SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                   Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15 (d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For Period Ended             June 30, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commission file number         000-27816
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         CALIFORNIA                                           94-3158788
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                             I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.

               650 El Camino Real, Suite G, Redwood City, CA 94063
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (address of principal executive office)

                                 (650) 365-5341
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                 NOT APPLICABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed
since last report.)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant  was  required  to file  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

YES       XX                                    NO
    -----------------                             -----------------

                        DURING THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS:

     Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  has filed all documents and
reports  required  to be filed by  Sections  12, 13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the  distribution of securities  under a plan
confirmed by a court.

YES                     NO                      NOT APPLICABLE      XX
   ----------             ----------                           -----------


     Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the issuer's class of
common stock, as of the latest date.

                                 NOT APPLICABLE

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                          JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited) AND
                           DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited)


                                                June 30,           December 31,
                                                  2001                 2000
                                              (unaudited)          (audited)
                                            ----------------     ---------------

Cash                                              $1,494,290          $1,459,725
                                            ----------------     ---------------

Accounts receivable:
  Loans, secured by deeds of trust                75,093,062          68,570,992
  Accrued Interest on loans                        1,742,152           1,039,469
  Advances on loans                                   95,070             172,004
  Accounts receivables, unsecured                     57,490              53,838
                                            ----------------     ---------------
                                                  76,987,774          69,836,303

  Less allowance for doubtful accounts             1,707,684           1,344,938
                                            ----------------     ---------------
                                                  75,280,090          68,491,365
                                            ----------------     ---------------

Prepaid expense-deferred loan fee                     12,895              13,416
                                            ----------------     ---------------

                        Total assets             $76,787,275         $69,964,506
                                            ================     ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                          JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited) AND
                           DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited)


                                              June 30,             December 31,
                                                2001                   2000
                                            (unaudited)            (audited)
                                        ----------------     -------------------

  Accounts payable and accrued expenses               $0                 $30,000
  Note payable - bank line of credit          12,825,000              16,400,000
  Deferred interest income                             0                  82,253
                                        ----------------     -------------------

                Total liabilities             12,825,000              16,512,253
                                        ----------------     -------------------

Investors in applicant status                    343,667                 224,900
                                        ----------------     -------------------

Partners' Capital:
   Limited Partners' capital, subject
     to redemption (note 4E): Net of
     unallocated syndication costs of
     $353,066 and $310,438 for 2001 and
     2000, respectively:  and formation
     loan receivable of $3,593,183 and
     $3,010,871 for 2001 and 2000,
     respectively                             63,561,922              53,180,209

   General Partners' Capital, net of
     unallocated syndication costs
     of $3,566 and $3,136 for 2001 and
     2000, respectively                           56,686                  47,144
                                        ----------------     -------------------

        Total Partners' Capital               63,618,608              53,227,353
                                        ----------------     -------------------

        Total Liabilities and
          Partners' Capital                  $76,787,275             $69,964,506
                                        ================     ===================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
      FOR THE SIX AND THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 AND 2000 (unaudited)


                                                         Six Months        Six Months        Three Months       Three Months
                                                           Ended             Ended              Ended               Ended
                                                          June 30,          June 30,           June 30,           June 30,
                                                            2001              2000               2001               2000
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------
  Interest on loans                                        $4,330,580       $2,449,524          $2,192,041          $1,367,288
  Interest on bank deposits                                     5,149            9,547                 875               2,229
  Late charges                                                  5,448            6,465               1,742               2,823
  Miscellaneous                                                 4,877            1,050                 550                 500
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------
                                                            4,346,054        2,466,586           2,195,208           1,372,840
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------

  Loan servicing fees                                         292,088          158,126             145,226              86,832
  Interest on note payable - bank                             637,841          156,368             251,592             142,838
  Amortization of loan origination fees                         6,771            4,792               3,386               2,396
  Provision for doubtful accounts and losses on real
    estate acquired through foreclosure                       362,746           48,659             196,085              45,837
  Asset management fee - General Partners                      65,450           27,323              40,618              14,393
  Clerical costs through Redwood Mortgage Corp.               116,345           52,471              59,541              26,644
  Professional services                                         7,816           31,706               2,816               9,918
  Printing, supplies and postage                               14,430            9,090              10,180               6,407
  Other                                                         9,545            8,552               1,879               1,274
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------
                                                            1,513,032          497,087             711,323             336,539
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------

Income before interest credited to partners in
  applicant status                                          2,833,022        1,969,499           1,483,885           1,036,301

Interest credited to partners in applicant status                 295            4,587                  97                 127
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------

Net Income                                                 $2,832,727       $1,964,912          $1,483,788          $1,036,174
                                                       ===============    =============     ===============    ================

Net income:  To General Partners(1%)                          $28,327          $19,649             $14,838             $10,362
                     To Limited Partners (99%)              2,804,400        1,945,263           1,468,950           1,025,812
                                                       ---------------    -------------     ---------------    ----------------

Total - net income                                         $2,832,727       $1,964,912          $1,483,788          $1,036,174
                                                       ===============    =============     ===============    ================
Net income per $1,000 invested by Limited Partners
 for entire period:
- -where income is reinvested and compounded                     $44.36           $41.64              $22.02              $20.61
                                                       ===============    =============     ===============    ================

- -where partner receives income in monthly
     distributions                                             $43.56           $40.94              $21.86              $20.47
                                                       ===============    =============     ===============    ================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
            FOR THE THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited) AND
                   SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited)


                                                                                   PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                                               LIMITED PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                      Partners In         Account          Unallocated         Formation           Total
                                       Applicant          Limited          Syndication           Loan             Limited
                                        Status            Partners            Costs           Receivable          Partners
                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------

Balances at January 1, 1998                     $0        $22,733,408         $(431,994)       $(1,386,693)     $20,914,721

Contributions on Application             5,105,559                  0                 0                  0                0
Formation Loan increases                         0                  0                 0           (403,518)        (403,518)
Formation Loan payments                          0                  0                 0            133,580          133,580
Interest credited to partners in
applicant status                             4,454                  0                 0                  0                0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                      (1,553)                 0                 0                  0                0

    Transfers to Partners' capital      (5,108,460)         5,103,359                 0                  0        5,103,359

Net Income                                       0          2,251,387                 0                  0        2,251,387
Syndication costs incurred                       0                  0          (126,453)                 0         (126,453)
Allocation of syndication costs                  0           (196,317)          196,317                  0                0
Partners' withdrawals                            0           (847,661)                0                  0         (847,661)
Early withdrawal penalties                       0            (24,066)            8,255             15,727              (84)
                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------

Balances at December 31, 1998                   $0        $29,020,110         $(353,875)       $(1,640,904)     $27,025,331

Contributions on Application             9,530,318                  0                 0                  0                0
Formation Loan increases                         0                  0                 0           (708,461)        (708,461)
Formation Loan payments                          0                  0                 0            164,731          164,731
Interest credited to partners in
applicant status                             1,914                  0                 0                  0                0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                      (1,002)                 0                 0                  0                0

    Transfers to Partners' capital      (9,201,230)         9,191,719                 0                  0        9,191,719

Net Income                                       0          2,912,857                 0                  0        2,912,857
Syndication costs incurred                       0                  0          (177,099)                 0         (177,099)
Allocation of syndication costs                  0           (175,012)          175,012                  0                0
Partners' withdrawals                            0         (1,378,924)                0                  0       (1,378,924)
Early withdrawal penalties                       0            (39,725)           13,628             25,960             (137)
                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------

Balances at December 31, 1999             $330,000        $39,531,025         $(342,334)       $(2,158,674)     $37,030,017
(continued on next page)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
            FOR THE THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited) AND
                   SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited)


                                                                                 PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                                             LIMITED PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                      Partners In          Account          Unallocated         Formation           Total
                                       Applicant           Limited          Syndication           Loan             Limited
                                        Status             Partners            Costs           Receivable          Partners
                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------
(balance forward from previous
Balances at December 31, 1999             $330,000        $39,531,025         $(342,334)       $(2,158,674)     $37,030,017

Contributions on Application            14,887,081                  0                 0                  0                0
Formation Loan increases                         0                  0                 0         (1,102,196)      (1,102,196)
Formation Loan payments                          0                  0                 0            230,116          230,116
Interest credited to partners in
  applicant status                           4,757                  0                 0                  0                0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                        (779)                 0                 0                  0                0
    Transfers to Partners' capital     (14,996,159)        14,981,287                 0                  0       14,981,287

Net Income                                       0          4,244,586                 0                  0        4,244,586
Syndication costs incurred                       0                  0          (226,903)                 0         (226,903)
Allocation of syndication costs                  0           (248,361)          248,361                  0                0
Partners' withdrawals                            0         (1,976,594)                0                  0       (1,976,594)
Early withdrawal penalties                       0            (30,425)           10,438             19,883             (104)

                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------

Balances at December 31, 2000             $224,900        $56,501,518         $(310,438)       $(3,010,871)     $53,180,209

Contributions on Application             9,982,341                  0                 0                  0                0
                                                 0                  0                 0           (757,859)        (757,859)
Formation Loan payments                          0                  0                 0            154,608          154,608
Interest credited to partners in
applicant status                               295                  0                 0                  0                0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                        (128)                 0                 0                  0                0
    Transfers to Partners' capital      (9,863,741)         9,853,769                 0                  0        9,853,769

Net Income                                       0          2,804,400                 0                  0        2,804,400
Syndication costs incurred                       0                  0          (142,719)                 0         (142,719)
Allocation of syndication costs                  0            (89,100)           89,100                  0                0
Partners' withdrawals                            0         (1,530,375)                0                  0       (1,530,375)
Early withdrawal penalties                       0            (32,041)           10,991             20,939             (111)

                                     --------------    ---------------    --------------     --------------    ---------------

Balances at June 30, 2001                 $343,667        $67,508,171         $(353,066)       $(3,593,183)     $63,561,922
                                     ==============    ===============    ==============     ==============    ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
            FOR THE THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited) AND
                   SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited)


                                                                           PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                             GENERAL PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                 Account           Unallocated              Total                Total
                                                 General           Syndication             General             Partners'
                                                Partners              Costs               Partners              Capital
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balances at January 1, 1998                          $20,796              $(4,364)            $16,432         $20,931,153

Contributions on Application                               0                    0                   0                   0
Formation Loan increases                                   0                    0                   0            (403,518)
Formation Loan payments                                    0                    0                   0             133,580
Interest credited to partners in                           0                    0                   0                   0
   applicant status

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                                     0                    0                   0                   0
    Transfers to Partners' capital                     5,101                    0               5,101           5,108,460

Net Income                                            22,741                    0              22,741           2,274,128
Syndication costs incurred                                 0               (1,277)             (1,277)           (127,730)
Allocation of syndication costs                       (1,983)               1,983                   0                   0
Partners' withdrawals                                (20,758)                   0             (20,758)           (868,419)
Early withdrawal penalties                                 0                   84                  84                   0
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balances at December 31, 1998                        $25,897              $(3,574)            $22,323         $27,047,654

Contributions on Application                               0                    0                   0                   0
Formation Loan increases                                   0                    0                   0            (708,461)
Formation Loan payments                                    0                    0                   0             164,731
Interest credited to partners in
applicant status                                           0                    0                   0                   0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                                     0                    0                   0                   0
    Transfers to Partners' capital                     9,511                    0               9,511           9,201,230

Net Income                                            29,423                    0              29,423           2,942,280
Syndication costs incurred                                 0               (1,789)             (1,789)           (178,888)
Allocation of syndication costs                       (1,768)               1,768                   0                   0
Partners' withdrawals                                (27,655)                   0             (27,655)         (1,406,579)
Early withdrawal penalties                                 0                  137                 137                   0
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balances at December 31, 1999                        $35,408              $(3,458)            $31,950         $37,061,967
  (continued on next page)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
             FOR THE SIX YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000 (audited) AND
                   SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 (unaudited)


                                                                           PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                             GENERAL PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                 Account           Unallocated              Total                Total
                                                 General           Syndication             General             Partners'
                                                Partners              Costs               Partners              Capital
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------
(balance forward from previous
Balances at December 31, 1999                        $35,408              $(3,458)              $31,950         $37,061,967

Contributions on Application                               0                    0                     0                   0
Formation Loan increases                                   0                    0                     0          (1,102,196)
Formation Loan payments                                    0                    0                     0             230,116
Interest credited to partners in
    applicant status                                       0                    0                     0                   0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                                     0                    0                     0                   0
    Transfers to Partners' capital                    14,872                    0                14,872          14,996,159

Net Income                                            42,875                    0                42,875           4,287,461
Syndication costs incurred                                 0               (2,291)               (2,291)           (229,194)
Allocation of syndication costs                       (2,509)               2,509                     0                   0
Partners' withdrawals                                (40,366)                   0               (40,366)         (2,016,960)
Early withdrawal penalties                                 0                  104                   104                   0
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balances at December 31, 2000                        $50,280              $(3,136)              $47,144         $53,227,353

Contributions on Application                               0                    0                     0                   0
Formation Loan increases                                   0                    0                     0            (757,859)
Formation Loan payments                                    0                    0                     0             154,608
Interest credited to partners in
   applicant status                                        0                    0                     0                   0

Upon admission to Partnership:
    Interest withdrawn                                     0                    0                     0                   0
    Transfers to Partners' capital                     9,972                    0                 9,972           9,863,741

Net Income                                            28,327                    0                28,327           2,832,727
Syndication costs incurred                                 0               (1,441)               (1,441)           (144,160)
Allocation of syndication costs                         (900)                 900                     0                   0
Partners' withdrawals                                (27,427)                   0               (27,427)         (1,557,802)
Early withdrawal penalties                                 0                  111                   111                   0
                                             ----------------    -----------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balances at June 30, 2001                            $60,252              $(3,566)              $56,686         $63,618,608
                                             ================    =================    ==================    ================

The  accompanying notes are an integral part of the  financial statements


                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
           FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2001 AND 2000 (unaudited)

                                                                        June 30                June 30,
                                                                          2001                   2000
                                                                      (unaudited)             (unaudited)
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                                             $2,832,727              $1,964,912
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
       operating activities:
  Provision for doubtful accounts                                           362,746                  48,659
  Change in operating assets and liabilities
   Accounts payable                                                         (30,000)                (29,413)
   Accrued interest & advances                                             (625,749)               (492,298)
   Deferred loan fee                                                            521                 (13,959)
   Deferred interest income                                                 (82,253)               (213,529)
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

      Net cash provided by operating activities                           2,457,992               1,264,372
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

   Principal collected on loans                                          25,117,889               6,936,605
   Loans made                                                           (31,639,959)            (24,573,720)
   Disposition of  Limited Liability Corporation                                  0                 508,358
   Accounts receivables, unsecured - (disbursements) receipts                (3,652)                 (3,248)
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

      Net cash used in investing activities                              (6,525,722)            (17,132,005)
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

   Increase (decrease) in note payable-bank                              (3,575,000)              9,000,000
   Contributions by partner applicants                                    9,982,341               7,116,985
   Interest credited to partners in applicant status                            295                   4,587
   Interest withdrawn by partners in applicant status                          (128)                   (716)
   Partners withdrawals                                                  (1,557,802)               (883,430)
   Syndication costs incurred                                              (144,160)                (96,178)
   Formation Loan increases                                                (757,859)               (541,678)
   Formation Loan collections                                               154,608                 115,477
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

      Net cash provided by financing activities                           4,102,295              14,715,047
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                         34,565            (  1,152,586)

Cash - beginning of period                                                1,459,725               1,602,568
                                                                     ---------------        ----------------

Cash - end of period                                                     $1,494,290                $449,982
                                                                     ===============        ================

Cash paid for interest                                                     $637,841                $156,368

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


     Redwood  Mortgage  Investors VIII, a California  Limited  Partnership  (the
"Partnership"),  was organized in 1993. D. Russell Burwell,  Michael R. Burwell,
Gymno  Corporation and Redwood Mortgage Corp.,  (both California  Corporations),
are the General Partners. The Partnership was organized to engage in business as
a mortgage  lender for the primary  purpose of making loans  secured by Deeds of
Trust on  California  real  estate.  Loans are being  arranged  and  serviced by
Redwood Mortgage Corp., a General Partner. At June 30, 2001, the Partnership was
in the offering  stage,  wherein  contributed  capital  totaled  $59,611,852  in
Limited Partner  contributions of an approved aggregate offering of $75,000,000,
in Units. As of June 30, 2001,  $343,667 remained in applicant status, and total
Units sold were in the aggregate of $59,955,519.

     A minimum of $250,000 and a maximum of  $15,000,000 in Units were initially
offered through  qualified  broker-dealers.  This initial offering was closed in
October 1996. In December 1996, the  Partnership  commenced a second offering of
an additional  $30,000,000 in Units. This offering was closed on August 30, 2000
and on August 31,  2000,  the  Partnership  commenced  a third  offering  for an
additional 30,000,000 Units ($30,000,000).  As of June 30, 2001,  $15,030,928 of
the Third Offering had been sold, with $14,687,261 of these sales contributed to
the Partnership and the remaining  $343,667  awaiting  admittance.  As loans are
identified,  partners are transferred from applicant status to admitted partners
participating in loan operations. Each month's income is distributed to partners
based upon their  proportionate  share of partners' capital.  Some partners have
elected to withdraw income on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

A. Sales Commissions - Formation Loan

     Sales  commissions  are not paid  directly  by the  Partnership  out of the
offering proceeds.  Instead,  the Partnership loans to Redwood Mortgage Corp., a
General  Partner,  amounts to pay all sales  commissions  and amounts payable in
connection with unsolicited  orders.  This loan is referred to as the "Formation
Loan". It is unsecured and non-interest bearing.

     The Formation Loan relating to the initial $15,000,000 ("Initial Offering")
offering totaled $1,074,840, which was 7.2% of Limited Partners contributions of
$14,932,017. It is being repaid, without interest, in ten annual installments of
principal,  which  commenced on January 1, 1997,  following the year the initial
offering closed, which was in 1996.

     The Formation Loan relating to the second offering  ($30,000,000)  ("Second
Offering")  totaled   $2,271,916,   which  was  7.6%  of  the  Limited  Partners
contributions of $29,992,574.  It is also being repaid, without interest, in ten
annual installments of principal,  which commenced on January 1, 2001, following
the year the Second Offering closed, which was in 2000.

     The Formation  Loan relating to the third  offering  ($30,000,000)  ("Third
Offering")  totaled  $1,136,013 at June 30, 2001,  which was 7.7% of the Limited
Partners  contributions of $14,687,261.  Sales  commissions range from 0% (units
sold by General Partners) to 9% of gross proceeds.  The Partnership  anticipates
that the sales  commissions  will  approximate 7.6% based on the assumption that
65%  of  investors  will  elect  to  reinvest   earnings,   thus  generating  9%
commissions.  The  principal  balance of the  Formation  Loan will  increase  as
additional  sales  of  Units  are made  each  year.  The  amount  of the  annual
installment  payment to be made by Redwood  Mortgage Corp.,  during the offering
stage,  will be determined at annual  installments of one-tenth of the principal
balance of the Formation Loan as of December 31 of each year. Such payment shall
be due and payable by December 31 of the following  year. Upon completion of the
offering, the balance will be repaid in ten equal annual installments.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001

The following summarizes Formation Loan transactions to June 30, 2001:


                                         Initial       Subsequent       Current
                                       Offering of     Offering of      Offering of
                                       $15,000,000     $30,000,000      $30,000,000      Total
                                       -----------    ------------     -------------   ------------

Limited Partner contributions          $14,932,017    $29,992,574       $14,687,261     $59,611,852
                                       ===========    ===========      ==============  =============

Formation Loan made                     $1,074,840     $2,271,916        $1,136,013      $4,482,769
Payments to date                          (404,727)      (367,359)          (18,908)       (790,994)
Early withdrawal penalties applied         (98,592)             0                 0         (98,592)
                                       ------------   ------------     --------------  --------------

Balance June 30, 2001                     $571,521     $1,904,557        $1,117,105      $3,593,183
                                       ============   ============     ==============  ==============
Percent loaned of Partners'
   Contributions                              7.2%           7.6%              7.7%            7.5%
                                       ============   ============     ==============  ==============

     The Formation  Loan,  which is receivable  from Redwood  Mortgage Corp., an
affiliate of the General  Partners,  has been  deducted  from Limited  Partners'
Capital in the balance  sheet.  As amounts are collected  from Redwood  Mortgage
Corp., the deduction from capital will be reduced.

B. Other Organizational and Offering Expenses

     Organizational  and  offering  expenses,   other  than  sales  commissions,
(including printing costs, attorney and accountant fees, registration and filing
fees and other costs), are paid by the Partnership.

     Through June 30, 2001,  organization costs of $12,500 and syndication costs
of  $1,541,003  had  been  incurred  by  the  Partnership   with  the  following

                                        Costs            Costs           Total
                                   --------------    ------------   ------------
Costs incurred                         $1,541,003         $12,500    $1,553,503
Early withdrawal
  penalties applied                       (53,199)              0       (53,199)
Allocated and amortized to date        (1,131,172)        (12,500)   (1,143,672)
                                   ---------------   -------------  ------------
June 30, 2001 balance                    $356,632              $0      $356,632
                                   ===============   ============== ============

     Organization  and syndication  costs  attributable to the Initial  Offering
were  limited to the lesser of 10% of the gross  proceeds or  $600,000  with any
excess  being paid by the  General  Partners.  Applicable  gross  proceeds  were
$14,932,017.  Related expenditures totaled $582,365 ($569,865  syndication costs
plus $12,500 organization  expense) or 3.90%.  Syndication costs attributable to
the Second Offering totaled $597,784, (2.0% of contributions).

     In August 2000 the Third Offering began incurring  syndication costs. As of
June 30, 2001 the offering had incurred $373,354 (2.5% of  contributions),  with
the  costs  of  the  offering  being  greater  at  the  initial  stages  due  to
professional and filing fees related to formulating the offering documents.  The
syndication  costs payable by the  Partnership are estimated to be $1,200,000 if
the  maximum is sold (4% of  $30,000,000).  The  General  Partners  will pay any
syndication expenses (excluding selling commissions) in excess of ten percent of
the gross proceeds or $1,200,000.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


A Accrual Basis

     Revenues and expenses are  accounted for on the accrual basis of accounting
wherein  income is recognized as earned and expenses are recognized as incurred.
Once a loan is categorized as impaired, interest is no longer accrued thereon.

B. Management Estimates

     In  preparing  the  financial  statements,  management  is required to make
estimates based on the information available that affect the reported amounts of
assets and  liabilities  as of the balance  sheet date and revenues and expenses
for the related periods.  Such estimates relate principally to the determination
of the  allowance  for doubtful  accounts,  including  the valuation of impaired
loans,  and the valuation of real estate acquired  through  foreclosure.  Actual
results could differ significantly from these estimates.

C. Loans, Secured by Deeds of Trust

     The  Partnership  has both the  intent  and  ability  to hold the  loans to
maturity,  i.e., held for long-term  investment.  Therefore,  they are valued at
cost for financial statement purposes with interest thereon being accrued by the
simple interest method.

     Financial   Accounting  Standards  Board  Statements  (SFAS)  114  and  118
(effective  January 1, 1995) provide that if the probable  ultimate  recovery of
the  carrying  amount of a loan,  with due  consideration  for the fair value of
collateral, is less than the recorded investment and related amounts due and the
impairment is considered to be other than temporary,  the carrying amount of the
investment  (cost)  shall be reduced to the present  value of future cash flows.
The adoption of these statements did not have a material effect on the financial
statements of the Partnership  because that was the valuation method  previously
used on impaired loans.

     At June 30, 2001 and at December 31, 2000,  1999,  and 1998,  there were no
loans  categorized  as  impaired by the  Partnership.  Had there been a computed
amount for the  reduction in carrying  values of impaired  loans,  the reduction
would have been included in the allowance for doubtful accounts.

     As presented in Note 10 to the  financial  statements,  the average loan to
appraised  value of security at the time the loans were  consummated was 57.78%.
When a loan is  valued  for  impairment  purposes,  an  updating  is made in the
valuation of collateral  security.  However,  such a low loan to value ratio has
the tendency to minimize reductions for impairment.

D. Cash and Cash Equivalents

     For purposes of the  statements  of cash flows,  cash and cash  equivalents
include interest bearing and non-interest bearing bank deposits.

E. Real Estate Owned, Held for Sale

     Real Estate owned,  held for sale,  includes real estate  acquired  through
foreclosure  and is  stated  at the  lower  of the  recorded  investment  in the
property,  net of any senior  indebtedness,  or at the property's estimated fair
value,  less estimated costs to sell. At June 30, 2001, there were no properties
acquired by the Partnership as real estate owned (REO).

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001

F. Income Taxes

     No provision  for Federal and State  income taxes is made in the  financial
statements  since  income taxes are the  obligation  of the partners if and when
income taxes apply.

G. Organization and Syndication Costs

     The Partnership  bears its own  organization  and syndication  costs (other
than certain sales  commissions  and fees described  above)  including legal and
accounting  expenses,   printing  costs,  selling  expenses,  and  filing  fees.
Organizational  costs have been  capitalized and were amortized over a five-year
period.  Syndication  costs are charged against  partners' capital and are being
allocated to individual partners consistent with the Partnership agreement.

H. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

     Loans and the related accrued interest,  fees, and advances are analyzed on
a continuous basis for recoverability. Delinquencies are identified and followed
as part of the loan  system.  A  provision  is made for bad debt to  adjust  the
allowance  for doubtful  accounts to an amount  considered  by  management to be
adequate,   with  due  consideration  to  collateral   values,  to  provide  for
unrecoverable  accounts  receivable,  including  impaired  loans,  other  loans,
accrued  interest  and  advances  on  loans,   and  other  accounts   receivable
(unsecured).  The composition of the allowance for doubtful  accounts as of June
30, 2001 and December 31, 2000, was as follows:

                                          June 30,           December 31,
                                            2001                 2000
                                        -------------       ---------------

Impaired loans                                     0                     0
Unspecified loans                          1,650,194             1,291,151
Amounts receivable, unsecured                 57,490                53,787
                                        -------------       ---------------
                                          $1,707,684            $1,344,938
                                        =============       ===============

I. Net Income Per $1,000 Invested

     Amounts  reflected  in the  statements  of income as net  income per $1,000
invested by Limited Partners for the entire period are actual amounts  allocated
to Limited  Partners who held their  investment  throughout  the period and have
elected to either  leave their  earnings to compound or have  elected to receive
monthly  distributions of their net income.  Individual income is allocated each
month  based on the  Limited  Partners'  pro rata  share of  Partners'  Capital.
Because the net income percentage varies from month to month, amounts per $1,000
will vary for those  individuals  who made or  withdrew  investments  during the
period, or select other options.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


     The  following  are  commissions  and/or fees which are paid to the General
Partners and/or related parties.

A. Mortgage Brokerage Commissions

     For fees in connection with the review, selection, evaluation,  negotiation
and  extension of  Partnership  loans not to exceed 4% of the total  Partnership
assets per year. The loan brokerage  commissions are paid by the borrowers,  and
thus, are not an expense of the Partnership. For the six months through June 30,
2001,  and for the  years  ended  December  31,  2000 and 1999,  loan  brokerage
commissions  paid by the  borrowers  were  $776,400,  $1,877,921  and  $682,118,

B. Loan Servicing Fees

     Monthly loan  servicing fees of up to 1/8 of 1% (1.5% annual) of the unpaid
principal  is paid to  Redwood  Mortgage  Corp.,  or such  lesser  amount  as is
reasonable and customary in the geographic area where the property  securing the
mortgage is located.  Loan  servicing fees of $292,088,  $505,823,  $359,464 and
$295,052  were  incurred  for the six months  through  June 30, 2001 and for the
years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

C. Asset Management Fee

     The General  Partners  receive monthly fees for managing the  Partnership's
loan  portfolio and operations up to 1/32 of 1% of the "net asset value" (3/8 of
1% annual).  Management  fees of  $65,450,  $60,595,  $42,215  and $31,651  were
incurred for the six months  through June 30, 2001 and the years ended  December
31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

D. Other Fees

     The  Partnership  Agreement  provides for other fees such as  reconveyance,
mortgage  assumption and mortgage  extension fees. Such fees are incurred by the
borrowers and are paid to parties related to the General Partners.

     E.  Income and Losses  All  income  and losses are  credited  or charged to
partners in relation to their respective partnership interests.  The partnership
interest of the General Partners (combined) shall be a total of 1%.

F. Operating Expenses

     The General  Partners are reimbursed by the  Partnership  for all operating
expenses  actually  incurred  by them on  behalf of the  Partnership,  including
without  limitation,  out-of-pocket  general and administration  expenses of the
Partnership,  accounting  and audit fees,  legal fees and expenses,  postage and
preparation of reports to Limited Partners. Such reimbursements are reflected as
expenses in the Statement of Income.

     The General  Partners  collectively or severally were to contribute 1/10 of
1% in cash  contributions  as proceeds from the offering are admitted to Limited
Partner capital. As of June 30, 2001, a General Partner, Gymno Corporation,  had
contributed  $59,943,  as  capital in  accordance  with  Section  4.02(a) of the
Partnership Agreement.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


A. Applicant Status

     Subscription  funds  received from  purchasers of Units are not admitted to
the Partnership until appropriate  lending  opportunities are available.  During
the period prior to the time of admission,  which is  anticipated  to be between
1-120 days in most cases, purchasers'  subscriptions will remain irrevocable and
will earn interest at money market rates,  which are lower than the  anticipated
return on the Partnership's loan portfolio.

     During the six-month  period ending June 30, 2001, and for the years ending
December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998,  interest  totaling $295,  $4,757,  $1,914 and
$4,454,  respectively,  was credited to partners in applicant  status.  As loans
were made and partners were  transferred  to regular  status to begin sharing in
income from loans  secured by deeds of trust,  the interest  credited was either
paid to the  investors  or  transferred  to  partners'  capital  along  with the
original investment.

B. Term of the Partnership

     The term of the  Partnership  is  approximately  40  years,  unless  sooner
terminated as provided. The provisions provide for no capital withdrawal for the
first five  years,  subject  to the  penalty  provision  set forth in (E) below.
Thereafter,  investors  have the right to withdraw over a five-year  period,  or

C. Election to Receive Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Distributions

     At subscription,  investors elect either to receive  monthly,  quarterly or
annual distributions of earnings allocations,  or to allow earnings to compound.
Subject to certain  limitations,  a compounding investor may subsequently change
his  election,  but  an  investor's  election  to  have  cash  distributions  is

D. Profits and Losses

     Profits and losses are allocated  among the Limited  Partners  according to
their respective capital accounts after 1% is allocated to the General Partners.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001

E. Liquidity, Capital Withdrawals and Early Withdrawals

     There  are  substantial   restrictions  on  transferability  of  Units  and
accordingly an investment in the  Partnership is  non-liquid.  Limited  Partners
have no right to withdraw from the  Partnership or to obtain the return of their
capital  account for at least one year from the date of  purchase  of Units.  In
order to provide a certain degree of liquidity to the Limited Partners after the
one-year  period,  Limited  Partners may  withdraw all or part of their  Capital
Accounts from the  Partnership in four quarterly  installments  beginning on the
last day of the calendar  quarter  following  the quarter in which the notice of
withdrawal is given,  subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. The 10% penalty
is applicable to the amount  withdrawn as stated in the Notice of Withdrawal and
will be deducted from the Capital Account.

     After five years from the date of purchase of the Units,  Limited  Partners
have the  right  to  withdraw  from the  Partnership  on an  installment  basis.
Generally  this is  done  over a  five-year  period  in  twenty  (20)  quarterly
installments. Once a Limited Partner has been in the Partnership for the minimum
five-year  period,  no penalty will be imposed if  withdrawal  is made in twenty
(20) quarterly installments or longer. Notwithstanding the five-year (or longer)
withdrawal  period,  the General Partners may liquidate all or part of a Limited
Partner's capital account in four quarterly  installments  beginning on the last
day of the  calendar  quarter  following  the  quarter  in which  the  notice of
withdrawal  is given.  This  withdrawal  is  subject  to a 10% early  withdrawal
penalty  applicable to any sums withdrawn prior to the time when such sums could
have been withdrawn without penalty.

     The Partnership will not establish a reserve from which to fund withdrawals
and,  accordingly,  the  Partnership's  capacity  to return a Limited  Partner's
capital is restricted to the availability of Partnership cash flow.

F. Guaranteed Interest Rate For Offering Period

     During the period  commencing with the day a Limited Partner is admitted to
the  Partnership  and ending 3 months after the offering  termination  date, the
General Partners shall guarantee an earnings rate equal to the greater of actual
earnings from mortgage operations or 2% above The Weighted Average cost of Funds
Index for the Eleventh  District Savings  Institutions  (Savings & Loan & Thrift
Institutions)  as computed by the Federal  Home Loan Bank of San  Francisco on a
monthly basis, up to a maximum interest rate of 12%. To date, actual realization
exceeded the guaranteed amount for each month.


     In the normal course of business we may become involved in various types of
legal  proceedings  such  as  assignments  of  rents,   bankruptcy  proceedings,
appointments of receivers,  unlawful detainers,  judicial foreclosures,  etc, to
enforce the  provisions  of the deeds of trust,  collect the debt owed under the
promissory notes or to protect/recoup the Partnership's investment from the real
property  secured by the deeds.  None of these actions would typically be of any
material  importance.  As of the date  hereof,  we are not involved in any legal
proceedings  other than those that would be considered part of the normal course
of business.


     The  Partnership has a bank line of credit expiring June 30, 2002, of up to
$20,000,000 at .25% over prime secured by its loan  portfolio.  The note payable
balances were  $12,825,000,  $16,400,000  and $0 at June 30, 2001,  December 31,
2000,  and 1999,  respectively.  The  interest  rate was 7.00% at June 30,  2001
(6.75% prime plus .25%).

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


     As a result of acquiring real property through foreclosure, the Partnership
contributed its interest  (principally land) to a Limited Liability  Corporation
(LLC),  which was owned 100% by the Partnership.  During the year ended December
31, 2000,  the LLC completed  construction  and sold the  property.  The LLC was
closed and the assets were transferred to the Partnership.


     The following reflects  reconciliation  from net assets (Partners' Capital)
reflected in the financial statements to the tax basis of those net assets:

                                               June 30,            December 31,
                                                 2001                  2000
                                          ---------------       ----------------

Net Assets - partners' capital per
  financial statements                        $63,618,608            $53,227,353
Non-amortized syndication costs                   356,632                313,574
Allowance for doubtful accounts                 1,707,684              1,344,938
Formation loans receivable                      3,593,183              3,010,871
                                           --------------       ----------------

Net assets tax basis                          $69,276,107            $57,896,736
                                          ===============       ================

     In 2000 and 1999, approximately 54% and 58% of taxable income was allocated
to tax exempt organizations, i.e., retirement plans, respectively. Such plans do
not have to file income tax returns  unless their  "unrelated  business  income"
exceeds $1,000.  Applicable  amounts become taxable when distribution is made to


     The following  methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
of financial instruments:

     (a) Cash and Cash  Equivalents.  The carrying amount equals fair value. All
amounts, including interest bearing, are subject to immediate withdrawal.

     (b) Loans (see note 2(c)) carrying value was  $75,093,062 at June 30, 2001.
The fair value of these  investments  of  $75,984,586  was estimated  based upon
projected cash flows discounted at the estimated current interest rates at which
similar loans would be made. The applicable amount of the allowance for doubtful
accounts along with accrued interest and advances related thereto should also be
considered in evaluating the fair value versus the carrying value.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001


The loans are secured by recorded deeds of trust. At June 30, 2001, there were
75 loans outstanding with the following characteristics:

Number of loans outstanding                                                   75
Total loans outstanding                                              $75,093,062

Average loan outstanding                                              $1,001,241
Average loan as percent of total                                           1.33%

Largest loan outstanding                                               7,000,000
Largest loan as percent of total                                           9.32%

Number of counties where security is located (all California)                 14
Largest percentage of loans in one county                                 41.50%
Average loan to appraised value of security
    at time loan was consummated                                          57.78%

Number of loans in foreclosure status                                          2
Amount of loans in foreclosure                                          $416,789

The following loan categories were held at June 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000:
                                                  June 30,         December 31,
                                                ------------       -------------
                                                   2001               2000
                                                ------------       -------------

First Trust Deeds                                $42,656,356         $37,806,032
Second Trust Deeds                                29,307,751          29,799,535
Third Trust Deeds                                  3,128,955             965,425
                                                ------------       -------------
  Total loans                                     75,093,062          68,570,992
Prior liens due other lenders                     59,354,620          37,584,916
                                                ------------       -------------
  Total debt                                    $134,447,682        $106,155,908
                                                ============       =============

Appraised property value at time of loan        $232,694,450        $193,420,663
                                                ============       =============

Total investments as a percent of appraisals          57.78%              54.88%
                                                ============       =============

Investments by Type of Property:
  Owner occupied homes                            $9,468,275          $9,753,617
  Non-Owner occupied homes                        21,399,367          16,471,074
  Apartments                                       7,770,707           8,458,610
  Commercial                                      36,454,713          33,887,691
                                                ------------       -------------
                                                 $75,093,062         $68,570,992
                                                ============       =============

The interest rates on the loans range from 8.00% to 18.00% at June 30, 2001.

                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  JUNE 30, 2001

Scheduled loan maturity dates are as follows:

                        Year Ending
                               December 31, Amount
                      ---------------- -- -----------------
                           2001                $33,408,815
                           2002                 25,684,068
                           2003                 10,606,306
                           2004                    863,001
                           2005                    396,260
                        Thereafter               4,134,612

     The scheduled  maturities  for 2001 include  approximately  $12,789,302  in
loans,  which are past maturity at June 30, 2001.  Interest  payments on nine of
these loans were delinquent.

     The  cash  balance  at June 30,  2001 of  $1,494,290  was in one bank  with
interest  bearing  balances  totaling  $1,318,754.  The balances  exceeded  FDIC
insurance limits (up to $100,000 per bank) by $1,394,290.  This bank is the same
financial  institution  that has provided the  Partnership  with the $20,000,000
line of credit (LOC). At June 30, 2001, the LOC had a balance of $12,825,000. As
and when  deposits in the  Partnership's  bank accounts  increase  significantly
beyond the insured  limit,  the funds are either  placed on new loans or used to
pay-down the line of credit balance.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

     On June 30, 2001,  the  Partnership  was in the offering stage of its third
offering for $30,000,000.  Contributed capital totaled $14,932,017 for the first
offering,  $29,992,574  for the second  offering and  $15,030,928  for the third
offering, an aggregate of $59,955,519 (Limited Partners) as of June 30, 2001. Of
the $15,030,928 for the third offering $343,667 remained in applicant status.

     At June 30, 2001, the Partnership's loans outstanding totaled  $75,093,062.
The primary  reason for an increase in loans  outstanding  from  $25,304,989  in
1997, to  $31,905,958  in 1998 to $35,693,147 in 1999 to $68,570,992 to December
31, 2000, and to  $75,093,062  as of June 30, 2001,  was the additional  capital
admitted to the Partnership through sale of Limited Partnership Units and due to
the  compounding  of  Limited  Partner's  earnings  in their  Capital  Accounts.
Additional  Limited Partners'  Capital  contributions  have totaled  $5,565,372,
$5,100,458,  $9,520,806,  $14,872,209  and  $9,972,369 and the  reinvestment  of
earnings by Limited Partners who have elected to reinvest earnings, have totaled
$1,119,465,  $1,440,687,  $1,911,554,  $2,751,266 and $1,913,685,  for the years
ended December 31, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000, and the six months ended June 30,
2001,   respectively.   Loans   outstanding  have  also  increased  through  the
utilization of the Partnership's  line of credit. The effect of more outstanding
loans raised the interest earned on loans for the years ended December 31, 1997,
1998,  1999,  2000,  and the six months  ended  June 30,  2001,  to  $2,613,008,
$3,376,293,  $4,337,427, $6,261,470 and $4,330,580 respectively.  Interest rates
on loans ranged from 8.00% to 18.00%.  The  Partnership  began  funding loans on
April 14,  1993 and as of June 30,  2001,  distributed  earnings  at an  average
annualized yield of 8.42%.

     Since  the fall of 1999,  mortgage  interest  rates  had  been  rising  due
primarily  to  economic  forces  and by the  Federal  Reserve  raising  its core
interest  rates.  However,  since  January  2001,  the Federal  Reserve has been
dramatically  cutting its core interest rates with six successive cuts,  ranging
from .25% to .50%. The latest cut being June 27, 2001, which reduced the Federal
Funds  Rate to 3.75%.  The  effect of the cuts has  greatly  reduced  short-term
interest  rates and to a lesser extent reduced  long-term  interest  rates.  New
loans  will be  originated  at then  existing  interest  rates.  In the  future,
interest  rates  likely  will  change  from their  current  levels.  The General
Partners  cannot at this time predict at what levels  interest  rates will be in
the future.  Although the rates charged by the Partnership are influenced by the
level of interest  rates in the market,  the General  Partners  anticipate  that
rates charged by the  Partnership  to its borrowers  will be somewhat lower than
the first half of 2001. The General  Partners  anticipate that new loans will be
placed at rates  approximately 1% lower than similar loans during the first half
of 2001. The lowering of interest rates has encouraged those borrowers that hold
higher interest rate loans than those currently available to seek refinancing of
their  existing  obligations  to  take  advantage  of  these  lower  rates.  The
Partnership may face prepayments in the existing portfolio from borrowers taking
advantage  of these  lower  rates.  However,  demand  for loans  from  qualified
borrowers  continues to be strong and as prepayments and funds,  which are being
generated from Partnership  unit sales,  occur, we expect to replace these loans
with loans at somewhat lower interest  rates.  At this time, we believe that the
average loan  portfolio  interest rate will decline  approximately  .25% to .50%
over the  remainder of the year.  Nevertheless,  based upon the rates payable in
connection with the existing loans, and anticipated interest rates to be charged
by the Partnership and the General  Partners'  experience,  the General Partners
anticipate  that the annualized  yield will range between eight and one half and
nine and one quarter percent (8.50% - 9.25%) for the remainder of 2001.

     In 1995,  the  Partnership  established  a line of credit with a commercial
bank secured by its loans and since its  inception  has increased the limit from
$3,000,000 to $20,000,000.  For the years ended December 31, 1997,  1998,  1999,
2000 and six months  through June 30, 2001,  interest on Note  Payable-Bank  was
$340,633,  $513,566,  $526,697, $887,546 and $637,841,  respectively.  For 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, and six months through June 30, 2001, the increase in interest
on notes  payable-Bank  has been  attributed to a higher overall credit facility
utilization.  This facility  could again increase as the  Partnership's  capital
increases.  This added source of funds will help in maximizing  the  Partnership
yield by allowing the Partnership to minimize the amount of funds in lower yield
investment  accounts  when  appropriate  loans  are  not  currently   available.
Additionally,  the loans  made by the  Partnership  bear  interest  at a rate in
excess of the rate payable to the bank which  extended  the line of credit,  the
amount to be retained by the  Partnership,  after  payment of the line of credit
cost, will be greater than without the use of the line of credit. As of June 30,
2001, the balance was $12,825,000 and in accordance with the line of credit, the
Partnership paid all accrued  interest as of that date. The zero balance,  as of
December 31, 1999,  was  primarily  due to a  combination  of  significant  loan
repayments  and  strong  Partnership  unit  sales  in the  fourth  quarter.  The
Partnership  used these  strong  cash flows to pay down its line of credit  from
$4,452,000, as of September 30, 1999, to $0 on December 31, 1999.

     The  Partnership's  income and  expenses,  accruals and  delinquencies  are
within the normal range of the General Partners' expectations,  based upon their
experience in managing similar  partnerships  over the last  twenty-four  years.
Loan  servicing  fees increased  from  $189,692,  to $295,052,  to $359,464,  to
$505,823,  and to $292,088 for the years ended  December 31, 1997,  1998,  1999,
2000 and six months  through June 30, 2001.  The loan  servicing  fees increased
primarily due to increase in the outstanding  loan portfolio.  Asset  Management
fees increased from $24,966, to $31,651,  to $42,215 to $60,595,  and to $65,450
for the years ended December 31, 1997,  1998, 1999, 2000, and six months through
June 30, 2001, respectively. The Asset Management fee increase was due primarily
to the increased Partner's capital, which the General Partners are managing. All
other Partnership expenses fluctuated within a narrow range commonly expected to
occur, except for interest on note payable - bank, which is discussed earlier in
the  Management  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
Operations.  Borrower's foreclosures,  as set forth under Results of Operations,
are  a  normal  aspect  of  Partnership  operations  and  the  General  Partners
anticipate  that they will not have a  material  effect  on  liquidity.  Cash is
constantly  being generated from interest  earnings,  late charges,  pre-payment
penalties, principal and loan pay-offs. Currently, cash flow exceeds Partnership
expenses and earnings payout requirements.  Excess cash flow will be invested in
new loan  opportunities  when available,  used to reduce the Partnership  credit
line or in other Partnership business.

     The General  Partners  regularly  review the loan portfolio,  examining the
status  of  delinquencies,  the  underlying  collateral  securing  these  loans,
borrowers  payment  records,  etc. Data from the local real estate market and of
the national and local economy are  reviewed.  Based upon this  information  and
other data,  loss  reserves are increased or  decreased.  At June 30, 2001,  the
Partnership  had  initiated  foreclosure   proceedings  against  two  borrowers.
Foreclosures  are a  normal  aspect  of the  lending  business  and  occur as an
enforcement  tool to the  provisions  of the notes and deeds of trust.  In 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, and the six months through June 30, 2001, the Partnership made
provisions for doubtful accounts of $139,804,  $162,969, $408,890, $375,579, and
$362,746,  respectively.  These  provisions  for  doubtful  accounts  were  made
primarily  as a prudent  action  to guard  against  losses.  The  provision  for
doubtful  accounts as of June 30,  2001,  of  $1,707,684  is  considered  by the
General  Partners to be adequate.  Because of the number of variables  involved,
the  magnitude  of the swings  possible  and the General  Partners  inability to
control  many of  these  factors  actual  results  may and do  sometimes  differ
significantly from estimates made by the General Partners.

     The Partnership  makes loans primarily in Northern  California.  As of June
30, 2001,  approximately 81%, ($61,096,672) of the loans held by the Partnership
were in the six San Francisco Bay Area Counties. The remainder of the loans held
were  secured  primarily  by Northern  California  real  estate  outside the San
Francisco Bay Area.

     The United States economy has slowed from the robust Gross Domestic Product
growth  levels of 4.2% in 1999 and 5.0% in 2000 to a growth rate of 1.2% and .7%
for the 1st and 2nd  quarter of 2001.  In  response to the slow down in economic
activity,  the Federal Reserve has been acting primarily  through  reductions in
the Federal Funds rates to stimulate the United States  economy.  Their interest
rate cuts have lowered the Federal Funds rate from 6.5% to 3.75% or 42% over the
course of the first half of 2001. Like the rest of the nation, the San Francisco
Bay  Area  has  also  felt the slow  down in  economic  growth.  The  technology
companies of Silicon Valley and other  industries are feeling the effects of the
overall US economy slowdown,  which include lower earnings,  losses and layoffs.
The Northern  California real estate market and  particularly  the San Francisco
Bay Area real estate marketplace  experienced increases in values of over 10% in
1999 and in 2000.  Throughout  2000, in the San  Francisco Bay Area  residential
marketplace,  offers for  residential  real estate were often at or above asking
price.  The  residential  market has slowed and is  returning  to a more  normal
market,  wherein buyers and sellers  negotiate the terms of a sale without undue
influence from other buyers  desiring the property.  This has resulted in longer
listing and transaction times. According to DataQuick Information Systems, April
2001, the number of home sales for the San Francisco Bay Area,  were 15.8% lower
than the previous  April,  yet the median sales price increased 9.4% to $394,000
during  this same  period.  In our  opinion  mid priced and lower end homes have
continued to increase in value  although at a reduced rate from 2000,  while the
high end homes have begun to decrease in value.  The  Partnership may experience
higher  delinquencies  due to layoffs or from  borrowers  who need to sell their
homes  in  order  to  repay  their  debt  not  anticipating  currently  existing
transaction times.

     For  commercial  properties  vacancy  rates  continued to increase as space
absorption has slowed and sub lease space has been put on the market.  According
to Grubb and Ellis vacancy in Class A and B space in San  Francisco  reached 7.7
percent at the end of the lst quarter of 2001. Vacancy rates for other cities in
the San  Francisco  Bay Area  followed a similar  trend.  According to Grubb and
Ellis,  one indication that the bottom of the market may be reached soon is that
the rate of increase in the vacancy rate has slowed.  After increasing by nearly
2 percentage points a month during the first quarter, the vacancy rate increased
at less than 1 percent a month during the second  quarter.  The  Partnership may
experience   delinquencies  in  its  commercial  portion  of  the  portfolio  if
landlord's  existing leases expire or space becomes  available  through business
failures or the completion of building renovations.

     The  Partnership had an average loan to value ratio computed as of the date
the loan was made of 57.78%,  as of June 30, 2001.  This did not account for any
increases in property  values for loans,  which were acquired by the Partnership
during  1997,  1998,  1999,  and  2000  when  Northern  California  Real  Estate
substantially  increased  in  value.  This  low loan to value  will  assist  the
Partnership in weathering downturns in real estate values if they materialize in
the coming months.

     On April 6th 2001,  Pacific Gas and Electric  (PG&E)  California's  biggest
public  utility  company  filed for  Chapter 11  bankruptcy.  The full effect of
PG&E's  bankruptcy is unknown.  Stockholders,  other utility companies and banks
that loaned PG&E millions of dollars were  particularly hit hard. When a company
like PG&E goes bankrupt,  it has a ripple effect. This has not only affected the
hi-tech and manufacturing  industries,  professional and commercial  businesses,
transportation  and utilities  sectors,  but every household and individual as a
whole. The crisis, which means higher costs to consumers, could adversely affect
the economy,  employment and the Partnership's lending in its commercial sector.
The state government,  PG&E and others are working diligently to solve the power
crisis in  California.  The likely  result is that electric and natural gas will
cost consumers more than ever before. This may have some effect upon real estate
values as demand for real estate  could be reduced as  companies  make long term
plans to locate in areas  without power  delivery  problems and lower cost power

     At the time of subscription to the  Partnership,  Limited  Partners make an
irrevocable decision to either take distributions of earnings monthly, quarterly
or annually or to compound  earnings  in their  capital  account.  For the years
ended  December 31, 1997,  1998,  1999, and 2000, and for the six months through
June 30,  2001,  the  Partnership  made  distributions  of  earnings  to Limited
Partners after allocation of syndication costs of $495,480,  $614,383, $826,291,
$1,244,959,  and  $890,715,  respectively.  Distribution  of Earnings to Limited
Partners after allocation of syndication costs' for the years ended December 31,
1997,  1998,  1999,  and 2000,  and six months through June 30, 2001, to Limited
Partners'  capital  accounts  and  not  withdrawn  was  $1,119,465,  $1,440,687,
$1,911,554,  $2,751,266, and $1,824,585,  respectively. As of December 31, 1997,
1998, 1999 and 2000, Limited Partners electing to withdraw earnings  represented
30%, 30%, 31% and 32% respectively of the Limited Partners  outstanding  capital
accounts.  These percentages are remaining  relatively stable as new Partnership
unit sales continue to mirror previous sales of compounding and  non-compounding
unit sales. Liquidations are not occurring  disproportionately to compounding or
non-compounding accounts.

     The Partnership  also allows the Limited Partners to withdraw their capital
account  subject  to  certain   limitations  (see   liquidation   provisions  of
Partnership  Agreement).  Once a Limited Partner's initial five-year hold period
has passed the General Partners expect to see an increase in liquidations due to
the ability of Limited  Partners to withdraw  without  penalty.  This ability to
withdraw  five  years  after a Limited  Partners'  investment  has the effect of
providing  Limited Partner  liquidity,  which the General Partners then expect a
certain  percentage of the Limited  Partners to choose this provision.  This has
the  anticipated   effect  of  the  Partnership   growing,   primarily   through
reinvestment of earnings during the offering period. The General Partners expect
to see  increasing  numbers  of  Limited  Partner  withdrawals  during a Limited
Partner's 5th through 10th anniversary,  at which time the bulk of those Limited
Partners who have sought  withdrawal have been  liquidated.  Since the five-year
hold period for most of the  investors  has yet to expire,  as of June 30, 2001,
many Limited  Partners may not as yet avail  themselves  of this  provision  for

     Earnings  and  capital  liquidations   including  early  withdrawals  since
inception, 1993 through June 30, 2001 were:

                             Earnings             Capital
                           Liquidation          Liquidation           Total
                        ------------------    --------------     ---------------

           1993                    $46,855                 0             $46,855
           1994                   $165,814                 0            $165,814
           1995                   $303,477      *     $5,640            $309,117
           1996                   $418,380      *   $146,755            $565,135
           1997                   $495,480      *   $132,619            $628,099
           1998                   $614,383      *   $257,344            $871,727
           1999                   $826,291      *   $592,357          $1,418,648
           2000                 $1,244,959      *   $762,060          $2,007,019
    Six months through
       June 30, 2001              $890,715      *   $671,701          $1,562,416

* Includes early withdrawal penalties

     Additionally,  Limited  Partners  may  withdraw  over a period  of one year
subject to certain  limitations and penalties.  For the years ended December 31,
1997,  1998,  1999, and 2000,  and six months  through June 30, 2001,  $132,619,
$244,213,  $411,838, $309,643, and $333,517 respectively were liquidated subject
to the 10% penalty for early withdrawal.  This represents 0.63%,  0.90%,  1.11%,
 .58%, and .52% (1.05% annualized) of the Limited Partners ending capital for the
years ended December 31, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and six months through June 30,
2001, respectively.  These withdrawals are within the normally anticipated range
that the General  Partners  would expect in their  experience  in this and other
partnerships.  The General  Partners  expect that a small  percentage of Limited
Partners will elect to liquidate their capital accounts over one year with a 10%
early withdrawal penalty. In originally conceiving the Partnership,  the General
Partners wanted to provide  Limited  Partners  needing their capital  returned a
degree of liquidity.  Generally,  Limited Partners electing to withdraw over one
year need to liquidate  investment to raise cash.  The trend the  Partnership is
experiencing in withdrawals by Limited Partners  electing a one year liquidation
program  represents a small percentage of Limited Partner capital as of December
31,  1997,  1998,  1999,  and  2000,  and six  months  through  June  30,  2001,
respectively, and is expected by the General Partners to commonly occur at these

     On February 7, 2000, the General  Partners,  pursuant to Section 12.4(d) of
the  Partnership  Agreement,  admitted  Redwood  Mortgage  Corp.,  a  California
Corporation, as a General Partner of the Partnership. Redwood Mortgage Corp. was
incorporated  in 1978. Its principal  stockholder  is the Redwood  Group,  Ltd.,
whose  principal  stockholder is D. Russell  Burwell,  a General  Partner of the
Partnership.  Redwood  Mortgage  Corp.  is a licensed real estate broker and has
been  engaged   primarily  in  the  business  of  arranging  and  servicing  the
Partnership's  loans since its inception.  The General Partners believe that the
addition of Redwood Mortgage Corp as a General Partner strengthen  Partnership's
management team.

     After 25 years of active participation in the mortgage business, D. Russell
Burwell,  our founder and a General  Partner of the  Partnership  has decided to
retire as a General  Partner of the  Partnership  effective  September 30, 2001.
"Russ" has enjoyed a long and successful  career.  His original  business model,
upon which our Partnership has its roots, has withstood the test of time through
varying economic cycles.  Through December 31, 2000 and under Russ' stewardship,
Redwood Mortgage  Investor's VIII raised  $49,983,150 in Limited Partner Capital
contributions  and at June 30, 2001 had $63,561,922 in remaining Limited Partner

     Over the last  few  years,  Russ has been  passing  along  his  duties  and
responsibilities  to the  remaining  General  Partners.  The  remaining  General
Partners are Mr. Michael Burwell,  Gymno Corporation and Redwood Mortgage Corp.,
both California Corporations.  Mr. Michael Burwell has been a General Partner of
Redwood  Mortgage  Investors  VIII since its  inception and has been employed by
Redwood  Mortgage  Corp,  an  affiliate  of the  Partnership,  since  1979.  The
Partnership  through the remaining General Partners and the employees of Redwood
Mortgage  Corp.,  are well  prepared  for Russ'  departure  and look  forward to
emulating the steady  consistent  returns that the Limited Partners have enjoyed
during Russ' tenure.

     The General  Partners have  determined  that for purposes of establishing a
value  for  reporting   purposes,   including   brokerage  and  trustee  account
statements,  the estimated value of the Limited  Partnership  interests on a per
unit  basis is equal to the  capital  account  balance of each  investor  in the
Partnership.  Each investor's  capital account balance is set forth periodically
on the  Partnership  account  statement  provided  to  investors.  The amount of
Partnership  earnings  each investor is entitled to receive is determined by the
ratio that each  investor's  capital  account  bears to the total  amount of all
investor capital accounts then outstanding.  The capital account balance of each
investor  should be included  on any NASD member  client  account  statement  in
providing  a per  unit  estimated  value  of  the  client's  investment  in  the
Partnership in accordance with NASD Rule 2340.

     While the General  Partners have set an estimated value for the Partnership
units,  such  determination  may not be  representative  of the  ultimate  price
realized  by an  Investor  for such units upon sale.  No public  trading  market
exists for the  Partnership's  units and none is likely to  develop.  Thus,  the
ability of an investor to liquidate his or her investment is limited  subject to
certain liquidation rights provided by the Partnership,  which may include early
withdrawal penalties (See the section of the Prospectus entitled "Risk Factors -
Purchase of Units is a long term investment").

     The  accounting  firm of  Caporicci,  Cropper & Larson,  LLP  ("CCL"),  the
successor  in  interest  to  Parodi  &  Cropper,  CPA's,  was  retained  as  the
Partnership's  independent  public  accountants  when the Partnership  commenced
operations in 1993.  Bruce Cropper and John Cropper,  formerly  partners at CCL,
were the Partnership's principal contacts at CCL. Bruce Cropper and John Cropper
have been  performing  audit and  accounting  services  for the  benefit  of the
Partnership's General Partners and their affiliates for over 18 years. Effective
as of December 31, 2000, CCL resigned from its  engagement as the  Partnership's
independent  public  accountants due to the withdrawal of Bruce Cropper and John
Cropper from the CCL  partnership,  making it necessary for the  Partnership  to
retain new  independent  public  accountants.  Bruce  Cropper  and John  Cropper
subsequently  joined the accounting firm of Armanino McKenna,  LLP ("Armanino").
Based upon the  long-standing  relationship  between the  Partnership  and Bruce
Cropper and John Cropper,  the Partnership's  General Partner determined that it
was  in  the  best  interest  of  the  Partnership  to  retain  Armanino  as the
Partnership's  independent public accountants,  effective as of January 1, 2001.
The  Partnership  believes,  and has been  advised by Mr. John  Cropper  that he
concurs,  that for the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2000, the Partnership
and CCL, as well as  Armanino,  did not have any  disagreement  on any matter of
accounting principles or practices,  financial statement disclosure, or auditing
scope or procedure,  which disagreement,  if not resolved to the satisfaction of
CCL,  would have caused CCL to make  reference in connection  with its report on
the   Partnership's   financial   statements  to  the  subject   matter  of  the
disagreement.  The report of CCL on the Partnership's  financial  statements for
the years ending  December 31, 1998 and December 31, 1999, as well as the report
of Armanino for the year ending  December  31, 2000,  did not contain an adverse
opinion or  disclaimer  of  opinion,  and was not  qualified  or  modified as to
uncertainty,  audit scope or accounting  principles.  During that period,  there
were  no  "reportable  events"  within  the  meaning  of  Item  304(a)(1)(v)  of
Regulation S-K promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933.


     The Partnership has no officers or directors. The Partnership is managed by
the General Partners.  There are certain fees and other items paid to management
and related parties.

     A more  complete  description  of management  compensation  is found in the
Prospectus dated August 31, 2000, pages 20-23,  under the section  "Compensation
of the General Partners and the Affiliates," which is incorporated by reference.
Such compensation is summarized below.

     The  following  compensation  has been  paid to the  General  Partners  and
Affiliates for services  rendered during the six months ended June 30, 2001. All
such compensation is in compliance with the guidelines and limitations set forth
in the Prospectus.

                                      Description of Compensation
Entity Receiving Compensation            and Services Rendered            Amount
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. Redwood Mortgage Corp.             Loan Servicing Fee for
                                      servicing loans . . . . . . .     $292,088

General Partners &/or Affiliates      Asset Management Fee for
                                      managing assets . . . . . . .      $65,450

General Partners                      1% interest in profits . . .       $28,327
                                      Less allocation of
                                        syndication costs . . . . .         $900

General Partners &/or Affiliates      Portion of early withdrawal
                                      penalties applied to reduce
                                      Formation Loan . . . . . . . .     $20,939


Redwood Mortgage Corp.   Mortgage Brokerage Commissions for services
                         in connection with the review, selection,
                         evaluation, negotiation, and extension of
                         the loans paid by the borrowers and  not by
                         the Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $776,400

Redwood Mortgage Corp.  Processing and Escrow Fees for services in credit
                        connection with notary, document preparation,
                        investigation, and escrow fees payable by the
                        borrowers and not by the Partnership . . . .     $12,510

Gymno Corporation, Inc. Reconveyance Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $2,134

STATEMENT OF INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $116,345

Partnership Highlights

First Trust Deeds                                                $42,656,355.65
Appraised Value of Properties*                                    86,570,380.00
Total Investment as a % of Appraised Value                               49.27%

First Trust Deed Loans                                            42,656,355.65
Second Trust Deed Loans                                           29,307,751.23
Third Trust Deed Loans                                             3,128,955.52

First Trust Deeds due other Lenders                               50,327,216.33
Second Trust Deeds due other Lenders                               9,027,404.00

Total Debt                                                      $134,447,682.73

Appraised Property Value*                                       $232,694,450.00
Total Investment as a % of Appraised Value                               57.78%

Number of Loans Outstanding                                                  75

Average Investment                                                $1,001,240.83
Average Investment as a % of loans outstanding                            1.33%
Largest Investment Outstanding                                    $7,000,000.00
Largest Investment as a % of loans outstanding                            9.32%

First Trust Deed Loans                                                  56.80%
Second Trust Deed Loans                                                 39.03%
Third Trust Deed Loans                                                   4.17%
Total                                                                  100.00%

Loans by Type of Property
                                             Amount                Percent
                                        ------------------      ---------------

Owner Occupied Homes                         9,468,274.74               12.61%
Non Owner Occupied Homes                    21,399,366.64               28.50%
Apartments                                   7,770,707.44               10.35%
Commercial                                  36,454,713.58               48.54%
                                        ------------------      ---------------
Total                                       75,093,062.40              100.00%

Statement of Conditions of Loans.

Number of Loans in Foreclosure     2

*Values used are the appraised values utilized at the time the loan was

               Diversification by              Total
                       County                  Loans              Percent

               San Francisco                  31,163,715.88           41.50
               San Mateo                       8,811,696.17           11.73
               Alameda                         7,607,745.67           10.13
               Santa Clara                     6,731,859.01            8.96
               Stanislaus                      5,629,983.00            7.50
               Marin                           4,554,424.26            6.07
               Los Angeles                     3,551,697.03            4.73
               Napa                            2,356,024.44            3.14
               Contra Costa                    2,228,230.76            2.97
               Placer                          1,361,357.76            1.81
               Lake                              737,500.00             .98
               Fresno                            126,934.22             .17
               Merced                            181,894.20             .24
               Riverside                          50,000.00             .07
                                        --------------------    ------------

               Total                         $75,093,062.40         100.00%
                                        ====================    ============

                                     PART 2
                                OTHER INFORMATION

   Item 1.    Legal Proceedings

                  Refer to notes to financial statements No. 5 discussed earlier

  Item 2.     Changes in the Securities

                  Not Applicable

  Item 3.     Defaults upon Senior Securities

                  Not Applicable

  Item 4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                  Not Applicable

  Item 5.     Other Information

                  On April 30, 2001, the Partnership filed with Securities and
                  Exchange Commission (S.E.C.), Post-Effective Amendment No.1 to
                  the S-11  Registration Statement (the "Amendment").  The
                  Amendment, containing Supplement No. 1 to the Prospectus
                  ("Supplement")  was filed to update the financial  statements
                  of the Partnership and the Corporate  General  Partners,
                  Gymno Corporation and Redwood Mortgage Corp., as well as the
                  operations of the Partnership.

  Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

                (a) Exhibits

                  Not Applicable

                (b) Form 8-K

                  Form 8-K was filed on February 7, 2000, relating to a change
                  by the Partnership's accountants in accounting firms. Another
                  Form 8-K was filed on February 13, 2001, relating to the
                  subsequent change by the Partnership's accountants to another
                  accounting firm. On April 11, 2001, the Partnership filed
                  another Form 8-K regarding D. Russell Burwell's retirement as
                  more fully discussed earlier under "Management Discussion and
                  Analysis" section. An Amended Form 8-K was filed on August 3,
                  2001 regarding the Partnership's change in Accountants as more
                  fully set forth under the section entitled "Management
                  Discussion and Analysis".


     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 the  registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereto duly authorized on the 13th day of August


By:       /S/ D. Russell Burwell
          D. Russell Burwell, General Partner

By:       /S/ Michael R. Burwell
          Michael R. Burwell, General Partner

By:       Gymno Corporation, General Partner

          By:     /S/ D. Russell Burwell
                  D. Russell Burwell, President

          By:     /S/ Michael R. Burwell
                     Michael R. Burwell, Secretary/Treasurer

By:       Redwood Mortgage Corp.

          By:     /S/ D. Russell Burwell
                  D. Russell Burwell, President

          By:     /S/ Michael R. Burwell
                     Michael R. Burwell, Secretary/Treasurer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacity indicated on the 13th day of August 2001.

Signature                                Title                       Date

/S/ D. Russell Burwell
- -------------------------------
D. Russell Burwell                  General Partner              August 13, 2001

/S/ Michael R. Burwell
- -------------------------------
Michael R. Burwell                  General Partner              August 13, 2001

/S/ D. Russell Burwell
- -------------------------------
D. Russell Burwell            President of Gymno Corporation,    August 13, 2001
                               (Principal Executive Officer);
                                Director of Gymno Corporation

/S/ Michael R. Burwell
- -------------------------------
Michael R. Burwell            Secretary/Treasurer of Gymno       August 13, 2001
                            Corporation (Principal Financial
                                 and Accounting Officer);
                              Director of Gymno Corporation

/S/ D. Russell Burwell
- -------------------------------
D. Russell Burwell            President of Redwood Mortgage      August 13, 2001
                               Corp., (Principal Executive
                              Officer); Director of Redwood
                                     Mortgage Corp.

/S/ Michael R. Burwell
- -------------------------------
Michael R. Burwell            Secretary/Treasurer of Redwood     August 13, 2001
                                Mortgage Corp. (Principal
                             Financial and Accounting Officer);
                             Director of Redwood Mortgage Corp.