Exhibit 10.7.2

                                     SECOND AMENDMENT TO SOFTWARE LICENSE AND
                                      SUPPORT AND HARDWARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT

This Second Amendment, which shall be effective as of
February  11,  1998,  (except as set forth below in Section 3.) is between  ADP,
Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("ADP")  with  offices  at One  ADP  Boulevard,
Roseland, New Jersey 07068, and Kronos Incorporated, a Massachusetts corporation
("Kronos") with offices at 400 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451.

WHEREAS,  the  parties  entered a Software  License  and  Support  and  Hardware
Purchase Agreement dated April 2, 1993  ("Agreement"),  a Development  Agreement
dated March 21, 1995, an Amendment to the Agreement  dated July 22, 1996,  and a
Total Time 120 Amendment dated July 22, 1996;

WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the Agreement;

WHEREAS, ADP has acquired Time Resource Management, Inc. ("TRM"), effective on
February 11, 1998;

WHEREAS, TRM has time and attendance software which is competitive to Kronos'
time and attendance software;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.       Section 2(g) shall be amended by adding the following to the end of the
         second sentence:  "; or (iii)
         such agreement is for acquiring TRM."

2.       Section  2(g) shall be  amended by  deleting  the fourth  sentence  and
         replacing it with the  following  sentence:  "ADP further  agrees that,
         during  the term of this  Agreement,  it will not  develop,  other than
         pursuant to this Agreement,  (which Agreement shall be deemed to permit
         internal ADP development of TRM software or development of TRM software
         by its consultants;  provided however,  that such consultants shall not
         be in the business of time and attendance or scheduling),  any time and
         attendance or scheduling  hardware or software which shall compete with
         Kronos products."

3.       Section 2(g) shall be amended by adding the following  sentences to the
         end of the Section:  "Notwithstanding  the foregoing  sentence,  Kronos
         agrees to permit ADP to combine TRM  software  with  Hardware,  and ADP
         agrees  that it will sell  exclusively  Kronos  Hardware  (and no third
         party hardware) with the TRM software,  if Kronos provides the Hardware
         which is to be  combined  with  the TRM  software  at a price  and with
         features  and  functionality  equivalent  to the  hardware  that  would
         otherwise be  available to TRM (if it had not been  acquired by ADP) at
         the time of the sale of such Hardware.

         ADP's sales force shall be permitted to sell TRM  software,  subject to
         the following restrictions: (i) a total of only 300 salespeople derived
         from the ADP sales force  dedicated to selling to clients and prospects
         employing  between 100 and 1000  employees  (the "Major  Account  Sales
         Force") and/or derived from the ADP sales force dedicated to selling to
         clients and prospects  employing  under 100  employees  (the "EBS Sales
         Force")  shall be permitted  to sell TRM software and the  accompanying
         hardware and/or  services;  and (ii) such 300 ADP  salespeople  derived
         from the Major  Account  Sales  Force and the EBS Sales  Force shall be
         permitted  to sell TRM  software,  accompanying  hardware  or  Hardware
         and/or services only to clients or prospects  within the hotel industry
         having a SIC code  beginning  with "70" as the first  two  digits;  and
         (iii) ADP shall not provide or permit  compensation/ credit (including,
         but not limited to,  commissions  and/or roll call or quota  credit) to
         any member of the Major  Account  Sales  Force or the EBS Sales  Force,
         other than the 300 salespeople described in subpart (i), for generating
         a sales lead or sales referral for TRM software,  accompanying hardware
         or Hardware and/or services; provided however, that ADP's breach of its
         obligations  under  this  subpart  (iii)  shall not be deemed  material
         unless  such breach  occurs  more than one  hundred  times prior to the
         termination of this Agreement;  and provided further that the foregoing
         restrictions  on the Major  Account Sales Force and the EBS Sales Force
         shall not apply to  sales/sublicensing of the TRM software to End-Users
         in Puerto Rico and the  Caribbean.  Except as  specified  above in this
         paragraph,  the Major Account Sales Force and EBS Sales Force shall not
         be permitted to sell


         (i.e.,  shall not receive  training or receive any payment for selling)
         any time and attendance or scheduling software or hardware or services,
         other than Total Time Software and Hardware and services. The ADP sales
         force dedicated to selling to clients and prospects employing over 1000
         employees  shall  not be  subject  to the  restrictions  stated in this

         This Paragraph 3, which amends  Section 2(g),  shall be effective as of
         September 30, 1999,  provided that the  provisions of this  Paragraph 3
         shall  not  apply  to any  sales  resulting  from  leads  or  referrals
         provided,  or other sales  activity  conducted,  by the Major  Accounts
         Sales Force or EBS Sales Force prior to September 30, 1999.

4.       Section 2(h) shall be deleted and replaced with the following: "Subject
         to Sections  2(j) and 15(a)  hereof,  ADP shall  determine  in its sole
         discretion  and from time to time hereafter the fees it will charge for
         the Total Time  Services and the degree of effort to be expended by ADP
         in support,  promotion  and marketing of the Total Time Software or any
         part thereof;  provided  however,  that ADP agrees to make a good faith
         effort to support, promote and market the Total Time Software.  Nothing
         in  this  Agreement  shall  prevent  ADP at  any  time  hereafter  from
         re-pricing the Total Time Software or any part thereof."

5. The following shall be added as Section 2(j):

         "(j) ADP shall  purchase  a minimum  of the  following  units of Kronos
Hardware and Total Time Software:

                          Kronos' FY'98    Kronos' FY'99     Kronos' FY'00    Kronos FY'01
                           (10/1/97 to      (10/1/98 to       (10/1/99 to      (10/1/00 to    Cumulative Unit
                             9/30/98)         9/30/99)         9/30/00)          4/2/01)       Purchase Total
        Kronos Product
      ------------------- --------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------

      Hardware                  *                *                 *                *                *

      Total Time                *                *                 *                *                *

         It is understood  and agreed that ADP shall be required to purchase the
         applicable  number of units of  Hardware  or  Software  during the time
         periods  specified  above,  until  ADP  has  purchased  the  applicable
         Cumulative Unit Purchase Total specified above.  Once ADP has purchased
         such  Cumulative  Unit  Purchase  Total,  no further  minimum  purchase
         requirements  shall  apply.  If ADP  does  not  purchase  the  minimums
         specified  above  during  the  applicable  time  periods,  ADP shall be
         required to purchase the difference  between the minimum  specified and
         its  actual  purchases,  on the  first  day  following  the  end of the
         applicable time period.

         Kronos  agrees that,  beginning on April 3, 2001 and ending on April 3,
         2002,  to permit ADP to  exchange  units of Total Time  Software  for a
         later  version of such Total Time  Software,  subject to the  following
         requirements:  (i) the number of Total Time Software Units exchanged by
         ADP can be no  greater  than the number of Total  Time  Software  units
         purchased/licensed  by ADP from  Kronos and shipped to an ADP Client or
         ADP customer within the 12 months preceding April 3, 2001; and (ii) any
         unit  exchanged can be exchanged  only for a later  version  within the
         same operating system (e.g., DOS for DOS, Windows for Windows,  C/S for
         Total  Time 120 for C/S for Total Time 120,  etc.);  and (iii) the unit
         proposed to be exchanged  must be in ADP's  inventory on April 3, 2001,
         and Kronos must have been paid by ADP for it.

6. Section 5(d) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

         "(d) The provisions of Section 5(a) set forth the entire  obligation of
         ADP for payment  (other than  amounts  that may be payable  pursuant to
         Section  7,  Section  14,  17(c)  and  (d) or  pursuant  to the  Second
         Amendment to the Agreement) with respect to the work to be performed by
         Kronos  pursuant  hereto in connection with the Total Time Software and
         the rights and licenses  granted by Kronos hereunder in connection with
         the Total Time Software.  ADP's payment obligations with respect to the
         purchase of Hardware  hereunder  are as set forth in Sections  2(j) and

7.       Section 14(d) shall be amended by deleting the period at the end of the
         Section and adding the  following:  ";except that ADP shall be required
         to pay all minimum amounts owed under Section 2(j) and when applicable,
         Section 14(f)."

8. Section 14(f) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

         "(f) In the event ADP breaches the  provisions of Section 2(g),  Kronos
         shall have the right to receive  from ADP an amount  equal to the value
         of  all  products,   including   Total  Time  Software,   Hardware  and
         accessories which would have been realized by Kronos (which value shall
         not be limited to the  minimums  specified  in Section  2(j))  during a
         period  equal to the greater of (i) 2-1/2  years or (ii) the  remaining
         term of this Agreement had no termination notice been given."

9. The following shall be added as Section 22(n):

         "(n)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary in Section 2(a) or any
         other  Section of the  Agreement  or of this Second  Amendment,  Kronos
         shall no longer have any  obligations  to ADP to provide Source Code or
         updates,  enhancements  or any other  modifications  thereto;  provided
         however,  that if ADP provides  Kronos with  written  notice that ADP's
         lack of access to such Source Code has made it unable to proceed with a
         material  additional  feature  or  functionality  for  the  Total  Time
         Software,  and Kronos fails to define an acceptable  resolution  within
         thirty (30) days after  receipt of such notice,  then Kronos  agrees to
         supply  ADP with  the  Source  Code  necessary  to  proceed  with  such
         additional  feature or  functionality,  and such  Source  Code shall be
         subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In addition,
         Kronos  will  agree to place  Source  Code  updates,  enhancements  and
         modifications,  if any,  in  escrow,  at ADP's  expense  and upon ADP's
         written  request.  Any such  source  code  escrow  shall be  subject to
         execution of a mutually agreed source code escrow agreement which shall
         provide for release of the Source  Code only upon  Kronos'  bankruptcy,
         liquidation or otherwise ceasing to do business. This Section shall not
         affect ADP's obligations  concerning Source Code previously provided by

10. The following shall be added as Section 22(o):

         "(o) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or this
         Second   Amendment,   any  individual,   whether  an  ADP  employee  or
         contractor,  working on the  engineering of the TRM  product/technology
         shall be strictly  prohibited from having any access to the Source Code
         and any other Kronos  confidential  information  (as defined in Section
         18) and ADP  shall not use the  Source  Code in any way with or for the
         TRM product(s).  Any employee or consultant  working on the engineering
         of Total Time Software or Hardware,  cannot be  transferred  to work on
         any   TRM   product/technology,    and   vice   versa.   In   addition,
         notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary in this  Agreement  or this
         Second   Amendment,   any  individual,   whether  an  ADP  employee  or
         contractor,  working on the development of the TRM product/  technology
         shall be strictly prohibited from having any access to the Source Code,
         and shall also be prohibited,  with the exception of  marketing/product
         management  individuals and individuals  developing an interface from a
         Kronos or TRM product to an internally developed ADP module or to third
         party hardware or software,  from having any access to any other Kronos
         confidential  information (as defined in Section 18). ADP shall not use
         the confidential information in any way with or for the TRM product(s).
         Any employee or  consultant  working on the  development  of Total Time
         Software  or  Hardware,  cannot  be  transferred  to  work  on any  TRM
         product/technology,   and   vice   versa,   with   the   exception   of
         marketing/product  management individuals and individuals developing an
         interface  from a Kronos or TRM product to an internally  developed ADP
         module or to third party  hardware or  software.  Kronos  reserves  the
         right to audit ADP's compliance with this paragraph."


KRONOS INCORPORATED                               ADP, INC.

By:/s/W Patrick Decker                  By:/s/Georg I. Stoeckert

Name:W. Patrick Decker                  Name:George I. Stoeckert

Title:President, COO                    Title:President, Major Accounts Division

Date:9/14/99                                         Date:September 7, 1999