EXHIBIT 10.7.1


                            TOTAL TIME 120 AMENDMENT

This  Amendment,  dated as of  7/22/96_______,  is between ADP, Inc., a Delaware
corporation  ("ADP") with  offices at One ADP  Boulevard,  Roseland,  New Jersey
07068,  and Kronos  Incorporated,  a Massachusetts  corporation  ("Kronos") with
offices at 400 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154.

WHEREAS,  the  parties  entered a Software  License  and  Support  and  Hardware
Purchase  Agreement  dated  April 2, 1993 as amended  on [date of main  contract
amendment,] ("Agreement"), and a Development Agreement dated March 21, 1995;

WHEREAS,  the parties  desire to add new products to the  Agreement and to amend
the Agreement in part with respect to those new products;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.       Definitions

         The following definitions are added to the Agreement:

                  (a) "Total Time 120" shall mean the  software  which meets the
                  specifications  attached  to this  Agreement  as Exhibit  A-1.
                  "Total Time 120" shall also be  considered  "Kronos  Software"
                  and "Total Time  Software,"  as those terms are defined in the
                  Agreement;  provided, however, that the only part of Exhibit C
                  which  applies  to  Total  Time  120  shall  be the  additions
                  contained on Exhibit C-1 added herein.

                  (b) "ADP  150" and "ADP 154"  shall  mean the  hardware  which
                  meets the specifications attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
                  A-2.  "ADP  150"  and  "ADP  154"  shall  also  be  considered
                  "Hardware,"   as  that  term  is  defined  in  the  Agreement;
                  provided,  however,  that the  only  part of  Exhibit  B which
                  applies  to such items  shall be the  additions  contained  on
                  Exhibit B-1 added herein.

2.       Applicability of the Agreement

         ADP and Kronos  agree that all terms and  conditions  of the  Agreement
         shall apply to Total Time 120, ADP 150 and ADP 154,  except that,  with
         respect  to  Total  Time  120,  ADP  150  and ADP  154,  the  following
         modifications shall apply:

         (a)      Each time the words "Exhibit B" appear,  they shall be deleted
                  and replaced with "Exhibit B-1".  Each time the words "Exhibit
                  C" appear,  they shall be deleted and replaced  with  "Exhibit

         (b)      Section  2(b) is  amended  by  deleting,  in the  first
                  sentence, the clause "which is an ADP Client" and by adding,
                  after the first  sentence,  the following:  "Notwithstanding
                  the  preceding  sentence,  and subject to the  provisions of
                  Section 2(g),  ADP shall have the right to Sublicense  Total
                  Time 120 only to any person or entity which has 120 or fewer
                  employees  using  the  Total  Time  120  at  any  individual
                  location.   In  addition,   ADP  shall  have  the  right  to
                  Sublicense Total Time 120 only to any person or entity using
                  the  Total  Time 120  with an ADP 150 or ADP  154,  or using
                  Total Time 120  independent of any hardware,  (not including
                  Devices)  unless  Kronos  has given  ADP its  prior  written
                  consent to Sublicense  Total Time 120 on different  Hardware
                  for a particular  person or entity.  Furthermore,  ADP shall
                  only  have the  right to  Sublicense  Total  Time 120 to any
                  person or  entity  located  in the  Territory  of  Interboro
                  Systems Corporation,  as defined herein if such person is an
                  ADP Client."

                  Section  2(b) is  further  amended  by  adding  the  following
                  paragraph to the end thereof:  "Subject to the  provisions  of
                  sections  2(d) and (e) below,  Kronos may  license/sublicense,
                  directly  or  indirectly,  the Total Time 120  (which  will be
                  renamed by Kronos for Kronos  sublicensing) only to any person
                  or entity which has 120 or fewer  employees  using the renamed
                  Total Time 120 at any individual location. In addition, Kronos
                  agrees to  sublicense,  directly  or  indirectly,  the renamed
                  Total Time 120 only to any person or entity  using the renamed
                  Total Time 120 with a Model 150 or Model 154, or using renamed
                  Total Time 120  independent  of any hardware,  (not  including
                  Devices) or on hardware for which Kronos has given its written
                  consent to ADP pursuant to the preceding paragraph."

         (c)      Section 2(c) is amended by deleting subsection (ii) and 
                  replacing it with the following:  "(ii)to combine Total 
                  Time 120 or any part thereof only with the ADP 150 or ADP 154,
                  unless Kronos gives ADP its prior written consent for a 
                  particular person or entity.  In addition, Kronos grants to 
                  ADP the right to combine Total Time 120 with Devices, as 
                  defined in Section 2.(c) of the Agreement, and Kronos shall 
                  waive the $25.00 fees which would otherwise apply to such 
                  combinations.  In the event that ADP desires to combine Total
                  Time 120 with any data collection equipment other than ADP 
                  150, ADP 154 or Devices, ADP shall be required to obtain 
                  Kronos' prior written consent; provided that if such 
                  equipment, which is non-Kronos data collection equipment, 
                  is materially different from, and not competitive with, any

                  data collection equipment then being sold by Kronos, ADP shall
                  first request that Kronos develop equipment equivalent to such
                  non-Kronos  equipment;  if Kronos  declines  to  develop  such
                  equipment,  Kronos shall not unreasonably withhold its consent
                  for ADP to combine Total Time 120 with the desired  non-Kronos
                  data  collection  equipment.  ADP can  market/sublicense  such
                  Total Time 120 and  non-Kronos  equipment only to ADP Clients,
                  if within the Territory of Interboro Systems Corporation.

                  If ADP believes, for any calendar year during the term of this
                  Agreement,  that the  failure  rate of all the ADP  150's  and
                  154's  sold by Kronos to ADP  within  the  preceding  five (5)
                  years  and that are five  years old or newer and are no longer
                  under warranty by Kronos, is greater than twenty-five  percent
                  (25%) in that year,  ADP shall  notify  Kronos in writing  and
                  provide  Kronos with  verification  of such failure rate.  The
                  parties  agree  that  any  failures  attributable  to  reasons
                  specified in Section 12(b) shall be excluded. If Kronos agrees
                  that the failure rate  exceeded  25%,  the parties  agree that
                  Kronos  shall have six (6) months to correct the failure  rate
                  problem.  If  Kronos is unable to  correct  the  failure  rate
                  problem  within such six (6) month  period,  Kronos  agrees to
                  sell the Kronos 440  (without  modem)  terminal  to ADP at the
                  same  price as the  Total  Time 150 and the  Kronos  440 (with
                  modem)  at the same  price as the ADP 154 for the next six (6)
                  months.  If Kronos has not  corrected the failure rate problem
                  by the end of that second six (6) months period,  until Kronos
                  does correct the failure rate problem,  Kronos agrees to waive
                  the  provisions  of this  Section  2(c) which  require  ADP to
                  combine  Total Time 120 only with the ADP 150,  ADP 154 and/or
                  Devices.  As soon as the failure  rate  problem is  corrected,
                  that  waiver  shall  no  longer   remain  in  effect  and  the
                  provisions of this Section 2(c) shall remain in full force and
                  effect.  The  termination  of the waiver  under the  preceding
                  sentence  shall  not  affect  combinations  of Total  Time 120
                  validly made while the waiver was in effect.

         (d)      Section  2(g) is amended be  deleting  the last  sentence  and
                  replacing  it with  the  following:,  "In  addition,  ADP will
                  combine  the ADP 150  and/or  the ADP 154  Hardware  only with
                  Total  Time 120,  unless  Kronos  gives ADP its prior  written
                  consent for a particular  person or entity.  In the event that
                  ADP  desires to combine  the ADP 150 or ADP 154 with  software
                  other  than Total Time 120,  ADP shall be  required  to obtain
                  Kronos' prior written consent; provided that if such non-Total
                  Time 120, is materially  different  from, and not  competitive
                  with, any


                  software then being  sold/licensed by Kronos,  ADP shall first
                  request that Kronos develop software substantially  equivalent
                  to such non-Total Time 120; if Kronos declines to develop such
                  software,  Kronos shall not unreasonably  withhold its consent
                  for ADP to combine  the desired  software  with ADP 150 or ADP
                  154 and Sublicense such software."

         (e)      Section 5(a)(i).  The following shall be inserted after the 
                  word "copy" on the second line:      "or bundled".

         (f)      Sections 5(b) shall apply only to  Sublicensees  of Total Time
                  120 to Sublicensees,  who pay for the Total Time services on a
                  recurring basis, rather than a one-time basis.

         (g)      Section 5(c) is deleted and replaced with the following: 
                  (c) If at any time during the term of this Agreement, Kronos 
                  shall reduce the list prices for the Total Time 120 licensed 
                  hereunder, so that the applicable price charged to ADP on 
                  Exhibit C-1 is greater than the Kronos list price less a *** 
                  discount, then the applicable price listed on Exhibit C-1 
                  shall be reduced to the sum of the following two amounts:  
                  (i) the Kronos list price, less a *** discount, plus (ii) the
                  Kronos standard manufacturing cost for that item.  If Kronos 
                  reduces the list price for the Total Time 120 licensed 
                  hereunder, so that the applicable price charged to ADP on
                  Exhibit C-1 is greater than the Kronos list price less a 
                  *** discount, ADP may, at its option, reproduce/manufacture 
                  the Total Time 120, and the parties agree they will negotiate 
                  mutually acceptable audit terms and conditions , so that 
                  Kronos has adequate assurances that it will receive the 
                  applicable C-1 license price for each copy of the Total 
                  Time 120 reproduced/manufactured by ADP.

         (h)      Section 7(d) is amended by deleting the words "Initial  Custom
                  Software"  each time they appear and  replacing  them with the
                  words  "Total  Time 120",  and by deleting  the last  sentence

         (i)      Section 8 is amended by adding  the  following  proviso at the
                  end of the second sentence:  "; provided  however,  that as to
                  the ADP 150 and ADP 154,  such updates or  enhancements  shall
                  include only  firmware  enhancements  and time and  attendance
                  (not  including  features  specifically  designed  for Kronos'
                  Workforce  Management  products,   such  Workforce  Management
                  products  to be  defined  as  automated  scheduling,  business
                  forecasting  and  workforce  planning)  modifications  to  the


                  In addition  Section 8 is amended by adding the  following  at
                  the end:  "Unless  Kronos  has  given  ADP its  prior  written
                  consent,  ADP  agrees  that it shall  have the  right to sell,
                  lease, rent or otherwise  transfer the ADP 150 and the ADP 154
                  only to persons or entities which are  "Sublicensees" of Total
                  Time 120 under Section 2(b). It is understood that in no event
                  may ADP sell,  lease, rent or transfer the ADP 150 or ADP 154:
                  (a) to any person or entity which is  competitor of Kronos and
                  (b) within the Territory of Interboro Systems Corporation,  to
                  any person or entity which is not an ADP Client.

         (j)      The following shall be added to the end of the second sentence
                  of Section 9(a):  ;provided however,  that each order of Total
                  Time 120  shall be  required  to  contain  at least  200 units
                  (i.e.,  a "unit" is considered to be one "bundled"  package or
                  one  separately  ordered Total Time 120 or separately  ordered
                  ADP 150 or ADP  154.),  with such units to be  delivered  to a
                  single delivery point.

         (k)      The last five sentences of Section 9(a) shall be deleted and 
                  replaced with the following: "Commencing on the signing of 
                  this Amendment, ADP shall provide to Kronos quarterly 
                  forecasts of the expected volume of Hardware orders for the 
                  following four quarters; provided however, that ADP shall have
                  the right to revise the forecasts for either or both of the 
                  two latest (i.e.,farthest away in time from the revision) 
                  quarters in its most current four-quarter forecasts by
                  notifying Kronos in writing.  Notwithstanding the second 
                  preceding sentence, in the event actual orders for any quarter
                  exceed forecasted orders for such quarter by up to 20% of such
                  forecast, Kronos shall be required to deliver an amount equal 
                  to 120% of such forecast within 30 days after receipt of the 
                  P.O.  Kronos shall not be obliged to deliver an amount in 
                  excess of the 120% of forecasted orders within 30 days after 
                  Order Acceptance Date.  However, Kronos will use its best 
                  efforts to deliver such excess amounts as soon as practicable
                  and for amounts up to 200% of the original forecast, no later 
                  than 120 days after receipt of the P.O.  Kronos shall in any 
                  event confirm the delivery dates with respect to all P.O.'s."

          (l)     Section 9(b) is amended by adding the following proviso: "; 
                  provided however, that ADP may not cancel any order received 
                  within four (4) months prior to the termination of this Total
                  Time 120 Amendment."

                  (m)      Section 9(c) is amended by deleting the word "three"
                  in the second sentence, and replacing it with the word "ten".



         (n)      Section 10(a) is amended by deleting the last four 
                  sentences and replacing them with the following sentence: 
                  "If at any time during the term of this Agreement, Kronos 
                  shall reduce the list prices of items of Hardware (or 
                  replacement or new items described in preceding clauses 
                  (i)and (ii)) purchasable by ADP hereunder so that the 
                  applicable price charged to ADP on Exhibit B-1 for an item 
                  is greater than *** ******* ***** ** ***** ***** ****
                  **** **** ** *** * ******* ********** **** *** * 
                  ********** ****** ****, **** * ** ********, then the
                  applicable price listed on Exhibit B-1 shall be reduced to 
                  *** ******* ***** ** ***** ***** **** **** **** ** *** 
                  ****** ***** *** ****** *** ******** *** ****** ******* 
                  ***** *** **** ****** ****, **** * ** ********.  *** 
                  ******* ***** ** ***** ***** **** **** **** ** *** * 
                  ******* (excluding ADP), for any particular fiscal year 
                  and item shall be determined by calculating the average prices
                  at which ***** * *******  purchased  that item in 
                  that fiscal year. Any price decreases  pursuant to this 
                  section shall apply  prospectively only. The calculation 
                  of average price at which Kronos sold an item ** ***
                  *******  shall be made at the end of each  Kronos fiscal  
                  year.  *****  ***  *******  *****  **  ******* ** *** ********
                  ** ***** ******* ***** *** *** ******* ***** ********** 
                  *** ******* ************* ******** ********* ** *** *****
                  ******** ** ***** ******.

         (o)      Section 10(e) is amended by deleting the first two 
                  sentences and replacing them with the following 
                  sentences:  "Kronos shall issue one invoice for each 
                  shipment.  Invoices shall be directed to ADP corporate 

         (p)      Section 14(a) is amended by deleting the first sentence 
                  and replacing it with the following: "The initial term 
                  of this Total Time 120 Amendment shall commence on the 
                  date of signing and continue until April 2, 2001."

         (q)      Section  15(a) is deleted,  and replaced  with the  following:
                  "Kronos  and ADP agree that if Kronos  develops  new  hardware
                  and/or new software  during the term of the Agreement which is
                  to be  sold/sublicensed  to  End-Users  with  fewer  than  120
                  employees,  Kronos  will  permit ADP to  sell/sublicense  such
                  hardware and  software,  subject to mutually  agreed terms and
                  conditions,   and  Kronos  further  agrees  to  abide  by  the
                  restrictions  contained in the last  sentence of Section 2.(d)
                  of the Agreement for such hardware and software."

         (r)      Section 15(b) is amended by adding the following to the end 
                  of the first sentence:  "on a one-time, paid-up


                  sublicense basis".

         (s)      All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain 
                  in full force and effect.


KRONOS INCORPORATED                         ADP, INC.

By: S/ W. Patrick Decker                    By: S/ Ron Clarke
   (Signature)                                 (Signature)

Name: W. Patrick Decker                     Name: Ron Clarke
     (Please print)                              (Please print)

Title: Vice President, Marketing            Title: President, Electronics
            and Field Operations                        Services Division

Date: 7/22/96                                        Date: 7/22/96


                                   EXHIBIT A-1

                              PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS

                 PRODUCT                   SPECIFICATIONS

                 System 400                Man, Operators ADP/400
                 System 100                Man, Users 100/Kronos Term
                 TKC V8                    Man, Procedural Guide, TKC V8C/D
                 TimeMaker II              Man, User Manual, TimeMaker II


                                   EXHIBIT B-1
              ADP 150 and ADP 154 Hardware Description and Pricing

If the ADP 150 and/or ADP 154 is purchased by ADP separately from the Total Time
120 Software, the prices are as follows:


                  ADP 150                   ****
                  ADP 154 (Modem)           ****

If the ADP 150 and/or ADP 154 is purchased by ADP "bundled"  with the Total Time
120 Software, the "bundled" prices specified on Exhibit C-1 shall apply.

The prices specified above are F.O.B. Chelmsford, Massachusetts, exclude freight
and tax costs,  and are valid only for  shipments  of a minimum of 200 units per
order   to  a   single   delivery   point.   The   prices   include   the   user
manual/installation guide.

On October 1, 1997,  Kronos  shall  determine  the standard  manufacturing  cost
("SMC") for the Kronos 150 for Kronos'  fiscal year 1996.  Beginning  in Kronos'
fiscal year 1998  (i.e.,  October 1, 1997) and  continuing  for each fiscal year
thereafter  during  the  term of this  Amendment,  if the SMC for the  preceding
fiscal  year is less than the SMC for fiscal  year 1996,  Kronos will reduce the
Price  (stated  above)  on the ADP 150 by *** of the  reduction  in the SMC.  In
addition,  the same procedure  described  herein will be done on the Kronos 154,
with decrease in price to be applied to the ADP 154.

Any decrease in price resulting from the procedure  described  herein will apply
prospectively only (i.e., beginning on October 1, 1997). The procedure described
herein will be repeated at the  beginning of each Kronos  fiscal year during the
term of this Amendment.



                                   EXHIBIT C-1
                 Total Time 120 Software Description and Pricing

If Total Time 120 is  purchased  by ADP  separately  from the ADP 150 or ADP 154
Hardware,  the price of Total Time 120 is ****.  Total Time 120 includes the ADP
Central  Controller,  the Scheduler,  the Archiver and CardSaver,  whether Total
Time 120 is purchased separately or on "bundled" basis.

If Total Time 120 is purchased by ADP "bundled" with the ADP 150 or ADP 154, the
following prices shall apply:

         ADP 150
         Total Time 120
         50 badges
         100 feet of cable
                  Bundled Price is ****

         ADP 154 (includes modem)
         Total Time 120
         50 badges
         100 feet of cable
                  Bundled price is ****

No  sales/licenses  of Total Time 120,  whether sold  separately or on "bundled"
basis,  shall be  counted  toward the  15,000  units  listed on Exhibit C of the

The prices specified above are F.O.B. Chelmsford, Massachusetts, exclude freight
and tax costs,  and are valid only for  shipments  of a minimum of 200 units per
order to a single  delivery  point. A "bundled"  package counts as one unit. The
prices include the user manual/installation guide.


                                                      EXHIBIT 10.7.1 (CONTINUED)



This      Amendment,      which      shall      be      effective      as     of
___________7/22/96__________________,   is  between   ADP,   Inc.,   a  Delaware
corporation  ("ADP") with  offices at One ADP  Boulevard,  Roseland,  New Jersey
07068,  and Kronos  Incorporated,  a Massachusetts  corporation  ("Kronos") with
offices at 400 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154.

WHEREAS,  the  parties  entered a Software  License  and  Support  and  Hardware
Purchase  Agreement  dated  April  2,  1993  ("Agreement"),  and  a  Development
Agreement dated March 21, 1995;

WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.   Section 1 is amended by adding the following subsection: "(ee) Territory of
     Interboro  Systems  Corporation"  shall mean  Puerto  Rico;  the  following
     counties in New York:  Nassau,  Suffolk,  Bronx,  Kings, New York,  Queens,
     Richmond, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Westchester; and the following counties
     in  New  Jersey:  Atlantic;  Bergen,  Essex,  Hudson,  Hunterdon,   Mercer,
     Middlesex,  Monmouth, Morris Ocean, Passaic,  Somerset,  Sussex, Union, and

2.   Section  2.(c) is  amended by adding the  following  sentences  at the end:
     "Subject to the  requirements  of the  following  three  sentences,  Kronos
     hereby  grants  to ADP the  right  to  combine  Total  Time  Software  with
     telephone data  collection  devices  (comparable to TALX's  system),  swipe
     readers, point of sale systems, palm readers, scanners,  portable hand-held
     data  collectors,  excluding  personal  computers  (hereafter  collectively
     "Devices");  provided however, that such portable hand-held collectors must
     be used in a mobile-type of  application  i.e., not secured to a stationary
     object for operation. In each calendar year, ADP shall purchase from Kronos
     a minimum  of eighty per cent  (80%) of the total  number of  Devices  (for
     which Kronos has a comparable  product) that ADP purchases in that year, so
     long as Kronos  will sell to ADP such  Devices at a  competitive  price for
     similar quantities, functionality and warranty coverage. If ADP sublicenses
     Total Time  Software for use with any Device  (including  Devices for which
     Kronos has no  comparable  product) ADP did not purchase  from Kronos,  ADP
     shall pay Kronos a fee of  twenty-five  dollars  ($25.00)  for each copy of



     Time Software  combined with one or more Devices which ADP did not purchase
     from Kronos.  The fee required under the preceding sentence shall not apply
     if the End-User  purchasing  such a Device also  purchases,  as part of the
     same order, at least one unit of Hardware (i.e.,  clock) which is connected
     to the Total Time Software,  or the End-User  already had installed at that
     same  location at least one unit of Hardware  (i.e.,  clock),  or the Total
     Time  Software  is  connected  via  modem  to a unit  of  Hardware  located

3.   Section  2.(d) is amended by deleting the second  sentence and replacing it
     with the following: "In addition, during the term of this Agreement, Kronos
     shall not in *** ******  ****** ** *******  ***** **** *** ***** ******* **
     ***** ********* ********* ** ******* *********** **** *** ********** ** ***
     ** *** ******* **********  ******** ** ***** *********  ********** ********
     ******** *** *** ******* ** ********** ********  *********** ** ***********
     ****** **** ***  ********** ** **********  ******** **** ****  ************
     *******  **********  ******** ** ***** *********  **********  ********.  If
     Kronos ****** **** * ***** ******* ** ***** *********  ********* ** *******
     *********** **** ** *** **********  ********** ****  ************  ********
     ***** *** *** *******  ********** ** ***** *********  **********  ********,
     Kronos agrees,  for one year after the termination of this Agreement,  that
     Kronos will *** ***** **** *** ***** ******* ** *****  *********  *********
     ** *******  *********** **** **** **********  ********** ****  ************
     ******* ********** ** ***** ********* ********** ********.

4.   Section  2.(d) is amended by deleting the last  sentence  and  replacing it
     with the following:  "Furthermore, Kronos covenants and agrees that, during
     the term of this  Agreement,  it will not in *** ******  ******* ** *******
     ***** * ****** **** ** ****** **** ****** ** *** ****** ****** *** ********
     ** *** **** ******* ** *** *********  ********** ***** ******* ******* ****
     ******   ********   *****  ****  *  ****  *****  ***  ***  ****   *********
     ****************  ******  *********  *****  *** * ****  **********  ** ****
     ******** ********* *** ******** ********* ***** *** *** ******* *********

5.   Section  2.(g) is  deleted  and  replaced  with the  following:  "Except as
     provided in the following  sentence,  ADP hereby  covenants and agrees that
     during the term of this  Agreement it will not enter into any joint venture
     or joint marketing  agreement or similar  arrangement  with any third party
     for the purpose of


     developing,   marketing,   and/or  manufacturing  time  and  attendance  or
     scheduling  hardware or software.  Kronos agrees that ADP may enter a joint
     venture or joint  marketing  agreement  or  similar  arrangement  with,  or
     acquire,  a third party  developing,  marketing or  manufacturing  time and
     attendance  or  scheduling  software  or  hardware,  so  long  as (i)  such
     agreement is limited to  sales/licenses  into  European  countries or, (ii)
     such  agreement  concerns time and  attendance or scheduling  software (not
     hardware)  and such time and  attendance  or  scheduling  software does not
     compete with Kronos  products.  If any such third party  develops,  markets
     and/or manufactures time and attendance or scheduling hardware or software,
     and ADP enters into a joint venture or joint marketing agreement or similar
     arrangement  concerning that third party's  products which are not time and
     attendance or  scheduling  hardware or software,  ADP agrees,  for one year
     after the termination of this  Agreement,  that ADP will not enter into any
     joint venture or joint marketing agreement or similar arrangement with that
     third party concerning that third party's time and attendance or scheduling
     hardware or  software.  ADP further  agrees  that,  during the term of this
     Agreement, it will not develop, other than pursuant to this Agreement,  any
     time and attendance or scheduling  hardware or software which shall compete
     with Kronos  products.  The parties  agree that,  for purposes of the three
     preceding  sentences,  the  following  shall not be deemed to compete  with
     Kronos products: (i) software which allows businesses to collect employees'
     time   worked   by   client/activity   for  the   purpose   of   generating
     bills/invoices,  and (ii)  electronic  capture  of  employees'  time  where
     processing is limited to basic  arithmetic  (i.e.,  subtracting  start/stop
     times and adding totals across activities or days);  provided however, that
     this exception shall not include any if/then type logic,  such as rounding,
     overtime calculations, premium calculations, etc. In addition, ADP will not
     combine Hardware with any non-Total Time software without the prior written
     consent of Kronos;  provided  further that in the event that ADP desires to
     combine  Hardware  with  non-Total  Time  software,   which  is  materially
     different  from,  and  not  competitive   with,  any  software  then  being
     sold/licensed  by Kronos,  ADP shall  first  request  that  Kronos  develop
     software  substantially  equivalent to such  non-Total  Time  software;  if
     Kronos  declines to develop such  software,  Kronos shall not  unreasonably
     withhold its consent for ADP to combine the desired  software with Hardware
     and sublicense such software to ADP Clients." 



6.   Section 2 is further amended by adding the following  subsection:  "(i) The
     obligations  and rights of Kronos  specified in Section 2 of the  Agreement
     shall be deemed to apply to each Kronos  "Subsidiary",  as  "Subsidiary" is
     defined in the Agreement. The obligations and rights of ADP shall be deemed
     to  apply to each ADP  "Subsidiary",  as  "Subsidiary"  is  defined  in the

7.   Exhibit B is deleted  and  replaced  with the  Exhibit B  attached  to this

8.   Section 11 is amended by  deleting  the second and third  sentences  in the
     third  paragraph and replacing them with the following:  "In addition,  ADP
     may engage a third party to provide on-site maintenance and/or installation
     to Total Time  customers of the Hardware and  Software;  provided  however,
     that such  third  party  shall not be a direct  competitor  of  Kronos.  In
     addition,  ADP may engage the same, or a different,  third party to perform
     depot maintenance  services,  provided however, that such third party shall
     not be a direct competitor of Kronos.

9.   Section  12.(a)(i) is amended by striking the first  sentence and replacing
     it with the  following:  "Kronos  warrants that the Kronos 440, 460 and 480
     Hardware  shipped  hereunder  will be free  from  defects  in  material  or
     workmanship   and  will   perform   in   accordance   with  its   published
     specifications  for a period  of *** days  from  the  date of  shipment  by
     Kronos,  and the ADP 140, 144, 150 and 154 Hardware shipped  hereunder will
     be free from  defects  in  material  or  workmanship  and will  perform  in
     accordance with its published  specifications  for a period of ******* ****
     months from the date of shipment by Kronos, (such *** day and such ** month
     periods, as applicable, hereafter shall be called "Warranty Period")."

10.  Section 14.(a) is amended by deleting "April 2, 1998" and replacing it with
     "April 2, 2001".

11.  Section 22 is amended by adding the following  subsection (m): "The parties
     agree to conduct a twelve month "standalone marketing test," subject to the
     following  requirements.  The  parties  agree  that the test shall last for
     twelve (12) months, shall be conducted in Houston only, and that there will
     be a ninety  (90) day period  after the end of the  twelve  (12) month test
     when the parties negotiate and mutually 



     agree to terms and conditions  governing the "standalone"  product.  During
     the  period of the test and for the  geographic  territory  covered  by the
     test, all terms and conditions of this Agreement  shall apply,  except that
     Kronos agrees to waive the requirement of subsection 2(b) of this Agreement
     that ADP  Sublicense  only to ADP Client(s) and permit ADP to Sublicense to
     persons or entities  other than ADP  Clients.  If, at the end of the ninety
     (90) day period following the completion of standalone  marketing test, ADP
     desires to continue the  sublicensing on a standalone basis but Kronos does
     not  agree to such  further  sublicensing,  the  parties  agree to take the
     following  steps:  (i) make good faith  efforts to negotiate  the terms and
     conditions under which Kronos would develop,  and ADP would  sublicense,  a
     modified kind of Total Time Software for  standalone  sublicenses,  and/or,
     upon mutual agreement,  for sublicenses to ADP Clients as well; and (ii) if
     the parties are unable to agree to the terms and  conditions  in (i) above,
     (including  pricing),  the following will occur:  (a) ADP may enter a joint
     venture or joint marketing  agreement or similar arrangement with one third
     party  developing,  marketing  or  manufacturing  time  and  attendance  or
     scheduling software subject to the following restrictions: (i) ADP can have
     such an  arrangement  with only one such third  party at any point in time;
     (ii) ADP is permitted to  sublicense  such third  party's  software only to
     persons or  entities  having  between one  hundred  (100) and one  thousand
     (1000)  employees on any one  software  database  (i.e.,  profiles/payrolls
     maintained on one personal  computer);  (iii) the third party software must
     either  work  independently  of any  hardware,  or if  sold  to be  used on
     hardware   (excluding   personal   computers),   such   software   must  be
     sold/sublicensed  in  conjunction  with  Hardware  or in  conjunction  with
     Devices;  provided  however that the use of Devices shall be subject to all
     the  requirements  of Section  2(c);  and (iv) ADP shall  notify  Kronos in
     advance in writing of any contact ADP has with any third party  developing,
     marketing or manufacturing time and attendance or scheduling software, with
     which ADP is  considering a joint  venture,  joint  marketing  agreement or
     similar arrangement.
     (b) If ADP enters  into a joint  venture or joint  marketing  agreement  or
     similar  arrangement  pursuant to the terms of  paragraph  (a) above,  then
     Kronos may ***** * ****** **** ** ****** **** ******* ** *** ****** 



     ******  ***  ********  ** *** ****  *******  ** *** *** ***  ***** ** *****
     ******* ********** ********* ******* ** ***** ********* ********** ********
     ******* ** ***** * *****  ******* ** *****  *********  ********* ** *******
     ***********  **** *** *** *** ***** ** *****  *******  **********  ********
     ******* ** ***** *********  **********  ******** ******** ******** ********
     **** *** **** ********  *****  ******** *** *********  ********* ** *******
     *********** shall not be deemed to include the right to sell Hardware;  and
     provided further that such ******** ** ******* **********  ******** *******
     ** ***** *********  **********  ******** ******* may only license,  sell or
     otherwise  transfer the Software to persons or entities  having between one
     hundred  (100)  and one  thousand  (1000)  employees  on any  one  software
     database  (i.e.,  profiles/payroll  maintained  on one personal  computer).
     Kronos agrees to notify ADP in advance in writing of any contact Kronos has
     with *** ***** ***** ******* ********** ******** ******* ** ***** *********
     **********  ******** ******** to which Kronos is considering  ******** ****
     *******  **  ****  *****  ******  **  ***********  * *****  ********  *****
     ********* ** ******* ************

12.  All other terms and  conditions of the  Agreement  remain in full force and


KRONOS INCORPORATED                         ADP, INC.

By: S/W. Patrick Decker                     By: S/Ron Clarke
        (Signature)                              (Signature)

Name: W. Patrick Decker                     Name: Ron Clarke
         (Please Print)                          (Please Print)

Title: VICE PRESIDENT,                      Title: PRESIDENT,                   
       MARKETING & FIELD OPERATIONS                ELECTRONICS          
                                                   SERVICES DIVISION

Date: 7/22/96                               Date: 7/22/96



                                    EXHIBIT B
                        Hardware Description and Pricing

         Unit                                                    Price Per Unit

         Kronos 440 Basic Bar Code 128K                                $  ***
         Kronos 460 Full Bar Code 128K                                 $  ***
         Kronos 440 Basic Bar Code Modem 128K                          $  ***
         Kronos 460 Full Bar Code Modem 128K                           $  ***

         Kronos 480 Full 256K                                          $  ***
         Kronos 480 Full 512K                                          $*****

         ADP 140 Bar Code                                              $  ***
         ADP 144 Bar Code (Modem)                                      $  ***


         Ethernet Daughter Board Kit                                   $   ***
         Printer Option Upgrade for 460's & 480's                      $   ***
         Smart Converter                                               $    **
         Remote Reader                                                 $   ***
         Bell Relay Kit                                                $    **
         Battery Back-up Modem                                         $   ***
         Secure Wall Mount                                             $    **

         * Should new versions of the 140, 144, 440 and 460 firmware be released
         by Kronos which contain  features  designed to work in conjunction with
         newly  released  software  features  being used by ADP,  these firmware
         versions will be provided to ADP at no additional cost.

         **  Kronos  will  provide a ***  discount  on all  Kronos  manufactured
         peripheral devices.

         *** ADP  recognizes  and  agrees  that  the ADP 140 and the ADP 144 are
         designed for use at locations with fifty (50) or fewer  employees a day
         and will only permit  fifty (50) or fewer  employees  to punch during a

         **** Should ADP decide to purchase the 440, 460,  and/or 480 in lots of
         100, and have them shipped to one central  location,  a discount of ***
         per terminal may be applied.

Kronos has determined its standard manufacturing cost ("SMC") for Kronos' fiscal
year 1995. Beginning in Kronos' fiscal year 1997 (i.e., October 1, 1996), if the
SMC for the  preceding  fiscal  year is less than the SMC for fiscal  year 1995,
Kronos will reduce the Price Per Unit (stated above) on the Kronos 440, 460, and
480 by *** of the reduction in the


SMC.  For example,  if Kronos  determines,  at the  beginning of its fiscal year
1997,  that the SMC for the System 400 was *** less in fiscal  year 1996 than in
fiscal year 1995,  Kronos would reduce the price per unit on the Kronos 440, 460
and 480 by *** so that the price  charged to ADP,  beginning on October 1, 1996,
would be ****.  Any decrease in price will apply  prospectively  only  beginning
with all orders  received  after  September 30 (i.e.,  orders placed on or after
October 1). The procedure  described herein will be repeated at the beginning of
each Kronos fiscal year during the term of this Agreement.

In addition,  beginning in Kronos'  fiscal year 1997,  Kronos will determine the
average  selling price  ("ASP") for the System 440,  460,  480, 300,  (including
modem and only if sold with TKC 250 or TKC for fewer than 250 employees) for the
preceding  fiscal year.  If the ASP is below ****,  Kronos will reduce the Price
Per Unit  (stated  above) on the Kronos 440, 460 and 480 by *** of the amount by
which the ASP is less than *****.  For  example,  if the ASP in fiscal year 1996
was  *****,  Kronos  would  reduce  the  price per unit  charged  to ADP by ***,
beginning  on October 1, 1996.  Any  decrease in price will apply  prospectively
only  beginning  with all orders  received  after  September  30. The  procedure
described  herein will be repeated at the  beginning of each Kronos  fiscal year
during the term of this Agreement.

On October 1, 1997,  Kronos  will  determine  its  standard  manufacturing  cost
("SMC") for the Kronos 140 for Kronos'  fiscal year 1996.  Beginning  in Kronos'
fiscal year 1998  (i.e.,  October 1, 1997) and  continuing  for each fiscal year
thereafter,  if the SMC for the  preceding  fiscal year is less than the SMC for
fiscal year 1996,  Kronos will reduce the Price Per Unit  (stated  above) on the
ADP 140 by *** of the  reduction  in the SMC. In  addition,  the same  procedure
described  herein  will be done on the Kronos  144,  with any  decrease in price
applied to the ADP 144.  Any  decrease  in price will apply  prospectively  only
(i.e.  beginning on October 1, 1997). The procedure  described in this paragraph
will be  repeated  for each  fiscal  year  during  the  term of this  Agreement,
beginning in Kronos' fiscal year 1998.

In  addition,  beginning  in Kronos'  fiscal year 1998  (i.e.,  October 1, 1997)
Kronos will  determine the ASP for the Kronos 140 and the Kronos 144. If the ASP
is below  ****,  Kronos  will  reduce the Price Per Unit  (stated  above) on the
Kronos 140 and/or 144, as  applicable,  by *** of the amount by which the ASP is
less than  ****.  Any  decrease  in price  will apply  prospectively  only.  The
procedure  described  herein will be repeated  at the  beginning  of each Kronos
fiscal year during the term of this Agreement.

On April 2, 1998, the parties agree to review,  in good faith, the provisions of
the price adjustment paragraphs above.