File Nos. 33-48696 & 811-6707

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
     (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-12

               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                         380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300
                            New York, New York 10017
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (212) 697-6666
                         (Registrant's Telephone Number)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required


Important Notice
Please Read Immediately
                                                              Group of Funds

                    Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund
               380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300, New York, NY 10017

                           Notice of Annual Meeting of
                             Shareholders to Be Held
                               on October 10, 2002

To Shareholders of the Fund:

The purpose of this Notice is to advise you that an Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders of Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund (the "Fund"),
will be held:

Place:       (a)      at the Rhode Island Convention Center
                      1 Sabin Street
                      Providence, Rhode Island;

Time:        (b)      on October 10, 2002
                      at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight time;

Purposes:    (c)      for the following purposes:

                    (i) to elect eight Trustees;  each Trustee elected will hold
                    office   until  the  next  annual   meeting  of  the  Fund's
                    shareholders  or until his or her  successor is duly elected
                    (Proposal No. 1);

                    (ii) to ratify (that is, to approve) or reject the selection
                    of  KPMG  LLP as the  Fund's  independent  auditors  for the
                    fiscal year ending June 30, 2003 (Proposal No. 2);

                    (iii)  to act  upon  a  proposed  new  revised  and  amended
                    Investment Advisory and Administration Agreement under which
                    the  Fund  will  become   responsible  for  Fund  accounting
                    expenses (Proposal No. 3);

                    (iv) to act upon any other  matters  which may properly come
                    before the  Meeting at the  scheduled  time and place or any
                    adjourned meeting or meetings.

Who Can
Vote What
Shares:      (d)      To vote at the Meeting, you must have been a shareholder
                      on the Fund's records at the close of business on July 22,
                      2002 (the "record date"). Also, the number of shares of
                      each of the Fund's outstanding classes of shares
                      that you held at that time and the respective net
                      asset values of each class of shares at that time
                      determine the number of votes you may cast at the
                      Meeting (or any adjourned meeting or meetings).

                                            By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                            EDWARD M. W. HINES

September 20, 2002

Please Note:

If you do not expect to attend the Meeting, please vote by any of three ways: by
telephone,  by the  Internet  or by  completing  the  enclosed  proxy  card  and
returning it in the accompanying stamped envelope.  To avoid unnecessary expense
to the Fund, we request your  cooperation in voting no matter how large or small
your holding may be.

                    Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund
               380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300, New York, NY 10017
                                 Proxy Statement


     The  purpose of the Notice  (the  first two pages of this  document)  is to
advise  you  of the  time,  place  and  purposes  of an  Annual  Meeting  of the
Shareholders of  Narragansett  Insured  Tax-Free  Income Fund (the "Fund").  The
purpose of this Proxy  Statement  (all the rest of this document) is to give you
information on which you may base your decisions as to the choices,  if any, you
make in voting.

     The  Fund's  founder  and  Manager  (the  "Manager")  is Aquila  Management
Corporation,  380 Madison  Avenue,  Suite 2300,  New York, NY 10017.  The Fund's
principal  underwriter (the  "Distributor")  is Aquila  Distributors,  Inc., 380
Madison  Avenue,   Suite  2300,  New  York,  NY  10017.  The  Fund's  Investment
Sub-Adviser is Citizens  Investment  Advisors,  a department of Citizens Bank of
Rhode Island (the "Sub-Adviser"), One Citizens Plaza, Providence, RI 02903.

     A copy of the Fund's most recent  annual report will be sent to you without
charge  upon  written  request  to the  Distributor  at the above  address or by
calling 800-437-1020 toll-free or 212-697-6666.

     This  Notice  and  Proxy  Statement  are  first  being  mailed  on or about
September 20, 2002.

     You should read this Proxy  Statement  prior to voting.  If your shares are
registered  in the name of your broker or someone other than  yourself,  you may
authorize that person to vote your shares. If your shares are registered in your
name, you may vote in one of three ways:

         (1) Proxy Card

     The enclosed proxy card authorizes the persons named (or their substitutes)
to vote your shares; the Fund calls these persons the "proxy holders." As to the
election of Trustees you may authorize the proxy holders to vote your shares for
the entire slate  indicated  below by marking the  appropriate  box on the proxy
card or by merely signing and returning your proxy card with no instructions. Or
you may withhold the  authority of the proxy  holders to vote on the election of
Trustees by marking the  appropriate  box. Also, you may withhold that authority
as to any particular nominee by following the instructions on the proxy card.

     As to the other matters  listed on the proxy card, you may direct the proxy
holders to vote your  shares on the  proposals  by marking the  appropriate  box
"For" or "Against"  or instruct  them not to vote your shares on the proposal by
marking the "Abstain"  box. If you return your signed proxy card and do not mark
a box on the  proposal,  the  proxy  holders  will  vote  your  shares  for that

         (2) Telephone Voting

     To vote your shares by  telephone,  call the toll free number on your proxy
card.  You will be  prompted  to enter the  control  number on your proxy  card.
Follow the recorded  instructions  using your proxy card as a guide. If you vote
by phone, you need not return the proxy card by mail.

         (3) Internet Voting

     To vote  your  shares  by the  Internet,  please  contact  the  Fund at the
Internet  address  shown on your proxy  card.  You will be prompted to enter the
control number on your proxy card. Follow the instructions on the screen,  using
your proxy card as a guide. If you vote by the Internet, you need not return the
proxy card by mail.

         General Information

     You may end the power of the proxy  holders to vote your  shares by: (i) so
notifying the Fund in writing;  (ii) signing a new and different  proxy card (if
the Fund  receives it before the old one is used);  (iii)  voting your shares at
the meeting in person or by your duly appointed  agent; or (iv) calling the toll
free  number  or  contacting  the  Fund's  Internet  address,  both of which are
detailed on your proxy card,  entering  your control  number and  revoking  your
previous vote.

     Proxies for shares held by brokers in "street name" and not voted or marked
as abstentions  will be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.  They will
be counted as present in determining  voting  results,  which will have the same
effect as negative votes.

     The Fund is sending you this Notice and Proxy  Statement in connection with
the  solicitation by its Trustees of proxies to be used at the Annual Meeting to
be held at the time and place and for the  purposes  indicated  in the Notice or
any adjourned meeting or meetings. Whenever it is stated in this Proxy Statement
that a matter is to be acted on at the  Meeting,  this means the Meeting held at
the scheduled time or any adjourned meeting or meetings.

     The Fund pays the costs of the solicitation. Proxies are being solicited by
the use of the mails;  they may also be solicited by  telephone,  facsimile  and
personal  interviews.  Brokerage  firms,  banks and others may be  requested  to
forward  this  Notice and Proxy  Statement  to  beneficial  owners of the Fund's
shares so that these owners may authorize  the voting of their shares.  The Fund
will pay these firms their out-of-pocket expenses for doing so.

     On the record date,  the Fund had four classes of shares  outstanding.  All
shareholders of the Fund are entitled to vote at the meeting.  Each  shareholder
on the record date is entitled to one vote for each dollar (and a  proportionate
fractional vote for each fraction of a dollar) of net asset value (determined as
of the record date)  represented by full and fractional shares of any class held
on the record date. On the record date, the net asset value per share of each of
the Fund's outstanding classes of shares was as follows: Class A Shares, $10.57;
Class C Shares,  $10.57; Class Y Shares, $10.57; and Class I Shares, $10.57. The
meeting is  expected to act only upon  matters  that affect the Fund as a whole:
the election of Trustees, the selection of independent auditors and the approval
of a new Advisory and Administration  Agreement. On matters that affect the Fund
as a whole,  all  shareholders  of the Fund,  including the  shareholders of all
classes of shares of the Fund, are entitled to vote at the meeting.

     On the record date, the total number of shares  outstanding  for each class
of shares was as follows: Class A Shares, 8,236,345;  Class C Shares, 1,546,601;
Class Y Shares, 1,125,003, and Class I Shares, 36,837.

     On  the  record  date,  the  following  holders  held  5% or  more  of  the
outstanding  shares  of a class of Fund  shares.  On the  basis  of  information
received from the institutional  holders the Fund's management believes that all
of the shares indicated are held by them for the benefit of clients.

Institutional 5% shareholders
Name and Address of                                                 Percent
the Holder of Record               Number of Shares                 of Class

National Financial Services       1,261,601 Class A Shares          15.3%
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281

Fiserv Securities Inc.            1,050,914 Class A Shares          12.8%
One Commerce Square
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Merrill Lynch Pierce,             503,089 Class A Shares            6.11%
  Fenner & Smith                  391,951 Class C Shares            25.3%
4800 Deer Lake Dr. East
Jacksonville, FL  32246

Citizens Bank of Rhode Island     724,279 Class Y Shares            64.4%
870 Westminster Street
Providence, RI  02903

Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette         156,514 Class Y Shares            13.9%
 Securities Corporation Inc.
P. O. Box 2052
Jersey City, NJ  07303

Perry Baker & Co.                 36,837 Class I Shares            100.0%
The Washington Trust Co.
23 Broad Street
Westerly, RI  02891

     The Fund's management is not aware of any other person  beneficially owning
more than 5% of any class of its outstanding shares as of such date.

                              Election of Trustees
                                (Proposal No. 1)

     At the Meeting, eight Trustees are to be elected. Each Trustee elected will
serve  until  the next  annual  meeting  or until his or her  successor  is duly
elected. The nominees selected by the Trustees are named in the table below. See
"Introduction"  above for  information as to how you can vote your shares in the
election of Trustees.

     The following material includes the name, positions with the Fund, address,
date of birth and  business  experience  during at least the past five  years of
each  nominee  and each  officer of the Fund.  All shares of the Fund  listed as
owned by the Trustees are Class A Shares unless indicated otherwise.  All of the
nominees are presently Trustees and were elected by the shareholders in October,
2001 except for Mr. Partridge and Mr. Ryan, who were elected by the Trustees to
fill vacancies. All nominees have consented to serve if elected.

Trustees (1)
and Officers

                                                                       Number of
                         Positions                                     Portfolios
                         Held with                                     in Fund
                         Fund and         Principal                    Complex          Other
Name, Address(2)         Length of        Occupation(s)                Overseen         Directorships
and Date of Birth        Service (3)      During Past 5 Years          by Trustee       Held by Trustee

Interested Trustees(4)

Lacy B. Herrmann         Chairman of      Founder and Chairman of the        13     Director or trustee, OCC Cash
New York, NY             the Board of     Board, Aquila Management                  Reserves, Inc., OCC
(05/12/29)               Trustees since   Corporation, the sponsoring               Accumulation Trust,
                         1992             organization and Manager or               Oppenheimer Quest Value Funds
                                          Administrator and/or Adviser or           Group, Oppenheimer Small Cap
                                          Sub-Adviser to each of the                Value Fund, Oppenheimer
                                          Aquilasm Group of Funds (5) and           Midcap Fund, and Oppenheimer
                                          Founder, Chairman of the Board of         Rochester Group of Funds.
                                          Trustees and (currently or until
                                          1998) President of each since its
                                          establishment, beginning in 1984;
                                          Director of the Distributor since
                                          1981and formerly Vice President
                                          or Secretary, 1981-1998;
                                          President and a Director, STCM
                                          Management Company, Inc., sponsor
                                          and investment adviser to Capital
                                          Cash Management Trust and Capital
                                          Cash U.S. Government Securities
                                          Trust, since 1973; Trustee
                                          Emeritus,  Brown University and
                                          active in university, school and
                                          charitable organizations.

David A. Duffy           Trustee          Chairman, formerly President,       1      Citizens Bank of Rhode
North Kingstown, RI      Since 1995       Duffy & Shanley, Inc., an                  Island since 1999.
(08/07/39)                                advertising, marketing and
                                          public relations firm since
                                          1973; National Chairman,
                                          National Conference for
                                          Community and Justice; Vice
                                          Chairman, Providence College
                                          Board of Trustees; officer or
                                          director of numerous civic and
                                          non-profit organizations.
John J. Partridge       Trustee since     Founding Partner, Partridge,        1                 None
Providence, RI          2002              Snow & Hahn, LLP, a law firm,
(05/05/40)                                Providence, Rhode Island, since
                                          1988; director of various
                                          educational, civic and
                                          charitable organizations,
                                          including Greater Providence
                                          Chamber of Commerce and Memorial
                                          Hospital of Rhode Island.


Vernon R. Alden         Trustee since     Retired; General Independent        1      Sonesta International Hotels
Boston, MA              1992              Partner, Merrill Lynch-Lee                 Corporation.
(04/07/23)                                Funds; former director or
                                          trustee of various Fortune 500
                                          companies, as well as various
                                          open-end investment companies,
                                          formerly President of Ohio
                                          University and Associate Dean of
                                          the Harvard University Graduate
                                          School of Business
                                          Administration; member of
                                          several Japan-related advisory
                                          councils; Honorary Consul
                                          General of the Royal Kingdom of
                                          Thailand; trustee of various
                                          cultural, educational and civic

Paul Y. Clinton         Trustee since     Principal, Clinton Management       3      Director or trustee, OCC
Osterville, MA          1996              Associates, a financial and                Cash Reserves, Inc., OCC
Naples, FL                                venture capital consulting firm.           Accumulation Trust,
(02/14/31)                                                                           Oppenheimer Quest Value
                                                                                     Funds Group, Oppenheimer
                                                                                     Small Cap Value Fund,
                                                                                     Oppenheimer Midcap Fund, and
                                                                                     Oppenheimer Rochester Group
                                                                                     of Funds.

William J.             Trustee since     Chairman, founder (1975) and        2       Ring's End, Inc.
Nightingale            1992              Senior Advisor since 1995 of
Stamford, CT                             Nightingale & Associates, L.L.C.,
(09/16/29)                               a general management consulting
                                         firm focusing on interim
                                         management, divestitures,
                                         turnaround of troubled companies,
                                         corporate restructuring and
                                         financial advisory services;
                                         formerly an officer of Hanes
                                         Corporation (women's apparel) and
                                         General Mills, Inc. and a Senior
                                         Associate of Booz, Allen &
                                         Hamilton (management consultants).

Cornelius T. Ryan      Trustee since     Founder and General Partner,        4      Director of Neuberger &
Westport, CT and       2002              Oxford Ventures Partners, a group          Berman Equity Funds.
Sun Valley, ID                           of investment venture capital
(11/14/31)                               partnerships, since 1981 and
                                         Founder and General Partner,
                                         Oxford Bioscience Partners, a
                                         group of venture capital
                                         partnerships focused on Life
                                         Sciences, Genomics, Healthcare
                                         Information Technology and
                                         medical devices, since 1991.

J. William Weeks       Trustee since     Retired; limited partner and        4                   None
Palm Beach, FL         1995              investor in various real estate
(06/22/27)                               partnerships since 1988; formerly
                                         Senior Vice President or Vice
                                         President of the Aquila Bond
                                         Funds; and Vice President of the

Diana P. Herrmann       President        President and Chief Operating       N/A                 None
New York, NY            since 1998       Officer of the Manager since
(02/25/58)                               1997, a Director since 1984,
                                         Secretary since 1986 and
                                         previously its Executive Vice
                                         President, Senior Vice President
                                         or Vice President, 1986-1997;
                                         President, Senior Vice President
                                         or Executive Vice President of
                                         the Aquilasm Group of Funds since
                                         1986; Director of the Distributor
                                         since 1997; trustee, Reserve
                                         Money-Market Funds, 1999-2000 and
                                         Reserve Private Equity Series,
                                         1998-2000; active in mutual fund
                                         and trade organizations and in
                                         charitable and volunteer

Stephen J. Caridi      Senior Vice       Vice President of the Distributor   N/A                N/A
New York, NY           President since   since 1995; Vice President,
(05/06/61)             1998 and Vice     Hawaiian Tax-Free Trust since
                       President         1998; Senior Vice President,
                       1996-1997         Narragansett Insured Tax-Free
                                         Income Fund since 1998, Vice
                                         President 1996-1997; Assistant
                                         Vice President, Tax-Free Fund For
                                         Utah since 1993.
Rose F. Marotta        Chief Financial   Chief Financial Officer of the      N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           Officer since     Aquilasm Group of Funds since
(05/08/24)             1991              1991 and Treasurer, 1981-1991;
                                         Treasurer and Director, STCM
                                         Management Company, Inc., since
                                         1974; Treasurer of the Manager
                                         since 1984 and of the
                                         Distributor, 1985-2000.

Joseph P. DiMaggio     Treasurer since   Treasurer of the Aquilasm Group     N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           2000              of Funds and the Distributor
(11/06/56)                               since 2000; Controller, Van Eck
                                         Global Funds, 1993-2000.

Edward M. W. Hines     Secretary since   Partner, Hollyer Brady Smith &      N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           1992              Hines LLP, legal counsel to the
(12/16/39)                               Fund, since 1989; Secretary of
                                         the Aquilasm Group of Funds.

Robert W. Anderson     Assistant         Compliance Officer of the Manager   N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           Secretary         since 1998 and Assistant
(08/23/40)             Since 2000        Secretary of the Aquilasm Group
                                         of Funds since 2000; trustee,
                                         Alternative Investment Strategies
                                         Fund since July, 2002;
                                         Consultant, The Wadsworth Group,

John M. Herndon        Assistant         Assistant Secretary of the          N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           Secretary since   Aquilasm Group of Funds since
(12/17/39)             1995              1995 and Vice President of the
                                         five Aquila Money-Market Funds
                                         since 1990; Vice President of the
                                         Manager since 1990.

Lori A. Vindigni       Assistant         Assistant Treasurer of the          N/A                 N/A
New York, NY           Treasurer since   Aquilasm Group of Funds since
(11/02/66)             2000              2000; Assistant Vice President of
                                         the Manager since 1998; Fund
                                         Accountant for the Aquilasm Group
                                         of Funds, 1995-1998.

(1)The  Fund's   Statement  of  Additional   Information   includes   additional
information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request by
calling 800-437-1020 (toll free).

(2) The mailing address of each Trustee and officer is c/o Narragansett  Insured
Tax-Free Income Fund, 380 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

(3) Each Trustee holds office until the next annual meeting of  shareholders  or
until his or her successor is elected and qualifies.  The term of office of each
officer is one year.

(4) Mr. Herrmann is an interested person of the Fund, as that term is defined in
the 1940 Act, as an officer of the Fund, as a director,  officer and shareholder
of the Manager and as a shareholder and director of the  Distributor.  Mr. Duffy
is an  interested  person  of the Fund as a  director  of the  Sub-Adviser.  Mr.
Partridge is an interested  person of the Fund as a partner of the law firm that
performs legal services for the Sub-Adviser.

(5) In this material  Pacific  Capital Cash Assets Trust,  Pacific  Capital U.S.
Government  Securities Cash Assets Trust,  Pacific Capital  Tax-Free Cash Assets
Trust, Capital Cash Management Trust and Capital Cash U.S. Government Securities
Trust, each of which is a money-market fund, are called the "Aquila Money-Market
Funds";  Hawaiian Tax-Free Trust,  Tax-Free Trust of Arizona,  Tax-Free Trust of
Oregon,  Tax-Free  Fund  of  Colorado,  Churchill  Tax-Free  Fund  of  Kentucky,
Narragansett  Insured  Tax-Free  Income Fund and Tax-Free Fund For Utah, each of
which is a tax-free municipal bond fund, are called the "Aquila Bond Funds";
Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund is an equity fund; considered together, these
13 funds are called the "Aquilasm Group of Funds."

                       Securities Holdings of the Trustees
                                (as of 07-01-02)

                                                       Aggregate Dollar Range
                        Dollar Range of                of Ownership in Aquilasm
Name of                Ownership in Narragansett (1)   Investment Companies
Trustee                Insured Tax-Free Income Fund    Overseen by Trustee (1)

Interested Trustees

Lacy B. Herrmann                  A                        E

David A. Duffy                    C                        C

John J. Partridge                 C                        C

Non interested Trustees

Vernon R. Alden                   B                        B

Paul Y. Clinton                   B                        B

William J. Nightingale            B                        C

Cornelius T. Ryan                 B(2)                     B

J. William Weeks                  B                        C

(1)      A. None
         B. $1-$10,000
         C. $10,001-$50,000
         D. $50,001-$100,000
         E. over $100,000

(2)      As of August 29, 2002

     None of the non-interested Trustees or their immediate family members holds
of record or beneficially any securities of the Manager or the Distributor.

     The Fund does not  currently  pay fees to any of the Fund's  officers or to
Trustees  affiliated  with the Manager or the  Sub-Adviser.  For its fiscal year
ended  June 30,  2002  the Fund  paid a total of  $54,064  in  compensation  and
reimbursement of expenses to the Trustees. No other compensation or remuneration
of any type, direct or contingent, was paid by the Fund to its Trustees.

     The Fund is one of the 13  funds in the  Aquilasm  Group  of  Funds,  which
consist of tax-free municipal bond funds, money-market funds and an equity fund.
The  following  table lists the  compensation  of all  nominees  for Trustee who
received compensation from the Fund or from other funds in the Aquilasm Group of
Funds during the Fund's  fiscal year.  None of such  Trustees has any pension or
retirement benefits from the Fund or any of the other funds in the Aquila group.

                                            all funds         Number of
                                            in the            boards on
                           Compensation     Aquilasm          which the
                           from the         Group             Trustee
                           Fund             of Funds          now serves

Vernon R. Alden            $4,850          $12,575(1)           1

Paul Y. Clinton            $4,850          $10,750              3

David A. Duffy             $4,400           $4,400              1

William J.
Nightingale                $5,500          $12,100              2

John J. Partridge          $2,200           $2,200              1

Cornelius T. Ryan          $-0-             $9,000              4

J. William Weeks           $5,350          $20,200              4

(1) During the Fund's fiscal year Mr. Alden resigned from all other Aquila Fund
boards except for this Board.

     Class A Shares may be  purchased  without a sales  charge by certain of the
Fund's Trustees and officers.

     The Fund's  Manager is Manager or  Administrator  to the Aquilasm  Group of
Funds,  which consists of tax-free  municipal bond funds, money market funds and
an equity  fund.  As of August 14,  2002,  these funds had  aggregate  assets of
approximately  $3.6 billion,  of which  approximately  $2.2 billion consisted of
assets of the tax-free  municipal  bond funds.  The Manager is controlled by Mr.
Lacy B. Herrmann,  through share ownership directly,  through a trust and by his
wife.  During the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2002,  the Fund paid  $464,655 in
management  fees,  of which  $371,724 was waived and the balance was paid to the

     During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, $112,466, was paid under Part I
of the Fund's  Distribution  Plan to  Qualified  Recipients  with respect to the
Class A Shares, of which $2,542 was retained by the Distributor. With respect to
Class C Shares,  during the same  period  $80,109  was paid under Part II of the
Plan and $26,703 was paid under the  Shareholder  Services  Plan. Of these total
payments of $106,812,  the Distributor  received  $36,002.  All of such payments
were for compensation.

     The  Distributor  currently  handles  the  distribution  of the  shares  of
thirteen funds (five money-market funds, seven tax-free municipal bond funds and
an equity  fund),  including the Fund.  Under the  Distribution  Agreement,  the
Distributor is responsible for the payment of certain  printing and distribution
costs relating to prospectuses  and reports as well as the costs of supplemental
sales literature,  advertising and other promotional  activities.  The shares of
the  Distributor  are owned 24% by Diana P.  Herrmann,  72% by Mr.  Herrmann and
other  members of his immediate  family and the balance by current  employees of
Aquila Management Corporation.

Other Information on Trustees

     The Trustees have appointed a standing Audit Committee consisting of all of
the  Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons"  of the Fund,  as that term is
defined in the 1940 Act. The members of the Audit Committee are Vernon R. Alden,
Paul Y.  Clinton,  William J.  Nightingale,  Cornelius  T. Ryan,  and J. William
Weeks.  None of the members of the  Committee is an  "interested  person" of the
Fund.  The  Committee  (i)  recommends  to the  Board of  Trustees  what firm of
independent  auditors  will be  selected  by the Board of  Trustees  (subject to
shareholder ratification);  (ii) reviews the methods, scope and result of audits
and the fees  charged;  and (iii)  reviews the  adequacy of the Fund's  internal
accounting  procedures  and controls.  The Committee held one meeting during the
Fund's last fiscal year.

     During  the  Fund's  last  fiscal  year,  the Board of  Trustees  held four
meetings.  Each current Trustee was present for at least 75% of the total number
of Board meetings and Audit Committee  meetings (if such Trustee was a member of
that committee). The Board of Trustees does not have a nominating committee.

     Since the beginning of the Fund's most recently  completed  fiscal year, no
Trustee  purchased or sold shares of the Manager,  Sub-adviser or the parents or
subsidiaries of either.

Vote Required

    To be elected, each nominee must receive the affirmative vote of a majority
of the shares present.

                            Ratification or Rejection
                                 of Selection of
                              Independent Auditors
                                (Proposal No. 2)

     KPMG LLP  ("KPMG"),  which is currently  serving as the Fund's  independent
auditors,  has been  selected  by the  Fund's  Board of  Trustees,  including  a
majority of the Independent Trustees, as the Fund's independent auditors for the
fiscal  year  ending  June  30,  2003.   Such  selection  is  submitted  to  the
shareholders for ratification or rejection.

     KPMG billed the Fund for the following fees for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2002:

Audit Fees:                                          $14,500

Financial Information
Systems Design and Implementation                      $-0-

All Other Fees                                       $8,900

   (Fees for preparation
    of the Fund's tax
    returns and related

     KPMG did not  perform  any  services  during the fiscal year for the Fund's
investment  adviser (the  Manager) or any entity  controlling,  controlled by or
under common control with the Manager that provides services to the Fund.

     The Audit Committee of the Fund's Board of Trustees,  which consists of all
of the  independent  Trustees,  has  reviewed all  services  performed  and fees
charged by KPMG and has accepted its  representation  that it is  independent in
recommending re-appointment of it for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.

     KPMG has no direct or indirect  financial interest in the Fund, the Manager
or the Sub-Adviser.  It is expected that  representatives  of KPMG will not be
present at the meeting but will be available  should any matter arise  requiring
their presence.

Vote Required

     Approval requires the affirmative votes of a majority of the shares

                    Consideration of a New Revised and Amended
                      Advisory and Administration Agreement
                        Which will Provide that the Fund
                      Will pay for Fund Accounting Services
                        Currently paid for by the Manager
                                (Proposal No. 3)

                     Background and Reasons for the Proposal

     The  purpose of this  proposal  is to  authorize  a new revised and amended
Advisory and  Administration  Agreement (the "Proposed  Agreement")  between the
Fund and Aquila Management Corporation, the Manager. The only change between the
current Advisory and Administration  Agreement (the "Current Agreement") and the
Proposed  Agreement  is  that  the  payment  for the  cost  of fund  accounting,
currently the  responsibility of the Manager,  will become the responsibility of
the Fund under the Proposed Agreement.

     The  Current  Agreement  provides  that the Manager  shall  either keep the
accounting records of the Fund, including the computation of net asset value per
share and the  dividends  or, at its expense and  responsibility,  delegate such
duties in whole or in part to a company satisfactory to the Fund. These services
are called  "Fund  Accounting."  The Fund  Accounting  services for the Fund are
currently delegated to an outside service provider and are currently  supervised
and paid for by the  Manager.  It is  proposed  that  while an  outside  service
provider  will  continue  to provide  accounting  services to the Fund under the
Manager's continued supervision,  the costs of the Fund Accounting services will
be shifted  from the Manager to the Fund.  If the  Proposal is  approved,  these
costs will be borne by the Fund and not by the Manager.

What is Fund Accounting?

     Fund Accounting is the routine bookkeeping  function under which the Fund's
per share price (net asset value) is computed each day for the purposes of sales
and  redemptions of the Fund's shares.  Fund  Accounting  also tracks the Fund's
income and expenses for the purpose of calculating the Fund's daily dividends.

What are the current and anticipated costs of Fund Accounting?

     The cost of  providing  Fund  Accounting  to the Fund at its current  asset
level of approximately  $117.7 million is approximately  $52,200 per year. Based
on the Fund's current net assets, this equates to approximately 4.4 basis points
(0.044%) in annual expenses.

     At the  present  time there  would be no change in the Fund's net  expenses
because the Manager is  currently  reimbursing  Fund  expenses as  necessary  to
maintain a  competitive  yield and waiving its  management  fee. The Manager has
assured the Board of Trustees  that it intends to continue such support in order
that the Fund remains competitive in the marketplace. Thus, while the Fund would
become  responsible  for the  Fund  Accounting  fee,  that fee  would  currently
continue to be reimbursed by the Manager under the current arrangements.

     Under the current Fund  Accounting fee  structure,  the maximum fee paid by
the Fund would be as follows at various asset sizes:

                                                  Estimated Class A Share
                                                     Expense Ratio (%)

                                                        Net of Waivers
Net Assets        Annual Fund Accounting Fee  Gross   and Reimbursements
   ($MM)          ($)           (%)            (%)             (%)

  118(8/14/02)   52,200       0.044           0.91           0.46
  150            52,200       0.035           0.90           0.52
  200            56,200       0.028           0.86           0.60
  250            66,200       0.026           0.83           0.66
  300            76,200       0.025           0.81           0.71

     At present, there would be no change in the Fund's net expenses because the
Manager  intends to continue to waive its management fee and reimburse  expenses
as necessary.

What will happen if the Fund grows?

     Although  the Manager  intends to continue to  subsidize  the Fund in order
that it will remain competitive  within the marketplace,  it is not obligated to
do so and could  discontinue  subsidization  at any time. The Manager expects to
continue to waive fees and reimburse  fund expenses so long as it considers such
subsidization  necessary for competitive  reasons.  Accordingly,  as Fund assets
grow, the Manager intends to reduce its subsidization of fund expenses, while at
the same time assuring that the Fund  continues to remain  competitive  with its
yield in the  marketplace.  Initially  the  subsidization  would be reduced with
respect to regular fund operating expenses,  followed by reduction of the waiver
of management  fees.  Assuming  continued  growth of the Fund, at some point the
full Fund Accounting fee will be borne by the Fund.

When will the Manager cease to subsidize the Fund?

     The Fund's yield is dependent on market factors,  particularly the level of
interest  rates,  as  well  as  its  expenses,  which  are  dependent  upon  the
competitive environment. Accordingly, it is difficult to specify the asset level
at which subsidization would be completely eliminated.  Similarly, growth of the
asset size of the Fund is dependent on market factors, including competing funds
and the relative  desirability  of  alternative  investments.  It is accordingly
difficult to predict when the Fund will reach a given level of assets.

     It should be noted that since  inception  of the Fund in 1992,  the Manager
has spent  approximately  $3 million in subsidization of Fund expenses to ensure
that the Fund has a  competitive  return.  The Manager  intends to continue such
subsidization  as necessary.  Based on past  experience,  the Manager  currently
estimates  that if and when  Fund  assets  exceed  approximately  $130  million,
reimbursement  of fund operating  expenses  would cease.  The Manager would also
begin  to  take a part  of the  Management  fee  that is now  being  waived.  As
currently  projected,  depending  on the  competitive  environment,  the Manager
expects that it will continue to waive some portion of the  Management fee until
Fund assets reach $300 million.

What are the reasons for the Proposal?

     The  Manager  is  seeking  this  change  to reduce  its  costs and  thereby
effectively  increase its net income without an increase in its management  fee.
The Manager has advised the Board of Trustees that it has had  increasing  costs
of  operations.  A  significant  amount of such  increased  costs pertain to new
systems and additional  resource  requirements  in a number of areas,  including
compliance with new regulations  regarding  privacy,  combating money laundering
and protecting against terrorism.  The Manager noted that maintaining new and/or
upgraded systems and other technology investments and related support represents
an area of growing criticality for all mutual fund companies.

What changes in the Fund's expenses will result from the change?

     Under the Proposed Agreement, the contractual advisory fee (currently being
waived)  will  continue to accrue at the annual rate of 0.50 of 1% of the Fund's
net asset value. The following tables show the Management fee and Other Expenses
(including Accounting) under the Current Agreement and the Proposed Agreement.

                         Annual Fund Operating Expenses

            (as a percentage of the Fund's average daily net assets)

Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that are deducted from the Fund's
assets) as they were for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.

                              Class A    Class C    Class I    Class Y
                              Shares     Shares     Shares      Shares

Management Fee(1).........     0.50%       0.50%       0.500%     0.50%
Distribution (12b-1) Fee.      0.15%       0.75%       0.025%     None
All Other Expenses:(2)
    Service Fee.....           None        0.25%       0.025%     None
Other Expenses(2)              0.26%       0.26%       0.370%     0.26%
Total All Other Expenses(2)..  0.26%       0.51%       0.395%     0.26%
Total Annual Fund
       Operating Expenses(3)...0.91%       1.76%       0.920%     0.76%

Annual Fund  Operating  Expenses  (expenses  that are deducted from the
Fund's  assets) as they would have been for that year under the proposed

                              Class A    Class C    Class I    Class Y
                              Shares     Shares     Shares     Shares

Management Fee(1).........      0.50%      0.50%       0.500%    0.50%
Distribution (12b-1) Fee.       0.15%      0.75%       0.025%    None
All Other Expenses:(2)
    Service Fee....             None       0.25%       0.025%    None
    Other Expenses...
        (including 0.044%
         fund accounting)(2) .  0.305%     0.305%      0.415%    0.305%
Total All Other Expenses(2)...  0.305%     0.555%      0.440%    0.305%
Total Annual Fund
       Operating Expenses(3)....0.955%     1.805%      0.965%    0.805%

(1) The Fund pays the Manager an advisory  fee at the annual rate of 0.50% of 1%
of average  annual net assets of which all but a small  portion (that is paid to
the Sub-Adviser) is being waived.  It is anticipated that once the asset size of
the Fund reaches  approximately  $130  million,  these  waivers would begin to
be phased out.

(2) Operating expenses are being subsidized through reimbursement by the Manager
as necessary.  This subsidy is being phased out  progressively  so that the Fund
will bear its own  expenses,  other than  management  fees,  once its asset size
reaches approximately $130 million.

(3) The  undertakings  of the Manager as to fee waivers and the practices of the
Manager as to expense reimbursement may reduce the fees and expenses of the Fund
in order  for the Fund to  maintain  a  competitive  yield.  These  waivers  and
reimbursements  can be  discontinued  at any time.  The  expense  ratios for the
fiscal year ended June 30,  2002 after  giving  effect to the waivers  including
waivers by the former  sub-adviser  and the 0.03% expense  offset for uninvested
cash balances were incurred at the following  annual rates:  for Class A Shares,
management  fee,  0.10%;  12b-1 fee, 0.15%;  other  expenses,  0.21%,  for total
operating  expenses of 0.46%; for Class C Shares,  management fee, 0.10%;  12b-1
fee, 0.75%;  service fee,  0.25%;  other  expenses,  0.21%,  for total operating
expenses of 1.31%; management fees, all other expenses, and total Fund operating
expenses  for  Class  I  Shares   would  have  been  0.10%,   0.345%  and  0.47%
respectively;  for Class Y, these  expenses  would have been 0.10%,  0.21%,  and
0.31%, respectively. Other expenses for the various classes differ because Class
I Shares  bear  program  costs for  financial  intermediaries  of 0.175%,  which
includes  transfer agent services,  and charges common to both classes of 0.22%;
Class Y Shares  bear only the  common  charges  of 0.22% and an  allocation  for
transfer agent services of 0.04%.

The following  table shows the  contractual  Management fees and Fund Accounting
fees during the Fund's latest fiscal year, the contractual  fees if the proposed
arrangements  had been in effect  during  that  fiscal  year and the  percentage

                                            Fee accrued
                                            if new
Type of Fund               Actually         had been               Percent
Fee                        accrued          in effect               change

Management fee             $464,655(1)      $464,655(1)                0%

Fund Accounting fee            N/A           $52,200(2)               N/A

Total                      $464,655(1)      $516,855(1)(2)            11%

(1) $371,724 waived; the balance was paid to the Sub-Adviser.

(2) Would have been  reimbursed by the Manager.  Fund  Accounting fee reflects a
recent contractual increase.

What information about the Manager should I know?

     The Fund's Manager is founder and Manager and/or administrator of each fund
in the Aquilasm Group of Funds, which consists of tax-free municipal bond funds,
money-market  funds and  equity  funds.  As of August 14,  2002 these  funds had
aggregate  assets of approximately  $3.6 billion,  of which  approximately  $2.2
billion consisted of assets of seven tax-free municipal bond funds. The Manager,
founded in 1984,  is  controlled by Mr. Lacy B.  Herrmann,  directly,  through a
trust and through share ownership by his wife and daughter as follows:

     Elizabeth B. Herrmann              27.5%

     Lacy B. Herrmann                   25%

     Elizabeth B. Herrmann
     1993 Annuity Trust                 40%

     Diana P. Herrmann                   5%

     The names, addresses and principal occupations of the
principal executive officer and each director of the Manager are as

     Name                     Position with The Manager

     Lacy B. Herrmann         Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
                              and Director

     Diana P. Herrmann        President, Chief Operating Officer
                              and Director

     Elizabeth B. Herrmann    Director

     The address of all of these individuals is 380 Madison Avenue, Suite
2300, New York, NY 10017.

When was the Current Agreement last approved?

     The Current  Agreement between the Fund and the Manager was approved by the
shareholders of the Fund in November,  1997. It has been renewed annually by the
Board of Trustees since that time, most recently in December, 2001.

What changes are proposed in the Proposed Agreement?

     The complete  text of the Proposed  Agreement,  marked to show the proposed
changes, is attached to this Proxy Statement.

What factors did the Board of Trustees consider
in approving the Proposed Agreement?

     The  Trustees  noted  that  the  Manager  had  presented  for  the  Board's
consideration materials including,  among other things: conditions and trends in
the  municipal  securities  markets;  an  analysis  of the  Fund's  current  and
historical  expenses,  originally  included in the contract  evaluation material
reviewed by the Board in  connection  with  renewal of the current  agreement in
December,  2001; information about the non-profitability of the Manager's mutual
fund operations with respect to the Fund due to its fee waiver and subsidization
of Fund  operating  expenses;  performance  of the Fund as  related  to  various
industry  indices;  and a statement  of the  rationale  underlying  the proposed
advisory fee structure. Copies of the Proposed Agreement were also provided.

     The Trustees also noted that at their request,  the Manager had retained at
the  Manager's  expense a  recognized  independent  outside  consulting  firm to
analyze  the  frequency  with which  investment  managers  have  unbundled  Fund
Accounting from the management fee. The report of that firm indicated that there
may be a trend in this regard in the mutual fund  industry.  While the  analysis
noted  that 21 - 25% of  funds  disclose  Fund  Accounting  as a  separate  fund
expense,  it also noted that the  frequency is higher in actuality  because fund
accounting  costs are often bundled into custody fees.  The Manager  advised the
Board that this is particularly the case with some of the larger custodian banks
based  upon its  discussions  with a number  of  industry  representatives.  The
independent  consultant's  analysis also noted that a number of comparable funds
treat fund accounting as a fund expense.

     From  the   foregoing,   the  Board  of  Trustees   derived  the  following

o    Due to the current and prior management fee waiver and the subsidization of
     the majority of Fund's expenses by the Manager, the performance and expense
     ratio of the Fund continued to be at a highly competitive level.

o    Consistent  with  previous  determinations  by the Board of  Trustees,  the
     contracted  Advisory and  Administration  fees were  reasonable and well in
     line with industry  standards  and the Fund's peer group,  being in general
     below those of  comparable  Funds.  As of March 31, 2002,  the Fund's gross
     management  fee was 0.50 of 1% versus  the  average  and median of 0.57 and
     0.55 of 1%,  respectively,  of those of comparable funds and the 0.55 of 1%
     average of the three competing Rhode Island funds.

o    Since inception of the Fund in 1992, the Manager has spent approximately $3
     million on  subsidization  of Fund  expenses  to ensure that the Fund has a
     competitive return. The waiver and expense reimbursement,  as necessary, by
     the Manager  would  continue  until such time that the Fund  reaches a size
     significant  enough that these fees and  expenses  can be phased in without
     adversely affecting the Fund and its performance.

o    It was noted that two of the  competing  Rhode  Island  funds  treated fund
     accounting as an appropriate fund expense.

o    A comparison  of the Fund's net  operating  expenses  vis-a-vis  comparable
     funds  reflected  that most of the  comparable  funds have  higher  expense
     structures than the Fund,  based upon data provided by outside  consultants
     and fund  financial  reports.  The Fund's net expense ratio for its Class A
     Shares  of 0.47 of 1% was  also  significantly  lower  than  the 0.84 of 1%
     average and 0.85 of 1% median for all front-end load shares of single-state
     municipal  bond funds  (466  funds) and the 0.87 of 1% average of the three
     competing Rhode Island funds.

o    The overall nature and quality of the services  provided by the Manager had
     historically been, and continued to be, very high.

o    The Fund has traditionally had a relatively low net ratio of expenses.  The
     Manager has assured through  subsidization that the Fund has had consistent
     performance relative to comparable and competing funds.

o    The Manager has had increasing  costs of its operations.  Being relieved of
     Fund  Accounting  costs would assist the Manager in maintaining  new and/or
     upgraded systems and other  technology  investments and related support and
     in providing  resources for  compliance  with the new  regulatory and other
     requirements, an area of growing criticality for all mutual fund companies.

o    The proposed direct contractual relationship would make the Fund
     Accounting service provider accountable to the Board of Trustees and give
     the Board of Trustees greater ability to exercise oversight over its

o    The  Manager  had agreed to share the costs with the Fund  relating  to the
     proxy statement preparation.

o    Due to the  Manager's  subsidization,  the  proposed  change  would have no
     current impact on the Fund's net expense ratio.

o    If the Fund's asset size increases, the cost of Fund Accounting services as
     a percentage  of its  operating  expenses  will be well within the range of
     expense  ratios of comparable  and  competing  funds and is not expected to
     adversely affect its competitive position in the future.

     On the  basis of the  foregoing  considerations,  the  Board  of  Trustees,
including all of the Independent Trustees,  voted to approve the proposed change
and recommend that the shareholders of the Fund approve it.

     The Board of Trustees  will  consider  the  proposal  again at an in-person
meeting immediately  preceding the Shareholder  Meeting, at which time the above
action is  expected  to be  re-approved.  If the Board of  Trustees  should  not
approve the Proposed  Agreement at that meeting,  the proposal will be withdrawn
and will not be voted on by the shareholders.


Vote Required

     The  favorable  vote of the  holders of a majority  (as defined in the 1940
Act) of the outstanding  shares of the Fund is required for the approval of this
Proposal No. 3. Under the 1940 Act, the vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares of the Fund  means the vote of the  holders of the lesser of
(a) 67% or more of the shares of the Fund present at the Meeting or  represented
by proxy if the  holders  of more  than 50% of such  shares  are so  present  or
represented,  or (b) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund, with
one (1) vote for  each  dollar  (and a  proportionate  fractional  vote for each
fraction  of a dollar) of net asset  value  (determined  as of the record  date)
represented by full and fractional  shares of all of the Fund's three classes of

     If the  shareholders of the Fund fail to approve  Proposal No. 3, the Board
of Trustees will consider what action might be  appropriate,  including  calling
another meeting of the shareholders or continuing with the present arrangements.

                                   Receipt of
                              Shareholder Proposals

     Under  the  proxy  rules  of  the  Securities   and  Exchange   Commission,
shareholder  proposals meeting tests contained in those rules may, under certain
conditions,  be  included  in the Fund's  proxy  statement  and proxy card for a
particular annual meeting. One of these conditions relates to the timely receipt
by the Fund of any such  proposal.  Under these rules,  proposals  submitted for
inclusion  in the proxy  material for the Fund's next annual  meeting  after the
meeting to which this Proxy  Statement  relates must be received by the Fund not
less than 120 days  before  the  anniversary  of the date  stated in this  Proxy
Statement  for the first  mailing  of this  Proxy  Statement.  The date for such
submission  could change,  depending on the  scheduled  date for the next annual
meeting; if so, the Fund will so advise you.

     The fact that the Fund receives a  shareholder  proposal in a timely manner
does not insure its  inclusion  in the Fund's  proxy  material,  since there are
other requirements in the proxy rules relating to such inclusion.

                                 Other Business

     The Fund does not know of any other matter which will come up for action at
the Meeting.  If any other matter or matters  properly come up for action at the
Meeting,  including any adjournment of the Meeting,  the proxy holders will vote
the shares which your proxy card,  telephone or Internet  vote  entitles them to
vote, in  accordance  with their  judgment on such matter or matters,  except as
noted.  That is,  by  signing  and  returning  your  proxy  card or by voting by
telephone or the Internet, you give the proxy holders discretionary authority as
to any such matter or matters.

                                  Attachment A


     THIS  AGREEMENT,  made as of               by  and  between  NARRAGANSETT
INSURED TAX-FREE INCOME FUND (the "Fund"),  a Massachusetts  business trust, 380
Madison  Avenue,  Suite  2300,  New York,  New York 10017 and AQUILA  MANAGEMENT
CORPORATION (the "Manager"),  a New York corporation,  380 Madison Avenue, Suite
2300, New York, New York 10017

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the  Fund and the  Manager  wish to enter  into an  Advisory  and
Administration Agreement referred to hereafter as "this Agreement," with respect
to the Fund;

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises and  agreements
herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.  In General

     The Manager shall perform (at its own expense) the functions set forth
more fully herein for the Fund.

2.  Duties and Obligations of the Manager

    (a) Investment Advisory Services  Subject to the succeeding
provisions of this section and subject to the direction and control of the
Board of Trustees of the Fund, the Manager shall:

     (i)  supervise  continuously  the  investment  program  of the Fund and the
     composition of its portfolio;

     (ii) determine what securities shall be purchased or sold by the Fund;

     (iii)  arrange  for the  purchase  and the sale of  securities  held in the
     portfolio of the Fund;

     (iv) at its expense provide for pricing of the Fund's portfolio daily using
     a pricing  service or other source of pricing  information  satisfactory to
     the Fund and, unless otherwise  directed by the Board of Trustees,  provide
     for pricing of the Fund's  portfolio at least  quarterly using another such
     source satisfactory to the Fund; and

Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 5 hereof,  the  Manager  may at its own
expense delegate to a qualified organization ("Sub-Adviser"),  affiliated or not
affiliated with the Manager, any or all of the above duties. Any such delegation
of the  duties  set  forth in (i),  (ii) or (iii)  above  shall be by a  written
agreement (the "Sub-Advisory  Agreement")  approved as provided in Section 15 of
the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     (b)  Administration.  Subject to the succeeding  provisions of this section
and subject to the  direction  and control of the Board of Trustees of the Fund,
the Manager  shall  provide all  administrative  services to the Fund other than
those  relating to its  investment  portfolio  delegated to a Sub-Adviser of the
Fund under a Sub-Advisory  Agreement; as part of such administrative duties, the
Manager shall:

     (i) provide  office  space,  personnel,  facilities  and  equipment for the
     performance  of the  following  functions  and for the  maintenance  of the
     headquarters of the Fund;

     (ii)  oversee  all  relationships  between  the Fund  and any  sub-adviser,
     transfer agent, custodian,  legal counsel,  auditors, fund accounting agent
     and  principal  underwriter,  including  the  negotiation  of agreements in
     relation  thereto,  the supervision and  coordination of the performance of
     such agreements, and the overseeing of all administrative matters which are
     necessary or desirable for the effective  operation of the Fund and for the
     sale, servicing or redemption of the Fund's shares;

     (iii) maintain the Fund's books and records, and prepare (or assist counsel
     and auditors in the preparation of) all required proxy statements,  reports
     to the Fund's shareholders and Trustees,  reports to and other filings with
     the Securities and Exchange Commission and any other governmental agencies,
     and tax returns, and oversee the insurance relationships of the Fund;

     (iv)  prepare,  on  behalf  of the Fund  and at the  Fund's  expense,  such
     applications  and reports as may be  necessary  to register or maintain the
     registration  of the  Fund  and/or  its  shares  under  the  securities  or
     "Blue-Sky" laws of all such  jurisdictions  as may be required from time to
     time; and

     (v) respond to any inquiries or other communications of shareholders of the
     Fund and  broker-dealers,  or if any such inquiry or  communication is more
     properly  to be  responded  to by  the  Fund's  shareholder  servicing  and
     transfer  agent or  distributor,  oversee such  shareholder  servicing  and
     transfer agent's or distributor's response thereto.

     (c) Compliance with Requirements. Any investment program furnished, and any
activities  performed,  by the Manager or by a  Sub-Adviser  under this  section
shall at all times  conform  to, and be in  accordance  with,  any  requirements
imposed by: (1) the Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "Act") and any rules or
regulations  in force  thereunder;  (2) any  other  applicable  laws,  rules and
regulations;  (3) the  Declaration  of Trust and  By-Laws of the Fund as amended
from time to time; (4) any policies and  determinations of the Board of Trustees
of the Fund; and (5) the  fundamental  policies of the Fund, as reflected in its
registration  statement  under the Act or as amended by the  shareholders of the

     (d) Best  Efforts;  Responsibility.  The  Manager  shall  give the Fund the
benefit of its best judgment and effort in rendering services hereunder, but the
Manager shall not be liable for any loss  sustained by reason of the adoption of
any  investment  policy or the  purchase,  sale or  retention  of any  security,
whether or not such purchase,  sale or retention  shall have been based upon (i)
its own  investigation  and research or (ii)  investigation and research made by
any other individual,  firm or corporation,  if such purchase, sale or retention
shall have been made and such other  individual,  firm or corporation shall have
been selected in good faith by the Manager or a Sub-Adviser.

     (e) Other Customers. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Manager or
any  officer   thereof   from  acting  as   investment   adviser,   sub-adviser,
administrator or manager for any other person,  firm, or corporation,  and shall
not  in any  way  limit  or  restrict  the  Manager  or  any  of  its  officers,
stockholders or employees from buying, selling or trading any securities for its
own or their own  accounts or for the accounts of others for whom it or they may
be acting, provided, however, that the Manager expressly represents that it will
undertake no  activities  which,  in its  judgment,  will  adversely  affect the
performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

     (f) Order Allocation. In connection with any duties for which it may become
responsible  to  arrange  for the  purchase  and  sale of the  Fund's  portfolio
securities, the Manager shall select, and shall cause any Sub-Adviser to select,
such broker-dealers  ("dealers") as shall, in the Manager's judgment,  implement
the policy of the Fund to achieve "best execution," i.e., prompt, efficient, and
reliable  execution of orders at the most favorable net price. The Manager shall
cause the Fund to deal  directly  with the selling or  purchasing  principal  or
market  maker  without  incurring  brokerage   commissions  unless  the  Manager
determines  that  better  price or  execution  may be  obtained  by paying  such
commissions;   the  Fund  expects  that  most  transactions  will  be  principal
transactions  at net prices and that the Fund will incur  little or no brokerage
costs.  The  Fund  understands  that  purchases  from  underwriters   include  a
commission  or  concession  paid  by the  issuer  to the  underwriter  and  that
principal  transactions  placed through dealers include a spread between the bid
and asked  prices.  In  allocating  transactions  to  dealers,  the  Manager  is
authorized  and shall  authorize any  Sub-Adviser,  to consider,  in determining
whether  a  particular   dealer  will  provide  best  execution,   the  dealer's
reliability,   integrity,  financial  condition  and  risk  in  positioning  the
securities  involved,  as well as the difficulty of the transaction in question,
and thus need not pay the lowest spread or  commission  available if the Manager
determines in good faith that the amount of commission is reasonable in relation
to the value of the  brokerage  and  research  services  provided by the dealer,
viewed either in terms of the particular  transaction  or the Manager's  overall
responsibilities.  If, on the foregoing basis, the transaction in question could
be allocated to two or more dealers,  the Manager is authorized,  in making such
allocation,  to consider (i) whether a dealer has provided research services, as
further  discussed below; and (ii) whether a dealer has sold shares of the Fund.
Such research may be in written form or through direct contact with  individuals
and may include quotations on portfolio securities and information on particular
issuers  and  industries,  as  well as on  market,  economic,  or  institutional
activities.  The Fund  recognizes  that no  dollar  value  can be placed on such
research  services or on execution  services and that such research services may
or may not be useful to the Fund and may be used for the  benefit of the Manager
or its other  clients.  The Manager  shall cause the  foregoing  provisions,  in
substantially the same form, to be included in any Sub-Advisory Agreement.

     (g)  Registration  Statement;  Information.  It is agreed  that the Manager
shall have no  responsibility  or liability for the accuracy or  completeness of
the Fund's Registration  Statement under the Act and the Securities Act of 1933,
except for  information  supplied  by the  Manager for  inclusion  therein.  The
Manager shall  promptly  inform the Fund as to any  information  concerning  the
Manager appropriate for inclusion in such Registration  Statement,  or as to any
transaction or proposed  transaction  which might result in an assignment of the

     (h) Liability  for Error.  The Manager shall not be liable for any error in
judgment  or for any  loss  suffered  by the  Fund or its  security  holders  in
connection  with the  matters to which  this  Agreement  relates,  except a loss
resulting from willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in
the  performance  of  its  duties  or  from  reckless  disregard  by it  of  its
obligations and duties under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall, or
shall be  construed  to, waive or limit any rights which the Fund may have under
federal  and state  securities  laws which may impose  liability  under  certain
circumstances on persons who act in good faith.

     (i)  Indemnification.  The Fund  shall  indemnify  the  Manager to the full
extent permitted by the Fund's Declaration of Trust.

3.  Allocation of Expenses

     The Manager shall,  at its own expense,  provide office space,  facilities,
equipment,  and personnel  for the  performance  of its functions  hereunder and
shall pay all compensation of Trustees,  officers, and employees of the Fund who
are affiliated persons of the Manager.

     The Fund  agrees to bear the costs of  preparing  and  setting  in type its
prospectuses,   statements  of  additional   information   and  reports  to  its
shareholders,  and the costs of printing or otherwise producing and distributing
those copies of such  prospectuses,  statements  of additional  information  and
reports as are sent to its  shareholders.  All costs and expenses not  expressly
assumed by the Manager  under this  sub-section  or  otherwise  by the  Manager,
administrator  or principal  underwriter or by any Sub-Adviser  shall be paid by
the Fund,  including,  but not limited to (i) interest and taxes; (ii) brokerage
commissions;  (iii) insurance  premiums;  (iv)  compensation and expenses of its
Trustees  other  than  those  affiliated  with  the  Manager  or  such  adviser,
administrator  or  principal  underwriter;  (v) legal and audit  expenses;  (vi)
custodian and transfer agent, or shareholder servicing agent, fees and expenses;
(vii) expenses incident to the issuance of its shares (including issuance on the
payment of, or reinvestment of, dividends); (viii) fees and expenses incident to
the  registration  under  Federal  or State  securities  laws of the Fund or its
shares; (ix) expenses of preparing, printing and mailing reports and notices and
proxy material to shareholders of the Fund; (x) all other expenses incidental to
holding meetings of the Fund's shareholders; (xi) expenses of keeping the Fund's
accounting  records  including the  computation of net asset value per share and
the dividends;  and (xii) such  non-recurring  expenses as may arise,  including
litigation  affecting the Fund and the legal  obligations for which the Fund may
have to indemnify its officers and Trustees.

4.  Compensation of the Manager

     The Fund agrees to pay the  Manager,  and the  Manager  agrees to accept as
full  compensation  for all services  rendered by the Manager as such, an annual
fee payable  monthly  and  computed on the net asset value of the Fund as of the
close of business each business day at the annual rate of 0.50 of 1% of such net
asset value.

5.  Termination of Sub-Advisory Agreement

     The  Sub-Advisory  Agreement may provide for its termination by the Manager
upon  reasonable  notice,  provided,  however,  that the  Manager  agrees not to
terminate  the   Sub-Advisory   Agreement   except  in   accordance   with  such
authorization  and  direction  of the Board of  Trustees,  if any,  as may be in
effect from time to time.

6. Duration and Termination of this Agreement

     (a)  Duration.  This  Agreement  shall  become  effective  on the day it is
approved  by the  shareholders  of the  Fund and  shall,  unless  terminated  as
hereinafter  provided,  continue in effect until the December 31 next  preceding
the first anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement,  and from year to
year thereafter,  but only so long as such continuance is specifically  approved
at least  annually (1) by a vote of the Fund's  Board of  Trustees,  including a
vote of a majority  of the  Trustees  who are not parties to this  Agreement  or
"interested  persons" (as defined in the Act) of any such party, with votes cast
in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval, or (2)
by a vote of the holders of a  "majority"  (as so  defined)  of the  outstanding
voting securities of the Fund and by such a vote of the Trustees.

     (b)  Termination.  This  Agreement  may be terminated by the Manager at any
time without  penalty  upon giving the Fund sixty days'  written  notice  (which
notice may be waived by the Fund) and may be  terminated by the Fund at any time
without penalty upon giving the Manager sixty days' written notice (which notice
may be waived by the Manager),  provided that such termination by the Fund shall
be directed or approved by a vote of a majority of its Trustees in office at the
time or by a vote of the  holders of a majority  (as  defined in the Act) of the
voting  securities of the Fund outstanding and entitled to vote. The portions of
this Agreement which relate to providing  investment advisory services (Sections
2(a),  (c),  (d) and (e))  shall  automatically  terminate  in the  event of the
assignment (as defined in the Act) of this Agreement,  but all other  provisions
relating to providing services other than investment advisory services shall not
terminate, provided however, that upon such an assignment the annual fee payable
monthly  and  computed  on the net  asset  value of the Fund as of the  close of
business  each business day shall be reduced to the annual rate of 0.27 of 1% of
such net asset value.

7.  Disclaimer of Shareholder Liability

     The Manager  understands  that the  obligations  of this  Agreement are not
binding upon any  shareholder of the Fund  personally,  but bind only the Fund's
property;  the Manager  represents  that it has notice of the  provisions of the
Fund's  Declaration  of  Trust  disclaiming  shareholder  liability  for acts or
obligations of the Fund.

8. Notices of Meetings

     The Fund agrees that notice of each meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Fund  will be sent to the  Manager  and  that  the Fund  will  make  appropriate
arrangements  for the  attendance  (as persons  present by  invitation)  of such
person or persons as the Manager may designate.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this  instrument to be
executed by their duly authorized officers and

                   [balance of page intentionally left blank]

their seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day and year first above


________________________  By:___________________________________


_______________________   By:___________________________________


                                IMPORTANT NOTICE
                             PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY

                    Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund

                         to be held on October 10, 2002

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

NEW YORK, NY  10017

VOTE BY TELEPHONE OR INTERNET OR MAIL 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week


     To vote your shares by telephone,  call toll free 1-888-221-0697.  You will
be prompted to enter the 14-digit control number on this proxy card.  Follow the
simple  recorded  instructions  using this proxy card as a guide. If you vote by
phone, you need not return the proxy card by mail.

         Internet voting

     To   vote   your   shares   by  the   Internet,   contact   the   Fund   at  You will be  prompted  to enter the  14-digit  control
number on this proxy card. Follow the simple instructions at the website,  using
your proxy card as a guide. If you vote by the Internet, you need not return the
proxy card by mail.


     You can vote your  shares by  completing  and  returning  this proxy  card.
Please  mark your  proxy,  date and sign it below and return it  promptly in the
accompanying envelope which requires no postage if mailed in the United States.

     Please fold and detach card at perforation before mailing.

                             Aquilasm Group of Funds

                 Proxy for Shareholders Meeting October 10, 2002
               Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Trustees

     The shareholder of NARRAGANSETT  INSURED  TAX-FREE INCOME FUND (the "Fund")
whose signature(s) appears below does hereby appoint LACY B. HERRMANN,  DIANA P.
HERRMANN and EDWARD M. W. HINES, or any of them, as attorneys and proxies of the
undersigned,  with full power of  substitution,  to attend the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  of the Fund to be held on Thursday,  October 10, 2002 at the Rhode
Island Convention  Center, One Sabin Street,  Providence,  Rhode Island; at 2:30
p.m. local time, and at all adjournments thereof, and thereat to vote the shares
held in the name of the  undersigned  on the record date for said meeting on the
matters  listed on the reverse  side.  Such shares are  entitled to one vote for
every dollar of net asset value represented by the share balance printed below.

Please read the proxy statement prior to voting.

Annual Meeting Attendance

We encourage you to attend the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  If you can join
us, please so indicate on the proxy card or e-mail us at

Address changes/comments:   _______________________________

(If you noted any address changes/comments above, please mark
corresponding box on other side.)

Dated: __________________, 2002

[Please sign within the box]

When signing as a  custodian,  attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee, guardian, etc., please sign your full title as such.  Joint
owners should each sign.


Please fill in box(es) as shown using black or blue ink or number 2 pencil.


1.       Election of Trustees

        01) Lacy B. Herrmann*  02) Vernon R. Alden  03) Paul Y. Clinton
        04) David A. Duffy*  05) William J. Nightingale  06) John J.
        Partridge* 07) Cornelius T. Ryan  08) J. William Weeks

         * interested Trustees
               [__]       For all
               [__]       Withhold all
               [__]       For all except

INSTRUCTION:  To  withhold  authority  to vote for one or more (but
not all)  nominees,  mark "For all  except"  and write the  nominee
number(s) and/or name(s)on the line below.


[bolded in printed form]

     Management  recommends a vote FOR all nominees  listed above
and FOR the proposals  listed below.  The shares  represented  hereby
will be voted as indicated below or FOR if no choice is indicated.

2. Action on selection of KPMG LLP as independent auditors
                   (Proposal No.2 in Proxy Statement)
                       __             __            __
                  FOR [__]  AGAINST  [__]  ABSTAIN [__]

3.  Action on a proposed  new revised and amended Investment
    Advisory  and  Administration  Agreement  under which the Fund will
    become responsible for Fund accounting expenses.
                   (Proposal No. 3 in Proxy Statement)

As to any other matter said proxies shall vote in accordance with
their best judgment.
                  I plan to attend the annual meeting [__]

                  For   address   changes   and/or   comments,
please   check   this  box  and  write   them  on  the   front   where
indicated.                       _