Exhibit 10.8.2

This  is an  Amendment  ("Amendment")  to the  December,  1990  Sales  Agreement
("Agreement")  between  Integrated  Design,  Inc. of 1194 Oak Valley Drive,  Ann
Arbor,  Michigan  48108  ("IDI") and Kronos  Incorporated  of 400 Fifth  Avenue,
Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 ("Kronos").

WHEREAS,  the parties wish to clarify their  obligations and rights with respect
to IDI's service and support obligations and source code;

WHEREAS,  the parties further wish to clarify IDI's  obligations with respect to
Year 2000  Compliance  ("Y2K  Compliance")  and certain  other  issues under the

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.   Section 2.1 and 2.2 shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced with
     the following:

     "2.1 Kronos shall  perform  first line  support to all Kronos  customers as
     provided in Exhibit B.

     2.2 Kronos shall perform the sales function for Kronos  customers  desiring
     to  license  TimeBank  including  the  prospecting,   qualifying,   account
     management and closing functions.

     2.3 Kronos shall provide IDI with timely product  information for those new
     or existing Kronos  products for which IDI product  development is required
     by Kronos."

2.   Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and Section 3.5 shall be deleted from Section 3,
     Section 3.4 shall be renumbered 3.1 and the following sections shall be
     added to Section 3 of the Agreement:

     "3.2 Right of First  Refusal.  IDI agrees  that  prior to  agreeing  to any
     proposal for the  acquisition  of all or part of its business or assets,  a
     merger or the acquisition of any of its capital stock, IDI will first offer
     to Kronos the right to make the same proposal and if Kronos  exercises that
     right, IDI agrees to accept Kronos' proposal.

     "3.3  Shipment  of  Standard  TimeBank  Software  and  other  standard  IDI
     products.  IDI agrees to ship,  within thirty (30) days after receipt,  any
     order by Kronos for any standard  TimeBank  Software or any other  standard
     (i.e., non-custom) IDI product.

     3.4 Advance  Notice of Price  Changes.  IDI agrees to provide Kronos with a
     minimum of sixty (60) days  advance  written  notice of any increase in the
     prices for  TimeBank  Software and for the IDI  products,  with such notice
     deemed to take effect on the first day of the month  following  when notice
     is given.  For example,  if notice is given on April 15, the price increase
     shall take effect on July 1."

3.   Section 4.4 of the  Agreement is amended by adding the following to the end
     of the first sentence:  "12, and 13." and by adding the following  sentence
     at the end:  "The  parties  recognize  and  agree  that the  expiration  or
     termination of this Agreement shall not affect the rights of end-users then
     using the TimeBank Software or other IDI Products."

4. Section 8. Warranty of the Agreement is amended by adding the following:

     "8.2 Year 2000  Compliance.  IDI warrants  that  TimeBank  Software and any
     other  products  currently  sold to Kronos and/or  Kronos  Dealers meet the
     following definition of "Year 2000 Compliant":

     Crossing  into the year 2000 and  beyond,  the  product  will  continue  to
     correctly  perform all date-related  functions,  sort data in chronological
     order,  store  internal,  date-related  information  in proper  order,  and
     correctly recognize the year 2000 as a leap-year.

     In  addition,  IDI  warrants  that any future  TimeBank  Software  or other
     products  sold by IDI to Kronos  will  meet the  definition  of "Year  2000
     Compliant"  above.  For TimeBank  Software and all other  products  sold to
     Kronos and/or Kronos  Dealers  prior to this  Amendment,  IDI warrants that
     such products meet the Year 2000 requirements  specified on IDI's web page,
     which is attached hereto as Exhibit A."

5. Section 10. Source Code of the Agreement is amended as follows:

     a) in  the  first  sentence,  after  the  words  "TimeBank  Software,"  the
     following is added: "and other IDI Products  sold/licensed to Kronos and/or
     Kronos  Dealers  (such  deposit to include  all code,  documentation  and a
     complete  listing of third party software,  tools or other items reasonably
     required to use the source code)" and

     b) by  adding  the  following  at the end of the last  sentence:  "3) IDI's
     failure to satisfy any of its  obligations  under Section 12 and/or Section
     13 of this  Agreement.  IDI further agrees that upon IDI's breach of any of
     the foregoing  "release  conditions,"  Kronos shall have full rights to use
     the source  code to develop and resell  products,  with no royalty or other
     payment to IDI,  and IDI agrees  that its  agreement  with Data  Securities
     International,   Inc.  (or  any  successor   escrow  agent)  shall  contain
     provisions  consistent  with this Section 10. All  obligations of IDI under
     this  Section 10 shall apply to any  successor,  assign or acquiror of IDI,
     TimeBank  Software  (or other IDI  products  licensed  to  Kronos) or IDI's
     rights under this Agreement."

6. The following Section shall be added to Section 11 of the Agreement:

     "11.6 Force  Majeure.  Neither party to this  Agreement  shall be deemed in
     default for delay or failure in performance under this Agreement  resulting
     from any cause  beyond  its  reasonable  control,  including  fire or other
     natural  disaster and the time period for  performance  so delayed shall be
     deemed extended for the period of such delay."

7.   Section 12 shall be added to the Agreement as follows:  "Section 12 - IDI's
     Obligations  to  Provide  Service  and  Support.  IDI  agrees,  while  this
     Agreement  is in effect  and for two (2) years  after  the  termination  or
     expiration of this Agreement,  to provide service and support to Kronos and
     Kronos  Dealers,  as  specified  on  Exhibit  B, in a  professional  manner
     consistent with industry standards.

8.   Section  13 shall  be  added to the  Agreement  as  follows:  "Section  13.
     Continuing  Obligations.  IDI  agrees  that,  for two (2)  years  after the
     termination or expiration of this Agreement:

a.       Kronos  shall  have the right to  continue  to  purchase  the  TimeBank
         Software and all other IDI products being sold to Kronos at the time of
         the  expiration/  termination,  at the prices then in effect;  provided
         however,  that IDI  reserves  the right to increase  such prices by not
         more than five percent (5%) per year; and
b.       IDI shall  continue to provide the  service  and support  specified  in
         Section 12 and shall  continue to be obligated  to provide  maintenance
         and support  under any  maintenance  agreement  then in effect  between
         Kronos  and  Kronos  end-users  for  which  IDI  was  paid,   including
         multi-year  maintenance  agreements for the remainder of the multi-year
         term, even if such term extends beyond two (2) years after  termination
         or expiration of this Agreement.

     Such  continuing  obligations  shall  apply  to any  successor,  assign  or
     acquiror  of IDI,  TimeBank  Software  (or other IDI  products  licensed to
     Kronos), or IDI's rights under this Agreement."


By: /s/James H. Carroll             By: /s/Aron Ain

Name: James H. Carroll              Name: Aron J. Ain

Title:President                     Title:President, Worldwide Sales and Service

Date:October 8, 1999                                       Date: October 8, 1999
    ------------------------------------                        ---------------

                                                     EXHIBIT A

Integrated Design's Year 2000 Definitions

"Year 2000 Compliant"  means the product meets Integrated  Design's  standard of
compliance. Crossing into the year 2000 and beyond, the product will continue to

o         perform all date-related functions
o         sort data in chronological order
o         store internal, date-related information

It will also correctly recognize the year 2000 as a "leap year."

"Compliant  with Minor Cosmetic  Issues" means the data will transfer  correctly
and the  product  will meet all Year 2000  Compliance  criteria as listed in the
"Year 2000  Compliant"  definition  above,  but the two-digit year format in the
header of some seldom-used DOS Time Bank reports may not display properly.

                                                     EXHIBIT B
                                        Maintenance and Support Obligations

Kronos agrees to pay IDI of IDI's  wholesale  price for  maintenance  agreements
sold to Kronos' end-user  customers,  and, where applicable,  the renewal charge
for such agreements,  in exchange for IDI's providing the services  described in
this Exhibit B.

1. IDI shall provide warranty support as specified in the Agreement.
2.     a) Kronos  will  provide  first  line  support  to  end-users  and handle
       end-user telephone calls; provided however, that IDI shall provide second
       level (back-up support) which shall be direct or indirect, as required by
       the  situation.  Direct  support  may require  that IDI  provide  dial-in
       services to connect to the  customer  system to  retrieve  data or adjust
       system settings. The services described above shall be provided by IDI to
       Kronos/Kronos' end-user at the following times:

1)       For Kronos basic coverage end-users, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (E.S.T.)
         Monday through Friday with a response time of four hour call back

       b) IDI will provide the following services to Kronos for any customer for
       whom Kronos has paid IDI the annual maintenance fee:

                  i) If the  customer  changes the version of their system which
         is connected by Time Bank  Software  (i.e.,  payroll  system),  and the
         version  change  requires  a  corresponding  change in their  Time Bank
         Software to maintain the  pre-existing  functionality  of the Time Bank
         Software, IDI will, upon demand by Kronos, provide Kronos with upgrades
         to the customer's Time Bank software at no charge.  Customers  changing
         system  vendors (i.e.  ADP to Ceridian),  or changing  product names or
         operating  platforms  (i.e.,  GEAC M Series  to GEAC  SmartStream),  or
         changing interface  methodologies  (i.e., Oracle PayMix to Oracle Batch
         Element Entry),  are not considered  version changes and may be subject
         to reconfiguration charges.

                  ii) If the customer  requests minor changes to their Time Bank
         Software  configuration  and Kronos provides  specifications  for those
         changes  to IDI in a  format  reasonably  acceptable  to IDI,  IDI will
         perform  the changes and send  changed  software  files to Kronos at no
         charge.  "Minor  changes"  is  defined  as  changes  to  the  interface
         specifications  which do not require  restructuring  the  operation  or
         logic of the Time Bank Software configuration.

         Examples of "minor changes" include the following:
o         Changes to values being posted into the receiving system
          (i.e. payroll mappings)
o         Changes to translation table values (i.e. department rates)
o         Changes to individual field manipulations
          (i.e. Labor Level concatenation)
o         Changes to source or destination addresses
          (i.e. target file name and directory)

         Examples of changes that are not "minor changes" include the following:
o         Changes to rate calculation logic
o         Changes to input or output record formats
o         Addition of incremental functionality (
          i.e. new table translation logic)
o         Addition of incremental sources or destinations
          (i.e. a second payroll output)

                  iii) When IDI releases a new version of Time Bank Software for
         Windows product, IDI will, upon demand by Kronos, make upgrade software
         available to Kronos at no charge.

       c)IDI understands and agrees that Kronos' maintenance  agreement provides
         for automatic  renewal unless specified notice to the contrary is given
         by Kronos  to the  end-user,  and IDI  agrees to  continue  to  provide
         maintenance  services to those end-users  customers for whom Kronos has
         paid IDI an annual maintenance fee.

       d)IDI shall  repair  bugs in  Timebank  or other IDI  Products  which are
         identified  by IDI,  Kronos,  and/or the end-user  customer as mutually
         agreed to by Kronos and IDI.

       e)IDI will  provide  maintenance  releases  for  Timebank  and  other IDI
         Products as a download from the IDI web site.  IDI will provide  Kronos
         with a CD master to enable Kronos to update the end-user customer base.
         Maintenance  releases  will be provided free of charge to each end-user
         with a  maintenance  agreement  in  effect.  Maintenance  releases  are
         updates  to  product  code  to  address  deficiencies  in  function  or
         performance.  They correct anomalies and behavior that are not intended
         by design.  These maintenance  releases can be delivered in the form of
         major or minor  version  releases  or as a  service  pack.  They do not
         contain or conflict  with the  customer's  existing  configuration  and
         parameters.  Typical  maintenance  releases  are  delivered  on a CD or
         downloadable from a web site and integrate  seemlessly into an existing

       f)IDI will provide to Kronos,  free of charge, for end-user customers for
         whom  Kronos has  purchase  current  annual  maintenance,  new  product
         versions if standard  (i.e.,  not custom) and within the same operating
         system as the original IDI Product.  IDI can charge Kronos, at its then
         effective hourly rate, for any services  required for  configuration or
         training as a result of such new  versions,  and Kronos will charge the
         end-user for such services.

     3. IDI will  notify  Kronos in  writing of all  substantive  changes in its
products that are sold by Kronos.

      "Substantive  Changes" are those  changes  which affect the standard  Time
     Bank Software for Windows product. Changes to individual  configurations of
     Time Bank Software for individual customers are specifically  excluded from
     the definition of Substantive  Changes.  Substantive changes are defined as
     those  changes  to the  standard  product  which  affect one or more of the
o The user interface of the product (i.e., how users interact with the software)
o Operational  capabilities (i.e., new reports, new supported systems) o Support
functions  (i.e.,  new files or diagnostic  tools) o  Operational  errors (bugs)
reported by Kronos o User or reseller documentation

  Examples of changes which are not "Substantive Changes" include the following:
o         Changes in internal software operation not visible to users
o         Changes in specifications for supported systems

     4.   IDI   shall   provide   time   and   materials   services   (including
     reconfigurations)  for Kronos end-users without  maintenance  agreements at
     IDI's then current hourly consulting rate.