Agreement,  dated as of December  _____,  1995,  between  1290  ASSOCIATES,
L.L.C., a New York limited liability company having an office in care of Olympia
&  York  Companies  (U.S.A.),   237  Park  Avenue,  New  York,  New  York  10017
New York corporation  having an office at 787 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York
10019 ("Tenant").


     WHEREAS,  Landlord  (formerly 1290 Associates,  a New York partnership) and
Tenant are parties to a Lease, dated as of July 20, 1995, (the "Lease"), whereby
Landlord  leased to Tenant and Tenant hired from  Landlord  certain space in the
building  located  at 1290  Avenue  of the  Americas,  New  York,  New York (the
"Building"); and

     WHEREAS,  Landlord and Tenant  desire to amend the Lease to change the date
of the  commencement  of the term  thereof  and  certain  other  matters as more
particularly set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows:

     1. Defined Terms.  All capitalized  terms used herein but not defined shall
have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease.

     2.  Tenant's  Occupancy  Rights.  Anything  contained  in the  Lease to the
contrary notwithstanding,  in no event shall Tenant have the right to occupy any
portion of the  Premises  for the conduct of normal  business  therein  prior to
August 1, 1996,  and,  until such  date,  Tenant's  only right in respect of any
portion of the Premises  with  respect to which the  Relevant  Date has occurred
shall  be to enter  upon  such  portion  of the  Premises  for the  purposes  of
preparing such portion of the Premises for Tenant's initial  occupancy  thereof,
including,   without   limitation,   the  performance  of  Alterations  and  the
installation of furniture, fixtures and equipment therein.

     3. Deferral of Certain Payments. (a) Section 4.01(b) of the Lease is hereby
amended to postpone the due date of the final 2 installments  of the Block A and
B Allowance as hereinafter set forth.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
4.01(b) of the Lease, in lieu of the $3,425,497 installment of the Block A and B
Allowance  described in clause (v) of said Section  4.01(b),  and the $3,173,940
installment  of the Block A and B  Allowance  described  in clause  (vi) of said
Section  4.01(b),  Landlord  shall pay to Tenant,  on the later of (i) August 1,
1996 and (ii) the first  Relevant Date  applicable to any space  included in the
Block A Space, a single payment of $6,724,893  (the later of the dates described
in clauses  (i) and (ii) is called the "Block  A/B  Allowance  Deferred  Payment

     (b)  Tenant  hereby  acknowledges  that  the  postponement  of the  final 2
installments  of the Block A and B  Allowance  pursuant  to  Section  3(a) above
negates  any  alleged  failure  or  default  by  Landlord  timely  to  pay  such
installments  prior to the Block A/B Allowance  Deferred  Payment Date, and that
any notice of such failure or default  given by Tenant to Landlord  prior to the
Block A/B Allowance Deferred Payment Date (including,  without limitation,  that
certain  notice of default  dated  December 20, 1995) is null and void and of no
force or effect.

     4. Certain Amendments to Lease. Effective as of the date of this Agreement,
the Lease is hereby amended as follows:

     (a) Section  1.02(b) of the Lease is amended by deleting  therefrom (i) the
words "except for the Initial Possession Space (which Tenant may, subject to the
further  provisions  of this Lease,  possess,  use and occupy from and after the
date of this  Lease)," in clause (ii)  thereof and (ii) the words ", except that
in the case of the Initial  Possession  Space,  Tenant  shall comply with all of
Tenant's  obligations under this Lease with respect to such space from and after
the date that  Tenant  takes  possession  of such space for the  performance  of
Alterations  or for any other purpose" in clause (v) thereof.  Without  limiting
the generality of Section 2 above,  Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that Section
2 above supersedes Section 1.02(b) of the Lease.

                                     Page 1

     (b) The last sentence of Section 1.03(e) of the Lease is deleted.

     (c) The last sentence of Section 1.03(f) of the Lease is deleted.

     (d) The first  sentence of Section  1.03(i) of the Lease is deleted and the
following is inserted in lieu thereof:

     "'Concourse  Relevant  Date' means the later of (x) the date that  Landlord
delivers  to Tenant  vacant  possession  of the  Concourse  Space in  Qualifying
Condition and (y) the first  Relevant Date  applicable to any space  included in
the Block A Space."

     (e) Section 4.01(f) of the Lease is deleted.

     (f) The text of Section D of  Exhibit D to the Lease is  deleted  and there
shall be inserted  in lieu  thereof a new Section D as set forth on Exhibit A to
this Agreement.

     5. No Other Changes.  Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement,  the
Lease shall  remain  unmodified  and in full force and effect,  and the Lease as
modified herein is ratified and confirmed.  All references in the Lease to "this
Lease"  shall  hereafter  be  deemed to refer to the  Lease as  amended  by this

                                     Page 2

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Landlord and Tenant have duly executed this Agreement
as of the day and year first above written.

                                     1290 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C.,

                                     By:      O&Y Management Corp., as Agent

                                              By:      ________________________

                                     THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE
                                     SOCIETY OF THE UNITED

                                     By:      ____________________________

     The Bank of New York,  as successor  trustee  under the  Indenture (as such
term is defined in the Lease) is  executing  this  Agreement  for the purpose of
indicating  its consent  thereto for  purposes of Section  3(g) of that  certain
Subordination  Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement,  dated as of August 17,
1995 among Nationsbank of Tennessee,  N.A.  (predecessor  trustee to The Bank of
New York),  The Equitable Life  Assurance  Society of the United States and 1290

                                          THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                                          By:      ___________________________

     The undersigned, as trustee under the Indenture (as such term is defined in
the Lease) is executing  this  Agreement for the sole purpose of indicating  its
consent  thereto for  purposes  of Section  3(g) of that  certain  Subordination
Non-Disturbance  and  Attornment  Agreement,  dated as of August 17,  1995 among
Nationsbank of Tennessee,  N.A.,  The Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the
United States and 1290 Associates.

                               NATIONSBANK OF TENNESSEE, N.A.

                               By:      THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as agent

                                        By:      _____________________________

                                     Page 3

                                    EXHIBIT A

                   Revised Section D of Exhibit D to the Lease

D.       Contractors Agreement; Insurance Requirements

         [To be retyped on  letterhead  of Tenant's  contractors,  addressed  to
         Landlord;  References below to "contractor"  shall be deemed to include
         any construction manager]

________________, 199__

1290 Associates, L.L.C.
c/o Olympia & York Companies (U.S.A.)
237 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Attn:  Managing Attorney

Re:      Tenant - The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States -
         1290 Avenue of the Americas

Dear Sir/Madam:

The undersigned  contractor  (hereinafter called "Contractor") has been hired by
the Tenant or occupant (hereinafter called "Tenant") of the Building named above
[or by Tenant's  contractor] to perform certain work (hereinafter called "Work")
for Tenant in the Tenant's Premises in the Building.  Contractor and Tenant have
requested the  undersigned  Landlord  (hereinafter  called  "Landlord") to grant
Contractor  access to the Building and its  facilities  in  connection  with the
performance  of the Work and Landlord  agrees to grant such access to Contractor
upon and subject to the following terms and conditions:

     1.  Contractor  agrees to indemnify  and save  harmless the  Landlord,  any
Superior  Lessor  and any  Superior  Mortgagee  and their  respective  officers,
employees,  agents,  affiliates,  subsidiaries,  and partners, and each of them,
from and with respect to any claims,  demands,  suits,  liabilities,  losses and
expenses,  including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection
with the Work  (and/or  imposed  by law  upon  any or all of  them)  because  of
personal injuries,  including death at any time resulting therefrom, and loss of
or damage to property,  whether such injuries to persons or property are claimed
to be due to  negligence  of the  Contractor  or  Tenant,  except to the  extent
specifically  prohibited  by law (and any such  prohibition  shall not void this
Agreement but shall be applied only to the minimum extent required by law).

     Contractor shall provide,  or require its  subcontractors  to provide,  and
maintain  at its or its  subcontractors'  expense,  as the  case  may be,  until
completion of Work, the following insurance:

                  (a)      Workers'   Compensation   and  Employers'   Liability
                           Insurance  covering each and every  workman  employed
                           in,  about or upon the Work,  as provided for in each
                           and every statute applicable to Workers' Compensation
                           and Employers' Liability Insurance.

                  (b)      Commercial  General  Liability   Insurance  including
                           Coverage  for   Completed   Operations,   Broad  Form
                           Property Damage "XCU"  exclusion if any deleted,  and
                           Contractual   Liability  (to   specifically   include
                           coverage  for  the  indemnification  clause  of  this
                           Agreement) for not less than the following limits:

                           Combined Single Limit Bodily
                           Injury and Property
                           Damage  Liability:$5,000,000  (for  Tenant's  general
                           contractor  and  all  Major  Trade  contractors)  and
                           $1,000,000 (for all non-Major Trade contractors),  in
                           each case written on a per occurrence  basis.  "Major
                           Trades" means HVAC, electric, sprinkler and plumbing.

                  (c)      Commercial  Automobile  Liability Insurance (covering
                           all owned,  non-owned  and/or hired motor vehicles to
                           be used in  connection  with the  Work)  for not less
                           than the following limits:

      Bodily Injury:     $5,000,000  (for  Tenant's  general  contractor
                         and all Major Trade  contractors)  and $1,000,000
                         (for all non-Major Trade contractors, in each case per

                         $5,000,000   (for  Tenant's
                         general  contractor and all
                         Major  Trade   contractors)
                         and  $1,000,000   (for  all
                         non-Major Trade contractors),  in each case
                         per occurrence

      Property Damage:   $5,000,000 (for Tenant's  general  contractor  and all
                         Major Trade  contractors) and $1,000,000 (for all non-
                         Major Trade contractors), in each case per occurrence

Contractor  shall  furnish  a  certificate  from its  insurance  carrier  to the
Building  office before  commencing the Work,  showing that it has complied with
the above requirements  regarding  insurance and providing that the insurer will
give Landlord 10 days prior  written  notice of the  cancellation  of any of the
foregoing policies.  Such insurance may be carried under blanket and/or umbrella
policies  covering  the  Building  and/or  the  Work  and  other  work  sites of
Contractor,  provided,  that each such policy shall in all respects  comply with
the  provisions  of this  letter,  shall  specify  that the portion of the total
coverage of such policy that is allocated to the Building  and/or the Work is in
the amounts  required  pursuant to this letter and shall provide that the amount
of coverage  afforded  thereunder  with respect to the Building  and/or the Work
shall not be  reduced  by claims  thereunder  against  such  other work sites of

     2. Contractor shall require all of its  subcontractors  engaged in the Work
to provide the following insurance:

                  (a)      Workers'   Compensation   and  Employers'   Liability
                           Insurance  covering each and every  workman  employed
                           in,  about or upon the Work,  as provided for in each
                           and every statute applicable to Workers' Compensation
                           and Employers' Liability Insurance.

                  (b)      Commercial  General  Liability   Insurance  Including
                           Contractual   Liability   Coverage   with  limits  of
                           liability at least equal to the above stated limits.

                  (c)      Commercial  Automotive  Liability Insurance (covering
                           all owned,  non-owned  and/or hired motor vehicles to
                           be used in  connection  with the  Work)  for not less
                           than the above stated limits.

Upon the request of Landlord, Contractor shall require all of its subcontractors
engaged in the Work to execute an Insurance  Requirements  agreement in the same
form as this Agreement.

         Agreed to and executed this ______ day of ____________, 199__.

Landlord                                    Contractor

- ----------------------                      ------------------------

                                     Page 4