MELLON BANK, N.A.


                       RESPONSE USA, INC.
                     SHELTON SECURITY, INC.
                       RELIABLE-HAWK, INC.
                   MSG SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC.

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS


     1.1  Terms Defined                                         1
     1.2  Accounting Principles                                12

SECTION 2.  THE LOAN                                           12
     2.1  Revolving Line of Credit - Description               12
     2.2  Revolving Credit - Termination by Borrowers          13
     2.3  Interest                                             14
     2.4  Loan Disbursements                                   14
     2.5  Fees                                                 15
     2.6  Payments                                             16
     2.7  Use of Proceeds                                      16
     2.8  Capital Adequacy                                     16
     2.9  Mandatory Repayment                                  16

SECTION 3.  COLLATERAL                                         17
     3.1  Description                                          17
     3.2  Lien Documents                                       18
     3.3  Other Actions                                        18
     3.4  Collateral Pledge                                    19
     3.5  Searches                                             19
     3.6  Landlord's and Mortgagee's Waivers                   20
     3.7  Filing Security Agreement                            20
     3.8  Power of Attorney                                    20

     4.1  Resolutions, Opinions, and Other Documents           21
     4.2  Absence of Certain Events                            22
     4.3  Warranties and Representations at Closing            23
     4.4  Compliance with this Agreement                       23
     4.5  Chief Executive Officer's Certificate                23
     4.6  Verifications                                        23
     4.7  Additional Equity                                    23
     4.8  Closing                                              23
          4.9  Effectiveness of Increase in Maximum Revolving
          Credit Amount                                        23
     4.10 Non-Waiver of Rights                                 24
     4.11 Future Advances                                      24
     4.12 Warranties and Representations upon Future Advances  25

     5.1  Corporate Organization and Validity                  25
     5.2  Insurance                                            26
     5.3  Litigation                                           26
     5.4  Title to Properties                                  26
     5.5  Patents and Trademarks                               27
     5.6  Governmental Consent                                 27
     5.7  Taxes                                                27
     5.8  Financial Statements                                 28
     5.9  Full Disclosure                                      28
     5.10 Subsidiaries and Affiliates                          28
     5.11 Guarantees, Contracts, etc                           28
     5.12 Government Regulations and Compliance                29
     5.13 Business Interruptions                               31
     5.14 Names and Addresses                                  31
     5.15 Other Associations                                   31
     5.16 Environmental Matters                                31
     5.17 Regulation O                                         32
     5.18 Capital Stock                                        32
     5.19 Solvency                                             33
     5.20 Monthly MRR                                          33
     5.21 Qualified Accounts                                   33

SECTION 6.  AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS                              33
     6.1  Payment of Taxes and Claims                          33
     6.2  Maintenance of Properties, Collateral and Corporate
          Existence                                            34
     6.3  Places of Business                                   35
     6.4  Business Conducted                                   36
     6.5  Litigation                                           36
     6.6  Certain Taxes                                        36
     6.7  Bank Accounts                                        36
     6.8  Employee Benefit Plans                               36
     6.9  Submission of Collateral Documents                   37
     6.10 Other Governmental Contracts                         37
     6.11 Financial Covenants                                  37
     6.12 Financial and Business Information                   38
     6.13 Officers' Certificates                               40
     6.14 Inspection and Verification                          40
     6.15 Tax Returns and Reports                              41
     6.16 Information to Participant                           41
     6.17 Material Adverse Developments                        41
     6.18 Lockbox Agreements                                   41
     6.19 Executive Management                                 42
     6.20  Interest Rate Cap Agreement                         42
     6.21  Notice of Certain Events                            42
     6.22 Board Nominee                                        43
     6.23 Board Observation                                    43
     6.24 Additional Equity                                    43
     6.25 Monitoring Agreements                                43

SECTION 7. NEGATIVE COVENANTS                                  44
     7.1  Sales, Merger, Consolidation, Dissolution or
          Liquidation                                          45
     7.2  Acquisitions                                         45
     7.3  Liens and Encumbrances                               45
     7.4  Transactions With Affiliates or Subsidiaries         46
     7.5  Indebtedness or Guarantees                           46
     7.6  Distributions, Redemptions and Other Indebtedness    46
     7.7  Loans and Investments                                47
     7.8  Use of Lender's Name                                 47
     7.9  Change in Capital Stock                              47
     7.10 Method of Business                                   47
     7.11 Officer/Shareholder Compensation                     47
     7.12 Capital Expenditures                                 48
     7.13 MRR Sales                                            48
     7.14 Purchases of MRR                                     48
     7.15 Prohibited Transactions                              48
     7.16 Consulting Agreements                                49
     7.17 Delinquencies                                        49
     7.18 Additional MRR Test                                  49
     7.19 Modification of Financial Covenants                  49
     7.20 Miscellaneous Covenants                              49

SECTION 8.  DEFAULT                                            50
     8.1  Events of Default                                    50
     8.2  Rights and Remedies                                  53
     8.3  Continuation of Event of Default                     54
     8.4  Nature of Remedies                                   54
     8.5  Set-Off                                              54
     8.6  Confession of Judgment                               54

SECTION 9.  MISCELLANEOUS                                      55
     9.1  Governing Law                                        55
     9.2  Integrated Agreement                                 55
     9.3  Waivers, Releases and Indemnification                56
     9.4  Time                                                 57
     9.5  Expenses of Lender                                   57
     9.6  Brokerage                                            58
     9.7  Notices                                              58
     9.8  Headings                                             59
     9.9  Survival                                             59
     9.10 Successors and Assigns                               60
     9.11 Duplicate Originals                                  60
     9.12 Modification                                         60
     9.13 Signatories                                          60
     9.14 Third Parties                                        60
     9.15 Discharge of Taxes, Borrowers' Obligations, Etc.     60
     9.16 Withholding and Other Tax Liabilities                61
     9.17 Consent to Jurisdiction                              62
     9.18 Waiver of Jury Trial                                 62
     9.19 Future Commitments                                   63

                      AMENDED AND RESTATED

     This  Amended  and  Restated  Loan  and  Security  Agreement
("Agreement")  is dated as of February ___, 1998  among  RESPONSE
USA,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation ("RUSA"),  UNITED  SECURITY
SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a  New  Jersey   corporation  ("USS"),  RESPONSE
ABILITY   SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a  New  Jersey  corporation   ("RAS"),
EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("ERS"),
SHELTON   SECURITY,  INC.,  a  New  Jersey  corporation  ("SSI"),
RELIABLE-HAWK,  INC., a New Jersey corporation  ("RHI")  and  MSG
SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC., a Pennsylvania corporation ("MSG")  (each
a  "Borrower" and collectively "Borrowers") and MELLON BANK, N.A.


     A.     Borrowers  (except  RHI)  have  established   certain
financing  arrangements with and borrow funds  and  obtain  other
credit  accommodations from Lender pursuant to the terms of  that
certain  Loan  and Security Agreement dated as of June  30,  1996
among  Borrowers  and  Lender,  as  amended  from  time  to  time
("Existing   Loan  Agreement").   The  Existing  Loan  Agreement,
together  with all instruments, documents and agreements executed
in  connection  therewith  are hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
"Existing Financing Agreements."
     B.   RUSA recently acquired 100% of the stock of RHI, who is
hereby  becoming  a Borrower and becoming jointly  and  severally
liable for the Obligations.

     C.    The  parties desire to amend and restate the  Existing
Loan Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

     NOW,  THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally
bound hereby, agree as follows:


     1.1    Terms  Defined:   As  used  in  this  Agreement,  the
following terms shall have the following respective meanings:

          Account - Any right to payment for goods sold or leased
or  for services rendered which is not evidenced by an instrument
or   chattel  paper,  whether  or  not  it  has  been  earned  by
          Account Debtor - Any Person obligated on any Account.

          Acquisition  -  The purchase by RUSA  of  100%  of  the
issued  and  outstanding  capital  stock  of  Jupiter  from   the
stockholders  of  Jupiter  pursuant to  a  certain  agreement  to
acquire the capital stock of Jupiter dated September 30, 1997 and
the purchase by USS of certain of the assets of Triple A pursuant
to a certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated October 1, 1997.

          Advances  -  Any monies advanced or credit extended  to
Borrowers by Lender under the Revolving Credit.

          Affiliate - Any entity (other than a Subsidiary)  which
directly   or  indirectly  through  one  or  more  intermediaries
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control  with  any
Borrower.  Control may be by ownership, contract, or otherwise.

          Applicable  Rate  - The Contract Rate  or  the  Default
Rate, as applicable and in effect from time to time.

          Authorized   Officer  -  Any  officer  of  a   Borrower
authorized  by  specific  resolution of  a  Borrower  to  request
Advances  as set forth in the incumbency certificate referred  to
in  Section 4.1(d) of this Agreement (or any replacement thereof)
delivered to Lender.

          Available  Credit - The excess (if any) of the  Maximum
Revolving   Credit  Amount  over  the  aggregate  Advances   then

          Bankruptcy  Code - Title 11 of the United States  Code,
11 U.S.C.  101 et seq. in effect as of the date hereof.

          Business  Day - Any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday,
or  legal  holiday on which Lender is not open  for  business  in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

          Business  Operations  -  all  business  offerings   and
services  of Borrower, including, without limitation,  Monitoring
Services, Rentals and Servicing.

          Capital Expenditures - Any expenditure (whether in cash
or  deferred  obligation, and whether by purchase  or  through  a
capital  lease) that would be classified as a capital expenditure
on  a  statement of cash flow of Borrowers prepared in accordance
with GAAP, consistently applied.

          Capital   Leases   -  Leases  which  under   GAAP   are
capitalized and treated as debt of the lessee and are carried  as
a liability on the lessee's balance sheet.

          Capitalized  Lease Obligations - All debts, liabilities
and obligations of a lessee under Capital Leases.

          Cash  Equivalents - All cash (excluding cash  held  for
customers  or  other  Persons), cash equivalents  (as  reasonably
determined by Lender) and trade Accounts.

          Cash  Flow  -  Earnings  of Borrowers  before  interest
expense  (excluding  non-cash original  issue  discount  interest
expense),   income  taxes,  depreciation,  non-cash  compensation
expense  for  options  and  warrants  granted  to  employees  and
amortization, as shown on a consolidated statement of income  for
Borrowers  prepared in accordance with GAAP; such earnings  shall
be calculated for each Fiscal Quarter and then multiplied by four

          Change in Control - means a transaction or transactions
in  which  (i)  one  or more Persons shall have  acquired  Voting
Control  of  RUSA  or  (ii) there shall have occurred  a  merger,
consolidation or similar combination as a result of which one  or
more  Persons shall have acquired Voting Control of RUSA  or  its
successor corporation.

          Closing - As defined in Section 4.8.

          Closing Date - As defined in Section 4.8.

          Collateral - As defined in Section 3.1.

          Commitment Fee - As defined in Section 2.5(b).

          Contract Rate - Shall equal the Prime Rate plus one and
three-quarters percent (1.75%) per annum.

          Controller's Certificate - A certificate signed by  the
Chief  Financial Officer or Controller of a Borrower in the  form
of Exhibit "A" hereto.
          Default  Rate - Shall equal the Prime Rate  plus  three
and three-quarters percent (3.75%) per annum.

          Delinquent  Recurring Monthly Revenue - As  defined  in
Section 7.17 herein.

          Distribution -

          (1)   Dividends or other distributions on capital stock
of Borrower; and

          (2)   The redemption, repurchase or acquisition of such
stock  or  of warrants, rights or other options to purchase  such

          ERISA - The Employee Retirement Income Security Act  of
1974, as the same may be amended from time to time.

          Event of Default - As defined in Section 8.1.

          Expenses - As defined in Section 9.5.

          Extended Warranty/Service - Providing extended warranty
and maintenance services under contract in connection with sales,
rentals  or  leases  of  alarm  systems  and  personal  emergency
response systems.

          Extended   Warranty/Service  Agreements  -   Agreements
between  a  Borrower  and its customers pursuant  to  which  such
Borrower provides Extended Warranty/Service services.

          Extended   Warranty/Service   Revenues   -   Borrower's
revenues  from Extended Warranty/Services net of all  residential
and commercial service time and materials costs.

          Facility Fee - As defined in Section 2.5(a).

          Financial  Statements - Consolidated and  consolidating
balance  sheet,  income statement, statement  of  cash  flow  and
statement  of Shareholder's Equity of Borrowers, all prepared  in
accordance  with GAAP consistently applied and accompanied  by  a
Controller's  Certificate.  All Financial  Statements  shall  set
forth both the current Fiscal Year and the comparative period  of
the prior Fiscal Year; monthly and quarterly Financial Statements
shall  also include year to date information and information  for
the comparative period for the prior Fiscal Year.

          Fiscal   Quarter  -  A  fiscal  quarter  of   Borrowers
(currently  the  three month periods ending March  31,  June  30,
September 30 and December 31 of each year).

          Fiscal Year - A fiscal year of Borrowers (currently the
period  beginning each July 1 and ending on June 30 of  following
calendar year).

          GAAP - Generally accepted accounting principles applied
in  a manner consistent with the audited financial statements  of
Borrower provided to Lender on or prior to the date hereof.

          Healthlink   Interest  -  RUSA's   fifty   percent(50%)
ownership   interest  in  Healthlink,  Ltd.,  a  Nevada   limited

          Healthlink  Pledge  Agreement - Pledge  Agreement  from
RUSA  dated  as of June 30,1997, pledging to Lender RUSA's  fifty
percent (50%)  interest in Healthlink, Ltd.

          Holdings   -  APT  Holdings  Corporation,  a   Delaware

          Indebtedness - As to any Person, at a particular  time,
all items which would, in conformity with GAAP, be classified  as
liabilities  on a balance sheet of such Person as at  such  time,
and  also  including  (a) indebtedness arising  under  acceptance
facilities  and the face amount of all letters of  credit  issued
for  the  account  of such Person, and, without duplication,  all
drafts drawn thereunder, (b) all liabilities secured by any  Lien
on  any  property  owned by such Person even though  it  has  not
assumed  or otherwise become liable for the payment thereof,  (c)
obligations  under  leases which have been,  or  under  GAAP  are
required  to be, capitalized, (d) all liabilities for which  such
Person   is   liable  as  a  surety,  guarantor,   co-signer   or
accommodation  maker,  and (e) all liabilities  with  respect  to
redeemable preferred stock.

          Inventory - In addition to the term as defined  in  the
UCC,  any  inventory  now  or  hereafter  owned  or  acquired  by
Borrowers,  wherever  located, and, in any event,  including  all
inventory,  merchandise, goods and other personal property  which
are  held by or on behalf of Borrowers for sale or lease  or  are
furnished  or are to be furnished under a contract of service  or
which  constitute raw materials, work in progress,  or  materials
used  or  consumed  or  to  be  used or  consumed  in  Borrowers'
business,   or   in   the  processing,  packaging,   advertising,
promotion,  delivery or shipping of the same,  and  all  finished

          Investment Property - Has the meaning ascribed to  such
term in the UCC.

          Jupiter - The Jupiter Group, Inc.

          Jupiter Pledge Agreement - A stock pledge agreement, in
form and substance satisfactory to Lender, to be executed by RUSA
contemporaneously  with consummation of the Acquisition,  whereby
RUSA  shall  pledge to Lender 100% of the issued and  outstanding
capital stock of Jupiter.

          Key  Man Policies - The key man life insurance policies
issued by First Colony Insurance Company, Transamerica Occidental
Life  Insurance Company and Banner Life Insurance Company,  which
are  owned by RUSA, insure the life of Richard M. Brooks and  are
in the aggregate face amount of $3,000,000.

          Lien  - Any interest in Property securing an obligation
owed  to,  or  a claim by, a Person other than the owner  of  the
Property,  whether  such interest is based  on  the  common  law,
statute  or  contract,  and including,  but  not  limited  to,  a
security   interest,   lien,   mortgage,   encumbrance,   pledge,
conditional sale, other title retention agreement, trust receipt,
lease,  consignment or bailment for security purposes  or  trust.
The  term "Lien" shall include reservations, exceptions, encroach
ments,   easements,  rights-of-way,  covenants,  conditions,   re
strictions,  leases and other title exceptions  and  encumbrances
affecting  Property other than those which would  not  materially
interfere  with  Borrowers'  use of the  Property  or  would  not
materially  detract  from the value of  the  Property.   For  the
purposes of this Agreement, Borrowers shall be deemed to  be  the
owner of any Property which they have acquired or hold subject to
a  conditional  sale agreement or other arrangement  pursuant  to
which  title  to the Property has been retained by or  vested  in
some other person for security purposes.

          Loan  Documents - This Agreement, the Revolving  Credit
Note, the Pledge Agreements, the Warrant Documents and each other
document,  instrument  or  agreement  required  to  be  delivered
hereby,  as  each may be amended, supplemented or  replaced  from
time to time.

          Material Adverse Effect - A material adverse effect  on
the  business,  Property,  financial  condition,  operations   or
business prospects of a Borrower or the ability of a Borrower  to
pay and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

          Maturity Date - June 30, 2000.

          Maximum  Revolving  Credit Amount  -  Eighteen  Million
($18,000,000)  Dollars,  subject  to  reduction  as  provided  in
Sections   2.9  and  6.2(b)  herein,  and  subject  to  mandatory
reductions of $250,000 on each of March 31, June 30, September 30
and  December 31 of each year, commencing March 31,  1999,  until
all  Obligations  are  paid in full and the Revolving  Credit  is

          Monitoring Agreements - Agreements between any Borrower
and  its  customers  pursuant  to which  such  Borrower  provides
Monitoring Services.

          Monitoring  Business  -  The  provision  of  Monitoring
Services to customers pursuant to Monitoring Agreements.

          Monitoring   Revenues   -  Borrowers'   revenues   from
performance of Monitoring Services.
          Monitoring   Services  -  The  monitoring  of   signals
received  from  alarm  systems  and personal  emergency  response
systems  installed at a specified location and  the  response  to
such signals in accordance with the written instructions prepared
by the customer and delivered to a Borrower.

          Monthly  Recurring  Revenue  -  (MRR)  -  The  sum   of
Borrowers'  (i)  Monitoring Revenues, (ii)  Rental  Revenues  and
(iii)  Extended Warranty/Services Revenues during the last  month
of  each Fiscal Quarter.  MRR does not include any revenues  from
the sale of alarm systems, personal emergency response systems or
other products.

          Net  Income  (Loss)  -  The net  income  (or  loss)  of
Borrowers  before taxes, as such would appear on  a  consolidated
statement  of  income of Borrowers prepared  in  accordance  with
GAAP, consistently applied, except that such income or loss shall
be  calculated  without taking into account  the  original  issue
discount amortization expense with respect to (i) the Warrant and
the  Revolving  Credit  Note  and  (ii)  RUSA's  1996  Series   A
Convertible Preferred Stock.

          Net Proceeds from the Secondary Offering - The proceeds
(after all discounts and allowances) of the secondary offering of
common  stock of RUSA described in that certain prospectus  dated
January  12,  1998,  net  of  (i) all amounts  required  for  the
complete  redemption  by RUSA of the 4712  currently  outstanding
shares  of  RUSA's 1996 Series A Convertible Preferred Stock  and
(ii)  all expenses incurred or otherwise payable by RUSA  arising
out of or related to such secondary offering.

          Obligations  -   All  liabilities  and  obligations  of
Borrowers  to Lender, including, without limitation, indebtedness
evidenced  by  the Revolving Credit Note issued pursuant  hereto,
obligations under the other Loan Documents, all fees and  charges
owing by Borrowers, and all other liabilities and obligations  of
every  kind or nature whatsoever of Borrowers to Lender,  whether
hereunder  or otherwise, whether incurred, created,  acquired  or
arising  on  the date thereof or hereafter incurred,  created  or
arising,  joint  or  several, matured, unmatured  or  contingent,
direct  or  indirect, primary or secondary, related or unrelated,
due  or  to  become due, including, but not limited  to,  any  ex
tensions,  modifications, substitutions, increases  and  renewals
thereof,  and substitutions therefor; the payment of all  amounts
advanced by Lender to preserve, protect, defend, and enforce  its
rights  hereunder  and in the Collateral in accordance  with  the
terms of this Agreement; and the payment of all Expenses incurred
by Lender.

          Operating Contracts - All Monitoring Agreements, Rental
Agreements and Service Agreements.

          Permitted Liens - As defined in Section 7.3 herein.

          Person   -  An  individual,  partnership,  corporation,
trust,   unincorporated  association  or  organization,   limited
liability  company  or partnership, joint venture  or  any  other

          Pledge  Agreements  - The Stock Pledge  Agreement  from
RUSA,  dated June 30, 1996, the Healthlink Pledge Agreement,  the
Jupiter Pledge Agreement and the Stock Pledge Agreement from RUSA
of even date herewith, collectively pledging the Pledged Stock to
Lender to secure the Obligations.

          Pledged  Stock  - The capital stock of  all  of  RUSA's

          Potential   Default  -  any  event  or  condition   the
occurrence  or existence of which, with the giving of  notice  or
passage  of time or both, would become or constitute an Event  of

          Preferred  Stock - The 7,500 shares of  1996  Series  A
Preferred Stock issued by RUSA on or prior to the date hereof (of
which  4712  shares are outstanding on the date hereof)  and  the
3,069.58 shares of 1997 Series B Preferred Stock issued  by  RUSA
on or prior to the date hereof.

          Prime  Rate  -  That rate designated by Lender  in  its
discretion  from  time to time as Lender's  "Prime  Rate",  which
shall   not  necessarily  constitute  Lender's  lowest  or   best
available rate to any customer or group or class of customers.

          Property  - Any interest of any Person in any  kind  of
property  or asset, whether real, personal or mixed, or  tangible
or intangible.

          Purchase  Money  Lien - A Lien upon equipment  securing
purchase  money indebtedness incurred to finance the purchase  of
such  equipment  so long as (i) the Lien shall at  all  times  be
confined to the purchased equipment, (ii) indebtedness secured by
such  Lien  does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the  purchase
price  of  the  purchased equipment, and  (iii)  the  removal  or
deactivation of the purchased equipment would not have an adverse
effect  on  the  operation  or  value  of  the  Collateral  or  a
Borrower's Business Operations.

          Qualified  Account - An Account of a  Borrower  meeting
all  the following specifications:  (i) it is lawfully and solely
owned  by a Borrower and subject to no Lien or assignment  (other
than  the  Lien of Lender), and such Borrower has  the  right  of
assignment thereof and the power to grant a security interest  to
Lender  therein;  (ii)  it  is a valid and  enforceable  Account,
representing  the  undisputed indebtedness of an  Account  Debtor
outstanding not more than ninety (90) days past the payment  date
specified  in  the  invoice therefor; (iii) the  Account  is  not
subject   to   any  defense,  set-off,  counterclaim,  deduction,
discount,   credit,  chargeback,  freight  claim,  allowance   or
adjustment  of any kind; (iv) the Account is net of  all  amounts
representing  goods  the sale of which  has  given  rise  to  the
Account  which  have been returned, rejected,  lost  or  damaged;
(v)  if  it arises from the sale of goods by such Borrower,  such
sale  was  an absolute sale and not on consignment or on approval
or  on a sale-or-return basis nor subject to any other repurchase
or  return  agreement, and such goods have been  shipped  to  the
Account  Debtor  or  its designee; (vi) if  it  arises  from  the
performance  of  services,  such  services  have  actually   been
performed;  (vii)  it  arose  in  the  ordinary  course  of  such
Borrower's   Business  Operations;  (viii)  no  notice   of   the
bankruptcy,  receivership, reorganization or  insolvency  of  the
Account Debtor has been received; (ix) the Account Debtor is  not
a  Subsidiary or Affiliate of Borrowers; (x) except  for  Voxcom,
Inc.  it is not an Account of an Account Debtor having its princi
pal  place  of  business or executive office outside  the  United
States,  the  payment of which Account is not  guaranteed  by  an
irrevocable  letter of credit in form and substance  satisfactory
to  Lender  and assigned to Lender; (xi) it does not represent  a
sale  to  the government of the United States of America  or  any
subdivision  thereof unless such Borrower has complied,  for  the
benefit  of  Lender, with the Federal Assignment of  Claims  Act;
(xii)  not more than fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate balance
of  all  Accounts owing from the Account Debtor obligated on  the
Account  are  outstanding more than sixty (60)  days  past  their
payment  date;  (xiii) it is not an Account of an Account  Debtor
obligated  to  a  Borrower under any instrument;  and  (xiv)  the
payment date for such Account is not later than thirty (30)  days
after  its original invoice date.  A Qualified Account  does  not
include  that portion of an Account representing interest charges
for past due balances, credit memos, or sales tax.

          Registration   Agreement  -  The  Registration   Rights
Agreement dated June 30, 1996 between RUSA and Holdings.

          Rental  Agreements - Contracts with customers  pursuant
to  which a Borrower leases (as lessor) alarm systems or personal
emergency response systems.

          Rental Revenues - Borrower's revenues from Rentals.

          Rentals - The leasing (as lessor) of alarm systems  and
personal emergency response systems.

          Revolving Credit - As defined in Section 2.1(a).

          Revolving  Credit Note - That certain  promissory  note
described  in  Section 2.1(b), as it may be amended, supplemented
or replaced from time to time.

          Secondary  Offering - The offer and  sale  by  RUSA  of
shares  of  its common stock pursuant to a registration statement
on  Form  SB-2, as amended, filed by RUSA with the SEC on October
10, 1997, which became effective on February 4, 1998.

          Senior  Funded  Debt - The average  unpaid  balance  of
Advances  outstanding under the Revolving Credit during a  Fiscal

          Service  Agreements - Contracts with customers pursuant
to which a Borrower provides Servicing.

          Subordinated  Debt - Indebtedness subordinated  to  the
Obligations  pursuant to a subordination agreement  in  form  and
substance acceptable to Lender.

          Subsidiary  -  Any  corporation more than  fifty  (50%)
percent  of whose voting stock is legally and beneficially  owned
by  a  Borrower or owned by a corporation more than  fifty  (50%)
percent  of whose voting stock is legally and beneficially  owned
by a Borrower.

          Triple A - Triple A Security Systems, Inc.

          UCC  - The Uniform Commercial Code as in effect on  the
date hereof in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

          Voting  Control  -  Shall mean the  power  directly  or
indirectly, individually, or as a member of a "control group" (as
such term is defined in Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act
of  1934,  as  amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder), to cast votes, or to cause votes to be cast,  either
through  voting  (individually, as a  voting  trustee  or  as  an
officer,  director  or  controlling shareholder  of  a  corporate
shareholder,  as a general partner of a shareholder  which  is  a
partnership or as a trustee of a shareholder which is a trust) or
by  agreement  or  proxy, for the election of a majority  of  the
members  of  the board of directors of RUSA (or any successor  of
RUSA as a result of any merger, consolidation or otherwise).

          Warrant - The Common Stock Purchase Warrant dated  June
30,  1996 issued by RUSA to Holdings.  On the date hereof,  there
are  no shares of RUSA's Common Stock issuable thereunder.

          Warrant  Agreement - The Warrant Agreement  dated  June
30, 1996 between RUSA and Holdings.

          Warrant Documents - The Warrant, Warrant Agreement  and
the  Registration Agreement.

     1.2   Accounting Principles:  Where the character or  amount
of  any  asset  or  liability or item of  income  or  expense  is
required  to be determined or any consolidation or other  account
ing  computation is required to be made for the purposes of  this
Agreement,  this shall be done in accordance with  GAAP,  to  the
extent  applicable, except where such principles are inconsistent
with the requirements of this Agreement.

                      SECTION 2.  THE LOAN

     2.1  Revolving Line of Credit - Description:

          (a)   Subject  to  the  terms and  conditions  of  this
Agreement, Lender hereby establishes for the benefit of Borrowers
a  revolving  credit  facility ("Revolving Credit")  under  which
Advances  shall  be extended to or for the benefit  of  Borrowers
from  time to time hereunder.  The aggregate principal amount  of
all  Advances  outstanding shall not, at  any  time,  exceed  the
Maximum Revolving Credit Amount.  Subject to such limitation, the
outstanding balance of unpaid Advances under the Revolving Credit
may fluctuate from time to time, to be reduced by repayments made
by Borrowers, and to be increased by future Advances which may be
made  by  Lender  to  or for the benefit of Borrowers.   For  the
purposes of this Agreement, any determination as to whether there
is  Available Credit for Advances shall be determined  by  Lender
and  shall be final and binding upon Borrowers.  Subject  to  the
existence  of Available Credit and up to the amount thereof,  the
fulfillment  of  any  and  all  other  conditions  to   borrowing
contained  in  this  Agreement and the absence  of  an  Event  of
Default  or  Potential Default, Borrowers may borrow,  repay  and
reborrow  under the Revolving Credit from time to time  prior  to
the  Maturity  Date.  If the aggregate principal  amount  of  all
Advances at any time exceeds the Maximum Revolving Credit Amount,
Borrowers will, upon Lender's request, and without impairing  any
other rights of Lender, immediately repay such excess in full.

          (b)  At Closing, Borrowers shall execute and deliver  a
replacement promissory note to Lender in the principal sum of the
Maximum  Credit  Amount,  in  form and  substance  acceptable  to
Lender,   (the   "Revolving  Credit  Note")   to   evidence   its
unconditional  obligation to repay Lender for all  Advances  made
from  time  to time under the Revolving Credit, with interest  as
herein and therein provided.  Each Advance made from time to time
under  the  Revolving  Credit shall be deemed  evidenced  by  the
Revolving  Credit  Note, which is deemed incorporated  herein  by
reference and made part hereof.  The Revolving Credit Note  shall
amend, restate and supersede (but not extinguish the indebtedness
evidenced  by  or  cause  a novation of) that  certain  Revolving
Credit  Note dated January 14, 1998 from Borrowers to Lender,  in
the principal amount of $15,500,000.

          (c)   The  term  of the Revolving Credit  and  Lender's
obligation  to  make  Advances  hereunder  shall  expire  on  the
Maturity  Date.  On such date, all of the outstanding Obligations
under the Revolving Credit, unless having been sooner demanded by
Lender  pursuant  to the terms hereof or of the Revolving  Credit
Note,  shall be due and payable in full and as of and after  such
due date no further Advances shall be available from Lender.

          (d)   Borrowers  each  hereby confirm  and  acknowledge
that, as of the date hereof, the outstanding principal balance of
all advances and extensions of credit made by Lender to Borrowers
under  the  Existing  Financing Agreements is  $15,310,000,  such
amount  is  unconditionally owing by Borrowers to Lender  without
defense, setoff, counterclaim, discount, recoupment or charge  of
any  kind  by  any  Borrower  and  shall  be  considered  to   be
outstanding Advances under the Revolving Credit for all  purposes
hereunder  as though such advances and extensions of  credit  had
been originally made under this Agreement.

     2.2  Revolving Credit - Termination by Borrowers:  Borrowers
may  at any time prior to the Maturity Date and on not less  than
thirty  (30)  days prior written notice to Lender, terminate  the
Revolving Credit; provided, however, that on the termination date
Borrowers shall pay in full all of the outstanding Obligations.

     2.3  Interest:

          (a)   Rate:  Interest  on  outstanding  Advances  shall
accrue at a per annum rate equal to Contract Rate, subject to the
provisions of subparagraph (b) below.

          (b)  Default Rate:  After the occurrence and during the
continuance  of  an Event of Default hereunder, interest  on  the
outstanding  Advances shall accrue at a per annum rate  equal  to
the Default Rate.

          (c)  Calculation and Payment of Interest:  Interest  on
all  Advances  shall be computed daily for the actual  number  of
days  elapsed, but calculated on the basis of a year of 360 days.
The interest rate charged on each such obligation shall change on
the same day as Lender's Prime Rate may change from time to time.
Interest on the outstanding Advances shall be payable monthly, in
arrears, on the first day of each calendar month.

          (d)   Continuation of Interest Charges:  Interest shall
continue to accrue on all outstanding Advances and be paid at the
Applicable  Rate  even  after  default,  maturity,  acceleration,
judgment, bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings of any kind, or  the
happening of any other event or occurrence.

          (e)    Applicable   Interest   Limitations:    In    no
contingency  or  event  whatsoever shall  the  aggregate  of  all
amounts  deemed  interest  hereunder  and  charged  or  collected
pursuant  to the terms of this Agreement exceed the highest  rate
permissible under any law which a court of competent jurisdiction
shall, in a final determination, deem applicable hereto.  In  the
event  that  any court determines Lender has charged or  received
interest hereunder in excess of the highest applicable rate, such
rate shall automatically be reduced to the maximum rate permitted
by  such law and the amount of any excess previously received  by
Lender  determined to be refundable shall be offset  and  applied
against  other  Obligations due or to become due  as  Lender  may

     2.4  Loan Disbursements:

          (a)  Advances made by Lender under the Revolving Credit
shall  be  made available to Borrowers by crediting such proceeds
to  the  operating account(s) of Borrowers with Lender.  Advances
will  be made available to Borrowers on any Business Day after  a
telephonic request by Borrowers to Lender (made before 11:00 A.M.
Philadelphia time) on such Business Day.  Each such request shall
be  confirmed  by  Borrowers in writing on the same  day  as  the
Advance  is  requested  (confirmation by  facsimile  transmission
being acceptable), which confirmation shall be accompanied  by  a
Borrowing  Base Certificate.  Lender may rely upon  any  and  all
telephonic and written requests and confirmations purported to be
made by Borrowers through any of their Authorized Officers.   All
Advances  requested by Borrowers shall be in a minimum amount  of
Fifty  Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and in equal increments of  Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000) thereafter.

          (b)   Lender  may, in its sole discretion, without  any
obligation to do so, charge the operating account(s) of Borrowers
with  Lender for the Obligations as they become due from time  to
time   under   this  Agreement  including,  without   limitation,
interest, principal, fees and reimbursement of Expenses.

     2.5  Fees:

          (a)   Borrowers  have  paid to Lender  Thirty  Thousand
($30,000)  Dollars  (the  "Facility  Fee")  to  which  Lender  is
entitled  for increasing the amount available to Borrowers  under
the Revolving Credit.

          (b)   So  long  as the Revolving Credit  has  not  been
terminated pursuant to the terms hereof and the Obligations  have
not  been satisfied in full, Borrowers shall unconditionally  pay
to  Lender  a  fee  ("Commitment Fee") equal to one-half  of  one
percent  (0.5%) per annum of the average daily Available  Credit,
which  fee  shall be computed on a monthly basis in  arrears  and
shall  be  due  and  payable  on the  first  day  of  each  month
commencing on the first day of the first full month after Closing
and on the Maturity Date.
          (c)   Within thirty (30) days of the date hereof,  RUSA
shall issue to APT Holdings Corporation ("APT") 40,000 shares  of
its common stock (post 3 for 1 reverse split and public offering)
or  the  applicable  number of shares of  RUSA's  1997  Series  B
Convertible  Preferred Stock calculated utilizing the  conversion
ratio specified in the terms of such Preferred Stock.

     2.6  Payments:  Except to the extent otherwise set forth  in
this  Agreement, or as may be otherwise designated by  Lender  in
writing,  all payments of principal and of interest  on  Advances
under the Revolving Credit, the Facility Fee, the Commitment Fee,
all   other  charges  and  any  other  Obligations  of   Borrower
hereunder, shall be made to Lender at Mellon Independence Center,
701  Market  Street, 5B South, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19106,
Attn:    Loan  Administration,  in  United  States  dollars,   in
immediately  available funds.  All payments shall be  applied  in
the  manner designated by Borrower if not so designated or if  an
Event of Default is outstanding, may be applied by Lender against
the  Obligations  in such order as Lender may  determine  in  its

     2.7   Use  of Proceeds:  The proceeds of Advances  shall  be
used to refinance Borrowers' existing borrowed indebtedness,  for
the  redemption  of the 1996 Series A Preferred Stock  issued  by
RUSA, and the balance shall be used for acquisitions and for  the
working capital needs of Borrowers.

     2.8   Capital  Adequacy:   If any  present  or  future  law,
governmental  rule, regulation, policy, guideline,  directive  or
similar  requirement (whether or not having  the  force  of  law)
imposes,  modifies,  or  deems applicable any  capital  adequacy,
capital  maintenance  or similar requirement  which  affects  the
manner  in  which  Lender  allocates  capital  resources  to  its
commitments  (including  any commitments  hereunder),  and  as  a
result  thereof, in the opinion of Lender, the rate of return  on
Lender's  capital with regard to the Advances  is  reduced  to  a
level  below that which Lender could have achieved but  for  such
circumstances, then in such case and upon notice from  Lender  to
Borrowers,  from  time to time, Borrowers shall pay  Lender  such
additional amount or amounts as shall compensate Lender for  such
reduction in Lender's rate of return.  Such notice shall  contain
the statement of Lender with regard to any such amount or amounts
which  shall,  in the absence of manifest error, be binding  upon
Borrowers.  In determining such amount, Lender may use any method
of  averaging  and attribution that it deems applicable,  in  its
sole discretion.

     2.9   Mandatory  Repayment:  Upon the death  of  Richard  M.
Brooks  (i) the proceeds of the Key Man Policies shall be applied
to  repay  outstanding Advances as follows:  if at such  time  an
Event  of  Default  or  Potential Default  has  occurred  and  is
continuing,  all  of the proceeds of such Policies  shall  be  so
applied; otherwise $1,500,000 of the proceeds shall be so applied
and (ii) the Maximum Credit Amount shall automatically be reduced
by an amount equal to the amount required to be repaid.

                    SECTION 3.  COLLATERAL

     3.1   Description:   As  security for the  full  and  timely
payment of the Obligations, and satisfaction by the Borrowers  of
all  covenants  and undertakings contained in this Agreement  and
the  other  Loan  Documents, Borrowers each  hereby  respectively
assign  and  grant to Lender a continuing lien  on  and  security
interest  in,  upon and to the following Property (the  "Collater

          (a)   Accounts,  Contract Rights, Etc. -  All  of  such
Borrowers'  respective now owned and hereafter acquired,  created
or  arising  Accounts,  accounts  receivable,  notes  receivable,
contract rights, chattel paper, documents (including documents of
title), instruments and letters of credit;

          (b)   Inventory - All of such Borrower's respective now
owned  or hereafter acquired Inventory of every nature and  kind,
wherever located;

          (c)   General Intangibles - All of such Borrower's  now
owned   and  hereafter  acquired,  created  or  arising   general
intangibles  of  every kind and description,  including,  without
limitation,  all  existing and future customer lists,  choses  in
action,  claims, books, records, patents and patent applications,
copyrights,   trademarks,  tradenames,   tradestyles,   trademark
applications,  blueprints, drawings,  designs  and  plans,  trade
secrets,  contracts,  licenses, license agreements,  distribution
agreements,  formulae,  tax  and  any  other  types  of  refunds,
returned and unearned insurance premiums, rights and claims under
insurance  policies including, without limitation,  credit,  life
and   casualty  insurance  policies,  and  computer  information,
software, records and data;

          (d)   Equipment - All of such Borrower's now owned  and
hereafter  acquired  equipment,  including,  without  limitation,
machinery,  vehicles, furniture and fixtures,  wherever  located,
and   all  replacements,  parts,  accessions,  substitutions  and
additions thereto;

          (e)   Deposit  Accounts - All of  such  Borrower's  now
existing  and hereafter acquired or arising deposit  accounts  of
every  nature,  wherever located, and all documents  and  records
associated therewith;

          (f)  Property in Lender's Possession - All Property  of
each Borrower now or hereafter in Lender's possession;

          (g)  Life Insurance  -  The Key Man Policies;

          (h)   Pledged Stock - The Pledged Stock, the Healthlink
Interest  and  all of each Borrower's other Investment  Property;

          (i)    Proceeds  -  The  proceeds  (including,  without
limitation, insurance proceeds), whether cash or non-cash, of all
of the foregoing.

     3.2   Lien  Documents:  At Closing and thereafter as  Lender
reasonably  deems necessary, Borrowers shall execute and  deliver
to  Lender,  or  have executed and delivered  (all  in  form  and
substance satisfactory to Lender):

          (a)    Financing  Statements  -  Financing   statements
covering  the  Collateral  pursuant to the  UCC  (the  "Financing
Statements"),  which Lender may file from time  to  time  in  any
jurisdiction where any Collateral is or may be located and in any
other jurisdiction that Lender deems appropriate; and

          (b)    Other   Agreements  -  Any   other   agreements,
documents,  assignments,  instruments and  writings  required  to
evidence, perfect or protect Lender's lien and security  interest
in  the Collateral required hereunder or as Lender may reasonably
request from time to time.

     3.3  Other Actions:  In addition to the foregoing, Borrowers
shall  do  anything further that may be lawfully  and  reasonably
required by Lender to secure Lender and effectuate the intentions
and  objects  of this Agreement, including, but not  limited  to,
obtaining  the written consent of BKR, Inc. and Healthlink,  Ltd.
to  the  pledge by RUSA of the Healthlink Interest, the execution
and  delivery of continuation statements, amendments to financing
statements,   security  agreements,  contracts  and   any   other
documents  required  hereunder.  At Lender's  request,  Borrowers
shall  also  immediately deliver to Lender all  items  for  which
Lender  must  receive possession to obtain a  perfected  security
interest,  including, without limitation, all notes,  letters  of
credit,  certificates  and  documents  of  title,  chattel  paper
(including, but not limited to, all Rental Agreements), warehouse
receipts,   instruments,  and  any  other   similar   instruments
constituting Collateral.

     3.4   Collateral  Pledge:  On the Closing Date,  as  further
security  for  payment  of the Obligations  and  satisfaction  by
Borrowers  of  all covenants and undertakings contained  in  this
Agreement  and the other Loan Documents, Lender shall  receive  a
collateral pledge from RUSA of all of the capital stock  of  each
of  the  other Borrowers, to the extent not currently pledged  to
     3.5  Searches:

          (a)    Lender  shall,  prior  to  or  at  Closing,  and
thereafter  as  Lender may determine from time to  time,  all  at
Borrowers' expense, obtain, or Borrowers shall obtain at Lender's
request,  the  following searches against  each  Borrower,  under
their current and former names and the names of each Person  from
whom  any Borrower acquired assets outside of the ordinary course
of  business within the past five years (the results of which are
to  be consistent with the warranties and representations made by
Borrowers in this Agreement):

               (i)    UCC   searches   with  the   Secretary   of
State/Commonwealth and local filing office of  each  state  where
each   Borrower  maintains  or  has  maintained  its   respective
executive  office, a place of business, or assets and  where  any
Person  acquired  by a Borrower maintains or has  maintained  its
respective executive office, a place of business, or assets;

               (ii)  Judgment, federal tax lien and corporate tax
lien   searches,  in  all  applicable  filing  offices  of   each
state/commonwealth searched under subparagraph (a)(i) above.

          (b)  Borrowers shall, prior to or at Closing and at its
expense,  obtain and deliver to Lender good standing certificates
showing   each   Borrower  to  be  in  good   standing   in   its
state/commonwealth of incorporation and in each  other  state  or
foreign country in which it is doing and presently intends to  do
business for which qualification is required.

     3.6   Landlord's and Mortgagee's Waivers: To the extent  not
previously  delivered to Lender, Borrowers will cause each  owner
of any premises occupied by any Borrower or to be occupied by any
Borrower and each mortgagee of any premises owned or occupied  by
any  Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender an instrument,  in
form  and  substance  satisfactory to Lender,  under  which  such
owner(s) or mortgagee(s) respectively, subordinates its/his/their
interests  in  and waives its/his/their right to distrain  on  or
foreclose  against the Collateral and agrees to allow  Lender  to
remain on such premises to dispose of or deal with any Collateral
located thereon.

     3.7   Filing Security Agreement:  A carbon, photographic  or
other  reproduction  or  other copy of this  Agreement  or  of  a
financing statement is sufficient as and may be filed in lieu  of
a financing statement.

     3.8   Power of Attorney:  Each of the officers of Lender  is
hereby  irrevocably made, constituted and appointed the true  and
lawful attorney for each Borrower (without requiring any of  them
to  act  as such and without liability of any kind for so acting)
with full power of substitution to do the following:  (1) execute
in   the   name   of  such  Borrower  any  financing  statements,
amendments,  schedules, assignments, instruments,  documents  and
statements  that  such  Borrower  is  obligated  to  give  Lender
hereunder or which are necessary or desirable to perfect Lender's
security interest or lien in the Collateral; (2) endorse the name
of  such  Borrower upon any and all checks, drafts, money  orders
and  other instruments for the payment of monies that are payable
to  such Borrower and constitute collections on Accounts or other
Collateral;  and  (3)  following the occurrence  and  during  the
continuance  of  an Event of Default, do such other  and  further
acts  and deeds in the name of such Borrower that Lender may deem
necessary or desirable to enforce or collect any Account or other


     Closing  is  subject  to the following conditions  precedent
(all documents to be in form and substance satisfactory to Lender
and Lender's counsel):

     4.1   Resolutions, Opinions, and Other Documents:  Borrowers
shall have delivered to Lender the following:

          (a)   this  Agreement  and the  Revolving  Credit  Note
properly executed by Borrowers;

          (b)   each Loan Document required to be executed by any
Borrower  or  by  any other Person under any  provision  of  this
Agreement or any related agreement;

          (c)   certified  copies  of  (i)  resolutions  of  each
Borrower's  board  of  directors authorizing  the  execution  and
performance of this Agreement, the Revolving Credit  Note  to  be
issued  hereunder and each other Loan Document  to  be  delivered
from  time  to time in conjunction with this Agreement  and  (ii)
each  Borrower's  Articles and Certificate of  Incorporation  and

          (d)    an  incumbency  certificate  for  each  Borrower
identifying all Authorized Officers, with specimen signatures;

          (e)  good standing certificates for each Borrower;

          (f)  a written opinion from and executed by independent
counsel for Borrowers addressed to Lender;

          (g)  such financial statements, reports, certifications
and   other   operational   information   concerning   Borrowers,
including,   without  limitation,  Borrowers'   June   30,   1997
consolidated audited financial statements and unqualified opinion
(without  explanatory  paragraphs) of its  independent  certified
public  accountants  and  any other information  required  to  be
delivered hereunder;

          (h)   certificate  of each Borrower's  chief  executive
officer stating that there has not occurred as of the Closing any
material  adverse  change in the business, operations,  condition
(financial or otherwise) or prospects of such Borrower since June
30, 1997 or December 31, 1997;

          (i)   payment  by  Borrowers of all fees  and  expenses
including,  without limitation, the Facility Fee to  be  paid  to
Lender  as  of the Closing and all Expenses associated with  this
Agreement incurred to the Closing Date;

          (j)  all documents and agreements required with respect
to  the Collateral, including without limitation, landlord's  and
mortgagees'  waivers  properly executed and Financing  Statements
properly executed by Borrowers;

          (k)   evidence  that  acceptable  liability,  property,
casualty and business interruption insurance is in place for each
Borrower  and  that Lender is named as lender's  loss  payee  and
additional insured with respect thereto;

          (l)   a  written consent from BKR, Inc. and Healthlink,
Ltd. to the pledge by RUSA of the Healthlink Interest;

          (m)  all Rental Agreements and Monitoring Agreements in

          (n)   a stock pledge agreement from RUSA pledging  100%
of  the  capital  stock  of Reliable-Hawk,  Inc.  to  Lender  and
delivery  to  Lender  of the original stock certificates  pledged
thereby along with undated stock powers endorsed in blank;

          (o)   either  (i)  an  amendment  to  the  Registration
Agreement  amending  the  definition of "Registrable  Securities"
contained  therein  to  include (A) all shares  of  common  stock
issued  upon  conversion of RUSA's 1997 Series B Preferred  Stock
and (B) all shares of common stock issued by RUSA to Holdings  in
connection  with  this Agreement, or any prior  agreements  among
Borrowers  and Lender, as the same have been or may hereafter  be
amended, restated, modified or supplemented from time to time  or
in  connection with any waivers of any of the provisions  thereof
or (ii)  proof satisfactory to Lender of the effectiveness of the
registration statement on Form S-3 filed by RUSA with the SEC  on
August  20,  1997  registering the shares of  RUSA  common  stock
described in clauses (A) and (B) above; and
          (p)   such  other documents, instruments and agreements
which  Lender  reasonably requests and which must be satisfactory
to Lender.

     4.2   Absence  of Certain Events:  At the Closing  Date,  no
Potential  Default  or  Event  of Default  hereunder  shall  have
occurred and be continuing, nor shall there have occurred,  since
June  30, 1997 or December 31, 1997, any material adverse  change
in  the  assets, operations, condition (financial or  otherwise),
products or prospects of any Borrower.

     4.3    Warranties  and  Representations  at  Closing:    The
warranties and representations of Borrowers contained in  Section
5  as  well  as any other section of this Agreement or any  other
Loan  Document shall be true and correct on the Closing Date with
the  same  effect  as though made on and as  of  that  date.   No
Borrower  shall have taken any action or permitted any  condition
to  exist  which would have been prohibited in this Agreement  or
any other Loan Document.

     4.4   Compliance with this Agreement:  Borrowers shall  have
performed  and  complied  with  all  agreements,  covenants   and
conditions  contained herein or in any other Loan Document  which
are  required to be performed or complied with by them before  or
at   the   Closing  Date,  including,  without  limitation,   the
provisions of Sections 4 and 6 hereof.

     4.5   Chief Executive Officer's Certificate:  Each  Borrower
shall provide Lender with an officer's certificate signed by  its
chief executive officer certifying that all conditions to Closing
contained in this Agreement have been fulfilled.

     4.6     Verifications:    Lender   shall    have    received
verifications  of  Borrowers'  Monitoring  Agreements  and  other
Operating Contracts satisfactory to it.

     4.7   Additional  Equity:   RUSA  shall  have  received  Net
Proceeds  from the Secondary Offering of not less than $7,000,000
without  taking  into account any proceeds of any  over-allotment
     4.8   Closing:   Subject to the conditions of this  section,
the  initial  additional Advances under this Agreement  shall  be
made available on such date (the "Closing Date") and at such time
as  may  be  mutually agreeable to the parties  contemporaneously
with the execution hereof (the "Closing") at such place as may be
requested by Lender.

     4.9   Effectiveness of Increase in Maximum Revolving  Credit
Amount:  Notwithstanding anything herein  to  the  contrary,  the
Maximum  Revolving Credit Amount available to Borrowers shall  be
limited  to  $15,500,000  and shall not increase  to  $18,000,000
until,  in  addition  to  satisfaction  of  each  of  the   other
conditions  to closing, satisfaction of the following  additional
conditions  precedent (all documents to be in form and  substance
satisfactory to Lender and Lender's counsel):

          (a)   consummation  of  the Acquisition  on  terms  and
conditions satisfactory to Lender, and delivery of proof of  such

          (b)   the  execution by RUSA and delivery to Lender  of
the Jupiter Pledge Agreement along with the delivery to Lender of
the  original  stock certificates so pledged  and  undated  stock
powers duly endorsed in blank; and

          (c)   joinder  of  Jupiter as  a  Borrower  under  this
Agreement  and  the  other Loan Documents and  the  execution  by
Jupiter and delivery to Lender of all documents, instruments  and
agreements  required by Lender in connection  with  such  joinder
including,  without limitation, amendments to the Loan  Documents
and an allonge to the Revolving Credit Note.

     4.10  Non-Waiver  of  Rights:   By  completing  the  Closing
hereunder,  or  by  making Advances hereunder,  Lender  does  not
thereby waive a breach of any warranty or representation made  by
any Borrower hereunder or a breach under any agreement, document,
or  instrument  delivered  to Lender  or  otherwise  referred  to
herein, and all of Lender's claims and rights resulting from  any
breach  or  misrepresentation by any  Borrower  are  specifically
reserved by Lender.

     4.11  Future  Advances:  Lender shall have no obligation  of
any  kind  to  make  any  Advance after the  Closing  Date  if  a
Potential  Default  or an Event of Default  is  outstanding.   If
Lender  at any time or from time to time elects (in its sole  and
absolute  discretion)  to  make an  Advance  notwithstanding  the
existence of a Potential Default or Event of Default, the  making
of  such Advance shall not constitute or create (a) any waiver of
such  a Potential Default or Event of Default or (b) any duty  or
obligation to make Advances thereafter.

     4.12  Warranties  and Representations upon Future  Advances:
Each  request  by  Borrowers for an Advance under  the  Revolving
Credit in any form following the Closing Date shall constitute an
automatic  representation and warranty by Borrowers to Lender  to
the effect that:

          (a)   No  Event  of Default or Potential  Default  then

          (b)  Each Advance is within and fully complies with the
terms  and  conditions  of  this Agreement  (including,  but  not
limited to, the conditions for Advances); and

          (c)   Each  representation and warranty  set  forth  in
Section  5  of  this Agreement is then true and  correct  in  all
material  respects, as though made on the funding date  for  such
Advance, except for such changes as are expressly permitted by  a
covenant contained herein.


Each  Borrower  jointly and severally warrants and represents  to
Lender that:

     5.1  Corporate Organization and Validity:

          (a)   Each Borrower is a corporation duly organized and
validly  existing under the laws of the state identified  as  the
state  of incorporation in Section 1 above and is duly qualified,
is  in good standing and has lawful power and authority to engage
in  business  in each state where the nature and  extent  of  its
business requires qualification except where the absence of  good
standing would not have a Material Adverse Effect.  A list of all
states  and other jurisdictions where each Borrower is  qualified
to  do  business is attached hereto as Schedule "5.1" and made  a
part hereof.

          (b)   The making and performance of this Agreement  and
each  Loan Document will not breach or violate any law,  statute,
government rule or regulation, any judgment, order, decree, writ,
injunction  or award, or the charter, minutes or bylaws  of  each
Borrower or violate or result in a default (immediately  or  with
the  passage  of  time  or notice or both)  under  any  contract,
indenture,  agreement or instrument to which any  Borrower  is  a
party,  or  by  which any Borrower is bound.  No Borrower  is  in
violation of any term of any material agreement or instrument  to
which  it  is  a  party or by which it may be  bound  or  of  any
provision of its charter, minutes or bylaws.

          (c)   Each  Borrower has all requisite corporate  power
and  authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and  each
Loan Document to which it is a party and to incur the obligations
herein  provided  for,  and has taken all  proper  and  necessary
corporate  action  to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery   and
performance of this Agreement, the Revolving Credit Note and  the
other Loan Documents.

          (d)  This Agreement, the Revolving Credit Note, and all
other  Loan Documents, when delivered, will be valid and  binding
upon  the  respective  Person(s)  who  are  parties  thereto  and
enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

     5.2   Insurance:  Schedule "5.2" sets forth all policies  of
property,  casualty, liability, business interruption  and  other
insurance maintained by Borrowers.  All such policies are in full
force  and effect and the amounts of coverage, deductibles, risks
insured  against and other terms and provisions are customary  in
Borrowers' industry and are adequate for Borrowers' business  and

     5.3   Litigation:   Except as set forth  on  Schedule  "5.3"
thereto,  (i) there are no judgments or judicial, administrative,
regulatory  or  arbitration orders, decrees, rulings,  or  awards
outstanding, or (ii) proceedings or litigation pending or, to the
knowledge  of  any Borrower, threatened against or affecting  any
Borrower  in  any court or before any governmental  authority  or
arbitration board or tribunal seeking either equitable relief  or
damages  of  $25,000  or more.  No Borrower is  in  default  with
respect  to  any  order, decree, ruling or award  of  any  court,
governmental authority, regulatory agency or arbitration board or
tribunal.  All lawsuits against any Borrower commenced during the
past  five years and seeking damages of $50,000 or more  are  set
forth on Schedule "5.3" hereto.
     5.4  Title to Properties:  Each Borrower has exclusive title
to  all  of  its Property in fee simple (or its equivalent  under
applicable law) free from Liens and free from the claims  of  any
other  Person, except for (i) those existing Liens set  forth  on
Schedule  "5.4"  attached  hereto  and  made  part  hereof,  (ii)
mechanics', carriers', workmen's, repairmen's or other like Liens
arising  or  incurred in the ordinary course of  such  Borrower's
business;  and  (iii) Liens, if any, for taxes,  assessments  and
other governmental charges which are not due and payable, but may
nevertheless  exist by operation of law.  No  Borrower  owns  any
real property except as set forth on Schedule "5.4(b)" hereto.

     5.5   Patents and Trademarks:  Each Borrower owns or has the
exclusive  unconditional  right to use all  the  patents,  patent
applications, trademarks, trademark applications, service  marks,
trade  names, and copyrights, that are material for  the  present
and  planned  future conduct of its business, without  any  known
conflict  with the rights of others.  A list of all such patents,
patent    applications,   trademarks,   trademark   applications,
licenses, and copyrights owned or otherwise used by any  Borrower
(indicating  the nature of such Borrower's interest) is  attached
hereto as Schedule "5.5", and made a part hereof.  No Borrower is
in  default of any obligation or undertaking with respect to such
Property  or  rights.   Except as set  forth  on  Schedule  "5.5"
hereto,  no Borrower licenses or sublicenses any such  rights  or
property interests to any other Person.

     5.6   Governmental  Consent:   Neither  the  nature  of  any
Borrower  or  of  its business or Property, nor any  relationship
between  any  Borrower and any other Person, nor any circumstance
affecting  any  Borrower  in connection  with  the  execution  or
delivery  of any Loan Document is such as to require  a  consent,
approval  or  authorization of, or filing (other than  filing  of
UCC-1  financing statements), registration or qualification with,
any governmental authority on the part of any Borrower in conjunc
tion  with the execution, delivery and performance of this  Agree
ment or the issuance or delivery of the Revolving Credit Note, or
other Loan Documents.

     5.7   Taxes:  All tax returns required to be filed  by  each
Borrower  in  any jurisdiction have in fact been filed,  and  all
taxes, assessments, fees and other governmental charges upon each
Borrower or upon any of its Property, income or franchises, which
are  due and payable have been paid, except for those taxes being
contested in good faith with due diligence by appropriate proceed
ings  for  which appropriate reserves have been maintained  under
GAAP.  No Borrower is aware of any proposed additional tax assess
ment or tax to be assessed against or applicable to any Borrower.

     5.8   Financial Statements: The Fiscal Year of each Borrower
ends  on  June  30 of each year.  Borrowers' audited consolidated
and  consolidating Financial Statements as at and  for  the  year
ended  June  30, 1997 fairly present the financial condition  and
results of operations of Borrowers (and each of them) as  of  the
date(s)  and for the period(s) set forth therein, and  have  been
prepared   in   accordance  with  GAAP.    Borrower's   unaudited
consolidated and consolidating financial statements as at and for
the  six  months  ended  December  31, 1997  fairly  present  the
financial  condition and results of operations of Borrowers  (and
each  of them) as of the date(s) and for the period(s) set  froth
therein,   and  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with   GAAP
consistently applied.  There has been no material adverse  change
in  the financial condition or results of operations of Borrowers
(as set forth in the consolidating and consolidated audited year-
end  Financial Statements) since either December 31, 1997 or June
30, 1997.

       5.9  Full  Disclosure:  Neither the  financial  statements
referred  to  in  Section  5.8, nor  this  Agreement  or  related
agreements  and documents or any written statement  furnished  to
Lender in connection with the negotiation of the Revolving Credit
and  contained in any financial statements or documents  relating
to the Collateral contain any untrue statement of a material fact
or  omit  a  material fact necessary to make the  statements  con
tained  therein  or  herein not misleading.   There  is  no  fact
presently known to any officer of any Borrower which has not been
disclosed  to  Lender in writing, which is reasonably  likely  to
cause a Material Adverse Effect.

     5.10  Subsidiaries and Affiliates: Except as  set  forth  on
Schedule  "5.10", RUSA has no direct or indirect Subsidiaries  or
Affiliates  other  than  the  other Borrowers.  The  Subsidiaries
listed  on Schedule 5.10 own no Property or assets of any  nature
and shall be dissolved as promptly as practicable.

     5.11 Guarantees, Contracts, etc:

          (a)   No Borrower owns or holds any equity or long term
debt  investments in, has any outstanding advances  to,  has  any
outstanding guarantees for the obligations of, or has any

outstanding  borrowings from, any Person, except as described  in
Schedule "5.11(a)" attached hereto and made part hereof.

          (b)   No  Borrower is a party to any contract with  any
vendor or customer for the purchase, sale or license of inventory
or  the  performance of services with respect to  any  Borrower's
business  operations, except as described on  Schedule  "5.11(b)"
attached  hereto  and made part hereof.  Each  such  contract  or
agreement  is in full force and effect, no notice of  termination
has  been  given  with respect thereto, and Borrower  is  not  in
default thereof.

          (c)   No  Borrower is a party to any contract or  agree
ment,  or  subject to any charter or other corporate restriction,
which is reasonably likely to cause a Material Adverse Effect.

          (d)   Except as otherwise specifically provided in this
Agreement, no Borrower has agreed or consented to cause or permit
any of its Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired,  to
be  subject in the future (upon the happening of a contingency or
otherwise) to a Lien not permitted by this Agreement.

          (e)   No  Borrower is a party to any contract with  any
consultant  or  other advisor for the receipt  of  consulting  or
similar   services  with  respect  to  such  Borrower's  business
operations,  except  as described in Schedule "5.11(e)"  attached
hereto and made a part hereof.

          (f)  Monitoring Agreements are separate agreements from
Rental  Agreements;  no Monitoring Agreement  is  also  a  Rental

               (g)   No Borrower is a party to any lease for  any
real  or  personal  property except  as  set  forth  in  Schedule
"5.11(g)"  hereto.  True and correct copies of all leases  listed
on  Schedule "5.11(g)" have been delivered to Lender and all such
leases  remain in full force and effect and no party is in breach
or violation thereof.

     5.12 Government Regulations and Compliance:

          (a)    The use of the proceeds of the Advances and each
Borrower's  issuance  of  the  Revolving  Credit  Note  will  not
directly  or indirectly violate or result in a violation  of  the
Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  or any regulations issued pursuant thereto,  including,
without  limitation, Regulations U, T, G and X of  the  Board  of
Governors  of the Federal Reserve System, 12 C.F.R., Chapter  II.
No  Borrower  owns  or intends to carry or purchase  any  "margin
security" within the meaning of said Regulations.

          (b)   (i)  Each  Employee Benefit Plan, as  defined  in
Section  3(3)  of  ERISA,  (other  than  a  multi-employer   plan
described  in Section 3(37) of ERISA) maintained by any  Borrower
or  in  which any Borrower is a participating employer  has  been
maintained in all material respects in accordance with its  terms
and with applicable law, and (ii) each such Employee Benefit Plan
which  is  intended to be tax-qualified currently satisfies,  and
for  all  years subsequent to the establishment of such Plan  and
with  respect to which any Borrower's income tax returns are open
to  audit,  has satisfied, the requirements of Section 401(a)  or
403 of the Code, except that if any such requirement has not been
satisfied, the failure to satisfy such requirements has not  had,
and  in  the  future  will  not have, a Material  Adverse  Effect
(assuming the continued conduct of the any Borrower's business is
substantially  consistent  with past  practice),  (iii)  no  such
Employee  Benefit  Plan  has engaged in or  been  involved  in  a
Prohibited Transaction (as defined in ERISA) under ERISA  or  the
Internal Revenue Code, and (iv) no such Employee Benefit Plan has
been terminated, which termination is reasonably likely to have a
Material  Adverse  Effect.   No Borrower  nor  any  member  of  a
Controlled Group (as defined in ERISA) has received notice  of  a
claim  asserted  against any Borrower or  other  members  of  the
Controlled  Group  for withdrawal liability (as  defined  in  the
Multiemployer  Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980,  as  amended)
with  respect  to any multiemployer pension plan.  All  Borrowers
have  timely made all contributions when due with respect to  any
multiemployer pension plan in which any of them participate  and,
no  event has occurred triggering a claim against any Borrower or
any  member  of  a  Controlled Group including any  Borrower  for
withdrawal  liability with respect to any multi-employer  pension
plan.   All  Employee  Benefit  Plans  and  multi-employer  plans
maintained by any Borrower are listed on Schedule "5.12" attached
hereto and made a part hereof.

          (c)   No  Borrower  is in violation of  any  applicable
statute, regulation or ordinance of the United States of America,
or of any state, city, town, municipality, county or of any other
jurisdiction,  or  of  any  agency  thereof,  (including  without
limitation, environmental laws and regulations and regulations of
any  Public Utility Commission) which violation by itself  or  in
the  aggregate  with  any  other such  violations  would  have  a
Material  Adverse  Effect  on the Borrowers,  and  each  Borrower
possesses  all  licenses,  permits and  governmental  and  quasi-
governmental  approvals needed to operate  its  business,  except
where  the  failure  to  do  so would  not,  individually  or  in
aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrowers.

          (d)   Each  Borrower is current with  all  reports  and
documents  required to be filed with any state  or  federal  secu
rities commission or similar agency and is in full compliance  in
all  material respects with all applicable rules and  regulations
of such commissions.

     5.13 Business Interruptions:  Within two (2) years prior  to
the  Closing Date, neither the business, Property nor  operations
of  any  Borrower have been materially and adversely affected  in
any way by any casualty, strike, lockout, combination of workers,
order  of  the  United States of America, or any state  or  local
government,  or  any  political subdivision  or  agency  thereof,
directed against such Person.  There are no pending or threatened
labor  disputes,  strikes,  lockouts or  similar  occurrences  or
grievances against the business being operated by any Borrower.

     5.14  Names and Addresses:  During the five (5) years  prior
to  the Closing Date, no Borrower has (i) except as set forth  on
Schedule "5.14", conducted business under or used any other names
(whether  corporate or assumed) except for its present  corporate
name  or, (ii) acquired any assets outside of the ordinary course
of  business or (iii) conducted business at any addresses  except
for  the  addresses listed in Schedule "5.14".  Each Borrower  is
the  sole owner of its name and any and all business done and all
invoices  using  such  Borrower's name or  any  names  listed  in
Schedule "5.14" represent sales and business of such Borrower and
are owned solely by such Borrower.

     5.15 Other Associations:  Except as shown on Schedule "5.15"
hereto,   no  Borrower  is  engaged  in  any  joint  venture   or
partnership with any other Person.

     5.16  Environmental Matters:  Except as  shown  on  Schedule
"5.16"  attached hereto and made a part hereof, no  Borrower  has

          (a)   of  the  presence of any Hazardous Substances  or
underground  storage tanks on any of the real property  on  which
the Collateral is located, or

          (b)   of  any  on-site  spills,  releases,  discharges,
disposal or storage of Hazardous Substances that have occurred or
are presently occurring on any of such real property, or

          (c)  of any spills, releases, discharges or disposal of
Hazardous Substances that have occurred, are presently occurring,
on  or  at any other real property as a result of the activities,
conduct, action or inaction of any Borrower, or

          (d)    of  any  notice,  summons,  citation  or   other
communication  sent  to any Borrower from any  state  or  federal
agency  concerning  any  intentional or unintentional  action  or
conduct, inaction or omission, past or present which is or may be
in  violation of any state or federal environmental law, rule  or

As  used  herein,  the  term  "Hazardous  Substances"  means  any
substances  defined or designated as hazardous  or  toxic  waste,
hazardous  or  toxic  material, hazardous or toxic  substance  or
similar term, by any environmental statute, rule or regulation of
any  governmental  entity presently in effect and  applicable  to
such real property.

     5.17  Regulation  O:   No  director,  executive  officer  or
principal  shareholder of any Borrower is a  director,  executive
officer  or  principal shareholder of Lender.  For  the  purposes
hereof the terms "director" (when used with reference to Lender),
"executive   officer"  and  "principal  shareholder"   have   the
respective  meanings assigned thereto in Regulation O  issued  by
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

     5.18  Capital Stock:  The authorized and outstanding capital
stock  of  each  Borrower  is as set  forth  on  Schedule  "5.18"
attached  hereto and made part hereof.  All of the capital  stock
of  each Borrower has been duly and validly authorized and issued
and  is  fully  paid  and non-assessable and has  been  sold  and
delivered  to  the holders thereof in compliance with,  or  under
valid  exemption from, all federal and state laws and  the  rules
and  regulations of all regulatory bodies thereof  governing  the
sale  and delivery of securities.  Except as provided in Schedule
"5.18",  there  are no subscriptions, warrants,  options,  calls,
commitments, rights or agreements by which any Borrower is  bound
relating  to  the  issuance, transfer, voting  or  redemption  of
shares  of  any of their capital stock or any pre-emptive  rights
held by any Person with respect to the pre-emptive rights held by
any  party  with respect to the shares of capital  stock  of  any
Borrower.  Except as provided in Schedule "5.18", no Borrower has
issued any securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares
of  its capital stock or any options, warrants or other rights to
acquire   such   shares   or  securities  convertible   into   or
exchangeable for such shares.

     5.19  Solvency:  Each Borrower is able to pay its  debts  as
they  become due, has sufficient capital to carry on its business
operations,  and presently owns property having  a  fair  salable
value  which is greater than the amount required to  pay  all  of
such Borrower's debts as they become due.

     5.20  Monthly  MRR:   Each Operating Contract  entered  into
before,  from  and  after  the date hereof,  will  be  valid  and
enforceable in accordance with its terms and will arise from  the
performance in the ordinary course of business of services  by  a
Borrower.   Additionally,  all  Operating  Contracts  between   a
Borrower  and  its  customers are and shall be  set  forth  in  a
written  contract, which contract shall be in a  form  consistent
with  standard  industry  practice and such  Borrower's  standard

     5.21  Qualified Accounts:  Except as set forth  in  Schedule
"5.21", all Accounts are Qualified Accounts.


     Each Borrower covenants that until all of the Obligations to
Lender  are  paid and satisfied in full and the Revolving  Credit
has been terminated:

     6.1   Payment of Taxes and Claims:  Each Borrower shall pay,
before they become delinquent,

          (a)  all taxes, assessments and governmental charges or
levies  imposed upon Borrowers or upon the Collateral, including,
without limitation, excise taxes, and

          (b)   all  claims or demands of materialmen, mechanics,
carriers, warehousemen, landlords and other like Persons entitled
to  the  benefit  of  statutory or common law  Liens,  which,  if
unpaid,  might  result  in the imposition  of  a  Lien  upon  its
provided, however, that no Borrower shall be required to pay  any
such  tax,  assessment,  charge, levy or  claim  if  the  amount,
applicability or validity thereof shall at the time be  contested
diligently  and  in good faith and by appropriate proceedings  by
such  Borrower, and if such Borrower shall have set aside on  its
books  adequate  reserves in respect thereof, if so  required  in
accordance  with GAAP; which deferment of payment is  permissible
so  long  as such Borrower's title to, and its right to use,  the
Collateral  are  not  materially adversely affected  thereby  and
Lender's  Lien and priority on the Collateral are not  materially
and adversely affected, altered or impaired thereby.

     6.2  Maintenance  of  Properties, Collateral  and  Corporate

          (a)   Property  -  Each  Borrower  shall  maintain  its
Property  in  good condition and make all renewals, replacements,
additions,   betterments  and  improvements  thereto   reasonably
required in the ordinary course of such Borrower's business,  and
will  pay  and  discharge  when  due  the  cost  of  repairs  and
maintenance to its Property.

          (b)   Property Insurance - Each Borrower shall maintain
insurance  on  all  insurable tangible Collateral  against  fire,
flood,  casualty and such other hazards as may be  acceptable  to
Lender  in  such  amounts, with such deductibles  and  with  such
insurers  as  may be acceptable to Lender.  The policies  of  all
such  casualty  insurance shall contain  standard  Lender's  Loss
Payable clauses issued in favor of Lender under which all  losses
thereunder  shall  be  paid to Lender as  Lender's  interest  may
appear.  Such policies shall expressly provide that the requisite
insurance cannot be altered or canceled without thirty (30)  days
prior  written  notice to Lender and shall insure Lender  notwith
standing  the  act or neglect of the insured.   At  or  prior  to
Closing,  Borrowers shall furnish Lender with duplicate  original
policies  of  insurance or such other evidence  of  insurance  as
Lender  may  require.  In the event Borrowers fail to procure  or
cause to be procured any such insurance or to timely pay or cause
to be paid the premium(s) on any such insurance, Lender may do so
for  Borrowers but Borrowers shall continue to be liable for  the
same.   Each  Borrower hereby appoints Lender as its attorney-in-
fact,  exercisable at Lender's option, to endorse any check which
may  be payable to such Borrower in order to collect the proceeds
of  such  insurance.  Any and all amount or amounts  received  or
collected  by Lender pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph
may  be  applied by Lender to any Obligations (in which case  the
Maximum  Credit Amount shall be reduced by the amount so applied)
or to repair, reconstruct or replace the loss of or damage to Col
lateral  as  Lender in its sole judgment may from  time  to  time

          (c)    Public   Liability  and  Business   Interruption
Insurance  -  Each Borrower shall maintain, and shall deliver  to
Lender  upon  Lender's  request  evidence  of,  public  liability
insurance  in such amounts as is customary for companies  in  the
same  or  similar businesses located in the same or similar  area
including, without limitation, business interruption insurance.

          (d)   Financial  Records  - Each  Borrower  shall  keep
current and accurate books of records and accounts in which  full
and  correct  entries will be made of all of its  business  trans
actions,  and  will reflect in its financial statements  adequate
accruals  and appropriations to reserves, all in accordance  with

          (e)   Corporate  Existence and Rights -  Each  Borrower
shall  do  (or cause to be done) all things necessary to preserve
and  keep  in full force and effect its existence, good standing,
rights and franchises.

          (f)   Compliance with Law - Each Borrower shall  comply
with all laws, ordinances, governmental rules and regulations  to
which  it is subject, and shall obtain and maintain any licenses,
permits,   franchises   or  other  governmental   authorizations,
necessary  to the ownership of its Property or to the conduct  of
its business.

          (g)   Collection  of  Accounts -  Each  Borrower  shall
continue  to collect its Accounts in the ordinary course  of  its

     6.3   Places of Business:  Borrowers shall give thirty  (30)
days prior written notice to Lender of any change in the location
of  any  place  of business of any Borrower, of the places  where
records concerning its Accounts are kept, of the places where the
Collateral  is kept, or of the establishment of any new,  or  the
discontinuance of any existing places of business.

     6.4   Business Conducted:  Each Borrower shall  continue  in
the  business presently operated by it using its best efforts  to
maintain  its customers and goodwill.  Based upon representations
made  by  Borrower  to Lender to induce Lender to  establish  the
Revolving Credit for Borrower, no Borrower shall engage, directly
or  indirectly,  in any line of business substantially  different
from  the  business  conducted by it  immediately  prior  to  the
Closing  Date,  or engage in business or lines of business  which
are not reasonably related thereto.

     6.5  Litigation:  Borrowers shall give prompt written notice
to  Lender of any litigation pending, threatened or affecting any
Borrower which involves in any such case more than (i) $25,000 or
(ii) Recurring Monthly Revenue of $5,000 or more.

     6.6   Certain  Taxes:  Borrowers shall pay all taxes  (other
than  taxes based upon or measured by Lender's income or revenues
or  any  personal property tax), if any, in connection  with  the
issuance of the Revolving Credit Note, and the recording  of  any
Lien  documents.  The obligations of Borrowers under this Section
6.6  shall  survive the payment of the Obligations and the  termi
nation of this Agreement.

     6.7   Bank  Accounts:  As additional consideration  for  the
Loans and in order to more fully secure Borrowers' Obligations to
Lender,  each  Borrower  shall  maintain  all  of  its  principal
depository  and  disbursement account(s) with Lender  except  for
Borrowers' payroll account(s).

     6.8   Employee Benefit Plans:  Each Borrower will  (a)  fund
all  its Employee Benefit Plans in a manner that will satisfy the
minimum  funding  standards of Section  302  of  ERISA,  or  will
promptly  satisfy any accumulated funding deficiency that  arises
under  Section  302 of ERISA, (b) furnish Lender, promptly  after
the  filing  of  the same, with copies of all  reports  or  other
statements filed with the United States Department of Labor,  the
Pension  Benefit  Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC") or  the  Internal
Revenue  Service  ("IRS") with respect to  all  Employee  Benefit
Plans, or which any Borrower or any member of a Controlled Group,
may  receive from the United States Department of Labor, the  IRS
or the PBGC, with respect to all such Employee Benefit Plans, and
(c)  promptly  advise Lender of the occurrence of any  Reportable
Event (as defined in Section 4043 of ERISA other than the type of
event with respect to which the PBGC has waived the 30-day notice
requirement  of Section 4043 of ERISA) or Prohibited  Transaction
(as  defined by ERISA) with respect to any such Employee  Benefit
Plan(s) and the action which such Borrower proposes to take  with
respect thereto.  Each Borrower will make all contributions  when
due  with respect to any multi-employer pension plan in which  it
participates and will promptly advise Lender (i) upon its receipt
of  notice of the assertion against such Borrower of a claim  for
withdrawal  liability,  (ii) upon the  occurrence  of  any  event
which,  to  the best of such Borrower's knowledge, would  trigger
the  assertion of a claim for withdrawal liability  against  such
Borrower,  and (iii) upon the occurrence of any event  which,  to
the  best of such Borrower's knowledge, would place such Borrower
in  a  Controlled  Group (other than those Controlled  Groups  in
which  any  Borrower  is a member as of the Closing  Date)  as  a
result of which any member (including any other Borrower) thereof
is  reasonably  likely  to be subject to a claim  for  withdrawal
liability, whether liquidated or contingent.

     6.9   Submission  of Collateral Documents:  Borrowers  shall
promptly notify Lender if an Account becomes evidenced or secured
by  an  instrument  or  chattel paper.  Borrowers  will  promptly
deliver  to Lender any instrument evidencing an Account  and  all
chattel   paper  including,  but  not  limited  to,  all   Rental
Agreements (and all amendments and extensions thereof).

     6.10 Other Governmental Contracts:  Following the occurrence
of an Event of Default and if requested by Lender, Borrowers will
execute  any documents or agreements and take any steps  required
by  Lender  so  that all monies due and to become due  under  any
contract(s) with the United States or any department,  agency  or
instrumentality thereof are assigned to Lender and notice thereof
given to and acknowledged by the appropriate government agency or
authority under the Federal Assignment of Claims Act.

     6.11  Financial  Covenants:  Borrowers  shall  maintain  and
comply with the following financial covenants, all of which shall
be calculated on a consolidated basis:

          (a)  Ratio of Cash Flow to Interest Expense:  Borrowers
shall  have and maintain ratios of Cash Flow to Interest  Expense
(excluding non-cash original issue discount interest expense)  of
not  less  than the following ratios as of the last day  of  each
Fiscal  Quarter  for each of the following Fiscal  Quarters  then

          Fiscal Quarter Ending              Minimum Ratio

          December 31, 1997                  1.25 to 1.0
          March 31, 1998                     1.25 to 1.0
          June 30, 1998 and thereafter       1.50 to 1.0
          (b)   Senior Funded Debt to Monthly Recurring  Revenue:
Borrowers shall have and maintain ratios of Senior Funded Debt to
Monthly Recurring Revenue of not more than 20.0 to 1.00 as of the
last  day  of  each  Fiscal Quarter for the Fiscal  Quarter  then

          (c)    Ratio  of  Senior  Funded  Debt  to  Cash  Flow:
Borrowers shall have and maintain ratios of Senior Funded Debt to
Cash  Flow of not more than the following ratios as of  the  last
day of each Fiscal Quarter for the following Fiscal Quarters then

          Fiscal Quarter Ending              Maximum Ratio

          December 31, 1997                  7.28 to 1.0
          March 31, 1998                     7.28 to 1.0
          June 30, 1998                      5.25 to 1.0
          September 30, 1998 and thereafter  5.00 to 1.0
          (d)   Net  Income  (Loss):  Borrowers  shall  have  Net
Income (Loss) of not worse than the following amounts during each
of the following Fiscal Quarters:

          Fiscal Quarter Ending         Net Income (Loss)

          December 31, 1997                   (1,230,000)
          March 31, 1998                      (1,230,000)
          June 30, 1998                       (1,230,000)
          September 30, 1998 and thereafter   (1,050,000)
     6.12  Financial  and Business Information:  Borrowers  shall
deliver to Lender the following:

          (a)    Financial  Statements  and  Collateral  Reports:
(i)  detailed  monthly accounts receivable and accounts  payables
aging  reports  within thirty (30) days after  the  end  of  each
calendar month; (ii) internally prepared monthly Financial  State
ments  for  Borrowers, accompanied by a Controller's Certificate,
within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month  and
together with those monthly Financial Statements delivered as  of
the end of each Fiscal Quarter, Borrowers shall deliver Financial
Statements  reflecting Borrowers' results for the Fiscal  Quarter
then ending; (iii) annual projections (budget) of profit and loss
statements, balance sheets and cash flow reports (prepared  on  a
monthly basis) for the current Fiscal Year within forty-five (45)
days  after  the start of each of Borrowers' Fiscal  Years;  (iv)
annual  audited  Financial  Statements  for  each  Fiscal   Year,
accompanied  by (1) the unqualified opinion (without  explanatory
paragraphs)   of   Borrowers'   independent   certified    public
accountants (which shall be a Big Four firm for all Fiscal Years)
selected  by  Borrowers  and  acceptable  to  Lender  and  (2)  a
Controller's Certificate, within ninety (90) days after  the  end
of  each  of  Borrower's Fiscal Years; (v) an  annual  management
letter  and covenant compliance certificate prepared and executed
by  Borrower's  independent certified public accountants,  within
ninety  (90)  days  after the end of each  of  Borrower's  Fiscal
Years;  (vi) within thirty (30) days after the end of each month,
Borrowers shall submit to Lender (a) an aging of its MRR accounts
receivable  and an MRR reconciliation report, and  within  thirty
(30)  days after the end of each Fiscal Quarter, a detailed aging
of   its  MRR;  (vii)  copies  of  all  reports  sent  to  RUSA's
shareholders   and   copies  of  all  reports  and   registration
statements  filed  under the Securities and Exchange  Commission;
and (viii) such other data, reports, certificates and information
concerning Borrowers' financial or operating condition or  status
as  Lender  may  request  from time to  time.   Annual  Financial
Statements  shall set forth in comparative form figures  for  the
corresponding periods in the prior Fiscal Year.

          (b)   Notice  of  Event  of  Default  -  Promptly  upon
becoming  aware of the existence of any condition or event  which
constitutes a Potential Default or an Event of Default under this
Agreement,  a written notice to Lender specifying the nature  and
period of existence thereof and what actions Borrowers are taking
(and propose to take) with respect thereto;

          (c)    Accuracy   of  Projections  -  Each   projection
delivered to Lender pursuant to paragraph 6.12(a)(iii) above will
be  prepared  in  good  faith and shall reflect  each  Borrower's
reasonable estimate based upon facts and conditions then known to
such  Borrower.   No  fact known to any Borrower  which  will  be
reasonably  likely to cause any such projections to be inaccurate
or misleading will be withheld from Lender.

     6.13 Officers' Certificates:  Within thirty (30) days of the
end  of  each  calendar quarter, each Borrower shall  deliver  to
Lender   a  certificate  from  such  Borrower's  chief  financial
officer, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Lender,
setting forth:

          (a)   Covenant Compliance - the information  (including
detailed calculations, including without limitation, calculations
showing  Senior  Funded  Debt) required  in  order  to  establish
whether  such Borrower is in compliance with the requirements  of
Sections 6 and 7 as of the end of the period covered by the Finan
cial Statements then being furnished and any exhibits appended to
such Financial Statements under Section 6.12; and

          (b)   Event of Default - That the signers have reviewed
the relevant terms of this Agreement, and have made (or caused to
be made under their supervision) a review of the transactions and
conditions  of such Borrower from the beginning of the accounting
period covered by the Financial Statements being delivered  there
with to the date of the certificate, and that such review has not
disclosed  the existence during such period of any  condition  or
event which constitutes an Event of Default or which is then,  or
with  the  passage of time or giving of notice,  or  both,  would
become  an  Event of Default hereunder, and if any such condition
or event existed during such period or now exists, specifying the
nature  and  period  of existence thereof and  what  action  such
Borrower(s) have taken or proposes to take with respect thereto.

     6.14  Inspection and Verification:  So long as the Revolving
Credit has not been terminated and the Obligations paid in  full,
each  Borrower  will permit any of Lender's officers,  agents  or
other   representatives  to  visit  and  inspect,  at  any   time
(provided, however, that Lender shall, prior to the occurrence of
an  Event  of  Default,  provide Borrower with  prior  reasonable
notice of such visits or inspections), any of the Collateral,  to
examine all of such Borrower's books of account, records, reports
and  other papers, to make copies and extracts therefrom  and  to
discuss  its  affairs, finances and accounts with  its  officers,
employees  and  independent public accountants.   All  reasonable
costs  relating to any such visits and inspections shall be  paid
by Borrowers.

     6.15  Tax  Returns  and Reports:  Borrowers  shall  promptly
furnish Lender with copies of the annual federal and state income
tax  returns  of  Borrowers.  Borrowers  further  agree  that  if
requested  by  Lender, they shall promptly  furnish  Lender  with
copies  of all reports filed by each  Borrower with any  federal,
state  or  local  governmental  authority  or  agency,  board  or

     6.16 Information to Participant:  Lender may divulge to  any
participant  or  prospective participant it  may  obtain  in  the
Revolving Credit or any portion thereof, all information  in  its
possession  concerning  Borrowers, their Property  and  financial
condition,  and  furnish to such participant copies  of  reports,
financial  statements, projections, certificates,  and  documents
obtained  under  any  provision of  this  Agreement,  or  related
agreements  and  documents,  as  well  as  copies  of  the   Loan
     6.17  Material Adverse Developments:  Borrowers  agree  that
promptly  upon  becoming  aware  of  any  development  or   other
information  outside  the ordinary course of business  (excluding
matters  of  a  general economic, financial or political  nature)
which  would  have  a  Material Adverse Effect,  or  of  Lender's
failure to perform any of its obligations to Borrowers under this
Agreement it shall give to Lender telephonic or facsimile  notice
specifying the nature of such development or information and such
anticipated effect.  In addition, such verbal communication shall
be  confirmed by written notice thereof to Lender on the same day
such verbal communication is made.
     6.18  Lockbox  Agreements:   Each  Borrower  shall  maintain
arrangements under which all of such Borrower's Accounts are paid
into a lockbox operated by Lender with collections transferred to
Borrowers'  deposit  account with Lender subject  to  such  check
clearance   procedures  as  Lender  may  establish.  During   the
continuance of an Event of Default, all lockbox collections  may,
at  Lender's  discretion, be applied by Lender to the Obligations
as Lender may determine in accordance with applicable law.

     6.19  Executive  Management:  At all times  (i)  Richard  M.
Brooks  ("Brooks")  shall be the Chairman,  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of RUSA, (ii) Ronald A. Feldman   ("Feldman")
shall  be  the  Vice President of RUSA, and (iii)  following  the
consummation  of  the  Acquisition,  Robert  May  shall  be   the
Executive Vice President of RUSA.

     6.20   Interest Rate Cap Agreement:  Borrowers shall,  until
the second anniversary of the Closing, have in effect an interest
rate  cap  agreement  with any financial  institution  reasonably
acceptable  to Lender under which Borrowers eliminate their  risk
with respect to $9,000,000 of the Revolving Credit from increases
in  the  Prime  Rate above ten and one-half percent  (10.5%)  per
annum.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Borrowers  shall  have
thirty  (30) days following the date of this Agreement to  obtain
such  interest rate cap protection with respect to the additional
$1,500,000 of protection being required hereby.

     6.21   Notice of Certain Events:  Give prompt written notice
to Lender of:

          (a)   any  claim  that,  if  decided  adversely  to   a
Borrower, is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect,
or  which is the subject of a proceeding between any Borrower and
any governmental regulatory body or law enforcement agency;

          (b)   any  labor  controversy resulting  or  likely  to
result in a strike or work stoppage against any Borrower;

          (c)   any  proposal made in writing to any Borrower  or
any  public  action taken by any public authority to acquire  the
assets  or  business  of  any Borrower by eminent  domain  and/or

          (d)   the  location of any Collateral other than  at  a
Borrower's  place of business disclosed in this  Agreement  other
than Collateral in transit in the ordinary course of a Borrower's

          (e)  any actual change in (i) the name of any Borrower;
or (ii) corporate structure of any Borrower;

          (f)   any circumstance or event which becomes known  to
any  Borrower by virtue of which or in connection with which  any
Borrower  may  have  or  may  incur  any  liability,  expense  or
responsibility under any environmental law or regulation which is
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect;

          (g)    any  information  of  which  any  Borrower   has
knowledge  received by any Borrower with respect to  Accounts  or
Recurring Monthly Revenue that is reasonably likely to materially
and  adversely affect the aggregate value thereof or  the  rights
and remedies of Lender with respect thereto; and

          (h)  any Account ceasing to be a Qualified Account.

     6.22  Board Nominee: At each election of members  of  RUSA's
Board of Directors, a person recommended by Lender and reasonably
acceptable  to  RUSA  shall be nominated for election  to  RUSA's
Board of Directors.

     6.23 Board Observation: Lender shall be entitled to send  up
to two representatives to attend each meeting of (i) RUSA's Board
of  Directors, (ii) RUSA's Executive Committee and  (iii)  RUSA's
shareholders.   RUSA shall send written notice to Lender  of  all
such  meetings  in the same form and at the same  time  it  sends
notice of such meetings to all other persons.

     6.24  Additional Equity: RUSA shall not issue any shares  of
capital stock other than (i) non-cumulative perpetual convertible
preferred  stock, (ii) common stock or (iii) cumulative perpetual
convertible preferred stock provided the payment of dividends  is
limited  to  payment  by delivery of either shares  of  preferred
stock  permitted hereby or common stock.  RUSA shall at all times
maintain  the  ownership of one hundred  percent  (100%)  of  the
issued and outstanding capital stock of each other Borrower.

     6.25 Monitoring Agreements:  Within ten (10) days after  the
end  of  each  month, Borrowers will deliver to  Lender  (i)  all
Monitoring  Agreements  entered into  by  Borrowers  during  such
month,  and  (ii)  all  extensions  and  amendments  of  existing
Monitoring  Agreements  executed during such  month.   Monitoring
Agreements will conform to the warranties and representations set
forth   in   this  Agreement  and  to  the  following  additional
warranties and representations:

               (i)   A  Borrower's  right to receive  payment  is
absolute and not contingent upon the fulfillment of any condition
whatsoever,  except  for (1) its continuing to  provide  services
under such contracts and (2) with respect to contracts arising in
the  ordinary course of its Monitoring Business pursuant to which
customers  prepay  for services, such Borrower will  render  such
services in the future;

                (ii)    such   Agreements  do  not   arise   from
transactions with an affiliate, parent, division or subsidiary of
RUSA  or  to  a person controlled by an affiliate, subsidiary  or
parent of RUSA;

              (iii)   such  Agreements  do  not  arise  from  the
exchange or barter of any goods or services;

               (iv)  such Agreements are not the obligation of  a
customer located in a foreign country;

               (v)   such Agreements do not contain a prohibition
against assigning or granting a security interest therein;

                (vi)   such  Agreements  do  not  arise  from   a
transaction  with a customer which is a creditor or an  inventory
or trade supplier of any Borrower;

              (vii)   to  the  best knowledge of  Borrowers,  the
customers  thereunder have not (1) made a general assignment  for
the  benefit of creditors or (2) filed or have had filed  against
it any petition under any bankruptcy law or other law or laws for
the relief of debtors, or (3) suspended business; and

             (viii)  the customers thereunder have not denied  or
contested   their  obligations  to  make  payment  or   commenced
litigation against any Borrower.

     Each  Borrower  covenants that until all of the  Obligations
are  paid and satisfied in full and the Revolving Credit has been
terminated, that:

     7.1  Sales,    Merger,    Consolidation,   Dissolution    or

          (a)   No  Borrower shall sell, lease, license, transfer
or  otherwise  dispose  of any of its Property,  other  than  (1)
inventory sold in the ordinary course of Borrower's business; and
(2)  obsolete equipment sold or discarded in the ordinary  course
of   such  Borrower's  business  the  absence  of  which  (or   a
replacement  item of similar value, quality or usefulness)  would
not be reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect.

          (b)   No  Borrower shall merge or consolidate with  any
other  Person,  or  commence a dissolution or liquidation,  other
than a merger of one or more Borrowers.

          (c)   No  Borrower shall permit its name to be  changed
without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Lender.

     7.2   Acquisitions:  Without Lender's express prior  written
consent,  no Borrower shall acquire all or a material portion  of
the  stock, securities or assets of any Person in any transaction
or  in  any  series  of related transactions  (an  "Acquisition")
unless (i) such Acquisition is of an existing Monitoring Business
and  (ii)  the purchase price payable by such Borrower  for  such
Acquisition  exceeds neither $1,000,000 nor  31.5  times  Monthly
Recurring Revenue of the Monitoring Business being acquired.   No
Borrower shall enter into any sale and leaseback transaction.

     7.3   Liens  and Encumbrances:  No Borrower shall  cause  or
permit or agree or consent to cause or permit in the future (upon
the  happening  of  a  contingency or  otherwise),  its  Property
(including,  without  limitation, the  Collateral),  whether  now
owned  or hereafter acquired, to be subject to a Lien except  for
the following ("Permitted Liens"):

          (a)   Liens securing taxes, assessments or governmental
charges  or  levies  or  the claims or  demands  of  materialmen,
mechanics,  carriers,  warehousemen, landlords,  and  other  like
persons, provided the payment thereof is not at the time required
by Section 6.1;

          (b)   Liens  incurred or deposits made in the  ordinary
course  of  business  in  connection with workers'  compensation,
unemployment insurance, social security and other like  laws  and
in connection with leases or trade contracts;

          (c)   Existing and other Liens described in Section 5.4
and  set forth on Exhibit "5.4" hereto which are not required  to
be terminated on the date hereof; and

          (d)   Purchase  Money  Liens  securing  purchase  money
indebtedness not exceeding, in the aggregate as to all Borrowers,
$100,000.00   in   any  rolling  twelve  month   period   (on   a
non-cumulative  basis) which amount shall include  the  principal
amount of all Capital Leases.

     7.4  Transactions With Affiliates or Subsidiaries:

          (a)   No  Borrower  shall enter  into  any  transaction
involving  the  purchase,  sale,  contribution  or  exchange   of
Property,  or  the  loaning or giving of funds  to  or  with  any
Subsidiary,  any  Affiliate, other than sales or acquisitions  of
inventory  and payments therefor in the ordinary course  of  such
Borrower's business;

          (b)  No Borrower shall create or acquire any Subsidiary
without Lender's express prior written consent.

     7.5    Indebtedness  or  Guarantees:   Excepting   (i)   the
endorsement  in  the  ordinary course of business  of  negotiable
instruments  for  deposit or collection,  (ii)  the  Obligations,
(iii)  Indebtedness  under Purchase Money Liens  permitted  under
Section   7.3(d),  (iv)  Subordinated  Indebtedness,  (v)   trade
payables  and other accrued liabilities incurred in the  ordinary
course  of  business,(vi) Indebtedness listed on  Schedule  "7.5"
hereto  and  (vii)  $200,000  of  Capitalized  Lease  Obligations
related  to  the  Bethesda  Memorial Hospital  PERS  program,  no
Borrower  shall  at  any time be liable for any  Indebtedness  or
subject  to  any  liability,  direct  or  indirect,  primary   or
secondary,  matured  or  contingent, in any  manner,  whether  as
borrower,  obligor,  principal, guarantor, surety,  accommodation
maker,  or otherwise, for existing or future indebtedness of  any
kind, its own or of any other Person.

     7.6  Distributions, Redemptions and Other Indebtedness:

          No  Borrower  shall:  (1) declare or pay  or  make  any
forms  of  Distribution  to  its shareholders  other  than  stock
dividends on the Preferred Stock and the redemption of  the  1996
Series  A  Preferred  Stock;  (2) make  any  prepayments  on  any
existing  or  future indebtedness for borrowed  money  (including
capital  leases)  to  any Person; (3) make any  payments  on  any
existing  or  future indebtedness for borrowed  money  (including
Capital Leases) to any Person after the occurrence of an Event of
Default hereunder; or (4) hereafter borrow money or obtain credit
from  or  incur  indebtedness to any Person  other  than  Lender,
except  (i)  trade credit in the ordinary course of business  for
the  purchase of inventory to be sold in the ordinary  course  of
Borrower's   business,  (ii)  purchase  money   indebtedness   as
permitted  under  Section  7.3(d) and  (iii)  other  indebtedness
specifically permitted to be incurred thereafter under the  terms
of this Agreement.

     7.7   Loans and Investments:  No Borrower shall make or have
outstanding  loans,  advances, or extensions  of  credit  to,  or
capital  contributions or investments in, any Person,  including,
without limitation, any officers, employees and directors of  any
Borrower,  except  for  (i) loans to or  investments  in  another
Borrower and (ii) loans not exceeding $2,500.

     7.8   Use  of Lender's Name:  No Borrower shall use Lender's
name  (or  the name of any of Lender's affiliates) in  connection
with  any  of  its business operations except in  press  releases
approved  in  writing  in  advance  by  Lender.   Borrowers   may
nevertheless disclose to third parties that they have  a  deposit
and borrowing relationship with Lender.  Nothing herein contained
is  intended  to  permit or authorize any Borrower  to  make  any
contract or commitment on behalf of Lender.

     7.9   Change in Capital Stock:  There shall occur no  change
in the ownership of the stock of Borrowers (other than RUSA).

     7.10  Method  of  Business:  No Borrower  shall  change  the
nature or methods of operation of its Business Operations in  any
material respect.
     7.11  Officer/Shareholder  Compensation:   The  salary   and
bonuses  of  Brooks,  Feldman and May may  not  exceed  $275,000,
$200,000,  and $225,000, respectively, in any Fiscal  Year.   The
Borrowers  may  pay additional bonuses to Brooks and  Feldman  in
1998 in an aggregate amount not to exceed $112,500.

     7.12  Capital Expenditures:  Borrowers shall not expend,  on
an aggregate basis, for Capital Expenditures (calculated on a non-
cumulative basis) more than $250,000 in any rolling twelve  month
period   exclusive  of  expenditures  in  connection   with   the
Capitalized Lease Obligations described in clause 7.5(vii) above.
In  addition,  after  consummation of the Acquisition,  Borrowers
shall  be  permitted to expend, on an aggregate basis, up  to  an
additional  $250,000  in  any rolling  twelve  month  period  for
Capital  Expenditures in connection with the business  operations
acquired in the Acquisition.

     7.13 MRR Sales:  No Borrower shall sell or otherwise dispose
of  Operating  Contracts without Lender's prior written  consent,
except  that  without  such  consent Borrowers  may,  during  any
rolling twelve month period, sell or otherwise dispose of in  the
aggregate up to two percent of their Operating Contracts.

     7.14  Purchases  of  MRR:   No Borrower  shall  purchase  or
otherwise  acquire any Operating Contract without Lender's  prior
written  consent  except as expressly permitted  in  Section  7.2

     7.15  Prohibited  Transactions:  No Borrower  shall  without
Lender's  prior  written approval, (A) subcontract  any  services
(other  than arm's length subcontracting with unaffiliated  third
parties for response, installation and service calls in a  manner
acceptable  to Lender) or otherwise not maintain full possession,
dominion   and  control  over  all  of  its  MRR,   (B)   provide
subcontracting or so called "wholesale" services to  other  alarm
businesses  other than in arm's length transactions for  which  a
Borrower  can reasonably expect to earn a reasonable  profit;  or
(C)  provide personnel and/or assets to any Affiliate for use  in
the  management or operation of its business on other than  fair,
reasonable and arm's length cash compensation, payable  not  less
often  than  monthly.   Except as set forth in  Schedule  "7.15",
under  no  circumstances  may  a Borrower  subcontract  to  third
parties the monitoring of any of such Borrower's MRR except  upon
the  occurrence  of  any  event  which  renders  such  Borrower's
monitoring facility inoperative, and then only for the period  of
time during which such Borrower is required to repair or relocate
such monitoring facility.

     7.16  Consulting  Agreements:   Other  than  the  consulting
agreements set forth in Schedule "5.11(e)", Borrowers  shall  not
enter   into  any  consulting  or  similar  agreements  requiring
payments  by  Borrowers  thereunder  exceeding  $50,000  in   the
aggregate in any Fiscal Year.

     7.17  Delinquencies:  Borrowers shall not  allow  Delinquent
Recurring Monthly Revenue to be more than six percent (6%) of MRR
at  any  time.   As  used  herein "Delinquent  Recurring  Monthly
Revenue"  means  MRR  under contracts  with  customers  that  are
overdue   in  payment  as  follows:   residential  and   personal
accounts,  more  than  ninety  (90)  days  past  due;  commercial
accounts, more than one hundred twenty (120) days past  due;  and
municipal,  hospital and school system accounts,  more  than  one
hundred fifty (150) days past due.

     7.18  Additional  MRR  Test:  Notwithstanding  Section  7.17
immediately above, Borrowers shall maintain at all times not less
than  $1,000,000 of MRR which is not Delinquent Recurring Monthly

     7.19 Modification of Financial Covenants:  If Borrowers make
any  sales  or acquisitions of MRR permitted hereunder, Borrowers
and  Lender  agree  to negotiate in good faith to  establish  new
Financial Covenants to appropriately reflect the effect  of  such
permitted  sales  and/or acquisitions of MRR.  If  Borrowers  and
Lender cannot so agree, then the Financial Covenants shall remain
as set forth herein.

     7.20 Miscellaneous Covenants:

          (a)   No  Borrower shall become or be a  party  to  any
contract  or  agreement  which would breach  this  Agreement,  or
breach,  in any material respect, any other instrument, agreement
or document to which any Borrower is a party or by which it is or
may be bound.

          (b)   No  Borrower shall carry or purchase any  "margin
security" within the meaning of Regulations U, G, T or X  of  the
Board  of  Governors  of the Federal Reserve System,  12  C.F.R.,
Chapter II.

          (c)   Borrowers will not amend, terminate or modify any
Monitoring    Agreement,    Rental    Agreement    or    Extended
Warranty/Service  Agreement except  in  the  ordinary  course  of
business consistent with past practices.

                      SECTION 8.  DEFAULT

     8.1   Events  of  Default:   Each of  the  following  events
(subject to the passage of any applicable notice, grace  or  cure
period  set  forth herein) shall constitute an event  of  default
("Event  of Default") and Lender shall thereupon have the  option
to  declare,  as  to  each Borrower, all  Obligations  to  Lender
immediately   due   and  payable  all  without  demand,   notice,
presentment  or protest or further action of any  kind  (it  also
being  understood  that the occurrence of any of  the  Events  of
Default set forth in subparagraphs (j), (k) or (l) shall automati
cally cause an acceleration of the Obligations):

          (a)   Payments - if any Borrower fails to make any  pay
ment  of  principal or interest hereunder when  such  payment  is
otherwise due and payable; or

          (b)   Other Charges - if any Borrower fails to pay  any
other charges, fees or other monetary obligations owing to Lender
arising  out of or incurred in connection with this Agreement  or
the other Loan Documents when such payment is due and payable; or

          (c)   Particular  Covenant Defaults - if  any  Borrower
fails   to   perform  or  observe  any  covenant,  condition   or
undertaking contained in this Agreement, provided, however,  that
Borrowers shall have a ten (10) day cure period (without  notice)
with  respect to the first three (3) covenant defaults  of  those
covenants  set forth in Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6,  6.9,  6.10,
6.13, 6.15 and 6.21 hereof (such defaults may regard the same  or
different covenants set forth in such Sections), whether  or  not
such covenant defaults are declared by Lender; or

          (d)   Information - if any statement, report, financial
statement,  or certificate made or delivered by any  Borrower  or
any  of its officers, employees or agents, to Lender is not  true
and  correct, in all material respects, when made or deemed made;

          (e)    Uninsured  Loss  -  if  there  shall  occur  any
uninsured   or  underinsured  damage  to  or  loss,   theft,   or
destruction of the Collateral in an amount in excess of $100,000;

          (f)   Warranties or Representations - if any  warranty,
representation or other statement by or on behalf of any Borrower
contained in this Agreement, or in any other Loan Document, or in
reference  to this Agreement, or in any other existing or  future
agreement  between any Borrower and Lender, is false,  erroneous,
or  misleading in any material respect when made or deemed  made;

          (g)   Agreements  with Others - if any  Borrower  shall
default beyond any grace or cure period under any agreement  with
any  creditor  for  borrowed money of such  Borrower,  (including
Capital  Leases), and if as a result of such default, the  holder
of  such  Borrower's  obligations declares  or  is  permitted  to
declare any such obligation of such Borrower to become due  prior
to  its maturity date or prior to its regularly scheduled date of
payment; or

          (h)   Other  Agreements with Lender - if  any  Borrower
breaches  or  violates any material term of, or  if  a  Potential
Default  or an Event of Default, occurs under, any Loan  Document
or  any other existing or future agreement (related or unrelated)
between such Borrower and Lender (subject to any applicable grace
or  cure  period  which  may  be  contained  in  any  such  other
agreement); or

          (i)  Judgments - if any final unappealable judgment for
the  payment  of  money which is not fully covered  by  insurance
shall  be  rendered by any court of record against any  Borrower,
and  such outstanding judgment has not been dismissed, discharged
or satisfied within twenty (20) days after the entry thereof; or

          (j)  Assignment for Benefit of Creditors, etc. - if any
Borrower  makes  an  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors
generally,  offers a composition or extension  to  creditors,  or
makes or sends notice of an intended bulk sale of any business or
assets now or hereafter conducted by such Borrower; or

          (k)    Bankruptcy,  Dissolution,  etc.   -   upon   the
commencement of any action for the dissolution or liquidation  of
any  Borrower  or the commencement of any case or proceeding  for
reorganization or liquidation of any Borrower's debts  under  the
Bankruptcy  Code  or  any  other state or  federal  law,  now  or
hereafter  enacted for the relief of debtors, whether  instituted
by or against such Borrower, which in the case of any involuntary
case  under  the Bankruptcy Code is not dismissed  within  thirty
(30)  days  from  the  commencement  thereof  (Lender  having  no
obligation  to make Advances and being entitled to seek  adequate
protection  or  otherwise protect its rights during  such  thirty
(30) day period); or

          (l)    Receiver   -  upon  the  application   for   the
appointment  of  a  receiver, liquidator, custodian,  trustee  or
similar  official  or  fiduciary for  any  Borrower  or  for  any
Borrower's Property; or

          (m)   Execution  Process, etc. - the  issuance  of  any
execution  or distraint process against any Borrower  or  any  of
Borrower's Property; or

          (n)   Termination of Business - if any Borrower  ceases
any  material  portion  of the Business Operations  as  presently
conducted or alters the Business Operations in a material  manner
from  the  manner in which the Business Operations are  currently
conducted; or
          (o)  Unlawful Activity - if any Borrower commits or  is
indicted  for  committing any criminal activity, or any  Borrower
engages in or is reasonably likely to have engaged in any type of
activity  which,  in  Lender's discretion, might  result  in  the
forfeiture  of  any  material Property of such  Borrower  to  any
governmental entity, federal, state or local; or

          (p)   Tax  Liens  -  if a notice of  a  Lien,  levy  or
assessment is filed of record with respect to any or all  of  any
Borrower's  Property  by  the United States  government,  or  any
department, agency or instrumentality thereof, or by  any  state,
county, municipal or other government agency, or if any taxes  or
debts  owing  at any time hereafter to any one or  more  of  such
entities becomes a Lien, whether choate or otherwise, upon any or
all of any Borrower's Property; or
          (q)   Change of Control - RUSA shall suffer any  Change
in Control.

     8.2  Rights and Remedies:

          (a)   In  addition  to  all other rights,  options  and
remedies granted to Lender under this Agreement, Lender may, upon
or at any time after the occurrence and during the continuance of
an  Event of Default terminate the Revolving Credit, cease making
Advances thereunder, and exercise all other rights granted to  it
hereunder  and all rights under the UCC and any other  applicable
law  or in equity, and under all Loan Documents permitted  to  be
exercised  after the occurrence of an Event of Default, including
the following rights and remedies (which list is given by way  of
example and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all  such
rights and remedies):

               (i)  The right to take possession of, send notices
regarding,  and collect directly the Collateral, with or  without
judicial  process (including, without limitation,  the  right  to
notify  the  United States postal authorities  to  redirect  mail
addressed to any Borrower to an address designated by Lender);

               (ii)   The  right  to, by its own  means  or  with
judicial  assistance, enter any Borrower(s)'  premises  and  take
possession  of the Collateral, or render it unusable, or  dispose
or  dismantle  of  the Collateral on such premises,  without  any
liability for rent, storage, utilities or other sums;

              (iii)  The right to require Borrowers at Borrowers'
expense to assemble all or any part of the Collateral and make it
available to Lender at any place designated by Lender; and

              (iv)    The  right to reduce the Maximum  Revolving
Credit  Amount or to modify the terms and conditions  upon  which
Lender is willing to consider making Advances under the Revolving

          (b)   Borrowers hereby agree that a notice received  by
them  at  least  seven (7) days before the time of  any  intended
public sale or of the time after which any private sale or  other
disposition of the Collateral is to be made, shall be  deemed  to
be  reasonable  notice  of such sale or  other  disposition.   If
permitted   by  applicable  law,  any  perishable  inventory   or
Collateral  or  Pledged  Collateral which threatens  to  speedily
decline in value or which is sold on a recognized market  may  be
sold  immediately  by Lender without prior notice  to  Borrowers.
Borrowers covenant and agree not to interfere with or impose  any
obstacle,  resistance or disruption to Lender's exercise  of  its
rights  and  remedies with respect to the Collateral,  after  the
occurrence   and  during the continuance of an Event  of  Default

          (c)   In  addition  to  all other rights,  options  and
remedies granted to Lender under this Agreement, Lender  may,  at
any   time,  in  its  sole  discretion  with  or  without  cause,
relinquish  or  abandon any Collateral or any  security  interest

     8.3    Continuation   of   Event  of   Default:    Borrowers
acknowledge and agree that if an Event of Default occurs it shall
be  deemed continuing unless Lender expressly agrees, in its sole
discretion,  and without any duty or obligation of  any  kind  to
agree or consider to agree, to waive or accept a cure of any such
Event of Default.

     8.4   Nature  of Remedies:  Lender shall have the  right  to
proceed  against all or any portion of the Collateral and Pledged
Collateral in any order and may apply such Collateral and Pledged
Collateral  to  the  Obligations in any order.   All  rights  and
remedies   granted  Lender  hereunder  and  under  any  agreement
referred  to herein, or otherwise available at law or in  equity,
shall  be  deemed concurrent and cumulative, and not  alternative
remedies,  and Lender may proceed with any number of remedies  at
the  same time until the Obligations are satisfied in full.   The
exercise of any one right or remedy shall not be deemed a  waiver
or  release  of any other right or remedy, and Lender,  upon  the
occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, may
proceed  against Borrowers (or any one or more them), and/or  the
Collateral  and  Pledged  Collateral,  at  any  time,  under  any
agreement, with any available remedy and in any order.

     8.5   Set-Off:   If  any bank account of any  Borrower  with
Lender or with any participant is attached or otherwise liened or
levied upon by any third party, Lender (and any participant) need
not  await  the running of any applicable grace period hereunder,
but  Lender (and such participant as agent for Lender) shall have
and  be  deemed  to have the immediate right of set-off  and  may
apply the funds or amount thus set-off against any Obligations.
     8.6  Confession of Judgment:



                   SECTION 9.  MISCELLANEOUS

     9.1    Governing  Law:   This  Agreement,  and  all  related
agreements  and documents shall be governed by and  construed  in
accordance  with  the laws of the Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania,
without   regard  to  its  otherwise  applicable  principles   of
conflicts  of laws.  The provisions of this Agreement  and  other
agreements  and  documents referred to herein are  to  be  deemed
severable,  and  the  invalidity  or  unenforceability   of   any
provision  shall  not  affect or impair the remaining  provisions
which shall continue in full force and effect.

     9.2   Integrated Agreement:  The Revolving Credit Note, this
Agreement,  and  all other Loan Documents shall be  construed  as
integrated and complementary of each other, and as augmenting and
not  restricting  Lender's rights, remedies  and  security.   If,
after applying the foregoing, an inconsistency still exists,  the
provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  constitute  an  amendment
thereto and shall control.

     9.3  Waivers, Releases and Indemnification:

          (a)   No omission or delay by Lender in exercising  any
right  or  power under this Agreement or any other Loan  Document
will impair such right or power or be construed to be a waiver of
any  default, or Event of Default or an acquiescence therein, and
any  single  or partial exercise of any such right or power  will
not preclude other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of
any  other right, and no waiver of Lender's rights hereunder will
be valid unless in writing and signed by Lender, and then only to
the extent specified.

          (b)   Each  Borrower expressly waives  presentment  for
payment,  demand, notice of dishonor, protest, notice of protest,
diligence  of collection, and any other notice of any  kind,  and
hereby consents to any number of renewals and extensions of  time
of payment hereof, which renewals and extensions shall not affect
the  liability of any party hereto.  Each Borrower further agrees
that  Lender may accept, by way of compromise or settlement, from
any  one  or more of the parties liable hereunder a sum  or  sums
less than the amount of the Obligations, and may give releases to
such  parties without affecting the liability of any other  party
for  the unpaid balance.  Any such renewals or extensions may  be
made  and  any  such partial payments accepted or releases  given
without notice to any such party.

          (c)   Each  Borrower  hereby waives  and  releases  all
errors,  defects and imperfections in any proceedings  instituted
by  Lender  under the terms of this Agreement, or of any  of  the
other Loan Documents, as well as all benefit that might accrue to
Borrower  by  virtue of any present or future laws exempting  the
Property, or any other property, real, personal or mixed, or  any
part of the proceeds arising from any sale of such property, from
attachment,  levy or sale under execution, or providing  for  any
stay of execution, exemption from civil process, or extension  of
time for payment.  Each Borrower agrees that any real estate that
may  be  levied  upon pursuant to a judgment obtained  by  virtue
hereof, or upon any writ of execution issued thereon, may be sold
upon  any  such writ in whole or in part in any order desired  by

          (d)  Each Borrower releases and shall indemnify, defend
and hold harmless Lender, its officers, employees and agents,  of
and   from   any   claims,  demands,  liabilities,   obligations,
judgments,  injuries,  losses, damages  and  costs  and  expenses
(including,  without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'   fees)
resulting  from  (i)  acts  or conduct  of  any  Borrower  under,
pursuant  or  related  to  this  Agreement  and  the  other  Loan
Documents,  (ii)  any  Borrower's  breach  or  violation  of  any
representation,  warranty, covenant or undertaking  contained  in
this  Agreement  or  the  other Loan  Documents,  and  (iii)  any
Borrower's  failure  to comply with any or  all  laws,  statutes,
ordinances, governmental rules, regulations or standards, whether
federal,  state  or local, or court or administrative  orders  or
decrees (including, without limitation, environmental laws, etc.)
and  all  costs,  expenses,  fines, penalties  or  other  damages
resulting  therefrom.   The Obligations of Borrowers  under  this
Section 9.3(d) shall survive the occurrence of any and all events
whatsoever,  including,  without  limitation,  payment   of   the
Obligations or investigations by or knowledge of Lender.

     9.4  Time:

          (a)   Whenever any Borrower shall be required  to  make
any  payment, or perform any act on a Saturday, Sunday or a legal
holiday  under  the laws of the Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania  or
such  other  jurisdiction where such Borrower may be required  to
make any payment or perform any act, such payment may be made, or
such act may be performed, on the next succeeding Business Day.

          (b)   Time is of the essence in each Borrower's  perfor
mance  under all provisions of this Agreement and all other  Loan

     9.5  Expenses of Lender:

          (a)   At  Closing  and  from time to  time  thereafter,
Borrowers   will  pay,  immediately  on  demand,  all  reasonable
expenses (including, without limitation, the fees and expenses of
legal  counsel for Lender) relating to this Agreement,  the  Loan
Documents,  and all related agreements and documents,  including,
without  limitation,  expenses incurred  in  the  analysis,  nego
tiation,   preparation,   closing,  administration,   audit   and
enforcement  of  this  Agreement, the  Loan  Documents,  and  all
related agreements and documents, the enforcement, protection and
defense  of the rights of Lender in connection with the Revolving
Credit,  this  Agreement, the Collateral, Pledged  Collateral  or
otherwise  hereunder, including the right to take  possession  of
any  Collateral  and the proceeds thereof and to  hold,  collect,
prepare  for sale, sell and dispose of any Collateral and Pledged
Collateral,  and any expenses relating to extensions, amendments,
waivers  or consents pursuant to the provisions hereof, the  Loan
Documents, or any related agreements and documents or relating to
agreements with other creditors, or termination of this Agreement
(collectively, the "Expenses").

          (b)  Expenses shall also include but not be limited  to
the  costs  of (i) reproducing this Agreement, the Loan Documents
and  related agreements and documents; (ii) filing and  recording
fees; (iii) searches; and (iv) appraisal and verification fees.

     9.6   Brokerage:  Except  for  the  involvement  of  Berwind
Financial  Group, L.P. (to whom Borrowers have agreed  to  pay  a
$90,000 fee, payable in RUSA stock), this transaction was brought
about  and  entered  into  by  Lender  and  Borrowers  acting  as
principals and without any brokers, agents or finders  being  the
effective procuring cause hereof.  Borrowers represent that  they
have  not  committed Lender to the payment of any brokerage  fee,
commission  or  charge in connection with this transaction  other
than  as  expressly set forth above.  If any claim for  any  such
fee, commission or charge is made on Lender by any broker, finder
or  agent or other Person (including but not limited to,  Berwind
Financial  Group,  L.P.), Borrowers will  jointly  and  severally
indemnify, defend and save Lender harmless against such claim and
further  will  defend any action or actions to  recover  on  such
claim,  at  Borrowers' own costs and expense, including,  without
limitation, Lender's counsel fees.  Borrowers further agree  that
until any such claim is adjudicated in Lender's favor, the amount
demanded  shall  be  deemed a liability of Borrowers  under  this
Agreement, secured by the Collateral.

     9.7  Notices:

          (a)   Any notices or consents required or permitted  by
this  Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given  if
delivered  in  person, sent by telegram (with  messenger  service
specified)  or  sent by nationally recognized  overnight  courier
service, or sent by certified or registered mail postage prepaid,
return  receipt  requested, as follows, unless  such  address  is
changed by written notice hereunder:

     If to Lender to:    Mellon Bank, N.A.
                         610 West Germantown Pike
                         Suite 200
                         Plymouth Meeting ,PA   19462
                         Attn:  Liz A. Lambert
                         FAX:  (610) 941-4136

     With a copy to:     Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP
                         One Logan Square
                         Philadelphia, PA  19103
                         Attn:  Lawrence Finkelstein, Esquire
                         FAX:  (215) 569-5399

     If to Borrowers:    Response USA, Inc.

                         11-K Princess Drive
                         Lawrenceville, NJ  08648
                         Attn:  Richard M. Brooks, President
                         FAX:   (609) 896-3535

     With a copy to:     Squadron, Ellenoff, Plesent
                         & Sheinfeld,LLP
                         551 Fifth Avenue
                         New York, NY 10176
                         Attn: Kenneth R. Koch, Esquire
                         FAX:  (212) 697-6686

          (b)   All notices sent by Lender or any Borrower by any
of  the methods described above shall be deemed to be given  when
so received.

     9.8  Headings:  The headings of any paragraph or Section  of
this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used  to
interpret any provision of this Agreement.

     9.9    Survival:    All  warranties,  representations,   and
covenants made by Borrowers herein, or in any other Loan Document
or  on any certificate, document or other instrument delivered by
it  or on its behalf under this Agreement, shall be considered to
have  been relied upon by Lender, and shall survive the  delivery
to  Lender  of  the  Revolving Credit  Note,  regardless  of  any
investigation made by Lender or on its behalf.  All statements in
any  Loan  Document,  certificate or  other  instrument  prepared
and/or  delivered  for  the benefit of  Lender  shall  constitute
warranties and representations by Borrowers hereunder.  Except as
otherwise  expressly  provided  herein,  all  covenants  made  by
Borrowers  hereunder or under any other agreement  or  instrument
shall be deemed continuing until all Obligations are satisfied in

     9.10 Successors and Assigns:  This Agreement shall inure  to
the  benefit of and be binding upon the successors and  permitted
assigns of each of the parties.  Lender may participate or assign
any or all of its rights or obligations hereunder, without notice
to  or  consent of Borrowers, to any commercial lender, financial
institution,  or  affiliate  of such  entity.   No  Borrower  may
transfer,  assign  or delegate any of its duties  or  obligations

     9.11  Duplicate Originals:  Two or more duplicate  originals
of  this  Agreement may be signed by the parties, each  of  which
shall  be  an original but all of which together shall constitute
one and the same instrument.

     9.12  Modification:  No modification hereof or any agreement
referred  to  herein  shall be binding or enforceable  unless  in
writing  and  signed on behalf of the party against whom  enforce
ment is sought.

     9.13  Signatories:  Each individual signatory  hereto  repre
sents and warrants that he/she is duly authorized to execute this
Agreement on behalf of his principal and that he/she executes the
Agreement in such capacity and not as a party.

     9.14  Third  Parties:  No rights are intended to be  created
hereunder, or under any related agreements or documents  for  the
benefit   of  any  third  party  donee,  creditor  or  incidental
beneficiary  of  any  Borrower(s).   Nothing  contained  in  this
Agreement  shall be construed as a delegation to  Lender  of  any
Borrower's  duty  of  performance, including, without  limitation
such  Borrower's  duties under any account or contract  in  which
Lender has a security interest.

     9.15  Discharge  of  Taxes,  Borrowers'  Obligations,  Etc.:
Lender, in its discretion, shall have the right at any time,  and
from  time to time, with reasonable prior notice to Borrowers  if
Borrowers fail to do so, to (a) obtain insurance covering any  of
the  Collateral as required hereunder (b) pay for the performance
of  any  of  any Borrower's obligations hereunder, (c)  discharge
taxes  and  Liens  at any time levied or placed  on  any  of  the
Collateral in violation of this Agreement unless Borrowers are in
good faith with due diligence by appropriate proceedings, in  the
judgment of Lender, contesting such taxes or Liens, (d)  pay  for
the  maintenance  and  preservation of  any  of  the  Collateral.
Expenses  and Advances by Lender under this paragraph shall  bear
interest  at  the same rate applied to the Revolving  Credit  and
until  reimbursed to Lender, shall be secured by the  Collateral.
Such  payments and Advances made by Lender shall not be construed
as  a  waiver  by  Lender  of  an Event  of  Default  under  this

     9.16  Withholding and Other Tax Liabilities:   Lender  shall
have  the right to refuse to make any Advances from time to  time
unless Borrowers shall, at Lender's request, have given to Lender
evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, that Borrowers  have
properly  deposited or paid, as required by law, all  withholding
taxes  and  all  federal,  state, city, county  or  other  taxes,
including,  without  limitation, excise  taxes,  due  up  to  and
including  the  date of the loan.  Until all  of  Obligations  to
Lender  have  been  paid in full, Lender  shall  be  entitled  to
continue  to  hold any and all of the Collateral until  Borrowers
have given to Lender evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Lender,
that  Borrowers have properly deposited or paid, as  required  by
law,  all  federal withholding taxes due up to and including  the
date  of such expiration or termination.  Copies of deposit slips
showing  payment shall likewise constitute satisfactory  evidence
for  such purpose.  In the event that any Lien, assessment or tax
liability  against Borrower shall arise in favor  of  any  taxing
authority,  whether  or  not notice thereof  shall  be  filed  or
recorded  as may be required by law, Lender shall have the  right
(but  shall not be obligated, nor shall Lender hereby assume  the
duty)  upon reasonable prior notice to Borrowers to pay any  such
lien,  assessment or tax liability by virtue of which such charge
shall  have arisen; provided, however, that Lender shall not  pay
any such tax, assessment or Lien if the amount, applicability  or
validity  thereof  is  being  contested  in  good  faith  and  by
appropriate  proceedings by Borrowers and further  provided  that
each  Borrower's  title to and its right to use,  its  respective
Collateral  are  not materially adversely affected  and  Lender's
lien and priority in the Collateral are not affected, altered  or
impaired  thereby.  In order to pay any such Lien, assessment  or
tax  liability,  Lender shall not be obliged to wait  until  said
Lien,  assessment  or tax liability is filed before  taking  such
action  as  hereinabove set forth.  Any sum or sums which  Lender
shall have paid for the discharge of any such lien shall be added
to  the Revolving Credit and shall be paid by Borrowers to Lender
with  interest thereon, upon demand, and Lender shall be subrogat
ed to all rights of such taxing authority against Borrowers.

     9.17  Consent  to  Jurisdiction:  Each Borrower  irrevocably
consents  to  the jurisdiction of the Courts of Common  Pleas  of
Philadelphia  and Montgomery County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
or  the United States District Court for the Eastern District  of
Pennsylvania  in  any  and  all actions and  proceedings  whether
arising hereunder or under any other agreement or undertaking and
irrevocably  agrees  to  service  of  process  as  set  forth  in
Section 9.7 hereof, to the address of Borrower set forth herein.

     9.18  Waiver of Jury Trial:  EACH BORROWER AND LENDER HEREBY

     9.19  Future Commitments:  Except as expressly set forth  in
this  Agreement,  Lender has made no agreement or  commitment  to
lend  money  or  extend  credit to Borrowers,  and  has  made  no
agreement or commitment to any Borrower to modify or consider any
modification  of  any  nature whatsoever of  the  terms  of  this

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have  executed
this  Loan  and Security Agreement the day and year  first  above

MELLON BANK, N.A.                  RESPONSE USA, INC.

By:_________________________       By:

                                   UNITED SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC.




By:                                By:

Title:                             Title:


By:                                By:

Title:                             Title:

                                   RELIABLE-HAWK, INC.




Schedule 5.1        --   Qualification to do Business
Schedule 5.2        --   Insurance
Schedule 5.3        --   Litigation
Schedule 5.4        --   Existing Liens and Claims
Schedule 5.5        --   Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Licenses,
                         Franchises, etc.
Schedule 5.10       --   Subsidiaries
Schedule 5.11(a)    --   Existing Guaranties, Investments and
Schedule 5.11(b)    --   Written Contracts and Agreements
Schedule 5.11(e)    --   Consulting Agreements
Schedule 5.11(g)    --   Leases
Schedule 5.12       --   Employee Benefit Plans
Schedule 5.14       --   Names and Addresses
Schedule 5.15       --   Other Associations
Schedule 5.16       --   Environmental Matters
Schedule 5.18       --   Capital Stock, Warrants, Options
Schedule 5.21       --   Accounts that are not Qualified Accounts
Schedule 6.7        --   Permitted Accounts
Schedule 7.5        --   Indebtedness
Schedule 7.15       --   Subcontracting Arrangements

Exhibit "A"         --   Controller's Certificate