Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

[X] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
    of 1934
For the fiscal year ended       September 30, 1999

[   ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934
     For the transition period from          to

     Commission file number       0-20109

                               Kronos Incorporated
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     Massachusetts                                           04-2640942
(State or other jurisdiction of                           (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                           Identification No.)

                       400 Fifth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code           (781) 890-3232

     Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

     Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                     Common Stock, $0.01 par value per share

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes X No

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ X ]

         State  the  aggregate   market  value  of  the  voting  stock  held  by
non-affiliates of the registrant.

                           Non-Affiliate Voting                  Aggregate
    Date                   Shares Outstanding                  Market Value
November 30, 1999             11,746,547                       $609,352,126

         Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the  registrant's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

    Date                         Class                     Outstanding Shares
                         Common Stock, $0.01 par
November 30, 1999           value per share                     12,482,522

     The Company's  definitive  proxy  statement dated December 17, 1999 for the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held on February 3, 2000 (Part III - Items
10,11,12 and 13).

                                     PART I

Item 1.  Business

         Kronos  Incorporated  (the "Company" or "Kronos") was organized in 1977
as a Massachusetts corporation.  The Company develops,  manufactures and markets
frontline labor management systems that enhance productivity in the workplace by
capturing,  measuring  and  delivering  information  about  employees'  time and
activities.  The Company's frontline labor management systems are designed for a
wide range of  businesses  from  single-user  to large  multi-site  enterprises.
Kronos'  applications  perform time and attendance,  employee  scheduling,  shop
floor labor allocation,  activity-tracking and labor analytics.  Kronos' systems
capture  information from employees in the workplace utilizing a variety of user
interaction technologies. These technologies include intelligent data collection
terminals that the Company  manufactures,  desktop  applications,  the Internet,
interactive voice response and biometrics.  Kronos' application suite can either
operate  independently  in a  desktop  environment  or  interface  with  related
applications and technologies at many points throughout the enterprise to enable
management  to optimize the use of their labor data.  In  addition,  the Company
maintains an extensive  professional  service and technical support organization
that is  responsible  for  maintaining  systems and providing  professional  and
educational  services.  These  services  can be  provided  on site  or over  the
Internet.  The Company also  collaborates  with  industry  leading  vendors that
market  products and services that are  synergistic to Kronos  solutions.  These
collaborations   include  major  enterprise   resource  planning  system  (ERPs)
providers,  manufacturing execution system (MES) providers, and human resources,
finance, scheduling and payroll application providers, as well as consulting and
systems  integration  firms. To date, the majority of the Company's revenues and
profits have been derived from its time and attendance  applications and related
products and services.


         The software incorporated in Kronos' frontline labor management systems
is parameter-driven,  which allows it to be configured upon installation to meet
the needs of an individual  customer and  reconfigured as customer needs evolve.
The Company  offers  various  products  that  operate in  enterprise  or desktop
environments  and can be  accessed  through a number of  methods  including  the
Internet. These products include:

Timekeeper  Central(R)  System -- targeted for small to mid-size  businesses  or
large enterprises that deploy systems  site-by-site,  the system streamlines the
management,  collection and  distribution  of employee hours for payroll,  human
resources,  and other Kronos  applications  for frontline labor  management.  By
eliminating  the need for manual  data  collection  and data  entry,  the system
reduces the time needed to collect employee work related  information,  improves
payroll  accuracy,  and provides  time-sensitive  labor information to frontline
managers.  Its rules engine has been  developed to accommodate a wide variety of
pay policies and work rules correctly and uniformly across the organization.  It
accepts a wide  range of user  interaction  methods  including  data  collection
devices, interactive voice response systems, native windows applications and the

Workforce Central(TM) Suite:
A suite of products designed for  organizations  that need to provide all levels
of management  with access to real-time  information on the labor  components of
their business. Solutions integrated with the suite include:

o     Workforce  TimekeeperTM  --  streamlines  the  management,  collection and
      distribution  of employee  hours,  and simplifies the control of the labor
      expense throughout an enterprise.  Workforce  Timekeeper uses a robust pay
      rules  engine  to  apply  complex  work  and  pay  rules   accurately  and
      consistently  throughout an  organization  thus  eliminating  the need for
      manual timecards and timesheets.

o    Workforce AccrualsTM -- provides for control of leave liability, compliance
     with corporate policies or contracts, and enables employees and supervisors
     to manage benefit time by  automatically  calculating  the balances of each
     employee's available benefit time.

o    Workforce  ActivitiesTM  -- collects  activity  data from an  employee  and
     reports on activities performed,  productivity and employee transactions as
     well as provides data to other systems such as billing or project tracking.
     Workforce Activities is anticipated to be released in the second
     quarter of fiscal 2000.

o    Workforce  Smart  SchedulerTM  --  forecasts  staffing  needs  to  business
     volumes,  optimizes  staffing by applying work standards,  and provides all
     levels  of  management  with  reporting  tools  to act on  real-time  labor

     The Company's  Timekeeper  Central and Workforce  Timekeeper systems run on
Windows  95/98,  Windows NT and Citrix  Metaframe.  The Workforce  Central suite
supports a variety of industry-standard databases including Oracle, Informix and
Microsoft SQL Server.

Timekeeper(R)/AS Suite:
A suite of products for both single-site and enterprise-wide deployment in AS400
environments. Timekeeper/AS provides centralized data with decentralized access,
allowing all levels of management  access to real-time  information on the labor
component  of the  business  and  extending  the  functionality  of ERP systems.
Solutions integrated with the suite include:

o    Timekeeper/AS -- provides users with a flexible and comprehensive pay rules
     engine to apply  complex  work and pay rules  accurately  and  consistently
     throughout  the  entire  organization   eliminating  the  need  for  manual
     timecards and timesheets.

o    Timekeeper/AS   Accruals  --  provides  for  control  of  leave  liability,
     compliance with corporate policies or contracts,  and enables employees and
     supervisors  to  manage  benefit  time  by  automatically  calculating  the
     balances of each employee's available benefit time.

o    Timekeeper/AS  Attendance  Tracker -- allows  organizations to automate its
     no-fault  attendance program by capturing lost time exceptions and absences
     from the  Timekeeper/AS  system  and  providing  real time  information  to
     managers for disciplinary management.

o    Timekeeper/AS  Labor Data Collection -- captures time,  labor, and material
     usage at every stage of the production  process thereby providing  managers
     the tools to improve customer responsiveness, enhance operating efficiency,
     increase labor productivity, and ensure quality control.

o    Timekeeper/AS  Gate  Access --  provides a method to  control  and track
     access to areas within an organization that require monitoring.

         In  addition,  the Company  offers the  following  solutions to address
customers specific needs:

ShopTrac ProTM -- captures time, labor, and material usage at every stage of the
production  process  thereby  providing  managers the tools to improve  customer
responsiveness,  enhance operating efficiency,  increase labor productivity, and
ensure quality control.

Visionware(R)  --  consists  of  a  suite  of  labor   productivity  tools  that
synthesizes  information  from  disparate  information  systems such as billing,
payroll and time and attendance and  accurately  captures,  analyzes and reports
the information.  The information,  which can be reported in either graphical or
tabular format, can enable management to monitor and manage labor  productivity.
To date this product has principally  been used within the Healthcare  industry,
however,  the Company  intends to market this product through its other industry
specific divisions during fiscal 2000.

Imagekeeper(R)  -- easy to use,  flexible  video  imaging  system that  captures
employee  images and  signatures  and stores  them with  other  personnel  data.
Imagekeeper   provides  instant  on-line   identification  and  verification  of
employees  and  produces  economical  badges  that can be  utilized  by multiple
applications using barcodes, magnetic stripes and other technologies.  Personnel
data can easily be shared with other in-house applications that require the same

         Kronos  provides  a wide  range  of user  interaction  technologies  to
accommodate   various  work  environments  and  markets,   and  to  satisfy  the
price/performance   requirements  of  its  customers.   These  user  interaction
technologies include:

o    Time and Labor Data Entry  Terminals:  Fixed and portable  intelligent data
     collection  devices that record time,  labor, and activity data via serial,
     Ethernet,  Token Ring,  or modem host  communications.  Data can be entered
     using the terminal's  stationary badge reader in Barcode or Magnetic Stripe
     format,  or entered  manually via the terminal  keyboard.  Lasers,  charged
     coupled  device  ("CCD")  scanners and Wedge readers can be attached to the
     terminal to aid in the collection of factory-floor or labor activity data.

o    Workforce WebTM and  Timekeeper/AS  Web: Using a standard web browser (e.g.
     Netscape  or  Internet  Explorer),  employees  can enter  time  worked in a
     variety of formats,  request time off, and review leave  balances and total
     hours worked.

o    Workforce ExpressTM: Using Microsoft Outlook, Windows or web, employees can
     enter time worked in a variety of  formats,  request  time off,  and review
     leave balances and total hours worked.

o    Timekeeper/AS  Terminal Entry: Using AS/400 or PC based host systems,  time
     and labor data can be collected  from local or remote data entry  terminals
     via serial, Ethernet, Token Ring or modem communications in a heterogeneous
     computing environment.

o    Workforce  TeleTimeTM and Timekeeper/AS  TeleTime:  Using  telephone-based,
     interactive  voice  response  solutions,  enterprise-wide  time  and  labor
     information can be collected and communicated.

o    Timekeeper/AS Graphical User  Interface:  Provides for a windows front end
     for the entire  Timekeeper/AS  suite  application. Additionally,  provides
     functionality for Web connectivity and access over the internet / intranet.

         The Company  believes  that the extensive set of functions and features
within its time and attendance  products,  the suite of  applications  available
through its frontline labor management  systems and its various user interaction
technologies  provide it with an important  advantage over its competition.  The
Company believes additional  competitive  advantages are provided by its ability
to offer frontline labor management  systems that accommodate  specific vertical
markets and by its collaborations with various industry-leading vendors.

Services and Support

         Kronos  maintains  an  extensive  professional  service  and  technical
support  organization  which provides a suite of maintenance,  professional  and
educational  services.  These  services  are  designed to support the  Company's
customers  throughout the product life cycle.  Maintenance  service  options are
delivered through the Company's  centralized Global Support operation or through
local  service  personnel.  The Company  also  provides a wide range of customer
self-service options through the Internet.  The Company's  professional services
include  implementation  support,  technical and business  consulting as well as
system integration and optimization.  The Company's educational services offer a
full range of curriculums  which are delivered through local training centers or
via  computer  based  training  courses.  When  necessary,  the Company may also
provide   software   customization   services   to  meet  any  unique   customer

Marketing and Sales

         Kronos  markets and sells its products to the mid-market and enterprise
markets in the United  States and other  countries  through its direct sales and
support  organization and through  independent  dealers.  In addition,  to serve
smaller  businesses,  the Company has a joint marketing agreement with ADP, Inc.
("ADP").  The Company  recognizes  that the  information  needs of businesses in
various industries continue to be increasingly specialized and sophisticated. As
a result,  the Company's  marketing and field sales personnel are organized into
industry  specific  divisions.  These  divisions  focus  on  the  needs  of  the
manufacturing, healthcare,  retail/hospitality and government/education markets.
These divisions operate with the following objectives:

         o        To gain expertise in their  respective  industry  environments
                  and pursue opportunities for growth and product leadership.

         o        To focus  engineering  and  marketing  resources  on  industry
                  specific  product  development  efforts  required  to  deliver
                  products and services that meet those industry needs.

         o        To develop long-term business relationships with select
                  industry partners.

         o        To educate and train sales staff as industry specialists.

         Focusing  on  industry  specific  divisions  permits  Kronos  to better
understand   the  needs  of  its  customers  and  to  respond   quickly  to  the
opportunities presented by these markets.

Direct Sales Organization

         The Company  has 36 direct  sales and  support  offices  located in the
United  States.  In  addition,  the Company has three sales and support  offices
located in Canada, two in the United Kingdom,  one in Mexico,  four in Australia
and one in Brazil. Each direct sales office covers a defined territory,  and has
sales and support functions.

         For the fiscal  years ended  September  30,  1999,  1998 and 1997,  the
Company's direct sales and support offices in the U.S. generated net revenues of
$184.3 million, $147.3 million and $120.0 million,  respectively. For the fiscal
years ended  September  30, 1999,  1998 and 1997,  the  Company's  international
subsidiaries  generated net revenues of $20.4  million,  $14.9 million and $13.6
million, respectively.  Total assets at the Company's international subsidiaries
for  these  periods  were  $15.3  million,  $12.1  million  and  $10.7  million,


         Kronos also markets and sells its products through  independent dealers
within designated geographic territories generally not covered by Kronos' direct
sales offices.  These dealers provide sales,  support and installation  services
for Kronos' products. There are presently approximately 23 dealers in the United
States actively selling and supporting  Kronos'  products.  Sales to independent
U.S.  dealers for the years ended  September 30, 1999,  1998 and 1997 were $30.6
million, $26.9 million and $22.7 million, respectively.  Kronos also has dealers
in Argentina,  Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ghana, Guam,
Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles,  Netherlands,
Norway,  Panama, Puerto Rico, South Africa,  Singapore,  Trinidad and Venezuela.
Sales to  independent  international  dealers  were not  material  in any of the
fiscal years. Kronos supports its dealers with training,  technical  assistance,
and major account marketing assistance.

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

         The Company has a joint  marketing  agreement  with ADP,  Inc.  ("ADP")
under which ADP markets a proprietary version of the Company's PC-based time and
attendance software, together with data collection terminals manufactured by the

         Reduction in the sales  efforts of the Company's  major dealers  and/or
ADP, or termination or changes in their  relationships  with the Company,  could
have a material adverse effect on the results of the Company's operations.


         End-users of the Company's products include companies of all sizes from
the  manufacturing,  service,  public and private sectors.  The Company believes
that the dollar  amount of backlog is not  material to an  understanding  of its
business.  Although  the  Company  has  contracts  to supply  systems to certain
customers over an extended  period of time,  substantially  all of the Company's
product revenues in each quarter result from orders received in that quarter.

Product Development

         The Company's product  development efforts are focused on enhancing the
capabilities  and  increasing  the  performance  of its  existing  products  and
developing new products and interfaces to third party products on a timely basis
to meet the  increasingly  sophisticated  needs of its customers.  During fiscal
1999, 1998 and 1997, Kronos' engineering, research and development expenses were
$26.8  million,  $19.7  million  and $16.5  million,  respectively.  The Company
intends to continue to commit  substantial  resources  to enhance and extend its
product  lines and develop  interfaces  to third party  products.  Although  the
Company is continually  seeking to further enhance its product  offerings and to
develop  new  products  and  interfaces,  there can be no  assurance  that these
efforts will succeed, or that, if successful,  such product  enhancements or new
products  will  achieve  widespread  market  acceptance,  or that the  Company's

competitors  will not  develop  and market  products  which are  superior to the
Company's  products or achieve  greater  market  acceptance.  The  Company  also
depends upon the reliability and viability of a variety of software  development
tools  owned by third  parties  to  develop  its  products.  If these  tools are
inadequate  or  not  properly  supported,   the  Company's  ability  to  release
competitive products in a timely manner could be adversely impacted.


         The frontline  labor  management  industry is highly  competitive.  The
number of competitors is also increasing as applications  and systems  providers
in related industries,  such as human resources  management,  payroll processing
and ERP,  enter the market.  Technological  changes  such as those  allowing for
increased  use of the Internet may also create the  potential  for new entrants.
Although  the  Company  believes  it has core  competencies  that are not easily
obtainable by competitors, maintaining the Company's competitive advantages over
competitors  will require  continued  investment  by the Company in research and
development and marketing and sales programs. There can be no assurance that the
Company will have  sufficient  resources to make such  investments or be able to
achieve  the  technological  advances  necessary  to  maintain  its  competitive
advantages. Increased competition could adversely affect the Company's operating
results through price reductions and/or loss of market share.

         The  Company  competes  primarily  on the  basis of  price/performance,
quality,  reliability and customer service.  In the time and attendance  market,
the Company  competes  against  firms that sell  automated  time and  attendance
products to many  industries,  against firms that focus on specific  industries,
and against firms selling related products,  such as payroll  processing,  human
resources management, or ERP systems.

Proprietary Rights

         The Company relies on a combination of patents, copyrights, trademarks,
trade secret law and contracts to protect its proprietary technology.

         The Company  generally  provides  software  products to end-users under
non-exclusive  shrink-wrap licenses or under signed licenses,  both of which may
be terminated by Kronos if the end-user breaches the terms of the license. These
licenses  generally require that the software be used only internally subject to
certain  limitations,  such as the number of employees,  simultaneous  or active
users, computer model and serial number, features and/or terminals for which the
end-user has paid the required  license fee. The Company  authorizes its dealers
to sublicense  software  products to end-users  under similar terms.  In certain
circumstances,  the Company also makes  master  software  licenses  available to
end-users  which  permit  either a  specified  limited  number  of  copies or an
unlimited  number of copies of the  software to be made for internal  use.  Some
customers license software products under individually negotiated terms.

         Despite  these  precautions,  it may be possible  to copy or  otherwise
obtain and use the Company's  products or technology without  authorization.  In
addition,  effective copyright and trade secret protection may be unavailable or
limited in certain foreign countries.

         The  Company  has  registered   trademarks   for  Kronos,   Timekeeper,
Timekeeper  Central,  Jobkeeper,   Jobkeeper  Central,  Datakeeper,   Datakeeper
Central,  Gatekeeper,  Gatekeeper  Central,  Imagekeeper,  TeleTime,  TimeMaker,
CardSaver,  ShopTrac,  the ShopTrac logo, Start.Time,  Keep.Trac,  Solution In A
Box,  Visionware  and the  Company's  logo in the United  States.  In  addition,
certain  trademarks  have been  obtained  or are in process  in various  foreign

         The Company  purchases a payroll  interface  and other  software from a
single supplier for resale in certain of its frontline labor management systems.
Although the Company believes its  relationship  with this supplier is good, any
interruption or termination of the Company's right to resell such software could
delay  shipment of certain of the Company's  products and require the Company to
write its own software or identify and contract with another supplier to perform
this  function.  The  Company is  currently  evaluating  its ability to purchase
payroll  interface  software from  alternative  suppliers.  Although the Company
believes  it would be able to produce  its own  payroll  interface  software  or
purchase payroll interface software from another supplier, any delay or problems
encountered  in doing so could  temporarily  and adversely  affect the Company's
results of operations.

Manufacturing and Sources of Supply

         The  duplication  of  the  Company's   software  and  the  printing  of
documentation  are  outsourced  to  suppliers.  The  Company  currently  has two
suppliers who have been certified to the Company's manufacturing  specifications
to perform the software  duplication  process.  The  Company's  data  collection
terminals are assembled from the printed  circuit board level in its facility in
Chelmsford,  Massachusetts.  Although most of the parts and components  included
within the Company's  products are available  from multiple  suppliers,  certain
parts and components are purchased from single suppliers. The Company has chosen
to source  these  items  from  single  suppliers  because it  believes  that the
supplier  chosen is able to  consistently  provide the Company  with the highest
quality product at a competitive price on a timely basis.  While the Company has
to date been able to obtain adequate supplies of these parts and components, the
Company's  inability to transition to alternate sources on a timely basis if and
as  required  in the  future  could  result in delays or  reductions  in product
shipments which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's  operating


         As of November 30, 1999, the Company had 1,797  employees.  None of the
Company's  employees is  represented by a union or other  collective  bargaining
agreement,  and the Company  considers  its  relations  with its employees to be
good. The Company has encountered intense competition for experienced  technical
personnel for product development,  technical support and sales and expects such
competition  to continue in the future.  Any  inability  to attract and retain a
sufficient  number of qualified  technical  personnel could adversely affect the
Company's ability to produce, support and sell products in a timely manner.

Item 2.  Properties

         The Company leases approximately 75,000 square feet at its headquarters
in Waltham, Massachusetts. This lease expires March 31, 2000. During fiscal 1999
the Company acquired a parcel of land located in Chelmsford,  Massachusetts  for
the construction of an approximately 129,000 square foot corporate  headquarters
facility. The Company anticipates completing construction of the facility during
the second  quarter of fiscal 2000 at which time the Company  will  relocate its
headquarters from Waltham to Chelmsford,  Massachusetts. The Company also leases
a total of  approximately  195,000  square  feet in two  facilities  located  in
Chelmsford,   Massachusetts.  The  Company's  manufacturing  operations,  Global
Support Center and various engineering and administrative operations are located
in these  facilities.  The  Company  additionally  leases 48 sales  and  support
offices located throughout North America,  Europe,  Australia and South America.
The Company's  aggregate rental expense for all of its facilities in fiscal 1999
was  approximately  $7.1 million.  The Company  considers  its  facilities to be
adequate  for  its  current  requirements  and  that  additional  space  will be
available as needed in the future.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

         From time to time, the Company is involved in legal proceedings arising
in the normal  course of business.  None of the legal  proceedings  in which the
Company is currently involved is considered material by the Company.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


                      Executive Officers of the Registrant

Name                      Age     Position

Mark S. Ain                56      Chief Executive Officer and Chairman

W. Patrick Decker          52      President and Chief Operating Officer

Aron J. Ain                42      Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Service

Paul A. Lacy               52      Vice President, Finance and Administration,
                                    Treasurer and Clerk

Laura L. Woodburn          52      Vice President, Engineering

Lloyd B. Bussell           54      Vice President, Manufacturing

Laurel Giarrusso           50      Vice President, Business Planning and

James Kizielewicz          40      Vice President, Marketing

     Mark S. Ain,  a  founder  of the  Company,  has  served as Chief  Executive
Officer and Chairman since its organization in 1977. He also served as President
from 1977  until  October,  1996.  Mr. Ain is the  brother of Aron J. Ain,  Vice
President, Worldwide Sales and Service of the Company.

         W.  Patrick  Decker  served  as Vice  President,  Marketing  and  Field
Operations from 1982 until October,  1996,  when he was appointed  President and
Chief  Operating  Officer.  Mr.  Decker was elected to the Board of Directors in
January, 1997.

         Aron J. Ain served as Vice President, Sales and Service from 1988 until
October,  1996,  when he was appointed Vice  President,  Marketing and Worldwide
Field  Operations.  In  November,  1998,  his title  changed to Vice  President,
Worldwide Sales and Service. Mr.
Ain is the brother of Mark S. Ain, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman.

         Paul A. Lacy has been Vice President, Finance and Administration,
Treasurer and Clerk since 1988.

         Laura L.  Woodburn  has  served as Vice  President,  Engineering  since
November, 1996. She held various positions at Digital Equipment Corporation from
1979 to 1996,  most  recently  serving  as Vice  President  of the  Storage  Big
Business segment.

         Lloyd B.  Bussell  has served as Vice  President,  Manufacturing  since

         Laurel  Giarrusso  has served in a variety of  positions at the Company
from  1979  until her  appointment  as Vice  President,  Business  Planning  and
Development in January, 1997.

         James  Kizielewicz  has served in a variety of capacities at the
Company from 1981 until his  appointment  as Vice  President, Marketing in
January, 1997.

         Officers  of the  Company  hold  office  until  the  first  meeting  of
directors  following the next annual meeting of stockholders and, in the case of
the  President,  Treasurer  and Clerk,  until  their  successors  are chosen and

                                     PART II

Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Stockholder  Matters


         The  Company's  common  stock is traded on the Nasdaq  National  Market
under the symbol  KRON.  The  following  table sets forth the high and low sales
prices for fiscal 1999 and 1998. Such over-the-counter market quotations reflect
inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark-down or commission and may not
necessarily represent actual transactions.

Fiscal                                High                       Low
- --------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------
First quarter                       $30.000                   $16.667
Second quarter                       32.500                    22.250
Third quarter                        47.750                    25.000
Fourth quarter                       54.500                    34.500

Fiscal                                High                       Low
- --------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------
First quarter                        $22.750                   $12.833
Second quarter                        25.083                    19.083
Third quarter                         25.000                    20.500
Fourth quarter                        26.667                    22.667

         The sales  prices  have been  restated to reflect the  Company's
three-for-two stock split that was paid on March 9, 1999 to stockholders of
record as of February 23, 1999.


         On November 30, 1999 there were  approximately  3,500  shareholders  of
record of the Company's common stock.


         The Company has not paid cash  dividends on its common  stock,  and the
present policy of the Company is to retain earnings for use in its business.

Item 6. Selected Financial Data

The following  table data should be read in  conjunction  with the  consolidated
financial statements and notes thereto.

Financial Highlights                                                     In thousands, except share data

                                                                             Year Ended September 30,
                                                        1999            1998           1997            1996           1995
                                                    -------------   -------------  -------------   -------------  -------------
Operating Data:
     Net revenues                                       $254,298        $202,469       $170,538        $142,957       $120,373
     Net income                                          $22,378         $14,720        $11,272         $11,425         $8,398

     Net income per common share:
         Basic                                             $1.78           $1.19          $0.92           $0.95          $0.74
         Diluted                                           $1.71           $1.15          $0.89           $0.91          $0.69

Balance Sheet Data:
     Total assets                                       $228,243        $163,861       $129,132        $105,117        $78,518

         The  presentation of amounts per share has been restated to reflect the
Company's  three-for-two  stock  split  that  was  paid  on  March  9,  1999  to
stockholders of record as of February 23, 1999.

Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
 of Operations

Forward Looking Statements

         This discussion includes certain  forward-looking  statements about the
Company's business and its expectations. Any such statements are subject to risk
that could cause the actual results to vary materially from expectations.  For a
further  discussion of the various risks that may affect the Company's  business
and expectations, see "Certain Factors That May Affect Future Operating Results"
at the end of  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results of Operations.

Results of Operations

Revenues. Revenues amounted to $254.3 million, $202.5 million and $170.5 million
in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  Annual revenue growth amounted to
26% in fiscal  1999 and 19% in fiscal  1998 and 1997.  Revenue  growth in fiscal
1999 was  principally the result of customer demand driving an increase in sales
volume through all of the Company's distribution channels. The increase in sales
volume was generated by both product and service revenues.

         Product revenues amounted to $164.3 million,  $135.2 million and $116.2
million in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  Product  revenues grew by
22% in  fiscal  1999 as  compared  to 16%  and  15% in  fiscal  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  Product  revenue growth in all fiscal years was  principally  the
result of customer  demand.  Product revenue growth in fiscal 1999 was driven by
sales of the  Company's  products  to new  customers  as well as sales  into the
Company's  existing customer base.  Demand from both new and existing  customers
was driven by  enhancements  delivered  in fiscal  1999 to the  Company's  three
principal   product   lines:   Timekeeper   Central,   Workforce   Central   and
Timekeeper/AS.  The  components  of  product  revenue,  software,  hardware  and
options,  remained relatively  consistent as a percentage of total product sales
as compared to fiscal 1998. The sales growth in fiscal 1998 was  principally the
result of customer demand driving an increase in sales of the Company's  Windows
and client/server  products. As a result of the strength of sales of Windows and
client/server  systems in fiscal 1998,  the software  component of product sales
increased to 45% of total product  sales as compared to 38% in fiscal 1997.  The
software component of product sales was approximately 45% of total product sales
in fiscal 1999.

         Service  revenues  amounted to $90.0  million,  $67.3 million and $54.4
million in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  Service  revenues grew by
34% in  fiscal  1999 as  compared  to 24%  and  29% in  fiscal  1998  and  1997,
respectively. Service revenues amounted to 35%, 33% and 32% of total revenues in
fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.  The growth in service revenues in all
periods  reflects an increase  in  maintenance  revenue  from  expansion  of the
installed base and the level of services sold to the installed  base, as well as
an increase in the level of  maintenance  contracts  and  professional  services
accompanying  new sales.  The expansion of the  installed  base results from the
cumulative effect of adding new sales to the base and the acquisition of certain
dealer  operations.  The increase in the level of services sold to the installed
base is  partially  attributable  to the  upgrade of existing  customers  to the
Company's  products on the Windows and client  server  platforms.  Upgrade sales
generally result in an increased level of maintenance and professional  services

         International  revenues,  which  include  revenues  from the  Company's
international  subsidiaries and sales to independent international dealers, grew
39% in fiscal  1999 to $22.3  million as  compared  to $16.0  million  and $15.4
million in fiscal 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  International revenues amounted
to 9%, 8% and 9% of total revenues in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.
The  increased  growth  rate  in  international  revenues  in  fiscal  1999  was
principally  a result  of lower  than  anticipated  revenue  from  international
operations in fiscal 1998. The international  revenue growth rate in fiscal 1998
was unfavorably impacted by the Company's  initiatives to strengthen  subsidiary
management  and to  position  the  subsidiaries  sales  organizations  to better
penetrate their  respective  markets.  Fiscal 1998 revenue was also  unfavorably
impacted by the  Asian/Pacific  economic  recession and related  fluctuations in
foreign currencies.

Gross Profit. Gross profit as a percentage of revenues was 64% in fiscal 1999 as
compared to 62% and 61% in fiscal 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The improvement
in  gross  profit  as a  percentage  of  revenues  in  fiscal  1999 and 1998 was
attributable  to  increases in both product and service  gross  profit.  Product
gross  profit as a  percentage  of product  revenues  was 77% in fiscal  1999 as
compared to 76% and 74% in fiscal 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The improvement
in product  gross profit in fiscal 1999 as compared to fiscal 1998 was primarily
attributable to cost reductions in manufactured  hardware  components as well as
higher  production  volumes.  The  improvement in product gross profit in fiscal
1998 as compared to fiscal 1997 was  primarily  attributable  to a change in the
mix of product sold.  The Company's  product  revenue in fiscal 1998 was derived
from sales of systems in which software,  which typically generates higher gross
profit, was a significantly higher proportion of product revenues than in fiscal

         Service  gross  profit as a percentage  of service  revenues was 41% in
fiscal 1999 as  compared  to 34% and 33% in fiscal 1998 and 1997,  respectively.
The  improvement  in service  gross profit as a percentage of revenues in fiscal
1999 was  primarily  attributable  to the growth in service  revenues  without a
proportionate increase in service expenses.  Growth in maintenance revenues from
the  installed  base  generally  does not  result  in a  commensurate  growth in
expenses  as the Company has  centralized  its  software  support  function.  In
addition,  as customers  upgrade to current  versions of the Company's  software
products,  fewer versions of the Company's  product require support which has in
turn reduced  support costs.  The Company has also focused on enhancing  billing
for professional  services,  particularly in larger enterprise sales,  which has
also improved margins for professional services.

Expenses.  Expenses  as a  percentage  of  revenues  were 51% in fiscal  1999 as
compared to 50% in fiscal 1998 and 1997. Sales and marketing expenses were $85.3
million,  $68.0 and $57.9 million in fiscal 1999,  1998 and 1997,  respectively.
The increase in sales and marketing expenses in all periods relates to increased
business volume.  Sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of sales were 34%
in all fiscal years.  Engineering,  research and development expenses were $26.8
million,  $19.7  million  and  $16.5  million  in  fiscal  1999,  1998 and 1997,
respectively.  These expenses are net of capitalized  software development costs
of $8.8  million,  $6.6  million and $5.2  million,  respectively.  Engineering,
research and development expenses as a percentage of revenues were 11% in fiscal
1999 as  compared to 10% in fiscal  1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The growth in
engineering,   research  and  development   expenses  in  all  periods  resulted
principally  from the  development  of new  products  in the  client/server  and
Windows environments.  Increased spending on software development costs reflects
the  Company's  commitment to further  enhance  existing  products,  making them
easier to use, and on new product development.

         General and administrative  expenses were $15.5 million,  $13.8 million
and $11.6 million in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  As a percentage
of  revenues,  general  and  administrative  expenses  were 6% in fiscal 1999 as
compared  to 7% in  fiscal  1998 and  1997,  respectively.  Other  expense,  net
amounted to less than 1% of revenues in all fiscal years. Other expense,  net is
composed  primarily of amortization of intangible assets related to acquisitions
made by the Company that is offset by interest income earned on its investments.
Although management anticipates  amortization expense to increase in fiscal 2000
as a result of the Company's  acquisitions  during fiscal 1999, other expense is
expected to remain less than 1% of revenues.

Income  Taxes.  The  provision for income taxes as a percentage of pretax income
was 35% in  fiscal  1999 as  compared  to 40% and 38% in  fiscal  1998 and 1997,
respectively.  The  reduction  in the  Company's  effective  income tax rate was
primarily  attributable to tax benefits resulting from the Company's sale of its
South  African  subsidiary  during the  fiscal  year as well as  utilization  of
foreign net operating loss  carryforwards.  The increase in the effective income
tax rate in  fiscal  1998  was  primarily  attributable  to an  increase  in net
operating  losses of foreign  subsidiaries  for which no benefit was recognized.
The Company  anticipates that its tax rate will increase to approximately 37% in
fiscal 2000 due to the non-recurring  nature of the tax benefit from the sale of
the South  African  subsidiary  and a  reduction  in the impact of  foreign  net
operating loss carryforwards.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Working  capital as of September  30, 1999 amounted to $21.1 million as
compared  with $45.1  million at  September  30,  1998.  The decrease in working
capital is  attributable to the Company's  increased  investments in non-current
marketable  securities,  acquisitions  of  businesses,  investments in property,
plant and equipment  (including the construction of a headquarters  facility) as
well as the  repurchase of common shares under the  Company's  Stock  Repurchase

         Cash  and  equivalents  and  marketable  securities  amounted  to $62.4
million and $51.8  million at September  30, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  Cash
provided  by  operations  increased  to $51.9  million in fiscal 1999 from $36.2
million in fiscal 1998. Cash provided by operations amounted to $18.9 million in
fiscal 1997.  The  increase in operating  cash flows in fiscal 1999 and 1998 was
primarily  attributable  to an increase in earnings,  deferred  maintenance  and
professional  service  revenues,  as well as  compensation  accruals.  It is the
Company's  policy to bill  maintenance  contracts  at the  contract  start date,
including  contracts  accompanying lease agreements,  and professional  services
accompanying  product  sales  when the  product is  invoiced.  The  Company  has
experienced  growth  in  deferred  maintenance  revenues  as the  result  of the
expansion of the installed base and the level of  maintenance  contracts sold to
that installed base in fiscal 1999 and 1998 and, to a lesser extent, an increase
in the sale of extended maintenance  contracts.  In fiscal 1999, the Company has
experienced an increase in deferred professional services revenue as a result of
an increase in the level of  professional  services  accompanying  new sales and
sales to the Company's existing customer base. Also contributing to the increase
in operating cash flows in fiscal 1999 and 1998,  were non-cash  charges related
to depreciation  and  amortization.  In fiscal 1999,  these cash flows have been
partially   offset  by   investments  in  the  Company's   lease   portfolio  of
approximately $9.2 million.

         The  Company's  increase  in its  investment  in  property,  plant  and
equipment  in  fiscal  1999  was   principally  due  to  costs  related  to  the
construction   of  the  Company's  new  corporate   headquarters   facility  and
development of its headquarters  campus.  The Company  anticipates it will spend
approximately  $10.0 million in the  construction of the  headquarters  facility
over the next 9 months. The Company's increase in use of cash for acquisition of
businesses  in  fiscal  1999 and 1998 was  related  to  acquisitions  of  dealer
territories  as well as labor  tracking and  productivity  technologies.  During
fiscal  1999,  the Company  completed  the  acquisition  of its  largest  dealer
territory and a labor-tracking  software application company. Under the terms of
these acquisitions,  the Company agreed to an initial cash payment, a guaranteed
payment  within  one  year  and,  in  conjunction   with  the  dealer  territory
acquisition,  assumed  certain  maintenance  contracts  and  other  professional
services obligations.

         Cash  provided  by  operations   was  more  than   sufficient  to  fund
investments  in property,  plant and equipment,  acquisitions  of businesses and
capitalized software development costs in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997. Management
anticipates  that  investment  in  capitalized  software  development  costs and
property, plant and equipment in fiscal 2000 will increase as compared to fiscal
1999.  The increase  will be the result of the  Company's  investment in product
enhancements,  the  headquarters  facility  as well as  information  systems  to
improve and support  operations.  The Company expects to fund its investments in
software  development costs,  property,  plant and equipment and additional cash
payments  related  to  acquisitions  in  fiscal  2000  with  available  cash and
investments and operating cash flow.

         Under the Company's stock repurchase program  implemented during fiscal
1997, the Company has repurchased 378,350,  116,250 and 135,000 common shares in
fiscal  1999,  1998 and 1997,  respectively,  at a cost of $14.2  million,  $2.7
million and $2.3 million,  respectively. The common shares repurchased under the
program are used for the  Company's  employee  stock  option  plans and employee
stock purchase plan.

         Adjustments  resulting  from  the  translation  of  the  Company's  net
investments  in  its  foreign  subsidiaries  are  made  directly  to a  separate
component of  stockholders'  equity.  In fiscal 1998, as a result of significant
fluctuations  in  foreign  currency  exchange  rates  and  increases  in its net
investments,  the Company  recorded a $.9 million  adjustment  to  stockholders'
equity.  Adjustments  in fiscal 1999 and 1997 were not material.  As a result of
the Company's  sale of its South  African  subsidiary  during  fiscal 1999,  the
Company  recognized an immaterial  charge to other  expense  resulting  from the
write  off of the  cumulative  equity  adjustment  from the  translation  of the
subsidiary's financial statements.

Certain Factors That May Affect Future Operating Results

         Except for  historical  matters,  the matters  discussed  in the Annual
Report and/or Form 10-K are  "forward-looking  statements" within the meaning of
the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act").  The Company
desires  to take  advantage  of the  safe  harbor  provisions  of the Act and is
including  this  statement  for the express  purpose of  availing  itself of the
protection  of the safe harbor with  respect to all forward  looking  statements
that involve risks and uncertainties.

         The  following  important  factors,  among  others,  could cause actual
operating results to differ  materially from those indicated by  forward-looking
statements  made in this Annual Report and/or Form 10-K and presented  elsewhere
by management from time to time.

Potential Fluctuations in Results. The Company's operating results may fluctuate
as a result of a variety of factors, including the timing of the introduction of
new products and product enhancements by the Company and its competitors, market
acceptance of new products, mix of products sold, the purchasing patterns of its
customers,  competitive  pricing pressure and general economic  conditions.  The
Company  historically has realized a relatively  larger percentage of its annual
revenues and profits in the fourth quarter and a relatively  smaller  percentage
in the first  quarter of each fiscal  year,  although  there can be no assurance
that this pattern will continue. In addition, while the Company has contracts to
supply  systems  to  certain   customers  over  an  extended   period  of  time,
substantially  all of the Company's product revenues and profits in each quarter
result  from  orders  received  in that  quarter.  If  near-term  demand for the
Company's products weakens or if significant anticipated sales in any quarter do
not close  when  expected,  the  Company's  revenues  for that  quarter  will be
adversely affected.  The Company believes that its operating results for any one
period are not necessarily indicative of results for any future period.

Product Development and Technological  Change.  Continual change and improvement
in  computer  software  and  hardware  technology  characterize  the markets for
frontline labor  management  systems.  The Company's  future success will depend
largely on its ability to enhance the  capabilities and increase the performance
of its existing  products and to develop new  products and  interfaces  to third
party products on a timely basis to meet the increasingly sophisticated needs of
its customers.  Although the Company is continually  seeking to further  enhance
its product  offerings and to develop new products and interfaces,  there can be
no assurance  that these efforts will  succeed,  or that,  if  successful,  such
product  enhancements or new products will achieve widespread market acceptance,
or that the Company's competitors will not develop and market products which are
superior to the Company's products or achieve greater market acceptance.

Attracting and Retaining Sufficient Technical Personnel for Product Development,
Support  and  Sales.  The  Company  has  encountered   intense  competition  for
experienced  technical personnel for product development,  technical support and
sales and expects such  competition to continue in the future.  Any inability to
attract and retain a sufficient  number of qualified  technical  personnel could
adversely affect the Company's ability to produce,  support and sell products in
a timely manner.

Year 2000. The Company has an executive level steering committee to identify and
resolve Year 2000 issues  associated with the Company's  internal  systems (both
information  technology  ("IT") and  non-IT),  the  Company's  own  products and
services,  the status of third party products  distributed by the Company to its
customers,  as well as the Year 2000 readiness of the Company's  suppliers.  The
Company has completed  formulating a contingency plan on Year 2000 readiness and
has completed an  assessment  of all of its principal IT systems,  which include
manufacturing, distribution, customer service and financial systems. The Company
has, with the assistance of an outside consultant, tested its principal internal
enterprise  resource  planning  (ERP)  system  and  believes  it to be year 2000
compliant.  This ERP system includes order entry,  material  resource  planning,
master production  scheduling,  purchasing,  shipping and financial systems. The
Company has  identified  Year 2000 issues in other less  significant IT systems,
and expects to resolve those issues, by replacements and/or upgrades, by the end
of  November  1999.  The  Company is  currently  performing  an  assessment  and
remediation, as necessary, of certain non-IT systems and expects that assessment
to be completed  prior to the end of December 1999. Any such systems  determined
not to be Year 2000  compliant will be remedied or replaced,  if necessary.  The
Company has  replaced  certain  stand alone shop floor test  equipment  that was
found to be noncompliant.  The Company does not plan to assess  specifically its
facility  management  systems,  or  the  external  forces  such  as  utility  or
transportation  Year  2000  compliance  failures  that  might  generally  affect
industry  and  commerce.  Although  the  Company is not  currently  aware of any
material  operational  issues or costs associated with preparing its internal IT
and non-IT  systems  for the Year 2000,  the  Company  may  experience  material
unanticipated problems and costs caused by undetected errors or defects in these
internal systems.

         The Company's Year 2000 compliance plan includes  designing its current
products to meet the Company's  definition of "Year 2000  Compliant" and testing
the most recent versions of its current products to determine  whether they meet
that definition.  Testing of products  currently  manufactured by the Company is
essentially complete.  The Company has warranted,  and may in the future warrant
to certain  customers  that its products  will work in the Year 2000 and beyond.
Generally,   for  products  that  have  been   identified  to  date  as  needing
upgrades/new  versions  to  address  Year 2000  issues,  the  Company  has those
upgrades/new  versions  available to customers for purchase or under maintenance
agreements.  Some of the Company's  customers are using products  and/or product
versions  that the Company has not tested,  and does not support,  for Year 2000
compliance.  The Company is  encouraging  these  customers to migrate to current
products/versions that meet the Company's Year 2000 compliance definition. It is
possible  that the  Company may  experience  increased  expenses  in  addressing
migration issues for these customers.  In addition,  the Company does not intend
to test any of its custom software products for Year 2000 compliance.

         For  third  party  products  that  the  Company  distributes  with  its
products,   the  Company  has  sought   information   and  assurances  from  the
manufacturers  concerning  those  products'  Year 2000  compliance  status.  The
Company has completed its assessment of those third party products. As a result,
the Company has  identified  certain  third party  products that will require an
upgrade to be Year 2000 compliant and is currently  notifying affected customers
and encouraging them to upgrade.

         Despite  the  testing  of  its  own  products  and  efforts  to  obtain
assurances on third party  products,  errors or defects in such  products  could
result in delay or loss of revenue,  diversion of development resources,  damage
to the Company's  reputation,  or increased  service and warranty costs,  any of
which could materially affect the Company's business,  results of operations, or
financial  condition.   In  addition,  the  unprecedented  nature  of  potential
litigation  regarding Year 2000 compliance issues makes it uncertain whether the
Company will be affected by such litigation.

         The Company has  completed its  systematic  inquiry of key suppliers to
assess their Year 2000 readiness.  The Company is not aware of any problems that
would  materially  affect its  business,  results  of  operations  or  financial
condition,  but the Company has no means of ensuring  that  assurances  received
from such  suppliers are accurate.  The inability of such suppliers to meet Year
2000 requirements  could materially impact the ability of the Company to procure
material from these  suppliers and to meet its obligations to supply products to
its customers.

         The Company does not currently have any information concerning the Year
2000  compliance  status of its  customers.  As with  other  similarly  situated
companies,  if the Company's  current or future  customers  fail to achieve Year
2000  compliance or if they divert  expenditures to address Year 2000 compliance
problems, the Company's business,  results of operations, or financial condition
could be materially affected.

         The costs associated with the Company's Year 2000 plan have been funded
from  operating  cash flows and have been charged to  operations.  To date,  the
Company has incurred  approximately $1.2 million of incremental costs to address
its internal IT and non-IT systems and to address Year 2000 compliance  problems
in its own products and in third party products  distributed  with its products.
The  Company  believes  that  substantially  all of  the  costs  to be  incurred
associated with the Company's Year 2000 plan have been  recognized.  The Company
does not separately track the internal costs associated with its Year 2000 plan,
which are primarily payroll costs for its information systems employees, support
and  technical  personnel  and the  Year  2000  steering  committee.  The  costs
described  herein,  and the  costs  to  accomplish  the  other  elements  of the
Company's  Year 2000 plan,  have not been and are not expected to be material to
the Company's financial position,  results of operations or cash flows. The cost
of completing the Year 2000 plan and the date on which the Company  believes the
plan will be complete  are based upon  management's  best  estimates  derived by
using  numerous   assumptions   of  future   events,   including  the  continued
availability  of  certain  resources.  There  can  be no  guarantee  that  these
estimates  will be achieved and the actual  results may differ  materially  from
those anticipated.  Specific factors that might cause these differences  include
without limitation, the availability and cost of personnel trained in this area,
the ability to make timely and appropriate  adjustments to all relevant computer
codes and similar uncertainties.

Competition.  The frontline labor management industry is highly competitive. The
number of competitors is also increasing as applications  and systems  providers
in related industries,  such as human resources  management,  payroll processing
and ERP,  enter the market.  Technological  changes  such as those  allowing for
increased  use of the Internet may also create the  potential  for new entrants.
Although  the  Company  believes  it has core  competencies  that are not easily
obtainable by competitors, maintaining the Company's competitive advantages over
competitors  will require  continued  investment  by the Company in research and
development and marketing and sales programs. There can be no assurance that the
Company will have  sufficient  resources to make such  investments or be able to
achieve  the  technological  advances  necessary  to  maintain  its  competitive
advantages. Increased competition could adversely affect the Company's operating
results through price reductions and/or loss of market share.

Dependence on Time and  Attendance  Product Line. To date,  more than 90% of the
Company's  revenues  have  been  attributable  to sales  of time and  attendance
systems and services and the Company expects that to continue in the next fiscal
year.  Competitive pressures or other factors could cause the Company's time and
attendance  products to lose market  acceptance or experience  significant price
erosion, adversely affecting the results of the Company's operations.

Dependence on Alternate Distribution Channels. The Company markets and sells its
products through its direct sales  organization,  independent  dealers and OEMs.
Although the Company  acquired the territory of its largest dealer in June 1999,
for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999, approximately 19% of the Company's
revenue was generated through sales to dealers and OEMs.  Reduction in the sales
efforts of the Company's major dealers and/or OEMs, or termination or changes in
their  relationships  with the Company,  could have a material adverse affect on
the results of the Company's operations.

Reliance on Key Vendors.  The Company depends upon the reliability and viability
of a variety of software development tools owned by third parties to develop its
products. If these tools are inadequate or not properly supported, the Company's
ability to release  competitive  products in a timely  manner could be adversely
impacted.  Also,  certain parts and  components  used in the Company's  hardware
products are purchased from single  suppliers.  The Company has chosen to source
these items from single  suppliers  because it believes that the supplier chosen
is able to consistently  provide the Company with the highest quality product at
a competitive  price on a timely basis.  While the Company has to date been able
to obtain  adequate  supplies  of these  parts  and  components,  the  Company's
inability  to  transition  to  alternate  sources  on a  timely  basis if and as
required in the future could result in delays or reductions in product shipments
which could have a material adverse affect on the Company's  operating  results.

In addition,  the Company  purchases payroll interface and other software from a
single supplier for resale in certain of its frontline labor management systems.
Although the Company believes its  relationship  with this supplier is good, any
interruption  or  termination  of the  Company's  rights to resell such software
could  delay  shipment  of certain of the  Company's  products  and  require the
Company to write its own software or identify and contract with another supplier
to perform this  function.  The Company is currently  evaluating  its ability to
purchase payroll  interface  software from alternative  suppliers.  Although the
Company believes it would be able to produce its own payroll interface  software
or purchase  payroll  interface  software  from another  supplier,  any delay or
problems  encountered  in doing so could  temporarily  and adversely  affect the
Company's results of operations.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

         The Company is exposed to a variety of market risks,  including changes
in interest rates affecting the return on its  investments and foreign  currency
fluctuations.  The  Company's  exposure  to market risk for a change in interest
rates relates primarily to the Company's investment portfolio. The fair value of
the  Company's  investment  portfolio and related  interest  income would not be
materially impacted by either a 100 basis point increase or decrease in interest
rates due mainly to the short-term  nature of the major portion of the Company's
investment  portfolio  coupled with the fixed rate nature of these  investments.
The  Company's  exposure to market  risk for  fluctuations  in foreign  currency
relate primarily to the amounts due from subsidiaries. Exchange gains and losses
related to amounts due from  subsidiaries  have not been  material.  For foreign
currency exposures existing at September 30, 1999, a 10% unfavorable movement in
the foreign  exchange  rates for each  subsidiary  location would not expose the
Company to material losses in earnings or cash flows.  The  calculation  assumes
that each exchange rate would change in the same direction  relative to the U.S.

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         The financial  statements and supplementary  data are listed in the
Index to Consolidated  Financial  Statements at Item 14 of this Form 10-K.

Item 9. Changes in and Disagreement with Accountants on Accounting and
Financial Disclosure


                                    PART III

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

         Information  relating  to the  executive  officers  of  the  registrant
appears  under the caption  "Executive  Officers of the  Registrant"  in Part I,
following  Item 4 of this Form 10-K.  Information  relating to the  directors is
incorporated  by reference from pages 3 through 6 of the Company's  definitive
proxy  statement  for the 2000  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  to be held on
February 3, 2000 under the caption "Election of Directors."

Item 11. Executive Compensation

     Incorporated  by  reference  from  pages  6  through  10 of the  Company's
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be
held on February 3, 2000 under the following captions:  "Director Compensation,"
"Executive   Compensation,"  "Option  Grants  and  Exercises,"  and  "Report  of
Compensation Committee."

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         Incorporated  by  reference  from pages 2 through 3 of the  Company's
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be
held on  February  3, 2000  under the  caption  "Security  Ownership  of Certain
Beneficial Owners and Management."

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions


                                     PART IV

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Related Transactions

  (a) The following are filed as a part of this report:

 1.  Financial Statements                                                 Page

       Consolidated Statements of Income for the Years Ended               F-1
               September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997

       Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1999 and 1998       F-2

       Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for
               the Years Ended September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997           F-3

       Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
               September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997                           F-4

       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                          F-5

               Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors           F-20

        2.  Financial Statement Schedules

Schedules for which provision is made in the applicable accounting regulation of
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  are not  required  under the related
instructions or are inapplicable, and therefore have been omitted.

       3.  Exhibits

  No.             Description

 3.1(10)          Restated Articles of Organization of the Registrant,
                  as amended.
 3.2*             Amended and Restated By-laws of the Registrant.
 4*               Specimen Stock Certificate.
10.1*(11)         1986A Stock Option Plan.
10.2(10)(11)      1992 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated.

3.  Exhibits (continued)

  No.                      Description

10.3(9)(12)       1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated.
10.4(3)           Lease dated November 16, 1993,  between Teachers Realty
                  Corporation and the Registrant,  relating to premises  leased
                  in Chelmsford,  MA.
10.5(5)           Lease dated August 8, 1995,  between  Principal Mutual Life
                  Insurance  Company and the Registrant,  relating to premises
                  leased in Chelmsford, MA. 10.6(8) Fleet Bank Letter Agreement
                  and Promissory  Note  dated  January 1,  1997,  relating  to
                  amendment of $3,000,000 credit facility.
10.7(2)  (13)     Software License and Support and Hardware Purchase Agreement
                  dated April 2, 1993, between  ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.1(7)(13)     Amendments dated July 22, 1996 to Software License and Support
                  and Hardware  Purchase  Agreement dated April 2, 1993,
                  between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.2(14)        Amendment  dated  February  8, 1998 to  Software  License  and
                  Support and Hardware  Purchase  Agreement  dated April 2, 1993
                  between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8*             Sales Agreement dated December 6, 1990, between Integrated
                  Design, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8.1(6)         Amendment dated November 2, 1995 to Sales Agreement dated
                  December 6, 1990, between  Integrated Design,  Inc. and the
10.8.2            Amendment  dated October 8, 1999 to Sales Agreement dated
                  December 6, 1990 between  Integrated  Design,  Inc. and the
10.9(3)(13)       Acquisition Agreement dated November 2, 1993 between Interboro
                  Systems Corporation and the Registrant.
10.10*            Form of Indemnity Agreement entered into among the Registrant
                  and Directors of the Registrant.
10.11(1)          Lease dated November 9, 1992, as amended, between John Hancock
                  Mutual Life Isurance Company and the Registrant, relating to
                  premises leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.1(6)        Amendment  dated  January 1, 1996 to Lease dated  November 9,
                  1992,  as amended,  between  John  Hancock  Mutual Life
                  Insurance  Company  and the  Registrant,  relating to premises
                  leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.2(8)        Amendment  dated  October 11, 1996 to Lease dated  November 9,
                  1992, as amended,  between John Hancock  Mutual Life Insurance
                  Company and the  Registrant,  relating  to premises  leased in
                  Waltham, MA.
10.12 (4)         Agreement of Reorganization  among Kronos  Incorporated;
                  Kronos S/T Corporation,  ShopTrac Data Collection  Systems,
                  Inc., Thomas J. O'Malia and Mark J. MacWhirter, dated March
                  31, 1994.
10.13(11)         Lease Agreement Between W/9TIB Real Estate Limited
                  Partnership, as Landlord, and Kronos  Incorporated,  as Tenant
                  Dated 2/26/99
10.14(11)         Construction  Agreement  Between Cranshaw Construction of New
                  England Limited  Partnership and Kronos  Incorporated
                  Dated March 10, 1999.

3.  Exhibits (continued)

  No.             Description

10.15(12)         Agreement of Purchase and Sale Beyond Between W/9TIB Real
                  Estate Limited  Partnership and Kronos  Incorporated  Dated
                  March 29, 1999.
21                Subsidiaries of the Registrant.
23                Consent of Independent Auditors.
27                Financial Data Schedule.

         *        Incorporated  by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the
                  Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

         (1)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-K for the
                  fiscal year ended September 30, 1992.

         (2)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended April 3, 1993.

         (3)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-K for the
                  fiscal year ended September 30, 1993.

         (4)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended July 2, 1994.

         (5)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-K for the
                  fiscal year ended September 30,1995.

         (6)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended March 30, 1996.

         (7)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-K for the
                  fiscal year ended September 30, 1996.

         (8)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended December 28, 1996.

         (9)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended March 29, 1997.

        (10)      Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended April 4, 1998.

3.  Exhibits (continued)

         (11)     Management  contract or compensatory plan or arrangement filed
                  as an exhibit to this Form 10-K  pursuant  to Items  14(a) and
                  14(c) of Form 10-K.

         (12)     Incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarterly period ended April 3, 1999.

         (13)     Confidential treatment was granted for certain portions of
                  this agreement.

          (b)     Reports on Form 8-K

         (14)     Confidential treatment was requested for certain portions of
                  this agreement.

         No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last fiscal quarter of the
fiscal year covered by this report.

Kronos,   Timekeeper,   Timekeeper   Central,   Jobkeeper,   Jobkeeper  Central,
Datakeeper,  Datakeeper Central,  Gatekeeper,  Gatekeeper Central,  Imagekeeper,
TeleTime,  TimeMaker,  CardSaver,  ShopTrac,  the ShopTrac  logo,  Start.  Time,
Keep.Trac,  Solution in a Box,  Visionware and the Company's logo are registered
trademarks of the Company. DKC/Datalink, Timekeeper Web, HyperFind, Kronos 2100,
Smart Scheduler, Starter Series, Start.Labor,  Start.WIP,  Start.Quality,  Labor
Plus, WIP Plus,  Comm.Mgr,  CommLink,  Community  Computer,  Tempo and the Tempo
logo, ShopTrac Pro, Workforce Central and the Workforce Central logo,  Workforce
Timekeeper,  Workforce Activities, Workforce Smart Scheduler, Workforce Manager,
Workforce  Accruals,  Workforce  Web,  Workforce  TeleTime,  Workforce  Express,
Workforce  Scheduler,  Workforce  Decisions  and  Prism  are  trademarks  of the
Company.  IBM is a registered trademark of, and AS and AS/400 are trademarks of,
International Business Machines Corporation Total Time is a service mark of ADP,
Inc. and ADP is a registered  trademark of Automatic Data Processing,  Inc. Time
Bank is a registered  trademark of  Integrated  Design Inc. UNIX is a registered
trademark  in the U.S.  and  other  countries,  licensed  exclusively  by X/Open
Company  Ltd. VMS is a registered  trademark of Digital  Equipment  Corporation.
Microsoft,  Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of, and Windows NT
is a trademark of, Microsoft  Corporation.  Oracle is a registered  trademark of
Oracle  Corporation.  Informix is a registered  trademark of Informix  Software,
Inc.  PeopleSoft  is a  registered  trademark  of  PeopleSoft,  Inc.  Baan  is a
trademark  of Baan  Development  B.V.  Honeywell  is a  registered  trademark of
Honeywell,  Inc.  J.D.  Edwards is a registered  trademark  of J.D.  Edwards and
Company.  Lawson is a registered  trademark of Lawson Associates,  Inc. SAP is a
trademark  of SAP AG.  Citrix  is a  registered  trademark  and  Metaframe  is a
trademark of Citrix Systems Inc.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized on December 17, 1999.

                                       KRONOS INCORPORATED

                                       By /s/MARK S.AIN
                                             Mark S. Ain
                                             Chief Executive Officer and
                                             Chairman of the Board

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
this  report has been  signed  below by the  following  persons on behalf of the
registrant and in the capacities indicated on December 17, 1999.

   Signature                                  Capacity

  /s/ MARK S. AIN                             Chief Executive
      Mark S. Ain                             Officer and Chairman of the Board
                                              (Principal Executive Officer)

  /s/ PAUL A. LACY                            Vice President, Finance and
      Paul A. Lacy                            Administration
                                              (Principal Financial and
                                              Accounting Officer)

  /s/ W. PATRICK DECKER                       Director, President and Chief
      W. Patrick Decker                       Operating Officer

  /s/ RICHARD J. DUMLER                       Director
      Richard J. Dumler

  /s/ D. BRADLEY McWILLIAMS                   Director
      D. Bradley McWilliams

  /s/ LAWRENCE PORTNER                        Director
      Lawrence Portner

  /s/ SAMUEL RUBINOVITZ                       Director
      Samuel Rubinovitz

     Consolidated Statements of Income                                     In thousands, except share data

     Year Ended September 30,                                          1999              1998             1997
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------

     Net revenues:
         Product                                                       $ 164,340        $ 135,186        $ 116,155
         Service                                                          89,958           67,283           54,383
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
                                                                         254,298          202,469          170,538
     Cost of sales:
         Product                                                          37,507           32,305           29,816
         Service                                                          53,292           44,085           36,449
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
                                                                          90,799           76,390           66,265
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
                 Gross profit                                            163,499          126,079          104,273
         Sales and marketing                                              85,283           68,049           57,886
         Engineering, research and development                            26,802           19,700           16,538
         General and administrative                                       15,502           13,841           11,554
         Other expense, net                                                1,432              158                7
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
                                                                         129,019          101,748           85,985
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
             Income before income taxes                                   34,480           24,331           18,288
     Provision for income taxes                                           12,102            9,611            7,016
                                                                   --------------    -------------    -------------
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============
             Net income                                                 $ 22,378         $ 14,720         $ 11,272
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============

     Net income per common share:
             Basic                                                        $ 1.78           $ 1.19           $ 0.92
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============
             Diluted                                                      $ 1.71           $ 1.15           $ 0.89
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============

     Average common and common equivalent shares outstanding:
             Basic                                                    12,548,061       12,392,666       12,281,965
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============
             Diluted                                                  13,109,231       12,784,956       12,620,329
                                                                   ==============    =============    =============

                               See accompanying notes to consolidated  financial  statements.


Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                 In thousands, except share data

September 30,                                                                                     1999           1998
                                                                                               ------------  --------------

Current assets:
     Cash and equivalents                                                                         $ 20,148        $ 29,888
     Marketable securities                                                                          20,893          17,501
     Accounts receivable, less allowances of $6,791 in 1999 and $4,445 in 1998                      66,817          50,904
     Deferred income taxes                                                                           5,414           5,188
     Other current assets                                                                           11,872           8,171
                                                                                               ------------  --------------
             Total current assets                                                                  125,144         111,652

Property, plant and equipment, net                                                                  23,981          15,816
Marketable securities                                                                               21,400           4,445
Excess of cost over net assets of businesses acquired, net                                          29,946          13,731
Deferred software development costs, net                                                            12,218           9,541
Other assets                                                                                        15,554           8,676
                                                                                               ------------  --------------
             Total assets                                                                        $ 228,243       $ 163,861
                                                                                               ============  ==============

                             LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable                                                                              $ 8,503         $ 6,427
     Accrued compensation                                                                           21,106          14,503
     Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                                                 32,753          18,570
     Deferred maintenance revenues                                                                  41,636          27,065
                                                                                               ------------  --------------
             Total current liabilities                                                             103,998          66,565
Deferred maintenance revenues                                                                       18,818           8,830
Deferred income taxes                                                                                    -             911
Other liabilities                                                                                    1,169             352
Shareholders' equity:
     Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share:  authorized 1,000,000 shares, no shares
         issued and outstanding
     Common Stock, par value $.01 per share:  authorized 20,000,000 shares,
         12,634,728 shares and 12,465,719 shares issued at September 30, 1999 and
         1998, respectively                                                                            126             125
     Additional paid-in capital                                                                     31,087          29,575
     Retained earnings                                                                              82,143          59,765
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                             (337)         (1,162)
     Cost of Treasury Stock (192,165 shares and 45,861 shares at September 30, 1999
         and 1998, respectively)                                                                    (8,761)         (1,100)
                                                                                               ------------  --------------
             Total shareholders' equity                                                            104,258          87,203
                                                                                               ------------  --------------
             Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                          $ 228,243       $ 163,861
                                                                                               ============  ==============

                               See accompanying notes to consolidated  financial tatements.


Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

                                                                          In thousands

                                                                Additional                 Other
                                                Common Stock     Paid-in     Retained    Comprehensive  Treasury Stock
                                            ------------------                                        -------------------
                                              Shares  Amount     Capital     Earnings    Income (loss)  Shares   Amount     Total
                                            ------------------  ----------- -----------  -----------  -------------------  ---------

Balance at September 30, 1996                 12,187    $ 122     $ 27,471    $ 33,773       $ (251)        1      $ (17)  $ 61,098

 Net income                                                                     11,272                                       11,272
 Equity adjustment from translation                                                             (11)                            (11)
   Comprehensive income                                                                                                      11,261
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options         117        1          439                                (24)       454        894
 Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan       66        1        1,104                                                    1,105
 Impact of compensation relating to
 nonqualified stock option plans                                       (60)                                                     (60)
 Purchase of treasury stock                                                                               151     (2,599)    (2,599)
 Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                      774                                                      774
                                            ------------------  ----------- -----------  -----------  -------------------  ---------

 Balance at September 30, 1997                12,370      124       29,728      45,045         (262)      128     (2,162)    72,473

 Net income                                                                     14,720                                       14,720
 Equity adjustment from translation                                                            (900)                           (900)
   Comprehensive income                                                                                                      13,820
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options          84        1       (1,453)                              (203)     3,912      2,460
 Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan       12        -         (156)                               (64)     1,407      1,251
 Purchase of treasury stock                                                                               185     (4,257)    (4,257)
 Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                     1,456                                                    1,456
                                            ------------------  ----------- -----------  -----------  -------------------  ---------

Balance at September 30, 1998                 12,466      125       29,575      59,765       (1,162)       46     (1,100)    87,203

 Net income                                                                     22,378                                       22,378
 Equity adjustment from translation                                                             825                             825
   Comprehensive income                                                                                                      23,203
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options         119        1       (3,097)                              (238)     6,916      3,820
 Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan       50        -          956                                (42)     1,133      2,089
 Purchase of treasury stock                                                                               426    (15,710)   (15,710)
 Tax benefit associated with the exercise
 of stock options                                                    3,462                                                    3,462
 Proceeds from sale of put options                                     191                                                      191
                                            ------------------  ----------- -----------  -----------  -------------------  ---------

Balance at September 30, 1999                 12,635    $ 126     $ 31,087    $ 82,143       $ (337)      192   $ (8,761)  $ 104,258
                                            ==================  =========== ===========  ===========  ===================  =========

                                     See  accompanying   notes  to  consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                                                  In thousands

Year Ended September 30,                                                               1999            1998           1997
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
Operating activities:
    Net income                                                                         $ 22,378        $ 14,720       $ 11,272
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash and equivalents
       provided by operating activities:
          Depreciation                                                                    7,856           7,368          6,435
          Amortization of excess of costs over net assets of businesses acquired          4,384           2,503          1,505
          Amortization of deferred software development costs                             6,159           4,360          3,162
          Provision for deferred income taxes                                            (3,031)         (2,587)          (901)
          Changes in certain operating assets and liabilities:
             Accounts receivable, net                                                   (15,765)         (8,553)       (10,662)
             Deferred maintenance revenues                                               20,899          10,321          6,555
             Accounts payable, accrued compensation
             and other liabilities                                                       17,507          11,607          4,570
          Other                                                                          (8,440)         (3,518)        (3,056)
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
             Net cash and equivalents provided by operating activities                   51,947          36,221         18,880
Investing activities:
    Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                           (16,222)         (6,309)        (8,698)
    Capitalization of software development costs                                         (8,836)         (6,589)        (5,215)
    (Increase) decrease in marketable securities                                        (20,253)         (6,416)         6,465
    Acquisitions of businesses                                                          (10,260)         (8,490)        (1,671)
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
             Net cash and equivalents used in investing activities                      (55,571)        (27,804)        (9,119)
Financing activities:
    Net proceeds and tax benefits from exercise of stock options and
       employee purchase plans                                                            9,371           5,167          2,769
    Purchase of treasury stock                                                          (15,710)         (4,257)        (2,599)
    Proceeds from sale of put options                                                       191               -              -
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
             Net cash and equivalents (used in) provided by financing activities         (6,148)            910            170
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents                                      32            (137)           (28)
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents                                              (9,740)          9,190          9,903
Cash and equivalents at the beginning of the period                                      29,888          20,698         10,795
                                                                                    ------------    ------------   ------------
Cash and equivalents at the end of the period                                          $ 20,148        $ 29,888       $ 20,698
                                                                                    ============    ============   ============

                                 See   accompanying    notes   to   consolidated financial statements.




NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation:  The consolidated  financial statements include the
accounts  of  Kronos   Incorporated  and  its  wholly-owned   subsidiaries  (the
"Company").  All intercompany  accounts and transactions have been eliminated in
consolidation.  Certain  reclassifications  have been  made in the  accompanying
consolidated  financial  statements  in  order to  conform  to the  fiscal  1999

Use of Estimates:  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and  assumptions  that affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,
disclosure  of  contingent  assets and  liabilities,  if any, at the date of the
financial  statements and the reported  amounts of revenues and expenses  during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Translation of Foreign  Currencies:  The assets and liabilities of the Company's
foreign  subsidiaries  are  denominated  in each  country's  local  currency and
translated at the year-end rate of exchange.  The related income statement items
are  translated  at the average  rate of exchange  for the year.  The  resulting
translation  adjustments  are excluded  from income and  reflected as a separate
component of  shareholders'  equity.  Realized and unrealized  exchange gains or
losses arising from transaction  adjustments are reflected in operations and are
not material.  The Company may periodically  have certain  intercompany  foreign
currency  transactions that are deemed to be of a long-term  investment  nature.
Exchange  adjustments  related  to those  transactions  are made  directly  to a
separate component of stockholders' equity.

Cash  Equivalents:  Cash equivalents  consist of highly liquid  investments with
maturities of three months or less at date of acquisition.

Marketable  Securities:  The Company's  marketable  securities  consist of state
revenue  bonds,  government  agency bonds and market auction  preferred  stocks.
Bonds with a maturity of twelve  months or longer at the balance  sheet date are
classified as  noncurrent  marketable  securities.  As of September 30, 1999, no
bonds had maturities  that extend beyond February 2002. The bonds are classified
as held to maturity  and are carried at  amortized  cost.  Unrealized  gains and
losses on investments  classified as held to maturity are not  recognized  until
realized  or  until  a  decline  in  fair  value  below  cost  is  deemed  to be
other-than-temporary.   Market  auction   preferred  stocks  are  classified  as
available  for sale and are  carried  at cost which  approximates  fair value as
obtained from outside pricing  sources.  Interest income earned on the Company's
cash, cash  equivalents and marketable  securities is included in other expense,
net and amounted to $2,601,000,  $1,790,000 and $1,401,000 in fiscal 1999,  1998
and 1997, respectively.



NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies--(continued)

Property,  Plant and Equipment:  Property,  plant and equipment is stated on the
basis of cost less  accumulated  depreciation,  provisions  for which  have been
computed using the  straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives of the
assets, which are principally as follows:

Assets                                               Useful Life
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Machinery and equipment                               3-5 years
Furniture and fixtures                                8-10 years
Leasehold improvements                           Shorter of economic
                                                  life or lease-term

Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets:  Long-lived  assets used in
operations,  such as the excess of cost over net assets of businesses  acquired,
capitalized  software development costs and property,  plant and equipment,  are
included  in  impairment  evaluations  when events or  circumstances  exist that
indicate the  carrying  amount of those  assets may not be  recoverable.  If the
impairment  evaluation  indicates  the affected  asset is not  recoverable,  the
asset's  carrying  value would be reduced to fair value.  No event has  occurred
that would impair the value of long-lived  assets  recorded in the  accompanying
consolidated financial statements.

Revenue Recognition: The Company derives its revenues from the sale of frontline
labor  management  systems as well as sales of application  software,  parts and
components.  The Company also derives revenues by providing  services  including
maintenance,  installation,  consulting and training. As of October 1, 1998, the
Company   adopted   Statement  of  Position   (SOP)  97-2,   "Software   Revenue
Recognition",  which was effective for  transactions the Company entered into in
fiscal  1999.  Prior years were not  restated.  The adoption of SOP 97-2 did not
have a  material  effect on the  Company's  financial  statements.  The  Company
recognizes revenues from sales and sales-type leases of its systems, application
software,  parts and components when a non-cancelable agreement has been signed,
the product has been shipped,  there are no  uncertainties  surrounding  product
acceptance,  the fees are fixed and  determinable,  and collection is considered
probable.  Revenues from maintenance  agreements are recognized ratably over the
contractual period and all other service revenues are recognized as the services
are  performed.  Prior to fiscal 1999,  the Company  accrued the cost to provide
installation services at the time revenues were recognized. The Company provides
certain  warranties to its customers and,  without  additional  charge,  certain
software product  enhancements for customers covered under software  maintenance
agreements.  Any  provision  required  for  these  expenses  is made at the time
revenues are recognized.



NOTE A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies--(continued)

Stock-Based Compensation:  The Company accounts for its stock-based compensation
plans in accordance with the provisions of Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion
No.  25,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Issued  to  Employees"  (APB 25) and  related
Interpretations.  Under APB 25, no  compensation  expense is  recognized  as the
exercise  price of the Company's  employee stock options equals the market price
of the  underlying  stock on the date of grant.  The  Company  has  adopted  the
disclosure-only provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (see Note K).

Income Taxes: The Company accounts for income taxes under the liability  method.
Under this method,  deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined  based on
differences  between financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities
and are  measured  using the  enacted  tax rates and laws that will be in effect
when the differences are expected to reverse.

Net Income Per Share: Net income per share is based on the weighted-average
number of common  shares and,  when  dilutive,  includes  stock  options and put
options. (see Note M).

Newly  Issued  Accounting  Standards:  In June  1997  the  Financial  Accounting
Standard  Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosures  about  Segments of an
Enterprise  and Related  Information"  effective for the Company in fiscal 1999.
The Company  believes it operates in one segment and  consequently,  adoption of
SFAS No. 131 did not result in any significant change in the presentation of the
Company's  disclosures.  In  March  1998,  the  Accounting  Standards  Executive
Committee  (AcSEC)  issued  SOP  98-1,  "Accounting  for the  Costs of  Computer
Software  Developed or Obtained  for Internal Use " which will be effective  for
the Company in fiscal  2000.  The Company  does not believe the  adoption of SOP
98-1 will have a material effect on the Company's financial statements.  In June
1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and
Hedging Activities" which will be effective for the Company in the first quarter
of  fiscal  2001.   The  Company  is  currently   evaluating   the  effect  that
implementation  of the new standard  will have on its financial  statements  but
believes the effect will not be material.



NOTE B--Concentration of Credit Risk

The  Company   markets  and  sells  its   products   through  its  direct  sales
organization,  independent  dealers  and an OEM  agreement  with ADP,  Inc.  The
Company's dealers have  significantly  smaller  resources than the Company.  The
Company's direct sales  organization sells to customers who are dispersed across
many different industries and geographic areas. The Company reviews a customer's
(including  dealer's)  credit history before extending credit and generally does
not  require  collateral.  The Company  establishes  its  allowances  based upon
factors including the credit risk of specific  customers,  historical trends and
other information.

NOTE C--Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable consists of the following (in thousands):
                                                                                     September 30,
                                                                          1999            1998               1997
                                                                          ----            ----               ----
Trade accounts receivable                                              $59,571         $50,314            $42,026
Current investment in sales-type leases                                 14,037           5,035              3,221
                                                                        ------           -----              -----
                                                                        73,608          55,349             45,247
Allowance for doubtful accounts                                          2,023           1,268              1,091
Allowance for sales returns and adjustments                              4,768           3,177              2,118
                                                                         -----           -----              -----
                                                                         6,791           4,445              3,209
                                                                         -----           -----              -----

                                                                       $66,817         $50,904            $42,038
                                                                       =======         =======            =======

In fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997 the Company recorded provisions for its allowances
in the amount of  $2,982,000,  $2,075,000  and $896,000,  respectively.  Charges
against the allowances of $636,000,  $839,000 and $390,000 in fiscal 1999,  1998
and 1997,  respectively,  principally  relate to uncollectible  accounts written
off,  net of  recoveries.  It is the  Company's  practice to record an estimated
allowance for sales returns and adjustments  based on historical  experience and
to record  individual  charges  for sales  returns and  adjustments  directly to
revenue as incurred.



NOTE D--Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment consists of the following (in thousands):
                                                    September 30,
                                               1999              1998
Machinery and equipment                      $39,258           $34,736
Furniture and fixtures                         9,220             7,750
Leasehold improvements                         5,416             4,724
Land                                           2,810               -
Construction in progress                       4,220               -
                                               -----             -----
                                              60,924            47,210

Less accumulated depreciation                 36,943            31,394
                                              ------            ------
                                             $23,981           $15,816
                                            ========           =======

During fiscal 1999 the Company  acquired a parcel of land located in Chelmsford,
Massachusetts  for the  construction  of an  approximately  129,000  square foot
corporate headquarters facility. The Company anticipates completing construction
of the  facility  during  the second  quarter  of fiscal  2000 at which time the
Company  will begin  depreciating  the cost of the facility  over its  estimated
useful life of thirty years.

NOTE E--Leases

The Company leases systems to customers  under  sales-type  leases as defined in
SFAS  No.  13,  "Accounting  for  Leases."  The  long-term  portion  of the  net
investment  in  sales-type  leases  amounted to  $13,308,000  and  $8,279,000 at
September 30, 1999 and 1998, respectively,  and is included in other assets. The
components  of the net  investment  in  sales-type  leases  are as  follows  (in

                                                        September 30,
                                                     1999              1998
- -------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------
Minimum rentals receivable                           $30,344        $15,281
Estimated residual values of leased equipment
    (unguaranteed)                                       436            396
Less unearned interest income                          3,435          2,363
                                                       -----          -----
Net investment in sales-type leases                  $27,345        $13,314
                                                     =======        =======



NOTE E--Leases--(continued)

Minimum rentals receivable under existing leases as of September 30, 1999 are as
follows (in thousands):

Fiscal Year
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
2000 ....................................                              $15,779
2001 ....................................                                9,746
2002 ....................................                                3,222
2003 ....................................                                1,169
2004 ....................................                                  428

NOTE F--Acquisitions

In fiscal 1999,  1998 and 1997, the Company  completed  various  acquisitions of
dealer territories as well as the acquisition of labor tracking and productivity
technologies. These acquisitions were accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting  and,  accordingly,   the  operating  results  are  included  in  the
consolidated statements of income from the date of each respective acquisition.

The  combined  cost  of  the   acquisitions,   which  amounted  to  $20,168,000,
$5,718,000,   and  $526,000  in  fiscal  1999,  1998  and  1997,   respectively,
principally  relates to  intangible  assets that are being  amortized  using the
straight-line  method over a period  ranging from five to twelve years.  Related
amortization expense amounted to $4,384,000, $2,503,000 and $1,505,000 in fiscal
1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

Certain  agreements  contain  provisions  that  require  the  Company  to make a
guaranteed  payment  within  one year  and/or  contingent  payments  based  upon
profitability of the business unit or if specified minimum revenue  requirements
are met.  These  provisions  expire  during  fiscal  years  2002  through  2005.
Guaranteed  payments are accrued at the time of the acquisition and are included
in the purchase price allocation. Contingent payments due under the terms of the
agreements  are  recognized  when  earned  and are  principally  recorded  as an
increase in the excess of the total  acquisition cost over the fair value of the
net assets  acquired.  However,  under  certain  circumstances  a portion of the
contingent payment may be recorded as compensation expense.  During fiscal 1999,
$811,000 of  contingent  payments  were earned of which  $225,000 was  expensed.
During  fiscal 1998 and 1997,  $2,765,000  and  $1,650,000,  respectively,  were
earned and recorded as an increase in the excess of the total  acquisition  cost
over the fair value of the net assets acquired.



NOTE G--Deferred Software Development Costs

Costs incurred in the research,  design and  development of software for sale to
others are charged to expense until  technological  feasibility is  established.
Thereafter,  software development costs are capitalized and amortized to product
cost of sales on a  straight-line  basis over the  lesser of three  years or the
estimated economic lives of the respective products, beginning when the products
are offered for sale. Total amounts capitalized were $8,836,000,  $6,589,000 and
$5,215,000 in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

Amortization of capitalized  software  development costs amounted to $6,159,000,
$4,360,000 and  $3,162,000 in fiscal 1999,  1998 and 1997,  respectively.  Total
research and development expenses charged to operations amounted to $19,505,000,
$14,263,000 and $11,455,000 in fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

NOTE H-- Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities

Accrued  expenses and other  current  liabilities  consist of the  following (in

                                                                                          September 30,
                                                                                  1999                  1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------
Deferred professional services revenue and related costs                       $17,262                 $7,816
Accrued acquisition payments                                                     6,461                    583
Federal and state tax payable                                                    2,522                  6,190
Accrued other                                                                    6,508                  3,981
                                                                                ------                 ------
                                                                               $32,753                $18,570
                                                                                =======               =======

NOTE I--Lease Commitments

The Company leases certain office space,  manufacturing facilities and equipment
under long-term  operating lease agreements.  Future minimum rental  commitments
under  operating  leases  with  noncancellable  terms of one year or more are as
follows (in thousands):

Fiscal Year
- -------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
2000 ....................................                                $8,068
2001 ....................................                                 4,594
2002 ....................................                                 3,106
2003 ....................................                                 2,323
2004 ....................................                                 2,036
Thereafter ..............................                                 7,142



NOTE I--Lease Commitments --(continued)

Rent expense was $8,197,414,  $7,649,000 and $7,360,000 in fiscal 1999, 1998 and
1997, respectively.

NOTE J--Capital Stock, Stock Split, Stock Repurchase Program and Stock Rights

Capital Stock: The Board of Directors is authorized,  subject to any limitations
prescribed  by law,  from time to time to issue up to an  aggregate of 1,000,000
shares of  Preferred  Stock,  $1.00 par value per share,  in one or more series,
each of such series to have such preferences,  voting powers (up to 10 votes per
share),  qualifications,  and special or relative rights and privileges as shall
be determined by the Board of Directors in a resolution or resolutions providing
for the issue of such Preferred Stock.

During the fourth  quarter of fiscal  1999 the  Company  sold put  options  that
entitle  the holder of each  option to sell to the  Company  one share of Common
Stock at an exercise price of $47.00.  The Company may, at its sole  discretion,
elect to settle  the  obligation  with  either  cash or shares of the  Company's
Common Stock and  accordingly,  no put option  liability has been recorded.  The
50,000  options  outstanding  at September 30, 1999 expire on December 10, 1999.
The premium of $191,000  received in conjunction with this private placement was
recorded as  additional  paid-in  capital.  There was no  significant  effect on
diluted earnings per share for fiscal 1999.

Stock Split:  The Company's Board of Directors  approved a  three-for-two  stock
split  effected  in the form of a 50% stock  dividend  that was paid on March 9,
1999 to  stockholders  of record  as of  February  23,  1999.  Accordingly,  the
presentations of shares outstanding and amounts per share have been restated for
all  periods  presented  to reflect the split.  The par value of the  additional
shares was transferred from additional paid-in capital to Common Stock.

Stock  Repurchase  Program:  In fiscal 1997,  the  Company's  Board of Directors
implemented a stock repurchase  program under which it periodically  authorizes,
subject to  certain  business  and  market  conditions,  the  repurchase  of the
Company's  outstanding common shares to be used for the Company's employee stock
option  plans and  employee  stock  purchase  plan.  Under the stock  repurchase
program, the Company repurchased  378,350,  116,250 and 135,000 common shares in
fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively,  at a cost of $14,155,000,  $2,708,000
and $2,250,000,  respectively. In addition, the Company repurchases common stock
from employees in connection with the exercise of stock options.



NOTE J--Capital Stock, Stock Split, Stock Repurchase Program and Stock Rights

Stock Rights  Agreement:  The Company has a Stock Rights  Agreement  under which
each  holder  of a share of  Common  Stock  also has one  Right  that  initially
represents the right to purchase one  one-thousandth  of a share of a new series
of preferred  stock at an exercise  price of $236,  subject to  adjustment.  The
Company  reserved  12,500 shares of its Preferred  Stock for issuance  under the
agreement. The Rights may be exercised, in whole or in part, only if a person or
group acquires beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the Company's  outstanding
Common Stock or announces a tender or exchange offer upon consummation of which,
such person or group would  beneficially own 25% or more of the Company's Common
Stock.  When  exercisable,  each Right will entitle its holder  (other than such
person or members of such  group) to  purchase  for an amount  equal to the then
current  exercise price,  in lieu of preferred  stock, a number of shares of the
Company's  Common  Stock  having a market  value of twice the  Right's  exercise
price. In addition,  when  exercisable,  the Company may exchange the Rights, in
whole or in part,  at an  exchange  ratio of one  share of  Common  Stock or one
one-thousandth  of a share of Preferred  Stock per Right.  In the event that the
Company is acquired in a merger or other business combination,  the Rights would
entitle the stockholders (other than the acquirer) to purchase securities of the
surviving  company at a similar  discount.  Until they become  exercisable,  the
Rights  will  be  evidenced  by  the  Common  Stock  certificates  and  will  be
transferred only with such  certificates.  Under the Agreement,  the Company can
redeem all outstanding  Rights at $.01 per Right at any time until the tenth day
following the public  announcement that a 20% beneficial  ownership position has
been  acquired or the Company  has been  acquired in a merger or other  business
combination. The Rights will expire on November 17, 2005.

NOTE K--Employee Benefit Plans

Stock Option  Plans:  The 1992 Equity  Incentive  Plan enables the  Compensation
Committee  of the Board of  Directors of the Company to grant awards in the form
of options, stock appreciation rights,  restricted or unrestricted stock awards,
deferred stock awards and  performance  awards,  as defined in the Plan.  During
fiscal 1999,  1998 and 1997, the Company granted under the Plan stock options to
purchase 562,050, 519,750 and 512,175 shares, respectively, of Common Stock at a
purchase price equal to the fair value of the Common Stock at the date of grant.
No other awards were made under the Plan  through  September  30, 1999.  Options
granted  in  fiscal  1999 and 1998  under  the 1992  Equity  Incentive  Plan are
exercisable  in equal  installments  over a four year period  beginning one year
from the date of grant.  Options  granted in prior  fiscal  years under the same
Plan are  exercisable  in equal  installments  over a five year period.  Options
available  for grant are 1,056,946 and 1,545,105 at September 30, 1999 and 1998,

The Company  also has several  nonqualified  and  incentive  stock  option plans
adopted from 1979 through 1987.  No additional  options were granted under these
plans since fiscal 1992.



NOTE K--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

Options granted under these plans are  exercisable  five years after the date of
grant and generally have a ten year contractual life.

The following  schedule  summarizes  the changes in stock  options  issued under
various plans for the three fiscal years in the period ended September 30, 1999.
Options exercisable under the plans were 428,288,  460,744 and 488,938 in fiscal
1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                                                               Weighted - Average
                                        Number of Shares    Exercise Price Per Share    Exercise Price Per Share
- ------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------
Outstanding at
   September 30, 1996                         1,136,781               $   9.68                   $ 0.15 - 23.00
   Granted                                      512,175                  15.85                     11.67 -17.33
   Exercised                                  (141,273)                   6.33                     3.26 - 18.00
   Canceled                                   (133,752)                  13.33                     0.15 - 21.67
                                              ---------                  -----                     ------------

Outstanding at
   September 30, 1997                         1,373,931                  11.97                     3.26 - 23.00
   Granted                                      519,750                  18.34                     17.67 -24.00
   Exercised                                  (266,476)                   8.59                     3.26 - 21.67
   Canceled                                    (69,147)                  15.73                     7.33 - 21.67
                                               --------                  -----                     ------------

Outstanding at
   September 30, 1998                         1,558,058                  14.51                     3.26 - 24.00
   Granted                                      562,050                  19.05                    18.42 - 41.50
   Exercised                                  (356,824)                  10.74                     3.26 - 23.13
   Canceled                                    (75,215)                  18.70                     7.33 - 38.13
                                               --------                  -----                     ------------

Outstanding at
   September 30, 1999                         1,688,069               $  16.64                   $ 3.26 - 41.50
                                              =========               ========                   ==============

As discussed in Note A, the Company has adopted the  disclosure-only  provisions
of SFAS No. 123,  "Accounting  for Stock-Based  Compensation,"  and continues to
account for  stock-based  compensation  under APB 25.  Generally no compensation
expense is recorded  with  respect to the  Company's  stock  option and employee
stock purchase plans.



NOTE K--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

The following  summarizes  information about options outstanding and exercisable
at September 30, 1999:

                                          Outstanding                                      Exercisable
                                          Weighted -         Weighted -                             Weighted -
                                       Average Remaining  Average Exercise                       Average Exercise
 Exercise Price Per  Number of Shares  Contractual Life    Price Per Share        Number of       Price Per Share
       Share                                                                        Shares

     $3.26 -  3.33            96,121        1.8 Years               $3.31              96,121              $3.31
      9.00 - 13.55           153,255        1.1 Years               10.13              79,050               9.77
     16.50 - 23.00         1,366,390        2.7 Years               17.82             243,189              17.49
     23.13 - 41.50            72,303        3.5 Years               25.70               9,928              23.16
     -------------            ------        ---------               -----               -----              -----
     $3.26 - 41.50         1,688,069        2.5 Years              $16.64             428,288             $12.27
     =============         =========        =========              ======             =======             ======

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model  with  the   following   weighted-average

                                                    September 30,
                                        1999           1998            1997
 ---------------------------           ------         ------          ------
 Expected volatility                   56.4%           31.9%           36.8%
 Risk-free interest rate                4.6%            5.9%            6.0%
 Expected lives (in years)              4.4             4.4             4.5

The  Company  has not  paid  and  does not  anticipate  paying  cash  dividends;
therefore, the expected dividend yield is assumed to be zero.

The  weighted-average  fair value of options granted under the 1992 Equity
Incentive Plan during fiscal 1999, 1998 and 1997 was  $9.64, $10.15 and
$7.63, respectively.



NOTE K--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

For purposes of the pro forma disclosure  below, the estimated fair value of the
Company's  stock-based  compensation plan and the estimated benefit derived from
the  Company's  Stock  Purchase  Plan is  amortized to expense over the options'
vesting period.  The Company's pro forma net income and net income per share for
the years ended September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997 are as follows:

                                      1999               1998             1997
                                      ----               ----             ----
Net income (in thousands):
                 As reported        $22,378            $14,720          $11,272
                 Pro forma           19,909             13,909           10,671

Earnings per share:
                 As reported          $1.71              $1.15            $0.89
                 Pro forma             1.52               1.09             0.85

These pro forma  disclosures may not be representative of the effects for future
years since options vest over several years and options  granted prior to fiscal
1996 are not considered in these disclosures.

Stock Purchase  Plan: In accordance  with the 1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
eligible  employees  may  authorize  payroll  deductions  of up to 10% of  their
compensation (not to exceed $12,500 in a six month period) to purchase shares at
the lower of 85% of the fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock at the
beginning  or end of the six month option  period.  During  fiscal 1999,  92,340
shares  were issued to  employees  at prices  ranging  from $20.54 to $25.11 per

At September 30, 1999, a total of 2,902,787 shares of Common Stock were reserved
for issuance.  Included in this amount are 2,648,876  shares for the 1992 Equity
Incentive Plan,  118,627 shares for the Employee Stock Purchase Plan and 135,284
shares for the various  stock  option  plans  adopted in the period 1979 through



NOTE K--Employee Benefit Plans--(continued)

Defined  Contribution Plan: The Company sponsors a defined  contribution savings
plan for the benefit of  substantially  all  employees.  Total expense under the
plan was  $1,475,000,  $1,182,000  and $958,000 in fiscal  1999,  1998 and 1997,

NOTE L--Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes consists of the following (in thousands):

                                Year Ended September 30,
                             1999         1998         1997
- -------------------         ------       ------       ------
     Federal               $12,953      $10,315        $6,682
     State                   1,924        1,706         1,010
     Foreign                   256          177           225
                            ------       ------       -------
                            15,133       12,198         7,917
                            ------       ------       -------

     Federal                (2,652)      (2,264)         (797)
     State                    (379)        (323)         (104)
                            ------       ------        -------
                            (3,031)      (2,587)         (901)
                            ------       -------       -------
                           $12,102       $9,611         $7,016
                           =======       =======       =======



NOTE L--Income Taxes--(continued)

Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the net tax effects of  temporary  differences
between the carrying  amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes.  For financial  reporting
purposes,  the Company has determined that recognition of the deferred tax asset
resulting  from net operating loss  carryforwards  of foreign  subsidiaries  and
other items do not meet the "more likely than not" criteria of the Standard and,
therefore,  has provided a valuation  allowance for related future tax benefits.
Significant  components of the Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities are
as follows (in thousands):

                                                                                           September 30,
                                                                                       1999            1998
                                                                                  --------------- ----------------
  Deferred tax assets:
    Inventory reserves                                                                $ 652            $ 604
    Accounts receivable reserves                                                      2,292            1,188
    Accrued expenses                                                                  2,171            3,464
    Deferred maintenance revenues                                                     4,633            2,022
    Other                                                                             2,792              747
    Net operating loss carryforwards of
     foreign subsidiaries
                                                                                        689            2,400
                                                                                      -----            -----
    Total deferred tax assets                                                        13,229           10,425
      Valuation allowance                                                              (993)         (2,400)
                                                                                      -----            -----
                                                                                     12,236            8,025
  Deferred tax liabilities:
    Capitalized software development costs                                           (4,790)          (3,748)
                                                                                      ------           -----

         Net deferred tax assets                                                     $7,446          $ 4,277
                                                                                     =======         =======

The  effective  tax rate  differed  from the  United  States  statutory  rate as

                                                                              Year Ended September 30,
                                                                      1999            1998             1997
                                                               --------------- ---------------- ----------------
    Statutory rate                                                     35%             35%                 35%
    State income taxes, net of federal
      income tax benefit                                                4               4                   3
    Foreign losses not benefited                                        -               5                   3
    Use of foreign net operating loss carryforwards                    (4)              -                  (1)
    Income tax credits                                                 (2)             (2)                 (1)
    Other                                                               2              (2)                 (1)
                                                                       ---             ---                 ---
                                                                       35%             40%                 38%
                                                                       ===             ===                 ===



NOTE L--Income Taxes--(continued)

During fiscal 1999,  $3,946,000 of net operating loss carryforwards from foreign
operations  were  utilized,  and  $1,724,000  remain  available to reduce future
income  taxes  payable  in  their   respective   countries.   Of  the  remaining
carryforwards,   $1,390,000   expire  from  2001  through  2006.  The  remaining
carryforwards, totaling $334,000, may be carried forward indefinitely.

The Company made income tax payments of  $15,409,000,  $7,659,000  and
$4,847,000  in fiscal 1999,  1998 and 1997, respectively.

NOTE M--Earnings Per Share

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per

                                                                  Year Ended September 30,

                                                         1999                1998                  1997
                                                        ------              ------                ------
   Net income (in thousands)                          $22,378             $14,720               $11,272
                                                ================== ==================== =====================

   Weighted-average shares                         12,548,061          12,390,222            12,281,965

Effect of dilutive securities:
   Employee stock options                             561,170             392,290               338,364
                                                ------------------ -------------------- ---------------------

   Adjusted weighted-average shares
     and assumed conversions                       13,109,231          12,782,512            12,620,329
                                                ================== ==================== =====================

Basic earnings per share                                $1.78               $1.19                 $0.92
                                                ================== ==================== =====================

Diluted earnings per share                              $1.71               $1.15                 $0.89
                                                ================== ==================== =====================


Board of Directors and Shareholders
Kronos Incorporated

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  balance  sheets  of  Kronos
Incorporated  as of  September  30, 1999 and 1998 and the  related  consolidated
statements of income, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended September 30, 1999. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all  material   respects,   the  consolidated   financial   position  of  Kronos
Incorporated  at September 30, 1999 and 1998,  and the  consolidated  results of
operations  and cash  flows  for each of the  three  years in the  period  ended
September 30, 1999, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

As described in Note A, effective October 1, 1998, the Company adopted Statement
of Position (SOP) 97-2 "Software Revenue Recognition" as amended by SOP 98-4.

                                   /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
October 27, 1999


                                                   Exhibit Index

  No.             Description

3.1(10)         Restated Articles of Organization of the Registrant, as amended.
3.2*            Amended and Restated By-laws of the Registrant.
4*              Specimen Stock Certificate.
10.1*(11)       1986A Stock Option Plan.
10.2(10)(11)    1992 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated.
10.3(9)(12)     1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated.
10.4(3)         Lease dated November 16, 1993, between Teachers Realty
                Corporation and the Registrant, relating to premises leased in
                Chelmsford, MA.
10.5(5)         Lease dated August 8, 1995, between Principal   Mutual   Life
                Insurance Company and the Registrant, relating to premises
                leased in Chelmsford, MA.
10.6(8)         Fleet Bank Letter Agreement and Promissory Note dated January 1,
                1997,  relating to amendment of $3,000,000 credit facility.
10.7(2)(13)     Software License and Support and Hardware Purchase Agreement
                dated April 2, 1993, between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.1(7)(13)   Amendments  dated July 22, 1996 to Software License and Support
                and Hardware Purchase Agreement dated April 2, 1993, between
                ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.7.2(14)      Amendment  dated  September  14, 1999 to Software  License and
                Support and Hardware  Purchase  Agreement  dated April 2, 1993
                between ADP, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8*           Sales Agreement dated December 6, 1990, between Integrated
                Design, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8.1(6)       Amendment dated November 2, 1995 to Sales Agreement dated
                December 6, 1990,  between  Integrated
                Design, Inc. and the Registrant.
10.8.2          Amendment dated October 8, 1999 to Sales Agreement dated
                December 6, 1990 between  Integrated Design, Inc. and
                the Registrant.
10.9(3)(13)     Acquisition  Agreement  dated  November 2, 1993 between
                Interboro  Systems  Corporation  and the Registrant.
10.10*          Form of  Indemnity  Agreement  entered  into  among the
                Registrant and Directors of the Registrant.
10.11(1)        Lease dated November 9, 1992, as amended, between John Hancock
                Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Registrant,  relating
                to premises leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.1(6)      Amendment dated January 1, 1996 to Lease dated November 9, 1992,
                as amended, between John Hancock  Mutual Life Insurance Company
                and the Registrant, relating to premises leased in Waltham, MA.
10.11.2(8)      Amendment  dated  October 11, 1996 to Lease dated  November 9,
                1992, as amended,  between John Hancock  Mutual Life Insurance
                Company and the  Registrant,  relating  to premises  leased in
                Waltham, MA.
10.12(4)        Agreement of  Reorganization  among Kronos  Incorporated;
                Kronos S/T  Corporation,  ShopTrac  Data  Collection  Systems,
                Inc.,  Thomas J. O'Malia and Mark J.  MacWhirter,  dated March
                31, 1994.

                                             Exhibit Index (continued)

10.13(11)      Lease  Agreement  Between  W/9TIB  Real  Estate  Limited
               Partnership, as Landlord, and Kronos Incorporated, as Tenant
               Dated 2/26/99
10.14(11)      Construction  Agreement Between Cranshaw Construction of New
               England Limited Partnership and Kronos Incorporated Dated
               March 10, 1999.
10.15(12)      Agreement  of  Purchase  and Sale Beyond  Between  W/9TIB Real
               Estate Limited Partnership and Kronos Incorporated Dated March
               29, 1999.
21             Subsidiaries of the Registrant.
23             Consent of Independent Auditors.
27             Financial Data Schedule.

         *     Incorporated by reference to the same Exhibit Number in the
               Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 33-47383).

         (1)   Incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the
               fiscal year ended  September  30, 1992.

         (2)   Incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly  period ended April 3, 1993.

         (3)   Incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the
               fiscal year ended  September  30,  1993.

         (4)   Incorporated  by  reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly  period ended July 2, 1994.

         (5)   Incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-K for the
               fiscal year ended September 30,1995.

         (6)   Incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly  period ended March 30, 1996.

         (7)   Incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the
               fiscal year ended  September  30, 1996.

         (8)   Incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly period ended December 28, 1996.

         (9)   Incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly  period ended March 29, 1997.

         (10)  Incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the
               quarterly  period ended April 4, 1998.

                                             Exhibit Index (continued)

    (11)     Management  contract or compensatory plan or arrangement filed
             as an exhibit to this Form 10-K  pursuant  to Items  14(a) and
             14(c) of Form 10-K.

    (12)     Incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q for the
             quarterly period ended April 3, 1999.

    (13)     Confidential treatment was granted for certain portions of this

     (b)     Reports on Form 8-K

    (14)     Confidential treatment was requested for certain portions of this

         No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last fiscal quarter of the
fiscal year covered by this report.

Kronos,   Timekeeper,   Timekeeper   Central,   Jobkeeper,   Jobkeeper  Central,
Datakeeper,  Datakeeper Central,  Gatekeeper,  Gatekeeper Central,  Imagekeeper,
TeleTime,  TimeMaker,  CardSaver,  ShopTrac,  the ShopTrac  logo,  Start.  Time,
Keep.Trac,  Solution in a Box,  Visionware and the Company's logo are registered
trademarks of the Company. DKC/Datalink, Timekeeper Web, HyperFind, Kronos 2100,
Smart Scheduler, Starter Series, Start.Labor,  Start.WIP,  Start.Quality,  Labor
Plus, WIP Plus,  Comm.Mgr,  CommLink,  Community  Computer,  Tempo and the Tempo
logo, ShopTrac Pro, Workforce Central and the Workforce Central logo,  Workforce
Timekeeper,  Workforce Activities, Workforce Smart Scheduler, Workforce Manager,
Workforce  Accruals,  Workforce  Web,  Workforce  TeleTime,  Workforce  Express,
Workforce  Scheduler,  Workforce  Decisions  and  Prism  are  trademarks  of the
Company.  IBM is a registered trademark of, and AS and AS/400 are trademarks of,
International Business Machines Corporation Total Time is a service mark of ADP,
Inc. and ADP is a registered  trademark of Automatic Data Processing,  Inc. Time
Bank is a registered  trademark of  Integrated  Design Inc. UNIX is a registered
trademark  in the U.S.  and  other  countries,  licensed  exclusively  by X/Open
Company  Ltd. VMS is a registered  trademark of Digital  Equipment  Corporation.
Microsoft,  Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of, and Windows NT
is a trademark of, Microsoft  Corporation.  Oracle is a registered  trademark of
Oracle  Corporation.  Informix is a registered  trademark of Informix  Software,
Inc.  PeopleSoft  is a  registered  trademark  of  PeopleSoft,  Inc.  Baan  is a
trademark  of Baan  Development  B.V.  Honeywell  is a  registered  trademark of
Honeywell,  Inc.  J.D.  Edwards is a registered  trademark  of J.D.  Edwards and
Company.  Lawson is a registered  trademark of Lawson Associates,  Inc. SAP is a
trademark of SAP AG.