " " each additional clock per site same trip            " " "          $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Svcs De-install                                    9990145-DEI       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" " " each additional clock per site same trip            " " "          $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Svcs Clock Move                                    9990145-MOV       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" " " each additional clock per site same trip            " " "          $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Svcs Dead Run                                      9990145-DDR       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Upgrade & Refurb to 480 clock                      9990145-480       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP Service Call                                       9990145-SVC       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depot exchange                                         9990145-DPO       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADP depot units over 45 days                           9990400-NRT       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National Accounts Orange to Blue upgrade               9990400-RFB       $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      [**]%             [**]%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kronos Training                  ADP Customer      ADP Internal     ADP Internal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Valid as of 4/1/03 and subject   at ADP site       at ADP site      At Kronos
  to change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description                      Min 10 Students   Min 8 Students
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New pricing as of 9/1/02         Plus T&E          Plus T&E
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 Per Student       Per student $    Per student
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Workforce Central V4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4                 $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Pre-Implementation Workshop (2 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4                 $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Daily Operations (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Pay             $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Period Operations (1/2 day)*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4                 $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Scheduling (1/2 day)*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Setup           $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  and Administration (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Database        $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Overview and Maintenance (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Basic           $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Configuration (4 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Advanced        $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Configuration (5 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central                   $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  System Settings (1/2 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4                 $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Upgrade Workshop (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Accruals                  $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Configuration (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce 4 Database                $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Conversion (2 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data Collection Manager             $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Configuration and Support for
  WFC 4 (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central Department        $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Manager (1/2 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Record Manager (1 day)    $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Sizing          $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Workshop (2 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Install         $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  and Troubleshooting (5 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Introduction     [**]              [**]             $[**]
  to the API (2 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workforce Central 4 Using Java to    [**]              [**]             $[**]
  Develop API Applications (1 day)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction to Java (5 days)        [**]              [**]             $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction to Crystal Reports      [**]              [**]             $[**]
  (3 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Crystal Reports (3 days)    [**]              [**]             $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oracle DBA Light (4 days)            [**]              [**]             $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructing SQL Queries (3 days)    [**]              [**]             $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oracle Advanced Database             [**]              [**]             $[**]
  Administration (3 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Essential in UNIX for Workforce      [**]              [**]             $[**]
  Central Internal (2 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       ** ADP to contact vendor directly for pricing and course scheduling
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kronos Connect
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kronos Connect Basic                $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Programming (3 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kronos Connect Advanced             $[**]             $[**]             $[**]
  Programming (4 days)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Kronos will only provide full day on site training
  (both classes combined)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT B


A time and attendance  software solution with a  user-configurable  rules engine
for consistent  application of pay policies in small business applications where
payroll processing is performed independently by site.


A time and attendance  software solution with a  user-configurable  rules engine
for  consistent  application  of pay policies in mid market  applications  where
payroll processing is performed independently by site.


A time and attendance  software solution with a user  configurable  rules engine
for consistent  application of pay policies across the enterprise.  WFC Software
also provides access to the software for licensed managers and may contain leave
management  solutions  for employee  benefit  time such as  personal,  vacation,
compensatory,  medical  and  other  forms of  leave.  It may also  contain a web
deployed time entry module for hours and exceptions  providing the  professional
workforce  with  a  self-service  method  to  submit  labor  data  from  diverse

                                    EXHIBIT C

            Terms of Kronos' Pentamation Enterprises, Inc. & Siemens
                Medical Systems Healthcare Information Solutions

1.       Kronos will [**].
2.       Kronos will [**].
3.       Kronos will [**] for Kronos products.
4.       Kronos will [**].  Kronos may [**].
5.       Kronos may [**].
6.       The agreements [**].

                                    EXHIBIT D

             ADP/Kronos Enterprise eTime Software Maintenance Policy

Effective  December 2002, Kronos and ADP agreed that ADP will not be required to
calculate  maintenance  amounts on Enterprise  eTime orders submitted to Kronos.
This will include all types of orders (i.e. original, upgrade).

The purpose of this process is to streamline the way  maintenance is handled and
to avoid a cumbersome manual system.

The procedure will be as followed;

ADP will submit orders to Kronos without maintenance dollars

ADP will submit to Kronos monthly, detailed Enterprise eTime SW Reports, one for
Major  Accounts (ADP NJ) and one for National  Accounts (ADP FL).  These reports
will  include;  Additions,  Install  base,  No Starts and  Terminations  for the
previous months  activities.  The reports are due to Kronos on the 10th business
day of the month.

Kronos will "bulk bill" ADP annually based on the Enterprise eTime install base,
less any Terminations

o    The bulk billing will be as of April 1st of any given year

o    Kronos and ADP will agree on the install base figure.  The agreement  shall
     come from a true-up of above mentioned ADP report against the Kronos system

Discrepancies  between  the  install  base  figures  will be  brought  to  ADP's

o    The  following  general  rule will  apply;  so long as Kronos  can  provide
     documentation  that the order in question has shipped ADP will include that
     order in the install base figure.

The monthly reports should be sent to: ssouthland@kronos.com

And sgenest@kronos.com

Maintenance  dollars owed to Kronos will be  calculated  on a percentage  of the
purchased price of the software and billed to ADP annually.

o    The  current  percentage  is a  calculated  rate of [**]%  of the  software
     purchase price

There will be  separate  reporting  billings  for ADP  Majors  and ADP  National

Credits  for  maintenance  will be  processed  for No Starts  only,  that  where
included in the April 1st install base (see No Start Procedure).

o    No Starts must meet the Kronos criteria in the contract definition in order
     to be credited

                        Maintenance Policy for No Starts

No Start Procedure;

Need to be included in the  Enterprise  eTime SW Report on a separate  sheet and
totaled by month

o    No Starts  will need to be  netted  out of the  install  base

     Example: If Company ABC had an addition date of June 1st and was a No Start
     as of August 1st then  Company  ABC would need to be listed on the No Start
     sheet  separate from the install base as well as placed on the install base
     report and netted  out.  Anything  placed on the No Start sheet needs to be
     countered in the install base report

o    In the  report/spreadsheet  ADP must provide original addition date as well
     as No Start date. This is important for credit procedures

     Example A: If company  ABC has an addition  date of  February  1st and a No
     Start date of June 1st then  maintenance  would be  credited  because  they
     would have been  included  in the April 1st  install  base (this is for any
     given year) and maintenance would have been paid to Kronos

     Example B: If company ABC has an  addition  date of June 1st and a No Start
     date of  October  1st then  maintenance  would not be  credited  due to the
     dollars not being in the install  base report and  maintenance  never being
     billed to ADP

Kronos will credit for software  only (there will not be credits for shipping or
hardware).  Credits will be handled on a monthly  basis against the install base
No Starts report once verified by Kronos

o    Other than No Starts, no other credits will be issued throughout the year

Termination Procedure:

Need to be  included  in the  monthly  Enterprise  eTime SW  Report  only on the
Termination sheet (tab) and not netted out of the total install base

o    In the  report/spreadsheet  ADP must provide original addition date as well
     as Termination date

At the time of the annual maintenance  billing,  Termination totals for the year
will be deducted from the total install base figure

                                    EXHIBIT E

                          Procedures Regarding Hardware

(a)  Any  Hardware  ordered by ADP and  delivered by Kronos shall be pursuant to
     the  issuance  of a P.O.  Each P.O.  shall state the  quantities,  Hardware
     description (including part number),  applicable prices, requested delivery
     date,  delivery  destination  and  delivery  instructions.   On  the  Order
     Acceptance  Date, such order shall be deemed to be a firm order and to have
     been  accepted  by Kronos in the  quantity  stated  in such  order.  If the
     requested  delivery date is less than [**] days after the Order  Acceptance
     Date with  respect to any order of Hardware  for use with Lite  Software or
     less than [**] days with respect to any other  order,  Kronos shall use its
     best efforts to confirm such date,  but if Kronos is unable to confirm such
     date the confirmed  scheduled delivery date shall not in any event be later
     than [**] days after the Order  Acceptance  Date of such order for Hardware
     for use with Lite  Software  or [**] days for any  other  order.  ADP shall
     provide  to  Kronos a [**]  forecast  of the  expected  monthly  volume  of
     Hardware  and Kronos  Software  orders and ADP shall  update  such  rolling
     forecasts quarterly.  Notwithstanding the second preceding sentence, in the
     event actual orders for any month exceed  forecasted  orders for such month
     by up to [**]% of such  forecast,  Kronos  shall be  required to deliver an
     amount equal to 130% of such  forecast  within 90 days after receipt of the
     P.O.  for  Hardware  for use with Lite  Software and within [**] days after
     receipt of the P.O.  for all other  orders.  Kronos shall not be obliged to
     deliver an amount in excess of [**]% of forecasted  orders within [**] days
     after Order Acceptance Date.  Kronos agrees to deliver amounts in excess of
     [**]% of forecasted  orders up to and including [**]% of forecasted  orders
     within [**] days following  receipt of the applicable  P.O., for all orders
     other than for  Hardware  for use with Lite  Software  and within [**] days
     after  receipt of the  applicable  P.O. for all orders for Hardware for use
     with Lite Software.  For orders in excess of [**]% of the forecasted order,
     Kronos  shall  use its best  efforts  to  deliver  such  excess  amount  as
     expeditiously  as possible.  Kronos shall in any event confirm the delivery
     dates with respect to all P.O.'s.

(b)  ADP may cancel a P.O. for Hardware for use with Lite  Software at no charge
     if such  cancellation  notice is  received  at least [**] days prior to the
     originally scheduled delivery date of such Hardware,  and may cancel a P.O.
     for all other Hardware at no charge if  cancellation  notice is received at
     least [**] days prior to the  originally  scheduled  delivery  date of such
     Hardware.  ADP may not cancel any order for Hardware  received  within [**]
     months prior to the termination of this Agreement.

(c)  Notice by ADP to Kronos changing the destination of a scheduled delivery of
     Hardware shall not be considered to be a rescheduling  or a cancellation of
     a  delivery.  ADP may  change the  delivery  destination  for any  delivery
     provided  that  Kronos  is given  notice at least  [**]  days  prior to the
     scheduled  delivery  date for Hardware for use with Lite  Software and [**]
     days prior to the scheduled delivery date for all other Hardware.

(d)  Shipment  shall be F.O.B.  Kronos'  shipping dock upon transfer to either a
     common  carrier or ADP  itself.  Kronos  shall  select a common  carrier on
     behalf of ADP,  which  carrier  shall not be  construed  to be the agent of
     Kronos. Title to Hardware and all risk of loss shall pass to ADP upon point
     of shipment.

(e)  Procedure for Return/Refurbishment of Certain Hardware

1.   This Procedure only applies to the ADP 4500, 400, 140 and 144 Hardware. The
     Procedure  does not  apply to the  150/154  series  Hardware  or any  other

2.   This  Procedure  applies  when ADP or an ADP  Customer  returns a  Hardware
     terminal to Kronos  requesting  refurbishment  for any reason,  except that
     this Procedure  does not apply when Hardware  Maintenance is required under
     Exhibit F.

3.   Upon the  return of a  terminal  to which this  Procedure  applies,  Kronos
     agrees to refurbish that terminal and place it into an inventory for ADP to
     purchase.  New  Hardware  orders  from  ADP  will be  filled  through  this
     inventory  and  will  be at  the  prices  specified  in  Exhibit  A of  the

4.   ADP will pay Kronos a refurbishing fee of $[**] for the ADP 4500 terminals,
     $[**]  for each  for the ADP 400  terminals  and  $[**]  for  each  140/144
     terminals. In addition,  Kronos will [**] the then current selling price of
     the applicable terminal.

5.   Kronos will not  refurbish,  or grant ADP any credit for,  any  terminal on
     which the main board has been damaged or the main board revision is too old
     to make into a new terminal.  Hardware that is  considered  scrap  material
     will not be refurbished into new units and no credit will be issued to ADP.

6.   Kronos  reserves the right to modify or  discontinue  this Procedure at any
     time, upon [**] advance written notice to ADP.

7.   At the end of the Agreement term, or upon [**] advance notice,  Kronos will
     cease the  procedure in full or for the specified  Hardware,  and ADP shall
     pay Kronos for Hardware held for ADP's benefit.

                                    EXHIBIT F


The prices in price chart below shall be  substituted,  as and when  applicable,
for the prices specified in the Description of Services below. The parties agree
to a [**]% increase  annually  effective July 1, 2003, based upon prices then in
effect.  If either party does not desire to have Kronos  continue to perform the
maintenance  described  herein,  that party shall give the other party [**] days
advance written notice prior to July 1 of the applicable  year. In addition,  if
at any time during a year, ADP believes the Maintenance provided by Kronos fails
to satisfy the  description  herein,  ADP agrees to provide  Kronos with written
notice of such failure(s), and give Kronos [**] days to correct such failure. If
Kronos fails to correct such failure(s) by the end of such [**] day period,  ADP
may terminate the engagement of Kronos to perform maintenance services.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Prices    Prices     Prices     Prices     Prices    Prices
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Services            7/1/01    7/1/03     7/1/04     7/1/05     7/1/06    7/1/07
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    To        To         To         To         To        To
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    6/30/03   6/30/04    6/30/05    6/30/06    6/30/07   6/30/08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On-site             $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
Service Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repair and          $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peripheral Part     $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Installation of     $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
First Hardware
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Each additional
install per         $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
location on
same trip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of First            $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Each additional
de-install per      $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
location on
same trip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Move of First       $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Each additional
Hardware move
per location on     $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
same trip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dead Run            $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depot Exchange      $[**]     $[**]      $[**]      $[**]      $[**]     $[**]
per incident
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Above service and pricing is for the 400 Hardware  Series Hardware only. 100 and
4500 Series  Hardware are serviced  only though the Kronos  Repair Center (Depot

Penalty/Bonus  clause for response times  variations for on-site  service calls.
All penalty/bonus provisions apply only to the [**] described below:

o    for response  times  averaging  less than [**]%,  Kronos pays ADP $[**] for
     that quarter

o    for response times averaging [**]% to [**]%, Kronos pays ADP $[**] for that

o    for response times averaging [**]% to [**]%, Kronos pays ADP $[**] for that

o    for response times averaging [**]% to [**]%, there is no penalty/bonus paid
     to Kronos or ADP

o    for response times averaging greater than [**]%, ADP pays Kronos a bonus of
     $[**] for that quarter

On-Site Service Call:

Request  must be received  from ADP help desk  before  3:00 P.M.  EST to respond
[**], Monday-Friday, Kronos holidays excluded.

Beyond  [**],  the  service  will be through  the Kronos  Repair  Center  (Depot
Exchange).  If ADP specifically requests on-site services [**], Kronos will make
reasonable efforts not to exceed [**] response time.

Hardware Installation:

Request must be received  from ADP help desk between 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. EST,
Monday-Friday,  Kronos holidays excluded. ADP will notify Kronos [**] in advance
before scheduling an on-site installation.

Hardware De-Installation:

Request must be received  from ADP help desk between 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. EST,
Monday-Friday,  Kronos holidays excluded. ADP will notify Kronos [**] in advance
before scheduling an on-site De-Installation

Hardware Move:

Request must be received  from ADP help desk between 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. EST,
Monday-Friday,  Kronos holidays excluded. ADP will notify Kronos [**] in advance
before scheduling an on-site Hardware Move.

Hardware Dead Run:

o    ADP will pay the associated fee if a Service Representative goes on-site in
     response to a service call and the ADP customer refuses the service for any

o    ADP must have initiated the service request.

Hardware Repair Center (Depot Exchange):

Request  must  be  received   from  ADP  from  8:00  A.M.  to  8:00  P.M.   EST,
Monday-Friday, Kronos holidays excluded.

ADP is required to own the field  inventory for  replacement  Hardware and spare
parts but Kronos shall bear the risk of loss for such field  inventory,  so long
as it is in Kronos'  custody.  Based upon ADP's installed base of  approximately
16,000 units of Hardware,  Kronos recommended that ADP have 360-400 Hardware for
adequate  field  inventory.  ADP  agrees to  notify  Kronos  in  writing  if the
installed  base of  Hardwares  goes up  [**]% or  greater,  so that  Kronos  can
appropriately adjust its field inventory recommendation.

ADP's services billings must equal or exceed $[**] for any quarter.  If ADP does
not pay Kronos at least $[**] for actual  services (as described in this Exhibit
F) in a  quarter,  ADP agrees to pay  Kronos an amount  sufficient  to bring the
total paid for services to $[**] for that quarter.  Kronos will invoice ADP for,
and ADP will pay  Kronos  any such  amounts  within  [**]  after  the end of the
applicable quarter.

The prices  herein are only offered as a complete  services  package and are not
available as separately priced items.

Kronos does not provide  on-site  support  for the RSI hand punch  devices.

The  services   descriptions  and  pricing  above  is  applicable  only  in  the
continental United States. For Canada, only depot exchange is applicable.


On-Site Per Incident Pricing:

On-site  service for Kronos TK 400's is priced on a per  incident  basis to ADP.
For every  service  call  dispatched  by ADP's  help desk to a Kronos  dealer or
district office there will be a fee of $[**] to go on-site.  If it is determined
at that call that a part needs to be replaced,  a Field  Replaceable  Unit (FRU)
will be exchanged for an additional  $[**].  This $[**] will include the repair,
replacement,  and  refurbishment  through  the  Kronos  repair  center.  If it's
determined that the FRU is not defective in the Kronos Repair Center,  the $[**]
charge to ADP for repair will be waived. If it is determined at that call that a
peripheral  part needs to be replaced  (i.e.  internal  modem,  I/O board,  Bell
Relay) a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) will be exchanged for an additional $[**].
This $[**] will include the replacement  through the Kronos Repair Center. If it
is  determined  that the  peripheral  part is not defective in the Kronos Repair
Center,  the $[**] charge to ADP for repair will be waived. The Kronos dealer or
district service  representative will be expected to have the necessary parts to
repair the unit when they  arrive for the  service  call.  The Kronos  dealer or
district  service  representative  will give their best effort to reprogram  the
Hardware to the state it was before the malfunction.  The $[**]on-site cost will
be  waived  for any  additional  on-site  call  that is a  result  of a  service
representative not having the correct part to resolve the original service call.

          On-Site Cost                               $[**]

          Repair and Replacement Cost                $[**]

          Peripheral Part Replacement Cost           $[**]

Hardware Installation Pricing:

On-site  installation for Kronos TK 400's is priced on a per installation  basis
to ADP. For every  installation  dispatched  by ADP to Kronos dealer or district
office there will be a fee of $[**] for the first  Hardware  installed and $[**]
for each additional Hardware installed in the same location on the same trip. If
an installation  has remote locations they will be priced at $[**] for the first
Hardware  installed and $[**] for each additional unit of Hardware  installed in
that  same  remote  location  on the same  trip.  If an  additional  install  is
requested in the future which would require a separate trip,  that  installation
would be charged at $[**] for the first  Hardware  installed  and $[**] for each
additional unit of Hardware installed.

           Install of First Hardware                  $[**]

           Install of each additional Hardware
           (on the same trip)                         $[**]

De-Installation Pricing:

On-site de-installation for TK 400's is priced on a per de-installation basis to
ADP. For every de-installation  dispatched by ADP to a Kronos dealer or district
office there will be an on-site fee of $[**] for the first Hardware de-installed
and $[**] for each additional  de-install in the same location on the same trip.
If a de-installation has remote locations,  they will be priced at $[**] for the
first Hardware  de-installed  and $[**] for each  additional unit of Hardware in
that same  remote  location on the same trip.  If an  additional  de-install  is
requested   in  the  future   which  would   require  a  separate   trip,   that
de-installation  would be charged at $[**] for the first  Hardware  de-installed
and  $[**] for each  additional  Hardware  de-installed  on the same  trip.  The
Hardware that are de-installed will be shipped to the Kronos repair center to be
refurbished for $[**].

           De-installation of First Hardware           $[**]

           De-installation of each additional
           Hardware (on the same trip)                 $[**]

Hardware Move Pricing:

On-site moves for TK 400's are priced on a per move basis to ADP. For every move
of a Hardware dispatched by ADP to a Kronos dealer or district office there will
be a fee of $[**] for the  first  Hardware  moved and $[**] for each  additional
unit of Hardware  moved in the same  location  on the same trip.  The pricing is
similar to an install due to the same time and service requirements.  The Kronos
dealer or  district  service  representative  will  give  their  best  effort to
reprogram the Hardware to its originate state before it was moved. If a Hardware
move has remote  locations,  they will be priced at $[**] for the first Hardware
moved and $[**] for each  additional  unit of Hardware moved in that same remote
location on the same trip.  If an  additional  Hardware move is requested in the
future which would require a separate trip,  that Hardware move would be charged
at $[**] for the first  Hardware  moved and $[**] for each  additional  Hardware
moved on the same trip.

            Move of First Hardware                     $[**]

            Move of each additional Hardware
            (on the same trip)                         $[**]

Dead Run Pricing:

ADP will be billed $[**] if a Kronos  district or dealer service  representative
goes on-site to a service call or an implementation and the customer refuses the
service for any  reason.  This  service  call or  implementation  must have been
initiated by ADP to go on-site.

             Dead Run Cost                             $[**]

 Depot Exchange:

Kronos will ship a replacement unit to a customer via next day service,  for all
calls received prior to 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  Monday-Friday,  Kronos
holidays  excluded.  All calls received after 3:00 P.M.  Eastern  Standard Time,
Monday-Friday,  Kronos  holidays  excluded,  will be  shipped  on the  following
business  day.  ADP's help desk is required to validate the problem in question.
All Hardware shipped from the Depot Center is at the latest revision, and Kronos
pays freight both ways.  A prepaid UPS shipping  document is included  with each
shipment.  The ADP customer is required to return the failed  Hardware to Kronos
in the same container and packaging in which the  replacement  was sent.  Kronos
will  give a [**]  day  timeframe  for  Hardware  to be  returned  from  the ADP
customers to the Kronos repair center. After the [**]days,  ADP will be invoiced
for,  and  agrees  to pay,  the  full  price of the  Hardware.  It will be ADP's
responsibility to manage Hardware returns after the [**] day timeframe.

             Depot Exchange Cost                       $[**]

Testing. All records of inspections and tests of Hardware will be made available
to ADP for review during regular  business hours upon  reasonable  prior notice.
ADP or its designee shall also have the right to witness Kronos' inspections and
tests during regular business hours upon reasonable prior notice.

Spare Parts:

a)   For a period of [**] after the date of the last shipment of Hardware  under
     this Agreement,  Kronos shall make commercially  obtainable spare parts for
     the Hardware available to ADP if available through Kronos'  suppliers,  and
     if Kronos  makes  such  spare  parts  available  to its own  customers  and
     dealers. During the term of this Agreement,  spare parts shall be priced in
     accordance   with  Kronos'   published   dealer  spare  parts  price  list.
     Thereafter, spare parts shall be priced at Kronos' then effective price.

(i)  Orders for spare parts  placed on a "rush"  basis and received by Kronos on
     or  before  12:00  noon  eastern  standard  time,  Monday  through  Friday,
     exclusive of Kronos  holidays,  will be shipped to ADP on the day the order
     is received,  so long as the spare part is in Kronos' stock at the time the
     order  is  placed.  Kronos  will  charge  ADP  $[**]  for each  rush  order
     processed.  (ii) Orders for in-stock  spare parts not  designated as "rush"
     ordered by ADP will be shipped [**].[**]

3.   Installation, Acceptance and Quality Control

(a)  Kronos shall  assemble and test all Hardware  [**] prior to shipment to ADP
     or ADP Clients.

(b)  If at any time ADP can document  that a greater than [**]%  failure rate on
     Hardware is  experienced  by ADP or any ADP Client in any  sequential  [**]
     items of Hardware delivered or in Hardware delivered during any consecutive
     [**] period,  Kronos shall, at ADP's option and promptly after ADP's demand

(i)  supply on-site  technical  support at ADP's designated  locations to repair
     all  Hardware  [**].  If Kronos  provides  such  on-site  support and it is
     determined  that the  Hardware  is not  defective,  ADP  shall  pay for the
     related service calls at the then existing  standard rate for such service;

(ii) perform a quality audit at Kronos' factory; and/or

(iii)permit  ADP  to  return  all  affected  Hardware  and  all  other  Hardware
     delivered  during the period  such  problems  were  experienced  to Kronos'
     factory for either repair or replacement [**], and [**].

The date ADP and Kronos  mutually  agree that such  quality  problems  have been
cured by Kronos shall be the date ADP executes an acceptance on a written notice
from  Kronos  notifying  ADP  of  such  cure,  which  acceptance  shall  not  be
unreasonably  withheld.  The warranty  period for all Hardware of the same model
designation delivered during a period of quality problems shall be [**] pursuant
to this Section 3(b).

(c)  ADP will  install or arrange for the  installation  of the  Hardware at its
     final destination at its cost and expense, if any.

4.   Hardware Changes

a)   Kronos,  at no  charge to ADP,  reserves  the  right  upon [**] days  prior
     written  notice to ADP, at any time prior to delivery of any  Hardware,  to
     make  changes to the  Hardware  or any  component  modules (i) which do not
     affect  physical  or  functional  interchangeability  or  compatibility  or
     performance  at a higher  level of  assembly,  or (ii)  when  required  for
     purposes  of  safety,  or (iii)  to meet  Kronos'  product  specifications,
     provided,  that in the case of changes  for  purposes  of safety or to meet
     Kronos'  products  specifications,   such  changes  shall  not  affect  the
     Hardware's  physical or functional  interchangeability  or compatibility or
     performance at a higher level of assembly,  and provided  further,  that in
     each of the  above  instances  Kronos  will  supply  ADP  with  engineering
     documentation  with  respect  to  such  changes.  In no  event  shall  such
     engineering  documentation  be  provided  by ADP to any  third  party.  All
     Hardware of the same model designation  purchased by ADP hereunder shall be
     interchangeable  and compatible or, if such Hardware is not interchangeable
     or  compatible,  Kronos  agrees  that it will,  at its  option,  either (i)
     provide  supplemental  spare parts or  subassemblies  to ADP  sufficient to
     maintain  the new  Hardware  at no  charge  to ADP,  or (ii)  make all such
     changes  to  the  previously  delivered  Hardware  so as to  retrofit  such
     Hardware, at no charge to ADP.

b)   Although Kronos shall be under no obligation to do so, ADP may request that
     Kronos make changes in specifications, capabilities and/or configuration to
     the Hardware provided that:

i)   ADP requests such changes in writing not less than [**]days in advance; and

ii)  any  reasonable  delay  in  delivery  of the  Hardware  resulting  from the
     implementation of such changes shall not constitute a breach hereunder; and

iii) ADP pays the cost of any such changes.

c)   Kronos agrees to advise ADP, as promptly as practicable after  announcement
     of any safety changes to any Hardware  previously  purchased by ADP, and to
     deliver to ADP,  without  cost to ADP (so long as such  safety  changes are
     generally  made available by Kronos to its customers on a no charge basis),
     all parts  necessary  to make such  safety  changes so as to  maintain  the
     Hardware  at  its  then  most  current   safety  level.   If  ADP  requests
     installation  of a safety  change by Kronos for which  Kronos  charges  its
     customers, Kronos reserves the right to charge ADP for such services.

5.   Field Change Order

a)   If any  changes,  other than  changes for the  purpose of safety  which are
     covered in Section 4 (c), are in Kronos'  reasonable  opinion,  required in
     order to make any Hardware  sold  hereunder  operate  correctly or meet the
     agreed upon  specifications or comply with the warranties set forth in this
     Agreement,  Kronos shall correct any such  deficiency  and provide ADP with
     adequate  notice of such  change in  accordance  with its  existing  dealer
     notification  process.  In the event of Kronos making such a change, at its
     option,  Kronos may direct the ADP Clients using the Hardware to return the
     Hardware  to Kronos,  at Kronos'  cost,  so that  Kronos may  install  such

b)   In  addition,  it is  recognized  by the  parties  that  there may be other
     changes  which are  designated  to improve the  efficiency  of the Hardware
     which are  optional  field  change  orders.  Within [**] days after  formal
     issuance  of any such  change,  Kronos  shall  make kits of  materials  and
     documentation available to ADP. Such materials and documentation,  together
     with the cost of  implementing  any change,  shall be invoiced by Kronos to
     ADP at the then  appropriate  Kronos dealer price applicable to the unit to
     which such change order applies.

6.   Hardware Documentation

a)   Kronos shall  supply a set of Operating  Manuals with each unit of Hardware
     shipped  hereunder  at no charge to ADP.  ADP may, at its option,  purchase
     additional  sets of the  Operating  Manuals  at the then  current  standard
     dealer price.

b)   Kronos shall  provide ADP with up to  [**]complete  sets of the  applicable
     technical service  documentation  (including diagnostic software) each year
     for the duration of this Agreement at no charge to ADP. Each additional set
     will be at a cost to be  agreed  to by Kronos  and ADP.  ADP may  reproduce
     service  documentation,  at no charge.  Kronos  shall put ADP on  automatic
     distribution  of all service  documentation  at no cost to ADP. Kronos will
     also provide current information on any new or revised course materials and
     provide copies of new materials or aids upon request at Kronos' cost.

c)   It is understood and agreed that all Hardware  Documentation provided under
     this Section 6 (including,  but not limited to Operating Manuals, technical
     service  documentation,  diagnostic  software  and  new or  revised  course
     materials)  shall  constitute  the  Confidential   Information  under  this

                                     ANNEX I

                   "click wrap" "shrink wrap" sublicense terms


                              ADP SOFTWARE LICENSE

The  Software  is the  licensed  and/or  owned  property  of, and  embodies  the
proprietary trade secret technology of ADP and/or its licensor. Unauthorized use
and copying of such Software is prohibited by law,  including  United States and
foreign  copyright  law.  The  price  you pay to ADP  for a copy of the  program
constitutes  a license  fee that  entitles  you to use the  program as set forth
below and if you  discontinue  paying  ADP,  the license is  terminated  and the
provisions of F. below shall apply.

License Terms. ADP grants to Customer a non-exclusive,  nontransferable  License
to use the Software included in this package (the "Software").  This License may
be terminated by ADP by written  notice to Customer upon any material  breach by
Customer.  This  License  is  subject  to all of the  terms  of this  Agreement,
including those set forth below:

A.   Customer  recognizes  and agrees  that the  license to use the  Software is
     limited,  based  upon the  amount  of the  license  fee  paid by  Customer.
     Limitations  may include the number of  employees,  simultaneous  or active
     users, product modules,  features,  computer model and serial number and/or
     the number of terminals to which the Software is permitted to be connected.
     Customer  agrees to: 1) use the Software  only for the number of employees,
     simultaneous  or active  users,  computer  model and serial  number  and/or
     terminals  permitted by the applicable license fee; 2) use only the product
     modules and/or features permitted by the applicable license fee; and 3) use
     the Software only in support of Customer's  own business.  Customer  agrees
     not to increase  the number of  employees,  simultaneous  or active  users,
     terminals,  product  modules,  or  features,  or to upgrade  the model,  as
     applicable,  unless and until  Customer  pays the  applicable  fee for such
     increase or upgrade.  Customer may not relicense or sublicense the Software
     to, or  otherwise  permit use of the  Software  (including  timesharing  or
     networking use) by any third party. Customer may not provide service bureau
     or other data processing services that make use of the Software without the
     express  prior  written  consent  of ADP.  Customer  may  use any  embedded
     database or remote support  software only in conjunction  with ADP products
     and services.

B.   Customer  may use the  computer  programs  included  in the  Software  (the
     "Programs")  in object  code form  only,  and  shall not  reverse  compile,
     disassemble   or  otherwise   convert  the  Programs  into   uncompiled  or
     unassembled code.

C.   Customer may copy the  Programs  only as  reasonably  necessary to load and
     execute the Programs and for backup purposes. All copies of the Programs or
     any part thereof,  whether in printed or machine  readable form and whether
     on storage media or otherwise,  are the licensed  and/or owned  property of
     ADP and are subject to all the terms of this License, and all copies of the
     Programs  or any part of the  Programs  shall  include  the  copyright  and
     proprietary  rights  notices  contained in the Programs as delivered to the

D.   Customer may not sell,  assign,  convey, or otherwise transfer the Software
     to any third party without the prior written consent of ADP.

E.   In the event that ADP supplies  updates,  corrections,  modifications,  new
     versions or new  releases  of the  Software,  (collectively  referred to as
     "Updates"),  such Updates shall be part of the Software and the  provisions
     of this License shall apply to such Updates and to the Software as modified
     thereby.  If an Update is provided,  Customer may utilize either the Update
     or prior version of the Software, but never both at the same time.

F.   Customer  may  terminate  this  License at any time by returning to ADP the
     original  copy of the  Software  and  destroying  all  other  copies of the
     Software.(1) Upon  termination  of this License by ADP,  Customer will also
     return the  original  Software to ADP and  destroy all other  copies of the

G.   Customer shall be solely  responsible for compliance  with any laws,  rules
     and  regulations  governing  the export of the  Software  outside the U.S..
     Customer   shall  not  export  or  re-export  the  Software,   directly  or
     indirectly,  without  first  obtaining  the  written  approval  or required
     license  from the U.S.  Department  of Commerce or any other  agency of the
     U.S. Government having  jurisdiction over such transaction.  The assurances
     in this Section shall survive termination of this License.

Limited Warranty.  ADP warrants to Customer that the media on which the Programs
are recorded shall be free from defects in materials or manufacture under normal
use for a period of 90 days from the date of  shipment  of the  media.  Programs
found to have a defect in the media will be replaced at no charge to Customer if
returned to ADP within such 90 day period.  If the defect results from accident,
abuse or  mishandling or Customer's  failure to provide a suitable  installation
environment, ADP will have no responsibility to replace the media.

(1) For avoidance of doubt or confusion,  notwithstanding  the  substantive  tex
above in  these  Annexes,  certain  ADP  clients'  agreements  with ADP  contain
specified  contract term lengths that cannot be shortened by the client (without
consequence to the client) merely by returning  software to ADP. Same applies to
Shrinkwrap terms.


Limitation  of  Liability.  ADP's entire  liability  to Customer and  Customer's
exclusive  remedy shall be replacement of defective  media as provided above, or
if ADP is  unable  to  deliver  a  replacement  that is free of  media  defects,
Customer may terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the License fee.


Nondisclosure.  The Programs,  terms, pricing and all information  identified as
confidential  under  this  Agreement  are  considered  confidential  information
("Confidential   Information").   Confidential  Information  shall  not  include
information  that: a) becomes part of the public domain  without  breach of this
Agreement by Customer; b) has been published or is generally known to the public
at the  time of its  disclosure  to  Customer;  c) was at the  time  of  receipt
otherwise  lawfully  known to  Customer;  or d) is  disclosed  with the  written
approval of ADP. Customer agrees not to make Confidential  Information available
in any form to any third party and not to use  Confidential  Information for any
purpose other than the implementation of this Agreement. Customer agrees to take
all reasonable steps to ensure that Confidential Information is not disclosed in
violation of the terms of this Agreement.

U.S.   Government   Restricted   Rights.  The  Software  and  written  materials
accompanying the Software are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication,
or  disclosure  by the  Government  is  subject  to  restrictions  set  forth in
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer  Software
clause at DFARS  252.227-7013 or subparagraphs  (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
Computer Software Restricted Rights 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.  Contractor
is ADP,  Inc.,  1 ADP  Boulevard,  Roseland,  NJ 07068.  Manufacturer  is Kronos
Incorporated,  297  Billerica  Road,  Chelmsford,  Massachusetts  01824.  Kronos
reserves all rights under the copyright laws of the United States.

General. No action, regardless of form, may be brought by either party more than
one (1) year after the cause of action  has  arisen,  except  that an action for
non-payment may be brought by ADP within two (2) years after the last payment by

This License Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey.

Click here to  acknowledge  you have read and accept these  license terms and to
access the Software.

ACCEPT _____                        DECLINE/DO NOT ACCEPT ______

ADP is a registered trademark of ADP of North America, Inc.

(C)Automatic Data Processing, Inc.  2003

                          ANNEX I: ADP SOFTWARE LICENSE


If you do not agree to these terms and conditions,  you may return the media and
the other components of this product to the place from which you acquired it and
obtain a  refund.  No  refund  will be given if the seal has been  broken on the

The  Software  is the  licensed  and/or  owned  property  of, and  embodies  the
proprietary trade secret technology of ADP and/or its licensor. Unauthorized use
and copying of such Software is prohibited by law,  including  United States and
foreign  copyright  law.  The  price  you pay to ADP  for a copy of the  program
constitutes  a license  fee that  entitles  you to use the  program as set forth
below and if you  discontinue  paying  ADP,  the license is  terminated  and the
provisions of F. below shall apply.

License Terms. ADP grants to Customer a non-exclusive,  nontransferable  License
to use the Soft-ware included in this package (the "Software"). This License may
be terminated by ADP by written  notice to Customer upon any material  breach by
Customer.  This  License  is  subject  to all of the  terms  of this  Agreement,
including those set forth below:

A.   Customer  recognizes  and agrees  that the  license to use the  Software is
     limited,  based  upon the  amount  of the  license  fee  paid by  Customer.
     Limitations  may include the number of  employees,  simultaneous  or active
     users, prod-uct modules, features,  computer model and serial number and/or
     the number of terminals to which the Software is permitted to be connected.
     Customer  agrees to: 1) use the Soft-ware only for the number of employees,
     simultaneous  or active  users,  computer  model and serial  number  and/or
     terminals  permitted by the applicable license fee; 2) use only the product
     modules and/or features permitted by the applicable license fee; and 3) use
     the Soft-ware only in support of Customer's own business.  Customer  agrees
     not to increase  the number of  employees,  simultaneous  or active  users,
     terminals,  product  modules,  or  features,  or to upgrade  the model,  as
     applicable,  unless and until  Customer  pays the  applicable  fee for such
     increase or upgrade.  Customer may not relicense or sublicense the Software
     to, or  otherwise  permit use of the  Software  (including  timesharing  or
     networking use) by any third party. Customer may not provide service bureau
     or other data processing services that make use of the Software without the
     express  prior  written  consent  of ADP.  Customer  may  use any  embedded
     database or remote support  software only in conjunction  with ADP products
     and services.

B.   Customer  may use the  computer  programs  included  in the  Software  (the
     "Programs")  in object  code form  only,  and  shall not  reverse  compile,
     disassemble   or  otherwise   convert  the  Programs  into   uncompiled  or
     unassembled code.

C.   Customer may copy the  Programs  only as  reasonably  necessary to load and
     execute the Programs and for backup purposes. All copies of the Programs or
     any part thereof,  whether in printed or machine  readable form and whether
     on storage media or otherwise,  are the licensed  and/or owned  property of
     ADP and are subject to all the terms of this License, and all copies of the
     Programs  or any part of the  Programs  shall  include  the  copyright  and
     proprietary  rights  notices  contained in the Programs as delivered to the

D.   Customer may not sell,  assign,  convey, or otherwise transfer the Software
     to any third party without the prior written consent of ADP.

E.   In the event that ADP supplies  updates,  co-rections,  modifications,  new
     versions or new  releases  of the  Software,  (collectively  referred to as
     "Updates"),  such Updates shall be part of the Software and the  provisions
     of this License shall apply to such Updates and to the Software as modified
     thereby.  If an Update is provided,  Customer may utilize either the Update
     or prior version of the Software, but never both at the same time.

F.   Customer  may  terminate  this  License at any time by returning to ADP the
     original  copy of the  Software  and  destroying  all  other  copies of the
     Software.  Upon  termination  of this  License by ADP,  Customer  will also
     return the  original  Soft-ware  to ADP and destroy all other copies of the

G.   Customer shall be solely  responsible for compliance  with any laws,  rules
     and  regulations  governing  the export of the  Software  outside the U.S..
     Customer   shall  not  export  or  re-export  the  Software,   directly  or
     indirectly,  without  first  obtaining  the  written  approval  or required
     license  from the U.S.  Department  of Commerce or any other  agency of the
     U.S. Government having  jurisdiction over such transaction.  The assurances
     in this Section shall survive termination of this License.

Limited Warranty.  ADP warrants to Customer that the media on which the Programs
are recorded shall be free from defects in materials or manufacture under normal
use for a period of 90 days from the date of  shipment  of the  media.  Programs
found to have a defect in the media will be replaced at no charge to Customer if
returned to ADP within such 90 day period.  If the defect results from accident,
abuse or  mishandling or Customer's  failure to provide a suitable  installation
environment,  ADP will have no  responsibility  to replace the media.  EXCEPT AS

Limitation  of  Liability.  ADP's entire  liability  to Customer and  Customer's
exclusive  remedy shall be replacement of defective  media as provided above, or
if ADP is  unable  to  deliver  a  replacement  that is free of  media  defects,
Customer may terminate  this  Agreement and receive a refund of the License fee.

Nondisclosure.  The Programs,  terms, pricing and all information  identified as
confidential  under  this  Agreement  are  considered  confidential  information
("Confidential   Information").   Confidential  Information  shall  not  include
information  that: a) becomes part of the public domain  without  breach of this
Agreement by Customer; b) has been published or is generally known to the public
at the  time of its  disclosure  to  Customer;  c) was at the  time  of  receipt
otherwise  lawfully  known to  Customer;  or d) is  disclosed  with the  written
approval of ADP. Customer agrees not to make Confidential  Information available
in any form to any third party and not to use  Confidential  Information for any
purpose other than the implementation of this Agreement. Customer agrees to take
all reasonable steps to ensure that Confidential Information is not disclosed in
violation of the terms of this Agreement.

U.S.   Government   Restricted  Rights.  The  Soft-ware  and  written  materials
accompanying   the  Soft-ware  are  provided  with   RESTRICTED   RIGHTS.   Use,
duplication,  or disclosure by the  Government  is subject to  restrictions  set
forth in subparagraph  (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS  252.227-7013 or  sub-paragraphs  (c)(1) and (2) of the
Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights 48 CFR 52.227-19,  as applicable.
Contractor is ADP, Inc., 1 ADP Boulevard,  Roseland,  NJ 07643.  Manufacturer is
Kronos Incorporated, 297 Billerica Road, Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824. Kronos
reserves all rights under the copyright laws of the United States.

General. No action, regardless of form, may be brought by either party more than
one (1) year after the cause of action  has  arisen,  except  that an action for
non-payment may be brought by ADP within two (2) years after the last payment by
Customer.  This License  Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
New Jersey. Part No. 9900771-001 Rev. A