Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

[X]  Annual  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 

For the fiscal year ended              September 30, 1996


[ ]  Transition  Report  Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
For the transition period from ______________________ to ______________________ 

Commission file number                 0-20109
                               Kronos Incorporated
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     Massachusetts                                          04-2640942
- - -------------------------------                         ------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                         (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                          Identification No.)

                       400 Fifth Avenue, Waltham MA 02154
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (617) 890-3232

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                     Common Stock, $0.01 par value per share

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes X    No
                                       ---     --- 
         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ X ]


         State  the  aggregate   market  value  of  the  voting  stock  held  by
non-affiliates of the registrant.

                             Non-Affiliate Voting                  Aggregate
     Date                    Shares Outstanding                  Market Value
November 30, 1996                7,075,763                       $201,659,246

         Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the  registrant's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

     Date                              Class                 Outstanding Shares
                               Common Stock, $0.01 par
November 30, 1996                 value per share                8,132,450


The Company's  definitive proxy statement dated December 13, 1996 for the Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  to be held on  January  31,  1997  (Part  III - Items
10,11,12 and 13).


                                     PART I

Item 1.  Business

         Kronos  Incorporated  (the  "Company" or "Kronos")  designs,  develops,
manufactures  and markets time and  attendance,  workforce  management  and shop
floor  data  collection   systems,   and   application   software  that  enhance
productivity in the workplace. The Company's systems consist of fully integrated
software and intelligent data collection terminals.  Kronos(R) also maintains an
extensive service and technical support  organization  which provides a suite of
maintenance, professional and educational services. The Company was organized in
1977 as a Massachusetts corporation.

Products and Services

         Kronos' products include  fully-integrated  software,  intelligent data
collection  terminals and related components for time and attendance,  workforce
management  and shop floor data  collection  systems  and  value-added  software
designed to expand the functions of its systems. These products are designed for
a wide range of businesses and applications from single-user to large multi-site
enterprises. In addition, the Company maintains an extensive service and support
organization   that  is  responsible  for  maintaining   systems  and  providing
professional  and educational  services.  To date, the majority of the Company's
revenues and profits have been derived from its time and attendance  systems and

Time and Attendance, Workforce Management and Shop Floor Data Collection Systems

         Kronos'  Time and  Attendance  and  Workforce  Management  systems  are
designed to operate  independently  or in conjunction with other Kronos systems,
or to interface with third party systems. The Shop Floor Data Collection systems
are  designed  to  operate  independently  or  to  interface  with  third  party
Manufacturing Resource Planning ("MRP") systems.

         The software incorporated in Kronos' systems is parameter-driven, which
allows it to be configured upon  installation to meet the needs of an individual
customer and  reconfigured  as customer  needs  evolve.  Currently,  the Company
offers  various  releases of its software  which run on such  popular  operating
systems as Windows, UNIX, DOS, and VMS. The Company's new client/server time and
attendance  system runs on Windows 95 and Windows NT and integrates with Oracle,
Informix and Microsoft databases.  In addition, the Company offers an IBM AS/400
based time and attendance package and shop floor data collection package.


         Kronos provides a wide range of data collection  options to accommodate
various  work  environments  and markets  and to satisfy  the  price/performance
requirements of its customers.  The Company manufactures a family of intelligent
data collection  terminals  which collect time and attendance and  factory-floor
data via keypad,  bar code readers,  lasers and charged  coupled  device ("CCD")
scanners.  Terminal  choices include  wall-mounted,  desk-mounted  and hand-held
devices  which are  available  in various  sizes and  models,  some of which are
designed  to operate in harsh  environments.  The Company  also  offers  desktop
computer and telephone based data collection options.  The Company believes that
the functions  and features of its data  collection  options  provide it with an
important advantage over its competition.

Major Systems

         The major systems currently offered by the Company include:

Time and Attendance Systems.  The Timekeeper  Central(R),  Timekeeper(R)/AS  and
Timekeeper(R)  C/S Systems  are  designed to reduce  payroll  preparation  time,
consistently  apply payroll  rules,  improve labor  scheduling and control labor
costs.  These systems  automatically  calculate employee hours data according to
the payroll policies of the individual customer,  which are configured using the
parameter  capabilities  of  the  systems.  In  these  systems,  information  is
consolidated  into a  number  of  standard  labor  management  reports  such  as
absenteeism,  tardiness,  projected  overtime,  on-premises,  and budget  versus
actual costs.  The Company's new  client/server  system,  Timekeeper C/S, offers
open database  connectivity  and more powerful  query and reporting  tools.  The
Company's time and attendance systems work in conjunction with a variety of data
collection methods described above.

Shop Floor Data  Collection  Systems.  The ShopTrac Data  Collection  System and
Timekeeper/AS   Labor  Data  Collection   System  consist  of  intelligent  data
collection  terminals and a suite of software  applications for use primarily in
manufacturing plants. They are designed for manufacturers who build product in a
series of steps, such as job shops, work order based environments and repetitive
manufacturing.  The systems capture labor and material data to provide real time
information  on cost,  location and  completion  time.  This  includes  time and
attendance  data  to  provide  information  for  the  basis  of  managing  labor
resources;  labor  allocation data for the  measurement of costs;  the status of
work-in-process  for  communication  to  MRP,  quality  control  and  production
planning systems as well as quality control data.

Workforce  Management System.  The Workforce  Management System is an integrated
labor management  solution developed for the retail and hospitality  markets. It
consists of several integrated  modules,  including Business  Forecaster,  which
predicts the level of activity a location  can expect by analyzing  key business
volume  indicators,  and WorkForce  Planner,  which then applies the appropriate
work standards to generate the correct  staffing level required for the expected
level of  business.  The core of the system is the Smart  Scheduler(TM)  module,
which  combines data from the WorkForce  Planner,  along with detailed  employee
information about skill level, availability, seniority and work preferences, and
produces a  complete,  detailed  work  schedule.  This  information  can then be
integrated  with the  applicable  Kronos  time and  attendance  system  enabling
management  to compare  actual  labor costs to budgeted  costs.  Together  these


modules provide a full set of tools to increase productivity, manage labor costs
and meet customer service goals.

 Value-Added Software

         The Company offers optional application software designed to expand and
enhance the range of  functions  performed by its time and  attendance  and shop
floor data collection systems. Such software includes the following:

Kronos Scheduling Module. The Kronos Scheduling Module assists in the process of
creating and  assigning  employee  schedules  and reports to help  managers make
labor scheduling decisions.

Kronos Archive Program.  The Kronos Archive Program is designed to automatically
perform  long-term record keeping by accumulating  labor hours,  absences,  late
arrivals, vacation time and wages.

Kronos  CardSaver(R)  Module.  The Kronos CardSaver Module  automatically  saves
employee  in and out data for wage and hour  inquiries,  performance  reviews or
resolving employee grievances.

Kronos Accruals Module.  The Kronos Accrual Module provides added  functionality
by automatically  calculating the balances of each employee's  available benefit
time  ensuring  that  benefit  time is  administered  fairly,  consistently  and
automatically across all classes of employees.

Kronos  Attendance   Tracker  Module.   The  Kronos  Attendance  Tracker  module
systematically records and documents all types of employee absences and provides
for attendance and performance data to be reported in detail or summary reports.

Other Products

         The Company markets Time Bank, a product which provides an interface to
most major payroll service bureau software and also supports interfaces to major
human resources and automated  scheduling based systems.  The Company  purchases
this product from a third party. The Company's  Gatekeeper(R) product is used in
access control applications and can limit access to only authorized personnel or
allow scheduled access based on schedules in the Timekeeper  Central system. The
Kronos  TeleTime(R)  System  allows  customer  telephones to serve as data input
devices.  This product  incorporates  technology  which is licensed from a third
party.  The Company also markets  products  called ACES and ACES PLUS,  which it
obtains  from a third  party,  and which use  optical  scanning  mark  sensitive
technology  to read  data  from  forms  and  transmit  that  data to a time  and
attendance database. The Company also offers an imaging system, ImageKeeper(TM),
which  utilizes  high-resolution  video  imaging  to create  and  store  digital
photographs and signatures of employees.  Finally,  the Company markets a number
of other accessories to its products including badges,  traditional badge making
equipment, time cards, bar code labels and modems.


Services and Support

         Kronos   maintains  an   extensive   service  and   technical   support
organization which provides a suite of maintenance, professional and educational
services.  A range of  maintenance  services  are  available  for  hardware  and
software and are delivered through either the Company's Global Support Center or
through  local  service  personnel.  The  Company's  wide range of  professional
services  include  project  management,  technical  consulting as well as system
integration  and  optimization.  When  necessary,  the Company may also  provide
customized  software to meet its customers'  unique software  requirements.  The
Company's  educational  services  provide  a full  range of local  classroom  or
computer-based training courses.

Marketing and Sales

         Kronos  markets and sells its  products in the United  States and other
countries  through  its  direct  sales  and  support  organization  and  through
independent  dealers.  In addition,  the Company has a joint marketing agreement
with ADP, Inc.  ("ADP").  Under the terms of the  agreement,  which was recently
extended to the year 2001,  ADP markets a  proprietary  version of the Company's
PC-based time and attendance  software,  together with data collection terminals
manufactured by the Company. The product is offered to both new and existing ADP
clients, and is now also available in a customer-installable version.

         The Company  recognizes  that the  information  needs of  businesses in
various industries continue to be increasingly specialized and sophisticated. As
a result,  the  Company's  marketing,  field  sales and  service  personnel  are
organized into industry specific  divisions.  These divisions focus on the needs
of the manufacturing,  healthcare,  retail/hospitality and  government/education
markets. These divisions operate with the following objectives:

         o        To gain expertise in their  respective  industry  environments
                  and pursue opportunities for growth and product leadership.

         o        To focus  engineering  and  marketing  resources  on  industry
                  specific  product  development  efforts  required  to  deliver
                  products and services that meet those industry needs.

         o        Develop long-term business relationships with select industry 

         o        Educate and train industry specific sales and service staff.

         Focusing  on  industry  specific  divisions  permits  Kronos  to better
understand   the  needs  of  its  customers  and  to  respond   quickly  to  the
opportunities presented by these markets.


Direct Sales Organization

         In fiscal  1996 the  Company  re-aligned  its field  sales and  service
personnel into the industry  specific teams discussed  above. The Company has 37
direct sales and support offices located in the United States. In addition,  the
Company has two sales and support offices  located in Canada,  two in the United
Kingdom,  one in Mexico  and,  as of July 1996,  two in South  Africa and one in
Australia.  Each direct sales office covers a defined  territory,  and has sales
and support functions.

         For the fiscal  years ended  September  30,  1996,  1995 and 1994,  the
Company's  international  subsidiaries  generated  net  revenues of  $8,025,000,
$5,598,000 and  $3,620,000,  respectively.  Total assets at these  locations for
these periods were $5,496,000, $2,868,000 and $2,196,000, respectively.


         Kronos also markets and sells its products through  independent dealers
within designated geographic territories generally not covered by Kronos' direct
sales offices.  These dealers provide sales,  support, and installation services
for Kronos' products. There are presently approximately 40 dealers in the United
States actively selling and supporting Kronos' products. Kronos also has dealers
in Australia,  Argentina,  Canada, Guam, Guatemala,  Guyana, Hong Kong, Jamaica,
Malaysia,  Mexico,  Netherland  Antilles,  Panama,  Phillipines,   Puerto  Rico,
Singapore,  and the West Indies. Sales to independent  international dealers for
the years ended  September 30, 1996, 1995 and 1994 were  $2,367,000,  $2,508,000
and  $1,659,000,  respectively.  Kronos  supports  its  dealers  with  training,
technical assistance, and major account marketing assistance.


         The Company estimates it has an installed base of approximately 100,000
customer sites.  End-users of the Company's  products range from small companies
with  as few as  five  employees  to  some  of the  world's  largest  multi-site

         The Company  believes that the dollar amount of backlog is not material
to an  understanding  of its  business.  Although  the Company has  contracts to
supply  systems  to  certain   customers  over  an  extended   period  of  time,
substantially  all of the Company's product revenue in each quarter results from
orders received in that quarter.

Product Development

         The Company's product  development efforts are focused on enhancing and
increasing the performance of its existing products, developing new products and
developing  interfaces to third party  products to meet customer  needs.  During
1996, 1995 and 1994, Kronos' engineering, research and development expenses were
$12,730,000,  $8,192,000 and  $5,593,000,  respectively.  The Company intends to
continue to commit substantial resources to enhance and extend its product lines
and  develop  interfaces  to third  party  products.  Although  the  Company  is
continually  seeking to further  enhance  its  product  offerings,  develop  new


products  and to develop  interfaces  to third party  products,  there can be no
assurance that these efforts will succeed, or that, if successful,  such product
enhancements or new products will achieve widespread market acceptance,  or that
the  Company's  competitors  will not  develop  and  market  products  which are
superior to the Company's products or achieve greater market acceptance.


         The Company's  operations  constitute a single  segment within the data
collection  industry--the  design,  development,  manufacture  and  marketing of
integrated  time  and  attendance,  workforce  management  and shop  floor  data
collection systems that enhance productivity in the workplace.

         The industry is highly  competitive,  and although the Company believes
it has certain  technological and other advantages over its current competitors,
maintaining such advantages will require continued  investment by the Company in
research and development, and sales and marketing. Competition could increase as
competitors in related  industries,  such as human resources and payroll,  enter
the market. Advances in software development tools have accelerated the software
development process and,  therefore,  can allow competitors to penetrate certain
of the Company's markets.

         The  Company  competes  primarily  on the  basis of  price/performance,
quality,  reliability and customer service. In the time and attendance industry,
the Company  competes  against  firms that sell  automated  time and  attendance
products to many industries (typically to customers with 250 employees or less),
against  firms that focus on  particular  industries,  and against firms selling
related products, such as payroll or human resources products.

Proprietary Rights

         The  Company  relies on a  combination  of patents,  copyrights,  trade
secret law and contracts to protect its proprietary technology.

         The Company  generally  provides  software  products to end-users under
non-exclusive  shrink-wrap licenses or under signed licenses,  both of which may
be terminated by Kronos if the end-user breaches the terms of the license. These
licenses  generally require that the software be used only internally subject to
certain  limitations,  such as the  number  of  employees,  simultaneous  users,
computer  model and  serial  number,  features  and/or  terminals  for which the
end-user has paid the required  license fee. The Company  authorizes its dealers
to sublicense  software  products to end-users  under similar terms.  In certain
circumstances,  the Company also makes  master  software  licenses  available to
end-users  which  permit  either a  specified  limited  number  of  copies or an
unlimited  number of copies of the  software to be made for internal  use.  Some
major customers license software products under individually negotiated terms.

         Despite  these  precautions,  it may be possible  to copy or  otherwise
obtain and use the Company's  products or technology without  authorization.  In
addition,  effective copyright and trade secret protection may be unavailable or
limited in certain foreign countries.


         The  Company  has  registered   trademarks   for  Kronos,   Timekeeper,
Timekeeper  Central,  Jobkeeper,   Jobkeeper  Central,  Datakeeper,   Datakeeper
Central,  Gatekeeper,   Gatekeeper  Central,  TeleTime,  TimeMaker,   CardSaver,
ShopTrac,  the ShopTrac logo, Start.Time,  Keep.Trac,  Solution In A Box and the
Company's logo in the United States. In addition,  certain  trademarks have been
obtained or are in process in various foreign countries.

         The Company purchases the Time Bank payroll  interface  software from a
single vendor for resale in certain of its time accounting systems. Although the
Company believes its relationship  with this vendor is good, any interruption or
termination of the Company's  right to resell such software could delay shipment
of certain of the  Company's  products  and require the Company to write its own
software to perform this  function.  Although  the Company  believes it would be
able to  produce  its own  payroll  interface  software,  any delay or  problems
encountered  in doing so could  temporarily  and adversely  affect the Company's
results of operations.

Manufacturing and Sources of Supply

         The  duplication  of  the  Company's   software  and  the  printing  of
documentation  are  outsourced  to  suppliers.  The Company  currently  has four
suppliers who have been certified to the Company's manufacturing  specifications
to perform the software  duplication  process.  The  Company's  data  collection
terminals are assembled from the printed  circuit board level in its facility in
Chelmsford,  Massachusetts.  Although most of the parts and components  included
within the Company's  products are available  from multiple  suppliers,  certain
parts and components are purchased from single suppliers. The Company has chosen
to source  these  items  from  single  suppliers  because it  believes  that the
supplier  chosen is able to  consistently  provide the Company  with the highest
quality product at a competitive price on a timely basis.  While the Company has
to date been able to obtain adequate supplies of these parts and components, the
Company's  inability to transition to alternate sources on a timely basis if and
as  required  in the  future  could  result in delays or  reductions  in product
shipments which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's  operating


         As of December 9, 1996,  the Company had 1,235  employees.  None of the
Company's  employees is  represented by a union or other  collective  bargaining
agent, and the Company considers its relations with its employees to be good.


Item 2.  Properties

         The Company leases approximately 73,000 square feet at its headquarters
in  Waltham,  Massachusetts  and  leases 46 sales and  support  offices  located
throughout North America,  Europe, Africa and Australia. The Company also leases
a total of  approximately  165,000  square  feet in two  facilities  located  in
Chelmsford,   Massachusetts.  The  Company's  manufacturing  operations,  Global
Support Center and various engineering and administrative operations are located
in these  facilities.  The  Company's  aggregate  rental  expense for all of its
facilities in fiscal 1996 was  approximately  $4,761,000.  The Company considers
its facilities to be adequate for its current  requirements  and that additional
space will be available as needed in the future.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

         From time to time, the Company is involved in legal proceedings arising
in the normal  course of business.  None of the legal  proceedings  in which the
Company is currently involved is considered material by the Company.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders



                      Executive Officers of the Registrant

Name                       Age     Position

Mark S. Ain                53      Chief Executive Officer  and Chairman 
                                         of the Board

W. Patrick Decker          49      President, Chief Operating Officer

Verne S. Kayser            53      Vice President, Engineering

Paul A. Lacy               49      Vice President, Finance and Administration, 
                                         Treasurer and Clerk

Aron J. Ain                39      Vice President, Marketing and Worldwide 
                                         Field Operations

Lloyd B. Bussell           51      Vice President, Manufacturing

Sally J. Wallace           46      Vice President, General Counsel

     Mark S. Ain,  a  founder  of the  Company,  has  served as Chief  Executive
Officer and Chairman since its organization in 1977. He also served as President
from 1977  until  October,  1996.  Mr. Ain is the  brother of Aron J. Ain,  Vice
President, Marketing and Worldwide Field Operations of the Company.

     W. Patrick Decker served as Vice President,  Marketing and Field Operations
from  1982  until  October,  1996,  when he was  appointed  President  and Chief
Operating Officer.

     Verne S.  Kayser  served as Vice  President,  Engineering  from 1984  until
November 20, 1996.

     Paul A. Lacy has been Vice President, Finance and Administration, Treasurer
and Clerk since 1988.

     Aron J. Ain served as Vice  President,  Sales and  Service  from 1988 until
October,  1996,  when he was appointed Vice  President,  Marketing and Worldwide
Field Operations. Mr. Ain is the brother of Mark S. Ain, Chief Executive Officer
and Chairman.

     Lloyd B. Bussell has served as Vice President, Manufacturing since 1987.

     Sally J. Wallace has served as General  Counsel  since 1988 and was elected
Vice President in October, 1994.

     Officers of the Company  hold office  until the first  meeting of directors
following  the next  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  and,  in the case of the
President, Treasurer and Clerk, until their successors are chosen and qualified.


                                    PART II

Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Stockholder  Matters


The  Company's  common  stock  is  traded  under  the  National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers  Automated   Quotation  System  (NASDAQ)  symbol  KRON.  The
following  table  sets forth the high and low sales  prices for fiscal  1996 and
fiscal  1995.  Such  over-the-counter  market  quotations  reflect  inter-dealer
prices, without retail mark-up,  mark-down or commission and may not necessarily
represent actual transactions.

                                       High                      Low
- - ---------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
First quarter                       $33 5/8                     $25
Second quarter                       37                          25 1/2
Third quarter                        35 1/2                      25 1/2
Fourth quarter                       37                          24 3/4

                                       High                      Low
- - ---------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
First quarter                       $18                         $12 1/2
Second quarter                       21 1/4                      17
Third quarter                        25 1/4                      16 1/4
Fourth quarter                       32 3/4                      24 5/8

Prices  reflect the  Company's  stock split paid on January  29, 1996 to  
shareholders  of record as of January 15, 1996.


On November 30, 1996 there were  approximately  3,600  shareholders of record of
the Company's common stock.


The Company has not paid cash  dividends  on its common  stock,  and the present
policy of the Company is to retain earnings for use in its business.


Item 6. Selected Financial Data

The following  table data should be read in  conjunction  with the  consolidated
financial statements and notes thereto.

Financial Highlights                                                        

In thousands, except share data                                          Year Ended September 30,
                                                    1996              1995             1994              1993             1992
                                               ---------------   ---------------  ---------------   ---------------   --------------
Operating Data:
       Net revenues                                  $142,957          $120,373          $92,919           $67,960          $59,784
       Income before change in
            accounting principle                      $11,425            $8,398           $4,892            $3,606           $3,432
       Extraordinary item and change
            in accounting principle                                                                           $264              $53
                                               ---------------   ---------------  ---------------   ---------------   --------------
       Net income                                     $11,425            $8,398           $4,892            $3,870           $3,485

       Per share data (1):
            Income before change in
                 accounting principle                   $1.37             $1.03            $0.62             $0.47            $0.51
            Extraordinary item and change
                 in accounting principle                                                                     $0.03            $0.01
                                               ---------------   ---------------  ---------------   ---------------   --------------
            Net income per common share                 $1.37             $1.03            $0.62             $0.50            $0.52
       Average common and common
            equivalent shares outstanding           8,330,060         8,150,903        7,859,513         7,745,691        6,729,390

Balance Sheet Data:
       Total assets                                  $104,866           $78,518          $60,284           $46,788          $38,022
       Long-term obligations                                                                 $28              $164             $510

- - --------------------------------------------

(1) The per share data  presented  above are for  primary  net income per common
share. Fully diluted net income per common share amounts have not been presented
as they did not differ  significantly  from  primary net income per common share
amounts in any year.


Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results 
of Operations

Results of Operations

Revenues.  Revenues amounted to $143.0 million, $120.4 million and $92.9 million
in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994,  respectively.  Annual revenue growth amounted to
19% in fiscal  1996,  30% in fiscal 1995 and 37% in fiscal 1994.  While  revenue
growth in fiscal 1996  approximated the Company's  historical growth rate of 20%
prior to fiscal 1994, it declined from the  accelerated  levels  experienced  in
fiscal 1995 and 1994. Revenue growth during fiscal 1995 and 1994 was driven by a
variety of factors including customer demand and the acquisition of distribution
rights to certain domestic sales  territories  previously held by certain of the
Company's  independent  dealers.  The  decline in the rate of revenue  growth in
fiscal 1996 as compared with fiscal 1995 and 1994 can be attributed to a variety
of factors  including the accelerated rate of growth  experienced in fiscal 1995
and 1994 and a  transition  of the  Company's  core  products  from DOS and Unix
platforms  to the Windows and  client/server  environments.  The impact of these
factors was most  significant over the first three quarters of fiscal 1996 which
reflected  revenue growth of 17% over the  comparable  period in fiscal 1995. In
the  fourth  quarter of fiscal  1996  revenues  grew by 24% over the  comparable
period in fiscal 1995.  During this quarter the Company released a client/server
version of its time and  attendance  product.  The Company is also  anticipating
releases  of  enhanced   versions  of  its  time  and   attendance   product  on
client/server  and  Windows  platforms  in the first  part of fiscal  1997.  The
Company's  revenue  growth in fiscal 1997 will depend in part on the  commercial
success of these initiatives.

Product revenues amounted to $101.0 million,  $87.9 million and $68.4 million in
fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. Product revenues grew by 15% in fiscal
1996,  28% in fiscal  1995 and 34% in fiscal  1994.  Product  revenue  growth in
fiscal 1996 was  principally the result of an increase in sales volume driven by
customer  demand.  The reduced rate of product  revenue  growth  experienced  in
fiscal 1996 as compared with fiscal 1995 and 1994 is attributable to the factors
described  above.  Consistent  with  total  revenues,   product  revenue  growth
increased  in the fourth  quarter to 22% from 12% over the first nine  months of
fiscal  1996.  Product  demand  resulting  from  the  Company's  small  business
marketing  program with ADP,  Inc.  contributed  approximately  one-third of the
product revenue  increase in fiscal 1996.  Product revenue growth in fiscal 1995
was principally the result of increased sales volume driven by customer  demand.
Product  revenue  growth in fiscal  1994 was the result of an  increase in sales
volume driven by customer demand,  the impact of the shift of product sales from
wholesale to retail pricing for the acquired dealer territories,  as well as the
unusually strong level of product shipments in the fourth quarter of that fiscal

Service  revenues were $42.0 million,  $32.5 million and $24.5 million in fiscal
1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  Service revenues grew by 29% in fiscal 1996,
33% in fiscal 1995 and 43% in fiscal 1994. Service revenues amounted to 29%, 27%
and 26% of total  revenues  in fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The
growth in service  revenues in all periods  reflects  increases  in  maintenance
revenue from  expansion  of the  installed  base,  as well as an increase in the
level of services accompanying the sale of new products. In addition, the growth
rate  experienced  in fiscal 1994 was impacted by the transition of the acquired
dealer   territories  into  direct  sales  and  service   districts.   Prior  to
acquisition,  all service  revenues for these  territories  were retained by the
independent dealers as they were responsible for providing such services.

International   revenues,   which  include  both  revenues  from  the  Company's
international  subsidiaries and sales to independent international dealers, grew
28% in  fiscal  1996  to  $10.4  million  from  $8.1  million  in  fiscal  1995.
International  revenues in fiscal 1994 were $5.3 million.  The  establishment of
the Company's  Australian and South African  subsidiaries  in the fourth quarter
contributed  significantly to the overall increase in fiscal 1996  international

Gross Profit. Gross profit, as a percentage of revenues, was 62%, 59% and 57% in
fiscal 1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The  improvement in gross profit in
each of the three fiscal years was  evidenced in both product and service  gross
profit. Product gross profit was 74%, 72% and 69% in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994,
respectively.  The  improvement  in  product  gross  profit in each of the three
fiscal years was a result of increased sales volume and improved product mix. In
each of the  periods the  Company's  product  revenue was derived  from sales of
systems in which software, which typically generates higher gross profit, was an
increasingly higher proportion of product revenues.  In addition, in fiscal 1996
and  1995,  the  Company   experienced   increased   production  volume  without
proportionate  increases in production overhead costs.  Product gross profit was
negatively  impacted in fiscal 1994 by a variety of factors  including  purchase
discounts  granted to major account  customers and expenses  associated with the
move of the Company's manufacturing facility.

Service  gross profit as a percentage  of service  revenues was 33%, 24% and 22%
for fiscal 1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The  increase in service  gross
profit is primarily  attributable to the growth in service  revenues.  Also, the
Company  has been  able to absorb  the  increase  in  service  volume  without a
proportionate  increase in service expenses,  favorably impacting gross margins.
This has been  accomplished  by the  implementation  of programs  which focus on
revenue enhancement for services provided, as well as improved efficiency in the
delivery of such services.

Expenses.  Expenses as a percentage of revenues were 49% in fiscal 1996, and 48%
in fiscal 1995 and 1994. Sales and marketing expenses were $47.0 million,  $40.1
million  and $31.4  million in fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The
increase in sales and  marketing  expenses in all periods  relates to  increased
business volume.  Sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of sales were 33%
in  fiscal  1996 and 1995 as  compared  with 34% in  fiscal  1994.  The  Company
anticipates  sales and  marketing  expenses as a percentage of sales to increase
somewhat  in  fiscal  1997  due  to  increased   investment   in  the  Company's
international  direct sales  organization.  This increase is  anticipated  to be
partially  offset by efficiencies  which the Company expects to be realized from
the fiscal 1996  consolidation  and  reorganization of the North American direct
sales organization from geographic units into industry specific teams.


Engineering,  research and development expenses were $12.7 million, $8.2 million
and $5.6 million in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. These expenses are
net of capitalized software development costs of $4.0 million,  $2.4 million and
$1.8 million, respectively.  Engineering, research and development expenses as a
percentage  of  revenues  were 9% in fiscal  1996,  7% in fiscal  1995 and 6% in
fiscal  1994.  The growth in  engineering,  research  and  development  expenses
resulted  primarily from the development of new products.  Increased spending on
capitalizable  software  development costs reflects the Company's  commitment to
further enhancements of existing products, making them easier to use, and on new
product development.  The Company anticipates fiscal 1997 engineering,  research
and  development  expenses  as a  percentage  of revenues  to be  comparable  or
somewhat higher than fiscal 1996.

General and  administrative  expenses were $9.9  million,  $8.5 million and $7.3
million  in  fiscal  1996,  1995 and  1994,  respectively.  As a  percentage  of
revenues, general and administrative expenses were 7% in fiscal 1996 and 1995 as
compared with 8% in fiscal 1994. Fiscal 1996 general and administrative expenses
included start-up costs incurred for an internally funded customer lease program
as well as certain administrative expenses related to Company programs initiated
to improve operating  efficiencies.  The Company expects fiscal 1997 general and
administrative  expenses as a percentage  of revenues to decrease  slightly from
fiscal 1996. The decline in general and administrative  expenses as a percentage
of  revenues  from  fiscal  1994  to  fiscal  1995  reflects  the  benefits  and
efficiencies  realized from the Company's  investment in management  information
and communication systems and the reengineering of certain of its administrative
processes.  The decline also reflects,  to some degree, the impact of leveraging
increased   revenues  on  a  fixed  level  of  cost  for  certain   general  and
administration functions.

Other expense, net amounted to less than 1% of revenues in fiscal 1996, 1995 and
1994.  Other expense,  net is composed  primarily of  amortization of intangible
assets related to  acquisitions  made by the Company which is offset by interest
income earned on its investments.

Income  Taxes.  The  provision for income taxes as a percentage of pretax income
was 39% in fiscal 1996 and 38% in fiscal 1995 and 1994. The Company's  effective
income tax rate may fluctuate  between  periods as a result of various  factors,
none of which is  material,  either  individually  or in the  aggregate,  to the
consolidated results of operations.

Accounting Standards.  In October 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 123,  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based  Compensation"  ("SFAS 123"). This statement  establishes  financial
accounting and reporting standards for stock-based employee  compensation plans.
While the Company is  reviewing  the adoption and impact of SFAS 123, it expects
to adopt the disclosure-only  alternative and,  accordingly,  this standard will
have no impact on the Company's results of operations or its financial position.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

Working  capital as of September  30, 1996 amounted to $36.3 million as compared
with $29.1 million at September 30, 1995.  Cash and  equivalents  and marketable
securities  at  those  dates  amounted  to  $32.8  million  and  $21.4  million,
respectively.  The Company has  available a bank line of credit of $3.0  million
which expires in June 1998. No amounts were outstanding under the line of credit
as of September 30, 1996.

Cash provided by operations increased to $23.7 million in fiscal 1996 from $18.3
million  in  fiscal  1995 and $7.9  million  in fiscal  1994.  The  increase  in
operating  cash flows in fiscal 1996 as compared to fiscal 1995 was  principally
due to  increased  earnings and  unearned  service  revenues as well as non-cash
charges related to depreciation,  amortization and deferred taxes. The Company's
investment in the internal  customer lease program which it introduced in fiscal
1996  partially  offset the cash provided by other  operations.  The increase in
operating cash flows in fiscal 1995 as compared with fiscal 1994 was principally
due to increased  earnings and better  management  of accounts  receivable  from
trade customers.

Cash provided by operations  was more than  sufficient  to fund  investments  in
equipment and capitalized  software  development  costs in fiscal 1996, 1995 and
1994.  Investments  in  equipment  in fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994  totaled $9.7
million,  $4.1 million and $4.8 million,  respectively.  The Company anticipates
that  investment  in equipment in fiscal 1997 will be comparable to fiscal 1996.
The  Company  expects to  finance  these  investments  from  available  cash and
operating  cash flow  generated in fiscal  1997.  In fiscal 1996 the Company has
invested a  significant  portion of its  remaining  cash  balances in short term
marketable securities.

Certain Factors That May Affect Future Operating Results

The following  important  factors,  among others,  could cause actual  operating
results to differ materially from those indicated by forward-looking  statements
made in this Annual  Report and presented  elsewhere by management  from time to

Potential Fluctuations in Results. The Company's operating results may fluctuate
as a result of a variety of factors, including the timing of the introduction of
new products and product enhancements by the Company and its competitors, market
acceptance of new products, mix of products sold, the purchasing patterns of its
customers,  competitive  pricing pressure and general economic  conditions.  The
Company  historically has realized a relatively  larger percentage of its annual
revenues and profits in the fourth quarter and a relatively  smaller  percentage
in the first  quarter of each fiscal  year,  although  there can be no assurance
that this pattern will continue. In addition, while the Company has contracts to
supply  systems  to  certain   customers  over  an  extended   period  of  time,
substantially  all of the Company's  product revenue and profits in each quarter
result  from  orders  received  in that  quarter.  If  near-term  demand for the
Company's products weakens or if significant anticipated sales in any quarter do
not close  when  expected,  the  Company's  revenues  for that  quarter  will be
adversely affected.  The Company believes that its operating results for any one
period are not necessarily indicative of results for any future period.


Product  Development  and  Technological   Change.  The  markets  for  time  and
attendance and data collection systems are characterized by continual change and
improvement in computer software and hardware  technology.  The Company's future
success will depend largely on its ability to enhance its existing product lines
and to develop new products and  interfaces to third party  products on a timely
basis for the increasingly  sophisticated  needs of its customers.  Although the
Company is continually  seeking to further enhance its product  offerings and to
develop  new  products  and  interfaces,  there can be no  assurance  that these
efforts will succeed, or that, if successful,  such product  enhancements or new
products  will  achieve  widespread  market  acceptance,  or that the  Company's
competitors  will not  develop  and market  products  which are  superior to the
Company's products or achieve greater market acceptance.

Competition.  The time and attendance and data collection  industries are highly
competitive.  Competition  could increase as competitors in related  industries,
such as human  resources  and  payroll,  enter the market.  Advances in software
development  tools  have  accelerated  the  software  development  process  and,
therefore,  can allow competitors to penetrate certain of the Company's markets.
Maintaining the Company's  technological  and other  advantages over competitors
will require continued investment by the Company in research and development and
marketing and sales  programs.  There can be no assurance  that the Company will
have  sufficient  resources to make such  investments  or be able to achieve the
technological  advances  necessary  to  maintain  its  competitive   advantages.
Increased  competition  could adversely affect the Company's  operating  results
through price reductions and/or loss of market share.

Attracting and Retaining Sufficient Technical Personnel for Product Development,
Support  and  Sales.  The  Company  has  encountered   intense  competition  for
experienced  technical personnel for product development,  technical support and
sales and expects such  competition to continue in the future.  Any inability to
attract and retain a sufficient  number of qualified  technical  personnel could
adversely  affect the  Company's  ability to  produce,  support  and sell robust
products in a timely manner.

Dependence on Alternate Distribution Channels. The Company markets and sells its
products through its direct sales  organization,  independent  dealers and OEMs.
For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996, approximately 25% of the Company's
revenue was generated through sales to dealers and OEMs.  Reduction in the sales
efforts of the Company's major dealers and/or OEMs, or termination or changes in
their  relationships  with the Company,  could have a material adverse effect on
the results of the Company's operations.

Dependence on Time and  Attendance  Product Line. To date,  more than 90% of the
Company's  revenues  have  been  attributable  to sales  of time and  attendance
systems and  services.  Competitive  pressures or other  factors could cause the
Company's time and attendance  products to lose market  acceptance or experience
significant  price  erosion,  adversely  affecting  the results of the Company's


Reliance on Key Vendors.  The Company depends upon the reliability and viability
of a variety of software development tools owned by third parties to develop its
products. If these tools are inadequate or not properly supported, the Company's
ability to release  competitive  products in a timely  manner could be adversely
impacted.  Also,  certain parts and  components  used in the Company's  hardware
products are  purchased  from single  vendors.  The Company has chosen to source
these items from single  vendors  because it believes  that the vendor chosen is
able to  consistently  provide the Company with the highest quality product at a
competitive price on a timely basis.  While the Company has to date been able to
obtain adequate supplies of these parts and components,  the Company's inability
to transition  to alternate  sources on a timely basis if and as required in the
future could result in delays or  reductions  in product  shipments  which could
have material adverse effect on the Company's  operating  results.  In addition,
the Company purchases payroll interface software from a single vendor for resale
in certain of its time and attendance systems. Although the Company believes its
relationship  with this vendor is good, any  interruption  or termination of the
Company's  rights to resell such software could delay shipment of certain of the
Company's  products and require the Company to write its own software to perform
this function. Although the Company believes it would be able to produce its own
payroll interface software,  any delay or problems encountered in doing so could
temporarily and adversely affect the Company's results of operations.

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         The financial statements and supplementary data are listed in the Index
to Consolidated Financial Statements at Item 14 of this Form 10-K.

Item 9. Changes in and Disagreement with Accountants on Accounting and Financial



                                    PART III

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

         Information  relating  to the  executive  officers  of  the  registrant
appears  under the caption  "Executive  Officers of the  Registrant"  in Part I,
following  Item 4 of this Form 10-K.  Information  relating to the  directors is
incorporated  by reference  from pages 4 through 6 of the  Company's  definitive
proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on January 31,
1997 under the caption "Election of Directors."

Item 11. Executive Compensation

         Incorporated  by  reference  from  pages  6  through  12 of  the  
Company's definitive  proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to 
be held on January  31,  1997  under  the  following  captions:   "Director  
Compensation," "Executive Compensation," "Option  Grants and  Exercises," and
"Report of Compensation Committee."

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         Incorporated  by  reference  from  pages 2 through  3 of the  Company's
definitive  proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
January 31, 1997 under the caption  "Security  Ownership  of Certain  Beneficial
Owners and Management."

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions



                                     PART IV

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Related Transactions

  (a) The following are filed as a part of this report:

        1. Financial Statements                                             Page

             Consolidated Statements of Income for the Years Ended          
                  September 30, 1996, 1995 and 1994                         F-1 

             Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30,                
                  1996 and 1995                                             F-2

             Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 
                  for the Years Ended September 30, 1996, 1995 and 1994     F-3

             Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
                  September 30, 1996, 1995 and 1994                         F-4 

             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                     F-5

             Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors              F-16

        2.  Financial Statement Schedule

             II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts                         F-17

         All other  schedules  for  which  provision  is made in the  applicable
accounting regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not required
under the related  instructions  or are  inapplicable,  and therefore  have been

        3.  Exhibits

  No.         Description

 3.1          Articles of Organization of the Registrant, as amended.
 3.2*         Amended and Restated By-laws of the Registrant.
 4*           Specimen Stock Certificate.
10.1*(10)     1986A Stock Option Plan.
10.2(10)      1992 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated.


        3.  Exhibits (continued)

  No.         Description

10.3(4)(10)   1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated.
10.4(3)       Lease dated November 16, 1993, between Teachers Realty Corporation
              and the Registrant, relating to premises leased in Chelmsford, MA.
10.5(6)       Lease dated  August 8, 1995  between  Principal  Mutual Life  
              Insurance  Company and the Registrant, relating to premises leased
              in Chelmsford, MA.
10.6(3)       Loan Agreement dated June 30, 1993 between Fleet Bank of 
              Massachusetts, N.A. and the Registrant ("Loan Agreement").
10.6.1(9)     Amendment  dated  June 3, 1996 to Loan  Agreement  dated  
              June 30,  1993  between  Fleet  Bank of Massachusetts, N.A. and 
              the Registrant.
10.7(2)(11)   Software License and Support and Hardware Purchase Agreement dated
              April 2, 1993 between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.1(12)    Amendments  dated July 22, 1996 to Software License and Support 
              and Hardware  Purchase  Agreement dated April 2, 1993, between 
              ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8*         Sales Agreement dated  December  6, 1990,  between  Integrated 
              Design,  Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8.1(7)     Amendment dated November 2, 1995 to Sales Agreement  dated 
              December 6, 1990,  between  Integrated Design, Inc. and the 
10.9(3)(11)   Acquisition  Agreement  dated  November 2, 1993 between  Interboro
              Systems Corporation and the Registrant.
10.10*        Form of Indemnity Agreement entered into among the Registrant and 
              Directors of the Registrant.
10.11(1)      Lease dated November 9, 1992, as amended, between John Hancock 
              Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Registrant, relating to 
              premises leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.1(8)    Amendment  dated  January 1, 1996 to Lease dated  November  9, 
              1992,  as  amended,  between  John Hancock  Mutual Life  Insurance
              Company  and the  Registrant, relating to premises leased in 
              Waltham, MA.
10.12 (5)     Agreement of Reorganization among Kronos Incorporated; Kronos S/T
              Corporation, ShopTrac Data Collection Systems, Inc., Thomas J. 
              O'Malia and Mark J. MacWhirter, dated March 31, 1994.
11            Statement re Computation of Per Share Earnings.
21            Subsidiaries of the Registrant.
23            Consent of Independent Auditors.
27            Financial Data Schedule.


        3.   Exhibits (continued)

     *  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit  Number in the  Company's
     Registration Statement on Form S-1 File No. 33-47383.

     (1)  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the Company's
     Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1992.

     (2)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended April 3, 1993.

     (3)  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the Company's
     Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993.

     (4)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended July 2, 1994.

     (5)  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit Number 2.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended July 2, 1994.

     (6)  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.13 in the Company's Form 10-K
     for the fiscal year ended September 30,1995.

     (7)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 30, 1996.

     (8)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.2 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 30, 1996.

     (9)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 29, 1996.

     (10) Management  contract or compensatory  plan or arrangement  filed as an
     exhibit to this Form 10-K pursuant to Items 14(a) and 14(c) of Form 10-K.

     (11)  Confidential  treatment  was  granted  for  certain  portions of this

     (12) Confidential treatment requested for certain portions of these
     amendments,  which  portions  have been  omitted and filed  separately  
     with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


  (b)    Reports on Form 8-K

         No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last fiscal quarter of the
fiscal year covered by this report.

Kronos,   Timekeeper,   Timekeeper   Central,   Jobkeeper,   Jobkeeper  Central,
Datakeeper,   Datakeeper  Central,  Gatekeeper,  Gatekeeper  Central,  TeleTime,
TimeMaker,  CardSaver,  ShopTrac,  the ShopTrac logo,  Start.  Time,  Keep.Trac,
Solution  in a Box and the  Company's  logo  are  registered  trademarks  of the
Company. DKC/Datalink, ImageKeeper, WebTime, HyperFind, Smart Scheduler, Starter
Series, Start.Labor,  Start.WIP,  Start.Quality, Labor Plus, WIP Plus, Comm.Mgr,
Tempo  and the  Tempo  logo  are  trademarks  of the  Company.  IBM and OS/2 are
registered  trademarks of, and AS and AS/400 are  trademarks  of,  International
Business Machines Corporation. Total Time is a service mark of ADP, Inc. and ADP
is a registered  trademark of Automatic  Data  Processing,  Inc.  Time Bank is a
registered trademark of Integrated Design Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in
the U.S. and other countries, licensed exclusively by X/Open Company Ltd. VMS is
a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Windows is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized on December 13, 1996.

                                           KRONOS INCORPORATED

                                           By  /s/  MARK S. AIN
                                                    Mark S. Ain
                                                    Chief Executive
                                                    Officer and Chairman of 
                                                    the Board

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
this  report has been  signed  below by the  following  persons on behalf of the
registrant and in the capacities indicated on December 13, 1996.

             Signature                             Capacity

  /s/  MARK S. AIN                                 Chief Executive
       Mark S. Ain                                 Officer and Chairman of
                                                   the Board
                                                   (Principal Executive Officer)

  /s/  PAUL A. LACY                                Vice President, Finance and
       Paul A. Lacy                                Administration
                                                   (Principal Financial and
                                                   Accounting Officer)

  /s/  RICHARD J. DUMLER                           Director
       Richard J. Dumler

  /s/  THEODORE G. JOHNSON                         Director
       Theodore G. Johnson

  /s/  DAVID B. KISER                              Director
       David B. Kiser

  /s/  DONALD S. LEVY                              Director
       Donald S. Levy

  /s/  D. BRADLEY McWILLIAMS                       Director
       D. Bradley McWilliams

  /s/  LAWRENCE PORTNER                            Director
       Lawrence Portner

  /s/  SAMUEL RUBINOVITSZ                          Director
       Samuel Rubinovitz

       Consolidated Statements of Income                       In thousands, except share data

     Year Ended September 30,                                 1996         1995         1994
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
     Net revenues:
     Product ...........................................   $  100,951   $   87,879   $   68,444
     Service ...........................................       42,006       32,494       24,475
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
                                                              142,957      120,373       92,919
Cost of sales:
     Product ...........................................       26,281       24,762       20,925
     Service ...........................................       28,296       24,552       19,143
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------                       ----------
                                                               54,577       49,314       40,068
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
              Gross profit .............................       88,380       71,059       52,851
     Sales and marketing ...............................       46,982       40,138       31,381
     Engineering, research and development .............       12,730        8,192        5,593
     General and administrative ........................        9,942        8,455        7,326
     Other expense, net ................................           27          693          716
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
                                                               69,681       57,478       45,016
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
         Income before income taxes ....................       18,699       13,581        7,835
Provision for income taxes .............................        7,274        5,183        2,943
                                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
         Net income ....................................   $   11,425   $    8,398   $    4,892
                                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

Net income per common share:
         Net income per common share ...................   $     1.37   $     1.03   $     0.62
                                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

     Fully Diluted:
         Net income per common share ...................   $     1.37   $     1.03   $     0.62
                                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

Average common and common equivalent shares outstanding:
     Primary ...........................................    8,330,060    8,150,903    7,859,513
                                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

     Fully Diluted .....................................    8,343,274    8,156,981    7,888,311
                                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

                           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Balance Sheets                                In thousands, except share data

September 30,                                                                                1996         1995
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
Current assets:
    Cash and equivalents ..............................................................   $  10,795    $  14,727
    Marketable securities .............................................................      21,995        6,716
    Accounts receivable, less allowances for doubtful accounts of $987 in 1996
        and $1,001 in 1995 ............................................................      30,622       28,159
    Inventories .......................................................................       4,149        4,469
    Deferred income taxes .............................................................       3,025        2,427
    Other current assets ..............................................................       3,765        1,273
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
           Total current assets .......................................................      74,351       57,771
Equipment, net ........................................................................      14,738       10,079
Excess of cost over net assets of businesses acquired .................................       7,221        6,606
Other assets ..........................................................................       8,556        4,062
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
           Total assets ...............................................................   $ 104,866    $  78,518
                                                                                          =========    =========

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses .............................................   $  11,894    $   8,352
    Accrued compensation ..............................................................       8,445        7,149
    Federal and state income taxes payable ............................................       1,367          969
    Unearned service revenue ..........................................................      16,388       12,185
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
           Total current liabilities ..................................................      38,094       28,655
Deferred income taxes .................................................................       2,236          912
Other liabilities .....................................................................       3,438        2,382
Shareholders' equity:
    Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share:  authorized 1,000,000 shares, no shares
        issued and outstanding
    Common Stock, par value $.01 per share:  authorized 12,000,000 shares,
        8,124,133 shares and 7,940,468 shares issued at September 30, 1996 and
        1995, respectively ............................................................          81           79
    Additional paid-in capital ........................................................      27,512       24,353
    Retained earnings .................................................................      33,773       22,348
    Equity adjustment from translation ................................................        (251)        (206)
    Cost of Treasury Stock (583 shares and 170 shares at September 30, 1996 and
        1995, respectively) ...........................................................         (17)          (5)
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
           Total shareholders' equity .................................................      61,098       46,569
                                                                                          ---------    ---------
           Total liabilities and shareholders' equity .................................   $ 104,866    $  78,518
                                                                                          =========    =========

                           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

                                                                         In thousands

                                              Common Stock     Additional              Adjustment     Treasury Stock
                                         ---------------------- Paid-in     Retained      from     -------------------
                                            Shares  Amount      Capital     Earnings   Translation    Shares     Amount    Total
                                         --------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------
Balance at October 1, 1993                   7,629       $77     $21,461      $9,058        $(225)         27    $(335)    $30,036

Net income                                                                     4,892                                         4,892
Proceeds from exercise of stock options         28                  (114)                                 (34)     412         298
Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan      45                   389                                                       389
Amortization of compensation expense
 relating to nonqualified stock option plans                          (2)                                                       (2)
Equity adjustment from translation                                                             17                               17
Purchase of treasury stock                                                                                  7      (82)        (82)
Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                    334                                                       334
                                         --------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------------   ---------

Balance at September 30, 1994                7,702        77      22,068      13,950         (208)                  (5)     35,882

Net income                                                                     8,398                                         8,398
Proceeds from exercise of stock options        186         1         249                                  (54)   1,077       1,327
Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan      52         1         599                                                       600
Amortization of compensation expense
 relating to nonqualified stock option plans                          (1)                                                       (1)
Equity adjustment from translation                                                              2                                2
Purchase of treasury stock                                                                                 54   (1,077)     (1,077)
Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                  1,438                                                     1,438
                                         --------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------------   ---------

Balance at September 30, 1995                7,940        79      24,353      22,348         (206)                  (5)     46,569

Net income                                                                    11,425                                        11,425
Proceeds from exercise of stock options        144         2         538                                  (16)     525       1,065
Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan      40                   945                                                       945
Amortization of compensation expense
 relating to nonqualified stock option plans                          68                                                        68
Equity adjustment from translation                                                            (45)                             (45)
Purchase of treasury stock                                                                                 17     (537)       (537)
Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                  1,608                                                     1,608
                                         --------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------------   ---------

Balance at September 30, 1996                8,124       $81     $27,512     $33,773        $(251)          1     $(17)    $61,098
                                         ====================  ==========  ==========  ===========  ===================   =========

                                   See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                                     In thousands

Year Ended September 30,                                                          1996        1995        1994
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
Operating activities:
     Net income .............................................................   $ 11,425    $  8,398    $  4,892
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash and equivalents
         provided by operating activities:
            Depreciation ....................................................      4,764       3,678       3,067
            Provision for deferred income taxes .............................        726        (636)        621
            Amortization of deferred software development
                costs and other assets ......................................      3,404       2,571       1,820
            Changes in certain operating assets and liabilities:
                Accounts receivable, net ....................................     (2,945)     (3,096)     (8,275)
                Inventories .................................................        330         (21)       (646)
                Unearned service revenue ....................................      5,367       2,392       4,479
                Accounts payable, accrued compensation
                    and other liabilities ...................................      5,609       5,214       2,506
                Net investment in sales-type leases .........................     (3,766)
            Other ...........................................................     (1,165)       (170)       (567)
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
                    Net cash and equivalents provided by operating activities     23,749      18,330       7,897
Investing activities:
     Purchase of equipment ..................................................     (9,656)     (4,065)     (4,842)
     Capitalization of software development costs ...........................     (4,014)     (2,364)     (1,789)
     (Increase) decrease in marketable securities ...........................    (15,278)     (5,914)      2,979
     Acquisitions of businesses .............................................     (1,809)     (1,322)     (5,285)
     Other ..................................................................         43         (45)       (139)
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
                    Net cash and equivalents used in investing activities ...    (30,714)    (13,710)     (9,076)
Financing activities:
     Principal payments under capital leases ................................        (27)       (116)       (392)
     Net proceeds and tax benefits from exercise of stock option and
         employee purchase plans ............................................      3,081       2,286         937
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
                    Net cash and equivalents provided by financing activities      3,054       2,170         545
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents .....................        (21)         (1)         20
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents .................................     (3,932)      6,789        (614)
Cash and equivalents at the beginning of the period .........................     14,727       7,938       8,552
                                                                                --------    --------    --------
Cash and equivalents at the end of the period ...............................   $ 10,795    $ 14,727    $  7,938
                                                                                ========    ========    ========

                           See  accompanying  notes to consolidated  financial statements.




NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation:  The consolidated  financial statements include the
accounts  of  Kronos   Incorporated  and  its  wholly-owned   subsidiaries  (the
"Company").  All intercompany  accounts and transactions have been eliminated in

Use of Estimates:  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure  of  contingent  assets and  liabilities,  if any, at the date of the
financial  statements and the reported  amounts of revenues and expenses  during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Translation of Foreign  Currencies:  The assets and liabilities of the Company's
foreign  subsidiaries  are  denominated  in each  country's  local  currency and
translated at the year-end rate of exchange.  The related income statement items
are  translated  at the average  rate of exchange  for the year.  The  resulting
translation  adjustments  are excluded  from income and  reflected as a separate
component of  shareholders'  equity.  Realized and unrealized  exchange gains or
losses arising from transaction  adjustments are reflected in operations and are
not material.

Cash Equivalents:  Cash equivalents consist of highly liquid investments with 
maturities of three months or less at date of acquisition.

Marketable  Securities:  The Company's  marketable  securities  consist of state
revenue bonds and market auction  preferred stocks.  State revenue bonds,  which
generally  mature  within one year,  are  classified as held to maturity and are
carried at amortized  cost.  Market auction  preferred  stocks are classified as
available-for-sale  and are  carried  at cost  which  approximates  fair  value.
Unrealized  gains and losses on  investments  classified as held to maturity are
not  recognized  until  realized  or until a decline in fair value below cost is
deemed to be  other-than-temporary.  Unrealized  gains and  losses,  if any,  on
available-for-sale  securities  would be  reflected  as a separate  component of
shareholders' equity.

Inventories:  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out 
method) or market.




NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies--(continued)

Equipment:  Equipment, which includes assets recorded in connection with capital
leases,  are  stated  on  the  basis  of  cost  less  accumulated  depreciation,
provisions for which have been computed using the straight-line  method over the
estimated useful lives of the assets, which are principally as follows:

Assets                                                    Useful Life
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Machinery and equipment                                 3-5 years
Furniture and fixtures                                  8-10 years
Leasehold improvements                                  Shorter of economic life
                                                        or lease-term

Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets:  Long-lived  assets used in
operations,  such as the excess of cost over net assets of businesses  acquired,
capitalized software development costs and equipment, are included in impairment
evaluations when events or circumstances exist that indicate the carrying amount
of those assets may not be recoverable.  If the impairment  evaluation indicates
the  affected  asset is not  recoverable,  the asset's  carrying  value would be
reduced to fair value.  No event has  occurred  which would  impair the value of
long-lived   assets  recorded  in  the   accompanying   consolidated   financial

Revenue Recognition:  The Company derives its revenues from the sale of time and
attendance,  workforce management and shop floor data collection systems as well
as sales of application software and parts and components. The Company's systems
consist of fully integrated software and intelligent data collection  terminals.
The Company also derives  revenues by providing  maintenance,  professional  and
educational  services to its direct customers.  The Company recognizes  revenues
from sales of its systems,  application  software,  parts and  components at the
time of shipment, unless the Company has significant obligations remaining. When
significant obligations remain, revenue is not recognized until such obligations
have  been  completed  or are no  longer  significant.  The  Company  recognizes
revenues  from its  sales-type  leases of systems at time of  shipment.  Service
revenues are recognized  ratably over the contractual  period or as the services
are performed.

The  Company  provides  installation  services  and  certain  warranties  to its
customers. It also provides, without additional charge, certain software product
enhancements for customers  covered under software  maintenance  contracts.  The
provision for these expenses is made at the time revenues are recognized.




NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies--(continued)

Income Taxes: The Company accounts for income taxes under the liability  method.
Under this method,  deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined  based on
differences  between financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities
and are  measured  using the  enacted  tax rates and laws that will be in effect
when the differences are expected to reverse.

Net  Income Per Share:  Net  income per share is based on the  weighted  average
number of common shares and, when dilutive, common stock equivalents outstanding
during the year. Common stock equivalents are attributable to stock options.

Reclassifications:  Certain amounts in 1995 and 1994 have been reclassified to 
permit comparison with 1996.

Newly Issued  Accounting  Standard:  In October 1995,  the Financial  Accounting
Standards  Board issued  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 123,
"Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation"   ("SFAS  123").   This  statement
establishes   financial  accounting  and  reporting  standards  for  stock-based
employee  compensation  plans.  While the Company is reviewing  the adoption and
impact of SFAS 123,  it expects to adopt the  disclosure-only  alternative  and,
accordingly,  this  standard  will have no impact on the  Company's  results  of
operations or its financial position.

NOTE B--Concentration of Credit Risk

The  Company   markets  and  sells  its   products   through  its  direct  sales
organization, through independent dealers and through an OEM agreement with ADP,
Inc.  The  Company's  dealers  have  significantly  smaller  resources  than the
Company.  The  Company's  direct sales  organization  sells to customers who are
dispersed  across many different  industries and geographic  areas.  The Company
reviews a customer's  (including dealers) credit history before extending credit
and generally does not require collateral.  The Company establishes an allowance
for doubtful accounts based upon factors surrounding the credit risk of specific
customers, historical trends and other information.




NOTE C--Inventories

Inventories consist of the following (in thousands):

                                                          September 30,
                                                      1996              1995
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished goods                                       $2,148             $1,769
Work-in-process                                         283                315
Raw materials                                         1,718              2,385
                                                     ------             ------  
                                                     $4,149             $4,469
                                                     ======             ====== 

NOTE D--Equipment

Equipment consists of the following (in thousands):
                                                          September 30,         
                                                      1996              1995
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Machinery and equipment                             $24,102            $18,414
Furniture and fixtures                                5,363              3,627
Leasehold improvements                                3,106              1,758
                                                    -------            -------
                                                     32,571             23,799

Less accumulated depreciation
   and amortization                                  17,833             13,720
                                                    -------            -------
                                                    $14,738            $10,079
                                                    =======            ======= 

NOTE E--Acquisitions

In fiscal 1996,  1995 and 1994, the Company  completed  various  acquisitions of
dealer   territories  in  the  United  States,   Mexico  and  Australia.   These
acquisitions  were  accounted for under the purchase  method of accounting  and,
accordingly,  the operating results are included in the consolidated  statements
of income from the date of each respective acquisition.

The combined cost of the acquisitions which amounted to $750,000, $1,000,000 and
$5,800,000  in fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively,  largely  relates to
intangible assets which are being amortized using the straight-line  method over
a period of eight years.  Related  amortization  expense amounted to $1,232,000,
$1,006,000 and $797,000 in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.




NOTE E--Acquisitions--(continued)

Certain   acquisition   agreements  contain  provisions  for  making  additional
payments,   if  specified  minimum  revenue  requirements  are  met,  to  former
shareholders  of the acquired  companies who have not continued  employment with
the Company.  These provisions expire during fiscal years 1998 and 1999. Amounts
earned  under the terms of the  agreements  are  recorded  as an increase in the
excess  of the total  acquisition  cost  over the fair  value of the net  assets
acquired.  During  fiscal 1996 and 1995,  $903,000 and $428,000 of such payments
were made.

NOTE F--Deferred Software Development Costs

Costs incurred in the research,  design and  development of software for sale to
others are charged to expense until  technological  feasibility is  established.
Thereafter,  software development costs are capitalized and amortized to product
cost of sales on a  straight-line  basis over the  lesser of three  years or the
estimated economic lives of the respective products, beginning when the products
are offered for sale.

The unamortized  portion of capitalized  software  development costs included in
other assets  amounted to  $5,259,000  and  $3,361,000 at September 30, 1996 and
1995,  respectively.  Amortization  of capitalized  software  development  costs
amounted to $2,115,000,  $1,481,000 and $986,000 in fiscal 1996,  1995 and 1994,
respectively.  Total  research and  development  expenses  charged to operations
amounted to $9,299,000, $5,060,000 and $3,506,000 in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994,

NOTE G--Credit Arrangements

The  Company  maintains a credit  agreement,  expiring  June 1, 1998,  providing
unsecured  borrowings up to  $3,000,000.  Borrowings  under the  agreement  bear
interest at the bank's  prime rate or, with the consent of the bank,  the London
Inter-bank Offered Rate ("LIBOR").

The agreement  contains  restrictive  covenants  including the  maintenance of a
minimum amount of tangible net worth and specific  financial  statement  ratios.
There were no  borrowings  on the line of credit  during  the three year  period
ended September 30, 1996.




NOTE H--Lease Commitments

The Company leases certain office space,  manufacturing facilities and equipment
under long-term  capital and operating lease  agreements.  Future minimum rental
commitments under operating leases with noncancellable terms of one year or more
are as follows (in thousands):

Fiscal Year
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1997 ....................................                       $5,258
1998 ....................................                        4,610
1999 ....................................                        3,870
2000 ....................................                        2,661
2001 ....................................                        1,447
Thereafter ..............................                        3,110

Rent expense was $5,756,000, $4,478,000 and $4,083,000  in fiscal 1996, 1995 
and 1994, respectively.

NOTE I--Capital Stock

The Board of Directors is authorized,  subject to any limitations  prescribed by
law,  from  time to time to issue up to an  aggregate  of  1,000,000  shares  of
Preferred Stock, $1.00 par value per share, in one or more series,  each of such
series to have  such  preferences,  voting  powers  (up to 10 votes per  share),
qualifications,  and  special  or  relative  rights and  privileges  as shall be
determined  by the Board of Directors in a resolution or  resolutions  providing
for the issue of such Preferred Stock.

On  November  17,  1995,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  adopted  a Rights
Agreement.  Under the  Agreement,  the Company  distributed  to  stockholders  a
dividend of one Right for each  outstanding  share of Common  Stock.  Each Right
initially  represents the right to purchase one  one-thousandth  of a share of a
new  series  of  preferred  stock  at an  exercise  price of  $236,  subject  to
adjustment.  The  Company  reserved  12,500  shares of its  Preferred  Stock for
issuance under the agreement.  The Rights may be exercised, in whole or in part,
only if a person or group  acquires  beneficial  ownership of 20% or more of the
Company's  outstanding Common Stock or announces a tender or exchange offer upon
consummation of which,  such person or group would  beneficially own 25% or more
of the Company's  Common Stock.  When  exercisable,  each Right will entitle its
holder  (other than such  person or members of such  group) to  purchase  for an
amount equal to the then current  exercise price, in lieu of preferred  stock, a
number of shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock having a market value of twice
the Right's exercise price. In




NOTE I--Capital Stock--(continued)

addition, when exercisable,  the Company may exchange the Rights, in whole or in
part, at an exchange ratio of one share of Common Stock or one one-thousandth of
a share of Preferred  Stock per Right. In the event that the Company is acquired
in a merger  or  other  business  combination,  the  Rights  would  entitle  the
stockholders  (other than the acquirer) to purchase  securities of the surviving
company at a similar discount. Until they become exercisable, the Rights will be
evidenced by the Common Stock  certificates  and will be  transferred  only with
such certificates.

Under the Agreement,  the Company can redeem all outstanding  Rights at $.01 per
right at any time until the tenth day following the public  announcement  that a
20%  beneficial  ownership  position  has been  acquired or the Company has been
acquired in a merger or other  business  combination.  The Rights will expire on
November 17, 2005.

The Company's Board of Directors  approved a three-for-two  stock split effected
in the  form of a 50%  stock  dividend  that  was paid on  January  29,  1996 to
stockholders of record as of January 15, 1996. Accordingly,  the presentation of
shares  outstanding  and  amounts per share have been  restated  for all periods
presented  to reflect  the  split.  The par value of the  additional  shares was
transferred from additional paid-in capital to Common Stock.

NOTE J--Employee Benefit Plans

Stock Option Plans

The 1992 Equity Incentive Plan enables the  Compensation  Committee of the Board
of  Directors  of the  Company  to grant  awards in the form of  options,  stock
appreciation  rights,  restricted or unrestricted  stock awards,  deferred stock
awards and performance  awards, as defined in the Plan. During fiscal 1996, 1995
and 1994, the Company granted under the Plan stock options to purchase  190,400,
180,150 and 178,725 shares ,  respectively,  of Common Stock at a purchase price
equal  to the fair  value of the  Common  Stock at the date of  grant.  No other
awards were made under the Plan through September 30, 1996.




NOTE J--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

The Company  also has several  nonqualified  and  incentive  stock  option plans
adopted from 1979 through 1987. No additional options may be granted under these

The following  schedule  summarizes  the changes in stock  options  issued under
various plans for the three fiscal years in the period ended September 30, 1996.
At September 30, 1996, options to purchase 312,896 shares were exercisable.

                                                             Number of Shares           Exercise Price Per Share
- - -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------
Outstanding at
   October 1, 1993                                                       751,923                      $0.22 -$13.67
   Granted                                                               178,725                      10.33 - 11.33
   Exercised                                                             (63,893)                      0.22 -  8.00
   Canceled                                                              (16,414)                      0.22 - 13.67
                                                                         --------                    --------------         
Outstanding at
   September 30, 1994                                                    850,341                       0.22 - 13.67
   Granted                                                               180,150                      13.50 - 23.33
   Exercised                                                            (239,664)                      0.22 - 13.67
   Canceled                                                              (21,432)                      0.22 - 13.67
                                                                         --------                    --------------         
Outstanding at
   September 30, 1995                                                    769,395                       0.22 - 23.33
   Granted                                                               190,400                      27.00 - 34.50
   Exercised                                                            (160,727)                      0.22 - 20.33
   Canceled                                                              (41,214)                      0.22 - 32.50
                                                                         --------                    --------------         
Outstanding at
   September 30, 1996                                                    757,854                     $0.22 - $34.50
                                                                         ========                    ==============

Stock Purchase Plan

In accordance with the 1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, eligible employees may
authorize payroll  deductions of up to 10% of their  compensation (not to exceed
$3,000 in a six month period) to purchase shares at the lower of 85% of the fair
market value of the  Company's  Common Stock at the  beginning or end of the six
month option period.  During fiscal 1996, 39,763 shares were issued to employees
at prices ranging from $21.04 to $26.92 per share.




NOTE J--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

Defined Contribution Plan

The  Company  sponsors a defined  contribution  savings  plan for the benefit of
substantially all employees. Total expense under the plan was $777,000, $501,000
and $369,000 in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

NOTE K--Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes consists of the following (in thousands):

                                                                           Year Ended September 30,
                                                                   1996              1995             1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
     Federal                                                         $5,566            $4,984           $1,965
     State                                                              951               835              357
     Foreign                                                             31
                                                                     ------            ------           ------
                                                                      6,548             5,819            2,322

     Federal                                                            654              (555)             541
     State                                                               72               (81)              80
                                                                        726              (636)             621
                                                                     ------            ------           ------  
                                                                     $7,274            $5,183           $2,943
                                                                     ======            ======           ======

At September 30, 1996, a total of 1,598,767 shares of Common Stock were reserved
for issuance.  Included in this amount are 1,163,467  shares for the 1992 Equity
Incentive Plan,  235,946 shares for the Employee Stock Purchase Plan and 199,354
shares for the various  stock  option  plans  adopted in the period 1979 through




NOTE K--Income Taxes--(continued)

Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the net tax effects of  temporary  differences
between the carrying  amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes.  For financial  reporting
purposes,  the Company has determined that recognition of the deferred tax asset
resulting from net operating loss carryforwards of foreign subsidiaries does not
meet the "more likely than not"  criteria of the Standard  and,  therefore,  has
provided a valuation  allowance  for related  future tax  benefits.  Significant
components of the Company's  deferred tax assets and liabilities were as follows
(in thousands):

                                                                                          September 30,
                                                                                      1996            1995
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
    Deferred tax assets:
       Inventory reserves                                                             $   492         $   424
       Accounts receivable reserves                                                       370             359
       Accrued expenses                                                                 2,264           1,663
       Net operating loss carryforwards of 
           foreign subsidiaries                                                           694             532
                                                                                      --------        --------  
       Total deferred tax assets                                                        3,820           2,978
             Valuation allowance                                                         (694)           (532)
                                                                                      --------        --------  
                                                                                        3,126           2,446
    Deferred tax liabilities:
       Capitalized software development costs                                          (2,130)         (1,277)
       Other                                                                             (207)            346
                                                                                      --------        --------  

         Net deferred tax assets                                                     $    789          $1,515
                                                                                     ========         ========  

The  effective  tax rate  differed  from the  United  States  statutory  rate as

                                                                             Year ended September 30,
                                                                       1996             1995            1994
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------
    Statutory rate                                                         35%           34%            34%
    State income taxes, net of federal
      income tax benefit                                                     4            4              4
    Foreign losses not benefited                                             1
    Use of foreign net operating loss carryforwards                        (1)           (1)
    Income tax credits                                                                   (1)            (1)
    Other                                                                                 2              1
                                                                          ----          ----           ----
                                                                           39%           38%            38%
                                                                          ====          ====           ====




NOTE K--Income Taxes--(continued)

There were $200,000 and $328,000 of net operating loss carryforwards utilized in
fiscal 1996 and 1995.  At September  30,  1996,  the Company had  $1,714,000  of
available net operating loss  carryforwards from foreign operations which may be
used to reduce  future income taxes payable in their  respective  countries.  Of
these  carryforwards,  $1,053,000  expire from 1997 through 2003.  The remaining
carryforwards, totaling $661,000, may be carried forward indefinitely.

The Company made income tax payments of $4,424,000, $4,352,000 and $1,496,000 in
fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.



Board of Directors and Shareholders
Kronos Incorporated

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  balance  sheets  of  Kronos
Incorporated  as of September  30, 1996 and 1995,  and the related  consolidated
statements of income,  changes in shareholders'  equity, and cash flows for each
of the three  years in the period  ended  September  30,  1996.  Our audits also
included the  financial  statement  schedule  listed in the index at Item 14(a).
These financial  statements and schedule are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all  material   respects,   the  consolidated   financial   position  of  Kronos
Incorporated  at September 30, 1996 and 1995,  and the  consolidated  results of
operations  and cash  flows  for each of the  three  years in the  period  ended
September 30, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule,  when considered
in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole,  presents fairly
in all material respects the information set forth therein.

                                                 ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
October 24, 1996


                                                        KRONOS INCORPORATED

                                          SCHEDULE II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
                                                          (In thousands)


                  COL. A                           COL. B                     COL. C                    COL. D            COL. E

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                     Charged to
                                                  Balance at      Charged to            Other                           Balance at
                                                  Beginning        Costs and          Accounts-        Deductions-          End
               Description                        of Period        Expenses           Describe          Describe         of Period
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended September 30, 1994: 
   Deducted from asset accounts:
        Allowance for doubtful accounts             $809              $264                               $209      (1)     $864
                                                 ============      ===========       ===========      ============      ============

Year ended September 30, 1995: 
   Deducted from asset accounts:
        Allowance for doubtful accounts             $864              $571                               $434      (1)    $1,001
                                                 ============      ===========       ===========      ============      ============

Year ended September 30, 1996: 
   Deducted from asset accounts:
        Allowance for doubtful accounts            $1,001             $322                               $336      (1)     $987
                                                 ============      ===========       ===========      ============      ============

(1)  Uncollectible accounts written off, net of recoveries.

                                  Exhibit Index

  No.         Description

 3.1          Articles of Organization of the Registrant, as amended.
 3.2*         Amended and Restated By-laws of the Registrant.
 4*           Specimen Stock Certificate.
10.1*(10)     1986A Stock Option Plan.
10.2(10)      1992 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated.
10.3(4)(10)   1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated.
10.4(3)       Lease dated November 16, 1993, between Teachers Realty Corporation
              and the Registrant, relating to premises leased in Chelmsford, MA.
10.5(6)       Lease dated  August 8, 1995  between  Principal  Mutual Life  
              Insurance  Company and the Registrant, relating to premises leased
              in Chelmsford, MA.
10.6(3)       Loan Agreement dated June 30, 1993 between Fleet Bank of 
              Massachusetts, N.A. and the Registrant ("Loan Agreement").
10.6.1(9)     Amendment  dated  June 3, 1996 to Loan  Agreement  dated  
              June 30,  1993  between  Fleet  Bank of Massachusetts, N.A. and 
              the Registrant.
10.7(2)(11)   Software License and Support and Hardware Purchase Agreement dated
              April 2, 1993 between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.1(12)    Amendments  dated July 22, 1996 to Software License and Support 
              and Hardware  Purchase  Agreement dated April 2, 1993, between 
              ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8*         Sales Agreement dated  December  6, 1990,  between  Integrated 
              Design,  Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8.1(7)     Amendment dated November 2, 1995 to Sales Agreement  dated 
              December 6, 1990,  between  Integrated Design, Inc. and the 
10.9(3)(11)   Acquisition  Agreement  dated  November 2, 1993 between  Interboro
              Systems Corporation and the Registrant.
10.10*        Form of Indemnity Agreement entered into among the Registrant and 
              Directors of the Registrant.
10.11(1)      Lease dated November 9, 1992, as amended, between John Hancock 
              Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Registrant, relating to 
              premises leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.1(8)    Amendment  dated  January 1, 1996 to Lease dated  November  9, 
              1992,  as  amended,  between  John Hancock  Mutual Life  Insurance
              Company  and the  Registrant, relating to premises leased in 
              Waltham, MA.
10.12 (5)     Agreement of Reorganization among Kronos Incorporated; Kronos S/T
              Corporation, ShopTrac Data Collection Systems, Inc., Thomas J. 
              O'Malia and Mark J. MacWhirter, dated March 31, 1994.
11            Statement re Computation of Per Share Earnings.
21            Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

                            Exhibit Index (continued)
  No.         Description

23            Consent of Independent Auditors.
27            Financial Data Schedule.

    *  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit  Number in the  Company's
     Registration Statement on Form S-1 File No. 33-47383.

     (1)  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the Company's
     Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1992.

     (2)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended April 3, 1993.

     (3)  Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the Company's
     Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993.

     (4)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended July 2, 1994.

     (5)  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit Number 2.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended July 2, 1994.

     (6)  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.13 in the Company's Form 10-K
     for the fiscal year ended September 30,1995.

     (7)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 30, 1996.

     (8)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.2 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 30, 1996.

     (9)  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit Number 10.1 in the Company's Form
     10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 29, 1996.

                            Exhibit Index (continued)
  No.         Description

     (10) Management  contract or compensatory  plan or arrangement  filed as an
     exhibit to this Form 10-K pursuant to Items 14(a) and 14(c) of Form 10-K.

     (11)  Confidential  treatment  was  granted  for  certain  portions of this

     (12) Confidential treatment requested for certain portions of these
     amendments,  which  portions  have been  omitted and filed  separately  
     with the Securities and Exchange Commission.